#All Star Cheer Squad 2
wiiroms · 1 year
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(via All Star Cheer Squad 2)
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alotofpockets · 1 month
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Tension | Vivianne Miedema x Lioness!Reader | 18+ MDNI
Where tensions rise on the pitch, and snap something in your girlfriend.
Warnings: smut, 18+ MDNI, strap on use (r receiving)
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.2k
Tensions were rising on the pitch as the score was stuck at 1-1 for most of the match. Vivianne scored the opening goal for The Netherlands in the fifth minute, and Alessia scored the equalizer only two minutes after. Ever since both teams have been battling. 
You had gone head to head with your girlfriend time and time again, and each time you blocked her run, or her shot, you saw the frustration growing on her face. 
Viv came running up the flank again, and once more you made the run out wide to stop her from getting through. You slide in and kick the ball out from under her feet, taking her down in the process as she falls over your legs. The tackle was clean and went out of bounds, so it would be a throw-in for The Netherlands. You get up first, and extend your hand to help up your girlfriend. Though she didn’t take it, she pushed your hand away and got up herself.
The fans knew you and Viv as the loving couple, which you were of course. You loved Viv dearly, and loved sharing the life you lived together with the world. With the both of you playing for Arsenal, there were plenty of moments the fans got to see of you on the pitch, and you shared your fair share of offline moments. 
However when you were playing against each other, a different side of your relationship was seen. Her being a striker and you being a defender meant it was your job to stop Viv from doing hers, which often came with lots of frustrations like tonight. 
You shrugged your shoulders and walked off, eager to continue the match. Daniëlle took the throw-in and threw the ball Viv’s way. It bounced off her chest right to your feet. With one swift move, you nutmeg Viv and run around her to pass the ball to Ella. You knew Viv was not going to like you nutmegging her, but you felt a sense of pride as you had successfully pulled off the move on the Dutch star striker.
On the other side of the pitch, Alessia had managed to send an assist to the far post where Chloe jumped up and changed the ball’s course of direction. The ball was just out of reach for Daphne, and hit the back of the net, along with an eruption of cheers around you in the stadium. 
You ran upfield to celebrate with your teammates, tapping both Alessia and Chloe on the head, showing you appreciate their efforts, before running back for the last couple of minutes of the match.
The match ended with a final score of 1-2. You were happy with the score, from the beginning you had known that playing against a top team like The Netherlands was going to be tough, but your team managed to pull through.
You went around the pitch, hugging the Dutch squad, as they had all become your friends since you had started dating Viv. When you got to Viv, the fans might have thought that the frustrations they had seen just mere minutes before would have an effect on this moment, but over the years you had learned to push past it. Viv wrapped her arms around you and pulled you close. 
“You're okay?” You whisper into her ear. Though you had not hit her on your slide tackle, you wanted to make sure nothing happened, especially after all the scares with her knee lately. 
“Yeah, all good. Don't worry, love.” She reassured you. As you stepped out of her hug, you decided to press your luck. 
“What about that nutmeg, eh?” The frustrated look made its way onto her face. You barely missed the way her eyes darkened as she started turning around, but you caught it just before she said, “Just wait until we get home.”
Viv's comment had you frozen in place. The way her eyes darkened and her voice dropped, had your mind spinning, and you couldn’t wait until she would be home again. 
Leah walked up to you and swung her arm around your shoulder. “Are you going to come home to an angry Viv tomorrow?.” You have to hold back a smirk as you tell her, “Something like that.”
The next day you hear the front door to your shared home open, and you eagerly get up, not having been able to get Viv’s words out of your mind since she spoke them at the stadium. 
The moment she laid her eyes on you, she dropped her bags and coat to the floor. “Bedroom, now.” 
Your girlfriend was usually the sweetness herself, and definitely more on the soft loving part of the spectrum. With sex she let you take the lead most of the time, but you knew that tonight was not going to be one of those nights. 
“Strip for me and get on the bed.” Your heart started beating faster at the commands she was giving you. This side of your girlfriend was one you didn’t see often, so you listened to her commands, wanting to enjoy every moment of this.
It was honestly ridicules how wet the simple gestures had gotten you already. You knew that as you were undressing that she would notice, but at this point there really was nothing you could do about it anymore.
You felt her eyes on you with every item of clothing that you took off, the look in her eyes was hungry. The air filled with lust and anticipation, as she made her way over to you. 
“So wet baby, I haven’t even touched you yet.” Her eyes bore into yours, a smirk playing at her lips, knowing how worked up her single sentence from yesterday had made you. 
“Please love, I need you.” She got onto the bed after she had gotten undressed as well, and finally connected your lips. The kiss was rough, but full of passion. That was one thing about Vivanne, no matter how frustrated she was about a situation, her actions would always come from passion. 
The room filled with moans and goans as Viv was pumping her stap into you. She was close to giving you your fourth orgasm of the night, having truly taken full control this evening. 
“Come one love, you can give me one more. One for each time you blocked me from scoring.” You were too far gone to even comprehend what she was getting at. The only thought on your mind was the immense pleasure that Viv was giving you. Your fifth orgasm of the night was fastly approaching, a few more thrusts from your girlfriend, and she had you falling over the edge again. 
After she let you ride out your high, she collapsed into your arms. “I love you.” She whispers into your ear as she pulls out slowly. “Hmm, I love you too.” She peppered soft kisses all over your blissed out face, switching right back to the soft Vivianne Miedema. You lay in each other’s arms, enjoying the moment together after having missed each other for weeks, and knowing that no matter the competition on the field, your love for each other would always be more important than football.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Hello, I'm that elusive slime again. I haven't been very active, but oh well. I have a request for Poseidon, Thor and Hercules. (from the requests of: miko from Amaterasu, Child Wolf and Poisoned Love) Where the children of each god cheer them on in a round of the New Ragnarok Tournament. (Surely everyone will lose their souls if two adolescent deities start cheering Poseidon on loudly. As for Thor and Hercules, I suppose there won't be many surprises, apart from Forseti joining the cheers, and Zeus teaching his grandchildren how to shout phrases of encouragement to his father who is dying of joy and shame)
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Hello, my darling slime! I’m happy to see you again! This idea sounds so cute! I think I’m going to use twins for each of them!
-Ragnarok, after the first tournament, became a yearly event, as everyone loved the spectacle, and was no longer a fight to the death, so fighters could come back year after year if they wanted to.
-Your husband decided to fight again, wanting the challenge of a strong opponent, and as he stood in the arena, listening to the cheers, waiting for his opponent, he heard two little voices, “Papa!!”
-Poseidon (2 girls)- Flinched slightly but turned, seeing his two little girls waving at him, much to the shock of everyone else around, except for you, your mother, and Zeus, who snuck down to sit with you and his nieces. Poseidon was a rather private person, even more so about his personal life, so not many knew that he had married and fathered twin girls with you. Poseidon bit his lip lightly, face turning bright red as Zeus told them both what to say, embarrassing his brother, “We love you, papa!!” the crowd loved it, seeing Poseidon as such a loving father, while Poseidon was planning on ending this match quickly so he could go murder his younger brother. You couldn’t help but giggle softly, sensing your husband’s malice, “You know he’s going to attack you, right?” Zeus grinned like a little gremlin, “Of course I do, that’s why I’m doing as much as I can, to make it worth it.” Your mother rolled her eyes but failed to hide her grin.
-Thor (2 boys)- Thor’s stoic look softened, seeing you sitting with Loki and Odin, his boys waving at him, cheering loudly for him. Loki was taking photos, thinking it was adorable while Odin looked neutral, but he was happy and relaxed, while Forsetti was trying to teach your boys a cheer, becoming a cheer squad for your husband. Thor couldn’t help but grin slightly, a soft chuckle leaving him, before he felt a rush of adrenaline, wanting to show off for his kids. The wolves around you and your family all howled and your boys quickly joined in, howling for Thor which made him chuckle again.
-Hercules (1 of each)- He was all smiles, grinning up at his children, waving up at them, soaking up their attention while you couldn’t help but grin, taking a few photos because all three of them were so stinking cute! Hercules blew a kiss up at you and your children ducked, “Catch it mama!” you ‘caught’ his kiss, which others around you thought was cute and Hercules couldn’t help but grin brightly. You could definitely tell he was showing off, his moves were a bit flashier, grinning as your kids were in stunned awe, their eyes turning to stars as they watched their papa fight. He couldn’t help it, he was just so happy that the three of you were all watching him and cheering him on.
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choke-me-joey · 1 year
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Eddie Munson x fem metalhead cheerleader
Summary: Based on this - how Eddie met his not so typical cheerleader girlfriend and a little exploration of their relationship.
Content warning: 18+ content minors DNI, smoking, underage drinking, drug use, swearing, flirting, smut.
Author's note: Happy Valentines Day! Every year I say I hate it and then get a little sad when I don't get a card or something little so….here is my gift to you because I love you all! This chapter also comes with a kiss on the forehead for you 😘
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
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Chapter 7
It had been 2 months since Eddie had ended things. 2 months since you had stopped speaking to him, even glancing his way. You'd stopped going to Hellfire, stopped going to The Hideout and you'd even gone as far as to request your seat be changed in Ms O'Donnell's class, meaning you now sat on the far side of the room, pretty much as far as you could get from him. No more whispered exchanges whilst Ms O'Donnell's back was turned, no more quick kisses at your locker between classes, no more smiles across the cafeteria, nothing. There was nothing now.
The guys in Hellfire knew something had to have happened, but weren't exactly sure what. Eddie had changed personalities overnight, now sullen and moody, quick to anger and snap as opposed to his usual clowning around, all lovesick and dopey and full of jokes. Now, honestly, he was kind of depressing to be around.
You were no better off. The cheer squad weren't exactly your friends before, and now you didn't really have anyone to turn to. You got along with everyone, sure, but since Eddie had broken your heart you had become so withdrawn and quiet, your coach had to step in and make sure everything was okay.
Of course it was the usual response that "boys come and go, honey, it's just a high school crush" which made you want to roll your eyes right out of your goddamn head. Your mood fluctuated from sad, to angry, to sad again, and you'd lost count of how many times you'd cried yourself to sleep over the last 2 months, clutching at Eddie's old Dio shirt he'd given you to sleep in a few weeks into your relationship, but never asked for it back. It very, very faintly smelled of him still and honestly it was the only thing keeping you from completely losing it.
Despite how much he had hurt you, and how angry you got at times, it didn't mean your feelings for Eddie had completely disappeared. Of course you still loved him. You had fallen hard and fast for him and that wasn't just going to go away. Ignoring him at school was one of the hardest things you've ever done, but you knew it would eventually ease your pain.
Rumours swirled around the school, as they do. First it was you had come to your senses and dumped the freak, then it was because Eddie had tried to sacrifice you to Satan and scared you off. But the newest one was that Eddie was screwing a girl in the next town over, and you had found out. Turns out somebody had caught a glimpse of the nude Polaroid falling out of Eddie's locker, not realising it was actually you, and the rumour swelled from there.
That damn Polaroid. It had ruined everything. You don't even know where it had come from, any nudes you'd taken of yourself were safely secured in your bedroom, and any nudes anyone else had ever taken of you were destroyed upon breaking up, you'd made sure of that.
But this particular photo...you'd been racking your brain for weeks trying to think how someone could have gotten a hold of it. It was one you'd kept in your room, you knew it was because of the little star you'd marked them all with; you were very conscious of keeping your nudes safe.
Besides, you'd only ever had 2 boyfriends that you'd taken these pictures for, and you'd not even given them to 1 of them. You'd never taken them for any fuck buddies or one time flings, despite being asked. And you rarely ever brought those dudes into your bedroom, except for-
Your heart pounds, and you start to shake.
That motherfucker.
Eddie sighed as he pulled up to Chrissy Cunningham's mansion the following Friday night. He could hear the music already thumping away; Chrissy's parents had gone out of town for the weekend so of course, Eddie had been called upon to deal. He fucking hated these things, especially now that he didn't have you by his side. He swallowed hard.
He fucking missed you.
He missed you so much it hurt. Now it had been nearly 3 months since he'd found that photo, since he'd ended things, and he still couldn't get your face out of his head. The way you'd looked at him, the way your voice wobbled and cracked with emotion, and the way you'd hissed at him with a venom he had never, ever imagined you spitting at him.
You hated him now. You didn't even look at him in school, stopped coming to Hellfire, stopped parking your car next to his van, stopped it all.
Was that because you were guilty? Pissed at him because he'd called you out? Or...maybe, just maybe, he'd made a mistake.
Eddie kicked himself mentally every time he thought about it. He let his emotions get the best of him, like always, only this time he'd let the rage take over. That had only ever happened once before and it ended in a broken hand, the other guy's broken jaw and Chief Hopper hauling him into a cell, letting him rot there overnight before Wayne came to bail him out the next morning. Eddie had never felt so ashamed as he did when his uncle had looked at him with that sad, disappointed expression. Wayne never said it, but Eddie knew exactly what he was thinking- he was following in his father's footsteps.
He'd sworn to himself after that that he would never let his rage take over again.
And then you came along, he fell head over heels like never before and when his brain had told him you were definitely cheating on him, that he wasn't worthy of you, that you couldn't possibly love him, and when he read that stupid fucking note that all but, in his mind, confirmed his fears he just lost control.
And now you were gone.
Except you weren't gone, because there you were, walking up Chrissy's front path with a couple of the other cheerleaders, looking as perfect as ever, in leather pants and a cropped Bon Jovi shirt, sticking out like a sore thumb amongst the other party goers dressed in...well, color. Eddie watched as a group of football players met their girlfriends, pulling them into sloppy drunken kisses and grabbing their asses, making the girls squeal and giggle. One football player - was it Johnson? - approaches you with a predatory look in his eye and Eddie doesn't realise he's holding in a breath until he releases it when you completely blank Johnson, shoving past him and into Chrissy's house.
This was going to be a long night.
You'd lost count of how many beers you'd drank and how many shots you'd thrown back. And honestly, you didn't fucking care.
You'd seen Eddie's van parked up down the street when you'd arrived; of course he'd be here. He was always expected to show at these parties - it's where he'd make most of his money. The minute you'd seen it, that's when you decided you were going to get absolutely shit wrecked.
That and when Johnson had had the balls to approach you, grinning like the fucking cat who stole one of your nude photos to sabotage your relationship.
You'd kept your cool, you had to. Your spot on the squad couldn't take another fight, or scandal. You had to swallow your anger towards Johnson, that regretful summer fling from last year, and just get on with it.
So of course, you chose to drink. And dance. And smoke. All on your own of course. You know everyone is looking at you, but you couldn't give two shits if you tried.
You stumble out into the backyard, and spot Eddie dealing at the far end of the yard. Fuck it, you think, you want to just let go, and you knew Eddie had the good shit. You inhale and walk over to Eddie as a group of girls leave him. He looks you up and down, concerned.
"Y/N?" He sounds almost afraid.
"Munson." You say curtly and he winces. "Got any pre-rolled?"
"Y/N, I don't think you should be smoking-"
"And I don't think you should be acting like my goddamn boyfriend, Munson, when you made it pretty clear 3 months ago that you thought I was cheating slut!" You snap. Eddie's jaw clenches.
"I'm not selling to you, Y/N. You're wasted."
"And so is everyone else here!" You gesture around, exaggerated by the alcohol. "Don't act all caring now, Munson. Just...don't."
"Fine." He grits out, giving you the pre-rolled joint from behind his ear. You hand him a $20, but he pushes your hand away. "Just take it."
You sigh. "Jesus, look, just take the damn money, okay? I don't expect girlfriend privileges anymore."
"I don't want your fucking money, okay? Just take the goddamn joint, Y/N, I'm just trying to be nice!"
"Well don't!" You yell, a few people glancing over as a silence falls over them. "You broke my heart, Eddie, you don't get to be fucking nice! You never even once gave me a chance to explain-"
"What was there to explain?!" Eddie yells back, taking you by surprise. "It was pretty fucking crystal clear to me, Y/N! And you weren't the only one who had their fucking heart broken, I loved you!"
You freeze, your breathing turning shaky and you blinked rapidly, tears threatening to spill over. You throw the joint at him and turn on your heel, storming back into the house.
"Getting tired of that right hand yet, freak?" A smug voice makes Eddie turn around. He comes face to face with Aaron Johnson, another one of Anderson's idiotic companions. Eddie rolls his eyes.
"You buying or not?" He replies, and Johnson smirks, leaning against a tree.
"You know, if it wasn't for Y/N's shitty taste in music, I probably would have carried on hitting that. She's so fucking hot but I can't be seen with someone who dresses like a satanist, wearing all that demonic shit. My mom would have disowned me. But, fuck, that pussy's second to none, right Munson?"
Eddie's jaw clenches.
"And that body, fuck, it's insane. Glad I found her secret stash of pics and took a little reminder for myself. Came in handy more than a few times." Johnson grins and Eddie's stomach drops. "Y'see, she fucked with our team, freak. Got Anderson kicked off when we were a sure win for the championship, I could've gotten a fucking scholarship. And thanks to her, that ain't happening. So, I just had to let you know what a stupid little slut she is, Munson. I did you a favour."
"You." Eddie grits out. "You did this."
"I did her, too. She really is a freak in the sack, isn't she? Think she's drunk enough to let me fu-"
Eddie's fist connects with Johnson's cheek before he can even finish his sentence. Johnson staggers back in suprise, before returning a blow to Eddie's stomach, and the two begin to brawl, much to the delight of the onlookers in the yard. The news travels fast throughout Chrissy's house.
"Holy shit! Johnson's fighting the freak!" A voice yells from the kitchen, and your head snaps up from the beer you were nursing on the couch in the living room.
You push through the crowd that are now chanting 'fight, fight, fight!' and eventually get outside to the chaotic scene of Eddie and Johnson rolling around on the floor beating the piss out of each other, blood splattering the patio.
"Eddie!" You scream out as he rolls on top of Johnson, driving his fist into his face. He doesn't hear you, blinded by rage. It scares you to see him like this, so, so angry and vicious. Even though he broke your heart, you still cared for him and hated the way his beautiful face was bruised and bloody and curled into a snarl. You run over and grab his arm before he can drive it down again and pull him off of Johnson, but he pulls away from you and dives towards him again. Johnson is a better fighter than Anderson for sure, and immediately pins Eddie back on the ground. "Get the fuck off of him, Aaron!"
"How'd you like the little gift I left your boyfriend, Y/N?!" Johnson bellows, laughing maniacally as you shove him off of Eddie, who coughs and spits out blood onto the patio. "Should have thought twice before you fucked with the team!"
"This is all because of your fucking high school football career?!" You shriek. "Oh my god, grow up! If Anderson wasn't such a pig maybe he'd still be on the goddamn team!"
Johnson gets off of a groaning Eddie, staggering slightly as he grins at you.
"He knows what an easy little slut you are, Y/N, can you really blame him for trying? If you'll let this freak stick his dick in you, you're gonna let anyone do it."
"At least I knew when his dick was in me, which is more than I can say about yours, Johnson." You bite back, making several of the onlookers gasp and giggle. Johnson looks visibly embarrassed and enraged. "I only give my nudes to guys with dicks bigger than 3 inches, you fucking Neanderthal."
