nyashykyunnie · 6 months
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inspired by ur recent kiwoo art!! suho’s twin hehe ☆彡
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the violence of the dog days.
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pairing: jeongguk x reader
summary: In the midst of summertime, after a week of neglect, your boyfriend has a way of making you feel even more heated.
you're hot and horny for jeongguk.
rating: mature🔞 (minors please dni)
genre: non-idol au, college au, established relationship, smut, fluff, pwp
word count: 9.2k words of unadulterated smut.
warnings: reader and jeongguk are absolute horny simps for each other, but they're also so inlove, soft boyfriend jeongguk (because yes that is a warning), jeongguk is a law student (oof), overuse of the petname 'baby', reader hasn't been getting it seven days a week😔, switch jeongguk (kinda), hair pulling, hickeys, making out, thigh riding, nipple play (jeongguk is proudly a boob guy), religious imagery because jeongguk worships reader like a god, usage of the words 'c*nt' and 'p*ssy' (because i know some people are iffy about that), cunnilingus (f-receiving), jeongguk is low-key a sadist y'all (in his fantasies), a bit of dom/sub dynamics, prayers for reader because jeongguk's got that big d🙏🏽, unprotected sex, doggy style, degradation, a teeny weeny bit of overstimulation, creampie - like this is just pure smut guys 😬, possessive sex, choking, aftercare, reader kinda hints at having attachment issues (but don't we all).
author's note: 1. please ignore any typos :). of course, i'd appreciate any feedback or constructive criticism. but if you find yourself uncomfortable by any of the themes in this fic, there's no need for hate, just kindly move on. 2. also, this is a lot longer and softer than i intended. this fic was supposed to be purely hard smut, but i fell in love with the characters and their relationship, and some aspects of the story just turned out sickeningly sweet - so proceed with caution.
You're an hour into tossing and turning when you can't take it anymore.
The heat.
With June coming to a close end, the surviving remnants of summer creep in through your bedroom window with barely a whisper of a breeze. It clings to every part of your skin, that ever-lingering humidity thickening the air, and wraps itself around your body like a cloak. For some reason, you thought that scrolling aimlessly through the various apps on your phone would help distract your mind from the muggy weather or maybe, by some miracle, even lull you to sleep.
But it hasn’t—of course it hasn't. Because summer is here to stay, burrowing deep within your bones and making a home there. Each passing minute is a testament to that, insomnia creeping up your spine with ill intent and wriggling into every cranny of your mind until you feel like you're losing it.
Perhaps you are, you think.
Because when the desk fan a few feet away suddenly stops whirring and the fumbling grasp you had on sleep slips from your reach like a fleeting dream in the morning light as a result of it—drifting further and further away—you hit your breaking point. The lack of white noise and cool air blowing your way mounts your frustration into place. It hangs there in the ether like a looming shadow but, unlike your slumber, has no plans of deserting you.
With an annoyed huff, you drop your phone back onto the nightstand for the umpteenth time and kick your leg out from under the duvet.
“Fuck.” You sigh, rolling onto your back.
A thin sheen of sweat lingers on the surface of your skin, causing the sheets to stick uncomfortably to every part of your body. You spread your limbs out like a starfish in some futile attempt to cool them down, hoping that you'll catch a draft, but the action only reminds you of how largely cavernous your bed feels right now.
The space beside you is missing a particular doe-eyed boy and, as your hand brushes over the empty spot, you realize that it's not so much the seasonal heat that's making you feel weirdly restless, but rather Jeongguk's absence. In an inconveniently clingy way, you need his body settled next to you at night, your legs and arms a tangled mess beneath the blankets.
You don't know why that is. Why sleep eludes you like a compass without direction, unable to find its way to you when Jeongguk isn't near. But you don't mull over it or give the thought a foothold to stand amongst the endless anxieties already in your head.
All you know is that cuddling up with him in the evening is perhaps one of your favourite pastimes. Akin to a baby with it's bottle, falling asleep in his embrace is something you've grown incredibly used to, maybe even a little dependent on—like a security blanket or night-light—and there's nothing you can do about it.
Sneaking a glance towards the dim light spilling in from beneath the bedroom door, you picture Jeongguk on the other side. Chances are, he’s still where you last left him. Sitting cross-legged on the couch with a laptop balancing carefully on his lap, eyebrows scrunched together in concentration, as he catches up on coursework.
You worry your lip, the thought of your boyfriend causing your mind to wander...
He looked so good tonight; adorned in a pair of grey sweats and a baggy t-shirt with his tattoos fully exposed. His dark hair was strewn across his forehead, falling into his eyes in a way that made your fingers itch.
You, on the other hand, are sporting an old, oversized shirt you opted to steal from Jeongguk's wardrobe to combat the high temperatures, but it hasn't helped much. The heat still loiters, creeping up the back of your neck and imbuing your cheeks with warmth.
It makes you long for winter, for the bitter nip of frosty ice and pelting rain, and the desire for that inadvertently reminds you of that fucking silver lip ring Jeongguk had gotten recently.
The memory of its cold, metal sting against your lips as he kissed you goodnight sends a distant, carnal hum coursing throughout your veins. It's probably tugged anxiously between his teeth right now whilst he types away, eyes deadset on the screen before him, and the image of that sends you reeling. Makes your skin flush further, yearning to feel its steel bite again.
For some reason, it propels you into motion, skin prickling as you throw your legs over the edge of the mattress without a second thought.
The last thing you want to do is bother his progress or interrupt his work, but selfishly, you persist. That gnawing feeling deep within your chest is too hard to ignore, heart beating voraciously with each step you take because it longs to be satiated by Jeongguk's presence. Your boyfriend is only one room over, just four thin walls separating the two of you, yet still—you miss him, want him.
Treading lightly, you hear the persistent click-clack of his keyboard and the muffled sound of typing only grows louder as you step out into the hallway. The wooden flooring is frigid beneath your feet, a sensation you immediately relish in as soon as the fiery crawl of discomfort across your skin begins to lessen. Your shirt—or more precisely, Jeongguk’s shirt—falls flat from your waist, landing a few inches above your knees, as you wander further into the apartment.
Just as you’d predicted, Jeongguk is all pretzelled up on the sofa, too focused on his work to hear you enter. A few empty bottles of soju and convenience store snacks litter the coffee table, serving as silent witnesses to the length of time he's been out here. He must have dimmed the lights as well because a faint, warm glow shrouds every facet of the room, making him look particularly soft at this hour.
You walk up behind him, wrapping your arms around the length of his shoulders as you bend over the couch's headrest to envelop him in a hug. ”Hey,” You hum softly, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
Jeongguk startles slightly at the contact, shaken from his deep concentration as he angles his head to look up at you. “Shit, baby. You scared me.” He breathes, voice rough from disuse. It rumbles through you like a distant thunderstorm, body vibrating with electricity.
“Sorry,” You murmur, glancing at the assignment he's been working on and tiny pangs of guilt gradually trickle into your stomach. “I didn't mean to disturb you, but-”
“You're not disturbing me.” Jeongguk instantly reassures, scanning your face with a knowing look. “Can’t sleep?” He asks and you nod, burying your face into the crook of his neck. The scent of his body wash immediately encompasses you like a warm embrace, wild pinewood and bergamot invading your senses.
“I thought you’d be in bed by now.” You mumble against his skin, unable to hide the pout in your voice.
Jeongguk frowns, eyes flickering to the time at the bottom of his laptop screen.
Shit, he hadn’t even noticed how late it’s gotten, the hours skulking along the cusp of a new day. He should probably be turning in for the night, head to bed and worry about this project tomorrow, but he’d rather not postpone his responsibilities. Not when you’re staying over the weekend and he could be spending that time with you instead.
“I know.” Jeongguk responds, hand coming up to intertwine with yours. “I’ll be there soon, okay?” He promises, bringing your knuckles to his lips. The featherlight kiss he presses there soothes you like a curative balm.
“Okay,” You relent, untangling yourself from his body. “But, can I stay here for a bit? It’s too hot in there.” You half lie, gesturing towards the bedroom while simultaneously walking over to the kitchen only a few feet away.
“Yeah, of course.” He murmurs, eyes following your movements.
“Thanks, Kook.” You smile, sparing him a glance over your shoulder as your eyes sparkle with mirth. “By the way, your fan broke down again.”
“Again?” He laments, eyebrows furrowed together whilst he runs a disgruntled hand through his hair. “I seriously need to get that old thing repaired or maybe even replaced.” He grumbles to himself, before a guilty afterthought occurs at the sight of you. “Fuck, I'm so sorry, baby. No wonder you couldn't sleep.”
You don't tell him that it's not so much the heat keeping you awake but, more so, him.
“No, don't worry about it.” You settle on instead, trying to dispel his concerns. “It's not your fault.”
This isn't the first time that Jeongguk’s fan has given him problems. He's had the thing since high school; so it’s no surprise that the motor tends to give in every now and then, running a little too hot. He’s been meaning to get the issue sorted, but hasn’t really found the time to do that these days.
“Plus, I'd much rather be out here with you.” You add.
Jeongguk smiles at you so sweetly then, dimples making an appearance, and your body flushes all over, burning once again.
God, what is wrong with you tonight?
You need to calm down, cool down. At this rate, you feel like an overheating engine, bound to crash in on yourself and combust.
Grabbing a glass of ice water from the fridge dispenser, you rein yourself in, distracting your mind with conversation. “I promise not to be a bother though, like you won't even notice I'm here.” You say, before chugging the cold liquid down on the spot, completely ignorant to the way that Jeongguk drinks you in.
A welcome sight is what you are, so cute tonight with your hair all mussed, practically drowning in his shirt. “You’re never a bother.” He responds, mouth going dry when you lean back to empty the glass. The action causes your shirt to hike up, the creamy expanse of your thighs further exposed to his hungry eyes.
He feels his dick stir at the sight.
“How much longer do you think you’ll be?” You ask, wiping your lips with the back of your palm, as you place your cup in the sink and shuffle over towards your boyfriend.
“Uhh…” Jeongguk clears his throat, broken out of his stupor. He turns back to face his laptop, skimming the Word document that's open before him when he feels you nestle into his side a second later. Automatically, he brings a hand down to rest against your leg.
“I’m not sure,” He grumbles, thumb rubbing soothing circles against your bare thigh. The absent-minded touch ignites something in you, skin blazing at the contact, and you try your best to suppress the goosebumps that rise in Jeongguk’s wake. “Maybe another hour or so?” He guesses.
“Oh.” You mumble and, although you fight the disappointed curl of your lips, Jeongguk doesn’t miss the deflated look on your face.
“I’m sorry,” He squeezes your thigh apologetically, frown overtaking his pretty features. “I know it’s been a while since we spent time together.”
A week exactly, you note, but ultimately keep that detail to yourself. After all, neither one of you is to blame for being so busy, constantly caught between work and university.
You think that's maybe the reason you're feeling so needy tonight, body set ablaze by every minor look and touch from your boyfriend. In a way, you're feeling a little neglected since your relationship’s taken the backseat, not by choice but by consequence, and you don’t know how to deal with it.
“It's fine.” You shrug. "It's not like we can help it.”
You try to be nonchalant about the matter, injecting the slightest hint of indifference into your tone, but Jeongguk sees right through you.
He always does.
“Come here.” He says suddenly, voice soft as he shifts his laptop onto the coffee table.
You look up at him, confusion clear on your face.
“What?” You blink, but your question falls on deaf ears because Jeongguk merely uncrosses his legs and pats his lap.
“Come here,” He then repeats and reaches for your waist.
You're uncertain for the briefest of moments, eyeing Jeongguk suspiciously, before you ultimately give in like malleable clay in his soft hands, allowing him to pull you onto his lap with ease. “I've been working for hours.” He grumps once you're comfortably straddling his waist, hands resting on either side of your hips. “Hardly seen you since you got here.”
You hum, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth in thought. It's no secret that you've been spending a lot more time at Jeongguk's place in lieu of your ratty little dorm room. You felt bad about it at first, feeling as though you were invading his space and overstaying your welcome. But your boyfriend couldn't be happier about it. He rather likes the idea of your lives interlocking, melding together as if they were puzzle pieces falling into place. He likes that when he's working, like on nights like this, that you're just on the opposite side of the door, not one phone call or car ride away.
He likes that you're his and he is, equally as much, yours.
“I wanted to leave you to your work.” You explain, curling your arms around his neck. Your fingers absentmindedly play with the ends of his hair that have grown out and the light touch only brings about the memory of how much he has missed you these past few days.
“Well, it's about time I take a break, don't you think?” Jeongguk muses and you become hyper-aware of the way his fingers brush up your spine. “Give my girl some attention…” He trails on, eyes flickering to your lips.
You practically preen at the idea, smiling shyly as you lean into his touch. “I wouldn't object to that.” Your heart patters in your chest, beating wildly at the mere sight of Jeongguk. At the thought of him finally touching you, kissing you, quenching your thirst after this week-long drought. “I've missed you.”
Jeongguk chuckles faintly. “Me too, baby.” He murmurs, perching his head upwards to press his lips against yours.
The kiss is gentle, chaste, his plush lips feeling so featherlight against yours. You almost imagine they were never there to begin with because Jeongguk pulls away before you can truly savour the taste of them.
“You know, you look so pretty in my clothes.” He begins, large hand spreading lazily around your left hip and up your back. “Kinda makes me want to wreck you.”
“You already wreck me.” You breathe without missing a beat.
“Yeah?” Jeongguk rasps, his voice low and a little dark. It sends a thrill straight up your spine.
You nod in response, feeling the heat rush to your cheeks. “No one makes me feel the way you do.” You admit, eyes flitting across his face. It's an unwavering truth—one that simultaneously scares and excites you in this quiet dead of night.
“Can I kiss you again?” The words come out as a breathy whisper; as if you've been holding on to them for too long, as if they're the oxygen you so desperately need to breathe, and Jeongguk tilts his head, bewildered frown on his face.
“How is that even a question.” He gripes, slanting his head in a means to meet your mouth halfway, but you have another idea.
You press into him instead, leaning forward, and set out to peck lovingly along the curvature of Jeongguk’s jawline. He huffs in amusement, endeared by the way you take control. Because, although he’s usually the dominant one in the bedroom, he doesn't mind when you take charge like this. In fact, he's grown to love it. Loves the way you come into your own, toying and teasing with him, until your own actions cause you to grow desperate.
It's one of his greater weaknesses, his Achilles heel, and right now, you want nothing more than to expose it. Unveil a certain side of him. The one that'll see how far you can push before he starts to push back. The one that'll give in and take you right here on this couch after he's entertained your antics for long enough and you finally beg him to fuck you.
Your body practically hums at the thought.
You map out his skin, lips brushing against the surface like you're exploring a new land. Every movement careful, every touch claiming what's yours. And it almost goes to your head—how quickly Jeongguk submits to your mouth’s assault, his body relaxing into the couch like he's letting you have your way with him.
Jeongguk doesn't tell you that he is. That your lips are a holy grail he'd happily yield to.
When your teeth graze lightly at a particular soft spot below his ear, he lets out a small groan, eyes falling closed at the sensation. You feel the sound roll through you, the ache between your legs becoming hard to ignore when you think about the fact that you've roused that melody from his mouth.
It spurs you on, makes you want to hear it again and again. You want to paint the entire column of his neck red and then watch your confession of love fade to a bruised purple in the weeks to come. You want to rediscover all the ways that you can make Jeongguk sing, and the way your body dances to his tune in turn. Your lips lap him up, kisses becoming indelicate with desperation, teeth nipping with intent along his upper jaw, tongue tracing over the skin before you repeat all these gestures twicefold.
You can feel yourself growing wet, relish in the way that Jeongguk's hands tighten around your form. “Shit,” He mumbles and your body crows. Without pause, you shift against his lap and move to the neglected side of his neck, targeting the skin there. You can feel him getting hard beneath you, your core situated right above his growing erection, and it causes a shiver to run down your spine.
You plant a few messy kisses against his throat, nibbling vehemently, but then Jeongguk tuts and pries his eyes open before you have the opportunity to really sink your teeth into him.
“Baby,” He warns, curling a hand into your hair to form a makeshift ponytail. “No marks. I've got a presentation on Monday.” He says and pulls you back by an inch. His movements are somewhat hesitant, voice rough, like he's not entirely sure he truly wants you to stop.
But he has to. He can't afford to show up to class on Monday and present the most important project of his life with hickeys all over his neck.
“Next time.” He promises, but you consider outright ignoring him for a second, even though it's nonsensical, like some twisted form of punishment for a week of neglect.
But it’s Jeongguk—Jeongguk who’s been extra stressed lately about completing his degree. Jeongguk who’s carving time out of working on his big assignment right now—one which, not only counts forty percent of his grade, but could also earn him an internship at one of the top law firms in Seoul if he's lucky enough—all to pay special attention to you.
So, “Fine.” You give in, albeit a little petulantly, and brace your hands against his chest, face feeling flushed. “I’m sorry. I just wanna be close to you is all.”
“I know. Me too.” He rasps, grip on your hair loosening a touch, but not completely. “We don't have to stop though, just don't mark me up.” He explains, free hand rubbing up and down your thigh.
“Okay,” You slide your palms up his chest, feeling the toned muscles tense beneath your touch. “I really love you, you know?”
Jeongguk's eyes soften, a hint of a smile creeping up on his face. “I know,” He hums, tugging at your hair in a way that makes your scalp tingle. “But I don't think it comes close to how much I love you.” He rasps, using his grip as leverage to pull your head backwards until the delicate skin of your throat is exposed. “It's incomparable.” He murmurs, placing a single kiss on the side of your mouth before he travels south, lips peppering across your jawline.
You shiver, hands twisting into the thick material of Jeongguk's t-shirt. You want to tell him that it's not a competition, that you'd love him until the sun stops rising and, even if this one week of distance had been more, you know that he feels the same.
But the heavy palpitations in your chest causes the words to dissolve on your tongue because Jeongguk pulls the collar of your shirt to the side a second later, exposing more of your skin, before he traces a path along your décolletage. He's touching you like a starved man, mouth just as desperate and feverish as you’re starting to feel.
A stuttered gasp escapes your lips, your hands moving upwards, unsure of where to be, when he nips at a particularly sensitive spot. You settle them on his shoulders.
“Jeongguk,” You moan, the tingling between your legs maturing into an unbearable ache.
“I know, baby.” He abruptly pulls away from your clavicle—lips red, eyes blown. “Tell me what you want.”
His demand goes over your head because you don't know what you want; can barely think straight with the lingering feeling of Jeongguk's lips on your neck. With the growing wetness sticking uncomfortably to your panties. With the burning, hot embers laying at the base of your stomach, begging to be set ablaze. And Jeongguk knows that. Knows that you're neither here nor there, only somewhere in the middle, teetering on the line of endless choices. So he lets go of your hair then, manoeuvres your body until you're straddling only his left thigh.
“Don't think about it, baby.” He murmurs, both hands moving to your hips. He guides them back and forth, slow and gentle, with just enough pressure to relieve that desperate throbbing in your pussy. “Just feel.”
And you do, sinking into your own little bubble, a paradise as impenetrable as the gates of heaven. You take your time to grind up against him, moving in tandem with the flow of his hands and a soft whimper climbs up your throat at the sensation of your clit brushing against the firm muscles of Jeongguk’s thigh. You're already so soaked, underwear absolutely sodden from the relentless pendular motions of your pelvis, and when you look down to find a dark, damp spot beginning to stain Jeongguk's sweatpants, you can't help but intensify your movements.
It should be embarrassing, how quickly you've become turned on, how much you're dripping, when Jeongguk's barely touched you, but instead you just feel liberated. Pure power coursing through your veins because your boyfriend has given you the reins, is letting you use his body like a bitch in heat, and it's exhilarating; intoxicating every facet of your mind.
“That's it,” Jeongguk purrs, deserting your hips once you gain momentum to instead sneak both hands up the hem of your shirt.
Your breath escapes its chambers when he trails past the soft curve of your waist and straight to your breasts. “Fuck, you're so beautiful.” He grunts, gaze intent on your every reaction, like he's watching artwork unfold. His nimble fingers circle your nipples, tracing them with the most tantalizing pattern, until they begin to harden.
“Please,” You choke, clasping his shirt in between your fists like it's some sort of lifeline. You're not even sure what you're begging for, pace quickening as you ride Jeongguk’s thigh more aggressively. Every rut forward sends sparks shooting throughout your body, nerve endings alight, and when Jeongguk pinches your nipples between his thumb and forefinger, your back arches in pleasure. A throaty moan penetrates the room otherwise filled with nothing but your uneven pants and the sound of Jeongguk's voice.
“Gonna make you feel so good,” He groans, hands inching towards your shirt’s lower seam. He drags it over your torso, itching for better access to your breasts. Even in your muddled state, you meet him halfway, raising your arms above your head until the damned thing is off and you're left in nothing but your lacy underwear.
You hardly have time to adjust to the humid air hitting your torso, when Jeongguk tips his head forward, enveloping your right nipple into his mouth with reckless abandon. The response is instantaneous, a strangled sob slipping past your lips at the feeling of his warm mouth encased around your stiffened peak. His tongue swipes across your nipple, shockwaves manifesting at the blissful contact, and you don't know how much longer you're going to last—an embarrassing feat you don’t ponder on too much.
Instead, you squeeze your eyes shut, focusing on the attention Jeongguk pays you. Whimpering when the pads of his fingers move to fondle the nipple of your forsaken breast while the other submits to his mouth’s pleasurable torment, each purposeful pinch causing them to tighten all the more. Your skin feels like it's on fire, the warmth of Jeongguk's touch igniting the cinders glowing from deep within your belly. “I-I think,” You swallow, your pussy rubbing deliciously into Jeongguk's leg. “I think I'm going to come soon,” You manage to admit through a repressed whine, voice so strained it sounds foreign even to your own ears.
You don't think you've ever hit an orgasm this quickly. You've never had to. Because you and Jeongguk are like inseparable magnets; every atom in your bodies drawn to each other, always connecting like two poles seeking the other out—never going more than a few days without some form of intimacy. Never mind a week.
At least, not until now.
So when Jeongguk bounces his leg upwards to meet the force of your pussy coming down on his quadricep, adding to the way you slam into him, your clit positively throbbing at the impact, you feel the onset of that familiar coil in your stomach tightening.
“Just let go, baby.” Jeongguk rasps, granting you permission with one final flick of your nipples and then you're coming undone, white fiery heat flooding every fiber of your body, as you cry out his name. Only his name, forever on your lips. You feel the way your entire form convulses, the way Jeongguk helps you through it, flexing his thigh so that you can get the most out of your orgasm, and your hips buck forward—unrelenting and greedy—before they finally ease into a slow rut. Grinding into him until the receding, minuscule waves of pleasure begin to fade.
