#Anyways they're both horribly messed up mentally
cedar-sunshine · 2 months
oc questionnaire
thanks for the tag @illarian-rambling! Technically you tagged my main account, but I'll answer it eith my writing one!
My questions are
Are you a sound sleeper?
2. Have you ever owned a pet? If you haven't, what would you get as a pet if you could?
3. What do you think is your problem?
Answering for Tristan and Orion!
Are you a sound sleeper?
T: 'oh, yeah. No. Yeah, not at all. Whenever I fall asleep, the corpses start touching me and half the time I wake up in the middle of the night. Sometimes it's fine, I guess, but I don't like sleep in general. Even without the corpses and blood and nightmares and shit, every second I spend asleep is a second where I could be running. I sleep, but when I do so, I'm aware that I'm wasting time.'
O: 'I guess so? I mean, I wake up in the middle of the night a lot, but I go back to sleep. It's just bad dreams. I'm sure it'll be easier once I find a real town, with an actual bed. God, I can't remember what mattresses feel like. The ground is okay, though!'
Have you ever owned a pet?
T: 'I mean, my family always had a guard dog, but I wasn't allowed to touch it or get close to it. Honestly, I'm not sure why they had it. We lived with the church and nothing would ever really be a threat. I guess paranoia really gets to you. The closest thing I had to a real pet were the songbirds I fed when I was a little kid. Whenever I got an allowance, I'd buy birdseed and watch them eat it. For some reason, I thought I was their only source of food. If I had to choose a hypothetical pet... I'm not sure. I think a cat would be nice.'
O: 'I... nevermind. Yeah, I'm a dog person. I'll get a dog once I find the civilization.'
What do you think is your problem?
T: 'oh, lord. You want a list? I'm fucked in the head, I pretend I'm a boy, I'm on the run from a family that wants nothing from the best for me, I see walking corpses that hang from the trees, there's blood everywhere that doesn't exist, and did i mention that im absolutely fucked in the head? Something is wrong with me. Has been since birth, but... it got worse. I can't tell whether or not any of what I experience or remember is real, I'm scared of everything, and I want to fucking kill myself. I could go on.'
O: 'I don't have- I mean, I guess I could. I don't know. Maybe I'm not as kind to Tristan as I could be? He's clearly scared, and I just wish he wasn't as... bitchy as he is. He seems to think that I'm insane, but I think he's just a little paranoid. Maybe I'm optimistic, but optimism is always good!
Open tag!
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meara-eldestofthemall · 7 months
Gee, thanks DC! You Just Turned Bruce Into An Irredeemable Ass.
So, at the end of Gotham War Bruce has officially lost everything. Alfred is still dead, Selina is "presumed dead" and Bruce is both financially and morally broke. Why, you may ask, is Bruce so much worse off this time? Let me count the ways.
He preformed a psychic lobotomy on Jason
The "it's for your own good" excuse only makes the mental rape undertaken by Jason's own father that much more heinous.
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Just when you think Bruce can't sink any lower he does. When Dick recognizes that Bruce has lost it, he attempts to use a failsafe disconnect that Bruce himself built into the system. How does Nightwing get thanked for that? Well that brings us to number two on the list.
Batman attacks up his eldest son for doing what he's supposed to do when Batman has gone rouge.
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Bruce beats him up because nothing proves you are in control of your sanity like hitting your children. While Dick is holding back, Bruce does no such thing. He hits Nightwing hard enough to send him flying. It could have gotten even worse if Tim hadn't shown up.
Tim arrives and attempts to talk some sense into Batman.
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Tim tries to talk Bruce down. It doesn't go well. When Robin is trying to help, as he always does, Batman uses the attempt to reason with him to put the smack down on his son. Bruce could have killed Tim but apparently feels no remorse or guilt.
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If there was any teeny tiny little doubt that Bruce will not win the Father of The Year award in 2023 it died a horrible screaming death when Batman abandons his children to potential arrest. Yes, he left a batarang for Dick and Tim but any glimer of possible hope associated with that action was instantly extinguished by Damian's reaction to Batman's callous betrayal.
Bruce abandons Damian.
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Look at Dami; he's devastated. Since he came into Bruce's life, Damian has struggled with feelings that he can never earn his father's love and respect. Well, that negative self-image was reinforced in way that may never be repairable. Bruce just utterly destroyed a 13 year old child because of his inability to feel any kind of empathy.
And how does this all end? The best part is that Bruce takes all of his parental responsibilities and dumps them onto Dick.
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Thank you Chip Zdarsky and Trini Howard. You've taken Batman from being an edgy anti-hero and made him into a callous monster. Part of me hopes that Bruce never comes back because he doesn't deserve his family.
The only positive aspect in this convoluted mess is that Damian and Tim will be far better off with Dick than with Bruce. Yes, Tim is mostly independent but he still needs guidance (particularly since Tim's first instinct is to try and save Bruce). Damian is essentially Dick's son emotionally anyway so this might help to sustain the positive character growth we've seen in him as of late.
The point of this rant is to wonder what on earth DC thinks they're doing. This story arc has been pure character destruction as far as Bruce is concerned. It's bad storytelling too; rushed, frenetic and massively disappointing.
Hasn't the popularity of Good Dad Bruce in Wayne Family Adventures proved that fans are tired of Bruce being a dark depressed and brooding edge lord? We all accept that Batman is a character with deeeeep issues who is in desperate need of therapy. I, however, draw the line at Bruce being an abusive a**hole.
In years to come when fans wonder when Batman jumped the shark, this is the plot line they'll point to.
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writerslittlelibrary · 6 months
We can be your family
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masterlist part 2
summary: having been in the foster system all your life, you don't expect much when your case worker tells you you're being moved again. what happens when the car suddenly stops in the most expensive neighborhood in all of New York…
pairing: Natasha x teen reader, Maria x teen reader, Blackhill
warnings: mentions of abusive foster families, vague mention of sexual assault 
genre: fluff
words: 3542
a/n: this one was voted for the most, and I'm so happy it was. I was super excited to write this and I love the idea of foster parents Blackhill so much, I think they're adorable. I hope you like it and please let me know what you think and whether you'd want more foster family Blackhill :) 
maybe I’ll make this a two parter or a series, seeing as I found this already pretty long but I do want to write more about it
You do not have my permission to repost, copy or translate my work
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It was late when the car came to a stop. It had been two days ago when you were told you were going to have a new foster family. You had been moving around all your life, having been left at the door of a police station merely days after you were born. You had never met your parents, and you were put into the foster system almost immediately. 
No one had ever adopted you, which unfortunately for you meant that you were still going from foster family to foster family, sometimes even group homes when there were no foster families available. 
In your life, you had learned it was best never to connect with your foster families. Usually, it didn't take very long until you were off to the next one anyway.
And so, two days ago when the service worker called, you had started mentally preparing for the next mess you were going to be thrown into. You had learned that most foster families were only in it for the money, and that was often very noticable, ever after the first day you'd be there. Often, they didn't care much for you, which was fine. You were perfectly capable of taking care of yourself. It was the times they did care for you when you had to be careful.
When they did care, they'd usually have a long list of ridiculous rules, all of which you had to follow. When you failed to follow their ridiculous rules, there'd usually be some type of insane punishment, which more often than not ended up with you hurt, usually because you'd take a beating.
You were a little nervous to meet a new foster family, worried they'd be another collection of horrible people that called themselves a family, yet, you weren't quite fond of the family you were with now, so you didn't care much.
For now, you'd simply hold on to the hope that this new foster family would be better than the old one. 
When your case worker came, you'd already packed. Seeing as you had never owned a lot of objects, you were done rather quickly. All your stuff easily fit in one trash bag, your valuable objects, such as your beloved stuffed bunny and your favorite book were all put in your school bag.
When you had gotten into the car, you definitely didn't expect much, but when the car drove through one of the most expensive neighborhoods in New York, you were definitely surprised that that is where the car stopped. 
Either your case worker was gonna leave you at the dumpster, or your new foster family is rich rich. 
Alice opened the door for you with a smile, and she got your (trash) bag from the trunk. You held onto your school bag tightly as Alice walked inside the huge apartment building, you following closely behind. When you were both inside, Alice walked to the large reception desk at the left side of the lobby. A man dressed in a neat suit sat behind it.
