#Bless you Eliza
masquenoire · 1 year
"I can watch the boys for a time, until all the plastic babies are found. I would hate for either of them to eat another."
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“You sure about that? It’s not that I don’t appreciate the offer but just so you know, they’re a handful being working dogs.” Roman said. Eliza was good with animals. She had a dog of her own, he learned, a big one so she clearly wasn’t inexperienced when it came to their care but looking after two more dogs on top of the pets she was already managing? While she was working? He didn’t want Rocco or Dante causing her problems but having somebody able to watch them for a short while would be helpful. “If you got a free day or two, looking after them would be a big help. I gotta have somebody gut the place and find all those babies before it’s safe for the boys to come back home. Can’t have them doing their dingo impression ‘til every last one of those suckers has been rounded up.” And swiftly destroyed. Roman sighed - if he ever saw a tiny plastic baby again, it would only be too soon.
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charmfamily · 10 months
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Transcript Below.
EMILIA: You said to go about my life, so that’s what I’m going to do. If everything was totally normal and there was no Damien problem, like hypothetically he couldn’t make it for whatever reason, I would take Tomax; he’s one of my most reliable friends and like I said, really good at battle magic if we happen to need it. If Damien doesn’t trust me, regardless of how a guy I’m not nor have ever been in a relationship with feels or doesn’t feel, then that’s Damien’s problem. I choose to trust him, which by the way, it’s also not a secret that I can’t stand Akira. How do I know that Britechester’s reigning toy-boy isn’t trying to get my maybe-still-fiance back on his feet by introducing him to every entry in his “hot mom” contact list?
ELIZA: That’s… yeah, with Akira, that’s definitely a fair point… [she lightly pinches the bridge of her nose, closing her eyes for a second as she quietly sighs and ponders the mistake of trying to argue… and having brought up Damien at all.] Okay. Call or text him, let him know we’re leaving tomorrow morning at five-thirty sharp, Erwin loves to do everything at the ass crack of dawn for whatever reason. Tonight, we shower, pack, you are charging your phone, and as a rule, we’re not bringing you know who up until the trip is over – agreed?
EMILIA: Maybe you’re right, a little time away and a change of scenery is what I need to clear my energy, I mean, obviously I can’t focus, I keep screwing up this same elixir when normally I could do this in my sleep – [exhaling a quiet sigh through her nostrils, Emilia nods and deflates a little, giving her friend a weak but warm smile.] Agreed. While I’m thinking about it, I probably need to make some healthy snacks for the trip. Regular kitchen stuff. I can do regular kitchen stuff…
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mirai-desu · 3 months
You know, I am really proud of the vast majority of the fandom for rallying around Stuart and realizing that the blame does not lie with him. And it’s also comforting to know that practically everyone is reading between the lines and knows it’s not his fault even though he’s the one walking away from the show. The show and character he genuinely loved. I really hope that he can get on another period drama and play the romantic hero who gets the girl like he’s wanted. He deserves better.
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jackles010378 · 5 months
Happily Ever After.....
Oh Baby........
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A couple of days after you and Jensen came back from your honeymoon, you decided to tell your family and friends about the pregnancy. Everyone was happy for you both. Becca being the most excited at becoming an "auntie". The kids were a bit apprehensive to begin with but when Jensen sat then down and explained that he wouldn't love them any less they came round to the idea of having a new baby brother or sister. JJ and Arrow were hoping for another girl, but Zeppelin was adamant you were having a boy. He was kinda feeling outnumbered so said he was praying for a brother to play with.
You and Jensen sat nervously in the waiting room of the sonogram clinic, your hands intertwined tightly. You were about to find out whether you were having a baby boy or a baby girl. Your heart raced with excitement as you and Jensen anticipated this special moment.
When your names were called, you both entered the room and met the sonographer, a kind woman named Dr. Thompson. You lay down on the examination bed as Dr. Thompson prepared the sonogram machine. You couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and anticipation. Jensen held onto your hand, providing a steady support.
As the sonogram began, Dr. Thompson moved the wand over your belly, searching for the first glimpse of the baby. Your heart skipped a beat as you saw the flickering image on the screen. The room seemed to hold its breath, waiting for Dr. Thompson's words.
"I see two heartbeats," Dr. Thompson finally announced, her voice filled with excitement.
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You and Jensen gazed at each other in disbelief. Twins? You were going to have twins! Your joy was quickly overshadowed by a surge of anxiety that washed over you quite quickly. Thoughts about how you would handle caring for two babies at once overwhelmed you causing an anxiety attack. Of course Jensen had already been through this with Danneel so he knew what to expect. Jensen immediately recognized the signs and gently placed his hands on your face, your eyes locking. "Hey, hey, look at me," he spoke softly, his voice soothing and full of love. "We can do this. We're in this together, and we'll figure it out together. Take deep breaths, just like we practiced."
You focused on Jensen's voice and tried to match your breathing with his. Slowly, your racing heart began to steady, and a sense of calm washed over you. Jensen's unwavering support was their anchor in this storm of anxiety. He always knew how to keep you grounded when he could see you were struggling. After what happened when he came home from filming, finding you gone, he vowed that you would never feel like that again.
After a few moments, your breathing steadied, and they managed to regain control. You gave Jensen a weak smile, grateful for his unwavering strength when you needed it the most. Together, you and Jensen turned your attention back to the sonogram screen, where the image of their twins continued to fill the room.
Dr. Thompson resumed the examination, capturing images of tiny hands, feet, and little faces. You and Jensen watched in awe as your babies moved and wriggled, as if sensing their parents' presence. It was a breathtaking sight, one that melted away any lingering doubts or fears.
When the sonogram was complete, Dr. Thompson printed a copy for you to take home. You and Jensen held the image close, marveling at the miracle growing within your womb. The twin babies were a blessing you both never expected but were beyond grateful for.