With the last few clenches of your pulsating core, you slowly catch your breath, muscles slackening as you become pliant in Jeongguk's arms, the weight of your body suddenly too much for you to bear. Your boyfriend holds you tight though, both hands moving to your waist to keep you secure.
Behind the darkness of your closed eyelids; you hear Jeongguk softly murmur your name and feel the way his hand comes up to your face, tucking a few stray strands of hair behind your ear before he cups your cheeks. “You okay, angel?” He asks, voice emerging as a hushed tone.
When you manage to tear your eyes open and give him a soft, affirmative nod, Jeongguk seems satisfied, pressing a delicate kiss to your sternum before he shifts you from his lap and onto your back in one fell, but gentle swoop.
Your head hits the soft leather of the sofa with the aftermath of your climax still lingering against your skin like crackling electricity, fuzzing up your mind. “You think you can take more?” He asks, eyes flitting across your face to get a read on your current state of mind.
You nod your head assuredly, reaching out to make a grab for his body, to bring him closer. “Yeah I can,” You say confidently, arm's snaking up his back to explore the taut muscles that reside there.
Jeongguk is hovering over your body, thigh pressed hotly between your legs, and even though you can feel the rush of arousal, brought on only a second ago, pooling uncomfortably in your underwear—you want more. You want him. “I want to carry on.”
Jeongguk studies your demeanour, casting your body and expression a careful once-over, because he wants to feel you, be in you, wants to make you see stars. But it's only a matter of whether you're able to handle that right now. He has barely had his way with you, but you already look so fucked out, so perfect for him. It makes the blood rush straight to his dick. “You make me crazy.” He rasps, eyes locking with yours as he brings a hand up, tracing his thumb along your bottom lip.
You almost cower beneath his touch, beneath the sincerity of his gaze; appraising the very depths of your being as if you were a delicate treasure, as if he were staring at a god or something of a divine beauty.
Jeongguk thinks that maybe he is; thinks you’re the light, the one thing he’d worship morning, noon and night through blind faith. And there are barely enough words in the dictionary for him to express this notion to you, so instead he settles for “I love you.” Voice as rough as the high tides, but softer than moonlight.
He feels compelled to tell you this every chance he gets, a hopeless slave to his feelings for you. “Like I've never loved anything else in my life.” He continues. It's a quiet confession in the night, not a new one, but the words mean just as much as the first time he admitted them to you.
You feel yourself melt, can't remember ever feeling this cherished. Not since before Jeongguk and hopefully, never after. “I love you too.” You murmur, taking a moment to drink in every detail of the man who has left you restless all night.
Your eyes flicker over the defined cut of his jaw. The delicate curve of his lips and the pretty mole resting just beneath it. The small kissable scar on his cheek. The feathery flutter of his eyelashes. The strands of hair that have fallen over his face, and you retract your hand from his back to push them away.
How did you ever get this lucky?
“So much.” You emphasize and your voice thickens with the weight of your words, spoken from the very depths of your soul. “More than you could ever know.” Because there aren't enough words in the dictionary to get this notion across, so instead you lift your head, planting a firm kiss to Jeongguk’s lips as if sealing a vow, a promise of forever.
Jeongguk receives your kiss like he does with everything else related to you; openly, hungrily. His tongue swipes across your bottom lip—once—twice—and you instantly become pliant under his weight. Your fingers find his hair, tangling into the dark tresses as you deepen the kiss. It’s hot and it’s heavy, and in the distant part of your mind, you register that Jeongguk tastes like peaches, most likely from the alcohol he’s been drinking.
The sweetness of his lips immediately goes to your head; drunk and euphoric, and all grace flies out the window the next second. “Touch me,” You murmur breathlessly against his mouth, fingertips skimming over the nape of his neck. “Please, I need you.”
Jeongguk groans, a husky sound resonating from deep within his throat. “Fuck,” You can feel how rock hard he’s gotten, his erection pressing into your inner thigh and it's making you delirious with need. “I’ll give you anything you want.” Jeongguk rumbles, his mouth forming a wet, messy trek away from yours to embrace the flesh of your breasts.
You want to tell him that it's him, only him you want. Puppeteering your every move, body relinquishing itself to his touch. But you don't. You can't, not when Jeongguk's teeth leave scarlet marks across your chest that render you mute, words evaporating on your tongue like sacramental bread.
“My pretty baby,” He coos tenderly and you fight the urge to rut up against him. “Always so fucking ready for me.“ He praises, kisses traveling southward and it burns, searing, everywhere that Jeongguk touches you. You think you might erupt or shatter, and nothing less, if he doesn't meet you where you really need him to, your cunt begging to be satiated with his fingers, or his tongue, or his dick—anything.
A whimper escapes your lips, an embarrassing, desperate sound hanging in the thick air, as you glance down past your heaving breasts. You watch as Jeongguk abandons your boobs, planting a trail of kisses across the expanse of your stomach, your hip bones—takes the tiny little ribbon on your underwear between his teeth and tugs. The deliberate gesture causes your panty to rise up a bit, ever so slightly brushing against your clit in the process, and you bite down on your bottom lip, holding back an ungodly moan.
You can't take it anymore, all this teasing.
Jeongguk can read it on your face; sees it in the way you swiftly tilt your head back, eyes closed, brows scrunched together. He knows you like the back of his hand, which is how he gauges that you've fallen back into a place of submission—done with the tortuous foreplay, done with calling the shots, done with delaying the inevitable. You want him to fuck you, to use your body the same way you had used his mere minutes ago. And if his dick could get any harder at the thought, it would.
Jeongguk licks his lips, slips a finger into the curve of your waistband as he murmurs, “I’m gonna take this off now, okay?”
You nod your head, not daring to open your eyes to confront the image of Jeongguk's face a mere hair's breadth away from your cunt. It's too erotic. Too much. You feel him drag the thin garment down your legs, a string of arousal following suit, and suddenly feel self-conscious, attempting to close your legs to hide how shamefully wet you are.
But Jeongguk's not having any of that.
He carelessly chucks the lacy material to the side like it’s nothing but a rag, a nuisance, and then grips your inner thigh. “Don't you dare,” He grunts, using his grasp to keep your legs apart, lifting them upwards until your knees are bent to your chest and your ankles are resting over his shoulders, giving him the perfect view of your dripping cunt.
You barely have time to register the ticklish feeling of Jeongguk's breath fanning against your core before he dives straight in, licking a long stripe across your pussy, and your hips instinctively buck up. “Shit,” You mewl, rejoicing in the way his tongue traverses from your slit to your clit, lapping up every drop of arousal.
Jeongguk groans, a sound so low, stemming from the heart of his diaphragm, when he samples that first morsel of your leaking nectar. You taste like heaven, so sweet and unbearably wet, and all just for him.
“So fucking good,” He grumbles, mouth drinking you in. His tongue is unrelenting in its efforts to devour your pussy, and the overwhelming sensation of him slurping and sucking—of him eating you out like a connoisseur tasting the rarest of delicacies—causes frenzied pools of pleasure to ripple within the base of your belly.
He keeps at it, nose brushing against your clit as a byproduct, and after a few minutes the pure, unwavering rapture of Jeongguk's tongue becomes excruciating. A feeling so good, it’s almost too much. “Jeongguk,” You wail, heels digging into the couch as you try to back away from his mouth, but your boyfriend merely hooks his arms around your legs and pulls you closer. Holding you in place; unable to run or escape from the ruthless onslaught of his tongue, from the metal bite of his piercing brushing against your lower lips. “I can't,” You cry, writhing beneath his touch.
With his grip keeping you firmly anchored, Jeongguk brings one hand down to toy with your swollen clit, fingers moving in languid, clockwise motions. “You can,” He grunts thickly, tongue slipping between your folds and prodding deliciously at your hole. “I know you can, baby.” He mumbles in between fucking your drenched pussy with his fleshy muscle.
You shake your head frantically, eyes screwed shut, as you feel the waves of your second orgasm surfacing. “Not like this,” You beg, using your hands to reach down, fingers twisting into his fluffy hair as you desperately try to push him away. “Please, I want you in me.” A sob runs free, your walls pulsating around nothing because Jeongguk is taking his time with you, teasing your opening like he's got all night. But you don't. You're close, so fucking close, you can feel it in the tightening muscles of your pelvis, in the quivering of your legs.
But Jeongguk isn't giving you enough. He isn't giving you what you need. Your boyfriend, in all his hot glory, is taking you there with his tongue, swirling insufferably along your orifice—bringing you right up to the edge of the plank with an ocean of pleasure waiting just below your feet, but then he pulls you back. Drags you from the precipice before you can allow yourself to fall in, and it causes a frustrated whine to escape your lips. You need his cock deep inside, filling you up, pushing you off the ledge and into troubled waters. Your pussy throbs at the very thought. “Please Kook,” You find yourself beseeching for the second time. “I wanna cum with you in me.”
And any thread of composure Jeongguk has been holding on to up until that point, snaps at the pure neediness burrowed within your tone.
He looks up at you; lips glistening, eyes dilated—a mess of a man. But you don't look any better—or, if you were getting a glimpse of yourself through Jeongguk's point of view, never better—skin flushed, gleaming with a fine film of sweat, lips swollen from the way you've been biting them, and all at once, Jeongguk is overcome with the desire to give you everything you've ever wanted.
“Fuck, okay,” He curses, rising to his knees and you force your eyes open at the rough edge tainting his voice, at the overwhelming relief of getting what you wished for. “But it’s going to be a bit of a stretch, baby.” He says, not having prepped you fully. It's been a while since the two of you have had sex and, if he had it his way, he would have given you his fingers first, would have warmed and widened your lubricated walls, to ease the initial discomfort of him entering you.
But you look so pretty beneath him, so impatient, and—“I can handle it,” You mollify, voice a sweet concoction of sultry persuasion.
He nods in response, a curt motion, because if he thinks about how eager you're being, about how you're willing to take a little bit of the pain for the insurmountable pleasure, he might just come right there. Might just think of all the other ways you like to hurt; of the way you'd react if his palm made rough contact with your ass cheeks, or what would happen if he handcuffed you to his bedpost and stuffed you full with a vibrator and butt plug—if he fucked you tonight with no end in sight. He wonders if you'd cry, if you'd beg him for more or want him to stop, sopping and spent. More than that, he wants so badly to find out.
Jeongguk’s dark eyes find yours, their typical doe-eyed demeanour having turned hooded a long time ago. Yours are twinkling with anticipation, watching intently as he pulls his sweatpants down, letting them hang low beneath his buttocks. His cock immediately springs free, slapping against his stomach, and you sink your teeth into your bottom lip at the sight.
“Come here,” Jeongguk's voice carries a jagged intonation, raw and untamed, and breaks through you like crashing waves. But when he makes a grab for your body, his hands are nothing but gentle, hoisting you up onto your knees and positioning you on all fours.
With your ass bared before him, face pressed into the cold faux leather of the couch, Jeongguk smooths a hand down your back, watches with satisfaction as your spine yields before his touch, and then he takes a hold of his dick. Doesn't even bother giving it a few preliminary pumps because he's already painfully hard, precum leaking from the tip as he lines himself with your hole.
He doesn't put it in though.
First, he teases your little cunt with only the head of his length, not fully embedding himself within your warmth just yet. You whimper pathetically at the testing prod, fingers balling into frustrated fists, while Jeongguk watches in awe as your entrance narrows, pleading to be stuffed.
“God, look at you.” Jeongguk groans, eyes traveling from your glistening pussy to the state of your overall servile form.
He places one hand on your hip, fingers digging into the skin there, as he inches just the slightest bit forward, his dick slowly pushing into you. Your mouth parts at the sensation and you shakily prop yourself up onto your elbows, head falling forward with a moan. “So fucking needy, huh.” He goads when you attempt to meet him in the middle, subtly backing up against his pelvis.
“No,” You shake your head as if it's some sort of lie, as if you haven't been thinking about this moment since you stepped over the doorsill of Jeongguk’s apartment earlier. And your boyfriend laughs—he actually laughs—a maniacal, derisive sound that rings in your ears.
“There's no need to deny it, baby.” He drawls like smooth liquor hitting the back of your throat, a silky succour that, for some reason, has you dumbly nodding along. Because Jeongguk’s entering you more now, his dick fighting against the tight restraint of your heat, and you're too distracted by the feeling of it to fully comprehend what he's saying.
“I mean,” He continues, reaching down between your legs to gather the wetness clinging to your folds before he bends over your back, lips brushing against the shell of your ear. “You’d think you've never been fucked a day in your life.” He murmurs, bringing his slick fingers to your level of sight.
You flush instantly, burning at the way your arousal dwells on Jeongguk's digits and forms a translucent web when he parts them into a V shape. “I can't help it,” You breathe shamefully, about to protest that it's his fault for letting you go so long without attention, for not taking care of your sexual needs and making you this susceptible to moments of depravity, when Jeongguk fully entrenches himself into your heat without so much as a warning.
“Aah,” Your jaw slackens at the sudden stretch of his length against your walls, the sensation so unfairly delicious you find yourself clenching around the intrusion with gasp, and your boyfriend uses the opportunity to stuff his letch-laiden fingers into your mouth.
“Clean them.” He grunts, lazily rocking forward and you choke back a moan, mouth instantly closing around his fingers. Head full of clouds, pussy filled to the brim, you obey. Your tongue licks up the juices stuck to his slim digits, gliding sensually across each one with care, and you vaguely hear Jeongguk curse below his breath, hips grinding into your core. “Fuck, just like that, angel.” He praises, allowing you to suck them clean for a few more seconds before he pulls them from your lips altogether with a lewd pop.
“Such a good girl,” He murmurs lovingly, pressing a singular kiss to your shoulder blade before he straightens to his full height behind you. “Always so perfect for me.”
Jeongguk's hands find your ass again and he gives the supple flesh a few gentle squeezes, savouring the way you whine in response.
“Please,” Your words come out embarrassingly broken and wretched, heart hammering in your chest with want, as you peek at Jeongguk over your shoulder. “Please, no more teasing. Just fuck me.”
“What do you think I'm doing?” Jeongguk asks, eyebrow raised, voice harbouring a hue of cockiness. He withdraws his thick length from your warm embrace at an agonizingly slow rate before thrusting right back in, repeating the motion steadily. “I'm fucking you right now, aren't I?”
You want to cry, your need to come so severe, it's starting to physically hurt.
Your fingers leave deep indents in the couch as you tackle the burning coals of frustration setting every inch of your body on fire. “M-More,” You stammer, feeling a pearl of arousal trickle down your thigh. You're so turned on right now, your mind an empty haze as Jeongguk edges you into oblivion, cunt so wet, you can barely feel the brush of his shaft against your walls anymore. “I need more.”
Jeongguk grins, feels the crown of his cock brush against a particular soft spot, and then decides to give you what you want. Because he loves it when you beg, when you become a blubbering mess beneath him, so cock-hungry, you forget yourself.
Without a moment's pause, Jeongguk pounds into you with unbridled vigour. His hips slap against your ass, the sound echoing throughout the room, and your body jerks forward at the impact. Your core is so drenched he's able to enter you with little resistance now. Emitting a rough, throaty groan, he fixates on how your creamy arousal coats his cock, disappearing in and out of your cunt.
“F-Fuck,” You hiss, your hand reaching back to firmly grip Jeongguk’s wrist for support, but he takes advantage of your extended arm and yanks you up until your back is pressed to his chest.
The new position gives him better access to your front and Jeongguk ghosts a hand around your waist without a second thought, smooths it down your stomach until he reaches your clit. Your body jolts the instant his fingers make contact with the swollen bud, legs quivering with the strength it's taking you to stay upright.
Your boyfriend notices your struggle and hooks his other arm around your waist, his fingertips holding you so tightly you won't be surprised if some bruises appear there tomorrow.
“Fuck, I've missed this.” He rasps, more to himself than you, whilst drilling against your g-spot. But the words affect you just the same as your pussy tightens in response, squeezing him into a death grip, and Jeongguk's hips stutter. “Jesus,” He groans, making a mental effort to stave off his own orgasm, trying to focus solely on you.
You really are going to be the death of him.
He breathes heavily through his nostrils before starting up again, slowly driving into you and his cock burrows so deep, you swear you can feel it in your uterus.
His fingers skim over your clit, tracing the nub ever so slightly because you're starting to flinch from his touch, starting to grow sensitive. And when your head falls back against his shoulder, a choked whine forcing its way out your throat, Jeongguk knows that you're close.
“You gonna come for me?” Jeongguk's lips brush against your temple, his hand deserting your pussy in sympathy to knead your breasts instead. You feel his thumb run over your nipple, static lightning steamrolling across your skin with each sweep.
“I-ah!” You can barely form a coherent sentence, the inklings of even one lucid thought slipping from your empty, fucked out mind as Jeongguk slams into you. He's setting a brutal pace, the noise of skin-against-skin undeniably obscene, but you can hardly find the will to care when the muscles in your abdomen begin to tense. They twist up like a clockwork toy, winding and winding, until Jeongguk hits a particular spot that makes your toes curl, and then you're coming undone for the second time tonight, knees buckling with the sheer force of your orgasm.
It hits you like a freight train, your body spasming. White dots of euphoria blur your vision, the pleasure so blinding, and Jeongguk's hold around your midsection is the only reason you don't collapse right there onto the couch.
“That's it, baby.” He reveres, hips never ceasing their movements even as your walls contract sporadically, determined to fuck you through it. An uncannily pornstar moan spills from your lips, mind and body having finally plunged into the silvery, stormy torrents of your climax, and the strangled sound causes something impossibly primal to rupture within Jeongguk. It thrashes at his chest like a wild caged animal, demanding release, and he recognizes the feeling all too well.
“You're mine, right? ” He finds himself grunting, voice husky with strain. The hand that was attending to your boobs instinctively ascends to your throat, squeezing slightly as he chases his own high, gives in to that grueling streak of possessiveness that only every rears its head when he has you like this—naked and vulnerable—and you groan at the familiar pressure.
You hum, walls clenching around him. “Only yours.” Your own hand reaches up, cuffing around his wrist for support as a tremor runs down your spine.
Jeongguk feels his balls tighten, the knowledge that he’s the sole witness to this side of you, so subservient and docile, sets him off the deep end.
Then you angle your head to the side, joining your lips with his. It's a messy, sloppy kiss, but the intimacy of it all causes Jeongguk's last bit of composure to crack.
He spills into you with a groan, the sound muffled by your mouth, as he rocks forward until every last drop of his seed is snug within your warmth.
The feeling of his cum bursting inside of you, length twitching, causes your pussy to flutter by reflex, milking Jeongguk of every ounce of cum, only suspending their contractions once he's thoroughly depleted.
By the end, you're both a heaving mess; chests rising and falling in unison as you come down, the electric current pulsing through your bodies fading into a comfortable hum.
Your skin is still buzzing, head befuddled, when Jeongguk presses a few lazy kisses across your shoulder—as if to ground you, to bring you back from the constellations he's painted behind your eyes.
“You were so good, baby.” He commends, smoothing the hair at the side of your profile and you can't help the soft, but dopey smile that breaks out onto your face then.
“I've been dreaming about that for forever.” You murmur, submitting to the assault of his lips. Your boyfriend chuckles in return, nuzzling your neck as he commits the smell of your skin, an alluring scent of sex and lavender, to his memory.
“Me too,” He hums, thumb gliding gently across the contour of your waist. Your sensitive pussy throbs at the light touch, rousing from the stimulation; which only reminds you of the unpleasant remnants of arousal coating your inner thighs.
As if reading your mind, Jeongguk whispers against your skin. “Let's get you cleaned up, okay?”
He eyes your figure carefully, waiting for any hint of consent before he leaves you here alone.
You manage to muster a nod and then feel his dick slip from your entrance a second later, withdrawing in a way that makes you cringe and leaves you feeling oddly empty.
“I’ll be right back.” He assures, his lips quickly, but comfortingly, brushing against your hairline. Thereafter, from your peripheral, you see Jeongguk detach himself from your side, pulling his pants back up as he disappears into the bathroom to do what he does best—take care of you.
In the meantime, you resist the temptation to slump back onto the sofa, feeling a hefty load of cum leaking down your thighs. Every muscle in your body feels relaxed, those sparks from earlier sizzling down into sleepy, smoky remnants that weigh you down. Mind a dazed mess, not sure of how much time has passed, you almost give in—the slumber you so desperately sought out at the beginning of the night finally settling into your bones—when Jeongguk walks back into the living room. He's changed into a pair of briefs and is carrying a wet cloth, as well as, a small tube of ointment.
Your body instantly perks up, a little rejuvenated by his presence.
“Hey,” Jeongguk murmurs once he's back in your close vicinity, fingers brushing against your cheeks as he peers down at you with a soft smile.
“Hey,” You tiredly grin back, pointing a finger at the items in his hand. “Those for me?”
Jeongguk hums, draping an arm around your waist to steady you. If you had the energy to freshen yourself up, you honestly would but currently, you can barely keep your eyes open. So instead you lean on your boyfriend—figuratively and literally—clutching onto his biceps as he brings the warm cloth to your nether regions. You hiss a little at the contact, still feeling delicate down there, but Jeongguk handles you with a gentle mindfulness that makes your heart swell. Makes you think back to a little over an hour ago, when you were alone in bed unable to fall asleep because he wasn't there.
And sometimes it worries you. How much you need him. How much something as simple and basic as sleep, needs the warmth of his touch to make its mark on you. How much you’ve grown to love him in the span of a few months, your life endlessly orbiting around him like the earth to the sun. How much the deepest crevices of your soul, where the vile fear of abandonment and instinctual desire to run, relinquish themselves to the light of Jeongguk’s unconditional love.
You watch him toss the used washcloth to the side before unscrewing the top of the ointment. Sigh; as his fingers, tender with purpose, apply dabs of vitamin K salve to your hips where the marks from his fingertips are starting to surface. “Shit, I'm so sorry baby.” He apologizes, the raspy, hushed tone of his voice communicating how guilt-ridden he feels. “I didn't mean to be this rough.”
And, you've never known a love like this. One that rustles through your hair like the wind on the drive down to your parents. One that meets you in the dead of winter between classes, wrapped up in coats and scarves, and coffee as the snow falls. One that kisses you goodnight, hands cupping your cheeks while the street lamps flicker outside.
One that dresses all your bruises.
It makes you want to run in the opposite direction every now and then, fleeing until you forget that you ever knew it could be this good, this safe.
But, staring at Jeongguk and the careful, intricate way he's massaging ointment onto all your black-and-blues, you bury these trepidations away, laying them to rest in the one place they belong—the past.
Because yes, you’ve never had this sort of love before—the seriousness, the commitment.
The emptied-out drawers for your clothes.
The spare toothbrush at his place.
The conversations of a future together—the clear line being crossed from fling to forever.
Even though it's a concept so scary and unfamiliar, and foreign to you—you never want to let it go.
You never want to let him go.