You had never ever been in an apartment complex fancy or rich enough to have a security guard in the lobby. 
You were standing next to Alice as she told the security guard you were there for a Miss Romanoff and a Miss Hill. You were looking around the large and beautiful (and extremely fancy) lobby, too busy to even notice Alice mention two women.
The man typed some numbers on some device, then pointed Alice towards the elevator. Alice walked towards it, and you followed suit, too nervous to even spare a glance towards the security guard. 
Even the elevator looked fancy, and to say you were surprised when Alice pressed the penthouse button would be an understatement. 
When the elevator made it all the way to the top, Alice let you walk out first. There was only one door in front of the elevator, and you figured the penthouse was the only residence on the floor. You turned to Alice, who stood there waiting for you to knock on the door. You took a deep breath and took a few steps forward, pressing the fancy looking doorbell. How rich were these people if they even had a fancy looking doorbell?
The door opened soon enough, a brunette standing in the door frame with a smile on her face. She looked nice, but in your many years of experience you had learned that looks could be very deceiving. 
“You must be y/n,” she said as she looked at you, and you were too nervous to do anything but nod. She gave you a kind smile before shifting her gaze to Alice, glancing at the trash bag with concern. Alice took a step forward, extending her hand to the woman. 
“You must be Miss Hill. I'm Alice, we spoke on the phone,” she mentioned as she shook the hand of Miss Hill. “I am indeed, I'm so glad you could make it.”
Miss Hill stepped aside, allowing you to look into the penthouse. 
“Please come in, my girlfriend will join us shortly,” she said, and you took small steps into the apartment. Girlfriend? You could've known. She looked too well dressed to be straight…
Alice followed you inside, and stood awkwardly in the little hallway as Miss Hill closed the door. She walked in front of you and went to the right, walking into an expensive looking kitchen. It had a kitchen island, and around it were a few high stools. 
“You can sit down right here if you want. Would you like anything to drink?” Miss Hill asked, and you just shook your head. She then turned to Alice, who also shook her head with a smile. “No thank you, I'll be going shortly,” she stated as she set the trash bag next to the kitchen island, reaching into her own shoulder bag for a few papers.
She pulled out a map with documents, just as another woman joined you. “Oh, Miss Romanoff, so glad I got to see you too,” Alice stated as Miss Romanoff walked towards her, shaking her hand with a small but pleasant smile.
Miss Romanoff went to stand next to Miss Hill, both standing across from you as Alice handed the map to Miss Romanoff.
“Here are the last documents, and I will be going then. If you have any questions don't hesitate to let me know, my number is somewhere in there. Of course there will be some surprise inspections, and if you would like to get rid of the child please contact the number at the bottom,” Alice stated, and you grimaced at the words she used. 
Natasha was uncomfortable with the use of words as well, but you missed the worried glance she sent you and she took the documents from Alice. 
You just kept your gaze on your hands, picking at the skin around your fingers as Miss Hill walked Alice out. When she returned, she took a seat, Miss Romanoff now sitting as well. 
“So, y/n, I am Natasha, and this here is my girlfriend Maria. It is so nice to meet you,” Natasha smiled, but you kept your gaze on your hands. When Natasha noticed you weren't going to reply, she continued speaking. “I know this must be very scary for you, but I just want you to know it's a little scary for us as well. This is our first time fostering anyone, so if we make any mistakes you just let us know okay?” Natasha asked, and you just nodded your head.
“So where are all your bags? Is someone bringing them over later or?...” Maria asked, and you glanced at her slightly before pointing towards the trash bag. “Those are my clothes…” you said in a quiet voice, and it took everything in Natasha to not say how ridiculous that was.
“Okay, we'll just have to get you a proper bag then, huh?” Maria said kindly,  before standing up. “Would you like to see your room?” Maria then asked, and you nodded as you stood up too, going to grab the trash bag. “It's okay, I got it,” Natasha mentioned as she bent down, picking it up. “It's just this way,” Maria said as she led you through a hallway. 
She opened a door that carried an empty name plate, pushing it open and standing aside. 
“We didn't really know what you liked, but we tried our best. If you would like to change anything, maybe paint a wall or get some decorations you just let us know okay?” Natasha said, and you nodded as you put your school bag down by the bed, sitting on it. 
“All this is for me?” you asked as you looked around the room, taking in all the objects already in it. The desk and cabinets were empty, so were the walls, but the room was massive. 
Natasha nodded with a smile, walking into the room and turning to the door on the right. She opened it and stepped aside. “This is your bathroom, and right there is the closet,” she said as she pointed to another door next to the bathroom. 
“I have my own bathroom?” you questioned in disbelief, and Natasha nodded with a smile. 
“There is another closet right here,” she said as she opened another door, a small, undeep closet revealing itself. At the door hung a mat with little pockets, all filled with different snacks and treats. 
“We didn't really know what you liked, so we just bought a little bit of everything. These are all yours and you can eat them whenever you like. If anything ever runs out or if you would like some other snack or treats, just let us know and we can get it for you,” she explained, and you nodded with a small smile as you stared at all the treats and snacks.
You had never really gotten any treats or snacks, and you didn't exactly have your own money to buy it. 
Maria stayed at the door, wanting to give you your space while getting used to the new environment. “We'll just go and get started with dinner, so we'll leave you to settle in a little bit. Is there anything specific you'd like to eat? We can always order something, I'm never one to skip a good take-out meal,” Maria smiled, and Natasha walked to her side. 
You shrugged, not really knowing what to say. 
“We could order pizza? Or maybe sushi? Anything is okay,” Natasha pushed when she realized you weren't going to say anything yourself. 
“Pizza?” you asked quietly, and Natasha smiled and nodded. “Pizza it is. Do you want a specific one?” Natasha asked as she pulled out her phone, and you shook your head softly. 
“Just a margarita pizza please?” you asked, and Natasha nodded.
“We'll just be in the kitchen if you need us,” Maria told you, and she and Natasha left the room, closing the door behind them. 
You dumped your clothes on the bed, throwing the trash bag aside and going through them. Most of them were old and worn, but they still fit so no one ever decided you needed new clothes. After you folded them all neatly you walked to the closet, surprised at how big it was. Your clothes didn't even fill 10% of the closet, and you wondered if rich people really needed that many clothes.
Natasha and Maria seemed like really nice people, and even though you'd never admit it, you were excited you got to be with them. 
Of course you'd never trust some so fast, but until now they seemed nice and decent. The closet full of snacks definitely made you like them a little more, but you were still hesitant. You'd been in other families where they seemed nice at first, but the moment you'd make a mistake they'd beat you. You shuddered at the thoughts, grabbing a little bag of your favorite candy you found in the closet. 
You sat on the bed and took out your stuffed bunny, sitting against the headboard and holding the bunny close. 
You were scared and intimidated at this new place, but you were also happy you weren't at the other home anymore. Until now, this place seemed like a much better home to be.
After dinner, where you had mainly kept quiet and tried to avoid the questions they asked you, you went to your room and went straight into your bed. 
You didn't sleep the entire night. You didn't know these people, and you were afraid they'd come into your room and hurt you. That happened once, in a foster family you had about a year ago. The foster father had gone into your room and he had touched you, hurting you more than you ever thought was possible.
Since that foster home, you'd always stay awake the first night, wanting to be ready if one of the foster parents did come into your room.
Of course, tonight, nothing happened. Natasha and Maria had gone to bed shortly after you had, and the entire apartment was quiet. When the sun rose the next morning, you knew you had to ask either Natasha or Maria for some electronic device.
You didn't have a phone or computer, but you were homeschooled and followed an online program. With all the moving around and switching homes, it was always difficult to find a high school you could consistently go to. And so, you had gotten an online course and some data to login. However, you'd need an electronic device for that, and you didn't have that. 
When you walked into the kitchen around 8 am, Natasha and Maria were already awake. Maria was sitting at the kitchen counter, doing something on her laptop as she ate some toasts. Natasha was scrambling some eggs at the stove.
