#gahh!! curse you writers block?!?!
2smolbeans · 5 months
Part 1 Part 2 character info
Love Me, Love Me Not (2.5)
Yandere Best Friend x Obstacle Reader
Summary: You begin to contemplate your relationship with Marco after he's kept you long enough inside his apartment while sending you a few mixed signals..
Tags: One-sided relationship (?), potential poly with one yan and two poor darlings, kidnapping, hostage keeping, mixed feelings, yan best friend, belittling, isolation, nsfw implications, he's in love with his darling- but he's also interested with you.., just me rambling before I put part 3
Disclaimer: This is just a scenario I thought of with an Oc! So nothing is really 'official' or canon to the orignal storyline--
It's been what? Two months or so, ever since Marco had kept you locked up inside his cozy apartment. Every day is a blur. You always had a hard time telling what time or month it was. Same routine, same everything. It was tiringly comforting. It made you feel safe knowing what would happen. Marco would leave in the morning for work. You'd be left in the apartment to your own devices. Hours would pass, he'd come home, and you'd lock yourself in your room. You didn't have to worry about work. You didn't have to worry about chores. Your only worry was cleaning the place and looking pretty. But. That same routine was starting to eat at you. The desperation in something new was beginning to knaw at you. You wanted more. You felt like a zoo animal kept in captivity. You want to go outside to see the streets - hell to at least go inside a supermarket! Anything!
You're confused about the relationship that the two of you share. He hates you, but he wants you by his side. He often belittes you whenever he has the chance. Going out of his way to demean you with every chance he has. You want something? Well, why don't you go on your hands and knees and beg like the loyal dog you are? You want to talk to him? Well, why should he? Go on, convince him, and give him a reason why he should respond back to those dumb questions you're so persistent on asking.
But at the same time, he's clinging to you from the moment he gets home. Either sitting on the edge of your bed while he talks about his day at work. Cuddling right next to you without any say while you lazily switch through the tv channels. Or even on some nightly occasions, he's tightly snuggled up against you underneath the sheets of his bed. And on rare occasions.. He's often kissing the side of your neck with his hands in between your legs, whispering praises while he drinks in the sounds you make. Of course, only to then miserably make an excuse of how he was doing you a favor since he couldn't reciprocate those feelings for you. He was only making out with you out of pity! Wow, he must feel a lot of pity for you then for it to happen more than once...
What about your darling Marco?
You've asked him about it so many times. If he has her, then why is he doing those things with you? But, whenever you even bother bringing up the topic, he just shuts you up with a glare or threat. You're confused about him, and Marco, at times, seems confused about how he feels about you.. Oh well, it was a useless thought to dwell on. At the end of the day, Marco was a murderer who was soon going to kill you once he got tired of you. But what difference did it make? You were also one as well.. What better were you from him? Sure, you were pressured by him to commit the murders you did.. But you could've at least fought back? Why didn't you fight back? God, why couldn't you have tried to show some restraint? Your life or theirs, you should've at least died trying..
Does that matter anymore? You shouldn't care about that anymore. What's done is done. You should get over it. You don't care if you're being selfish. You want a fresh start. You want to be outside again. You look outside the window, looking down as you see the streets and people who walk around freely.
Just how long was this going to last?
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New little reylo modern au fanfic I posted last night... 😌
Title: Why Did We Break Up?
Side Note - There’s a happy ending, of course!
Rated M (Language and additional tags to be added later...)
Summary: Rey and Ben recently broke up but living in the same apartment building does not help them to move on...It helps them to find out why they decided to break up in the first place and realize how good things actually were between them.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22251973/chapters/53135227
A little note: This first chapter was inspired by a fanfic prompt via tumblr:
'we bumped into each other in the street and you were grinning like a cocky asshole the whole time so i stalked off only to realise i’m wearing your shirt'
I've wanted to write a reylo fic based on this prompt for the longest time. I might add other prompts to this story, so stay tuned. Post Tros, writing more reylo fic has definitely helped to cope. Also, it's helping to get me out of this bad case of writer's block I've been having for months. So, in advance, please excuse any typos because I really just want to write, and post as much as I can. So, anyway hope you like this and continue to read what comes next! And, thank you so much for just taking the time to read; it’s seriously always so appreciated :)
Chapter 1: Asshole
Rey's hand automatically went to her right side, to feel for...him. She opened her eyes to see the empty side of the bed. She sighed in frustration and laid on her back, looking at the tan-colored ceiling. The sun still had not peeked through her curtains so Rey knew she was up too early.
