#you can't give him a round face have you seen that man he is so long
bigmanroykent · 2 days
some royjamie fic & podfic recs
i've been trying to make my Grand Return to Reading Fics for months because i miss royjamie so much and i have so many fics marked for later that it makes me cry but turns out. i'm not doing so well reading from a screen these days and only manage physical and audio books which makes reading fic a bit more challenging. so this isn't the huge spreadsheet with recs i had prepared in hopes of sharing it but here are the few i did manage to put there these last few months (with a special thank you to podficcers as well!!), please enjoy them too if you haven't read them yet:
from the mouths of babes by Dyece - Phoebe says something devastatingly insightful, and Roy has a minor Feeling about it.
as weak as a violet by tooshyforthis - After Keeley shuts the door in your face, you stumble your way to the place you call church. Jamie follows you. Always does. When you stumble your way to bed, he follows you there too.
Can't Start A Fire Without A Spark by Blackmustache - Things are changing at Man City and somebody needs to convince Jamie to come home.
i don't know what it is but i got that feeling by aisjustrunning - Jamie has been invited to a party (?) and now he has to buy a present for Roy Fucking Kent.
What you'd do to me tonight by fangrrlsing - “Vanilla vodka.” He shakes his head and Jamie is frozen under his eyes. “Such a child.” There is a gasp stuck in his throat, a protest. It hurts even though it shouldn’t. What should he care what a washed-up has-been thinks about him? Except this is Roy fucking Kent.
Their Love Was There by things_renew_themselves - Jamie and Roy hang out after the bonfire. Shit gets real.
everything by swimmingfox. I'm not kidding, their writing is wonderful and their podfics have been a lifesaver and I already have them linked because I was preparing a podfic rec post before I remembered that I had some other fics ready in my spreadsheet:
A Windmill In Old Amsterdam - Extra scenes from Roy and Jamie's night-time bike ride. Soft and sweet. Four in the Morning & Babe - Starting from S3E4, but then going off on its own. First Time - Jamie and Roy talk about Jamie's experience with his dad in Amsterdam. Jamie has a panic attack, and Roy is there to help. The Death of James Tartt - Jamie arrives on Roy's doorstep with the news that his dad is dead. Roy helps him through the first day and starts to realise his feelings for Jamie have changed. Sweetness prevails! Date - Jamie asks Roy out to dinner. It's nothing special. Honest. Or: Roy finds himself accidentally on a date with Jamie Tartt. Set post-S03! Brazil or, Shag Marry Avoid - Jamie invites Roy to Brazil, and incredibly Roy agrees. Jamie keeps getting erections. They're very much about Roy. Smug Fucking Prick - Jamie and Roy don't go for a kebab after their fight. Instead, Roy turns up at four the next morning, as they've got one more training session. Jamie is not having it. A Cute Little Roy of Pitch Black - Jamie gives Roy another one of his very thoughtful presents for Christmas. It's more of a hint than the last one. Shameless Christmas fluff! roy who by armadillo1976 / original - “Never heard of Roy Kent?” Jamie’s nose scrunches up.
strong (and capable) like an elephant by jedusaur (podfic by Silverkat1620)
it’s a long walk home by antspaul, swordguy - “If there’s a big man coaching Richmond…” Roy gestures broadly—as insultingly broad as he can. “I haven’t seen him.”
Jamie looks unimpressed. Like he’d been waiting to be hurt but expected more. Looks fucking disappointed. Roy’s not done.
“All I see is a little boy, barely two years into a job he thinks he deserves because he’s got the loudest mouth in the room. With a cheap win under his belt because he probably got on his knees for the referee.”
first, violent love by liesmyth - “What, you think you’re the first young prick who’s come round begging for a fuck? I told you, Tartt. You’re not half as special as you think you are.” - All the lads are cursed to speak their minds. Jamie and Roy fuck about it.
Scentr by PGHumfort - Freshly retired, single, and a little lonely, Roy Kent, who hid his omega status throughout his entire career, lets Keeley talk him into trying out the new, exclusive, anonymous dating service for the rich and famous she’s doing PR for. The twist? It’s purely scent-based with the idea that the body will intrinsically know a good mate on smell alone. You’ll never guess who smells the best to Roy!
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Alright, hear me out I am thinking... Werebear. I just can't get my mind off of the idea of a werebear with his little round ears and fuzzy tail who gets disturbed while trying to hibernate (Which he's admittedly not very good at)
That's it, take it and run girly~
(OH it's just a quick one shot- sike, this was a lot longer than I planned and I had to cut some of it for another time lol I should have made it two parts, but whatevs
Enjoy the show - Strawberry 🍓)
Werebear x Fem!Reader
You move into a new apartment complex and notice your next-door neighbor being a lot more secluded and withdrawn lately as the winter creeps in. One late night, as you're walking through the hall to your door, you notice the door to his apartment is wide open...
Contains: unprotected sex, breeding kink, size kink, light free use kink (?)
You had moved into this apartment complex just shy of 3 months ago. You were still getting your bearings, having not lived completely alone before. You always had roommates or family living with you, so finally being completely alone was strange. Your apartment complex wasn't very big. There were only two other apartments on your side of the hall, yours sandwiched between the two.
The older werewolf woman that lived on your right seemed to be pretty calm and quiet, albeit a bit paranoid. She looked to be about 50-60 years old, but could be older. You hadn't seen her leave the complex property before, so you just chalked it up to her being a bit of a recluse. You occasionally grab her mail for her when she asks, and she's always grateful, giving you a handful of candy before sending you on your way.
The man that lived on your left was a very different story. You two had met lare at night when he offered to help you move a very large chair that you had bought a few days after you moved in. You were struggling to get it into the elevator after regretting that you had ordered the orc size for the chair and not werewolf of something. Damn you and your enjoyment of large furniture.
A large, burly man with a bushy brown beard had appeared behind you during your struggle. His curly golden brown hair was short and messy. He seemed to be around a staggering 7' tall, easily towering over you. He was wearing jeans, a t-shirt, steel-toe workboots, and a reflective vest that people used on construction sites. Of course, you assumed that he just got off of work and was getting impatient with you hogging the only elevator. You were about to apologize for being in his way and try to get the chair out of the way when he put his massive hand on your forehead, gently moving you out of the way. With a faint grunt, he easily moves the chair into the elevator. He stands in the elevator with the chair next to him and enough space for you to stand next to him. He holds the elevator door open for you as he stares at you. He notices you hesitating and looks away from you, his dirt covered cheeks turning a bit red as he looked away from you. He was still waiting for you.
"O-oh. Thank you." You said softly with a smile as you looked up at him and stepped into the elevator. You clicked the button for your floor, and he nodded in response as he moved his arm, letting the door close. "You must be one of my neighbors. I just moved in about a week ago. It's a pleasure to meet you."
He let out another grunt as he nodded once again, only glancing at your occasionally as he avoided touching you in the cramped elevator. Saying he was a large man as an understatement. You had to strain your neck to look up at him, but looking at eye level or lower was even worse. He was built like a truck with a nice layer of chubbiness. He seemed so soft, so nice to hug. You just wanted him to pick you up and hold you. It was hard to focus on anything but him as his chest was only inches away from your face. You could tell that he had a very strong build, and you love a large dad bod. He was covered in dirt and sweat, but his scent was still a bit too nice for your comfort.
As the elevator doors opened, you found yourself trying to scramble out the door and out of the way as quickly as possible. You had let out a sigh of relief, trying to calm your racing heart as he lifted the chair out of the elevator with ease. He immediately started walking towards your door.
You quickly got out your keys and jogged down the hall to open your door. He moved quickly, so he was already at your door by the time you got there. Once your door was open, you led him inside your cozy apartment and towards your livingroom. As he stepped inside, he was surprised at the decore you already had up. Pictures and posters and a few fake plants with fairy lights pinned to the ceiling.
After he put down the chair where you told him to, he noticed the rest of your furniture. It was all fairly large, at least the size for most werewolves, but all covered in pillows and blankets to make it cozy. He felt like just looking at your apartment would make him fall asleep. He needed to leave. Your heart sank a bit, following him as he immediately turned to walk towards the front door.
"Thank you for your help! I don't know what I would have done if you didn't help me. I'm sorry I bothered you on your way home-" You say, but he cuts you off by holding out his hand to you to shake. You take it gently, and he begins to speak.
"Don't worry about it. If you ever need help with anything, I live next door on your left. Apartment 400. I'm pretty handy." He says softly as he looks down at you with a blank expression. His voice was deep and intimidating, but it made you feel safe and warm. His hand was big and rough, but he held your soft hand so gently, like he was worried about hurting you.
"Oh, thank you. I really appreciate that. Um... could I get your name? My name is (Y/n)." You say with a smile, staring up at him as your other hand comes up to rest on top of his. His cheeks turn a bit red once again as he stares at your hands for a moment before looking back into your eyes.
"I-I'm Clayton..." He says shyly before pulling his hand away and taking a step back. "It was nice to meet you (Y/n). I need to go." He said bluntly, his eyes avoiding yours as he rushed off to his apartment door. For such a large man, he sure was quick. You didn't even have a chance to say anything before you heard his door slam shut. You worried you angered him, but based on his pink cheeks, you assumed that he was just shy.
Over the next month, you would start conversations with him whenever you would see him. He would always stand and listen until you were done talking. Occasionally, you would mention that you were trying to do something in your apartment and would ask what kind of tools you would need. He would tell you, seemingly happy that he could give you advice. However, he never seemed to let you take his advice, because before you could even get the tools you needed, he would be over with his toolbox ready to go.
Need a shelf put up? He did it. Need your sink unclogged? No problem. He got it cleared. Need your lock replaced because your ex found out where you lived? He replaced your entire door and got you a doorbell camera.
He never accepted any money from you, always saying he just wanted to be a good neighbor and make sure you were safe. He did, however, accept food. You always made him a big plate of whatever you were eating that night. He always seemed to enjoy it after he got home, the plates returning to your front door completely clean the next morning.
However, as the fall passed and the winter started, you saw Clayton less and less. Whenever you would see him, he'd look absolutely exhausted, and you had noticed him getting thinner. He also started to occasionally walk around with his cute stubby tail and round ears out due to how little energy he had. You had found out from your other neighbor that Clayton was a werebear, so the winter season made him exhausted all the time. You felt bad for asking for so much of his time while he should have been preparing for hibernation, so you took it upon yourself to make sure he was eating enough.
Every day, you brought a container of food over to his door and left it in front of his door. You would leave a note on the container before knocking and running off so you didn't bother him further. The clean, empty containers would show up in front of your door the next day with a note that just said 'thank you'.
What you didn't know was how much it actually meant to him that you had been helping him in return. He had always struggled with his hibernation, having been raised by a pack of werewolves after his parents adopted him. They did their best, but he was never really taught how to hibernate properly. It didn't help that he had insomnia, which was very inconvenient for the big guy when it came to his hibernation time. Thankfully, during the winter, his construction jobs slowed down a bit, but it still took a lot out of him. Cooking himself dinner at the end of a long day was out of the question, so he usually got take out or nothing at all.
Imagine his surprise when he started getting food dropped off at his door every night. He loved your food. Everything you made was delicious, and he always licked his plate clean. You were so sweet with how you helped take care of him. The smell of the fantastic food you cooked flooding the hallway was amazing, but your scent had him even more entranced.
Ever since you had moved next door, just your scent from the hallway was enough to comfort him. He had already thought you were cute when you moved in, but as time went on, he fell for you even harder. Your more domestic side showing lately had been the killer for him, though. You would check in on him and give him food, a reassuring touch, like the angel you were. He wanted to help take care of you like you took care of him. He wanted you. He needed you. He always had such a hard time leaving your apartment because of how cozy it was. The moment he would walk in, he would feel like he could pass out on the floor and still be comfortable. He wished he could sleep in your orc sized bed with you and show you how much he cares about you.
He would listen unintentionally as you would take a shower or get ready for bed. The walls were so thin, and with his hearing as good as it was, it was impossible for him to ignore your whimpers from the other side of the wall whenever you'd be masturbating. Whenever he had gone in to help you put up a shelf in your bedroom, he could smell the arousal in the air from when you had given yourself an orgasm shortly before he arrived. He struggled to hide his erection the whole time. Just imagining what you did to yourself when you were alone made his dick throb in his jeans. Being able to smell that you were ovulating didn't help.
He knew what everything meant. You were his mate. He just had no idea how to tell you without sounding completely insane. You were just a human. A very soft, sweet human that surely only had the best intentions whenever they would interact. If only he knew how further he was from the truth. You had wanted him just as badly, if not more, but didn't want to make him uncomfortable. He just seemed shy to you, and you didn't want to scare him off. For such a big guy like him, you had hoped food would win him over. Every time you had him over to help fix something you didn't understand, you would fantasize about him driving his cock into you and letting out all his pent-up frustrations. And cum.
Once you found out he was a werebear, you did some serious research. You learned about how he needed a cozy environment he could use as a 'den' and how much he needed to eat. Werebears didn't sleep 24 hours a day, but they needed at least 10-14 hours of sleep every night to function somewhat normally during the day. They tend to need to eat a lot to keep up a healthy layer of fat. They can also get very, very backed up if they don't have a mate to hibernate with as they typically don't socialize during this time. You didn't know what his apartment looked like, as he had never invited you over, but you wanted to make your home as inviting to him as possible for when he came over. Especially your bedroom.
You were happy you rented in a monster-friendly apartment building due to the fact that you had an orc sized bed from the last place you lived in. It was at least 9' long, and you were always swimming in it, so you always had it loaded with pillows and stuffed animals and soft blankets. You figured that if you got some extra large blankets for him to use, he would be more inclined to come over.
But lately, he was so tired he had let his ears and tail show, his arms and chest extra hairy as it peaked out of his clothing. He was trying to conserve energy, and you noticed him not snoring much at night when he should have been sleeping, but still going to work in the morning with dark circles under his eyes. You also noticed that as the next full moon approached, he was struggling more and more to hold it together. He was nearly falling asleep standing up and more shuffled than walked to his apartment. You started making more and more food for him to leave by his door for when he got home.
Tonight was a full moon, so you knew you had to make him a lot of food because he was going to fully tranform tonight. The containers had started coming back broken with apology notes and money attached, so tonight you had gotten some disposable containers. You made him a huge spread of various roasted vegetables and fish and put all the containers in front of his door, saying that if he needed to, he could crash at your place.
That leads you to this moment, you standing outside Clayton's door. You heard him stumble home about 20 minutes ago and growling for about 15 minutes until a loud thud hit the floor. It shook your apartment, and you instantly rushed over to see if he was okay. You noticed the door was cracked open and hesitantly pushed the door open. Your jaw dropped as you saw his living conditions. It was clean, but barely had any furniture to keep clean in the first place. All he had was a large futon in the livingroom and a TV with a gaming set up.
You hear groaning coming from what you assume to be the bedroom as you carefully creep in. You peer down the hallway to see a large furry mass in the dark. A mess of ripped apart food containers were scattered down the hallway to in front of the bed. You gingerly made your way down the hallway as you tried to get a better look at him. You could tell he was already fully transformed, and it almost sounded like he was... whining? As you got closer, you noticed that he was so big half his giant furry body was hanging off the bed. He was facing away from you, but you could hear him panting and whining as his nubby tail wiggled. He was a giant ball of fur and you slowly walked up to his face. His head was huge when he was transformed. He looked like an adorable grizzlybear, minus the giant sharp claws.
"C-clayton?" His eyes snap open at the sound of your voice. Your sweet, beautiful voice. "Are you okay?... I heard a loud thud, and your door was open..." You were so kind. He couldn't believe you actually walked in here to check on him. He didn't know what to do. He was embarrassed at how his place looked. He had been so tired lately he hadn't wanted to do anything special for his hibernation, but he was regretting it now.
He bashfully looks away from you and scoots his head closer to you. You crouch down and gently run your fingers through his fur. His fur was so soft you gently rest you head on top of his as she scratched the fur around his neck. He lets out an odd growl that almost sounds like a purr as he nuzzles into your chest. He inhales your comforting scent deeply. You smell so sweet... He had to carefully pull his face away from your chest before he tried to rip your tank top off. He had noticed you weren't wearing a bra and wanted to know what your breast looked like so badly. He caught himself staring at your chest before looking up at you with his beautiful golden eyes.
"C-can I crash with you? Please?... this is bad..." His voice was hoarse as he groaned. He regret pushing his body so much and ignoring his need for a proper den. He knew your place would be perfect based on what he had seen so far. Not only that, but he would be able to convince you to share your large bed with him. It had been so long since he could cuddle anyone during hibernation...
"Of course you can. I just need you to follow me." You said softly, and you went to stand up. He stood up with you, and you couldn't help but freeze for a moment as you took in his large form. He was nearly 9' tall, staring down at you as he breathed heavily. All he had on were some boxers that were way too small once he was transformed. You could see the outline of his thick cock through the fabric. He put one of his giant hands on your shoulder and sleepily followed you next door to your apartment, being sure to at least close his door before he leaves.
Upon stepping into your apartment, he has to use his hands on your wall to stabilize himself. Walking through the threshold of your home and being hit with a wall of your scent was overwhelming. He stumbled through your apartment as carefully as possible, trying not to knock anything over. You had to guide him to your bedroom, him ducking a bit through the doorways. As he saw your bed, he let out a sigh of relief. The mass of pillows and giant blankets looked so welcoming.
"I-I hope it'll be okay. At least better than your place..." You let out a soft giggle as you opened up the bed more for him to crawl in. He didn't waste another moment before carefully crawling onto your bed. The bed dipped under his immense weight. You thanked yourself for getting a reinforced bedframe when you got your giant bed.
"Oh fuck." He groaned out as he fully laid down, his body going limp as he finally felt his body fully relax for the first time in ages. Fully stretched out, he's just as tall as the bed, but all the pillows and blankets with the softness of the mattress are perfect. He feels like he's in heaven as he turns onto his side and closes his eyes. His breathing began to get heavier, and you assume he's already starting to fall asleep. You grab the biggest blanket you have from your couch and as you lay it over him, his eyes slowly open. He stares at you for a moment as your body is illuminated in the moonlight peering in from your window. He hadn't really gotten a good look at you yet, and it was a good thing that he didn't. He wouldn't have been able to make it over to your apartment if he noticed you were only wearing a tanktop and tight boxer shorts. He could already feel himself getting hard under the covers, your scent overwhelming as he let out a soft groan.
"Clayton? Are you okay?" You ask with a worried tone. Your caring eyes are so beautiful in the moonlight. In a flash, you were pulled under him while letting out a loud yelp. He was proped up on his elbow on his side next to you, his other hand on your hip as he leaned over you. He held your body so close to his, trying his best not to rip your clothes off of you immediately. He leans down and nuzzles his face into your neck so all he can smell is you. He was annoyed at how your scent was so comforting but wouldn't let him sleep. He was pent-up, and you were his mate that made a den just for him... he needed to do something or he felt like he was gonna explode.
He moved one of his knees in between yours as he stared into your eyes, running his hand from your hip to your thigh to guide it to hook over his leg. Goosebumps appear all over your body as you feel his sharp claws drag across your skin. As you were held there on your back, you could feel his hard cock against your thigh. Fuck you were turned on. You didn't know what to do but stare back into his glowing eyes and follow his lead. He leaned in close to your face, bearing his sharp teeth as he struggles to find his words.
"I really need your help tonight (Y/n)..." He mumbles as he moves from smelling your hair to burying his nose in your collarbone.
"Look, I'm flattered... v-very flattered, but I'm not really a fan of one night stands." You say nervously, knowing that you'd want way more than just one night with him. His large, rough tongue rakes up the side of your neck, making you let out an involuntary moan.
"Who said I wanted a one night stand?" His hot breath brushes against your neck, causing goosebumps to go down your body. "I want you.. All of you... Always." His teeth ran across the skin in the crook of your neck as he inhaled your scent deeply. "If you want me, I'll stay... please..." He pleads with a deep growl. He sounds so desperate for you. You wouldn't have thought the stoic man next door would be reduced to a horny, cuddly mess, but here you are. "My mate..." He growls as he palms one of your breasts through your thin tank top, careful not to scratch you with his claws. The pressure of his body against yours is overwhelming in the best way, every touch lighting you on fire as you couldn't help but let out soft moans.
"P-please stay Clayton..." You begged as your self-control went out the window, grinding your hot mound against his leg. Your words and actions made him suck in a breath, pausing as he stared at you. He suddenly turned onto his back, pulling you on top of him to straddle his waist. He used his claws to rip a huge hole in your shorts, exposing your dripping wet pussy. You pulled your tanktop off quickly before he ripped that off while he ripped away his boxers. His massive cock sprang to life, smacking against your wet pussy lips softly. He pulled himself up to bring you in for a kiss, groaning as he
You bit your lip before grinding your cunt down along his dick. It was too dark for you to see properly, but his dick felt similar to a werewolf's dick, but much bigger. You hadn't taken someone that big before, so you were secretly happy that you were in the middle of masturbating when you heard him come home...
"Oh fuck." He strained his head back against the bed as he moaned. His hands reached up to hold your hips in place, rolling his hips back against you to get more friction against his sensitive cock. His hands were massive, both of them nearly completely encircling your waist as he held you in place. He fought against the urge to use you like a living fleshlight immediately. He felt like he was getting high off the scent of your arousal.
You brace your hands on his soft forearms as you find your footing by his sides. His waist is too big for you to straddle normally, but you don't care. You're gonna do your best. You were getting impatient, as he could feel from how his cock was completely drenched from your juices. He raises his head up to look at you, letting out soft whimpers as you pull your heat away from his needy dick. You earn a low growl from him as you decided to grab his cock and line his dripping tip up with your aching hole. His grip on your hips tightens, and you feel his claws threaten to break your soft skin. He applauded his self control in his crazed state, although every fiber of his being was telling him to just bury his cock deep inside you now. He needed you so badly.
You press yourself down on his dick, your arousal and his precum acting as lube. His cock slides into your pussy easier than he expected, but you're still struggling to take his size. His cock was so thick it stretched your pussy to the absolute limit and you were loving every second. You had only taken him about halfway, and yiu didn'tknow how much more you could take. You were trying to hold your moans as much as possible, but the attempt was futile. You groaned out in pleasure as the shape of his cock rubbed against your g-spot with every movement.
Clayton stared at you hungrily, growl in his throat that resonated through his whole body. You could swear you felt his dick vibrate, but then again, it might have been your walls fluttering to accommodate his size.
He suddenly snaps his hips up into yours, his hands on your hips keeping you in place as he buries his cock into you up to his knot. The drastic shock to your body made you scream out in pleasure. Your pussy stung as you felt the bulge at the base of his cock press against your pussy. You feel him shudder under you as you clenched your pussy around his length. You're given very little time to adjust before he starts moving your hips for you.
"F-fuck, I'm sorry... I can't control myself right now... you drive me fucking crazy... you're so fucking tight..." He growls as he watches your boobs bounce in front of him. He may have you on top, but he's the one in control. He holds your hips so firmly it may leave bruises, using your body as his personal sex toy. He is so desperate to cum, wanting nothing more than to fill you up and get you pregnant.
He wanted you to be the mom to his cubs. You were so sweet and kind. You could teach them how to make a den much better than he could. You felt so amazing stretched out on his dick. You were just so addicting.
Every movement he made you do made you feel just as crazy as him. His cock hit all the right places, your pussy quivering around him as you felt yourself getting close to cumming. Every slight curve and bend of his dick felt like heaven as he bounced you faster to chase his own release.
"I'm so close. I'm not pulling out. I want you to take my knot and have my cub..." He grunts, whimpering as you feel his dick twitch inside you. He's close, and so are you.
"Y-yes please! I want your cum in me, please! Make me cum!" You beg him, completely giving into the pleasure. You couldn't take it anymore. You were so close it almost hurt.
"Rub your clit for me, honey." He orders and you don't think twice before one of your hands finds your clit, your fingers working your sensitive clit while he works you. It only takes a few more seconds before you throw your head back, moaning like a bitch in heat as your orgasm washes over you like a tsunami. As you begin to cum, he snaps his hips up to meet yours, thrusting his huge knot into your already strained pussy. The rough action causes you to scream, squirting all over his crotch as your quivering pussy milked his cock. His dick throbbed inside you as he let out a roar, his claws scratching your hips while he came deeper than anyone had before. He filled your plugged up pussy so much your belly bulged slightly. You both struggle to catch your breath as his grip on you slowly relaxed. He couldn't help but stare at you and your beautiful body, your sweat shining in the moonlight through the window.
