#you don't have to read these tags lol it's just cws and tws from here on out
this post is literally just me ranting about my own gender experience/questioning as an afab person.
(despite all the cws and tws, it's really not that overwhelmingly negative-- moreso just yelling my confusion into the void lol. i'm just really paranoid abt accidentally ruining someone's day by not tagging smth, hence the literal max 30 tags.)
you can read it if you want but if not,, understandable lol. either way, enjoy this picture of a quokka that i got by googling "cute animal":
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figuring out ur gender as an afab person is so weird, cuz it's like:
am I uncomfortable w my tits (always have been) for Gender Reasons, or is it the societal conditioning that they're sex objects/will make ME be viewed as a sex object if they're "too noticeable"?
is the visceral discomfort that I've always had (literally since childhood) at even the THOUGHT of having a period a Gender Thing, or is it the societal taboo that makes it impossible to speak/think about it?
do I like the idea of being perceived as masc for Gender Reasons, or bc I know it will make people take me more seriously and make me less of a target for abuse/harassment?
do I feel like a boy in disguise/an imposter when surrounded by other women/in female spaces bc I actually am more masc in my actual gender, or because gender roles and their "boyish interests/presentation" and "girly interests/presentation" have been so ingrained in me that it feels like if I don't match up with That Exact Image of being a very femme woman, then clearly I'm just not a woman at all? (/s for that last phrase)
(A more specific/personalized addendum to that last one: I've got a sister and we both did a lot of performing arts stuff VERY frequently growing up, especially as a duo, and whenever the roles were a boy and girl (which wasn't most of the time but still happened fairly regularly), I'd always be the boy bc she was more femme than me & always wanted to be the girl, whereas i didn't really care-- so like, was that because I'm inherently more comfortable as a more masc person? Or did I just not care either way at the time cuz I was a damn kid just having fun playing a role, and now from years and years and YEARS of doing that I've just conditioned myself into thinking of myself as "the guy one" when paired with a woman/surrounded by women??????)
And THEN for me personally, you throw in the fact that both Nate/ND Stevenson (creator of the first show that ever made me feel Seen as a queer person, to the extent that it broke my brain a little) and Elliot Page (right after/while playing his Umbrella Academy character, who was the only "female" character I've EVER felt I could truly relate to in such a full, overwhelming extent for some reason I couldn't name, and whom my friends at the time literally said "had big [my name] energy," without having been told anything about my feelings at all) BOTH came out as transmasc. So it's like,, am i transmasc? All Signs Point To Yes, pretty much. And I distinctly prefer when my tits are squished firmly against my chest, which sounds a whole hell of a lot like chest dysphoria.
...Except that when I got a binder to try it out, threw a hoodie on over it, and looked in the mirror, it was just like,, weird. And a minute or so later when I caught my reflection in the mirror out the corner of my eye without thinking and my brain automatically perceived my chest as like, FLAT flat for the first time, it pretty much shouted "WRONG WRONG WRONG" and started clanging pots and pans until I took it off.
But, irl my nickname is a typically "male" short-hand (as in, someone reading it would assume it's a guy 99.9999% of the time) of my (feminine) name, and I much prefer it. So like I guess I'm just generically nonbinary... but I also really don't want to say that I'm not a woman? But that reluctance could just be reluctance at relinquishing what makes me "valuable" in society's eyes, or in accepting that I've "failed" to be what I was "supposed" to be. Or in losing my ability to "speak authentically" about things like sexism, even though I Know Full Well that that's not how that works, like, at all. So it's just... ????????????????????
The only thing I have been able to figure out is that I definitely want to be more buff and athletic, and definitely make my body at least a little more masc in that regard. So like, Buff Sword Lady definitely, at least. (I do quite enjoy swords. A lot.) So maybe I just want to be butch?
But I don't look like that yet, and it's so hard to figure this kind of thing out without actually being able to physically see yourself that way, without being able to actually feel it first-hand and compare. So I'm just, like, here, a fantasy writer doing muscle work-outs alone in my room every day, hoping that micro-dosing on jock culture will help me finally feel Right lmao.
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whumperofworlds · 7 months
You got any etiquette or tips or smth for posting one shots or drabbles? Like, when to place cuts, how to tag, CW stuff, should you divulge background info before hand, etc etc...
Hey friend! I don't know a lot about the etiquette but I'll try my best!
For starters, here's what my setup before my story looks like (had to put a readmore because it was getting long LOL)
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See "CONTENT"? The most important thing is to list the trigger warnings somewhere at the beginning, like kidnapping, sickfic, blood, etc. You can use tags too, but also adding the trigger warnings at the beginning before the story is also a good way, so that if your readers see something at the beginning before they read that there's something that squicks them, they could pass it up.
Speaking of tags...
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I reread through my stories before posting so I could tag them properly. Was a character bleeding with some descriptions of blood? Add a "blood tw", "blood", etc tag. Was the whumpee dealing with body horror with description of said body horror? "Body horror tw", "body horror", etc. There are times where you forget to add a tag and that's okay! Most of the time, people would gently let you know that you missed a tag. Also, don't censor your tags like this (b100d), since from what I heard, it doesn't protect those who filter the word and they would end up seeing it and get triggered unintentionally. That's usually looked down on due to that reason on Tumblr, and in most places.