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gavisimmaculaterizz · 2 months
Hi I was wanted to request one with Jude where you and Jude are cuddling asleep on the couch but Jude forgot he invited his friends over and they make fun of Jude for being a simp
— loverboy / jude bellingham.
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summary: jude can be a simp when it comes to you, as his friends say.
warnings: none, just fluff
as the sun began its descent toward the horizon, it filtered through your blinds, casting luminous shades of princeton orange and sunflower yellow across the room.
you had spent most of your day with your boyfriend, jude, chatting and tidying up your lovely apartment in the heart of madrid.
the evening was warm and comfortable, creating a quiet and cozy ambiance. you lit some candles and settled into the comfort of your couch.
with your feet propped up on the coffee table, you reveled in the comfort of your surroundings as you immersed yourself in the pages of your book, waiting for jude, who was washing the dishes.
so entranced by your book, you didn't notice jude had finished with the dishes until he announced his presence.
"baby, I finished with the dishes," your boyfriend said.
startled by his voice, you quickly closed your book and looked up into his chocolate eyes.
"you scared me, for god's sake!" you exclaimed, laughing nervously.
he chuckled, looking at your startled expression, and took the opportunity to sit down on the couch beside you.
"come here, baby, I'm sorry for scaring you," he said, breaking into a fit of giggles.
you swiftly moved, positioning yourself on jude's lap. although annoyed he interrupted your reading, you found you couldn't really be mad at him while wrapped in his arms.
"what do you want to do today?" he asked, giving you a peck on the cheek.
"let's just relax, jj," you said, yawning. all that cleaning had left you exhausted to do something fun.
you snuggled into his shoulder, finding peace and comfort. as you started to drift off, a noise reverberated through the house.
it was the sound of your doorbell…
"who was supposed to come today?" you wondered internally. you couldn't remember inviting anyone over, and you assumed jude hadn't either.
unbeknownst to you, he had invited his friend and girlfriend over.
"i'll get it, baby. you stay here," jude said calmly.
you nodded, anticipating the visitor at the door.
jude walked over and, upon reaching the door, peeked through the peephole.
"It's rodrygo and his girlfriend," he whisper-yelled. you adored rodrygo and his girlfriend, yet their presence was puzzling.
he opened the door and was greeted by the brazilian couple.
"good evening, jude," said rodrygo and his girlfriend luana. he welcomed them and invited them inside.
"Y/N!" exclaimed luana, upon seeing you on the couch. she adored you, and the feeling was mutual. she was your favorite WAG, and you always spent time with her whenever you both were free.
"luana, it's great to see you, babe! come and sit down with me," you said as she approached, and gave her the biggest hug.
jude and rodrygo entered the room after, observing the two of you chatting.
"hello, y/n," rodrygo said with a smile. you returned his greeting and offered them both something to drink.
luana sat close to rodrygo while jude came over to your side, promptly draping an arm over your shoulder.
he started kissing your neck, seemingly oblivious to the visitors around.
"jude, stop it! there are people here," you exclaimed, laughing nervously. he always had a knack for making you feel nervous in the presence of others. he tends to become cocky in the presence of his friends, which can be frustrating as he sometimes gets too carried away.
"yeah jude, we don't want to see you eating your girlfriend's neck, you simp" rodrygo said, laughing.
you began to feel embarrassed immediately, but jude, on the other hand, didn't care at all because he was entranced by you.
once he got out of trance, he noticed your flushed face, and began to laugh.
"we just saw you make out with your girlfriends neck" rodrygo said laughing. soon after rodrygo, luana began to laugh with him.
"can't i show affection to my girlfriend?" jude asked, adopting a pleading puppy face expression.
"you behave irrationally around her; it's like you're completely infatuated," came the reply.
he complained in a childlike manner after being called a simp.
but he didnt care if he was called a simp for you..
a/n: im sorry i delayed this so much i was so stressed abt my english presentation🥹! if its shit im so sorry i was super stressed and i wanted to get something out 🫶🏻
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jensettermandu · 4 months
A.D.I.D.A.S - huh yunjin
(All Day, I Dream About Sex)
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genre; smut
pairing; desperate!yunjin x mean!fem reader
content; degrading, humiliation, yunjin being turned on by Y/n being mean, slightly perverted yunjin (lowkey simps for reader and is down bad), some breast play, cunnilingus (giving and receiving reader), fingering, some praising, spitting, choking, breath-play, a bit of thigh slapping, dom!reader/sub!yunjin
synopsis; yunjin's exams are coming up and among spending hours studying, her new neighbor seems to be a noisy metal-head who blasts music from morning to night. whenever she doesn't blast music, she's shredding on the guitar. yunjin is losing her mind after being ridiculed every time she's asked if she can tone it down, the frustrations getting the best of her. although, the guitarist knows just what is needed to help her relax.
wc; 8.8k+
She tried to ignore it at first, to just deal with it and pretend that the noise didn’t exist. When that didn’t work she tried to put on headphones and blast her music, but it made it hard to focus. 
Yunjin’s new neighbour had a thing for loud music.
She wouldn’t mind it at all because she loved music, she even played instruments, but this wasn’t her genre of music.
The lyrics were vulgar or dark, straight angst. The sounds were pure noise in her ears and she couldn’t phantom who willingly listened to distorted electric guitar riffs, pounding drums or vigorous vocals.
It was safe to say that Yunjin hadn’t managed to become a fan of nu-metal or any other of the metal subgenres. 
If her neighbour wasn’t blasting music, they were seemingly playing it themselves on an electric guitar. She was starting to wonder if she was the only one bothered by this, but at the same time, she lived on the top floor which was mostly empty.
With exams coming up, the girl was already on the brink of a breakdown and was tense. Now a neighbour she had never seen with her eyes was blasting music every time she tried to study which was all the time. She had opted for libraries and cafés but they didn’t compare to sitting in the comfort of her home. 
Despite it making her feel like a nag and not something she wanted to be she found herself leaving the apartment to finally try and convince her neighbour to agree to tone it down. Just the thoughts were making her skin crawl because she had always been a person who liked music and didn’t get bothered by someone else. She minded her business and lived on with her life.
She closed her door and took what were three steps to reach the door where music was sounding muffled from the other side. With a hand running through her hair, she sighed and knocked at last–
And again.
Once again.
A frustrated sigh left her lips as she wasn’t sure what she had been expecting as the person on the other side didn’t even hear her knocking. This time she banged on the door, it was hurting her knuckles at this point as they were bright red by now.
The music got turned down and she knocked one last time before flailing her hand and dropping it to her side while she waited for the door to open. She was praying for it to be someone kind and not an asshole. The girl had no clue what to expect because she could have a perceived idea about who was on the other side, but she decided against it.
Her heart picked up when the girl who was just an inch taller opened the door. 
It just had to be the campus mean girl she had been avoiding at all costs because despite her slim figure she was sure the girl could swallow her whole. 
Y/n Y/l/n who was the lead guitarist in a band was in a whole different division compared to Yunjin.
“Who are you?”
It made the redhead's lips part as she felt insulted after having most of her classes with the dark-haired girl for the past year.
“Neighbour–I’m your neighbour.” She stated, gathering her words that withered. This had been the closest she’d been to the girl–no, the closest was when she once sat right beside her in English. God, how was she the only one to remember? 
The scent of vanilla was still the same, the girl was dressed in low-waisted jeans, a cropped tight shirt, star tattoos going right beside her hip bones that were protruding, her nose pierced, the same went to her belly button and when she glanced at her lips that moved she could see the silver bell on her tongue.
“Okay?” Y/n asked, somewhere between confused and maybe weirded out over why the girl was knocking on her door.
 Why was she being so rude? That was all Yunjin could think about.
Or maybe Yunjin was being sensitive because her tensed self was on the brink of losing her sanity and now her new neighbour was a metal-blasting asshole. 
She shifted on her feet, the slightly taller girl leaning her weight against the door frame.
“I just wanted to ask if you could maybe–the music, you know.”
“I don’t know,” her tone was bored, monotone and lifeless as her eyes stared at the ginger, slept in eye shadow, dressed in grunge with the same makeup style.
Despite these being waters Yunjin had never tested, the girl was undeniably hot. It was like a morbid curiosity. Yunjin was scared of Y/n but also intrigued and curious about the girl. She wanted to touch but also hide.
“It’s kind of loud and I am trying to study, but the noise makes it hard.”
Y/n held onto the door frame and leaned forward, coming closer to the girl who tried to stand her ground. On the inside, she was shaking with how nervous she was, crumbling under Y/n’s cold stare and resting bitch face.
“I take offence, noise is a genre of its own and not all metal is noise, and not all noise is metal.” Yunjin pursed her lips at the haughty smirk on Y/n’s lips and she had a feeling the girl was only trying to mock her, to get her angry, to just mess with her. 
“Sorry for offending you, but I have exams coming up and I don’t want to listen to someone screaming shove it, or being cut up and then fucked up.” It did work because she felt her temper grow short and all she wanted was to get it over.
“You just went from hot to less hot by not liking Deftones or Slipknot.”
“What–” She was somewhat stunned to hear that the girl found her hot, but she didn’t get to put in another word when the door shut in front of her face. Before she knew it the music started to pound once again.
All the girl could do was complain to her friends over the phone while being on the verge of tears because of the stress and her neighbour being hot, but also mean and it had bruised her ego when she got called less hot for not liking whatever bands she had mentioned. 
Instead of heading home the next day she stayed in the college library to study and would just walk home late. 
It wasn’t long until her peace was disturbed by the loud steps echoing through the library and she looked up from her laptop after hours. Her eyes scanned around her and at last, she spotted none other than Y/n and the band she played in. She averted her gaze back to her things when those intense eyes caught hers staring, but she still did a subtle glance to do damage control and see if she had been caught–
Why was Y/n heading her way? She was growing nervous and anxious once again.
Yunjin tried her best to look as occupied as possible, but it wasn’t long until the lead guitarist pulled out a chair. The chair creaked along the wooden floor and Yunjin winced, looking up at Y/n who sat down in front of her.
“What’re you doing here?” She asked as she slumped back in the chair while crossing her arms. The girl played with her pierced tongue as she raised her eyebrows at the girl across from her.
“I study here.” 
“You do?” Y/n asked, surprise lacing her tone and Yunjin couldn’t determine if she was serious or not when they had so many classes together.
She didn’t get to reply because Y/n was full of herself. “You sure you’re not following me?” 
Her lips pursed into a forced smile at the dark-haired girl who licked her plump lips that were glistening with lip gloss. The ginger cursed God for letting a self-entitled asshole be hot.
“Are you serious?” Yunjin asked in disbelief, heaving a sigh at the annoyance the girl was causing her. Y/n nodded with wide eyes, looking dead serious about the whole thing.
“We have the same classes, you always sit at the back and see everyone–”
“Oh, so…You’re stalking me?” The urge to drill Y/n’s head through each shelf of books was strong.
“I am not.” She hissed, utterly annoyed with how confident Y/n was to even utter those words. The more she would try to explain or defend herself the more like a stalker she would look like.
Y/n rolled her eyes and planted her palms on the wooden table as she stood up. Yunjin quickly averted her eyes away from the girl’s cleavage as she had a spaghetti strap top on. God, Y/n knew what she was doing from how that smirk was right back. The ginger was sure she had caught her looking further down than what her eyes were.
“I’m just kidding, carrot top, no need to get offended, but no I haven’t noticed you before which I guess is somewhat of a bummer.” Now Yunjin was offended, but Y/n was already leaving her behind as she walked through the library. She was offended but was also fighting the way she felt flustered at the somewhat flirty remark from the mean girl. 
She had just been called Carrot Top, BUT Y/n also said that it was a bummer she hadn’t noticed her before.
Yunjin hated Y/n, but she was also so riveting that she found herself thinking about her a bit more that day and the day after.
“Could you please turn it off or at least tone it down for an hour or two, please,” she found herself begging her neighbour. Yunjin wasn’t sure if it was because she wanted to see the girl again and maybe receive a backhanded compliment once again or to be able to study. It was probably both as the girl stood leaning towards her as she held herself with both hands on either frame of the door. 
“Look how cute—” Y/n started and Yunjin waited for what she would say next. “You’re pathetically begging me.” She took it as an insult and a compliment because somewhere along those lines she had been called cute in one way or another by one of the hottest and most sought-after girls on college grounds. Y/n was the type to crush a guy’s ego and spirit and make girls flash their breasts at their concerts that were attended by quite a huge crowd at a live club. 
Around 500-700 people which wasn’t bad at all.
Maybe there was something wrong with Yunjin’s ears if there were so many people enjoying metal.
“Y/n—” She cut herself off as the name just slipped her lips even if they hadn’t officially introduced each other.
“Kind of expected my stalker to know my name. Do you even live here? Or do you pretend and are waiting for an opportunity to one day break into my apartment and do whatever pervy things you’ve been imagining?” Yunjin’s ears were burning hot at the girl’s words and now her mind trailed off to those pervy things because they were mentioned, but she quickly got back on track. At least she tried because they were still swimming in her head as she stared at the girl in front of her while being somewhere between drowning and getting out of the imagining. 
“Everyone knows your name.” 
“I know.” It made the girl roll her eyes at how confident she still was. “What’s your name?” It somewhat caught the ginger off guard. It didn’t seem likely for Y/n to ask for her name if she had been nothing but mean. The last thing she seemed to care about would be her name yet she was asking about it.
“What do you need my name for?” She asked with raised eyebrows, but it didn’t make the girl’s confidence falter.
“Well, it’s either you tell it or I call you Carrot Top.”
“Yunjin.” It was an easy choice.
“Nice to meet you Yunjin.” With that the door slammed closed once again and a few seconds after the music started to blast again.
“No, literally turn your music off or…” She trailed off, looking for what she would do if the metalhead wouldn’t turn off the music. Her brain racked for things as she found herself right outside Y/n’s door again. At this point, she just mostly wanted to look at the girl she had unfortunately grown infatuated with despite barely knowing her and only seeing her at college from afar. Y/n barely spared her a glance, but somehow that made it better. It made her feel less guilty for what she had done. Eye contact would have been difficult.
“Or?” Y/n prompted, wanting to know what would happen if she didn’t turn down her music. The only person who had been complaining was Yunjin, but she assumed that it was because the apartment next to hers was empty and the other was occupied by a deaf elderly woman. 
“I don’t know, but just turn it off,” Yunjin exclaimed, the frustrations getting the best of her as she was ready to get into a verbal fight with the girl. There were so many reasons to be frustrated in the end. 
“You’re angry today, aren’t you?” Y/n only questioned, further fueling the girl who looked like she was on the verge of blowing up. She found it amusing, and she was somewhat baffled by how she had missed the girl completely in her classes, but at the same time, the girl was far from the person she was right now in classes. She didn’t seem like the type to knock on doors and lose her shit. 
“Yes, I am and it’s all your fault.” She blamed the girl right away who had been getting on her nerves since she woke up this Saturday because of Y/n playing electric guitar.
“What’s your problem?” 
“You are my problem.”
“Why is that?” Yunjin groaned at the questions she was being asked.
“Because you move in here, blast your music, refuse to tone it down, you call me carrot top, then you give me these backhanded compliments which you shouldn’t because you are too hot to be flirting with just anyone because everyone will hope that you are serious and–”
“I am serious though. You are hot, but you would be even hotter if you liked my favourite bands and were less of a freak.” Y/n didn’t even blink or stutter when she said those words- Yunjin bit her tongue while blinking her eyes and staring at Y/n.
“I’m sorry but I hate your bands, whatever they are.”
“But you like me?” Yunjin’s eyes went wide at the question from the vixen in front of her.
“No, I hate you for being a jerk.” 
“Okay, but you do find me hot, so we have mutual feelings.”
It made her more than flustered as the heat ran to her cheeks. “That’s–” Yunjin wanted to continue and argue about the music as she was frustrated and taking out her frustrations on Y/n seemed like a great option. Y/n had a quicker tongue as she cut her off once again. 
“You know, guitar players are quite good at using their fingers and you look like my newest one, so, would you mind if I played you to find out how good you sound?” The abominable words made Yunjin’s lips part as something still twisted in her stomach and the heat shot south instead of north because the thoughts were stronger than Y/n’s horrible pickup line.
“I hate you.” Y/n leaned closer as she held onto the door frame, this was the closest they had been as their faces were a few mere inches apart. “How about you take it all out in my bed? You can be as loud as you want because my neighbour who complains about noise isn’t home.” It wasn’t hard to figure out that she meant Yunjin when she said those words.
The ginger was fighting all her urges.
The door slammed closed once again and this time it wasn’t in front of Yunjin’s face but behind her as Y/n pushed her into her door. It was followed by a gasp and the vixen’s slender hands with those long fingers found their way to her ass as she gripped it.
At last, she got to taste Y/n’s plump lips after watching those haughty and teasing smiles grace them. It was her first time kissing someone with a pierced tongue and Yunjin found herself eagerly sucking Y/n’s tongue into her mouth. That was enough to draw out a moan from the back of Y/n’s throat, the ring clanking against teeth before she swirled her tongue around it, toying with it.
Y/n chuckled at the eagerness of the ginger, her fingers digging into the flesh of the girl’s ass, squeezing and pushing her more into the door. 
“You’re so needy, aren’t you? Have you been imagining me fucking you?” Y/n’s voice dropped an octave, clouded with lust as she pulled away from Yunjin’s plump lips. A string of saliva followed and the guitarist leaned in and licked it off of her lips. The action made heat shoot through the girl’s body, running straight to her clit. It was making her crumble and slowly lose this composure she had tried to put on to not show how needy she truly was for the girl.
She tangled her fingers in Y/n’s dark hair, her head falling back against the door to give her the space she needed to kiss along her neck. “You’re so fucking full of yourself,” Yunjin grumbled as the guitarist was cocky, but it was doing unimaginable things to her arousal.  
“You’re about to be just as full of me as I am,” Y/n said with a chuckle at the words. The action made Yunjin moan when her ass got smacked and a knee got placed right between her thighs. Y/n pressed into her heated cunt that was throbbing with need and the ginger wanted nothing more than to orgasm and hope for all these frustrations to go away that were caused by her sexy neighbour and godforsaken exams. 
Teeth dug into her juncture, hand running from her ass and up under her oversized shirt–only now realising that she wasn’t exactly dressed in a flattering way. She was in a pair of sweats and a shirt for comfort and she could feel Y/n smirk against her skin as she sucked right at her pulse because she had no bra on either. The girl still had her specs on as she had been in the middle of studying.
Yunjin’s hips started gyrating, grinding herself against the knee between her thighs as she couldn’t control it. The need was overwhelming and her clit was throbbing painfully. Small gasps started falling from her, bliss overtaking as she closed her eyes with her lips parted.
Y/n cupped the breast in her hand, slowly starting to knead it while getting a hold of the stiff bud. It elicited a whiny moan from the ginger when she tugged on it and the vixen pulled away from her neck which was shiny with spit and bite marks. The girl was lost, completely, fucking herself on her knee as Y/n helped guide her hips by her ass where her fingers were digging into the soft flesh. 
“Fuck–I want to come, Y/n.” 
“How bad do you want it?” She asked, pressing harder with her knee and watching the way it made the girl crumble as her hands fell to Y/n’s shirt, gripping it desperately. Her clit rubbed against her through the layers of clothes, the pressure tingling in her body as each second she grew more desperate. It made her humping sloppier, messier and needier to chase her high.
“So bad,” the girl whined out, light moans left her mouth. The heat was building up and the tension in her stomach grew. Y/n watched the frown cover the girl who tensed up, her jaw falling slack. “Oh fuck, so close–” That was all Y/n needed to know. 
“Not bad enough.” She said, clicking her tongue as she pulled her knee away from between the girl’s thighs who let out a cry at the frustrations that got ten times worse now. All that tension went away and the only thing left was that painful pulsating of her clit. 
“What?” Yunjin let out, her voice cracked in the process as it had been in a high pitch just as she was about to reach her peak. The ginger pushed her head up and her eyes were glossed over, looking at Y/n who licked her lips. 
“I said, you don’t seem to want it bad enough.” 
Yunjin looked over Y/n, her eyes trailing the girl’s lanky body with her chest heaving, still leaning against the door with Y/n’s hands not on her body anymore. The vixen ran a hand through her dark hair that was more messy after she had been tugging on it, a glint of mischief in her eyes and Yunjin’s stomach was doing flips because of how needy she was, but also how hot Y/n was. 
She wanted to get fucked.
Not just fucked.
But fucked by Y/n.
Right now. 
“Please,” she pleaded, her eyes going docile to add to it.
“Please?” Y/n questioned.
“Please fuck me, eat me out, or finger me, just please do something. I want you to fuck my pussy until I orgasm.” The words flew out so quickly that she had no clue that they did. There was no shame behind them and the only thing to show that she had some shame left in her was the tint that covered her cheeks.
“That’s pathetic,” Y/n commented and Yunjin was slowly losing it more and more as she couldn’t figure out what the girl wanted her to do anymore. 
Why was getting her pussy eaten out by the lead so difficult?
“I like it,” well…
Maybe it wasn’t that hard.
Boney fingers bunched up her loose t-shirt and Yunjin was being dragged through the apartment she had assumed would look completely different as it was light in the living room and kitchen. Her preconceptions had been off–
That was until she was dragged into the room where the walls were covered in banners of what Yunjin assumed were album covers, bands, and their logos. On the wall were three electric Fender guitars hung up, one black, one white, and one pastel pink (?). 
“Watch the pedals.” She almost tripped but got roughly pulled by her shirt, threads snapping in it to avoid stepping onto the board with pedals. It still left her stumbling over other wires as nothing was put away and it was messy. 
“Jesus,” she complained and was pushed down to sit on the bed. 
“Shut up.” 
“Wha–” The girl was caught off guard, Y/n was already pushing her down on the bed and getting on top of her. Her specs got removed in the process and discarded to the side. Those same slender fingers cupped her jaw and her eyes closed at the lips that came right back onto hers. They tasted like strawberries and she found herself sucking on Y/n’s bottom lip, her hands gripping onto the slim thighs that were on each side of her body. The whole room held the scent of that strong vanilla and she was drowning in the bedsheets. 
She tugged on Y/n’s bottom lip before she let go to catch her breath, panting for air under the girl who removed her shirt, revealing a black lacy bra that wasn’t leaving anything to the imagination. The shirt fell with a thud and Yunjin pushed herself up onto her elbows. Her eyes took in Y/n’s slim body as she couldn’t know if she would ever see it this way again. 
“It’s a shame you don’t come to our concerts, maybe we would’ve done this much sooner.” Y/n slyly said as she grabbed the hem of Yunjin’s loose shirt and helped her pull it over her head. She bit her lower lip at the supple breasts, her two buds stiff.
