#drama cw
memesomething · 1 year
yet another reminder callout posts don't work
they do contribute to radicalisation because you're actively seeking to cold-turkey cut someone out of their community (and people find community wherever they can find it) (this is a statement of fact it is not debated at all in academic circles. we Know it contributes to radicalisation)
other adults do not need you to tell them who it's "safe" to interact with because they are capable of communicating and emotional management/using the block button
children and young people are largely not your target audience when you make a callout post, and even if they were, using a callout to reach those target audiences is one of the most irresponsible and reckless ways to reach them. accessing these communities of people with reactionary, angry media, and normalising this response (or normalising that it could, or should, happen to them or their friends whenever someone is 'toxic') does not support their health and safety online or in their communities
also the percentage of time where I've seen a callout post whose literally devastating destruction of social networks and support systems has been proportional to the "wrongdoing" listed - is zero. I have never seen that be proportional. 'oh you said/did something dumb (or outright meanspirited) one time, nobody you have relied on for emotional support for the past several months or years will ever like you again, you're a horrible person irretrievably forever'
You are targeting people in a setting (a website) where statistically they are far far more likely in the first place to be neurodivergent, mentally ill and/or other minorities, you are constructing this impact for people who are already some of the most vulnerable, people literally die to this bullshit.
the only thing callout posts achieve is you get to be angry out loud a bit longer and try to dictate who your friends "get" to speak to (and if they have any sense they say "absolutely not" and leave, which mustn't be any fun for you, either). "i wish I didn't have to say this--" you do not. just don't. just do not say it. vent privately to a friend if you desperately need to.
callout posts are insidious, dangerous, and they don't work. stop making them.
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inundatae · 5 months
So I'm going to be a little blunt here and I apologize for bringing negativity to people's dash as we all come here to have fun.
However I would highly appreciate it if unless you're my friend, people could respect my boundaries and refrain from making comments and such of se//xual nature towards me or my muse. Thanks so much for reading.
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prettytm · 2 months
Good bye. I hope everyone who bullied me is fucking happy. I hope everyone who got my account deleted is happy. I'm done.
Hi Stray. I'm sorry it's come to this but.. Enough is enough.
I cannot and will not accept the blame you're trying to lay at my feet. I don't know why you think I'm somehow responsible for your blog being deleted or why you've fixated on me. But I've done nothing to you EXCEPT try to show you kindness and support. I only know of you because of a self harm post you made on the dash that worried a handful of us in the Punisher fandom. I came to check up on you, to make sure you were okay and to let you know someone was in your corner.
Here are the screenshots of the only conversations we've ever had.
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I didn't think to screenshot the times I answered your open starters or the times I wrote you starters or the IC asks I sent you. I didn't think it would ever come down to this.
After you deleted or deactivated scarsmasked the first time and blocked me, I only heard from you twice after that. I'm including those screencaps too.
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You asked me to stop reblogging the content you made and I did so. Without hesitation because I didn't want to even accidentally make you feel uncomfortable. I was deeply hurt you thought I was somehow responsible for having to delete your blog when all I wanted to do was be your friend and write some dope multiverse Billy content but it was okay if you didn't feel the same. That is literally the extent of our history. Nothing else ever happened between us. So I truly don't know or understand why you think of me as a bully or think that I did something to you. All I ever did was try to be your friend and respect your choice when you decided against that. -- Edited to include a new screenshot I've been sent. Because I want everyone else who was tagged to be seen, so everyone knows I wasn't alone and to see what we've been dealing with. I'm so sorry I somehow got you all involved in this.
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beforecreation · 8 months
Alright, I don't want to do this, but my hand has been forced and I don't know what else to do about this situation. I've gotten a message that an anon is yet again harassing people in relation to this blog.
I want to make it clear, I do not think any harassment or pestering or anything of the sort is acceptable no matter what your reasoning is. Don't ever do it. Don't do it in any relation to my blog either, I'm here for the sake of fun, not to make anyone's life worse.
To ensure this doesn't happen again, I'm both turning off anon and putting this blog on hiatus.
I don't know how long it's gonna last, and I'm sorry to those who were waiting on me, but this happening twice is simply too much. This is the only solution I can think of so more people do not have to deal with this.
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lunarisdeus · 4 days
Honestly not surprised actual racism is popping up in loz rpc, again. You attack an extremely talented writer (she has better credentials than you ever will lmao), who is black and biracial, over a fucking headcanon for an interpretation of Twilight Princess Link being black and biracial as well?? Legit asking, are you fucking stupid? You have to be to not see how actually racist you're being. So actually fuck you, hope we find out who you are so we can systematically erase your ass off this rpc. Blackwashing doesn't exist. You sound like flat earthers.