And finally, a read more.
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If it's getting too long to the point you have to scroll down a bit to get to the end, definitely put a readmore there. Usually, I add it after three paragraphs as seen here. For NSFW stories, I put a readmore right before the story for safety reasons.
And background and all... it depends if you're writing with your OCs/blorbos or just a generic whumpee/whumper/caretaker! For OCs/blorbos, yeah, some background would be cool (if they're fandom characters, it's not necessary since many people would know what the characters are!) Otherwise, it's not necessary to divulge in background stuff for generic, unless it's specific, like if the whump is focused on superpowers and superheroes, some background could help too! 😀
I hope this helps! If anyone else has better etiquette on this (still unsure TBH 😅) feel free to reblog with your two cents!
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stinkyme · 8 months
How did it feel to publish a fic here for the first time? I would really like to start writing bsd×reader, but I feel very nervous, I don't understand the app much.
Oh anon, my first fic was Mushitaro x reader, it was a vomit of 7k words just because I needed some smut for him. At the time I was also highly unaware of how the app works, I didn't know how to add "read more", my first ever ask was telling me that I should add that because it's annoying to scroll over massive works LOL
For me personally, I just enjoyed to share the love for Mushitaro. I wasn't expecting anything from it, I had no clue about stuff. I barely knew how to tag properly, I just copy pasted, added tags and posted it. Unedited, unseparated, absolutely with no thoughts in my head LMAO
Heads up, all I speak for is for mobile :)
However, you learn as you go. I want you to know that you don't need a perfect aesthetic and those things are always managable later. When it comes to a fic itself - make sure to have either CW/TW, summary or what a fic contains so people know what they are getting into. You add :readmore: + enter to add that separator I mentioned - I usually do it after the name of the fic, some people do it after first paragraph or so. Some people's works are shorter so there is no need for that.
Second, make sure to use normal font because some people don't see well. It's okay to use smaller fonts if your followers/readers don't mind - you can always check their preference! Some people enjoy the smaller font for aesthetic purposes, however practicality wise - it may be hard to read for some people. Don't be afraid to ask! Also, keeping regular font is perfectly fine :)
Third thing, tags. Tags are right there, you can always see how people tag. Example - you write Dazai. Tags: dazai x reader (enter), dazai osamu x reader (enter), dazai x reader (fluff - if it's fluff) (enter), dazai osamu smut (enter), bsd x reader (enter), etc!
As for more aesthetic things such as colorful separators - there are accounts that post them! I am not entirely sure how you make one yourself, but there are tutorials. You can always go on those accouts, download a separator as a photo (add it through a photo option and place it where you need it by holding it and dragging to that place) and tag the account at the end/beginning for credits! :)
Fonts - they are on bottom left. You can just keep the cursor line in the paragraph/sentence/line you want certain font at and click. However, if you want to do this or this or this or this - you hold a word you want it for and you will see the little panel come up where you can choose. It you want it in a sentence/paragraph - select all and choose the font you want! :) This also applies to colors! On PC/laptop you can add more colors through web, but on the phone it's not avaliable :/
Make sure to separate paragraphs so it's more readable. You can use one or two enters between paragraphs - whatever works for you!
As for some other things - if you reply asks, you can add tags such as #yourname/nickname answers or anything else. Some people use different things! It's okay to get creative.
If your moot/someone whose name you know sends an ask - you can use specific tag for that person. I use "my sweet xyz", some people use different things. Some people don't use tags at all! It's all down to a personal preference :)
Lastly, don't be afraid! We all learn as we go, we are all humans. Mistakes happen and it's normal to have a period of trial and error. If simpler approach works for you - amazing! There is nothing wrong with that. If you prefer more aesthetic/harder work approach - amazing! There is nothing wrong with that either :)
If this is something you desire, trust me, people will enjoy your works! Other things we can always help each other with, nobody is born knowing everything. If anyone is mean about a certain thing - oh well. You will learn and it will be perfectly fine. Just go for it, I am sure you will do an incredible job. Don't stress yourself, share your thoughts and talent, enjoy yourself!
I promise it's won't be as nearly bad as you make it in your head. Quite the opposite - I am sure it will be amazing. Your writing and practical skills about the app will evolve and grow. Don't expect perfection from yourself on the first try, and trust me, even when you know you made a mistake at some point - it will just be a reason more to be proud because you came so far.
So, I encourage you to start it, take it easy and don't overstress. If your wish is to write and post - do it, everything else will come as you go. I promise it will be much better than you expected and people are so sweet, someone will always help you if you need it, I promise :)
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toniyx · 3 months
meeyow!!! hello there, I'm Tonix, this is my secondary account lol. I'm mainly an artist, but I may write some headcanons from time to time.
I'm gonna post my lazier stuff, more explicit stuff, & thoughts here so look out for that
- Transformers 👾🚓
- Hazbin Hotel 🌹👁️‍🗨️
- Portal/Half-Life 🧡💙
- The Stanley Parable 〽️🪣
- Ace Attorney ⚖️✒️
- Wolvesville 🐺🏘️
(this list will get updated as time goes on)
stuff I do :
- digital & traditional art
- animation sometimes
- OCs
- roleplay
- sometimes little headcanons and stuff???
