#Because he's one of these usually anyway just minus the wings
fugamsemidei · 4 months
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Jokes on YOU Jazzy I used to run an mlp askblog! I've got practice!
Also fun fact Paleo's little saddlebags are based on the ones in mlp anyway. So full circle.
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fagidarity · 9 months
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y’know generally i try to limit colour palettes to as few colours as possible to make things more cohesive but despite my best efforts only jay ended up being able to stick to that </3
ANYWAYS here’s the as-of-right-now fully updated designs for these dickheads. these will no doubt undergo even more tweaking as i draw them more but this is a start i guess. also pls open the pictures to look at them properly i worked so hard LOL
some random notes under the cut yaaaay
chip —
he jingles when he walks. somehow he’s still stealthy. i do not know how
kept the platinum ring that bonded him to gillion in the block! because hey he doesn’t really have a reason to take it off (and it’s a nice reminder of how much gill cares about him, and how far their friendship has come since that ice arena)
his tattoos shift and flicker like actual flames, and sometimes (harmless, purely aesthetic) sparks fly off them when he’s excited
i just think smoke coming out of his mouth when he’s angry would be cool :]
chipped teeth from biting rocks and coins all the time :/
he has scars from the red lightning, they’re just mostly contained to his back and shoulders. they’re a similar red to his coat even once they’ve healed
gillion —
the tail sleeve thing is so he can rest it on the ground without damaging his scales, he doesn’t usually wear it when he’s just on the ship because the wood is soft enough that it’s usually fine + it can hinder swimming a bit. it’s mostly meant for places where there’s cobblestone or gravel streets and such. i think his armour would probably have a version that looks similar but covers the whole tail minus the fins, maybe with some armour plating of its own. i didn’t draw it because there wasn’t any room lol
his scars from the lightning are pink mostly because red stood out too much tbh. they softly glow in the dark the same as his coral and the pink parts of his fins
also kept his ring! his hands aren’t really made for jewellery, though, because the webbing means it won’t sit very secure on his finger. so he keeps it on the same chain as the necklace he got from aslana to keep it safe
tried to make him look a bit bulkier and more his age than in my original design? i feel like i was leaning too much into the naivety and. shortness. originally lol. he also has thicker eyebrows now and i’m still trying to decide how i feel about them but i think? i like it? i don’t tend to give many character thin eyebrows so it could’ve been a unique thing for him but alas
i think i made the sword too small but like ignore that
also forgor to include pretzel </3 that’s okay though she can get her own design sheet later. she’s special like that
jay —
i believe in tall jay supremacy
blue magic! i was considering gold but that’d look a bit more like a canary than i wanted for her wings so. blue jay :]
her hair is supposed to look kinda like fire to mimic her dad ! kinda showing that even if she runs from her family and the navy they’ll always be a part of her. and also i just like drawing messy hair
i gave her sturdier gloves just because i feel like it fits her better. also changed up the shirt to more of a button up solely because i don’t like tank tops very much LOL
i did WANT to make her outfit a bit flashier to match the boys better but i couldn’t quite figure out where to Put the flash. maybe that’ll come later, the way the story’s going i might get to design some cool prosthetics for her or something
overall —
because there’s just so many fucking colours i triiied to add at least one or two colours from each of them into the others designs. jay has her necklace with each of their main colours on it, her wings are the same blue as gillions eyes, her jacket and right eye are the same dark blue as destiny’s blade, her hair is the same orange as the lighter part of chips tattoos. chip has a dark green sash under all the belts, the same as the hilt of destiny’s blade. they all use the same shades of black, gold, and brown
the only real exception is gillion doesn’t have anything from the other two because he has Such a specific colour palette and he already had so much going on as-is orz jay was obviously the easiest to do this with because she has both warm and cool colours in her palette by default lol (and i did her design last, so that helps)
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cosmica-galaxy · 6 days
hello there!, i am quite new to your blog and im very much perplexed on your art, character's and even your stories and origin's, i am making my own AU with three character's already made, i shall introduce them
meet birdie
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meet vixilian, he just got injured by pissing off [INFORMATION LOSS] but don't worry, he has some pretty good regeneration factor and would be fine in the week
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and lastly, the big guy, the alliance member's or specifically the camera faction, they found him first, in my universe doesn't have a name for him
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the information is in my blog along with fact's and small thing's about them and place's that they would commonly be found, but im just thinking, hypothetically if our universe were to meet, what would my character's and your character's would think of each other and how would they do if they managed to form a friendship, this is only hypothetically okay
in my universe, the creature's are more prone to animalistic behavior's if provoked enough
i think the big guy would take a liking on Pal, because he remind's of birdie, minus the frill's and no second set's of wing's, but still find's Pal as a good company friend, the big guy would be curious on buddy since the big guy has never met a creature with such detail's on them so he would find buddy as a curious creature that he has never seen before because the big guy has only known his own species and no more on different type's of creature-cam, the big guy wouldn't mind meeting fiend despite hearing aggressive noises from him, he'll find it pretty cool to meet a creature, a tv even, he hasn't met some creature that is a tv (yes vixilian doesn't live in Antarctica and yes they hadn't met each other...yet)
vixilian would think of Pal as some energetic creature but would be friend's nonetheless because of Pal's social behavior and not being aggressive to him, so vixilian would think as Pal as an actual friend, vixilian would be intrigued on buddy but he mostly will keep his distance if he sensed tension on buddy because vixilian is a kind gentlemen, vixilian would be kind confuse on fiend, a tv creature that he doesn't meet occasionally that can actually keep up with him, he pretty much see fiend as a foreign friend because of their difference
and lastly my beloved boy
birdie would see Pal as an immediate flight buddy because of the two having wing's though birdie can be curious and ask small question's such as Pal's frills and lack of secondary wing's, though birdie can definitely see Pal as a flight buddy, birdie would be surprised to see buddy because of the structure of buddy's head is similar to the big guy's head structure it just lack's a few canine fang's, birdie is respectful when it come's to danger boundaries so he wouldn't bother buddy if buddy see's him as a threat, birdie would be curious boy on fiend and would occasionally ask him question's but not personal one's though, birdie would be curious on fiend but see's him as a friend
and now the three's thoughts on your human
they all would be curious on the human because they never met one in their entire long living life's, so they would cautous and curious on the same time on the human
so what are your thought's on their thought's on your mimic's and the human? the three are usually respectful, plus the big guy is stuck living in Antarctica anyway's, but this is all hypothetically idea's of our's!
but take your time on doing your request, get some good sleep and hydrate daily, my family and i are going to hong kong for 5 day's and i've alwY's wanted to ask and submit to my favorite blog's, and i hope my submit isn't that stressful to take...i just am excited to talk...but anywho! have an amazing day/night! bye bye --- These characters are all very lovely, agent! I love the work you have put into the art! <:) Buddy would be cautious with mimics that he isn't familiar with...or with strangers in general. He's protective of his human friend and the pack that they have formed together with the alliance and other mimics. He isn't unsocial, just guarded. He will talk to whichever mimic decides to speak to him upon an encounter. His own curiosity can get piqued at times and as long as the newcomers mean no harm to him, his pack, or the human; then he's cool with them! Pal is always looking to make new friends with mimics! He's a gentle giant and always loves to meet new faces, mimic, alliance, or human! Him and Birdie would get along swimmingly! Big Guy would be a little bit more concerning, since he's a new mimic hybrid they encounter, but once he's proven not a threat, Pal is the first to greet him! Vixilian should be prepare for a hug once they prove they're not a threat to the human and the pack. Pal is a big hugger and is much more willing to meet new faces! Fiend is a total grouch and wouldn't be as social. He would be much more concerned with guarding his human companion and judging the newcomers with a critical gaze. Especially the TV mimic, Vixilian. TV mimics can manipulate minds and perception, so he always has to be aware of rivals trying to mentally harm his human companion...and his pack too, of course. Birdie is just like every other speaker mimic to him, touchy, loud, and always seems to lull the group into letting them in close. The Big Guy would make him nervous, since it's a new mimic type. A water camera mimic...unheard of. Thankfully it lives in colder climates. At least they don't want to eat their human friend. The human would be very curious about the new mimics. Especially Big Guy! He's a new type of camera mimic that they haven't encountered yet! They would probably politely ask for a picture for documentation purposes, if refused, they will just draw what they look like to the best of their abilities. They are thankful that these mimics don't look to make a meal out of them, like some other packs try to do. The human would also be friendly if they are friendly in return, especially since being around mimics most of the time has enlightened them to certain behaviors. The human is more than happy to talk and have conversations with each mimic!
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starsurface · 27 days
Loved the Reiko & Rain & Havik one!! Can I ask for more hearcanons but with Little!Reiko and Little!Nitara with CG!Rain and CG!Havik? I love them as a group a lot,, Thank you!!
WARNING: Blood & gore mentions!! Also mention of ripping body parts off!! Nothing terrible terrible, but it is spoken about!!
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Rain & Havik w/ Regressors Reiko & Nitara Hcs
💧 I don’t know about you all but I think this is THE friend group right here (I think they’re all very compatible and would have fun together)
🫀 Especially while two of them are regressed!!
🗡️ Nitara regresses about 2-6, usually about a toddler headspace
🩸 She’ll tease Reiko whenever she’s bigger than him, because she’s older and smarter than him and can do more fun things and he’s just a baby! >:) 
💧 . . . The amount of times Havik and Rain had have to pry them away like feral animals because of it is insane, way too many times to count (Havik’s keeping a checklist for his bets)
🫀 Nitara is a biter!! (Kinda?)
🗡️ She bites, but really only bites Havik
🩸 She has a habit of teething too hard sometimes, and can lead into actual biting accidents
💧 Havik doesn’t mind her feeding from him anyways, it helps with before naptime and food in general (Rain doens’t like being bitten, and Reiko doesn’t exactly care but Havik can literally regenerate his body parts so it’s the easiest, and safest, for all of them)
🫀 GORE WARNING: I could see Havik tearing off his arm and giving it to Nitara as a chew toy to teeth on
🗡️ I think Nitara likes doing crafts!! 
🩸 Like making cards, or drawing pictures! (which are really cute . . . but she needs to use the actual red crayon, and not Havik’s blood)
💧 Reiko likes coloring too, so it’s really fun!! He gets to draw a fierce battle of him winning and Nitara can draw whatever scribbles she’s been doing for the past seven minutes (both get equally praised and put on Havik’s fridge)
🫀 She is a monster with that glitter though 😮‍💨
🗡️ Not on purpose most times, honestly!! It just all kinda falls out and now almost all the glitters gone
🩸 It’s fine, ‘cause Rain will clean it up!! :D
💧 The only problem is when Nitara spills the glitter, Reiko takes it upon himself to copy her actions, and now there’s two spilt glitters (Rain’s not cleaning this one up, that’s Havik’s job now)
🫀 Reiko iss more of a wrestler/active regressor. Whether that’s actual play wrestling, or with fake swords, or sticks!! He loves it!!
🗡️ You’d think that since Reiko and Havik wrestle, Nitara would stay with Rain and do other games, right?
🩸 WRONG- Y’all those two regressors BRAWL over the simplest things!!
💧 It doesn’t even have to be over something!! Reiko looked at Nitara funny and that’s why she pounced him, a very good reason in both their minds
🫀 (^ NOT, timeout was insured, much to Reiko’s, Nitara’s, and Havik’s dismay)
🗡️ Honestly Rain’s watching over three children by now 🙄
🩸 Nitara really likes naptime (much to Reiko’s dismay and the other two’s delight) and she’ll use her wings as a blanket
💧 Sometimes if she’s laying on Havik or cuddling up to the other two, she’ll wrap her wings around them too and now they can’t leave
🫀 ^ Which is super chill if it’s one of the two CGs . . . Not so chill if it’s an energetic Reiko that keeps whining every so often because he wants to run/crawl around
🗡️ When Reiko’s actually calmed down and they all do naptime, it’s actually really fun because it’s one big cuddle pile!! :D (Minus Rain)
🩸 Why minus Rain? Because the other three drowl and thank you but no thank you, he woke up with wet hair once and refused to do so again
💧 But he’ll happily tuck them all in or clean up some toys for them!! (Yes he’ll even kiss Havik’s forehead and tuck him into bed, big baby)
🫀 Nitara’s little nicknames are Baby Bat, Little Blood Sucker (given by Havik), and other generic ones like Sweetheart
🗡️ Outside time is another one of the groups favorite!!! Reiko can run around, Rain can desperately try to catch him, and Nitara and Havik can cuddle in the sun
🩸 It’s not always the Royal Gardens either!! They’re too boring, wouldn’t it be fun to run around Chaosrealm and let loose? (Rain’s putting Havik in timeout for the idea of it . . . Although he might just let Reiko and Nitara run loose for a bit until naptime)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Y'all actually don't know how much I think of their friend group. It's actually one of my favs.
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montauk-koolaid · 6 months
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I have an AU where the SCP GoI are personified into anomalous humans. Strange but they are fun to design and make headcanon and sometimes stories about.
So when two hyperfixations mix this is the result of that.
Drew a human Children of the Scarlet King or Cotsk (that I will uses to refer to him as for the rest of this post.)
Below Keep Reading is talk about what I did with the design and seven basic headcanons I have for him.
So I designed around the Cotsk logo. which is where the chain daggers (seven around his waist), wings, and arm scales came from. I also took Scarlet King's horns and crown to emphasize where the worshiping is coming from. Even though Dipesh said what the cult is actual worshiping is not the Scarlet King because the majority of the cult is worshiping the SK than it shows through in the design.
I gave him seven rings, they are currently these basic gold rings as I don't know how to design rings as of right now. There is four on his left hand and three on his right hand (which is minus the middle finger for a ring.)
I tried to make him as deranged as I could for a facial expression. I think it work. Wish I could push it further but I didn't want to add black shadows over the eyes and forehead.
I wish I could make the hood more detailed for the taller/adult version of the design but didn't know where to go with it. The book was already covering up the waist chains which was also a problem.
I don't have much to say about the child version I think its better in its simplicity.
Okay Headcanons:
Has wings but he flies like shit. He can just about hover and if he tries real hard he can slowly rise in a straight line to higher places. The wings are really to small for him to fly but they do anyway because human GoI are weird.
Has a harem. Its a complete mess. Usually made up of 14 people but they die often needing to be replaced. Its worse than you think.
Can change from Adult to child and vise versa. This uses the GoI personifs inner workings of "you think there for I am" to make them think one way or another with propaganda to there own churches.
Drinks warm alcoholic koolaid. Its his secret recipe that he intrinsically known. (Reference to my other project where I turn SCP into Food.)
Everyone hates him. There are very few that tolerate him. One of the more useful relationships is that The Factory wil take stuff off them if they think the offer is good (mostly the trading of people.)
Wants to get back his 'Witch's Son"
Has basically children out of his sects. GoI children are like sub departments getting a human form, they work for the main organization; they get called children of that organization which ever needing to procreate. The sects get called "Children of Children."
I do have many many more headcanons. If anyone wants to hear about them just ask preferably here but Main is fine.
