#without looking too much into the details themselves and just assumed there was no evidence
If possible, can i request a second part to the thief (magpie) x detective one? It was really great and i'd love to see more, if you feel like!
I hope you are having a lovely day!!
Part 1 here
"You look stressed, detective." They heard the smile in the Magpie's voice. "My detective."
The detective's heart leapt up into their throat. They started to straighten, to turn away from the railing of the pier, only for the Magpie's hand on their back to stop them. It was a gentle enough touch. Not especially threatening. The detective still went completely still.
It seemed impossible that they didn't remember the face of the thief behind them. They had stared right at them. Part of them were sure that, despite all evidence to the contrary, if they could just get another look they would remember.
"If you turn, I'll leave," the Magpie said.
"Not so sure you'd get away free this time?"
"No," the Magpie laughed.
The detective didn't know if they meant 'no, they weren't sure they'd get away free' or 'no, that wasn't it at all, and it was funny that the detective thought for a second that it was.'
The magpie's hand was warm against the detective's back.
Slowly, the detective eased themselves back into their previous position - bent leaning their arms on the railing, cigarette in one hand like a cliché, staring at the water. They decided to name their compliance curiosity.
They wanted to ask how come they couldn't remember the details of the Magpie's face, how they couldn't remember much of the details of their last conversation at all, but even asking the question felt like giving the Magpie an advantage. It showed how much the detective didn't know.
"Good." There was no particular teasing to the Magpie's voice, only simple praise, and it made something tug in the detective's stomach. Before they had time to overthink that too much, the Magpie's hand slid up to the nape of the detective's neck.
The Magpie stopped.
"I'm not going to hurt you."
"Why are you here?" The detective turned the cig in their hand. "What do you want?"
"Nasty habit, smoking. It will kill you."
"Everything kills you in the end."
"Ooh, broody." That was teasing. Mocking.
"What do you want?" the detective snapped.
The Magpie's thumb grazed robber-quick over the throbbing points of tension clustered at the detective's neck and shoulder, before their hand fell away entirely. The detective wondered if the thief would be gone if they glanced around. Without the touch, there was no anchor. They couldn't hear the Magpie's breathing over the roar of the waves.
"I wanted to check on you. Your coat's thin, too. I'd get you a new one, but they'd accuse you of bribery if anyone found out, wouldn't they? Even if it wasn't true."
The detective didn't know what to do with that. They didn't know what to say to that. Had the Magpie come to gloat? They weren't especially acting like they had. Yet what else could it be? It made no conceivable for a thief to care for the detective trying to catch them, no matter how odd the thief. They were strangers, besides everything else.
"It would be such a nice coat." The Magpie sounded wistful. "Softest, warmest, most beautiful thing you've ever owned. I'd love seeing you in it."
"Costs more than my year's salary too, no doubt, knowing you."
"It's no fun to spoil you with things you could get yourself."
It was a ridiculous notion to even entertain. The Magpie was probably just...being something. Then there was the whole bribery thing, given detective's really couldn't accept ludicrously expensive gifts (or gifts at all) from thieves. Yet. Maybe, just maybe, if they let the Magpie do that, let the thief get closer, they'd get close enough to catch. Maybe they'd be able to figure out where the coat came from, assuming the Magpie was even being serious. It wasn't like any of the conventional methods were working. They hadn't been in months, and no one else had made any headway on the Magpie case either.
"Sure," they said, with a huff, keeping their voice light and flippant. "If it pleases you."
They almost felt the Magpie's stare, their pinprick attention, gem bright and needle sharp.
"Dangerous promises, that."
"It it pleases me." The Magpie's voice was suddenly very close by their ear, amused and not all flippant, and the detective's mouth was dry again. It took everything they had not to instinctively turn. They felt the Magpie's breath against their cheek, the proof that they were real, no phantom, no hallucination. "Would you let me do whatever I pleased with you then, detective?"
The detective's fingers tightened on the edge of the railing. They shivered, and the blamed the biting chill of Autumn starting to deepen and darken. They took a drag to avoid saying something stupid, or making a sound they might regret. They exhaled and managed to speak, fingers and soul burning up a little more.
"You take liberties, my thief."
"I take a lot of things, we've established that." But the Magpie sounded more cheerful than before.
It sort of slipped out. Impossible though it was.
The Magpie's hand rested on the back of their neck again, giving the knots of tension an expert enough squeeze that the detective sort of regretted ever telling them to stop. The Magpie's hand fell away once more.
"Don't worry, detective. I won't take more from you than you can give me. I'm not that cruel."
The detective wouldn't have been able to describe how they knew the Magpie was gone soon after that, only that they knew. They turned, and scanned the half-empty pier, and found nothing remotely out of place with any of it.
Disconcerted, and...something, they stubbed out their cigarette and headed back, as ever, to work.
The coat turned up two weeks later; a perfect fit, but not ostentatious, and utterly gorgeous. Black, and white and lined with blue. A magpie's colours.
No one else even looked twice at it.
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bonzos-number-1-fan · 3 months
TMAP 4 Thoughts
Spoilers for Ep 4, obviously.
So that's it? What we're some kinda...Magnus Protocol?
Big thing up top; Tim Fearon's Augustus is fucking excellent. The Lovecraft inspiration was very on the nose in both prose and theme but it was also a really good take on that style. Not surprised this was a guest writer too given that style. Tim Fearon really nails the cadence and intonation needed for this sort of thing and I'd love to see him narrate some actual Lovecraft sometime. The Music of Erich Zann obviously would be a good place to start. Anyone that doesn't think this is Jonah at this stage is just out of their mind.
The incident is also interesting in that it's the most straight TMA Fear we've seen so far. It's just a Slaughter ep through and through really.
Creepy cursed item pedlar feels like a recurring character to me. I expect them to show up again. Which makes for 3 non-OIAR characters we can expect back.
For an additional ARG detail or two; Starkwall is a reference to Starkwall Protection Services that we know from the ARG used to be associated with the OIAR. They announced the discontinuation of this association on Jan 3rd, 2000. Before that they were affiliated with Rightforce International, formerly Diligence Security Systems, if that proves relevant down the line. More interestingly the character Lena was talking to in that very end scene was named Klaus. Klaus provided us (the ARG solvers) with an excel sheet in German that was Freddy style case numbers and DPHW's. He also seemed to have set up the whole thing in-universe too. My pet theory was that Klaus was the German name for Freddy but it's an actual dude and it could be a couple of people from the ARG. Actually, I'm sticking to that theory. Klaus isn't actually called Klaus and assumed the name from kl4-u5, or kl4-u5 is named after Klaus.
DPHW Theory continuation: I honestly don't think much needs to be said. It's a pretty clear fit here. So it's 7494 and you've got music that makes people want to kill themselves and each other, the instrument through which that's achieved requires a blood sacrifice but it needn't be yours, you are however seemingly under its control in more than just the compulsion to play it, and it's got some elements of the uncanny in how it was manifesting. Nothing exciting but more evidence that I'm correct.
CAT#R# Theory: Apart from Sam messing it up and missing out the R again I think this mostly disproves the tria prima idea. I was willing to discount the last ep's case number because of how mistaken it all looked but without more to go on it's really hard to discount this one too. More data, or thought, required to link this all together.
Header Nonsense: Nothing much to say other than that "Collection (blood) -/- musical" is a very strange header in comparison to the others.
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blanketforcas · 10 months
A guide to real-person shipping and tinhatting
Most of this can be applied to general tinhatting but I will mainly be focusing on RPS and using examples from cockles fandom. This is based on my experience and what I’ve personally come across. Examples I use are merely illustrative and not meant as shade to anyone.
Let’s get some ethics of rps out of the way first
*disclaimer: this is what I would advise, I know opinions on this do vary
Try to keep it off main as much as possible (ie twitter, tiktok). You can’t always escape the algorithm, some stuff does get seen by the actors. Every actor’s comfort level with this is different, but as a general rule let's say tinhatting stays on tumblr or group chats
Try to avoid stating something as truth unless you’re quoting the actors
This goes without saying, but don’t ever mention the ship to the actors and if they bring it up themselves, don’t forget that’s not a free pass to just say whatever
Now, moving on to some pitfalls and tips
Do some basic research
Is this tweet/post reflecting the truth? Do multiple sources confirm this? Is there video? What was the context? What is happening right before and right after this particular moment? Does that change how you think about it?
