#1. they would be a really cute worm couple
therealkaidertrash21 · 5 months
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tortillamastersblog · 26 days
♕ No Matter What - Part 5 | Lena Luthor ♕
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Pairing: Lena Luthor x reader
Warnings: none, just some tooth rotting fluff
Summary: Something has shifted in your relationship with Lena and as time goes on, you realize that you might think of her as more than just your boss.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11
It’s Saturday night and instead of watching a movie on my couch like I used to, I’m trailing behind Lena while she mingles with the people of her charity event.
This morning when I woke up she was already in the kitchen, making breakfast. It was oddly domestic, but I can’t say I minded.
We ate in silence, stealing glances at each other before our peace was disrupted by a fuming Sam.
She stormed into the apartment and yelled at me for not calling her, saying she’d been worried sick all night. Then, before I could apologize she rushed over to hug me.
Lena watched with mild amusement and, as gentle as possible, filled Sam in on what happened. That didn’t help at all though and in the end it opened a whole new can of worms with Sam scolding me for losing control and being reckless.
It got so bad that Lena had to step in at some point because I couldn’t get a word in. Sam apologized, and I did too for not calling her before we all settled down and finished eating.
After that I thanked Lena for letting me stay and rushed home to shower and change before returning to her apartment so I could accompany her to work.
Other than this morning, she hasn’t brought up last night and I’m extremely grateful. I know she would never judge me for what happened, just like Sam, but I’m not ready to share that part of me. For now, at least.
“Y/N?” A gentle touch on my forearm brings me back to reality. I look down to find Lena looking up at me with curiosity. “Everything alright?”
Her touch makes my stomach flip and I gulp, trying to mask my nervousness by saying, “Just peachy.”
Lena smiles and squeezes my arm teasingly. “Come on, be honest. You can admit you’re bored.
Bored? I’m anything but that. All night I’ve been able to watch her in her black off-shoulder dress without having to worry about looking like a creep.
I almost scoff, but realizing that that might come off as rude I say, “I promise you, Ms. Luthor, I’m not bored. This event is amazing and your speech earlier was very inspiring.”
Lena’s smile turns bashful and she ducks her head shyly. “Well, if you say so… Thank you.”
I bow playfully. “You’re welcome.”
Just then, Sam and a man whom I recognize from one of the board meetings approach us.
The man whisks Lena onto the dance floor and I turn to keep an eye on her. Sam joins my side and watches the people waltzing around before nudging me.
“Soooo, what was that?” she asks, her voice taking on a sing-song quality.
I tear my eyes away from Lena for a moment to shoot Sam a questioning look.
She raises her eyebrow expectantly and cocks her head in the direction of the dance floor. “You and Lena,” she prompts.
My ears start tingling and I square my shoulders nervously. “What about us?”
“She was touching your arm,” Sam says with a smirk. “And you didn’t pull away.”
“I—“ I snap my mouth shut because Sam’s got me cornered. She knows I hate people touching me and the fact that I let Lena do it speaks volumes. “Well, she’s my boss and I can’t just shove her off me, now can I?” I defend but I know it’s a weak excuse.
“No, not really,” Sam muses and I know she’s not buying it. When she adds, “You’d make a cute couple,” my jaw drops and I dig my elbow into her side.
“Oh my God, shut up!” I hiss through gritted teeth, looking around nervously to check if someone is listening to our conversation. Luckily no one seems to be interested though, so I quickly turn back to her. “You can’t just say something like that.”
Laughing, she takes a swig of her champagne. “Oh, relax. We’re all adults here and I know for a fact that Lena’s been single for quite some time now and the way she was looking at you—“
My eyes widen in horror and I slap a hand over Sam’s mouth. She licks my palm in retaliation and I pull back with a grimace. “Ew!”
“Oh shut up.” She chuckles and punches my shoulder. Then, her expression turns a little more serious and she says, “I mean it, Y/N. Just think about it…”
I don’t know what to say to that, so I turn my attention back to the dance floor with a sigh.
Almost all the guests are gone and I stand back patiently as Lena bids the rest of them goodbye. Sam left a while ago to relieve Alex from her babysitting duties.
Kara who was here for CatCo earlier left as well after exchanging some pleasantries and getting a few pictures of the event.
Once the last guest exits the venue, Lena returns to my side. “We can go home in just a second, I just have to get my stuff.”
I nod and let her lead the way. The venue is a beautiful French Chateau with lavish gardens and I almost got lost looking for the bathroom earlier.
Lena left her stuff in one of the vintage studies, so when we get there she gathers everything, ready to leave.
However, before we get to the door she stops and looks at me with a twinkle in her eyes. “I just remembered you didn’t dance with anyone tonight. Why is that?”
I raise my eyebrows in surprise and smile. “It’s not exactly in my job description, Ms. Luthor.“
Lena counters playfully. “Or you just don’t know how to do it and wanted to avoid making a fool of yourself.”
I scoff and cross my arms, letting my eyes show my amusement. “I can dance just fine, thank you very much.”
Lena drops her things on the plush sofa and holds out her hand with a challenging raise of her eyebrow. “Prove it.”
I huff and can’t help the way my stomach flips at the prospect of dancing with her. I eye her for a moment, debating my next move.
Just think about it…
Sam’s voice rings in my ears and I decide now is the perfect opportunity to test my ever growing feelings for the young CEO.
I take Lena’s hand and lead her onto the balcony to escape the musty air of the study. She’s surprised by the change in location, but doesn’t comment on it as we both admire the view of the garden for a moment.
The big fountain in the middle of the lawn is lit up in the dark, making the water sparkle as it rains down in tiny droplets.
There are also some lit lanterns along the gravel paths, but otherwise everything is dark. It’s as though the person who designed this place didn’t want to distract from the starry night sky above us.
Out here, away from the city, there’s no light pollution that prevents you from seeing each constellation clearly, and the sight is so mesmerizing, that I momentarily forget why I stepped outside in the first place.
That is until Lena clears her throat softly, effectively snapping me out of my haze. “Sorry.“
She smiles and tilts her head adorably, her eyes not leaving my face. I instantly get nervous under her gaze and try to mask it by stepping closer and saying, “May I have this dance, M’lady?”
I preform an exaggerated bow which makes her giggle. She accepts the invitation with a grin and I raise her hand to place a theatrical kiss to her knuckles.
Before I can get into position though, her hands travel up my arms and slide beneath the fabric of my jacket. She pushes it off my shoulders and I understand what she wants, so I take it off, albeit a little confused.
I’m about to ask why that was necessary when her fingers make quick work of the buckle on my leather shoulder holster that holds my service weapon.
“Now you’re officially off duty,” she says, draping my jacket and holster over the balcony’s stone railing before returning into my space.
She pulls me infinitely closer and guides my one hand around her waist, taking my other into her own. Her perfume clouds my senses and the warmth of her body so close to mine is making me swoon on the inside.
“I’m never really off duty,” I manage to get out without stuttering. “If you ever need me, I’ll be there.”
It could just be the low light, but I’m almost certain Lena’s pupils dilate ever so slightly. It’s a sight that makes me want to rush forward and kiss her, but in the end I don’t do it.
She’s still your boss! I remind myself and that wipes the idea from my mind entirely. Kissing her out of nowhere would be a sure way to get myself fired. That being said, should there ever be something between us she has to be the one to initiate it.
Lena doesn’t say anything. Her green eyes just bore into mine, so I smile shyly and ask, “Ready?”
She nods almost imperceptibly and I start moving, guiding her around the spacious balcony in a slow waltz. It’s been a long time since I danced like this, but it’s all coming back to me like riding a bike.
There’s no music playing, but it doesn’t matter. We’re in our own world, only focusing on each other while our bodies move effortlessly together.
“Well, it’s seems like you weren’t lying after all,” Lena whispers, her breath hitting my face.
“Huh?” I slow us down so we’re only swaying in place.
Lena’s lip twitches and the hand she has on my shoulder moves toward the back of my neck. “You can dance.”
I briefly close my eyes at the touch and tighten my grip on her waist. “I told you.”
“Mhmm,” Lena hums and we continue to sway in silence. A chilly autumn breeze dances around us and because it borders on cold, she draws closer.
Unlike earlier though, it doesn’t make me nervous. It’s calming and I feel my shoulders relax as Lena’s head settles on my shoulder.
I’ve never danced like this with anyone and for the first time in my life I regret not having had a serious relationship before. I’ve had a couple flings here and there, yes, but, like I said, it was never serious. But even those stopped happening when Noah died.
Now that I’m actually this close to someone, I realize how touch starved I’ve been. And no, Sam’s hugs and cuddles don’t count. I’m talking about romantic affection.
Another breeze whips past us and this time not even our proximity is enough to keep Lena from shivering. “It’s getting cold,” I say reluctantly. “And late…”
Lena sighs against my shoulder. “You’re right. Let’s go home.”
We stop swaying and separate slowly. The cold that replaces Lena’s warmth instantly makes me yearn for her again. But it is getting late and we both have to get up early tomorrow morning.
“Thank you for the dance,” Lena says, her hands lingering on my forearms.
I bow again, this time less playfully though. “My pleasure,” I say and seeing the goosebumps on Lena’s arms and chest, I take my jacket and drape it around her shoulders.
She smiles bashfully and mumbles another thank you which makes me feel very accomplished.
I grab my holster without bothering to put it back on and lead us inside where I grab Lena’s things. She protest weakly, saying she can carry it herself, but then a yawn overcomes her and we both chuckle.
We head outside and I help her into the passenger seat of the car the valet has already parked right by the entrance.
I tip him generously and bid him a good night before getting in the driver’s seat. Usually I’m not the one driving, but because it’s Alfred’s night off, I offered to do it.
The drive back into the city is peaceful and quiet. Lena’s leaned against the door the whole way with her eyes closed and my jacket pulled tightly around her shoulders.
She doesn’t even stir when I pull into her building’s underground parking garage.
“Ms. Luthor?” I whisper, touching her shoulder. “Ms. Luthor, we’re here.”
“Ms. Luthor.”
Again. Nothing.
Damn, she’s out cold.
I sigh and get out of the car, making my way around the hood to slowly open the passenger door. I make sure Lena doesn’t fall by quickly replacing the door with my body and bending over her lap to unbuckle her seat belt.
“Alright… Upsy-daisy. One, two, three.” I scoop her into my arms as gracefully as I can and make sure her head is resting comfortably on my chest.
Then I kick the car door shut and make my way to the elevator that takes us straight up to the apartment.
I get the door open with some difficulty and take off my shoes all while Lena continues to sleep away in my arms.
It’s an endearing sight and it just makes me realize even more how deep my feelings for her actually run.
I pad through the dark apartment and into her bedroom where I carefully place her on the bed. She stirs for a moment, but doesn’t wake up, so I take off her heels before adjusting her so I can pull the comforter over her.
“Good night,” I whisper and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. Then, without thinking I bend down and press a kiss to the crown of her head.
Oh, if only you knew what you do to me, Lena Luthor, I think as I back out of the room with a tired smile.
Some much needed fluff after that last part :)
@nuianced-tck-enby Enjoy!
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lovedrots · 1 year
little moments
iii . little moments  -  p.p. x reader ᥫ᭡
synopsis : you spend the last days of your trip to italy with the boy you admire most. ( includes one-bed!trope and mutual pining )
warnings : creepy pedo old(ish) men, mild swearing, very, very rushed. this is the first time i have written in a while. :( unedited, not proof-read !!
a/n : this is my first time writing in . . . a long time ! so please note that this likely isn’t very smooth, nor is it proof-read / edited. also i am begging you guys to give me requests in my inbox .. i gotta write more !!
word count : 6,921
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italy ; 1:56 p.m.
venice was supposed to be fun.
this was supposed to be your opportunity to get away from your parents, to live out your cliche teenage late-night dreams with your closest friend, betty.
but instead, you were stuck trailing her and her new boy-toy, ned leeds.
it wasn’t that you didn’t like ned. no, he was funny. kind. but what bothered you was that he had wormed his way right into the middle of your plans. betty and you had put together list of what you wanted to do: sneak out at night to drink hot cocoa on the roof, pet the pigeons, take every boat you saw … of course, those were all thrown out the window.
and it didn’t really help, that ned’s best friend, peter parker wasn’t around. you hoped that he would at least have his – rather cute – best friend by his side, but it seemed that even he wasn’t content on watching ned and betty suck each other’s faces off.
turning your attention from the pale waters, you tried to catch your blonde friend’s gaze – mission failed. you pursed your lip, fingers picking at each other. you were getting antsy, with a need to go something. anything.
“have you guys checked out the saint mark’s basilica yet?” you quipped, sliding in front of them. you were sick of trailing them like a helpless dog.
“doesn’t look fun,” ned muttered, dark eyes glued to betty’s grinning face. and the other didn’t even think it proper to reply. neither of them seemed to notice you, as they brushed past, the girl’s shoulder bumping yours in the process.
your face flushed with something resembling anger – both because of their lack of attention, and the fact that you may have been a little jealous of the couple. just a little. who wouldn’t be? sure, you could say they were just in the honeymoon phase, but the way they looked at each other still had you yearning for more than your life offered. when would you get to experience that? just thinking about it had you kicking your feet, fireworks going off in your tummy.
though you would never admit it, some nights, you would imagine yourself sleeping beside someone. it made you feel … safe, when no one else did.
that’s when you realized that you had stopped dead in your tracks, ned and betty out of sight. you frantically looked around, e/c eyes scanning heads as you stood on your toes. shit. gone.