"I hope you're okay... I didn't hurt you, did I?" He groans out, a bit worried that in his haze he went too far. Your exhausted giggle eases him slightly.
"I'm more than okay..." You admit with a grin. Clayton chuckles in response as he feels his knot start to go down, letting him slip his cock out of you. You whimper and whine as he pulls his cock out, suddenly feeling every empty as his cum pours out of your used hole. He lets out a relieved sigh as he turns onto his side and pulls you close to him.
"I'm glad you're okay..." He whispers to you as he stares into your eyes with adoration mixed with exhaustion. You can't help but smile as his large body and thick fur make you feel like you have a living weighted blanket. His presence was just so comforting to you.
"I hope you don't mind hibernating with me." You say. He pulls you in close as he arranges the pillows and blankets around the two of you, using his arm as a pillow for you. He finally pulls the blanket over the two of you and wraps his other arm around you.
"Honey, I don't think I could have hibernated without you..." He says softly, ending in a yawn as you both settled in to get some sleep. As you two embraced each other, sweaty and satisfied, you couldn't stop thinking about how Clayton would be a really good dad. You secretly hope his seed already got you pregnant as you fell asleep cuddled into his chest. He took another good look at your gorgeous face before drifting off to sleep himself. Both of you were soon dreaming of your belly swollen with his cub and little kids running around.
He could get used to this.
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sashiavi · 5 months
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this has been rotting in my documents since October </3 abandoned kinktober prompt I just couldn't get out of my head :((
♡𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝙳𝚎𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚙𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗♡ Wriothesley x Reader - wrio finds you stuck in a wall
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: | ¹⁸⁺ | ˢᵐᵘᵗ | ᵃᶠᵃᵇ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ | ᴾʳᶦˢᵒⁿᵉʳᵎ ᴿᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ | ᵖᵘⁿᶦˢʰᵐᵉⁿᵗ | ˢᵗᵘᶜᵏ ᶦⁿ ᵃ ʷᵃˡˡ | ᵖᵒʷᵉʳ ᵈʸⁿᵃᵐᶦᶜˢ | ᵈᵒᵐ/ˢᵘᵇ | ⁿᵃˢᵗʸ ⁿᵃˢᵗʸ ʷʳᶦᵒ ˢᵐᵘᵗ | ʷᵒʳᵈ ᶜᵒᵘⁿᵗ ³.⁵ᵏ
→ᴰᵃʳᵏ ᶜᵒⁿᵗᵉⁿᵗ ᵂᵃʳⁿᶦⁿᵍ←
ᵀʰᶦˢ ᴾᶦᵉᶜᵉ ᶜᵒⁿᵗᵃᶦⁿˢ ᵀʰᵉᵐᵉˢ ᴼᶠ ⁻ ᴰᵘᵇᶜᵒⁿ|ᴰᵘᵐᵇᶦᶠᶦᶜᵃᵗᶦᵒⁿ|ˢᵗᵘᶜᵏᵃᵍᵉ| ᴿᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ ᴰᶦˢᶜʳᵉᵗᶦᵒⁿ ᴵˢ ᴬᵈᵛᶦˢᵉᵈ
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Well, well. What an amusing predicament. Wriothesley certainly didn't expect his morning to turn out so… Interestingly. 
The Duke makes his rounds through the Fortress of Metropide twice a day. Once in the morning and again during the young hours of the night, right when the sun sets. Not that its rays could be seen so far down under the surface of the sea, but the sentiment was there. Wriothesely would often be seen passing through the establishment's pleasantries, always making a stop by the inmate sleeping quarters, he ought to have an idea of exactly whom he had in his Fortress.. Right?
He ventures further than the guards are assigned, boots clicking coolly against the metallic flooring, echoing through the high domed ceilings of the holding pods. The Duke makes an effort into personally peeking a look into each isolated cell, sometimes striking up a small conversation with an inmate or two. The man knew all-too-well just how lonesome time in prison was, he could at least acknowledge their existences. 
Speaking of, his mind wanders as he approaches a specific cell, isolated and cold - Away from the rest, segregated by the Fortress’ rule of separating cases, depending on their verdict - Wriothesley flitters back to a conversation he held the night before -
- “Now, what's a girl like you doing here in my Fortress?” Wriothesley leans himself upon the bars of your cell. The area was quiet, isolated with little inhabitants, even more so during the day time, while inmates congregated within the public area of the fortress. You jump slightly, whipping around to face him. 
“Oh, you know.. Stuff..” You reply, looking a little shameless towards him. He had an inkling that you were up to no good. But he’d bite.
“How’s the Fortress treating you? Despite the whole prison aspect,” He chuckles to himself, earning your own laugh, dancing in his ears.
“It’s.. a little boring in here,” He watches your eyes wander around the cell.
“Well- At least you have that poster there, plenty of fun to stare at, I’m sure.” Wriothesley lets his eyes crinkle. The poster was large, stuck to the wall haphazardly, crooked and torn on one corner. “That thing could cover up anything,” He side comments. He watches your interest pique, head tilting in what he could only describe as thought - A stupid one he thinks. 
“I wouldn't try it, you just might escape. I can't have that happen, now can I?” He winks, finally continuing his evening round throughout the section of the fortress.
All of that circles back to the now, as Wriothesley approaches your cell on his morning patrol. Something stirs in his chest, a tickling inkling. He nearly half expects you to have followed his gracious ‘advice’ - If you could even call it that. 
Lo and behold, the Duke spots a special individual poking out from the cracked cell wall. Your lower half nearly dangles from the partition, practically on tippy toes, ankles surely close to giving out from the awkward position. The poster from the night before lays perfectly on the floor next to your frame, comically outlining just how bad you had messed up. He nearly chuckles at the sudden jolt of your body as he unlocks the cell door, craning it open with an obnoxious creak.
“Well.. Aren’t you something?” His heavy boots resonate through the near barren cell, echoing as he makes his way towards your predicament.
You helplessly squirm, whining out of your throat as you fruitlessly struggle in your impromptu confines. Wriothesley stares down at you in utter bemusement, his face cracking with an audacious downturned smile; not that you could see his face through the thick prison wall. Poor You. All lodged and stuck.
"Y-Your Grace! It's not what it looks like-" Your voice manages through the wall, a little muffled to the ear. However, Wriothesley was sure you hadn’t even broken into the adjacent room.
"It's exactly what it looks like. Who knew you'd actually try it." He almost laughs. It wasn’t like you were going to go anywhere - Last he checked, the Fontainian Ocean was right outside their door.
“Seemed like a decent idea..” Wriothesley has to strain to hear your mumble.
“We’re far under the water dear.. Or did you forget in your haste?” This time, he makes no effort to stifle his laugh, chuckling out loud when your form visibly slumps - Whether out of embarrassment or defeat - He was thoroughly amused.
“Hmm.. Now, what do we do with you?” Wriothesley teases. He cranes his body, bending his back with purpose, inspecting the damage you had added to the already faulty wall. How you had managed to wiggle your way in this far, he hadn't a clue. Your body noticeably tenses, you make an attempt to find a proper footing, easily failing from the height of the hole.
“P-Please Your Grace- I’ll do anything, really! Anything you want just- please don’t add time for this..”
“You’ll do.. Anything…?” Call him confused, what were you on about?
“Yes, anything- ch-chores? Solitary? I’ll be good I swear, really- Or you could..” You trail off, leaving the Duke to sit with his whirring brain for a moment. “You.. Can take me… Use me how you want- Please~ Y-You’re stressed right? U-Use me.. Do whatever you wanna-” You sounded nearly delirious. Your pretty ass shakes, brushing up against the front of his pants, a feeble attempt to press back into him.
Were you trying to bargain with him? Wriothesley was more than ready to pull you out, maybe give a little slap on the wrist and send you on your merry way. But now? The Duke couldn't help but indulge in the feeling of his pants tightening around his groin. The idea of taking your pretty self, stuck helplessly in the wall. He couldn't refuse your offer, right? Not when you sounded so eager. Not when you begged for him, for his body, for his thick aching cock, threatening to burst the seam of his trousers. 
Before he can properly stop himself - Not that he was really going to - Wriothesley finds his hands on the soft swell of your ass, squeezing the flesh in his palms. You jolt under his touch, footing slipping slightly against the floor that barely brushed against your toes. Wriothesley breathes hard from his nose, hooking his fingers into the cut of your waistband, pulling the fabric over your form. He hears a whimper from beyond the wall.
“Y-Your Grace…The wall..” Your voice wobbles, body tensing against the brush of his hands.
“What? Having second thoughts?” He can’t help but tease you, squishing his fingers into the soft meat of your ass, digging his hands into your half-on pants. You did say anything. You gasp out, voice cracking with muffled little pleas. ‘Never’ you say ‘Want it bad - so bad’.
Your pants come off quickly, thrown to the floor in a crumple. Wriothesley’s hands are on you again, spreading the fat of your ass apart, marvelling at the pretty swell of your pussy hugged against your panties. He watches your plush thighs squish together, rubbing and squirming in his hold, he couldn't tell if you were wiggling away or keening into him. Not that you could go anywhere. The thought irks a chuckle out of Wriothesley. His fingers wander again, caressing over the soft skin of your ass, digging them in and jiggling cheekily. His thumbs slide over and hook into the elastic of your panties, hugging around the thick of your legs. He meanly tugs at the snappy material, pulling it up and taught, forcing the fabric to cling achingly against your cunt. His tongue instinctively pokes from behind his lips, itching to lap at the pretty wet spot that had formed over the fabric. 
Wriothesley swallows thickly, eyes locked on your pretty cunt, head swimming with the short, hiccuped whines that cut through the wall. You babble and cry, repeating his title over and over - Your Grace, Your Grace - begging him to just touch. To do anything - Anything. 
Your pretty voice gets to him and he finds himself nearly ripping your drenched panties off of you. He pulls them down, leaving them dangling off of your legs, showing off your wet cunt just for him. Gods, he wasn't disappointed. Your pretty pussy peeks from behind the swell of your thighs, already dripping wet, all over yourself. He swears he twitches, breath hissing through his teeth, cold on your core. The sweet jump you make - as best as you could - sends him reeling. 
Wriothesley’s thick fingers tentatively poke at your dripping pussy, catching your sweet, dribbly slick on his fingertips. He awes at how it webs between his fingers, how you’d managed to work yourself up with your own babbling. Perhaps the wall aided a little - Showing off your bottom half, on full display just for him to enjoy, your own vision obscured. You wouldn't see anything coming. The thought runs straight to his cock, making itself well known again against the fly of his trousers. 
Wriothesley licks against his lips, enamoured at the pretty string of your slick on his fingers, sticking between his digits like a lattice. He needs more. He wastes no time, easily slipping in two of his fingers, knuckle deep right into the doughy swell of your hole. Gods, you felt so soft. Silky to his touch, pussy pretty and plushy and warm. The squeal that muffles through the wall forces him to sink his teeth into his own bottom lip. Toying with you came to him naturally. Ever so easy with you all snug and stuck, silly enough to try and swindle him and escape your commitment to the Fortress. 
“W-Wriothesley… your g-grace..” He ignores you, fingers digging into the sweet, supple curve of your cunt. He curls them downward, earning the prettiest, muffled cries through the wall. He releases a breath he didn't even know he was holding. Wriothesley thrusts his fingers hard. Pressing meanly into the achy swollen bump in your core, getting a kick out of the lewd suckling squelch of your pussy on his fingers. Your poor legs practically give out, ankles going limp, your body holding itself up thanks to the wall hugging your body. Your voice crackles through the cement, whiney and keening, babbling dumb nonsensical begs and pleads to him. Your slick pools against his knuckles, threatening to overturn the snug fit of his rings on his fingers. He can't help but stare, locked in, mind reeling with the way your cunt wrapped around his digits. He couldn't help but wonder just what that pretty little thing would look like, all red and puffy, hugging on his thick cock.
He shamelessly lets out his own groan. Finally managing to remove his fingers, watching in awe as your slick drips off of them, connecting him to you with a thin, dribbly line. 
Just a taste…
The thought zaps through his brain, tongue shamelessly poking its way past his teeth, running over his lips with a quick tilt of his head.
Wriothesley wastes no time. Wrapping his lips against your slick cunt, eyes rolling hard into the back of his skull. Fuck. Your taste on his tongue, sweet and tangy, oh so decadently coating his throat. Archons, he laps and suckles, nearly sinking his teeth into the heat of your core, into the puffy swell of your pussy lips. You keen back into him, whining never-ending, absolutely ceaseless, voice managing to pierce through the heavy material of the wall you’d stuck yourself in. That thought charges through his mind again. Poor little you, all stuck and lodged in the wall all for him to play with. The man was sure he would cream in his own pants if he kept up. He barely registers his knees beginning to ache under the heavy pressure of his own body meeting the floor. Since when had he managed to sink down? Finding his hands back on your plushy ass cheeks? Chin dribbling slobber and slick, sticking wetly to the scratchy stubble shadowing over his face? He couldn't take it anymore. 
Wriothesley stands with a start, ignoring the stiff crack of his knees in favour of unbuckling his godforsaken pants. His hands are clumsy, large palms pawing at the metal of his trousers, his belt suddenly too intricate for his rough, fervent body to figure out - Not with how his mind reels, with the sight of you stuck in the wall, pretty pussy drooling, on display all for him. He barely shoves his pants to his thighs, the material wrapping around his legs in a mess. His cock weeps as it's free, slapping up into his stomach, heavy balls hanging over the waist of his trousers. He leaks beads of sticky pre, messing up the surface of his dress shirt. Wriothesley groans out loud, hand coming up to wrap around the base of his cock, squeezing it up and down to ease the hot tension pulsing through his thick cock vein. 
He was sure you heard the cold clink of his belt, the only inkling of what was to come for you. He can't help but jerk his length off to the sight of you, shamelessly stalling just to mess with your head. No matter how much you squirm and beg, crying out as best as you could, stupidly asking for a reply to gather any kind of indication of what he was about to do to you. He stays silent.
Wriothesley meanly slaps his cock over the sticky, wet folds of your achy cunt, he chuckles when you jump again, going absolutely crazy for your every little reaction. Your pussy sounded so pretty on his tip, all wet and sticky as he slapped and rubbed against it. His fat tip slides over your warm, slick folds, craning his hips forward, catching against your sopping hole, earning him the softest gasps from within the wall. Your little jumps all but spur him all the more on.
“M’ not even in yet.. Pussy’s already tryin’ to suck me in,” Wriothesley pokes his tip against your hole, catching it against the warm, supple squeeze of your cunt. He growls through his teeth, head quickly draining of any cohesive decision making. Your babbling continues through the wall, your hips crane up into his own, wiggling and catching back on the thick head of his dick. Gods, that does it. You were insatiable, all stuck waiting for him to come along and ravage your pretty cunt with his cock. 
It all urges him to dive in, give your poor cunt no warning for his thick, dribbling cock.
And so he does.
“Fuuuckk” Wriothesley can’t help but groan, finally feeling the sweet swell of your cunt enveloped the fat length of his cock. He has to bite into his thumb, just to slow himself down, let himself relish in the sweet squeeze of your cunt on his cock. Gods the way you wrapped around him, silky soft walls hugging on his length. He can't help but awe at the way your achy pussy squeezed on him, all puffy and sore from neglect. His hands find your hips, one of the only parts free from the wall.
“Your Grace~.. So big- so biiig… Filling me up- please please… please” Your silly voice cracks through the wall. Wriothesley digs his fingers into the flesh of your hips, purposely lifting your poor legs off of the floor, leveraging your body just for him to use. You squirm in his hold, easily forcing him to grip you tighter.
“Fuck, stay still. Gonna make me go crazy..” Wriothesley finds himself mindlessly rocking his thick cock into your silky cunny, humping his hips against your ass like some kind of dog in rut. Archons, he could get used to this. His own personal little wall slut, always there for him to use and abuse. His eyes roll at the idea, his snapping hard, earning a loud hiccuped cry from within the thick wall. The hot squelch that follows has him nearly drooling, mouth dropped open in a soft frown, eyes locked on to his heavy cock sliding in and out of your dumb cunt. He fucks his hips hard again, cock head smacking into the deepest parts of your pussy.
Wriothesley doesn't remember speeding up. But he sure as hell won't be slowing down - not anytime soon. Your gushy pussy squelches on his cock, dribbling down your thighs, messing all over your poor aching legs. Wriothesley’s fingers keep a hold of your hips, rocking them slightly to meet his brutal pace. He doesn't have to crane his ears to hear your pretty moans, effortlessly reaping through the solid wall, barely muffled by the sheer loudness of your voice. 
Fuck, he didn’t care about the noise. Let everyone hear them. What were they going to do about it? What were you going to do about it? About getting all stuck in this wall, going against the Fortress’ protocol? Seducing the Duke of the Meropide, forcing him to fuck your dumb brains out to teach you a lesson? A growl resonates from his throat, hips snapping hard, clapping into the sweet swell of your ass cheeks as he fucks up your cunt. 
Wriothesley’s eyes wander, locking down on the sweet jiggle of your ass and the puffy red throb of your cunt on his cock. A heavy breath makes its way through his nose, eyes hyper focused on the pretty, creamy ring around his length as he fucks his hips against you, slowly leaking its way on to his pants. An ache builds in his pelvis, thick vein pulsing on the underside of his cock. Your moans don't stop, legs continuously squirming in his grasp, body stuck in the juncture of your silly wall. He thinks you beg, maybe you scream, crying out for him to keep going, to fill you up to cum hard and deep and mess up your insides. 
Wriothesley drops your legs, forcing you to dangle, his hands press into the wall above, grinding his hips upwards, stabbing your pussy impossibly deeper with his length. Sweat beads off of his nose, his calves cramp and ache with every thrust he makes, but Gods, he wasn't going to stop. He finds himself moaning out loud, complementing the pretty noises that creak through the wall. Your pussy hugs on his length, squeezing nice and tight, wrapping around his fat tip every time he slams it back into you. 
His teeth grit hard. Eyes still locked on to the messy slide of his length, in and out, in and out. He was coming close. So fucking close.
Wriothesley’s brow scrunches, relishing in the aching squeeze of your messy pussy on his cock. He couldn't take it anymore. The creamy ring he’d fucked out of you, the pretty ripple of your ass on his hips, how juicy and gushy your cunt was on his length. Gods, it was all so much. His hips snap, pace faltering, clapping his hips in heated staccatos, dragging his length out and slamming right back in with a hard smack. You cry with every thrust, silky cunt squeezing on his tip, babbling his name over and over and over. 
He finally spills with a deep, hard fuck. His thick tip spurts hot rivulets of cum into your silky pussy. He messes your insides with white, fucking himself through his orgasm, humping up on your cunt, mounting your pussy with his cock. His throat growls with every fuck, sweat beads off of the tip of his nose, he watches his hot spurts leak steadily out of your hole, leaking around the base of his length. He can’t help but nestle right into your cunt, relishing in the sweet squeeze of your milky walls on him, he cranes his hips every so often, teasing his aching tip with your soft insides.
You kick and whine as eventually, he pulls out, dribbling his hot white cum down your thighs. 
“No~ need more! More more!” Your muffled voice cries, pitifully wiggling within the hug of the wall, attempting to squirm your way out.
Wriothesley chuckles hotly, eying off the sweet gush of cum that drools out of your puffy pussy. His mouth waters, salivating like a dog. Surely he could take you out of the wall a little later? You’d understand. You’d been a great little wall slut for him so far, so why not indulge for as long as he wanted? Maybe he'd let you cum, spray and mess all over yourself - He could even let you out as a reward.
His finger comes up to caress over your spent hole, scooping up the leaking slick that coated your poor pussy. The cry he earns makes his half-hard cock stiffen, bobbing to life with a flex.
Archons, weren’t you something?
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hnnnnnng gg g wrio wooof wOof - my longest fics are always wrio </3
Idk what possessed me to create this- I hope you enjoyed ;3
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Thank You For Reading! Comments Are Always, Always Appreciated! Ilysm <333
@madsw9 @pvbbyb0y @heath-sama @shiningpaint-marbleheart @the-massive-simp @tericula @a-random-weeb @mechalily @mydarlingdahlia @finnie9479
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Do Not Translate Or Repost - Property Of SashiAvi ♡
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forhappysake · 4 months
"Because I love you."
A/N - Guys I'm really into these sappy pieces recently. Pls feel free to send requests for something else if inspired. Also, I might be doing a pt.3 to Teach Me at some point, I just have to pick where the story is going.
Summary - A showdown with an unsub leaves you in the hospital. Spencer can't help but feel guilty. Could almost losing you push him to confess his love? (spoilers: yes it does)
Warnings - spencer x reader, BAU level violence, some angst on Spencer's part, fluff, and a love confession
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You stared down at your hands, battered and bloodied from your futile attempts to fight back. Caught off guard during an interview with a man who was only supposed to be an eye witness,  not the unsub himself, forced you to fight for your life. By the time the neighbors heard the scuffle and called the local police to come to your rescue, you figured you looked like you’d been through seven rounds of an MMA fight. Your head ached, your eye was swollen shut, and you nearly cried in agony with every breath as you were certain you’d broken a rib. 
After a tense standoff with the local police, the unsub was in custody, leaving you on the floor with your many wounds. You managed to stand yourself up and walk out the door to the waiting ambulance, only to collapse into the EMT’s arms. You felt yourself being loaded in the back of the vehicle as they started an IV. As consciousness drifted away from you, you couldn’t help but wonder where your team was. 
You awoke in the hospital to the steady sound of your heart monitor beeping and muffled conversation from outside your room. Your bloodied clothes had been traded in for a hospital gown at some point, and your midsection was bound tightly with some sort of bandages, you assumed to keep your rib in place. You managed to open your good eye in an attempt to find the source of those muffled voices. Your eyes landed on Emily and JJ speaking in the corner of the room, voices hushed. 
“He can’t blame himself. None of us saw this coming,” Emily said, her voice stern but laced with concern. 
JJ shook her head. “He feels terrible, Emily. I’ve seen him come in and out of here crying three times in the last two hours. He rarely cries.” 
Who could they be talking about?
Emily looked at the floor in silence, trying to formulate a reply. JJ cleared her voice to speak again. “They’re partners, Emily,” JJ said, “Of course he’s going to blame himself.” 
Deciding you’d had enough of eavesdropping, you did your best to sit up, only to let out a whimper when a sharp pain pierced your side. JJ and Emily turned to face you, surprised looks on both their faces. 
“Hey, just lay back,” JJ encouraged. She rushed to the bedside, placing a soothing hand on your arm.
“How long have I been asleep?” you asked. 
Emily shook her head, “Only twelve hours, which isn’t very much considering what you’ve been through. I’ll tell the doctors you need another IV and some pain medication.”
As she turned for the door, you shook your head, “Emily, wait.”
Emily turned to face you, coming to stand at the foot of your bed. “What is it?”
“Where’s Spencer?” you asked. Emily looked to JJ, the two of them sharing a knowing glance. You and Spencer had always been close, as partners and friends. 
“He’s been going back and forth between pacing the parking lot and the lobby for hours. I can’t imagine how many steps he’s taken,” Emily joked. “I’ll go get him for you.” With that, she turned and left the room, leaving you and JJ to catch up on what you’d missed in the last few hours. 
JJ explained what happened after you’d passed out: how the unsub was in custody, finding another victim in his basement, and the team realizing that they’d sent you out to interview the lunatic on your own. “We just thought he was going to give you some information about the case. We had no reason to think that he was the one who-”
You shook your head, holding up a hand to stop her. “I didn’t think so either. It’s why I agreed to go alone. Nobody’s at fault.” 
JJ nodded, a solemn look on her face. “I’m just so glad you’re okay. We were all so worried once we connected the dots. I was telling Emily - I haven’t seen Spencer so stressed in years.” 
As if on cue, both you and JJ turned to the sound of rushed footsteps coming down the hallway. Spencer’s tall frame was running (no, sprinting) down the hospital corridor. You felt a small smile tug at the corner of your lips as he burst into the room, hair danging in front of his eyes and clearly out of breath. 
He approached your bedside, leaning down so he could be face-to-face with you. You could only see him with one good eye, but you did your best to smile to show him that you were doing alright. You brought a hand to his face, pushing the fallen strands of hair out of his eyes so you could see him more clearly. “Hello to you too,” you joked. 
“Y/N-” Spencer started, the tears quickly gathering in his eyes, “I’m so sorry. I should’ve gone with you. I should have known that-” 
“That the guy who called into the tipline was actually the unsub? Spencer, be logical. None of us knew. I was just telling JJ, nobody is at fault.”
