#🌷 — anime messes
wonwoosthetic · 4 months
don’t knowww if you take 18+ asks but I can’t get this mimiwon thought out if my head.
don’t know if they are officially a throuple yet or just roommates who engage in sexual activities/poly but who knows after how many rounds. It ends with minnie with her back against Wonwoo chest as Mingyu is going down on her with her and wonwoo kissing occasionally — a hot mess.
I don’t know ( for the hundredth time of idk’s ) if you would ever have wonwoo and mingyu kiss but I feel like they would most definitely do it after minnie finishes 🙃 okayyyy byeee
series masterlist
word count – 10.2k
warnings – smut (18+!), threesome, fluff at the beginning, brief mention of choking, bodily fluids, hair pulling, somewhat of a dom/ub relationship
a/n – as promised: another chapter about the hot mess that is mimiwon👏🏼 this request… holy shit… it has been occupying my mind ever since I received it so thank you for it and thank you to everyone else for your input and ideas to mimiwon in general! When I started writing for them, I didn’t know if people would really enjoy it but my god… you dirty animals, I love you🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 I really love writing for them and I absolutely love how much you guys enjoy them🤭 I hope you enjoy this as well!!🫶🏼
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Two Is a Good Morning, Three Is a Great Morning 🌷 Minnie
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Minnie had been against blackout curtains, but neither of the guys wanted see-through ones anywhere in the apartment, so they opted to meet in the middle - blinds. Thanks to them some faint rays of sunlight had made their way in, illuminating the bedroom just slightly. It was getting close to Winter, so the sun was barely even to be seen in the sky, clouds covering most of the sky. But still, the muted light was enough to wake up the girl. Either that or maybe the movement underneath her.
After watching a movie together in the younger rapper's room the night before, neither Minnie nor Wonwoo had thought about leaving, but decided to just stay, putting on another movie, which eventually led to all three falling asleep together. The lack of a third pillow turned out to be less of a problem than expected, as Mingyu's chest seemed to be the perfect alternative. Perfect until he started moving, making the female member groan softly. He cursed her light sleeping habit.
A deep breath was followed by a yawn before Minnie even dared to open her eyes, sighing gratefully that the room was still not lit up entirely, letting her wake up in peace. Turning her head slightly to glance up, she was met by the bigger member's arm that had just pulled back in before he placed his hand on top of hers that was still getting warmed up by the natural warmth of his torso.
"What are you doing?" Minnie whined quietly, shutting her eyes again to cuddle deeper into him.
"Sorry," Mingyu whispered apologetically, his palm running up and down her arm in comfort. "I just wanted to get my phone."
The girl immediately regretted opening her eyes again, groaning when the bright screen of the device hit her sight. Her hands came up to cover her view before she just decided to hide her face in his chest. A chuckle from the rapper shook his torso.
"Go back to sleep," he told her, switching to hold his phone in his left hand, so he could brush over her hair with his right one.
Minnie sighed, "What time is it?"
There was a short second of a break as Mingyu glanced into the top right corner of his phone screen. "11:30."
"What?" The girl immediately pushed herself up, her eyes still barely open with her eyebrows now scrunched in confusion. The sheets scrunched around her waist, revealing one of Wonwoo's older shirts she decided to wear. Or maybe it was Mingyu's? Who knew. Normally she'd go for a shorter top of her own, but the younger rapper had once again turned the aircon on at ridiculously cold temperatures. Her hair stuck out in different directions made her fellow '97 Liner chuckle as he reached out to fix her mane.
"Yeah," he smiled, "You slept for a long time."
"Too long. Half the day is gone already," she complained quietly with a whine, remembering there was still another member in the bed who seemed to be still fast asleep.
Mingyu chuckled. It didn't matter how many years into the idol life the girl already was, her sleeping schedule has never and most probably won't ever be affected. With their busy schedule, it wasn't rare that the idols would come back home late at night or even early in the morning around 5. Minnie, for some reason, would much rather only sleep for around three hours and wake up at 9am latest, rather than getting a good six or seven hours and therefore waking up later in the day. Did it do any good to her body? No. Did she feel good about not wasting much daylight? Yes. Was this the cause of multiple discussions with almost every member? Most definitely, yes. Would she change it any time soon? Nope.
"How...," she thought out loud. The shock sat deep in her chest. "How the hell-"
"You just needed to catch up on sleep. It's okay, Minnie," Mingyu assured her, gently pulling her back down to lay on his chest. And she let him. She pressed the side of her head against his skin, his heartbeat now right by her ear.
"When did we go to sleep?" She wondered.
A soft kiss was placed on the top of her head before the rapper's voice broke the short silence. "I don't remember. Around six maybe?"
An acknowledged hum came from the girl before she closed her eyes again, taking a deep breath in. As warm as the covers around them were, she was sure the body heat radiating off of him helped her get cosy much more than any blankets ever could.
Mingyu had turned his attention back to his phone while his right arm was still slung around Minnie's shoulders, his big hand on her upper arm to pull her in. With now also her right leg wrapped around his and her arm around his midsection, the girl opened her eyes again. What the phone showed seemed uninteresting to her, the movements on his thumb much more mesmerising than anything the screen could portray.
"When did you wake up?" She suddenly asked him, breaking the comfortable silence that had washed over the room.
"I don't know," he admitted. "I waited a bit before I got my phone because I didn't want to wake you up. But... well-," he chuckled to himself before mumbling a gentle 'Sorry' against the top of her head as he placed another kiss on her forehead. 
His original plan hadn't worked out as perfectly as he had wanted to. He was sure to have waited at least a good thirty minutes as he had felt the girl's irregular breathing against him. Only when he was sure she was deep in her slumber, did he dare to move and reach out to the nightstand, which turned out to be a decision he'd regret as she had started to wake up immediately.
The moment his lips left her skin, Minnie glanced up, finding his eyes fixed on her, making her grin, "It's okay," she tightened her arms around him. "You should've woken me up a lot earlier." 
She was about to set her ear against his naked chest again, when Mingyu dismissed his phone, putting it on the nightstand to let his fingertips find her chin, nudging her to look back up at him.
A smirk formed on his lips. "How could I when you look so pretty sleeping on me?"
His words made the corners of her lips curl up as well, a shy smile making its way to her face as a slight blush lit up her cheeks. She couldn't hold back a gentle smack to his chest in shyness. He knew damn well what words like these did to her. And it didn't matter how many times Minnie had heard them before. It didn't matter how many compliments she'd get from them. They never failed to make her turn red and let the warm tingly feeling spread in her stomach up until it reached her heart.
A quiet giggle tumbled from his lips, his fingers still on her chin to bring her closer as he leaned down, meeting her halfway to place a soft kiss against her lips. Mingyu had always been a passionate man. Pecks on the lips were rarety when it came to him - even if it was just a short kiss. He'd pull the girl in for an open mouth and deep kiss whenever he could, still always staying true to the gentle side of him. 
It was evident in his touches. His fingertips gracefully danced over her skin, the palm of his hand comfortably placed on her, pulling her only as close as she'd let him. But she'd always let him. And she always hoped he'd go even further.
His lips left hers with a faint moan as he started placing smaller kisses on her cheeks and nose, a soft giggle erupting from Minnie. From her chin, down to her midsection, he threw his arm around her, now travelling underneath the oversized shirt. His palm found the perfect dip of her waistline, stopping right there to pull her in even closer. Mingyu turned both of them to the side, letting the girl rest her back almost fully against the mattress as her arms interlocked behind his head, trapping him between her neck and shoulder, where he had let his mouth wander to. As Minnie had interlocked their legs, he let his now rest in between both of hers, his knees digging into the bed underneath. 
His lips tickled her jaw, his hand now brushing over her sides and stomach. The pyjama pants she had put on the night before had moved down her hips, exposing more of her body underneath. Underwear was left in the closet during most of the nights, she prefered to only cover her body in minimum clothing. And neither of the guys would ever complain about her decision.
Even though she had basically only just woken up, the shared passion of the two was bringing her more and more into full consciousness with each movement against her lips and warmth on her skin. How she internally begged, Mingyu would finally let his hands go much lower than just her stomach, the area between her legs practically already waiting for him.
As soon as Minnie's arms around his neck loosened, he pulled back to meet her gaze. His palm left her naked skin, coming back up to let his knuckles brush over the softness of her cheeks. The blush had almost completely disappeared but was daring to come back if he continued to look at her with his gentle puppy eyes that she had come to love so much.
"Did you at least sleep well?" He whispered almost against her lips, making her bite down on her own.
The female member nodded. "I had a really comfortable pillow," her hands moved down his front and stopped at the muscles of his chest, a smirk forming on her lips as they were tightly pressed together.
Mingyu smiled, leaning down to kiss her cheek, speaking quietly against her skin, "I'm glad." 
Before he was even able to fully pull back again, the girl tightened her arms around his neck to let him drop down closer to her. She captured his lips with hers, her eagerness making him grin into the kiss. At the same time, his hand lost its place on her cheek, now on her neck, letting it rest there for a short moment. He could feel the pulse underneath his palm, it quickening with each added kiss they shared. His lips curled up in an instant. The rapper couldn't help it.
To test the waters, he tried to pull back just slightly, only for his conspiracy to be proven correct: Minnie wasn't gonna let him go any time soon. Her fingers were now tight on the back of his head, brushing over the short stubble of his freshly cut hair. It just made him smirk wider.
From her neck, down her torso, his hand glided over her body slowly. Passing her shoulders and over the slight curve of her breasts. Her nipples had already started to show through the white shirt. Lower down her stomach until he reached the hem of the top. He lifted it to let his hand dive down, his palm going back up her sides until he reached the right side of her chest.
Minnie was begging him not to break the kiss, but he still went against her grip, his kisses leaving her lips to move onto her cheeks until he reached her ear, before going down her neck.
Quiet yet heavy breaths left her lips in desperation, filling the otherwise quiet and still somewhat dark room. Her freshly manicured nails scratched his scalp as soon as she could feel him starting to suck on her favourite spot in the dip where her neck and shoulder met. Her head thrown to the right side to give Mingyu better access, she glanced over to the other man who was still sound asleep. She was about to feel bad for starting a session right next to him, but the feeling of the younger rapper's teeth against her skin made her almost forget about it.
"W-Won-" she sighed out loud in a whisper, cutting herself off when his palm suddenly found the hem of her pyjama pants. "Wonwoo-oppa is still asleep," she hastily mumbled.
The '97 Liner came back up, his eyes interlocking with hers. Without a warning, he crashed his lips against hers, pulling back just a second later. "We'll wake him up later," he assured her, knowing that if the older member was already next to them, she'd want him to join as well and he'd enjoy it just as much. He hadn't forgotten about the other man in the bed, but Mingyu could only admit that he enjoyed having just a few moments in the morning with the girl underneath him alone too.
Not even caring about pulling her pants down, he opted for just dipping underneath them, his fingers travelling down almost painfully slow. He stopped right before her slit, her clit right there, begging to be touched. Holding back a whine, Minnie pushed up her hips in desperation, cursing his teasing nature in moments like this. Outside of the bedroom, she could tease him all she wanted, that was for sure, as the rest of the members did the exact same. But behind closed walls, the rapper enjoyed the power of being the one to do the same to her, just in different settings. Like, for example, with her squirming and breathing heavily underneath him.
"Mingyu-," the girl whined out, only to be stopped by his mouth on hers, stopping her from being any louder.
"I know, I know," he whispered against her. Yet, he didn't give in to her plea. But, he removed his hand from underneath her clothing item, his grip now on the hem to pull it down just a bit, enough for his palm to fully grasp her thigh.
Her legs around his loosened before wiggling to get her pants even lower with his help. Once they were down by her shins, Minnie just kicked them off, not caring where in the mess of their sheets they would be left. His warm hand brushed up and down the side of her right thigh, holding onto it every once in a while before moving onto the inner side, pushing her legs open. His fingertip teasingly glided over her inner thigh, just his forefinger tickling her skin. All while his mouth was back on her neck and her fingers tightened around his head. With his palm exploring her legs that he already knew well enough, he let his head dip lower, now onto her chest, placing soft kisses all over just above her boobs. Her hands moved to his strong shoulders, almost pushing him down her body to where she could feel herself almost dripping already with his touch so close to her pussy, yet so far from releasing any of the pressure building up.
Mingyu could feel the anticipation rising up, not only with her, but his boxers had slowly become uncomfortably tight as well, needing some form of release soon. Before his fingers would finally dip into her slit, he raked himself up back, face to face with the girl. Even in the darkness, with the close proximity he could see how big her pupil had gotten, how her eyes were screaming for him. Her lips parted, small huffs of air falling from them, her chest moving along to each, only stopping when she gulped as he smirked down at her. She couldn't even say anything more, as lowered his head, her meeting him halfway, too desperate for pleasure to wait any longer for him. He pushed her back into his pillow now underneath her. And finally, his fingers found their way to her core, tracing a long line from her entrance, up to her clit. Her wetness had already leaked, letting his entire forefinger glide over it easily before it stopped right by the bundle of nerves. Her moan was muffled by his kiss, groaning quietly into his mouth as he started to move his finger more. 