- idk there's not much else, if you're a mutual ask for art if you want, usually just gonna be sketches
- I do commissions so if you ever want one of those yeah, reduced price for friends/mutuals
content warnings, DNI, and blog rules below, please read. (separate rules for headcanons/writing requests are here)
- bugs, either talked about or posted about, I love bugs (probably won't TW this past here so, heed my warning)
- violence, guns/knives, potential talk of cannibalism, occasional dark jokes/comedic violence, etc. (text stuff might not be tagged, but gore art will most likely be tagged as #gore art, #robogore and/or #gore)
- possible mention of drugs; all will be censored, won't go into anything crazy
- bright colors/very saturated art (will be tagged & probably put under a cut. block #bright colors and #neon if you don't want to see any of this)
- maybe some NSFT lol (will tag either #suggestive or #nsft)
- I may ramble and get annoying
- under 18, sorry pals. feel free to interact on my main account tho!
- super religious blogs (excluding fandoms obv)
- on that same note, super political blogs
- anyone toxic or looking to start drama
- not really a DNI, but I'm aromantic, keep that in mind while talking to me and don't push your luck
- AI art users
- proshippers
- "don't support X creator"/"did you know that X said Y about Z" fellas, again, no unnecessary drama here please
blog rules:
- don't repost my art anywhere else, even with credit given. ask me directly before using as a PFP/banner/etc., but using as wallpaper is fine so long as you don't share it. (note: sharing a link to one of my posts somewhere is absolutely fine)
- do not use my art for your own OCs; inspiration is totally fine but if you're just snagging my stuff just... no, man, no
- generally don't request art unless you're a mutual, but if you're really polite about it or give an idea that I really like I may draw you something
- asks may be deleted without warning and without telling you. if you did something that upset me I'll try to reach out and tell you the first few times, but past that you're blocked, yada yada yada.
and lastly, this is totally gonna be a repeat, but here's my biggest rule of all: absolutely no drama here. be dramatic about anonymous people all you want, but no-one you could identify by looking them up. this is also not your place to complain/nitpick about something that someone else on here (namely I) might like.
cancel culture is a huge no-no here. people are people; people make mistakes and have shitty opinions. unless they were convicted of a crime, I don't wanna hear about whose content I should/shouldn't enjoy.
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✦☆ Read Me Info ☆✦
🤠🏳‍🌈 Howdy! I go by Bonnie or Benji (he/they pronouns.) My main account is @red-dead-simp 🏳‍🌈🤠
I don't draw often anymore because of physical and mental health, and I've sort of lost the ability to do so to be honest. But when I do, and when it's not NSFW, I'll try to remember to post it here :) This blog is SFW, but content may have adult themes. Young'ns, heed that warning.
This is a safe space for anyone 2SLGBTQ+, autistic, disabled, and/or BIPOC. I won't tolerate anything otherwise.
Read below the cut for additional information and TWs for themes that may come up!
All NSFW art goes on my Twitter, which is explicitly 🔞18+ and all under 18s will be blocked. It's nothing personal, I just post and retweet NSFW content freely, and it's no place for minors.
Trigger/Content Warnings:
-- Please note that these are never written or portrayed in a way that glorifies these topics or actions, and most of this applies to character background stories or written works--
Fictional drug use and alcoholism
Fictional violence
Allusions to and mentions of abuse and domestic violence (physical, emotional, and psychological)
Use of era-specific homophobic slurs (in fanfics I may link)
Characters acting ableist or making ableist jokes at the expense of disabled/autistic characters (in fanfics I may link)
There may be mildly suggestive art, specifically of my OC Shoe lol Think shirtless pics. I'll tag these as such.
Fandom List:
Rather, fandoms that are relevant to what I'll probably post here.
Bully (2006)
Red Dead Redemption
World of Warcraft
Bully OCs:
Hyperlinks direct you to the Bully Fanon Wiki page for each OC :) Please note the above T/CWs.
Randy Douglas
Bentley You
Hannah Cox
Mitzi Patricelli
Duke Symell
Charlie Wright
Leo Kingsland Cox
The Third Floor Ghost
Red Dead OCs:
You can find these guys and more on my Instagram! Hyperlinks direct you to relevant posts.
Gwenieve O'Gwilly
Eleanor (she actually belongs to my bestie, but I use her a lot, especially with Gwen)
Clover Haywood (she actually belongs to my sister but I use her from time to time lol)
Scarlett O'Shea
Shoe Percutio
Other OCs:
No link to these guys, but I'll tag them with their names (mostly for ease of access for myself XD)
Shoe (not in the Cowboy AU of RDO)
Zerus (a WoW OC)
Big C.
Skadi (she belongs to my sister, but I draw her from time to time)
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apocalypta-secundus · 2 years
Basic Rules:
DNI if you didn’t read the rules or are a personal without a roleplay sideblog. Pretty simple rule.
Selective, private, mutuals only. I dunno who it's okay to rp with if you don't follow back! This is sort of a comfort thing? I'm worried I'll bother people is all!
No God Modding. The usual rule!
Oh gosh. I'm crossover friendly this wasn't posted in my rules before I'm sorry but yes! YES! I do crossovers as long as I know the media your character is from or can snoop a wiki for info.