Months passed, and your belly grew round with life. The day finally arrived when you went into labor. Jensen never left your side, offering words of encouragement and love as you endured each painful contraction. You weren't going to lie to Jensen when you told him you were scared.
In a whirlwind of emotions, the day turned into night, and after what felt like an eternity, You and Jensen finally held your babies contently in your arms. You named them Eliza and Lucas, two perfect little beings who had captured yours and Jensen's hearts from the moment they saw them on that sonogram screen.
As you and Jensen gazed down at Eliza and Lucas, your hearts swelled with love and a newfound sense of purpose. The anxiety that once consumed you seemed like a distant memory as you marveled at the tiny hands and feet, knowing that they were embarking on the greatest adventure of their lives.
From that day forward, you and Jensen tackled parenthood as a team. Through sleepless nights, endless diaper changes, and moments of chaos, you and Jensen stood together, providing love, support, and a stable foundation for your growing family.
Eliza and Lucas grew up surrounded by an abundance of love and joy. You and Jensen treasured every milestone, knowing that your journey towards parenthood wasn't always easy, but it was undoubtedly worth it.
And as the years passed, Yours and Jensen's love story continued to unfold, filled with laughter, tears, and countless memories that you both cherished. The twins, Eliza and Lucas, were a reminder of the strength they found within each other, and the power of love to overcome any obstacle.
Together, Yours and Jensen's love grew with every passing day, your bond forever solidified by the beautiful family you both had created. And you lived happily, knowing that you both were blessed beyond measure, grateful for the journey, good and bad, that had brought you both to this moment.
So I think this has finished the little series off nicely 😁 hope you guys enjoyed it 🥰
TAGLIST: @k-slla @cevansbaby-dove @kaleldobrev @janineb86 @deans-daydream @alternativeprincess94 @nescavaneck
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luxthestrange · 1 year
TWST Incorrect quotes#334 Basic B's
Eliza, Najma & Vil managed to get You and Yuuka to go on a shopping day,(Vil found out about the "Girls' night" and was offended he wasn't invited...but Vargas was a lot), So you all were taking a lunch break...when a wannabe-queen started to be rude to your group...even insulting disguised Vil for being a Guy...
Yuu: The Seven may have blessed you with Barbies, a backyard with a pony in it, a boyfriend named Jake, and an unwanted pregnancy that your father paid to terminate so you could go to college and major in being a basic bitch, None of these things make you a woman*Makes "Wait" sign with their finger grabbing the glass of water Vil is holding for them*
Vil: Mhh-hmm~Clear your throat*Smiles proudly at them grabbing the glass when Yuu is done drinking*
Eliza: Lubricate
Najma & Yuuka:Mmh-Hhm, Read that BITCH
Mc: Your uniform of ill-fitting J.Crew culottes, fake pearls, and 50-cent scrunchies cannot conceal the fact that you do not know who you are. I know our presence threatens you*Glares at them*
Yuu: We fought for our place at this table, and that has made us stronger than you will ever be. Now pick your jaw up off the floor, and go back to your clam chowder and shallow conversations! My girlfriends and I aren’t going anywhere-Y’all heard that?!*Smirking at the group that entitled princesses came from*
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HEAR YE HEAR HE, I have written more stupid ass modern au headcanons. Y’all know the drill by now.
Btw if u wanted to read any of the other silly headcanons I’ve written you can do that here , or here , or here :D and here and here you can find the ones I’ve blown up @blanche-elizabeth-devereaux ‘s inbox with!!
Anyways see you under the cut 😈
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-Charles and Arthur both like old man ice cream flavors
Pistachio, butter pecan, etc.
They have to buy a special tub for when Jack or Isaac are at the house because they always complain (as they should.)
-Arthur enjoys dressing up the dogs for Halloween, or at least attempting to
Charles doesn’t care for it but he has to admit that the bat wings are pretty cute. Ok just one more picture heheheh.
-Sometimes when Arthur doesn’t necessarily like a piece of art he made, he asks for Charles’ opinion, only to be all dramatic like “YOU’RE JUST BEING NICE BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO”
-I see Charles being very particular about how his laundry is folded and god bless Arthur but he does not do it correctly
-They love a little evening stroll around the neighborhood :’)
-When Charles goes on a morning run he makes a point of being non-threatening to any women he passes
He’s like “goooood morning!!!” Just so they aren’t spooked by this big ass dude sprinting past them
-John and Abigail didn’t have a full on wedding, just a sweet little courthouse ceremony
Arthur held it together until he and John shared A Moment afterwards and they both cried :’)
-John and Arthur are both the dads who do that thing where they toss the baby in the air and catch it and the baby goes crazy for it but every single time they do it Abigail is like PLEASE STOP
-speaking of babies Good Grandpa Dutch™️ bawled like a baby at the birth of every single grandkid
He’d never say it out loud but he cried the most when unnamed Marston daughter was born
He spoils all the grandkids but something about that little girl….. the sun rises and sets on her :)
-Dutch and Hosea have a sick ass pool at their house that’s mostly for the grandkids but those old men love floatin around too!
Abigail brings those little sinking toys for the kids to play with and keep them occupied, John absolutely plays with them too and is like “babe look I got one!!!”