Johnson takes a step towards you, but he's quickly restrained by two of his buddies. The wail of police sirens and flashing lights a few streets over is enough for the crowd to disperse; one of the neighbours must have called and reported the party. "Shit," you hiss, helping Eddie up off of the floor and pushing your way out of the panicked crowd. "Give me your keys."
"You...you can't fucking drive, you’re wasted." Eddie grumbles.
"Yeah? Well I bet I can drive better than you can with a busted eye, Munson, so unless you want another run in with Hopper, give me your damn keys."
Eddie sighs and places them into your hand. You wince at the sight of his raw, bloody knuckles.
You help him to the van and buckle yourself in to the driver's seat. "You're gonna need to direct me Mr Here's Another Excuse For You Not To Come To My Place."
Eddie sighs again.
"It's…Forest Hills Trailer Park, you know it?" You nod. Eddie looked almost ashamed. "Of course you do, Hawkins' best trailer trash, drug addicts and drunks all in one spot, I'm surprised they don't charge at the gate for parents to just bring their kids in and show them how they shouldn't end up like this. Like a damn museum exhibit." Eddie mumbles bitterly. You frown, doing your best to concentrate on driving straight.
"It's left here."
The 15 minute drive was silent, not even the radio playing, with intermittent grunts or hisses of pain from Eddie. When you arrive at his trailer, you help him out of the van and to the door, unlocking with his keys. You sit him on the small couch.
"Got any frozen peas?" You ask, looking around the trailer at the small kitchen.
"My uncle keeps ice packs just for this very reason. Second drawer."
You follow his instructions and retrieve one, wrapping it in a dish cloth and handing it to him.
"Keep that on your eye. Where's your first aid stuff?"
Eddie places the ice pack on his eye. "Bathroom cabinet, down the hall on your right, but, Y/N you don't-"
But you ignore him and find your way to the small bathroom. Your tummy flutters as you pass by what is obviously Eddie's bedroom, getting a waft of that delicious Eddie smell. You enter the small bathroom and dig in the cabinet and find an old bottle of peroxide, Neosporin, cotton pads and bandaids. You also find a washcloth, soaking it in cold water and squeezing out the excess water. You go back out into the living room and kneel in front of Eddie.
"Chin up." You instruct, and he does, wincing as you gently rub at the dried blood on his face, getting rid of the worst of it before you soak a cotton pad in peroxide. "This is gonna sting."
Eddie sucks in a breath as you dab at the cut on his cheek. "Ow, fuck."
"Told you." You clean it as gently as possible before popping some Neosporin on it and a band aid. You repeat the process on the cut his forehead, lip, chin and his knuckles. “Didnt think you were a fighter, Munson.”
“Oh, I’m Munson again now?” Eddie huffs and you roll your eyes, placing the last bandaid on his knuckle. “Thanks…”
“No problem, it was kind of my fault you got in a fight. I should have realised sooner that it was him.”
Eddie clears his throat.
“Yeah, listen, about that…I’m sorry, Y/N. I should have let you explain. I guess I was just pissed at the thought of you having fucked someone else, even if it was before me.”
“Yeah, you should have let me explain.” you say, your voice a little sharp. Eddie avoids your eyes. “It’s fine, what’s done is done, but…thanks for defending my honour.”
“Just returning the favour, sweetheart. Couldn't have you beating the shit out of another jock, your place on the squad would have been toast."
"Yeah well…" you shrug, stifling a yawn. You glance at the clock on the wall. "Jesus, when did it get to be 3am?!"
"Well you lost about 5 hours getting wasted. I'm suprised you got us back without landing us in a ditch." Eddie smirked and you shoved him.
"I guess the adrenaline sobered me up." You sigh. "I gotta stop going to these parties, especially when you're there. You're the problem here."
"Ain't nothing new there. Go, take my bed, you need to sleep."
"But what about you, Eddie? You're injured, I cant kick you out of your own bed. I can crash on the couch."
Eddie snorts. "Yeah, I'm sure my uncle would appreciate you stealing his spot when he gets in from his night shift in a couple hours. Take my bed, I'll sleep on the floor."
You roll your eyes. You forgot how stubborn he could be.
"Okay fine but um, can I borrow some clothes? Leather pants aren't exactly the comfiest thing to sleep in."
"Sure, come on princess." Eddie leads you to his bedroom, rifling through his messy drawers before handing you a shirt and some boxers. "You can, uh, change in the bathroom."
"Why? Not like you haven't seen it all before." You shrug, stripping off your shirt and pants, standing in Eddie's room in your bra and panties, modesty gone thanks to the alcohol still lingering in your system . Eddie swallows hard, looking away. He doesn't look back at you until you clear your throat. His heart hammers in his chest as he takes in the sight of you in his favourite Metallica shirt and some of his comfiest boxers, taking your hair down out of the band it had been tied up with. You smile at him softly. "You wore this shirt to my house the first time."
"You wore it too," he grins, wincing as his lip screams at him.
"Yeah for like an hour, you insisted on getting me naked again." You giggle, cheeks flushing.
"I am but a man, sweetheart." Eddie holds his hands up in admittance. He quickly straightens up his bedsheets before gesturing for you to climb in. You gingerly do so, part of you so sad that it's under these circumstances that you're in Eddie's bed for the first time, and part of you elated at being surrounded by everything Eddie. You watch Eddie take off his jeans and shirt, gathering a couple of spare blankets and pillows to lay out on the floor of his cramped but cozy room. Once he's readied his bed, he flicks off the light, and a silence falls over the two of you as you both settle into your respective beds.
Your stomach churns with nerves; you hadn't been near him for so long and now he was so close you could touch him, but you couldn't touch him. It was torture and your mouth spoke before your brain could catch up.
"I miss you." You whisper into the darkness. You're not even sure he heard you until you felt his hand, his non busted hand, blindly reach up and feel around for yours. His fingers link with yours and his thumb brushes over your knuckles.
"I'm right here."
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Tag list continued in comments!
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multi-fan-dom-madness · 10 months
What You Need pt. 1 (Echo x reader x Hunter)
Summary: Echo and the boys return from a mission. You can't wait to get Echo alone.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI. afab!reader and use of feminine-coded pet names and genitalia; shameless smut; PWP; FwB; Dom/sub dynamics; use of "sir" as a title; Echo uses entirely too many pet names for reader; aftercare; light choking; reader is unintentionally a brat but it doesn't last long; soft!Dom!Echo; exhibitionism and voyeurism; somnophilia; face-sitting; oral (F receiving); uhhh I think that's all of it. If I missed anything please let me know!
A/N: This is just filth, y'all. This chapter is Echo x reader; Hunter to star later.
Word Count: 6.1k
Part 2 | Part 3
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Cid’s is unusually busy tonight. You vaguely remember her mentioning that a local holotactics battle royale would be happening soon; clearly, you forgot to mark your calendar. Busy, though, is good for you. With any luck, you’ll walk away from tonight with decent tips—Maker knows Cid doesn’t pay you enough. Adjusting the thin straps of your tank top, you wipe the back of your hand over your forehead, wicking away the sweat beading there.
You prop yourself against the back wall to take advantage of the brief lull in customers vying for your attention. Surveying the patrons gathered here, your eyes seek out the one face you’re hoping will be here tonight. Echo and his brothers have been gone on some mission or another for about a standard week now, and you can’t help the gnawing sense of anxiety at his extended absence. Not for the first time, you’re grateful your...arrangement with Echo didn’t proscribe attachments. You were friends before you were lovers, and your friendship comes first. 
But neither Echo nor his squad seem to be here tonight. Yet, you think, forcing the positivity that you don’t really believe. 
Yes, being busy tonight has been a good distraction from your worry. 
Speaking of, you catch a patron at the end of the bar waving their hand for your attention. With a sigh, you rearrange your face into a smile as you approach the man. 
“What can I do for you?” you ask, leaning your forearms against the bartop. You know this causes your cleavage to deepen, a fact not missed by the man on the other side of the bar, his tongue wetting his lips as his eyes stray from yours.
He’s not unattractive, you think, but this is more about getting a good tip than anything else. 
“Uh, yeah, could I—” He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. Auburn hair sweeps over his forehead. “Two things, I guess. First, a thermal detonator, darlin’.”
“Comin’ right up,” you say, reaching almost by memory for a glass. The pet names stopped fazing you long ago. “What else can I get ya?” 
“Your comm frequency, maybe?” He gives you a lopsided grin, flashing slightly crooked teeth and dimples. Not unattractive at all. 
You’re grateful that you have to turn away to reach for the detonator bottle, because the eye roll that overtakes your features would have been impossible to mask. He certainly isn’t the first, and you’re sure he won’t be the last, to try to get your contact info, but tonight, with your friend—lover—whatever, missing, the request feels particularly grating. 
Affixing your smile back in place, you pour the drink and slide the glass across the counter.
“I’m flattered,” you lie, “but I’m...taken.”
As if summoned by your words, behind the man’s head you catch a glimpse of familiar painted armor as the boys, Omega in tow, step inside. Your gaze locks with Echo’s for just a moment, and your smile widens into something genuine, not just the mask you put on for customers. 
The man raises his drink to you. “Ah, well, whoever it is, they’re lucky. Cheers.” With that, he slips between two bodies and disappears into the crowd. 
You don’t even reply with a pleasantry, your entire focus devoted to Echo. Your chest loosens, a tightness having taken up residence there without you even realizing. A tingling sense of relief pools into your heart. He’s alive. He’s okay. Even as you have the thought, warmth begins to rise in your belly. Your thighs squeeze together in reaction. 
Across the room, Echo jerks his head toward the back, and you nod in response. You know the drill by now. They return from a mission, they debrief with Cid, and then they socialize. 
A roar erupts from the crowd gathered around the holotactics boards, and you grimace at the noise. For a moment, a flicker of concern sparks in you over Hunter and his heightened senses—but you’re pulled away from your internal musings once more by a Twi woman flagging you down. 
Their meeting with Cid doesn’t last very long at all, and before you know it, you’re pouring four drinks on muscle memory alone as Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, and Echo approach the bar. A few of the locals see them coming and vacate barstools, ducking their heads with tense smiles as they move out of the squad’s way. By the time all four of them settle into the stools, you place the last drink, Echo’s fizzbrew, on the counter. 
“Glad you made it safe,” you say. You mean to direct it to all of them, but your eyes are locked once more on Echo. Every time he leaves and returns, you feel like you have to re-memorize his features, the sharp cut of his cheekbones and jaw, the way his nose scrunches when he laughs, the softness of his eyes. 
His lips quirk up into a grin over the rim of his drink. “Was there ever any doubt?” 
“Some,” Hunter says. At your alarmed expression, he waves a placating hand. “Nothing we couldn’t handle. Fighting organics isn’t like fighting droids.” 
Fixing Hunter with a hard stare for a moment, you try to silently communicate how unimpressed you are by his nonchalance in the face of danger. Yet, as his steady gaze meets yours, eyes sparkling with mischief and something else, something you can’t name, you have to will away the flush that creeps up into your cheeks. If you’re being honest with yourself, you’ve never stopped being attracted to Hunter. Echo just...got to you first. 
Shaking your head to clear it, you quickly survey Wrecker and Tech. None of the four of them show any signs of injuries, which helps you breathe easier. Tech, as always, has his nose inches from his datapad, typing away. Wrecker has already lost interest in the conversation and peers over the heads of the crowd to see what’s going on at the game tables, where you imagine Omega is, as well. 
Bringing you back to Echo. His warm amber eyes glint in the neon lights. Your eyes follow the bob in his throat as he sips at his drink, heat burning brighter in your belly. You can nearly taste the skin of his neck under your tongue. With a glance down at your chrono, you groan. Still a few more hours until closing. 
“We’ll be here, cyare,” Echo says, his low voice cutting easily through the noise. “Don’t neglect your other customers.” 
Without really thinking about it, just riding the cushion of relief and desire that surrounds you, you flash him a grin as you turn away. “Yes, sir.” 
He chokes, spluttering. Without looking up, Tech whacks him on the back until the coughing subsides. Your concern for his health melts away as soon as he pins you in place with a heated glare, his nostrils flaring as he heaves a breath. Oh, you’re in for it later. 
The rest of your shift passes in mostly a lustful haze. You’re painfully aware of Echo’s eyes on you the entire time. When Tech and Wrecker bid you goodnight and head back to their ship, Hunter scoots over a few barstools to sit next to Echo so they can discuss...whatever. You catch snippets of mission plans when you circle back to refill their drinks. Most of their words float in one ear and out the other. Neither of them take their eyes off of you. 
For your part, you let your customer service persona take the wheel. Pouring drinks, engaging in friendly chatter, ringing up tabs, all of it happens on autopilot. The rest of your brain is otherwise engaged with thoughts of Echo. 
Your arrangement with the grumpy trooper began mostly out of mutual sexual frustration. You’ve been bartending at Cid’s for at least as long as the squad has worked for her, and Maker, if you’d found them attractive just based on looks, you had had no idea how much more alluring they’d all be once you got to know them. Hunter and Echo especially caught your eye. And it had been Echo to do something about it. He’d followed you through the back hallways toward the staff lounge one night, after weeks of making eyes at each other. You hadn’t spoken that night, at least not about anything of substance besides to confirm your willing and eager consent. 
Face warming at the memory of that first encounter, of Echo’s tall frame trapping you between the wall and his chest as he reached around to get you off, you flinch when your name is called.
“Hello-o-o-o, earth to (y/n)!” Cid’s voice cuts through the pleasurable memory. 
“Sorry,” you mumble. “What’s going on?” 
Cid shakes her head and tuts. “I said, you’re off the clock. Get outta here.” 
You blink at her, then actually look around. It seems in your distraction, you completely zoned out as you closed out tabs. Most of the night’s customers have gone, leaving only a handful of regulars, including Hunter and Echo. 
“Right, yeah, course,” you say, trying to regain composure. 
Cid ambles away, muttering under her breath what you’re sure are not flattering comments. You untie your server’s apron and tuck it under the bar. When you straighten up, you’re unsurprised to find both Hunter and Echo lingering, lazy, tired grins on both their faces. 
“Feelin’ alright, (y/n)?” Hunter asks, concern lacing his voice. 
You narrow your eyes at him, unsure if he’s being genuine right now or if he’s messing with you. You’re well aware of the capabilities of his enhanced senses. As it is, you should be more embarrassed by the notion that he can sense the electricity skittering over your skin, probably even smell the arousal slicking your panties, but you can’t find it in you to care right now. 
“I’m fine,” you finally answer. “Long shift. I’m gonna go home and sleep.” 
“I’ll walk you home,” Echo offers immediately, like he always does. 
You nod with a small smile. “Thanks, Echo.” 
Hunter shakes his head and pushes away from the bar. “Get home safe. Echo, I expect you back in time tomorrow.” 
“When am I ever late?” Echo says, a grin on his face. 
Hunter just raises his eyes to the heavens, hands on his hips, and he looks like such a dad in that moment that you laugh out loud. 
“I’ll make sure he gets back safe and sound, Hunt,” you say. You lead the way out, knowing that they’ll both follow. 
At the top of the steps, Hunter turns right, giving a wave over his shoulder, while you and Echo turn left. When you come to a fork in the road, you spare a glance back over your shoulder—a jolt of surprise heats your core when you find Hunter lingering at the other end of the street, his gaze clearly on you. You gulp. Has he always watched you walk away with his brother? Is he even watching you, or is he concerned about Echo? A frown tugs at your lips. 
“Cyare?” Echo’s low, gravelly voice brings you back to him. 
You blink and give him a fleeting smile. “Hm?” 
“C’mon,” he says, “it’s late.” He tucks you under his arm. Butterflies explode to life in your stomach, his body heat absolutely searing into your psyche, the heavy scent of sweat and carbon residue and liquor making you dizzy. 
You don’t live far from Cid’s, which is both a blessing and a curse. A curse because you never have an excuse to be late for your shift; a blessing because, on nights like tonight, you’ll be in the privacy of your apartment that much sooner. 
The rest of the walk is silent. Pressed against his side like this, your lust-addled brain runs free, conjuring memories of his body overtop of yours, how his skin glistens with sweat, how his breath sounds in your ear as he fucks into you. By the time that you both step into the repulsorlift that will take you to your floor, your chest heaves with barely contained lust. 
“Who was that guy, earlier?” Echo asks suddenly. 
Any thoughts of sex flee your mind. You frown, brows knitting together. “Huh?” 
“At the bar,” he says. “The one you were talking to when we came in.” 
It takes you a moment to remember which man he’s referring to. You shrug. “Not sure. Asked for my comm, but backed off when I said I was taken.” 
Echo hums. The lift chimes as it rumbles to a halt at your floor, and Echo holds his scomp in front of the doors so you can step out. You lead the way. He’s quiet the rest of the way down the hallway to your door, but now that he’s asked, you can’t ignore the wriggling worm of confusion and doubt chewing through the desire thrumming through you. 
“What is it?” you ask, keys halfway to the lock. 
“What is what?” he asks, blinking down at you. 
You sigh. “Listen, I know we really haven’t talked about whether this is exclusive or not, but—” 
Echo cuts you off by pressing one finger to your lips. “Why did you tell him you were taken?”
Swallowing, you resist the urge to slip his finger into your mouth, at least for the moment. This is a serious conversation—probably the most serious one you’ve had with Echo since this whole situationship began. 
“Didn’t want the attention,” you say with a shrug, voice muffled by his finger. 
“That’s all?” 
“What else do you want to hear?” 
He studies you for a moment, his amber eyes poring over your features, searching for something, but for what, you’re not sure. Did he take issue with you using him as an excuse? Or did he want to know if you said you were taken because you want to be taken? 
Finally, he lowers his hand. “C’mon. Inside.” 
His voice has dipped into the usual low growl that he reserves for you. All the confusion you’re feeling immediately dissipates, and suddenly you can’t get the door open fast enough. As soon as you’re both through the doorway, Echo slams it behind him and pushes you up against the entranceway wall. His scomp is cold on your skin where it rests across your breastbone. The dark heat in his eyes makes your stomach flutter. 
“Echo,” you breathe. 
He arches one eyebrow. “Oh, so now I’m just ‘Echo,’ hm?” 
You suppress a grin, recalling your accidental use of his title earlier. “Sorry, Mister Echo. That better?” 
With a groan, he leans down to press a feverish kiss to your lips. You gasp, and he takes that as an invitation to deepen the kiss. His tongue is hot and wet and messy against yours, a satisfied growl vibrating into your mouth. Your knees threaten to give out. Like he knows that, he slots one leg between your thighs, supporting your weight.
When he pulls away, your chest heaves with exertion. 
“Didn’t think just a week would make you forget your manners, cyar’ika,” he says, voice dangerously low. He nudges your face to the side and presses hot, open-mouthed kisses to your neck, your ear, your cheek. “Want to try that one more time?” 
You whimper. “Yes, sir, sorry, sir.” 
He chuckles, hand coming up to cradle the front of your neck gently. Not applying pressure, just making you aware of its presence. “That’s better. Remember your safeword?” 
You nod. “Meiloorun. And yours is Kamino.”
“Very good.” He kisses you again, his mouth insistent against yours, demanding that you submit and let him take control from here. You gladly do, moaning as your insides turn to putty. Your panties are absolutely soaked by now, you know, probably seeping through your clothes onto his leg. Echo hums in satisfaction as the last of the tension drains from your body, leaving you pliant and soft. 
