tht0nesimp · 2 years
out of this universe 1/?
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TW: insecurity, possible ED, portals, fantasy, slight age gap(?), simps, indulgence, pills, mirrors, crying, shivering, yanderes, they are attached really easily, cellars. basements, mention of nudity, mention of sex, reader canonically is a tumblr writer, hypersexuality(?), death, blood, a single kick, alot of characters.' fake' identity's. bullying, isolation, schools, reader has a mom, kind of goth reader, bat, knife, scrapes, cuts, scabs, ddlg(?), swearing, gun, sibling, walking, plot, drugs, plushies, running,sweat, drugging,
you awoke to your mom pulling your blankets down a bit before walking away and closing the door behind her, you leaned up and turned stretching and getting up looking in a mirror you had on your desk and pulled your shirt up and sighing noticing the blemishes on your face before leaning a little to grab a oversized black and white sweater and a grey plaid skirt sitting on your bed and scrolling through all your yandere tumblr posts reading a few and fantasizing while putting on some knee high black and white checkered socks putting your phone away and walking down stairs getting some cereal and your sibling gets up walking up as you sit down and sigh once again checking your tumblr again and finishing up staring checking the time and groaning putting on some loafers as you approached the door opening it and lt stepping out and closing it behind you
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you walked on the side walk on your phone taking long strides and eating a lolipop you had in your backpack as your headphones sat comfortable on your head
you felt a small bit of wind reach your legs and you felt yourself get goosebumps and hurried a bit not wanting to get a tardy as the school came in view and you ran jaywalking and all before stopping with your hands on knees looking down and furrowing your brows before a portal swallowed you closing behind you leaving a pair of headphones on the concrete
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"thats not great..." eddie joked as they sat around an opening in the forest where a portal in the sky had sat for a few minutes and eddie and the others tried to figure it out. a girl fell through and they all stared for a moment before eddie had knife to your throat and they were questioning you steve holding his bat to you at times before eddie stole your phone and began scrolling through your tumblr laughing his ass off as the others joined him, you felt your face go red and stole the phone from him and he finished up his laughing fit
"well your pretty hot your self sugar" billy approached you and you froze like a deer in headlights as you felt his breath down your neck before running like the wind away feeling your legs begin to hurt as you reach closer to the tree line before being grabbed by steve and being dragged back in a chokehold and they all continued walking around you and asking questions as steve moved to hold you by your stomach instead of your neck allowing you to squirm your way out and stare at all of them "should we indulge or nah?" steve questioned and most of the group nodded while you desperately shook your head
trying to reason as the group continued circling you and one of them grabbed your hair " watch it you dickfac-" steve covers your mouth and interrupts "1. language, 2 that was rude" you smiled sarcastically at him " did i hurt your fuckin feelings asshat" you felt a swift slap from mike and were taken aback at this but remained stubborn against the man "oi you fuckin" you felt a punch to your jaw and fell spitting out a tiny bit of blood the young boy scoffing and walking back with his hands in his pocket as the rest leaned over you
"i think its time for bed kid" you felt a rag over your mouth and shook your head and managed to land a kick on a young womans leg and she stumbled back a bit before everything was covered in black
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yandere-3-sagau · 8 months
Yandere!SAGAU x Secret!Creator!Reader Part 3
Short Summary: You’re on the Crux and want to test the limits of your new abilities. While you’re on your way to Inazuma, more and more people become aware of your existence. characters: Venti, Xiao, Zhongli, Beidou, Kazuha warning(s): none word count: 2221
(Sorry i’ve been inactive. I stopped playing genshin but i’ve come back for my bby Neuvillette. i’m including him soon to this series hehe)
─── ・ 。゚✧: *.☽ .* : ✧.───
The Anemo Archon may be inactive, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t listening. As they always say, the wind carries words… even those meant to be kept secret.
Despite being a god that hasn’t shown himself to his people in ages, Venti is a lot more informed about his nation than most would think. And it’s not just his nation, but other nations as well.
So, when the wind carries the latest rumor to his ears, Venti drops the wine bottle he’s drinking. The glass shatters to the ground, the red liquid seeping into the wooden floors of Angel’s Share. Diluc groans, putting down the wine glass he was cleaning with a tired look on his face.
“Maybe it’s time you head home, Venti. It seems you’ve had too much to drink.”
Diluc’s words don’t seem to reach him as Venti’s aqua green eyes are widened in shock, his face unmoving. The red haired swordsman snaps his fingers in front of Venti’s face.
“You alright there?”
Venti snaps out of it, shaking his head. There’s a large smile on his face that he’s unable to wipe off.
“Yeah… it’s seems you’re right. I’ll be off, now.” He rushes out of Angel’s Share leaving Diluc bewildered at his speed.
“But you haven’t paid…” Diluc sighs, the words dying in his throat. He shakes his head at the Anemo Archon’s erratic behavior, red locks swaying.
As Venti exits the tavern, he jumps into the air and allows the wind to carry him, not caring who sees it.
His small frame is shaking with excitement over the new rumor… but he had to confirm it.
There have been countless times where the words he hears are false…but on the off chance that this new rumor is proven true, it would be groundbreaking.
So, Venti rides the current of the wind, directing it towards the neighboring nation of Liyue where the subject of the rumor was last spotted.
─── ・ 。゚✧: *.☽ .* : ✧.───
You’re shocked, seeing the almost love stricken gaze of the vigilant yaksha.
The curse word slips from your mouth but Xiao doesn’t bat an eye, too dazed.
When you finally regain your senses, you have no time to think about Xiao or how he even knows you’re the creator. All you know is that you’ve been discovered and that you need to get back on the Crux before Grandpa Fuyi wakes up and discovers you’re missing.
With that goal in mind, you close your eyes and try to concentrate, thinking of the lower deck of the Crux and Grandpa Fuyi.
Slowly, you open your eyes but immediately jump back, startled. Instead of the lower deck of the Crux, you’re faced with Xiao who has moved disrespectfully close to you.
Xiao’s body is moving on autopilot, subconsciously bringing himself closer as his mind is only filled with thoughts of you. He wanted in engrain the image of you so deep into his brain that he’d remember every detail even when he closed his eyes.
Your presence is so warm it feels like all of the pain he’s suffered has disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Even just the scent of you is so addicting that he’s unable to remain composed. No matter how disrespectful Xiao may seem for invading the creator’s personal space, the need to be near you overcomes any sense of shame he may have. When he notices your shock, he immediately bows his head down.
He can’t stop the tremble of his hands as he stands so close to you, his heart racing. If he just lifted an arm, he’d be able to touch you. He fights the urge with every bone in his body before speaking so quietly that you almost couldn’t hear him.
“I-I’m sorry! I just… I’ve only ever dreamed of meeting you… to think that you’re really here…”
You don’t notice the internal conflict Xiao is having, only feeling your anxiety rising. If Xiao is already aware of you, who knows who else has been informed of your “descension”.
“Listen, Xiao…” he shivers, hearing you call out his name. You’re heading to the exit, determined to find a hidden spot where you can try again to teleport.
“You may have confused me for someone else. I would love to stay and chat but I have some really serious business I need to attend to-“
“Your grace…”
The deep voice that cuts you off fills you with panic as you slowly turn your head and come face to face with the Geo Archon and the sole reason from your departure from Liyue. His tall stature blocks the only exit, hands twitching as his eyes rake all over you.
Zhongli’s long legs make wide strides over to you. He seems to have lost all reason now that he’s finally found you. That face… so filled with joy that it’s almost insane… it makes you shudder.
With deep fear and desperation, you squeeze your eyes shut.
The Crux, The Crux, The Crux…
Finally, you feel that familiar energy surge through you and you know you’ve succeeded. Zhongli and Xiao watch you disappear before their eyes, the Geo Archon’s hand stretched out to touch you before you vanish completely.
Suddenly, you hear the sound of a tea cup clashing against a table. When you open them again, you’re met with two sets of eyes that stare at you in shock.
In front of you, Kazuha and Beidou sit at a round table, the steam from a freshly made teapot slowly rising in the air as the room is filled with silence.
At least you made it to the Crux.
“Well, hello stranger. That’s quite the entrance you’ve made,” Beidou drawls. Her cheek rests upon her hands as she stares at you with interest.
You’re thinking of excuses to make when Kazuha decides to speak after staring at you for a while.
“You’re bleeding,” he says. Panicked, you look at your clothes for any indication of blood but you’re unable to see anything from the dark color of your clothes.
“N-No, I’m not…” you lie, trying to play it off.
“You are… and it must be a lot since I’m able to smell it all the way from here.”
Of course, you know he’s right. The pain is still there since it hasn’t been that long since you were shot and you’re not exactly an expert at patching wounds.
“Why don’t I help you,” Beidou says. “In exchange for the secret on that little entrance you made.” The leader of the Crux steps closer to you causing you to take a step back.
“No, that’s fine! I’m just passing by. My grandpa is on the lower deck and he’s recovering from a heart attack so I really need to-“
With speed faster than you could even comprehend, Kazuha’s hand grips your wrist tightly, preventing you from leaving.
“You’re too suspicious to let go… state your purpose or we’ll have no choice but to treat you as an enemy.”
Beidou sighs, walking over and patting his shoulder as if telling him relax.
“Give them a break, Kazuha. Can’t you see they’re injured? At least patch them up before you start your interrogations.”
You have half the mind to teleport but their movements are so fast, you’re unable fight back. Within the blink of an eye, your hands are bound and you’re seated on a stool as Beidou lifts your shirt to inspect the wound on your back.
Her eyes widen, seeing the messy cloth stained with golden blood. Her hands pull back so fast it’s as if she was burned. Her ruby red eyes snap to look up at the back of your head.
“The creator…”
Kazuha studies you, his face blank but you can see the surprise in his eyes. Both of them take a step back, as they stare at you in silence.
Unexpectedly, it’s the calmest reaction you’ve witnessed so far.
“What brings the creator aboard my humble ship?” Beidou asks, forcing her voice to stay steady as if a big shot… no… the big shot of Teyvat isn’t bound to a chair on her ship.
You sigh. This is the exact reason you wanted to avoid being discovered.
“I wasn’t lying when I said my grandpa is on the lower deck.”
“The grandpa of the creator…”
“Well, adoptive grandpa… but you know, same thing.”
“You’re heading to Inazuma? What for?”
Beidou’s hands move back to you this time, asking permission before touching you. You nod your head allowing her to untie you. She then carefully lifts your shirt and removes the wraps to assess the extent of damage. As you twist your head to look at it, you realize it looks a lot less worse than before.
“Who was stupid enough to attack the creator…” Beidou asks but Kazuha nudges her.
“We tied them up… and threatened them,” he says quietly. As if realizing the severity of their actions, Beidou flinches.
“We greatly apologize, your grace. I hope you can understand us. We were just taking precautions to ensure the members of the ship are safe.”
You nod your head, not thinking anything of it. Beidou helps you patch it up and you wince, feeling the stinging pain.
“I will accept your apology… as long as neither of you speak a word of me being here. Don’t tell anyone what you saw or heard. Act as if you’ve never met me.”
You can sense their confusion. They want to ask you why but they stay silent, only nodding at your request. After Beidou patches you up, you immediately leave to the lower deck of the Crux.
The two of them bow their heads down respectfully, waiting until you are completely out of earshot before speaking.
“You’re gonna keep the creator’s secret, right Beidou?”
“…we’ll see how much mora someone offers me for it.”
─── ・ 。゚✧: *.☽ .* : ✧.───
The pupils of Zhongli’s eyes shake as he stares at the spot you had just disappeared from.
When Zhongli had arrived at Wangshu Inn, he immediately recognized the scent he found back at the house he discovered. Like a hound, he followed the scent to the top of the inn and when he saw you… his whole world froze.
Unlike when he first met you back at the stall, he knows exactly who you are. This time, he was able to truly take you in.
Staring at the full glory of the creator, illuminated by the warm glow of candles, Zhongli thought that you were more than he could have ever imagined. For the first time in his thousands of years of life, he was completely awestruck.
He forced himself to steady his voice, quietly clearing his throat before speaking. But just as he called out to you, just before he was able to feel you, you vanished.
Zhongli feels as if the coldest of waters was suddenly poured all over him. His breath hitches and the emptiness of his hand physically pains him.
You disappeared. No… you ran away. From him.
It wasn’t obvious before, but Zhongli is sure of it now. You are running away from him.
Your stall that had been opened for months closed just after you had met him, and now. The moment you heard his voice and the second he almost touched you, you left.
The former Geo Archon feels his heart clench up. He slowly turns to Xiao. The intensity of Zhongli’s stare sends a shiver down the Yaksha’s spine.
“You… why was the creator here? When did they arrive? How come you didn’t tell anyone?”
“I-I’m not sure… From what I can remember, I was just thinking of them and suddenly, they appeared. They were only here for less than five minutes.”
The creator appeared for Xiao when he thought of them… but disappeared when Zhongli came.
The ground rumbles beneath them and the walls of the inn begins to shake. The two can hear the guests of the inn start to panic.
“Earthquake!” someone shouts.
Zhongli takes a deep breath and suddenly the rumbling stops. Still, the words keep circling in Zhongli’s head.
The creator appeared for Xiao.
Why? he thinks. There’s not a single second since he’s been aware of your descension where Zhongli is not thinking of you. For longer than Xiao had even been alive, Zhongli prided himself on being the most loyal acolyte of yours. With how much of his being that Zhongli devotes solely to you… why would you appear for Xiao and not him?
Are you unsatisfied with him? Was there something he did?
Just tell him, he thinks. Instead of running away and leaving him in the agony of uncertainty, just tell him what he did.
Does he need to prove himself to you?
Zhongli is more than willing to prove himself. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do to repent and prove himself worthy if the reward is your presence. He’s spent thousands of years devoting himself to you and he’ll worship you til the day he dies.
So now that you’ve finally descended, he doesn’t care if he has to chase you around all of Teyvat. Whether it’s stealing his gnosis back from the Tsaritsa and becoming Morax once more or defeating all the archons of the other nations to prove himself worthy, nothing will deter Zhongli from gaining your acceptance.
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barefoot-joker · 4 months
Snake in the Garden~Yandere! Lucifer X Reader
Hey, guys! I hope you all are well! Today I bring you a Yandere! Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) story. I do apologize if he's OOC, I tried to make him a bit suave. I hope you enjoy and have a great day/night!
Words: 2105
Warnings: Snakes, Kidnapping, Swearing
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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I hummed as I slipped on my straw hat and sandals. Today was gardening day and I was very excited to be outside. My garden was my passion. It was something to look forward to each day after work. It was especially nice in the eighty degree weather we were having, cool breezes making it bearable to be outside. 
Grabbing my metal bucket with my shears, trowel, and gloves, I made my way out the back door of my house. My neighbor Terry was sitting on his porch rocking in his chair, basking in the sunshine. When he saw me he waved. “Yello, Y/n! Enjoying the day?”
“Of course! How about you Mr. Johnson?”
“Oh you know, just taking a sunbath while the wife is out grocery shopping. If you catch my drift.”
“Well have fun, little lady!”
“Will do, thank you!”
I gave a simple wave and headed towards my small garden. It wasn’t the most spectacular thing, only having five or six rows of vegetables, but I was so proud of my little paradise. I set my bucket down and walked down the row of beans, inspecting each one. My humming continued as I began picking and gently setting the vegetables in my pail. As I was working I heard something hissing. Confused, I looked around and didn’t see anything. I turned back to my work. It was silent for a moment until the hissing continued. I glanced around when suddenly my eyes caught sight of something white in the bushes. I stood up and walked over, pushing the foliage to the side. I gasped when I saw a white snake, its pale pink underbelly had a large gash. I slowly reached down and stroked its back. The snake turned its head, the red eyes staring me down. “Hey there, little fellow. It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt ya.”