When Maria noticed you, she smiled and closed her laptop. "Good morning. How'd you sleep?” she asked and you shrugged. “Fine,” you said even though you knew damn well you hadn't slept at all. 
“How do you like your eggs?” Natasha then asked, turning to you shortly before focusing on the eggs in the pan again. 
“Scrambled is good,” you said as you sat down at the counter as well, preparing yourself to ask your question. After you took a deep breath and Natasha put some toast with eggs in front of you, you looked up, not really facing anyone but the counter top.
“So I was wondering…” you started carefully, and both Maria and Natasha looked at you as they waited for you to continue.
“I am doing online school, and I was just wondering if there is maybe an electronic device I could use? I don't have a phone or anything, but I do kinda need it…” you finished, your eyes darting around to Natasha, Maria and then back to the counter top again. 
“Of course. We can do some shopping today, to get you some essentials,” Maria said as she got up, opening the fridge and grabbing some orange juice.
Your eyes widened slightly. They couldn't possibly mean they'd buy you a phone, could they? 
After breakfast you, Maria and Natasha had gotten into their car. Their very expensive, very beautiful car. Natasha drove as Maria sat next to her. After about half an hour's drive, you arrived at a mall, and Maria opened the door for you. You thanked her and got out, following Natasha and Maria as they walked inside. 
Once inside, the first place they headed for was an apple store. You were shocked to say the least, really hoping they weren't going to spend so much money on you. 
When you entered the store, a worker came towards you three, asking if you needed help. Natasha said yes and asked him for the best phone they offered. 
The worker led you there, and Natasha thanked him as she picked it up, examining it. You stared at the phone wide-eyed, but more so at the price. That phone was higher than 1.500 euros, and you didn't believe they'd actually buy that for you.
“Well, it looks great, what color would you like?” Natasha smiled as she went to pick up a box from the shelf. 
You shook your head in shock, not believing they'd buy something like that for you. “I meant… like a device you have… that I could use… I didn't mean…” you stuttered out, and Natasha smiled as Maria laid a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
“Listen, sweetie, we just wanna get you everything you need. I promise you that we want to do this, okay? And you don't have to feel guilty that we're spending money on you, because we want to,” she told you.
Natasha looked at you too, smiling reassuringly. “We have plenty of money, and we can buy this for you easily. I promise you,” she explained.
“Okay…” you said quietly, still a bit unsure. 
Natasha smiled and walked towards the phone cases, Maria, with her hand still on your shoulder followed her. “You can pick out any case you like,” Natasha explained, and you nodded as you picked out a clear case. Natasha smiled as she took it from you, putting it in her basket. Why did she need a basket? 
After picking out the phone case, Natasha walked towards the ipads, looking over them and settling on the most expensive one, convinced that that would be the best. 
You were about to protest, but before you could even open your mouth, Natasha turned to you. “You can't possibly do online school on a phone now, can you?”
“I really don't want you to spend so much money on me…” you told her, and she smiled at you before picking up the same color ipad the phone was. Then she turned to you, putting her hand on your shoulder. 
“We want to get you whatever you need, and the money is not an issue for us, I promise you. Please let us get you what you need,” Natasha told you, and you simply nodded. 
Natasha smiled and made you pick out a case, putting a keyboard case in her basket as well, claiming it was so you could use the ipad for school. You insisted you didn't need it, but Natasha just said they'd buy it just in case then. 
After the most expensive trip to a store you had ever taken, resulting in an iphone, an ipad and airpods you really didn't expect them asking if you were okay to go to another store.
You said you were fine, and so you walked into another store where Natasha and Maria got you all kinds of things. All things for your bedroom, either to decorate or use. They had told you to pick out whatever you wanted, and after a lot of reassurance you had picked out several books, notebooks, some pens, markers and pencils, and some other stuff you liked.
They also let you pick out new covers for your bed, and after you told them you were fine with the cover that was on now, they told you that was one of their covers so you could pick some new ones out. 
The cover currently on your bed was a new one Natasha and Maria had bought especially for your arrival, but you didn't need to know that. They wanted you to pick something you liked, and soon enough you left the store with some pillows, stuffed animals and new covers.
Everytime you came out of a store, you three had to take a trip to the car to dump the stuff you bought before you could continue your shopping spree, but at the end of the day you really had fun.
You felt a little bad that they spent so much money on you, but with their constant reassurance that they wanted to do it and that they had plenty of money, you felt a little better about it.
After you had gotten back home, Natasha and Maria both helped you put all your new stuff away, and you think you thanked them at least a thousand times for everything they bought you. After everything was put away, you went to the kitchen, sitting on the stool as the apple store bag was still on the counter. 
Maria started dinner as Natasha sat down with you.
You opened the bag and took out the iphone first, opening it carefully and setting it up. Natasha helped unpack the case and handed it to you when you had set the iphone up. 
You couldn't help but smile at your very first phone. You weren't old or anything, but you were definitely at an age where it was odd you still didn't have a phone. When you unpacked the ipad it was the same. You unpacked it and set it up, while Natasha took the cases out of the packaging and handed them to you. 
After everything was taken care of, you thanked them once again, and they once again told you it was their absolute pleasure. 
Maybe this foster home would be different…
(if you’d like to be on a permanent tag list, so you’d be tagged on every fic I post, please let me know:))
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Hello! I was wonder if you could do Slasher headcannons with a S/O who struggles with Anxiety? If not that's alright!
Now I don't have an anxiety disorder so im doing research and I'm not sure it's you're talking about an anxiety disorder or just dealing with getting anxious but I'll make it the first one.
I tried to make this more serious but I failed
Slashers with reader who struggles with anxiety!
He may notice you seem extremely stressed about things, whether small or big and he doesn't understand it I mean if you're away from him then yeah he gets pretty nervous but about somethings like dates and schedules to the point it messes up in your daily life? Why?
But tries to comfort you. If he sees you fatigued then he'll usher you into bed, if you can't sleep then he'll just lay down next to you until you do which I'm unsure how long it'll take but he's quite the patient man, if he's in his younger days that is.
If you start crying because of it or get a panic attack and come to him he'll sit and let you cry on him and may have a hand on your hand, head or back while at it. He wants you to get help despite his strong dislike for you being away from him he sucks it up. But at the same time he also doesn't, because look like happened when he was with Loomis, he was supposed to help him and look how he turned out.
But he'll suck it up. If he notices if your mental health is getting worse when you are "getting treated" He'll just find and kill whoever is in charge of you.
Sinclair brothers
Bo has a hard shell yes but inside his heart is bouncing all over the place of worry. He may have had his fair share of panic attacks and it's horrible. He hopes there's something he can do to help. He listens to whatever problem you may be having and comforts you with what things you may like. He also tries not to lose his temper or yell around or at you. Which may be hard since he's angry 90% of the time but anything to help your anxiety reduce at least just a bit. He has magical hands that can and will remove anything that stresses you out and magical hands that will make you forget what stresses you out... He'll cuddle the shit out of you behind closed doors with many affections and kisses. Or just warm and gentle holding. You choose he'll do it. 🫶
Vincent is probably the most understanding, his worries and anxiety attacks when he imagines someone seeing him without his mask or when he can't find it. He doesn't know what much he can do since he's very awkward and and can't speak and is just '🧍' but he can listen and hold you however you'd like. If you want to touch and play with his hair then please do so, if you want to do a little a wax sculpting you're more than allowed. You're both doing wax sculptures to take your little mind off things, but if you start worrying if it's going to look good or not then he just "✋". If it's work then he'll bring you drinks and food of your choice and signals you to take a break. If your boss keeps pushing you to the point you break down then uh... Hey why did your boss go missing suddenly?
Lester the most carefree and happy though seen what it does to his brothers and hates it that it also happens to you. Very very sad. He takes you out on walks and Or driving around. Literally just holds you if he notices you being too nervous. And just the most sweetest soft kisses and affirmations that everything will be alright and you don't have to worry about anything because he'll be helping you through it all. Just soft cuddling as your pour your feelings out to him. He doesn't want you to feel alone and he won't make you feel alone. Snacks and drinks and heavy blankets and anything else that might help you for the time being. If there's someone or something that stresses you out too much they're either gone or oh look it looks like there's a hand popping out of the pile of roadkill! Anyways let's play with jonesy.
