#;{ so would usually just sit there like an awkward foxy }
They find you sleeping on the job
Ahhh, Ruin DLC... you rekindle my love once again.
This is actually old but I never got around to posting it. Inspired by:
I am on my phone and I am lazy so prepare for significantly worse formatting than previous posts ✌️
Freddy 🐻
- He spots you across the mall and smiles and waves.
- He's confused when you don't react at all.
- Squinting, he realises you're asleep.
- He stands there, like 70ft (20m) away from you, trying to decide if he should wake you.
- 'They're at work, they should be working... I don't want them to get in trouble if someone else catches them asleep.'
- He decides it's best to wake you up.
- He walks over and gently shakes your shoulder.
- "Y/N?" Your eyes slowly open.
- "Superstar, you're still at work."
- Once you're up, he asks you if you've been getting enough sleep.
- For the rest of his shift, he keeps his eye out for you.
- He'll probably ask you how your sleep was every shift for the next few weeks.
Monty 🐊
- He's strolling past when he does a double take.
- He smirks when he realises you're asleep, ideas to prank you filling his head.
- Then Monty's braincells kick in and he wonders if he should wake you up.
- 'They should be working, right? But it's not my fault if Y/N gets in trouble.'
- He sits down next to you and leans his head back, glancing at you every now and then.
- Only a few minutes pass before another staff member walks past and he panics.
- "Y/N GET UP."
- You scramble to your feet and pretend you're doing something.
- When your coworker passes, you thank him, saying you had a bad sleep last night.
- He unsympathetically gives you a comment along the lines of "Get better sleep."
- "Oh yeah, great idea Monty."
- He decides he won't be able to use this against you in the future because screaming at you to wake you up wasn't his finest moment.
Chica 🐔
- She came looking for you to tell you something but immediately forgot what it was when she saw you asleep.
- Her first instinct was to take plenty of photos to document the occasion.
- She then plopped herself down next to you to hang.
- When you woke up, you were met with two purple eyes staring at you.
- She profusely apologises and insists she wasn't staring at you the whole time.
- You call her creepy.
- She promises not to tell anyone but she'll probably bring up the photos when talking to the other glamrocks.
- It's not like she told your boss.
Roxy 🐺
- When she sees you sleeping she's unsure if she should wake you or not.
- She sits next to you for a while, trying to think of what to say.
- She ends up nudging you awake.
- "Hey, you're still at work" she says sternly but not unkindly.
- She just awkwardly avoids eye contact until you walk off to continue your duties, trying to stay nonchalant.
- She doesn't see you any differently, but she might say "you snooze you loose" next time she beats you at Roxy Raceway.
Bonnie 🐰
- Bonnie didn't particularly want the awkwardness of waking you up.
- So he sat down next to you instead.
- Crossing his arms, he scans the pizzaplex like a watchdog, ensuring no one catches you asleep.
- "Morning, sleepyhead" he greets you when you eventually do wake up.
- "How long was I out for?" You ask.
- "At least half an hour".
- You swear and run off.
- The next time you see him, he says "Hello sleeping beauty" you glare at him but everyone else just seems confused.
- He slips you an energy drink every now and then, you have no idea how he's been getting into the vending machines.
Foxy 🦊
- I'm sorry to all Foxy lovers but he does not care.
- He'd see you sleeping in the strangest situations and would just walk past.
- You were asleep standing up, leaning on your mop and the wet floor bot cared more than he did.
- Though ever since, he has thrown a protein bar at you a few times. One of those times, he threw it full force and knocked you out, so he's not very good at what he was trying to do.
- His arm also came off when he did that if it's any consolation.
Sun ☀️
- Jingle jingle *he spots you* JINGLEJINGLEJINGLEJINGLEJINGLE.
- Unlike the others, he actually knows how to wake people up.
- "Wake up, friend! It's not nap time just yet."
- It's surprisingly pleasant to wake up to him jingling around the room, singing an original Fazbear Entertainment nursery rhyme about waking up.
- "Thanks, Sun."
- "No need to thank me, I wouldn't want you to miss out on play time!"
- 'Playtime, my ass' you think to yourself, getting back to work.
- For the rest of the night he hums the nursery rhyme tune to himself.
Moon 🌑
- To be fair to you, tidying up the lavender scented pillows and blankets from the daycare is hard to do without getting sleepy.
- Moon is used to being around sleeping kids, so he doesn't think it's weird when he spots you.
- That doesn't mean they know how to properly act around sleeping people.
- He just sits there and stares at you.
- Feeling someone's eyes on you, you wake up and practically jump out of your skin.
- "Holy shit, Moondrop."
- "Don't say that, Y/N."
DJ Music Man 🎵
- You seemed to have fallen asleep in the arcade.
- DJ Music Man retrieves a blanket and lays it over you, patting your head goodnight.
- In his hands, the blanket looks like the size of a tissue
- He turns off his music and the main lights in the room, then continues cleaning up or settles down to take a nap beside you.
- When you awake, you're surprised to see your manager was too busy reprimanding Music Man to be mad at you.
- It turns out Music Man is a repeat offender, and you aren't the first person this has happened to.
- He hangs his head in shame. But he will do it again.
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muffindaddystyles · 3 years
Summary: Y/N's feeling icky about her body, but Harry loves her to bits and pieces, through thick and thin, in health and sick — and he always waits for her to come back to him.
TW: Body dysmorphia.
Y/N's healthy.
All she sucks in is having a sane sleeping schedule due to her UNI otherwise she eats natural goodies, cook and bake home because it comforts her more that way and she works out every evening to stay fit.
Sometimes though, she’s lazy and lacks behind which’s proper humane but deep down it effects her and her mental health more than she admits and she isn’t able to start over again – it mostly happens after her periods.
Harry loves her the way she’s.
Even if she’s clumsy, bumbling, procrastinating, overly enthusiastic to mend her life at 3 am, snotty and sloth-y in her periods, confident and positive around people, kind and loving whenever she comes to meet him, whiny and cuddly when she’s sick, jealous and grumpy with his attention not on her —- he loves her in every way possible, to rivers and to sea his love could never stutter for her ever.
He loves how she’s not overly toned, having soft squishy spots which Harry undeniably wants to admire and kiss shamelessly amount of times -- like -- her plummy pretty thighs that Harry likes to nestle his head in-between making her wriggle and squirm under his grasp, her overly cute tummy that Harry dies to pepper sweet adoring kisses and petal his lips round her belly button, everytime they’re cuddled up his bicep’s always looped her around her tummy to feel it rising up and down in calm rhythm, and oh! her tender titties, they’re actually his favourite babies and he loves to fondle them in his big calloused palms brushing his thumb over the sensitive perky nub and basks in the glittery whimpery mewls of hers.
He loves that she’s curvy and gives zero fucks if she’s skinny or not.
He thinks his baby’s perfect.
So perfect he actually feels the bubbling of devotion and affection filling to the brim of his heart’s chambers and leaking out and upon his ribs tickling him.
Y/N's his person and he worships her with his whole heart.
From some days though, she’s feeling devastatingly insecure about all her things Harry’s in love with and she has no-control over it how much she tries.
Harry’s observing that all with optimism (one of his great quality's that like a lion sly about his prey, he keeps an eye on everything but pretends otherwise). He has his intense gaze fixed on her when she’s taking a look of herself in the mirror for rather too long, running her hands down her body and practically shuddering.
He glances from over his laptop and drops everything he's doing watching her go monkies, sweating buckets and over exercising than her usual time.
He brings her closer and infront of him, pressing her to his chest and coiling his forearm around her shoulders whining a, “Baby..!” when they were brushing their teeth and despite of standing beside him and teasing him occasionally like she usually does she stuffs her face into the crest of his back and hides herself there to have minimal contact with her reflection in the mirror.
Her body dysmorphia spiking dangerously high.
“Deprived me of your cuddles. woke me up so early, granny.” She huffs lying through her teeth and how much his embrace was strong enough to keep her in place she still managed to wiggle out taking her previous cosy position, but he could feel her muscles tensing and an awkward silence falling over them.
He didn’t pry much. He wants to give her as much space as she requires to come back to him hale and hearty, as she always does and whatever happens he never forgets to remind her how much he loves her every night.
They were watching rom-coms on Netflix back to back with her curled up into his side with a spongy white wool knitted blanket thrown over them and his cheek was smashed atop her head popping in peanuts every now and then when out of certain she spoke pointing at the actress, “You know she got her ribs removed to get that shrinky waist.” Harry frowned at that. His face itching into disbelief and concern under the bouncing glow of telly.
He affixes his gaze down at her trying to read what’s cooking up in that genius brain of her's which isn’t being very rational and genius right now, they immediately turns soft and caring when she blinks up at him purely.
She squeaks, nose crashing against his collarbones when he scooches her up in his lap grabbing onto her knees to make her straddle his torso and he grumbles cutely when she tries not put all of her weight on him and doesn’t melts into him as his sweet lovie would used to do receiving a smack on her bum on his end.
He’s afraid that an evil version of her chomped onto his dear baby alive.
“Nothing else matters if all ye’ organs are packed safely and healthily inside you,” He tells her brushing loose frays of her hair behind her earlobe and rubs his thumb in gentle strokes over her treacly pulsing point, “Was just telling you ...” She mumbles, dotting touches on his knuckles and playing with his bare cold fingers.
It’s true, she was rambling out facts about the movie and cast out of habit because no-way she’d ever go through any surgeries to change herself to become someone she isn’t.
“Swear!” She yawps out in convincing high pitch when Harry squints down at her with his lips scrunched, one eye twitching in doing so.
“Alrighty. I believe you.” He cradles her cheeks in his palms and brings her mighty close to him to peck her cupid bow, then her bottom lip and the corners of her smiling mouth to suckle generous amount of whines from her and then kisses her lovingly – hands streaming down her spine and then resting atop her dip.
He thought she was ready to come back to him, to share her problem with him and Harry really wanted to bug in, to not let her fight her battle alone and take half of her hardships from her fretting self but guess not.
They were about to have sex when panic seeped in Y/N's eyes and her cheeks blazed up in that of embarrassment as she rushed to switch off the lamps that were the only source of light in their room.
“Moppet.” Harry sighed, knowing exactly what’s happening and she isn’t as foxy in covering it up as she’s thinking herself to be.
“Why wouldn’t y'want me t'see gorgeous self of yours?” His tone punctured and hurt, feeling useless for not knowing how to cheer her up and break her worries down. He smoothens his hands behind her to lock his arm around her waist, fingertips making grape sized indents into the flesh of her hip-bone as she streaks the tip of her nose up and down the crook of his neck, murmuring meekly against his salty skin while he hugs her warmly.
“’M just feelin’ shy.” He giggles at her response puckering his lips against her hairline to pet tiny, tiny kisses there as she fists her hands against his taught chest.
“Not somethin’ I haven’t seen before, love bug.” He blows raspberries against the underside of her jaw and their mouths meet into a messy, giggling, teeth clanking kiss when she sinks into pillows allowing him to cocoon her in his heat.
“I love you, Y/N. No matter what.”
The last dam breaker for them was this little get together at Sarah and Mitch's baby shower.
She matched her outfit with Harry. Cute lavender coloured little sweater blouse that was familiar to the baggy baby yarn cardigan Harry was wearing, it accentuated her curves and her bosom so prettily -- her midriff peeking from where the buttons weren’t closed and their jeans were painted (they did it themselves one Sunday when it was extra boring and inactive).
Y/N felt uncomfortable in her own clothes. A bitterness spreading inside her for herself and all she wanted was to escape away from her own skin.
She knows she’s loved and welcomed and cherished by her friends and family and the love of her life, most importantly. Then why was she feeling so icky about herself? Why everything's draining her and exhausting her?
Harry obviously could see through the gloomy tenebrous energy overshadowing her as he stood in the corner of the room grabbing the sorbet he poured in two glasses for them.
A sour guzzle of tears choking his throat and his limbs weakening letting the painful heartbreak seep into him when he watches her being fidgety and fiddling with the loops of her jeans, tugging her blouse every passing second and he’s sniffling a hiccup deep in his lungs when she shrinks into herself in dejection staring out of the window without any purpose.
Harry feels awful to startle her when he plops down beside her, coodling her closer to himself and tucks her head beneath his chin subtly and cups his palm under her jaw to make her look in eyes his eyes.
“Hi beautiful,” His tone had a saddening waver in it and his irises mossed bleak when Y/N remains unresponsive, zoning in and out of her own head feeling herself prisoned into her own invasive thoughts.
“You w'na go home darling?” He gives her a wet smile clearing his throat and blinking the stubborn moisture in his eyes away when Y/N nodded without any vivid expression.
All the way back home he denounced himself of not making her feel loved enough, to not to pest her soon about what she’s feeling and letting her slide deeper into the dark hole.
He thinks he’s a piece of shit.
Y/N wanted to dig the earth with her own nails and hide into it and never show her face again, she was overly ashamed of herself.
His hand was holding onto hers tightly, never letting it go as he led them through the hallway and his head perked up in confusion when she stopped them abruptly and lunged to wrap herself around him like he’s the last silver of her hope and the reason to live.
“I’m so sorry, so sorry.” There comes the first sob after ages of suffering and bottling it all in, not shocked at all he was expecting it to happen. Gently he picks her up and wraps her legs around him, keeping his support firm under her bum as she cried into his soft white t-shirt.
Carefully he sits them on the edge of the bed and tries to pry her soaky flushed face in his cradle but she refuses to show him, clutching onto his cardigan and whimpering brokenly.
“I just feel so disgusting,” Her sob scratches out of her throat and for a second he thought he heard her wrong, that her feeble crying’s playing some kind of a sick game with his heart.
“Harry do something I don’t want to feel disgusting.” But, when she pleaded helplessly a cold shiver settled in his bone marrow spreading an agonising burn in his stomach.
Gently he stirs her away from his chest to look at her, meeting their foreheads together while his thumb wiped her tears away and smoothed over her wabbly lips in profound tenderness.
“My beloved,” He whispers fondling his nose against hers and her eyes flutters into realm of calms, shaky breath falling over his lips as he brings her trembling fingertips towards them and pecks them feverishly.
“The love of me life, me heart.” He continues, “Shhh. Shh baby ‘s okay to cry but don’t tire y'self.” He hushes her when she whimpers loudly at his coy affirmation.
“I’m here with you, waiting f'you, watching y’goin’ through a stony path so I could be there to hold you whenever you trip –-,” He pets her hair, cupping the back of her neck to plant his lips bitten red from worry to her puffy damp eyelids and Y/N becomes a gooey lax of candle that’s been burning for tiring amount and finally her lover came to blew the agonising flame away putting her to peace as he coos snuggling her in his cordial embrace, “You’ve been so strong to yourself and ‘m so proud of me baby.”
“I’m always here. Never away from you, always right by y'side.” His palms bending around her ribs to smush her as intimately close as possible.
“How d'ya want your huggies babylove?” He simpers down at her darlingly, huffing out in relief seeing her relaxing -- her shoulders sinking from him massaging the knots in them.
“Tight.” She mumbles timidly. The gleam in her glossy eyes returning when Harry hugs her as she wished, squishing her in right places and not suffocating her at all – their breaths in sync chests flushed against eachother.
“I love you cuddly, and care f’you.” He kisses her on lips then goes to hug her right back.
“I love you too, Har. Thank you.” She sniffs in his woodsy scent grazing her touch up and down his back, smooching a soft kiss at his cheek.
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ji-yaaan · 4 years
I feel like ordering something hot for this cold weather, hi, hi, is it okay if I ask for a lemon tea? Extra hot, please, I'm freezing. Leona, Octavinelle x MC, first french kiss because french kisses are good, and perhaps some hands involved, no one can resist french kisses' effects 🤭 Thank youuuuuuuu.
°•°•°•𝓢𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓽 𝓚𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼•°•°•°
HC's with: Jade, Floyd, Azul, and Leona
WARNING!!!!!! Suggestive content, French kissing, mild spice ;)
Note: I'm late to requests what's new?😔 I am dying as I write this and the adrenaline in my system is ✨thriving✨ Go and live the horni dream as you read this crappy hc I guess? eHeM sElF iNseRt tiMe- hope you enjoy this hotass tea.😔✨
[ 𝙻𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚗 𝚝𝚎𝚊: 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚞𝚖𝚎 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ]
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°•°•°•𝓙𝓪𝓭𝓮 𝓛𝓮𝓮𝓬𝓱 •°•°•°
A kiss with jade was always short and sweet. A peck on the cheek, a peck on the lips..... How delicious...
But those "little kisses" weren't really enough to feed this eel for long. (・////・)
As time passes by, the sweet temptation from a lick of your lips sets his mind to a frenzy. He'd want to pull you for a deep long kiss, but he promised that he'd take it slow... Goodness you were such a tease...
Normally he'd just settle with kissing the back of your hand before a goodbye, or an occasional kiss on the lips when you tug on his blazer... But today, it seems as if this desires has took a hold of himself...
Sitting by the tables at the Mostro Lounge, you tugged on the end of his coat before you said your goodbyes...
Expecting for a sweet peck on the lips, Jade leans down your sitting figure instead... Ohoಠ ͜ʖ ಠ
His tall figure looming over yours with an intensive gaze as if he's ready to devour you any moment.
Let's be real here, You're probably frozen on the spot and you don't know what to do or what to say, thus you just go blushy blushy under Jade's gaze... Same tho ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
With the awkward silence as the two of you were alone in the lounge, the scarlet tint of your flushed cheeks just fuels Jade's desire more and more... My now, don't you just know how to push his buttons quite well?
In a flash of a second, everything goes black as Jade's lips collides with yours, unlike the usual comforting kisses... This one was... Hot...
Jade's tongue will gladly explore the deep depths of you. The kiss would definitely be long leaving you breathless. Take it or leave it( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
This being your first very very intimate moment, breathing through the messy kisses was difficult... But this eel just has a sadistic side to him enjoying your little squirms and embarrassment under his hold.
After the kiss, he loves admiring your flushed face with trails of saliva running down the corners of your mouth.
"Y/n my love, swallow it."
Maybe it was the dim lights and the slow music that played on the background, but a glint of lust sparkled in Jade's eyes with your reflection...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
"Let me see... Good girl~"
Just like that with his usual foxy smile, don't be surprised if your knees were to give up later ಠ﹏ಠ
°•°•°•𝓕𝓵𝓸𝔂𝓭 𝓛𝓮𝓮𝓬𝓱•°•°•°
Oh Floyd... Ok, I'll make life easier for you and give you a summary of his Hc: "Pls pin me down and dominate me. Thanks"
Floyd's kisses were always unexpected; A pleasant surprise if you will.
Floyd's mood swings can sometimes go higher than a rollercoaster, or lower than my grades, but by the end of the day, he comes in refuge in your arms asking for all of your love and attention.(´ω`)
But sometimes, his affection for you maybe goes a little bit too much. From a cute sweet kiss, it quickly escalates to something more...lustful...◕‿◕
From a warm hug and sweet kiss, now you're pinned down on the couch as Floyd attacks your neck with multiple kisses leaving a trail of bruises and saliva.
Now comes the fun part. Floyd being Floyd, his hands may get touchy. Like, a whole lot.
Be it with his hands sliding past your shirt or pants, or him constantly removing parts of your clothes one by one. ಠ‿ಠ
He's the type to hold up your wrists together so you can't move, and watch your pretty little face squirming and struggling until you beg for more kisses.
Down from your neck, moving his way up to your lips, a sudden entrance in your mouth will caught you by surprise as Floyd devours you on the spot. (✿^‿^)
His kisses were deep and long, his tongue explores every inch of your mouth.
You have to admit. Floyd's tongue is quite skilled, in fact very skilled.
With Floyd's deep and long kisses, It surely does get hard to breathe with drools dripping from the corners of you mouth.
But the moment he pulls back, the image of you all messed up and all the darkened hickeys on your neck fills him up with excitement! ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ
The drools staining your chin as you breathe heavily under his hold does a lot to him.
Both you will definitely be a mess after this.
"Ahh~ Koebi-chan, look what you've done to me~"
Yeah... I'll leave that sentence to your imagination( ╹▽╹ )
•°•𝓐𝔃𝓾𝓵 𝓐𝓼𝓱𝓮𝓷𝓰𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓽𝓸 •°•
oH yEs I'vE bEeN wAiTiNg lOnG fOr oCtObOy- ehem( ͡°ᴥ ͡° )
Azul is not the sweetest person to ask for a kiss, but when he's jealous however... That's a different story... ಠωಠ
He might ask you to sit on his lap while he works, of course who are you to decline the sweet offer of cuddling up to Azul? But it seems as if a cuddle is not something he's asking for...
While his pen glides on the papers at the desk, his face will make it's way in the crook of your neck.
Please remove his glasses for him and stare deeply in his eyes, he finds that very sweet! (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
Azul loves to savor your sweet scent that gets him excited everytime. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Azul definitely finds a vocal partner a turn on, hearing your beautiful whimpers are music to his ears after all. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)♡
Trailing butterfly kisses in the nape of your neck, making his way to kissing your jawline.
After all of that hot stuff, he'll carry you to the sofa and sit you on top of him. Oho it's getting fun ಠ ͜ʖ ಠ
One hand supporting your waist, while the other hold unto your cheek. Azul diving for a hungry kiss with you.
Azul will try his best to take the lead and control the situation. He did his research afterall.
A deep kiss closing the gap between you was the best reassurance he has that you're his and his alone.
Please hold unto his shoulders for support and pull on his hair!!! Octoboi finds it hot heh-
With the kiss being deep and long, it will get hard to breathe. So after pulling away from the kiss, the hot breaths and saliva mixed together was quite the hot mess.
You can imagine Azul out of breath as he licks his lips staring directly at you.(•///•)
"Y/N... You're mine."
Eye contact... It's all about the eye contact that melts your insides when you look at Azul... AZUL WITHOUT GLASSES!
If you blush at his remarks, you get bonus points because Azul lovessss seeing you embarrassed~ ಠ﹏ಠ
Say "I love you" and you have Azul as putty under your hold~
Oh! and when you say I love you, Azul will definitely get flushed red to his ears and neck so... Teasing time hehe~ bully the octopie with love!
OCTOSQUID IN MAFIA SUIT I LOVE YOU SM I CAN'T EVEN- ok I'll shut up I'm sorry about that
•°•𝓛𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓪 𝓚𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓵𝓪𝓻 •°•
First of all, I can guarantee that the first french kiss with Leona will happen after a fight...ಠωಠ
After a fight of pride with Leona, sexual tension is through the roof! Glaring at each other, no signs of giving up as both of you are on each other's neck... Leona finds that hot ಠ‿ಠ
Leona won't admit to it, but having a fiesty partner that challenges him and puts him on edge was hot... In fact, very very hot...
Of course it's annoying at first, but seeing your furrowed eyebrows as you push your hair back in frustration does something to him (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Leona finds attraction in high sexual tension, So let's say you're about to flip and your face goes a little bit too close to his... He'd take that as an open invitation to shut you up.
My, don't be surprised if a pair if lips started to kiss yours desperately. Pulling unto your waist as his other hands hold your chin up to face him, the kisses were messy, but it was exciting.
Ngl Leona's tongue can win a talent show with his top notch skills.
He'll gladly explore every inch of your mouth with pleasure ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ
Oh, kissing with Leona gets pretty touchy too! His hands will wander under your shirt unto your back, maybe even lower if he feels extra curious today-ಠ◡ಠ
Please pull unto his hair, he finds that really hot too.
Expect low growls to bless your ears here and there... ಠ ͜ʖ ಠ
Oh! Sometimes Leona may get a little too touchy, so I guess you have to have the control to stop him if you don't like that. I doubt it tho( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
But if you're into those freaky stuff, Leona will gladly go on an adventure with you down there( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
After the kiss, don't be surprised if you find love bites here and there, better cover up since it's a lot...
Oh, but it's no use to cover up since this cat boy happens to be an exhibit artist that loves to show off his work staining your neck purple.