When you see a picture you haven’t seen before, are you sure it’s not a manip? Use reverse image search and if nothing comes up, try to look up the event using key words to see if you can find the picture. If it’s hard to find and friends can’t help you either, it’s probably a manip. Obviously also look for signs within the picture itself (strange lines/different lighting on one person/missing limbs etc)
Are you projecting?
We all do it! It’s normal, just try to be aware when you’re doing it. Sometimes actors might indeed be similar to you when it comes to [whatever your theory is about], sometimes not at all. Fact remains you’re more likely to run with it when it’s something you do or feel yourself. Try to ask some friends what they would do/how they would react and maybe you’ll find out it’s less common or obvious than you think.
Confirmation bias is one hell of a drug
It’s surprising how easily a pattern can be found if you actively try to find one. Try to keep thinking critically: do I too quickly add something to the list of evidence because I really want my theory to be true? Does it really belong in that pile or could there be another reason why X happened the way it did?
The more effort it requires to make your theory sound plausible, the less likely it is to be true
Does it need a lot of explanation? Are you having to find a lot of excuses when an alternative explanation is presented? Are there inconsistencies in your theory that are difficult to explain away?
These are all red flags and should make you question the validity of your theory.
You as a fan are always going to be far more invested than any of these actors will ever be
Whether it’s about the show they are on or their social media behaviour, you will always care more and inevitably find details that weren’t put there intentionally.
No, the actors aren’t constantly leaving clues about the show you love (“you’re not crazy” tweets aside) in their everyday posts, they are just living their lives and sharing it.
And no, actors aren’t hiding secret and very obscure messages in their posts about how their relationship is real. They will simply quote Casablanca on the other person’s birthday and assume you get the memo
Remember they aren’t as obsessed with us as we are with them
This ties into the previous point about hiding secret messages. It’s a consequence of parasocialising which is something I talk about later in this guide.
Actors may or may not care a lot about us as people/as a fandom, and sometimes they do like to play with us in a general lowkey sense, but they aren’t looking for a “special” group of people who Get It. They aren’t putting in the time and effort to find a way to communicate with us on some secret code level. An example within cockles fandom I’ve seen is the stoplight system (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, this was an idea proposed by a fan via text messages that Misha could use red/yellow/green to communicate how loud we could be about cockles – the day after, the official Gish account’s activity was seen as possible confirmation Misha actually adopted the method).
Which leads me to my last point:
Watch out for conspiracy thinking
I know, I know. It’s kind of in the name. Tinhatting implies some sort of conspiracy, but this is a bit too simple when it comes to RPS and especially cockles – where you have two people who make a lot of references themselves and like to have fun with it. There’s different levels of tinhatting one can do, my goal is just to try to make you more aware of some of the red flags and pitfalls that I’ve mentioned throughout this post.
Okay maybe one final point about mental health
You’re more susceptible to falling for some of these things if you’re parasocialising hard. It’s something we are all familiar with because how else did we end up in this dumpster in the first place?
It doesn’t need to be problematic – it’s almost inevitable and comes with being a fan. With tinhatting It’s important to check in with yourself from time to time how much you care about a particular theory and why you find it so important.
More generally when you find yourself spending more and more time in these fandom spaces – ask yourself if there’s something else you’re avoiding or feelings you’re repressing that need to be dealt with. Reach out to friends (those can and do include the people you spend all that time discussing RPS with), try to distance yourself a bit etc. Take a step back if needed.
With all that being said, you can still do whatever you want and make your own judgement. I just hope this can help at least one person to be more cognizant of how they engage with RPS. I know I’ve personally fallen for some of the traps and I learned and still learn along the way.
Yes, this is a little bit silly, it’s a silly subject matter. The reason I care so much and wrote this guide anyway, is not just because I like tinhatting to be believable (cause I do, I can’t deny that) but also because a lot of these critical thinking skills are helpful in for example preventing people from falling for actually dangerous conspiracy theories, cults and cult-like group structures, and toxic relationships.
Now I feel like I ended on such a serious note but I want to emphasise of course the most important part of RPS is to have fun – and this is hopefully just a tiny toolbox for when you want to do more of a deep dive.
Happy rps'ing!
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 months
🌤️Share your favorite piece of dialogue from your WIP:
I couldn't pick which was my favourite, so you get 2 for the price of 1.
Both of these are not very happy pieces of dialogue for VERY DIFFERENT reasons, but it was fun writing a narcissistic queen very blatantly creeping on Rex, and it was also fun to rip into the new Ahsoka characterization that just kept bothered me so much.
The Lady of the Castle is a Creep (Magnus Rex Apocalypsis)
"Tell me captain, do you not find it strange that my castle is heavily decorated with the portraits of queens past? I'm sure you've wondered how a bloodline may pass on without mention of any kings to pair off with the queens?" the lady of the castle asked. "Or perhaps, in your case, you don't need to wonder all that much... I may not understand the finer details of cloning, but it seems effective in populating the galaxy with strong strapping men such as yourself..." "It never crossed my mind, no." He didn't like where this was headed. "Well, that's where my... Inheritance comes into play..." She smirked, one thumb stroking the cube with something akin to reverence. "Titania's monarchy has always been matriarchal in nature... Men, brutish stupid pigs that they are, cannot be trusted to think about the finer details... They serve only three purposes: To serve, to fight, to bare spawn. Nothing more, nothing less." Oh stars, not one of THOSE talks. "But I must say, I find you to be the opposite of that... For a man bred to be nothing more than a weapon, you're quite endearing." She purred once more, her free hand returning to caress his face. It took a lot of restraint not to bite her in retaliation, especially after she'd just exposed her true colors so blatantly. "You're perfect. Absolutely perfect... A candidate to be my king. The one who'll turn the tide on this little revolution my subjects seem to think they're bound to win..."
'Sponge' confronts Ahsoka in the World Between Worlds (No Title)
"Lets take a look at the list of sacrifices then, shall we?" Sponge snarled "You sacrificed the lives of my vode by abandoning them and then aligning yourself to a wretched following of Mandos who had seen my kind as nothing more than subhuman pests. Sacrificed them yet again my letting loose a deranged sociopath who saw no issue in eradicating an entire battalion by crashing a ship on a moon. You spat in the face of the captain who loved you like one of his own, time and time again, because you were too good to be vod and too good to be Jedi. You did nothing to save those who survived a genocide, assuming your mission and your own life worth more than those of the children that were taken away to be turned into bloodhounds and attack dogs. You ignored efforts to save the lives of my kin who were just as much victims in all this as the Jedi themselves. You sacrificed EVERYTHING but yourself, you entitled disgusting Skywalkerish wench." "I did what I had to, to make things right! I'm fixing the Jedi!" "You aren't fixing anything. You are not a Jedi. You are nothing but a cowardly ignorant child, just like your putrid-hearted master before you." Sponge spat, disgust evident in their face. "And just like him, you resort to heinous acts
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notnights · 3 months
Random fun acetate ribbun fact? Good fic!!!!
As in this is your fun fact, or you're asking me for a fun fact? (Either way thanks hehe.)
Uh lets see fun fact. I mentioned this the other day but deleted it because I don't like giving away too much about a story though it's technically not spoilers either but like people to figure out the beats themselves. But ehh uhhh:
Its about Kinger and Queenie being the original hanahaki case in the in the story. I dropped a few hints about it, but I don't know how well it came across. It's hard to know what a reader's view might be compared to yours when you know all the twist and turns you put in ya know?
Since we know nothing about those two yet, I kind of threw them under the narrative bus in the sense I used them in whatever way I wanted to help with the story lol. One day we're gonna find out what their deal was, and my fic will be outdated as it possibly depicts them as completely inaccurate. (Imagine they're divorced.)
I was originally going to leave just a single hint in chapter one as a solo; Kinger mentioning he was vomiting up affection. As well as him explaining how yellow camellias symbolize longing; fitting for them in the Digital Circus. They long for an escape; it's their default flower. And then him gifting camellias to Queenie, was meant to imply he was also vomiting up those same flowers.
I however ended up adding more hints in chapter 3 and 4 though. I'll leave those as a surprise to reread for unless folks can't find them and want me to point them out.
This was meant to be evident to the audience, but not to the characters. As every time the couple come up I also have Gangle look at them as a frame of reference. She admires this love they had, that she never saw herself. How nice it must have been compared to this horrible love story she's experiencing now. But she is blissfully ignorant that Kinger and Queenie also had a rough start.