DO NOT LIE YOUR AGE. Dear god please don't pretend you're 18 dear young ones! If I hear of it from anyone I'll block you so fast.
Reblog memes from the source! Reblog memes from the source! Reblog memes from the source! Reblog memes from the source!
Please please please tell me who you’re sending at me if you’re a multi!
Please also tell me who you wanna rp with since I’m a multi lol
If you wanna soft block me, please HARD BLOCK ME. Thank you! It's so I don't accidentally refollow you, that's all.
I’m not in high school, please keep your OOC drama off my dash. :) I'm 32. I'm here for fun.
IC drama is very much appreciated and loved.
I do post OOC and memes often but I’m trying to cut back and delete my OOC posts pertaining to real life after 24 hours. I'm bad at this and I am sorry.
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Shipping Rules:
Ahem. I love crack ships that evolve into real ships
I also love one off crack ships that don’t go anywhere.
One sided love is fun
I also like angst shipping.
Most OC characters are 18 and older, except for the following: Lillian Wilder - 16 Luna Atomais - 14 Haruna - 15 Depending on the time period roleplayed: Most Naruto characters except for Lyn who is over 18 in all time periods. Any character in the MHA verse, except for Rei and Fuyumi. Yukimi Kazahana/Todoroki - 15 - 21
Ayoo Update to the smut rule: I'm not writing it at all. Makes me uncomfortable.
Please no Loki and Mira romantic relationships please. (Please realize I do rp Mira/Narvi as Loki's child in some verses.)
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About Mun Rules:
I'm available on PC Tumblr between 9 PM - 12 AM EST most days, all other times excluding whenever sleep happens I'll be on mobile Tumblr/Discord. You can ask for my Discord if we're mutuals.
Mun is not muse. Mun is a soft baked potato.
I do suffer from anxiety but I do my best to reach out, but sometimes I don’t. I do like to send in memes as ice breakers. I'm shitty at talking to people... Have multiple mental illnesses plus physical ones but... yeah I'm a socially awkward turd for brains. I'm sorry if I don't reach out first or anything. Keep an eye out! Sometimes I become DM friendly. :)
Plotting isn’t my thing but if you’d like to plot something please ask. I have numerous opens. Oh just cause I have anxiety and the like doesn’t mean I don’t wanna rp btw. I just feel like I’m gonna be awful and yeah.
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Trigger warnings are tagged like this: TW: or CW:
There WILL be dark themes on this blog. Nayeli is the child of Sabretooth and is prone to outbursts of violence. Lyn and Raze are both played here and both violent little shits.
I will tag them the best I can so you can avoid them.
I am doing my best to tag triggers, if I mess up and miss one let me know and I will rectify that immediately.
I also tag holidays as triggers. Valentine’s, Father’s and Mother’s day, Christmas. If I need to tag anymore holidays I will if asked!
My triggers are as follows: “papa”, MLP, Father’s day.
(I have reasons and I’m not even sure they’re even valid. I can explain if asked.)
If you are a multi with MLP characters please tag your rps, thanks. (It also doesn’t mean I won’t rp with you cause you have those characters :) )
If you’re rping with an MLP character, please tag the roleplay.
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pishyy · 2 months
intro post ✿✿✿
hello!! it's nice to meet you! welcome to my little corner of the internet!
im ava, and im a college student revisiting her middle- and high-school tumblr days <3 i used to be suuuuper active on here but deactivated my acct a few years ago, and i decided it was time to come back home :)
below the cut are some rules / introductory stuff that i ask you read before following <3 have a wonderful day!!
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first things first, some rules (please read!) :
i am an adult (albeit a very young one). i will post adult things. i'm not going to say this a strictly 18+ blog (aside from nsfw things, which i will tag #mdni or #minors dni), but i'd kindly request you not interact w me if you're under the age of 16. its for both of us, pookie.
i roll w sweeties and lovers only !!! my blog is a space for positivity and love and light and absolutely nothing else !!! if you're being a fart i reserve the right to block u like THAT 🤌 (that's me snapping)
i am bound to have my blind spots as a white, (mostly) able-bodied, cisgendered, middle-class person. i 100% acknowledge that, and am doing my best to reduce and eliminate those. i encourage all people i interact with to do the same, including online. if i hear whispers of any of my followers exhibiting bigoted, prejudiced, predatory, or just generally uncool behavior, you will be 🥾 BOOTED immediately
i'm in a very happy, committed, long-term relationship with my partner of multiple years. in other words, *pearl voice* IM MARRIED!!! don't be creepy.
i will do my best to tag tws and cws, but if there's anything i miss, please let me know!! it has been a fat minute since i have ventured back onto this crazy little website and i'm a bit rusty.
about me <3 (read if u want lol) :
current obsessions: criminal minds (reliving my old phases, etc), slime rancher (i know, i know. my partner got it for me and i have been unabashedly obsessed), rupaul's drag race, chappell roan, ethel cain, taylor swift when she's not ripping a hole in the ozone layer, hozier, mac miller, art, music, dorky stuff :)
i'm currently wrapping up my sophomore year of college! i'm a studio art minor and elementary education major, if you couldn't tell from the everything about me. i'm super duper passionate about art and education and stuff, and will gush about it OFTEN
fav song at the moment: Sedona - Riley Whittaker
fav show at the moment: Bob's Burgers (post-edible) (ofc)
fav emoji at the moment: 🦡 ! ITS A LIL BADGER AKSDHFASDFJS
tags :
✿ - rambles :) not related to fandom stuff, just my thoughts.
