#<- difficulty finding a job for a lot of reasons lmao. part of it is overeducated but not enough for a job
lokh · 4 months
what if i went into a trade. advice???
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skittishscribbles · 10 months
tell me about ken!! Whats his job?? how did he end up hanging out with the resisty?
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK!!!!!! :D will gladly ask any and all questions about ken because i love him
SO!! ken's a part of the planetary conversion team (those guys from battle of the planets), which just means he helps out with the whole organic sweep thing. i am in the process of developing that whole profession to be more than just the organic sweep, but it's still a work in progress lol
ken definitely does some stuff outside of just organic sweeps, but i. don't know what exactly that is yet. i'm working on it i PROMISE i will reblog this at some point and give a more specific description of his job!!!
the art is a little bit dated but here's his full uniform! gonna try to build on its significance to his job very soon
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anyhow moving onto the resisty!! the only reason he hangs out with them at all is because they took him in as a prisoner lmao
they saw him just hanging out somewhere and they figured it was their chance to capture an irken to get some intel or for ransom or whatever. the resisty managed to capture him with some difficulty (not because ken is hard to capture, but because the resisty are a bit. well. you know how they are) and made him their prisoner oops! here is my son in resisty jail
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ken doesn't really do anything about his kidnapping and just kinda accepts it with open arms, even finding it kinda fun. he's very defective (cliche i know) so the irken empire isn't exactly something he's passionate about, and he ends up telling them the planets marked for conquest in exchange for space yogurt. ken just goes along with it with a smile on his face because whatever man!!! he's got nothing better to do and these guys are pretty funny (the info he gives them doesn't really lead to anything because the resisty are a bit too pathetic to actually execute a successful plan)
since he's not really a threat a lot of the resisty end up being really chill with him which lard nar is VERY opposed to in the beginning because he really wants to take this seriously but ken makes it pretty hard for him to do that because he just goes "alrighty :D" to whatever happens and gives out whatever information he has like it's nothing. so lard nar eventually gets over himself (+ some romantic stuff that's more silly than anything else) and lets ken do whatever. since ken isn't is any rush to return to the empire, and since he wasn't a very valuable asset to the planetary conversion team, he just hangs out there with the resisty!!
again thank u so much for your ask!!!! i'm really glad you're interested in my oc :3
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jungilhoon · 6 months
from 2015 to 2023: a retrospective!
i’m mostly writing this for myself, but if you happen to take a look and even get something out of it, that’s cool too.
i started this blog in march 2015; it’s now december 2023. back then, i was still a student, reaching the end of my teen years and preparing to progress towards the next stage of my life. i’m now twenty-eight (birth year buddies with sungjae, let’s go).
to be honest, my main goal in life during that time – aside from surviving university and then finding a job – was basically to spread recognition of btob as much as i could lmao. it was as if my well-being depended on their happiness and success. i wanted to watch them succeed so bad, and i feel like their rise equated to some of the most exciting years of my life. they gave me something i thought i was missing, and i needed them. at the same time, i think i was experiencing a lot of difficulties during the years 2015-2017. btob became my escape and comfort that helped me get through that period. looking back, i could have been relying on them a bit too much, but they certainly brightened my world. for that, i’ll always be grateful.
one of my fondest memories will forever be seeing them live for the first time at their 2017 concert. being in the presence of the seven people i had been supporting so hard was profoundly touching. hearing fellow melodies singing their hearts out to ‘it’s okay’ alongside myself brought tears to my eyes.
anyway, as time passed and i started to spend less time online due to changing commitments offline, i began to notice changes in myself. i stopped posting here in 2019 for no significant reason other than that i had gotten busy, and i was finding myself genuinely enjoying life by then. i was discovering happiness in more ways than i had before, but btob stayed a part of me. they were my reliable friends, my found family – the ones i could come back to at any time. my home.
in late 2020 and 2021, i distanced myself for a while. i don’t think i ever fully processed the news back then. i might have even told myself that not paying attention and blocking it out would be for the best. i basically took a break, only checking in here and there. (4u ate up on kingdom.) i’ve naturally drifted away from people i knew back then, but i’ve also stayed close to a few. eventually, i found myself accepting the way things had become, albeit slowly. i still miss and care about ilhoon. i understand if he will never be a ‘public figure’ again. i think i can simultaneously acknowledge and hold both of these perspectives. every now and then, such as when i’d finished watching the btob time movie last week, i do feel sad about it. it’s hard to just get over it. yeah, i’m an adult, but so what.
my mindset has changed as i’ve gotten older. in the past, i was hostile and quick to react in the face of negativity. i was chaotic; i always wanted to prove a point. i guess i’ve calmed down a lot since then. i’m pretty mellow these days. on the whole, i’m not fond of spending too much time engaging with strangers or acquaintances online. truthfully, it did make me anxious then too. i kind of prefer just tossing things into the void, like this post, and quietly enjoying what i like. that’s why being active online the way i used to be doesn’t seem to work for me anymore. still, maybe with rose-tinted glasses, i miss those days i spent just waiting on the next btob update and having fun here. i scrolled through my archive for a while last night, riding on a rollercoaster of emotions.
what i actually mean by my mindset having changed though, is that i seem to view things in life more positively these days. i’ve somehow stopped being so pessimistic all the time. i found it difficult to look on the bright side when i was younger. i was colder, filled with dread, and eternally expecting the worst. as a person, i think i’ve become warmer, more appreciative. precious things can disappear just like that. i try to be thankful, in case it’s true that nothing gold can stay.
i’m undecided on if i’ll randomly appear with the odd post when i feel like it. there’s no harm in it, so perhaps! at present, what i want to say is that i still wholeheartedly love and support btob. always will. i have their season’s greetings pre-ordered. now that they’re out of cube, i’m so excited for what they might have in store next. i don’t know what it’ll be, but that’s okay. whatever it is, and even if it’s not what i’m expecting, i trust them. i’ll be proud of them. really! 비투비 예전에도 지금도 앞으로도 사랑해요! 🩵
(p.s. i impulsively bought hour moment photocards at 2am last night, so maybe i actually still need to relax.)
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i'm usually not so chatty about my headcanons but. . . but i'm feeling generous to share them for this day, so. . . imagine in an AU, where the dceu!carter hall and arrowverse!ray palmer are best friends like in the comics. and that carter was a part of the legends at some point.
bc ughhh, so unfair the arrowverse didn't have a better hawkman. and while i'm glad there's another version, it's been several months but i'm still bitter. but whatever! AUs and headcanons exist for a reason. <3
damnnit, i guess i'll have to create content of these two by myself, won't i? lmao.
tw: some death mentions at the 12th point.
carter regularly invites ray to his manor/mansion in st. roch more than once whenever the legends take a break. of course, pillow fights and movie nights happen often.
they often cook meals together and learn new recipes from one another. carter ensures to have non-glutten ingredients stocked before ray drops by.
and carter had shown the hawkcruiser to ray, who gawked it with such awe. but their joy rides do not go well. and ray offers to fix it up with him.
carter was usually hesitant about ray's team bonding ideas but once he did it, he genuinely enjoys it a lot.
they often go outside at new restaurants to check out ala this comic panel.
at some point in a mission, both carter and ray used 'shawn' and 'gus' as accidental alliases. the team, especially len, didn't let them live it down.
ray tries helping carter to wind down whenever he can. being a source of comfort and support bc he can tell he gets exhausted a lot. carter finds ease whenever he's around, feeling that he doesn't need to be responsible every two seconds. that it's okay to be a bit of a goof and relax.
carter tends to help ray concentrate whenever on any important task. with his prescence, ray can have a clear mind and complete the job well. and bc of him, he learns to be a bit smoother than he'd usually be. when he does it on a mission, the team gets shookth.
they often purpose having flying races at empty areas, where no one can see them. carter probably won most of them bc of nth metal, of course.
dare i say nate would probably be happy to have one more bestie. he'd probably have a crush on carter. and try stealing him from ray. yes, another rarepair to the pile. *sighs*
as a trio, they'd probably get on any team's nerves. and people often assume carter 'a bad plan is better than no plan' hall has the main braincell. when actually, it alternates or they don't share it properly, lmao.
after kent's death, ray immediately offered comfort to carter. he'd never dare to replace kent but he'll try his best to be there for him in his grief. bc losing a best friend sucks and he understands.
just these two being genuine friends, who take care of each other and show affection. maybe as much as ray + nate does even if carter might have difficulty. but once it gets easier, carter eventually expresses his affection for ray, who gladly reciprocates.
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fockinastro · 3 years
astro observations
a/n: most of these are personal observations or theories lmao so pls don’t bully me too hard but yes i love astro observations--also, if u believe i took your comment/observation without credit, please reach out and let me know! i have no problem including you in my post (or taking it down if u ask :))
this may be obvious but i’ve noticed that people with retrograde planets tend to have difficulty expressing its energy; eg. mercury retrograde people may have difficulty communicating or may stutter or find it difficult to put things into words, etc. 
venus in sag in the 6th may manifest as having a difficult time with the idea of settling down to one job/career for the rest of their life
i’ve noticed that lilith in 8th & neptune in 8th tend to not fear the idea or concept of death or just think it’s so natural that it doesn’t make them uncomfortable to think about
some astrologers say that having your sun sign in its fall (libra) or detriment (aquarius) may make it harder to relate to your sun sign or express its energy which i find to be true (personally)—this is also true bc these two signs are people signs meanwhile aries & leo are self-centric signs
i think every astrologers opinions differ on this but i think that 0 degrees can manifest as taking some/a little bit of its previous sign’s energy (the same concept as the anaretic/29 degree) eg. 0 degrees taurus may have a speck of aries energy but i can definitely see how the 0 degrees manifests as the purest form of that sign
i believe degrees definitely affect a person’s personality and how that planet/house/sign is expressed
for example, my brother has a 28 (cancer degree) degrees aries moon and i know aries moons get bad rep for being out of control with their emotions and explosive but he’s literally the most emotionally intuitive & intelligent person i know--he’s also literally so mellowed out (and he’s a LEO so...)
gemini & virgo moons (or even other placements) tend to blend well together even though they square one another; this is because they are both ruled by mercury
same concept goes for aries/scorpio; libra/taurus; sag/pisces imo
i personally just think that because they are co-ruled, it makes it easier to have similarities to get along
a mix of aquarius & virgo makes for an person that’s super hard on themselves and also very nonchalant or ‘unfeeling’ or maybe even monotone
my best friend has this placement and she is definitely this emoji -> 😐
this is a gimme but gemini/virgo/6th house creates such an anxious person; like they are overcome with so much anxious energy that they have a tendency to overthink, worry too much and be unable to sit still
18th degree MC can manifest as physical & mental illnesses due to your career
‘working yourself to death’ vibes, especially if it’s in a cardinal or earth sign since cardinal takes the initiative to do things and earth signs are stubborn and fixated on what they are getting out of their work
some may not realize this but the second house can represent self-esteem and i’ve noticed having pluto there may make you a very insecure person
other things that may affect your self-esteem would be taurus degrees/energy in chiron, lilith and malefic planets such as pluto
mars & moon in the same house may create difficult feelings or aggression towards that house’s theme but the moon may mellow it out or create feelings of obligation
for example: mars & moon in 4th may create discourse with your family but moon in 4th can show feelings of obligation to your family (back and forth situation)
don’t hate me for this but i’ve noticed undeveloped taurus moons are so manipulative and people tend not to notice this aspect because they are ruled by venus which can be easily overlooked but i be hella skeptical about taurus moons so...
i used to think aquariuses were super open-minded (and they are!) but being a fixed sign does make them fixated on their own opinions but they are very good about listening to what other people have to say--they just won’t agree with you if they don’t agree with you
this is also probs obvious too but i’ve noticed that people that have intercepted charts and whatever sign and/or planets they have there tends to have a hard time expressing that aspect or they may be confused about that part of themselves
for example: aries/libra interception can point to having difficulty expressing these energies or you can attract these types of energies/signs into your life
another example: venus & mercury can manifest as difficult expressing/obtaining love & communication/thoughts
an astrologer stated that they include the second part of the degree and i can see how that part comes into play--i need to do more research on this but i do think it takes an effect on someone’s chart/personality
an example: 5′44 degrees virgo moon makes them also have this leo & scorpio aura which i can definitely see how it comes into play
this might also be another reason (aside from house placements and other aspects) how certain asteroids or generational planets affect people differently even if they may be in the same sign or house, etc. 
saturn in the 7th house brings about lots of struggles and lessons in terms of romantic relationships and these people may have to wait a while before being able to find the right person to settle down with
i’ve noticed having leo placements/degrees/house can really illuminate a person’s personality due to the sun’s effects--it gives a showy/braggy energy but also very warm and creative vibe
rip to people with opposing sun & moon signs bc i know that's gotta be tuff
scorpio & sagittarius mercuries i’ve noticed are similar in the sense that they are super blunt and tend to have no filter
i think whichever house you have leo in can indicate a talent for that house’s theme
for example: leo in 3rd can show a talent in communication or leo in 7th can indicate a talent for finding romantic partners
this is all i have for you guys tonight lmao enjoy!
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angellesword · 3 years
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Description: You and Jungkook were best friends who were in love with each other. What would happen when Soojin, your half sister who you’re trying to impress, told you she’s in love with Jungkook too?
“Would you believe me if I said that I was scared of everything too?”
Pairing: Architect!Jungkook x Architect!Reader
Genre: childhood best friends to lovers, family drama, angst, fluff, idiots to lovers, pining, slice of life au.
Warnings: mention of infidelity, leading to insecurity (poor Sin-ae.) manipulation, cursing, unrealistic BOD meeting lmao
Chapter’s OST: Fight Song by Rachel Platten 
Word Count: 5.1k
Series: CHAPTER 12 | CHAPTER 14
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It goes without saying that one should either stay away or fight those things that destroyed them.
It was long overdue and you knew it. You shouldn't have let the Kims treated you like garbage. You should've fought them the first time they violated your peace.
But no. You did none of these because for the longest time, you felt like you owed them. You felt like you had ruined their perfect family so now you were required to pay for it.
It was like you were your father's souvenir from a long trip of fucking around. A memento that reminded Sin-ae and your siblings that Taemin betrayed them.
All souvenirs had limits too though. Over time, they started to deteriorate. You felt like this was happening to you. You were no longer that pretty little thing that did whatever the Kims wanted.
You had enough; however, it didn't mean it hurt any less.
"Hey, are you okay?" You heard your name being called. You felt his hand on the small of your back before you saw his face. He was keeping you steady in place.
"Huh? Um—" You tilted your head, meeting the gaze of the person who saved you from collapsing. "Architect Jung?"
You blinked at your former co-worker, making sure that you got his name right. You hadn't seen him in years. What if you remembered his face wrong? What if he's not Jung Hoseok, the only architect in this firm who Jungkook adored?
You remembered from years ago when Jungkook pouted all day because Architect Jung announced that he would be quitting his job soon. If you remembered it correctly, your best friend even shed a tear. He really liked this mentioned architect.
Luckily, Hoseok didn't push through the resignation. Until now, he was still working at Castle. All you knew was that he didn't like working on site. He preferred guiding junior architects and working in the office.
This was why it didn't come as a surprise to you to run into him today. You were simply curious if he was really the Hoseok you knew from years ago.
He looked different. His hair was longer and his gaze was dark. The Hoseok you knew always smiled bright. What changed?
"You don't look okay. Maybe we should sit first?" Hoseok guided you towards his office room.
