#[ we cannot forget the snacks!  ]
doberbutts · 11 months
Anyway yes, people who can X should be accomodating to people who can't X. People who can walk should accomodate people who can't. People who can hear should accomodate people who can't. People who can see should accomodate people who can't. And on and on. When that doesn't happen, it's a problem that deserves to be talked about.
But the problem is not and has never been "physical disabilities are more important and deserve more accomodations than mental disabilities"- nor the other way around either.
People love to dunk on folks with ADD/ADHD but you know? As someone with ADD raised by diabetic parents I gotta say there's a lot of similarities here. People with ADD, myself included, often forget to eat and when they do eat they often load themselves up with carbs and sugars because those foods make their brains feel good. People with diabetes have to closely monitor their meals and often crave sugars and need a blend of sugary and protein-rich snacks on hand. This is not to say ADD and diabetes are exact one-to-one disabilities.
But having grown up watching my parents manage their diabetes, I too am very aware of meal times and blood sugar and constructing meals that will tide you over and having a blend of sugary and protein-rich snacks on hand Just In Case. I am able to manage my ADD better in this way because I have experience from watching my parents. I also need access to snacks and to be able to say to my boss "I need to go eat something real fast" without being punished.
I had a training client who was the image of "able bodied mentally ill" outside of the usual creaks and squeaks associated with age, her body worked just fine. But after a series of incidents in her youth- a car accident that left her with a serious brain injury, coming home from the hospital afterwards to immediately have her house broken into and herself raped by an intruder, and assorted medical malpractice while she was healing from both- she has a serious and extreme case of agoraphobia and spent the next 40 years completely unable to leave the house. She would hide and wail and scream when deliveries of groceries and other goods would come, because it meant a stranger (and usually a man) would be at her door. She could not go more than a couple steps outside to get her mail and especially not if other people were outside.
At some point her therapist suggested getting a pet, one that *had* to go outside, to help her. So she got a dog and contacted a trainer (me) and we got to work. And she did improve! The dog has been a huge help to managing her symptoms! But you cannot seriously expect me to have worked with this woman for years and then belittle mental illnesses as being lesser when this woman also shares the inability to even leave her house let alone go inside a grocery store. Even today there are times when she simply cannot, she cannot will her body to move out of her door and into transportation let alone into the building.
When she first started coming to me she thanked me for not belittling her or making her feel bad for classes she had to cancel because she couldn't force herself to take the first step over the threshold. That is when she told me what happened to her and that while it sounds terrible she was really happy to have found a trainer who knew something personal about trauma and brain injuries. She is also a case where I feel her ESA should be considered service dog not because of training or tasking but because her need is so high and she is just completely incapable of doing anything without the dog in her arms.
Anyway I think of her any time someone says "but you can walk through the door". There's nothing wrong with her legs so in theory sure she could. But often she *can't*, not because of anything physical, but because she is very severely mentally ill.
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kings-highway · 1 month
haikyuu airport headcanons bc im in an airport. no particular order. shipping involved.
- Daichi has never missed a flight and somehow everyone manages to make fun of him for this. never forgets to pack anything. always finds his gate on time. "lmao loser," Suga says, missing 2 bags and lost as fuck across the airport. he will not make his flight.
- Hinata and Kageyama navigating an airport is nearly a crisis. They can never agree on the right way to go and especially during layovers will often end up outside of security. The first time they travel with Tsukki + Yama as a group it's like a goddamn miracle because they dont need to rush and everything goes smoothly.
- on that topic, Tsukki and Yamaguchi have travel down to a science. these bitches have checklists and schedules and just get in and out. Tsukki keeps the boarding passes and Yamaguchi counts the bags and they split snacks on the plane and just nail the whole affair
- Noya and Asahi are the most experienced travelers and have been to so many airports and you'd think this makes them good at airports and it does not
- Ushijima has never gotten through security without being searched.
- Oikawa likes airports an unreasonable amount. Bitch thrives in liminal spaces. "Lets go check out which stores are open," he says, as Iwaizumi begs him to let him sit down and nap during their layover
- Kenma has airport anxiety. "We're going to miss our flight. What if our gate changes?" What if there's a delay?" He does not like putting his schedule into the hands of an Airline. Rightfully so, he loses his luggage an obscene amount.
- Kageyama and Hinata fighting and causing a ruckus in the airport and security has to come over to talk to them
- Tendou and Ushijima are generally really prepared and on top of things, but they just seem to have the worst luck. They got stranded at an airport during a layover for like 14 hours and went through every stage of grief. It doesnt help that Ushijima is really practical and good at accepting circumstances ("I'll just sit here and wait") but Tendou is highly emotional ("I'm going to eat the next airline associate that tries to talk to me.")
- Daichi is often seen standing alone in airports. This is because no matter who he's traveling with, he's probably waiting for them to catch up.
- Aran thought he was a good and functional adult until he saw Kita's itinerary for their travel plans and how neurotic he was about making sure everything on time. Kita will pre-measure and weigh all luggage to know exactly whats going on. Looking at airport layouts days before to memorize what needs to be done.
- Atsumu and Osamu have never made a flight on time. The best they can hope for is sprinting across the airport at full-tilt. This is a common occurance.
- Oikawa makes friends wherever he goes so he doesnt mind long layovers, he'll just sit and chat with whoever is around to pass the time, but one time he did leave with a group to check out a store without saying anything and Iwaizumi was lost for 30 minutes
- Asahi has so much anxiety with airports. Too many people. Too many deadlines. Bad vibes. One time a guy in an airport gave him incorrect directions to a gate and he missed his flight and he has never recovered.
- Kuroo "Yeah we have tons of time" Tetsurou is a menace to airport staff and has never budgeted enough time.
- Tsukki is a master at packing efficiently and this is exclusively due to wanting to avoid others complaining. He can pull basically anything out of his carry-on to prevent whining on a 5 hour flight. Yamaguchi uses him like a vending machine.
- Daichi once got mistaken for an airline worker and ended up with a whole group of people he was helping find their gates
- Bokuto loves traveling and flying. He finds it so fun and exciting. This is probably why Akaashi hates traveling and flying.
- Suga secretly likes layovers because he secretly hates planes and cannot stand sitting still for that long. He always pretends it such a hassle to have to wait but its the best part of the travel day when he gets to buy himself a muffin and bother Daichi for entertainment.
- Ushijima, Daichi, Kenma, and Asahi are all team "No PDA in an Airport!!!!!" whereas Tendou, Suga, Kuroo and Noya are all team "We have 2 hours to kill let me make out with you!!!!"
- Yamaguchi has sooooooo many reward points. Tsukishima doesnt even know what he's doing to get them, he's just a master of good deals and specials.
- Mile High Club Members: Iwaoi, Bokuaka, Ushiten, and Asanoya
- Wannabe Mile High Club Members who cannot convince their boyfriends it'll be okay: Suga
- Wannabe Mile High Club Members that will NOT admit they think about it: Yamaguchi, Hinata, Kageyama, Aran
... well im boarding soon so thanks for reading ig
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almond-tofuuu · 4 months
Actions speak louder...
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so I'm pretty sure we all agree that Zayne's love language is acts of service, so here are some random head cannons I have about small ways he shows you he cares ❄️💙
Warnings: none except that it's not proof read
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Because he's often called into help with emergency cases and surgeries, you find yourself waiting for him in his office a lot. After coming back to find you asleep on the sofa in his office on several occasions, Zayne now keeps a pillow and blanket in his office for you. (sweet man feels bad about you waiting for him and wants to make you as comfortable as possible)
Similarly to the last point, Zayne also has a drawer in his desk that is always well stocked up with your favourite snacks. He tries to act like it's his snack drawer for when he doesn't have time to get lunch or dinner, but one day you tell him about a new candy you've been enjoying recently and the next day you find said candy has appeared in "his" snack drawer (bonus points if it's a flavour he doesn't like but buys it anyway bc he wants to make you happy)
Good morning and good night messages are a given. No matter what he's doing this man will never forget to wish you a good morning or good night, it's just a habit atp. (The first few times you were the one who initiated it bc poor boy was too awkward to do it himself, but after you tell him how much you like it and that it makes you smile as soon as you see his message, my mans will not hold back anymore, always wants you to start and end your day with a smile on your face)
He will also send you little texts or pictures of things he thinks you'll like or that remind him of you:
(*sends pic of a flower you like* "looks like they're blooming already, if you have time we should go see them together")
Zayne Is the kind of man who would be happy just to sit with you by his side, both of you doing your own thing but enjoying a comfortable silence and the closeness between you.
This man NEEDS you by his side to be able to sleep. Like he cannot get a good night's sleep anymore unless he's holding you in some way, be it cuddling with your head in the crook of his neck, or hugging you from behind so he can breathe in the comforting scent of your hair. (Secretly loves to sleep with his head resting on your chest so he can listen to your heartbeat, finds it so soothing and also adorable if your heartbeat gets faster with how close he is)
PLAY 👏 WITH 👏 HIS 👏 HAIR 👏 please he will absolutely melt! Pretends to be indifferent but you can visibly see his body relax and the tension leave his face and shoulders. (If you do this after he's had a long shift/surgery he will 110% fall asleep on you)
Zayne worries about you constantly! He respects your choice to be a hunter and he knows you can protect yourself well but that doesn't stop him from feeling a knot in his stomach every time you leave for a mission. Asks you to let him know as soon as you get back from a mission so he knows you're okay, checks in with you to see if you're injured and need any medical care. If you are injured, even if it's just a bruise or small scrape, he's ready with all the bandages, pain killers and anything else you could possibly need. (Might scold you for being reckless but that's just because he's so worried about you and isn't sure how to directly say it)
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mattitties · 4 months
sworn enemy - matt sturniolo
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I don’t have many enemies in my life. I try to get along with most people, and even if I don’t like them, I do my best to be friendly no matter what. But there’s one person that I absolutely cannot stand: Matt Sturniolo.
I moved to LA about six months ago, and the triplets were some of the first people I met. I got close with Nick first, then Chris, and I attempted to get close with Matt, but he was so closed off and became outwardly rude to me every interaction we had. I have no idea why he hates me so much, but I will not tolerate him giving me that kind of attitude for no reason when I’ve tried to be his friend.
So I don’t try anymore. I’m over at their house more than I’m at mine, and I’ve gotten to the point of completely ignoring that asshole when he comes into the room. Is it rude to ignore someone in their own home? Sure, but none of this would be happening if he didn’t make it abundantly clear from day one that he has no interest in being my friend.
Nick and Chris invited me over tonight to watch a movie, so of course I accepted. Despite everything with Matt, I absolutely adore Nick and Chris and would never turn down an opportunity to spend time with them.
“Helloooo,” I say when I walk into the living room, where they’re already setting up the movie.
“Hey!” Nick smiles as he gives me a hug. “Movie’s almost ready, you wanna get some snacks?”
I nod and head to the kitchen, saying hello to Chris in the process. I’m so invested in rummaging through their fridge that I don’t even notice Matt walk into the room until he groans.
“Oh joy, look who’s here!” he says as I turn around.
“Don’t worry, I won’t bother you,” I tell him as I grab some drinks. “Just go back to your cave and it’ll be like I’m not even here!”
He rolls his eyes. “I can feel your presence even from there. Seriously, who invited her?”
“We did,” Chris says. “Come on dude, isn’t this getting a little old? It’s time to get over whatever dumb shit you have against her and grow up.”
Matt shakes his head as he takes a box of Goldfish to the couch. “Nah, I’m good. So what are we watching?”
“Oh, so now you wanna watch with us?” I ask. “Two seconds ago you were acting like it was the end of the world that I’m here.”
“Well, this is my house, and I should be able to watch a movie in my house even when little annoying creatures are sitting on my couch,” he smiles sarcastically at me.
I say nothing in response. He’s such a dick. 
“Oh, before I forget, do you want to come to TopGolf tomorrow night with us and our friends?” Chris asks me.
“I wish, but I’m going to a bar tomorrow night with my roommate,” I tell him.
“No worries, we’ll go another time. Matt’s not going either because he’s just too good for all of us, isn’t that right Matt?” Chris teases and pokes Matt’s stomach, earning a punch to his upper arm from Matt.
I roll my eyes at Matt’s clear inability to have any fun and sit back as the movie begins. 
I should not have gone out tonight. I’m having the worst night. I should have gone to TopGolf with Chris and Nick. All my life choices are being regretted. 
My roommate is currently in the bathroom probably sucking some random guy off, and I have somehow gotten in the middle of two drunk guys fighting over god knows what. The place is crowded and I’m being swallowed in a sea of people as I desperately try to get away from the fight before punches start being thrown. 
I’m unsuccessful. 
In the midst of the chaos, one of the guys accidentally nails me right in the eye as he goes to hit the other. He doesn’t even notice and continues going after him, but other people do notice. I really wish they hadn’t. I want nothing more than to just get out of there.
I push my way to the entrance and ignore the small crowd of people following me and asking if I’m okay.
“I’m fine,” I tell them, speeding up and breathing a sigh of relief when I make it outside.
The pain in my eye doesn’t even register until I open my camera and see it: red, bloody, and already starting to swell. I’m tearing up, and I can’t tell if it’s from the pain or from the disaster that is tonight. I need to go home, but there’s no way I’m going back inside to get my roommate, and she definitely won’t see if I text or call her. I could Uber, but I’m terrified of Ubering alone, especially in Los Angeles at 11 PM. I don’t want to bother Nick and Chris while they’re out, even though I know they would drop everything to get me. 
A pit in my stomach rises as I click Matt’s contact name and text him.
are you up? kind of in a situation here and need a ride
Call someone else
i wouldn’t ask unless i really needed help
I hate how desperate I sound, especially to him, but I’m cold and scared and in pain, so at this point I really don’t care.