Starting with rubbing small circles around it, just to tease her a little bit more, he grinned into the kiss, feeling her hips starting to move up, hoping to not only feel his touch harder against her but possibly also rub against his leg that was still captured between her two. Other than what Wonwoo would've done, Mingyu let her move around. Let her hips jolt up into his hand. He loved watching her react just like this to his delicate touch. 
The small circles long forgotten, the rapper started to rub his finger up and down her clit, dipping down lower to gather more of her slick, to let it easily glide over her core.
The building-up pleasure made Minnie leave his lips, gasping as her head fell back into the cushion. Mingyu's mouth quickly made its way back to her, his tongue and lips tracing her jawbone slowly.
"You're already so wet," he whispered, making her only whine as his fingers dipped down to her entrance once again. She raised her right leg to wrap around his hips, lifting up her lower touch against him as she finally brushed against his naked leg. Immediately, a moan fell from her lips, louder than she had anticipated, to which Mingyu tried to be quick and cover her mouth with his again. Knowing, she would start to move around more, his hand left her slit, moving to her side to grasp her hip, pulling her closer, her pussy now right up against his leg. Minnie shared a deep moan into his mouth, not wasting a second before she rolled her hips up and down, her slick spreading on his upper thigh.
The rapper hissed as her pro bone brushed against his erection, sighing heavily at the feeling of her warm wetness on his skin and his cock finally feeling some form of touch.
With each roll of her lower body, the girl sighed quietly, trying to keep it down to the best of her abilities. His leg hair only added to the friction and she had already realised that his erection must've been close to being painful by how hard she was feeling it on her.
Her frantic hip movements made the sheets bundle up on the side, the sound being louder in a room as quiet as theirs. Mingyu's strong hands, now both of them on her hips, made her slow down with deep breaths. Minnie tried to fight against his grip, only wanting to get more out of the pleasure she was giving herself against his leg, but the man above her was obviously much stronger than her.
Too slowly, he moved her lower body against his thigh, making her grip tighten around the bedsheets, trying to keep her moans down with the painful speed Mingyu was letting her move. The whine she let out didn't go far as the rapper stopped her.
"Shh," he whispered, coming down to place a kiss on her cheek, "Let's not wake up Wonwoo-hyung like that."
"But-" she tried to complain, but he pushed himself up.
"Come up," he got a hold of her hands and pulled her up with him. With his strength, it was easy to now have her on her knees right in front of him. Even with him in the same position, he was still towering over her, making her grin up at him. The loss of friction was immediately forgotten, the moment her gaze met his dark eyes, and his hand cupped her cheek to pull her in for another passionate kiss. His tongue tickled her lips, asking for entrance, only to be met with her own, moving against each other in synch. Almost like they had practised. Well... they did have enough sessions before, explaining the almost routine their tongues had found themselves in.
Minnie's eagerness made her right hand travel down his chest, bumping over each ab of his on her way to his boxers. The tip of his erection was already poking the hem, screaming to be let out. Her palm rubbed over the fabric, a heavy breath tumbling from Mingyu's lips as he had to leave her lips, his forehead falling onto her smaller shoulder. She didn't exactly know how long he had been so hard, but she could imagine, as soon as she pulled the hem down, she found the evidence of pre-cum already leaking from the red tip of his cock. Unlike him, the girl didn't tease him for long, pushing the boxers down quickly to finally get a full hold of his erection. She could wrap her entire hand around it but by no means was it entirely covered by only one of her hands. Her thumb brushed over the tip, spreading the few drops of pre-cum over it, getting a shiver to rush through Mingyu's body, his hand clasping onto the cheeks of her ass.
What she would've wanted to do was just dip her head down and wrap her mouth around the perfect shape of his cock, but Mingyu suddenly placed his bigger one on top of hers, leaning back up straight. Heavy breaths made his chest move quickly. He gulped as he moved her hand away from him, motioning for her to turn to the side. 
Minnie was curious as to what he was planning but followed his every step just like she usually would. Her feet were now close to the border of his side of the bed as he stepped off the bed to stand on the floor, right behind her.
"Move up," he told her, pushing her forward by placing his palms on her ass, smiling to himself. Before she got too far up the mattress, he placed a few more kisses on her shoulder with his arms around her torso. He ditched her only to her dismay right after pulling the shirt over her head, revealing her entire form. His warm hands never left her skin as they moved around to stop on her back, his left one grasping her hip while his right one pushed her forward by her shoulder blades. Minnie smiled to herself, now realising what position he had wanted her in. She got on all fours, making sure her chest was close to the mattress while her ass was up in the air. Behind her, she could hear Mingyu throwing his boxers into a corner of the room before he got down on his knees, his hands wrapping around her thighs. A soft gasp fell from her rosy lips as soon as she felt his hot breath against her pussy, only wanting to push back to feel his mouth against her.
"Wake up Wonwoo-hyung," he suddenly told her, not giving her another second before his tongue licked a strip from her front to the back, stopping at her entrance.
Even with her elbows that were supposed to steady her, the girl buckled forward at the skilled movements of his tongue against her slick.
"L-Like this?" She wondered, not knowing how he'd react if they just ripped him from his sleep while they were already in the middle of it. An assured moan vibrated against her, making her shiver and another soft moan echoed through the room.
Pushing herself slightly forward, she was close enough to Wonwoo to lean down to his ear. As he was sleeping on his right side, she decided to keep her hands on the mattress, her fingers digging into the sheets underneath her. Minnie tried to collect her heavy breathing, but Mingyu didn't show any signs of slowing down his tongue movements, switching between circling around her entrance and the tip massaging her clit.
With one deep breath, she finally whispered, "Oppa," her lips moved down to place a soft kiss on his shoulder. Wonwoo didn't budge. He was a heavier sleeper than her. Hoping she could steady herself on her left hand, she raised her right one to let her nails scratch over the exposed naked skin of his back. He had the covers pulled up enough to almost cover him entirely, yet a little peek of his torso was in her view. A visible shiver ran down his spine as he moved around.
Mingyu had opted to now focus on her entrance, sticking his tongue in and out, his fingers also joining to rub her clit. Her breathing only got heavier, but she hoped the '96 Liner would wake up to her voice rather than her moans.
"Wonwoo," she slightly shook his shoulder, "Oppa, wake up." Switching from a whisper to something just a bit louder. With a sigh, he turned to the side, his back now straight against the mattress, yet he didn't show any more signs of waking up. Minnie was about to open her mouth again, trying to keep calm while Mingyu was still behind her, but the sudden feeling of his two fingers pushing inside of her made her stumble forward, a louder moan falling from her lips. Her hands fell onto Wonwoo's shoulder, shaking him along with the soft impact. A groan from the older member went above her head, too focused on the pleasure rushing through her body. With scrunched eyebrows, the rapper turned his head to the side where the soft groans from the girl came from.
"Mh?" Even in his hum, you could tell how rough his voice was just after waking up. "What?" He asked out loud, rubbing his eyes as he opened them, glancing down at Minnie whose face was pushed into the pillow. His eyes quickly fell on the curve of her back up to her ass, which was up in the air - a sight he could gladly be woken up any day. The enjoyment he felt at the view in front of him suddenly switched to Mingyu, who stood up behind her, standing straight in all his glory.
"Sorry, hyung," he smiled, "we started without you."
Wonwoo's lips got a slight curve to them as he looked back at the girl, who was trying to get herself up again, her arms shaking from the orgasm she was so close to having, if it wasn't for the younger rapper suddenly pulling back. He pushed himself up by his elbows, his gaze switching between the two younger members.
"Don't be," Wonwoo smirked, his hand coming up to brush Minnie's hair out of her face, finding her almost glassy eyes. "Someone's clearly enjoying it." His thumb brushed over her bottom lip, the tiredness still written all across his face, while there was only pleasure to be seen on hers.
The girl grinned as a thought shot to her head. A quick second passed before she decided to keep the comment to herself. Now was not the time to tease the '97 Liner. He was in a position to make her regret it and at this time of day, she prefered to enjoy their shared session in bed. Mingyu had a tight grip on his erection, already lining it up with her entrance, getting another sudden moan from her. The free hand dug into her left hip, his thumb right on one of the dimples that decorated her lower back. Only a split second later, he pushed himself inside her, forcing Minnie to jolt forward slightly, her head falling back into the pillow, only for Wonwoo to make her look up again, cupping her cheek in his palm. He had steadied himself up on his left elbow, his right hand holding onto her as he leaned forward, placing his lips onto hers. The kiss muffled each moan that tumbled from her lips, only getting louder with every added thrust from Mingyu.
As soon as he released her mouth again, a loud whine echoed through the room. Her eyes were still closed from the rush of pleasure and pressure building up in her core. Minnie couldn't see the way Wonwoo's eyes raked over her face, tracing her nose and lips before leaning down to place kisses down the invisible line he had created in his mind. Only when he leaned back a second time, she looked at him. His fingers graced over her jawline, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Has Mingyu been good to you?" He asked her almost ironically. Her mouth was still open, moan after moan leaving her lush lips, her head tilting back and forth with each thrust. He knew the answer, yet he couldn't help asking her.
With scrunched eyebrows, the girl nodded frantically, her grip on the sheets tightening as she could feel the first orgasm that she had lost merely a minute ago coming back to her.
"Yeah?" Wonwoo whispered, his fingers now tangled in her hair as he made sure to keep her face in front of his, their gazes interlocked. He could almost see the plea in her eyes, begging to finally come. The glassy overlay reflected on her iris. "Did you cum already?" She shook her head with a gulp. "Are you gonna cum now?" She was quick to nod. With a smile, he leaned forward again, her lips too pretty not to be kissed. Her moans only made him groan in return. His hands found hers, letting the girl grip onto them instead of the sheets.
The sight in front of him made Mingyu sigh heavily, his thrusts had started to become more irregular as he could feel her walls tighten around him, only making him get closer to his own release.
"Fuck..." he cursed with a groan, "I'm not gonna last much longer," he admitted, making the older rapper chuckle.
"It's okay, she neither," Wonwoo answered for her, letting Minnie rest her forehead against his shoulder, their hands intertwined as her whines became more high-pitched, letting them know just how close she really was. "Right?" He leaned down to her ear.
The female member nodded, "Yeah...," she sighed out loud, followed by a loud moan, "God... Oh, God-" cutting herself off with an almost high-pitched scream when Mingyu suddenly switched to hard sharp thrusts. Wonwoo held onto her, his lips now on her neck, sucking and licking the spot Mingyu had teased her at only a short while ago. He had known her body for a good bit longer, having thought the younger rapper everything he needed to know, but still, he was proud to say that he was confident in probably knowing her just a bit better.
Right before the '97 Liner could hit the fourth thrust, Minnie gave in. Her orgasm washed over her body, her body shaking through it. Her nails dug into Wonwoo's hand, making him groan in pleasure and bite down on her skin, getting another moan from her in return. With only a few more thrusts, Mingyu followed, pulling out just in time, covering her ass and lower back with spurts of his cum. His low groans mixed with the warmth now on her backside made her smile to himself. That only got wider as soon as she felt his thumb gliding over the picture he had painted. 
She pushed herself up, her knees thankfully still strong enough to keep her up straight. The younger rapper's arm had wrapped around her shoulder once again. The thumb he had just used to swipe over his cum now lined up with her lips, nudging her to open her mouth as she let herself fall back against his strong chest. Without hesitation, she obeyed, parting her lips, letting his finger enter her mouth before puckering around it, her tongue swiping across the tip. Synchronised moans of pleasure from both '97 Liners filled the room while the oldest of the three leaned back against the headrest, his lips curved up as he watched the two. He'd be lying if he said that was the reason for him to get hard. His erection had been growing ever since he had heard the first moan from Minnie.
As they truly had only decided to watch a movie the night before, he stayed in his boxers and sweats, but both of these seemed uncomfortably tight as he now eyed the two other members. The girl had her head tilted back, Mingyu's thumb now out of her mouth and placed on her neck, while his lips were engulfing hers. His other hand had already found its way back to her slit, and her legs instinctively parted again, giving Wonwoo the perfect view of her glistening pussy.
With a chuckle, Minnie pushed his hand away and parted their lips, scootching back up the bed with a sigh. The younger rapper had already turned to the nightstand to get some of the tissues he kept there, cleaning her backside neatly.
The girl didn't miss the soft grin on her partner's face, making her move over to him as soon as she felt a reassuring tap on her ass, letting her know Mingyu was done behind her.
"How did you sleep?" Wonwoo asked her as soon as she was close enough.
"Good," she smiled, leaning forward to go back to kissing him like before. The saltiness of the other man's cum was still faint on her tongue but it only made Wonwoo groan into the kiss. She suddenly pulled back, placing a soft peck on his bottom lip. "Did you sleep well?"
