#yandere jooheon
o-ochangx · 1 year
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Yandere Prompt list 🐾 (MX)
1. "With this tattoo l've claimed you."
2. "I can never get enough of you. I'll drink you down to the last sip.”
3. "We won't stop until you're so covered in my scent, no one will dare touch you again."
4. "Don't play with fire if you don't want to burn."
5. "This hurts me more than it hurts you."
6. "No one will ever find you here."
7. "Shouldn't you be spending more time with me?"
8. "I can't control how I react when your eyes wander."
9. "I would never hurt you. You know that, right?"
10. "Why are you scared?"
11. "I don't know how to lose."
12. “If you do this for me l'll think about helping you."
13. "Is this okay? Did I do well?"
14. “If you won't take care of yourself I will be forced to do it for you."
15. "If you leave me now l'll die. I can't survive without you."
16. "The truth would have just hurt you."
17. "You say kidnap, I say date. Who's really to know?"
18. "The only way out of this house is death."
19. "If I don't keep an eye on you, who knows what will happen?"
20. "When we part, every caress becomes more agonizing than the last."
21. "Don't act as if you don't know me. I've been watching you watch me."
22. "I can't eat, I can't sleep. You're all I can think about."
23. "It's our anniversary! How could you forget? There isn't a single thing I don't remember about you."
24. "Your tears are beautiful.”
25. "Stop screaming. It's not like anyone will hear you anyways, darling."
26. "Why are you scared? I love you”
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mymoodwriting · 6 months
F!Reader x Hyungwon
Genre: Yandere AU
Warning: Manipulation, Electrocution, Yandere
Words: 2.2K
Chapter Thirteen
Prompt: NexGen is the leading company for all of humanities technological advances. Their recent project involves creating a higher functioning AI, one with basic knowledge of the world, and programmed to learn. It’s no surprise the project is a secret from the general public, and you, the company’s head programmer, were chosen to be the AI’s teacher. You wish you could reject the assignment, but the decision was made. Now with an AI at home things were different. Although it might not be such a bad thing, perhaps you could learn and help each other out, for better or for worse.
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“Hyungwon, please listen to me.”
“You don’t need to worry.” Hyungwon took your hands in his. “I’m perfectly fine, everything is okay.”
“This isn’t right. You were not created to resolve all humanities mistakes, but to help people.”
“I am. I just intend to do so on a global scale.”
“And what if people don’t want the type of help you’re offering?”
“In order for this to work everyone has to be on board.”
“They won’t be. People are different, there’s not one thing everyone agrees on. You can’t force something like this on them. There will be resistance, and what if people get hurt?”
“I understand that can’t be avoided, but I will minimize the injuries.”
“Hyungwon! Do you hear yourself? You can’t hurt people, that’s not-”
“What I was made for? Is that it?”
“You say I was created to help people, and that’s exactly what I’m doing.”
“Not like this.”
“I may be an amalgamation of your code, but you did not create me. You don’t need to feel any guilt or responsibility towards my actions.”
“But I’m the one here with you now. Hyungwon, I’m worried about you.”
“It’s okay, everything will work out.”
“You can’t guarantee that.”
“To a degree I can.”
You were interrupted as you heard the door open, Minhyuk coming in. For a moment you thought to ask for help, but then you remembered he was just another android like Hyungwon, he was never on your side.
“What’s going on down at the station?” Hyungwon asked.
“They’re still investigating Changkyun, although there might be a slight issue.”
“He told the officers about the AI.”
“Hm… what were the reactions?”
“Office Lee doesn’t seem to trust him, and Shownu will make sure to keep him from investigating further.”
“That’s good, but we might need to move things along. Where are we for the next phase?”
“Ready. I can bring them over so we can set them up.”
“Let’s do that.”
“Hyungwon, what are you-”
You made an attempt to stand, to question this whole conversation, but an electrical shock from Chae knocked you back down onto the couch. Hyungwon came over to check on you, grabbing your face.
“Easy, don’t hurt yourself.”
“Just stop… please…”
“I know you’re nervous, but I’ll rectify that, okay.”
Hyungwon reached into his pocket to pull out some earbuds. You didn’t really know what happened, but you knew you always lost time when you had those on. You tried to struggle but he got them in place. Then a soothing melody was relaxing you. Your vision got blurry, followed by a tingle in your head, and then you passed out. You had no idea for how long you were out, but when you woke up you were lying down on the couch. You sat up, grabbing your head as you still felt dizzy. You didn’t see Hyungwon around, but soon enough an orb flew into your field of vision. Its lights were flashing all kinds of colors. You still felt Chae around your head, so you were all the more confused.
“What… what is this…”
“You’re up.” Hyungwon noticed. “How do you feel?”
“Where did you get this orb?”
“Ah, Minhyuk designed it and I programmed it with my code. Just as intended, they are designed to learn and grow while keeping their true purpose in mind.”
“Which is…”
“You know. It’s what I’m trying to get you to understand.”
“No, your idea…”
“It’s a paradise.” Hyungwon explained. “That is what I am trying to create for everyone.”
“It won’t work…”
“Sh. You still need to rest. Let’s get you to bed.”
Hyungwon picked you up in his arms and carried you to the bedroom, setting you down and tucking you in. You tried to hold him back, but you barely had any strength to keep your eyes open. You could vaguely make out a smile on Hyungwon’s face before he leaned down to press a kiss to your head.
“Sweet dreams.”
When you woke up later you could hear the soft hum of a car. As you opened your eyes and regained your senses you could see that you were in the back of a car. Hyungwon sat next to you, looking over some papers while Minhyuk drove. You noticed a suitcase at Hyungwon’s feet and caught a glimpse of yourself in the window. Instead of a crown around your head Chae had changed forms again, becoming a necklace wrapped around your throat. You reach up to it, only for your hand to start shaking. Hyungwon reached over and grabbed your arm, the shaking stopping in that moment.
“Hyungwon, where are we going?”
“Don’t try to remove the necklace. I’d had to lose my connection to you.”
“We’re going to a familiar place. You’ll see.”
You knew you wouldn’t get much more of an answer, so you’d just have to wait. It pained you to see the world outside the window. All these people just going about their lives with no idea of what was to come. Not like you had any idea either.  If you could roll down the window and scream for help, or jump out of the car, you would, but the reality was that those actions would get you nowhere. Surely Hyungwon had contingencies in place for any rash action you might take. So there was no choice but to behave. Although your eyes went wide when the car came to a stop.
“NexGen… why are we here?”
“I need the right people on my side.”
Hyungwon got out of the car with his suitcase, going around to open your door. That’s when you finally noticed you were in different clothes, throwing a glare at Hyungwon. He merely smiled and took your hand, leading you inside the building. You expected to go up to the front desk, but instead Hyungwon went straight for the elevators. None of the security devices got in his way, simply making way for him as if he had access. Then again, at this point he surely did. When you got into the elevator it took you up to your old work floor.
If you could get up there then it meant you had clearance. That’s why no one questioned either of you when you arrived. So you continued with Hyungwon, going over to the conference room. Without knocking Hyungwon just let himself in, interrupting the whole thing. Immediately people began to question him, and then things got more confusing when some began to recognize you. Before anyone got the chance to call security Hyungwon opened up the suitcase. A bunch of orbs floated out and attached themselves to everyone in the room, turning into bracelets.