“lost, amore?” a old, sultry voice rasped. you turned to see a man – likely in his fifties – looking you up and down. though he was smiling, it was certainly nothing kind.
lost? you weren’t lost. just exploring, yeah? you knew where you were; the cream walls, beige roof of the building to your left … the totally familiar waters …
okay, sure. you were lost.
but you couldn’t tell a stranger that!
“no, sir,” you replied, and though you tried to put strength into your voice, it still managed to come out as nothing more than a squeak. “i was just – just looking around. i’ve been here tons of times.”
you began inching backwards, uncomfortable with the older man and unfamiliarity of the situation. though you were sure he had no ill intentions, (were you?) you were rather put off by his use of such an intimate name. after all, you were a teenager; very obviously one, too.
“please, miss! you look –”
you stumbled into a hard surface, warmth seeping into your back, an oomph leaving whatever it is that you crashed into.
you spun on your heel, whipping your head up to look at – peter parker. oh, just the person you needed to see, you thought, sarcasm pounding your head. your gaze shot from man to boy, as if unsure where to focus. you were jet-lagged, disoriented, and maybe a little creeped out.
setting your eyes on peter, you tried to channel your feelings of long (momentary) suffering through the irises. though, in all honesty, you probably looked like a drunken madwoman. but when your e/c eyes met his, the honey-brown so enchanting, you felt a little more secure. it wasn’t quite a warm, safe blanket; after all, you didn’t really know the boy. you’d only watched him from afar. stuffing books in his locker (they often fell out), sneakily mixing chemicals in the lab (you could never tell what, exactly, it was), tapping his foot to taylor swift songs when he thought so one was looking.
yeah, you were smitten.
“sorry mister;” came his wavering voice, “she’s got me!”
sorry? you ‘got him?’ needless to say, you were baffled. never had you ever spoken to the brunette, yet he was acting as if you were the best of pals. you gave him a quizzical look, nearly crossing your arms. but the silence, the bothered look on the elder’s face, had you playing along. “pete!” you choked out, the nickname forcing itself through your teeth, “i was looking everywhere for you.”
“i was down by the – the docks,” he quipped, scratching the nape of his neck. he – rather reluctantly – placed his palm on your shoulder. Though his composure was stiff, and his acting skills horrible, you had no other choice.
feigning annoyance, you crossed your arms, thick brows knitting. “you could’ve answered my texts!” for the fun of it, you fished your cell phone from your back pocket, swinging it between your fingers.
he huffed, tapping his foot. now you were really getting into it, the little squabble. “my phone was dead! you try replying to messages with a pitch-black screen?”
the two of you shot back and fourth for god knew how long, pointing, grumbling, and prodding at each other. To the two of your, your humorous scene was only a few moments long. but, by the time you’d calmed down, laughter at the tips of your tongues, the man had drifted away. last you had checked, he was staring down the two of you with awe and anger, mouth opening and closing each time there was a heartbeat of silence, as if to interject.
the giggles finally bubbled up, leaving your lips in a string of gurgles as you attempted to suppress them. your newfound travel companion, upon hearing your racket, couldn’t help but explode. Peter doubled over, clamping a hand to his mouth, as if to stifle his guffaws; but, it was no use. both of you look utterly insane, like drugged maniacs.
but he thought your laughter was one of the prettiest things he had ever heard.
though, you didn’t know that. you were convinced that you sounded like a crow that had just drunken twelve bottles of whiskey. plus, you were too busy admiring his joy, through the whisps of hair that fell into your face as he chuckles subsided.
you averted your eyes, pupils refusing to shrink back. “thanks. for helping me back there, i mean. that guy was … something.”
he nodded in agreement, a boyish, lopsided grin plastered to his face. “oh, um, anytime!”
you suspected he would be on his way. that he’d turn around, and you would be left alone again.
instead, he analyzed you, head to toe; the hydrangea-print top, the sun-kissed cheeks and nose. you thought you looked like a sloppily put-together mess, but peter thought you looked dream-worthy. “i didn’t know you knew who i am.” he said once he collected his thoughts.
you blinked, your only sign of surprise, ‘till you spoke. “who doesn’t know peter parker? you’re basically the only reason our decathlon team wins every show-down. smartest guy we know!”
was that too much? perhaps you had made him uncomfortable. you only just topped yourself before you could have slipped out something along the lines of, plus, you’re gorgeous. very handsome. i like to watch you in class, you’re so pretty.
but, even when he wore an embarrassed blush on his cheeks, his grin grew impossibly wider, his chest puffing in pride. “i mean – i try. not the smartest, though. try mr. stark. he’s a real genius,” he rambled. “and, hey, you’re pretty smart, too. mrs. warren seems to like you! you always get good grades in her class.”
“you notice?” you rose a brow.
“well, i sit directly behind you, so it’s kind of hard not to listen to it. that’s the only reason. it’s not like i’m a stalker or anything!”
of course, he wasn’t watching you because of some feelings. it was just by chance. if you sat at the opposite end of the room, he probably wouldn’t even know that you’re in his class, for thor’s sake.
needless to say, you were butthurt. but you couldn’t let it show through.
even so, you only found the strength to nod, watching the waters of venice ripple. how could you have gotten your hopes up? you rubbed your arms, droplets of the rivers spraying them with each crash of the tides. you hated the silence. it was your chance; your chance to prove that you were worth becoming friends with. but your awkwardness, your shyness, kept you from saying a word.
you looked up at his face, expecting him to be looking right back – but instead, those puppy eyes were glued elsewhere, to the dark wood planks at your feet.
maybe, he was as nervous as you were.
you cleared your throat, shifting your posture a few more times than it would be, if you were casual. “you haven’t got anyone else, or any plans right now … right?” you tried, foot tapping.
“No, no no!” he quickly ushered, hands that were once behind his back now set in a defensive position. “none at all. i just wanted to walk around, y’know?” he bit his already rouge lips, the action only emphasizing the color in his face. “d’you want to join me? if you don’t, that’s fine! i mean, we only just really met, and it might seem kind of weird. not that i’m weird. am i? i don't think so, i just –”
oh, you were helpless for this man. the way he went on a tangent, deep eyes sparking, you had fallen far before you could really acknowledge it. your stomach was doing summersaults, head feeling light, but not quite dizzy. when were you going to wake up from this dream? you wanted to pinch yourself.
“oh, no, i’d love to . . weirdo,” you added with a quick wink. you weren’t flash, after all; you’d never intentionally bully the poor guy.
peter shook his head, curls bouncing as his face contorted further into a content happiness.
you slipped your phone into the front pocket of your jeans, slipping past him to launch into a slow stroll. you almost instinctively reached out a hand for him to take, as though to guide him, but you pulled away as quick as it came up.
the two of you were oh-so close, shoulders nudging every so often as you walked. it wasn’t always this way; at first, you’d been feet upon feet apart. but as you spoke, you seemed to gravitate towards the enter – or, towards each other.
“but, blueberry pie has such a good balance of sweetness, and the texture is so much more . . it’s just nicer!” you insisted, upon peter bringing up his favorite pie.
“but –” he countered, “that place down the street from delmars? best cherry pie ever.”
you shrugged, mocking offense. “well, i’ve never had it! how should i know?”
he scoffed, hand to his heart. “fine. when we get back from europe, first thing we’re doing? i’m taking you there. and ordering two slices of cherry pie, extra ice-cream.’
if we even make it that far, you wanted to mutter, but held your tongue. instead. you jabbed at his shoulder. “yeah, yeah. i’m holding you to that.”
your bantering, since the little skit you put on, never seemed to stop. but your differences never made your heart beat less for him; it only made you more curious. one of the most interesting, being his view on heroes in comparison to yours.
“i appreciate them; i do,” you had said, “but they can’t save us all. kids still go missing. murders still happen. it’s impossible to stop.”
“but they try! they’re humans, too,” he countered. though his tone was harsher than you were used to, you didn’t miss the kindness, the understanding, in his eyes.
“i know,” you said softly. “but – they always say they’re going to ‘save everyone.’” you paused, fiddling with the hem of your sleeve. “it’s – it’s why i like spider-man, actually.”
you found it curious, how his eyes widened, and his cheeks grew crimson. “what do you mean?” he squeaked out.
“well; he’s not like those other heroes. he looks out for all of us. robberies, drunk drivers … stuff that most of the avengers wouldn’t bother watching out for. i admire him.”
“somebody’s gotta watch out for the little guys,” he murmured as if you couldn’t hear. and those words, stuck in the back of your mind for the rest of the day.
somebody’s gotta look out for the little guys, huh?
italy, 6:34 p.m.
it was dusk, by the time you had left again. hours before, peter parker had walked you to your hotel, where you weren’t surprised to find betty missing. likely with ned, peter had scoffed. you nodded, shrugging. at least you has some peace to yourself. you had shared an awkward moment before he left; he had gone in for a side-hug, while you had expected a full-on one. this had both of you struggling to find a comfortable way to meet, before you settled on a less-than-shitty … fist bump. yeah. a fist bump.
you groaned at the memory, shaking your head. you needed something to clear your head. and that ‘something’ was a boat ride!
you wove through the busy streets, eyes glued onto the boat-stop, humming with delight as you watched one pull into view and –
“rose, lovely?”
you jolted once more, struck into reality as a man in a cap resembling a beanie held out a singular red rose. you shook your head, cursing yourself for not avoiding the packed walkways.
“american, yes?” he tried again, signaling the flower in his hand with the dip of his head.
opening your mouth to offer a curt reply, you instead felt a familiar hand on your shoulder. “um – hi, sorry to interrupt, man. y/n?”
you quickly spun to see peter parker behind you, yet again. “peterrr … hi!!” you quipped, a fake grin splat on the panes of your face.
“hey,” he smiled back, sliding his fingers from your shoulderblade to your hand, entwining them with yours. “let’s get our boat, yeah?” he gave your hand a gentle tug towards the dock, his other occupied with a small pale bag, making a point to raise the one holding yours just enough for the capped boy to see. and, though you shouldn’t have, you squeezed his palm just a little tighter. to remind the fluttering of your heart, that it was real.
when you sat on the slick bench of he raft, peter, alarmed by the pools of water on said bench, shrugged his jacket off, swiftly placing it where you were aiming just before you took your seat. you gave him a quizzical look, to which he replied, “i just – i just didn’t want your jeans to be ruined! they’re pretty.” his voice wavered, soft.
his little display of respect had you over the moon. and though everyone else was out of sight, you hadn’t let go. side by side, hands clasped, the two of you seemed to look opposite ways. you towards the city lights, and peter towards the open waters. but, in reality? you were looking at each other when the other turned away. it was like a game of whack-a-mole, to catch one another red handed. the few times your eyes met, you felt your skin ignite.
the entire ride, not a word was exchanged. but you never moved away. you would feel the occasional squeeze to your hand, which you would respond with one of equal gentleness. They seemed to communicate, ‘is this okay?’
it was short, sweet, the crossing not lasting anything more than ten minutes. when you stepped out, you seemed frozen. his irises, illuminated by fairy lights, were so sweet, like pools of milk chocolate.
but, nothing good lasts forever. the worker on the boat coughed once. twice.
right; money.
you slid your hands into your pockets, grabbing from your wallet … but the boat as gone as soon as you looked back up. peter was sliding a wrecked, leather-bound square back into his pants. you sighed deeply, rolling your eyes. “oh, please. you couldn’t have let me pay you back at least once?”
“pay me back for what?” he asked innocently.
you scoffed, dropping the wallet back where it came. “yeah, yeah, mister hero …” you shook your head, though you could feel tingles of a smile warping the edges of your lips. he had let got of your hand to pay, and though it did not find yours again, you could feel the ghost of his touch linger on your skin. “we have got to stop meeting like this,” you added, referring to the assistance he offered you. two times, now, had he led you away from odd men in this foreign land.
peter shrugged, fiddling with the handle of his paper bag. “at least i means we meet, somehow.” though his words came off as casual, there was a strain in his voice. as if he wanted to say more. “besides; if i didn’t turn out, where else would you be?”
rolling your eyes, your eyes followed the sun, watching it sink below the horizon. “i had it covered …” but, upon seeing his face drop a fraction, you felt yourself soften like warm wax. “okay, maybe i didn’t. you saved my ass, i admit it.” you rose your hands in surrender, a tight-lipped beam lighting your face.
he seemed to perk right up, like a dog receiving praise, posture straightening with delight. you could practically envision a wagging tail.
and you didn’t mind it, when your fingers drifted into his once more as you led each other back to where your class was gathered.
italy, 2:12 a.m.
you kicked your feet beneath the thick bedsheets, the absence of your friend hitting you like a ton of bricks. originally, the two of you planned to stay up late in face-masks, drinking smoothies and eating chocolates. but, where was she now?
with her new boyfriend, obviously. and thor knew how the hell betty managed to sneak into his room.
actually – never mind. your teachers were too much of a deadbeat, to pay attention to the lot of you the middle of the night.
you wrestled with the duvet for a few more moments, both hot and cold wrecking your body. blanket on? too hot. blanket off? too cold. how did people even manage, in such conditions?
you felt your feet touch the fuzz of your slippers as you swung up, laced night-dress crinkling against linen. you wanted to sleep, so badly, yet it never came. each time you closed your eyes, stars would appear, and you would replay your walk home with peter in your head. it was all so strange. you had met only today, really, and it felt like he was your ‘soulmate.’
or, maybe it was you trying to convince yourself that things could work out between you and the coffee-eyed boy.
you kicked your legs, emitting soft thuds to the mattress, unsure of what to do. you’d tried listening to ambience between the time of 1:34 to 1:56, but that didn’t seem to work, though it often times did. you also attempted the classic, ‘counting sheep.’ but, when does that ever really work. you even got so distracted, that you had begun to name the damned sheep that were jumping over your little imaginary fence.
your personal favorites were sir mcwooly and baaa-rney.
toddling over to the small desk by the hotel’s queen’s bed, you rubbed your arms, feeling the goosebumps spiking up on your skin. you sat on the swiveling chair, the small lamp as blinding as the sun when you turned it on. you seethed, squinting as you made a grab for the miniature sketchpad and pen assortment you had packed
you scribbled away, filling pages with tiny stars, before your hand began to flow out portraits of your friends. first, betty; with her shining blonde hair, her sugar-sweet grin. you doodled her and ned, despite the small crack in your heart at the thought of them so happy together. you drew them on the flight together, when you had been kicked out your seat to sit behind them, watching the new couple giggle through the cracks. you added little notes, complaining about their mushiness, about how empty they made you feel.
