#‘i have a very good memory’ either you don’t or you’re just being a dickhead on purpose
bornafter1993 · 2 years
just quit my job yall god bless it’s over
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usaigi · 1 year
The Miracle of Hanukkah
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Lunar sys au character cards | Read on ao3 | Read all chapters on ao3
Written for Hanukkah Bingo hosted by @aimmyarrowshigh and special thanks to @fdelopera to beta reading and answering all my questions
‘So I spoke to our therapist–’
‘Great,’ Marc groans bitterly. 
‘Don’t be rude. I spoke to our therapist about maybe celebrating Hanukkah. Birdy, Jake and Jacobito made a comment about not remembering it at all so I think it would be fun if we did something.’
‘No? What do you mean no? It’s Hanukkah, it’s fun! We could even do presents and–’
‘Marc. We talked about this, you can’t just shoot down my ideas for no reason. You need to talk to me.’
‘Presents are for kids, we’re adults. If we want something, we can just buy it,’ he snaps, sounding more irritated with every word. ‘Presents aren’t even traditional, it is an American thing to copy Christmas. What do presents have to do with a candle staying lit for 8 days?’
‘First of all, that’s the overly simplified version of Hanukkah that we tell goys, it’s more than that. Second of all, it’s not a kid thing, it’s part of our culture, and I don’t think it’s very fair that I hold all our good memories. It’s fun and I think we all deserve a little joy. Plus even if it was just a kid thing we have three kids in our system,’ Steven says defensively. Marc could still be a self-serving dickhead, but Steven is ready to fight for the kids. After all the bullshit they have to deal with, they deserve a fun holiday. They all do.   
‘Fine. You do what you want. You’re planning it though,’ Marc relents after a minute. 
Layla, the wonderful angel she is, is ecstatic over the idea. Apparently, in all their years of marriage, Marc has refused to celebrate any Jewish holiday and insisted he was “content with celebrating” (emphasis on the air quotes) her cultural holidays with her extended family. 
It had never felt right with her, telling Steven that part of intercultural marriage is celebrating both sides, not putting one culture above another. But like all “heavy” things, anytime Layla had pushed, Marc shut down. Eventually, she learned to drop it. 
No better time than the present to start a new tradition, Steven thinks. If all goes well, Steven hopes that the others will agree to do Tu B'shevat and Purim and so on. 
“So we just light the candles?” Jake asks out loud despite it clearly being a question for Steven.
‘Yes! And we have to do it before sunset because that's when Shabbat starts. We have to say the Hanukkah blessings and the Shehechiyanu first. I printed it out in roman letters for you, do you want to try to say it with me?’ Jake shakes his head quickly. ‘Why don’t I say it and you can copy me?’ Pressing his lips together and looking down towards his hand, Jake gives an uneasy nod. 
Steven sings, pausing after every couple of words so that Jake can copy, slowly reciting each blessing. 
“That was my first time speaking Hebrew…” Jake mumbles as he brings the extra candle towards the first candle and then the shamash.
Layla looks on, squinting her eyes. “I’m sure Steven doesn’t mind teaching you,” she says softly.
‘Yeah mate, anytime you want.’
“I don’t know, it's his and Marc things–”
‘Don’t be ridiculous, you’re a part of me, it’s an us thing.’ 
“I’ll think about it.”
After singing Haneirot Hallalu and Maoz Tzur, Steven pushes Jake to open his present. A metallic blue gift bag with tissue paper peaking out. With shaky hands, he gently tosses the tissue paper aside to reveal his gift. 
“It looks like Gatarina,” Jake says softly when he pulls out the sweater from the gift bag. It’s a black sweater with a menorah printed out on the center, with two white cats mirroring each other on either side. ‘Meowzel Tov’ is written just above it, along with a pattern of dreidels and hearts and stars and candles. “Thanks, I love it.” 
“Steven put something else in there,” Layla says, giving him a playful wink. 
With his lips pressed together, Jake reaches back into the bag to pull out another tiny sweater–much much smaller than the first. A navy blue sweater with a menorah and the phrase ‘Let’s Get Lit’ on it. “For Gatarina!?” Jake's face breaks out into a smile, eyes lighting up, immediately making eye contact with the fluffy kitty who is far more interested in playing with the discarded paper. 
After successfully bribing her with cat treats and (gently) wrestling her into the sweater( she loves it, Jake insists), Jake, Gatarina, and Layla group up for a family picture, commemorating their first day of Hanukkah. 
On the second day of Hanukkah, Birdy wiggles herself to the front as soon as she spots the present wrapped with bird wrapping paper. Birdy and Steven manage to stay co-con and sing the blessings together with minimal difficulties. 
‘Your Hebrew is pretty good,’ Steven comments, a bit surprised. She even knew that they had to wait for Shabbat to end and to recite the havdalah blessings first before lighting the Hanukkah flame.
‘Yeah, papi used to celebrate Shabbat with me at the hospital,’ she says with a small voice. Steven doesn’t pry, he would hate to ruin her smile. 
Unlike Jake, Birdy has no reservations about opening her gift, tearing straight into it. Birdy doesn’t even say anything when she realizes what it is, mostly just a high pitch squeal of excitement and full-body wiggles as she brings it up to her chest to squeeze it tight—her very own Squishmellow. A bird– of course –a seagull to be precise, eating a handful–sorry, beakful of french fries. 
“Aw he’s eating french fries because of Hanukkah. They’re fried in oil. I love him. And look, Steven, his name is also Steve,” Birdy hums.  
“Please don’t call him Steve. Jake and Jacobito are enough of a headache…”
Daniela, much like Marc, made it very clear to everyone that this whole thing was stupid and refuses to participate. “Gifts are for kids and a distraction from the true meaning,” she claims. “Eight gifts is excessive, mami only did one gift.” 
Steven squints, distinctly having memories of dad and himself opening presents in his room, under the cover of nightfall. But Steven knows better than to argue with Daniela, historically it has never ended well for him. The fact that she hadn’t thrown their menorah out the window was enough of a win in his book, and Steven learned early on to count even the smallest of wins. 
Daniela fronts that evening, using her time in the body to sulk by the fireplace with Gatarina in her lap and a glass of wine in hand. 
As the evening rain hits the window, the menorah stays lifeless and dim. Much like Daniela’s holiday spirit. 
Layla comes into the living room after some time, festive store-bought donuts and a gift in hand as a peace offering. She places the donuts on the coffee table and lays Daniela’s present next to her. 
“Steven wanted you to have this, he picked it out just for you,” Layla says and Daniela looks away. “Open it? For me?” Layla tries again, pouting her lips and giving her the biggest puppy dog eyes. 
Fine, Daniela rolls her eyes before tearing into the gift: a book. A cookbook, Sephardi: Cooking the History.
“A cookbook? Tell Steven I’m not his fucking mom, I’m not going to make him shit just because he buys me a book.” 
Dani makes gorditas. Sure it’s already almost nine but they’re European and their sleep schedule is already fucked up. The gorditas are similar to the pupusas Wendy would make, slight variations to the dough and how it’s typically fried, but the idea is there. A shell made out of masa harina and a variety of different fillings. Years may have gone by but memories are etched into her hands. Daniela still remembers what the dough is supposed to feel like, and how to flatten the disc by passing it from one hand to the other. She remembers all the Kashrut laws, even though it’s only Steven, Birdy, and Kid who observe them. 
She also remembers sitting at their kitchen table in silence, observing everything. How mami’s hand would get covered in harina, and how the wrinkles in her forehead would set, and all the subtle twitches her mami would make. Dani didn’t help, the risk of upsetting her with anything less than perfection wasn’t worth it. She just rested her head on her arms, careful to not even breathe louder than necessary. She just watched, careful to keep precise notes to carry on the tradition and her legacy.
“Why are you so serious?” Layla asks, looking over the lettuce she was tasked to shred. 
“No reason,” Dani mumbles. “Just thinking.”
“Do you want to listen to some music?” 
Dani nods. 
The gorditas turn out delicious; the crunchy outside with a soft bean and cheese filling: the cool lettuce and sour cream cutting through all the oil for the perfect balance.  
After dinner Dani even lets Layla help with making the buñuelos (by help, Layla gets to dust the buñuelos with sugar).
And as they slip their atole and take a nibble on their buñuelos, Dani can’t help but chuckle at all the sugar Layla has on her face, specks of sweet dust all over her mouth and nose. She reaches over, dusting off the sugar on the tip of her nose and kissing her lips gently. 
Daniela promises to be less grouchy about it next year. 
“Kid? Do you want to light the menorah?” Layla asks on the fourth day. 
“Yes please!” 
“Steven’s not co-con is he? He can’t help you with the blessings?”
“No, but I know how to do them,” Kid smiles softly but sincerely. 
‘Hey, Kid. Are we doing presents? Can I open mine too?’ Jacobito sneaks in as soon as Kid finishes singing the Hanukkah songs. 
‘Steven says there’s eight of us and eight days of Hanukkah, so we can each open one present every night.’ 
‘We don’t need to tell Steven everything,’ Jake says slyly. 
‘I don’t want to lie to him!’
‘No, not lie. Just don’t tell.’ 
‘I have an idea, maybe. Why don’t we play dreidel and the winner gets to open the present tonight?’
‘Órale vatito.’
Initially, they were going to play with matchsticks but Ms. Layla quickly came in to confiscate them. “It’s not that I don’t trust you, Kid. I don’t trust you and Jacobito with matchsticks and a game.” 
They use gelt instead. 
Layla offers to spin on Jacobito’s behalf, instead of trying to rapidly switch because that never ends well. Kid divides the chocolate coins into two even piles, going over all the rules with Layla and Jacobito. They spin, adding to the pot, taking half, adding more, taking it all. Jacobito screams in his head like Marc does when he watches sports, as if it would impact the dreidel in any way. 
With one coin left, Layla spins the dreidel one more time for Jacobito. 
The end game. 
The final spin to determine if he was still in the game or if Kid wins the pot (and the opportunity to open his gift). 
The dreidel spins, and spins and—
“Fuck!!” Jacobito cries forcefully making his way to the front, vaguely hearing Layla say ‘hey!’ in the background. That gives Jacobito an idea. And as an act of protest, Jacobito grabs a handful of gelt coins, roughly half the pot, and stuffs them all into his mouth. 
Exasperated, Layla extends her hand, palm facing up, and with great frustration says, “Spit it out.” Like a guilty dog, Jacobito turns his head from side to side, up and down. But as soon as Layla uses her serious eyes , the eyes she usually reserves for Marc when he’s being an ass, Jacobito lowers his eyes and spits all the coins out, covered in slobber. 
Layla, predictably makes a face of disgust at his spittal, but still gives Jacoboto a small kiss on the forehead. 
‘Jake? If it’s really important to you, you can open your gift. It’s okay with me…’ Kid mumbles.
‘No, you won. It’s not fair…’
Jacobito doesn’t fight when Kid asks for the front, so with his tail between his legs and head hanging heavily, Jacobito leaves to hide from his shame until, “Jacobito? Wanna open my present with me?” Kid asks, his gift bag already in hand. 
Jacobito nods. 
“Coloring books! And more pencils! Ms. Layla, do you want to color with us? Jake you too?” 
Jacobito nods again.
‘Of course, you know Hebrew. Is there anything you can’t do?’ Marc groans after watching Mr. Knight perfectly recite the blessings.
“No,” says Mr. Knight in their typical blasé attitude. 
Mr. Knight unwinds the ribbon tied around the box to reveal an elegant blue and silver fountain pen with ‘Mr. Knight’ engraved into the barrel. There’s a substantial heft and a nice balance to it. 
‘Can it be used as a weapon?’ They ask, twirling the pen in their fingers. 
‘I’m joking,’ says Mr. Knight, face completely flat. They both know that a pen is a far more deadly weapon than any sword. Rest assured, it could be used as a weapon in case of an emergency, but why waste such a personalized gift for something as trivial as murder?  
‘You’re not going to say the blessings?’ Daniela asks suspiciously, surprised to find Marc flopped on the couch instead of celebrating. 
‘Did you?’
‘Fine. Be an ass, I don’t give a shit,’ She sneers. ‘I didn’t want to do this either. But the kids are having fun so…I had fun. I helped asshole-Jake make empanadas this morning. They’re in the fridge, you just need to fry them. Open your dumb gift and have dinner with your wife y no handes chigando.’
‘I’m only doing this for Steven, and for the kids,’ Marc thinks to himself. They do deserve to be happy after all the shit they’ve had to live with. Nevertheless, it feels impossible. The blessings, the candles, and the present keep distorting into fear and pain and yelling. 
Marc’s grown, so why is it still so hard to open a damn present?
‘It used to be fun. As kids. Last time we had a real Hannukah was when we were seven and he was still alive,’ says Marc, telling Daniela what he can’t tell Steven. ‘She was always worse around this time. Seasonal depression, dad would say. I was stuck at home with her all break with nowhere to hide, and dad stayed at work late… I think if she wasn’t under so much pressure from the community she would have canceled all holidays. I remember one year she yelled at dad, going on about how I don’t deserve any gifts. He still gave me some, just made me promise to keep it secret… 
‘All behind closed doors, of course. Every year I was still expected to force a smile and pretend to enjoy our sorry excuse for Hanukkah. My dad would set up the tripod and we’d take a happy family picture and pretend like it wasn’t a lie. That my mom wasn’t sitting down because she was too drunk to stand up, or that my sweater wasn’t supposed to be oversized, that it wasn’t just because I was too depressed to eat.’
‘Your childhood sucked…’
‘Prima, we had the same childhood.’
‘Ha. Quit moping and open your damn present.’
The Chosen One, the box says. ‘Oh cool, it’s like Cards Against Humanity,’ Marc tells Daniela who nods along, mildly interested. He flips the box over to find a note stuck on the back with Steven’s handwriting. 
‘Happy Hanukkah, Marc. I know you’re going to say something rude, about how we don’t have any friends so this gift is pointless, but I was thinking that we can pick a question card once a day, and anyone who fronts that day can add whatever blue card they think is funny. Love you, mate. Happy Hanukkah.’
‘Jaaaaake,’ Birdy whistles, crying out for Jacobito in the inner world. ‘If you don’t come out I’m going to open your present for you~’
‘Nooooo–’ Jacobito yells.  
‘Are you done sulking?’
‘I wasn’t sulking,’ he pouts. 
‘Then what do you call hiding out and barricading your door in the inner world?’
‘Enrichment time in my enclosure.’
‘You want to front?’ Jacobito doesn’t answer. ‘I bet we put your gift aside and you can open it next time you front?’
‘Isn’t that against the rules? I thought the whole point was to open the present on Hanukkah or else they’re not even Hanukkah presents.’
‘So you do want to front?’ Birdy crips, swaying back and forth. ‘Steven’s not around, I bet we could get away with fried bananas and ice cream for dinner.’
Damnit, Birdy did know all of Jake’s secrets. 
Focusing, Jake takes the front. Concentrating on grounding, finding his center, all that hippie-therapist bullshit. Wiggle his toes, wiggle his fingers, name all the types of cars, Courvette, Ferrari Enzo, Shelby Cobra… There we go, grounded . Jake couldn’t feel Birdy anymore but he can always catch her up later.
Jake rips through the blue wrapping paper and–
“No fucking way!” Jake says out loud, instantly recognizing the signature box. He tosses the lid to the side, unboxing his new sneakers. Sneakers! Nike Air Force 1 High By You, with white hightops and soles, and the signature swoosh a royal blue. Jewish colors.
Jake had asked (begged) Steven for a vape, arguing that it was on theme for Hanukkah because of the oil or whatever, but Steven had said that sharing a body with Marc Spector already gave them too many douche points. Marc had a fantasy football league and unironically drank American piss beer, for crying out loud. 
Still, Jake never got to be a teenage dirtbag and do all the dumb shit that actual teenagers get to do. It was a stupid request, but Jake wanted it. He wanted to do all the dumb stuff Marc and Steven got to do. Like skip class to take a girl out on a date, or sneak out to go to a party and get drunk. Even now, all Jake can do is play video games and call dudes cringe for sucking ass in Fortnight.  
Layla raised her eyebrows. “This doesn’t mean you get to wear them indoors. You’ve still got to take them off when you come in.” 
Sure, sure. Whatever. The sneakers couldn’t give him the freedom he really wanted, but it was something. Something cool that made him feel like himself. 
The sun sets on the Lunar system's first successful Hanukkah. Marc joins Steven to recite the blessings before the two light all the candles. 
With her hands behind her back, Layla comes in to kiss their cheek and whisper, “Happy Hanukkah, habibi.”
“Thank you,” Steven smiles, taking the lid off the gift box. He pulls out the item, Layla taking one corner to help reveal the blue plush fleece blanket to its full glory. A blanket with everyone’s name, and ‘Lunar System’ written across the center. Kid, Mr. Knight, Jake, Jacobito, Birdy, Marc, Daniela, Steven, and Layla. 
His family. 
“Did you pick this?” Steven asks Layla eagerly, in awe of the thought. 
“I ordered it, but Marc suggested it.”
“Thank you, Marc,” Steven says out loud as Layla kisses their cheek. 
‘Don’t worry about it.’
“After Judah the Maccabee defended the Greeks in battle, the Jews returned to the Temple in Jerusalem and found only one day's worth of pure oil. That oil lasted eight days. A miracle. It should have been extinguished, but it didn’t, it burned on, bright, warm… it stayed alive. Kinda like we did,” Steven says softly to Marc, stroking Layla's arm as her head rests in his lap. She’d fallen asleep before Steven could finish reading her the chapter, but he doesn’t mind. 
“The body survived the physical battle against… mom’s abuse–” His voice cracks slightly, the words still taste like tar in his mouth. “And our brain survived the spiritual battle by doing what it needed to do. When it was too hard, it helped us survive. A miracle…”
‘When we were kids, you kept us safe–spiritually. The emotional parts kept us safe physically, but you let us live . Not just survive. You are our light, Steven. Thank you.’ 
Happy Hanukkah!
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thesunicarusfellfor · 3 years
Is there any chance youd write a part 2 in the future? Its absolutely cool if you dont want to but WOW this concept? Solid gold (no pun intended)
I honestly love how people reacted to this story. It was so fun to write and became my most popular story to date. I'm such a sucker for the gods and mortals forbidden romance trope is just chefs kiss. Also, puns are always intended. Hand em over.
This chapter doesn't really involve the reader much, it's kinda more of a filler but I want this story to become a series, which means shorter chapters to separate the story. This is just simply a lore filler chapter.
TW: Mention of amnesia, memories being altered
Send me a message via inbox if you wanna be added to a general or series tag list. Make sure to turn off anon, please.
Mortal of Gold (Yandere!C!Techno x GN!Shy!Reader x Yandere!C!Philza) Part 2
It was quiet, for once, but there was a soft wind blowing through the curtain-covered doorway that prevented most light from seeping through. Two figures stood in the other corner of the room, staring into the bronze bowl filled with liquid, watching the destruction they caused spread across the village of L'Manberg with darkened eyes narrowed into glares.
"They deserved it..." Philza murmured, likely to Chat who was resting on his striped hat, giving the odd little squawk or chirp every so often. He gave a sigh and popped a piece of bread he tore off into his mouth, giving a small piece to his whining bird afterwards.
"I don't think the mortals have ever seen you lash out at them in person... Usually, you just send your crows to destroy their crops when they annoy you." Techno chuckled softly as he stole a piece of bread from Philza which caused him to give an annoyed scoff and bat his hand away, "But-"
"YOU SUMMONED 10 WITHERS?" A voice boomed through the palace, causing Phil and Techno to sigh and back away from the dish displaying their destruction proudly, "AND KIDNAPPED A MORTAL?"
The blond rubbed his face and Techno took off his glasses while they both walked out the door. Walking down the polished quartz stairs, the two gods quickly came into eye contact with the source of the voice, as well as a few other visitors.
"You're just mad because we tried to kill your high priest, XD, don't pretend like you follow the rules either." Technoblade sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose before putting his glasses back on, "And the mortal is none of your concern. We just did something about it, unlike you fawning from a distance over your mushroom boy."
Despite the cracked mask covering the god's face, everyone around him knew he was irked from Techno's statement. The three other gods behind him snickered into their hands until DreamXD snapped his head in their direction, the thin golden ring halos around his head gained a red glow to them.
The two brunets behind him immediately snapped their mouths shut, but the blond kept snickering away to himself, causing him to get smacked upside the head by one of XD's floating hands before he turned and stormed out the door.
"Ow! Bloody dickhead!" The blond groaned and rubbed the side of his head. The God of Mischief and Determination, Tommyinnit, scowled in the direction of the maniacal god before turning back to his father and Techno, "Ay Dad. Didn't take you for the destructive type! I hear you pulled a Techno and wiped out a village with Withers!"
"Yeah! The explosions shook the entire Upperlands!" Tubbo, the God of Bees and Chess, cheered a bit as his bee buzzed around him, getting specs of pollen in his fluffy hair and decorating his small horns.
Chuckling to himself, the God of Music and Insanity looked behind him at the sandy ground covered in a faint black fog, "XD was throwin' a tantrum. It was honestly the funniest thing to watch," Wilbur adjusted with the guitar on his back, "So where's the little mortal you kidnapped?"
"They're under a sleeping spell at the moment while the amnesia spell sets in," Phil gave each of his sons a brief hug as a greeting, "Then we'll have to alter their memory so they don't panic, but they'll have to stay up here permanently, their mind could be shattered if they do return to the mortal world."
"Shattered?" Tommy repeated, reeling back slightly as Wilbur summoned a leather book in his hand, opening it and scanning through the words, "That sounds like a pretty violent backlash..."
Phil and Techno avoided Wilbur's suspicious glare as subtly as possible, pretending not to see it, "Well... Remember, they're a mortal. Plus the strain of their home being destroyed, getting robbed, then getting kidnapped by gods and being brought to the Upperlands... Who wouldn't go absolutely mental? Then if they see the remains of their old village, it could undo all the magic that was placed upon them."
"Makes sense to me!" Tubbo chirped, his small goat ears wiggling as he held Chat in his hands, "Can we at least see them now and visit them when they wake up?"
Techno tensed up a bit but realized quickly that two of the three of the gods visiting them were too young to consider dating, and the third one was married to a human that he was trying to turn into a merling. "I... Suppose so. Just don't be too loud or the spell will break."
Tommy rolled his eyes dramatically, but the feathers behind his ears ruffled slightly to give away his excitement. Although, he was much better at hiding it than Chat, Tubbo's bee TC (Twitch Chat if you're wondering), and Tubbo, despite the fact that Chat actively visited (Y/n). Wilbur didn't seem to care much, but there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes. Or that was his insanity kicking in.
The avian nodded and began leading his biological and adopted sons through Techno's palace, Chat chirping away in his mind. 'Gods, that bird doesn't shut up...' Phil rolled his eyes up to the sky for a moment before smiling a bit to himself, 'Better than everything being dead silent I suppose...'
"In here. Now shut up. The spell won't work twice in a row." Techno hissed quietly before moving aside the crimson satin curtains to allow his old friend's sons into his rarely touched bedroom. The quartz room was kept dark via similarly coloured curtains blocking the majority of the light from coming into the room, while still allowing enough so they could see. A canopy bed stood proudly in the center of the room with golden posts and pure white chiffon silk curtains swaying lightly with the blowing winds.
Phil and Techno couldn't help but smile softly to themselves at the thought of seeing you again, even if you were asleep and, at the moment, void of memories and personality. Techno led the way inside and gently hooked his fingers around the fabric and moved it aside to let the younger gods see the mortal they had saved from the cruelties of the Earth.
The three gods carefully took their time studying you, trying to find what had their father and the anarchist totally entranced. Their eyes carefully took the time to study your soft (h/l) (h/c) hair, your beautiful (s/t) skin, and your silk robes that were ombre from red to white, accented with the very golden accessories that the high priest had tried to steal. (They used magic to put you in the new outfit. They're yanderes not creeps.)
"Oh... They truly are stunning. Are you sure they're a mortal?" Tubbo frowned for a moment, straightening up and pulling Chat away from your motionless figure so the crow would stop trying to peck at your jewellery.
"What do you mean?" Wilbur frowned at the younger god, his adopted brother. This had also caught the attention of the other gods
"I mean... Don't think they're a mortal, or at least they weren't born one..."
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sparkypantaloons · 3 years
A Storm
“I promise you.” Bruce had said. “If you come home, I will keep you safe. I will keep them safe. I will keep us whole. I promise.”
Tim is taken. Each of his family react differently.
There’s a rushing in Tim’s ears. Like a waterfall. It’s so loud he can’t see. Can that happen? Can noise affect sight? He doesn’t know.
There’s a hand on his back. Gentle, but firm. He thinks maybe someone is talking to him, but he can’t see. He can’t see anything over the rushing in his ears.
No, that’s not right. He needs to start again. Try again. He squeezes his eyes shut tight, covers his ears, takes a deep breath.
“Tim?” Is it Bruce? Someone’s hands are on Tim’s arms, pulling his hands from his head. The person in front of him is stooping slightly, so they can look him in the eye. “Can you hear me?”
“'m fine.” Tim says. But his eyes can’t focus, it’s too loud in here. “I just need, I… just need t’sleep.” He grimaces, the noise too bright for his eyes.
There’s more sound then. Voices he thinks, but he’s not sure. He can’t see who they belong to. Then there’s a hand around his ankle, gripping him roughly. He flinches in the hold, starts to struggle as his shoes are removed. Then his socks. What is going on?
His feet? What about his feet? He tries to speak, but it’s so loud in here, he can’t form the words. A forehead presses against his, green eyes bore into his own. Jason?
Hands hold his feet to the floor, press down. More talking. It could be shouting now.
The hands let go of his feet. Move to his face. “Your feet, Timmy. Concentrate on your feet.”
Tim opens his eyes. Jason is still there, his bright green eyes, searching and insistent. “'m home?” Tim mumbles.
“Concentrate on your feet, Timmy. What can you feel?”
Tim closes his eyes again. His feet. He can feel… wood. Wooden floor. Wooden floorboards and the thin gaps between them. The Manor floor. The Manor.
“Yeah, Timmy.” Jason says. His hands move from Tim’s face, pull the teenager into a bear hug. “You’re home. You’re home.”