“There’s no need to panic.” Hyungwon explained. “I come with a gift. The future of AI.”
“You’re overlooking the potential you have created. Now, you might be wondering what your ex-employee is doing here, but they’re the proof you need. You see, I got close to y/n and stumbled upon the interesting little orb that was around her. It learned, and it did so well to look after her.”
Hyungwon turned off the lights and turned on the projector. He displayed the security footage from your home, showing all the things Chae did with you in the house. He’d be your wake up call, help you cook, make sure you were maintaining your health, and so much more. You could only stare at all this with wide eyes, still not sure what Hyungwon was planning here.
“It seems your technology is more advanced than you thought. The orbs, well, bracelets, you have with you are programmed with the same code. They will learn from you, and help you in your daily lives. Why not give them a shot and see just how much your life can improve. From there you’d surely agree everyone should have their own AI helper, and they’d pay a pretty price for it too.”
At that moment security came into the room, although neither you or Hyungwon were detained as the boss told them to wait.
“What’s your name?”
“So, you discovered such a thing, and instead of selling this yourself you came to NexGen, may I ask why?”
“The answer is obvious. NexGen is innovation, and the future of humanity. If anyone can understand my goals, it’s you. I have no problem going to a competitor if you don’t agree.”
“Let’s not jump to conclusions. We can give this idea of yours a test run. Although I am curious, how do you feel about all this y/n?”
None of the attention had been on you, but now everyone’s eyes looked in your direction. Hyungwon gave you a soft smile. You had no voice before that moment but the words flowed out with ease.
“It’s incredible. A function we didn’t see before. It only really came to light when looking back on everything Chae had done for me.”
“It’s what I named the AI. He was placed with me to help me finish my project, but along the way he helped me with my daily life as well. Moreso after the accident. He was always attentive, aware of things I wasn’t, or possibly wasn’t even capable of knowing. I would say he helped make my life easier, and gave me confidence to be myself. This may not have been the original idea behind Chae’s creation, but it’s far greater.”
“I see… I guess we’ll be in touch.”
“Of course. Let me know when you’re ready to talk.”
Hyungwon grabbed the empty suitcase and set down a card. He took your hand and led you out, the two of you leaving in silence. At no point during that whole ordeal could you find your voice, yet when you were asked to speak you did. Not only that, the words you spoke felt so natural. It was true, Chae had helped you a lot, but you wouldn’t have said such things to help Hyungwon out. Yet that’s exactly what you did.
“What just happened back there…”
“Thanks for your help.”
“No… no I didn’t… what did you do to me!”
“I told you I wanted you to understand-”
“No, no, this isn’t it. You did something to me. I never would have said that… you’ve messed with my head and… that’s what you’re gonna do…”
“Everyone in that conference room has their own AI made with your code… you’re gonna manipulate them and brainwash them to get what you want!”
“I wouldn’t use such terms.”
“Right, you said you were a programmer, and that’s all humans are to you, machines to reprogram so you get what you want. What exactly is that? What do you get out of this?”
“You. That’s all that matters here.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“I know. It’s difficult for you to see things the way I do, but you’ll thank me in the end.”
“Hyungwon, please just-”
You yelled as you were shocked, stumbling and falling into Hyungwon’s arms. You were down in the garage and you felt as the necklace morphed and became a crown around your head. You felt a tingle as some minor shocks were sent to your head. It was becoming hard to keep your eyes open but you fought through it.
“Sh, please, don’t fight me.”
“If you keep doing this… I’ll never be on your side…”
“That’s not true. You know me, you trust me, we’ll be okay. In a few days, things will be in place.”
Minhyuk pulled up with the car, and Hyungwon got you into the backseat. When he got into the car by your side he told Minhyuk to drive. You found yourself staring out the window again, unable to run away.
“How did it go?”
“Everything is in place.” Hyungwon said. “I need you to update the orbs in the office. The sooner the better. Everyone has to be on board.”
“I’ll get to that once we return home.”
Overhearing the conversation, you could only wonder how the world was going to change. NexGen was a huge corporation, and their reach practically extended across the globe. All he needed was a few powerful people in his pocket and it would be over. You couldn’t stop him, and the horrible realization brought a smile to your face. It was getting hard to tell what side you were on. The line was already blurred, and soon enough it would disappear. All these positive feelings freaked you out. They were not your own, yet they were. It felt like Hyungwon was overriding your personality, little by little. You started breathing heavily and Hyungwon took your hand, getting you to look at him.
“Deep breaths, deep breaths, you’re okay. I know things must be scary now, but it’s going to be alright. There will only be happy things to come.”
Hyungwon gently caressed your face, slowly soothing you and calming your heart. Everything he said was true, and you knew that. He’d make it all a reality and there was nothing you could do to stop him. You’d end up forgetting all of this pain and confusion. It was a terrifying realization, and in a strange way it brought peace too.
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theoccoven · 1 month
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“I can take care of you so much better than him.”
Daan, the reincarnation of Theseus, muttered into Jooheon’s shoulder. “I was a king. I slayed a Minotaur. What has he done other than give you grief?” Jooheon didn’t say anything as he let the older’s hands under his shirt.
“Nothing my love. And you’re well aware of it or you would have defended him.” You could hear it clear as day, the obsession in his voice. Jooheon grew familiar with it the longer he’s known Daan. This obsession is covered up as love, twisted love for the younger in his arms.
It was everlasting and Jooheon staying in his arms oh so accepting of this love just fed into his deluded thoughts.
There was no escape from this, Jooheon was slowly accepting that.
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winter-dayz · 8 months
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Fictober 2023
A collection of oneshots for Fictober 2023.
Not every story is a romantic pairing. In some oneshots, the reader/main character is a villain; in some, the idol character is a villain. Please be aware that many are heavily horror or angst-themed.
