#yandere minhyuk
o-ochangx · 1 year
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Yandere Prompt list 🐾 (MX)
1. "With this tattoo l've claimed you."
2. "I can never get enough of you. I'll drink you down to the last sip.”
3. "We won't stop until you're so covered in my scent, no one will dare touch you again."
4. "Don't play with fire if you don't want to burn."
5. "This hurts me more than it hurts you."
6. "No one will ever find you here."
7. "Shouldn't you be spending more time with me?"
8. "I can't control how I react when your eyes wander."
9. "I would never hurt you. You know that, right?"
10. "Why are you scared?"
11. "I don't know how to lose."
12. “If you do this for me l'll think about helping you."
13. "Is this okay? Did I do well?"
14. “If you won't take care of yourself I will be forced to do it for you."
15. "If you leave me now l'll die. I can't survive without you."
16. "The truth would have just hurt you."
17. "You say kidnap, I say date. Who's really to know?"
18. "The only way out of this house is death."
19. "If I don't keep an eye on you, who knows what will happen?"
20. "When we part, every caress becomes more agonizing than the last."
21. "Don't act as if you don't know me. I've been watching you watch me."
22. "I can't eat, I can't sleep. You're all I can think about."
23. "It's our anniversary! How could you forget? There isn't a single thing I don't remember about you."
24. "Your tears are beautiful.”
25. "Stop screaming. It's not like anyone will hear you anyways, darling."
26. "Why are you scared? I love you”
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mymoodwriting · 6 months
F!Reader x Hyungwon
Genre: Yandere AU
Warning: Manipulation, Electrocution, Yandere
Words: 2.2K
Chapter Thirteen
Prompt: NexGen is the leading company for all of humanities technological advances. Their recent project involves creating a higher functioning AI, one with basic knowledge of the world, and programmed to learn. It’s no surprise the project is a secret from the general public, and you, the company’s head programmer, were chosen to be the AI’s teacher. You wish you could reject the assignment, but the decision was made. Now with an AI at home things were different. Although it might not be such a bad thing, perhaps you could learn and help each other out, for better or for worse.
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“Hyungwon, please listen to me.”
“You don’t need to worry.” Hyungwon took your hands in his. “I’m perfectly fine, everything is okay.”
“This isn’t right. You were not created to resolve all humanities mistakes, but to help people.”
“I am. I just intend to do so on a global scale.”
“And what if people don’t want the type of help you’re offering?”
“In order for this to work everyone has to be on board.”
“They won’t be. People are different, there’s not one thing everyone agrees on. You can’t force something like this on them. There will be resistance, and what if people get hurt?”
“I understand that can’t be avoided, but I will minimize the injuries.”
“Hyungwon! Do you hear yourself? You can’t hurt people, that’s not-”
“What I was made for? Is that it?”
“You say I was created to help people, and that’s exactly what I’m doing.”
“Not like this.”
“I may be an amalgamation of your code, but you did not create me. You don’t need to feel any guilt or responsibility towards my actions.”
“But I’m the one here with you now. Hyungwon, I’m worried about you.”
“It’s okay, everything will work out.”
“You can’t guarantee that.”
“To a degree I can.”
You were interrupted as you heard the door open, Minhyuk coming in. For a moment you thought to ask for help, but then you remembered he was just another android like Hyungwon, he was never on your side.
“What’s going on down at the station?” Hyungwon asked.
“They’re still investigating Changkyun, although there might be a slight issue.”
“He told the officers about the AI.”
“Hm… what were the reactions?”
“Office Lee doesn’t seem to trust him, and Shownu will make sure to keep him from investigating further.”
“That’s good, but we might need to move things along. Where are we for the next phase?”
“Ready. I can bring them over so we can set them up.”
“Let’s do that.”
“Hyungwon, what are you-”
You made an attempt to stand, to question this whole conversation, but an electrical shock from Chae knocked you back down onto the couch. Hyungwon came over to check on you, grabbing your face.
“Easy, don’t hurt yourself.”
“Just stop… please…”
“I know you’re nervous, but I’ll rectify that, okay.”
Hyungwon reached into his pocket to pull out some earbuds. You didn’t really know what happened, but you knew you always lost time when you had those on. You tried to struggle but he got them in place. Then a soothing melody was relaxing you. Your vision got blurry, followed by a tingle in your head, and then you passed out. You had no idea for how long you were out, but when you woke up you were lying down on the couch. You sat up, grabbing your head as you still felt dizzy. You didn’t see Hyungwon around, but soon enough an orb flew into your field of vision. Its lights were flashing all kinds of colors. You still felt Chae around your head, so you were all the more confused.
“What… what is this…”
“You’re up.” Hyungwon noticed. “How do you feel?”
“Where did you get this orb?”
“Ah, Minhyuk designed it and I programmed it with my code. Just as intended, they are designed to learn and grow while keeping their true purpose in mind.”
“Which is…”
“You know. It’s what I’m trying to get you to understand.”
“No, your idea…”
“It’s a paradise.” Hyungwon explained. “That is what I am trying to create for everyone.”
“It won’t work…”
“Sh. You still need to rest. Let’s get you to bed.”
Hyungwon picked you up in his arms and carried you to the bedroom, setting you down and tucking you in. You tried to hold him back, but you barely had any strength to keep your eyes open. You could vaguely make out a smile on Hyungwon’s face before he leaned down to press a kiss to your head.
“Sweet dreams.”
When you woke up later you could hear the soft hum of a car. As you opened your eyes and regained your senses you could see that you were in the back of a car. Hyungwon sat next to you, looking over some papers while Minhyuk drove. You noticed a suitcase at Hyungwon’s feet and caught a glimpse of yourself in the window. Instead of a crown around your head Chae had changed forms again, becoming a necklace wrapped around your throat. You reach up to it, only for your hand to start shaking. Hyungwon reached over and grabbed your arm, the shaking stopping in that moment.
“Hyungwon, where are we going?”
“Don’t try to remove the necklace. I’d had to lose my connection to you.”
“We’re going to a familiar place. You’ll see.”
You knew you wouldn’t get much more of an answer, so you’d just have to wait. It pained you to see the world outside the window. All these people just going about their lives with no idea of what was to come. Not like you had any idea either.  If you could roll down the window and scream for help, or jump out of the car, you would, but the reality was that those actions would get you nowhere. Surely Hyungwon had contingencies in place for any rash action you might take. So there was no choice but to behave. Although your eyes went wide when the car came to a stop.
“NexGen… why are we here?”
“I need the right people on my side.”
Hyungwon got out of the car with his suitcase, going around to open your door. That’s when you finally noticed you were in different clothes, throwing a glare at Hyungwon. He merely smiled and took your hand, leading you inside the building. You expected to go up to the front desk, but instead Hyungwon went straight for the elevators. None of the security devices got in his way, simply making way for him as if he had access. Then again, at this point he surely did. When you got into the elevator it took you up to your old work floor.
If you could get up there then it meant you had clearance. That’s why no one questioned either of you when you arrived. So you continued with Hyungwon, going over to the conference room. Without knocking Hyungwon just let himself in, interrupting the whole thing. Immediately people began to question him, and then things got more confusing when some began to recognize you. Before anyone got the chance to call security Hyungwon opened up the suitcase. A bunch of orbs floated out and attached themselves to everyone in the room, turning into bracelets.
“There’s no need to panic.” Hyungwon explained. “I come with a gift. The future of AI.”
“You’re overlooking the potential you have created. Now, you might be wondering what your ex-employee is doing here, but they’re the proof you need. You see, I got close to y/n and stumbled upon the interesting little orb that was around her. It learned, and it did so well to look after her.”
Hyungwon turned off the lights and turned on the projector. He displayed the security footage from your home, showing all the things Chae did with you in the house. He’d be your wake up call, help you cook, make sure you were maintaining your health, and so much more. You could only stare at all this with wide eyes, still not sure what Hyungwon was planning here.
“It seems your technology is more advanced than you thought. The orbs, well, bracelets, you have with you are programmed with the same code. They will learn from you, and help you in your daily lives. Why not give them a shot and see just how much your life can improve. From there you’d surely agree everyone should have their own AI helper, and they’d pay a pretty price for it too.”
At that moment security came into the room, although neither you or Hyungwon were detained as the boss told them to wait.
“What’s your name?”
“So, you discovered such a thing, and instead of selling this yourself you came to NexGen, may I ask why?”
“The answer is obvious. NexGen is innovation, and the future of humanity. If anyone can understand my goals, it’s you. I have no problem going to a competitor if you don’t agree.”
“Let’s not jump to conclusions. We can give this idea of yours a test run. Although I am curious, how do you feel about all this y/n?”
