#xmen cinematic
demifiendrsa · 1 month
Deadpool & Wolverine | Official Trailer
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grabyoursaintsandpray · 4 months
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Oh my boy is back
X-Men '97 Official Trailer
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xalala · 1 month
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Deadpool & Wolverine (2024)
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nami-art · 3 months
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X-Men '97 Official Trailer
Edit: Hello friends, it looks like you really liked this art, if you could support me on Redbubble I would be very grateful!
If you prefer, follow me on Instagram! @brendon.pdx
Thank you for supporting this little independent artist! ❤️🥲
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editfandom · 1 month
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Deadpool & Wolverine, 2024
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pinklisalizard · 1 month
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nobody-zero3000 · 5 months
I've been interested in Batfamily members and MCU characters lately. But I've been having some future ideas.
Yandere/Non-Yandere? Batboys (Separately or together?) x Mystique! Reader
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Yandere/ Non-Yandere Damian Wayne/Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne (separately) x Black Widow Assassin (trained & mentored by Natasha Romanoff & Avengers)! Reader
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Yandere or Non-Yandere Batboys x Powerful MCU Hero! Reader who arrives in the DCU and saves them in their most troubled time. The reader has a seventh sense like Captain Marvel is always at the right place and time to help them, like saving Jason from death after being tortured by Joker, saving Tim from being tortured and becoming Joker Jr., saving Dick from being raped by Tarantula or being shot in the head, or becoming Joker's sidekick, saving Damian from being stabbed and killed by his clone, Heretic, or saving him from being killed by Darkseid.
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FYI I'll still focus on the Yandere Batfamily x Amidala! Reader series, but I thought of sharing my ideas.
Also I recently posted an update on ideas.
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nerdby · 1 month
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A newspaper celebrates Marvel publicly outting their first gay superhero in 1992. The character Northstar was originally introduced to the Marvelverse in 1979 in the X-Men comics. Other noteable queer Marvel characters include Loki, Arnie Roth, Bobby Drake/Ice Man, Peter Quill/Star Lord, Wade Wilson/Deadpool, America Chavez, and Nico Minoru.
Google it, incels.
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moodboards-aesthetics · 2 months
Charles Xavier aka Professor X
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thevoidstaredback · 1 month
Old hyperfixation that is currently popping back up?
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These three. I love them. I know the most about Spidey, but we're gonna change that soon.
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starymoondoodles · 15 days
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i saw the og image and i just knew
reference: https://pin.it/HZRqXZMLj
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trendfilmsetter · 3 months
New poster for the upcoming Disney+ animated series X-MEN 97 including the episode titles
Episode 1- To Me, My X-Men
Episode 2- Mutant Liberation Begins
Episode 3- Fire Made Flesh
Episode 4- Motendo/Lifedeath Part 1
Episode 5- Remember It
Episode 6- Lifedeath Part 2
Episode 7- Bright Eyes
Episode 8- Tolerance is Extinction Part 1
Episode 9- Tolerance is Extinction Part 2
Episode 10- Tolerance is Extinction Part 3
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avatarobi · 2 months
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He really cooked with that line
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dilf-whore · 2 years
dad!peter maximoff
pairing: peter maximoff x mutant! f!reader
genre: fluff
requested: no
word count: 430
requests are OPEN
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You stop in your tracks and catch your breath, you've been trying to chase down your 6 year old, Vincent who's been running around and breaking down some of your furniture in the process. Unfortunately for you, your son inherited his dad's abilities instead of yours, making it harder for you to stop him from causing more damage and possibly, himself.
"Why am I doing the chasing here? You have the super speed, do something!" You shout at Peter who’s clapping and cheering on your son.
You’re technically looking after two kids.
“Peter!” you call again, clapping your hands together to catch his attention, causing him to get startled and jump a little.
"Okay-okay, I'll go get him" He replies, zooming off to go after Vincent.