“I already said that I don’t like—”
“Maybe my tongue can change your mind.” Y/n cut her off while pushing her down by the shoulder. It was mouth-watering and Yunjin craned her neck, biting her lower lip at the way Y/n glanced up at her just a mere inch away from her chest. It shot heat to her clit and her hips bucked, earning a breathless chuckle from Y/n, the air making her whine when it hit her sensitive nipple. 
Her head fell back, hands trying to grip the girl’s low-waisted jeans but they weren’t baggy enough and it only let her nails dig into them. It was electrifying how Y/n toyed with her nipple, pulling it into her mouth, flicking at it and pressing the hard piercing against it before sucking. Small moans and whimpers slipped past her plump and parted lips, Y/n’s tongue warm and slick as she coated her breasts with her saliva, leaving it to get cold when she moved from one spot to another.
Y/n moved to the other breast after wetting the first one, making it easier to tease it with her fingers. The ginger kept pressing her chest into her face, hips bucking into hers and Y/n’s hips moved, pressing her clothed heat against Yunjin’s. 
“Fuck,” she breathed out, getting lost in the bliss Y/n created as she played with her chest. Sucking on the soft flesh, tugging on her nipples, twisting and dragging teeth over them, biting softly and leaving the buds more swollen and her chest glistening. It was hard to focus on anything when Y/n’s jeans were pressing through her sweats and grinding down on her cunt, dragging up and down and pressing into her clit every upstroke. It was making Yunjin’s toes curl and throat run dry. 
Y/n moved down, kissing down her cleavage, sucking the middle and down to her underboob, making sure to suck on the skin there too. She licked a long stripe along the underside of her right boob before sucking on it, simultaneously she flicked at her other nipple and it earned her a high cry of pain with a mix of pleasure. 
“Want me to fuck you with my mouth?” Y/n questioned, mumbling against her stomach as she kissed down the skin while Yunjin was heaving under her. Her nipples aching after the treatment, wanting more of it, but also wanting Y/n’s mouth on her cunt.
Yunjin was almost embarrassed. She wanted nothing more than for Y/n to go down on her because she was leaking wet. She was quite sure it would soon be visible through her grey sweats if the lead wouldn’t remove them and slurp all her juices up. There was tension between her thighs, it had been there for a while and she wanted Y/n to do something about it. 
“I want your mouth to eat me out.”
“Want me to eat you out like you’re a whore or a good girl?” Y/n questioned and Yunjin whimpered at the words that sent heat over her whole body. Her pussy was throbbing uncomfortably and Y/n was kissing just above the hem of her sweats, sitting between her legs that were spread wide for her. The guitarist hummed and cupped the girl’s heat, pressing right where she needed her with the pad of her palm, feeling hips push and subtly hump against her. The girl twisted the sheets in her fingers. “Which one are you for me?” She asked further and watched the shaky sigh that Yunjin released.
“Think you might be a whore the way you begged me to fuck you, how you’ve been coming over complaining all while imaging how it would feel to get fucked by me.” The vixen teased, rubbing the pad of her thumb against the warmth, it was enough to make the thighs quiver. 
“I don’t fantasise about you.” Yunjin defended and Y/n removed her hand from her covered pussy. She sat back on her heels and wrapped her fingers around the hem of her sweats. 
“The walls are thin, cutie.” Y/n teased and caught the way Yunjin’s eyes widened at the words as she had taught that the only reason why she heard Y/n’s music was because she blasted it so loudly. 
“Once.” To her defence, she had been tired and horny and Y/n had just gotten on her nerves by slamming a door in her face while also giving her backhanded compliments. 
Okay, she had started crushing and was desperate despite Y/n being mean to her. It left Y/n running on her mind, her pussy suddenly was wet, and she found herself in her bedroom fucking herself while thinking and “mumbling” about Y/n and what she wanted.
This was far from who the girl was, but somehow she just forgot about dignity around the Y/n.
“Still doing it–” Y/n concluded, tongue out and playing with the corner of her lip as she slowly started to pull the sweats down. The ginger lifted her hips, feeling her underwear slowly peel off of her sticky cunt. Y/n threw them off her bed, letting them fall onto the floor. Her smile wasn’t disappearing as she looked at Yunjin’s wet cunt that was glistening with juices. The vixen leaned forward, seeing how embarrassed the girl looked, her hand fell beside her head, her right coming between the younger’s legs.
The moan came right away when cold fingers ran through her folds, spreading them together with her sticky mess, only making it that much worse. She could feel it run down her ass and onto the sheets. “So desperate, such a fucking perv, fucking yourself, moaning my name and thinking about me. Should I get a restraining order?” Yunjin couldn’t comprehend it, but there was just something so hot about Y/n being so mean to her, humiliating her and degrading her. 
The guitarist was very well aware of it when the girl bucked her hips at the words. Her eyes faded in bliss, losing focus and lids hooded with fingers twisting the duvet. “Come on, tell me how bad of a whore you are. Aren’t you embarrassed?” Y/n ushered, the sounds slowly occupying the room as her middle finger teased the clenching hole, barely dipping it in before she circled the greedy and sopping entrance where everything was leaking out.
“Fuck, I am, but I just want to get fucked by you at least once, Y/n.” She whined, admitting to having the hots for her new neighbour that she had found herself perving over in her head. “I’m sorry, it just happened,” she continued to whine, on the verge of tears at how embarrassing it was for her, but at the same time, it was making her cunt throb more while it was toyed with by the slender fingers she had imagined before this. Yet Y/n wasn’t touching her where she wanted her. 
“You’re not sorry, I just know you will go home and continue fucking yourself while thinking of me. Tell me what you thought about when fucking yourself.” 
“Your fingers deep inside me ‘cause your hands are so fucking–” She choked, two fingers stretching her hole as they slowly pushed in. Y/n watched how her lips parted, tilting her head to admire the girl better. The hands that could shred on a guitar were slender, veiny and had long fingers–she no longer had to imagine what they could reach. Y/n pushed knuckle-deep into the girl and slowly started to pump the clenching hole while curving up and caressing her g-spot. The sopping sounds her pussy was producing was shameful because of how wet Y/n was able to make her with just some words and touching. 
They barely knew each other, but Yunjin was already giving up her dignity for the vixen.
“How you would play with my clit,” her back arched when Y/n pressed the pad of her thumb against her clit, pressing against it, slowly circling it and letting Yunjin fuck herself against her. “I wanted your hands around my neck and your spit in my mouth for being so fucking bad and thinking about fucking you when I barely know you.” Y/n bit her lower lip, her fingers being squeezed as Yunjin was getting turned on by her own words. All those things she had fantasised about came right back to her mind and left her uncontrollably pulsating from the inside.
She sat back on her heels, hand running over the ginger's stomach and between her breasts until she reached her slim neck. Yunjin moaned louder at how perfectly they wrapped around her throat, slowly stopping the air that was flowing to her head. Her hands quickly grasped at Y/n’s wrist, unable to stop the grinding of her hips, the squelching sounds filled the room, and her moans grew strained as there was only a small amount of oxygen getting to her.
“Y/n…” She strained out, nails digging into the wrist as her eyes rolled back. The sounds muffled. 
“Open your mouth wide if you want to take a breath, needy slut.” Y/n ordered and the girl gasped as she opened her mouth. The band member leaned over, fingers speeding up in her cunt and making Yunjin plant her feet down and raise her knees to press more into her. Despite barely being able to see, all the pleasure, it was overwhelmingly good while also barely being able to comprehend what was going on. Y/n fucking her like a toy with her fingers, choking her, ordering her, and spitting in her mouth while her pussy was letting out sopping sounds just how she had wanted it to look. 
Her tongue stuck out, and the spit landed right on it, warm and spreading over it. The hand on her throat let go and she barely managed to take a breath when Y/n used her hand to force her mouth closed. “Fucking swallow before you try anything else.” And she did just that, swallowing the spit that had lingered on her tongue, it felt like a reward to have Y/n spit in her mouth. 
“Good, live your dream.” Y/n teased and ran her thumb over Yunjin’s wet lips, and tugged down on her plump bottom lip. She gestured with her head to the girl who was barely present as she was moaning and squirming under her, but she got the memo. Yunjin sucked the thumb into her mouth as Y/n pushed until she reached her knuckle, it was close to making her gag and Y/n started to pull out. Her cheeks hollowed and let go with a pop before another whimper left her. 
“Please, make me come, I want it so much, please.” She begged and Y/n pulled her fingers out of her sopping hole that had a warm and snug grip on her. Yunjin wanted to whine and complain but stopped when Y/n moved down and got on her stomach. 
She did not wait as she had come face to face with the pink and wet pussy. The girl held her legs spread wide, pulling them even further apart and inviting Y/n to start eating her out. Her raised to watch when she would do it, wanting to see her pussy get eaten. To see the look on Y/n’s face of how big of a mess she made her because she had been thinking about this.
Her tongue came out, flat and dragging up her slit, parting the swollen lips of the girl’s puffy pussy. It made her hum at the taste and she went right back down to tease her hole and gather more of the juices onto her tongue.
Her head dropped at the feeling. “Fuck, you feel so good,” Yunjin’s hand flew to Y/n’s hair, eagerly pushing her head into her pussy. The piercing dragged along her slit, adding a new sensation of the barbell that circled her clit and made her hips raise. Y/n wrapped her slim arm around the girl’s thigh, gripping the flesh between her fingers, kneading it while drowning in Yunjin’s sopping pussy.
Those plump lips wrapped around her swollen clit, tugging on it before she suckled. It made Yunjin whimper, her legs quivering around Y/n’s head and she moved her leg over her shoulder, her heel digging into Y/n’s spine as her hips humped at her face. The tongue firmly flicked, pressing the piercing against it before going right back to flicking in a way that was making Yunjin writhe into the sheets. Her moans grew gradually louder, sounding more needy and strained with every hard flick against her swollen slick bud. The pink nerves were sensitive and slowly brought her to the edge because of the muscle that was toying with it.
“Oh God, so good, your tongue is so fucking good.” She whined out a moan.
The lead guitarist nuzzled her face into the girl's cunt, her fingers coming right back to the clasping hole that she pushed into. Y/n pressed them right on her g-spot, applying just the right amount of pressure to make the girl under her spasm. Yunjin was losing her mind over how well Y/n was working on her pussy. The tension was quickly growing in her stomach, pushing it all down and she was right on the edge again. Her breathing grew quicker and deeper, each moan more breathy if not breathless at times.
Y/n grazed her teeth over it and put her tongue flat against it, letting Yunjin fuck herself against her, the piercing moving over the clit. Her hair was being tugged on, the heel digging deeper into her spine from how the girl was pushing her sticky cunt into her face. She sucked the clit back in between her lips, tongue stiff and working hard against the bud, doing quick flicks that Yunjin could feel spread through her whole body as each nerve was being sparked with light.
“I’m gonna come!” She cried out, body tensing up, her back arched off the bed and her vision washed over with black as she lost control over her voice.
Y/n looked up at the girl from between her legs, lips tugging at how loud the girl was who clasped around her fingers, holding them in a chokehold while her walls thudded just like her clit. Her voice strained and her thighs were shaking, making Y/n slap the flesh and grasp at it. It only fueled Yunjin’s orgasm who was fucking Y/n’s mouth herself at this point with the way her hips were stuttering into her mouth. It landed her Y/n’s palm against her thigh once again, much harsher and the pain stung right through it and to her overstimulated bundle of nerves.
Slowly her moans died down and all that was left was the sounds of her trying to catch her breath. Her eyes closed and her hands covered her face at how lost she felt. Her body slowly relaxed into the bed, trying to figure out how she ended up here to begin with all while Y/n was still between her legs. It was making it hard to focus on anything else besides the tongue.
She pulled her lips away from the sensitive bud that was making the girl’s legs spasm every time she touched it. Her fingers slowly pulled out and she leaned down, licking everything up, cleaning the mess she made. It was bringing back the soft whimpers and gasps as her tongue worked at the pussy with kittenish licks. 
“Fuck.” She exclaimed when Y/n slapped her thigh once again with a grumble and she shakily removed her leg that had been wrapped securely around her. Her eyes followed Y/n who sat up, her chin and nose glistening with her wetness and all Yunjin’s shame was gone as the sight made her thighs clench again.
The ginger was about to sit up only to get shoved back down. Y/n gave her that pompous smile as her hands reached behind her back. “Time to pay back for making your perverted fantasies come true. Or is eating me out one of them too?” Her breath hitched when the lacy bra unclasped and Y/n let it fall down her shoulder before throwing it to the side. The vixen revealed her small and perky breasts to Yunjin, her nipples hard and Yunjin was slowly going into overdrive. Her pussy was still going through aftershocks yet her clit was throbbing at the view of Y/n naked and her words.
“Please, ride my face.” Y/n let out a breathless chuckle at the request, running a hand through her dark hair. The naked girl on her bed had lost all shame, begging for her fantasies to come true. 
“Have you imagined me riding your face, using your mouth to get off?” 
“Fuck, yes I have and I just want to taste you, Y/n.” The girl had already imagined what the guitarist would taste like on her tongue while grinding down on her face. She just wanted Y/n right on top of her, using her like the needy whore that she was for being used after imaging it. To just be her fuck toy, to pleasure her and get her pussy fucked until it was raw. 
Her eyes were eager on Y/n who got off of the bed. 
“You can taste me.” She worked her belt, unbuckling it before she unbuttoned the low-waisted jeans.
Yunjin pushed herself further up the bed, eyeing Y/n who removed her bottoms and underwear. Never did she think she would get to see Y/n naked, or even get fucked by her. The vixen did not look like the kind to bring someone like Yunjin to bed, but maybe that was her thing. Coming off as completely riveting to people who were opposites to her.
“You’re going to eat me out like a good little pussy eater because you want me so bad.” Y/n’s voice was humid as she spoke while getting on the bed. Her eyes set on Yunjin who felt like prey and she wanted nothing more than to be one. The vixen’s slim body was like a cat the way she crawled over to her.
“I want to taste you, be good and eat you whenever you want me to.” She licked her lips, and her eyes fell onto Y/n’s heat when the girl straddled her chest and Yunjin grabbed hold of her protruding hips. She looked like she would start shaking if Y/n wouldn’t let her get a taste. Her fingers ran over the tattoos that went along her skin, tracing the stars but her eyes were stuck to the pink pussy that was waiting for her mouth. It made her one hand run down between them, trailing her skin.
“That’s what perverts like you want, you dream about having sex with me all day and get off on these thoughts. Not many have the chance to live through it.” Y/n tangled a hand in the orange hair, threading her fingers through it and Yunjin looked up at her to meet her eyes. It made her thighs clench to see Y/n looking down at her. “Do it well and I will let you eat me out again, might even fuck you more times than just today.” That was more than motivation for Yunjin who used her arm to pull Y/n right over to her mouth.
A light moan fell from Y/n’s lips and Yunjin moaned right after when she ran her tongue over the slit. Her hand was busy between her legs, playing with her clit to the sounds Y/n was making, to her taste, and to having her ride on top of her. It was all turning her on so much more than she already was as she had only been able to imagine what Y/n would sound like in bed. 
Y/n gripped the headboard of the bed, moving her hips into Yunjin’s face who was eating her out like her life depended on it. The moans slipped out of her mouth at how good it felt to have the girl’s slick tongue slide between her folds, teasing her clenching hole and her nose stimulating her clit. All she had to do was slightly move her hips while the girl greedily did the rest, slurping at her like she was starved.
Yunjin moved her hand down from Y/n’s hip and to her plump ass, kneading her cheek in her hand. Her mouth lapped at her pussy, taking in everything she could get while her nose continuously rubbed at the clit. The girl had her eyes on Y/n though who had her head thrown back while arching, unable to look away while she worked with her mouth on her cunt. She continued to fuck herself while doing so, her hips bucking into her fingers as she was sensitive. It was like watching an erotic scene in Yunjin’s eyes who was fucking herself and Y/n as she was unable to not fuck herself at the sight.
“You’re doing so good, fuck you’re a good fucking whore, aren’t you?” Yunjin moaned in response, pressing her nose harder against Y/n’s clit who continued to fuck her face. Her nails digging in the firm flesh of her ass, tongue probing at her hole. The sounds filled the whole room, Yunjin’s tongue lapping at the wet cunt, Y/n moaning and whimpering with each move of her hips that were perfectly grinding against Yunjin’s face. The younger girl was taking it all, letting it smear over her mouth and chin, wanting to be covered in Y/n’s mess.
“I want you to come on my face,” she mumbled as she momentarily pulled away. Her voice quivered as she could feel herself about to orgasm once again.
“It’s all for you, fucking cumdump. All you’re good for is being a freak that eats pussy.” Yunjin cried out at the words that shot right to her poor clit that she had gotten abused by Y/n and couldn’t help but abuse herself too. She was too needy. 
“Call me a perverted freak, Y/n.” She begged, her eyes closed this time.
“You’re nothing but a perverted freak–Oh God, but you eat pussy so well.” Those backhanded compliments sent Yunjin to her edge. 
Y/n’s thighs trembled, her nails digging into the girl’s scalp as she let out a long and light moan as her back arched and her hips stuttered into Yunjin’s face. Her orgasm washed over her while Yunjin was going through her own, her thighs clasped around her hand while Y/n’s were squeezing her head. The pulling on her hair only added to all the pleasure. 
She only stopped toying with her clit when Y/n came down from her peak, slowly stopping the movement of her hips. However, she held the girl in place by holding onto her orange hair. 
“Fuck, clean my mess for me too,” Y/n said and bit her lower lip as she looked down at Yunjin who worked her tongue, her jaw slowly going sore as she did her best to clean up every little trace of the slick left. The vixen looked over her shoulder, catching the hand that snuck out from between Yunjin’s trembling thighs. 
“Did you fuck yourself?”
She hummed and Y/n lifted her hips, looking at Yunjin whose nose, chin, and plump lips were glistening with her slickness. It was photo-worthy as the girl looked like she had been fucked for hours multiple times from how satisfied she was with what she got. It was as if the smallest drop of water would satisfy her thirst and Y/n realised how big of a freak the girl was. It was hot, to say the least.
The guitarist moved off of her and got off the bed while Yunjin was gathering herself. 
Had she just fucked her mean, but hot neighbour? 
Did she regret it?
She would gladly go through this again because it was much better than she had imagined. 
Her pussy was still throbbing and her perverted fantasies about her mean neighbour had come true. Whatever judgement she thought she would get, Y/n didn’t give, but instead gave in to Yunjin’s desires for her. 
Her eyes scanned the room one last time, the blinds were down, it was dimly lit and more on the messy side, but not dirty as it smelled of sex and vanilla now. She at last looked at the ceiling after being so lost in the pleasure her eyes squinting as her specs were discarded.
Only now seeing the graffiti on the girl’s ceiling right above the bed in black which read;
“A.D.I.D.A.S?” She confusedly questioned as it seemed random. 
Y/n rolled her eyes while rummaging through her wardrobe. “You’re so lame.”
“What?” Yunjin still had no clue what it meant, however she knew that Y/n found her lame. At least she found her hot and fucked her so it didn’t matter. The more lame Y/n found her, the more Yunjin got off. The ginger quickly got up from the bed after getting back the feeling in her jelly legs. Quickly trying to gather her clothes and put them on all while looking at Y/n who was picking out clothes from her wardrobe, some falling out and landing on the floor in a pile.
“Nothing, I have to get ready for the concert tonight. You could come, bring a friend.” Y/n threw the invite out there while grabbing a towel and covering herself with it as she had to shower before. She at last turned to look at Yunjin who had just pulled her shirt over her head, fumbling with her bottoms.
“None of my friends listen to your band's type of music.” The girl mumbled. However, Y/n’s tongue did make her rethink and want to try and listen to the music.
“Those are my underwear and are you sure?” Y/n pointed out with that almost malicious grin as she bit her lower lip. Her siren-like eyes set on Yunjin who held the black lace in her hand while pulling on her sweats.
“Sorry–” She blushed and was about to put them back as it was genuinely by accident as they had somehow tangled themselves up with her clothes, but she was stopped.
“You can keep them.” Y/n shrugged out, wanting to see if the girl would do it or not. It was hot to see someone be this down for her as it had happened before, but Yunjin was down bad bad.
Yunjin was hesitant as she looked at the lacy pair of used underwear in her hold. It would stay between them in the end. “I’m sure.” She replied, quickly stuffing them in her pocket and reaching for the specs that she put back on. It wouldn’t hurt to maybe get off with them in her hold if Y/n got to find out about her fantasies either way. She cleared her throat, her cheeks burning at the way Y/n was looking at her and she wasn’t sure when she became so thrown off the rails. The vixen stood leaning against the wardrobe, phone in hand.
“So…you’re not friends with Chaewon?” She curiously asked as she had seen the two girls together multiple times, but it looked like they maybe didn’t tell each other everything when Yunjin creased her eyebrows in confusion.
“Chaewon? How do you know Chaewon?”
“You can see yourself out, carrot top,” Y/n replied instead while walking towards the bedroom door to get to the bathroom. She did look back at the girl who seemed baffled, giving her a sly grin and wink before the speakers started to blast more metal and Yunjin was left to see herself out.
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bisexualiteaa · 1 month
Mornings Like These
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Cooper Howard x Fem Reader
CW: slightly NSFW, established relationship, mentions of sex, sexual daydream, OOC Cooper, Cooper in a frilly apron cooking, cursing, slight deviance from the canon, more domestic Cooper because 🥹❤️
AN: Had the most wonderful request to do something a little different than what I’m used to! I know it’s out of character for our cowboy ghoul but I just loved the concept. This is a continuation of my last work, so it is set in the same Fallout TV series and Fallout 4 tense. Breakfast is served my lovely Cooper simps, hope I did your ask justice @morrrrow !! Hope y’all enjoy!