As I continued to stroke its back, the snake must have understood my message. “Let’s get you patched up, little guy.”
I gently grabbed a hold and made sure to cradle him close. Walking back inside, I set him in my kitchen sink and went to grab supplies. I made my way to the bathroom where I grabbed some gauze and disinfectant from a cupboard. I then returned back to the kitchen. I lifted my scaly friend to flip him over and started to rub some disinfectant on his gash. I grabbed some paper towel and dabbed it dry. “Almost done, little fellow.”
Ripping off some gauze, I carefully wrapped it around the wound. Tying it off, I sealed it with a kiss from the fingertips. “And, all done! Not my best work, but it’ll do.”
The snake’s tongue flicked out in appreciation. “You know what? I think I’ll name you Red. You know, after your very beautiful red eyes!”
The white snake hissed and slithered closer to the edge of the sink. I picked him up and cuddled him close as we walked back outside. When we made it to my garden I gently let him down before I went back to work. Red stayed the whole time I was outside, slithering alongside me. When it was my time to head inside, I said my goodbyes and watched him slither back into the bushes.
After my run in with Red I would see him every time I entered my garden. I would lay out some greenery for him to eat and some water to drink all the time. He would even wrap himself around my arms as I worked. One day as I was preparing my small table, Red came out of the bushes as per usual. He slithered up my leg and I couldn’t help but giggle. “Red, that tickles! Stop! I have to get this ready!”
He just stayed there. “You silly boy.”
I caressed the top of his head and set up my nice (favorite color) tablecloth. Just as I was placing two mugs down, I heard a male voice call my name. Red slid off my leg and curled down by the table leg. I turned to see my boyfriend s/o standing at my back door. “S/o!”
I ran at him and gave a big hug. “I’m so glad you could make it!”
“Me too. We’ve been planning this little lunch date for a while.”
I led him over to the table and we sat. “I made us some tea. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Of course not, honey. You know I’m down to try anything.”
We both took a sip from our cups. “So, how has your garden been going?”
“Pretty well actually. All of my vegetables have been thriving, which is nice. I even met a new friend!”
“A new friend? Well I’d love to meet them.”
“Hold on one second.”
I leaned under the table and gently picked up my snake buddy. “This is Red. Isn’t he gorgeous? I’ve never seen a snake with a pink underbelly before.”
“Me neither. Can I see him?”
“Of course!”
I started to hand him over when suddenly Red struck forward and sunk his fangs into S/o’s hand. “Ow! God dammit that hurt!”
I set him down and gently took my boyfriend’s hand. “Are you alright?”
“No, your fucking snake bit me!”
I sucked on my teeth. “It does look bad. Here, let’s take you to the clinic.”
We stood up and walked to my car. I had him sit in the passenger seat while I drove.
Hours later I had dropped off S/o at his apartment. We had gotten him some antibiotics and luckily Red wasn’t poisonous. Thank god. I sighed as I slipped off my shoes and walked into my living room. I was looking at the floor when suddenly I let out a gasp. Standing staring at some of the photos on my wall was a short man, his back towards me. From what I could see he wore a big white hat, white and red jacket, white puffy pants and tall black boots. At the sound of me entering, the man turned and I couldn’t help but let out another gasp. The stranger had white skin, short blonde hair and red circles on his cheeks. His red eyes were quite striking as they seemed to stare into my soul. “Ah Y/n, you’re back! Jolly good.”
“W-who are you?”
A black cane with an apple on top magically appeared and the man gave a theatrical bow. “How rude of me. My name is Lucifer dear, but you’re probably more familiar with calling me Red.”
“R-red? But you’re a person and he was a snake…wait a minute. Lucifer? As in the Devil?”
He let out a dark chuckle and I stepped back upon seeing the two rows of sharp teeth. “Exactly!”
I gulped and ran off, trying to head for my front door. I screamed when he appeared in front of me, but this time dressed in green. I bolted towards my back door but he reappeared, this time in red. A few more Lucifers in different colored clothes surrounded me, parting to let the original through. “Look Mr. Satan sir, I didn’t summon you, nobody sacrificed me, nothing like that! Why don’t you just return to Hell and forget this ever happened!”
His cane came up under my chin and lifted my head to look into his eyes. “And forget the lovely lady that helped me? Not a chance! I was lucky I stumbled upon you that day. You see, I had gotten into a fight with a contractor and he got quite a few hits in. I got away with a stomach wound and that’s when I slithered into your life. You patched me up and made me whole!”
His face got closer to mine as he told his tale, our noses almost touching. “You’re so intoxicating, dear. Just like the apple I offered to Eve.”
My breath hitched as his lips got close. “Okay, I helped you. Now why can’t you just go away?”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
“Why not? Please, leave me alone.”
A few tears collected in the corners of my eyes and he was quick to wipe them away. “I’ll explain in due time. But I’ve wasted enough time. We need to get going.”
“Yes! You’re coming to Hell with me!”
My eyes widened and I attempted to flee. His arm wrapped around my waist and with the other he waved his cane in the air. Golden dust began to accumulate on the floor, swooshing around and around until a portal formed. The arm around my waist forced me to walk with him. He threw his cane into the air and like magic it disappeared. “Now this may cause a slight headache but I’ll be sure to tend to it when we arrive.”
“No please-”
“In we go!”
He forced us to jump forward and I let out a shriek. I tightly closed my eyes and my stomach lifted into my throat as we fell. This feeling stayed until I landed on something soft. My body was tense as I slowly opened my eyes. It seemed we had landed in a foyer of sorts. The large marble fireplace had a roaring blaze going and from what I could see out the large Victorian windows it was night outside. The dark red clouds swirled like my nerves as I watched Lucifer fluff his jacket. He turned to me and smiled. “I apologize if I frightened you, my dear. It wasn’t my intention. I know first time portal jumping can be quite tedious.”
He adjusted his hat before sitting next to me on the deep red velvet chaise lounge. “Now then I know you skipped lunch since you took your little boy toy to the hospital, so how about some dinner? I can cook a mean steak!”
The situation was starting to be too much to handle and I couldn’t help the sobs that wracked my body. “Hey, hey, hey. It’s okay. Shh, shh. There, there.”
Lucifer wrapped his arms around me in a hug and I could feel his claws combing my hair. “It’s alright, little apple. I’m here. I’ll always be here.”
He just made me cry harder. “I just want to go home!”
“This is your home now. I know it’ll take some getting used to, but I promise if you give Hell a chance you’ll forget all about silly Earth and that wretched boyfriend of yours.”
His claws dug in a bit when he brought up S/o. It made me shudder. “But he doesn’t matter anymore. I’m here for you and that’s most important.”
He pulled away slightly to wipe at my eyes, his touch gentle compared to before. “You know what will cheer you up? A nice cup of spiced hot cocoa! I’ll be right back.”
He stood and made his way towards the white door. Before leaving he gave me a smile. “Don’t go anywhere.”
The door shut softly. As soon as he was gone I quickly looked around trying to find an exit. I spotted a door opposite me. I ran to it, threw it open, and rushed out of the room. My legs carried me far as I dashed through the spiraling halls, rushing down a grand staircase, and arriving at what I assumed was the front door. I yanked them open and before I could step out an angry hiss made me pause. Two large golden snakes sat on the doorstep and stared me down harshly. I slammed the door shut and urged myself to breathe slower. “I see you’ve met David and Goliath.”
My head shot up to see Lucifer standing there without his jacket, a faint smirk on his lips. “Why the heck do you have giant snakes on your property?!”
“To protect us. Being the rulers of Hell comes with a target on your back.”
“What do you mean rulers?”
“I brought you here for a reason, Y/n, silly goose!” 
He began walking towards me. “I intend to court you and make you my Queen. I’ve been alone for seven years. My wife and I split and my daughter and I don’t have the best relationship. However, I intend to rectify that, my sweet apple. You and I are going to be together forever.”
He stopped in front of me and held my face in his hands, thumbs gently rubbing my cheekbones. My heart sank as I realized I wasn’t getting out of this any time soon and the look of adoration in Lucifer’s eyes made that fact.
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motherofdogs1010 · 3 months
Of Messiahs and Seeds I (Dark!Paul Atreides x Reader)
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Summary: Emperor Paul of House Atreides has set forth with expansion of his empire on the planets that have resisted and has now come across the last stronghold that resists him: Terra Millennium...
Warnings: eventual 18+, dark!fic, eventual forced marriage, eventual NONCON, eventual pregnancy, dark!Paul Atreides, more to come as story progresses
A/N: Reader is inspired by Daenarys Targaryen with dragons and Sailor Moon's Silver Crystal lol, so I hope you all enjoy!! Terra is similar to Earth, I imagined Lord York to be Tyrion Lannister so please picture that
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😈 Dividers by @firefly-graphics 😈 Banner by @vase-of-lilies
Part II
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"Terra Millennium stands as a enomely in the universe for their rejection against the Empire", the hologram records said. "A two-century long battle was waged for the planet through the Great Houses yet the people won through the help of someone they have since called 'The Conqueror'."
Paul had heard of the Terra Millennium, their planet one of lush greenery, vast oceans and an abundance of resources that the previous Emperor had tried countless times to harvest just as House Harkonnen had done with the Spice on Arrakis, but alas, no one had ever been successful in mining Terra Millennium. He had heard that they experience something called 'seasons', he wondered what that was.
Just as he had done with Arrakis, Paul sat in his private room, watching hologram clips of Terra Millennium as his fleet flew to the planet to finally land conquest through the help of the Fremen.
"Anthropologists have never been able to stay long on the planet or among the people, but what has been gathered is the people have rejected the teachings of the Bene Gesserit, labeling it as hertic literature."
Terra Millennium was an odd planet with an odd people who had unusually long live spans, being able to live into their thousands without a single wrinkle or grey, they repented against the Bene Gesserit, the use of the Spice; he had heard of the people of that land believing solely in the ruling Queens because of a crystal, one of immense power that was sought after.
"Characterized by their white hair, the ruling House of L/N have upheld the traditional values of the planet, which has a population of over 1 billion. Only female heirs have been able to inherit the throne and it is rumored that a single crystal that is worn by every ruling Queen is said to hold immense power that has granted its people longevity, peace and prosperity."
A knock interrupted his research, Paul seeing Stilgar walk in followed by Gurney.
"Muad'Dib, we have touched land on Terra Millennium", Stilgar said, "they have responded to our communication message."
"What did they say?" he asked, Gurney chuckled.
"They said if we proceed with our mission, they will see it as an act of war", Gurney said, "they're real hard asses here."
"You've been, Gurney?" Paul asked, curious.
"Once", Gurney replied, "I came with your father on a diplomatic assignment, but that was with their previous Queen Helene. This one is new, just coronated a few months ago."
He thought back to the new dreams he had been having of a woman whose hair was the color of white that hung down near the ground in large curls, whose eyes were hard and the color of lilac with the roar of a great beast that rung in his ears when he would awaken from his dreams.
Unlike his dreams with Chani, these felt different now that he had drunken the Water of Life. His visions of the woman consisted of a gentle breeze sweeping through her hair, it curling around her as she was dressed in a long, white silk dress that clung to her body and trailed in a long train behind her with woven golden in the upper bodice. She stood on a tall pillar of crystal, a tall scepter in her hands that she was raising above her head as the breeze picked up.
Soon, the dreams melted in a great war as crystals encapsulating him, a bright light that blinded him yet filled him with warmth and security.
"Show them the full might of the Empire", Paul said, "after all, they are in the presence of the Muad'Dib."
And it was those eyes that greeted him when he finally set foot on the pavement of Terra Millennium with its tall structures that were made of variously colored crystals.
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Neo-Queen Amaris was the regal name Y/N had chosen to go by when she took the throne a mere few months ago. Of course, she went by her name, Y/N in private with those closets to her and only by her regal name with others.
Y/N had heard the rumors of the new Emperor wanting to claim her home, her people; he wanted to bring her planet into the vastly growing empire that he ruled under as a supposed Messiah to the Fremen and Bene Gesserit: Muad'Dib. Everyone had heard of how he supposedly liberated Arrakis and the Fremen people, marrying Princess Irulan as a political move to secure his position as the new Emperor.
Only a few days ago did a message come into their Communication's Hub from the Emperor about finally claiming Terra Millennium for not only himself but for the Fremen as it would be their 'Green Paradise'.
War will come to Terra Millennium if you refuse to submit, the message read.
"My Queen", her advisor, Lord York, said as she sat on her throne. "Reports have come in that the Atreides fleet has made contact on the landing pad near the Capital. Scouts have seen the Atreides Army beginning to get ready."
Lord York was a man of small stature with a head full of bronze curls and dark brown eyes that always looked calculated as if he was already ten steps ahead.
Y/N looked over at Lord York before bringing a hand to the crystal that hung around her neck on a chain that could never be removed from her neck before slowly standing up from her throne that was encrusted in gemstones.
"I believe it is time we greet them", she said, looking over her court. "After all, hospitality is what our people are known for."
And it is not like they have any chance of having their weapons working; outside weaponry not from Terra M had no chance of working and she wondered what their reactions would be once they realized this.
"But before we go", Lord York said, "may I make a suggestion?"
Y/N made a motion to the man, who gave a nod and said, "I believe it is our Queen's best interest to wear your ancestor, The Conqueror's crown and scepter to greet our guests. It would show the great strength you possess, a message to not only the Great Houses but the Emperor as well."
"That sounds like a great idea."
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"You are the presence of our Neo-Queen", a man said with a thick facial beard, "first of her name, descendant of our goddess Selene and The Conqueror, wielder of the great Silver Crystal, Mother of all, Neo-Queen Amaris."
Paul watched as the man motioned to the woman he had been dreaming about, he could see that as the breeze came that she wore no shoes; all the Terrians didn't despite their silken clothes as they stood amongst the tall crystal structures. They had landed as close to the Capital, finding that there was a landing pad despite the relatively isolated nature of the planet.
"I welcome you, Paul of House Atreides", she said with a stoic expression. "But now you must leave."
The woman, their Queen Amaris, looked upon them with a hint of annoyance as she held a large scepter in one hand that was as tall as Duncan Idaho had been with gold and gem embellishments, but what was curious was that at the top of the scepter where it looked as if a missing piece was needed. The crown she wore on her head was large, glittering in diamonds and curved up into a point as she stood there, her hair having a few small braids that pulled the framing hair away with kiss curls on her forehead.
"Leave?" Paul said with some amusement.
Irulan stood next to him dressed in a silver mesh outfit, a metal hair net that connected over into her dress that held down her short blonde hair. Paul was glad that he Voiced the woman to stop talking, she would not stop and frankly, he had no desire to try and pursue a romantic relationship with the woman after Chani chose to leave further into Arrakis.
His mother stood amongst them, holding the bundled form of his sister, Alia.
"I did not realize a Emperor could have poor hearing", Amaris said, "you are not welcome on Terra Millennium nor do we plan on allowing for you to colonize us. Terra M remains alone."
Paul took in the way she spoke, her accent one he had never heard before and the formal way of speaking. He noticed the large gem that hung around her neck, it sparkled in the sunlight as she stood there and looked to be the size of a her palm.
"Also, we did not apperciate your Bene Gesserit coming", she continued, "spreading their heretic language, you will find them in the Prisoner's Bay."
"You don't believe in the Muad'Dib, the Kwisatz Haderach?" Paul asked.
"We believe in our Queen, may her reign be as prosperous as Selene", the bearded man said.
The Queen just looked at him with contempt, he saw her lip curl a little in annoyance.