Taglist:  @soobin-chois
Kim Jisoo: It's only a dream... College AU; Nightmare on Elm Street AU Genre: Horror
Lee Hoseok: Freedom or the Kindness of Death Hybrid AU; Shapeshifter AU Genre: Horror
Lalisa Manobal: Eternal Love Vampire AU Genre: Angst, Fluff, Horror, Smut
Mark Tuan: A Polite Haunting Ghost AU Genre: Horror
Jeon Jungkook: His Treasure Dragon AU Genre: Horror; Smut
Lee Jooheon: Anything Goes The Purge AU Genre: Smut
Felix Lee: So naive... Fairy AU Genre: Angst; Horror (if you squint)
Kim Seungmin: Lonely St. Grim Reaper AU; Soulmate AU Genre: Angst; Fluff
Min Yoongi: Betrayed Gumiho AU; Korean Mythology AU Genre: Angst; Fluff; Horror
Choi Yeonjun: Old Wives' Tales Werewolf AU Genre: Fluff
Shin Yuna: Bringer of Death Mummy AU; Inspired by The Mummy (1999) Genre: Angst; Fluff
Kim Namjoon: Reclamation Dryad AU; Greek Mythology AU Genre: Fluff; Horror
Park Jimin: Movie Marathon Scary Movie Night Genre: Fluff
Kang Taehyun: Only silence remains Shadow People AU Genre: Horror
Lim Jaebeom: I Can't Lose You Deadly Games AU; Inspired by Squid Game & Alice in Borderland Genre: Angst; Horror
Choi Beomgyu: Field of Daisies Dokkaebi AU; Korean Mythology AU Genre: Fluff
Jung Hoseok: Avra K'davra Golem AU Genre: Angst; Fluff
Kim Yugyeom: Guardian Demon AU Genre: Fluff
Lee Chaeryeong: First Serial Killer AU Genre: Horror
Yang Jeongin: The Walls The Boy AU; Inspired by The Boy (2016) Genre: Fluff
Shin Ryujin: For the Best Alien AU; Yandere Genre: Fluff; Horror
Kim Taehyung: Capable Android AU Genre: Smut
Han Jisung: The Ring Ghost AU; Possession AU Genre: Fluff
Lee Minhyuk: Promise Haunted House Genre: Fluff
Lee Minho: Left Behind Friday the 13th AU Genre: Angst (with a happy ending); Horror (if you squint); Smut
Kim Jennie: Catch 'em, kill 'em Amityville Horror AU Genre: Horror; Smut
Yoo Kihyun: Luring Siren AU Genre: Fluff; Horror (if you squint)
Choi Youngjae: Consequences of a Spellbook Magic AU; Witchcraft AU Genre: Angst
Hwang Hyunjin: Bound to You Cerberus AU; Goddess AU; Greek Mythology AU Genre: Fluff; Smut
Choi Soobin: Every side of the story Greek Mythology AU; Gorgon AU Genre: Fluff
BamBam: Best Halloween Ever Halloween Party; Non-Idol AU Genre: Fluff
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shinehyuk · 1 year
MONSTA X reaction to S/O acting obsessed with them
‣ Genre : yandere, requested
tw/cw : obsession, strong language, extremely toxic relationships, manipulation, abuse, heavy themes, mentions of murder, violence, please do not read if uncomfortable and/or sensitive! i do not support the behavior shown in this work!
a/n : to clear up, s/o is lying abt the obsession, fooling the yanderes in an attempt to make them lose their guard; making them trust s/o so s/o can potentially have an escape route in the future now that the yanderes have their guards down.
Shownu :
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— Hyunwoo would definitely be pretty confused at first, finding your abrupt change of behavior rather odd; he could just swear that the only thing you felt for him until just a few days ago was pure hate
— Confusion aside, he would not like you being obsessed with him at all – after all, he's aware that his obsession for you is unhealthy and wrong in about every way possible, so he doesn't want you to copy after him; he knows that you'll only get hurt if your insanity continues
— He'd do absolutely everything to try to make you stop your obsession with him; and only if absolutely necessary, he'll even seek help from a trusted professional that could help you
— “Your love for me is already more than enough, darling. I don't want you to be obsessed with me, do you understand?”
Wonho :
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— Oh, how sweet of you to think that he'd let you be obsessed with him; the only one that can be obsessed is none other than him, and he'll make sure to make that clear when getting rid of your silly obsession
— He's the one that's in control of you; so if you think that by becoming obsessed with him you'll get more freedom or/and power, you can only dream on
— “You're so cute, my love~ Now drop the fucking act before anyone has to get hurt, will you? Good– that's what I thought.”
Minhyuk :
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— Oh, Minhyuk simply loves it. He loves his precious darling and his darling loves him back; what's there not to like?
— It makes everything so much more easier for him, too; the male has already planned your entire future ahead of you - where you'll live, what you'll do for a living, how big your family will be etc., and now that you're thinking just like him, it'll make everything go so much more smoothly
— “Oh, my lovely darling, you're just too adorable~ We'll be so happy together, just the two of us and our little family!~”
Kihyun :
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— Kihyun does not enjoy you being obsessed over him one bit; he wants your feelings for him to be true and pure, not some kind of an obsessed mess – he loved you very much just the way you were before, and such an abrupt change wouldn't make him happy at all
— He'll be strict about making you stop your obsession; but even if you don't want to, it's not like you have that much of a choice anyway, forced to stop your foolish behavior
— “You're quite lovely, darling – but I don't want you to be like this, okay?”
Hyungwon :
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— Hyungwon would not like it one bit; is one crazy psychopath not quite enough? The two of you being obsessed with each other will end badly soon if one of you doesn't give up – but it certainly won't be him
— He'll be ice cold and ignore you until you decide to stop your idiotic behavior — and if you're not threatened by the male's silent treatment, he'll use other methods to stop your nonsense
— “How long are you going to keep this up? Shit; this is getting fucking annoying.”
Jooheon :
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— The male truly couldn't care less about how you love him; he only wants your love and doesn't give a damn about how you decide to show it
— If you're this obsessed with him, that's actually even better – that way he can be sure that your love for him is 100% true. Knowing that you'll do absolutely everything for him just like he'd do everything for you gives him a sense of comfort
— “Ah, you're so lovely, my baby~ Let's be together forever, okay?”
Changkyun :
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— He's quite offended by it; do you really think that he's that stupid to not be able to see right through your little lie? Well, he's more than happy to prove you wrong
— He knows very well that your whole obsession is only an act to get him to foolishly trust you, to make him lower his guard — but unfortunately for you, the male knows you far too well to fall for such idiotic tricks
— “You can drop your fucking act right now. Tsk, you've never been good at lying, my love – how fucking pathetic.”
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thank you for requesting! i hope you liked it <3
‣ Taglist : @atiny-chocolate-chip @lmaoskz @sunoo-bby  @heemingyu @nikipedia07 @effulgentfireflies
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jadededge · 1 year
This is the Way.
Masterlist for all fics.
K-Pop/Music - MX, DPR, GOT7
♥️ Monsta X
Double Trouble (Jookyun) - Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Pairing: JooKyun x Reader | Genre: AU, Romance, Smut
Jooheon and Changkyun are an inseparable duo. They do everything together, and dating was no exception. You see them all the time and silently pine but eventually meet them and things progress from there.
Wattpad | AO3
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♥️ Christian Yu | DPR Ian
Siren - Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Pairing: Christian x You | Genre: Demon AU, Romance, Smut
That voice. It started calling me during the darkest moments of the night, like a siren luring me further into the deep and it has continued for weeks.
Wattpad | AO3
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♥️ GOT7
Tear You Apart - Chapter 1 | 2 | 3
Pairing: GOT7 x Reader | Genre: Demon AU, Romance, Smut, slight yandere, a bit mafia.
Jaebeom and Yugyeom are "running an errand" when the most delectable scent that he ever smelled hit Yugyeom like a ton of bricks. Yugyeom stops JayB and soon he smells it. They look across the street and see the her. They stalk her for awhile and finally get the chance to manufacture a meet with her.
Wattpad | AO3
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flurrys-creativity · 2 years
Recs tag game
Tagged by the wonderful @aura-mp3 some time between a week or two ago...
Rules: recommend 5 or more of your own works that you would rec to someone asking what they should read first & explain a little about the work. these can be the most popular, the ones you think are underrated, or your own favourites! Then tag five other writers!