None of the attention had been on you, but now everyone’s eyes looked in your direction. Hyungwon gave you a soft smile. You had no voice before that moment but the words flowed out with ease.
“It’s incredible. A function we didn’t see before. It only really came to light when looking back on everything Chae had done for me.”
“It’s what I named the AI. He was placed with me to help me finish my project, but along the way he helped me with my daily life as well. Moreso after the accident. He was always attentive, aware of things I wasn’t, or possibly wasn’t even capable of knowing. I would say he helped make my life easier, and gave me confidence to be myself. This may not have been the original idea behind Chae’s creation, but it’s far greater.”
“I see… I guess we’ll be in touch.”
“Of course. Let me know when you’re ready to talk.”
Hyungwon grabbed the empty suitcase and set down a card. He took your hand and led you out, the two of you leaving in silence. At no point during that whole ordeal could you find your voice, yet when you were asked to speak you did. Not only that, the words you spoke felt so natural. It was true, Chae had helped you a lot, but you wouldn’t have said such things to help Hyungwon out. Yet that’s exactly what you did.
“What just happened back there…”
“Thanks for your help.”
“No… no I didn’t… what did you do to me!”
“I told you I wanted you to understand-”
“No, no, this isn’t it. You did something to me. I never would have said that… you’ve messed with my head and… that’s what you’re gonna do…”
“Everyone in that conference room has their own AI made with your code… you’re gonna manipulate them and brainwash them to get what you want!”
“I wouldn’t use such terms.”
“Right, you said you were a programmer, and that’s all humans are to you, machines to reprogram so you get what you want. What exactly is that? What do you get out of this?”
“You. That’s all that matters here.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“I know. It’s difficult for you to see things the way I do, but you’ll thank me in the end.”
“Hyungwon, please just-”
You yelled as you were shocked, stumbling and falling into Hyungwon’s arms. You were down in the garage and you felt as the necklace morphed and became a crown around your head. You felt a tingle as some minor shocks were sent to your head. It was becoming hard to keep your eyes open but you fought through it.
“Sh, please, don’t fight me.”
“If you keep doing this… I’ll never be on your side…”
“That’s not true. You know me, you trust me, we’ll be okay. In a few days, things will be in place.”
Minhyuk pulled up with the car, and Hyungwon got you into the backseat. When he got into the car by your side he told Minhyuk to drive. You found yourself staring out the window again, unable to run away.
“How did it go?”
“Everything is in place.” Hyungwon said. “I need you to update the orbs in the office. The sooner the better. Everyone has to be on board.”
“I’ll get to that once we return home.”
Overhearing the conversation, you could only wonder how the world was going to change. NexGen was a huge corporation, and their reach practically extended across the globe. All he needed was a few powerful people in his pocket and it would be over. You couldn’t stop him, and the horrible realization brought a smile to your face. It was getting hard to tell what side you were on. The line was already blurred, and soon enough it would disappear. All these positive feelings freaked you out. They were not your own, yet they were. It felt like Hyungwon was overriding your personality, little by little. You started breathing heavily and Hyungwon took your hand, getting you to look at him.
“Deep breaths, deep breaths, you’re okay. I know things must be scary now, but it’s going to be alright. There will only be happy things to come.”
Hyungwon gently caressed your face, slowly soothing you and calming your heart. Everything he said was true, and you knew that. He’d make it all a reality and there was nothing you could do to stop him. You’d end up forgetting all of this pain and confusion. It was a terrifying realization, and in a strange way it brought peace too.
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tbznewberry · 2 years
Mental chains without keys | Lee Minhyuk
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Having the ability to kill someone just by looking at them and imagining them dying is a dangerous trait. They've put her behind locked doors in a room without windows and in aliminium chains, the only metal that weakens her deadly power. One day a man comes in and is determined to being her out of there, saying that he'll save her. But will he really?
Word count: 1.4k
Genre: yandere, horror (?)
Warnings: yandere, obsession, manipulation, death
A/N: This is a story I wrote for @shinehyuk since it's her birthday today!!! Happy birthday bub, I hope you'll like this. It got a little messy sorry :((♡♡♡
She can hear the door open, but she can't see who's entering, but she figures it's one of the usual doctors. Since she can't see who it is, she can't kill them. She has to be able to read their faces. That's the ability she's born with. The metal around her head, throat, wrists and ankles weaken her. Ever since they realized that aluminum makes her weak, they've used it for everything. Carefully, the fabric blindfold gently removes from her eyes. The harsh hospital light penetrates her eyes, making her whimper.
"Shh, shh", an unfamiliar voice whispers. "It's okay."
Her eyes widen as she looks around. A pair of hands rest on her cheeks, caressing them gently. Her head gets locked back at the man in front of her. He's wearing a black hoodie and ripped jeans. He can't be much older than her.
She tries imagining him breaking his neck, but she can't formulate anything, everything is empty. Everything is spinning.
"You're so beautiful", the man breathes out, still caressing her cheeks. "Oh my ..."
Y/N tries opening her mouth to ask what the hell is going on, but she can't form any sounds. Her throat is as dry as a desert. She can't remember the last time she talked to somebody. Her heart beats quicker as her eyes frantically scan around.
"W-Water ...", Y/N croaks quietly.
The man's eyes widen again and he nods. "I'll get you some! Just wait for me."
She feels a sting of humiliated anger. Where the fuck is she supposed to go? She's chained like a circus animal. Is this unfamiliar man mocking her?
He runs back soon enough with a paper mug filled with water. He holds it to her mouth, watching her chug it down. A few drops run down her chin. She gasps and coughs.
"W-Who are you?" she stutters.
"I'm Minhyuk."
"T-That doesn't tell me anything!" she yells, tears threatening to fall out of her eyes. "I-I don't know who you are!"
"I'm a volunteer. I know you haven't seen me before ... you've always been wearing that cloth ... but I've seen you a lot of times. I have been feeding you. Remember that soup you ate a few days ago? That was me!" He puts his hand on her cheek.
"W-What do you want from me?"
"Nothing bad, I promise. I just can't stand to watch you like this anymore." He fixes her hair. "Such a shame to hide your ability when it can be used for so much."
"L-Leave me alone!"
"Y/N, would you rather stay here chained up for the rest of your life? Where you can't see or think anything?" He caresses her cheek with his thumb. "Is that what you want? Do you want the doctors to control your life like you're a circus lion? Come with me and I'll make sure you'll never come back here again."
The only thought Y/N's been able to formulate with the aluminium diadem is that she wants to get out of this hospital, but she has never been able to imagine what the outside world looks like. But now that the offer is up, she hesitates. Should she really?
"If you do some stuff for me, Y/N ... I will give you everything you could ever want", Minhyuk whispers. "I will give you the life you never got, okay? I will make sure you never end up here again."
Y/N gulps, looking around. She doesn't know what a 'real life' is. She hasn't spent a day outside this room for years. She barely remembers how the outside world looks like. But never coming back here again ...? Anything is better than this.
He starts unlocking the chains without waiting for an answer.
"W-What? W-Wait-", she starts.
"Shh, be silent", he whispers. "I'm going to get you out of here."
"M-Minhyuk, wait-"
"Oh my god, my name sounds amazing when you say it. But hey, what's wrong? Are you afraid?"
Y/N can't do anything other than nod. The mere thought of the frightening outside world is enough to make her break out in tears. The unfamiliar man hugs her as soon as she's gotten out of the chains. The aluminium diadem is still around her head, making her head a blank canvas with no paint to fill it with. She freezes in the hug. It's been years since she last got one, but she still remembers how it should feel like ... and this isn't it. Does he do it for her? The hug is firm and desperate and his breathing irregular, as if he's trying to fulfill a need of his quickly.
Y/N reaches up to remove the aluminium diadem, but his hands stop her.
"No", he breathes out. "Don't take that off."
He's afraid she's going to kill him. As soon as she can imagine him dying he will die.
"If you kill me, I won't be able to help you", Minhyuk whispers. "You won't survive without me, okay? You don't know the outside world, you need me. If you kill me, you have no one to protect you anymore."
"Why do you want me? I only kill people."
"Because I care for you. I will take care of you."
Y/N gulps. Will he really save her? Minhyuk gives her a soft smile before pulling her up on her legs. They fold right away. SHe hasn't been standing for years. Minhyuk chuckles sweetly and picks her up in his arms.
"I'll need you to be silent now", he whispers. "If you want to get out of here, you need to do exactly what I say. Otherwise I will be very mad."
Y/N's head is fogged up, the aluminum diadem fogging up her head. She can only nod. Minhyuk covers her with his hoodie and carries her through white corridors. She whimpers every now and then without really understanding why. She can't think. If only she could remove the aluminum diadem, she'd be able to act like a normal human.