And it was that look that made something stir deep in Paul and made him feel something that he never felt before. She looked at him as if he was a bug ready to be squashed underneath her foot
He wanted to possess the woman in front of him, at all costs and he didn't care who he had to kill... he was going to.
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thatanimeramenchick · 4 months
Yandere Vox Headcannons
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Do I simp for a literal flat screen TV?
Yes. And I still feel like it’s not my weirdest crush.
Similar to Alastor, he likes to have the dual reputation to the public of being a calm and collected media figure and someone with a veil of terrifying power. If he does become infatuated with you, depending on where you stand in hell, he doesn’t necessarily want it being promoted all over Hell. If you’re on the more powerful side, he’d like to strike up a mutually beneficial deal that points the two of you in a positive light, but if not, he’d much rather just have you privately beneath him in his company.
With this in mind, Vox does not like the cat and mouse chase that Alastor would revel in. In his mind it’s more annoying than anything. For him, there is more enjoyment in coming out on top and getting his way than playing a game of back and forth. If anything, he’ll get more and more irritated the longer you avoid his grasp, especially if its because you’re purposefully fighting against him.
Does NOT take overt rejection well. If his reaction to Alastor rejecting his business proposition is to hold obsessive revenge and borderline hate boners, having the person of his dreams flip him off will piss him off infinitely more. Just who do you think you are? Once he does finally have you, he is going to make you pay.
He does have the power to use brain washing and hypnotism. He is willing to use it, but it’s not necessarily a first choice. He also wouldn’t want to use it to simply brain wash you into wanting him and definitely not into screwing him. He would prefer to use it in small doses, perhaps to calm you down when you are upset with something he did or if he wants you to feel more at ease around him.
Is a fan of constant surveillance. With the amount of media at his disposal having a camera for his personal viewing would be easy peasy both before and after you get stuck with him. Also has an uncomfortably large collection of photographs of you that he keeps hidden.
If you are on the more accommodating side, his ultimate dream would for him to have you stuck up in a private apartment 24/7 in the ginormous studio that the Vees own. Keeps you right where he would want you as well as away from Valentino. I have a feeling that Val and Vox have a set up that as long as they don’t have to see or interact really with their partner’s “toys” and “pets” they don’t really care that much that they have them.
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tnsophiaonly · 6 months
a part 2 of this cause u guys loved it for some reason (I also loved it)
warning tho: Zhongli is... UHM.. deranged... And OOC !!!
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It's a miracle you were even able to run away from him.
The fact that you were able to run with wobbly legs, messy composure, messy hair, and raggedy clothes...
At least you were able to escape him right?
It's Zhongli.
Oh crap, you were about to start running, running and running.
But because of what happened earlier- which led you to your well, body position or moment.
Ofcourse you fell. And Zhongli immediately caught up with you immediately.
You closed your eyes ready to be beheaded.
Then, swoosh.
Your head falls off, as blood splashes. Red blood. But. Zhongli was no ordinary person. He was an archon. He knew his connection to you.
The blood was no ordinary red mortal blood. It was special in the eyes of those divine.
He dropped on his knees, holding your body close.
Tears drop, falling slowly on your body as it slowly disintegrates.
"Xiao..." He inspects your body, all of the marks in your body.
Then he gives your hand a kiss, he holds your disintegrating head, as he slowly and softly caresses it, before giving it a kiss.
Deep, and a passionate kiss, it would feel uncomfortable if you were still conscious. Then he finally pulled away, as your head finally disintegrates.
All he could do was just act the same way others do. But he promised deeply, that you, would get the justice you deserve, that the impostor will finally be dethroned, he just had to wait. The heavenly principles were watching after all, if he acts rashly, Liyue might just end up like Khaenri'ah.
It was already Heavenly principles's gravest mistake for letting you get in this world.
He sighed, as he looked in the direction of the air. He felt envious, Venti could direct where you'll re-live at, it's unfair on how the weakest could do so much for his Grace.
But no matter, as long as he leads you to proper places, it will stay ok. Now he just needs to have a talk with Xiao.
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(Btw this isn't Sophia !! This is her one and only friend who she trusted with this account !! here's my acc; @color-thoughts )
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dollmoth-productions · 5 months
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If it's okay can I please ask for him with a quiet darling that he kidnapped but where the darling doesn't escape or fight back because he hasn't harmed them but simply asked to go back to their home to collect their porcelain cups and dolls
A bit of an example:
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❤️ OK so he finds that you collect like porcelain thing like dolls absolutely darling
❤️ he finds it engineering in the way
❤️ it kind of reminds him of when he was younger when he would randomly collect some things
❤️” this one’s a strange one, my dear. How come you like this one” he’s always interested like he loves to listen to your rant. He is probably only nice to you. He’s kind of bully to everyone everyone else.
❤️ but like he’s super sweet to you. He thinks that porcelain is pretty cool, but not interesting enough to collect.
Since it’s just a simplistic thing, it’s a little hard for me to make head cannons, but this was really fun since I love riding for him. He’s like one of my faves besides Charlie.
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riniworld · 5 months
YANDERE!knight x PRINCESS!reader
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you could tell I'm in love with royal stories?
warinings// alot of skipping times,mentions of a
k!$$,reader is an illegitimate daughter,one bad word
reference;you,y/n,your highness,my lady,her
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"curse" "pathetic" "shame"
you've heard those words alot in your life.
You were an illegitimate daughter of the king,The result of a forbidden relationship,A reminder to the queen of her husband's cheat.
your biology mother has died when she gave birth to you and your father,the king,has taken care of you ever since.
he has been nice to you,He didn't differentiate between you and your sister at all,he was giving you everything you need everything you want,like you were a real royal figure.
but it was.
when the king died everything has changed
the queen has treated you like shit,well she didn't make you become a servant or smth,she always said she didn't want to see your face so that's why.
but you've been alone,no one dared to talk to you.
your "sister" didn't say anything about you or treating you wrong she simply...act like you never been there.
yeah everyone was calling you "princess",respecting you.
the servants kept serving you(even though they won't talk to you),you had your own garden even!
but to be all alone between a lot of people was torturing.
so you were visiting the village/city every week. everyone adored you.
you were so kind, gentle, you were...angelic.
you could hear gossiping in the halls as you walk
talking about a personal knight for the princess,your sister.
You laughed internally,praying for whoever that person was. your sister was...a bit grumpy, you've never interacted with her before though.
as you were heading to your favorite place,your garden,you saw your sister heading somewhere and that usual frown on her face.
there was a big man behind her,wearing armored clothes.
he looked at you from the corner of his eye,you waved at him with a smile.
oh yeah,of course.the queen has warned him from you,like everyone else.
you sighed as you continou your way.
8 P.M.
you wasn't a fan of social interactions or gatherings.
but here you are sitting in the corner. there was ball,everyone was noisy, dancing and drinking.
you were far from everyone, just sitting in the corner drinking your drink in peace.
untill you hear footsteps coming your way,you swear if it was someone want to dance with you too you're going to snap out-
"sorry for interrupting you,your highness" someone talked in a firm tone
you look up to see...your sister personal knight??
"i think it's a bit dangerous for you to sit all alone here,anyone could take advantage from this situation"
you place your drink down and smile
"don't worry I'm capable to defend myself"
"forgive me,your highness, i didn't mean to offend you or something, i just thought it would be right to tell you."
"it's okay you didn't say something wrong"
there was an awkward silent
"want a drink?" you broke the silent
"i don't have the right to want anything while I'm in your presence,your highness"
how could he answer so quickly-
"don't be like that...it's a ball for everyone to enjoy"
no answer
you sigh as You sign to the servant to bring another drink, as the servant bring it to your table.
you're confused why he didn't go away but you give him his drink anyway.
"your highness it's really not necessary i-"
"you dare to refuse my offer?"
".....no i don't. thank you,your highness"
you smile slightly as he took it
after some minutes you started "why didn't you went away?"
"do you want me to go,your highness?"
"no-no i mean why didn't you?"
"may i know why would i?"
"didn't..-the quee-i mean her majesty tell you about me?"
"yes,she did"
"but you're still..."
"i understand your point,your highness. but i don't understand her majesty's point"
"in any way?"
"forgive me but i was watching you sometime by now"
"we're in the same palace i would definitely run into you,and I've heard the commoners talks about you quite often and by what i heard you were too good to them that's made me curious as why her majesty doesn't want anyone near you"
you was too stunned to talk...oh was everything you managed to spit out
you wanted to tear up right now, it was just a normal few sentence someone could even mistake it as an offending to them, but for you..no one has said such things like that or even talked to you in the first place
you bowed your head down
the knight speak as if the realization hit him
"i didn't-i didn't mean to offend you,your highness"
"no you..didn't" You raised your head but looked away "i appreciate what you just said,thank you-...uh may i know your name?"
"my name? he cleared his throat my name doesn't matter I'm just your servant,your highness" he said with more respect
"it's a command"
"what a strange name,but it's a beautiful one. I'm Y/N if you didn't know my name earlier heh"
"it's such a honor from you to tell me your name,your highness,but if it's not a bother i feel more comfortable calling you "your highness" "
"of course, go with anything makes you comfortable. even though i don't think we'll interact again" you mumble
"if you'll excuse me your highness, i have to go back to my position" he bow and go back when you nod
you didn't want him to go, it was a nice feeling to talk with someone again
(the villagers doesn't count because you couldn't have a proper conversion with them because they'll be too tense to talk with you)
after that interact with senor he have been noticing you more he's not ignoring you that much
he would react to your waves with a nod from a far or small movement so you'll know that he saw you
your sister wasn't caring much if he was there or not so you'll take this opportunity to steal him away sometime even if he wasn't approval of your idea
by time you grew closer and closer each time he even visited your personal garden! and became less offical with you but not much
you were too happy to find someone to talk to and spend time with
as for the queen,she's so busy with her duties to even noticing something, maybe she just set this rule and never cared if it broke?
5 A.M.
you and senor where walking in the forest by the river
you planned to go alone in the first place but when he saw you he said it's too dangerous to go alone
"so..you say you knew my father?"
"yes, my lady i did. he had saved my mother from death."
"was..your mother ill?"
"yes, my father wasn't there and i was young to have a job so she was the one working but when she fell down i couldn't do anything....then one day i saw his majesty's court and ran to him the guard has stopped me from going near but i kept shouting for him to help us..then he commanded the guard to let me go as he begin to listen to me, the next thing i know is a lot of money placed in my hand"
senor looked at your way as soon as he heard you sobbing
"my lady are you-are you crying? i-i didn't mean-"
"it's so sad" sob
he just looked at you with big eyes don't know what to do..you..hugged him his hands was in the air where to place them?!
beat beat
shit you were too close,your body pressing against him. did you feel his heart beat? because i think even the village could hear it now
finally he decide to place his hand on your back.
you were talking but he couldn't hear you now, he's more focused on your position.
he was feeling that for a while now but he just denied it. no impossible how could he fall for the princess?
control yourself senor!
"thank you for your kind words my lady" He pushed you back a little
"I'm-I'm sorry i couldn't control myself" you walked back to give him a personal space
your foot slips from the edge as you fell down in the river.
"my lady!" senor yelled as he swim after you
his armor made it difficult to swim fast but eventually he catchs you.
he saw a rock and hold on it "hold on my lady I'll save you" he said between his breath
sitting at the groumd holding you against him, he was panicing now, why hasn't you opened your eyes yet??
"my lady, y/n,are you okay? wake up!"
cough cough
"oh god you're alive"
you opened your eyes slowly, your view still blurry becouse of the water
he made you sit straight as you coughed the water inside your chest
"are you okay?"
you nod as you looked at him.
"thank you. you're really my hero" you giggled
that wasn't a funny thing! you were about to die he should be mad now, scold you even.
but again he's heart start bounding. your hero? your...and you were his lady, he couldn't control himself anymore.
the next thing you see is his lips against yours,it was a long deep kiss he wanted for sometime now.
senor could care less if it's forbidden he was about to lose you seconds ago you're just paying for scaring him to death.
when you return you got a long harsh lecture from the queen on how you were just a wight on her to take and useless
was it? you don't know anymore. all you could think about is that kiss and senor, what was he doing now?
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my back hurt :') i have exams soon so i just thought why don't i write something before it?
I'll make this a series too
hope you liked it!
have a good night/day
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2smolbeans · 7 months
Part 1 Part 2 character info
Love Me, Love Me Not (2.5)
Yandere Best Friend x Obstacle Reader
Summary: You begin to contemplate your relationship with Marco after he's kept you long enough inside his apartment while sending you a few mixed signals..
Tags: One-sided relationship (?), potential poly with one yan and two poor darlings, kidnapping, hostage keeping, mixed feelings, yan best friend, belittling, isolation, nsfw implications, he's in love with his darling- but he's also interested with you.., just me rambling before I put part 3
Disclaimer: This is just a scenario I thought of with an Oc! So nothing is really 'official' or canon to the orignal storyline--
It's been what? Two months or so, ever since Marco had kept you locked up inside his cozy apartment. Every day is a blur. You always had a hard time telling what time or month it was. Same routine, same everything. It was tiringly comforting. It made you feel safe knowing what would happen. Marco would leave in the morning for work. You'd be left in the apartment to your own devices. Hours would pass, he'd come home, and you'd lock yourself in your room. You didn't have to worry about work. You didn't have to worry about chores. Your only worry was cleaning the place and looking pretty. But. That same routine was starting to eat at you. The desperation in something new was beginning to knaw at you. You wanted more. You felt like a zoo animal kept in captivity. You want to go outside to see the streets - hell to at least go inside a supermarket! Anything!
You're confused about the relationship that the two of you share. He hates you, but he wants you by his side. He often belittes you whenever he has the chance. Going out of his way to demean you with every chance he has. You want something? Well, why don't you go on your hands and knees and beg like the loyal dog you are? You want to talk to him? Well, why should he? Go on, convince him, and give him a reason why he should respond back to those dumb questions you're so persistent on asking.
But at the same time, he's clinging to you from the moment he gets home. Either sitting on the edge of your bed while he talks about his day at work. Cuddling right next to you without any say while you lazily switch through the tv channels. Or even on some nightly occasions, he's tightly snuggled up against you underneath the sheets of his bed. And on rare occasions.. He's often kissing the side of your neck with his hands in between your legs, whispering praises while he drinks in the sounds you make. Of course, only to then miserably make an excuse of how he was doing you a favor since he couldn't reciprocate those feelings for you. He was only making out with you out of pity! Wow, he must feel a lot of pity for you then for it to happen more than once...
What about your darling Marco?
You've asked him about it so many times. If he has her, then why is he doing those things with you? But, whenever you even bother bringing up the topic, he just shuts you up with a glare or threat. You're confused about him, and Marco, at times, seems confused about how he feels about you.. Oh well, it was a useless thought to dwell on. At the end of the day, Marco was a murderer who was soon going to kill you once he got tired of you. But what difference did it make? You were also one as well.. What better were you from him? Sure, you were pressured by him to commit the murders you did.. But you could've at least fought back? Why didn't you fight back? God, why couldn't you have tried to show some restraint? Your life or theirs, you should've at least died trying..
Does that matter anymore? You shouldn't care about that anymore. What's done is done. You should get over it. You don't care if you're being selfish. You want a fresh start. You want to be outside again. You look outside the window, looking down as you see the streets and people who walk around freely.
Just how long was this going to last?
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maries-tales · 2 months
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OC: Aaron Howard
GENRE: nsfw, fluff (around 1k)
CONTENT WARNING: fingering, somnophilia, edging, overstimulation, praise kink, female bodied reader
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Aaron loves those mornings. Slow and peaceful, when neither of you have any imperative to wake up for ballet rehearsals. When you can just spend an eternity together in bed, in each other’s arms. His lips curve in a loving smile as his silver eyes fall on you, still asleep in his embrace, your back to his chest and his arm draped over your waist.