I support writers and artists taking white characters and making them black / poc.
Whoever you are, you are a sad piece of shit. Hope you leave the rpc. Also I rp a dark skinned / poc Fierce Deity (Nihlkahn is dark skinned in canon). There is also another dark skinned Fierce Deity design in this fandom by a very popular artist, so go choke. Hope there's a nice surge of black / poc Links, Zeldas and every other white character in this fandom soon.
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stagred · 3 months
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noctuafought · 1 month
i've been meaning to address this and i will add this to my rules if i ever remember, but : ( under the cut )
i will no longer be listening to any "he said / she said" or any sort of "warnings" about people in the roleplay community. i dealt with enough of it last year, and a lot of those "warnings" turned out to be lies, cherry picked "evidence" and other forms of misinformation. so unless there are active, actual crimes like literal abuse + such with real evidence not taken out of context, i will not be listening to those "warnings."
i, believe it or not, am a grown adult and am capable of making my own decisions and gaining my own opinion of other people. i am tired of having my hand held and being influenced or pressured to block people, especially over lies.
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unboundpower · 1 month
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Getting really tired of the bullshit in this RPC tbh. For the past ~3 years I've seen very sus behavior that I read as legit racism, *literal* vagueblogging, playing up a victim mentality, emotional manipulation...shit is so fuckn stupid.
Like. It's one thing to disagree with someone's headcanon and start a civil discussion with them. But to have a friend or more join you in DOGPILING said someone publicly right on their post, picking a fight with them over a take that insulted your beloved fictional character when you could've just immediately blocked & not engaged in the first place, is so unbelievably childish.
Don't want to catch heat? Don't deliberately harass people.
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cxffeeshxp · 2 months
just so you know goetiia ran Clive off tumblr so i recommend blocking them
~ So usually I won't answer shit like this because there is never proof added, but having seen Clive deactivated and seeing.... the usual on Stols blog... yeah... a nigga is DONE.
I literally am so done seeing the same stupid fucking vent post, vague posting, and vying for sympathy months on end, which SUCKS because I legitimately enjoyed writing with them but I don't know what happened, I think I can take a guess, but they have just been having a bad one for a while now and it's draining to deal with.
Only so many times can I spam someone's inbox only to see them ignore it and claim no one wants to write with them and go on about drama with people they blocked awhile ago.
They also don't help themselves in any meaningful way. They don't ignore drama, they turn off anons, they apparently block evade to see what people are saying about them, and they just stopped role-playing all together it seems because more post are just drama shit than anything ic.
I wish them well, even though I know they will probably shit talk me like most people that eventually have to block them. I hope they get better by I'm just gonna block.
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((So. Remember this post when I gave a certain someone the benefit of the doubt?
Yeah, well, they tried to worm their way back via my fucking boyfriend now, so fuck any and all goodwill, I am sick of this shit.
So, screenshots and names now, fuck 'em!
Meet love-is-in-the-multiverse! The person that will not leave no matter how kindly you tell them to stop!
Sadly, I only have screenshots of the last time we talked and my boyfriend's screenshots. So I'll just have to summarize my experiences up till the final confrontation without screenies.
So, Love, formerly known as mollypico, was a FNF/Newgrounds RPer I met when they approached me for a starter. Since then they, they got very smothering, spamming my inbox with OOC convos that honestly overwhelmed me. I tried to give her other options, I really did. But in the end, she didn't take them. I changed the rules a bit to reflect this newfound boundary, and at first she seemed willing to respect it. But then turned around and continued because "She had no other options". So for the sake of my sanity, I blocked her.
Her response was to send a few friends after me asking why. And I tried to explain it to them as kindly as possible.
After that, they tried approaching me with new accounts passing themself off as someone else. The accounts were deleted by the time I looked in my notifs on my phone and saw them in the morning.
Eventually, she came to a new account and via messages apologized. I gave her the benefit of the doubt and accepted because she was finally keeping this stuff in IMs. And sometimes in those convos, she'd bring up fandoms and characters she played that were... suspiciously exactly the same as those other accounts that deleted.
It did not make her any less pushy and smothering, rushing me for starters, getting impatient with me not responding immediately. It all added up.
One day, I decided that people that killed my enjoyment here would get blocked. That included her. She tried to bypass this by making new accounts to talk to me. Twice. Once to act as if she wasn't one of the people I blocked. And the other to explain herself. I blocked those too.