Leslie pushes her glasses back up her nose. Lets out a sigh. “It’s just going to take time, Bruce.” She says. She’s firm, as always. But there’s a softness in her eyes. A sadness. “Like all things.”
Bruce doesn’t speak. Just rubs his face with his hands. Hangs his head.
“Why is he so disorientated?” Dick asks. His right hand is still bandaged up, swollen, but it’s no longer bleeding through.
Jason sucks his teeth from where he’s leaning against the wall, his arms crossed. Leslie and Dick both ignore him.
“Sensory deprivation, especially for so long-- it can take a little while to recover.” Leslie is matter of fact. There’s no point mincing her words. “You have to take it slow.”
“Touch is best to start with.” Jason says, pushing himself off the wall. “It’s grounding.”
Dick, Leslie and Bruce look over at him. He shrugs. “It worked for me.”
A pained look crosses Dick’s face. Leslie interrupts before he can speak. “Let Tim lead, let him set the pace.” Her words hang in the air. “It’ll take time. But he’s strong.” She says. “He’ll pull through.”
Dick wakes up in a sweat, breathless. His right hand is throbbing. He tries to flex his fingers, flinches as his broken knuckles protest. It’s not the worst injury he’s ever had. Not by far. But the way he got it…
He shakes his head, tries to dislodge the memory of a shattered eye-socket, a dislocated jaw, a cracked skull. Tries to shed the jarring realisation that he broke his hand on a man’s face. Tries to make himself at least feel a sense of responsibility for the damage done. He doesn’t.
He makes his way to the kitchen, pads barefoot through the Manor. He pulls an ice-pack out of the freezer, holds it on his aching fist. The cold seeps into his joints, consumes the burn of displaced bone and absent guilt. He feels calmer.
Touch is grounding, Jason had said. Dick doesn’t want to think about how the younger man, his younger brother, knew that. Doesn’t want to know which one of a lifetime of traumatic experiences had taught him that little gem. But he can’t dispute it. The touch of the cold helps.
He makes his way back upstairs. Turns left, instead of right. To Tim’s room.
The door is pulled to. The most Alfred would allow. Bruce had been adamant about staying by Tim’s side, so had Jason, so had Dick. Alfred had refused all of them.
“Wayne Manor is the safest, most secure building on the eastern seaboard, if not the entire continent. None of you will do Master Timothy any good if you don’t get some sleep. He will be safe, in the meantime.”
Bruce had tried to protest, Jason had made threats, all but hissed at Alfred’s suggestion. The older man hadn’t budged. “I will stay with Master Timothy. In case he wakes.”
He wasn’t wrong. They needed rest, all of them. The search had been… long. Too long. Desperate, and increasingly frantic with each passing hour. And there had been so many hours.
He swallows down a memory. Of the howl that felt like it had been ripped out of his soul when they found Tim. Dick hadn’t even realised the noise had come from his own mouth, didn’t notice the tears of rage on his own face, as he took his hands to the men holding Tim captive. Broke his hands on the men who had taken his brilliant, darling brother. Locked him in the dark, alone, for too, too long.
Dick hovers outside Tim’s door. Holds his ear to the wood. He can’t hear anything over his own breathing, his own heartbeat.
“Just open it, Dickhead.” It’s Jason. He's dressed in a spare pair of Bruce’s pyjamas. Despite his size they're somehow still too big for him. It makes him look young. Too young. Dick stares at him for a moment before doing as he says.
The pair of them fill the doorway. Wait as their eyes adjust to the light in the room. Gloomy shadows fall in through the window; the blinds have been left open. Dick’s eyes scan the bed but his ears hear Jason’s breathing hitch. He feels the younger man go rigid beside him, knows his own body has responded the same. Because Tim is gone. Again.
Panic forces itself into what little space is between them, and Dick is only vaguely aware that Jason is gripping his wrist. Holding him too tightly, clinging onto him as though he’s scared one of them will disappear too.
A small cough brings them back to their senses. Alfred. The older man is sat in the corner of the room, by the window. A patient vigil in the dark. He nods to the far side of the bed.
Jason all but drags Dick with him as he marches into the room. They stop just past the bed. Tim is asleep on the floor. He’s curled into a ball, a single sheet held tight over his head. Dick only knows it’s him from the tuft of hair that’s sticking out.
He feels Jason let go of his wrist. The younger man stumbles backwards. He nods to Alfred then leaves the room, gone as quick as he entered.
Dick watches him go, a new worry blooming in his chest. He looks at Alfred, and the older man shakes his head sadly.
Jason is in his old room. His old en-suite more accurately. His knees protest against the tile as he wretches into the toilet.
I am safe, I am warm, I am whole.
He repeats the words in his mind like a mantra. Tries to control his breathing. He fails. Another wave of nausea has him wretching again. Acid burning its way up his throat.
A hand presses to his back and he flinches. He hadn’t heard anyone come in. Bruce places a glass of water on the floor beside him, pushes his hair back from his face.
Jason wipes his mouth on his sleeve, takes a shaky sip of water. Bruce rubs circles on his back.“Don’t.” Jason croaks, and he hates himself when the warmth of the hand is removed. He looks up at Bruce. “You promised you’d keep them safe.” He says, and he can’t keep the hurt out of his voice. Can’t keep the tears from his eyes. “You promised.”
“I know.” Bruce says. He pulls the younger man into a hug, holds him tight against his chest. “I’m sorry.” His son’s tears soak through his shirt.
Jason doesn’t know how long they sit there. Tangled limbs on the cold, hard tiles of the bathroom floor. Only knows that he needs Bruce to let go. He pulls himself out of his father’s arms, pushes himself to his feet. He needs to brush his teeth.
Bruce sits on the floor behind him, as Jason scrubs the bile and acid from his mouth. He presses too hard with the toothbrush, can taste the copper of blood against mint. But the dig of the bristles in the soft flesh of his gums is grounding. Reminds him he’s still alive.
I am safe, I am warm, I am whole.
Jason can remember sleeping on the floor. He’s slept on so many of them. The dingy corner of their apartment growing up, when all they could afford was a single mattress and Willis refused to let him share. The cardboard box by one of the subway vents behind the old Monarch Theatre. The floor of this very bedroom, the bed too soft for him to sleep in, threatening to drown him as soon as he fell asleep. Then the streets again, when he had wandered aimlessly after his death.
He can remember the dark too. Of being locked in a closet and forgotten for days at a time, when his infant crying became too much for Willis. Of his eyes swollen shut as the Joker beat the life out of him. Of his coffin, as he lay there screaming for Bruce to save him.
Jason’s life was a short but terrible history of hard floors and dark rooms and Tim’s was never meant to be like that.
They’d found him in all but a box, eight feet by eight feet by eight feet. There were no windows, the door had been soldered shut. He was being fed once a day. Some bread and water slid through a hatch in the wall, and a bucket too. Swapped out every 24 hours. Nobody ever spoke to him, nobody ever asked anything of him. No-one ever demanded anything from them either, neither The Bats, nor The Waynes.
He spits into the sink. Toothpaste pink with blood. He rinses his mouth. Splashes his face. Takes a deep breath.
They just took him and kept him. Because they could.
Jason had known people like that too, once. If he clings to it, it’s the only thought that makes him grateful Tim has been left alone for so long. Even as it leaves a bitter taste in his mouth.
Coming home, coming back to his family had been as painful and awful as clawing himself out of his own grave. An endless fight against the pit and its madness, that drove him to hurt the people he loved. An ongoing battle against the deep, deep wound in his heart that The Joker still lived. And a terrifying, haunting fear that he would lose them again. That after all they had been through, after he finally got his family back, they would be taken from him and he would be alone once more.
“I promise you.” Bruce had said. “If you come home, I will keep you safe. I will keep them safe. I will keep us whole. I promise.”
Jason turns away from the sink. Walks back into his room. Leaves Bruce sat on the cold, tiled floor.
Eventually Bruce pulls himself to his feet. Jason’s room is empty when he passes through. He doesn’t allow himself to wonder where he might have gone. Of all the broken promises he has made to Jason, he knows this one has hurt his son the most. That Jason’s single biggest fear is losing the family he has so desperately longed for, both of his lives. That Jason would rather never love at all, than love and lose it all over again. This time had been too close. For Jason. For all of them.
It had taken them too long to get a lead on where Tim was being held. Far too long. And even then, they couldn’t confirm an exact location. They’d had no choice but to split up. Cass, and Damian had joined the Titans on the West Coast. Dick and Jason had come with him on the East.
He pulls out his phone, checks on the location of Cass and Damian for the nineteenth time that night. They’re making steady progress. Will be in Gotham before sunrise. His arms ache with a desperate need to hold them, know that they are safe. To have the physical proof, that all his children are alive and breathing, in his hands.
It had taken him a long time to let go of Tim once they found him. To pass his sweet, brilliant boy over to Leslie, so she could check him over. Confirm he was okay.
Tim was older now than Jason had been when he… Tim was older, but he had still felt just as small and young and broken, when Bruce had lifted him out of that box they’d kept him in. Out of the darkness. His body weak and trembling.
It had been Tim who had been taken, but Bruce had looked at the body in his arms and seen Robin, limbs twisted and broken. Seen Nightwing, lips blue and heart stopped by a hand held to his face. Seen another Robin, sword run through him, splitting his battered body almost in two. Seen Red Robin, riddled with bullet holes, blood running out of every one. He had held Tim and seen everyone of his children dead in his arms. An endless cacophony of death.
He reaches Tim’s room. Stands in the doorway and hopes that Alfred can’t see him in the darkness. He tries to remember back to when he took Dick in. Tries to recall what, in the name of all the Gods, had possessed him to allow his child, his children, out into the night with him. Tries to remember how he reached the conclusion that he could risk their single precious lives for his own crusade. How he could risk their safety for a single second.
He steps into the room. Hears Alfred sigh from his seat by the window.
“Don’t ask me to leave.” Bruce croaks out. His throat is tight, trying to hold a tidal wave of emotion at bay. “Don’t.”
Alfred stands. “Of course not.” He says softly, and he gestures to where Tim is sleeping on the floor. “Did you get any sleep?” He asks.
Bruce doesn’t respond. Just stares down at Tim, eighteen but looking for all the world like the ten year old who had shown up on Bruce’s doorstep all those years ago. The sheet is twisted round his limbs, his face screwed into a frown.
“Why is he on the floor?” Bruce asks. Though he has a good idea already.
Alfred takes a steadying breath. “He’s been…” He pauses. “He’s been sleeping on the floor so long, it’s what he’s used to n—“ He cuts himself off abruptly, turns to the window away from Bruce.
Bruce feels a burn in his throat. Knows that Alfred is fighting down the same tears that he is. He places a hand on Alfred’s shoulder. “I’ll stay with him now. Get some rest.”
Alfred nods. Places a hand over Bruce’s but doesn’t look at him. “And you, Bruce.” He says and he leaves. Pulls the door closed gently behind him.
Bruce turns back to Tim. His darling boy. He kneels down, gently detangles the sheets from his son’s legs. Tim doesn’t stir. Bruce lies down next to him, lays the sheet over them both.
Touch is grounding. Jason had said. And it’s all Bruce can do not to pull Tim into his arms and never let go. But Leslie had said baby steps. So instead he settles for running his fingers through Tim’s hair and holding his face in his hands. Moves his head closer so he can feel the soft rise and fall of Tim’s breath.
This would have to do, for now.
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denkamis · 3 years
into the fire. (dabi x reader)
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warnings: this oneshot contains spoilers for the manga & swearing. it also describes burns & wounds in detail.
summary: you tend to dabi’s wounds after a small altercation with some pro-heroes. (takes place sometime after ch 290).
notes: fluffy dabi content written for a friend per her request <3 if u couldn’t tell, i have no fucking clue how to write him so pls bear with me. i’ve written like headcanons for him a bit so— either way, hope u like my first oneshot posted here :,))
word count: 1.4k
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Information spread like wildfire. As soon as Dabi unveiled himself as the son of Endeavour, there was no turning back for him. The whole world knew, and that further skewed their once unshaken perspective of pro-heroes. Everything was crumbling before your very eyes. The society of heroes that was previously trusted was now brought to its knees by a simple revelation. They were not who they seemed to be.
You had known his secret for a little over six months now. When he had told you, he vowed he would make Endeavour suffer for the pain he had brought him all those years ago. No matter what it took. You had been no stranger to Dabi’s rants about his father at this point, and now that the date was finally here, he had been true to his word. It was time for karma to hit that poor son of a bitch back. And so it did.
Dabi had told you to wait at your usual rendezvous point: an abandoned apartment just on the outskirts of the city where the two of you would be hiding out until further notice. You were never a villain. You had never been interested in killing people, or bringing the hero civilization down to shambles. All you knew is that you loved the man that came home to you every few months. You knew it was wrong, you knew that there were probably other men you were better off with. Even so, you couldn’t shake the feeling that he cared about you more than he let on. There was something about him you couldn’t quite place. You supposed that’s what made life with him so exciting. The thrill of it all was exhilarating, maybe even addicting.
You were in the middle of plating dinner. You had made spicy udon, two bowls, with what little groceries you had in the rundown apartment. It wasn’t glamorous in the slightest. It was a temporary home that you two would stay at. You knew that you two would have to move in the morning to avoid detection anyways.
You sat down at the table, fingers tapping against the thin, cheap wood restlessly. The worry you felt was undeniable. Had the authorities tracked him? Would he even come back? Was he alive?
No. This was Dabi. He wouldn’t die so easily.
Putting your hands together, you said your grace before your shaky hands moved to pick up your chopsticks. Before you could touch them, there was a light thud that came from the singular bedroom that the apartment hosted. Cautiously, you stood from your seat. Your throat felt dry as your body seemed to move on its own, your legs guiding you to the door slowly as to not let the potential burglar know you were on to them. You braced yourself, your hand on the rusted knob of the door before you swung it open.
A gasp escaped you at the unsightly man before you. The smell of ash and burnt flesh made you keen, and the now white hair colour he dawned stood out against the darkness of his charred skin. Tears welled in your eyes. He faced away from you, shirt and coat discarded. Staples hung off the skin of his back, receding down further. He must have been in so much pain from the overuse of his quirk. He never seemed to listen to you when it came to protecting his body.
Dabi turned his head at the sound of the door, his eyes bored and emotionless. Your shock and horror must have been evident. You’ve seen him come home to you with scratches and bruises before, but nothing to this scale. He looked like he was falling apart at the seams.
“Dabi,” you began, your tone saddened and dripping with concern for the taller man. 
“Don’t pity me. Quit looking at me like a kicked puppy, Y/N. Doesn’t look good on that pretty face of yours.”
You swallowed, reaching into your travel bag on the bed and pulling out several bottles of ointment. They were specifically for burn care, mixed with aloe vera and pain reliever. It was your own personal concoction, one suited for Dabi’s needs that you could procure no matter where the two of you were if need be.
He clicked his tongue in annoyance, rolling his eyes. It seemed that every time you pulled out the bottle, he retaliated and complained. You shook your head. “No, you need it this time. Seriously, now show me where,” you demanded of him bluntly. You weren’t taking no for an answer. With a scoff, Dabi broke his gaze from you. “Don’t fight me on this,” you urged him, sliding onto the creaky mattress and already beginning to apply the lotion onto your hands. 
“Doll… You don’t have to do this shit for me,” Dabi said lowly, head turned so that he could watch you. You were gentle, always so painfully gentle, with him. Part of Dabi, actually all of himself, believed he didn’t deserve you. Him, and all of his broken parts, his disgusting past, his current, unforgivable actions. Yet here you were, patching him up without a second thought. His gaze, though unreadable to the onlooker, held a feeling deeper than what he let on.
Your hands massaged his skin and he let out a groan. His limbs ached and his bones felt like shattering, but he always made sure to come back home to you.
“You’re not leaving are you, doll?” he asked you suddenly.
Your eyes met his turquoise ones. His face was burned nearly as badly as the rest of him, his staples appeared to be drooping dangerously. He stared at you, examining your features and committing them to memory. Dabi knew that nothing was ever permanent in this world, certainly not you. He dragged you into this. He had let you follow him along when there was no clear way out of this shithole.
Dabi bowed his head, white tufts of hair falling over his eyes. A cocky smile played on his lips, “You’re not like them, huh? Not gonna leave me for some dickhead that wipes their asshole with money?”
You snickered at the thought as your palms continued to rub away into his back, tracing the burns and wounds that refused to heal. Fingertips grazing the toned muscles, you hummed in thought. There were a lot of reasons you stayed, some reasons less logical than others, but you digress. As you ran your hands up his back, retracing your steps and mapping out his scarred skin, you rested your hands upon his shoulders, feeling how unnaturally tense they were. The feeling of soft lips meeting rough skin made Dabi sigh once more. He relaxed ever so slightly, skin surging from a new warmth you had brought him. You gave him comfort unlike anything else he had ever felt. You were home to him. He never cared for anyone, until you came waltzing into his life.
He was cautious, of course. You were a capable woman who could kill him at any moment (not that you wanted to, but Dabi had precautions). You were unlike anyone he had ever met. You were absolutely captivating, unbelievably kind, and yes, incredibly gullible, but you trusted him to come back to you. He felt like he owed you that much for you giving so much of yourself to him. For giving up so much of your small, insignificant life that you couldn’t get back, to him.
A strong hand fell onto your waist, lifting you up from your position beside him to one where your knees were situated at either side of his hips. You now straddled his torso, his hands gripping at your sides possessively. He looked up at you, grinning wolfishly. Heat rushed to your cheeks, your body now feeling like it was on fire from where he touched you.
“Answer me, baby. Tell me how much you love me,” he teased you, face so close to you that your noses brushed against each other. Heart beating rapidly in your chest, your hands held his face as if he were made of some type of china.
A smile crept across your face timidly, thumb rubbing over past scars being covered with new ones. You leaned down, lips ghosting his as you spoke.
“I could only have eyes for you, Dabi. No matter how many weeks you leave, I’ll be here when you get back. Always.”
His chapped, broken lips met your plump ones, passion and some sort of feeling resembling love radiating from the affectionate act you shared.
“I love you.”
Dabi laughed at your words, smiling up at the ceiling before his gaze lazily met yours. You managed to breathe such life into him without meaning to. Fuck. He was in deeper than he realized.
“Good. You fucking should.”
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all works © denkamis 2021.
want to be on the taglist? see this post!
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writing-wrxngs · 4 years
Winter Day
(I got the idea for something with wintery vibes very suddenly as I was walking to my math class the other night. It’s only mid November but we got our first little snowstorm cause I live right on Lake Ontario. It was shit to actually walk through bc I was underdressed and not about to take the elevator back up 8 floors and change. Still, I got super excited to see snow! I love winter, or at least the romanticized version of winter. Also this is hella long, enjoy!)
It was the Saturday after a snow day, which meant an extra free weekend for Techno, Wilbur and Tommy. For the older boys, it meant a break from all the work being loaded on their adolescent backs. Tommy was only in his first year of school so he was just excited for a long weekend away from boring teachers.
Phil let the boys sleep in even more than usual. It wasn’t often school closed on a Friday, they deserved a treat. They had spent most of the snow day messing about and had tired themselves out. Instead, he sipped his coffee in the kitchen and waited to see which boy would roll out of bed first. To his surprise, it was Wilbur.
“Mornin’” the boy mumbled, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. He walked over to one of the cabinets and pulled out a bowl. Setting it down on the table, he went to the pantry and grabbed a random box of cereal from the top shelf. The ease with which he was able to do that still surprised Phil. Wilbur was growing like a weed, and even at his age, was taller than his father already.
Phil watched this ritual silently. Tired teenagers were like wild animals, and agitated easily. Of the two older boys, Wilbur was the one with the worse sleeping habits. Neither of them slept well, as was expected of teenage boys, but Wilbur was definitely the stereotypical tired out insomniac. Phil had no clue what kept him up, and let him for the most part, as it seemed like any attempts to help the boy change his sleep schedule failed.
Once he was done making the cereal, Wilbur sat down to eat. He scowled as he took the first bite. He might not have paid attention to what cereal he got, but he still wanted a particular one. Whatever. He had already poured this bowl. It wasn’t bad, either, just not what he had hoped for. The disappointment already wavering, he continued on eating.
It wasn’t long after that Techno came down the stairs. “Wow,” he said as he entered the kitchen. “Wilbur’s awake before me?”
Wilbur looked up from his cereal. “Don’t,” he replied morosely.
Techno couldn’t help but chuckle at the response. “What, didn’t sleep or something?”
Groaning, Wilbur turned to his brother. “I slept. I slept quite well, thank you very much,” he snapped.
“Doesn’t sound like it,” mumbled Techno.
“Like you would know. You somehow act just fine no matter how much sleep you get. I’m just not a morning person.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll back off,” said Techno. He did indeed back off, leaving to find himself some breakfast.
Phil shook his head at the two of them. Not in any disapproving way, more so a playful acknowledgement of their behavior. Their petty little fights were unstoppable, so he let them happen, waiting in case the fight escalated.
Wilbur finished his cereal as Techno sat down to eat his breakfast. After that, he left to go back to his room.
In his room, he flopped haphazardly onto his bed and relaxed. He wasn’t tired or anything, he just wasn’t awake yet. From his bedside table he picked up the book he was reading last night and continued where he left off. From over the top of his book he saw Tommy leave his room and head downstairs. He was finally alone for a while. Tommy would be a while downstairs, occupying Phil, and knowing Techno, he’d stay down there the whole time, talking about something Wilbur couldn’t care less about.
It was whatever. Wilbur was quite adept at slipping out of familial situations. Tommy and Techno seemed to fill his father’s time plenty anyways.
To his surprise, and perhaps even his chagrin, Techno came in earlier than anticipated. “So like, why’d you lie about not sleeping at breakfast?” He asked as he sat down on his own bed. “You know I know when you’re up.”
Wilbur slapped his book closed. “I lied ‘cause it’s nobody’s business.”
“We literally share a room. Your business is my business. It’s my right as the eldest to bother you about it.”
“Don’t you have things to do besides be a dickhead? A recital to practice for? Strategy books to read?” Asked Wilbur.
Shaking his head, Techno said, “I’m not in the mood for that today. Spent all of yesterday doing things like that ‘cause of the storm.”
Wilbur nodded in agreement. “More than I did. When did snow days become boring?”
“Well, Wilbur,” said Techno, “they got boring for you when you started spending all day waiting for a girl who definitely isn’t gonna call you to call you.”
Wilbur shot a glare at Techno. “At least girls have my number.”
Rolling his eyes, Techno shrugged off the comeback. “Seriously though, Wil. You should do something.”
“I was doing something,” said Wilbur, gesturing to his book.
“I mean actually doing something. Get out of bed. I know, come downstairs and we can do a little sparring.”
“If you just wanted some sword practice, you could’ve just asked me,” said Wilbur dryly. In all honesty, it didn’t sound like a bad idea. “Gimme a sec to get dressed and I’ll meet you down there.”
Techno nodded and left Wilbur alone to change out of pajamas and into something more fitting for a fight.
He walked downstairs and into the practice room. Well, half of it was a practice room. It was still technically a playroom, with half of it still having Tommy’s toys strewn about. In the half dedicated to the older boys, part of it had all their musical instruments in a corner, with sheet music and guitar tabs haphazardly splayed about on stands. The part that mattered was the fighting corner. It had practice weapons, and fighting dummies. Phil had this part put in a year ago, at the boys schools suggestion, after Techno’s third suspension for fighting.
“You ready to lose?” Asked Techno, who was waiting for him in the corner.
“Losing won’t sting too badly, there’s no audience,” replied Wilbur. “Can’t bruise my ego if no one sees it.”
“You’re still gonna lose.”
Smirking, Wilbur said, “I know, but what’s a win if there’s no witnesses?”
Techno tossed a practice sword to Wilbur. “You’re really taking all the satisfaction out of this, you know.”
Catching the sword, Wilbur nodded. “I know. It’s called mind games, Technoblade. I thought you’d know all that, with all the war books you read.”
“I think it’s called ‘delaying the inevitable’. Get over here and fight me.”
And that’s exactly what Wilbur did. Techno was correct. Wilbur did lose, but then again, Wilbur always lost. They weren’t kids anymore, and Techno had long stopped giving his little brother pity wins.
Wilbur got himself up, and turned to leave. As he did that, the good mood he had fell. Tommy was standing in the doorway.
He didn’t even say hello. “How come you always lose?” He asked.
“How come you never let people know you’re watching them?” Retorted Wilbur.
“I just got here,” said Tommy. “I’ve been watching cartoons, but they’re over now. Dad said I could play outside if you and Techno watched me.”
Techno, who had been putting away the swords turned to the other two. “And who says we want to watch you?”
The question made Tommy think. “Me,” he said, stretching his arms out to fill the doorway. “I won’t leave until you say you’ll go.”
“Kid, I can literally pick you up with one hand,” said Techno.
“Didn’t he try to bite you last time you did that?” Asked Wilbur.
Yes. Yes he did. Techno grimaced at the memory. “I think we’ve just been cornered by a five year old.”
Wilbur silently agreed. “Fine. We’ll take you.”
“Yes!” Cheered Tommy, who immediately ran out to get dressed.
The two followed behind, knowing he’d take longer than the two of them, seeing as he was younger and getting dressed more than they were. Still, it was decently cold out, so they threw on some heavy jackets and your usual winter accoutrements. After slipping on some boots, the two older boys followed Tommy out.
With intent, Tommy marched out to the back yard, which was piled high with snow from the storm. “You know, it kinda looks like a fort,” Tommy said, looking at the snowbanks. “Oooo,” he mused. “We could have a snowball fight!”
“We’d pummel you if we did a snowball fight,” said Techno.
“Well, maybe we could do teams?” Tommy suggested.
Wilbur shrugged. “I mean, me and Tommy would be pretty equal to one of you, Techno,” he added.
“Not really but it that’s what you wanna do, go ahead,” Techno said.
“Yes! That’s what I wanna do!” Said Tommy, already dragging Wilbur to one of the snowbanks.
Once there, Wilbur hunkered behind it, not easily hidden the way Tommy was. “Start making snowballs, go!” He whispered, then standing up. He turned to Techno, who was behind his own snowbank. “Now,” he said, putting on an extra dramatic voice for Tommy. “These are the official rules of duelling with snowballs! Number one: you cannot start throwing until the end of the count! Number two! You must announce when you’ve been hit! And number three: first one to hit their opponent ten times is the winner! Understood?” He called out.