Jesus fine where are u
I send him my location and wait. He pulls up ten minutes later, and I do my best to hide my tear stained and bloody face as I get in the car.
“Thank you so much,” I tell him, trying to control my shaky voice. “I’m really sorry, I just–”
“Are you okay?” he asks. I’m barely looking at him, but I can feel him staring at me. 
“Yeah, why?”
He turns my face towards him with his thumb. His eyes widen when he sees my eye, which definitely looks worse than it did 10 minutes ago. “Dude! What the fuck happened???” 
“Nothing, I’m fine,” I tell him, my eyes starting to well up again. 
“You’re not fine. What happened? Who did this to you?”
“Nobody did anything, I swear. Two guys were just fighting and I couldn’t move fast enough and I got hit. It’s my fault, but I’m fine. It doesn’t even hurt,” I explain unconvincingly as I start to cry. 
“If it doesn’t hurt, why are you crying?”
“Because I just wanna go home, Matt! Can you just take me home?” I sob.
“Okay, okay,” he says gently as he switches gears to drive. “Can I take you to my house? We need to clean up that eye.”
I nod and look out the window as he drives us home. He is the absolute last person I want to see in this state. I know he’s going to use this against me in a few days and he’s never going to let me live it down. 
When we get to the triplets’ house, I make a beeline for Matt’s bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. 
“Oh my god,” I mumble. I look awful. My eye is completely swollen and it’s turning purple. I have a gash in my cheek. “Why the fuck did I go out tonight?” I say as Matt walks in behind me. “I have to go to work looking like this! I’m not gonna make any tips! People are gonna throw up looking at me!”
“Okay, calm down,” he tells me. “Sit on the toilet. I’m gonna clean it and get you some ice and then you can just chill here, okay?”
I nod and sit down on the toilet lid as he gets a cotton ball and some hydrogen peroxide. He tilts my chin up to look at him. “Little sting,” he mumbles. I scrunch my face at the feeling of the peroxide on the cut. “I know, I’m sorry, almost done.”
He dabs the cut a few times and throws the cotton ball out. “Come on,” he says, motioning me to get up. “Go lay down and I’ll get ice.”
I silently oblige and lay on his bed, giving him a small smile when he returns with some ice chunks in a ziplock bag covered in a paper towel. 
“It’s the best I could do,” he says when he hands it to me. “We don’t have any actual ice packs.”
“It’s great, thank you.”
He lays down next to me and turns on the TV. I’m not even paying attention. All I can think about is trying not to ask the one thing I desperately want to know. I almost keep myself from saying it, until it just comes out of my mouth like word vomit.
“Why don’t you like me?”
He looks at me, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. “What?”
I immediately regret everything, but I ask again. “Why don’t you like me? I mean, Nick and Chris both like me, so I would assume you would too, but like… did I do something to you?”
He sits up and turns the TV off. “I dropped everything tonight to come save you from a bar. Why don’t you think I like you?”
“You’re just so mean to me. You have been since the day we met. And I don’t understand what I did to deserve that. If you don’t like me, that’s fine, I just want to know why.”
He doesn’t say anything for a moment. “I do like you. I never meant to make it seem like I don’t, I thought we were just playing around. Like friends tease each other, ya know?”
“Well yeah, but… you’ve never done anything to make me think we’re friends, so…”
“I’m sorry,” he says. He opens his mouth like he’s going to say something else, but then closes it.
“What?” I ask.
He shakes his head. “Nothin. Do you want to stay here tonight? I can get you something to change into.”
“Oh,” I reply, completely taken aback by this. “Yeah… yeah, that would be nice. Thank you.”
He offers me a pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt which I take into the bathroom and change into, discarding the ice pack in the process. I take another look in the mirror and sigh.
“God, I look fucking disgusting,” I say when I climb back into his bed.
“You look beautiful,” he says so quietly I have to double check if I even heard him correctly.
“Don’t tell me that just because you feel bad for me.”
“I’m not.” He turns on his side to face me. “You are beautiful.”
“Why are you being so nice to me all of a sudden?”
His eyes are moving between my eyes and my lips. I’m starting to put the pieces together, and it’s terrifying. 
“Because I’m tired of pushing my feelings down and making it your problem,” he says. I don’t say anything, I just give him time to explain. “I didn’t want to like you because you were Nick and Chris’ friend first, and I didn’t want to ruin anything. I thought being a dick would make my feelings go away. It didn’t.”
“I like you, Matt,” I whisper. “I have since I first met you. It made me so sad to think that you didn’t like me. And I’m sorry I’ve also been mean to you.”
“Don’t be sorry, I deserved it,” he says. “Do you still hurt?”
I shake my head. “Not really.”
“Good,” he says before lightly holding my cheek and pressing a soft kiss to my lips. I freeze for a moment, not fully processing what’s happening, and then I hold his wrist and kiss him back, our lips moving perfectly together.
It’s clear that neither of us have any intention of taking it further tonight. We continue to kiss for just a couple minutes until we separate, doing nothing but staring into each others’ eyes. 
“Goodnight, Matt,” I say.
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Elementary, Chapter Two
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pairing: pre-outbreak!joel miller x teacher!reader
chapter rating: M (no explicit smut but my blog is always 18+ ONLY, just one steamy makeout but the smut show begins next chapter so strap in 😎 as always, i cannot force myself to reread my own writing so this isn’t proofread)
word count: 4.9k
series masterlist | joel masterlist | joel playlist
It was Saturday afternoon, your book club meeting nearly wrapped for the day. You were delighted to see Sarah’s face, half-expecting both her and her father to forget about the meeting, but she was one of the first ones here.
Joel greeted you with a shy wave and a smile as he walked her into the small room in the corner of the library, his grey t-shirt and jeans fitting him far too well.
“Mornin’,” he greeted, both of your eyes trailing away to watch Sarah make a bee-line for the snack table. “That’s my fault, I forgot to make a grocery run.”
“That’s what they’re there for,” you waved off his worry and fixed your eyes on his again.
“I, uh, tried to keep up,” he held up his copy of Sense and Sensibility, surprising you with how far into the book his bookmark rested, not quite where the rest of you were but not too far off. “I don’t know about that Willoughby guy…somethin’ seems off.”
“Oh, yeah?” you chuckled, shifting your weight onto one hip and crossing your arms over your chest as you eagerly waited his assessment. Joel cracked a charming half smirk and nodded confidently.
“Yeah. No man is that perfect.” You snorted a laugh and eagerly agreed. “So I got it, then? He’s a bad guy?”
“No comment,” you replied with an untamable grin, something about his presence filling you with a girlish giddiness you hadn’t felt in years.
“Sarah!” Sarah’s new friend, Jessie, squealed when she entered the classroom and spotted her, causing both you and Joel to look over with proud smiles.
“This was a good idea,” Joel turned back to you. “Hadn’t realized how sheltered she was. It’s nice to see her have a friend.”
“We all deserve friends,” you noted.
“You know, if you ever need a friend…I’m right here,” he offered with a shrug, busying his eyes by looking down at the book he was holding.
“Would Sarah be okay with her dad and teacher being friends?” you asked, Sarah’s well-being your ultimate responsibility and priority over whatever you happened to be feeling for her father.
“Yeah, we, uh, talked about it…I may have made a comment about how pretty you are,” he chuckled in embarrassment and rubbed the back of his neck. “And she’s been teasin’ me about it since.”
“Pretty, huh?” you smirked and relished in the blush you brought to his face, his eyes rolling as a husky chuckle slipped from his lips. “Well, Joel, if I ever need a friend, how can I go about getting in touch with you?”
“Right,” he nodded, frantically reaching into his pocket to pull out his flip phone, your lip caught between your teeth as you watched him struggle to find his phone number—of course he didn’t know it by heart. “Alright, you ready?”
You clicked your pen and pulled out your post-it note/bookmark, jotting down his number as he read it out to you.
“Are we gonna start or what?” Harriet snapped from her wheelchair, making both you and Joel laugh.
“I’ll be back to pick Sarah up at eleven,” he tapped his book with yours before walking out of the room, only stopping to place a kiss on his daughter’s forehead before disappearing, leaving your heart longing for more.
Taking a deep, necessary breath, you turned to the group and smiled. “Alright, how far did everybody get this week?”
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“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look at your phone so goddamn much since you got the damn thing,” Tommy teased his older brother as they walked around their favorite H-E-B supermarket, Joel determined to surprise Sarah with a fully stocked fridge and pantry for once.
“Yeah,” Joel mumbled as he swore he felt a buzz in his pocket, tugging his flip phone out for the twentieth time since stepping inside the store, hoping to see a message or an incoming call from you.
“That the plummer for the project on 15th Street?” Tommy asked as he loaded a case of Gatorade into the bottom of the cart.
“No, it’s, uh—“ Joel was nervous, having gone so long without having a romantic life that he started to feel like a teenager again, too embarrassed by the weight of his crush to tell anybody. “Sarah’s at her book club so I’m just makin’ sure I don’t miss her call if she needs me to pick her up early.”
“And her ‘pretty’ teacher ain’t got nothin’ to do with that?” Tommy teased with a grin, amused by the look of betrayal and embarrassment on his older brother’s face.
“Sarah told ya, huh?”
“Yep,” Tommy laughed and took over pushing the cart. “You ask her out yet?”
“Not yet,” Joel sighed, the idea of going on a first date at his stage in life seeming ridiculous. What would they even do? Go to a movie? Go out to dinner? It all seemed too…cliche. “What do people even do for dates anymore?”
“Take her to Lady Bird Lake or a museum or somethin’. She’s a teacher, she’ll be into all that,” Tommy suggested. Joel nodded at the advice, making a mental note of it before being interrupted by the first actual ring of his phone all morning.
“Hello?” Joel answered the unsaved number with a hopeful heart.
“Joel?” your voice responded, bringing a smile to his face.
“Hey,” he greeted, sounding more like himself. “Everything alright?”
“Yeah, yeah,” you chirped, but he could tell there was something you were holding back.
“Sarah’s okay, right?”
“Yes! Sarah’s alright, she’s waiting here with me—“Joel heard his daughter greet him in the background. “The meeting ended a bit early, and I was trying to start my car, but it looks like I have a dead battery. Is there anyway I could get a jumpstart?”
“Oh—yeah,” he mouthed to Tommy that they needed to go checkout, Tommy pushing the cart towards the registers without needing any further instruction. “We’re just checkin’ out at H-E-B, but I’ll be there in about ten minutes.”
“Sounds good, thank you,” you breathed a sigh of relief.
“No need to thank me. It’s what friends are for,” he hoped his attempt at playfulness didn’t fall flat, and judging by your chuckle, it hadn’t.
“That and lots of other things.” Joel’s heart sped up as he contemplated the other things. “See ya in a bit.”
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“So,” Sarah started as she sat beside you in your well-used Ford Focus, the two of you reading as you waited for Joel to arrive. “You married?”
You laughed at her bluntness, looking over at her only to see her deadpanning. “No, I’m not married. Not anything.”
“Why not?” You laughed again, this time incredulously.
“I’ve been wondering that myself.” She didn’t seem satisfied with that answer, making you shrug and giggle again as you tossed your hands up. “I don’t know, maybe it’s the men I go after.”
“Like my dad?” You blushed and turned back to your book, finally pulling a laugh from the girl much wider than her years. “I think it would be cool if you two started to go out.”
“What makes you think we want to go out?” you challenged with a smirk, trying and failing to erase it from your face.
“I haven’t seen my dad try this hard since…well, ever,” she chuckled. “And both of you always have this stupid smile on your face after you see eachother. I’d say that’s a pretty big tell.”
“You’re too observant for your own good,” you noted as you felt your cheeks creep with heat, embarrassed that she’d caught you.
A few quick honks cut off the conversation, both of you stepping out of the hot car to greet Joel as he and another man pulled up in front of where you were parked. Joel climbed out of the passenger seat with a smile, striding over to both of you with two water bottles in hand, giving you each one.
“Drink up, it’s hot as hell today,” he commanded and both of you obeyed.
“Hey,” his companion stepped out of the drivers side and joined the three of you, giving you a nod. “I’m Tommy, Sarah’s uncle.”
“Oh, yeah, I’ve heard a lot about you,” you held your hand out for him to shake and he grinned mischievously.
“Likewise.” Your cheeks heated again despite the cold water bottle cooling you down.
“Mind if I pop the hood?” Joel pointed at your car, your head eagerly nodding in response. You watched him closely as he walked over to the drivers side, bending down to find the hood release. His shirt stretched over the broadness of his back, a line of sweat darkening the gray fabric down his spine. With a sudden thirst, you took a healthy chug of your water, hoping it would soothe the fire burning inside of you.
“Thank you guys,” you started as you turned to Tommy, needing to distract yourself from Joel.
“It’s no problem,” Tommy assured, his arm draped around Sarah’s shoulder. “How was, uh, book club?”
“Oh!” Sarah chimed, earning a furrowed brow look from her father as he walked over to the bed of the truck to grab some jumper cables. “Can I go over to Jessie’s house tonight? She’s having a sleepover—“
“I don’t know,” Joel exhaled as he returned. “I need to talk to her parents first.”
“I have their number,” you offered, pulling your phone out of your purse. “If you want it.”
“Sure,” he gave you a tired smile and trailed his eyes over your form properly for the first time since he arrived. Your hair that was once freely falling had now been put up, the sweat on the back of your neck causing your hair to stick to your skin in a way that bugged you. Your makeup was probably well into oily territory, your mascara smudged the last time you checked it in the car’s rearview mirror. The only thing half-presentable about you was the sundress you were wearing, it’s floral, cotton fabric flowing in the warm April breeze. “Uh,” he caught himself staring and quickly turned his gaze back to his daughter as he fished out his cellphone. “Here—you can type it in.”