You watch the two speedsters dash around your living room, the strong wind from their movements making you stumble every time they past by you. Your eyes try to follow them and soon you realized that your husband is not trying to stop Vincent, instead, he was permitting the playing even more as you hear giggles from them.
“My boy's faster than his daddy!” Peter exclaims.
A huge sigh escapes your lips and rub your forehead. You plop down on the couch behind you and tiredly watch the two play, you weren't annoyed though, the scene makes your heart melt, you're just tired that's all. A young regular human with so much energy is already hard to handle, but a mutant with this kind of ability? Oh god.
After a while, the TV starts to show your son's favorite show and an idea suddenly popped in your mind. You raise hands and they start glow white, so does your eyes. You cast an illusion around your living room, the cartoons from the show appear on the ceiling together with stars, the moon, and other intergalactic things you could think of.
Vincent abruptly stops at the center, his head tilted upwards and lips slightly parted from awe. Peter stands beside him as you continue with your illusion, his stance and expression's the same as the boy.
"Darling maybe you should lay down" you tell your son who immediately obliged, followed by Peter. Vincent lays his head comfortably on his father's stomach, the two watching the mesmerizing scene unfold.
"Peter, honey, pat his thigh. Put him to sleep" you whisper-shout.
"You know, I always forget you can do these things. You're so amazing" He reply, his attention still glued on your illusion, you never fail to captivate him with your powers - he's such a child.
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lemonnsss · 8 months
Moral of the Story pt. 3
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Warnings: cheating, illusions to sex, angst, not BETA'D we die like men.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Taglist: @vicmc624, @mostlymarvelgirl, @yvonneeeee, @beetlejuicesupremacy, @moonlightreader649, @whattheduckisupkyle, @chrisevans-realwife, @nekoannie-chan, @mrsbarnes32557038, @imyourbratzdoll
Word count: 2.1k
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“Oh, so soon?” he leaned in, obviously interested in my request, “And what might your boon be?”
“As you can probably guess, I need a job. I have an interview tomorrow morning for the role of your PA. If that doesn’t pan out -because of anyone's request outside of your own- I still want a good-paying job with decent benefits. Okay?”
“Okay, I’ll cut it short, you’re hired.”
“Please, I don’t need your pity.”
"Oh, don't worry, I wouldn't hire you out of pity. It's because of what you did just now. I gave you barely any details, and you came up with a sub-par solution." Satisfied with his answer, he reaches over and takes a sip of my coffee. 
"Sub-par says I go out, find your bodyguard, and drag him back here." He visibly aspirates, coughing into a napkin for a minute or so. I got up, got a straw, and returned. By the time I sat down, he had regained most of his composure.
"You had a good plan that led to a good solution," gesturing to himself, "I'm a rich asshole. Are we happy?” A slight rasp remained in his voice.
“Sufficiently. I accept the role of your PA, Mr. Stark. When should I start?"
"After your interview with Ms. Potts. You did say that if anyone aside from me was against you as my PA, you'd be fine with it."
I leaned back, covering my eyes with my hand, ”Yeah, I did."
"Don't try denying it. JARVIS has been recording- I'm sorry, what did you just say?"
"I fully acknowledge and stand by my previous statement. And, did you just admit to illegally recording our conversation?” My other hand raised pointing at him, “If so, that would be quite unfortunate for you and Stark Industries.” I separated my fingers to see his shocked yet slightly confused expression.
"Well, shit.”
I lowered my hand to the arm of the chair, tilting my head slightly, “Did you think I wouldn’t own up to my word? Please, Tony -can I call you Tony? I’m going to call you Tony- I do have morals, they’re a bitch, but they’re there. When I make promises, I follow through with them.” I look down at my lap, my hands wrapped around my stomach, “I hate people who break their promises. They are the worst kind of people. All that does is hurt those around them, but they’re too self-centered to realize that until it’s too late- sometimes even then it doesn’t click.” I glance up, he’s leaning closer to me, a worried look plastered across his face.