"Shh, pretty thing", Minhyuk whispers. "I'm here."
He takes her outside the hospital and places her in the backseat of a car. Y/N whimpers and crawls back, hitting her head in the window.
"Y/N-" Minhyuk sighs. "Careful."
Her hands go up to her diadem again.
"No!" Minhyuk shouts. "Stop! Don't. Remember what I said. You won't be able to survive without my guidance. I will let you take it off when we trust each other, okay?"
"I-I'm so scared", Y/N sobs.
Minhyuk crawls into the backseat and embraces her. She can't think straight. Pieces of her thoughts are blurry, she can't formulate anything reasonable.
"Shh", Minhyuk cooes. "I'm here. I will take you home and you will get to sleep in a bed again."
She leans into his touch, terrified and vulnerable with a fogged, broken mind. Just like he wants her to be. But she doesn't know that. She doesn't know that coming home with him like this will certainly be worse than being chained and blindfolded in a windowless window in the hospital even if she didn't think so.
When they get home to Minhyuk, he carries her up to his apartment and tucks her in his bed. Y/N gulps, looking around in the dark room.
"Don't be scared", Minhyuk whispers, petting her hair. "You're safe now. You're out of that hospital now."
Nothing makes sense to her. Why does he want to help her when everyone has made sure that she would be tucked away in a hospital room? Why is he so nice to her? What will he do? If only she was allowed to remove the diadem, then she would be able to think clearly and puzzle everything together. She looks up at his sweet, reassuring smile knowing that she'll have to rely on him from now on. She knows nothing about the world. He is the only one she has and if she ever kills him, she'll be alone and vulnerable. She might not be able to think clearly, but he'll help her. She hopes. But she doesn't know that she's sealed her deal with the devil. He'll take care of her alright, but not like she thinks he will. He'll use her deadly ability to his advantage, getting rid of the people in his life that he hates and keep her in his apartment where only he can influence her.
Y/N doesn't know that she'll never get the freedom Minhyuk promises about. She'll be chained again, but not in physical ones but in sweet talk and threats about being all alone in this frightening world if she decides to kill him. And these mental chains have no key.
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haram-monbebe · 2 years
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like/reblog if u save | @haram-monbebe
if you repost my work pls give credit
follow me bestie🤗
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seawitch62 · 2 years
Dreams are they the manifestations of our subconscious or something else?
Word count 763
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         Night terrors.
♟Never trust a demon. He has a hundred motives for anything he does ... Ninety-nine of them, at least, are malevolent.
Neil Gaiman, Preludes & Nocturnes (The Sandman, #1)♟
Run! Run! Run! My legs feel like bricks, they won't move. Pure terror surges through my body, I can not move. It's getting closer and closer, I can sense it, feel it, the invisible terror stalking me, all I can see are those eyes! Eyes that scare the hell out of me. My ankle! My foot! Someone or something, their hands or claw like hands are  wrapped around my ankle, shake it off! no matter how I try I can escape. The grip is like steel pulling me closer to the eyes….
Waking up in a pool of sweat, that dream or nightmare felt so real it was terrifying, "it's just a dream" calm yourself. Sliding out of bed, feet touching the floor, a pain shoots up my leg. "What the" inspecting my leg, my ankle and foot, it's bruised and swollen.
Wincing with pain and discomfort the only feasible explanation is I bashed my foot against the bed during the night. It is not a perfect answer but the only one that is logical.
Those eyes seemed terrifyingly familiar, a movie? A TV show? 
The following night, the dream or more aptly described as a nightmare reoccurs. Running and running, those eyes chasing me, this time the hand grabs my wrist. I fight with all my strength but it is  useless. A voice echoes in the fog of my dream, "time to come home!".
Once again awakening with sweat covering my body, my wrist throbs, bruising in the shape of a hand print darkens the skin. "What the fuck?"
Once the initial shock evaporates I must have held my wrist so tight during the night I bruised it, right?
Night after night, the eyes pursue giving chase relentlessly. Tormenting what sleep I can get, waking in a pool of my own fright.
Trying everything to keep myself awake feeling like a character in a Freddy Kruger movie. Eventually the body demands sleep, hunted in my sleeping hours by a force I do know what.
Exhaustion takes the driver's seat and eyes flutter and slowly close, dreamland now the landscape. The eyes close in. The chase begins, even in the land of dreams by body and mind seem hindered from lack of sleep. The eyes seem so close, arms wrap around my body drawing me closer to the eyes. A form takes shape, a very familiar one, "Time to come home, my love" 
"Time to come home!".
Slowly my mind  and body leave dreamland, looking around. I am once more in the safety of my bedroom. Why am I dreaming of him? 
Minhyuk, my ex, my intense ex.
Why? Why am I dreaming about him? The break up was not pleasant, but when are they really? The cold steely look he  gave me sent a   feeling of complete unease, the intensity shocked me to my core.  His unreadable features coldly assessed me like a bug on a microscope slide. Remembering the immense relief when he left, why am I dreaming about him now?
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Fighting sleep is like battling with your own demons. In the end sleep always wins. Running through the dark stumbling and falling,  the eyes unstoppable energy nipping at my heels. Minhyuk's  unrelenting pace is always constant.
"I am your home" he whispers his voice ever so close.
"Time to come home!".
This has to stop! I can not continue like this, I need sleep.
Maybe if I confront him in my dream it will stop, it's my dream after all, it's just a dream!
Don't run,  face him! Turn around to face him. Face him! Confront him! The eyes loom in the dark moving closer and closer till Minhyuk is standing before me. "Time to come home" 
"No leave me alone"
"Time to come home where you belong my precious"
Minhyuk stares for a moment then while wrapping his arms around my body, pulling me in so close our bodies merge as one. Our lips touch tenderly at first then a hunger buried within him takes control, a kiss filled with passion and promise. "Time to come home" he whispers breathlessly.
Wake up! Wake up!
Toast and coffee, the breakfast of champions, thoughts lost in the meaning of the dream. 
Knock knock knock 
Opening the door Minhyuk stands there, his  eyes  a pool of black, "time to come home".
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shinehyuk · 1 year
the ideas are ideaing
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sunshxnejisoo · 4 months
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𝙍𝙞𝙣𝙖’𝙨 𝙁𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙘𝙨
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐈 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐬 & 𝐦𝐲 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫���𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞! ♥ 📌 𝘊𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 : 22.28.01 ⏰ 𝘜𝘱𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥 : 24.14.02 🗓️ 𝘔𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘩𝘭𝘺 𝘍𝘢𝘯𝘧𝘪𝘤 𝘙𝘦𝘤 : In another life - @authorforrosie - February
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Hotel California - @mint-yooxgi : Mature, Horror, Angst, Yandere - ot8 Ateez x reader
Written In The Stars - @mint-yooxgi : Mature, Yandere, Angst - Yeosang x chubby reader
Forbidden Fruit - @nateezfics : Mature - Hoogjoong x reader
Shells - @last-words-ofashootingstar : Mature & Yandere - Hoonjoong x reader
Don't Leave - @tbznewberry : Yandere, Mature - Jongho x reader
In Another Life - @authorforrosie : Angst - Rosé x reader
Broken Hearted - @authorforrosie : Angst - Rosé x reader & Jisoo x reader
Crazy For Each Other - @rowretro : Yandere, Mature - Niki x reader
Evanescent - @0x1-lxvesxng : Yandere, Mature - ot7 Enhypen x reader
Game Of Lives - @enha-doodles : Yandere, Horror, Mature - ot7 Enhypen x reader
Gardening Club - @snowbabys : Yandere, Mature, Horror - Jungwon x gender neutral reader
19:45 - @heeseung-min : Yandere, Mature - Sunoo x reader
22:06 - @heeseung-min : Yandere, Mature - Niki x reader
12:14 - @heeseung-min : Yandere, Mature - Niki x reader
Fever - @enhais : Yandere, Horror, Mature - Heeseung x reader
Saturday Love - @enhais : Yandere, Fluff, Mature - Jake x gender neutral reader
The Glory - @cheegu3 : Yandere, Mature - ot7 Enhypen x reader
Orange Flower - @jaeneohee : Yandere, Mature, Angst - ot7 Enhypen x reader
Enchanted - @enhadiares : Horror, Mature - ot7 Enhypen x reader
Escape Or Not - @enhadiares : Yandere, Mature - Jake x reader
His Belonging - @enhadiares : Yandere, Mature - Sunoo x reader
The Night Nurse - @bluntneedle : Yandere, Mature - Chaeryeong x reader
Red Roses - @writeformesinpie : Yander, Mature - Ryujin x reader
For Your Touch - @yehzip : Yandere, Mature - Chaeryeong x reader
Still Isn’t Over - @ryuttaeng : Mature, Yandere - Yuna x reader
Love Sniper - @ryuttaeng : Mature, Yandere - Yuna x reade
𝘔𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘢 𝘟
Amour Non-Réciproque - @shinehyuk : Yandere, Mature, Angst - Kihyun x reader
Mental Chains Without Keys - @tbznewberry : Yandere, Mature - Minhyuk x reader
A Little Jealousy - @linos-luna : Yandere, Mature - Wonho x reader
Lose - @stayatiny : Yandere, Mature - Wonho x reader
Netflix & Kill - @yan-purgatory : Yandere, Mature - Changkyun x reader
You Are What I Desire - @yanmx : Yandere, Mature - Shownu x reader
Stolen Cool - @twisted-tales-of-all : Yandere, Mature - Hyungwon x reader
Love Me - @yungchaeng : Yandere, Mature - Mina x reader
Allure - @shinehyuk : Yandere, Mature - Nayeon x reader
𝘚𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘺 𝘒𝘪𝘥𝘴
Protect You - @minho-hoho : Angst, Fluff - Lee Know x royal reader
My Baby - @linos-luna : Mature, Yandere - Bang Chan x reader
My Queen - @linos-luna : Mature, Yandere - Hyunjin x reader
What's Wrong Noona? - @linos-luna : Yandere, Mature - Jeongin x reader
Corrupted - @blackswan446 : Yandere, Mature - J-hope x reader
𝘌𝘹𝘰 - None yet!