The '96 Liner nodded, his hand coming up to grab the back of her, pulling her back in. "I did," he told her in between kisses. "But waking up today was even better." His comment made her giggle. As she knew there was no way of her getting out of the grip he had on her hair, not so shyly, she let her hand wander down his body. Tracing the faint bumps of his abs he had been working on getting back with her manicured nails. Just like with Mingyu, she wasn't about to waste more time, her fingers dipping right underneath the hem of his boxers, her hand palming his erection. A heavy breath fell from his lips as his hand tightened on her hair, making her groan in pleasure. 
Mingyu had come back into the room, having thrown away the tissues in the bin in the bathroom. Wonwoo quickly opened his eyes at the sound of footsteps, ushering him over to the bed immediately. With his attention away from the girl for just a split second, Minnie took the opportunity to move out of his grip and push the sheets of his body. Not wanting to put up a fight and enjoy her doing, the older member let her, leaning back against the mattress as she started to pull down his sweatpants and his boxers already along with them. His cock sprung free, hitting the bottom of his stomach. 
Wonwoo's hand came down to brush over her head once she was only a few inches away from his erection while Mingyu claimed his side of the bed again, the palm of his hand running up and down her side, as it was perfectly in his view.
Minnie started by tracing a long strip up his shaft with her tongue, his head immediately falling back in pleasure. With a small drop of her spit right on his tip, letting it trickle down, she wrapped her hand around his cock, spreading the liquid around a bit more before wrapping her lips around him while her palm covered anything she couldn't get in her mouth. Wonwoo groaned out loud, his fingers holding onto her hair as she slowly bobbed her head up and down. The younger rapper's hands had started massaging the cheeks of her ass, enjoying the soft moans from her and the heavy sighs and groans from the man next to him. 
Minnie used her free hand to cup the older member's balls, her other still occupied with moving up and down along with her head, stopping when she decided to let her tongue circle around the tip. She opened her mouth, giving Wonwooo the perfect view of her side profile as she delicately moved her lips and tongue around his erection. It was only then, he remembered the other member in the bed as well.
"Wait-" he stopped her, nudging her chin to come back up. "Let's give Mingyu a better view." Making the younger rapper chuckle. Minnie grinned as she looked back at her fellow '97 Liner, her thumb wiping away the drop of drool daring to spill out.
"Come here," Wonwoo prompted himself up on his knees, motioning for her to get in between him and Mingyu. "Lay down," he told her, throwing his cushion to cover half of the other one, making a higher surface for her. Right as he asked, the female member laid down on her back, sandwiched by her two partners, with the younger one calmly in the same position as her, while the older one had gotten closer to her, still on his knees, his cock in his hands. She replaced his grip with her own, waiting for him to be close enough before he dropped down, his tip back against her lips. Before she let it slip inside her mouth, her hands warmed his cock again, pumping up and down his length, making him groan once again as his left hand came up against the headrest to steady himself. Subconsciously, he leaned forward, pushing the tip further into her mouth, but Minnie just willingly opened it, letting him do as he pleased.
Mingyu's eyes were on them, simply just enjoying the view as he could already feel himself getting hard again, sighing heavily. His gaze fell onto Wonwoo's right hand that was travelling down dangerously low to where the girl had started to roll her hips against nothing, just instinctively. By simply just the sounds of pleasure from her partners, she could get herself rilled up, delighted at the fact that they wouldn't hold back their moans and groans, but let them fill the heat of the room.
As soon as the older rapper's middle- and ring finger started massaging her clit, a whine from her made his dick plop out of her mouth, and slap against her cheek. Her sound went straight to both of the men's cocks, making them jerk up. Wonwoo put his erection back into her mouth after she was able to catch her breath again. Her hand on his thigh stopped him from frantically moving his cock past her lips, wanting to deep and slowly. 
Her pussy was still slick and most probably would still be in the next hour or so, counting the amount of pleasure she was receiving and giving. His fingers rubbed on her clit, using her wetness as lubrication. Feeling her body give into the enjoyment as she bucked up her hips. Her whines still fell from her lips, even with his dick filling up her mouth.
The guys could listen to the sound of her moans all day. After all the songs she had ever written, these were still the most beautiful sounds to the two men.
Wonwoo's eyes fell on the other member on the opposite side of the bed, who had started to palm himself again, his erection growing with each second that he listened to the sounds coming from the two next to him.
"Mingyu," his heavy breathing didn't stop as he spoke. "Come up here." The older member motioned for him to get closer, looking down at the woman beneath them in awe as she was still using her tongue to circle around his tip, her hand pumping him, her eyes shut in pleasure as his own fingers were working on her second orgasm. Mingyu shuffled up, watching Wonwoo, pull out his erection from her grip before cupping her cheek.
"You wanna try to take both of us?" He asked her, who switched her gaze between the '96 Liner's warm gaze and the '97 Liner's eyes, which were wide in surprise, but she could see the moment those words reached his ears, his body visibly reacting to it as his cock jerked up just a slight bit, making her bite down on her lips.
"Yeah," she quietly told him, nodding as she reached out with both of her hands to wrap around each cock of theirs. Slowly, she pushed them down to her lips, placing a soft kiss on each of their tips. She moved on to Mingyu's first. She spat onto his length before her hand spread it along, while the head of his dick was laid against her outstretched tongue.
With a deep groan, the '97 Liner threw his head back. Wonwoo, whose cock was getting pumped at the same time by her, watched him with a grin. It only lasted a second before he suddenly felt Minnie's lips back on him as she now glanced up at him, making him sigh heavily, his hand coming down to let his thumb brush over her cheek. She smiled against his touch, her tongue drawing a big circle around his tip with her mouth wide open. 
With the pleasure he was receiving, Wonwoo had forgotten to get back to work on his girlfriend's orgasm, his hand quickly moving from her cheek down back to her slit, where he immediately pushed the two fingers he had used before inside of her, making her moan out loud, both of their dick hanging right above her open lips. Her hands hadn't stopped moving around their shafts, still getting heavy huffs from both men, only encouraging her to keep going.
As she now had both of them in a position like this and remembered Wonwoo's question from before, a dazing thought rushed through her head, making her lips curl up. She let her hands get close to their tips before pushing them to her lips just like earlier, only that now, she opened her mouth, pushing both of them inside of her. Her cheeks filled at an almost painful stretch, making her shut her eyes, but the moment her tongue hit the tip of their cocks, making both of the guys moan out loudly, she let it happen. Minnie raised her head just slightly, angling it straighter to let their erection move deeper into her mouth. With the added pleasure of Wonwoo's fingers still pumping in and out of her, her heavy breaths dared to turn into gags as Mingyu almost couldn't hold back from pushing deeper inside, the tight feeling of the inside of her cheeks against his length making him shudder.
With a gasp, she released her lips from the stretch, making the men sigh out with Wonwoo's hand suddenly speeding up while his thumb rubbed on her clit. Almost hastily, with short high-pitched moans, she forced the two cocks back into her mouth, her hands continuing to work on the rest of their lengths.
The older member threw his head back with a heavy groan, "God... just like that," his left hand brushed over the top of her hair, making her look up at him with wide eyes. The sight of two cocks in her mouth, her eyes glassy from pleasure and pain, her eyebrows scrunched together as she was getting closer to her own release, almost made him come right then and there, but he had to hold himself back.
"Fuck," Mingyu cursed out loud, his head dropping forward as Minnie started to bob her head, releasing their erections from her mouth each second, only to put them back inside in the following ones.
She surprised both of them when she suddenly started to use the spit that had gathered around them and smear it all over their lengths with her hands. Sneakily, she brought them closer together, rubbing their tips against each other, only before pushing them even a little bit further until she could wrap her hands collectively around both of them at the same time, letting the guys buck forward, using her hand as an almost fleshlight, while they brushed against each other. 
The new sensation brought a new wave of pleasure to both of them as Mingyu continued to mumble out different curse words, shaking his head as he tried to steady himself with his hand on the headboard. Wonwoo had opted to place his palm on the younger rapper's shoulder, leaning slightly forward. Their cocks continued to move against each other, Minnie's hand keeping them together and giving them a hole to fuck with her hands. Without thinking about his actions, Mingyu dropped his head onto the hand on his shoulder, first letting his side rest against it before he turned it to place a gentle kiss against the rough knuckles of the man in front of him. 
The older member had to pull his fingers back from Minnie's core, coming up to get a hold of Mingyu's hair, and pulling it back to make him meet his gaze. The two leaned in closer, their foreheads resting against each other as their eyes fell down to their cocks, glistening in the girl's spit as she rubbed them against each other, them bucking their hips forwards so she wouldn't even have to move her hands, only letting her tongue swipe across their tips every now and then. As she glanced up for a split second, she found both of their gazes on her, a grin spreading on her lips as she found their fucked out eyes.
"Hyung," Mingyu suddenly whined, "I-I'm gonna cum."
Wonwoo could only nod, his hand on the younger one's shoulder tightening as he could feel Minnie's tongue move quicker across their tips, wanting to bring both of them to their release. Merely seconds before both of them would buck their hips for the last time, the girl released their cocks from each other, using her hands to get them off separately. Only a few pumps later, loud groans and heavy moans filled her ears as spurts of cum started decorating her chest. She continued to run her hands along their lengths, waiting until every last drop hand landed on her chest before moving onto Wonwoo's cock first. Her lips wrapped around his girth easily, her tongue immediately getting to work with cleaning up the last drips coming from his tip. When she felt his comforting hand on her head, she let him free, his erection now much slumber than before. She glanced up at him with a curve to her lips as he chuckled down at her. He couldn't hold back but leaned down to give her a quick peck.
After releasing her again, he moved off the bed to get the tissues this time. As soon as he was out of her sight, the female member looked over at Mingyu, who had already fallen back against the mattress, still heavily breathing. With his hand on his chest he tried to calm himself down, but once glance down at his cock told her that it would take more time than expected as his tip was still bright red, just like it had been when he was hard as a rock before. With a sly smile, Minnie pushed herself up, her movements making her fellow '97 Liner look over at her. He reached out to cup her left cheek in his warm palm, copying her facial expression as he shook his head with a chuckle.
"Unbelievable," he mumbled with a smile. He dropped his hand again as Wonwoo told the girl to come closer to the edge of the bed. The younger rapper let her push herself up with his abs underneath her hands as the older member wiped the cum stains off her chest. Mingyu leaned forward until he was close enough to place soft kisses on her side making her try to squirm away, but he had already wrapped his arms around her, not letting her move much.
After the '96 Liner was done, he gave a quick kiss to her forehead before disappearing just like Mingyu had done before to rid of the tissues, neither wanting to collect them on the bedside table or somewhere on the floor, while also knowing the other man would take care of their girl in the meantime.
The younger rapper was still nose-deep in her side, pulling her in even closer, making the girl giggle. She managed to push his face away from her side, not managing the tickle of his kisses for much longer. As soon as he looked up at her though, she couldn't hold back but lean down, cupping his cheeks in her hands to keep him straight as she locked her lips onto his. He moved lower to snake around her ass, the soft flesh squished up against his arm.
The two were interrupted once Wonwoo came back, joining the two back on the bed, stopping right behind Minnie on the mattress, his lips going down to her neck. At the same time, his fingers travelled down to her slit that was still waiting for the final touch. Her mouth had to leave Mingyu's to let out a soft moan, leaning back against the older member's chest as she felt his fingertips going through the crack of her ass, down to her still pulsating clit, massaging it in circles. Wonwoo took the opportunity to push her head to the side with his free hand to make her look at him, covering her lips with his own as he engulfed her in a deep kiss, pushing his tongue into her mouth right away. A deep groan shook her body as Mingyu started to kiss his way up from her stomach until he reached her breasts. His big hand cupped her left tit, kneading it to get a moan out of her. His lips wrapped around her already hard enough nipple, his tongue flicking the nub.
"I think we still owe you something," Wonwoo whispered against her lips, commenting on the orgasm he couldn't give her before as the new experience she had given the two men came as a surprise, making them have to steady themselves on each other. Minnie chuckled against his touch, melting into his embrace as she whined as soon she felt his fingers enter her again. But she had had enough of their hands, feeling the need to be filled up with much more than just their fingers, even though they could very much so give her enough pleasure as well.
"P-Please..." she mumbled, her words stuttering as he suddenly pressed his fingers hard against her clit.
"Hm?" Wonwoo teasingly wondered.
"Hyung, lay down," Mingyu suddenly spoke up, straightening his back to glance at the man behind the girl, who gazed up at the '97 Liner. 
Wonwoo would never question the younger one's proposals and actions when it came to the three. Each one of them only wanted the best for the other ones, so they knew whatever one of them had in mind, the others would most definitely enjoy them anyway. The '96 Liner, laid down on the mattress, his head on the two stacked pillows where Minnie had been only a few minutes ago.
The younger rapped wrapped a strong arm around the small waist of the girl, pulling her in closely with a passionate kiss on her lips as he turned them around on the bed - her back now to Wonwoo, while her chest was still pushed up against his. The older member had already started to pump himself again, just the view in front of him getting him easily hard a second time in a row.