Of course you always look breathtaking to Aaron, but there is just something about you, so peaceful and calm, that has his heart fluttering. Not to mention that you look so good bathed in golden morning light too, your supple skin still exposed to his gaze, a result from your love making session just the night before. 
And as much as part of him can’t wait for you to open your (e/c) eyes and greet him with the smile he so adores, part of Aaron can’t help but enjoy the idea of having you so vulnerable in his embrace. 
All his to savour and explore. And he aches to have a taste of your warmth so early in the day.
His lips glide on your soft skin like silk, from your bare shoulder to your nape and jaw in gentle kisses. A loving smile gracing his features, eyes soft with tender affection as you stir with a breathy moan.
“Good morning, mon amour.” He whispers against your skin, arm tightening around your waist, bringing you closer and closer still.
Gosh your skin tastes so sweet on his lips, and he can’t help the groan that escapes him as you move your hips back against his, pressing the curve of your bare ass to his growing bulge. He lets his hand trail down your stomach and further down between your thighs. A soft sigh falling from your lips as his lithe fingers smooth over your inner thighs, caressing the soft skin there and slowly building pleasurable heat between your legs. 
Much like always, Aaron is attentive to every shift in your features, his heart swelling as a light frown creases your features. You just look so cute and endearing like this, he can’t help but place another kiss on your shoulder, your hips reflexively scooting back to meet his. 
You mumble something in your slumber as his fingers slide between your folds and dip inside of you. Aaron curses under his breath at how warm and wet you are for him so early in the morning, desperate to coax a sweet release out of you. 
His thumb traces tight circles on your clit, eager to make you shake under his touch as his digits caress your plush walls. The wet noises of his fingers langorously pumping in and out of you like music to his ears. But of course nothing beats the melody of your sweet angelic moans as you shift in his hold and let his name drop from your lips.  
Your eyes finally flutter open, gracing him with an adorable confused expression, your gaze still hazy with sleep. 
“Aaron?” You turn to him, voice adorably groggy from lack of use, not yet fully awake and still threading on the edge of your dreams.
“Shh, I’m right here.” He reassures and you lean in his touch, legs spreading for him under the sheets, inviting him deeper inside of you. A simple gesture that has Aaron’s heart melting on the spot. 
“Please- Ungh… Don’t stop.” You murmur sweetly with a whimper. 
And Aaron is never one to deny your wishes. But he wants to make this last. He’s not yet done with you and still craves for more. So much more, and he knows you do too from the way your walls clench down around his fingers, sucking them in like they belong there. And maybe they do. Maybe Aaron’s fingers' sole reason for existing is pleasuring you, and that works just fine with him. 
His digits curl inside of you, teasing at your sweetest spot as his palm grinds over your puffy clit, earning him a flow of moans from you, each one more desperate than the last as he brings you closer and closer to your release. 
Your hand shoots back to grab his shoulder, the coil in your stomach ready to snap as warmth tightens inside of you. You’re close, Aaron knows it. 
So he slows down his pace, purposefully missing the spot that has your toes curling as he places a loving kiss to your cheek, soothing your soft whimpers as frustration bubbles up in your veins.
“Please Aaron- Ngh! Need to cum!” You choke out through lustful sobs, hips rolling against his hand to try and pursue your release as it slowly ebbs away from you.
“You will.” Aaron whispers reassuringly in your ear. “I just want to make this last a bit longer. You’re too cute like this.” 
Aaron takes his time with you, bringing you so close to the edge only to let you down, over and over again. Bathing in your cries of his name and the tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. Praises and encouragements falling from his lips as another release is mercilessly stolen from you.
“You’re doing so well for me. Just another one, okay?”  And you nod, too lost in your own frenzy to do anything else. Mind blurred from both pleasure and a burning need to burst. 
But you’re so sweet as you tremble and thrash in his hold. Your back arching off his chest and your eyes rolling to the back of your head once he gives it to you. Pleasure crashing over you like a tidal wave as your vision goes white. Aaron can’t help but think that edging you was worth it. 
“Fuck- I love you. You’re so perfect.” He says, kissing your jaw as his fingers dance inside of you and his hips thrust up against yours. “I hope you’re ready for more though. Because we’re not leaving this bed any time soon.”
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jooeyoo · 1 year
Full parts: Until death do us part
Pairing: Douma x femReader
Tags: mentions of blood, self mutilation, manipulation, kidnapping, obsession, gore, douma himself bffr.
Summary: He kidnaps you after finding you wounded, and keeps you around for his own amusement-until you can’t take it anymore.
“I told you, you weren’t going to leave. Ever”  
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Her breath hitched as she ran through the ruins of a town she once called home. It was unrecognizable, a distant memory that would still escape her as she grew older, a reminder not all things last. A reminder of life’s misery. The hem of her kimono ripped as she ran as fast as she could, her legs beginning to sore, her heartbeat irregular, the tears in her eyes clouding her vision through the tall ivory flames into the night sky. The heat of the air radiated onto every living creature, the smoke was intoxicating and caused her to suddenly stop as she grew victim to a coughing fit. Her lashes flickered,  and shot wide at the sight of the blood all over her hands, and down her chest. That’s right...I had been..impaled
Her knees grew weak as she fell to the hard ground, the pain coming back to her now as she held onto the gaping wound. She spat as a pool of blood leaking out from the depths of her gut- she stared in horror. I’m going to die...I’m going to die in this god forsaken place
Her vision began to falter once more, blurred by the smoke and the antagonising feeling of pain in her stomach. Fatigue slowly began to creep onto her body, as the unavoidable darkness of the void crept into her vision of sight. Her limbs no longer felt her own.
All dreams and aspirations she had, gone
All the memories, pain, and happiness she had endured, had been reducing to nothing- to ash in just mere hours.
Everyone she knew..who had even survived..?
Did it really matter, she was going to die herself. She thought she was at peace with the idea of death, at peace with the idea that the world is never ending, never stopping, constantly evolving yet she couldn’t deny the pit that formed in her stomach. It was so much more uncomfortable than the pain she had now grown accustomed to. Her eyes shot back open, the pupils much more dilated- they shook at the very idea of dying. Where would she go? Would a God punish her for her sins, for her mistakes? Or embrace her, and tell her she did well? Or was there nothing at all, a void devoid of any joy or misery- simply nothingness. A place where no gods, or angels roamed- but only the darkness. Darkness
Her head snapped back behind her. The city had grown quiet, no screaming or yelling could be heard- no clanking of swords. Had the fight ended? Had those people succeeded in killing that monster? Or had it..won?
The question itself made her tremble with terror, she forced herself to her feet. She wouldn’t die like this- she wouldn’t allow it. But regardless of what she wanted, within mere moments of standing- she fell back down to her knees. Another pool of blood escaped her mouth, staining her lips.
I am going to die here
Her vision began to blur, as her head hit the ground.
At-least, I’d die with dignity
Her vision became black, her mind no longer conscious.
“Oh,..oh my” A cheerful tone crept up behind the girls unconscious body. The man’s looming presence shadowed over her, he held a human leg in one of his hands- his mouth stained with blood.
“It seems a lost little lamb escaped from the hoard..” The man tutted, a wide grin on his face that was supposed to mirror a friendly smile. “Though.” His voice suddenly became cold, blank, devoid of any emotion. He let the leg fall to the floor, with a thud. He leaned down to the girl, inspecting her face, and the wound in her stomach. “You’re almost dead.” The smile on his face, had evaporated within seconds- as did his cheerful tone. He tilted his head to the side, pondering.
“How did you..run all the way out here..with a wound like that..and with a small, weak..body like that..” The man slowly pulled a strand of hair away from the girls face, revealing his long nails.  “How sad..for a girl like you to slowly die like this...such a beautiful face gone to waste as well! How despicable of my comrades!” He hummed with glee, that friendly face returning to the surface. Oh, how he could just eat her all up!
Though, he was full right now..but he couldn’t let her go to waste! Not such beauty, no! How cruel he’d be to let such a girl die in such a way, he’d only allow her to be devoured by him, savoured him, saved by him!
What to do? He tapped his head before a teethy grin emerged.
What would be so wrong, about a souvenir?
YN awoke with a gaping feeling in her stomach, as she looked down- she was met with bandages that had been carefully placed. Her mind was still foggy, her vision barely stable. Her throat felt dry, and sore. If she had died, this was certainly no better. She quickly stood to her feet, to inspect her new surroundings.
“Hello..?” She noticed she was no longer in the entertainment district but a room devoid of any actual furniture, apart from the futon she had awoken on,
- but decorated with various artworks of locus’s.
“Oh, you poor thing.” She jumped at the sudden voice that had appeared behind her.
A voice ridden with amicability and cheerfulness but there was also a hint of pity. As she turned, she felt her eyes grow wider as a enormous glooming presence struck her in very core. She was met with a man, who towered over her, with eyes like rainbows and platinum blonde hair. His hand slowly reached her shoulder, purple nails slightly digging into her shoulder- his grip was firm, but not painful- but it was freezing cold. It sent shivers down her spine.
“You awoke so quickly! I expected you to be out for longer..”
His smile grew wider as it hit her.
“..You’re..you’re a demon!” Fear struck her core, as she took a step back away from him, trying to balance her footing.
“Oh dear! You caught me!” Before she could even reply, a frightening whiff of wind passed her, as he stood now behind her once again. His body still, pressed against hers, his head peered down into the crane of her neck. “Afraid? That I’ll gobble you up? Or maybe I’ll toy with your body first! Tear it limb..from limb..” The amicability in his voice remained, yet his eyes had grown wider and more erratic. His smile seemed more creepy now, than it did friendly. YN stood still, paralysed like a deer looking into headlights, into death. Her body was frozen to the core until a pair of sharp teeth grazed just the surface of her neck which caused her to suddenly turn around.
“Why haven’t you..?”
The man paused for a moment, pondering in thought. His smile never faded.
“It’s better to savour ones food, don’t you think so? To relinquish one’s desire to simply savour it more..to appreciate the beauty in all things living, first.” He hummed.
An innate sense of danger filled her to her core
He’s a madman
“The beauty..of all thing’s living..? You mean you’re just going to toy with me until you’ve had your fun? You’re sick!” She spat out- until she realised the words she said, her eyes briefly widening in shock.
The demon stood there, for a moment he felt like laughing. “I didn’t think you’d be so resilient.. you..seemed so weak and frale! Oh how cute! I must have hit the jackpot!” His charismatic and cheerful aura beamed throughout the room clashing with YN’s who beamed of disgust.
“You mean to say..you’re not going to kill me..?” Her voice grew meek, quiet, confused, disgusted.
“Oh not yet! Anymore, atleast! You seem fun! I’m so bored these days, you see.” His voice peered to the side, as he looked her up and down causing her to take another step back. In retort, a small laugh escaped his mouth as he covered his smile with his hand.
“You seem to be in so much shock! Aren’t you relieved?”
“I’d rather kill myself now, then to be your last meal!” She screamed back at him, eyeing the door but before she could even take a step towards it- he had appeared before her.
“Why don’t we start over..?” He pretended to be upset, by her words- yet his eyes did not mirror the sentiment.
“My name is Dōma! What’s yours?” He beamed, as if her answer would be the most interesting thing he’d ever hear. Though, a silence grew beyond the two. Their eyes peering into one another.  Dōma’s beamed with anticipation yet there was this..odd feeling to them..
Was it the colour of his eyes?
YN’s eyes were fierce, the fear long hidden within her now- as she had always been taught to do.
“It’s almost as if you’re trying to kill me with that look!
“I am.”
“..they say not to bite the hand that feeds you..I was the one to save you from that horrible wound” His voice grew cold, almost devoid of emotion.
“You shouldn’t have.” YN mirrored his tone.
“You shouldn’t say such things! You should appreciate life! Afterall, that’s all humans have..you all..inevitably die..” He closed the distance between the two, peering into her eyes, observing.
“I’d have preferred to live the miserable life I had lived then and dying from that horrible wound, than living within your presence to only be devoured by you.” She spat at him, though she couldn’t help but swallow the pool of saliva growing in her throat. No matter how hard she tried, his sheer aura sent shivers down her spine.
“A miserable life? You found no joy in your life..? How unfortunate” He mirrored a tone of pity
How strange he is
“Humans really are..pathetic things...aren’t they?” His face became completely devoid of any trace of emotion, she was taken aback by the expressionless look in his eye. As if she was peering into darkness itself.
“To understand the beauty of all things living, you must first peer into the darkness.. It’s there to help us understand it. Would life be beautiful if we never knew what sorrow and misery felt like?”
His face quickly changed back to his signature smile, he rested a hand on her head.
“Is this what you tell yourself as you indulge yourself in massacring people?”
She was taken aback by his laugh
“Oh, dear. I simply save them from a life they can no longer see the beauty in! Simply pathetic beings! Cant see what’s further than what’s in front of them”
“And you believe, you’re saving me from a life I ‘No longer see the beauty in’..? What about what I would like?” YN removed herself from his grasp.
His eyes beamed, curious. “What is it?”
“To leave, if you’re not going to kill me- I’m not staying.” She tried to usher him out of the way, by swatting her hand at him but he simply caught her wrist and pulled it back- which caused her to fall into his chest. His other hand quickly grasped her waist, firmly and sharply.
“I didn’t say you could leave”
Her eyes grew wider, peering into the redness of his shirt.
I can’t leave..?
My last moments are going to be toyed with by a demon that wears the face of a man
How ironic
In truth, YN had been one of the many young girls who worked in the entertainment district; having met a variety of men that left all types of memories that disgusted her to her core. This was not dying with dignity, but humiliation. Her mind froze for a moment, trying to find an ounce of something to hit the demon back with but she fell to silence. Perhaps if she bored him to death, he would kill her. Yet he did nothing, and simply stood there. Listening to her heartbeat that accelerated every growing moment- oh, how he wondered how that felt
To be so afraid, you freeze and your heart begins to beat out of your chest
Even if she tried to bore him to death, he’d find something to find interest in- she was eccentric! She was the opposite of what he thought her to be! How couldn’t he not want to know more?
Suddenly,  Dōma reached out to YN’s chin, forcing her to look up at him.
“How about a game?”
“A game?”
“Stay here, until you die of old age!”
Where..was here?
“It’s not like you have anything else, anyone else..your town, gone- along with any familiars”
Her eyes widened, she had failed to realise the gravity of her situation the previous night- everything..was in flames
Her hand subconsciously touched her wound
His hand moved to the side of her cheek, caressing the skin.
“Besides, what life is it serving men?” He whispered, the smile never faltering.
“..So..serve a demon instead..” She scoffed
“No, you’d have free will.” He beamed with amusement
“At paradise faith!”
“How is this a game..you’re asking me to..live out my life..here..? Why.” She stared at him, with confusion
“Because you intrigue me; it’s not often I’m met with a human who knows what I am, who isn’t begging for mercy” His voice became a chilling cold tone.
“If I started, would you?" She didn't need to say more, for him to understand the question.
