#(like exfoliating and moisturising daily)
byakuyasdarling · 2 years
Picked at my face too much with the metal tool so it bled :/ it’s okay! I got some bandages to cover up the bleeding :)
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prettieinpink · 4 months
Hi I really love ur blog and I was wondering if you have any tips about nails, bc my nails grow long but are so flimsy that they keep breaking off and bending easily, no pressure or anything
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Avoid nail polishes that contain formaldehyde and dibutyl phthalate as they can cause your nails to weaken over time. Highly pigmented polishes can also cause weak nails. To avoid this, take breaks from nail polish and go natural from time to time. 
Use cuticle oils frequently, which varies from the condition of your nails. If you don’t have cuticle oil, vaseline or a lip balm is a good alternative.
Keep your nails away from dirty or wet environments. Dirt can nurture the growth of bacteria and wet nails are weak nails. If you have to be doing things that include excessive moisture or dirt, try to wear gloves of any kind.
Stop biting your nails and picking at them. While both are difficult habits to break, both can destroy the health of your nails. Be very mindful of how you treat your nails.
Wash your hands thoroughly when needed. Before and after you eat, you go to the loo, you handle food etc. When we wash our hands, The grime under our nails is also being washed away.
Nails are not tools. Don’t use them to open cans, remove stickers or open boxes. This will weaken them in the long run and increase the chances of them being chipped or broken. Use the provided tools you have instead.
Avoid prolonged exposure to harsh chemicals like cleaning products or acetone-based products. They can strip your nails of moisture which causes breakage
If you have nail polish on, don’t peel or pick at it but use a nail-friendly nail polish remover gently with a cotton pad/ball.
After that, if needed, file or trim your nails to your desired length. For smooth cutting, wipe down your nails with a wet cotton ball or wipe. 
Get a bowl of warm water and soap to soak your cuticles in. Then use a soft brush or a clean toothbrush to gently exfoliate your nails. You can usually use a little bit of your body scrub or a tad bit of sugar. Then, dry your hands & nails with a small microfiber towel.
Apply cuticle oil or any cream to moisturise your nails, then massage that it for a few minutes to stimulate nail growth.
Apply your polishes in the correct order. Base coat, nail polish then top coat. 
Moisturise with a nice hand cream! 
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livvyliveslife · 2 months
Self Care Sunday x
Maintenance routine 🪄 🌱 Weekly - Hygiene - file nails - oil roots + hair mask on mids + ends - purple shampoo - face wash + rose water face toner + nivea creme moisturiser - daily - gua sha with hyaluronic + moisturiser - daily - exfoliate + shave + moisturise + tan 🪩 Weekly - Room - Laundry - Bins - Change sheets 💋 Daily Wellness check in - gratitude - 5k steps - 2l water - 10 min clean at the end of the day - skincare and just a reminder that even if you gave 50% when you only had 50% then you did the best you could and you've made it through another day xx
not every day or week looks like this for me and thats okay and its okay for you toooo x
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risnabeaute · 19 days
“Skincare is Self-Care, Inside and Out, because Your Skin is as Precious as You”
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pics from pinteres; for example the results of affects using retinol and serum, exfoliating and the other active skincare.
Hello my beautès! ε(´。•᎑•`)っ 💕 I hope you're doing well there! I want to share some stories and how my skin changes me into a different person. You know the most important asset is our faces/skin so make sure you choose the right one for your skin.
How important is skin care?
Your skin's condition has a huge impact on your emotional well-being, therefore it's important to understand the link between the two. The mental health barrier associated with skin concerns persists in our society, making it difficult to accept and enjoy your skin if beauty standards are not satisfied. So, skincare can be viewed as a path of self-acceptance, letting the individual focus on enhancing their natural attractiveness rather than comparing it to false beauty standards. Furthermore, body positivity is essential for boosting mental health and can be enhanced with having access to skincare products and aids. It helps your skin stay in good condition; Because you produce skin cells throughout the day, it's important to keep your skin bright and healthy. Skincare is closely linked to both physical and mental health, so when you care for your skin, you also take care of your mind. Completing your skincare routine can make you feel refreshed, energised, and optimistic. Moreover, taking care of our skin can help us practice mindful living. By focusing on the sensations and feelings of skincare products, we can develop awareness and become more in the present. This may reduce tension, encourage calmness, and enhance mental clarity in general. And I think our mental and physical health are closely impacted by our skin, which is not just a reflection of my physical health. Due to our habit-forming and self-care-oriented nature, skincare routines have a profound impact on our mental health. Consistently following a skincare routine can be an effective means for us to decompress and give ourselves some time away from our hectic lives. Applying skincare procedures allows us to take time to relax ourselves and de-stress. Just using a facial mask or moisturiser can provide you a sense of refreshment and relaxation, much like a mini-spa session. You can feel less stressed and anxious and feel more at ease by setting aside this time for self-care. So beautés please take care of yourself by caring for you skincare routine because Your skin is precious as You (✿ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)⁾⁾🫶🥹. I understand that sometimes we are simply too sleepy to do skincare, or even remove our makeup before going to sleep. We have to fight them and take care of our skin, and if we follow a skin care set up on a daily basis, the results could change us into an optimistic person who is healthy on the inside and out. Skin is a part of our identity and a reflection of our mental health, even if we don't realise it. The brain and skin have an unbreakable connection, so it is more than just a physical barrier to the outside world. Your skin can reveal how you're feeling emotionally and spiritually, and how you take care of it can have a significant impact on your mental health. Taking care of the skin may be a kind of self-care and self-esteem, allowing you to feel more confident in your identity and how you express yourself to the world.