Admittedly NOT as rough of a start as Gangle and Jax did of course. I like to imagine Caine gave them the same prescription but, Queenie was neutral about Kinger before then, unlike Gangle who already resented Jax. And Kinger was kind to Queenie prior to his illness unlike Jax who's been nothing by terrible to Gangle even after falling for her.
So we can assume our King and Queen chess piece had a more typical hanahaki story. A bit reluctant at first, but ultimately became a loving couple. That the second Digital Circus hanahaki couple puts on a pedestal to compare themselves to, without even knowing they also suffered from similar (but less intense) problems.
I also like to think Kinger forgot the details of this event himself. He remembers being sick, Queenie nursing him back to health, him being very affectionate, namely in giving her a lot of flowers. But he doesn't specifically remember the case itself. Maybe doesn't even remember these being connected.
He has vague recallings, such as Caine taping up the door, Gangle showing him rare colored flowers then mentioning Jax is sick, but sadly it's not enough to bring the memory back in full. Just thoughts of "huh this seems familiar..."
Likewise, if Caine forgot, you know poor Kinger did, as I imagine Caine's memory is a lot sturdier than Kinger's. My excuse for Caine forgetting is that, if he's an AI, he still has limitations due to the computer he's attached to. Could be fantasy digital with endless memory and infinite terabytes, but for this lets say he only has so much memory to work with.
So finer unneeded details get deleted to ensure he continues to have space for new ones. Recognizes what hanahaki is, but doesn't have the specific name or exact reference for it until he looks it up again. Doesn't remember who was involved in the original case, or how exactly it was resolved. Just that "we had this before; this fixed it! Somehow!" He didn't delete the memory completely because, what if this happened again! Needs to hold onto a piece of it just in case.
So uh anyways there's the implied and hidden Kinger and Queenie lore in my fic.
And you also may be wondering how exactly was Kinger capable of throwing up you may be wondering? ???? ????
????? ?????? ?? ?? ???
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 3 years
wooohooo MCU gremlins drabble
Thor and Bruce examined the burn patters swirling on the remains of a wall, as Tony and Steve chatted to themselves.
“It’s been a month since these so-called Four Warriors were summoned, and we still haven’t found them. And now we know they have energy-based weapons.”
“But don’t you think that’s strange? These Warriors have been in New York for a month, and this is the first we’ve seen of any sort of attack.”
“Ahem.” Thor stood up. “I’m afraid that you are incorrect, Man of Iron.”
Tony raised an eyebrow. “How so?”
Bruce stepped in, data pad in hand, which he passed to Tony. “The burn patterns here are too sporadic to be man-made. They look like natural lightning- or the kind of stuff Thor can summon. If I didn’t know this came from the middle of the city, I’d say the wall was just struck in a storm.”
Tony hummed. “So, what are you saying? Instead of the Warriors running around my city with weapons, they’re running around with superpowers? That’s worse!”
“Tony, you have to calm down.”
The Thunder God shook his head. “Actually, I have seen this kind of lightning before. It was made by a child of the stars- your people do not have a name for their race.”
Steve blinked. “An alien?”
“Yes, but one forged in the heart of a star. That is not the concerning thing about these markings, however.”
“What is it?”
“They are powerful, but wildly inaccurate. Whoever shot these blasts was not trained to use them effectively.”
“They are either a non-combatant... or a juvenile. I would tend towards the latter, as a fully grown star child would have more power in their blasts.”
Tony’s eyes widened. “It’s a kid? You’re sure?” He stopped. “Fuck.”
“Shut it, Rodgers. I just remembered something.” He tapped the data pad. “When we fought that weirdo with the staff, we saw a bunch of teenagers.”
Steve made a noise of realisation, and his heart sank. “Four teenagers. I thought they’d been caught up in the blast, so I made sure they got out safely. I only saw two of their faces- but they were definitely just freaked-out kids in over their heads.”
Bruce took a deep breath, trying to stay calm. “Are you saying he summoned teenagers to do his dirty work? Are you saying the dangerous Warriors SHIELD has been tracking are kids?”
“Most likely stranded kids, if they’re still in the city.”
Steve didn’t admonish him this time.
A good thing about a city that’s constantly under attack is that nobody looks at a beat-up teenager twice, except with pity. Tommy knew that from back in L’Manberg, and it still rang true in... wherever the fuck they were. New York? He kicked a rock. “Fuckin’ stupid name. I would have come up with a much cooler one.”
Purpled scoffed, but there was no malice in it. “Uh huh.” The Starborne kept an eye on the entrance to the alley, fingers flexing around a hidden knife. He wouldn’t be caught unawares again. “You’d have named it L’Yorkberg or something.”
“Like I said, a much cooler name.” Tommy shot his friend a grin, and the wall behind them promptly disappeared. A tall figure with a hood over his face beckoned them through, the wall clicking seamlessly back into place behind them.
Finally, safety. The house they’d found was abandoned, and if anyone had come across it they’d be... confused. Random chunks of soil, sand and marble in perfect cubes were scattered around the room, and every surface was covered with random bits and pieces of machinery.
Purpled swept some scrap metal off of a cube of granite, and emptied out the bag of food he’d snagged on top of it. “I got enough to last us the week. I don’t think they saw me, but we should go to a different store next time to be safe.” Tommy passed the hooded figure a handful of first-aid kits. “Did Tubbo get that fridge working?”
The hooded figure- Ranboo- nodded. “Yeah, put the meat and stuff in it so it doesn’t go bad.” That had been a shock- food in this world spoiling over time. They couldn’t get ill from it, just Hunger, but it was still unpleasant to eat. The worst part of it was that they couldn’t just stock up on bread and wait for someone to find them, they had to constantly go out to get food. At least the first-aid kits were just a precaution.
The ram hybrid in question leaned into the room. “Hey, guys! Did you run into any trouble?” Tommy shook his head emphatically, while Purpled looked sheepish. “No...”
Tubbo put his hands on his hips. “What happened?”
Purpled coughed, embarrassed. “We kind of got mugged. They wanted this green paper stuff we found.” Tommy puffed out his chest proudly, wings flicking mischievously under his hoodie. “Purpled kicked the shit out of them, you should have seen him! Zapped them right through a wall.”
The ram’s eyes lit up, radiation symbols dancing in his pupils. “Sick!”
Ranboo, on the other hand, looked slightly panicked. “Uhm, aren’t we trying to keep a low profile?”
Tommy shrugged. “Eh, we had our hoods up, plus there’s a fuckin’ million people in this city. It’ll be fine.”
Tubbo clapped his hands together twice, banishing the nervous air that had grown in the room. “Right. Ranboo, you’re still banned from the kitchen after the Spaghetti Incident, so Tommy, it’s your turn to cook.”
Tony Stark was not good at waiting. It took approximately seven seconds for JARVIS to illegally download the CCTV footage of the attack, and about sixty for everyone watching to see what had really happened. It was still too long for him.
Two teenagers were walking down an alleyway, one in a red hoodie and one in a purple one. They were talking together and laughing about something.
“Red has blond hair, blue eyes, about 6’3. I think he’s got a dyed white streak in his hair.” He’d roped Natasha in for this, her spy training making her excellent at spotting details others would miss. “Purple has lighter blond hair and... purple eyes? Huh. They could be blue too, just a trick of the light. He’s shorter than Red, maybe 5’11?”
One of the teenagers swung his bag at the other with a grin on his face. The other yelled at him. Two older men appeared at the other end of the alley.
The spy’s eyes narrowed. “Two adults, 20-25, Caucasian, wearing beanies and dark clothing. They’re armed, one of them is nervous but the other has done this before.”
One of the men pulled a gun, and the other cracked his knuckles. The teenagers scowled.
“Huh. Interesting. Red and Purple aren’t afraid of them. They look... annoyed, but not scared.”
The man with the gun lunged forward, and was promptly knocked through a wall with a blast of electricity. The other man froze, and the teenager in red hit him over the head with a bag, before bursting into nervous laughter.
Nat’s eyes widened. “Holy shit. Okay, now I get why you wanted me to see this.” She looked at Tony. “Mutants? Have you contacted Xavier yet?”
Tony shook his head. “Not just mutants. Thor thinks Purple is an alien. Called him ‘a child of the stars’ or something.”
