#|| shared | verse | kings and knights.
badmusejail · 1 year
He doesn't remember his home being this cold.
Or empty.
Or quiet.
He peered down the hallway; the majestic halls of the Mountain King. Bright purple, vibrant hues faded the further down the hallway, until they were entirely monotone when it reached them. Grey, vague figures congregated in the distance.
They stared.
There was a certain fuzziness tickling his face. Some part of him wanted to scream, but he couldn't. He turned to run away. There was a dead end in front of him. Grey. (Was it melting?)
Though those figures called for Doctor Gaster--
the monster they were looking for wasn't here.
(when did home become synonymous with alone?)
57 notes · View notes
oksana-moods · 5 months
Queens of Promise - Final Part
Summary: The journey is a work of art, they say. And if to grow one needs to bleed, then you certainly paid your price. 
A/N: Writing this part was one of the hardest things I’ve done. Nothing seemed fit, nothing seemed good enough for a Last Part. There were some feelings or emotions that I couldn’t quite grasp, unfortunately, so to give you this part without stalling any further, I decided to move on with what I had. Hope you guys like it. Thank you to the ones who stayed or kept asking for the end of this story. Thank you everyone who spared a time of your life to read my work. And to the ones who shared some love, thank you.
As always, it means the world to me. 
Previous Parts here
Warnings: Game of Thrones kind of violence, language. Mentions of blood and death.
“We were the Kings and Queens of promise We are the Queens”
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Your limbs hurt, it feels like daggers are piercing through your skin with every step taken, yet you’re standing. It’s astounding.
Just like the people of Taharr, who gathered under the castle walls alongside the river shores from both sides. From your point of view they looked like ants, but there were more than thousands willing to pay their respects, their last courtesy to Queen Calanthe. The Strong Lioness.
The Lords, Ladies and other knights were allowed inside the castle walls and would attend the ceremony on the inner patio, the one with the river view.
However, you and a very selected few were in the winter garden, where there were statues of the former kings and queens, soon there would be one of Calanthe too. Too soon for your liking.
Many rivers grew or were born from a mountain of rocks, but the “Castle River” started from inside the boulders and rocks where Triskelion Castle was built in, its first appearance was, in fact, in the winter garden.
This spot of crystal clear water had a coffin boat on it, beautifully decorated with golden lionesses and adorned with chrysanthemums, your mother’s favorite flowers. They were simple - misunderstood she used to say, but they were always pretty.
Usually, the ceremony occurred on the seashore, at Pierce Coast, however, contemplating the attacks and the coup attempt, you had decided to stay and proceed with the burial in the capital, from the castle.
You knew how far you could shoot an arrow from this height and considering the winter garden stood close to fifty meters from the ground, would be a long shot. She deserved no less.
Three women covered from head to toe in full white gowns with golden lines forming some sort of pattern arrived at the garden where you stood and started to enchant their elder song.
It was always beautiful to watch, but the lines of the old druid poem touched a little too close this time.
The elder song was meant to guide the spirit to afterlife, the lines referred to the circle of life provided by the water. Every energy, every soul, everything was water. The flow of the universe.
You tried, but it was impossible not to share a tear or two as the last verse was sung. The song was about to end, your mother’s time as ruler was about to end. This was a reality that you did not want to acknowledge.
Your mother was gone.
And you were alone.
As the song ended, the men close to the boat looked at you expectantly, looking for your signal to release your mother on the river, to go down with the flow. As her boat was released, you tightened the grip around the bow on your hand.
Your knuckles hurt, but everything in you hurts, there’s nothing new.
You casted your eyes downwards, following the boat but also watching as the others knelt as it passed by, never stopping, the water flow was inexorable just as life was. 
It was painful, it was raw. It was true.
The seconds passed and your eyes burned just as your heart was, it was time for you to shoot your arrow in flames, only you couldn’t. After your shot, there was no turning back.
Maria, who stood several steps ahead, looked back at you. Even without words you knew what she meant. It was time. But you couldn’t.
She nodded, encouraging you to lift your useless arm and loose the arrow as you were supposed to. But you couldn’t.
You looked down at the fire pit in front of you, waiting to kiss your arrow and, as the flames danced, you blinked your tears away. Your hands were shaken.
“How can you shoot so far, mother?” The childish voice made the woman look down at you and she smiled that tender smile of hers.
“Practice, love.” She approached you with her bow, beautifully crafted and adorned with rubies, she extended it to you and encouraged you to hold it properly.
Now, standing right behind you, she commanded. “Take a deep breath and, as you do, pull the string with your other arm.” You did as you were told and she kind of guided, kind of corrected your movement. “Take your aim and release.”
Your movement faltered. “How do I aim, mother?” You heard a snort a second later after your question.
“Both eyes open, love. Choose your target and point the arrow at it, that’s your aim.” She instructed and guided your little hands. “Never lose sight of it. inhale, exhale, release.” Her voice was soft in your ear.
It was a little overwhelming. Only ten summers had passed for you, but your training was intensive. You wanted to play gobstones, wanted to play pass the ball, throw your hat, all the games the other kids were playing, yet, you couldn’t. Your free time was scarce as a breeze during summer. As a future ruler, you were supposed to train, study, observe, learn. There was no time for anything else.
“I can’t do this, momma.” You muttered after a second, for your arms got too stiff and shaken, you lowered them before you could loosen the arrow.
“Why not?” She inquired, never leaving her place behind you.
“My arms hurt. I’m terrible at this.” You confessed. From all the activities she requested for you to take, bow and arrow was the worst. You were the worst at it.
A second snort was heard and she squeezed your shoulder lightly. “Your arms will hurt if you overthink. Do it swiftly.” After a light tap on your chin, you turned your face to her. “And you’re not terrible, you’re afraid of failure. Don’t be.”
“What if I miss?” You blinked as she laughed lightly at your question.
“If you miss, you go and take another shot.” Her smile could light up the whole world. “Failing is to give up, so there’s no failing, as long as you try again. Be stubborn.”
At this, your face lit up like a tree during the summer festivals. “I can be stubborn!” You offered as if this was all that was missing in your life for you to accomplish your goals. Maybe it was.
With renewed interest and spirit, you turned to your target once more and pulled the string again, following her guidance as if it was a recipe.
“Don’t overthink.” She muttered behind your ear and hell, you heard her smile when you did as told. Your hand let go of the string and your eyes followed your arrow until it reached the target, almost a hand away from the bullseye, it wasn’t perfect, but you were content.
You could be stubborn.
A hand on your shoulder brought you back to reality and you blinked again at the arrow on your hand, begging for you to bathe it in flames and let it paint the blue sky.
“You can do this.” Carol Danvers smiled softly by your side and you clenched your jaw.
Taking a deep breath, your arm pulled the string until it reached your cheek and you could see the flame dancing on the tip of your arrow, the boat caught on your blurred vision.
Inhale. Exhale. Release.
Thousands of eyes followed as the arrow crossed the sky on that pale morning. As it flew, your heart hammered your ribcage.
You let out a low whistle when the arrow missed the boat and dived a foot away from the boat where your mother slowly and continuously flowed with the waters.
You had missed.
You had failed.
All of a sudden, you felt a light breeze hit your face and you sworn by all heavens that your nostrils were invaded by your mother’s perfume. Your lungs burned as chrysanthemums claimed the air around you.
Another light squeeze on your shoulder and, handling you another arrow, Danvers stubbornly said. “You can do this.”
“I can be stubborn.” You muttered, doing the same thing you did seconds before. You lowered the point of the arrow on the fire pit and soon pulled the string until it touched your cheek again.
Inhale. Exhale. Release.
The people on the banks of the river resumed the chant started by the White Ladies as the boat was engulfed in flames. It was beautiful, it was disheartening.
As the boat sank, you retreated into the castle. Your steps were heavy, stiffy as if walking took a toll on you.
Your mother’s sun sank into the fate's waters.
Your sun had just begun its ascension.
– – –
The chill in the air could almost be touched. The Winter Garden was taken by a thick haze, yet you could still see what was in front of you.
The stone, carved to resemble the woman your mother once was, felt cold, probably colder than it should be, but you touched it, nonetheless.
Almost a moon had passed and the crafters worked non-stop until this memorial statue was ready, you were adamant that it should be before your coronation. And here you were, hours away from officially being crowned the new Queen of Taharr, in front of the last queen, seeking comfort.
“I never really gave much thought of how this would be,” You spoke to the stone, it remained immovable, as you knew it would. “But I never thought it’d be this hard.” 
Even with all the things you had to do after the last battle, known as the Battle of the Failed Coup, your head didn’t rest or stopped thinking about your mother. After a while, it became pretty common for you to speak out loud as if she was present and would engage the conversation. 
You were past the point of feeling silly, now it brought you a mild sense of comfort. It was odd, you knew, but one should work with what they got and if you had to go through your grieving, you’d do it your own way.
“How am I supposed to move on?” You asked but your words were engulfed by the fog and died in nothingness just like all the others. You felt so not ready for this, completely unprepared and the urgency only drove you a little bit closer to the brink of the edge of your sanity.
She would hate to see you stuck in the mud like you were, and you’re afraid you’re becoming everything you hate. However, day after day, the weight of your decisions and their aftermath sometimes felt a burden too heavy for your shoulders. And you hated to feel so incapable, so defeated. 
First, you thought you were listening to things, but then the unmistakable sound of shoes scraping the wet grass properly reached your ears and you knew you were not alone anymore, a person - not a ghost - was about to arrive where you were. 
“Thought I’d find you here.” Maria Rambeau's voice filled the silence after she stopped right behind you.
You ignored her choice of greeting and fired. “What have I done, Maria?” 
“I’m afraid I don’t follow, my queen.” The woman shifted, side walking to level her eyes with yours. You all but flinch at the measure, you’re still not prepared to be called the supreme ruler of Tahar. Still feeling undeserving of the title you’re supposed to bear. 
“All this time, all the lessons and I feel like it was all for nothing. She’s dead and that’s because of me. It’s all my fault.” There you were, digging deeper into the mud of remorse and guilt. You felt like a wreck, beyond repair. 
“If I may, I don’t see it that way, my lady.” Maria starts. “Queen Calanthe died a true queen’s death, fighting for her people feistily, as she always did.” She paused for a second to make sure you were listening. “Your mistakes or even Loki’s betrayal can’t and won’t diminish the importance of her sacrifice, of her strength.”
Her hands pointed to the castle you were standing on, as to emphasize her next words. “The enemy had us in a chokehold, yet Triskelion resisted, she endured and Taharr prevailed. There will be so many songs about this feature, my lady.” 
“What will I do with songs?” You retorted like a petty child.  
“Revel in them! For she’ll always be alive, in every ballad sang from a bard and in our hearts. In your heart.” She replied without missing a beat, adamant in making her point of view crystal clear.
“And now?” You inquired. Unsure to whom, if to the wind, to your friend or to the memory of your mother, you did not know. “There was so much to learn. There’s a whole kingdom waiting for me to guide them but I feel so lost.
“I don’t know if I should gather the army and seek revenge or if I should prepare for winter and reinforce the borders.” You continued your rant. “If I should reunite with the other kings to hold Hydrarr’s plans or if I should just stand here, waiting.” You balled your fists, irritated with one of the feelings inside your heart. 
Being indecisive wasn’t a trait usually associated with you. Before, you’d say that is best to ask forgiveness than living a lifetime wondering what could have been. Before, you had your mind made up and set with a plan. Before, if things went wrong, you’d just go with the flow. 
That was before. 
“There are so many decisions, so many lives depending on me and said decisions. I feel like I’m crushing with the burden and crushing even further with each passing second.” You finish, now looking back to the stone, jaw clenched. 
“Heavy is the head that wears the crown.” Maria interjected. “I used to say these words to your mother and it is only fitting to keep saying it, because it’s still the truth.” 
Her words made you avert your eyes to your friend and there were so many thoughts running in your head, that it seemed difficult to organize or even prioritize given there was so much to be done.
Deciding on taking one step at a time, you shot. “Maria, remember that promise that you made me that you’d comply with everything I said after I became queen?” 
“Of course I do, my queen.” Maria smiled softly. “Is this the moment where I pledge to follow every single command of yours, no matter how silly they are?” She humored, not really knowing why the hell you brought this up. 
“No.” You turned back and looked at her. Your tone was so serious that you can see her forehead frowning. “I want you to be you. I want you to be my conscience… Would you do the honor of serving Taharr as High Advisor?” 
She’s taken back by your bluntness. This wasn’t small, actually, you were asking a lot of her but giving just as much. It was the second most powerful position in this Kingdom, losing only, of course, to the queen herself. “M-My queen? Are you sure?” 
“I am.” Few times in your life you felt that sure. 
She’s speechless for a moment. Perhaps trying to read the catch on your request, maybe weighing her options. 
“I won’t take shit from you if you try to play the queen card on me. If you want me to step in as Advisor, I want my voice to be heard and I don’t want blindspots.” Her face was devoid of that humor from seconds ago. She meant business and if you wanted her to take this job, there would be conditions. She wouldn’t pose as a mannequin    
“Deal.” You offered your hand for her to shake and seal the offer. “That’s exactly why I need you. I want to be as good as my mother was, and to do that I need someone to keep me on my toes.” You sighed, now deflated. “There’s no one else here to do that.”
“You are good.” She intervened. “You’re worried about the right things, everyone makes mistakes.” Maria squeezed your shoulder affectionately, trying to pull you back from the sorrow abyss you were floundering in. “We just have to learn how to pick ourselves up now. We’ll do this together.”
You nod, but let her words simmer through your head while you take a few steps until the edge of the Garden, where you could see the city below. The sun had only started to rise and the fog was slowly dissipating around you or the city. 
“Learn.” You try the word in your mouth as if a wine for you to taste. You had learnt so much in this past year. Hate. Love. Fear. Heartbreak. Grief.  
“Can I ask you something personal, Maria?” You asked, briefly glancing at your friend then looking back down, to the small buildings bathing on the first light of the day. Maria barely nodded her head to signal for you to go on, then you fired. “How did you know Carol was the one?
She remained silent for a few seconds, looking down, you knew she had heard you, for this was her telltale that her brain was working on an answer. “Do you remember when your mother created the High Guard?”
“She asked for the mightest and greatest knights from every village in Taharr. It didn’t matter their status. First it was a tournament, then the best were selected so you’d fight against each other until only the best kept standing.” You remembered, despite being relatively young. It lasted for weeks and you were mesmerized by many warriors displaying incredible techniques and skills.  
“Exactly. Carol and I were from different villages, so the tournament was the reason why we met and she challenged me in every possible way.” Maria began, eyes flashing with memories of a brilliant past, if the smile on her lips said anything. 
“In the tournament she was my rival, but after, at the sparring turns, she came with everything she had. She was marvelous indeed: strong, fast, powerful, yet, I could always find a way to counter her attacks.
“We kept our little competition, even after the tournament, even after we were both granted our current titles for bravery and skill set, but there had always been this pull between us, you know?
“I’d both hate and love that smile of hers and she later confessed she both hated and loved my bossy face. When she finally let her guard down, I saw the woman behind the title, behind the Marvelous and she was beautiful - I simply knew Carol was my person.”
You nod as if to thank her for her explanation while you stood there contemplating her words and their meaning. Eyes still cast down, you’re able to discern some dots that you knew were people, moving around the streets starting, preparing for another day. Completely unaware of your inner queries. 
“May I ask why you wonder, my queen?” Perhaps not only your citizens were unaware of the doubts clawing your guts. 
“I-.” You sighed, unsure of what words to use in an attempt to explain the turmoil in your head and chest concerning a certain princess that has already been spoken for. “I thought Wanda was the one.” You felt stupid for still giving thought to a woman who misled you. “For me.” 
Out of a sudden, you felt your back hurt again due the burden pressuring you as if to remind you of where your focus should be. It was not the time to think about Wanda. 
And speaking of hurt, you stared at the burnt mark on your hand, a last minute gift from your pal Lord Vision, as punishment for your audacity of touching Wanda in a way you were not supposed to. 
“For the first time in my life, I let myself be vulnerable and she did the same.” Your eyes met concerned obsidian orbs intently looking at you. “I swear she did and she showed me how wonderful she was on the inside.” 
Fidgeting with your hands and the hem of your tunic, you continued, eyes cast once more on the people moving on with their lives. The way you couldn’t. “There were so many flaws, Maria, fears… I loved that Wanda no one else knew.” 
A sad smile now adorned your lips. “And I hate to know she played me like a doll in a sick game. I hate to understand that I was just stupid for falling in love and believing that she loved me back.”
“You shouldn’t think that way, dear.” Turning to look at her again, you could see her eyes were soft, but there wasn’t a single trace of pity. “What your heart felt was your truth. I, myself, had a hard time believing that Princess Wanda was capable of something like this. But if she deceived you, that’s on her. She’s the one losing.” 
Her lips twitched a little, trying to give way to a small but sincere smile. “You are a wonderful person and whoever you choose to be your queen will be the luckiest woman for sure.”
You narrowed your eyes a little. Maria wasn’t one known for throwing compliments at the wind for no reason. With a slight smirk, you asked. “Are you saying this because you’re my friend?” 
She gasped, offended. “Of course not!” Then, the lines in her face turned a little less grave. “I’m telling you this because you are the Queen, my boss. Why else would I lie?” 
At her words, a laugh erupted from your chest as if a bubble wanted to set free. Your whole body shook and you could see hers did as well. 
For some reason, after this unexpected section of laughter, you felt a little less burdened, it was just tiny, but you felt a little bit lighter. 
As the laugh died down, she elbowed you lightly and called. “Come. There’s a coronation for you to get prepared for.” 
Wordlessly, you started to follow her, casually walking towards your chambers. Before your mind could travel to an unwanted, dark place of sorrow or worry, Maria’s voice found you again. 
“Have you heard your friend Aria Stark is here for your ceremony?” She never gave you the time to reply, for she completed her own thoughts. “And that her sister, aka your ex-fiancé, Queen Sansa, came as well?” 
“Oh.” It was all that you could mutter. You knew Aria should arrive soon, for she sent you a raven when she heard the news. Funny how a powerful friendship developed after you stumbled on a lost grieving girl in Braavos. 
But you were specially surprised by Sansa’s presence, you supposed she wouldn’t want anything to do with you after you, politely, declined her proposal offer. 
“‘Oh’” Maria mocked your tone. “I swear, you and your redheads.” 
– – – 
The raging storm knocked at the walls mercilessly, the thunder shook the whole castle as the lightning flashed the room alit every now and then. The fire in the fireplace danced erratically and you were surprised it still continued alive despite the wind making force through the cracks of the windows.
Staring at the cup of wine in your hand, you thought that maybe the weather was just mirroring the feelings in your chest. The taste of the wine faded from your tongue, but you could still taste Wanda’s love on your very lips. 
It was amazing, actually, how you could all but remember your time with her when confined in your chambers alone. If not sad, it would be mesmerizing the way you missed her lips and not even the strongest alcohol could numb it in your skin, in your mind or heart.
You wished you could escape the assault of memories and tender moments together, however, all you seemed to be capable of was to stumble on the ashes of your once upon a time with the northern princess. 
So much for your happy ending. 
Heavy knocks on the door broke your miserable daze and you cursed them, and entertained the idea of asking for their head on a spike for interrupting your sulking, but you assumed it’d be Maria. It would be more likely for her to have your head in one. 
Without waiting for your response, you were proven right, when she barged into the room as if she had run for miles. Her rapid breath made you anxious, for she hadn’t given you a single clue as to why she was so nervous and breathless. 
“My Queen, you won’t believe-.” She paused for air, but you hated the drama she created. There were thousands of things you wouldn’t believe in, but they were all running through your head. 
You wouldn’t believe it, but you entertained the idea of a dragon rampaging your realm. Or about flying whales passing above the city, with this storm, who could say?! Perhaps the Kree or Skrulls had organized and orchestrated a secret invasion and the city was doomed. Highly unlikely, but what if the same iced zombies that infected Westeros came to Noveria? After all, no one really knows what happens in Vormir. 
“My Queen-” She resumed, putting your imagination to rest. “Barton is here, alive. And the Black Widow is here with him.” Her eyes portrayed nothing, and you did hear the second part. Lady Natasha, your enemy’s loyalist was in your castle, the nerve. 
But you chose to focus on the first part, for lately, good news was just scarce as the leaves during winter. Your beloved friend, the one that taught you so much, the very one you thought you had lost - just another casualty to your naivety and recklessness, was back and alive. 
At least this was definitely good news and yeah, this was something you couldn’t believe in. 
You started to move around your room, gathering the minimum of clothes to be presentable before your subjects and you thought how much you have changed, a few months ago and you wouldn’t have minded if you were half naked. 
As you approached your closet, you barked at Maria. “Take Clint and Romanoff to the Great Hall. Call the cooks and bring whatever they can prepare this fast and get a barrel of our finest wine.” The High Advisor nodded and started to leave the room, but stopped when you spoke once more. 
“And for fuck’s sake send a word to Lady Laura, immediately.” A sharp nod and she fled to comply with your orders. 
The fire cracked calmly in the fireplace, giving the foolish idea that everything was calm despite the thunderstorm raging against the walls, despite the storm increasing inside your chest.
As soon as you entered, you spotted three figures standing, close to the fireplace - Maria, Carol and Sam. And another two figures seated at the table, one in front of another, eating rather fast - they were starving. 
The quietness of the Hall was violently interrupted by your heels clacking against the marble floor as you marched towards the people gathered and saw their heads rising from their meals to look at you. 
Even a few meters away, you saw Clint limping from his chair and sunk his knees on the floor, looking directly at your eyes. “My Queen.” The weight of his eyes and tone showed you his grief, his – your ruefulness. 
Before your hand could touch his shoulder, you saw Natasha Romanoff also kneeling slightly behind Clint, eyes cast on the floor and voiced. “Queen Lioness, my condolences.” The action surprises you, surely, but you’re mostly stunned because of her tone. 
It almost seemed that she meanted what she had just said, that she was indeed sad about your mother’s death, even though her Kingdom, her army, was responsible for this fact. 
Confused, you nodded. Then, resumed your previous action and pulled Clint by his shoulders, so he could get to his feet, and hugged him. 
“I thought you were dead.” You confided, voice as far from a queen’s as possible, twice as weak. “I’m so glad you’re not.” 
He returned your embrace just as tight. You knew what you had suffered, only the gods could know what this man had endured. “I’m sorry I couldn’t make it faster.” And by his words you knew he blamed himself for not being here during the battle, the coup attempt. Or the burial. He, too, blamed himself for Queen Calanthe’s death. 
“You’re here now.” You patted his cheek and gave him a weak smile. You meant your words, but it still hurt, you wouldn’t deny it. 
Taking a deep breath to help you fall into the character you were supposed to play, you raised your chin slightly and directed a hard glare at Natasha, with a matching hard tone directed at Clint. “Now you want to explain why there is an enemy, a Sokovian no less, still breathing inside my castle?” 
– – – 
“You’re lying.” You hissed, for the thousandth time. You just couldn’t believe what they, especially Natasha, were trying to say to you. 
“Why would I lie?” She asked, tiredly, arms crossed in her chest. You amused the idea of putting her in chains, to make her understand her position, you even entertained the idea of taking her to her room, a cell in the dungeons, to retribute the hospitality. 
But in the end, you gave in after Barton pledged on your friendship’s name for you to listen to them, to the both of them. The only problem is that they were suggesting absurd things to a very jaded woman. 
“Oh.” You mocked confusion. “Why would a Sokovian lie, Romanoff?” You shot back venomously. “You’ve been lying this whole time! I don’t even know your reasons anymore!” At this, you threw the decorated invitation you had received earlier at the table. 
The marks of burnt and crinkles of a parchment recently crumbled in a paper ball were visible, but also visible was its content. Without even trying to hide your disgust, you started to spat the words engraved not only in the paper, but also in your mind.
“Prince Vision, heir of Hydrarr, son of Red Skull, proudly announces his marriage to Princess Wanda Maximoff, heir of Sokovia, daughter of King Django and Queen Marya Maximoff, with the blessings of King Pietro, who announces his retirement due critical illness. The ceremony will be due in two moons. This invitation is extended to the friendly realms to Sokovia.”
Taharr wasn’t, obviously, a friendly realm to Sokovia. This was probably Vision’s way of taking an opportunity of messing with your head a little further. Or, perhaps, this could be Wanda’s doing. Who knew?
Whoever sent this, did on the sole purpose of fucking with you. And they succeeded. 
Maria, Carol and Sam gasped at your words, they were just as shocked as you were. You knew about the marriage, it hurt like hell to see a confirmation, but you were completely in the dark about Lord Vision’s - now Prince Vision - origins. 
Not to mention the news about Pietro’s retirement, since when does a King or Queen retire? All the ones you knew died and their rest would be in the afterlife. What the fuck was going on?
A more rational part of your brain understood the geopolitics involved in this marriage: Hydrarr and Sokovia would become one united Kingdom, with its forces and ruthlessness combined, who knew where they’d stop? With King Pietro’s retirement, Wanda and Vision would, respectively, become Queen and King of the combined territory. 
With a start, you realized the only ones who did not bore impressed looks were Clint and Natasha. They already knew about this. And, for a split second, you almost doubted your friend. Almost. 
“And that’s a coup.” Clint pointed at the paper while the Black Widow simply wrinkled her nose as if the parchment had a bad smell. “A very well orchestrated one, might I add. They’re overthrowing Pietro.” 
Your eyes darted back to him and he continued. “I told you, Lord Vision has been contaminating Sokovia for years. Day after day, he’s working to make it more Hydrarr’s. And with this marriage? He’ll achieve it.” 
“Harv Krickitt told you this?” You asked about the man, the jeweler, who crafted the piece of jewel the Black Widow assigned to kill you had received as payment. Barely a year has passed, but it felt so, so long ago, almost another life. 