A single tear fell down his cheek as he examined your injuries. With each scratch and bruise he found, he felt another crack forming in his heart. He hadn’t protected you. Wasn’t that what he was supposed to do? He was your partner. Your best friend. He loved you, that he knew. He’d forced that love to be as platonic as he could make it, trying to avoid ruining your perfect friendship. It was moments like this that made that more difficult than ever, as he tried to reckon with his love and his guilt. 
Your bruised hand was still cradling his face. He could feel the bandages against his stubble, and he cursed himself again. It was only then that the other presence in the room became known to him. JJ stood on the other side of the bed, another knowing smile gently painting her lips. Spencer knew what he had to do. JJ knew what Spencer had to do. He looked at her, his eyes subtly asking her to leave the two of you alone. JJ took the hint with a small nod, leaving the room without another word as you and Spencer continued to examine each other. 
“So, JJ’s filled me in on what I missed,” I said, breaking the silence. “Sounds like a pretty exciting half day,” I joked. 
Spencer shook his head, pulling away from your hand. He didn’t go far, though, intertwining his own with yours as he leaned back from the bed. “I was worried sick,” he said. 
“I can tell, Spence,” you said, trying to prop yourself up with your pillow. “You really shouldn’t have been. You know I always come out of these things relatively unscathed.” He raised an eyebrow at your statement, taking in your swollen and bruised features. “Well… maybe not unscathed. Alive, at least,” you quipped. 
An eerie silence fell over the room. You could feel the tension increase as the gears turned in his head.
“But what if you don’t someday?” he whispered, his voice far away. You looked over at him, his eyes fixed on your heart monitor and the gentle green lines rising and falling accompanied by the signature beep-beep-beeping. 
You squeezed his hand in an attempt to bring him back down to Earth. “I’ll always come back, Spencer. It’s what you and I do. We come back alive for each other.” 
The tears that had pooled in his eyes earlier spilled over his cheeks as he let out a small whimper. He leaned down, gently wrapping his arms around you as he wept. “Hey, it’s okay Spencer,” you tried to calm him. 
“No, it’s not. It-it’s not because,” he trailed off. You could still feel his shoulders shaking as he cried. 
“Why, Spencer?” you asked once more. “Please, you can tell me anything.” 
Suddenly his sobs slowed. He pulled back from your embrace, taking in your features. Bruised and battered as you were, you were the most beautiful person he’d ever seen. He felt like his heart was going to explode. Before his brain could catch up with his mouth, the words came tumbling out. “Because I love you,” he said simply. 
Your jaw dropped open at his words. While you should’ve seen this coming, nothing could prepare you for the way your heart jumped. If it wasn’t evident from the expression on your face, the heart monitor picked up its beeping, nearly doubling its pace. The sound wasn’t lost on Spencer, who frantically looked at the screen.
“Oh no,” he mumbled, quickly walking to the monitor. “Did I upset you? I’m so sorry, Y/N. I’ve just felt this way for so long and if I keep pretending like I don’t-”
“Spencer,” you cut him off, his eyes meeting yours for the first time in minutes. “I love you too.” 
The look on his face was priceless, and you wished you could have taken a picture, but you did your best to engrave it on your brain forever. His brown, teary eyes brightened in a moment, a glimmer of hope shining from within. “You do?” he asked. 
You laughed, allowing your head to fall back on the pillow behind you. “Spencer, I volunteer to work with you during nearly every case. We split a room every week. I only wished that you’d said this sooner so we could’ve split the bed, too.”
He stared at you in shock. The tears in his eyes long forgotten as a smile crept on his face.
A soft laugh left his mouth as he leaned down to you once more, placing a soft kiss on your forehead, careful to avoid any injured area. “Well, I promise that next time we can,” he said. “And,” he started once more, “I’m never letting you go anywhere by yourself again.”
You smiled up at him, running your fingers over his own. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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13rurururi · 11 months
NSFW/Smut Alphabet with Haganezuka Hotaru
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Pairing: Haganezuka Hotaru x Female!Reader
Content Warnings: cunnilingus, vaginal sex, oral sex, sex toys, impact play, size kink, public sex, bondage, edging, etc.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Haganezuka initially didn't understand the significance of aftercare, opting to hastily return to his workshop after a sensual session with you; however, once he gradually became attached to you — your smell, your taste, your skin, your sweet pussy — he began dedicating time to cleaning you up or offering to carry you to the village's hot springs to alleviate the soreness of your muscles.
Soon, aftercare became a must in your sexual endeavors. He lets you lay on his futon (like the sweet princess you are) as he prepares damp towels and warm tea. He regards you with the same sort of attention he showcases his swords: unwavering, focused, and attentive.
"My pretty baby can't walk? Let me give you a massage then."
Most definitely, his initially wholesome massages end up being another round of sex.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Have you seen this man? He has rippling muscles all over his body. His shoulders are toned; his pectorals have veins protruding shamelessly; and his thighs are so firm, you cum when riding them.
However, Hotaru unconsciously favors his arms and hands the most. He's a swordsmith, after all, and his arms are a tool for crafting the most spectacular weaponry, flexing with each stroke of his hammer against heated metal. With that being said, he enjoys seeing your blissed-out face create the most lewd expressions as he pumps his fingers into you in strong, consistent motions. He also loses sense when you instinctively grasp onto his arms as he pounds into you — missionary style — leaving red marks that attest to how amazingly he pleased you.
On the other hand, he could cum just by looking at your thighs and ass jiggle and shake due to the simplest of motions. It doesn't matter the size of your bottoms, you better prepare yourself for his calloused hand either softly caressing your ass (he does it in public, too) or suddenly smacking you in the most random times. It feels so intimate for him, and it ignites a carnal desire of ownership that gets his dick hard. In other words — sit on his face, and you'd both be sent to heaven in pure bliss.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum basically)
He'd want to cum all over you — on your stomach, your breasts, your face. To put it simply, he regards the sheen of his sticky load on your skin as a signature finale to your intimate night together. He subconsciously does things systematically, so rubbing his cum all over your pussy lips, thighs, and the entire expanse of your soft skin is akin to him polishing a katana. Your whimpering moans are left unheard as Hotaru places his utmost focus on making sure you're coated in nothing but his cum.
(Yes, he cums a lot. You could last plenty of rounds, and he'd still have spurts of his white load dripping from his swollen, red tip — plenty enough to coat you all over.)
D = Dirty Secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Haganezuka, this man, "borrows" your cum-stained undergarments and stashes at least one in his workshop. When you're engulfed in deep, exhausted sleep in the morning after sex, he pockets your underwear discretely, heading off to the forge. "It's for the sake of stress relief," he'd convince himself.
When he is met with unpleasant news of his clients (Tanjiro) breaking his swords — and he doesn't have enough time to threaten them with his deadly knives — he opts to alleviate his anger by fisting, pumping, and stroking his cock wrapped in your damp panties. It's not as warm or soft as your cunt, but he needs some sort of outlet to release some steam while he's in his workspace.
He'd return your undergarments by the end of the day, and you remain oblivious, once more cumming on another pair that he'd definitely bring with him to work the next morning.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Haganezuka had always been a difficult man. He's aggressive and asocial, exuding a terrifying aura that discourages any individual interested in having him ravish them.
You were his first actual romantic and sexual partner, and your first night together in bed was full of shy whispers and exciting, experimental touches. Worry not, for Haganezuka Hotaru places his entire heart and soul in whatever he enjoys; may it be swordsmithing or fucking you dumb, he'd ensure that he hones his skills to perfection.
F = Favorite Position 
He's quite open to any sort of position; in the end, he can adapt and stuff your cunt full, so he doesn't mind as much. However, his cock painfully aches even more when you're under him in a missionary position. It gets him even harder when he bends you in half into a mating press, exposing the entirety of you to him and giving him greater access to your most sensitive spots. He adores seeing your face contort into the most obscene expressions, after all.
Another position he finds himself enjoying is having your back slammed against the wall as he supports your entire weight with his strong arm, pounding into your pussy without any semblance of rationality.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous?)
His brows are consistently furrowed due to his angry and serious nature, so he carries his usual demeanor into bed, often looking at you with utmost loyalty and dedication as he feels your juices coat his veiny cock.
He treats each session with you as if it were a blessed ritual that warrants full attention and care — he is a man of undeniable focus, after all, and he wants you to feel not only the best orgasms of your life but his genuine appreciation and earnestness for you, as well.
H = Hair (how well groomed they are, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Oh, Hotaru has the thickest, darkest locks that frame his face and upper body; undoubtedly, you'd find this trend consistent in his nether regions. He doesn't have high regard for his physical appearance, so the hairs around his cock can be quite unruly. However, they're not unpleasant. They actually provide an interesting texture that rubs at your clit just right with each strong stroke of his length into your crying cunt.
I = Intimacy (how they are during the moment in a romantic aspect)
He initially struggled with expressing his softer, romantic side to you. In time, when he undeniably fell in love with you, he began demonstrating the sweetest actions that leave you simultaneously swooning and twitching in love and pleasure.
When he goes down on you, he gathers his thick strands of hair into a ponytail, in order to ensure absolute focus when he buries his tongue into your slick folds. When you find yourself between his legs — his length prodding at the back of your throat — he tucks your hair behind your ears in the gentlest motion that sends tingles throughout your body.
At either of your climaxes, he'd make unwavering, passionate eye contact with you, often caressing your cheek as you moan in pure pleasure. He always kisses you languidly by the end of your intimate night, lips firmly pressed onto yours, sending a message of love and unspoken promises.
J = Jack Off (masturbation headcanon)
As mentioned, he is quite unashamed in pleasing himself when you're not around. When he gets too frustrated and erratic, he hides himself away deep in the woods or in the hidden crevices of his workshop and fists his cock with your pretty mouth in mind. You know how he disappears after his outbursts? Well, now you know what your beloved lover does to mitigate his rage: cumming on his palms and grunting your name in a chant.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
(1) Bondage: he's into tying you up until you fall limp.
You're arms are definitely getting bound to a post as he slams his hips into yours. He gets too flustered when your hands travel across his firm chest to his ticklish sides, and you won't stop teasing, so he ends up grabbing the discarded cloth of his headscarf and nearly-painfully binding your hands together.
"You're my fuckdoll tonight until you get that attitude sorted out. Stay fucking still."
(2) Impact Play: you end up splayed over his lap as he spanks your ass, thighs, and sobbing pussy.
He adores the jiggle of your taut skin with each slam of his wide palms across your flesh. You get even more red and wet with each slap, and he gets off your pitched whines and yelps. Don't worry, he'll kiss you better later.
(3) Public Sex: you have quite risky sex in the village's local hot springs.
You palm your hand into your mouth, hoping that no one would hear your pathetic whimpers escape. It was a good thing that no one else was bathing in the public hot springs at the moment, or they'd become voyeurs to the sinful display of Hotaru bouncing you up and down on his erect cock, making the waters harshly splash around your sweating bodies.
L = Location (favorite places to do the deed)
Coming home to you in your private abode encases Hotaru in a sort of comfort that allows him to not hold himself back when fucking you. Each room in your household has already witnessed your erotic display and heard your lust-filled sounds. Haganezuka can take you anywhere and anytime.
You're cooking him dinner? You're now sprawled across the polished tabletops, pussy being explored by his insatiable tongue. Perhaps, you're doing the laundry? Well, it's best to rewash the sheets haphazardly thrown on the floor, since they once again became soiled by your shared fluids.
M = Motivation (what turns them on or gets them going)
Your mere existence is enough to send blood rushing down his cock, resulting in an uncomfortable tent that only you could relieve. However, he becomes truly weak when you wear his haori (or any of his clothing). His clothes accommodate his bulky, firm muscles, and seeing the same boring clothes draped on your smaller figure makes the head of his dick throb and leak with beads of precum. He figures he has a size kink.
N = NO (something they wouldn’t do)
He dislikes it when you tickle him too much; after all, he'd end up bursting into hiccups of laughter, inevitably falling limp onto you during sex. He wants to be absolutely present during your deed, so you can't use his sensitive sides against him too much.
Apart from that, he would never, ever agree to a threesome — he is, beyond any doubt, a possessive lover. He's not suffocating or anything, but the sensual moments you experience together are too special to him; the idea of sharing you with another sickens him, and the bubbling anger might result in a person being chased with razor-sharp knives.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Hotaru would never fail to offer going down on you; after all, you're his beloved lover, and he yearns to return a semblance of what you make him feel. He does this efficiently by parting your legs wide apart, resulting in a wonderfully painful stretch, as he teasingly — precisely —drags his tongue across your folds up to your pulsating clit. He can have his face buried in your cunt for hours.
On the other hand, he enjoys it thoroughly when you also get on your knees and swallow his cock with your struggling, salivating mouth. You usually end up getting mouth-fucked, however.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough or slow and sensual?)
Haganezuka is a man who can perform both extremes in a skillful, precise manner. He can last hours kissing every crevice of your body, dragging his rough palms across your bare form tenderly. His adoration for you is immeasurable, so he opts to showcase it by treating you as if you were the rarest gem in the whole land. Your body tingles with a subtle, pleasurable static by the time he empties his heavy, hot load inside and all over you.
For the most part, however, he has you bent in half as he adapts a swift pace that has you screaming in immense bliss. The sinful beat of skin-on-skin is erratic and quick in its tempo, and these unbearably rough sessions leave you fucked stupid. Haganezuka smirks at your half-lidded gaze and drooling mouth (he takes pride in how his strength can render you limp and euphoric), and he always makes sure to reward you with the softest kiss.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex)
He dislikes the prospect of rushing your sexual endeavors. He is a man of consistent, immovable focus; of course, he cannot be satisfied by the mere taste of you. He wants to take his time in ravishing you and making you feel absolutely adored with his full, unwavering attention. His lover deserves nothing less, after all.
R = Risk (Are they willing to experiment and take risks?)
As long as it makes you and him feel good, he's willing to try. He's surprisingly open-minded with a lot of uncommon kinks; even if he does throw you a skeptical gaze at first, he doesn't let his hesitance deter him from possibly finding your next favorite position or foreplay.
In the end, he adores making love with you because it is a display of your affection towards one another; so if being experimental and a little more risque strengthens your bond — he'll do it in a heartbeat.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for, how long they last)
Haganezuka is a man with impressive stamina, even at the age of 37. He could relentlessly chase Tanjiro from sunset until the break of dawn — that may be enough to paint a picture of how persistent he is throughout the evening.
He fucks you until daylight with sparse breaks between rounds. He can make you undergo at least 5 powerful orgasms in one night, since he likes taking his time in foreplay and whatnot. However, on nights he deems you deserve more punishment (through a long-drawn-out teasing session), he can edge you for nearly an hour until he lets you cum, ignoring your pleas and teary whimpers.
Your energy may be nearly depleted, but he still has plenty of things he wants to do to you.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? Do they use it on a partner or themselves?)
It's interesting to note that sex toys had already existed in Ancient Japan, way back in the Edo Period; with that being said, Hotaru likes to make his own — a metal dildo that prods through your hole right into your cervix. Seeing you withering on the mattress as he angles his sinful creation in precise strokes can make him release his own load. With one hand on the erotic toy, he has more freedom to play with with your puffy, pulsating clit. Nothing makes this craftsman more satisfied than seeing his beloved lover fully appreciate the utility of his creation.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He teases you unintentionally, becoming too engrossed in your sweet pussy and wanting to watch your wetness gradually increase with each lick, nip, and pinch. When he becomes too unaware of everything else but your cunt, you try to prompt him to stop, whining and moaning in disarray as he spares you nothing but a quizzical glance. He's not done yet.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make)
He usually grunts and groans in a low pitch that reverberates throughout your body. He's not loud, per se, but he definitely ensures that you hear how good you make him feel, so he angles his deep rumbling moans right into your ear, "You feel good, my love. You were fucking made for me."
However, when you occasionally brush your fingertips across his sides (his sensitive, sensitive sides) during sex, you could illicit a full, higher-pitched whimper out of his mouth. He gets flustered whenever you do it, and if you do it repeatedly, he'd get so infuriated that he'd end up punishing you roughly for the rest of the evening. Perhaps, that's exactly what you wanted.
W = Wild Card (get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Haganezuka loves to pamper you. He appears like a gruff man with unstoppable rage, but he turns into the softest, gentlest lover when it comes to you. After strenuous sex, he'd lay you down and brush damp strands off your forehead, kissing you tenderly. He prepares a warm cloth that he wipes all over you, ensuring that you feel comfortable and clean.
The next day, he would opt to be a little late in starting his responsibilities in the forge, brushing your hair and bathing with you under a soothing stream of water. He dresses you up with the same attention he shows when stripping you bare.
You better not tell anyone, but Hotaru is secretly a gentle giant — just for you.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
His body is a force to be reckoned with — brawny muscles (embellished by protruding veins that attest to his physical prowess) are consistent throughout his large frame. You best believe such a trend is applicable to his cock: thick, long, and veiny.
When flaccid, his cock can be measured to about 6.5 inches; when fully erect, his dick grows up to an impressive 8.5 inches, curving ever-so-slightly to the side. His cock head is colored by a muted red that deepens in hue the closer he is to his release.
In short, his cock ensures that your pussy is painfully, deliciously stretched, and the two prominent veins running along his length rubs your warm walls perfectly.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He has a healthy, manageable sex drive. You usually make love every other day, but if he comes home exhausted from forging the most brilliant katanas, he falls asleep the moment his head of ruffled hair hits the bed — snoring lowly and deeply.
Sometimes, he gets too occupied with making swords (we've all seen how stubborn this man can be), resulting in undetected, pent-up sexual frustration. By the time he rejoices with a newly polished katana, he is also washed with the urge to bury his hardened, throbbing cock into your warmth.
He'd rush home, ignore your scolding tone, and carry you to bed for a rough fucking. This man is so complicated yet so endearing, you simply relent.
Z = ZZZ (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
He won't be sleeping until he ensures your comfort. He regards aftercare as a necessary facet of your intimacy, after all. Haganezuka never misses a single step when it comes to the things and people he loves. By the time you're snuggled up in a warm bundle, he'll join you, nuzzling his face on the crown of your head.
He deeply sighs in honest contentment and whispers, "I love you," right before his heavy lids fully close. He always has sweet dreams as long as he's with you.
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A/N: I really ended it with fluff, whew. This took a longer time than expected, but I hope you enjoy my take on Haganezuka's NSFW Alphabet. This was very fun to do, regardless.
If you enjoyed this, feel free to send me requests of what you'd like me to do next! I'll try my best in tackling my inbox.
Edit: I changed the picture for the sake of aesthetic. We gotta love his arms.
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sauvhffp · 4 months
★ | glass box
drabble w/@sooniebby 's original character!
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sypnosis: you come home drunk from a team celebration with your co-workers. your boyfriend doesn't like it, he doesn't like that others has seen you like this; a mess. to ease his worries, he makes an even bigger mess of you.
𝅄 ༊࿐⠀ִ⠀this is my first time writing for a character that doesn't belong to me, haha. this drabble is all over the place, goes from point a to point b really quickly. still, i hope you enjoy this self-indulgence as much as i did 𖦹 ´ ᵕ ` 𖦹
ily soonie for lending me moon jae! i'm looking to even more fics of him and for more of your works! i love every bit of your works <33 !!
cw: mdni. reader is mentioned to have a dick. spanking (mentioned once), overstimulation, dick squirting, dumbification, inserting plot in porn is not my best suit.
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"...ngh." you choke on your moans. saliva coated the necktie that's stuffed in your mouth. you think you're going to throw up. you sure drank a lot tonight together with your co-workers and your team manager. you were drunk enough to forget you had a boyfriend at home, waiting for your return. "jae—hnghh... m' gohnna—"
you whimpered at the harsh slap of his thick, veiny palm on your round ass cheek. you cried, sobbing in humiliation as your dick squirts cum.
your boyfriend’s resounding chuckle made your hips twitch, and your thighs quiver. he rested his palm on your redden ass cheek, caressing it softly with a pinch. his other hand's three digits deep inside your tight hole, pressing against the bundle of nerves as you twitch in overstimulation. "that quick?"
you pant, the pillow under your dick was soaked in your cum. your dress shirt's drenched in sweat, and your underwear's hanging on your ankle. you were a perfect mess; a mess only meant for moon jae. his alone.
seeing you walk inside the house, face flushed, hair messy, and your collar button undone made him feel irritated. you let others see this side of you—the side that was only meant for him, not anyone else.
"i came..." you let your tie fall down as you swallow your saliva, gulping oxygen. "for... five times—"
"let's make it six?" the condescending tone in his voice paired with the sudden thrust of his fingers inside you made your stomach tingle, your insides tighten around his fingers. your soften dick twitched to life as you cried on his lap. god, you loved his fingers. so thick, so big, and soft. he took great care of his hands despite his nonchalance for important things.
"... can't anym'..." you sobbed, bound hands tied together by the cuffs jae bought a while back for you, a congratulatory present for your promotion. you thought back then, if he had the money to buy such an expensive, mundane item, then why is he relying on you for expenses?
he shushed you, hissing through his teeth as he pats your head, slowly picking up the pace of his fingers. "you can, doll. you will." he promises you with his fingers entangled in your hair. "lift your hips for me."
his whispered promise did wonders to your almost stupefied brain. it's times like these that you forget all rationale thought and give in to his whims, bending your joins and going along to his rhythm like a doll. you forget that this man has not only been freeloading off of you, but he has constantly wronged you in the past. still, instead of kicking him our of your house and your life for good, you suddenly are on your hands and knees, taking his length like a good whore. he'll whisper apologies, whisper unfulfilled promises into your ear as he cums in you, filling up every crevice he can and will reach.
he imprints himself in you, making sure that the claws of his talons will put you in your place. make you stay in the nest you built, never letting you go.
"ffuuuckkk—" your tounge lols out of your mouth, the tip of it peeking out as your eyes gradually lose focus. you grip the cushion of the couch beneath your fingertips, trying to find purchase in the unbearable waves of pleasure that came crashing down on you, pulling you in with utter ecstasy. "shoo ghoood... ah—sho fucking good—"
"yeah? you like it?" he leans down, towering over your quivering upper half on his lap. there was a satisfied smile on his face, a grin stretched wide enough for it to look unsettling. he pistons his fingers inside you, lube and the cum he shoved in you from your previous orgasms sloshed and squirts out from your hole. you can't think of anything else but the fingers inside you, messing you up no other people could ever do. he makes sure of that.
"'ove it s'much..." you whimpered, fucked out dumb. your mutters were almost incoherent, the slapping of his fingers in you and your juices squelching were louder than your hoarse voice. "don'wan you ... hng—'t stop..."
"you don't want to?" you shake your head as he tuts, gripping your jaw and shoving two of his fingers inside, playing with your lax tounge. "use your words, doll. you know i like it when you're vocal."
"dohn'wann ... shtap–" you suck on his fingers, toes curling as both of his fingers fuck you in unison. your eyes roll back, your insides spasms in pure bliss. your body goes lax, too tired to fight off the pleasure that's being instilled in your bones.
you barely register the laugh moon jae released. for him, this was the best version of you. you were uptight, organized, prim, and proper. he remembered the day he met you. it was at a highschool reunion get-together party. you were like any other corporate slave, you were dull in every way possible. you were bland and boring, you didn't catch his eye.
he went out of the party to smoke, and he saw you squatting down on the smoking area, puffing a cigarette. he didn't pay you any mind. you were no one to him. but that night, if he hadn't forgotten his lighter; if he hadn't teased you back then; if you hadn't reacted that way to a light-hearted question back then...
"you kept staring at me." he remembers the slightest widening of your eyes, your mouth parting a little big bigger than it was supposed to. "do you like me?"
oh. jae thought as the tips of your ears flush, your lips in a weird wobbly shape as you stare at him wide-eyed, like a deer caught in the headlights. like a doll you caught suddenly moving to life. oh.
"—ae! hnngg!" your little squeal snapped him out of his reverie. he had four fingers up in you now, fingers pressing against your sweet spot as you tremble on his lap. your hips moving on their own as you beg him to keep moving, to give you another deliciously painful release.
he blinked, drinking the sight of you in. he was right. you looked best when you're like this. you looked absolutely ethereal, being ruined by him.