-John and Abi are retired emo kids, argue with the wall on this one
Jack makes them feel ANCIENT when they’re like “hey bud whatcha listening to?” And he’s like “oh just this old band, My Chemical Romance”
-Arthur, John, and Abigail (and at one point, Eliza) have been to tons of concerts together
Arthur was the cool older brother who was in college and soooooo mature (he was not), John and Abigail were seniors in high school and they would all go see shows together
It made Hosea so happy to see his boys getting along and having fun together :))
As always if anyone wants me to keep going I will. And even if u don’t want me to I probably will. I love this silly comfort universe muahahaha😼
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chemicallywrit · 5 months
Happy Audio Drama Sunday! Last one of the year! There are so many amazing shows I listened to this year--Gastronaut, Kakos Industries, Madame Magenta, Dungeons & Daddies, Cry Havoc! Ask Questions Later, Bronzeville, Deviser, Ghosts in the Burbs, The Silt Verses, Fall of the House of Sunshine, The Ballad of Anne and Mary, Eliza: A Robot Story, Eeler's Choice, Hemophobia--this list isn't even comprehensive! But here is what stood out to me this week. (As always, some spoilers follow.)
🦸‍♂️ I've had Superhuman Public Radio on my radar for a while, but I finally got a chance to listen to it this week. For lack of a better way of putting it, the structural integrity of this show is flawless. It sounds exactly like listening to NPR, and it's funny and clever with some really incredible worldbuilding. It's everything I like about listening to local news without the stress of it being local news that affects me. I love it.
✨ I'm also new to Breathing Space, but the Firefly vibes are off the charts. I love any story that is basically just Anticapitalists in Space, but the western vibes of this really make the stories hit home. I especially liked S1E2, "A Rat Among Falcons," because who doesn't love a scruffy nobody being incorporated into a found family? S1E5, "The Salvage of the Valentina Tereshkova" was also a really excellent space horror story. I can't wait to see what they do next. And that theme song tho, right??
❤️‍🩹 @thefringespod has been making incredible use of their new full cast, and I love the twist that this season is driving home--it's not a story presented to you, the listener, it's a tragedy that the mute second character is helping to undo. The softness of the family that Pine Gonzalez spent the whole first season describing comes through beautifully in the work of the actors.
🌊 Modes of Thought In Anterran Literature is always a little bit unnerving, but this week our professor faced the horrors of...rich people. Like, REALLY rich people. "You're already paying for private security?" Absolutely chilling conversations. There was a headline this week about a bunch of Silicon Valley millionaires trying to start a utopia in the desert, which works great all the time of course, and I thought of Anterra, tearing itself apart, and about the professor, who doesn't exactly make great choices, tearing himself apart too.
🐺 Things are getting very scary on Palimpsest! Is this a werewolf season?? It is VERY gothic, which is fun in a Jazz Age setting. It feels incongruous, which just adds to the horror. The quiet build of Palimpsest never disappoints me.
📦 Bless those children on @storiesfromylelmore, they're so darn good. ItMe has always been excellent at writing along the span of human nature, and seeing them do it with the three kids in Stories from Ylelmore is wonderful. Of course, a lot of the credit has to go to ItMe's flawless line delivery too. The kids feel very real, even while they're delivering magical packages from a bookstore to the head of the local witch coven.
🐦 The Amelia Project's Twelve Days of Christmas thing has been so funny. I half hope we never find out who's tormenting Alvina. The only downside is that now I have the song stuck in my head constantly, and seeing that it's like, the second-worse Christmas song, this is a problem. The show's worth it, though.
🕯️ What should appear in my podcatcher this morning but the second episode of Flickers! I was intrigued by that first episode, and this second one is really bringing home the isolationist horror. I can't wait for the next installment.
👽 Among the Stars and Bones is coming back! It's coming back this month! This is one of my all-time favorite sci-fi shows, everyone, if you're not on board yet then GET WITH IT, because this next season is guaranteed to blow your mind.
That's what I've been listening to! Here's what's going on with me:
🧟‍♀️ The Dead has been posting episodes from its second series, Ephemeris, which I wish we could have spent more time on, because the premise is so good. Zombies. In. Space. My gosh. David Ault and Kayla Temshiv in particular are killing it on this story. It'll be a few weeks before our next story premiers, but I'm REALLY excited about that one. Tune in!
Finally, the most important news...
💚Inn Between Returns on Wednesday!🏹
I am THRILLED about season five. The cast is killer, the story is fantastic, everyone's bringing their A-game, and I can't wait for you to hear it.
That's all for me! Happy New Year everyone!
(If you like what I do, I'd love it if you could send me a ko-fi! Especially since my car just frikkin. Died. So rude of it. Thanks!)
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vmpkai · 5 months
"1 week later i'm writing a letter nightly, now my life gets better every letter that you write me"
and then
"2 weeks later in the living room stressing, my father's stone-faced while he's asking for his blessing"
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classysassy9791 · 12 days
Happy birthday, @eliza-faust-diary!! Thank you for blessing this fandom with your MirSan & family artwork. You are an absolute treasure! Summary: They called her unstoppable, but Miroku saw her stop many times.
Fandom: Inuyasha Pairing: MirSan Genre: Character Study/Miroku's POV Words: 260
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lynnie-ee · 2 years
I enjoyed your story about the prefect proposing to the ghost bride. At the end, she tosses the bouquet and walks away but what if some of the boys are moved by her proposal and want to catch the traditional bouquet. How would it play out among them and what will Yuu think when she later sees they have the bouquet? Choose any characters you'd like to focus on. Thank you!
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╰┈➤"The prefect thought everything would go back to normal after the success of her proposal towards Eliza, but it seems like she caught the interest of a certain student with her words."
╰►Lowkey a continuation for this oneshot.
╰►Who's here?: Trey, Cater, Rook, Lilia and Ortho (Platonic, as Idia’s wingman).
╰►Female reader, scenario, non-established relationship.
╰►Note: Thanks for requesting <3 English is not my first language, so feel free to tell me if there's any grammatical mistake!
╰►Masterlist. (requests open)
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﹙❥﹚Trey Clover ❜ ˖ ࣪⊹ ִֶָ
“I guess this is a sign for me to get married, haha…”
As the prefect throw the bouquet in the air to have a dramatic departure from the cafeteria, she failed to calculate the direction of her toss, and she had to stop in the middle of her walk when she realized the flowers landed in an inconvenient place.