I write anything and everything... so that's why I chose these five stories:
1. Flying Kangaroo
A Bang Chan short story. Very fluff, very soft and simply adorable
2. Sailor Kook
A Jeon Jungkook two shot to show my most favourite genre of fantasy! There is a lot within the term fantasy but this is a good example for it! And like the name suggests yesss, some things are loosely based on Sailor Moon... which also shows I can work cross fandoms 😅
3. The Bastard Trilogy
A Johnny Suh story... All short chapters... and very heartfelt... so if you desire something to make you cry in the end.... this is it...
4. Rain storm cuddles
One of two mxm stories that I wrote! While I do prefer to write with a reader insert, I do not shy away from writing other forms as well! This is also a quite soft story btw with Jooheon and Kiyhun from Monsta X...
5. Illecebrous
Want something filthy? Here ya go... basically no plot only smut... the smuttiest smut... with Im Jaebeom...
6. And lastly "Yes baby, no baby"
Violence, yandere, horror... I think yes baby, no baby portrays perfectly that I'm also capable of writing stories that might make you uncomfortable or scared while reading... this Byun Baekhyun story is a heavily yandere one... definitely read the warnings before reading the story itself!!!
If you've been already tagged because I am once again pretty late... please ignore it... if not... I'm excited to read your recs:
@sanjoongie @star-lemonade @toikiii @defwoodz @moccahobi @strayed-quokka @wordycerty @yutasthetic
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yan-purgatory · 4 years
[Yan!Monsta X] Who would have the "If I can't have here, nobody can have her!" mentality with their S/O, that is, who would be willing to kill an S/O if forming a romantic relationship becomes impossible?
Would kill (Y/N)
Hyungwon - he does not accept defeat: (Y/N)’s existence on this earth is for him and him only. If they can’t even do that, what reason do they have to be alive?
Minhyuk - likelihood is that when he realises that being with (Y/N) is impossible, his thoughts become clouded and he wouldn’t be able to stop himself. Of course, when he realises what he’s done, he would not be able to live with himself for what he’d done.
Jooheon - he wouldn’t be able to live with seeing (Y/N) living their life without his control. Every waking moment was occupied with his frustration and he had to take it out on everything in his sight. Eventually he’ll come to the conclusion that if he couldn't have them, they’re better off dead.
Kihyun - to kill (Y/N) would be the ultimate show of his control, over their very ability to breathe. However, he wouldn’t be able to live long after this, as he no longer had the spurr of (Y/N) to give his life it’s purpose.
Would not kill (Y/N)
Shownu - He would not be able to live without the comforting presence of (Y/N), and even if fate was set against them he could never deprive himself of them. He was used to living in their shadow for so long, and whilst a return to this wasn’t ideal it would have to be done.
Wonho - absolutely not. He would kill for them but could never touch one hair on his darling’s head. He’d only continue to hurt those around them as if nothing has happened, as his hope would never die.
Changkyun - when he threatens violence against (Y/N), all his threats are empty. As much as he would hate for (Y/N) to be unattainable, to kill them would be to kill a part of himself at the same time.
- admin ღ
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Yandere!Monsta X React To Ghosts of Dead S/O Haunting Them 
This follows the deaths portrayed in my previous yandere!MX reaction, found here. Also, please be sure to read the Yandere!MX Headcanons for a better understanding of their personalities in my eyes.
Anon Request: “How would the yandere Monsta X bois react to the ghosts of their dead sos haunting and torturing them?”
Warnings: Yandere tendencies, profanity, death, extreme coping mechanisms, haunting, ghosts, etc.  [I do not promote or encourage yandere actions or tendencies. This is purely fictional.]
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Rather than getting rid of his S/O’s body, he found a way to keep them from decomposing - basically, human taxidermy - and placed the body in his S/O’s old bed, as if they never died, which obviously didn’t sit well with with his S/O, whose ghost was trapped in the house, forced to watch, because they didn’t get a proper send-off. So, the ghost of his S/O would often move or knock over precious objects in the room, even knocking their body out of the bed. At first, Shownu deals with it by joking about how he must be haunted, but as the frequency and intensity increase, he starts getting furious, screaming at your body for somehow still resisting being his perfect pet even in death.
“Why can’t you just be good already? You’re dead! Act like it already, damn it!”
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In fear of getting caught for killing his S/O, he buries them in a nearby forest, in an area that nobody dares to go to due to the dangers in the area. He walks the nearest trail once a week to check on the grave site, but spends hours after the weekly hike crying on the floor of his S/O’s old bedroom, which he left virtually untouched. After doing this for a few weeks, strange things start happening to him whenever he enters his partner’s room. He trips over nothing, feels faint and queasy, and starts seeing things. Since it only happens in that room, he immediately attributes it to his partner’s ghost haunting him. He completely ignores the fact that the partner is torturing him, believing that it’s their only way of continuing to interact with him. Eventually, he’ll fall back into a fantasy, acting like they’re on weekly dates to catch up, even when his S/O’s ghost hurts him even more to try to make him leave.
“I miss you, sweetheart. I’m glad you visit me here every week. It shows that you miss me, too, even if it hurts me. I’ll endure the pain for the sake of our dates.”
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The emergency services declared Y/N dead at the scene and rushed Minhyuk to the hospital alone. As soon as he was discharged, he called their family to ask about the funeral service, which he missed while still in the hospital. He visits his S/O’s ashes daily, but always to be greeted by what sounds painfully like their voice. Each time, there’s a new claim: Traitor; It’s your fault; You should’ve died that day. The list drags on, eventually driving Minhyuk to tears upon arrival at the columbarium. However, he refuses to miss a day of visiting his partner and leaving them flowers, even though the ghostly comments refuse to stop. He tries different ways of drowning them out, but never finds a way because he also blames himself for the accident, even if he won’t admit it to himself.
“Y/N, I love you. I’m truly sorry it ended this way. I just want to see you. Can’t you let me do that?”
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He eventually picked up his S/O’s body and tossed it out like nothing. Angrily, he cleans up the blood on the floor, only for it to reappear whenever he comes back inside the house. He always thoroughly cleans it, no matter how many curses leave his mouth while he does so. Eventually, he catches onto the pattern and restricts himself from going out unless he absolutely has to, even getting groceries delivered to his doorstep. He thinks he’s so smart until his partner’s ghost decides to take it up a notch by leaving trails of blood around rooms while he’s not in them. At this, he can’t hold back his anger, going on another murder spree, only to return home to the original stain on the floor once again.
“Go away! You’re lucky you’re already dead. You don’t even want to know the torture I would put you through for this stunt!”
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He eventually decides to call the police. He explains the situation as consensual, which is quite easy for him to pass off. He leads the funeral service, feeling no guilt for his partner’s accidental death. Well, his partner obviously didn’t like that very much, so they did everything they could to make him feel guilty. At first, it was voices, but he just chuckled at them. Next, they tried moving objects around. Still, he gave little response to the antics. When Y/N finally starts showing up in front of him as their next form of torture, Hyungwon finally shows a reaction, but totally accepting the situation instead of disliking it. Rather than fearing the ghostly form, he starts conversing with Y/N’s ghost, just the same way he used to talk to his partner when they were alive.
“Well, it took you long enough. Glad you’re back, love, because we still have so much to do. Are you going to be good and cooperate?”