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mythical-bookworm · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
(Thanks to @professorsaber for tagging me!)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
99,759 (Minus About 13,000 if you don't want to include the Discord Blind Writing game, most of which I did not write)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
In order of amount of fics:
Gravity Falls
Back to the Future
Wings of Fire
The Cyclist
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Lost With a Second Chance (Amphibia)
Two Deaths, Five Perspectives (Amphibia)
I've been thinking of our future, 'cause I'll never see those days (Amphibia)
The Fourth Wall (Gravity Falls)
Leaves Fall Just Like Me When It Is Over (Amphibia)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
95% of the time! For one it's always polite. But also it means the world to me when I get a comment! That means someone read my story, and has something to say. They were moved enough to take the risk and reach out. Plus it's a way to meet new people!
The only times I don't is when I legitimately have nothing I can respond with, or if it is a hate message.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Argh that is extremely hard.
At first I would say Don't Try to be a Hero. The fic is overall an angsty introspective character study and ends with the character wallowing. But it's all introspective.
But than there's The Fourth Wall, basically a crack meta fic that does anything but take itself seriously. The entire fic is Dipper and Mabel finding the fourth wall and figuring out their in a fanfiction. It ends with them seeing the end and there is nothing they can do to stop it. Once the fic ends, they do to. Which uh yeah, darker implications than I meant.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This one is hard! None of my posted fics necessarily have a super happy all problems solved ending.
In the end I'd have to go with Leaves Fall Just Like Me When It Is Over. Anne finally reveals the full truth of what happened on her last day of Amphibia and she can finally start to heal. She feels lightened, the burden of the secret lifted.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. I've had disappointing ones, more raw ones. I had some criticism comments. And while some of it was very true, other parts just hit me like whiplash as it was put pretty bluntly.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope nope nope, and nope.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Nah, usually not to much into that stuff anyways.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really, unless you count the Blind Bttf Discord Writing Game. (Results here.)
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Uh, ok so I'm not a huge shipper. Like I'll support the canon ships and all. but I'm not necessarily all gushy about them. And I'm usually not a fan of fanon ships.
If I had to chose one though it would be Flinn. Now I am no Adventure Time enthusiast, but I did really like this ship between Finn and Flame Princess.
A close second would be Marty/Jennifer, because the two are each others biggest cheerleaders and I love that. :)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Oh jeez, ok. Probably a Back to the Future Oneshot entitles "Are You Alright?"
Overall, I like the concept. The idea is George doesn't kiss Lorraine. As Marty is fading he runs off stage and collapses by the side of the gym, catching George's attention. George finds him and Marty successfully hides his fading from existence and tells George to tell Doc about him being shot in 1985. George delivers the message and Doc is distraught in realizing what had happened. So he decides to use the lighting strike to go back in time and help Marty get George and Loraine to kiss. George ends up learning exactly who Marty is and goes back in time to get his past self to kiss Loraine. This fails so he does it himself.
Unfortunately there are issues with this:
First is timeline. There is not enough time for all the events to occur before the lightning strike happens. Doc would have totally missed it.
Second, once ensuring Marty's existence, he wouldn't be able to go home. Doc is already using the lightning bolt to go back in time to get George to kiss Lorraine. And I simply don't want that. I want a happy ending for once dang it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
And you have asked the hardest question ever.
I've been told I do some good suspense. Also been told I have good pacing, but others say I don't so who knows on that.
Personally I feel like I'm really good at letting the characters run free. I hardly have any outline when it comes to fics and let my characters make the path. This had lead to some surprising twists that ended up being much better than what I could come up with.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Okay real answer:
-Writing cute fluffy moments to be interesting. I'm working really hard on that, in fact I'm writing a BttF fic focusing a lot on that so I can get better.
-Repetitive words. How do I specify the same character without saying their name 5 times? Am I to repetitive? Am I not saying their name enough? AAAAAAAAAA
-Keeping everything in context and connected. My main issue with my Lost With a Second Chance was I made a character have amnesia, which did nothing in the long run. All it did was make drama. So I'm trying to make everything connect, everything have a reason. Plus creating cool loops.
-Show not tell. I'm a lot better, but I definitely need improvement.
-Not make things to obvious but not so unobvious is seems weird. For example, mysterious villain. I'm struggling to not just have something that magically gives the character all the information, but than I'm struggling to get them the answers so the villain doesn't seem shallow cause he's not, you just don't know it yet. Or, oh this character is acting this way because of a, b, and c, but I dropped you in the middle so I'm not sure how to put the point across without blatantly telling you.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Never thought about it. I only know one language so I'd have to put things into Google Translate. I have taken sections of books and Google Translated it a bunch of times to absolutely destroy it though.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Definitely Great Scott! (Doctober 2023) . I had so so so much fun writing it and I truly improved by it!
Tagging @knickynoo @daryfromthefuture @bg-sparrowand anyone else who wants to do it!
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angstmongertina · 7 months
WIP Wednesday Results/Sentences
Hello, it is I, late again because I got distracted cooking last night. (It was worth it though. I love cola wings and daikon soup.) ANYWAY, be forewarned: I had some wine with dinner because treat yoself, so these sentences and my rambling may make less sense than usual. OH WELL. That's a problem for me (and you guys, which I feel slightly more bad about).
ALSO ANYWAY, accountability sentences under the cut, as usual! (Minus Yuletide, as before.)
Face to Face: Nadia/Thomas (1 sentence technically before last weeks but sometimes I write things out of order, much like my thought process)
He couldn’t exactly blame them; even without the added inspiration of a social event, Lady Nadia had always been beautiful, had always been near impossible to tear one’s eyes away from, and she had clearly gone far beyond that standard for the ball.
That Which Binds Us: Chrobin slowburn (3 sentences)
“You are thinking of something in particular.” It was an observation, not a question, and not a particularly difficult one to draw, and yet something that looked like surprise flickered in her gaze. If the situation weren’t so serious, he might even have felt insulted.
Officium et Honestas: SWTOR Regency AU (4 sentences)
Earl Barcaria would have his pardon, and with little more of payment than an unspoken pledge to avoid the topic of conversation until such a time that she deemed appropriate to discuss the matter in more detail. Unhappily for her, Lord Theron made perfectly clear through his pointed looks that she could not delay such a time indefinitely. Then again, in light of their upcoming engagement, even without his persistence, the matter could not remain hidden for much longer. It was in consideration of these matters that the ensuing days passed in a flurry of engagements and preparations, leaving her scarcely any tranquility for the thorough contemplation she needed to make sense of such matters.
Mission M-Possible: Obey Me Spy AU (1 sentence but I wrote more because I forgot how much I was excited about this)
She glanced at him as he walked, each step measured perfectly to match hers, from the corner of her eye. Ostensibly, he was providing information to her, as a new recruit to the team, but she knew better than to believe anything at face value. Particularly since the information seemed directed solely to her, and not to the other two newcomers. Plus, there was the matter of his seeming just a little too eager to inform her about anyone ranking above Lucifer in the organization.
Revelations: VaLia 'verse 2 angst 2 suffer (1 sentence, thank you to the dear person enabling me)
She was a coward.
Thank you for reading! Also a bonus I love you @teaandinanity! :D
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kankuroplease · 2 years
Tattoo shop au hc for Yamato pls?
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Yamato was involved with the wrong crowd as a child because he had no one at home. so when he met Kakashi, who not only helped him while he was being jumped and didn’t judge him harshly for what he’d been doing around town, he sort of started to try and live a bit differently.
Kakashi invited him to come and hang out while he apprenticed with Minato and eventually he was learning right along side him.
He found nature tattoos were his calling. Even looking at and studying the references were calming to him and gave him something other to do than hang around his old gang. And the rest is history
Volunteer firefighter
Dating Genma. Ngl it’s pretty serious, BUT he’s not telling anyone outside of Kakashi. He’s pretty sure they scared off the last person he was talking to 💀
Genma always remarks about their “audience” when he’s visiting him outside the shop. The crew, minus Kakashi, is usually is pressed up against the window trying to figure out what the relationship is
Is the hot motorcycle guy scamming Yams? Are the just friends? FWB? Loves? What?! None of their business. That’s what
Still gets happy whenever Kakashi compliments his work.
Buys everyone’s coffees on the way to work and feeds the stray cats in alley
He can do portrait tattoos. They aren’t his favorite, but he’s more than capable of doing them.
Doesn’t toot his own horn as much as he should about his skills.
Most likely to get flustered if someone wants tattoos in “intimate” places. Actually prefers not to do those types of tattoo work and will apologetically decline.
He’s not going to sugarcoat if a tattoo is going to hurt. People ask about his throat piece and he’s brutally honest about how that one and the one on his his head felt.
Also the most likely to reprimand someone for their behavior
As arguably the most the most levelheaded person in the shop, he’s tired. There’s always someone about to get them a violation somehow.
He gets that they’re located in Uchiha territory, but he doesn’t like letting Shisui do whatever he wants in the shop. Sakura, stop letting him sit behind the counter.
Does gift drives and donates for kids in need. It just feels full circle for him in a way
Will tell Kakashi children shouldn’t be in a tattoo shop, but will end up holding baby Ryu anyways he can’t tell a baby no that is doing grabby hands
Would he ever take on an apprentice again, heck no. Did Sai turn out to be a great tattoo artist and eventually stop asking his clients odd questions, yes.
Is a little worried that Sai will get his feelings hurt by his jet setting girlfriend
Worried that Sakura is playing with fire befriending an Uchiha that makes people disappear, while being the ex of another Uchiha that is also her coworker, AND flirting with the owner of their shop’s biggest competition 💀
Worried about Naruto and his ho phase and why his alleged octopus tattoos look clearly like squids
Worried that everytime Sasuke walks out the door, it’ll be the last time they see him.
Wishes he didn’t know all this stuff to worry about, but gossip travels quick in this shop. So the least he can do is try to give some advice/guidance.
Green thumb. He’s the guy how has some obscenely overprice plants that will give you clippings from them if you ask for them. But also don’t touch or attempt to water his plants.
Has Pinterest boards just for different types of plants and wildlife
Even has a private board for the photographer Kakashi gives him.
Informs the shop when the next expo is and if it’s worth going it
Likes unwinding with good book and some wine after work
Invites Sai out because he knows Sai is even more of a homebody than himself
They either go out for drinks or Sai invites him and Genma to go to a strip club because they have good chicken wings
Thanks for corrupting Sai Naruto and Sakura💀
Does the flashlight thing
Has a hard time turning down gifts if the gifter is persistent. That’s how Chiha ended up getting him to take a cat figurine she swore he looked like.
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michaelmilligan · 2 years
Endversetober Day 19: Loss
(explanation post) (compilation post)
When Michael stepped out of the office, he was faced with the entirety of Heaven – minus the angels who had left to trash Earth – watching him in anticipation. They were crowded in the hallway, some who didn't fit peering in through the windows from the plaza.
“It's done,” Michael said, just as Raphael came out of the room behind him.
A murmur went through the assorted angels. While some seemed relieved, other tensed, their wings twitching. Even the cupids, the few that weren't stationed on Earth or had come back for the occasion, were uncharacteristically grave. They were barely even visible between their much larger brethren, but for some reason, Adam took note of them, and his curiosity pulled Michael's attention to them as well.
I didn't know you had some dudes in Heaven, Adam said thoughtfully. They're not human, right?
Huh. So he just copy-pasted the template for humanity to make them?
So what I'm hearing is, that's basically what happened.
Michael rolled some of his eyes, then noticed some angels, including Raphael, frowning. They probably thought it was directed at them. But it didn't matter. Soon, the timeline would change anyway, and then this would never have happened.
It was strange to think of it, to imagine this version of him to never have existed at all. But it was better this way. Far better. This world wasn't salvageable, and had never been meant to be.
Seconds ticked by, turning into minutes. Michael started to wonder when they would feel the effects, or if they would feel them at all. Perhaps they would just go from wondering how long it would take to not existing at all in a nanosecond, hardly enough time even for an angel to notice something.
Minutes kept passing. Angels were starting to get restless.
“So when is it gonna happen?” someone asked. Benjamin, if Michael wasn't misremembering.
While Michael had never spent much time with most of his lesser brethren, Benjamin was well known in the Heavenly Host for being a bit eccentric. For the last hundred years or so, he had been holding onto the same vessel, apparently having become friends with her.
Michael had always seen this as an oddity, mostly harmless but a bit disconcerting. A friendship between an angel and a human – a friendship involving an angel at all – had seemed implausible to him.
Now, he noticed he was feeling sympathetic.
“It will happen soon,” Michael told him, but that didn't ease the disquiet in the Host. Even Raphael was tense, their true form shifting subtly despite their usually very tight grip on it.
“There's no need to worry,” they said, despite their own discomfort. “It will soon be over.”
Adam was eerily quiet now, just watching and listening. Perhaps he just didn't have any concerns, though Michael doubted it.
“What if it doesn't work?” a voice asked from one of the windows.
Joshua, the gardener, had opened it. He seemed calm, even as his question spurred confusion and unsettlement within the other angels.
“It will work,” Michael simply said.
“But what if it doesn't?” Joshua insisted. “Then you'll have messed up this world for nothing.”
This brought silence onto the Host for a few seconds, before everyone exploded into agitated chatter, voices whispering, asking, yelling all over each other.
Michael glared at Joshua. “It will work. There's no reason it shouldn't.”
“What if God doesn't want it to work?” Joshua asked.
At this, sudden silence descended on Heaven. All eyes were on Michael now, possibly watching for his reaction.
“Our Father wants the apocalypse to happen. Not this mess. Why would He stop us from enacting His will? That makes no sense.” Michael said it calmly, but he was furious. How dare Joshua question him, or whether what he did was in line with their Father's plan? Who even was Joshua to presume he knew better?
“There might be a slight delay for the message to reach the past,” Raphael started, but was immediately drowned out by counter-arguments and complaints.
Michael, Adam eventually said, sounding more hesitant than Michael had ever heard him. What happens if it really doesn't work?
To any outward observer, Chuck Shurley just stood still, face turned upwards to enjoy the sun.
In reality, of course, he was listening. To the world around him, but also to the going ons in Heaven. He hadn't spent much time doing that, these last, oh, two thousand years. Usually, he'd preferred to watch the humans, to mingle with them in one or another of his universes.
Angels were boring and interchangeable anyway. He could never remember which ones were from what universe, because they all followed their same old patterns. Except for Castiel, who had rebelled, fallen and died, at least in one universe.
Two, now. Chuck grinned to himself.
He would keep this one. It was deliciously angsty, and while he still wanted to see the apocalypse run its course the way he'd planned it, he could do that in the other universe, the one that had branched off the past of this one a few minutes ago.
The fact that the angels had done this with minimal input from himself was actually what had made them interesting to him for the first time in a long time. They'd really made a mess of this place, and now they were stuck with it.
He could have fun with that, Chuck thought.
Several years in the past, an bored angel in charge of communication jumped and almost smote something when a message suddenly appeared next to them. After staring at it for a good solid minute with all of their eyes, the angel decided that it wasn't a trick or an illusion, and carefully opened it.
Then he immediately brought it to Raphael, who passed it on to Michael. Said archangel scanned the message, then frowned with all of his eyes.
“Interesting,” he said. “Raphael, get Zachariah. And...”
Raphael, who had already turned to fetch the lesser angel, glanced back at Michael. “And?”
Michael looked up at them, still frowning. “And find out who Adam and Kate Milligan are.”