Remembering that day, that night, your eyes were hard and jaw so clenched it hurt, still, a pale contrast to the pain brought by the memories dancing behind your eyes. 
“Kricket told us Vision was the one to ask for the necklace, with the lioness’ pendant. But he was asked to deliver it to Barnes’ care.” Natasha answered, voice as if made of stone. “He killed Steve during the attack. Those men, that day? They were a Hydrarr unit, a cover up.”
“As everything so far, my queen, this was a set up.” Clint completed. And you laughed at the absurd image they were trying to paint. Inwardly. Outside it looked more like a snort that could very well be mistaken with a choke.
“You want me to believe that Pietro, that Wanda,” Your voice failed, it’s been months since you last spoke her name out loud. You tried not to show any weaknesses, but your heart still skipped a beat and you hated it. “-had nothing to do with this?” 
“Precisely.” His words were unwavering. He was certain and you seriously wondered how badly your friend had been compromised. 
If you were the older you, this thought wouldn’t have even popped into your head, because it'd be straight away unfathomable, but the older you died after facing the treason of people so dear to you. Wanda’s betrayal was a stab in the guts, for sure, but Loki’s? It killed your heart. 
So, who could blame you for asking? 
“Did you turn?” Your tone was flat, devoid of emotion. 
Across the room, your peripheral sight caught heads snapping at you or even the sound of an intake of a good amount of air. The other occupants of this room judged you had gone too far on your assumption and that this was not what someone with Clint’s reputation should hear upon returning home. 
But you didn’t care that this could offend him or even if you were calling him traitor right on his face, you were the queen, weren’t you? You were entitled to. 
To his credit, Lord Barton didn’t even flinch at your question, his voice, still unwavering. “I would never!”
Your eyes searched for his, scrutinized his soul looking for any sign of deceit but you found nothing. He was speaking the truth. 
Nodding as to show you accepted his answer, you resumed the conversation. “What are you suggesting?” 
“Vision has the Maximoff twins in a hook.” He fired back without wasting a second, if you were willing to hear him, there was no time to waste. And, as if on cue, Natasha expanded the idea started by Clint. 
“Pietro is ill, that part is true, but Vision is threatening Wanda’s life if he does not step back.” This sentence ignited a fire in your whole being, even though you didn’t know what to believe. If all of this is true or not, it didn’t matter, the idea of someone hurting Wanda made you very angry. “And Wanda has to marry Vision, otherwise he’ll kill Pietro.” 
Your head snapped at the redhead seated in front of you so fast it felt like a whiplash, at the same time, your heart rate skyrocketed to the moon. 
“You mean she hadn’t agreed with this marriage on her own?” You carefully chose your next words, you wanted to make sure your ears and your brain were not playing games with you. “Are you telling me that she won’t marry him because she wants, but obliged to keep her brother safe?” 
“I am.” Her confirmation blew the air out of your lungs. 
Alarmed, you got off your seat and retreated to the fireplace, which still cracked, unbothered by the revelations these walls have just witnessed. You tried to remind yourself to keep breathing, because these past minutes were beyond intense. 
Your head was still trying to wrap itself around the proposition the spies were presenting to you and, at the same time, your heart was trying to grasp the meaning behind these implications. 
Wanda was about to marry a man because of her duty to her brother, to protect the last blood attachment she has with her family. And if she was forced to marry him, if Pietro was not involved, then could this mean-? 
“Wanda would never betray you, My Queen.” Clint’s voice reached your ears as if he spoke from miles away, but he knew how fast your head and heart were running, he knew what sort of questions plagued your mind. “She was devastated, went berserk after she found the house you shared empty.” 
Contradictory emotions clashed on your chest and you didn’t even know what those emotions were, for there were so many. And just like that, you didn’t know what to think or what to make out of this. 
For so long, you believed and were led to believe that Wanda had participated, organized this ploy like a brilliant sociopath. You blamed her for your suffering, you hated her and called names in the confines of your room at night while tears ran free down your cheek. 
You cursed the feeling she made you feel and now someone dares to say otherwise. Someone dares to say you got it all wrong, that you were lied to and the woman you loved had nothing to do with this? 
“This is profanity.” You whispered, but somehow Clint heard, despite the heavy rain outside. 
“I’m not lying.” He confirmed, as if this was all that you needed to accept this plot twist. 
“You can’t possibly think that I’ll believe this, Clint. I was put through hell.” You cried, disregarding the others still present, you didn’t care if they saw you weak right now. This wasn’t news to them after all.
Without a word, Natasha pulled something from her battered purse and you were about to turn away again when she opened her hand, palm flat upwards, offering you its content. Your eyes narrowed due the feeble light, tiredness and to try and keep the tears from falling. 
“Wanda gave me this.” The Black Widow spoke solely to you, for she knew the others didn’t know what was in her hand nor its meaning. “She said you would understand-” And by the looks of it, Natasha herself didn’t really know what was the meaning of what she was carrying either. “and I quote ‘It’s impossible to hold back the wind”. 
It was dirty, but with a step or two you could very well distinguish the trace and pattern of a tied knot in a rope, it was unmistakable that it was the same piece of Aberdeen rope you had given Wanda in what felt like a lifetime ago. 
The memory, though, surfaced as if it was yesterday. 
Wanda watched as you absentmindedly ran a hand through your hair. “Why do I feel so tied to you?” She wondered out loud, after you settled down close to her at the cushions sprawled on the floor.
“I don’t know.” You smiled softly, offering her a cup of tea. “But if it makes you feel better, I feel just the same.” You countered and she smiled away. 
It was unclear if your answer had pleased her or not. Sometimes you felt as though you knew Wanda like the palm of your hand and others, just like now, it was as if she was a stranger that had just arrived in the room. 
Sometimes it was impossible to decipher her silence. 
After a while, she turned to you with a bittersweet smile gracing her heavenly lips. “Do you think this will last forever?”  
You were touched, paralyzed even, for you didn’t really know what she specifically meant with ‘this’. It could be the feeling of being tied or the tie itself - conversations like these with Wanda were like treading on thin ice or holding on a breakable thread. So you remained muted, waiting for further context. 
“Forever. Don’t you think this is such a strange concept?” She chuckled humorlessly. “Forever doesn’t even exist, if we think about it.” She rambled with brows furrowed. 
“Forever could last a lifetime.” You tried tentatively, still unsure of where this conversation was heading to. 
“Forever could last a whole minute.” She retaliated without missing a beat. She wasn’t even looking at you anymore, but to a fix point at the wall as if it could show her the future if she stared at it for long enough. 
“You don’t know how long your forever will last.” Now, your brows were also crinkled only your eyes were cast on the mug nested on your hands. “No one knows.” 
“What do people do, then?” You looked at her, but her inquiry seemed genuine. 
You laughed at the absurd. You had no clue about what they do with their forevers. To be honest, you didn’t know anything about this. “I don’t know. I guess, they live the best they can, nonetheless?” You supplied. 
It was so strange, because during your whole life you’ve learnt a lot of things, but no one stopped even a second to explain to you what it was to like someone. To love someone. The ‘what to dos’ and the ‘hows’ were completely overlooked as you grew up. 
Tilting your head up, as if the sky could be of any help, your eyes caught sight of a rope loosely tied to the canopy, it wasn’t big, but you took a piece with your knife and expertly started to knot it down, your skills from your time as sailor showing off, and you were highly aware of Wanda’s eyes focused on you.
You pulled the tip of the rope from both sides but the knot remained untouched, the tie was still perfectly strong, as if made of stone. Then, you offered it to her, heart pounding in your chest as if you were handing her your own heart on a silver plate. 
She took it in her hands with a tenderness yet unseen, as if it was made of glass. “This tie could last forever.” Though you pointed to the piece of rope in Wanda’s hands, you both knew what tie you meant with your words. You just hoped she wouldn’t freak out with your naive, yet brave attempt to wish for impossible things. 
You were completely conscious that a future with Wanda was highly improbable. Still, you couldn’t help but dream that the two of you would find a way and make it work. Somehow.
“Can we stop this?” She asked, but this time she stressed the last words of her sentence and moved her hand between the two of you. This time, she was crystal clear about what she meant. 
“It’d be like holding back the wind.”
You touched it with a gentleness that no one in the room judged you’d possess. It burst a fire in your chest and it was getting harder and harder to hold back the emotion slipping through the cracks of your heart. 
It was impossible to ignore the hammering thoughts shooting through your head and there were so many, so loud that you thought you’d go crazy. 
This piece of fabric meant nothing and everything at the same time. 
“I need to think.” Without another word, your fingers closed around the material and your feet stormed out of the room to collect yourself in your own chambers, so you could ruminate about the implications laid upon you this night. 
— — 
“Stop this wedding!” Lady Danvers’ voice resonated throughout the Hall. “I’ve got an objection.” She looked sheepishly to the side and revealed a sly smirk and whispered for only you and her own wife to hear. “I always wanted to say this.” 
If the moment wasn’t so daunting, you’d probably laugh or retort some snide remark, but your eyes were solely focused on the woman dressed in white in front of the makeshift altar prepared for the occasion. 
There were shocked murmurs, metal clanging against metal, for you dragged the fight from the inner gates into the main hall of the castle, where the wedding was taking place. There were voices speaking, screaming words devoid of any meaning, for your ears ignored any and all of them. 
Her eyes were locked on yours and your knees felt weak; she was a sight to behold and worship. Like a true goddess, Wanda Maximoff’s dress made her look ethereal, as if she was sent from another dimension to cleanse this Earth’s sins and her eyes cast on yours burn with something you couldn’t know.
The contrast of white and red, from her auburn hair cascading down her shoulders, was mesmerizing and it only made it difficult for you to think coherently. For a whole second you forgot where you were and what you should be doing. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” Vision shot his hand to his sword, but with one look he realized he was outnumbered. 
A sly smirk crossed your lips, tongue as sharp as usual. “Well, you did send me the invitation, have you not?” With a start, you realized that your sarcastic self hadn’t vanished for good. 
You could make anyone mad with only a couple of words. And, oh, Prince Vision red with anger was one of your favorite sports. Just like he was. 
“You’re invading my castle!” His voice boomed throughout the room, in a futile attempt to intimidate and stop your advance. Poor him. 
“Last time I checked this was Maximoff’s.” You provoked, walking towards his direction, with the conviction that his goons would know better than to come your way. You were a woman on a mission and they wouldn’t stand a chance. 
In fact, there weren’t many goons available anymore. Rumlow was dead after all, and Natasha had her dagger dangerously close to Bucky’s throat rendering him immovable. And the others… Well, they wouldn’t dare to cross paths with you right now. 
Drawing his sword, Vision took one step towards you, but you could see that this action was just an automatic response, for his eyes darting around told you his head was running all the possible outcomes and, more importantly, how he’d get away from this. 
He wouldn’t. 
You were adamant in making him pay for every single word, or minute he made you suffer. For every lie, every single action and all the blood shared that he was responsible for. Especially your mother’s. Oh, you’d make sure he’d pay. 
“One shouldn’t draw a sword if not ready to bathe in blood.” Your words were marked by each step you took, hand with a tight grip on your own sword. To be honest, it looked like he wanted to try his chances with jumping from the window instead of facing you, but you had cornered him now. 
“You think I won’t kill you?” He threatened, lifting his sword so it’d be between you. Perhaps in his head this could make you stop.
It wouldn’t. 
“Will you try it by yourself or will you ask someone else to do what you can’t?” You jabbed back, but remained immovable only a few steps away from him. You were ready to take matters into your own hands, you were ready to go to hell and back. 
However you were a queen, threatening a prince under another king’s roof. Again, the older you, would be hands deep into Vision’s throat squeezing the life out of him, but your new version knew better. This was not your castle, nor your land. 
No matter how much this man had made you suffer, no matter how many crimes he committed to you and to your people. This was still Sokovia, another man’s realm, there were rules and you should step down on shedding blood at your will.
“You should surrender, Vision.” King Pietro rose to his feet, taking the cue from your pause. It was visible how this illness had an effect on him even though he was trying to be tough. 
The man, on the other hand, decided to ignore this modest warning and took another step, ready to clash his sword on yours, but before he could, another blade appeared under his chin, kissing the skin on his throat which made him stop in his tracks. 
Perhaps Wanda had that sword under her dress this whole time, perhaps she took from some random guard around her. In fact, it didn’t matter where that blade came from, because her intentions were clear and menace was evident in every inch of her being. 
“You’ll do what you were told.” Not that it was needed, but her eyes screamed danger. Vision could be many things, but he wasn’t crazy enough to ignore the threat underlining her words. “You’ll abide to the King’s order.” 
Visibly cornered and defeated, the prince dropped his sword and looked up with a sorrowful eye, ready to beg for one of the Maximoffs for mercy. 
“Take this idiot out of my face.” Pietro commanded no one in particular, not that he needed, and two guards pushed Prince Vision out of the hall, closely followed by Clint and Carol. They certainly would make sure he’d stay locked. 
By then, all the guards loyal to Vision or Hydrarr were dead or arrested. It was the first part of the plan, designed in Triskelion: to take down Vision, they’d need to undermine his influence, take his minions to be able to weaken his power inside the castle.
The last part was the invasion itself and the dramatic wedding interruption.  
Your head was highly aware that you were needed to stop this plot orchestrated by Red Skull. After all, Taharr was one of the most powerful realms in Noveria, even though shaken, Triskelion was still a stronghold against enemies in this continent. Taharr was the only realm that could prevent this coup. 
No one else would be this effective, this fast or this invested. One could say that it was the smartest thing to do, that no other vengeance would be greater, but your heart hammered your ribcage looking at the redhead barely meters away from you. 
There was nothing else greater than the way she was looking at you. 
With a start, you didn’t know what to do now. All this time, you and your friends thought what needed to be done to stop the coup, your mind didn’t wander to the moment after it. Again, you were used to fighting, but what was expected to be done after the fight?
Even more, after those wonderful days in that cozy house, you’ve been running from her memories and the feelings she’d made you feel. You were clueless about what you and Wanda were - are. 
Suddenly, you felt a body colliding with yours and it took you a second to understand what was happening and you closed your arms around her. And, once more, it felt as though you had been locked out of heaven.  
The woman roamed her hands all over your body, your hair, assessing every single part to make sure you weren’t hurt. To make sure you were in one piece. When satisfied she rested it on both sides of your cheeks. Holding you in place. Eyes set on yours, centimeters away. 
“By the gods, please, don’t tell me you believe in him.” Her voice sounded strangled, as if trying to keep herself composed was a strenuous effort. 
“He was pretty convincing.” You replied without missing a beat. How could you think, when breathing her breath was so intoxicating? You were incapable of speaking something more elaborated and you knew she’d be upset with your answer, but Vision pulled quite the number. 
For a second, she said nothing. She closed her eyes and rested her forehead on yours, letting her hands fall to your shoulder as yours instinctively found her waist. As if they belonged there, as if they have never left at all. 
When she opened her eyes, it was perfectly clear how sad she was. “I can’t even begin to imagine what he put you through.” They were so genuine that your heart clenched. “I’m so sorry. For everything.” She whispered the last part and it was hard for you not to kiss her right then and there. 
But you were a queen now and this was not your castle. You couldn’t just do whatever your heart desires. With a chaste kiss on her forehead, you disentangled yourself from her embrace and walked towards the limping form of King Pietro, only to realize Wanda had taken your hand on hers to hold as you walked. 
“Lioness, I apologize for everything Vision did and I condoned.” The man was weak, very different from the one you met in his dungeons. But he was still as regal as someone of his position should be. “I know it can’t be erased, but your presence will be appreciated during his trials.” 
Taking your nod as the only answer he’d receive, he turned to the crowd standing awkwardly in the hall, most of them without a single clue as to what had just transpired. Raising his voice, he said. “Now, I understand that there’s a feast to be served and I see no reason for us to starve.” Then, he turned to a maiden in sokovian’s colors and ordered. “Take half to the city and bring the rest for us, there’s an army to feed.” 
– – – 
You looked up to the sky and tried to spot any cloud but there was none. It was so impressive, because you swore you have never seen this shade of blue, it was as if the sky had been painted. 
Wanda had told you that this was a rare occurrence during winter, but it was a welcome change to the permanent gray, common for the colder season. Also, she said that if the blue showed up more than once in a week, then it meant that spring was slowly lurching towards Sokovia. 
It was the second time you were mesmerized by this impressive color and beauty. Surely spring was on its way. 
Ironic, you thought. 
‘I’ve learned to let myself get cut to always return whole with spring’. You felt as if you could hear your mother speaking these exact words to you. You felt as if you were a whole new person and somehow, these words made more sense now than ever. 
It had been a rough winter. Metaphorical and not. The weather proved to be a ruthless enemy, without mercy, it wiped the crops, farms and you thanked the gods for the crown’s reserve, so there was food enough to aid the whole kingdom. 
And, as a matter of speaking, your winter was just as hard. Funny to think you used to complain about all the training and study you had received when younger, because right now, you felt as though you should have been pushed harder. 
Mastering all weapons, learning numbers and languages, geography and geopolitics, religion and history, nothing really gave you the mere idea of how to bear the weight of a crown. The younger lioness couldn’t even grasp the importance or the challenges a ruler would experience. 
Granted, as the days passed by, you understood what you should do and knew what variables you were supposed to think of before making a decision. But nothing, and you do mean nothing, prepared you to understand that there is no right move. 
People will get hurt, people will suffer. No matter what you choose, there will always be consequences. The trick is to look for the lesser of two evils and accept what you can’t change. It was this trick that you struggled the most, though. 
It was ironic, indeed, how much you have grown after your trim. After your mother’s death, Loki’s betrayal and even Wanda’s, even though it was just another ruse, you had felt that, mourned that love, after all of these cuts and trims, you didn’t even know you could endure this much. 
Life took so much from you, yet, here you were. Still standing. 
Just another irony, if someone asked you, because that's what Pietro had said to you earlier in the meeting: ‘Spring is life persevering after a long winter.’ And you agreed. 
Your philosophical moment was cut short with the arrival of no one other than Wanda. Her perfume announced her presence seconds before her hands found your back as she slid them until she was hugging you from behind. You snacked your arms around hers and closed your eyes for a moment, savoring her warmth, her scent, her company. 
Right after the wedding-stopping thing, you learnt that Wanda basically became your shadow. Wherever you went, she was probably following not far behind. Unconsciously, she was probably scared of losing you again if she let you out of her sight. 
And there was a shift in your relationship after the very much needed, long and exhaustive conversation about everything that transpired since that morning she left you in that house. Your point of view and hers. 
It was hard. She had cried and you had cried, it was obvious that she was blaming herself for basically everything you had suffered. It was unfair for her to think like this, but she was adamant. And you knew, deep down, she was sad you had doubted her. 
However, there was nothing that could be done on that matter. It was in the past. 
With a kiss on your cheek, she let go of your waist and stepped to the side so she could take a look at you. Basking in the sun like this, she felt as though you were an angel sent from above. 
You and your army saved her kingdom from certain doom. Funny, though, for Wanda never saw herself as a damsel in distress kind of princess, but her own and her people’s freedom was a gift, delivered by your hands. 
“Pietro said you wanted to talk to me?” She started, tilting her head to the side in evident curiosity. When you left her this morning after breakfast because you had a meeting with her brother, she was quite surprised. Not that you two didn’t bode well, but because she wasn’t invited. 
In fact, she was told to not interrupt. 
“Yes. Thank you for coming.” You said, turning your body so now you were facing her, the balcony serving as a body support. “I was wondering if you’d take me on that horse ride to see the waterfalls?” 
She smiled softly, her curious self giving way to the old Wanda who wouldn’t stop talking about the amazing waterfalls close to the castle. She thought about how endering you were right now, asking for her to fulfill a promise she never imagined would really become true. 
“Say no more.” She grabbed your hand and fled the room. Not long till you were each on a horseback, riding to one of her favorite places in the world. 
The ride to Ms Marvel waterfall was barely an hour long, but perpassing through fields, trees and the most beautiful sightseeing rivers. It was so pretty, so particular, that you felt as though you were walking inside Wanda’s memories, for she had described this place over and over. 
The moment you set foot on your destination, you realized how thoroughly Wanda had been when speaking about this place. Every single pebble, rock, grass and the magnificent waterfall was just as she painted with words. 
It was beautiful and magical. 
Despite the weather, you shed your clothes and jumped into the cristaline water, followed suit by the princess. The redhead, however, was far more used to the cold waters than you were, but you always liked cold baths. 
This one felt as though you were being cleansed. It was welcoming. 
As Wanda swum towards you, it was easy to see a soft smile gracing her lips and a predatory look on her eyes. Hair slick back due the water, some droplets covering her face and you wondered if she wasn’t a siren, trying to lure into unknown waters, to your demise. 
Somehow, her body was warm even though you were both chin deep into the waters and her embrace was something that you couldn’t find words to describe. And seeing this new side of her, so carefree, and not preoccupied with everything, made your heart soar in your chest. 
Surely, your relationship wasn’t exactly a secret, but it was plain to see that, right now, there were no worries about who could find out. You were not the enemy anymore, there was no war and there was no one targeting you. 
For Wanda, this was almost living her fairy tale dreams, right after emerging from her worst nightmares. First, she had lost you. She was a wreck after she realized she had not been as careful as she thought she was. 
It was no mystery to her who had taken you but much to her dismay, Vision had convinced Pietro that you were secretly invading Wolfgang, taking advantage of her innocence to demoralize his image and power. 
Wanda tried to explain to her brother, but to no avail for his mind was impregnated with lies and deceit. She tried to make Pietro understand that she loved you and though you had never used words, she pretty much knew you also had strong feelings for her, and you were definitely not using her as the Advisor had informed the king. 
It was all part of the plan. It was a mess. However, the final strike was yet his boldest. Vision pledged Wanda was impure and no one would want her as wife, but he could take this burden for the sake of their friendship. 
The nerve. 
Curious enough, things got worse when Pietro started to believe her. One day, he showed up at her door and was utterly embarrassed for not believing her, he then explained to her that he had talked to you and there were no reasons for him to think you were lying. 
Wanda’s heart broke all over, for she could only imagine how bad it must have been in the dungeons with the care of the likes of Vision and his loyalists. She was scared, she was hurt and she was desperate to set you free. 
She schemed a plan with Natasha and Clint for you to escape, but her brother fell ill, probably poisoned by Vision even though they could not prove it, and they became hostages too. On their own castle. Each of them had a sword on their throats, each of them were ready to lose everything in order to keep the other safe. 
Among all the other things, Wanda would lose the love of her life. 
“I know I never said this to you.” Your voice brought her head out of her reverie. It was even and melodic, she found herself smiling. “And I think this is so silly now, trying to mask my feelings.” She felt, more than heard you chuckling, even under the water, your whole body shook. “I love you, Wanda.” 
Her head snapped backwards so she could have a better look at your face. After all the time you spent together, she came to decipher whether you were mocking or not, yet, this voice, this tone was different. It was new altogether. 
You were older, wiser and sadlier too, she realized, you were not the Young Lioness anymore.  
“I mean it.” You finished, trying to convince her that you were not messing around. 
Realizing her lack of answer might have led you to believe she was searching your eyes for a lie, she shook her head and smiled softly. “I know.” She did believe you. She really knew, she really felt. 
You have told her, just not with words. 
You couldn’t help but lean in and capture her lips with yours. When Wanda was about to deepen the kiss, you pulled back and looked down in time to see a small pout and you smiled softly at her attitude. 
“There’s something else I want to talk to you about.” You ran your hand down her cheek, mesmerized with the perfection glued to your body. “Did Pietro say his plans for his future to you?” 
Despite the intimate moment, or position, Wanda felt a slight shift in your stance and certainly the topic of the conversation. Seconds ago you were talking about feelings and now you returned to politics. 
She didn’t not know what exactly you were talking about. Or what you really wanted to. But this question was just a preamble, that much she was certain. 
“That he desires to step down from the throne to look for treatment and healing?” She asked, head tilting to the side and she was so adorable wearing that confused look of hers that your heart skipped a beat. 
You only nodded and she asked. “Why?” 
For hours, you had been trying to think of the best form to ask her. Being blunt, straightforward as usual or perhaps with a romantic flourish, but in the end, anxiety took the best of you and you were not sure of how to do it. 
There were two Wandas. The one you were in love with, the simple woman with a heart, you usually knew what she’d do or say. But then, there was the feisty and strong princess, who will always think about her duty to her people before anything else. Even her own heart. 
And that woman? She could virtually say or do anything, she was indomable and you were irrevocably devoted to her.  
“I was thinking about what we always said…” You mentally kicked yourself for being so stupid and not knowing the right words. To be honest, you were afraid of her reply or even her decision. “About a time or place where we could simply be, where we’d have a choice.” 
A quirk of brow told you she did not understand what your words meant and you sighed heavily. Deciding to take the bandage off, you shot. “Wanda Maximoff, will you marry me?” 
She opened her mouth, but then the words hit her and you saw her eyes grasping their meaning as it sank in what you were asking. What you were really asking her. What you were really asking of her.
“How?” She asked, doubt written all over her face. 
For sure, you had hoped for an easy ‘yes’ even though you already knew it wouldn’t come. However, a how it was far better than a no.
A smart comeback made its way to your tongue, but you swallowed it down just as fast. “If you’ll step up as the new queen of Sokovia, why wouldn’t you as Novi Grad’s?” 
Her jaw dropped a few inches at your proposal and everything that would surely entail, regaining her composure after her stupor, she fired back. “Is this political?” 
She tried to disguise the hurt perpassing her being. She wanted you, but were you suggesting just a political maneuver?
“No.” You were quick to clarify. “I want to marry you because of what I feel for you. But I understand that this is not simple. Between the two of us, we can’t take one thing without the other.” 