Gently, Mingyu pushed her further back until her ass was lined up with the growing erection behind her. His hands on her ass told her to straighten her knees as he glanced behind her, making sure, she'd be lined up with the tip of Wonwoo's cock. The older rapper straightened his legs and with his palms on hers, he pulled them over his waist. He quickly got a hold of his cock again which was now only millimetres away from entering her again as Mingyu kissed her deeply one more time before patting her ass, telling her to lower herself. The head of his dick glided into her slit easily, her wetness still lubricating her wall as she sat down onto his hips, a shuttering moan tumbling from her lips. Wonwoo's hands immediately found their place on her hips, already bucking up his lower body, making her whine out in surprise. 
Mingyu gave her a few more pecks on the cheek before pushing up against her even more, the palms of his hands securely on her back as he dropped her back against the other member's chest. With her ass against Wonwoo's pro bone and his grip tightly on her, she started to roll her hips instantly, needing to release the pressure that had built up over the past few minutes. The older rapper pushed his lower half up, hitting the highest point of her inside with each thrust.
The '97 Liner couldn't help but smile down at the two before he got down on his knees, lowering his chest to meet the scrunched-up bedsheets underneath them, lining his face up with the frantically moving bodies. Minnie stopped her movements, relying on Wonwoo's thrusts against her G-Spot, moaning out loud as Mingyu's tongue pressed against her clit. Wonwoo couldn't see clearly, but he could still feel the other member's presence between his legs, making him grin at the thought of what he was possibly doing that could get sounds like these out of the girl.
Her hands tried to find something to grasp onto as the man's thrusts had become deeper while the other one's tongue lapped around her clit, the tip massaging her bundle of nerves. The '96 Liner saw her struggle, loosening his grip on her hips to let his arms wrap around her waist, pulling her back as closely as possible against his chest. His hips continued to thrust up into her, choked-up moans falling from her lips that could only be stopped as she moved her head to the side, their lips meeting for a deep kiss. The heels of her feet had started to dig into the mattress, pushing her lower body slightly up, only for Mingyu to push it back down, his mouth not leaving her core, his lips now wrapped around her clit to suck on it.
A mix of high-pitched moans and whines echoed through the room, Minnie didn't even know how to react to the pleasure any more, just letting it wash over her with each thrust, suck, kiss, and lick on her body.
Wonwoo's arms suddenly moved up her body, grasping her tits into his palms, making her own hands come up to hold onto his, heavily breathing as his fingers started to play with her nipples. He could feel himself getting dangerously close to his release, wanting her to come along with him. His thrusts had started to deepen, hitting the rough spot inside of her, getting choked-up moans of hers in return as she turned her head to the side once again, begging for his kisses to calm her down.
Mingyu was still working down, his eyes always up on the girl squirming against Wonwoo's chest, making him grin against her as proudly licked around her clit, adding to the pleasure she needed for her final release.
"P-Please come... inside me," Minnie moaned out, each thrust making it harder for her to form words as she could slowly feel herself turning into a mess of pleasure. "Please, Wonwoo..."
Hearing the sound of his name drop from her lips, surrounded by moans and whines brought him closer to his release than he had wanted to, now only a few more thrusts away from bursting a second time. 
Her hands tightened on his arm as his fingers dug into the softness of her breasts. The shortness of his breath turned into heavy groans, his cock pumping a few more times before finally releasing himself inside of her. A loud groan fell from his lips as Minnie felt the warmth of his cum filling her up. Mingyu pushed himself up to let his member have his quick moment of relief as he watched his cock plop out of the girl's entrance, drops of his cum following close behind. He leaned back down to get his lips on her clit again while his fingers pushed every drip that dared to come out of her back inside. She jolted up in surprise, thinking she'd get a quick moment of rest, but the '97 Liner was already back down. Wonwoo sat up straighter, moving the girl down to sit between his legs, giving Mingyu a quick break to take a breath before his tongue circled her bundle of nerves again. 
Over her shoulder, the older rapper got to look down at the younger member, smirking at the sight of his fingers pushing inside of her while his lips were working on her clit. His hands were still on her breasts, while his mouth had moved down to her shoulder, placing kiss after kiss as he travelled up to her jaw, making her turn her head to kiss him once again, his breathing still heavy from the orgasm he was trying to come down from.
"Fu-... I'm so close," she stumbled over her words as she glanced at the man between her legs, who looked up at her exclaim, only making her moan out loud again. Wonwoo smirked against her neck.
"Come on Mingyu's tongue, baby," he whispered, his deep voice sending a rush through her body. His hand kneaded her breasts more, his fingers focusing on her hard nipples. Her hands dropped from their grasp on him, to move down to pull at the younger rapper's short hair, getting a groan from him in return that shook her core. With a shaky moan, she bucked up her hips, his teeth gracing her clit suddenly, making her jolt in surprise. Her whines turned into quick short breaths, mumbles tumbling from her lips as her head fell back, her begs getting louder with each suck on her clit and push of his fingers inside of her.
It only took one more brush against her G-Spot before she came. The orgasm burst through her body. She lifted her hips in reaction as Mingyu's lips didn't leave her pussy, continuing to suck. His lips were tight around her clit, trying to drag out her orgasm as much as possible, while she was wriggling against him, Wonwoo's strong arms around her keeping her somewhat still.
"Ah!" She cried out, trying to push Mingyu's head away from her with a whine. Finally, he released her, letting a deep sigh leave her body, her head falling back against the older rapper's shoulder, who was kissing her jawline. With a proud smirk, the '97 Liner wiped a thumb across his lips before placing his hands on her waist to lean down, covering her lips with his to stick his tongue into her mouth. A muffled groan came from her as she tasted the remains of her on him, smiling against his lips. As Wonwoo was still on her jaw, one slight movement let their heads bump together, making both men look up.
With both of their eyes filled with leftover lust, they smirked at each other and before Mingyu could even think much about his next move, he brushed past Minnie, his lips finding the older member's as he also leaned forward, meeting him in the middle. Pleasurable hums filled the girl's ear as she turned her head to the side, finding her partners sharing a moment of passion as Wonwoo's hand clasped on the back of Mingyu's head, pulling him in just a bit deeper, their tongues finally meeting. The '96 Liner recognised the taste of the girl still on his lips, smirking into the kiss, before pulling back. Their eyes only met for a split second, sharing a quick smile before their attention was back on her who watched them with wild eyes, the corners of her lips curled up. Wonwoo was the first to get back on her lips, the younger member opting for the other side of her neck. Only after a split second, the two switched, each of them groaning against each other's lips.
Too lost in the touches of each other, the stain forming on the sheets underneath them was long forgotten and the tissues now suddenly unimportant in the nightstand.
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Taglist: @waosobii @chaebb @lunarxsun @hoe4wonwoo @kimhyejin3108 @soobzao @billboard-singer @cosmicwintr @zwiehe @angie-x3 @smooore @allthings-fandoms
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sugawhaaa · 2 months
The idea of seeing Jun Han act fully comfortable with you… he seems so shy and sweet but he’s actually just a silly goofy freak and I love him
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Warnings:: none 🥰
Genre::fluff, gender neutral reader
A//N:: YOU HEARD CORRECTLY 😍😍😍 sorry if this isn't what you wanted but I wasn't 100% sure what exactly you wanted so here we go
When in public Junhan still keeps his quiet energy, he isn't afraid to be intimate with you in public though. Kisses, holding hands, wearing matching jewelry he doesn't really mind
When at home, just you and him, he's just a silly little goober
He likes to rant about things he's interested in, animes, books, movies, bands, etc
He likes to mess around a lot, just childish little squabbles
He likes to play chess and board games with you, he pretends to get overly competitive but eventually it becomes seriously competitive
Don't ask me why but he'd love to brush and style your hair and do your nails
In the mornings you both brush your teeth together
Whenever doing the dishes or around anything with water he'd do the thing where he flicks the water at you from his hands
He hogs the blanket at night, you often bicker about it
He steals your jewelry secretly
You steal his sweaters and shirts
He loves to hold you close to him, putting his forehead on yours between soft kisses
You share airpods very often
He plays little songs on guitar for you and sometimes bullies you in them
"I hate it when you snore~🎶 your very annoying when you're hungry~🎶 but in the end I'll always adore you~🎶"
Inside jokes 🤝
Sends dumb photos to you
Would take a photo of you and ask "you wanna see it?" Then he'd show you a photo of rat from ratatouille or something
Matching Halloween costumes (if you celebrate it)
Reads books to you at night to help you sleep
You watch asmr together even though people say it's weird
Tickle fights. He isn't ticklish but loves to tease you
Feeding you is embarrassing for you but he adores it
He would be honest when you ask for his opinion on something but instead of just being like that's ugly he gives you advice. "Do you think this shirt looks good with this cardigan?" "Not really, but I think this one would look nice on you,"
Snuggle bug most of the time
𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩𐙚
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justlulu · 1 year
🔥Sex with the Peaky Blinder boys🔥
I need to give @greatlydelirious credit for the inspo, HI nice to meet you!, your ‘Peaky Blinders dicks description’ was such a blessing ;) and you set me in the mood to write some smut as I originally did so thank u for that.🌷💕
⚠️my very PERSONAL opinion ⚠️
Tommy Shelby
Tommy fucks like he works: well placed thrusts, steady rhythm. He’s the type to go straight to the point, not leaving too much room for foreplay, he does his job and he does it good, but he certainly knows how to use his tongue when he’s in the mood. Not a big fan of dirty talk, well not a fan of talking to begin with, he will let his kisses and caresses speak for him. Missionary and HE HOLDS YOUR HANDS THE WHOLE TIME!
Alfie Solomons
The man is a savage. Sex with him is hot and messy: he likes to switch positions and have you in as much ways as he can, but there’s nothing he loves more than laying down on his back and letting you sit on him and do your thing. Especially after a long, stressful day at work, he loves to hand over the reins and watch you bounce on his cock. He also enjoys making you believe that little you is capable of overpowering him, allowing you to hold his arms or press him down on the mattress. He lets you play a bit, before easily rolling over and pinning you under his gigantic body, a hand cupping the top of your head to keep you still as he proceeds with a hard pounding. He’s loud, not engaged in dirty talk, but grunts a lot and curses even more.
Luca Changretta
BDSM! He’s kinky as hell, has a power exchange fixation and a dominant mindset. He’s a boss after all, he likes to take control. Sex with him is never just a quick fuck. He likes to take his time, set the mood, get you ready. He will take a sit, matchstick in his mouth, and make you undress for him, give him a show, present yourself to him. He craves your submission in all of its forms: kneeling at his feet with his thumb stroking your cheek as you suck him off, spreading your legs and waiting patiently for him to touch you, and beg beg BEG! You’ll be a fucked out mess when he finally gives it to you.
John Shelby
He wants to be tough, but in bed he’s a sweetheart. He really does make love to you, kissing every inch of your skin before he even starts to undress himself. He will never admit it to his mates, but he also loves a bossy partner who puts him back in his place and praises him when he behaves.
Arthur Shelby
He’s a fucking animal, someone once said. They were fucking right. Hair pulling, love bites, spanking and a hard and fast pace. He fucks like he needs to breed you. He likes to maneuver you body and bounce it like a rag doll, but holds you gently in his arms right after you’re done.
A.N. As always, I keep it in my drafts for months trying to make it better until I can’t bare the sight of it anymore. It should have contained Michael too, but my brain just refuses to think of something..so, no Michael😔 Someone said that what we write is never as good as we want it to be, but it’s always better than what we think of it for the readers, so here you go.
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slasherwife · 1 year
Hiya! (Don’t know if requests are open but if not just ignore-)
how would the slashers react to their s/o who goes in and out of the hospital because of health problems?