“Understood!” Called back Techno.
Melodramatic? Yes. Did it keep most of the other neighborhood children from playing with them? Probably. But was it fun and made Tommy look at Wilbur like he was a god? Absolutely. “Oh-Kay! Three! Two! One! Go!” He shouted, immediately dipping behind the snowbank. A snowball whizzed above his head.
Tommy chucked one, and to everyone’s surprise, landed the first hit of the fight.
“Hit!” Called Techno, who went down to collect more snow.
“Nice one, Tommy!” Said Wilbur, throwing a snowball and missing. As he shook off the loss, was hit square in the chest with a snowball. He made a noise as the impact was made, then called the hit. He left Tommy and moved to another part of the snowbank for a different angle. As he did so, Tommy tried to hit Techno again.
Techno, being Techno, dodged it. He instantly retaliated.
The hit almost knocked Tommy backwards. “Ow!” He cried, before shaking it off. “Hit!” He called out, heading back down and rubbing the shoulder that was hit.
Tommy’s reaction made Techno pause. He wasn’t sure if he actually hurt Tommy or if he was just being a baby. It could be hard to tell. This pause was just long enough for Wilbur to pelt him, hitting him on his cheek.
“Get your head in the game, Techno!” Teased Wilbur.
“It’s not my fault! I was only standing there cause Tommy acted like he got shot!”
“Just call the hit, dude,” Wilbur said.
“Fine,” Techno said, rolling his eyes. “Hit.”
This went on for some time, them calling hits until they were almost tied. Seven to nine, Techno’s favor. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tommy, so he turned went to throw a snowball at him, but Tommy jumped out of the way just in time.
While Tommy distracted Techno, Wilbur ambushed him, and got a hit off, as called by Techno.
And then, Tommy pelted another snowball at Techno.
“What the hell?” He asked, dumbfounded by the ambush. “Hit,” he added realizing he hadn’t called it. Both of his younger brothers were on him, and very close. Closer than he knew they were. He was stuck. They would obviously the final blow as soon as he went to make a snowball. They already had snowballs.
“And you said it wouldn’t be an even matchup,” said Wilbur. He tossed the snowball in his hand once, then whipped it.
It hit Techno right in the face. Frowning, he wiped the snow off of his face and called the hit. “You guys won. I hope you’re proud of yourselves.”
“We are,” said Tommy.
Before Wilbur could get in a snarky comment, the back door opened. It was Phil, who had popped his head out now that he saw his sons were done with their game. “You guys have been out for too long!” He called. “Get inside before one of you gets sick!”
“Fine!” Wilbur called back, already heading to the front door.
Techno and Tommy followed behind, and they took off their winter gear together in the foyer. Both Wilbur and Techno wiped their glasses on their shirts to defog them as they walked into the living room, taking in the heat of the house.
“I was gonna call you boys in earlier, but you were having too much fun,” said Phil from the kitchen. “I figured I’d use that time for something else.”
Tommy was the first to notice, and broke out into a run. “Hot chocolate?!” He asked in surprise.
The older two followed behind, the suspicion correct. Wilbur eagerly grabbed a mug and sat down. “Thanks,” he said, taking a sip. The warmth spread through his chest and into his stomach.
“Did you three have a good time out there?” Asked Phil.
Wilbur nodded.
“Me and Wil beat Techno!” Added Tommy.
“I saw,” said Phil. “You wanna tell me about it?”
Tommy’s eyes lit up. The chocolate already giving him a rush, he began to tell Phil the story of how he and Wilbur conquered their older brother.
Watching this, Wilbur couldn’t help but smile into his mug. Today was a good day. He hated to admit it, but Techno was right. Getting out and actually doing something did make him feel better. Now, even though it was still midday, he felt good. As much as he sometimes felt out of place in his family, he still loved good times like these. Yeah, today was a good day.
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slitherofgold · 4 years
I loathe you Pt 1- Sam Fender Imagine
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Standing before the mirror, you were impressed with the reflection. You had made an effort with your appearance (for once) and the result wasn’t too bad. You were looking forward to tonight, finally getting the chance to catch up with the boys who had been on tour for months. You had missed them, in fact your home town didn’t feel the same without them. The plan was drinks at your local pub- the Low Lights Tavern- just so you could catch up and see how everyone was doing. Well, not everyone. Thankfully, Drew had convinced Sam not to come for your sake. It wasn’t as if you hated the guy, but he always seemed to kill the mood with his sulky attitude and blunt remarks. It was almost as if he despised you and just couldn’t stand your company, so you kindly asked Drew not to invite Sam. 
You hopped in the taxi and headed towards the tavern, getting more eager by the second to see your friends. The pub was your guys spot, whenever someone needed to celebrate, whenever someone was sad, whenever someone needed to let off a little steam, you’d always meet at this spot. 
You walked in and instantly looked towards your usual booth.You would’ve been happy to be reminded of your friends faces, but unfortunately to your dismay, Mr Sam Fender was sat with them, blatant of your arrival. You were tempted to walk back out, to come up with some petty excuse for you to leave, but it was too late, the gang had noticed you. “Y/n!”, Dean waved you over, obviously happy to see you. You quickly plastered on a smile and strutted in their direction. You were not going to let Sam ruin tonight.
“Hey guys, long time no see.” Dean squeezed up, allowing room for you to sit. Within an instant it was like they had never left. They told you stories from on tour (like Sam threatening to break into a Greggs after a particularly messy night out) and they had asked about what you had been up to too. 
“So y/n you seeing anyone”, Drew asked, whilst side-glancing towards Sam. Great, you were going to be reminded YET AGAIN that you were still single, and you were certain that Sam basked in your sad, single loneliness. 
“Yep obviously. I think I just defer guys with my presence.”
“Obviously”, Sam muttered under his breath. You pretended to ignore him but you couldn’t help but notice the sharp glance Drew gave him from across the table. He quickly attempted to assure you. “Nah that’s not true, I knew a bunch of guys who had a crush on you at school.”
“Yeah, like who?” You raised your brow out of curiosity.
“Sorry that’s classified information. I promised I’d never tell.”
“Drew, school was nine years ago.” You folded your arms across the table, waiting for an answer. 
“Yeah but it was a pinky promise and you know how sacred they are.”
“Sure, now I’m gonna go get us some more drinks before you bore everyone with my non-existent love life.” You left the table and headed towards the bar, hoping they’d change the topic by the time you’d get back. It wasn’t as if your love life was non-existent it was just very much unsuccessful. For some reason you had a certain type for dickheads, the kind who loved to walk all over you and cheat whenever they felt like it. In a way you were grateful for your chain of ex-lovers, they had made you tougher to a certain extent, and boys knew it too. In fact, most of the time, the boys refused to meet whoever you were dating. It was almost as if they could see right through each and every bloke, and decided that any guy would never be good enough for you or their time. “6 pints please.”
“That’s a lot of pints for a small thing like you.” You hadn’t even looked at the bartender, but his voice seemed to pull you out of a trance. You quickly realised how good-looking he was. He was roughly in his late 20s, dirty blonde hair and kind brown eyes. He was charming in some sort of way and he had even kinder smile. Shit, you were still staring. He must think I’ve got something wrong with me. 
“I wish they were, but I’m pretty sure you’d have to roll me out of here if I even attempted to down all six.” He laughed and started pouring out glasses, locking eyes with you every so often. “So are you new? I haven’t seen you around here before.” God, you were cringing so bad. You knew you were a bit rusty but this ‘flirting’ was just a shit-show.
“Kinda, some of my relatives live down here but I don’t live too far either. I take it you’re local?”
“Sadly, yes. Hopefully I can get out soon if my job picks up.” You were hopeful, but it was the truth. Although you loved Shields, you didn’t wanna stay here forever. 
“It’s not too bad around here, where would you wanna go, when you do get out?”
“I’ve not thought that far ahead yet, maybe down South or maybe even somewhere else in Europe.”
“I’ll have to tag along if you don’t mind.” He folded his arms across the bar and leaned down to your eye level. God, talking to this guy was so easy, you could stare into those eyes for hours. You hadn’t even realised that he’d poured all six drinks! 
“Sure, I could use the company.” You played along, silently hoping he’d take you up on the offer. 
“Isn’t your boyfriend good company then?” 
“My boyfriend?!” You gave him an unsure glance, you were certain that you were single. 
“Yeah, the guy giving me the evils.” You turned to look. “Don’t look!” He lightly grabbed your arm stopping you from turning. “God, don’t make it too obvious”, he laughed. “The guy in the white-shirt sat with you and your friends, blondish hair?”
“Ohhhhh, that’s Sam”, you laughed. “We’re not together.” 
“He’s been giving me the evils ever since you strutted on over, I took a guess thought you and him were a thing or something.”
You snorted, “Sam basically hates me, he treats me like shit or ignores me half the time.”
“Trust me, coming from a guy, he’s definitely feeling something other than hate for you.” 
“And trust me, knowing Sam for nearly 10 years, basically makes him my brother.” You couldn’t put anymore emphasis on that, you and Sam were not a thing. Period. 
“Well if you’re adamant that there’s nothing going on between you, I’d love to take your number?” You blushed but willingly took the guys phone and dialled in your number. 
“Y/n by the way.”
“Archie, lovely to meet you y/n.” He smiled and you and you smiled back effortlessly. God, his smile really was something. 
“You too, now I’d better get back to my friends before they start screaming for their beer.” You walked on ever to the group, careful not to spill the drinks. 
“Oi oi, look at you gettin’ ya flirt on”, Dean whistled. You blushed again, knowing full well that Archie could hear. 
“See told ya guys fancied you, you just can’t see it half the time.” You instantly thought back to Sam and glanced in his direction. Sure enough, he was sulking as usual. 
“I’m going for a ciggy”, Sam announced, and with that he stood up and stalked on outside- ruining the mood once more. 
“Think I might join him”, Drew said and quickly left after him. You shrugged and sat down next to Dean once more. Dean started talking about the good old days, laughing about the stupid things you guys did when you were young. 
“Remember that one time you hit by the swing playing chicken, and Sam felt so bad he pedalled home to go get you a plaster.”
“Omg and by the time he got back, I had stopped crying and we had started a new round.” 
“He was so mad, I remember he wanted you to sit out to rest your “injured” knee. It was literally the smallest cut ever!” You both laughed at the memory. You remembered that you had argued with Sam that day, you refused to sit and watch whilst the boys had all the fun. “I miss those days man”, Dean continued, “when we didn’t have to worry about anything other than going to the park after school.”
“Yeah but you enjoy tour life right? You’re travelling, meeting new people. I’m sure you got girls throwing themselves at your feet as well.” 
“That’s one bonus, I get homesick though. Actually, Sam was saying how you should come with us when we go on tour next.”
“He did?!” The news took you by surprise. He wanted to spend time with you. 
“Yeah, he said you could be our own personal groupie”, Dean chuckled. You? A groupie for Sam? You loved there music, there was no doubt about it but you weren’t sure how you felt about him as a person. You’d known him for a while but you didn’t really KNOW him that well. He was a difficult person. 
“Yeah sounds good. I missed you guys whilst you were away.”
“We all missed you too, especially Sam. It was kind of annoying actually, he complained about you not being there with us A LOT”. God, Sam just seem to escape the conversation tonight. Everything just sounded so unlike him. It never acted like this around you, and he certainly hadn’t said anything nice about you to your face. It was definitely a shock. 
“Speaking of the buggers, I’m going to see what’s taking them so long.” You needed some air anyway, it was so stuffy inside. As you reached the door you heard a quiet a conversation. You wouldn’t usually snoop but you recognised the voices. It sounded like a very important conversation. Their voices were tense yet quiet, ensuring that no one would be able to hear. No one but you obviously. 
“Drew leave it. Nothings ever going to happen between us. We wouldn’t work. We’re two VERY different people who have VERY different lives.” Sam. You wondered who he was on about, was he seeing someone? Why did you care?
“Mate you’ve had a crush on her since we were 12. I know you still like her, and you can’t deny it.”
“Yeah and so what. We date. It goes wrong. It fucks up our whole gang. Things become awkward. The end. That’s what will happen. End of.”
“Well, you’ll never know until you try. All I’m saying is that you better man up quick, otherwise someones gonna beat you to it.”
 Wait, known since 12, fuck up whole gang, that only narrows it down to one person. Me, Sam likes me, you thought, and with that, you heard the boys stomping out their fags ready to re-enter the tavern and face you once more.
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anika-ann · 4 years
The Troubles Are Lurking in Queens - Pt.2
Of  Not So Funny Billionaires and Terrified Husbands
Pairing: Matt Murdock x reader        Word count: 2960
Type: Two-shot, reader insert
Summary: When an arrogant lawyer demands his paperwork right now or better yet this very moment, you’re a good wife to Matt and decide to deliver the documents yourself – for your husband’s mental health sake (and for the sake of the meeting he’s running to).
The catch is the said lawyer has his office in Queens – and whoever said Hell’s Kitchen was the least safe place in NYC was clearly lying. Also, Tony Stark is... Tony Stark.
Warnings: swearing, mention of attempted assault, mention of past torture, some blood, Tony being a jerk
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Part 1
Spiderman apparently didn’t take no for an answer.
The office wasn’t on the way, but Spiderman delivered the papers anyway; you thought Davidson’s secretary’s face was priceless at least as Spiderman with a woman in his arms knocked on the window of her office, but anyway. Your way included a lot of not exactly secure flying around in the vigilante’s thin and somehow strong arms (enhanced strength?), only holding onto buildings via some sort of a web fibre and it was a fucking wonder you hadn’t either ended up smashed on a side of some building or hadn’t puked by the time you magically landed on the roof of the Avengers Tower.
Also, you were pretty sure some of your blood had rained down on someone and it was an awful idea you couldn’t shake off.
You were clutching your chest trying to catch your breath as the kid let go of you slowly, gentlemanly making sure you wouldn’t faint. Well. Now he was concerned about that?
“Welcome, sweetheart!” Stark’s voice sounded behind you as the billionaire walked in your direction with his arms wide open.
You on the other hand looked at him murderously. Was this really necessary?
“You know Mr. Stark?” the kid asked in awe.
You swallowed the ‘unfortunately’ line and pressed your lips together.
“Tony. What a wonderful surprise. How are you these days?” you wondered with a fake smile and he grinned wider, enveloping you in a hug. You didn’t reciprocate the gesture too happily, but you… tried.
“On a first name basis with Mr. Stark and hugging him? Holy hell!”
You rolled her eyes and spent a precious second thinking what the kid would say to what was coming next. The moment Tony withdrew, you slapped him, because you really needed to slap someone today. Tony was lucky your dominant hand was cut and you used your weaker one.
He tried to set his jaw right as if it really hurt anyway. The Spiderkid fell into shocked silence.
“That’s for using a poor kid for dragging me where I don’t want to go just for your fun or whatever,” you hissed and Tony licked his lips.
“Yeah, okay, I deserved this one.”
“Glad you acknowledge that.”
You tried not to think too hard about that you slapped a man who had once saved your husband’s life. You sighed, coming for another, this time gentler, hug, still wary of not staining his t-shirt with your blood. You probably failed.
“Sorry I couldn’t make it to the wedding.”
“We were hoping you wouldn’t,” you teased, feeling a bit guilty for a) slapping him and b) being cranky. Tony was a bit of a dick, but a good guy. That was why you had decided to send him an invitation along with the other Avengers, who had saved Matt’s life one of the times he had got over his head and you walked into the Avengers Tower begging for help.
“I bet it was boring without me.”
“Totally,” you laughed, letting go of him.
“So… I understand this is some sort of a reunion, but a) I’m not a kid,” the teenage vigilante defended himself and you bit your cheek to stop yourself from protesting. “And b) shouldn’t her hand be handled? I mean, that’s why I brought her here?”
You smiled at the kid. He was cute. “Yeah, Tony. Shouldn’t my hand be handled?”
It was handled, by doctor Cho, who was usually taking care of bullet wounds, knife-in-liver wounds and stuff like that. She was incredibly nice, especially when you considered the shit she was dealing with.
The doc was just finishing your bandage – you only needed two stiches – when your ringtone cut the air and all four present – you, Doctor Cho, Tony and Spiderman – jumped a little.
“Hand me the phone someone, please?”
“FRIDAY, who’s calling?” Stark called out and you were kinda hoping it was just for show. They wouldn’t know that without looking, right?
“Contact saved as Matt, sir.”
How the fuck the AI could tell that? Also… ah-oh.
“That’s a little boring  I was expecting something more original. Sugar-bear. Bumblebee. FRIDAY, put it on speaker.”
You just gaped. How?! And was he serious?
“Oh, and mute her voice.”
“Are you okay?” Matt’s panicked voice demanded from the speakers in the corners of the room and you breathed in to calm his fright – wherever it came from. “Davidson called there was blood on the papers and-“
Oh crap, learning that must have been terrible. Also, you were sure Davidson had been a dick about it as well, probably complaining about dangerous biological material in his office.
“I’m fine, Matt,” you reassured him.
His terrified voice called out your name. “Are you there? Can you hear me?”
You opened your mouth uselessly. Was this for real? Could he really not hear you somehow? What the fuck?! Why would-
“Hey, buddy!” Tony chipped enthusiastically and your blood ran cold. Oh no. No, no, no, no…
Even through the phone, you could hear your husband’s breath hitch. “Who are you? How did you get this phone?”
You could only imagine Matt’s sightless eyes flickering wildly as he was trying to figure out the worst possible bloody scenario.
“I’m-“ you started, but Tony rolled his eyes at your attempts.
“Relax. I’m just having a little fun-“
Spiderman rose to his feet as he apparently wanted to protest too, but Tony shushed him.
“Who are you? What did you do? What do you want?” Matt’s voice changed dangerously, switching to the Daredevil persona and demanding answers. “I swear if you touch one hair on her head, I’m going to tear your limbs off one after another-“
Spiderman shrieked at the cruel threat and the way it was delivered. You gently pushed away Doctor Cho, standing up and making your way to the billionaire with your blood boiling.
“Tony, stop this right now,” you growled, your voice resembling the one speaking through the phone. He was scaring Matt out of his mind. Couldn’t he see that this wasn’t fun?
“Come on! Light up! I’m just gonna-”
“Don’t you dare to hurt her!” Matt thundered and Tony actually jumped at the sound of Matt’s teeth grinding.
“Alright, alright! Jeez, can’t you recognize an old pal? Jesus, DD,” Tony complained and the room was suddenly very quiet.  
“Tony, let me to talk to him.”
“Let her talk to him, Mr. Stark,” the kid supported you and you were sure he made some sort of puppy eyes behind his mask.
Matt didn’t react to learning the name of your ‘captor’. Which meant he was probably really pissed or too shocked. Or that Stark somehow blocked his voice too.
“Tony-“ you pressed and he sighed in defeat.
“Yeah, yeah, FRIDAY-“
There was a beep.
“Matt, it’s me. Are you there?” you asked softly, hearing his sharp inhale. “I’m okay-“
“She’s injured-“
“Shut up!” you shouted Tony down, spinning to him with your hand raised in warning. He had already said enough.
“Well, you are,” Spiderkid noted carefully and you gritted your teeth.
“I’m okay, Matt. I’m in the Avengers tower-“
“Medical wing,” Tony supplied helpfully and you grabbed the nearest thing – which happened to be a metal platter – and lashed it his direction. He shielded his face, silent ‘ow’ escaping him as the improvised weapon hit his hands.
“I’m on my way,” Matt exclaimed.
There was only a dialling tone and you whined. You measured to Tony with fire in your eyes.
“I’m sorry?” he offered, shrugging with his palms up.
“You are such a dick! Complete and utter dick! You scared the shit out of him!” you yelled at the man who wore almost genuinely apologetic expression. But you didn’t care if he was sorry. He almost gave Matt a freaking heart attack! He had no idea what had-- you squatted for the platter, fully intending to use it again as the idiot was in your reach. “You fucker, you dickhead! You careless fuck-up!”
Each of the insults was accompanied by a hit with the platter. No one stopped you. Tony wisely covered his head. You were sure you it hurt as hell anyway, but somehow it didn’t sooth your nerves.
“I’m sorry, okay?”
“The last fucking time someone had my phone and talked to Matt was when I was kidnapped by Wilson. Fucking. Fisk! He threatened to break my spine to paralyse me, you. Selfish. Arrogant. Bastard!”
Fuck, you were crying and your hands were shaking, suddenly feeling too weak.
You let go of the platter, overwhelmed by the memory yourself; the knife cutting through your skin when the huge man hadn’t liked your answers to his questions, his threats, Matt’s terrified voice on the other end of the line-
The clatter of the platter on the floor snapped you back into reality, but the images didn’t disappear. You brought your hands to your mouth to muffle the scream that drew to your lips.
“Madam?” sounded hesitantly behind you and you tried to blink away the freaking tears and chase away the nasty memory, unable to respond to the kid. It’s gone now, it’s in the past, I’m okay, I’m okay, Matt’s okay— just give me a fucking minute dammit. “Madam, can I hug you?”
You burst out laughing at the request; hysterical laugh during an emotionally heavy situation, the first sign of insanity.
“Oh my god. Yeah, yeah, you can, kid.”
The vigilante obediently wrapped his strong but toothpicks-like arms around your shoulders, embracing you tightly yet gently. He avoided applying a pressure against your belly with surprising grace. He didn’t even call you out on the ‘kid’ addressing. You were really starting to like him.
Maybe it was the costume – the armour – but it was kinda soothing. Maybe it was the knowledge he had to deal with Tony too often, so it felt like he was an ally of yours. You leaned into the hug gratefully and he caressed your back.
“You’re good at this,” you mumbled into the strange material of his suit.
“Thanks, madam.”
You chuckled at the addressing and asked him to call you your first name.
Tony bullied you into a check-up; like the periodical check-up all pregnant women had to attend.
“Tony, I was at doctor’s three days ago-“
“But I upset you and stressed you big time. Don’t you think you should have another examination? Just to be sure?” he pressed, trying to make puppy eyes. Vainly – you had enough training at resisting the puppy eyes master Matt Murdock himself, Tony’s attempts were nothing compared to that.
“Tony, honestly, I just want to get the hell out of here ASAP,” you cooled him down. You were still pissed at him. A lot.
“FRIDAY! Call Doctor Cho back!”
And just like that, the poor doc who had silently disappeared during the fight had to come back and examine you again. With USG and everything. You didn’t have the strength to argue anymore and you didn’t want to make Doctor Cho’s job harder than it already was by working for Tony Stark in the first place.
You didn’t expect anything being wrong – yet, you couldn’t supress the relief washing through your body as the doctor told you both you and your baby were fine.
Also, the check-up filled the time, so you didn’t get the opportunity to pace nervously. You were getting dressed again when Matt’s voice entered the room.
“(Y/N)!” he called out and you wordlessly asked the doctor to get rid of the curtain separating your and the rest of the world. Not that it made a difference to Matt – it did to you.
“Matt, hey!” you greeted him, rising from the bed so he could see you were perfectly healthy. The impression was ruined a bit by your head spinning and the need to support yourself onto the bed, but hey, you tried.
Matt was crossing the distance between you two in rapid pace, his cane folded in his hand, his glasses covering too little of his worried expression.
“What happened? Are you okay? I mean, of course you’re not-“
“I’m okay, Matt,” you assured his softly as he threw the cane away carelessly and enclosed you in a bone-crushing hug. He nuzzled his nose in your hair, breathing in deeply. You kissed the side of his neck. “I’m fine, Matt, I swear.”
“I smell blood,” he protested, wounded by the lie. “When I heard someone else on the phone, I— I-“
You wrapped your arms around him gently, one of your hands interweaving in his hair, stroking comfortingly. He squeezed a little tighter.
“Tony is a dick. I’m so sorry he scared you. And… I’m sorry if Davidson was being an asshole about the papers-“
“Do you really think I care about some arrogant self-important asshole right now?” he asked hoarsely and you sighed, your lips caressing his skin again.
“No. But I’m still sorry.”
“ ‘kay. Noted. God, I’m glad you’re okay, sweetheart. I shouldn’t have let you-“
“Don’t even finish that thought,” you warned him, smacking his back a little. He caressed your lower back in return as an apology for trying to make a guilt trip. You knew he would be still blaming himself even when not saying it out loud, but you could work with that better. And later. In private.
“So… this is the guy who threatened to tear your limbs off, Mr. Stark?” the kid asked slowly and you bit your lip, loosening the hug just slightly in favour to glance his direction over Matt’s shoulder.
Yeah, you could see how this was confusing. After all, Matt was blind and right now looking like a cuddly teddy bear. God, you loved him for how caring and loving he was.
“This is the guy who saved me from getting mugged… potentially shot,” you whispered, feeling Matt’s body going tense at the reminder of the danger you had been in. His hand clutched at your shirt before letting go of you, turning in the direction of the young man’s voice.
“Thank you,” Matt said in earnest, extending his hand for the Spiderkid to shake. The vigilante squeaked, but lost his glove and accepted Matt’s hand.
“You’re— you’re welcome, sir. She… she was a great help actually, it was pleasure to save her, though she almost saved herself on her own-” he babbled nervously and Matt covered the back of kid’s hand with his left palm.
“I’m still grateful. And it’s Matt.”
The younger vigilante let out a surprised sound. “No prob, sir— Matt, sir.” The corners of your lips twitched. “I’m Spiderman. But you probably know that… or not. ‘cause you haven’t seen me in the news— oh god, oh frack, I’m really putting my foot in my mouth-“
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Spiderman. Thank you again for saving my wife’s life.”
The two men finally released each other’s hands and Matt immediately turned back to you as you approached him. He wrapped his arm around your waist, kissing your temple lovingly, his thumb stroking your hip.
“So…” Stark started, making you both spun in his direction involuntarily. You couldn’t help but shot him an annoyed and angry look. Matt was significantly better seeing you were okay, but make no mistake, you were still incredibly pissed.
“Mr. Stark-“
“Alright! I’m really sorry, okay? Really, really sorry. It was a dick move!” Tony admitted and you were almost surprised at him acknowledging his mistake so openly. He turned rather to Matt then. “But you don’t need to worry, Murdock, I got her checked up and both of your girls are fine.”