𝘛𝘹𝘛 - None yet!
𝘋𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘳 - None yet!
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linos-luna · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you're taking requests? If so could to write some yandere + smutt stuff with Wonho? (If you're ok with it, could you try to write something really dark?)
Oh yay Wonho! Sure thing ☺️
A little Jealousy ❣️🔪
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Yandere!Wonho x fem!reader
Warnings: 18+ , smut, yandere, violence, extreme jealousy, unprotected sex, possessiveness, fingering, overstimulation, light knife play, threats of violence, DUB CON
Your boyfriend was an interesting guy. Although he’s a fairly big muscular man, Hoseok gave off the impression of someone that could be taken advantage of. Someone that will just let things happen. Perhaps that’s the Pisces in him. But you knew that wasn’t the truth. He is very sweet and loveable but he’s also very obsessive. Sometimes he loved a little too hard and is easily jealous. This paired with his size made him very scary and you often tried to stay on his good side. But that’s not always possible.
Thinking back on it, you probably should’ve done more to stop it. Then again, you had been drinking a little, so your judgment could be impaired. But your boyfriend didn’t seem to care because here you were, in the passenger seat with tears rolling down your cheeks as you waited for him to get in the car. So what was your crime?
Well for starters, you had gone out with Wonho and his friends. Changkyun had invited you both and the rest of the friend group for a game night and some light drinking. After going out for dinner, you all came back to his place, pulling out the drinks.
It was in the middle of a game of uno that a lightly tipsy Changkyun was making more suggestive comments. The others saw it as light fun, not taking it serious. But your boyfriend didn’t see it that way. This playful flirting only made him even angrier when you playfully flirted back. At some point he got in between you both, his arm slamming on the table you were all playing on, he was facing his friend.
“Hey! You’re cheating!” Minhyuk called out laughing.
“Yeah… there goes our game.” Hyungwon said sarcastically while shrugging.
But Wonho paid them no mind.
“What’s up, man?” Changkyun said casually, looking up at the man.
Now your boyfriend wasn’t one to confront people like this, especially his own friends so this surprised you.
“Do you think this is funny?”
Changkyun looked at him confused and shook his head. “What are you talking about?”
“Do you think this is funny?!!” He repeated, now yelling and slamming his hand to the table again. This caused you to jump back and alerted all his friends at the table. Suddenly the fun atmosphere was gone.
“Hey baby-”
“Shut up!” He interrupted you, causing you to back up. The others got up from their seats and hyungwon went over to you after seeing how stunned and hurt you looked.
“Hyung, you can’t-”
Before hyungwon could finish, your boyfriend cut him off and glared at him. “Shut! Up! This little shit thinks he’s so sly! Flirting with my girl!”
“That’s not what I was doing! We’re just having fun” Changkyun tried reasoning.
Wonho grabbed him by the shirt and lifted him up before Shownu stopped him.
“Stop it!” He said sternly and Wonho complied, setting the youngest back down. The others were stunned to see him act this way.
“In the car….” He said, not looking directly looking at you, but you know who the message was for.
You quickly grabbed your bag and head out the door, ignoring the others who tried to stop you.
And now here you were, sitting in the car, cold and tears coming down your cheeks. It probably hadn’t been that long but you felt like you’ve been waiting in that car forever. You didn’t know what was going on inside, just assuming that your boyfriend was getting in a heated argument.
Soon he came back, slamming the car door as he came in. You only looked down at your hands as he started driving. It was an awkward ride. No one said anything but you could see just how angry he looked.
Once home, Wonho grabbed your arm and pulled you inside, you almost tripped over some steps but he was pulling you so hard at you would’ve continued being dragged along with no issue.
“Now you’re gonna listen to me.” He said, pushing you to your knees. “I don’t appreciate you being a little slut with my friends!”
“I wasn’t being-”
Suddenly Wonho kicked you in the stomach, causing you to topple over in pain.
“Why would you do that?!” You cried.
“I’m sick and tired of everyone taking advantage of me! You think you’re so slick?! Well you’re not!!”
He kicked you again, causing you to cry out before he left to the kitchen. You tried getting up but your gut was sore.
He came back with a small but sharp knife and you backed up as soon as you saw it. “Baby…? What are you doing…?”
The man crouched down to your level as you backed into the wall and held the knife to your chin.
“I’m not your baby.” He said bluntly. “I’m older, so try again.”
“Sir… o-oppa…?”
He nodded lifted to your feet then grabbing both your wrists in one hand.
“Bab- oppa please! I’m sorry I made you angry!”You were resisting but he continued dragging you.
“Get over here…” Wonho said, getting frustrated as he threw you to the bed, hard enough that you bounced right off to the floor.
You squealed as he grabbed you from the floor by your arm and laid you on your stomach, bending you over the bed.
“You’re gonna learn your lesson little girl.” Wonho said, almost laughing. This was terrifying and you couldn’t turn around to see what was happening.
He was unbuckling his belt and you looked to the side, noticing it being thrown along with the sound of his pants dropping. Before you could say anything you felt your pants being yanked off along with your underwear.
“O-oppa…” you’re voice was shaking, now deathly afraid of him. “W-what-”
Suddenly you felt a sting to your ass causing you to nearly scream.
“Shut it! You’re mine and I will do whatever I fuckin please!” He yelled.
He grabbed the knife from the nightstand and held it to your bare thigh. “Make any movements I don’t like and… well…” he paused and lightly cut your thigh causing you to cry out in pain. It was shallow enough to be nothing too serious but enough to draw just a little bit of blood. But it still hurt all the same since your thighs were pretty sensitive. You were trying to stay still but you were still shaking as he pulled off his boxers. At this point you were going to comply, you needed to really.
Wonho grabbed your arms and pinned your wrists to your back before rubbing his cock to your pussy. You breathing hitched as you felt him suddenly enter. “O-oppa-…”
“Hush baby. Let me do what I do best. I know you want it. Your such a slut for cock.” He replied smugly as he started thrusting. “Looks like you’ll take anyone’s cock…”
You weren’t exactly ready for that; you were still very tight although you found yourself almost feeling some pleasure in this sick punishment.
At this point you were being railed into the bed, you yelled out at first in pain but now in pleasure as you were getting violently fucked dumb. He was holding your wrists so tightly behind your back that they will definitely be sore afterwards.
“Oppa!” You panted.
“I know what you want.” He said, slowing down a little before reaching his hand down to your clit. He was violently rubbing it with his fingers, causing you to cum with a loud moan of his name. He also came.
For a moment you were relieved, thinking this was the end and he got all his anger out but this was before he suddenly flipped you around with his hand to your throat. He was choking you pretty hard and you felt really dizzy and disoriented, but before you could pass out he’d let go, then do it again. As he did this, he continued rubbing your clit, overstimulating you even more to the point where you’re crying and practically squirt.
He let go of your throat for a moment, letting you breathe and cough a little. You were weak and exhausted and of course, very sore. You could barely keep your eyes open and were in a daze.
“Please sir… no more…” you panted weakly.
Wonho grabbed and pushed you to the floor on your knees, you could barely hold yourself up.