“Kriff, cyare, you’re so sweet for me,” he mumbles against your lips. 
“Always for you, sir,” you say. 
With one final peck on your lips, he stands to his full height and removes his arms from your body. It’s only because of his thigh that you remain upright, the wall acting as a secondary support. Peering up at him through your lashes, your breath catches in your throat. He’s backlit, the soft yellow glow coming from your bedroom haloing around his head. His eyes are twin pinpricks of light, his lips parted and pink, a flush high on his cheeks. You take a moment to just bask in his presence. His broad shoulders. His strong arms, so good at keeping you safe. His prosthetics, the parts of him he still struggles with, but the ones that you adore because it means he’s alive. 
His soft whisper of your name has you blinking up at him. “You still with me?” 
You nod. “Just admiring the view.” 
You should have used his honorific and both of you know it, but he ducks his head, rubbing the back of his neck in a bashful kind of way. It’s cute. 
“Bedroom. Clothes off. Get yourself comfortable, okay, cyare?” he asks. 
“Yes, sir.” Taking a tentative step forward, your shaky knees hold firm. You hurry to your bedroom, shucking your clothing as you go. As expected, the crotch of your panties is dark with slick, and you whimper at the sight. But you can’t focus on that. You’re supposed to get comfy, and you intend on doing exactly that. 
You fluff a few of your pillows and recline back against them, knees bent and legs falling open, baring your soaked folds to the cool air. In the floor-length mirror across the room, you watch the way your chest rises and falls with every breath, the excited light in your eyes, the glisten of slick between your thighs. Kriff, you hope he’s not in a teasing mood tonight. 
Echo joins you a few moments later. His armor is gone, stacked, you know, by your front door out of the way. He has two glasses of water tucked in the crook of his arm. You both realized early on how dehydrated these sessions made you, so this has become the routine. You get yourself ready for the session, and he gets ready for the aftercare. It’s a simple gesture, but not one anyone else has ever extended to you before. Your heart swells at the reminder of his kindness. 
Maybe you do want to be taken. To be his.
A flash of gray eyes in your mind’s eye distracts you, nearly pulling you out of the dazed, aroused haze you’re in.
But then Echo climbs onto the bed, and you’re wrenched away from all thought as he kneels at your feet. He always looks so much more relaxed here, with you. The worry lines disappear from his forehead and his usually grumpy countenance softens into something like adoration. For a moment, the two of you just admire each other, smiling. 
“Comfy, baby?” he asks. 
You nod. “Very.”
“Good.” His fingertips skim the soft skin of your inner thigh, trailing goosebumps in their wake, and you sigh. You shift your hips to let your legs widen, silently urging him to touch you where you need it most. 
His touch remains featherlight as he crawls up over your body, his hand brushing your side, your chest, and returning to its place at the hollow of your throat. With a breathy moan, you arch your back, presenting your breasts to him.
“So needy,” he chuckles. “Use your words, darling.” 
“Please, sir,” you say, voice whiny even to your own ears. “Please touch me.” 
The grin that curls his lips up is wicked. “I already am, baby.” As if to make his point, he curves his fingers around your throat—still not putting any pressure, but his light touch is enough to send another wave of desire pulsing to your already aching and neglected pussy. 
Groaning, you slump back against the bed. “You know that’s not what I meant.” 
“Should be more specific then, cyare.” 
Chewing your lip, you suppress another moan. “Please, sir, please touch my tits. Play with my pussy. I want you. I need you, sir.” 
His low groan lights your nerves on fire. “Much better,” he rasps. Evidently, he must feel he’s teased you enough (at least, for now), because he dips his head to capture your lips in a searing kiss. His hand palms at one breast, rolling the nipple between his dexterous fingers. Nudging your nose, he licks at your bottom lip, and swallows your responding moan. You gladly tilt your head and meet his tongue once again. Saliva drools down your chin, but you don’t care, not so long as he keeps touching you. His touch is fire and ice and electricity and you want to cry because it’s too much and not enough all at once. 
You gasp when he pinches your nipple, back arching. He trails wet kisses down your jaw to your neck, locating with ease that one spot that makes your toes curl. Switching to your other breast, he repeats the same attention there as his teeth sink into your skin. The moan that escapes you is high and heady, and so, so needy. 
“Good girl,” he praises. “Make such pretty noises for me.” 
“Yes, sir,” you pant. 
He trails down your body, placing searing kisses to your sensitive skin. You watch through hooded eyes as he moves lower. Excitement tightens in your belly as he draws closer to where you need him most, your breathing coming sharper. 
“Would you prefer my fingers or my tongue, darling?” he asks. His dark eyes flutter at you he laves at your hip, his hand kneading your thigh. 
It takes a moment for the question to register in your pleasure-overloaded brain. When it does, you prop yourself up on your elbows, eyes widening. “Y-Your mouth, please, sir.” 
He hums. You whine when he withdraws, distress and confusion clouding your face, but he shushes you with a kiss. 
“Sit on my face, cyare. Take your pleasure from me.” 
Oh fuck. Your pussy clenches around nothing. After he drops onto his back beside you, you scramble to sit up, swing one knee over him, and hover above his face. 
“Sit,” he orders. Then he wraps his arms around your thighs, the cold of his scomp making you shiver, and tugs you down onto his mouth. 
“O-Oh.” You throw your head back. His mouth is so kriffing warm and his tongue feels so good as he licks a stripe up your pussy. For a moment you forget how to breathe; he slurps at your dripping folds, a deep growl vibrating up his throat into your core.
He works you over with his mouth, ignoring your clit, much to your mounting distress. Even as the coil in your stomach begins to wind ever tighter, you need the extra stimulation.
“Please,” you groan, hips bucking, seeking friction. “Fuck, sir, please.” 
He hums against you, his eyes crinkling with mischief as you gaze down at him, lips parted, panting.
A whine ripping from your throat, you rest one hand on his chest and roll your hips again. “Please? Please, sir, I want to cum for you.” 
This time, he makes no noise, but instead tilts his chin just enough that his tongue, flat and hot and wet, presses against your aching clit. Your entire body locks up, white-hot pleasure snapping tight in your belly, shoving you to the edge of your orgasm. His hand rests on your hip, tugging you forward and pushing you back. 
“Oh stars,” you gasp.
Pleasure coursing through you like molten gold, you rut against his face. He holds still, letting you take what you need from him at last, as promised. Every movement makes your breath hitch. All attempts to be quiet fly out the window, your neighbors be damned, as you chase your high against his lips. 
The tightness in your belly pulls taut. Your toes curl, your moans becoming breathy as you roll your hips desperately. Your release is right there; you’re so close you can nearly taste it. 
“I’m- kriff, Ec- sir, I’m gonna c-cum,” you pant. 
His fingers dig into your thigh as he pulls you impossibly closer. You look down, remembering at the last second that he likes to watch your face as you cum, and when your eyes meet his, pupils blown and face glistening with your slick, you cry out. The coil in you snaps. With a scream, you cum, body arching forward as you spasm. Your cunt flutters against Echo’s mouth. His long, deep groan vibrates up into your very being, and you gasp. 
“F-Fuuuuuck,” you moan, chest heaving, as he finally releases you. You fall to your side next to him, boneless. 
“Did so good for me, cyare,” Echo says, turning onto his side to cup your face. 
You gaze at him through heavy eyelids, residual pleasure making your body twitch. “Thank you, sir.” 
His kiss is sweet, nearly tender, and it immediately stokes the flames of your arousal all over again. The tang of yourself on his lips isn’t your favorite, but tonight, you moan, licking at his lips to catch another taste. 
You chase his mouth when he pulls away, but your body, spent as it is, gives out and you slump into the comforter again. Chuckling, Echo presses a soft kiss to your forehead. 
“Wanna make you feel good,” you mumble. “Want you in- in my mouth.” 
His grip at the back of your neck tightens. “Kriff, baby, I know you do. But I can’t wait. Can I fuck you? Can your sir put his dick in that soaked pussy, hm?” 
“Yes,” you breathe. “Yes, sir, please, stars.” 
“Roll over for me, cyare, onto your front.” He helps you shift. His knees cage you in where he kneels, resting against your thighs. Laying there as you slowly recover from the mind-bending orgasm, you wiggle your ass in anticipation.
You gasp, the sting of the pain soothing into something duller as Echo smooths his hand over the impact. 
“Patience,” he chides. 
The telltale sound of his pants unzipping reaches your ears. Without needing to be told, you reach back to spread your cheeks apart, granting him easier access to your entrance from this angle. He spits, then rubs the lubrication over his cock. Your body flushes at the sound. 
When the tip of his cock pokes at your entrance, you sigh. Arching your hips up, you jiggle your ass with your fingers to entice him. 
Another smack! rings through the room, another surprised yelp escaping you. 
Followed by twin moans as Echo pushes into you all the way in one fluid movement, sheathing himself to the hilt in your tight heat. He groans, sounding strangled, when your pussy flexes around him. 
“Not gonna last long,” he warns, voice strained. 
“S’okay,” you mumble. “Please.” 
He needs no further encouragement. Leaning forward to press his body against yours, the texture of his clothes scrapes at your skin pleasurably. The knowledge that you’re fully naked and he remains fully clothed makes your cunt clench again. Bracing himself on his scomp arm, Echo’s other hand reaches beneath your chest to find purchase one final time at your neck. This time he does put pressure, his thumb and middle finger squeezing your veins, restricting blood circulation. When he slams his hips back into you, you moan brokenly, mind already hazy with lust and oxygen deprivation. 
He sets a languid pace, drawing his cock out of you nearly all the way before shoving it back in. The tip rakes across the shattered piece of heaven deep in your core, pulling the coil in your belly tight once again. 
“Need you to cum again, sweet thing,” Echo grunts, voice breaking. “Need you to cum on my cock.” 
You nod. Kriff, if he keeps fucking you like this, you’ll cum as much as he wants. 
He releases the grip at your throat, and the resulting rush of blood back to your brain makes you gasp, senses heightened. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, please, sir, don’t stop,” you pant out. “Please, wanna cum again. Want to cum for you. Want to be good for you, please, please pleasepleaseplease—” 
Echo groans deep in his chest, his hips stuttering for a moment. “Kriff, baby, you’re always good for me. Cum on this cock, darling.” 
He punctuates the request with a particularly hard thrust, and that’s all it takes. Body going rigid, your mouth opens but no sound comes out. Eyes rolling back, you quiver beneath him, pussy clenching so hard that he lets out a broken moan. His forehead presses between your shoulder blades. His cock pulses deep in your cunt as he spills his seed, babbling the entire time about how good you are, how much he loves your pussy, how much he loves finishing in you. 
When both of your breathing evens out, you weakly push your ass up against him. “Echo?” 
He hums. “Are you okay, cyare? Did I hurt you?” 
“No,” you say. “You were perfect. But can you get off me? This is hurting my back.” 
“Oh!” He’s immediately gone, his body vanished. You shiver in the sudden chill, but manage to roll yourself onto your back to stare at your ceiling. 
“C’mon, cyar’ika, sit up, you need water,” Echo gently urges. 
With a soft groan, you sit up, still feeling boneless and, apparently, muscle-less. Sitting on the bed next to you, Echo helps you hold the glass of water; he lowers it every few sips so that you don’t flood your body, but all you want is to chug, the gratifying liquid soothing your dry throat. 
When the first glass is empty, you shake your head at his offer of the second one. Scooching back up the back to lean against the pillows, you open your arms and make grabby hands. 
“Cuddle with me?” you ask. 
He smiles, the one that sets butterflies beating in your stomach. “Of curse, cyar’ika. Let me get these clothes off.” 
As soon as he’s stripped, he settles in beside you, tucking you against his side. His thumb rubs aimless circles on your hip; the strong, steady beat of his heart under your ear serves to relax you. You match your breathing to his, a technique you picked up early on that helps you feel closer to him, even as you continue this arrangement strictly as friends. 
The thought drifts to you again of the stilted conversation you had outside your front door.
“Echo?” you say. 
He shifts as he looks down at you. “Yes, darling?” 
“I—” You shake your head, nuzzling deeper against his skin. “Never mind. Thank you for tonight.” 
“You don’t have to thank me for sex,” he says, smile in his voice. “How many times do I have to tell you?” 
“At least one more time,” you muse. That earns you a deep chuckle. 
He presses a tender kiss to the top of your head. “Sleep, cyar’ika. I’ll be here when you wake up.” 
He hums in thought. “Well, I will be if you’re up before mid-morning. Otherwise Hunter will have both our hides.” 
You laugh, face warming at the thought of Hunter. Your relationship with Echo isn’t necessarily a secret; you’re pretty sure all the other men know, or at least suspect. But with Hunter, you know with certainty that he knows exactly what you and Echo get up to when he ‘walks you home.’
“Can’t have him taking your great skin,” you murmur. 
He grunts. “Not so sure I’d call it great.”
Raising your head, you meet his eyes, returned to their normal warm amber. You frown, not saying anything. 
“Right, sorry,” he says with a pained smile that’s more of a grimace. “No negative self-talk. Apologies, cyare.” 
“S’alright,” you say. “Your skin’s been through a lot, but it’s gotten you this far.” 
“I know, I know,” he says. He leans down and presses his forehead against yours, his eyes sliding shut. “You’re too good to me.” 
“You deserve good things,” you say. You intend to kiss him, but a yawn interrupts your movement, and Echo chuckles. 
“Go to sleep,” he says. He tucks your head back down against his chest. 
You find you can’t argue, your eyes sliding shut as soon as his heartbeat resumes its steady cadence against your ear, your body heavy from your exertions. 
When you wake, you’re on the verge of orgasm. Body overly warm, sweat pooling in all of your bends and curves, your eyes flutter open and you peer down at Echo’s face buried between your thighs. A moan spills from you, surprised and embarrassed and so fucking turned on.
He pulls away from you with a lewd, wet pop, eyes sparkling. “Quiet, cyare. Hunter’s at the front door.”
“Wh-What?” You try to sit up, but Echo returns to your pussy, tongue caressing your soft, slick folds, and you slump back into your pillow. 
Slinging one arm across your eyes, you cradle the back of his head with your other hand. “Stars, I’m so- I’m so fucking close.”
He slides one slim finger into your tight heat and crooks it up against your inner walls in just the right spot. Colorless stars explode behind your closed eyes as your pussy flutters around his digit, breathy, half-coherent moans tumbling from your lips. Kriff, the thought of Hunter standing outside your apartment, probably able to hear you fall to pieces for his brother, smell your cunt, nearly makes you cum a second time. 
When everything becomes too much, you push against Echo’s shoulder weakly with a pathetic whimper. 
He grins up at you, his lips shiny and so fucking pink, his entire lower face wet. Flushing, you bite your lip, glancing away. 
“Good morning to you, too,” you mumble. 
With a laugh, he gently closes your legs and pulls you up into a sitting position with him. He wipes his face dry before pressing a sweet, chaste kiss to your forehead. 
“Good morning, cyar’ika.” He inhales, holding you tighter. “I have to go.” 
Tears prick at your eyes. Blinking them away, you nod against his chest. “I know. When do you think—” You cut yourself off. You’ve never asked how long he’ll be gone for before. He’s your friend, one with whom you happen to sleep; you’re not entitled to him all the time. 
As if he can sense the conflict in you, he rubs your arm. “I’m...not sure. You know how it is.” 
“Yeah.” You take a long, deep breath, hold it for a few seconds, and then let it out. His eyes are deep and full of concern when you lean back to look at him. For a few moments, you enjoy sitting in silence with him, eyes never leaving his, trying to convey how much you care about him without words. He seems to understand. Gently, slowly, like he’s afraid you’re going to move away, he brushes his knuckles across your cheek. 
Brow furrowing, his eyes slide shut, nostrils flaring in agitation. You press your lips into a line, allowing yourself as much time as he takes for himself to be annoyed. 
“You gotta go,” you say, quiet. “Don’t want to keep Hunter waiting.” 
The look he gives you is inscrutable. You think you see a flash of pain, a twitch of concern, but it’s gone in a blink. Then he sighs with a nod, and presses his forehead against yours. 
“I’ll see you when—” He bites his lip, struggling for words. “When I get back.” 
“Good.” You close the distance and kiss him. All too soon, he pulls away. You hadn’t realized he’s already dressed, his armor half-on. The cool air chills your skin as soon as he’s gone, goosebumps prickling to life as a shiver dances up your spine. 
Tugging the sheet over your shoulders, you can only watch as Echo steps out of your room, puts the rest of his armor on by the front door, and gives you one last smile. You blow him a kiss; he pretends to catch it and put it in his pocket. Soft warmth blooms in your chest, softer than you’ve ever felt before. 
When he opens the door, you catch a glimpse of Hunter with his fist raised as if to knock, and you flinch. Gray eyes pierce into yours for the space of a heartbeat—then you’re scrambling back out of his line of sight, face burning in embarrassment. Their conversation cuts out as the front door closes behind Echo.
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Tags: (tagging everyone who positively interacted with the sneak peek of this fic! I hope that's okay! <3) @the-hexfiles @madameminor @littlemissmanga @iwannalickyoutoomuchbaby @wings-and-beskar
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seoul-bros · 4 months
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Yoongi's next guest is Lee Sung Kyung, She appeared in Cheese in the Trap (2016), Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo (2016), Dr Romantic 2 (2020) & Dr Romantic 3 (2023).
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All normal stuff for a chat show until you hear how they talk to each other. It's obvious that they know each other well. They are part of the same friend group (the subtitles call them Suga's cheering squad) with Suga being the baby of the group. The baby that the group thinks should take up acting!!!!!!!!
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So who are the older members of this mysterious friend group? Of course it's difficult to get reliable and up to date information from an internet search but Lee Sung Kyung is said to be good friends with her Cheese in the Trap co-star Kim Go Eun.
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Her friendship with Lee Jong Suk has also been commented upon many times in the media. He even made a cameo in her show Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo.
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Lee Jong Suk and IU were outed as a couple by Dispatch in December 2022. They had been friends for years but had apparently only been dating a few months at the time. I'm not sure of the current status of their relationship but let's assume they are still together.
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And as we know there is a direct relationship between IU and Suga. They bicker like siblings and have a shared commitment to making good music.
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So I'm imagining Suga out on the town with Lee Sung Kyung, Kim Go Eun, Lee Jong Suk and IU. We could maybe throw in IU's mate Yoo In Na and Lee Jong Suk's mate Kim Woo Bin and that's a dinner party I'd really like to attend.
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Looking forward to seeing the whole episode next Monday.
Post Date: 29/01/2024
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questforgalas · 1 year
My thoughts on TBB Season 2 finale
It's a long one so strap in if you enter
First, before I get started, I wanted to say that this has been such a fun season to watch, and the interactions I've had with everyone in this fandom has made my Wednesday and weeks since January so delightful. I know hiatuses see a lull in activity, and some people are going to need to step away for a bit, but I just wanted to say thanks for being such a warm and open environment (at least the little corner I've found myself in). Here's to fingers crossed that the panel at Star Wars celebration in just a couple weeks brings us confirming great news!
Love ya all. Mama Tay is here with blankets and ice cream for the Tech babes if you need it. My man is unconscious on a torture table and my babygirl is a captive so we can all cry into the containers together
I'm able to watch the episodes at 8am EST every week, it's my little weekly routine I look forward to, so I've had a couple hours to process my one watch through of the finale episodes, and, just, wow.