Your heart stopped. Matt froze in the middle of his soothing periodical motions. The room fell into silence. You were afraid to even breathe in.
Did he just… did he-
“Both— both of my girls?” Matt choked out at your side and your slow brain was still processing the information you were just given. Oh my god.
“Yeah, Cho managed to check them up both.”
“Both… my— my-- girls,” Matt stuttered and his posture shifted slightly so he could face you without stopping touching you. “We’re-“
You and Matt had never asked your doctor whether you were having a boy or a girl. You had refused to know when the doctor had offered, because you didn’t want to know before Matt would and then you had talked to Matt, learning he wouldn’t want to know either.
You were… having a girl. You didn’t know which option you had wanted until this moment, you just knew you somehow felt you were having a boy. Apparently, you were wrong.
And it was beautiful. So beautiful you felt tears in your eyes. You were having a girl.
You gulped, reaching out to uncover Matt’s eyes, putting his glasses away before squeezing his hand on you lightly. You raised your face to his; his brown eyes were… shining with gold threads and twinkling with tears just like yours.  
You couldn’t let out a single word. It turned out you didn’t have to.
Matt’s free hand reached for your cheek, cupping it tenderly and his lips met yours in a careful light touch. And another one, And one more.
“…they didn’t know the sex and I just told them, didn’t I?” Tony’s voice sounded from an awfully huge distance and you smiled into the kisses you kept receiving, curling your fingers in Matt’s hair, returning his affection.
“I think so, Mr. Stark. I don’t think they mind too much though,” Spiderman hummed, sounding a bit amused and absolutely moved by the scene in front of him.
“Cover your eyes kid, the adults are having a moment.”  
“Cover your eyes yourself… this is way better than a movie,” the teenage vigilante mumbled and they all pretended they didn’t hear it. You just secretly decided you adored the kid.
But you could never love the kid more than your own; your own babygirl.
M.M. masterlist
So… this happened? Somehow? Oh no, I made it fluffy… :D
Thank you for reading!
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Do you have any character in any fandom that you hate so much or a character who bothers you so much that you can't look at any media without getting annoyed/ upset? Not like villain character, a normal or even fandom fave character, someone most others won't find anything wrong with but your guts hate them, that kind?
I mean, the most obvious example of this for me is definitely Stiles in Teen Wolf lol. I know that a lot of people didn’t start disliking him until later seasons but I just flat out never liked him from the get go, and like....it built and grew due to a lot of fandom attitudes towards the character?
Because like......I just do not enjoy characters who constantly seem to be making digs at or undercutting their supposed friends or family, the way Stiles was with Scott from the very pilot. Its like yeah great, I can absolutely see and recognize all the times he was there for him and did in fact do good friendship type stuff, but the problem for me lies in the way fandom tends to make that TRANSACTIONAL with the stuff I had a problem with where its almost like, well, see, since Stiles tried so hard to save Scott in this one episode Motel California, he GETS to casually insult and demoralize him all the rest of the time, and holy shit no that’s not how that works, y’know? (Especially because Scott’s shitty self-esteem was the bad guy’s way in for almost killing him in Motel California, and gee what connection could there be between shitty self-esteem and constantly being belittled and talked down to by your literal best friend in the whole world BUT I DIGRESS).
And a lot of people over the years have been like, okay but friends tease each other and give each other shit all the time, are you saying they’re all bad for doing so? And no, I’m not, but the thing people tend to gloss over here is the key phrase “each other.”
Because its one thing when you have friendships like this. Its another thing when those friendships flow entirely one way in this specific regard.
When one character is not only ‘allowed to’ but almost EXPECTED to take pot shots at their friend at every available opportunity, but any single time the other friend does the same, no matter how playfully, its fixated upon as being mean and unfriendly, like...THAT is the problem.
And while I don’t have a specific single character that answers your question here in terms of Batfandom, the exact same phenomenon rears its head there and I holy hell object to that too, lol.
Like, we see it SO often with how Dick’s brothers are habitually characterized as mocking his relationship with Bruce, work ethic, standards, jobs, apartment, fashion choices, cooking, NAME......with it just taken for granted that there’s nothing wrong with them all calling him Dickhead or saying he’s ‘really lived up to his namesake’ practically once a fic, if not once a chapter......
And again, the common refrain is “well siblings are just like that?”
And they’re not actually, is the thing. I mean, I grew up with siblings too, and YES we gave each other shit all the time, but again its that exact same key phrase: EACH OTHER.
Like in comparison to the above, how often do people read fic where Dick casually insults his brothers every time he meets up with them, or makes snide, backhanded offensive references to their own parents or memories/reminders of them, or insults their standards not even as a point of specific conflict, but just as a casual, generic expression of contempt?
Its not a two-way street there either at ALL, and THAT’S the issue.
(Also similar to the example I outlined with Motel California, a lot of people write stuff about Dick having shitty self-esteem, but again like.....when you pair this as hand in hand with Dick regularly being insulted and talked down to by his own family, who never ever seem to have anything good to say to him or about him until AFTER he has some kind of breakdown, its like......where do you think shitty self-esteem so often comes from?)
Like, I’ve had people tag fic/drabble posts where I have Dick engaging in what to my estimation is the equivalent of gently teasing Jason or Tim.....and people tag these with “I feel funny about this because Dick seems kinda mean to his brothers here”.....and then nine out of ten times, if I go onto their blog, within a PAGE or two, I see some post where Jason and Tim are calling Dick a Dickhead or mocking his intelligence with NO sign of funny feelings from that person and its like......its not the criticism I mind, lol, its that uh, one of these things (standards of behavior applied to each character) are not like the others.
Because a lot of times when pressed on this subject, people will respond with “well it wouldn’t be in character/Dick or Scott are too nice for that to be their sense of humor” and again its just kinda glossed over that uh, this is basically a tacit admission that the characterization you’re going with for everyone else is ‘not that nice, actually.’ BUT any time people call this specific kind of behavior out when these characters do it, THEN the response is not “well yeah, you’re right, its not that nice actually,” its a defensive “well okay but that’s just how these characters are, are you saying they’re assholes?”
And its like well no, actually you basically were the ones who said they were assholes when you made this a core part of their characterization, and now you’re using this weird kinda circular logic to loophole your way out of them being actually held up and acknowledged as such WHEN they’re characterized this way. 
If these specific other characters never get to retaliate or return fire BECAUSE they’re too nice, then there should be no problem acknowledging that when the characters who DO engage in this behavior are actively engaging in it.....they’re being assholes, and no, its just how friends/siblings are is not actually a defensive/deviation from this if their targeted friend/sibling is never actually able to do the same without being held up specifically as stepping outside the territory of “being nice.”
Few things bug me more in terms of basic character interactions/dynamics then the tendency fandom has of building up certain characters as having free reign with how they treat other characters, while simultaneously limiting these other characters from any kind of equivalent spectrum of behavior by using their own positive traits AGAINST THEM.....but with fandom at the same time being willing to full on go to war in defense of the first kind of characters if anyone draws any kind of connecting dots between their examples of frankly asshole-ish behavior and the implication that they might, in fact, be not that awesome as a result.
Its this annoying sleight of hand wherein certain characters can do or say anything without it being a reflection on who they are character-wise, while other characters step the SLIGHTEST toe out of the line that fandom has drawn for their character and how they’re EXPECTED to behave at all times in order to avoid active criticism.....and this then absolutely is an indication of how they’re actually flawed and gross and even abusive, because of how not nice what they’re doing is, and if people want them to NOT be perceived that way, they need to go back to characterizing them or focusing their characterization of them on all the times/ways in which they just placidly accept whatever’s dished out without any kind of reciprocation.
So yeah, Stiles was always a big example of this for me, but it was far from limited to just him. Any time a fandom is like “these characters can make fun of this character or be super critical of them but this character is never ever allowed to do the same in return, that’s against the law,” I’m like yeah no, that’s a swing and a miss for me. Hard pass on those particular fandom faves....at least so long as their fandom fave status seems to go hand in hand with their ability to inflict maximum psychic damage upon their alleged loved one any time they’re feeling down or are just in a mood, all while facing zero consequences for it....even in the simple form of their targeted ‘loved one’ ever simply being like yeah I just choose to not want to be around you when you’re being assholes to me/if you’re going to just be an asshole to me.
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simsadventures · 5 years
Better Like This: Chapter 4: Attention
Chapter Summary: You and your friends come up with a plan to make Bucky make a move. Is he gonna see through your master plan or is he, for once, going to do what you would like him? 
Warnings: swearing, mentions of injury, drinking, jealous Bucky, sneaky reader
Word Count: 3628
A/N: I kinda strayed away from the SVU concept but I promise I’ll get back to it. I guess I'm not able to do two things at once properly :D Each chapter has more and more words, by the 10th chapter the word count will be like 8K or something :D 
As always guys, if you wanna see something happen, let me know, and I’ll see what I can do with it. 
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Series Masterlist __ Masterlist
< Previous Chapter
Scott was a bad planner, and that was an understatement of the year. When he said “we have to use it against him” he didn’t really think of a plan to do it. He and Hope would spend a lot of time at your apartment because, after the little incident, you had to take the rest of the week off to get rid of the last bits of concussion and to let your arm heal. 
So you had a lot of time to think and make a plan on your own because your partner was obviously useless. You told everything to Wanda, who actually took the week off too just to spend more quality time together. You loved her, and all, but 4 days 24 hours a day, that was a lot of Wanda even for you.
It was during a particularly loud night at your apartment, with the two couples keeping you company, that you actually figured out what to do. And it all started so innocently.
You talked about friends and family, just laughing and remembering people, when you realized you and Hope had a mutual friend, without the other one knowing it. “Wait a second, you wanna tell me you know Strange? Doctor Stephen Strange?” Hope almost yelled and laughed at the same time. “Yeah, I’ve known him for years! He repaired my shoulder after a not so good fall during the Academy. We’ve been friends ever since.” You replied and smiled at the memory.
You were little over 23, working your ass and mind off at the Academy when during a drill, you dislocated your shoulder. You didn’t even go to the hospital after the end of the training, because as soon as you fell, all of the arrogant Alpha’s around you started laughing and wouldn’t listen to your painful whines. 
The ER was not too busy when you got there, and so you could be checked and repaired in no time. As soon as the doctor walked in, you shrunk and acted as if it didn’t hurt like a motherfucker. You could smell that he was an Alpha, and didn’t even want to meet his eyes, as you were scared, he would make fun of you too. 
Needless to say, he didn’t make fun of you, but the lecture he’s given you? You didn’t think anyone could be that pissed at you for neglecting yourself, especially someone who’s never met you. But Stephen took you under his wings and was the voice of reason in your life. 
What many people, except his family and close friends, didn’t know, was that he was mated, and moreover, mated a male Omega. He met Wong at a course called Magic Tricks 101 and were living happily together in their luxurious New York apartment. You always loved to go to their place, even though you kinda felt like visiting a freaking hotel. Steven being a renown surgeon and Wong and owner of a luxurious restaurant, you weren’t really surprised their apartment looked that well.
With the mention of Stephen’s name, Wanda’s eyes widened and started to shine. She was a little drunk, just like everyone else in the room except you, and so you tried to ignore her rambling about how Stephen looks excellent and what not. Vis was looking at Wanda with question marks in his eyes like: “really Wanda? I’m in the room too, ya know.” 
She noticed her boyfriend staring weirdly at her, so she added, “not for me, Jesus, but for Y/N. You could totally date him.” 
You weren’t prepared for it and the fit of laughter her idea caused almost threw you out of your chair. “D-date Stephe? Hahaha, oh my god, that’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard, I mean, you do know he is mated and mated to a man, right?” 
“Oh shut up, I know he is mated and gay, but does everyone else know?” You stopped laughing and looked at Wanda. What was she talking about? “Go on, I’m intrigued,” said Scott and bid Wanda proceed with her master plan. 
“I mean, you wouldn’t even have to lie to people, Strange wanted to see your new unit anyway, didn’t he? And he’s like a big brother to you, so he always hugs you and kisses you on the head and stuff. You could tell him to come to pick you up at work and have dinner at Wong’s place, no-one in the office would have to know you guys are going out just like friends.” 
You wanted to dismiss her idea. You hated lying, and this seemed like you would have to lie to a lot of people. But Wanda had a point. You would just let them live a story they’d construct in their own heads, it would, theoretically, had nothing to do with you. And seeing Bucky growling at Scott and attacking Sam, for whatever reason that was, could really set the wheels into motion.
“I would have to tell Stephen, I really can’t lie to him, but, and I hate to admit it, this could actually work Wanda. I don’t know what I expect to happen, but something will probably happen, for better or for worse. Alright, I’m game, but if he tries to tackle somebody again, I’m gonna mop the floor with him, true mate or not, concussion or not.” 
You smiled to yourself. You had a plan. 
Bucky, unlike you, didn’t have many things to smile about on that particular Friday night. After acting like a complete douchebag, Steve called him and Sam to his office and gave them hell. No-no-no. Hell would’ve been better than yelling and cursing Steve did. And Steve never cursed. Never. 
So on a Friday night, when he usually would’ve been at home, or at a bar with Sam, occasionally with Steve too, he was now at a crossroad in the middle of Manhattan. After his and Sam’s shift end, for the rest of the week, they both had to go back to being traffic officers. They were both so happy when they took this uniform off of them for the last time and became detectives. Steve knew how much they both hated it, and that’s why this was their punishment for acting like a bunch of children. 
He hasn’t seen you either, because you had to stay at home and get better. This thought made a shiver run down his spine. You were injured and even worse, he himself hurt you. Not intentionally, but that did nothing to his conscience. 
With your absence, he realised a horrific thing. He missed you. The thought made him shiver again. But it was the truth, he got so used to you being there in the office, hearing your voice, however in the distance, it was and being able to smell your delicious smell, he missed all those things, and he couldn’t wait for you to come to work on Monday. And he hated himself for even thinking about it.
Sam’s been pissed at him ever since the scene in the unit, they both knew what they were talking about and the only oblivious person in that conversation was you, and it was, unfortunately, you who got hurt in the end. Sam’s been giving him the silent treatment, and Bucky couldn’t get out of him more than “uh-huh” or “nu-uh” or an occasional shrug. Bucky knew he deserved it for being such an asshole, but it still bugged him.
When he was first paired up with Sam, he pleaded with their previous Captain to get him a new partner. Anyone, really, but that talkative smug Alpha. He didn’t succeed, and after months of Sam’s constant bugging and jokes and just stupidities of everyday life with him, Bucky realised he grew fond of him and wouldn’t change a thing. 
And now he really needed his friend, that smug ass to yell at him, punch him in the arm, and tell him that they’ll figure it out. That Sam will help him manage himself, that he would actually tell Bucky what to do. But Sam was as cold as ice. 
“Oh, come on, man. It’s been going on for days and look, I get it, I’m a dick, but like, can’t you at least talk to me?” Bucky asked Sam after their long-ass shift ended. Sam looked at him with a raised eyebrow, leaned on his car and crossed his arms. 
“Alright, you’re listening, that’s good. Ok, huh. Look, man, I’m sorry, I acted like a child and got you in the middle of a problem that’s nowhere near about you. I’m sorry I punched you for some Omega-“ 
“Some Omega? You shitting me, right? You still playing this game with your brain? Like, get your head out of your ass man. She ain’t just ‘some Omega’, you dickhead. She is YOUR fucking Omega, and you should get this concept through that thick skull of yours. And before you even start with that shit about Y/N being anything like Amber, save your breath. You and I both know that’s not the case. I didn’t like Amber from the very first look, you know that, bro. But Y/N? Everyone loves her and… you know what do what you want, man. But if you wanna reject her? Then do it properly and don’t let her hope for something you are not willing to give her.” With that, Sam got into his car and sped away. 
Bucky was left there standing, staring at the rear of Sam’s car, thinking about it all. Maybe he should reject her. Perhaps it would be for the best. 
Monday couldn’t come early enough for you. You were giddy like a little child on a Christmas Eve. You knew you had to wait till the shift was almost over, and only hope Bucky would be present.
You had Stephen and Wong over at yours on Saturday and told them about your/Wanda’s master plan. Wong was so amused and loved the idea so much, you had a lot of work to do to make him not come and watch the whole encounter. Stephen was reserved at first, he couldn’t really get into a fight, his hands were worth millions of dollars. You rolled your eyes at him and had to promise him, that you’d protect his precious little hands. 
To that he agreed and was getting more and more into the role, trying to figure out, what kinda Alpha he should play in front of the squad and if he should kiss you and how. You made a disgusted face at that and told him to just as he always does, you were good with just a side hug and a kiss on top of your head. REALLY.
Stephen had a morning shift, and you really hoped no-one would get hurt bad enough for him to have to be at the hospital. You were acting selfishly, but you really need this day to go as you planned. You both agreed that you’d text each other if anything changed, but you prayed it wasn’t necessary.
The whole day was going on smoothly, even though you could feel Bucky’s weirdly long stares at you. He wouldn’t be caught dead staring at you the week before and now? He wouldn’t even look away when you found him staring. Weird. And his questions? Was he teasing you? Testing your knowledge? You didn’t know, but you never had so much contact with him. Not that you complained. 
Oh nooo, you were too happy when he came closer to you, and you took a whiff of his scent every time he did so. Delicious, you thought, but would be more delicious in my bed. You rolled your eyes at yourself and made yourself be patient, ‘cause patience is a virtue!
Bucky thought he made his mind during the weekend: reject you. Easy as that. You two didn’t have any relationship, so he shouldn’t care for your emotions. But when Monday came, he caught himself staring at you all day. He couldn’t even concentrate on work, your smell was engulfing his whole being, and he just wanted to get up, scent you properly and take you there in front of everyone. He needed a cold shower, great. 
He couldn’t understand how one person can have such an impact on somebody by just being. He wanted to get closer to you. His whole body sang for yours. So he caught himself many times during the day coming to you and asking you stupid questions just to be closer to you. 
Sam saw it all and smirked to himself. He really hoped he wouldn’t push Bucky towards the wrong decision, but even for someone as patient as Sam, Bucky’s bullshit was too much to bear. But now, it all seemed as if everything was going the right way. At the end of the day, Bucky could even ask you on a date, or something of that sorts. 
The end of your shift was nearing, and you were growing more and more giddy. You tried to look as calm and collected as you could, but whenever you looked at Scott, he gave you his widest smile and almost always put out thumbs up to show his support. You couldn’t look at him anymore without laughing like a little girl. Jeez. 
Suddenly, the front door opened, and when you looked the way, you saw Stephen strolling through the unit towards your desk. From the corner of your eye, you could see Bucky and Sam ceasing their movements, probably stopping in the middle of cleaning their desks. 
“Hey, hun, ready for the dinner? Wong got us his best table.” Stephen smirked at you and did what he always did when greeting you: side hug and a kiss on top of your head. You smiled inwardly and let him do his thing.
“Yeah, sure. Just need to pack last few things, and we can head there. You know Scott, right?” you looked into the direction of your partner who obviously needed every last strand of self-control not to burst out laughing. 
“Yeah, yeah, we’ve met a couple of times. Wong’s, huh? You’re surely spoiling her, man.” 
Now it was you almost laughing your ass off. When you glanced towards Sam and Bucky’s tables, you could see Bucky’s posture changed from the relaxed, I’m-going-home type of posture into a very rigid one, with a set jaw. His eyes felt like they could pierce your soul. And he was just standing there, staring at you. You thought you could even hear a low rumble coming from his chest, but you couldn’t be too sure. 
“Oh my God,” Natasha squealed from behind you, “you’re Stephen Strange, the famous surgeon, right? It’s so nice to meet you!” They shook hands, and she looked at you questionably. The team felt the tension between you and Bucky, and you were quite sure they knew about your little situation. So, you weren’t surprised Natasha was looking at you with some sort of suspicion. 
“Yeah, we’re just heading out. Anyway guys, have a nice evening and-“
“Y/L/N! Can I speak you with for a sec?” You expected a lot of voices to say that, but Bucky’s wasn’t one of them, so you just looked at him confused. Satisfied that he probably took the bait, but confused nevertheless. “Can’t it wait till tomorrow, Barnes?” 
“No, now!” and he left the room, expecting you to follow him. Stephen smirked at you and bid you go, not without playfully hitting your bum. You just giggled and shook your head at him and went to see what Bucky wanted. 
“What is it, Barnes? I got a dinner planned and-“ you couldn’t finish the sentence as your whole body was suddenly pushed against the wall behind you. Neither of you moved, you stared at Bucky, waiting for his next move. 
He didn’t plan on doing this. He really wanted to let you go home and work up his courage to talk to you in the next few days. But when he saw the Alpha coming in for you, expensive suit and all, taking you to one of the best restaurants in the city, he just couldn’t hold back. 
He wasn’t thinking clearly, he just needed to get you out of this Alpha’s presence and alone. Hell, he didn’t even know what to tell you once he pushed you against the wall and held you there. He was starting to calm down, your mere presence was bringing inner peace to him that he didn’t think possible. 
He was a hot-headed man. It mostly did him good, in his line of job. He was the bad cop, Sam was the good one, and the dynamics always worked. But he couldn’t be hot-headed all the time. Usually, he would have to do breathing exercises to calm himself down, but with you around (when you two were alone), he didn’t have to do anything. He could just stare into your eyes, letting your scent wrap around his body like a blanket.
“Anything you wanna say, Barnes, or can I go to that dinner now?” You smirked at him. A low rumble left his chest, but other than that, he was quiet. You would pay anything in the world to know what was on Bucky’s mind. Which, by the way, would be money totally wasted because Bucky’s mind was completely blank. He couldn’t even construct a sentence right now, let alone a sentence that would convey his emotions. 
He didn’t know what he was feeling, he just knew that he couldn’t let you go out on a date with another man. Another Alpha, who could hurt you, or take away the possibility for Bucky to make a move. 
“Don’t go, Y/N. Please,” he whispered and lowered his head, but still not letting go of your shoulders. 
“Why shouldn’t I go to dinner? You said yourself, that you’ll never want an Omega and maybe I’m just acting on your words.” 
“Can I, will you… will you let me explain, please? I know I’ve been acting distant-“ 
“You haven’t been distant Bucky, you’ve been downright hurtful, both emotionally and physically. What would you like to explain to me, huh? Why you’ve been acting like I’m a fucking plague, or why you jumped at Sam and me last week, or what?” You were glad he was talking to you, that he was somehow trying, but you needed him to understand how hurt you were and that you weren’t about to give in so easily. If that’s what he wanted, of course. 
“Everything, let me explain everything, please. I don’t- I don’t understand myself either, and I’m ashamed that my actions and my stupidity hurt you last week. Just please, hear me out, give me a chance to explain.” He was still barely whispering, but now looking you dead in the eye and you could’ve sworn your whole insides just melted. Damn those eyes! 
You sighed. “Fine, you can explain it all to me, but not today, Bucky. I do want to go on that dinner with my friend, and you have no right what-so-ever to try and prevent me from going. We are not a couple, and even if we ever were, you couldn’t dictate me where I can go and with whom. If you are still interested in talking to me on Friday night, we can go out, and I’ll listen to you.” 
  “What if he tries something, or he hurts you or claims you without your approval, I mean-“ 
You had to smile at his behaviour. He was being a little possessive without reason, but he was so cute rambling about stuff he didn’t understand. “Bucky! I’ll be fine, I promise. I’ve known Stephen for quite some time, and he would never hurt or do anything I wouldn’t want him to.” 
This wasn’t a lie, Strange would really never hurt you. Well, he hurt your pride whenever you played any desk games with him and Wong, but that was a different story. 
Now it was Bucky’s turn to sigh. He knew you were right, he made it very clear that he didn’t want to be involved with you in any way, and now he had no right to tell you what to do. His whole being screamed at him to not let you go with that guy wearing a smug smirk on his face. But he had to let you go. For now. 
“Alright, Friday night, then? I’ll talk to Steve if he can let me go off that traffic-patrol bullshit and I’ll let you know, alright? Just… I know I had no right to ask, but… please, be careful.” 
You bit your lower lip to stop yourself from screaming or trying to kiss him or both. You knew you couldn’t just give in and just let him boil in his own sweat before you give him a chance. But the Omega in you wanted to strangle the rational part of your brain and just jump into your Alpha’s arms and let him do anything to you. And the anything was now played in your mind in great detail, and you gulped hard and prayed to God that Bucky didn’t smell the change in your pheromones. From angry to aroused. You needed to get out of there. 
“I will don’t worry, Bucky. Have a good night, and I’ll see you tomorrow.” With that, you felt Bucky’s grip on your shoulders loosen, and you pushed away from the wall and went quickly to grab Stephen and ran away out of there. 
Bucky had to take three deep breaths to calm his Alpha side down, and prayed for the morning to come to see your face, and hopefully bare neck. He was a goner, and he didn’t even realise it, yet. 
/ Next Chapter >
Tags: @kneel-begyourpardon @starkrobb @crazybutconfidentaf @waiting4inspiration @boxofteenageideas @hiken-no-stark @get0verit @taylorsmakingfuckingmacandcheese @mywinterwolf @cat-of-your-eye @iheartsebastianstan @slender--spirit @this-is-serenaa @henderwhore4life @owlyannah @rohaintahquil @libbymouse @chubby-dumplin @dumblani @laughsandlivia @kiki5283 @rippedpiece @marvellover1819 @barbar126 @p8tn0lish @atomicfandombomb @queen-of-elves @benditlikegumby @therapy-sis  @daydreamerinadazedworld
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mageicalwishes · 3 years
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Day 1, Found Family - New Traditions
The Gang start a new Festive tradition filled with love, laughter, music, food & fun.
Day 2, Distance - Say I Love You When You’re Not Listening
Baz reflects on the events of Wayward Son, and the hopelessness he feels. "A trip to try and save him - To save us. A last ditch effort to put some of the sunshine back in to his soul. Rammed together in economy, the press of his knee firm against mine, but his mind miles away. His eyes ever averted. Touching yet so far apart. I just wish I knew where I went wrong."
Day 3, Retellings - Changing History
The Mage's publicized documents reveal a myriad of painful truths about the loss of Natasha Grimm-Pitch and the origins of Simon Snow.