Needless to essay, the page was ripped from the booklet.
your pen found it’s way to paper once again, this time, the lines forming the familiar silhouette of peter. you started with his doe-brown eyes, making emphasis on the shining in them, the familiarity. though you enjoyed drawing each part of him, something about those eyes had you grounded to them. and it showed; when you were finished – or, more specifically, you noted how cliche you were acting – anyone could see the emphasis you’d placed on his irises. darker than all else in the portrait, white cut-outs of hearts and stars, if you looked close enough, bright against the ink.
you shook your head, gingerly, not to break the paper, tearing the page from the notebook. you set it aside, atop your previous project. the cold was getting to you; you were shaking like a wet dog, and, god, did you feel like you were sick. the small blotches of pen-gel on your hands didn’t help the look. it was like you were catching the plague.
padding for the suitcase propped against the wall, you dug through it, slipping a alpaca-fur sweater over your head. it would leave a mess of hairs, later, but in the moment, it was worth the suffering.
only issue was, your hands were still cold as ever. but you knew just what to do.
italy, 2:59 a.m.
the aroma of milk chocolate wafted through the room, the small kitchen’s floorboards creaking as you twirled and bobbed your head like a bird. you had your earbuds shoved deep into your ears, ramones blasting through the tiny speakers. you were careful to avoid the odd, slimy bits in the floor. though venice was a beautiful city, your academy didn’t seem inclined on letting the lot of you stay in a nice hotel.
whatever; the trip was free, anyways. you’d take what you could get.
you dipped your spatula into the thick, italian-style cocoa, buzzing with delight as you licked a speck of the liquid from your finger. heavy, yet delicious. even just a drop, was like a cup’s worth of flavor of those sad, little packets of hot-chocolate at home.
you poured a bit of the mixture into a small mug, surprised to find a good half of it left in the pot. you groaned, realizing that you did not, in fact, have a personal fridge to store the drink in for later. and you didn’t trust anyone from your class to not steal it from the hotel’s storage unit, if you chose to keep it there.
you’d have to gulp down the whole damned container. it was like sipping on melted-down icing.
you absent-mindedly poured the rest into a matching cup, grumbling at the spare dish you’d clean. you whispered the lyrics to the song playing through your ipod, foot tapping – rather noisily – on the old wood planks.
but, your peace was short-lived.
a small voice seemed to echo you, repeating the very lyrics you thought only you could hear. you pulled one of the buds out, head whipping about until you came face-to-face with peter, who was leant against the cracked doorframe, muttering to the very lyrics you were whispering.
you froze up, quarter-full pot in hand. like a deer in the headlights. “a ramones fan?” you squeaked out as soon as you remembered that you had a voice.
“yeah – yeah. they’re cool,” he replied with equal eagerness. though he made an attempt to look casual, the constant shift in position and blush staining his cheeks opposed it. “how many song d’you know?”
“not many. this just showed up on my playlist, i guess,” you clarified, not quite meeting his gaze.
“oh! that’s fine. music is kinda subjective. and the ramones aren’t exactly in style now, so –”
you cut the poor boy off with a chuckle, holding out a cup of chocolate to him. “now, don’t undermine your tastes over me. hell, i’d be happy to listen sometime.”
“really?” the panes of his face seemed to heighten with joy. “awesome. people don’t usually .. they don’t tend care about that, y’know?”
you nodded, letting go of the mug as he took hold if it’s handle, fingers brushing yours with a spark. “it’s the little things that matter, though. i mean, imagine having someone who just knows everything about you like that?”
he gazed into the cup with wonder, as if pondering your words. “yeah … i mean. it would be easier than having to explain every little thing to ned,” he stuffy joked, scratching at his neck (again; a habit, it seemed) as if there was a switch to turn his awkward energy off.
you gave a polite giggle, leaning over the dusty counter, drink in hand. this silence seemed to be a reoccurring thing between the two of you. you would look anywhere, but each other, until you caught one-another red handed in the act. each time your eyes met, you melted a little, seeing the warmth behind them. and a sprinkle of something else. something dark. lonely. sad.
peter cautiously swiped a tinge of chocolate from the inner rim of the pot, tasting it, with a hum of approval. he took a soggy paper towel off the rack, wiping his fingers free of the sweet treat, before clearing his throat once. twice.
you looked back up, watching him frantically digging through the pockets of his jeans; front left. front right. back left. back right.
… the item he was looking for was, actually, in his hoodie.
when he at last came across it, a wide grin spread across his face, a depiction of relief. you caught a glimpse of red, shining against the soft light of the kitchen lamp.
“turn around?” he pleaded, fiddling with … whatever it was.
though you weren’t sure if you could trust it, the innocent, hopeful look on his face had your knees weak. so you obeyed.
you nearly gasped as you felt warm, calloused hands caress your neck, shifting your hair over your right shoulder. and as, in contrast, a cool metal chain was placed around your throat. as he clasped it together, he seemed to linger there, hands unnecessarily raking through your strands.
not that you minded.
you took the jewelry – a necklace – between your fingers, heart puddling to find a rose made of red glass resting on your skin. “oh, pete … why?”
“i just – i-admire-you, you-know? i-mean,have-you-seen-how-you-work-in-decathlon? or-how-you-help-mrs. warren, even-though-she-can-be-a-little … difficult. not-that-she’s-bad! no! and, um. you’re-gorgeous. not-in-a-creepy-way, but – still. yeah.”
boy, was he out of breath. you could barely understand a thing he said. “peter … i seriously didn’t catch a word of that. slow down, yeah?”
his cheeks grew scarlet as he nodded. “i was just saying that i, kind of, admire you i guess?”
you blinked, fingers that were fidgeting with the bud now frozen. “you admire me? peter parker? well, i must’ve done something right,” you laughed – not quite understanding that his words were, actually, a confession, and not words similar to that of a student and a mentor.
you didn’t catch the grimace of disappointment that passed over his face.
“right … yeah. of course,” he assured, taking a large step back. did your breath smell? you pondered, shoulders tensing. but he only padded to the spare cup, giving you a look of inquiry – to which you nodded – as he picked the ceramic up, taking a swig from the thick drink. you grinned as he pulled away from the mug, upper lip lined with deep brown.
“you’ve got something there,” you quipped, jutting your chin towards his face. he took a swipe at his mouth, missing the small puddle by an inch or two. again. again. by the time he’d given up, you were struggling not to spill your hot chocolate as you guffawed. you tip-toed to his silhouette, napkin in hand, and quickly swiped the dessert off his skin. “there, dork. all fixed up,” you declared.
the smile on his lips quivered, as though to keep it from turning into a full-on, toothy smirk. you lingered, body soaking up the heat radiating off of him. how you longed to touch him, to feel his skin against yours. and oh, gods, how he smelled. warm apple pie, laced with fresh rain.
you wondered if he tasted just as sweet.
but you couldn’t think that way. you shouldn’t have. what you wanted, what you knew, was nothing more than a fantasy. you only ever watched peter parker from the sidelines. hell, you didn’t know what his favorite food was. his favorite colors. all you knew was his favorite subject, how he tugged at his curls while we was stressed. the way he bounced his leg as your teacher spoke, pink lip tugged between his teeth. though, you could never really tell if he was really focusing; the boy’s eyes were always glossy, clouded. like he wasn’t really there. at this point, you were confident he lived inside his laptop screen.
except for the fact that he answered every damned question he was asked.
seriously, it had you rethinking your own intellect.
you didn’t grin back, your own foolishness taking a toll on your mood. you stumbled your way to the sink, his heat leaving your body feeling empty. setting your mug down with a clunk, you couldn’t meet peter’s curious gaze. “i’ve – got to sleep. early day tomorrow, yeah?” your voice was weak, no matter how hard you tried to bring humor to it.
and as you tuned to leave, what you didn’t catch, was the crushed look on your love interest’s face.
the moment you had reached your hotel, you were rather dejected to see betty missing. you scoffed, face-planting on your side of the queen-sized bed, right hand unconsciously shooting up to protect the glass art around your neck from the harsh impact. you gripped it just a fraction tighter as you sighed into the pillows, the heaviness of silence dragging anxiety from the depth of your heart.
it took you a few minutes, to find the strength to get up. but when you did, you slipped into a silken night gown, wrapping your skin in a thick robe to protect it from the cold air. your face was slathered in a gray mask, hair pushed back by a baby-blue headband. you could feel the clay on your face drying, sending a strange tingling sensation through your flesh. ick.
your eyes welled with disappointment as you stared at yourself in the mirror. were you selfish, for wanting your best friend back? you were supposed to be doing this together, face-masks and all. but instead, you had been abandoned for some guy. you blinked back your worries, determined not to let your sullied mood ruin your almost perfectly dried clay. instead, you took a deep exhale, eyes trained on the knob of the hotel’s front door.
it was as if you had summoned it with your eyes; a sharp, quick knock at the dead of night.
you blinked, almost confident that you had been hearing things. but it came again, once. twice. three timed, before you approached it, scowling. if she was going to stay so long with her boyfriend, why come back now?
“you should have just stayed where you were,” you bit out as you swung the door wide open, huffing. your voice was venom, and deep down, you were sure you’d overreacted. but you were hurt. “really, bett! it’s – what – three in the –”
were betty’s eyes always such a deep shade of brown? you didn’t remember her hair being so short.
you blinked back your angry tears, wishing you could take each little word back. you’d been a fool, for lashing out at your friend – much less, the wrong one. you rubbed your eyes, barely missing the crusted clay inches beneath. “peter?” you coughed.
“bad timing?” he swallowed, taking a step back from the door; an offer to leave, if you so chose. you felt your heart crack, just a fraction, as you shook your head quickly, opening your door a bit wider.
“more like, bad situation,” you shrugged, far too embarrassed to look him in the eye. “what . . .” you continued, “what are you here for?”
peter’s mouth pinched, as if he was thinking carefully for his next line of words. “i got kicked out,” he finally admitted, a sheepish grin pulling at the panes of his face. “betty took my side of the bed, and i didn’t really want to listen to them flirt all night.”
you giggled, a warm rush coating your skin as you nodded. “you should have seen them earlier,” you replied, spirits lifted with his caring presence. “i couldn’t even get a hold of the girl, for god’s sake. she’s infatuated.” you took a deep breath. the memory wounded you, but it felt nice – to laugh about it with someone who understood. “did you . . want to come in?” you finally asked after a heartbeat, suddenly feeling self-conscious. you looked like a grizzly bear, in your fluffy turtleneck and your dark clay mask.
but he didn’t seem to mind. hell, little did you know, he thought you looked beautiful. sure, he enjoyed watching you from his seat in chemistry. enjoyed gazing at you as you bit your lip while working through an equation, or how you raked your hand through your hair idly, when your fingers had little to do. but above all, he enjoyed this the most. you, in your rawest, most natural state.
“yes. yes, please,” he quipped, slipping past you, into your dimly lit hotel. you trailed after him, the air far heavier than it had been moments ago. what were you to do? the boy you’d been eyeing for ages now stood in the center of your room, looking lost and helpless.
sucking on a tooth, you sighed, “just . . . sit, yeah?” you pulled out the office chair to your right, rolling it just behind him, like the gentleman (gentlewoman, you supposed) you were. “i’ve got to wash this—“ you gestured to your skin, caked in product, “—off my face.”
you excused yourself with a forced grin, despite the butterflies in your stomach. even if you were happy, you were far more bashful than anything else. you gazed into the mirror as you shut the bathroom door behind you, noting the texture of your skin, the dryness of your lips, the bags beneath your eyes. you looked like the devil herself, ruined and exhausted.
you gently scrubbed the mask off, turning the mini-towel you had brought a light grey, so as not to irritate your skin. you didn’t want to teeter out looking like a seeded strawberry.
once your skin shone with water, not a trace of dirt beneath, you dug through your bag for a plethora of items; chapstick, moisturizer, a nightgown, a hairbrush . . . it took you little over twenty minutes, to took anything like the girl you were, this morning.
slipping out the washroom, you tugged at the sleeves of your nightgown, the beige a contrast to the deep red trousers he had chosen.
