batboysdoll · 3 months
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That was my honest reaction to "Foxwing" lol
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batboysdoll · 1 year
Some time ago I heard someone said "Nightwing is like Batman with Superman's heart" and I believe is pretty accurate.
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batboysdoll · 2 years
House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones Lore Guide: The Seven Kingdoms (Part 2)
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Hi everyone!
Here I come with part 2 of my first post about the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros and their great houses.
I recomend you read Part 1 if you haven't read it. Well, let's begin :)
Note: all the information in this post is based on the lore of the books
The Reach
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The Reach is the largest and the most populous of the six southern kingdoms (the North is largest but not as populous). The Reach is also the most fertile, and powerful domain in the Seven Kingdoms and is the second richest just before the Westerlands. Is considerated a seat of learning; a center of music, culture, and all the arts; "the breadbasket of Westeros".
Important place in the Reach: Oldtown (one of the largest and oldest cities in Westeros, in this place we found the Hightower, seat of House Hightower [yes, Alicent and Otto's house] and it's the tallest building in Westeros, it also works as a castle and a lighthouse. In Oldtown we also find the Citadel. The Citadel is a complex of buildings that serves as central home to the order of maestres. And finally in Oldtown we have the Starry Sept, it is the former seat of the High Septon of the Faith of the Seven [now is in King's Landing]. Aegon the Conqueror was crowned King Aegon I Targaryen in the Starry Sept).
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Before Aegon's conquest House Gardener ruled the Reach as kings. The last Gardener king was Mern IX Gardener and he was defeated by Aegon the Conqueror in the Field of Fire (that's how that battle was called). After that, Harlen Tyrell (who was the hereditary High Steward) surrender Highgarden (former seat of House Gardener) to Aegon the Conqueror. As a reward Aegon let House Tyrell keep the castle and rule the Reach as Lords.
The Reach is ruled by:
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House: Tyrell
Seat: Highgarden
Coat of Arms: A golden rose, on a green field
Words: Growing Strong
Important members (Game of Thrones): Mace Tyrell, Margaery Tyrell, Loras Tyrell, Olenna Tyrell
The Stormlands
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This kingdom is named after the frecuent storms that batter the coast of those lands. These storms appear in any season but the worst of them come every autum.
Before Aegon's conquest House Durrandon ruled as Storm Kings. Their seat was Storm's End. After defeating the last Stormking, Aegon gave Storm's End and the Stormlands to his bastard brother Orys Baratheon, so House Baratheon rule the Stormlands as Lords since then.
We saw Storm's End in House of the Dragon two times. The first when Rhaenyra was listening the proposals of all the Lords that wanted to wed her. The second was when Prince Lucerys went to deliver a message for Lord Borros Baratheon, which ended in tragedy (so yes, we can say that our baby Luke died in the Stormlands).
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The Stormlands are ruled by:
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House: Baratheon
Seat: Storm's End
Coat of Arms: A black crowned stag, on a gold field
Words: Ours is the Fury
Important members (Game of Thrones): Robert Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon, Renly Baratheon, Joffrey Baratheon, Tommen Baratheon, Myrcella Baratheon
Important members (House of the Dragon): Boremund Baratheon, Borros Baratheon
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Dorne is described for the other kingdoms as the most inhospitable and the strangest. That's because it is so different from the others not only geographically but also culturally.
Here we have vast deserts of red and white sand, forbidding mountains, sweltering heat, sandstorms, scorpions, fiery food, poison, castles made of mud and more.
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The great house of Dorne is House Nymeros Martell (Nymeros stands for "the line of Nymeria" the Rhoynish princess that wed Lord Mors Martell, but that's a story for another post c:) but people refer to them simply as House Martell. Also House Martell rule as Princes or Princesses (in Dorne, the first-born is the heir regardless of whether is a male or a female) instead of Lords, that's a Rhoynish custom and they have Rhoynar ancestry. (also keeping their title as princes or princesses is the condition they set to agree to be part of the 7 kingdoms).
Dornish people differ both culturally and ethnically from other Westerosi, they have adopted many Rhoynish customs. Dornish people have a reputation for hot-bloodedness and sexual licentiousness (they don't reject homosexuality or bisexuality, among other things), and are still viewed with some mistrust.