I straighten, collect my things, and move to get up, “I suppose I’ll see you at my interview tomorrow, Mr. Stark.” I walk away and out of the café, hearing the bell ring as I walk out.
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I fell face down into my bed, arms spread out. “I just met THE Anthony Edward Stark and acted like it was no big deal. What is wrong with me?” I grabbed a pillow, held it to my chest, curled up into the fetal position, and screamed. “How could I have acted like it was nothing? He’s an A-list celebrity and I just brushed it off!” I prop up onto my elbows, my hands extending forward.
I spent the afternoon and evening just watching TV and reading. While I didn’t typically read graphic books, Hemingway and Remarque’s book had been sitting in my collection untouched for far too long, and it wasn’t necessarily a horrible way to finish the day. About halfway through “All Quiet On The Western Front” I realized just how depressing this book was and how glad I hadn't gone over it with my high school classes. The case remained much the same for “A Farewell to Arms”.
My phone alarm went off, signaling it was time to start getting ready for bed. I got up to grab it, shutting off the tone. I stood up, went to the bathroom, completed my nightly routine, and set out my clothes for my interview, although it seemed I had been hired in all but formalities.
I woke up the next day with a slight ache in my bones but, nothing like the previous day. I got ready and headed out to the Stark Industries headquarters. When I arrived I wasn’t necessarily shocked. The lobby was sleek and modern, bustling with the morning rush. I walked up to the receptionist, an older woman, and told her that I was there for the interview for the role of Mr. Stark’s assistant. I confirmed she looked me up and down before saying my name aloud. She handed me a card, stating it was a single use and would be deactivated once I left the building before pointing me to the elevator, guarded by the head of security, Mr. Stark’s bodyguard, Happy Hogan.
I walked over he looked at me slightly puzzled as I walked up to the elevator, sliding the activated card. It took a moment or two before the door opened and I could not be happier. I walked in and the doors shut. 
“Crap, I didn’t get the floor.” I placed my face in my hand, aggravated at my forgetfulness.
An electronic voice rang out, “I believe I can be of some assistance, Mx.”.
I screamed, “What the fuck?” I backed into a corner, grabbing the rails.
“Apologies, I seem to have startled you. I’m JARVIS, Mr. Stark’s AI.”
“O-okay? Can you send me up to Mrs. Potts’ floor?”
“Of course.”
The elevator ride passes quickly thanks to Stark’s AI. As the doors open JARVIS informs me that the door on the right leads to Ms. Potts’ office. I walk up to the door and knock, ”Come in!” A voice calls out. I open the door and introduce myself.
Ms. Potts was a taller woman with blonde hair. She ran around frantically, “I’m so sorry, an urgent business meeting just came up. Would it be okay to reschedule your interview?”
“Yes, yes, of course. These things happen, I understand. Is there anything I can do to help?” I move close to her desk.
The look on her face shows she didn't expect my reaction. "Um, yes. In one of the piles over there. There should be twelve documents with the keywords Stark v. Hammer." She points over the corner where there are three medium-sized piles of papers
"Oh, is that all?"
"Yes, thank you. My assistant has been on sick leave for two weeks and my office has become an absolute mess." I hear the clink of metal on the ground. She squats down, looking for whatever it was that had fallen.
"Really, it's no problem. I've worked in worse offices, this is nothing."
"What do you mean?"
"The lawyer I worked for in college. He was a mess. He wouldn't let anyone move his things, so it just stayed that way until he needed a specific paper or file, and then he would send me looking. Apparently, he did that to all of his assistants after one of them, about five years before me, lost one of the major papers in a big case for the firm. He fired her immediately." I rifled through the paperwork, quickly finding a handful of the documents.
"That sounds horrible, although, from a business person's perspective I can somewhat understand." 