Shadows appeared at the end of the alleyway. The teenager in red swore, the words clearly visible despite the silent recording. He tore off his hoodie to reveal a large pair of wings, and grabbed his purple-clad friend. The pair flew out of sight of the camera.
“Red might be a mutant, we don’t know. Neither of them are showing up on any databases. No birth records, schooling, missing persons reports, anything.”
Nat sat back in her chair. “Right. You got any idea where they went after this?”
He shook his head. “Not one. We can assume Red landed in a remote area and hid his wings, before meeting up with the other two.”
She rose an eyebrow. “Other two?”
“There were four teenagers at that battle, remember? Just after four great Warriors were supposedly summoned.”
Recognition flashed in the spy’s eyes. “You think they’re the Warriors? They’re a little young.”
“Oh, I’m well aware. Steve was pissed when we put two and two together and Bruce nearly Hulked out. Kids don’t belong on a battlefield.”
“What do we do now?”
“Look for patterns. Where we see them, and when. JARVIS is looking through all public cameras right now, and he’s already found Red and Purple stealing food from a nearby store a couple of times.”
“No sign of the other two?”
“Not yet. Although, they could just be better at hiding. Hell, one of ‘em could have invisibility powers or something. Hard to tell.”
She shook her head. “I doubt it.”
Tony recognised that calculating look in her eyes. “You’ve figured something out. Alright. What’ve you got for me?”
She steepled her fingers together. “Put it this way. You’re a kid, and let’s for argument’s sake say you’ve been summoned to an unknown city, possibly even an unknown planet. You’re lost, and you’re evidently not able to get money or food, if you’re stealing from stores regularly.”
“If one of you has invisibility, why risk the visible ones getting caught? Why not just send them instead? No, my money is on Red and Purple being the most inconspicuous.”
He cocked his head. “What do you mean?”
“They’re the easiest to blend in- the most baseline human-looking. And considering one’s an alien and one has wings, that’s saying a lot. The other two might not be able to go out in public without causing a scene.”
“Huh. I hadn’t thought about it that way. But it makes sense.”
She shrugged. “Or the other two could be injured. Red was holding a bag full of medical supplies.”
“Shit. We need to find them, and fast.”
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msookyspooky · 3 years
Random Headcanon's for the Scream Character's
Billy really was a normal sweet kid and a good boyfriend before his mom left. Everyone paints him as always being crazy and his mom just triggered him but I honestly don't think that's true. Sidney and her parents would not have been okay with her dating a bad boy from Sophomore year onward. Sure it happens and maybe she saw past it but If Sidney would have seen how Billy acted with Randy in the videostore; instant break up imo. He could not have hid that side of himself for two years straight. Remember, they were dating a whole year prior to Maureen cheating. My theory is he may or may not have had a 'side' to him or other undiagnosed disorder in his gene pool (Mrs Loomis snapping too.) but Billy's psychotic breakdown was mostly situational + groomed by Roman and there were other things in his life that probably were boiling over and Debbie leaving him completely broke him. So, he was in an extremely vulnerable state when Roman came around and molded him. THAT is why Sidney trusted him so much in Scream before the phone incident and even somewhat after. Because Billy was a good boyfriend before her mom's murder and she would have never suspected it. Now how her or no one else could see him tumbling into madness or at least deep depression before Roman sank his talons in is beyond me. Maybe she did and he shrugged her off? Either way, the situation made him shut down all empathy towards other people and changed him. His empathy is towards his mom, possibly his dad since Hank never died and that is it. He has symptoms of a psychopath and even though that is usually genetic I 100% think a psychotic breakdown could do it as well.(Don't come for me bitch I'm not trained in any of this just using what I know from research 🧍‍♀️) If his mom never left and Roman didn't come along; Billy would have never been a killer
Contrary to Billy's situational psychological crazyness. Stu was always going to kill. I don't even think it's is he a sociopath vs a psychopath argument as much as he is just disconnected from reality. (Though he would most likely be a Sociopath if he was bc of his lack of boundaries as well impulsive behavior. Thinking killing was a game.) Stu possibly suffered abuse as a child. He was terrified of his parents more than the law. Either A. They abused him and permanently terrified him. Or B. He really has a stunted mentality and thinks of killing as a game and fears his parents more than the law bc the consequences are just not clicking LIKE A KID. He's like a giant little kid with no sense of how things work. He still could have been abused and that is what stunted his growth mentally. However, his violent tendacies were always there. Never preplanned just urgent anger or sadistic glee he couldn't control. Billy just suggested the killings and he was instantly down. Like, hell yeah cool. Most ppl no matter what mental illness they have or how severe are not that easy to convince. Whose to say he hadn't killed before or was planning to? My theory is he is so disconnected from reality that killing really is a giant fun game to him and he would have eventually murdered someone even without Billy.
Idk why this isn't more thought of throughout the fandom. Billy and Stu did not rape Maureen bc the evidence would have pointed to someone other than the guy they were framing. Cotton Weary had sex with Maureen, left, Billy and Stu taunted her on the phone and lured her away, they killed her, police suspected rape bc A. they didn't know about the affairs. B. Cotton's semen or her discharge or bruising being there. They naturally assumed it was rape but in actuality no one raped her. Cotton's dna from their affair incriminated him even more. Not saying that Billy and Stu would think of rape as morally wrong enough not to do in their book BUT it would have been stupid on their part and made it obvious there were other suspects besides Cotton.
Stu isn't a lapdog. Stu literally revealed on the phone he was going to throw Billy under the bus. He hesitated giving him the knife. Stu is like a kid. He most likely suffered trauma that regressed his mental age. He's eager to please, desperate for attention and most likely fawns over people he feels close to in an obsessive way. He could have even been in love with Billy and vice versa which is why he was so eager to please him. However, he was not nearly as stupid or a lapdog as much as the fandom makes him out to be. I think Randy saying it in the videostore sealed the deal for people even though he was only acting like that bc he was helping Billy too and covering their tracks. Billy was the one with the plan. Stu just tagged along out of the urge to kill. But he 100% had his own plan to kill and bail if needed. My mind is made up on that.
There was a third killer in Scream and it wasn't a teen or Roman. You're telling me two 17-18 yr old guys could come up with every detail? Roman only told Billy the basics. How did they get tactical police shoes? How did they get to the houses so fast and leave just as quickly? How did they both take down and restrain Steve or Neil by themselves enough to tie them up? Sure, Stu was deranged and tall but these two lanky teens were able to take on a football player with muscles and a grown man? Possible but stil meh to me. Their plan was too thorough for two teen boys to come up with on their own. Both crazy. One completely unhinged and disconnected from reality and the other so blinded by revenge he was stupid at times. (Fucking stabbing yourselves before killing Neil and Sidney. Not even thinking to AT LEAST tie Sidney up as well...Really? Jill was smarter in 4 in that respect tbh.) I truly think their was an adult involved in Scream helping them or guiding them. I would say Roman if it wasn't for him going back to Hollywood. But Billy and Stu had help DURING the killings 100%.
Randy is not this mecha survival final boy like the fandom thinks. The kid watched one too many horror movies and based them on real life. Scream itself is making fun of slasher movies and Randy was supposed to be the narrator setting most of the dumb rules up into play. Everyone is like "omg that's so out of character how he died in 2" no its not. If the rules work then him losing his virginity did him in. He was drinking, he was pissed off and not thinking. Plus Mrs. Loomis attacked in broad daylight, something no one thought of. (And the whole debate how a middle aged woman could pull him in. LOOK. Randy is a fucking small guy and she grabbed him backwards, using momentum to haul him back into the van. PLUS she was enraged at what he said about Billy. Adrenaline is a hell of a super drug as far as testing the bodies limits. I have seen tiny girls become the hulk when they are pissed I'm jus sayin) Point is, Randy was just a teen boy that loved horror movies. He was not some survival guide especially since it showed him even on the couch not aware of Ghostface behind him. He was a giant satire showing how even he didn't always follow the rules of slasher movies and how dumb the rules are.
Tatum loved Sidney and had more chemistry with her than Billy. I am not saying they weren't just BFF's and I don't want to ruin female friendship with constantly thinking "omg they are gay together" any time two women are close. BUT it is strange that it was only those two as friends especially since Sidney didn't fit into Tatum's popular social circle. It's like Tatum went out of her way to be friends with Sidney. Maybe they were childhood friends and that's why? But I think it's entirely possible that just like it's speculated that Stu and Billy were secretly in love; Tatum possibly was at least bi and in love with Sidney.