She rolled on her left side and reached for her cell phone on the nightstand. She squinted her eyes, rubbing at them, trying to wake up. After a few seconds, she finally saw the time was 5:25. She groaned with displeasure knowing she woke up much earlier than anticipated. She also didn't want to go back to sleep, just in case she slept through her alarm.
Rey covered her eyes with her arm and released a deep sigh. She knew she was going to get up in a few minutes but her mind went to Ben Solo, her ex-boyfriend of three days. They had been dating just a little over two years, about the same amount of time she and Rose had been living in this apartment. Rey put her arm over his pillow as if she could run her fingers through his dark silky hair.  
A few minutes later, the sun was rising, hitting Rey's curtains, making her open her eyes. "Okay, I can do this!" Rey pulled the covers off of her and started to get up. She sat at the edge of the bed, her feet touching the hardwood floor. She let out a yawn, stretching her arms over her head, back arched. She looked back at her phone which was next to her pillow. She leaned over to reach for it, her hand slightly touching the phone, but her head touched the pillow first and she laid on her stomach, closing her eyes, "Five more minutes..." she whispered.  
More than five minutes later, Rey's roommate, Rose Tico yelled, "Rey!" from outside her door. She knocked and knocked until the door finally opened and revealed a panicked Rey looking right at Rose, eyes enlarged.
“Shit!" Rey shouted as she ran toward their bathroom.
"Well, good morning to you too!" Rose said quickly as she followed Rey.
Rey opened the bathroom door and said over her shoulder, "Sorry, Rose! I can't believe I overslept ahh!"
Rose approached the bathroom, the door slightly ajar, and could hear the water turning on. She could hear the shower curtain moving to one side, then back. Rose crossed her arms, "I knew something was wrong when the smell of coffee didn't wake me up. I've gotten used to that alarm clock."
Rey laughed, "What a way to start the week huh?"
"Yeah, Mondays are the worst!" Rose said in agreement. "Did you want me to make coffee? I have the afternoon shift this week so I—"
"It's okay Rose! I'm just going to grab something at the corner café, thanks though!"
"Okay..." Rose checked her watch and said, "It's ten after 7, Rey..."
"Oh my God! Why is the time going by so fucking fast?!"
Rose laughed, "I'd like to know that too! See you later then, Rey."
In the shower, Rey was rinsing her hair when she barely could hear Rose and said, "Okay!" Rey closed her eyes, making sure she didn't get any shampoo in her eyes; that's something else she didn't need this morning.
Minutes later, Rey walked outside her apartment building, the sun shining brightly in her direction. She breathed the air in, taking the warm sun hitting her face. She turned briefly, feeling the sun touch her wet messy bun then started to walk. Rey could feel it was going to be another crisp autumn day in New Republic City. It was a huge metropolis filled with different boroughs and neighborhoods. Rey first came to the city when she started University. That was seven years ago and she still had not been to all the neighborhoods.
Rey was half a block away from the corner café to get a quick coffee before the ten-minute drive to Takodana when she saw Ben walk outside of the corner café, walking her way. She gasped without meaning to. She had been thinking of him but seeing him made her heart beat a little faster.
Ben Solo took a sip of his coffee then instantly found Rey's intense stare. He swallowed, thankful his coffee didn't go another way due to being taken back at seeing his ex-girlfriend so soon. He was going to say something but his eyes looked quickly at her shirt, then back into her eyes. He immediately grinned, satisfied at what he saw.
Rey was surprised that Ben had a fucking grin. She narrowed her eyes, "Ben," she simply said as they were passing each other.
Ben nodded and said in return, "Rey." His voice sounded so familiar, gentle, and deep. Rey would not admit it but she missed his damn voice. She shook her head and was about to say something else when she noticed his grin was not going away.
Rey scoffed, walked away, and abruptly stopped as she swore she heard him chuckle. She would not look back, nope she told herself. She looked down and instantly found why he grinned, "Fuck!" She said a little too loudly. A mother with her young daughter was walking by her just then and she received a dark glare from the mother. Rey shrugged and mouthed sorry to her, not receiving a second glance. Rey shrugged and looked back at her shirt, underneath her black blazer. She was wearing his shirt! His fucking shirt. In the rush to get ready, instead of putting on a solid gray shirt she accidentally put on his gray shirt with the name of his favorite band: The Knights of Ren. Rey shook her head and looked back toward the apartment, Ben nowhere in sight. She looked away and sighed, hating that he grinned like the cocky asshole he is! "Gahh!" Rey shook her head in frustration. It was too late to change now. Rey looked at her phone, cursed again, and walked the last couple of steps toward the café.
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