You took a seat on the couch, watching as Hoseok strode towards his mini fridge to get a bottle of water.
"Here..." He handed it to you after opening its cap. "Can I get you anything else?"
Hoseok sounded like a concerned big brother. There's a warm feeling in your chest because of the way he looked at you. It's as if he truly cared about your well-being.
"No. This is fine. Thank you, Architect Jung." You smiled politely at him. Sometimes you forgot that some people could show you kindness without having an ulterior motive. "You already helped me a lot. I'll probably collapsed on the floor if you didn't catch me."
You chuckled lightly. You were confused, guilty, and hurting. These mixed emotions were probably the reason why you felt like you were going to faint. You walked out of Taemin's office right after telling the Kims that you should see one another in court if they had concerns about your father's last will and testament.
You left instantly because you didn't trust yourself. What if you said the wrong things and made the situation so much worse? A part of you knew you deserved to inherit a portion of Taemin's assets despite being an illegitimate child. On the other hand, you felt like you were being unfair to your siblings for thinking this way. You took so much from them already. Wasn't it enough that you succeeded in breaking their family apart?
"Are you eating well?" Hoseok asked with concerned eyes. He was currently sitting on the couch right across you.
Architect Jung's office was spacious. It was bigger and comfier than Jungkook's space here at Castle. You wondered if it was because of his position or if it had something to do with his relationship with your father.
Your father always brought Architect Jung and Jeon with him whenever he had meetings outside Korea. The three of them were pretty close. Years ago, you actually heard Seokjin and Taemin fighting.
Your eldest brother was demanding to know why Taemin preferred the company of Hoseok and Jungkook more than his own sons. Your father was quick to defend himself, saying that Hoseok and Jungkook were architects and one of them could be his successor—the one who could help continue his legacy—unlike him and Namjoon who chose a different path.
Seokjin was wrong to drop the argument after that. He should've dug deeper. He should've questioned his father and exposed his secret.
You were not the only illegitimate child of Taemin. Hoseok was too. You found out about it on a very underwhelming day: today.
"Or are you still sulking because you didn't get to attend our father's funeral?"
You realized that some people could say mean things easily. Hoseok didn't know that his words hurt you, making you feel like you didn't have the right to feel sad about not seeing your father for the last time.
But that's not your concern at the moment. You squinted, like you're trying to see if Hoseok grew two heads.
What did he just say? Our father? Did you hear him right or were you just too emotionally drained to be conversing with other people right now?
"You get overwhelmed easily, my dear sister." Architect Jung observed with a thoughtful gaze.
You were still too stunned to speak.
"Now I'm not so sure if I should tell you all my secrets. You don't look like the person who can help me take down the Kims."
"I—I." You flinched at his words. Take down the Kims? What the fuck was he saying? "I don't understand this. Why would I want to ruin...my family?"
You cringed the second the question left your mouth. Even in your own ears, you sounded pathetic. After all this time, you still thought you're part of that family?
Maybe Hoseok wasn't the confusing one here. It's you and your stupidity.
"They're not your family." Architect Jung corrected you through gritted teeth. "Family helps each other. The Kims destroyed you and our father—"
There it was again.
You cut him off because the more he spoke, the more confused you got. Your temples were aching and suddenly, you weren't so sure if the culprit for your headache was still the Kims.
You thought Hoseok was making you feel perplexed. He seemed to understand the confusion he's bringing because he looked at you with sympathy as he picked up the folder on top of the center table, the same table separating the two of you.
"Maybe this will help you understand better." He handed you the folder.
It was as if your hand had its own life. You were already reaching for the folder before you could process what he said.
Hoseok urged you to open it and read the first page of the file.
You obliged. Lips trembling as you silently read the content. Your temples throbbed more. You had seen this same paper years ago. This was a paternity test result. You knew because Sin-ae demanded a copy of this when Taemin claimed you were his child.
"Y-You're..." Your heart was in your throat. Your face felt hot and it was difficult for you to speak.
Still, you pushed hard and asked; "you're my brother too?"
It's strange. To feel warmth in your chest.
Hoseok was your brother.
He was family.
"I am." Hoseok's jaw ticked. He swallowed before saying "I'm the eldest son of our father..."
Your hands balled into fists upon hearing that, not in annoyance but because of happiness. Finally, you felt like someone would understand what you feel. You asked Hoseok to share his life story to you, but only if he felt comfortable.
The last thing you wanted was to drive him away. Fortunately, your brother didn't mind sharing. It's not like he had a choice. Really.
This was the only way he could think of to convince you to help him make the Kims pay.
Hoseok started by telling you that his parents had a romantic relationship even when Taemin was already married to Sin-ae. Apparently, your father's legal wife had difficulty conceiving.
Taemin even thought that he and his wife would never have children. This was when he decided to be with Jung Jiwoo, Hoseok's mother. Just like your mother, Jiwoo fell into Taemin's trap.
Taemin debated if he should break up with Sin-ae after finding out that Jiwoo was pregnant. He almost did, but fate was cruel because just as when Taemin’s about to divorce his wife, he found out she was pregnant too.
Jiwoo accepted her fate. Unlike your mother, she wasn't demanding. She was content with the fact that Taemin treated Hoseok well. His eldest son was his favorite.
Things only changed when Taemin decided to form a professional corporation with his best friend Jong-in. He rarely visited Hoseok. He started prioritizing the company and his new mistress.
Jiwoo didn't mind. In fact, she even invested in the firm as well. Just like your mother, Jiwoo also saw potential in the business. She knew it would grow and become one of the best architectural firms.
Jiwoo invested for the sake of her son. She wanted him to have a good future, especially because it appeared like Hoseok was into architecture as well.
Hoseok was actually one of the first architects to work at Castle. He helped the company grow. Taemin saw the fruit of Hoseok's labor and even made a promise to make his eldest son his successor.
It was all lies though. Taemin felt guilty when Sin-ae broke down and found out about you. He realized he couldn't break her heart more so he decided not to tell his wife and children about Hoseok.
Taemin died without revealing the truth about his eldest son.
"Is that why you want to take down the Kims?" You winced after he told you the truth. "Because you hate our father? Because he didn't include you in his will?"
Your heart dropped to your stomach. How cruel. You honestly thought Hoseok was like you. You thought he just wanted to belong. To be loved...But it appeared like he was blinded by revenge.
"I don't hate our father." Hoseok scoffed, offended that you thought he was the kind of person who would bring down the people who were important to the person he hated. "He's an ass, but he loved me. I can't say for sure about you though."
You avoided his gaze because what he said hurt. Hoseok seemed to realize the impact of his words because his face turned pale.
"I-I don't mean it like that." He did. "I mean...I don't know." Hoseok conceded since he didn't really know what he was talking about.
He couldn't talk on behalf of his father. He could only talk about his observation.
"I think...father loved you." His voice was barely a whisper, like he was ashamed to say this to you. "Just not in the way you should be loved."
Hoseok pursed his lips. His eyes glistened with dejection.
"Because you deserve so much more, my lovely sister..."
You felt his stare through your soul. It hurt.
It hurt to think that you found someone who was going through the same thing as you. It just hurt that even when you're basically on the same page, you're still so different.
Taemin loved him more than he loved you.
But why? Weren't you deserving of his love?
"If I deserve so much more, then why do people treat me like this?" You choked back a sob.
You didn't mean to break down like this. You were so tired of appearing vulnerable in front of people. Why did it feel like they always have the upper hand?
It's not fair.
"Because you let them." Your heart broke into a thousand pieces after hearing Hoseok's response.
"So it's my fault?" You couldn't help it. Tears trickled down your face. It's like you had been slapped.
"There's no other way to put it." Hoseok was remorseful but not really. "Don't get me wrong. There's nothing wrong with you. You're full of love, I get it, but not everyone is like you. You can't expect them to be nice to you just because you're nice to them."
He paused for a second just to stare into your eyes. He looked desperate—desperate to make you understand.
"Some people...They're very entitled, you know? They feel like they can do whatever they want with you since they're conditioned to think you wouldn't mind."
You understood that, but Hoseok wasn't truthful. He was wrong to say there's nothing wrong with you.
There was.
People took advantage of you because you let them. That's your mistake.
He intended to help you correct it.
"But you have to mind it. Their horns will only grow if you don't deter them from hurting you. Before you know it, it's not just you who's getting hurt—"
Hoseok let out a deep breath.
"—it's everyone." He bit his lower lip. "Everyone is suffering because of the Kims and I want to put an end to it."
You watched as his expression hardened.
"You're the only one who can help me."
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Despite Hoseok's revelation of the truth, you still didn't understand why he wanted the Kims to suffer.
He figured it's best if he showed you the evidence instead of just talking about it. Hoseok wasn't dumb. He knew you loved the Kims, especially Soojin. You might be tired of their bullshit; however, it didn't mean you would be happy to see them in pain.
Unless he gave you valid reasons.
"You think you can spare me some time? I'd like to tell you more things." Your eldest brother enquired.
You were still inside his office here at Castle. An hour had passed since he shared that he was also Taemin's son.
"Uh...yeah. I think so." Jungkook was supposed to pick you up. He told you to send him a message when you're done meeting the Kims and Taemin's executors.
You appreciated Jungkook's attempt to comfort you. He's always there to help you, but it looked like you wouldn't be able to meet with him today or any time soon. Definitely not when you had to fix so many things.
Hoseok ended up bringing you to his apartment. He showed you things you didn't even know were real.
"Here's the original copy of the documents related to the construction of the building in Myeong-dong."
You weren't sure why Architect Jung was showing you these documents when he should be handing it to the authorities. All of this information was related to the building that collapsed weeks ago. The investigation was still continuous and the management of Castle was going through a rough time.
"I know this is a lot to take in, but I'm not sure how else to convince you that I'm not the bad person here." Hoseok saw the way you looked at him when he claimed he wanted to destroy the Kims.
You didn't believe in revenge. You knew at the end of the day it's not going to be as fulfilling as what you thought it would be. What would you gain if you hurt people who hurt you?
Satisfaction? Yeah, and so? Would it change the fact that you got hurt?
"Take a look in that document. There's the original blueprint of the building. Kim Soojin designed it. She's actually the one leading the construction of the building, not our father."
The words escaping Hoseok's mouth weren't registering in your mind. Your whole attention was focused on the documents in your quivering hand.
Just like what Hoseok wanted you to do, you took a look at the document. Your brows snapped together, lips parting because of shock.
It hadn't struck you yet that the sole reason why the tragic accident happened was because of Soojin.
By definition, an accident meant an event that happened unintentionally. Just by looking at your sister's design, you could already tell that an accident would definitely happen. Soojin was a professional. She was a licensed architect. How could she not know this wouldn't lead to death, injuries, and damages?
The building was poorly designed. It's like aesthetics were prioritized rather than safety. It's frustrating to see this. Hoseok also told you Soojin wanted the building to be constructed immediately so she designed it using inferior materials. It was easier to obtain these materials since it could be delivered the same day you ordered it.
This was unlike Soojin. She usually preferred ordering high-quality materials to the point where the budget set for her projects resulted in a deficit. She incurred a lot of cost whenever she accepted a workload.
"She's planning to join this international competition that's why she rushed the construction of the building." Hoseok explained, causing you to shake your head.
This was ridiculous. Soojin wasn't that dumb to compromise the safety of people just to win, right? She's better than that.
"I don't believe this." You practically shoved the documents back to your brother. This was a difficult pill to swallow.
You felt like everything you knew about your sister were all lies. She had a temper, yes. She was a brat, yes. But she was smart. She was a good architect. Or were you just convincing yourself?
"S-Soojin isn't like this." You wheezed, making Hoseok heave a deep sigh.
"Isn't she?"
You thought people only experienced life flashing before their eyes when they're on the brink of death, but as Hoseok asked this question to you, every memory you had with Soojin flashed in your mind, like it was telling you to not just look but see.
"But she's so kind to me." You deflated.
Hoseok looked at you with sympathy. Or was it pity? He pitied you because you were blinded by the idea of wanting to belong.
"She really did a good job manipulating you, huh?" Hoseok grimaced, wondering if he was at fault too.
He knew about you. Taemin talked about you. It's actually one of the reasons why Hoseok chose to stay at Castle. It's not simply because he had interest in becoming the next chairperson. He wanted to look after you too.
Was he too late? Why didn't he reach out to you?
"S-She did not manipulate me." Even in your own ears, you sounded pathetic. Why did you keep denying the truth? Deep down, you were sure Hoseok was right.
"She did." Your brother continued to insist. "A lot of times. You just misunderstood the meaning of manipulation because she did it so kindly."
There were two kinds of manipulation.
One was when a person used intimidation or violence to manipulate another being into doing something.
Most of the time, the people who had been coerced ended up hating the one who manipulated them.
This was the case with your mother. It took you long to admit that you hated her. For the longest time, you told yourself you loved her because at the end of the day, she was still your mother.
But she hurt you and abused you, so you started to hate her.
The other type of manipulation was when a person used kindness to get what they wanted. This was what Soojin did. She made you feel like you belonged, like she loved you—this was why you didn't hate her.
You loved her.
Acting like you’re kind was the easiest way to make people believe you're a good person. However being kind and being good were two different things. You just failed to see that.
"If you still don't believe me, then stay with me for a while. I'll show you everything you need to know."
There's something about the way Hoseok said these words that made you agree. You stayed at his place for days, refusing to go back to Jungkook's apartment no matter how many times he tried to reach you.
You couldn't afford to be distracted right now. Jungkook was a distraction. Every time you saw him, all you wanted to do was drop everything and just be happy with him.
Love shouldn't be your priority at the moment. You had to unveil the truth first.
Fortunately, you did.
Hoseok didn't stop providing evidence. You didn't know how he managed to talk to some employees who apparently knew about the real reason why the building collapsed.
Your heart was divided into two. A big part of you believed that Soojin failed and blamed her mistakes to Taemin, the other part of you still chose to trust her. This seemed to frustrate Hoseok because days after providing you legit evidence, he said he couldn't do it anymore.
"You clearly trust your sister. What if you heard the truth from her?" Hoseok furrowed his brows, irritated.
You gulped, heart beating fast.
"Okay," but you agreed because as stated, you knew deep down that evidence didn't lie.
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You got what you wanted and Hoseok felt like he could finally breathe.
"You believe me now?" Your brother folded his hands over his chest. A sigh of relief escaped his lips upon seeing you nod your head at once.
The evidence you were looking for was hearing the truth coming from Soojin. You heard her admit the truth when she and Sin-ae were at the columbarium.
"There's nothing holding you back this time?" He pressed.
You nodded again, this time, you were more determined as you clenched your fist and gritted your teeth.
This was the story that unfolded days ago. Right now, you were standing behind Hoseok here at the conference room in Castle.
Everyone anticipated your move. They watched you deliver that shocking news. It was oddly satisfying—to watch the surprise staining their face.
Sin-ae clearly wanted to lash out on everyone, unfortunately she couldn't use the 'this is impossible' card because before she could even breathe, the evidence was provided to every person in the meeting.
Mr. Han and the other shareholders had a smug look on their faces. They weren't bothered that Hoseok wasn't carrying Taemin's last name. What's important to them was that now they had a better option.
Anyone was obviously better than having Soojin as the next chairperson.
"H-How do we know you didn't fabricate the result?" Sin-ae desperately groaned as she glared at Hoseok. This was bad. So fucking bad. "My husband is dead!"
Your father's wife was arguing that Taemin was cremated. She firmly believed that the result had been tampered.