For several seconds she looked at you and said nothing. Her eyes scrutinized every freckle, every inch of your face and eyes. You were so beautiful and she hated how much she loved you, how desperate she was for your touch. 
The possibility laid upon her was far too tempting. She was aware of her needs and duty and for a long time she wished she could split her heart from her responsibilities, but right then and there, this was her chance, your chance to finally combine both. 
It wouldn’t be needed to sever one thing from another, the both of you could take your place as required without breaking your hearts in the process. 
“Are you sure?” You were not convinced of what she was really asking. What should you be certain about? Your love, your offer or everything in between? 
“I’m sure of what I feel for you.” You replied and her eyes, once lost, finally focused on yours. A soft snort told you that this was not of her concern. Good. 
“I know, darling. I love you too, you know this already.” Her smile was soft but not more than her words. “I was just… Do you think we can reunite the realm?” She asked more directly this time and you understood her fears. 
The Golden Accords existed for a long time and there would be resistance, there would be fear, but there would also be reunion, there would be peace. And that was the very thread you were holding on. 
“In my humble opinion? You and I together can do anything.” Certainty coated every single word rolling out of your mouth and that made Wanda’s smile go wider. She always loved - after she had hated - your confidence. 
– – – 
If you squinted, her dress looked like a waterfall, cascading down her back, feet and beyond and Wanda, once more in full white, looked like a fallen angel. Her eyes, her smile… everything in her glowed brighter than a star. She was perfect. 
After your vows, Pietro took your hand and Wanda’s and laced it with a red piece of satin. It represented your bloods, your souls intertwining themselves, tying the eternal knot between your lives. 
Her smile was broad and you were certain it shone for miles, when Pietro spoke the last sentences of the ceremony. “I now present you the Queen of Taharr and Queen of Sokovia. All rise to the Queens of the Great Realm of Novi Grad.” 
The crowd was loud to the point you couldn’t even hear your own thoughts and you swore the earth shook when you leaned in and Wanda sealed your promise with a kiss. 
The promise of union, the promise of peace, prosperity and love. 
After all, you were the Queens of Promise.
taglist: @californianwhiterabbit, @cowxpoke
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shadow-lag · 1 month
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Prior GSA member, she is an archer powerhouse. Using arrowheads made from her unusual and ever-growing crystal horns, she can scope out hundreds of enemies from Nightmare Enterprises. Frequently sent to work with one of the GSA's top solider, Sir Metaknight. 🦇⚔️🫐
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Though despite the sad appearance her masks downturned shape may portray, she is heeps more cheery then the blue knight. Often going as far to tease him, but always brightening his mood (even through his denial)
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After the GSA decided to disband, she continued wearing her star badge. Through this, she managed to navigate her way through off-handed conversations and small mentions straight back to MK, and to the beautiful Dreamland. Where she meets the King's hoard of waddle dees. The GSA had plenty of trained waddle dees working to maintain and protect large bases, all in which she held high respects, but none were quite like the largely spoken about and highly regarded Bandana Dee. Whom she made very quick friends with, even going as far to use scrap Iggy Woods wood and her crystals to make him a custom spear. (A cherished gift)
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Avid pop flower enjoyer<3
(More rapid details in the reblog!!)
Born of the same wish powered stardust akin to those of the puffball species. Nismo's manifestation came through at times of war. Though her tampering wasn't quite as cruel as some others, several forces stole the wishes of the pure hearts to get their slimy hands on creature so full of energy. Nightmare Enterprises was the usual culprit of this experimentation, but Nismo was stolen by someone else. Remnants of the ancients, a group split from the magic users. They wanted a super weapon, they wanted someone who could attest the Heros of Yore. Someone who this time wouldn't rogue off and need sealed away. Such things can not just be made however. Knowing the magic of the fabled Star Rod, they attempted to replicate its extraordinary capabilities. A powerful organic creature merged with their ancient magic. The experiments failed however. They couldn't enhance her performance to make her strong enough. Couldn't speed up the aging evolutionary process enough to sprout wings. Just large clunky crystal formations where horns were meant to grow, although formed through similar materials as the star rod, they weren't as powerful. They had failed again. And just like that they were on to the next. Thrown out into the cold of Shiver Star, she was raised by local scavengers already immune to the cold. She learned to adapt. Learned to hunt and gather any food that still grew through the frozen climate, learned of a passion for cooking, began carving scrapes into fresh spears. Occasionally the child-like whimsy would break through. Small wooden trinkets were gifted as often as she could carve them. It was here she learned of the greater battle with Nightmare through the wide spread call for arms of the Galaxy Solider Army. Bidding farewell to the only place she had called home, she set out on a grander journey. It was her time in the GSA she had discovered the functionality of her crystal horns. Sir Dragato studied magic prior to his recruitment. And with Lady Garlude's mild background in geology as well, together they were able to preform testing to the crystal material. They learned it could be diamond cut and regrown. And that it made for a very strong weapon. While it did not pose for its original intent to mimic the Star Rod, it proved useful in other ways. Already versed in carving techniques, Nismo quickly learned she could make spear and arrows heads, daggers and other small blades. Through strict training in the GSA camps, she fine tuned her archer ability and was the slickest shot in her ranks. Firing crystal tipped arrows straight through the heart of His monsters. Here she was partnered with Sir Metaknight, who, though bits and peices, shared his own childhood stories, that seems to match up with her own in some places. Together, slaying the monsters who terrorized hundreds of innocent planets. She was so determined to end Nightmares sinister plans to take over the galaxy. But sheer determination was not enough. Their ranks dwindled. Eventually Sir Arthur decided it was best to preserve those who remained to train a new generation of star warriors. He disbanded the GSA. She spent years traveling the stars, accepting vigilante style jobs to help keep the streets clean of Nightmare's trash. Planet hopping. Once in a purple moon, she'd be aligned to return to shiver star, sharing as much resources as she could spare with the people who cared for her through most desperate times. She'd tell stories of her travels. Ensure they would remain safe. Then be back in her starship roaming the galaxy. Soon enough, huge news spread far and wide that Nightmare had been defeated, by a child no less. Chosen to wield *the* Star Rod. Nismo was overjoyed, tears poured heavy in the light they had finally won. And something else came up through more sparsely shared details of the battle, a previously acclaimed star warrior had accompanied this young Kirby. Sir Metaknight. With Nightmare defeated and a reunion underway, things were finally starting to look up. Back to her starship, with a new destination set this time.
Dreamland of planet Popstar
Cheers if you read any of that lol. That's just a glazed over summary of her character I think. Perhaps in the future I could do actual scenic writing peices with her.
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buckets-and-trees · 5 months
Dear, sweet Aspen - any thoughts on what the Cedar Trees couple is doing during this winter/holiday season? I'm so soft for those two and love them so much! 🥹🥹🥹 Thank you for sharing them with us!
Oh, sweet anon! My head has been absolutely SPINNING with so many thoughts about our dear King Steve and how he’s spending the holidays with you, his new Queen!
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Nothing smutty, but I’m putting it under the cut for the lengt as I share a bit of a peak into our Cedar Trees AU…
The people in the kingdom of Brooklyn have a large celebration on the eve of the winter solstice! As soon as the sun goes down (and of course the very excited and eager children start bustling into the streets while the sun is still setting), all the shops close, everyone fills the streets and there are musicians in the streets, dancing, warm drinks, food and treats to buy. If you’ve lost a loved one, then you put a candle in a votive glass the window and let it burn in their memory.
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King Steve spends time talking with as many of his people as he can, buys far more food and treats and drinks than he can eat and presses them happily into the hands of anyone nearby (Bucky and his knights know the drill, and now you’re there to talk and help share things around as well). Many of the town’s artisans who paint or carve or sculpt come to the town square and show off some of their skills throughout the evening for people to watch as they mingle, some let the children try their hand here and there on those projects, and at the end of the night they’re given away.
There are lots of little fires throughout the streets for everyone to warm up throughout the night. Steve’s eyes are drawn to you often, and he’s always been kind and happy with his people, but they love how much happier he is with you - now it seems like it’s easy and simply runs through his veins like breathing, and he’s so beloved to them that they love seeing the soft look in your eyes, the fondness that you emanate for him, too.
It’s your first solstice festival, and of course it’s not perfect, it’s a long night, you bundle up against the cold as much as you can, but it’s still a wonderful evening. It’s beautiful, simple, fun, lots of laughter, but a lot of tender moments hearing from the people. Some of them share struggles and concerns - not to complain, but because you all ask for their stories, some of them share about the best parts of their year. It’s a tradition that’s been part of this people even before Steve became their king.
At midnight, everyone sings a winter solstice carol (or hums along). They light lanterns, think on a wish or hope they have for the coming season, and then during the last verse the lanterns are released to the sky.
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There are a few more ceremonial parties and banquets over the next week (some small and some larger), and then Steve has decided to start a new tradition for the new year, whisking you away to the summer palace for a few days. Private and intimate. Twenty years it will be a well established tradition with your children. And who knows? Next year it may even be with your firstborn…
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wishingstarinajar · 8 months
Wish's Undertale AU Masterpost
Because I can't and neither want to share my Undertale AU characters on Toyhouse anymore, I've created side blogs for my AUs and some Out!Code characters. Most of them contain character trivia and posts related to them.
In this masterpost, the AUs are listed in order of creation.
Mafiafell: What Will You Do Features Fang, Boss and Emily from the fanfic with the same name. Blog is 16+.
UndeRewind Features Rewind and Ghost from UndeRewind, my original Undertale AU.
Fame & Magic Features Diva and Starlet, genderbend versions of Underswap in a world where fame and magic rule.
Underswap!COLOR An Underswap-inspired AU which is all about colors and features Big Blue and Orange.
Swapfell!Life Features Sedge, Cyperus and Cedar. A "happy ending" Swapfell-inspired AU that takes place a decade after Cedar (Chara) saved the monsters.
Underrealm An original Undertale-inspired AU set in a fantasy setting, created together with @stankychee. Features Rook, Birch, Shard, my Gem skeleton concept and more.
Tipping Scales A Dreamtale-inspired AU featuring Ephialtes and Oneiros.
Leytale (and Outerswapfell) An Underswap-inspired AU featuring the arcanists Dullahan and Zephyr alongside Stray from Outerswapfell.
Fellswap Pastel A Fellswap Gold inspired AU, featuring Vienna, Sangria and Nerys.
Darkfell A Dark Souls and Underfell inspired AU which is still under development. Features Stranger, an adult Frisk.
Swapfell!Greed A Swapfell-inspired AU which is all about greed, a Pay or Be Paid world. Features Rum and Haze. Blog is 16+.
Falseswap An Underswap-inspired AU where all fake it till they make it in various ways. Features Faux and Scam(p) along with autumn aesthetics.
FS!Megalosomnia A Fellswap Gold and Megalosomnia inspired AU, featuring Case.
Golden Crime An Undertale Verse that focuses on the suave crime lord King and his subordinates. Blog is 16+.
SAVE Game (Tale) An original Undertale AU about found family and saving other AUs at any cost, featuring Slate and his surrogate daughter Pip.
Chrysalis of Dreams A ShatteredDreams and Dreamtale-inspired AU, featuring Monarch, Emperor, Slasher and Knight.
UnderGalactic An Undertale Verse that takes place in multiverse space and on the intergalactic cruise starship, the SS Galactic NEO. Features Quasar.
Understrato An Underswap-inspired AU where magic is centered around weather elements and the seasons. Features Cirrus and Nimbus.
Out!Codes with dedicated blogs:
Indi aka Swap!Ink A blog dedicated to an Underswap (Papyrus)-inspired version of Ink!Sans.
Razzle Dr. Dazzle A blog dedicated to the loveable and sweet Razzle, a Lust Papyrus.
Fault aka Swap!Error A blog dedicated to an Underswap (Papyrus)-inspired version of Error!Sans.
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wildlife4life · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @devirnis @exhuastedpigeon @daffi-990 @wikiangela @lover-of-mine @hippolotamus @jeeyuns and @disasterbuckdiaz. You are all so amazing and I cannot wait for all your works! Thank you!
I haven't really worked on any of the fics I dropped on tease bit tuesday, so I went into the vault of wips I have and pulled out the first buddie fic I ever started, buddie/911 in the Once Upon a Time verse. It was posted for a bit on ao3 but recently took it down because I wasn't all that happy with was posted and not having a sense of direction to take it in. But I'm looking back over it, and editing, adding. So I'm sharing a bit of it with ya'll today, test the waters really and see if its something I should keep working on. Hope you enjoy!
Once upon a time….
24 years ago, in the land of Misthaven, a cloud of dark magic thundered across the lands towards the Kingdom of Camelot. At the helm of a large round table sat Sir Robert, the kingdom’s noblest knight.  To his left was his beloved and soon to be wife, Queen Athena who cradled her two children to her chest. But no fear be felled her demure. No great evil could ever shake her resolve and it could be said for many of those that sat at the round table. Many who whose entire attention was on the enterically designed wardrobe that stood in the middle of the table. 
“Are we sure this is what needs to be done?” asked Howard the Hatter.
Sir Robert clenched his fist tight at the tables edge, “The dark curse is among us and there is nothing we can do to stop it.  All that is left is to secure the prince’s future.”
To his right, the great wizard Merlin nodded in agreement, “The magic of this wardrobe is powerful enough to send little Evan far away from his mother’s curse.  We must trust that the one with belief will return him home.”
“And what of the rest of us?” King Michael spoke what many were thinking.
Merlin looked to the man who held his very heart, “I’m sorry my love, but I do not have those answers.  I cannot see past the curse itself and the dark one won’t share his secrets.  We can only hope, and that in itself is powerful enough to see us through.”
The King of Camelot nodded and took the wizards hand, giving it a tight squeeze.
The rest of those around the table conceded with King Michael and Sir Robert took a deep breath, “Bring them in Henrietta.”
The warrior that stood at the opposite of the knight, dipped her head before turning and opening the large wooden doors.  “Princess Maddie, come along.”
A small girl no older than 10 with curling brown hair and wide brown eyes, slowly made her way into the room.  In her arms she carried a very small boy, just on the cusp of turning one.  Blonde curls sat atop his head and framed eyes as blue as the ocean.  But his most distinguishing feature was the pink mark along his left brow.  Many believed it was the mark of his prophesized power, that it told the world of the golden heart that rested within him.  The golden heart that would one day break any and all curses.
Maddie clutched her little brother tight to her chest, her lower lip trembling, “She’s coming for him again. The Evil Queen is coming for Evan.”
Sir Robert looked at the young girl he considered his own and tried to hold his tears, “We do not know why your mother has sent this curse, only that she intends to take the entire land with it and your brother is meant to save us all.”
“He’s just a baby!” the princess spits angrily, making the prince stir in her arms before Maddie quickly composed herself and soothed him with soft shushes.
Isabel, the eldest and wisest among the group rose to her feet, “No child should have the world on their shoulders and all we can hope is that you and Evan can be free of burden until the time comes.”
Tears streamed down Maddie’s face, “How do I do that when only I will know?”
Behind the little princess came a glowing blue light that grew brighter and larger before dwindling out to reveal a dark-skinned woman in a flowing blue dress and shimmery wings.  “Tell him our tales, instill the belief. But most important, love him.  Love Prince Evan as you do now.” The blue fairy answered before bending down and giving the two children a gentle hug.
Maddie returned the embrace with one arm then stepped and faced Sir Robert, “Will I ever see you again?”
The brave knight let one tear roll down his cheek as he gave the princess a sad smile, “We can only hope.”
The thunder of the curse rumbled in the silence and lower in the castle, the sound of battle rung out.  Their time was up.
Princess Maddie climbed atop the table and stepped towards the wardrobe.  Above the noise of battle and magic, the Blue Fairy’s soft lilt rang out, “The last child born to a queen of sorrow shall be given a heart of gold.  His heart alone can save those who are cursed.”
“And on the child’s 25th birthday, he shall return to those who have left, led by the one who has belief.” Merlin finished as the young girl sat within the wardrobe.
“Be safe and have hope.” Athena stated firmly then watched with the rest of those at the round table as the wardrobe was closed and the doors to the room burst open.
“It’s over.” The Evil Queen proclaimed stepping inside with the cloud of cursed magic behind her.
“What will happen to us?” Sir Roberts asked.
The Evil Queen cackled, “The worst imaginable.”
Then darkness.
Alright, I know its a lot, but this is basically the prelude to the whole story. If anyone wants an indication of who is who, just let me know I can drop a list of characters and their identities from the fairy tail world. Hope you enjoyed! (Also Captainswan stan! Its true love ya'll!)
Tagging (no pressure!): @bekkachaos @hoodie-buck @theotherbuckley @ladydorian05 @prosperdemeter2 @spotsandsocks @malewifediaz @elvensorceress @bigfootsmom @watchyourbuck @watchyourbuck @jesuisici33 @thewolvesof1998 @fortheloveofbuddie @giddyupbuck @eddiebabygirldiaz @loserdiaz @spaceprincessem @thekristen999 @lizzybizzyzzz @homerforsure @sibylsleaves @spagheddiediaz @try-set-me-on-fire @monsterrae1 @rogerzsteven @eowon @honestlydarkprincess @911onabc @911-on-abc @cowboydiazes @vampbuckley @brokenribsdiaz @buck-coded @housewifebuck @arthursdent @glorious-spoon @buddierights @athenagranted @rainbow-nerdss @gayhoediaz @gayedmundodiaz
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fantomette22 · 10 months
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And here’s a bloodborne crows headcanons drawing no one ask for!
Yeah I headcanons that some characters used to have some pet crows but it’s mostly a references for my fic verse too.
So I don’t have names for all the crows but I have a couple of ideas already. If you have ideas too pls share I’m listening.
Let’s begin with Cainhurst! 🛡️
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📚🦉Ok Beltran from the cut content! Not sure he’s still alive during old hunters time but basically I imagined he was the (first?) crow master of Cainhurst.
🐦‍⬛⚔️Vledemyr my oc, my fav cainhurst knight! The current crow master. (Maria & Annalise’s cousin too) He was the one in charged of them before he become captain of the royal guard, he actually have lots of them (and they all love him a lot) but his very first crow is Corvus, the crow on his shoulder.
👑🕊️Ok so Annalise was offered an Albino crow, because she’s the princess and future Queen you see. *Check notes* hm Yuki is a possible name but idk either smt Japanese or slavic who mean snow or fit with cainhurst aesthetic idk.
👑🐦‍⬛ Ah Charles (oc based on the cainhurst portrait too, king consort when Annalise was Queen). So when he marry her and was crowned he was offered a baby leucistic crow (that’s why it’s brown, it’s a loose of melanine like albinism bur not complete the the eyes aren’t red or the skin pink for exemple), he was so confused about it like you can see XD probably except a hound or smt (in his dream he would have wish for a lion but there’s no lions at Cainhurst since like 60+ years or smt)
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🐦‍⬛🌕🐦‍⬛Maria have 2-3 crows (the ones at the research hall you know 😢 minus the one with the guidance rune that belong to Ludwig like you can see) As for the names I was hesitating between Hugin & Munin (Odin’s crows) or Phobos & Deimos (Mars’moon) for the 2 crows siblings (well I hc Maria study astronomy so… heheh also her third one is the one German is holding x) yeah missing a leg I know. Ok also after Maria passed away the crows escape from the research hall and freak Gehrman out! They wanted to say to him hello or called his named and because crows can mimics sound and voices they took Maria’s voice 💀 he thought he was going crazy for a few mins before he found them… but really it annoyed more Laurence XD the crows really went to harass him (they know what’s up. Or didn’t take well he put them in cages or smt, or you know because of Maria. It got to the point Laurence almost wanted them dead 💀
Fortunately Gehrman managed to made them go with the very first official hunter of hunter, he passed to him the mercy blade as well.
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🐥Ah Voron my boy! Aka future bloody crow🩸🐦‍⬛ (No I am not detailing the entire backstory here! And yes his name means raven/crow I KNOW!) also the red of the cap don’t appear much sorry… thanks the scan.
✨+Svetta another Cainhurst oc based the painting with her crow, Voron mom yes. Vledemyr is his dad.
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👁️I managed to put Micolash & Edgar on the page XD
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💣🔥 Ah this one well when we first got into the hunter nightmare there’s a hunter before a gate right? Behind there’s a crow and I noticed the crow attacked the beasts but the hunter and the bird never attacked each other (only the hunter or beast) that’s why I now headcanons that many old hunters had crows too like this one.
🗡️🌕Ludwig & his crow with the guidance rune. One day the old hunters found many dead crows in the forest, not a good sign… Ludwig managed to recover a baby crow an care for it (he was so panicked at first he asked Maria for help so many times XD)
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🐦‍⬛Eileen and some crows & the very first official hunter of hunters! (Before her)
🐦‍⬛The friendly crow of hemwick on the top left :3 I hc it’s either the crow bloody crow had or one link with Eileen or either my own hunter.
As for the other names I had in mind : Hrafn, Karasu, Branagan (I think I’m keeping this one as the name of the first crow hunter too)
Now, you’re gonna ask me why didn’t I just named one « Kuro » (black color in Japanese) well, I’m keeping it for the horses’ names of Cainhurst!!!!
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resuri-art · 8 months
Hi! I'm new to the yugioh fandom and have been asking around, do you have any fic recs you could share with us? I always love hearing what other people recommend ❤️
Hello anon, and welcome to the ygo fandom! 💖 I hope you're having a great time here. (We are a little weird but we are nice I promise.)
I have a lot of recs, it depends of what you're searching for, but I'll make a little selection:
Canon verse fics:
The last puzzle by @tenderwulf
11 years after the Ceremonial Duel, Atem and Bakura inexplicably find themselves back in Domino. When they meet their previous hosts, they realize how much things have changed: Yuugi, the now world-renowned King of Games, is going through a marriage crisis, Ryou is struggling to balance studies, work, and his brittle mental health, and Malik... well, Malik is living his best life—and his own yami is nowhere to be seen. They soon realize they all have to work together in order to solve the mystery of the yamis' return: some to make sure that they stay, and some to make sure that they don't.
- Philosophy of a knife by @crush3dmary
Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Ryou learns this the hard way when he becomes the vessel for Zorc's power. A canon rewrite where Bakura wins.
The HoURGLASS serie by @worldendercharles
Two character studies of Marik Ishtar and his darker half, meant to parallel each other and explore the cross-contamination between them.
Chained to you by @saijspellhart
Taking place after the events of Season Zero, all the shadow games happened but Yugi never found out he was possessed by the spirit of the puzzle. Now he's an adult, living on his own, and he starts to notice strange and spooky things happening around his apartment. When he sees his own shadow moving Yugi begins to suspect his new place is haunted. But is this shadow spirit malicious or... kinda sweet? Yami does a bunch of stupidly sweet domestic shit for Yugi to help take care of him. Expect romance, fluff, self-care, and Puzzleshipping shenanigans.
Our Scars remind Us that the Past was Real by @sesshy380
Imagine waking up, and everyone is trying to convince you that the things you 'remember’ never happened, and that those 'memories’ exist only in YOUR head. The Thief King doesn’t have to imagine…because that’s exactly what happened. -or- The Thief King get’s a second chance at life.
Yami Bakura’s Got A Crush by @justapalspal
Yami Bakura’s got a crush, and it ends up being Bakura Ryou’s problem. Diva’s even more so.
AU fics:
To Balance the Scales by @sadistikitteh
Fleeing from being killed by his uncle's knights, Atem is saved by Bakura; the mate of the naga he'd helped years before. After healing from wounds and bonding with the couple, Atem's love and desire to help the creatures grows stronger.
Swan Lake by @kitsunefaux
A twist of fate leaves Bakura under the care of the fae Ryou, who thinks he would be so much cuter as a swan. What can you do against a creature who holds your choices in their hands? Who can you be in the belly of the beast?
The Kill Shot serie by @apathetic-theme-song
A modern/magic assassin AU. Two unstoppable forces collide as Bakura, one of the best assassins in the world, finds himself a target of an up-and-coming rival named Qadir in a plot to destroy them both. In teaming up to get revenge, they find that they make much better partners than enemies in more ways than one.
If you're into smut (and of age to read it of course), I would heavily recommend the whole work of Fat-Butch-Dyke (@fat-butch-dyke) and Sitabethel (@sitabethel). Fair warning with Sita: they do the best character developments. You think you will go for a fun pwp but be prepared to be a crying mess at some point.
Also Rochelle Echidna (@rochelle-echidna), Ninjam117 (@ninjam117), RelaySoul (@pandabaozi) and DisposableVillain works are to check too. <3 (I couldn't decide for a fic to recommend more than another.)
There are a lot more I'm probably forgetting but I think that will give you some reading material. Also I recommend to look at the other works of all the authors I mentionned, they are great. ♥
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merlot-and-chardonnay · 4 months
Yet Another HotD Take: or, Aemond in the Line of Succession
Does anyone ever actually think about this scene from Episode 9 of HotD?
When Aemond and Criston were looking for Aegon?
Right after Aemond no-so-subtly implies he's the one who should be king given all the hard work he's invested in ruling. He then says this next line to the knight:
I'm next in line for the throne. Should they come looking for me...I intend to be found.
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I've heard some people say Aemond forgot that Aegon had children of his own, and if the guy did end up going missing indefinitely, then his oldest son, little Jaehaerys would technically be next in line.
Thing is...I don't think Aemond actually forgot.
I am actually certain the guy damn well knew what he was saying when he said what he said (try saying that three times fast).
As we know of this episode, with the passing of King Viserys, Alicent and the Greens made their move to quickly surpass Rhaenyra's claim as heir to the Iron Throne in favor of crowning Aegon as king. Aegon, however, was nowhere to be found in the Red Keep, so the search began in the city to find the guy.