What a way to come back with something like this amirite? Heh🤠
Azul I want your kneecaps🤭
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souichieatr · 3 years
wanna be yours, ch2
suna x freader , foxy boy
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where in which two opposites fall in love
a/n: for everyone who commented on the posts youve been added sorry i cant reply <//3 if you're interested in being in the taglist send me an ask, i was thinking of making a playlist for the au would anyone be interested? lmk !! sorry if there are any mistakes or if its bad this is my first writing <3
ch1. this voice im hearing rn? , hey bestie
word count: 2,090
the first song- The Ghost of You- my chemical romance
second song- I Bet on Losing dogs- mitski
third song- Crybaby- destroy boys
pocketing her phone after reading tendous message, she opens the door waving to a couple friends and offers friendly smile taking her seat. a pair of pale green eyes follow her. after yesterday suna did a little research about her y/n y/l/n the bassist and youngest in the band called 4u, she has quite a big following on twitter, she's really nice and interacts with the fans. looking at her now you can't imagine her on stage suna thought. breaking away from his thoughts as the teacher walks in. spouting for about what feels like hours and the students taking notes, finally lunch approaches. y/n jumps from her seat grabbing her case she walks to the third year hallway. waving to her friends they walk to her, tendou wrapping his arms around her “y/n!!!!!! i missed you” laughing as she hugged him back “tendou!!! i missed you toooo.” she turns to the grey haired male, “semisemi!!” she says giving him a hug, he rolls his eyes and hugs her back “and ushi!!” she turns to the brunette to which he pats her head “good afternoon y/n.” as they go to the lunch room to grab their lunch, they walk to one of the music rooms they usually occupy. a beep from her phone grabs her attention seeing her friend atsumu asking if him his twin and their friend can join for lunch, “hey guys you dont mind if atsumu and his friends come join us?” she says setting down her case against the wall. “nah you can invite them, atsumu is our biggest hype man” tendou says, grabbing his drum sticks from his back pocket. texting him its cool she goes to unzip her bass. “oh ms lady ive missed you” she says hugging the instrument, “i can't believe you two and always wanting to play, dont yall have any other hobby?” semi says, grabbing the schools given guitar setting the speaker up for y/n. tendou gives a scoff “semisemi dont act like you hate hearing us play i see you listening to our covers alllll the timeeeee” he says “yeah semi besides we have a concert soon and it wouldnt be bad to have an audience” y/n says walking to semi to connect her bass to the speaker when the door opens, entering is atsumu in the middle, osamu on his left, and a mystery guy in the back. setting her bass down running up to the blond “tsumu!!” giving him a hug “y/n!!” he hugs her back, she waves to osamu, who shes met on an occasion. looking towards the dark haired guy she walks up to him, noticing shes seen him somewhere. “youre suna right? we're in the same class?” she says giving him a hand and a awkward smile, nodding at her words. “hope its okay im here” he says taking her hand giving a slight shake. “nah dont worry its nice to have a different face, seeing tsumu is getting boring” turning around to the male. “what she means to say is we could use practice in front of new people” the grey haired male says giving a small laugh when tendou scoffs at him, both guys walking towards the small group. “this is semi and this is tendou” she says introducing them. when the introductions are over the two males go back to setting up, y/n walks the newcomers to the sitting area “here you guys can sit, im sure you all know ushijima” on hearing his name he looks up from his name giving a small head bow. they all sit “any recommendations tsumu?” y/n says walking to her bass making sure everything was good, looking towards the small group. “y/n you know my favorites” atsumu says stealing one of his brothers onigiri. y/n laughs and rolls her eyes, turning to tendou “anything you wanna try tori?” tendou looks at her with a smile “y/n lets show semi whatweve been working on” hearing this semi looked at them “what do you guys mean? what did you two do” y/n chuckles at the grey hairs doubtful expression “mr semisemi you know your favorite mcr song” when she sees him nod she continues “me and tori learned it” she says pushing him lightly. semi looked at her with wide eyes then at tendou, looking at semi tendou flicked his drum stick between his fingers with a nod. “wow semi cant believe you, we spent so much hours perfecting a my chemical romance for your sap self and he doesn't believe us y/nie i might
” tendou says fake sniffing. the little group in the back beyond confused, atsumu clearing his throat “have you three forgotten us already, wheres our show” ushijima nodding his head “yeah why are you guys being so vague” tendou snickers “dont worry you three and wakatoshi we have decided to play a new song or well cover i should say” “yeah and its semi’s favorite band you know the one that he wears on his shirts?” ushijima looking towards the girl after hearing her statement he nods. “okay can we play now ive been waiting to show my skills and get our lovely semi's opinion” y/n says removing her pick, both boys giving a ‘yeah’. finally tendou does the countdown. suna looks at all three of them with slight excitement in his stomach, ‘is this a new song im going to hear?’ before he could think of anything else, semi started playing a few chords by himself and y/n starting to add her own strums then tendou adding drums. sunas eyes widen at how well all the sounds blended together, freezing in his spot when semi started singing, when hitting the chorus y/n joins him. suna looking at her, he felt like he had been put in a trance, feeling like theres a spotlight on her when she starts nodding her head seeing her tongue sticking out when stringing the instrument. towards the end you can see y/n lose focus and her eye twitches, ending the song she sighs. “hey sorry about the end” waving to the guys to her left with a frown. hearing applause from the group the frown doesnt last long. “WHOOO!!!!! THAT WAS MY BESTIES GO SEMI! GO TENDOU! GO Y/N!!” atsumu gets up and yells. “that was so good what the hell that was yer first time too?” he says going up to the group, high-fiving y/n. “i mean me and tendou practiced together but semi basically has every song by them memorized but together? yeah our first.” tendou getting up to get his water that was next to ushijima. semi joining the fake blond and the girl, patting her on her back “that was a good first for us i can tell you and tendou worked hard, we're definitely adding it to the set list.” getting a laugh from both of them semi walks to the small group. “hey man that was really good, you have a nice voice” suna says as semi approaches, semi turned to him surprised “oh thank you im glad you enjoyed, do you listen to our stuff?” he says taking a seat next to him. “ive recently just started, i hope that doesnt sound too weird” the dark haired suddenly getting a little embarrassed, chuckling “its not weird i promise, well its good you listen to us or im sure it would've been awkward to just be here” nodding along to what he said. tendou going back to the drums “are you cowards tapping out now?” “COWARDS?!?!” y/n yells back turning around “i am no coward tendou satori i'll make you eat those words semi get over here” she said grabbing semis attention and shooing atsumu back to his seat. chuckling as he sat back down, turning to suna “howd ya like em? theyre good huh?” suna rolling his eyes “im not going to help inflate your ego tsumu” “yeah tsumu yer big ego is not cute” gasping to their remarks “you guys are so mean to me, i introduce you to nice music and even the artists and this is the thanks i get” before any could respond tendou starts clicking his sticks. starting this one is tendou with a slower sound, y/n entering second then semi with vocals. y/n leans down to mess with something by her foot turning a notch noises like static come out adding to the music, coming up fast she starts adding her vocals complimenting semis. pressing on the box she leans down as more noises come out. atsumu leans over to sunas ear “thats a pedal that holds other sounds and can help stretch other sounds” suna giving him a nod. towards the end y/n reaches down to the pedal again adding a distorted sound before adding her last bit of ‘oohs’ before the song ends. everyone clapping as the members stay still for s bit before y/n dramatically bows “youre so welcome lovely audience” she says blowing kisses to them, laughing at her atsumu jumps up and down pretending to be a crazy fan “oh y/n you were so go
od i love you y/n!!!” y/n laughing at him. “hey atsumu what about me!” tendou asks swinging his hand “howd i do?” “oh tendou you were so good, i love you too tendou!!!” he says swinging his arm back. tendou satisfied with his response nods his head, “and with that lets play one more i still want time to actually eat before we play again later.” “yeah lets try ‘crybaby’ we haven't done that in awhile” semi says getting in position.“remember y/n you do the verses” y/n nods clearing her throat “go tori” she says and tendou starts the counting again. starting the counting fast he gets one beat then y/n starts off with singing, swinging her bass back she grabs the mic. suna cracks a smile nodding his head a little as he remembers this song on their youtube, atsumu whistling when y/n dips down her mic as she sings, letting the boys have a solo in between verses she bobs her head. the last few seconds of the song she swings the instrument back as she steps on the pedal creating feedback, as semi goes to vocals she starts getting a solo with tendou playing, y/n leans forward and her and semi sing the rest of the song. after the last note they all look out of breath. clapping for them again letting them catch their breath, y/n starts laughing “i forget how hard that song is towards the end” laughing with her tendou nods “its literally the last 50 seconds that get the hardest” “alright lets clean up” semi says laughing at both of their bored looks they send him. finishing up they all go to the group whove are talking among themselves. sighing as she sits y/n takes the seat next to suna, “so howd you like the songs?” she says with a smile “they were good though i only recognized the last one” he replies, “tsumu told me you started listening to us recently so i thought or well semi thought wed show off a bit with our best song being that” she says with a smile grabbing her bottle. a small smile appears on his face “oh hey tsumu told me youre like really good in your classes and i really need help in history and since we have that group project coming up do you wanna pair up?” she says setting her bottle down grabbing a bag of chips. “yeah i dont mind as long as you actually do something and i can help you study if your grade is that bad” he says. “thatd actually help me out a lot i really appreciate it” she lets a breath out. after that the two spent all lunch just talking, the conversation coming easy for both of them. hearing the bell ring y/n hugs her friends and walks with suna to their class, pairing up in the project the teacher had given them in their period. after class before y/n rushed out she passed him her number with a wink “text me for the deets foxy boy.” ‘foxy boy? suna thought to himself shaking his head texting her with a simple ‘hey its suna’ and heading home.
facts !
during lunch when suna and y/n we're talking the followed each other on twitter
semi was really touched they learned the mcr song
the 4u concert is at a small venue but no one really cares about the other groups going there
osamu and atsumu almost started fighting over the onigiri until suna said something about ushijima being right there
atsumu was watching suna and y/n talking
osamu actually really enjoyed being there during lunch
@applekenm , @xhanjisungiex , @astronomyturtle , @sirachano0dles , @yn-tingz , @killmepls-uwu , @bakugouswh0r3
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trashyswitch · 3 years
Oh For Fox Sake!
Michael didn't expect to be given a completely separate job besides the technician job he signed up for in Circus Baby's Pizza World. Now he's sitting in an office with animatronics hunting them down. One of the animatronics happens to be another foxy abbreviation. But this one...gives him many mixed emotions...
This fanfic was suggested by an anonymous person on Tumblr. Whoever you are: I hope you enjoy!
Also, I had no clue what gender to make Lolbit. So, I just gave Lolbit the pronouns they/them/it and followed it throughout. Please let me know if I mistyped anywhere! I'll try to fix it right away.
Michael was sitting in the small private office that had been hidden in the side of one of the PizzaPlex’s auditoriums. He had been working at the Pizzeria as a technician, and was just now given a few security guard shifts. This office was surprisingly a little bigger than the vents. It was also much more darker, and had PizzaPlex merchandise hidden on the table. It even had a black fan roaring away on the desk. Learning from general online rumors, every office that was built within every building made by Fazbear Entertainment, would have Fazbear merchandise and a fan. Some person named [Fitz-coward] on a public chat room called it the ‘Fazfan’. A few other people had given their own opinion on the ‘fazfan’ and even made jokes about it. It was kinda funny at first. But now that it had relevance on a personal level, it actually made sense.
It’s amazing what a few bouts of curiosity will lead you to find…And those poor guys...They’ve probably dealt with so much fear after that job.
Michael checked the tablet and checked the cameras that were available to him. He had to keep an eye on a couple specific animatronics such as Ennard, Funtime Freddy with tiny Bonbon, and Lolbit. Michael hadn’t even heard of Lolbit until this point. Who in the heck was Lolbit?! Only when he saw the orange animatronic staring at him through the hall camera, did he get his answer. It looked to be a twin version of Funtime Foxy. But was it Foxy’s brother? Or sister? What gender even was it? Now that he thought about it: What gender is Foxy?!
Michael heard sounds coming from the left hallway, and noticed that Lolbit was back with its jaw open and ready to crush. Michael bit his lip and closed the door on it. Out of this room! Begone! Scat! Leeeeaaave! He was not in the mood for Lolling around.
Michael looked at the hallways and groaned. Ennard’s broken body was on his way too. Wonderful… Michael kept his hand on the open door and made sure to leave some time to close it on the evil monstrosity. Michael looked over at the other hallway, and noticed that Lolbit was gone. So closed went the right door, and open went the left. Ennard was now locked out, and Lolbit was long gone.
Michael smiled and checked the right door to make sure Ennard was unable to get in. When he was sure, Michael relaxed slightly.
One thing Michael noticed was just how quickly the day seemed to be going. It was already 3:30 and the animatronics were being at least a little more behaved. It’s weird and usually worrisome whenever he does anything involving the animatronics. Whether it’s a loving animatronic like Funtime Freddy and BonBon, or a vengeful animatronic like Ennard, Michael didn’t wanna have anything to do with either. He’s seen enough of the animatronics behaviour to say “I’m out”.
And yet...here he was: back at it again with more shifts.
Hearing sounds, Michael closed the left door again. But suddenly, an ear-deafening bang overwhelmed Michael’s ears.
A few seconds later, another loud bang went off.
...And another.
One last bang filled his pain-filled ears as the huge metal door he closed earlier, started to fall in front of him. Michael shrieked and covered his ears, watching in horror as the huge door came crashing down just inches in front of him. Michael was visibly shaking from the super loud noises. His ears were ringing as well. It was like a gun just went off beside his ear multiple times!
Just as the metal sound slowly stopped echoing throughout the room, some loud and boyish laughter filled the office. “HOHAHAHAHAha! Now I bet you weren’t ex-xpecting ME, now WERE you? OhOHOHOhahaha!” a manic voice asked.
Michael widened his eyes in horror as he scooted to the corner of the room. “No...NO!”
Michael grabbed his flashlight and started flashing it nonstop into the animatronic’s eyes. “Get out of here! This is MY private spot!”
Lolbit walked closer and hit the flashlight right out of his hands. “Su-Such a BAAABY…” Lolbit muttered out loud. “Hmmm...Maybe try ha-A-A-arder next time! HAHAhaHAHAHaha!” It suggested.
“I DID try harder! YOU’RE the one who broke the door down!” Michael argued.
The animatronic looked down and chuckled awkwardly. “O-Oh yeah! I forgot about tha-A-at!” It reacted.
Michael sighed. “Just please Lolbit...Go.”
The animatronic smiled and walked closer and closer to Michael just to spite him. “Since WHE-E-EN could you tell ME what to do? You’ve got qui-I-I-ite the NERVE!” Lolbit reacted.
“Yeah, I do! And I learned it on my own, thank you very much.” Michael added.
“My My! Such a ta-A-A-alker! I wonder: Does that mo-0-O-outh of yours have a benefit?” Lolbit asked.
“Sometimes. I could use it to lead you away so that I don’t end up dying tonight.” Michael reworded.
“HAhahahAHAHAha! Be ca-A-areful what you wi-I-I-ish for~!” Lolbit teased.
Michael raised an eyebrow.
Lolbit knelt down and picked up Michael by the armpits. Michael shrieked in horror and quickly started wiggling and fighting it. “HEY! GET OFF ME! LET ME GO RIGHT NOW!” Michael shouted.
“Haaaaa...And what will you do-O-O if I DON’T?” Lolbit asked with a sly voice.
“I’ll-I’ll tickle you!” Michael shot back without even properly thinking.
Lolbit widened its eyes and stared at Michael.
“Y-Yeah! I’ll do it! I’m not afraid to tickle you!” Michael added, adding wiggling fingers as he went along with it. “Unless you’re not ticklish…”
Lolbit stared off into the space within Michael’s eyes, and only blinked once out of awkwardness...Then, the fox full on dropped Michael where he was. Michael grunted as he landed on his butt onto the slightly dusty ground.
“Ow…” Michael muttered. “Wait, really?” Michael reacted suddenly. Lolbit turned right around and started to speed walk their way outta there. But Michael quickly pulled himself together and grabbed Lolbit’s foot. “Gotcha!”
“aAAA-A-A-AAAH! HEY! I LET YOU GO!” Lolbit yelled at him.
“Yeah, and that made me curious!” Michael replied. “I might’ve been originally joking when I said that. But the moment you dropped me and tried to run, I HAD to find out if animatronics were ticklish.” Michael told it. “Or, if they can simulate being ticklish.” Michael added. “Same difference in my opinion.”
Lolbit leaned against the wall and shook their leg. “Get off me-E-E!” it yelled.
“No way!” Michael replied. He took advantage of the exposed foot and skittered his fingers on it. “Tickle tickle~”
Lolbit shrieked with voice glitches in between, and threw Michael right off the leg with a strong kick. Michael went flying, and ended up hitting his back against the wall on the other side of the office. Michael groaned and laid on his back for a moment, trying to make sure he didn’t break his back or injure it further. When Michael could feel his legs and see his feet reacting to his movements, Michael sat back up and stood. “Ow...All that because you’re sensitive?” Michael asked.
Lolbit pointed at him. “Stop that!” It ordered. “O-Or I’ll get you back!” Lolbit warned.
Michael looked at himself and smirked. “Sounds like a sacrifice worth taking in my opinion!” Michael sprinted up to Lolbit and dove for them. Lolbit shrieked like a freaking witch, and tried to run away. But Michael had an unfair headstart and had managed to grab hold of its orange and white tail! “LE-e-ET GO-”
Michael managed to shut up the fox with a single squeeze to the side. It helped that Lolbit came with curvy, dented plates on both lower sides! Cause otherwise, he probably wouldn’t have been able to squeeze there.
“HEheheEHEHEY! HAHANDS OHOHohohOFF!” Lolbit yelled.
“Why would I do that when I have a ticklish fox in my arms?” Michael asked back. “This is fun!”
Lolbit shook their head. “IHIHIS NAHAhahaAHAHAT!”
Michael chuckled. “A little reminder that you kicked me across the room just a couple minutes ago. You are much stronger than me. So if you really hated it So MuCh…” Michael moved his fingers up to the middle ribs- “You could easily stop me.” Michael concluded.
“Is it now?” Michael asked. “It’s against my code to damage you even minorly! We both have the same laws.” Michael admitted. “And yet: you’ve kicked me already. So you would’ve already ‘hurt’ me. But notice this: no one gave you a controlled shock for throwing me. Therefore:” Michael moved to Lolbit’s orange belly. “Yooouuu kinda like it~”
Lolbit squealed and doubled over. Sensing they were gonna fall, Lolbit pushed Michael out of the way and allowed itself to flop onto its side. “Nohoho...Nohoho moho-O-ohore.” Lolbit begged.
Michael fell a bit backwards, but didn’t hit the ground very hard this time. He got up and looked at Lolbit with interest. “You...saved me.” Michael reacted.
“You’re a hu-U-U-uman! Of COURSE I saved you!” Lolbit opened its jaw. “Ihihi-I-I would be in big trouble if I-i-I damaged you under my care.” Lolbit admitted.
Michael smiled at that. “Thanks for saving me from being crushed.” Michael told it.
Lolbit giggled. “Are you ca-A-alling me fat?” Lolbit asked jokingly.
Michael widened his eyes and covered his mouth. “NO! NO WAY! I would never call you fat! ESPECIALLY intentionally!” Michael reacted loudly.
Lolbit bursted out laughing. “HAHAHAhahahahAHAHA! Yohohou’re so GULLiBLE! It’s HI-i-ILARIOUS!” Lolbit reacted, leaning over and laughing towards the ground.
Michael smirked. “You wanna laugh, huh? Alright! Let’s laugh.” Michael crawled back up to the fox and grabbed the ankle. Lolbit’s giggles quickly paused and were replaced with shrieked of artificial fear! “Wa-A-ait!” Lolbit yelled.
Michael started tickling the underside of the feminine-looking foot almost right away. Lolbit started kicking their other foot and covered its snout as it laughed with glitches in between. “HEHEHEHE-e-EHEY! NAHAHAT THEHEheheheHEHEHERE!” Lolbit protested.
“Why not? Ticklish foot, much?” Michael teased.
“Whahahahat dohoho YOHOhoHOU THIHI-i-IHINK?!” Lolbit shot back.
Michael gasped and paused for a moment. “You’ve got quite the NERVE!” Michael reacted, referencing Lolbit’s words from earlier. Michael even made his voice slightly scratchy and higher to make it sound similar to Lolbit’s for the next words: “Such a BAAABY…”
Lolbit bursted out laughing more. “AAHAHAHAHahahaHAHA! THAHAT WA-a-AHAS TEHEHERRIBLE!” Lolbit reacted.
“Oh! Was it now?” Michael reacted. He moved up to Lolbit’s cute, flat and decorated toes. “It couldn’t have been THAT bad, could it?” Michael teased.
Lolbit threw their head back and started letting out fits of glitchy cackles. “NOHOHOHO-o-o-OHOHOhohoho! TOHOHO-o-O MUHU-H-H-huhuHUHuch!” Lolbit yelled to him.
Michael just laughed with them. “Wohohow! Your laugh is going all over the place! It doesn’t know what it’s doing!” Michael teased, pausing his tickling to show them. “It’s up here! Then it’s down here! It goes from SO LOUD, TO super soft...soooo soft...And THEN IT JUMPS UP AGAIN!” Michael teased much more dramatically.
Lolbit shook their head back and forth and kept kicking their other foot. “IHIHI CAHahahahaAHAHAn’T HEHE-e-E-e-EHEHELP IHIhihIHIHIT!” Lolbit yelled back.
“Well duh! Of course you can’t help it! It’s like my snorting! I can’t help it either! But it’s still funny!” Michael added.
Lolbit gently pushed Michael away with its foot on his chest. “Ohohokahay, thahat’s ehe-E-ehehenough.” Lolbit ordered.
“Ey ey, captain.” Michael replied with a salute.
“Hehehey now: I ain’t the captain around here.” Lolbit sat up and looked at Michael. “Foxy is the legenda-A-ary captain aro-O-O-ound these parts!” Lolbit mentioned.
“Really now?” Michael reacted.
“Yeah! AhehEHEHEhehehe! Indeed he is! He’s a version of the original! A family of Foxy’s! I’m more of a-A-a second-in-command!” Lolbit admitted.
“You’re still important though. I think you’re still important.” Michael mentioned.
Lolbit’s ears perked up. “Hey! Thanks ki-I-id! You’re quite swell yerself!” Lolbit replied.
Michael smiled. “Thank you.”
The two of them sat in silence for a bit. It was a good silence, though a little uncomfortable. They just didn’t really know what to say. Lolbit’s break-in was a success, and Michael’s questions were already answered.
Though there was one last question…
“Hey Lolbit?” Michael asked. Lolbit looked up at Michael and lifted their ears up a little. “How come I haven’t seen you until now?” Michael asked.
Lolbit’s ears and snout both fell at that question. Lolbit tapped their orange fingernail on the ground as they came up with an answer. “Well...Foxy wa-A-as adored more by kids. Kids L-L-loved a purple and pink fox better than an orange fox.” Lolbit replied.
Michael’s curious face morphed into a hurt expression.
“And I didn’t mat-AT-atch the other guys.” Lolbit added.
Michael frowned at that. “Well, Circus Baby doesn’t match the general aesthetic either.” Michael added.
Lolbit looked at Michael out of the corner of its black, void eyes. “Circus Baby is-s dangerous. She-E broke the rule. She no-NO-no longer entertains.” Lolbit admitted.
Michael hummed curiously. He began to wonder what exactly Circus Baby did to get so badly in trouble. But, knowing his father and his motives…
Maybe it’s a good thing he doesn’t know the specifics.
Lolbit looked back up at Michael. “I ha-A-ave a question.” They told him. Michael looked up and gave Lolbit his full attention. “Is it tru-TrUE that you snort when you laugh?” Lolbit asked.
Michael’s eyes widened as he processed the question. Oh no…
Michael quickly tried to scoot back and run away. But Lolbit was one step ahead of him. Lolbit had grabbed Michael’s ankle and had pulled him closer. “Hey now! HAHAheheheHaHA!” Lolbit put their hands around his waist. “You’re not go-GOing ANYWHERE! HEheheHEHEHEE!” Lolbit declared, laughing themself silly as they used their dark eyes to scan for tickle spots. “You had your at-AT-attack! Now it’s MY TU-TURN! AHUHUHuhuhUHUHUUU!” Lolbit declared proudly. Lolbit immediately started out with quick scratches on the belly. “Tickle tickle s-security guard~” Lolbit teased.