Bonus: jonesy! She just knows when you're feeling anxious before you do. plays with you, lets you pet her, kisses you. Just lays around you. Loves going on calming road trips with Lester so you're going too if you want to that is. If you're worried about your looks or something she'll just bite or bark at whoever gives you the looks or talks bad about you. She'll never let you feel bad she's your best friend 🫰🫵
He noticed this when you were first appointed, it's okay nothing special so did many of his previous patience but your case is really severe and you don't seem to get better. That's alright. There isn't always immediate changes it takes time. But no matter how much he gives time Or uses his techniques you don't seem to get better. This bothers him. And eventually he finds himself attached to you, like really attached and not just your disorder but for who you are. So now he is no longer Dr lecter. He's your best friend (boyfriend?) hannibal. Isn't that illegal? No because he's no longer your therapist and you're not longer his patient. How does that make sense? Don't ask anymore further questions.
He can read you like a book and he'll bring all your necessities you need when you start feeling really tense. During the attacks he'll rub your back while he holds a glass of cold water to your mouth while telling you it's okay. It also stresses him tf out. If you start becoming distant or get irritated more than usual he prepare something nice for you like food or a very pleasant warm bath and he assures you that he'll be there to help you. He'll make a healthy schedule for you and make you start looking after yourself, though he wonders if you're gonna leave him if you start finally getting better.
There may come a time where you are in a corner and uncontrollably crying and hannibal is just across the room staring at you as he calls will and says "Will, Will they won't stop crying what do I do." He knows what to do but is too afraid to do anything.
Billy and stu
It's really chaotic.
You may be on the ground and stu is just screaming and aggressively searching on his phone on what to do while Billy is shakily holding a glass of water and just says
"I heard water helps... You want water...?"
You're practically going to be sandwiched between them when it's cuddling time. And god forbid anyone makes you anxious and cry because they're gonna be on the news report later.
At least one of them is always going to be on your side incase anything distraughts you and there's gonna be no one there to help you ease down. Stu will be there to make jokes to help you feel lighter and Billy is just uh Billy. You three will maybe watch a movie or two and go on fun or relaxing outings. No person or something will make their s/o feel anything negative.
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opinated-user · 9 months
out of curiosity, I searched "violate" on the comic blog again...
nothing showed up.
https://archive.li/h70Nb , tooootally unrelated link pay ab-so-lutley nooo attention in any wayyyy
it's officially gone.
i searched for it from the start of the comic and the entire arc has been scrapped. but you know what is still there? the aftermath when CLO asks G to explain why she metaphorically raped her and CLO tells her that she'd (as 14 year old, mind you) would have consented to mental sex with an adult if that adult had just asked her.
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this is the comic right before the entry i just mentioned. if you're a first time reader who never heard about Violate before, you'd have no idea what G did that needed any explaining. next there's a comic of CLO and CMO talking about the situation. followed up G, the child rapist, feeling sad about being a child rapist to her then girlfriend Butterfree, CLO still putting the lock on her room, CMO talking to G and CMO using Lizzy's real name to convince CLO to forgive the creature that raped her as a child.
the comic of CLO asking forgiveness to G is still there and i still hate it just as much as the first day i saw it.
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the part in red are there to remark this: this is the dialogue of a survivor of CSA towards her own rapist. in the context of this story, CLO, as the victim, doesn't have a right to be cold or mean to G because "she" (the child rapist, if you forgot) "deserves better".
this story is still asking me to forgive a child rapist and thinks she deserves better. i want to scream. it gets worse when you add the context of everything Courtney talked about and it really sounds like what LO wishes her sister had said to her after Courtney was finally able to stop the molestation at her hands. we also still have the comic of CLO assuring G "i could never hate you" and telling that they're are okay. because that's something you want to read between a child rapist and her victim.
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she deleted G actually talking to CLO about the mating bond, but she still left the mess behind how the other characters reacted to this behind. she deleted the confrontation and left the abuse apologia anyway. what is even the point then? now she just made a confusing mess. the Violate arc page is still in the wiki and now i just found out that not only was only two months that passed for CLO to completely forgive G for what she did, but also G apparently was killing people for discovering about the mating bond.
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either killing them or taking away their ability to speak somehow, both horrific actions that make G even less sympathetic that she was after violating a child. just imagine that somewhere off screen, there's a ditch where G kept dumping bodies because they could have told CLO about how she was basically raped as a child.
but she "deserved better". she just does. because she's actually what LO wishes she could be, a sympathetic child molester that is a badass that can kill with one look and also got unconditional love from the people she abused even when she doesn't actually deserve it.
that's not all, anon. that's not all at all.
in the section of "character development" of the wiki for this arc, the one that had all the trauma and stress was G.
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"willing to attack a child". a normal, healthy and more than that, understandable reaction to your victim potentially finding out that she was molested. feel sorry for G, anon. she felt bad about raping a child, which is even worse than being raped as a child by someone you thought was a friend if you think about it! /s at least according to LO it is! also G won't even attempt to improve as a person in any sort of way after she went through the trauma of raping a child as a fully mature adult. because the trauma of raping a child doesn't make you stronger, anon. it just wounds you.
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putting aside my feelings for this horrible idea, you all know what to do: keep the archives of violate and share them up as much as possible, including the wiki page. it's only a matter of time before LO starts denying the arc was ever there and start saying that we wrote Violate or something.
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x-authorship-x · 8 months
What do you think would Fox and Shisui think of each other if they ever met?
Oh anon.... Honestly I love both of these characters to pieces but imagining them meeting...!!!
Fox would think Shisui is... Someone who needs watching. This is a guy who is pretty young, by nat-born standards, but obviously frighteningly skilled, and the origins of those skills would be REALLY suspect. He is also clearly lying a lot, Fox would clock this immediately, and Fox doesn't like bullshit but especially not Force Bullshit. However Shisui is earnest and protective of individuals as well as big-picture peace, and he's much more brutal than the Jedi which will appeal to a man like Fox who doesn't have a Jedi General and has been pushed to the edge by the Senate, so I think Fox would warm up to him. Given Shisui's strong moral code but his willingness to be absolutely brutal, and his familiarity with death and his trump-card experience with mental/sensory manipulation, I think he would be a great ally for Fox and Fox would eventually know this. Fox might be frustrated out of his mind but Shisui is now in his inner circle of Ride Or Die and this is amazing ✨
Shisui would see Fox, the horrible circumstances of his birth and the abuse from the Senate (let's be real here, I'm running how I want this to run and IDGAF if it's more fanon than canon), and want to help. (Shisui, looking around: is no one gonna fix this mess? Also Shisui: *leaps in without waiting for an answer*). He has experience with investigation, both in ANBU and the Uchiha Police, and it's almost impossible for him to keep his nose out 😅 Fox is strong and gruff but he's no where near as... highbrow? as Shisui's Clansmen, who wore their heritage and position as a shield as much as a badge of honour, whilst the clones are proud bht very careful with their identity... Shisui keeps bracing for political maneuvering and yet Fox is... refreshing. He's so protective of his brothers, not like the Uchiha were defensive, because Fox would do ANYTHING for his brothers and so long as they're alive and whole etc then that's what matters but he's also tied so strongly to his sense of duty that theyre dealing with the crumbling Senate anyway and Shisui is kinda starry eyed for that kind of love and responsibility? Shisui is HERE for Fox being a total king of protectiveness
Well now I'm thinking 'palpatine gets pissed by Maul acting out and tries to SUMMON a new slave/apprentice only to get Shisui who snaps his neck on instinct and this leaves Shisui, who looks like That Sith The Jedi Have Been Looking For, pinned as the assassin of Darling Supreme Chancellor (not exactly wrong so the Force isn't registering any lies lmao), being chased by Fox, investigating the murder, and Anakin, who is absolutely not interested in the rule of law
So Shisui springs up, like the universe-shattering lunatic he is, and fucks up canon BAD. fox is like WHO IS THIS WEIRDO RUNNING UP WALLS AND BABBLING AN UNKNOWN LANGUAGE AND MAKING MY LIFE EVEN HARDER. shisui is like MAN THIS COP IS EVEN WORSE AT RIDING MY ASS THAN MY UNCLE AND THAT IS SAYING SOMETHING. Cue mutual begrudging (for Fox) respect and mounting frustration as they run around like *Scooby Doo Chase music* whilst Palpatine's corpse is smouldering in the BG.