Among those looking was Aemond, ever the good solider, who was probably playing in his mind multiple times how the scenario would play out should Aegon not be found.
Look, we saw the mask fall off for just a moment, and we got see Aemond for who he was in that moment...an ambitious individual who sees himself as someone who is most fit to rule above his older sister and especially his older brother.
Aemond mentioned how he was the dutiful brother who trained with the sword and studied history AND philosophy.
And being someone who is presumably well versed in history as he is, it is safe to assume Aemond knows his family's history quite well...and THAT includes being well versed in the reign of Maegor the Cruel.
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For those who are NOT familiar, Maegor was the second born son of Aegon the Conqueror by his sister-wife Visenya. Like Aemond, Maegor also learned to fight with the sword; upon the passing of Aegon, when his body was burned, Maegor took Blackfyre from the ashes, AND he waited till he was well in his 20s before he claimed his own dragon.
That dragon being his father's, Balerion the Black Dread.
(in the Fire and Blood novel, Maegor implied Balerion was the dragon whom was worthy of him to claim).
Maegor was all the things his older brother wasn't, yet Aenys was the one to sit the throne after Aegon because he was firstborn. After Aenys passed, the throne should have been passed to his firstborn son who was also called Aegon (surprise, surprise), but before that could happen, Maegor (with the full backing of his mother) swooped in on dragonback and took the throne, making his nephew Aegon the Uncrowned.
Maegor went to great lengths to secure his claim to the throne, and this included killing his nephew on dragonback.
Sound familiar anyone?
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I know in Aemond's case, it was an accident, but whose to say Maegor didn't mean to kill his nephew either? The novel after all is written from the perspective of multiple unreliable narrators.
Now that I actually put that into words, Maegor and Aemond actually share some similarities with one another.
They were both second born sons who out-shined their older brothers in more ways than one, such as mastering the skill of sword fighting AND claiming the largest dragons the Targaryens possessed.
And of course they killed their nephews, that's...another similarity.
That being said, from the Greens perspective, if Aegon wasn't found in time, than it wouldn't have been so farfetched for them to believe the throne should pass to Aegon's firstborn son.
However, in this point in time, Prince Jaehaerys is still a child, like maybe five or six years of age, I really don't think Otto Hightower would find the idea of a child sitting the throne anymore appealing then seeing Rhaenyra on the throne.
With that also said, I could see this panning out two ways, IF Aegon someone ran off from King's Landing:
The Greens small council agree that Jaehaerys would sit the throne next BUT only under the condition that regents would reside over matters of the crown until the boy came of age. To which Aemond would happily volunteer and be appointed Prince Regent, filling in for his nephew until Jaehaerys was officially crowned whenever he was deemed mature enough to rule on his own.
Aemond fails to find Aegon and reports to his mother that this is so. He then reports to the Greens council and somehow persuades the council to have him sit the throne next on the grounds that Jaehaerys is way too young to rule. With the backing of both his mother and grandsire, Aemond is crowned king and then proceeds to sends terms of surrender to his older sister.
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To be fair, Aemond did get the chance to rule in the main story line. Spoilers ahead:
Into the events of the Dance of Dragons, Aegon was seriously injured in battle and unable to stand in to rule due to the immense pain he was in.
It was at this time Aemond was appointed Prince Regent, wearing the crown and sitting the throne in Aegon's place with the assumption that Aegon would eventually recover and be able to rule again.
In the novel, Aemond supposedly was to have said that the crown looked better on himself than it ever did on his brother.
And, to predict the events of HotD season 2, I think once Aemond gets the taste of this power, he is probably not going to want to give it up anytime soon, especially when he sees what he could accomplish for the realm as Prince Regent in comparison to what his brother couldn't accomplish as king.
Aemond is a man of duty...but he is also a man of ambition. That is a dangerous combo down the line as that can potentially have the makings of a benevolent tyrant, which is one who sees themself as the only one fit to rule and direct.
Why? Well because everyone else is an idiot:
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I find this kinda ironic in a way.
Otto Hightower was always fearful of Daemon sitting the throne because he saw the man as a potential second Maegor...
But has, or will, Otto feel the same way when he sees how Aemond takes to sitting the throne as Prince Regent?
I don't know how the show runners will play this out, but it would be interesting to see more of Aemond, especially in his Prince Regent Era, how he takes to it, and just how willing he would be when he comes to realize that eventually he will have to give up this power once Aegon heals over.
FYI I already know how the story will ultimately pan out, but it would be interesting to see Aemond contemplating those particular hypotheticals.
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That's my take.
Have a nice day
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dpsisquared · 6 months
HOPES verse awakening au
Future blue lion’s children making deal with Sothis to change the past before the TWSITD give the final strike to Faerghus.
Future crown prince taking the moniker Loog and working with his multiple siblings and other blue lion’s future children behind the scenes with the might of a TOKT speed runner to defeat Thales.
The plan was going back home after TWSITD was defeated permanently.
But after Thales is killed for good and they are patting each other in the back preparing to go back to their reality, they realize that they have bigger problems because while all the other blue lion’s parents are already planning their weddings and engagements Dimitri still has a middle schooler level of rizz.
(Dimileth children who are still masquerading as another regular family of mercenaries in the Faerghus camp watching King Dimitri pathetically pine over the ashen demon while she devours 12 steaks by herself.)
“Loog”: Why is he like this?!
Dimileth child #2: How did they have 7 children?! We are NEVER gonna be born.
Dimileth child #3: Do you think mother would share some of her steaks if we ask nicely?
Oh man A+++ idea nonny! I'm not great at OCs so I started assigning awakening kids to the blue lions but I ran out and went off the rails with the Dimileth kids 😂 I had to dip into my List of Welsh Names that I overuse.
Alexandre/Sasha - Dutiful Heir™️, holy knight, crest of flames, has the sword of the creator with the crest stone put back in
Morgan - (can't decide on a class, trickster? Assassin? Sniper?) wants to eat 12 steaks with mom, constantly gets older bro in trouble with his schemes. Somehow inherited Sothis
Sophie - pegasus knight, crest of Blaiddyd, breaks everything, desperate to impress dad even though he already thinks she's perfect, develops a crush on Ingrid (who is mortified)
Twins - Rhys (bishop) scholar/healer, doesn't understand why everyone is always training, maids find him asleep in the library, and Rhiannon (used royal clout to get certified as a female war master) weapon fanatic, always looking for a fight, kicked Felix in the balls to win a fight once (he was proud)
Ellis (El) - has never done anything wrong in his life, his feet have never touched the ground, accidentally followed his siblings into the portal and now Jeralt and Seteth argue over who gets to carry him around Jeralt: he's my grandson! Seteth: your daughter is feral, I raised a damn saint!)
And the other kids, assigned by mom like in awakening so it would be ship blind. For slash ships, either they have two or one is born by surrogacy for a couple that can't have their own!
Ingrid - Severa
Annie - Laurent
Mercie - Owain
Byleth - Morgan
Lysithea - Noire
Marianne - Cynthia
Hilda - Inigo
Petra - Gerome
Flayn - Nah
Shamir - Yarne
Catherine - Kjelle
Constance - Brady
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badmusejail · 1 year
( @shatteredwastes )
The forest didn't look any different.
At least not to Gaster; but certainly there were subtle differences; perhaps in the flow of energy, in the critters that skittered about; in the way the sun hit the trees.
But he was almost home, he just knew it.
(He wasn't sure if he should be filled with joy or dread.)
Instead, his anxiety lead him to ramble.
" The Kingdom has had many different names over the years. But the primary, most prominent one has simply been... The Kingdom of Monsters. It's a simple name...that very plainly gets across the intent...
" Sometimes... well-meaning humans question the use of the word monster. But I can promise you that it's our word; that humans are the one who took monster and made it something awful. "
Gaster couldn't see it; couldn't see much of anything through the forest, but the mountain was nearby; it hummed with a magical energy; the passive imprint of generations of monsters. Legends said it acted as a beacon; guiding monsters to its safety; leading the lost back home.
He shuddered.
" The Kingdom has ... hm, what you could call, three main districts; separated both geographically and culturally.
" The first is those that live within the mountain -- Ebott -- itself; they are the oldest of her people, many having lived within her corridors for generations. They're the most traditional; the most reclusive; the ones most stick most stringently to the history of being against humans. This district is densely packed and confounding; architecture from a time when monsters desperately hid from prosecution, when avoiding detection was of the upmost importance.
" The second is those that live on the mountain. As the population grew; as more and more monsters gathered; it became impossible for everyone to fit within the mountain; monsters began to desire a greater degree of freedom, to desire fresh air and sun. So monsters began building outside of the mountain; began living atop her rather than within. Slowly, the Kingdom of Monsters switched from a secret, hidden organization to a blossoming, easily visible kingdom. There are those that still resent these changes; those that yearn for the days that the kingdom was secret, the protection of obscurity. The architecture reflects the newfound freedom; vast, freestanding structures to maximize the amount of space and comfort for the inhabitants.
" Finally, there are those that live in the surrounding areas. These settlements came much later; mostly consisting of monsters passing by that never formally joined the Kingdom of Monsters, but wanted to reside near similar people. These people are still considered part of the Kingdom, but... more distant, if you will. Although most of them still acknowledge the king and his rulings, he's much less involved than he is in the other areas, and these people tend to be much less hostile to humans. The architecture tends to reflect that; very simple structures that were once intended to be temporary, haphazard and quaint. "
Finally, the trees parted. One of the villages were visible, small and rather normal, looking not much different from the average human village save for the occasional four-legged or furry individual that walked through.
...but in the distance, what could only be the legendary EBOTT loomed -- indeed, a mountain that may, on ordinary occasions, be nothing of note, but was surrounded and interwoven with so many constructs that almost certainly had to be magical in nature; platforms that pierced the sky, walkways that dipped in and out of the rocky exterior, structures that defied logical explanation. Generations of monsters each etching their mark on the stony façade.
For a moment, Gaster simply stared.
Growing up here, he felt he never truly appreciated the marvel of the Kingdom.
(The longer he waited, the more likely he'd be to simply turn around and run...)
He had to keep moving.
He shook his head and walked forward.
Their arrival was met with curiosity; most of the various monsters at least turning to observe them, curiosity in their cocked gazes. They were simple, working folk, but they seemed to be well and happy. Gaster had a polite smile plastered across his face and he waved at the people who caught his eye; and the vast majority waved and smiled back. But they were independent folk who left them to their business; none of them tried to bother them or approached them.
But even this far from the epicenter of the Kingdom, there were a few occasional whispers; Is that Doctor Gaster? they asked each other; uncertainty creasing their expressions as they clearly knew of him enough to guess his identity, but not enough to be sure.
Gaster hoped it wasn't obvious that he sped up.
Ever present, HOME loomed above. The village dispersed and was replaced with another, people acting about the same. The difference being that Gaster kept his gaze on the ground now.
The trampled grass pathway began to fade to stone as they approached the base of the mountain; and the heavy clank of a knight's armor caught Gaster's attention.
" Oh no -- "
Gaster hid behind Lily as the guard peered at them, tilting their head. A moment passed before they lost interest and continued on.
Gaster let out a sigh of relief, continuing up the mountain.
The ascent was mostly silent save for their footsteps upon the stone and Gaster's occasional noises. He tried not to peer down at the precarious steps eroded by years of monsters on the same pilgrimage.
As they finally breached one of many ridges, they came to face an opening in the mountain; flanked by statues of some sort of goat monsters holding lanterns. Though the flames flickered in the wind, they never went out.
Someone was standing in the opening.
"Hey. Papyrus sent me to meet you."
A woman, by the sounds of it; who looked like she'd be more in place in water than on land.
Gaster glanced up at Lily, " That's Undyne. She's the captain of the Royal Guard. "
Undyne was one (of many) who didn't understand his speech or his sign, so there wasn't much he could do beyond simply nod and follow--descending into the heart of the Kingdom.
More and more monsters began to appear as they walked through the underground halls--beautiful carved pillars, intricate glass windows featuring the same symbol on Gaster's back, the elaborate stone walkway they were on; which, judging by the view of the window was elevated above dozens upon dozens of other structures. Three-dimensional living; years of monsters making due with what they had.
These monsters looked at Gaster with recognition in their eyes; some even going as far as to call out his name; some even asking if he was alright, clearly focused on the scarring over his eye. Fortunately, none stayed for long, as Undyne told them to scram. Gaster could tell from Papyrus that he had never gotten along well with Undyne, but at this moment, he was grateful for her presence.
"Asgore will be happy to see you. He...y'know. He took your disappearance hard." Undyne's voice was a bit softer now.
Again, there wasn't much Gaster could do other than tap his fingers together, gaze darting around at everything that wasn't Undyne.
"Papyrus also told me that you don't remember much. Well, you and Asgore were close. Real close. Especially after..." She sighed.
Whispers of memories that weren't his filled in for her silence.
He decided that he was filled with dread.
How could he face a friend that he didn't remember? All these people he didn't remember? Everyone staring at him with relief and happiness, and all he can do is shrink away and cower.
He pressed his eye shut, following Undyne in instinct.
"Well, here we are."
It was a pretty door. It had an intricate frame, and above it, that same symbol.
Gaster stared at it.
"Tell the big guy I said hi, alright?" Undyne gave one utterly massive grin, before heading off on her own.
Gaster stared at the door.
He didn't have much of a choice, did he?
The figure waiting on the other side wasn't nearly as intimidating as the figure in his dream; though not being a silhouette probably helped. That being said, he was still tall, towering over Gaster, and with the girth to match.
And yet, when he turned around, royal cape fluttering, there was nothing but gentleness in his eyes; soft relief, shimmering grief; open emotion.
"Gaster." Such a soft, warm voice from such a large creature, and he closed the gap with a few steps. He peered down at the skeleton, bringing up a paw the size of his skull to rest against it; thumb gently rubbing against the scarring. Though he frowned, he declined to comment on it, instead pulling away.
"I will make us tea. Please, make yourselves comfortable."
With a few strides, the large goat monster had departed.
Ah, a reprieve.
Gaster collapsed into a chair. He's trembling.
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firemandeanbuck · 1 year
Endless is a family of Gods, ney, they are BEYOND gods. Powerful and all capable. They live behind their fortified walls, where each of them has a palace of their own, connect by the common castle where they share affairs and work together. Like flower's petals.
Hob was raised on the legend of the Knights of Endless, the only mortals allowed freely in the palace, blessed with immortality by the Eldest Daughter, Death. He always imagined to be one of them. Destiny doesn't acquire one, Death is too busy, Dream is too broody, Destrutction is nowhere to he found, Delirium is too insane, only Despair and Desire have their knights, which they make sure to rub in everyone's face, ESPECIALLY Dream.
One day, Death and Dream were out, walking like Kings among the peasants. They made a bet, if Death makes a mortal immortal, and if they survived 3 centuries, they will have to be allowed into Dream's Realm.
3 centuries later, Hob stood in front of the Dreaming, brought there by Death.
Grudgingly, Dream permits the man. But keeps him away from himself and many parts of the palace. It's a sacred place for Dream. The human can't possibly understand.
Soon, he finds himself falling for him. The way he looks with wonder in his eyes awe struck by the Dreaming, he had adjusted well with his Dreams, Jess and Mathew approve of him. He asks and explores, fearless- sometimes reckless even.
He taught Dream alot, humility and love, above all. The amazement at which he looks at life with inspires Dream so much more than words can say. He questions Dream and his desicions, he advices and corrects.
Yet, he himself learns, he is not perfect, he makes mistakes and trips more often than not. But he never stays down, he always gets up and face the consequences and tries to correct it.
For the first time in over 300,000 years, Dream dares to Hope. Hope to love and cherish this man.
Dream leads to a room in his palace. On he had never showed or even mentioned. It was a glass room, with too many mirrors. A sword floats still in the middle of it. It's black and sharply edged. It's elegant and an incredibly powered piece of prefection.
Hob doesn't dare to touch it. He believes it he does, he will break it. But the sword itself responds to Hob, it's rightful owner. He is strong and graceful, long-lasting and well-versed in Dreams moods and his language.
Dream let himself to be at the mercy of this man whatever he wants. He knows he is safe with him, he spent 200 years with him, trying to stay away but was inevitably attracted to him. He was safe, when he goes to bed with Hob, he knows nothing in the world can harm him. Those arms protect him like no other
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1980sactionfigures · 6 months
Hi everyone, still running a ton of Ebay auctions - around 80 at the moment - selling off my toy collection as well as collectibles of other interests (trading cards, comics, books, magazines, vhs) for financial reasons and thought I'd share some of auctions here. Much of this is from my personal childhood collections:
First up is my massive BATMAN and DC collection. Quite a bit of this lot is unopened items from the BATMAN 1989-era, with a good more from BATMAN RETURNS as well as many other DC items.
Two unopened Hasbro MARVEL LEGENDS Figures
My entire DRAGONS KNIGHTS & DAGGERS collection from Imperial Toys. 4 of the DK&D beasts, 2 chariots, 23 weapons, 7 additional Imperial and related dragons and dinosaurs! A fantastic "starter kit" for one of the great 1980s MOTU "knock-off" lines!
Wonder Woman! Supergirl! Batgirl! Poison Ivy! If you know a fan of theirs, this is the lot for them! 8 unopened figures from various DC lines!
Relive your childhood surrounded in MEGO figures with this 7-figure lot of modern MEGO and similar figures. Green Lantern! Peg Bundy! Bewitched! Jimi Hendrix! Frankenstein! Star Trek!
Two of Hasbro's great MARVEL RISING features, featuring Spider-Gwen! The star of Across the Spider-Verse is here with Squirrel Girl, begging to be under a Christmas tree this season!
If you have a fantasy fan to get a gift for, consider this great lot of 6 dragon figurines.
5 of the great Black & White editions of the TWILIGHT ZONE action figures from Bif Bang Pow!
A huge lot of 16 IMAGINEXT dinosaurs and most of them work!
Game of Thrones! The Hobbit! Magic: The Gathering! Assassins Creed! Warcraft! Dante's Inferno! Get your fantasy fix with this great lot of 8 figures, most of them unopened!
I have dozens more auctions up right now. Monster magazines, wrestling trading cards, video store posters and more! Check it out!!!
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margindoodles2407 · 1 month
Hey who wants to see my ancient WIP for "Let's Take Eros And Psyche But Make It Zelda"
Inspired by this glorious fic by my dear friend @whyoneartheven
Many years ago, there was a great and beautiful sorceress- so powerful and so stunning that the people of the land mistook her for a goddess. Her name was Cia. One might have supposed that a woman as talented and attractive as she would be gracious and kind as well, but the sorceress had let pride cloud her heart, and in time became jealous and vindictive- resenting anyone who would dare to rival her.
Within Cia’s realm lay the small Kingdom of Hyrule, and while it may not have been the largest of the earthly kingdoms, it was a happy and prosperous land indeed. For the pride and joy of Hyrule was its princess, Zelda. Not only was she well-versed in the arts of magic, she was also exceedingly lovely. But more importantly, she was kind, just, and fair, and ruled her people with goodness and mercy. Her subjects adored her, and in time they even began to say that she was far superior, in every respect, to Cia herself. 
What began as local whispers of awe and admiration soon began to spread outside Hyrule’s borders, and it was not long before they reached the ears of the sorceress. The witch became enraged, and furiously began to plot the downfall of the princess.
At this point, it would be prudent to mention that Cia had a ward. His name was Link, and he had once been none other than the Captain of Hyrule’s Royal Army. But in a ferocious battle- waged on none other than Cia herself, for in older days the kings and queens of Hyrule had not been as terrified of the witch and had valiantly attempted to free the lands from her dominion- he was gravely wounded in combat and left for dead. In the aftermath of the battle (in which Hyrule’s forces had been thoroughly routed), as Cia walked amidst the carnage, whether by fate or the hands of the gods, her eye caught on the Captain- barely breathing but still alive. She had seen him fight bravely, and, noticing that he was also very handsome, she decided to spare his life. She revived him with her magic, under the condition that he would serve her as her champion and warrior. Though hesitant- for he knew that Cia was a jealous and petty woman, and could be dangerous if her wrath was incurred- Link agreed. He thus had been her servant and soldier for many a year (for her magic both saved and increased his life and beauty), and in time, Cia grew to develop an obsessive lust for him. However, despite his pledge of servitude to her, Link shared no reciprocative feelings towards his mistress, and in all his time under her command, had done all he could to avoid her unwanted advances.
As Cia schemed against the Princess Zelda, she finally decided to humiliate the maiden so as to lessen her reputation amongst the people of Hyrule, for she yet saw no need for death. So, using her most potent magic, she created a draught that would make its victim fall hopelessly in love with the first thing, person or otherwise, they saw. She then called for Link, for she required his assistance in the plot.
“Draw your sword,” she commanded, and as he did so, she coated its blade in the potion. “You are to steal away to the Princess’s chambers in the dead of night, when no one will see you, and touch her with the blade. But quickly! so as to avoid being seen, should she wake at its coolness on her skin.”
So that very evening, the knight set out for Hyrule’s castle. He arrived [insert time here], and, slipping into the Princess’s chambers, drew his blade to do as Cia had commanded. 
But something about the lady Zelda gave Link pause. Even in the half-light of the moon, he could see that she was perhaps as beautiful as the rumors had said, and, were the softness of her features and the small smile on her lips any indication, just as kind. 
And, whether it be fate or the hands of the gods, in his moment of hesitation, his hand slipped, and he cut himself on his own blade.
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bwoahtastic · 10 months
Also one of my favorite tropes is "and there was only one bed" so enjoy these ramblings for different verses:
Kings au with Lewis and Max never sleeping in the same bed after Max got pregnant, but on a trip visiting a neighbouring kingdom they do and Lewis sees how uncomfortable Max is with the sickness from the pregnancy and how badly he needs some comfort!
Peeping pack with Max sharing a bed with Toto? He is very anxious and can't help but think Toto will want to take advantage but naturally Toto is so sweet abd just let's the Omega snuggle into him for cuddles!
Feral au with momma Max being gone and Dan is laying in his fav spot on the bed so lil baby shark Lando grumbles a bit but then flops over him lol
Also abo adoption and Lewis taking Este somewhere but there is only one bed. Most families don't mind sharing a bed for pack cuddles but Lewis doesnt want to overstep boundaries with his adopted pup! But pls Estie being super excited and clinging to his papa like a long limb octopus ksks!
Rule63 and whoever needs to share a bed with seb better be ready for the fact she sleeps naked and will spoon you lol
Max and Charles roadtripping together cos Seb made them and they got to share a bed and pls Charles waking up with Max all snuggled into him😭
A princess and a Knight on the run and they hide in a small tavern where they share a room for safety. The Knight wants to sleep on the floor but the princess has him sleep in the bed too because what use is a knight with muscle ache lol
Also stepmom Nico where Toto is abroad for business and Nico takes Seb to see it. But in the hotel on the way there, they need to share a bed and Seb is grumpy and kicks a lot and Nico just goes to lay on the small sofa. Seb feeling bad then and he is a little scared so he crawls onto the sofa to snuggle into Nico 🥺
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fumikomiyasaki · 1 year
The Apple Princess
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A dating sim Idea that was actually started by @wanou-dorm​ mentioning how Nextunia might make a Dating sim based on Carols crushes...
And I made a reality out of it... kinda...
I feel if she noticed this she asked the dorm to censor the game so people don’t know its about her... but she would play it.
I took a lot of time and work on this so I would appreciate anyone sharing it.
Under the cut is the whole prologue, routes and endings:
Once upon a time there was a Kingdom known for its many apple trees, knowledge seeking scholars and Nature filled gardens… among this Kingdom ruled a King and a Queen… and they were busy in the preparations for the Future. 11 Suitors, noble, lord and prince alike to meet the young princess of the Kingdom, often known as Apple princess by the name of Carol… the fair maiden should choose her Candidate to rule the kingdom with her in this very month…
Hesitant, the young princess looked in the mirror at her dress…  Nervous about what Gentleman might await her… why couldn’t it be like the same stories she read about in this book of hers… that she may find true love without being forced in this situation. Alas she couldn’t refuse her parents call… where else would she go if she did. She stepped out of her Chambers… and greeted the same Knight that protected her for a while.
James: Knight in Charge of protecting her… he leads her to the chambers where the suitors arrive… giving her words of encouragement and that he be there for her if someone might cause trouble. They talk about old times a little so she will be less nervous.
Stepping into the Chambers She already finds some commotion going on in the middle. 
Looking at her Suitors she was a bit overwhelmed by the presence…Two very tall men were arguing in the middle while a smaller blond man was trying to get their presence to the princess entering the room… Alas all of them went to the side to not only greet the princess but also the King and Queen who followed right behind her… and so they asked Carol to sit down on the throne in the middle of the room so each suitor could introduce himself to her.
Parker: The first to introduce himself was a young blond man…seemingly serious but when looking at her calmly stating his name and his house… however he didn’t want to share that much about his origins. She was glad he was just polite and her being tense slowly calmed down although she felt somewhat worried given he didn’t share much more and just went to his place in the room. Carol looked shortly over to James a bit nervous about all this but he nodded as if to say it's fine.
Daido: The next to introduce himself.. she heard about him from the previous maids chatting about some of the suitors… the lord of a ruthless Kingdom… At least so they say, his attitude towards the other tall male in the room was aggressive as she had seen before so she was a little intimidated but something about this smirk at her made her shiver… Until he took her hand and said he would keep her safe and with a blush she said she looked forward to getting to know him more. A lie to hide a little bit of her reservation about him.
Jesh: After him the one who previously picked a fight with the Lord from before spoke up, his attitude flirty, his eyes like she is his prey and something about him in general seems off… Her parents told her that he is a Noble from a house that has many businesses with other kingdoms and that he would be beneficial but something about him made her think he is not here for her, but her status. Still he shamelessly kissed her hand and said he could keep her engaged… And then he went back to two other servants of his, also pink haired, that accompanied him.