On Trey’s head, to be more exact.
(Y/n) rushed to the vicehousewarden, gently removing the bouquet from his head, an embarrassed expression on her face, as Trey chuckled at her behavior.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to throw it at you, are you alright?”
“Of course, don’t worry. At least you didn’t toss it with too much strength.”
“Hey! I threw it with all my energy! Are you calling me weak?”
“Uh? So, you intended to hit me mercilessly with it then?”
“I never said that.” The prefect playfully smacked Trey’s shoulder, making him laugh again, as he stared fondly at the Ramshackle student.
“But I wonder what might this insinuate? Don’t you think it could be a hint or something?” He smiled, the wedding bouquet now resting in his hands.
﹙❥﹚Cater Diamond ❜ ˖ ࣪⊹ ִֶָ
“Weddings trends are so cool~ I wonder if I'll go viral once I get married?”
The next day after the ghost incident, the Ramshackle first-year walked towards the Heartslabyul Dorm to visit her friends, just to make sure they were doing okay after the events of the previous day.
On her way there, she checked Magicam on her phone, scrolling through different posts, most of them from Cater, as he was always the most active out of everyone.
But a certain picture caught her attention, while she walked through the magic mirror. A selfie of Cater, holding her bouquet as he winked at the camera, with a bunch of hashtags on the caption.
"I see you're looking at my pics, (Y/n)! They're fabulous, right?" The third-year student suddenly appeared next to her, it seemed like he just finished painting the roses. "But it's been such a long we’ve uploaded a picture together! I have the #perfect accessory, come with me~”
Once they arrived at his room, he quickly showed the prefect her own flower bouquet, which she used for the proposal the day before.
“This will look great, say cheese (Y/n)!”.
It turned out to be a cute photo, even when the prefect didn’t expect to see the hashtags ‘#WeddingBouquet #PutARingOnIt #MrAndMrsDiamond?’ on the caption.
﹙𑁍﹚Rook Hunt ❜ ˖ ࣪⊹ ִֶָ
“Such delightful performance! Oh, how marvelous can you be?”
Right after (Y/n) left the cafeteria, she could hear the sound of steps behind her, and soon, Rook appeared next to the prefect, a pleased smile on his face.
“You were certainly charming, Trickster! The grace and delicacy of your words have blessed my ears, I’ve never been more thankful for being in your glorious presence, I-”
“Is that the bouquet that Epel made for our spectacle from before?” The prefect interrupted, curiously gazing at the flowers that the hunter held.
“Indeed. I couldn’t let such a beautiful arrangement of flowers be wasted, even less after being carried by someone as divine as you.”
“Oh…” The prefect mumbled, a faint tint of red rushing to her cheeks. “Well, you can keep it, if you want…You helped me to come up with those romantic words before, I guess it’s fair.
“I did assist you with the basics, but most of what you said was effective due to your skill. A charm like yours could enchant anyone, mon chéri.” The third-year gazed affectionally towards the Ramshackle prefect.
“Although I hope to be the object of your affections, next time you hold a wedding bouquet.”
﹙⌦﹚Ortho Shroud ❜ ˖ ࣪⊹ ִֶָ 
(who is on the mission of getting a partner for his shut-in brother)
“Oooh, if you two get married, you’d be my sister-in-law, right?” 
“(Y/n)! My brother asked me to return your flower bouquet to you!” Appeared Ortho at the Ramshackle door, the morning after the whole incident.
“Ah, hello Ortho.” The prefect greeted, smiling at him. “I actually throw it because of the traditional toss of the weddings, but thanks either way.” She received the flowers, two small papers attached to the flowers. 
‘thx for ur help yesterday. very nice of you ig.’ Was written on one of the notes, the prefect easily recognizing Idia’s handwriting. The other piece of paper was a discount coupon for the videogames store in the city. 
“What tradition?” 
“Well, the bride has to toss the bouquet at the guests, and the one who catches it, it’s supposed to get married next.” (Y/n) explained, confused at the now excited look on Ortho’s face.
“My brother was who caught it!” 
“Really? That’s cool.”
“But it’s probably going to be difficult. He doesn’t interact with a lot of people, you know?”
“Don’t say that! There’s gotta be someone that wants to be with Idia, he’s nice once you get to know him, after all.”
“I guess that leaves you as the only option, perhaps you’d be interested on helping my brother to follow the tradition…?”
﹙⚔﹚Lilia Vanrouge ❜ ˖ ࣪⊹ ִֶָ
“Fufufu~ Marriage sounds very appealing right now.”
A week after Idia was kidnapped by the phantom bride, everything had come back to normal. As usual, you went to Diasomnia to visit one of your friends, the vicehousewarden of the said dorm. Lilia invited you regularly to join him at a gaming session, and that day wasn’t an exception.
“Oh, what a coincidence, that bouquet looks just like the one I had last week.”
“It is the same, actually!” The fae explained, chuckling at the confused expression of the prefect. “Isn’t that a human tradition? To catch the bouquet of the bride?”
“Yeah, but why would you want it?”
“I heardthat the one that gets it is supposed to be the next to get married~ And after so long, I think is normal for a man of my age to want a formal relationship, don’t you think?”
(Y/n) laughed at the words of the Diasomnia third-year, thinking he was just joking.
“I think you missed a few steps, Lilia. As far as I’m concerned, you don’t even have a partner. “
The dark-haired fae grinned widely, his entire aura changing, as he gazed confidently at the prefect’s eyes.
“Maybe you can help me with that, (Y/n).”