He didn’t, he never did no matter how much she begged. Months passed, and she was met with laughs, snorts, rolling of the eyes- no matter how much she cried and begged for him to just simply get it over with. He never did. During her ‘fits’ as he liked to call them, he’d simply sit down, rest his elbow on a surface with his head on his palm. His eyes always beamed with curiosity, excitement as she screamed, and tears ran down her face. As if this was a play for him to enjoy. Then he’d hold her shaking body and tell her everything would be okay, as if he wasn’t the problem. She tried to steal one of his golden fan’s once, to maybe slice her throat with it. She was met with a hand around her throat- and nothing more. She tried to insult him, hurt his pride, his weird cult- nothing worked. He’d dismiss her like a child having a fit. He’d often converse with her, force her to speak her mind on whatever subject he had chosen- which is why he found her intriguing. He was so sure, when she was lost in thought in his questions that she’d forget what he was, where she was- which was her beauty; her unique perspective of the world, of emotions. He slowly started to think he understood them, although devoid of them. He was so sure, she would be the key to helping him understand such a complex tool- he didn’t want her to leave his side.
Had it become obsession?
The way he would dismiss his followers, if she so beckoned- how he found no joy in his meals any more apart from her crude reactions to the blood. How he thought of her every waking moment of the day. How he pondered on her opinions, thought them over- found the beauty in her speech. She wouldn’t be salvaged forever if he devoured her, because her beauty was in her liveness, in what she’s lived, how she lives and how she speaks. He simply and utterly didn’t want to do it. He only ever wanted to feel her warm breath against his ice cold skin. That made him feel alive. If only she ever allowed him to show her how much he truly did appreciate her; if she’d devote herself to him entirely. But she just wouldn’t, and it captivated him more- she did not see him as a messenger of God. But he saw her as a sign from something above, although he knew, nothing was there. He would devote himself to her, if she allowed it. He sought her touch, yet her hate grew by the time and he was so oblivious to it. Why cant she love me?
She inspired him to be more, he didn’t want to revel in the slaughter anymore, he didn’t feel alive anymore in the cruelty- but his heart beat when she spoke. He had never listened so attentively to someone before, so closely. Was it love?
He’d need to ask her about that next
Dōma walked attentively down to YN’s room, curious as to what she might respond with. He was trying to formulate an idea in his head
How exciting
He was absolutely stricken with horror as he opened the shoji, to be met with a gruesome sight.
Fresh blood stained the floods, as her body laid beside it. The blood quickly nauseated all of his other senses, the smell was so sweet to him.
“Oh, Oh dear”
She was still alive, but barely.
He approached her quickly, setting her head on his lap as he looked at what she had done to herself. A gaping wound in both of her wrists stared back at him- she had lost so, so much blood
Dōma’s heart skipped a beat, it only ever beat
..for her
And for what?
He stared at her, her eyes had shut, covered by her hair, her lips had grown pale and cold and the life within her skin slowly decreased. He could fear her heartbeat becoming slower, and her body becoming colder.
What an odd..sentiment
His hands would have shook, if he was capable of it.
He felt something, something alien to him but he couldn’t describe it no matter how hard he tried.
The second time..
Someone he endeared took their live
He wouldn’t allow this repetitive cycle to continue
A quick slash to his wrist caused a waterfall of blood to emerge- trickling down to her mouth.
He could only hope he would chose her.
Mere hours later, YN awoke in  Dōma’s chambers. An insatiable hunger in her stomach almost brought her to puking. She couldn’t remember what had happened.. her name..? What was it ..? Where was she..?
“YN! I’m so glad you’re okay!” She was met with a familiar set of rainbow coloured eyes, who seemed to be genuinely happy.
She groaned, bringing her hand to her head- feeling an annoying headache form- which is when she realised.
The length of which her nails had grown, much sharper, much more predatory.
She stared back at  Dōma, who watched attentively.
She suddenly remembered, all of the blood, all of the pain.
She suddenly jumped up from his futon, and pulled up the hems of the sleeves of her kimono- to reveal no cuts. The pit in her stomach grew even wider, but not from hunger- rage and hate.
She ran to the mirror, her kimono loosely falling down at the shoulders- as she stared back at a monster that was not herself. Her hair, had turned to such a white colour- and her eyes- predatory, those of a killer. She opened her mouth, to reveal the set of sharp canines that now housed her mouth. She gasped, before a large hand snaked itself around her waist.  Dōma’s head rested in the nook of her neck. YN screamed. “How could you do this to me! I never asked for this! You’re so selfish that even when I decided to take my own life, by my own hands, by my own meanings. You interfere like the parasite that you are!” Her screaming only grew louder but he did not reply, he did not react. He simply held her body, as she tried to fight him off- but even now as a Demon, she was still weaker. “You’re a horrible void sucking monster! Let me go!” Her screaming had turned to cries, the tears had ran down her face, staining her now pale complexion. She thought herself a horrid monster- yet  Dōma found her beauty to still be exquisite. Her knees threatened to fall down to the ground, he held her weak and limp body up as she scream cried into the air. He reached out to  turn her, to face him- he held her face in his hands.
His signature smile reappeared but his eyes grew more intensely and bright than they ever did before.
“I told you, you weren’t going to leave. Ever”  
part 2
It was such a complex emotion.
It was something a person felt at the very depth of their core, of their soul. But what is hate? If not accompanied by rage? And what is rage? If not accompanied by pain and sorrow? But pain and sorrow, couldn’t be felt without joy and joy couldn’t be felt without love.
All emotions, that the man that sat before her, was completely and utterly vacant of.
Dōma sat cross legged, his chin resting on his palm- as he always did. He sat there as if there was nothing wrong, as if he wasn’t covered in blood- as if she wasn’t either. As if, there weren’t various slashes and cuts in the fabric of his clothes, and likewise her.
What was hate, if there was no cruelty? No violence? No urge to kill them?
Would hate, not then be meaningless?
She would make him pay for what he did to her- even if he didn’t care, even if he didn’t flinch, even if he secretly liked the attention. It made her feel better, and that was enough- for now.
YN stood there, her hair had grown to an immense length and her complexion had only become paler. She resembled the devil that sat before her, now.
Her own divine punisher, how cruel. She certainly didn’t believe in a God now..
Her dress, a white colour to resemble her hair- a gift from the man she despised.
Riches wouldn’t buy her heart, she wasn’t sure she had one any more, but that only made her hate herself more; as each day passed- she became more like Dōma.
More cruel, more ravenous, more despicable.
Each time, she looked in the mirror- all she could see was the similar hair coloured that now nested in her roots, the similar void in her eyes and the similar porcelain complexion. But he adored it. He wouldn’t let her forget how beautiful he thought she was now, how they were the same now, how they’ll be together forever.
It took time, to brush her long hair, now. She’d sit in front of the mirror, tears prickling the corners of her eyes until he would appear out of the shadows. He’d snake his arm around her and take the brush. How she despised him so, yet the man was so arrogant and stubborn- he always did get his way.
“I..despise you” YN finally mustered out.
She was met with a snort.
“Do you?” Dōma’s head tilted to the side, his eyes for a brief moment became completely blank yet his tone remained all the while mockful.
How sad, it was- for such beautiful colours, to be so dull, she thought.
“More than anything, in this life and the next.” Her voice shook, tears threatened to fall, all this time spent screaming, crying, scratching and hitting him over and over again. All it was, was a constant reminder of life’s misery.
And every time, the cycle was the same.
She’d yell, she’d scream
He’d ignore her, laugh at her
She’d hit him and he would hit back
She would cry, he would pretend to care
And he never did forget, to remind her that she was his.
Suddenly Dōma stood, all injuries he had obtained had already vanished into thin air but the blood still stained the floor, as did all that time ago..the memory still engraved into his mind.
YN stared at the floor, as she heard his body slowly reach hers. He cupped her face in his hands, another reminder of how small she was, how weak, how irrelevant she was in the world.
“You really shouldn’t say such false things, hm?” He smiled, a monster hid beneath the mask.
“..The sight of you makes me sick” Her voice was quiet, almost a whisper.
Dōma stayed silent for a moment, before he spoke
“I saved you, how could you say such mean things..?” His voice grew colder, as did the sensation in his hands, but neither could feel such things any more.
“You wanted to die?” His face slowly approached YN’s ear, as he pulled the hair out of the way. His breath hitting her skin and his teeth making an appearance as he spoke.
“Did you want me to lay your rotting corpse in the courtyard? For all to see? How pitiful you are?”
His voice, was devoid of anything at all. This was the afterlife, accompanied with darkness itself, the void itself- devoid of anything.
“It was so disappointing, that someone as intelligent like you..would believe there’s anything after this cruel life..” His eyes met hers.
“I don’t. But anywhere else is better if you’re not there.” She spat back at him, the hate as bright as ever in her eyes.
“Don’t say such things..YN” He masked a look of sadness
“I do enjoy how you always keep me on my feet, but would it kill you to smile?” He turned his head to the side, wrapping a hand around the crane of her neck and the other on her cheek. He treated her like a child, and to him, she probably was. YN approached him, their bodies against each other. She stared into those dull eyes of his, no matter how hard he tried- she would see past his fonts and his masks. She leaned up to him, leaving mere centimetres between the pairs lips- his eyes never faltered, never blinked and neither did hers. Yet his heart beat, and hers did not.
“I’ll smile when the sun fucking burns you”
Dōma giggled, his grasp tightening. “Oh, how romantic” He cheerfully smiled
“I’ve grown tired of this game, YN” She yelped as his hand rapidly met her jugular instead- squeezing it violently. He would pop her head out of her socket, if he so desired- but where’s the fun?
“You scream, and you kick- When will you love me?” He whispered, his gaze never leaving her eyes.
“Could you ever? I’ve began to wonder..”
“You once said, you’d love someone who’d devote themselves to you, and who understood you beyond compare..but you don’t love me, you never could- can you?” His grip tightened, the tears now began to fall. He wasn’t going to kill her, she knew. He would torture her before he killed her, he would make her life worse than it is- just as a reminder of what he is and who is. To remind her of her place. But it wasn’t out of bad volition- he’d care for her afterwards, like he always did when he went too far. When he showed her who truly was stronger, that he could stop her fits within seconds if he wanted to- but he didn’t- because he wanted to please her! Make her feel better! Isn’t that what you do in a relationship? They were in a relationship, after all. The fact she wouldn’t let him near her, didn’t bother him at all! After all, sex was a mundane activity, he was devoid of anything- he could only fantasize about the feeling that lust gives you, but he could never truly ever actually feel it. He could only mirror it, copy, mimic- at core, he was nothing at all.
Even the devil weeps, but he didn’t.
“I gave you a chance at life...to be what you want, who you want to be- to not serve men! I only asked of you to remain at my side. Yet the months go by, and..you continue this facade of hate.”
“Have I not been good? Have I not listened to your every wish since? I’ve tried to make it up to you, YN.”
All she could do was stare, in shock? In offence at his words? But the way he spoke, and the words he chose always did have impact- he was taught the art of speech from the youngest age- he met all kinds of people, all kinds of stories who sought the words of a God- and oh, did he provide.
Deep inside her heart, she couldn’t help but rethink her actions. Had she been cruel? Too cruel? He always did try. Was that not enough? And deep down, she did know- all she had was him.
Living a normal life now, with a husband and children was impossible, physically impossible.
Living anywhere else, a demon slayer would certainly catch whiff of her- she didn’t know how to live the life of prey, and predator. But Dōma, he had lived for years- he understood this life.
He understood the brutality of it all.
A second chance at life? Yet all she had done was scream and cry and reject it entirely
Had it truly been her fault, all along?
“You know, all you have is me- and it’s all you need.
I would give you the world, if you sought it- I would shape it to your liking, it would be your world. All you have to do..is one small..little thing.”
She felt weak, mentally and physically. Her mind no longer the vast wonders and thoughts she used to have, but blank like a puppet. His eyes almost seemed hypnotic now, and his smile..that devilish smile
And that confirmation, that reminder
That she did in fact, only have him- was enough to break her.
“One small..little thing?”
She repeated, almost robotic, the tears in her eyes still formed and they still poured down her face.
He hummed In response, as he approached her ear once again. His body leaned down to her level
“To love me..as I love you.”
His voice was almost angelic, yet any peering eyes would know it was a devil’s gamble.
A deal with the devil, rather. A deal with the most despicable of them all, but what other choice?
Behead herself, or walk into the sun? Did she have the willpower for that again? To know she would die for good? Did she really want to cease to exist? Who would remember her?
‘As I love you’
The words meant nothing to her, she knew they were false. He wasn’t capable of love, he admitted to her he felt utterly nothing. How wrong, she would be if she knew the truth of it all.
Of course, this wasn’t love, as anyone would describe it. But it was love, in some shape or form. If your heat beat, in excitement for someone- did it not mean something? When it would never beat at all?
“Devote yourself to me, as I’ve devoted myself to you, how romantic it’d be no?
If we both helped saving those poor innocent souls..”
He meant reviling in slaughter.
“You’d be my wife, at my side. All would envy you, as your beauty knows no bounds. No harm would ever come to you, you’d do as please. The world would be yours, you just have to..love me”
His words were like programming.
Perhaps this was his plan all along, to break her into two, to make her a doll devoid of anything at all. To suck the innocence out of her heart and mind- create a monster equal to him.
She wondered, if her life would be better. If she simply did, just say she loved him. Perhaps the hate would dissipate, perhaps he’d treat her better. Perhaps she wouldn’t be a toy any more, to play with and break apart at his will. A familiar pit in her stomach grew, fear. Fear of the unknown
Perhaps he wouldn’t keep her here, against her will- but was it even against her will any more? She had many opportunities to leave, forever. Yet she never did. Because she always knew, she only had him. What life, if bound by solitude?
But what life, if bound by the devils grasp?
That was the devils gamble
One hell or the other.
His eyes peered into hers, tilting her chin up with his index finger- her eyes slowly lifting to meet his gaze.
He was awaiting her answer, she knew. And she knew deep down, what her choice was. The only choice she ever had.
“Okay..” Was all she could muster out, a weak simple word.
“Okay, what?” There was that, absence of emotion once again.
His smile, retuned though it took much more of a sinister look to it.
“will..love you..” A tear rolled down her face,  Dōma simply rubbed it into her skin.
“Until death do us part..” He hummed, with excitement.
What was hate, without love?
It would be meaningless.
Dōma placed a kiss on YN’s head, relishing the contact.
She knows she’s made a mistake. But, it doesn’t take that much to break someone apart, and put them back together to your liking. Her words never meant anything to him, her screaming and crying was simply background sound. A deal with the devil to even grasp a fraction of solitude- she could only envy his followers, a sweet release of death.
But she was so afraid of it. Her body felt utterly weak, as if it no longer belonged to her.  Dōma instantly took notice.
“You poor thing, let’s have you rest hm?” He gently guided her to lay down, her head on his lap. He hummed and stroked it. In a moment like this,  she would have thought him to be a kind man- as he desperately tries to make her believe, but she knew better. She had seen him, covered in blood that was alien to him and corpses surrounding him like trophies, as he feasted. All the smell, had attracted a lower demon, who had tried to start a turf war over her meal- Dōma had quickly ended the altercation, with a new head to gift Gyokko; as he told her.
She suddenly peered her eyes open, to remember the state she was in, covered in blood.
It had even stained her hair, she looked up to Dōma who was already looking at her- to be met with a familiar sight. Even now, he always reminded her of herself as his hair had taken the same gruesome look as well. “Tell me, what are you thinking?” He asked, gently- his smile warm though it was only a facade. “I can’t stand having your blood on me like this” She spoke quietly yet the disgust in her words remained. She slowly got up from his lap, feeling obviously groggy. “Oh dear! Aren’t husbands and wives supposed to share their bodily fluids?” He raised a finger up in question, but he was only teasing- he knew better. And her face only grew more disgusted at both the statement and the sentiment of ‘husband and wife’.
We aren’t even married.