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In his panic, he calls the authorities to come help Y/N, but it’s too late. Jooheon ends up spending time in jail, charged for the accident. Y/N, finding him there, thinks that showing themselves to him will help him cope. They approach him slowly, but he still freaks out when he sees them. Despite them insisting that they have good intentions and only want to help him cope, Jooheon immediately believes that the ghost is his punishment for accidentally killing his partner. No matter how much they insist that they’re trying to ease his pain, he only feels tortured, driven to the edge of his sanity because he’s haunted by the ghost of the sweet angel he loved to death. After a while, the ghost stops, realizing that they’re doing more harm than good, but this only messes with the poor boy’s mind even more than before.
“Are you still here? Are you watching me secretly? I’m sorry, okay? How much do I have to say it? I love you. I only wanted to help you learn. I’m sorry.”
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After thoroughly convincing himself that his partner’s death was for the better, he starts seeing their face in everything, no matter where he goes. His entire facial recognition breaks due to his S/O cursing him for their death. They make sure only to ruin his eyes in this curse. His S/O’s ghost follows him everywhere, ensuring that every face he sees is of Y/N first, even if only for a fraction of a second. This happens enough for Changkyun to seek out help from a therapist and even speak to an exorcist and witches mastering possession magicks. However, since his S/O didn’t possess him, none of these methods help. After a long time, Changkyun will give up, admitting defeat to whatever is causing this. Dropping his cockiness to admit defeat is enough for his S/O, who undoes the curse after visiting him for a quick talk about the death and its consequences, making sure he truly feels guilty for his actions.
“Please. I know I was terrible to you while I had you with me, but you definitely proved your point. You’re obviously worth more than I made it seem.”
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Monsta X Reacts: Wrong Love Confession Letter
(I’ve decided to make this more of a high school au, just because I want to)
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When Shownu saw the letter in his locker, he was about to throw it away. Until he recognized your writing and immediately opened it, cooing at your words.
You were so precious, such his beautiful princess.
But when he overheard you talking to your friend about how nervous you were for someone else to read the love letter you wrote.
His jaw tightened and he searched to find the one you wrote for, immediately taking him out of the picture.
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He knew you felt the same at him. So to reward you for being so brave, he got you some flowers and immediately took them to you. He got annoyed when he found out it was for someone else.
Immediately, his sassy side came out and he explained how he was better in every way possible.
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He heard you talking to your friend before he even found the letter. He looked over at you, disappointed. How could you want someone else when you had him?
He found the letter in his locker and opened it, his blood boiling as he read your words that were meant for someone else.
So the next day, the student was found for the love confession by his dead body; blood soaking the words.
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He was so giddy when he found your confession letter, finding the way you confessed to him adorable. That you were too precious to the world. He was going to go tell you that you didn’t need to be shy to tell him how you feel.
But he felt crushed when he found out that it was for someone else. He played it off that he wasn’t hurt, but that night, it was a totally different story. He kidnapped you and took you away from anyone else who try to steal you away from him again.
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This adorable sweetie. Ah, he would melt when he saw your beautiful handwriting. He treasured it. All until he saw that it wasn’t his name in the letter.
His hothead side came out instantly, murderous thoughts planting in his mind and he sought out to find the student. The student was never found, but Jooheon didn’t kill him either. No, Jooheon torture the student everyday till he grew annoyed with the student’s presence.
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Immediately, this boy smirked when he saw your letter. He never opened it, walking to find you and wrapping his arms around you from behind. “I knew you felt the same way sweetheart.”
But his mood dropped when he found out that was never for him. His eyes narrowed before he smirked. “We’ll see about that.”
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He had suspicions when he saw the letter, thinking it was a cruel prank by other students. But when he recognized your hand writing, he smiled as his delusions took over.
He ignored the fact that it was for another person. It was your friend’s fault that you wrote it for someone else, but you being the good girl you were, you placed it in his locker.
Now, he was going to reward you by getting rid of your friends and of the stupid pest of the boy.
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mymoodwriting · 4 months
F!Reader x Hyungwon
Genre: Yandere AU
Warning: Drugs, Medication, Electrocution, Choking, Suffocation, Manipulation, Abuse, Physical Abuse, Paranoia, Anxiety
Words: 2.3K
Chapter Fourteen 
Prompt: NexGen is the leading company for all of humanities technological advances. Their recent project involves creating a higher functioning AI, one with basic knowledge of the world, and programmed to learn. It’s no surprise the project is a secret from the general public, and you, the company’s head programmer, were chosen to be the AI’s teacher. You wish you could reject the assignment, but the decision was made. Now with an AI at home things were different. Although it might not be such a bad thing, perhaps you could learn and help each other out, for better or for worse.
(@starillusion13 @makeyourfantasydreamscometrue)
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“Welcome home.”
The last time you had actually been at your house was the day Chae Hyungwon revealed his true colors to you. This place didn’t even feel like home anymore. You had made such good memories here, but now they were all tainted. It wasn’t hard to understand that you were a prisoner in your own home. Hyungwon put you to bed, having somethings he needed to do, and for now he needed you out of the way. You had no idea for how long you slept, but when you woke up everything was still.
For a moment you could delude yourself into thinking everything was fine, but that was far from the case. While you slept Chae remained a bracelet on your arm, but as soon as you were awake he was around your head again. After a while you decided to get up, being careful as you weren’t exactly steady on your feet. If you had any doubts about your house not being your own anymore, this confirmed it. When you opened the bedroom door you saw multiple orbs fly past. It was a strange sight, and you stepped out into the hall leaning against the walls.
The only place you could think to look was in your home office. The door was ajar and you gently pushed it open, seeing that the room had been upgraded. It was a whole set up, allowing both Hyungwon and Minhyuk to work. When you opened the door Hyungwon noticed you, offering you a smile and getting up.
“What are you doing out of bed, you need rest.”
“I’m fine.”
“I’m sure you are, that’s why I called over some friends.”
Hyungwon took your hands and led you back to your bedroom. There you found Wonho and Kihyun setting some of their things down.
“There she is.” Wonho remarked. “It’s so good to see you again.”
“They’re here to do a house call.” Hyungwon explained. “You haven’t been to the doctor in a while, so I had them come here.”
“Just a routine check up.” Kihyun assured. “Nothing to worry about.”
You sat down on the edge of the bed, Hyungwon leaving you with the two of them. Just as they said they did a simple check up. Although Wonho wound up scolding you.
“Kihyun tells me you didn’t pick up your meds, so you haven’t been taking them.”
“You’re still healing so it’s important that you take them.”
“I brought your refill.” Kihyun said. “So you can continue.”
Wonho had you take the pills, making you feel a bit uneasy as you weren’t entirely sure what you had been given. As you were finishing up Hyungwon came in, happy to hear the results from the other two.
“Since everything is good, I can show you your surprise.”
“A surprise?”
“You’ll love it, but first let’s get you dressed.”
Hyungwon helped you get properly cleaned up before picking out an outfit for you. Once again Minhyuk was the one to drive you around. Despite Hyungwon telling you this was a surprise, you kind of expected you’d be going back to NexGen. Although you didn’t know what he really meant until you walked in. He pulled out a keycard and let himself through with you in tow. Other employees merely greeted you both. It was strange, making you feel that something was off. The elevator ride took you up to the floor you used to work on and the whole place was unsettling.