I think Fox, who is a hardass but also is low-key like 'Fuck Palpatine', would be like THIS IS MY MURDERER, IDGAF WHAT SKYWALKER IS WAILING, DONT SHOOT MY SUSPECT. which means that, naturally, Shisui tries to extend the olive branch of working together to figure out the truth, Fox is like 'oh god no now I am believing in this Force bullshit', and you have 'law-abiding/jaded/hurt/bamf hard-shell-soft-center character' forced into partnering with 'wanted-criminal/jaded/hurt/bamf sunshine character' and I think this is an adventure for the books👏✨
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xxlovelynovaxx · 12 days
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I mean, aside from "transgender woman" not even being the only TMA category when talking about the typical definition (AMAB transfem nonwomen, AMAB nontransfems, and intersex people are considered TMA under all but the most restrictive definitions, and other trans people and even some cis people are absolutely TMA if you prioritize actual experiences and truth over "theory" built in a vacuum)...
Like, there's no "it depends option", and the question itself is so vague. Like, why is the default to suggest they are a transgender binary person? Are they even aware nonbinary people can experience euphoria and dysphoria? Are they aware that there can be clear signs of being an egg outside of those two things?
But let's assume that the premise of the question to start is that the sign they show is specifically of the "opposite" binary gender, and only one or both of those two things.
How well do you know this person? Are they in a stable place, or could their egg potentially cracking be dangerous right now because of factors like being in an abusive relationship or dealing with dangerous mental health issues that could just as easily be destabilized as helped by the realization? Would approaching the subject directly cause them to go further into denial, push you away, or not trust you; or can they receive the suggestion and consider it?
Oh wow it's like real life is complicated and has nuance or something what a surprise!
Someone directly suggested to me that I might be nonbinary, even, and the way they did so hurt me at the time. The only reason it wasn't worse is because I trusted them to a high degree and they helped me through the lows of the whole thing. If you crack your friend's egg, especially prematurely, are you prepared to help them through the fallout and clean up the mess?
Remember, if you crack an egg before it's ready to hatch, it typically KILLS the creature inside.
Had I realized any earlier, I would literally not be here. I don't know how else to communicate that people with experiences like mine matter. That it could be lives on the line.
And no, I don't think it's always bad! Sometimes being direct might help, sometimes being more oblique (oh, that sounds similar to experiences I have because of my transness, it's cool we have that in common" or similar) might be safer and more helpful. Sometimes it's best not to say anything.
For that matter, if they deny being trans, are you gonna believe them? If you still have some doubt, which I believe isn't the end of the world, can you at least believe them enough to act like you do? Will you spend your relationship with them waiting for them to come out, or will you be friends with them where they're at - regardless of whether they're an egg, closeted, permanently closeted, or just a cis person who gets gender euphoria over being GNC and NOT trans?
For that matter, if someone makes a statement like "I'd love to be seen as a feminine man," that's blatantly about gender euphoria, or "being seen as a man feels horrible but the idea of being feminine feels horrible too" that's blatantly about dysphoria, will you see the signs of a likely GNC trans egg, or will you accuse them of "fetishizing trans women" and "being transmisogynistic"?
On the other hand, do you even acknowledge that cis people CAN get euphoria from being gender nonconforming and get dysphoria from being gender conforming? Do you acknowledge that euphoria and dysphoria can be as much about presentation and innate identity nonconformity as gender itself, or that masculinity and femininity can be a separate component of gender itself from manhood and womanhood?
In any case, my answer is "SOMETIMES". Sometimes it's okay to suggest to a friend they might be trans, or even a specific gender. Sometimes it's not, and sometimes it's in between.
I have the OP with the screenshots of the poll blocked for violent lateral transphobia and exorsexism anyway, but jesus christ. People like this truly see the world in absolute black and white, don't they?
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I had some more questions about your new au:
- So, when you say Mads and Akita would have a very silly dynamic, what do you have in mind? I definitely think I got an idea from your latest sketches, but I'm a little confused because I thought Akita was going to be abusive to them (both verbally and mentally- like he used to treat Gyro- and physically).
- Why and how did they team up with Akita (I mean, it's Akita; you'd think Mads would be fearful/deeply resentful of him based on their memories of Gyro's)??
- Did Akita break out of jail? If so, don't Gyro and Fenton find out he's at large? That would be very alarming news to them (and poor Boyd), surely! And do they find out Akita's after Gyro for revenge?
- I know you said that Fenton and Gyro deeply sympathize with Mads for what they've been going through at Akita's hands (Fenton because he's a cinnamon roll, Gyro because he knows what it's like to be treated cruelly by Akita even if not maybe *quite* to the physical extent Mads is going through...?), but how do they each feel/react when they learn Mads teamed up with Akita of all people (especially since Akita wants revenge on Gyro)?
- If Mads wouldn't do anything too horrible or evil, partly because they don't want to ruin the 'fun' dynamic they've got with Gizzy by going overboard and causing him to truly *hate* them, then why would they help Akita in getting revenge against Gyro (or team up with him knowing that's what he wants to do)? Fenro or no fenro at that point, Mads must know that Fenton still cares about Gyro a lot.
- When was Mads cloned? Do they have Gyro's memories of the events in 'Astro B.O.Y.D.' or not? Regardless, how do they feel knowing the liberating truth about Gyro's past (if they even know about that, and if not, do they find out?)? How do they feel about Boyd? How do they feel about the healing Gyro's gone through and how much he's already changed?
- Does Akita see Mads as a separate person from Gyro? I'm guessing not entirely, because of how he treats them? And why would Mads think he *wouldn't* treat him horribly?
- Who is Mads trying to get revenge against and why exactly especially if they don't have clone insecurities, don't care about Gyro, and consider themself totally separate from Gyro? And would Gyro come to sympathize with them for feeling angry and misunderstood because he knows exactly how that feels (and does he find out about that motive of his clone-turned-villain early on? I'm curious, because you said he doesn't care about Mads and just finds them annoying)?
-Mads tries their HARDEST to pester Akita as much as possible. They're very jokey and don't take a lot of things seriously, so they do what they can to mess with him (nothing too big or serious tho)and think it's funny when he gets upset. Like in that drawing- wearing a Gizmoduck hoodie to annoy him and then later going around shirtless to annoy him even more, sneaking his ramen and bugging him for some whenever he's trying to eat in peace (I also think with whatever other kinds of japanese food Akita has they'd be like ":0000 what's that what's it taste like can I have some pleeease just a little bit just to try it" despite the fact that Gyro lived in Tokyolk for at least his internship and Mads probably knows what most of the snacks are and has had them before ssldkjfs). Other activities might include purposefully chewing too loudly, playing music too loudly, leaving everything a mess, talking too much, and just generally trying to make the experience of living with them as unpleasant as possible. Anyway, I just like the idea of Mads taking absolutely nothing seriously and then Akita being constantly irritated.
-That's spoilers :3
-He did! And they did! They do!
-They're surprised and try their hardest to figure out what Mads is getting out of this. Because it mostly seems like they're just going along with Akita's plan, and they can't see why though, which makes them even more confused.
-They're a Timephoon clone! They don't, but they heard about most of it later. They've mostly detached themself from Gyro so they don't care much about Boyd or how Gyro feels about it, but a big part of them does feel free, even if it's just from the memories they have of Gyro's guilt.
-He's.... just confused mostly? He treats Mads as their own separate person mostly because that's what they obviously present themself as so that's what he instinctually thinks about them. He knows there's some weird clone identity thing going on but he doesn't care enough to look into it.