First step to do is just skincare routine! Taking care of yourself is an important part of any skincare routine, as is using the right products. It offers a chance for you to schedule a short period of time during your hectic day for self-care. You can take use of this time to relax, be mindful, and enjoy the ritual of taking care of your skin. Additionally, maintaining a skincare regimen gives your daily life structure and regularity. Having a designated time for self-care might help you feel stable and at ease. No matter what else is going on, it becomes a reliable and constant aspect of your day. Trust me you will enjoy your day if you do a skincare routine in the morning. Also, committing to a skincare routine can benefit your emotional health. It acts as a daily reminder to put your requirements and needs first. Taking easy care of your skin can make you feel more confident and self-esteem, enabling you to face the world with a bright glow. So, dedicate yourself to your skincare regimen and make a promise to yourself. It doesn't have to take a lot of effort or time. Choose items that are effective for you and maintain a regular schedule. Beyond only having beautiful skin, self-care will have a profoundly positive impact on your general well-being. Just do basic skincare before you start your day. Basic Skincare; your facial wash, your sunscreen so important don't miss this one! and moisturize your face its so helpful and make ur skin brighter ✨🦋🥰
The following five ideas can help you get the most out of your skincare plan:
1. To help you take a minute to focus on yourself, try out these various exfoliating procedures.
2. Spend some time practicing mindful masking so that you may unwind and concentrate on your breathing for a short while.
3. Take your time choosing the products that are most appropriate for your skin type and requirements.
4. Use products with awareness, taking note of their aroma and texture as you apply them.
5. Include face massage techniques in your barrier to give yourself a little time for self-care and relaxation.
Make sure use of relaxing ingredients Using products that have relaxing ingredients is especially important because of this. Make sure the skincare products you use have relaxing elements like aloe vera, snail mucin, ceramide, niacinamide and it's also brightening your skin. Take care for your eyes. Even though it may seem that anxiety and eye care are unimportant, depressive states frequently result in changes to the appearance of your eyes. Whether or whether you have puffy eyes right now, taking good care of your eyes is essential. Dark circles and puffiness around the eyes are classic signs of anxiousness. Applying a mild eye lotion or applying a cold compress to your eyes might help lower inflammation and enhance circulation. And learn how to guide/use your skincare right. For example guides for new beginning using serum because i was wrong using serum and it cause fatal for me, I was using serum vitamin c 2 times per day 😅🥲, so beautes make sure you use then right ❤️❤️❤️.
You deserve to feel beautiful and at ease in your skin✨ and skincare can be an effective tool to help you get there. According to research, having healthy-looking skin might have a psychological and emotional impact on the person who has it. A skincare routine customised to your specific needs can lead to increased confidence and self-worth.
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Skin and haircare thoughts re: Steddie fic/headcanons
(I will preface this by saying that it absolutely does not matter because Stranger Things takes place in a world where it's the 1980s but fucking Moby plays when boys die)
The following is mostly based on personal recollections of an 80s childhood/90s adolescence with a smattering of online research to confirm or rule things out:
It's already been pointed out in various places that the Fabergé Organics/Farrah Fawcett hair products Steve recommends to Dustin in season 2 were actually discontinued around that time, so unless Steve had bought up a stash of all the remaining stock like Elaine Benes when they discontinued her favourite contraceptive sponge, he wouldn't have been able to continue using them for long.
(The idea of Steve debating whether a prospective date is hot enough to be worth using some of his favourite hoarded hairspray does charm me.)
(The increasingly scruffy appearance of his hair in seasons 3 and 4 could well be due to not having found an equally good replacement.)
There are often jokes about Steve having an elaborate daily skincare routine while Eddie uses 3(or more)-in-1 shampoo/conditioner/soap/aftershave/mouthwash/etc, but it's worth noting that what we think of as a skincare routine nowadays has really ballooned over recent years in terms of the number of products used and steps required.
The everyday standard in the 1980s for women was simply "cleanse, tone and moisturise," with the addition from time to time of an exfoliating scrub (crushed apricot kernel was super popular for this, like Aapri and St Ives, then later on in the 90s-00s we were told not to use apricot kernel scrub because it was too harsh and jagged and we should use scrubs with these lovely smooth scientific plastic microbeads instead ahahahaha oh dear) and/or a mud pack/mask. The cleanser was often just cold cream (e.g. Pond's) rubbed on and then wiped off with a soft cloth or cotton wool, or a mild soap (e.g. Clinique Facial Soap). Witch hazel was common for toner.
Serums weren't really a popular thing as far as I know until Elizabeth Arden brought out Ceramide capsules in 1990. Even if Steve might be doing a lot more work on his skin than would be conventional for a young man at the time (soap and water, aftershave) it wouldn't appear elaborate by today's standards. That's my main point.