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heliads · 1 year
Based on this request: "Y/n is Bree’s Twin Sister. Y/n is dating Wyatt except her parents didn’t know, one night Wyatt snuck in at midnight until her parents saw and took him away. Her friends teamed up & went to get Y/n & told her they will save Wyatt. Y/n told her parents that Wyatt is not a monster he is the love of her life & her parents accepted their relationship."
a/n in the original request sent to me by someone on wattpad, wyatt was literally jailed for being seen with reader (and he proposed at the end??) so great liberties were taken to,,, not do that,,,
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It is very important to be normal in a town such as this one. Seabrook fosters its complacent children, nourishes them on the drink of supposed independence and keeps them hemmed in by clipping their wings each and every time they try to fly. This is not a place of doers, only of dreamers. Sometimes that’s enough for people. Sometimes it isn’t.
It makes no sense that a town blessed with the two perfect parts of a story, the monsters who run wild and the heroes who live vicariously through them, would cut themselves off from a wonderful existence by trying to separate one half of its populace. The zombies were the first to be kicked aside, and although they were tentatively welcomed back recently, the werewolves are the next to be removed.
Tensions are highly fraught, nerves as tightly wound as a spool of wire. One day, they’re all going to snap, and then what will come of your perfectly manufactured town? The supposedly perfect ones have all taken up pastels as their chosen colors; the blood will not wash out easily, the stain will always be seen.
War has forever been a distant foe, however, an ending that both parties would rather avoid. Conflict only leaves scars, it never heals. Both the monsters and the townspeople prefer to find a solution that doesn’t avoid fighting. It is unfortunate, then, that solutions from both sides are so drastically different.
The humans want a more palatable existence. It is easy to forget that people are different if you force them to blend into your society. They’ll be forced to cut away every part of themselves that doesn’t fit within the ‘normal’ box, and after that, everything will be fine.
The zombies and werewolves, on the other hand, want to be proud of themselves. They desire a life for them, not for the humanized versions of themselves. Is it really so much to ask for a world that could stand to look them in the eyes for longer than a second? Yes, Seabrook whispers back, yes it is.
That leaves everyone in some sort of transient middle ground, a constant escalation of tensions that can only end badly. Everyone’s waiting for the pin to drop, the first blow that will finally let the battle begin in earnest. All anyone needs is an excuse, and then things can really get going.
In the meantime, while everyone waits for proof that they were right all along, you’re doing your best to imagine yourself in a world that’s significantly more welcoming. You were one of the first to greet the zombies with open arms and hearts. You befriended Zed, Eliza, and Bonzo along with your close friend Addison and your twin sister Bree.
Everyone told you that you were making a mistake for trying to get to know the zombies, but you can gladly prove them wrong now. Zed and the others are some of your best friends. Sure, you might not have green hair to match, but that doesn’t stop you from having the exact same sense of humor or spirit to do well in school or sports. They’re good people, and the fact that they aren’t human should not be enough to automatically disqualify them from the life they deserve.
Now, you’re doing the same thing with the werewolves. Funnily enough, Zed initially distrusted the werewolves once they first arrived, but you’ve never doubted them. They’re just another group in Seabrook, ready for a shot at making the life they want so desperately.
You’re not just interested in the welfare of the werewolves for the sheer purpose of making new friends, though. Truth be told, you’re far more attached to one werewolf in particular than any other, and that boy would be Wyatt Lykensen. It only took you a few weeks to start liking him in earnest, and ever since you’ve been unable to let him go.
As it turns out, Wyatt feels the exact same way. You don’t know that you’ve ever felt happier than when Wyatt first asked you out, but now you get to experience that same joy every single day that you can wake up and know that he loves you just as much as you love him.
The only problem is that the rest of Seabrook does not feel quite so delighted with the whole affair as the two of you. Seabrook may avert its eyes when letting werewolf students through the door of its high school, or tolerate neighbors who aren’t human with all the barely restrained impertinence it can manage, but it draws definite lines in the sand when it so desires.
This, as it turns out, would be one of such instances. Addison, Bree, Zed, and the rest of your friends all know about the fact that you’re dating Wyatt, but no one else does. That’s as much for your personal safety as the threat of judgment. You know it’s for the best, but you hate feeling like you have to hide the best part of your life like some terrible secret.
It’s eating away at you, the constant spread of white lies designed to shield you. You end up spending sleepless nights thinking about what it could be like to live in the bright light of the truth, to exist in a world that wouldn’t hate you just for who you love.
On one of such nights, you can bear it no longer. The rest of your family is asleep, so you have no qualms about texting Wyatt. You didn’t ask him to visit, but when you hear a series of sharp raps on your window within about ten minutes, you certainly don’t mind throwing open the sash and letting Wyatt in.
His arms are around you in a matter of moments, and just like that, you feel infinitely better.
Wyatt laughs against your hair. “Lonely, are we?”
You swat him on the shoulder, but you can’t find it within yourself to put much ire into the gesture. “You’re the one who rushed over here.”
“Yeah,” Wyatt says, very pleased with himself, “I did. I’m very glad I did, too. I couldn’t have my best girl moping around for no reason, could I?”
“No,” you smile, “you couldn’t. I’m glad you came.”
Wyatt nods, pulling away slightly so he can get a better look at you. “What’s wrong, Y/N? You’ve been so strong this whole time, what happened?”
You sigh. “I’m just sick of all this, you know? I hate running around and hiding. I just want to love you without having to feel like I’m committing a crime. Is that really so bad?”
Wyatt lets out a slow breath. “You know I want you more than anything, and if you feel like you want to tell people, I’d do it without a second thought. I just need to know that you’re not going to get hurt by this. I don’t want people talking badly about you behind your back.”
You grimace. “That’s going to happen anyway.”
Wyatt gives you a lopsided half smile. “Doesn’t mean it’s right.”
“I know,” you begin, but your voice drops off when Wyatt holds up a hand.
“Wait, what was that?” He asks.