Hope you Have a good day/night and stay safe! ^^
hiya my darling i especially love you and this is an adorbs ask 🥺 thank u for sending this in!! and sorry for the extreme delay 🥹💞
i decided to include brahmsy because i miss him dearly 🥹💗
Slashers with an s/o who’s in and out of the hospital
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summary you and your slasher husband must make time for your hospital checkups and whatnot. how does this impact the relationship and mental health of both of you?😇💕
warnings fluffff🥺🌷
thomas is the one to carrying you to the hospital if it came to it. every single time. he just loves you so much 😭💞 he can’t let you be in danger. he is the first one at your side every single time you are in need of help with your health.
he will be a mother hen. anything that hoyt requests you do, he will be at your side making sure you are safe and protected, whatever it is. unless luda is there to help, he will be at your side diligently to make sure his love is doing okay and that they don’t need help🥺🌷
he is insanely protective. thomas is like a protective force field around you, literally nothing can harm you while he is your beloved protector 🥺💞 tommy notices when hoyt purposefully gives you difficult tasks he knows you won’t be able to do, and since then, tommy has made it his personal goal to make hoyt afraid of messing with you. and boy, he can be terrifying🥲
when the time comes where you need to be on the way back to the hospital, tommy is pushing through everyone in his way to get to you. 🥺🫶 you are his heart, his baby, his beloved one. he is your sole protector and he will see to it that you get the proper care you need. don’t worry y/n, thomas is here to keep you safe.
he doesn’t mind doctors. just make his sweetheart healthy and there won’t be a problem🤗💗
jason is a little passive when it comes to medical stuff. i mean, he lived off the bare minimum after the lake incident, and then became undead so~~😂💞 but once he realizes the love of his life, the flower on his mountain, needs this medical care, he will do everything in his power to get them to it🌷
jason is very very understanding. 💕you had explained to jason that you are often in and out of the hospital for whatever reason. this might result in you disappearing for a few hours, to a few days at a time, but there was nothing you could do about it. 🥺 in those soft and expressive eyes of his, you could read, “i would wait forever for you.” 🌷💕
when you return, expect the softest princess treatment. jason has made the bed for you, lavished with new soft blankets and pillows. he has your favorite stuffed animals, and once you’re snuggled in, he gives your stuffies kisses before tucking them with you, and then giving you forehead kisses, and making a “shh~~” sound while stroking your hair😭🌷💗
he likes carrying you everywhere😭🥺 or at least holding your hand softly as he walks places. i think it’s a very soft manifestation of his possessiveness, and fear of losing you. he carry’s you like a baby, or like a baby koala, on your walks through the forest🥺💗 or if he needs to go somewhere and you want to go with him, he won’t hesitate on wrapping you in your favorite blanket and taking you with him💕🌷
with jason, you will be treated like the softest lil mushroom baby princess to ever grace earth🥺💞 unless you don’t want to be, at least let him tuck you in and hold your hand softly whenever you’re with him 🌷he’s just scared to lose you.
michael absolutely cannot stand doctors. as we all know, michael has not had very nice interactions with them growing up! in fact one could argue they ruined his life😭he definitely does not want that for you, but he understands that this is the best way for you to stay healthy💕🫶
michael’s trust issues causes him to stalk you your entire stay at the hospital. whether that be days or a few hours. it’s definitely not for distrust of you, but for the doctors he despises. he knows if they were to even slip up once, they would be in an inescapable world of hell from him🥺💕that’s his parter they’re putting needles in, one mishap and they are all dead😩
in a way, he becomes your doctor too, ironically. if you have specific medicine you need to take, you best BELIEVE michael’s going to be standing with your meds in hand outside your door, AS SOON as you wake up 😭💗he watches as you eat, drink, monitors your caffeine intake, hides, trashes, burns any food he seems unhealthy for you. he’s hyper fixated on your well-being even though it’s not obvious.
you honestly will not notice it, but he’s hyper fixated on keeping you alive. he has stayed up all night, multiple nights, to watch how much sleep you’re getting😖💞he makes sure your water is filled up enough to his liking, your portions are ample, and every single prescribed pill (if you are prescribed medication) is downed at the exact time it’s supposed to be consumed😇
you will not notice at all how protective michael is over you. when he doesn’t approve of one of your doctors (for whatever reason) they are gone, and another will come in. he pulls the strings, and he makes it seem so effortless. all for you, all for his love, his darling one🌷💞
he cries every time you leave. “don’t leave me~~” he sobs. but in a way he isn’t crying for himself, and somehow you know too. 🌷💕he knows you’ll always come back, it’s why he loves you so so dearly. but what if you are too sick to come home one day? what if you die in the hospital, alone, and he’s left alone forever without you? 😭
he notices that you are tired and weak after your hospital visits. brahms certainly is selfish but when he loves someone as much as he loves you, he will go to ends of the earth to please you and earn your praise🥹💗he will make you your favorite snacks, and bring you his favorite toys or read something from his poetry book 🥹💞 it’s his way of showing you he cares!
g-d forbid anything happen at the house. brahms isn’t good at remembering when you need to take any medication or any special instructions for yourself given by the doctor❤️‍🩹😖what if one day you forget and you pass out or something? he is so anxious because if this and tries his best to make sure you are looking healthy every day. he can’t ever lose you y/n!🥲💗
you will receive a very clingy boi once you arrive back home😖💗 once you step back into the heelshire mansion, expect a rumbling and brahms stepping out from the walls, encasing you into his warm arms mumbling incoherent speech, his grip tight on your hips and waist. he missed you so much 🥺🌷
brahms will be very sad every time you leave to go to the hospital, but he must come to terms with the fact that it must happen. he struggles with severe abandonment issues every since his parents and greta left him, but he will learn that you will always return to him🌷
bo sinclair
he will certainly not make a very big deal about it. and he will absolutely not relay any of your medical information to lester or vincent. you want to know anything about y/n? fuck off. it’s none of their business. he won’t like talking or hearing about your mortality or health, it makes him overthink and anxious and he doesn’t like feeling that way at all :(
generally, bo is extra gentle with you and extra angry with his potentially hazardous brothers. when you are feeling particularly sick, he’s speaking in hushed cooes while stroking your cheek🥺💕if you’re on the couch he makes sure both brothers know not to make any loud noises. he will tease you for being a couch potato while literally wrapping you in blankets and spoon feeding you apple sauce😭 he loves it when you visit him in the garage, talking to you is like a drug to him 🥺💞
bo goes extra lengths to make sure everything is in order. when the time comes around to make a trip to the hospital, bo is loading up the truck with necessities and blankets and whatever else you want. he has vincent help him sometimes. and he doesn’t want you to question a thing 🥹💗 of course he’s doing this for you, baby girl. sweet thing, just get in the front seat and let him take control. 🌷
he sits with you and holds your hand or thigh in the waiting room. when the doctor comes around he sits up and shakes the doctors hand like a suburban dad before they take you back to do screenings and go over your symptoms and medications😭💗bo stays in the waiting room with his knuckles brushing over his chin, and watching the clock.
surprisingly, bo is extremely good at taking care of you. it mostly comes from him taking care of vincent and lester all those years. he is absolutely terrified at the possibility of losing you to any sickness you may have, but masks it with teasing words and his overprotective tendencies😭💗
vincent sinclair
he is very scared of being incompetent at taking care of you. he might go to bo for advice, and will feel guilty for not going with you to the hospital when the time comes😞🌷. he gets bo to get you a car to use when you need to leave for your appointments, and will not eat and barely sleep while you are away.
he gets some sort of communication between you two so you can update him when you are away at the hospital😊 this way he can know when things are going well, and get better idea of when you will be home. this helps his distress and separation anxiety a lot🤗💝
when you return home, you are going straight to your room. you aren’t even inside the house yet and vincent’s warm arms are wrapped around you, his hard chest against your back, his face in the crook of your neck breathing you in. you are finally home🌷 vincent takes your hand gently and leads you into your guys’s shared room, cuddling with you in the bed running his artist hands up and down your body.
he makes you little trinkets to bring with you to the hospital. he thinks of it as him being with you in a way, and sees it as protection 😇💕this also calms his separation anxiety in a way, and it gives him an excuse to spoil you in endless gifts, for his goddess muse 😩💞
since i think bo would generally leave y’all alone, vincent would be an excellent caretaker and really takes on the role of a mental support system. the texting is a huge help to both of you, if you are having anxiety at the hospital, vincent is right there to calm your nerves 😇💕don’t worry dear one, your darling husband vincent will always be by your side 🌷
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mysteriesmuse · 1 year
The Quirky Little Lady Next Door
I’m absolutely OBESSED with the idea of Bakugou having a quirky little neighbor. So here’s an absolutely random and spontaneous mess of headcannons
Bakugou himself always insists on living at the top floor. GREAT VIEW, GETS HIS STEPS IN, AND NO NEIGHBORS STOMPING ON HIS CEILING. 👏 rip to everyone who lives below him tho seriously
you’re the only other person around his age on the floor and you’re the most normal of the bunch. Seriously y’all deserve a reality TV Show up here on the 19th floor.
Y’all’s most notable floor mates being a retired grandmother, a newly wed couple, your staple office worker hippy man, an ex-boxer, a librarian, an eccentric recluse of a professor who teachers online. Along with serveral young families with children who love to run around the halls.
Bakugou gets used to it and truly love/hates it up here. 🖤
although he finds himself running into you much more than he’d like at first. you turn out to run on much the same internal clock as he does. Early bird.
you move into the empty apartment next door to him. and therefore you share the apartment balcony with him.
Bakugou never used to go out there
but now you’re out every morning cradling a cup of steaming tea, every weekend you take to the plants in their pots and you always pad over to his sliding door and knock, and shout, and pout about him picking your herbs or tomatoes . . . Katsuki used to just shrug and feign innocence until he started to enjoy seeing your squished up angry face outside his door. Now he gives you a devishly handsome grin before nodding and letting you in to share the delicious meal he’s made with herbs fresh from your garden.
Now Katsuki leaves his balcony door unlocked so you can feel free to let yourself in. Whether that be to share dinner he’s made, to drop off half a freshly baked loaf or bread or plate of extra sweets, or even when you come in screaming and spluttering in your bath robe about some vermin in your bathroom. (The later happens a lot. Both of you two still can’t figure out how these critters get up to the 19th floor like this)
loves to come home in the evenings from patrol and see you out there with your little blue light glasses doing work or occasionally taking an animated phone call to a friend. PS Katsuki has since dragged a foldable beach hair out there to bask in your presence
Bakugou has also learned how active you are. He quickly caught on to your early morning jogs at the local park near the building. Now Katsuki makes the effort to “walk out” the door the same time as you do. you always greet him with a surprised chirp when he starts walking out the building with you clad in his blank tank and cargo pants getting ready for his early morning shift at work. 🌤️🌷
Katsuki hates forgetting things, but loves when he runs out to get something he forgot at the grocery store only to see you chatting with the giggling kids in the hallway.
he wonders if you’d like kids?? U seem so good with them; the little ones that totter around chasing after the older siblings? Got him clutching his peck the way you squat down and offer a hand to help them back up into the game of chase or whatever the heck the whirlwind-of-shrieking-kids-in-the-hallway-game is?? U even do well with the teens. Even the bristling goth teen seems to make eye contact under their thick bangs and gives u a shaky lopsided grin. (he knows you’re good when you start giving them advice about how to prepare for college)
And damn it when the parents of the floor ask everyone who’s participating in Halloween so they know who’s doors to knock on for trick-or-treating he can’t help it. not when you beam and tell him that he wouldn’t even have to get a costume bc he’s already a real-life hero.
So mans probs shouts yes.
and Katsuki would normally hate being bothered to fix sinks or move furniture but he’s absolutely bitting back a grin whenever you nervously send him a text message asking for help
Bakugou almost always responds as fast as he’s able to and always show up in some tight fitting shirt to show off his muscles . . . as if he needed to impress you 💪🙄
and when he steps foot into your place it’s even more you than he thought from the goofy little paw print floor mat on the outside of your place.
it’s big and bright and bold and oh so color coordinating. there’s colorful throw pillows, and a cozy little bookshelf. And you’ve got dozens of trailing plants hung up on your curtain rods. And a sleek but childish Lego coffee table. And a step-stool in your kitchen, which you always use to fetch the instructions for the sink.
And everything is shining from the light hitting the disco ball in the center of your living room. It casts such an alluring light into your beautiful eyes everytime he steps foot into your place 🪩💖
it’s all so much more than his apartment. maybe you’d like decorating a larger space, an actual home? He’d buy you one in a heartbeat let you choose how to style the whole thing.
heck he even loves your bathroom. It looks so much more luxurious than his with the plush bath mats, even tho they’re identical twins of each other. trust me, Bakugou know bc he always hears you talking to the shampoo bottles in your bath abt your day when he walks in to take he shower after patrol . . .
but Kats is also a gentlemen despite his brash exterior and he’ll always dunk his head under the spray so fast that’s he just catches your mumbling tones
also loves the excited bounce you do when you come home to find a package at the door
or the first Wednesday of the month. Smt abt your show bc you always refuse the dinner offer at his place. . . luckily he’ll just show up with an extra at your balcony door. And it’s one evening when he rasps on your door that you drag him into the house by the hand and violently shush him as you shove him into place next to you on your couch.
or his favorite is when you got the pro being like :o when you absent mindedly snuggle yourself up next to his beefy arm after a news report with particularly big villain and tall glass of wine later it’s not like you missed him or were worried. nah nothing like that for sure . . . 🫶
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mirpuzzle · 1 month
I've been really curious about this, who are your top ten Yu-Gi-Oh characters?
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Hello! 🌷 Usually, I only have a few favorites. So, aside from the first three, the rest is constantly changing. I'll try to put them in order (all under the cut).
♡. 10 ── Carly Nagisa (5Ds)
What's not to love about her? She's funny, pretty, and a complete mess of a person. She gets in all sorts of trouble, all because she's trying to make a living. I like it when she gets screen time.
♡. 9 ── Noa Kaiba (DM)
He was my favorite as a kid, so I still have a special place in my heart for him. His story made me cry. He did not deserve that. He only wanted others to understand him. You're valid, Noa.