-I don't have much of their backstory figured out, but just going for simplicity's sake that they don't like Scrooge (don't know why yet sslkdfj Idk if their story should be similar to my main Mads stories with the whole Moonvasion thing or if I should figure something else out). That's what got them started, and from there they've just had a lot of fun being a supervillain and getting Gizmoduck's attention, so a lot of their schemes don't have much of a point beyond that. Sometimes there's an afterthought of "oh yeah and fuck Scrooge" in their plans but that's never the main focus. I think Gyro can sympathize with them, but Mads is so unserious (and uses jokes to lighten the mood a lotttttttttt it's a problem) that it's honestly hard to. He has a difficult time apologizing for anything or feeling for him if Mads immediately tries to turn it into a joke sslkdjflsd. This Mads is bitter, but doesn't let anyone take that seriously. Either as a way to stop them from pitying them or to try and let the past die, or both. So yeah, I think Gyro does for the most part just think of them as another annoying supervillain and that's that. (And when it comes to Akita, again, nobody knows their motives for teaming up with him or what they're getting out of that relationship)
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Hi I’m back! With more ideas! Also did you like my art? I really liked how it came out in the end. Also Thank you for replying to my asks and for continuing to create this au Finals is destroying my will to live and this is a bright light in the tunnels of all my citing.
Anyways on to throwing up my internal probably not coherent brain sludge that are my thoughts!
I’ve been thinking about what Mihawk and Shanks are going to be like after being traumatized and what they are going to do after. And how it’s going to be an absolute nightmare.
The more I ponder these changes the more I think about the differences we might see in Shanks and Mihawk in this AU compared to the canon counterpart, the more I think that the Loguetown boys will have this franticness about them, this wounded creature under their skin and in the corner of their eyes. Like they're calm, and civil but also two seconds away from bolting or ripping your throat out.
The canon counterparts have had the time and freedom and luxury to grow and gain and sense of stability in their positions-they've both built themselves up—Yonko, Warlord, World's Greatest Swordsman, and the only emperor to use only Haki. Politically, both are untouchable, and even if not, they have the ability to forgo that political safety and still be okay. They have the assurance of that power, the knowledge of their strength, and years of enemies and battles to prove it. They have nothing to prove, no need for more power; they are the pinnacle to strive for in their world, and they know it. They have nothing to fear, and they know that as well.
These two, on the other hand, are probably going to be afraid of everything forever. The world was knocked out from under their feet at a young age, and people took their power from them, holding it over their heads and laughing at their pitiful attempts at fighting back. They are irrevocably scarred, physically and mentally. No matter how powerful they get, no matter how powerful their enemies are, they will never believe themselves safe, will never believe they can't be trapped or hurt or lose or be used. For good or for ill, they are going to be the underdog in their heads no matter what. And that can make them sometimes irrational and paranoid, not thinking things through in the moment. Not that it will make them stupid, but it will make them slow to trust, slower to understand, and slower to put down roots.
I believe entirely that trauma doesn't make a person; it just breaks a person. I mean, look at canon Shanks after his dad was murdered in front of him, and his best friend and crew left him to fight for himself. He became an alcoholic but was probably lucky enough to have people who later could pulled him from the worst of that—he had time to grieve, grow, and learn, and the freedom to allow himself to be content and comfortable with himself, with opening up to other’s, with his relationships and with his power.
With the trauma these two kids are going to go through, I don't see them coming out of it anything but worse. They both didn't have the luxury of time or freedom or people around them that cared enough to allow them to process it. They had no coping mechanisms, no internal hopes aside from ambition (on Mihawk's part), and a memory of a family gone (Shanks) to pull strength from. All they had is each other, and even that's messed up because the others had time to develop their relationship, to reveal vulnerabilities and fears, and the small, intimate human things that make loving someone worth it.
The boys got all of that all at once but forced, no control, no consent, all of their vulnerabilities and humanities on full display and no time to process, to develop, to have space to create an identity for themselves. They will forever be Mihawk and Shanks. Never alone, never without the other. And even when they get out, with all that horrible in their veins, they won't be able to leave each other to find or develop past that. And that's really, really sad. Because as someone who has gone through the hard process of healing or getting better surrounded by people who are also trying to heal, you need that distance. Or you will end up hurting each other, and that pain can lead to resentment.
The worst part is they are both forever going to be a trigger for each other's trauma, but they can't leave each other because if they do, there's no coming back from that. Where could they go anyway to heal, huh? The government's probably still after them; they probably don't trust anyone, and they are both so entwined with each other. Separating would probably kill them. It's going to be so messy. And when I said I believed they'd probably both be more than happy to crawl into each other's skin and live there, I meant it.
Anyways, this is making me sad. And I still want to write that AU where canon meets these boys, just for the mental image of Shanks and Mihawk—these two larger-than-life beings, these big lazy cats like a lion and a tiger, sitting close but not touching their food forgotten as they watch these two vibrating, traumatized, probably-used-to-be circus animals sit next to them practically crawling into each other’s laps. Devouring food somehow both delicately and exactly like a D. And while both parties are going, "Oh god, what the fuck is wrong with you! For entirely different reasons.
I love your art! If you ever decide to make more in the future I'll find some way to give you a million dollars. I'm really invested in this AU, thanks to everyone who also took interest in it and of course, you. I'm glad it's helping you through finals, lol. Hmm, these are all such good thoughts. I love every point you bring up. "the Loguetown boys will have this franticness about them, this wounded creature under their skin and in the corner of their eyes. Like they're calm, and civil but also two seconds away from bolting or ripping your throat out." A pair of wounded, cornered young animals. Because as far as the Marines were concerned, that's what they were, and that's what they nearly turned them into. Loguetown Mihawk and Shanks are going to obtain the power/status of their canon selves because of their desire to never be hurt again, rather than obtaining it by-and-by through the years. Instead of the their reputations forming around them, they are going to make their reputations with their own hands. They'll seek out power. And use it as a shield. When they finally get out, they're going to walk out of the metaphorical arena hand in hand, broken, and ready to die rather than go back. They have everything to prove, and nothing to lose. They have to prove that they are not animals, that they are not broken, (or that they are capable of putting themselves back together) that they are strong, that they can be strong again, that there is revenge to be had, and that they can take it. One of the driving forces is revenge. In Marine custody, they weren't able to protect each other. But they were able to swear vengeance in each other's names, and that keeps them going during a period of recovery that would otherwise have seen them dead. As you mentioned before, Mihawk holding Shanks and thinking he can't die, he has to live for him, to be his protector by his side. Shanks sitting by Mihawk in the cold Marine cells, watching him sleep, the only bit of peace they have, and knowing he has to live. If only because of everything Mihawk did to protect him. That they won't trust anyone is so true, but they will do so eventually, and it will only be the ones who suffered along with them under the Marines. AHHH, that gets overlooked so often! Shanks' drinking habits are huge point of fun, but if you really look at it. Yeah. He's an alcoholic. Our Shanks is going to turn to alcohol too, if more reservedly. Canon Shanks had his crew, he became a captain two years after Roger's death. That two years will be spent in Marine custody for Loguetown Shanks, and even though he finds the people who will become the red-haired pirates, they are in no position to support him as they did in canon. The plan behind the Loguetown AU is to make a dark mirror of everything that happens in canon, with Mihawk/Shanks as the focal point. needs pt. 2 again
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kassymalone · 3 months
Your plots and characters are so engaging, how do you do it? Where there any books or book series that may have helped shape your style of writing, or did you just keep writing fanfics until your writing kept improving and you developed your own style?
Hello, quiet one! Thanks for the compliment, and the question!
I wouldn't say there's one particular book or series that inspired me. Last time I moved house, over 20 of the boxes were just my books! Not even kidding... I've got horror, I've got romance, I've got sci-fi, dragons, LGBT+, bildungsroman, thrillers, manga, high fantasy, reference books... it's a lot. Variety is the spice of life!
I think understanding why you do or don't like what you're reading is very important to engagement. The last book I remember absolutely hating was something I thought I would enjoy (haunted castle in Japan? Yes please!), but the writing was so verbose and the characters so flat, their actions made no sense in reality and there was a subplot about suicidal depression that seemed to disappear after the first chapter...? It was frustrating to finish, and I've always thought that a bad example can be an excellent teacher.