After giving Sarah the phone number, she and Tommy retired back to the cool a/c in his truck, leaving you and Joel alone. An irresponsible thing for the two of you to be.
“Care to show me how it’s done,” you asked, unable to stop yourself from wanting more from him—more attention, more of his voice, more…everything. Being around him made you feel like you were burning alive, and yet strangely enough, the only time relief came to you was when you got closer to him.
“No one ever taught you how to jumpstart a car?” he teased with a smile, glancing over at you as he clamped the metal prongs onto the negative and positive sides.
“Not really,” you chuckled, pointing at the opposite colors. “So black goes on negative and red goes on positive?”
“Yep,” he nodded before pointing at the inside of the car. “Go on and try to start it up.”
“Just start it?” you asked, worried about messing up.
“Yep, like you normally do,” he encouraged you with a smile, watching you as you sat down in the driver’s seat and turned the ignition. Both of you gasped at the sight and sound of your battery sparking and then smoking. “Shit.” He walked over to the now ruined battery and investigated as you came out to join him. “Wasn’t your fault, my cords must be fucked or somethin’. I’m sorry—just ruined your battery.” He sighed and gave you an apologetic look, but you were quick to brush it off.
“Don’t worry about it,” you placed your hand on his arm and watched as his head turned to look at the contact before locking his eyes with yours. You fought the urge to worship his biceps like your celibate and cavewoman-like hormones were urging you to and pulled your hand away. “I’ll just call a tow truck and have them tow me to an auto-shop.”
“They’ll take you for all you got.” He shook his head and gestured back at the truck. “We can take ya to go get a new battery for almost free.”
“Almost?” you chuckled, quirking an eyebrow at him.
“Yeah, the only payment I ask for is maybe…a date?” He gave you a bashful but hopeful smile as he tucked his hands in his front pockets. “Maybe tonight?”
You stared at him with a widening grin, pleasantly surprised by his proposition. You hadn’t thought he’d make the first move, at least not this soon. Throwing caution to the wind, you nodded, your stomach fluttering as you watched him sigh in relief.
“Alright, well, let’s work on gettin’ you a new battery and go from there.” Joel waited for you as you locked your car up and joined him again, following him over to the backseat of his truck. He opened the door for you, giving you that warm smile that was beginning to feel like a drug as you climbed in beside Sarah.
Joel remained outside as he unhooked the cables from their working battery to your dead one, shutting the hood of the truck with a firm slam. He ungracefully hopped into the passenger seat, looking over at his brother.
“Take us down to the Autozone,” he ordered, Tommy glancing back at you with a raised brow and smile as he waited for his brother to use his manners. Joel sighed, “Please.”
“That’s better.”
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It took under an hour to go get your new battery, bring it back to your car, and have Joel install it. As he bid you goodbye, he let you know he’d give you a call once he figures out a time for your date tonight, and you couldn’t help but beam with excitement.
The entire rest of the afternoon was spent going through your closet, taking the longest shower of your life, and fussing with your hair, wanting to be ready if Joel chose to be last minute with your plans—which normally would thoroughly turn you off, but you were weak when it came to Joel.
Thankfully, Joel called at three, asking if you’d like to join him for a walk at Lady Bird Lake. You eagerly accepted the offer, mildly surprised by the unconventional choice in date but not disappointed with it.
As you sat in the living room, you heard a car approach your house and moved to peek through your window, the same dark pick-up truck from earlier rolling into your driveway. You grinned as you watched him hop out of the drivers seat, dressed in a crisp white t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans. He looked so masculine and broad, but there was something in the warmth of his smile, the deepness of his eyes, that showed he was soft, too.
Quickly heading to your front door, you opened it before he could knock, his look of surprise when you swung the door open turning into a smile as he took you in—a sage green wrap dress that fell between your ankles and knees, your makeup soft and complimentary, your smile knee-weakening.
“You look so pretty,” he complimented softly, as though you weren’t meant to hear it. “Uh, got these for you.”
Joel handed you a bouquet of yellow daisies and you gave him a touched frown, kissing your teeth as you pressed the petals to your nose.
“This is very sweet,” you gave him a smitten grin and gestured back into your house. “Let me just go put these in some water. You’re welcome to come in.”
“Alright,” he followed you into your house and down the hall to your kitchen, his eyes scanning the scene as though your home would reveal some hidden secret about you. “This is a nice place.”
“Thanks,” you replied as you filled a vase with water at the sink. “I found it for a really good price last summer, and now the owner’s gonna sell it to me.”
“Take it you like Austin then. You from around here?” He asked, leaning his hip against the counter.
“Nope,” you continued to tell him where you were from. “But I do love it here. Besides, I’m getting older. Seems like a good investment.”
“Old,” he repeated with a smirk. “You ain’t nowhere near old. Me on the other hand—“
“You’re what, mid-thirties?”
“33,” he corrected. “But my body is pushin’ seventy.”
“You haven’t heard the way my bones crack when I get up every morning,” you joked, earning a laugh.
“We’ll just have to be gentle with each other, then,” Joel quipped, not taking much time to think before he spoke. He internally cringed at the way you looked away and chuckled awkwardly, scolding himself for his stupid joke.
“Hopefully not too gently.” You shot him a wink and every worry of his faded into oblivion. “Alright, then, shall we?”
“Yeah,” Joel swallowed his desire and walked you out to the truck, helping you into your side before seating himself. “You ever been to the lake?”
“Nope,” you shook your head. “Is it pretty out there?”
“It’s pretty, but you’re gonna give it a run for it’s money in that dress,” he flirted, shooting you a glance and a peek at the smile he was wearing proudly. Your cheeks turned hot at his compliment and you rolled your eyes, grinning like a lovesick teenager.
“You’re a flirt,” you pointed out.
“Me?” He laughed. “I haven’t flirted in…shit, I don’t know how long it’s been.”
“Well, you’re a natural, then,” you nudged his arm with your elbow and felt dizzy by the sparks shooting through your nerves by the simple contact.
“Sarah gave me a run down of things I should and shouldn’t do tonight,” he filled you in.
“Oh yeah? What are the do’s?” you implored with an amused smile, watching his profile as he drove.
“Pay, open doors, and ask questions,” he replied.
“And dont’s?” Joel chuckled and shook his head.
“She said I’m not supposed to kiss you until the second date.” You scoffed and waved that thought away. “You disagree?”
“Strongly,” you answered him with a laugh, Joel laughing along with you.
“Alright, I’ll keep that in mind, then.” He shot you a wink and you felt like your heart was being shocked back to life. “I haven’t been on a date in so long. You gotta let me know if I’m fuckin’ this up.”
“You’re doing just fine, trust me,” you assured. “I can’t tell you the amount of shitty dates I’ve gone on, so the bar isn’t very high for you tonight.”
“Well, that’s sad,” he chuckled and shot you a lingering look as he stopped at a red light. “Hopefully I can break this streak of shitty dates.”
“I think you’ve already done it,” you laughed. “I mean, I can’t think of a first date that sacrificed hours of his life to replace my car battery on a Saturday afternoon.”
“You’re right, I’m setting the bar high,” he chuckled and shrugged. “Gonna have to change your oil next time just to keep up my reputation, then for the third date maybe rotate your tires—“
“Are these euphemisms?” you asked with mischief in your smile, not knowing the way you made his heart speed up with it.
“You make me nervous,” he admitted with a smile, his cheeks flushed pink. When he turned to look at you, he saw a bitten smirk, his head shaking. “That amuse you?”
“A little,” you nodded.
“Callin’ me a flirt,” he shook his head in mock scolding. “Look at you.”
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After your leisurely walk in the park—the green of the grass and array of colors from the flowers and butterflies swarming in the air just as beautiful as Joel attempted to describe it on the way over—you and Joel found yourselves outside of an ice cream shop, sharing a chocolate and strawberry sundae.
“How are you not terrified every day? I only have Sarah to look out for and I can hardly manage, I can’t imagine a class full of ‘em,” Joel spoke, watching you as you spooned the last bit of the ice cream into your mouth.
“It’s scary at first, but then you develop this sort of bond with them—it just happens naturally, and it makes you feel responsible for them. You know? It’s just like…I feel a responsibility to show them some peace and understanding, because who knows what they have going on at home. I show up for them because I might be the only person that’s doing that, you know?” You shrugged, trying not to read into the way he was looking at you like you hung the stars in the sky, his posture relaxed as he sat back in the metal patio chair. “You gotta stop looking at me like that.”
“Like what?” He chuckled, amused by your fluster.
“Like that.” You gestured at his head. “You know exactly what you’re doing, giving me those pretty brown eyes—“
Joel’s laugh cut you off, his head shaking. “I’m just listening to you talk, I have no control over my pretty brown eyes.”
“Mmhm,” you rolled your eyes and chuckled. “Whatever you say.”
“I, uh—Sarah’s away tonight. If you wanted to come over—“ Joel watched as you lifted an eyebrow. “Not for that—well, I mean—but I just meant to continue talking. We have a pool—“
“Why didn’t you start with that?” You stood upright and snapped your fingers at him, earning a grin. “Chop, chop, Mr. Miller.”
Joel made a pit stop at your place so that you could change into a swimsuit, throwing your dress back on over it before hurrying back out to the truck. Once inside his house, you found yourself studying the scene much like he had earlier at yours. It felt almost unreal to be in his space, the intimacy of walking the same halls he walked every morning and night turning you drunk.
“Pools out back, I’m gonna grab us some beers.” You nodded at him as he broke off towards the kitchen while you kept forward towards the sliding glass door to his patio.
Pulling the door open, you were surprised to see a rather nice little backyard set up. He draped yellow string lantern lights in zig zags from fence to fence, illuminating the pool and patio table.
“Here you go,” Joel appeared from behind you, handing you a beer before walking over to the table and taking a seat. You joined him, giving him an expectant but playful smirk as you entered a staring match. “What’s got you smilin’ like that?”
“Nothing,” you shrugged, turning your grin towards the pool. “I’m just having a good time.”
Joel’s chest swole with pride at your confession.
“You wanna get in? It’s heated.” You gave him an impressed up and down, making him chuckle.
“Fancy,” you teased as you stood up, avoiding his eyes as your hands found the knot holding your wrap dress together. Before you could move to untie the knot, Joel’s hands rested over yours, his body now standing tall in front of you. Your eyes shot up to meet his and your breath faltered, his lips just a few inches away.
“May I?” Joel asked for permission as he replaced your fingers on the knot with his own. You gave him a quick nod, your lips parting as you waited with bated breath for him to undress you. Joel slipped the knot undone, the dress falling open. His eyes traveled from your face down the front of your body as he slid the dress off your shoulders, leaving you in just your swimsuit. His hands were quick to touch your skin, a soft gasp spilling from your lips at the fire his skin on yours caused. “You’re too beautiful.”
“You’re beautiful,” you praised, lifting your hand to cup his bearded cheek. Joel’s lips curled up at the sound of your compliment, his hands giving your waist a squeeze. “Remember that rule we talked about breaking earlier?”
“Uh-huh,” Joel nodded, leaning in to fill the gap between your lips until he was crashing into you, your fingers threading into his hair as you accepted the attack. Joel moaned as you tugged on his hair, walking you back against the table and hoisting you onto the metal. “You taste so sweet, baby.”
“I want you,” you whined, earning a growl of desperation as he licked and sucked his way down to your neck, fighting the urge to leave his mark on you.
“Hey, neighbor?” Joel’s older neighbor called from over the fence, interrupted their heated makeout. He sighed and rested his forehead on your shoulder as he tried to gather his composure enough to form a response.
“Yep?” Joel called back.
“Your girl’s locked out, just came knockin’ on our door.” Joel’s brows furrowed and he immediately straightened up, his eyes apologetic as he handed you your dress.
“Thanks,” he called back before placing a kiss on your cheek. “Sorry, baby.”
“It’s okay,” you assured as you tied your dress, the throbbing between your thighs persistent but the sound of him calling you baby was a more-than sufficient distraction, filling your stomach with butterflies.
You sat back down at the table and waited until Joel came back out, your fingers drawing hearts on the dust covering the table. When you caught yourself, you scoffed, disgusted by the cutesy feelings filling you to the brim, and wiped the table with your palm. Walking over to the edge of the pool, you rinsed the dust off and listened as the glass door slid open.
“Hey,” Sarah greeted, her voice nearly making you fall into the water as you weren’t expecting it. “How was the date?”
You stood up and chuckled, ignoring her question by changing the subject. “How was it at Jessie’s?”
“It was good, just didn’t want to spend the night,” she informed as she sat on one of the patio chairs, swinging her feet.
“Where’s your dad?” You weren’t sure what to say to her and desperately wanted Joel to come out to help carry the burden of this awkward tension.
“Using the bathro—“
“Nope,” he interrupted as he stepped outside, mouthing an apology to you as he walked over to her and kissed her head. “Can you go inside for a second?”
“Sure thing,” Sarah gave you a knowing smile as she left the two of you alone, closing the glass door behind her.
“Sorry,” he stepped to you, placing his hands on either side of you face. “Don’t think we’re gonna get to continue that tonight.”
“It’s alright,” you rubbed his chest.
“When can I see you again?” he asked, eyes full of reverence as he looked at you.
“Whenever,” you shrugged, pinching his chin. “I’m free after five every night.”
“I’ll try to talk Tommy into babysitting on Friday.” You grinned at his suggestion and nodded your head. “Lemme grab Sarah and we’ll drive you home.”
“Wait—“ You stopped him before he could get too far, tugging him down for a deep kiss, his arms wrapping around you and squeezing you so tight that you hoped it would last all week until you saw him next, but the minute he let go of you, you already missed him. “One more kiss.”