“so!” you clapped, falling back onto the plush mattress of the hotel bed. “you can take the bed, and i will take the . . . couch.” though it was soggy, and looked a strange color, you couldn't bear the guilt of making him sleep on it. he’d already been kicked from him own room, for christ’s sake.
you had expected relief to wash over his face, but instead, he panicked. “no. no! i can’t let you do that,” he gave you a pointed look, his eyes darting between the cushions and you. “i intruded. i’ll take the couch,” he announced, sitting up a bit straighter.
you were having none of it. “oh, please. you cured my loneliness. i wasn’t the one who got kicked out of my own hotel, was i?”
the brunette’s lips tightened, as though he was about to give in. you watched him hopefully, your tummy fluttering with absolutely glee as a sigh loosened. “yeah. yeah, okay.” he broke out in a grin, and though it looked sweet . . . mischief lurked beneath it. “if,” he continued, peter’s nervous aura replaced with a sly air, “and only if you’re willing to share. i know those couches suck, probably full of germs and mold . . .”
you cringed, remembering the soggy floorboards and furniture of the foyer. did you really want to sleep on . . . that? you could already feel the stale, reeking water encasing your arms. shaking your head, you finally replied. “you’re . . . awfully stubborn. fine. only because i can’t stand the smell.”
the boy before you, however, seemed taken aback, cheeks glowing a red hue. had he not expected you to agree? you stifled a giggle behind a cough, padding to the bed, testing the springs of the mattress with your fingers. “are you tired?”
“very,” he admitted, wincing. “being out all day . . . yeah.”
“right.” guilt washed over you. it was your fault, wasn’t it? you had wanted to explore, and he complied, for your benefit. you sat, patting the space to your right. “please, sleep. i’ll be in soon! i just need to text bett.”
he looked up at you curiously, honey-brown eyes sparkling in the dim light.
you giggled, resisting the urge to ruffle his already-messy hair. “i don’t want her coming back in te morning to a boy in my bed, with no explanation.”
“oh. oh.” his expression as it kicked in, had you rolling. he was distressed, burning up, his words incoherent and quick as lightning. you – gently – slapped his shoulder. 
“get your mind out of the gutter, and go to bed,” you ordered, leaping to your feet to retrieve your phone. you could hear the rusting of duvets and sheets, as he settled in. and only then, did you let yourself really think. you had just invited your gods-forsaken crush to sleep in your bed. with you in it. you were so wound up in nerves, you didn’t even text your friend. you doubted she’d even come back, anyways.
so you simply stood there, for a few minutes, simply . . . watching. watching the way his lashes fluttered, the pattern of his breathing. he fell asleep widely fast, already steady and deep in his dreams. you tip-toed back, until you were slipping into the now-warmed cotton, humming in content. the sound of his breaths, his subtle heartbeat, lullied you to sleep like a sweet song.
the last thing you felt, that night, were his arms instinctively wrapping around your waist.
italy, 9:34 a.m.
it was cold, when you woke up. freezing, in fact. that human warmth from the night before . . . it was gone, but what did you expect? a romantic morning-after scene? you two hadn’t even kissed for christs sake.
you laid there, feeling defeated. had you just made things awkward, between the two of you? would you ever get to speak to one another again, or would he avoid you? but, eh wasn’t like that, was he? no, he was kind, and sweet. and he wanted to share, no? he offered, and you accepted. he couldn’t do this to you.
almost an hour passed before you got up, soles of your feet warm against the ice-cold flooring.
and that’s when you saw it. a single note, crumpled and messy, on your nightstand, amongst the pile of drawings – a few missing, you noticed. his.
oh, shit.
you picked up the sheet of paper, eyes scanning the pages, reading each syllable aloud to yourself.
“you know, it’s rude to draw someone without showing them. i’m awfully offended, and am keeping these!
. . . not because i don’t like them. i love them. a lot. god, you’re talented. they’re cute.
i would have stayed. i wanted to. but i had an emergency, from mr. stark, and didn’t want to wake you with a call, y’know? please don’t be upset. i liked last night. i haven’t slept so well, in a while. maybe it’s a sign we should do it again? if you wanted? maybe?
– peter.”
perhaps this trip wasn’t so bad, after all, you decided as you tucked away the sheet. you’d keep it forever, if you could.
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fizzingwizard · 3 months
Two: the one about Little My
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She is at her most savage the entire game. I love it. (btw, there are a couple times you do in fact need butterflies to complete quests. So go eat a worm, Little My)
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Can you imagine, she sneaks onto his raft and he tsks at her while wagging his finger. Darling. Sweet summer child, Snufkin, who do you think you're talking to?
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Come to think of it, the Park Keeper supposedly took the pirate treasure Little My wanted. I don't think I ever found it? Maybe a side quest I missed? Guess I'll have to play again hehe. Anyway these two forming an alliance was cute.
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Not that the alliance put an end to the jabs xD
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There are a few thematic elements of this game that I didn't quite get. For one, there seemed to be a theme of Snufkin needing to learn to rely on others more...? But I can't call it a running theme because it didn't turn up all that often. Little My was the most on the nose about it apart from a certain line of the Muskrat's. And while you're playing as Snufkin, so naturally he's doing most things, it's not like he tells people not to help him, or insists on doing things by himself, with the exception of telling Little My not to come on the raft because it's "dangerous."
And the trouble there is 1) he's not wrong, 2) even if it wasn't dangerous, Little My brings trouble with her everywhere she goes. And the fact is that most of the characters you meet in the game are... honestly kinda mean and selfish lol. Some of them even insist Snufkin do things for them, or take credit for things he does. I know it's played as funny, but imagine playing without any idea about the Moomin characters. Would you really fault Snufkin for choosing to do things his own way? Especially when in the end, you talk to Moomintroll, and he's painted as pretty much an angel...
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Similarly this line kinda bothered me, because I guess I think of Snufkin as one of the most sarcastic characters in Moominvalley. Maybe he does't hold a candle to Little My, but who does? However, Snufkin in this game is pretty quiet and reserved - a characterization I don't have any issue with, I think that's 100% on point - but not in the sense that he's shy or afraid to offend. That doesn't jive with the novels or comics. But maaaybe it fits the Moominvalley cartoon Snufkin *shrug*
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Hands down the best part of this game is that no matter how annoying Little My is, you can drop her down this well. Over and over. As many times as you like >:)
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locusfandomtime · 6 months
Rating each hermit’s likelihood of being a furry
scar keeps getting furry allegations so i thought i’d make this post
Joe Hills - 7/10 he doesn’t really consider himself part of the community but he has a sparkledog sona and dresses up in his homemade diy fursuit sometimes. he respects furries deeply and does not tolerate hate towards them
Xisuma - 8/10 totally a furry he changes his skin all the time to dress up as the latest minecraft mob. he already has a “cringe” oc (evil x). he doesn’t even know what a furry is i think but he probably owns a fursuit anyway because he thinks its neat
Hypno - 3/10 he’d say no but give him cat ears to match with max and he’ll be wearing them every stream from now on
Keralis - 2/10 pretends to not know what a furry is but he does. he does.
Mumbo - 1/10 logically he would know of furries due to his young age and activeness online but i don’t believe he does, he has never heard of a furry and never will
Cleo - 6/10 with enough encouragement she’d wear a fursuit. maybe if joe made one for them. she’s got a vtuber avatar so this is just next in the pipeline i think
Jevin - 3/10 he isn’t one but he does have a non-human character which technically qualifies him as one. instead of a fursuit i think he’d have to coat himself in jelly or something
False - 3/10 she already dresses up as a banana on stream how far away is dressing up as an anthropomorphic animal you must ask yourself. plants and animals had their last common ancestor 1.6 billion years ago, keep this in mind
Tango - 7/10 his fursona is an evil ravager named “skadoodler evil the third” and mrs tango has a matching fursona and they do that furry couple thing of commissioning art of their ocs kissing
xB - 4/10 not one but I don’t think he’d be opposed to the idea of being a furry. i think ferks could be a furry
Impulse - 4/10 i was gonna say no but then i remembered the imp + skizz cat fursona thumbnail
Etho - 3/10 he isn’t a furry but he is a weeb. maybe he’d wear like a fox tail or something
Doc - 9/10 he has an oc which is half creeper half robot half goat and has butterfly wings and is an evil scientist. this guy knows cringe is dead and is living his life playing as his middle aged man Mary Sue fursona
Ren - 10/10 “ren the DOG” 🤨? this is confirmed his minecraft skin has fucking dog ears
Wels - 5/10 he is not a furry but i like to think he’s a LARPer irl and has a knightsona so he gets an honourable mention.
Iskall - 2/10 i could see him wearing cat ears, only as a joke though
Cub - 7/10 “cub”? “wolf pack”? furry cub just makes sense and he’d be an epic furry. the world isn’t ready for furry cub
Scar - 9/10 the other hermits call him a furry for a reason. his fursona is anthro jelly i guess. there are so many disney movies revolving around anthropomorphic animals this is natural
Beef - 3/10 he never truly becomes a furry but at night he daydreams about what his cool llama fursona would look like. he peaks a little at furry art but is never brave enough to venture further. in another lifetime maybe…
Bdubs - 8/10 he seems disproportionally offended at allegations he’s a furry and is incredibly obsessed with horses. furry with internalised furry hate i think
Stress - 2/10 i think she’d find the idea of furries cute and funny but wouldn’t be one
Zedaph - 9/10 you’d see him rocking up to furcon. his fursona would be a weirdass sheep worm hybrid
Grian - 4/10 i can see it. despite fan interpretation, i don’t think he’d be a parrot though i think he’d be a cat tbh
Gem - 7/10 she would have the cutest most cottagecore deer fursona of all time and it would have a beautiful design and outfit and bi flag. she’d get a vtuber model and a custom fursuit and art made. it is insane to me that this hasn’t happened yet
Pearl - 5/10 she isn’t but she does seem like the kind of woman who was obsessed with wolves at the age of 12 and has never outgrown that. also double life pearl deserves to be a beautiful silver wolf
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pianokantzart · 11 months
Super Mario Brothers Super Show (Season 1, Ep. 1)
A couple of scattered thoughts on the first episode that I’m watching on youtube.
I’m only going to be paying attention to the cartoon parts. I like the acting and the sets of the live actions bits are fine, but quite frankly I would like to strangle whoever it was that was put in charge of the laugh track. The random canned laughter at nonsensical moments made that segment borderline unwatchable for me.
Okay, here we go... Season 1, Episode 1: “The Bird! The Bird!”
According to the opening monologue, Mario and Luigi just rescued Princess Toadstool (would liked to have seen that, but okay) and are now searching for “the magic” that will free The Princess’s kingdom and send Mario & Luigi back to Brooklyn, (I guess they haven’t decided on a MacGuffin yet.) Toad is pulling Princess Toadstool along like a sled dog before getting scooped up by a lispy birdo, who has saliva actively pouring out of her mouth.
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It has been 30 seconds.
I’ve got to say, most of the voice acting is pretty good except for Princess Toadstool. I hope her delivery gets better further on in the show, because right now every sentence out of her mouth sounds super phoned in. 
Luigi unironically crying because he thinks that Toad is gone for good is actually really sweet?
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 In fact, all of Team Mario have some nice little interactions. Good to see that no matter how ridiculous things get or what the continuity is, there’s still that comradery. 
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What is with all the spit in this episode?  First we’ve got the birdo with the hypersalivation issue, and then we’ve got the... whatever those are... licking King Koopa’s feet for an uncomfortable length of time. 
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Makes me worry about how much of this show is going to be some 80s writer’s poorly-disguised fetish
No, but seriously, wtf are these things??? What game are they from?
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Princess Toadstool pointed out a fire flower and Mario’s first instinct was to eat it asdflkakf why is he so hungry.
The Mario Brothers do a weird pasta pattycake parody to hype themselves up?... alright. Weird, but kinda cute.
King Koopa showed up with an entire battalion to capture Team Mario, got hit by exactly 3 turnips, then ordered a retreat lmao.
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The episode ends with a giant pink worm gravely insulted that Mario didn’t want to eat him.
Conclusion: I am terrified and intrigued. 
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manofmanymons · 4 months
Can i give you an excuse to talk more about takuma x kaito? They are just so precious to me. It's one of my favourite digimon pairing ever.
Beloved anon, you have opened the biggest can of worms I even have to open. You know not what you have unleashed. That being said, here’s what we’re gonna do. I’m gonna start with a couple small silly hc’s I have about them, then we’re gonna work our way up to the things I have entirely too much to say about.
Also please know that my genuine reaction to finishing this ask and getting ready to post this was:
The sillies
They get in “I insist” wars sometimes, by which I mean they both always want to be the one to do things for the other. “Likes to take care of people” bf x “self worth based largely on his usefulness” bf. The end result is them just sneakingly doing chores for each other. In Takuma’s case, I like to think it’s bc that’s how his mom shows affection, and he totally gets it from her. With Kaito, it would start out as a “feels like he has to earn Takuma’s love because he doesn’t think he deserves it” thing but eventually turn into a “just really likes making Takuma smile” thing.
They stare at each other a lot. Takuma always does it on accident and usually for one of two reasons. Reason #1: he just likes looking at Kaito. Call him sappy, but he thinks his bf is very handsome and he likes looking at him. Reason #2: he’s trying to gauge what kind of mood Kaito is in before approaching him and completely accidentally stares at him for way too long. At first it creeps Kaito out a little and he’ll ask “the hell’re you looking at me like that for?” Eventually, though, he gets used to it and will pretend he doesn’t notice. Kaito does it on purpose whenever he wants attention but is too embarrassed to ask for it. Literally just glares at Takuma until he notices.