“God damn this fuckin’ thing” spoke the ever recognizable southern twang of Cooper from the kitchen. You woke up to hearing a few pots and pans clank together as he removed them from the cabinet, and his not so quiet curses in frustration that he was a man who failed at being quiet. Outside of bounty hunting of course. You were still in bed, having just barely woken up as the sun poured in through the windows, making you rub the sleep from your eyes. You padded into the kitchen to see what all the noise was about, seeing him trying to work the stove that you both bought off of someone that was supposed to be repaired and in working order. “What a fuckin’ rip off” he said angrily as he threw the towel down on the floor that was resting on his shoulder, then leaned over the sink to breathe, doing his best to try to control his anger before he started breaking things. “Stove givin’ ya trouble, hun?” You asked, your voice carrying a sleepy rasp to it as a small playful smile stretched to your lips, making him look over at you. In that moment, it was as if all the anger inside of him had just melted away upon seeing you, clad in just a tank top and underwear, hair slightly messy from sleep. You were truly a sight to behold at all hours of the day in his eyes. “Shit, I’m sorry darlin’. I wanted t’ surprise you with breakfast but this damn thing won’t work. Shoulda known it was a fat load a shit when he said it was workin’” he replied, defeat and agitation still evident in his tone, making you walk closer to him and grab his hand. “Hey, it’s okay, Coop. I think it’s mighty sweet you wanted t’ do that. Can I take a look? Maybe a fresh set’a eyes can help?” You asked, watching as his shoulders dropped a little bit as the tension left him at your touch, a small smile reaching his thin, marred lips as he looked down at his girl. “Go ‘head” he replied, starting to follow you and what you were trying to do but you stopped him before he could do anything. “*You* have a seat and relax, I’ll take a look, ‘kay?” you said, your hands resting on his shoulders to make sure he listened to you, knowing well and good his stubbornness was his biggest attribute. He gave a grunt before giving in, recognizing that you just wanted him to relax after being all worked up. “I’ll take care of it, promise. I’m a big girl, but if I need anythin’ I’ll holler for ya” you said, smiling up at him sweetly once more as you rubbed his shoulders a little before kissing him softly. His hands rested on your hips for a moment as you kissed, and in that moment, everything felt at peace in the world. As you parted from the kiss, you turned and moved out of his way before coming to take a look at the new appliance. Well, maybe not *new* but new for post war standards. You took a look at the wiring, noticing that it looked pretty good for a shit box that survived a nuclear bomb or two. No rust, no corrosion, hell even the paint didn’t look half bad. Cooper knew he had to get it for you the moment your pretty eyes lit up with excitement upon seeing it, going on about how much you missed making homemade pies, casseroles, and bread. He knew you were one hell of a cook with the passion you put into making some iguana, or even your famous stew he’d grown to love that was made from just about anything you could get your hands on. He swore you put some kind of drugs in your food with the way he craved it all the time, he’d joke that you could put cyanide in it and still manage to make it taste delicious. And that was just over a fire, he could only imagine the creations you’d put out if given the right materials. Seeing you working a stove, in a house that was starting to get pretty settled into, would be one step closer to the dream of having a domestic life with you when the rest of the world had gone to shit. He wanted to see you happy, because when you were happy, everything was alright in the world in his book.
You opened the door to the stove, bent over and examining the inside for any reason as to why it wasn’t working. The broiler seemed good, all the coils were there, nothing was rusted or corroded so you weren’t quite sure what the issue was. Cooper however, was in a whole other world looking at you. Had he been the man he was before meeting you, he’d have had half the mind to fuck you right then and there while your body was half way in the oven. He gave a groan at his own daydream, watching you with your ass in the air, clad in just the panties you were wearing, making him shift in the small, dining room chair he was sitting on as his pants began to grown uncomfortably tight. You always had a way of getting to him, whether you meant to or not, that man stayed feral for you all hours of the day. He wondered if your moans would be muffled or amplified with your head stuck in the oven, how you’d squeeze him tight with the slight sensory depravation. What he really wanted was the memory to play in your mind each time you’d use it, for you to bend down and remember the way he used you in that same position as you’d slide a casserole in the oven. He was broken from his daydream when you called his name, finding that you were no longer in the kitchen but outside checking the power source. He stood up and walked towards the front door, leaning in the open doorway as you stood outside, looking to him with a relieved smile as you found the solution. “Was wonderin’ why it was so hot in there” you thought out loud, explaining that it was a problem with the power source, not the stove itself before flipping a few switches and connecting a few wires then hearing your electricity hum back to life. “‘s ‘cause you’re here” he joked flirtatiously, sending a wink and a smirk your way, making you giggle. “Wasn’t the stove, was the power. Radstorm must’ve knocked it out last night” you said as you both came back inside, plugging the stove back in and sure as shit, it turned on. You dusted your hands off, standing there proudly in front of your new, working oven. He was thoroughly impressed. “Well I’ll be damned, when’d you get so handy?” Cooper asked with a teasing grin, making you smile as he looped an arm around your waist proud that his little lady was able to fix the problem. “Since I had to start fixin’ things ‘fore you break ‘em” you teased, coming up to kiss his cheek as he swatted your ass affectionately in retaliation.
“Ya know, before you start cookin’ I have the perfect thing for you to wear” you said, slipping from his grasp for only a moment, making him raise a brow at you as you giggled and treaded into the closet of what you called your bedroom. You opened it, finding a frilly white apron you used to own back in the day when you would bake and cook everything by hand at home. You smiled as you grabbed it, knowing full and well you’d have hell to pay for this little stunt, but when has that ever stopped you before? So you snatched it up, leaving it folded before coming back into the kitchen and handing it to him. “A good cook needs a good apron, and I just know this one would look damn good on you” you said, handing it to him with the most mischievous glint in your eyes and grin stretched to your lips, leaving him to unfold it and look it over. Now this was where you were expecting to get in some serious shit. To hear a chide comment or a “never in a million years, sugar” but no, this man looked at you like you’d handed him a challenge, and he was going to take it in stride. So with a smirk, he set it aside and started to shake his duster off from his frame. “I’ll do ya one better there, little lady” he said, that look in his eyes told you he was up to no good and it had you curious. He started working his shirt off and you’d be damned if you weren’t enjoying the sight of him shirtless and just in his pants, the decorative buckle on his belt helping him maintain that rugged cowboy look. He noticed your stares, giving a dry chuckle. “Like whatchya see, sweetheart?” He asked, his voice dipping a little lower but he didn’t need you to say anything, he already knew the answer. “Always” you replied, a half lidded expression on your face as your tone dripped with something a little less pure. What you really hadn’t been expecting was when you saw him take his pants and briefs off before you, a slack jawed grin coming to your mouth as he tied the apron around his frame. Completely naked underneath. You gave a laugh as you watched him wear it with pride. “You sir, never fail to surprise me” you said, making him chuckle but you spotted the tent that started to poke at the apron where he was getting hard underneath. “Think you’re right, it’s a pretty good look” he said, turning to face away from you and you gave that same crude whistle he’d always give you when he liked something you wore or did, because you had an eye full of ass standing right in front of you. You walked up and stood behind him, wrapping your arms around his torso and laying kisses to his shoulder and back. “On second thought, who needs breakfast when you look this good? Hell, I think you pull it off better than I ever did” you said through a giggle, feeling him swat at your grabby hands the way you do when he gets handsy with you. “Can’t disturb a chef when he’s cookin’, sugar” he said coyly, making you chuckle as he started frying a few slices of Cram in the skillet. “Oh but you can disturb me when I’m doin’ laundry? I see how it is” You said playfully as you took a seat down at the dinner table you two found, it wasn’t much, but it was nice all things considered. Gave that homey touch that was missing from the house when you two first put together the settlement. You watched as he romped around the kitchen, going out of his way to put on a show for you and get you as worked up as you make him. “You are such a tease” you said, making him grin as he had his back turned to you, fully focused on making a good breakfast for the two of you to enjoy. “Welcome to my world, sweetheart” he said, making you laugh. You could certainly get used to this.
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moonswolfie · 9 months
You get caught by the sibling
Originally I was gonna write this for Lev but then I realised that I want to write this scenario for a fair amount of haikyuu boys so here we are (I decided to do characters who's siblings appear in the anime/manga excluding the miya twins and hoshiumi, sorry hoshiumi 😔)
I wanna write more for my boi hirugami, I just KNOW everyone's gonna be simping for him once the movies come out
CW: reader is gender neutral, I use the phrase "nii chan" cuz bro/brother sounds awkward, I use a name insert, some manga spoilers
Characters featured: Lev, Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima and Hirugami
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˚ ༘ ೀLev Haiba
You were staying over at your boyfriend's place for the first time, and his family had been nothing but welcoming of you. They're all really sweet and excitable people, just like Lev himself.
That made you relieved, since you were scared his parents would be super strict or something, although that would be a little strange considering Lev's carefree behaviour.
Right now, you were sitting in his room in awkward silence. His room was surprisingly clean, you noted while looking around. (Alisa later informed you that he spent 3 hours cleaning his room before you arrived.)
"Hey, ummm..." you turned to him. He was looking off into a corner, eyes avoiding you nervously and a cute pink blush on his cheeks. He never usually acts like this. He isn't one to get nervous when asking for physical affection. He just asks you to hug him or hold his hand straight up. Or he just does it without even asking.
So that got you curious. "Yes?"
"Can I kiss you?" he asked, eyes shifting to you. He looked excited, looking at you with wide eyes and a smile, waiting for your answer.
"HUH?!" that was the thing you expected to hear the least.
"Hey, don't be so loud! I don't want anyone to come here right now..." he said, a pretty pout on his face. You just stared at him, wide eyed.
You noticed his body slightly trembling, probably from trying to contain his excitement and nervousness.
"Let's... do it." you said, clenching his blanket in your hand nervously.
At your confirmation, he made a noise of excitement, smiling widely like an innocent boy whose mom let him get candy while grocery shopping.
"Okay. Sit still..!" he instructed, awkwardly grabbing your arms. You closed your eyes, too nervous to look at him lean in. The bed made a noise as he shifted closer, and you soon felt his breath against your face. You were sure he could hear your heart beating out of your chest.
"Levochka~ I came to- Oh my!"
Your eyes opened immediately, and you spun your head around to find a surprised Alisa at the door. You didn't see it, but Lev looked equally shocked.
"THIS ISN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" Lev shouted nervously.
"Ah, I'll come back later~ Have fun!" Alisa smiled cheekily and closed the door. Your head slowly turned back to him, and he looked both embarrased and annoyed.
"Damn it, and I was so close..." he mumbled.
"...You can still do it, you know?" you said, looking down at his blanket. There was an awkward tension in the room.
"Not now that the mood is ruined!" he grabbed his head in frustration, blushing wildly.
"Later, then." you shrugged, blushing wildly yourself.
˚ ༘ ೀHinata Shoyo
You were helping Hinata with his summer break homework, solving it together in his room. He thanked you excessively when you agreed to come over, but you could never refuse an opportunity to come over to his house anyways.
His mom was really nice and even brought you two cookies. Natsu seemed excited to see you, as she always is. She even asked you to play with her, but Hinata's mom explained why you came over and she had the cutest pout on her face after.
After a while, you two were finally done with the homework, and he looked over to you, an idea flashing in his eyes before his cheeks turned pink. He was avoiding your gaze nervously. You tilted your head slightly, curious about his behaviour.
"So, ummm... since you've come over and, uhhh, helped me and everything... I-I wanted to thank you." Hinata was bright red at this point and seemed really nervous.
You hummed in question, waiting patiently for him to continue.
"W-With a kiss..." he mumbled quietly, probably too embarrased to say it louder, but you still heard him. You giggled a little at how cute he was.
"That's the best form of thank you I can possibly get." you couldn't contain your smile. You saw him tremble a little in excitement, and he scooted closer to you.
"O-Okay... I'll do it n-now..." he whispered, and you closed your eyes, knowing that he would get nervous if you kept looking at him.
You felt his lips press gently against yours, and you felt his hair brush against your forehead. You didn't kiss Hinata often yet, so every time it did happen it felt special, exciting.
"Nii-chan, let's go play with your...EW!" Natsu slid open the door to Hinata's room without warning, scrunching her little face up in disgust when she noticed what you two were doing.
"Nacchan! I-" Hinata scrambled away from you, stumbling over his words and not finishing the sentence.
"I'M TELLING MOM!" Natsu yelled, running away without closing the door. Hinata was too shocked to move, but soon swiftly got up, face scarlet red. "No, Nacchan, wait!" he ran after her.
You could hear Natsu tattling "MOM! NII-CHAN IS KISSING [NAME]!" downstairs with Hinata nervously denying it, attempting to do damage control. You could hear Hinata's mom chuckling at the scene, too.
To be fair, you were laughing right now as well. Whether it was from embarrasment or amusement, you're not sure.
˚ ༘ ೀKageyama Tobio
Kageyama randomly invited you over today, saying he was home alone. You knew his parents are often busy, but his sister was usually home with him, so this was quite the opportunity.
Knowing Kageyama, you were sure he didn't invite you over to do anything weird and simply wanted to spend time with you alone since things tend to get awkward when his family is around.
That being said, all you were doing was sitting in his room in silence. It didn't really feel uncomfortable, though. You have a feeling Kageyama simply enjoys being in your presence and doesn't feel the need to talk around you. Either that or he's just awkward.
Suddenly, you felt your hand being grabbed roughly, and you looked to your left to see Kageyama looking at you with strange determination. You haven't ever seen him make this kind of face, not even during a volleyball match.
"...Tobio?" you questioned, confused by his behaviour.
"Kiss me." he choked out, furrowing his brows.
"Uhhh, what?" you raised your eyebrows in disbelief. There's no way he just said what you think he said. Where is this even coming from?!
"I said, kiss me." Kageyama grit his teeth, face completely red now. You have a feeling he just doesn't know how to ask for a kiss properly, holding back your giggles as you let him do what he wants.
He grabbed your upper arms, and you let your eyes shut. You felt his breath on your face, lips so close to touching, when you suddenly heard a gasp.
"Tobio-chan, you little charmer~" Miwa leaned on the doorframe, smirking mischeviously. You covered your mouth with both of your hands, eyes wide as you moved away from Tobio.
"Why are you home?!" Kageyama yelled, mortified. He immediately let go of your arms.
"Work ended early. And there's no way we aren't talking about this later." Miwa seemed awfully amused. Kageyama huffed in annoyance at getting his opportunity to kiss you ruined.
"Oh, and by the way, you were doing it wrong. I'll teach you how to kiss the right way later." she said, closing the door behind her. There was complete silence in his room for a long time after that.
You turned to Kageyama, who was still red all over, gently taking his hand. "Tobio, I-"
"Don't. D-Don't say anything." he said quietly, his hand wriggling out of your gentle grip. Oh well, gazing at a flustered Kageyama is also a great activity.
But you can't help but worry about what Kageyama will do with Miwa's advice.
After his parents found out he has a partner, they incessantly kept asking him to meet you. In their own words, they wanted to "know what kind of person would fall in love with a kid like Kei". And you couldn't really blame them, knowing Tsukishima.
˚ ༘ ೀTsukishima Kei
They were pleasant to you, treating you well and even letting you stay over for dinner. You were a little surprised at how different they are from Tsukishima.
He took you to his room as soon as possible, wanting to avoid his mom questioning how you two ended up together, what he's like around you and such.
His room looked about the same as you expected, and he let you sit down on his bed, joining you.
"Your family is so nice! I wonder how they managed to get a grumpy boy like you mixed in there." you commented, smiling at him. He rolled his eyes, that being the only answer you got.
You didn't really know what else to say, so you just sat next to him in awkward silence. Then, you suddenly got an idea. A very very fun idea.
"Kei." you said, leaning forwards. He looked at you from the corner of his eye, waiting for you to continue. "Let's kiss." you said in an excited tone, and his lips pursed, face remaining blank.
"And why?" he asked, turning his head to you.
"Don't couples do that all the time?" you tilted your head, acting innocent. He sighed.
"...Fine." he acted like this was a pain to do, but you didn't miss the tiny sliver of a smile on his face. He was definitely excited right now. You leaned close and accidentally bumped your nose against his glasses.
"Be careful, those are- mmph..." you pressed your lips to his before he could finish his sentence, trying not to smile too hard into the kiss. This feels awesome!
His arm slowly wrapped around you, deepening the affection.
"Kei, mom says that- Ah!" you quickly broke the kiss to find Tsukishima's brother, Akiteru, standing at the door, frozen in shock.
"Well.... This is unexpected. I'm glad you two are happy together?" he said, awkward smile on his face. He slowly moved to close the door, not wanting to disrupt you further but just before he did it, Tsukishima stopped him.
"If you ever tell anyone about this, I will murder you." he said, furrowing his brows. The door opened again slightly, Akiteru wearing a worried smile on his face in the crack of the door.
"I won't, calm down. Just what do you think of me?" he assured him before shutting the door. As you sat there, processing what just happened, Tsukishima slowly brought his hands to his face, pushing his glasses up to his forehead. He groaned loudly into his hands.
"Are you okay?" you asked cautiously, blushing yourself.
"Do I look okay to you? Of course not." he pinched the bridge of his nose, face red.
You came over to your boyfriend's house for another study session this week. Exam season has been wild this year and you're eternally grateful for his help in your studies.
˚ ༘ ೀHirugami Sachiro
His family welcomed you upon your arrival as usual, the dog being especially happy to see you. The two of you are taking a break from studying just now, talking about various things in his room.
You suddenly felt the need to be close to him out of nowhere, wordlessly settling on his lap and hugging him. "Oh? Why are you hugging me?" he asked calmly.
"Do I need a reason?" you mumbled against him. "I guess not." he responded, gently placing an arm around you.
You looked up at him, not even trying to disguise the fact that you were staring at his lips. He raised an eyebrow, smiling slightly.
"Can I...?" you asked gently, not removing your gaze from his lips. He chuckled, asking "Can you what?"
He definitely knew what you were asking for, but just wanted to tease you a bit. You pouted, grumbling "I know you know what I mean." His smile became wider. "You're right, as always."
Before you could ask again, he gently pressed his lips against yours, and you hummed happily, squeezing him in your hold. His other hand gently moved to your face, holding it.
"Now what's this I see?" you were interrupted by Hirugami's older sister, standing at the door with an amused smile on her face. "You hate when my boyfriend is lovey dovey with me, but it's fine when you do it?"
Hirugami let out an annoyed sigh. "I hate your boyfriend because he's getting lovey dovey with you in front of me. I atleast do it in private."
"Jeez, okay then, you prude." his sister narrowed her eyes.
"I'm not a prude, I just prefer to not make others uncomfortable by making out with my partner in the living room." Hirugami still had a calm smile on his face, which made his sister even more annoyed.
"Whatever." his sister huffed, closing the door and walking off. When her footsteps could no longer be heard, he looked back at you with a slight frown on his face.
"Sorry about that. Where were we again?" he asked casually. It surprised you how calm he is about the whole thing, while you were turning red from the embarrasment of being caught.
"I... believe you were kissing me..." you mumbled.
"That's right." he said, cupping the side of your face.
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libraryofgage · 7 months
Mermaid/Pirate Steddie Five
One | Two | Three | Four
*slaps top of the fic* this bad boi has everything: mermaids, fluff, reunions, Eddie being a simp, protective mom Steve
Anyway, stick around to the very very end for a meme hot off the presses about this part lmao
as always, if you see any typos, no you didn't ;P
It takes Robin and the guppies three days to reach the ship Erica mentioned. They're all irritable, and the only thing that keeps them from snapping at each other is the idea that Steve might be hurt or in danger. Robin thinks they might have torn each other apart otherwise, and she can't even say for sure that she would have stopped the guppies from engaging in a full-on brawl.
So, to say she's beyond relieved when they finally catch up to the ship is an understatement.
But now they need to plan. The ship is way too close to a port city; close enough that any of the pirates could survive long enough to swim that way and spread the story of a murderous pod. Which, honestly, wouldn't do much for keeping all mermaids safe and on good enough terms with humanity that regular humans don't hunt them for sport. It does nothing to stop the pirates, but still.
"We could just make sure to drown everyone," Max suggests, watching the bottom of the ship with narrowed eyes.
Robin almost agrees, but then she stops. Because she knows Steve. If even one person on that ship wasn't an asshole to him, he'd say to spare them, and that could result in the aforementioned spreading of murderous pod stories. But after he's been trapped for so long, Robin wouldn't be able to argue with any request. She's already imagined him dead and strung up like a trophy more than she'd like to admit. She couldn't stand to see him frown after that.
So, she shakes her head, a frustrated bubble pattern flaring from her gills. "We need to be smarter about this," she says.
"We didn't strategize before sinking the other one," Will points out.
"That one kidnapped him. This one might have rescued him, and we should show mercy if that is the case," El says, stretched out and floating on her back. She's the most relaxed of them, and Robin wonders if it's because of that sixth sense she's got going.
"El is right," Robin says, crossing her arms and studying the ship. "We should be more careful about this."
"We could try signaling him," Dustin suggests. "Like, uh, dolphin noises or something."
"If we do that," Lucas says, "we'll need to give him enough time to respond without anyone around."
Robin nods, agreeing with both of them. "Okay, here's what we're gonna do. I'll swim closer while you guys stay here. We have that dumb screech system Steve made us memorize, so I'll use that to signal him. Then we'll wait until the sun rises tomorrow. That should be enough time for him to respond. If he doesn't, we'll sink the ship," she says.
"What if he's not on it?" Mike asks.
"We'll keep one human alive for questioning," Will says, looking at Robin and flashing a tiny, relieved smile when she nods in agreement. "We'll probably have to drown them either way, though."
"Well, we don't need to tell them that," Erica says, snorting as she reaches out to pet a fish that swims by. It's tiny enough to weave through her fingers twice before swimming on.
"Yeah, definitely won't be telling them," Robin agrees, trying and mostly failing to hold back an amused smile. "Okay, stay here. I'll be back after a few minutes. While I'm gone, Erica is in charge."
A chorus of protests chases after Robin as she swims away, heading toward the surface. The sun shines brighter the closer she gets, and she winces when her head finally breaks through the water. It reflects off the ocean, sparkling and blinding as the water shifts and flows.
Robin huffs and sinks down until only her eyes are above the water. The ship is a few yards away, and she can't see anyone moving around on the deck from this distance. She slowly moves closer, her ear fins straining as she tries to listen for any sign of life. Or Steve. Actually, she'd love to hear any sign of Steve from the ship.
Unfortunately, she doesn't.
Once she's close enough to touch the ship, hiding in the shadow it casts over the water, she circles it once. There are a few windows along the hull, but none of them are actually open. That could make it harder for Steve to hear her, but Robin will just be extra loud to compensate.
Robin clears her throat, rolls her shoulders, flicks her tail, and rises until her chin is above the water. She then lets out a sound that can only be classified as the dying shrieks of a dolphin and seagull's abomination of a love child. She makes this noise twice, but each one lasts a few seconds.
Robin can't risk any of the humans seeing her when they investigate the noise. If they are holding Steve captive, they might hurt him even more if they know another mermaid is around. So, she dips below the water, completely submerging and waiting anxiously for a response.
Steve has discovered the wonders of just sprawling on a solid surface, his arms thrown to the side and his tail stretched out as he stares up at the ceiling. It's oddly calming, and Steve can almost trick himself into thinking the bobbing of the ship is the ocean itself.
That's what Steve is doing now, forcing himself to relax and brace himself for telling Eddie that he has to leave for a while to find Robin and the guppies. His eyes are closed, and he's running through every possible outcome of that conversation. The second best case scenario (Eddie decides to come with him in a tiny boat) is playing out when he hears it.
The Emergency Shriek.
The last time he'd heard it, Dustin was desperately crying out for help as he struggled against the net that dragged him to the surface. Steve's reaction then had been the exact same as his reaction now. He jolts, his eyes wide and all of his fins flaring in preparation for the fastest swimming of his life, and his lips are pulled back in a vicious snarl to display his fangs and scare off the threat.