ava's writing - what it says on the tin, babe! ideally, i'd like to post my writing at some point, but until then, this tag will just be decoration :)
❤︎ - lil things that made me happy! i use this tag just to keep track of that stuff in case im having a bad day, or for you if you are!!
mom look away - nsfw. mdni. avert your eyes. if u see this no u didn't.
ok that's it!! thanks for checking this out!! mwah love u pook
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onovnii · 2 years
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jotaro using you as a stress reliever | jotaro kujo DiU
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— misc headcanons abt 4taro using you like a toy<3...
— feat.  jotaro kujo (part 4) — cw/tws. smut —  age gaps ig, teacher/student??? dynamic?? idk , amab n afab reader mentions , hand jobs , fingering , cunnilingus , praise , light degradation (he calls you a whore LMAO) , slight ooc , cheating if you squint, barely proof read dhjfdj, this whole thing is messy ughhhd  — note. “val, what the hell is this?” man idfk. i like older men what can i say (lets pretend this makes sense in canon or something. if it doesn't that's on you not me /j)
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i cant get dilf!jotaro out of my mind… he’d always have this sense of maturity to him. unintentionally and unknowingly he’d dote on you from time to time. after all, you were significantly younger than him and he was sort of responsible over you during your time in morioh.
you were a college aged student who tagged along with mr. Kujo for the “experience”. of course, jotaro had some reservations about letting someone like you come, but ultimately the choice wasnt up to him.
jotaro was always one to put more pressure on himself than he could handle. of course, he’d never admit to that; but it was plain to see. whenever you came into his hotel room, he’d be hunched over with tense shoulders. you felt bad for the man so you always offered to help him in anyway he could.
your assignments often included watching over josuke and his friends to make sure no other stand users were up to anything. and if they were, you were instructed not to directly interfere unless it was necessary. instead, you wrote down the stand user and their abilities. jotaro wanted to keep track of all the stands the arrow had created, while also having time to continue working on his personal business. (he still goes out and fights stands bc this man doesn't know what “take a break” means 🙄)
okok onto what we’re actually here for //
jotaro kujo.
every so often jotaro would call you over to his hotel room. he uses this as a last resort, both of you knew that very well. whenever you came over, words were barely ever exchanged. both knew the rules very clearly; it was all just sex and no one ever finds out.
honestly speaking, the whole ordeal was very.. exciting to you. sneaking around with mr kujo, who’s supposed to be responsible for you during your stay in morioh was just thrilling. just seeing how flustered he’d get whenever you make advances, how he’d try to hide the red tint to his cheeks. maybe it was the guilt and embarrassment getting to him, but he never did put an end to your “relationship”.
▸ jotaro wants to keep this exchange as private as possible, meaning he’ll mostly do it in the comfort of his hotel room. if he’s feeling risky or impatient, he might just have you suck him off in the car.
▸ ahh.. don't tease him in public, he wont be able to handle it. jotaro will just walk away from you to cool off; but he’ll remember it and call you back to his room later for trying to rile him up (it worked).
▸ god.. he can’t get enough of you. the post nut clarity has him feeling guilt and shame afterwards but he keeps coming back for more 😔.
▸ just imagine his hands roughly holding onto your hips, pulling you closer to him as he ruts into your cunt. his large hand on your lower back while you arch back and grip onto the sheets below you. he’s mostly quiet save for his grunts and stifled moans. occasionally having to shush you from being too loud.
“keep quiet i said, you don’t want people to find out you’re whoring around with your “teacher”, do you?” he’d say while biting into your shoulders.
▸ sometimes he’d just use your discarded shirt as a gag and use that to shut you up<3
▸ aaahsjf call him “mr kujo” and you’ll end up with your own hands pinned above your head with your legs dangling from his shoulders. don’t ask him about it though, he has no clue either lol
▸ sessions w/ mr kujo ultimately depend on his mood… most of the time he’s on the rougher side of things. but if he’s feeling nice he’d just finger you and make you cum with his tongue. he’s very skilled actually…
▸ the pads of his thumb rubbing gently against your clit while he presses kisses on your inner thighs. jotaro basks in the soft mewls and lewd sounds coming from your mouth. when he finally reaches your core, his lips hover over your pretty pussy before pressing his tongue against your folds.
▸ if you’re okay with it, he’ll add his fingers to the mix, fingering you with his middle finger while sucking on your clit.
▸ jotaro will drag out your orgasm for as long as he can >:/ the bastard will feel you reaching your climax and pull away. leaving you crying and bucking your hips up at him, only for him to shake his head.
“this is punishment for messing up the last report”
▸ he sits you on his lap, having you lean against him while he strokes your sensitive cock. his thumb occasionally rubbing against the tip, making you twitch in his lap. his other hand will be wrapped around your waist, circling patterns onto your hip while he shushes you and praises you for being so good for him.