Warning, "The Breaking of the Fellowship" just started playing on my playlist so who knows where this is about to go lol. Let's go to feelings town
The Bad Batch Season 2
I have not been quiet about how much I love season 2. Out of 16 episodes, there are maybe 2 that could be written off, but put them anywhere in season 1 or any TCW season, and they'd be some of the best episodes, which only adds to how well written and well done this season was.
I'm a Crosshair girl, not just in a "heart eyes spindly toothpick" sort of way, in fact that really didn't develop until halfway through season 1 - which my therapist definitely doesn't need to analyze - but his personality and his subtle devotion to his squad sucked me in from the beginning. So even with how little we had of him this season (granted, what we did get was some of the best television I've ever watched), this season is up there for me.
The character development for all batchers but especially Omega, Tech, Echo, and Crosshair was intriguing and dynamic, and that's not to say Hunter and Wrecker didn't have their moments either. They did, they were just much more subtle. We saw a lot more of Hunter's enhanced senses at play and Wrecker's knowledge, not just fascination, of explosives, but that pales in comparison to the other four.
The universe expansion was everything to me. We don't have anything depicting the rise of the Empire. We've never seen it's take over and the effects that rippled across the galaxy. We've only ever seen the afterwards, so to get this eery and terrifying depiction is exactly how I'd expect the galaxy to feel during that time, and I really applaud the creators on being so detailed with it.
The Finale Episodes
Wow. Just, wow. Admittedly, I had two reactions to these episodes.
The first was as the Crosshair fan who's put a lot of my emotional stability on this group of animated misfits, and that reaction hated these episodes. Not because I didn't think they were done well (getting into that in a second) but because I latched onto the Bad Batch's dynamics as a family since TCW and I so deeply in my soul to the point it's almost a wound in my heart want them back together again. I fell in love with the TCW Bad Batch, and I want that dynamic back so I've been rooting for it since "Aftermath", and every time we were given crumbs of a possibility that could happen this season, I devoured them and clutched onto them like they were my lifeline. So yes, from that perspective I hated these episodes.
Now, from the Star Wars fan taking a step back from my fanon - holy freaking shit. I laughed. I cried. I sobbed. I oooo'd. I cheered. When they stopped "The Summit" in the middle of the action, similar to how they broke up "Spoils of War" and "Ruins of War", it hit me that we weren't getting the reunion I desperately hoped for, and I took a minute to grieve that, went into acceptance, and then dove into "Plan 99".
Again, were there points throughout both, especially "Plan 99", that I was going "oh I hope this happens" or "ok annnnnd now!"? Yeah, absolutely (cut to Omega waking up at Cid's and me going "nice this is when they reveal it was all a bad dream and Tech's gonna walk in in 3..2..1..."). Did I have 4 other endings in my head halfway through the episode? 1000%. But it's not my creation, and based off of what we were given all of season 2, it all made sense to me. Even the things that made me have to pause for 4 minutes while I sobbed into my hands.
We are set up for an extremely action packed, spy/political thriller filled, intriguing season 3, and that wouldn't have happened if the season didn't end the way it did. If it was all tied up neatly in a bow, then there would be a lot more doubt, in my mind, about 1. if we'd even get a season 3 and 2. what the heck it was going to be about.
I'm not going to get into individual character analyses, but I thought everyone was in character. There was not a moment in either episode I thought "huh that doesn't really fit does it?" All of them were on brand in my opinion, and I again encourage people to take a step back and separate fanon from canon.
So why the emotional impact?
One of the things I've really had to process and think through is why this finale was staying with me like it is. I mean, I've been a Star Wars fan since 1999. I lived through watching Revenge of the Sith in theaters. I, like many of us, watched "Victory and Death" at the beginning of a very dark time in the world. I gripped the edge of my theatre seat watching Rogue One, praying they made it out like I hadn't known the end of their story for 25 years. But none of those endings stayed with me the way TBB finale is.
Sometimes something stays with me for an hour, maybe more, but I've never had any show have a finale where throughout the day as I thought about it, I burst into tears in varying degrees, and I can feel that being the case for awhile. Honestly, I haven't put my finger fully on it yet, but I think one of the reasons why is because all of those other endings I mentioned above - ROTS, Rogue One, TCW - and really any Star Wars media so far, has not had such a sorrow filled ending in such a dark period of time without us knowing the story after already.
ROTS we knew the outcome of that 20 years before. Rogue One even longer. TCW was filling in the gaps of a story long concluded. The Mandalorian is set in a time when it's supposed to be peaceful and the galaxy is mostly living in the light, so even when Mando and Grogu are separated, it's sad to witness the pair be apart, but there's no umbrella threat that makes the separation dangerous.
We are in the darkest period of time that we as Star Wars fans know in TBB. That is the point of the series - it's not just about these clones and how they cope post war. It's we the fans seeing how terrifying the Empire is beyond just the two sith lords running it. The inner workings and how easily they squash hope within their own government. We as the fans are meant to watch the Batch and love the family but be terrified of what can be waiting for them around every corner.
And that's not to mention we have no idea what the fate of the clones is. First off, the events of A New Hope are 20 years away. Rebels and the Obi-Wan Kenobi show are the only medias we have depicting the time between ROTS and ANH, and they barely scratch the surface. Rex is canonically confirmed to survive to Return of the Jedi, and we have Gregor and Wolffe in Rebels, but where the heck are the rest of them. We don't know. We literally don't know, and we're now left to speculate what that could possibly entail for the clones (especially the Batch) on any given day, let alone when we're left with two of them as captives of the Empire and one "dead". It is, in my opinion, one of the most devastating endings to a Star Wars media because of the terror it can hold.
Tech's Fall
Why yes, this would be the part I had to pause the show for and sob over for 4 minutes.
Tech has been my second favorite member of the Batch since they were introduced in TCW. This unapologetic, enthusiastic nerd who knows what he likes and hyperfixates on it spoke to me on levels, as I know he did for many of you - especially after "The Crossing" (I personally cannot relate to the ND connection, but was really happy to see the community joyous over the moment).
I, like many of you have already said in your thought posts, had the growing pit in my stomach each time they developed his character. The constant-optimist in me latched onto the possibility that just once they wouldn't pull that shit on us, but obviously that wasn't the case.
Tech and Crosshair's sacrifices punch me in the gut. Both of them are to save their family and give their family a chance. To have Wrecker and Tech bicker back and forth even up to the last minute like brothers do, and then the fucking awful shot of Wrecker watching his brother fall knowing he did it so they could have a chance. As a sibling, I couldn't handle it (I've actually started crying again now writing this). If I was Tech and that was my family, I'd do the same thing. If I was Wrecker watching that in front of me, I'd be on my knees screaming.
The scene was shot chaotically to make us, the viewer, feel panic and feel the gravity of the situation the Batch was in while seeing tiny moments when maybe they could pull it off, maybe Tech is moving faster than we think, maybe the car will come online and speed away, all to keep us hanging on while feeling the pressure of the environment they were in to then watch the fall and feel anything but relief, just like the Batch.
Now, onto what's keeping me hanging on
Is Tech Dead?
No, and I'm blaming Echo for this, but I do not think he's dead. And I do not think that takes away from his sacrifice either.
First of all, this is Star Wars. Unless you see the body, they ain't dead. @jealous-sloth77 even made the point of Darth Maul in their thought post. My dude was cut in half and fell down a supposed never ending shaft, but came back with the v-neck of all v-necks and a 200 step revenge plan, then literally became the cockroach of Star Wars.
Let alone the direct parallels to Echo Tech's fate could have.
So stay with me on this for a second, and I may be giving Filoni and Corbett and Rau a little more credit than they deserve, but follow me here.
Echo's blown up at the citadel in Season 3 of TCW. Not season 6 and then reappears a season later. 4 seasons of separation, and given the cancellations and renewal breaks, you're talking literally 10 years in between his death and his revival, which narratively makes no sense to me. And don't get me wrong, I know the Dominos were a fan favorite and Fives and Echo were a fun pairing, but all in all, Echo appeared in five episodes? Maybe six before he's killed off? And only 3 of those was he a "main" character. Compared to many other clones and characters, that's not exactly a recipe for "bring the fan favorite back 10 years later". So that makes me think that Echo coming back, especially the way he did, was setting the ground work for something. Now hang with me here.
In Mando S2E1, Mando kills the Krayt dragon by going inside of it, a monster who's stomach is literally full of acid, and blows it up from the inside out, dramatically coming out pointedly covered in the krayt acid showing that it has no affect on beskar. Then 2 minutes later we get the cameo of Boba Fett in the sunset, a character who last we saw was swallowed by a monster, supposedly digesting in stomach acid. Then in Book of Boba Fett, we see that because of his beskar armor, he survived the sarlacc, etc, etc. My point is, Star Wars has recently developed a habit of setting long-con explanations in various medias. Planting the seed you could say. So it's not far fetched to theorize that they brought Echo back from a ship explosion that we were made to think nothing but his helmet survived so they could set the ground work for other characters to be dramatically saved/scavenged and "brought back to life".
I mean, this is the world of Palpatine clones so, it's not out there.
That's not to mention the scene of Hemlock bringing Tech's goggles to Ord Mantell and making a point of mocking his death in front of them. Hemlock's entire purpose is to unlock the cloning techniques of the Kaminoans, and suddenly the literal genius is separated from them, assumed dead. If I'm an evil-scientist like Hemlock, I'm figuring out anyway to make sure Tech's alive.
So yes that's a long-stretch plan that gives Corbett, Filoni, and Rau a lot of credit for potentially thinking multiple seasons of plot lines through at the beginning, which, honestly, would be a good strategy considering the time period they're navigating around so I don't think it's that crazy to consider.
However, the main fact that I'm latching onto that Tech's not dead is the same fact that I've latched onto ever since "Aftermath" to tell myself Crosshair will be back with the Batch someday, and that's because it narratively makes no sense in context to how the Batch were introduced to us to keep them separated.
Think back to TCW S7, when the Batch are introduced. That was 4 episodes highlighting a tight knit, unique, family unit who all complimented each other to round out an unbeatable unit. Their sibling dynamic was the main focus of that group and is what made me fall in love with them, and it made no sense to me that they separated that dynamic within the first 10 minutes of the first episode and now to further separate it by taking Tech away.
I feel this so strongly in regards to Crosshair and Tech. I was sad when Echo left, and I was confident he was going to be with them again, but his departure didn't hit me the same way as Crosshair's and now Tech's. It just does not make sense to me to have the OG 4 separated permanently given how they were presented to us. It would be one thing if they went all in on the "Crosshair's evil" route and semi bait-and-switched us, but given his evident loyalty to the Batch and clear, long path of him being back with them someday, it really would not make sense to me for them to "swap one out for the other". That, in my opinion, would be lazy writing, and with how much love and care the creators have shown this series, I cannot fathom them throwing in the towel like that.
Unfortunately until the new season, I'll sadly have to accept the fact that he is gone and in our eyes right now, he's dead. And that hurts. It really does, but boy, am I grasping onto this last analysis like it's my tether over Mustafar
Love ya all. Mama Tay is here with blankets and ice cream for the Tech babes if you need it. My man is unconscious on a torture table and my babygirl is a captive so we can all cry into the containers together
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changingplumbob · 3 months
Rotation 8 Wrap-up
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3 promotions: Calista, Marta, Adam
6 skills maxed: Calista 1, Aaron 2, Keira 1, Rahul 1, Bob 1
4 new house builds: York, Villareal, Pancakes, Knightstone
3 renovations: New Goth 3rd floor, Moonwood Mill Library, Reece and Samir's Dusty Murder Shack
1 recreation centre: Tartosa
1 set build: Police station
10 birthdays: Deanna, Paris, Milton, Alfred, Rillian, Onyx, Bob, Reece, Silas, Carson (I don't think I've ever had so many before)
1 birth: Viola
2 new pets: Turtle, Seven
York Household, Chapter 8
Calista got promoted and is now a Captain in the military. Aaron worked hard and maxed a couple of skills. Deanna aged up to YA and was awarded valedictorian for her graduation. She dabbled with robotics and asked her girlfriend to move in. Kelly hosted a gold level slumber party and became bracelet BFFs with Anya.
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2. New Goth Household, Chapter 3
Hamlet aged up from a kitten to a cat, he and fellow cat Gertrude became companions with James. James looked after Milton who aged up to a child while Alexander and Keira worked on finishing university. Joey started in the tech guru career and woohoo'd two more women. Finally the reappearance of Marta's ex Liam almost resulted in arrest, but he couldn't keep Keira from proposing to Marta.
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3. Chopra Household, Chapter 5
Cassandra got a work rival but pregnancy and the near constant need to express milk has pushed him to the back of her mind. Rahul adopted a mini goat and mini sheep and discovered he's a perfectionist. Savannah and Mercedes were busy plotting against new baby Viola who is a cautious infant.
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4. Villareal Household, Chapter 5
The household moved to a new home. Devin won a starlight accolade for her acting, discovered she was self-assured and became a 4-star celebrity. Luna mostly worked from home, bonding with the twins. Alfred showed me infants can push plates and Rilian blew a million raspberries before they became toddlers.
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5. Pancakes Household, Chapter 8
We found our Pancakes in Brindleton Bay. Bob aged up to an adult amid working at his food stall and chef job to become a level 2 celebrity. Eliza completed 3 out of 4 promotion requirements, and the two agreed to try for a baby once Fergus is a teen. Onyx had their birthday, joined the cheer squad and expressed the wish to have a horse. Fergus bonded with his friends.
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6. Woods Household, Chapter 1
In Moonwood Mill Samir got to work trying to figure out what happened to his parents. Following an encounter in the tunnels it became clear they were killed by a werewolf, but he doesn't know why yet. Being bit he has embraced becoming a werewolf. His boyfriend Reece mainly coped with helping Samir through the chaos but did fit in a birthday and some zen time before he commits to university.
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7. Knightstone Household, Chapter 8
Adam and Suzanna traveled to Sixam only to find it devoid of aliens like them. The on earth aliens decided to move out to Chestnut Ridge, an area much friendlier to their kind. Silas aged up to a music loving kid and Pollock hit many milestones as he approaches toddlerhood. Adam was promoted to a syndicated superstar.
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8. Foster Household, Chapter 8
Carson aged to a teen which turned out to be more difficult than anticipated. Between discovering he has asthma and getting a detention while sitting in class, he has developed OCD. Kayleigh completed two new masterpiece paintings and started to go grey. Harvey spent time with his fishing club and caught a couple of new ones for his collection.
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9. Nishidake Household, Chapter 5
Clover was spayed meaning no chance of puppies. Charlie invited her parents around to give them a break from managing Carson and reached level 5 rock climbing. Kaori talked to the mayor and his wife about purchasing a neighborhood park. This led to her seeing Kiyoshi again, who says he will buy the park and gift it to her.
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I think I'm allowed to say I'm proud of keeping up with the writing despite some ick bugs and am happy for all the stories and sims I see on simblr that keep my imagination running. Thanks for tuning in everyone, adieu Rotation 8! Here's to Rotation 9!
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halfmoth-halfman · 1 year
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may i interest you in some fic recs????😉
y'all know the drill, we got a rec list for fics i read, liked, and were written in the month of may!! there were so many that i actually had to split this into two posts cause tumblr has a link limit LOL
if you wanna see more more of my fic recs and favs, i have em all on my recs blog, here!! please note the navi page is still under construction!!
and of course, if you have any fic recs of your own, feel free to send em my way here or on my sideblog - i love finding new fics and writers!! 💜
may fic recs pt. 2
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Alex Keller
sfw headcanons - @deadbranch
✧ super solid characterization for alex, like you took how i imagine alex to be and explained it in the perfect way. like this line alone "Bearing his thoughtful & intentional demeanor in mind, he is sometimes reticent as he considers how to respond." what is it like to be able to understand a character so well, and be able to so beautifully explain them??
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Anakin Skywalker
redshift - @chaoskrakenuwu
✧ how dare you pull me back into my star wars hyperfixation, and even more so how dare you make me feel things for anakin goddamn skywalker 😭 even though i knew what was going to happen, you still have me tearing up every time i read about anakin and his big feelings
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Arthur Morgan
until the last falling star || blood upon the snow - @lunallaa
✧ i always love me a good arthur morgan fic and this was absolutely fantastic!! i cannot wait to see where this goes, i know it's going to be amazing because you're characterization of arthur (and the rest of the gang) is *chef's kiss*
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Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
i fully blame @uselsshuman & @lunallaa for introducing me to tg:m and giving me brainrot and also cannot thank them enough!!
right now - @uselsshuman
✧ i'm such a sucker for characters holding in their feelings until a life or death situation when they finally confess, and you wrote it so great. i was giggling, and twirling my hair and cheering along with the rest of the squad at the end!!
i wanna hold you - @uselsshuman
✧ love me a good panic attack/comfort fic and this scratched that itch so unbelievably well!! it felt v close to my own experience with panic attacks and really hit home for me. very easily one of my fav new comfort fics!!
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Carlos Oliveira
untitled - @cowboybxtch
✧ yeah i've been stunned to silence with this one absolutely no words just
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David "Hesh" Walker
crimson fangs sing me lullabies - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ it's the way that i dropped everything to consume all 18k words of this fic like my entire life depended on it!! i've been turned into a hesh girlie, i am obsessed, taken over by the absolute perfection of this fic
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Jake "Hangman" Seresin
darlin' loves only a game - @uselsshuman
✧ i need more "teaching someone how to play pool" fics in my life, esp ones like this!! the teasing, the hands on the hips, the flirty touching i need all of it. such a cute, fun fic emma i love it
would that i - @uselsshuman
✧ "The small tabby cat that had been your kitchen companion—affectionately named Sock for his one white paw." forget everything else, Sock is my new favorite character. this is a Sock stan account now. for real tho, i love the way you write jake and make him the perfect amount of tease and gentleman!!
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Javy "Coyote" Machado
worry, my love - @uselsshuman
✧ ahh the source of my tg:m hyperfixation, i was so excited when you posted this and read it about 87 times and i'll probably read it 87 more time tbh. i love javy and the way you write him (and him using the word skedaddle LOL)
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John "Soap" MacTavish
right person - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ how dare you. really, who gave you the right to do this to me? why must you hurt me in this way? why must you write so beautifully and so captivatingly that i literally could not put this down despite the ever growing pit in my stomach? you've ripped out my heart and crushed it to tiny pieces and all i can say is thank you and how dare you
cleaned up - @bloodyknucklesforme
✧ this was so cute, and omg i adore nina. she's so funny, and their banter and her little quips are adorable. “Next time have Kyle spray you down before you get back." adksadlj i love her.
memories are fresh - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ it's not a fic rec list if i don't include a piece from jo that completely breaks my heart and then puts it all back together again with such beautiful words and sweet moments. idk how you manage to work my emotions so well, i'm in complete awe of your ability and talents.
infinity in the palm of your hand (eternity in an hour) - @yeyinde
✧ hello?? reincarnation!au??? soulmates??? not even a paragraph in and i'm completely bewitched by this fic. i can't be expected to be normal after this, this fic has re-shaped the way i feel and think and read.