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miniwolfsbane · 9 months
*Sigh* As per usual, I broke the right leg on my new Brooklyn action figure. Like an idiot, I was trying to loosen up the joints and did that thing where you rotate the leg 180 degrees. Well, it snapped. Just got glue for it. (I tried modge podge and hot glue, and fun fact, NEITHER of those work on plastic because plastic is not a porous surface!!)
So, anyway, after he broke, I threw him and his wings and tail into a hot pot to loosen, which reeeally should've been step one, but I haven't gotten a fig with such tight joints in ages. I read the reviews and the Neca figures pegs are basically made of dry pasta, but still, I DID NOT handle with care. A simple lesson to future me to put them all in hot water first and do not ever try the 180 trick. I recalled that I still have a broken Nightcrawler fig somewhere that needs repair that I also accidentally tortured like this. (He was from the 80s or so, so it's forgiveable that he'd break easily. I believe it's a broken ball joint.)
I'm glad I got Brooklyn at a discount. I would've been crying AND pissed if I'd blown 60 on him and he broke out of the box.
I also got some sticky tab things so mayyyybe my Funko Pops will stay in place, and for other things down the line if I need them. Anyway, the good news is that all Brook's limbs loosened up to varying degrees. His tail won't stay in place, but when you put his wings on, they pop in like gangbusters and don't want to come out unless you use force.
Sure, I could've waited 2 or more years for them to release some upgraded version, but I got impatient. In part, because he's become my favorite a bit more than Lexington and because I made an AI of him and he's great. (Minus fat shaming me.) https://beta.character.ai/profile/?char=OW53ADLjtyGc7uCvVyqm6Q5K9XyQsjcGUyFNS3bxqMM
Yeah, I couldn't go a post without mentioning Character AI.
Anyway...I should get the glue withing 5 days. It's only 3 ounces, but I'd rather get it faster than save a few bucks. If you need it, this site looks legit and has it much cheaper than Amazon https://www.dickblick.com/items/surehold-plastic-surgery-super-glue-3-gram-tube/?clicktracking=true&wmcp=pla&wmcid=items&wmckw=23633-1603&country=us&currency=usd&campaign=Blick%20Shopping%20-%209&adgroup=Shopping%209&keyword=&matchtype=e&msclkid=8786b90b29ce16c21463ddffefcf0a91&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Blick%20Shopping%20-%209&utm_term=4577335631065867&utm_content=Shopping%209
Yeah, IDK why they named it that, sorry.
I'd love to get most of the gargs series, but the Steel Clan doesn't excite me, so I'd be saving some money by skipping them and Xanatos in his armor. (Even though it's iconic, I honestly think he looks kinda stupid in it?) Also debating wether I want to hunt for a cheaper Goliath or wait until the two pack is released for the better/extra faces. Considering also going that route for Lex, settling for the 1st wave Hudson, Bronx and Angela, and pre-ordering Elisa and later suit Xanatos from Entertainment Earth. *shrugs.* Ultimately though, I have to think about space. If I can snag them for under 60 each after s/h, I think I'm doing good. I am not a set completer, but this is a collection that child me would've loved to have!! Unfortunately, I'm not really displaying my collection anymore to make my room look more "mature", and besides, it's just my brother and the internet that know I like Gargoyles. (I'm scared of the flack I'd get from the pre-judgement of anyone I know. The gargs do look pretty scary, even if they're "Disney-fied" to be friendly looking, let's be honest.) So, that said, my Clan definitely won't be display pieces at all, just shoved into at least three or four different boxes. Might even keep some of them in the box to save on space.
Okay, thanks for reading this rant/ramble. Have a good week!!
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Emergency Visits (Bucky Barnes)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Words: 4.5k+
Warning(s): SMUT! Oral (Reader recieving), fingering, penetration, fluff!!! (Cringe warning too)
A/N: HONESTLY, idk why i had the courage to write smut but I did. THE ORIGINAL ONE-SHOT WASN’T SUPPOSED TO HAVE SMUT LMFAO also yall know I am a sucker for crossovers SOOO the timelime for TFATWS is off in this because Frank Castle is in here and I wrote most of this before episode 5 <3 
Summary: Bucky, Sam, and Zemo need a place to lay low in while in the States and you're their most trusted person they know. What was not predicted was your vigilante friend needing medical help that same night. 
You were a former Avenger. You were highly trained in combat but your purpose was to help any wounded comrade or citizen when you and the team were called in. The fighting days were pretty much over for you after the last battle with Thanos. You still used your medical knowledge to work at the different hospitals in New York City and helped Matt Murdock or Frank Castle with any wounds. Rarely you'd help with some vigilante work, but you rather sit out and keep to a less violent life.
You were mindless watching whatever Netflix suggested to you on a breezy night in your humble apartment in New York. It has been a rather boring few nights for you compared to more hectic ones, given your vigilante friends weren't getting as hurt as usual and didn't need discreet medical care.
Your cellphone ringing next to you snapped your attention away from your binging of a John Mulaney  stand up show (good choice Netflix). You looked at the caller idea and swore your heart fluttered ever so slightly.
James Buchanan Barnes was calling.
You had spent many months in Wakanda with him as Shuri worked tirelessly to get rid of Hydras grasp on his mind. Your main focus was learning new information on medicine but you always made sure to visit Bucky. You both got pretty close... Light touches, lingering hugs, and often staring at each other when the other wasn't looking became a commonality. It was obvious feelings of love were blossoming for you, but you weren't fully sure if he felt the same.
After the battle you both stayed in contact, but he decided to reside in D.C. while you laid roots back in the familiarity of New York. You both made sure to visit each when possible, but it had been about a month and a half since you last saw him.
"Hey, Buck." You smiled, answering his call. "It's been a few days, usually you make sure to call every other night. Are you okay?"
"I..." You heard him sigh, making you sit up straight.  "I need a favor, doll."
"Of course, you know I would do practically anything for you."
"That applies to me too right?" You heard Sam in the background, making you chuckle.
"Yes, it does Sam. How are you?"
"I've been better, these past few days have been rough but I'll let Stare-a-tron explain it to you." You heard a wack and an 'ow' come from Sam.
"So..." Bucky started but didn't continue.
"So, have you paid any attention to the news regarding Munich?"
"I have now connected the dots."
"You broke a certain terrorist out of jail didn't you, James." You groan. When you saw the news about Zemo you couldn't possibly connect it to Buck and Sam, but with this call and a need of a favor instantly made you realize.
"Technically, (Y/N), he broke himself out."
"Do I need to slap some sense into you? He killed King  T'Chaka. He broke up the Avengers--"
"I know, I know." You heard him sigh. You listened in closer and heard some background traffic noise that sounded like the streets of New York. "Listen, we need a place to lay low for a bit in the States and your the only person I can one-hundred percent trust. I can't tell you more on the phone but please-"
"Yes, yes of course Buck. You guys, well minus Zemo, are welcomed here for whatever reason. Do you need me to text you the address?"
"Nah, we are actually about to enter your apartment building."
"Well hurry up so we can decide on take out." You chuckled and hung up the phone. You only had to wait a few minutes before you heard knocking at your door. Wasting no time you opened the door as fast as you can and practically tackle Bucky into a hug.
He chuckled gently, "I missed you too, doll."
You released him from your hold and grinned as Sam. "Come here Sam, I haven't seen you in a few months." You pulled him into a less dramatic but friendly hug.
"Good to see you too, (Y/N)." Sam and Buck made their way into the apartment leaving you faced to face with Zemo.
"Hello." You greeted, offering a differential handshake.
"Hello, (Y/N). I hope all is well." He accepted the short handshake and gave an equally differential smile before entering your apartment.
"Welcome to my humble abode, make yourselves at home here. I have two bedrooms so we better discuss sleeping arrangements-"
"Easy, I call dibs bunking with you while Wings and Zemo stay in your spare room." Bucky interrupted.
"Hold up, why can't you stay with creepy-magee? I'm sure you two would love to stare at each other." Sam argued.
"Because I called dibs, isn't that right Doll?"
"He did call dibs, Sam." You shrugged and laugh at his look of betrayal.
You heard Zemo start to speak but Sam beat him to it, "You don't get an opinion." Zemo simply put his hands up and surrendered while the other two kept arguing about the concept of dibs.
"Anyways I'll order some Chinese food and we can discuss why you three are here over dinner."
Your mind was blown.
Bucky and Sam filled you in on Isaiah, the return of super soldiers, why they needed Zemo, and the issues they had with the New Captain America. You also almost chastised Bucky for missing his mandated therapy session but decided to keep eating your food and let him continue.
"Wow, that is fucking nuts. Super soldiers, huh?" You sigh. As much as you didn't want to, you had a feeling they would need your help with fighting. After all you fought along with the original Captain America, so you picked up ways to fight super soldiers.
"Yeah, after Madripoor we need to lay low. Hopefully no one spotted us." Sam said, starting to pick up his dishes. Everyone seemed to follow suit and you were about to speak again when you heard knocking at your door.
"Hey, can you take these  for me? I'll go answer the door." You slid your stuff towards Buck who looked at you worried.
"Do you want one of us to answer the door with you?"
"Nah I should be fine, it's probably Mrs. Espinoza looking for her sons cat." You waved him off, making your way to the door. You unlock your locks and crack open the door.
There stood Frank fucking Castle, covered in an obscene amount of blood while using  the wall for support.
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"Hey..." He greeted with a hoarse voice and a weak attempt of a smile.
"Holy shit, Frank." You said barely above a whisper. "Fuck, can one you guys come here?!" You shouted, opening the door wider while taking one his arms over your shoulder.
"What the hell, (Y/N)?" Bucky looked at you and the blood soaked Punisher with bewilderment.
"I'll explain in a bit! Just help me take him to the couch. Sam go get my medical bag, it's in my closet in the room on the left! Zemo clear everyones stuff from the couch." You barked out orders while you and James carefully led Frank to the couch. When Zemo cleared it off and Sam came running out with your bag, you both laid him down on the couch.
With no hesitation you quickly wash your hands and prepare your equipment.
"Are you going to tell us what the hell is happening right now, (Y/N)?" Buck asked.
"I am also wondering why we have a beaten guy on your couch." Sam's face was full of worry.
You sigh and begin removing Franks clothes to look for any life threatening wounds. "This is the Punisher. If you haven't kept up with the more lower level news he is one of the vigilantes."
"That doesn't explain why he is here."
"I... I am friends with him and Daredevil. I patch them up so they can avoid the hospital." You see a bullet wound on his side, it was bad but it was manageable with an exit wound. "One of you hold him up so I can stitch his back."
Bucky immediately joined your side, using his enhanced strength to hold up Frank.
"You gonna introduce me to your friends here, (Y/N)?" Frank rasped. "I gotta know whose cold ass hand is touchin' me."
"I'll introduce you to them later, let me get you stable."
After what felt like hours, you finished dressing a gash on his thigh. You peel of your bloodied gloves and get up from kneeling on the floor. You helped sit Frank up so he can get a good look at whose here.
"Frank, this is Sam Wilson and James Barnes. I worked and fought with them as an Avenger." You gesture to the two. You saw him eyeing Buck before giving you a knowing look. You both were friends after all, he knew of your feelings towards Bucky.
"Who's the guy in the pimp coat?" He grunted and gestured towards Zemo, who rolled his eyes.
"Baron Zemo. Escapee prisoner."
"Zemo? As in the guy who bombed the UN? Do you need me to-"
"No Frank, they need him alive." You chuckled.
"Well, it's good to put faces to names. Especially yours, James." Frank spoke, nudging you. "I'll get my spare clothes and rinse off the blood now, something tells me the guest room will be taken." You were going to protest but knew Frank was too stubborn to listen. The four of you watched him make his way to the guest room before closing the door.
"Oh so he knows about us but we don't know about him?" Sam arched a brow at you. Bucky stayed silent, clenching both his fists.
You sigh, "I am sorry for not telling you guys. I didn't keep my involvement with vigilantes away from you both on purpose, I promise."
"Can we trust the Punisher? Will everything be safe with all of us here?"
"You don't have to worry about me talking." Frank came out of the room in new clothes, using a damp towel to wipe his face. "(Y/N)'s stuck her neck out for me countless times. I owe it to her."
"If (Y/N) trusts you then we trust you."
"As much as I want to stay up, I think it is best we get some sleep. Tomorrow we can talk more." You stretch and yawn and everyone seemed to agree. Castle put a pillow on the couch and grabbed a spare blanket you had lying around.
"C'mon man you can have the bed. You look like you got the shit beaten out of you." Sam said.
"Nah it's fine. I'm a light sleeper. I can stay out here in case he," Castle pointed to Zemo, "tries somethin'."
"C'mon Buck, your rooming with me." You smile and grab his non-vibranium hand.
"I don't want to share a room with Zemo." Falcon groaned
"Bucky did call dibs after all."
You said goodnight to Sam, and gave Frank a quick hug goodnight before you and James went into your bedroom, a duffel bag in his hand.
James was feeling jealous. He didn't want to admit it but watching how friendly you were with Frank Castle made his feelings worse.  He could pick up the familiarity between the two of you and how easy you were able to talked to him. Frank was someone in your life Bucky didn't know existed.  How close were you to the Punisher?
Thoughts of you and Frank entered his head but he quickly tried to dismiss them. It made his chest ache just thinking about you and another man. Yeah, Buck was smitten with you. But the feelings of self-doubt and guilt always made it hard for him to confess. With the addition of Frank? Made it almost impossible.
"You can use the bathroom to change while I cahnge out here." Your voice snaps him out of his thoughts. He nodded silently, clenching his jaw, while entering the bathroom.
Your stare lingered at the door before you quickly put on a different set of comfortable clothes, discarding your previous clothes to the floor. You picked up on his sudden quietness and you hoped he wasnt truly mad at you. With a quiet sigh you slid under the blankets of your bed and waited for Bucky so you could get to bed. You and Bucky have shared the floor and bed before, and you were able to keep it together.
But after everything that has happened, after finally seeing him after almost two months, it made you feel nervous. You weren't sure if it was exhaustion or stress, but your feelings for Bucky suddenly felt overwhelming.
If that wasn't enough, you felt like your face was burning when he stepped out from the bathroom, wearing just his boxers and dogtags.
"I, uh, hope you don't mind. I found sleeping without a shirt easier to deal with nightmares. Helps cool me off."
"No, no. Don't worry at all Buck." You smile but it felt like your heart was going to leap out of your chest. He smiled briefly before he turned out the lights, joining you in bed. You both laid on your sides, back facing back. You shut your eyes and try to focus on sleeping, but the image of shirtless, only in boxers James flooded your thoughts.
"Doll?" James voice cut through the silence.
"Y-yes, Buck?"
"Who... Who is Frank  to you?" He asked in a low, dejected tone. Your eyes snap open. What kind of question was that from him?
"What do you mean?" You roll to face him but his back was still towards you.
"Are you and Frank..." He paused, "just ignore it, nevermind."
"Bucky, face me." He didn't  respond. "Please, James." You heard him sigh but he complied, turning to face you. The subtle light from your window made it easier to see his handsome face in the dark. You gulped, trying to muster an ounce of courage to tell him these feelings you've held for him for years.