I don’t see either of them as the jealous type, but I do see both of them as the overprotective type. Someone looks at Takuma wrong and Kaito already wants them dead. Takuma gets very defensive if anyone other than Miu or Dracmon insinuates that anything is wrong with Kaito and WILL argue about it.
They’re both the kinda boys to ask “can I kiss you?” change my mind.
Neither of them have ever really done this whole dating thing before. Takuma has had a few girlfriends, but in the very elementary/middle school sense of basically just being friends who hold hands sometimes and get teased by their friends at recess—never in the “I am actually in love with this person” way. Kaito 100% one of those kids who always thought romance was stupid and made fun of other people for caring about it. Probably thought he was so cool for it, too. He didn’t even know he was capable of having a crush until Takuma happened. He’s mildly distressed at first that apparently everyone Takuma has ever liked before him has been a soft spoken, cute girl, but he gets over it eventually.
My dog just sat down directly on my face and I can’t see shit why did I let him onto my bed with me oh my god get him off of me HELP.
There was a time where Takuma was afraid to hug or even really touch Kaito at all in public because he was worried Kaito would hate it. Now he knows he can get away with it and is a menace. #1 hobby: making the bf blush and pout at him.
Takuma texting Miu for advice about what Kaito likes vs. Kaito texting Minoru to ask what Takuma likes. Miu and Minoru hate this but go along with it because unfortunately they love those idiots and want them to be happy. Technically Minoru promised he wouldn’t tell any of their mutual friends about Kaito being a sappy dork, but he never said anything about not telling Kaito’s sister.
Long thoughts
I think I said it before, but now I’m going to elaborate. You know the whole "fell first/fell harder" thing? Well I think Takuma fell first (but didn’t notice) while Kaito fell harder. Takuma knowing Kaito for like five minutes and already deciding he really likes this boy for some reason. They get through part 3 and now he really *really* likes this boy, but he mostly chalks it up to "I'm just happy he's here bc it means we are not all dead." Of course he's gonna kinda admire someone like that and want to get to know them better. And if he starts finding him cute and purposely seeking him out when he's nervous, well, that's just guy stuff.
vs. Kaito who’s stuck with this weird dude who won't stop staring at him and asking too many invasive questions, but he tolerates it because he's gonna need help to protect Miu and also not die. Except the more time goes by, the more this weird dude keeps being really nice to him, which is perhaps the weirdest thing of all. And he even seems to genuinely care about Miu and okay that's new. THEN he starts acting like how Kaito feels about things actually matters, and it kinda feels like a trap, but it isn't. And okay, yeah, maybe having someone pay so much attention to him is Not Terrible. Maybe being honest with someone other than his partner (who kinda has to like him) without being afraid of how they'll react is also Not Terrible. Maybe it's a little confusing why being around someone he trusts would keep making him feel nauseous and like the room is on fire, but maybe, for some weird reason, that's Not Terrible either. Maybe all of those things are even...nice. And if he thinks that perhaps he'd do anything to get this weird, annoying, invasive boy home safely, well, it's not...NOT because he loves him.
ALSO said before but would like to elaborate: I just love the idea of Kaito getting along really well with Takuma’s mom. First adult to not treat him like he’s crazy for getting stressed out over completely reasonable things like “my 11 year old sister is out past sunset and not answering the phone.” It’s kind of a nightmare for Takuma because his mother LOVES to tell the most embarrassing stories about when he was a kid that he was planning on taking to the grave, but it’s also kind of wonderful that his favorite people like each other so much. Plus, if being a little embarrassed is the price he has to pay for hearing Kaito laugh, it’s worth it.
Takuma’s mom to me has big islander mom energy, like she would instantly decide that Kaito is her child now after knowing him for two seconds. One time when Takuma was like 4 he accidentally killed a goldfish and now his mother does not trust him to keep anything alive. That being said, if Kaito gets sick or injured, Takuma’s mom will insist on taking care of him bc she doesn’t think Takuma can do it lol.
They ALSO get in the “I insist” wars tho lol like Kaito will try to help with the dishes and she’ll be like “nonsense, I’m the host, you just make yourself at home” but then Kaito will counter with “if I was at home, I would do the dishes.” It’s a battle of sheer stubbornness that either of them will win on any given day.
…Takuma reading that people tend to look for partners that are similar to their parents and at first going “pff yeah right” but then seeing that happen and going “oh no.”
And for my last thing I could talk a lot about…I dunno if I’ve ever just talked about why I ship it.
First and foremost, and I just really love their friendship. I mean, yeah, like everyone else who’s played this game, of COURSE I noticed that Kaito is constantly blushing while talking to Takuma, but that’s not really why I like seeing them together. I like how quickly Takuma catches on to the fact that Kaito’s a lot nicer than he pretends to be. I like how he notices that Kaito is a perfectly calm and rational person when it comes to anything NOT involving Miu. I like how happy it makes Dracmon that someone understands his partner so well. I like that the correct dialogue option for Kaito is pretty much always just to be straightforward and honest with him. I feel like it sets up a really lovely dynamic between the two of them where Takuma knows he can always be honest with Kaito, and Kaito can trust Takuma enough to take what he says at face value. Especially love it in the scene where Takuma is nervous, and if you pick the option to hide it, Kaito will get annoyed at him for wasting time standing around talking; but if you pick the option to tell the truth, Kaito will soften up and try to help him. I like how patient Takuma is with Kaito and how he never snaps at him even when Kaito’s being a little unreasonable or isn’t articulating what he actually means very well. I like how, for all his trust issues, Kaito straight up tells Takuma that he thinks of him as the group’s leader and depends on him. I think Takuma’s comment that hearing that makes him happy is super cute. Kaito insisting Takuma is wrong when he’s accused of secretly wanting to protect everyone, not just Miu, in early game vs him finally admitting it to Takuma late in the game. They’re just so comfortable with each other in a way that I find very endearing. Especially knowing everything Kaito’s been through, it makes me so happy that there’s someone he trusts so much and who is genuinely unconditionally kind to him. They’re so supportive of each other, and I am fully willing to believe that they really do love each other as friends.
THEN getting into the shippy parts. Still not emotionally over Takuma literally thinking that Kaito is cute. Still never letting go of him purposely complimenting Kaito for no reason just to see him flustered. Never letting them live down talking about how good friends they are and then REVERSE no-homoing the moment by explicitly saying they DON’T think of each other like brothers. What the hell WAS that? WHAT THE HELL WAS UP WITH KAITO FREAKING TF OUT WHEN TAKUMA SAID HE WAS HAPPY THEY MET ONLY TO CALM DOWN AND THEN GENTLY SMILE AND SAY “I guess it ain’t so bad if you’re the one saying it…Maybe.” WHAT DID HE MEAN BY THAT? I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE. WHAT WAS UP WITH MIU’S REACTION TO KAITO STRAIGHT UP TRYNA TO MURDER TAKUMA THAT ONE TIME? GOING “AWWWW” AND SAYING IT LOOKS LIKE KAITO WANTS TO SPEND TIME WITH TAKUMA INSTEAD OF BEING LIKE “BRO CALM TF DOWN.” PERSON WHO KNOWS HIM BEST IN THE WORLD SAYING THEY GET ALONG WELL AND IT LOOKS LIKE LAKFDJADFKJA;DLKFJALDKJA. The way Takuma looks and sounds so excited to see Kaito again in part 3 is literally the reason I accused him of falling first like he did not have to be THAT happy. PLUS THAT TIME IN PART 4 WHERE HE STARES AT KAITO’S FACE FOR SO LONG THAT KAITO NOTICES LMAO? GAYASS. His stupid little ^_^ after Kaito gets embarrassed in that scene too jfc you are NOT beating the allegations, Takuma. And okay time to circle back around to the blushy thing. If it was JUST the occasional .////. I wouldn’t read too deep into it because he literally also makes that face when Dracmon and Miu are nice to him, so I think Kaito just legitimately doesn’t know how to respond to affection. But it is CONSTANT and ALSO I think it’s sus that Dracmon always points it out. Like his partner KNOWS he’s gay panicking and is purposely drawing attention to it as a way of getting Takuma to notice that “hey this loser REALLY likes you.” I mean seriously WHY else go out of the way to point it out every single time. Also the stuttering. Why are you, as a serious, no nonsense, tough guy, stuttering so much when a cute boy is nice to you? You thought we wouldn’t notice, but we did.
They're honestly the most disgustingly fluffy corny schoolgirl-with-a-crush type ship I've ever shipped. I hate them so much.
Just,,,gay boy in a small town where he can't be himself falling for a boy who is so very kind to him. Not expecting to ever be loved back bc people never like him, much less love him. Trying to hide his affection so he doesn't get hurt, but always wearing his heart on his sleeve no matter how much he tries to pretend he isn't. Somehow against all perceived odds actually in fact being loved back. Struggling to comprehend that someone not only loves him, not only wants him, but even enjoys taking care of him without expecting anything back.
Anyways here are some memes and cats that remind me of them:
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rosepetalburst · 8 months
Ladybug Week Day 1: College AU
Ruby moves her right leg nervously, looking anxiously at the faunus on the other side of the table. After almost a whole month of writing and rewriting several times, she had finally finished the draft of the story for the Narratives and Stories subject, an optional part of her Game Development degree. There was no one better to analyze her writing than Blake. In addition to studying History, Blake was known for being an avid reader, as well as a sensible and critical thinker. There was also the small detail of Blake being Ruby's big crush…
“So…” The redhead speaks, breaking the silence. “What did you think?”
“It’s quite interesting.” Blake gives a gentle and sincere smile, passing her eyes one last time before putting down the papers and looking at the redhead. “I see you tried hard. It’s perfect, Ruby.”
“R-Really? Is it really good? It will be my first game project… I don’t want to embarrass myself…”
“Seriously… This is great, Ruby!” The faunus looks at Ruby sideways, smiling in a gentle and charming way.
“I-It's thanks to your help… Having a book worm like you as a beta reader is very useful. Your opinions are very important to me.” Ruby becomes very shy, looking away from the cafeteria table where the two were.
“There’s just one little thing…” Blake says, looking at the papers on the table. “I was thinking about this one character who is a beautiful rebellious and vigilante faunus, who likes to read… I think she sounds…" She looks directly into Ruby's eyes, giving a mischievous smile. "Familiar…"
The redhead's eyes widen, her face turning red. "I-I-I…" She looks away, getting nervous again, tucking an unruly strand of hair behind her ear. Ruby gives a nervous laugh. “O-Okay, you g-got me… I looked up to you.”
"It's ok. And by the way, I thought the nerdy protagonist who wears a red cape was really cute too…” Blake winks at Ruby, smiling wider.
Ruby looks at Blake for a while, gathering courage. “I-I was t-thinking…” The redhead swallows hard, cursing her stuttering and her heart beating fast. “What if- they were a couple… At the end of the story?”
Blake remains silent for a while, looking at the redhead, expressionless, leaving Ruby increasingly nervous and regretting having opened her mouth. Before she can apologize, Blake speaks. "That's a great idea, red…" Blake smiles shyly, putting her hand on Ruby's under the table. "Do you want to help with this part?”
Ruby feels her face burning, knowing she was blushing a lot. But she can't help but smile from ear to ear, lacing her fingers with Blake. "I definitely want to…"
[Collab with @otterkitty. Check their post here]
Ladybug has always been my confort ship, so I was sad when we didn't had ladybug weeks in the past few years. I promised I would participate as soon as someone organized it again. And this year, this week became even more special, since I am doing a collab with the woman of my life, who I have been in love with as much time as I have been into rwby. I hope you like it!
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findafight · 1 year
Re: Billy, yeeaahh, I think there’s exactly one *potential* way Billy could have been persuaded to leave without a fight and that’s if Chrissy was there at the Byers for some reason and she and Steve tricked Billy into thinking he saw her instead of Max. (1/ hopefully 2)
Why is Chrissy there? I don’t know. Maybe this is a ‘Chrissy and Steve are cousins’ au and he called her over in the hopes that her presence would stop the Party from sneaking out to commit arson to save Will’s life. Maybe she actually got caught up in everything last year bc she tagged along with Steve when he went to apologize (probably another cousins au scenario). Maybe she saw Max skateboarding, thought it was cool, and started a conversation. (Part 3 incoming)
(3/3) Cheerleading is pretty hard, so if Max was either already aware of that or found out while talking/hanging out with Chrissy, I think it’s reasonable that Max might admire Chrissy, which could potentially result in Chrissy being asked to the junkyard (especially if Max didn’t buy Lucas’s story, which I don’t think she did).
oooh fascinated by Steve and Chrissy being sporty cousins who are basically siblings tho. Steve who calls Chrissy his "sister but actually my cousin but basically my sister" in his brain because she's maybe 7/8 months younger than him so was in the grade below but they grew up together and almost all the baby pictures have them together in matching outfits :') they saved worms together from the pavement after it rained. Chrissy put them in Steve's hair and he cried. (she did this many times) They sit beside each other at family gatherings and just much sly and cutting mean girl comments about their relatives to make the other laugh. Or make distressed faces at each other from across the table when grandpa Otis is getting drunk and ready to rant.