Some time later, I was followed by two new accounts. One called "hate-in-the-multiverse" or something along those lines, and the other called afriendtoall. Who claimed she was an IRL friend of Love, and was the one that actually talked to me. Although Hate did send an ask, but not much else came of it.
Friend was frankly not all that different from her. It did not help matters when I started approaching a very stressful change that is still ongoing. And I started having suspicions.
Spoiler alert, I was right;
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I then blocked her and soon after, I saw she deleted the account when I tried to block across all my blogs. I didn't screenshot it, but after this last message, she wished me well and said she'd leave me alone.
Cut to tonight! Picture this! I was in a call with a friend, having fun reading a graphic novel to them, and then I look to see a message from my boyfriend, and he sends these [censoring his name and icon for his safety]
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So, after I tell her to leave me alone for good, she instead tries to worm her way into contact with my boyfriend and followed him again. And I am pissed.
He confronted her as soon as he saw.
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"Oh mistew, I was just cuwious, uwu"
Yeah, nevermind you followed him. Knowing fully well that we interact a lot on Tumblr.
So yeah, fuck it, you win, you got my attention with your stupid game. Now here's your stupid prize.
RPers beware. Block her. If you RP FNF/NewGrounds, Danganronpa, My Hero Academia, I think Undertale/Deltarune, possibly any other game/anime/whatever, block. Her. Ass. On sight. Don't even give her a chance. Take it from me, she will drain you, and then make you feel horrible for feeling drained by her/not being in the mood to talk.
She's not worth it. Put yourselves first.
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doodlefortress · 8 months
I just saw those old YouTube videos with all those people being shitty to you in the comments and it made me so angry that when I saw you had a Tumblr I wanted to let you know you are appreciated
Thank you so much for your support! It really does help! /gen
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rpmemes-galore · 1 year
the idea of anon hate is so funny to me, like   “ i’m a stranger on the internet, who’s too chicken to even attach my face to these words, and what i say isn’t going to affect any other facet of your life aside from this specific blog on this specific website.... but here’s all the reasons why you’re terrible and you need to listen to me bc i’m an entitled little dipshit who thinks the world revolves around me and everyone needs to cater to my whims all the time, always”   like lmfao.  touch grass, plz
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maddmuses · 3 months
I don't usually post dirty laundry like this, but it's unacceptable since it is definitively harassment
further explanation under the cut, if you interact with or put up with this chode then it'd service you well to read further
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This guy, through discord, my main account, and my NSFW sideblog now, has been essentially trying to poke at me and get a rise, after saying some truly vile shit to myself and my friends in Ducky's discord community.
It used to be that he was in that group, but was an utter misogynist and creep who made even the people he liked uncomfortable with his presence, eventually culminating in being removed from the server for mocking one of my friend's when they were going through a seriously tumultuous and emotional phase due to being divorced.
He tried to poke at us and get a rise in Christmas, messaging a bunch of us with backhanded messages like this, and for what? Because we didn't agree with a political take of his all of the time? (He was never kicked out or hated on for it, but he was never unchallenged) Because Ducky didn't want to ship his shitty self-insert OC with his Yoruichi? Because when I deigned to ship he took my muse breaking up with his (his muse was actively being a shitty boyfriend) he took it as a personal attack?
Frankly, I don't care if anyone interacts with him or whatever, it only takes extreme shit for me to mark someone as guilty by association, but if you do have this guy in your peripheral, be cautious.
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beforecreation · 6 months
I swear if I gotta start being on anon watch on other people's blogs I'm just gonna retire this blog and save everyone the hassle because apparently this blog just existing is enabling someone to feel entitled to this blog. Someone I don't even know.
And I'll do it, this blog is bare bones, even compared to my other blogs, so it's no skin off my back if it has to go.
But seriously, dude. Whoever you are, if you even think about harassing people, just don't. Be a decent person, I beg you.
If anyone gets an anon that mentions my url specifically, I want it to be known I have no association with that person and that they have my sincere apologies.
I'm not gonna do anything right now, as I'm giving them a chance and I can only hope things don't escalate, but I don't want to have everyone who even looks at this blog once to deal with drama I literally cannot control at this point.
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coulsonlives · 3 months
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Wow bruh lol. Some people don't just need to touch grass, they gotta roll around in it for a few hours
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aceparagoned · 10 months
I may not be a part of the Bleach RPC, but if you think it's okay to refer to a poc as "like mud" or any other equivalent, then kindly hardblock me. That shit will not be tolerated here or elsewhere.
For those who are affected by this, I'm so sorry that this shit is still prevalent. You all deserve so much better than this, especially in the year 2023.
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