This belief of hers had been shattered when Namjoon interjected the conversation. He stood up, gaze focused on his wailing mother. Sin-ae was hurt. Of course she was. She just found out that her late husband cheated on her more than once.
She couldn't help but wonder if there's something wrong with her. Just like you, she was insecure. Wasn't she enough?
"The result is not fabricated, mother." Namjoon started. Eyes so soft that it broke Sin-ae more. "Architect Jung Hoseok is my father's son too. I helped prove it."
Your eyes widened upon hearing that. Shit. You thought you're the only one who had revelation to make today. Who would have thought that one of your siblings would do something like this?
"Hoseok-hyung and I requested a sibling DNA test. The file in front of you will show you the result."
"If Mr. Jung Hoseok is also entitled to legitime, shouldn't you be discussing this in court?" One of the shareholders raised his concern.
You turned to that shareholder.
"You don't have to worry about that, Mr. Kang. My brother's share in our father's estate has been settled. I transferred my shares in this company to him."
"You did not!" Soojin seethed after a long moment of silence on her part. She was glaring at you like you betrayed her.
It used to crush your soul, but seeing her today didn't make you feel anything. You stared back at your sister impassively.
Her face was crimson, eyes growing big and hands balling into fists. She looked like she could kill you.
"She did." Hoseok interjected, shooting your sister a taunting smile. Hoseok was seated right across Soojin. He could see her nostrils flaring. "I am this firm's major shareholder. Right, Architect Jeon?"
It was made known to everyone in this room that Jungkook sold his share to Hoseok. This only drove Soojin and her mother more vexed.
They were seeing red.
Soojin started throwing things. She angrily pushed all things she saw on the long table, shouting and blaming you for ruining her chance to become the next chairperson.
"Bold of you to assume you still have a chance to run this firm when you're nothing but trash." You surprised yourself when you said this.
Soojin too. Sin-ae, Seokjin, and basically everyone gaped at you. Your blank face was all they saw though. You were getting bolder now. It wasn't easy, but you found courage every time you thought about the bereaved families of the victims of Soojin's incompetence.
"What did you just say to me?" Her face flushed, heartbeat increasing because of hatred and disbelief. She wanted to scratch your face and drag you to hell.
You were a fucking bitch.
"Don't play dumb with me, Kim Soojin. You know what I'm talking about." Your shoulders squared as you lifted your chin. "Or would you rather I show everyone in this room the evidence you thought you already got rid of?"
For a second Soojin looked like she had a smart retort, but her face turned white when she heard your question.
It's the same expression she had when she saw you at the columbarium many days ago. Fear was never a good look on Soojin. Because unlike you, she wasn't used to feeling this way.
She always won, always got what she wanted. But not this time.
Definitely not this time.
"What is this all about?" Mr. Kang puckered his lips, unamused as he stated his opinion. He said he didn't have time for family drama.
"This isn't drama, Mr. Kang. This issue concerned all of you." You didn't waste any more time. "Castle is going through a rough time now because of the accident that occurred in Myeong-dong. I know the investigation is still on-going and we're all tensed as to how this will affect us, especially because you all believe the culprit is my father. But—"
"No!" Soojin and her mother tried to stop you, but the shareholders were done with them. They said they'd kick out Soojin and Sin-ae if they didn't act professionally.
This was a corporate meeting. It didn't take a genius that one should be in their best behavior.
You continued.
"The building collapsed not because of Kim Taemin but because of Architect Kim Soojin. She led the construction of it. I have here all the written evidence." You nodded your head at your father's former secretary, silently asking to flash the evidence on the projector. Some employees proceeded to hand out the same copy of documents Hoseok showed you before, the one that would prove that your claims were real.
"And before you accused us of fabricating the results, well then, it won't be warranted. We have corroborated with the employees who worked with Architect Kim Soojin regarding this construction. They were bribed with money, but through persuasion, we have convinced them to take the moral high ground."
You elucidated that these coerced employees were willing to take the stand during Soojin's trial—yes, after all she had done, you were certain that Castle and the law would hold her accountable.
It's evident by the way the shareholders and the board reacted with the news. They still gave Soojin an option though: either go to the station on her own or the management would be forced to call the authorities right now.
"She'll turn herself in." It wasn't Soojin who decided this. It was Seokjin. Your brother was looking at you as he said this.
His face was void of any emotion. It caused your heart to skip a beat, wondering if Seokjin hated you even more now.
He didn't speak during the meeting. He remained frozen on his spot, just sternly watching the scene unfold in front of him. Another thought popped inside your head: did he know about Hoseok too? Namjoon did.
"What are you saying, oppa!? I'm not—” Soojin protested but Seokjin shook his head, wrapping his arms around your sister's shoulder and pulling her into his chest.
Seokjin whispered something to Soojin. No one heard it except your sister and probably Sin-ae who was standing close to her children.
Whatever Seokjin said to your sister worked because she stopped trembling and protesting. She stayed close to him though, face still buried on Seokjin's chest.
The vice chairperson was talking to Seokjin, probably about the criminal case. You watched as Hoseok and Namjoon joined the conversation. There were other shareholders trying to pry more information out of the Kims.
You were on the far corner of the room, observing them.
The conversation went on for about five minutes before you saw Seokjin walking away, gently holding his sister's hand and taking her with him.
Namjoon and Sin-ae followed them. Your brother spared you a glance.
You shuddered at his stare even though it's not cold. It's the usual way Namjoon looked at you, no emotion but like...he knew something you didn't. It always made you uncomfortable.
Even until now.
Luckily, Jungkook was here to make it all better. You felt his hand wrapping around your shoulder tightly. Just like what Seokjin did to Soojin, your best friend pulled you closer to him.
Your knee jerk reaction was to lean your head against his shoulder.
Jungkook smiled sincerely even though you couldn't see his face. You watched Namjoon walk away as Jungkook whispered "it's going to be okay, Tiger," in your ears.
His voice was so soft and gentle that you were compelled to believe that yes, everything will be okay soon.
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this chapter is inspired by the quote I saw somewhere: if you demonized the demons, you’re the demon.
Ah. Two chapters left! How do we feel? I was shocked to see your reactions from the last chapter! The twist there is written on a whim 😭 I hope I didn’t disappoint you with this update! 🥺
I haven’t edited this. Please don’t mind the errors.
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haikyunicorn · 4 years
halloween with kuroo, iwa, asahi and suga
@mer92​ asked “Hiiii I've just started to follow you! Would it be possible to request HC for Kuroo, Iwa, Asahi and Suga on a Halloween date with their S/O? like what kind of costumes will they wear if they will be wearing matching costumes... Or if they would go to Halloween parties or just stay home? Thank you if you decide to write it down! 😊”
Hi, lovely! Thank you for following and requesting<3 it was very fun writing this! this is less plot-filled than my other hcs, i hope that’s ok with you
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kuroo tetsurou
Kuroo likes Halloween
He’s not super hyped up about it, but he loves playing scary pranks on his friends and then using Halloween as an excuse :)
He tells Lev and Inuoka that the boy’s toilet on the 2nd floor is haunted and do they believe him?? Absolutely, yes. 
He doesn’t mind going on spooky dates, either!
In fact, he’ll drag you to watch a horror film or stay up all night exchanging scary stories
He would also probably take you and the team “ghost hunting” around the school after volleyball practice when it’s dark and no one’s around
Nerd boy with his nerd costumes
He doesn’t want to spend too much effort or money in a costume he’s only going to wear once this year, but he doesn’t want a lame costume, either
He’d love to get matching costumes with you!!
But all his suggestions will be either memey or nerdy costumes
The firsts that come to mind are the ‘woman screaming at cat’ (he’ll be the cat) or he’ll get you both matching t-shirts with the elements copper (Cu) and tellurium (Te) printed on them “so when we stand next to each other, everyone can see how CuTe we are”
He is also not opposed to character costumes like Rick and Morty or Hogwarts wizards/witches
Kuroo will go to a party with you and slip away for a while the second you both get there with no explanation and then very unsuspiciously hang around you all night
Later you find out he has signed you both up for the costume contest
The both of you are definitely not the best dressed ((read below: suga and his s/o)) but strut on the stage like it’s a fashion show
Or if you refuse to go up and participate because you were involuntarily signed up, Kuroo will still go up alone, pick up a microphone with a deadpan face and say “this is supposed to be a matching costume but there were some technical difficulties” you brought this on yourself, kuroo
Haunted houses and horror films are definitely his favourite things about Halloween!
I feel like Kuroo isn’t afraid of the ghosts and stuff, but he doesn’t handle being jumpscared well
When he gets shocked while in a haunted house or during a movie, he’ll yelp out a bunch of swears lmao
But he loves the temporary adrenaline rush and 10/10 will do it again
If you tease him and call him a scaredy cat, he’ll pout
And you can expect him trying to sneak up on you and scare you the next day
iwaizumi hajime
Iwa doesn’t care much for Halloween
He gets a little annoyed at all the Halloween-themed products that stores come out with because he thinks it’s just a marketing scheme to sell some overpriced shit (it is)
But if you want to go try out pumpkin desserts or visit a haunted house, he’ll indulge you just because he loves spending time with you no matter what you two end up doing
He’s usually not one to dress up for Halloween
The most he’s done is put on a t-shirt with a superhero logo on it 🙄
Oikawa has tried multiple years to get him in “matching best friend costumes” but Iwa has never once agreed
But if you pout a little a few weeks before Halloween, bribe him with some kisses, catch him in a good mood, he’ll say yes (make sure to say no takebacks)
Deciding on a costume consists of you giving suggestions and Iwa saying yes or no to them
He doesn’t want to do something very costume-y, he prefers to wear an outfit that can pass as a regular outfit but it’s based on a character from a movie or series
E.g. Kim and Ron from Kim Possible, Ash/Misty and Brock from Pokemon (Iwa would be perfect as Brock??? he’s already got the hair down fdkjs), Sandy and Danny from Grease (show off his arms yes)
Iwaizumi will go to a Halloween party because all his friends are going lol
Oikawa will be devastated when he sees Iwa wearing matching costumes with you and this is partly why he agreed to do it with you
He’ll keep you by his side or follow you around for most of the party because “the costume won’t make sense if he’s standing alone” or whatever sir just say you’re too shy to do it alone
If you want to stay home, he’s fine with it too
Whether you want to have a movie marathon, bake something, carve pumpkins, anything really, he’ll do it with you
Lowkey wants to watch scary films so he can “protect you” if you get scared
Like if you’re squeezing his arm during a scary scene he’ll be like “it’s not that scary, you wimp” but also he’s pulling you closer and putting his arm around you and his heart is fluttering-
so in conclusion: iwa is a simp for you
Bonus: one time you came over to his house and his mom showed you a picture of 6-year-old Iwaizumi dressed up as godzilla for Halloween💖
azumane asahi
Halloween isn't his favourite holiday for um.. personal reasons
Once October comes around, Asahi is already being tormented by some of his friends (it’s suga) scaring him
He doesn’t despise everything about Halloween, though - in fact, there are some things he really loves about Halloween
Like going to a pumpkin festival, baking sweet treats together, enjoying a walk in the park with the pretty autumn scenery, or choosing and DIY-ing costumes
Asahi loves the costume planning with you!!
The both of you will take days or even weeks in advance finding the perfect costume and figuring out how to make them
He definitely prefers the cute costumes over gory costumes
Some of the costume ideas are Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf, Cheshire Cat/Alice and the Mad Hatter/White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, or characters from the Wizard of Oz
i don’t know why all of these are from children’s fantasy stories im sorry-
You and Asahi will take turns going to each other’s houses after school or on weekends and working on your costumes together (It’s his favourite part (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ))
If he goes to a Halloween party, it’ll probably be a small gathering, such as a potluck with the Karasuno volleyball team
Everyone will be in awe of how cute you two look!!
If the team decides to switch off the lights and leave a flashlight on, gather around and tell spooky stories, he’ll want you next to him and you two will be holding onto each other
the first and second years are so jealous of their senpai and his cute s/o
Haunted houses are a no-no, sorry
Asahi doesn’t mind staying in either!
If you have a movie marathon, you guys binge Harry Potter or Studio Ghibli movies (they have magic so they’re Halloween movies right?)
Though if you’re a horror movie fanatic, he’ll try to watch a scary film with you
He will also have a lot of snacks! And the best hot chocolate you will ever have
I can also imagine Asahi doing your nails? And maybe he’ll let you do his nails too
You two make cute designs of little ghosts and pumpkins but don’t let each other see until it’s finished so it’s a surprise
You share lots of cuddles and kisses afterwards, and Asahi can’t wait to spend another sweet Halloween with you🥺🥰
Bonus: Kageyama showed up in his volleyball uniform and said his costume is a volleyball player :)?
sugawara koushi
Suga loves Halloween!!
It’s an excuse to have fun, cute dates under the guise of “keeping up the tradition”
Even before Halloween, he’ll take you on cafe dates to a different place each week to try out the pumpkin specials
You two will make jack-o-lanterns and then compare to see who did a better job, which could potentially end up in a tickle fight
This boy is going all out with the costumes!!
Maybe it’s the mom instincts, but he’s not settling on some cheap online/store-bought costume and he’ll DIY for both his s/o and himself
It’ll be an iconic couple and something very chic
Like you know Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka‘s family halloween costumes? That’s the vibes you two have
Examples of your costumes include: Morticia & Gomez from The Addams Family, Jack and Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas, Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask (plss)
You help each other put on each other’s costumes and make-up <333
Both of you will go to a halloween party, even if it’s just a few close friends gathering, and you two are gonna be the IT couple
your outfits and makeup will be on point all through the night and everyone will be so jealous💖
He’d probably take you trick or treating to a few houses for fun tbh HAHA
Your neighbours open up their front door to see.. Two grown ass children?? With costumes looking like they were professionally made??? Grinning and holding out their trick or treat bags?????
They’ll be so confused they end up giving you guys candy anyway
Suga is also a horror fanatic!
If you let him, he’ll drag you to a haunted house attraction
He’s the type to laugh at the scares :)
But he’ll hold your hand and let you cling to his arm if you’re scared, trying to reassure you
He’ll also arrange a horror movie marathon + sleepover!
After you get back, clean up and change into your comfiest pyjamas, Suga has already set up the living room
The couch is stacked with pillows and blankets, some of the lights are switched off, there’s a large bowl of popcorn and your trick-or-treat loot on the table and the movies are already queued on the TV 
If you’re not a big fan of horror movies, he’ll opt for less scary but still Halloween-themed movies like Corpse Bride, The Nightmare Before Christmas or Coraline (coraline’s kinda creepy but so good), or the “horror/thriller” movies that are just bad so you both can laugh at them
You and Suga snuggle under the blankets with pillows all around, munching on your snacks and watching the movies until you both fall asleep together
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thank you for reading! hope you enjoyed~
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lululawrence · 3 years
Wordplay 5.0 Reflections
I dunno what else to call it lmao it doesn't sound right to call this a meme, but whatever it is, here we are! lol @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed came up with these questions after @wordplayfics wrapped up last year and I love them so i'm gonna use them for this year as well.
I'm going to start out with listing the prompts and linking the fics i wrote for each one for everyone's reference, though I'll be linking them again through the answers as well. I'm also putting all the questions and answers beneath a read more because, as usual, I rambled lmao Alright! Here we go!