Chrissy who Steve called during his sad boy clean up his own mess hours and she was like "okay I'll drive you to the byers house? You got knocked around I'll drive please don't get in a wreck auntie Diane would kill me." and she waits in the car for him but then Shit Goes Down and there's lights flashing and Steve runs out, but he stops, and looks back. and then locks eyes with Chrissy, and runs back in. So she follows. And finds out monsters are real right beside her brother-cousin.
yeah okay I'm digging Chrissy and Steve cousins au but it HAS to be coupled with Chrissy lives au I can't do that to them. I can't make Steve try to clear Eddie's name while mourning the only family he's known loved him. (but GOD a Jason/steve confrontation in that au? where jason is like she was your family! and steve is like I know!! That's why you need to believe me that Eddie didn't do this! I want revenge just as much as you! oh god this is so sad no no Chrissy lives in harrington cousin au.)
Anyway but Yeah. I think, like. Billy just wanted to punch someone. I guess because Chrissy is a pretty and popular girl, he would at least hesitate in his itch for a fight. Billy doesn't respect women but he's savvy enough to get in with Tommy, Steve's former bestie, so he knows enough that Chrissy isn't someone he wants to be on the bad side of. So perhaps it would...slow down? the events? idk. I really do think once Billy saw Steve or Lucas he wasn't leaving without punching someone. She could try to convince him it was her in the window, if Steve had gone out first, and that might give the kids time to hide better, but Steve isn't leaving s2 without getting punched by Billy in place of Lucas. It's one of those "locked in the timeline" things for me. Sorry Steve :( at least sometimes you aren't knocked out completely.
this answer is all over the place haha but post s3 pre s4 chrissy seeing Max skateboarding and thinking it's pretty cool and striking up a little mentor-friendship with her is so cute. Two lonely girls</3 Maybe Max teaches her to kickflip and Chrissy Teaches her to cartwheel... holds her ankles up to get the feel for it...and for a little while they don't feel so alone... aww... I love giving Max role models and older girls to look up to. She's got Steve but she deserves some girls looking out for her.
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joleneghoul · 10 months
explaining references in my art pieces for fun part 1 (idk if i will do part 2 since this is just for fun.) under cut.
I want to start with a disclaimer that a lot of my art is based on the crazy shit in my own mind but a lot of that is grounded in stuff that has actually happened in canon because i actually do enjoy older canon at times lol. also this is just relation to canon stuff mostly I wont explain my whole flower language shit here.
I have a personal event document for canon events that only really diverges once it gets to Judgement Day etc etc.
Going to start with my piece that I call "Ripley and The 52" in my folder which is I guess the piece where I finally just said fuck it and went crazy.
There are a couple references to general comics but also booster and rip's arc in 52 ofc because that's what this piece is about. No Ted doesn't die, but their arc still happens (but a bit different).
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First I'll address my constant use of nature in these works because the reason I do this (other than my own love for floral and insects) is mentioned within this arc. We have Mr mind who is this bug who is eating the multiverse essentially which is explained like a pest in a garden- only the garden is all of time and space and the flowers are everyone and everything whose ever existed and all their knowledge.
Since Ted is alive for this arc (I have other reasons to explain why Booster is acting the way he is) he plays his own part, this is mostly tech backup for Rip and Booster (as he is RECENTLY retired) and less physical stuff.
Basically threes a lot of Ted vs hating magic stuff as well. Time is a balance of both science and magic, and the magic side pisses him off a lot especially since this is one of his first experiences trying to handle that balance in awhile (especially not when dealing with Waverider). these bits are in reference to Ted. anyways while he's alive I did feel like paying homage to one of my favorite bits of that canon arc. They still use the scarab to fix Skeets and save time as I always loved the explanation that when things go randomly missing without explanation in the DC universe (as the scarab did) it's time travels fault.
I also thought "hey what if this is when we retrofit The Bug to do time travel" bc im silly like that.
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Also since this arc has a lot of Mr mind you know I had to include the menace, this piece probably is what made me fall in love with him as a character. It is so funny to have cosmic beef with a worm.
The falling apart clock is actually a reference to Waveriders (diff Waverider- BUT i think it's funny he dies in issue 27 when that's how old my Waverider was when he BECAME Waverider.) death in 52 which while fucked up I always found so fun that it took place in a clock store. also check out that tiny bite taken out of the decoration of the Time Sphere lol.
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We also have Hyperfly and the trail of planets he is eating that The Bug is flying through. sorry i made Hyperfly cute. There is also skeets in this piece who isn't actually Skeets but Mr Mind inside of Skeets. This is later the creation of Macromia.
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Also What would this arc be without the iconic Booster faking his own public death and making himself pissed off as the Serious Super-Nova. (placed two stars next to them because they're both booster)
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I also just threw in some other references to their adventures and antagonists in this piece with Starro, Waverider (though they have a minor part in this story itself), and in the paisley on the time sphere we have references to Chronos.
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Which finally brings me to the hints at Rip's connections to Ted which start in this piece where he has a augmented clone of the BB-Gun Ted always uses. This is also shown in the "Jeff/Rip broken time" piece i did where Both the gun AND papers are strewn around labeled KORD industries. Unfortunately the writing on the papers in the final piece are impossible to see. Then the "back to the future" Parody piece with Ted and Rip is a reference to the name of the arc that introduces Rip to bg vol 1 lol.
I also want to note that my Rip wields both this gun and his Sword. I will get more into the sword later probably with future art but the Sword is magic and the gun is science based, another fun reference to the balance of time.
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Anyways the whole point of this piece is that time gets broken and its in part Rip and Jeff's fault because you can't make a time machine without breaking a few timelines. Also a broken clock rip was gifted by his grandfather is a reoccurring visual metaphor in the actual Time Masters 1990 comic.
Also I will point out the clock is broken in this piece and rip has a wound on his head in the same spot the clocks broken. something something hinting at something.
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Speaking of Jeff and Rip there are also a few comic easter eggs in the "Breakfast at the end of time" piece too. Not too many, just a mug that says 86 (when bg vol 1 and teds solo came out), and a tabloid that talks about Superman being missing and Mr Mind.
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In the big Jeff/Rip peice i recently did that shows snapshots of their life together there is a reference to Time-1, which is Rip's Car in Time Masters 1990 as well as them in cowboy gear together because the issue that's Jeff centric in that series is based in the wild west (though that happens a lot different in my shit).
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I also threw in a reference to Rip losing his eye when he's older because why not.
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Finally my most recent piece "Cosmic Gardens" I'll explain the references because its yet another jumble piece lol. First we have all of the main time masters at least the ones that have roles in cosmic gardens (which is what i call the time masters story I'm working on for fun). Jeff, Jack, Tony, and Bonnie (Corky not included sorry Corky). Skeets is also there just because.
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There is also a callback to the 52 piece with the wing of Mr Mind's hyperfly form which calls to the creation of Macromia during that event. 52 takes place in this Rip's future but his fathers pasts.
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It's more difficult to explain this piece without mentioning non-canon stuff since most of these characters (including older Ted and Booster) are post divergence of the canon, even if these events actually take PLACE during that canon (time travel is a bitch).
I'm not sure yet how much I'd like to share regarding Macromia and the time gardens (all knowledge of time and space) or how her, waverider, and beetles are all connected in a way but i guess the easiest way to put it is that they're all essential to the ecosystem of this unthinkable place that exists in between the riverbanks of time.
Ted's part in the Vanishing Point VS Macromia's part in the gardens, Waverider's desires VS Macromia's oath, The existence of Rip as a paradox since birth, etc etc.
And while all these characters would think they're completely different they aren't and where does the next generation fall when all of this is happening and affecting them.
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Circling back to Ted before I end this post I do want to also bring attention to these tiny details across my pieces like how in the "Back to the future" Ted and Rip piece, the stream of time connects to Vanishing Point which relates directly to Ted (and Rip, but Ted has a large part on how the Vanishing Point functions tech wise after Brainiacs help etc etc). You'll also notice the house on there looks a little familiar if you have a keen eye for unimportant details.
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anyways this was fun to do lol!
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sshbpodcast · 3 months
Character Spotlight: Dax (all of ‘em!)
By Ames
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We give Deep Space Nine a lot of credit for fleshing out Trill culture after the confusion that was TNG’s “The Host.” Trill characters become so much more interesting when the joining gets retconned to be more of a personality melding than an overwrite, and we’ve got Dax to thank for that. All the Daxes! Sure, we’ve also been frustrated that every Dax-centered episode seems to rewrite how being a Trill works, but we’ll get into that in a second.
Your hosts at A Star to Steer Her By decided to clump all the Daxes together for this spotlight, so we’ve got your gorgeous Jadzia, your cute-as-a-button Ezri, and even some mentions for Curzon and other bonus Daxes to round out our Best and Worst Moments lists! Check them out below, listen to our discussion in this week’s podcast episode (jump over to 1:09:24), and find out if the spots do go all the way down.
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
Best moments
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A different kind of worm pouch, er, hole! Deep down, Jadzia is just a science nerd who wants to science, so it’s only fitting that she’s the one who does all the heavy lifting when it comes to discovering the wormhole in “Emissary” (not to be confused with “The Emissary” from TNG). Her study of the orbs leads her down the rabbit… er, worm hole until she and Ben go investigate and accidentally start this whole series!
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We were just… wrestling One thing the show makes clear about Jadzia early on: she fucks. This girl is unapologetic about how she seeks consensual sex, and good for her. In “Playing God,” she has clearly just struck the mat with her wrestling coach in a scene meant to raise eyebrows, but she’s so forthright about it that viewers go right past feeling titillated and straight to accepting that she knows what she wants.
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You are the only one who can give yourself another chance The rest of “Playing God” is spent appraising her Trill initiate, Arjin. And while she’s more polite and forgiving than Curzon would ever be, she’s also upfront with the little dweeb. She tells him that if he’s only looking to become a joined Trill for other people’s sake and not his own, then he’s bound to fail both himself and a symbiont. He should do what he wants to do.
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A Klingon blood oath can never be broken It’s in “Blood Oath” halfway through season two that Jadzia truly emerges as a powerhouse character. Not only does she fight like a true warrior, but she stands up for herself when her old Klingon friends are wary of honoring the blood oath they made with Curzon. It’s the first time Jadzia does something for her after a couple seasons of us questioning her character’s agency, and she slays!
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I don’t want to lose you, not again The next really epic, character-defining moment for Jadzia comes in “Rejoined” when again she is fighting for something she desires, even if it will mean the end of the Dax symbiont’s legacy. But screw it, Jadzia lives for love, and her relationship with her old partner Lenara Khan is so deeply felt that we really root for them, and feel all the more crushed at the end.
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The only adult in the room Jadzia’s character is so frequently marked by the experience of several lifetimes that she just has this maturity and wisdom about her sometimes. Especially when everyone around her is acting like children, like in “The Sword of Kahless” when Worf and Kor were being selfish brats about finding the legendary bat’leth and Jadzia has to shut them both up. With a phaser.
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Kahless hearts Lukara Jadzia’s sort of a hopeless romantic sometimes, so it’s only fitting that she try to earnestly help her friend Quark woo his lady love, the glorious Grilka in “Looking for Par’mach in All the Wrong Places.” When it’s not enough to teach Quark some Klingon languages and how to fight with a bat’leth, she even brilliantly concocts an optronic relay to allow Worf to fight for him remotely.
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If this story had an unhappy ending, I would have never forgiven you Sure, it’s mostly a Jake Sisko episode and Jadzia has pretty much just one actual scene in it, but there’s just something about her talk with Benjamin in “...Nor the Battle to the Strong” that’s so sweet. Sisko is stressing out about Jake being in a warzone, and Jadzia tells him one of her past host’s parenting stories to put him a little more at ease, like a good parent would.
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Retreat, acquire, confront, evade As we saw in “Looking for Par’mach in All the Wrong Places,” Jadzia’s friendship with Quark has always been well depicted. In a show in which we’ve complained (multiple times) about racism against Ferengis, Jadzia is the only one to give Quark the time of day, and also the one closest to him to tell him to stop weapons dealing in “Business as Usual” because she cares.
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Oh baby, I hear the blues a’calling Sadly for us, we lose Jadzia after season six, but happily, there are a couple good moments for the next Dax, Ezri! The first counseling gig she picks up is a bit of a doozy, as she tries to help Garak work through his claustrophobia and his feelings of identity crisis in “Afterimage.” And like all mental health battles, it’s an ongoing one, but she at least gets things started.
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The killer in Dax We don’t get enough of the character to see the consequences of summoning that psycho Joran in “Field of Fire” but we can tell it’s noteworthy. Ezri is the only Dax who gets tested by that murderer who briefly had the Dax symbiont, and watching her stand up to him, refuse to give in to the lure of wanton homicide, and solve a case is impressive indeed. If only the episode weren’t otherwise drek.
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The Klingon Empire is dying. And I think it deserves to die. Insert any Dax here and they probably have a better understanding of Klingon culture than Worf, but it’s Ezri who really schools him. In “Tacking into the Wind,” she throws in his ridged face just how crappy Klingon politics are and how Gowron is sending the whole empire down the shitter, giving Worf the peptalk he needs to go murder the hell out of that bulgy-eyed fascist.