There was also a lot of very stingy, tingly alcohol-based anti-acne stuff (which people liked because they could "feel it working," i.e. hurting, but could increase inflammation or provoke more sebum over-production by being too drying) and anti-ageing creams with collagen were getting popular, but Steve looks like the sort of lucky duck who never had much acne and as a late-teenager is unlikely to be thinking about anti-ageing yet so those probably don't factor in.
2-in-1 shampoo didn't arise until 1987, providing yet another reason why we must resurrect Eddie Munson. So he can use it and expect Steve to be impressed that he upgraded from washing his hair with bar soap.
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lilly-onthevalley · 4 months
Who would've guessed I would become a natural face merchant? Last year, l ran out of my favourite powders, and they also stopped being manufactured, which was a huge bummer cause I had gotten so dependent on them. My sister and mother hadn't even seen what my bare face looked like in years. I also noticed myself developing some insecurities about my appearance (panda eyes 😭).
I had to sit myself down because I'm in my spiritual holistic era. To sum it up I came to the conclusion to cut off skin covering products for a while i.e foundations, foundation powders unless I'm attending something special or professional.
Your skin is your largest organ. If something is wrong internally, you damn well bet it's going to come up as uncanny discolouration, textural oddities, unusual dryness, and uncommonly deep wrinkles.
That was the case for me. I won't lie it was hard walking around with my habits on full display for a week or 2 but once I got the hang of internal skin care I began to see the results. Basic stuff like investing in a good daily chemical exfoliate, a soft towel, a lovely lathering wash, a deeply moisturising cream and a hydrating lip balm can change a woman. On top of 3 litres of water a day, exercise which induces a light sweat, destressing, eating clean and watching your salt intake helps a lot.
I am someone who struggles with consistency and one thing I swore to do this year is to add more responsibilities to my plate. Me putting on an inordinate amount of powders and makeup creams before doing the internal work was lazy and something I got used to. If I could mask health I could slack on actual healthy practices.
I really wish I could show my progress, but my features are way too prominent to maintain my privacy.
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chaoticabstractism · 2 years
okay so 2-3 of my friends asked about skin care routine and here’s one of the current products i use ! 🥲 it’s not much but it’s personally curated and it works for me! i’m a big korean skin care enthusiast in general ( no, this isn’t about BTS) most of the products are vegan but not all 🥲
links are attached.
Cleanse :
Cetaphil Oil skin cleanser ( daily use, very skin friendly, fragrance less, foam less, color less)
Klairs gentle black deep oil ( for double cleanse at night, good when you’ve heavily applied sunscreen, lots of dust or just makeup )
Cosrx salicylic acid daily cleanser ( just daily mild cleanser, again fragrance less, foam less, color less
Tone :
SNP peptaronic toner ( very moisturising and just general barrier healing and super nice if you’re trying to add active ingredients, a wet barrier between skin and active ingredients is v necessary for optimum absorption)
Cosrx AHA/BHA treatment clarifying toner ( my skin doesn’t have many breakouts or pimples in general so my goal was to get better texture and pore free skin and hence i gravitate towards products with mild exfoliating property)
Innisfree Green tea mist / Plum grape seed and sea buckthorn nutri plenish mist ( i just keep one in bag for those days you know)
One thing niacinamide / One thing Centela Asiacitica ( One thing are amazing brand if you’re looking for specific ingredient to add to your routine. niacinamide is generally for fighting oil and blackheads and Centella asiatica is anti inflammatory and healing)
Active ingredients:
Vitamin C : Dr sheths / Klairs ( Always make a habit of using it in the morning. i’ve been using it for two years now. evens out skin tone and antioxidant in general. Klairs has 5% and Dr sheths 20% ascorbic acid. you can start from 5% and then settle to 20% slowly. very mild purging occasionally. check on your forearm first if you’re sensitive)
Niacinamide : Onething / Plum rice and niacinamide / Minimalist niacinamide ( This is actually really helpful for someone who has oily skin and pimples but like i said i use it for skin texture general and anti ageing property )
Retinoids : Minimalist granactive retinoids /Innisfree cica Retinol ( well i’ve only recently started to use this around 6 months or so. A little irritatation and purging is very common. ALWAYS ALWAYS REMEMBER TO USE IN NIGHT TIME AND IF YOU DO USE IN DAYTIME, do not forget sunscreen. I use it twice or thrice a week. You can also sandwich it between two moisturiser or one mucin based serum and then moisturiser to reduce irritation. minimalist already has hyaluronic acid in it so it’s useful )
Salicylic Acid : Minimalist salicylic acid 2% ( for those with pimples and oily skin, this is holy grail, my brother used niacinamide, salicylic acid and sunscreen religiously and it affected his large ass pimples so much. Again little caution as it can cause purging in some. Start from twice a week and then you can switch to Alternatively. DO NOT COMBINE SALICYLIC ACID AND RETINOIDS )
Snail mucin : THE MAGIC FROM JEJU ITSELF ( This is everything, if you’re in hurry you can just keep this together and you’re good to go. Barrier healing, Antiinflammatory, pimples, general good skin health, Plumps the surface and glass skin effect if you’re into it. best product from Cosrx! they also have cream formulation but i prefer essence )
BHA : Cosrx blackhead power liquid ( this isn’t entirely necessary to add to your routine, but i’m a little extra concerned with blackheads, pores and bumpy skin and hence i’ve added. )
i may also add peptides and alpha arbutin at some point. but not all together.