♡. 8 ── Yusei Fudo (5Ds)
It's rare for me to favor a protagonist. That's how you know he's good. This man is a blessing to Yugioh. He has a natural charisma that's impossible to ignore. He's perfect.
♡. 7 ── Bandit Keith (DM)
...I think. I have mixed feelings toward him. I don't even know why he's on this list. I keep going to him in games where Kotsuzuka is not there. So, that must mean I like him, right? I'm confused.
Cross Duel showed me he can be really nice to you if you help him win. I appreciate how he helps other duelists fortify their decks, using the themes they originally had instead of giving them a completely new deck. He cares.
While there's no excuse for what he did to Kotsuzuka and the boys, the fact that, behind that 'bad guy' front, there's a sad, broken man makes me feel bad for him. He deserves to heal.
♡. 6 ── Ryou Bakura (DM)
The anime doesn't do him justice. The more I learn about him through other fans and Duel Links, the more I like him. He's a precious cream puff who likes spooky stuff and is treated terribly by almost everyone. He deserves better (friends).
♡. 5 ── Divine (5Ds)
This man is terrible in every way, and that's the point. I hate that his character was designed to be hated. He gets no backstory, no redemption arc, no nothing. He's just there to be blamed for every bad thing that's ever happened. I pity him. He's the worst. I love this guy.
♡. 4 ── Thief King Bakura (DM)
PLEASE give this guy a break. He has gone through enough. The way he pulled himself back up after all that tragedy is impressive. Imagine how one skillful Thief became a Pharaoh's major threat. A Thief who brings up important moral questions that society seems to ignore (deliberately). He deserves to be heard.
♡. 3 ── Kiyoshi Takaido & Satake (DM)
They share third place because I can't have one without the other. I automatically started loving them because they're close friends with Kotsuzuka. I like that they care about him. These guys have so much potential to explore, and it's a shame we see so little of them.
They're not 'Keith's lackeys'. They're duelists in their own right. They have ambitions and aspirations. They just didn't get to be in the spotlight.
♡. 2 ── Yami Bakura (DM)
Sometimes switches places with Takaido and Satake but usually stays in second place. He's wickedly perfect. From his gorgeous design to how he pretends everything is part of his plan, even though he's literally dissipating into nothingness. He has the nerve to make empty threats that he never carries out. And I love him for that. No one can deny that he looks cool when he shows how evil™️ he is.
There's something beautiful about this ancient evil spirit dedicating his existence to fulfill his objective - all while showing us that he can enjoy normal human activities, like playing games. The complexity of his character captivates me. You can study him for hours, and it will still take you a while to figure him out due to his confusing lore. I like reading what other fans have to say about him.
The way he makes others suffer causes me to have mixed feelings. Sure, I love angst. I just wish there were some feelings involved.
Seeing him make enemies with almost everyone he crosses paths with makes me think he wants to keep everyone away, and that's sad. I want him to care about someone other than himself. I want someone to care about him.
♡. 1 ── Ghost Kotsuzuka (DM)
Yes, that one guy who's known for using Zombie-Type monsters. That short, spooky 15-year-old who walks around hunched over pretending to be a ghost, not realizing he's too cute to be scary. That naive boy who trusted the wrong person and then was unlucky enough to cross paths with the main antagonist. He's my favorite.
I love him. The way his eyes light up when he talks about the things he likes is adorable. I could listen to him gush about ghosts for hours.
His character tends to be frustratingly misinterpreted and overlooked. It's sad that some people think of him as nothing more than collateral damage to Yami Bakura's 'mischief'. He deserves better than that.
When you see past his 'side antagonist' role, you realize he's a precious little guy who's trying his best. Behind that ghostly, mischievous smile, there's a lost youth looking for guidance from a 'big bro' figure he can look up to, whether he realizes this or not.
Despite the differences in his characterization between the manga, anime, and games, one thing remains consistent. He grows into someone who wants to prove he can duel by himself.
But what does he get? Nothing but pain. Betrayed, deceived, ending up dead or lost in the darkness, condemned in almost every canon, with only his sentient Duel Links data to remember him by.
He only wanted to duel.
I'll stop here. Otherwise, I'll be talking about Kotsuzuka for hours. Thank you so much for the ask! ♡ Sorry that it took a while. I was struggling to organize what I wanted to say for some of the characters, and I wanted to add some art :3
Keep in mind that I've only seen Duel Monsters and the first half of 5Ds, so there are many characters I don't know yet.
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windrsr · 1 year
Hey (●’◡’●)ノ it's 🌷 anon here just wondering what the yandere's reaction to darling on period (if you don't mind)
I don't mind at all!
(Male Yandere OCs x Gender Neutral Reader)
•Henry - He pays more attention to your well being (for once) when you're in this state. He puts you in much more comfortable clothes (and even lets you pick out your own outfit), lets you eat what you want ('cause cravings), and helps you with anything. He's much more gentle than usual.
•Micheal - He groans and rolls his eyes. He can't make you do whatever he wants when you're in this state, so he gives you a break from his harshness (mostly). Instead, he makes you lay in bed all day, strictly telling you not to do anything without him or his permission. He gets everything for you and takes care of you, while getting you everything you need and want. He's annoyed the whole entire time, but he knows it will pass. When this whole thing is over, he will go back to torturing you all over again.
•Miru - At first, he literally thinks your dying and starts crying (poor thing-). When you tell him that this is just a normal thing that your body does, he starts to feel bad for you. He brings you tea, stuffed animals and his pet moth to keep you company. Miru is also worried because he doesn't want you to move around too much, so whenever you need something, he tells you to stay where you are and he'll get it for you. He has lots of questions about the whole period thing, but he wants you to rest and relax, so he doesn't say anything about it.
•Ryan - He's actually a little freaked out because he doesn't want to mess anything up when he's helping you. He's worried about you and starts nagging you on you needing to rest if you try to do anything on your own (lol you can literally get up and he will get mad).
•Loki - He already knew it was coming before you told him. Loki is a little cold about it, though. He expects you to take care of yourself and do everything by yourself since he doesn't know a lot about periods, but if you need any help, he'll try his best to aid you.
•Samuel - He's definitely more protective of you when you're in this state. He doesn't let you get up and do anything, wanting you to rest as much as possible. Samuel brings you food, drinks, and a heating pad for you incase you get cramps. He turns on the TV on for you so you can watch a movie as he sits next to you.
•Aaron - He tells you to stay at home and rushes to the store and gets you all kinds of stuff (pads, tampons, etc), and comfort items such as stuffed animals. Aaron promises he will stay with you for as long as you like.
•Tyler - He tells his boss and allies that he needs a couple of days off from his missions so he can be there for you. But he literally knows nothing about periods, so he doesn't know what he's doing or what you need to have. He tries his best to help, though.
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a masc [pre-teen optional] headmate/alter inspired by omegas from the omegaverse
is extremely messed up
because we don't stand normal people /silly
Sorry I took so long lol. Here 🌱 is!
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⟦ 🌱 ⟧ ⟣ Name(s): Trinket, Butterscotch / Scotch, Soleil, Biewer, Sprout, Russell, Eskie, Charlie, Chase, Silver, Toxin, Patchy, Spore, Gamma, or Comet.
⟦ 🍄 ⟧ ⟣ Age: Childgeless & Agefluix (Child part fluctuates between 9-14, rarely 15-16)
⟦ 🌻 ⟧ ⟣ Gender: Neonymboy, Demiboy, Pupgender, Slimeweirdo, Pathetipupboy, Radioactivedolboy, Mutagender, Experithing, Slimebodiment, Housepupic, Cutepupboygender, 🐶🫧emojicombic, Boydogthing, Softdogwolfial, and Dogbodiment.
⟦ 🥞 ⟧ ⟣ Pronouns (3rd): He/him, they/them, it/its, wag/wagself, h3/h1m/h1s/h1mself, h★/h★m, h♥︎/h♥︎m, h⨳/h⨳m, 🐾/🐾self, muzz/muzzle/muzzleself, fluff/fluffy/fluffs/fluffys/fluffself (or fluffyself), bo/bone/boneself, howl/howlself, paw/pawself, growl/growlself, aw/awrf/awrfself, woof/woofself, play/playful/plays/playfuls/playfulself (or playself), lo/loyal/loyalself, 🦴/🦴self, 🐶/🐶self, 🐕/🐕self, thing/thingself, being/beingself, sli/slime/slimeself, goo/goop/gooself (or goopself), neo/neon/neonself, 🌱/🌱self, and 🍀/🍀self
⟦ 🍂 ⟧ ⟣ Pronouns (2nd): You/your/yours/yourself, y⨳u/y⨳ur/y⨳urself, goo/goops/goopself, and 🦴/🦴r/🦴rs/🦴self
⟦ 🐑 ⟧ ⟣ Pronouns (1st): I/me/my/mine/myself, Pi/puppe/puppy/puppine/puppyself, ⨳/m⨳/m⨳/m⨳ne/m⨳self, and 🦴/🦴/🦴y/🦴ine/🦴self
⟦ 🌿 ⟧ ⟣ Orientation: Achillean / Toric
⟦ 🌷 ⟧ ⟣ Species: Slime Being
⟦ 🧺 ⟧ ⟣ Role(s) & Abilities: Chameleon
⟦ 🍀 ⟧ ⟣ Source(s): N/A
⟦ 🍓 ⟧ ⟣ TransID(s): Transcanine, TransCSA, Transkidnapped, TransIM, Untouchable Entity (wishes their slime was fluid between being acidic and not being acidic), TransLPS, Permagroomed, Transmuteflux, TransSelectiveMutism, Disabledfluid, Puprace, Multihearted (wishes their main form had 3-2 hearts), Transjellyorgans (main form doesn’t have organs), and Transglitchedvoice
⟦ 🧸 ⟧ ⟣ CisID(s): Omega, Slime being, (semi-)Shapeshifter (h★ still stays “wet”, slimey, and greenish), short “hair”, green, and caninekin
⟦ 🍃 ⟧ ⟣ Paraphilia(s): AAP (Adult Attracted Person), Autophilia, Nepiophilia, and Canine🐾 (has their own ‘type’ revolving dogs)
⟦ 🍯 ⟧ ⟣ Personality: Muzz is an energenic ‘young’ being who loves to play with and talk others. He tries to be very loyal, respectful, and nonthreatening, which they sometimes struggles with. It can sometimes be very naive, but always means well as howl sees being harmful as a waste of time and energy.
⟦ 🌸 ⟧ ⟣ Interests: Bones, dogs, sheep & other fluffy / woolly animals, picnics, water, flowers, large sweaters, and other shiny items.
⟦ 🌻 ⟧ ⟣ Dislikes: Hot weather (melts easy/easier in hot weather), non dry food, people yelling (angrily), surprises, and storms.
⟦ 🥐 ⟧ ⟣ Signoff(s): 🐾, 🦴, 🐶, 🌿, 🍀, 🌱
⟦ 🥧 ⟧ ⟣ Other: Miscecanis, Fluid between Apple Strudel Scent and Vanilla+Milk+Honey Scent, Slime Omega, Gurgle Subvocal, and can occasionally Mimick Subvocals.
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(Creds) Main form ^^^ (prefers to wear loose clothes)
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Common dog forms ^^^
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Disclaimer: An headmate/alter does not need to be exactly as specified, and we do not support forcing an headmate/alter to be exactly as specified. Also, we are not responsible for anything that a headmate/alter made from this does. 
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tamelee · 23 days
Hi tamelee i got into an argument with someone about anime canon. I was wondering your thoughts about it? I dont rlly understand the meaning but how my friend explained it made me a bit angry because about a show i love is not canon in the anime
Hi~ Ah, well, people who actively use "anime canon" seem to be a bit passionate about it. I don't think it's anything to really take seriously though I've pissed people off before because my view on it isn't anything positive. But if you want me to be honest...
It means nothing and it’s just filler.
I guess a better term would be: “Filler episodes where the episode directors and scriptwriters tried a little harder to make it align with what is actually canon, but more often than not fail to do that because the intent behind such an assignment comes from a business perspective and very rarely out of creative passion.” (Unless you’re working on bahrito and no one cares in the first place.)
It's a bit long, but at least it’s more honest.
“Anime canon” says it’s "contribution" through either plot or information, but also “necessary” (lmao) to further explain what is in the Manga and truly canon (pfffft). So, if a filler aligns with the source material, then it’s “anime canon” otherwise it’s just filler. 
It makes no sense. Filler itself gives writers all the freedom to still align with the original source, the themes and messages set by the creator (and it should!), because story isn’t just about what happens (plot). That's why you can create a whole new arc as filler and still stay faithful to the original themes and messages by putting these characters in new situations. Why the hell wouldn't you want filler to have at least that? Isn't that the bare minimum regardless? (It is imo.)
Saying the anime deemed additional information to be "necessary" is disrespectful as hell. I very much doubt it’s a creative decision to suggest the Mangaka fails to provide enough exposition- therefore it’s business. We as audience aren't their priority, as well as the story not being the priority for parts of the audience. Look at the Naruto filler-lists now, it’s a mess. Several different people have gone ahead and edited them any way they please.