Day 4, Side Characters - Thawing Of A Heart
Malcolm & Daphne. “I’d always known that I would remarry eventually. It was my duty for the good of the family. Basil needed a mother. And I needed … someone. It was a simple, logical decision - To find a woman of good breeding, and give her the Grimm name. To carry on. But, through all my planning and preparation, I had never anticipated that I would fall in love. Never anticipated her."
Day 5, Sleepless - Tonight He Is Mine
"I can’t sleep. I can never sleep these days, not how I want to anyway - It's always either that I’m knocked out for 15 hours, waking up disoriented and heavy, or that I can barely catch a moment's rest. But today is different. My body is tired, and my mind is too. If I let myself, I’d be gone. But I won’t. I can’t. Tonight is my last night with Baz, and I don’t want to miss a minute of it."
Day 6, WLW - To Her, I Taste Of Nothing At All
Fiona & Ebb. "But then, before I even knew what was happening, she was kissing me back. And Crowley, I swear I melted. She tasted of cigarette smoke and spiced rum - Like fire personified."
Day 7, Animal(s) - Family Dog
My interpretation of ‘I was a 15-year-old closet case whose parents pretended they didn’t notice when the family dog disappeared’. “A shallow grave. So much less than she deserves. But … I can’t breathe. I can’t even think. I’m running on autopilot and adrenaline alone. Everything is just - I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know how I got here. I'm losing control. I can't - I can't even look at her. She's still wrapped in my sheets. I can see her bleeding. I still want it. I still want more."
Day 8, Rain - From Across The Courtyard
"When I first met him, it was hammering it down. I was rushing to the main door in a desperate attempt to rescue my suede shoes, umbrella snagging against the wind, when I heard it - An impolite 'Oi! Are you new?'"
Day 9, Kids/Childhood - At The Top Of A Tower
Simon reflects on the few happy memories he made with Baz at Watford.
Day 10, Crossover - I’ll Give You The Stars
A loose crossover between Carry On and parts of I'll Give You The Sun. “He’s haloed under the streetlights, and I’m trying not to stare. But, it’s hard. His face is celestial - The sunshine of his soul peeking through his features. I want to say more, just so that he doesn’t leave. Our houses are right there but, I feel so ... multicoloured."
Day 11, Fluff - Keeping Warm
Simon & Baz spend a tentative first night together after the events of the forest fire. “He’s sighing against me, and sliding a hand up towards to my neck to hold me closer against him, and - Fuck. He’s freezing. I jolt backwards without meaning to. Staring down at him in awe - His pupils blown wide, and a faint (But definitely present) blush spread across his cheeks."
Day 12, Wings - The Guests Can Wait
"Weddings are even more exhausting than I had imagined. What with the panicked last minute search for Simon’s vows (Which ended up being in the mini-fridge of all places), and having to parade ourselves around all of our well-wishing friends and family. All I want to do was get him alone. To tell him, without the presence of a hundred witnesses, how much he means to me - How much the fact that we’re here, together, after everything, means to me."
Day 13, Below the Surface - Below The Surface
"Las Vegas is a sham of a city. Outside it’s all bright lights and glitzy shows - Normal magicians and celebrity chefs. But, beneath its shiny exterior, it’s nothing more than a grim desert, filled with counterfeit culture, and people burning through money they don’t really have. The Katherine is no exception."
Day 14, Constellation(s) - Mirror, Mirror
Simon struggles with his body image Post-Carry On. “Sometimes I just … get so mad at them (At myself, really). I wish that they’d just grow up and tell me like it is. Tell me how much I’ve disappointed them. Tell me that they no longer want me."
Day 15, Hurt/Comfort - First Aid
Simon cares for Baz's Buckshot wounds. Less angsty re-write of the scene in Wayward Son. “I glare at him - At his blackened under eyes, and matted hair. The slight hunch of his back. It does hurt. I know it does. Liar. I move my face closer to his, and breathe in his air. I want to hug him. To kiss him. To cheer him up, somehow. Make him better. But I can’t. I don’t know how. So, instead I step away. My hands dropping limply, to my sides."
Day 16, Meme/Crack - Baby, You Can Pick Me Up Any Day
Oovoo Javer? Oovoo Javer. AKA: Baz is Simon's slightly dickhead-ish Uber driver. “I kept trying to talk to him - Asking about his night, and whether he always listens to Classical music, or if it was just for show - but he ignored me. Staring unamusedly at me in the mirror, eyebrow raised and lips tilted downwards. He got 2 stars for that trip."
Day 17, Blanket Fort - Torch The Night-Filled Fort
Baz surprises Simon with a living room blanket fort transformation. “I turn to him, beaming. ‘Baz, what? What is this?’ He hums against me. ‘Blanket fort. You’re terribly inobservant, Snow.’ ‘Yeah, but … I mean, why?’ ‘Well, it’s been a year now since we left for America, and we’ve come a long way since then. Thought it was worth celebrating,’ he confesses, smiling shyly down at the floor.”
Day 18, Side Ships - You Got A Boyfriend?
Shepard & Penny. Shepard asks Penny a very important question (Well, in his mind, anyway).
Day 19, Misunderstanding - Wrong Bottle, Moron
Simon makes a VERY stupid mistake while showering. Cue, Baz coming to his rescue.
Day 20, Technology - Screenless
Baz and Simon have been chatting online for a year. It's finally time to meet IRL and take their relationship into HD reality.
Day 21, Warmth - Out In The Cold
Fangirl era. Simon and Baz get stuck in a snowstorm, and have to find a way to stay warm.
Day 22, Unlikely Friends - You’re My Bro
Shepard comes over to hang out with his bro ... Baz?
Day 23, Cooking/Baking - What’s Cookin’ Good Lookin’?
Simon is making dinner. Baz is soft.
Day 24, Song - He Made It Easy, Darlin’
Simon & Baz struggle with trying to take the next step in their relationship. Inspired by Easy by Troye Sivan
Day 25, Parallel Universe - Parallelt Univers
Simon and Baz spend the day recovering in bed, after their first kiss. Inspired by the 'Parallel Universes' talk from Skam.
Day 26, Break - I Think We Should Break Up
Simon is trying to do what's right for Baz. Baz disagrees.
Day 27, Snowstorm - Searching In The Snow
Simon has lost his cat. So the only obvious choice is to hammer on his neighbour's door at 2AM ... And Baz is not impressed.
Day 28, Party - Festivities, Food, and Family. Chapter 1
"I’m over the bloody moon. After everything that happened after we left Watford, I wasn’t sure that I’d ever get to see this Snow - a truly joyful Snow - again. And it broke my heart. Yet, here we are, spending our fifth anniversary together, surrounded by friends and family in our own little London flat."
Day 29, Secret Santa/Gift Giving - Festivities, Food, and Family. Chapter 2
Day 30, Any Way the Wind Blows - Worst Road Trip ... Ever!
Shepard is NOT enjoying his trip back to England with the Gang. "I feel like a kid again, sat in the back of my mothers pick-up, hyped up on sugar, but belted down to the seat. Unable to run. Constantly being shushed."
Also huge thanks and praise goes to everyone involved in running the @carryon-countdown Countdown this year!!! I really enjoyed taking part :)
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faofinn · 4 years
Psych 101 - Whumptober Day 11
This is set after Day 7, so give that a read first :) 
Harrison slept for an hour or so before waking with a quiet whine. Even in the darkness he recognised the room as Fao's and he smiled. Fao's was safe, basically home. With a clumsy hand he patted the bed until he found Fao, then shuffled his way across. 
Harrison's movement stirred Fao, just as he'd finally slipped off. But he was half asleep and used to being grabbed and snuggled up to by Finn anyway. His brain barely registered it was Hars, not Finn, and he wasn't bothered. He just groaned and pressed into the warm body next to him, easily drifting back into sleep. 
It was nice to be held, to have someone else to hold him instead of pushing him away. He looped his leg over Fao's, his head on his chest and arm draped over his abdomen. 
Mostly asleep and happy to be cuddled, Fao draped an arm around Hars and held him close. The contact was nice, he had to admit.
Harrison slept until Fao's alarm woke him, rolling away from Fao and onto his back. His head was pounding and he groaned, long and low. Even during his worst drinking sessions he usually never woke up as bad as he felt.
Fao wasn't too enamoured at the sound of his alarm either, and reached out to turn it off. “Mornin’, tomcat.” He said, voice rough. “Feelin’ shit?”
His first attempt at a response caught in his throat and he grunted in response.
Fao rolled over to look at him, propped up on his arm. “That bad?”
"'m dead."
“I hope not.”
“You look pretty alive to me.”
"No." He groaned again and rolled over, his face pressed to the pillow. 
“Anything I can get you?”
"A drink. Can't go into work this hungover."
“You’re not going to work, but I’ll get you water.”
"Of course I'm going to work."
“Nah, they gave you the day off.”
"They didn't? I need to go."
“They did, when you were in last night it got sorted.”
He squinted at Fao. "I wasn't in last night."
“Trust me, you were.”
"You're lying. I went for a drink and… and then you must've come and picked me up."
“Hars, you know I don’t lie.” Fao said. “Not to you, anyway. You went for a drink, I found you off of your face from two drinks, dragged you to work and they kept you for a few hours. Fluids and shit, they think you were spiked. GHB.”
"That's bullshit. You're just trying to stop me from drinking again."
“I swear, I’m not. Check your arm, you had a cannula in last night.”
"It's an arm." He muttered without moving. "You're trained, you could have stabbed me."
“Might as well have done, I spent all night in A&E with you. You were in resus for a bit.”
"You're lyin'."
“I’m not.”
"Whatever. Just leave me here to die."
Fao reached out to give him a gentle shove. “Come on, stop sulking.”
“I’m not sulking. Stop it.”
“I’ll go get you some water.” Fao said, and dragged himself out of bed. 
“Thanks. You can drown me in it.”
“My glasses aren’t that big.” Fao muttered, and left. He returned with a cool glass of water for Harrison, and sat down to pass it to him. “Here. Don’t drown.”
He rolled over to shoot him a look. "Should let me drown."
“If I did that, last night would be a waste of time.”
“No, it would be nice.” He sighed, finally sitting up.  “Would be a mercy.”
“Nope, it wouldn’t.”
"You don't know what my head feels like."
“Want some painkillers?”
"I want a drink."
“Water only, sorry tomcat.”
“Please? I can’t go to work like this. I just need a little boost, that’s all.”
“You don’t need to go to work, I’ve told you. And I don’t want you drinking with drugs in your system, that’s what got you into trouble in the first place. They were worried about you having a respiratory arrest.”
“I wasn’t even drugged.”
“You were, though. What do you remember from last night?”
He frowned. His memory was hazy, often missing after blacking out and the previous night had been no different. Fao knew that.
"Nothing. Obviously."
“You normally remember the first three or four drinks, right?”
"I guess."
“Do you even remember getting to the pub?”
"Look, whatever. I need to get showered, I'm going to be late."
“I told you you're not on shift.”
"I am." He groaned, moving to stand. "I don't understand what you don't get."
“I literally spoke to your boss last night whilst I watched you in resus.” Fao grumbled. 
"I don't know who you took to resus, but it wasn't fucking me." He snapped back, leg hanging over the edge of the bed.
“Trust me, it was you. Call your boss, I don't care.”
"I don't know where my phone is...or my leg…" He turned to Fao. "What fucking day is it?"
Fao shrugged. “Friday? Your phone's downstairs and I put your leg by the bed, like always.”
"What's it doing down there?" Harrison muttered to himself, no thanks in sight. "Should be on my fucking leg."
“I took it off so you didn't break it in the night. Or break me.”
"It's my leg."
“Yeah, and I didn't want you breaking it.”
"I'm not going to break it." He grumbled. "I know what I'm doing."
As if to prove his point he stood, arms crossed and unimpressed as he faced Fao. He stayed upright a moment longer before he pitched forward and landed heavily on the bed. 
Fao snorted. “Know what you're doing, huh?”
"Yeah, I'm sitting down." Harrison swatted at Fao. "Fuck off."
“It's my house, don't tell me to fuck off.” He grumbled playfully.
"You kidnapped me."
“I took you home. Otherwise they'd have admitted you.”
"I can't get my leg on properly. Are you sure it's the right one?"
“Well I pulled it off of you last night.” Fao said. “Want me to sort it?”
"I just want a shower. I'm cold and gross."
“Your stuff’s in the bathroom.” Fao said. 
"I can't get to the bathroom." He whined, dropping his head to hide his tears.
Fao softened. “Come here, let me sort you out.” He said, getting up to kneel in front of Harrison and sort his leg. 
"I'm sorry."
“No need to be.”
"I was doing better with my drinking. I guess it was that paeds case? I don't...I don't actually remember."
“You were drugged. When I got there you'd had two and you were a mess. Yesterday was the wreck, that massive abdo bleed in resus…”
"I...no. youre making  it worse."
“Making what worse?”
"My head. You're just lying and making everything shit."
“I'm not lying. Go ahead and call your boss, check you're not on shift.”
“I can’t get my phone.”
“I’ll get it.”
“I don’t want it. You’ll give me a ride?”
“My car’s at the hospital.”
“Why’d you leave it there?” 
“It’s dirty.”
“That’s no reason to leave it there?”
“I didn’t want to drive home in it, and I doubt you did either. You puked in it.”
“Last night.”
“You’re doing my head in, honestly.”
Fao laughed. “You’re not the only one.”
“I just...I just don’t understand.” He sighed. “You don’t understand. I can’t have been drugged.”
“Harrison, I saw it. I was there, the whole time you were in hospital. You’d only had two drinks and you passed out on me.” 
He shook his head. “You’re wrong.”
Fao looked up at him. “I promise I’m not lying. I was really worried about you last night.”
“No, you’re wrong. It’s all wrong.” He fought with his leg again, finally managing to get it secured before stumbling off. “It’s all wrong.”
“What?” He turned to face Fao, tears falling. “What do you want now?”
Fao didn’t say anything, just wordlessly pulled Harrison in for a hug, holding him close to his chest.
Harrison sobbed as Fao held him, completely breaking in his arms. He couldn’t remember half of the day before, couldn’t place what had happened at all and it terrified him. 
“Shh, shh. You’re alright, yeah? I’ve got you.”
“You have to be lying, you’ve got to be. It’s got to be all wrong.”
“I'm sorry, I wish it was.”
“Please, Fao. You’re lying. It’s not funny anymore.”
“I promise I wouldn’t lie to you.”
His legs gave way beneath him and he grabbed tighter onto Fao. It wasn’t real, none of it was happening.
Fao held him tight. “It’s okay, I’ve got you.”
“I can’t.”
“Come on, let’s sit.” Fao said, ushering Harrison back to bed.
He let himself be led back to the bed, sitting down in silence. His body shook with each sob and he couldn’t look at Fao, his head hanging low.
“Hey, it's okay, you’re okay.” Fao reassured. “I’ve got you, yeah?”
Harrison leaned back, gently tugging Fao with him. "Are you going to work?"
Fao shook his head. “I was always off today.”
"I don't want to be awake."
“Back to bed?”
"You won't let me drink."
“So back to bed, then. Come on, I'll chill with you.”
"Just one?" He asked, trying his luck as he settled down.
“Nope.” Fao said, settling next to him under the duvet. 
"A tiny one." He murmured, snuggling closer. "A teeny, tiny, little smidge."
“Not even a smidge. Doctor's orders.”
He draped an arm over Fao's chest. "You're not even a doctor."
“Dickhead.” He muttered affectionately. 
"Yeah, that's what you are." He laughed between tears. 
“You're such a twat. What am I? A butcher?”
"A wiggly worm catcher."
Fao snorted. “I don't even have a response for that.”
"I've got your next birthday present planned. Gonna get you the light up worm thingies. Build an empire."
“Don't spoil it.”
"Eh, you'll have forgotten by then."
“My birthday isn't that far away.”
"You're old though."
“‘m not that old.”
"Yeah, you are."
“Only because you're young and daft.”
He hummed. "You're still good though."
“Am I?”
Harrison nodded, almost asleep. "Yeah, very."
“Oh really?”
He made a quiet noise against Fao's side, the ghost of a smile flickering across his features.
“Idiot.” Fao said lightly. 
Harrison didn't sleep too much longer, waking up with a big yawn and a long stretch. Still half asleep, he curled closer to Fao, hoping the other man wouldn't mind the contact and almost pretending he was his.
Fao too had dozed off - it was still early, and he was tired - and stirred as Harrison did. He didn't quite want to break the silence, comfortable and warm, so just blinked his eyes open and held Harrison close. 
It was warm enough for Harrison to start to drift again, nestled against Fao's side. He couldn't help but tighten his grip on his top, stretching to get closer.
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harryandhishook · 4 years
Thanksgiving Secrets
Fandom: Dream Daddy
Pairing: Background Hugo x Damien
Setting: Maple Bay
Warning: Erm … Coming out? Swearing? I have no idea
Summary: After going to College, Lucien is invited for Thanksgiving with his Dad, Hugo and Ernest, however, Ernest hasn’t been his normal self and some secrets are revealed 
Words: 4059
Requested: Nope, I wrote this last November in a book on a coach coming back from Walk Disney World Florida
Side note: Before I give my apologies, I AM A TRANS MAN, if anything in here sounds off or doesn’t sound like how you expect a coming out story is, just remember, everyone’s coming out story is different and I tried to do this the best I can.
Also I am so so sorry, I know I haven’t uploaded in ages and I know there is no excuse but University is a bitch, my mental health is not good and my Grandmother (Who raised me) is pushing me to my limit and I’m so close to cutting contact with her. Sorry to unload all that to you but I’m trying my hardest to keep myself together and not just quit everything.
Here, have a cute Gif of Damien stroking a cat :) And sorry for any errors in the writing, it’s long and I still don’t have anyone to read my stuff over for me :(
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Growing up wasn’t as bad as people thought it was, it just … sucked. When people aged, they found their soulmates, got jobs, leave to see the world, people grow up in body and mind.
It was around the time that Lucien was in his final year of Highschool when his Dad and Hugo finally confessed their feelings to each other and became a thing, Ernest was still young and very much acting out.
Lucien was the quickest to accept it, he was a little hesitant at first seeing as it was just him and Damien through his entire life and his Dad wasn’t exactly a stereotypical person, he may not act like it but when it comes to his Father, he is crazy protective over him and well, he didn’t want to let him get hurt, however, over time, he realised just how much the two Cul-De-Sac Fathers loved each other.
Ernest on the other hand, he couldn’t bring himself to accept the fact that his Father was dating, he couldn’t accept that he could one day have a Stepbrother, he just couldn’t accept any of it. The boy did everything to try and stop it, he acted out even more than usual, tried to split them up, he did whatever he could think of but no matter what, Damien would always treat him like he was his own son.
Now, a few years down the line, Lucien decided to prove every one of his disapproving teachers wrong and leave for College, all the while Ernest was stuck in his final year of Highschool, now, the pyromaniac delinquent was still one of his biggest features, something he was still well known as but the young Vega boy was actually a lot calmer than before and actually tried his hardest to settle down.
Damien and Hugo knew that Ernest never really had much of a problem with telling someone, even if it was through anger, how he felt and both Fathers had come to think that maybe the boy had completely reformed himself, figuring himself out, growing up from the mischievous boy they had watch destroy himself with hate and they both hoped that the boy would stay that way.
This year, the family decided to host Thanksgiving together, Lucien agreeing to travel down and stay for two weeks with them all while Damien tried to get as much time as he could from work for his Son. Luckily for Hugo and Ernest, the school boiler had decided to explode quite abruptly, leaving almost the entirety of the upper school, Hugo and Ernest area, flooded, giving them both the opportunity to stay at home for longer.
The day Lucien arrived home, he two Dad decided to meet him at the bus station, they had asked Ernest who had politely refused which was not much of a surprise to them, he barely left his room recently, he didn’t say why but they expected it may have possibly been school work.
When they had arrived at the station and greeted Lucien very happily, they had both shrugged off his question of, ‘where’s the brat?’, stating that he was busy and found it difficult to put his stuff down, not wanting him to worry too much when he had only just got there.
When Lucien got to the house, he was more than happy to wave at all his old neighbours with a wide smile on his face, anyone from a mile away could tell he had missed Maple Bay. It took almost an hour before the emo was able to walk through the door, not only did he need help with bags, his neighbours that he had waved to, mainly Mary, Joseph and Brian, had taken it upon themselves to bombard him with questions … okay, mainly Joseph and Brian, Mary was just happy to see the little monster again.
Finally, Lucien was in the clear, bags in the hall, coat and shoes off, placed neatly in their respective places while Damien rushed off to make them all something special to eat that night. The bo-young adult moved through his old home without so much as looking where he was going, all perfectly memorised until he reached the room that he never really needed to go into, the room that was never used into recently, Ernest’s room.
With a soft knock, Lucien waited, he knew that even with Ernest being older and probably not bothered by the emos presence, he still needed privacy,
“Who is it?” came a quiet and tired sounding voice, to anyone outside of the family, they would have thought someone else had spoken but Lucien could recognise the little shits voice better than anyone,
“Oi, dickhead, you gonna open up for your favourite brother or not?” Lucien playfully replied, hoping his usual attitude and joking ways could coax Ernest out of his little hiding mood. It took a few moments but soon enough, the door creaked open, revealing a tired looking and very messy looking Ernest, his hair was a mess, his clothes looked like they hadn’t seen a washing machine in years from how crumpled and wrinkly they were and finally, even if the boy thought no one could see, Lucien wasn’t so easily fooled as to not see the dried tears staining his cheeks,
“Ernest, man, what happened?” the emo asked, pushing them both into the room so he could block out everyone else once the door was shut, “You look like shit, when was the last time you had a shower? What the hell happened to you dude?” he asked, well, more demanded to know as he continued to push the younger boy into the room, sitting him on the bed before shuffling around the piles of clothes and trash, picking up the laundry to move out into the hamper before picking up every single piece of rubbish and crap left on the floor,
“Nothings wrong, Luce, I’m fine, I’ve just been busy, you know how it is, final year of school and all that” Ernest protested, trying his hardest to sound normal but failing miserably to convince his best friend and brother,
“Yeah, bullshit, if you’re so busy with work then I’m the straightest man alive, you’re lies ain’t gonna work on me so either you tell me what’s going on or have a shower, you smell like death so pick one or the other” Lucien demanded sternly, giving him a pretty simple choice, now to see if Ernest would actually pick one.
Luck would have it, Ernest grumpily rolled himself from the bed and made his way begrudgingly to the bathroom that was opposite the boys room, causing the emo to smile in relief.
As the sound f the shower filled the hall and the grumbles of annoyance hit the older siblings ears, Lucien made his way downstairs, large bag of trash in one hand and the hamper in the other. The little chore was meant to go smoothly … if his dads weren’t being stupidly lovey dovey in he kitchen, at least he got to see both adults become exceedingly embarrassed at being caught, however, that changed to shock when they spotted that the rebellious emo they had grown to love was cleaning in the first few minutes of staying in the house,
“It’s not what it looks like, Ernests room was a mess so I cleaned his room while he’s taking a well needed shower” Lucien explained as he put the bag of trash by the back door, “O know there is something wrong with him and I’m going to try get it out of him … whether he likes it or not” the boy stated as he moved into the adjacent room to start the new load of laundry, he was so busy he hadn’t even noticed his parents enter the room after him,
“My darling, we didn’t want you to worry, Ernest has been acting quite peculiar as of late, normally we can easily piece together his dilemma but … as you saw, he hasn’t left his room in quite some time” Damien explained as they stood in the doorway, watching the emo boy start the washer before turning to look at the two men, he was about to speak when Hugo interrupted him,
“I don’t want to lose Ernest, not when I’ve just managed to get him to call me dad again” the eldest Vega whispered, sighing as the Victorian beside him gently laced their fingers together, “Lucien please try and get him to open up to us” years ago, Lucien would tell his parents to do it themselves but from the looks on his dads faces, it was out of their hands and unsurprisingly up to him,
“Fine but only because I love you both” the emo chuckled, walking in between them to escape the little room, “Anyway, who can resist my puppy dog eyes” Lucien smirked before pointing at Damien, “and one of Dads famous movie pamper nights” he finished as he vanished back upstairs,
“Damien, what is he talking about?” the teacher asked, absolutely confused but also very intrigued. Hugo turned his gaze to the side only to come face to face with a very ecstatic man next to him,
“It’s been so long, I will need many supplies, first, I’ll need to find a good movie, maybe comedy, oh how this brings back so many memories” the Victorian man rambled as he scurried about the rooms, writing a very long list, “this will surely help Ernest, why did I not think of this” he muttered before handing the list to the other man in the room, “I will need you to run to Walmart for all these things, also get some of those pizza rolls that Ernest loves so much, thank you” he instructed before also disappearing off upstairs, leaving a baffled Hugo still stood in the laundry room now holding a long list of junk food … way too much junk food.
Nightfall came, the living room had been transformed into what looked like a teenage girls slumber party; junk food, movies, nail kits, make up, face masks, everything a slumber party needed.
Hugo had been told he could enter if and only if he let someone do one little bit of pampering on him, to which the teacher quickly excused himself with the explanation of ‘papers to complete’, leaving Damien to sit in his very baggy and very comfortable … okay, maybe not his clothes but the wrestling shirts he ‘borrowed’ from Hugo looked so cute on him. Lucien sat beside him in some of his least emo pyjamas anyone had ever seen on the boy since they were covered in Mickey Mouse heads but who’s judging.
Soon, once the room was competed, Lucien hurried upstairs, knocking gently on the large door of Ernest's room to get his attention,
“Bitch, I need you to do two things, one, find some comfy clothes and two, come downstairs” the emo shouted through the door before waiting for a response which amazingly didn’t take as long as the door opened to reveal a grouchy looking mess,
“What are you trying to do, Goth?” Ernest mumbled, obviously trying to joke around even thought Lucien could tell he felt like absolute shit,
“It’s emo and I’m not trying to do anything, all I want to do is to try and help you feel better” Lucien explained before realising he was just going to have to reveal what was downstairs, “Me and Dad were talking and I found out that you like to sit and talk to him so, me, you and my Dad are going to sit downstairs, eat junk food and watch movies … sound good?” he asked, hoping it was going to work.
