#women eat me alive challenge
lesbianoms · 5 months
Her: Aww, you’re so cute 😊
Me, inside her stomach, having lost consciousness hours ago: gggllhg. . . GGGGGGLLLLKRRN~
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calliesmemes · 4 months
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CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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“   Currently considering becoming a bother and a nuisance, maybe even a menace or a rascal. ”
“   Hungry? Eat the government. ”
“   Yes, I wanna fuck after every argument. ”
“   Silence, you uneducated peanut! ”
“  They should invent a being alive that isn’t so difficult. ”
“   Women have to think I’m hot or none of this matters. ”
“   Due to personal reasons I will be named an enemy of the state. ”
“   Being overdressed is a myth made up by people who didn’t want you to have fun and be sexy. ”
“   What even are daddy issues? Just traumatize your father back. ”
“   I LOVE complaining! You can’t take that away from me! ”
“   I went to the silly goose convention and they all knew you. ”
“   I’m simultaneously ‘I’m tired of this grandpa’ and ‘that’s too damn bad!’ ”
“   The word ew coming out of a pretty girl’s mouth holds so much power … I think that it can tear apart nations. ”
“   Someone made fun of my shoes and the whole time I just thought of ways to push them out the window. ”
“   If you’re short, simply get taller. ”
“   I better think twice? Buddy I don’t even think once. ”
“   My off putting looks, awkward demeanor, and strange behavior have captivated you. ”
“   There’s something deeply, fundamentally wrong with you. Can we kiss? ”
“   You are a fool. When you walk, clown music plays. ”
“   I mean yeah he’s evil and all but what if I were his favorite? ”
“   I really do hate thinking. ”
“   In my defense, I simply do not vibe with the law. ”
“   I’ve done nothing wrong. Except all the atrocities. Besides that, I’m innocent. ”
“   Sorry I couldn’t hear you over my internal monologue. ”
“   Of course you have white hair and trauma. ”
“   So apparently the bad vibes I’ve been feeling are actually ‘severe psychological distress’. ”
“   Stop calling me a bad person just because I’m orchestrating your downfall! ”
“   The more lip gloss I collect the longer I live. ”
“   Sorry that I am obsessed with you in the unhealthiest way possible. As if it's my fault ”
“   The multiple failed assassination attempts against me have helped build both character and self esteem. ”
“   I could be your loser boyfriend. Do you ever think about that? ”
“   Accidentally went and got myself killed yesterday, but god wont let me die so I’m back ”
“   What do you mean napping isn't a good coping mechanism? What do you mean my problems are still here? ”
“   Academic validation is required for my sanity. ”
“   RIP to everyone killed by the gods for hubris but I’m different and better. Maybe even better than the gods. ”
“   Researching the stages of grief to see if I can get them finished in ten minutes tops. ”
“   My parents were like I’m gonna make a child that is so beyond help. ”
“   It’s not easy to admit when you’re wrong, and that’s why I won’t do it. ”
“   Why can’t this family ever have a funky good time? ”
“   How do I show people that I’m more than my unethical career choice? ”
“   I fucked my way into this mess, and I’ll fuck my way out. ”
“   You look so biteable today. ”
“   Why am I suffering? I have so many correct opinions and takes. ”
“   Challenging authority, angering gods. The family business. ”
“   Third base is me telling you about my father. ”
“   Hey girl. Plagued by terrifying visions? ”
“   Got caught giving a fuck. Embarrassing. ”
“   I didn’t ‘miss’ the red flags; I saw them and thought that they looked sexy. ”
“   Do my dark circles and deteriorating health make me look hot? ”
“   I get my news from the only reliable source, cryptic symbolism in my dreams. ”
“   Another day of being a bisexual disaster. ”
“   I’m going to let myself be a little unhinged today, as a treat. ”
“   Some of you act like murder is such a big deal. ”
“   You wanna hunt me for sport so bad that it makes you look stupid. ”
“   You’re not a girlboss unless you’ve killed someone. ”
“   It’s so weird how no one ever has correct opinions about things except for me. ”
“   Hello, my love — I mean, my rival ”
“   No one is calling me baby and it’s outrageous I can’t believe it. ”
“   No talking stage. Mutual obsession and you see god in my eyes or nothing. ”
“   Yes baby your emotional walls are high and impenetrable can we kiss now? ”
“   Affection is disgusting. Drown me in it. ”
“   I am gatekeeping my respect from you. ”
“   Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions. ”
“   I am equal parts fuck around and find out and please don’t yell at me I’ll cry. ”
“   Short legs, big butt. I’m a corgi. ”
“   Fuck being the bigger person; I’m going to start biting people. ”
“   Well that wasn’t very slay of you! ”
“   May I please get a crumb of affection? ”
“   I crave power! Please don’t yell, though; I’m sensitive. ”
“   You call it a near death experience; I call it a vibe check from God. ”
“   Here are some scissors. Now cut it out. ”
“   Might commit a little tomfoolery, maybe even some shenanigans. ”
“   All these flavors, and you choose to be salty. ”
“   How can I live, laugh, love in these conditions? ”
“   What if I said ‘to be honest’ but then lied? ”
“   I'm financially at a stage where I understand why people do fraud. ”
“   Yes I may be evil and morally corrupt, but I’m also incredibly beautiful and I think that makes up for it honestly. ”
“   Debates are stupid. Why would I want to sit down and argue with someone blatantly dumber than me? ”
“   I forget but I do NOT forgive.. I'm just walking around hating bitches can't remember why ”
“   Ding dong your opinion is wrong! ”
“   I’m coming for your kneecaps. ”
“   You dropped your nose you fucking clown. ”
“   Are you a fire alarm? ‘Cause you are really fucking loud and annoying. ”
“   Call me an escalator, because I let people down. ”
“   I love me a good lesbian scandal! ”
“   If you can’t run away from your problems, you’re not running fast enough. ”
“   Everything I want to do is illegal. ”
“   Don’t make me hit your ankle with my Barbie scooter! ”
“   I tell gay jokes because I am a gay joke. ”
“   Fuck! I dropped my mental stability! ”
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thatsoraya · 4 days
pairing. satoru gojo x reader notes. i wrote this in so hurry. sorry for any mistakes. also, you all can give me any ideas for imagines/fics/headcanons here. since i needed new ideas, it'd be great if you drop by <3
divider by @saradika-graphics
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the rhythmic squeak of sneakers against polished wood echoed through the gymnasium. gojo, like a blur of white and black, weaved past suguru and shoko, his laugh echoing as he dribbled the ball with impossible ease.
"about time you showed up, lazy bones," suguru drawled, his own movements fluid as he sank a three-pointer.
"busy schedule, you know," gojo winked, his playful blue eyes catching a glimpse of familiar figures entering the gym. nanami, ever the picture of stoicism, haibara, the ever-present strategist, and then there was you, y/n.
gojo felt a familiar tug in his chest, a pleasant tension that always seemed to accompany thoughts of you. you were in the year below them, a rising star in the jujutsu world, renowned for your sharp mind and even sharper technique. not to mention, undeniably attractive.
today, you wore your hair in a high ponytail, highlighting the sharp angles of your face. you were deep in conversation with nanami, a playful smile on your lips, a sight that sent a jolt through gojo. he bounced the ball with exaggerated force, the sound drawing your attention.
you glanced over, your eyes meeting his for a brief moment. he flashed you a blinding grin, earning a roll of your eyes and a subtle shake of your head. gojo's playful facade faltered for a moment. you weren't falling for his usual charms.
the game resumed, suguru schooling gojo on a few missed shots who was trying to see whether you were watching or not, drawing a playful scoff from the blonds. shoko, ever the referee, blew her whistle, calling a foul on gojo for a blatant travel.
"seriously, gojo? weren’t you supposed to be the strongest?," you called from the sidelines, a teasing lit to your voice.
gojo smirked, sauntering over to where you stood. "just letting you admire my skills, y/n."
you raised an eyebrow, unimpressed. "more like admiring your lack of them. maybe some extra practice wouldn't hurt."
gojo chuckled, leaning in with mock seriousness. "perhaps you could offer some pointers, sensei?"