Worst moments
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The prosecution rests Early-seasons Jadzia hadn’t yet found her agency, which was the biggest character facet she was lacking. A good representation of this in the episode “Dax,” in which she ostensibly should be the focus character, but spends her entire courtroom hearing refusing to speak for herself and allowing a room full of men to dictate her fate. I rest my case.
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Don’t call me Benjamin For some of these Worst Moments, we’ve dipped into other hosts of the Dax symbiont to round things out a bit. And that includes that prick Verad Dax, even if he only has the symbiont for a little while in “Invasive Procedures.” But what an asshole! This guy hires goons to help him kidnap the symbiont, forces Julian to perform surgery, and would have left Jadzia to die.
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Talk about an earworm! Here’s another alternate host who does some nasty deeds. We learn in “Equilibrium” that Dax had a secret host, Joran, who happened to do some murdering in order to get/keep the symbiont. It’s still unclear to me what his deal was because later episodes “Facets” and “Field of Fire” retcon his character all over the place until we have no idea how many people this guy even murdered!
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And then we can count each other’s spots I’m vomiting in my mouth a little over the cloyingly sweet romance in “Meridian.” While we can commend Jadzia for being sex positive in our Best Moments list above, it’s also incredibly tiring how boy crazy she seems sometimes. It’s like the writing staff can’t help but define Jadzia by the men in her life, and falling so hard for a milquetoast guy like Deral in like a day is proof.
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The way to a man’s heart is through his ears Yes, I will include on my Worst Moments list every time women give a Ferengi oomox. Bev did it. Lwaxana did it. T’Pol did it (and I’m sure I’ll mention that when we get to her spotlight). And when Jadzia sensually rubs Quark’s ears in “Facets” to convince him to take on a role in her zhiantara, I find it disgusting because it’s a woman engaging in sexual acts only to titillate the audience. Gross.
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You were so young, so lovely We’ve got another guest host to give a piece of our mind to, and that’s Curzon Dax. In “Facets,” he reveals that he washed Jadzia out of the Initiate Program because he was in love with her, and that’s just awful. This guy should have recused himself if he couldn’t remain unbiased in his assessment. Poor Jadzia, always being seen through a sexual lens by men, on and off camera.
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What if there was a way for you to kill your brother without killing him? Dax’s heart is in the right place when she tries to find a better place for Kurn when all he wants is to die with honor in “Sons of Mogh.” But the option that she offers to wipe his memory to give him a fresh start is SO MESSED UP. Kurn has no consent in the action that Jadzia and Worf (and Julian, whom we’ll point the finger at next week) impose on him. Dishonor on their houses.
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There are some things in life you can’t control, and one of them is me We gave Worf a lot of stick for how badly he treats Jadzia, especially in an episode like the notorious “Let He Who Is Without Sin,” which last we checked had the lowest IMDB rating of all of DS9. And for good reason! It really makes us judge Jadzia quite a bit for staying with Worf when he treats her like his property, which is no good foundation for a relationship.
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How do those boots taste? Jadzia struggling through Lady Sirella’s rituals in “You Are Cordially Invited” is demeaning, even in Klingon culture. It shocks me that Jadzia going to grovel to the lady of the House of Martok wins her favor. Instead of rewarding bootlicking, there should have been a more Klingon twist: it should have been a test of how long a prospective house member can put up with shit before they snap and do battle! That’s how you honor a house!
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I’m sorry, the baby… Jadzia gets killed off in “Tears of the Prophets,” and it feels like a damn waste! It’s always sad for a beloved character to die, but for Kosst Amojen to take her out like a mere bystander brings up memories of Tasha Yar all over again. And then for her death to get undermined by her and Worf’s plan to procreate just feels like we’re back to Jadzia being defined by her relationships after all that progress.
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Anyone can steal a shuttlecraft We’re fairly critical of Ezri Dax on this podcast, and some of that is unwarranted. But when Ezri does stupid shit like stealing a runabout to go save Worf in “Penumbra,” we raise an eyebrow. And when she and Worf bicker like old lovers, we roll our eyes. And when she and Worf have sex instead of dealing with trauma in a healthy and mature manner because it’s all a story trope, we lose some respect for these characters. Dammit.
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If Worf hadn’t come along, it would have been you Ezri is barely here for a whole season and already she’s paired up with two of the male crewmembers. In “Afterimage,” Ezri tells Julian that Jadzia was into all the constant flirting, but she isn’t. But by “What You Leave Behind,” they’ve hooked up anyway, and it just feels like smashing the two dollies together to make them kiss. Can she be a character first before she hops into bed with the male character, please?
— Time to put this symbiont back in its pouch and call it day. As alluded to, we’ve got more DS9 characters to spotlight, following with Julian Bashir next week! So stay tuned here for that, follow along on SoundCloud (or wherever you get your podcasts) for more Enterprise watchalongs, hail us on subspace over on Facebook and Twitter, and stop retconning how joined Trills work already!
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saturn-sends-hugs · 1 year
We’re halfway through the episodes now, so guess what i’m dOING IT AGAIN WOOOOOO
(there will def be spoilers for eps 1-8 in here, just so yknow!)
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Ep9: The Crossing ok, im still SUPER confident this has to do with Crosshair, like COME ON!! Like the “crossing” could refer to both a physical chasm or something someone has to cross AND Crosshair trying to figure out what he wants to do now, where he stands with the empire and all that, potentially crossing over to one side or another :D
But now I’m thinking one of two things, either:
Crosshair runs into the bad batch and is clearly starting to struggle with his decision to join the empire. Like i feel like with Cody going AWOL (wheRE IS HE), Crosshair might be starting to realize that the empire isn’t helping him at all. They don’t care about him, they’re not going to support him if he ever stops being useful, and i’m hoping he might start to sort of swallow his pride and finally decide, fine, he’ll go with the batch. (And if he does run into the batch, maybe he’ll mention Echo?? Like hey where’s the reg? Mayhaps he will care just a teeny tiny bit? as a treat pls mr filoni i’m begging)
OR, he’ll run in to Rex and Echo. I don’t care if it’s from their perspective or his, but oh my GOD I WOULD LOVE THAT. It would be a great way to show what Echo and Rex are doing!!! Maybe Cross would mess with them and try to guilt Echo, like “you left them” or maybe “they finally got rid of you” (starting to get fanfic ideas hold on), but i just think it would be so fun to see these three together, especially now that Echo will pretty much be actively fighting against Crosshair
Or it’s just an exclusively Crosshair episode where he’s seriously starting to consider what’s wrong with the Empire. That would be fine too. (or maybe it’s not crosshair at all and filoni is a COWARD)
Ep10: Retrieval i’ve seen a couple theories abt this one, some people think Echo might be coming back here (i’m not too sure abt that one), beforehand i thought the batch might be retrieving Crosshair, and now i’m not too sure what i think. It could be a more filler-y episode with the batch going on another mission for Cid, but i have a couple hopeful ideas for this too:
First, i think it could easily be the bad batch getting news of some important thing they need to, well, retrieve, and then it turns out to be something unexpected. Maybe they thought it was just data and it turns out to be a person, maybe they were retrieving one thing until something/someone gets lost and now they’re retrieving that, idk! could be pretty cute :)
Or!! Maybe!! It could be Echo and Rex “retrieving” a brother!!! Maybe they find out Cody went AWOL and go to find him (which opens up a WHOLE other can of worms when we think of Rex in Rebels SO I SIMPLY WILL NOT THINK), maybe they’re doing stuff, fighting the Empire as you do and they learn about someone else, like Wolffe or Fox, and they head in to get them?
Ep11: Metamorphosis i really do think this one of mostly about one or a couple people starting to think about things differently/change their mind on something. Crosshair might start thinking about the Empire differently, Hunter might start learning to trust Omega more, especially around semi-strangers like Phee, or Omega might start pushing back against Hunter more? I mean, in ep8 we see her with Riyo telling the kaminoan lady how she’s angry, she wants to stand up to the Empire. And when Palpatine twists what they tried to do, she’s upset again; we’ve just seen lots of occasions where she agreed with Echo in wanting to do more, and I think this episode might dig into that, which would be super cool to see!
Ep12: The Outpost ok. now that Echo left with Rex, i think it gives a bit more credit to my thought that this “outpost” is one of the rebel cells Rex is working with. like that just fits to me, and the spacing of this episode with the others feels like a good spot for a Rex and Echo episode (if we’re even getting one plEASE FILONI I AM BEGGINGGG). Or it could be some sort of hideout, maybe an Empire outpost they (or the batch honestly) discover and have to figure out what to do about it.
Ep13: Pabu agAIN, IS THAT A GUY OR???? I have genuinely no clue what this one is, that’s either a planet name, a persons name, or… yeah idk but it feels like a name to me and that’s all i got
Ep14: Tipping Point well now that sounds ominous. Couple ideas:
Crosshair finally decides he’s either had enough of the empire and is rejoining the batch, or he’s had enough of letting the batch hide and he’s going to expose to the empire that their still alive (pLS NO)
The Empire becomes just impossible for the batch to hide from, Omega wants to fight back, and Hunter finally caves because there’s not much else he can do
Something horrible happens that lands Rex where we see him in Rebels. Now I know everybody thinks that’s Echo dying (nO), BUT HEAR ME OUT: What if they’re trying to do the right thing, and they go on a mission, but everything just goes so so wrong and Rex decides he can’t do it anymore :/ Maybe they end up getting another brother killed (or multiple) and when Rex decides to stop, Echo decides to go back to the bad batch, AND SURE IT WOULD BE SAD AT FIRST CAUSE HE’D BE SUPER DISCOURAGED BUT LIKE,,, MAYBE THEY’LL JUST GO LIVE ON A SWEET LITTLE PLANET WITHBOMEGA AND EVERYTHING WILL BE FINEEEEEEEE (deny dissociate daydream am i right 🫠)
Ep15: The Summit and Ep16: Plan 99 i have straight up no clue. Plan 99 REALLY sounds like something the batch would all need to be there for (COUGH COUGH CROSSHAIR AND ECHO), but the summit?? yeah i got nothing
ANYWAY, this was super fun to go through again and I’d love to hear anyone else’s predictions!! (please please distract me from the horrors my swEET BOY ECHO IS GONE AAAAA)
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luvring · 1 year
Hello!! I love your work and was wondering how you get different ideas for fics? I struggle coming up with ideas that are kinda outside the box lol, lots of love <333
OMGGG Thank U!! I get it. < girl who's been stuck on ideas. lol...(said in agony). i will try to make a list for both of us (T_T)b
being so srs 1) i don't think any of my work is vry unique/creative and 2) i'm an infp-t who injects romance into everything and thinks about it everywhere. i have issues. so a popular prompt or one of my Many thoughts is usually all i need 🫥😔 But!!!
reels/tiktoks, esp if it's a trend (would u love me if i was a worm / act a fool / etc). i basically trained my fyp before i uninstalled tiktok to give me new scenarios LMAO
prompt lists/generators can be vry helpful to get my brain going
^ have a list of fave charas / charas that have different personalities !! bokuto, iwaizumi, suna, etc. r faves but they're so different that Boom. 1 prompt = 5 scenes to pick from :]
+ a list your favourite things / tropes/ aus. doesn't matter how popular or niche! key things for Me: special moments/firsts + domesticity + charas being whipped. LOL
think of different media! your fave shows/movies, dating sims, etc. do u have a favourite moment.. what got U flustered 🤨
i get smau ideas from pinterest sometimes . i find funny memes + tweets and save them to a board LOL
Read other works!! also i follow the oc questions tag bc the q's can hit super specific scenarios that make u go Woah
tbh ideas just come from,,, life. silly things. Write down these moments to use later! "photo of you" was bc i saw a girl printing pcs of herself for her friends and said hey... :)
^ "boyfriends in public" was bc i kept watching couples try to pay for each other at checkout. songs they'd post you to...i kept seeing ppl posting their s/o and said what about Me.
multi-chara post: take a prompt and think of it in different locations! he gives you his jacket? why? because you're outside and it's cold, because you're at his game/set/etc. and he thinks it'd be cute that everyone knows you're dating, because you want to sleep and you can use it as a blanket, etc etc.
^ just start naming random places in ur head and see if anything happens—get more specific as u go! house. kitchen. the walk-in pantry. boom: big party scene and person a walks into the pantry at the sight of their favourite snack, caught by person b who's the host. oh that's a good one actually. woah. LOL
and like,, it's so so cool to just.. do an idea that's been done before. remember that if u as a reader will eat up the same prompt/trope over and over again, that u as a writer can feel happy to write it too!! So Many of my own posts have been done before but i think they're still good in their own way 🤷🏻‍♀️ U writing it rather than someone else means that it'll automatically be special to U.
some prompts / thoughts 4 u to use + get ur brain going!!! ^___^
holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, firsts dance! in the kitchen? at a wedding? is it their first one? are they really bad at it? person a thinks person b is a worker and asks for help and they do! they do Not work at this store though. fogged up glasses person a saving b from an awful looking date / a no show a gets b smth from build a bear with a special recording both going to the movies alone but ending up next to each other. it's a comically bad movie a is asked what their 'type' is and describe b who's listening both cosplaying as a chara part of a duo/relationship, then spotting the other at a con :0 (hurt/)comfort: anxious reader, overworked reader, someone was rude, person a has a nightmare, person a accidentally injures themself and doesn't tell b package left at the wrong door "god the men you put on this earth to hunt and protect are ___" person a, who struggles to initiate physical affection, suddenly initiates physical affection (why? where? are they both flustered?) person a tries slipping a valentine into b's things as a secret, but is caught in the act strangers on an airplane watching the same movie next to each other (bonus: one is re-watching, the other is watching for the first time. the re-watcher pretends they don't know what's going to happen because it's endearing to watch the other) a accidentally reacts to b's ig story or posts the comment they very much did not mean to comment
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torque-witch · 1 year
178! 182! 226! 97! 252!