"Yeah, it was crazy. I worked for him for four years and almost feel bad for leaving. He finally adjusted and was comfortable with me going through the records." I had found all but one of the papers at this point and had looked through all three piles with no luck.
"Ms. Potts?"
She stands up, bumping her head on the edge of her desk, "Yes?"
"Sorry, um, are you okay?"
"Yes. I'm fine." She grasps the back of her head, wincing. She's clearly not.
"Are you sure? You hit your head pretty hard."
"Yes, really. What were you asking about?"
"Okay, are you sure all of the papers are over here? There's one missing. I've gone over the stacks at least three times." 
"Yes, of course. They're all there, I could've sworn." She walks over, or at least attempts to as about halfway she grasps her head, a small groan accompanying the action. I run over, offering my arm. She takes my arm, and I lower her to the ground, a quiet 'thank you' thrown in the midst.
There was a small cut on the back of her head, a small amount of blood flowing out. I place my fingers on the cut, using my powers to heal it. A sharp pain found its way to the back of my head for a moment before it fades.
"Thank you. I think I just needed to sit down for a moment. But, yes, all of the papers should be over here. It's odd that there's one missing."
"Could it be in a different stack?"
"It shouldn't be, then again, I haven't exactly been keeping this place clean enough to say. Crap! The meeting's supposed to start in a few minutes."
"How far into the meeting do you need the papers, and how long do you expect this meeting will be?"
"Maybe two-thirds of the way through and half an hour at the shortest. Why?"
"I'm gonna buy you some time, obviously. I'll look through the rest of the papers to find the missing page. Once I find it I'll head over to your meeting room and deliver the papers as if you'd asked for them just before the meeting began. How does that sound?"
She walks up to me and hugs me. As she pulls away she says, "You are a lifesaver! Thank you." She grabs her papers and walks out of her office, presumably to the meeting room as I stand there stunned, unmoving as a stone.
When her trance breaks, I start moving around the room, quickly checking each pile for the missing paper. I tried to stay in the general area she originally pointed me to with no luck. I slowly moved towards the desk, it was the only place I hadn't checked yet.
I went through the different stacks before finding the paper in the third, guess it really was the charm. I collected all of the papers in a manilla folder, finishing it off with a paperclip -just as a precaution. As I went to grab the door handle JARVIS told me which meeting room they were on.
I walked out to the small foyer between the two offices and entered the elevator. JARVIS took me to the correct floor.
I walked up to the door of the meeting room Ms. Potts was in and knocked on the door before entering. I looked inside to see a variety of old, white businessmen and Ms. Potts in front of a projector explaining something I wasn't about to pretend I understood. She looked relieved. 
I walked in just enough to where I could close the door, "Apologies, Ms. Potts, is this a bad time? I have the paperwork you requested."
"Oh no, not at all." She walked over to me, taking the folder from my hands. "Thank you." She whispered.
"It was no problem at all, Ma'am. Would you like me to continue working in your office, or go home for the day?"
"Please, wait in my office." She tipped her head slightly, a gesture that didn't go unnoticed.
I excused myself and headed back to Ms. Potts office. I waited for her in one of the armchairs at her desk. I checked my phone and realized I hadn't read the e-mail from Scott yet. I opened his message, the contents shocking me.
'Hi, I know it's been a while since we've talked, I mean really talked. I'm sorry, I chose a girl who saw me as the second choice over the person who's been my best friend practically since we met. I'm leaving the mansion too. Things have been crazy here. The professor is making Jean and Logan sub for all the classes you used to teach, and he'll be doing so for every teacher who leaves because of what happened. I'm planning on moving back to Anchorage. My parents left the house to Alex, but he gave everything to me in his will, making it mine. That house has to be 80 or so years old now, it's going to need a lot of repairs. I'll send you the address once it's all fixed up, maybe have some tea and catch up. 
See you someday,
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editfandom · 1 month
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Wade Wilson - Deadpool & Wolverine, 2024
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