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missnight0wl · 2 years
JC realised that not every player is fully familiar with the HP universe, so some things have to be explained. Of course, MC didn’t have to be turned totally ignorant just for that, but…
I'm sorry, but people can go do their research on some parts of HP Universe if they want to know details. This is a game that requires a constant internet connection, so I would assume if they are confused about something, they can use a search engine and get their answer. This isn't against you, please don't see this as me being angry at you because I fully understand what you mean, but this is so unnecessary and distracting narration-wise that it really boils my blood.
I really dislike how Jam City tries so hard to stick to the canon when said canon's own writer can barely stick to her writing and makes up stuff on the fly ("wizards shit standing up and magic it away" my ass). I really wish they would take more liberties with how this story is an AU than a canon story taking place before Harry's arrival.
I wish they would show creativity by enrichening the universe themselves through their fillers by taking protection under the AU umbrella.
For example, rather than spend time researching Floo Network, something any wizardfolk worth their salt would know about and how to use, they could have made up some sort of permit students need to use it during school time and MC having to navigate the bureaucracy and red tape of obtaining one, or going to Jae to get a fake one because they are denied one due to their Vault shenanigans.
Or hey, maybe Dumbledore made the Hogwarts' network not work on MC because, again, Vault shenanigans and the fact they are in year-long detention, which comes with more restrictions, so MC has to sneak to Hogsmeade to use Madam Rosmerta's fireplace!
In that, we can learn more about the daily wizard life and maybe Rosmerta would share stories about Jacob. Rakepick is involved too, so add her too!
All I'm saying is... Jam City is really not taking advantage of the more creative freedom they have with the universe since the author is not involved in the slightest beyond giving them the license to do work and earn money through it.
Oh, I absolutely agree with you! Although I still want to point out a couple of things.
1) As for checking the information on the Internet: people are fucking lazy. I mean, seriously. I’m constantly shocked how hard it apparently is for people to use Google. And surprisingly, it doesn’t really depend on people’s age. Of course, it’s kind of irrelevant here because it shouldn’t be the creators’ concern, I believe. Especially when we talk about the HP franchise. I imagine that most players know the most basic information.
2) I have no evidence for that, but I imagine that JC does have some legal restrictions as to how much freedom they have. I still believe that it might be why the Weasleys or Tonks were never available as “datable” choices, even as friends. Actually, now that I think about it, I wonder if it might also be why the SQ about Bill’s crush on Emily Tyler was removed… Of course, it’s kind of irrelevant here because JC does approach the canon rather freely in some other areas anyway. Let’s take Hogsmeade, for example. MC goes there whenever they want without problems. In the canon, it wouldn’t happen because you have Hogsmeade weekends. I’m pretty sure that Assignments in Y7 are entirely made up by JC, too, as we don’t really know how the seventh year looks in the books.
3) I do think that having fillers is the main reason why JC chose this method, so that’s why I discussed both arguments in my previous post you’re referencing. Of course, it’s kind of irrelevant here because you can still be more creative even with fillers, which you showed yourself in your message. Unfortunately, we’re dealing with JC’s laziness/pressure to produce quick content. It’s simply easier to create a scene where you just put a bunch of quotes from the HP wiki.
The situation with the Floo Network is a really good example of this problem, honestly. And I really like your ideas as to how it could be solved! They also could’ve focused on the problem of how MC travels once they don’t travel with Rakepick anymore. Like, the first time, we used Dumbledore’s office, right? It could stay like that (minus the excessive explaining, of course), but then we have to find the replacement. That way, the filler from before our first travel via the Floo Network moves to a bit later in Y5 – and it’s more interesting, too! Your ideas would still work as well. Personally though, I headcanon that there’s an illegal fireplace in the Kitchens (which should’ve been disconnected years ago) that some students use. It could actually be one of the reasons why Rakepick said that our detention would be enlightening.
Either way, we kind of go back to the problem I talked about earlier today: Jam City’s bad management. I think it’s totally possible the writers are not as creative as they could be because creativity requires more time, and JC is not giving them that.
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Hermitopia AU Masterpost 1 [COMPLETE]
This is a gathering place for the events of the Hermitopia AU, as well as art and writing resulting from it (art and writing listed at the bottom). Please read the AU introduction and rules here before submitting! Feel free to join the discussions on the HCHC discord server!
(Disclaimer/PSA: All points are asks contributed by the community, the mods take no credit for the ideas within them)
If you would like specific credit in the masterpost, please sign within the text of the ask! (A dash and a signature at the end should do.) Asks not signed will be treated as anonymous.
Summary posts:
Not all elements of plot and character will be summarized, but here are a few basic things you may want to be familiar with before submitting an ask! (Unless you are purposely aiming to create an [ALTERNATE] idea for a Hermit)
1 - Starting positions and each Hermit's powers (based on the submissions from Day 1)
Summary post 2 - Interpersonal connections (based on Day 1 and 2 submissions)
Make sure to check out the second masterpost here for more up to date information, including newer art and writing!
- (copied ask) [summarized mod comment]
- Hermitopia | Scar was experimented on by Cub. He gained dangerous powers and wings that resemble a dragon’s, but he keeps both hidden. Unless someone makes him angry. He has no idea who gave him his powers. Eventually he and Cub decided that they wanted to control things beyond their corporation, so Scar ran for mayor. (there are things to fill in but im lazy) [Scar assumes he got the powers in an accident during research. He enjoys having them but has no idea that they were intentional.]
- Hermitopia AU team ZIT is a superpowered crime-fighting trio!
- owing to a very particular set of guidelines he put in place, Joe can now copy powers if he sees them in use and can reverse-engineer how those powers are used. needless to say, this is massively overpowered in the right hands.but it got worse. at some point, there was an... incident... on ConCorp grounds, something to do with a mass amount of entities causing time dilation -- and Joe was caught in the thick of it, unable to be rescued for a while.the problem is, he got out by piecing together how the time dilation worked.needless to say, Joe... has a ridiculous powerset. so he chooses largely not to use his powers anymore unless it's absolutely dire or petty enough to shrug off as a random occurrence. nobody needs to know that one of the most powerful Unaffiliated in the city is standing right in front of them... especially not ConCorp.
- doc was a former high ranking employee of concorp before he volunteered for an experiment and it went horribly wrong. since then, the company has tried to erase any evidence of his existence. doc is now seeking revenge for all that the company did to him and is determined to tear it apart
- HI ok follow up asks will be sent later when my thoughts are coherent but concept: cleo has like super messed up healing powers where she can make healing go Too Far. also i pin her as unbound, considering, like, everything - shovel-shuffle
- So, his power was meant to be super-regen, right? except things don't always quite go to plan. Someone volunteered for the powers surgeries and is arguably dead. Etho is a name shared by the many many clones that developed themselves out of the leftovers. They're not quite individuals, not quite a hivemind. Any one of them has no fear of death because the others will continue, but they all act independently around their overarching goal. (which I won't snitch about) - DragonKay
- Bdubs was a hero. Key word? Was. He climbed the ranks through the government, he was a loyal and dutiful member of society, and he used his plant manipulation powers to subdue evil-doers without hurting them. But he’s always been a friendly guy, and he couldn’t help himself—talking to the Unrestrained, especially those in custody, was interesting! ...but it’s a slippery slope to walk, being friendly with the enemy and not sympathizing to their cause. Nobody knows where he is now, but there are rumours of a vigilante with similar abilities, and his three compatriots, two of whom he helped escape from ConCorp... They call themselves the nHo. - slimetek [Bdubs deserted Concorp while helping Doc escape after his experiment went wrong]
- Concorp managed to make a device that allows animals to speak or translate their thoughts into writing. This means that the good old mayor Scar has a certain cat giving some advice on how to run the city.
