#Lol fun trend lookit them
fugamsemidei · 4 months
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Jokes on YOU Jazzy I used to run an mlp askblog! I've got practice!
Also fun fact Paleo's little saddlebags are based on the ones in mlp anyway. So full circle.
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aquarelle-rina · 7 months
Thoughts on Fashion Dreamer Day 1
Since the game received close to no marketing outside of Japan. I love fashion games and I want this one to do well too.
I played all the Style Savvy games before (almost 300 hours on each of then oof) but I ll try not to compare with Fashion Dreamer too much since the concept is different.
Apologies in advance for the mistakes (English is not my mother tongue)
What I like so far:
- Getting lookits from other players and giving some to them! I love seeing everyone's creativity
- There's SO many options to design a logo!! I spent too much time making them haha
- Visiting other's showrooms feels fluid. Its fun to just change try an outfit on a mannequin and walk to another showroom, like a carousel.
- The photo mode offers a lot of options. I like being able to take a picture anywhere. Also you can take vertical pictures for a better composition! Or just use the random button to have your muse in a dynamic pose.
- I love the idea of unlocking color palettes and using them to design clothes. There's some color theory in there... Also having reommendations is nice for indecisive people.
- It's rewarding to see the earrings I designed on the trends board. Then I found them again on a mannequin in another muse showroom. My muse tried the whole outfit (that was styled to match the the earrings I designed) and it was SUPER cute! I took pictures to remember that moment. I dont think there's any game that offers this kind of experience.
- Not having to manage a budget and getting items for free it is a fashionista dream haha.
- The animations and the models look nice! I was also afraid of EVE looking cold and empty (like the EDEN in Digimon Cybersleuth) but I was pleasantly surprised. I also havent seen anything clip though the models? (Anyone an expert on that lol?)
What I like less:
- Search function could be better. I want to be able to search by pattern and color!
- There's a bit of a performance issue when you have a lot of clothes. Hope this gets fixed in the future.
- Not being to zoom in clothing when dressing up is... Odd. Because you can zoom on the ones you design.
- Its super easy to get likes (I dont know if its the case for everyone). What bothers me is you get a notification for EACH likes. Im the kind of person that deacrivates most of my notifs on my cellphone because I find them intrusive.
- I hope they add runways, handbags and the possibility to share pictures with other players. And it would be fun to suggest makeup or hairstyles to other muses!
Game is pretty addicting, Im gonna play more for sure. I really needed a good fashion game for the Switch!! Its not Style Savvy but if I miss it too much, I can always power up my 3ds.
Maybe I ll write another post about Fashion Dreamer as I play more. Who knows :p Dont hesitate if you have questions!
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