Moisture :
Cosrx oil free ultra moisturiser ( i do not have oily skin perse but i prefer gel based or light texture and hence this. IT IS AMAZING. a bottle goes a long way, im never shifting to another)
Requil ceramides and Hyalouronic acid ( This is my winter moisturiser, it’s a little thick compared to cosrx and hence i’ve kept it for winter and extreme skin breakage purposes, ceramides are generally very healthy )
Innisfree bija trouble lotion ( if you’re looking for something with salicylic acid and for spot care, it smells heavenly 👀)
Night cream : Innisfree jeju orchid elixir ( ideally night cream is supposed to have retinoids, peptides and vitamin E etc but since those are already covered in others i don’t add extra. Orchid elixir is just extremely concentrated Hyaluronic acid and it goes a long way for me)
umm concept of eye cream is a little debatable for me. because you just need to apply same facial cream around eye areas thoroughly. other than that no active measures are required. puffiness is better healed with massage and proper sleep and lifestyle changes. same goes for dark circles if you manage stress. Same retinoids and Hyaluronic acid can work on under eye as well.
Okay this was a really long and difficult to make from my phone whooosh. Minimalist and Dr sheth is India based company. so products might not be available outside. This is 3-4 years worth of Research and trial and error combined 🥲🥲🥲 oh i forgot sunscreen wait
sunscreen :
Minimalist multivitamin
Vaseline Sunscreen stick
Isantree Water based sunscreen
Cosrx aloe soothing sunscreen
again i tend to gravitate towards gel based. i don’t like tinted but you can go for those if you have issues with cast and oxidation. Sunscreen stick is holy grail. Very convenient and easy to apply. AHC and Shiseido are also good. but they’re a little difficult to get in india 🥲 i prefer SPF 50 at least because india is a really hot most of the year.
@versify this was for you , appreciate
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youare03 · 2 years
How to Make Your Feet Happy and Healthy
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Our feet take a constant pounding and they’re essential for mobility, yet we often overlook their maintenance. A quick splash in the shower may be the best they can hope for!
Don’t wait until you have problems. Here are some quick and easy measures to keep your feet happy and healthy.
Wash Them Properly
Sweat, dirt and dead skin accumulate daily, and if you add socks or tights you’ve got a lovely moist environment for germs to breed. Avoid this by washing your feet twice a day with mild soap and ensure the water isn’t too hot. Dry them careful – this means between the toes as well.
A little foot deodorant won’t go amiss – a quick spray keeps the germs away and your feet nice and fresh. Don’t forget the sun cream in hot weather – your feet will burn just like the rest of you if they aren’t covered.
Wear the Right Shoes and Socks
Poorly fitting shoes will pinch and rub in all the wrong places. This leads to many painful problems, so always get your feet measured when buying a new pair. It’s vital your shoes comfortably support your feet and ankles. Check with your podiatrist if you’re not sure what’s right for you.
Wear clean socks every day and use a pair that wicks the moisture away from your skin to keep it fresh and dry.
Exfoliate and Moisturise
Daily wear and tear make skin hard and rough. This encourages corns and calluses to form and if the skin cracks infection can set in.
Use a foot file or pumice once or twice a week to remove dry and dead skin. Finish off with foot moisturiser (daily) to keep your feet nice and smooth but ensure you don’t get this between the toes.
Cut Your Toenails Properly
This keeps them clean and prevents nasty conditions like ingrown toenails. Use toenail clippers to cut straight across and then carefully smooth the edges with a nail file. Don’t be tempted to round the edges off when cutting. This leaves sharp ends which can grow into the skin (ingrown toenails).
Indulge in a Spot of Pampering
We often forget to pamper our feet. Soaking them in a footbath with some foot-soaking lotion is wonderfully relaxing and helps to keep them in good shape.
Many clinics and spas offer foot massages that stimulate circulation and are amazingly refreshing for your general wellbeing as well as helping to keep your feet happy and healthy.
#feet #toes #feetporn #beautiful #footfetishnation #foot #beach #newyork #losangeles #girls #nailart #besties #soles #makeuptutorial #bars #200dollarnails
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arganbeauty · 3 days
Complete Care Collection: A Unique Experience for Beauty and Personal Care
Complete Care Collection: A Unique Experience for Beauty and Personal Care
Skin and body care are essential health habits that individuals should follow to maintain the health and beauty of their skin and preserve its freshness and youthfulness. Among the leading products in this field is the "مجموعة العناية الكاملة ," which offers a carefully selected range to meet consumers' personal care needs. Among these products, a diverse range stands out containing Argan oil, which is an essential component for skincare and body care.
Argan oil is the main ingredient in products from the "مجموعة العناية الكاملة ," known for its numerous benefits for the skin and hair. Argan oil contains vitamin E, which helps moisturise and nourish the skin, protecting it from dryness and cracking. It also contains fatty acids that help renew skin cells and improve their elasticity, making it an ideal ingredient for caring for dry and sensitive skin.
Among the products in the "Complete Care Collection" that contain Argan oil is the authentic Moroccan loofah. The Moroccan loofah is one of the oldest beauty and skincare tools in the world, used to exfoliate the skin and remove dead cells, allowing the skin to breathe freely and promoting its renewal. By combining this loofah with Argan oil, it becomes a unique care experience that gives the skin exceptional softness and a healthy glow.