- Iskall is an assasin/mercenary against their own volition. An accident they'd rather forget almost killed them, and in exchange for their freedom and free will they got to live as a cyborg. Though its hard to forget with the implant that covers their eye and the limb of cool metal hanging at their side - @ghastly-ghostie [Iskall works for Concorp off-books, bound by the debt owed to them for the life saving experimental modifications]
- so I think grians original powers could be like cloning, but something goes wrong and the clones are different people. as a result of the duplication process, some funky magic rocks are made. the clones decide to take most of the funky rocks and run off, leaving grian with one rock that gives him some new abilities and the clones' rocks give him others. also uhh mechanical wings bc yes. so grians plot is him trying to find them while also causing problems on purpose. infinity stones. update to my grian ask from earlier, I had better ideas: the rocks are old like magic things that grian finds before the cloning and ends up collecting, but his clones snatch them - simplyskipper [some of the alternate Grians are aligned with different factions in Hermitopia, while the locations of others are farther or unknown]
- Hermitopia- Impulse has solid-light powers. He has golden crystals implanted in his hands, which he can reflect light through to solidify it into all sorts of shapes. This can be used to make barriers, projectiles, and much more, though more detailed constructs take more time.- @mleemwyvern
- Hermitopia AU Poultry man is a well-known chaotic neutral leaning towards good, as a one of the unrestrained.
- I think Team ZIT should be a little be wild card-y, that's how they act after all! [they are employed by the government for standard crimefighting, but they don't always take Scar's word at its intended meaning and often play a bit on the chaotic side when given instructions]
- [Hermitopia AU] False is an antihero/vigilante type who's specialty is not defined by powers or the such, but just... the absolute skill of being able to dual wield two (more sci-fi era) short swords. Maybe someone upgrades them to be "enchanted" (electrical, fire, etc. something that tech could do well probably). She's willing to be paid-for-hire, but if you go past her moral line she's also willin' to backstab you. -- @cheshire-vex [she's a free agent who sort of drifts between Concorp, the government, and whoever else will pay her on a job-by-job basis]
- Hermitopia impulse has more connections then one may think. He has ties to people pretty much everywhere, for reasons unknown. There is a 100% someone will come and greet him wherever he goes. [the greetings are usually friendly]
- Hermitopia Au! Keralis is a hero who most people wouldn't expect to be too skilled at fighting. His power is similar to hypnosis so he has no need to get very physical. Yeah, that changed when some bastard villain decided to attack his friends shop. [that incident caused his employer Scar to realize his untapped potential for protecting people and assign him to a few more high-stakes jobs]
- Hermittopia!TFC was one of ConCorp’s first experiments and as such his powers are a bit less...refined then the others. He has geokinetic powers, allowing him to psychically control rocks and other earthen materials. He used to be one of the VEX programs top graduates, but has since parted ways with them for unknown reasons and now operates his own plans of keep crime in Hermitopia under control. -lechairpourriedegrianri [he is considered Unaffiliated and both Concorp and the government largely leave him to his own devices, since he is helping to keep the city together]
-Wels doesn't have powers. He does have a super-suit made of fire and heat resistant carbon fibre (like the material used for the space shuttle) and has a built in hologram projector. One time, he used the hologram projector to project an image of himself, which everyone thought was a clone. He didn't have the heart to tell them otherwise. (AKA everyone thinks Wels has powers but he doesn't) -Silverwolf53 [he got the suit in Project VEX]
- To follow up on the Impulse ask- Team ZIT are a space-themed superhero team. Government-aligned, at least for now.Tango has meteor-like powers, he can shoot fire from his hands and feet and often uses this to propel himself at high speeds. Zed has gravity powers! He can increase or decrease the density of any object, to the point of making small black holes. They all have space-themed costumes, and it was probably Zed's idea. - @mleemwyvern
- TFC was the first participant in project VEX
- Grian was an attempted success. It fixed some problems with Etho's unintended cloning, but at the same time created some problems of its own, seeing as the clones appeared to have a life of their own.It's fine, though. It's probably fine
- I would say Grian is unrestrained, a bit like Etho, Chaotic in his own way. Does not activily Try to hurt people, but does mostly what he wants for fun.-Ciara
- Xisuma is a civilian- he has hero friends, but despite all their teasing he’s never wanted to go through VEX training. But in the night, the unrestrained Void walks the streets [Void is a symbiotic creature made of nothingness that uses Xisuma's body as a substitute physical form]
- Bdubs was such a good man... he could be trusted to look after Doc, couldn’t he? Somebody had to oversee him, somebody who was reliable and would never, ever consider betraying the mayor and ConCorp...They let their guard down, and Bdubs got curious. Bdubs made a friend.And then they lost him.- Slimetek
- The hels hermits are considered evil by default. How do you spot these clones, how could you protect yourself? Well in the past it was a lot easier, just look for their red eyesNowadays contacts exist but that doesn't stop people trying to call the police on tango, calling him a hels. Hes netherian, they have unnatural eye colours and their iris fills the entire eye, hes not evil but if people keep doing this hes gonna be!
- Beef woke up from his brain surgery to receive telepathy powers, took one look into the mind of the overseer, and noped put of there as fast as he could go.He's on very public record. After all, the mind control he may be capable of is a very convenient explanation for anyone who turns against concorp... ~DragonKay
- Hypno can’t control minds.They say he does. It’s why he’s named Hypno, after all.In reality, he can’t control people like that... but he can control what they see.Your best friend might look like your greatest enemy. A pit of lava might look like solid ground. A 100-foot drop might look like a step down.It’s a good thing he’s a hero, and a good thing he keeps his true powers hidden beneath a guise of low-level hypnotism. There’s no telling what he could do if they let him go. [he works for Concorp, helping to protect VEX trainees from people trying to harm them before they get a chance to finish the program, as well as keeping other resources safe]
- The 9th Street Incident [referring to an earlier Impulse comment] was a friendly greeting. That particular version of Etho just thought that drawing weapons would be a friendly greeting for Impulse, but Tango and Zed seem to disagree
- They still don’t trust Bdubs. He was with the government for a long time, and things are hard out there on the run. Besides, they don’t know what he got up to there. ConCorp could have any sort of information on him, something that might scare him back.Bdubs understands this. He doesn’t want to go back. He’d hate to go back....but they think he will, and maybe there’s something he’s not telling them. An ace that ConCorp has yet to play.- Slimetek
- Mumbo works for concorp as an engineer specialising in robotics, most recently taking on the task of maintaining Iskall's cybernetics that somehow they just keep damaging. Iskall assures him they're just.. very clumsy. So far Mumbo hasn't caught on.
- Ren's power is that hes a werewolf, but he only found out when he was in his late teens with his childhood friend Iskall. He still feels guilty about it, he did kill his best friend afterall. Or so he thinks.He's lived off grid ever since, too overwhelmed with grief and guilt to rejoin society. Most assume he's dead too - @ghastly-ghostie [Ren dropped Iskall off to Concorp as a last ditch effort, running away before he could see whether they took his friend in or not. They did, starting Iskall's plotline. Iskall told Concorp about Ren's abilities, triggering a panic in the Concorp ranks at the fact that Ren is a superhuman being created by some force other than their own project]
- Where does Void come from? The same place all powers come from.Little did they know, something survived the crash and has taken a human host. Maybe it's not the only one...No, that place is not Concorp. Concorp's original goal was to develop technology by reverse-engineering from a crashed alien spaceship. These aliens did gene-editing the way some people do nose jobs, so they adapted that technology, too.~DragonKay
- i've already said a bit about it in the discord but i have hermitopia cleo brainrot. joe being there was able to save her by giving her the regen powers along with her puppeteering telekinesis power. anyways cleo is presumed dead, sent by concorp into a mission as fodder basically until zit could arrive. but now there's is one (1) bitter undead vigilante against concorp that is presumed dead
- Stress’s name has a few meanings in relation to her. Whenever she gets too angry or /stressed/, she transforms into the StressMonster, a monster that feeds off of other people’s stress to become more powerful. Luckily, the monster is rarely seen, but does terrible things when she is. She’s one of the most feared creatures in Hermitopia. Stress hates her and tries her best to hide her from her friends, but it can backfire sometimes. - @guster-animations
- to follow-up on Joe being presumed dead: remember the time dilation incident he was stuck in? ConCorp figured it was best to cut their losses and not try to send anyone in to rescue him -- it would be a pointless mission. so they abandoned him, quietly announced that he had died in the line of duty, and put the affected area under high security clearance in order to prevent any future accidents. they figured he was already dead. and Joe figures, given that they up and abandoned him, maybe it's for the best that they continue to figure just that. he changed his last name to "Hills" -- a joke about the biome containing the time anomaly -- and otherwise proceeded to stay under the radar. he still uses the time dilation area as a base of operations, sometimes; it's very useful to have a hideout that people physically cannot get into/out of without his direct assistance. is he nursing a grudge, coming up with some convoluted scheme to get back at the paramilitary group for abandoning him? or does he just want to live a relatively normal life off the grid? who knows. that's the Joe [REDACTED] Hills difference. -@betweenlands
- False has some big scary power that is almost Eldritch she just happens to prefer a sword and doesn’t really care for who she works for as long as they’re paying... (they don’t need to know of the power that had harmed the ones she loves the most)
- Keralis once encountered Void sulking around where Xisuma worked. So fearful for his friend’s safety, he used his power on Void and told him to go away. Apparently the charm is still active, because if Void spots Keralis anywhere, he’ll turn tail and run. No, it’s not because he’s scared. Absolutely not.