Yeah, it’s very smart I’ll say that. But I refuse to acknowledge it as long as the intent behind it is to throw aside someone’s lifework. Talk it out with your friend though. All this shouldn't be something to fight about with friends. Arguments and discussions online are already subtly/not-so-subtly encouraged for the sake of buzz and engagement, I'd hate to see that happening between friends. Take care Nonee 🌷
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hanafubukki · 4 months
When Lilia goes on a date with Mc but Grim’s babysitters (AKA Adeuce) are not available, BUT Silver and Sebek are.
This whole video was just in my mind, kind of adorable.
Them saying Grim won’t be much of a trouble, only for the couple to go back with half the lounge burned.
And Lilia is just “well done boys! Now clean this mess” because his date was also kind of full of shenanigans and he’s tired.
Fun fact, Professor Venomous and Lord boxman are gay.
Hello Anonie 🌸🌷🌺
That video was so funny 😂
Sebek has new respect for MC because they had to live with him. Silver, well, you could tell he’s even more thankful for his gentle animal friends. 🤣
Lilia can’t say his life isn’t fun that’s for sure 💞😂
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queer-mental-health · 4 months
another vent: i remember staying a school for a day to see if i liked it, that’s a thing some schools do for an application process, and this school was kind of bigger and in the city. so i got to see queer people my age for the first time in forever. openly queer teens who dress alt and play around and have fun. and there was this boy, and i’m pretty sure he was trans.
he passed pretty damn well and seemed really happy and he was talking with other alt/queer people. and this might sound weird to say, but i felt like a starved, caged animal looking in through a window at a domesticated mutt. i haven’t seen another one of me in so long and i’ve been closeted for so long. i think i understand now, why old queers used to risk getting busted by cops by going to mafia-owned bars. sorry if all of this was weird to say.
i just feel kind of lonely hanging out with cis people. i can’t really get in with the boys because they’ll never see me as a boy no matter what, and i feel kinda uncomfortable hanging out with girls because ill never really get them either. but the boys in my grade here are a bunch of jackasses and the girls feel just as disconnected, but i still care about them. i still like my friends but i don’t know what they might do if they knew.
little bit of trans joy for enrichment cuz this was a downer: once in the mirror i had on two backwards sports bras (i know it’ll mess up my ribs but i used to wear like… 4? 5? normal bralettes on top of each other to physically minimize and squish down my chest and i think the sports bras are an upgrade) underneath my favorite shirt my dad gave me, and my chest actually looked flatter. it made me happy. it was really nice. i haven’t done it since, but i liked it a lot.
— 🌷 anon. well wishes, blog owner
It definitely is great getting to meet other queers your age for the first time. I'm so glad you got to experience that and at the same time I'm sorry about how you feel lonely with cis people. Everyone has their people though, and I guess you found yours. That's great!
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amourlyns · 2 years
⠀ 「 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞. 」
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⠀ ━━ 🌷 💕
✦ 𝗦𝗨𝗠𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗬 ⨟⠀ You haven’t talked in so long, you thought he’d put you in the past by now
✦ 𝗣𝗔𝗜𝗥𝗜𝗡𝗚 ⨟⠀Octavio 〞Octane 〞Silva + fem!reader
✦ 𝗔𝗨𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗥𝗦 𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗘 ⨟⠀Part two of one ➜       masterlist
✦ 𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦 ⨟⠀ Suggestive commentary Alcohol Vomiting
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⠀ ★ ⠀ | ITS BEEN TWO WEEKS SINCE YOU’VE seen Octane and yes, you have been counting the days. surprise, surprise! how the hell can he waltz into your life again and ghost you after? God. He’s infuriating
So, instead of texting him back like any normal person would you decided to go clubbing, clubbing at the very club his fans said he would go to actually— you were going to confront this man, whether or not he likes it.
It was odd y’know? the club he decided to show up at was the very same club you met him in, it must’ve been a coincidence— but you couldn’t help but reminisce let’s not for get that reminiscing got you in this predicament in the first place.
You push through crowds of dancing bodies, there’s nothing but weed, drugs and sweat. All of octanes favorite things another thing was you his stem. The air is thick heavy with intoxication, the smell seems to haze your mind. The smell of tequila floods your nostrils— good gods these people could drink. But hey, this is the party scene of Solace in what would you expect?
Time goes by fast— somehow you ended up taking a few shots, because who can say no to such persuasive party goers? one turned to two and two turned to five. By now you were drunk, damn that tequila was strong! A kind fellow lead you towards the couches, urging that you’d take a few moments to rest and collect your thoughts. Words slur but he can tell you mean well as you say 〞 thank you. 〞
You ended up passing out, about four hours passed and it was three fourty two a.m, the party was still going on for some reason and despite this you still haven’t found Octane, and to add on to that your head was pounding. You take a few seconds to close your eyes but the caving of the seat to your side causes you to open them slightly, gazing at the stranger who decided to sit right besides you.
❛ Damn chica, didn’t think you’d still have that party animal in you. What are you even doing here? ❜ something about his loud, obnoxious voice wasn’t mixing too well with your excruciating headache, it’s funny because he gives you some medication for the pain, along with some water. He reads you like a book. All he does is smirk, watching you that same look again from two weeks ago. That adoration
You take the medication, making no intention to talk to the legend, instead you stand up making a b—line to the nearest exit. Octane is still sat down, watching you with a small smirk.. What is he laughing at? Oh— fuck.
You must’ve stood up too fast, the world starts spinning again and you run to the nearest toilet. Thankfully, you still remember the layout of the club like the back of your hand. He follows you, holding back your hair as you vomit. A gloved hand rests against your stomach, drawing soothing circles on heated skin.
You whisper a small thanks, wiping off the remaining residue from the corner of your mouth. A small shiver runs down your spine at the touch, you respond with pushing back the daredevil. A frustrated huff escapes your lips as you gaze at his dopey smile.. why did he mess around with you like this? coming here was a horrible idea!! You should’ve left hours ago—
❛ What’s with the long face? And, that hurt my feelings by the way, I held back your hair!! ❜ Octavio utters, now you feel even dumber and sorta pissed? Why is he such a dumbass? ❛ I came here to find your ass because you wouldn’t answer any of my texts! Who the hell kisses someone like that and just leave like that Octavio—? stop running away from me dammit. ❜
It all just slips out, all those feelings you had bottled up for the past two weeks. His expression softens, brows furrow and lips contort into a pout. Is he sorry?.. He doesn’t say a word when he leads you out the bathroom.
Octane is always on the go, you could hardly keep up with this pace, he’s dodging and weaving party goers and you’re stumbling over your feet! He really was on a mission wasn’t he?..
You ended up at your place, he offered you a ride and you couldn’t find it in you to say no to him Tavi opens the door for you as stumble in, he follows your tail soon after, a firm grip is on your waist. He steadies you to a halt, you’re confused at first— what did he want? But then he holds you, carrying you bridal style to your bed. He lays you down placing a small kiss on your forehead.. just like that one night
❛ Fuck chica.. you know I’m not good with words— so just let me talk for a second ok? Un momento. ❜ you couldn’t even process what he was saying to you, the only thing that caught your attention was the way held you, must’ve been serious about this— And he was you could see it in his expression, the way he searches your face for any displeasure… he was sweet.
❛ I got scared ok?! I didn’t know what to do or say, so I left. it’s what I’m best at aye? What do you think these legs are for bebecita!.. ❜ a pointed look. ❛ Right, right bad joke—sorry not sorry. Mierda, I wasn’t expecting to see you at the party tonight and Che would’ve told me to fix my mistake and talk to so now I’m here. In your bed. Talking to you. I texted you up that night because I missed your face, your voice.. tú eras el paquete completo, mamá. ❜
He felt like this the whole time..? why didn’t he— you’re stopped before you can finish your mental rant. Octavio kisses you, and damn he’s good you almost forgot how good he was you kiss back with the same amount of vigor, this was good right? You both got the happy ending you wanted.
❛ I missed you. ❜
❛ Me too tavi. ❜ now that answered your question.
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heymrspatel · 1 year
Oh hey, I'm a nun (friends call me anon) and i just- *slips and falls ass first*
💚♥️💜❤️*crash noises*🖤🧡💛💚💙🕊️*oh no, I'm making a mess!!*🐳🦛🦏🐑🐩🐖🌈*ba dooom*🏞️🌲🍀🌼💮🌸💐🌹🌺*aaaa*🌻🏵️🌷🌾🌿🌱🍃☘️♥️💞💕💓💘💝💖🖤💗*wheeeeeee*💜💞💌💕💟❣️💋🌟✨💫😇😘🥰🤩😌*nooo*💖💝💘♥️🌱💜
*phew* SHIT IM SO SORRY JULISSA I DIDN'T MEAN TO SPILL ALL MY AFFECTION IN YOUR INBOX. apologies. I hate when that happens. 😭😭
Well, whatever. I'm gonna leave it all here 😪
*drops some more while leaving*
*my bad* 😌
hhhwhy is this so cute?! i can't explain how giddy this made me! *slips and falls ass first*
i love this spillage! i appreciate it! thank you for making a mess, thank you for leaving it here 😌 hey don't leave! where are you going? please sit with me here in the middle of mountains of flowers and hearts and animals! 💙
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ofmermaidstories · 2 years
wait can you, like, imagine double dates with something!reader and deku + surrender!reader and bakugou?? they’d be a certified mess— but like in the best way possible. just deku and weeds being extra nice while bakugou and scribbles just annoy each other with snide/joking comments. or like both readers imitating what their s/o’s hero persona??
also like imagine bakugou’s reaction when scribbles and weeds start getting along— he’s totally do the ohmygod she’s a bad influence until he gets used to them being besties (or like good friends idk)?? bad weeds and scribbles teasing both of them together agsjdhdh brain rot !!! I can’t wait till shouto and his y/n join the gang ?? I dunno, what’re some interactions/headcanon’s you have about the y/n’s and their boys? I’ll take an slice anything, really
there’s something so joyous and celebratory about seeing these heroes have normal home lives with normal people— like in the manga/anime we see them suffer and train and train and do very little of anything else. but your in another life fics just give them the softest epilogue and just reading and imagining them makes me so fucking happy
In my original outline for the very last chapter of something (just like this) I had like, a part in there where something!Reader/Scribbles was like, “when am I going to meet this florist of yours eh??”, like, just kind of poking fun at Bakugou, and he was going to reply with something like, “‘m not letting Weeds near you, you’re a shitty influence” but i didn’t like it so i axed it 🥹 Now in my outline they just talk about Deku (boring….)
(Scribbles and Weeds become besties anyways and Scribbles is deliberately like, “you should leave him bestie, you can do so much better, marry a nice farmer with a big farm by the sea who grows you flowers for the shop” and Weeds is just like, “????????? but i…. like my Blasty????????? 🥺 ?????? ????????” while Bakugou, who very clearly heard everything because Scribbles made eye contact while grinning, just has to grind his teeth while Deku starts prattling on whether a farmer/florist duo could turn a profit in a similar operation)
I do see Bakugou getting salty when Scribbles and Weeds become BFFs because it’ll be like… cementing that tether he and Deku have with each other LMAO. I just know Deku is imagining he and Bakugou and Shouto and the Y/Ns like, spending these big noisy Christmases together at his house with all their other friends and whatever kids come along and karaoke and food everywhere and like… tears up at the thought LMAOOOO lsdkfjsldkfjl. ahhh deku… ya nerd. all he wants is absolutely everything. 🥹 anyways, Bakugou’s also actually going to like Shouto’s Y/N a lot more, straight off the bat, because he finds them significantly less annoying (mostly because Y/N is tormenting Shouto and doesn’t even know it LMAO).
I make it sound like Bakugou and Scribbles don’t get along. Scribbles will enjoy teasing him, by the end of something—and he will take it on the chin, no matter how he barks back. The two of them are going to come to understand something very fundamental about each other in that last chapter and it’ll bond them (reluctantly) in a way that doesn’t happen for any other Reader/Hero combo.
(but i’ve promised a hundred happy endings right? so on that note, re: double dates, by the time any of them have the chance to properly do date nights it might as well be a triple date with Shouto and his Y/N—and it will be chaotic and noisy and the first one will absolutely get gate-crashed by their other friends and Bakugou will swear up and down that he’ll never do that ever, ever again—cue to them all a couple of years down the track, at one of their monthly banquet lunches at Deku’s house; it’s noisy, there’s a couple of babies underfoot—food everywhere. A tiny happily ever after, that they get to repeat, over and over again.🌷📖🌾🌊✨)
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lullabytaeyong · 2 years
Txt Agere Series Part Two
🍼 Morning Aftermath - R!Kai R!Beomgyu
🌷 No tw
Summary: After Kai’s tough morning he and Beomgyu get to spend some time in their happy place where it’s warm and cuddly. Although Beomgyu usually causes the mischief, Kai is the one to get in a little bit of trouble.
ao3 link
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Beomgyu was thrilled that their sudden work plans were canceled. He had already regressed on accident not too long ago and didn't want to pull himself out of headspace, but at the time he didn't have a choice. Now, he could find his favorite jammie's and put on his favorite show with his favorite stuffie in his arms. Alone in his room, he dug through his closet for his big lego's and animal figures. He was half dressed, forgetting he was in the process of changing when he started looking for his toys.