Des: Next was Prince Des who seemed compared to the previous Suitors a bit more refreshing… He immediately shared a little about him and his kingdom as well that he was also curious if her kingdom also was versed with Art given they had so many scholars. He said he would be interested to get to know what she is interested in, which gave her a good impression as he bowed and went back to his place.
Dos:  Prince Dos approached her with a smile, telling a little about his Kingdom. He made a polite yet excited impression… he started a far more casual chat than an actual attempt at introducing himself, something that overwhelmed her… so the Queen and King said he might have time to chat more with her later. And with a nod he went back to his place.
Damien: The Noble Damien had somewhat of an odd aura. Charming yet she noticed him moving his mouth oddly, as if he tried to hide his teeth… in general he was a charmer, also taking her hand and complimenting her beauty… and how he would love for her to be his… many glares followed him as he let out one smirk and said he will try his all to win her heart… a bold claim yet it was interesting to her. 
Cho-hee: Reserved about introducing himself, Cho-hee stepped up stating his name and his kingdom, as he made a comment about the sea surrounding it Carol got interested because of a book she read. Although her mother noticed her to tone it down Cho-hee got interested. He wasn’t confident in promising her something given he was forced to join as a suitor. But he said that during his stay he will show interest in getting to know her. 
Azure:The Young noble stepped up but instead of introducing himself, he quickly shot to ask the princess what her favorite Book is. As she answered truthfully he had a small smile on his face as if approving. He stated his name and his kingdom, then looked at her saying he would be in general interested in this kingdom and its people, and he would love it if she could tell him a little more…
Kalida: she was surprised as this noble was hiding most of his body in his clothes, as she asked him if she could see his face without the mask he refused, He told the princess to not worry, in due time he would show his face fully if she took interest in him but for now he feels more comfortable like this. She nods that she understands and as he bows to leave to his seat she still looks after him.
Watson: The Noble already pulled out a rose from his pocket and gave it to her… making compliments about how beautiful she is, more beautiful than this very rose he holds. She grew bright red… Before some of the others told him to tone it down he cleared his throat and said he will do his best to impress as much as he can. Before leaving for his seat.
After they introduced themselves the king spoke up, but Carol interrupted him asking that there were 12 suitors, not 11. The King smiled at his daughter and said the 12th she will meet in due time… in confusion they started the banquet… but before Carol sat down with the other suitors, James noticed how uneasy she was and used the usual tactic… taking her out of the room to the kitchen so she can clear her head…
In the kitchen she encountered two men preparing the dinner.
Ronald: Ronald worked in the castle for a while as the one in charge of desserts, she knows him well and often has some nice chats with him, so she greeted him with a smile and asked what he was making this time… They had a comfortable chat about the dinner until someone else came back in.
Trey: He just recently joined the kitchen given his talents and already took over being in charge although Ronald has been here for longer… Trey is a master cake maker and has a bakery of his parents in the city so he tries to get inspired in the royal kitchen and greets the Princess gentlemanly…
Although she wanted to talk with them more James asked if she calmed down and she nodded back going to the dinner table.
She sat on the table with all of her suitors and chats began as they waited for the food… she gets asked some questions and these choices determine in some cases how much affection she shows some suitors and which route you might end up on… She felt slowly more at ease getting to know some of these gentlemen and spoke up more, sharing a little about herself. Although some of those flirts thrown at her definitely got her flustered and a little off.  As soon as the party was done her parents asked her to attend her Piano lessons and then soon she could rest…
And so she went to the music chamber to meet Jonas.
Jonas: Is for a while her Music tutor… She learned from him to play Piano and admires him a lot. Although he is odd and often a little awkward she finds that pretty charming and so gained a feeling of fondness for him…
She chatted with him about the day while he showed her which keys to press… the situation made her mind be occupied with a lot of thoughts and although she did her best, Jonas noticed it and asked her if they would keep the lesson short so she can rest.
Exciting the room she ran into the two servants she saw with Jesh before who smiled excitedly with her.
Lustre: He already held her hand gently and inspected the dress she wore… he introduced himself as a local tailor for the noble and so he is inspired by seeing all the new kinds of dresses in this kingdom, given he rarely goes out of the noble house usually. She did ask how he feels about the Noble and Lustre answered although he can be a mess, he does treat them well…
Maya: Next to him was a servant in a maid dress… having a sweet cute smile at her… admiring her as well… she asked him too about the Noble and he showed some praise that he treats them with care… trying to make him seem in a better light… before he actually notices her being nervous in general and says, it will be fine. 
The both Servants were interrupted by Jesh coming back and asking where they wandered off to as he saw the princess talk to them and had his smirk again beamed at her. 
Making a joke about if she wanted to stay at his chambers so they can talk a bit more privately but she refused politely, bowed and said her goodbyes to the group…
At night she tried to take in the whole situation… and sighed at how many thoughts plagued her.  She noticed her bracelet had some small damage on it from the last time she went out to go through the gardens, so she might visit the town's blacksmith.
Day 2
At breakfast she sat down with the suitors and they were disagreeing on who gets to spend time with her first… some even started passive aggressively fighting… so much so that she got frustrated and stood up from the table…
It depends on your dialogue options… either you can stay and speak up that she will make a game on who will get to spend time with her first, making a plan… or you can go outside.
Walking outside will enable a secret path… her parents wanted to stop her but she said she will be back once her head is cleared…. she walked into the woods to take a breather… sitting down on a stone… and lightly screaming in frustration… as she heard some of the leaves ruffle in the bush nearby. She stood up and tried to see what it was and as she spied some antlers at first she figured it would be a deer but instead a tall man stood up and looked down at her.
Esca: He put his hand behind his head smiling at the princess and apologizing if he scared her… he has been living in the woods for a while and usually he doesn’t expect others to pass by. She smiled at him and said she wasn’t scared but surprised which caught him off guard… He asked her why she feels sad and basically she just tells him about how she wished her life was more like a fairy tale… that someone would be the true love that rescues her. He put a hand on her head affirming her that things are not that easy but… maybe she will encounter someone if she wanted to. However his words showed a bit of Sorrow, as he was thinking about something.
Another choice pops up… one to promise to visit him again, the other to thank him… if you thank him the path is avoided and you go for the other suitors, if you promise to see him again his route starts.
Staying will make a draw a stick game pass and you can decide who wins. The Esca path sadly won’t be accessible then. She will get to know each of the main 10 suitors more… but she noticed something odd… Dos wasn't there today… but instead it was another pink haired man who looked more grumpy… her parents introduced him as Lord Lio and he is from the same kingdom as Dos. He seemed a little more harder to approach and also his glare frightened her yet she took a deep breath and greeted him. 
Here is the events you will go through with each suitor (how well you answer the more likely you will get that route)
-Parker: takes her to practicing Archery together,  claiming it's a hobby of his however he still seemed to avoid a lot of questions she has. Eventually this closeness and some of his words however got her red and she could have a closer look at how pretty he is.
-Daido: The Lord carried her off himself to a certain tower in the castle.. it was for her a shock to suddenly be carried like this but the view over the kingdom and getting to know a bit more about him made up for it. He mentioned another noble he was in a territory fight with and who wanted to take all he cares about… so he wanted to find someone to be with to support him… She could somehow understand it. 
-Jesh, Lustre, Maya: The Noble and his servants pulled her into a more unknown part of the city she ruled over for a while. Lustre before this offered her a dress that showed a little bit more skin which she did agree one cause she liked the design… they looked at some singers doing small shows in taverns as Jesh let his flirts play a little and although the princess was stubborn… some of them hit. Maya and Lustre also chatted with her throughout this. 
-Des: With him she explores one of the local portraits in the castle taking a small walk… they chat about some things and how she is terrible at painting and making pots so he offered to show her how to make some, they did pottery together 
-Lio: Given she didn't know him yet she tried to strike up a conversation but he was secretive about some things… They just ate some dinner together and she tried to get to know at least a bit of it. 
-Damien: He took her to dance with him in one of the halls of the castle… what she noticed now that she was closer was his very sharp teeth… however he overplayed her gazes with some compliments, hints however showed that he was a little too obsessed with her, still the dance was pleasant
-Cho-Hee: They both took a stroll around the back of the castle near the sea… He was actually honest about him being forced to participate but she said they are alike then… she is also hesitant about the whole suitor search so she relates but she still wants to get to know everyone including him,  maybe she does eventually fall for someone she says… and if not she can still run away…. He was surprised by her view and they continued to chat. 
-Azure: with him she has a date in the Library as they both discuss their favorite books and literature… Although he didn't talk as much it was very comforting to her and she was happy to have someone to chat about books with. She got curious about what he was writing but he was still hesitant to share it. 
-Kalida: He took her around the outer walls of the Kingdom to not be seen by many, she thought he comes off as distant to people in general but getting to actually Talk to him she notices he means no harm… at least not verbally. She also understood not to speak up about why he hid part of his body with accessories…
-Watson: with Watson she walked through the rose garden, he was a gentleman in general, treating her like a true romantic however as she brought up the topic of his family he froze up and tried to avoid the topic, despite that they could share flower thoughts and ideas
After the suitors all had a date she sits in a room with James who asked how she was doing currently,  as she flopped exhausted on the bed… it was so many people to meet at once… he could cheer up with a story of that one time she wanted an adventure and they both encountered some dangerous people Where he protected her from getting Kidnapped… her parents scolded her for suddenly leaving the castle and wanted to take James from his duty but Carol defended him and he was grateful he still got to serve her… they had a moment of silence looking at each other until her parents called her again. With a blush of awkwardness they both again went separate ways. 
Her parents talked to her Piano instructor Jonas, who wanted to help her perform a song quickly for tonight's joint dinner again. 
And so she and Jonas have a long casual chat about the past as well, how he often helped her express her words better to her parents cause the music in her head calmed her and so on. 
She used the leftover free time to go to town and fix her bracelet at the black smiths… however the blacksmith wasn’t present, instead it was one of the people learning under him, Punch who looked at the princess with a blush.
Punch: He actually has been hearing a lot of stories about the princess but meeting her in person was quite the shock. As she handed him the bracelet he did his all to fix up the scratches and damage of it. She bowed to him with a smile but also was fascinated by all the little inventions he had on his shelf… so she asked a little about them… after a casual chat she left him some extra coins and thanked him for the hard work… and made her way back to the castle
Her parents thanked her daughter for being so patient and so far not causing trouble with the other suitors and although she still felt hesitant and worried in her heart… she nodded and asked if to calm her nerves she could get her favorite dish served tonight. They agreed and asked her to tell the kitchen herself… This leads to meeting Trey and Ronald again but talking to them separately. She meets Ronald first in the kitchen and they chat about the old times when he started in the kitchen and had to deal with her pickiness. After a while Trey came in and asked Ronald to serve some of the finished dishes. Carol asked him if he was able to make her favorite dish for her and he meant it would be an honor, he has admired the princess for a while and it is to him something great he can finally serve his dishes to her. After chatting about his bakery you once again get to have dinner with all the suitors… suddenly Dos being part of the group again and Lio being gone. She answered some more questions of the other suitors and finished her food.
After dinner she wanted to walk up to her room but followed a certain noise that made her uneasy… on the balcony she saw a stranger… saying he has been watching her for a while… and he came to ask her some things… if you answer his questions a certain way… you activate the Yasuno route, which is another secret route. After the talk with the stranger she still leaves to her room… trying to think about everything.
Carol looked up at the stars… consulting them about what happened…. And as if in a fairytale…. A little pink haired fairy descended trying to help her with her choice… answering the fairy some questions… the Route will finally lock in and you will be set to follow one of the following routes. 
Trigger warnings: Suggestive, Death (Including families), Kidnapping, Yandere,  BUT ONLY FOR SOME BAD ENDINGS
Please only read good endings when you want fluff instead.
The Barry Route
If you either managed to piss everyone off or spread affection points even to every suitor…. Carol will be indecisive and ask her parents for more days to decide. Fed up with this seeming like an excuse they sighed and said if she wants to be like this it's best they shouldn't have given her the choice in the first place… and that night they also got and offer from another Noble that was willing to make their Kingdom even richer than those other nobles, princes and Lord. 
And so… they married her off to said Noble… Mr. Parton…. A self fixated arrogant blonde who only cared about her status and looks, as well as that she obeyed his command. 
The other suitors left in disappointment, the workers who cared about her seemed saddened about her leaving, James looked at her with pity and worry as she weakly waved at him… and so she became a Trophy wife… the feeling of love never to be obtained… but at least her parents benefited from this.
The Parker Route @rookvonhunt​
On Parker's path you mainly slowly find out why he has been hiding so much… most of the time he teaches you some combat and archery, tells you about the Brigade but in a way that you don’t know about his true identity as well as slowly notice his prowess with weapons and all…  the bad ending would happen early if he doesn’t get attached to her but if you spend more time with him, you find him one night holding a knife in his hand and thanks to you words manage to stop him from killing… and talk about why he was ordered to do it. He is confused on why should hear out a person who just tried to kill someone dear to her but she would answer with: Everyone has a reason and she wants to know if she can forgive him somehow or just report him to the guards… this gesture would draw them closer… as he wants to know more about why her way of thinking is just so uncorrupted yet. Over time he slowly grows some feelings and attachment so much that one attack on the castle he protects her and gets injured… 
True Ending: On the last day on the ball, Carol proposes to Parker that she would want him to be the one to rule the kingdom with her… he doesn’t like the thought fully… so she suggested that they just get married and run away instead… her parents could still ask her sister… she just wants to be with him no matter what. He was surprised she was willing to give up so much but agreed to her proposal… a wedding is seen with the brigade present whereas at the ceremony she shoots an arrow right into a fire ring… and they share a kiss sealing the contract. 
Good Ending: She tells her parents she wants to be with Parker but for now she doesn’t want to rush it with a marriage… he takes her to meet the brigade and they make a deal with Satin about how they can search for more comfortable work…. and although she might not be able to stop them from crimes completely it's a deal she is willing to take, if it means Parker doesn’t have to kill anymore. The last scene shows them holding hands looking over the balcony as he asks her if they wanna go on a journey together and then return to the kingdom.
Bad Ending: Not being able to win over his heart… she one night wanted to talk to her parents about how to approach the situation and found… him and the brigade he was with… having slain her parents who laid dead on the floor, with one swift move… he also pushed a dagger into her stomach… avoiding his eyes from her… and so the kingdom had no King, queen or princess anymore.
Alt Ending: One night as she slept in her room she opened her eyes to see parker stand at her bed… as she asked him why he was there he only said she should forget everything about him and makes her drink a potion… it's like the dating sim begins anew… only this time… only that she lost all memories about him… and starts her search for love anew.
The Daido Route @forestwispocs​
With Daido you slowly unweave what is behind all those rumors… and what is true or not… you encounter some of his underlings, among them Ebi who talks bad about him, his brother Shima who praises him, Tallie who is a maid that often tells he can be aggressive at times but he treats the people under him well and it's hard to believe what is actually the truth… Then on the second day of his Route you encounter Maju who boasts about how he wants to make part of his land his… and stops by this Castle to see if Daido is plotting a strike against him… As he tries to flirt with the Princess Daido gets very aggressive and protective of her… the bad ending would start if Carol makes him believe this anger is right and to get what he wants he needs to show this mercilessness to his enemies… the Alt ending will be encountered if the next times each time you talk to Maju she will actually be more nice and casual about it rather than refuse him… after the outlash Daido explains a little about his kingdom and the role his father left him behind with and him just trying to fit in as a ruler. He does mention his kid too and opens up as she shows affection and understanding towards him. Showing him there is more than just listening to rumors and being what others want you to be.
True Ending:  Getting so close with one another on that last day he took her to the gardens and asked her to sit down on his lap… he offered her a small box with a ring in it… and once again thanked her for making him realize many things about himself. Overcome by happiness she held him close… and agreed to the proposal but telling him she wants to rule his land with him… not her kingdom… you hear many citizens talking about new rumors circulating… about the woman who brought peace to their so-called ruthless ruler… on the wedding Shima carried Kimi bringing the rings into the altar as she looked up at Daido with loving eyes and kissed him. A symbol of a more peaceful era for this kingdom. 
Good Ending: On the last day she tells him that she is in love with him but wants to help him first resolving the conflict with Maju… and so she asked her parents out on what they could do. In general this good ending just involves them getting back on making peace between them and her meeting Kimi for the first time… She visits his Land with him and they both look over it… she hugs his arm and promises that she will be there for him from now on. 
Bad Ending:  Instead of showing Daido that he is more than those rumors, she manipulates him to believe in them… and become the ruthless ruler people made him out to be. In the end you see her sitting with him on a throne, whispering some words in his ears… which made the person being judged before them be taken care of and executed… She placed a kiss on Daido and giggled in satisfaction… they made a kingdom together, letting her sit on a throne of lies…  Is this really love? It doesn’t seem like it at all.
Alt Ending: Maju was the one mentioned throughout the route to want to take everything that is dear to Daido… and in this route he is successful in kidnapping the princess. Daido tries to stop him but in the end Maju takes her off in a carriage and flees… Back in his noble house you can see a picture of her in a green wedding gown… sitting at a chair looking out the window… waiting for anyone to come and save her…
The Pink Trio Route @silent-dragon​
At first thinking you will only get to date Jesh, Carol was hesitant about this choice… especially after on the first day hearing some rumors that he might only be interested in money but… something about him intrigued her and so she risked the choice. However, as she wanted to talk to Jesh, she found Lustre in his room instead and asked her to model for some of his dresses… she was a little overwhelmed yet agreed because she was curious… Maya helped them as well, stopping the cleaning of the room and choosing some accessories to fit her and as Jesh came back into the room he was amused and somewhat flirting with her on how good she looked.Giving into most flirts he does this path right away leans to the Alt ending… while the bad ending is refusing all of them fully and not taking interest in him… the best way to do this route is to react polite yet a bit keeping him on a short leash yet be curious with choices… the route evolves in him slowly growing attached to her… Lustre often encourages her and also gives her some flirts, while Maya shows some affections towards her as well… she will in the path be conflicted because she has grown to like all three… but if she told her parents that, they would look at her in disdain, given she was supposed to only choose one suitor and not cause a scandal. Deep into the route Jesh will also tell a bit about his greed but that he grew to be genuinely interested in her. 
True Ending: The same conversation as the good ending starts, but after they had an agreement Jesh pulled her to the side to be alone with her… jokingly saying he hates to spend money but he had to get her this and hands out a ring to her… she quickly becomes bright red and gets picked up by him for a kiss to say yes. After telling her parents the news you can see a wedding that in all seems pretty fancy, and although Jesh and Carol marrying in the forefront another scene plays later where Maya and Lustre also wear dresses and Carol smiles brightly. Mainly because they were alone and her parents were gone at that time back to their kingdom… signaling a more hopeful end.
Good Ending: Given she is conflicted because she likes all three, she takes one time to meet Jesh and his servants in a private chamber to talk it out… All three looked each other with a smile saying there is no problem given the 4 of them could just be together but Carol stated the problem of her parents not approving of this… and so the plan is simple… she will announce that she chose Jesh as her suitor and keep the relationship with the other two a secret… and so she goes with them to his Noble house and a scene is played where Lustre is once again picking outfits for them both to wear for a fancy party and all three start to hug her and knock her over.
Bad Ending: One night she followed a howling outside of the castle… and that was when she encountered Jesh in his wereform… and how he injured two servants of the castle… in fear she ran inside and hid away… at first she didn’t know it was him but as she looked outside again, she saw him trying to calm himself and transform back… after this incident she just felt unnerving that he didn’t tell her that… as well as slightly feared the eyes he had in that form. This fear overtook her and she told the king and queen that she asked the three to leave the kingdom… of course they are confused cause this is a sudden decision but… Her eyes and how they looked like a cornered animal made Jesh assume why and he left with his head down… while Lustre and Maya ask him what is going on… Carol still felt saddened about this for a while.
Alt Ending: Following some Flirty advances of Jesh… Carol ended up in a room as the three lay in bed with her… One heated kiss with Jesh and some touches from the other two cut the screen to black… the next day her parents found her with the three in bed together… and were shocked that their daughter would do such things behind their back… she was supposed to keep up appearances… As Carol felt cornered by the accusations of her parents, Jesh stepped up to say if she isn’t home here, he will take her with him to his noble house… and she will have a new home. And although in this ending she also ends up with the three… the relationship leans more on desire than actual love… as shown by her wearing much more alluring clothes and seeming only there to please. After all, she didn’t get to know them much in this ending.
The Des route @thetwstwildcard​
Mainly she finds him back at the art gallery of her house and asks him to help her overcome her weakness of being terrible at crafts… tension is built up of touching hands and being close but also her getting less nervous about the situation she is in… She would often however notice him speak to himself which she is confused about… 
Often she would tell him about stories she would read and he would sketch some things to it… until slowly feelings blossom and he draws them both in those love stories… It comes out later that he can talk to ghosts. And once she does she gets curious and asks some questions… He sees her slowly as a muse he is dedicated to, and she slowly starts to fall more and more for his charms, seeing him calm her spirits and let her forget her duties as a princess.
True Ending: This time she found the other sketches in a room and got red looking at them, as he came in she tried to act like she saw nothing but he noticed… a comment that guess he has to do this earlier slips him and he hands her a small box with a ring… if she would like to come with him to his kingdom… which she happily agreed to and quickly pressed a kiss on him. The wedding played out with even the ghosts being present during that time, just others don’t notice them. She squeezed his hand tight and looked at him assuredly before taking off her veil to face him… the same smile as seen in previous drawings staring back at him. It became a reality.
Good Ending:  On the last day she finally caught him sketching the both of them and she found it very flattering. He was a bit nervous but she was there to ask him if he wanted to stay with her… Visibly he was surprised but took her hand and let her sit down, so he could actually show more of those sketches he did, making her red from how much he thought about her… both went to her parents so she can tell them the news and a scene plays where she stays at his kingdom. She seems beaming red playing a model for him but after he chatted with her you can see her smile is very genuine and happy.
Bad Ending: Similar to alt ending she got too curious and one of the ghosts start possessing her given Des didn’t manage to calm them… and so he tried to fix the situation and get this ghost out of her but to no avail… worse she pushed him away and hurt him… he left the kingdom in shame… and the princess was never the same…
Alt Ending: The same ghosts he has been talking to he has done a ceremony to keep them under control… however given Carol has misinterpreted his Talking to himself as suspicious she follows him to try to see what is going on… as she actually sees the ghosts talk to him, she stumbles backwards…. falling down the stairs… and as she hit her head but survived she completely forgot about it… but she also forgot about everything anymore… And so she became empty.
The Dos/Lio/Crimson route @rookvonhunt​
This route will be confusing cause you constantly switch from meeting Dos to meeting Lio on occasion… while Dos makes her smile and laugh a lot, Lio she is somewhat distrustful of yet intrigued by… Eventually throughout talking with both of them she encounters a third individual called Crimson…. a mercenary who stays in town… talking to all three she has a theory but does not speak up on it… if she gets too much and asks too many personal questions the bad end is near. The path introduces Trinity too as Dos told a little story about his former wife, while Carol notices that Trinity also knows Lio too… her theory becomes more clear. She is asking how both Prince Dos and Lord Lio can rule over the land after many talks building up trust and the secret slowly comes out that they both are the same person… 
True Ending:  In the case of this ending she actually knows about his criminal activities but also knows about all three and spends enough time with them to get attached… She herself proposes the marriage in hopes that they don’t have to rely on these activities with her money… but also because she fell for all three of them… Lio reluctantly agreed knowing that Dos as well would be very happy about it… and somewhat he felt attached too he does not admit this though… She goes back to his land and a scene plays with Trinity as the flower girl, and Dos smiling happily next to Carol in her dress. Both looking at each other smiling.
Good Ending: Knowing about the Truth she said she doesn’t mind it cause although she likes Dos a little more she would love to get to know Lio more as well… especially she would care for Trinity as she was her own. Hearing this assurance, Lio agreed if that is her choice he won’t stop her… but that he might be hiding more things. With her words that she doesn’t care as long as she gets to be with them they agreed to this and she told her parents about her decision… they already knew about the two suitors being one… A scene plays where Carol sits on the couch with Trinity reading books and Dos next to her listening to… a new happy family.
Bad Ending:  She prys too much into Lio's affairs… and as known curiosity kills the cat.. knowing she now knows about the things he does, he knocks her out and she gets sold off for money… Dos not knowing where the princess vanished to give an alibi and the king and queen never saw the princess ever again.
Alt Ending: If Carol tells James about her doubts of Lio, a fight between them will happen one night… where they hold knives against another to threaten the other… She noticed what was happening and broke up the fight… Lio makes an offer to the two… to follow him in what he does and accept it…. or to die right here… Both had no real choice given he used some sort of dark magic to keep them in place but James thought at least when he came with her he could protect the princess… and so both started to stay in the lord's mansion… playing their part…
The Damien route @hades-eternal​
Being drawn in by his charm Carol decided to give Damien a chance even if his line of doing all to win her over seemed to her a bit concerning… He often invited her for dance lessons, complimented her scent and threw just as much charm at her as he could. If you deny him a lot you get the bad end if you give too much into them you get the alt end. At one night after those times are passed she talks with him honest about how she noticed him avoid the sunlight throughout this time, she only met him inside… he overplayed it again and tried to avoid the question but she said how can she be with him if she can’t know what he thinks and actually wants…. hearing these words he shows his teeth and reveals he is a vampire… but as he expected her to be in terror, she just said that explains a lot and thanked him for sharing.