"don't push your luck, gojo," nanami interjected, a faint blush creeping up his neck.
gojo straightened, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "just appreciating a talented junior, nanami. no need to get jealous."
nanami scoffed, looking away. you, however, remained unfazed. "talent only goes so far, gojo. hard work matters more."
gojo tilted his head, intrigued by your indifference. most women used to swoon over his looks and strength. yet, you seemed completely unbothered.
"she's so cute," gojo murmured under his breath, more to himself than anyone else. "intelligent, smart, and sexy."
suguru caught his words, a smirk playing on his lips. "she could eat you alive, you know."
gojo didn't even flinch. "what a way to go out," he winked, returning to the court with renewed enthusiasm. he started playing with a ferocity he hadn't shown before, effortlessly stealing the ball from suguru and sinking a series of impossible shots. but all the while, his eyes kept drifting back to you, studying your every reaction.
he noticed you weren't cheering for him, nor were you scoffing at his missed shots. you were observing the game with a keen eye, analysing his movements, your brow furrowed in concentration. he found it incredibly endearing.
after practice, as everyone was leaving, gojo lingered near the door, hoping to catch you alone. you walked past him with nanami and haibara, a lively debate about cursed techniques playing out between the three of you. gojo cleared his throat, but you just offered a curt nod before disappearing down the hallway.
gojo sighed, a strange mix of frustration and excitement churning in his gut. he liked a challenge, and you were definitely a challenge. you were strong, intelligent, and completely immune to his usual charms.
that night, as gojo lay sprawled in his bed, a mischievous grin spread across his face. this wouldn't be over anytime soon. satoru gojo, the strongest sorcerer alive, had finally found something interesting. and he intended to win you over, one playful jab and stolen glance at a time.
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saturnsbabyboii · 1 year
✨Astro Observations for those who think they're stupid when they're actually smart✨
✨Mutable risings are the "funny yet depressed" friend that is always trying to make sure everyone is okay and having a good time
✨Out of all the placements Aquarius is the only one I don't have a definitive standpoint on. Not a single one has something in common with another.
✨5th house placements are obsessed with reality tv while 11th house placements are obsessed with internet drama
✨Saturn in the 6th house natives are very likely to get plastic surgery for their weight
✨I keep reading on here that people know Taurus Moons that cook? I am sorry but since when instant noodles became "cooking". I have known five and my sister is one, and let me tell you, they can't cook for shit. They're such picky and particular eaters, they barely eat too.
✨My mother being an Aquarius sun with a Virgo moon means that I know the biggest catastrophizer alive.
✨Luminaries (sun and moon) opposite the rising, in my opinion, creates the most difficult people to deal with. They're so tone deaf and oblivious to how they come off.
✨Cardinal Lilith has conflict anxiety
✨Air Mercury thinks of an answer instead of listening to what someone is saying
✨Mars in the 11th house have many frenemies
✨Moon in the 11th are very popular among women
✨Angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, 10th) at 0 degrees struggles to achieve milestones or feels behind compared to others
✨Scorpio risings are always referred to as an onion. To me, an onion is something with layers of the same shit that just burn your eyes.
✨ Whichever house of yours an artist's Ceres falls in is what their work is going to help you with.
✨This also applies to planet aspects, as to whether their work will leave you challenged, intrigued, feeling empowered, motivated, seen, connected, or just simply aroused.
✨Fire Mercury says the most random shit. But we are here for that crackhead energy.
✨Fire/Mars in the 9th house is very common among dancers
✨The sign of the 6th house can show how are you with apologies. Since along with that work ethic comes responsibility and integrity.
✨Anyways, you'll never catch a Sag or Taurus in the 6th apologizing that's for sure.
✨Lilith/Juno in the 10th house are very mistreated by men/masculine people and authority
✨Lilith/Juno in the 4th house was betrayed by the family, especially the mother
✨Aquarius in the 4th house is always looking for a mommy in someone else
✨The body part/s the sign of your 8th house rule indicates which sexual act gets your toes curled.
✨Having friends of the same Mars sign are people that match your energy
✨People that have Mars Square Mars got a friendship that needed communication and patience, however, they tend to create a stronger bond
✨It's ghetto out there with all of those unevolved Earth placements
✨First house stelliums are never grateful. The entitlement is real.
✨Neptune/Pisces in the 1st house and 12th house ruler is in the 1st house depersonalize as a full time job. Existing is very draining for them, and at times painful.
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thir10th · 1 month
ciao, bella! - Emily Prentiss x fem!reader
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summary: you love your polyglot girlfriend TW: smut, oral sex, dirty talk, language kink (i don't actually speak Italian so i apologize for any possible mistakes), hair-pulling, i think that's it A/N: requests are welcome! i still have some drafts to finish first tho. Like and reblog, any kind of feedback is greatly appreciated! <3
The hours seem to pass so slowly when there's nothing you can do.
You're sitting on one of those uncomfortable chairs on that bullpen, a cup of coffee running cold on your hand. Staring at te board with all the names and pictures, you were starting to memorize it.
Morgan and Emily enter the room, the main suspect handcuffed and struggling to get away from Morgan's hard grip. Emily takes er bulletproof vest off to enter the interrogation room, you and Hotch following behind. She happened to be the only one who spoke italian on the team, so this one was hers.
You had profiled the unsub as the classical sexist, misogynist, scared of women over 130 pounds, or like you liked to call them- the unresolved mommy issues type.-
Your girlfriend was gonna eat him up alive, and you could not be more proud.
Morgan and Emily enter the room, he tells him to sit down, which he does seem to understand. Hotch and you watch the scene from the other side of the glass, your eyesnever leave Emiy, she carefully reads the file, in complete silence, making him nervous, until she starts speaking.
You certainly weren't expecting it, although you should've. It wasn't the first time you heard her speak other languages. Arabic, Russian, even Spanish, she always sounded so smooth, mysterious even, but there was just something about this exact moment, the way she challenged him, antagonized him, it was easy to tell she had complete control of the conversation despite that you could not understand a single word of what nether of them was saying.
Your braking point is when they start an argument, you cant really tell what it's about but she shoots from her seat, hitting the table hardly with a strong hand, you excuse yourself. You had to get out of there if you wanted to be able to finish the day.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
it takes you less than a second when she closes the door of your shared hotel bedroom behind herself, to wrap your arms around her waist, connecting your mouth to hers, pushing her body against the door.
"wow, not that I'm complaining but, what's got you all riled up?" she asks, a big smile on her face, the second you separate to catch your breath
"nothing... it's just..." you doubtfully say, her eyes scanning you, going from your eyes, to your lips, back to you eyes, both of you heavy breathing into each other.
"c'mon, spit it out" she says, leaving soft pecks on your lips to get you to talk
"just you, your voice" you confess "you know... when-"
"you like hearing me speak Italian?" she finishes for you, grabs you by your waist, and switches places with you, now she's pushing you against the door, running her hands down your back, reaching your ass giving it a gentle squeeze which makes you jump in your place.
"a little bit" you admit. Emily grins, cocky and gorgeous, she slips her hand into your pants and underwear, running two gentle fingertips up your center, collecting your slit, she shows you her hand, a proud smile on her face, you squirm underneath her touch
"this doesn't look like a bit to me" she kisses your cheek, your neck, you bring your lips to hers, your tongue slipping over her lower lip, in the desperate attempt that she’ll grant you access "Questo è quello che volevi?" you cannot control the moan that escapes your lips, her voice is soft, smooth, it makes you feel things, you kiss her again, this time she complies, granting you access.
She pushes you even harder against the door, her free hand finds its way underneath your shirt, you're not wearing a bra which gives her free access, she lets her fingers dance over your sensitive nipples, your breath becoming quicker with each passing second. “Please, Emily, I-” you got cut off as she sharply took one of her nipples into her fingers and twisted it, the pain quickly turning into pleasure
"what's that? or, should i say che dici?" you can't form any coherent words, you just let out a deep breath, grabbing you by the waist, she forces you onto the bed, her hips aggressively sitting on top of yours
"aww, la mia bambina è nervosa perché le piace che parli italiano?" she's loving the teasing, she loves making you nervous but mostly she loves how worked up she's getting you with only a couple of words.