Michael squealed and covered his mouth in an attempt to prevent any laughs or snorts from coming out. Lolbit noticed this and immediately pinned one of Michael’s arms above his head. “AhahahaHAHAHAAA! No che-CHE-cheating on my watch!” Lolbit declared. “And just for that:” Lolbit started tickling in Michael’s now vulnerable armpit.
Michael threw his head back and LAUGHED! “BAHAAAHAHAHAhahaha! NAHAT THEHEHERE! NAHAHAT THEHEHEHERE!” Michael yelled.
“Oooooh! Why not? HEHEHEhehehe! Ti-TI-ticklish armpit, much?” Lolbit teased, saying the same thing Michael used on him. “I guess you could sa-say THIS ticklish spot is u-UNDER investigation~” Lolbit said as the fox poked its finger further into Michael’s armpit.
Michael whined. “Thahahat Whahahas TEHEHEHERRIBLE!” Michael complained.
“Wo-Would you say it was punny?” lolbit asked. Or maybe…” Lolbit poked Michael’s shoulder- “Huuuumerus~?”
Michael shook his head and pushed against his snout. “STAHAHAHAP!”
“Wow! I didn’t know my jo-jokes were so…” Lolbit moved their fingers to Michael’s ribs and started digging and skittering. “Riiib-tickling~! AHAHAhahahahaHUUUU!”
Michael threw his head back and cackled loudly with snorts mixed in.
“Oh WOOOW! You really DO SNORT! You-ou must be the life of the PARTY! Or maybe even the life of the PORKY~?” Lolbit teased.
“SHUHUHUT UHUHUHUP!” Michael shouted at him.
“HAHAhahaHAHA! Why would I do that when I could ke-keep making animal jokes?” Lolbit asked rhetorically as they moved their metal nails up and down the ribs. “Be-Besides: Fazbear Entertainment should have made me-ME a parrot! Cause I am a HOOT! I KEET you not!” Lolbit teased.
Michael growled and shook his head. “IHIHIHI HAHAHAHATE THEHEHEM!” Michael shouted. “THEHEHEY’RE SOHOHOHO BAHAHAHAD!”
“Hate them?! But look!” Lolbit poked his mouth. “You‘re smil-iling! And you’re laughing at them! And tha-that with your piggy snorts mixed in, is a real tweet~! Ahahaha!” Lolbit joked.
Lolbit narrowed its eyes and brought its snout closer to Michael. “Ohoho...Excuse me- does it look like I ha-HA-have a black beard to you?!” Lolbit reacted all sassy. Michael giggled more at the fox’s reaction. “Ooooh...You’re trying to toy with the robot! I seeee says the blind man!” Lolbit reacted. Lolbit started tickling Michael’s sides this time. “And I feeeel your fingers, says the nerveless Nellie~” Lolbit added.
Michael yelped and groaned through his new fit of laughter. “HEHehehehey! *snort* THAHAhahahat’s nohohohot- *snort* hohohow ihihihit gohohohoes!” Michael protested.
“Ohoho alright. Ihi-I suppose that pun was a bit of a stretch.” Lolbit decided before finally letting Michael go.
Michael went limp and started panting right away. There were still phantom tickles plaguing him, causing him to giggle and squirm through his shallow breathing.
“I suppose I should be band from funny boneville?” Lolbit finished off.
“Ihihi will shohohock you.” Michael warned with an uncontrollable giggle.
“Ohohoho! How enlightening! Perhaps even frightening!” Lolbit teased.
Lolbit finally stopped with the puns the moment Michael squeezed their sides. There were just too many puns all at once. Perhaps they would be all over now…
No fox were given during the making of this Fazfan-fic. Are these puns bad enough for you, anon? XD
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ggukkiedae · 3 years
can I request a scenario where Hannah receives an inkigayo sandwich and how Jeno and Yangyang would react? btw I’m loving your works, they are all so well written🥺🥺
alsjdh thank you 🥺! here it is 🥰 sorry if it’s not the best though aksjdh i ate something off today and now my stomach and head hurt 😔 anyway, i hope you enjoy! this is set in the beginning of 90’s love promos, so there’s no awkwardness yet
italic convos are in english! also jeno doesn’t usually react much to inkigayo sandwich situations, this is just a different situation bc the idol gave it to her directly rather than just leaving it on the tray for their group
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Everyone watched in curiosity as there was a knock on the waiting room door. It’s not like the 90’s love unit was waiting for anyone to come visit them. A familiar face popped in, and Hannah smiled.
“Jisung,” she called from where she was sitting, “what are you doing here?”
“Saved you the last ham and cheese they had,” Jisung tossed the sandwich to her, which she easily caught. “Lix was about to eat it, but I realized you were here. I remembered you don’t like the strawberry jam and egg mix.”
“You’re the best, Quokka,” she grinned and waved as he left the room.
“I got you, Foxy.”
The rest of NCT watched the interaction in silence. She unwrapped her sandwich unbothered and nearly missed the slip if paper that fell out the wrapper. Before she could open it, Yangyang picked it up and read it.
“Oh,” he looked at her accusingly, “someone that’s not me is flirting with you? That’s not right.”
“He’s not flirting,” Hannah scoffed while taking the paper back. “Jisung’s just being Jisung.”
“So what’s that slip of paper then?” Jeno asked while narrowing his eyes at her hand.
“It’s a good luck note! I sent him and Felix a good luck message a while ago, so it’s just a response to that!”
Yangyang slung an arm around her, pulling her into a hug and preventing her from eating her sandwich in peace.
“Are you sure?” Jeno asked her.
Hannah rolled her eyes, “You guys are being weird. Yes, I’m sure. Be like the others, no one’s freaking out.”
“Sungchan’s a little in shock,” Haechan laughed. “I don’t think he’s used to seeing you with your friends.”
“I can introduce you to their 01 liner, Sungchannie,” she told him while trying to take a bite of the sandwich, but Yangyang’s hold was keeping her from doing so properly.
“Schnucki, I want to eat.”
“And I want affection. Too bad.”
Hannah rolled her eyes, silently pleading for help from any of the older members who were all laughing at her. She sighed in defeat. All this over a sandwich.
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deathsteel · 3 years
30 day fanfic challenge
Prompt #22 - Funeral
TW: canonical child death, not as sad as it seems, Dean is kinda a jerk at first
Okay, maybe it wasn’t classy to crash funerals. But Dean had never claimed to be terribly classy. 
What he did claim to be was a great actor who could make himself cry on demand and the proud owner of one very well fitted suit that was perfect for mourning. 
It started by accident, really. Dean had shown up for the funeral of one of his friend’s grandmother’s cousins intending to comfort the grandmother who’d always loved Dean and never forgotten his birthday, not even once. And he had ended up at an unexpectedly decadent funeral for a 98 year old multi-millionaire that happened to be being thrown the day after. Since he’d missed the funeral he’d intended to attend, Dean figured ‘fuck it’ and proceeded to enjoy the expensive free food and murmured condolences of the deceased’s foxy granddaughters. 
The second time he did it may have been less accidental and Dean cried both for Muriel who had died at the ripe old age of 102 as well as for the organic chemistry test he had just bombed. It was so cathartic that he was hooked, a junky even. 
He stopped going on dates because flirting with the widow or widower and coaxing a smile out of them was so much more appealing than sitting through the awkward get-to-know-you conversation of a first date. The emotional release of crying onto a stranger’s shoulder had nothing on getting blackout drunk and Dean found more and more of his social life being spent in funeral homes and cemeteries than in bars. 
Until he accidentally walked into a funeral without doing his research first. Which, typically he did so much research so that he could pull off pretending to be the second cousin once removed or the mentee that the family never knew their loved one had mentored, but today he’d been busy and distraught over getting a rejection letter to his first choice for his doctoral program so he’d just picked out a funeral from a random obit and darted out the door. 
So he wasn’t expecting...this. A funeral for a kid. 
Dean had never gone to a funeral for a kid, something about the grief of a life snuffed out too soon had seemed too raw for Dean to be able to fake. It had felt much more disrespectful to crash those funerals than the ones for people who had lived a long and full and fascinating life. 
It also seemed pretty evident to everyone else in attendance that Dean was in the wrong place. First, he was waaaay over dressed. Everyone else was wearing colorful clothing ranging from Hawaiian shirts to garish tye-dye and Dean’s black on black ensemble stuck out like a sore thumb. Secondly, Dean appeared to be the only one affecting an air of solemnity. In fact, the entire funeral home had been decked out to resemble a circus complete with juggling clowns and a guy making balloon animals. There was popcorn and a cotton candy machine and even a girl in a Hawaiian shirt carrying around a pair of parrots on her shoulders. 
Dean intended to turn on his heel and march right back out, but it looked like some family member was already making their way towards Dean- a tall woman with short brown hair and a face that looked like it was meant to smile, which it was even if her eyes were not.
“Hello there,” The woman said, reaching out to take Dean’s hand and hold it in both of her own. “Thank you so much for coming, I don’t think we got to meet ever. My husband spent the nights at the hospital, so I don’t recognize all of the nurses. I’m Jody, Owen’s mom, thank you for coming.”
“Um, yea, Dean,” he muttered in reply, giving his real name when he never EVER usually did. But he was so caught off guard he didn’t know what else to do.
“I’m sorry about the change in dress code,” Jody said with a laugh, gesturing to the long rainbow plaid dress she was wearing. “Sean said Owen would’ve liked it. He didn’t like for things to be boring, you know?”
Dean nodded, swallowing past the lump in his throat as he mentally planned his escape. He was an asshole and this was it, this was the last time he crashed without doing his research first. 
“Well, anyway,” Jody continued, looking over Dean’s shoulder as another few mourners milled into the room. “Please enjoy yourself and have fun.” 
Dean breathed a sigh of relief as the woman moved away, running a hand through his hair as he looked around the room. He’d hang for ten minutes and then duck out so it wouldn’t look so suspicious. 
“You don’t work for the hospital,” A deep voice announced next to Dean causing him to jump and spin guiltily towards the source. 
He found himself face to face with the guy who had been making balloon animals not even five minutes ago. A distant part registered that the man was attractive, like truly unf, but a more sane part of Dean realized that he was about to have his cover blown by a hot dude wearing rainbow suspenders. 
“Uh, yea I do?” Dean asked, trying to convince even himself. 
“No you don’t,” the man said, narrowing his blue eyes at Dean in suspicion. “Because I work at the hospital and I know everyone who ever set foot into Owen Mill’s room and you do not work at the hospital. 
Dean weighed his options for a long moment before deciding he was well and truly powned. “Listen, dude. I didn’t realize this was a funeral for a kid okay. I don’t normally do this kind of thing. I’m gonna leave, just don’t make a scene okay?” 
“Right,” the other man said slowly, his eyes and voice conveying how very little he bought Dean’s bullshit. “Take that jacket off and give it here. Make sure your phone and stuff are in your jacket.”
“Uh...excuse me?” Dean asked as he reached for the buttons on his suit jacket, loading his keys, wallet, and phone into the pockets before he handed it over to the other man and allowed himself to be led deeper into the room where the funeral was being held. 
“Our nurse who signed up for the dunk tank is sick,” the balloon guy explained, stopping beside a large dunk tank that was situated on a blue tarp in one corner of the room; he patted the tank meaningfully before turning back towards Dean. “You man the dunk tank and I won’t rat you out.”
“What!?” Dean choked, looking at the slightly murky water and then back down at his fairly expensive suit. 
The other man just raised an eyebrow at Dean and stayed silent, his full lips pursing just slightly to hold back what Dean strongly suspected was a triumphant smirk. 
“Ugh okay,” Dean groaned, throwing up his hands as he made his way towards the dunk tank’s ladder and toed off his shoes. “For the kids.”
“Always for the kids,” the other man agreed, moving to the side of the tank where the bullseye was and taking up his role of barker with what Dean felt like was too much enthusiasm. “Dunk the Dummy! Step right up and Dunk the Chump!”
Quiet a few dunks later, Dean was soaked and shivering and vowing that he would never crash another funeral when the other man came back up to him with an apologetic grin and a towel. 
“Thanks,” Dean muttered sarcastically as he took the towel and wrapped it around himself. 
“Maybe you won’t crash any more funerals,” Balloon guy admonished only slightly apologetically. “Seriously, I clocked you as soon as you walked in. And you’re lucky it was me instead of a pissed off parent.”
“You go to a lot of funerals?” Dean asked as he roughed the towel over his dripping hair. 
“Call it a work related hazard,” the other man replied with a grim smile. “But hey, it gave me a reason to learn balloon art and it makes the kids happy when most of the kids I see don’t have much to be happy about.”
Dean nodded in understanding, figuring he’d shove his whole leg in his mouth since his foot had already seemed to take up permanent residence there. “So uh...how did you know this kid anyway?”
“I was his oncologist,” the other man replied evenly, nodding at Dean’s self-recriminating wince. “So yea, man--”
“Dean,” he offered, cutting across the other man because it felt like he owed it to the doctor by that point. 
“Dean,” the man said, with an incline of his head. “I’m Castiel. Just uh, do me a favor. Stop crashing funerals okay? It's pretty damn disrespectful.”
“Absolutely,” Dean promised, crossing his heart with the tip of his index finger. “I’m a changed man, I promise.”
“Great,” Castiel replied, rolling his eyes indulgently. “Have a good day Dean, thanks for coming.”
Dean nodded, handing the other man back the soggy towel in exchange for his jacket and his shoes that he picked up instead of putting them on over his dripping socks. 
“But hey, Dean,” Castiel called as Dean started away. “If you ever want to take another turn at the dunk tank, you can look me up at St. Mary’s.”
“Right,” Dean said with a nod at the other man, turning to leave again before Castiel could see his blush. 
His funeral crashing days were most definitely over, but maybe his tank dunking days had just begun.
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theladylovingcrow · 5 years
New Places, Friendly Faces Part 3 (Sanny)
Author (As known on Various sites): Lady Lover- Rockfic, Luluthechoosingcrow - AO3, theladylovingcrow - Deviantart and Wattpad, @sammy_bluebells - Instagram, @imacrowcawcaw - main Tumblr, @theladylovingcrow - writing/art Tumblr, @insannywestan - Sanny shipping Tumblr
Fandom: Greta Van Fleet
Pairing: Sam Kiszka/Danny Wagner (Sanny), lil bit of Danny/Ronnie but he's quickly swept away with Sam
Length: about 2.3k
Warnings/Tags: Alternate Universe, Diner AU, No band AU, fluff, some angst, awkwardness, first dates, you know the ones where person A's date is failing and person B comes and sits with them, sorry i forgot what its called but that, hand holding, flirting, Sanny
Summary: Danny was nervous; he had been building up the courage for *weeks* to arrange a date, and now.... He wasn't quite sure what to think of the situation he found himself in. The night certainly wasn't going as he had expected it to - and his emotions had never ridden a roller coaster this fast. Hell, the beautiful angel holding his hand wasn't even the one he had arranged to meet 2 hours ago.
Author's Notes: Yep! I've officially adopted an every Monday post schedule for this, so that's cool! Just an fyi about the ending of this chapter, I'm so sorry to disappoint of you're hoping for a magical portal but that's not it (that wpuld have been cool but this is a mundane story)
"Right... well, I'm officially off duty once I ring you up, so why don't you two get out of here and have some fun."
Danny fished into his pocket one handed, finding his wallet. He tried to open it and get a ten out while still holding on to Sam, but it was pretty difficult so he was forced to let go in order to pay. He thought it was a little overly dramatic of his heart, but it literally stopped beating out of disappointment for a second. God. He was already completely whipped.
Sam stood up and grabbed the keys, going back to his other table to put on his coat while Danny got his change back from Ronnie. She, now sitting at the table with her other brothers, waved them goodbye as they exited the cozy diner, stepping out into the frigid snow.
Sam immediately grabbed Danny's hand back, putting both of them in his pocket as he started to walk around the back of the building to the employee's section of the parking lot.
Sam suddenly stopped, turning to look at Danny. "Shit, wait, how did you come here? Do you have a car?"
"Uhh, my mom dropped me off."
Sam nodded and kept walking. Danny, for some reason, didn't want to leave it at that - Sam didn't seem overly judgemental, but he wanted to show that he wasn't a completely helpless dork.
"Usually I get her car on the weekends," he continued, "but she had some thing to attend over in North Star and she couldn't get a ride. She brought me here and gave me money for the bus to take home."
"Hey, well, now you don't have to take the bus!"
Sam grinned at him, unlocking the door to his sister's car and opening it for Danny. He smiled to himself and ducked his head, getting in. Fuck whatever societal expectations - not like they really applied to gay couples anyways - he loved to be treated sweetly, too.
Starting the ignition and carefully backing out of the parking space, Sam laughed, loud and happy. Danny looked at him curiously.
"Oh my god, I just picked up a total hottie and we're going on a rendezvous in my sister's car! This is crazy!"
Danny laughed, too, amazed at the situation. Like, holy shit, he was in this guy's (sister's) car that he had met less than an hour ago and they were on their way to who knew where. And he didn't even care! Never in his life had Danny been less concerned about the future; his music, his golfing, school, the world at large, none of it mattered when Sam was sitting next to him, singing along to Jimi Hendrix and looking absolutely stunning in the passing lamplight.
They drove for a time, speeding past cozy houses and dense acres of trees that outlined the starlit sky. Sam didn't seem to have a destination in mind any time soon, and Danny didn't really care if the car never stopped driving. The radio started to fuzz out as the got further into the woods, and nothing but an old talk show was coming in, so Sam had Danny put in his Clapton CD he'd left in Ronnie's car.
"I was looking for that! Figured I'd left it in here, but I don't get the car as often now that she's working more."
Danny nodded, enjoying hearing these little bits about Sam's siblings. It always interested him - learning small facts about people and getting glimpses into their lives, even more so when he was very interested in that person themselves, too.
"So, Ronnie is older than you, right?"
"Yeah, yeah she's a year older than me, she just started taking some classes at the adult school in Saginaw. She's been working at Gerald's for awhile, but she gets adult hours, now, which is good because we like to stay out late and go see her," Sam laughed.
"Oh, that's cool. What about your brothers, the twins? Are they your only other siblings?"
"Yes, fortunately. I don't know how Mom and Dad handled us, we're all within three years of each other. What about you, are you an only child?"
Danny had been right, they were all close in age. Four kids, two of them twins! He still couldn't wrap his head around how that could possibly work out for the parents, but they all seemed to be nice people and clearly got along well. It was pretty nice, actually, having a (potential) boyfriend with a good relationship with his family - Danny knew that it might of been a slightly unfair dating requirement, but he wanted someone who loved their family as much as he did.
"I have a younger sister, she's a freshman at Frankenmuth High. I'm a senior, by the way."
"Wait, what? Me too! I wonder why I've never seen you if we go to the same school. How have I never noticed you before?" Sam exclaimed, making a sharp turn and pulling off of the paved road onto a dirt track.
Danny contemplated that, too. How one Earth had he never seen Sam if they went to the same fucking school? Sam was, like, *magnetic* or something, it didn't make any sense.
Sam interrupted him, not meaning to, as he was about to speak. "Alright, we're here. Sorry, continue," he grinned at Danny, looking sheepish at cutting him off. Danny smiled in return, telling him it was alright.
They got out of the car, shutting the doors gently so as not to disturb the peaceful nighttime forest, and also not to dent Ronnie's car.
Danny resumed what he was saying as Sam led him around to the trunk and started rooting around. "About not seeing me at school, well, you didn't have a reason to until now. I mean, it's not like a lot of people know me, I don't have many friends and I kinda tend to stay to the side."
"I can't imagine how you don't have tons of people hanging off of you," Sam said, looking up at Danny with his foxy eyes glinting in the moonlight. (That was cheesy, Danny knew - but his eyes were beautiful) "Like, the only explanation I can come up with as to why you don't have half of the school constantly begging you to notice *them* is because everyone is crazy."
He blushed and grinned, enjoying the feeling of being the one flirted with for once. It was beyond comprehensible for Danny as to why Sam seemed so taken by *him*, but it wasn't something he wanted to give up anytime soon if he could help it, confusion or not.
"Wow, you are a smooth talker, aren't you?"
Sam snorted. "Hardly. I'm telling you what I honestly think, and it's this: I've known you for maybe two hours, and you are the kindest, sweetest, smartest, most beautiful person I've ever met. Past maybe my mother, but that's different. You deserve all the friends in the world, and you could have any boy or girl you choose, I'm sure."
"Well, I'm choosing you," Danny said, blushing and grabbing Sam's hand. He didn't know what it was, but he was being particularly mushy today. Luckily, Sam seemed to really like it.
Sam led him away from the car after locking it up, one arm carrying a briefcase looking container, and the other's hand holding Danny's. They walked through the light snowfall and under heavy bows of trees, going along a path Danny couldn't see but that, apparently, Sam knew well.
Danny had the quick thought that Sam was going to murder him, and maybe he shouldn't ignore his survival instincts, but he decided that Sam would *never* kill him. He also asked, though, just to be sure.
"Are you planning on killing me out here?"
Sam laughed his donkey bray, swinging their hands and taking another slight turn around a large tree. "No, I don't think I'd be able to physically overpower you, you're probably way stronger than I am."
"Oh, yeah? But what about a gun? What's in the box, Sammy?"
Danny was grinning inside, though externally he blocked it so that his facade wouldn't slip. Sam stopped and stood in front of him.
"I'll show you what's in the box!" Sam said, holding it up in front of his crotch like that SNL sketch.
"Ooh, my favorite!" Danny wiggled his brows, staring at the box where, right behind it, was Sam's dick. They both laughed, faces rosy and eyes crinkled.
Danny was glad that he had chosen Sam over Ronnie, not only for the fact that Sam actually liked him back, but that he got along so well with him. Even if the romance was a bust, he could tell that they would be very good friends, the connection was that immediate. And, he liked the idea of being best friends with a guy and then also getting to fuck his brains out at the end of the day.
'I'm getting ahead of myself, he said he has standards.'
'*No*, he said that he won't fuck you in his sister's car, but he wants to.'
"Sam, dude, where are we going? What are we doing out here, like, really?" He choked out, dying to know and also hoping that the plans included at least a kiss.
Danny hadn't been this desperate to kiss someone in- possibly forever, really. He didn't know why he was so intent on getting Sam's lips on him (though, he supposed he did: like, *look* at Sam's mouth). It wasn't like himself to be this out of control - albeit on his own head - but Sam had this effect on him.
Logically, Danny knew that if Sam wanted to go slower he would totally respect that choice and not even be put out about it, he liked just being with Sam that much. But, a kiss.... He wanted just a taste, in case this was the only date he got to have with Sam.
"We're almost there, and then I'll show you," Sam said quietly.
They continued walking, going up a gentle slope and then around a giant boulder. When they came around the other side, Danny saw that the rock had been obscuring a pristinely white, snow covered clearing. All around them, flakes fell softly from the sky, some decorating the trees, and others landing on their heads.
Sam turned to look at him, grinning. "Isn't it pretty? I feel like, whenever I come here, I've entered another dimension or something."
Danny nodded, his breath nearly taken away by the delicate magic of the moment. Well, it wasn't completely perfect - his nose was running, his gloveless hands were both freezing and clammy in Sam's, and he had no fucking clue where he was - but Sam was so, so beautiful in this place he had brought them to.
They stood and stared at the scene, taking in everything, from the stars peaking out from in between the clouds to the feel of their thumbs rubbing back and forth over each other's knuckles.
After a few minutes of silence, Sam broke it, speaking softly, "This is one of my favorite places on Earth to be. We come here during all seasons, but there's just something more.... *special*, I guess, when everything is pure and damp and quiet."
"It's really nice, I can see why you like to bring people here."
"Actually," Sam paused, looking shyly at Danny, "I've never taken anyone else. As far as I can tell, my family are the only people who know about it."
"Really? I- thank you so much for bringing me to such a special spot for you," he gasped, grinning back at Sam's little smile.