“Do it…”
You weakly sat back on your ankles and grabbed his cock. It was huge and you knew you wouldn’t be able to fit it in your mouth completely. You took it in, sucking lightly and slowly bobbing your head. This is before Wonho grabbed your head and started thrusting, fucking your throat hard that it was causing you to constantly gag. You then slumped over after nearly choking on his cum.
Wonho grabbed you by the shoulders and laid you on the bed. At this point you were too weak to do anything and your boyfriend liked you like this. Your legs were spread and knees lightly raised.
“We got to lay some new ground rules…” he said, hovering over you. You could barely focus on him.
“First, don’t talk to any boys! I don’t care if they’re my friends or any of your once friends.”
You could barely nod but suddenly tensed up when you felt the tip of the knife at your thigh.
“Y-yes sir!” You replied quickly, closing your eyes.
“Second, you’re my baby… therefore I have to be with you at all times.”
“O-oppa-…” suddenly you were cut off by an intense feeling between your legs, causing you to gasp.
“Understand?!” He said sternly, now rubbing your clit again with his fingers.
“Y-yes sir!” You cried out, still feeling very overstimulated.
He stopped for a moment and smiled in satisfaction.
“Third… no talking back to me.”
“Y-Yes sir…” you said weakly.
“If you break any of these rules, you will be severely punished. Got it?!” He emphasized the last part and rubbed harder on your clit.
“Yes sir! Yes!” You cried out, your hips bucking a little. You were about to cum again.
“I’m glad we’ve reached an understanding…” Wonho said with a smile, rubbing your clit for the last time, watching you fall apart again when cumming. You were shaking and too weak to move.
Wonho then gently lifted you up and placed you further up the bed so you head could be in the pillows.
“Your my baby girl…” he said to himself as he watched you fall asleep.
“And I’ll kill anyone that gets in the way of that…”
Ngl, this one was a challenge. Wonho is like a soft bear. But I did my best 😅
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winter-dayz · 8 months
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Fictober 2023
A collection of oneshots for Fictober 2023.
Not every story is a romantic pairing. In some oneshots, the reader/main character is a villain; in some, the idol character is a villain. Please be aware that many are heavily horror or angst-themed.
Taglist:  @soobin-chois
Kim Jisoo: It's only a dream... College AU; Nightmare on Elm Street AU Genre: Horror
Lee Hoseok: Freedom or the Kindness of Death Hybrid AU; Shapeshifter AU Genre: Horror
Lalisa Manobal: Eternal Love Vampire AU Genre: Angst, Fluff, Horror, Smut
Mark Tuan: A Polite Haunting Ghost AU Genre: Horror
Jeon Jungkook: His Treasure Dragon AU Genre: Horror; Smut
Lee Jooheon: Anything Goes The Purge AU Genre: Smut
Felix Lee: So naive... Fairy AU Genre: Angst; Horror (if you squint)
Kim Seungmin: Lonely St. Grim Reaper AU; Soulmate AU Genre: Angst; Fluff
Min Yoongi: Betrayed Gumiho AU; Korean Mythology AU Genre: Angst; Fluff; Horror
Choi Yeonjun: Old Wives' Tales Werewolf AU Genre: Fluff
Shin Yuna: Bringer of Death Mummy AU; Inspired by The Mummy (1999) Genre: Angst; Fluff
Kim Namjoon: Reclamation Dryad AU; Greek Mythology AU Genre: Fluff; Horror
Park Jimin: Movie Marathon Scary Movie Night Genre: Fluff
Kang Taehyun: Only silence remains Shadow People AU Genre: Horror
Lim Jaebeom: I Can't Lose You Deadly Games AU; Inspired by Squid Game & Alice in Borderland Genre: Angst; Horror
Choi Beomgyu: Field of Daisies Dokkaebi AU; Korean Mythology AU Genre: Fluff
Jung Hoseok: Avra K'davra Golem AU Genre: Angst; Fluff
Kim Yugyeom: Guardian Demon AU Genre: Fluff
Lee Chaeryeong: First Serial Killer AU Genre: Horror
Yang Jeongin: The Walls The Boy AU; Inspired by The Boy (2016) Genre: Fluff
Shin Ryujin: For the Best Alien AU; Yandere Genre: Fluff; Horror
Kim Taehyung: Capable Android AU Genre: Smut
Han Jisung: The Ring Ghost AU; Possession AU Genre: Fluff
Lee Minhyuk: Promise Haunted House Genre: Fluff
Lee Minho: Left Behind Friday the 13th AU Genre: Angst (with a happy ending); Horror (if you squint); Smut
Kim Jennie: Catch 'em, kill 'em Amityville Horror AU Genre: Horror; Smut
Yoo Kihyun: Luring Siren AU Genre: Fluff; Horror (if you squint)
Choi Youngjae: Consequences of a Spellbook Magic AU; Witchcraft AU Genre: Angst
Hwang Hyunjin: Bound to You Cerberus AU; Goddess AU; Greek Mythology AU Genre: Fluff; Smut
Choi Soobin: Every side of the story Greek Mythology AU; Gorgon AU Genre: Fluff
BamBam: Best Halloween Ever Halloween Party; Non-Idol AU Genre: Fluff
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leehestia · 2 years
Upcoming works for Astro:
Notes from Author: I mostly make stories based on songs or whatever drama or movie I watch, and some of these won’t be released if I read it again to check and find out that it’s really horrible or cringe so please don’t have high expectations 😭😭😭
- Kim Myungjun / MJ
None yet
- Park Jinwoo / Jinjin
1. Luxurious Love || Rich husband!Jinjin x Wife!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut
Synopsis: Park Jinwoo, one of the richest CEO's in South Korea. You're his wife, a humble middle-class woman who is still adapting to this 'rich' environment. You and Jinwoo argue about it, until you finally understand him and you both apologize through words and pleasure.
Notes: Based on “Luxurious” by Gwen Stefani
- Lee Dongmin / Cha Eunwoo
1. It Was Always Her || Toxic boyfriend!eunwoo x reader
Genre: Angst, A little Fluff, Suggestive
Synopsis: You know you're being used, you hated it. But you'd do anything to be with him. You know you're not the one he loves. You know that you just remind him of her. You can't help but let him use you for his comfort. You love him, but he doesn't love you.
Notes: Based on “Glimpse of Us” by Joji
2. The Depth of the Crazy Sea || Stalker!eunwoo x Idol!Oc (Han Hyeseung)
Genre: Angst, Suspense, Yandere
Synopsis: Love is truly unexpected. Who would have thought that your beloved is just like you? Good-looking, rich, popular, crazy, horrific, and most importantly, in love with you. Love can never be predicted. If obsession towards someone is what you call love, then can you really call that… love? Cha Eunwoo, passionate trainee by day and an obsessed stalker by night. Han Hyeseung, a popular idol loved by many who has everything all except love. Under one company, both were casted as the main characters for an upcoming drama, The Depth of the Crazy Sea.
An opportunity for both people to find out more about each other. But what if they already know each other? To be exact, one already knows way too much about the other. Too many things even the other doesn’t know about themselves.
This is what they call love. But if stalking and obsessing towards someone is their own love, can you really call that love? No one knows. After all, no one knows the depth of a crazy sea.
Notes: Me and my friend made this for our creative writing class and it’s in short chapters. Btw if the writing style is so much better than my solo works, it’s bc my friend is 100x better in story writing.
- Moon Bin / Moonbin
1. A random moonbin story lol (I don’t have a name yet 💀💀) || husband!moonbin x wife!reader
Genre: Arranged marriage, smut, angst, fluff
Synopsis: idk yet but basically y’all got arranged marriage and moonbin lieks it but u dont etc etc and u think moonbin is dangerous af.
Notes: I didn’t really prioritize it bc it’s just a random story I made in school out of boredom 😭😭😭
- Park Minhyuk / Rocky
None yet
- Yoon Sanha / Sanha
1. To Be King || Prince!Sanha x Princess!Reader ft. knight!Rocky
Genre: Fluff, Smut, Angst
Synopsis: You and the prince from the neighboring land make an agreement to get married so that you may escape the dreadful palace life you both live. Sanha, being completely in love with you, takes advantage of your marriage to build a relationship with you. Rocky, your ex-boyfriend tries to steal you back by creating misinformation about Sanha’s love for you.
Notes: Plot by my cousin @leedongmen 😻😻🫶🫶
2. “You’re too fast!” || hufflepuff!Sanha x gryffindor!Reader
Genre: Hogwarts!au, Fluff, Sports, Humor
Synopsis: Popular quidditch player, Y/N, goes against a weak quidditch player, Sanha, and teaches him how to properly play despite the risk of getting caught.