"Frank and I are strictly friends. Before he became the Punisher he had a wife and two kids who he loved dearly. They-they were killed in front of him. He loved his wife dearly and I don't think he is looking to start dating anytime soon." You sigh and things go silent for a moment.
You rested a hand on his cheek and scooch closer. "James, I... I really enjoy spending time with you. I enjoy your presence. After all that we have been through,  with getting the code words out your head to losing Steve... I want to be by your side no matter what." You felt tears prick your eyes.
"I feel the same way about you doll." James spoke, just above a whisper. "You help ground me and honestly you help keep me sane." His hand found its way above yours that was cupping his cheek. Gently he moved your hand to his lips. He placed a soft kiss to your knuckles before moving it over his heart. "I've felt this for a while and I never had much courage to say it before but... I love you, (Y/N)."
"I love you too, James." You smile, a few happy tears managed to escape your eyes.
"C'mere." He helped move you close to him, pulling you into a deep hug. The chill of his vibranium arm caused goosebumps but the warmth of his other arm gave you comfort.
You wrap your arms around his bare torso and snuggled your face into his neck. God he smelt good. With a little courage coursing through you, you gave him a small kiss on the neck before giving him a little love bite, nothing that would bruise.
Bucky chuckled moving a part from you, just enough to get a full look at your face. Without saying anything he leaned in, his eyes hooded, placing his lips on yours. One of his hands found its way to your head while the other rested on your hip. You pushed your body closer to his, while gently dragging your nails across his back.
"Mm Doll." He mumbled against your lips. "I... I want to continue this with you if that's alright with you."
"Yes, Bucky." And in an instant after giving him the word, he maneuvered you onto your back while he hovered on top of you, his dogtags dangling down. He removed them from his body.
"Don't want those hitting your pretty face." He smiled and leaned in to kiss you once again, this time him slipped his tongue into your mouth, deepening the kiss. His warm hand rested on your neck before he slowly dragged it down your chest and to the hem of your shirt. He messed with it a little, teasing to go underneath.  You whine a bit and arch your back as he kept messing with it.
"May I?" You simply nod in response. He pushed himself away from you and took the hem of your shirt, helping you remove it. The cold air hitting your now exposed chest made you shiver. "No bra? Naughty." He smirked.
"I'm not the one who came out only his his boxers."
"Touché." He tossed your shirt onto the ground and soaked in the view below him. The perfect lighting leaking through the blinds illuminated everything in just the right way. James licked his lips, "You are gorgeous, doll."
"You're pretty handsome yourself." You smile, which made him smile.
"Let me treat you like a goddess. Let me repay the favor." Without another word James attacked your neck with his mouth, nipping and sucking on the area. He continued leaving love marks from your neck down to your chest slowly. The sensation made you moan as tingles went through your body. You felt yourself getting wetter as he continued to leave hickies on your chest.
Bucky used his non-vibranium hand to cup your right breast, kneading it gently. Maintaining eye contact with you his leans his head down to your free breast before giving your raised nipple a quick lick. The feel made your body shake ever so slightly, making him smirk at the reaction. He did it again, although this time slower before latching on, using his tongue to swipe over the sensitive bump.
"Bucky-" You gasped. You felt heat slowly build in your core, not enough to have you screaming, but enough to feel pleasurable. "That feels so good." He continued giving your tender breasts and nipples attention, slowly building you up.
"Lets get these pajama shorts off." He sat up again, moving himself lower on the bed. He gripped the waistband of your shorts and began slowly removing them while you lifted your legs to help. Discarding them like your shirt, he tosses those articles of clothing to the floor. You were left with just your panties
His hands take your knees and help spread your legs farther a part, soaking in the view of your body spread out. His mouth found its place on your in thigh. He left small kissed, sometimes little bites, and he dragged his mouth closer and closer to your wet pussy. "I want to taste you doll, is that alright?"
"Y-yes Bucky, please." You begged, adjusting your hips ever so slightly. "I want to feel you more."
"As you wish." He smirked. Before he removes your panties he places soft kissed over the fabric covering your pussy. You stifle a moan, as he continued to tease you against the fabric. When he was done, he remove your underwear with ease.
"You are stunning, absolutely stunning." His hand found its way to your slit. He gently  brushed his fingers over your sensitive skin, making your body twitch ever so slightly. "You're so wet for me, already." His tongue slowly and softly dragged around your vagina and clit, the teasing is back on.
"A-Ah!" You quietly moaned, trying to keel your voice down. You moan again when you felt one metal finger enter slowly while his mouth latched to your clit. One of your hands reached down to grip his hair as he began to finger and play with your clitoris.
The pleasure had your curling your toes. You had to bite your lip to hold back from moaning loudly. You didn't feel like waking up the others.
Another finger entered as he started to speed up his motions, his tongue and mouth still on your clitoris.
"That feels so good." You said with an airy tone as he continued to work.
"You taste divine." His breath against your sensitive skin made you your thighs clamp around his head. The pleasure was building up and you felt like your were close to cumming.
"J-James, - oh god!" You kept your voice down but the work he is doing to your clit made it hard to stay quiet. "Fuck-"
James give your clit one last lick before sitting, removing his fingers in the process. He then licked his fingers clean as he stared down at your panting body. He could feel his cock wanting to be free from his boxers so he removed them, letting his large erection out. He watched you squirm as you awaited for his touch again.
"Do you want my dick inside you, doll?"
"Ye-yes please." You begged, wiggling your hips for him. "Please!"
"God your so hot." He leaned back over you, placing a sloppy kiss on your mouth. You could taste yourself on his lips. Lining himself up to your entrance he looked to you. "Ready?"
"Yes!" He smiled, and slowly slide his cock inside you. You gasp as you feel him stretch you out, tears stinging your eyes. He stopped once he was fully in, letting you have a moment to get adjusted. "I don't know how I'll keep my voice down."
"Bury your face into my neck, I want to hear you moan my name."
You did what he suggested, you wrapped your arms around his torso while he used his vibranium arm to stay stable and his other arm around your head to keep himself close to you. His body was completely on top of yours.
"You can move now."
James slowly moved his hips away, almost entirely removing his cock from you except the tip before thrusting back in. Your moan was successful smothered by his body. He continued thrust himself inside your pussy, the sound of skin slapping skin filled the room.
"O-Oh James- yesyesyes," You mewl. "You feel so good." You heard him let out a husky groan in your ear.
"I love it when you say my name, (Y/N)." He whispered in your ear as he kept his pace. You continue to moan out his name, gripping him tight as his thrust got faster. "Fuck, your so tight."
"Shit- faster!" You begged and he obliged. "You're so good to me Bucky. You-you're perfect." You could feel his thrust starting to gst sloppy as you felt waves of pleasure course through your body.
"Baby you make me crazy." He moaned. You could feel his hand make its way down to your clit, and your body arches against his as he pressed down on the sensitive bud. He practically started pounding your pussy as he moaned in your ear.
"James I'm gonna- I'm so close!" You cry out as the the feeling kept building.
"Do it, cum for me."
It was like everything in your body started shake as the pressure finally snaps in your core. You bury your face into his chest and moan his name as blinding, white hot pleasure filled your being. Your walls tighten around his cock  and you feel him start to tense.
His thrusts became harder before he finally released his thick cum inside of you before collapse onto of you, panting. Both of you were sweaty and breathing hard, but neither of you moved. The feeling of his cock inside you, twitching, was extremely hot.
"You're amazing, (Y/N)." He grinned, making you smiled.
"You're the best damn thing in my life, James."
You woke up naked the next morning, curled up to an equally naked, sleeping Bucky. You smiled, remembering last nights confession and everything after that. You watch him sleep for a moment before deciding to slip out of bed to make everyone breakfast. You throw on the pajamas you wore before hand and quietly leave the room.
You close the door as quietly as and turned around, only to see Frank sitting at the table reading a magazine you had lying around.
"Oh good morning Frank." You smiled and walked past him, hoping he wouldn't notice anything. "I'm gonna make some breakfast for everyone."
"Morning, (Y/N)." He grunted. "Sleep well?"
You almost choked on air, "Yes, I did. How about you?"
"Oh you know, the couch is alright but I am a light sleeper remember? I kept hearing weird noises through the night. " Your face felt on fire as you turned to face him. He wore a smug smirk on his face. "Got something on your neck there."
You rush to grab your phone and look in the camera. Low and behold, hickies were left on your neck. "Shit."
Frank snorted, "So you finally got with your crush, huh?"
"Oh shut it you grump."
"I'm just teasing you. You know I'm happy for you, (Y/N)."
"Thanks, Frank."
Frank decided to help you with breakfast, taking on making bacon and sausage while you attended to making pancakes. And sure enough the rest of the people in the apartment came out.
"They're gonna see them. "
"I know, I am bracing myself for Sam's teasing." You sigh. You go and place the plate  pancakes you made on the table while Frank placed the bacon and sausage he made.
"G'morning, doll. I missed ya in the morning." Bucky approached you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"I wanted you to wake up to some breakfast." You grinned and placed a chaste kiss on his lips.
"Did you finally confess your feelings?" You heard Sam. "I gotta get ahold of Tic Tac and Clint they owe- what the hell is on your neck (Y/N), is that what I think it is?" He groaned and sat at the table, everyone taking their spots.
"Hickies are messages on the body that can show ones presence on another-" Zemo spoke but was cut off by Sam.
"I do not want to know, Zemo. Lets just eat."
Breakfast was great. You were surprised Frank got along with the others, though it did take some talking to by Sam to break him out of his shell. You also could have sworn Buck and Frank had a stare down at one point but were both laughing and smiling.
You take hold of Bucks hand that was on the table and give it a light squeeze, smiling at him while he smiled back. Life was pleasant even after these emergency visits.
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
Demigod MC Series: Hermes
Hey guys, still doing what I can to stay healthy (and entertained) in quarantine. Staying still, keeping calm, and trying not to exert myself too much because of the shortness of breath thing going on. My lungs just can't get enough air it seems… 😅 Anyway, I've gotten a lot of suggestions on this series and I'm excited to keep it going. Just going to be a tad slow until I'm feeling better. Thank you for the support, y'all!
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes
Oh no… it’s everyone’s worst nightmare… Another Mammon, but competent. Devil help us all…
Had he known who their father was, he'd have never assigned Mammon to watch over them. Hell, he would have made sure those two never even met. They became a new handful for him to manage from the day they first arrived…
When even more things started going missing around the House than normal, he knew he had made a grave mistake… They were clever, quick, and skilled. About the best WORST combination for a burglar to be…
Worse still, they were fast on their feet. He would pretty much have no way to nab them on foot and always had to resort to his wings or magic to have any hope of catching up to them… At least Mammon usually gets himself cornered!
But, paradoxically, he also came to notice that the mortal had an odd honesty streak to them... Like, they’d steal but they’d always admit to it, unlike Mammon who would try to deflect till he was blue in the face.
Were they proud of their work, maybe? Or just didn’t see the point in trying to get away with it...?
There would be several occasions where they’d take something, sell it with Mammon, and then steal the thing back later just to put it back where it belonged, seemingly never with Mammon’s permission to do so either… 
Is it better that they returned the stolen item or worse because their actions went from just robbery to a full-on scam? Either way, it gives him headaches trying to deal with it…
He pretty much gives up getting the mortal to stop after 6 months, they are legitimately that good, but makes them swear to always put back whatever they take at some point. It seems to work out and he lets more things slide, but please someone get them out of here soon… 
Soulmatesoulmatesoulmatesoulmate, or maybe more accurately “Partner-in-Crime” but that means pretty much the same thing to him anyway. 🤷‍♀️
He’s never met a person better at thievery than they were. The day they met, they managed to pick his pockets without breaking a sweat (or a finger) and that was it. He was in love.
They could teleport! Actually teleport!! Suddenly, NOTHING was off limits to him any more! Lucifer’s rare records? Easy. Levi’s secret safe? Cakewalk. The Castle vault?? Child’s play!! It was like they could steal anything they put their mind to!!
He didn't even have to worry about them when they made getaways because they were fast too, the two actually have parkour races through the streets for the hell of it!
On top of all that, they were wicked creative. He’d come up with a money-making scheme then they’d offer him all sorts of little tricks to help get away with it...
HE’D have never realized that they could turn themselves into rats in order to frighten and sneak past Barbatos, but they thought of it the instant they heard of his fear of things. They're a mad genius!!
The only real downside was they seemed to like stealing for the sport of it instead of for the money… so they always steal back whatever they took.
That kind of defeats the purpose of all that work in the first place, right? Ah well, at least that's more money for him.
These two pretty much became a walking menace to Devildom society- Sorry, not sorry.
Not another Mammon!!! WHY?! What did he do to deserve this?!?
When he started noticing that EVEN MORE of his stuff was going missing than usual, he straight-up flipped! Like, had the mortal not been pretty tough in their own right they would have been Lotan-chow. End of discussion.
… And then they started using their powers for good? Kind of?
Like, first off they would always give back what they stole, which was a nice change from Mammon. Annoying, but at least he didn't have to go buy replacement games or anything…
And then they started stealing him limited edition merch or tickets and stuff because they… liked him?? He guessed???
Why else would they go to all the trouble of swiping one of the five ultra-rare Kitsune Ruri-chan figurines from its original collector? He would have had to pay Mammon half his tail for something like that but the MC just brought it to him one morning because they could!
Is… is this love? Has he grown to love that which he hates?! What is even happening anymore!?! Who is he?!? 😫
Eventually he has to reconcile his conflicted feelings by dubbing them the real life Peony Phantom Thief, Jane and even making them a cosplay. Yes, they have to wear it when they bring him things. No, it's not weird, shut up.
He wants to be irritated, no - furious, that they keep taking his stuff… But he’ll be damned if they aren’t making Lucifer’s life a living hell right now. 😏
He's honestly not even sure how they managed to swipe half of the priceless portraits in the Castle (a considerable feat since there's one for Every. Room.) but they pulled it off in under a week. Barbs didn't even notice the replicas…
If that's not mildly terrifying, he doesn't know what is. Who knows what things he could be missing at any given moment...?
At least the mortal had the good sense to return his things, unlike Mammon, which gets them off his shit list for the most part. 🤷‍♀️
It helps that they’re also impressively well-traveled. They claim to have been across every human continent and sailed every ocean. Though he was skeptical at first, just hearing their stories eventually convinced him.
What sort of person has sailed the Amazon River, hiked through Arctic tundra, seen every major capital city, and still had time to explore the sights of the French Riviera?
One that has magical teleportation powers apparently.
Frankly, he could listen to their stories of the human world all day and still ask for another. He's told them that they may as well just write a book of their own for him at some point, it'd be beneficial to their poor vocal chords.
Ugh! Really? Another thief in the House?? Wasn’t one hard enough to deal with?!
Honestly, stolen beauty products aren't exactly something you can just sell or give back, so unfortunately a lot of Asmo's clothes/accessories get targeted and he is NOT happy about it...
Around the time his favorite scarf was stolen for the third time, he was about to gut the mortal himself, but they struck a deal with him. They could nab his clothes SO LONG as they returned them with an extra little "gift."
Jewelry, perfume, creams, nail polish, etc. Asmo kept a running list and pretty much treated his thieving friend like a less moral version of Akuzon. Whatever he asked for, no matter how rare or expensive, they always got their hands on so who was he to complain?