But he's on a boat, in the captain's cabin, and that window is way too small for him to climb through. Steve doesn't really think (he can't, actually; his brain has officially gone into Guppies and Robin In Danger Mode). He drags himself to the door of the cabin, digs his fingers into the space beneath, and uses all his strength to rip it off.
The wood groans and the hinges shriek and then the bottom half of the door comes off in his hands. Steve tosses it to the side and crawls through, his tail twitching and flopping in a vain attempt to move faster. If anyone were to actually witness this, they'd probably find it somewhere between utterly terrifying and unfortunately hilarious. A giant fish is dragging and flopping along the floor, but it's also exuding the most intense aura of bloodlust most creatures have ever encountered.
And that bloodlust only gets worse when Steve comes to the stairs that lead to the deck. He stares at them, anger building in his chest at the obstacle they present and just how long it will take to climb them. By the time he reaches the top, Robin and the guppies could be dead, and Steve will have wasted time by uselessly trying to climb some stupid stairs.
He grits his teeth, claws digging into the wood beneath him. And then Steve suddenly realizes that he doesn't have to climb the stairs himself. He takes a deep breath, his gills flaring some to pull in more air, and screams as loud as he can, "EDDIE!"
Steve is absolutely going to reward Eddie for his speed (later, after his guppies and Robin are safe) because he immediately hears something crash above him, followed by swearing and frantic footsteps that stop at the stairs. "Stevie, what the fuck?" Eddie asks, panting as he hurries down the stairs.
"On the deck," Steve says, pushing up onto his tail and wrapping his arms around Eddie's neck when he starts leaning down. "Right now, Eddie. Actually, two minutes ago. As fast as you can. And to the edge of the ship. The railing. Now!"
Eddie, his wonderful and incredible Eddie, doesn't question him. He just scoops Steve up and carries him back up the stairs, fingers digging into Steve's waist when he nearly trips over the final step. He finds his balance again, barely, and strides over to the railing.
Steve can't see anything wrong with the water, but he knows the surface doesn't actually tell him anything useful. He frowns and looks at Eddie. "I'll be back," he promises before letting go of Eddie's neck and twisting to place his hands on the rail.
In one swift motion, he launches himself over the side, grimacing when he feels the edge of his tail fin smack Eddie's cheek along the way. But Steve doesn't let himself linger and focuses on the rush of water around him as he dives below the surface. His gills flare and he breathes for the first time in a while, his hair and body familiarly weightless, and Steve fully realizes how much he fucking missed being in the ocean.
But he can't linger on that relief and joy either.
Steve shoots through the water, swimming to wear he thinks the Emergency Shriek came from, only to be tackled as he rounds the edge of the ship. He yelps, his breath knocked out of him as he goes careening, arms wrapping around his waist like he's going to disappear. It takes exactly one second for him to recognize Robin, her hair floating in front of his eyes and her claws digging into his back.
"You're okay!" she shouts as their momentum starts to falter.
Steve wraps his arms around her and holds her close, one hand on the back of her head and the other around her waist. "Where's the danger?" he asks, scanning the water around them and frowning when he sees nothing.
Robin laughs and pulls away, grinning at him with relief clear in her eyes. "There isn't any, dingus. I was trying to see if you were on that ship," she explains.
Before she can say anything else or Steve can respond, several bodies crash into him from behind. "STEVE!"
They all go careening through the water again, and Steve can't help laughing this time. He tries to hug as many of the guppies as he can, running his fingers through their hair and over their shoulders to reassure himself and them that they're together again. They don't let up, though, and Steve is getting pulled deeper and deeper as they pile on top of him, each trying to get closer as Robin wraps her arms around his neck and buries her face in his nape.
"Okay, okay!" Steve says, a stupidly happy grin on his face, "I'm fine, I promise. I'm not hurt."
"But you were!" Will shouts, managing to push forward long enough for Steve to see the red in his eyes from crying. "We saw your scales in the other ship."
"I healed," Steve promises, gesturing at his tail. This gets the guppies to back off long enough to inspect his tail, all seven of them circling around and inspecting for new injuries.
"What's this?" Erica asks, pointing at the new scar.
"That's the wound that healed."
"I'm so glad you're okay," El says, finishing her inspection first and grabbing Steve's hand.
"Yeah, now we can wreck that ship!" Max says, her eyes lighting up with a vicious glee as she looks at the Corroded Coffin in the distance.
Steve blinks. "Wait, what?"
"This has been healed for a while, Steve," Max explains, gesturing to his tail, "So, they must have been keeping you captive, right? Let's sink them."
"I bet they've got some great treasure on there," Dustin says, lingering closer to Steve's shoulder even as he looks at the ship, studying it with the same face he studies squids he wants to try trapping.
And, yeah, Dustin would be right. There is some great treasure in the Corroded Coffin. Steve's treasure. Eddie. "We are not sinking the ship," he says, his voice firm. It's his official Caretaker Voice, and it makes all the guppies stiffen slightly as they look at him. "The...humans there saved me."
A few seconds pass, and then Robin behind him gasps. "You fell in love!" she shouts, using Steve's shoulders to brace herself as she pushes up and leans over his head. "With a human!"
"Wh-how could you tell?!" Steve asks, looking up at her as the guppies start clamoring for his attention as well.
"Was it the captain?" Will asks, eyes a little brighter but also warier.
"Is he ugly?" Mike asks, his tone implying that he already believes the answer to be yes.
"Dude, how could you fall for a human?!" Dustin shouts, his nose wrinkled up in slight disgust.
"Have you been courting a human the whole time we've been looking for you?" Erica asks, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Yeah! How long have you been healed, then?" Max adds, moving next to Erica and glaring at Steve.
"Wait, so we're not sinking the ship?" Lucas asks, failing to cover his disappointment as he gazes at the ship longingly.
"Congratulations, Steve. I'm sure he's very nice," El says, smiling at him, and Steve almost cries at her simple and accepting response.
"I want to meet him," Robin says.
And her words get the rest of the guppies to quiet down. They all share a few looks and then nod at Steve in sync. "Yeah, we need to meet him," Dustin says, apparently the spokesperson for the group.
Steve blinks, looking at the guppies and Robin. He wanted Eddie to meet his guppies and Robin, of course, but he's a little worried about what they'll do to Eddie. "Only if you promise not to drown him," he says, shooting each of them a hard look.
"I'm insulted you think we would," Robin says, scoffing as she swims to the guppies, facing Steve. "Now, go get your soft and very drownable human down here."
Steve rolls his eyes and motions for the guppies and Robin to follow as he swims toward the surface. He doesn't plan to let them out of his sight, and he knows the feeling is mutual.
Exactly twenty minutes and 13 seconds have passed since Steve threw himself over the rail of the ship, and Eddie hasn't moved. He knows his crew is a little concerned, especially when they notice the red cut across his cheek, but he waves them off when they try to pull him away from the railing to focus on something else.
He just can't risk Steve surfacing and not seeing him.
And his paranoia feels validated when Steve does surface and immediately smiles brightly at him, looking somewhere between relieved and ecstatic. "Eddie!" Steve shouts, waving like he doesn't always have Eddie's undivided attention, "Jump in!"
Here's the thing. When a gorgeous merman that Eddie has spent a bunch of time courting (and then kissing) tells him to jump into the ocean, Eddie is going to jump into the fucking ocean. "Just a second," he shouts back.
He kicks off his shoes, waves off Asher and Jeff when they try to convince him to not jump off the ship, and then launches himself over the railing. For a brief moment, Eddie feels weightless, and then he hits the water. His legs sting a little where they broke the surface, the cut on his cheek practically screams in protest, and a cascade of bubbles block his vision just as much as the salt that stings his eyes and makes everything blurry.
The blurriness does nothing to keep him from recognizing Steve when he swims closer, though. Steve is still grinning at him, and Eddie's grin in return falters slightly when he tries to kick to the surface and Steve stops him. Before Eddie can try to signal that he cannot, in fact, breathe underwater, Steve kisses him.
As they kiss, Steve's tongue pushes against Eddie's lips, carefully prying them open. Eddie leans closer to Steve, figuring he doesn't mind dying like this, and falters when he feels a bubble of air roll down his tongue and lodge in his throat. Steve pulls away, and Eddie inhales on reflex. The bubble in his throat gets a tiny bit smaller, and Eddie doesn't get any water in his lungs.
"Tug my arm when the bubble gets too small. You won't be able to talk underwater, but you won't drown." And then he notices the cut on Eddie's face. His smile drops some, and he leans forward, gently tracing his finger along the wound. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," Steve says, his voice echoing and surrounding Eddie in the water.
Eddie shakes his head, waving his hand dismissively. It's at this point that he notices some blurry shapes a distance away, but he doesn't pay them too much mind. He focuses back on Steve and takes his hand, squeezing reassuringly before kissing his palm.
"It doesn't hurt, right?" Steve asks, his voice a little softer and slightly muffled but still one of the most beautiful things Eddie has ever heard.
Eddie shakes his head again and wraps his free hand around Steve's waist, pulling him closer. This is much easier to do in the water. He kisses Steve again, tasting salt more than anything else, and Steve takes the chance to replenish the air bubble despite its minimal use so far.
When he pulls away, he looks more relaxed. "Promise you'll let me know if you need more air?" he asks, his tone insistent and firm. Steve waits for Eddie to nod before grinning. "Great, because my guppies and Robin want to meet you. And, uh, they're really disappointed about not getting to sink your ship, but don't hold that against them."
Eddie blinks, suddenly wondering if maybe he shouldn't have jumped into the ocean at Steve's beck and call. But then he notices the way Steve moves so naturally in the water, how his hair floats and moves around him, how bubbles rise from his gills as he speaks, and Eddie knows he'd jump without thought all over again.
So, yeah, he guesses it's time to meet some guppies and Robin.
Tag List (the tag list is full! I wasn't able to fit everyone, so if you aren't on here, I'd suggest following #high seas steddie. I think you should still get updates on your dash if you do)
@mugloversonly, @raisedbylibrarians, @thegirlwiththelibrarybag, @savory-babby, @vankaar, @beckkthewreck, @itcanbepalped, @imfinereallyy, @finntheehumaneater, @mightbeasleep, @weekend-dreamer7
@whenindoubtb72, @troublemaker2azz, @just-a-tiny-void, @upallnightogetloki, @mxmakessense, @ellietheasexylibrarian, @haelreadsshit, @y4r3luv, @starman-jpg, @littlewildflowerkitten, @estrellami-1, @stevieschrodinger, @gaelicblue, @they-reap-what-we-sow
@5ammi90, @noodle-shenaniganery, @acrolius, @hallelujahimatheist, @rainbow-freckle, @desidrarry-wolfstarshipper, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @79chevyimpala, @aliea82, @hopefulcookieoperatorpersona, @sani-86, @queenie-ofthe-void, @goosesister, @hello-fellow-nerds, @luthienstormblessed, @xtkxkrzrizir, @potato-of-the-lord, @geekymagicalpotato, @child-of-cthulhu, @aizawa-emma, @m-owo-n, @newtstabber, @cartercaptainofthemoon, @spectrum-spectre, @a-little-unsteddie
And, if you've made it this far, here's a little meme for your entertainment
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obae-me · 1 year
Here's a little fluffy hurt/comfort blurb based on this photo I took that's gotten a surprising amount of attention. We're all out here just simping for tired old anime men, huh?
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Content: Hurt/Comfort, Solomon x Reader, GN MC
Keep in mind this might contain potential Nightbringer spoilers!
It had been another long night of attendant duties. They had already been considered a handful back in your time, so one could only imagine how bad they were now, or was then the proper term? This time jump still gave you a massive headache. One had to wonder how the demon brothers survived on their own without you around. Even Lucifer needed looking after, even if he would never say such a thing. He often had too many curious looks cross over his face when encountering something he'd never seen before. Of course, anything that happened was now your mess to clean up.
And while being needed by them bolstered your pride...caring for these demons that looked at you like a stranger was exhausting. Being told to return home when you considered the House of Lamentation your home was tiring. Not being able to find comfort in the arms of the demons you considered family was draining. You used to be able to sit down and talk to them. Now...they hardly listened to what you had to say, shooing you off as some fussy attendant. You thought these things over in your head as you walked home alone to Cocytus Hall. The steps you made seemed to echo through the empty streets, although you knew it was just your mind run ragged with weariness, woes, and worries.
The door to your new 'home' creaked as the old metal hinges announced your return. There wasn't a sound. No shouts of 'welcome home', no scolding of being out too late, no questions about where you'd been. It should've torn you up inside, it had torn you up inside, just right now you were far too fatigued to give in to your emotions. You couldn't handle another teary-filled night. Your feet shuffled up the stairs and towards your room. The space was dark, unfamiliar. You and Solomon had rearranged it to feel like your room at the HOL, he'd even grown a tree in the middle of the floor right by your bed, causing the Sorcerer to be harshly punished by Barbatos, but...it wasn't the same. Would it ever feel the same?
You slipped your feet out of your shoes, a flick of your leg sending them towards the frame of your bed. They clattered in the quiet room. Then, a not-so-quiet little groan reached your ears. You felt like at some point in your life, such a noise in a darkened room would've made you jump. Maybe Devildom life had changed you, or maybe you could distinguish the voice from the little moan alone. A little bit of the home-sickness coiled in your chest softened, your lungs not feeling quite so tight. "What're you doing in here?" You wondered aloud, keeping your voice barely above a whisper. When you weren't graced with a response, you twirled a finger, gesturing a spell towards the little lantern on the nightstand. You might not be powerful enough to send yourself home, but you weren't completely powerless at least. The candle's wick lit immediately, casting everything in it's short vicinity in a soft orange glow. There he was, a lump of a shadow atop your mattress. He was turned away from you, facing the wall your bed was pushed up against. His body seemed to be settled on the very edge. You couldn't help but shake your head at him. Not even under the covers, no pillow, still in his RAD uniform, sometimes you had to wonder if you were his attendant as well. He might master the magical and spectacular, but he always seemed to struggle with the most mundane of tasks, like his wisdom held no more room for the ordinary.
Although, despite this situation and the day's frustrations and the fact that there was a mess of a human in your unfamiliar bed, you found yourself smiling just a little, just enough to give you that little push you would need to get up in the morning. Solomon hardly ever let himself be caught in such a position. He wasn't one to often express his vulnerabilities. So, like most things he did, you wondered if it was intentional. Perhaps he was showing you this wasn't easy for him as well, his own strength depleted. Or perhaps there was another meaning to the tempting empty space beside him. You approached the bed and gripped at the end of the comforter. Solomon never seemed to have too much of a problem being berated-- if he did, he never showed it at least-- but the one thing he could never stand to be called was a magician. It always struck you as an odd fact, but an amusing one nonetheless. So, while it may have been childish, you urged him to show you one "magic" trick in particular. The one that's considered little more than a party trick, one where you tug at a sheet or tablecloth and leave the items that had been settled on top undisturbed. With a flourish, you tugged at the blanket with a brisk snap till it was fully in your hands. Although, it hadn't been perfect. You'd tugged Solomon back about an inch. His voice once again rumbled in his chest, a sleepy and curious murmur. You crawled into bed, the mattress bobbing a bit. You laid by his back, pulling the covers over the both of you. You grabbed a few pillows, placing one under your head and the other next to Solomon. With a gentle hand, you slid your palm under the sorcerer's neck, bringing your touch up to where you could feel his cheek. You lifted his head and dragged the cushion underneath it. Of course, this sudden act forced him to stir.
"Hm?" Solomon hummed, his cheek rubbing against the pillowcase till his head started to turn.
No, you didn't want him to move. You didn't want him to turn around, to look at your tired eyes that threatened to shed tears. So you planted your face in the back of his neck, your arms finding their way to his sides, wrapping around him. You were practically pinning him in place now. Which was fine. You...were supposed to act like a demon now, right? You could act selfish. You felt his body stiffen at first, a little bit off guard, but then he relaxed again.
You heard him breathe deeply through his mouth, perhaps still half-asleep. "Welcome home," you heard him whisper. "Long day?"
"Long week," you replied, a certain shudder in your voice you never intended to make. He went silent at that. You knew that the things you said hurt him to a degree. There was a sadness to his eyes whenever you showed up at Cocytus Hall with nothing but dejected looks on your face even when he sat there waiting for you with your favorite take-out. There was a little slump to his shoulders anytime you would express how lonely you felt even with him around. His smirk always wavered whenever he did his best to cheer you up but knew that it would never be enough. Coming all the way to the past like this just for you must be a heavy burden in it's own right. "I'm really glad," you began to say, "that you're here with me." You definitely had thought it in your mind, but you wondered if you expressed your thanks vocally yet. You'd finally done it now at least. "I don't think I'd be able to do this on my own."
His chest swelled in a big deep breath before letting it out through his nose. His hand managed to find one of yours, his fingers brushing against yours, not yet fully intertwining but simply dancing on the edge of the possibility. "You should give yourself more credit than that. But, I would be lying if I said I wasn't glad to hear you say that." You both rested in another little bout of peaceful silence, listening to the soft breaths of one another, feeling the warmth of another human. "It was an easy decision," Solomon finally expressed. "I didn't need to think twice about it. I couldn't leave my precious apprentice to fend for themselves." His fingers finally slipped between yours slowly, knuckle bumping into knuckle, feeling the pads of your palms, like he was exploring the feeling. You wondered how long it had been since he last held hands with someone. "My partner through time..." He then chuckled a little bit. "Sounds a bit like a cheesy movie, doesn't it?" Clearly he was trying to brighten the mood. You let out a single huff of a laugh, your nose at the base of his skull, his hair brushing against your face. You felt him take an unsteady breath, his body curling a little bit, shifting towards you. "Will you let me stay in your arms a little longer?"
A little smile curled around your lips. Tempting fate, you kissed the back of his neck. "You can stay here till morning if you want. After all, I wouldn't want to leave my adorable teacher all by himself," you lightly teased, mirroring his own phrase at him. You watched the dim light in the room flicker before it was snuffed out. Magic probably had a hand in it. You closed your eyes as adjusted your hold on Solomon, finding the most comfortable position against his back. "Goodnight," you whispered. "See you tomorrow?" You didn't mean for it to come off like such an uncertain question. But you were afraid, afraid that things would get worse, that you'd be stranded in the past forever.
But he was determined to be here with you, to make sure you were safe, to make sure you had someone to rely on. "I'll be here."
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jazeswhbhaven · 3 months
hey sorry to disturb but can i get more raphael? I swear i originally like michael first but then this unhinged seraph just cant leave my heeaadd, since im delulu if its okay can you write anything that is kinda fluff with him? Idk i always have a thought that raphael is a red flag that could turn into a green flag but just for his s/o. I mean take a look at his chat, his a simp lol
It's no bother at all anon, I honestly love Raphael as my fave angel because idk he just seems a bit unhinged in a way that's more of "you bark a lot but you never bite...." but we know he does bite, but I think for his s/o he wouldn't.
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Domestic Life with Raphael <3
❤️he likes to cuddle, a lot despite looking like he can't stand the presence of his s/o, it's most because he's mad that they're not close to him
❤️only his s/o can stop him from bullying other angels out of frustration, but he does gripe about it
❤️his kisses range from fast paced and rabid (biting, growling) to slow, passionate, and waist holding
❤️he expects his s/o to eat the same thing he's eating, but if they're vegan/vegetarian he doesn't pester them as long as he can eat what he wants (yes he will brush his teeth after he's done eating)
❤️he steals his s/o from Hell a lot, not caring which devil comes after him, as far as he's concerned, why is his s/o over here anyway?
❤️only his s/o has seen his eye that's covered up and he will only allow them to see it specifically
❤️he has nightmares quite often, mostly of them waking up each time to seeing God forsaken him no matter what he does. his s/o soothes him by rubbing his back, singing softly, even if they can't sing very well, humming works too.
❤️he loves it when his s/o interlocks their legs and arms with his while they're in bed together sleeping, he likes the closeness
❤️he doesn't do well with loud sudden noises, so his s/o gets him ear plugs and he loves them even more for it
❤️each morning, a daily routine of telling Gabriel and Michael to shut up is his mantra. even if they aren't doing anything, he expects his s/o to encourage him.
❤️he throws up quite often too. sometimes for no reason. his s/o keeps around a sick bag just in case so he doesn't mess up his clothes (even though he insists it's okay)
❤️no one is allowed to disrespect his s/o even if he's not around. if he hears about it, there's hell to pay.
❤️when someone is speaking to his s/o when he's around and it has nothing to do with him, he'll wrap his arm around their waist anyway and just stares in space dissociating.
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libby-for-life · 2 months
I read your sick Adam fic with Lucifer taking care of him and the line where Adam says to Lucifer that Lilith gags him because he talks too much and she can’t stand the “noise” made me think “what if that’s why he likes rock?!” Many people consider rock music as noisy. And yet, it maybe noisy but rock sounds pleasant to the ear. It’s a pleasant noise. Maybe because of this experience with Lilith, Adam thinks his voice is not pleasant. But when he sings rock songs, what if Adam thinks it’s the only time his voice sounds good?
I don’t know if its intentional in your writing or not but I love it so much!
I also read your Alastor x Adam fic and the not so friendly Lucifer in the fic opened things in me. I think I need more of it in adamsapple. The effect of toxic old men yaoi I tell you.
Lastly, your Adam Dies fic? *chefs kiss* AMAZING!! Our poor lamb! Lucifer, protect him at all costs! 💖💖
First of all, thank you for reading my book! I'm almost done with the next chapter. This is where the whole Slow To Update tag comes in. It just takes me a while. I need to make sure that I'm not contradicting myself, that everything flows right, and that it has teasers in it to keep the fans frothing at the mouth.
Second, oof, yeah I can imagine that Adam was the first simp. He fell in love with Lilith and he tried everything to get her to like him. Probably talked her ear off. And Lilith, tired of hearing him, decided to shut him up herself. He probably discovered rock music when he was frustrated and hurt about Lilith and then just smashed them together only for Adam to find that he liked the noise it produced. He would make all sorts of beats with it and sometimes, when Lilith was far away, he would use his voice. Adam didn't want to disturb her!
Third, I love old men yaoi! It's a guilty pleasure!
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the-ravenist · 3 months
That's my wife
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Steve Binder x Fem!Black!Reader
Reader and Steve are married, they share both of their last names, reader is somewhat tall, reader is a boss ass bitch, reader is implied/mentioned to be infertile, reader is female(sorry), Steve is a simp for reader, suggestive dialogue(no smut), reader wears pants, reader and Steve match accessories, and protective!Steve(I think)
The smell of cigarette smoke fills the sound room, multiple eyes focusing on Elvis on the stage below, the young man's voice blasting through the speakers. The abrupt sound of the door slamming gains the attention of people in the room, yet a pair of blue eyes stay focused on the act below. Those pairs of blue eyes belong to the amazing Steve Binder-(L/N), a great man, producer, friend, partner, and husband, yes husband.