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 118
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“Led Zeppelin rules!” *ceases to exist*
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Last episode, Universe 2 was reeling from the elimination of Rosie and Ribrianne from the Tournament of Power. And I don’t just mean the team representing Universe 2; I mean the entire population of Universe 2, because Helles, their God of Destruction, has been livestreaming the event to the mortals who live there.  Naturally, Ribrianne was the top star of their team, so for her to get knocked out of the competition is a huge blow.  With her elimination, there’s only three fighters left, and they’re kind of the third string. 
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So Brianne appears on the feed to reassure them.  I notice Brianne’s a lot more sober and serious in her base form.  Maybe that’s just the gravity of the situation, but I’m wondering if transforming into Ribrianne just makes her goofy.
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Meanwhile, Universe 6 is also in a desperate situation, as they lost their ace, Hit, several episodes back, and their backup plan, Kefla, was eliminated soon after.   So now they’re down to just two Namekians, Saonel and Pilina.  Caulifla threatens to kick their asses if they don’t win, but that’s not much of a threat when universal obliteration is on the line.
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Anyway, Saonel and Pilina have been fighting Gohan and Piccolo for the last several episodes.... and that’s pretty much all they’ve done for the whole tournament.  For a while, we hardly saw them at all, and then they’ve been locked in combat with the same two guys ever since.  But now, they’ve begun to power up, which makes Piccolo concerned....
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It takes a while for the truth to be spelled out, but Piccolo can sense it.  Saonel and Pilina have undergone Namekian fusion, the same kind Piccolo used when he combined with Nail on Namek, and then later when he reunited with Kami.  The difference is that Saonel and Pilina fused with all of the Namekians in their universe.  When the U6 Namekians learned of the Tournament of Power, they literally pooled all their resources into making Saonel and Pilina as strong as possible.  The two of them might have merged with each other, except Champa’s team needed two more members.  
However, the power boost didn’t fully kick in until this episode.  That’s why Saonel and Pilina have been staying in the background until now.  They knew if they bided their time, their full strength would emerge and they could clean house. 
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Meanwhile there’s a similar powering up going on with the U2 fighters.  They’ve been triple-teaming Goku, trying to execute the strategy U2 had adopted right before Ribrianne got eliminated, but Goku’s getting back into the groove, and they’re probably not up to the task.  And yet... they seem to be getting stronger.
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That’s because everyone in Universe 2 is cheering in support of those guys.  They had overlooked Zarbuto, Zirloin, and Rabanra, but now they’re giving them all the love they can, and it’s giving them a much-needed boost.
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Then the three of them begin to transform, just like Brianne and her Jumping Bombshell Firebomb Kamikaze Squad did a while back. 
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I mean, I guess this is supposed to be a joke, but they actually look a lot cooler than they did before. 
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So Goku’s in trouble, or he would be, except 17 and 18 show up to help him out again.  17 decides to play along with this dumb bit, and announces himself with all the bluster that the U2 characters do.  18 follows up with her own improv.
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Then they all look at Goku and he’s like “Hi, I’m Goku!”  You sure are, buddy.  You sure are.
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Back to the other fight, Piccolo has lost his nerve after realizing just how far the U6 Namekians have gone to protect their universe.  This throws him off his game...
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... But Gohan’s still on top of things. He cuts off Pilina’s arm to save Piccolo and proposes a strategy.  Their opponents may be incredibly strong now, but that means Gohan can go all out without worrying about accidentally killing them.  So while he takes them on by himself, Piccolo can charge up the Special Beam Cannon.
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While Gohan and Piccolo talk, Pilina re-grows his arm, and the glove reappears on his hand, so I guess that confirms he uses a Clothes Beam-style trick to put it back.  Cool.
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So Gohan and Piccolo try his plan, but Piccolo sees Gohan in a tight spot and fires too early, which hurts Pilina, but not enough to take him out of the fight. 
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Instead, Piccolo eats a ki blast from his opponents, and it looks like he’s done for...
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Then he sees a vision of Nail and Kami beside him, and Kami points the way forward...
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“Look over there... go on, look.”
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That’s right, in this battle, Gohan’s the one who saves Piccolo, and he doesn’t even have to sacrifice himself to do it, because Gohan’s so double-tough that he can do stuff like that.  He looks back at Piccolo and apologizes for getting into that tight spot that made Piccolo blow his shot.  And he asks Piccolo to help him try again.
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Then he goes right back to fighting two super-duper Namekians at the same time, because Gohan kicks ass. 
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Piccolo says he should be the one apologizing, because he let the U6 Namekians get in his head.  He was so blown away by the lengths they went to that he forgot about how strong Gohan’s resolve is, not to mention his own.  All this time, he had been lecturing Gohan about being ready to seal the deal and secure victory, and yet he’s the one who faltered in the critical moment.
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Back to the U2 fight, I don’t want to gloss over these guys, but the story here is that they now have the same powers as Ribrianne, Rosie, and Kakunsa, which means that they’re basically doing all the same moves we saw when the real Ribrianna, Rosie, and Kakunsa fought Goku, 17, and 18.  But now, they suddenly take things up a notch.
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Everyone on the bench flips out, because apparently the C-team managed to pull off some sort of technique which not even Ribrianne’s group could achieve. 
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Basically, they take all the love they’re getting from Universe 2 and collapsing it into some ultra-dense attack, like a black hole of love or something.   It crashes down on the U7 group and threatens to push them straight down through the stage, and out the bottom, where they’ll be eliminated.
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It’s so heavy that Goku can’t even teleport out of it. 
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But he can still muscle through it with Super Saiyan Blue.  As he readies a Kamehameha, he pays respect to Universe 2 and their unconventional style.  He doesn’t understand how they use the power of love, but he can’t deny the results. But he has a different path to power, and it’s “guts”, or “fury”, depending on which language you watch this in.  I feel like “fighting spirit” is what he’s trying to say. 
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And while Goku sets up his own Kamehameha...
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Gohan sets up his own to use against the Namekians.  Cool!
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But as Pilina tries to hold off Gohan’s Kamehameha, Saonel extends his arms and grabs Gohan’s wrists to screw him up.  Oh no! 
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But Gohan’s not worried at all, because he’s got...
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... the Special Beam Cannon!
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Get Special Beam Cannon’ed, idiot!
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Oh, and it hits Pilina too, which screws up his mouth-blast thing that he was using to hold off Gohan’s Kamehameha. 
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Which means that while Goku blasts the U2 fighters off the stage, Gohan simultaneously blasts the U6 fighters off the stage.   With authority!
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Meanwhile, Frieza hasn’t done jack shit this whole time.  At least they accounted for his presence.  The U3 and U4 teams must be taking a lunch break or something.
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So this means Universes 2 and 6 get erased together.  Universe 2 goes first, and they act very positive about the whole thing, and give a warm farewell to everyone.  Everyone’s thrilled with the final heroic efforts of Zarbuto, ZIrloin and Rabanra, even if their team ended up falling short of the goal. 
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As for the U6 team, Saonel and Pilina ask Caulifla if she’s going to kick their asses, and she tells them they fought so well that she’s not even mad.  But a promise is a promise, so she chases them around the bleachers.
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Champa uses his last moments to make one last rude gesture to Beerus, who looks away with nothing to say. 
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But I think Vegeta takes it even harder, because he had a soft spot for Cabba. 
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He stares down Catopesra, and warns him that he’s going to beat the crap out of him, because he’s in a really bad mood. 
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That works for me.
So you wouldn’t expect this to be an emotional episode, since we didn’t even know the Universe 2 and 6 characters all that well until recently, and their last few fighters-- Zarbuto, Zirloin, Rabanra, Saonel, and Pilina-- were even more obscure.  And yet, this episode managed to pull a rabbit out of its hat and make me care about a bunch of also-rans.  It uses the established lore of the U2 and the Namekians, plus there’s a lot of additional mushy stuff between Goku, Gohan, and Piccolo.  Put it all together and you end up actually missing a pair of universes that we were expecting to see destroyed.  They gave away the outcome in the title, for goodness’ sake.  And yet it still works.  I went into this rewatch expecting it, and it still got to me.  They fought so hard and lost, but they went out on a positive note.  That’s not lost on Vegeta, who has already sworn to use the Super Dragon Balls to wish the erased universes back.  This moment has only re-steeled his already-steeled resolve.
So it’s sad boy hours here at the 2023 Dragon Ball Apocrypha Liveblog, so here’s KISS with “Beth”.
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blueteller · 2 years
TCF Summary Arc by Arc (Part 6/8)
Every TCF story arc in a nutshell
Volume 6: chapters 500-599
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(Due to convoluted nature of the following segment, let me introduce you to a temporarily different summary format:)
Welcome, to the 4-Way-Battle Event! [Contestants:] Team 1 – Cale Henituse & Choi Han, conducting revolution with Princess Jopis! Team 2 – Bud Illis & the Elves, rescuing the survivors of the 1,001 mercenary squad! Team 3 – Clopeh Sekka and Witira, protecting the World Tree from intruders! Team 4 – Alberu Crossman and Taylor Stan, defending the North-Western Territory of the Roan Kingdom from invading forces!
[Supporting Roles:] Team 1 – joined by Raon, Mary, Tasha, On, Hong and the Molan Assassin Squad! Team 2 – joined by Rosalyn and the Sun Twins! Team 3 – joined by Archie and Paseton! Team 4 – joined by Lock and the Tiger Tribe!
[Schedule:] Team 1, Versus; Queen Elisneh the First! Team 2, Versus; "Mysterious Endable Forces"! Team 3, Versus; Dorph and the Lion Tribe! Team 4, Versus; the White Star! (All taking place at the same time!)
Round 1: Battle at the Molden Kingdom! Team 1 wins! (Elisneh, your illusion power sucks… Cale's "greatest fear" is waking up in Korea and eating ramen??? Wait Pendrick, bad idea, no don't give Cale that stick-!) Team 1 retreats to support Team 2! *Cale coughs blood and/or faints counter: 19* *World Tree Branch & Fake World Tree have been added to the Inventory*
Round 2: Battle at the Gate to the Demon World! Team 2 gets away safely! (What's up with that thirsty Vampire…? Cale, are you SURE you wanna be allies with that weirdo??) Teams 1 & 2 retreat to support Team 4!
Round 3: Battle at the Lake of Despair! Team 3 wins without issues! (Witira, my Queen, you're so cool 🤩 Lol Dorph you loser, get dunked on)
Round 4: Battle at the Stan Territory! Team 4 persists! The enemy retreats upon the arrival or reinforcements! (Gasp! Crown Prince Alberu is revealed to be a Highest Grade Magic Swordsman!? His popularity skyrockets!!!) Team 1 arrives to save the day!
(Now back to regular summary format!)
Conspiracy Theorist White Star Strikes Again! White Star: *holding Alberu up by the neck, about to dramatically reveal his Dark Elf form to everyone* *The Cavalry Arrives!* Cale: Let him go. White Star: *actually does* Cale: …wow you actually did?? White Star: Of course. Your dragon would have stabbed me in the back otherwise Raon: Huh, how did he know? Cale: You don't even look pissed off? White Star: I took some time to think about it. It all makes sense now Cale: (…why do I have a bad feeling-?) White Star: Obviously, you're my Destined Rival, the Chosen One of a God Cale: … Cale: (WTF???) White Star: At last, a worthy opponent. Our final battle shall be legendary! Cale: (Oh HELL no!!! Is he trying to destroy my slacker life dream?!) Cale: You're just saying that to confuse my allies and run away!! White Star: That's right Cale: Wait what White Star: *disappears* Cale: (Well f***) Also Cale: *accidentally radiates charisma* The Soldiers: Gasp! Our Commander HAS been chosen by the Gods! Alberu: (…I should probably stop him, but honestly I'm too tired for this s***)
To the Endable Kingdom! Cage: Hey Cale, the God of Death wants to make you his Saint. Whaddya think? Cale: …That motherf***ing God of Death!!! (Does HE want to ruin my dream, too?!) THE ANSWER IS NO! Cage: Cheers! *pulls out wine glasses* Cale: Your highness, PLEASE stop those ridiculous rumors about me Alberu: … Cale: It's too late, isn't it Duke Fredo: *shows up in a crow form* 'Sup everyone, 'tis I, your friendly neighborhood Vampire. Give me some of your blood pls Cale: No. Duke Fredo: Shame. Be my son then Cale: Wait what Duke Fredo: I have an artifact that stores the appearance of my younger self. I use it to pretend that I have a son Cale: So…? Duke Fredo: So I can give it to you to infiltrate the White Star's secret kingdom Cale: Wait, so I get to play a spoiled brat?? *excited* Duke Fredo: No, no. My son persona is very polite and well-behaved. Also, he's the White Star's favorite nephew Cale: … Cale: *rants* HYUNG, CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS S***!? Alberu: *dying from laughter*
Naru Time! Cale: *Naru mode on* Naru!Cale: *looks gloomy and depressed* Endable Citizens: Poor Young Master Naru! He must be so heartbroken about his father being in a coma! Naru!Cale: (…I can't f***ing believe this) Naru!Cale: …That evil Cale Henituse, I will never forgive him! White Star: There there, my dear nephew, cheer up *pats him on the head* Naru!Cale: (This bastard, using the hand that already I RIPPED OFF OF HIM…!) Naru!Cale: *looks even more depressed* Solena & Melundo: (Wow, this human is amazing at this!) White Star: Naru, let us hug before I go Naru!Cale: (…should I kill him?) The Ancient Powers: CALE, NO, YOU'LL DIE Naru!Cale: (Goddammit.) *White Star and Cale hug, traumatizing Cale for life* Choi Han & Raon: *watch everything hidden in a closet* Raon: Poor Human! He's so great at acting! Choi Han: *emotional* Cale-nim… you truly are strong… Duke Fredo: *snickers inwardly while playing dead* Naru!Cale: *dying on the inside*
Cale Henituse Orders a Hit on Cale Henituse Fredo: The White Star has a device that can turn him into a member of the Demonic Race and every citizen of this kingdom is cursed so that they can't destroy it. Cale: I see, THAT'S why you needed me Fredo: Correct. You also need to attend the Nobles' grand assembly in my place Cale: So I can do whatever I want? Fredo: Sure thing son. Have fun Cale: Thanks, father! *munches on cookies from the White Star* Raon: Oh wow these are tasty! Cale: (I know, right?) Choi Han: So, are we going to loot them? Cale: *confused* No? Why would you think that?? Choi Han & Raon: (…Don't we always do that??) Choi Han: Then what are you going to do, Cale-nim? Cale: I'm going have them go to war against Cale Henituse. Choi Han: I see- wait what Endable Nobles: *at the assembly* (Hmph, what can a weak little kid like him do…?) Naru!Cale: LET'S GO KILL CALE HENITUSE White Star & Gersey: ??? White Star & Gersey: *actually want to do their demonic stuff in the background* Wait, that's- Endable Nobles: (A chance for a promotion!!!) Endable Nobles: YES, YOUNG MASTER NARU, LET'S GO KILL CALE HENITUSE White Star & Gersey: (…well s***) Naru!Cale: *radiating naive confidence* Uncle, please let me lead our warriors to victory! White Star: *pressured* …I shall think this matter over Naru!Cale: *drops info on Cale Henituse's "biggest weakness" into Count Mock's lap* Count Mock: Look at this my Liege! With this, we can totally defeat Cale Henituse! White Star: …seems legit. Go ahead then
Chilling in Endable Fredo: You've seen the streets, right? You know we're simply people like the rest of the world? Cale: Yes, I get it. You just want to have a place for dark attribute races to live in peace, so you want to be the King of this place Fredo: That's right. So, to show my good will, I saved 500 of the mercenaries you sent to spy on the Gate to the Demon World Cale: But you won't release them just yet, right? Fredo: Correct, I want to have the high ground of course Cale: *Uno Reverse Card* But now you need me to complete your plans, so I have the high ground Fredo: …well played, son Choi Han: Cale-nim, we found Fredo's secret notes on the White Star… But why is his name "Cale Barrow"? Why was he cursed on the same date as our birthday?? And why does his face look like Kim Rok Soo??? Cale: (WTF???) Cale: …you know, whatever that means, I don't even care. Alberu: *shows up in his Dark Elf form* Alberu: Hello. My name is Bob. Cale: Hi Hyung, 'sup? Alberu: …did you get fatter?? Cale: I guess so. Hey, White Star's cookies are better than yours. Alberu: *legit upset* I-is that so…?
Attack on the Black Castle Count Mock: *points at the castle inhabited by a bunch of Dragons* See this enemy base? There are only weak people there! Let's conquer it!! Endable Forces: *immediatelly all get captured*
First Contact with the Sealed God Cotton: *leads Cale and co. to a secret shelter* Ok, so here are the mercenaries, all safe and sound Cale: Great, time to infiltrate the Temple of the Demonic God Cale's Group: *sees the statue of unmasked White Star* Wow this statue sure is ugly, I wonder who this is Cale: … Cale: (…Well, at least I never made an expression like that) Cotton: …well s***. Gersey spotted us!!! Eruhaben: I'll slow them down Cale: *enters into a room with 8 monster statues* Cale: WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL (Why are there unranked monsters from Korea here as statues?!?!) [Mysterious Black Hand Appears] White Star & Gersey: WAIT, NO! Cale's Group: Wait, why are they-? Cale: *gets captured by the Black Hand* *One Continent Away* Cage: F***!!!! Young Master Cale's Vow of Death was cut!!! Everybody: …Is Cale DEAD!?!? *panic* *Meanwhile:* Cale: The hell is this…? Sealed God: Hello. I am pure evil incarnate. Wanna become a member of the Demonic Race? Cale: How about NO?! I want to be a slacker, you crazy bastard! Sealed God: What a funny joke. Cale: Actually, I'm not joking- Sealed God: Anyway, I will MAKE you want me. *dumps him into a test* Cale: What kind of-?! Cale: *wakes up as 20-year-old Kim Rok Soo*
Genre Change: Welcome, to Monster Apocalypse! Park Jin Tae: *beats KRS up* Hey Kim Rok Soo, admit that I'm the king of this place already! KRS!Cale: Oh yeah, this was the time when Park Jin Tae was the king of the shelter… PJT: (…he finally admitted it???) PJT: …I guess we're done for today, then? KRS!Cale: (Ok, so this is right before the monster flood that kills everyone in the shelter. Is this real or an illusion…?) Sealed God: I'm always watching you, waiting for you to give in~ KRS!Cale: *ignores yet another god simping after him* (It feels real, so I'm going to act like it. Let's flip this whole thing over) KRS!Cale: Ok, I got an announcement everybody. I awakened my ability PJT: (He's an ability user now??) What kind of ability…? KRS!Cale: Foresight. And we're all going to die tomorrow Everybody: (WTF???) PJT: You got any proof? KRS!Cale: You would have saved my life and fought to the end to protect this place despite projecting yourself as an irredeemable a**hole. Also, you're a multiple ability user. PJT: !!! PJT: …I suppose you're telling the truth then… We're all going to die? KRS!Cale: It's okay, I got a plan- Choi Han: *suddenly shows up* KRS!Cale: (Choi Han???) The Koreans: Who is this?? Choi Han: *smiling* I'm someone who came to pay for his meals (Me and the whole fandom: *cries*) KRS!Cale: How… how are you here?? Choi Han: You're imprisoned in a black orb right now. This isn't time travel btw, this is probably just a different universe. I made a deal with the God of Death to cut off some of my lifespan to help you. Only the part where I outlive Raon, tho KRS!Cale: Are you crazy?! Choi Han: I didn't want to be left alone. (Me: Seriously, I am crying right now) KRS!Cale: …I am sorry. And thank you. Really, thank you very much. (Me: *ugly sobbing*)
Time Travel Fix-It, Korean Style! Koreans: *deliver KRS's "foresight" message to nearby shelters* KRS!Cale: *makes detailed plans on how to effectively use everybody's abilities to surive* Choi Han: *slays the monsters true Protagonist Style* The Koreans: *shocked* …H-huh? KRS!Cale: Ok so the Grade 1 monsters are the biggest problem, but there will be only 7 of them PJT: "ONLY" seven??? (This bastard is crazy…) KRS!Cale: We can do it. Oh, and let's call those two people currently hiding one building over The Koreans: Huh?? Kim Min Ah & Bae Puh Rum: What's going o-? KRS!Cale: I'm going to teach you how to fight monsters properly now. KMA & BPR: Huh??? Cale: *fights like a boss despite his emaciated body and less-than-half powered Ancient Powers* PJT: (I don't care what other abilities there are… this foresight ability's the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life…) *Cale coughs blood and/or faints counter: 20*
Enter Tigeru KRS!Cale: (I remember hearing that some of the Grade 1 monsters can talk… perhaps I can negotiate with them?) Dark Tiger: Hello. My name is Alberu Crossman Everybody: (WTF???) The Koreans: …Is Kim Rok Soo a monster-charming fairy tale princess or something??? KRS!Cale: …ok, how is this possible?? Dark Tiger!Alberu: I made a deal with the Sun God to help you just like Choi Han- KRS!Cale & Choi Han: You sacrificed your lifespan too?! That motherf***ing God of Death!!! Tiger!Alberu: No, I- wait, you sacrificed your lifespan?! Choi Han: … Tiger!Alberu: We WILL talk about this later, Instructor-him. But for now, Cale please explain what's going on. KRS!Cale: … KRS!Cale: …Are the children doing well? Tiger!Alberu: *sigh* (I knew he'd ask that first) Yes, the children are well KRS!Cale: Are they eating well? Tiger!Alberu: Yes, they are eating well KRS!Cale: I see. I'm a transmigrator. Tiger!Alberu: Huh? KRS!Cale: I possessed Cale Henituse's body two years ago Tiger!Alberu: Huh?? KRS!Cale: My real name is Kim Rok Soo and I was 36 when I transmigrated Tiger!Alberu: HUH??? KRS!Cale: Also Choi Han's my friend's uncle/paternal cousin once removed. He's actually super old Choi Han: *nonchalantly* That's right, I dimension traveled at 17 and I'm actually older than your grandfather Tiger!Alberu: …You motherf***ing bastards Tiger!Alberu: … Tiger!Alberu: I'm still the Hyung tho.