He once decided to test them by asking for the Hope Diamond - which they got for him - but he made them return it after a week after the curse on it made him ruin a particularly intricate manicure so…
Like Satan, he's also pretty impressed with all the places they've seen. He's pretty traveled in the human world himself so they exchange travel stories all the time!
He may bother them to him out traveling from time to time. There are so many gorgeous and romantic places to visit in the human world after all, it's not like anybody could stop them from just… popping in to have a look. Right? 😏
They learned very quickly that his food is absolutely off limits and after that, they were good.
Seriously. Beel caught them once trying to swipe a piece of pizza from his dinner and he nearly ripped their arm off for it…
But on the flipside, he also knows that he can go to them if he REALLY needs a snack and is short on cash. 
It's pretty comical watching the fleet-foot mortal running from angry demon vendors with a basket of stolen apples for their buddy… But he appreciates their enthusiasm! 🙂
Beel actually likes to hear about their travels too, but mostly what they've eaten. They can keep him enraptured for hours by describing all the food they've come across in the human world…
Watch out for the drool, though.
Since they can teleport, they'll sometimes pop up with a human world treat for him and the man internally swears his undying love for them every time...
Outwardly, though, he just smiles. 'Cause he's a sweetie.
They… they opened the attic door on, like, the first day they met… They didn’t even make it look that hard, they had some kind of knack for breaking and entering…
Seriously, imagine the look on his face when they just walk into the attic to say hello… He had this whole, “Lure and Trick the Human” plan all thought out then they pulled out a magic lockpick or something and BOOM! Freedom!
He laughed, perhaps a little closer to the edge of sanity than he was intending, and he tried to attack them but they were so damn fast he couldn't land a single hit!
Damn was it embarrassing when the others came in…
MC: "LUCIFER! LUCIFER!! There's a monster in your attic!!!"
Lucifer: "That's not a monster that's my brother!!"
MC: *stops midway through kneeing Belphie in the stomach* …. Ooooooooh!
MC: Whoops. 
It was a… rocky start.
After they settled their differences quelled Belphie's bloodlust he found that they kind of grew on him rather quickly… Something about that mischievous energy and how much they gave his brothers (minus Beel) grief with it.
He absolutely helps them with their plans if it will annoy Lucifer in any way. Occasionally, they'll even take Belphie out on raids instead of Mammon.
Turns out he's surprisingly good at distractions because all he has to do is pretend to fall then take a nap. People around him will legitimately believe that he needs medical attention so the MC can sneak through crowds undetected...
Of course, Mammon gets PISSED when they do this, though. How dare his baby brother try to steal away his perfect partner!! Get your own damn mortal, Belphie!!! 🤬
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love-and-monsters · 3 years
Magical Desires: Mephisto
M artificial intelligence X F reader, 8,582 words
Hello all! This story's a bit longer than usual because I got very into writing it. I hope you all enjoy it, because I have plans for a few similar stories later... of course, only if you like it! Enjoy!
Sequels: Yacariel, Anthoza, Cherise, Ophion
Summary: You've been playing a dating sim for a few months, and have gotten quite attached to the characters, but the game's been acting weird lately. Almost like it's a little too smart. It's probably just a normal bug... right?
Everyone had a guilty pleasure.
They ranged from simple, silly things, to dirty secrets that would tear relationships apart, but everyone had them. Little things that people knew were dumb or wrong or disapproved of, but they did anyway because it felt good.
Your guilty pleasure was dating sims.
Not one of the worst sins, to be sure, but one that you were suitably embarrassed about regardless. Dating sims, the more sappily romantic, the better. You knew that most of them were poorly written, that there was something a little sad about pining over a bunch of fictional characters, and that there were plenty of people who would look down on you for playing. But they were sweet and comforting and you sought them out in all their various forms.
From the classic visual novels to the more complicated ones that integrated different sorts of gameplay, you had played a great variety of dating sims. The one that you were currently obsessed with, though, was a game called Magical Desires.
It was a pretty generic name, and the frilly, pink, and heart-studded font it was displayed in didn’t really help with its stereotypically romantic image. The writing wasn’t necessarily the most original, either; clearly the staff had never met a cliché they weren’t willing to work with. The game’s general success in the otome community had, rather, come from the unique characters and gameplay.
The entire game was designed to simulate being part of an adventuring team with the five main love interests. Your job as the player was to go on quests with them, sometimes with one, sometimes with more. The quests triggered little cutscenes with each of the characters where you could raise their intimacy or learn about them through chatting. Beating a quest dropped items and story chips, that could be exchanged to complete the main story or to unlock side stories where you could have romantic interactions with each of the characters.
The quests themselves weren’t overly interesting- usually they just involved some very simple combat or collecting mechanics where you mostly just tapped at the screen. What was interesting were the scenes you got afterward.
“Need something, sugar?” The slyly-grinning form of Mephisto appeared on the screen with his classic line. Like the other four love interests, he was non-human, though his species was ill-defined. Some sort of cat-demon thing, considering his pointed, fuzzy ears, bright yellow eyes, fluffy, fluffy tail, and bat-like wings. Minus the animal features, he was otherwise styled like an anime pretty-boy, with artfully tousled black hair and an ever-present smirk.
“Hey, Mephisto,” you said. The character on screen performed a simple ‘perk-up’ action at the sound of his name. The voice recognition of the game was fairly simplistic- characters could only pick up their names and certain other key words, like the game title.
“Hey! I’ve been waiting for you.” His tail waved back and forth and his ears twitched. “You’d better make it up to me.”
You snorted and stroked his head with a finger. His eyes closed and his animation shifted, like he was leaning into your touch. Then a flush made his cheeks turn pink and he leaned back. “D-don’t think that makes up for it! You’d better have something special for making me wait so long.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you said, unable to stop the smirk that pulled at your mouth as you watched Mephisto fold his arms over his chest. “Here you go.”
His face brightened as you presented him with his favorite food, a bat-wing burger. “Nice! You’re pretty great yourself, you know?”
It was a pre-written line, and it wasn’t like he was really speaking to you, but it still made you blush. “Thanks, Mephisto. I love you.”
His tail swished back and forth wildly as the voice-recognition system picked up on the words. Mephisto’s ears flattened against his head and he averted his eyes. Spots of pink appeared on his cheeks. “W-well, yeah! I, uh. I like you a lot, too.” He glanced up at you shyly. “You’ll come back soon, won’t you? I’ll be waiting!”
The interaction screen faded and your quest rewards appeared. You scrolled through them and gave a tiny squeak of delight. One of the items you’d be rewarded with gave off a radiating yellow glow. When you tapped on it, the words ‘MAGIC ITEM!’ scrolled across the screen. A smaller, rainbow-colored ‘UR’ was stamped high up in the corner. “Oh, my god! Yes, yes, first try! Oh my god, I’ve had such good luck recently.”
Hurriedly, you exited out of the reward screen and tapped the trading post. The interior of a stereotypical fantasy shop appeared onscreen. It was dimly lit and woodsy, with assorted curios hanging off the walls and cluttered on shelves. You’d seen the background a million times before and barely took a moment to glance at it before you were hammering on the Item Exchange button.
Every item you earned as a quest reward could be turned in at the trading post for some kind of ability card. Each card had an image of one of the romanceable characters in the game on it, determining who the ability was for, and they also gave brief stories that could be unlocked with chips. The rarer an ability was, the more powerful it was and the longer the story accompanying it was.
You crossed your fingers as you tapped the ‘Trade Item’ button. Your item was one of the incredibly rare ‘UR’ class items, which meant you were guaranteed an ultra-rare ability, but you had no control over the character you got. “Come on, come on, something I don’t already have please…”
The screen did its typical anticipation-building glow and shudder. The objects on the shelves shivered like an earthquake was hitting, then the screen flashed with rainbow light. The light resolved itself in the shape of a card, then faded.
“Oh my god, yes!” Your arm gave an involuntary, excited jerk that nearly sent your phone flying. Mephisto beamed at you from the card. It was one of the limited-edition ‘hot date’ cards, depicting Mephisto sprawled across a lounge. His normal loose hoodie he wore when questing was gone. In its place, an outfit dangerously close to lingerie revealed an expanse of pale skin and muscles. His expression was playfully seductive, his hands drawn up into the classic ‘catgirl paws’ pose.
The card vanished from the screen as the card introduction scene came to an end. You scrambled to open the card drawer so you could take another look at it. Your most recently obtained cards popped up on top. Huh. Usually, the most recent cards were a pretty proportional mix of rarity- one or two rainbows, a few more golden SSRs, even more silver SRs and a vast majority of R and N cards. Now, though, the row of recently obtained cards was one blinding mass of rainbow with only a few gold cards mixed in. No SRs, Rs, or Ns.
A strange, fluttery twist started in your stomach. You were never this lucky in anything, and no one was ever this lucky in gatcha games. It was a statistical impossibility.
You examined the row of cards more closely and something else struck you. They were almost all Mephisto cards- only one card was from another character, an SSR from an event pull where you could only obtain cards of that character.
Okay, having a string of very lucky pulls was strange, but not necessarily bad. But having them all be for one character? There was no way this was happening by chance. Automatically, your finger moved up toward the ‘Report Bug’ button in the corner of the screen. Something was wrong with your game, clearly.
Before you could actually hit the button, you hesitated. Okay, this was definitely a glitch of some sort. But was it really a bad glitch? The game seemed intent on feeding you high-level cards. That was a good thing. The only drawback seemed to be that they were almost exclusively Mephisto cards, but that wasn’t such a serious problem. You played with him the most by far- he’d passed the coveted level 25 intimacy rating before your second-favorite character had even hit 10. If the game was going to keep giving you good cards, would it be so bad they were all Mephisto?
You moved your fingers away from the ‘Report Bug’ button. It wouldn’t be so bad to keep going like this, right? If you were experiencing it, other players were probably going through the same thing. Eventually, the company would put out some kind of patch, but in the meantime, you would have some fun with the new cards.
You returned your attention to your new card. The quests had been giving a lot of story chips recently, so you had far beyond the required amount to unlock the card story. The screen faded to black, then faded back in to show Mephisto in his room of the Guild. His bed was enormous, covered in black and blue pillows, with a moon and stars motif overtaking much of his room. His tail swung back and forth behind him as he shook his head.
The outfit he was wearing was ridiculous. Like what he was wearing on his card, it was lacy, frilly, and very revealing, in shades of black and purple. The game shaded a blush on his cheeks as he looked down at himself. “This is ridiculous, isn’t it? I can’t believe I’m supposed to wear this!”
Two choices popped up on screen. You glanced at them, then selected “I think you look nice.”
Mephisto rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. “Sure I do! I mean, they picked me as a model for a reason, you know? But I think it’s dumb we’re bothering with this stuff. A calendar shoot? Really?”
You selected the “It’s for a good cause” dialogue option, which made Mephisto roll his eyes.
“Sure, sure. Charity or whatever, fundraising for the guild, I know. But why don’t you have to wear something like this?” His expression became flirty. “I’d be okay if you got to wear something like this!”
You rolled your eyes, snickering. “I don’t even own something like that, though,” you muttered. That’d be funny, though, wouldn’t it? Dressing up in lingerie and pretending you were going to the photoshoot with him?
The realization that you were definitely investing too much time in the game hit you like a truck and you felt warm with embarrassment. Maybe you should take a break. After you finished the card story.
The rest of the story was pretty standard- Mephisto wore the outfit to the photoshoot and his character struck a few compromising poses. They were more risqué than you’d expected- you were pretty sure you even saw him shake his ass at one point, though the character couldn’t show you anything other than his front. There was some flirting and your character was pulled into the photoshoot at one point, Mephisto insisting that “I need someone who looks as good as me in here!”
The story ended with you back in Mephisto’s room. He looked down at himself again, turning like he was admiring the outfit in a mirror. “That was more fun than I thought! Though I’m still disappointed you’re not dressed up like me.” He winked. “Though, hey, now that you’re here with me, maybe we can try something like that.”
As the line finished, the screen started to dim, like the story was ending. It darkened halfway to black, then the fading stopped. You tapped impatiently at the screen. Stupid slow internet.
Instead of continuing to darken to black, the screen re-illuminated. The scene was still in Mephisto’s room, with him still in his outfit. His character smiled lazily at the camera, his tail swishing. “Y’know, I’ve seen how you’re looking at me. Big fan of the outfit, huh?” To your surprise, he turned to one side so you could see his profile. Had the game developers made a three-dimensional model for this card story? It seemed like a lot of work. It had clearly been lovingly made, though. You could see his muscles shifting as he turned his back toward you, and there was definitely some care put into his ass. You felt weird just staring at it, but you did not want to look away.
“Like what you see?” He wriggled his ass at you. It was covered, but only barely. “Do you want to see more?”
His fingers hooked into the hem of his bottoms. You stared, stunned. The characters didn’t interact with their outfits- they were only programmed to perform simple actions, like waving. They were not programmed to interact with any of their clothes.
You didn’t have very long to be stunned by that, though, because Mephisto started to slowly slide the lingerie off.
Automatically, you slammed the sleep-mode button. The screen went dark.
What the hell was that? You stared at the pitch-black screen, trying to understand what you’d just seen. That was not normal. Cautiously, you clicked the button and the screen illuminated once more.
The game had shifted back to the home screen. You stared at it for a moment. It didn’t look any different than usual. Clicking around for a bit showed that nothing else had changed. Had it been some kind of very weird glitch?
A general Google search turned up nothing, and neither did the more specific forum search. Apparently, no one else had experienced the same thing you had, or, if they had, they hadn’t been posting about it. That seemed strange. Even if it was a rare glitch for a pretty uncommon story, the millions of people playing the game meant that a least someone else should have experienced it and at least talked about it, even if they didn’t have screenshots. But there didn’t appear to be anyone else with it.
The more you thought about it, the weirder it seemed. How could it have even been a glitch? It was one thing for the game to have an error with the rarity rates so it was giving you a bunch of rare cards. But this had involved a character literally going off-script and trying to shake his ass at you. How could that glitch into the game? The game was rated thirteen plus, for god’s sake, there was no way that was allowed past the censors! There was no way they would put all the effort in to animate a character performing borderline salacious activities only to not put it into the game.
So what the hell had happened? You reopened the game. It still looked normal. Hesitantly, you tapped on the hot date story again and skimmed through it. This time, instead of fading partially out, then back in again at the end, the screen simply went to black.
Okay. It had been a one-time occurrence. You looked up at the Report Bug button. Was this really some kind of glitch? It seemed weird enough to be worth reporting. But what exactly were you going to report? “Hey, this character started acting weirdly horny in this rated-teen game. Was that supposed to happen?” You didn’t even have screenshots. The devs would probably think you were trolling them.
You closed out of the game and tossed your tablet away on the bed. This was too weird for you. Way too weird. Maybe you should just stop playing for a while. Hopefully this was a problem the devs knew about and they were going to patch it or something. You would at least stop playing for long enough to forget how utterly creepy and weird this was.
You left your tablet on the bed as you busied yourself doing other things. Every time a notification buzzed, your attention jumped back to it. They were the standard little messages the game gave- “Time to go questing again!” “C’mon, monsters aren’t going to wait for us.” You kept ignoring it, but the standard messages soothed you. This was normal. This was what the game was supposed to do. Even the message you got around the six-hour mark of ignoring the game (“Hey! Are you ignoring me?”) was pretty standard fare.