Danny was floored, absolutely amazed with this moment in his life. Sam had, for reasons he couldn't understand but figured he'd better stop worrying about, taken him to a place that no one else had been to. It was an intimate, deeply trusting gesture that he'd made, and Danny received it full-heartedly. The scenery felt sacred, now, in a way that he couldn't quite describe but that filled him with content.
"This really does mean a lot, that you're letting me view your spot. I don't know how to say thank you enough for trusting me with this- can I, maybe, take you somewhere special to me next time?"
He was shooting his shot, and praying to whatever deity felt nearest in this winter forest that it would hit it's mark. Sam had decided to take him here right after meeting him, so it *would* work, right? Danny really fucking hoped that it did, and that he hadn't ruined the relationship they were building. It was newly born and a little confusing, but in a good way; they were already fused together somehow, a connection running through them to make it seem like they'd known each other for years instead if hours.
"I'll go anywhere you wanna take me," Sam answered. He looked aware of how cliche what hed said was, but he also didnt seem to care. Damny was internally screaming with joy. "I wasn't sure where I was driving, at first, but I ended up on the path here, and it felt right. You being here feels nice and right."
Danny was smiling openly, happiness on display. He swung their hands and looked up at the sky, where the snow clouds where starting to clear, the last of the flakes finishing their journey to the ground. Sam leaned into him slightly, a pleasurable warmth permeating into Danny's body through the many layers of their clothing.
"This is perfect! I was hoping the clouds would clear up, cause this wouldnt really be much fun without it. Now, c'mon, let me show you the inside."
Danny was completely confused, again. "The inside?"
@satans-helper @okietrish @karrotkate @lazingonsunday @lantern-inthenight @ryetheruler @oblvions @bigthighsandstupidguys @mountainofthesunn
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pikachuvszorua · 5 years
FNAF Chapter 4- challenges of the past and the present
After Mike finish his shift, he is greeted by old faces and some new ones.
Mike didn’t know what was going on anymore. Yesterday, he started his job, then Thomas sends a voice message saying these animatronics were going to stuff him into a suit and tells him that there nothing to worry about, he had a panic attack cause of Foxy, almost got caught by Freddy inches away from his face glaring with his white pupils shining in the dark, had a nightmare from the past and was woken up by Darla as she took him to her place; what a night that was.
Mike wanted to go back to sleep but since Darla helped him with his job, he needed to do his end of the deal which was tell her everything that just happened in his job. Honestly Mike tried his best to describe it or even talk but he was too tired. He kept on dozing off even while sitting on the couch. Darla kept poking him using her pen applying pressure of how annoyed she was feeling every time Mike dozed off as she was in the middle of writing his description or asking him a question. If that didn’t work she went to kitchen, grab a couple of ice cubes and sneakily put some inside the back of Mike uniform which slid on his back waking up with a jolt and an angry expression.
“Why do you keep doing that? Why can’t we just do this in the morning when I’m fully awake? Mike grumbled, he needed to sleep so bad now.
“Because” Darla began, huffing her cheeks.
“It’s important to tell me now before you forget; sleeping will just make you forget everything you just saw or at least the important bits.” Mike thought it was impossible to forget after witnessing an event like that.
“Buuuuut…” Darla continued which made Mike look at her with hope of letting him rest for today. “If you tell me what made you freak out when I was calling out to you, I’ll let you rest and we will try again when I’m back from work.” She finished off as she sat back down onto the couch
Mike went silence as he looked away, Darla couldn’t see his face but his expression showed a bit of pain. Darla looked at Mike waiting for the answer He didn’t know what to say, this was the first time in his entire life someone ever asked him about his past. Either way he didn’t like to talk about it, but he did owe her an explanation for all the trouble he had been when he first met her and in the shift.
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Mike took a deep breathe then answer her question in one word, a word with made his body shake in fear “Foxy…” Darla eyes stared at him in wonder and in amazement then her expression change to disappointment. “You mean Foxy the pirate right?” Darla said in a sad voice. ‘What other Foxy was she thinking about’ Mike thought but nodded his head. Darla sighed as she flip through the book to stop at a photo stick onto the page. Mike saw the picture and now the fear rose again but not the same from the shift. It was Foxy the pirate looking old and broken, very different from what Mike saw his shift. “Hm?” Darla said now seeing Mike taking a peek at the page of her book, she immediately slammed the book close to make Mike flinch. “I’m sorry, the book is off-limits” Darla shouted out pouting once again, this was making Mike annoyed.
“That photo that was Foxy, where did you find that?” Mike asked, now curious of how she knew so much about the pizzeria.  “…Goodnight Mike” Darla then stood up and quickly walked upstairs without saying another word. Mike wanted to get up and ask her again but his eyelids felt heavy. All Mike could do is sleep and ask her again when he woke up.
There is a house, Mike knows who lives in this house
There is a room, Mike knows who is in that room
There is a man who is in a fox mask, Mike once knew that man.
He hears repeating knocking on the door; he knows who is knocking on the other side of the door with desperation.
The man pats Mike’s shoulder and laughs, he remembers that laugh, and he hated it.
There is sobbing, he knows who is crying.
He wants to help whoever is crying but he can’t. He can’t move no matter how much he tries.
He has seen this over and over but now something seems different.
Silence now fills this
It’s now is quiet…. Too quiet.
Mike can finally move and makes his way to the door, but is afraid to open it.
He opens the door, the room is filled with darkness but there is someone there.
There are white pupils staring at him, he doesn’t know who those belong to but can’t help it to know he has seen those eyes before. It looked angry.
‘What are you doing here…Don’t you know what you done, Mike?’ it echoed through Mike’s head. It’s voice was raspy but sounded serious ‘Get… Out…’it growled
A chime of a grandfather clock filled Mike’s ears. Mike wanted to run but he was unable to move again but not just the fear of this entity looking at here.
Suddenly it grew taller, even taller than Mike. Its teeth were showing from the dark making Mike eyes widen of what will happen. ‘Get… OUT!!!’
It opened its mouth and jump toward like a lion pouching on its prey as Mike fell from its impact.
And with a thud…
Mike woke up with in his back “Huh?” Mike looked around to see his body on the cold wooden floor where his right leg was still on the couch.  Mike panted, he was sweat from that dream; No, his nightmare. He notice something odd to realise he was still in Darla’s house, he was still in her house. Mike hadn’t notice the blanket around him, there was a note that was on top of the table, next to the note there was a piece of toast on the plate with a glass of water next to it.
Mike picked up the note and read through it.
Gone to work the dayshift at the pizzeria, there’s some breakfast if you wake up. Lock up the house and bring them back to me either at work or at school as soon as possible.
-  Darla
Mike sighed, this girl really trusts him, and lots of people would take advance of that very quickly. ‘The pizzeria…’ Mike thought ‘she works as the dayshift. But how did she know so much about the animatronics in the night.’ The only idea he could come up with was she used to work as the nightshift. Mike looked around to check what time it is. He saw an old grandfather clock; the sounds from the dream must have come from this. It was 11:03 am; luckily there was no school today and meet with Darla. Mike quickly had his breakfast and folded the blanket up. He locks up the house and made his way to the pizzeria in a hurry. After all she done for him, he forgot to thank her for her assistants and her kindness. Without her he would have been…
Mike wasn’t paying attention, in a cut corner of the road, he bumped into a man causing him to snap out of his daydreaming. Mike saw the pizzeria a few yards away from him, not making contact with the person who he had bumped into, but he did see something else.  From what the man was wearing, he looked like a mechanic. “Sorry” was all Mike could say after passing by him, Mike was focus on the pizzeria, not hearing what the man grumbled out “Sorry isn’t going to save you from your fate Mikey.”
Mike always wonder whether it was just the universe teaching him a lesson through his own faults, but the situation Mike was facing was just him being an idiot.
Unfortunately, Mike was supposed to meet up the afternoon with the phone guy, but he wasn’t thinking straight and made a scene of himself as he barging into the pizzeria without letting the employee know who he was. What Mike didn’t expect to see is a man in a dark blue security uniform with golden badge on his uniform, with an intimidating expression glaring at Mike, immediately pinned him to the ground before he could say he was part of the nightshift, the man digging his knee into Mike back as he hold Mike arm behind his back, face meeting the carpet. The people voices filled the room now, Mike was going to be in trouble for sure.
“It’s okay ralph, he is the new watchman for the night shift” the familiar voice shouted.  The security man went silent but let’s go of Mike and gets up. Mike is still lies on the floor as someone walks towards Mike and holds out their hand. “Mikey, you okay?” said the voice. That voice, a voice Mike knew too well, someone which he knew long ago. Mike looked up of the source of the voice. A man who was almost the same height as him, with dark brown spike like hair which split to both side as well as his long spiky ponytail and dark brown eyes. “Thomas…” Mike spoke out, this man was Thomas, after years gone by, Thomas had not changed one bit. “I guess this isn’t a good time to say it but, Welcome to Freddy Fazbear Pizzeria” Thomas said, giving his reassuring smiles. At that moment, a question had popped up in Mike’s head.
‘why the hell, am I still working here for….’
“Alright just the usual nightshift speciality” Thomas said to the cook in the kitchen, meanwhile Mike was leaning on the wall staring at those animatronics acting more kids friendly now. How could someone that is terrifying at night, act all innocent and sweet to the children in the daytime. It was just messed up. Thomas then walked back to Mike.
“So…how was the nightshift Mikey?” Thomas said without thinking. Mike slowly turn his head at Thomas and squinted giving the ‘What the fuck do you think?’ face. “Ah…right…sorry Mikey…but I’m here to tell you it’s always tough on the first day. For me I was full on freaked out, I thought I would die but... Here I am, right?” Thomas forced himself a chuckle but now it was awkward silence between the two. “…U-um ill see if the cook is ready with the special.” Thomas walks away. As for Mike, he continuing observing. There was a lot of children running around and eating pizza. But the one thing that caught his attention was the employee he could see from the sea of children. Darla.
She was encouraging children to play and have fun, making everyone happy. He could also see her smiling, the first ever Mike had seen her smile this much. It felt nice to see someone enjoy their job, it kind of made him envy the cheerful guard, he sort smiled at this. Thomas returned with the drink. “You know we’re we are lucky to have good members here to help us so do remember that” Thomas said to Mike.
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Then he gave the drink to him. “It’s a protein smoothie, available to our Nightwatch  and don’t worry this drink is on me, so no need to pay” Mike look at Thomas and then the drink. He took it and took a sip, it wasn’t all that tasty but at least this would bring back the energy he used back in the nightshift.
Thomas then turns back to Mike remembering something” Oh yeah! I think I should have told you of the the importance of using your door lights. There are blind spots in your camera views, and those blind spots happen to be right outside of your doors. So if-if you can’t find something, or ….someone, o-on your cameras, be sure to check the door lights. Uh, you might only have a few seconds to react... Uh, not that you would be in any danger, I'm not implying that….
Mike just went quiet “Darla said something different from what you explained“
“Wait Darla?” Thomas expression was surprised yet fearful “How-...wait. Don’t tell me….she came to you before you started your job …” Thomas put his face onto his hand. Mike looked up very concerned “..yeah?...why?”. Thomas shook his head looking very upset “I can’t believe she did it again…I don’t know how she knew, where to find you …she already in trouble for today” Thomas said sounding very distressed making. “Is Darla always like this?” Mike said, raised an eyebrow.
“Yes- wait, I mean no! I-It’s complicated Mikey…” Thomas replied rubbing the back of his neck. “I know Darla is a good person but I can’t help but fear her curiosity and reckless acts will led her to bad consequences on herself. Not implying she is in danger, i-I just don’t want her getting fired you know…I wouldn’t forgive myself for letting Leon daughter get fired like that”. Thomas then smiles slightly “Besides, she doing very well at her job, business has been doing great! The kids enjoy this place and come often to the pizzeria, mostly cause of her encouragement, positive attitude and her kindest towards these children. Heh…makes me think they are here for her than the animatronics” Thomas chucked.
Mike looked again at Darla, she was smiling at some doodles from the kids. Mike had a lot of question in mind of Darla and her intentions, there was something she needed to ask at that moment. “Thomas, why don’t you let her work the nightshift, she would be gr-”
“NO” Thomas screamed in total fear as if he had just seen a ghost. The place went quiet, everyone in the building looked at him and Mike, both surprised and shocked especially Darla. Thomas felt the heat rise up looking very embarrassed “M-M-Mikey…let’s just go to the office area for now, this isn’t quite a good place to talk about that”. Mike sighed, he finished up his drink, placed it down on the counter and followed Thomas to the office. What they did not see was Darla checking till they were out of sight before eyeing a certain door. Backstage door.
“What?! The dayshift guards cannot take the nightshift?! That’s fucking bull-”
“Mikey, language please, this is a child friendly place”
“You got to be kidding me…who the hell came up with that”
“I did”
“what- Thomas the f-“
“Language… but in all seriousness Mike, this had to be done” Thomas said in a serious tone the he cleared his throat as if he was going to say a speech. “A few years ago a fellow guard, almost like you. He took the nightshift  in a week and soon was put in dayshift due to…complains..” Thomas coughed clearing his throat. “However what no one expect was that same guard going back to the nightshift duty to help the newer Nightwatch…but we didn’t mind it. It looked like everything was under control so there was nothing to be worried about” Thomas smile slightly “It did went smoothly until…one day…that dayshift guard… well…he didn’t make it…those animatronics..they…
“they stuffed him… right?” Mike said quickly feeling slightly sick in his stomach. Thomas shook his head and took a deep breathe. “Its more worse than that…they attacked him viciously…”Mike eyes widen at what Thomas said. “Back in 1987 with the …older pizzeria they thought he was a criminal as he appeared in both the dayshift and nightshift and because facial recognition was tampered they couldn’t identify him as part of the staff….I had no choice to make sure those who take the dayshift, are fully committed and will permanently stay on that job. We do have older employee who have been long that can take the night shift. “
“But” Thomas said his expression was very serious “If you are thinking of quitting, I have to warn you about paperwork and the terms…but the importantly, you won’t received the money as you didn’t complete your 5 days on the job”
Mike was very quiet. All it meant for Mike was ‘either quit now or stay’
“But, that being said about the dayshift cannot go to nightshift…it doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to keep hanging with Darla, I’ll be honestly I’m hoping two can be good friends to each other. After all it’s good for her to hang with people her age instead of wasting the day here and-” Thomas cut himself off then his  eyes shrink in fear
“Holy muffle tops! I completely forgot about checking on Darla now!”. He yelled in fear
As if on que they heard a familiar voice in the hallways.
“Hey! Let go!” Darla yelled.
“Mr Birch, open the door, dullhead done it again”
Thomas did so, what they saw was Ralph holding Darla by her arm very tightly.
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He then pushed her into the room. Darla fell onto the floor then glaring at Ralph looking quite upset.“Oh god…Darla are you okay?!” Thomas said sounding very concern as he helped Darla up.
Ralph scoffed. “I caught her trying to sneak into the backstage room, not the smartest move you been making now”
“I wasn’t going to enter, I wanted to just take a peek! That’s it” Darla responded
“Whatever Dulla, you still in big trouble”
“Stop calling me that, my name is Darla”
“I’ll stop when you finally quit this job, which seem like never at this point” Ralph splat back.
Thomas quickly intervene between the two. “Be nice you two, this is a child friendly business so negativity out and smiles on, alright? Ralph, you can go back to your post, ill handle Darla thank you” Thomas said turning his back on the man and faced Darla.
“You know Mr Birch, the whole reason why she managed to get this far and not get fired, is you being all soft on her” Ralph commented, Thomas didn’t turn to look at Ralph “Ralph…please… go back to your post” Thomas repeated, still making no eye contact on the guy.
“I’m just saying Mr Birch, we all would be better off with no curious dullheads around, especially one that should know their place by now…”Ralph replied with a monotone voice as he leaved all three of the workers there.
Mike grunted “what a Jackass”. Darla sort of smile then quickly turns into frowned. “I would agree with you, but he not a bad guy, he just doing his job.”  
Thomas clears his throat, catching Mike and Darla attention“ Anyways, Mike you can go for today, but do call me if you aren’t taking the nightshift, other than that, continue with the usual” Mike nodded. “And as for you young lady, I’m afraid to say you have the day off from today and for tomorrow. But first, you and I are having a little chat” Thomas said in a serious dad like tone, crossing his arm and looking at her. Darla groaned pouting slightly while Mike couldn’t help but laugh from this, showing his rare smile towards someone like Darla. “I’ll see you later Darla, good luck” Mike waved, Darla waved back sighing, for she knew what Thomas was going to speak to her about….
Mike exited out of pizzeria and was about to head home until a voice caught his attention “So are you going to chicken out and just quit Mr schmidt” Mike turn to face Ralph again, mike was slowly boiling with anger now, this guy was getting his last nerve. “What makes you think, I’ll-” Mike was cut off by Ralph “Would you rather live than get stuffed into those suit and die?” He asked. Mike went silent both in fear and in shock, Mike just asked him one question “How much do you know?”. Ralph shakes his head then walked up till he was face to face with him.
“More than enough for me to say, this place is the definition of a nightmare”
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neuxue · 6 years
Wheel of Time liveblogging: The Gathering Storm ch 27
Mat takes luck out for a night on the town
Chapter 27: The Tipsy Gelding
Oh great, it’s a Mat chapter. Hang on, I’ve definitely got some enthusiasm lying around here somewhere…
At least Aludra, Amathera, and Egeanin hadn’t insisted on coming. This group was too big as it was.
Right, well in that case, I’m going to stay behind with Aludra because that’s where all the fun is.
Dramatic irony just isn’t something Sanderson uses much – at least, not as a characterisation tool – and it makes everything feel awkward and stilted.
Thom’s still reading Moiraine’s letter because he forgot to bring any other books with him to keep him entertained. That’s what Kindle is for, Thom.
If Moiraine was still alive…Light, what would that mean? How would Rand react?
That sure is the question, isn’t it? If the first name on his List can be erased, if the List itself is broken…the Wheel of Time turns, and in an endless cycle of death and rebirth are any of those named in the list truly gone?
But at the same time, Rand’s grasp on everything is so tenuous right now, and he’s just killed Semirhage and threatened to kill Cadsuane, and learning that his List is flawed (and therefore not a solid foundation or anchor) could just as easily break him further as help him find his way back, at this point.
That’s when you know your hero has been brought to his darkest hour, I suppose: when even good things could easily just send him spiralling further. When it feels like he’s a glass sculpture hanging by threads of spiderweb, and any movement or change at all could send it crashing down.
But…he also couldn’t let Thom go alone. There was an inevitability to it. As if a part of Mat had known all along that he had to go back and face those creatures again. They’d gotten the better of him twice now, and the Eelfinn had tied strings around his brain with those memories in his head. He had a debt to settle with them, that was for certain.
The second half of that is fine, but the first…inevitability is just not a concept I associate with Mat. Or rather, it’s not something I see Mat thinking about himself. He pulls at the strings of his fate so stubbornly, and manages a tone of denial even in his acceptance of things that he has finally acknowledged he maybe can’t quite run from.
Something more like…
But Thom had said he was going with or without Mat, and Mat was not about to let the old man run off and get himself killed. Besides, he suspected those snaky and foxy folk were just waiting for another chance to get their hands on Matrim Cauthon. They’d gotten the better of him twice now – he cursed himself for ever setting foot in that doorway; this was what came of meddling with ter’angreal– and the Eelfinn had tied strings around his brain with those memories in his head. Well, he was not playing their game anymore. He had a debt to settle with them, and that was for certain.
Essentially something that plays a bit more with his ‘I’ll do it because I want to, not because you tell me to’ attitude towards fate, ta’veren, or really anyone telling him to do something, or even nudging him in a particular direction. The fact that he usually ends up going anyway is, of course, entirely unrelated, nothing to do with that, definitely nothing to do with ta’veren…etc.
He’d probably be tempted to ride in and save one of the Forsaken themselves if they were trapped there.
Again, a little too direct for Mat. This is the sort of thing you’d see Kaladin thinking, and on him it would work with that kind of wry self-awareness, but with Mat it’s just a shade too self-aware.
“We need to reach Caemlyn if possible, though maybe we’ll stop at Four Kings on the way.”
That would be potentially entertaining, given it was one of the first towns he and Rand fucked up. Just to see a character return to the same place, some absurd number of levels later.
Sanderson also slips into present tense more than Jordan did; we get things like:
Moiraine trapped, being tortured or who knows what.
It’s not wrong; that’s one of those weird syntactic grey areas where you can kind of go either way, but it stands out because as far as I remember, Jordan pretty much always went with past.
Why did [Thom] care so much? What was Moiraine to him but another Aes Sedai, one of those who had cost the life of Thom’s nephew?
Trust me, Mat, we’re all wondering the same thing. The whole Moiraine/Thom thing, like so many of the other romantic pairings, relies heavily on foreshadowing rather than on actual relationship building. Sure, as a reader you can see it coming, but there’s no actual buildup to it. There’s what, one scene featuring the two of them alone, having a conversation?
But my general exasperation with much of the romance in WoT is hardly new, so I’ll just move on.
(Like Moiraine should)
(I mean what?)
At least Mat remembers Rand playing the flute; I’m not even sure Rand does anymore.
Colours swirled in Mat’s head, resolving to an image of Rand, sitting alone in a room by himself.
People who are alone are usually by themselves, yes.
Okay sorry, I will try to stop nitpicking. Maybe it’s just to emphasise how entirely alone Rand is. Yep, that’s definitely it, let’s go with that. (Then again, he has an entire party in his head. He’s never alone, but he’s always isolated).
Rand had one hand to his forehead as if trying to squeeze away the pain of a headache.
Or the pain of two lifetimes and a breaking world, but sure.
His other was…
That arm ended in a stump. The first time Mat had seen that – a few weeks back – it had shocked him. How had Rand lost the hand? The man barely seemed alive, propped up like that, unmoving. Though his lips did seem to be moving, mumbling or muttering. Light! Mat thought. Burn you, what are you doing to yourself?
Oh Rand. You don’t want to know the answer to that question, Mat. And you’re not far off the mark thinking that Rand barely seems alive. He’s falling apart, literally and figuratively, just trying to drag himself and the rest of the world with him to the end and no further. And there’s so little left of him, of Rand al’Thor; there’s too much of himself that he’s let go or has torn away or pushed away or had taken from him, and even the boundaries he’s set for himself and the anchors he’s been trying to hold to are failing, and what is there left, now, besides force of will and sheer Power?
Sure, Rand was a friend. But Mat didn’t mean to be there when Rand went insane and killed everyone he knew.
In The Great Hunt, that kind of thinking seemed rather harsh. Now, with what Rand has done and become and where he’s standing…
“Ah, Rand,” Thom said. “That boy could have made a life for himself as a gleeman, I warrant. Maybe even a proper bard, if he’d started when he was younger.”
This reminds me of when Herid Fel, not really knowing who Rand was, insisted he’d be an excellent student. These brief, soft moments of almost-lament for what could have been. But Rand’s life is not his own; he belongs, as Moiraine said, to the Pattern and to history, and instead of student or gleeman or farmer he became a weapon.
And we see what that’s done to him. The question, then, is whether there’s a way for him to still find a balance there, to choose in truth what was chosen for him.
The banter that follows between Mat and Thom is back to being awkward and stilted, and even Mat’s syntax is just…off. Mat doesn’t say ‘Here now’ and ‘Rand and I did right well for ourselves’.
“Burn you, none of that!” Mat said, pointing at him. “Rand practically sleptwith that harp. Wouldn’t think of selling it, even when we were so hungry we’d have gnawed on our own boots if we hadn’t needed them to get to the next town.”
This is Mat’s loyalty. He’ll complain about Rand aloud and in his thoughts, and go on about how he wants to be nowhere near the guy…but he’ll also defend him to the last, when it comes down to it. Even when it’s something relatively minor like this. It’s the almost sibling-like ‘no one insults you/hurts you but me’, and he doesn’t even realise he’s doing it. Which is a fairly central aspect of Mat’s character.
“We can’t go back, Mat. The Wheel has turned, for better or worse. And it will keep on turning, as lights die and forests dim, storms call and skies break. Turn it will. The Wheel is not hope, and the Wheel does not care, the Wheel simply is. But so long as it turns, folk may hope, folk may care.”