Enter Choi Jung Soo & Lee Soo Hyuk KRS!Cale: Ok, the first unranked monster is going to appear soon, so we're going to Seomyeon, Busan. Lee Soo Hyuk will be there, too. PJT: *realizes that Lee Soo Hyuk is going to be furious at him for beating up KRS* (…well s***) KRS!Cale: On the way, let's help some other shelters. We'll be picking up more allies from other places The Koreans: …Huh? KRS!Cale: Also I made allies out of 2 more talking Grade 1 monsters off-screen The Koreans: Huh?? KRS!Cale: Also we're launching a counteroffensive against the monsters nearby as they're waiting for their turn The Koreans: *who went from hiding in fear from the monsters to fighting them within the span of 24 hours* …HUH??? KRS!Cale: *using Alberu as a steed* Hyung, please roar Tiger!Alberu: …You son of a b**** Tiger!Alberu: *roars* Joo Ho-Shik: *sees KRS!Cale* (…I can make a religion out of this) Joo Ho-Shik: I HAVE FAITH! *uses Faith Power to make everyone stronger* Choi Han & Tiger!Alberu: *snickering* (Why hello Clopeh 2.0) KRS!Cale: (IGNORE.) Tiger!Alberu: …hey, isn't that Choi Jung Soo? He looks just like you described him Choi Jung Soo: …wut's goin' on?? KRS!Cale: *beams at him happily* We're taking your group with us. Btw, Choi Han will be teaching you sword arts CJS: *is confusion* KRS!Cale: *arrives at central shelter in Seomyeon* Tell Lee Soo Hyuk that if he won't show up right now I'm going home Messenger: *panicking* Sir, some people are looking for you! Do you know someone named "Kim Rok Soo"? Lee Soo Hyuk: …Kim Rok Soo? That punk? Messenger: He says that if you won't show up he's going home! LSH: That does sound like Kim Rok Soo... LSH: *shows up* Hey you! …Have you been eating properly? You look terrible KRS!Cale: Not as terrible as you LSH: ...It really IS Kim Rok Soo! LSH: *hugs him* LSH: It's been too long. …Thank you for surviving, Kim Rok Soo (Me: 😭😭😭) KRS!Cale: Why don't you move away? LSH: *even happier* Wow, you haven't changed! (Me: I am slayed. I'm dead. A ghost is writing the rest of this summary…) KRS!Cale: Anyway, this is Alberu Crossman-Hyung- LSH: "Hyung"? How old are you? Tiger!Alberu: Me? I'm 25- LSH: I'm older then. I'M the Hyung. *smug* *Cale coughs blood and/or faints counter: 21*
Gearing Up for the Final Boss KRS!Cale: Ok let's get everybody here, I don't want to say this more than once Shelter Leaders: *show up* So, who's this punk who claims to know the future? What a waste of our time, hurry up! KRS!Cale: *starts reciting exact numbers of survivors at each of their shelters* Shelter Leaders: (…WTF.) KRS!Cale: So a monster stronger than anything we've ever seen before is going to show up. With my plan, we're going to achieve an overwhelming victory. If you don't wanna join and learn how to defeat those, your loss. *mike-drop* Shelter Leaders: (…well f***. Looks like we all gotta fight that thing) KRS!Cale: Ok, so the monster will show up at the shore and go through a subway. It can split in two and use electricity and sonic blasts. Also it's skin is nearly impenetrable LSH: Sounds great. Excuse me for a moment, I gotta go educate someone. *beats PJT to a pulp* CJS: *learning swords arts from Choi Han* (Something is clearly up… this guy has my family name and uses similar techniques… who the heck is he???) *Back in the Roan Kingdom:* On, Hong and Raon: So how is our Human doing? Alberu: *sweating* Alberu: He's… doing great. *thinks of all the blood and monster fighting going on in Korea* (Cale you bastard, how am I supposed to "keep it positive"?!) The Sun Twins: We found a lead about something that could help us against the Sealed God! "Only someone who's overcome the curse of the sun will be able to bring out the memories buried underneath this boulder"… Alberu: *remembers the boulder with the Crossman family curse on it* Ok, let's see.. Alberu: *puts some blood on it* *AI spear appears* Taerang: Hello sir, I will be your best weapon against unranked monsters Alberu: Well, well, would you look at this… *Unbreakable Spear Taerang has been added to the Inventory* *Meanwhile, in Korea:* KRS!Cale: So we all trained up and made a plan. Everybody ready? LSH: Yup! PJT: *having survived LSH's "educational" sessions* …y-yup, sure… JHS: *whispers* I have faith…! KRS!Cale: Ok, everybody to their positions [A Wild Electric Eel Appeared!] The Koreans: *stare at the Godzilla-sized monster* (…Well f***.)
End Volume 6.
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Baby Disassembly Drones Part 2
Now with Cyn and some Tessa!
The first part, Part 2 headcanons here ones take place in the past when they are worker drones.
When he is stressed and close to getting small, he will pick up some kids books from the library and bring them to the restricted part to read alone. ~Usually Clifford the Big Red Dog series
A bit after Cyn joined the group, she overheard N reading while she was in the cellar [because of the humans, J won't lock her in this AU(?)] and listened along to the story and asked to read with him when she got out.
He now loves reading to Cyn and he sometimes rambles outside of the book; and she happily listens to it all ~Everyone in the group actually loves to hear him talk too
There have been a few times where work has been so loud and upsetting that he hides under a table with a cloth and just cries until someone finds him. [normally J] ~Then they have their best bonding ever by having a Cheer-Up Break
He's a puppy regressor and loves makes dog noises in that mood. ~ He likes to 'boof' a lot when he is excited
She's a big doodler! She likes drawing "sonas" of herself, because she likes to think about what she may look like in other worlds or species. ~She doodles the human-sona most of the time and it is a lot worse looking when she's smol
She hid her regression the longest out of the group because she got so scared that if the corporate found out, they'd think it was a malfunction ~But she finally got to tell one of the drones [V] at one point. And J told the other two and Tessa about it soon after.
Tessa gave her old pacifier for J and it will always be J's favorite; she uses it the most
When she's small: she'll sit on the floor, hold her whale plushie, and just observe out the window, focusing on the stars and pretty greenery
J's a reptile [vague for her] regressor and she has a pretty, green colored dress and stockings she puts on for it ~She play-attacks with this fake mouse she just found one day
V normally hangs out in Tessa's room while small, so Tessa helps care for her if she has the time ~If Tessa's chained up, they both just rest with each other most of the time instead
V baby-sat Cyn a lot before V talked about her regression to the group ~She still baby-sits sometimes, but now the two of them just have playdates in the cellar as well
N will read the doggie books with her a lot and it's one of V's favorite things to do; just listening or reading along with N
She has a fox headspace and has the nicknames Kit and Cub [Names for baby foxes] ~Tessa sewed her a few fake fox tails and V sometimes piles them all on her dress at once in her baby-space to be a kitsune
J needs to keep a eye on V's glasses so she doesn't lose them on accident
She was really confused when one day her head got a little fuzzy after a kinda long day, but Tessa noticed the signs and helped her feel better ~This was sorta the point that the other drones started feeling more open about themselves
Loves playing pretend with Tessa's toys and sometimes the others join in ~It really depends on the work the main three do, since Cyn isn't supposed to be in the corporate's range of vision like the trio
After a while, she concurred she regresses to the same range as N, just a few months older though ~She also has two pet-spaces: Snake and Racoon
She sometimes goes into her monster form when she's small, and she never had the others find out about it [until maybe super later on] ~She is always in her snake-space when in monster-and-regressed mode
She doesn't like moving or even really standing up when she's tiny since her balance unfortunately gets as bad as a human baby's ~N is almost always the one to carry her to where she needs or wants
All of them
Little revise, but all drones [just.. the entire drone population who can regress] get a pink blush when they regress but they have a setting to turn it off for a certain time
The squad have sleepovers in Tessa's room way too much and Tessa loves to help keep them content ~She's the ultimate human caregiver
They all got matching onesies with simple little patterns in pastels
There are few days where V takes care of the squad for a full break ~She normally regresses by accident when caring for them and then it's just a little guy party
When Cyn somehow does reveal her monster form, they will be super accepting, even if it was super shocking.
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callsign-daydream · 9 months
Head in the Clouds, Eyes to the Sun - Chapter 5 - Ready
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Chapter Summary: Hallie's got her answers, or so she thinks. Time for the moment of truth. (Missed Part 4? Read it here)
Warnings/Content: Starred-out swearing, general Navy/military inaccuracies, vague Hangman x OC
Word Count: 931
A/N: I finally continued Hallie's story! I've been working on my original fiction novel and finally finished draft 2, so now that I'm in the editing phase I may be writing more TGM oneshots and things as a break from editing. It's hurting my brain. This is a short one, ft. some Hangman fluff. Enjoy!
Chapter 5: Ready ---
Hallie settled into a routine. After morning briefings, she’d settle in with Hondo, eyes on the sky, ear to the radio, notebook in hand. As the Daggers flew through whatever Maverick’s latest brainchild of training was, she’d take all the notes she could with input from Hondo. Evenings consisted of staying home and filling out her test. Hangman showed up with increasing frequency to help, food in hand as promised. Occasionally, they’d end the night with a TV show binge, but Hallie tried to keep that as an exception and not the rule.
A few weeks later, Hallie finished her final answer.
“That it?” Jake peeked over her shoulder.
She stared at the paper. “Yeah. I think so.”
Jake returned to cleaning up the kitchen. “This is it, Hal. You turn this in tomorrow, and you’ll be back in the clouds.”
She wasn’t so sure. Her stomach was churning worse than when she’d crashed into the Mediterranean and been left bobbing on a wing for an hour. Her mind wandered to that day until Jake interrupted, pulling his chair to her side.
“Hey. Hal. What’s up?”
She met his gaze and decided to fess up. “These could be wrong.”
“They can’t be. I helped you.”
Hallie rolled her eyes. Leave it to Hangman to boost his own ego while giving a pep talk.
He grabbed her shoulders, face set and serious this time. “And you worked hard for this. I’ve seen you with your ear glued to that radio. You’ve dissected our habits. ****, even more than we could.”
She wasn’t sure what to say to that. Her lack of reply prompted him to grab the papers and put them in her hands.
“You’re gonna march into Mav’s office tomorrow, throw this on his desk, and tell him to put you in the air. Got it?”
She nodded.
He stood with a smirk. “And then you’re coming to the Hard Deck for us to celebrate.”
“Only if you actually sing to Roo’s music with us.”
“You know I don’t do that.”
“For me?”
“You wish, Dreamgirl.”
A few minutes later, Hangman was at the door, about to step out. Hallie shivered. Lately, the California temperatures had been plummeting at night. Jake turned to go, but she called him one last time.
“By the way, I don’t think you always leave people hanging. Not anymore.”
“Just eighty percent of the time?”
Hallie laughed with another shiver. “No. You’re just creative. You paint a solution up there and forget to communicate it with your wingman, but it’s never on purpose.”
He said nothing for a minute, only cocked his head in thought. She was about to ask if he was alright when she sneezed.
“You better get inside, Dreamgirl.”
She sneezed again and nodded, but not before she heard him one last time.
--- The next day, Hallie sat in Maverick’s office chewing her lip. Her nerves had been brewing all day like the base coffee pot. The squad had cheered her on before entering, and she knew her phone had to be overheating from notifications in her locker, but their support didn’t change the tornado in her stomach. She hadn’t felt this way since her first time flying an F-35.
Her entire career hung on the man sitting in front of her.
She’d accidentally bit the inside of her cheek and was tasting blood when Maverick looked up.
“Nice work, Daydream. I’m looking forward to seeing you fly for real.”
That was unexpected.
“For real, sir?”
“Why do you think I made you do that run with Hangman?”
“To punish me for sneaking in and trying to steal a plane?”
Maverick laughed and shook his head. “I’d be a real hypocrite if I did that.”
Hallie wondered if her father had been like this. She’d heard some of his stories, but knew he’d held some back to avoid encouraging her to be reckless. It was hard to imagine him being quite as bad as Maverick though, considering what she’d witnessed when he flew against the Daggers.
He finally leaned forward, arms on the table, mirth gone.
“This squadron runs hard assignment, Hallie. My goal is to have you come home every time, no matter what. Part of that is taking care of you all when your feet are on the ground. Not just on the clouds.”
“I don’t understand.”
“I want my pilots to have breaks, physically and mentally. You’re all humans first and pilots second.” He looked off, seemingly at a picture on the shelf. “I want you all to learn that sooner than I did. Your father knew it well.”
Hallie sat up straight. “I didn’t know you flew with him.”
“Just a few missions. He was a good man, with a good family.”
Hallie smiled, and blinked as hard as she could to keep herself from tearing up. It didn’t work. Mav handed her a tissue, then cleared his throat.
“Your job won’t be small, Daydream. I need you to be able to fill in the gap when someone needs time off or is already assigned. Or when the Navy finally cracks down and grounds me. I want you capable of flying with any other person on this squad at any time like you’ve been partners your whole lives. That’s how we’re making sure you all come home every **** time, no matter what suicide mission you’re sent on.”
It clicked for Hallie. The questions and detail. Hondo’s additional prodding. The Daggers weren’t about individual glory, even if that came along. They were a team.
“So,” Mav said, standing up. “Ready?”
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sarahsmi13s · 1 year
Lieutenant Rogers - pt 3
Holding Onto the Past; Letting Go of the Future
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pairings: romantic!neil ‘omaha’ vikander x rogers!reader, platonic!dagger squad x rogers!reader, plantonic!sam wilson x rogers!reader, platonic!bucky barnes x rogers!reader  
characters: y/n rogers, neil vikander, the entire dagger squad (admirals and captain included), sam wilson, bucky barnes, john walker, lemar hoskins, misc. characters from both universes
series warnings: language, blood, fighting, sexual inuendoes, john walker, cannon dangers, cannon deaths, suggestive themes, the blip, talks of abandonment, if i miss any please let me know
word count: ~3.7k
a/n: if you couldn’t already tell, i’m OBSESSED with crossovers. reader is the daughter of steve rogers, and has the super soldier serum as well
sources: Top Gun: Maverick (2022) , The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021)
series summary: 13 pilots were called back to Top Gun in 2023. at the same time, Lieutenant Rogers learns that her father’s shield was passed down to John Walker.
chapter summary: after a pretty rough start, maverick takes the aviators to the beach for a team building exercise. star and omaha invite the squad over for the night. after a quick heart-to-heart with rooster, star has to watch the world forget her father.
pt 1  pt 2  pt 4  pt 5  pt 6
************ *The Next Day*
“Hey, Mav wants us at the beach today. Behind the hard deck.” You stepped out of the bathroom, toothbrush hanging out of your mouth, “What, why?” 
Neil shrugged, “I don’t, probably has something to do with what happened yesterday.” You rolled your eyes, “Hangman’s big mouth. I’m gonna punch him.” Omaha laughed, “He said dress comfortably.” 
You spit out your toothpaste, “What do you have planned, Mav?”
Well you definitely weren’t expecting a football game to be on your agenda for a Saturday evening, but here you were.
“I told you to wear shorts, Babe. Do you know how uncomfortable those pants are gonna be on the ride home?” You asked as you slipped your cut off t-shirt over your head and laid it on the table with your other stuff. 
Omaha smirked and pulled his shirt off as well, “Then I guess I’ll just have to take them off then.” He winked before putting his sunglasses back on and jogging down the beach. You shared a look with Penny, you both rolling your eyes before you followed him.
You caught the ball thrown to you and took off running, dodging the hands trying to get you. Hangman barely missed you as you passed him. “Nice try Bagman, better luck next time!” You crossed into the ‘endzone’. “Let’s go!” You cheered and tossed the ball back to Rooster.
In the next play, you were keeping an eye on Jake. As soon as he caught it you were chasing him. “Shit!” He laughed and ran as fast as he could. 
You tackled him into the ground, laughing as you rolled off of him. “Damn, I forget how strong you actually are.” You chuckled as you sat up, resting your arms on your bent knees.
He held a hand out to you, “You tired?” Taking his hand, he pulled you up and you dusted the sand off. 
You shook your head, “I can do this all day.” He arched his brow, “Can you now?” You smirked, “Oh yeah, I’ve got great stamina. Just ask Omaha.” He groaned and scrunched his face up in annoyance, “Gross.” 
You laughed and patted him on the shoulder, “Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll find yourself a house hen somewhere…”
As you walked away you turned around, walking backwards as you said, “Or a Rooster.” You winked and Jake’s mouth fell open. “Fuck off, Rogers,” he chucked the ball at you and you caught it, laughing as you ran off.