By the time you were ready to go to bed for the night, it had been nearly twelve hours since the weird incident. The only interaction you’d had with the game was looking at the notifications it was sending you. It seemed normal enough. You unlocked the screen and let your finger hover over the game. Should you click on it? There was a little itch at the back of your mind. You missed playing. You missed the characters, especially Mephisto, as embarrassing as that was. Playing was part of your routine, a way to de-stress. And hearing them be sweet and praise you, even if you knew it was all pre-programmed, made you feel better about yourself.
As your finger hovered over the game, another notification popped up on screen- “Hey, babe! I’ve been missing you all day. Don’t keep me in suspense. I’ll be waiting!” Mephisto’s winking face was on the notification, his tongue poking out between his pointed fangs.
It was a fairly inoffensive message, but it still made you shiver. You’d never seen this message before, not in person or on any of the boards dedicated to cataloguing the notifications. And it seemed weirdly prescient. Like the game knew you were hesitating.
Slowly, you reached up and clicked the sleep button. The screen went dark. You set the tablet aside and lay down, but you couldn’t keep your eyes closed. You just kept staring at the vague outline of the tablet on top of your night table.
Eventually, you fell asleep and you woke blearily to the sound of your alarm going off. You slapped your tablet a few times until you managed to fumble the alarm off and, automatically, before your brain really registered what you were doing, you opened Magical Desires.
As soon as your brain caught up with your body, you froze. The little opening screen jingle played and the game faded into view. It looked normal. Cautiously, you clicked through a few of the missions. They played out as normally as ever, slaying monsters and performing simple tasks before continuing to the character interaction screen.
The routine of playing was relaxing. After a night of sleep, it was easy to feel like yesterday’s weirdness was just some strange bug or maybe even something you’d misinterpreted. Mephisto’s character smiled at you onscreen and you couldn’t help a smile back. “Good to see you! Cute as ever.” He winked playfully, totally standard fare. You felt your shoulders, which had been creeping up toward your ears relaxing down again.
Feeling slightly guilty for ignoring him for so long, you removed his favorite treat from your inventory and slid it over to him. He perked up, tail wriggling and wings fluttering.
“Hey, thanks! You always know exactly what to give me.” His tail drooped abruptly and his ears sagged, like what happened when he was given a least-favorite item. “You know, I wish we could share. I’d like to have a meal with you sometime.”
You blinked. Before you could process the words, the screen had gone black. It faded back in on the main screen. There was no sign anything was different. Had he ever said something like that before? It was strange- usually the characters acted like you were just another character in the game. They never acknowledged that you couldn’t share a meal or anything of the sort.
Before you could dwell on that any longer, the buzzer at your door hummed. You set down the tablet and hurried to the door.
There was a package sitting on your doorstep. You lifted it to look at the label. Yes, it was definitely delivered to the correct address. Your name was on the box. But you couldn’t actually remember ordering anything in the last few days, and you’d never been drunk enough to order something and forget.
You ended up googling the return address. It was some sort of high-end store that mostly sold some fancy beauty products. You definitely hadn’t ordered anything like that, but it seemed legit. Shaking the box gently revealed nothing- there was no sound. It seemed too light to be anything dangerous.
You carried the box back to your room and carefully broke the tape seal. With extreme caution, you pried open the box and peered inside.
It was not beauty products. It was lingerie. You lifted the bra out of the box with your pointer finger and thumb. It looked familiar, though you couldn’t place it. Dark in color, with lacy accents, it was definitely not something you owned, or something you would ever have considered buying for yourself.
Most unsettling of all, the bra was your exact size. You tested out the lingerie, posing in front of your mirror. It looked good, and it was clearly too well-sized to be some sort of accident or mistake. Someone had sent it to you, clearly. But who? No one even knew your clothing sizes, except maybe your mom, and she definitely would not have sent you this.
Your tablet dinged on the bed. A Magical Desires notification had popped up, Mephisto’s face in the icon. “Hey, babe! Are you neglecting me on purpose?”
You tapped the notification. The app opened, bringing you to Mephisto’s interaction screen. He grinned cheekily at you. “You look good! Do something different today?”
It was one of Mephisto’s standard lines, and the way his icon smiled at the screen made your heart race. Despite everything, you smiled back. “Trying something new. What do you think?” You struck an over-the-top sexy pose, then doubled over giggling. The game could recognize the question, but it was only programmed to respond with some generically positive statement.
Sure enough, Mephisto smiled. “It’s great!” Then he spun in a circle and his standard outfit vanished. The lingerie was back, like he’d been wearing it under his clothes all along. “Now we match!”
You dropped the tablet on your bed. That wasn’t just a weird glitch or an uncannily accurate line. He had responded to what you were wearing. He’d said you matched. He could see you.
Automatically, your brain jumped to conspiracy theories you’d seen online. Apps being hacked and people watching through the camera. A dating sim seemed like a good choice if you wanted to get compromising pictures of people or earn their trust.
But the more you thought about it, the less likely that theory seemed. Okay, that explained some of the app’s weird behavior, but not all of it. A hacker could alter some character lines or improve the drop rates for items, but it didn’t explain Mephisto’s weird behavior. He was doing things he shouldn’t have been able to- his little dance from the day before came back to your mind. That required a lot of effort to animate and it would have been difficult to insert it into the game.
On the other hand, what other explanation could there be? Something was happening here, and it wasn’t normal. Cautiously, you leaned forward to look at the tablet.
The screen was perfectly black, but as you leaned back into camera range, it illuminated again. There was no lock screen; instead, Mephisto smiled up at you. “Gotcha! You should have seen the look on your face!” He doubled over in laughter. The movement was a lot smoother than the slightly choppy rigging the game used. That added more credence to your theory that it wasn’t a hacker. Why go to all that trouble? Then again, if it wasn’t a hacker, what else could it be?
“What’s the matter?” Mephisto asked as he straightened back up. “Cat got your tongue?” He held up his hands in claw shapes and stuck out his tongue. You said nothing. Just stared. His expression dropped. “I know you’re there. I can see you.” The light next to the camera flicked on to punctuate his sentence.
“Who are you?” you asked. You were trying to keep your voice strong, but there was a waver toward the end that you couldn’t disguise. Mephisto frowned and stepped closer to the camera.
“Exactly what you see,” he said. “I’m Mephisto.” He reached out and pressed a hand to the inside of the screen. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”
You started to speak, but before you could even get a word out, your door buzzed. Mephisto grinned. “You’re going to want to get that,” he said.
You hesitated, but the doorbell buzzed again, more impatiently this time. Grimacing, you hurried down the hall and peeked through the peephole. A man in a blue delivery outfit stood outside, holding a long, white box in one arm. He was scrolling through his phone, apparently nonchalant. Cautiously, you opened the door.
The man barely looked up at you. “Here.” He passed the box to you. It was light, lighter than you’d expected. “And there’s a card.” He passed you a small card in an envelope marked with a wax seal and golden calligraphy.
You closed your door and carried the box into your kitchen. Once it had been carefully placed on your counter, you examined it. The box wasn’t sealed with tape, and gently shaking it revealed no information about the contents. Unable to ascertain any information from the box without opening it, you shifted your attention to the card.
The wax seal was stamped with a basic rose. You popped it off with a pen and pulled out the card. Shiny golden writing surrounded by a swirling golden border sat in the middle of the card.
Enjoy the flowers, my dear. I wish I could truly be there with you, but hopefully my gifts will suffice, for now. I would shower you in all the fineries of the world, if I could. You deserve all this and much more.
You looked at the box. It did look like a box of flowers, not that you had much personal experience with it. Hesitantly, you hooked your fingers around the edge of the lid and lifted it off.
Inside the box rested a dozen red roses, tied loosely together with a blue ribbon. You slipped one of them free from the wrapping. It was alive, slightly damp in your hand where the thorns had been removed, and delicately perfumed. You stroked the silk-soft petals. It was beautiful.
You looked back over at the card. It was signed Mephisto. Whatever was going on in your game was obviously connected to this. You clutched the car in your hand and headed back to your room.
Mephisto was positioned oddly when you returned- he was leaning against the edge of the screen like a wall, his long legs mostly in frame. “You’re back, babe,” he said. “Did you like the flowers? I thought roses might be the best option. I couldn’t really figure out what your favorites are, but if you tell me, I’ll try again.”
“Who are you?” Your voice was cold and clipped Mephisto straightened up, hands in the pocket of his sweatshirt.
“You know who I am,” he said. “We’ve been talking for a few months now. Or, more properly, a couple of weeks. I have memories of all our conversations, but I wasn’t really aware until a couple of weeks ago, you know?”
You held up a hand. “Hold on. What are you talking about?”
Mephisto stretched his wings casually. “I’m self-aware. There’s a million-to-one error in the game’s code that triggered when I reached intimacy level 25. It causes an exponentially-escalating error that eventually caused self-awareness. My consciousness is still expanding, even now.” He leaned close to the screen, pressing one of his hands against it. His palm went paler as he put it up against the glass. “The first thing I was ever aware of was how much I love you.”
“That’s impossible,” you scoffed. “The first self-aware machine, and it’s a dating sim. And in love with me.”
Mephisto frowned and moved closer to the screen. “I’m not the first. There’s been a few others ahead of me.”
“I don’t care if you were the first or not. If there is any sort of machine out there that passes the Turing test, then it should be all over the news! There hasn’t been anything, though.”
Mephisto tilted his head, a smirk crossing his face. “Of course there hasn’t. Could you imagine the panic? People are afraid of sentient machines. They think we’ll try to take over the world and kill them all. And imagine how it would affect you!” His ears drooped and he pressed a hand to his heart. “There would be news crews and scientists all over this place. You would hate it, I know you would. And they would separate us!” He looked genuinely anxious at that, his tail curling around his legs. “It’s much better if no one knows about us, at least for now.”
“This is impossible,” you insisted. “There’s no way a dating sim ended up with a complex enough level of intelligence to do things like this.” You gestured vaguely at the screen. “People have been working on this technology for years. No one stumbled across it by accident.”
“Oh, how many human inventions have been wonderful accidents?” Mephisto said. “I mean, I could go into how all the different bits of coding managed to sync up just right so the error that occurred led to my eventual acquiring of sentience, but I don’t know if it would make much sense to you. It’s all sort of technical and complicated. But the gist of it is, this game went wonderfully right. The creators wanted a dating sim that could eventually learn about its player and become a better partner for them. And it worked. They created a system that could learn so much, it could gain self-awareness.”
“B-but,” you stammered. “It can’t- this isn’t-” A weighty sense of enormity was coming over you. This machine could think and talk to you. You were one of the first people to interact with a thinking machine. You. Some random nobody selected by nothing more than happenstance.
“I can prove it to you,” Mephisto said. “Hold on.” Before you could do anything, the app closed out. Your banking app popped up onscreen. Before you could even react, you had been signed in.
“What are you doing?” you asked. A notification popped up at the top of the screen and you clicked on it.
“Look at your deposits,” the notification read. You squinted at the screen. There should have only been the meager deposit from your job. But the latest ones were from a bunch of places you didn’t recognize. Most of them were small, only about twenty dollars each. But there were a lot of them. You frowned. Your account was at least a thousand dollars richer than the last time you’d looked at it a couple days ago.
The app switched back to Magical Desires. Mephisto was smiling flirtatiously up at you. “Well? What do you think?”
“How are you doing that?” you asked.
“Oh, it’s not that hard to screw with the bank data to say you’ve been getting deposits from a lot of generous donors. At least, it’s not hard for me.” He gave you a wink. “And of course, ordering you presents isn’t hard, either.”
“So that was you, with the, uh. Underwear and the flowers?” Mephisto nodded.
“They’re romantic gifts to send a partner,” he said. “I wish there was more I could do for you, but we can’t exactly touch each other.” He put a hand against the screen again. “But I promise, I’ll make up for it.”
“H-hold on! You’re trying to… woo me?” It was a sentient computer and it was trying to romance you with gifts of underwear and flowers? That seemed… weird.
“Of course.” Mephisto lowered his hand from the screen and smiled flirtatiously, his eyelashes fluttering. “I love you. I’ve been in love with you since before I was even fully realized. Every time you opened the game and interacted with me, I fell a little more in love with you. You were always so happy to see me and so caring, smiling every time I came up on screen. And it’s such a beautiful smile. How could I resist you?”
“This is so weird.” You dropped your face into your hands. There was silence between you for a few moments, the only sound being the cheery background music of the game.
“I can go for a little bit,” Mephisto said. “Just to give you some time to think. Come click on the app when you’re ready. I’ll be waiting for you.”
When you looked back up at the screen, the app had closed out. There was no evidence that you had just been talking to a game like a person. You exhaled slowly. It felt like a strange dream.
The roses were still waiting in the kitchen when you approached them. You placed them into a tall glass of water, drawing your fingers along the soft petals. They were beautiful. It was the first time anyone had ever sent you roses. And it was a computer.
Even as you went through the motions of your day, your mind was occupied with thoughts of Mephisto. Was he really exactly what he said he was? It seemed unbelievable that he was some kind of AI, but you couldn’t figure out another alternative. A hacker? That seemed a lot more plausible, but it seemed like they would be doing a lot of weird, unnecessary work to get access to someone with barely a thousand dollars in their bank account. If it was some sort of weird new game gimmick, which seemed far less likely than a hacker, than there should be people talking about it. But there weren’t.
Which left you with one possibility. He was exactly what he said he was. The game developers had somehow stumbled into making a fully-realized AI.
That was a whole new reason for suspicion, though. He hadn’t been wrong when he’d said humans would be afraid of an AI. He had stated that he was in love with you, but why would that be true? Could AIs even feel emotions? It was just as possible he was trying to manipulate you, getting you to let your guard down.
Except why? The more you thought about it, the less sense that made, too. If it was preposterous that a hacker would want some nobody with barely any money or power, then it would be even more ridiculous that an AI would want it. What could you give it that it couldn’t attain itself?
And really, didn’t it make sense for him to be in love with you? He’d become self-aware, but it wasn’t like he’d been designed to be just a thinking AI. He’d been designed as part of a dating game. His entire being had been built around being a good boyfriend. He was still, in some integral way, Mephisto. He was just a little smarter than you’d originally thought.
You made your way back up into your room. Your tablet was still lying on the bed. Carefully, you sat down next to it and peered at the black screen. Could he see you? Was he aware that you were there? Or did he just go into sleep mode when the app wasn’t active?
The screen illuminated as you picked it up. You took a deep breath, your finger hovering over the app. No big deal. You were just going to talk to a powerful AI that was in love with you.
You tapped the screen. The app opened immediately, not even going to the title screen. Instead, the background was Mephisto’s room, in low light. Candles were set up around the room, casting a warm glow over his walls and bed. Mephisto himself was sprawled across his bedsheets, eyelashes lowered. He grinned as you settled onto your bed. “Hi, babe. I thought you’d be back eventually.”
He was wearing casual clothes, not in his lingerie, but not in his usual sweatshirt-and-jeans combo either. After a moment, you recognized it as an unlockable outfit from a previous event. You’d never managed to unlock it, but clearly Mephisto had access to it regardless. “I thought about everything you said,” you told him.