Moroccan Argan soap is another product that stands out for its rich composition of Argan oil. Argan soap is an ideal choice for daily skincare, as it cleanses the skin gently, removing impurities and dirt without causing dryness or irritation. Argan oil in its formula helps moisturize and nourish the skin, leaving it soft and radiant like never before.
The body scrub with Argan oil is an essential step in the skincare routine, as it helps remove dead cells and impurities from the surface of the skin, allowing it to better absorb active ingredients and renew its freshness and radiance.
Finally, Moroccan rose water comes as the perfect conclusion to the skincare and body care experience using products from the "Complete Care Collection." This water is considered a beauty elixir and a refreshing tonic for the skin, as it helps cleanse the skin deeply, removing impurities and excess oils, while soothing and moisturizing the skin thanks to its soothing and refreshing properties.
In this way, the "Complete Care Collection" offers a unique and comprehensive experience for skincare and body care using products containing Argan oil and other natural ingredients, ensuring stunning results and healthy, attractive skin.
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byakuyasdarling · 2 years
I always get so tied up in the manner of “oh he wouldn’t like me because I’m not pretty enough” - it’s rather taxing. Though there’s a lot of things I think are appealing about me too that other’s point out... It doesn’t mean I don’t have a lot of ‘eh’ factor too.
For instance, I know I have a very good shape of body and face. That doesn’t mean the colour or texture of it is good (which I believe makes me,, ew). I have easily bruised limbs, and skin coloured lumps on my face despite I exfoliate, cleanse, and moisturise daily. My hair can really be a wreck often, 
Though despite my physical flaws, I know I’m mentally attractive as that’s the trait everyone hinges on. Most people I know IRL’s first impression of me was “intimidating because you are smart and popular”. I know people I talk to find me smart, I don’t doubt that. I also know I generally have notably good outfit composition. 
I think he’d like the fact I am intelligent (book wise), hard-working, and loyal. I also think the fact that we share many of the same interests is a good basis. So, at the very least, I think he’d find me mentally attractive, and with most long-lasting romantic couples, that tends to facilitate physical attraction. I can’t imagine him finding anyone attractive without that mental attraction. “Though, knowing how critical he is, I do feel insecure on the matter of him liking how I look still”. 
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kutsandmake · 6 days
Find Your Glow: The Ultimate Guide to Facial Rejuvenation Treatments
In today’s busy world, it’s more important than ever to take care of our skin. Our faces bear the brunt of stress, pollution, and daily wear and tear. Luckily, facial treatments are here to the rescue! From rejuvenating facials to advanced skin care procedures, there’s a treatment for every skin problem and type. So, if you’re ready to reclaim your glow, let’s dive into the world of facial rejuvenation treatments.
Understanding the Basics:
Facial treatments include a wide range of procedures designed to cleanse, exfoliate, and nourish the skin on your face. These treatments not only address specific skin issues but also provide relaxation and rejuvenation. Whether you’re struggling with acne, ageing skin, or simply want to maintain a healthy complexion, there’s a facial treatment to suit your needs.
The Power of Professional Care:
While an at-home skincare routine is essential, nothing beats the expertise of a professional aesthetician. At the best salons in Varanasi, you will find a team of skilled professionals who understand the intricacies of skincare. Their expertise, combined with high-quality products, ensures that you get the best possible results.
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Popular Facial Treatments:
Classic Facial: This evergreen favourite treatment involves cleansing, steaming, exfoliating and moisturising to leave your skin feeling refreshed and younger.
Hydrafacial: Using patented technology, this treatment cleanses, exfoliates, removes impurities as well as hydrates the skin, resulting in a radiant complexion.
Microdermabrasion: Perfect for removing acne scars, fine lines and uneven skin tone, microdermabrasion gently removes the outer layer of dead skin cells, revealing smoother, younger-looking skin.
 Chemical Peels: By applying a chemical solution to the skin, chemical peels remove damaged outer layers, stimulating collagen production and revealing fresh, glowing skin.
LED Light Therapy: This treatment targets specific skin issues like acne, inflammation and signs of aging using light of varying wavelengths, promoting healing and rejuvenation.
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Finding the Best Salon in Varanasi:
When it comes to facial treatments, choosing the right salon is crucial. At the best salons in Varanasi, you’ll find a calm atmosphere, expert aestheticians, and top-tier products to ensure a truly pampering experience. Their commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction makes them a favorite destination for skin care enthusiasts in the area.
The Importance of Skin Care Maintenance:
While a one-time facial treatment can do wonders for your skin, ongoing maintenance is the key to long-term results. The best salons in Varanasi provide personalized skin care recommendations to help you maintain your glow between treatments. By following a customized skin care routine and scheduling regular facials, you can keep your skin healthy and youthful for years to come.
Facial treatments are essential for maintaining healthy, glowing skin in today’s busy world. Whether you’re looking to address a specific concern or simply pamper yourself, there’s a facial treatment available to suit your needs.  At the best salons in Varanasi, you will find a range of professional treatments performed by skilled aestheticians, ensuring that you feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to take on the world with confidence.