She placed soft kisses all over your breasts, her lips wrap around your nipple, licking the rosy bud, her teeth softly tugging and nipping the sensitive area, you moan in pleasure.
Finally, she moves her mouth down, placing soft kisses all over your stomach, filling it with butterflies. She unbuttons your pants, aggressively taking off your underwear with them.
Even though you had her exactly where you wanted her, she was still too clothed. You pull on her shirt, hoping to get the message across, as your mind was all nice and fuzzy, she just put her hands up, so you could clumsily remove her shirt, leaving her in her bra and workpants.
"Em, please, just please" you cry desperately for her to finally finish what she started. You moan out as she forcefully shoved a finger up your dripping pussy, licking a strap long of your slit.
"ti piace questo tesoro?" you know you're in for a long ride, now that she knows that you like her Italian, she will be taking advantage of it, not that you're complaining, obviously.
"I don't understand a word of this, but it's working" you say, closing your eyes in pleasure,  your hands pulling on her hair, in a desperate attempt to pull her closer to where you needed her the most.
She was going slow just lapping up your juices, her tongue enjoying the taste of you, how drenched you were. Her lips finally met your clit, licking over the bundle of nerves, sucking the hardened bud.
"Oh fuck, yes baby don't stop" She began fucking you faster and harder, using her fingers, loving the wet sounds your pussy was making around them. Her fingers curled at the perfect spot inside you making your eyes roll back into your head. Her mouth sucking on your clit, her fingers drilling roughly into your pussy was bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
"Please, Em, I'm going to-"
"andiamo tesoro, puoi venire" you can only assume that's her way of approving, you came all over her mouth, her fingers, she lets you ride your high, and then collapses over you, laying on your side.
You open your eyes and see her laying next to you, playing softly with a strand of your hair, you need to catch your breath before you can return the favour.
"Who would've said that it would only take me speaking Italian to make you this horny ugh?" she asks, a playful grin on her face.
"It's just something about the accent i think, or maybe just the way you sound, i don't know, but you looked so sexy in the interrogation room today" you try to explain
"Well lucky for you, i'm fluent" you move to kiss her lips
"however there's someone else who can also speak Italian, right?" your mouth falls open when you realize what she means "OH! No, Emily! Why did you have to bring Rossi up now? You're ruining it" you close your eyes trying to erase that image from your head, Emily giggles "I'm sorry! C'mon, Scusa, amore mio, ti amo" she kisses you cheek, your lips, your face "Ok that one i know what it means" you hold her face in your hands, trapping her lips between yours, kissing her in return, her voice and herself the only thing on your mind again.
"C'mon baby" you straddle her hips "It's your turn, tesoro"
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
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mangobug · 1 year
Alenoah is so goddamn appealing to me for the same reason i like aleheather: they're both enemies/rivals with a tension. However, what makes alenoah so much more interesting to me is the fact that Noah just would not visibly care about, or outwardly acknowledge, Alejandro's advancements. When Alejandro flirts with the other contestants, he easily throws them off or (in Heather's case) pisses them off, turning them into putty in his two hands. When he attempts to throw Noah off, though, it doesn't (visibly) have an effect on him, and it bothers Alejandro because Alejandro always has the upper-hand, around both women and men. It makes Alejandro feel almost humiliated when Noah brushes him off or shoots back sarcastic comments in response to his flirting. Noah barely even bats an eye. But Alejandro can't bring himself to stop when he finds Noah as a person so interesting. Alejandro loves debating with Noah and adores his snark and intelligence, and this adoration drives him. He makes it a goal of his to somehow really fluster Noah or throw him off his game like he does with the other contestants, which has proven to be quite a difficult task. But Alejandro isn't a quitter.
In reality, Noah enjoys the playful and teasing banter just as much as Alejandro, even if he seems uninterested, because it's entertaining to be debating with someone of similar intelligence. Alejandro's flirting, though, does actually throw him off, just not in the same way it does to other people. Noah is entirely (and rightfully) convinced that Alejandro's flirting with him is just a part of his slimy, slippery, eel-y personality, and a sad attempt to rid of Noah in order to further himself in the competition. And Noah is nothing if not stubborn, so even if he feels his stomach twisting into a knot every time Alejandro compliments his brown eyes or his hooked nose or his impressive intelligence or his interesting personality or even the peaceful, curled position he sleeps in—Noah will always just nod his head and respond with a doubtful "sure" or a sarcastic "thanks, honey."
And if Alejandro were to hear about how Noah views his persistent advances, then he wouldn't deny it, because in the beginning that was about half of the truth. He did want to use this new challenge to knock a few opponents out, and if reaching his goal would not only prove to Alejandro that the cold-presenting bookworm had a heart that could be tamed but would also get him out of the way and push Alejandro one step closer to his imminent victory, then, well, that's a win-win for Alejandro. That isn't all the reason though because, against all of Alejandro's big ego, he does actually quite like Noah. This "like" didn't mean the same in the beginning as it did in the end. Because it didn't start with Alejandro wondering if Noah had had anything to eat that day or if Noah had any pets or what Noah's favorite book was, or even if Alejandro could borrow that book Noah was reading once he was done.
Against all of Alejandro's wishes and expectations, he finds that between the two of them, he is the one who has been getting flustered. And it is downright embarrassing, because Noah doesn't even do anything. Well, except for all of the things he usually does. He makes his sarcastic comments and argues with Alejandro just as he did before, but now the details are so much clearer. It's like every feature of Noah's has been enhanced, including his features that previously Alejandro would have considered flaws. His forehead was rather larger than average, but Alejandro has decided that it fit his face and personality and that it was only natural for a head to be big enough to store all the fascinating knowledge and wit that Noah had proven to have. And that pimple just below his right cheekbone, well, that is just time's beauty mark, a proof of growth and maturity that was one feature of many on his face that showed that he was very alive. He found an adorableness in the way Noah uncurled from his sleep and rubbed his eyes first thing after a long night of rest, and he felt a burning discomfort in the unmistakable image of Noah curling into Owen's nap for a makeshift pillow later that day. Alejandro felt electricity course throw his veins and his hands become shakey and clammy at every short lock between ivy and coffee irises. He felt his heart beat a thousand miles a minute each time he stood next to the other, and he would feel it speed up ten times fast at every sarcastic comment the other would make.
Alejandro found himself staring.
Alejandro finds himself studying his face, gauging his face for reactions whenever he makes a joke, and he finds himself way too excited when Noah cracks a smile at it. One time, Alejandro had made Noah laugh. Belly laugh. Gasping for breath laugh. A laugh so full of joy that Alejandro found himself smiling. Not from the contagiousness of Noah's laugh nor from the humor of the comment he had made about Duncan, which, truth be told, he couldn't recite on the spot even if he needed to because his memory had been wiped and replaced with this. Rather, he was satisfied that of all people, he could make Noah laugh like this (and Owen.. he supposes.) That night held for him some distasteful news, because how could Alejandro be the one melted into somebody else's palms?
Noah had noticed the sudden change in Alejandro's behavior, but it'd be a lie if he said he knew why it happened. And if anyone were to tell him why, he would deny it, because not only was it obviously not true, but he also didn't want it to be. The idea of someone as slimy, slippery, and eel-y as Alejandro even daring to approach him was for one, unfortunate, for two, terrible, and for three, impossible. But he couldn't help but ponder why this change had happened. Just why was Alejandro so... fidgety? He was running his hand through his hair what felt like every five minutes (Noah heard him curse under his breath once in spanish, likely at the realization of the inevitable accumulation of grease by the end of the day due to the excessive hand-to-root action), he kept unbuttoning and buttoning the top button of his shirt (Noah heard him mutter once, "is it too scandalous undone?"), and he wouldn't stop playing with his fingers, cracking and popping them, pulling and intertwining them—not that Noah was always watching his hands or anything, because he wasn't, but it was just such a drastic change to Alejandro's usually confident demeanor that you must be a fool to not notice it.
Alejandro did not notice—how could he be such a fool? Developing a crush on an opponent with a million dollars on the line? Pathetic.