Struggle: I Said It Wrong, But I Meant It Right Reduce: I Love This Feeling (But I Hate This Part) Divide: He Carries The Key Rise: Thou, Sun, Art Half As Happy Sketch: I Heard You Talking
How did you come up with your ideas for the fics? Can you take us through your process after first receiving the prompt?
I don't know that I have a set way I come up with my fic ideas for Wordplay. It all depends on the prompt and what fic ideas I've got on my "to write list" that might fit that prompt. If nothing on my to write list fits or can be tweaked for a prompt, then I just go through my prompts tag until something strikes me for it, or I just ruminate on the different ways the word can be used and see if something comes up.
So, when I did the random word generator for the first prompt and "struggle" was the word that came up, I immediately thought of "struggle bus". lolllll and when I went looking through my to write list, I saw the girl Payneshaw fic I wanted to write and I was like omgggggg Nick ABSOLUTELY is riding the struggle bus the ENTIRE FUCKING TIME and I knew that was my fic for the week. lmaoooo and there you have it.
What is your favorite fic you wrote for Wordplay this year?
oooohhhh this one is HARD AND MEAN lmaoooo i forgot this was a question asked. okay legitimately i cannot choose a favorite because i'm actually stupidly proud and happy with all of the fics i wrote this year.
If you’ve participated in previous years of Wordplay, what has been your favorite prompt from all years you participated in?
WELP. as the creator of this challenge, i've participated in all 5 years which means there've been 25 prompts i've written. lolllll and honestly i think my favorite prompt is STILL from the first year. it was "bloodsucker". like, how great of a prompt is that???
What was the shortest fic you wrote this year? The longest?
the shortest one this year was... I Said It Wrong, But I Meant It Right at 4381 words.
the longest one was... I Heard You Talking at 10580 words.
What fic of yours surprised you?
i think all of them surprised me in some way. that's part of the joy of writing fics, isn't it? lollll but i think the one that surprised me the most was Thou, Sun, Art Half As Happy. it was a last minute change (i'll elaborate in the answer to the next question haha) and it was a VERY different direction than i had planned. it was all based off of a photo i saw on tumblr, and there was no prompt with the photo. i got to just take in the basic idea of the sticker being placed on a bridge overlooking the city and what might make that spot a good kissing spot.
now, as an ace who doesn't actually ENJOY kissing, i... didn't think about the fact that i would be writing a lot of it. lollll i actually have a super hard time writing kisses and trying to make them varied while also relaying the emotional intimacy of the moment, and then add on top of that the fact that once i started writing the fic, both harry and louis let me know pretty much as soon as words started getting written that they were both genderqueer and that worked differently for each of them, so harry would use they/them pronouns and louis would use he/him still, it just made things more interesting. and the way the fic developed??? like, i had a very vague idea of what would happen in the fic. so the way it actually came about all surprised me.
long answer short, from the very start, this fic surprised me and i was just along for the ride. it was a BLAST and i sure do love it, even if it does have the second lowest hits of all the fics i wrote this year haha
Were there any prompts you struggled to find an idea for?
STRUGGLED HAHAHA sorry. just funny since struggle was a prompt this year. ANYWAY. the prompt i had the hardest time with was defo rise. i've had this fic idea ever since greg james tweeted with shawn mendes months ago about how shawn basically forgot his interview with greg on the breakfast show, so greg had to last minute wing a LOT OF AIR TIME AND SHOW CONTENT and he did a great job, but it brought about some funny content... anyway. that made me wanna write a triad a/b/o fic where greg is louis and harry's beta. rise was going to be used in a lot of different ways through the fic, as well. because breakfast show requires greg to rise from bed early, he gets a rise out of harry and louis with his behavior and overt flirtations with shawn, they have to rise above their jealousy, etc etc etc. i was VERY EXCITED.
except i only had three days i was able to write every week this summer, and those were really really difficult to get. if i wanted to write on tuesday or thursday, i was often curling up with my laptop in a dark room with some caffeine and candles burning to soothe me after the insanity that is my life atm, and write for as long as i could before my brain stopped functioning, which was often only around 30 min. but see, that particularly week was the worst part of my son's 18 month sleep regression, which meant instead of him sleeping and letting me write, i was driving him around or trying to rock him back to sleep or letting him play in an attempt to tire him out etc etc etc and by friday morning i had to admit to myself there was no way i could write that a/b/o fic in my one guaranteed evening to write every week (saturday, btw). so i was suddenly left with around 36 hours to find a new fic idea and develop it enough to be able to write it in one evening.
as i said in the answer to the first question, i usually go to my prompts tag to see what might inspire me with this prompt word in mind, but for this one that wasn't the first place i went. i tried looking at more definitions even though i'd done that earlier and nothing was inspiring me. so i then spoke to several friends and was still having a hard time finding any ideas that felt like something i would enjoy writing and could do so quickly.
by saturday morning, knowing i had less than 12 hours to figure out what i was writing so i could actually WRITE IT in only like 2-3 hours of writing time, i finally sat down and scrolled through my prompts tag. once i did, i saw the photo for the "good kissing spot", and i immediately thought of sunrise. so i ran with it. but i wanted to make it stylinshaw, so how would i work that in, etc etc etc. it was just very fast and very difficult trying to figure out how i would structure it so it could be a fun meet cute kind of fic, but also work into them actually building a meaningful connection etc and... well. it was a lot. haha so yeah, it was just a hard time overall that week, but i'm super proud of it in the end.
Were there any prompts you had an idea for but ended up writing something different? If so, what made you choose to change what you wrote? Do you think you’ll ever write your original idea at a later date?
HA okay well i already answered most of this above, but for the last part of this question, yes i will absolutely write my original idea at a later date. the whole reason i decided not to do it wasn't because i couldn't turn it into a fic that could be written in that one writing session, but because i had hopes for what that fic would be, and i didn't want to shorten and condense it enough to do that. i didn't want to have to lessen the dreams i have for that fic in my head, so i decided i would just put it back on my to write list and save it for later. who knows when, but that fic will absolutely get written.
What do you think was the most difficult as well as the easiest part about the Wordplay Challenge?
most difficult was 100% finding the time to write. that was insanely hard for me all summer, but by the time wordplay was going, things at home had ramped up to being very overwhelming regarding the demands on me and my time, and what i had been doing to carve out some time for myself and writing wasn't working anymore, so i had to adjust even more with the understanding that i was working on a really strict timeline too. so yeah. just finding the time was absolutely the hardest part for me.
easiest part was the actual writing. these fics really flowed from me, outside of the pack fic, that one was actually pretty difficult to make sure i was getting the dynamics exactly the way i wanted to have them turn out, but even with that aspect, it still was like it flowed from me most of the time. these fics really just took over and i was along for the ride. it was a blast.
If you participate again next year, is there anything you’ll do differently? If so, what?
lmao well assuming people still want wordplay to happen again, i'll run it again and very likely will take part. so... with the difficulty i had in finding any time to do anything this summer, i was actually ridiculously stressed when it came to the writing part, but also the modding aspect of it. so i am not sure that i'll run it during the summer again next year. i might have it go during the early fall once school is back in session so i at least have only one child at home instead of three to battle lol so that's one thing i'll hopefully be doing differently.
as for the writing aspect, i don't think so actually. i've done 5 years of this, and i'm having fun with it. haha if i ever find a fic idea i think could work for it, i would consider doing a series for it next year, but it all depends on if there's something i'd like to write that could work for that kind of set up with this challenge.
if you made it this far, thank you for reading!!! xxx
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whump-n-comfort · 2 years
oc dump?
i wanted to take a break from writing fics, and since i have really been into reading team must4ng stuff recently, i remembered my characters have a team that’s kind of similar to the idea, so why not use this downtime to show you all the fruits of my picrew-labor :D
Pre-Notes: if one has a specific “Ranking” outside of N/A, that means they work for the organization known as the Safety Corps, which I have minorly explained some details about in here. Not really necessary to read, but it does go in depth about how (some of) the rankings work that i’m not going to say here
(the links under the big names are just picrew links. wanna give credit where credit is due!)
“The Team”
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Ranking: Commander (Green)
Weapon of Choice: Extendable Bo Staff and Shield
Sure, he can have somewhat of a stick up his ass, but the team trusts his calls to high heaven and back. He’s saved their asses more times than they can count; there’s a reason he’s got the job he’s got
Plus that winged-kid he works with all the time has loosened him up to the idea of having fun over the years, so it all works out in the end anyway
Ranking: N/A, works as an Independent
Weapon of Choice: Her Powers and a special Staff only she uses
A lot of the organization doesn’t like her, and Merek didn’t like her all too much either for a while, but the team could tell it was for different reasons than just a generic “she’s unhinged and uncontrolled” that everyone else tended to spout all the time
When Ellen began to show up more and more, the two helping each other out with their respective investigations, well, the team had no choice but to be nosy help out as well. It was worth it, the kid was rather sweet, and it was nice to see Merek make more friends outside of his coworkers
The team would learn way later about the true relations of the two (blood siblings), and considering how fond they’ve grown of Ellen (honestly, they like her more than their boss, which drives him nuts lmao) alongside just how much they respect Merek, they happily agree to help keep it a secret
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Ranking: Agent (Silver)
Weapon of Choice: Escrima Sticks
Little concerning how much time he spends with Merek and Merek’s team when he has one of his own he’s in charge of, but he gets his job done on time and does it very well, so the superiors can’t exactly tell him no
Became the team medic after the previous medic went through some... difficulties, which is why you’ll find him tagging along with whichever member is doing the most dangerous part of the mission. Sucks for them when he never shuts up about his girlfriend and boyfriend, though. We get it dude, we’re happy for the three of you too, but we are currently getting shot at, so it would be nice if you could focus a little!
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Rank: Officer (Purple)
Weapon of Choice: Sniper Rifle
No one believes that “Silver” is actually his real name—they don’t even know where he’s from—but they know he’s not some spy or criminal, so he’s on the team anyways
Sniper of the group. Every team has a designated sniper, and Silver just so happens to be it. He is the only one that has better aim than Merek, which, considering he snipes for a living, it makes sense
(Snipers more often than not are the Agents of a team unless they turn it down or join after the rank has been given out, so that’s where they think he got the name from)
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Ranking: Footman (Black)
Weapon of Choice: No one really knows...
Unlike Silver, that is, in fact, her real name. Latvians are weird like that, but no one can say that it doesn’t fit her personality. She’s very peppy, almost like a hyperactive bird
Scarily good at stealth. She can literally be in the same room as you and then appear on the other side without you realizing she moved. For missions she will pretty much drop off the face of the Earth and then reappear after everything is said and done
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Ranking: Officer (Purple)
Weapon of Choice: Bo Staff
She was the previous team medic, but because of a mission gone sideways, she never really was able to get back into the swing of things. That mission is the same one that gave her the prosthetic eye. The organization thought about slashing her, both for their sake as well as her own, but Merek pulled some strings and convinced them to let her stay, which she will eternally be grateful for
It’s pretty funny how much she doesn’t stick around compared to Teo considering her rank should designate her to be with Merek most of the time, but those previously mentioned pulled strings are in relation to her fake eye, which can be swapped out for a multitude of different kinds—realistic, camera, detonatable one, etc. Very useful for a variety of missions, so she will be found helping and leading other teams more often than not
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Ranking: Footman (Black)
Weapon of Choice: SWAT-like Shield
Every team has a big buff dude on it. Every team. Someone’s gotta be the muscle of the group that has hands made of fire hydrants and can wield a blockade like it’s a piece of paper. Dimitri is taller than Merek and probably twice his size, so it doesn’t take much physical interrogation after bad guys see his stature and frame
However, it’s not much of a deterrent when you get to know him. Outside of his job, he’s kind of a big crybaby. That’s not to say that personality is a negative, though, him being the most in tune with his emotions make him less prone to breakdowns compared to his team, and he makes sure to impart that wisdom as much as he can before he is discharged due to old age
Honorable Mentions, AKA not on “The Team” but appear enough alongside them to be mentioned
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Chief Butkus
Ranking: Chief (Dark Blue)
Weapon of Choice: None, Chiefs don’t really do intensive fieldwork 
Chief of the area Merek and his team work in, and he is also the building leader of where Ellen worked when she briefly decided to take part in the organization, so they have gotten to see each other quite often. Much to his distressed blood pressure levels
He does not hate her, he honestly respects her bravery (or stupidity) for joining the organization despite not really singing her praises when she and her powers first appeared on the scene. The fact that she kept her real identity a secret the entire time too was impressive
That does not change the fact that he is in charge of a bunch of dumbasses who rarely get their paperwork done, goddammit
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Ranking: N/A, Air Force Pilot
The Safety Corps is not a part of the military in any way shape or form, but that does not prevent the two from working together, specifically the Air Force and the Navy for the most part. Those two branches have the skills and technology to help the S.C. get to places they struggle to get to by themselves
Pilots are supposed to be randomly picked for each mission involving flight, but Vasquez works so well with Merek’s team that both organizations had to just put them together an abnormal amount. Ellen really likes Vasquez, because he’s a chill dude, and also the only one brave enough to prank Merek with things like stealing his pants and wearing them, insisting that he as no idea where the clothing went
(Vasquez would eventually discharge, going back home in Rwanda to fly commercial airlines until his inevitable retirement) 
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Ranking: N/A, mechanic, prosthetics specialist
She ain’t got no time for anybody’s shit. Very opinionated and not afraid to say what’s on her mind. You think she’s got a secret soft side? Hah! Guess again. She won’t be needlessly cruel, but she’s not about to give you hugs and kisses anytime soon. Maybe a pat on the back if you really need it
Quick with her wit and even quicker with a wrench, she is often recruited to help fic up vehicles and tools for the organization with the promise that she gets to keep her nice, quiet house up in the rolling hills of Germany no matter what. She also is responsible for a lot of prosthetic work around Merek’s office, as a lot of these people have lost limbs and will continue to do so
She created Katja’s eyes, which is why Merek knew her and trusted her to make Ellen’s leg when the time came, as well as her hand when that surprise hit them. Merek was a little more reluctant to call her about his fingers, but she found out anyway, and needless to say, he’s not going to be reluctant anymore, that’s for sure
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nightwingmyboi · 4 years
I find Roy and Dick both having commitment issues so interesting because they seem to go about them differently. Dick tries to tie people to him (getting engaged when relationships get rough), and if that fails, then he runs, finds a new group of friends, and starts over. Roy doesn't let himself get tied down (prior to Lian) ever as a way to avoid commitment. It's just such a cool way to see similar issues regarding abandonment and commitment be approached in such different ways.
You bring up interesting ideas—comparing Dick and Roy’s attitudes in this way is very intriguing and something I hadn’t thought of before. But, to be honest, I kind of don’t agree with the idea that Dick and Roy have commitment issues? I’ve seen people say that before, but it doesn’t really click for me. 
I know I may be in the minority here but I’ve always thought that Dick’s problem is quite the opposite—that he commits himself to too many things way too fully. He gives 100% to working with Batman, and to the Bludhaven police force, and to the Titans, and to whatever other obligations he has at the time, so much so that he over extends himself to the point of exhaustion and collapse. 
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New Teen Titans #28
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Titans Secret Files #1
Really, I just don’t get how Dick could possibly have commitment issues when he has devoted himself to so many teams: the JLA, the Titans, the Outsiders, even the Birds of Prey to an extent. Dick was known as the linchpin of the DCU; he had relationships with practically everyone. He doesn’t shy away from forming connections. There are so many examples I could give, but a good place to look at in particular would be Tim and Dick’s relationship. Dick specifically reached out to Tim to form a relationship even though he didn’t have to. He treated Tim like a brother, and he made himself available whenever Tim was struggling and needed him (like when Tim was struggling with Stephanie’s pregnancy, with the temptation to bring back his dead loved ones, with suicidal thoughts, etc.) Dick put a lot of work into forming and maintaining their relationship. 