Lucien realised it definitely did when Ernest held up a single finger, closing the door in the emos face before appearing once again moments later in very baggy yet comfortable clothing,
“Well then, come on, I don’t have all day” Ernest grumbled, a small smile gracing his exhausted face as he obviously tried to crack another joke with his stepbrother. Slowly, he made his way down the grand staircase to the living room where Damien was waiting happily,
“Ernest, my dead, come sit” he said giddily, patting the stack of pillows and duvets beside him, allowing Ernest enough space to sit comfortably as he pressed play on the movie, one of Ernest's and Damien's guilty pleasures, Descendants,
“Descendants, junk food and being lazy … you trying to butter me up, pops?” Ernest chuckled weakly as he sat down, getting himself comfortable between his family, he knew exactly what they were doing for him but maybe a little treat wouldn’t be too bad to indulge in.
A few hours, three descendants films and a lot of pampering later, the three of them were laid back, heads rested against the sofa as they spoke, Lucien's nails were drying, Damien had a face mask on and Ernest was staring, his ears were almost deaf to the world around him as the other two people in the room chatted away but he couldn’t bring himself to look away and join in, his gaze couldn’t move from the one thing in the room that haven’t been touched, the make-up. The young boy was silent, burning holes into the bag of brushes and surprises, until,
“Pops…” A meek whisper but was caught by the man it was directed to, causing the two to stop talking and sit up, removing the cucumbers from over his eyes,
“Yes my dear?” Damien asked as he watched the young boy slowly turn his gaze over to his,
“I’ve heard that … well, some girls at my school have said that …” the boy stuttered, trying to think of the best way to describe his strange request but he couldn’t, making the boy sigh and ask, “Can it feel good to put on make-up?” he finally asked, trying not to make eye contact.
Damien's eyes widened a little, out of everything he had prepared himself to answer, that wasn’t one of them,
“Well, it can, especially the brushes, the make-up itself can feel strange though” Damien answered before reaching over to the table the bag was laid, bring it over to them.
Ernest sat silently, watching him reach inside and pull out a large fluffy brush, leaning over and carefully sliding it across the boys cheek, earning a soft sigh of joy,
“Would you like me to put some on you?” the Victorian man asked as he rummaged through the seemingly bigger on the inside bag, revealing a few different contraptions and what looked like small torture devices. With a small, timid nod, the young Vega answered,
“Y-Yes please … if it’s not too weird” Ernest whispered, shuffling closer to Damien, all the while, Lucien watched with a happy smile, he knew this is exactly what his brother needed, maybe not just to relax but it was a relief to watch Ernest finally calm,
“Let’s get started then and don’t worry dear, I have the perfect colours for you … I may have possibly convinced your Father to do this once too” Damien chuckled softly, reminiscing as he grabbed the correct pieces he needed. Ernest closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he felt a cool liquid and soft brush move over his skin.
A while later and make-up flung everywhere, Damien sat back to admire his work as Ernest scrunched his face a little to get used to this new and very strange feeling of stuff covering his face,
“You look absolutely darling, it suits you” the Victorian said as he started to tidy the make-up away just as the grandfather clock behind then chimed midnight, “Oh dear, it is quite late and I need to start preparing food tomorrow, well, I guess I best wash this stuff off of my face and retire to bed, you boys can stay up a little longer if you wish, as long as you don’t make too much noise” Damien said as he slowly stood, stretching himself out before kissing both boys on the top of their heads, bidding them a good night.
Lucien continued to watch his Father head upstairs to his room before turning back to Ernest once he was no longer in sight but stopped at the scene before him,
“Ernest? What wrong?” he asked concerned, in front of him was Ernest, a boy well known for setting fire to the bushes outside his Fathers home, holding a mirror and sobbing into his hand, “Ernest, it’s okay, you can talk to me, what happening to you?”
As Ernest turned his head to look at the boy beside him, Lucien noticed the slight little wrinkles on the edge of his eyes, the same wrinkles his own Father got, which was all he needed to know exactly what was going through his brothers head and no matter what, he was going to show him just how much he still loved him through it all.
A few days went by, Lucien and Ernest had barely been in the house which, even if they wouldn’t admit it out loud, made both parents happy but also quite concerned for their sons whenever Lucien shrugged them off with quick reassurance of, ‘They’ll tell you on Thanksgiving, don’t worry dads’, before quickly running which wasn’t what the two men were hoping to hear but it seemed to ease both their minds for a while, at least until Hugo restarted his usual pacing around the kitchen as Damien cooked.
The night came quickly, Thanksgiving, the food was almost complete, the house smelt of perfectly roasted vegetables and mouth-watering deserts, the table decorated to Damien's specifications while Hugo was banished to sit and wait at the table, only problem was, two people were still missing, however, not too far away as just upstairs behind a single locked door were their pair of siblings, whispering cautiously,
“Maybe this isn’t such a good idea” the young Vega questioned, obviously having a few seconds thought as they allowed Lucien to work his magic,
“It is a good idea … look, Dad and Pops aren’t going to hate you, they never could, they love you too much and anyway, I think your forgetting one vital thing and probably one of the biggest elephants in this house” Lucius argued, brushing through his siblings now unknotted hair, trying and praying to whatever deity out there to get it to style as the other sat quietly,
“And what’s that exactly?” they asked, watching in the mirror cautiously as Lucien spoke up with a soft chuckle,
“Damien” he placed the brush down as he expertly braided the surprisingly long hair in front of him and for the first time in months, the youngest Vega laughed,
Not too long later, Dinner was called, Hugo and Damien waited patiently in their respective seats just as footsteps descended the stairs but only a single pair of footsteps approaching the dining room. Both men turned curiously to see Lucien standing in the doorway but no one else,
“Lucien, where’s Ernest?” Hugo asked, seemingly becoming annoyed as well as worried over the whereabouts of his son,
“About that…” Lucien started, turning his gaze into the hall for a moment before quickly moving back to the stares of his parents, “Ernest won’t be joining us tonight … or ever again …” the young emo explained, quickly realising a long pause wouldn’t be the best option as he quickly stopped either one of his Fathers could protest, stepping further into the room, “Because someone new will be taking Ernest's place” just as he finished speaking, a tall figure walked into the room beside him, a long, tight fitting, pale orange cocktail dress swept the floor behind the person as their long braided hair lay over a single exposed shoulder.
The light of the room hit the persons face, capturing the perfectly applied make-up that sculpted their features beautifully and it was then they realised,
“Ernest?” they both asked, quite bewildered, watching the young Vega nervousness build up which did not go unnoticed by Lucien,
“Actually, may I introduce our newest addition to the Vega-Bloodmarch Family, Emily, Emily Dickinson Vega, my sister” he announced, wrapping a supportive arm around his sibling to give them some encouragement, “If it’s okay with her Fathers, she would very much like to join us for dinner?” Lucien asked softly, smile on his face as he waited for their parent’s reactions.
Unsurprising to Lucien, Damien was the first to move, wasting no time in in pushing his chair out from under himself to embrace his daughter,
“Oh, my dear, of course you can join us for dinner and for any other meals you want to” he whispered through tears he didn’t even know were running down his face, “now I understand the make-up, I’m sorry I didn’t see the signs sooner, I never wanted you to feel scared to be who you are” he whispered, the scene in the Bloodmarch home was one to remember when Emily wrapped her arms around his step-father, holding onto him as if their lives depended on it, however, there was still only one other person they needed to complete this little family moment, Hugo.
Everyone slowly turned their heads to see the larger man carefully rising from his seat, moving around the ornate furniture to move closer to where his child stood, arms back by her side as she stood tall and strong,
“Dad, I know this is sudden but I’ve been hiding for so long, I didn’t know who I was but I saw Damien doing so many things that made me think, he showed me how happy he was, I saw the life of someone who was truly happy, all this” she gestured to herself as she continued, “made me realize who I really am and I’m sorry for not being able to tell you sooner … I know I ruined your life for years with all the stupid shit I did but all the stupid thoughts in my head, I was scared, alone, I-“ her rambling was cut short when a pair of quite muscular arms pulled her forward and into a tight but comforting embrace,
“You are my child, my flesh and blood, you are everything to me and I love you, never forget that, no matter who you are, you are a Vega” he reassured, whispering just loud enough for Damien and Lucien to hear the loving exchange of words as they both smiled proudly.
Soon enough, two smaller arms snaked their way around Hugo as a small sob echoed in the large room causing any existing space in the embrace to disappear as it tightened,
“I was so scared you would hate me, I was meant to be your son, the man of the hous-“ her hurtful words were stopped as she was carefully pushed backwards, a hand laid gently on her cheek, forcing her to blurrily look up at a smiling Hugo,
��You have always been my daughter, even if we didn’t know that until now, you were and always will be my baby girl” he explained, his voice soothing any doubt the young Vega had before the wrestling nerd added just one more sentence, “And I think being married to Damien is an automatic law that I accept whatever part of the LGBT you realise you’re apart of … I think I’d be a bit hypocritical if I didn’t accept you as my daughter” the taller man finished and after a few moments of silence, the room filled with giggles from the man in question,
“Your Fathers right” Damien managed to say through soft giggles, “Excuse my French but … I’d kick his ass if he didn’t” he smirked before quickly pushing the three of them towards the table, “Now, if you children, yes, I’m also talking about you too Hugo, don’t get to the table to eat, the food will go cold and I’ll lock the refrigerator as punishment” the Victorian man threatened as the Family rolled their eyes but obediently followed his orders, spending the rest of the night laughing, talking and finally, for the first time in a while, being a family.
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yulmoldauer · 4 years
some things are better left unsaid (Tyson Jost/Male OC): Chapter 2
part 1
Chapter 2
Summary: Mason has to deal with the events of the previous night.
Warnings: uh as you can guess if you read the first part, there’s gonna be homophobia/transphobia talked about. Otherwise, there shouldn’t be anything that needs a warning? If I’m wrong just let me know :)
Words: 2,319
Notes: I don’t think I have much! This is like a lot of flashbacks and I’m sorry but that's character building baybee!!! I promise after this it’ll be more present-based stuff. I just love the character and wish I could spew out my brain and make it understandable lol
That was the only thought Mason had upon waking up. The implications of the previous night hit him like a ton of bricks. His hangover was just an added bonus.
The party had been fun, obviously, but Tyson was still here. Tyson had seen his top surgery scars.
“When did you have surgery?”
Fuck, fuck, fuck. A medical degree and some knowledge on what other surgery would leave these scars would be helpful. Mason really did not want to lie, but he wasn’t sure what else he was supposed to do.
Being drunk wasn’t helping, either. In his mind, the world was ending and his career was over after the last fuck up that got him traded…
Rationally, he just burst into tears. Not a dramatic scene or anything, he just felt his eyes watering very quickly and suddenly the tears were rolling down his face.
“Oh, shit. Okay,” Tyson set the water down and hurried to his friend. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know this was- here, will you feel better if you get a shirt on?”
Mason only nodded, allowing Tyson to help him get the shirt on and pull him for a hug.
This just made Tyson think that the scars were from some shitty, traumatic event or something with extremely bad memories. Note to self: don’t fucking ask about them again was written in large letters in his brain.
He did factor in the extremely likely possibility that Mason was drunk and--as anyone with a brain knows--Mason was a hundred times more dramatic when drunk. Still, though, if he was crying, it couldn’t be a good thing.
At least Tyson had been nice enough to leave him some meds and water after forcing him to go to bed.
“You hungry?” Tyson asked softly from the doorway. “I heard you rumbling around in here, I wasn’t watching you sleep,” he clarified quickly.
“Didn’t think you were,” Mason chuckled. “No, I’m not hungry. Thank you, though. You can help yourself to whatever. You know that.”
“Yeah, I made some toast earlier. Fun birthday last night?” Tyson smiled and sat on the edge of the bed as Mason laid back against the headboard and dug the heels of his hands into his eyes.
“You could say that. Thanks, though. Seriously, I had a ton of fun.”
“Yeah, of course. I didn’t stop you from posting anything on social media, though. I dunno why you like taking videos so much.”
“Then I can save them and rewatch them later,” Mason scoffed like Tyson was an idiot. After a few more seconds Tyson moved to get up mere milliseconds before Mason started talking.
“About last night…”
He hesitated, waiting for some kind of confirmation that Tyson was willing to talk about this. There was no sense putting it off, right?
Tyson just raised his eyebrows. “The scars?”
That earned a nod and Tyson sat back down.
“They’re… shit. Okay, sorry. I never meant to lie or anything--fuck that, I never lied. I just... “
“Dude, if it’s something you don’t want to talk about, that’s fine.”
Mason groaned quietly and shook his head. “No, it’s just… I don’t know how to explain it.”
“If you wanna talk, just say it. I’m not gonna freak out or anything. If you don’t wanna, that’s okay too,” Tyson reassured gently.
Truthfully, the curiosity was killing him. It was rare that an injury happened and they didn’t share it with each other. Mason took a few more breaths before nodding. Psyching himself up.
“They’re from my top surgery.”
More silence.
Mason officially wanted to die. He was going to have to request another team change, go through the legal battle of making sure he didn’t get outed--
“Like…?” Tyson asked quietly with raised eyebrows.
“Like I had tits and got them removed the summer before I went to college.”
That may have been a relatively vulgar way to put it, but it was true. It was the simplest and least-awkward way he could think to put it.
“Oh,” Tyson nodded a few times. “Thats--I never knew--I mean, I couldn’t, like, tell or anything…”
“Yeah, that was the point,” he sighed and took a sip of the water on the nightstand. “Noone was supposed to know or be able to tell or whatever.”
“So literally no one knows?”
“Not literally, no. My family knows, obviously.”
“But the league?”
At the defeated sigh that escaped his friend, Tyson quickly backtracked. “You don’t have to get into it, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be prying--”
“No, it’s fine. It’s just… a long story that I don’t know if you actually want to hear or if you’re just being nice.”
“Of course I wanna hear, stupid. I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t.”
Mason narrowed his eyes at the name, but it was quickly followed with a small smile.
It did take a bit to explain everything, though. How he was drafted into his previous team, everything was fine, and then someone had taken an ungodly amount of time to hit the showers at the same time Mason had been in there.
“Oh, fuck! You scared me,” Mason huffed when he heard the water turn on just across from him.
“What’cha being jumpy for?” the taller guy laughed.
“I’m not jumpy,” Mason grumbled, turning the water off quickly. He wasn’t even sure all the soap was out of his hair, but that didn’t matter. He just needed to get the hell out of there.
“Are you okay, man? You’re being weird-” the other man asked genuinely and glanced over his shoulder. This had been at the same exact time Mason had been trying to just leave as quickly as possible.
There was a few moments of silence that felt like years as the younger grabbed for a towel to cover himself up.
“Are you--?”
“Please, just forget--” Mason tried, but the guy was already turning his water off and grabbing his own towel.
“No, I’m not fucking--are you kidding me, Wright?” he nearly shouted as he stormed out of the room with Mason in tow. “Are you actually kidding me? How the hell have you gotten away with this--”
“I haven’t ‘gotten away with’ anything, you dickhead. It’s none of your business in the first place.”
“It doesn’t matter, you don’t belong here. You know they’ve got the women’s league now, right? It’s not like-”
Mason just shook his head, staring at the floor of the changing room while they were both yanking clothes on as quickly as possible. He didn’t want to hear what was coming next, all the awful shit he’d say.
It wasn’t even what he was saying that was the issue. Mason had heard just about everything at this point and had always had a pretty thick skin. It was the fact that someone he trusted--someone he’d considered family at this point--was saying it.
Didn’t he realize that it wouldn’t be like this if Mason could help it?
“Hey, what the hell is going on?” the head coach cried over them, walking into the room. He hadn’t been concerned about the loudness until it was unbearably obvious that the shouting was getting increasingly angrier and angrier. He wasn’t about to bring up the fact that Mason looked genuinely scared, as if worried about his safety.
The other guy was pissed, going off about how he’d been lied to, he’d been sharing a locker room, dressing room, and showers with a lot of unkind names, and that he wouldn’t keep playing for the team while acting like this never happened.
They ended up in the coach’s office, Mason attempting to towel dry his hair while the other blew off steam. He just didn’t want anyone to see him upset.
Once they were separated, lawyers were brought in with papers and agreements, and the head coach asked Mason if he’d like to request a trade or anything. It wasn’t like he had the option to say no, but he wasn’t exactly upset to go somewhere where he wasn’t worried about going to the bathroom without getting yelled at or beat up by a guy way bigger than himself.
He remembered to thank management before he left for working overtime, it seemed like, to figure out who would take him on such short notice and mid-season.
He was a good defenseman, sure, it just wasn’t easy on such short notice. But what the star player wants, the star player gets.
Colorado was the quickest to take the young defenseman about a year ago, and the rest was history.
“Holy shit,” Tyson murmured after a few quiet moments.
“I thought I was done. I honestly didn’t think anyone was going to pick me up, I thought my career was over. Can you fucking imagine that? Retiring at, like, 22?”
“Yeah, no, that’s… fuck, dude. I’m so sorry that happened.”
“It’s fine, I don’t even really care. I’m happier here, anyway. Especially since it’s not like you’re saying I’m a creep or a fucking… whatever.”
“Does anyone else know? In the league, I mean.”
Mason nodded. “Took a different approach when I got here. Bednar, bare minimum management, and PR knows. PR because if someone ends up outing me, I thought it would be a good idea to have some sort of plan on what to do. And medical staff always has, obviously. I think they know more about me than I do.”
Tyson nodded along, looking at his friend again after a few moments.
“You want this to stay between us, then? Or…?”
The fact that Tyson was even asking made Mason want to cry again. After being fucked over god-knows how many times when it came to being trans, Tyson was the one confirming he’d keep the secret. He wouldn’t give anyone any kind of hint unless Mason wanted him to.
“Yeah.  Between us, please? I dunno, I might come out to the guys eventually, just so they know. I just… I don’t know what I’d do if they react badly--”
“They wouldn’t,” Tyson said quickly. “I promise you they wouldn’t. And even if someone did have an issue with it, they’d just fucking stay quiet. They’d be in the tiny minority.”
“I just don’t know if I can take being traded and going through everything again, Tys.”
At the wavering in Mason’s voice, Tyson reached out and squeezed his friend’s hand.
“You’re not going to get traded over stupid shit like that. Not here, at least.”
“You don’t know--”
“I mean, yeah, I don’t know a lot. But you already said that the most important people who need to know do, they’re okay with it, and it sounds like they’ve got your back. I’ve got your back, too. And if you end up telling the rest of the guys, they’ll have your back too. Even if you end up not telling them, I’m still here for you, man.”
Mason felt about eight tons of weight fall off his shoulders at that. How did he end up with such an amazing friend?
“I just can’t really come out publicly for… I dunno. A while. Ever, maybe? I don’t know.”
“That’s gotta suck. I mean, everyone’s got their shit they want to keep private but… I dunno what I’d do if I literally couldn’t talk about something.”
Especially with how amazing it would be if Mason was able to be that representation for kids like he was who want to play hockey, Tyson thought. The amount of LGBT kids and teenagers who get driven out of hockey is immense, that’s never been a secret. To see an LGBT guy do so well would be amazing, it just sucked it wasn’t possible for Mason to talk about.
And he did want to talk about it. It would suck to come out and deal with that, but if it helped other people he would do it without hesitation. That’s the kind of guy Mason had always been.
“You’re sure you’re not mad that I, like, kinda lied to you about this up until now?” Mason asked, breaking Tyson out of his train of thought.
“Lie?” Tyson furrowed his eyebrows. “Not telling someone something isn’t lying, first off. Second, its none of my fucking business unless you wanted me to know. Even then, this would be a stupid thing to get in the way of being friends with you. I know you call me an idiot all the time, but I like to think I’m not that stupid.”
“You’re definitely not,” Mason chuckled, flipping his blanket off of him and swinging his legs over the side of the bed. He shot Tyson a genuine, appreciative smile before downing the painkillers with some water. “Let me get dressed and I can drive you home, if you want. I feel bad making you wait so long,” he murmured. It was well into the afternoon, and even though Tyson constantly reassured that it was fine, he didn’t care, Mason still felt guilty.
It was very clear Mason was hungover when he and Tyson left the building and got into his car, but that was fine. It had just confused Tyson when Mason unbuckled in front of his apartment building.
That is, until he was pulled into a tight hug.
“Thank you so much,” Mason whispered. “Seriously. I… I dunno how to actually tell you how much I appreciate you being so chill.”
Tyson hugged him for a few moments before shaking his head. “It’s really not much to just… I dunno what to call it. Not be an asshole?”
Mason laughed as he let go, allowing Tyson to open the door. “You can text me if you have any questions about… anything. I don’t tell a lot of people, but the people who do know I’m pretty open with.”
“Yeah, of course. See you later, man. Go get rehydrated, okay? You look like shit.”
“Fuck you!”
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imagine-that-100 · 5 years
Drunk | Part 6 |
Description of Part 1: Matty Healy x Reader (Female) | When you come back home to Manchester from University, you get invited to a house party filled with your old friends from high school. You hadn’t seen most of them for 4 years and the house brings back some old memories of the parties you once attended. Getting drunk with old friends ends up being better than you imagined.
Word Count: 11k
A/N: Fluff Alert. Really hope you guys love this part. Please let me know what you think. As you know I’m going to edit everything afterwards so apologies if there are a few mistakes.   Thanks for reading and love you all! Let me know if you want to be tagged x
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The next morning, you woke up to the sound of your bedroom door creaking open. Your eyes parted slightly, and you saw your Mum’s head come around the door which now had a grin on there, evidently seeing you weren't alone.
You shook your head into the pillow to try and signify that it wasn’t like that, but she didn’t seem to mind. She sent you a quick wave and you smiled at her as she left and closed the door behind her.
You shut your eyes again knowing she was going away for the next few days on a work trip so you could just relax in peace. However, you didn’t find sleep as easily as you had the previous night despite it being 7 in the morning. You really just wanted more sleep.
But your room was cold. Unusually cold and despite having another’s body heat next to you. You were freezing.
You felt yourself being to shiver so you tiredly held your blanket closer to you and you tried to return to sleep. But you kept rubbing your legs together to try and generate some heat for your body. But it didn’t seem to be working.
Your chills must have woken Matty up because you felt him route through the covers until his warm hands found your body.
He pulled you toward him and shuffled himself closer to you, which you really appreicated. His arm came around you like he was giving you a big hug from behind and hooked it underneath your arm.
His jean covered legs began to tangle with your own and you tried your best to stop shivering. For his sake more than yours.
You again brought the blanket up closer to your face and you brought one of your freezing cold hands over the top of Matty’s. You felt him draw in a breath probably at how cold you were, but his hand then covered yours instead and he started rubbing it sleepily.
You were thankful he was beside you because not 5 minutes later you were asleep again and you felt at peace. In fact, it was probably one of the best and most peaceful sleeps you’d had in a while.
When you woke up hours later, you felt so cosy. You wanted nothing more than to stay like that all day.
Apparently, Matty was already awake because 2 minutes later you found that he tried to move himself away from you. However, you were having none of it and groaned as you kept his arm that was around you in place.
You felt him chuckle against the back of your neck and a minute later he tried to move again but you kept a tight hold of his arm. After that he seemed to give up and you both went back to sleep.
Later on, you woke back up to Matty trying to move away again. You again tried to keep him where he was and he only stopped moving for a moment whilst he told you, “Don’t be grumpy, I just need a piss. I’ll be back”
You sighed as his body left your side and you no longer had the extra heat beside you. Matty kept his word though because a few minutes later he repositioned himself beside you and you shuffled yourself back into his warmth.
You wished you could stay like that forever. In a sleepy daze with his arms wrapped around you.
“Are we staying like this all day?” Matty mumbled behind you.
You nodded slightly, confirming in a, “Mmhmm” as you once again closed your eyes.
“Fine by me” Matty grinned as he got himself comfy again and his nose buried back into the crook of your neck.
You smiled at his actions and you did actually end up staying in bed all day. The only time one of you moved was to either go to the toilet or to collect some food.
You’d turned the TV on a few minutes after Matty had woken up and you lazed about watched Friends on TV for a good portion of the day. You both drifted in and out of consciousness more than once and you found that Matty didn’t complain once.
You both got to know each other even better than the night before throughout the day as you lazily chatted. You forgot that you didn’t really know that much about his interests outside of sex and music. You found yourself having really nice conversations with him.
At about 2pm, you and Matty had just eaten lunch and had the TV on in the background but you kept yourselves entertained by chatting to each other. You didn’t chat about anything in particular but you find find yourselves chatting about him. 
You asked him about his Mum and Dad in a way that didn’t make it seem like they were special because they were famous and Matty answered you honestly. He told you that it was sometimes tough especially in high school when a dickhead teacher said that Matty should have been embarrassed because his Mum was in an advert.
You actually remembered the day well. You couldn’t believe the teacher had said it, but you were more surprised by Matty’s surprisingly grown up remark back to him. But you didn’t think you could cope with his Mum and Dad going through a very public divorce and the things people asked him about it. You were grateful that you didn’t have to go through that, and you did feel sympathetic towards him.
The day wasn’t all heavy talk though, you did have a nice relax together too. You both hadn’t checked your phones once just because you were too preoccupied. You were lay in your previous positions watching TV again which kept you occupied, but other things seemed to be grabbing Matty’s attention.
“Your room’s cute” Matty grinned, sitting up so he could get a better look around.
“You’ve been in my room before” You remind him, wondering why he hasn’t tried to bully you for a very typical teenage girls bedroom before.
“Yeah, but I’ve not really been here to look around” He says with a knowing smirk. 
You smiled at him whilst sending him a knowing look. You knew exactly what he meant and you would not be condoning that talk so you returned your attention to the TV.
After a few seconds he repeated, “It’s cute”
“Don’t start, I’ve been gone three years. Decorating hadn’t really been on the agenda” You shake your head at him, before looking around your room. 
You had definitely grown out of the pink wallpaper and all the different posters that littered your room.
“No, you’ve had different things to think about” Matty smirked, before moving your hips back into his.
You rolled your eyes and turned yourself over to look at him, “I will kick you out”
“I’m only joking” Matty says looking down at you. He’d propped himself up a little, most likely to see what was around your room.