178 - first concert : I’m honestly not sure what the first true one was, but I’d personally like to think of it as King Diamond. That’s the first one I remember really having a good time and being introduced to something other than drunken songs about America 💀 OR when I saw Mac Miller at college before he was super big. I think that was a lot more special than I realized looking back.
182 - 10 songs on shuffle
1. Stonecold, Lucid
2. So Wrong, Illenium
3. Words, Feint
4. Come Back Down, Mediks
5. Tumbling Down, soupandreas
6. Ghost Spores, Varien
7. Nomophobia, James Egbert
8. Dreamers, Hopium
9. Hideaway, Loosid
10. Castaway, Grant
226 - something that made me smile
You know, the most recent thing I really can’t tell the internet 😈 but it’s simply because I have an inflated ego and brain worms right now. But generally it’s because having a tangible effect on people that you can see with your eyes is infatuating to me lmfaooo
97 - what would your dream house be like?
We’ve been looking here and there. Dream house I try not to think about since it won’t happen, but some key things I really would like to incorporate would be a green house with electricity and a bathtub and a hammock or something so I can read books under the stars. A functional garden with a designed walkway, or little nooks for hanging out in. Getting licensed for bee keeping, maybe have some quail. I really like third floor finished attics as an art space/office with a sky light. We’ve seen a couple places with like semi hidden little goblin corners for naps/reading. I deeply desire a clawfoot tub I can finally fit in, and Johnny also wants a waterfall shower. We also want an outside shower. A separate garage would be nice for wood working, welding, spray painting, cars, etc. My parents’ house had a nook also that’s cute. A big triple sided window with built in book shelves or at least a comfy bench. Radiators. No more carpets. A wrap around porch or deck. Wooden privacy fences. Something simple, but comforting.
252 - Five items you lust after (there was a typo in the original so I hope this is what it meant)
1. A sword that was made for me
2. A big switch console
3. A lime green Challenger
4. The money for the supplies I need to run my business properly and grow as an artist
5. A clothing haul to help me feel more masculine
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salvadoerena · 2 years
Tim/John TMA whatever ones you want 😅
Anon you know not of what you've done......
1. Who most initiates PDA?
Tim, absolutely. Jon gets flustered bc he's sooooooo concerned about workplace appropriateness but Tim's like lol ur hands are so cold boss here let me help.
2. Any sleep habits either had to get used to?
Jon's a toss-and-turner and Tim likes to starfish in his sleep. They've figured out that if Tim just starfishes on top of Jon, it works like a weighted blanket and they BOTH get better sleep at night.
3. Hot and Steamy or Soft and Tender?
Oh soft and tender absolutely. You look me in the eyes and tell me Timothy Stoker would not be full on romantic with his boyfriend. Tell me. Tell me. Look me in the eyes. Tell me.
4. How did they first meet?
In research, obviously. I think they were both looking into similar artifacts and called each other up for cross-references. Jon had meticulous notes on his things that were super helpful for Tim, and Tim's rubber ducking actually helped Jon think outside the box.
5. What is their love language?
Absolutely physical touch. like Tim's touching Jon all the time but Jon puts his hand on Tim's shoulder one (1) time and Timothy's like "wow I think I'm going to black out now."
6. When did they realize they loved each other?
Hmmm. I'm torn between right after Jon hires him on as an archival assistant or post-worm. It's complicated.
7. Who is more sentimental?
Timothy absolutely. Then it gets relegated to Jon after the, uh, Stranger Theatre Incident.
10. What are some non-sexual activities they do together? 
And tbh DnD and going to concerts (I will go down with The Mechs being Jon's college band).
11. Which member is more physically affectionate?
12. Which member is more verbally affectionate?
13. Which member steals borrows the other ones clothing?
Jon. Tim has Hawai'ian shirts a-plenty for him.
14. Are they an introverted couple or an extroverted one—AKA would they prefer to go out to a party or event together or would they rather stay in?
Both! Tim gets him to go out a lot, but he's also content just to stay home and hang out with Jon. Even when they go out though, he knows not to push Jon's limits too bad. He doesn't always manage to read those limits correctly, though, but he tries.
15. Who is more likely to make an impulsive decision and who is the voice of reason?
Ok. Seasons 0-2 it's Jon as impulsive and Tim as voice of reason. Season 3 is flipped with Tim as the impulse and Jon as the reason.
16. Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?
Jon stays up way too late and Tim has to lift him up like a bag of grapes.
17. Who fell in love first?
Tim absolutely. He had an entire daydream about confessing in the rain and everything.
19. How do they deal with being away from each other for a long time?
They text and video call. Granted, neither of them can be away for TOO long since they both work at the Magnus Institute, but you know.
20. Who holds a grudge the longest?
Tim, canonically.
21. Which of the two is quick to speak and which one is quick to listen?
Both are quick to speak, but Tim is faster to listen.
22. Who gets more easily embarrassed?
23. Who overthinks the most?
24. Which of the two is the most competitive?
Jon. Tim's a little too laid back to be anything more than casually/recreationally competitive for fun.
25. Who’s the most stubborn?
27. What random everyday object/activity makes them think of each other?
For Tim, it's glasses and a tape recorder. Not even necessarily because Jon wears them (or not, depending on ur image of em), but because they're nerdy in his mind, like Jon's nerdy.
For Jon it's any gaudy Jimmy Buffet thing.
29. What is their sex life like?
Mmm...not nonexistant, but certainly not, uh, there. Jon's not really that into it, but I imagine he's willing to go to a point with Tim.
Tim on the other hand has a very lucrative relationship with his hand.
30. What is their favorite place to kiss the other? (Cheek, hand, closed eyelid, neck, nose, etc.)
Tim is absolutely 1000% cheek and nose. He thinks it's cute. Jon's just cheek.
31. What’s the relationship like? Smooth? Rocky?
Smooth, but extremely rocky during seasons 2-3.
32. How do they resolve their arguments?
33. Who has the most nightmares and how do they deal with them?
Both of them have nightmares and both of them shove those nightmares into a little black box labeled "mental breakdowns for a later date."
37. What do they like the least about each other?
Tim thinks Jon takes work too seriously, not in a "you shouldn't care about work" way but in a "work is seriously getting in the way of you living a healthy life" way. Jon wishes that Tim wasn't so...underhanded with how he did his research, sometimes. It leaves a bad taste in his mouth.
38. What was their most memorable date?
Ice cream date. How could Timothy forget about emulsifiers? And Jon was utterly amazed by Tim's ability to not only stack six flavors on top of each other on the cone, but also eat said flavors before they melted.
39. What other couple would your otp get along with the best?
Look if TimJon was there for What the Girlfriends, they would be going on double dates like there's NO TOMORROW.
40. Who makes the other smile with almost no effort at all?
Jon, absolutely. Tim adores everything about him.
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anxi-aashi · 3 years
Could I please request Zuko x earth bending or fire bending reader? Some thing cute and fluffy bc I could die for soft zuko
Thank you so much and I love your work!
the devil works hard but calcifer works harder
zuko x reader
words: 1.3k
warnings: cursing, a little self-loathing (?) as a result of perfectionism ???
summary: you need help making tea
a/n: .... i am so sorry. i have nothing to say for myself. i seriously did not intend to go on a random 4-month hiatus. here is the fic you requested I hope its ok. sorry if I projected a little hard into the first 1/2. its been a rough couple of months
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You were about 3 seconds away from committing arson.
It really shouldn’t have been that hard to make tea. It was just fucking tea. But, somehow, you managed to burn it again.
And it was late. So late. And you were so fucking tired but for some reason, your brain would just not shut off. All you wanted was some tea to calm your nerves and relax you enough to get some sleep before Druk inevitably wormed his way into your room and woke you up at the ass crack of dawn. Of course, you were a firebender, so it wasn’t that big of a deal for you to get up when the sun rose. But that was under normal circumstances, under which you also got a reasonable amount of sleep, and tonight was not following those circumstances.
You stood hunched over in the palace kitchen, staring into the ruined cup of tea sitting in front of you on the counter. You inhaled a deep breath in an effort to calm the frustration slowly creeping itself to the surface of your skin. The burned remnants of the tea leaves bobbed and floated at the top of the water in your cup, and a part of you wondered if they were still mocking you, even in the plant-afterlife.
This always happened. It was why you normally didn’t make tea for yourself, opting to just buy it in a shop or drink it when friends or family made it during social gatherings. While you were by no means a weak firebender, your raw power showing itself on multiple occasions during fights or training, you did harbor a… lack of consistency, you could say, in the fine motor skill department.
You didn’t know why, and you had tried your hardest to fix it, but you could not for the life of you, exert the same control you had on your large scale bending, on the small scale. Your flames were always either too weak or too strong-- there was no in-between. Which meant a simple task, like heating water for tea, was excruciatingly difficult for you.
But it was late, and no tea shops were open, and everyone in the palace was asleep, leaving you to fend for yourself.
In your sleep-deprived state, the failure of your task washed over you repeatedly, and every emotion from frustration to loathing to exhaustion seemed like it was amplified 10 times over and you didn’t know if you were closer to screaming or crying but you were sure one of them would reach you eventually. You only hoped your heart would choose the quieter option of the 2-- you really didn’t want to wake anyone because of a minor mishap like this.
You continued to stare at the cup of tea, now having disassociated from actually looking at the tea at this point, settling for staring into the space just in front of it, your negative thoughts engulfing every bit of your mind and body and taking over your limbs and closing up your throat and you felt like you needed to hit something and--
A hand reached in front of you to grab the cup from the counter, bringing you back to the present.
Your eyes re-focused and your mind quieted, the confusion winning out over the anger. You swiveled your head to your right, following where the hand retreated to and found Zuko standing a few feet away, holding your cup of disappointment while staring at you with evident concern.
“Are you… okay?” he asked, his voice a little deeper than usual from misuse. It was obvious he’d been asleep even without the addition of his rumpled hair and night robe only partially covering a bare chest.
You stared at him blankly, trying to decide if the truth or a slight lie was the better course of action in this situation. You knew Zuko and had hung out with him before, but you weren’t that close. And any instance where you were together was always accompanied with either Ty Lee or Mai or both, since you were introduced to the Fire Lord through them, or the rest of the Avatar’s friend group. So with that, you didn’t think being honest and oversharing to the leader of your country about how no, you were not okay, because you couldn’t make tea when you wanted to, was the best idea.
Unfortunately, because of the amount of time it took you to answer him with a hesitant “... yes,” he’d already kind of figured out that you weren’t.
Zuko looked down at your sad attempt at making some tea for yourself and walked over to a window to pour it out. You watched him move around the kitchen, rinsing out your cup and coming back over to you, reaching slightly around you to grab the kettle.
Once you registered what he was doing, you spoke up. “Oh, you don’t need to-- it’s fine I was just going to go back to bed--”
He raised his eyebrow, still continuing on his way to the water basin. “I’m just setting everything up for you. You don’t want to try again? It won’t take long.”
“No, I’m probably just going to burn it again. It’s fine. Thanks, though,” you assured.
Zuko turned away from the basin to face you, tea kettle still in hand, “Do you burn your tea often?”
“Uhhh… ” you trailed off, before grimacing. “Yeah.”
“Aren’t you a bender though?”
“Yeah that’s kind of my problem,” you said, rubbing tiredly at your eyes. “I don’t have very good fine control, so it always ends up overheating the water or not heating up at all,” you explained, holding one of your hands out and producing a pitifully small flame before it extinguished all on its own.
Zuko hummed in response and promptly stated. “That sucks.”
It really did, and that’s probably why, in your sleep-deprived state, you thought his comment was so funny. You sputtered out a laugh a little louder than you’d intended for it to be, then snickering quietly to yourself before sighing out a somber, but content, “Yeah.”
He huffed out his own laugh at your delirium, then went quiet for a moment, thinking about what to say next. “I could teach you, if you want," he suggested.
That caused you to perk up a little. “Really?”
“Well, how to make tea, yeah,” he elaborated. “The overall firebending will take a little longer to learn than one night.”
“Oh. Cool.” You tried not to sound too dejected.
This is how Zuko discovered he didn’t like seeing you sad. “I’ll still teach you, though,” he added. “Can’t guarantee I’ll be that good of a teacher, but I can try... if you want.” He could feel the heat rising to his cheeks and prayed to any spirit that was listening that the dark of the night was enough to keep it hidden.
He could tell you were a lot more excited than you were showing from the way your eyes lit up and you nodded a little more enthusiastically than called for. “That would be… greatly appreciated,” you smiled.
“Cool. I’ll fill up the kettle then if you can get some more tea leaves?” he asked, turning back to the basin.
You nodded in affirmation and turned to march across the kitchen.
Zuko turned away as well and found himself splashing some water on his own face in order to calm the heat in his cheeks while you worked to fight back a grin yourself. Part of you questioned where the sudden giddiness was coming from, and Zuko was almost horrified with how easily he got flustered over absolutely nothing, but neither of you ever quite put together the rest of the equation that night.
But, you supposed for then, that was okay.
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