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JLA (1997) #121
And just look at his relationship with Batman as well...even when things are rocky between them, whenever Bruce asks for Nightwing’s help, Nightwing will bend over backwards in order to deliver. He is extremely loyal to Bruce, most of the time at great personal cost. 
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Batman #416
And let's be real here; Batman is emotionally distant the majority of the time, and if Nightwing didn’t reach out to Batman the two of them would not even really have a relationship! They would not talk lmao. Nightwing is the one who is committed to their relationship; he does all of the emotional labor so Bruce doesn’t have to. Nightwing gives a lot for very little in return, but he still keeps giving. 
And this is not just with the Batfam...he is very consistently there for the Titans. When Donna needs help discovering who she is and where she came from before Wonder Woman entered her life, Dick is the one to help her investigate. When Roy is desperate and needs help retrieving Lian from Cheshire, Dick is the one to beat Cheshire and reunite Roy with Lian. And Dick and Starfire were a couple for years, through lots of ups and downs, and very nearly married. These are not the actions of someone who is afraid to commit, lmao. Dick goes above and beyond for his relationships. 
I think that maybe Dick has a reputation for “running away” as you say because of the fact that he moves around quite a bit: he goes to California with the Titans, and then he’s a vigilante in New York, and then Chicago, and then Bludhaven, and so on. It can make him seem flighty. But @bigskydreaming has has a post about that here, and I very much agree with what he has to say. Dick’s tendency to move around doesn’t strike me as avoidance, but rather a holdover from his life at the circus. Growing up at Haly’s, Dick would constantly have been traveling. A circus is a business, so whenever things would get bad in a particular location for whatever reason, the circus would just move onward and forward. Halys wasn’t abandoning anything with this move, or running away, it was simply moving on in hopes that elsewhere things will be better. It is not at all surprising that Dick would have that same mindset in his own life. When tragedy strikes, instead of getting bogged down by all the bad, Dick tends to try and move forward. It’s one of the things I enjoy most about him, one of the things that distinguishes him from Batman. And one of the best ways to move on is to change things up: 
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And a good way to mix things up is to relocate. It’s not like location should matter that much to Dick. Even when he moves he can and does always go back to doing the exact same thing he’s committed his entire life to doing—fighting crime. His family has the resources of a billionaire, his friends are superheroes who can fly and run faster than the speed of light, and it's not like he throws away his phone/communicator...he is not even slightly out of reach so he’s not really running away from his friends/family...and oftentimes he ends up confronting the problems he was supposedly running away from regardless of his physical location. And the JLA has a teleporter. He can be anywhere he needs to be in an instant, so why does he need to stay in one spot? I don’t really see him living on the move as him running away.
And I don’t read as much about Roy I admit, so I won’t be able to give as many specific examples, but it seems to be a similar thing with him too. After Roy’s father died, he was raised by Brave Bow. And then Brave Bow died, and he was raised by Ollie. It seems to me that his early life had little stability; he was passed from one person to the next and was always having to adjust to drastically different ways of life. In addition, a lot of his formative years were spent with the Navajo—a semi nomadic people. Roy’s Navajo upbringing very much influenced his outlook on life, so it would not be a surprise that he picked up their mindset of living somewhat on the move as well. And after spending his youth in flux, it really doesn’t surprise me at all that Roy isn’t tied down to places or jobs. Roy just wasn’t raised with a way of life that prioritizes settling down in one location, and for the most part he didn’t really have a choice but to move from one life to the next. But I don’t think any of that is representative of having commitment issues. Roy is very committed to Lian, as you mentioned, but even before that he was pretty much willing to do anything for the Titans. He has a really close relationship with Canary. And even in instances where I feel like Roy would be justified in “running away” or taking a step back, Roy usually attempts to preserve and repair his relationships, like with Ollie and Jade. Even after Ollie responded poorly upon discovering his addiction, Roy still eventually reconciled with him, and Roy tries to have a relationship with Jade despite all the difficulties that come with that: 
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I know that characters sometimes accuse Dick and Roy as having issues with commitment, and I can see where you are coming from anon, but I just don’t really think that they do when you look at the majority of the actions they take lmao. You mention issues with abandonment? I can see that more, considering that Bruce has fired Dick twice before for making mistakes (once with Two Face and the other time with Joker) and Ollie has canonically neglected his relationship Roy in the past, instead focusing on his love life. Really, I think the greater underlying issue for both of these characters is the fact that they both have pretty low self-esteem and don’t want to be a burden to those they love. But that is really a whole other post, this one is already too long! 
To summarize, in my opinion, Dick is someone who lives for connection, and someone who is incredibly dedicated and loyal to his friends and family. He has known that he wanted to be a hero since he was a kid, and he has remained committed to that goal for basically the entirety of his life. Similarly, Roy is very dedicated to his family and friends, and is willing to go to incredible lengths for the people important to him. He values his relationships enough to forgive almost anything. Neither of these characters strike me as people who have troubles committing to things; they strike me as characters who commit to causes and people with everything they’ve got. 
Thanks for telling me your perspective anon! You gave me a lot to think about.
EDIT: thanks @milfzatannazatara for the clarification about Roy! Ollie technically didn’t kick Roy out of the house, since he was an adult and had already moved out. 
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mobagehelllocal · 4 years
“i can hold the world in my hands” extra notes i - vi:
My god... it’s been more than a month since I started writing for TWST, and this was what started it all.  I hope I can keep writing, and not just for TWST for that matter! I have like... one non-TWST request sitting in my inbox and I’m really excited to work on it xD
*please do not read if you haven’t read “i can hold the world in my hands” ver i - vi.
This was actually inspired by a prompt of the same name in a different fandom. I’m pretty sure it was Fire Emblem, but I can’t seem to find or remember which blog posted about it. When I saw that nobody had written it for TWST yet, and because I was pretty impatient, I went full Thanos and thought: “fine I’ll do it myself.” xD
Whenever I type ‘hold’ it autocorrects to (ʘ‿ʘ)ノ✿. It’s one of those keyboard short cut things on my phone that somehow is also on my laptop lmao. So this series was pretty difficult to right because ‘hold’ kept changing to (ʘ‿ʘ)ノ✿ 
For ver i, the order of writing was something like Riddle, Leona, Azul, Malleus, Kalim, Idia and Vil.
Riddle was super easy for this prompt, honestly. I wanted it to be incredibly cute, and the best way to do that was to just... fluster him. 
I tried to be very descriptive for this one. I wanted his surprise to be the highlight of this story. I especially enjoyed differentiating the red on Riddle’s face hahah--from pretty shade of red to furious HAHA.
Riddle strikes me as a super logical type. So he really won’t believe it’s possible until you show him how to hold the world. He also sees it as very high praise--that to think--you saw him as your world. Every time he thinks about it, he probably goes beet red. 
When I wrote Leona’s part, I was still actually pretty iffy with him. I’ve noted before that he was far from my favourite hahah. However, just because that’s how I felt, doesn’t mean I wouldn’t do my hardest to give him justice. Looking back on this piece, I appreciate it a lot because Leona’s definitely got a soft spot in my heart now--this piece being one such catalyst that made me appreciate him more. 
One of my primary concerns with this piece, was not only ensuring that I did him justice, but also to make sure that none of my personal feelings affected how i wrote Leona. I like to think I was pretty successful--as I read it now, I wonder how I could’ve actually disliked Leona at any point. (I MEAN... that ending IS PRETTY THIRSTY. I wonder what I was thinking kFKFK)
Leona... is another logical one, and he’s not going to be patient with you. So he’s just going to immediately call out the impossibility of “holding the world in your hands.” However, when you do talk about what you actually mean... Leona would actually be moved. He loves how you acknowledge him--that you see him. 
The Azul piece was written closely after I had watched the entirety of Octavinelle, and I could see all my thirst for the Octavinelle trio on it. That’s right, from the very beginning, I loved to enjoy hinting at Poly!Octavinelle. I’ll likely continue to hint it actually... unless requested otherwise. 
Azul has one of the biggest praise kinks around (Riddle and Jamil have it too), and of course something as sweet as “i can hold the world in my hands” is going to set Azul off running for his octopus pot. Also, he cries very easily--like when he’s too happy and too sad. Azul’s story in this is definitely my favourite, because I just genuinely had such a good time working on it. 
His reaction--his affection for you is likely to lead him to listen to what you have to say first before saying anything else. That’s why unlike Riddle and Leona, he actually heard you out instead of telling you immediately that what you’re saying “is impossible.” 
This prompt and Kalim worked really well honestly. Kalim is just so much positivity, so writing his reaction to this was so easy, and it flowed so much quicker than I thought it would. 
Kalim... honestly, he wrote himself hAHAH. It was easy to know that he’d immediately try to say it back to you--because he’s that sweet. Also, I quoted “A Whole New World” in this story. I wonder if anyone spotted it. 
His reaction--well, it was obvious that he would believe you without a doubt. xD Sure he probably knows it’s not possible, so he’s more than willing to hear you out on it. 
Because Vil was a model, I thought to approach this piece in a, “what can I say that he hasn’t heard yet?” I also wanted to approach this with a certain sensitivity--to Vil’s job as a model. The importance of respecting his craft, sort of thing.
Vil so far... has just been portrayed as being perfect. He’s good looking, he’s smart, he’s charismatic...so it’s obvious to everyone that there’s something deeper to him that we haven’t gotten to see yet. This makes it difficult to write him, because we haven’t gotten Pomefiore’s chapter yet. 
Vil is someone who I figure would be smart enough to wonder if you’re speaking in a metaphorical or literal sense. I can’t remember where it’s mentioned, but if I remember correctly--Vil considers being intelligent a part of being beautiful too. (I’m so genuinely excited for Pomefiore’s chapter because I need to sink my hands into all that lore). 
The reason I think Idia is much easier to write compared to Vil is because he exemplifies the introverted gamer trope so much. His personality is so clear cut, and loud. 
Idia is also pretty fun to write, because of the way he regards the world, and how he sort of deals with everything around him.
For Idia’s reaction, I figured he’d tend to go for gamer terms, hence he thought you could code too lmao. He also tended to process things as if his life is a game, hence his thought process as he figured out what you were trying to say. 
Malleus, because of both his age and prowess, strikes me as the type of person who could do every single type of magic with barely a blink. That’s why I thought to use that as the primary theme for his story.
I thought it would be adorable if you told Malleus, you could do something he couldn’t. Which, as you can see in Malleus’s thoughts--you are a powerful influence to him as well. You could perhaps, destroy the world, if you told Malleus it made you unhappy. 
Malleus’s reaction... he’d humor you, but at the same time, he’d be the one to gently attempt to tell you it’s impossible. If he couldn’t do it, how could you? Of course... he’s quickly corrected. 
Ver ii was written in the order it was arranged! Quite a rarity for me. So Deuce first, followed by Jade, Floyd then Silver. I consider version ii as the one stuffed with personal favourites hahah. Though... Deuce was actually written for my editor hahha. 
I wanted Deuce’s piece to be both funny and cute since it was dedicated to our very hardworking editor hahaha. 
Of course Deuce would not immediately understand what you were trying to say hahaha. Look... he thought the unfertilized eggs would turn into chicks. 
The decision to make him say it back, was fueled by the fact that Deuce is an all around nice guy--he’d definitely want to return the favour. 
The Jade one was really just written for my sake hAHHA. I wrote it because I was super smitten with Jade. I always wrote Jade as the type of lover who enjoyed to pamper the hell out of his partner. This could often make it feel like he’s the one doing everything in the relationship.
That became the primary way I wanted to approach this story, by once more--making it about the reader doing something for Jade, or essentially showing him how much he meant to the reader. I also wanted to find a way to make Jade blush. 
Much like Azul, he’s willing to humor/hear you out first before saying anything else. He’s always interested in what you have to say, and he enjoys your more unpredictable opinions. 
Honestly, who wouldn’t want to cuddle with Floyd? He (and Jade) probably give the best hugs. 
My thoughts for this, was--when would be the best time to tell Floyd something like that? You wanted him calm enough to actually listen to you, so I figured it be when he was particularly sad and in need of cheering up.
On another note, I felt like Floyd isn’t really the type to listen nor care about you saying such a statement. You only really get all his attention when you explain to him what you mean. 
I’m so biased to Octavinelle, I’m so sorry hAHAH. But honestly, it happened by complete accident that both their stories happened in the bedroom ( ͡º ͜ʖ ͡º) 
Silver is... aesthetically very pleasing. However, there’s little we know of him so I also had a lot of difficulty writing for him. That being said, because he was a character who fell asleep pretty quickly, I of course thought it would be incredibly cute to have the “lap pillow” situation happen. 
For this piece, I thought to talk about my worry for Silver. That he falls asleep just anywhere is a little scary. He fell asleep in a place as noisy as the courtyard... so I thought to express that worry through the reader for this piece. 
Silver does, however, strike me as the type of person to always listen to you first before making a judgement. That’s why upon being told that you could hold the world, he’ll listen to you first. 
Ver iii was just solely Jamil! 
Jamil is another one of those characters who prefer to do the pampering instead of being pampered. So I thought to write a reader who was grateful, and wanted to show their appreciation to him.
For this piece, I also really wanted to fluster the hell out of Jamil. I mean, who doesn’t like making the calm, controlled one blush? It’s insanely cute.
While Jamil does say he doesn’t believe in it, he is always willing to hear you out. 
Ver iv is Ruggie, Rook and Lilia! I think Lilia was written first, followed by Ruggie then Rook. 
For Ruggie... I think I was a little stumped on how to write him. So I think I searched up how hyenas greeted each other. Apparently, they sniffed each other. So I thought it would be cute that Ruggie liked to scent you. 
I made him get a little jealous because Floyd’s very affectionate--even if you aren’t in a relationship with him. 
Ruggie--I thought would give you the benefit of the doubt--and think that there was actually magic in your world hahah. Until you tell him what you truly meant.
I’ve probably said this a billion times at this point, but god is Rook hard to write for hahah. Nevertheless, I keep writing him anyways because I enjoy the challenge. 
I thought that Rook’s story becomes the opposite to Ruggie’s, wherein the reader is the one who wants to ensure that Rook is also looking/paying attention to them, 
Rook wasn’t actually paying attention to you when you were saying “i can hold the world in my hands”, he only really does notice when you repeat it twice. He’s a guy I think you have to be firm with, if you want to get your point across.
Lilia is a character that I’m sure is pretty self-assured, and aware of what he wants. This means, that he’s actually a pretty huge tease to the other person in the relationship. This isn’t necessarily a romantic headcanon either. I can see him teasing his friends too.
I also highlighted immortality again, how Lilia is rarely surprised. That you are capable of surprising him means a lot to him actually. 
Lilia, I think, is the type of person who is willing to lean new things from people younger than him. That’s why when you state you can hold the world, he’s willing to believe you. 
Ver v is Trey!
Say it with me everyone, Trey is the sexiest student at NRC lmao. That smirk??? of his??? SENDS ME? It’s also why I made him smirk so much in this. Hey, I had to feed myself too.
How could I forget Trey? Trey is the third person in the “i will pamper the hell out of my lover” with Jade and Jamil. Trey would be another one who actually enjoys teasing the hell out of you too.