It was eerily quiet on that floor, and multiple orbs were floating around, more than before. You could only hear the sounds of keys clacking and some low voices on calls. Hyungwon took your hand in his and led you over to your old office. He had a big smile on his face as he opened the door. A giant welcome back sign hung by the windows, and you could see some gifts around your desk. Before you could ask, Hyungwon explained that you had been reinstated as head programmer at NexGen. You looked at him with confusion, not understanding why he would do such a thing.
“The way things went down wasn’t right, and this is your rightful place.”
“But… what’s the catch? I doubt you’d let me take over this project of yours.”
“It’s easier for the company to go along with my plans if your name is on it. You built quite a reputation for yourself.”
“So you’re just using me.”
“I’m letting you rest. You gave a lot to this place, it’s only fair to return the favor. Minhyuk and I will take care of everything.”
“Hyungwon, you can’t-”
You groaned as you felt another shock run through your head, making your vision go blurry for a moment. Hyungwon held you up and brought you over to the couch.
“We can get some work done. So just relax, and I’ll play you some music.”
“No, that stuff-”
“Sh, sh, it’s okay. I’m so thankful for you and for being yourself. We’re changing the world together.”
“Hyungwon, please talk to me…”
The door opened and Minhyuk let himself in, interrupting your attempt at a conversation. Hyungwon’s attention shifted and you were left on the couch with your head getting foggy.
“Did you give Wonho and Kihyun their cases?”
“Yes. They’re set to distribute them tomorrow after the launch. Shownu will come by later to get his so we won’t worry about anything.”
“Wait… wait… the launch is tomorrow?”
“Yes.” Hyungwon exclaimed. “We have somethings to prepare, and we have to go over the speech. Everything has to be perfect for tomorrow.”
Changkyun woke in a cold sweat, screaming and thrashing around. He soon recognized his surroundings and calmed down. Although his cell mates started to yell at him and told him to keep it down.  He apologized and got up to use the restroom, trying to move past the nightmare.
“Inmate 0126, you have a visitor.”
It hadn’t been that long since Changkyun had been charged and thrown in prison. The whole thing had been rushed, and he only stood in front of a judge for sentencing. He was worried as to who this visitor was, but he wasn’t going to reject them. He was led over to a room, surprised to see officer Lee.
“How’s prison life treating you?”
“I’m super paranoid if that’s what you mean.”
“I’m caged with a target on my back. Don’t be surprised if I wind up dead.”
“You really think someone is gonna kill you?”
“Yes. Why are you here?”
“Have you heard the news?”
“No, why?”
The officer placed a small gift on the table, confusing Changkyun. When he opened it he pulled out a small orb. Changkyun immediately panicked and fell out of his chair.
“Why do you have that!”
“Calm down, it hasn’t been activated. Although I have to admit, I didn’t expect such a reaction.”
“One of those things tried to kill me!”
“This thing? Doubtful.”
Changkyun got back up, taking the orb from the other when it was offered to him. He examined it cautiously, confirming that it wasn’t active yet.
“How did you get this?”
“It was a gift.”
“From who?”
“That little AI thing you mentioned before, they launched it. So I guess you weren’t lying.”
“They launched it? The project was still in early stages and the AI-”
“I guess you were wrong about the timeline, and the intention. You see these little AIs are being sold to the public. They’re designed to help one in their day to day lives. The demonstration showed how useful they could be, and they’re honestly quite affordable.”
“You bought one? After everything I told you?”
“Oh no, I didn’t buy this, it was a gift. NexGen sent many of these orbs to police stations and hospitals, intending to help their work and better communicate with the drones we already have. Honestly, this whole thing sounds incredible.”
“So you’re here to brag?”
“You know, while I was watching the launch I kept thinking back to what you said. And the thing is.” Lee stared at the orb. “NexGen isn’t known for being so charitable. Technology like this is very advanced, and they’re just handing it out. My question is why. What is the goal?”
“You’re suspicious of NexGen’s intentions.”
“I am. Also, your friend is back with the company.”
“My friend? You mean y/n?”
“Yeah. She did the whole launch with that Hyungwon guy.”
“She had an orb too, right?”
“The one you said went rogue, yeah. So what is NexGen doing?”
“I don’t know.” Changkyun admitted. “A launch this soon, the AIs can’t possibly…”
“The rogue AI… if its code was copied into every orb…”
“Then that AI is running the whole show. That doesn’t tell me what its plan is.”
“I wouldn’t know. Their code is corrupted and unpredictable. All it wanted was y/n, and it seems to have that now. So I have no idea what it’s doing.” Changkyun took a moment. “That Hyungwon guy.”
“Chae Hyungwon, he was by her side at the launch.”
“Chae… Chae… don’t trust that guy… he’s very likely an android… and inhabited by that rogue AI…”
“You sure?”
“No, but something isn’t right with him. Look, whatever NexGen is planning, you’d have to ask y/n, she’s the only one who would know.”
“I doubt that’d be easy.”
“Don’t trust those orbs.”
“I don’t.”
“Well, just in case, code black 0024, that’s the emergency reset protocol. It might still work.”
“Good to know.”
“You can just call me Jooheon.”
“Jooheon… do the officers here have the orbs?”
“I didn’t see any on my way in, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they get implemented here soon. This is a place that has a lot of police drones.”
“When that happens… I’ll most likely die in here… and it won’t be an accident…”
“Why would you die?”
“For the same reasons I’ve been telling you. I know about the rogue AI, and now you do too, so you might want to be careful.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Jooheon got up. “I’ll keep you updated on things.”
“Get to y/n, please. Whatever’s going on, she’s not safe.”
“I’ll try to get to her, but I can’t make any promises.”
“I know.”
Jooheon made his way back to the station, a lot on his mind. When he arrived he was greeted by his partner. Everything seemed normal until he was asked to speak in private in one of the interrogation rooms.
“What’s this about, Shownu?”
“I didn’t see you this morning, and I heard you went to visit Changkyun. Why is that?”
“Well, considering what he told us before, I wanted to get his opinion on the matter.”
“What matter?”
“This whole launch from NexGen, I don’t trust it.”
“Is that why you haven’t activated your orb?”
“Have you?”
“Of course. Everyone in the station has.”
“Do you believe all those crazy things that guy said before?”
“I don’t know but something feels off here. I never really trusted the drones either.”
“You can’t be the only one outside the loop here, you’re an officer. Here.” Shownu pulled out an active orb from his jacket pocket. “You can take this one.”
“I’ll pass.”
Jooheon figured the conversation was over and intended to make his way out when the orb suddenly charged at him and changed shape. It snapped around his neck and tightened, making it hard to breathe. Jooheon reached up to remove it, but he couldn’t get his fingers under it. He felt a shock and stumbled to the ground. He looked up at Shownu, trying to reach out to him for help, but the other only stood there and watched.
“You’ll be fine.”