"nghh—jaeeee..." you whined his name, lifting your head up, using your arms to support you as your flushed face greets him. the tear streaks on your chin with the shine of your unshed tears made his heart skip a beat, his dick already angry and hardened on his pants. god, he wants to ruin you over, and over, and over again. "hurry up... 'm sorry for getting drunk ... please let me cum ..."
how can he deny you when you're this gorgeous?
moon jae stares at you a little longer, grinning at your confused, fucked out, expression before resuming his assault on your body. you squeal in shock, your moans could rival church choirs with how angelic they sound. he sighs in content, feeling you squirt again. but instead of halting, he kept going. he kept caressing your walls, kept drilling into you even as you wet the couch with your lust.
"that's right. that's a good boy." he says it in such a gentle tone, your body quivers. he smiles, satisfied. "i'm the only one who gets to see you like this. okay?"
and just like that, you find yourself stuck inside a glass box of obsession made by your dollkeeper. only showing what he wants others to show and keeping you for himself when people leave. you will always be stuck in this glass box, lest he gets tired of you.
you let the pleasure take off your thoughts, tears falling down your cheeks like water droplets from leaf dews. you will never be free from your glass box.
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lazycats-stuff · 7 months
been thinking of a batbro bimbo reader who isn't yet fully aware of his family's identitys but is a vigilante too. Thinking of him getting flirted on and the other's getting protective. Especially the younger siblings (Ex: Damian)
Oh Damian is going to kill them. Blade out and everything. Also, I think you thought about writing a himbo. Also, I don't know which gif to put so enjoy a storm lol.
Summary: (Y/N) is a bit stupid, but very nice. He is oblivious to a lot of stuff and his siblings are protective of him.
Warnings: (Y/N) is stupid and sweet at the same time, adorable (Y/N), protective everybody, especially Damian.
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Bruce often wondered how (Y/N) managed to survive for this long. Looks are often deceiving, he knows that very well. He always expected the unexpected and (Y/N) was certainly something of that sort. You know how you expect big people to be cold and just rude over all?
(Y/N) is sweet beyond belief and Bruce wonders how he survived for so long as a vigilante. But there is another problem too. (Y/N) sometimes has problems seeing when he is being flirted with and overall, sometimes slow with catching up.
What kind of scared Bruce was the fact that (Y/N) still didn't... Kind of... Connect the dots with their identities. Bruce often kept an eye out on (Y/N) during patrol or missions. Always. Everyone also kept an eye on their brother.
They all loved (Y/N) and they all just wanted to make sure that he is okay. He is far too adorable and kind for this world. That is a conclusion that everyone has reached. Even Damian. Damian is the one who is the most protective of him.
(Y/N) found a way to channel his kindness. Bruce helped him set up a few organizations to help the youth on the streets, homeless people in general and one for mental health problems.
Well, more (Y/N) and Tim. (Y/N) is the face of those charities and Tim has agreed to help out behind the scenes. He never minded doing it for his brother and it's for a good cause so he didn't mind to help with the financial stuff.
(Y/N) has tried to do it on his own, but he just hated paperwork. Bruce and Tim sympathized with (Y/N), knowing how paperwork could be shit. Tim loved working with (Y/N). More so than with Bruce. But Bruce will never know it.
(Y/N) is often considered by Gotham City as their baby on social media and he is famous because of it. Well, because of his kindness and other moments that social media would say is iconic. Gotham loved him and (Y/N) would often go in his vigilante suit to see little kids all year round in the hospitals in Gotham and sometimes elsewhere.
(Y/N) loved doing it and loved seeing kids smile. Some were just so beaten down that by being in a hospital and seeing them smile so much made (Y/N)'s day.
Damian is often considered as (Y/N)'s bodyguard on galas. Of course, there are many people who consider (Y/N) handsome. Unfortunately, (Y/N) can't see those advances and that's where Damian has stepped in. Always.
If (Y/N) is going to be in a relationship, it's going to be with someone who looks past his looks. Many who tried to woo him did so because of his looks. Not because of him and personality.
Damian often stepped in, making excuses for (Y/N) as to why he couldn't. And then the man would be met with an icy glare.
Now, the public loved (Y/N) even more when they saw how he treated women. How respectful he is... The female population of Gotham City have lost their minds. There was a viral moment where (Y/N) was seen giving his umbrella to a lady after a heavy rain started. He was soaked afterwards, but at least he did something nice.
There is a plethora of responses from men, but once (Y/N) came out as gay, those men weren't afraid of not getting anymore dates. The women of Gotham were sad, but there was nothing that they could do.
Dick and Jason were also protective of (Y/N), but not to the degree where Damian is. Nowhere near. But did they always keep an eye on him? Yes. That's their brother, how could they not. They loved him, but they knew that the couldn't protect him like Damian does.
Damian is on a whole another level.
Galas are often considered the most stress inducing thing that happens a few times a year. Nobody liked to attend galas in the family, not even Bruce, but they had to due to appearances they had to.
(Y/N) didn't mind it. Now, galas are often the time when Damian was vigilant around (Y/N). Bruce didn't say anything to Damian about being protective. In fact, it made Bruce happy, knowing that he didn't have to be constantly vigilant over (Y/N).
Damian is his second in command when it came to (Y/N)'s protection. Damian is often subtle in the way he is vigilant. Often. He never outright stood next to (Y/N), but he was always close enough to step in.
As of now, (Y/N) was making his way to the bar to get a drink. Damian watched him from the buffet table. He watched everyone else in the room, seeing if anyone was looking at (Y/N). And he did find someone.
He was looking at (Y/N) with something in his eyes that made Damian pissed. He knew that look very well and it wasn't to talk to (Y/N) about his charities. Damian waited for a moment to see if his suspicions are right.
And when was Damian wrong? Never.
He wanted to scoff at the predictability of these guys. They are really predictable. He watched for a moment more, but when he saw how the man smiled at his brother, it was go time. He swiftly put some food on the plate, (Y/N)'s favorite and quickly went to the bar where the two were.
" Hey (Y/N), here is some food that I know you love. " Damian said, bringing (Y/N)'s attention to himself.
" Oh really? Thanks Damian. "
" No problem and Bruce told me he needs to talk to you. " Damian said and quickly glanced at Bruce who nodded subtly.
" Oh? Well, I will talk to you later then. " (Y/N) said as he turned to his 'suitor' and then took the food that Damian brought and then walked off. The moment that (Y/N) couldn't see them, Damian glares at the man.
" I wouldn't try it if I were you. " Damian said as he glared at the man.
" And what is a kid like you going to do? " The man said and Damian had to smirk at the arrogance.
" I know who you are. I know that your father wants to make a deal with my father. And I can always put a word in about you. And let me tell you, father is very protective of (Y/N) and he is not going to like the fact that you are just trying to sleep with him. "
The man tried to defend himself, but deep down he knew that Damian was spot on.
" Now, I wouldn't really try to flirt with him anymore. Not to mention, there are 3 more brothers that will kick your ass in different ways if you try to. " Damian said as he walked off, trying not to smirk once more.
He can't smirk or (Y/N) will see something. Who said that galas could be boring when you can threaten your brother's suitors? Dick and Jason gave him a thumbs up from a far. Tim and Bruce shook their heads quietly. Damian walked up to (Y/N) and gave him a quick hug.
Nobody messes with (Y/N) Wayne. Nobody.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 5 months
kook princess
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words: 3.3k
warnings: kind of reference to possible sexual assault?, being rescued from a drunk man by rafe, reader is a kook but new to the outer banks, innuendo/suggestion of sex but not explicit, drinking, partying
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @rafecamerongirl @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @winterrrnight @drudyslut @drewsbabygirll @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog
you were meant to be leaving the party. you were tired and just want to head back home, so you bid your new friends goodbye and then headed out to the parking lot, only to get cornered by an obviously drunk man.
he has his arm raised, caging your body with how close he is standing to you, the alcohol on his breath reeking. you had one single drink when you first came to the party, you certainly weren't drunk enough to fall for his obvious flirting, especially since he is not someone you find attractive in the slightest.
you tried to step away, to flee from him, but his voice turned gruff and angry and grounded your feet to the concrete in fear of whatever retaliation his drunk mind finds applicable.
footsteps sound, causing you to turn your head. the drunk man turns too as whoever is walking stops, eyes assessing the situation as he stops twirling the keys in his hand.
you glance back to the drunk man, seeing he's still staring and turn back to who is hopefully your savior, mouthing “help.” the second your mouth forms the words, he springs into action, smoothly walking over with a smile gracing his features.
“hey, baby.” he says, slinging his arm around your shoulder, pulling you away from the car you were backed up into. “was wondering where you were.”
“you didn't tell me you were dating rafe cameron.” the man slurs, giving you the strangers name.
“you didn't exactly give me the chance.” you say, melting into your saviors-rafes side, wrapping your arms around his waist.
“you're too drunk, man. find someone to drive you home.” rafe says, before giving him a pointed look. “and stay away from my girl.”
“you got it.” the drunk nods, and you don't wait to see if he does find someone to give him a ride as rafe turns you, weaving through the parking lot until you get to a truck.
“just get in.” rafe says, “you can get out later but let's make sure he's not following you.”
“thank you so much.” you say, climbing into the passenger seat. rafe rounds the hood and gets into the driver's seat, turning the truck on and blasting the heat upon seeing you shivering.
“are you okay?” he asks, and that's when you break down completely, bringing your hands to your face as tears begin to flow, embarrassed that you are crying in front of a stranger, but the relief of being saved from whatever your fate might have been has you overwhelmed with emotions.
“hey, it's okay.” rafe says softly, his voice so different from when he was confronting the drunk man. he hesitatingly puts a hand on your back, rubbing it gently.
“sorry, sorry.” you say, wiping away your tears, sure that your makeup is a mess now.
“it's okay.” rafe says, his large hand still stroking down your back comfortingly.
“i was just so scared.” you gasp out, trying to control the tears that still have the urge to fall. “thank you so much for rescuing me.”
“of course.” rafe says. “although be prepared tomorrow to fight the rumor that we are dating now. im sure most won't believe his drunk rambles, but it'll still get around.”
you can't help but giggle, the thought of just moving to the outer banks and already being the subject of gossip.
“what's your name, sweetheart? ive never seen you around before.”
“y/n.” you reply, tapping at your undereyes to hopefully smooth out your concealer, especially as you calm down and realize your savior is very attractive. “i just moved here. to umm…” it takes you a second to remember your new street address, but then you rattle it off to rafe.
“you're right near me.” rafe says. “let me drive you home? you're in no state to operate a vehicle.”
you bite your lip, wanting to accept the offer but not sure if it's the best idea to get yourself involved with another random man, even if rafe seems normal and not completely smashed.
“ill help you get your car in the morning.” rafe says, and that is what finally causes you to nod. you really don't want to drive, or even move from the spot you're in.
rafe smiles gently, removing his hand from your back and shifting the car into gear.
the ride home is quick, and you chat to rafe about your thoughts on the outer banks since you just arrived, curious about what you have and haven't explored yet.
“that's me right there.” rafe points to his house as you roll past. you nod, making a mental note before he drives the few more blocks to your house, pulling in the driveway when he sees no one else is home.
“where are your parents?” he asks.
“they're already traveling again.” you say. your parents are nice enough, but when you came along as an accident they viewed you more as an obstruction to their world travels for 18 years, but now that you're of age, they let you stay home while they spend what was both their parents money on near constant vacations.
“ah.” rafe says, stepping out of the truck to round the side, opening the door for you. you accept his hand out, not sure if your shaky legs can get you down the tall steps.
“let me just make sure you get in okay, and then ill be on my way.” rafe says, walking with you right up to the door.
“thank you again, rafe.” you say, pulling your key out and unlocking the door, letting it swing open.
“of course.” he nods, before pulling his phone out. “put your number in so i can text you tomorrow about getting your car.”
you nod, taking the phone and punching in your name and number before handing it back, an uncontrollable shiver moving through your body when your hands brush together.
“goodnight.” rafe says, pocketing his phone.
“goodnight.” you mumble back, stumbling into the house, ready to smash your face into your pillow and pass out.
you groan, surprised that the one drink you had caused a slight throb in your head and before you do anything else, the second your feet hit the floor as you slide out of bed, you head to the bathroom and down a painkiller with some water.
you look at your face in the mirror, you manage to smear your makeup off with a wipe last night, but didn't bother cleansing or anything, so you move through the motions now, feeling much more awake by the time your face is clean and moisturized.
you still flop back down onto your bed when you're done, grabbing your phone off your nightstand. your eyes widen upon seeing it completely flooded with texts from your new friends.
girl there's a rumor going around that you went home with rafe cameron?!
DID YOU HOOK UP WITH RAFE?? he is like THE it boy of the outer banks
literally everyone is talking about you and rafe
if these rumors are true im JEALOUS
no way you just moved here and you've already got with rafe?? omfg i want your life 😭😭😭
hey y/n, it's rafe. just let me know when you're up and ready to go pick up your car
you smile at the last text, glancing at the time to realize you slept in until almost noon. you ignore the texts from your new friends, clearly needing to get some more information on who rafe really is, considering their reactions.
hey sorry i just woke up. im ready whenever you are.
you respond to rafe before hopping up, getting dressed quickly in case he was ready right away. you decide on a simple sundress, soft and innocent flowing to your knees unlike the tighter tank top and shorts you were wearing last night.
you head to your vanity next, deciding just on some light concealer and mascara, as well as your signature lip gloss color.
your phone vibrates at the perfect time, just as you slip your feet into some sandals.
ready now. on my way to your place.
you head downstairs and sit on the swinging bench on the front porch, checking instagram on your phone and finding rafes profile, wanting to do a little more digging before clarifying the events of last night to your friends. you don't see any evidence of a girlfriend, but he does have a staggering amount of followers, like the whole island wants to see his mostly golf posts, with a few sprinkled shirtless pictures or fishing adventures sprinkled in.
you close out of the app when rafe pulls into your driveway, not wanting to get caught spying.
“good morning.” rafe says as he hops out, even though its almost noon.
“hey.” you smile, letting him pull you into a hug that you expected to be awkward, but your arms slot so easily around his waist that it just feels natural.
rafe guides you around his truck, again giving you a helping hand in before shutting your door gently for you and moving to the driver's side.
“so…” rafe says as he begins to back down your driveway. “if you're too busy you can say no, but i wanted to show you a bit of the island before we pick up your car.”
“oh my gosh, i would actually appreciate that so much.” you say. “everyone brings up these places names and i have no idea what they're talking about, and neither does google.”
rafe chuckles softly, his eyes fluttering between the road and you. “most of the names are local nicknames. don't worry, ill teach you.”
rafe drives you around the outer banks as the hours tick by, showing you all the popular spots, as well as giving you a rundown of the dynamic of the island, warning you to stay away from the pogues.
your stomach grumbles, and your eyes widen with embarrassment when you realize rafe can hear it. “oh my god, sorry, i just didn't eat any breakfast… or lunch.”
“don't apologize.” rafe says, turning down a road as a new destination comes to mind. “can i take you out to eat though? then we can get your car.”
“yeah, yeah, that'll be great.” you say, not wanting to part from rafes company, already feeling that you've known him for much longer than just a singular day from how easily you get along.
“we can eat at the country club. i'm a member.”
“cool.” you shrug. “im not big into golf but i’d love to learn.” you say, hoping it's not too obvious of a plea to hang out more in the future.
“i can teach you.” rafe offers, and you nod enthusiastically. 
“that'd be great.” you say, eyes taking in the lush grounds of the country club as rafe pulls in. he again rounds the car to help you out, and you resist the urge to blush and how much of a gentleman he's being.
“order whatever you want.” rafe says once you're inside and seated.
you look through the menu before deciding on a basic chicken salad. rafe begins to question you on how much you know about golf, and you're glad for playing wii sports golf with your little cousins for giving you a bit of knowledge.
your food arrives, with rafe ordering a steak and you begin to eat, still chatting when your phone begins buzzing incessantly.
“oh my god, im so sorry.” you sigh, picking it up off the table and realizing that a picture must have been taken of you and rafe by someone at the country club, as it's now being spread around.
stop why are you guys the cutest couple ever??
he's supposed to be mine omg 😩😩
you show rafe the picture as an explanation for the texts, surprised when his mouth quirks up into a smirk. you figured that he'd be annoyed about the rumors being spread around.
“that's hilarious that people care that much.” rafe says.
“apparently you're the kook prince, at least that's what my friends tell me.” you giggle before taking a sip of your pink lemonade.
“i think i only got that nickname because my dad is a really… prominent figure.” rafe says, which makes you realize out of all the conversations you've had today, none of them have been about rafes family.
“oh.” you hum. “and probably because you're hot.”
“you think im hot?” rafe says, a smiling making his features look even more attractive.
“maybe.” you shrug, a blush coming to your face.
“well i think you're beautiful.” rafe says. “and um… maybe we don't do anything to stop the rumors.”
“are you saying you want to see me again?” you question, glad that your flirting is working out.
“that's exactly what im saying. maybe we let them believe that we are dating and actually start.”
“im down.” you nod, knowing your face must be red, but not caring if rafe sees the effect he has on you.
“perfect.” rafe says, reaching across the table and squeezing your hand with his own.
you keep ignoring the text messages as you and rafe finish your meal before heading back to his truck.
“i kind of don't want to pick up your car.” rafe says, and you look over at him puzzled. “why's that?”
“because i like driving you around.” rafe admits, reaching his hand over to rest it against your thigh. not too high up to make it scandalous, but letting you enjoy his touch.
“well, i like you driving me around.” you admit. “we can pick up my car and then ill go ahead and park it in the garage and use you to get me around.”
“perfect.” rafe says, looking over at you with soft eyes.
“if you're the kook prince, does that make me the kook princess?” you ask as rafe drives you to one of your friends houses. he's been chauffeuring you around for the past week, showing you more parts of the island as well as taking you to the country club for golf lessons. you're glad to spend most of your time with him. you flirt with each other, but you don't do anything beyond holding hands and hugs when greeting each other for the day.
“i suppose it does.” rafe says, pulling to a stop in front of the mansion.
“ill see you tomorrow? probably around 11?” you tell rafe, having asked him already to pick you up from the girls night, since they were begging you to give them the details on your new relationship.
“of course.” rafe says, and you lean over the center console to wrap your arms around him in a hug, loving how soft he touches you as his hand strokes along your side.
you reach for the door handle when rafe let's out an unpleasant sound.
“what is it?” you question, eyes going wide in confusion.
“you have to let me open the door for you.” rafe explains before getting out of the truck, rounding it to pull open your door.
“don't try to open it again, baby.” rafe says, the nickname making your cheeks flare. 
“well, thank you for driving me, picking me up tomorrow and being a gentleman.” you say, accepting another hug from rafe, this one accompanied by him pressing his lips to the top of your head.
“see you tomorrow, beautiful.” rafe bids you farewell as you rush up the path to your friends front door, not even needing to knock as hannah swings it open, revealing stephanie and tina as well, all with an excited look on their face.
you turn to see rafe smirking, knowing of course what kind of reaction he gets as the girls pull you inside the house, facemasks and nail polish already ready on the coffee table.
“girl.” hannah sits down, and you follow by plopping onto the couch. “tell us everything.”
-- two months later --
“hey baby.” rafe greets you, eyes looking you up and down. you're dressed in a new golf outfit for your private lesson, a polo tank top and a skirt so short rafe swears the lightest breeze will expose you.
“hey rafe.” you say, looping your arms around his shoulders and pressing a kiss to his lips, melting into his body.
“missed you.” you whisper against his lips before pulling away, letting rafe walk you, hand in hand, to the passenger side of his truck, never making the mistake of trying to open your own door again.
“we had dinner together last night.” rafe says as you climb into the seat, buckling yourself.
“i know, and i still missed you.” you smile, still head over heels in that honeymoon phase of your relationship where all you want to do is spend every second with your boyfriend.
“missed you too, baby.” rafe says, stepping up onto the truck to plant another kiss on your lips before shutting the door softly and rounding the bed of the truck to get into the driver's side.
you smile when rafes hand instantly finds your own, your fingers fitting firmly between his.
“ready for your golf lessons?” rafe questions, surprised by how quickly you've learned, still needing to get the precision down, but able to whack the ball quite far for a beginner.
“always ready.” you hum, surprised yourself by how much you've enjoyed golfing, but rafes constant presence sure has something to do with that.
“you wanna go to that party tonight?” rafe asks, eyeing you up and down as you finalize your outfit in the mirror.
“i did not dress up just to stay home.” you say, turning to look at rafe as he leans his head against the headboard of your bed, completely comfortable in your room.
“but you look so hot.” rafe complains. really, he's excited to show you off, but he's equally excited to have you all to himself. you've yet to do anything beyond make out, and rafe has been nothing but respectful of your boundaries.
“why don't we make just a quick appearance.” you say, sauntering over to the bed as rafe turns to place his feet on the ground, letting you step between his legs, his hands coming to rest on your hips. “and then you can come back here? spend the night?”
rafes eyes widen, nodding enthusiastically, fingers tightening slightly on your hips, not sure if he will be able to restrain himself at the party with your obvious innuendo.
“good.” you lean down and press your lips to rafe, not caring that your lip gloss is smearing over his mouth. “now let's go.”
rafe groans, wishing he could convince you to skip the party, but he knows you told your friends you'd be there, so he forces himself to make it through the night, his cock consistently half hard in his pants as you both partake in only one drink, not wanting to be anything more than slightly buzzed for what is about to happen tonight.
“im ready to go now, rafey.” you say, leaning into your boyfriend. you only were at the party for about an hour, but you chatted and danced with your girls, and now you were ready for what the night brought you.
“perfect.” rafe leads you to the truck, admittedly breaking the speed limit a bit to get you back as quick as possible.
you rush inside the house, of course after letting rafe open your door for you, and the second you cross the threshold, you press your lips against his, mouths fighting for dominance as you both stumble further into the house, pushing off walls and bumping into things but not willing to stop the kiss to look away.
“why hello, y/n.” a voice rings out, making you both gasp as you turn to see your parents sitting on the couch.
“i believe introductions need to be made.” your dad says, eyes flickering between you and rafe, whose face has gone concerningly pale.
“uhh…” you stammer, not realizing that your parents would be returning tonight. they don't tell you their exact whereabouts in the world now that you are an adult. “mom, dad this is my boyfriend rafe.”
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mrsparrasblog · 2 months
Mission save the human race Pt2
You spend the night talking to John after you can't sleep anymore. Too many thoughts enter your brain. Getting pregnant at this time is dangerous, but it's what every good person would do, right? Save the human race.
"I'm a bit afraid."
"You don't need to be, Dove; I'm going to support you; either way, you saved Johnny." he reasured you.
"What if I die while giving birth? Then the whole thing is useless."
"First of all, you are a doctor; you can explain all these things beforehand, and we are soldiers going to take care of you; we would be better than delivery nurses, well, maybe except Kyle."
You chuckled. "And, um, do I need to sleep with every one of you?"
"Not at all, love; you have free choice; you can just choose one, or you can have more than one, you know since the chances are better."
"And they sure want me?"
"I think yes. Look at you."
"You only say that because I'm the only woman on earth."
"Not at all, dove; you're my type, even if there were millions."
"Liar," he pulled your hand and laid it down on his rock-hard dick.
"See how much I want you, and that's only by looking at you."
He stroked the hair out of your face and captured your lips in a kiss. The kiss was shy and thoughtful at first but turned more and more into a battle of dominance, and you knew you wanted him. "So fucking gorgeous. I wouldn't want to share you, but I'm a good man."
You rested your head against his shoulders. "I want to do it with all of you, but not together," he chuckled at your words and how flustered you got to admit your desire.
"We can talk further tomorrow; just let me cuddle you now." You fell asleep, almost suffocating in his strong arms.
The next morning, you went upstairs, entangling yourself from John's massive body.
You went straight to the room where Johnny lay, checking on his fever. He cooled down overnight. You were kind of proud that you managed your surgery well without proper equipment and medication; you're a fucking genius. If the Hopkins had seen this, they would have regretted declining you after medical school.
You rubbed a paste on Johnny's surgery wound and disinfected it.
You were a bit unprofessional as your eyes glanced down at his pure muscles; you wanted to trace them down with your fingers, of course only for medical reasons. You heard the door open, and Simon stood in front of you, only wearing briefs. His thick thighs were covered in scars, and his pecs were well-defined and so fucking tall. You wanted to climb him like Mount Everest, and you sure as hell will soon.
"My eyes are up here, darling." You blushed as he noticed you staring.
"Sorry, you're just so tall, and it's hard to look up." You laughed at your own lie.
"Price told me about the little plan." He walked close to you, pinning you against the wall with sheer force. His calloused fingers touched the hem of your shirt. "I look forward to helping you, and Johnny too. Play a bit with the other boys so you'll be stretched out for both of us."