The night following Noah's laughing fit, Alejandro found himself staring at Noah's sleeping form. Alejandro had noticed the way he usually sleeps, which would be creepy if Noah didn't have such a noticeable way of sleeping. He curled up to sleep, upright or on his side, and it was pretty cute. His eyes observed the way Noah was curled up against Owen's side, face resting into the other's fat. Ah, right. Owen. Alejandro felt a scowl creep up on his face when his eyes shifted to the blond's face—only to immediately divert his eyes, because Owen was already looking at him. He heard Owen laugh, which made his embarrassment double—embarrassment? I don't get embarrassed.
"Don't worry, Al." Gross. Al. "Noah doesn't know, so your secret is safe with me."
Alejandro blinked. He looked back at Owen, although reluctantly. "...Secret?"
Owen laughed again, and Alejandro was getting worried that he would wake Noah as he watched the smallest of them bounce against Owen. "You know, Al. Your cute little crush on Noah! He's smart and all, but he kind of sucks with love. You can take as much time as you want before you tell him. But between you and me, I think he likes you, too."
Alejandro's mind blanked. Crush? "Uh. My what."
Owen's face turned confused as well. "Oh... Do you not? Oops. Forget I said that about Noah."
Alejandro wished he could think of a decent response, but, what?
"Uh... No, I wouldn't say you're wrong. I just... didn't know myself."
"You—" Owen laughed again, this time making Noah groan in his sleep.
"Ugh... Owen. Stop, 'm trying to sleep." He said, not even opening his eyes.
"Sorry, buddy." Owen giggled, "Al's just pretty funny."
Alejandro glared at Owen, and the other shrugged.
"Sure." Noah groaned, adjusting his position before quickly falling back to sleep.
"Wow! How could you not know, Al? You're always looking at him and talking to him, 'n stuff. It's like Tyler and I aren't even there! And you're so nervous around him. I didn't know someone as cool and confident as you could get nervous around anyone. It makes me proud to know my little buddy could do that."
Alejandro nodded. "Hmm. You're right... Maybe that is the case."
It was a silent agreement between the two that it was their business and no one else's, an agreement that Alejandro wasn't too confident that Owen wouldn't break, but it was enough. Alejandro couldn't decide what was more shocking, an agreement between him and Owen, or the fact that he actually liked Noah in a more than just curious way. Looking back on what Owen said though, he thinks an Owen and Alejandro alliance is much more surprising.
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golfishwiththebigeyes · 4 months
long disjointed farcille thoughts
I’m so farcille-pilled and I have thoughts, mainly one thought and that is that the events of dungeon meshi have made Marcille a much more fitting partner for Falin. As much as I adore them pre-canon, I think they would not have been good together as they were before. We see in the early story Marcille is, for lack of a better term, kind of a control freak. That’s just her nature, and it makes a lot of sense given her backstory, she’s had to grapple with something out of her control from a very young age-her loved ones dying- so of course she’d be very protective over what she does have control over. This would be fine on it’s own, but Falin, especially before the events of the story, is sooo non confrontational, she’s so gentle and tries not to rock the boat, which also makes a lot of sense given her backstory! But as we see even in bonus materials, Marcille has a pretty solid trap of what she likes and what she wants, and she doesn’t usually take well to that being challenged. Falin is the opposite in every facet. While this makes them great friends, I feel like it just wouldn’t lend itself well to a romantic relationship, especially when you also factor in the fact that romance is another thing Marcille is very set in her ways about. And then Falin gets eaten. 
And boom, suddenly Marcille cannot be in her comfort zone anymore, she has to eat gross things, branch out in her magic and teaching to try her best to fill Falin’s place, and, most damning of all, ultimately give up a power that would let her enforce what she thinks is best with no issue. Marcille’s arc, or one of her big ones, is about coming to terms with things being out of her control and learning to just appreciate being alive, worrying more about making the most of what’s left instead of desperately chasing what could be. 
And while the crux of this post was why the events of the story make Marcille a much better partner for Falin than she would have been otherwise, Falin’s character and development (which, by the way, Ryoko Kui you genius how could you so brilliantly give an entire arc to a character who is comparatively not very present in the story, augh Falin’s haunting of the narrative is so good and Falin herself is written so beautifully) by the end of the story are very good for the possible future Farcille. As more and more information has come out, like Falin’s post-canon talk with Toshiro, we see that Falin’s second resurrection has given her a new kind of confidence and security about herself and her place in the world. In everything from her eyes being open to the clothes that she chooses to her body language, in all the post-canon material we can see so clearly that she is so much happier and genuine with herself, mask off, and that in and of itself is so wonderful. And that, by extension, allows her to be a much more open partner and in a much better space to be in a long term relationship.
The events of the story, a story which stresses the validity of desire and potential, have allowed these two women who adore each other to fulfill their true potential both apart and together, and that’s wonderful to me.
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Valentine's Day Tradition
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: Bucky wants to get you the perfect Valentine's Day gift. Word Count: Over 1.4k Warnings: Fluff, mix of nerves and confidence, slight feels (it's me), canon divergent, Bucky Barnes (he’s a warning, okay?). A/N: For @the-slumberparty 's Blast From the Past challenge, I went with A New Tradition Bucky. ❤️ Beta read by the wonderful @whisperlullaby, but any and all mistakes are my own. Moodboard by yours truly, banner by the lovely @sgt-seabass, and divider by the amazing @firefly-graphics. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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As Bucky circled the shop for the umpteenth time, he felt like the worst boyfriend alive. Valentine's Day was almost here and he had no idea what to get you. Even though you assured him that he didn't have to get you anything, he refused to turn up at your place empty-handed. He also knew he wanted your gift to be something special, especially since it was the first holiday the two of you were celebrating together as a couple.
Why is this so difficult?
He knew well enough that you didn't want anything extravagant, like an over the top fancy dinner. The traditional route of flowers and chocolate didn't sound like a bad idea, but any guy could do that for you. What could he do to make it unforgettable? How could he make this Valentine's Day stand out?
"You're overthinking again, aren't you?" Steve asked.
"Steve, this is hopeless and I'm not overthinking," Bucky replied into the phone as his friend chuckled. "Okay, maybe a little, but why can't I figure this out?"
"Because you're overthinking."
"Like you didn't overthink with your gift," he argued.
"We're not talking about me. We're talking about you," Steve said.
"I used to be good with women," Bucky sighed.
"You still are, otherwise you wouldn't be in a relationship."
"The jury is still out on whether she made the right choice by choosing me as her man," he said.
"She's good for you and you know it," he said.
Steve was happy that Bucky started dating you. God knows he had to hear enough about you before you got together. It was only fair since he got to hear all about his writer girlfriend. He wondered when his best friend would pop the question.
Hopefully soon.
"So you really don't have any ideas?" Steve asked.
Bucky stopped in front of one of the displays where a few other guys stood. "No, but she did jokingly request no jewelry."
"Well, she does make jewelry," Steve teased.
A small smile touched his lips. You put so much thought and care into every piece you made. As nice as it was to maybe get you more tools and supplies, he could do that any day of the week. It wasn't romantic enough.
"Buck, I can practically hear you overthinking again," Steve sighed.
"Because I'm stuck!" he said, wincing once he realized he raised his voice and ignoring some of the funny looks he got. "I just want it to be special, you know?"
"Then get her something from the heart."
"That's your advice?" he scoffed as he walked away from the jewelry. "This is for the beautiful woman who made me personalized dog tags. I'm just an old science nerd who likes to read and…"
Bucky trailed off as he stopped at another display. The answer was so simple. Why hadn't he thought of it sooner?
"You figured it out, didn't you?"
"I did," he answered, smiling as he looked back at the jewelry. "And I may have even come up with a new holiday tradition."
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"That's it. I can't eat another bite," you said, dropping your fork on your plate and rubbing your stomach. "You've outdone yourself."
Bucky's cheeks warmed as he smiled. He expected to be nervous tonight, but he felt good. Confident. It was nice to be comfortable in his skin.
He knew he wouldn't feel that way every day, but your smiling face made a huge difference.
"You helped me make the meal," he reminded you, reaching over to brush the corner of your mouth with his thumb. "But keep stroking my ego. I like it."