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anu-456-blog · 21 days
Little Extra Rice Berry Face Wash for Bright Glowing Skin, Removes Dirt and Oil - with Hyaluronic Acid for Hydration - Sulfate-Free, Men & Women - All Skin Types,
About this item
Black Rice & White Mulberry: Packed with antioxidants, black rice and white mulberry help brighten and nourish your skin, giving you a natural glow.
Hyaluronic Acid: Infused with hyaluronic acid, this natural face wash hydrates and plumps your skin, keeping it moisturised, soft and fresh all day long.
Gentle Cleansing: Our mild formula gently cleanses your skin, making your facial skin shine without drying it out, making it perfect for daily use. This face cleanser is not harsh and removes dirt, oil, sweat, and excess sebum without stripping natural oils. Dermatologically tested and enriched with natural botanical extracts, this exfoliating and moisturizing formula unclogs pores, reduces tan lines, dark spots, and blemishes, and enhances your complexion's brightness.
Certified for Safety: Australian Certified Toxic-Free and Made Safe Non-Toxic Certified. Peta Certified Cruelty-free and 100% Vegan formula.
All Skin Types: This face wash enriched with botanical extracts is suitable for all skin types like sensitive skin, dry skin, oily skin, acne prone skin, combination skin and normal skin.
Fragrance-free, Paraben-free and Sulfate-free face wash formula for a gentle and non-irritating experience. Suitable for Men and Women both. Free from harmful chemicals, it has antibacterial properties and effectively removes makeup and excess oil, while purifying your pores and eliminating flakes, resulting in a polished and radiant complexion you'll love.
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vidhyateckey12 · 27 days
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Skin Bliss: Lemon Essential Oil Benefits
Are you seeking a natural solution to enhance the health and appearance of your skin? Look no further than lemon essential oil! Derived from the zest of fresh lemons, this fragrant oil packs a powerful punch when it comes to skincare. Let's dive deeper into the world of lemon essential oil and explore its remarkable benefits for your skin.
Unveiling the Marvels of Lemon Essential Oil
Lemon essential oil isn't just a delightful scent; it's a potent elixir for your skin. Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and antibacterial properties, this citrus extract offers a wide array of benefits that can transform your skincare routine.
Lemon Essential Oil Benefits for Skin
Combating Acne: Lemon essential oil's antimicrobial properties make it an effective weapon against acne-causing bacteria. It helps unclog pores, reduce inflammation, and prevent future breakouts, promoting clearer, healthier-looking skin.
Brightening Dull Complexions: Say goodbye to lacklustre skin! Lemon essential oil contains natural compounds that gently exfoliate the skin, sloughing away dead cells and revealing a brighter, more radiant complexion underneath.
Balancing Oil Production: If you struggle with oily skin, lemon essential oil can be a game-changer. Its astringent properties help regulate sebum production, keeping excess oil in check without stripping the skin of its natural moisture.
Fading Dark Spots: Sunspots, age spots, and hyperpigmentation don't stand a chance against lemon essential oil. With regular use, it can help lighten dark spots and even out skin tone, restoring a youthful glow to your complexion.
Refreshing and Revitalising: The invigorating scent of lemon essential oil not only uplifts your mood but also refreshes and rejuvenates your skin, leaving it feeling revitalised and energised.
Incorporating Lemon Essential Oil Into Your Skincare Routine
There are countless ways to harness the benefits of lemon essential oil in your skincare regimen:
Facial Cleanser: Add a few drops of lemon essential oil to your daily cleanser to enhance its purifying and clarifying properties.
Toner: Create your own DIY toner by mixing lemon essential oil with witch hazel or rose water to tighten pores and refresh your skin.
Moisturiser Booster: Mix a drop or two of lemon essential oil into your moisturiser for an extra boost of hydration and brightening benefits.
Body Scrub: Combine lemon essential oil with sugar or salt to create an invigorating body scrub that buffs away dead skin cells and leaves your skin silky smooth.
Choosing the Best Lemon Essential Oil
When shopping for lemon essential oil, opt for high-quality, organic options like those offered by Moana Essentials. Look for oils that are cold-pressed and free from additives or synthetic fragrances to ensure purity and potency.
Elevate Your Skincare Routine with Lemon Essential Oil
Ready to experience the transformative effects of lemon essential oil on your skin? Embrace the power of nature and enhance your skincare routine with Moana Essentials' premium lemon essential oil. Discover the joy of radiant, healthy-looking skin and embrace a more natural approach to beauty today!
Shop Now and embark on your journey to skin bliss with Moana Essentials' lemon essential oil!
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Derma ProGenix Advanced Anti-Aging Skin Care Serum
Turning Back Time: My Experience with Derma ProGenix Advanced Anti-Aging Skin Care Serum
I've always taken care of my skin, but as I've entered my forties, I've noticed the inevitable signs of ageing creeping in. Fine lines around my eyes and a loss of firmness were starting to get me down. That's when I decided to try Derma ProGenix Advanced Anti-Aging Skin Care Serum.
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A Potent Formula
The first thing that impressed me about Derma ProGenix was the inclusion of alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) in the formula. AHAs, like lactic and citric acid, are well-known for their ability to gently exfoliate the skin. This process removes dead skin cells, revealing the brighter, smoother skin beneath. I was also excited to see vitamins C and E listed among the ingredients. These antioxidant powerhouses help fight free radical damage, a major contributor to wrinkles and loss of elasticity.