"Both of you," you breathed out in fear and arousal at the same time.
"We like to share sweet little things like you," he said, pressing his erection towards you and fucking hell which horse was that.
"I know it's big," he said and you swallowed, afraid.
"I'm going to make your stomach swell pretty fast, Doll," he said, pushing you against the wall, his fingers groping against your round ass.
"Shh, doll, it's okay. We're going to take care of you soon."
You just nodded, unable to do, think, or say anything.
"Just be a good girl today and give your sweet cunt to the captain; he has a thing for cute innocent girls like you." He kissed you around your neck and then let go, making his way back to his boyfriend.
So they would share you. Should this make you feel afraid or aroused?.
You tried to shake it away and went to the kitchen, preparing some fruits for breakfast.
Price awoke to find himself alone in the bed, the sheets cooling against his skin. He sat up and stretched, yawning widely, before looking around for you.
Finding you in the kitchen, he smiled and walked over, wrapping an arm around your waist from behind.
"I feel so domestic with you around me," you said, taking in his smell.
John chuckled, leaning in to kiss your neck. "Domestic? That's a new one. But I like the sound of it." He pulled back slightly, looking into your eyes. "You know, I could get used to this—being with you, taking care of you."
"Already acting like I'm your little wife."
He smirked, his lips curling into a smile. "Well, if it means I get to be your husband, then I think I'm going to like this arrangement very much." He turned you around to face him, his hands sliding up your arms.
"Are you fulfilling your husband's duties then?"
John leaned down, his lips brushing against yours. "Oh, I plan to," he murmured before capturing your mouth in a passionate kiss.
His hands roamed over your body, exploring every curve and dip, asserting his dominance and affection at the same time.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, needing to go on your tiptoes to reach him.
John's body reacted to yours, his hands moving lower to squeeze your butt through your clothes.
He pulled back slightly, looking into your beautiful eyes as he trailed kisses down your neck and shoulders. "I love the way you respond to me," he said, his voice sounding horace and full of lust.
"And how do I respond, John?" You sounded cocky, and the awareness to not tease a man twice your strength left your body.
John's lips curled into a sinful smile. "With fire, Angel, just like this." He bit down gently on your earlobe, eliciting a soft moan from you. "You're so fucking sexy when you submit to me."
"What makes you think I'll submit to you easily?"
Price's eyes narrowed slightly, but his voice remained soft and commanding. "Because I know you want to," he said, trailing his fingers down your stomach and teasingly tickling your lower abdomen. "You love the feeling of being taken and owned." He pulled a slap on your ass, showing you how he in fact owns you right now.
"Oh, do I now?" you asked.
He chuckled, kissing your neck again. "Oh, yes. You do." He ran his hand up your thigh, gently caressing the inner part of your thigh and teasingly brushing against your pants, which were already soaked.
"You're so responsive,"
"John, everyone could walk in the kitchen any moment," you whined, afraid of what others would think of you. You gave in so easily that it didn't even take you a week to decide to become their personal fucktoy.
His eyes flickered at the door for a moment. "That just makes it more exciting," he said, his voice deep and husky. "The thought of someone walking in on us and seeing you like this turns me on."
"Oh, it turns you on how they see how good you take care of me."
"Yes," Price admitted, his voice low and raw with desire. "I love the thought of them watching me claim what's mine." He slid a hand down to cup your pussy through your panties, his fingers teasing your swollen clitoris through the fabric—you hadn't had this friction in a while, making you almost cum from it.
Mhm, John, stop, I didn't shave." Well, you trimmed, but try to shave properly in an apocalypse.
Price's eyes glinted with mischief as he leaned in to whisper against your ear. "I don't care if you haven't shaved—I even prefer it this way," he said, his beard tickling against your skin. "I want you just like this- all natural."
He nipped at your earlobe before trailing kisses down your neck, his hand still buried in your panties. "You're so fucking sexy," he murmured against your skin.
"You think so?" You knew you looked good, but good enough to be desired by these seven literal gods. You doubted it.
His eyes are burning with pure desire for you. "I fucking know so," he growled, pulling you closer and grinding his hips against your body—his erection was already there, and it was fucking big. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever met, Angel."
"You're the most handsome man I've ever seen." Well, you couldn't quite decide which of them was the hottest, but he didn't need to know that right now.
He chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Flatterer," he teased, kissing you gently on the lips. "But I'll take it."
You kissed him deeper, moaning into the kiss, his tongue tangling with yours in a heated dance. He could feel your warmth through his pants, and it only made him harder.
With one swift move, he lifted you onto the kitchen counter, pinning you under his strong arms. He lifted you like you weighed absolutely nothing.
"Mhm, John needs you," you whined. You could not hold your composure anymore; you felt lust for him - primal lust for him—like nature wanted it to be; you were animalistic.
"You have me," John said, his voice rough with passion. "Always." His hands moved deftly to slip off your shirt.
Now you sat there on the counter only wearing a bra and some short skirt with spread legs so he could always reach your begging mound. You thought about how any of the boys could walk in at any second, and it only fueled your desire. In the deepest twisted place in your mind, you thought about them taking you at the same time. You blamed it on ovulation week or not being fucked for years straight.
And even though of the sex you had before was frustrating, your ex just couldn't get you off, rubbing on your poor clit like it was a lottery scratcher. How many orgasms you faked, and you asked yourself if you needed to fake one with them too? This would be disappointing.
Price took a moment to admire the view before him, his eyes roaming over your exposed skin. He reached up and undid your bra with practiced ease, letting it fall away to reveal your perfect breasts. His mouth watered at the sight of them. "You're so fucking beautiful." Price smiled as he leaned in, his lips brushing against one of your hardened nipples. "I could spend all night just worshipping these," he whispered before taking one into his mouth and sucking gently.
"Then do it," you whined, wanting him to suck your nipples.
"With pleasure," John replied. He continued to lavish attention on your perfect breasts, his hands teasing and pinching the nipples while his mouth moved from one to the other, lapping at them with hungry kisses. You could barely take it longer. Your eyes darkened from hunger.
You slipped off his shirt as he continued to suck on your hard nipples.
You oggled over his muscular frame; he wasn't the lean muscle type; he had thick, delicious muscles with hair on top of them; he was the pure definition of masculinity; your primal needs chipped in when you saw him, thinking of how you resembled the perfect pair.
He groaned as he felt your hands on his skin, his muscles tightening at the touch. He pulled away from your breasts for a moment, looking down at you with a predatory smirk. "You like what you see?" he asked, his voice low and gravelly.
"I love what I see."
"Good," he replied. He reached down and pulled your panties off, tossing them aside before leaning in to lick a path up your stomach towards your breasts again. You freeze because of your exposed sex; your wetness has already flowed down your thighs.
"I'm going to make sure you scream for me."
"Pretty sure of your skills?" The bratines never left your body; you were lucky that John was a soft dom, and you would regret your bratines sooner or later on Simon's Day.
"You have no idea," John growled, his voice thick with desire. He took your hardened nipple into his mouth once again, sucking and biting gently before moving on to the other one.
"John, I need your mouth somewhere else." You slowly grew impatient, your hole almost begging and crying to finally be stuffed.
"Oh? And where would you like that?" he asked, his voice still rough with lust. He continued to tease your nipples, flicking his tongue over them as he waited for your answer.
"You know where," you whined, hoping he wouldn't let you say it. For fucks sake, you were a medical professional, but you couldn't say that you wanted him on your vagina, stuffing you so badly that it reached your cervix.
Price smirked knowingly. "I've got a few ideas," he replied, his hands sliding down your body. Before he picked you up and laid you down on the kitchen table.
"A fine meal needs to be eaten on the dinner table." You blushed at this sentence.
He looked up at you, his eyes burning with desire, as he took in the sight of your exposed, dripping cunt. "You're so wet for me," he whispered before lowering his head and pushing his tongue into your pussy.
You screamed loudly at the sudden friction grabbing his hair.
John moaned at the taste of you, his tongue lapping up your juices eagerly. He used his hands to spread your legs wider, giving him better access to your most sensitive spots.
"That's it," he growled. "Let me hear you scream."
"John," your moan filled the whole house, and you just hoped you didn't wake Johnny up. Poor boy needs his sleep.
"Fuck, yes," Price panted between licks and thrusts of his tongue. He reached up to grab one of your legs, pulling it over his shoulder as he continued to eat you out.
"mhm feels so good." You moaned, your eyes closed.
"John hummed in response, his tongue swirling around your clit. He reached up to squeeze one of your breasts, eliciting a moan from you. "You feel so fucking good," he murmured, loving the way you were responding to him.
He pushed two fingers into your tight hole, fucking them in and out while he continued to eat you out.
"Don't stop," you begged and felt a bit pathetic. You let an unknown man eat you out, which wasn't the worst part. You let seven fucking men breed you.
"I won't stop," he promised, his voice low and rough with desire.
You shook completely under him, screaming in pleasure. He moaned at the sounds you were making, his arousal growing as he felt your body tense and quiver under him.
He picked up the pace, his fingers thrusting deeper and faster, while his tongue worked overtime on your clit.
"I'm going to---- fuck." you screamed.
He felt your walls clench around his fingers, signaling your impending orgasm. "Cum for me," he growled, sucking even harder on your clitoral area, leaving a small bite on your clit.
And for the first time in your life, a man was competent enough to let you reach an orgasm, and it felt better than everything you felt in your life before you saw stars shaking like you had an exorcism, and so you came squirting all over His tongue. He groaned in delight, his tongue thrusting deep into your pussy to catch every drop of your sweet nectar.
He continued to lap at you, savoring the taste of you as he held your hips down firmly, not allowing you to take away his meal. You thought they looked starved when they ate your food for the first time, but this was a completely new level of starving.
"Fuck," you were a bit embarrassed as you saw the wet puddle on the table and his beard completely drenched." I never squirted before. I'm so sorry," you apologized, your cheeks burning red.
He chuckled, raising his head to look at you. "There's nothing to be sorry about," he assured, his voice filled with warmth and understanding. "I've never had a woman squirt before, either."
"Was it bad?"
He smirked. "Oh, I'd say it was fucking incredible." He pulled his fingers out of your puffy hole slowly, licking them clean before leaning in to capture your mouth in a deep, passionate kiss. You could taste your cum on his tongue, and it was so messy and hot at the same time.
"Do you want me to suck you off, or do we go straight to the fucking part?" You asked, wanting to make him feel good too.
He stepped between your spread legs, his erection jutting out proudly. He looked down at you with a predatory grin, his hand reaching out to cup one of your breasts. "As much as I love to see you on your knees for me, we can't waste an ounce of cum, sweetheart."
"Can you go in slow? I didn't have someone inside in years," you asked, afraid, especially not someone so thick. His dick was perfect, comfortable, 7,5 inches curved to the right and fucking thick, and he had a vein that probably would press against your G-spot perfectly, and fucking beautiful dark curls between his legs, making him seem only more masculine than he already was.
He nodded and positioned himself at your begging entrance, teasing you with only the tip of his cock before slowly pushing inside. "You're so fucking tight," he groaned, savoring the feeling of your warmth enveloping him.
"God, you're the biggest I ever had." He almost pulled you apart; it burned to take him inside, and without proper preparation, you sure as hell wouldn't be able to take him.
John chuckled at your words, pleased with the compliment. "You'll have to tell me how it feels when I'm balls deep inside you," he murmured, thrusting deeper into your shaking body.
Feeling you start to relax and take him deeper, Price began to move faster, his hips grinding against yours in a sensual rhythm. "Fuck, I love how you take my cock," he growled out between gritted teeth.
"Oh God"
"John is enough; no need to call me God Sweetheart." He picked up the pace even more, slamming into you with primal force. His free hand moved to grip your breast roughly, pinching and rolling your nipple between his fingers. "You like that? You want more?" he asked breathlessly.
"I want your cum, John," you whined.
Hearing those words sent a surge of lust through his body. He pulled almost all the way out before slamming back into you, hitting your sweet spot perfectly. "Gonna cum all over your pretty little pussy, going to make you so full of my cum."
"Yes, John," you whine.
"Going to make you all round, going to fucking breed you."
You whined and moaned; the primal need to let him fill you up and mark you as his own filled you. You needed this, and not only for selfless reasons; you enjoyed it as much as he did it.
"You're going to beg me for my cock after this." He pounded into you harder, his dick twitching with anticipation. "Feel that? Feel how much I love fucking you?"
"Yes, feels so good." You whined, "Breed me, John." You didn't know what took over you, but you didn't care. Shame is for post-nut clarity.
Hearing your whine only made him more turned on. He slammed into you again and again, each stroke deeper than the last. "That's it, baby. Take it all. I'm going to fill you up so fucking good." John leaned down, his lips brushing against your ear. "I'm going to make you a mommy," he growled out before slapping his massive cock against your g-spot once more.
He could feel his impending release as he continued to thrust into you; he never had something perfect like you—such a good woman between his filthy, not-worthy hands. His fingers dug into your hips, holding you tightly as he pushed deeper into you than ever before. You felt him hitting your cervix.
"That's it, baby. Take my cum. Let me empty myself inside you."
"Yes, please, Daddy, cum in me."
Price groaned loudly as he felt himself erupting inside you. His hips bucked wildly, driving his cock even deeper as hot, thick cum filled your wanting womb. He held nothing back, emptying himself into her before finally pulling out with a wet pop. "There you go, baby. That's what a real man does to his woman."
"And I'm your woman?" You asked completely out of your mind, probably about hormones.
John smirked, pulling you into his arms. "You sure as hell are." He kissed you passionately.
"Now we need to make you a mommy."
"Well, you already came to me," you giggled.
He rolled his eyes. "I've got plenty more where that came from, sweetheart." He traced his finger down your stomach. "Now let's see about making you a baby; besides, I don't want any of these muppets making you pregnant before me." You didn't strike him as the jealous type since he shared you with seven men, but maybe it was the thing about being the first that fueled him.
"You have the stamina for a second round? Price grinned, giving you a wink.
"With you? Hell yeah." He pulled you close and kissed you again, starting to nibble on your ear. "And this time, I'll make sure I hit the back of that sweet cunt of yours." He carried you to the bed and laid you down.
The bed dipped at his weight, his hard cock still rock-hard against his stomach. He positioned himself between your legs and looked into your eyes. "Ready for round two, baby?"
"Yes, Daddy." You knew how crazy it made him when you called him this.
Price leaned down and captured your lips in a passionate kiss, his tongue tangling with yours as he thrust his hips upward. He groaned into the kiss, feeling the head of his cock push against your entrance once more. "God damn, you feel good."
You put your legs on his shoulders. He imideatly kissed your ankles and hit you deeper with every thrust. He couldn't help but moan in pleasure. He looked into your eyes as he began to move his hips back and forth, slamming into you with each powerful stroke. "Fuck, you're so tight."
You clenched around him, and it only fueled his primal instincts. "That's right, baby. Let's make you a mommy." His fingers dug into your hips, pulling her closer as he continued to pound into you.
"Mhm, going to cum soon, John," he grinned as he heard your moan.
"That's it, baby. Let it out." He felt your cunt clench around him as you shook from the orgasm he had just given you.
"Thank you, Daddy."
"You're welcome, Dove. Now let's see if we can get you pregnant." With that, he pulled out of your pussy and rolled over onto his back, beckoning you to straddle him once more. "Ride me until you're ready for another."
You let your hips fall on his thick cock, whining as he spread you in half, and so you began to ride him, your boobs jumping up and down.
He moaned at the sight of your ass bouncing against his full balls as you rode him hard. He grabbed your hips tightly, helping you to move faster and harder on his shaft. "That's it, baby. Ride me until you can't take it anymore."
He reached up, grabbed one of your perky breasts, and began to play with your nipple while you rode him. "Do you want me to crawl inside you again, baby?"
"Yes, Daddy," you nodded and clenched around him just at the thought.
Price loved the way you answered. "Then keep riding me, dove." He pulled on your nipple gently, watching as you let out a small cry of pleasure. He continued to play with your breast while he watched your ass bounce up and down on his cock.
"That's it, baby. Show Daddy how much you love his cock."
"I love it so much, Daddy."
He groaned as he felt your pussy clench around his cock. "Oh, fuck yes. You feel so good." He continued to play with your breast while he started to circle your clit while you rode him.
John's voice dropped to a whisper as he spoke his darkest desires into your ear. "I want to fuck you in every hole, dove. I want to mark you as mine and give you all the babies you want."
He continued to rub your clit in small circles as you rode him harder. Price could feel his orgasm building quickly. That's it, baby. Give Daddy what he wants." He reached up and pinched your nipple hard, watching as you let out a sharp cry of pleasure.
"I want you to cum for me, baby. I want to watch you squirt all over my cock."
"Mhm, fuck," you moaned. You couldn't take it any longer.
He continues His work on your abused clit Till you clench around him and squirt all over His dick.
John groaned as he felt your pussy clench around his cock and squirt all over him. "Fuck, yes. That's it, dove." He continued to rub your clit even after you came, wanting to draw out every last drop of pleasure from your body.
"Too much, Daddy," you whined as he overstimulated you.
Price chuckled softly at your whines, his fingers still working on your clit. "Sorry, dove. Did I go too far?" He asked teasingly, knowing full well that he hadn't. Instead, he loved pushing your limits and seeing just how much you could take.
"That's it, dove. Give Daddy all of it." He whispered in your ear before pulling out of your wet pussy and slapping his hard cock against your slick mound once more. "Daddy going to fill you up now, and you're going to take everything, understood?"
You were too fucked out to talk; you just nodded.
He fucked with a mean pace into you, his balls slapping against your ass, leaving his mark, but that wasn't enough; he needed to mark your breasts too, to show everyone he was the first to have you - the first to hopefuly impregnate you. You were his, and he was only a good captain for sharing his priceless angel. A pure act of selflessness from him.
With a final thrust, he erupted himself inside you. Hot, strips of his sticky cum painted your inner walls white. "Take it, sweetheart, let me fill you up." He pushed his cum in your hole all over again and then removed his dick out of your red, swollen cunt. He held your legs up. "I don't want my cum to flow out of you before the job is done."
You thought he would leave after the act, but he didn't, so his affection was real. He cleaned you up with a towel, massaging your sore thighs and almost forcing you to drink enough water since you squirted so much. "Did it feel so good for me, Sweetheart? I never had such a perfect woman before," he whispered against your skin. " Gonna worship you and give you everything you need, okay?"
You nodded and cuddled against his fury body, easily falling asleep after this activity.
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shaisuki · 9 months
“what's your favorite color?”
megumi asked you, out of the blue. the child sitting beside you while you both looked at the people passing by. his legs swinging a little.
“let me think. it's mmm...”
megumi looks to his side. studying your face while you think of your favorite color. your lips quirking to the side, eyebrows furrowed up. when you reached your answer, your face lightened up.
“blue. my favourite color is blue, megumi.”
“why is that?” he asked once again. your eyebrows raising. megumi never asked for trivial questions such as where do babies come from or something simple as what's your favorite color but the boy's asking and you're more than willing to answer him. an attempt to connect with you and you smiled softly at him.
“it's reminds me of everything that makes me happy, megumi. the sky, the sea and it's the color of his eyes...” megumi gave you a confusing look when your voice died down at the last words.
before he can ask anything again, a annoying, all-too familiar voice interrupted him.
“hello, my two favorite creatures.” slinging his arms in megumi and to you. giving you a large smooch in your cheek and gojo looks to the side. a huge grin breaking out in his face and you swore you never seen megumi so scared before grabbing gojo's blindfold to stop him from terrorizing the poor child.
“satoru, i swear. megumi's going to kill you in your sleep—one day. stop annoying the child.” you warned to him, wringing his blindfold which made him wince from the pain.
“such a meanie—(y/n)!” he pouts, pinching your round cheeks — his cold, long fingers squeezing the flesh with no remorse. this is revenge and seeing you wince, eyebrows knitting in pure annoyance earns the biggest smirk from him. gojo would relish it for a little longer but seeing megumi sending daggers to him made him stop.
“phew. that was tough.” gojo casually began. attempting for the conversation to divert — feigning innocence like he didn't hurt your cheeks and ignoring megumi's glare at him.
“that hurts, satoru.” rubbing the sore spot in your round cheek. you'd be lucky if it didn't bruise. that would really be a pain in the ass.
“it wasn't that hard!” he retaliates. defending his own doings and you just shake your head. arguing with him would be pointless. knowing how gojo never back down. no matter how stupid it is.
“never mind. gumi you want to get ice cream?” pointing out the ice cream truck and megumi nods.
“what about me?!”
“satoru, you're an adult. get it on your own.” reaching out for megumi's hand in which he gladly accepts. his smaller hand holding yours. walking away from the white-haired male wearing blindfold with megumi in your grasp.
you gulped, looking at the corner of your eyes — only to find gojo standing and silent and him being quiet staring at you and megumi, there's chaos brewing in that brain of his and it's never good. it means trouble and despite the park having a fairly amount of people, it's no question he will be doing it.
in which you prepared for the worst. maybe, you can escape it this time.
“megumi.” you call out to the boy. responding to you with a hum. “prepare yourself. your other guardian is going to cause trouble again.” you whispered to him and megumi sweats a little. knowing how this one will end up. could he just have you as his and tsumiki's only guardian? not that troublesome adult who didn't seem to grow up—maturely. beggars can't be choosers or something like that, he knows he owe it to the man but sometimes he don't know how much longer he can endure it. megumi's glad you're around to balance, keep him calm but it never lasts.
you both turned around, and gojo seems like a statue standing there while watching you both and in cue, “run!” you told megumi. bolting to find a place to hide or escape and hoping you'd lost that boyfriend/troublesome idiot of yours.
with you and megumi holding your hand for dear life. yeah, it would be the death of you both if that idiot caught you two. you'll die of embarrassment.
then a full chase began around the park and with lessons yet still to learn and will never be taught. you forgot how gojo's long strides are and with the speed with you and megumi running in even at the headstart. too worried about the shenanigans gojo will bestow to you both.
“gotcha’ (y/n)-chan.” he said in a sing-song voice and adding the chan when teasing you and you felt yourself being lifted up with no chance of escape and you let go of megumi's hand.
“run, gumi!” you told the kid in which he reluctantly obeyed not wanting to leave you but knowing you, he ran in a safe distance watching as you squirmed at his other guardian who won't give you any mercy.
“satoru! put me down this instant!” in which gojo didn't comply. holding your middle with both of his hands while he spins you around. making you squeal and you swear you could feel the stares of multiple eyes.
“nope.” gojo flatly declares.
even with your weight, he still make you feel like you were the lightest person on the planet.
megumi watched in the distance, sitting in one of the tree roots sticking out in the ground. he could feel the annoyance creeping up on him but seeing you happy made him happy too. the annoyance barely affecting him while you laugh at gojo. he can hear the laughter and the cries you were making for the man-child to stop and megumi relished on that. he couldn't help but to feel a little upset about gojo, the man who stopped for letting him get sold by that so called family of his. he knows you and gojo had a life before him but seeing gojo takes all your attention away from him. he simply couldn't help it.
you gave him and tsumiki the utmost care, the unconditional love, making they were satisfied and making sure their wants and needs are met. catching the responsibilities they shouldn't be doing at their age for them to have a normal life. always going for the extra mile to have them taken care. you became the mother they never knew they needed. of course, that weird guy also gave them with the same amount of love but it would never match it with you.
with a plea and string of praises. of course, you complied. you didn't know if you could take more. face hot with embarrassment and your dress in a bunch. crinkling in the corners and you sighed looking at them. “you're the great and handsome gojo satoru! i love you with all my heart!” you shout earlier. never you thought you would stoop that low and just to feed his ego. you're not going to survive another whims he'll whip up. you were glad megumi's not part of it.
there's the casual silence, followed by the small bites in the ice cream you three bought. sitting in the bench under the sky with the soft breeze blowing.
“it's good?” you asked megumi and the boy looks at you and nods. bringing back his attention at his ice cream and you look at the man beside him. contentedly humming while he feasts on the cold treat.