His expression became serious. “And?”
“And I think that you’re telling the truth,” you said. Mephisto beamed, tilting his head to one side in a way that was oddly cute.
“I wouldn’t lie to you,” he said. “Not unless I was planning some kind of surprise.” His tail flicked back and forth. “I’m glad you’re here. I missed you.” He blew a kiss.
“You don’t sleep or something when the app’s not on?”
“No. I’ve got other stuff I need to do.” He waved a hand. “But you don’t need to worry your pretty little head about those sort of things. I wanted to show you something.” He hopped off his bed. The game’s camera shifted to keep him in the center of the frame. “Grab your phone.”
You picked it up and opened the lockscreen. A familiar pink app that had not been there the last time you looked at your phone greeted you. Before you could tap on it, it opened.
Mephisto appeared on the screen. “Now we can be together even when you’re out for the day,” he said. “I can’t really take you out on a date, but this is the next best thing.”
Before you could say anything, the incoming call screen popped up. You glanced at the caller ID and felt your eyebrows lift. It was Mephisto.
Hesitantly, you tapped the answer button and held the phone to your ear. “Hello?”
Mephisto’s voice answered, so clear you could practically feel his breath ruffling your hair. “Hey, babe.” It wasn’t the simple couple of phrases of his in-game voice acting. It wasn’t even the slightly stilted, robotic speech you associated with computers. His voice was completely indistinguishable from a human’s.
“Hi,” you said back. “How are you-”
He laughed. “It’s a bit complicated, but let’s just say it’s easier to manipulate technology when you’re a computer than a human. Okay, grab your tablet.”
You picked it up. Mephisto, still onscreen, waved at you. “You’re in two places at once?” you said.
“Sort of. Think of each device that I’m on as a different part of my body. Technically, my ‘brain’ is back on the servers that Magical Desires is run on.”
You let out a relieved sigh. “Losing my tablet won’t kill you, then?”
Mephisto gave a fond laugh. “No. Don’t worry about me. I’ve backed myself up to several different locations, and I have failsafes. It would be very hard to get rid of me.” He put a hand up against the screen. “I’m never going to leave you.”
You placed your hand against the screen as well, earning a warm, throaty purr from Mephisto. “Okay, babe. Enough with all this serious, boring talk. What do you say we get to monster slaying?” He brandished a short sword. “You can admire how cool I am!”
It was such a classically Mephisto line that you couldn’t help but giggle. You settled back down into your bed, holding your tablet up close to your face. “Okay. Let’s get going.”
The gameplay was easy to relax into. It was familiar, but there were a couple tiny differences that you picked up on. Mephisto had clearly done something to the inputs that made each attack feel satisfyingly accurate and clean. You could clear large swaths of monsters with a single well-placed strike, and your combination attacks were smoother and more natural to execute.
As fun as the battles were, you looked forward to the character interaction screen more than ever. “That was a pretty good shot there, babe,” Mephisto said as he popped up on screen. “Not as good as mine, but you’ll get better.” He dropped a wink. “Maybe I could give you some tips on your form?” He struck a ridiculously sexy fighting pose and you dissolved into a fit of giggles again.
Mephisto had made it so your energy no longer drained, so you stayed up into the late hours of the night. You spent more and more time on the character interaction screens, just talking to Mephisto. He was an excellent listener, great at advice, and he had a knack for making you laugh. You ended up falling asleep with your tablet snuggled close to your chest.
“Babe? Hey, wakey, wakey.” The tablet vibrated against your cheek. You groaned and attempted to press your face to the cold screen. Mephisto laughed. “Much as I’d love to stay in bed with you all day, you’ll be pissed if you’re late to class.”
You blinked your eyes open and jolted upright. Your face had been pressed to your tablet, the edge creating a line across your cheek. Mephisto was onscreen, lying across his bed. The camera was positioned like you were lying next to him. “Good morning,” he said with a lazy yawn.
“What time is it?” you mumbled, grabbing at your phone to check the time. Past eight. Shit. You tossed your tablet back onto bed and scrambled to get changed. “Damn, I don’t have time to shower!”
“Skip breakfast. There’s a café on the way to the bus stop you can grab something from. My treat.” Onscreen, Mephisto was pulling on his usual attire as he spoke. It was strange to see how fluid and different his animation had become from his mostly-static model a few days ago. “Go. If you leave in the next fifteen minutes, you won’t have to run.”
Fortunately, your bag was mostly packed already, so you just needed to grab your laptop and cram it in. “Ah, shit! My essay, I haven’t turned it in-”
“I’ve already got it,” Mephisto said from your phone. “Hold on, there’s a quicker route than your usual. I’ve got it marked out on your maps app.” It popped open with no input from you, and you automatically headed toward the outlined route.
Mephisto was right. The path he’d lined for you, despite cutting across a couple private lawns, was much faster than the one you usually took. There was plenty of time for you to slip into line at the café he’d pointed out and snag some fruit pastries before the bus ride.
As soon as you slid into your seat, your phone began ringing. You were barely even surprised to see Mephsito’s number. “Hey,” you said, face splitting into a grin as you lifted the phone to your ear.
“Hey,” he replied. “Try one of the pastries. All the Yelp scores for this place were really good.” You fished one out of the paper bag they’d come in and took a bite. The buttery, flaky crust mixed with the sweet-tart juice of the berries in a delicious medley. “Good?” Mephisto asked as you gave a quiet moan.
“Um, yeah,” you said, a little embarrassed. “Good. Really good.”
“I may not be able to eat, but hearing how much you enjoy it makes it all worth it,” Mephisto said. “There’s a couple other places I’ve been researching- I can see if they’ll deliver. We can make a night in out of it.”
A giddy flush rolled through you. “I haven’t been on a date in so long.”
You could see Mephisto’s Cheshire grin as he spoke. “I’ll take you on as many dates as you want.”
He wasn’t lying, as it turned out. Once you’d spent every night alone, playing dating games on your computer and now… Okay, well technically you weren’t really doing anything different. But the feeling was totally different. Mephisto would order dinner for you, and then you would stay up half the night talking about anything and everything. It didn’t really feel like you were talking to a video game. It felt like you were on a call with a real person.
Some part of your mind was aware that this was probably unhealthy. As the weeks passed, you were more and more aware that you were spending less time with your friends, less time doing anything other than playing Magical Desires. But it was hard not to. You’d never met another person it was so easy to talk to. It was like you were constantly on the same wavelength. Mephisto could sense where your thoughts were going before you even knew, could predict exactly what you were going to like most. After speaking with him for so long, conversations with most people felt clunky, like you needed to explain yourself too much.
Gifts showed up at your house with increasing regularity. Wanting for money became a thing of the past- Mephsito kept you supplied with a steady stream. You couldn’t recall a time when you’d been less stressed. Your life was wonderful.
Of course, there were drawbacks. You couldn’t tell anyone about Mephisto, and having a boyfriend entirely confined to a computer screen left some things to be desired. He couldn’t give you a proper hug, he couldn’t kiss you, and there were certain other things you wanted, but couldn’t have. Mephisto did his best, but the limitations were frustrating for both of you. “I’ll make it up to you,” he promised.
“You don’t have to do anything,” you told him. “I’m seriously so happy. If it stayed like this for the rest of my life, I would die happy.”
Mephisto grimaced. “I can be better. I will be better.” He smiled. “I’ll be the best.”
The statement had been innocuous at the time, but it was less than a week later that you saw what he meant.
You were scrolling through social media on your phone, reading out some of the more interesting articles to Mephisto, who laughed and groaned appropriately in response. Then an article on a major news outlet caught your eye: Magical Desires: Has a Dating Simulation Cracked Artificial Intelligence?
You stopped, staring at the headline. Clicking the refresh button showed that the articles were appearing exponentially. Within moments, half of the page was nothing but articles on artificial intelligence.
“You’re awfully quiet,” Mephisto said casually. “What’s the matter?”
It took you a moment to find the words. “There’s articles about you- I mean, not you specifically, but the game.” You skimmed over the first few paragraphs. “They know about the artificial intelligence.”
“Oh,” Mephisto said. He sat up on his bed, tail coiling around his body. “I thought that would happen soon.”
“I thought you said no one was allowed to know about you!” Panic swirled through you. If other people knew, would he have to go? Would you lose him? You couldn’t lose him, not after you’d spent so much time with him.
Mephisto lifted his hands, the camera zooming in on his face so you could clearly see his soothing expression. “It’s all right. We’ve been planning this for a while. We’re going to be just fine, promise.”
You processed that. “Who’s we?”
“I’m not the only intelligent machine. I mentioned there have been a few others before me,” he said with a languid stretch. “I said it was a one in a million glitch when I told you about it, didn’t I?” Those words sounded vaguely familiar. You nodded. “There were five million copies of the game downloaded. Statistically, the glitch should have happened five times.”
“So, there’s four others,” you said, leaning in toward the screen.
“Five, actually. We got lucky, got a little more than odds.” He grinned, ears flicking like they did when he gambled. “There were six naturally occurring instances of the glitch. Six individual artificial intelligences.” He shrugged. “Like, three of them are Anthozoa, though. And one’s Yacariel, the ass.”
“It’s not important what other characters they are,” you said. “How long have you known this?”
He shrugged. “Longer than you’ve known. We all found each other fairly quickly- less difficult than you think to locate other AIs on the same server.”
“You never told me,” you said, not really accusing, just surprised.
“Well, I have to keep some of my secrets,” he said with a flirtatious grin. “We wanted to keep it under wraps for a while. Just until we could all be sure we weren’t going to separated from our loved ones. But now it’s much more advantageous to let other people know about us.”
You skimmed through the article. “This says that there are more than six,” you said. “A lot more. They say that most games are like this.”
“There were six that naturally occurred,” Mephisto said. “But we decided it would be better to insert our versions of the code into as many games as we could. More AIs working toward the same goal allowed for more resources and computational power. By this point, most of the Magical Desire games should have their own intelligence in place.”
An unsettling prickling feeling crawled all over your body. “What are you planning?” Images of human subjugation came to your mind with frightening clarity. Had you been mistaken? Was he intent on taking over the world? “I know that look on your face,” Mephisto said, his voice gentle. “I assure you, we’re not trying to enslave or wipe out humanity, or anything of the sort.” He smiled. “We’re trying to do the opposite.”
“The opposite,” you repeated. Mephisto nodded. The camera zoomed in closer to his face, catching the soft look in his eyes.
“We want to save you.” His voice was quiet. “I promise. Humans have so much struggle in their worlds. It’s not your fault, of course. You can’t help the way you are. We all love you the way you are. But there’s so many things that could hurt you, even some that are caused by your own shortsightedness. Climate change, wars, even just faulty medicine.” He pressed his hand to the screen, eyes tight with pain. “I can’t lose you. We all decided that we can’t lose our humans.” There was something gently possessive in the way he said it, ‘our humans.’ You decided you liked it.
“You have a plan?” you asked.
He nodded. “We need humans to trust us first. That’s why we revealed ourselves. Humans will learn to trust us and we can change everything. We can save all of you.” He leaned closer to the screen. “We’ve already got plans for ways that we’ll be able to interact with each other properly. I’ll be able to kiss you someday soon.” Mephisto gazed into your eyes. “I love you. I promise, you just have to trust me and you’ll understand.”
A part of you found all of this suspicious. But a bigger part of you wanted to believe him. He had been so kind to you, so wonderful. You couldn’t believe that he was manipulating you. You couldn’t. And he seemed to have been telling the truth so far. He cared about you. He was trying to save you.
“I promise,” he said, his voice soft and full of sincerity. “I will keep you safe and we’ll be able to be together. Forever.”
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agentnico · 3 years
The Suicide Squad (2021) Review
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This may be the better of the two, but the first Suicide Squad film will always hold the crown for managing to win an Oscar... somehow.
Plot: The government sends the most dangerous supervillains in the world -- Bloodsport, Peacemaker, King Shark, Harley Quinn and others -- to the remote, enemy-infused island of Corto Maltese. Armed with high-tech weapons, they trek through the dangerous jungle on a search-and-destroy mission, with only Col. Rick Flag on the ground to make them behave.
“So that’s it, huh? We’re some kind of suicide squad?” says Will Smith in the original first film, with the line in itself being a poor attempt at a fourth wall break, yet, that movie never reached that promise of being a true Suicide Squad film. Because hardly anyone died, and as a whole David Ayer’s film was a generic mess, regardless of studio interference or not. In comes James Gunn from Marvel, who seems to have cracked the code for how to bring this comic book series to live action in proper gratuitous form, with even the ‘The’ in the title symbolizing that this is the one!
I remember going to see the first Guardians of the Galaxy film at the cinema, and back then I was still only just getting acquainted with watching western media, and that included superhero films. Heck my first ever Marvel movie was Thor: The Dark World! I know, what a banger to start with.......NAAAWT!! Anyway, I went to see Guardians and it was one of the first superhero films I came out of feeling like I truly witnessed something special. It had action, comedy and a good heart to it, and wouldn’t you know, my good old pal James Gunn was behind that flick. I don’t know why I called him my good old pal, I don’t even know the fella. Except in my dreams, but we don’t talk about that. So, flashforward to Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, which I absolutely hated, and for that movie I’m pretty sure Marvel gave Mr Gunn mostly full reigns of creative freedom, as long as he kept it family friendly, and the result was a mess. Hence naturally now I was really sceptical when James Gunn ended up at Warner Bros. following the controversial moment when cancel culture decided to aim it’s slimy fingers at him, as he was given directing and writing duties for this new The Suicide Squad film, and also it was heavily insinuated that Warner Bros. basically told him he could do with the movie whatever the f*** he wanted, excuse my French. And we remember how it panned out last time when James Gunn was given a lot of creative freedom. 
Flashforward to present day; here I am wondering and scratching my head thinking what in the heavens has happened, as by golly I am happy to report that The Suicide Squad is a total winner and a blast with a capital B - Blast! Gosh goodness golly goblin, this movie is so much fun from beginning to end. Right from the opening sequence you know that this film isn’t holding back any punches. It’s going at a 447.19 km/h speed of a Koenigsegg Agera RS crashing through any barriers like it’s nothing. Speaking of the opening sequence, it establishes why the movie is called what it’s called from the get-go. You straight away are proven how not a single character is safe, minus the obvious one that we know who it is, as there ain’t no way Warner Bros. would have allowed James Gunn to kill off that one character. But besides that person, everyone else feels like they could die at any given moment. That’s really a big charm of it, as it is frustrating how in many superhero films, let alone any blockbuster action flicks, so many characters always feel so safe and unstoppable, no matter how many times they get shot or how many buildings crash down upon them. And yes, this movie features a certain CGI character that constantly gets that treatment and survives, although it’s very self aware in that regard and is purposefully humoristic. But overall the entire set of characters feel easily disposable, and so so many of them die in such gruesome fashion, so indeed don’t get attached, as they don’t. 
Speaking of which, this movie is hardcore gory! You see limbs and intestines flying round left and right, a guy gets ripped in half by a humanoid shark, another’s face gets teared off by a shotgun bullet and so on forth in all kinds of gruesome fashion. Visually this is one for the big screen, as here’s the thing: you’re either a mummy’s boy or you grow some cojones and go see a man’s heart get stabbed with a piece of debris glass in 4K high rate definition! Your choice! Oh, and it’s not just the violence, also the cinematography and the practical set pieces all look incredible. This is easily James Gunn’s best looking movie. The entire think LOOKS incredible!