You grabbed his wrist before he could pull his hand away and teasingly nibbled the tip of his thumb. "Play your cards right and I'll stroke something else, Jamie."
This woman might be the death of me. What a way to go.
"So, you're telling me you want dessert," he smirked, purposely deepening his voice and licking his bottom lip.
You inhaled sharply as you released his wrist. Even though the two of you decided not to go out to dinner, he dressed nicely for you. The short dress you picked even matched the color of his top.
Proof that we fit together.
"I very much want dessert," you said, leaning forward on the table to give him a generous view of your chest. Was it impolite to stare? "I also want to give you your gift before we watch a movie."
Homemade meal, gifts, and a movie. It was the perfect, low-key evening. As long as you liked what he picked out for you.
If you hate it, I'm blaming Steve for the advice he gave me.
After clearing the table, because no way in hell was he making you clean, he joined you in the living room. The blanket and pillows were already set up on the couch and he wondered how far you two would make it through the film. Would you prefer for him to be a gentleman or an animal?
Maybe a bit of both.
"Since I didn't have your gift ready in December, I think it's only fair that you open your gift first," he said, setting the box on the coffee table.
"If you insist," you smiled.
The confidence Bucky felt earlier began to slip away as you examined the box and began to unwrap it. Maybe he should've picked prettier wrapping paper, even though it was going to end up in the trash. No, he had no reason to be nervous. You were going to love your gift.
I hope.
"Oh, my God," you gasped, smiling as you lifted up your present and looked it over.
The flower inside the glass case was unique and beautiful. The gold leaves shined as you spun it in your hand, along with the rainbow colored petals. The additional LED lights would bring an extra layer of brightness to your gift.
"I did some research after I saw a Beauty and the Beast display at a shop. It's called a galaxy rose. I know flowers are traditional for Valentine's Day, but I wanted something that would last," he explained, wiping his palm on his pants as you lifted the gift from the carton. When did he start sweating? "So I got you a rose that will never fade away."
Is that romantic or lame?
"It's perfect," you said, your eyes shining as you set it down and shifted on the cushion to face him completely. He let out a breath as you placed your hand on his cheek. The happiness that radiated from you was worth every moment he agonized over your gift. "I love it."
"I know it isn't the Beauty and the Beast rose, but it'll do," he smiled, placing his hand over yours.
"I'm clearly the Beast since I would gift you with a library if I could," you giggled.
We can build a library together.
"You're Beauty and you know it," he smiled, reaching into his pocket. "But there's still one more thing."
"There's more?" you asked as he pulled his hand out of his pocket and opened his fist.
In the palm of his hand sat a heart shaped rose quartz with the word "heart" etched in the middle.
"The science nerd in me and the jeweler in you. I mean, I'm not a geologist, but I thought this was fitting," he said, placing the stone in your hand. "You said you wanted to start new traditions. And for every holiday I spend with you, I want to give you a new stone with a new word. Something small, but meaningful for both of us."
Something from my heart.
Your eyes watered as you closed your hand around the quartz and for a moment you didn't speak.
God, you hate it. So much for new traditions.
"Jamie," you sniffled as a tear slid down your cheek. You opened your mouth to speak again, but instead pressed your lips against his. Heat rushed through him as he tenderly returned the kiss. "Thank you for making tonight so special. I won't forget it."
Mission success.
"The night isn't over yet," he whispered, unable to resist teasing you with his next statement. "I still have my gift to open."
You giggled, the quartz still in your hand as you pulled him back in for another kiss.
Best Valentine's Day ever.
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New tradition in the books! Wonder what the next holiday will be. ❤️ Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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sanctus-ingenium · 4 months
I’d love to hear Finbarr’s story. All I’ve seen are just the little tidbits here and there about what happened between him and Olivier, but I’d love to know his whole deal.
OKAY so the basic gist is that it's a story about the foundation of Inver as a country, but really it's about how Esk (the viper) learned for the first time that humans can die and how that affected it, but really it's a story about how trans men are often their own worst enemies and looove to tear one another to pieces.
Finbarr is forced to be stealth; he has a secret he can never reveal to anyone, otherwise he will be cast out from his clan. Women warriors exist, they're common actually in his culture, but he is an outsider whose father used to be the clan leader's shieldbrother. Finbarr's father Fionnán abandoned the clan to go be with a witch, and they had a daughter. That's all the clan leader, Aodhán, knew before he went and killed that witch. Anyway, with nowhere else to go, Fionnán took young Finbarr back to the clan and passed him off as a boy instead, and not the daughter of the witch. This was partially on Finbarr's suggestion so it wasn't against his will.
And now as an adult in a matchmaker-arranged marriage, he's dying with the stress of it all. His dad passed away and now nobody alive knows that he is a transexual. Yay. Finbarr as a person seems... nice? He's fine? He's mid? But that's all he is to other people. He's the type of person who hangs out with the group and you think you know him but afterwards, in hindsight, you realise he has never given a single piece of information about himself. In reality he's a chronic people pleaser and rather cold, he is completely self-absorbed in his own suffering, in himself, and it warps into a sense of superiority, look how good I am at suffering, if you can't suffer as gracefully as me then you're weak. He controls himself so strictly that in a culture that celebrates battle rages and berserker modes, he never loses himself, remaining precise and deadly at all times. Finbarr is the guy who purges every hint of femininity and hates it in others because he hates himself.
Olivier belongs to the Tanet sect which has a very different culture. They are lycanthropes, but public knowledge is that lycanthropy is a male condition - mainly because the women are cloistered and are not allowed to meet with outsiders. It is a very repressive and misogynist culture. Olivier's younger brother Corentin is next in line to take over the Tanets. Instead, Olivier does his most famous stunt of challenging his father, eating his heart in front of everyone, and then claiming that this makes him inherit his father's lycanthropic spirit, which makes him a man, and because nobody can contradict him without revealing the existence of female werewolves the Tanets (and Corentin) just have to accept this. Word goes out to everyone living in the region - Olivier Tanet is now King Tanet.
This is a major problem for Finbarr because only the Tanets and other werewolf sects are obligated to formally respect this decision. Finbarr's first encounter with the concept of Olivier is anger, annoyance, how dare you make things more difficult for me. Now everybody's gossiping about ugly women with beards and laughing in disgust at the idea of any woman marrying Olivier. He attracts a monstrous amount of widespread ridicule at first, and he knew this would be the case. So Olivier quickly makes himself into someone you never want to be on the bad side of.
He is very intelligent and manipulative and adept at using shock tactics to brow-beat his opponents; making himself out to be completely bloodthirsty and warlike, someone who'll kill you if you disrespect him. But this sets him on a difficult path of making connections with the other kings, promising favours in return for alliance. He tries to be smart about it and he is, he's smarter than most, and he manages to stay ahead of consequences for a long time. So by the time he and Finbarr meet, when they're in their early 20s, Olivier has clawed himself into a fearfully respected position in this political landscape.
Olivier beats the shit out of Finbarr's shieldbrother Conn at a gladiatorial match, and Conn is a whiny baby about it to the point where Aodhán, his dad, goes "stop whining, I'm fostering you with the Tanets right now so that you can learn how to behave". Bearing in mind that the Tanets were always at war on their southern border with Aquitan, so had more experience with direct combat. Finbar had to go along too, being attached to Conn at the hip as his shieldbrother. Olivier, in turn, gets lessons in the Hibernian language from them, because Tanet women are not taught that language and he needed to learn Hibernian. In these lessons FInbarr found that they hit it off pretty well and Olivier was a lot less violent and bloodthirsty in person, behind closed doors, and instead tended to be excitable, passionate, and generous. Olivier found that Finbarr, when given the freedom to actually talk, is quiet and thoughtful and proud. Anyway they sort of fell in love and Finbarr told his secret to Olivier.
So these two guys are like the only two people in the world clinging to the same life raft, and each envies the other to such an extent that it makes them sick. Finbarr thinks Olivier's life is so much better; no secrets, just freedom and respect. Olivier feels the same about Finbarr. Having nobody to talk to about these things but each other, they become codependent and privately resentful of one another, while also being basically obsessed with eachother. Olivier is typically manipulative; he sees Conn and Finbarr's other friends as a threat and starts trying to isolate him, aware that he could out Finbarr at any moment to destroy his life and cement himself as the only person Finbarr could go to for shelter. It's not strictly successful but it is enough to keep Finbarr coming back, whenever he can, even though they live largely separate lives most of the time on different sides of the country.