“I’m going to bathe.”  She changed the subject yet before she could completely slip out of Dōma’s grasp, he grabbed onto her wrist. “Oh, but I’d like to come.” He smiled, innocently- but it wasn’t an innocent smile at all. In truth, YN wouldn’t have cared. Many before have seen her naked body,  Dōma has probably spied on her before, she didn’t care- yet she knew where this was going. He wanted to ‘seal the deal’. Even though, he had no pleasure in the activity, he wanted her to be pleased with his capacities to pleasure, he couldn’t have her looking for another demon now, could he? “I’d like some time to myself, Dōma” She explained, with a gentle voice- she would simply match his facade. The hate would, one day dissipate, wouldn’t it? Had he eternally punished her? Or was he her saving grace? She was at an internal fight.
“Oh, but you’re so tired! That was some fight!” He knew no bounds, so she accepted.
As he stood, his head once again met the crook of her neck, where his teeth lightly grazed the surface. “You know,” He paused. His breath hitting her skin.
“I really think..I do love you.”
It wasn’t love, it never will be.
final part
"“I would feed my heart to you, if you just asked, my love.”"
The thunder crackled throughout the black clouds and ashen sky, a mirky smell of humidity to accompany it. Every animal had already fled back to it’s designated den, and every little critter had hidden behind various rocks stones and trees. They all hid for a reason, they all hid from something.
That was mother nature, that was the way of life.
YN sat on the makeshift stone bench, watching the clouds get darker and angrier. How she understood those clouds all too well. There was always a sensation of peace, and calmness before a storm rolled in- she had sat all afternoon observing it. Yet, even through that serenity, there’s a slight whiff of something sinister. It’s hard to catch it, not all can sense it. But it’s there, lurking and forming. How it mirrored her heart so. She had became herself again, observant and thoughtful, curious and artistic. How it pleased the devil she housed with. He was so content, that she regained her beauty, her liveness- but especially that her love for him did not falter.
Though, even now she wondered if she truly loved him with all her heart, or if it was fear- fear of solitude, of death.
So, she chose to love him. In some shape of form, touching somebody’s body in the name of love, is still love. Doing favours and tasks, conversing and bathing- it was enough for him. After all, the only thing that mattered to him, was the conversing. She didn’t lose her humanity, tears would still prickle her eyes as she ate her meals- Dōma would simply laugh and tease her. But he wanted to understand, and she helped him. She helped him understand emotions he couldn’t fathom to comprehend. But one still escaped her, explaining love. She had tried, yet she didn’t comprehend it herself entirely. For Dōma, his love showed itself violently yet also gracefully. He had already killed in her name, on multiple occasions, but he’d also bathe her body so tenderly- as if his palms weren’t stained with the blood of thousands. She had grown accustomed to that sentiment. Allowing a killer to touch her, to stroke her hair, to whisper soft words in her ear- but was she not the same now? Was she not also a killer? She did it because she had to survive, like all creatures- but she had became his creature. All who knew this, knew she was his weakness.
A weakness he made, that he allowed- for the simple craving of what he could never have.
But that’s how it usually works, isn’t it?
Envious for something you cannot obtain, cannot have.
His eyes, always peered to hers. And that gentle smile, only ever faltered for her.
She had grown to accept Dōma, for being this way. It was strange, if someone said to her now- that he was a brutal killer, and a monster. She wouldn’t disagree, but she would still fight in his name; How strange it was, to spend so much time by someone’s side that you would still pick them over a warm heart, and not a cold one. But, being around coldness makes you used to it- the warmth begins to burn. And this was true vice versa, but Dōma didn’t think the heat burned, no. Instead, he fantasied about the touch. Like a moth attracted to a flame, her heart was his saving grace.
He truly did feel something for her.
Time had become irrelevant, she did not know how long she had been at the temple- she did not know how long she had known Dōma now. Yet, it did not matter, because old age would escape her now as it would him.
Together, for eternity, as he’d say
She took in a deep breath, the humidity entering her lungs. A solitary bird, flew over the court yard- and she couldn’t help to wonder what that felt like. To be free, to go wherever you want, to not be plagued with the mind of a thinker.
Dōma appeared from behind her, he bent over to her height to place a kiss on her cheek.
“I’ve been looking for you all over, my love.” He smiled.
She didn’t reply, instead she kept her gaze up at the sky. Dōma’s followed, the colours in his eyes seeming more dim than usual.
As he sat down, his hand travelled along her thigh, moving his thumb in a circular motion. YN’s eyes didn’t falter from the sky. She never knew what he wanted, he was a man, or more so devil, incapable of understanding.
“If I died, what would you do?” Suddenly, Dōma spoke. The question itself made YN’s eyes jump to his face, and without a surprise, she was met with utter nothingness.
“Why would you ask such a question?” Her voice was quiet and meek. Not because the subject of death itself bothered her but because she, in truth, was utterly afraid of what she would do. Her entire existence revolved around him. As a human, she had no family and no understanding of her place in the world- taught to simply serve men and nothing more. It was a skill of survival not of life. Yet, regardless of what he had done to her- forcing her to come to his sanctuary with him, breaking her apart for his own amusement and satisfaction- he had never touched her without her permission. He had never taken advantage of her, nor had he ever put her in any real danger apart from herself. If he hurt her, he made sure it was a lesson and not a beating. Though, she had hurt him too. It was simply how their love worked, there cannot be hate without love- and there cannot be hate without violence. If he died, she would have no meaning whatsover. She didn’t have friends. She didn’t relate to the cultists who believed in a God who didn’t exist, whom was dead. And if he was real, he certainly laughed at their pity and despair. She didn’t relate to them at all, because she was in fact not human any more. It was an aspect she often forgot, and her creator, before her- had been the one to teach her everything she knew. How could she not have some sort of pact with him? Regardless of the hate she had buried deep within her, regardless of the lies she told herself. That was life, that survival. And he didn’t care, because words, were just words. And actions, were just actions.
She swallowed.
“I don’t know.”
“Would you find someone else?” He asked, his gaze turning to hers. His eyes would always become so dull, and it never made her fail to realise, how utterly vacant he was.
“No.” She answered truthfully. Because, the raw and hard truth was, she couldn’t ever love someone again. Not because of some hidden morals but because he had destroyed the meaning. His love was so violent yet so tender at the same time, any other form would seem meaningless and empty to her. It wouldn’t be love to her anymore. All the screaming and all the blood would accompany all the nights spent with nails in her thighs and sweet little nothings in her ear. How, could she even possibly fathom to find, such a distasteful love ever again?
Yet she wouldn’t have it either way, and neither would he.
Dōma didn’t answer, he turned his gaze back to the sky. The question had spawned worry in YN.
Did he do it on purpose?
Or was he genuinely curious?
“Are you afraid of dying?” She finally mustered out, her hand rested itself on his- to which he stopped his movements.
“Yet, I’m afraid of you dying.”
The statement didn’t surprise her, instead it filled with her an odd sense of false security. No matter how violent and toxic he was, he would protect her- but maybe just not from him.
Soon, the droplets of rain began to fall.
Without another word, Dōma had gently guided YN to her feet, and his hand met her lower back before he leaned down to her ear.
“If you did die, I’d kill myself to join you.”
Her heart had skipped a beat for a moment.
The statement itself didn’t shock her but the tone he had used. It had a certain animosity to it, it wasn’t devoid of emotion but it didn’t exactly have any either.
That was when that pit of fear begun to emerge in her stomach again.
Fear of the unknown.
She was right to have observed the storm rolling in, because something had changed.
But, as they entered the temple- she was suddenly remembered of his words long ago.
“Until death do us part.”
Did he mean that, literally?
Did he know something she didn’t?
Was he planning to kill her? Or was he ordered to? Or was he simply in a bad mood?
If he was going to kill her, she’d rather know than not. He could atleast have the decency to give her the mental preparation , though he always was a selfish man- even in bed. Which was quite ironic considering he didn’t even care for it but saw it as more of a hobby.
Lost in thought, she had failed to realise he had guided them to their bedroom. It was odd, considering prayer time was soon and the two would be expected to make an appearance.
Before she could speak, she was met with his cold lips against hers. It wasn’t rough, but it wasn’t exactly passionate either. It was hungry.
For Dōma, the heat that radiated off of her lips was almost intoxicating. They weren’t cold like his, her heart constantly beat, with fire and warmth. How she resembled him so, yet not at the same time. In truth, he had done this on purpose. He had orchestrated the entire thing. He already knew, who she was before he found her almost dead. After all, he was the one who impaled her.
But she didn’t know that, and she didn’t need to know.
The entire reasoning of it all was for a simple reason.
A life long partner.
Although he didn’t understand love and affection, he wasn’t oblivious to social cues. He knew nobody truly actually liked him. And his devoted followers loved him because they were told to.
But he could force someone to love him, couldn’t he? Afterall that was what that woman had told him, when he sought counselling on his troubles. Of course, her good advice now lays in the bowels of his stomach.
So, he had stalked for a partner.
The entertainment district, had truly never failed to amaze him. There were all kinds of people, and beautiful women- he just had to choose wisely- and he did at that. It was a rarity for him to have bad taste after all.
In truth, he knew everything about her before she even knew of his existence.
He knew she had no family, no ties to the outside world- that she was born into this work and never truly knew what love was. It was easy, he just had to make her believe this was love because he was incapable of showing it any other way.
He had found her to be quite exquisite, and he had already noticed that fire inside of her. The warmth that he had been looking for, for a century.
His mother was unable to give it to him, and another woman failed at it- she would be the last option. If she failed, he would kill himself entirely. He had decided.
He would die in a battle, he knew that.
Regardless, before he died- he wanted to know what love felt like. He was always so cold, he had become numb to it and although she was the same breed of monster he was now, she wasn’t so cold.
He knew he’d have to break her into two to make her love him
He knew, he’d have to lie and deceive her- but did he ever claim to not be the devil?
After all, he is cunning but also beautiful- and he once was an angel.
Perhaps this was a pointless fight, to be fighting for something that he will never truly obtain- but he’s had everything he’s ever wanted apart from that.
He didn’t care for walking in the sun or power
He revelled in slaughter because it made him feel something and likewise now, he could only fall under the spell she had put under him.
His hands travelled up her waist and down to her hip bone before he lightly bit at her bottom lip.
What would she say, if she knew?
She was so erratic, maybe she would kill herself. Afterall she tried it once before, who’s to say she wouldn’t again? She would leave him wouldn’t she? Why would she not? Everyone else had.
Everyone he had ever taken a liking to, would simply leave.
Perhaps he shouldn’t have turned her into a demon in the first place
Maybe he wasn’t deserving of love
Suddenly, his mind wandered back to reality. It was not often that he zoned out, after all, he was so perceptive- yet when it came to her, he became a man he didn’t even recognise.
He hadn’t even noticed, that he placed her onto the bed, and loomed over her. He had kissed her neck before abruptly stopping and his gaze becoming devoid of any emotion.
“What’s wrong?”
How funny it was, he thought. That she cared
His signature smile returned, as his slightly closed yet were still open enough to see those multicoloured eyes.
“Nothing at all, my love- since you’re here with me” He whispered, and placed another kiss on the crane of her neck before moving to her collarbone before he was met with a rather violent pull of his hair which led him for just a moment- to widen his eyes.
“First, you ask me such a ridiculous question, then this, and then you just suddenly gaze into nothing. Explain yourself.” Her voice had broke, she wasn’t upset but worried and dumbfounded.
He always kept her emotions in disarray.
Should he tell her?
Would it be proof of her love if he did?
That he had in fact orchestrated the entire thing?
One of his hands reached up to her cheek, as he stroked it lightly.
“Do you remember, how we met?” He asked, gently.
“When you..kidnapped me?” She scoffed, looking back at the memory it was foggy and blurry. A reminder of a previous life, a life where she still didn’t have any freedom.
“Hm, yes I suppose..for you..that’s how we met.” His tone became cold.
“That monster, that you had seen- it was me, my dear.”
“I was the one that caused the city to become ruin.”
She was met with horror as distant memories suddenly became anew.
She had shoved them to the back of her head, she hadn’t once thought about what she had seen.
Only the flames, were describable but not the other horrors.
The way the other girls were screaming and crying as pillars of wood fell and the smell of copper filled the halls. Mutated legs and arms scattered around the building like children’s toys.
And the sudden golden tinted fan that had her in her chest before she fell from the window.
It was in an effort to catch her.
Her mouth grew dry.
She had understood now, why their first encounter was so strange. He didn’t decide to keep her on a whim, he had decided long before. He had caused the city to burn, for her. In an effort to break her, to have her. To make her believe that he was her saviour, her god.
What, was the only word she could muster out as Dōma shadowed over her.
His eyes had a glint in them, they weren’t so dim. As if he was glad to have the lie between them finally revealed, as if they growing anew- as if this would be true love.
“I had seen you, quite a few months back- walking home after working.”
He smiled
“Oh, it was quite funny, you didn’t even see the poor girl I was feasting on..”
His canines shined under the small luminosity that housed the room
“But, you just caught my eye. You were so beautiful! And just so lost in your own mind, it was exactly what I was looking for! I had to know more.”
He bent down now, cheerfully and joyous as he placed a toothy kiss to her neck.
Goosebumps filled her body.
“You..stalked me.. and then burnt the entire fucking city to the ground?”
Her voice broke again, she was dumbfounded? Afraid?
Horrified was more the word for it.
“And I would burn the world, just for you.
You didn’t need that city, what good did it do? It only harmed you, my love.”
He pleaded his case.
“You were exactly what I was looking for, intelligent and creative yet you had this striking beauty to you, though the sadness and despair wasn’t something I had ignored either- I wanted to save you, you poor thing.” He whispered into her ear, yet the words meant nothing- it only fuelled the sickening feeling in her stomach.
“You..manipulated me..?” Her voice had grown quiet, tears now threatening the corners of her eyes.
“Oh, YN. You were always so exquisite when you cried.” Dōma approached his mouth to her left eye, before gently licking the corner.
It filled her with disgust.
“You..took everything away from me..and then denied me death just..for-..for-” YN couldn’t finish the sentence before a muffled sob escaped her mouth.
“Took everything away..? You never had anything in the first place..
I gave you everything you’d ever need” He stroked his thumb on her cheek.
She wanted to tell him to get out, to scream at him and to cry and sob.
After all this time, she had been so stupid
She had ignored the simple truth, because she had already known.
Yet, she couldn’t accept it, because she had nobody else.
The hate had dissipated, for the simple reason of lying to herself.
Dōma now telling her and affirming her suspensions all along, all in some sick and twisted way of proving his love to her made her realise, that what she had grown to love was a monster, and would only ever be a monster.
He didn’t just kidnap her, he destroyed everything in his path to make sure she had nothing else to return to. That he would be the only thing she would have, turning him into the same creature that he was, into the same monstrosity- was assurance.
He didn’t manipulate her in his mind, he simply bent the truth.
Stalking was such a big word, he had only just learnt every single detail about her before making his move. Was that normal? He wanted results, not failure.
Her muffled sobs brought a grin to his face, an erratic one. He always did like to see her cry, it reminded him that she still had her humanity- that she was still so different from him.
He approached her ear with a sweet shushing sound as if to soothe her.
“I even kept their bodies, in case you ever missed them”
“...you’re fucking sick” YN finally managed to muster out, with a cry to accompany it.
“If being in love with you makes me sick, then so be it!” He cheerfully smiled
“This isn’t love!” She tried to push him off, but he was stronger. He always was. He pinned both of her wrists down with one arm- his veins making an appearance.
“You don’t think I love you, YN?” Dōma masqueraded a look of sadness before a golden fan met his free his hand, with a swift movement, it opened.
“Do you want me to prove to you, that I do?”
His voice became devoid of any emotion.
Before YN could answer, or even comprehend his sudden act- she was met with a gush of blood hitting her face.