“One more,” he repeated as he kissed you again, slow, deep, and lingering, the two of you procrastinating. Finally, you gathered the will to pull away, chuckling at your breathlessness. “Alright, if we don’t stop now, I’m just gonna keep on torturin’ myself.”
“Not into that?” you quipped seductively, tilting your head at him as you tucked your hands into the back pockets of his jeans to pull him closer. Joel chuckled and shook his head at you as though you were testing every ounce of his strength.
“I’m gonna have my hands full with you, aren’t I?” he husked, leaning back in to place a feather-light kiss to your lips as you responded with a grin.
“Your hands are already pretty full, wouldn’t you say?” Joel laughed against you and gave your ass a squeeze, his palms having already been firmly planted there.
“Oh, I like you,” Joel hummed, pecking your lips once more before pulling away. “Here,” Joel handed you his keys before pinching your chin. “Start the truck up and I’ll go get Sarah.”
“Sure thing,” you beamed as you watched him start towards the house, stopping him once more with your voice. “Joel?”
“I like you too.” You and Joel stood there lovestruck, a chuckle slipping from his lips as he struggled to find the strength to take you back home, not ready for the night to be over. But knowing that the best things come to those who wait, Joel took a breath of patience and smiled.
“Glad we’re on the same page.”
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frostedpuffs · 2 months
some thoughts about furry au:
while Adrien is still a model, he also participates in "cat shows", which are like the real world counterpart we have, except its more to show off agility and a well-groomed coat...but this often results in Adrien batting a cat toy around on stage and the audience going "his FORM! it's immaculate!" i don't think he'd like participating in these shows very much. he finds them fake (and boring. Because he always wins)
marinette, like a hamster, uses her cheek pouches as a place to store things. she will bring her friends snacks this way. they are polite and accept the treats...even if they're like "umm...this was in your mouth?" sometimes she forgets she put something in there until someone points it out
Adrien's fur is softer than soft. supremely soft and conditioned. he takes very good care of his coat and brushes it daily. this may or may not be because his mom scared him as a kid telling him if he doesn't take good care of his fur, it'll fall off and he'll look like his father (a sphinx cat)
nino's tail is almost always wagging. especially when he is with alya. that is one happy dog
you know how baby hamsters start as "pinkies" with no fur? yeah that was Marinette. have fun with that visual
lila tried to say she was a rare breed of fox for the longest time. people bought it
gorilla is a silverback gorilla. you can't change my mind. it's practically canon
chloe is extremely conceited about the fact that she is a mink
Felix still tries to impersonate Adrien. when people question where all Adrien's perfectly groomed fluff went, felix tells them he had a bad trip to the groomers. that becomes a headline in all the magazines
when Adrien first develops a crush on Marinette he physically cannot stop himself from purring at the sight of her and Nino has to discreetly be like "bro, your motor started up again"
whenever luka is getting into a really good jam it's hard to stop himself from howling to the music
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the-doomed-witch · 1 year
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Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Nat teaches you how to ride her motorbike.
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: 18+ ONLY; MINORS + MEN DNI. not proof read (apologies), smut, fingering (r receiving), strap-on (r receiving), bit of teasing, bit of fluff, making out
DISCLAIMER: Please note that this is a work of fiction and you are not supposed to mess around while driving and should definitely wear a helmet and stuff. Yeah just stay safe and again, remember that this is fiction.
Author’s Note: we are going to pretend that i am not the writer who uploads a fic every two months 😁 gif credits to the creator.
— ✦ —
Thor holds up his jug flooded with beer, and raises a toast, “Here’s to everyone’s favourite couple, the two people we adore, Y/N and Natasha!” All the Avengers cheered for the two of you. Natasha wraps her arm around you and whispers in your ears, “To us, love.”
Taking a few sips of your drink, you place the glass on the table and turn to your girlfriend. “I cannot imagine myself ever being thankful for being stupid in the past but I am. I love you.”
“I love you too. Mind who you are talking about, you’re my stupid.” She kisses your forehead, it makes you blush under everybody’s gaze.
After a few rounds of drinks and snacks around the table, you gesture at Nat to drop you back home, before she gets too drunk. She gets up and announces, as she puts on her leather jacket, “Folks, I’ll be back after dropping my gorgeous girlfriend back at her place.” She beams at you and pecks your lips. Yep, she is mildly drunk.
“Don’t forget to take your time to tuck her in bed!” Tony shouts sarcastically from afar, as you’re both walking away. He was quite inebriated and you could hear Pepper asking him to get himself together.
Outside the bar, you confirm with Nat once again, “Are you sure you are sober enough to drive me home? I could get a cab or something. I want you to be safe.”
“First of all, you’ll be sitting right behind me and you’re not scared for your own safety? Lame. Secondly, I've been trained to be vigilant all my life. I’ll be right back.”
Couple of moments later, she’s back on her motorcycle and you seat yourself on the seat behind her. “Hold me close, for precautionary concerns of course.” she tells you. She wasn’t facing you but you knew what her smirk would be like.
You wrap your arms tightly around her waist and rest your head on her back, minimising the distance between the two of you. It’s a safe, comfortably silent drive, where the breeze blows softly and the night sky gets romantically darker.
— ✦ —
Inside your apartment, Natasha sits down on your bed as you go to freshen up in the bathroom. You enjoy testing her patience and so you take your time to shower, not letting her in, but making her wait for you outside. “Y/N? Detka? At least let me shower with you or let me go back to the bar. Don’t do this to me!” you hear her calling out to you from the room. You answer back in the same volume, “I’ll be there in a minute.”
As said, you step out with a towel wrapped around your bare body. “Oh Y/N you’re not doing this to me right now.”
You reply, “I surely am, honey.” and walk around the room drying your hair, gathering clothes, putting the dirty ones in the laundry, and whatnot. While doing your currently irrelevant chores, you bring up more random things to talk about.
Clearing the pile of laundry, you ask her, “Do you think I should get a haircut? A change in colour maybe?”
“You look so beautiful today, Natty.” you say, giving her a soft peck on the cheek as you move along the room, letting her notice your cleavage.
“By the way, Nat, I would love it if you could teach me how to ride a motorcycle.”
She gets up, holds you and places you on the bed a little harshly, pinning you down with her body. In a deep, sultry voice, she warns you, “You’ll be taught a lot of stuff and being a good girl for me is going to be the first one of them.” And with that, the towel is thrown aside.
Nat leans forward to catch you in a deep kiss, the one you’ve been depriving her ever since you reached home. Instinctively, your hands clutch the collar of her shirt and pull her closer to you, till there is no space to spare.
The next thing you know is that her fingers are inside your pussy, pumping so hard. It results in you moaning into the kiss, and releasing the collar of her shirt, silently asking her to let you catch up on your breath. When she moves her face a little farther than you liked, you grab her back to proximity, all between screams and chants of her name. Small locks of her auburn hair dangle around before you tuck them behind her ears.
The movements of her digits get faster and faster till you are at the edge of your climax. It was hard to speak anything, so your body gives indications to Natasha in lieu of telling her verbally about your orgasm. It felt wonderful that none of you needed words to communicate, the silent and subtle signs were enough.
She lets you come all over her hand, adding on praiseful murmurs to bring you back to composure.
— ✦ —
The next morning, you wake up fully clothed in your PJs with no sign of Natasha. She probably went back to the bar or the compound later. But she was out on the balcony, looking at nothing tangible. “Good morning, baby.” you greet her, acknowledging your presence. She turns towards you and smiles, “Good morning, dorogoya. Did you sleep well?”
“I did. I thought you left because of work, but I guess you’re free today?”
“You know I love a bit of snuggling,” she grins sheepishly, “And I’m free for you, anytime. Are you still up for the driving lessons thing?”
“Sure! Let me freshen up and we’re gonna be ready to leave.”
— ✦ —
Nat drove the two of you to a less busier part of the city to find an empty road, for obvious reasons. You observe her throughout the trip to learn a few things ahead of the track.
On a small and empty street, Nat lets you sit on the vehicle and climbs on the seat behind you. Little by little, she points at the different stuff, explaining what their respective functions are. “Here is the clutch, you pretty much know what it does. Keep your hand on it at all times no matter what […] Place your foot here. Yes and pull the clutch. And this is how you change gears.”
An hour or so later, you were driving smoothly on the straight road with Natasha guiding you little by little. She kept both her hands on your hands at all times, praising you every now and then to encourage you.
“Keep going, Y/N. Yes, now let’s take a U-turn.”
The afternoon passed this way. She taught you some more basic things, till you suggested lunch - “I almost forgot about lunch. I know a nice place with the best Mexican food in this area, let’s go there.”
As both of you wait for your food to arrive, your girlfriend initiates conversation, “If you keep practising this way I think you’ll learn how to drive a motorcycle quite well within a week. But of course, practice is important.”
“Does that mean I could take you on a ride soon?”
“Well, it does. Here’s our lunch though.”
— ✦ —
And so, your driving lessons were continued without any other Avenger having the knowledge. Three months passed by, till one starry evening Natasha tells you, “I think you have practised enough for this moment.”
It leaves you in thorough confusion, but the look in her eyes doesn’t seem malicious so you let her do her thing. She takes you to a place you cannot recall but have definitely been to, as far as the route is concerned.
It isn’t until the both of you reach the destination when you realise you’re at the garage. Memories of her lips and gasps wash over you as you walk inside of it once again. There’s nothing very different about it as a room. There are grey painted walls and two bikes including the one you drove on just now. A few mechanical tools, cans of spray paint, some more tactical gear. In one bottom corner of the room, there were patches of spray paint, they were probably tested there.
You turn around and recall every moment of that night by keeping your bottom lip bitten. Natasha knows all the things clouding your train of thought, but she had something different planned.
She pulls a white sheet off of a motorbike you didn’t really notice was standing in the corner. Nonetheless, it is a gorgeous, matte-black one with tires wider than a usual motorcycle. The black-tainted windshield added a touch-up. You let out an uncontrollable awe at the look.
“My gosh, Nat, this is fucking awesome. It might as well be the coolest bike to ever exist.”
She smiles at your reaction, and explains, “Tony made this for me a couple of years ago. It’s designed to prevent you from falling down, but oh she rides fast, Y/N. I cannot wait for you to drive this.” She wraps her arm around you. Your cheeks are flustered at her wordplay, but you hide it from prominence.
“Quick question. If it’s made for a stable drive then why didn’t you teach me on this one? I mean, you said that I am now “ready” for this.”
“You’ll find out all about that, Y/N.” She winks at you and tosses you the keys. Her expression was easily decipherable, she was up to something cocky. You shrug your shoulders anyway and take a seat on the bike, lifting it off the stand. It’s surprisingly light for a build as heavy as it appears to be.
A few minutes later, you’re driving by on one of the emptiest yet the most romantic streets in the city. There are not many stars visible, but even the handful ones that are in sight are enough. The breeze is extremely light, and cosily cold. Both of Natasha’s arms swaddle around you. Her classic leather jacket evidently fails to give her the warmth that she feels with you. Her face is nuzzled up on your left shoulder.
Suddenly, the pleasant moment turns into an entirely different one, when you sense her sultry breath on your collarbone. Before you can speak in protest, she directs you, “Shush. Keep driving dorogoya. I am right here.”
Her cold fingers slowly glide down towards your core over your pants. Once, then twice she circles them over your needy clit. You groan lightly, as you arch your back. “Nat, we’re gonna get hurt. Let me-”
“Nuh-uh honey. This is what you get for testing my patience the other night. And now you are so needy for me, aren’t you?” You lean back into her harder and hum as a positive response. “Then use your words Y/N. Are you needy for me right now?”
“Yes. You and only you.”
“Good.” Her persistent teasing makes you hit the brakes harshly as an instinct. You park the motorcycle in an empty parking lot and hold Nat’s hand, guiding her behind a tree trunk whose sole purpose later resulted to be a mere physical support.
Your back resting on the tree, you grab her flustered face between your hands and tug her in close. When the lack of oxygen is too much, she pulls away. Sweaty palms clutching her leather jacket, you make her take it off to reveal her tank top.
You turn her around and begin planting kisses and leaving marks all over her. Natasha’s pants get heavier by the minute as you suck on her skin then soothe it, and repeat it. The redhead turns her head towards you as she unbuttons her pair of jeans. With a smug look and a twinkle in her wonderful emerald eyes, she reveals a strap larger than any that you have taken before.
Vigorously, she pins you against the tree again and unbuttons your pants, then pulls them down immediately, just enough for her to access. Before you can process the moment, the strap fills up your cunt.
On shortage of friction, you move your hips along, but Nat takes her time to pick up a pace. However, once she does, you can sense the leaves shedding due to the shaking. Her free hand covers your mouth, to keep you considerably silenced. Beads of sweat roll down her defined face, and she stares right into your eyes with a look so pure.
You anticipate your climax reaching, and your eyes widen as a result. Nat lifts her hand off your mouth and orders, “You know you have to ask for it, detka.”
And so, you barely manage to utter currently, “Please, Nat, can I come?”
As a reply, she nods lightly and thrusts inside of you harder, till you come. Soon as you release, your balance gets toppled over. Her hands come to your rescue the following second, and she places you down in the concrete ground to relax. You sit up straight with some support.
“Y/N, there’s a store right around the corner, I’ll be right back getting you a pair of new sweatpants. We’ll go home after that, okay?” Natasha asks you, handing you a bottle of water and placing a hand on your shoulder gently. “Okay.”
She helps you get changed, and you aid her with packing everything up neatly. “How are you feeling?” she asks you in a silent tone. “I- This feels wonderful. I wish you would let me return the favour, though. How are you feeling?”
“Still deeply in love with you as ever.”
She plants a kiss on your cheek and rides you back to your apartment.
— ✦ —
Upon reaching home, you grab her firmly and tell her, “You know, baby, I’m actually feeling kind of hungry right now.”