▸ he’s slow, painfully slow. even if you beg and cry for him to pick up the pace, he’ll just kiss the top of your head and say;
“we need to test your endurance, remember?”
▸ when you cum onto his hands he’ll clean it off with his tongue. keeping eye contact with you the whole time 😔.
▸ after it’s all said and done, jotaro will always feel bad for using you to release some of his pent up frustrations and tries his best to take care of you.
▸ any bruises or marks you may have, he kisses over them tenderly. he’ll praise and thank you for being so good to him.
▸ jotaro won’t immediately kick you out, he’ll let you hang around for a few minutes. letting you bathe, change your clothes etc. but if you ask to stay… unfortunately he won’t let you 😔. but if you wish to cuddle up to him for a bit he’ll hesitantly agree.
▸ imagine him working on things at his desk while you sit on his lap, an arm wrapped around you to keep you from falling off while you eat something he ordered for you </333
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©ONOVNII - valene . reblogs are appreciated !
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0tt3r-pop · 2 years
Shellington x Kwazii fluff? Or possibly angst whatever you’re in the mood for. XD
I'll do both (mainly headcanons + a few quotes) with a fair level of Angst and Fluff
Tw/Cw for mention/description of injury + scars, mention of abandonment (for science of sea otters), way too much angst. My 7th grade wattpad brain took over lol
- Not so much a headcanon but fact (mainly for cats but also otters) : they can both purr. Purring can occur when they are either happy, nervous, or hurt in some cases. Do with that what you will
- They get separated for long periods of time due to missions and such. When they meet back up it's insanely adorable and sometimes chaotic
- Kwazii will often go completely silent and/or off the radar while on far-off missions and not contact ANYONE, including Shellington. This causes a lot of stress and panic for Shellington.
"What if they don't come back"
"Is he alive?"
"When will they be back?"
- When Kwazii DOES come back (if not injured or dragged back because of a distress signal they had to send as a last resort), Shellington will go 110% on happy stims and basically TACKLE Kwazii down in a hug
- They both get hurt fairly often. Kwazii is concerningly good at hiding their injuries, Shellington is also pretty good. The main way they find out the other is injured is when showing affection and the other faintly flinches. That or they can tell by changes in how they normally move around
- Once one finds out the other is hurt? The hurt one is getting "dragged" either to Peso or to their own room. If it's to their own room then the one who is uninjured/the least injured will patch them up ^^
- They both affectionately bite
- They both get attached VERY easily. Find a baby bird? They'll try to keep it. Baby dolphin? They'll try to keep it. Baby ANYTHING? THEY ARE TRYING TO KEEP IT. Unfortunately they never can, not for long at least. Most of the time they try to hide the creature lol
- I've said this is most every headcanon I've posted, and will keep saying it: SLEEP PILE
- Kwazii has an insane amount of scars, all of which Shellington loves to trace over with their hand
- Shellington also has their fair share of scar, a few from burns, some from broken glass, a LOT on their hands from messing with sharp coral or sea creatures. Kwazii is more cautious when tracing them
- So many of Kwaziis bones have been broken/dislocated, mainly in his tail and wrists. It still hurts them well after
- Sea Otters normally only have one pup. (less than 2% have more than 1 pup) If they have more than on they will abandon the other. They will likely no longer swim with the living after 24 hours unless they are taken in captivity. Do with that what you will
- Don't ask why but Shellington gives the vibe of the color green, specifically faded or dull greens /pos
- there is a fair amount of angst here and I wasn't even thinking- have some fluff
- Kwazii will kinda just, kneed on Shellington while they are working
- Kwazii is better at cooking while Shellington it better at baking
- They will sleep over (read as "tail/shadow the other until they are tired and end up in a room") frequently. Each time they either watch YouTuber play games, play games themselves, or vibe while telling stories
- Kwazii is into Homestuck. Shellington is into Pokemon. They often talk to each other about these things. Let the chaos unfold in your minds
- They will cut the tags off of each others clothing. They see a tag? Snip Snip
Incorrect Quotes (a bit more lighthearted)
Barnacles: What do you have there?
Shellington trying to hide a baby creature behind them: Ummmmm...
Kwazii, holding two mugs: Hot coco, you want any?
Kwazii: *telling a scary ghost story*
Shellington: *invested*
Something outside of the Octopod: *taps on the glass and swims away*
Kwazii: ● - ●
Shellington: ° - °
*Neither of them sleep that night*
Kwazii: *is away for months while on a mission*
Shellington: *crying face down into a pillow while listening to 505*
Shellington: Kwazii.
Kwazii, already knowing Shellington knows: Yes, my Shelly, the light of my life?
Shellington, who's not falling for it: Why is your tail bent in 5 different directions?
Shellington, worried: Where are you going?
Kwazii, packed for a long mission: I'll be gone for a while, but I'll be back, no worries!
*months pass with radio silence*
Distress Signal coming in: *loud screams can be heard in the background, as well as wood snapping. Kwazii is faintly heard before the screaming get louder and the message cuts out*
Everyone else: *prepares to go to the last known coordinates and hopefully find Kwazii*
Shellington is left standing alone in HQ, shaking and crying.
"Are they alive?"