A small empty laugh filled her ears and as she looked, she realised he had slit his throat open- the fan was still impaled into his neck and was making it’s way through the bone deeper.
“I love you so much I’d be prepared to die for you, are you?”
Before she could react, the fan had already met her neck.
She whimpered as it slightly cut her skin- though he hadn’t cut her nearly as deep as he had cut himself.
His skin had already begin to heal.
“There shouldn’t be any lies between us, my love. If you died, I’d go utterly insane.”
“Please..get off of me.” She whimpered as her white hair and porcelain skin was now stained with his blood. Though, he himself didn’t care. Instead, he shoved another kiss on her lips. This time it was rough, a mixture of the taste of blood and saliva pooled the two’s mouths as he harshly bit at her lip. In an effort to make him stop even for just a moment, she bit him back yet this caused absolutely no reaction at all and seemed to just fuel his blood lust further.
He pretended to be a kind man when in truth, he was nothing but hell itself among mortals.
“What does it matter?” He finally breathed into her mouth.
“It was so long ago now, hm?” He stroked her hair, his own fingers stained with crimson red.
“It matters because you killed everyone that I knew! You burnt my home to ash!” She cried out
“Had you not said, you had lived a life of a misery?” He tilted his head, to which YN was met with silence in her own mind.
She had said that, hadn’t she.
“Did I not give you a somewhat better life? Regardless of my past actions? As they say, let’s not cry over spoiled milk, my dear.”
Dōma reflected for a moment
“Does it matter?” He asked, emotionless.
It didn’t, she had concluded.
It didn’t matter, because regardless she was stuck here. She wouldn’t leave, she knew she wouldn’t. She was stuck within the devils grasp- and he wasn’t letting go.
Deep down, maybe she knew the answer. But it didn’t matter.
It never did, because in truth, she would most likely die from her hand- and him his own.
It was a story that was never bound to have a happy ending.
After all, their entire existence was against the codes of nature and so was this so called love.
“I would feed my heart to you, if you just asked, my love.”
She wished, she had killed herself that day.
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yandere-3-sagau · 1 year
Can I request SAGAU with reader coming into Teyvat but being very hush hush about it and they get a job at Wangshu inn or something but one day they end up cutting themselves and boom golden blood? Sorry if this is too specific
Don’t apologize, I love this idea!
I have so many ideas for this one ranging from crack to angst hskakdk
Let’s say that all the documents about the creator have vague descriptions so they aren’t too sure about your appearance. The only key signs of being the creator are golden blood and crystal like tears.
I hope you like it! I think this may be my first request ^.^
Yandere!SAGAU x Secret!Creator!Reader Part 1
Your arrival to Teyvat is sudden. One second you had fallen asleep at your desk after a long night. The next second you lift your head and you’re in a completely new environment.
Surrounded by greens and vegetables you note you’re on some sort of farm. You warily get off the ground, dusting off the dirt from your clothes. You look around hoping to figure out where and how you had ended up in this unfamiliar place.
However, what catches your eyes in the dimly lit farm, is a little glowing blue figure floating wispily.
A seelie?
Your heart drops and your eyes squint through the dark taking in more of your surroundings. Your eyes finally land on a large statue in the distance.
Your thoughts are confirmed as you drop to your knees, eyes locked on a Geo Statue of the Seven.
You’ve read the stories, you know what happens.
“Hello? Who is out there?” a shaky voice calls out. You want to get up and run but the shock kept you in place.
An old man makes his way over, holding a lantern over you. The light illuminates your worry-stricken face. Thoughts run wild in your head as the old man helps you into his home.
Not wanting to risk being chased by all these powerful characters thinking you’re an imposter, while also afraid of being confined by obsessive acolytes, you think it’s best that your arrival to Teyvat is kept a secret.
The farmer that found you, a widowed man with no offspring, decides to take you in. To avoid feeling like a burden, you help out the old man in anyway you can, starting with farming. As if the land is trying to show their love for you, the vegetables you plant grow absurdly quick. They grow larger than the farmer had ever seen before. Vegetables farmed by your hand come out with the perfect texture and consistency. To the farmer, you’re like an angel descended from the skies.
It isn’t long before the old farmer’s business booms with the best vegetables in the market. However, he’s become too old and it’s become too difficult for him to transport all of these vegetables from his isolated little home to the shops down in Liyue Harbor.
You volunteer to do it for him. It’s the least you could do in return for him letting you stay rent free. Despite your willingness, you still can’t fight the anxiousness that comes with traveling in Teyvat.
The first time you enter Liyue Harbor, your hands are so sweaty you nearly drop the boxes of vegetables you are holding. Staying the whole day to sell vegetables in Liyue Harbor means that you are exposed. But when you finally came across your favorite characters, you realize you worried for nothing.
You first meet the Traveler and Paimon. The exchange is simple. They buy a few of your vegetables then leave to Wanmin restaurant to use the stove to cook some meals.
Then you meet Xiao. One day, a group of Hilichurl’s almost attack you while you are transporting goods to Liyue Harbor. He quickly wipes them out while you hide behind the cart you are pushing. Xiao simply looks at you for no more than 5 seconds before disappearing.
After that, the worry of your face being recognized begins to fade. If it weren’t for your oddly golden blood, you would have forgotten that you’re the creator.
You become accustomed to living life in Teyvat. It is peaceful. No exams or deadlines. Such simple tasks done day by day. You spend one day farming and the next transporting vegetables. You sit at your little shop selling items before heading home and helping out the old man. It’s not super easy but it’s a lot less stressful than your life before.
Everyday you get to bask in the sunlight and enjoy fresh air while you admire the scenery you had only ever seen through a screen. You are content and happy.
Until one day you accidentally make the smallest mistake.
Xiangling is a regular of yours. Your vegetables are by far the best she’s ever had and you quickly become her source of ingredients for her dishes. She speaks so highly of you that Zhongli, one of the characters you fear most, decides to drop by your little shop.
His presence is intimidating with his golden eyes peering down at you and his tall stature towering over your little stall.
Despite his slightly domineering presence, his voice is as smooth and soothing as you remember it to be and you’re able to calm down enough to treat him like any of your other customers. You’ve already met many characters and none of them were able to recognize you. How could he be any different?
Except he’s not like the others.
He’s nearly 6000 years old. He’s seen things others haven’t and most importantly, he’s worshipped the existence of the creator far longer than any of the Liyue Citizens have been alive.
From the very beginning, he sensed that there was something different about you. Something familiar and oddly inviting. The former Geo Archon thought he knew everyone residing in Liyue but it’s his first time coming across you.
His eyes can’t help but follow your every move as you wrap up his box of vegetables. You finally finish tying up his box with some sturdy rope and grab a knife to cut off the long ends. Just as you’re cutting the rope, your hand slips.
The sharp knife slices shallowly into your opposite hand. Zhongli is only barely able to catch a glimpse of gold before you drop to the floor.
It isn’t the pain that’s brought you to your knees but the fear. You crouch over your hands, covering the wound as best as you can hoping with all your being that he hasn’t seen anything.
Both you and Zhongli can feel your hearts beating faster than ever before.
“Are you alright?”
The former Geo Archon attempts to walk over to the other side of the stall, when he hears the Traveler call his name. His attention wavers and it gives you just enough time to wipe your blood away and stuff the handkerchief into your pocket.
Zhongli glances at you amidst his conversation just to see you finish covering your wound with a bandage. Any trace of blood is gone and the wound is completely covered.
He walks away from the Traveler to speak with you. The geo archon’s eyes never once leave your hand as he stands in front of you.
“Is your wound alright?”
You nod waving your hand a little.
“Just a small wound,” you say, hoping he’d accept your answer and move on.
But he isn’t satisfied.
“Are you sure? It look like it hurt. It’s important to put some cream on it so it doesn’t get infected.”
“Of course! I’m a lot stronger than you think.” You smile before repeating his total. The Traveler ends up paying for the vegetables and the two leave, but not without Zhongli glancing a few more times at you.
When his figure completely fades, your smile drops.
It seems you’ve stayed a bit too long in Liyue.
Shaky hands clumsily pack up your stall as you race to close up the shop early and quickly head home before the Geo Archon decides to return.
While you rush, you don’t notice the small white handkerchief falling out of your pocket nor do you realize that the small piece of cloth would be the sole cause of the upcoming chaos that erupts throughout the nations of Teyvat.
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barefoot-joker · 4 months
Snake in the Garden Pt 2~Yandere!Lucifer X Reader
Hello, everybody! And welcome to part 2 of Snake in the Garden! I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and I can't wait to see what you guys think. There will be a couple more parts after this one, so be on the lookout! At the end I will have a taglist of people. If you would like to be added, don't hesitate to comment. Again, I'm sorry if Lucifer is OOC. I tried my best. As always, I hope you enjoy and have a great day/night!
Words: 2877
Warnings: Swearing, Mental Breakdown, Forced Companionship, Possessive Tendencies, Ignoring One's Wishes
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
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I sighed as I shifted in the large King sized bed. It was quite comfortable with red silk sheets, fuzzy blankets and so many pillows one could almost make an igloo. While the mattress was quite huge, I wasn’t given much room to move. Currently His Majesty had his inky black arms wrapped around my waist and his legs tangled with mine. The heat of his breath and body felt hotter than the fires of Hell. I tried to shift again but he just cuddled closer. “Just five more minutes, darling.”
“Please, Lucifer-”
“I love it when you say my name,” he purred.
“I really need to go to the bathroom. I promise I’ll come right back.”
He hummed and I shuddered as his claws lightly tapped at my hip. “I suppose I can allow it. But do be quick, I’ll miss you.”
His grip loosened and I was quick to sit up. Fast walking to the bathroom, I shut and locked the door behind me. While there was no doubt in my mind he could use some magic to open the door if he wanted to, the lock soothed some sense of protection in me. A sigh of relief escaped me as I sat on the toilet and let my hands run down my face. I didn’t really need to use the bathroom, it was just a lame excuse to get away for a few minutes. After all, it had only been a few hours since I found out my little Red was actually the Devil himself and I was being ushered into the role of Queen of Hell. I shook my head as I tried to get rid of the look of adoration he held in his eyes throughout the night. It was frightening. Silently, I played with the hem of my favorite color nightgown as I tried to think of a way out of this. 
It’s not like I could kill him. He seemed pretty agile on his feet and with magic on his side he’d be able to stop a fatal blow.
Leaving wasn’t an option either. There was palace staff everywhere, little demons with suits waiting for their master’s beck and call. The property was guarded by David and Goliath as well. Besides, I didn’t really know the layout of the castle and would just be going in blind, despite the elaborate tour I had gotten.
The final thought was to play into his game, make him believe I was in love with him. I mentally gagged. Not only did I think I wouldn’t be able to handle pretending to be a fan of his courtship, I feel he would be able to sniff out my intentions right away. He was an ancient being of many eons after all and he had a previous wife.
I looked up from my thoughts and gazed at the Victorian stained glass window in front of me. The window was able to be pulled apart in the middle as there was a latch on either side. Hold on a minute.
I got up and stalked over, undoing the golden latch quietly. Looking down, I gulped at how high up we were. The dead grass seemed miles away. Perhaps if I got a rope of some sort I’d be able to climb out? 
“Darling, are you almost done in there? It’s getting quite lonely out here.”
I quickly closed the window, flushed the toilet, and turned on the sink. Can’t have him believing I was a liar already. A few seconds later I shut off the sink and unlocked the door. Opening it, I could see Lucifer’s gaze shift towards me and a smile peeled at his lips. He patted the empty side of the bed so I slowly walked over. I peeled back the thin black curtain that surrounded the four poster bed and sat. His claws slid across the blankets and planted themselves on my thigh, his thumb rubbing the flesh tenderly. “I’ve canceled all my meetings for the day to help try and get you more situated, dear. Doesn’t that sound lovely?”
“I suppose.”
I turned my head to glance at the blankets, my fingers drawing patterns being more entertaining. Suddenly a knock at the door had us both looking towards it. “Sire, breakfast is ready.”
“Thank you. We’ll be down in a few.”
“Of course, Sire.”
I heard little footsteps scurry away. “I guess that’s our cue to get up.”
He pulled back the blankets and I blushed upon seeing him shirtless and with boxers that had apples all over. I had forgotten that’s how he went to bed. He slipped past me and headed to a dark oak wardrobe across from the bed and opened it. Lucifer shifted through the various clothes before deciding on something. He brought out two hangers and laid them on the bed. One was the white suit that he wore yesterday and the other was a lacy white blouse, velvety green skirt and black boots. “I’ll admit I don’t have many options for you to wear as of right now. We’ll have to go shopping together sometime soon. I hope this will suffice for now.”
“It’s fine, thank you.”
I slid off the bed, grabbed my clothes and headed into the bathroom. I locked the door and began to strip. It took me a few minutes to do up the buttons on the blouse but once I was done I walked back into the bedroom. Lucifer was just putting on his boots while I draped my nightgown over the back of a chair. “Well don’t you just look enchanting, my dear.”
“Always the charmer, aren’t you?” “I’m just stating the truth.”
He leaned over and gave my cheek a kiss. I just huffed. “Shall we go?”
I nodded. Interlocking our arms together, Lucifer led the way to the dining room. It was quite the grand room with a chandelier hanging above the large table. The blonde pulled out my chair for me and scooted it in once I had sat. He placed himself across from me and as soon as we were situated a few castle staff came out. They placed a mug in front of each of us, a dark roast coffee smell emitting from it. Plates were put on the table as well. A couple of eggs, sausage and bacon were put in the form of a happy face, something I’m sure Lucifer had a hand in. Breakfast was quiet as the King looked over his newspaper and I poked at my food. From what I ate it was quite good, just uncomfortable with those red eyes gazing at me every once in a while. 
When the table was cleared, the two of us walked towards the Devil’s workshop. Lucifer gently pushed me into a black high backed chair as he sat on a stool on a podium. I looked at all the rubber ducks that filled the various containers spread throughout the room wondering why. Why rubber ducks? Why so many?
“I hope you don’t mind me working on my latest creation, dearest.”
“Not at all. But, um, what am I supposed to do?”
“Ah, how foolish of me! Here you are.”
A book materialized on the table in front of me and I realized it was one of my favorites. “I hope that is alright.”
I nodded and flipped it open. For a few hours our time was spent like this: him working on his latest invention and I reading. A little bit in I became a bit restless. I placed my book down and gazed around the small room. Besides the rubber ducks and table I sat at, there were other various knick knacks on bookshelves, tools hanging on the walls and some framed photos. The photos had the same three people in them: Lucifer, a beautiful blonde woman and a young blonde girl. Could that be his wife and daughter he mentioned before? “And, done!”
Lucifer spun on his stool to face me and proudly held out his creation. It was a yellow rubber duck with red music notes painted all over it. “How…interesting.”
He stood and placed the duck in my hands. “I know it may look normal, but this is no ordinary duck. Here,” he squeezed the wings and suddenly music came spilling from its beak. 
It was a romantic tune, one I didn’t recognize but sounded familiar. It sounded like a song I’d hear play from the church I’d walk past every day. “It’s music from my birth place. The tune was often played at our festivities and it just reminded me of you.”
“Well, thank you, I guess.”
I sat the duck down on the table and sighed. There he goes with the romantic gestures again. “Is it not to your liking, my love?”
“No, it's just…nevermind.”
I could feel his hands wrap around my shoulders and I tensed. “What’s wrong, Y/n? You’ve been off all day.”
“Can I ask you a favor?”
“Of course! Anything in my power is yours for the asking, you just name it!”
“I want to go home. My actual home on Earth. I, I don’t belong here, Lucifer.”