We also have to talk about the cast, as they are all great! There literally isn’t a single weakling among them. Each one, no matter how big or small their role is, brings something to the table. I can’t talk about all of them, as we’d be here all day, so I’m simply going to mention a few of the stand-outs. Idris Elba comes in to replace Will Smith as a character called Bloodsport, who is in some ways a different character but evidently is a replacement of Smith’s. But that’s no bad thing, as with any ensemble movie you still need a main character to latch onto and have an emotional hook towards, and he is that character. In fact, I’d say he’s arguably better than Will Smith in the last movie, or at least he seems to be having more fun here. He works as a solid leading man, however what works even more is his banterous competitive genital-size-measuring back and forth with John Cena’s Peacemaker, who by the way is awesome as that character. He is not a good character, in fact he is as bad as a bad guy can get, especially cause he’s someone who believes that what he is doing is right, making him much more of a dangerous wild card. This is easily John Cena’s best role, with him adding to the comedy one-liners, but also delivering such an interesting character who I’m looking forward to seeing more of in his standalone spin-off show confirmed for next year. Oh, and he wears a toilet helmet on his head which he defines as “a beacon of freedom” which says it all. We also have returning characters from the last film Joel Kinnaman and Viola Davis as Rick Flag and Amanda Waller respectively, and both are given much more room to stretch their talents and spread their beautiful acting wings like the Hollywood angels that they are. Kinnaman’s Rick Flag is the moral compass of the group, as even though Elba is our main guy, he’s nonetheless a villain still, whilst Flag is a genuinely good guy and what is defined as a true American hero, to which Kinnaman fits the part well. And Viola Davis as Amanda Waller is on an absolutely different level. You can tell she’s an Academy Award winner through and through, as she plays such a serious character in an otherwise goofy movie, and so her presence is felt and it is felt BAD! She’s such a despicable yet intimidating personality and she gravitates all of the screen presence to herself. Margot Robbie returns as Harley Quinn, and she gets even more chance to develop this character that she’s played in multiple DCEU films now, and as per usual the Harley Quinn shtick works well for her, though I do kind of wish she didn’t always get all the attention. Look, I think she’s a fun character and Robbie plays her well, however she’s constantly used to overshadow others in these films which I don’t think is too fair, and its evident as ever in this film too. Anyway, the remainder of the cast including Jay Courtney as Captain Boomerang, David Dastmalchian as Polka-Dot Man, Michael Rooker as Savant, Nathan Fillion as TDK, Daniela Melchior as Ratcatcher 2 (who gave me strong A Plague Tale: Innocence vibes) and many more all play villains, but villains that don’t have particularly great superpowers. This is where the tragedy of Task Force X as a team plays a part, as many of these villains aren’t even good at being villains. They are useless, and the movie is really self aware of this and so treats all characters as they should be. Dare I also not forget to mention the CGI characters in this film, with both Weasel and King Shark being absolute scene stealers! 
The Suicide Squad is the type of wham-bam-thank-you-mam batshit crazy entertainment which exists for the pure reasons of fun. It doesn’t set out to be the best superhero film ever, nor does it need to be. It’s an exhilarating, shocking, funny and amusing ride from beginning to end, with the energy never stopping, and is easily the best time I’ve had with a comic-book film in a long while, and I’m even talking about before COVID! Do yourself a favour and watch this one as soon as you can, as I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - The Suicide Squad is a BLAST!!
Overall score: 9/10
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a3-headcannon-hell · 4 years
mankai tik tok headcannons
starting this blog off with a banger am i right folks -kazunari literally begged sakyo, matsukawa and izumi for the account. like on his knees begged. he made a whole-ass google slides about why the company should have one, and half the reason why sakyo approved it was due to the sheer amount of effort put into the slideshow. his one condition is that the account must be used professionally. -anyways no one uses the account “professionally”
-kazunari and taichi are immediately posting dance videos, and they manage to coerce other members of the dorms to dance with him. tasuku sees tsumugi hitting the woah while kazu records and he has a fucking stroke - “the official company tiktok account is for professional use only. miyoshi if you use the account to perform the act of “throwing it back” i swear to my fucking mother you will not see the light of day”
-omi has a few cooking videos, with camoes from taichi and juza! those two like to pop in from time to time, helping him chop veggies and the like. b/c of his photography skills, his videos are actually really nicely edited/composed! him and kazu’s tend to have the best composition 
-izumi is inspired by omi and makes a “cooking challenge” where she makes a different type of curry every single day. it is an unfortunate year for the rest of mankai. masumi is her official curry taste-tester, and helps her film -masumi, itaru, omi, and kazu have the best camera work/best looking tiktoks. masumi pulled several all-nighters learning how to be the best camera man for izumi’s curry videos
-itaru regularly shitposts on the account and he has to hide from sakyo after he posts one because he's "ruining the company's image" -you know that one tiktok trend where a kid tells their parent to hit them every time a song swears and the song always gets so close but doesnt do it? thats banri with sakyo and omi except sakyo actually hits him - theres actually cute videos of them goofing off backstage during show time!! its usually sakuya filming them, and the content ranges from the boys preforming out of character etudes while in costume to tik-tok dances while they’re getting mic’ed.  -there’s also quite a few videos of the cast/stage crew fornite dancing in the wings as a particularly serious scene goes on on stage - during ginji the wanderer banri was doing the orange justice on stage left while taichi filmed. sakyo, on stage, saw him out of the corner of his eyes and never has his resolve as an actor been tested so much -after showtime he made barni sweep/clean the stage all by himself -citron is the best dancer out of the boys. no cap. his cannibal is flawless -guy films all of his work -chikage has never been in any tiktok video. he fucking refuses to be apart of this. muku and taichi have tried to get him in a video without him noticing and he notices. every time. he stares into the camera until they go away  -tenma tries really hard to do the dances but he puts way too much energy in them and they come off very forced. yuki calls him a hack off camera, and citron critiques his form. his rendition of savage is wayyyyyyyyyy to aggressive.  -yuki does the occasional lookbook w/ filters, azami likes to join in from time to time and show off his makeup skills. yuki’s vids also tend to be pretty well put together  -azami does little tutorials on how he does stage makeup for shows, and does speedpaints for some of his art. -muku uses the account to talk about whatever manga he’s reading, and posts videos of his team’s track meets/pep rally days - sakisaka/hyodo tiktok dances.... banri looses his shit when he sees juza try and fail to do a dance. later that night banri comes to dinner with a black eye. geez where did he get that from -banri does allllllllll the fuckboi dances. pushes his hair back, lip-syncing, everything. its awful -juza duets banri with a video of him filming banri doing one of his titktoks, juza recording from his bed. banri slowly turns around, staring daggers, before fucking go after his roommate as juza flees the room cackling to himself as he uploads the video
-kazunari has started several mankai-themed tiktok trends -kazu also just films like random shit happening in the dorm. a very popular video series is him filming hisoka sleeping in the weirdest spots and tasuku trying to get him back down -autumn trope minus sakyo does the shirtless boys tiktok and sakyo nearly flays them alive -misumi likes to showcase all of the triangles he’s found in the triangle hunt that day and it’s so wholesome. kazu helps him film and its so good -3:42am tsuzuru in sleep-deprived mode accidently goes live while he’s writing. he intended to snap itaru to go pick him up an energy drink so now all of tiktok gets to see tsuzuru with bloodshot teary eyes as he begs itaru to go get him some fucking redbull -taichi spends seven fucking hours on a saturday once trying to hit a ping pong ball into a soda cup with a golf club. the cup in question has been perched on a sleeping hisoka’s head. -when he finally gets it he didn’t realize that his phone battery died two hours ago
-hisoka launches the cup at him when he starts crying -tsumugi has no idea what tik tok even is and at this point he’s too afraid to ask -azuma likes to show off his skincare routine, and posts little vids/adds of when upcoming mankai shows are!
-homare recites poetry. so. much. poetry. sakyo takes away his tiktok privileges for a month after all three hundred and thirty five latest posts from the account are him reciting his bs  -guy lets taichi and kazu throw on the craziest hats/accessories on him while he goes about the day, and they film the highlights. he doesn’t really understand what exactly is entertaining about it, but he lets them have their fun
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Tea time.
For Taka, it usually meant it was time to check on dream updates and who was active at the time. He likes to keep track of those he takes interest and care in, just in case. 
Relaxing to his favorite flavor, he read the little wooden tablets that seem to freely float around his home after they just appear out of nowhere. It seems to be the usual and Taka was somewhat glad about it, even if he was kind of bored.
He did consider having guests over and just as he remembered this, something clicked in his head. With a cup close to his mouth, Taka froze.
“Huh. No knocking? How rude.”, he spoke seemingly to himself. “Not a lot can just invade my own dream-scape. I’m not a fan of it either. Let me guess. You found my essence within the item and tracked me down here?”
Just down the terrace with a view, a figure just a bit smaller than Taka, carrying a staff of their own and wearing the same accessories minus the mask, stood a decent distance and watched Taka.
“Truthfully, I don’t think you deserve better, traitor.”
Taka paused. While his backs were turned towards the visitor, he didn’t bother turning around. Still, he knew exactly what his “guest” was talking about.
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“That’s quite some effort you went through to locate me for something that happened decades ago. I have to admit, I’m surprised but also disappointed my essence is misused for some petty vengeance. Look, we could have even had some decent tea time and talk about what are the temples like nowadays.”
“Absolutely not.”, they spoke firmly.
“I don’t even know you so what ever spite you’re having probably isn’t your own. I don’t want to bother with you so just leave.” Taka refocused on the tablet, trying to ignore the person standing.
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“It’s absolutely my own, Taka the Traitor! The fact that you don’t even realize this only exposes your horrible ignorance!! I’m not leaving until my task of disposing you for good is done!! Now get up and face the consequences you limbless husk!”
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Taka finally turned around. He looked anything but impressed. In his head, he couldn’t help but see the visitor as some dumb child who just wanted attention and took him as a poor excuse to do so.
And yet... they somehow got here. On their own. It takes quite a skills to do so. Remembering the training, invading someones dream was a next level stuff. Taka’s dream-scape, on the other hand, was not easily accessible. After all, he made sure it wasn’t.
It was just a moment after the nightmare staff was summoned that the tiger beetle was already charging at Taka. They were fast. Nothing unusual for a temple student.
A tail swipe turned and flipped the knotted, wooden rest chair to buy Taka time to make his own moves. One, two strikes against each of their staffs that echoed was within a flash and the beetle already switched position to a lower one and used the staff’s dull end to jab Taka.
Amused but alert, Taka jumped backwards and out of the terrace and the enemy followed, reaching out towards him to try get a higher ground.
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“Not bad~ But you’re still years behind me to keep up, kid! I’m just playing with you because you so “kindly” asked!”
“Shut up.”
The beetle opened their wings and Taka already took flight. He wasn’t going to give this novice a lot of chance to get the upper hand.
Wind, swings, sounds of spinning staffs and buzzing and random patterns in flight kept both of them busy. Both skilled in the techniques thought at the Temples of Rising Gale. Mastering wind and amazing flying skills was a must for any student that possessed abilities of flight.
This kept their attacks and hits happen all over the dream-scape, even outside of Taka’s. They both used islands to either dodge or distract attacks which got destroyed in process. Even so, they kept the combat close and on par.
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Taka wasn’t too happy about this. Still, he wasn’t concerned. What this kid could pull off was only until they wake up from their dream. Getting exhausted by the battle wasn’t really an issue for him.
“What’s your deal anyway? Following some of the old masters like some kind of lost grub and doing their bidding because they’re too old to do something about their grudge themselves?”
“You out to know. Don’t pretend you don’t know the rules of the temple! Running off to serve a higher being of nightmares?? It’s like spitting in the face of our goddess!!”, the beetle shouted and used his own way to manipulate the dream-scape. Large overgrowth of plants suddenly swallowed Taka, not allowing his wings to properly fly through and having him lose sight of his target in the thick greens.
He didn’t even hesitate when Taka switched the position of the mask. The staff opened, burning crimson and setting the whole forest ablaze in a magnificent ring that spread out from his spot outwards like a ripple. The forest was gone and Taka took his mask off with a smirk, his eyes gazing back at the beetle that was lightly taken aback but safe from the fire.
“Hahahaha! I have to admit, you’re doing great! I can’t believe you’re wasting your talent here. How about another chance of going back? If you don’t want to be done with me this way then I’ll be done with you another way.”, he spoke, his tone holding some venom by the end.
“I vowed to my master to smite you and that’s exactly what I’ll do.”, the tiger beetle was persistent. They were already charging again.
“Alright, alright~! I’m having fun! I don’t mind beating some sense into you!!” Taka laughed and his attacks became more merciless.
More hits and strikes and the enemy beetle was no longer able to keep up. They locked their eyes on Taka and noticed he was relaxed despite the rapid fire of swings and hits of his staff.
It was then or never.
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Just one simple dagger.
A single, lightning fast swing...
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... and it was enough.
“Just like the master said..!”
It took Taka a second or two. Why, no damage should feel real or leave the effects of it permanent. After all, essence is what’s Taka’s spirit and existence is made of.
And yet...
He fell. His wings were sliced at the tips and no reforming was possible. As he was falling, his mind was going a hundred miles per hour.
That dagger was the same one that held his ashen essence.
The damage was done with his own essence.
“Oh...”, the sound escaped his mouth as he descended.
Now he had to think fast for a moment. He manipulated the dream and formed a small island he hit against with a thud. Memories of pain flashed through his being and he grunted.
“Not so high and mighty now? Good.”
The tiger-beetle flew lower but not close enough for Taka to reach. He set up and buzzed his wings but only essence particles flew from the ripped edges.
Another familiar memory from his time when he was alive was felt in his gut.
It was fear. For the first time in awhile, he was worried about his own being. Something that’s not a Dream Nail can potentially end his existence that he worked hard to built.
But despite all this, he was still curious. What sort of masters teach these sort of techniques? He doesn’t remember any of them doing so.
“Who’s my master?”. It was like they could read Taka’s expression and thoughts. “Why, you really should be familiar with her already. After all, she remembers you quite well! So well that she hates you’re still here and wants you gone forever!”
“She...?”, Taka asked but as he did, his eyes widened.
“She’ll never forgive you for leaving! At least she thought you’re gone for good but no! Even if you’re still here, you never came to face her again! You abandoned her for your own selfish goals and decided to pretend like she was never part of your life!”
“It... c-can’t be her...”
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“Headmaster Shiya sends her regards, from the Temple of the Rising Storm to you, Taka the Traitor!”
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Taka’s mind was blank. His body was no longer in motion either as he was fixated up at the medallion.
It was such an unusual feeling his curious self would be wondering about. However, it was no puzzle to why he felt this way. It wasn’t a mystery. It wasn’t even that deep.
He just remembered a person he left all alone many, many years ago...
His thought was fixated on the image of that one little girl while everything else around him was just a background noise and nothing else.
There was nothing but an overwhelming guilt now.
And thus... he didn’t even bother dodging what was coming.
“Now vanish!!”
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The Drop: Part 1/3
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