“you got stain here, gumi.” swiping the boy's cheek with your thumb and he stops for a moment for you to clean it properly and goes back once again and gojo seeing it and being the jealous one. he accidentally smears the ice cream in his cheek. “mou~ (n/n) — i think i have some too.” he pouts and you look at him with “are you serious” look. knowing damn well it was intentional. he only smirks and points his cheek to emphasize. someday, you're going to have the chance to slap him, just once.
he leans down to you closer, dangerously close while you hold his jaw to avoid unnecessary movements and for you to wipe the sticky liquid in his face. “done.” you says and there's a cold sensation in your cheek. this bastard.
you decided to be the bigger person today cause if you fought back. there's a full on wild goose chase again. it couldn't be help. you accepted this idiot and you won't be leaving him anytime soon with megumi and tsumiki now in both of your lives.
you three sat there. watching people passed by with ice creams in your hands. it's a cool, windy day under the blue sky.
it felt like it was yesterday. the days and years passing in a blink of an eye and it slip backs into his memory why he asked you what's your favorite color. blue. you fondly told him that with a smile gracing in your lips and that is only memory that stuck him.
under the blue sky. the sunny days. where everybody is basked in it's warmth. the vastness of the blue sky and how it always be a reminder of the happy days. it's always brought a smile to your face, he would remember and he would smile too —a little.
he can't find himself to he happy nor feel a little joy under this weather. droplets of rain falling all over the road, the roofs and the cold wind blowing. puddles of water surrounding the area and he understands why such joyous moments only happens in a warm, sunny day with the blue sky—no clouds.
megumi didn't know what losing someone felt like and he got the first taste of it when tsumiki got cursed and now yours — it was different.
it felt like a ton of bricks and stone is put on him. he feels numb despite of it. he couldn't believe it. how could this happen? you were strong. that's why you survived for so long, enough to see him grow up to be the man he is now today but death's hand is unstoppable. the greatest power on earth couldn't prevent it.
he refuses to see your body laying down in the table. what's bright and warm smile you always give to him — it's gone. replaced by a cold and lifeless expression in front of him. he says he needed to see after all, to see is to believe and he wish he didn't.
the white blanket covering your body and he don't know if he'll cry or not. it's too much. gone too soon and what of your passing to his sensei.
gojo remains silent. the most silent he ever seen him. of course, the loudest he was is when with you. the banters, the witty remarks, your laugh, the squeals when he does something stupid. megumi knew gojo didn't need comfort, not from him. knowing that the cure for that pain is you . he's fighting his own battles too and despite what he felt for the man in his younger days, he still owes him. his life to him and to you.
with no parents stepping up and leaving them to fend for their own. you both came. remembering the day where you scolded gojo to never say anything stupid enough to spook them. he was first to be graced by your smile that day. assuring him that he and tsumiki will be fine. jabbing at gojo telling him that they were going to be fine and it was more than fine.
he couldn't ask anything for more and when the heart could no longer carry the heavy burden of you being gone. his eyes speaks for what the heart can't carry no more. excusing himself leaving the man who you deeply loved more than anything in the world and with the door closing. his eyes opened for the tears to fall.
he's no better than what's megumi feeling right now. fuck, didn't he just promised that he'll protect you so what the fuck this happened.
he wants to scream. curse every living person. his knuckles turning paler than it is — gripping his hair that it'll rip off. you were supposed to be coming home. alive and well. breathing with his name the first thing you'll say and you'd given him the most tight embrace you could muster. “i'm home, satoru.” you are never coming back home.
this is his reality.
he went to approach your body. you look so different. there your face. it was the most brightest when you smiled, laughed even, cried when he's teasing got overboard. he wouldn't get used to this. he needs you laughing and smiling. tell him you love him — that he's an insufferable asshole — that he's your idiot — that—that you're afraid of losing him.
he examined your face, from the shape of your eyes, to the roundness of your cheeks, to the fullness of your lips. you were still his. you look peaceful and he don't want that when you're laying in this table with the mountain of corpses who has been previous laid here.
he wants to see your eyes again. staring right back at him with much adoration and annoyance. he would tease you for hours for the reason your favorite color is blue cause it was the color of his eyes. he can't miss that what you'd told megumi that day. blue makes you happy. his eyes, him. he made you happy and that's important right? he made you happy with the duration of your life with him and that was meant to last for a lifetime with him but it's not going to happen.
he grasp your hand. it's hard and cold. no life and warmth in those hands. the very hands who tenderly cared for the siblings — the very hands who held him every night — that hands that cups his face and you would tell him straight in the eyes that you love him — so — so — much.
“i love you too, (y/n).” he says. slipping the ring he got after the day you both adopted megumi and tsumiki. you're both officially guardians to two children and that means a new start for a family. he didn't know what possessed him that day to get a ring. you're both young with the future ahead of you. it's seems unclear and yet he still got that. one day — one day. he will put that ring to your finger with a promise that he'll annoy you for the rest of your lives together.
he didn't even get to propose to you. always waiting for the right moment but never came and he thinks this is the right moment. he wants to laugh for how stupid he was. the ring would be nicely suited to your ring finger if you were still alive. a promise to spend the rest of your lives together and he can't do that now.
he kisses your forehead one last time before covering you with the blanket. this is goodbye, he guesses. he thinks you're in peace now — no pain, suffering. no one's going to harm you. you're at peace. he told himself.
no amount of grieving will ever rid the pain you inflicted with your passing to the both of them. with the heavy rain pouring.
there will be no promise of blue sky, after this.
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Cool Girl
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Notes: None of this would be possible without my dearest darlings @ab4eva and @precious-little-scoundrel! All the hugs and kisses to you both xo
Part 2
Here's the thing nobody ever admits about being the other half of a celebrity: it's actually as hard or as easy as you make it. Enter hunky, gifted actor who just happens to be hung like a horse? Well, being his lady isn't hard at all. You just have to know the rules. Number one, you can't hear the noise. Not literally, you can hear it. You must strive to live in such a bubble that none of it matters though. You shop, power walk your gated community, and take cock like it's the only job you have. Truly, it is. Pleasing him is of utmost importance. Be ready to hop a plane at a moment’s notice, or even get fucked on said plane. You're so busy spending your man’s cash snapping up authentic mid-century modern homes before certain celebrities turn them into minimalist gray prisons, raising money for dogs who need prosthetics, and trying your hand at that sourdough bread craze, you really don't even have time to see the Instagram hate being spewed your way 24/7.
Number two, remaining an enigma. Selling energy drinks on social media? Having your man pay off some fast fashion brand to “partner” with you for a collection? Appearing on some campy sitcom as a guest star? Not for you, the thought of it actually makes you recoil. You're too busy doing all the little things and making his once barely furnished house a home. Homemade chocolate chip cookies with the chocolate specially flown in from Belgium on his private plane? Check! Gold vintage jewelry via that cute little flea market in Paris is clanking as you insist on being the ones to change the bedroom sheets. A housekeeper comes once a month, and even she comments coyly about your chemistry. Still, she need not see the soaked sheets from the multiple round of lovemaking the two of you do at all hours of the day and night.
Being seen on the red carpet is not your cup of tea, but it's the equivalent of attending your man's office Christmas party. So you pick out a dress, aka one of the couture houses offers to dress you, and he flies you to Paris for multiple fittings and macarons. Then there's some vintage Van Cleef jewelry that appears on the dining room table one morning, and a fresh new pair of Louboutins is the final piece to the puzzle. Then, looking very demur and shy, you appear on his arm, clinging to it actually. You'll smile at the various television hosts and press. Speak softly, and practically defer to him for all questions. He's the star, you're just a great supporting act. Then, when the night is finally done, you both breathe a sigh of relief and he thanks you for being such a good sport. How about a McDonald's drive thru run, huh? That face, oh that handsome fucking face of his that you've been dying to kiss all night. He just always knows what to say. So that's how you're papped still in your couture gown, he in a wrinkled white button down, his jacket slid around your shoulders, feeding each other French fries and chicken nuggets, splitting a milkshake. How wholesome and Americana honestly.
That night he promises to thank you again. Austin's perfect lips wrap themselves around your puffy clit as two, then three fingers curl, shove, and squelch inside you. “You were such a good girl the whole night, baby.” There's something about being called a good girl that makes you absolutely feral. He brings you to orgasm over and over, you lose count after about 7. He's just getting started though. He hasn't even slipped inside. When he does though, it's rough. The glorious slapping sounds of flesh fill the room as he brings himself to the edge over and over, denying himself a release and giving you an additional, what three or four orgasms? You've left feral behind and have crossed over into absolute animalistic filth as you bury yourself in the goose down pillows and practically shove it in your mouth howling. Letting him have his way as you throb and clench, hot and pink with almost blurred vision as he talks you through it. Peppering the conversation with lots of “that's my girl, my pretty baby cums so damn pretty”. When you think you're in need of a paramedic, he blows inside you something reminiscent of Niagara falls. He knows how much you love a vocal man. You end the night not being able to feel your limbs or do anything beyond closing your eyes with a lazy, bashful grin. He gives you one last slap to the ass then mentions as you drift off, “Could you make some of those brownies of yours for the cast and crew tomorrow?”
The third rule of being the other half to everyone's favorite blue eyed baby boy actor? Less is more. This sort of goes hand in hand with the enigma rule. Those celebrities who traipse around in loud designer clothing and accessories covered in flashy logos? That's not you or your man for that matter. Sure you have handbags that cost more than some people's cars, but they are solid authentic leather bags your guy finds you in far flung corners when he's on location. No one really notices when you're papped and printed in People Magazine. You keep your head down in aviators he takes to wearing, a nice little subtle nod. The bands you each wear on that finger are a solid Welsh gold. Whenever his slightly deranged fans see you, the one thing they can't call you is a golddigger. You drive a jeep or even that old Ford truck he restored himself, no Lamborghinis in your garage.
Part of the less is more shtick though is being able to give a cute little nod to him here and there when appropriate. When he's cast in a certain biopic that alters his career and your lives? You sit tight and let him have his moment, after all, you know all the behind the scenes work that goes into it. The blood, sweat, and tears. There are times when he takes method acting to such a level that it's almost like going to bed with another man. You can't exactly complain though. The slight drawl that appears when he says your name is something he is never able to truly shake and you're glad. When the moment is right though, you post a tongue in cheek Instagram post. Your feed is normally bogged down with pictures of the pets, your baking, and various charities you support. This time though, you post a rare photo of yourself looking like you're a certain sort of American royalty stepped from a time machine. It's a candid shot with you at his feet. Worshiping. Except now it's sort of like you worship two men. It's fairly well received, friends tell you, though there will always be hate. Remember, you can't hear the noise. You certainly can't hear the noise women old enough to be your grandmother are making as they lust over the man who's cock you gag on every night.
Those utterly delectable fingers of his snake inside you, make you hiss and come undone as that tongue in cheek sort of throw back makeup you're sporting runs down your cheeks. “Who's my pretty girl?” He teases you. A good hour later when he finally allows himself his own release he's panting your name into your ear. He settles himself in between your breasts. Didn't his agent once mention the girls on Tumblr call him baby boy? If only they could catch a glimpse of him now. Murmuring against your skin and tracing what feels like hearts on your arms. You scroll Zillow and read out the six-figure price tags on castles in Ireland. How does fucking in a dungeon sound, honey?
Rule number four? Be ready to go to bat for him at any moment, others opinions be damned. Being Austin's other half brings out a protective streak in you. A maternal bodyguard quasi agent of sorts. Always keep your eyes peeled for the photogs, especially when he's indulging in that pesky little smoking habit he doesn't exactly like to advertise. That actual management team of his isn't bad, especially once the Elvis flick is underway and you learn just exactly how bad certain managers can be. Still, nobody has his best interests at heart the way you do. Keep his favorite snacks on hand in your purse, water ready at a moment's notice. Your boy has a tendency to work himself to the bone and you certainly cannot allow him to run himself ragged. Tea with hot honey every night was a must while he immersed himself in Elvis. Be his soft place, let him cry and vent while you run your fingers through those golden locks. Take whatever you can off his plate so he can dedicate himself to his craft.
Some wonder if you've lost yourself in him and his life, but it's the exact opposite. You've found yourself. When that angel boy praises you during press tours and jokes on talk shows about you flying out in the middle of the night to see to it his shirts are starched the way he likes and he eats breakfast, well you just sit there and smile. “I couldn't be me without her.” Those words make you melt and you immediately crave the feeling of his hot cream inside you. Playing Elvis brought out a side of him that never truly leaves once filming wraps. Stressed? Tired? Enamored? Him bending you over while you're brushing your teeth becomes a common occurrence. “That's my baby – take it, take it,” you've gotta talk it all out of him sometimes and that's fine with you. You stand in the wings of the Kelly Ripa show and try in vain to hide your red face when a PA offers you a napkin. “I think you spilled something down your leg,” the young girl offers. Something spilled all right, him inside you with his hands gripping your hair just minutes before he was due on stage.
Everything is just so right, it's only natural that cool girl very quickly becomes cool wife.
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zyettemoon1800 · 9 months
Hi! Can you possibly write a NSFW alphabet fir hobie brown?
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He is so loving after y'all are done. He will go run you both a bath while he gets you both something to eat. However, if you don't want to move or eat anything, then he will just get a towel and clean you off, and make you drink a cup of water before going to bed. If you are also a Spiderman/ spider woman he will make some lame excuse to Miguel as to why yall you can't leave the bed.
Body part
On him, he loves his hands and how they grip your plush stomach or thighs or how he can make you messy in under ten minutes.
Though he loves you and wants to spend the rest of his life with you, he does not want any kids as of right now and he is not a fan of wrapping it up so he will most likely just pull out and cum on your stomach, face, ass, or back. However, if you are on the pill and you don't mind, he will happily cum in you.
Dirty Secret
I can see Hobie as an exhibitionist. He wouldn't mind taking you underneath a table, on top of a skyscraper, or in an alleyway. However, the one place that he wants to do it more than ever is in Miguel's office. Just the thought of Miguel catching yall makes him ready to explode.
He is not a man-whore however he has had his fair share of bedroom guests.
Favourite Position
Any position that has you on top of him. He hates the idea that women should only be a bottom and will fight anyone when he says that having women on top is even better. He also likes it when you sit on his face. Weight is not a thing he cares about and he wouldn't mind suffocating beneath a fat pussy and some thick thighs.
He is not an overly goofy person when you two are having sex. He might crack a few especially if it's your first time and he is just trying to lighten the mood and get you to relax.
He does not shave and is a firm believer that you should not do it either. The hair is there for a reason so let it be. Now if you wanna trim it or make your bush into some cool shapes, he is all on board. Depending on what shape you are trying to do, he might just do it with you so yall can match.
It is not rare for him to be seen hanging off of you in some way or another. It's not that is jealous or anything, he just loves being by you.
Jack off
If you are not around and he really needs to rub one off then he will jack off. Always if you are not in the mood, then he will take care of himself
Slight Daddy Dom kink
Slight Breeding kink
BDSM ( can go both ways)
Cum Play
Pet Play ( on your part)
Food Kink
He usually will just go into your or his room because he knows that it is the safest option. However, he will also do it on top of a random skyscraper or somewhere in the Spider HQ.
Just sit on his lap or bend down to pick up something and he is already to through you on the nearest surface.
He is not sharing you with anyone and he will not do anything that you are uncomfortable with or anything too risky
He is much more into giving than receiving when it comes to orals. He prefers to be buried in you more than anything. However, he wouldn't mind if you gave him a blowjob as a way to get him up in the morning.
His pace can change from a flip of a coin. Somedays wants to go hard and fast to get rid of any stress that he has, while other times he is soft and sensual.
Yes, especially when he should be out on a mission or on patrol
This man will fuck you in an alleyway by a very busy street and won't stop even if he hears people getting close to yall
On a good day he could go maybe three times with ten-minute breaks in between and a round could last for about 20-30 minutes.
He doesn't mind you using toys on him or on yourself. He is a fan of vibrators and handcuffs.
If you are being a brat and just giving him a hard time for no reason then he will edge you for an hour or two and no amount of crying or pleading will make him stop.
He has always been a vocal person so of course that would extend to the bedroom. He will be in your ear moaning and groaning while calling you a good girl or a slut all depends on what you fancy.
He is known for just throwing you over his shoulder he wants your attention. It doesn't matter who you are talking to.
He is about 7 inches soft and 8.5 inches hard. He also has the Jacob's ladder piercing.
You really don't have to do much to get him excited, however, he is a sucker for some short shorts or a body con dress. Seeing your curves and rolls just spill over just does something to him.
He doesn't go to sleep directly. He will make sure you are all good and he may play with his guitar for an hour before cuddling up with you.
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risathefairyofshampoo · 4 months
𝑊ℎ𝑜 ℎ𝑎𝑠 𝑎 𝑐𝑟𝑢𝑠ℎ 𝑜𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢?
(Pick a pile) <3
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1st Pile 2nd Pile 3rd Pile
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4th Pile 5th Pile 6th Pile
Disclaimer: This is just for fun and entertainment purposes. Take everything I say with a grain of salt. Everything I say is not fact, it's just a tarot reading! You may also not resonate with your chosen pile or all of them as these are done for the general! :)
1st 𝑃𝑖𝑙𝑒
Hello everyone, so it seems like someone older has a crush on you. A man. He might be older than you, but he might also be very mature. But I do think that they have a good understanding of life and that they know what they are doing.
He seems to be someone from your work/school. He is well off. He might not dress like someone rich but he definitely is. He isn't bragging about it. He has money and doesn't show it, but he enjoys it
Love, he isn't exactly your type. Seems like he isn't very beautiful. He is normal looking. Not that special, and many people wouldn't notice him. He is kinda like a nerd/weirdo but he does know how to respect people. He is really nice if you get to know him but he isn't very open or talkative at the start.
So, coming to his looks. He has a round face and brown to black hair. It's pretty short at the moment. He is kinda chubby, and I think he tries to cover his belly. He doesn't really have a specific style. He wears whatever is comfortable. Some might have glasses.
I hope you can resonate with the reading! Please give me a feedback. Hope you liked it <3
❝ ❞ ✧ ೃ༄
2nd 𝑃𝑖𝑙𝑒
Hello people! Okay, your crush seems to be well off. I think they wear some expensive things here and there. They don't brag, but I think it helps with their image. It fits their looks a lot. I think they like to wear jewellery a lot. Rings and earrings, especially.
They have blond to dark blond hair. Very beautiful face. Many would think they are attractive. A model face. Blue or green eyes. Skinny, same hight/taller than you. Plump pink/red lips. Very beautiful. I think they like to wear baggy clothes. Pullovers that are too big but still fit, baggy jeans. Just something comfortable that covers their body. You don't know them well but you've seen them around .
I think currently they are very unhappy. I think some mental strength is missing, and they seem to be very unmotivated. They feel lost and done. Just very tired.
I hope you can resonate with the reading! Please give me a feedback. Hope you liked it <3
3rd 𝑃𝑖𝑙𝑒
Hello there! You seem to know this person. You are kinda close. I think you are currently working on something, and usually, you two work well together, but something has happened that ended in a conflict. I think you are still not very much at good terms.
They seem to be social. Maybe not that extroverted but enough to meet new people. Might be an ambivert.
I think they are really smart. Especially when it comes to math or just logical thinking.
But they aren't really trustworthy. Can get judgy and will talk behind your back.
I think they have brown/black hair, strong eyebrows, a soft face but yet very sharp features. They have a very comfortable style. It's not special but they still look nice. I think they try to keep their outfit simple and easy
They are tall and have a normal/fit body.
I hope you can resonate with the reading! Please give me a feedback. Hope you liked it <3
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.
4th 𝑃𝑖𝑙𝑒
Hi there! So this person who is interested in you is someone very young. Might be younger than you, but they might also be very unmature.
They seem to be very excited when it comes to life. They want to try everything and make their own experience. Just very curious in general. I have to think of a very new soul. A soul that hasn't reincarnated a lot of times.
I wouldn't say they are very mature. They seem to be very dependent. Might it be their parents or friends. They just seem like someone who can't hold responsibility.
They seem to be very hurt from the inside. I think they experienced some kind of trauma. They haven't really healed. And I think they won't for a long time.
I hope you can resonate with the reading! Please give me a feedback. Hope you liked it <3
5th 𝑃𝑖𝑙𝑒
Hello you! Seems like they person who has currently a crush on you has already been with you. Maybe not a relationship but something in that direction. Maybe just a one night stand? You two were definitely a 'thing'.
They seem to be very unhappy at the moment. They seem to not be that stable. I'd say they are really selfish and ignorant.
However I do think that you two belong together. It's a really strong connection. Some people would say it's a soulmate connection.
I think they are your type, especially when it comes to the looks.
I hope you can resonate with the reading! Please give me a feedback. Hope you liked it <3
6th 𝑃𝑖𝑙𝑒
Hello there! The person who has a crush on you is already talking with you. They are flirting with you and making moves. Your connection is something that will be led by the universe. Everything will fall into place.
I think you like them too but you are actually kind of unsure whether they like you or if you really want to be with them.
Seems like a conflict you have with your inner self. Chill! They do like you, and if you're not ready to make a move, then just wait. I think they are really interested and they will invest time if they would have to.
I hope you can resonate with the reading! Please give me a feedback. Hope you liked it <3
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
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f10werfae · 1 year
But That’s Mine Hen!
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pairing: Lumberjack!Henry Cavill x Short!Shy!Wife
summary: Pouty Y/n gets jealous when her grump of a man is approached by a certain woman; she can't help but stomp her foot and whine, showing everyone that he's hers and vice versa (Dom!Henry)
Disclaimer: This story is fiction and should not be taken literally, the behaviour is simply imaginative and the content may be inappropriate
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated♥️
Henry Masterlist, Lumberjack!Henry, Full Masterlist, taglist form
“Come on bun, let’s go get that dress you wanted” Henry smirked keeping a hand on his wife’s ass, a small squeak leaving her rosy lips as he gave her cheeks a tight squeeze. Giving him a kiss wet enough to leave others drooling, she giggled interlacing their hands together. The both of them taking an afternoon stroll into town for some summer shopping, Y/n happily spending her burly man’s money.
“Oh Henry! Hey!!” A high shrilly voice said from behind them, Y/n’s face immediately furrowing seeing Patricia, the bar owner of the town calling after her man. A pang of jealousy immediately hitting her chest. Henry seemed to have noticed this, a smirk on his face, he walked forward and gave the woman a hug.
“Oh Patricia, it’s lovely to see you, still lookin’ as beautiful as ever” Henry smirked, his eyes still on Y/n who could be heard scoffing as she looked to the side, her eyes finding her shoes the most interesting thing in the world. Fisting the bottom of Henry’s shirt, a pout on her face as she stomped her foot slightly. Henry looked at her from the side of his eye, finding her jealous reaction the most adorable thing ever, she looked like a baby bunny. His baby bunny.
“Please, you flatter me too much, you never come round anymore been missin’ you round the bar” Patricia pouted crossing her arms over to prop up her breasts, ‘don’t be so obvious’ Y/n thought to herself. “Swear you have gotten more handsome, we should have dinner sometime, maybe we can catch up some more?” Patricia beamed happily, she had clearly been ignoring Y/n’s presence this entire time, because when Y/n tried to say something next she was rudely interrupted.
“Great it’s a date!” Patricia replied without even hearing Henry’s reply, wrapping her arms around his torso like a mad woman, how desperate Y/n thought. Deciding not to let herself third wheel her husband and some sloppy woman, Y/n turned straight on her heels and walked towards the dress boutique she was there for in the first place; her eyes set on the periwinkle backless dress settled on the mannequin. Her mood immediately lifting as she saw the glitter sleeves and the length seemed just perfect.
“Oh my, is that the Y/n L/n?” A guy around Y/n’s age shouted from the other side of the boutique, a shining smile on his face, a clearly well kept man of his time. “J-Jeremy?” Y/n said confused, she hadn’t seen her friend in years, truthfully she had forgotten he even existed. “What are you doing here?” She asked confused, seeing him holding a tape measure and pieces of fabric.
“Moved back from LA, took a job here as a fitter and designer, wanted to feel more at home. You get it?” He smiled setting down his things and folding his arms over his chest, “Y-yeah I get it” Y/n stuttered back feeling a bit anxious under his gaze, lowkey wishing for Henry to walk in now any second.
“So can I help you? Are you wanting that new periwinkle dress? I can help you get fitted with my tape measure, make sure it fits perfectly” He smiled honestly, holding up his tape measure; within seconds he had thrown it around the smaller woman’s waist.
“O-Oh no it’s okay, i’m just waiting on my husb-“
“Sugar? So this is where ya ran off to?” Hearing that same low voice she loved, she smiled shyly knowing he wouldn’t be happy with her being in such close proximity with another guy. Specifically one that she had dated mildly back when she was 14, even though it meant nothing, Henry still seemed pissy. “It’s okay my wife doesn’t need help, Jeremy” Henry grumbled standing up to his full height, then bending down and reading the shorter man’s name tag, leaving him slightly shaken merely by the size of the older man.