There are three kind of Dornish people: stony Dornishmen, sandy Dornishmen and salty Dornishmen.
The stony Dornishmen live in the Dornish mountains, and have light hair and light skin, mostly descended from the First Men and the Andals; the sandy Dornishmen live in the deserts and river valleys, they have burned brown skin due the blazing Dornish sun; the salty Dornishmen of the coasts are dark-haired, lithe and olive-skinned, they have the queerest customs and the most Rhoynish blood.
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Aegon the Conqueror managed to conquer every single kingdom except Dorne. I mean, he tried but failed and his wife Queen Rhaenys and her dragon Meraxes died trying. So Dornish people remain independient even tho House Targaryen continued to claim the Iron Throne's control over their land as part of the Seven Kingdoms.
Dorne would remain independent for many years to come, in fact during the events of "House of the Dragon", Dorne was still unconquered.
Many years after the Dance of the Dragons, King Daeron I "the Young Dragon", managed to conquer Dorne for a short time, but he was eventually killed while trying to keep Dorne conquered (keep in mind that there were no longer dragons big enough for war).
It was not until decades later, during the reign of Daeron II (who was already married with a Dornish Princess to maintein peace) that Dorne finally agreed to be under Targaryen rule through intermarriage. Prince Maron Martell married Daeron's younger sister Daenerys and since then Dorne is oficially part of the Seven Kingdoms.
Dorne is ruled by:
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House: Nymeros Martell
Seat: Sunspear
Coat of Arms: A gold spear piercing a red sun on an orange field
Words: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Important members (Game of Thrones): Doran Martell, Oberyn Martell
Additional: The Crownlands
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The Crownlands is a region in the Seven Kingdom but is not considerate a kingdom. Before Aegon's conquest, these lands were in dispute between the Riverkings and the Stormkings untill Aegon made it his primary foothold on the continent. The Crownlands are ruled directly by the Iron Throne, first House Targaryen and, after Robert's Rebellion, House Baratheon.
In this region we find King's Landing the capital of the Seven Kingdoms. King's Landing was named after the fact that was in this place were Aegon the Conqueror and his sisters landed with their army at the beginning of the conquest. This city is surrounded by a wall, custodied by the City Watch of King's Landing, also known as the gold cloaks. King's Landing is the most populous city in Westeros but unsightly and dirty compared to other cities. Also is the principal harbor of the Seven Kingdoms, is rivaled only by Oldtown (Oldtown is largest but less populous).
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In King's Landing we find the Red Keep named after the pale red stone used for it's contruction. The Red Keep is the seat of the royal family (House Targaryen first, then House Baratheon) and inside this castle we have the Iron Throne.
Important place in the Crownlands: Dragonstone (Dragonstone is an island in Blackwater Bay in the Crownlands, it contains the castle of Dragonstone and the Dragonmont [a volcano]. During the rule of House Targaryen, the heir to the Iron Throne was known as the Prince of Dragonstone. The castle was built by the Valyrians two centuries before the Doom of Valyria and was used as a Valyrian outpost. Twelve years before the Doom, Lord Aenar Targaryen moved with all his wives, wealth, slaves, dragons, siblings, kin, and children to Dragonstone because his dauther Daenys ["known as Daenys the Dreamer"] had visions of the Doom of Valyria. That is why the Targaryens are one of the three remaining Valyrian Houses [with Velaryon and Celtigar being the other two] and the last Dragon Lords).
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The Crownlands are ruled by (before Robert's Rebelion):
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House: Targaryen
Seat: The Red Keep, Dragonstone
Coat of Arms: A three-headed dragon breathing flames, red on black
Words: Fire and Blood
Important members (Game of Thrones): Daenerys Targaryen, Viserys Targaryen
Important members (House of the Dragon): You know who they are lol (i'm tired of typing sorry)
Well that was part 2 and the last part of my post about the Seven Kingdoms. I hope this was helpfull for those who didn't know about some things mentioned here or for those who are new in the fandom. Don't be shy and ask me anything you wanna know, talking about Asoiaf is my favourite thing in the world and I made this blog just for that. I'm planning on posting more basic stuff about the lore in the next days, just let me rest my fingers and my brain a little bit lmao.