“Then wait let me get something for y-”
Tightening your grip around her, you whisper against her reddened face, “Oh, you see, I’m not really that kind of hungry.”
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signedeclipse · 1 year
Signed with Love - Upper Moons
What is this? - A valentines gift to my lovely fem!readers! Its valentines/love letters cards from your favourites <3
Characters - Akaza | Daki | Douma | Gyokko | Gyutaro | Hantengu | Kaigaku | Kokushibo | Muzan | Nakime
Series Parts Kamaboko Squad - HERE The Hashira - HERE
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To the girl of my dreams, Happy valentines! I'm sure you thought i'd forget sorry about last year, but I've got plans and everything. Theres a light show in the city, if you want to come I'm sure we can stop for some snacks and i'll get you the best view of them. If that sounds like a plan, i'll be by your house the moment the sun goes down. Can't wait to see you dolled up, Akaza.
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Dove, Free your schedule on the 14th, I won't let plans get in the way of us spending this year together after so many times of it falling through! Oiron duties always take precedent, but I'm sure I can pull some strings to spend the night with you, the "new" girl, to do some "training". Dress for the part, I know you can lie your way in. Good luck, even if I know you won't need it, 'Warabihime'
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Hello, lovely! I am over the moon knowing i'll get to spend valentines with you again! I miss you more and more every day you are away... How about this year we sneak away from the cult and I show you someplace you might really enjoy, and we can pick up some treats you like to keep at the estate! Don't leave me waiting too long. You know who ♡
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To my precious muse, This velentines marks a decade together, and I figure its about time I let you closer than ive let any other. I know I can be more conservative in sharing my art, but this year i'd like to take you into my studio and teach you some of my craft. You know where to find me. Wear something you don't mind having ruined. Gყσƙƙσ
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Angel, I promised i'd always ask, so I expect you to say yes when I ask you to be my valentine again. It's too risky to go out with being on the radar, so when you come back home keep low and we'll do something simple. I can't risk getting you in trouble. Don't stray too far, GT.
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Dearest, If possible, I would really appreciate if maybe you might consider being my valentine Whatever you'd like is yours Please H/S/K/A/Uro/Z/Ura
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Princess, I know you'll say yes anyways, so instead ill congradulate you for keeping me intrigued for so long. Long enough to call you my valentine. I'll be home to see you the moment the sun drops, and we can spend all night hanging out. I like you better where no one else can chew on you like eye candy, so I'll bring some snacks you like if it keeps you inside, Don't get too flattered, Yours, Inadama
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To the most beautiful woman I know, I would be honoured if you would decide to be my valentine once again. If you are inclined to accept my invintation, know that not a drop of the night would be wasted on anything you wouldn't like. You know you can trust me. I anticipate your responce, 黒死牟
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To the only sunshine I require; With this letter is a box of clothing. It's all custom to your fit and yours now, pick whatever you like and wait outside the gates of tokyo by sundown tonight. We'll be visitng some places I know you've wanted to see, and I'll make sure it's not on an empty stomach. Don't leave me waiting, M. Kibutsuji
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My dearest lullaby I am not one to partake in holidays, however, I cannot help myself when it comes to you. I was hoping you would be my valentine; not just today, but in life as well. There is a concert hall I used to perform at, and I would like to bring you there to hear the music I was so very fond of. It is very formal, so if you need any help getting ready you have my assistance. I miss your sweet song, Nakime Otokawa
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Authors Note - This took me so long ahhhh thank you for your patience darlings <3 The tags took me longer than writing this entire thing /j
Disclaimer - All characters within have been aged up to at least 18 or older, and have been altered to reflect such change as needed.
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sentoooo · 4 months
[anon: Hi can you write an Alphabet head cannon for Johnny cage and male reader?] i assume you mean an nsfw alphabet? i cannot find any other alphabet, so i apologize if i got it wrong T_T.
startin off strong with THE johnny cage. john john. yeah. that guy.
cw: nsfw, mxm, bodyworship, little bit of praise, edging, johnny fuckin' cage, baby. proofread MINORS DNI
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ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴀʟᴘʜᴀʙᴇᴛ || ᴊᴏʜɴɴʏ ᴄᴀɢᴇ
A = Aftercare (what they��re like after sex)
Johnny's actually like a golden retriever. As much as he likes to show off,- and that doesn't mean he won't in bed either- he has a very tender side. Afterwards, he refuses to let you leave his arms. Need your clothes? Nope, he'll get them. As long as you hold his hand. Need a bath? He's carrying you to it. Maybe a little snack? Some water? Dragging you along for the adventure. And after all that, he'll tuck you both in, hold you reaaallll close, and whisper sweet nothings until either you or him are asleep.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Johnny's favorite body part? God, what isn't to love about him? It's so hard to choose! Just kidding. It's his biceps and his pecs. He's proud of 'em. Makes him feel all big and strong, means you can't run away like Sonya did. Though, he still loves every part of his body equally. Let's not forget about his little friend down there.
On you, it has to be your thighs. Or maybe your hands? God, he can't choose. Everything about you is perfection to him. No, no, it's definitely your stomach! Wait... no. It's your face. Nah, that doesn't do you justice. It's everything. Genuinely. He can't choose. Don't ask him to.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He's more than fine cumming anywhere. Inside? Gladly. On your thigh? Fuck yes. Stomach? Sign him up. It's like an autograph to him, as long as he gets to "sign" you, he's happy as hell.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He's dominant, yes. He likes being the star of the show. But he will let you top him here and there. His dirty secret? Just how much he yearns to moan your name. Yell it, let him know who he belongs to. But he won't admit it. His pride can't take that hit. Not yet.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
God, what doesn't he know? He's an actor, baby. He's THE Cage. He's had more than his fair share of experience. He knows your body almost more than you do, exactly where to touch to illicit a reaction from you, just the right spots to hit, and those sweet sweet words that turn you on instantly.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
He love love loves cowgirl- or shall we call it cowboy? Not reverse, though. He needs to see your face. Has to. Non-negotiable. He likes to get his hands all over you, and he loves to see your pleasure. How else is he supposed to know that he's making you feel so damn good? Not that he isn't, god he knows, but just a reassurance.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
You're asking if Johnny Fuckin' Cage is serious? No. Hell no. He's crackin' jokes, but mainly he's praising himself. Not that he isn't praising you, either. But You hear a lot of "How's li'l Johnny treatin' ya?", in a way, it's kind of sexy. In a very CAGE-y way, at least.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He's got some body hair. Mainly, a happy trail, complimented by his V-Line. A little arm hair, but he keeps his chest clean. Pubic hair wise, he's got a little. Keeps himself trimmed, but still keeps some down there. Compliments his dick, that's what it does.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
God, he's so sweet it'll make your teeth hurt. Amongst his little ego-boosting, he swings praises your way. All honeyed, yet truthful nonetheless. His touch has always been full of longing, more so than lust. Everything he says is true. You know that. Regardless, he's gonna drill that into you. And drill into you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He jacks off quite frequently. Though, he will always, always prefer you. Being in you, your hand, your mouth. But with his sex drive, he jacks off at least once a week, and if you aren't around, 7 days a week, baby. Always thinkin' of you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Body worship. Through and through. He fuckin' loves it when you're all over him, gliding your hands from his collarbone to his waist, tracing his V-line, his abs, his tattoos, all with such love and yearning. Taking almost 30 minutes to explore each others bodies before anything goes in anywhere is always a pre-requisite.
He also LOVES edging. You, specifically. He's an asshole that way. Listening to you beg, whimper, cry to release. To cum allll over you and him. Fuck, does that get him going. He's almost let you just cum each and every time. One of these days, he's gonna break.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere, baby. Anywhere, anytime. He is always down. Shower sex? Yes. Quickie in a restroom somewhere? As long as it's as clean as a Bucca Di Beppo bathroom, yes. Speaking of, god, if he could fuck you in a Bucca Di Beppo, he so would. Now THAT'S fine dinin'.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
You, always you. But specifically when you're fighting anyone. Not him, of course, shit, he's terrified of you. But all determined like that, nose bloody, knuckles bloodied, bruised. God, you are just SEETHING with sexual energy. And damn, he's going to fuck you after you win. However you like, baby.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything that'll hurt you. Hard no for him. He refuses to do anything of the sort. He can't hurt that pretty little body of yours, can he? No, no he can't. That is a cardinal sin, baby. He can't even fight you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Oh, he loves giving. And he doesn't mind receiving. But fuck, he loves watching you squirm, gripping the sheets, and running your hands through his hair as he goes down on you. And he loves how you reward him after, it's like dessert.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He can go however fast you like, baby. You feelin' like enjoying the night, all romantic and sensual? Absolutely, anything for you. He will make the first round last for an hour. Feelin' especially frisky and want to scream his name all night (and all day, if your stamina so permits it)? Fuck. Yes. Say no more.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He'll do 'em. He aint afraid. Especially if you two only have time for that. He'll make sure your both satisfied and have both came. At least twice. But he does prefer having the full experience. He likes having you anytime, though.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Always, and forever, babe. He'll try everything at least once. He's fucked you in the most scandalous places before, too. One time, he was fairly sure Liu Kang was watching. That's why he fucked ya then and there.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Hours, day and night. Ride him like a horse. He'll wear that cowboy hat for ya, too. At least, that's what he said. The longest you've two have lasted was from 12am-4am. With breaks. But he sure didn't seem winded. Not in the slightest.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
So. Fucking. Many. For you, for him, for both of you. He loves watching you pleasure yourself with his toys. And vice versa. He loves torturing you with em, too. Watching you nearly tap out and lean up against him cause you couldn't hold yourself up while he was fuckin' ya senseless and using a remote-control cockring. He also LOVES his sybian. Both of you grinding up, little bit of frotting, knowing you feel just as good as he does. Fuck, it makes him hard at the thought.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Oh, he's a fucking dickhead. As mentioned, he LOVES to edge you. How weak you are against him, yet knowing you want more, knowing you love it. He could do it all night baby. Make sure you got good impulse control. He won't hold back.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He's LOUD, baby, real loud. He wants you to know how good you make him feel. And he wants to praise you. How good you are, taking his dick. Like a champ. He'll moan, and grunt, and growl. All in your ear, too. He knows you like it. A little bit of breath play, for a good boy.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
The amount of sex tapes in his phone is INSANE. But he won't post em, not if you don't want it. He knows his adoring fans would love it, and he'd LOVE to show off his boy to all of em. He gets off watchin' 'em, too. Are you surprised?
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He's a biiiig boy. Took you a bit to get used to him. He's a shower, though. He's about 6.7" in length, and 1.9" wide. Leans slightly to the left. Circumsized.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He's gotta fuck ya at least once a day. His sex drive is through the roof, I mean. He's Johnny Cage. If he doesn't get his dick wet once a day, who is he?
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Yeah, he's tired as shit afterwards, but until you have been cleaned up, drank, and ate if you needed to, then he's out. He refuses to fall asleep beforehand. And normally, he has to make sure you fell asleep first.
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niftykin · 6 months
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Your eyes trapped me in the first "Hi"
Starring: Mikey/Manjiro Sano
Sypnosis: Small headcanons of him
A/N: I read the little prince again and i cited some quotes because it is so beautiful and im gonna cry
request are open
dni || request rules || writing prompts
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MIKEY - “And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
Mikey is a very hype teenager on the aspects that matter. If we are going to talk about him and his actions we must go into his whole personality aswell.
Manjiro is childish but that doesnt mean at all that he cant understand the whole meaning of the word 'love'
It is very hard for a little teenager that doesn't know almost anything about something so called about, it is so important to everyone and he knows the concept on words but not in action
Do you think that he could tell you the meaning of "Love" being something else than a feeling? but how does it feel actually?
Emma said that its like butterflies in the stomach, but Draken said that is a comforting feeling, that is something different than what Mikey would feel being with anyone
He really doesnt know, and doesnt want to know, he just wants to lay with you, he feels protected and by being the protector aswell
He feels comfortable with you, he feels the butterflies with you, he can be childish or mature, he can be everything that you need, can you see that? he hopes to be your knight in shinning armor.
“The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.”
He loves you, cares about you and trusts you. He cannot offer you much luxury you could await for someone to give you, he hopes that he is enough
By that i do not mean he would pamper you often, he will into his possibilities, taking care of you, buying you your favorite snack, going to dates with you and offering you the respect you deserve from him and everybody else
he is a good and caring boyfriend, but he is not perfect, he is a human after all, one that makes mistakes and has some things he could improve and some others that he simply cant
He is very stubborn and gets into fights often, is something you being his partner do not aprove due to the damage it would cause to him even being the leader of ToMan
They said love also brings pain but he thought it was physical damage, he could have stand it if it was
He doesnt mean to hurt you on any way, MINUS physically, he will NEVER raise a hand at you
But he might just walk away to clean his mind. he doesnt want to hurt you but he ends up doing so at the time of the fights
“It is such a mysterious place, the land of tears.”
You have cried for him, and he will never forget himself for that. He wants to be your man, he wants to be your knight and your everything, but how could he do so if he never had someone to teach him before?