Your brow furrows. “What was what?”
Wyatt cocks his head to the side, listening hard, and his eyes widen. “Someone’s coming.”
You feel a knot of panic twisting in your stomach. “You have to go. Now!”
Wyatt starts to lunge back towards the window, but it’s too late. The door to your room is flung open, and you’re greeted with the terrifying sight of both your parents standing over the threshold.
Their faces contort in twin expressions of horror. “What is he doing here?” Your father demands.
From the emphasis he puts on the pronoun, you’d think that your father was referring to a convict or criminal, not a fellow student, and especially not the boy you love.
Wyatt’s face pales. “I’ll be going now. Sir.”
Your father shakes his head. “Not a chance.”
Before either of you can do anything, your father grabs Wyatt by the arm, pulling him back out of your room and down the hall, where they disappear out of sight. You try to follow them, but your mother holds you back. No matter how much you plead for her to let you go, she stands firm until you can hear nothing more.
They refuse to tell you what happened to Wyatt. In fact, you have no idea if your boyfriend is even alright until school the next day. You show up to Seabrook High in a state of complete disorder. The entire night, you were plagued with fears that he had been seriously hurt, all because you missed him.
Addison rushes to your side the second she sees you. “Y/N, are you okay?”
“You look terrible,” Zed asks helpfully. He changes his tune once Addison elbows him sharply in the ribs. “Ouch! I mean, you look scared. Is everything alright?”
“No,” you say miserably, “I was up late talking with Wyatt last night and my parents found out. My dad dragged him out of my room and I have no idea what happened to him. I’m terrified that–”
Your voice breaks off, and your friends’ faces twist in expressions of identical horror. Before anyone can try to lie and assuage your fears for the time being, the doors to the school open and the very boy you’ve been wanting most to see walks in.
If Zed thinks you look terrible, Wyatt must be on an entirely different level. The hollows under his eyes are dark, and he shuffles as he walks, like something had happened to him to stop him from being able to stand or even exist normally. What’s more, as he limps past you, he averts his eyes, and puts as much distance in between the two of you as possible.
Even though the two of you have been previously hiding your relationship, you have at least been able to be friends. Wyatt avoiding you now is certainly not a good sign.
Zed winces. “I’m going to figure out what’s up with him. You stay here.”
You don’t know that you could move if you tried. Addison pats your shoulder sympathetically. “Hey, I’m sure it’s going to be okay. Don’t assume the worst until we know for certain what happened, alright?”
You nod haltingly. “I think it’s going to be pretty bad regardless. Look at him, Addison. He won’t even acknowledge that I’m here.”
You watch as Zed approaches Wyatt. Although you can’t hear exactly what is being said, you can see that Wyatt looks unwell. He moves slowly, unwilling or perhaps unable to commit to any great display of strength.
Soon enough, Zed is jogging back to you. “Your dad took him to the Z-Patrol,” he relates, “they shook him up real good.”
Your hand flies to your mouth. “Is he okay?”
“Not really,” Zed winces, “but he doesn’t blame you, trust me. He made me promise that I’d tell you that. It’s just that they are watching him to make sure he doesn’t get any closer to you, and he really, really doesn’t want to find out what they’d do to him if he broke that rule.”
You lean back against your locker, feeling completely devastated. “This is all my fault. I shouldn’t have brought him to my house. I knew exactly how it would turn out.”
“No, you didn’t,” Addison says soothingly, “none of this is because of you. Wyatt knows that, we all do. Wyatt made the choice to show up. Besides, I think I have an idea as to how we can fix this.”
You glance at her questioningly. “And how’s that?”
Addison allows a small smile to cross her face. “We petition the Z-Patrol themselves. I’ve had my experience of wrangling with them back when I first started dating Zed. Trust me, I can get them to leave you and Wyatt alone.”
You nod. “Let’s do that as soon as we can.”
After school you, Bree, Addison, and the rest of the friend group hurry over to the headquarters of the Z-Patrol. Addison leads the way inside, and you take the fact that the chief officer groans upon seeing her arrive as proof that she has indeed spent a lot of quality time getting her way in here.
“What do you want this time?” The officer asks, irritated.
Addison crosses her arms across her chest. “I need you to back off of Wyatt Lykensen.”
“No can do,” the officer grumbles, “the L/Ns said they wanted him kept away from their daughter. That would be you, I’m assuming?”
You nod when he points at you. “Yeah, and I want the restraining order gone. He’s not a danger, trust me.”
The officer glowers. “Rules are rules. I’m not lifting that thing.”
Addison’s brow furrows. “We’re not leaving until you do. Wyatt is a good person. Get rid of the order.”
It only takes half an hour of Addison badgering the officer for the order to be removed. According to her, that’s a personal best, which makes you wonder just how long she’s been in there before. She certainly seemed confident that you would succeed, if that’s any indication.
Once you have signed and documented proof that it’s alright for you to see Wyatt again, you all but sprint back to the home of the werewolves. Willa greets you there, and although she looks hesitant to let you inside, she backs off quickly when she sees you’ve got proof that it’s alright for you and Wyatt to be together again.
“He’s been absolutely crushed by this,” she whispers as the two of you walk, “although I have to say that you look pretty rough too.”
“I just want him back,” you say, “he didn’t deserve any of this.”
“I know,” Willa says after a pause, “but you didn’t either. Come on, he’s right in there. Go give him the good news.”
You don’t make her repeat it. You rush into Wyatt’s room. It takes him a few moments to realize what’s happened and that it’s okay to be together again, but after that initial discovery, he’s beaming ear to ear. He catches you up in a hug and you can finally, finally start feeling better again.