Notes: idk bro just came up in my head after rewatching harry potter
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o-ochangx · 7 months
"minhyuk! where have you been all night? i was worried sick.." i ran up to the male who had just entered the house. "we're roommates, you have to tell me when you're going out for a longer time" i hesitated whether to go for a hug or not; ending up awkwardly putting my arms around him and quickly letting go, coughing nervously and looking away.
"anyways, where have you been? have you-" i stopped in my tracks, seeing a noticeable red stain on the male's clothes. "w-wait, is that..?–"
(please tell me if i'm doing something wrong or making you uncomfortable in any way!! also should i give myself an emoji too?? if yes then could i be 🌼 please? <3)
That’s..that’s nothing. Don’t worry..(he said awkwardly as he wrapped his arms around your waist. Nuzzling his face in your neck he took in a deep breath as he inhaled your natural scent) I just got caught up in some..work. Did you have dinner yet? (He asked. His voice coming out slightly muffled as it was buried in your neck)
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(Hihi! Glad to see that you’re back! I am more then happy to have you here on my side blog :) I have been a fan of your work since ages so like seeing your ask made me so damn happy 🤧 and you can definitely be that emoji!)
Anon 🌼
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mymoodwriting · 4 months
F!Reader x Hyungwon
Genre: Yandere AU
Warning: Drugs, Medication, Electrocution, Choking, Suffocation, Manipulation, Abuse, Physical Abuse, Paranoia, Anxiety
Words: 2.3K
Chapter Fourteen 
Prompt: NexGen is the leading company for all of humanities technological advances. Their recent project involves creating a higher functioning AI, one with basic knowledge of the world, and programmed to learn. It’s no surprise the project is a secret from the general public, and you, the company’s head programmer, were chosen to be the AI’s teacher. You wish you could reject the assignment, but the decision was made. Now with an AI at home things were different. Although it might not be such a bad thing, perhaps you could learn and help each other out, for better or for worse.
(@starillusion13 @makeyourfantasydreamscometrue)
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“Welcome home.”
The last time you had actually been at your house was the day Chae Hyungwon revealed his true colors to you. This place didn’t even feel like home anymore. You had made such good memories here, but now they were all tainted. It wasn’t hard to understand that you were a prisoner in your own home. Hyungwon put you to bed, having somethings he needed to do, and for now he needed you out of the way. You had no idea for how long you slept, but when you woke up everything was still.
For a moment you could delude yourself into thinking everything was fine, but that was far from the case. While you slept Chae remained a bracelet on your arm, but as soon as you were awake he was around your head again. After a while you decided to get up, being careful as you weren’t exactly steady on your feet. If you had any doubts about your house not being your own anymore, this confirmed it. When you opened the bedroom door you saw multiple orbs fly past. It was a strange sight, and you stepped out into the hall leaning against the walls.
The only place you could think to look was in your home office. The door was ajar and you gently pushed it open, seeing that the room had been upgraded. It was a whole set up, allowing both Hyungwon and Minhyuk to work. When you opened the door Hyungwon noticed you, offering you a smile and getting up.
“What are you doing out of bed, you need rest.”
“I’m fine.”
“I’m sure you are, that’s why I called over some friends.”
Hyungwon took your hands and led you back to your bedroom. There you found Wonho and Kihyun setting some of their things down.
“There she is.” Wonho remarked. “It’s so good to see you again.”
“They’re here to do a house call.” Hyungwon explained. “You haven’t been to the doctor in a while, so I had them come here.”
“Just a routine check up.” Kihyun assured. “Nothing to worry about.”
You sat down on the edge of the bed, Hyungwon leaving you with the two of them. Just as they said they did a simple check up. Although Wonho wound up scolding you.
“Kihyun tells me you didn’t pick up your meds, so you haven’t been taking them.”
“You’re still healing so it’s important that you take them.”
“I brought your refill.” Kihyun said. “So you can continue.”
Wonho had you take the pills, making you feel a bit uneasy as you weren’t entirely sure what you had been given. As you were finishing up Hyungwon came in, happy to hear the results from the other two.
“Since everything is good, I can show you your surprise.”
“A surprise?”
“You’ll love it, but first let’s get you dressed.”
Hyungwon helped you get properly cleaned up before picking out an outfit for you. Once again Minhyuk was the one to drive you around. Despite Hyungwon telling you this was a surprise, you kind of expected you’d be going back to NexGen. Although you didn’t know what he really meant until you walked in. He pulled out a keycard and let himself through with you in tow. Other employees merely greeted you both. It was strange, making you feel that something was off. The elevator ride took you up to the floor you used to work on and the whole place was unsettling.
It was eerily quiet on that floor, and multiple orbs were floating around, more than before. You could only hear the sounds of keys clacking and some low voices on calls. Hyungwon took your hand in his and led you over to your old office. He had a big smile on his face as he opened the door. A giant welcome back sign hung by the windows, and you could see some gifts around your desk. Before you could ask, Hyungwon explained that you had been reinstated as head programmer at NexGen. You looked at him with confusion, not understanding why he would do such a thing.
“The way things went down wasn’t right, and this is your rightful place.”
“But… what’s the catch? I doubt you’d let me take over this project of yours.”
“It’s easier for the company to go along with my plans if your name is on it. You built quite a reputation for yourself.”
“So you’re just using me.”
“I’m letting you rest. You gave a lot to this place, it’s only fair to return the favor. Minhyuk and I will take care of everything.”
“Hyungwon, you can’t-”
You groaned as you felt another shock run through your head, making your vision go blurry for a moment. Hyungwon held you up and brought you over to the couch.
“We can get some work done. So just relax, and I’ll play you some music.”
“No, that stuff-”
“Sh, sh, it’s okay. I’m so thankful for you and for being yourself. We’re changing the world together.”
“Hyungwon, please talk to me…”
The door opened and Minhyuk let himself in, interrupting your attempt at a conversation. Hyungwon’s attention shifted and you were left on the couch with your head getting foggy.
“Did you give Wonho and Kihyun their cases?”
“Yes. They’re set to distribute them tomorrow after the launch. Shownu will come by later to get his so we won’t worry about anything.”
“Wait… wait… the launch is tomorrow?”
“Yes.” Hyungwon exclaimed. “We have somethings to prepare, and we have to go over the speech. Everything has to be perfect for tomorrow.”
Changkyun woke in a cold sweat, screaming and thrashing around. He soon recognized his surroundings and calmed down. Although his cell mates started to yell at him and told him to keep it down.  He apologized and got up to use the restroom, trying to move past the nightmare.
“Inmate 0126, you have a visitor.”
It hadn’t been that long since Changkyun had been charged and thrown in prison. The whole thing had been rushed, and he only stood in front of a judge for sentencing. He was worried as to who this visitor was, but he wasn’t going to reject them. He was led over to a room, surprised to see officer Lee.
“How’s prison life treating you?”
“I’m super paranoid if that’s what you mean.”
“I’m caged with a target on my back. Don’t be surprised if I wind up dead.”
“You really think someone is gonna kill you?”
“Yes. Why are you here?”
“Have you heard the news?”
“No, why?”
The officer placed a small gift on the table, confusing Changkyun. When he opened it he pulled out a small orb. Changkyun immediately panicked and fell out of his chair.
“Why do you have that!”
“Calm down, it hasn’t been activated. Although I have to admit, I didn’t expect such a reaction.”
“One of those things tried to kill me!”
“This thing? Doubtful.”
Changkyun got back up, taking the orb from the other when it was offered to him. He examined it cautiously, confirming that it wasn’t active yet.
“How did you get this?”
“It was a gift.”
“From who?”
“That little AI thing you mentioned before, they launched it. So I guess you weren’t lying.”
“They launched it? The project was still in early stages and the AI-”
“I guess you were wrong about the timeline, and the intention. You see these little AIs are being sold to the public. They’re designed to help one in their day to day lives. The demonstration showed how useful they could be, and they’re honestly quite affordable.”
“You bought one? After everything I told you?”
“Oh no, I didn’t buy this, it was a gift. NexGen sent many of these orbs to police stations and hospitals, intending to help their work and better communicate with the drones we already have. Honestly, this whole thing sounds incredible.”
“So you’re here to brag?”
“You know, while I was watching the launch I kept thinking back to what you said. And the thing is.” Lee stared at the orb. “NexGen isn’t known for being so charitable. Technology like this is very advanced, and they’re just handing it out. My question is why. What is the goal?”
“You’re suspicious of NexGen’s intentions.”
“I am. Also, your friend is back with the company.”
“My friend? You mean y/n?”
“Yeah. She did the whole launch with that Hyungwon guy.”
“She had an orb too, right?”
“The one you said went rogue, yeah. So what is NexGen doing?”