Easy Application and Visible Results
Derma ProGenix comes in a convenient pump bottle, making it easy to dispense just the right amount of serum for each application. The texture is lightweight and absorbs quickly into the skin, leaving no greasy residue. I started incorporating the serum into my morning and night skincare routine, applying it after cleansing and toning but before moisturiser.
Within a few weeks, I began to notice a real difference in my skin. The fine lines around my eyes seemed less pronounced, and my overall complexion looked brighter and more even-toned. My skin also felt firmer and more supple. I credit the AHAs for helping to even out my skin tone, while the vitamins C and E likely played a role in the overall improvement in texture and firmness.
A Regimen I Can Trust
Derma ProGenix has become an essential part of my skincare routine. I love that it's gentle enough for daily use yet potent enough to deliver visible results. It's also fragrance-free, which is a big plus for me as I have sensitive skin.
While Derma ProGenix won't erase every wrinkle overnight, it has definitely helped me achieve a more youthful and radiant appearance. I feel confident using this product and would highly recommend it to anyone looking to combat the signs of ageing and achieve a healthier, more glowy complexion.
Additional Notes:
It's important to remember that everyone's skin is different, and what works for me may not produce the same results for everyone.
Always patch test a new product on a small area of your skin before applying it to your entire face.
For best results, use Derma ProGenix consistently as part of a well-rounded skincare routine that includes cleansing, toning, moisturising, and sun protection.
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wikkafragrance · 3 months
Healthy Skin: Essential Steps and Tips for Your Skincare Routine with Wikka Products
Achieving healthy, glowing skin is a journey that requires dedication and the right skincare routine. Whether you have oily, dry, or combination skin, following a basic skincare routine tailored to your skin type is essential for maintaining its health and vitality. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the fundamental steps of skincare, the importance of a basic skincare routine, summer skincare tips, the benefits of using oil-based skincare products, the allure of organic skincare products, morning skincare routine steps, the wonders of natural skincare, and how Wikka products can enhance your skincare regimen. Let's dive in!
1. Steps of Skincare:
   Skincare involves several essential steps that form the foundation of any effective routine:
   a. Cleansing: Start by cleansing your face with a gentle cleanser to remove dirt, oil, and impurities.
   b. Toning: Use a toner to balance your skin's pH levels and tighten pores.
   c. Moisturising: Hydrate your skin with a moisturiser suitable for your skin type to keep it soft and supple.
   d. Sun Protection: Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.
   e. Additional Treatments: Incorporate serums, masks, and exfoliants into your routine as needed to address specific skincare concerns.
2. Basic Skincare Routine:
   A basic skincare routine consists of cleansing, toning, and moisturising, which are essential steps for maintaining healthy skin. This simple yet effective routine should be followed twice daily, in the morning and evening, to keep your skin clean, balanced, and nourished.
3. Summer Skincare:
   Summer brings its own set of skincare challenges, including increased sun exposure, higher humidity levels, and excess oil production. To protect your skin during the summer months, consider the following tips:
   a. Use a lightweight, oil-free sunscreen with a high SPF to shield your skin from UV damage.
   b. Opt for water-based moisturisers to prevent clogged pores and breakouts in hot, humid weather.
   c. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and using hydrating skincare products to replenish lost moisture.
   d. Incorporate antioxidant-rich serums and treatments to combat free radical damage caused by sun exposure.
4. Oil Skincare:
   Contrary to popular belief, oil-based skincare products can be beneficial for all skin types, including oily skin. Natural oils like jojoba, argan, and rosehip oil are rich in antioxidants and fatty acids that nourish and hydrate the skin without clogging pores. When choosing oil-based skincare products, look for lightweight formulas that absorb easily into the skin to avoid greasiness.
5. Organic Skincare Products:
   Organic skincare products are made from natural ingredients grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilisers, making them safer and gentler on the skin. By choosing organic skincare products, you can reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals and support sustainable farming practices. Wikka offers a range of organic skincare products made from ethically sourced botanicals and essential oils, ensuring purity and efficacy.
6. Morning Skincare Routine Steps:
   Your morning skincare routine sets the tone for the day and prepares your skin to face environmental stressors. Follow these steps for a refreshing and rejuvenating morning skincare routine:
   a. Cleanse your face with a gentle foaming cleanser to remove any impurities accumulated overnight.
   b. Apply a lightweight moisturiser with SPF to protect your skin from UV damage and lock in moisture.
   c. Use an eye cream to hydrate the delicate skin around your eyes and reduce puffiness and dark circles.
   d. Finish with a refreshing facial mist or toner to invigorate your skin and boost hydration.
7. Natural Skincare:
   Natural skincare focuses on using plant-based ingredients and botanical extracts to nourish and heal the skin. These ingredients are free from harsh chemicals and synthetic fragrances, making them suitable for sensitive skin types. Incorporating natural skincare products into your routine can help restore your skin's natural balance and promote a healthy, radiant complexion. Wikka's natural skincare products harness the power of nature to deliver transformative results without compromising on quality or efficacy.