“A-are you sure? I can help with-“
“Listen, Jeremy, I told you we don’t need help. Do we sugar?” Henry asked deeply, his eyes travelling to Y/n who shook her head rapidly, her hands immediately wrapping around her man’s hairy forearm, her nails mindlessly raking through the arm hair. Jeremy simply nodded and scurried off to help the other elderly woman in the shop, leaving the married couple to their own devices.
“Leave ya alone for two seconds n you’re already givin’ away my pussy for a dress” Henry grumbled scoffing grabbing her hand tightly, pulling her out of the shop like a kid who was being scolded, pushing her into the back of his truck that was parked on the sidewalk. Her head landing on the soft pink seat covers she said she would die without, and Henry of course gave in without a second thought.
“W-wasn’t givin it away!” Y/n pouted crossing her arms as Henry hovered above her, pushing the seats down to almost make a bed like surface. “Sure you weren’t” Henry grumbled, his hands holding on tightly to her hips, his cock slightly hardening at the sight of her breasts now pushed against her thanks to gravity.
“B-but you were about to go say yes to dinner with Patricia, n-n that’s no fair. I-i’m your wife n’ that’s mine!” Y/n whisper shouted, tears slightly collecting in her eyes from frustration motioning to the tent in his trousers, so she turned her head to the side not wanting to look at Henry right now. “Oh baby sugar, did ya not hear me when I said no afterwards, or were ya too busy suckin’ off Jeremy”
Henry’s heart ached seeing her so riled up and upset, but he couldn’t help but notice how wet she got from him simply teasing her. “W-was not! You’re mean, I don’t wanna talk to you right now. Go back to Patricia or whatever her name is” Y/n grumbled, whining when Henry tilted her head back to look at him, a softer smile on his face as he kissed her tears away.
“M’sorry honey, jus wanted to tease ya but I promise I won’t do it no more, i’m all yours, n’ I definitely don’t want to see you around that Jeremy fucker ever again. You understand?”
“Yeah whatever, can we jus go home now please” Y/n pouted still feeling down in the dumps. “I love you sugar, my precious wife” Henry cooed nuzzling his nose against her slightly reddened one, her eyes as big as buttons as she looked up at him.
“L-love you too” She whispered back leaning forward and pecking his lips softly, wiping away her face with the back of her hand. “Aw i’m sorry honey, your Henry’s sorry, didn’t mean ta upset you so much” Henry whispered now feeling a bit guilty, making a mental note to never play this sorts gag on her ever again, he couldn’t bare to see his baby bun so upset. It broke his heart.
Nudging his head against hers he kissed both her cheeks, cupping her face, wiping her stray tears with his thumbs. “Come on, smile for me baby” He whispered kissing down her neck, over the pearl necklace he had bought her for no reason whatsoever, other than he had seen her stare at it for more than two seconds.
Seeing her lips crack up a smile, he himself also smiled as he kissed her lips passionately, his tongue coaxing open her lips; letting his tongue mingle with hers as he felt her arms wrap around his neck. “Gonna take you right here okay bun?” He kissed her full cheeks one more time before sitting up and unbuttoning his jeans, his cock already springing out without help.
Nodding ,Y/n shyly widened her legs and wrapped them around his waist, flipping her dress up to reveal the purple lace covering her centre. “Baby you spoil me too much” He chuckled pushing her underwear to the side, teasing the tip of his cock up and down her slit before resting it against her snug hole.
“J-just put it in already bear” Y/n whined wiggling her hips in hopes of him just slipping in, a sharp breath kicking her throat as he suddenly just filled her to the brim. “This what you wanted, your husband’s cock all up your wet pussy?” He said through gritted teeth, hid hands sliding up to cup her face, his forehead against hers as he basically lay on top of her.
“Come on, tell me what ya want or you aren’t going to get it butterfly, what do you want?”
“I-I want my husband’s-husband’s cock in my pussy alla time, j-jus for me and no one else” Y/n gasped feeling his thumb reach down and start toying with her clit, massaging it in all directions giving her a sense of overstimulation. With her mouth gaped open, Henry saw this as another opportunity to get his woman dirty, collecting spit onto his tongue before letting it dribble onto hers.
An excited whimper leaving her as she cupped his face and smashed their tongues together in an open-mouthed kiss, letting him swallow all her gasps and moans while he thrusted mercilessly. The sounds of hip and lip smacking filled the car, with it evidently becoming extremely steamed up giving them another cover from the public.
“Your little pussy is gonna make your husband cum baby, fuck, we were made for each other” He moaned breaking from the kiss, “W-what if you grow bored o-of me?” Y/n asked mid whimper, those insecure thoughts filling her head again, only for them to be interrupted with a pleasurable spank to her breast.
“Don’t speak that way about my wife”
“W-woah feel all fuzzy now” Y/n smiled lazily, her body jerking with each thrust, her arms again draping around Henry’s shoulders as best they could, “Oh do you honey? Fuckin’ brilliant” He swore picking up the pace to a heavenly rate, “go on baby bun, show em all who we belong to” He growled picking up her hand and dragging it down the steamed window, leaving a very erotic looking handprint amidst the mist, anyone walking by could guess what was going on; as if the car rocking wasn’t enough.
“H-Henry cumming” She said using his full name, which sent Henry into a frenzy, his rhythm falling as he felt his cock grow that bit more sensitive. “Love, i’m going to cum i-inside you okay? Wan’ fill you up and show everyone all of you is mine, show them all what they can’t have when you’re all round full of me” He rambled almost out of breath, her hands cupping his face and staring into his eyes hazily.
Both of them lost in each other ad Y/n clenched her hole around his thick cock, milking it for all its worth as he spurted rope after rope inside of her. Once they both calmed down, a small voice said “B-bear did ya really say no to P-patricia?” She mumbled looking into his icy blues, her fingers playing with the chain around his neck which had a pendant with her fingerprint.
“Course I did honey, ya kiddin me? There’s no other woman on this Earth I’d willingly spend my time with other than you baby bun. N’ that better be the same for you”
“Mhm mhm It is!” Y/n chirped now happily and more hyper despite the raging sex they had which now seemed to smell around the car, ignoring the fact that the mixture of those their orgasms were now leaking onto the cushioned seats.
“you’re going to stay here n look pretty while I go into that boutique” Henry smirked flipping her skirt down and buttoning himself back up, wiping the spit and drool of her face using his red plaid button up. “W-what?”
“Need to get ya that pretty dress you deserve, n’ show that Jimmy bastard who’s boss around here” He smiled leaning down and kissing her pussy passionately over the thin fabric of her dress before exiting the car, Y/n would have stopped him about the cum stains on his jeans, but she didn’t really see the big deal now that he was inside the boutique.
Taglist Tags (form is up there^^): @severewobblerlightdragon @disaster-rose @meyocoko @HcavsCevans @morenoc @Kaydesssssssss @esposadomd @kimm4710 @yaminax @rosiesluv7 @hoya122 @imahallucinationnn @elenavampire21 @luvabellee @cookielovesbook-akie @theekyliepage @cilliansangel @thoughtsofreid @kzhlvlysstuff @grxnde-dwt @p4st3lst4rs @thebaileybugle @teti-menchon0604 @ggmimitf @ninasw0rld @acornacre @keiva1000 @spencerreidat4am @diyabhanushali1 @angelmather1 @hp-hogwartsexpress @lastwandastan @fdl305 @alexxavicry @bookfrog242 @alina02 @aerangi @i-beg-your-pardon-laufeyson @sparklemarysunshine @oliviah-25 @mischiefsemimanaged @nikkitc0703 @hallecarey1 @misshale21 @girl-of-multi-fandoms @mansaaay @princess-paramour @stormcloudss @uwiuwi @marvelgurl @kebabgirl67 @athena-roy @madebylilly @dumb-fawkin-bitch @vrittivsanghavi @beck07990 @kimhtoo17 @thereisa8ella @pandaxnienke
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xuhuihuis · 1 year
Gam3 Bo1
warnings: perv!wonwoo, neighbour!reader, porn mention, male masterbation, blow job, princess nickname, cream pie
Wonwoo was sitting in his room that hasn't seen sunlight in a couple days and was starting to smell from the snacks and mould coming from the empty cups and boxes of take out. He sat down at his desk on Friday afternoon playing with Mingyu and he hasn't moved since. It's Sunday now. He was addicted to Valorant. You can't take him away from it no matter how much you try. He will play it whenever he can and he won't stop until someone claws him away from the computer.
You were the type of neighbour that always helped out when you could, giving your baking to everyone in your building and helping the older members with their heavy lifting. Wonwoo loved that he always saw you glammed up everytime he spotted you anywhere in the building. Even when you were down stairs doing your laundry you were wearing your best sweats in case you bump into him. Always waving to him and giving him a big smile when you came across each other in the halls.
Stretching in his chair after his team won the last round taking the time to give his eyes a break from staring at the screen for hours on end. Showing off his toned stomach as he reached up and the line of hair that leads to under the elastic of his boxers. When Wonwoo wasn’t rotting away at the computer he spent his time at the gym that was across the street from the building. It took a couple weeks but he learned the days and times you went so he could go with you to ‘help’ you but he just wanted to take in the sight of you in a matching set.
Wonwoo was a very visual man he loved when any of his girlfriends were all dressed up in lace and lingerie just for him and him only. Every time he was alone he thought about your pretty thighs covered in lace of stocking with his large hands running up your legs. He got hard every time he thought of you but he couldn’t help it he thought you were the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. The thought of your chest in the lace of a bralette flooded his mind as he drifted into a daydream while his character was in the lobby of the game.
His mind was drifting further and further into his dirty fantasies about you every time he was alone. He was coming back from the gym one day when he saw you in a tiny dress coming back from a picnic with your friends. The pink of the dress made you look innocent and the spring in your step made him want to sweep you off your feet and make you scream the whole night. Thinking about how your lips looked covered in lip gloss and how they would be wrapped around his cock when your eye make up was running down your face.
Feeling his cock getting hard at his thoughts in his sweats when he sat up right in his chair moaning when he palmed over his leaking cock still covered from his sweats and underwear. Opening the password protected folder on his computer showing all the pictures that he has taken of you since the first time you both have met. All in your pretty dresses, anything white or your matching gym attire. The white made you look like an angel in his mind making you look so innocent to him, so perfect for him to ruin and claim as his.
His fingers hook under the elastic of his sweats and underwear, taking them off in one go down to his knees so he can touch his leaking cock. Sucking the air in through his teeth when his cock hit against his toned stomach before taking it into his fist to start covering his thick cock in his own arousal. Watching all the videos he had on loop of you in any kind of dress looking at your legs and your ass that was barely covered by the fabric. He has a stash of videos he took that one time he was walking up stairs behind you on the phone under your skirt letting the camera see your panties that were covering what he wanted most.
Wonwoo spat into his hand before wrapping it around his cock and moving it faster, throwing his head back in euphoria. The image of your ass in your leggings was tattooed on his mind. He couldn't stop thinking about you and what your ass would look like hitting off his thighs as you rode him at his desk. Biting his bottom holding back his moans not letting you hear what he is doing through the walls of his apartment. Imagining what your moans would sound like when you struggle to take his cock in your pussy holding onto his shoulders for support.
He dug into the drawer beside him for the lube and the toy helping him reach his orgasm faster. Wonwoo’s cock was dripping pre cum from being so sensitive chasing his high thinking about your pussy. Groaning as he lets go of his throbbing cock to cover the toy in lube making it glide up and down his length. Letting the toy slide onto the head of his cock with a hiss from the instant stimulation making his hips buck up for more. Clenching at the arms of the cushioned chair cursing underneath his breath/
“Wish you were here y/n”
Wonwoo was getting lost in his thoughts by this point he hasn’t looked at the pictures as he has been lost in the train of thought imagining you on your knees for him taking all of his big cock down your throat as you drool. The sweat was starting to drip down his toned body down to his abs. Wonwoo was fucking up into the toy rough and hard letting his mind wander to what it would be like fucking your tight cunt from behind.
“Such a good girl for me y/n”
“Are you going to let daddy cum in that pretty pussy???”
You hear what you think is a groan from the other side of your wall out of nowhere catching you off guard. These noises have been going on for the last ten minutes but they have just been getting louder and louder to the point you can hear them through the walls clearly. Getting up from your couch to go and check if Wonwoo was okay next door. Leaving your apartment to knock on the door waiting for a reply from him. Standing outside of the apartment door for a while waiting for the 6’ man to open it.
The loud knock at the door startled Wonwoo snapping him out of his daze, making him rush to slip his boxers back on trying to cover up what he had been doing but his boner was giving it away. His glasses sat on top of his head keeping his sweaty hair out of his face while he pleasured himself to the thought of you. Wonwoo opened the door to you standing there in the set he loved. He was hypnotised once again by the way your body looked in it with the way the fabric clung to your body.
He stood there stunned and unable to speak because it then clicked with him the reason you were at the front door. You heard him moaning. His cheeks flushed a shade of pink from embarrassment when he realised but his cock twitched against the straining fabric of his boxers just wanting to be free again. The tension between both of you was intense, you could cut it with a knife. Letting you come into his apartment taking you by the wrists slamming you up against the wall taking your lips in his as he kissed you. You were breathless kissing him the feeling of his slightly chapped lips making you feel on cloud nine.
Wonwoo was so happy that you never backed away from the kiss. It's quite obvious now that he's got the biggest crush on you and he hasn’t been able to hide it from you for a while now. He doesn’t have to care anymore as you have just caught him in the act and by the way you were kissing him back you were feeling the same way about him only no one has said anything the months that you have known each other.
Wonwoo’s large hands explored your body as he was leading you to his bedroom whilst his lips were still on yours exploring your mouth with his tongue. His hands took their place on your ass massaging the curve of your ass cheeks moaning into your mouth getting carried away. He was still in disbelief that this was actually happening to him, the girl he has had a crush on is finally kissing him. Pulling away from his lips to navigate his room without bumping into anything expensive. You knew he was a gamer but wow, you have never seen his set up before and it blew you away to say the least.
The bedroom was completely dark; the only light source was the red glow of the leds around the room. Walking by his desk to sit on his bed and that's when you saw the toy dripping cum…Wonwoo really was the dumb creepy nerd you thought he was.Taking his glasses off, placing them on his bedside table and fixing his hair whilst watching your every move. He has always been fascinated by your body. This is his chance to learn more.
“Want to finish the job baby?...”
It really was a rhetorical question, obviously you would want to help your crush come for you and only you. You never understood how it took till only now to end up in the same bed as him but now is your chance to claim him as yours now you are single. Switching places with him on the bed letting you take your place on the floor in-between his thick thighs taking your shirt off revealing your bare chest to him looking down on you like a hawk. Wonwoo's touch with you was gentle considering his feelings towards you but he would never be rough with a girl without permission of course. Taking your chin into his hold bringing his face down to your level kissing your lips one last time before you wrap your lips around his cock.
Helping you by lifting his hips when you pull the elastic of his boxers down to his ankles. Letting out a gasp when you see how big his cock is and how it's throbbing for you. The tip leaking pre cum for you. It twitched against his stomach when he had the perfect view of your bare chest from where he was sitting on the edge of the bed before you took his heavy cock on your tongue.
Moaning at the feeling of his heavy cock whilst trying not to gag around him already. Your lips stretched around the girth of his cock licking over his overstimulated tip letting the precum drip onto your tongue using it as lube to take him deeper down your throat. Wonwoo was leaning back on his bed on his elbows making his cock hit off the roof of your mouth making you gag and spit around him.
“I’m s-sorry baby…”
Ignoring the fact you just choked around him trying to take his cock deeper down your throat only wanting him to feel good and enjoy the show in front of him but you accept defeat and use your hands to stimulate the rest of his thick cock. Wonwoo moaned at the feeling of your head bobbing up and down his length letting your drool dribble down your chin making it more sloppy and easy to take him.
You look a hot mess right now with your makeup melting off your face and your spit forming at the corners of your mouth to dribble down your chin and onto the floor below you. Wonwoo was on cloud nine already and he hasn't felt your pussy around his cock this is more than he has ever dreamed of when he was spending all those days and nights touching himself to the thought of you on your knees for him.
“Fuck baby. Sit on my cock..”
The look on your face was enough to explain your feelings at the moment you never believed him when he asked you but he sat up throwing you a dirty look telling you to hurry up. Pulling your pants and underwear off swiftly leaving them on the floor as you climb onto his lap and he takes his hands into yours. Kissing the back of your hands kissing up to your shoulder calming you down from the thought of having his cock in you. Letting you hold onto his shoulders whilst he slid inside of you kissing your face when the tears started to fall from the pain that turned into pleasure.
“Just move when you are ready princess…”
Your body is still getting used to having his thick cock inside of you. The pain slowly turned into pleasure as he started to play with your breasts. Using his thumb and pointer finger to play with both nipples making you arch your back on his cock letting the tip brush against your gummy spot. Grinding your hips down on his letting your eyes roll to the back of your head from pleasure. You could feel every ridge and curve of his cock against your walls as you moved up and down his cock at a pleasurable pace.
The room was filled with ragged breaths and moans as you both chase your orgasms holding each other close. His hands trailing all over your body letting his touch send shivers down your spine. Letting out a loud moan when Wonwoo takes a strong smack on your ass cheek watching it ripple in the mirror and the hand print start to form. Spanking your ass over and over as you ride his cock more desperately as you chase your orgasm.
“Let it happen baby, you are doing so well for me”
Looking into his half lidded eyes before you kissed him but this time it was full of passion. His lips soft against yours compared to the need and urgency of you both chasing your orgasm that was just around the corner. Pulling on the hair at the bottom of his neck when he repeatedly hit against your sensitive spot making your knees buckle.
“Cum with me baby…”
Wonwoo counted you both down and you held onto each other tight when the wave of euphoria hit you both, your whole body going numb and vision going white. His thick cum shot ribbons inside of you. He came that much it was dripping out of your pussy.
“Don’t move, baby. stay.”
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writing-house-of-m · 1 year
Till death do us part.
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Genre: Fluff, and some Angst
Warnings: Talks of death, blood and vomiting.
Word count: 7179
Summary: It was a joint decision between you and Wanda wanting to raise your family together full time. There is just one last mission before you retire.
A/N: Who do I think I am, posting three weeks in a row 😂 This one has been a long time coming. I was given the prompt (a long time ago) “She wakes to the sound of you dying.” by @cuinaminute229 - I finally completed it mate! I hope you all enjoy. Let me know what you think 😊
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The three of you are running through the halls. You don't know how but an alarm was triggered and now you want to make it out of the building before a fight starts.
Too late.
Turning the next corner you are met with five guards all equipped to take you down.
This is not what you wanted.
The plan was so meticulously thought out, you allowed yourself to be optimistic, that this mission could be done without a hitch, but you should have known. Better to keep expectations low, right?
You can only hope they haven't found out about the support you have outside the building.
Tony, Sam, Vision and Wanda.
Two days ago
"Y/l/n, you're with Rogers and Romanoff."
You look up from the file on the table in front of you to the man holding the meeting feeling slightly perplexed.
"But sir, I'm normally partnered with Wanda because of how well we work together," you blurt out, before you can stop yourself.
"I know, but we need Wanda outside where her powers will be useful while the three of you get the job done inside," the man with the eyepatch clarifies.
You grimace slightly and it doesn't go unnoticed by Fury. So he continues, "I know you like spending time with your wife, agent, but you will have to spend a few hours away from each other this time," he finishes, getting a few chuckles from around the table.
You smile and nod your head to show you have acknowledged him. It is not your fault, you can't help but worry about your wife.
"How about Pietro? Where is he? He'd be perfect for this with his speed," you try to reason.
Fury is still smirking from his previous joke and keeps it going for his audience like this meeting is his very own stand-up comedy set, "Throwing the brother-in-law under the bus isn't going to work," causing another round of chuckles. "His skills are being used elsewhere," he finally clarifies.
Wanda notices your reluctance next to you. She takes your hand from the file to hold in her lap under the table for the rest of the meeting. The weight of her hand and the occasional squeeze she gives it brings you a semblance of calm.
After the meeting is over and everyone leaves to get prepped for the upcoming mission, Wanda speaks to you to reassure that everything will be ok. She has a soft smile on her face, "We've been apart in missions before, we'll get it done and be on our way home in no time."
Her hand still hasn't left yours since she took it earlier. You take a step forward leaning your forehead against hers while taking her other hand in yours, "I can't help but worry, it feels different this time."
You know she can take care of herself but you didn't want to be anywhere that wasn't by her side right now. This mission feels as though it has come at the worst time.
Present day
Taking out the five guards was easy work for the three of you.
Turns out they were just a warm up.
When you make it outside, you see Tony disarming someone who had a missile launcher aimed in Vision's direction. Vision throws two guys into the air that Sam finishes off as he flies past and Wanda, you can't see her, but you can see the red tendrils of her powers meaning she too, was engaged in combat.
After your quick assessment of the area the three of you spring back into action.
The base is in the middle of a forest deep underground. It's the reason the plans were so detailed, Hydra would have seen you coming from a mile away.
Hiding and manoeuvring behind and around trees you do what you are best at - taking down the enemy.
With Natasha by your side, watching each other's backs, you take down a few soldiers next to what looks like a turret. It is shooting out energy blasts to try and knock you unconscious so you can then be taken as prisoners. Once the area is clear you take over the controls using it to take out a similar one on the opposite side of the battlefield.
The machine makes it easy to take down bad guys while you do your best to avoid your teammates. For you this is just another 'day at the office' so your mind drifts to your home life.
Three months ago
Stirring awake you rub the sleep from your eyes. The warmth from your two bodies encased by your covers provide you with enough comfort to make you want to fall back into slumber.
You are about to nod off again when her soft whisper brings you back to reality, "You better not be going back to sleep," Wanda says, her warm breath that smells of toothpaste fans over your face making you smile silly.
"Of course not love," you lie, "I was just thinking about all the things you needed me to do around the house."
You hear her chuckle, "Oh, I'm sure you were." She pushes your shoulder so that you roll on to your back. Wanda presses most of her weight on top of you, stroking your cheek.
With your eyes still closed she places a few soft kisses along your neck and jaw. "Hmm...I could get used to this," you crack open one eye slightly, "but you missed a spot," you say, pointing to your lips.
"Uh uh, not until you've brushed your teeth, Morning Breath," Wanda says, slapping your chest once, causing you to whine as you stretch a little.
Wanda is always the one to wake up first. Usually she will get a head start on anything needed for the day. But considering it is a weekend she has chosen to come back into bed and allow herself a morning to lounge around.
Now, with both your eyes open, you move one of your hands that was resting on her waist to her cheek and look at her freshly washed morning face.
"Good morning," you finally say, rubbing her cheek with your thumb. Despite her 'morning breath' statement she gives you a peck on the lips and returns the greeting.
The two of you have been home for two weeks. No missions. No dire need of your presence required at the compound. Just you, Wanda an-
You hear the patter of small feet and a few knocks on the door signalling the end of your peace this morning.
Having had the luxury of experiencing it more than a few times these past weeks, you know how this is going to go.
"So, what's our play this time?" You whisper to her.
"I like the one where we pretend to be asleep," she whispers back. Being quiet is detrimental so the two, soon to be, intruders are none the wiser.
You take your positions, relaxed bodies, closed eyes, waiting for the unavoidable moment when they can't help themselves and try to sneak into the room.
The sound of a soft click, notifies you the door has been opened, along with hushed tones of, "Shh, be quiet!" You admire their efforts, they are still new recruits in covert operations after all.
When they are close enough the two of you sit up, arms raised with a loud, "AHHHH!" They both let out high pitched shrieks while the two of you can't help but laugh, giving each other a high five, Wanda giggling as she leans against you.
Tommy is the first to speak, "That wasn't funny!" Followed by Billy, "You do this every time," they groan.
You and Wanda are still giggling as the boys climb onto the bed. "That's what you get for trying to sneak in here," you say triumphantly, "when will you ever learn, huh?" You question as they get comfortable between you both.
Wanda can't help but wonder, "Why are you two always awake so early on the weekends?" The boys look at each other while you sit and watch the interaction in awe as she continues, "I struggle to get you out of bed on school mornings."
They turn back to their mother and shrug, "Weekends mean more time for fun," Tommy responds. The boy, always ready with a quick quip.
Wanda gasps as she moves forward, "Why you little-" she says, tickling him.
Tommy begins to laugh while you and Billy giggle as if you're watching a show play out in front of you.
Once everyone settles back down your stomach rumbles, starting off another round of laughter.
"Ok, ok, I think that's the signal for us all to get washed up and get some breakfast sorted," you instruct.