It’s not Mat that needs to hear this – it’s Rand. This is what he has lost: this sense of purpose and of hope and of the reason why he’s trying. Everything for him is too…final, too fixed. It’s all focused on one end, and he has forgotten or lost sight of the fact that the very end he’s fighting for is an end in which there is no ending. He focuses on his List and on those he has killed, rather than remembering that they will be reborn so long as there is a future. He focuses on absolute necessity and shatters all restraints and crosses all thresholds and has lost all thought of second chances or redemption.
It’s a pretty speech, and it suits Thom. He has these moments of poetic wisdom from time to time.
“That has the sound of a song about it, Thom.”
“Aye,” Thom said, almost with a sigh. “An old one, forgotten by most. […] This road is old, Mat. Ancient. Probably was here before the Breaking. Landmarks like this have a tendency to find their way into songs and stories. I think this area is what was once called the Splintered Hills. If that’s true, then we’re in what was once Coremanda, right near the Eagle’s Reaches. I bet you if we climbed a few of those taller hills, we’d find old fortifications.”
“And what does that have to do with Doreille?” Mat asked, uncomfortably. She’d been Queen of Aridhol.
“She visited here,” Thom said. “Penned several of her finest poems in the Eagle’s Reaches.”
Burn me, Mat thought. I remember.
I kind of love this exchange. The contrast here, between one who has made a life of finding and knowing old songs and stories, collecting forgotten pieces of history and putting them back together, singing of what has been lost to time, and one who remembers it. It’s a clever contrast of perspectives, as if they’re looking at the same thing from completely opposite ends of time. Or as if one is describing a photograph while the other is looking at its negative.
Really I’m just here for anything at all that goes deeper into the implications of Mat’s memory dump.
Mat hadn’t felt the pull of the ruby dagger in a very long time. He was nearly beginning to forget what it had been like to be tied to it, if it was possible to forget such a thing. But sometimes he remembered that ruby, red like his own blood. And the old lust, the old desire, would seep into him again…
I haven’t thought of the ruby dagger in relation to Mat in quite a while either, to be honest. Huh. So that’s still in play. Good to know…
This whole next section of dialogue feels off, and I feel like I’m once again being unnecessarily critical and negative about the writing but Mat’s chapters really are standing out as…um…less than excellent. To the point where it’s actually hard to ignore; it keeps pulling me out of the story.
“Besides, somebody needs to be here to watch, then put this all to song, someday.”
I like this side of Thom. It’s the natural extension of what he was talking about previously, with the long-forgotten songs about long-forgotten history. He tells stories of the past, remembers these events through the songs and legends that they have become…but that means he also knows the nature of stories; he can look at the present and see a glimpse of what it will look like when it is distant past, when it too is just a story. So he’s a link in the chain, telling the stories of those that came before him, and watching and waiting and preparing to set down the stories that will be told by those who come after. He has some view to the concept of The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memory that becomes legend. Legend fades to myth…
And now we’re back to trying-too-hard awkward banter between Mat and Talmanes.
Part of the problem here is that it’s a bit like a game of telephone, in that your perception and interpretation of the information you’re receiving changes how you then present it. If you think Mat is funny, when you sit down to write him the result is very much going to be coloured by your own sense of humour. And it will be more difficult for you to notice that anything is amiss, because hey, he’s funny. You repeated the word you heard. It just…isn’t the word that was said.
“People expect a gleeman to bring information, so we pull it out and brush it off for display – but much of the ‘news’ we tell is just another batch of stories, in many cases less true than the ballads from a thousand years ago.”
So…fake news?
But that’s been a theme of the story all along – the nature of stories themselves, and the way rumour and truth and story intermingle and change across distance and time, and how it’s never possible to have the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Blah Olver stuff blah etc.
Sorry, I just…really do not care about Olver. I tried. For maybe a second or two. But fictional children are very much not my thing, 99% of the time.
(The 1% is Lyra, in case you were wondering).
“At least this [town] doesn’t seem likely to vanish on us…”
Don’t jinx it, Talmanes.
“You have the look of a lord about you,” the man said, approaching Mat.
“He’s a pr—” Talmanes began before Mat cut him off hastily.
“I suppose I do at that,” Mat said
Nothing like calling him a prince to get him to finally answer to Lord, I suppose.
Unless Talmanes was just going to say ‘PR disaster’, in which case I really can’t blame him.
Alright, opening bets on what’s wrong withthistown. Outsiders need to be out by nightfall? The inns are compensated? There’s definitely something going on here, and it’s probably not a surprise party.
The dice are rolling in Mat’s head.
Every time this happens, I hear ~dice are rolling, the knives are out~from Evita and I mean it’s not really wrong but brain, why?
Mat’s found the hipster inn: too cool to have something so passé as a sign on the front.
[The coin chest] carried Mat’s personal stash: he wouldn’t risk the Band’s wages on gambling.
Is it really a risk when you have probability bound and gagged in your basement?
I miss Talmanes, and I’m not sure how Nalesean ended up in Talmanes’s body – was he a Forsaken in disguise?
Why did people here wear clothing that was once so nice, yet now torn and patched?
Once is an observation, twice is foreshadowing, three is imminent disaster.
And Mat’s flashing gold. Time for the show. Everyone got your knives ready?
There was only one dicer in the game, with the crowd of onlookers betting against or for his tosses.
Ah, so it’s the financial crisis.
Last time he won every toss until the last, and the loss was the true luck. Now, he’s starting with losses…
Talmanes placed a hand on his arm. “No offence, Mat,” the man said in a quiet voice. “But maybe you should stop. Everyone has an off night. Let’s finish our drinks and go buy what supplies we can before night falls.”
I feel like Talmanes would be quicker on the uptake here. He’s Cairhienin after all, and no stranger to strategy and manipulation.
Part of what’s bothering me about Talmanes is that, while he was still in a ‘sidekick’ role when Jordan was writing, he still felt like his own character, with his own thoughts and aims and purpose. Here, though, he plays more the role of sounding board. He’s just there for Mat to bounce off of – to ask the obvious questions so that they can be answered (by Mat) for the reader, or to set Mat up for one-liners. He feels flat, where once he felt like he had quite a bit of depth, even if we only saw glimpses of him.
“This is what I wanted.”
Talmanes raised an eyebrow, lowering his mug.
Mat said, “I can lose when I want to, if it’s for the best.”
“How can losing be for the best?” Talmanes asked, watching the men argue about how to divide Mat’s gold. 
It’s a lesson Mat has learned, and I do enjoy the way it’s played with: this idea that sometimes you can win by losing, and sometimes what looks like a win can be more dangerous than a loss. For one thing, it suits him. The gambler, the trickster – he would be the one to turn a loss into a win, to see opportunity in what at first glance looks like failure. It suits his strange luck. And it also feels like something that could very easily be extended to his other aspect. Losing small to win big is not a bad skill for a general, strategist, or even tactician to have, and I very much hope that’s where this is going. The band’s motto is It’s time to toss the dice, after all; gambling and games and battles and strategy are all very much intertwined in Mat’s story.
I have to question one thing, though. He says he can lose when he wants to. Does it really work like that? Has he actually achieved some measure of conscious control here? His luck does to some extent respond to his specific needs, but is it working on a more meta level or does his own specific concept of what he needs have an effect? Or is it more a case of…knowing his luck better, and knowing the rules it operates under, and understanding the situation? I could buy that, I suppose; he has come to understand it a great deal more than he once did, when he was searching for inns in a Tairen storm.
Mat made sure to win a few tosses – just as he had to lose a bit when spending a night winning.
It’s something that frustrates me about the authorship switch and my own reaction to it: I keep questioning things like this, when if it were Jordan writing I would just assume I had been mistaken in my understanding or assumptions before. But as it is, I look at something like this and think ‘but is that reallyhow it works?’ So I can’t help but wonder if this is Sanderson just taking a cool trick and running with it like he does in his own worlds and magic systems – something that works well there, because that’s almost built into the systems themselves and thus becomes a key part of characters and worldbuilding – or is this actually something Mat can do?
And I don’t want to be second-guessing things like that; after all, Jordan had some inconsistencies of his own, and no doubt changed his mind on events or rules or whatnot at various points. But c’est la vie.
Mat’s still losing money like there’s no tomorrow, but Talmanes has moved on to all the foreshadowing and has concluded that something is rotten in the state of Hinderstap.
To which Mat more or less replies ‘nah, we’re fine. Now hold my beer and watch this!’
Which everyone knows is always a sign of nothing but great things to come.
The mayor wants them to go, Mat wants to bring in a chest full of gold, and I am immediately suspicious of any large wooden boxes that ostensibly hold coin for the purposes of playing to people’s greed to make them forget about their surroundings. Ahem.
Just…make sure no dragons end up in the box and we should be fine.
One last throw, everyone’s all in with gold and turnips, and this is an excellent method of grocery shopping. I’ll have to try it sometime.
“We don’t bend the rules here,” the mayor said. “The price is too high.”
For some reason – okay, the reason being because it’s Mat and he has a holiday booked in the near future to the lovely Tower of Ghenjei – this puts me in mind of Snakes and Foxes, and how the only way to win is to break the rules. Between that and ‘what was asked is given; the price is paid’, it’s a fun little contrast. Likely unintentional, but still rather perfect.
Desperate, he pulled open the top of the chest again, revealing the gold coins inside.
The lesson here is that greed always gets you what you want.
“I see what you’re doing,” the mayor said to Mat. He didn’t seem to be in a rush to gather anything.
Mat turned towards him, questioningly.
“I won’t have you cheating us with a miracle win at the end of the evening.”
Is it really cheating if you’re just doing unspeakable things to statistics? Probability did consent, as far as I can tell…
“I suspect that if we search you, we’ll find a couple of sets of dice hidden on your person.”
Nah, just knives.
“It’s a fine scheme, dressing like a lord, loading dice so they make you lose instead of win. Never heard of a man bold enough to throw away gold like that on fake dice.”
The mayor isn’t really wrong, even. It’s just that Mat doesn’t need weighted dice because the Pattern weights them for him.
I feel like the mayor making the throw for him kind of defeats the purpose of the game. At least, if you’re betting on it and have any shred of superstition and/or belief in the abstract concept of luck. From a purely statistical standpoint, of course, it doesn’t much matter. But from the perspective of the townsfolk gambling? Seems like they might have an issue with that.
Mat stuck out his hand for a shake, but the mayor turned away, holding the dice in his hand. “No,” he said. “You’ll get no chance to swap these dice, traveller.”
I kind of like this guy. His conclusions are not unreasonable, given what he would have been able to observe, and he’s sticking to his guns. Besides, he’s not telling Mat that the throw can’t be made, or tossing him in prison without evidence or anything; he’s just doing his level best to make sure nothing interferes with good old probability. I just like seeing random side characters showing a spine like this, even when confronted with A Protagonist. It makes them feel a little more real, a little more like they have their own aims and agency in the world, and thus makes the world feel more nuanced and true.
Barlden demanded that the chest remain open so that it couldn’t be switched.
Or filled with a dragon when no one’s looking. Not a bad call – this guy really is trying to cover all his bases.
Blood and bloody ashes, the man was a stickler for his rules! Well, Mat would show him, and all of them. He’d show them…
Show them what? That he couldn’t be beaten? What did that prove?
Ego has no place in grocery shopping.
I’m not doing anything wrong, he thought. I’ve got to feed my men, don’t I? These men are betting fair, and I’m betting fair. No loaded dice. No cheating. Except his luck. Well, his luck was his own – just as every man’s luck was his own.
Is it though? This much at least is more or less true to Mat’s mentality and also his particular method of denial: he knows full well he’s ta’verenbut he dances around it here. And he once almost killed a man for suggesting that he had ‘the Dark One’s own luck’. Autonomy and agency are important to Mat, and he doesn’t like giving them up or accepting that they can be superceded by forces he doesn’t completely understand. And so his luck is his, as far as he sees it.
Except the fact that he has to rationalise it to himself means he does know, on some level, that it’s not that simple. (Or that ‘luck’ as an actual phenomenon doesn’t exist, and is simply the human mind’s general failure to truly understand probability on an intuitive level, seeking instead to find pattern in chaos and coincidence, but that’s…one for another day).
There is definitely something wrong here, and there are far too many mentions of how close the sun is to the horizon for that curfew to be a random rule. What the fuck happens at sundown?
“We can go, then?” Talmanes asked.
“No,” Mat said. “We’re staying.”
And the dice stopped rattling in his head.
Well if there was any doubt left that Something Is Up, that did away with it.
It would be so disconcerting, to have something like that in your head. Because Mat’s not wrong; it’s not exactly useful in the sense that there’s not much you can do with the knowledge that something important or fateful is coming. The dice in his head give no indication of what or when or where or why, or whether it’s positive or negative, or anything.
No, it’s just an alarm bell set to ‘plot point incoming’ and if you think about it too hard, that’s a rather terrifying fourth-wall intrusion in the wrong direction. It’s something in your head telling you ‘you are part of a story, and something is about to happen’ or ‘you are part of a story, and the decision you just made is going to have an impact’ and yikes, do not want.
Groceries are loaded, tension is rapidly climbing, and Mat just wants the dice to be thrown already because shit’s getting weird. Having an indicator of narrative importance in your head would do that, yeah.
It’s a winning toss that doesn’t feel like a win at all; it does nothing at all to lessen the tension in the air and they’ve taken too long and the mayor is shouting at them to leave. This chapter has done an interesting thing in playing with the notions of winning and losing; we’ve seen it before in Maderin, and now it’s being extended further. Losing tosses in a lighthearted, almost carefree atmosphere contrasted with this winning toss amidst growing anxiousness and a sense of wrongness, and no release or catharsis at the point of victory. Losing is winning, and winning outright is…not what it seems.
“Now, see, I told you, Talmanes. Nothing to be worried about at all.” And that’s when the screaming began.
So it is a surprise party!
Next (TGS ch 28) Previous (TGS ch 26)
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baneismydragon · 7 years
Draw me Like one of your French Girls... Part 1
This fic is dedicated to @yunyin who was a big part of bringing it about in the first place ^_^  (Warning some spoilers for ML Season 2- (Just the stuff we knew during the hiatus nothing important from the new episodes) 
“Listen furball, I am ten times as sexy as you are. That is just a fact. People would pay to see pictures of me.”
“People DO pay to see pictures of me,” Chat shot back.
“Never mind,” he grumbled, “the point is that I am obviously the sexier of the two of us.”
“Guys, I know this is a slow patrol night but you are giving me a headache,” Rena Rougue sighed, dropping down onto the platform and sprawling onto her stomach against the cool metal of the tower.
“Wait,” Chat said with a terrifying grin, “Rena. My dear, darling, friend.”
“Oh this can’t end well.”
“You are a fox of impeccable taste are you not?”
“And you are an excellent judge of both male and female attractiveness as well, are you not?”
“Ladybug is the hottest out of all of you,” she smirked, not bothering to get up.
“Yes, that is a given, but the point is-”
“The point is that I could pull off sexy far better than this mangy stray,” Bee interrupted.
“Could not.”
“Will you two please just stop fighting, it’s been too hot to deal with this level of stupid,” Rena sighed.
“It’s not stupid, my honor is at stake!” Bee huffed. “If you want us to stop then tell him that I clearly would be better suited to being a sex icon than he would.”
“Foxy lady, please tell Bee that she is clearly pollinating the wrong flower.”
Rena groaned. Clearly there would be no reasoning with the two of them until this had been hashed out.
“Fine I will judge your stupid contest. We just get a picture of each of you and then we can decide who wins.”
Both of her partners eyes light up with an unholy gleam and then turned to face each other with a terrifying intensity.
“Ground rules-” Chat said, “sketches only, no color, has to be done in 48 hours.”
“Agreed. Also no professionals, they are too easily bribed.” Bee shot back.  
“Agreed.” Chat plowed on. “Realism only no alternate styles.”
“Like I want some anime portrait you weeb.”
“Says the girl who marathoned Mai-Hime last weekend.” “I told you that in confidence you mangy cat! You are so going down.” Bee glowered lifting off the ground in irritation, her wings fluttering.
“You wish,” Chat purred.
“We meet back here in 48 hours and Foxy and LB vote on the winner.” Chat said, pulling out his baton and twirling it for good measure.
“Deal. See you then whiskers.”
And before Rena Rouge could even get another word out, both of her partners had disappeared into the night.
“I meant we could just take a picture on my phone…” she muttered into the silence. She didn’t look forward to explaining this to Ladybug before patrol on Sunday.
Marinette stretched as she finally stood up from her sewing table. She felt bad about having ditched out on patrol, but she had really needed to get this dress done for her aunt.
Besides it wasn’t like her partners couldn’t handle a night on their own.
“Well Tikki I think I am going to head to-”
She stopped talking as she heard a soft repetitive tapping against her skylight.
Well that couldn’t be a good sign.
She nodded to Tikki who quickly darted into her hiding spot in one of Marinette’s plants, and hurried up the ladder to her loft to let Chat into the room.
“Hey, stranger,” she teased, “so what brings you to my side of town? Don’t you guys usually have patrols on Fridays?”
“Been keeping up with the Ladyblog I see,” Chat said, dropping down onto the bed and flashing his trademark grin.
“That’s not an answer to my question,” Marinette replied, climbing back down to her main room with Chat on her heels.
“Eh, it was a slow night. Also I need a favor.”
“A favor?” Marinette asked, settling down into her desk chair and leveling him with her best ‘What did you do now’ stare. She really hoped she wasn’t going to have to help him break into the Louvre again.
“Don’t worry nothing illegal this time,” Chat said as if reading her thoughts and putting a hand over his heart, “just a simple project that you are particularly well suited for.”
“Am I making you cookies again?”
“No. I mean if you WANT to I won’t say no, but that’s not why I am here. I need you to paint me.”
“Well, not paint. Draw me. Black and White, pencil, full body. As sexy as possible if you don’t mind. Oh and I need it by Sunday night.”
Marinette glared at her intruder.
“Oh that’s all?”
“Yeah, that’s pretty much all I need.”
Marinette picked up a ball of yarn sitting on her desk and threw it at Chat’s head.
“You can’t just barge into someone’s house and order them to draw a pin-up of you.”
“I didn’t barge in, I knocked.”
“That is not the point, you still just waltzed in and expected me to draw you.”
“Well you do draw.”
“Yes fashion. Not on demand portraits.”
“I am also not demanding, I asked for a favor.”
“Yeah well my answer is no. It’s not like I sit around hoping for you to stop in so I can draw you as some sex god.”
“But you do think I am a sex god?” Chat smiled leaning in just a little too close and laughing when Marinette shoved him away with a blush. “Yes, I have so got this!”
“You haven’t got anything. You can’t just ask people for free drawings, do you know how much time and effort these things take! It’s not like I sit around drawing all day you know.”
“I can pay you.”
“Fine, I want a new serger. Top of the line.”
“Wait, I was kidding.”
“I wasn’t. I can have it for you tomorrow.”
“Chat those cost like 600 Euro. You can’t just waltz in with a high end serger.”
“Sure I can, we have like 8 of them lying around the East Wing,” Chat said with an off handed wave.
Marinette simply stared at him.
“So can you do it or not?” he asked with a pout. “I need an answer cause I only have 48 hours.”
“You’re serious,” Marinette said. “You are actually offering to bring me a new serger if I draw a portrait of you.”
“A sexy portrait.”
“Yes. Like I said, this is very important and I know I can trust you.”
“Wow, that’s… actually really flattering. Ok, in that case I guess I accept.”
“Great. So I figure we can meet up tomorrow for the actual sketch. You get done at school around 12 right?” he asked.
“Awesome. I’ll be here by 12:15.”
Marinette nodded and watched as Chat did some sort of odd victory dance.
“So are you going to tell me what this is about?”
“Oh it’s just a small bet I have with a friend. I am totally going to win though.”
“I guess it’s nice to know you have so much faith in me,” Marinette said.
“Well... I mean I was going to ask Nathaniel, but I figured that might get awkward with the whole sexy thing.”
“Wait I was your SECOND choice?”
Nathaniel was pretty sure he must have fallen asleep, because there was no other explanation he could think of for why one of Paris’ masked Heroines was literally crawling in through his apartment window.
“Ugh,” Queen Bee huffed as she awkwardly clambered into the room, “I know you are all bohemian artsy and whatnot but would it kill you to have bigger windows?”
He said nothing, simply staring as the heroine looked around his room.
“Well you certainly have enough stuff,” she said, gesturing towards the walls and desks cluttered with various art supplies. “Yes, you will do nicely.”
“Um… I am sorry, did I miss something?” he asked, blinking a few times for good measure. Nope she was still here.
“I need you to do me.”
Nathaniel jolted backwards, tripping on a power cable and crashing back into his drafting table.  
“You need me to what?”
“Draw me. You know that whole art thing you do?”
“Oh, right… that makes a lot more sense. Actually no. No it doesn’t.”
“God, I knew this was going to be difficult. Ok. I,” she pointed at herself, “need you,” she pointed back to Nathaniel, “to draw a picture of me. By Sunday. I figure if you can make little miss goody goody pigtails look attractive this should be a piece of cake.”
“Okay,” Nathaniel said rubbing his temples in an attempt to starve off his oncoming headache, “either I have gone insane or you have, because I have no idea what you are talking about. Was there an akuma? Should I be looking for cover or something?”
“No, I just need you to draw me. And make it sexy. I mean I am always sexy, but it needs to be like extra sexy. Try not to drool on my picture. You’ll do great.”
Nathaniel was fairly certain he was the source of the oddly choked wheezing noise that sounded when Queen Bee patted him approvingly on the head.
“Um, Queen Bee…”
“Just Bee is fine. We have a working relationship now.”
“Ok, Bee… why am I drawing you, exactly?” Nathanael asked, side stepping away from his uninvited guest and sitting down on his drawing stool.
She blinked as if he had asked her to explain the current state of the geopolitical climate and not a simple question. “Because I asked you too,” she said.
Nathanael opened his mouth to argue that you can’t just tell an artist to draw you because they can, but realized that the girl currently thumbing through his portfolio could probably toss him one handed out of his previously acknowledged small window, and thought better of it. She could be under the influence of an akuma. It was hardly unprecedented after all for one of the heroes to get caught in the crossfire after a fight, and without more information it was best to stay on her good side.
“These are actually really good,” Bee said with a smile, and Nathanael felt his cheeks reddened at the compliment, “I always did have an eye for quality.” She shot him a playful wink and Nathanael wondered if he could die of embarrassment. If nothing else he was pretty sure that his skin was the same shade as his hair.
“Well, um… I guess I could draw you as a commission. It would cost-” he began, but before he could finish Bee’s whole face lit up delightedly and she squealed.
“I already thought of that,” she grinned, reaching into the small weapon satchel on her hip and drawing out a pile of bills that she slammed onto the table next to him. “Oh this is going to be so great! I can’t wait to see the look on his stupid face! So, we aren’t going to do the actual drawing here right? I don’t think the lighting is going to set me off to my best advantage.”
“That’s like 500 Euro,” Nathaniel gasped, staring down at the pile of money.
“Yeah, that should be plenty for a deposit, you’re not Degas you know.”
“A deposit?” Nathanael gasped.
“Yeah, I know how this works. You get the rest when we are done, I don’t want you going crazy with artistic liberties or whatever. This has to be perfect. We can meet up tomorrow at the park next to your school at the end of classes and go from there ok?”
Nathanael looked at Queen Bee, smiling like she had just won the lottery. He felt a sinking feeling in his gut that taking this assignment on was going to end up being a lot more complicated than just doing a simple drawing. His eyes drifted to the pile of cash. He really did need to replace his drawing tablet. Not to mention the other supplies he could purchase if she was serious about this just being a deposit.
“Oh what the hell,” he sighed, “where in the park do you want to meet exactly?”
True to his word Chat Noir arrived on her balcony promptly at 12:15, the promised serger in his arms and a devilish smile on his face.
“I trust this will meet with your approval? It’s supposed to be an excellent brand but my f- my supplier favors a different company, so this one was destined to collect dust for all eternity.
“I can’t believe you actually got me a serger,” Marinette breathed, trying not to drool at the exquisite piece of equipment that apparently now belonged to her.