Achieving healthy, radiant skin requires a consistent skincare routine tailored to your skin's unique needs. By following the essential steps of skincare, embracing a basic skincare routine, incorporating summer skincare tips, exploring oil-based and organic skincare products, following morning skincare routine steps, and embracing the benefits of natural skincare, you can achieve the complexion of your dreams. With Wikka's range of premium skincare products, you can enhance your skincare regimen and experience the transformative power of nature. Start your journey to glowing, healthy skin today
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rossdiakos · 3 months
Nourish and Renew: Essential Beauty Skincare for Healthy Skin
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Welcome to a comprehensive guide on essential beauty skincare for achieving and maintaining healthy, glowing skin. In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to overlook the importance of skincare in our daily routines.
However, taking care of your skin is an essential aspect of self-care and can have a significant impact on your overall well-being. In this blog post, let’s explore the guidelines for nourishing and renewing your skin with beauty skin care products Australia-wide, empowering you to embrace a skincare routine that revitalises and nurtures your complexion.
Understanding Your Skin Type
To embark on a journey towards healthy skin, it's crucial to first understand your skin type. There are four main skin types: normal, oily, dry, and combination. Normal skin is well-balanced, with minimal issues, while oily skin tends to produce excess sebum, leading to a shiny complexion and potential acne concerns.
On the other hand, dry skin often feels tight, rough, or flaky due to a lack of moisture, and combination skin features a mix of both oily and dry areas on the face.
Determining your own skin type can be as simple as observing how your skin feels throughout the day. For instance, if you experience oiliness in the T-zone but dryness on the cheeks, you likely have combination skin. Using Australian skin care products tailored to your specific skin type is essential for effective skincare, as they address the unique needs and concerns of your complexion, ensuring optimal results.
Daily Skincare Routine
Establishing a daily skincare routine forms the foundation of a healthy skincare regimen. A simple yet effective routine typically includes cleansing, toning, moisturising, and sun protection.
Cleansing removes impurities and prepares the skin for subsequent steps, while toning helps balance the skin's pH and tightens pores. Moisturising is vital for providing hydration and nourishment, and sun protection shields the skin from harmful UV rays, preventing premature aging and damage.
Consistency is key when it comes to skincare routines. By diligently following the routine each day, you can maximise the benefits of the products and maintain a healthy complexion. Depending on your skin type, it's important to select products that are specifically formulated to address its unique needs.
For example, those with oily skin may benefit from lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturisers, while individuals with dry skin may require richer, more hydrating formulations.
Nourishing Ingredients & Their Benefits
In the quest for healthy, radiant skin, incorporating nourishing beauty skin care products Australia into your skincare routine can make a remarkable difference. Hyaluronic acid, known for its exceptional hydrating properties, helps the skin retain moisture, resulting in a plump and supple appearance.
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Vitamin C is a powerhouse antioxidant that brightens the skin, promotes collagen production, and protects against environmental damage. Retinol, a form of vitamin A, is renowned for its ability to stimulate cell turnover, diminish fine lines, and refine skin texture. Antioxidants such as green tea extract and niacinamide safeguard the skin from free radical damage and soothe inflammation.
Understanding the benefits of these key ingredients empowers you to make informed choices when selecting skincare products. Look for serums, moisturisers, and treatments that contain these beneficial ingredients to target specific concerns and enhance the overall health of your skin.
Renewal Techniques for Radiant Skin
Exfoliation is a vital step in the renewal of the skin's surface, promoting cell turnover and revealing a brighter, smoother complexion. However, it's important to exercise caution and avoid over-exfoliation, which can compromise the skin's barrier and lead to irritation.
Incorporating exfoliation into your skincare routine, whether through physical or chemical exfoliants, should be done in moderation, taking into account your skin type and its sensitivity.
Gentle exfoliants are particularly suitable for various skin types, ensuring effective exfoliation without causing undue irritation. Look for Australian skin care products that feature fine granules or mild exfoliating acids, catering to the specific needs of your skin.
By incorporating exfoliation into your skincare regimen, you can achieve a renewed and revitalised complexion without compromising your skin's health.
Lifestyle Habits for Skin Health
While beauty skin care products Australia play a significant role in maintaining healthy skin, lifestyle habits also exert a profound impact on your complexion. Factors such as diet, hydration, sleep, and exercise all contribute to overall skin health.
A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and essential fatty acids nourishes the skin from within, while adequate hydration ensures proper moisture levels and a radiant complexion. Quality sleep is essential for skin renewal and repair, and regular exercise promotes healthy circulation, contributing to a vibrant, healthy-looking complexion.
By paying attention to these lifestyle habits, you can support and enhance the effects of your skincare routine, nurturing your skin from the inside out. Embracing a holistic approach to skincare empowers you to achieve a healthy and radiant complexion that reflects your overall well-being.
Summing Up
In this guide we have explored the essential aspects of beauty skincare, guiding you through understanding your skin type, establishing a daily skincare routine, harnessing the benefits of nourishing ingredients, embracing renewal techniques, and adopting lifestyle habits that promote skin health.
By implementing these beauty skin care products Australia into your daily skincare regimen, you can embark on a journey towards vibrant, glowing skin. Thank you for joining us on this exploration of essential beauty skincare, and here's to nurturing and renewing your skin for a healthier, more radiant you.
Source: Nourish and Renew Essential Beauty Skincare for Healthy Skin
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