True Ending: He kneels before her after confessing he is a vampire, that he hasn’t met any princess so far that caught his heart that much and made him feel so cared for… so he wanted to ask her to be his wife… she agreed to it but asked him also about his age… benign hesitant why she asked it she said she would ask again after telling her parents the news. As she finished the talk with them… you see a castle wedding play out, where she looked at him and whispered something in his ear… if after the ceremony he could turn her also into a Vampire… so they could actually stay together forever…. hearing that he was very happy and kissed her on instinct before the priest could finish his words. 
Good Ending: After finding out about this he still asked if they could still spend more time… if he could give her one final dance lesson… She agreed and as they shared a passionate dance, both actually shared a kiss… a clear answer that they felt attracted to one another… Eventually she told her parents she would choose him and another scene plays out where she sits down with him on the bed, having him lean over her as both look at the moonlight from the window… they share another kiss… as he asks her about if she wanted to transform and she said she’ll think about it. 
Bad Ending: If you don’t keep him engaged he moves on to meet her in her chambers in secret and reveals his teeth… sinking them in her neck and sucking her dry until she faints… her servants find her later on the floor… while he already vanished into the fogs of the woods.
Alt Ending:  He grew too obsessed with her and attached… The next day she walked into the dinner table and saw all the suitors as well as her parents attacked by the Vampire… he quickly had her caught in a rope and said he had to deal with them so they could be together forever… She is seen later in his castle, a bite wound on her neck, her eyes weak and him feeding her some things smiling… telling her she will be his one and only queen forever. Her Vampire fangs are shown.
The Cho-hee route @hey-its-cweepy​
Both already know that their meeting with each other was arranged but despite that Carol felt that he was to her pretty interesting and she could talk with him more genuinely about the situation. He was surprised by her asking to walk with him as he went out to gather his thoughts, asked if his scars look scary to her but she told him not at all. He raised his brows but decided to chat more with her… growing more fond. As he opened up about his insecurities and you don't support him much you likely will end up on the bad end. If she instead even shows him her scar he will seem a bit more at ease… the problem during this route is his family and how they trouble him so Carol tries to find ways to support him. 
True Ending: This time Carol found him at the fountain in the courtyard… he knew his parents wanted to take him back that day if he didn't manage to bring good news and Carol approached him as he grew nervous. She took his hand and pressed something in his hand… a ring that could fit his finger… he was in disbelief that she actually chose him out of all of the suitors but agreed that he grew feelings for her too. However as his parents entered the castle and already wanted to scold him for taking so long Carol and her parents declared that now that she and Cho-hee will get married they are commanded to step down as king and queen, something they didn't want to accept until the royal advisor stated some of their misdeeds. The wedding was celebrated pretty and big, near the shores so that the water could be heard as Cho-hee was brought to the altar by his sister. Carol once again took both his hands in hers before the kiss… making them husband and wife. 
Good Ending: One day they met up back at the beach… where Cho-hee stared at it in thought… Carol said she finally has a solution to how he can finally be free and asked him to come to the castle… There he found his sister seemingly happy and his parents taken off by guards which confused him… turned out they found some dirt on them. He let out a sigh in relief and Carol said she is glad she could help but as she wanted to leave he asked her if they could still spend time with another… cutting to a scene later where him, his sister and Carol walked through the city and he held an arm around her… them all finally seeming like they can enjoy things at peace. 
Bad Ending:  Despite Cho-hee telling her all about his insecurities… Carol chose another suitor instead of him… leading to him being saddened about it… As he returns back to his kingdom he faces some judgement and harsh words from his parents… with drawing to his room and trying to get all this pain out.
Alt Ending: After hearing about Cho-hee's situation with his family, both run away together but as they arrive at the Sea… He handed her a magical potion… she was a little confused by it as he explains… she can still go back or she can follow him to the seas. As he said that he drank the potion and jumped in turning into a sea creature. She nodded and drank the potion as well… and so they began a life together under the Seas.
The Azure route @rosietrace​
Azures Route revolves around Carol getting him out of her shell and them discussing many stories and literature, sharing some favorites… he often asks her questions about the books he gave her to read, if she answers too many wrong… the bad end might happen. Later she often relaxes with him under one of the apple trees, both enjoying the calm… as she falls asleep on his shoulder from all the stress these last days caused her…  The closeness to her is an odd feeling to her yet he somewhat enjoys it… she grows interested in his writing and he often hears her practise with the Piano instructor and staying nearby… Most of their route likely involves small fluff interactions with her , comparing some stories of her books to them. You also meet Yuuta who in this universe is more the moral support to bring Azure to at least try to talk with her more.
True Ending:  She still gives him the book to read and he opens it without batting an eye just… to notice a ring inside… looking at it in shock. She just told him:”What if I tell you I wanted to be with you as long as I can… what if… we married and have a happy ending like in those books?” He was still in disbelief but started to slightly tear up that she felt the same as him… and agreed right away. Fast forward and they both get married with Yuuta being the best man at his wedding… she has almost the same dress as the princess on this book cover they read about… She noticed him being nervous and held his hand with a small smile to assure him it's fine, before leaning in for a kiss… many of the attendees cheered for them.
Good Ending: She read one particular story she found with him… telling about a princess who fell in love… and after he was done reading one passage he closed the book and told her that he had grown to actually like her a lot… so much so that he wouldn’t mind being with her even longer than this week… she agreed to it and that out of the suitors she liked him the most… and so she informed her parents about this decision… a scene is shown of both of them in the library picking a stack of books to take with them. She gave him a slightly teasing comment and he nearly dropped his books out of embarrassment… and as she placed a kiss on his cheek he met her with a more calm smile… seems both finally could enjoy these stories together.
Bad Ending: Instead of getting to be with Azure, he was too hesitant about trusting her… and so Yuuta took the opportunity of Money and asked Carol's parents instead if he could marry her. They saw how their daughter, despite choosing Azure, seemed hesitant… and so they agreed to Yuuta's proposal given it was beneficial… and so on that dinner night they announced him as the one who won the suitors battle… much to both Azure and Carol's shock… however she couldn’t refuse… where would she go if she just left now… she had no way to refuse this marriage for money… but she apologized to Azure for the circumstances… A scene of the Marriage played… where Azure avoided his eyes and Carol's head hangs low… mainly feeling trapped like a bird in a golden cage.
Alt Ending: As both sit down under one of the apple trees one apple falls on her head and knocks her out… waking up she suddenly felt herself into a more futuristic setting and Azure next to her did wake her up but… suddenly there was no kingdom…. no princess… only space around them… it felt outlandish… as if she got transported to another dimension… being stuck here she grew mad not understanding what was going on… and secluded herself.
The Kalida Route @vale-ocs-roleplay​
Kalida in this route hides most of his body under golden steel and a mask to not show his monstrous features…  him playing flute was his way to calm himself but it was surprising to him as the princess approached him to listen… At first he thought he left a bad impression but she smiled at him and said it only made her a tad more curious… she noticed at the dinner party that he grabbed seconds of the famed apple pie of her country and during this route might give him one… the bad ending will happen if you give him a feeling of not being accepted, so she has to assure him it's fine to share who he is and that she likes him regardless of it… showing him gentleness and kindness. And making him feel well around her.
True Ending: He felt well enough to stay instead of running away and she sent some of the servants to ask him to go to her room… she prepared his favorite pie for him… or at least tried… but not only that… he eyed a small box sitting next to his plate on the table.. opening it he found a ring and looked at her a bit confused… as she told him she would like for him to be his and rule the kingdom with her… he was in total shock until he felt her warm hands snap him back and agreed to her proposal… At their wedding she actually convinced the other castle folk to accept him as he is too, so he could still marry her without having to hide… as they both leaned closer and she looked at him with loving eyes… finally he found a place to call home.
Good Ending: As he wanted to run away from the castle feeling the princess deserves something better she stopped him at the gates asking why he wanted to leave… hearing his words she grows tired and gives him a kiss at the part of the skin she was allowed to kiss… showing that she does care about him no matter what he looks like… a gesture that moved his heart even if he questioned her again if she was sure…. as she nodded and she ran off to tell her parents he had a small smile… You can later see a scene where she sits down on his lap with him on a couch and carefully traces his body, even the more monstrous parts… complimenting each of them and telling him how much she loves him. 
Bad Ending: He doesn’t have his human form under control and loses sight of himself. Mainly because he thought thanks to her words he would never accept his monstrous self… and so he gave back into his instincts… She tried to find him that night but seeing his true form, many servants who noticed a faint scream of her came to protect her… and although she noticed it was him and told them to stop it was no avail… the guards took him out… and she felt mentally not able to continue this whole search for suitors…
Alt Ending: Carol is too eager getting closer to him but accidentally gets poisoned by him after a kiss given his venom… she managed to survive thanks to local healers but… Kalida was gone… left in shame.
The Watson route @forestwispocs​
This Route mainly revolves about them spending lots of time in the gardens, her sharing some history and how she tends for some of the flowers as well as her trying to see past the fact that he is not only a charming gentleman... bad ending will occur if she feels like he has been lying too much to her... but believing some lies to reach the truth and get him to open up more will make things better... He will share a little about how his brother got striped of his title and how he wants to make things better now... and he gets her to accept how beautifull he thinks she is.... they both learn from another to love each other for what they truely are.
True Ending: At night he actually visited her chambers to meet her, settling down a bundle of Yellow flowers for her and waited for her to come back... as she did he said to take one flower out she liked the most... as she did take a dafodil she found a ring attached to it... and he kneeled down to propose to her. She teared up a little but accepted pressing a kiss on him... as he spinned her around, both go to her parents to tell the news and we flash forward to their wedding and actually Watsons brother being his best man during it. The wedding is filled with flowers around them... Eventually things grow a little chaotic but as they kissed the cheers are high and he carried her right off the altar with a smile.
Good Ending: On the last day he leaves her a note in the bedroom to come at midnight to the rose garden in the courtyard. She follows this invitation and this time he doesn’t wait with a Rose but with a Dafodil... knowing its her favourite... She feels honored to accept it and sat down with him... Quickly he cuts to the chase asking if she would maybe go with him back to his land and took her hand to place a kiss on it... she agreed that she would be interested to see it... there is a scene where they both sit down together late at night as Carol studied some books trying to help Watson about brother and how to get him back in the noble house. Watson compliments her effort and gives her a forehead kiss as she falls asleep, carrying her off to bed.
Bad Ending: After her feeling unsatisfied with Watson she often avoided him, leading to the both of them getting into an argument in the Rose garden… They yelled at each other from the balcony as Watson got closer to ask her to start anew… she was hesitant and took a step back… but this step led into her tumbling and slipping… and so the princess fell into the thorn bushes… dying through the thorns.
Alt Ending: Yasuno overwatched the both of them walking through the garden and took the opportunity to snatch the princess away... a fight escalted between them both but Yasuno defeated Watson, he tried to kidnap the princess but was knocked out by a surprise attack from James... although all three were save something was odd about this Yasuno in particular... a black smoke coming out of him... Soon the Black smoke engulfed the the three and they found themselve seperated in a Labyrinth.... having an open ending on if they managed to escape this thorny place.
The commoner routes show always a scene where Carol asks her parents if she can get more time. They agree a bit hesitant and she is allowed to roam free but she still chats with some suitors to not give attention she might be falling for a commoner.
The James Route @twsted-princess​
Given they have already known each other for years and are already particular close... You could consider this the childhood friend route... given Carol is still unsatisfied about the suitors and this situation, James sticks close and cheers her up with old stories as well as when problems occur with some suitors. He is there to take care of her and keep trouble away from her but.... the King and Queen are not satisfied by him technically keeping some of these Suitors away from her. Despair grew higher cause she doesn’t no what is right... she can’t grow close to the other suitors and James gives her comfort... she is conflicted and wishes to be with him but... her parents want her to marry someone with money... And so she looked for a solution that she could be with him.
True Ending: She researched into the law a bit more and noticed that could keep her crown and still be with James... as well as provide for her kingdom... she proposed the Idea to her parents and although they sighed that she doesn’t take the easy way out, her mother has noticed how much love she felt for the young knight... and so they both agreed to the plan... Carol called James at night to her chambers and although he expected her to be in distress again she offered him a ring... asking him if he wanted to rule the kingdom with her... he was flabbergasted and wanted to ask if that is even possible but her Parents chimed in giving their agreement... a big wedding in the Kingdom was hosted... crowning the new king and queen of this land... As both lifted their heads after receiving their crowns... she held him close as if relieved that she could finally be with the one she loved... that finally he could be more than just her Knight.
Good Ending: Having decided Love is more important to her than her status... at night she confessed her love to James and asked him if he could take her away on a horse and they could run away... although hesitant about it... he couldn’t deny her feelings for her too... and he couldn’t bear seeing her get married off to someone she doesn’t even love and so both made their way to dash past the guards away.... their escape was sucessfull and they build up a new life in a small town far away... Carol sold her princess dress and accesoires and now works as Scholar... while James takes on more Physical work...  they both sat down in their new house as he kissed her, promising that no matter what happens, he will keep that smile of hers safe.
Bad Ending: Despite her being attached to him her parents grew impatient and caught her as she was pretty close with James... and so they put two and two together and stripped him off his duty... while Carol was forced to pick another suitor... she not only lost the person she loved... but also a dear friend she had forever... and thanks to her parents he was send away.... far away from her... into the dangers to never come back.
Alt Ending: A scene plays out where James runs outside to find Carol and actually tell her that he loves her, thinking a Suitor might be faster, however instead of a suitor, he finds a group of girls with her… the friends she made over this route, Princess Melanie, Lady Kirsten, Keres,Nyphy,  Miss Melody and Queen Orion. The other girls wanted to give up their duties of their kingdoms to form a group of adventurers together… It is a protest against the system of monarchy… and how it forces them into these roles… and so Carol bows and thanks James for all of his service over the years… but for now she wants to make this journey to discover herself. She left him with a cheek kiss and went on with the girls in their new attire.
The Jonas Route  @rookvonhunt​
To clear her head she gave into the music more to get herself distracted... Jonas was surprised she wanted more lessons... she felt somewhat charmed by his little awkward nature... Eventually she felt herself after each date with one suitor to look more forward to get to play with him... but he noticed some of her hesitance about the situation in how she played those songs, how her fingers lightly were nervous... She was honest about feeling hesitant about marrying any of them... He told her to do what her heart feels is right... But she said she doesn’t even understand her heart right now and so... they use this lesson to put the thoughts of her heart into words. She slowly fell for him throughtout deciphering her feelings.
True Ending: As he entered the practise room... she played one of his favorite songs as she came in... he was impressed how quick she learned but felt like she doesn’t need him anymore... as he said that she asked him to stretch out his hands and handed him a small box... as he saw the ring he nearly fainted if she didn’t catch his fall... She told him she was serious about marrying him and ruling the kingdom with him but as he butted in with he can’t be king she was like, she could still manage most of it... and he would just be there for her... calming her as usual... under these circumstances he agreed to be with her... given he also did have feelings... however both set up the wedding in a autumn forrest... doing the crowning another day as she brushed some leaves off his hair to kiss him... She held his hand calmly and hummed another song in response to make him calm too... as they turned back to the crowd.
Good Ending: Even if he was invited to teach that day she caught him before he could enter the same piano room and dragged him in one of the empty castle rooms... saying she is tired of playing the perfect princess... saying she finally figured out her feelings... that she fell in love with him... he was dumbfounded and in disbelief... he can’t be with the princess... and so she proposed they leave while they still can and start a life together... she would become a commoner for him. And so he agreed under the circumstance that they don’t get caught... Eventually she snuck with him through the gardens and... a scene plays where she is playing the piano again... with him looking over her shoulder... they have comfy house now... and she placed a small cheek kiss on him getting him red.
Bad Ending:  One day he just vanished... and a new instructor was hired to teach her... as she asked her parents why they said she might have gotten distracted by this hobby of hers and should focus more on what is important... saddned she brushed some dust of the Piano and said.... then she doesn’t want to play anymore... not ever....
Alt Ending: As Carol and Jonas practised, they got surprised by a purple haired Lady (Portia) who tried to share some scandals of the kingdom... her and Jonas are buddies and as she heard he was currently teaching the princess she had to come over... mainly cause the whole King and Queen inviting suitors to the kingdom spread rumors of what if their daughter was only hogging these gentleman as a harem... both Carol and Jonas looked at her in disbelief... however in a ball her family has arranged they hear more and more people spreading rumors about the princess... and she felt under pressure... she just ran away to hide in her room... telling her parents to send all of the suitors away... and so the princess isolated herself...
The Ronald Route @terrovaniadorm​
Both the Ronald and Trey route will enable at the same time but depending on who you chat to or are nice to more you get either of them. With Ronald you have her knowing him for a while but noticing currently he seems under stress to do castle work but also some chocolates on the sides... if you pry to much on why He does these chocolates you will get the alternate endings. After one frustrating dinner he listens to her being burdened and can relate cause his friend relies on him so they can both work towards making their own shops. Both sighed in unison and started to feel like they relate and so throughout the days they both supported the other by visiting them.
True Ending: Speaking out things with the queen and King they invited Ronald and Cadbury into the audience chambers... Carol stepped up to say they have an offer to make... supporting their idea with money, in exchange of the castle getting some chocolates specifically delivered... Cadbury was quick to agree but then Carol walked up to Ronald and said she also had a another thing to ask him... confessing her feelings and offering him the ring... he said he can't cause he would leave Cadbury if he ruled the kingdom with her but she said he doesn't have to rule with her... she can rule alone and still visit him so often... on these conditions he accepted her proposal. The wedding was helt among the streets that the kingdom and they exchanged one chocolate before the vow as a weird tradition... many smiled upon the couple. And accepted their Queen even if she has no actual king to rule with.
Good Ending: Eventually she noticed non of those suitors would make her Happy, this Castle wouldn't either... given her and Ronald have chatted about the small shop his family owns... Carol sneaks out at night to visit him there... of course Ronald was surprised why she didn't go with Guards and suddenly stopped by but Carol got in to explain her thoughts... what If she helped him and his friends make their dream come true in another Kingdom... and she could run away with him. He seemed hesitant but then Cadbury came in saying it would be useful as well as Ronald has been talking about her non stop to, he should admit his feelings too. Being exposed like this he sighed and the three packed their things... all three going on a carriage.. with the valuables Carol sold off they were able to make a big confectionery in the neighbours Kingdom, Carol trying her best to help but her blobs still need some work, Ronald pulled his arms around her and showed how she should do it... as she smiled back at him.
Bad Ending: Trying one kind of chocolate out of curiosity when Ronald is gone... will lead into Carol collapsing on the floor actually... they seemed to be poisoned and given this seemed like an attempt to kill the princess... Ronald gets kicked out the castle. As he got brought out by the guards Yasuno smirked using this commotion to take away the Princess...
Alt Ending: As Carol is about to confess her feelings to Ronald and he is surprised… Cadbury comes into the kitchen and tells about his new plans to open and own a town shop with Ronald to make more profit than his Royal shop. He tells Carol that he can’t give up his precious friend to someone and so she has to pick someone else to marry. Confused about this whole situation they both left her dumbfounded on what to do… She walked to the kitchen counter to find one thing at least…. an apple pie and a small note… a thank you from Ronald before leaving.
The Trey route
If you get closer to Trey than to Ronald you will notice that although he got used to his new job in the kitchen he asked the princess if she ever tried to cook herself. She did not but was always curious about it and so he offered these lessons in Secret quickly between dinners. As she asked why he would he said, in this world everyone has to learn to do things themselfs so when trouble comes and you are alone, you can still take care of yourselves... during this cooking she fell in Love with his charms and uncomplicated personality compared to the suitors. She felt comfort and assurance in his words.
True Ending: After all those Lessons Carol served her parents a cake made by herself and announced that she thanks the kitchen for teaching her how to do this... but she also has to tell them that she might have fallen for a commoner instead and the suitors... didn’t manage to convince her... her parents nodded and made an agreement with her so she could instead be with Trey. Telling him the news however... he already had a ring for her in his hand... having talked to her parents before as well and asked for their blessing... Their wedding is with his whole family, many fancy cakes and desserts on the table... as he was stunned seeing her come in with her dress, quickly pulling her closer with a gentle smile at her... a kiss shared before the audience.
Good Ending: At one night where they were cooking in Secret, one moment between them got close... so close that Carol kissed him on instinct before apologizing to him... prying into it more he asked her directly if she liked him which she agreed to with a yes....but her parents would likely not allow her to be with him... so he offered to run away... that they go to the town his family stays at and settle there.. surprised by the sudden offer she took it and after she took in a disguise they both took the carriage to his home. A scene plays where she just finished an actual good looking cake for his family. He placed a kiss on her cheek and they lived happy.
Bad Ending: Not taking his lessons serious he feels like he doesn’t want to teach you anymore... he in general does not feel satisfied in this job and so he leaves a note that he left... if she ever needed his sweets she knew where she could find him. However as she did wanted to visit him... the bakery was destroyed... nobody was there... just an empty house.
Alt Ending: He awaits you with some cakes you make one day... somehow Ronald wasn’t nearby and many of the servants were not either... on instinct she chose the cake with an apple on it... mainly cause they were her favourites... however as she did, she felt her mind turn blurry... and her conciousness fade... as she woke up later she sat down with Trey at an unknown place... something about his eyes seemed different... like he was undersomeones control.. as he gave her another peace of the cake... changing her and making her addicted to him.
The Punch Route (Secret)  @twstinginthewind​
She walked into town again to visit the Blacksmith... mainly cause she was curious about all the small inventions and figures Punch made... and so she asked if she could order some of them for herself... most people only stopped by for weapons so he was glad that someone was interested in his personal work... Eventually he fell for the princess quick while she hadn’t realized her feelings yet... however she often dropped by his shop as an escape from her current situation... With him she could talk honest about her family and why she felt stuck in this situation.
True Ending: The shop on that day didn’t go that well and his family was worried about the future as they got a surprised visit from the princess itself to make an offer... that they be blacksmiths for the Royalguard and live among the castle... Joker seemed excited and Punch almost flabbergasted but even more as the princess walked up to him saying she has a little thank you gift. It was somewhat of a makeshift ring but as he took it in his hand it got broken and she sighed... saying she might need some help to make this work... he said casually he would help her make another one as his sister ellbowed him... saying that the princess wanted to propose to him... which he didn’t believe untill he saw Carol nod at him... A scene of the wedding played out where the Royal guard all held up new swords and the mechanical butterflies flew over the venue. He was still red and in shock that he actually would marry the princess that day but she pulled him clost to make him snap back to reality, before giving him a small kiss as sign of her love.
Good Ending: One day he actually visited her in the castle to show her the newest invention he made... somewhat of a mechanical flying butterfly... she watch it in awe flying over her head as she looked at him with a smile... telling him how she is happy he cheered her up so much those last days... he was blushing about her kind words but what he didn’t expect... was her telling him she might like him more... than just a friend she made the last days... however given her parents she might not be able to be with him... both discussed the situation and after coming up with a distraction both left the castle and Carol used her leftovers to help him and his family to move their forgery to another town... a scene plays where he shows her another invention and she holds his hand tightly looking at it... his sister comes in to tease them both how her brother scored a princess, Carol just answering she is princess no more... and she is glad about it.
Bad Ending: As she dropped by for another task he interpreted her words wrong and confessed early that he had a crush on her... Overwhelmed by the sudden confrontation... she left the blacksmiths house as quick as she entered, without a word... he continued his work the next days although a little saddened about the situation as he heard commotion outside... that the princess finally has found her suitor and announced to marry them... hearing this he was frustrated that he messed up like that and... threw away on invention he wanted to give her.
Alt Ending: For one day Carol was able to invite Punch to the castle after getting some info out of him that him and his sister picked Music up as a hobby. Joined with Jonas who often instructed her for the piano she asked the three if they could perform a song together, one she wanted to perform properly for a while... this ending is moreso a friendship ending in which Carol stops focusing too much on her situation and instead enjoys this little play a bit more and thanks the people she considers her friends...
The Esca Route (Secret) @silent-dragon​
As she visited him again in the woods he greeted her with a warm smile and showed her around the forest... in this route she already ran away from her castle, curious about the world. And so she stayed with him in the woods, learned about animals, how to survive and many things about herself... however the more trust the both of them built, he told her about a curse he is suffering from but not that to break it he would need someone to fall in love with him, despite how odd he looks... most of this route is them slowly growing closer. At times he often just sticks close and protects her from hostile figures. At night she often worries about his curse and looks at the small scratched he gets through clumsyness to treat them...
True Ending: His time was almost up... the curse was almost upon him as Carol suggested what if she kissed him... confessing that she indeed fell for him... he picked her up for a kiss and to his luck... it worked curing the curse... not only that but he was finally able to step out of the forest... despite that she said they could build themselves a small home in the forest together... she could live with him together and this way he would never be alone... after that promise you can see a fast forward to a small wood cottage where she brought 3 cats in she found... and they all took place somewhere on his body making him chuckle... soon the cats went of to play and she layed down on him.. hugging him tight... saying she is glad she ran away to be with him. And that soon they might not be that alone... not only cause of the kittens but also because they might be a family soon.
Good Ending: Even if she managed to break his curse with a kiss... she also felt a bit worried about her home so as both stepped out the forrest she looked back up at the castle... despite that she did make her decision to stay with him... but only on the term that they travel together through nature untill they find a true home... she didn’t want to be seperated from the humans so finding a forest where they could stay but she could still go into town from time to time was her hope... both found this home as she came back with some fresh fruit and clothes for him... getting picked up and kissed on the forehead... compared to the true ending it felt more her not giving up her connection to the human world and clinging onto it. While still giving him all the love and affection she has.
Bad Ending: He fails to make her fall in love with him and the curse slowly takes him over making him vanish into a forrest spirit... forever bound to the woods and never able to live a normal life again.... he is still with the animals and tend to them but... he would not be able to see humans anymore... including her... saddened she left the forrest back to the castle.