Bye everyone and Valar Morghulis
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batboysdoll · 2 years
Haven't post anything in while but I wanted to post this thingy I did about the first episode of House of the Dragon bc I missed anything related to Game of Thrones universe and I'm so obsessed with these series
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batboysdoll · 2 years
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This has no right to be that funny 😭
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batboysdoll · 2 years
Alfred is always so considerate with the boys <3
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batboysdoll · 2 years
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Dungeons & Drangons??? Oh Lord... Dick Grayson is a big nerd.
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batboysdoll · 2 years
Stumbled onto pinterest browsing reference pics and
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“Thinking of starting a family you mewling quim?”
@hurricanerin​  thought you might appreciate this
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batboysdoll · 2 years
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batboysdoll · 2 years
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Are you telling me that bat-bucket and bat-tery exist but we can't call Ace "bat-dog"???
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batboysdoll · 2 years
K this is kinda complicated but if Jay asked if you wanted to see a dick pic and was intending on sending just a pic of his brother, and you were like "nah fucker I'm at work,"
He would send one out of spite-
Oh he's such a little bitch, I can see him resting on your shared bed shirtless and wearing some comfortable sweatpants as he scrolls down his phone without much interest.
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The day has been so boring without you, having some free time in his hands and a fairly amount of wounds that restricted his movements felt like a punishment.
Jason sighed exasperated at his own boredom.
[Hey wanna see a dick pic 😈] he sent mindlessly once he noticed you'd be having a break from work. Jason has pulled this old joke on you so many times that he has purposely archived the worst pictures of Dick, his brother, just for the sake of annoying you.
Jason hummed and drummed his fingers in his tight while waiting for your answer, his brain was doing the hard task of thinking what ugly picture he will send you this time; perhaps it would be the one where Dick was asleep with his mouth open and drool running down his chin. He looked awful in that one.
[Nope fucker, I'm at work] Jason gasp at your response, taking it personal.
How can you deny a dick pic?, that was low.
"So that's how things are, huh? Okay." Jason whispered to himself as he sit right on the bed, looking at your message for a few more seconds before putting his hands on action.
He rubbed his hands against his clothed member gently but with the enough pressure to work himself while he looked for a porn video good enough to make him horny.
Jason might not be in the mood but when his mind is onto something there's no way he's not going to get it.
"Fuck, where is the good shit?" He hissed as he lowered his sweatpants to have more access to his half hard cock.
Jason pumped it slowly, taking his time to rub the red tip with his thumb before going down to the base again. He was starting to feel that nice warmth, and it soon it mixed with excitement since he had found the perfect porn for this situation.
The person in the video was sucking cock while having a vibrator at wrecking their pussy and making them moan and sob as they sucked with tears running down their cheeks. It was basic, but that thing that made Jason stay was the fact that that person looked too much like you.
"Agh yes, fuckk" Jason moaned your name like a pray, speeding up the pace as he threw his head back in pleasure.
"This must be enough" he groaned as he stopped jerking off, the lack of friction felt like torture but once in a while people need to make sacrifices.
You were chatting with a coworker when your phone rang again, you were absolutely sure that it was Jason fucking around again. He always acted that way whenever he's away, and maybe this time it would be a stupid and old meme that he discovered.
However, what you got was quite different and your eyes wide open at the sight of Jason's clothed hard member being grabbed by his big hand.
[But I need you, baby :( ] that was the caption and you needed some time to recover.
"Motherfucker!" You whispered with mild alteration as locked you phone.
"Is that your boyfriend?" You turned your head to your coworker, not knowing what to expect. She sipped casually from his mug before saying without hesitation." He's packing! The things I would do with a dick like that..."
"Shut up, Becky."
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batboysdoll · 2 years
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batboysdoll · 2 years
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Can we talk about how different Dick and Jason are??? I love them the same way tho 😳 I have real feelings for fictional men I-
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batboysdoll · 2 years
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Hope this is better than "Rogers The Musical"
Can you imagine some dude dressed as Batman singing "I am the night" or some shit?
Shut up and take my money 💰💰💰
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batboysdoll · 2 years
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Fucking love her
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batboysdoll · 2 years
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some dilf appreciation for your feed
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batboysdoll · 3 years
Character development 💀
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