You spend quite a bit of time just talking with Wyatt and making sure that he’s alright. After that, he insists on walking you home. All goes well and you’re having a wonderful time just being with him again until the two of you linger a little too long at your door and your parents show up again. They look ready to throw a fit again until you hold up a hand. This time, you’ll be standing your ground. 
“Don’t,” you say decisively, “I’m not leaving him. I don’t care what you do, I don’t care what you do, I’m not leaving him.”
Your father’s face is stony. “He’s a werewolf.”
You fold your arms across your chest. “And, unfortunately, I’m not. It would be extraordinarily cool if I was, but I’m not.”
Your father blinks in surprise. “But you were born a human?”
“And Wyatt was born a werewolf. Neither of us can change, so we don’t hold it against each other. Why should you?”
Your father opens his mouth to argue, but your mother steps forward again. “You’re sure you love him?”
You nod. “More than anything.”
By your side, Wyatt breaks out into a radiant smile, one that can’t be stopped even when your father directs the full force of his glare towards your boyfriend.
Your mother nods once. “Alright, then. If you’re so sure, why would we stop you?”
Your father blinks in surprise. “What?”
Your mother spreads her hands. “I’d rather know it’s happening than have these two sneaking around our backs all the time. Besides, we haven’t actually seen Wyatt do anything wrong yet, have we?”
It looks like your mother may have felt more than a small shred of remorse over sending Wyatt away that night. You’re certainly not going to argue against it.
You beam at Wyatt as your parents walk back into the house. “That actually went pretty well.”
Wyatt chuckles. “Yeah. I like it when you try to be intimidating. It’s very cute.”
You pretend to frown. “I thought I was doing a good job of being scary.”
“To anyone else, maybe,” Wyatt grins, “I can see right through it, though.”
You arch a brow. “Can you really?”
“Very much so,” Wyatt assures you. To prove it, he pulls you in for a kiss. Your spirits are lifted just like that.
disney tag list: @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @thatfangirl42, @amortensie
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icarusbetide · 2 months
omg i haven’t thought about the alex and eliza books for years. they truly were something. my mother bought them for me a couple of years ago bc she thought i would like them (bless her. she tried and that’s all that matters. i greatly appreciated it.) and they were signed copies 😭😭
aww that's so cute that your mom went out of her way to gift you those books 😭 but SIGNED??
but yeah out of all the strange hamilton novels i've ventured to read, alex & eliza is. just.
at a certain point the author went "i don't like eliza's historical characteristics so i'm going to give her the power of 21st century foresight and change everything about her!"
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verdemoun · 19 days
can I get some timewarp Charles or Dutch? I love your au 😭
cracks every bone in my hands lets fucking gooo
charles blessed and beloved. he died of illness in 1908 but it was so peaceful he died in his sleep in a warm bed and as got sick he accepted it with a very similar flare to hosea talking about bessie where he was quietly hopeful he would get to see arthur again and instead of being jolted to the present like the more violent deaths he just woke up peacefully to an arthur that got to age and looks healthy and is smiling at him so affectionately because he missed him so much
they're in love, your honor
arthur already has his own place (very close to hosea's, of course) so charles immediately moves in with arthur and they fall into domestic bliss without actually having the conversation of 'i know we were close friends and confidants with unaddressed feelings in the past and it's been almost a decade and you had to mourn me but do you want to be my partner for the rest of our natural lives btw i have an adult son'
charles is still awkward though he didn't understand life and people in 1899 sometimes modern era is just too much they'll be grocery shopping and someone will say a new sentence so stupid he has to go sit in the truck and just disengage with society for a while.
he has zero social media presence and cannot handle the constant depression of tv news media. what do you mean people are still fighting over civil rights and racism back in my day you could throw a stick of dynamite at a kkk meeting or shoot a eugenicist in front of the law and no one cared. if he's home alone he's listening to cds on through an actual cd player
charles smith would absolutely fuck with a home depot helping john build beecher's hope awakened something in him. the garage is almost as big as their house on one side you have arthur's eclectic collection of passing interests including the car he's working on and on the other side you have precision organised charles's expanse of every kind of tool you can imagine. hand tools power tools different kinds of wood organized by tree and then grain
he might be a little in love with the customer service guy at the tool shop who is similarly awkward and accidentally blunt with a flat sense of humor. no small talk. just 'this is my project' 'you will need this. this is the brand we're meant to promote but this is just as effective with more attachments and it's cheaper' 'thank you' 'it's literally my job'. sometimes they go to each others workshops to show off their projects he is charles 'doesn't drain my social battery' friend
charles' job title is just 'decent guy with a truck' every construction company in the local area has his number and will send him a text asking him to help out on a job or if they can borrow some obscure power tool only charles smith would have. it suits charles really well because it means he can just turn off his phone and go on a spontaneous three week hunting trip with arthur and isaac without needing to communicate with anyone. people know if you don't hear back within 15 minutes he's turned off his phone and you will hear from him when he gets back from whatever adventure he's gone on with his family find someone else to do the job
for a lot of the gang they almost have to get to know charles again like he became a lot more comfortable with himself as a person between 1899 and 1907 the first time he cracks jokes or acts downright silly they almost don't recognize him. like yass charles be happy.
admittedly he is the guy they call to help build furniture charles doesn't follow ikea instructions he just rocks up with a drill and assembles it the way that makes sense
eliza and charles are besties and arthur lives in constant fear. they go out for coffee and gossip about whatever the latest antic is. she talks to charles honestly more than arthur and takes charles to functions when she needs a plus one because they are both just wallflowers who talk shit about everyone else quietly. isaac sitting patiently in the principal's office having gotten in trouble for something stupid with the most passive aggressive slight smile on his face as he hears charles and eliza pull up (arthur got banned for threatening the principal)
i may need to part 2 this for dutch
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gay-destiel · 1 year
things you miss if you only listen to hamilton:
• george's little speech at the start
• the entire 'tomorrow there'll be more of us'
• george sitting on the side of the stage to watch during the adam's administration
• george doing a little shimmy in the reynolds pamphlet
• eliza's scream when phillip dies
• pretty much everything the ensemble does <3
• the bullet coming towards alexander
• jonathan groff.