He will change, and he has said that multiple times, he is really trying to improve his communication skills, but its not a change that can be done in a couple of days
could you give him time to cool down on a fight? he wants to talk, not to argue
Its not bad that you want to talk, what is, is if it becomes an argument, and he would never want to argue with you
He doesnt yell but his calm demeanor makes you lose your temper that times
He wants to understand but he cant if the situation is too heated
He doesnt want those tears rolling down your eyes, he just wants to be your boyfriend
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© Niftykin - All rights reserved, do not copy/translate any of my works on ANY platform, im only on TUMBLR
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asunflowerana · 1 year
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𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭
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summary: grocery day has never been so fun.
with: bokuto koutaro, oikawa tooru, sakusa kyoomi and osamu miya.
n: i've been thinking about this for a while, whenever i go shopping or buy groceries. I I wish Bo could be with me and distract me from the stress of dealing with people with charts (they're dangerous 🥴). Hope you all enjoy! 💕
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⊛ bokuto koutaro
a child inside a full-grow 190cm male body, that's what he is. The fact that he still pouts whenever you remind him that "no, you can't get inside the cart baby, you won't fit" proves the point. But besides his childish mood, he can turn your time shopping a lot funnier.
he does cart races, searches for lower prices like hunting a treasure, throw his hands in the air when he finds his favorite snacks and cackles at every single brand with a silly name. He's a total dork, but his excitement is so endearing that you cannot help but absorb it. It's actually sweet, the way he lightly takes a domestic duty. He's also helpful, willingly carrying the bags to the car, and storing the groceries later at home.
he yearns to stay close to you, so even if his both hands are grabbing the cart handle, at least some arm-brushing will happen. He'll feel pretty lost if you both need to part ways through the supermarket, but t's cute how he beams when you guys find each other later.
favorite section: breakfast food (he's addicted to cereal), and meat section.
what you usually hear from him: "babe, can we buy this?"
⊛ oikawa tooru
if there's something Tooru doesn't look forward to in the month, is grocery day. He even tried to wipe it off the fridge calendar a few times before, but you're too good to be fooled. "the Santos already ordered by delivery, why can't we do the same?" he uses the neighbor's card, whining like his teenager version would.
but one way or another, you always convince him to go. If he's in a bad mood, he'll probably sulk in the beginning, lazily riding the cart while sighing every two minutes 'cause this is a total "waste of time". But as the trip proceeds, he gets used to it, even forgetting what he was so grumpy about when a product catches his attention. With some subtle kisses and a small treat, you can even get a smile out of him.
He likes to wrap his arm around your back or keep you close by the waist. Not having you there with him it's the worst it could happen, so he needs to make sure you stay by his side (also because he simply likes holding you).
favorite section: checkouts (not a surprise), and cosmetics section. He can spend a good amount of time selecting body products.
what you usually hear from him: "are we done?"; "baby, I need your help. This one, or this one?".
⊛ sakusa kiyoomi
he's the one looking forward to this day. He gets uneasy when things run out in the house, so going shopping is almost necessary for his peace of mind. What he doesn't look forward to, though, is dealing with people at the supermarket. Most precisely, the lines, but let's not talk about it to not ruin the mood.
he's very selective, taking whatever time he has to inspect and be sure of the products, in case it isn't a common choice of yours. He appreciates being aware of what you are consuming, not only for being an athlete but because he cares about your health. He likes to share what he's been learning from the team's nutritionist, but he is not a dictator: if you want to treat yourself to some tasty sweets or snacks, he won't get in the way. He'll even join the party.
He'll offer his arm for you to wrap your own, or hold hands. He's grateful to have your company, so he'll cherish it as much as he can. He's also very protective if the place or the lines are too crowned, keeping you by his side and holding you close with his arm.
favorite section: cleaning products (you have no idea how relieved he gets when he goes there).
what you usually hear from him: "I know you want it. Go ahead, put in the cart"; "they always put the gloves way back there"; "these stupid lines. Again."
⊛ osamu miya
the king of groceries. He's used to doing this two, or three times a week, and it never gets boring. The experience has made him smarter about where and when it is best to buy, plus he has a good eye when it comes to product quality and price. So yeah, you have almost nothing to worry about when Osamu Miya is your grocery partner. Almost.
he's very chill and helpful while shopping, but you better keep a good eye on the cart: it'll get filled in one minute. When Osamu likes something, he makes a point of buying as much as he can. Once, he filled almost three entire carts, and half of one was just from rice bags. Someone might think you have a whole volleyball team as a family with the amount of food he wants to take home.
Hand on your back, shoulder, waist, any free space he has to keep you close to him – and he'll keep it there the whole time. Touch is one of his love languages, so there's no way he won't keep in contact with you.
favorite section: fruit and vegetables, and bakery. He loves the smell of fresh ingredients.
what you usually hear from him: "sweetheart, just one more. It'll be the last, I promise"; "hope Tsum doesn't visit us today"
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reblogs and comments are deeply appreciated. 💕
© asunflowerana 2023 — all rights reserved.
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quickandsilvers · 7 months
I got carried away so i profusely apologise in advance
!NSFW mentioned at the end!🔥
-This man can sleep ANYWHERE
-the bed, the common room sofa, in lectures (can we blame him??), the stairwell, the roof… you name it, Peter has slept there
-had to be carried off the X-jet by Hank after falling asleep on the way home from a particularly long mission
- Scott did not pass up the chance to take a multitude of photos
- they’re hidden very well. it drives Peter to the brink of insanity
-he practically begs Scott to not show you the polaroids (he totally did)
-they’re your prized possession
-Peter pretends to fall asleep on your lap during movie night
-proceeds to actually fall asleep
-he totally drools. Sorry not sorry
-Mumbles concerning or downright bizarre things in his slumber
-the type of guy to moan ‘mom, five more minutes!’ to a grown ass man
-did it on Logan. It didn’t end well..
-With a mix of raging ADHD and his speedster gene, Peter literally CANNOT. KEEP. STILL. Babyboy rolls off the bed onto the floor
-Unless you're sharing the bed with him, he will be too lazy to get up and will snooze where he fell
-Occasionally sleepwalks
-With the outstretched hands and everything
-Looks like a zombie
-Sleepwalked up to Ororo in the kitchen, scared her so bad she sent him crashing through a wall
-He still slept soundly
-Definitely the type of guy to comically do the ‘schnooorr, mimimimi’ whilst sleeping
-He can also sleep through ANYTHING
Thunderstorm? No worries. An Earthquake bigger than the Richter scale? Forget about it. Alien invasion and world domination? Pfft.
-It got so bad the xmen had to brief new students that if they found Peter sprawled out on the floor somewhere, they shouldn’t worry, he was just getting his ‘big boy sleep’ - (as you so kindly put it)
If you share the bed:
-Takes up ¾ of it (if you’re lucky)
-One leg encasing you somewhere, another leg sprawled and contorted into some weird position
-When he likes to roll he gets stopped by your body
-Admits defeat and just lays on top of you
-The heat radiating off his body is like a VOLCANO
-This isn’t helped by the fact he is a naturally very cuddly person
-Extremely clingy but you don’t mind
-Keeps you up with his snoring and ‘mimimi’s’
-It’s comically loud
-you can only wake him up with the smell of twinkies
-or morning head
-he definitely sleeps in on purpose just so you suck him off
-that almost beats eating cake snacks in the morning
A/N: i promise new fics are on their way!! All suggestions will be completed💕❤️💕❤️
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igotanidea · 9 months
(3) Cheater : dick grayson!version
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Long awaited part 3 - as promised.
@fullbelieverheart - I really hope I'll live up to your expectations of me and this story :D
part 1
part 2
9 months ago
“This was not a question, Dick.”
“Still the answer is no.”
When Bruce called Dick to the batcave and explained to him his role in the plan The Batman masterminded, Dick felt like laughing. 
At first.
Until he realised that Bruce was being absolutely serious with wanting his oldest son to get into a fake relationship with a girl named Sienna. Apparently, she was loosely connected with one of the Gotham’s crime lord and this was a way to get to her relative. It was crazy and to say the least, Dick felt offended at the mere thought of going through with this horrendous idea.
“I’m not a piece of meat, Bruce! And we can’t use an innocent girl for your scheming!”
“but we will.”
“Come on!” Dick threw his hands in the air in pure frustration
“Is this about this little journalist you met?” Bruce grunted at his son “What was her name again? Y/N?”
Dick sighed. He could keep on denying, pretending that he had no idea what Bruce was talking about but there was no point. And maybe, maybe, admitting that he felt something for Y/N would made his adoptive father soften?
“Yes…..” he admits
“Forget about her.”
“You heard me Dick.”
“You have duties to this city.”
“Enough Dick.  There are lives at stake. You have to think like Nightwing, not like Dick Grayson, now. Do you want people to die?”
“Please….. Bruce…. Ask someone else for this…. Please….” He tried to bargain, but he knew well enough it was a lost cause. Who else could possibly do the job? Jason?
“End of discussion. “
Dick was torn. On one hand he wanted to protect people and get whatever criminal was on the loose down. On the other he also wanted Y/N. It didn’t matter he barely met her. The feelings she gave him were incomparable with anything else. He wanted her with intensity he never thought possible. He knew he couldn’t just go and forget about her. Not with her pretty smile and pretty eyes and her messy hair and her positive energy.
The only option was to play on both fields.
“Oh, God! I am so sorry! I swear I can be so clumsy sometimes……”
He choose the most cliché way to become acquainted with Sienna. He simply went to the same coffee shop she did every day and accidentally  bumped into her, spilling coffee all over. Of course, it was iced coffee, he wouldn’t risk anyone getting burned.
“Oh, please, it was me! I really should have been watching where I was going!” she retorted
“How about I offer you coffee as a form of compensation?” he grinned
“You just gave me one!” Sienna laughed and Dick couldn’t help but be positively surprised by her sense of humour. “I wouldn’t mind a little snack, thought….. Had a hell of a day and forget to have lunch….”
“Well I can’t really let a pretty girl like you starve.” Dick ginned.
“Oh, so now I am pretty girl?” she raised an eyebrow “you sure you bumped into me because you’re clumsy?”
“Who said clumsy and lucky cannot go in pair?”
Maybe this mission would be nicer than he thought……
6 months ago
He found Sienna amusing and charming. But it was still just for vigilante purposes and his eyes were on Y/N. They were. Truly. And to prove it to himself, one day out of the blue he decided to show up at her work, unannounced with the biggest flower bouquet ever. Causing a little bit of commotion and making a show amongst Y/N’s co-workers.
“Hey Y/N….” he smiled, his silhouette barely visible from the grand bunch of forget-me-nots. 
“Dick?” her eyes grew wide at the sight in front of him. “It’s not my birthday…..”
“Can’t I just give a little gift to my favourite girl? For no reason? ”
“You’re just unbelievable” she chuckled shaking her head. “and I bet the blue flowers were chosen for no reason…..”
“Sh! You’re gonna blew my cover Y/N!”
“Mhm. Because of the colour of the plants….. As if that were the craziest thing that may uncover your secret identity.”
“And who’s unbelievable now?’ she narrowed his eyes, leaning forward and trying to kiss her.
“Nah uh….” She chuckles pulling back. “not at work….”
“Y/N!” he whined
“not at work.” She insisted
“Come over tonight then….” Dick begged. “Please… I need you
 “Tonight you say?”
“please, baby……”
“Wayne gala.” She simply said
“I’m sorry, what?” those two words threw him back into reality “what are you talking about?”
“You little pea brain…..” she cooed, brushing hair out of his forehead and ruffling his mop. “It’s the night of Annual Wayne Gala. Don’t tell me you forgot?” his silence was enough of an answer. “I was seconded for the press coverage. Work night for me.”
“Doesn’t mean we cannot have some fun together later on…..” Dick grabbed her hand, intertwined their fingers and caressing her skin. The gesture was innocent but his eyes were shining with a predatory gaze leaving no room for doubts of what he really meant.
“Are you absolutely sure we can hide from Bruce’s watchful gaze?”
“It’s a big Manor….” Dick smiled suggestively, leaning closer to her “come on, baby. You keep me waiting for so long now…..”
“The famous Dick Grayson, the heartbreaker and forever the bachelor is begging for a girl?”
“Not just any girl…” he smirked “you.” Without any warning he closed the gap between them, kissing her softly with all the feelings he had for her. He loved her. Her loved her…. He loved her, right? “Y/N…” he tangled hand in her hair and brought her closer, not caring who might see them at her work. And apparently, at this point, neither did she. “Come on….” He brushed his lips over her cheek and jaw, eyes closed, breathing her in “Please…..”
“I….” she gasped, overwhelmed by everything he was doing at the moment “I guess I can try to implement some work-life balance…”
“Good girl…..” he whispered, kissing her lips again and she shivered at those words. He was right. She was keeping him waiting for long.
“I’ll see you tonight then, Grayson.” Gathering what was left of her self-control she pushed him away from her, standing up abruptly and fixing her hair “I gotta get back to work now.”
“I’ll see you tonight then.” He grinned, grabbing her tightly by the waist, pulling her close and kissing once more with untamed passion, before moving away, grinning like a school boy and exiting the office, leaving the poor girl flustered and distracted.
Dick was all ready for the Wayne Gala and for the little after party with Y/N, creating some wild scenarios in his head. But once he entered the main room, already filled with the big fish, his eyes searching for his girl in the sea of heads Sienna came right through to him.
“Sienna?” He smiled, but it felt ground  slip beneath his feet “what are you doing here?”
“Bruce invited me.” She handed him a glass of champagne and he tossed it off in a second. “Cause apparently the scatterbrain of my boyfriend forgot about the event of the year…..”
“Hm?” Dick muttered, his mind elsewhere “What? I mean, yes, of course, you know me..” he chuckled nervously “I never were a fan of this whole gala thing. Haha. None of my brothers ever were….”
“And yet, here we both are….I only wish the press weren’t so insistent.” Sienna took a sip of her own drink. “There’s this one reporter, Y/N. She tried to talk to me and get my opinion on some social case……”
“You… you talked to Y/N?!” Dick almost choked at the mini sandwich he grabbed from the tray.
“Yes! She’s a girl boss. You should meet her, Dick. Bet she would take you down with her no man’s bullshit attitude.” Sienna laughed “God, we could make such a good friends…. Oh, look! She’s right there! Talking to your brother.”