Beomgyu liked to regress by himself for a little while before joining whoever else was little. The secret introverted side of him showed more when he wasn't big Gyu. Yeonjun and Soobin made one rule for him, and that was to keep his door halfway open. It was a negotiable rule, since Beomgyu deserved to choose how much privacy he wanted, but he usually followed it. Sometimes he'd go to Yeonjun and Kai to tell them he was going to keep his door shut while regressing and agreed that they could check on him periodically.
This all came to be after Beomgyu developed a habit of falling into baby space all alone at night. With his door shut tight, no one could hear him whimpering or shuffling around his room looking for the things he needed. There was one incident where little Beomie was very sick, but big Beomie had said he was just going to rest and that he wanted to be left alone. No one knew that poor Beomgyu woke up in the mindset of a two or three year old after his quick nap. He couldn't get warm, got sick in his bed and struggled to speak up enough for anyone to hear him. That evening when Taehyun and Soobin found him curled up near his head board, trying to avoid the vomit on his sheets, they nearly called an ambulance from the state they found him. Pale, feverish and weak.
Beomgyu struggled to convey that he wasn't delirious from being sick, he was just so little and so sick at the same time. The moment he climbed into Soobin's arms he started to cry saying, "Needed Papa. Needed Papa but door." The next day when he felt a little better, the rule was put in place.
After obtaining the legos, Beomgyu wrestled himself into his pajama shirt that had a graphic of Bluey and Bingo on it. They were some of his favorite characters. He took his care bear stuffed animal, Bedtime Bear, and tucked it under his arm to hold while he played. He started to stack up his big legos into a unique castle sort of building, pretending it was a house for his bear.
"How's it going in here?" Soobin poked his head around the door with a smile. Beomgyu whipped his head around and giggled, bouncing up to give him a hug.
"Look!" Beomgyu chirped, pointing to his hard work.
Soobin awed at it, trying to ignore the mess Beomgyu had made everywhere else. It was impossible to avoid such a mess when little Gyu was around. He had trouble focusing on tasks and when something new peaked his interest, whatever he was doing before was simply abandoned. Yeonjun was prone to stepping on small toys and Taehyun liked to put things in his mouth to bite when he was little, so they tried their best to remind him to clean up before moving on. Luckily, most of the mess usually stayed in his room.
"You're so creative, Gyu! Can I join you?" Soobin asked cheerfully. Beomgyu grinned and nodded his head, plopping back down on the carpet.
"Can you make him a bed?" Beomgyu asked, referring to his bear with a pat on its head.
Soobin agreed and got to work. He listened to Beomgyu's cute hums and lip trills that reminded him of a little bird, as he constructed the bed. Beomgyu babbled on about how about how Bedtime Bear needed a bed because he was very sleepy and started to make a 2x2 tower in rainbow color order. He loved making patterns with his blocks when pretending got a little bit boring.
"Ta-da! Here's Bedtime Bears bed." Soobin announced, sliding the creation over.
"Yay!" Beomgyu cheered, instantly putting his bear in its new bed. Soobin ruffled his long hair and combed it back to normal with his fingers.
"I wanna see Taehyunnie and Kai." Beomgyu said, his eyes roaming around his room.
"Sure! I don't think Taehyun's regressed, though." Soobin responded, standing up and giving his hand to Gyu to pull him up as well.
"It's okay, I wanna paint pictures."
Soobin was hesitant towards Beomgyu's idea. Painting was a fun activity for all the boys when they felt small and always ended up in disaster. During the warmer days of the year they set up the paint and paper outside on their balcony. That way they could avoid splashes of color on the walls or furniture. But, today it wasn't warm. There was a bitter chill outside, accompanied with some wind. The shining the sun was deceptive in making it look like a nice day when it really wasn't.
"I'm not sure if we can paint today, honey." Soobin admitted softly. He had to fight off the urge to give into the puppy eyes Beomgyu immediately gave him.
"Whyyy." He whined, dramatically laying on the floor.
"It makes a big mess and it's too cold to go outside on the balcony." Soobin explained, hoisting Beomgyu up off the floor and holding him like a baby.
"But I'm good at it." The younger scowled. Soobin puffed out an amused laugh.
"You're right, you're our little artist! It's just, that we'll have to wait to do it another day."
That answer was good enough for Beomgyu for the time being. It wouldn't be fun for his paints to freeze. He let Soobin carry him out to the living room where Taehyun was talking to Yeonjun. They were discussing the lore about some video game.
"Hiiiii!" Beomgyu called out.
"Hi Beomie!" They responded with the same enthusiasm. Beomgyu slid out of Soobin's arms and pranced over to the two.
"Papa said no to painting. Wanna play checkers?"
"Sure! Get it all set up, baby." Yeonjun said, standing up to stretch.
"You're gonna lose!" Beomgyu taunted, dumping the game out on the floor and separating the black and red circles. The eldest joined him on the floor while Soobin sat on the sofa with Taehyun.
Alone in his room, Kai may or may not have been getting into a little bit of mischief. In the txt dorm long bouts of silence usually meant trouble. Most of the time it would be Beomgyu, not their sweet angel baby, Kai. The maknae had grown bored in his room and wanted to give one his stuffies a trip to the spa. It started out tame with a pretend manicure, but escalated into dunking one of his small Molang's in the nearly overflowing sink.
Huening Kai managed to sneak into one of their bathrooms and shut the door. He plugged up the sink and watched it fill up with soapy water. He also used up the last of Soobin's shampoo for the bubbles. It smelled really good, but he knew he couldn't eat it or else his tongue would taste all funny and gross. Kai then proceeded to dunk the poor little Molang into the sink, creating a huge splash that soaked his shirt. At first he had gasped and froze, expecting to hear someone calling his name to scold him, but he didn't, so he did it again.
Leaving Huening Kai unattended was Yeonjun's first mistake, the second was leaving out his expensive moisturizer. The product was the perfect face mask for Molang, but made Kai's hands feel sticky. He continued to massage different soaps onto Molang's body and dunking him in the water. It looked like a literal tsunami had rampaged the bathroom. His fun couldn't last forever, though.
Huening Kai gasped when door suddenly swung open and he met eyes with Yeonjun. His hyung's mouth was agape, as he took in the disaster. Kai squeaked and kept into the bath tub, swiftly pulling the curtain to hide himself.
"Oh my god...Kai!" Yeonjun exasperated. His voice traveled to the living room where the others were still playing games and caught Soobin's attention.
"That can't be good." Taehyun muttered, following closely behind Soobin. Beomgyu didn't really care, he got in trouble all the time. What's the big deal? He went back to sorting board game  pieces by color.
"What happened?" Soobin asked, popping into the door frame with Taehyun. He half expected to find out Kai had an accident or something.
Yeonjun had his back to them and held one of Kai's plushies that was dripping with water and suds. He sighed to release the frustration he didn't want to take out on Kai, who was still hiding. The floor around the sink had a huge puddle extending around the tiles and soaking into the bath mat. There were soap bottles and globs of lotion and conditioner littering the sink that was full of water.
"Yah! Huening Kai, come out from there." Yeonjun instructed. They heard one of Kai's limbs hit the side of the tub, followed by a whine and quiet 'no'.
"Don't make me count, Mister." He threatened, although it held no ill intent.
Taehyun rolled his eyes and pushed past Yeonjun to get to the tub. He pulled the curtain back to reach down and hoist Kai out, but paused when he saw him curled up in a tight ball. Their baby was always very sensitive and often didn't understand why some of his actions upset others. To him, playing with water was harmless. He even did it where water belonged!
"Soobin hyung, I think you should handle this one." Taehyun said, retreating back to the living room, tugging Yeonjun along with him.
"Baby, come talk to me. I won't yell." Soobin said calmly. He tiptoed over the puddle and sat down on the edge of the tub, reaching down the pet Kai's hair.
"What were you doing in here all alone?" He asked.
"Playin' with Momo..." Huening Kai muttered.
"Mhm." Soobin hummed. "There's quite a mess in here, I know Molang didn't do this on his own. You're going to help me clean up, okay?"
Kai realized that Soobin wasn't angry with him and hesitantly uncurled himself. He stepped out of the tub when Soobin turned around to grab a used towel off the rack.
"We'll use this one since it's already dirty. Clean up the water on the floor with it and I'll wipe down the sink." He explained gently, handing the fabric off.
Huening Kai kneeled and did his best to get the towel to cover the entire puddle. Then he patted at it with his palms while Soobin stepped over and around him, cleaning.
"Good job, baby." He complimented.
Once everything was dried up and the sink drained, Soobin helped Kai get into a new change of clothes and held him on his bed. He was glad his baby hadn't cried. Scolding them as they bawled their eyes out was the worst and made Soobin feel incredibly guilty since this was supposed to be something that helped the boys de-stress.
"I think cleaning up your mess was good enough discipline for now, but your Appa might not let you have dessert tonight. Do you understand why?" Soobin asked, running his hand through Kai's hair.
"Nuh uh." The maknae pouted.
"Well, you should only play with water during bath time, or when you're outside, or at a pool. The sink isn't big enough for all that splashing you like to do." He explained, lightly chuckling at the last part.
"It gets very messy very quickly and you could slip. We don't want you getting hurt. If you want to do something that makes a mess you need to ask us first, okay?"
"Mhm. Okay." Kai nodded against Soobin's chest.
"No one is mad at you. Not for this morning and not for your little impromptu spa day with Molang. We all make mistakes." Soobin concluded.
Huening Kai nuzzled his face against Soobin's shoulder and let out a content sigh, his eyes falling shut. He would have to wait a few more months for it to be warmer outside so he could play in water. Soobin sometimes wished they lived closer to the equator where it was always warm. He loved having water fights with the group under the bright sun, and his own personal little side liked to nap outside. Kai's uncharacteristic mischief made suddenly sense to Soobin. They had been cooped up inside to avoid the frigid air outside for so long it was no wonder the boys were getting a little stir crazy.
"I think we should visit that fun indoor playground with all the trampolines that we filmed to-do at. What'd you think?" Soobin thought aloud.
"Really?! No camera an' no game?" Kai asked excitedly.
"Really. Just us five running around having fun."
"That sounds good, Appa. Can Molang come?"
"Sure, why not." Soobin smiled, giving Kai a squeeze
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homemade-clones · 9 months
For my beloved Cheese: 🍂, 🌻, 🍀, and 🌷
OC flower asks
Hiii Steph! Of course, some special lore about the sweetheart coming right away!
🍂 Does your OC view piles of dead leaves as a mess or as fun?
It really depends! On what, you may ask? Well, if he's the one raking them or if it's just a pile he came across. If he's the one on rake duty, he naturally sees it as a chore and the stacked leaves as the result of his hard work (made ever harder by the efforts of Aid of repeatedly jumping and running through it). It's tiring work, and in the end he just wants to get back inside, take a shower and enjoy a hard-earned tea and nap. But if he just came across it (or someone else left the pile of colorful, crunchy fun unattended)? It's leaf diving time! He loves everything about the seasonal experience: the whimsy, the colors, the earthy scents, the satisfying crunch of rolling around, the delight of a pile so big he disappears inside! He feels like a cadet again, really. And if his vode, Aid or his mesh'la (or all of them together!) are with him to join the fun? Oh yeah, paradise right there.
🌻 Where would your OC get lost in the moment/beauty of the place?
Deserts! The squad is sent to the most different biomes during missions, but desert planets always manage to take his breath away (and not because of all the dust, hah). It never ceases to amaze him how life can, somehow, thrive in a place so opposite to the one he grew up in. He's fascinated with all the different ways plants and animals find a way to adapt, and then all the people with their civilizations and cultures! Sometimes he wishes he was more artistically inclined, like Gaze or maybe even Charm, so that he could capture the way deserts make him feel and put it down in images; just writing about it in his little stories and poems doesn't feel like it's enough, sometimes.
🍀 Would your OC spend hours looking for a four leaf clover?
Just for the sake of it, on his own? Not really, he'd rather take a nap or just relax in bed if he has that much free time. Force knows he needs all the rest he can get. But if he's already out – say, camping or (for some reason) hiking with his vode or partner – and they suggest the activity? Sure, why not? But then it's more about enjoying the company of his loved ones than looking for the clover.
🌷 What is your OC's favourite flower and colour?
Cheese's favorite flower is the blackfoot daisy! He finds them lovely, and stumbling upon them when outside is a sure way to lift his spirits, even if just a bit. He wishes they could be easily grown indoors, so that he could keep them always in sight, but so is life, and he makes do with the holos he takes when out and about. And for his fave color? He likes green the best, the light, almost-neon variety!
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