Alt Ending: Her parents send out a search troop to find her and recover her but in this ending they managed to find her and although she struggled and refused to go back... she got dragged away... back in the castle she was far more isolated than before... never to step foot outside the castle again.
The Yasuno Route (Secret)
Answering all of Yasunos questions right leads him to kidnap her away to his mansion and keep her there... if you encourage his obessions she likely will end on the Alt end while if she makes him distrust her, she would end up on the bad ending. The key is to keep him at bay yet try to understand him better. She will find out about his connection to an underground organization that wanted to trumple the kingdom and how stories about the princess made him fall for her... as well as that betrayed friend and foe alike to get here. And also what he had to sacrefice to get here.  This is one of the hardest routes in the game to finish with a good end.
True Ending: In this case she has managed to fully understand his feelings and what pain he went through... how many people he lost and why he became like this. Away from his lackeys she has a serious conversation and there she told him that she is flattered by his love for her and that there is a way to stop this from escalating... if the both of them marry and become King and Queen of the land... He chuckled if she was foolish enough that he would take care of the kingdom that never helped him... her words were that better that than a kingdom who slaughtered them all... she was right with that... this group only fed up on being neglected... not on being hunted down... and marrying her is something he desired... speaking with the group they agreed to it if it means their living situation gets better too... and so Carol returned to the castle, playing Yasuno off as a suitor she met instead of her kidnapper... once they married although the atmosphere was tense for once she actually saw a genuine smile on the man... as if he finally was free from pain... and that was enough for her as she leaned up to kiss him.
Good Ending: Managing to find the right words she tells him that she doesn’t mind being with him in his mansion but if he wanted to be with her forever she won’t tolerate any violence and misdeeds.. so he has to stop trying to overthrow the kingdom in exchange for her being with him... he agreed and announced the end of the order... some times later a scene played where she sat down with him in a room and he placed some kisses and bites on her neck, holding her tight sitting on his lap... giving her promises that whatever happens... he will make her not regret this choice... although its not fully clear if she truely loves him... at least her kingdom is safe.
Bad Ending: Feeling like she still wants to escape and never be able to give him a chance... he decided she has seen too much and witnessed too much... his feelings grew cold... so instead he decided to treat her like a hostage than a guest instead... and used her for gaining money from her parents and other ways... once he had enough he decided to just kill her off... like a puppet he didn’t want to play with anymore
Alt Ending: His feelings of love for her have grown into an unhealthy way... so much so that he decided to take the life of everyone she cherished before her eyes... one after another... seeing her eyes grow more empty and the kingdom grow more in dissoray... Standing upon this empty throne with her as his queen he will let this kingdom be covered in plants and keep her to himself untill they both die.
Bonus Routes:
(Unlocked after finishing most routes and obtaining items giving Carol the option to run away from her kingdom)
The Daniel Route: @fullplaidponydreamer
Escaping from her kingdom she landed in a run down part of the Neighbouring city. She wanted to find a place to stay undetected yet got pulled aside by a Criminal holding a knife to her throat... he recognized she was the missing princess of the kingdom, wanting to bring her back to it in exchange for money yet after realizing this plan didn’t work he wanted to trick her into going to the next kingdom to sell her off while she things its to give her a chance... during their journey she tries to talk to him and get through to his inner pain and reasonings for doing this... as well as figuring out how to improve his situation. She also shares more about her sister and herself while he shares about his upbringings.
True Ending: Before they arrive at the kingdom they have a small confrontation with the one who did push Daniel to the life he was in and saving his 3 brothers and 1 sister... thanks to Carols planning they managed to pull a stradegy to take out the stranger and get away save.... the 6 rested at the next Inn together as Carol told the last story about her sister and how she knows the kingdom will be well... leading to him asking her what she would like to do for the future... and her confessing that she wants to stay with him, maybe marry him one day... Surprised by this he hugged her tight and finally let out some of his feelings... telling her he wants the same... fading the scene you see how he carries her into a small house in town in a wedding dress while his brothers smiled at him... seeing them in general be finally have a good life and be well off. As well as Carol giving him a promise to never leave his side.
Good Ending: Arriving at the steps of the kingdom he is honest and apoligizes about tricking her... and that he realized instead he wanted to keep her safe instead... knowing full well that together they might be able to life happier... she agreed to his idea and used at first some of her accesoires and stuff she grabbed from the castle so they could find a living space and both get jobs... She started teaching others about things she learned in the library from her kingdoms as well as reading and writing... discarding her identity as the princess and a scene plays out where late at night the both lay in bed together and promise each other to keep the other safe... while a knock at their doors is heard making it uncertain who it is.
Bad Ending: He gained no feelings for her and goes through with the original plan... meeting a slimey noble who took interest in the beauty of the maiden... he told her in this place she would be save so she agreed to say and he got his money... days later after pulling through with this he walks into a dark alleyway.... and finds her corpse which was pretty messed up and full of different stab wounds... despite no feelings he felt guilt somewhat for this... but also a bit of emptyness.
Alternate Ending: Both of them were cornered by other thugs who wanted to have the princess as well to gain wealth and riches... yet as Daniel fought them of and tried to prevail... an arrow was aimed at him... one which the princess defended him from... the thugs scatter knowing they messed up and their boss would be angry at him while she has one last conversation dying in his arms.
The Terry Route @silent-dragon
Running away from the Castle she lived in for years she arrived at a town and as trying to hide from guards was led by another person into a run down house... he introduced himself as Terry and recoginzed her as the princess... She offered her Jewelry so she could stay hidden in his house for now... eventually chatting with him she found out he knows about her cause he formerly was part of one of the Suitors she had and lived in Jeshs kingdom yet was cast out after a fight with the noble... since then he lived in poverty. She started to figure out that she was good and teaching others, changed her appearance to seem less regal and start gain some money for them both through teaching kids... And slowly finds out more behind Terrys past.
True Ending: One day she was busy teaching as Terry bursted in... she looked at him confused as he told her he was saving up some money and offered her a ring... telling her that since she been there all the hope he lost was finally restored and he wished to keep her for himself before anyone could be first... She felt flattered and smiled telling him she grew attached to him so she would for sure take that offer, on term they move towns... He nods and picked her up happy... after a blend they had their wedding, even Jesh secretly attended giving his apoligies to Terry and hoping he makes her happy even if he seems very grumpy leaving with his servants... With this it ends in a Scene at their wedding night where Terry nuzzled against her and seems in general much happier... Her saying she is glad she gave up on being a princess that day... but for now she wants to just enjoy live with him in the more simpler way. A flirt and a touch led into the end.
Good Ending:  Eventually after getting to know him longer she grew attached to this simple life with him.... one night she offered him her blanket and cuddled close against him, asking him if he mind that she stays for now... given she feels happy when she is near him... he made a cheeky comment that he couldn’t believe he scored himself a princess that also likes him back and they both started laughing... despite her still being worried that guards search for her, he said he will do his best to keep her safe and happy...Eventually they made enough money to get a new house more away from the kingdom as a scene is played where He cuddles her from behind while she is teaching some kids, saying she will give him some more affections later if he needs them trying to continue her work.
Bad Ending: Both of them don’t manage to get enough money and eventually after a while both pass out cause of hunger... as Terry opened his eyes, he saw Jesh who held the princess in his arms, mocking him one last time before leaving... saying he should have chosen better. He did leave him one last piece of bread to survive, yet he didn’t have the energy to stop him from taking the princess with him and... his fate is unknown.
Alternate Ending: Not fully trusting Terry and having her doubts, one night Carol just runs away again, leaving a small note as thank you yet in her running through the forest she hears some ominous howling in the forest.... the scene fades and the next day marks where people rumor about the lost princess that was never seen again... her parents closing the doors of the castle and saying nobody is allowed to enter again. Nobody knows what actually happened to the princess...
The Raede route @silent-dragon
Away from her kingdom she remembered a potion maker and wanted to ask them to get her a disguise potion... with potion in hand she ran into the woods to flee yet tripped and the potion spilled over a single Rose... resulting in Raede coming to existance as half Human half Plant Being... and she decided to take him with her untill they were safe... mainly this route is Raede adjusting to being alive, Carol and him hidding in the woods and growing closer... Carol tells stories about her childhood where she took care of the royal garden and Raede meanwhile keeps her safe for any followers.
True Ending: Similar to the good end Raede got a potion that let him maintain his form... however thanks to all the things Carol taught him he refused the offer of the potion maker at first... saying he instead wanted to focus that Carol can get a happy life... leading to her confessing she is happy with him wherever they go... so they also take the offer but Raede also did learn from her about the concept of marriage hence he made her a small ring made out of one rose to ask her to stay with him.
Fast forward its a pretty garden wedding here Raysel brings in the rings for both of them, both a silver rose on it. Even if not many attended it was fine cause they both felt happy together... growing together and building up a future In their new green house home.
Good Ending: The Potion maker found them both before it was too late and provided a potion that made it so Raede wouldn't lose his form as Human Plant Hybrid... wanting to offer him to take care of the magical plants at his potions farm. Conflicted Raede looked back at Carol and asked if she wanted to come with him and stay. She agreed to his idea and a scene plays where both work in the green House together and notice something that spread of from Raede... finding a small girl in a Rosebed (aka Raysel) Carol picks her up and asks if they both take care of her and he picks her up giving her a small kiss
Bad ending: One day she woke up and Raede was missing... eventually she noticed the a rose looking the same as him before the transformation... coming to the conclusion either the potion wore off or he turned back. Saddened by this she still took him with her as putting the flower in her hair and moving to the next town disheartened.
Alt Ending: In desperate struggle of Carol noticing Raedes form breaking down she tries to find the potion maker but... he was not there.... she tried to use different potions on Raede thinking they were doing the right thing but instead... it made him melt down saying at least a last thank you before Vanishing... in desperation she made a deal with the potion maker.... but to keep Raede happy and living she had to make the potion maker her husband and go back to her kingdom.... at least she felt glad Raede could live his life.
The Emrys route @sparrow-20
Arriving at the neighbour's city the princess heard rumors about a famous Magician in town... he was said to help any person in peril and so she seeks and Audience with him. Meeting with Emrys it seemed like he knew exactly who she was and he problem... his idea that she could live in peace from her pursuers was taking her far away into a more peaceful Kingdom... however given this journey would be dangerous he accompanied Carol there. He reminded her of a certain Magician in the book she read making her admire him more.
True Ending: She connected the dots quicker that Emrys might be in fact that same Magician from her book... and tried to ask him about her theory... which he admitted ir was true that he was already that old and if she minded that. She shook her head saying how much dear he became to her and how he kept her safe this whole time... he could be more millenias and she could still have fallen for him, even if she did ask who this heroine actually was. He answer that it was just the author who fell for him yet he never gave her a chance. Yet that she as princess might have swayed him more to consider moving his magic business. She leaned closer to him and asked if he wouldn't mind to stay with her for as long as her mortal life lasts...pulling her very close his kiss was an answer to he question...
A scene played of them being done with the wedding as she sat down on his lap in her dress... the room decorated in Magic artifacts and potions on the table. She put her arms around him with a sweet smile as he asked if one day their might be a story about the both of them... she joked if not that she was going to write one... leaning into his embrace.
Good ending: Eventually one night where they were close to their goal Carol sat with him at the bonfire... telling him a little story from the book she read and that it reminder her of him... with a smile he approached her saying if she wanted to be the heroine falling for the Magician which caught her off guard... yet she answered with a maybe she already did... admitting she was attracted to him. After a night of sleep and arriving at the destination the next day He swiftly pulled her close, saying that even if she was safe maybe he should stay around to see if she is fully happy here... it they lived some days together and as he had to leave he left her with a kiss saying he would come back for her once he has finished his businesses.
Bad Ending: During their Journey they took a wrong turn, the princess didn't trust him cause of certain actions and so she ran off alone... however not she was in danger, he had pursuers as well... the next day she felt guilty and wanted to apologise however instead of finding him she found a stone version of him... as if he has been turned into stone... in shock she tried to run only to be approached by the same creature... that kept them both as stone statues
Alt Ending: Eventually the dangers of the journey made her doubt if they ever be safe at all... the guards catched up to them both and Carol apoligized to Emrys that she made him come all this way to keep her safe yet she will go back to her kingdom. She said that she will still pay him with the castles money for his effort and looked at him one last time before leaving with the guards. A feel of regret on her but at least she was safe, even if she had to pick a suitor now.
The Kaminari route @vivaresmala
On her escape out of the Kingdom she arrived exhausted on top of a mountain where she encountered a beautiful man that looked up at the stars playing with some thunder magic in his hands. She thought he was a magician and asked him if he minded that she rested there for a while and he noticed how torn her clothing was and how she seemed exhausted offering her to stay where he stayed... given she had no where else to go she spend time with him for some days trying to figure where to go and what to do.
True Ending: For this ending she figures out he is a bit more powerful than your general Magician as he tried to protect her from a mystical creature and saw how strong his magic truely was. As he worried that she might like him less or be scared of him she assured him this was not the case... she feels safe with him... not only that but these past days he captured her heart... seeing a bunch of shooting stars flying by she blurted out if he wouldn't mind that they stay together... to promise it he gave her a pretty lotus flower themed ring and they both kissed among the stars...
The scene continued some time later where she walked with him In a white dress to a shrine looking place, their marriage be sealed in Secret and them smiling happy at another as flower petals flew through the venue... after the ceremony they had their usual traditional tea they exchanged Carol finally seeming to have the free life she wanted.
Good ending: Spending all this time finding her inner peace and chatting with Kaminari made her feel comfortable... she told him she wants to be more than a princess to a kingdom. She wants to see the world, she wants to make a journey and she wanted to ask him to come with her. As he asked why he said cause she slowly grew and attachment to him... as she told him that he handed her a tea... a rose flower tea... as she was confused what he meant by that he told her roses have a meaning of love to them. One he would love to share with her.
A scene fades where they both arrived as travelers together in a foreign country, looking at a calming Zen garden and her leaning her head against him. Things seem more peaceful... her kingdom is instead lead by her sister and she gets to stay with Kaminari.
Bad ending: She disregarded a warning he gave not to go too deep into the mountains... finding a certain cursed stone and her curiosity getting the better of her.... she lost her soul to this stone... as he found her she layed there like an empty husk while the Demon of the stone tried to possess her... leaving him with no choice but to take her out.
Alt ending: Meeting Kaminari one night on top of the mountain he tells her that she currently isn't next to him... she actually fell into a hole and went unconcious.... those days they spent together never happened... and so she woke up in that hole, her clothes soaked in dirt, her mind in despair knowing she is lost... untill she heard the voice of a guard... instead of running away she returned with them back to the kingdom and followed her duty as princess.
The Florence Route @terrovaniadorm
On her way fleeing from the Guards she got injured and found by the Local villages Healer... he took her in and asked her many questions... as she explained her story however Florence showed her understanding and both developed a plan which town would be the safest to go to after her being treated and recovered fully... in those questions they both understand each other more and as her injury got better she also went out with him to the local market... it got her more and more interested in the healer and she felt well taken care of. To the point it was hard for her to leave really.
True Ending: Taking her to the next town to start a new life she turned to him asking how he felt about this time he spend with her. For one he said she was his favourite patient by far yet also that it does feel hard to see her go. With these words she on impulse pulled him by his collar into a kiss. Suggesting that why she shouldn't stay with him then so she won't have to miss him either. Especially because she teased him by saying she would rather one day carry his name than her families implying she wants to marry him... and so she went back with him to his town.
They had a calm wedding, many towns people organized and joined this wedding because they were grateful for the couple treating people all around... and they were surprised as the bride carried her husband of the venue back to their home. Both crash on the ground with her stroking his hair and smiling at him, thanking him for healing her heart as well.
Good Ending: The last day of her Recovery Florence walked outside with her to see if she can still walk well... she thanked him wholehearted for taking care of her so much and asked if she could stay longer. He was confused given she didn't need to but sh offered instead if she could be his assistant... for one to repay him but also cause she took a liking to him. Flattered by her words he agreed but said to be carefull if someone spotted her.
The scene changed to them both taking care of a patient and her doing the main healing as he held her arms steady... after she was done she pressed a kiss on his cheek as thanks for helping... both of them became a popular talk in town yet nobody recognised Carol as the princess anymore given her different look and vibe... making them a power couple to help the people around town.
Bad ending: One night she heard commotion outside of the house and worried that the guards might catch up to her and attack Florence for hiding her... so she walked out still injured into the streets... where she was kidnapped by bandits... Florence searched for her the next day yet... nor him or the kingdom found out what happened happened her... but given they found her crown in his place the castle guards arrested him and threw him into the dungeon.
Alt Ending: She heard rumors from other patients about Florence and how his aura seems scary... she couldn't believe it yet one night she questioned him about these rumors.. making him more distant and thinking she will believe them too he moreso grows cold towards her and after she recovered he just told her to leave without helping her as promised before. Heartbroken she left the place crying cause she didn't know where to go.
The Vigil Route @authoruio​
Remembering from her Childhood and old place she used to visit when she needed a break from the castle she visited a hill with many apple trees, one single stone in the middle. She leaned against it to read in the past and somewhat felt protected. She once against leaned against it, cradling her knees as suddenly someone in Angel wings appeared. She recognized him from her childhood as the one who often fended danger away from her. Vigil told her he would help her find an escape from the kingdom, leading her into safety. Even if he lacked some emotion during their journey she felt calmer next to him and so hoped for a way out without picking a suitor. One way of freedom for herself... and so she rather rely on him and his words than be lost.
True Ending: Even if they made it to safety, Carol asked Vigil if there was any ways she could stay with him, confused by this he asked her why she would... especially cause it means she will have to give up her normal human life. She said it was cause she slowly fell in love with him and now feels like she would feel saddened to see him go. A statement that made him baffled but somewhat he understood what she meant, taking her hand and saying he will do his best to not make her regret this decisions. Fast forward and they build up a life together somewhere, her wearing a white gown as they walked together implying something to a wedding happened between them, both visiting the same stone they first met each other at and telling small stories, smiling she took his hand and hugged him close... feeling much more hopefull than before.
Good Ending: She arrived finally at a small safe town, gets new close and buries her princess dress on a hill nearby... Vigil behind her saying that he finished his job as Guardian angel however she didn’t want him to leave... she grown to like his company to much, so she tries to convince him to stay with her in this town. He had his doubts especially cause of his appearance and why she would keep him around when she doesn’t need someone to protect her anymore, but her answer was cause she likes him, more than she thought at first. Taken aback he says he will think about it.
Cue to a scene of the future where she starts teaching kids and he is always in the back looking after her... he might not have been able to stay but he will always be there for her and visit her... it is open if they got together or not.
Bad Ending: Taking a route into a cursed forrest, cause Carol didn’t fully trust Vigils decisions let her to get into danger by mythical creatures who wanted to posess her body... eventually they managed to get a hold on her and as he found her... she was not the Princess anymore... but moreso a cursed witch to haunt the woods... he left thinking he failed his mission to protect her.
Alt Ending: One night they rested at an old cabin and it started burning, supposedly bandits who stole what they could and left them away... Vigil tried to get Carol out of there in safety but in turn his wings burned off to the sake of him loosing concious... she nursed him back to health but somewhat he grew empty after this... both of them grew distant and eventually she continued her journey without him, regretfull but... he wasn’t the one anymore that she cared and liked... he was nothing anymore.
The Adam Route @silent-dragon​
As she wanted to leave after a dinner with the intent of running away from the kingdom she ran into another Suitor who came late to the party... her parents even forgot about him on the list given they thought he wouldn’t join anymore. However seeing this prince that seemed more like a sweet and fun guy she got curious and played of the commotion staying a bit longer... to make up her mind if he is worthy staying for.... She notices that Adam despite being a prince is far more casual as well as comfortable to talk with, as well as sees him get along with Ronald and Trey in the kitchen, often helping her with her picky food taste. A walk through the Kingdom she also notices he only agreed to be a suitor to find a girl that would not use him like others do but be genuine with him, something she admired and thought similar too... over the course of some dinner dates and strolls they continue to bond.
True ending: Her cooking training was actually sucessfull and she made him a sweet pie with the apples of the kingdom... surprising him one night... And as he looked down the pie in happiness and took a bite he praised her how much she improved. She only returned it with: “If I want to be your Queen one day, I need to at least know how to make my king happy.” Playfully telling him that she chose him as her suitor to marry, and feeling his arms pull her on the chair he was sitting on to his lap holding her close. He offered her a ring he actually saved for this moment and so their plan was official... fast forward to the wedding it was a big feast for the whole kingdom, yet the princess did return to his kingdom to become his queen... many commoners were invited too so all of the food was used and after the ceremony she did share that she actually was expecting their first child already as he smiled at her and pulled her close... both sharing a piece of the wedding cake and looking back at the others that celebrated.... Finally she felt at ease and not under pressure anymore.
Good Ending:  The princess grew fond of the prince and so tried hard with hours to make a him heart shaped donuts to show her appreciation and thank him for still coming to this kingdom... as well as sharing her love... yet how the donuts turned out her message didn’t fully get through subtly...Adam munched on them with a smile however and asked her himself what she thought of him... as to where she shared that she did fall for him... and would love to get to know him more... it caught him off guard yet in an instant he lifted her up with his arms and held her close... planting some kisses on her face... They both agreed to first go to his kingdom as well and a scene plays where they prepare the carriage and the horses for that trip... she wore a shorter yellow dress and carried a basket of apples from the kingdom before waving her parents off and Adam laying and arm around her for a kiss to follow him.
Bad Ending: Having a dinner that upset her stomach, Adam noticed she was only faking that excuse and packed her things in her room... he asked her where she wanted to go but she apoligized to him and dashed out of the room... running away from the kingdom... as he inspected the desk and read what letter she got he quickly handed it to her parents... it was an offer of Yasuno... to come with him so her family won’t be harmed... yet soon another person reported a fire starting in the castle... the night ended with the princess gone, the suitors all confused in the courtyard, King and Queen seeing the castle burn... and the kingdom in chaos. He wished he would have noticed her behavior sooner.
Alternate Ending:  At the second day of spending time with Adam you run into Prince Flint who said something about a proposal to the princess to ditch the current suitors she has and come back to a Royal meeting with Adam together... if you agree to his idea Carol gets transported by a carriage to a meeting with all of the Armonye princes... however she quickly noticed that most of them were curious about her... she didn’t know the plan was for her to play for each of them their wife so they can all live more free and do whatever they want... it was an idea she didn’t mind too much... at least it would give her some time to think... she agreed to it and was treated with lots of care by each of the men... yet found herself in peril some months later as she fell for all of them but couldn’t make a decision... yet... all of them accepted her love without knowing.
The Rowan Route @forestwispocs​
She hid away one night in the rose garden of the kingdom... sobbing cause the situation of all these suitors was overwhelming for her. She was found by the kingdoms gardener who was also the brother of a Commoner friend named Melody. Rowan told her a story to cheer her up that before he was in charge of the garden he was a kingdom soldier... and so each day between spending time with suitors she saw herself often paying Rowan a visit to hear his stories and so gain a bit more understanding about the world outside the castle... he often gifted her flowers and with time they grew more fond of another... moreso that Carol questioned herself if this was unfair to her friend. How she was always lured into the gardens... giving into the sweet smell of flowers.
True ending: A long talk with her parents about means and ways to rule the kingdom with a commoner instead took long but her parents knew they wanted their daughter to be happy... and so they made a deal with her, once she confessed her feelings to Rowan she also has to convince him to be the main organized of a project the king and queen wanted to do for a while... Carol explained this to Rowan and confessed her love to him, offering him a tulip themed ring as prove of her dedication which moved him... And so they both made plans for their joined future.
Melody was welcomed to also live in the castle with her brother and Carol, as th wedding ceremony was prepared full with flower wagons and decor... everything was set up to be a beautiful nature wedding... as Carol waited for him at the altar being brought in by his sister... she thanked him once more how his stories and warmth gave her excactly the affection she longed for and wanted to keep... as both kissed to seal their marriage... the flower wagons were transported in the other kingdoms as a peace offering... dawning a new hopefull era of flower filled kingdoms and advanced natural medicine.
Good Ending: Carol wanted to be truely with Rowan... confessing her feelings to him... even if it meant leaving her kingdom behind.... she went to visit him and Melody to be open about her love for him and seeing Melody accept her as her brothers partner she discusses a plan with the two.... to move to another town and set up a nice home together with the jewelry she brought from the castle...the three made up a plan on how to get out the kingdom in the death of the night and moved to a far away town.
Rowan was able to open a flower shop, while Carol next to it managed a small town library, erasing hints of her being a princess, Melody helped them both out with their work... Rowan stopped by Carols part of the shop to bring her a pretty bouquet and pull her close for a kiss. They lived a simple live yet it was still a nice one where they could enjoy what they wanted.
Bad Ending: Her parents found out about her sneaking off to the Gardener and decided to banish him from the castle... so Carol won’t get distracted by him anymore... she wasn’t even allowed to see Melody anymore or any of her other friends cause of the risk... the practically trapped her in this castle untill she chose a suitor and made up her decision... being a Queen for the kingdom not some run away princess... She often asked castle guards to bring flowers to Rowan but none of them ever reached him.
Alternate Ending:  Both of them met in the moonlight... Carol made an offer to Rowan cause she fell for him yet didn’t want this love to come out to date him in secret. She was worried about his sister, her family and her situation... she wanted to be with him yet didn’t have the courage to admit things... Temporarely he agreed yet it made it even worse as her parents chose a suitor for her and she was technically cheating on him with Rowan... Yet still... their love was enough for him to became the Princess lover who did more than the husband her parents chosen for her... at least she wasn’t in a loveless marriage cause she got love from him.