“Which brother?!” Dick’s started sweating. Please don’t let it be….
“Jason, I suppose. Seems like they are having fun together.”
“Oh, shit!” Dick hissed. Jason knew everything about this whole mission thing. And he had a really loose tongue.
“Dick? Are you all right, love?” now, Sienna seemed truly concerned, trying to meet Dick’s gaze.
“I’m perfect, dear. Would you like to dance with me?”
“I thought you hated this gala thing? And everything that came with it?”
“Well, I got a pretty girl by my side and …..” only now he get the chance to eye Sienna from head to toe. “You look beautiful.”
“Thank you. So glad you noticed.” She snickered
“So, will you do me the honour?” Dick reached his hand and once Sienna took it, lead her to the dancefloor, joining some other couples.
While he might have had Sienna in his arms, the only person on his mind was definitely Y/N. His gaze never left her figure during the dance and the only thing that saved him from any possible questions was that it was a slow dance and Sienna clung to him tightly, her head resting on his shoulder, eyes closed, enjoying them moving together.
But –
This was also the source of the trouble in the form of Y/N noticing another girl being so close to Dick. Too close. And once Dick spotted her shocked gaze, her hurt face expression, the disbelief radiating from her whole body he knew he was doomed. And Jason, who was standing next to Y/N, barely holding a laugh was not helpful at all, making Dick count the seconds till the end of the song, and desperately and silently call his younger brother for help.
Obviously, Jason was not without heart and he would have to be completely blind to not notice the suffering of Dick’s and him making a fool out of himself. So after a while of not-so-discreet laughing his ass off he actually decided to give Dick a hand. He knew that anyone connected to Batman and actually listening to him would be suffering. No matter how strained the relationship between Dick and Jason was, the latter liked Y/N. And to tell the truth, Jason wanted to save her heartbreak. If that meant letting Dick talk to his girl and keeping Sienna occupied for a while, he could deal with it. For Y/N;s sake, obviously.
“Excuse-me dance?” Jason teased approaching Dick and Sienna.
“Hey…. Honey… would you mind Jace keeping you entertained for a moment, while I go talk to that journalist you mentioned? Oldest son, gotta keep the appearances that I actually know what I’m doing here…..” Dick stuttered
“Which he obviously doesn’t” Jason hissed
Sienna looked between two brothers, a bit confused of what was happening, but finally nodding her head.
“Sure, love. You go talk to the press. Hopefully your younger brother won’t trample me….” She chuckled and kissed Dick on the lips lightly before letting go of his hand and allowing him to run of the dancefloor.
“Y/N!” he hissed. Apparently, before talking to the press, he will have to chase it first. “Y/N, wait!” he grabbed her wrist, before she could leave the Manor, spinning her around so that she was forced to face him.
“What the hell, Dick?! Let go off me!” she struggled against his grip
“Please, let’s just talk about it….” He begged “I can explain.”
“Explain why you had another girl holding you and kissing you?! What are you playing!?”
“Come on, let’s not make a scene, Y/N!”
“No. Let’s!” she had every right to be angry but Dick could not let her unleash her inner destroyer in front of all the guest. So before she could do or say anything else, he grabbed her waist and pushed her into the first empty room, pressing her into the wall inside and capturing her lips in his.
“Y/N….” he whined, feeling her kiss him back, turning all hot, his hands roaming her entire body in the frantic need of her. Right there, right now. He wanted her. And he was going to have her. After all that was the plan all along and if it were to happen a little faster than expected.. so be it. “Y/N….” his moan died halfway when his hand slide down her leg, sneaking under the hem of her dress and moving up again, lifting the material, trying to touch her where he knew she needed. “I love you…..”
Those three little words seemed to bring her back to reality.
“You love me, huh?” she wriggled out of his grip making him groan at the loss. “How dare you say that?!”
“Ok, fine… I owe you some explanation….”
“You owe me so much more than just some explanation.” She crossed arms over her chest ”are you with her? Is she your girlfriend?”
“Then what is this about?!”
“Batman.” He muttered
“I’m sorry, what?” she raised an eyebrow at him
“It’s Batman and Nightwing thing. Bruce is… after a criminal apparently and sienna… she’s the way to get to him….”
“So you’re just using her!? That’s even worse!”
“I’m not using her! I never promised her anything!”
“You let her kiss you!”
“It doesn’t mean a thing!”
“Do you even know women, Grayson!?”
“I want to be with you…! Please, you have to believe me, Y/N, I swear!” he grabbed both her hands. “Look at me.” She averted her gaze “Please, look at me….” She was still disobeying so in desperation he grabbed her chin and forced her eyes on him “I know you hate me now and you have every right to do so. I should have told you about this and I’m sorry.”
“Are you now?”
“Yes. Please. I only want you. You hear me?” he leaned forward slightly, their foreheads touching “You, baby. I wish it wasn’t so hard, but sometimes… sometimes I have to act like Nightwing and not like Dick Grayson. But it doesn’t mean I love you any less.” She sighs deeply at the confession processing everything he just dropped on her. “Please baby, say something, anything.”
“She’s actually a very nice and smart girl, you know?”
“But I want you….”
“Shut up, Grayson. You say it’s hard for you, but do you have any idea how hard it is for me to go against another girl’s back?”
“I’m sorry….” He squeaked, holding her hand tighter.
“I’m not gonna leave….” Y/N starts.
“You won’t?!” his eyes lighten up a bit at the words.
“No. However…. If we are to pursue our relationship further… do… all those things you want to do…..” at this point Dick felt himself getting hard at the mere thought of having Y/N. “if you want me, you’ll have to finish that stupid mission  first. I won’t sleep with you while you still with her.”
“But it’s all fake!”
“Even if it’s fake.” Y/N emphasised.
“No buts. I’m here, but like I said, no betraying another girl like that. Not while she might be in love with you, you hear me? I can wait, can you?”
“Yes….” He hung his head low. “Yes, I can wait for you, but you’re making it really hard for me Y/N.”
“ What the fuck is going on here?!” Sienna’s voice echoed through the apartment.
Shit… Shit… shit….
They were in so much of a deep shit…..
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holylulusworld · 2 months
Shy Guy (6) - Present
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Summary: You grew up together. Bucky is the one. He’s just too shy to make a move.
Pairing: Shy!Bucky Barnes x Fratgirl!Reader
Sidepairing (friendship): Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: teasing, banter, friendship, fluff, cocky reader, virgin Bucky, shy Bucky, Steve being a good friend, talk about consent and sex (pegging, sex, oral sex)
Inspired by this ask: Shy guy ask and @dawn-petrichor-world made me do it…
Shy Guy (5) - Present
Shy guy masterlist
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Bucky listened to his friend’s explanations for over three hours.
He rubs his tired eyes and yawns. 
“Hey! Stop yawning,” Steve grunts. “We are getting to the good part now.” The blonde points at the chart pinned to the investigation wall.
“Firstly, you’ll buy flowers and snacks for your movie night with Y/N.”
“Flowers and snacks,” Bucky hums. “What else?”
“Y/N wants to cook, so, don’t forget to compliment her food. That’s important,” he points out. “Even if it tastes like old socks, you’ll tell her it was the best fucking food you ever tasted.”
“Got it.”
“Good,” Steve turns around to point at the next picture. “We talked about erogenous zones, flirting, and kissing. Now let’s get to the next level.”
“Next level,” Bucky swallows thickly. 
“Just listen and learn, my young friend. This is a whole new world you will explore…”
Bucky eagerly takes notes while Steve explains the world of women, erogenous zones, and dating to him once again.
“You cannot shove your hand down her pants right away,” Steve warns. “Consent, my friend, is essential. If she grabs your hand and puts it down her pants, it’s a go.” He clears his throat. “If you are making out, and she spreads her legs, eagerly grinding against your fingers, it’s a go too. But-” He points at the next picture, "if she pushes your hand away, or says no. It means no, Buck."
“Consent,” Bucky murmurs. “I’d never do anything Y/N doesn’t want to do. I’m not like that, Steve! She’s my friend and I respect her.”
“You’re a good guy, my friend,” Steve says. “But there are guys out there, not taking no for an answer. I only wanted to point out, that sometimes your dick gets the best out of a guy. You need to remind yourself not to do anything the girl doesn’t want.”
Bucky makes a face. “I’m too nervous to even kiss her cheek when Y/N is around. I don’t think I’ll eat her pussy anytime soon.”
“Aw, my pussy enthusiast wants to give up already?” Steve grins. “You won’t!” He points his finger at Bucky. “We talked about consent. Now it’s time to talk about making out. Maybe sex too.”
“SEX?” Bucky hiccups. He rubs his chin, wondering if you already had sex and if you are kinky. He’s got no experience and is afraid he won’t be able to satisfy your needs. “Do you think Y/N is into odd things?”
“Like what?” Steve snickers. “I bet you’d love to let her shove a finger into your ass.”
“No!” Bucky mutters. “I want to do it missionary and eat her pussy. Maybe suckle her tits too.” He hums and unlocks his phone. “Do you think she’ll like this?”
“What is that?” Steve snatches the phone out of Bucky’s hands. “You’ll learn everything you need to know from me, not porn. Forget about that shit. This is only good for lonely nights when you want to beat the meat.”
“Hmm…” Not convinced Bucky glances at the phone in Steve’s hand. “They said it’s porn for women. Maybe I’ll learn something from it too.”
“No porn!” Steve insists. “You’ll get brain rot from porn. Stop watching it before you want to go out with a girl.”
“Did you watch porn before a date?”
Steve’s cheeks turn pink. He clears his throat and nods. “Worst date ever. I had a boner and she ran for the hills. But…” He grins now. “I met Sharon on my way back to the frat house and she sucked me off. A happy ending…”
“What if a girl wants to suck my dick? Do I tell her no…or…?”
“What the fuck!” Steve slaps the back of Bucky’s head. “If a girl wants to suck your dick, you will gladly accept and treat her like a goddess. Now stop with the questions. We need to talk about kissing and petting before we get to eating pussy…”
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“Hi—uh,” Bucky pushes the flowers he bought into your hands. He’s a nervous wreck, and you need to hold back a chuckle. “I brought snacks too.”
“I can see that,” you cock a brow. Bucky holds a huge brown paper bag filled with snacks in one arm. “Did you think I’ll mess the food up?”
“No, no,” he furiously shakes his head. “Of course not, Y/N. I thought about bringing something for our movie night. You know, for after the dinner.”
“I was just kidding,” you grin. “Relax, Buck. It’s only us here.” You jerk your head toward the kitchenette at your apartment. “Let’s bring the snacks into the kitchen. Dinner is almost ready.”
Bucky nods, silently praying he’s ready for a date with you too. Since he met you for the first time, Bucky wanted to be your friend. It was a dream come true when you decided that Bucky would be your friend back then.
“Sure, I—thank you for inviting me for dinner, and cooking,” he inhales deeply. “Smells deliciously, Y/N.”
You look at the flowers in your hands, feeling your heart flutter.
“Thank you for the flowers, Buck. They are very nice.”
“I remembered that you like [your favorite flowers]. Your mom always bought them for you for your birthday,” Bucky proudly tells you. “I hope you still like them.”
“I do,” you smile, and giggle when he shyly looks at you. “How about you put the snacks over there on the kitchen island, and I’ll check if the pasta can be served.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Bucky places the snacks on the kitchen island. “Can I help you with the food? Do you want me to prepare the table or something?”
“The table is ready. I thought we could eat and watch a movie,” you say while tasting the sauce one last time. It’s not the best sauce you ever tasted, but you hope Bucky will like it. “Just two friends hanging out.”
“Yeah,” he nods eagerly. “Two friends hanging out.” Bucky sighs, relieved. You won’t expect him to be the perfect lover tonight. He visibly relaxes and even cracks a joke. “Eating snacks.”
You start preparing the dishes while Bucky carries the beverages and glasses inside the living room. He tries to tame his wildly beating heart, hoping you don’t recognize he’s a nervous wreck.
“Let’s eat,” you jerk your head toward the table while balancing two plates in your hands. “I got pasta and salad for us.”
Bucky watches you place the plates on the table. He waits for you to sit down and does the same seconds later. “Thank you for inviting me, Y/N.”
“Okay, this is odd. You are nervous and don’t feel comfortable,” you break the awkward moment, and crack a smile. “I need to do something about it.”
“I…sorry. I never was good at dating. And I never…” He sniffs. “I know you are more experienced, but I’ll try my best to be a good boyfriend.”
“You’re so cute and honest,” you straddle his lap before Bucky can protest. You cup his face and look him deep in the eyes. “I had a few dates.” You peck his lips. “But…” you wrap your arms around his neck. “I waited for you to make a move.” You kiss him again. 
“What does that mean?” Bucky furrows his brows.
“I’m a virgin too…” 
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keepyourpantsongohan · 3 months
Ayesha Liveblogs Spy x Family S2
Awww, I like that Bond Forger the Dog also gets an intro about HIS secret identity. Equal opportunity deceit
Are we finally going to learn who exacty Yor is fighting? I would like to know!
Been there Anya, I also had little patience for watching the news as as a kid. Though, it seems more important in a pre-internet era
"Okay, you can change the channel." Loid Forger, International Spy, defeated by one (1) sad look from his little daughter
"I absolutely cannot tell him that I got shot in the butt while fighting a group of armed men." 10/10 episode plot, I cannot wait
"I've been relying on her too much without realizing it, and it's upset her. Yes, that must be it! I must do everything in my power to remedy this at once!" Loid immediately blaming Yor's mood on himself and deciding he has to be respond by being a better husband!!! I will keep saying it. He is THE Husband. World's Most Husband
"Why don't we go on a date?" HEE HEE
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Puzzling that Yor thinks she hasn't been on a date though, when I can think of at least three dates so far (party-grenade-proposal date, lunch date, and drinks-and-reassurance date)
"I can't leave Anya alone at home, and this is a very important mission to ensure that we remain one happy family." It seems Loid has learned from the spy transmission debacle
"Last night, I came up with 862 date plans to ensure that Yor has fun." He's insane. I want to give him a leetle kiss
HAHAHAHA Franky being absolutely thrilled to bother Loid and Yor on their date. What a friendship 💕
Intriguing that Anya's telepathy has a distance limit. Tell me more!