Finbarr can never defend Olivier in public, however, without feeling like he may be implicated. He publicly condemns Olivier all the time while showing affection behind closed doors - he's a bit of a snake (ha ha) about their relationship.
Important to note about Olivier is that he pulled the ladder up after him - his position as No Really I'm A King is SO tenuous and fragile and exists in a state of hyper-scrutiny, and improving the lives of the Tanet women would immediately reveal his lie to the public. So he can't. He keeps them cloistered, he tells them that he was a unique case and nobody could ever do what he did.
Fastforward like 20 years and oops Olivier gets caught in his own web. King D'Ouilly, leader of another werewolf sect, has announced his plans to annex the territory of one of a former ally, King Cervoy. This is huge news at the big gathering in Invergorken one year, and D'Ouilly is basically laughed out of the room. The other kings are like lmao you don't have the support to even try this. But Finbarr, who is in attendance, knows that Olivier owes D'Ouilly a favour. He begs Olivier to stay out of it - Cervoy's daughter is Finbarr's wife. Olivier swears an oath to Finbarr that he won't back D'Ouilly's bid for power.
Olivier then turns around and backs D'Ouilly's bid for power - he has no other choice. He has to. And so the civil war begins with a surprise attack from Tanet werewolves on the Cervoy keep, where Finbarr is currently posted with Conn. Finbarr races to the keep and finds Olivier in the midst of trying to kill his wife and manages to stop him. Finbarr then swears an oath of vengeance, as you do, and promises Olivier that the next time they meet, Finbarr will kill him.
Any act of aggression Olivier makes is seen as disproportionate and unjustified, but if anybody attacks him it's fine to attack the nasty pretender king; Olivier is backed into a corner with no other option than to do something he deep down doesn't want to do - join D'Ouilly as an ally alongside Carhaix and start taking Inver for the werewolves, while still, in some way, struggling to impress Finbarr and catch his attention.
The civil war is pretty nasty, lasts a long time, and consists of a whole lot of Olivier and Finbarr (in their late 40-early 50s at this point) singling out one another on the battlefield and fighting. Finbarr meets and gets the aid of Esk and makes his bow (that's a majorly important plot thread but also um spoilers so we'll gloss over that), specifically a bow that harms werewolves, and things just sort of devolve from there. Both Finbarr and Olivier burn through any other friendships and relationships they might have had so that even now, with two broken oaths hanging over their heads, they have nobody at all but each other. They care about nothing else but each other and, maybe, there is a way out - maybe they can just abandon this terrible war and society. Maybe they can leave together. It does end in tragedy, but that would have been obvious even to them.
Basically I wanted a story about evil old man yaoi but also a story that explores how toxic bonds form between trans men who are otherwise isolated. When there's only two crabs in a very big bucket, it can be indistinguishable from the sea.
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lesbianoms · 8 months
Oh to be a timid bellypet at the mercy of a hungry MILF and her gut <3
To be snacked on whenever she feels like it without warning and to constantly feel hunted in my own house
To be greedily swallowed up and dismissed as food for the rest of the day, sloshed around roughly in that moist cavern of her belly while she burps and plays with my weight 😍
To never know when she’ll let me out, and even when she belches me back up it’s only enough so that my hand is the only thing visible through her open maw, reaching for some escape… only to slip back into soft darkness with a thick, authoritative swallow… 💕💕
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
RoR characters falling in love or platonicly in love with Mitsuri!Reader or Rimuru!Reader who is also one of Humanity'a champion?
-Bouncing along the human side of the stadium, you were trying to find Brunnhilde to inquire when you are going to get to fight. When the valkyrie first approached you, her words and request had surprised you, but as a reincarnated being, originally a human, you could fight for humanity if you chose to.
-As a slime, pale F/C in color, you received a lot of looks, some where not sure what to make of you while others were confused on why you were there.
-You hide your power well, choosing to remain in your slime form while in Valhalla, unless if you were in your private room, then you took on a human form that looked like a younger teenager with F/C hair and eyes.
-You hear loud laughter coming from behind a massive Japanese style door, one that stretched high up to the ceiling and you were quick to raise a little slime arm and knock before pushing it open.
-Inside you saw a party going on, recognizing the last human fighter, Sasaki Kojiro, who had just beaten Poseidon, he looked to be the guest of honor around this party that looked to be nothing but sumo wrestlers!
-Raiden noticed you as you hopped in and he bent over a bit from where he was sitting on his rear, “Hmm~ what’s this?”
-You just beam up at him, sparkles around you, “I’m Y/N! I’m a cute little slime!” the women in the room were quick to start cooing on how cute you were while Raiden picked you up, being able to hold you in just one of his massive hands as he held you up to the light, “A slime?”
-Kojiro chuckled, enjoying another cup of sake, which was helping take the ache from his wounds away, “Oh-ho~ I know you, Brunnhilde-chan mentioned someone who was fighting on our side who was originally human, but no longer is one.”
-You beamed brightly, “That’s me! I was actually looking for Brunnhilde, I wanna fight soon!” Raiden and many of the other men in the room let out a near deafening cheer, hearing your fighting spirit before Raiden sat you down at an empty spot, more food being brought out for you, “Eat with us then! I sent someone to fetch that valkyrie to find out when I’ll fight, we can both ask her when we see her!”
-You weren’t known to turn down food, so you didn’t enjoying the delicious food provided to you, jumping on the plates and absorbing the food but not the dishware, which was shocking for everyone in the room before Kojiro spoke, “Oi Y/N-chan, can you taste food like we do?”
-You beamed again, “I can! I can also eat like a normal looking human too!” with this you transformed into your human form, wearing a black outfit, shorts with a tank top, unattached sleeves that went from your mid upper arm to your wrists, thigh high stockings, and black ankle boots and a flowing black scarf around your back.
-Your human form caused a lot of instant yelling, “You’re just a kid?! They want to make a child fight?! Where’s Brunnhilde?!” you were quick to calm them down, reminding them that you were reincarnated upon your death and when you were alive you were Y/A, plus five years that you’ve spent building your own little patch of paradise with other monster type beings such as yourself.
-This calmed them a bit and you went back to eating, quickly bringing smiles to everyone’s faces as you were so tiny but you were eating enough to challenge Raiden.
-You were quickly a favorite of the women, who all thought you looked adorable, finding yourself surrounded by them, but you were more focused on the food, but you answered their questions.
-Raiden, who enjoyed having someone to rival him, with eating at least, was quick to dub himself as your big brother, and that he would help look out for you and the other rikishi cheered loudly, calling themselves your big brothers or uncles while Kojiro laughed warmly, adopting you as your new grandfather.
-It was a bit sudden, but you couldn’t help but cheer alongside them before another round of food came out and the whole room cheered again, causing a ruckus.
-Brunnhilde entered, looking for you and the room lifted their cups in a toast to her, everyone cheering out her name which made a small smile appear on her lips before she entered, her eyes scanning everyone until she spotted you sitting with Kojiro.
-You beamed brightly at her when she spoke, “YN, it is your turn to fight. Are you ready?” You let out a loud ‘whoo-hoo’ transforming back into your slime form and leaping up at her. She wasn’t bothered, catching you easily before everyone told you to kick some ass and you agreed, wanting to come back and party some more with them.
-You were amazing in your fight, you bounced around in your slime form, toying with your opponent before you decided to get series, sending out razor sharp water blades, acid bullets, and took every blow your opponent gave to you before you leaped atop of them and enveloped their body, dissolving them.
-When you went backstage you took your human form and heard Raiden, “Y/N!! I knew you could do it!” you beamed, running to Raiden and allowing him to pick you up and spin you around as you celebrated your win before you headed back to his room as they had just ordered more food, including desserts to celebrate your victory which made you cheer again.
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howaboutcastiel · 2 years
Hello, I love your fics. I wondered what you think about the moon boys' reaction to their cis girlfriend, whose style oscillates between hyper femme and super masc? Like, one day she's super cute in floral dresses, and the next day she's in a full-ass suit looking handsome as heck?