Steve had the opportunity to work with the infamous Elvis the Pelvis Presley, to produce his Comeback film. At first, he was hesitant to accept the offer, but he could see that Elvis's career wasn't doing...well. But Bones had convinced him, there could be a possibility that old Elvis might come back.
Steve can feel a headache beginning to form, a dull pounding at the back of his head and the slight twitch in his left eyebrow gave it away. If the Conole didn't shut his yapper soon, Steve was gut him like the fat fish he was.
"Kennedys' been shot!"
That definitely broke him from his thought. The backtrack of Elvis's song continued playing through the pen-drop silence throughout the studio.
Dancers, makeup artists, hairdressers, singers, and others alike were piled in the small dressing room, the dialogue of the news lady sounding like white noise besides a couple words Kennedy, shot, and dead stick in the brains of the listeners. The decrease in volume catches the attention of the grieving, Steve stands in front of the TV eyes slightly red and glistening with tears.
"Listen I, uh, I just want to say that," a sad chuckle breaks through his lips. "This nation is hurting, it's lost you know."
A couple of nods and sniffles ring throughout the group.
"It needs a vioce right now, to help heal it," he nods towards Elvis. "You, you have to a statement EP," said man's eyes lighting up.
"Mr. Presely doesn't makes statements." Eyes snap to the colonel.
"He sings here comes Santa Claus", he walks towards Steve menacingly. "And wishes everyone merry Christmas and good night", he continues with a sharp glare on his face.
A beat of somber silence passes by, anger and frustration build up in Steve and Elvis. Steve knows that the Colonel could care less about the president's death and Elvis, he was The Snowman, after all, he was cold in all ways.
"This tragedy, a tragedy yes," fake sympathy is plastered on his face. "But it has nothing to do with us."
At that Steve had calmly stormed out of the room, Bones and Jerry following. Everyone else had walked out of the room slowly after, all going their separate ways to dressing rooms mostly or back to the stage. Steve had walked, well stomped into the sound booth, lighter lighting the cigarette in his hand.
He takes a deep inhale of the toxic smoke, holding it for a beat. He knew that he had a show to run he knew it but during this time, nobody was really in the best mental state to work. As he exhaled the smoke the phone on the best corner rang, he let it ring for two more rings before his shaky hands picked it up.
"Hey sweets, you okay?"
At the sound of your voice, his body instantly slacked. He was glad you called, but that's not what he's worried about at the moment.
"I'm fine puff," he had called you that due to your afro, rather than a halo of curls on top of your head reminds him of a puff of smoke. I know weird comparison.
"'M just a little tired, how about you?"
" 'M not gonna lie to ya sweets," your voice shakes a little. "I'm a lil shakin' up."
Steve puts out his cigarette as he exhales the last bit of smoke. He can feel the dull pounding get a bit louder, now trust me dear reader it's not because of you I promise.
"Yeah, this...event has everyone shakin' up," a small sigh. "I wouldn't be surprised if the damn whole country stopped functioning." A small laugh was heard through the speaker.
"Honestly, I'd believe it," A huff escaped your lips. "Damn near got into a fuckin' car accident when I heard it."
"It's nothing though, I'm fine the cars fine," you murmur softly. "And so is my fro." Steve couldn't help but let out a small laugh.
The line is silent for a moment, it's somewhat comforting in a way. "Even though neither of you is facing the other in the comfort of your shared bed, it seems as if you were standing next to one another.
"Hey, puff?"
"How do you feel about getting creative again?"
"I'm on my way."
Elvis, Bones, and Jerry are watching Steve pace in the small room. Elvis laying on the floor by the piano, Jerry lounging on the black couch on the wall, and Bones leaning on the crisp black piano watching his friend stress out.
"What's he stressin' about," questions Elvis.
"I don't know E," Jerry says eyes narrowing on the nervous man.
"He's nervous about his dames," Bones speaks up from his spot.
"Wait his girl," Elvis questions. "Why is she comin'?"
"I guess-"
Steven turns around quickly startling the men in the room. He seems calm, yet his eyes give him away; they're wider than normal.
"I'm sorry boys," a hand runs through his hair. "This might seem completely out of character of myself," and was it ever.
"Yeah, we can tell," Jerry mutters. "Why does your girl make you nervous?"
"Bones had said that your girl was coming," Elvis had said from his spot on the floor.
"And we want to know why you're actin' a nervous mess," Bones continued.
"Well if I'm being honest boys," Steve reluctantly starts. "I'm worried how she would think of y'all, minus Bones."
Well, it's not like you were a judgmental person or anything like that. It's just that you're kind of intimidating in a way.
"What," Elvis says through a small laugh. "Whaddaya mean?"
"Now listen EP," Steve's is laced with seriousness. "This woman is very important to me, she's the best out there for this operation."
"So please behave," he slightly begs.
"But still be yourself, and don't say anything stupid," Bone adds.
"Don't worry my mama taught me better than to disrespect a woman," Elvis says as he sits in a crisscross position.
"Good, 'cause she'll," he takes a glance at his watch. "She'll be here any minute now."
Just as he says that the door is pushed open, with a dark brown heeled boot. And those boots are paired with brown high-waisted pants, a white turtle neck, and a pearl necklace.
"Sorry that I'm late, sweets," the woman closed the door with her heel.
"I had to speed back home to get the stuff that I thought we could use, but then I realized that I had no fuckin' scissors," she dropped the bags full of supplies on the couch next to Jerry.
"So, I had to drive to the store to get scissors, and I realized that we'd might be here a while so I bought myself a silk scarf cause why the hell not, and-"
Steve grabbed you by the shoulders and shook you a bit, to stop her rambling. She had stopped talking as she looked at Steve with wide (e/c) eyes.
"Puff, I'm glad you're here but we have company," his eyes dart to the people behind her.
"Shit," she looked at the men behind her. "Right, my bad y'all." She coughs to clear her throat. "Hello, my name is (Y/N) (L/N)-Binder, and I'll be helping y'all 'cause y'all desperately need it."
"Now excus-"
"And you, white and sideburns," you point to the boy on the floor. "You must be the big Elvis the Pelvis Presly," the boy smirks a bit. "Now I'm not a big fan of yours but I have to admit you have some hip swingn' songs." The woman demonstrates as she moves her hips a bit.
"Well thank you," Elvis trails off, not sure if what the woman had said was a compliment or not.
"It's no problem," she dismisses, she puts her attention on the entire group.
"Now what have we gotten so far hmm?"
"Have y'all at least started on a song?"
"I mean," Jerry bravely speaks up. "We sort of do," (Y/N)'s sharp (e/c) eyes are basically pinning him to the couch.
"All right let's hear it."
And then the construction begins.
"Alright, the song is done," she sighs in exhaust. " And let me tell you, y'all are by far the hardest people I've worked with."
Jerry and Elvis gawk at the confidence of the women in front of them.
"Now E," the switch from sarcasm to seriousness throws off the boys. "It's quiet obvious to anyone with an IQ of a basic human being, that your career has been nothing but a pile of flaming shit lately."
Steve chokes on a bit on the smoke of his cigarette.
"But with this song and a killer outfit by my design," you can see a child-like excitement spark in Elvis's blue eyes. "You'll bounce back in no time."
"Now," you snap loudly. "How does everyone feel about leather?"
"Good night boys, I'll see your show tomorrow m'kay," you say as you watch the guys leave. Leaving you and Steve in the small room.
You plop your body down on the dark green couch, body slacking once it hits the cushion. A sigh leaves your mouth and your eyes begin to close.
"God, I'm getting old. I've never been that tired in a hot minute," you mutter as you grab your head scarf from your purse.
Steve nonchalantly kneels before you, hands reaching for your boots.
"You're not getting old, you need to stop saying that," he mutters as he unzips your left boot and gently slides it off your foot, hands moving to unzip the right one.
"Oh right, I'm not getting old. I'm aging," your speech is sarcastic. Yet Steve ignores it and places your boots next to the piano.
Steve plops himself on the couch next to you as you wrap your hair with the scarf. The scarf in which looks similar to the ascot that you're husband is wearing around his neck. Once finished you wrap your leg around his waist and your arms around his neck. As if automatically, he wraps an arm around your waist and slides a hand into your back pocket.
"You know what else ages," Steve croons teasingly as he locks eyes with you. You hummed in a curious tone.
"Wine, wine ages," he leans his head forward, lips grazing yours.
"'nd you my darling puff, are some very fine wine~" His lips finally touched yours. Once your lips touch you fight back a smile as his comment registers.
"Oh, Mr. Binder you are the devil in disguise I swear," you're able to say through the onslaught of kisses you're receiving.
"If I'm the devil, you're my angel in disguise," he purrs as he continues his trek of kisses to your neck.
"Okay, now you ruined the mood," you snort as you push his head back slightly.
"Aw whaddya mean," he rests his chin on your shoulder.
"... he's so young sweets, too young."
"I know."
"He looks like a young man but has the eyes of a man who works at an office 9-5. Tired, stressed, yet yearning."
You begin to play with Steve's fingers as you begin to ramble.
"He misses his mama Stevie, he stuck to me like glue. Kept looking at me, as if he was looking for affirmation. Like a child would."
"God Stevie, why do I want someone to look at me like that again?"
Your eyes begin to water as you subconsciously rub your stomach.
Steve frowned at your sadness, he knew you wanted kids. The both of you did. The thought of having a little bundle of y'all's creation running around the house made him smile. Of course y'all have tried but when you went to a doctor the worse news has erased that dream. As an interracial couple adopting a child was harder than it looked, so in the end it was replaced with two fur babies you have at home.
Oh, Harley and June, two energy filled great danes. They're probably sleeping in your shared bed, drooling all over the sheets. The thought of them brings a small to your face.
You look at Steve's blue eyes. Oh, how you love those blue eyes. You cup his cheek, he leans into it, it makes you snort. You peck his lips, once, twice.
"Let's go home Stevie," you hop off his lap. You bend over to grab your boots and bags. Steve of course can't help but take a glance at your ass. Those pants accentuated everything. You pop right back up and turn to Steve, who still sits on the couch looking up at you. "I have to go home and sew a leather suit for a 6'2 man."
Your husband groans as he reluctantly gets up from the couch, standing in front of you.
"Do you ever rest?" His hands grip your hips as he sways them a bit.
"Yes, but only during a full moon," you tease with a smile.
"That tracks," you let out a squeak of a shock. He turns you around and carries you bridal style.
"I'll have you know that I'm working because I want to," your arms automatically curl around his neck. Steve takes the bags from your hands and puts them as far up on his arms as possible.
"Mhmm, puff y'know Harley and June don't need set after set of pajamas, he remarks as you begin to walk out of the office.
"But they're cute~."
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blues824 · 1 year
Part 3 of lady douma is the remarried empress.
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🌈What whas everyone's reaction to the news of queen douma finally coming to the eastern empire for the new year celebration.
💐And imagine the parade of women preparing the special Palace of douma rattrash hearing all the noise and seeing everyone preparing the most beautiful place she has ever seen only to think its another present form sovieshit only to get punishment form lady daki.
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(This one had douma's signature lily's)
🌈How would everyone react to finding out how her real parents died (you know the whole father slept with a mistresses and his wife took his life and her own infront of 8 year old douma. )
💐That wen she was born the high priest that she was blessed from the gods and when her learn about her parents death took her in.
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🌈How would they react to her lady in waiting lady daki and when she stayed in the eastern empire she recommended that lady daki is going to teach rattrash how to be a lady.
💐(that's of course after her face reveal an sovieshit being the simp he is accepting it makings rattrash her months hell until lady returns the western kingdom )
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🌈During daki training rattrash navier and Queen douma and enjoying time with each other talking everything that happened and sovieshit trying to spend time with queen douma (but she had to walk her fish )
💐What is the everyone there reaction to the lady douma crowing and blessing navier herself letting her take the tite of Queen and her now becoming lady douma.
🌈How would everyone react to her being pregnant with kosiar his child at the same time navier is also pregnant(them shopping for baby clothes while they husband's protect their wives from sovieshit.)
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(Douma eating some finger food )
Does not include Heinrey.
Preface: You have come with an announcement for Sovieshu about yourself and Navier, as you are still [technically, as you were raised by his mother and father, as described in Part 1] his sister from a completely different mister.
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When he had received the letter that you wished to tell him something in-person, he started making preparations right away. He already knew your likes and dislikes, so he gave orders to the servants accordingly. The room was absolutely beautiful.
Then, you arrived after your handmaiden made sure it was alright. You were definitely gritting your teeth behind the smile that you showed to Sovieshu and Rashta, but you needed to be kind during this visit. At least your husband was with you.
After a rather insulting interaction with the new Empress about you gaining weight, you suggested to the Emperor that your lady-in-waiting would be very willing to teach Rashta how to be a proper lady. He was embarrassed to hear that something like this happened, so he agreed to your offer.
For the entire visit, Sovieshu was trying to hint at you becoming a concubine of his (especially since you were no longer queen but rather just Lady Y/N), and Kosair was having none of it. He almost slapped him had you not stepped in and saved the day. You were happily married, after all, so what would be the point of making yourself depressed by becoming Sovieshu’s mistress?
Since he had known you since childhood, he already knew of your past. It truly was sad, the things you had gone through. You were only a child when you saw your mother kill your father. However, you brought it up for a good purpose. You were pregnant… and you and Kosair planned to be better parents than your parents ever could be. Any thought of winning your heart flew out the window for Sovieshu, and any thought of winning back Navier flew out the window as well when you told him that she was pregnant as well. 
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When she saw the beautiful room being prepared, she thought it was a gift to her from her new husband. Maybe, finally, he was giving her the attention that she thought she deserved. Come to find out, it was for you because you were visiting. That definitely made her super frustrated, but she took a deep breath and calmed down.
Upon seeing you, she was surprised to see how much you’ve grown, and she has no filter yet so she voiced her surprise. You let out a gasp of offense, and your husband was just about to throw hands. However, Sovieshu gave the most sincere apologies for what his wife bluntly said. 
Right in front of her, you said that maybe she still needed to be taught a few things about being a proper lady. You offered your lady-in-waiting to become her teacher, and Rashta was most definitely offended; even more so when her husband accepted. 
During your stay, her husband was not giving her any time with him. It’s not like she had any time anyway, considering Daki was adamant on teaching her about etiquette. Her Imperial Majesty had no idea that Sovieshu was still trying to pursue you.
Eventually, you revealed why you were there in the first place. You announced to everyone over dinner that you and Navier were pregnant, and Rashta was hit with the war flashbacks. She wanted you out… now. Cue the panic attack. It only worsened when you said that you would do better than your parents to give your child the life you never had.
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She loved the fact that she now lived just a bit of a walk away from you. After years of being away from her best friend, she didn’t know if she could stand to be away from you again. She just loved the Western Kingdom in general. However, she came by some information that she needed to tell you.
But, one day, you both were walking about the garden of the palace, and you stopped all of a sudden. You turned to her, and whispered to her that you were pregnant. She froze, processing the information that you had just told her, before telling you that she was pregnant as well. What a surprising turn of events. However, now you both needed to come up with a plan to surprise your husbands.
You decided upon a simple reveal over dinner, where you had the servants make two extra plates. Heinrey and Kosair were completely confused until you both stood up and placed your hands on your own stomachs. Their eyes widened to a very concerning degree before they both stood up and rushed over to you both. 
As the pregnancies went on, you realized that you would have to go shopping soon for the babies. You both decided to make it a royal outing. As you both walked out, you both had that pregnancy glow, and Heinrey and Kosair were worried that someone might snatch you away. Safe to say that their paranoia really increased.
That didn’t bother either of you, as their golden retriever energy really increased. Navier was surprised to see her usually strong and emotionally independent older brother become such a simp for you. Maybe this was what marriage did to a typically prideful and angry man?
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When you and Navier revealed that you both were pregnant, he was happy to be starting his own little family with the woman he loves. You later told him about your fear of becoming like your father or even your mother, and he reassured you that no matter what happens, he will forever remain loyal to you and only you. 
Bro treats you like you’re made of glass. Every single time he hugs you, he’s so gentle that you would think you were fragile. Multiple times you have had to remind him that you weren’t going to break if he hugged you. This is quickly turning into pregnancy headcanons, but let’s continue anyway because this is adorable.
Don’t even get me started on when you get that pregnancy glow. He is simping big time, and he will wear that shirt proudly. He takes such good care of you, and I’m talking about breakfast in bed (even though you don’t eat it because you are a demon), foot massages, talking to the baby, doing that thing where he goes behind you and lifts your stomach so that the weight isn’t on your back for a few minutes.
He talks to the baby bump. He believes that if he talks to your child enough, when they come out they will recognize him by his voice. Kosair talks to them every morning, afternoon, and night. Every time he gets to see you once he’s back home from his job as a knight, he greets you first before kneeling down and pressing a kiss to your stomach. Once you tell him that you eventually need to go visit the woodcarver and the tailor to purchase some clothes for the baby, he is scared. What if someone steals you? What if someone bumps into you? What if someone touches you? You have to kiss him to shut him up, and he has a big dopey grin on his face as he follows you around town.
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faetaiity · 1 year
hey if it’s okay with you can you please write the rise turtles helping reader out with overstimulation? thank you! also delete/ignore if you don’t want to!
Hi! yeah, sure! I can write for this! But it's gonna be how I experience overstimulation, which makes me irritable, passive aggressive and want to be alone for the rest of the damn day- You didn't specify poly or separated so I went with separated because it was quicker to write.
Yeah, this is 100% self-indulgent.
Separate! Rise! Turtles x Overstimulated! GN! Reader
Post Format: Headcanons
CW: Crying, Leo getting depressed, mentions of separation anxiety + arguments, and Reader wanting to be left alone in their room for multiple hours (Not necessarily Isolation, but wanting to be in an environment that they can control) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Is the best in terms of reaction
The worst reaction he has regarding you snapping at him is irritation, he will almost never snap back at you
He (mostly) doesn't blame you for your outbursts, he knows what you're going through, and he knows that you'd never snap at him without a valid reason
Hates when you stay in your room for hours by yourself, but he never intrudes when you're trying to calm down unless you're on the verge of doing something dangerous
Tries to keep overwhelming stimuli out of the lair when you're visiting
Yes, that usually can include Leo.
However, the first time you got overstimulated around him did go poorly
He kept asking you what was wrong, pretty much making you want not want to talk about it
At one point it got too much for the both of you (He started getting pushy, irritating you more and making him also start to become irritated) and you just went home to cool off
It took you the entire day to calm down
Once you did, you felt horrible and apologized to him, explaining you tend to get overstimulated really badly around noises and crowds
And asking questions or touching you makes it worse, because being overstimulated makes you easily agitated
He understands and you two talk about what irritates you during these times
He makes sure no-one else bothers you, so that you can calm down quicker
After you've calmed down, please spend time with him, despite the fact that he understands why you need to be left alone, he still feels distressed when you snap at him or can't stand being around anyone.
Is the worst in terms of a reaction
He has separation anxiety, so when you leave for hours to calm down and relax, he gets whiny
Often texting you and BEGGING you to let him come in, he swears he won't do anything!
You learned that is a lie the hard way
You relented once, he came in and cuddled you, kissing your cheek softly, making your skin feel like it's getting pricked by needles
You didn't say anything that time, not wanting to hurt his feelings, you felt you could tolerate it as long as he didn't talk or ask questions
Despite the fact that he wants to be in your room while you're relaxing, he gets really aggressive if someone else tries to come in
He once yelled at Mikey to get out when Mikey came to ask you if he could borrow something for an art project
Mikey has never left your apartment quicker lmao
The first time you got overstimulated after you met him was a fucking wild ride
It was a giant argument, making you cry from frustration
He kept getting in your space and touching you up until you snapped at him
He instantly starts freaking out, trying to defend himself (from what you may ask? nothing rational, just thinking his crush suddenly hated his guts) and started asking questions, irritating you further until you left
He got into a depressive episode, almost crying because he thought you hated him, he pretty much was a bit of a simp since day one, so this was a blow to his false confidence
Once you calm down and talk to him, apologizing for your behavior, he calms down as well, understanding that you couldn't help it and that you didn't hate him.
He reacts a lot better now, but please give him attention when you're feeling better, because if he's the cause of your Overstimulation, he'll definitely be in a depressive episode until you are okay with him being around you again.
2nd best reaction out of all four.
ONLY second best because unlike Raph, he will snap back if in a sour mood or if he's overstimulated as well.
If asked, he will leave you alone, only texting you every few hours to see if you're okay
As I've mentioned, he also gets overstimulated, and will ask you if you can leave him alone for a few hours so he can relax.
Also gets aggressive if anyone tries to visit you
Especially Leo, because he's aware that Leo can overstimulate you more than most people can
First time you got overstimulated, he most likely realizes the signs early and backs off
Once you leave, he might wait a few hours before sending you a text
Donnie: Hey (Y/N), you okay? you were pretty irritable when you were here
He won't force you to talk about it, but he is there if you need to talk.
If for any reason, you can't leave while overstimulated, he'll take you into his lab, putting headphones and a weighted blanket on you for your comfort
After either of you calm down from being overstimulated, you two tend to seek each other out, usually to talk about what happened so perhaps you can avoid triggering each other.
Has the 2nd worst reaction
Only because he doesn't get extremely depressed like Leo when you go to cool off, but he's just as clingy
Doesn't like it when others come to bother you but isn't nearly as aggressive as the others.
The first time you got overstimulated around him, he got panicky and started asking you questions, causing you to become irritated
He starts crying a little once you snap at him and it hits you like a truck
You calm down enough to tell him that you just need time alone, which he tries to deny, not understanding why you want to leave him, but eventually he relents and lets you go home
Once you calm down you call him and tell him to come over
It takes him about 20 minutes to come but once he does, he instantly hugs you and apologizes over and over, for what you may ask? he doesn't know, all he knows is that he made you angry.
You tell him he didn't do anything wrong and sit him down to talk about it
He understands once you explain why you got so irritated by his response to you being overstimulated
He does still spend time with you, even when you're in your room trying to calm down
He doesn't interact with you, all he does is draw while on the floor.
When you calm down, please cuddle him, he'll feel so much better.
Made this at 1 am, sorry if it's ass lmao, me sleepy.
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projectbluearcadia · 2 months
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NSFW | Minors DNI
You can tell I've been playing far too much WHB. Wordcount: 1011
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Please Note: This piece contains the following - - Dubious consent [Dubcon] (see below item) - Lucifer being all "I'm head of this damn house and so help me Diavolo if I have to tell you one more fucking time---" - FL being masochistic - FL being a perverted simp for a sexually frustrated Lucifer.
“This is obscene, even from you.” 