The Sawyer Route (Ruby on Discord)
She already set on running away from her arranged marriage and her kingdom but this time she was also pursued by Yasuno who already wanted her hand no matter what... she wanted to hide away in a cave only to found a huge dragon... as some sunlight dimmed into the cave she found out the dragon transformed back into a human... one that pushed her away telling her to leave this place... yet she refused.. wanting to get to know the stranger. Over the course of trying to talk to him she gets small informations bit by bit... that he was pursued in the past for what he was,that that his name was Sawyer and that he tries to keep people away from this cave just not to be hunted for his dragon scales... The princess forgot about running and more hoped to help him get rid of this curse he was under.
True ending: Reading up on curses Carol finally found a way to break it but for that the act of a true loves kiss would be in order... something that Sawyer deemed as unacheivable.... hearing him say that hurt the princess at first but with his next words she noticed soon that he didn’t fully mean that... he did ask her given she was the only one caring enough of him if she would attempt it... and with a smile she took his hands and nodded... both of their faces growing red... the kiss slowly got him engulfed in a smoke and actually managed to remove the curse symbol off him, both understanding each others feelings a bit better, even if he was still denying it a little... she didn’t want to ask him to go back to her kingdom so instead she proposed if they start a new life together... her getting them a nice house and him slowly getting used to the outside world again. Leading him out the cave he was not even used to the sun anymore.
Yet some years later... they rebuild themselves a own home... a small son was bon that Carol took care of dearly and made sure no witches were around to curse it. Sawyer may still have been not the most affectionate husband but she understood him and he was there for her when she needed him, holding his arms around her as both looked at the kid.
Good Ending: Slowly seeing the princess be stubborn about staying near him and getting a cure for his cursed he asked her somewhat annoyed why she would go through so much lengths for a person she barely knows much... he could lie for all she cares, but she tried to look at him and shake her head... telling him that she still prefer this to being in her castle only as a representative of the kingdom... that she senses which of his words are genuine and that if she left he would just be alone again... she over this time grew to like this life, even if its only the two of them... which he calls foolish of her... yet he slowly moved his hand to touch hers... this was enough for her... he didn’t need to accept her feeling and affections right away... and even if they don’t find a solution for this curse.... she would stay with him...
Fast forward... she build somewhat more of a comfy place in the cave for the both of them... like their own little house... where they could be alone to themselves but be together... a scene plays where she touches his scars with a smile, his face growing red... she still would be his to protect and care for.. the small thing to make this solitude life a bit better.
Bad Ending: She failed to get his trust and in an argument where she just wanted the best for him she said the wrong things and he injured her gravely by accident in his dragon form... problem stood he couldn’t leave the cave or he would be in danger too... the princess tried to run out the cave to get treatment but in the end... dies before reaching town... many assumed it was a random monsters doing and the king and queen griefed for the loss of the princess... vowing a more corrupt rule that would slay any monster in the kingdom if they find it.
Alternate Ending: They didn’t find a way to break the curse so instead the princess made an exchange with the witch... to take that curse off him and onto herself... something he was heavily against yet she didn’t leave him much choice... given the witch already prefered the princess as her target given her status and so Sawyer was able to leave the cave as a simple human... but still had the burden of leaving the princess behind in her dragon form... He noticed the kingdom Carol came from suddenly had a festivity... the Witch took on the princess appearance to fulfill her role... and he could only watch.
Henry and Nauwe route @fullplaidponydreamer​
As the princess was thinking about running away she walked down the shores at night... hoping the ocean would hear her calling as she found a blue haired man sitting near the water, she recognized his face while getting close as the prince from the neighbouring kingdom, Henry, yet talking to him revealed to her he was on the run from his kingdom as well, hoping to find a better place, as they both chatted suddenly the water was splite before them and out came a man of the Sea, Nauwe, who offered them both to come to his underwater kingdom to maybe find their answer and a way to bring peace between the land kingdoms and the underwater kingdoms.
True ending: Both Carol and Henry shared in a talk over Dinner with Nauwe about their situations, Carol about her having to marry a suitor to be the kingdoms heir and Henry having to do the same but he was moreso forced upon his suitor... he made the crazy offer of what if they introduced each other as suitors, yet he will be actually their Alliance partner and to get the kingdoms to be combined as Allies, they have to accept and Alliance with the underwater kingdom too. Carol was hesitant and confessed she had feelings for the both of them, as Nauwe smiled at her taking her hand and saying, they never have to know the three are together and they still could be, he could just be an ambassador. In the end the three made and official announcement among the kingdoms and two weddings been held... Carol and Henrys in her kingdom, And a poly marriage in Nauwes kingdom. Carol in a seashell and ocean themed dress held both their hands and stole a kiss from both of them at the altar... and the kingdom cheered for a new era of peace that dawned... Fast forward  some years later Carol holds Forsythia in her arms, her first little daughter who already wants to swim around the seas as she for once settles down leaning her head against Nauwe as he layed an arm around her while Henry joined her placing a kiss on her forehead.
Good ending: Telling Nauwe about the surface, the life there got him intrigued as the three discussed a plot to get the kingdoms to work with the Underwater kingdom... Henry and Carol yet knew they didn’t want to return to their respective Kingdoms and be forced into the same situations. And so Nauwe offered them both to stay with him, telling he took a liking to them both and would love if they remain at his side as his advisors... and so Nauwe became some years later the King, Henry his right hand and Carol their Advisor in general. Together the three for now lived in an unofficial relationship as a scene played out where both Henry and Nauwe pulled Carol in a hug looking over the underwater kingdom... focusing on plans how to make it prosper and being caught up in work more than anything.
Bad ending: Carol seems too untrustworthy compared to Henry and given the tension the kingdom already has with humans one soldier framed her for a Crime, Henry who still believed in her and wanted to defend her in the end gets speared by one of the Soldiers of the kingdom, dying in her arms... As she shed her tears, Nauwe told those Soldiers to stop this nonsense yet he couldn’t help much except bringing her back to the surface, letting her return to her kingdom with a somber feelings.
Alternative Ending: Henry and Nauwe don’t come to an agreement and both grow feelings for Carol, fighting among another one day about it as she pulled them apart, telling that she ran away from her kingdom because people were fighting over her. Once again the Soldier misinterpreted this as an attempt of fighting Prince Nauwe and instead this time... Carol got stabbed by them... Henry and Nauwe having to see her both bleed out on the ground... to at least give honor her they set aside their differences they worked together to make this kingdom a better one. Building a statue of her in the square.
Plant Harem ending
Having played Raede and Escas route you get another option in Raedes Route. You have an option to  instead of the Potion maker take Raede to Esca as he is a forrest creature, maybe he would have an answer how to provide Raede with his form... and so eventually the three of them had a plan... using the potions of the potion maker combined with magical ingredients to create new plant society... a way to help all the spirits like Esca to actually get a body and be able to life normally... if it works.... Carol snuck into the Potion makers home and took several of them with her on a carriage as the three tried to see which tonics worked... eventually after a night of testing things they finally found a way to get Raedes body to be Stable as well as create more bodies for the Mythical creatures to go into. Time passed and after Several months a plant kingdom has formed... at Carols side Raede, Esca, Kronos, Mars and Jupiter. Assisting the new Queen of the Forrest Kingdom to make this a more peacefull save haven for any half plant people. Even if humans tried to burn down and take over the little kingdom, once her parents found out their princess daughter was leading this place they got support from the kingdom as well, in a deal for trading fresh fruits and Vegetables. She was a queen loved and adored by many yet only her 5 favourites she spoiled each day with all her love, even if she slowly changed more from human to plant as well thanks to all the experiments.
Gaius Route @terrovaniadorm​
Taking a break after meeting the suitors the Princess stops by her favourite place, the local scholars academy, she often listened to some lessons in secret and snuck into the library to read books that weren’t in her castle, dressed as a commoner. Gaius who worked their knew about her sneaking in but yet here he found her, sighing in dissapointment on the floor. Offering her a book about history she often loved to read he sat next to her and tried to teach her some stuff. Eventually she stopped by more often between the dates with suitors cause she enjoyed the young scholars company with the excuse to her parents that she would learn a ton of new things there. And so she catched him between lessons to get more and more interested in him.
True ending: The time they spend together Gaius gained as much feelings for the princess as she did for him... and so as her parents put more pressure on her given the suitors he decided to reveal his Identity as a Noblemen and ask her parents if he can also ask for the hand of the Princess. Without question Carol got off the throne and leaped into his arms in happiness and so her parents knew what her answer was... the other suitors left the room dissapointed as Carol was ready to walk around the castle with him... some years later a huge wedding that was extrordinary planned was held in the Kingdom... during the crowning, Carol handed him the first book they read together as a gift, smiling brightly at him as they share a kiss together. Time passed again and you could see how despite them being King and Queen they often visted the Academy, it becoming a core of the city and many of the people of the Kingdom became extrordinary people spreading their knowledge around.... in the courtyard after the lessons Carol took his hand, entertwining fingers with him as they both looked at another with a hopefull smile... proudly at what they accomplished. 
Good ending: She slipped a note in his textbook to meet her by the Royal courtyard and in returned showed her around the castles Library. She shares some of her favourite old stories and wanted to thank him for all the teaching he did beside his lessons especially that he did it despite being busy. He told her about how he noticed her sneaking in far earlier than she expected as well as that she was the princess and he was very amused about it as well as admired her for how much she wanted to learn. Hearing this she brought her feelings on the table that she has been often eyeing and admiring him from afar, slowly falling for him and even if he was logical that this relationship might not be beneficial to her she told him that she wanted to have him at her side. Suddenly a knock at the door happened by her father, who just smiled and revealed Gaius was actually also just a noblemen that disguised as Commoner, as well as him accepting that he could be added to the potential suitor candidates. Carol smiled brightly and asked Gaius officially if they could be together. Fast forward to some months where you can see him at her side planning a trip to a far away kingdom with her as she just held his arm and listened to his ideas.
Bad ending: Jealous students make rumors to the king and queen that the Scholar is trying to seduce the young princess for her wealth and in turn Carol gets confined into the castle. She tries to make her escape in hopes for freedom but as a guard finds her she goes in panic and falls off the roof... dying in the courtyard.
Alternative Ending:  Her curiousity led her astray... she wandered into a part of the academy about cursed books and god let away by one of them with a green Gem smiling at her... Gaius finds out about this and tries to stop her from opening it yet... the book sucked her inside and so she became one with it. From that day on the princess is said to be vanished and Gaius kept her with him... keeping the book in his shelf only being able to communicate with her via text and trying to find a cure to get her back.
Keisuke Route @sakuramidnight15​​
At one night after meeting the suitors she couldn’t sleep well... not at all... after all was that it... she was just to be wed off with barely knowing any of the men that were introduced to her... as she thought that she noticed a letter of a poem on her window... she often got such letters and enjoyed reading them yet she never knew who they were from... one note was attached to ask her to meet at the towns fountain... and so the princess chose more common clothes and rushed out of the castle... she met a young boy writing at the fountain who introduced himself as Keisuke and that he wanted to help the princess find her path... and so she followed him to a journey to the enchanted woods... not knowing his intentions yet but curious about what she had to say.
True ending: Similar to the good ending however instead of running away Carol confronts her parents about why Keisukes family was disbanded from the kingdom and genuinely speaks about how she wants him to be her suitor or she won’t accept anyone else. He makes her happy, he brings a smile to her face and she won’t let status get in the way of this. Even if her parents were hesitant they love their daugher and so they accept him as candidate...she also proposed Ideas on how to improve the kingdom thanks to the things her journey taught her as Keisuke promised he would care and protect her smile where he could.... the wedding was a year later combined with the coronation with many improvements in the kingdom settling on bringing stories and tales around to make the peoples life more enjoyable. Carol smiled upon the things they accomplished together, squeezing his hand tight as they watched the spectacle from the gardens and eventually once the other guests were too busy she pulled him away behind a tree for a kiss... thanking him for keeping her life happy this whole time despite the hardships thanks to what he wrote her all the time.
Good Endings:  Following the path of the Forrest he revealed that he previously was someone working in the palace and she remembered him, as both were younger there was a boy who often lurked in the library as the son of one of the servants back then... however his family got disbanded from the castle and he still wanted to keep contact with the princess hence he wrote her those poems.... with a bright smile Carols memory returned as she felt happy that he found her again cause she got really attached to him... Seeing the end of the forrest she asked him if they couldn’t just move away together and stay with another.... after all she knew her parents might not accept him and she cares about him far more than any of the suitors introduced to her... he agreed as both of them walked off hand in hand together... in the future they both managed a book store together handing their favourite stories to customers as She leaned her head on his shoudler with a smile, handing him a small poem she wrote herself to keep up the old tradition.
Bad ending: Turns out that her whole meeting with him was just a dream... nothing more than a wacky wonderland she dreamed up... as she checked her table all the poems have vanished... worse though an injury she got in wonderland followed her here... was it truely a dream or not... eitherway she lost her way... either way there was no saving her... she felt somewhat darkness sink into her... and so the princess neither cared who her parents chose... as long as she could fullfill her role.
Alternative ending:
The forrest led them to a huge apple tree... the apple glowed far more than the ones back in her kingdom... Keisuke and her took a rest under it...however one bite of the apple left her to drift into sleep. Both woke up on a different plain of existence... something of a world that seemed almost like a fairy tale... however was it right to abandon her own kingdom for this world... maybe it would make her happier... Keisuke tried to get her out of these delusions but failed... and so the princess became part of this other world.
A Kingdoms trio Route
Aside James who you got to know in the main story, You will get introduced to Metaron who is a knights commandant and often trains with him and Elias who served as butler the family for years... both also in turne have a particular close connection with the princess yet they also worry about what burdens her... at night she sat down the garden in thought as she noticed Metaron and James spar talking about a exploration the knights will do soon. The next day she snuck in a knight costume between them to join this adventure... throughout the route she will get closer with James, Metaron and Elias... however on the night of the trip they find out already that the princess pretended to be a knight and worried about her... Even if it meant trouble the three tried to keep it a secret from the other knights yet it leads to much tension at night given only they can see the Princess how she usually looks as well as tend to the wounds she got from fights. Basically its very similar to Mulan.
True ending:  Elias reveals that he lied about one thing and that is his true identity... he actually was a prince formerly as well that ran away from his own kingdom similar in a situation as Carol he was to be wed... as they all shared some secrets Carol was more honest about her feelings about them, saying that she wished she could be with all of them forever.... and so the plan they agreed on was that Elias and Carol were about to be wed for Suitors but in secret Carol would be with Metaron and James as well... to keep things easier as she can still take care of the kingdom they all grew up with as well as keep staying together. She agreed on these terms, feeling happy she could return to the kingdom finally with a solution to her lonelyness... The wedding was held among a bed of white flowers yet after the ceremony she snuck away to meet her other partners in their suits and held them closer giving each of them a kiss...she wanted to change the kingdom, make it better for people who seek shelter, make it possible to not be forced into things and decide who you love... she wanted to build it up with them together... and she was determined.
Good ending: One night she stayed in a tent with the three, genuinely talking about her concern about the future... does she want to become queen or does she want to travel instead.... she always appreciated them all around her but... currently she felt lonely with them leaving hence she wanted to join their trip. Hesitantly James asked if she had plans about her suitor situation in which she told him she wish she could just run away from it... if her new partner isn’t as good as they were to her she doesn’t want to be with him... she covered her mouth cause she admitted she had something for all of them yet as she saw them smiling she was confused. The idea came to stage a fake midnight attack where all of them left away their armor and ran away to the next town... the plan worked, the princess seemed like she vanished to the kingdom and they settled away from all the troubles... a bit into the future you see Carol life together with her three partners, James became a fencing tutor, Metaron a mercenary and Elias helped her take care of a small curiousity shop as they all held her close... having their princess safe and in a life she could be more free in.
Bad ending: She can’t keep up her cover however that isn’t the worse problem... knowing the princess is alone away from the kingdom some knights tried to betray the others in favour of the neighbouring kingdom he wanted to claim her. Metaron and James try to get her out of the clutches of the enemy but  one taller soldier smacked them both down and Elias couldn’t do much but hide... he healed their wounds after yet also felt dissapointed that they lost the princess to their enemy.
Alternative Ending:
Again she can’t keep up acting like a Knight but instead Metaron and James are send to return her back to the kingdom... Elias walking behind them... she begs for them to let her run away but they can’t help but obey... yet something still pains seeing the princess locked away in her room to think for herself... was it even worth protecting a caged bird that can never be free and happy. James often heard her crying in her room, Elias barely saw her touch her food and Metaron could barely see her at all anymore... it felt like the distance grew further away.
Adenia Route @luvkamishiro​
Noticing the princess needed some cheering up after the whole situation with her Suitors, her parents invited a entertainment troupe into the Castle and seeing their shows she somewhat was capitivated by Adenias charm and how much fun the group had in general with the performances and the music.... as they packed things to leave again she asked about the entertainer life and the next day snuck out the castle to follow the troupe. At first Adenia was worried about the princess running away from her kingdom but admiring her will of freedom and her hopes to become like them too, he allowed her to stay with them as a cover and learn to perform as well.
True ending: Even if she loved performing she knew the troubles with money and everything for the troupe, how flimsy it was... and so combined with her feelings and love she gained for this place, she made a suggestion to Adenia, if he would like the be with her and maybe with the help of the kingdom they could support the troupe for as long as they could... they could use the kingdom to put smiles on so many people faces together... hesitantly she wanted to show him she wanted to stick with him... he said he needed some time to get to know her more but once he did they would return to the kingdom together. Fast forward of a small colorful wedding back in the castle a bunch of commoners, performers and people from all kinds of wealth classes relaxed in the castle having a good day as Carol and Adenia looked over all the fun they are having... this truely was a kingdom blossoming into something better thanks to them both... she laughed seeing how much chaos it was and yet, holding his arm and seeing it all... she finally felt relieved that she in itself made this decision herself, not guided by her parents.
Good ending:  She was sucessful at keeping her cover, not only that, dancing during a performance with Adenia made her realize far more that she wanted to be with him... this runaway life was truely the freedom she seeked for... and so later as they both celebrated together she asked him what he would think of her. Even if he was worried at first given her status she convinced him that his is what she truely wants. And so he agreed to stay loyal to her, keep her safe and continue traveling with her doing these performances. Time past and some months later they both also took care of some orphaned kids of other towns and showed them the wonders and happiness their performances could bring. Smiling together, laughing together even if not every town they went through was so happy.
Bad ending: Many of the other performers were not convinced of the princess and one of the visitors recognized her, however instead of reporting her to the king and queen at night the princess was taken away from the troupe, kidnapped to another kingdom, instead peopel treated her horrible, throwing tomatoes at her and mocking the rivaling kingdom... and she had to endure this misery.
Alternative ending:  The princess was allowed to make food for the performers yet it almost seemed like she made their stomachs messed up by accident, messing it up. The show had the be canceled and even if Adenia tried to keep her, he was overvoted to say goodbye to the princess... as she walked back alone to her castle. 
Noriko Route @terrovaniadorm​
Feeling like taking a break from the whole search for Suitors she asked her father to join a recent court session about a thief who tried to steal a kingdoms artifact... joining the session next to her family especially the Judge and the one convicted caught her attention, curious about reasonings and how the case went... you have two options during the trial... one to defend the convicted given his story was that he stole out of a solid reason which would lead you to the Worrick route or be on the side of the Judge Noriko and agree with that the convicted deserves a punishment. Agreeing leads to Carol getting more curious about the system and wanting to watch some more cases which lead to her hanging a lot with Noriko in their office and getting know them as well as why they chose this path of Justice. However it won’t be always that clear what is wrong or right.
True Ending: One case that Carol dug up again was special to Noriko's past and so she used her influence working to help out to slowly find out the truth about this case…seeing her work day and Night he watched out for her and eventually Carol found something crucial… the case Was put to trial again, King and queen confused about the happenings and why their daughter was also standing aside the Judge bringing arguments but seeing her bring up all she found and the effort she put into it… her parents are more proud… after a celebration however Noriko was so full of relief that the past was settled. The princess thanked for instructions and help yet was surprised as he got on his knee… vowing endless loyalty to her… a bit taken aback she still confessed she had feelings for him for a while… and so both agreed to stick together for now and eventually the princess wanted to have them as their suitor. Time passed and eventually both had a pretty wedding among blue and white flowers… thanks to Noriko's previous experiences the kingdom reformed a little in its Justice system… keeping the Crime rate far Lower than before. Calmly the princess took his hand before stealing a Kiss looking full of trust onto the horizon. She trusted his promise… that he would keep her Safe till the end..
Good Ending:  Spending more time and helping out solving some cases Noriko somewhat got respect for the princess but also worried cause she been neglecting her other duties... one night they spoke up about it and Carols head looked down...She didn’t want to admit she was running away... after all it is important one day she would lead the kingdom to a better future but.. the whole searching for a suitor was too early for her... Both of them brainstormed through the law about means how  to get around this arranged search for a partner... and once they finished working the whole night on that plan Carol finally felt at ease... she would finally be free... yet something still bothered her... Even if she had more time to find a partner.... what if she already found someone she is interested in.... looking at Noriko in curiousity. The next day they tried to bring their plan to court... so that Carol could take her parents role when the time is right but... after the sucess of it she asked Noriko to come to the gardens with her... telling her true feelings out in the open... They were hesitant.... mainly cause she was Royalty and they were a simple judge but the determined look made them at least promise her... promise to be at her side and see how it goes. Fast forward and you can see the kingdom prosper in a more democracy way of the kingdom with Carol having Noriko as asssistant to help her out with the reform of the system... holding his hand and smiling brightly at him... it seems this new way the kingdom was going meant less pressure... and a future full of surprises.
Bad Ending:  The king and queen noticed Carol being away from her actual goal and just trying to escape her responsibilities by hanging with Noriko and so they seperated her from him and made her force her decision for a suitor... she managed to convince her parents to put it under a trial but lacking a deep enough bond with Noriko they also decided against her and so she was instead forced upon a suitor she might have not agreed on. Living unhappy with her new husband... looking back to the court missing the old days.
Alternative Ending:  One night as Noriko wanted to share some thoughts with the princess but on their way they got enchanted by a infamous witch among the kingdom... Miss Vic. This witch manipulated them like a puppet to pin a crime on the princess itself and in court fabricate evidence to convict her... all a scheme to slowly take over the kingdom itself and despite Carols pleas to listen to her that he is not himself right now... her parents looked away in shame and after her being thrown into prison like the previous trials... the witch took over and made this Kingdom still a beautifull blossoming kingdom... but under ruthless reign.
Takeda and Nanoya Route @forestwispocs​
At one night the Princess snuck out of the castle following a letter that promised her a way out of the situation.... in the end it was just the plot of someone to knock her out and kidnap her... she woke up on and unknown boat and as she reached the land she noticed a much more Eastern Village... not knowing where she landed... her clothing was also changed... she found out that she looked similar to a princess from this country and they wanted to use her to replace the current princess... however as she sat down in a prison of the enemies two samurai looking guys helped her broke out and try to flee, preventing this scheme...they introduced themselves as Nanoya and Takeda... and among their side they planned a way to get her home as well as to survive this ordeal.
Takeda Ending:  Among a split path one of the two Samurais had to sacrefice their life to let the other two escape... depending on choice this is where you decide who will be happy with the princess... Choosing Takeda, Nanoya will have a last stand with the enemy while Takeda and her escape on a boat back to her kingdom... she started crying in Takedas arms... she didn’t want to cause all this pain and death that stained their path, she only got dragged into this... yet he promised from now on he will protect her from the pain...Carol guided them in the right direction to land... before they arrived at the kingdom the two camped before it, resting their mind and thinking about Nanoyas sacrefice... Carol leaned onto Takedas shoulders apoligizing for causing the loss of his old friend but Takeda said there is some things worth fighting for and over time this became from a mission to protect someone they both held dearly... something that made her happy to hear but hurt her heart... She promised in return she would try to use her influence to bring peace to their land and expose the machinations and so the two hugged before going to sleep.
Fast forward Carol signed a contract with the former emperor of the kingdom while the enemy soldiers got arrested, Takeda became her personal bodyguard but there was more to it, given her parents gave her the blessing to marry him one day... both wearing rings as he held her hand after the ceremony... there was still a lot to do but they would do it together.
Nanoya Ending: Choosing to Sacrefice Takeda, he will use his sword skills to carve a way to the boat and push them both into safety, the last thing they see is him getting sliced by a sword in the stomach as Carol cried out for him... Silence dwelled as they got let accross Seas... Nanoya tried to give her comfort but she just felt guilt and sorrow well up... to calm her he put a blanket around her and sat back to back telling some old childhood stories of a former noble friend...remembering this instead of going to Carols kingdom they took a stop at count Deradelles Village, and plotted Revenge... one last thing they had to do before having peace and bringing Nanoyas land to a calm time... and enacting thier plans they manage to whipe out most of the enemies who caused this sorrow yet... Carol still was silent and worried about the future.... one night Nanoya joined sitting on the bed next to her and she was surprised by a hug given his previous fear... clinging onto him and sobbing as he promised he would make sure her future would be better.
Both of them married years later... Nanoya making an alliance with Flynns kingdom for Protection... Carol kept a necklace Takeda gave her around her neck in memory as they both honored their fallen friend with his sword stuck in his grave... Holding each others hand letting the emotions out.
Bad Ending: Among Carol talking to Local villagers who missed their princess and worrying about Takeda and Nanoya getting hurt... she decided to go along with the enemies plan in exchange for their safety... they used her as a puppet to control the land and manipulated it in their favour while Takeda and Nanoya layed down their swords after being striped of their titles... the previous Kingdom griefed about the lost princess not knowing she was used to put another land into dissoray...
Alternative Ending: It turned out as Carols head got knocked out this whole ordeal was a fever dream and she been in a coma for weeks after reading too many Samurai books... guess she could only dream of such an adventure and had to accept reality.
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