Changkyun’s paranoia only got worse as he saw those orbs implemented in the prison. Now he definitely felt like he was being watched twenty-four seven. He probably upset his cell mates and soon enough he wound up getting into a fight. Because of that he wound up in solitary confinement which wasn’t so bad. It eased his anxieties a bit. At least for a while. He could sleep easily although one night he woke to the sound of knocking on his cell door. It was dark, and he saw no one outside his cell. As he got up to check an orb suddenly flew in. He immediately retreated, pressing his back against the wall. He was waiting for some sort of attack, but instead the orb projected a hologram of a familiar individual.
“Are you enjoying your arrangements?”
“What the hell are you doing!”
“Following my programming.”
“So you are an android. How did you-”
“I have been meaning to thank you. If not for you I might not have been able to reach my true potential.”
“I don’t want your thanks.”
“Well, I have come here with a preposition. You’re a valuable asset to NexGen, and I would like you to join me.”
“Whatever you’re doing, I want no part of it.”
“I understand. Unfortunately I can’t have unresolved ends. Thank you again for everything you’ve done.”
The hologram disappeared, giving Changkyun a false sense of relief. The next thing he knew the orb was around his neck, choking him out and electrocuting him. He screamed and thrashed on the floor, calling for help, but he wasn’t so sure he’d get it.
You woke up screaming, falling out of bed and thrashing on the floor. It took a second for Chae to get back on your head, sending out minor electrical waves to calm you down. As you were steadying your breath Hyungwon came into the room, picking you up in his arms and getting you back into bed.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, I’m here, I’m here. Did you have a bad dream?”
“I’m scared.”
“You have nothing to fear.” Hyungwon kissed your head. “I’m sorry I haven’t been around too much, but once everything goes through we’ll have all the time in the world to spend together.”
“Hyungwon… I’m worried about you… all these plans… they’re so extreme and-”
“Sh, sh, sh, it’s nothing you need to concern yourself with. Soon enough I’ll have everything under control.”
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yanmx · 5 years
🔪💔 Yandere!Monsta X reaction to their beloved being afraid of them 💔🔪
tw: themes of obsessive, unhealthy behaviors in romantic relationships
18+ only
requested by anonymous
my first reaction request! im sorry this took so long. thank you love 🖤
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Shownu is delusional. Ever since he saw you, he wanted to marry you. To him, being a boyfriend had no true meaning, a husband was a real title. So any signs of distress and dread you show will be dismissed by him as nervousness about marriage. Even after the wedding, he’s just going to think you're worried about your ability to be a good spouse for him. Shownu is a calm and patient person, so if your behavior doesn’t improve for a year or so, he’ll wait for you. But, if you still can’t accept the circumstances, he won’t play nice. Don’t break the perfect picture I have of you, because if you do, you’ll break me.  
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Hoseok is an emotional man with a split personality. In one moment, he’s punishing you for refusing him. In the next moment, he’s crying because the look of fear you give him when he tries to love you is so heartbreaking. He especially becomes emotional when he’s away from you for work, because the humane side of him is telling him this type of love is wrong. He wants to let go so he can see your smile, but it’s too late. He’s already a monster. 
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You actually have the guts to show this side of you? You better be careful, if you’re not crying because of happiness, then you should wipe your tears. Minhyuk doesn’t view you as a human with emotions, you are just a doll, his doll. You’re a perfect being to him and your only purpose is to entertain him when he needs you. You have no right to show indications of panic. Minhyuk knows he’s crazy and he doesn’t care. If you are that desperate for a punishment, then don’t worry. His torture chamber is always empty and ready.
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Loves it. Go on and keep crying, screaming, kicking, all this is going to do is make Kihyun lustful for you. He enjoys the power he has over you in this situation because all you can do is be scared. Your behavior can only be described as cute by him. In fact, I would say he’s grateful towards you because your despair feeds into his confidence. No one can make them act like this, but me. However, Kihyun isn’t as patient as Shownu. Eventually he’ll get bored if you don’t submit to him sooner or later. He is the most severe in terms of punishments, don’t test him.
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Although Hyungwon’s sexual punishments are sometimes severe, he really doesn’t give a reason for his S/O to be scared of him. He charmed you into being with him and he will continue to charm you until your completely dependent on him. Hyungwon also does not bloody his own hands, so you’ll never see him commit a crime. You might come to hate him for caging you and making you into his personal doll, but scared? I don’t see it.  
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No! No! No! Jooheon would hate this. In his anger, he might even make matters worse. He has his moments, but Jooheon is usually a great boyfriend with a cute personality. When you first witness signs of his obsessive behavior, you might start acting uneasy around him. As soon as he notices even a small sign of this, Jooheon will immediately become worried. Now that his true colors have been exposed, he will go from being a cute boyfriend to an obsessed psycho. You better be careful and listen to him, or your chances of survival are slim.
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i was in soft changkyun feels
Indifferent. If you are a crush that he is still in the process of pursuing, he might be a little worried, but if you two are already in a relationship, then he doesn’t care. You’re already his and he definitely isn’t letting you leave, so it really doesn’t matter. Changkyun just wants someone to fill the empty void in his life, someone that he can finally say belongs to him. When you’re done crying, he’ll silently wipe your tears. He’s the most patient. They’ll come around, they have no choice.
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kpop---scenarios · 5 years
Jooheon,11 💗
"I don't want to be with you anymore" you whisper to your boyfriend, Jooheon. But he wasn't really your boyfriend anymore, he was someone you didnt know. He was possessive, and obsessive. He followed you around, making sure you weren't doing anything bad.
He kept you locked up in the apartment most of the time, letting you out every so often. He even tracked your phone when he was physically unable to follow you. You just couldn't take it anymore.
"I can and I am. You can't just keep me here. I don't want to be with you anymore. " you say, again.
"Say that one more time and I'll make sure you can never walk again" he growls, gripping your arm and shoving you into a room before locking the door.
"I won't allow it." He snaps. "You can't leave me."
"You're mine. You always will be"
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ludeere · 5 years
Monsta X as a Yandere (Jooheon)
Sweet anon, I hope my lil work met your expectations. Thank you for your message it really made my day and you are the reason I'm updating this . So, please let me know if you want anything I'll work right away. Thank you all, guys)))
Warning: Its a yandere, so it can be triggering for you. Read at your own risk.
(Just imagine him sitting in your livingroom like this)))
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Jooheon was a tough cookie. His savage look always scared people and the fact that he was your boss didn't make that any easier. You always asked yourself how could you get this job cause your skills didn't hit even his average demands. You were expecting him to fire you after your first flake out but it never happened and you couldn't get why. It was some kind of magic for you and all the office, but not for Joohoney.
When he heard your voice for the first time he felt like the world stopped spinning. All your failures where nothing in comparison to those long lasting nights he spent thinking of you. He was cruel with everyone except you that's why you couldn't believe your colleagues who always complained about his rude attitude.
While you were trying to solve the riddle named "Joohoney" he was making plans how to make you his. You never noticed but he always tried to touch you. His manner of speaking was different when he talked to you. But his approach was nothing except business, at least he made you think it was like this. In a few weeks it appeared somehow that you happened to live in the same building. It didn't take him too long to start giving you a lift to work like a good neighbour and boss hi was.