I was always called a daydreamer as a kid, not paying attention and 'away with the fairies' (which was completely true), but I was always thinking of stories. Even to this day, on the bus to and from work I'm thinking of the next chapters, playing it out twelve different ways before picking the one I like the most to actually write down. The second I don't need to be paying attention to the real world, I'm off with my characters seeing what would happen if things went this way this time...
God, this sounds pretentious. Sorry.
As for characters... what makes a character engaging is very difficult and highly subjective. My personal rule is 'it has to make sense'. For example, using Sun and Moon in the fic I'm currently writing, if I randomly put in that they enjoyed making bread, that would make no sense. They're robots, they can't eat, they hate mess, they don't like any humans enough to make the effort anyway, Sun doesn't have the patience for baking and Moon would just point out that there's sliced bread in the kitchen l already. Could there be another story where them baking bread does make sense? Sure, but the way I've written this one!
And finally, you've kind of hit the nail on the head - I have A LOT of experience in this. The first story I finished writing was 80 pages long, and I was very proud of it, but I was 11 so it was probably pretty bad XD I seem to recall there was a dragon involved? I've been writing ever since, both fanficiton and original stuff. I put it aside for a few years in my early twenties during those horrible years I was trying to be 'normal' (because none of the adults I knew at the time had any hobbies, so I thought it was something I had to grow out of, but that's another story...), and the second I picked it up again my mental health improved so much, I can't even tell you.
While my life-long dream of actually being published may never come true (turns out it's really fucking hard, who knew?), just being able to write makes me incredibly happy. I think wanting to do something really shines through in the end result, and if you're really engaged with what you're writing then the reader will be able to tell.
Plus, y'know... practice, practice, practice.
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tiphprince · 1 year
Genuinely so annoying when antis wish death on people for ships, someone responds with "Hey that's messed up, you're being a horrible asshole"
and the anti is like "YOU'RE HARASSING A MINOR"
No one had the time to check the profile for age/dni of every person whose post they interact with. Antis are unbelievably entitled to expect that and imo it's a bad faith shield to make threats against irl people consequence free.
I'm sorry that person was being horrible to you. Antis don't belong in the snapedom.
Yeah, I never check people's blogs before I reply, if they make their posts public and add tags then it's assumed that they do want others to see and possibly reply.
On a side note, I also think that I don't give a single fuck about DNIs, legit the only DNI that makes any sense to me is for minors, incidentally. "Bigots DNI" is always particularly hilarious, as if people do go around fully aware and proud that they're bigots. Though I guess DNIs do work in a way with me because no matter the DNI and whether I fit it or not, I assume the person is too immature to be on the internet and will certainly never interact with them.
I didn't think they were being that horrible, but I blocked both so it's all good now.
It's a shame though that even though we are part of a fandom that does get pretty intense hate at times, including threaths, some people lack the mental faculties to think that if it's bad for them to be insulted based on their fictional character, then it's equally as bad for them to do the same to others.
A minor who is capable of saying that others should die and that they'd help make it so, is also capable of being told that what they're doing is disgusting and this behavior doesn't belong in the Snape fandom.
Anyway, stan Snamione, Snarry and every other Snape ship!
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leffee · 1 year
Okay, it's really time for me to come back to doing stuff with Undertale, don't you worry followers, I'm still infatuated with it.
Anyway, I really feel like doing some headcanons about Bad Sanses with alcohol beeeecause why nooot and because they're found family. Or poly, whatever you prefer. Aaaa:
Nightmare: He is actually pretty much in the middle with everything. He needs some alcohol to get drunk, one beer won't work on him for example. But a whole one bottle of wine? Yup, that will. He got dared by Dust once to do it and my man was wobbly as hell after. You bet his inhibitions mostly disappear and he's quite vocal about his love for the rest. However, it's also much easier to irritate him, the plus is that due to his lowered coordination he realistically won't do anything with it, no matter how much he wants to. He also gets really easy and short hangovers and, the lucky bastard. He flexes that :O.
Cross: He's not a fan of losing control like that, so he doesn't drink a lot or often. Because of that it's easy for him to get drunk on only small amount. However, at the same time, for whatever reason, he can drink almost anything without complaining about the taste or even frowning and wincing. When he's properly drunk he gets really giggly and loves teasing others about the stupidest things, the cute lad. He has horrible hangovers though and really needs to be left alone until he gets better.
Horror: my beloved, I mean, he actually likes drinking every now and then, however, he needs something stronger, anything mild just doesn't work on him. Contrary to Cross, he likes the loss of control that comes with it, not to mention the relaxation. He can worry quite a lot so the break is nice. Surprisingly though, alcohol makes him rather angsty, not at others (though that's possible too), but it just wakes up some beast within him. In other words, don't mess with him when he's intoxicated. He also gets really protective of the rest of them, his tall height adding to that urge quite a bit.
Error: the first few times he was really apprehensive about drinking any amount of anything. It took some time for him to stop being anxious about it. The others didn't force him into anything, but he both wanted to prove them and himself that he could do it, so he started small and gradually went bigger. Once he got used to alcohol however, everyone pretty much had to keep a close eye on him, because once he truly discovered how relaxed he gets when drunk, he craved it all the time. He's quite a lightweight too, but it weirdly changes. He blames it on his glitchy nature. Similarly, his hangovers are very varied, once he can get a massive one after drinkng one beer, other times he drinks many, many shots of vodka and he's completely okay the next day.
Dusty I mean Dust: he feels such an urge to fight everyone and everything while intoxicated, be it physically or mentally, it's hilarious. He's almost the complete opposite of his usual quiet self, he has to be physically held down by someone, usually by Horror or Nightmare's tentacle, unless it is advantegous somehow of course. But that also adds to being extremely reckless and lacking self-preservation in any form. He will also sometimes throw things off the furniture just to be an asshole. Basically, he's loud. Like Nightmare he's neither easy nor hard to get drunk.
Killer: Alcohol actually relaxes him more than doing anything else. He doesn't get loud or more energetic or anything, he's just rather quiet, half laying on the couch with the laziest grin on his face. Sometimes he's more in his head than with everyone else during those moments. But he might also require some attention sometimes, not much, but he can't be left alone, that's for sure. He's honestly just chilling with an occasional burst of laughter for no reason.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ was in the mood
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atherix · 2 years
YES I AM VERY PROUD ATHERIX, VERY PROUD 😌 do you like the thoughts and ideas? I do... >:]
Ok but scar in this au is breaking my heart?? Imagine you fall for this perfect guy. But his kid acts like you're the worst thing to ever happen! Children swap places, trying to get their patents back together! Your boyfriends ex shows up! Theyre still in love! Already low self esteem levels! The emotional damage?? May I hug him please <33
Then mumbo?? You break up with your partner. You take custody of one kid, him the other. Move to a completely new place! You try to get over your ex. Then you meet a guy! This guy is wonderful! You get together! Your child is an ass! YOUR CHILDREN SWAP PLACES. They try and get you and your ex back together! You still have feelings for your ex! But you also love your boyfriend. The inner conflict??
And GRIAN. Same start as mumbo. But you're alone! Thats ok though, you dont need anyone else. Children. Swap. Places. But mumbo is with someone now! Hes happy! And you can't have feelings for him still right? No, that would be silly. You deny it. You pull away. Everything sets fire because thats a great representation of the mental stateof everyone at this point <33
Don’t tell me theres a point where everyone is broken up- emotionally and literally i mean... and then they have to sit and actually TALK to eachother... (although we both know you are excellent at writing talks) figure out their issues... think about the future... and where it leves them...