“Well, shall we get started?” Chat said.
Marinette nodded and they both climbed down into her room.
“So,” Marinette began sitting down in her computer chair and grabbing up her sketchbook and pencil, “how exactly do we want to do… thi… Chat what are you doing?”
She watched, fascinated, as Chat rushed around her room with a strangely determined expression, adjusting curtains and angling her chaise lounger.
“We need some up lighting. Do you have- oh never mind I see one,” he said grabbing a clip light she had  attached to the window by her dress form and repositioning it.
For about 20 minutes he moved, tweaked, and adjusted every available light source in her room. Then when he was finally content with his work he grabbed the back of her chair and spun her into position with a triumphant flourish.
“What was that?” Marinette asked, finally breaking out of the stupor brought on by his uncharacteristic behavior.
“70% of great composition is good lighting,” Chat said with the parroting tone of someone who had heard that phrase a thousand times.
“Do you work for a photographer or something?”
Chat laughed delightedly, “You could say that. So what sort of pose would you like me in mademoiselle artist? Remember we need this to be sexy.”
“Oh dear,” Marinette said teasingly, “I don’t know if I know any poses that can make pun loving nerds sexy.”
He glared playfully at her and pounced onto the chaise.
“Oh I know,” she continued with a giggle, “if we want to be thematic we should try to stay with the cat aesthetic, maybe have you lay on your back with your paws in the air!”
“Very funny princess.”
“Ooo! Or how about that thing where cat’s stretch and stick their butts in the air! I am sure your admirers would love that.”
“Well I do have a fantastic butt,” Chat smirked, “but this is actually very important. So how do you want me Marinette?”
Marinette ignored the nervous little flutter in her stomach at his phrasing and tried to think. After all, she was getting paid extremely well to do this and she owed it to her friend to try her best.
“Alright well why don’t we try a sort of, lounging pose? Try laying back or something.”
“Sure,” Chat said, his brow furrowing in concentration for a moment before he swooned back onto the chaise, one arm above his head, one leg dangling lazily off the lounger, and his face angled slightly up as he gave her a knowing, come hither smirk.
Before today, Marinette would have said that she knew just about everything a person could know about Chat Noir without compromising his identity. They had been partners for almost 3 years, he had been friends with her as Marinette as well for 2 of those. She knew his favorite flavor of ice cream, his ticklish spots, how to make him purr and that fact that he would always get embarrassed when he did. She knew how he liked his tea and that he would mouth along with his favorite movies. She knew he was kind. She knew he was brave. She knew he was sometimes oblivious and prone to occasional bouts of jealousy. She knew he was easily entertained and would literally die for the people he cared about if it came down to it. She knew that he was a nerd with a terrible sense of humor. What she hadn’t known- or at least hadn’t truly understood on more than a hypothetical level before this very moment- was that Chat Noir was also very, VERY sexy.
She stared open mouthed at boy… man… ridiculously pretty cat thing in front of her, her pencil hovering uselessly over her sketchpad. He stayed perfectly still, all lithe lines and easy grace, as if sprawling on a couch looking like he was waiting to be devoured by hormone riddled females was his day job.
Where was her rambunctious, guileless partner, with his over-wide smiles and constant fidgeting? Who was this intense, restrained, gorgeous figure that had taken his place? And was there any way she could get a refund on her sanity?  
She heard a soft thud and her cheeks flamed as she realized she had dropped her pencil.
“I donnow, I don’t think I am feeling this pose,” she babbled as she scrambled to retrieve her fallen pencil and calm her frazzled nerves, “Wh..why don’t you try sitting up? Maybe something more… I don’t know… uh… formal?”
“Okay,” Chat said with a shrug, completely clueless to the mental and emotional roller coaster she was experiencing as he adjusted into a new pose.
He sat forward on the edge of the chaise, one leg tucked up while the other foot rested lightly on the floor. One hand propped lightly against his knee while the other braced against the couch. This time his head was slightly tucked down, his brilliant green eyes looking up with a captivating gleam and his lips softly curved in a half sheepish, half hopeful smile that was somehow five times more devastatingly appealing than the smirk had been.
“This better?” he asked without the slightest trace of sarcasm or suspicion.
“Yeah… great,” Marinette gulped.
“Okay! Make me sexy princess,” he said, his grin widening for just a moment before falling back into his pose.
“I don’t think that will be a problem,” Marinette muttered. Ignoring the heat she could feel rising in her cheeks, she began to sketch.  
Nathaniel wasn’t sure if he was disappointed or relieved when he saw Queen Bee trying, and failing, to hide herself behind a tree in the school courtyard.
Several of his other school mates had already caught sight of the hero and were giggling amongst their friend groups or pulling out phones to grab some pictures.
“Psst! Nathaniel! NATHA- ugh- I’m over here!” She began frantically waving him over, clearly struggling not to resort to shouting at him.
Nathaniel bit back a smile as he watched the out of place superhero, clearly oblivious to the stares and whispers she was garnering. The lack of stealth was actually rather endearing. He was almost tempted to pretend that he didn’t see her just to see what she would do, but decided it wasn’t worth it to press his luck with someone who could probably pick him up with one hand.
He hurried over and as soon as he was in grabbing distance found himself hauled into a nearby bush.
“Oh good you’re here! So Nath, can I call you Nath?”
“Um… no?”
“I’m gonna call you Nath. So anyways Nath, I have the perfect place for you to work, it will be a much better atmosphere than your cramped little bedroom. I assume you have everything you need?”
Nathaniel blinked. “I have a sketchbook and my pencils, but-”
“Perfect! OK! Let’s go!”
“Wait what do you- OH MY GOD…” and without any further warning Nathaniel found himself desperately clinging to his new patroness as she lifted them both effortlessly into the sky.
The next few minutes were a blur for Nathaniel. I was fairly sure that Queen Bee had yelled something at him, but it was drown out by his own occasional scream of terror as they zoomed horrifyingly close to chimneys, spires, and even one particularly menacing looking (at least at the time) clock tower.
By the time they landed at their destination his vision was blurry and he was trying not to throw up.
“See, here we are safe and sound,” Bee said happily. She slapped him on the back and Nathaniel staggered forward.
“Jeez, you really don’t like flying do you? Sorry. I’ll go slower next time.”
“Next time…” Nathaniel wheezed, allowing Bee to pull him forward from the balcony and through the large glass doors.
“Here, sit. Let me get you some water. That’s what you want right? Water?”
“Water would be great,” Nathaniel said, letting out a long breath as she hurried off to complete her task. Now that he was no longer in fear of being dropped to his death, Nathaniel allowed himself to relax and catch his bearings.
He looked around the large suite, noting the impressive amount of natural lighting, the lavish furnishings… the very familiar furnishing.
He stood up, rushing over to the other side of the room. Sure enough, there was a large king sized canopy bed, complete with the Ladybug plush pillow and a small, well loved yellow bear.
“Nath? Nath, where did… oh, there you are. I have your water,” Bee said, holding out the glass with a smug little grin.
“OMG You’re Chloe,” Nathaniel said.
“What,” Bee said, her voice taking on a familiar shrillness, “no I’m not, why would you say that?”
It was like a lightswitch had turned on in his brain. Now that he knew everything seemed so obvious. How could it be anyone BUT Chloe. She had her looks, her voice, her mannerisms. Nathaniel had drawn dozens, maybe hundreds of pictures of all of the five heroes, yet somehow he had never made the now obvious connection. It must have been some kind of magic. It was the only thing that made sense. Either that or he was the world’s biggest idiot.
He was going to go with magic.
“You’re Chloe,” he said again, mostly because his brain was still trying to process the fact that one of the beloved heroes of Paris was actually the school’s reigning queen of terror.
“Of course I am not Chloe! I mean… that would be stupid. Plus, Chloe is like, really busy being fabulous and probably out buying those amazing Dulci pumps I’ve been meaning to grab for forever.”
“Really?” Nathaniel said skeptically.
“Obviously,” she said with a dramatic flip of her hair, though her voice trembled nervously.
“We are in your room,” Nathaniel pointed out flatly.
“Yeah, so?”
“So I’ve been to your room before Chloe!”
“I don’t know what you are talking about,” she insisted stubbornly. “Besides everyone says that this Chloe person is really mean. And I’ve been nothing but nice to you. I’m a hero.”
Nathaniel felt his heart soften a little in spite of himself at her vulnerable tone. He stared at Chloe, so many things clicking into place now that he knew her secret. Her continued obsession with Ladybug, her complete turn around on her opinion of Chat Noir whom she had always been dismissive of back in their first year of college. Her slow but steady attempts to be nicer to everyone in the school who wasn’t named Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
“You know Chloe has actually gotten a lot better these days,” he said cautiously.
“You… you think so?” she asked breathlessly, and Nathaniel couldn’t quite hold back a soft smile.
“Yeah,” he said, and she beamed. The smile lit up her whole face and for the first time Nathaniel caught a glimpse of Chloe hiding behind all the pride and hostility. The Chloe Adrien had always insisted was buried deep down waiting for a chance to come out. It seems he had been right.
“You know,” he added “Adrien was even mentioning it the other day, how it was nice that people were getting to see you as the friend he’s known for so long and not just the class bully.”
He watched amused and Chloe puffed up with pride, her smile melting into her signature smirk.
“Well I would hope so! Given how much work I have put in to following all his stupid rules about proper behavior, including the one where I’m apparently not even allowed to brag about the effort I am putting out, the least he can do is make sure that everyone is appreciating... “ she trailed off and looked at him with a wide eyed, horrified expression.
“Appreciating what, Chloe?”
“Oh crap…”
Well I hope you guys have enjoyed this so far! 
I was going to finish the whole thing and post it in one go, but A. Its way longer than I meant it to be and B. The middle section that I am trying to clean up is giving me burn out so I need some positive reinforcement lol. Anyways I am still working on in even as I post this so more might go up today, it will probably all but up before the week is out lol. Anyways hope you liked it so far! See you soon! 
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maliwarm · 7 years
"There you go, Princess,” Maxima grinned, sliding a plate stacked high with waffles across the table. It came to a clean stop in front of Kula, just as he'd calculated it would. The girl's magenta eyes sparkled gleefully at the offered bounty. "Eat up."
She was all too eager to oblige. Pale fingers tore off the lid of the icecream tub sitting by her elbow, tossing it aside with a clatter. Her spoon went in, then emerged with a scoop twice the size the utensil was supposed to hold. She pushed it off with a finger, onto the top of her waffle stack, and dived back into the tub for another scoop. And another. And another, still. A small river of syrup followed on its heels, liquid gold sliding over the mounds of icecream and off the sides of the waffles like a sugary waterfall. A small handful of strawberries were tossed on top as a last minute afterthought before Kula dug in with gusto. The first portion she cut away barely fit in her mouth, and a tiny trickle of syrup and partially melted icecream escaped from a corner as she chewed. Foxy and Diana would have scolded her for being messy if they were here, but she couldn't help it. Uncle made the absolute best waffles!
Maxima watched the girl chow down with amusement over the rim of his coffee. "It's not going to run away, you know. Take your time and enjoy it." Kula did slow down at his behest, albeit begrudgingly. Though she continued to shovel too-large mouthfuls of syrup-and-icecream-soggy waffles into her mouth, to which Maxima rolled his eyes. She must have caught the action, because she poked her tongue out at him in retaliation. He pulled a face at the partially eaten food stuck to it. "Don't be too cheeky, now. Or I'll give your seconds to K' instead."
"He doesn't even like waffles," she pointed out after swallowing that mouthful, cheeks puffing out into a pout. He may still eat them anyway if he was feeling spiteful, though; he did that to get a rise out of her, every so often. So just to be safe, Kula inched her plate closer towards herself, hunching over it protectively. It was then that a realisation struck her. She frowned, slowly uncurling again to peer down both ends of the table. They were empty. "Where is K', anyway? Is he still sleeping?" That wasn't like him. For all his laziness and late nights, he was always up and dressed long before she was. Something must be wrong...
"He is." Maxima confirmed. "He's not feeling well."
Kula frowned at the news. "Did I hit him too hard during training yesterday?" He hadn't been fighting as well as he usually did - had seemed rather out of it, looking back on it, actually... - and as a result, she'd managed to get a few good hits in that he normally would have blocked or dodged easily. Her hits were always hard, even when she held back. And K', for all the genetic manipulations to his body, was weaker than she was in the grand scheme of things, so he always got hurt more. Because he was a natural-born human with artificial parts stitched haphazardly, unstably, into him. Whereas she was purely artificial, constructed with perfection in mind, her powers a natural part of her.
Maxima shook his head. "No, no. I meant that he's ill." He paused briefly in consideration, then added, "... Though I think he's still recovering from that chest kick, too."
Kula winced, recalling the distinct crack of ribs from that particular blow she'd dealt. Magenta eyes were cast meekly downward at her half-eaten food. She liked Maxima, and he liked her too; they shared a mutual love of sweets, and he doted on her like the kind uncle she'd christened him as. But he had a softer spot for K'. They'd worked together longer, and been friends – partners in crime – for a couple of years before she had even entered the picture, after all. And sometimes, when he thought nobody was paying attention, he looked at K' the same way Foxy and Diana looked at her; like family he loved very much. "I’m sorry..."
She let out a mild noise of protest when she felt a huge hand ruffling her hair just a smidge too hard for her liking.
Maxima retracted his hand with a chuckle. He let it rest on the table, next to his coffee, and offered her a kind smile when she looked up at him. "It's fine, Kula. Accidents happen. Though you should really be apologising to K', not me."
An uncertain hum passed Kula's lips. Her fork was twirled absently through the sludgy mess of melted icecream and syrup on her plate. Apologising to K' on a good day was hard enough. But past experience had taught her that trying to do so while he was injured was almost as painful as pulling out teeth, since the inactivity of forced bedrest always made him a million times grumpier than usual. She released a weary sigh. "I'll try, Uncle. But he'll probably just tell me to go away..."
"That's all I ask." Maxima reached for his coffee, bringing it towards his lips for a sip... Then paused. A little smile brought the corners of his mouth curling upwards into a peculiar grin. As though he knew something she didn't. "You never know though, Princess. He might just surprise you."
She cocked her head, releasing a questioning hum as she did so; asking for elaboration. Maxima didn't say anything more on the matter though. He simply went back to enjoying his coffee, eyes still glittering mirthfully at her over the rim of his mug because of whatever secret it was he was keeping close to his chest. Kula huffed at him, returning to her breakfast moody but curious.
One finished plate of waffles and a clean face later found Kula shuffling uncertainly in front of K's door, despite her misgivings. She moved away briefly to poke her head around the corner and peer into the kitchen, hoping Maxima and his comforting presence might instill some courage in her for the task ahead. Or for him to take pity on her, and let her slip out of it. Unfortunately, his back was to her. And, judging from the soft humming as he washed the dishes, he was too completely engrossed in his task (or pretending to be) to notice her. Kula sighed in resignation, padding back toward's K's door. Well, here went nothing. She twisted the knob and pushed the door inwards as slowly and quietly as possible. On the other side, his room was dark, save for the gradually expanding sliver of light pouring in from her side of the open door, as well as the outline of his window from behind thick drapes drawn tightly closed.
"K'?" She called out softly. Not so much as a grunt of acknowledgement answered her. Kula licked dry lips uncertainly. "Um. I'm coming in, okay?"
She slipped in, squishing the short carpet between her toes; with every mincing step taken towards K's bed, Kula expected him to suddenly bark out in annoyance and demand she leave. Instead, the blanket-bundled lump where she assumed he was wrapped up didn't stir. In fact, there continued to be a distinct lack of movement from K', up until the moment she stood at the head of his bed, peering down at him uncertainly. Even with the lack of good light, her eyes were keen enough to pick up the beads of sweat dotting his temple, and the knit between his silver brows. He shifted as though stirred by her scrutiny, cracking open a hazy blue eye that rolled up in her direction.
"What?" he asked, voice thick and groggy.
This was it: Apology Time. She just had to say she was sorry for breaking his ribs during training yesterday and she could go. And if he started yelling at her, well. That would be even more incentive to beat a hasty retreat. Easy peasy.
"You look really hot," she blurted out. Which was... definitely not an apology. But her motor mouth kept going, anyway, much to her alarm and mild horror. "Do you want some icecream?"
He blinked at her – Once. Twice. – looking and sounding utterly confused. "Uhh... no?"
"Oh." Of course he didn't. He didn't like icecream; hated sweets in general, honestly. And she knew that, but her mouth apparently had a mind of its own right now.
After a few moments of awkward silence K' rolled over onto his side, sighing, and half-burying his face into the pillow. His eyes slipped shut. "Somethin' else you needed to say?" The question came out muffled due to the fact that his mouth was smooshed against the pillow. There wasn't any sort of baiting in his tone, like Kula had expected. Just sleepy curiosity.
"Oh. Um. Yeah..." A bead of sweat slid between K's brows, heading down the slope of his nose. On impulse, she reached out, thumbing it away before it could complete the journey. He twitched at the contact, prying open an eye again to look at her in foggy confusion. Still no yelling; that was as good a sign as any that her apology would go over well, for a change. Maybe this was what Maxima's earlier knowing look had been about? "I... I'm really, really, really sorry for hurting you yesterday. I didn't mean to, I swear! I thought you'd dodge that kick, but..." she trailed off, wringing her hands together in nervous anticipation of the yelling to come.
He blinked at her incomprehensibly for a couple of seconds until understanding finally dawned. Oh, right. Training yesterday. Man, this fever was seriously fogging up his thoughts. "'S fine. Don't worry about it. I shouldn't've been fighting in the first place anyway; knew I was getting sick..."
And yet he'd done it anyway. Because he was stubborn to a fault, and refused to be the weakest link of the group, despite the fact that... he kind of actually was. Maxima had a cybernetic body built like a tank, Kula was a carefully crafted test tube baby with incredible cryokinetic abilities. And K'... what was he in comparison? Just a broken kid with a bad attitude and equally temperamental flames he could only wield from one fist. Which were prone to hurting him more than helping, anyway. He was useless. A liability. So why they kept him around and tolerated his perpetual prickliness was a mystery. They should just... toss him aside already and be done with it. Like he was certain they wanted to do.
K' hadn't realised he'd been drifting back into another fitful bout of sleep until the mattress dipping startled him awake. "What are you doing?" he asked, watching Kula crawl over the top of him. She didn't answer him. Instead, her knee bumped his and a clump of blonde hair brushed against his bare shoulder during her passing. She flopped onto the other side of him, mattress bouncing briefly with the motion, and released a satisfied huff. The sheets shifted, tugged up and away from him and then down again as she made herself comfortable underneath them too. "Oi, Kula..."
"Turn around," she ordered.
"... What?"
"Just do it, K'."
He let out an annoyed huff. She could be so frigging demanding when she wanted something; a veritable bratty little princess. "My ribs still hurt, idiot," he groused, but complied regardless, groaning as the bones in question complained. "Happy?"
"Mhmm," Kula hummed. She scooted close, pressing their foreheads together. His was burning hot to the touch and damp with sweat. Slowly, carefully, she wrapped an arm around K's shoulders. When he stiffened but didn't recoil, she gently tugged him even closer.
"What are you doing?" The same question as before, but warier. This close, the dark circles under his eyes looked more prominent, which in turn made the blue of his eyes stand out more. Kula had always thought they were a pretty shade; that it was a shame he always hid them behind his sunglasses. "Those giant women are gonna have my head if you get sick, y'know."
"I've actually never been sick before," Kula mused. Except for that one time she ate his cooking, anyway... But that was a different flavour of sickness altogether, apparently. Perks of being an artificial human. Her next breath, and the rest that followed, were cold. As were the areas where the pair's skin met. The strawberry blonde of her hair melted into pale blue, rising on a minor gust of self-generated icy wind before draping back across her shoulders like a frigid shawl. "What's it like?"
"Lucky brat... It sucks." K' released a small groan as the chill from their connected foreheads eased some of the burning. His eyes fluttered shut, savouring the small slice of relief she'd granted him with her powers. "Y'feel heavy. And hot and... it's hard to think. Foggy." Little by little, the tenseness was starting to bleed out of his shoulders. The haggard lines etched into his face also began smoothing out some, making him look younger; like the weight of the world was finally sliding off of his shoulders. "And just... tired."
“That does sound bad."
“Mm." Already, his breaths were beginning to even out, the blooms of warmth they brought to her freezing skin slowing in frequency. That was good. He needed the rest; because even if he wasn’t sick, insomnia and nightmares ensured he got little of it.
Kula yawned, the gust of cool air against K’s face eliciting a twitch. But the rhythm of his breathing didn’t change: still slow, still even; marked by every rise and fall of his chest. She was starting to feel tired just watching him, her own lids heavy. A quick nap couldn’t hurt... It wasn’t as though she had anything important to do today, anyways. She yawned again, nuzzling K’s forehead – soft strands of flyaway silver tickling her skin with every small movement – before giving in to the urge to close her eyes.
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W-WELL...*coughs* well please do what you want 😂😂
Right away,dear~Kimiko Jones x Jacob FryeRaven/Kangee x Connor KenwayKitsune x Altair
Raven and Kitsune were both lying on the fluffy carpet,bored out of their mind,and listening to Lana del Rey songs in the dark room and singing along,seductively.
Kitsu:Hey,cuz?Raven:Hm?Kitsu:*giggles*Remember your first kiss?Raven:*snorts*Could I not?Kitsu:T'was funny,huh?Raven:Great circumstances.Kitsu:*winks*Bet that was the best kiss you’ve ever had.Raven:And the only one.Kitsu:Eh?!You and Connor didn’t kiss yet?Raven:Did you and Altaïr?Kitsu:*chuckles*Got me,cuz.Raven:I don’t really mind,y'know.I’m ace.Kitsu:Ye,but I want to get that dumb Arab!I need to see his reactions!He’s always so stoic and conposed,it’s pissing me off!Raven:*smirks*Get Malik to flirt with you.Maybe he’ll get jealous.Kitsu:N I C E !Raven:Need help?I mean,I could seduce you right now,but I’m not sure it’ll be as effective.Kitsu:*giggles*I wonder if Connor would get jealous~?Raven:*shakes head*Nah…He’d think I’m not interested in him and back off.Kitsu:Pity.Maybe I can get him to make the 1st step~?Raven:I’m not desperate,Kitsu.Now let’s go see how we can talk to Malik…and stop having sexual fantasies while listening to West Coast.Kitsu:But it’s making me feel so high and nice!Raven:Yeah,I get you.Kitsu:Like the high feeling too,huh~?Raven:Otherwise I wouldn’t listen while tipsy and smoking a joint.Kitsu:Fair point.Let’s go~!
They both left the room and found Malik sitting alone on the couch with Ezio,playing video games.
Raven:Just the men I was looking for.Ezio:Mia bella,ciao~!Raven:I’ve a…favour to ask of you.Ezio:And that is?Raven:I need Malik to flirt with Kitsune and make Altair jealous.
They both cheered in shock and agreed,letting Kitsu stay between them both,with Malik’s arm draped around her,and her legs resting over his lap.They both held a seductive smirk.Just as Raven giggled in amusement,Kim strutted to the living room,looking annoyed.
Raven:Hey,Kim,wanna prank J.J. and have Ezio flirt with you until he becomes J.J.Jealous?Kim:*shocked*Wait what?Raven:Kitsu’s already having her plan unfold.It’s your turn.Kim:Hellz ye!That smug bastard deserves it!Raven:Then get to the Casa Nova and let the plan flourish.
She started jumping excitedly and jumped clumsily next to Ezio,throwing her legs over his,but less classy,like Kitsu,and more playful,and started giggling and making jokes with said Italian.
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Seeing her plan growing,she puts Lana’s hot songs to boom around the room loud and clear,to set up the mood.She left the room,to go back to her room,when she met up with Connor,who was engrossed in a book and didn’t notice her,bumping into her.
Connor:Kangee,I’m sorry,I wasn’t paying attention.Raven:Don’t worry,it’s fine.What were you reading?Connor:Oh,the title says ‘Lord if the rings’.It’s the first volume.Raven:*smirks*You went to my room,dear~?Connor:*nods*I was looking for you.Raven:Oh~?Then let’s return and see what you wish to tell me.