When it was over, none of you wanted to end the team bonding time.
“Hey, Omaha and I live pretty close to here. We’ve got alcohol and games,” you offered before you all made your way up the beach. “You had me at alcohol,” Yale said as he started up towards the parking lot. Everyone laughed and nodded in agreement.
So everyone, except you and Neil, went to base to shower and change.
Once everyone showed up, games were pulled out of the closet and bottles were being passed around.
After a few hours you resorted to a drinking game. “So, never have I ever been to an Avengers party,” Fanboy said, looking straight at you. “Okay, now you're targeting Garcia,” you complained but took a drink anyway.
“Wait, Omaha took a drink too!” Rooster shouted. 
You laughed, “Yeah, we’ve been dating for a while.” “I mean it was Tony’s wedding, so I don’t really know if that counts but I’m counting it.” “Oh, yeah y’all have been together since TOPGUN haven’t you?” Bob recalled. 
You nodded, “I graduated first and he was the class right behind me.” Omaha took another sip of his drink, “Yeah, then after a little while we got this place.” You took a gulp of your drink, “Technically, Tony bought this place for us, actually.”
“Why didn’t you stay in New York?” Hangman asked, leaning on the backrest of the couch and resting his head on his fist. You shrugged, “I don’t know. It was just kinda hard after the Blip, my dad was in this counseling group and Nat-“ You cleared the lump in your throat and took another drink. “She-She was still working with other Avengers to keep an eye on the world-the universe really- and I just needed to focus on my career, so did Omaha and we figured it was better for us.”
You cleared your throat again, “Um so it was my turn right?” The crowd nodded. “Okay, never have I ever been drunk under the table.” 
Everyone, save for Bob, rolled their eyes and took a drink. “Now who’s targeting?” Fanboy mumbled. “You started this Garcia. Also, that’s not targeting.” “It is when you're the one that drunk us under the table,” Coyote pointed out.
Later that night everyone except you and Bob were drunk.
“Hey, why doesn’t everyone just stay here?” You suggested, leaning on the bar as you stood next to Bob. “Are you sure? I don’t mind taking them back to base.” “And deal with 9 drunk aviators by yourself?” 
You glanced back to the group to see Harvard curled up on the pile of bean bags in the corner. “And Harv’s already asleep. And Fritz looks like he's gonna pass out too. I really don’t mind and I know Neil would be fine with it too.” “I’d be fine with what?”
You looked behind you to see your boyfriend getting another beer. “No, sir. Get a water.” He groaned but did as told. “I was just telling Bob that it would be easier to have everyone stay here for the night.” “Yeah, Harvard’s already passed out, has been for like 30 minutes.” 
You lightly clapped your hands, “So it’s settled, they can all stay here and since they gave us Sunday off we can do whatever.” Both nodded and you all started to get the extra blankets and pillows for your friends.
Once again, you were up before the sun and decided to get up and check on the group in the living room.
When you walked in you did a head count. 
Harvard-still out cold on the bean bags. Phoenix-snuggled with a pillow on the couch. Fanboy- on the loveseat with his phone on his chest. Hangman-reclined in the chair, arms crossed over his chest snoring so loud you were surprised the windows didn’t rattle. 
Fritz-on his stomach on the mattress on the floor. Yale-on his back on the same mattress. Payback-starfished in the middle of them. 
Halo-curled up in the big chair, blanket up to her chin. Coyote-in the hammock you brought in from outside, nearly falling out of it. Bob had taken the extra bedroom, despite his best efforts to give it to Halo or Phoenix. Rooster-
“Wait, where’s Rooster?” You looked around, checked the kitchen, bathroom. Maybe he bunked with Bob? As you passed the sliding glass door you saw him on the porch, sitting on the steps as he looked to the ocean.
You debated going out, he probably needed his privacy. But your curious side won and you quietly slid the door open, closing it behind you.
“Rooster? You okay?” He jumped a little at the surprise. “Oh, yeah,” he cleared his throat. “Yeah, Star, I’m good.” 
You hummed sitting beside him, “Now why don’t I believe that?” “Because you have this insane talent of reading people?” Bradley offered. You shrugged, “Possibly. Now what's bothering you?”
He sighed and looked back out to the ocean, “I don’t think Maverick is gonna pick me for this mission. I really don’t.” You pouted in confusion. “Why not?” He inhaled and clenched his jaw, “He pulled my papers to the Academy, set my career back four years.” 
You swallowed, you knew there was something else based on the reaction Jake got out of him on Friday.
“What Jake said the other day was way out of line…” Bradley nodded, sniffling as he looked away from both you and the water. “But he’s right.” 
You knew his eyes were on you now but you looked at the ocean. “I’m saying this with love. I know Maverick broke your trust and hurt you. Probably more than you let on… But the past is the past for a reason. I know how hard it is to let go, trust me I’ve seen it. When you’re in the air, you fly against the ghosts of what could have been and what was. Don’t let that be your downfall. Show Maverick his mistake, prove him wrong.”
You pushed up, turning to go inside and start getting ready, but Rooster gently grabbed your wrist. Stopping, you looked down at him. 
“What did you mean by “I’ve seen it”?” You sighed and sat back down. 
“My dad held on to his past the moment it came back into his life. In 2014, his best friend, who he watched fall to his death from a train in 1943, was in DC trying to kill him. And his lover from the war was dying from Alzheimer’s at the same time. In 2016, she died and he became a fugitive for the very same friend that tried to kill him…”
Bradley sat up straight, “Didn’t you-” “Yes, I graduated from the Academy a few weeks later.” You took a deep breath, closing your eyes as you let it out. 
“In 2018 I got him back and for the past five years I had him with me. Then when they brought everyone back a few months ago, he had to go back into the past and saw his lover again. When he took the stones back, he stayed with her…” 
You failed to discreetly wipe the tear, but he didn’t comment on it. “He stayed with her instead of coming back for me, for Sam. Not even for Bucky, the very man he risked his life for and was friends with since kindergarten…”
You took a breath to calm yourself. “And now, since Sam was too afraid to be the future, afraid the expectations of the past wouldn’t allow him to be who he’s supposed to be; they gave the shield to some Wal-Mart wannabe who thinks he’s the shit,” you chuckle humorlessly when you finish and shake your head. 
You swallowed and looked at Rooster, “Maverick is holding onto the past too. I see it every time he looks at you, he sees Goose. I saw it at the bar that first day, when you were singing…”
Rooster opened his mouth but was cut off by Fanboy, “Guys, come in here, you have to see this.”
You shared a look with Rooster before getting up and following Fanboy into the living room where “Good Morning America” was on.
Phoenix, Payback, and Omaha were on the couch. Fanboy sat on the love seat, Rooster sitting down beside him. Halo was in the chair she had slept in, Bob perched on the arm. Hangman sat up straight in the recliner. Yale, Fritz, Coyote, and Harvard were on the mattress on the floor.
As the marching band’s music filled the empty space, you stood behind the couch with your arms crossed over your chest.
You had to hold back the growl that bubbled in your chest when the camera showed John Walker signing things and taking pictures with excited fans. Fans that seemed to forget your father at the drop of a hat when a new face carried the shield.
Steve would have hated the fanfare this guy had. The interview. All of it.
He told you himself that back in the 40s he did the tours because he had to. He showed you the drawing of the monkey unicycling on a tightrope, and told you he felt like that all the time before he got into the war. The only thing that made those tours worth it was that it gave people hope.
“Ladies and gentlemen, your new Captain America!” The reporter announced, making your jaw clench. “Good morning, America!” God, even his voice was annoying.
“Thank you so much for coming. This has gotta be fun, though, coming back to your high school after so much has changed?” “Oh it’s great, we’re-” Some fan cheered from the stands. “John, I think the first thing everyone wants to know is what is it like being Captain America? Do eagles fly overhead wherever you go?” You didn’t hold back the eye roll.
“Is she fucking serious?” The rasp in your voice made you sound irritated, mainly because you were. Both Omaha and Bob shared a look, they knew it wasn’t just irritation; you were hurt.
John’s laugh didn’t help the mood, “Ah, yes! Yeah, that and flags tend to start majestically waving in the wind.” 
“God, this guy needs an ego check…” Hangman mumbled, shaking his head as he looked out the sliding glass doors. For once, everyone agreed that this man’s ego was bigger than Jake’s.
“And how's the tour been? I know they did a big rollout for you, right?” “It's the greatest honor of my life. Um, but I'm just a little shocked, I think. How did a guy like me end up here?” 
If you clenched your jaw any harder, you would break your teeth. This man had the audacity to act humble now.
“Oh, wait, wait, wait. "A guy like me"? Somebody's being a bit too humble. For those of you who aren't familiar with his résumé, "John Walker, first person in American history to receive three Medals of Honor, ran RS-One missions in counterterrorism and hostage rescue".” Oh, so it was a set up to brag, got it. 
“The government did a study of your body at MIT, and you tested off the charts in every measurable category. Speed, endurance, intelligence…”
“Look, here's the thing, uh, I'm not Tony Stark, I'm not Dr. Banner, okay?” You scoffed, “Damn right…” “I don't have the flashiest gadgets, I don't have super strength. But what I do have is guts. Something Captain America always had, always needs to have, and I'm gonna need every ounce of it. Because I got big shoes to fill. Hell, his daughter is one of the best Naval Pilots in the world. The Rogers name is one that is highly respected.”
“Damn straight it is,” Coyote said, looking back at you, only to find you staring daggers into the TV screen. “Don’t kiss ass now, Walker. It doesn’t work.” You uncrossed your arms, shaking them to relieve the tension you created.
“Did you know Steve Rogers? And do you know Y/N Rogers?” John shook his head, “I don’t know, Lieutenant Rogers personally, no. But I was two years out of West Point when Steve came back on the scene. I followed his career very closely as an Avenger. I like to think that I modeled my work after his.” You braced yourself on the back of the couch.
“So, you've always wanted to be a hero?” “I liked that what I was doing would make people feel safe. Steve Rogers was the kind of guy who could do that, he gave me hope. Even though I never met him, he feels like a brother.” 
That was it. Ain’t no way in hell you were gonna listen to anything else this man might have to say. 
Fanboy quickly turned the TV off.
The team was waiting in anticipation for your reaction. 
The expected reaction was for you to break the back of the couch you had a death grip on. But they didn’t expect the broken sigh escaping your lips. 
“I’m gonna start getting ready for the day. There’s food in the kitchen, help yourselves.” You looked away from all the eyes, hoping they didn’t see the frustrated tears in yours.
You went to the en suite bathroom and started your routine. 
You had grabbed your phone to play some music or a podcast to keep you focused, but it kept ringing. Bucky’s name kept popping up and disrupting your playlist, but you didn’t answer it.
He hadn’t wanted to speak with you, or Sam, since the funeral. He ignored every text, every phone call. You called his therapist to check on him but he barely gave her anything either.
“He's gonna keep calling until you answer him, you know,” Omaha said, leaning on the doorway. “I know. But if he wants to ignore me for months, then I can ignore him for one day,” you said as you washed your face. Neil sighed, but didn’t say anything. He watched you finish your routine and then followed you to the bedroom, sitting on the bed while you changed.
Bucky wouldn’t stop calling, but you couldn’t turn off your phone or mute it. “Baby, you can’t ignore him all day. He will keep calling. You know how stubborn he can be.” You slid a workout shirt over your head, “And you know how stubborn I can be.” You dug around for your shorts, finding them and sliding them on.
“I told Fanboy not to go get you,” he gently grabbed your arm when you walked by. “He feels bad.” 
You sighed, “I’m glad he did. He shouldn’t feel bad, I could have told him to turn it off at any time. But I needed to know what he’s like. He seemed fairly okay, I guess. The people seem to like him. But-” 
“But he’s not your dad, and he’s not Sam.” 
You nodded, sighing, “Exactly. But like I said before, I’m here to do a job and if the government gave a damn about what I thought we wouldn’t be having this conversation. I just can’t- I don’t understand how everyone can be so quick to forget him…”
You finally broke down, collapsing onto your boyfriend. “Hey, hey… I won’t ever forget him, the team won’t ever forget him… You know why?” 
You sniffled and shook your head. “Because everytime we look at you, we see him. You are your father’s daughter and you made him so proud. And you continue to do so, every damn day when you get in your plane. We will never forget him, because forgetting him is forgetting you.” 
He kissed your temple, “Why don’t we go work out this frustration, okay?” You nodded and wiped your face, “Let me cool down and then we can go.” “Of course.”
“Have you talked to Y/N recently?” Bucky asked, following behind Sam. “Not since they handed over the shield,” Sam said as he kept walking. 
“I’ve been trying to call her since this morning but she’s not answering.” Sam scoffed, “Well, what did you expect? You’ve ignored her calls and texts for months. So, she’s just supposed to drop everything to answer you? She’s got bigger shit goin’ on right now Bucky.” Bucky rolled his eyes and pulled his phone out.
He’d given you time, maybe you were asleep or weren’t near your phone. But after a few hours he figured he’d try again.
After you ran cold water over your face, you ate breakfast with the squad. Making sure to tell Mickey that you weren’t upset with him and he was fine.
Then everyone went to base to change and then you all headed to the on base gym.
You decided to work out with Phoenix, wanting to get to know her more. You both seemed to work well together.
After some weight lifting you moved to the treadmill to wind down. And that’s when your phone rang for the first time in about two hours. “Shit, I’ll be right back. I need to take this.” Phoenix nodded and decided that while you were on the phone she’d take a break.
You stepped into the hall, glancing around before answering your phone. “What Bucky?” “Well hello to you too, Kid.” You sighed and pinched your nose. 
“How are you doing?” “I’m fine,” Bucky said shortly. “Bullshit. Something must be seriously wrong for you to call me after ignoring me for months. Do you know how worried I was?” “Y/N, I’m sorry-” “Buck, you’ve been having to navigate a new world by yourself! Both Sam and I-” “You and Sam gave up the shield.” 
Your jaw dropped, “No. You don’t get to do that. You shut us out. Don’t think for a second that we intended for this to happen, that this was what we wanted.”
Bucky sighed, “I know… I know.” There was a beat of silence. “Y/N, I’m sorry. I am. I didn’t think about how worried you’d be, and honestly I didn’t think you’d be all that worried…” “Of course I was worried, Bucky. I know we haven’t known each other for very long, but Dad told me stories about you all the time. You were his best friend, and he left you to navigate a new time by yourself. I hate the idea of you being alone.” “I’ll work on it…” You smiled a little.
“Look, I need to ask you something.” “Sure, Buck.” “We need your help. We need to get the shield back, I don’t know-” 
You sighed, “Buck, I can’t.” You could tell he was confused, “What do you mean ‘you can’t’?” “In case you forgot, I’m a Naval aviator, Bucky.” “No, I know that.” “I’m also currently at TOPGUN. I got called for a training detachment. I can’t tell you what this mission is, but it’s dangerous. I need to focus on this.” You heard him sharply inhale.
“Before you jump my ass about it. I’m not happy about the situation. I’m very far from happy, but I can’t go AWOL because of it. Dad wouldn’t want me to ruin my career like that.” “I don’t trust this guy, Y/N.” “I don’t either, Buck. But it’s really important to me that I fly this mission, we’ve got less than two weeks to get ready…” 
He cleared his throat, “Okay, okay. I’m sorry…” You shook your head, “Please don’t apologize. But whatever you do, be safe Bucky.” “I will. I’ll talk to you later, kid.” You nodded, smiling a little, “Talk later Buck.” 
You went to hang up when he spoke again. “Hey, Y/N?” “Yeah?” “Be careful, okay? I can’t lose you too.” You nodded again, your throat tightening with emotion, “Of course. Bye Buck.” “Bye Kid.”
You leaned your head back against the wall, sighing as you closed your eyes. “Fuck…”
well.... that was intense
tags <3: @milesdickpic @luckyladycreator2 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp
<3 love ya babes
comment if you want to be tagged :D
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Ensemble Stars Music Showdown Bracket
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The brackets have been all set up! Round one will begin tomorrow, 5/11, around 5 PM EST and will run for 1 day
Make as much propaganda as you want and if you want me to rb it make sure to tag me in it
Going to put the brackets in text format under the cut
Bracket A
Left Side
1: Crazy Roulette (Crazy:B) vs Date Plan A to Z (√AtoZ)
2: PARANOIA STREET (Crazy:B) vs Rakuen Tsuihou -Faith Conquest- (Eden)
3: Omoi no Kakera (Switch) vs Promise Swords (Knights)
4: You’re Speculation (ALKALOID) vs RIOT WOLF (Koga)
5: Sei Shounen Yuugi (ex-Valkyrie) vs TRICK with TREAT!! (2wink)
6: Yuukyou Seishunka (Valkyrie & AKATSUKI) vs The Beast of the End (Adam)
7: Little Little Prince Star (Tori) vs Zan -Ketsui no Yaiba- (AKATSUKI)
8: NA NA NA SUMMER NIGHT BeeAT (Crazy:B) vs Kanata e no Uta (Kanata)
9: Black Ball-Room (DEADMANZ) vs d’Arc (ex-Valkyrie)
10: Daydream×Reality (Trickstar) vs VIVID ROLE-PLAYING (Sora)
11: Sleeper Mystery Train (Double Face) vs Tell Your World (2wink & Switch)
12: Sajou no Roukaku (ex-Valkyrie) vs Yoru ni Kakeru (ALKALOID & Double Face)
13: Twilight Pentagram (Altered/Five Eccentrics) vs Heart aid Cafeteria (BLEND+)
14: Voice of Sword (Knights) vs Living on the Edge (ALKALOID)
15: The Tempest Night (fine) vs Ryusei Hanabi (RYUSEITAI)
16: Honeycomb Summer (Crazy:B) vs Kiss of Life (ALKALOID)
Right Side
1: Fight for Judge (Knights) vs Melody in the Dark (UNDEAD)
2: Midnight Butlers (XXVeil) vs VERMILION (ALKALOID)
3: U.S.A. (Crazy:B & UNDEAD) vs Moonlight Disco (Getto Spectacle)
4: Have you been naughty or nice? (Flambé!) vs Uruwashi no Nightingale (Valkyrie)
5: Magic for your “Switch” (Switch) vs Matsuriyo Emaki (AKATSUKI)
6: Meikyuu Denshi Kairou (Valkyrie) vs Heart Prism・Symmetry (2wink)
7: FIST OF SOUL (Butou-kai) vs Feathers of Ark (fine)
8: BRAND NEW STARS!! (All) vs Feather Heartache (Kaoru)
9: How to move’n chess (Izumi, Arashi, Nazuna, & Kuro) vs Unstoppable Love! (Trickstar)
10: Yukai Tsuukai That's Alright! (MaM) vs Shippuu Jinrai Shinobi Michi (Shinobu)
11: Savage Love Affair (UNDEAD) vs Nekketsu☆Ryusei Ninpouchou (RYUSEITAI)
12: Or the Beautiful Golden Drop (Knights) vs Birthday of Music! (Leo)
13: Death Game Holic (DEADMANZ) vs Noir Neige (La Mort)
14: Stippling (Double Face) vs Cloth Waltz (Shu)
16: Eccentric Party Night!! (Five Eccentrics) vs Genuine Revelation (ex-fine)
Bracket B
Left Side
1: =EYE= (Double Face) vs Awakening Myth (Eden)
2: Crush of Judgement (Knights Killers) vs Knights the Phantom Thief (Knights)
3: Be the Party Bee! (Crazy:B) vs Gate of the Abyss (UNDEAD)
4: Mystic Fragrance (Knights) vs Eternal Weaving (Valkyrie)
5: Poison Strategy (Ibara) vs Psyche’s Butterfly (Eden)
6: Hysteric Humanoid (ALKALOID) vs Marine Blue Rendezvous (Kanata)
7: Akatsuki Iroha Uta (AKATSUKI) vs Niichan Cheer Squad☆ (Nazuna)
8: Endless Vide (Fraternity) vs Gekkou Kitan (AKATSUKI)
9: RAINBOW CIRCUS (fine) vs See You Again (Madara)
10: Brilliant Smile (Switch) vs Sunlit Smile (Eve)
11: Kohaku to Ruri no Rondo (Mika) vs Melty♡Kitchen (Ra*bits)
12: Tenka Muteki☆Meteorangers! (RYUSEITAI) vs Secret Gravity (Natsume)
13: Little Romance (Knights) vs Artistic Partisan (ALKALOID & Valkyrie)
14: Coruscate Breeze (Knights) vs Ironic Blue (Izumi)
15: Ghostic Treat House (fine) vs Helter-Spider (Crazy:B)
16: Mayonaka no Nocturne (Ritsu) vs Bloody Moon Vampire (Rei)
Right Side
1: Yubisaki no Ariadne (Crazy:B) vs Distorted Heart (ALKALOID)
2: Acanthe (Valkyrie) vs Noisy:Beep (Crazy:B)
3: Article of Faith (Knights) vs Raisanka (Valkyrie)
5: Believe 4 leaves (ALKALOID) vs Nightless World (UNDEAD)
6: Mémoire Antique (Valkyrie) vs Saql Faith (Adonis)
7: Play “Tag” (2wink) vs JEWEL STONE (Arashi)
8: Life is so Dramatic!! (SCREEN10) vs Rainbow Stairway (Jin & Akiomi)
9: Owaranai Symphonia (fine) vs Romancing Cruise (Switch)
10: Heart Heat Beat (RYUSEITAI) vs Fantastic Days◎ (Hiyori)
11: Majestic Magic (Switch & Eden) vs IMMORAL WORLD (UNDEAD)
12: Break the Prison (UNDEAD) vs Silent Oath (Knights)
13: Honey Milk wa Okonomi de (UNDEAD) vs No name yet (Double Face)
14: Tsubasa Moratorium (ALKALOID) vs Miwaku Geki (Valkyrie)
15: Melting Rouge Soul (Adam) vs Ruby Love (Eve)
16: Valentine Eve’s Nightmare (UNDEAD) vs Trap for You (Eve)
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fluffle-writes · 1 year
Night Raven Cemetery AU - Meet Heartslabyul!