AND SIBLING BONDING PLEASE... INCLUDING TUBBO IN THAT. All three of them parent trapping the hell out of these lovesick idots <33
By the way your tags killed me, thank you for that :D
-🍂autumn anon🍂
How can you be PROUD of yourself for encouraging my silly fluffy and angsty ideas? ....... I love them-
You may in fact hug Scar because warning, it is physically impossible for me to write a fic where Scar does not either physically or emotionally suffer <3 Being my bias means being pitiful and hurt between the bamfery <3<3 He will be put through the ringer BUT IT'S OKAAAAAY IT'S FIIIIIINE THERE'S A HAPPY ENDING <3 That probably begins as a V poly before eventually becoming a △ poly bc Scar and Grian wouldn't really know each other very well at that point but neither would ever ask Mumbo to give up someone he loves because they're both open-minded people who want Mumbo to be happy <3
Like imagine Mumbo and Grian sitting Grum and Jrum down to talk to them, finally tell them the truth about everything and answer their questions, and the old feelings coming back and they're able to laugh together and look like a family, and then Scar comes around the corner (out of sight) and just stops and watches them and realizes he really is an outsider here, b/c Mumbo and Grian are laughing together again and the twins look so happy- and Grum is smiling like he never does when Scar (and Tubbo) are around and just. Thinking that's how things should be, and just quietly leaving thinking about it and and and-
YEAH what a blow that will be <3 Mumbo will also suffer because his grumpy kid doesn't want a NEW family, just wants the family Mumbo they lost back and almost loses Scar (and Tubbo) AND Grian almost doesn't stay anyway when he comes to collect his kid (but oh how now that Grian knows Grum he doesn't want to let go, and same for Mumbo with Jrum </3 So now a proper and fair custody is needed and just hjfdsjk) but yeah Mumbo and Grum very nearly ending up alone AGAIN and Grum just realizing what he's cost Mumbo (at least Grum blames himself for it) bc Mumbo doesn't want to lose Scar just like he didn't want to lose Grian and just hjfdsjkfd
And Grian finding out that what happened ~11 years ago was a massive horrible terrible misunderstanding and Mumbo let him leave anyway, and finding out that Mumbo still loves him but Mumbo also has someone new who he loves and who loves him and just. Seeing what a mess everything is. And thinking he and Mumbo lost their chance over a decade ago and demanding if Mumbo is REALLY going to just let Scar walk away like he let Grian, AND over another misunderstanding (though this one a bittersweet misunderstanding rather than whatever absolute disaster happened between Mumbo and Grian), and just sjkfgdsfgk
AND YES THE BONDING. The sibling bonding. Grum having avoided Tubbo for the time he's known him, but Jrum quickly befriending Tubbo (and learning Tubbo and Scar's story that Grum never knew jhfdsjk) and Grum seeing his twin and Tubbo being friends and instead of being upset or jealous starts wondering what HE missed and just. Just. The crushing realization that he'll never know when Mumbo sits him down and tells him Scar and Tubbo aren't coming home and the "what have I done" when he sees how TIRED and SAD Mumbo is and thinks he's ruined his dad's second chance at happiness, gave up what he already had for something that he never even had in the first place and just hjfdsjkf. SO MUCH needing to be fixed I just-
Look I love adding killers in the tags <3
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c0unt3rc0m84t · 1 year
So fun fact about me: My favorite characters in DC since childhood are Green Arrow, Black Canary, Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and Wally West.
My favorite Marvel characters since childhood are Clint Barton, Mockingbird, Iron Fist, Quicksilver, Rogue, and Thor.
Funny part here is I only knew them when I was younger cause I was surrounded by nerds so I kinda latched onto these characters I barely knew who I just saw on a TV show or something. Specifically, Green Arrow and Black Canary I started loving from Justice League Unlimited and latched heavily and then started watching Arrow so like ig I got a pretty good idea of Green Arrow in my head based off JLU the problem here is Canary. Apparently no one can do Black Canary right which is hilariously horrible for me cause I wanna consider her my favorite but there's no good reason. I've been doing research the last few days and finding nothing for characterization and it's actively annoying. What's her motivation, temperament, mentality, interests? Idk I can't find anything. I always thought Injustice 2 was decently accurate but apparently not. I thought Sara Lance Canary was pretty accurate but apparently not. Supposedly JLU and Young Justice are both kinda accurate but she's barely in either so what the hellllllll. Like Sara Lance is prolly my Black Canary anyway for live action (although I do like E1 Laurel FIGHT ME) but besides that I'd prolly say for me she wants to be a hero to do good but she's also a bit of a thrill seeker and keeps her singer roots.
And it's the same with Mockingbird. She's barely in Avengers Earths Mightiest Heroes and Agents of SHIELD but I also latch so heavily to her even from the little she's in them. I did have enough to get a Mockingbird volume so I've got a decent characterization for her i just wish there were more and consistent but whatever
Then Green Arrow and Hawkeye have good characterization in JLU and AEMH respectively, but then live action they're barely the same. Like I still love Arrow even though they messed him up like I love it so much and even enjoy how they did him weirdly. Hawkeye though? MCU version of him is soooooo not Hawkeye especially with how I like him. Like, he doesn't make jokes except in Ultron and Civil War, and he doesn't even have his Circus origins which idk why it hurts me so much but I want Circus Hawkeye in MCU so badly and it's just not gonna happen.
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silverofthunder · 2 years
i have so much thoughts about Sara & August that i'm not sure if i can put them into words...
first i have to say that i don't hate them. yes, they both messed up big time but anyway... they were kinda cute together and i do believe that they both really, genuinely care about each other.
actually, their situation reminds me of how i ended up together with my boyfriend. it was kinda messy and there was a third person involved too.
i can see a part of myself in Sara. a few years ago i made a choice that destroyed my longest friendship. and yes, i did it all because i was in love. i didn't really think how much it could affect everything but i did it anyway.
there was a lot of drama to deal with after and it changed a lot of things.
i was being selfish when i chose a guy over my best friend but it also made me realize that our friendship hadn't been good one for a long time.
i don't regret anything, though. honestly.
of course it was hard to deal with the situation (all the drama in the beginning) and i had to do what i felt was right.
and that's what Sara did, too, i think. when strong emotions and feelings are involved, you can't always see the whole picture.
i can totally understand the "to be in love with someone wrong can feel so right" thing. we can't choose who we will fall for.
i think Sara & August are/were such an interesting couple/pair. they aren't bad bad, they're just teenagers being in a horrible, messed up situation. though August definitely has some mental health issues (the pills and all).
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adepressedartist · 1 year
I'm so tired. Idk man. My mind's been racing...
I am pissed at the two most important people in my life. I made my anger clear; like adults should. But still I feel bad about it. They're both mentally ill and fucked up in the head, so I'm not sure how they took it. I made sure not to spell out everything. God if I would've they'd surely hate me. I tried my best keeping my cool in a horrid and terrifying situation like this. If i look at how other people react to this impending doom i think I handled it well. Especially with bpd telling me to split and rage. Good thing I can use the ASPD and anger management therapy for me. But at the same time i want them to feel how angry, disappointed, hurt and confused i am. I don't want to be the bigger person that keeps their cool. I want to be mad. But i know it's healthier to not be, and let them know this calmly. It wasn't my plan to probably hurt their feelings this much, but just screams they've hurt mine more, so i just leave it to be for now till i found the right way to communicate this further. I've set a boundary for one of them; if she doesn't go to therapy asap she'll never hear of me again. For him; he's already trying to, so no need to threaten him. I just want to cuddle. I'm also very scared my cat will die while I might be gone. He looks terrible. His fur is messed up, way too thin and ruined and he is nothing but bone and muscle. I hope so desperately he'll survive this. Because no, currently i am not fucking able to take his death. Not at all. Just like I won't be able to take my dog's death that's coming near. Found out she's 9. Dogs like her turn 12 MAX. I almost started crying on the spot. I am absolutely not ready for that at the moment. And if both my pets die at the same time it'll be way too much for me. Wouldn't be able to do that at fucking all.
I don't know how life will continue from now on. I think I figured a way to escape this without changing my lifestyle too much. Let's solve problems with even more problems, right? I think, if I wasn't as sick as i am, and would not have like 10ish yrs left to live, i honestly wouldn't care as long as they'd put me into the male one. Like, wouldn't care at all. But here we are. I hate this.. Why is it always me to get horrible things like that? Why do i always have to carry such burdens?
I really don't understand. I'm frontstuck because the body is terribly afraid.. I just want to be held and cuddle with my cat. I want both of them to get better... Did i ruin him through trying to set boundaries even more?..
I want the reason behind all this to stay private. Jeez, legally I'm not allowed to talk abt it anyways. But i want to keep it private for personal reasons as well. Nobody needs to know i fucked up so much. I don't want to be seen like this in the eyes of others..
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