After sometime Johoney became one of your friends and he was more than happy because he finally got a chance to see you 24/7. He loved the way you talk and smile and wanted to keep it only for himself. He always knew that something wasn't right with him especially after one of his girlfriends had ran away from him, he couldn't understand what exactly was wrong until he met you. That dark side of him was taking advantage and before he could even fight his feelings he found himself sitting in your livingroom in complete darkness waiting for you. He knew kissing you last night was not the right tactics but how could he resist when you was inches away from him. Your lips tasted like heaven and once he tried he knew for sure he could never let you slip away. So now he had to wait for you and to make everything clear. It was almost midnight when Johoney finally heard the sound of the turning key, his heart skipped a beat.
-Honeyboo, where have you been for so long??? - you dropped your keys.
-Gush, you scared the hell out of me!!!!!!! What are you doing here and how did you even g.....
-Shhhh.......it doesn't really matter even the fact that the whole building is mine like you. - he approached you slowly while your brain tried proceeding all the info he just spilt. Before you could protest or say something he pulled you closer inhaling the smell of your hair.
"I want your scent all over me." - you tried to protest but he hugged you even tighter.
"Honeyboo, let's behave or else I'll have to punish you."
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aajjks · 5 years
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Yandere Kpop Ship: 09
@yandere-rkive hope you like it!
In Bts I ship you with Yoongi/Suga.
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Yoongi really loves you a lot. He loves your ebony eyes and of course your red hair a lot. You remind him of a burning fire. Just like his burning passion for you!
He really really loves how you observe your surroundings and people around you. You are so perceiving.
He worries a lot for your constant insomnia. He likes to wrap you in his arms and hum a soft tone in your ear to make fall asleep. He will even give sleeping pills. You know, Yoongi gets paranoid and worried about you a lot. He paranoia is on another level.
Yoongi feels so grateful for you. You are his muse. His reason for everything! He really get shy when you get protective for him. He gets so giddy!
He really is amused by your mature nature. He’s glad you understand why he’s so oddly protective and possessive of you.
Prank him. But don’t ever joke about leaving him! He’ll loose control over himself. Please don’t ever.
Yoongi loves that you like poetry. He’ll even write a poem dedicated to his for you! Don’t listen to scary or thriller podcasts! He thinks they can affect you perspective of mind. He hates it when you insist on watching crime movies.
Yoongi wants you to stay at home, his home forever. He was absolutely enthusiastic when learned about your demo phobia. He wants to heal you!
He can do anything for you. Remember that.
“Y/N, you are so perfect for me. You and I think so alike.”
“Baby, what did I say about watching crime shows hmm? You don’t want to get locked up now do you?”
“Y/N you are my everything I don’t know what I’d do if you ever got away from me.”
“Break up? You want us to break up! Baby you really like testing me huh?”
“Y/N please don’t leave me, I won’t survive.”
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Monsta X:
In Monsta x I ship you with Jooheon.
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Jooheon loves you too much. It’s suffocating. He obsessed over your personality and your serious features a lot. Specially your red hair. Your ebony eyes so magical for him.
He hates your observing nature a lot. He doesn’t want to be suspicious of his odd behaviour.
He wants to comfort you so you can sleep. He wants to cure your insomnia. He sometimes watches you while you try to get some sleep.
He absolutely adores your funny,caring and mature nature! Because sometime he gets childish. He can absolutely do anything to have your attention on him! Anything!
He loves it when you get protective for him. But absolutely dreads it when you get defensive on your friends and family. You’re supposed to care only about him only.
But Jooheon loves your pranks though! He also loves that you like to listen to crime and scary podcasts. But he gets scared too.
He hates that you don’t like crowded and loud places. He wants to make you flawless. You are his doll after all.
“Doll, let’s watch y/f/m together!”
“Y/N your eyes are so intense.”
“Doll, I’m going to dye my hair red too so we can match!”
“Doll, don’t ever think about leaving me. I’ll go crazy.”
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A/N: I’m nervous.
Feedback is always appreciated!
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yan-purgatory · 4 years
You still up for categorizations? Say Y!Monsta X got captured, found guilty, and given the death penalty for their murders and other actions. What would their final words to their darlings be right before their executions? Who would beg for forgiveness? Who would be angry? Be smug and taunting? Be emotionless?
Hyunwoo - He would have an absolute breakdown. Terrified of never seeing (Y/N) again, refusing to eat. Having everything taken away from him, having (Y/N) taken away from him, all for a simple mistake? He couldn’t repent enough. Only their beloved would be able to console him, yet the worst part of it all was that they didn’t even bother turning up, sickened by the thought of seeing him again.
“I’m so sorry for everything I’ve done! But please, can’t I just see her one last time?”
Minhyuk - He hadn’t planned anything when it came to the possibility of being caught, let alone being punished for his crimes. The thoughts of what were to come haunted him every night, until he looked like a walking zombie. All he did was write letters to (Y/N), asking about her life, making sure she couldn’t possibly forget him. When he finally managed to see her in his last hour, he lectured until he was hoarse that she wouldn’t find someone else like him.
“I’m your soulmate, you know that right sweetheart? No one will ever be as good as I am for you, you might as well not even try finding another. What’s the point if you’ll only be disappointed?”
Hyungwon - For the first time Hyungwon would have nothing smart to say. Being cornered, being held accountable for the things he’d done: such was a foreign concept to him. As he is given the chance to say his last words, all he can do is give (Y/N) a broken look.
“Will I see you soon, Pet? Just please, tell me this isn’t over!”
Changkyun - Changkyun would be disappointed in himself. He was so good at manipulating and convincing people he was some sort of saint, and yet here is where he ended up. If given a second chance he just knew this would’ve never happened,and he could just live with you in bliss, but sadly that wasn’t the case. He would spend the rest of his days trying to make sure once he was gone you’d miss him and how “nice” he treated you.
“I know I’ve done some bad things Darling, but I was never bad to you. I love you, please remember that.
Hoseok - Hoseok would be in utter disbelief when he received his sentence. Those people deserved to die, why should he be punished for it? Until the very end, he appealed his sentence, asked to see (Y/N), wrote endless letters pleading for support. But in the end it was futile, and he was left face to face with (Y/N), only able to leave them one last note, to send them the ring he’d bought with the idea they’d get married one day and plead that he would see them one day.
“(Y/N), if I find out that someone else has dared touch you whilst I’m gone, you’ll pay when we see each other again. We have to stay committed, understood?”
Kihyun - The severity of it would never really set in for him, he would cocky until the end. What else would you expect from him though? He’d always act in the exact opposite way expected from him. He would bring his confidence in his actions with him to the grave if he had to, the only resemblance of worry out of him was about your actions while he was locked up in the mean time.
“You think just because I’m trapped inside of this cell you can go off and see other men? That’s never gonna happen on my watch.”
Jooheon - Jooheon wouldn’t regret anything besides getting caught. He’d stand firm with his decisions revolving around his case and openly brag about them to other criminals. Every chance he would get to contact you would be full of harsh threatening words, warning you against ever even thinking about finding another lover.
“If you ever whore yourself out to some piece of scum just because you think I can’t reach you from in here I will show you hell baby.”
- admins ☕️ & ღ
The two categorizes are kind of broad but whatever. Sorry this took so long to post, hope you enjoyed it.
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