I’m finally churning through my asks as a means of procrastination. (Side note: I WAS just knee-deep in my work, but I saw a spider on my desk so all bets are off now.)
So listen…
Loves his princesa, we know this. You wear a dress, he swoons. Lipstick? He could pass out from the sight.
He’s gonna absolutely sneak his hands up your dress/skirt no matter where he is.
Jake loves powerful women, whatever way they choose to display their power. If you walk out of the bathroom one day dressed in a suit and tie, his first words are gonna be “step on me.”
His NEXT words are gonna be “you look so fucking sexy, princesa.” And then he’s trying way too hard to get into those dress pants before you’ve even gone where you needed to go.
He likes to buy you dresses and lingerie and girly cutesy stuff, but you also find him looking at wine-colored suit jackets one day when he’s out with you.
When you sit with your legs parted? Leaned back, not a care in the world and taking up as much space as you can? You’re practically inviting him in.
He comes to sit on your lap.
Jake is crazy for you no matter how you dress for him, but if you’re dressing fem, he’s gonna try to eat you alive. If you’re dressing masc, he wants YOU to eat HIM alive.
Could never choose a favorite way that you dress. He’s head-over-heels whether you’re dressed in a three piece suit or in a crop top and skirt.
He really tries to match his energy to yours. It’s a more fem day for you? He proposes going out to get your nails done together. Yes, Steven will get a manicure with you.
Honestly? He can’t help but get hard every time he sees you in a suit. Especially if you’re wearing heels with it, double points if the heels make you taller than him (or meet him at eye level.)
He’s downright intimidated by you. He’s captivated, he can’t keep his hands off of you. He turns whiny and flustered and desperate and good luck going anywhere dressed like that without the night ending in him worshipping you.
Steven has a bit more dominant energy when you dress feminine. He’s still a simp, no question about that 😂, but he takes initiative and falls back on the flowers and chocolates and candle-lit dinners.
If he’s giddy enough or drunk enough he’ll end up carrying you bridal style by the end of the night, laughing as you protest and then swoon at his surprising strength.
Marc (listen, this one’s controversial):
Feels like he’s supposed to like you more when you dress all ladylike, and don’t get him wrong, he absolutely loves it.
When you dress masc, though? He’s absolutely feral and bad at hiding it. He doesn’t get intimidated like his alter does, but he does get extremely flustered.
Sometimes he feels the need to match or even challenge your masculinity. He can’t help it, it’s like you’re teasing him by being so strong and powerful and sexy and sexy and HOT
He always loses. Sorry Marc. By the end of the night he’s on his fuckin knees for you. Every time.
When you dress fem, he likes to imagine the two of you are in simpler times, like a soon-to-be nuclear family. It brings him peace, it makes him feel successful. He’s earned the family he always wanted.
He gets all chivalrous and gentlemanly and borderline misogynistic about it, but he can’t help it. You’re his girl and you deserve the world and he’s going to give it to you.
Listen, I KNOW these are abstract and they’re controversial and indecisive and YOU KNOW??? THATS FINE WITH ME. These boys are going feral over a hot lady in a suit, we all know it.
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tsunflowers · 21 days
I finally finished that book about the planet where everyone eats each other. "courtship rite" by donald kingsbury. imo it's good bc it ends with a seven-person wedding ceremony and then one of the women decides to half-jokingly marry a courtesan two of her husbands have slept with so now she's also kind of part of the polycule. however I don't know if it's worth reading for most people. the concept is weird and gross and I felt like the fantasy political machinations really dragged
the premise if you recall is that humans traveled to another planet long ago but could only successfully grow a few species of plant and the only animal they kept alive was bees. all alien life is inedible and usually poisonous. they did bring the humble soybean and make tofu but the main source of protein in their lives is each other. also they've divided into clans that do eugenics to themselves to be really good at one thing. three brothers from a priest clan are told by the clan leader that they need to marry the one woman on the planet who thinks eating people is inherently evil to get her followers on their side, but they already want to marry a genius who's been decoding new wisdom of the ancients. one of the brothers decides to challenge the anti-cannibal activist to a life or death rite to prove her worthy of marrying them, and things unravel from there
the thing that kept me invested is how much everyone in the polycule loves each other. the three guys love each other as brothers. they love the women in their lives and the unique talents they bring to the family. the women love each other and they all have conversations where they become friends and get invited to join the household. I feel like a lot of the time a work like this set in a "tribal" fantasy society would ignore the feelings of the women and even the feelings of love the men have for women, instead treating them as sexy property. I wouldn't say the treatment of women here is necessarily good or progressive but I still found it cute
wack book. I don't know why mr kingsbury wrote all that but I guess I'm glad he did
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docholligay · 5 months
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WE talk a lot, and not incorrectly about Raylan being justified, and that's his whole core, is making sure that he justifies to himself the actions he takes. Making sure that he sticks to a code he has created for himself. And that's true.
But the idea of justification is alive and well in the other characters, too. Boyd here does not give one half of one shit about the bible, and I think we all know that, nor does he care about Bowman being a violent ass to women, or that Ava has spunk. He wants her, he desires her, and he tells himself that everything she did and everything he is going to do is okay, because of these reasons he's thrown up. This show is challenging the idea that only heroes create reasons for themselves, only heroes have a moral code. Everyone on God's green and verdant earth thinks that they are, say it with me friends, Justified. That the things we do that we suspect might not be great behavior are fine because of any given reason we might have, that really are no less ridiculous than Boyd here. I buy from Amazon or Shein because there's no ethical consumption under capitalism, so you can't blame my individual support. I eat factory farmed chicken because cage free is more expensive and I can't reduce my meat consumption. I drive someplace that's only a mile away because I have to walk by busy streets and it's unpleasant. It's Justified.
You say this is insane, that that's nothing like what Boyd is doing but...is it? I'm put to mind of a friend who gets pissy that I try to vet my chocolate sources and not eat chocolate that involves child slavery, because I think chocolate is an extreme luxury item. His argument is that if the kids weren't working in the cocoa farms, they'd have to do worse. That feels the same to me. Even any argument I would make for the things I do that at core are justified because I want to do them, I know that's what I'm doing.
Boyd can't sit there and go, "I'm glad Ava fucking killed my brother because I want her. I've always wanted her. And I'm going to have her." any more than I am likely (though I guess I'm doing it now) to say, "I'm not cutting down my meat consumption because I fucking like it even though I am well aware of the fact that I am actively contributing to both climate issues and animal welfare, and anyone who accused me of that would be correct." This is what we do. THis is Raylan, this is Boyd, this is you, this is me, and we all fall into this trap of needing to think of ourselves as justified.
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pandapple-dapple · 11 months
✎ 𝗧𝗶𝗺 𝗗𝗿𝗮𝗸𝗲 - 𝗖𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗰 𝗙𝗶𝗰 𝗥𝗲𝗰
Notes: Yes this is the second post in my blog. Am I proud of it? Definitely not. Am I still gonna do it cause I have nothing else to do? Yes. I hope some peeps out there might find it useful though so,,, yeah!
Also, make sure to read the tags beforehand!! Stay Safe!
[ T ] the space between by nephelax
Romantic Pairings: Timkon (Not the main focus right now though)
Red Robin is a name meant for greatness. It echoes of a kid that had decided to step up as a hero that Batman needed, of a teen that shouldered burden after burden without complaint—of someone that, despite the pain and the grief and the losses, held his head high. A genius, a leader, and one of the best detectives that the world has ever seen. Red Robin is a name with weight. Tim, a high schooler whose last living memories involve a bridge and murky waters, can’t measure up to that. The ghost that lurks rent free in Tim’s head with a familiar looking insignia cracked in half on his chest says otherwise. or, how Tim realizes that he’s trapped in a world that’s supposed to be fictional, discovers that he somehow body-snatched a future Robin, and finds himself caught in the Bats’ orbit despite all his efforts not to (and maybe, just maybe, gets a family along the way too).