- Grumbot serves as a sentient supercomputer created by Mumbo for Grian. Grian is using Grumbot for... various activities, all of which harmless, but a certain evil clone [Helsknight] has reverse engineered the technology. Concorp would like for Mumbo to give them the tech, but mumbo stuck some eyes to the computer, got emotionally attached, and refuses to give up his baby boy.
- When Impulse hears his friend/colleague Bdubs has been "taken over" by the mind-controller [Beef], he wants to go on an off-the-books mission to rescue him! Just giving up like they were told to isn't in his nature.Of course the rest of ZIT are with him. Heroes save people! It's what they do!~DragonKay
- Hermitopia is a mixture of sleek futuristic and cyberpunk in terms of style. It really depends on where you live and work (ik this doesnt include any hermits but whatever) - @ghastly-ghostie
- I wonder if Cleo's overactive healing powers affect herself and if any injuries she receives immediately heal over like wolverine or deadpool
- Ren used to be friends with Cleo too, but then she died. Strangely enough, she died on the same day that Ren killed Iskall. Ren’s lost all his friends. It’s hard living in isolation when there’s no one left that even cares about you. (Unless— no, that’s impossible.)
- I was thinking about Biffa, like you do. And Biffa would totally be some robot that was created by Project VEX in its early stages, however they realised fast that it was easier to use humans and give them powers, maybe its not their strong suit with robots. But Biff went sentient and glitched and was scrapped so hes just out there doing his thing. Hes a wildcard and plays for which side he wants at the time, sometimes he'll help or sometimes hes the one causing trouble. He looks pretty similar to a android like in Detroit:Become human but hes a bit uncanny and eerie, maybe its the eyes or the blood red armour. Powerwise, he's got more strength than a human does, mainly because he isn't limited like others are. try not to get punched by him, it'll hurt! [He's convinced Concorp will destroy him if they find out he's alive and Unaffiliated] -lucodak
- Going off of my thing about hermotopia impulse having friends everywhere....this may include the nho. Okay, they beat him to a pulp on one of his solo patrols once, but theey felt bad n patched him up! He has to keep it a secret. He brings them dinner alot. And checks in on them.
- Beef is the perfect cover-up for Bdubs’ desertion. ConCorp doesn’t want any other employees getting bright ideas, now, do they? Nor do they want employees getting nosy and trying to figure out where Bdubs went. They don’t have to tell people what Beef’s powers are. They just release that he developed powers after brain surgery, and a rumour that he was spotted lurking around before Bdubs suddenly betrayed ConCorp... and people draw their own conclusions. -Slimetek
- xB is pretty sure he’s supposed to be evil.I mean, that’s what sentient AIs usually end up being, according to a quick internet search. And yet he’s... not. Or maybe he’s just on the wrong side. - Slimetek
- Yes impulse is friends with the nho....what he doesn't know? He's....easily susceptible to hypnosis. Very easily.......Of course, after impulse is basically a very tired n warm cuddle bug, so, cuddle piles tend to happen after all information is spilled. He must've fallen asleep at their apartment again! Whoops! But it's okay.....they take good care of him if he does! [Beef is using his mind reading ability on Impulse without his knowledge, to make sure that he hasn't spilled their location and to predict the government's next moves. He feels slightly bad about it but feels that it is necessary for the nHo's survival.]
- So far, Grian has only ever encountered two of his clones, NPC Grian and Robot Grian. Technically three, if one were to count Ariana Griande. Grian doesn't really, but some do. [Ariana Griande is a popular musician in Hermitopia who is building a career using the magical stone of voice enhancement she recieved through the cloning process]
- To handle the two Grumbot issue: the one working with Helsknight can be Jrumbot, a legion of robot drones meant to work as Grumbot’s physical form that ended up being hijacked by Helsknight and turned against ConCorp
- There...aren’t a lot of “normal” animals left in Hermittopia. ConCorp took one look at the animals populating the city and decided that, hey, they could make some improvements. Species after species, they modified their behavior, appearance, internal structure, whatever they could fix, tweak, or add. They were just improving their lives and the lives of the citizens of Hermittopia, after all, but the new animals quickly outcompeted the old for resources and habitats. And if it makes it easier for ConCorp to stick a camera in one or two of them, or set up robotic animals to keep a better eye on the city, no harm, no foul, right?(Bonus: there is one (1) singular cat left in Hermittopia, resulting in a spy movie-style heist where two teams of Hermits attempt to “rescue” the cat simultaneously. The cat keeps wandering away from both teams. Shenanigans ensue)- Adonis [the cat is Jellie, who orchestrated the competition between Team ZIT and Cleo and Joe for her own entertainment, getting away from both parties in the end]
- The Leak:Not all mutations are the result of controlled experiments! If some alien tech got away from the crash site, concorp never would have picked it up. It might have got into nature, not as refined as they made it in the labs but causing little changes here and there. Ren may have become a werewolf from being bitten by a mutant wolf~DragonKay
- Impulse is able to use his powers to create illusions or male things appear invisible! Sort of. After all, light dictates what we see. It takes a lot of focus, though, so it's not that practical. -@rayveewrites
- The one thing Hels wasn't able to steal was the cloning technology, hence his hostility with Concorp -- he needs the cloning device, because how else is the void going to get a body of their own? - SilverWolf53
- *glances at the hermitopia werewolf ask* okay but what if the same mystery people who made ren into a werewolf also created jevin, and maybe Etho? idk if either of them have been given any hermitopia headcanons yet lol. but im sure the same people who made a werewolf could make a sentient slime (or perhaps rescue one) or make... whatever etho is. [Since the "second organization" is an incorrect assumption believed by Concorp, Jevin was created when he came in contact with a waterway contaminated by The Leak. Concorp assumes he was created by an opposing organization and not by accident, and therefore would like to bring him in along with Ren.]
- hermitopia - mumbo and grian were friends back when cloning experiments were still happening (or . as friendly as you can be with someone who's treating you like a lab rat), but after everything went wrong and grian escaped, mumbo has his memories wiped nd thats why he's trusted w iskall's stuff? bc he inherently remembers working on high-level things without knowing where he learnt it - muscle memory, yk?anyway massive angst with grian maybe recognising mumbo, but not the other way round, and trying to rekindle their friendship? and that's where grumbot comes in? -gin [Mumbo's memory was wiped so that he would forget the deadly purpose of Iskall's cybernetics, which he was working on at the same time as the Grian project in the background. Mumbo does not remember creating Grian's mechanical wings or Iskall's arm and eye, and he has no memory of either individual previous to "meeting" Iskall as the person assigned to his repair and upkeep.]
- Etho doesn't so much have powers as he is powers. All the powers the ‘original’ had went into creating him; now he just exists, as whatever sort of being he is. Not a human one, that much is obvious. ~DragonKay [Etho has no powers beyond the hivemind and his training, due to the error in the experiment that caused the clones]
- Mumbo started the button as a joke. A nonsense social expirement to see how much people want worthless signs of status. Unfortunately things got out of hand, and violent too. But hey! It's not his fault that the five special anomalous stones were misplaced into the prize dispenser! It was just chance that they fell into the hands of the clone of the worst gremlin in the city! Don't fire him! [He was not fired, but Cub was Decidedly Unhappy with him for a good long while]
- Void mostly trashes ConCorp facilities- trying to figure out if any of his siblings survived the spaceship crash, but occasionally he’ll pilfer from a bakery, because X is a health nut and Void just wants a gods damned cookie [Void very much dislikes unseasoned chicken]
- If the Stress Monster gets too big, too dangerous, Cleo is sworn under oath to Stress to zap her with her healing powers. Cleo doesn’t like to do it, overhealing a stressed Stress makes her so calm she gets knocked out for a couple of days, but Stress can take a small comfort in the fact that at least one person out there can stop her
- Ooh with the self healing Cleo she'd be able to develop a small amount of super strength, with how the mind keeps from going full throttle because it would destroy the body once she gets over it it's hysterical strength whenever she wants [it is quite painful, but a good backup plan]
- Being a hive mind of disposable clones that can spawn new copies at will, it can sometimes be hard for the Etho Entity to remember that it is indeed a big deal for other people when they get hurt. This can make him come off as callous to those around him, placing him firmly in the "villain" category in most citizen's books, but he really doesn't intend any harm!