You watched as him eyes wandered around your room and saw his lips twitch up at different things that lay around. He looked picture perfect when his face lit up completely after seeing something that definitely caught his eye.
“Is that our signed CD?” Matty asked, looking down at you with a look of humour in his eyes.
You’d forgot it was even there. “Yeah” You told him knowing he was looking at the CD you’d blue-tacked to your wall all those years ago.
“I can’t believe you have it on your wall” Matty grinned shaking his head at you.
“You were my favourite band. What do you mean you can’t believe it? It’s only the same as you having the Nirvana poster up in your room” You said flapping your arms around to try and get your point across.
“What do you mean ‘were’ your favourite band? We still should be” Matty frowned.
“Why’s that the only thing you took from the conversation?” You questioned wanting to know how bigheaded he really was.
“Answer the question” He pried but he was smiling down at you.
“I prefer Drive Like I Do alright. I miss the old songs, is that so bad?” You asked, unable to hide your grin.
“They’re dead and gone. Get over it” Matty told you.
You let out an annoyed sigh and rolled yourself back over so you could watch the TV and hug your pillow again.
“We’re better now you should be happy. Could have a proper album out in a year or two” He told you with a smirk as you turned your back towards him.
“Maybe I should frame that CD then. It will be worth a lot when you’re all famous and don’t have time for people like me anymore” You said nonchalantly.
“Oh Y/N, I’d always make time for you” Matty smirked, hooking his arm back under yours and hugging himself to you again.
You silently chuckled to yourself as you felt him nuzzle his head back into your neck and you heard him take in a deep breath through his nose. You weren’t going to question if he’s just smelt your freshly washed coconut hair, you just left him to it.
Friends took over the day again but after a few episodes you’d fallen back to sleep and so had Matty.
You woke up later on to Matty chuckling down your ear. You opened your eyes to see that Friends was still on and Ross was getting angry that someone ate his sandwich.
You loved that episode so much and when it showed him saying, ‘My sandwich’ echoing around the city you couldn’t help the giggle that escaped your lips. Matty seemed to laugh along as well and you both sat there in giggles for a few minutes.
“Ah god, I love that episode so much” Matty sighed as it finished off.
You turned to look at him and Matty let him arm slide off your waist as you moved. But you stayed close as you said, “Yeah it’s a good one but not as good as the one with the jellyfish”
“You can’t be trying to tell me that you think that one’s better than this one” Matty looked down at you in total disgust.
“It’s well better. The bit where they are all shell-shocked and won’t speak about it is hilarious” You told him, smiling at the memory of the episode.
“It not better than ‘My sandwich’ though” Matty shook his head and you laughed when he tried to recreate the voice.
“Okay, so I know what your favourite episode of Friends is. Noted” You tell him with a smile.
“What’s your favourite film?” Matty questions and you don’t know why but it surprised you.
“Do you mean like favourite to watch or favourite Classic?” You asked him.
Matty frowned a little, “Shouldn’t the answer be the same?”
“Not for me. I have a favourite film that’s sort of recent and a favourite Classic. The recent one will probably change but I don’t think the classic will” You explained.
“Okay then Miss Awkward, what’s your normal favourite and then your classic?” Matty pries with a smile.
“Favourite at the moment is The Proposal...” You told him but Matty interrupted before you could continue.
“It’s a great film” You looked up at him with hurt eyes.
“It’s shit” Matty said bluntly.
“Have you even seen it?” You questioned. Matty didn’t really seem like the type to watch a romcom on his own accord.
“Don’t need to. I saw the trailer. It looked shit” Matty told you.
“Well it isn’t. Haven’t you been told not to judge a book by its cover?”
“Don’t change that to ‘don’t judge a film by its trailer’ please” Matty sighed knowing what you were thinking already.
“You should watch it, it’s actually good” You told him and Matty quickly diverted from the conversation.
He rolled his eyes at you and asked, “So what’s your favourite Classic?”
“Shawshank” You told him with a smile, but it fell away when confusion took over Matty’s face.
“Shawshank...” You looked at him like he was stupid, and he looked beyond confused. “Shawshank Redemption” 
When he shook his head, you gasped, “How the fuck haven’t you seen Shawshank? It is the best movie to ever exist”
“No, the best move ever is Pulp Fiction”
“That’s shit compared to this. I can’t believe you’ve not seen it” You said before throwing all the covers off of you and walking up to your shelves that were full of DVDs.
“I’m not watching The Proposal” Matty said sitting up and you shook your head.
“You’re watching Shawshank so you can understand how brilliant it is” You told him and you smiled when your eyes caught sight of the DVD.
You quickly pulled it out and put it in your DVD player. He couldn’t not watch this film.
“I’ll fall asleep” Matty told you and you shuffled back into be next to him.
“I’m not gunna let you. Sit up” You told him, and he reluctantly sat further up.
Your shoulders were touching when the film started off and you couldn’t contain your love for the film. “You’re gunna love it. I know you will”
“Hmm whatever” He said, and you elbowed him in his side.
The trailers to different films you couldn’t skip came on and you looked to Matty and promised, “I bet within twenty minutes you’ll be hooked”
“Whatever” Matty sighs bringing the duvet and the blanket higher up the both of you.
You both sat in silence and watched the film for a while. You loved it that much that you’d completely forgotten about your bet until 15 minutes after you’d originally gave him.
You looked around at him and his eyes met yours quickly. “You like it, don’t you?” You asked with a cheeky grin.
Matty gave you a look and then quickly told you to, “Shut up” 
You laughed at him and you felt him push his arm around your back so he could have him arm around you once again. You decided to make it comfier for you both, so you slouched down a bit and let your back rest against his chest. 
His arm held you in place across your chest and kept his hand there by holding your other shoulder. You quite enjoyed the warmth that his body was giving off.
You sat like that for the rest of the film and you found yourself reacting to it like you were alone. “Are you crying?” You heard him ask behind you.
Matty saw that you kept wiping your face and saw that the tears glistening on your hand as you did so. You swallowed a lump in your throat before nodding.
“Yeah it’s sad” You sniffled with a hoarse voice.
Matty decided not to bully you for it, instead he held you slightly tighter and placed a kiss on the back of your head. Matty found himself quite moved by the film and he was thankful that you’d made him watch it.
When the credits started rolling you turned to look at him and asked, “Did you enjoy it?”
“Yeah it was really good” Matty said looking down at you. He noticed your eyes were slightly puffy from the tears that you’d shed, and he smiled down at you.
“New favourite film?” You asked.
At that Matty smiled and nodded, “New favourite film”
You looked up at him triumphantly and sent a bit grin his way before you turned normal TV back on.
Hours later, you ended up ordering a Chinese for your tea and you both ate like animals. You’d surprisingly had a really nice day with him. He didn’t try anything, and you got on really well.
“So, what’s going on in that brain of yours?” You asked him whilst you ate. Matty looked confused for a minute as to what you were talking about.
“Why were you still trying to get me into bed yesterday when you have Charlotte?” You questioned.
Matty rolled his eyes at your question and refused to answer.
“Oh, come on” You sighed. “It’s just me. I think we’ve done worse stuff than you telling me the truth”
“There’s really nothing to it” Matty sighed before taking another bite of his food.
You sighed as you ate, “Come on… there’s literally nothing wrong with Charlotte. Just stop fucking about and settle down with her”
Matty shook his head whilst eating and you rolled your eyes. You really just wanted to figure him out. You didn’t understand why he wouldn’t keep something good when he had it.
“Seriously! What is the obsession with trying to fuck the whole town? The only thing you’re gunna get out of it is the clap. You won’t get a medal” You tell him.
Matty chuckles at that and shakes his head again, “I don’t wanna settle down with her”
You have to question him, “But why?”
“Because she’d not the one I’d wanna settle with”
“Why there’s literally nothing wrong with her. She’s really pretty, clever, and looks like a good shag. What more could you possibly want?” You question, trying not to laugh when he nearly choked on his food when you said that.
Matty started coughing and you let out a giggle. Matty took a swig of his drink and said, “She’s nowhere near as good as you for a start”
You rolled your eyes at that really not believing him. Matty continued before you could accuse him of lying, “I’m not just saying that, you actually are” 
“And second… She really really not that clever. She didn’t even finish college” Matty told you.
You giggled at that and then sent him a questioning look “I’m sorry… How many GCSE’s did you get?”
You knew full well he got either 2 or 3 and Matty chuckled a, “Fuck off”
The banter was there between you and he was quite funny when he wasn’t trying to impress or undress you. He ended up staying another night which you definitely didn’t complain about. You knew you shouldn’t have really let him and him cuddling you all day was probably as bad as you sleeping with him again but you let yourself off this once.
The morning after, you felt a kiss on your neck that was intended to wake you up. You knew when he was trying to get your attention and you knew it wasn’t in a sexual way. He was just trying to wake you up nicely, so you didn’t get grumpy with him.
You rolled over onto your back and looked at him. You opened your tired eyes and looked at Matty.
His curly hair was everywhere, and he looked really cute. You sort of wished he didn’t say, “I’ve gotta go, I’ve not been home in three days”
You rubbed your eyes whilst you said a soft and tired, “Okay”
Matty smiled at you when you said that, and you sent him a soft smile in return.
You felt him get up and get his clothes back on. He must have taken his top and jeans off in the night and you didn’t blame him he was probably really uncomfortable trying to sleep in jeans.
You tiredly watched as he got into his clothes again and just from the fact that you were watching him get dressed alone meant that your brain wasn’t fully functioning yet.
That was the first sign and the second sign was the fact that you’d not stopped him when he leaned down and kissed your lips quickly. You smiled as he pulled away and he was grinning down at you.
Your brain then kicks in for a second and you send him a look and point your finger at him. Matty chuckles to himself and you shake your head.
“You can’t kick me out if I’m about to leave” Matty grinned and you let out a chuckle at that.
“Smooth Matt. Very smooth… Now get out” You say half seriously and Matty lets out a laugh at you.
“Come and let me out then” He says, taking your hand and pulling on it. You groan at his actions and close your eyes again.
“Don’t groan like that Y/N. I will stay and you know it” Matty states and you let out another longer groan but this time with a smile on your face, so he knows your joking.
You hear Matty sigh and you open your eyes again and he’s shaking his head at you. You giggle as he sits back down on your bed and he rests his head on your stomach. Your hands immediately find his hair and you twirl the strands around your fingers.
You loved his hair. It was thicker than George’s so maybe you did actually prefer Matty’s. Maybe you should have sat in Matty’s lap during truth or dare back in December instead.
But your choices led to him being here with you now, so it wasn’t too bad. You both stayed like that, silent, for a few more minutes and your eyes started to close again, and your movements slowed down.
“Y/N/N you wanna groan again so I’ve got something to think about whilst you sleep” Matty asks you and you don’t even have to open your eyes to know that he’s got a massive shit eating grin on his face.
You take your hand out of his hair and slap his forehead which makes a great sound. You smile at the feeling of him flinching at your abuse and then say an amused “Get out of my house Matthew”
At that Matty laughs and sits up and proceeds to pull the covers off you so you have to get up. “I hate you” You whine as he takes your hand and pulls you up and down the stairs to show him out.
Matty just leaves your house after dragging you down and opening the door himself.
“Excuse me” You shout as he takes a few steps down your driveway.
You watch as Matty turns back with a smile and steps back towards you. “You don’t spend two days in my house without hugging me goodbye. Especially waking me up before 10am when I don’t have to be up” You tell him, and he offers you his arms before they go around you.
You chuckle hugging him and he chuckles too. “I’ll see you soon” Matty says tightening his grip on you.
“Yeah I’ll see you soon” You chuckle squeezing him slightly tighter before letting him go.
You don’t stay at the door and watch him leave like a doting girlfriend. You immediately close the door and go back to bed to try and get more sleep. Thankfully it comes quickly, and you dream of things you really shouldn’t be dreaming about.
Matty Healy was not your boyfriend, but apparently he was in your dreams.
2 weeks later, you hadn’t seen or heard from the boys since the pub. George had texted you once telling you that they had a gig in the next few weeks and wondered if you wanted to come. Of course, you said yes, and he sent you all the details for it.
You got your shit together and redecorated your bedroom whilst you still had the free time to do it before you were due to start work. You completely changed everything around.
When you’d finished you had a lovely room that had a grey and white design. You painted all but one of your bedroom walls grey and got yourself new white furniture from Ikea that you loved.
You’d taken all of your old posters down, but you kept your fairy lights up because you still were a child at heart. And you did keep your Drive Like I Do CD and got a frame for it because you had no doubt that the boys would make it one day.
Other than that, you really made the most of your summer. By doing fuck all.
You lazed about whilst you still had the chance to, and you spent most of your time sleeping or eating. You did this at your friend's houses, and they did this at yours too.
Ava came to stay at your house for a week so she could see you, but probably more importantly she got to see Ross for longer than a weekend. You didn’t go with her when she saw Ross, but you did see him when he brought her back.
You got one of his amazing hugs before you let Ava say goodbye to him in private and you could tell by the end of the week she didn’t want to go. You didn’t really want her to go either. You’d missed living with her more than you let on and you secretly hoped she would move to Manchester so you could see her more often.
You’d gone into Manchester a few times to do a bit of shopping which you always enjoyed. You didn’t always buy something, but you always loved a good window shop.
And on one of the days you ran into someone you didn’t think you’d see until the next gig. You were in the Arndale browsing all the different shops when you thought you heard your name being called.
Your theory was confirmed when you heard “Y/N” being shouted louder this time.
You turned around to see Charlotte with a friend of hers that you didn’t recognise.
“Hey Charlotte. How you doing?” You asked her with a smile as you turned back and walked towards her.
“I’m good thank you, how are you doing?” She smiled at you just as her friend’s phone started ringing. She apologised and walked a few paces away so you could carry on chatting.
“Yeah I’m good, just relaxing until I have to start work in September” You tell her, and she confirms with you that you were actually going back to school.
“Yeah I start in September” You nod. 
You were getting excited about starting work soon. It was the beginning of August now, so you were really excited that you were getting closer to start.
You chatted for a little bit and you forgot how lovely she was. She also looked really good too. Her make-up was perfect like the last time you’d seen her and you lowkey hated how pretty she was. But she was such a nice person, so you let her off.
her friend had just finished off the phone and she told Charlotte that her boyfriend was outside to pick them up. “Sorry Y/N, I've gotta run”
“It’s okay, I’ll see you at the gig next week, right?”
“What gig?” She asked politely looking confused.
“The bands gig. Did Matty not tell you?” You asked, rather confused.
She shook her head before telling you, “Oh I’m not seeing him anymore, he ended things”
“What?” You asked her confused as to why Matty would do that. 
He had said multiple times at Christmas that he just stuck to one girl for a long while because it was easier. You really didn’t understand why he would break up with her and go through the ordeal of having to find another girl that wasn’t interested in a relationship and only in it for the sex.
“Yeah, he said that he wasn’t into it anymore and it felt forced or some shit like that. I don’t know we argued about it and I haven’t spoken to him since”
“Oh right. I’m sorry to hear that” You say, and she shrugs her shoulders.
“Don’t be. I’m over it, already found someone better”
“Well good for you. I hope everything works out for you” You smile.
She chuckled and said “Same… See you soon Y/N”
“Cya Charlotte” You smiled before returning to your shopping. You couldn’t believe it. Matty ending a relationship based on sex alone. You guessed things had changed.
You put the thought out of your head after that and decided not to dwell on it. Matty’s problems weren’t your own to sort out and you needed to stop being nosy.
Before you knew it, the week had passed, and you were getting yourself dressed up to go to the boy’s gig. You did your make up how you normally did and then got yourself dressed into a black top with laces that came down to the middle of your chest. It showed off your boobs very well and left just enough to the imagination. You also had on dark blur stylishly ripped jeans with black platform boots on to finish the look.
You loved how you looked and ended up getting the train into Manchester because the taxi fare would have been extortionate. You got there just after time George told you they were performing, and you smiled when you heard them playing from outside.
The boys had a gig in Satan’s Hollow which was a club in the middle of Manchester. When you got inside, they were singing She Way Out and you started singing along as you went to the bar to get yourself a few drinks.
You’d shown up late because you’d started drinking at your house, so you didn’t have to spend a lot of money to get more alcohol into your system. You were already tipsy when you ordered yourself a Sambuca shot along with 2 double vodka and cokes.
All you truly wanted was to have a fun night and listen to their good music. But you imagined yourself to be sat down as this happened.
However, there was already a massive crown stood around the boys and you couldn’t see them at all. So, once you paid for your drinks you pushed your way to the side of the room to try and get a better view of them.
It didn’t really work so you just ended up pushing your way to the front of them and Adam caught sight of you first because you were on his side. You reached the barrier and gave a little wave to Adam with your cups in your hands.
Adam smiled brightly and nodded his head at you as he continued to play along to the song that you recognised to be Chocolate. It was one of your favourites.
When you weren’t drinking you sang along to it and you danced a little. Not like in the kitchen with Matty doing all the fancy footwork you just shuffled along to the beat swaying your body and nodding your head.
“Right now, the next ones a new one. Literally brand new so enjoy it. Or don’t. I don’t really care” Matty shrugged then chuckled with a smile.
“Let’s go” Matty shouted then the music kicked it.
You already enjoyed it and you listened to the lyrics intently, “Rushing in a small town… I forgot to call you”
As Matty sang the song he seemed to enjoy it and you did too. You liked the thought of it. Having someone's complete attention was something you didn’t think you could ever do.
But as the lyrics continued on to the chorus something in your mind took you back to the other week when Matty was at your house. As you listened you questioned the lyrics. There was no way the chorus wasn’t about the night in you two had the other week.
You couldn’t believe Matty had written a song about you or at the very least a chorus. But you were still gobsmacked.
When the last chorus came around you had got back to a somewhat normal state and decided to just enjoy the song for what it was, and you nodded your head along to it. You couldn’t really take your eyes off Matty as he sang it.
You watched as he sang with his eyes closed and started flicking his hair about like he always did. God you really did love his hair. Why had you never playfully run your fingers through it like the morning he left your house when you shared a bed with him for practically 2 months.
As the song drew to a close, he started dancing about again and he make his way closer to Adam. But instead of his eyes connecting with Adam’s, they connected with yours and he smirked.
You bit your lip, tilted your head to the side and raised your cup as your way of cheering him on. The way you smiled also told Matty that you knew exactly what he was singing about and that you knew it was about you.
Matty didn’t care though. He didn’t write it to be a secret. He genuinely thought that much of you that you were enough inspiration to him to write a song about. You were a memorable part of his life.
Matty pointed at you and winked before spinning back around to his microphone and started flicking his head around to the crowd in front of him. You forgot how attractive he was whilst performing. God it was a slight to see.
And the fact that he was wearing an open shirt and his skinny jeans, really just made him more attractive. When he was dancing about, he always had his tongue out which just drove you slowly insane.
By the time the gig was over you were tipsy and horny. You wanted Matty and he knew it from the way he kept looking back at you.
So needless to say, once the gig finished, he put his guitar down and came and hugged you over the barrier. The hug was a tight one, you were both drunk, probably at the same level and you clung to each other for a good few seconds.
Once you pulled away from the hug though Matty dipped his head towards your lips and you didn’t even hesitate before kissing him back. You knew you wanted each other, and you briefly forgot about your rule of not just being someone’s shag anymore.
But it was Matty Healy. You just didn’t know what to do.
The kiss was messy, yet it sent the message Matty wanted. You were hot and bothered already so he knew after this you’d just be a mess for him. And he was right. You were.
When you parted, he looked into your eyes and said “Stick around for a bit”
You nodded signifying you would before George came over and shoved Matty out of the way to hug you. You chuckled as your arms went around him and you offered to help them get their stuff together, but George told you to just get yourself another drink and you could just chat outside when everything was sorted out.
Which you did end up doing and half an hour later you were chatting to George as he put the stuff in his car. You did help him bring the other smaller bits that he would allow you to bring outside and you had a quick but lovely catch up.
Just as George headed back inside Matty came out and with more stuff to put in George’s car and you smiled at him. 
“You enjoy yourself?” Matty wondered just after he closed the boot of his car.
You nodded and smiled, “Quite the performer, aren’t you?”
At that Matty chuckled and pulled you to the side of the building away from the crowd of people that had come outside. Matty had a hold of your hand and as he lent back against the wall, he pulled you into him to stand in-between his slightly open legs.
His arms found their way around your waist and his hands clasped together around your lower back so there was no escape from him. 
“Did you like the new song?” He asked you with a knowing look.
You bit your lip and nodded and Matty saw smile you were trying to conceal in your eyes. Matty’s eyes then flicked down to your lips and you lent in. His lips took yours like it was second nature and you got all excited when his tongue pushed its way into your mouth.
After a minute Matty’s hands had found your arse and you were pushing him back into the wall wanting as much of him as you could. You could tell Matty was getting excited too especially when he started squeezing your arse.
After you accidentally groaned into Matty’s mouth he broke away and kissed you in between what he was saying, “Please come back to mine… Please”
You kissed him again as you thought about it. You really wanted to, but you remembered what you told yourself. 
You wanted to stop with the stupid one-night stands. You craved someone to be with someone who you could wake up with and spend more than just the night with.
You so desperately wanted a relationship but that didn’t seem to be happening anytime soon despite going on a few dates with a couple of different people Y/B/F had set you up with. You wanted to feel what you were feeling right now with the same person but Matty was your only option at the moment.
You pulled away and made sure he listened to what you were saying “This is the last night we do this. Do you understand?”
You couldn’t keep falling back to Matty. You needed to stop letting yourself. Yes, he was fun, but he wasn’t relationship material, and everyone knew that.
“Okay” Matty nodded before pulling you back into him and you let yourself fully go for him. You pressed yourself into him and his tongue was back to teasing your bottom lip before you knew it.
You felt your stomach drop when his hands started roaming inside your black denim jacket and eventually, he squeezed your boobs. You got excited but then a second later you broke away remembering something.
“You’re a cheeky fucker” You told him with a grin.
“What?” Matty asked with half a smile but it was mostly curiosity.
“Saying I lack a chest” You started to chuckle, because you knew it didn’t really matter but it was funny to bring up.
Matty chuckled at that and took another handful of them. You were thankful that his hands were under your coat so everyone else didn’t see him practically groping you in the street.
As he did this, Matty chuckled “No one knows it’s about you, but you. I had to play about with the truth. Can’t have them finding out, can we?”
You giggled at that before kissing him again and before you knew it you were on his bed. You’d forgot how good he actually was because you found yourself questioning why you only said one more night.
He actually was the best you’d ever had, and you tried not to find it depressing that it would be the last time you felt the way he made you feel for probably a long time. But that didn’t stop you from having a great night with him. It was definitely a memorable one despite you both being drunk.
You woke up the next morning and hugged the covers towards you because you were cold despite Matty’s warm body being right next to you. You both still wore nothing because you passed out last night from exhaustion before the thought even crossed your mind.
You fell back to sleep within minutes and you woke up, you don’t know how many hours later to the feeling of someone kissing you. You kissed back because when your brain kicked in you knew it was Matty.
He then started trailing his kisses down your neck and you smiled. This was definitely a nice way to be woken up in the morning.
However, when you your brain was fully functioning again you remembered the ultimatum you gave him. Last night was it and if you followed it on this morning it would just continue into an endless cycle.
So, when he started planting more serious kisses down on your chest you had to stop him before all your will power drained away.
“Matty no” You shake your head, softly pushing him away from you.
He looked down at you, pouting his bottom lip, “Why not?”
“Because if we start, we won’t be able to stop. And if we keep on doing this, we won’t be able to stop. You know what we’re like” You sighed.
“I’m not hearing any problems here” Matty chuckled. 
He looked so adorable with his hair hanging over his face as he looked down at you.
“You know what I want Matty” You reminded him, shaking your head very slightly with a sad smile.
“Yeah I do” He smirked, dipping his head down to kiss your neck again and you had to pull him away when he started to kiss down your chest.  
“Matthew” You chuckle trying to snap him out of it.
He lifted his head back up to yours. “Y/N”
“You know I want a relationship and you know I want a real one. And if I keep fucking you, I’m never going to find that” You said brutally honest. 
It had to be said to remind both him and you. You wanted a relationship.
“Then just go out with me and then we can just carry on” Matty proposed as if the answer was obvious.
You shook your head at him becoming serious, “You’re not funny”
“I’m not joking” He tells you sternly and from the way he was looking into your eyes, you could tell he wasn’t.
“You won’t do a relationship” You shake your head at him. 
For as long as you’d known him, he never had wanted a relationship. He just wanted someone to fuck.
“I could”
You let out a dry laugh at that, questionning, “Matty how do you expect me to believe that when you were exclusive with Charlotte and you came and fucked me for a weekend and then again a few weeks later”
You continued with, “You couldn’t even keep a just sex thing exclusive... What makes you think you could do anything near a relationship?”
“I’d do it for you” Matty tells you, his eyes looking sincere but you still had your doubts.
You sighed wishing it was true. 
Not believing him, you say, “You’re too untrustworthy” 
“It wasn’t official with Charlotte though. She just thought we fell into being exclusive because we had sex for a few months, but it was never said out loud” Matty tried to explain.
“Right okay, but we were never exclusive or whatever back at Christmas, but we were friends, right?” You asked him and he nodded down at you.
“Yeah, well, it hurt when you didn’t show up the day before I left.” You told him honestly.
Matty paused at that, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know I upset you”
“It doesn’t matter. That wasn’t the point I was trying to make” You said trying to articulate what you meant. “I’m saying that in a relationship you have to go to stuff like that you can’t just ignore them and come running back for sex”
“Yeah I know that” Matty nods and it sounded like he was half offended that you said it in the first place.
“Well if you can’t do that for a friend, how do you expect me to believe that you’d do it for your girlfriend?”
“Yeah but I’m gunna be like that. I’ve never done the relationship thing Y/N/N” Matty told you and he almost sounded embarrassed about not having a real relationship.
“Yeah and can’t you see that to me that sounds really sketchy that you all of a sudden want one now I’ve said no more casual sex?” You ask him.
Matty just closes his eyes and lets out a long sigh for a second. He seemed to be collecting his thoughts, so you let him have a moment.