• in your obedient servant, when alex talks about thirty years of burr annoying him, burr is given, like, ten pages of writing
• eliza's expressions in burn, blow us all away and it's quiet uptown
• alex's lil twirk or whatever in helpless when phillip schuyler gives them his blessing and him being like 'uhhhh'
• peggy and laurens dancing and talking together in helpless
• laurens, hercules and lafayette in the story of tonight reprise (especially the 'well i heard' part)
• the letter to hamilton traveling in guns and ships
• daveed literally dancing and jumping on a table as he raps guns and ships
• george stomping and the light turning blue in 'i'm so blue'
• lafayette and hercules reading the letter in 'tomorrow there'll be more of us'
• 'i was chosen for the constitutional convention!'
• thomas jefferson and the sass of america
• hamilton butting in to introduce himself to jefferson in 'what'd i miss' and jefferson turning to madison like 'is he serious?!'
• jefferson mic drop in 'cabinet battle #1'
• jefferson continuing to make faces in hamilton's cabinet speech
• phillip being the cutest little adult 9 year old
• eliza beat boxing in 'take a break'
• alex literally bouncing around in the cabinet meetings while speaking
• in 'washington on your side' burr starts to speak and jefferson's like 'oh c'mon not you too weirdo'
• eliza actually catching fire to the letters?!
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lol-jackles · 19 days
I really need to read Elwood's talking up Jensen, do you have the source?
I didn't save it at the time but I think it was this one iirc:
It's funny too because in this article he diplomatically says "Mutual friends put us in touch." but we know from Jensen himself he was out of work and getting desperate and called his contact from ABC to set up a meeting and they figured his best fit was BS so they sent him to ER. Technically it was a "mutual friend" but that is such a whitewashed way to phrase that lol.
Thank you. Link. Quote:
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Yeah, it's like Elwood and Eric Kripke read the same memo when it comes to talking about Jensen. It's not surprising, for years it's been fairly well known that Jensen turns up the charm to level 11 when he's around producers.  Think of set-producer Jerry Wanek who followed Jensen from Dark Angel to Supernatural without reading the script and just assumed Jensen was going to be the lead star of the new show. 
Elwood, Eric, and Jerry wouldn't be the last producers to fail to understand why their favorite actors aren’t more popular. Eliza Dushku was one of Joss Wheldon's favorite actress and he created The Dollhouse so he can cast her as the lead. Instead, the show painfully highlighted her acting weakness and it derailed her career for nearly a decade. It’s a long running joke that casting directors save producers from themselves just like how editors save writers from themselves.
Uh-huh, "mutual friends". He started the interview going on about how much he always wanted to work with Jensen, but it took a "mutual friends" to make it happen? As a showrunner all he has to do is put his agent to work to make it happen after he has the blessings of the producers. Instead, Elwood created a character for Jensen because as you said, Jensen used his contacts (as he should) to find himself a job. This is similar to when Rober Singer's wife created a character for Danneel on Supernatural who barely affects the plot. At least Jensen's Big Sky character sounds far less grating.
In contrast Elwood created Reba's character to have an actual plot purpose and then he asked her to accept the role since he based it on her character in Tremor (great monster movies btw, the monsters learn from their mistakes and evolve).
I wonder how Big Sky fans felt about their show getting tweaked to accommodate the showrunner's favorite actor.
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star-vessel1237 · 1 year
Armor!Yuu Miscellaneous
Just some micellaneous details of Armor!Yuu
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Armor!Yuu’s is respectful, nice, and empathetic, but they also have quite a spiteful and foul mouth
They’re first interaction with some of the students (Ace, Leona, Azul, some mob students, etc.) included mostly of Armor!Yuu communicating with them with notes that had VERY clear insults on them, along with a bit of sarcasm
They polish their armor every other week; they don’t like feeling of rust as it makes them feel slow and stiff
Needless to say, they don’t really like going in the water or rain without protection
Which is why they hated every moment of Chapter 3
Armor!Yuu is good in a fight; it comes from dealing with robbers and teenagers who liked breaking into the museum
Their preferred weapons are a broadsword or battle axe
To make up for not wearing the uniform, Armor!Yuu replaces their plume and cape to those matching in the uniform colors
No one knows how Armor!Yuu is alive, not even themselves
They just sort of came alive at the museum one night, they're not the first exhibit to come alive, but they are certainly the most unique
Sometimes they’ll have flashes of blurry images and sounds on occasion, they can barley make them out though
Armor!Yuu thinks these flashes are their memories, but they’re different each time; it often switches between a old village and a castle to a modern city and schools
One of Armor!Yuu’s “hobbies” is watching different movies they can find online, mostly because it was the only way to entertain them during their nights in the museum
After the First-Years finish a test, no matter the results, Armor!Yuu invites them all to Ramshackle for a movie-night/sleepover
They don’t really put on horror movies when Sebek comes over though, they learned last time his screams are obscenely loud (They felt really bad for Jack)
Leona’s nickname for them is “Bucket-Head”, previously “Scrap-Heap”
I’m not sure what Floyd would nickname Armor!Yuu; I was thinking either “Whale Shark” because of their thick skin being a reference to their armored body or maybe “Clam” for a similar reason
Rook’s nickname for them would be “Chevalier” being the french word for knight
Also during the “The Ghost Marriage” event, they bond with Idia a little since they also got captured by the ghost guards
Eliza: Not only did I find the prince of my dreams, but I also found a charming knight to marry. Oh how blessed am I today.
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That’s all for now, hope you enjoy.
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