I could feel tears in my eyes as I gazed down at my hands in my lap. The hands on my shoulders squoze. “You know I can’t do that, sweetie. Your place is by my side here in Hell.”
I clenched my hands and bit my lip. Anger started to slowly rise within me. I stood fast, Lucifer’s hands flying off my shoulders. “How can you decide where I belong? You’re not my father nor are you my husband. Can’t you see how much I hate it here? How much I hate you?!”
His eyes widened and I rushed out of the room. I heard him call for me but I just ignored it. Tears fell down my cheeks as I let my legs carry me throughout the palace till I reached the outside. I fell to the ground near a hand carved stone bench and let my feelings out. I truly didn’t want to be courted by the Devil and no way did I want to remain in my own personal hell. Why couldn’t things be back to normal where I could tend to my garden and have Red join me? Red, that damn snake. Why did he have to come into my life? If only I hadn’t let my kind nature tend to him, then perhaps I’d still be home. “Damn him! DAMN HIM!”
I slammed my hands on the bench and continued to cry. It felt like an eternity till all my crying had ceased and I took the time to look around. That’s when I noticed something in the overgrowth surrounding the fence on the property. I stood and made my way over, pulling at the wiry, thorny brush. My eyes widened as I saw a hole in the fence. Could this be a sign from God? Was he giving me a way out? I looked back at the palace and then back to the fence. As much as I wanted to leave now I knew it wouldn’t be a good idea. Lucifer was no doubt looking for me and leaving would only heighten his upset emotions. I’ll just have to keep this in mind.
I moved the brush back to how it was originally and stepped away, just in time too. One of the servants came out from the glass doors and headed towards me. “Miss Y/n, His Majesty has been looking all over for you! He’s been worried sick!”
I didn’t say anything as he gently grabbed my hand, dragging me inside. “Come along. He’ll be glad to see you in one piece.”
The next few days Lucifer and I spent walking on eggshells around each other. There was an awkward air about us as we went about our days. I suppose my outburst was the cause of it. Even with our hesitation, the demon did his best to court me. Meals were spent in each other’s presence at close proximity, gifts of flowers, rubber ducks and long walks around the property were fairly common, and intimacy was at an all time high. Lucifer had to have his hands on me at all times and kisses on the cheeks and forehead happened at every turn. It was about a week later that His Majesty decided it was time we went out into the city. One of the servants drove us in and the ride over I was given some guidelines. “You are to stay by my side at all times. Pentagram City is quite the dangerous place. If somebody gets too close, I will deal with it personally. Anybody that talks to you will go through me and please dear, don’t hesitate to have fun.”
I’ll try with the short leash you have on me.
The car stopped and Lucifer and I got out. He stooped to the window and whispered something to the driver before coming to my side. Interlocking our arms, we began our walk. “I thought some fresh air away from home would do us both some good, my darling. Besides, this will give us a chance to look for some clothes for you.”
I nodded. As we walked down the sidewalk I could feel a dozen stares pointed in our direction, whispers about our presence floating amongst the civilians. Lucifer didn’t seem to mind but with all the gawking I felt a bit shy. As we passed by an ornate window display, he stopped suddenly. “This seems right up your alley, sweetie.”
He pulled us inside the store. We stood at the entryway and I couldn’t help but gaze at the various clothes. It seemed this shop was more on the posh end, with skirts, dresses and fancy blouses decorating the mannequins. The store itself was a bit busy as customers wandered, but as soon as we entered all eyes were on us. I did my best to shrink into myself while Lucifer puffed out his chest in pride. “Your Majesty, welcome! How grand of you to grace us with your presence! How can we help you today,” asked a female imp in black clothes. 
“My darling here is lacking a wardrobe at home, so I thought it fit to come and look around.”
The woman looked me up and down and smiled. “I’m sure we can find something for your sweetheart. If you’d like to follow me please we can start looking at some pieces.”
I looked to the short man beside me and he just nodded in her direction. “Don’t be shy, dear.”
The two of us followed along as the imp pointed out some options, Lucifer stating his opinion on each one. When we had grown quite the collection, we were led to the fitting rooms in the back. The King perched himself on a plush bench as I stepped into one of the smaller rooms. As I was getting dressed, I heard a phone going off. The circus ringtone rang throughout the store until it stopped when the person picked up. “Charlie, sweetie, how are you?”
I stopped upon hearing Lucifer’s voice. “That’s great to hear. You and Maggie had a good date the other night? Wonderful. How have things at the hotel been? Any recent sinners looking to be redeemed?”
Redeemed? I scooted closer to the curtain to listen in. “I see. Heaven is giving you a hard time, eh?”
Heaven? “What am I up to? Oh your old man is just taking a stroll through town. Listen Charlie, I am quite busy at the moment. How about I give you a call later, okay? Alright sounds good. Buh bye. How’s it going in there, Y/n?”
I stepped out and a smirk rested itself on his face. “My, my. Don’t you look lovely. You know, if we were back at home I don’t think I could hold myself back from ravishing you.”
I felt a shudder go up my spine. Gross!
“I like that blouse on you. It brings out your eyes very nicely. How about trying some more on for dear ole Luci?”
I slammed the curtain shut and let myself gag at what he had said earlier. How very forward of him. Now about this hotel…maybe this could be my ticket out of here. 
“Yes, dear?”
“Who was that on the phone?”
“Oh, that was my daughter Charlie!”
“I thought you said you didn’t have a great relationship with her?”
“I don’t, but we’re working on it. I’m helping her with her little passion project.”
“Oh? And what’s that?” Gotcha.
“The Hazbin Hotel. She believes she can solve Hell’s population problem by getting sinners redeemed into Heaven. I honestly don’t see the point, but if helping brings us closer together then I’ll be there for her.”
“I see.” Perhaps if I went the Princess of Hell could get me back to Earth!
After I had tried everything on, we went to the checkout counter and bought a few pieces. I carried the bags back to the car and the whole time I brewed up a plan on how to escape.
@ladymothbeth @cosmic-spider @l0vedoe @stormz369 @strawberry-gothic @repostingmyfavs
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lovezbrownies · 2 months
Dressing up! (Chief of Military Yan x GN!Reader.)
Gen Ludenhart x reader
Synopsis: Gen adores your outfit, so she obviously has to do something about it.
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You were getting ready for a ball you and Gen were invited to, you had a nice dress blouse on, with a form fitting pair of dress pants, the blousewas slightly oversized to give off that poofy elegant look. The sleeves were poofy up until the cuffs which also made you look even more elegant, there were gold accents all over your blouse. The pants were a simple dark brown, however they hugged your form beautifully, you looked great! Or at least you thought so but all that was left was get your wife's permission.
Gen is... very picky of what you wear. Nothing tight, nothing revealing, and the Ludenhart family symbol has to show somewhere on the outfit, you did take her last name after all! (Take is a word she would use, but you would say forced.) You didn't put on the Ludenhart family crest yet but other than that you checked out all the boxes! Tight pants never bothered Gen but only enticed her to grab at your rear even more!
And now was the moment of truth. You walk out of the walk-in closet inside your shared bedroom, Gen was sitting on the edge of the bed, waiting for you to finally finish. She got up and walked closer to you, Gen looked you up and down scrutinizing the outfit you carefully put together. You couldn't get a read on what she was thinking at all, but you can tell the pants bother her in some way as she keeps glancing at it. Gen grabbed your hips and turned you around.
"Hm." she let out a thoughtful hum, you looked back at her, not daring to move anything other than your head, you see she was staring directly at your ass. You flushed, you guess sure the pants do kind of accentuate your ass a bit but you didn't think she would get upset over it! She usually liked it when you wore tighter pants! Gen smirked, obviously liking what she was looking at. "Cute. But get your ass back in there."
You gaped at her, "Don't you like it?" This time she met your eyes, and now you understand why she wants you back in the closet. Her bedroom eyes are always intense. "I fucking love it, so if you don't take it off willingly I will rip it off with my bare teeth." Gen pulled you in by you hips, grinding onto your ass. You turned red at her implications. "W-What about the party?!" Gen growled, "They can fucking wait but I can't."
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thatanimeramenchick · 4 months
Yandere Alastor Headcannons
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Alastor considers his public persona important. This applies to how you view him, as well as how others would view your relationship. Therefore, he would not want to use direct approaches of intimidation to attain you, rather using more subtle suggestions to worm you into his arms. He would be livid with whoever shatters the illusion he has created for you, which would likely be a caring and attentive friend to lover. This wrath would also be turned on you if you attempted to be spiteful and ruin his public image in some way.
Part of this is that he is quite skilled at verbal manipulation. As a radio host, it should be no surprise that words are his greatest weapon. Whether he uses it to turn you against those in your life and isolate you or convince you to do things that ultimately benefit him, you would have to have an iron will to resist him.
When you inevitably do realize his true nature, he will be able to start being more direct behind closed doors, but even then he would rather not. A gentleman of his time, he prefers not to use aggressive methods with his lover, who he would like to view as dependent, elegant, and delicate. Rivals on the other hand are much less lucky.
On another note, Alastor seems like the kind of person to enjoy the chase just as much as the acquirement of his goal, if not more. Someone who is ultimately less powerful than him and does everything in their power to avoid being in a contract with him or under his thumb, only to be forced to do what he says after a long domino affect of bad happenings, would be the whirlwind “romance” of his dreams and your nightmares.
Along with the gentleman aspect, some more positive things about having Alastor as a partner is that he would willingly perform as the dutiful and romantic lover. There would be dates and gifts, both on a whim and on special holidays. As a gentleman of the 1920's, there is a certain elegance and class in the way he treats you. You're not his "ho" or "bitch."
As an asexual, he has zero interest in performing anything remotely sexual with you. The whole matter is undignified and dirty. As long as you never mention it he won’t either. But he may be willing to “relieve” any tension you have if you nag him enough and if he thinks it will make you more compliant to him. He would prefer to use his magic to do so though rather than do it himself.
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tnsophiaonly · 8 months
In which Self-Aware Genshin People loathe your existence and believe that you're the founding reason why they're not real.
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Tired of this obsessive and lovesick creator or impostor SAGAU? Then what about this alternate? Be wary, it's dark and we'll mentions of torture something ig idk
Basically. This is impostor AU and the real creator who looks like you is horrible af. And you're an actual impasta.
Special mentions (♡): @sleepparalasis @haru-tofuu
Hatred. That's all they could feel when they see your face throughout the screen. Amusement. When they see your face wrinkle in pain and frustration when you get a standard character in through wishing or when you get the wrong stats in artifacts. After all, you were the one that made that right? You were the sole reason for your own pain, you made them in a fictional universe, where nothing is real. You're horrible for that and you should take the consequences of such.
That's why you're transported in this place, in which you thought the world was heaven before became your most terrorful nightmare. Hell, just like how it should be. Teyvat is hell. An upside down world, ruled by gods-demons and filled with darkness and pain. The world you created. Right? That's your fault. Your fault alone.
"Oh great heavens, that's cold..." you chatted out, freezing and shaking because of the cold. You face the wrath of the Cryo Archon's Nation. The home of the so-called organization, Fatui. Snow and ice were evident everywhere. And the cold, the cold was for sure affecting you. (Especially if you live in tropical areas or close to the equator? I feel so sorry for you)
Any bits of liquid that could be created were frozen within milliseconds. So you're sobbing just makes it worse, maybe if you actually used your feet and moved and found a place to heat yourself up instead of shining and sobbing, you could probably be in a great condition right now.
But you chose to cry. Pathetic really. And you expect this to be an impostor of me? The so great, almighty creator of The Genshin Universe? Absolutely not. I'd rather guide the Traveller to the absolute truth of this world at a fast pace than be, represented by you.
But fear not, I am sure I am able to at least give some potential to you... OFCOURSE I can do it. It's me after all.
But now i should really have this pathetic excuse of an impostor of mine to.. move and do something rather than cry and freeze to death. After all, I can't have my ungrateful people of Teyvat run after a very obvious impostor who's close to dying eh?
So, much to my dismay, I chose to give you guidance, see? Such a kind creator, you're a very lucky fella..
"ah-aaachoo-!" You sneezed, it feels like something just happened, but what? And why? Those questions are left unanswered. As you unconsciously started moving your freezing feet to walk and find some shelter to heat up.
Oh how the torturous snow storm causes you pain and despair. Why were you striving forward anyways? Your whole body aches. It hurts. Why. Why.
"You deserved it." The inner within of the core speaks.
You deserved it..? Why?
No one answers.
After walking away which felt like centuries, you finally are met with a bonfire, a large one in fact, the only problem was that it's within a fatui camp. Oh god...
"Well, well, well.. what's a worm like you doing here for?" A taunting and mocking tone says so to you. Oh my Lord, oh it just couldn't get worse thab this, bits of electricity shocked you slowly, you were feeling the wrath of The Balladeer, the 6th Fatui Harbinger. You could only stay in your spot as you feel electro build up within you, hurting you, killing you.
You're sweating bullets of fear just turns to ice because of the environment, it was no use to run.
"Well well comrade, what's with the guest? I didn't know you were quite the welcomer!" A mocking and sarcastic voice taunted the hat guy, which earned him a glare for, the ginger bread- hair man had a boyish charm and looks, almost looking innocent if you didn't know better. Well guess it got worse.
The ginger head guy's eyes widen, as his taunting smile quickly turns into a frown. The mocking gaze turns into a face of anger, annoyance.
"Is that..." he muttered, bewildered and angry. The ginger guy quickly launched unto you, with bloodlust and wrath causing you to flinch, that's before the entire electricity builds up within you and completely shocked you to oblivion, and the ginger's defense mechanism, of course he backed down.
The electro flowing within you caused so much pain, overbearing pain, yet you did not scream. You did not scream in pain. That one thing The Balladeer was hoping for. Maybe the shock was too strong you couldn't scream at all? Yeah, that's it..
The electro shock died down, and you passed out on the spot. Yet you were still not dead. Despite the fact that electro burns were evident, and that you were crisped to the spot, you're still alive. How lucky, or should I say unlucky?
The ginger- you know what I'm tired of calling him ginger, it's Childe. Childe went close to your passed out body. Caressing your electro-burned hand, before gripping it.
A bone crack was heard, oh did he crack it too hard? No worries, he doesn't care. The fatui skirmishers walked close to the place "We'll take care of it Lord Tartaglia." The pyro agent spoke.
"No." The Balladeer protested, as he grabbed a fistful of your hair and forced your head to look at him, ofcourse you're still passed out, and you had an expression of sorrow, The Balladeer could just smirk. It's the creator.
"I could make use of our Grace after all..." He spoke sinisterly. The agents were on the edge and so was Childe, it really was the creator, they were so close to jumping and killing you on the spot if it weren't for the fact that The Balladeer was there.
The sound of chains vibrated throughout the dungeon, sweet little breaths and movements.
You looked around, it was pitch black and only one candle was the source of light, which was out of reach for you.
A swarming and overwhelming feeling of cold and warm was brushed against you, the electro infused chains hurt when you try to make even the slightest movement, why were you here? Don't act stupid, you're aware why.
You could partly hear the conversation outside. It sounded a lot like the fatui agents earlier, it seems they were discussing either transporting you or guarding you still.
Your breath hitches—which echoed in the room— when they mentioned Il Dottore. They're not planning on giving you to him right...?
You could feel yourself sweating bullets, your eyes showed fear as your expression scrunches into fear. There's a 50/50 chance, but you've always lost your 50-50!
The door opens, and someone steps inside, a blue haired fellow, walking slowly and causing an intense atmosphere. You could feel yourself shaken, not because of him, but because everything feels colder. At least that's what's on your mind.
The blue haired fellow caressed your chin. And forcibly made you look at him.
"My, what a wondrous pet The Balladeer has taken upon."
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