Trey is another one who won’t believe you, but will be willing to hear you out because you’re just so cute, and he wants to hear what you think.
Ver vi is Ace, Jack, Epel and Sebek. I think I wrote Ace, then Sebek, Jack with Epel being the last one. 
Ace strikes me as a typical charismatic tease tbh. Like, he’s popular, and well known for being a troublemaker but everyone likes him anyways.
He’s not a person who blushes easily, so I think you really have to catch him unaware for him to blush. 
He’s the type of person to say something mean, then immediately apologize and retract it when he sees that it hurts you. So he’s normally blunt, but then back tracks. 
Jack isn’t a very affectionate person--neither is he the type to tell you how much he appreciates you. I believe it’s something you have to learn in the way he acts (aka, how hard he’s wagging his tail haha).
I think for a relationship with Jack, you have to really reach out to him because he doesn’t quite know how to reach back to you. Like he’ll certainly try, but he’s easily embarrassed... hence why I wrote him the way I did. 
Jack, once you told him you could ‘hold the world’ was initially confused, but sees no reason to not believe you unless you prove otherwise... essentially xD
Epel... super difficult as always. I wanted to talk about how he wasn’t very happy with how he looked. How he wanted to change himself. It was a topic I was worried about, because if mishandled, it would just leave a sour taste in people’s mouths.
I wanted to make the reader someone who wanted Epel to love himself, to accept his beauty and to use it as a source of strength. I want Epel to be comfortable in his own skin, and be able to use it to his advantage. This was really inspired by Lilia’s SR Lab Coat episodes actually. 
The reader is someone conscious about Epel’s struggles, and they want to get one thing across to Epel: that he can be beautiful and strong at the same time. Just because the may seem opposite, doesn’t mean they cannot coexist. 
Sebek... I feel like I discussed how I felt about Sebek some time ago. Essentially... I think that Sebek is someone who, in a romantic relationship, has to make a choice. His devotion and single minded adoration to Malleus makes him challenging to write romantically for. 
Unlike the other readers, Sebek’s uses the prompt to prove a point to him--that they chose him. Could he chose them too?
At the end, it’s not really about choosing one person, it’s more like--can Sebek understand the importance of being in a relationship? Can he understand that what you might share with him has value? Really, a question about his priorities. 
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rpbetter · 3 years
Today I learned a popular vent blog is repressing submissions about the drama with the now defunct resource blog. They probably have a relationship to the resource blog admin, or they are the admin. I know two people who sent submissions that were not published, but new submissions they made after were. The admin is silent after inquiries about it. They are ignoring everyone who tries to talk about it. It is so hard to find a place in the rpc that is transparent right now, a place that does not censor people who need to get things off their chest. Of all places that should keep their bias in check. It should not be a vent blog. That is one of the last places people go when they can not confide in their rp partners, or people in real life. Sometimes just having a vent post published can be everything. It is more silencing than people think.
Okay, I do know what you're talking about. I've said in the past that I specifically look around the RPC to gauge a rounder set of experiences, problems, etc. That blog is such a place that I have visited in the past to do so, and I have both noticed and been told what you're telling me now. I will admit, because I do believe in honesty here as a part of transparency one should strive to uphold off of their RP and personal blogs, that I have held exactly these suspicions since the blog choose to "handle" recent events the way they did. That is why I was paying attention to the disparity in both original submissions published and the responses to them.
What I have seen is a little uncomfortable feeling. It isn't just The Topic itself, it's also anything relating too closely to that mun's repeatedly expressed positions on things as well. Well, you know, a frightening number of people do feel the same way, do engage in those behaviors, so I am willing to believe that I am merely seeing shit where it doesn't exist. I am, after all, just a person, doing what people do, being fallible. I'm not acting on any information that anyone else out there isn't privy to, I also want t be clear about that. It's the opposite of my interest to withhold information, make it up, or inflame the situation.
Like everyone else in the RPC right now, it's incredibly difficult to not be suspicious. So many really ugly things were revealed and transpired, it was like every three hours there was something horrifying and new going on. And the way that it was left off, with the meme blog mun and with that vent blog just served to chafe those feelings for many.
So, again, while I am not trying to give this all a spritzer of gasoline, and neither am I acting on any knowledge none of you have, I've had suspicions since the time that vent blog decided that it was fully appropriate to refuse action for what went on that there was a bit of a personal connection going on. When your blog has established that it will mass-block people for far less, but suddenly, over this, it's a useless effort not going to help anyone? I'm sorry, that's suspicious to me. If nothing else, it was incredibly shitty to tell muns who were targetted because of interactions on their blog to just get over it and be adults when the adult thing is to approach the mods (hello, it does stand for moderator) with concerns, and this is a serious concern.
One that has done exactly as you say - effectively shut down venting and communication on that blog. I love that the direction is constantly to take things to the comments lmao gee, I wonder why no one is willing to openly comment anymore? Total mystery! Could it be that even you feel you can handle potential harassment, you don't want to endanger anyone else who might not be able to? Possibly.
Venting has a negative connotation here anyway, that doesn't help. Months before this all happened, I was seeing an increasing number of people equating such blogs to burnbooks, or at best, "childish echo chambers."
However, venting on one's own blog is not alright either. We're not supposed to have a visible problem with anyone or anything they're doing, ever. It's supposed to work out every time like this: you approach the person(s) causing you this problem and discuss it maturely with them in private, the issue is resolved, and everyone goes off into the sunset crapping rainbows. Double ones, even.
The problem is...it doesn't work out like that very often. That isn't to say it shouldn't be your first action, it should. Sometimes, especially if you've been both lucky and extremely careful about your writing partners, you'll be wonderfully surprised and it'll be a great conversation that helps both muns. So much of the time though, it instigates a fight because everyone is automatically defensive as hell, or one or both muns are so afraid of that happening that they'll refuse to have a meaningful confrontation (confrontation is not always negative, we need to stop viewing it that way). One or both say whatever is necessary to smooth over the problem, while they change nothing at all, making the feelings of anger so much worse.
And maybe, this problem isn't that big of a deal, one needs to work themselves up into addressing it, or they've cause to actually fear the other mun's response to them.
So, they have three options, and none of them is alright with the RPC:
vent to a friend - this is unacceptable because it is always seen as talking shit behind another mun's back, bringing drama to others, and trying to force people to take sides, no matter how much none of these may be the case and hold a lot of variables depending on the type of venting and the relationship of the muns involved
vent/vague on the dash - not always the same thing, not always occurring at the same time, and not always invalid either, but always viewed as incredibly malicious and wrong. Even if the result was either getting the friend who wouldn't stop refusing to engage to have a meaningful conversation with you or finding a new partner because someone else has been experiencing it too, you know you're not going to do this to each other, and a mutual you've been ignoring is now a valued partner
vent on a vent blog - seen as even worse than venting on one's blog in some corners because it's a more open to visit place, it's just stirring up drama and fights, this makes everyone feel vagued about and suspicions and accusations of being mentioned/mentioning someone run wild. Everyone wants a drama-free dash, no one wants to allow anyone a better place to do it
Venting is important. I think it is necessary to maintaining a less explosive environment. It's called "venting" for a reason!
Maybe it is the most ridiculous complaint in history, but those things do build. And build. And build. Until they blow up all over in someone's face, it might even be someone totally innocent who happened to be in the right place at the wrong time with exactly the worst coincidental words spoken to you. These places allow for people to get it out without hurting anyone's feelings or starting a massive argument when it wasn't even anything that serious. They offer, or used to, different perspectives that let muns feel seen while helping them to decide whether they are just blowing things out of proportion, misunderstanding/potentially unaware of another aspect, or even in a worse situation than they were allowing themselves to be aware of with a harmful relationship.
It goes beyond just venting when there are conversations going on about the topics! Sometimes, people just need to feel like they're not so isolated. Sometimes, they legitimately lack the tools and perspectives to approach a problem more directly or successfully. And yes, sometimes, they even need to see that this is kind of shitty of them and they should reevaluate.
Vent blogs are difficult to manage.
We all have biases, and when it comes to more personal situations we can recognize or see ourselves within, that is never more likely to become a point of extra difficulty to keep in check. This is actually why I left that vent blog the first time around, there was way too much bias being expressed with a mod taking it upon themselves to opine on submissions, fight with people about them, and refuse to post them while vaguing about them. Among other, increasingly perturbing behaviors I had no desire to keep seeing daily on my dash.
When you decide to create or accept a position moderating such a blog, you have to know that you will be thus challenged. Someone is going to vent about someone you'll recognize, a situation you feel passionately about, or say something in a vent that upsets you. You have got to remain visibly impartial. Go on and vent about it yourself to friends, write a post on your personal, do whatever the hell you need to in order to not be visibly biased and acting upon that bias.
I see blogs like this, as well as other places of moderation, often becoming incensed and offering the angry justification that "mods are people." Yes, I should hope you are! No one is saying you must be an impossibly perfect person without opinions, biases, or mistakes. We are holding you to a higher standard of you deal with these things out in the open where you hold this position, yes. That's literally what your job is, my friends. Go off about it, feel your feelings, even cultivate a block list from that blog! But you don't show it, you don't ever make people feel worse when the point of your blog is to allow them a voice.
The only time you need to give a personal opinion is when it is requested or you need to express that a submission was declined/comment had to be moderated due to you exercising your judgment that it violated the rules.
This is supposed to be a safe place for muns to anonymously let it out of their systems and discuss these topics. Not a place where they'll feel exposed, judged by the mods themselves, and denied a voice because of a mod's biases being exercised.
And I'm extremely sorry that people are being made to feel this way, all over again in some cases, because someone cannot handle the position they took up. I'm sorry for the whole community who has lost an important outlet. I wish that I could recommend another place for people to go that might provide a better experience, but as yet, I do not. Hopefully, that'll be changing in the near-enough future, but for right now...all of the vent blogs I was familiar with have long since closed down.
If anyone has any currently running vent blog suggestions, I'd love to know about them and share them! Please, they do have to be legitimate vent blogs. I'm not going to recommend here that might be too close to actually being burnbook-like, deals in publishing URLs, and so on. If you want to engage with that, it's absolutely your choice, but it's not something I want to give certified approval to on this blog, and I hope you understand why. If they're legitimately anonymous, safer places serving as vent blogs, let me know so I can check them out for a few days and publish your ask!
It wasn't my intention with this blog, though I did offer that a couple of times just to get people talking about problems important to them in the past, but if you want to vent here, I'll do my best to publish them (unless you request otherwise) in a relatively timely fashion.
I'm just not a proper vent blog, and people should be aware of that! I do offer opinions on those matters. It's more in line with the point of this blog to do so - I want to be able to give some point of assistance in publishing them. I cannot promise, therefore, to be impartial, but I can promise to not judge you or ignore what you send because I don't agree, am tired of it, etc.
I'd just ask that, once again, everyone realize that sending hateful messages to me isn't going to result in me being nice to you in return. If you've a complaint to lodge, lodge it respectfully if you desire to be treated that way yourself. This blog will publish anon hate, that doesn't mean I'm going to be nice when you send it. Anything else, however, I will genuinely try to offer you the opportunity to be seen and heard, some advice, experiences I might have had with a similar issue, and to approach it fairly.
Sorry that everyone is going through a hard time, that it just doesn't seem to stop, and probably will not for some time now. Thank you for sending this, I hope it made you feel a little better! That has been, and will continue to be, my objective in publishing asks relating to this matter - I just want everyone to feel like they have some agency and respect somewhere, that they're being seen, and that they have the support of others in the community.
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years
FYI. I’m about to unload a whole story to you lol. But for some reason, I have had an urge to tell you why AMENDED is my absolute favorite story and why I relate to it.
Starting with Isabella. Me and her grew up very similar. My mother was a drug addict and alcoholic most of my life. After her and my father (who was also an addict) separated. Then came the same creepy boyfriends. But unlike Isabella, I had an older sister so that helped out a lot. My childhood wasn’t as bad as I remember because I spent most of it with my grandparents, who I fortunately still have to this day! I LOVE being with my grandparents! But it always sucked going home because of the constant fights with my mom and the uncomfortableness with her boyfriends. Of course, like Isabella’s mom. They were her top priority. Only one time did one try to touch me. I was 13-14? I’m not sure but I was in 8th grade. I told my mom right away and the only response I got was “Did he think it was me?” I still haven’t forgiven her for that. She made him apologize and he continued living in my house (Oh how much I wish I had a JK as a best friend during those times)
I moved out when I was 16 to live with my grandparents because we lost our house. My mom, sister, niece and nephew went to go live with my mothers parents (I am not close to those grandparents) And I went to go live with my favorite grandparents (My dad hasn’t been a constant part of my life for a while now) Everything was going great! I was going to school regularly and I also got my first job at the mall! Which is where I ended up meeting my first serious boyfriend.
Put it in short words, I had found my own Landon! He was sweet, charming, older. He worked in the food court restaurant, just a few stores away from my job! I was 17 and already dropped out of school and was working full time when we started officially dating. He was 20. Everything was going great but it was all moving so fast! About 3 months into our relationship he got an apartment and I moved in with him. The first few months were amazing. We had privacy, and a lot more time to spend together. What 17 year old didn’t love the idea of having their own apartment and living with their boyfriend?! I guess the age difference made it more easier to excuse his now ‘protective’ behavior.
By the time I was 18, I had met sooo many people, especially at work. I had more adult friends and occasionally they would ask me out to hang out with them and have girls night! He did not like that. He was so worried that while i was out with my friends he would call me every 30 minutes to make sure I was okay and to also ask what i was doing. Despite him going out almost every night with his brothers and friends to bars. Eventually It got to the point he never wanted me to go out at all and if i did, I wasn’t allowed back home. I was young so I stupidly let him have that control over me.
3 years later. We are still together. I turned 21 and couldn’t even go celebrate because I was pregnant. But I was happy. During those 3 years he had only become more and more mentally abusive. He was manipulative, insecure, possessive. And it took me to be pregnant with his child to finally acknowledge that. But i stayed because? I was pregnant. I didn’t want my child growing up without a father and I also didn’t want her to have parents that fought all the time because they hated each other.
Skip to after giving birth. I quickly learned he was not interested in playing the dad role. He would work and come home and play video games all night. We didn’t have anyone to watch the baby so i couldn’t work. He was not happy about that at all. After constant fights and learning he was spending his money on drugs and alcohol (despite always complaining about being broke because he had to support us), I realized I wasn’t in love anymore and told him I wanted to leave. It wasn’t a safe environment for my child and I had to grow up and realize it’s not just about me anymore but about my child. That night was the first and last time he every got physical with me. And I can proudly say that was the night I packed my bags, left and never looked back.
All that happened almost 2 years ago. I am now 23 and have a 2 year old. Things are different now and I feel like its in sync with amended’s current story line. All though I don’t have my Jk yet. I am dealing with the difficulties of letting my daughter have father time. The only reason he is in our lives is because I don’t want my child to hate me for keeping her away from him. I do get along with him, but only for my daughters sake. And because he knows this, he uses it to his advantage. Knows how to push my button and get inside my mind, especially with letting him come see her or letting her go visit him. He even has the crazy girlfriend who doesn’t like me! Lmao. I don’t let my child be alone with him though because I don’t trust him enough to watch over my child. He still wants to live that carefree life and loves being able to hand me back my child when it gets too much for him.