“What if I actually did want to try something with you though? How is it fair if you don’t even give me a shot?” Matty asked and this was the first time you’d ever heard him sound vulnerable.
You were taken aback, “I don’t know…”
Matty sighed and shuffled away from you slightly but you turned to look at him. He looked like he was debating telling you something. 
Matty starts to explain, “That night at yours…” 
“What you said about settling down with Charlotte actually hit me. I tried to give things a go with her, but she didn’t want to see me for anything other than sex. She didn’t wanna sit and talk like we did, or even watch a film… I ended thing with her because she wasn’t someone who was going to settle down with me” Matty hold you and it actually hit home.
“So, if you do actually want a relationship Y/N. I am willing to give it a try. We’re both new to it but, why not? I like you and you like me. The attraction is obviously there so why not?” Matty all but pleaded. 
But you could see him pleading with his eyes.
“Matty, do you even like me like that?” You had to ask. 
Because you’d been suppressing feelings for a long while and you just needed that answered. You could see yourself with him, and the thought excited you, but you wanted it to work.
“Y/N/N, you wouldn’t be here right now if I didn’t like you” Matty explained and you actually believed him.
You gave yourself a good moment to think. You looked up to his ceiling as if the answers were written on it.
After a few seconds you sighed and looked back at him, “Right if we do this…”
“You give me your all… and we’re not treading into it. It’s boyfriend and girlfriend straight away and it is exclusive, just to clarify” You said spelling it out for him.
“We do all the things couples do, and I want it real. I don’t want it to be something forced and because you think you have to do it” You say whilst looking into his brown eyes.
“I get it. You want dinner and dates and flowers and nights in and everything in between” Matty explained as he looked into your beautiful eyes, and you nodded confirming what you wanted.
“I want real human connection Matty. I want to fall in love again” You said absolutely baring your heart to him. 
You didn’t want it to sound corny, you just wanted him to know what it was for you.
Because you did think you could love him. You just needed to know if he could love you before he broke your heart.
“I can’t promise you that straight away Y/N/N. I’ve never been loved someone like that” Matty started. “But I’ll try. For you”
“Promise me” You tell him.
“I promise” Matty nods and looks down at you with a genuine smile before leaning down and pecking your lips. You smiled at his actions.
“I will fucking batter you if you hurt me in any way, shape, or form” You tell him truthfully because you didn’t think you could take it.
Matty smiled down at you. “I don’t doubt you for a second…” 
Before pecking your lips again, he chuckled as he added, “Girlfriend” 
“You better not, boyfriend” You chuckle copying him. 
“I think George would batter you too, if I’m honest” You tell him and Matty nods.
“He definitely would” He smiled.
Your fingers find the hair on the back of his neck and you tug on it to bring him back down to you. Once your lips connect with his, there’s something different yet familiar about it. You did like him, and you guessed now you could let yourself like him fully. You just really hoped he wouldn’t break your heart.
Thankfully, Matty did live up to his word. 
He was the prefect boyfriend, like better than the boyfriend you had before Uni. You honestly felt yourself slowly falling in love with him.
After telling the other boys and you told all of your friends, everyone seemed really happy for you. And Matty had been surprisingly normal about everything. He didn’t act overly affectionate towards you like you imagined; you just acted the exact same as usual but now the teasing was slightly more socially acceptable.
Matty constantly had his arms around you or had his hand resting on your thigh when you were sat down. You loved the interaction between you, and you liked how normal it left.
Like once you were all at the bar and Matty was next to you. He got a phone call and before he answered he quickly pecked your lips and apologised saying he would be back in a minute.
You never really expected him to do anything like that especially because you were in the middle of chatting to the boys when it happened. But you found yourself blushing at things like that when he did them.
Matty was even good with the dates. For the first one he took you to the cinema to see a chick flick of all films because he knew you wanted to watch it. He held your hand through the whole thing, and it was one of the cutest experiences of your life.
You also loved other different things he did. Especially when they reminded you that you were actually his.
One of these times you were out shopping in Manchester with him and he ran into one of his old mates. Matty stepped closer to you, putting his arm around you and introduced you to him as his girlfriend. You couldn’t stop grinning after he said that.
You obviously controlled yourself in front of Matty’s old friend but when you went your separate ways, all you could do was smile. And Matty seemed to take notice of it.
“What are you grinning at?” Matty questions, looking at you as you walked next to each other.
Your smile only got wider at that question.
“Nothing” You smiled.
“Nah… Come on. Why are you so happy?” Matty asked also grinning at you now. 
He loved how happy you looked, and he could see the blush on your cheeks. You nudged into him pushing him away from you a second because you were embarrassed to tell him the truth. Matty laughed and nudged you back and took a hold of your hand.
“Come on… tell me” He said pulling you to a stop and he started rubbing his thumb across the back of your hand.
“Nothing,” You smile, before pressing you lips together to try and stop yourself from smiling. “You’re just very cute” 
Matty looked at you curiously and smiled, “What so this is my doing?” before using his other hand to bop you on the nose with his finger.
You let out a giggle at that and nodded. Matty chuckled and grinned at you before asking, “What’d I do?”
“Nothing… You’re just cute” You smiled at him before leaning in for a peck on the lips.
Matty hummed into the kiss before he broke away from it because you were smiling too much. And you knew that’s why he did it because he started chuckling, so you laughed.
“I can’t kiss you if you keep smiling like that” Matty laughs and you couldn’t contain your giggle.
“Sorry” You smile before he tugs on your connected hands and you carry on heading back towards the train station.
But you especially loved the times when it was just the two of you. Not necessarily the sex, even though that was still a really fun part of your relationship.
You loved it when he would just show up at your door with some food and he would just sit with you and chat. He seemed to love you playing with his hair, so you did that a lot when it was just the both of you.
You loved that you would sometimes just sit in that position and talk for hours. Sometimes about nothing important but most of the time it was about life and what you’d both been up to.
You didn’t get to see him every single day which was fine. A real relationship started off slow. Not seeing the person every day but you like that Matty actually found the time.
And most of the time it was just to see you. It wasn’t just about the sex anymore. You’d both found the real connection that you both seemed to be craving. Everything was amazing.
Matty spent a lot of time at your house because your mum was away a lot and you liked having the house to yourself. Matty’s presence made you feel more at ease though when your mum wasn’t around because he distracted you from the silence.
And Matty stuck around even when your mum was home. The introduction went surprisingly smooth and your Mum only questioned him a little bit. She wanted to know the obvious, like how you met and what his intensions were.
Matty took the questions like a trooper and he definitely got on your Mum’s good side. He knew how to interact with the older generations well, probably because he had an appearance to uphold when he met his Mums co-workers.
You had also been round to his house to chill out with him properly too. You’d been introduced to Denise when you and the boys had a night in at Matty’s house.
She almost killed you with how tightly she hugged you when Matty told her that you were his girlfriend. It definitely hadn’t been mentioned before that night because she almost spat her drink out and ran over to you to greet you.
She was lovely and so was Louis who you thought was one of the cutest little boys you’d ever met. He seemed to take a liking to you after you first met because apparently, he’d asked Denise if you and Matty could babysit him one evening when Denise was going out.
The story made your heart melt and you made Matty tell his Mum that you would both do it. And you had a really fun night when you did. You stuck on one of your favourite kids’ movies that you knew Louis would just love and you were thankful that he actually did.
He said right in front of the TV and watched it whilst you and Matty were sat on the comfy sofa behind him. His house was huge, and you didn’t think you would ever get used to how amazing it actually was.
Matty was spread out over the 3-seater sofa with his head in your lap and he instructed you to mess with his hair as you watched the film. And you did because you were soft, and you loved messing with his hair.
For the past hour your nails had been scraping on his scalp moving his hair in all different directions and you loved messing it up. You also loved running your fingers through the curly strands but quite often your fingers would get caught in it and you’d have to pull on it to get your fingers loose.
You didn’t think Matty minded at all because you could see that his concentration was still on the film. But after a long while when his hair kept on getting caught in your grip Matty’s hand grasped yours.
You looked down at him holding your arm, so you paused your movements for a second. You smiled at him but also raised your eyebrows, silently asking why he stopped you.
“Y/N as nice as that is, you’re gunna have to stop before things turn R rated” Matty said and you forgot that pulling on his hair turned him on.
You blushed at that, taking your hands out of his hair and smiled at him. He chuckled smiling up at your cute face.
Matty sat up and softly placed his hand on your neck bringing his lips to yours. It was soft and sweet and lasted a fair few seconds before you pulled away.
Matty raised his eyebrows at you as to why you stopped the kiss and you whispered, “Can’t have you getting too excited before he goes to bed”
Matty chuckled giving you a knowing look before pushing you further down the sofa and quietly kissing you again. You giggled into the kiss as you sank further into the sofa but Matty silenced you with his lips.
After a minute you had to stop him, and he reluctantly sat back up and this time you made him play with your hair instead. And he did so until the film ended and at that point you were that relaxed you wanted to go to sleep yourself never mind Louis.
After the film Matty, sent Louis up to bed and he said goodnight to the both of you. He was adorable and gave you a hug before going to bed which was the cutest interaction in the world.
After that though, you expected Matty to be all over you but you just stayed watching rubbish TV with your head in his lap whilst he played with your hair. You loved nights like this. When you both just felt that comfortable around each other to just keep in your own little worlds and just have a basic interaction.
The feeling of his fingernails running over your scalp drove you slowly insane. It was such a pleasurable feeling, but you also found that it calmed you down loads.
At one point you definitely fell asleep as he did it and woke up about 10 minutes later when the TV got louder. You didn’t mind though because you felt the shift in the atmosphere a little bit after that.
Matty had started dragging his fingers through your hair knowing it drove you just as insane as you drove him. And Matty knew because your breathing had changed. You were taking deeper breaths to try and control yourself, but you were slowly losing it.
“Matty. Stop” You practically groaned. 
When you said that though, Matty tugged on your hair harder which made you bite your lip before you looked round at him. You knew exactly what he was trying to instigate.
When his eyes connected with yours, you saw how dark they were. As he pulled you to sit up, you shook your head, “Matty we can’t” 
Once up, Matty pulled you onto his lap so you were straddling him. Your arms hung around his neck when he asked, “Why not?”
“We can’t when were meant to be looking about Louis. What if he comes down?” You ask him.
“Y/N, he’s not coming down” Matty told you.
Just as you were about to reply his lips connected with your neck and you decided just let him have his fun for a little while. His lips grazing your neck drove you wild and it didn’t help when his hands gripped your thighs tightly.
He peppered kisses down your neck until he found the spot at the bottom where he knew you would cave straight away. Just as his lips started sucking in on the skin there your breath hitched and Matty knew he had you.
Especially when he brought one hand up to hold your jaw up, so he had all the space to explore your neck he wanted. “Fuck” You whine breathlessly before tugging on the back of his hair to try and get him to move his lips up to your own.
Once you finally got there, you felt like you were on fire. You couldn’t believe you were giving into him just because he’d tugged on your hair a few times and attacked your neck with his lips.
You made out with him for a long while until Matty tried to make things go further. He flipped you over so you were now lay on your back across the sofa and he was between your legs.
His hands had started to roam underneath your top and he dragged it up, so it gathered under your chin. Then Matty started to place his kisses down your body.
His attention was on your breasts for a long while. Marking them up in ways that left you gasping and panting wanting more than just his lips. 
But Matty liked to keep you waiting. You initially weren’t going to give him this much but you were weak. He would make you wait slightly longer for the relief that your body was begging him for.
When Matty had finished teasing you with his lips, he thought he’d let his hands have a go. He started off by letting his fingertips make their way slowly down from your neck, over your breasts which Matty smirked at then you arched your back. Matty’s hands then they trailed agonisingly slowly down your stomach until they found the waistband of your jeans.
At this point Matty was looking at you as if he wanted to devour you. You looked amazing underneath him with nothing on your top half but the black lacy bra.
Matty bit his lip thinking of what to do next as he kept softly trailing his fingertips on your lower stomach. Half of it was teasing but the other half he genuinely wasn’t sure what to do next. He also wanted to savour the way you looked right now.
But just as Matty had made up his mind, he heard an all too familiar voice calls out, “I’m home”
The voice made you jump to say the least and Matty chuckled at how wide your eyes went. You immediately sat up and looked to Matty with a scowl. 
You knew this would happen. You didn’t know why you let yourself give in.
“I fucking hate you” You scorned in a raspy voice when you heard the door slam closed.
Matty smirked down at you watching as you pushed your top back down. Matty sat back in his original seat and lay a pillow over his lap so you could rest your head back where it was earlier.
You quickly lay back down and calmed your breathing as you focused on the TV again that was now playing A League of Their Own. You felt Matty’s fingers start playing with your hair again about 10 seconds before Denise came through the lounge door.
You looked up round at her and said a, “Hello” and you also heard Matty say, “Hey Mum”
“Are you both alright?” She asked you and you smiled at her sitting up slightly.
“Yeah, were good” Matty nods before he removed the hand that was playing with your hair and he let it fall on your back, so his arm was now around you.
You sat up more and lent into him. Not because you were playing the innocent act but because you genuinely loved it when he was cuddly with you and wanted you closer.
“How was your night?” You asked her whilst you lent into Matty’s side.
“Awh it was really good thank you love; did you all have a good night? Was Louis okay for you?” She asked and you smiled at her.
“Yeah he was great. We went to McDonald’s for tea and then went bowling which Matty sourly lost at” You told her grinning, remembering how pissed off he was.
Denise smiled down at Matty looking annoyed at you for telling her that bit. But she also saw his lip twitching up when he saw that you were grinning. She listened as you continued.
“Then we came back and watched a film and then Louis went to bed” You told her.
“Sounds like you had a better night than me” Denise says, sitting on the end of the sofa.
“It was fun wasn’t it?” You ask, turning to look at Matty.
“Yeah it was alright” Matty smiled, looking into your bright Y/E/C eyes.
Denise loved what she was witnessing. Her son actually looked happy in himself for the first time in a long long time. She was happy he found you and that you’d seemed to tame him.
You smile at Matty and he looked so good. You got lost in his appearance for a second because of how good he looked with just the TV illuminating his face. God you were a lucky girl.
Just after that though Matty let out a yawn which made you yawn too. It was only like 1 you were never usually tired at this time.
You covered your mouth with your hand turning back to Denise and smiled at her when you finished yawning. “I better get going” You announced and lent across Matty to pick your car keys up off the table.
When you turned back around to say goodbye to Denise though she shook her head at you. “You can stay Darling, don’t want you going home alone to an empty house” 
“Only if that’s okay with you” You told her just wanting to double check.
“Y/N, you can stay whenever you like. It’s nice having another girl around. I’m starting to feel very outnumbered” Denise chuckled.  
“And I’m sure Louis will be thrilled when you’re here for breakfast” She smiled.
“Thank you, Denise” You told her sincerely and Matty stood up and then pulled you up too. He kept a hold of your hand once you were both stood.
“Goodnight” You smiled at Denise.
“Night Mum” Matty smiled before pulling you to the door.
Before either of you made it out though Denise called after you, “Goodnight kids. Keep the noise down when you get up there”. 
You knew what she was alluding to straight away.
You couldn’t help but giggle at the comment and you turn back to Denise saying, “Don’t worry he’s not getting any of that. I’m going straight to sleep”
She laughed at your comment and said goodnight again which you repeated back to her. Matty pulled you upstairs with his second sour face of the evening and when you got to his room you jumped on his bed.
“Can I borrow something please?” You asked him and Matty nodded.
He found an old baggy shirt of his that you happily took from him and he gave you some of his pyjama shorts that you were certain he hadn’t worn for years.
You got changed quickly and got yourself under his warm covers as Matty undressed himself. He ended up cuddling himself into you and you smiled when he kissed the back of your head before saying, “Goodnight”
“Night night” You said and fell into yet another blissful sleep with your boyfriend by your side.
Taglist: @the-girl-before @dot-writes @lololovestaylor @murderousginger @peachquestions @siwiecola @nostalgic1975 @fairyyyfloss @theycallmenefi @colette2194 @maroonmolly @mrsprescott @sexycleopatra @fullmoonremus @whenthe-smokeisinyoureyes @minigranger
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runnfromtheak · 4 years
fanfic author’s tagging game (yay!)
Thank ya darling for tagging me!!!! @boyblunder-thedarkheir!!!!!
AO3 Name(s): LostandLonelyBirds aka RUNNFROMTHEAK
Fandom(s): Primarily Batfamily (so, Dick Grayson) and Young Justice (along with DCU obviously, but I also dabble into Miralculous Ladybug, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, and MCU (none of which I will ever seriously write for? Idk man).
Number of fics: 22 I will admit to (how do you have so many, my dear @boyblunder-thedarkheir​? What is your secret?)
1. Fic you spent the most time on: Are we talking writing or thinking about writing, cause those are two very different answers. I spent the most time writing this bitch of a fic I’m working on right now, and the most time thinking about the two latest installments of my main series, Death is But An Illusion (aka How Could He and How Could It Be). I agonize over every goddamn detail with Dick’s anger, Jason’s Jason-ness, and every person’s every move and word. I am a mess, and I’m going to be murdered if I don’t update them soon. I am not sorry about that XD
2. Fic you spent the least time on:  You Came Behind Me Secretly and Shattered Every Piece of Me (There's Blood On My Hands) aka my pick-your-own-canon clusterfuck of Dark!Dick Grayson and Dick Grayson being traumatized and tortured with no comfort (Some of them are so fucked up I question my own mind). I take less than an hour to write 80% of them, cause they’re short, and they very rarely take any time to plan. Fun and easy!
3. Longest Fic: At present, he had a chest full of heart and a body full of scars (pain became the only way that he could ever learn)  is my longest, but the fic I’ve been hinting at on my other tumblr, @lostandlonelybirds​ is easily double the length (why do I do this to myself? Why am I like this?) the long boi (named one, not the one I won’t shut up about) is easily my best fic at the moment, and I’m so excited to write a sequel whenever I get the chance.
4. Shortest Fic: With Bated Breath and Pain You See (We're Nothing More Than Memories) technically, I have one shorter than that, but it’s a collab that wasn’t my original idea so I’m not counting it :)
5. Most Hits: You Came Behind Me Secretly and Shattered Every Piece of Me (There's Blood On My Hands) why do you people like this trash-fire so much? I don’t understand
6. Most Kudos:  How Could He which does not surprise me.
7. Most Comment Threads: Technically, How Could He followed by the trash-fire AU title thing I’m too lazy to type again, but I’m gonna love on this one: Just Close Your Eyes (No One Can Hurt You Now) because it’s my baby, and it deserves it okay?
8. Fave Fic You Wrote: Ooo we are doing a top five.
             5. How Could It Be (Jason is precious and sad and Dick is oblivious, and I love one-sided pining wayyyy too much)
             4.  How Could He (I put my life force into this stupid fic, so ofc it’s here)
             3. I'm Scared to Live But I'm Scared to Die (I'm Numb Inside) (the suicidal boy, major trigger warning)
             2. I See Things That Nobody Else Sees (And It's Slowly Killing Me)  (the only fic I’ve ever written from Cass’s perspective, and definitely one of the creepiest and most fucked up. Bruce does not look good here)
             1. he had a chest full of heart and a body full of scars (pain became the only way that he could ever learn) (so ummm Bruce doesn’t look good here either? RHATO #25 if DC wasn’t cowardly and let Dick react how he actually would, aka fuck Batman is the new motto)
9. Rewrites?: Fuck. All my older ones? Everything? Who knows.
10. Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning:
Let’s do two. I’m nice.
First comes from How Could It Be:
“You loved him,” Donna says, ignoring his barb. “You loved him, and no one’s seen you or heard from you and I’m concerned, damnit.”
 She punches his shoulder roughly, and he’s reminded of her strength, no matter how small she seems in her dead best friend’s sweater.
 “I’m fine. Peachy-keen. Couldn’t be fuckin’ better. Honestly, you should be more concerned with Replacement, don’t think he’s slept in—”
 “Jason.” Her voice is firm, even as her eyes swim with tears and she holds her arms tight to herself, breathing in the well-loved item’s scent. Jason wonders when Dick wore it last, if Donna had taken it from his abandoned Gotham Penthouse or his Chicago Apartment. He wonders if he’d left it draped over the couch, like the natural disaster he was, or if it had been folded neatly in a drawer.
For someone who prides himself on not being sentimental, Jason suddenly wishes he had something of Dick’s too.
 “I’m here because I care, and because if Dick was here, he’d be doing the same thing I am.”
 “But he ain’t here,” Jason snaps, “Is he?”
 Donna’s head falls, and he feels like a giant jerk. He just… reacts poorly to that name, hasn’t heard it spoken since the transmission and subsequent funeral, since the guy he’d had the hots for since wearing the scaly panties had his mask ripped away and his life taken in front of Bruce’s eyes (who, to absolutely no one’s surprise, failed to save his son).
In the aftermath, no one said Dick Grayson’s name, always Nightwing, or some inane nickname the superhero community had for him. Last time he said it was to Damian, a failed attempt at comfort. But even Jason’s form of mutual grieving had been better than any of Bruce’s shit ideas. Bastard immortalized the ripped costume from his own son’s corpse (not that it had been the first time) and hadn’t even had the decency to give it a plaque (No ‘Good Soldier’ or ‘Good Son’, just a bare glass case with a bloody suit). Which… was weird. Jason was far from B’s best friend, but even he noticed something seemed strange, off, just not quite right. Like the funeral he didn’t speak at, like the breakdown none of them had witnessed beyond a one-off rage fit
“B, what the fuck happened down here?”
The Batcave was a disaster, dents glaringly obvious in several vehicles and a large spiderweb crack across the Batcomputer. Bruce closes the screen down, but Jason manages to catch a spiraling eye.
“Nothing, just…”
Bruce looks at the spare Nightwing costume none of them had taken down yet, still clean and ready for use (too bad its owner died and would never wear it again).
“Dick?” Jason questions, and the way Bruce’s eyes snap to his face is almost suspicious, almost enough to arouse concern.
“Yes. I—”
Jason sits next to Bruce on the desk, crossing his arms over his chest.
“I miss him too, Old Man. Don’t mean you need to be an ass about it.”
 A memorial next to Jason’s own, but Dickhead’s is empty and broken from Damian’s fists and grief, and Jason’s is just gone. No one told him why, it was just gone.
Kind of like Dick.
He wonders if Bruce would have told him if the video hadn’t been broadcast, if he would’ve told anyone. B did love his fuckin’ secrets.
 “No,” she whispers, and he can hear the tears in her voice, can feel her grief as keenly as his own. It’s palpable, tangible, “He’s dead, and I’m alive, and I don’t know how to handle it.”
 And then, to Jason’s mounting horror, she starts crying openly.
Second comes from my one I’m working on rn with Stray!Dick called I See Sunset In Your Eyes (I Hate This Part Right Here)
“Come on,” Wally says with a pout, dragging an overly amused Jason and Dick with him through the karaoke bar doors. “Donna and Roy are waiting for us, and Dick had to take forever to primp.”
 Dick shrugs with a grin.
 “Beauty takes time, time I can tell you did not take.”
 Jason snorts, and Wally glares at him.
 “At least I don’t take five hours to finish getting ready.”
 “At least I can last longer than five minutes.”
 “Ouch!” Roy butts in, throwing an arm around Jason and Dick’s shoulders. “Claws are out tonight!”
 “Speaking from experience?” Jason asks, eyebrow raised.
 Dick smirks without comment, sauntering past the group towards the table Donna’s lounging at.
 “Hey gorgeous twin of mine,” He greets with a kiss to her eyes. She smirks, rolling her eyes at him.
 “You’re just stroking your own ego with the twin tacked on, Wonder Boy.”
 Dick bumps his shoulder against hers.
 “Can’t I stroke both our egos?”
 “You can stroke mine,” Wally mutters, turning red when Stray winks at his phrasing. Jason and Roy both facepalm, groaning. “Not what I meant guys!”
 “Why Kid Idiot,” Dick replies, hand on his heart, “I had no idea you could be so forward~!”
 Wally glares, waving over the waitress.
 “Round of shots, on this dick,” he jerks his thumb at Stray, offering up his fake ID. She doesn’t bother checking it, probably because this is Gotham, and they were all in uniform. “Whisky, please.”
 “Trying to get me drunk?” Jason jokes. It is, after all, his first big outing with the Titans for non-mission reasons. Stray had practically dragged him out of the Manor with a wink at Alfred and a middle finger for Bruce, saying that Jason needed to have fun outside of books.
Jason knows better than arguing with Dick Grayson-Kyle when he wants something, Stray trained him well.
 “Of course, Batboy,” Roy replies, “It’s not a Titans outing if Stray is fully dressed and everyone’s sober.”
 Dick shrugs.
 “You’ll have to get some real liquor in me if you want me to do anything like last time.”
 “Last time?” Jason asks, looking to Donna for an answer. Dick snorts. You get near naked one time…
 “Boy Blunder ended up in just his boxers in a dancing cage drunk of his ass. Everyone thought he was one of the strippers, and he made, what, three-hundred dollars in bills?”
 “Five-hundred,” Dick replies proudly, offering the waitress a twenty as she came back with their drinks. “Keep the change, darlin’!” He adds with a wink.
 She flushes, making Jason frown.
 Stray, of course, notices this and elbows Jason.
 “Don’t get jealous, Blue Jay, it’s not becoming.”
 Jason does not blush. He doesn’t, and that’s the hill he will die on.
 “I’m not. On an unrelated note, pass me a shot.”
Jason is the master of changing the subject, Stray thinks sarcastically, passing him a shot and downing one of his own.
 “Five bucks says alley cat blacks out,” Roy says smugly as Dick makes a face, the way he always did with heavier liquors. He glares at the redhead, who shrugs unapologetically.
 Donna eyes them both speculatively, taking a sip of her own drink.
 “Twenty says he gives a lap dance before he blacks out.”
 Roy snorts.
 “I’ll take it,” and to Dick, “Don’t do it, for me.”
 Dick bats his eyes innocently.
 “Lil’ old me? I would never do something so…” He trails a finger down Roy’s chest, making him swallow roughly. “Scandalous.”
 Donna grins victoriously as Roy groans, trying and failing to hide his excitement.
 “I hate you. I hate you both.”
 Tagging whoever sees this, I suppose? 
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