“...sorry,” I mumbled, my ears feeling hot as Lucifer turned off my D.D.D. What did he want from me?!
“I don’t think you are,” Lucifer replied, stepping closer to me, and I flinched a little as he grabbed me by the chin and made me look him in the eye. “What were you going to do after you were done playing with that, hm? Look at me when I’m talking to you.” 
"Why are you trying to control what I do in my free time?!" I tried to yell, although it came out softer and more timid than intended. "Is it so much to ask that I can look at erotic artwork in peace?"
"I already told you this isn't allowed during the day," Lucifer growled. "I even made sure to remind you several times because I have the misfortune of knowing how many times you masturbate per week." Fuck, what? Why? How? I live on the first floor???
Lucifer took that particular moment to whisper in my ear, while I was still in the throes of what his irritated tone was already doing to me. "But you didn't listen to me, did you? You thought you should test my patience today, didn't you?"
I know I tried to hit him back with something about his micropenis, but I was both too terrified and too aroused to form a coherent and punchy insult to his pride. In the end, all I think I formed was a "sothatswhatuhhahcompensatuhhhhhmmmm" in some kind of warped whine.
"Get up. Now."
"L-Lucifer?" I whispered, almost subconsciously getting out of my chair to face him. My brain, skewed in two directions at once, was sending me mixed signals of running and staying.
"Take it off," he growled, and I let out a startled yelp as his hand smacked into my thigh. "All of it."
"M-My clothes?" I asked stupidly, and Lucifer folded his arms impatiently in affirmation, his garnet eyes fixed keenly on me. And, shaking, I started to fumble at my clothes, my fear bleeding more and more into arousal. He's turned on, isn't he? He's irritated and he's turned on, isn't he?
And there I stood in front of him, naked, shaking, and squeezing my legs together in an effort to hide the mess sticking between them.
"Get on your bed, and spread your legs," Lucifer murmured, more softly now but no less sternly, and a strange, strangled noise came out of my throat. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I'm too turned on for this shit right now. Fuck.
And then I was watching Lucifer stalk towards me while I laid on my bed, my legs shyly parted as he'd commanded. He laid his gloved fingers lightly on my knees, and I gasped as he spread my legs wider, until I was fully exposed and defenseless to his prying eyes.
"Fucking dirty girl," he growled before he harshly bit the inside of my thigh, then almost apologetically kissed the spot. "You want it that badly?" He ran his fingers up my leg, brushing just barely against the place I most wanted him to touch, before he stroked my lower belly, as if he were trying to tell how much I could take. The thought alone almost sent me writhing. "You want someone's cock in you that bad?"
I turned my face away, feeling my ears flaming hot in tandem with my cheeks, and rather than force me to face him again, Lucifer grabbed hold of my waist and flipped me onto my stomach, his hands jerking my legs off the bed. It was so sudden and so sharp that I laid there stunned for several seconds.
"AHH!?" I cried out. Lucifer just spanked me. He spanked me hard. Was this supposed to be a punishment?
"Bad girl," Lucifer's voice growled from above me, sending a chill down my spine. Slap! "Bad girl." SLAP! Slap! "Bad girl."
At some point, I'd started crying and squirming, electricity bouncing through my uterus with every brutal smack. The thought that his handprint was probably visible on my thighs or my ass was just the icing on the cake. Between my legs, the evidence of my perversion dribbled down, making even more of a mess of myself.
Lucifer buried his hand into the roots of my hair, shoving my face into the bed as he pressed into me, his mouth inches from my ear. If I hadn't figured it out before, his clothed cock was very much hard and digging into my stinging skin. Twitching and desperate.
"You want this, don't you?" he whispered, and I felt goosebumps ripple up and down my body as he actively humped me, his free hand grazing down my side to grip my hip, his fingertips pleasurably digging into the joint of my leg. "Beg for it. Beg for it, and maybe I'll shut you up and put it in your needy fucking mouth."
Fuck. I thought. Why the hell do you know how to do this to me? Do you listen outside my room in the middle of the night?
(Yes, he does, and it makes him very annoyed because you never ask him to fulfill your lewd-ass fantasies about him.)
"P-Please...." I whispered as Lucifer brought my head out of the covers, and I could feel Lucifer smirking against my neck as he kissed it. He was savoring every damn second of this.
"Please what?"
"Please.... f-fuck me." I let out a breathy sigh as he squeezed my hip.
"Fuck me, goddammit, Lucifer!" I rasped, and he chuckled evilly into my shoulder.
"No. You're going to be patient for me. You're not getting what you want when you want it. You'll get what you want when I want it. I'm not waiting any more. You wanted to fuck yourself in the middle of the day? Fine, I'll let you have it until I'm finished with you. And you'd better believe I won't be done punishing you for a long while."
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letstevengrantsleep · 2 years
Oh You Like That, Huh?
TASM Peter Parker x f!reader
summary: your best friend's brother is away, and you're offered his bed for the night (it's smut, it's fluff, it's all I've been able to think about for days)
word count: 1,767
warnings: f receiving oral, Peter in the suit, fluff ending bc I'm a sucker for soft!peter, y/n being a proper simp for peter/spiderman
a/n: I really didn't know how to end this one I'm sorry if it's a bit crap, I need to re-work it (or just right a part 2 so everything ties together a bit better... we'll see)
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"So, honey," your best friend's Aunt smiles at you across the dinner table, "Peter's away for a few nights if you want to take his bed? I know the floor wasn't comfy for you last time." Her hospitality will never fail to make you smile, but as much as you'd hate to admit it, the thought of taking Peter's bed makes your face heat up with embarrassment, so you just nod feverishly as you continue eating your meal.
"Thank you May, that'd be really nice." Smiling, you join in with conversation and try your best not to think about who's bed you're staying in. Which turns out to be near impossible.
Something about him has always driven you crazy. The way he walks into a room, and the way he fidgets with his hands when he's talking, god it makes you think of absolutely filthy things that you'd rather his hands be doing. So when you reach his bedroom that night, pyjamas in hand, you're already practically dripping thinking about being in his bed.
It's perverted, filthy, down right fucking wrong how you climb into his bed and inhale the scent that's on his pillows. It's awful, how your mind travels to what Peter might get up to in this bed, what he might do in this bed. And as you drift off into sleep it's absolutely awful how you feel yourself getting wet at the thought of him in this bed with you.
You're awoken by the sound of the window opening and the feeling of an ice cold breeze hitting your bare skin, which makes you open your eyes drearily and cock your head over to the source of the noise.
The sight in front of you makes you snap up and pull the covers over your bare legs. "Peter?" You whisper, your tone coming across a little more whiny than you would have liked, confused and quite frankly a little embarrassed to be in his bed with him in the room.
His head snaps over to you from where he is at the window, eyes blown wide. That's when you notice his attire. No fucking way.
"It's you?" Staring, you take in the skin tight red and blue suit, trying not to make it obvious when your eyes rake over his figure.
"Keep your voice down, would you?" He whispers harshly, shutting the window and discarding his backpack on the floor. "Fuck", he exclaims, hands running through his hair as his face contorts into a look of frustration. "What are you doing in my room?" He asks, stalking over to the bed, throwing his mask across to his wardrobe.
"Aunt May said you weren't back for a few days, I-" You take a breath, flustered beyond belief at the sight of him. He looks so good. "I won't tell anyone, Peter, I'll go sleep on the floor and I won't say anything to anyone." Rambling, you shake your head and turn away, trying to hide the blush that's burning your face. He shakes his head, Peter knows you well enough to know you wouldn't say a thing.
"No, no, bunny, it's okay." Oh Jesus, well, you're a goner. He's had that nickname for you for years now, it's always given you butterflies but right now? While he's standing in front of you wearing that god damn costume? It makes you want to jump his bones. "You need to stay so no one gets suspicious. I'm not meant to be here."
That's when he looks at you, really looks at you, and notices some things he didn't a moment ago. The pink tint to your cheeks, the way your thighs are clenched together under his bed sheets, the smell of your arousal. You're turned on because of him.
"You okay, y/n?" Peter pokes, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. He's been waiting for this for far too long, to get you in a room on your own, and he's not about to waste this perfect opportunity.
A frown plastered on your face, you nod quickly.
"You know," you watch with wide eyes as he leans forward, two hands coming to rest either side of your legs, "one of my abilities is that I have heightened senses." His eyes flick down to your chest as he speaks, "I can hear people's heartbeats, smell them, feel the change in their breathing."
He's impossibly close, breath fanning over your lips, making you entirely aware of the fact that he knows just how horny you are right now.
"Shit." You mumble, trying your best to scoot further back away from him to find some space to breathe.
"Hm," Peter smiles, "want to tell me something, baby?"
"You're being mean, Peter." He's making fun of you, you're sure of it. Laughing because his little sisters best friend has the hots for him.
"Me? No, no, no." Peter's shaking his head and smiling down at you, one hand coming up to cup your jaw. "I want to help you, bunny," his voice is low, raspy, and all you can do is take a sharp intake of breath as you feel his other hand start to run up your thigh until it lands inches away from where you're burning for him. "Let me touch you." He whispers, ducking his head to place soft kisses onto your neck.
"Peter." You warn, breath caught in your throat as he ghosts his fingers over your underwear.
"Every time I'm in a room with you I can hear the way your heartbeat picks up, feel how your hair stands on end when I talk to you, smell how I affect you. Bunny... come on," he sighs, dropping his head onto your shoulder, "this has been a long time coming."
You know he's right. You've been dreaming of this since you first met him, wishing, pleading to the universe that one day something would snap between the two of you.
"I don't want much, just let me taste you, bun." He whines, lifting his head to look at you with pleading eyes. God, how could you say no to that face?
"Fucking hell, Peter." You groan, squeezing your eyes tight and throwing your head back.
"Is that a yes?" He pesters, pulling lightly at the waistband of your underwear.
"Yes, yes."
He doesn't hesitate, sliding down the bed and pulling at your underwear with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. You watch with an open mouth as he lowers himself and kisses up the inside of your thigh, strong hands pulling your legs apart to give him more space.
"No idea how long I've been dreaming of this pussy, y/n." He breathes out, "think about it every time I see you, fuck." That's when his lips attach to your clit, and oh god does it feel good. This fucker knows what he's doing and dear lord is he good at it. The way he sucks at your clit and licks stripes up your cunt as you lift your hips to meet his movements.
It's not long until you feel one of his hands dragging up your leg and finding it's home, teasing at your entrance. He's still in those gloves, those fucking gloves that you don't dare admit that you've fantasised about.
"Oh shit." You gasp, toes curling at the new sensation. You can practically feel the smirk on Peter's face as he pulls away just to taunt you.
"Oh you like that, huh?" He laughs, staring at you with a look of pure disbelief as he watches you come undone all because of him.
"Fuck you, Peter." You whine, arching your back further as he curls his fingers inside you.
"All in good time, baby." He mumbles, diving back down to attack your cunt once again, pulling you closer and closer to cumming on his tongue.
"Oh, fuck, Peter I- mm, oh-" suddenly you're shaking, body involuntarily folding in on itself as you squeeze Peter's head with your thighs, which pulls a sinful moan from him. Your orgasm hits you so hard you have to clamp your hand over your mouth to stop you from crying out as you shake, your other hand reaching down to pull at Peter's hair, trying desperately to pull him off your sensitive cunt as he eats you out. He's licking you clean of every bit of your release, pulling tears out of you as he carries on, unfazed by your relentless pulling of his hair. "Peter please, please," you beg, pulling yourself away from his hungry mouth.
You're in awe at the sight in front of you. His hair is a mess from where you've pulled at it, his mouth slick with your cum, his eyes hazy, and he looks so fucking good in that god damn suit.
"I should sneak back home more often if this is what I get to find in my bed." He teases, crawling up you and pressing a wet kiss onto your lips, hands either side of your head. Groaning in pleasure, he collapses down onto you, head resting in the crook of your neck.
"So," you start, heart beating out of your chest, "Spiderman, huh?"
He laughs up at you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you over so your positions are switched, you on top of him.
"Is it really that impressive?" Grinning, he pulls his hand up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, an action which has your stomach turning somersaults.
"I've sort of had a crush on Spiderman since those first videos went viral." You mumble, blush creeping back onto your face.
"And Spiderman's sort of had a crush on you too." Peter confesses, reaching up to place a soft kiss onto your lips. You can still taste yourself on him and it's absolutely intoxicating. "Maybe I'll bring you swinging round Queens, show you off a bit."
Feeling hands running up your sides, you sigh, content, and breathe out a chuckle. "Yeah, right."
"I'm not joking, bunny. I've waited far too long for you to give me permission to have you, I'm going to be screaming from the rooftops that you're mine."
The confession makes your cheeks go a deeper shade of red than you ever thought possible, it makes you feel like you're burning, and of course he knows that. He's grinning like the Cheshire Cat as he pulls you into him, allowing you to fall into a peaceful, blissed out sleep before daring to move to take his suit off and climb back out of his window.
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ᴾʳᵒⁿᵒᵘⁿˢ: ˢʰᵉ/ʰᵉʳ ˢᵘᵐᵐᵃʳʸ: Modern Au – Rhaenyra, eldest child of Viserys Targaryen who is leader of one of the strongest businesses finds herself enraptured by a pretty reporter | kind of slow-burn, simp behaviour | ᴸᵒᵒˢᵉˡʸ ᵇᵃˢᵉᵈ ᵒⁿ ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳᵐⁱⁿᵈ ᵇʸ ᵀᵃʸˡᵒʳ ˢʷⁱᶠᵗ ⁱ ᵏⁿᵒʷ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵉᵛᵉʳʸᵒⁿᵉ ˡⁱᵏᵉˢ ᵐᵒᵈᵉʳⁿ ᵃᵘ ᵇᵘᵗ ⁱ ʷᵃⁿᵗᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵗʳʸ ˢᵒᵐᵉᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ ᵒᵘᵗ :₎
ᵐᵉʳʳʸ ᶜʰʳⁱˢᵗᵐᵃˢ ᵗᵒ ᵗʰᵒˢᵉ ʷʰᵒ ᶜᵉˡᵉᵇʳᵃᵗᵉ!, ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ ʷⁱˡˡ ᵇᵉ ᶜʰʳⁱˢᵗᵐᵃˢ ᵉˡᵉᵐᵉⁿᵗˢ ᶠᵒʳᵐ ᴿʰᵃᵉⁿʸʳᵃ'ˢ ᶠᵃᵐⁱˡʸ, ˢᵒ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ ʷⁱˡˡ ᵇᵉ ᶠᵉˢᵗⁱᵛᵉ ˢᶜᵉⁿᵉˢ ᵃˢ ᵗʰⁱˢ ˢᵉʳⁱᵉˢ ʷᵃˢ ˢᵘᵖᵖᵒˢᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵇᵉ ʳᵉˡᵉᵃˢᵉᵈ ʸᵉˢᵗᵉʳᵈᵃʸ ⁿᵒᵗ ˢᵒ ᵐᵘᶜʰ ⁱⁿ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᵖᵃʳᵗ ᵇᵘᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ ʷⁱˡˡ ᵇᵉ ⁱⁿ ᵖᵃʳᵗ ᵗʷᵒ :⁾ ⁽ᵒⁿˡʸ ᴿʰᵃᵉⁿʸʳᵃ'ˢ ᶠᵃᵐⁱˡʸ ᵃʳᵉ ᶜᵉˡᵉᵇʳᵃᵗⁱⁿᵍ ⁱⁿ ᵃ ʳᵉˡⁱᵍⁱᵒᵘˢ ʷᵃʸ ˢᵒ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ ᶜᵃⁿ ᵇᵉ ʳᵉᵃᵈ ᵃᵐᵇⁱᵍᵘᵒᵘˢ⁾
𝐑𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐍𝐘𝐑𝐀 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐑 father but sometimes he made it really difficult. She huffed as her eyes flickered over to her younger step sibling and pulled a face. Aegon was only four years old and giggled happily, much to his mother's frustration who had only just settled him in the boring panel. Rhaenyra held back her snicker as she tried to pay attention again, at twenty-two she was better at paying attention to the endless sea of reporters repetitive questions but the chairs didn't get any more comfortable. She shuffled in her chair, irritating squeaks drawing attention. The reporters took no notice however and only grit their teeth as they ignored everyone except her father. "I'm sorry," a voice suddenly interrupted, a hand raising in the air as a feminine voice interrupted Frey News. Rhaenyra's brows raised in surprise as her eyes turned to the unfamiliar woman. "but I don't understand how that links to the question." She stated. Bold, Rhaenyra thought, turning to look at her father's flushed face. She could hear him chuckling awkwardly before remedying himself but as Frey began talking once more in his tiring drawl, Rhaenyra found herself finally with interest as she watched the other reporter. The one currently smirking in pride. Her eyes scanned over her equipment and smiled as sly as a fox. A name written in a bold font greeted her but it wasn't hers. Her brows furrowed as her eyes traced the letters over and over–imprinting it into her mind. The Braavos Notice.
The twitch in Rhaenyra's lips occurred as the reporter continued to fire questions at the family, as they reached her father and then her uncle she desperately felt the need to hear her own name. She leant forward in her seat and bit her lip as she saw that lone hand raise in the air once more. Air suffocated her as she prayed to every God she had ever heard of. "Ms. Rhaenyra Targaryen," It seemed they would answer her. "as current co-project manager with your uncle so young, does this affect your motivation in tasks?" Rhaenyra's face fell slack. This was much more personal than the other questions she had asked and though she was used to reporters asking irrelevant and personal information, she didn't hate it when the words slipped from her sweet lips. Instead she relaxed and leaned back in her chair. "Perhaps a little but I was raised in the firm and it sometimes feels more home than my own." She smiled, hoping to see the reporter's lips upturn for the first time. As though she had begged for it, she received her wish. "Thank you, Miss Targaryen." Rhaenyra bit hard on her lower lip so a moan wouldn't escape at the sound of a title on her tongue. She nodded and drowned out the noise for the rest of the event.
When the time came to leave she hesitated to look across the room but you were gone, far from her before anyone else had so much as stood. Rhaenyra jumped when Alicent's familiar hand brushed her shoulder. When she turned to find waiting brown eyes which contorted into hurt, she tried to appear at ease. "Vi-Your father wanted us to go out for dinner together." She uttered quietly. Aegon was being jogged on her hip as she tried her hand at a smile. "I," She cleared her throat. "I thought it might be nice." "Will Otto be there?" Rhaenyra asked, voice sharp and uncomfortable around the vowels." Alicent flinched. “No.” She answered instantly, eyes hopeful and pleading as her former friend searched them for any ill motive. Eventually the silence ended when Rhaenyra jutted out her chin in silent approval and Alicent released her breath and smiled. The blonde woman followed her family reluctantly and slipped into the hall, following every moving figure as she went.
It was another two weeks later that she spoke of you again at one of the office parties her stepmother had arranged. Rhaenyra was leaning against the wall nursing a glass of Romanee-Conti Grand Cru–Alicent had a taste for French wine lately. Laenor's familiar figure leaned beside her as she sighed. He snickered. "Still hate these things?" He asked, playfully. She glared back at him with a teasing smile. "You still boning Joffrey." He lay an offended palm against his chest and opened his mouth wide. "You wound me. Our love is beautiful thank you very much." "Beautiful enough to hide from your parents at least." She spoke. He shifted but she didn't hurt him. He shrugged. "We're star crossed lovers." She snorted before his hand came to punch her arm. "Alright, what's got you in a mood then?" She looked up at him beneath heavy eyelids. "Tell me!" "There was this reporter at my dad's thing last week, the panel with the shit chairs." He hummed in recognition. "So pretty." She said, taking another swig of her wine. He eased the glass out of her hand fluidly and took some himself. "You know those people suck right?" "But she was funny!" She whined, pouting up at him. "Made fun of Otto." He hesitated before his next words left him. "What's their name?" "Don't know." "You don't know?" He exclaimed in appal. She frantically hushed him and pushed her hand against his mouth, he pulled it away and quietened his voice until it was a whisper.
"You don't know?" He repeated, tipping over the urge of laughter. She huffed and rolled her eyes at him. "I barely even spoke to her, she left as soon as it ended." He scrunched his nose up at her. "You're sure she's real?" "Yes she's real." He tilted his head. "Probably won't like you then." He teased but before he could finish, Viserys was approaching with his excited grin and talking animatedly with Lyonel Strong. She quickly slapped at Laenor's arm and shushed him. "Can you believe that?" Viserys laughed boisterously. "So obviously I said no but could you imagine? Us down there while they point and chat mercilessly." Rhaenyra's brows furrowed at them. "Where?" She asked curiously. He glanced over at her and welcomed her into the conversation with a side hug. "The Braavos Notice are hosting some get together, your uncle Daemon was invited, no one to go with." As easily flicked as a light switch, her eyes shot up in bright light. "I'll go." She blurted. He frowned down at her. "You will, why?" "You're always saying I should work on my social appearance, maybe this could be a good opportunity." She held her breath as the tension in her stance deepened until she was nearly standing on her toes. Her father still eyed her suspiciously but agreed. And so the game began...
Her heart tugged as she swept into the room, her uncle at her side and no doubt searching for his girlfriend Mysaria. "Find her yet?" He asked. She snapped her gaze to his relaxed form and frowned. "Who?" "The reporter girl you like." She sighed at him. "Laenor," She mumbled in irritation and wringing her hands. "cannot keep a secret except his own to save his life." "If it's any consolation, he's not very good at his own either, now what does she look like?" "Angelic." Her uncle rolled his eyes. "Yeah cause I'm gonna know her from that description, dear niece." She grinned. "Then you'll stay curious." She finally slipped away from him and through the sea of people. As she passed the table of drinks, a large balcony interrupted her line of vision or more specifically the person standing on it and holding onto the railings. Wind rolled over her like a wave sent from Poseidon himself just for her. Her feet sneaked her through undetected. "The sky's beautiful." Okay maybe not so undetected. Rhaenyra's eyes pricked at the sound of her voice, it had been a long time since she last heard it. "It is." She finally agreed, hoping she sounded confident. The figure turned around with a glass bottle of unknown liquor and stretched it out toward her with a risen brow. The Targaryen of the two accepted it and gulped it, a funny fizzy feeling gracing along her lips. Her blue eyes stayed locked on the other woman. "Though I can think of things that are far more beautiful." The reporter snickered and turned back around to look at the sky again and houses below. "Cheesy." She murmured quietly. Rhaenyra's lips turned upward. "You don't think it's gouda?" "I think it's grating my brain." Rhaenyra shrugged and sidled beside her. "That's a shame I was just starting to like you." Rhaenyra teased. "Well, I was just starting to wonder what a Targaryen is doing here." She shrugged. "My uncle was invited." A hum had her burning for more. "I'm glad." She replied with a teasing smile before slipping away again into the sea of people. And that was when she knew, she was going to see you again. She would make sure of it.
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