“I don’t know.” Changkyun admitted. “A launch this soon, the AIs can’t possibly…”
“The rogue AI… if its code was copied into every orb…”
“Then that AI is running the whole show. That doesn’t tell me what its plan is.”
“I wouldn’t know. Their code is corrupted and unpredictable. All it wanted was y/n, and it seems to have that now. So I have no idea what it’s doing.” Changkyun took a moment. “That Hyungwon guy.”
“Chae Hyungwon, he was by her side at the launch.”
“Chae… Chae… don’t trust that guy… he’s very likely an android… and inhabited by that rogue AI…”
“You sure?”
“No, but something isn’t right with him. Look, whatever NexGen is planning, you’d have to ask y/n, she’s the only one who would know.”
“I doubt that’d be easy.”
“Don’t trust those orbs.”
“I don’t.”
“Well, just in case, code black 0024, that’s the emergency reset protocol. It might still work.”
“Good to know.”
“You can just call me Jooheon.”
“Jooheon… do the officers here have the orbs?”
“I didn’t see any on my way in, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they get implemented here soon. This is a place that has a lot of police drones.”
“When that happens… I’ll most likely die in here… and it won’t be an accident…”
“Why would you die?”
“For the same reasons I’ve been telling you. I know about the rogue AI, and now you do too, so you might want to be careful.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Jooheon got up. “I’ll keep you updated on things.”
“Get to y/n, please. Whatever’s going on, she’s not safe.”
“I’ll try to get to her, but I can’t make any promises.”
“I know.”
Jooheon made his way back to the station, a lot on his mind. When he arrived he was greeted by his partner. Everything seemed normal until he was asked to speak in private in one of the interrogation rooms.
“What’s this about, Shownu?”
“I didn’t see you this morning, and I heard you went to visit Changkyun. Why is that?”
“Well, considering what he told us before, I wanted to get his opinion on the matter.”
“What matter?”
“This whole launch from NexGen, I don’t trust it.”
“Is that why you haven’t activated your orb?”
“Have you?”
“Of course. Everyone in the station has.”
“Do you believe all those crazy things that guy said before?”
“I don’t know but something feels off here. I never really trusted the drones either.”
“You can’t be the only one outside the loop here, you’re an officer. Here.” Shownu pulled out an active orb from his jacket pocket. “You can take this one.”
“I’ll pass.”
Jooheon figured the conversation was over and intended to make his way out when the orb suddenly charged at him and changed shape. It snapped around his neck and tightened, making it hard to breathe. Jooheon reached up to remove it, but he couldn’t get his fingers under it. He felt a shock and stumbled to the ground. He looked up at Shownu, trying to reach out to him for help, but the other only stood there and watched.
“You’ll be fine.”
Changkyun’s paranoia only got worse as he saw those orbs implemented in the prison. Now he definitely felt like he was being watched twenty-four seven. He probably upset his cell mates and soon enough he wound up getting into a fight. Because of that he wound up in solitary confinement which wasn’t so bad. It eased his anxieties a bit. At least for a while. He could sleep easily although one night he woke to the sound of knocking on his cell door. It was dark, and he saw no one outside his cell. As he got up to check an orb suddenly flew in. He immediately retreated, pressing his back against the wall. He was waiting for some sort of attack, but instead the orb projected a hologram of a familiar individual.
“Are you enjoying your arrangements?”
“What the hell are you doing!”
“Following my programming.”
“So you are an android. How did you-”
“I have been meaning to thank you. If not for you I might not have been able to reach my true potential.”
“I don’t want your thanks.”
“Well, I have come here with a preposition. You’re a valuable asset to NexGen, and I would like you to join me.”
“Whatever you’re doing, I want no part of it.”
“I understand. Unfortunately I can’t have unresolved ends. Thank you again for everything you’ve done.”
The hologram disappeared, giving Changkyun a false sense of relief. The next thing he knew the orb was around his neck, choking him out and electrocuting him. He screamed and thrashed on the floor, calling for help, but he wasn’t so sure he’d get it.
You woke up screaming, falling out of bed and thrashing on the floor. It took a second for Chae to get back on your head, sending out minor electrical waves to calm you down. As you were steadying your breath Hyungwon came into the room, picking you up in his arms and getting you back into bed.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, I’m here, I’m here. Did you have a bad dream?”
“I’m scared.”
“You have nothing to fear.” Hyungwon kissed your head. “I’m sorry I haven’t been around too much, but once everything goes through we’ll have all the time in the world to spend together.”
“Hyungwon… I’m worried about you… all these plans… they’re so extreme and-”
“Sh, sh, sh, it’s nothing you need to concern yourself with. Soon enough I’ll have everything under control.”
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minho-hoho · 1 year
Changkyunnie! If you had to write on a Monsta x member who would it be.
Personally Minhyuk and Kihyun both as a duo in a yandere fiction world drive the main character (like Y/N basically) crazy-
Or like these four together
I.M, Hyungwon, Kihyun and Minhyuk…
(I actually can’t look at Shownu, Wonho of Honey as a yandere because like idk their face is to…innocent or baby like sometimes that I melt while looking at them all the time 😭.)
hmmmm, honestly, that's a really good question... i would really on Kihyun or maybe Changkyun!
Minhyuk and Kihyun would be such an interesting dynamic to write abt tbh 👀
and honestly same tbh, but i think i can imagine a “sweeter” yandere version!
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whale-minmin · 3 years
kiss or death | lee minhyuk
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☆ Genre : yandere 
☆ Word Count : 618
☆ tw : mafia, strong language, violence, guns, mention of possible murder 
☆ Summary : As a spy from the mafia that Lee Minhyuk has an enemy of, you were assigned a mission to get important documents from his office, diving right into danger.
You swiftly got through the guards, searching for Lee Minhyuk’s office - this mansion was absolutely gigantic. You glanced at the map of the mansion, stopping before a certain door. It looked way fancier than all of the other doors, it had multiple golden decorations and a golden sign which read ‘Lee Minhyuk’. Without thinking, you kicked the door open and prepared your gun to shoot the mafia boss, breathing out in big relief when you saw the room was empty. Well, that just made your job a whole lot easier, didn’t it?
You were sent here to steal the important documents of Lee Minhyuk’s next mission - your mafia was suspecting he planned out a surprise attack on your mafia. You were surprised he didn’t have that many guards around. There also were none guarding his office? This started seeming a little suspicious, but it’s not like suspicious wasn’t something new for you. You’re an agent, a spy, after all. 
Looking around, you kept alert. You opened the windows wide open in case you’d need to escape through one. It was too quiet, so quiet it was almost drove you insane. Danger could come in without any notice any second now.
The room was pretty messy, documents and paper just laying around. Did he ever clean this chaos? You don’t think so. The whole office looked like a tornado just went through it. If you weren’t on an important mission, you’d help the poor man clean his goddamn stuff. You continued searching through the room, mostly looking for a safe of some type. A mafia boss couldn’t possibly just keep such important things just laying around in the mess on his desk. 
Or could he?
A certain document on the desk caught your eye, making you frown as you read it. Which took you quite a while to even decode the first word, as the handwriting was terrible. It was the exact document you wanted. But why was it laying on top of all the mess that was on the male’s desk? Is he so confident to just leave it laying around like that? You quickly read through it, remembering the information in case something happened to the document and you were just about ready to pack it into your bag before noticing there’s a second page. You decided to read through it too, although you were running out of time, it could be just as important.
You froze, widening your eyes as you read it all.
The page was entirely filled with your information. Name, age, height, weight, parents, place of birth, birthday. What in the hell was this?
Without warning, the gun you were holding got knocked out of your hand as you were pinned to the desk, a dark chuckle filling the room. Fuck. “Ah, and what do we have here? Why, it’s so nice of you to pay me a visit, love!~” Minhyuk grinned, snickering at your struggles to kick him and get out of his strong grip. Why was he so unbelievably strong? “I see you found my little document. How unfortunate that it is a trap. You’re a small mouse which ran straight into the mice trap” You screamed at him, making him grin even wider than before. He was having fun. 
“You’re a sick fucking bastard, Lee Minhyuk.”
“Everyone is twisted in their own way. They just don’t show it, doll.” He hummed, making you clench your teeth in fear as he put a cold gun against your head, holding both of your wrists with one hand. “Now, I’d like you to choose, little one” He smirked, adjusting the gun. Your mission wasn’t supposed to end like this.
“or Death?”