[ T ] Banshee In A Well by liverobinreaction (bugbee)
Romantic Pairings: None
Tim is five years old when he drowns in his parents' pool. He dies quietly, waiting for parents who love him, but will never be there, to realise that something is wrong. They never show up, and he sinks into oblivion. When he wakes up and claws his way out of the water, the sun has set, and the lights of his house are on. He is cold and wet and his lungs burn. But most of all, Tim is alone. (If you die and no-one is there to see it, were you ever alive in the first place?)
[ T ] Happy Families Kill People Too by raven_of_hydecastle
Romantic Pairings: None
Jack Drake loves his wife and son, even if they're giant, fire breathing reptiles that would rather eat the mailman than pick up a package. That's fine, he can deal. It'd just be nice if they weren't so territorial. Then they could actually be on the same continent without trying to kill each other. Oh well, every family has their challenges. The Drakes' just happen to be more homicidal than most. Feat. Dragon Tim and Janet's loving (but murderous) relationship, Jack's ongoing attempts to be a good dad, and the Waynes getting increasingly concerned about Tim's home life after he becomes Robin.
[ T ] unchanging by birdbat
Romantic Pairings: None
A lot of people tell Tim that he looks just like his mother. They share the same eye color and shape, often cold and calculating. The same sharp smiles and ghostly pale skin, and the same, lean body frames that could almost be described as delicate. One last thing they have in common is an orange pill bottle. The only difference is the name. (Or how parents pass things on to their children.)
[ T ] so much you don't know by konan_konan
Romantic Pairings: None
“Enough chatter,” Tim barks. Green Lantern grumbles. “You want to get through this, right? Then settle down. Alright. Workplace injuries.” He pauses, squinting at the slide. “We’ve seen nearly a 3% reduction in injuries this past quarter. Our goal was 5%. Do better.” “Hey,” says Flash, “it’s a dangerous job!” “Do better,” he repeats. or: tim drake is totally a pro at this whole batman thing.
[ G ] Talk To Me by A_Canceled_Stamp 🔒 (only accessible to ao3 users)
Romantic Pairings: None
Bruce and Tim have a long-overdue heart-to-heart
[ T ] Into the Deep Dark Night by siren_of_the_ocean
Romantic Pairings: None
Timothy Jackson Drake drowns in Gotham Bay with not a bang, but a whimper. Luckily...or not, Gotham isn't quite ready to give him up yet. “Spirits of children and women drowned, my child. They live in the ponds that glisten like tar. The Rusalka."
[ G ] Half the Size and Twice the Fun by raven_of_hydecastle
Romantic Pairings: None
Ra’s was a class A manipulator, but luckily Tim was suspicious of strange men in cosplay dictating his life’s purpose. He doubted anyone would make a clone out of their most “formidable opponent” for the sole purpose of being creepy. There had to be an ulterior motive… Although it was creepy. So creepy.   AKA Tim is a clone, Young Justice has a new BFF, and Batman's adoption tendency has been sledgehammered with Post-Ethiopia grief, which means the JLA is now in charge of a miniature Batman despite almost none of them being parents. This can't end badly, can it?
[ T ] Under A Parent's Wing by IzzyMRDB
Romantic Pairings: None
When Tim found out that Dick Grayson was a gymnastics instructor in Bludhaven, he quickly signed up. After all, learning gymnastics from The Nightwing himself is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Dick Grayson is more concerned at the obvious signs of child abuse he sees in one of his students. AKA Dick Grayson, as a childcare worker, is a mandated reporter who knows how to recognize child abuse in his students. Tim Drake, after a lifetime of fear and confusion, learns to trust adults.
[ T ] Newton's Third Law (Actions Have Consequences) by Megaerackles
Romantic Pairings: None
Tim wasn’t sure just how he had managed to go from having everything completely under control and according to plan to being locked in a holding cell in the motherfucking Batcave while all of his secrets were slowly unspooled around him in a single afternoon. Well, he knew how—happy, protected Jason-who-had-no-clue-who-Tim-was had suddenly gotten all of the memories of angry, overprotective Big-Brother-Red-Hood-Jason and had proceeded to kidnap him, just because he was apparently a ‘hazard to himself and reality’. But it had all happened so quickly that he was having trouble wrapping his mind around this new complication. “You know, I’d finally gotten used to being an only child again."
Welp, that's all for now! Hope you enjoy them, I might make another fic rec in my spare time. < 3
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servitudeofsadness · 1 year
relapse & restriction
Remember food is fuel and fuel is absolutely necessary for your body to stay alive. Don’t let silly beauty standards dictate your eating and your life. If you are easily triggered by discussions of disordered eating and negative perceptions of food, please do not read the following prose. eat & stay hydrated! <3
“she has malnutrition,” my home doctor says as she checks my wrists and prescribes me on sugar fluids and nutrient pills. i have not been eating for a week. it is code for eating disorder.
mum looks on. ”is it treatable?”
“yes.” time ticks on and my brother waits outside.
i am starved out of my soul. deep hollowed eyes, violet-knuckled bruises, and devoid of thought. one week.
my one week low-calorie morninglunchdinnersnackfest! guaranteed to loose more than 20kg! foodspo/mealspo thread!! <33:
one medium-sized fried egg? ~ 78 cals!
1 cup matcha protein almond latte? ~ 60 cals!
1 saltine cracker? ~ 10 cals!
½ cup of tomato soup? ~ 105 cals!
⅓ slice of white bread? ~ 22 cals!
⅓ roasted chicken drumstick? ~ 33 cals!
½ cup white rice? ~ 121 cals!
4 oz air-fried salmon? ~ 194 cals!
½ gluten-free medium-sized oatmeal chocolate chip cookie? ~ 33 cals!
diet coke? ~ 0 cals!
do the math and tell me if it’s less than 1000 cals!! <3
remember kids, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels !! <3
if beauty standards are a person, and the purge is real.
they are the first i’ll tear the door down to
on account of falsifying the determiners of beautiful:
skinny legs tutorial!! look, brandy melville carries a one size fits all??
do you fit in? “bye-bye booty: Heroin chic is back!!”
try this A4 paper thin waist challenge!! see how fat you are??
noo why is th1nsp0 content banned on twitter??
tumblr?? tiktok?? join edtwt!! though, pro-recovery dni!!
(i was in scout camp when i dizzied, circus of purple visions
collapsed with blood soaking my undergarments and
half awoke to blankets that weighed heavier than me on my near dead body;
i still feel the bland slick of porridge forced down my throat.
proana girlies?? mitigating censors in the prospect of
pursuing an early death. ed tumblr diaries of all hedonistic thoughts.)
these are fruits you should avoid as it induces sugar euphoria!!
clean girl aesthetic!! kale smoothies will help you lose weight!!
i walked 20000 steps today to achieve a thigh gap!!
body-checking disguised as ootd and grwm tiktoks
sketchbook detailing rampages of eating disorder content
the striking thump of my collarbones and my wobbly knees
a 2 hour loop subliminal messaging “i am so skinny“ “i am 44.4 kg” “ i am thin—“
this is existing in a society that curbed the living in me,
to strive for an empty heartbeat and rotten-tinged bones for legs
low calorie food still eaten in moderation
the constant desire to clasp my wrist in assurance of how skinny i am
clumsy rhetoric spilled in between sips and spits
of my no calorie pungent pomegranate mineral water
you should skip your lunch too and snacks except
water and maybe some yogurt-zero
starvation is never salvation
thin is glazed over with honey
And so easily fractured with bones
hunger. starving. eat. EAT. EAT!
on december 18 2018, i started recovery
i have relapses, days of unintended calorie deficits;
but i am healing unlearning,
trying, escaping, living ~
“you are embarrassed about your blood, its redness, the way it is just coming out of you with no concern for anyone’s feelings. You are … embarrassed to be alive.”
- Carmen Maria Machando
is 90’s thinness coming back? - Mina Le
please stop romanticizing eating disorders on tiktok - Sarah Hawkinson
tiktok is bad for women, actually - Jordon Theresa
The Evolution of Pro Anorexia - Of Herbs and Altars
i lost weight to fit into Brandy Melville - Letao Chen
“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” - Kate Moss
Are you a femcel? - Roisin Lanigan
bye-bye booty: Heroin chic is back - Adriana Diaz
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