But that’s okay with me, because I will gladly take my child back. Right now, I’m getting my life back together slowly. But after reading your story, it has helped me realize my life isn’t over yet. I can still do things! When I am ready to meet someone, I definitely want to find someone like amended JK. Not the marriage and arrangement part lol but a man who wants to take care of me and my child and supports me and will have my back no matter what. Someone who can help me say no even when I feel like i can’t. To protect me from my Ex the way JK protects Isabella from Landon. I relate to this story so much, and I think you write it beautifully. I just wanted to say thank you for the words you write and for giving me an escape, especially when things have gotten a little too rough. It always so nice to relax and read one of your stores (:
I don’t mind if you answer this publicly or privately. I’m also sorry for the whole life story lol but I just couldn’t stop typing! I just wanted you to know how much your stories mean to me (:
Since you said I could, I’m going to answer this publicly. Because one thing I do see in reader response is often this big divide (not ALWAYS but often) between readers who have or have not been in abusive relationships, and readers who are or are not parents. And I think it’s actually really important and healthy and it was a reason I decided to post this story, because these are things that so completely change your mindset and outlook on life, but they can be really difficult to understand if you just don’t have that experience. I wanted to use Amended as an opportunity to make people stop and think and understand situations they (hopefully!) are not in themselves, or if they ARE in, have the opportunity to seeing someone grow through it and find love and security and happiness on the other side.
There are lots of my own experiences, doubts, struggles, and pains wrapped up in Isabella’s story too, though not necessarily 1:1. Sometimes they were situations or relationships I didn’t have much of a choice in (like with a bad dad), but other times they were things I could have and should have left earlier and I didn’t (like an abusive ex that I didn’t live with, didn’t have children with, separating should have been easy.) What I’ve taken away from it is that we are strong and adaptable and we go through life making the best we can and adapting to situations, and that can bite us in the ass sometimes when we adapt to situations that we should be adapting away from. But it can be so hard to do that! I think people forget too that love isn’t always logical but it can be a hell of a jail when you love someone who is hurting you. “Giving up” on someone to save yourself is really, really hard. Like couldn’t someone make the case that JK should haven’t to deal with Isabella being mean to him and should just leave? Where do you draw the line? It’s so hard!
I just want to say HUGE kudos to you. Your daughter is so lucky to have a mom who has not only done such incredible and difficult things at a young age, but that fact that you also make things harder for yourself (in having to still deal with your ex) to try and make things the best for her. Especially when you had a difficult home life... probably my love for Isabella shows already how much I love and admire you and your situation and all the women who have been in similar situations. You clearly had to grow up so so young and that sucks, that’s so unfair for you. I wish I could give you back more of the childhood and adolescent that were stolen from you.
You are helping me remember too why I like to write about moms. There is not as much media as  there should be about moms where they are still the star of the story. When I had my son I realized with shock that to a lot of the world, my life is over as an individual now. That’s bullshit! The start of my son’s life story doesn’t mean the end of mine! It doesn’t mean I just become a side character in his story! It just means there’s a new sub-plot in the story of ME, and I can continue to reinvent and discover myself over and over for the rest of my life. We have to break free of this idea that mothers are nothing but mothers, and this idea that 30 or 40 or 50 are too late. Because the reality is sure, once you become a mom, sometimes the me stuff is on hold for a while in order to survive, and sometimes you’re mostly wrapped up in the mother role, and that’s totally fine. But it’s definitely not over. It’s never two late to get to “start” your story, or “restart” your story. I’ve found that often when I’m in the middle of things being hard it feels like the chance will never come, but it will, and it won’t be too late! It sounds like you are kicking ass for yourself and your daughter right now, and how incredible that she’ll grow up seeing that strength and resilience.
So thank you so so much for sharing your story. I always love hearing from you.  🥰
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herohotline · 4 years
Can I request Aizawa realizing he’s falling for a bubbly male hero after that hero helps him in a fight?
A/N: I know it’s not a matchup or going along with my to-do list, but I’ve been really depressed and this I wrote this really adorable request to make me feel better. I now feel at least 2% better. I hope it does something for any of you dudes, too ❤️ I cut this down a bit, it was originally a lot longer lmao. Might want to do a part two!!
Pairing: Shouta Aizawa / Male Reader
Reader: Hero name Witcher, controls the air around him by creating powerful gusts of wind and tornados. 
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Villains are ruthless, annoying, trouble-making, selfish, stupid people. 
Villains deserve nothing- but they deserve everything if they’re getting a sentence and trial- ugh, enough of this- villains are exactly what is making Aizawa late.
Now, Aizawa wasn’t any sort of All Might- he never ran forth at every sign of trouble. But Aizawa had his hero license and title for a reason, and he accepted that, yes, sometimes the ‘other person’ coming to help had to be him. This was one of those times- how could he just walk to class and ignore the wannabe group of villains as they wave their guns around and take random passer-by’s hostage?
There were three of them, all remarkably young in age- which further proved Aizawa’s point that villains are stupid- and one of them had a shield quirk- which further proved his point that villains are annoying. 
Before they had the chance to see him, Aizawa had perched himself atop a building and out of sight so he could make some sort of plan. The first thing he had to do was split the group up- then he could focus on the man producing impenetrable shields, then he could try and use that as leverage to free the hostages. The entire thing was risky- he’d have to clean it up by himself in barely a few minutes so he could ensure the lives of the hostages. Hopefully, the police would come soon and provide back-up.
It’s when he finished that thought that someone came swooping in- a bright costume that he didn’t recognize along with a charming laugh that passed right by him. “Stop worrying!” The voice came and his eyes snapped over to a man- he was obviously a fellow hero and stood just a few feet in front of him. “Let’s deal with this quickly, okay?” The sudden new-comer looks behind his shoulder to send a quick wink Aizawa’s way before he dove for the action.
A distraction, Aizawa realizes. That’s what he’s trying to do. 
“Well, this is troublesome!” You whistle breezily as you step forward to the scene. You quickly look over everything that looks troubling: guns, hostages, meddlesome quirks… The usual for a hero to deal with. “I’d love it if we could deal with this quickly, yeah?” you tut, a safe-but-kind-of-stretching-it distance away from the villains. 
“Who do you think you are?!” One of them shouts- oh, you love it when they have a short temper. Another one looks equally pissed off by your flamboyant behavior- villains usually do.
“Who am I?” You ask aloud. “Well, I could honestly be whoever you want me to be. Perhaps,” your head tilts to the side as you smile, and the man with the money and long coat in their group is harshly thrown to the side- a large gust of wind following along and nearly tripping his friends. His body meets a hard and cemented wall of the next building over, knocking him out for the time being, “a wizard?” You continue. The other villains look at you, clearly pissed off and cock their guns. “A hero?” Quickly you sweep the hostages in the air, sending them over to you and in your arms. Thankfully there’s only three of them- enough to carry, although with a bit of difficulty. “Or just an annoyance? Maybe I’m all three!” 
They begin shooting in the middle of your speech- which is rude- but your job is done. The dark and brooding hero from before finally shows up, right on time as he uses the strange scarf around his neck to send the guns to the floor and then wrap up one of the villains. As he continues his surprise attack, you quickly run a safe distance away and deposit the hostages in a hidden alley. 
There’s a walkie strapped to your outfit and you quickly take it off. “I’ve got three hostages at the corner of Telvet, officers. Please ensure their safety as Eraserhead and I take care of the villains.”
A voice warbles through the radio. “Got it, we’re on our way, Witcher.” 
You quickly give the oldest woman in the group the walkie. “Keep this on you, make sure to keep out of sight until the officers arrive,” you instruct her carefully, keeping eye-contact as you place an arm on her shoulder. The other two civilians are young boys- brothers, you assume. “Don’t split up, don’t go anywhere. You will be safe, okay?”
“O-okay,” she stutters, the walkie tight in her grip. You shake your head. 
“Tell me. Tell me you’ll be okay- believe in that.”
“I’ll- we’ll be okay, Witcher!” She tries her best to wear a more confident look and you give her a big grin, slapping her shoulder and standing up quickly. You almost fall backwards because of how suddenly you stand, but that’s neither here nor there. 
“Good job! I believe in you!” 
Aizawa really wasn’t meant for one-on-two fights, as much as he hates to admit it. It’s obviously not too difficult- he’s a pro and these villains are still kids, not knowing what they’re doing and relying too much on quirks. They’re predictable, easy, but still an annoyance. 
So he’s relieved when you, whoever you are, come dashing back to the fight and help restrain the villains with him- and then the other one who’s still lying near the wall for good measure. The police arrive within seconds once the fight is over, informing both of you that they found the hostages and took them down to the police station for questioning. 
“Oh, be careful with those boys, okay? They were really young looking, clearly shaken up.” Aizawa eyes you from a distance as you talk with the officers. “That girl is really tough- but could you bring me back my walkie? I gave it to her.”
Your personality was certainly one of a kind, that’s for sure. He can’t stop looking at you- because who are you? The way you handled the entire situation was almost perfectly unorganized and impulsive- but impulsive in an amazingly thoughtful way? You clearly knew what you were doing but gave off an energy that made it feel like you were winging it. 
He heard one of the officers mumble your hero name, clearly, they were familiar with you- Witcher? Aizawa’s certain he’s never heard the name before. 
You were obviously not on the same level of unfamiliarity as he was. 
“Eraserhead!” You call out to him, smiling and showing off your teeth as you present your hand to him. “It was great meeting you- or, working with you for the first time!” Aizawa is quick to shake your hand, not wanting to seem rude, for whatever reason. Is it just him, or are you dazzling? Once you put your hand away he’s quick to wipe his dry eyes- it’s probably just the sun. “I’m sorry if I caught you off guard- my ways of hero work are a bit unorthodox for some. I would have filled you in if there was time.”
“Unorthodox?” Aizawa snorts. “Sounds like a better name for you than Witcher.”
“Hey, I like that name! It makes me sound super neat, doesn’t it?” For whatever reason, you laugh, even though Aizawa’s joke really wasn’t that funny. 
He’s sort of blushing and has no idea why- but he hates it and wants to get to class as soon as possible. That’s why it’s strange that he finds himself stuck in place as he continues to talk to you. “I’m surprised I haven’t heard of you before, Witcher. Where are you from?” 
You chuckle, one of your hands scratching the back of your neck. “I’m not surprised. I came from another area of Japan- it’s kind of rural, you know? I just moved to the big city recently.” As you speak, you look at the area around you wistfully. “It’s nice here.”
Aizawa squints. He’s put off- but somehow intrigued by your personality. “How old are you?” He blurts before he can stop- it makes you laugh again. 
“Don’t people in the city not ask that kind of stuff?” Aizawa watches as your whole body moves as you laugh- you give into it, letting it control your body in a weird shake and rumble. Your shoulders bounce, your knees bend and your feet tilt up. It’s… possibly endearing. “Would you believe me if I told you I’m turning 32 next week?” 
“No,” Aizawa immediately says, “but Happy Birthday.”
“Thanks- but don’t you have somewhere to be?” 
Right. He looks down at his watch, internally wincing at the time he sees. No one will really care besides him- he’s rarely late, so people in the school know he has a good reason to lag behind. But he knows he’ll get a stern talk from Iida and several worried speeches from other students.  
Why’s he feel like a kid in trouble when he’s the damn teacher?
“I could give you a ride. I actually own a car, surprise surprise. It’s faster than the subway.” 
He hasn’t agreed yet, but still, he finds himself following you as you lead the way to your vehicle. “You know where I work?” He asks. “You know I don’t have a car?” 
“C’mon, Eraserhead, everyone knows where you work.” You look him up and down with a smirk, “and it’s easy to tell you ride the subway.”
“Fuck off.”
“Yikes! Sore spot, huh?” You’re obviously unoffended and he hasn’t even realized that you’re both at your car until you open one of the doors for him. A quick glance lets him know that you have money- but you’re obviously modest about it. It’s a nice car, but nothing too flashy or brag-worthy.
Unlike Hizashi’s car. This is a nice change. 
“So, Eraserhead,” you easily slide into your car and shut the door in one swoop, already starting the engine before he can realize. “Am I gonna have to keep calling you Eraserhead, or can I call you by a name?” 
Usually, he’d say no. Eraserhead was fine and he didn’t like giving out personal information so freely. It’s his name and he doesn’t like to wear it out. But, again, before he can think- “Aizawa.” 
“Nice to meet you, Aizawa. Put your damn seatbelt on,” you begin to drive and smile at him again. “My name’s ___.”
It’s a nice name. Definitely better than ‘Witcher’. 
Aizawa runs into you several times after that- something he doesn’t know how to feel about. On one hand, you’re interesting and charming in your own way. He likes the conversations you’ll have after defeating a bad guy together or even running into each other at the supermarket. 
But he dislikes the weird, hot feeling he always gets in his chest whenever you come and leave. No, he doesn’t ever lose his composure around you- because he never does for anybody.
But sometimes, he gets close. And Aizawa didn’t know why that was for a really long time- 
Until, eventually, word of you got around and eventually Nezu had you make a special appearance for the hero course. And Aizawa got to watch you laugh and smile and inspire his students so wonderfully- 
That’s when he realized that maybe he’s feeling a lot more than he’s letting on. 
This little ‘crush’ doesn’t get better, it only gets worse. Aizawa isn’t used to crushes- it’s been a long time since he was a teenager, and that’s the last time he really let himself think about things romantically. It’s especially hard to deal with because it’s you- you’re so different than him that it makes it more difficult to hide his feelings.
But he does, of course, hide his feelings- that’s what he always does. 
It also doesn’t help that his students now love you- you’re brought up more than once, which is enough to annoy him. He would rather not think about you at work, or maybe at all- for Christ Sake, Aizawa doesn’t even have your number. All your meetings so far have been by chance- or ungodly bad luck. He really shouldn’t be feeling this way about you.
Another swing of good- bad luck comes when Toshi waves a slip of paper in his face one morning in the Teacher’s Lounge. “I got his number for you,” The retired hero looks awfully happy with himself for such a meager thing. 
Aizawa snaps the paper out of his hand. “So? Why are you meddling?”
“You like him, don’t you?” Toshi’s eyes follow Aizawa as he passes the taller man, grumpily making his coffee with the office coffee maker- it makes him grumpier knowing that it’s watered down bullshit but it’s better than nothing. Especially if he’s going to be dealing with Toshi this early in the morning.  
“What do you have to do with that?”
“Aizawa,” Toshi sighs. “Is it so much to do something for yourself for once?”
Something for himself? 
Is pursuing a relationship with you something he’d be doing for himself? It seems unlikely- you probably didn’t like him anyway. Aizawa doesn’t want to take the chance.
“Thanks, Toshi. I’ll think about it.” He assures, making Toshi smile and finally walk away. 
The least he can do is text you, but Aizawa is a liar- he’s sure as hell not going to pursue you like the old hero might want him to. 
Even if he secretly really, really wants to. 
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kpop-pick-me-up · 5 years
How to loosely gauge where you stand on the privilege scale.
Everybody has some sort of privilege over someone else. It doesn't make you a bad person to have privilege. What makes you a bad person, is not being aware that you have a privilege and criticizing those who have less privilege than you for calling you out on it. So here is a very loose way to find out how much privilege you have. Feel free to add more questions in the comments I'll add them in!
Create a small "staircase" by laying out 21 pieces of paper on the floor, or just 21 small objects to mark the steps. (Have extra in case you need to add as you go)
Start by standing by/on the middle one.
Ask yourself these questions:
Am I white? If yes, take two steps up the stairs. If not, take two steps back.
I am female. If not, take one step forward, if yes take one step back.