They returned to her dim-lit room,that still had a strong sweet scent from the many lit scented candles in the room,and Lana’s songs weren’t helping either.She sat on the bed and pat the spot next to her making him sit next to her.He seemed oddly flustered and more awkward than usual.She took his hand and intertwined their fingers together and looked at him with a soft smile.
Raven:So,what was it you wanted to tell me?Connor:I uh…the Frye boy…he asked me something when we were alone…he asked me to ask you a favour,actually.Raven:*surprised*Eh?What does he need?Is it about Kim?Connor:*nods*It is.Raven:*smirks*Oh,I know very well what it is,then~.Connor:Then,should I tell him something?Raven:No,don’t bother.Let’s just say…I already helped him.Connor:How?Did you use your shamanism powers?Raven:*giggles*Maybe~?Connor:You’re truly remarkable.Raven:*bites lip*Did you ask him something too,darling~?Connor:*shocked*H-How did you…?Raven:*gets closer to him*I’m a powerful Shaman,remember?Our feelings are connected.I feel what you feel,Connor~.Now,is there something you wish to say,dear?Connor:Um…I’m…not good at understanding feelings.Raven:But are you good at showing them~?
By this time,the girl could no longer hide her smirk upon seeing her unofficial lover be so innocently awkward and flustered.She wanted to push the subject as much as she could,seeing how much she could tease him until he gave in.
Connor:Kangee…you…remind me of a young lioness,prowling and spying her pray.Raven:Are you the pray,Connor~?Connor:I may be.Raven:Are you afraid,Connor~?Connor:If it’s you,then I am not.Raven:And what are you going to do?Run away?Connor:Perhaps not.Perhaps,you should run,before it’s too late.Raven:And why should I?Connor:Because the pray is not as helpless as it seems to be.Raven:Then,what are you going to do?Fight back?Connor:Would you wish for that to happen?Raven:Purrhaps~.
With a devilish feline smirk still on her face,she purred the last word dangerously low in his ear,which made him lose sense of his calm and collected nature,and gave in to his feelings.One hand on her waist,pulling her closer to him,and the other on her face,feeling her pale,delicate skin and,her hands both around his neck,they both closed their eyes and indulged in a soft,gentle kiss…the kiss that they’ve been longing for since the very beginning.She used her slender fingers to untie his pony tail,then pushed him back on the bed,staring lovingly deep into each other’s deep dark eyes that held nothing but passion.He held a permanent gentle smile,as she let her hair drape over his face,then playfully meow-ed and softly bit his lip.He held her close to him,embracing her warmly,playing with her hair and humming
Connor:Kangee,I should tell you something.Raven:Yes,Connor?Connor:Konoronhkwa,Kangee.Konoronhkwa.Raven:*chuckles*I love you too,Connor.Even if it’s not going to be for a long time and even if you won’t return,I still will.Now and forever.Connor:Now and forever.I will make sure to return.Nothing will keep me away from you.Raven:*smirks*Maybe only a young lioness.Connor:*chuckles*I’ve killed enough to know I’ll survive.Raven:Uh~.So dangerous,please don’t kill me.Connor:Won’t dream of it.
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Meanwhile, the 2 pairs of pranksters were actually enjoying the (partially) fake flirting.That is,until a certain British man came and got shocked at the display in front of him.He was scared that the Italian might have charmed his crush and he couldn’t let that happen!HE is the Unstoppable Jacob Frye!HE is the Master Prankster!And most important-HE loves Kim!He started making a strate-…Ha,nice joke.Don’t make it again.Jacob and plans?Grandma and the rifle.Ha.That’s Evie,not him.What he did was strut up to them confidently,with the best mischievous smirk,and cleared his throat.
Jacob:Hey Kimi~!Kim:Yes,J.J.~?Jacob:Wanna prank Altair?Kim:Hmmm…I dunno…I was having a nice conversation here…Jacob:*puppy face*C'mooon,Kimi~!You can have a nice conversation with me too,while we annoy that guy!Y'know you want it~!Kim:Hmm…fine,you got me!Leggo,British Frye!Jacob:My Lady~.
He kissed her hand and pulled her towards the kitchen,where Altair was enjoying a cup of coffee.He whispered the plan in her ear,making her shiver at the closeness and the intensity of his sexy baritone voice,which made her bite her lip and blush a bit.He hid around the outer corner of the room,while she carried out the prank,making the Arab’s coffee explode all over him,making him angry and chase the giggly girl.(Un)fortunately for her,she skipped to make the turn around the corner just as Jacob came out of his hiding spot,which resulted in a collision and Kim on top of Jacob,kissing.When they realized what was happening they both gasped in surprise and embarrassment,while Altair simply smirked and chuckled,going to change into clean clothes.
The redness on their cheeks was easily highlighted due to their pale skin,which made it all the more adorable in each other’s eyes,but it was too difficult for the troublemakers to utter any word,apart from incoherent apologies.
Getting a burst of confidence,he smirked faintly and put a hand at the back of her head,and kissed her again playfully,then gazed at her flustered face,enjoying every bit of it,then hugged her tightly.The girl was a blushing mess,so embarrassed that she almost fainted.
Jacob:Oh,toots,didn’t know you had a crush on me~!Kim:Shut up,you smug bastard!Jacob:By the likes of it,I think you sooo did~!Kim:Shut up!Don’t be silly!Jacob:There you weren’t trying to make me jealous,toots?Kim:Eh…eh…Eh?!Jacob:*winks*A little Italian bird told me.Kim:*gasps*That jerk,Auditore!!I’ll kill him!Jacob:Naaah,toots.If it weren’t for him,we wouldn’t be together.Kim:To-Together?Jacob:Oh yeah,right,I forgot to ask.Will you be my eternal pranking companion,toots~?Kim:But I’m the Pranking Master!Jacob:You’re the Pranking Queen,and I’m the King.YOUR King.Kim:Let’s see if you deserve that title,kid.Jacob:Kid?!I’m older than you!Kim:*sticks tongue out*Not by much.Jacob:*pouts*C'mon,toots!Prank time!
With glee sparkling in her eyes,she jolted up and ran to get her pranking kit.Behind her,Jacob held a smug smirk on his face,happy with his accomplishment.That damn girl made his heart skip a beat everytime he saw her.This love has surely taken its toll on him.
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In the meantime,Kitsune and Malik forgot they were supposed to flirt,and just discussed Assassin missions in each country and era,their huge differences and they talked and talked,until Malik sighed.
Malik:I don’t think that idiot can get jealous.Kitsu:Oh riiiiight.I totally forgot why I came here.It’s too great talking to you.Malik:*chuckles*I know I’m great,little fox,but we’ll have to see how we can get that bastard see you.Kitsu:*shrugs*I could just sneak up on him and strike.Malik:That could work.Good luck,Foxy.Kitsu:*winks*I don’t need it.I make my own luck.
She silently and swiftly made her way to Altair’s room and saw the door half open.She knew it was time to strike.Being small and thin,she managed to get through the door without opening it further,and she saw the Arab in cause was going to throw the shirt in the laundry basket.She quickly hid under the bed and tried to study his moving pattern.That is until,instead of getting out of the room,he went to bed,to watch TV.The girl silently jaw-dropped annoyed,having to stay hidden,till she came with a brilliant idea.She used the sheathe of her katana to touch his foot,grabbing his attention.Once.Twice.Thrice.Until she finally managed to gain his attention,by making him stand up and look under the bed-Only to find nothing underneathe.The fox girl was,unbeknownst to him,on his bed,ready to strike.And she did,by jumping on him as soon as he raised up,making him stumble backwards in shock,with the knife to his attacker’s throat,whilst he himself had a dagger to their throat.The girl giggled,drawing back her dagger and sheathing it,as the man rolled his eyes,letting his knife drop to the floor.
Altair:What are you doing here.Kitsu:I got bore~d.You?Altair:It’s my room.I don’t remember inviting you here.Kitsu:*smirks*Memory loss?Altair:Not in the slightest.Kitsu:Such a pity~Altair:None at all.Kitsu:You’re hurting me,Altair.Deeply.Deeper than the Mariana Trench.Altair:I’d add salt if I could.Kitsu:You’re salty enough.Altair:Huh?Kitsu:Oops~.Modern expression.Nevermind~!Altair:Can you get off now?Kitsu:What,you don’t have enough strength to carry a 40 kilo girl?
He didn’t even blink and he took the girl just like Rafiki took Simba,then put her down,all while she was holding the most confused face.
Kitsu:How mean!Altair:Says the one invading my privacy.Kitsu:It’s not nice to talk like that to short people!Altair:And what would you expect me to do?Kitsu:On your knees,bitch.Altair:You wish.
The girl clicked her tongue,then jumped again in him,this time circling his torso with her legs,and resting her hands on his shoulders,looking at him from above and smirking.
Kitsu:Who’s the tall one now,huh?Altair:Still me.
He sighed and went to the bed,lowering her on it,then looked at her again.
Kitsu:How rude.Altair:You know what else is rude?Kitsu:You?Altair:You,teasing me.Kitsu:Eh?
He then got on the other side of the bed and put his hands on her face,slowly leaning down to kiss her.Needless to say,she was shocked,but she giggled,and while kissing him,she stole his Assassin necklace and bolted out of the room,with him on her tail,cursing in Arabic.She quickly climbed a tree outside and jumped from branch to branch.Soon enough,Altair made his was to the small forest and started looking around for the giggly girl,who striked again.She jumped down on a lower branch,then she swung down,and kissed Altair Spiderman-like.Then,she let go and started slowly dangling her fire hair around.
Kitsu:*smirks*By fire,be purged,bitch.Altair:If it’s your fire,I’d get purged every damn day.Kitsu:Oh my,since when are you such a charmer?Altair:Fate has brought me a gift to be cherished.Kitsu:A gift that you don’t want to hug and keep close?Altair:Come here.
He gently put his hands in her waist,and as she let herself fall off the branch,he caught her holding her bridal style.
Kitsu:Not bad~.Altair:I know.
With that,she threw her arms arounds his neck and started kissing him playfully,nibbling on his scar from time to time and teasing him.
With that all 3 ships have officially sailed.
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whitefurtales · 7 years
A Fox In The Trees
Why do they have to live so high up? And would it have killed them to build stairs?
The tree wasn’t terribly difficult to scale, despite its sheer size. The bark made for effective footholds and Ahri was no stranger to navigating all manner of wild lands. 
And it would be worth it, the Shimon cultivate the most delicious fruits, and they are masters of preserving it.
Okay, so they don’t like strangers. But they also don’t like fighting.
“Hyup!” Ahri leapt from one tree to another, one more dense with vines and handholds. Above her, the wood became more intentional. Platforms constructed to hold homes.
Worst that’s gonna happen is awkward silences.
Oh, Gods.
I hate awkward silences.
“Hya!” Another leap! This time she manages to reach a lower platform. Some kind of hanging garden. The sweet scent of flowers is motivation enough to pull herself up, much to the surprise of the young shimon gardener, who clutches her watering can to her chest.
“O-Oh!” Her fur stood on end and she held all her limbs close. Even though the shimon’s tail held a pair of garden sheers, it didn’t occur to the woman to threaten Ahri.
“Hi,” Ahri pants, “Give me a moment,” And doubles over, hands on her knees and catching her breath.
Ahri was not given a moment. She didn’t look up, but she heard the shimon woman jump away and swing across higher branches. Presumably to alert the rest of the village about the Fox’s arrival.
“... Okay then,” Ahri simply brushes herself off, wiggles her tail, and climbs the steps of the garden to a more open area of the village.
Oh, so they do have stairs. Just not for anyone trying to get up.
Much to Ahri’s dismay, an awkward silence did follow her. The presence of an other quite unusual.
Maybe if I was a bird... They probably see more birds than foxes...
“Hey, does anyone know where the market is? Do you have a market?” Ahri calls out to no one imparticular. None of the crowd looked like decision makers, word was still taking its time spreading through the treetops.
So they were compliant and quietly pointed her in the right direction.
She was happy to hear the bustling sounds of exchanging goods - and then unhappy to hear it murmur out as one by one the trading shimons noticed her.
Except one.
Despite his mouth full of food, he was loudly detailing some sort of fight or adventure.
“And so I said ‘YOU STAY THERE, I GOT THIS’ and span around, swinging my staff. Each of the five bandits went down one by one!”
... He hasn’t noticed me.
Ahri frowns.
The group this brash shimon was boasting to, however, certainly did notice Ahri. 
“Hey, did you hear--? In one awesome spin-move I--” And then he too noticed what they noticed.
He didn’t wait to spring into action, launching himself into the air, using his staff as a pole vault, and absolutely sticking the landing right in front of Ahri, “Hey there, foxy lady.”
He might be trouble.
“It is a relief to meet someone who isn’t so... Nervous,” Ahri’s voice was that of utmost confidence, and her eyes suddenly fill with a glimmer of promise. Their usual shade shifted into a pink hue and--
Bop! The shimon immediately flicks Ahri’s nose and scolds, “That’s cheating.”
Ahri winces, shakes her head and snaps, “Hey! That hurt!”
“My name’s Wukong, by the way. Might’ve heard of me,” Quite relaxed, he looks Ahri up and down. Counts her tails and purses his lips, “How’d you get up here? Oh man, did you climb!?”
“You flicked my nose!” Ahri ignores the question. She’d never been so caught off-guard.
“You tried to mind control me,” Wukong retorted, pointing at her and fixing her with a disapproving gaze. A gaze that glances downwards. Just for less than a second. Maybe an entire second. Becomes less disapproving.
“Ugh,” Ahri pouts and crosses her arms over her chest, “So you’ve heard of me.”
“Unless there are any other nine-tailed foxes,” Wukong suggests casually, “These guys probably haven’t,” He gestured to the nervous crowd, “But I get out a bit more. Travel a lot. Kind of a big deal, actually. They’re pretty lucky I’m here, actually. Y’know, to protect them.”
He’s trouble.
“Protect them?” Ahri asks, almost innocently. She has finally composed herself, and now her hands are on her hips and her pose is expertly showing off all the womanly curves without trying too hard.
“The whole soul swallowing, memory thief thing. I’d have thought you’d look way older, by the way. But this makes sense actually.”
“I’m not--” Ahri starts to protest, “That’s not why I’m here. I’m just passing through.”
Slowly, the crowd begins to lose interest. Though the surrounding shimon are still cautious.
“You realize how that sounds, right? Climbing all this way to pass through?” Wukong grins.
“The fruit,” Ahri explains, “I’ve heard of it, and I wanted to try it.”
“Ooooh, well that makes sense. You coulda just said so,” Wukong rolls his eyes. He leans over and - with his tail - plucks a basket from a nearby market stall. He winks at the owner and seems to silently promise some form of payment, “Let’s go somewhere less... Populated by people I’ve sworn to keep safe.”
Ahri resents the implication, but it wasn’t an offer that provided many choices.
And besides;
He’s certainly an interesting one.
A short while later and Wukong is laughing as Ahri clumsily attempts to climb the more difficult branches above the shimon village. He’s sitting comfortably, the basket of fruit hung above, watching the show.
“Why did you pick this spot?” Ahri huffs as she heaves herself up a thick branch.
“I wanted to see how you climb with those...” Wukong waggles his eyebrows and cups his own chest, “Not very well, I guess!”
“Hey! I got up here, didn’t I?” Ahri pouts. She’s not quite on the same level as Wukong but decides it will do for now. At least her tails make for nice cushions.
“True, true,” Wukong nods, munching down on a deliciously pink and round fruit - and with great dexterity, he tosses Ahri a similar fruit with his foot, “So where are you going?”
“Hm?” Ahri asks with her mouth full.
Oh my gosh this is the sweetest most delicious thing.
“You said we were passing through. Where to? Is it far? Oh! What is it like up north? I heard magic gets pretty crazy there. Which would probably explain you.”
“Oh. A city,” Ahri smiles, Wukong’s own grin is infectious, “Very far from here.”
“The Placidium? I’ve always wanted to go. You meet many humans? I mostly just see bandits, and they’re all kind of different types of asshole.”
“Not the Placidium,” Ahri giggles, “Further than that. With buildings taller than these trees...”
Wukong’s eyes widen, “No way!”
Ahri nods sincerely, “Buildings of steel and strange glowing lights. Far and away, over the sea. That is where I am going, to see it for myself.”
“Woah...” Wukong looks up at the sky through the leaves, it’s hard to imagine being any closer, “Hey, is it true you eat hearts?”
Ahri coughs, blinks and wipes her mouth, “What?”
“That’s one of the big stories,” Wukong shrugs. If he had any immediate judgement, he kept it quiet.
“Ugh. One time! And he deserved it. And it was kind of gross.”
“What!? Oh my -- That’s --”
“It was one time! And I was young! It was in the heat of the moment!” Ahri huffs and puffs trying to defend herself.
“Oh yeah, I totally understand! This one time I was fighting this real mean bandit, and suddenly his foot was in my mouth! And I-- And I swallowed his toes! I dunno how that happened!” Wukong barks out his laughter, holding his stomach.
Ahri just growls in frustration and flops backwards onto the branch.
Wukong is just the worst.
The evening wasn’t quite fading, but it was getting close. 
“Sure you gotta leave so soon?” Wukong doesn’t sound too torn up, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy her company. She was charming, interesting, and dangerous.
“I’ve got what I need. And I won’t overstay my welcome,” Ahri pats her satchel. Little bundles of preserved fruit stowed away. Meat she could hunt for, but gathering was so dull.
Wukong shrugs, “So, uh, I’m going to show you to the elevator.”
“I mean, on the one hand - you climbing all the way down would be hilarious. But yeah, how else do you think we got all this wood up here?” Wukong laughs, turning to lead the way.
“An elevator?” Ahri calls out, rushing to follow him, “An elevator!?”
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flyleaf-girl · 5 years
Chapter 3: Nothing’s Sacred
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Athena Masterlist
Word count: approx 1.6k
Warnings: Language, mention of canon-typical injuries
. . .
Chapter 3: Nothing’s Sacred
Sam and Dean sat at the bar, sleepily sipping at their coffee whilst Ellen and Jo busied themselves around the kitchen. The boys had offered to help make breakfast, but the roadhouse matron shooed them out, saying, “House rules, boys. Can’t have you Winchesters messin’ up my prized iron-cast griddle.”
In no time, Ellen and Jo emerged with four steaming plates heaped with food and tall glasses filled with freshly-squeezed orange juice.
Dean groaned in appreciation. “You’ve really outdone yourself, Ellen. This smells amazing.”
Sam nodded in agreement as he reached for his utensils. “This is great, thank you!”
“Our pleasure. Dig in,” Ellen encouraged.
The room lapsed into a comfortable silence as they all dove into their food. The Harvelle’s were famed for their hospitality, and this meal was no exception.
After they finished eating, Jo collected their plates and trotted off to the kitchen to wash the dishes. Sam volunteered to help, which she accepted with a small smile.
“You boys thinking of heading over to Bobby’s today?” Ellen asked Dean as she refilled both of their mugs with coffee.
“Mmhm,” Dean replied. “We’ve stayed a bit longer than we expected... but it’s good to see you and Jo.
“Well, you know y’all are welcome anytime. You might wanna wait til high noon to get on your way. Heard it’s supposed to get mighty cold out an-”
Ellen’s voice trailed off as quiet, shuffling steps sounded from the darkened hallway. They both turned to watch as Athena limped gingerly towards the bar, squinting against the bright morning sunlight.
“Mornin, Thena,” Ellen said. “How’re you feelin?”
“Peachy,” she muttered in a scratchy voice. “Ya got any leftover coffee lyin’ around?”
“I think Jo started a new pot in the kitchen. I’ll go grab some along with a plate of food for ya.”
“Thanks, I owe you one.”
The Roadhouse owner shook her head as she stood up. “You’ve saved our sorry asses at least 10 times in this lifetime, and you know it.”
Athena waved her hand carelessly. “Nothing’s sacred, Ellen. Not in this business. You don’t owe me a damn thing.”
“Not true. Now sit your ass down and I’ll be out in a jiff,” she called over her shoulder.
“Well if we’re counting, it’s thirteen!” Athena rasped out after Ellen with a wry grin.
Dean watched this exchange with curiosity. Athena was an enigma. Usually, he could read people easily, but it was definitely going to take him awhile to figure her out.
The woman in question closed her eyes and massaged her temples slowly. Dean took in her appearance. Dried blood covered a small scab on the side of her head, which had probably reopened overnight. Her pallor had improved considerably from last night, but dark splotches of blue and purple covered the underside of her jaw and arms. His eyes narrowed in sympathy as he took in the bruising pattern on her neck, recognizing the faint outline of a handprint.
“The hell you starin’ at?” Athena’s hoarse voice broke his concentration.
Dean flinched. “Um, I- uh...”
“What you never had a hunt go bad before?” she asked bitterly, all while keeping her eyes closed.
“No, no... I just- ”
She sighed impatiently. “Just stop staring. It’s rude.”
The doors to the kitchen swung open. Ellen came out with a plate of food and a glass of orange juice while Sam and Jo followed with mugs and a fresh pot of coffee. Ellen’s eyes softened with sympathy as she saw Dean’s awkward posture.
“Is Athena being snappish? She’s not a morning person.”
Jo laughed. “She needs her coffee like the grumpy people need their chocolate in those Snickers commercials.”
Athena glowered at them over her steaming mug as she viciously ripped open a packet of sugar and stirred it into her coffee.
Ellen offered her the milk and creamer teasingly. Jo laughed as Athena glared and shook her finger.
“You keep that shit away from me. You both know I’m lactose intolerant. I don’t need more stuff fucking up my chi after I got stabbed in the gut.”
Sam cleared his throat. “Speaking of,” he said as he poured him and Dean a fresh cup of coffee, “How are you feeling?”
Athena snorted as she stabbed her fork into some eggs. “Fan-freakin-tastic. Thanks for the assist last night, Winchester.”
Sam and Dean blinked.
“We... never introduced ourselves,” Dean said warily.
“Half-dead don’t mean half-deaf,” Athena said as she ate another bite of food pointedly. “I heard every word y’all said last night. You’re Sam,” she jabbed her fork at the tall hunter. “You’re Dean,” she waved the utensil at the elder brother. “You’re hunters. Easy enough to pair two and two, Sam and Dean Winchester,” she said matter-of-factly before taking a long pull from her mug.
Jo grinned at the boys. “So... does the renowned Athena live up to her reputation?”
Athena threw a balled up napkin at Jo. “Oh, fuck off.”
“Girls,” reprimanded Ellen as she refilled Athena’s mug.
“Sorry,” she said, shoveling another forkful of food in her mouth. “Anyways,” she turned her gaze back towards Sam. “Not too shabby of a patch-up job last night. I appreciate it.”
He nodded in acknowledgement.
“And you.” She pointed at Dean with her knife. “Call me sweetheart one more time, and I’ll castrate you.”
Dean swallowed. “Got it.”
Athena smirked. “Smart boy.” She continued eating slowly, wincing a bit as she swallowed.
Sam’s eyes drifted over the fingerprints on her throat, pressing his lips into a thin line.
She glanced at him before abruptly saying, “Say Ellen, I don’t supposed you’ve got any spare bike parts lyin’ around in the storeroom...”
Ellen frowned. “I’m not sure... we’ll have to check.”
“S no rush,” Athena said as she waved her hand lazily. “I need a day or two to rest up before I do anythin’ else. I’m a little worried about the Indy, though. Gunnin’ 9 hours without maintenance prolly burnt his guts to a crisp, like mine,” she laughed.
Sam shook his head admiringly. “Seriously, though. You’ve gotta be one hell of a rider to pull that off while injured.”
She tipped her head. “Been ridin’ awhile. You pick up a few tricks here an’ there.”
Dean frowned. “You don’t look a day older than... Are- are you even legal?”
Jo laughed. “Athena’s got really good genes. She’s- ”
Athena slapped her hand over Jo’s mouth, smile full of false sweetness as she answered Dean. “You either get good fast, or you get dead faster, sweetheart.”
Jo ripped Athena’s hand from her face. “Which means she’s good. Real good.”
“Alright, alright. Shaddup, Double 0.”
“Oh, come on! You’re basically the James Bond of hunting!”