❀❀❀❀❀ a/n ❀❀❀❀❀
this idea just came to me out of absolutely nowhere when i was having a mx song marathon and kiss or death came playing 😭 i needed to write it super quickly to not lose the idea or the motivation, i hope you like it besties! <3 i know this is one of my favorite things ever <3
Taglist :
@atiny-chocolate-chip @lmaoskz
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seawitch62 · 2 years
Fanfiction Masterlist
Delusional Woods - Multiple (Seonghwa) - Suggestive
Shoo Fly! - Hongjoong - 3rd POV
Worst Date Scenario - Yeosang x OC
The Orchard - Jongho x reader 
Stay or Go - Mingi x reader
The Lighthouse - Yunho x reader - suggestive 
Metamorphosis - Yeosang x reader - yandere 
Genie - Wooyoung x  Hongjoong x reader - yandere
The Convention - Seonghwa x reader 
Unfriended - San x reader - yandere
AOMG/ h1ghrmusic/MoreVision
The Trolls - Jay Park - Poem
Worst Date Scenario - Jay Park - Fluff
The Collector _ Jay Park - Humour 
Backstreet Boys Party - Jay Park x Backstreet Boys - Horror 
Altar - Moonbin x reader- Horror yandere
Big Bang 
Cursed! - Jiyong x reader 
Birthday Cake - Minhyuk x Reader - Suggestive
Dean - Kwon Hyuk
Torment of the Demon -Dean   x reader - yandere
The P.I - Yunho x OC - Detective AU
The P.I (2) - Yunho - Detective AU
Forget Me Not - Jaejoong x OC
Once Upon A Time - Jaejoong x OC
No Exit - Junsu x OC x Jaejoong - Suggestive
The Boss - Junsu x OC
Linked by Ink - Jaejoong x reader - fluff - fantasy 
The Rooms - Changmin x Minho x reader 
Season of the Witch - Junsu x reader -yandere
Carnival of Fright -  Heeseung - Horror 
Worst Date Scenario - Kyungsoo x Reader
Delusional Woods - Multiple (Sehun) - Suggestive
The Honey Trap - Lay x reader - Suggestive  
Flight 472 - Kai x reader - fluff
Office Dalliance - Suho x reader - smut 
The Satyr - Xuimin - humour 
Imprint -  Baekhyun x reader - yandere smut 
Truth best told cold - Suho x reader - yandere 
Re-Run? - OT7 x OC 
Re-Run, Re-Run - OT7 x OC
The Maintence Guy - Junhoe x reader 
Monsta X
Truth Captured - Kihyun
Romantic getaway in October -  Hyungwon x reader -  horror 
Night Terrors - Minhyuk x reader - yandere
Here Kitty, Kitty! - Joohoney x reader - yandere horror 
Revenge is best served in high heels - Yandere Johnny
The Purple - Taeyong x OC - Implied Smut
The Purple (2) - Taeyong x OC 
Worst Date Scenario - Yuta
Aliens Are Here! - Mark x OC - X-Files AU
Baby Doll - Doyoung x reader - Yandere
I Wonder - Haechan x reader - yandere
Mark and the guys in black -  Mark x reader
Green Tea Fangs - Jaehyun x reader - suggestive- horror
The Mechanic - Taeil l x reader - yandere 
The Tribe - Leedo x OC - Fluff
The Sculptor - Wooseok x reader - yandere 
The Rose
The Garden - Woosung x reader - yandere 
Catnip Man Series - Jeonghan x OC - Fluff
Worst Date Scenario - Mingyu x OC
Roadside Service - Seungkwan x reader - fluff
The Shortcut - Joshua x reader
Mountain Laurel (Kalmia latifolia) -  Jeonghan x reader - Yandere 
Party -  Minghao x reader 
Autons. - Vernon x reader - sci fi - horror
Home - Kibum (Key) x reader 
The Rooms - Minho x Changmin x reader 
The Tribe (2) - Multiple x OC
Cancelled Flight - SF9 x OC
The 10 O’Clock - Rowoon x reader - smut
Chapstick Caper - Jaeyoon x reader 
Narcissus - Hwiyoung x reader - Suggestive - yandere 
Friends with Benefits - Jaeyoon x reader 
Stray Kids
The Arena - Bang Chan - King of Hell
Munchausen syndrome by proxy. -  Hyunjin x reader - yandere
Drenched payback - Minho x reader 
The Interrogation. - Christopher x reader - horror 
Super Junior 
Bus Ride - Donghae x reader 
Welcome To Reality - Jinhyuk x Reader - Yandere
Compiler -  Gyehyeon x reader - horror 
Timemaster - Seungsik x Reader
Replacement - Leo x OC - Yandere
Wanna One 
Sneakers - Sungwoon x reader - fluff
The Changeling - Kang Daniel x reader 
Worst Date Scenario - Jay Park x OC
The Collector - Jay
Delusional Woods - Multiple (Wooyoung) - Suggestive
Stress Relief - Junho x reader - smut 
Fragrant Obsession - Jun.k x reader - yandere
Kdrama Actor
Mr. S - Lee Dong Wook x OC - Suggestive
The Marionettist.- Lee Dong Wook x reader - yandere
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shinehyuk · 1 year
MONSTA X reaction to S/O acting obsessed with them
‣ Genre : yandere, requested
tw/cw : obsession, strong language, extremely toxic relationships, manipulation, abuse, heavy themes, mentions of murder, violence, please do not read if uncomfortable and/or sensitive! i do not support the behavior shown in this work!
a/n : to clear up, s/o is lying abt the obsession, fooling the yanderes in an attempt to make them lose their guard; making them trust s/o so s/o can potentially have an escape route in the future now that the yanderes have their guards down.
Shownu :
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— Hyunwoo would definitely be pretty confused at first, finding your abrupt change of behavior rather odd; he could just swear that the only thing you felt for him until just a few days ago was pure hate
— Confusion aside, he would not like you being obsessed with him at all – after all, he's aware that his obsession for you is unhealthy and wrong in about every way possible, so he doesn't want you to copy after him; he knows that you'll only get hurt if your insanity continues
— He'd do absolutely everything to try to make you stop your obsession with him; and only if absolutely necessary, he'll even seek help from a trusted professional that could help you
— “Your love for me is already more than enough, darling. I don't want you to be obsessed with me, do you understand?”
Wonho :
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— Oh, how sweet of you to think that he'd let you be obsessed with him; the only one that can be obsessed is none other than him, and he'll make sure to make that clear when getting rid of your silly obsession
— He's the one that's in control of you; so if you think that by becoming obsessed with him you'll get more freedom or/and power, you can only dream on
— “You're so cute, my love~ Now drop the fucking act before anyone has to get hurt, will you? Good– that's what I thought.”
Minhyuk :
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— Oh, Minhyuk simply loves it. He loves his precious darling and his darling loves him back; what's there not to like?
— It makes everything so much more easier for him, too; the male has already planned your entire future ahead of you - where you'll live, what you'll do for a living, how big your family will be etc., and now that you're thinking just like him, it'll make everything go so much more smoothly
— “Oh, my lovely darling, you're just too adorable~ We'll be so happy together, just the two of us and our little family!~”
Kihyun :
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— Kihyun does not enjoy you being obsessed over him one bit; he wants your feelings for him to be true and pure, not some kind of an obsessed mess – he loved you very much just the way you were before, and such an abrupt change wouldn't make him happy at all
— He'll be strict about making you stop your obsession; but even if you don't want to, it's not like you have that much of a choice anyway, forced to stop your foolish behavior
— “You're quite lovely, darling – but I don't want you to be like this, okay?”
Hyungwon :
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— Hyungwon would not like it one bit; is one crazy psychopath not quite enough? The two of you being obsessed with each other will end badly soon if one of you doesn't give up – but it certainly won't be him
— He'll be ice cold and ignore you until you decide to stop your idiotic behavior — and if you're not threatened by the male's silent treatment, he'll use other methods to stop your nonsense
— “How long are you going to keep this up? Shit; this is getting fucking annoying.”
Jooheon :
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— The male truly couldn't care less about how you love him; he only wants your love and doesn't give a damn about how you decide to show it
— If you're this obsessed with him, that's actually even better – that way he can be sure that your love for him is 100% true. Knowing that you'll do absolutely everything for him just like he'd do everything for you gives him a sense of comfort
— “Ah, you're so lovely, my baby~ Let's be together forever, okay?”
Changkyun :
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— He's quite offended by it; do you really think that he's that stupid to not be able to see right through your little lie? Well, he's more than happy to prove you wrong
— He knows very well that your whole obsession is only an act to get him to foolishly trust you, to make him lower his guard — but unfortunately for you, the male knows you far too well to fall for such idiotic tricks
— “You can drop your fucking act right now. Tsk, you've never been good at lying, my love – how fucking pathetic.”
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thank you for requesting! i hope you liked it <3
‣ Taglist : @atiny-chocolate-chip @lmaoskz @sunoo-bby  @heemingyu @nikipedia07 @effulgentfireflies
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