[This would make a great fanfic- which I might write on my Ao3 >:) ]
Shellington: *overstimulated and stressed*
Kwazii: I've got this
Kwazii: *heavily leans against Shellington and starts to purr softly*
Everyone else: *receiving letters from parents*
Kwazii and Shellington looking at each other:
• - • ° - °
Shellington: May luck, and this picture of Kwazii eating kelp at 3 in the damn morning, be with you
Hopefully that was good ^^
I went a little heavy on the angst. I used to write an insane amount of angst in grade school and freshman year of Highschool. But I put some (hopefully good) fluff in there too :3
I hope you all have a nice day/night ^^♡
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^ that's a bad but good summary of their relationship ^
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plasmalunare · 2 years
Debunking shit from @/shit-proshippers-say because I'm bored
also I'm not entirely sure debunking is the right word but oh well i tried
TW// mentions of grooming
also CW// kind of strong language??
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pretty sure the majority of proshippers believe fiction affects reality actually! but definitely not on a 1:1 scale
also pretty fucked up to assume we fetishize "cp" by getting off to it but whatever floats your boat?? personally i read it to cope with being groomed, nothing more ;3
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i can't believe this person just compared us to nazis are we being serious rn
we're more than capable of drawing a line at what's real and what isn't
the characters aren't real, they can't be hurt and they can't feel anything like a real person would so y'know! doesn't really matter
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the constant assumption of all of us getting off to problematic content just for pure enjoyment is kinda fucked lol
some people do (y'all are valid) but it's clear this person doesn't give a fuck about the others trying to cope with their trauma 😑
and honestly I haven't seen this complaint around?? if a post has problematic content they'll just add content warnings in the tags (which can be blacklisted easily)
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i really love how antis see people that have been groomed and use proshipping as a coping method as future p*dophiles /s
also thanks for the whole morality part but once again, these characters can't feel anything so why does it matter so much
and to those 25+ "bitchless proshippers" (or 18+ proshippers in general)
y'all are valid as hell, keep doing what you're doing and don't let others stop you no matter what !!
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i agree with this, you're allowed to not like proshippers and no one is forcing you to like us
but instead of making a whole ass account to go after us, you could have just blacklisted proshipper related tags and words
but i can certainly say this account won't stop us since we're plentiful
so really, what's the point here? just go after victims and people trying to have fun in their own way?
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the "getting off to cp" part is kinda pissing me off by now 💀
but honestly if i had to chose to listen between
a licensed mental health professional telling me it's ok to cope by writing problematic things
and a random dumbass on the internet that has no clue what they're talking about
I definitely know what I'm picking!
ok that's my whole ass rant
hopefully my grammar wasn't too bad since english isn't my first language
and to all proshippers out there, block this clown and stay safe <3
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apolloendymion · 2 years
This person is a TERF!
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Or at the very least, they sympathize with TERFs. Evidence under the cut. CW for suicide mention, transphobia, homophobia, description of sexual acts, and sex negativity. Descriptions are in alt text for all images on this post.
I noticed this comment in the replies:
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I thought the "detrans lesbian" was a little sus, so I checked meowchinery's blog, and was instantly hit with this bio, multiple openly transphobic posts, and reblogs directly from self-proclaimed TERFS. (Full disclosure: some of these blogs were marked red on Shinigami Eyes before, but I did mark some of them myself after checking their posts. I also marked some users red after taking the screenshots. I am not using Shinigami Eyes as my "proof" here; I don't need to when they're so open about it.)
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I replied to the Hello Kitty post with "@.meowchinery silence terf", and unsolvedmurder blocked me. Before that, though, I did check out their blog to see if they'd posted anything explicitly transphobic. They mostly post innocuous aesthetics, but I did find the following:
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Implication that men can't have clitorises/all women have clitorises, and stating that people without them shouldn't be allowed on the site (not to mention ignoring that FGM and especially intersex GM exist 🙄). Even as a joke, this plays directly into TERF beliefs about the supposed inherent evil of DMAB people. It's just biological essentialism, babes!
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No TW for suicide, but a TW for *checks notes* ...sex positivity? Not "sex mention" or "nsfw" or tags that would normally be used for sex-repulsed aces, survivors, or anything like that. Sex positivity. Sex-negative and anti-sex worker beliefs are core to radical feminism, so naturally they disapprove of sex positivity.
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Literally just lying about anal sex in the name of "feminism." In case anybody reading is unaware: you don't need a prostate to enjoy anal sex, it is not painful if you do it correctly (same as vaginal sex lol), and it is perfectly hygienic if you do it correctly (again same as vaginal sex lollll). Maybe this is TMI but I'm speaking from experience on that. The idea that DFAB people only consent to anal sex under pressure from a man, and that DFAB people cannot derive pleasure from it, is literally radfem bullshit. Also saying that anal sex is inherently unhygienic while also saying it's for gay men... homophobic!
Please don't harass any of these people, but please do block them. I'd also encourage you to report any posts that are openly hateful.
You might've noticed that angelica-pickles-posts mentioned they changed their URL recently; that's because their account was terminated (BTW evading bans is against TOS 🌝). I found a bunch of remade, post-termination TERF blogs while looking through these accounts. Tumblr will shut down these blogs if we report them.