“I am not an old white dude that runs around, waving a gun, jumping from planes and having sex with women.”
Ellen laughed heartily while Sam and Dean ducked their heads to hide their smiles.
Athena blinked, as though suddenly remembering that the boys were there. A jaded look slipped back over face as she sipped her coffee. “Sides, I gotta leave the theatrics to Foxy.”
“Foxy?” Sam asked. “As in, Asa Fox?”
Dean’s eyes widened. “You know him? He’s an absolute legend! The dude killed five wendigos- ”
“Oh, he’s sayin’ it’s five now?” Athena laughed incredulously. “Of course he is. Jackass.”
Sam and Dean’s faces furrowed in confusion.
“It was three when he showed up on my doorstep, bleeding all over my new welcome mat. But he can say it’s five if he wants to. It’s cute. Like I said, I’m leavin’ the theatrics to Foxy. He’s a fuckin’ drama queen.” She tipped her mug back, draining the last dregs and wiping her mouth on the back of her hand.
Ellen reached for the pot. “Want a refill?”
Athena shook her head “Nah, I’m all coffeed out. Prolly shouldn’t’ve had any in the first place considering...”
Sam nodded. “I didn’t even think of that.”
She shrugged. “If coffee’s what kills me, I win.” She folded her napkin and placed it neatly on top of her empty plate, before standing up carefully. “I’m gonna hit the hay. You boys travel safe out there, yeah?”
Sam shook the hand she offered to him.
“Take care of that ‘pala out there,” Athena rasped as she punched Dean lightly in the shoulder. “She’s a beauty.”
He grinned proudly. “She sure is.”
They watched as she disappeared down the hallway and closed the door.
Jo sent her mom a worried look before leaning in. “So, not that I don’t like bantering with Athena, but...”
She nodded. “She’s either loopy from the pain meds, or it’s gonna be a long while before she’s out hunting again.”
“You think she’s hurt a lot more than she’s letting on?” Dean asked in a lowered voice.
“Dean,” Sam said. “You saw how messed up she was last night. No way she’s recovered that fast.”
Ellen nodded again. “Athena’s usually not this talkative or friendly... especially around strangers. We’ll have to keep a close eye on her.”
Dean stood up. “I can- ”
“No,” Ellen said firmly. “You boys have helped plenty enough. ‘Sides, I told Bobby to expect you to show up later today.”
“Well, we wouldn’t want to worry the old man, now would we?” Dean smirked.
The brothers helped clean up shop, giving Ellen and Jo hugs before throwing their bags into the trunk of the Impala, heading towards Sioux Falls.
0 notes
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This is a tad long but music is the air I breathe so yeah I got excited and couldn’t contain myself haha! Also I hope you don’t mind that I combined these two asks, I thought it was interesting for them to feel neglected and threatened by Archie and Veronica at the same time!! Hope you both like it and thank you so so much for your amazing words and compliments!! It really means the world to me!! Enjoy!! <333
“You’ve seen Radiohead at Madison Square Garden?!” the raven haired boy’s eyes became perfect round balls of genuine admiration and his lips parted in a disbelieving gasp.
“Yep!” the brunette girl across him pointed the ‘p’ proudly, smiling fondly at the memory. “Listening to Creep in a sea full of people that was chanting along, with phone screens like twinkle lights swaying in the darkness above us is something that still gives me chills.” She admitted with a shine of excitement on her chocolate eyes.
“Man!” he huffed in defeat. “That band and in that iconic venue, I’m telling you Ronnie, I’m forever envious of you now.” He admitted with a shake of his head and a smirk, the girl smirking back.
“The next year I was going to see Depeche Mode there too but” her face formed an unladylike flinch “all those things went down with my dad and, well, the rest is history.” She shrugged and sighed, taking a rich sip of her chocolate milkshake.
With a dreamy expression, he dropped back on his seat. “I’m betting Sinner In Me would sound amazing live.” He nearly gasped.
She widened her eyes. “Right?! God, I love this song so much!” she groaned in delight.
“It’s one of my favorites too.” He agreed with a nod and drumming fingers, lightly imitating the tune.
And just like that, another day in the exclusive world of Jughead Jones and Veronica Lodge was slowly passing by. Betty Cooper, who was sitting next to the tall boy all this time, the Betty Cooper that chatted and babbled away for days when she was with friends, hadn’t even formed a single word since Veronica came to join the newly formed couple. No, scratch that. Betty hadn’t formed a word this whole week now, the week that the three of them seemed to be inseparable. She just seemed to just sit there and observe, like she was the third wheel to a closed group of longtime friends.
Don’t get her wrong; Betty wanted Jughead and Veronica to get along. Veronica was the female version of a best friend she never got to have and Jughead was the boy that made her heart race, like the most speedy rally car. It was only logical for the blonde girl to want her two most favorite people to get to know each other and start sharing common ground, if that was possible. Nothing had warned her for such type of bond though.
They agreed on everything; from food to drinks, literature, TV shows, music. Well, yes, Veronica was a lot more of a people’s person and chose other forms of entertainment than sit inside all day and write or brood or both, but still it seemed that when it came to cultural interests those two were made for each other. Their previous barely there communication that consisted of subtle greetings and the awkward here and there teasing of him from Veronica was now replaced by animated conversations with themes foreign to Betty’s ears, making the girl feel like she was invisible next to Veronica’s obvious multicultural background.
Today’s topic was music and Betty couldn’t be more bored or fuming. She was just sitting there crossing and uncrossing her legs, strawberry milkshake untouched apart from the random swipes of her index finger over the whipped- cream, while hearing them chat in excitement about genres and artists that she was clueless about. Sure, Betty had heard of The Doors, Nirvana, The Smiths, or even Sex Pistols but her knowledge over their style or type of songs was zero to none, the girl that had been raised with the sounds of classical music, with the exception of Leonard Cohen or Frank Sinatra at certain situations, finding herself at a loss of words regarding the music preferences of the other two people on the table.
“You like Nick Cave too? So cool!” Veronica exclaimed and brought Betty out of her thoughts, the blonde girl rolling her doe eyes at that, while sucking some whipped cream off her index finger with a sigh. “My mom knows one of the social assistants of his team; she can hook us up with some tickets for sure, if he comes for a concert at a town somewhere near us.” The girl shared with excitement evident in her voice, Jughead’s whole face lightening up at the offer. “Or even New York, if you’re up for a road trip, pal!” she went to offer with a huge smile and Betty’s eyes rose at that, feeling that maybe now it was time for some line to be drawn.
She turned to look at Jughead and she caught him giving Veronica a glance under his eyelashes along with a curt nod and a charming smirk. “Oh, definitely count me in on that.” He agreed in delight and let a deep chuckle, Veronica giggling along with him.
Betty dragged her eyes from him to her and vice versa, narrowing them gradually at the process. Her intention was for them to be a little more civilized and friendlier with each other, not to exclude her from their lives like that. Not to even mention that this whole smirks and smiles and giggles thing really set her mind to dark places and left her there not knowing what to think about it.
“Well, are you two in trip-planning base now?” Betty let a hesitant chuckle, trying to appear cool and easy-going, as always.
“You got yourself a handsome boy with some serious taste in music, Betty girl.” Veronica mused, sending another smile to Jughead, who looked shyly at the small space between him and Betty and smiled too. “All the males in East Village talked too much, did too little and blasted horrendous dubstep through speedy cars that compensated for their lack of brain or size.” The brunette stated boldly with the confidence that was always radiating from her, making Betty feel a tad more jealous at that moment because of her own lack of such attitude and because of her words. Yes, she knew Jughead was one of a kind and she appreciated the fact that her best friend believed so too but something in her tone made Betty turn defensive.
“You know, I’m starting to feel a rather bad headache coming.” She announced after licking her lips to wash away the disappointment and bitterness in her voice. “Walk me home?” she turned to her boy and gave him one of the smiles he loved, feeling her heart flutter once he curled his lips in her favorite boyish smile.
“Yeah, sure.” Jughead nodded and stood up, popping the strawberry of Betty’s half-finished milkshake in his mouth. “You coming, V?” he stopped waiting for the other girl and Betty frowned to the ground, fingers and nerves getting tangled in a knot of annoyance.
Thankfully, her friend had the sense to live the couple be. “No, go ahead. I’m in the mood of pestering Cheryl bombshell a little.” She gave them a foxy smirk and titled her head back, where the redhead was sitting with her besties.
Jughead shook his head in amusement. “Take it easy, will you?” he teased her and Betty wanted to smile but it came out more as a sad grimace, gradually feeling herself growing angry at him and his sudden infatuation with Veronica Lodge. “See you tomorrow at school. I’ll bring you the mixtape I told you about.” He offered her a wink and a wave, Veronica saluting him in a funny manor, and the boy dropped an arm over Betty’s shoulders, the girl grimacing a smile again once he left a peck on her cheek. She didn’t know what was happening but she had a very bad feeling about it.
The next day was all chatting and bunter again for the two friends, Betty half-heartedly walking next to them to and from class, eyes focused on her books or her tan flats. Thank God that Jughead had the good sense to hold her hand and spare her a glance or a smile from time to time or Betty would be even more infuriated at him than she already was.
The breaking point came at lunch when the three of them along with Kevin and Archie sat down at their usual table, Jughead and Veronica sharing headphones and listening to the mixtape he had promised to bring over yesterday. Needless to say that Betty was borderline upset, poking her salad around and shooting daggers to the duo next to her, Kevin lightly knocking her knee under the table, silently asking to be filled in about the obvious drama. Betty just offered him an annoyed “laters” nod of her head.
“So Archie!” Betty exclaimed a tad louder than necessary, making the people around her jump, and she faked a smile at her boyfriend and so called brunette best friend. “How are things going with you?” she crossed her arms over her chest and rested her elbows on the table, leaning closer to the redhead across her.
Archie raised an eyebrow, eyes seeking assistant from the teens around him. “Good.” He hesitated, Betty’s behavior seeming a little peculiar. “Rehearsals with Val, football practice, you know the usual.” He said somehow unsure because Betty already knew what was going on with his life.
She hummed with a cheerful nod, munching on some lettuce. “Any big plans for tonight?”  She asked, this time drawing Jughead’s attention, who stopped mid-chewing and raised a brow.
The redhead went back to his grilled cheese sandwich. “Nothing really. There’s this movie that I wanted to see but nobody feels like joining me so I guess I’ll stay in.” the boy shrugged.
“We should go together.” Betty offered cheerfully, bouncy ponytail and all, and Jughead’s eyes got panicky at that, going between her and his best friend, sizing the situation.
“It’s an action movie…” Archie said hesitantly, frowning a little at her overly excited behavior.
“Oh, it’s fine!” she waved a hand to brush it off, Jughead chewing some chips with venom now because, seriously, Betty hated action movies and movie nights were always their thing. Archie had the first place in Betty’s entire childhood; Jughead wouldn’t let him take his only childhood routine with her too. “Plus, it’s been ages since the two of us hang out together.” The blonde girl went on, with a genuine smile this time, before she turned to her boyfriend and added. “Like before.”
Kevin shot a sly little glance at the raven haired boy next to him, noticing the low blow Betty attempted. Jughead gulped, a mix of emotions erupting inside his chest; confusion, hurt, fear, but mostly anger, fuming anger.
“Uh, Betty, I thought Friday nights were our thing.” He spoke in apathy but he had turned defensive and cold, his girlfriend knowing him by now and knowing very well what he was doing; he was trying not to lose it in front of everyone, fidgeting with the plastic bag of his chips. Betty knew he was turning more irritated by the second and she was pleased.
“Oh, is it Friday today? I totally spaced out.” She pouted, pretending obliviousness and fooling no one but Archie. “Well, I just made plans with Archie now. Next Friday, Juggie.” She shrugged matter-of-factly, her use of his nickname not holding the sweetness it always did but colored with sarcasm and irritation, the two of them quarrelling, but doing it subtly and without making a scene.
“Betty, are you serious now?”
“It’s cool if you guys have plans…”
Jughead and Archie said in unison, both guys turning to look at each other, the first frowning in annoyance and the latter sporting an uneasy expression, not wanting to be in the middle of the couple.
“Oh don’t be silly; Jughead and I see each other every day!” Betty scoffed, gathering her stuff because, if she stayed, she knew Jughead would want confrontation and a public one wasn’t really her style. “I’ll see you tonight. It’s a date.” She threw the words and turned to leave, catching Jughead’s mouth parting in shock and the guy shot up from his seat to object but she had already her back at him, walking away with her stupid stubbornness and a heavy heart.
She was applying her beloved red lipstick when Jughead strolled into her room later than evening. He was confused to no extend and still a tad worked up from their previous word battle at lunch break but he had commanded himself to stay calm because he didn’t wanna fight with her; he just wanted to know what the hell had gotten into her. However, all his calmness was thrown out the window upon seeing his favorite shade of red being applied on her lips for a night out with Archie Andrews.
“You’re seriously going? And with that lipstick?” he accused her like she had done a crime, long forgotten any greeting or peck.
“Yes, I am.” Betty smacked her lips once, examining the result on her vanity mirror. “And it’s just some lipstick, whatever.” she went on to add some volume on her ponytail. She wasn’t going to spare him a glance; she was angry and incredibly stubborn.
Jughead sighed, rubbing a palm down his face to collect himself. “Betty, seriously now, what’s going on?”
“The fact that you ask me really confirms my feeling that you don’t pay any attention to me all week now.” She replied curtly, fixing the white lacey collar of her short-sleeved, royal blue sweater.
“What?” he frowned. “Why do you even think that?” he was lost; they were together every day and, as far as he was concerned, his behavior towards her hadn’t changed, unlike hers.
“Maybe, I don’t know, because you’re way too preoccupied having conversations with other people rather than with me?” Betty shrugged, annoyed, her perfect ponytail bouncing with every furious shake of her head. She stood up to throw her phone and some money inside a small, brown cross-body bag that laid on her bed along with her denim jacket, again avoiding any and all eye contact with the boy that stood across her, drowned in confusion, and strongly disapproving of the dark blue, white stripped mini skirt she had on but not for him.
The wheels in his clever mind turned quickly. “Please, don’t tell me this is about Veronica.”
Betty scoffed a humorless laugh. “Why shouldn’t it be about Veronica? I mean you two are practically best bubbies by now!” she raised her arms in exasperation. “You don’t need me around; you’re perfectly fine on your own!”
“You were the one that wanted us to interact more! So we did, and we found that we have some things in common. What’s the big deal?” Jughead’s voice went an octave higher, eyes blinking rapidly in confusion and arms opening to his sides with the same amount of exasperation she was sporting.
“Some things?” the blonde narrowed her eyes, first time coming face to face with him. “You’re practically finding new common material every five seconds!” Jughead flinched and mouthed a ridiculous ‘what’ at that. “And yesterday at Pop’s, you didn’t even think to include me in your on and on chit-chat!”
“Yes because we share the same taste in music and you’re not into that stuff, Betty!” he pointed the obvious because he knew his girl wasn’t into his type of music and the ear-bleeding volume he preferred. He was absolutely cool with that though and he hadn’t mention it to hurt her, he didn’t even think that she would take it that way, until she saw her nodding vigorously to the ground, chin wobbly and bottom lip caught between her teeth. “Bets, baby…” he took a step to correct his statement and explain himself, his arms opening immediately to hug her, but she took a step back, shaking her head and raising her chin high.
“You know what? It’s fine!” Betty sniffed, holding back her angry tears. “You go spend time with Veronica and I will spend time with Archie. Simple as that.” she spat with a bitter tone of voice.
Jughead’s face fell, along with his arms defeated to his sides. “Are you really going out with him?” he gasped in disbelief and anger.
“Of course I will.” She scoffed, hanging her bag on her shoulder and grabbing her jacket. “He’s the friend” she out air-quotes at the word “who shares the same interests as me. What’s wrong with that?” she shoot him a cold, challenging glare and flew passed him and out the door, having the pleasure of seeing him bawling his hands in fists angrily with the corner of her watery eyes.
The night had spread its veil over Riverdale for good when Betty was walking back home, dragging her white sneakers with heavy steps and a heavy heart. Archie was hanging out with Valerie and some other jocks downtown and he had asked for her to join them but the blonde girl wasn’t in the mood. After spending two hours of her life watching two overly buffed guys chasing each other in speedy cars, amongst loud gunshots and hissing sounds of tires against asphalt, Betty really had enough for the evening. Archie had a great time though and she got to have a bucket of popcorn all to herself, the only highlights of their movie, exclusively friendly, date.
Truth be told, she didn’t share that many interests with Archie as well. Yes, they were more compatible character wise but that didn’t mean that they were the perfect match, as she thought they would be in the past. If anything that was the first thing that made her understand that Archie wasn’t the guy for her. So, by now, she knew that her whole lashing up at her boyfriend was irrational, just an outburst of insecurities which were so Betty Cooper and she could never be able to erase them from her character.
Finally reaching the block with the Andrews’ and Coopers’ residences, Betty hesitated between the two houses for a moment. Honestly, she was so tired of her little shenanigans and wanted to be done with that ridiculous argument once and for all, hating that she and Jughead weren’t in speaking terms just because she was acting out of spite. Noticing the faint yellow light that illuminated from the small crack of the entrance of the Andrews’ garage, meaning that he was indeed there and hopefully wasn’t asleep, she took a deep breath and, mentally preparing her much needed apology, made her way to the door with steady, determined steps. A small push was all it took for her to walk into his now tiny residence and she saw him stiffening his posture in a defensive manner upon sensing her arrival, sending her a side look without stopping his task of rearranging some books over his desk slash table slash nightstand.  
“I’m back.” Betty began with a small voice, after some minutes of awkward silence with her standing there fidgeting with the buttons of her denim jacket and him continuing with tidying or whatever.
“Great.” Jughead replied nonchalantly, a hint of a groan in his voice. “How was your night out?” he asked with bitterness and mean sarcasm, Betty knowing that he was still angry with her and that he had every right to be. The blonde’s eyes darted around, searching the words, stopping once they noticed his laptop being abandoned on the small black couch, the cursor blinking on an empty white page. She instantly felt even worse for fighting with him.
“It was ok. The movie was not my cup of tea though.” She let him now briefly.
“Too bad.” He wasn’t backing out with the sarcasm. “In case you’re wondering, no, I wasn’t with Veronica, as you seem to expect, I was here worrying sick out of my mind and fuming with anger because my girlfriend chose my best friend over me in our date night!” his voice was getting more frustrated as he spoke and he let a loud huff at the end, closing his eyes and trying to calm down. He wasn’t really angry at her; well, yes, he was but he was more insecure that what happened tonight was gonna be the norm from now on, that Betty was going to take Archie’s side once again.
Betty nodded to the ground; okay, she deserved that. Without wasting any more time, she sighed and searched for something inside her bag, hoping her apology was enough to mend things between them. Taking hold of the plastic item, she walked to him, leaving it on the wooden surface of his desk. Jughead just knitted his eyebrows, catching a glimpse of the item with the corner of his eyes.
“That’s the only thing that I have rescued from Polly’s stuff before my mom hid them away or, in the case she suspected it was Jason’s gifts, destroyed them. I want you to have it.” Betty spoke softly, sliding the said item over to him and he turned fully around at the declaration, taking it in his hands. It was an old CD, Jughead recognizing immediately the black and white cover of The Killers’ Sam’s Town album. He used to have a copy of that too but he had sold it ages ago to the record store along with many others when he had started living alone and a job was not in the picture. If he was in a better mood, he’d smile; The Killers always held a special place in his heart.
“Betty, if we’re going down that road again…” Jughead sighed in a tiring matter. He didn’t want to fight with her anymore and especially because of something that pointless. She didn’t need to prove anything to him regarding music or really anything else. He liked his stuff; she liked hers, end of story. He was in love with Betty Cooper because of everything she was and he didn’t want to change her in any way.
Betty shook her head and went on to explain. “Polly loved that band. I, on the other hand, loathed it with everything in me.” She groaned a laugh before she became serious again. “Thinking back at it now, it wasn’t the electric guitar filled sound that disturbed me so much; it was just the fights that followed every time their songs were echoing from her room, my mom never approving of anything close to rock music, or the faint bass that lingered at nights when Polly secretly was listening to them, letting me get no sleep.” Betty smiled at the memory, Jughead having his solemn attention to her, intrigued as to why she was giving him something she seemed to hate.
“There’s this song though that always got stuck in my head, that stroke a cord in me for some reason that I didn’t understand up until recently.” She turned the disk inside his hands, pointing at number three that held the title When You Were Young. Jughead knew the song, it was probably one of the band’s most popular ones, but his eyebrows where knitted in confusion, not really knowing where she was going with it.
“It talks about this girl that is filled with heartbreak and waits for some perfect guy to come and drag her out of her misery.” Betty sighed, fingers dancing lightly over his, faces inches apart as he watched her. “And then in the chorus this guy does come but the song says, ‘he doesn’t look a thing like Jesus but he talks like a gentleman, like you imagined when you were young” she quoted the lyrics and her eyes finally looked up to connect with his soft ones, both of them getting a little lost in each other “meaning that he might not be the perfect knight in shiny armor or the most conventional guy in people’s eyes but he is brilliant in her own eyes and perfect for her, with the honorable character qualities she always dreamed about, a true gentleman to swipe her off her feet.” Betty concluded and her lips trembled with a sigh under the tender and head over hills look of his blue eyes, Jughead getting the connection and feeling his chest heaving from how crazy he was for this girl and the way he was making him feel. He might not have been someone most girls would choose over a jock or a popular rich guy, but she had chosen him and that’s all that mattered.
Jughead couldn’t do anything else but lean down and kiss her, fiercely and with a desperation that took her breath away, Betty clinging to his neck for dear life and him closing a strong arm around her waist, desiring no space between them. Their heads titled to different sides and she whined into the kiss, having missed him terribly and cursing herself for doubting him even for a second, letting a hand caress up his neck and his raven waves, tugging them lightly when his tongue came to battle with hers sensually.
“Thank you for this but, really, I can’t keep it.” Jughead whispered breathlessly once they hesitantly pulled back for much needed oxygen. As much as he loved that CD and the reason she was giving it to him, it was the last thing reminding her of her sister; he couldn’t deprive her of that.
Betty shushed him, her full pink lips finding his in a loving peck. “I would have given it to you anyway.” The girl had stumbled upon it a couple of weeks ago and got hit with realization, planning to share all this with him way before their fight. Now, it was just a perfect moment. “It means something to me and who’s better at keeping it than someone who I know appreciates it more than I do?” she smiled sweetly at him, knowing that he liked the band too, the boy giving her a big, heartwarming smile back.
“Am I really that good of a guy for you?” he asked in an expectant whisper.
“You are much more perfect than that.” She assured him back in a whisper too, joining their foreheads affectionately. Betty was so crazy for that guy in front of her, sometimes she thought her heart would burst out of her chest. “I’m sorry that I was so unfair to you.” She apologized for doubting him and Veronica.
Jughead shook her head, forehead still rubbing against forehead. “It’s fine. I got the feeling when I was sitting here alone thinking of you spending time with Archie.” He sighed, subconsciously tightening his hold on her waist.
“You and I are perfect for each other. End of story, end of this ridiculous discussion.” Betty announced with a firm nod, hands cupping his cheeks. He just smiled big and kissed her, relishing in the feeling of her soft lips on his, a feeling he got to miss terribly this whole day they were fighting.
Betty placed a palm on his chest, pulling back a tad with now swollen lips decorated with a foxy smile. “If we are going to make out, should we do it somewhere comfier and with maybe, I don’t know, some Killers on?” she wiggled her eyebrows in a funny manor and bit her lip, Jughead shaking his head with a chuckle, totally in love with this girl.
“Get your cute self on the couch, you dork.” He commanded her with his usual teasing voice and that sideways smile, Betty squealing in delight and jumping on the small piece of furniture, kicking off her sneakers. The first notes of When We Were Young started playing from an old cd-player and Jughead came to join her with an intense look and a charming smile, Betty melting under his gaze and bringing him close by fisting the material of his sweater, their smiley lips joining in a heated dance over the music that lasted until the CD stopped turning and the only sound remaining was their heavy sighs of love against each other’s lips.
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