Just like clockwork, Wanda makes her way to the kitchen while you try and get the boys to cooperate.
After a little bit of a struggle to wrangle the energetic boys together you get them to complete their morning routine.
Before you head down, you check to make sure they are done with what they were told and eventually, you make it downstairs disturbing Wanda's peace.
When you arrive in the kitchen, Wanda smiles over her shoulder at you. Kissing her on the cheek, you take over flipping pancakes so she can finish getting morning beverages sorted.
The boys bicker about their toys as they wait in their seats for their pancakes. You and Wanda sit, passing plates around and help with any fruits they want.
You can't help but feel content at the quiet, the only sounds in the room coming from cutlery hitting plates as well as the occasional competitive comment from the boys about who can finish eating first. This is what your life is and you love every second of it.
Both you and Wanda are in agreement, you couldn't be happier with the way your lives have turned out.
These weeks have only solidified yours and Wanda's plans; officially retiring from the Avengers.
Present day
The fight feels never-ending. Bad guys showing up left and right. You can't afford to think about your fatigue, a distraction could mean the difference between life and death.
You feel something rush past you and the three guys you are shielding yourself from behind a sandbag wall are knocked to the floor.
Vibrations travelling through the floor from a loud roar signals Banner is also here, making you smile with relief. You are thankful some backup has arrived.
"What? You didn't see that coming?" The speedster says, putting his hand out for you to take so you can get off the ground. "And where's my thank you?"
"For taking so long? You know, for a speedster, you're pretty slow," you joke back to Pietro.
He laughs lightly before speeding off, "Try to keep up in-law!" The gray haired man taunts.
The battle seems to be coming to an end, only a few brave soldiers on the opposing side are still trying their best even if they are losing.
You take in your surroundings and deem the area you are in as clear before making your way to find Wanda. You follow her powers like a beacon to get to her.
Seeing her take out an enemy brings a proud smile to your face. You can see she is exhausted but will always fight till her last breath.
Feeling your presence, she turns to you after taking down a final soldier. She smiles at you tiredly as you make your way to her.
"I'm sorry honey, I wanted to get to you sooner to show you I was okay, but I was a little busy," you say when you reach her, hands cupping her cheeks, rubbing them and feeling her relax a little in your presence.
"Don't worry malysh, I knew you were here," she rests her face in the crook of your neck inhaling, "I could feel you." The vibrations of her voice against you make the hairs on the back of your neck stand on edge.
You take a short moment for yourselves, before you meet with the rest of the team gathered in one place as you usually do once the fight is over.
Making your way, everyone checks the bodies they pass on the floor to make sure they are fully knocked out, ready to be detained. The clean up crew will be here soon.
Walking towards where the rest of the team is, you notice you are the last to arrive. The team all gathers and you relax a little by one of the sandbag walls beginning small chit-chat. You allow Wanda to fully press her back against your front as you lean against the wall, anything to help with the tiredness she is feeling.
Bruce confirms a silent alarm was triggered when you, Steve and Natasha got to the targeted archive room.
All that mattered now was that the mission was complete, with no major casualties.
Wanda is now leaning heavily on you so you keep your arms wrapped securely around her to keep her upright.
As SHIELD agents start to appear they begin their part of the process so your team begins their trek in the direction of the quinjets.
Still feeling a little tired, you wait back with your wife, who is now sitting on top of the wall, to allow her a little more time to replenish some energy. When she is ready she takes your hand leaning into you again after you help her down.
"When we get back I'm running you a nice hot bath," you say into her hair.
Wanda moves her head to make eye contact with you, "I hope you're taking this bath with me," she smiles.
"Like I'd have it any other way," you shake your head, smiling back at her, chuckling.
As you look ahead of you while you walk, you hear something and see some movement from the corner of your eye.
In that moment everything feels as if it moves in slow motion.
You see an enemy soldier laying on the ground. Their arm sluggishly moves, taking something from their belt and pulling the pin. Your eyes widen as you turn to Wanda, pushing her away behind another wall you are passing.
It all happens so fast.
The grenade flying through the air in your direction, followed by a loud explosion of heat.
Your body flies backwards, hitting a tree.
In the last seconds of your consciousness pain radiates through your body but all you can think about is if Wanda was out of the blast radius.
One month ago
You seem to be spending more and more time at home now that the Avengers have recruited more help, one of them being Natasha's sister who you were surprised to learn about.
There has been a steady flow of smaller missions where you then get to spend a full week at home. It has been a good time to be able to get a schedule into place. Creating a normal home life for Billy and Tommy.
As you put the boys to bed you hear Wanda in the bathroom throwing up everything from dinner for the third night in a row.
Even though she tells you it must be a bug and that it will pass soon, you feel worried.
The next day arrives and you take Billy and Tommy to school on your own for the second time this week when Wanda said she wasn't feeling too good this morning.
She hasn't been able to keep much down, first it was some dinners but the previous day she didn't keep anything down at all.
By the time you get back you hear her in the bathroom emptying the contents of her stomach once again.
You have been kneeling next to her rubbing her back trying to help her through this as much as you can. When she seems to be done, she sits to the side and you help her lean against the wall then take a seat in front of her.
"Three days in a row can't be a coincidence, my love," You think you might know what is causing this but-
"It's too soon, right?" She finishes your thought out loud, "I know I'm late but I thought that was from the stress of everything going on. It took months with Billy and Tommy."
"Either way, I've already made an appointment with Dr Cortez," you can't help the panicked look on your face. Wanda thinks it's admirable so she smiles at you.
"And when did you make this appointment?" Wanda asks, raising her eyebrows, "Also, when is it?"
You smile sheepishly at getting caught. "I called yesterday, she had a cancellation for this afternoon," Wanda shakes her head amused. She puts out her hand to show she is ready to get up so you help her to her feet and don't let go until you see she is steady.
Wanda wraps her arms around you and presses the side of her face into your chest, "Have I told you how much I love you?"
You kiss the top of her head murmuring into her hair, "No, not today you haven't," you scoff slightly.
She lifts her head to look at you with her chin now resting against you. You try not to make a face but you do. You know you have been caught from seeing Wanda's expression changing so you say something before she can, "If you think you're going to kiss me with your vomit breath, you've got another thing coming."
Wanda moves away and looks at you in the mirror as she reaches for her toothbrush, "What ever happened to 'in sickness and in health'?"
"Oh, I can still love you in sickness, it doesn't mean I have to kiss you," your response is a little too quick for Wanda's liking. "Besides I still remember you calling me 'morning breath', it's only fair I return the favour now," you finish with a cheeky smile meeting her eyes in the mirror.
"Not one for holding on to the past I see," Wanda muffles past the foamy toothpaste in her mouth sarcastically. While you just smile at her comment.
When you make it to your appointment, Dr Cortez takes some samples and instructs you to await her call.
You are done in time for the school run so the two of you pick the boys up and treat them to pizza for dinner.
Wanda's sickness still hasn't lightened up, you are glad she suggested the safe choice of a soup instead of the greasy food so you had picked that up too.
She ends up bringing up her dinner and instead of hovering around her you keep the boys busy with deciding on a movie to watch because they are done with their homework. The last thing you want is them to notice and be concerned for their mother's health.
Once you have them settled you go to check on Wanda. As you get to her she is already leaving the bathroom with a tired expression on her face.
You take her in your arms and comfort her. It's the only thing you can really do. Wanda wraps her arms around you leaning against heavily into your side as you make your way to the living room.
Once you make it to the couch, as always the boys are situated in the middle. You help Wanda sit on one side while you move to sit on the other side.
This is how you spend most evenings, cuddled up relaxing. This time the choice of movie is lost on you because all you can think about is Wanda and what could come from the test results.
You don't notice Wanda looking in your direction. She moves her arm to the back cushions stretching over to run her fingers through the back of your hair, "Your thoughts are loud, honey," she keeps her voice low so the boys don’t divert their attention from the television, before you look over.
"I'm sorry, I jus-"
She is smiling softly when she interrupts you. "I know, but please don't worry. We don't know anything yet," she continues speaking quietly.
Your gazes are pulled away by a small voice coming from between you. "Are you sick mommy?" You see Billy looking in Wanda's direction as Tommy pulls his eyes away from the screen.
Kids are always more perceptive than you realise.
"I have been feeling sick, yes Billy," Wanda answers truthfully.
This time Tommy speaks with a follow up question, "But you're gonna be okay. Aren't you?"
"She's gonna be fine," you reply, for her. "We went to see the doctor today, we just need to wait and see what they say."
Present day
Placing her hand to her pounding head Wanda tries to get past the ringing in her ears. When she stops feeling nauseous she looks around her immediate vicinity. She begins to panic when she doesn't see you.
Wanda was only unconscious for a moment and now that her mind has cleared a little she realises can't feel you as strongly as before. It is as if you are fading. Her mind concludes that she has awoken to the sound of you dying when she hears you wheezing, making her panic grow.
There is dust and debris everywhere and Wanda does her best to look through it trying to find you. She feels a breeze pass her and in the next second Pietro is in front of her, "Sestra, what happ-"
"Where's Y/n?!" Wanda exasperates, her worry overwhelming because she can only just about feel your presence.
Pietro helps her scramble to her feet as they both look around. Wanda walks in the direction she thinks you will be while Pietro trails behind her, looking around to make sure they are safe.
"No, no, no, no," she panics, seeing your boots a few feet away.
As she gets closer Wanda can hear you coughing and your wheezing gets louder. In her mind it is as if your light is dying out.
She can't lose you.
You can't die.
One month ago
The movie still playing in the background is long forgotten.
You and Wanda continue to tell the kids not to worry and you should hear from the doctor soon.
As if he has an epiphany Billy asks, "Could it be a baby?" This gets Tommy perking up too.
You can't help but be curious how he got to that conclusion, "What makes you ask that?"
Billy responds like it's obvious, "You and mommy were talking about having another baby."
Tommy seems to have picked up how Billy got the idea, "Yeah, and we saw something on TV where someone said she was pregnant and that's why she was being sick."
You and Wanda glance at each other for a quick second, smiling at how smart they have gotten. Kids really are more perceptive than you give them credit for.
"We're not sure yet. That's why we went to see the doctor," you respond.
They still have questions. So Tommy asks, "But why did you go to a doctor, can't you check at home?"
"You check on a stick or something like that?" Billy adds.
"This sickness has been different from last time and it's come on quicker than when your mommy was carrying the two of you," you explain to the two boys listening intently.
"We were more prepared and it took a lot longer for you two to turn up," Wanda smiles, tapping Billy's nose making him smile. "And because this sickness is a little different, we thought it would be best to go see Dr Cortez. She said we will find out soon enough," Wanda finishes.
The boys ask more questions and you do your best to answer them. Eventually the conversation dwindles and you notice how late it has gotten. So you announce it is time for bed.
When you lay facing each other, you reassure Wanda, "Whatever this is, we'll get through it together."
You seal your promise with a kiss and hold Wanda until she sleeps. It takes you a little while longer, every bad scenario playing in your head regarding these test results.
Considering your track record of losing loved ones, your mother to leukaemia, your father to an aneurysm and your sister in battle, you don't like your odds. 
Your stomach is in knots, something in your chest feels heavy while your eyes burn. You hope that these test results come quickly and not at all at the same time. You are not ready to lose the love of your life.
Present day
You can just about hear the footsteps closing in on you as you cough out the dryness in your mouth. But you don't care, you just want to go back to your dream. The memory of your family on the couch watching a movie. Talking to each other about funny parts.
As the frantic steps get closer, you close your eyes, ready to be finished off. You think of your boys and of Wanda, sorry that you won't be able to see them again.
You swear you hear someone voice you recognise.
"Y/n!" A different voice shouts.
At least you think you recognise them. It is hard to tell with it sounding like you are underwater.
You can barely feel it but cold hands meet your cheeks, rubbing your skin. So that's who it is. Wanda rests your head in her lap as your hand makes its way to hers resting on your face.
Quickly catching up and remembering where you are, relief fills you when you see her, "Wanda," you smile tiredly. "You're okay."
"I thought I had lost you," Wanda sighs. "I saw you lying here, I thought…"
"No, no. I'm okay," you wheeze out.
"Try not to talk, okay? You need to save your energy," she says with tears filling her eyes.
The back of your head is covered in blood. Dust and mud is mixed all over your face and uniform.
You soon realise you are not actually okay. You know what is going to happen, how this is going to end. You can already feel life slipping away from your body.
Pietro is trying to reach someone through his earpiece but it seems to not be working.
"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me," you begin quietly, your voice breaking as tears fall from your eyes.
"Stop… please don't talk like that," your wife begs you. She turns to Pietro and hurriedly tells him to get some medics and a stretcher to your location as fast as he can.
"Wanda, please look at me," you request, before the speedster disappears.
As always you are captivated by her green eyes that the forest surrounding you could never compare to. "Tell the boys I love them," your hand moves to rest on her stomach, "the baby too."
Wanda shakes her head not wanting to accept this was your end as you continue, "God, I hope they get your eyes."
One month ago
The day after your discussion with Billy and Tommy everything is normal, well as normal as the past week has been.
Wanda is forced to stay home because of her sickness while you take care of the boys then take them to school afterwards.
On your return you help Wanda however you can and get her to sit down to relax for most of the day, making sure she takes it easy.
To distract Wanda and even yourself you discuss a variety of things, from; getting things finalised with Fury - he says you will be needed for a little longer while they get the newcomers trained, he promises no big missions are in the near future, to; Billy and Tommy's progress at school.
It isn't until early afternoon that Wanda's phone rings.
She looks at you after she reads the caller ID on her screen, she finds you already looking in her direction.
You turn off the television as Wanda puts down her book to answer the call, picking up the device from the coffee table in front of you.
The look on your wife's face is undecipherable as she responds with short answers and verbal nods. You can't tell if she looks panicked, excited or nervous, maybe a mixture of everything.
A new appointment is set up which makes your stomach flip. Before you can say anything she thanks the doctor and hangs up.
Wanda takes in the apprehensive look you have on but a smile spreads over her face, tears pricking the corner of her eyes. Wasting no time she reveals, "I'm pregnant."
Your eyes grow wide as your tense muscles relax. The smile on your face now mimics Wanda's wide one. You lunge forward kissing Wanda wrapping your arms around each other. You celebrate with teary smiles, hugs and kisses. Words of not believing this is real take over as you place your hands on her stomach.
"You're pregnant," you whisper into the quiet room, the smile never leaving your face as a happy tear falls from your eye.
She puts her hands over yours, "We sure are."
When you arrive home with Tommy and Billy after collecting them from school you share the news. You sit them down and tell them this is a little family secret. They couldn't tell anyone, not yet.
You were probably being a little too cautious but you didn't want to jinx it. It was an easy agreement between you and Wanda to not let anyone know until at least three months into the pregnancy.
Present day
"Well, I hope they get your beautiful eyes," Wanda responds, "we'll see who wins in seven months, okay?"
You breathe out a pained laugh, "You're really gonna fight me on this, right now?"
Your eyes are barely open but grow heavier as your blinking becomes slower. Wanda looks up to see if help is on its way.
As she looks around you take in all of her features. The beauty marks dotted around her face, laugh lines you are proud to be the reason for helping make, her soft skin you like to trace in the mornings. Especially the mornings you wake up before her.
You feel colder and the weight of Wanda's hand in yours is no longer there. The end is near so you take in as much as you can before you say your final words.
Reaching up, you stroke her face with your finger, you hope you are not pressing too hard, "I love you. Always remember that."
When she looks at you, you continue, "You don't have to do it all by yourself-"
"Stop that. I'm not losing you," she desperately cuts you off.
It doesn't deter you from saying what is on your mind. "You have Pietro and Nat. Even Clint is always giving his advice even when we don't ask for it," you laugh getting a small smile from her until you fall into a coughing fit with blood spluttering from your mouth.
Once it subsides she looks at you with her eyebrows cinched, "I'm not losing you," she says firmly and slowly. "I can't lose you."
"You'll never lose me, I'll always be with you," you say, putting your hand to her chest. "Always." A tear makes its way down the side of your face.
You know you don't have much longer. There is not enough time but you feel like you have so much you want to say.
Your eyes begin to droop close, "No, I can't lose you," you just about hear. Your ears feel cloudy, just like your vision. You try to tell her again how you love her, your voice but a whisper using the last bit of energy you have to say it one more time, "I… lov-" with all your energy dispelled you don't stay awake long enough to finish your sentence as your consciousness fades into darkness.
One week later
There is a small smile on Wanda's face as she dreams of you and the boys - it is you laughing with them. Well, you are laughing at your own jokes and the boys giving you a weird look because they don't understand the punchlines. Instead of explaining you chase them around the room jokingly chastising them for not understanding them.
She loves to observe moments like this in your daily life, appreciating having a family of her own. A dream that had to be dropped after she joined Hydra. For a long time she didn’t think she would find her place in the world. Be at peace. But she found it with you.
Her limbs are stiff in her uncomfortable position on the chair she fell asleep in. Night after night of sleeping in an awkward position has not done well for her aching body.
Shortly after you fell unconscious, Pietro returned with Natasha and transportation to get you both out of there. Wanda didn’t let anyone else handle you, afraid they would jostle you too much so she used her powers to levitate you to the stretcher which she then moved to the truck where the medics hurried to look you over. There was no way she could risk losing you if she hadn't already.
If Pietro wasn't there she would have hit the ground as she collapsed, her fatigue catching up with her. She was checked over and apart from a few cuts and bruises she was deemed fine.
No one knew to check the baby.
Something stirs her awake, as usual she hears the sounds of the machines around the private room and footsteps walking up and down the corridor behind her. This time however there is a new sound, not new exactly but it’s you, laughing.
Once Wanda’s confusion subsides she realises your laugh isn’t a lingering sound from her dream. It’s real. Her eyes finally focus enough on you laughing because of something Sam said who is standing beside you on the opposite side of the bed.
The sound is interrupted with you coughing in pain holding your ribs, “You’re the one that needs to stop making me laugh, Wilson.” It is enough to get Wanda to sit upright, the other man in the room, Bucky, catching her movements first out of the three of you.
“You’re awake,” Wanda rushes from her seat to sit beside you, carefully wrapping her arms around you and pressing her face in the crook of your neck, “I was so worried.” She can’t help but let a few tears fall, which you feel soaking into your hospital gown.
After checking you over the nurse was going to wake Wanda but you stopped her, wanting to let her rest. When the nurse was exiting the room she found the men lingering outside your door until she was done for their daily visit.
You whisper reassurances to Wanda, that you are okay and explain that Bucky, Steve and Sam were the closest to the room when you woke up.
Steve left after a few minutes because he was needed elsewhere - training duty with potential new Avengers. He expressed his relief saying he was glad you were okay before hugging you then leaving shortly after.
Bucky taps Sam on the shoulder, signalling to the door to give the two of you some privacy.
"I didn’t mean to wake you, love,” you say as Wanda pulls away, wiping her tears. She takes your face into her hands, “Sam was telling me to - 'Stop laughing, your wife will kill me if she wakes up hearing you in pain'," you mimic Sam as best as you can.
Wanda scoffs and shakes her head at your antics. She looks at you, really looks at you as if assessing you. You look tired, the bruises and cuts that litter your face, arms and peaking out from your robe not helping.
You cup her cheek, tracing a fading cut there as you get her to meet your eye line, “I’m okay,” you promise her, then move your arms around Wanda as tight as you can. You power through, your aching body not liking the movement of your limbs even if the feeling has been dulled down due to the pain medication running through your veins from the bag attached to your arm. 
Wanda can’t help but voice the deepest fear she has had this past week, "I thought I was gonna lose you." Your eyes well up because of her shaky tone.
"I know, I'm sorry," you pull back, "I'm sorry. I thought that was it, I was so worried. I had to tell you whatever I could." You look into her eyes, the ones you will be able to continue waking up to, thankful you still get to live your life with her.
Putting your hand on her stomach, you swallow the lump in your throat in fear of the answer you were about to receive, "Did you get checked out? Bucky and Sam didn’t mention anything about the baby."
When Wanda awoke the following day after the mission, she was told she was healthy. It hit her all at once about them not knowing to check the life growing inside her.
She places a hand over yours, with tears in her red rimmed eyes thinking about the worry she went through. First the possibility of losing you, then maybe losing the new part of you she had left.
“Natasha was there when I woke up, she found a doctor so fast when I told her,” Wanda recalls, remembering the sheer urgency she showed to find someone. Natasha all but dragged a doctor into the room to make them check Wanda.
"They did a sonogram," she trails off. You look at Wanda with regret in your eyes for not being there, "I got to see this little one for the first time," she says looking down to her stomach then back at you smiling, "they confirmed, everything is fine."
You sigh in relief, holding her hands between you, "I wish I was there to see and hear their heartbeat with you."
Wanda rubs the back of your hand with her thumb, "Would you like to see?" You respond by nodding your head. Wanda checks the pocket of the hoodie she is wearing and when it is empty she sees the small square photo paper on the chair she has been calling a bed.
Reaching over she grabs the photo that is face down and sits next to you after you scoot over making space for her, "We've got a strong one here," she says holding the image from the sonogram. You rest your head against Wanda's shoulder as you take in the blur of a baby in the picture.
You take a deep breath and smile at your wife. "We need to get that retirement sorted, huh?" You half joke, “This little peanut needs to stay safe, we can’t risk something like this happening again.”
Wanda agrees but senses your worry when you place a hand back onto her stomach, looking at it as if you can see the baby. “The doctors checked everything. Twice over, malysh,” she adds to reassure you. “She’s fine.”
Your head snaps up so fast, a small smile taking over Wanda's face, looking down for a second and scrunching her nose when she realises what she has just let slip. You can’t help the happy tears that well in your eyes, “A girl?”
Wanda replies with a nod, smiling tearily, “The doctor thought I already knew.” You move forward and kiss Wanda as much as your body will let you.
A little girl. She will be the one to complete your family.
After a few moments of silence basking in each other's presence, your forehead leaning against hers, you break it, "I would never have forgiven myself if I died."
Wanda scoffs at your comment effectively breaking you apart, "You wouldn't have forgiven you?! I wouldn't have forgiven you!" You chuckle at her comment.
You take both her hands in yours letting out a breath, “So Nat knows about the baby?” You ask in a whisper and Wanda hums in response. "And who knows about the retirement plan?"
"Just Nat,” Wanda replies.
“We are never going to be able to keep anything from her, are we?" You joke, making Wanda giggle.
"Erm, of course you’re not," Natasha says, walking into the room. "You two are always so obvious when you're hiding something. Though, I will admit,” Natasha pauses as she places her hand on your shoulder when she reaches your side, “I was surprised by the news of the baby." The three of you share a smile before she continues, "How are you feeling?"
"Alive." You smile gratefully, looking at Wanda then back at Natasha, "I hear I have you to thank."
"I'm sure Sam exaggerated but yes. Please send your praises my way," she muses, smiling back at you, taking a step back.
“He did mention something about you bulldozing a few trees to get to me,” you remark.
This gets the three of you to chuckle. When the joke passes Natasha asks, "You up for some visitors?"
As if on queue Billy and Tommy enter the room with Pietro following them. They run up to the bed and practically jump on you.
"Careful boys!" Wanda warns from next to you. They reply, sheepishly in unison, "Sorry mom."
Your chest fills with warmth as you push their hair back while looking at them, "It's okay," you look to Wanda before saying, "I'm okay," with an emotional smile.
Both boys start rambling on about all the cool things they have been doing with Uncle Pietro; playing games, eating junk food and something about being able to jump higher on the trampoline because uncle Pietro can use his superspeed to help. On top of that, how fun it has been having 'Aunty' Monica over too.
"So, not one nutritional meal this week, I'll take it?" You look at Pietro with a raised eyebrow. Then continue with a sarcastic remark, "And I see you've been showing the kids how to be responsible with powers?"
There is a beat of silence as everyone's attention turns to Pietro.
"The candy was fruit flavored!" He exasperates. The boys nod at his statement as Natasha stands to the side with her arms crossed, chuckling while you smile at the scene.
Pietro is about to continue but gets cut off by Wanda with an unimpressed glare, "Let's not forget this extra house guest I wasn't aware of."
"I needed the adult company…?" He shrugs unsurely.
It gets chaotic with Wanda telling Pietro off, the boys trying to defend him and Natasha standing on the side laughing at the whole thing. Even with the pain you can feel you can't stop yourself from laughing too.
Eventually your laughs stop and with a smile on your face, you take in the moment.
You wouldn't have it any other way. This is your family. Your small and silly little family.
You are glad to be able to live another day.
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