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illegal-spiegel · 6 years
about me and my blog
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» Welcome!! This here post is to give you more information about me and my blog!! If you have any questions that I didn’t answer, feel free to ask me!! Also, feel free to request anything!! Thank you!! «
If you find anything offensive, exclusive, or anything else, please let me know!! I want everyone to feel welcome and included!! A lot of my posts are from middle school, so I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a lot wrong with them
Before sending me a request, also look here (ignore #6)
pfp was made by @saucy-eggy <3
Join my Discord Server!!
what I write/do:
Social Media AUs - Snapchat, Instagram, etc.
Ask for anything I forgot to put!! Feel free to request any of those!! 
what I don’t write:
I don’t write for the female characters. I have nothing against them but I just prefer not to write about them :) 
character death (unless it turns out to be a dream or smth)
cheating (same thing as I said before)
what animes I write for:
My Hero Academia 
Cowboy Bebop
Bungo Stray Dogs
Jujutsu Kaisen
Kamisama Kiss
Moriarty the Patriot
The Case Study of Vanitas
Black Butler
Attack on Titan
Soul Eater
Ouran High School Host Club
High Rise Invasion?
Beastars (when I finish it)
Keep in mind that I haven’t read the manga for any of these animes!! If there is someone you want from another anime, then don’t hesitate to ask because maybe I can do it lol
what characters I write for:
MHA - Bakugou, Todoroki, Kirishima, Denki, Deku, Aizawa, Monoma, Tamaki, Shinso, Shindo?, Hawks?, Shigaraki?, Dabi, maybe others who knows at this point 
Cowboy Bebop - Spike and Jet 
Bungo Stray Dogs - Dazai & Chuuya are the main ones I'll be writing for, but I can maybe do others if requested
Jujutsu Kaisen - Itadori, Sukuna, Megumi, Gojo, Nanami
Kamisama Kiss - Tomoe and Akura-ou, will consider others if requested
Moriarty the Patriot - William, Albert, Sherlock, Sebastian, Fred, would consider others
The Case Study of Vanitas - Vanitas & Noé (as a pairing as well), would consider others
HQ - All Karasuno players and Coach Ukai except for Chikara Ennoshita, Hisashi Kinoshita, and Kazuhito Narita. Nekoma: Kuroo and sometimes Kenma. Aoba Johsai: Oikawa and Iwa. Fukurōdani: Akaashi and sometimes Bokuto. Shiratorizawa: Ushijima. Johzenji: Terushima
AOT - Levi, Eren, Armin, Jean?, Connie?, & Erwin? I mainly just write for the earlier seasons though
Black Butler - Sebastian, Ciel, will consider others if requested
Soul Eater - DTK, Soul, Stein
OHSHC - all of the boys except for Honey 
Again, keep in mind that I haven’t read the manga for any of these animes!! Also, I haven’t seen some of these in a couple years, so I might turn down some requests :)
my schedule:
I’m a college student and have a job, so I have a pretty busy schedule. I write when I can but please be patient with me!!
list of tags:
#{insert anime} - whatever anime it's from
#{insert character name} - the character's full name name, sometimes just first or a nickname
#spicy - a warning to viewers that the post is PG-13 and might not be suitable for all audiences. This can sometimes be paired with fanart/fic/character name/etc.
#nsft - this tag is similar to spicy but in the sense that it's fully rated R. Had to start using T instead of W since Tumblr started blocking/deleting posts with NS*W anywhere on it lol
#{insert kink/tw/cw} - if my posts ever have any particular/certain kinks/trigger warnings/content warnings, I will always make sure to tag it appropriately (and if I don't, just shoot me & ask & let me know I forgot)! Please make sure to check tags/warnings if you don't have certain content you don't want to see blocked/hidden!
#{insert genre} - fluff, smut, angst, enemies to lovers, you name it!
#drabble/timestamp/etc. - similar to genre, I always try to mark what kind of post it is!
#fanart - this can be paired with anime name and/or character name!
#about me & about my/the blog - these are posts giving you updates about myself and my blog
#fav - this is the shit I go bananas over
#self reblog/repost - self explanatory, this is when I reblog my own posts
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about me:
Name: Chloe’
Age: 21
Birthday: May 15
Pronouns: she/her
From: the U.S
Fav color: blue or yellow
Hobbies: reading, writing, swimming, binge watching shows, playing video games, other basic stuff like that lmao
Fav genre: smut, romance and coming of age
Some other fandoms I’m in: Voltron and LOZ
My fav animes: Bungo Stray Dogs, Cowboy Bebop, Black Butler, Ouran High School Host Club, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kamisama Kiss, Haikyuu!!, My Hero Academia, Free!, Yuri on Ice, Moriarty the Patriot
My fav kdramas: Something in the Rain and Put Your Head on my Shoulder
other accounts:
Fic recs - @recs-galore
Obey Me!, Genshin Impact, Mystic Messenger, The Arcana - @saeyoungchoismaid
Voltron - @classyklancey
Tv shows, movies, books, etc. - @multifandombookstore
Main blog - @lowkeystan
other social media:
Twitter - @/TartagliasGirly, @/classyklancey, @/spicytodoroniAO3 - @classyklancey
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