I am straight. If yes, take on step forward. If not, take one step back.
I am naturally thin/fit and have no difficulty finding my size in stores or seeing models and celebrities that have similar body types to mine. If true, take a step forward and if false, take one back.
I am christrian. If true, take one step up, if false take one step back.
I live, and always have lived, in a safe neighborhood where I felt no danger on a regular basis. If true, take one step forward. If false, take one step back.
I have never been discriminated against because of my race, religion, or sexuality. Discrimination meaning; in the workplace, school, unprompted on the streets etc. If true, take one step forward and if false, one step back.
I can walk down to the street during the day freely without fear of being called out or attacked. If true, take one step forward. If false, take one step back.
I have a caring and loving family. If yes, take one step forward. If not, take one step back.
I have access to fresh foods that aren't canned, bagged, or prepackaged regularly, and never had to wonder when my next meal would be. If true, take a step forward. If false, take a step back.
I have never been scared of/had my power, cable, water, or electricity turned off because of insufficient funds. If true, take one step forward. If false, take one step back.
My parents/grandparents offer to help/Currently help pay some of my bills or funding. If true, take a step forward. If not, take a step back.
I have never not had a warm bed to sleep in, or a roof over my head. If true, take a step forward and if false take a step back.
I have access to things like the internet regularly, and the ability to further and choose my education if I wished to. If yes, take a step forward, if not take a step back.
I am transgender. Of true, take a step back. If false, take a step forward.
The top of the staircase is success. The higher up you are the easier it's achievable, the less stairs you have to trudge up to get there. You should notice by now you're probably rotating between the same 3-4 steps. Or you're continuously moving forward, or continuously moving backwards. This is where you loosely stand on the privileged staircase. If you're at the top, you are very privileged. It doesn't mean life is perfect or you've never been sad, it just means society has no reason to hold you back, and true oppression will never happen. You have little to no steps to climb. If you're at the bottom you don't experience any privilege in today's society. You are forced to trudge up every step, through every barrier to even just see the top. If your still directly in the middle, you're more privileged than some, and less than others. You get the gist.
This is just to make you more self aware and understand that you don't have to have a perfect life to be privileged, that having privilege doesn't make you a bad person. It means you need to be aware of the privileges you have and how it effects those that DONT have the same ones. To grab their hands and say "you're a person like me, I'll support you in whatever you need to do. I understand I'm privileged and that somethings may be harder for you even if I don't understand it. So please lead the way so I know how to use my privilege to make this better for you. To be equals. You have the floor because I know nothing about what it's like. "
You do NOT put yourself on a pedestal and say "I'm more privileged I'll be their hero."
You do NOT treat them like a disease or that there is something wrong with them and they need help all the time.
You ask them what it's like, you LISTEN to what they have to say with all of your attention because in this time, you don't completely understand and you never will. They are strong, independent beautiful people who don't need saving. Many of them have climbed from the bottom of the steps to the top and deserve every fucking second of praise and reward they recieve. They just need support and friendship. They need RESPECT. They need you to gently grasp their hand as they pass you in the steps, give them a part on the back and say "you're so fucking strong keep pushing yourself." And by listening to their stories when they pause on your step to rest and sharing them as they are said to you word for word is the only way to ever even think of changing the staircase.
You can be angry with where you stand. I want you to be angry. I want you to scream and rage and cry and say "this isnt fair" and then SCREAM EVEN LOUDER. if youre at the top I want you to be angry. I want you to be so mad that you use what you have to understand those below you, o want you to be so mad that you jump off the fucking staircase and say "how the fuck do I break it?" If you're at the bottom I want you to say "SCREW this staircase" and climb the railing to your own success. I want you to find a way to climb without it. To say "Fuck the stair case" and soar because you have just as much potential as the person in front of you and deserve to live and be happy.
Maybe we can never change it. Maybe we are stuck on this stupid staircase, so you give up and ignore it all together. But if we do that we won't ever know if we can weaken the cement holding it together. We never will know if maybe part of the staircase gets cut off or someone gets a chance to hop up a step.
But the first step? (The most difficult for some) is to acknowledge where you stand, and do something about it.
Edit: since I got some feedback Id like to make a couple things clear.
This isn't an exact placement. It's a social exercise. It helps people humble themselves or become more self/socially aware. The act of taking a step forward while knowing someone has to take a step back or even WATCHING someone else take a step back is enough to make a person think. It simply gives you an idea that: "maybe this DOES negatively impact people" or "I take that for granted." It's not an exact place. Of course, if you wanted an exact place you'd need to be severely tested, create multiple staircases for individual topics and then do math to find the average of where you stand. That's not what this is about. It's the action itself.
I would also like to mention that this is just a very basic outline. You can take this game and alter it, use it for specific topics like jobs, mental health, lgbtq+ etc. It's all up to you the questions you ask. Whenever I play this game I always start asking random questions I've seen discussed in the media to see how things going on effect those around me. There will be a couple questions I add up there because they are good valid questions, you can also simply create more and ask yourself them in the moment. Just like how the real world is there are no set structures or rules, just a basic outline.
Also, someone decided to comment on my Grammer and how I worded the questions lmao. I really don't care because posts like these are just brain dumps. They're stuff I just write out quickly on my phone and document for my own sanity. I often don't have the time to sit an plan out brain dumps they just happen, and I have to post them within the time constraints I have. For example I had to write this in less than ten minutes. I also never reread brain dumps because then I end up deleting them. So trust me, I know the grammar isn't great for any of my brain dump posts but that's what they are, dumps. This is just something I do to help connect with people since I have a lot of communication issues and difficulty understanding people, thoughts etc. This game and my brain dumps are how I get through them.
Please, if you think of any good questions feel free to add them in the comments or reblog with more. Check for new questions in the comments.
Again, don't take this too seriously, it's a brain dump and very quickly written. I never expect any brain dumps to get attention, so I feel no need correct grammar or make sure everything is 100% perfect all the time. I just write and go so I can focus on my task at hand. It's that simple.
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purplesurveys · 3 years
[created by: youvebeensurved - LiveJournal]
How often do you get fountain drinks from a gas station? I’ve actually never tried getting a drink from one of those fountains. I find them nasty, and the fact that gas stations aren’t the most hygienic of places certainly doesn’t help their case.
If you get online and look at graphics, what website(s) do you go to? I never find myself looking for graphics. The closest thing I search are vector icons, and for those I have an extension on Chrome that lets me look for icons to place on slides and such.
Who would you say your favorite celebrity is? At the moment it would be Rosamund Pike, but my all-time favorite would be Beyoncé.
Have you ever slept in your car? If so, explain. Sure, mostly when I took naps in between classes. There were also a few times I had late nights out and didn’t have a place to crash at, so I’d sleep in the car for the night before heading home in the morning.
If you were forced to murder one of your parents, which one would it be? This is a horrible question.
What song are you currently obsessed with? Find Me Here - Hayley Williams.
Explain your last run in with the police: Never happened.
Who was the last friend you hung out with, and what did you guys do? In terms of a physical get-together, I was with Angela, Hans, Pia, Kyelle, Al, Gab, and Sam and we had dinner and drinks at this gastropub that announced its impending permanent closure by the end of February. Virtually, I hung out with Andi, Peter, Carmel, Rita, Robin, Mik, and Elis to have a Jeopardy game night over Zoom.
What time do you usually go to bed and wake up? On weekdays I try to turn in anywhere between 9–11 PM and wake up by 6:30. On weekends, I try to stay up until midnight at the earliest, but I’m trying to make it a habit to stay up until like 2–3 AM just so I can catch up on my hobbies and shows. I wake up anywhere between 5–7 AM.
If you could have any job in the world, what would it be? What's stopping you? Lawyer, which is a route I seriously considered for a few years. I get extremely tense in arguments though so I doubt I’d be the best fit for that kind of career.
Do you have a friend that's in a horrible situation right now? Explain. Yeah, my college batchmate (who’s now also my co-worker) Aimee tested positive for COVID this week after being in and out of a fever over the last two weeks.
What was the last store you were in, and what did you buy? I suddenly needed plastic bags while I was packing groceries at the office the other week, so I went to the nearby convenience store to check if they had any. They didn’t, so I left without buying anything.
Who was the last person you texted, and what did this text say? I was texting some media friends to tell them some shoes we had ordered for them to try out are going to be delivered to their address within the day.
What is the reason for the last time you cried? A show I had been watching had an emotional scene.
Who is your favorite character in your favorite movie? Joanna, of course, mainly because that’s the character Audrey Hepburn plays.
What color did you last paint your nails? I can’t remember the color I chose the last time I had my nails painted 79472394348 years ago.
It's 112 degrees out today, describe your attire: A very thin tank top with airy shorts.
Do you have any friends that are currently in jail? Explain their situation. Not friends but I can think of a couple of relatives who’ve gotten ‘in conflict’ with the law. I won’t get into their cases but for both of them, it was because they got tricked by their respective abusive bosses, hence the quote marks.
Do you tend to take long or short surveys? I like taking those whose lengths are right in the middle - anywhere between 35-80 questions. Shorter ones look boring and I find the longer ones too time-consuming.
What do you currently desire? I changed my mind about La Creperie and will be going to Ramen Nagi instead since I just remembered they currently have a truffle ramen thing that’s only going to be around for a limited time, and I want to get my hands on it before they take it off the menu.
How often do you honk your horn? Depends on how stupid the people I’m driving with are on a given day.
For what reason were you last at a park? We don’t have too many parks here so there’s little opportunity to stay at one. I remember seeing one with Gab when we were at BGC a little over a year ago, but we only walked through it since it was part of the route we were taking to get to our actual destination.
What junk food can you never pass up? Salted egg chips and pizza.
If you're a girl, what is your favorite brand of feminine hygiene products? If you're a boy, what is your favorite brand of condoms? I don’t have a favorite.
Where was the last place you went on a walk to? Just around the neighborhood. I also wanted to make this morning’s route with Cooper a little longer so he could walk more, so we went to parts of the village we don’t normally reach.
How are you feeling today? I’m content :) It’s the weekend so I’m not too tense like I normally would be on weekdays. I also have plans to go out later today so I’m looking forward to that.
Do you ever make your own surveys? Never tried because I know I wouldn’t be able to come up with new and interesting questions.
How flexible are you? Not very. I can’t even reach my toes when I do stretches.
What is your favorite class? Any history elective. I also like biology, anthropology, and some aspects of political science.
What is your boyfriend's name? I don’t have one.
What is your favorite drink? Non-alcoholic, cold water. Alcoholic, Long Island Iced Tea for mixed drinks, and tequila.
Who is your best friend? Angela.
What time is it? 11:20 AM.
What is your middle name? My second name is Isabelle, but I’m not sharing my legal middle name.
What 3 websites do you visit daily? YouTube, Google Suite, and Twitter.
Where do you work? At home, haha. But under normal circumstances I’d be working in an office somewhere in Metro Manila.
What is your favorite band? Paramore.
How do you feel about abortion? Personally not a fan of the procedure for myself, but I am as pro-choice as it gets.
Do you want any kids? Very much so.
Have you ever microwaved soap? Nah, but I know what happens to it from watching YouTube videos hahaha. It’s so fun to see it gradually expand and become a pretty lil cloud.
Are there any new movies that you want to see? I Care A Lot, but I feel sooooooooo lazy about watching new movies. Idk if I’ll ever get around to it.
How many places have you lived? I’d say around five in total, including the house I currently reside in. I’ve lived in my parents’ apartment in Manila, then we briefly moved in with my dad’s parents, and then I spent most of my childhood in a duplex living with my mom’s side (and got to live in both houses), until we finally settled here when I was 10.
Do you have any health issues? Yeah, the main one I have to live with is scoliosis.
Are you texting anyone? Nope. And I don’t really text anymore, either. Most of my conversations take place on Messenger or Viber.
What do you drive? A Mitsubishi Mirage hatchback.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Sure, both male and female ones.
Are you drinking or eating anything? Nope but I am starting to feel a bit hungry.
What color is your shirt? Yellow with some grey text.
Do you drink? Like...alcohol? Sure. I have the occasional soju night.
What year do/did you graduate? I graduated high school in 2016, and college in 2020.
Do you play any sports? Table tennis, though it’s been a while since I’ve had the chance to play. I got to take it as a PE elective on my last sem, but my time with it got cut off because of COVID :(
Do you pop your fingers? Yeah, I just cracked my knuckles a few minutes ago.
What is your shoe size? I can wear a size 6 or 7.
Have you ever had a UTI? Apparently I’ve had one, but all I got from it was a persisting high fever. I didn’t actually have any difficulties or felt pain in my urinary tract, though of course I felt scared to pee during that time because I thought it would hurt lol.
What was the last thing you baked? Cookies. A lifetime ago, since I don’t normally bake.
When was the last time you showered? Yesterday afternoon when I was finally able to clock out of work.
Would you rather go to the dentist or the doctor? Dentist. I actually find the procedures soothing. There’s a whole lot of issues that can be unpacked when you visit doctors, so I’m kinda scared of that.
Have you ever been in love? Yes. I miss the feeling and being able to act on it, but I’m liking being with myself too.
How do you feel about public speaking? I’m ok with it for the most part. I know I can speak well and generally have a good hold of my thoughts, so I don’t mind if I have to do it unless I have to talk about something I’m greatly unfamiliar with, like insurance or economics lmao. The latter situation is the only time I’d feel unprepared or scared of public speaking.
Do you see anything green? Yeah, since we have artificial plant accents on the coffee table.
What shoes do you usually wear? Sneakers or running shoes.
Do you take any birth control? Nope.
Who is the last person you talked to? My sister; I just asked her to turn the volume down on the TV.
Are there any fast food restaurants that you refuse to eat at? Just Tokyo Tokyo. I can take or leave Burger King but for the most part I find their burgers too plain.
Do you recycle? Whenever I can, yeah.
Do you know what you want to major in in college? I wanted to take up journalism. I suppose I don’t regret it, since I ended up wanting to be in a field that’s close enough to it anyway and I don’t feel like the skills I learned went to waste.
Have you ever snuck anyone in your room? Nah, I always let my mom know if I’m letting someone over since she doesn’t knock and would find out anyway.
Who was the last person in your bed besides you? Gabie.
Have you ever been in the hospital? Other than when I was born, yeah, at least once.
What's the last movie you watched? I watched Midsommar with Nina and some cousins last Christmas lol. We unknowingly downloaded the Director’s Cut, which we found out wasn’t as good as the main version since they added cheesy scenes to it, which ruined the suspenseful mood of the movie.
What's your favorite fruit? Avocado.
What do your bathroom walls look like? The bottom half has coral-ish tiles, while the top half is just a plain white wall. In the downstairs bathroom the setup is the same, but instead of coral tiles we have light blue wall tiles instead on the bottom half.
What do you spend most of your money on? At the moment, most of the money that I do take out of my account is the money I give to my parents every couple of weeks to help out with the bills. The next main thing I spend on is food, because I always have cravings I need satisfied haha.
Do you have any weird obsessions? Reading about serial killers and unsolved crimes isn’t really considered ‘weird’ anymore since a lot of other people have taken up the interest. But that’s probably the most out-there ~obsession that I have.
Do you bite your nails? I do but not obsessively.
What's the last color you dyed your hair? I’ve never tried dyeing my hair yet.
How do you feel about mustaches? Not my personal preference, but you do you.
Is there anyone that you really want to see in concert? Beyonceeeeeeeeeeeeee.
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