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Part 2 of the Night Raven Cemetery AU. This stars the Heartslabyul squad, I hope you enjoy! And feel free to let me know what you think about the AU!
CW - Death - Death Mentions - Graphic Depictions of Violence - Descriptions of Rotting - Angst
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The Heartslabyul sector of the Cemetery houses vast fields of blooming, red roses and beautiful pathways and well-kept graves and tombstones. There's an emphasis on cleanliness and rule following in the area, and it's quickly learned that it's for one's own good that you follow such rules...
This area is a homage to the great rose Kingdom, the architecture of fountains and the abundant flowers throughout the gardens all sporting a sea of bright red not quite shaking the coldness that comes so naturally to places that hold so much death and sadness...
I wonder... Who may we meet in such a place...
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Riddle Rosehearts - Banshee
A fearsome spirit of a young man who roams the rose mazes that contain the graves of those hailing from the kingdom of Roses. He appears around the Cemetery in somewhat of a pattern, which only really differs during significant events or changes in weather. Regardless, his movements can be fairly predictable if you learn the rules that he follows, which result in him being easy to avoid or find depending on your goals.
One of the most important rules that all must follow is the rule that the mazes must remain silent between 9pm and 12pm every weekend. During this time, all that can be heard is the distraught screams and cries of a single voice - recognisable as that of the banshee. If anyone else is to speak during this time, then they'd better run unless they wish to lose their heads…
Riddle is most likely to attack people who are loud, even if their mannerisms are cheerful and kind hearted. It's always the loud ones who get on his nerves first, although the quickest way to get on his bad side is to break a nonsensical rule or argue against them, even if you didn't know the rule in the first place.
His aggression is easily settled by offerings of tarts or tea, as long as they are allowed at that time. He definitely favours sweets, despite denying that fact if it’s ever brought up while he’s around. Other ways to placate him include: Gifting him red roses (white will anger him further), playing with hedgehogs that may appear on your path, or even singing him the crocodile song!
Most, if not all, of his victims tried to tackle him alone. While he isn’t fast, he’s certainly swift and powerful in his judgement with a ‘punish now, speak later’ attitude. If they’re lucky, his victims may come out alive with bruises or cuts around their neck. However, in the case of someone breaking a particularly important rule (such as causing a ruckus during the three hour silence each night) their bodies are often found by ther coworkers the next day… They never do manage to figure out where the heads go, though...
The last thing most of his victims ever hear is his shrill cry of ‘OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!’
When he takes his visible form, he may often be covered in thorny roses, with blackened blood leaking from wherever the thorns appear to pierce skin. His clothing is regal, and holds an air of power despite their tattered state as if they had been torn by thorns akin to the ones coating his papery white skin. Records in the morgue state that his corpse was found entangled in thorns of rose bushes in the middle of winter, and he had died of hypothermia hours before he had been found.
Whenever he’s present, regardless of whether or not Riddle has made himself visible or is angry, there’s always an unsettling coldness that can be felt (particularly around one’s neck)
Once he grows close to a person, he may choose to follow them closely on some days. You’ll usually be able to tell that he’s there by the frigid air, even on sunny days.
Sometimes, albeit very rarely, you may be able to observe him from a distance. He’ll play and run through the rose bushes as he hadn’t been able to do as a child. Seeing his smile will bring a feeling of deep grief to the hearts of anyone that sees it - a deep-rooted feeling borne from his tragically early death.
His control over the spirits of the Rose Kingdom is born from his desperation to have some level of control after his death, with the three hours of silence enforced to allow him to cry out and mourn all who have died by his hand with only the silence of nightfall to accompany the harrowing sound.
Trey Clover - Poltergeist
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This poltergeist boasts an intimidating appearance, being fairly tall and often enshrouded by shadows with piercing eyes that follow you around. Weaker, smaller, or more mild-mannered people are most likely to spot him in their peripheral vision. Especially before the banshee approaches where they are or if they're unknowingly breaking one of his many rules. He's hard to find if you want to single him out, but there isn't much reason to actively attempt to avoid him unless he finds your behaviour particularly entertaining...
Trey is far more docile than some other spectres that stalk amongst the rose bushes of Heartslabyul - although that's not to say that he's completely harmless...
Those who may find treats unattended, or a spread of delectable tarts and pastries, and decide to help themselves may just earn his ire if he's not repaid for such casual thievery.
This particular poltergeist is a master of illusionary tricks. He'll drive his prey mad with sounds that they'll belive to be in their head, shadowy movements out the corners of their eyes, things swapping places and changing colours so subtly that they can't tell if it's actually happening or if they're making it all up in their heads...
Those who get it worst are the ones who are openly malicious. Be it disrespecting graves, talking ill of the dead, or mocking those weaker than themselves where he may be able to see - these victims are most likely to disappear the moment they're caught alone in the Rose gardens.
The only remains anyone's been able to find are scribbled out images of the missing person. These drawings - or 'doodles' if you will - are to be sent to the crematorium upon being found. We don't want a repeat of Clover Incident IV...
Of course, he may be reasoned with. He'll often offer those who have only toed the line of his temper chances to redeem themselves in the forms of hastily scribbled lists and rough drawings. Complete tasks and fetch items for him and he'll become far more docile than before...
It's odd how often the items he asks for are always cooking ingredients...
His visible form differs depending on how he feels towards the person he is visible to.
To strangers and enemies, he is a messy, writing mass of scribbles taking humanoid form that looks just a little bit wrong. Perhaps some parts of his torso bulge out a bit too far, perhaps his arms or neck are too long. The difference for these two groups are his eyes - a honey-like golden shine to a warm, curious gaze often meets newcomers... Whereas his enemies get the cold, withering stare tainted with a red all too close to the colour of blood...
Friends will see a truer form. A young boy will stand before them, still intimidatingly large in size, however part of that is attributed to what covers him. Swathes of herbs and greenery burst forth from him as vines wrap around his arms and clovers form a clover-shaped mark on his face... What was once enshrouded by the cloak of his powers is shown clearly to those he may trust. Just ignore the black ink that leaks from where the stems meet his skin. None who ask about it are ever met with a kind fate...
You'll know he's there when you pick up a scent floating on the wind. The smell of burnt pastries and charred herbs can be picked up on no matter how much he likes a person, choking those who stay around him for too long with the overwhelming scent.
He may sometimes be encountered in the main living quarters on the cemetery, mostly in the kitchen. You shouldn't use the oven or stove tops when he's around, as it can be garuntee that any attempt to turn on the device will result in the poltergeist immediately switching it back off and making the air hum until it feels as if your eardrums are about to implode. (Although this only seems to happen to people he grows fond of.)
Observing him from afar may show him in a new light, head turned up to look at clouds lazily rolling across the sky, or looking at each and every detail of a rose cupped in his hands as he takes a moment to drift into the calm that can settle over the cemetery when everything is quiet.
If a living person who he's fond of attracts the ire of Riddle, its likely that they may be seen together. Any time they've been spotted at such times, they've both fled from any witnesses. The person always dies the next day in the same, brutal way as all the others. Trey goes missing for up to six months after any of these occurrences.
Cater Diamond - Oni
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One of the more odd spirits found in the gardens of Heartslabyul. This spirit will often cause a ruckus in the presence of people - be they visitors or the usual Groundskeepers for the area. Several warnings have been issued to newer staff members to not record any acts of the Oni (or any spirits in general) as it seems that such attention may only encourage such behaviour. We're lucky that this particular Oni is far less violent that other spirits of the same type... Then again, it's not like he isn't dangerous. This is Night Raven Cemetery, after all...
Cater is the spirit in Heartslabyul that's most likely to cause a ruckus. Throwing around a red substance that we all like to hope is paint (but never test for fear that we may be wrong), pushing and shoving workers so they may stumble into rose bushes or fountains, and simply badgering anyone he feels like bothering for attention. These acts are always paired with cheeky laughter, although it's important to note that people who are subject to these pranks are usually not harmed too seriously.
Unlike what some may think, ignoring him is a one-way trip to a shitty time. Anyone who tries to turn their head and stay quiet whenever met by his pranks will have the treatment change from teasing, to overbearing, to relentless, to downright murderous.
Cater likes flashier tricks and pranks when it comes to messing with mortals. Anything that makes him stand out and makes people look at him! He's seen workers come and go - they're all temporary, ever-changing and he's unlikely to get attached as quickly as others seem to...
Ignore him enough and you'll soon learn that Cater doesn't quite limit himself on what may be too far with his little 'pranks' - pushing the boundaries over and over while seemingly no longer caring if he gets a satisfying reaction from his victims.
His tricks will morph into deadly 'accidents.' Knives being dropped down on someone from high up, toppled structures that land where they were standing just moments before. Even if they do start reacting at this point, and let's be honest who wouldn't, Cater isn't one to stop once he's finally able to have some fun.
A few workers have been landed in the infirmary due to his behaviour, and it's suspected that many of the 'accidents' around the Heartslabyul grounds are his doing - although there's no concrete evidence to support those suspicions...
His visible form is quite unique in the sense that... it's almost like there's multiple copies of the Oni in front of you - diamond markings on a sickly pale face as multiple forms merge together and mesh in and out of one-another. He's constantly shifting and moving, one moment towering over you with a cruel grin and another, looking up at you with eyes that look too sad, too human, too young.
His form is much more honest if he's fond of you - showing up in pictures with a peppy smile (even if the warping and twisting within the image is a thing of nightmares. At least he's happy!)
The scent that follows him is nauseating, as if someone tried to disguise the smell of diseased, rotting meat with candies and cakes that only festered and grew into an intoxicating stench of choking sweetness and disgusting rot. It's only too overwhelming when he's close enough to touch you, and it seems that he enjoys your struggles when he grapples onto you for the fun of it.
If you're sneaky enough, you may catch a glimpse of a moment that feels... almost personal. Just the young boy standing alone to look out to the distance, and humming a gentle, yet unrecognisable melody. It's likely the most human-looking form anyone will ever see from him. And the last thing they'll ever see.
He's the only notable Heartslabyul spirit that doesn't quite latch onto living companions. He simply acts as if his favourite little victim never existed as he moves onto the next one. He's never been observed becoming close to the living since the disappearance of that man who worked the gardens when he first took form...
Ace Trappola - Poltergeist
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This little shit is an avid trickster around the gardens, albeit far less dangerous and violent than the resident Oni. He's one of the newer spirits in the cemetery - having taken form within the last year compared so his 'seniors', some of which who have remained in the gardens for decades. Being one of the younger spirits makes him more volatile when someone attracts his ire, so it's advised that newer staff members avoid him when they can to avoid such issues.
Ace is a tricky ghost, managing to get close to people without them noticing his presence until he decides to make himself known - be it by shoving his hand into their back and sending a brief freezing sensation through their neck, poking their sides to make them flinch, or yelling suddenly when it's quiet to see them jump.
(He does have a tell for when he's nearby though, with the wind picking up and ruffling nearby plants and shrubbery in a way that it creates a sound almost akin to laughter.)
Similar to Cater, Ace craves the reactions of his prey (as is common among prankster type ghosts) and will also become more pushy if someone refuses to acknowledge him. However, Ace's differences start in how he approaches these particular people - instead seeing if they may react to him messing with other people nearby, or perhaps to other tricks and surprises he can muster up - instead of the desperate violence that the Oni's actions may develop into.
Instead, Ace's victims are often those who antagonise the poltergeist. Be it disrespecting graves while he's around, implying that he's powerless because he's young and can only pull juvenile pranks, or even going as far as to mention how nobody ever seems to come to visit him...
These people sign themselves up for a living hell the moment they cross these lines. And you'll know when it happens - when the wind picks up so much that you have to battle against it, and the coldness whips against your skin like daggers gliding across it.
His cold touches will become jabs of icy pain throughout their body leaving a lasting chill that they can't seem to shake for hours - as if they had been sat out in a blizzard with no forms of protection. The playful jabs to the side that once tickled slightly will feel like their sides had been gouged out with a blunt weapon, even when there's no wounds to be seen, the pain remaining for days. These victims may even find themselves waking up standing outside whenever it rains at night, soaked to the bone and likely to suffer from a cold the next day.
Most who are subject to this treatment don't actually die, instead being driven away from the island and quitting their jobs. Ace has already managed to drive away many employees of the cemetery, all of whom had been muttering about the pay not being worth that hell and rubbing at wounds that never even existed in the first place.
No deaths have been reported to have been caused by this spirit... However, its suspected that the disappearances of the cleaning crew who dumped that bucket of dirty water on Yuu may be caused by the poltergeist.
His visible form can be seen by anyone he decides to prank, being one of the more 'normal' looking ghosts in the cemetery - which van be attributed to the fact that he still clings to his old identity from when he was alive. There are still marks left by his death, of course. The ring around his neck where a viscous, black ink leaks from what looks like a wound (as if his head had been separated from his body at some point) is an example of such marks.
Befriending the poltergeist can actually end up being rather easy if you know what to do. If you take a pack or two of playing cards with you to the rose gardens, and chances are he'll seek you out himself. Playing games with him and sharing card tricks is the fastest, and best, way to befriend the spirit.
Don't be surprised if he chases off others who may want to join, it's a normal behaviour for younger ghosts to be possessive of mortals they grow fond of.
Befriending Ace will cause some changes around you - the constant soft breeze and feeling of eyes watching you constantly being the biggest changes. Its almost as if he has his eyes on you, even if he isn't visible...
He gets... Protective, to say the least...
If you see him from a distance, he may not notice you, and you'll be able to see him fiddling with whatever playing cards he's managed to snag from unsuspecting workers. He's often playing some sort of game or trying to get this one trick right that he's never quite managed to do...
Ignore the tears he keeps wiping away...
Out of all the spirits in this sector, he's the only one who will actively fight against the banshee to protect mortals, where others would usually back down or turn a cheek. The first time he failed to protect someone from Riddle, the hurricanes made it nearly impossible to work in the nearby areas of the cemetery. He's mellowed out now that he's grown used to the actions of the banshee, but issues may continue to arise if he gets as attached again.
Deuce Spade - Revenant
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Deuce is another young spirit, but a lot more melancholy and well behaved unless he's accompanied by the troublesome poltergeist Ace. It seems that most of the time, when encountered alone, the Revenant is docile, just silently observing. But his anger, when it rears it's ugly head, is explosive and destructive. The landscaping team has already had to rebuild a few pathways... Avoid talking to this one, but if you must, then remain kind and patient. else you may meet a grisly fate...
Deuce is well behaved and often trails after Ace or Trey, as he is the current youngest spirit within the Heartslabyul gardens. Whenever he causes issues, it's likely that Ace isn't too far away. you'll likely be jostled or shoved by the revenant - although when he's angry the aches can become bruises or breaks.
He seems to prefer kinder or sweeter members of staff - those who respect animals around the gardens and visitors who may be around. Delinquents are the one he's most likely to bother with nudges, that turn to pushes, that turn into shoves that are just slightly too close to the edge of a pond...
If they continue with callousness and mistreatment of others even after his warnings, he's much more likely to become more terribly violent and enraged. What once were shoves become a barrage of punches and kicks.
The worst injuries from this spirit were sustained by a gardener that threatened a bird's nest in one of the bushes in the gardens - the injuries made him unrecognisable if it hadn't been for his name badge. So don't harm any birds eggs unless you want your funeral to be closed casket ceremony...
Having him nearby makes your heart race and muscles tense, as if there's a lurking danger or a fight about to break out. The uncontrollable tenseness and discomfort as if your fight-or-flight response has taken hold of your being only intensifies with his anger.
His visible form is almost... Forgettable? You definitely feel like you see his face when you look at him, but when you look away, all you can recall is the colour of his eyes boring into you and the dark smudge dripping from one eye like blood... It's almost as if the memory of his face has faded so much that it's lost from his current appearance.
When he's angry, though, hair that was once midnight blue pales into a shocking pale blonde and becomes completely untamed, and the green of his eyes intensifies into an enraged gaze that makes it feel as if there's a crushing weight on top of you - with them being the only visible feature on his face.
Be kind to him, and be kind to the gardens, then you'll have a fairly docile spectre who may even manage to fend off other, more threatening spirits. (Although, he may learn the hard way just how strong Riddle is if you cross the most powerful ghost in the gardens. He may be loyal in defending you, but he is not all-powerful. let's make sure that's not a lesson that he has to learn any time soon.)
When he thinks he's alone, you may be able to spot him fiddling with a handful of flowers, weaving them together into flower crowns. And if he's fond enough of you, he'll probably even gift you one, with a soft murmur about how his mother taught him how to make them.
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