Honestly, Yor having to position herself in a specific way to avoid pain is relatable. We love a chronic pain queen
"This woman had built up an immunity to poisons." HAHAHAHAHA the poison fixing Yor's pain. Sometimes, drinking does solve your problems!
LMAOOOO them censoring the bomb components. A real "don't try this at home" moment
"I'm going to forget all this and live a normal life." Perfect. Forgers reforming their enemies left and right
"If it's not too much trouble, please invite me out again sometime." Never let being married stand in the way of your husband becoming your boyfriend 🥰
SCREAM at Bond's perception of what Loid does for work. I guess he's closer to the truth than most:
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"Are you trying to do this for your... no. Are you trying to get revenge for your friends who were experimented on?" HAHAHA is Loid blushing because he wants to call himself his dog's dad?
FBKFJHFFHKJHF Loid taking on Bond as his mission back-up. He truly can be swayed so easily
I love the giant puppy spy sidekick, employ this dog ASAP
"While they're busy playing, I'm going to work hard to get to the top," said Damian Desmond, Six Years Old, for whom The Top was beating all the other little bougie first graders
"Your friendship... preciously elegant." Me whenever I finish hanging out with my friends
I love that Henderson-sensei sends the kids out on a picnic as a punishment. He really is as silly as he is strict
I don't know if this is a vegetarian thing or a cultural thing but it always seems wild to me how people in anime bite into fish, scales and all
"Did you know that the most recent studies in neuroscience suggest that your brain feels really revitalized when you're spacing out?" I like Mr. Green, Grizzled Navy Custodian, too
HAHA Damian trying his hardest to space out. Me when people tell me to practice mindfulness
"Oh, you don't [have a goal], eh? That's perfectly fine!" "Actually, I want to live my life eating lots of snacks." "Splendid! You'll have to think earnestly about how to make that possible." I take it back, I LOVE MR. GREEN
Ready to sob about this field trip actually. AHHHHHHH:
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"Good evening, Mr. Vile Trash." ACAB; All Cops are (Weird) Brothers
"What's so wrong about trying to improve the country my family lives in?" Nothing but the hostile, paternalistic nationalism of a Cold War, Frank Perkin, Newspaper Sensationalist and Adult Bully of Wealthy Children
"I'll request that your father gets some financial aid to get by." I feel like that will not make up for imprisoning his son, Yuri, but whatever helps you sleep
"Blech." That's also how I feel about Weird Brother Yuri, Anya
"Revenge will only make you sadder. I'll make you forget about all that with my love." This is the plot of Naruto
Honestly, I was super sold on the Bondman Polycule when it was just him, his spy partner Agent M, and the enemy spy lady who had all linked arms together. I feel like this could work:
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"How was anything he did gentlemanly?" Loid said: I'm a one-woman kind of spy
"Lord Damian, how could you possibly pick the joker there." "Shut up!' [Internally] She's so unfair... Damn it! I like to believe Loid might approve of Damian's crush purely because he is also willing to do whatever Anya wants if she makes one (1) sad face
Poor Anya. She's really most suited to using her street smarts
"Garden? The group of assassins who have been in this country for ages? They're basically urban legends, aren't they?" FINALLY we're finding out more about Yor's job!! They do in fact seem at cross purposes with the spies
[Loid already walking away] "He's such a heartless jerk." I bet you $5 he has already decided to help Franky LMAO
Update from 8 min later: Alright, I owe you $5, he didn't care
"Am I normal?! Oh, thank goodness!" said Yor excitedly, as if that were not a moderately suspicious response to being called normal
Excited for an ep with no double-barreled title. Plot progression!
I truly don't know where this falls on the spectrum of ways that anime will depict black and brown characters LMAO. Like Donovan Desmond, the Shopkeeper has an extremely haunting aura:
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"You will be providing protection on this mission." Oooooh, change of pace!
"Is there actually any reason why I should continue my job as a killer?" A question every assassin should ask themselves, I think
"HQ may or may not be trying to cut back on our shady overtime practices." Incredible. I can't believe even the underground spy agency has PTO. I wonder who regulates spy labour law
"If not for this bodyguard job, the three of us could've enjoyed this vacation together." AWWW Yor loves her family so much
"You can say this is a gangster's destiny." [Reba voice] A single mom who works too hard, who loves her kid never stops!
"Papa! We need to hurry up and explore the ship before it sinks!" "It's not going to sink! Stop scaring everyone." The fact the staircase looks distinctly modelled after that one scene from Titanic really sells Anya's point
Loid incapable of framing having fun as anything but a mission ljggkjgj truly he might benefit from a Real Psychologist
"That family's just for camoflauge, right?" "Yes, you're right... Is... that true?" I love Yor slowly admitting that she loves her family for their own sake 💗
As Yor was declaring doing her best, I did worry briefly that someone was going to [redact] Olka. Other anime have been less kind to me than Spy x Family
I love Yor making another mum friend in Olka 💞 Gal pals
Finally saying suspicious things in public has a consequence!!
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"It's been a while since we've had dinner without Mama." "Yeah, it's a bit lonely." Hee hee, Loid misses his wife
I love the immediate transformation in Yor's face as soon as Olka/Shaty says she didn't order room service
I don't have much to say but I am really entranced by the assassin vs. assassin + informant goings on!!
"I may not look it, but I'm a married woman, so I'll have to decline." Absolutely loving Yor quietly and efficiently beating these hitmen unconscious as she passes through the cruise ship
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"Which is it?! Would normal parents buy their child something in this situation or not?!" Loid is incapable of making a decision without thinking about how it looks in relation to him being a spy. Anxiety king
[In Anya's mind] "Yor! You're an assasin who hates frogs? Let's get a divorce. The Forgers are done." Like father, like anxiety-ridden daughter
"I am a normal father. A good father," said Loid, which is frankly not usually something a good or normal father would say
"Papa, you're not excited at all." Loid defeated by one (1) six-year-old's piercingly accurate psychoanalysis
Loid is facing a true Psychological Battle: The Fitting Room
Anya Ultimate Wingman Award for convincing everyone her mum's battle is actually a circus act
Awwww, Zeb, Fake Husband to Olka, likes her. I hope this is a healthy experience in Yor seeing other fake couples work it out, but I do also think Zeb could mega-die
"As long we people continue to be people, conflict will never end." Alright, Director Doomsday, calm down
"What am I? What am I doing this for?" [B Eilish voice] What was I made foooooor?
"Does she hate me? Or is she just going through a rebellious phase?" Loid whenever one of the Forger girls looks upset: THIS MUST BE MY FAULT SOMEHOW
A hasty and confident NO to Assassin Sniff's whole vibes
We interrupt this program to think about how cute Loid and Anya are!! I love Loid entertaining Anya and also supporting her while he thinks she's missing Yor
"Nice, Mr. Husband!" Oh good, we love a bulletproof vest for Zeb!
Truly a wild juxtaposition of Forger Family Fireworks Night:
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"This might be a bit late to ask, but would you consider just peacefully going home?" I love you, Compassionate Combat
I'm having a hard time believing all this will happen without Loid eventually noticing; the fireworks are long gone. I actually do hope Loid crashes her battle, Director Doomsday is out cold
"I'm doing this to support my family.... wait. I guess I am also doing this for money. But... no, I make enough to survive now. I'm hunting down bad guys for my country! For my country? Have I always been so righteous? What am I doing this for?" Poor Yor, this is like the worst possible time for an existential crisis
[In Yor's flashback] "Be it for someone else, or for a specific reason, having to endure a merciless job... That's something to be very proud of." I'm sure Loid will acknowledge me. He'll forgive me. I like to think so too, Yor!!
Never mind to Loid helping Yor out, he is busy disarming a bomb threatening to sink them. This truly is the Titanic LMAO
LGLHGLGJHGLJHG Anya accidentally tripping the assassins so they shoot each other. Like mother, like daughter 💖
"You'll be able to enjoy the symphony of agonized screams and roars coming through the wiretaps on this ship." I can't wait for Loid to sink this guy with his own clock-bomb
Update from 30 seconds later: See? Self-owned and sunk
Awwwww Yor really does deserve the baby hug after the day she's had:
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"I pray that, someday, you and your family will be able to find true peace." OLKAAAA
"I know it was an emergency, but I ended up casting my family aside again." Loid and Yor having the same crisis about whether to prioritize their family or their jobs 🥺🥺🥺
Loid's blush at Yor catching him skipping as he continues to skip over in her direction. Hee hee
"I hope peaceful days like this will continue forever." ME TOO, YOR!
Get you a mum who would secretly beat up sharks for you ❤️‍🩹
Setting aside how fun snorkeling is, absolutely terrible idea to go into the ocean with an open wound OMG
Loid carrying his whole family is the cutest thing I've ever seen, 10 bajilion/10zo; perfect:
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[Internally] "You did a great job." Loid is in loooooove
"I can never tell if he's actually clever, or clumsy." Me either, Handler
Anya learning about the vacation disparity of rich kids LMAO
"If youre going to create a persona for yourself, you need to be strategic and commit." Not Loid turning this lie lecture into a spy lecture in his mind
"Lying is too much work, so I'll try not to do it anymore." Anya's entire set of adult role models do nothing but lie all the time, she really has no frame of reference for honesty
I do a little bit hate the Becky fantasizing about Loid thing, I have been Cardcaptor Sakura'd too much in life
I feel like they take a lot of liberties in translating "Loid-sama" as "my precious Loid" but hey, he is precious
"Yor's going to get the wrong idea, somehow." Loid has finally registered that this child is obsessed with him and he is only concerned for wife not thinking he's a freak. A good husband above all else
"I really don't understand the children of rich people." Me either, Loid
I need you to see Loid's face as Becky declares that this is his expression of love for Yor:
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"Your heart is as vast as the sky, and you're stronger than the earth itself. You're the perfect lady." Correct, Becky! Yor is amazing
"I had some extra souvenirs left after handing them out to everyone else. Do you want them?" LMAO @ the implication being lost on Fiona that he doesn't even think of her enough to warrant her own souvenir
I will say, I really do resonate with the theme of the ep being Loid is Hot and Amazing to Everyone But No One Will Ever Measure Up to Yor in His Eyes
"Maybe you're too nice, and biting and barking don't really suit you." Everyone in the Forger family is too nice for their job, including Bond Forger, Precognitive Puppy
Awwww Bond trying to help out all the humans with his visions
LNKFHKFHKJFH Loid really just got reprimanded by his dog
"And he went into save [Daisy the puppy]? What an impressive dog!" I love the Spy Dad-Psychic Puppy tag-team ❤️
[Internally] "I am a cool-headed spy. I cannot let my emotions show." Loid remains deadpan through SO many things but his dog looking a little funny while wet is his limit. What a man!
"Don't push yourself too hard. There's someone waiting back home who would be sad if you died." 1) V sweet, dad first, hero second. And 2) This is the second time Loid has directly spoken to his life situation with a simultaneous thinly-veined dog metaphor
WAHHHHHHH Loid and Bond's heroics being acknowledged by Anya giving them little paper Stellas:
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Yor immediately joining in and congratulating them for their hard work on their walk!!! I LOVE ONE (1) SPY X FAMILY 😭😭😭😭😭 IT'S A NICE SHOW
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mysacredmuse · 3 months
Hello! can request aventurine with reader who is sick with a chronic illness? Such as she cannot leave the hospital and the reader feels bored and wants to leave the hospital..Sorry if it's long..
hello my dear !! I can write this, but as I am not sure what kind of chronic illness is in question, this is very vague and just fluffy, quite short scenario of aventurine going out with you for a little bit :)
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aventurine with a partner who is chronically ill, written with gender neutral reader in mind, fluff ! :) * usage of wheelchair
dividers by @/saradika-graphics :)
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Aventurine is very supportive of you and he always makes sure you get the best treatment possible. He knows how draining days at the hospital can be, so he makes sure to bring some games, good books, your favorite snacks and anything else that you might need or desire. Today is a bit harder than usual as your boredom can't be satisfied by simply playing games or watching something with him. He notices that your mood is lower than usual, carefully moving a bit closer to you.
"What's on your mind?" he asks softly, eyes tenderly observing your features.
"I want to go home." you reply honestly, slightly sighing as your eyes fall on the game you were playing with him.
He gently squeezes your arm, rubbing soft circles into your skin using his thumb, remaining silent. You put your hand on top of his, slightly playing with his fingers. He sighs as he quickly stands up, placing a soft kiss on the back of your hand.
"I'll be right back."
You nod, trying to find some form of entertainment for the time being.
After a while, he comes back inside with a nurse who is pushing a wheelchair. Your expression becomes confused for a moment as they slowly help you sit down.
"You got 30 minutes." nurse says in a casual tone and Aventurine nods.
"I couldn't get more because you need to rest, but we can go out for a little while. It's not as good as home, but.." he trails off as he slowly pushes the wheelchair out of the room and down the hallway.
"Thank you." you reply softly as a sweet smile spreads across your face, reassuring him that it is okay.
It is indeed not as good as home, but perhaps being with him is what makes a home, even for a little while. You enjoy the time with him outside, forgetting about your worries and boredom for the time being. Aventurine sneaks in 10 minutes more for you, ready to take the blame if nurses notice; from now on making sure to convince nurses to let you stay outside every day until you are ready to go home with him.
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