- Grian used to be tall, but then the cloning happened. With each clone they stole a little bit of his height making him the short man he is today. He needs to capture those clones and get his height back. [Grian isn't entirely sure how to accomplish this, but he's dead set on trying! He misses being tall!]
- While Grian was perfectly fine with Ariana Griande living her own life, he did insist on one thing.Her "older brother" getting backstage access whenever she was on tour. He's very proud and supportive of her and her music career.
- Mumbo is perfectly content working in tech, watching the other hermits get up to crazy shenanigans. Except of course, there was that one time he was out testing some new gear and accidentally saved a crowd from some villains... and there were all those times after too...But hey! It’s not his fault that people like him, and he certainly isn’t going to get caught by Concorp during his after hours activities. [Mumbo considers himself an accidental hobbyist, not thinking he has the nerve or the skill for proper hero work. Time will tell if he's right about that or not...but unfortunately, he probably is. This should be fun.]
- There’s still some people overseeing VEX, even over Cub. They’re the ones that push Cub to do certain experiments or to scrap one. They’re the ones to give Cub the decision for Iskall’s life debt. Scar was under them too for the longest time, but eventually he wanted out. Cub still wanted in. They were still in the right, right? That’s what they tell him. He’s starting to doubt it. [Cub is way too invested in everything he's built to even think about going rogue now, but he does resent and occasionally question the judgement of his superiors increasingly as his project begins to fail more and more often. He also fears that Scar's shift in career will be seen as a betrayal, rather than as a tactical attempt to gain the company influence in the government.]
- Been thinking about the impulse + nho asks and just,,, what would happen if concorp/the government found out? It cant be good with interrogation/hypnosis on both sides (incase you cant tell,, the brainrot got me as well) (apologies if this is a mess im excited) [Hypno is assigned to set up an illusionary conversation to make Impulse reveal nHo location to Concorp and government agents while thinking that he's actually talking to the nHo in a random encounter]
- The one mind Beef can't read is Etho's. Their hivemind is just too weird for him to comprehend. If he ever tries to listen in, it sounds like just a bunch of static from an old TV.
- for hermitopia au!: Out of most of the heros, the most reckless may be team zit. sure they tell themselves they'll plan out missions but it's hard when they share a braincell and tango just runs in. impulse and zed share a look everytime and have to run after him to make sure he doesn't get too hurt or overwhelmed by the enemy. in their defence its hard to plan ahead against an enemy when you dont know what they are thinking.-lucodak ["You might not have known what they were thinking, Tango, but we'd generally like you to know what you're thinking!"]
- i bet ConCorp really wants to make it out like theres some secret shady organization creating all these people with mutations, rather than their own operatives deserting and their own failure to contain dangerous chemicals... whether its malicious coverups or just ignorance to the fact they messed up, wonder what would happen if that sort of thing came to light...? [If they found out that the unintentional superhumans were a result of the poorly-contained crash site? Cub would lose his job...maybe worse. If Cub found out (and he hasn't, yet) he would do everything in his power to keep that information from his superiors.]
- (paraphrased) Impulse accidentally walks in on heroes and agents breaking down the doors of the nHo's hideout and confronting them. Scar claims that they did so on information Impulse himself provided and thanks him for his service. Impulse, feeling confused and betrayed, resists Hypno's attempts to illusion him back to Scar's side and flees the scene with the nHo, knowing very little other than the fact that he doesn't want to be manipulated by the government any more (and still not knowing that Beef has been reading his mind)
- Impulse may have been labeled a traitor. But do you really think that Impulse, secret rebel, starting to learn how dangerous and corrupted Concorp really is, wouldn't let his best friends know about the danger they might be in? I think Team ZIT is more loyal to each other than to the government. - @mleemwyvern [ Impulse's first stop after escaping with the nHo is to find a place to secretly meet Tango and Zedaph and tell them about the way he was tricked. It takes a lot of explaining and a lot of trust, but they eventually decide to believe his claims and are left with a choice: will they openly go rogue and become a target along with Impulse and the rest of the nHo, or are they better off using their established image and reputation to keep an eye on the government heros' movements from the inside?]
- (two asks combined, paraphrased) Ren runs out of supplies and decides to head back into the city, confident in his ability to stay off the grid after so many years of experience and such a long time away. Once there, he runs into Doc, and they hit it off quite quickly. However, the more Ren talks the more Doc realizes - with his ex-Concorp knowledge - that Ren matches the description of Iskall's main target exactly. He warns Ren, who is then faced with the knowledge that Iskall is alive and assigned to kill him...so many questions and so many tears to follow...
- Why did Hermitopia start needing heroes? When the Unrestrained started to appear, if course. Why did the Unrestrained start to appear? A question asked a little less. When did the VEX program start? When did they start taking more risks? When did they stop caring about certainty and safety and shift towards trying to push boundaries they weren't ready to? People can be so enamoured with the concept of superhuman abilities, something bright and glorious and good- and perhaps they could have that too- they don't ask all the right questions. It's all an elaborate game of damage control, don't let the flashy heroics fool you, they've made mistakes, terrible, terrible mistakes, and now there are villains running loose with powers they fooled ConCorp into giving them. Are they villains? Are they victims? Does it matter? They're causing problems. [Project VEX has developed into a solution to its own problems, a self perpetuating cycle...one that Cub, as a businessman, is very familiar with. It's what keeps the wheels of industry turning. It's what keeps innovation creeping forward. It wasn't intentional, not this time...but if it keeps his project alive, he'll take it.]
- One time, Jevin had narrowly dodged being captured by Concorp. He was laying low in the forest out of town, when he had a run-in with some sort of wolf creature. Thankfully, claws and teeth couldn't exactly hurt him anymore, so he just played dead until it gave up.When the moon set, the wolf-thing slowly transformed into a human being. Ren was horrified at the thought he'd lost control and hurt someone- again- but Jevin assured him he was fine. Jevin got the feeling that the werewolf needed a friend, and Jevin himself needed a place to stay for a while... -RayveeWrites [Ren and Jevin are not currently in the same location, but they each have a means of contacting each other for help if needed]
- Worm Man wasn't a well- known super, but plenty of people have noticed that he seemed to vanish at the same time Team ZIT first started active duty. Those people have also noticed that one of the members has a very similar power set to WM.Officially, that's just a coincidence. Officially.-RayveeWrites [Zedaph was trying to get some unofficial practice while still in training in the VEX program]
- A common misconception is that Bdubs conjures up his vines from nowhere. He can't.Like any plant, his vines grow from seeds. They grow unnaturally fast, when Bdubs wills it, but they have to come from seeds. Where do these seeds come from, you may ask?Well, a long time ago, Bdubs ingested some strange fruits. Somehow, in wild defiance of human biology, the seeds contained in those fruits worked their way into his muscles and germinated. Some of the roots worked their way into his brain and fused into it; the rest spread through his muscles, grew beneath his skin, coiled around his bones. Thanks to the way the vines connected to his brain, Bdubs is able to command the vines, and their magic, at will.The vines produce seeds; some stay in his body to replace the old ones when they die, and most work their way into a pair of 'seed pods' in his wrists. Bdubs provides the nutrients, the energy; the vines provide the seeds, the magic. As an extra bonus: if the vines were to be totally removed from Bdubs' body, he would be at best extremely weak, and at worst dead. The vines have grown into his muscles, to the point where they've essentially replaced them in some areas. It's fortunate that they connected with his mind so early on, otherwise he'd be dead. -RayveeWrites [Concorp developed the fruit, and the fact that Bdubs is evidence of the unlikely success of that experiment makes them all the more angry at his betrayal]
- A lot of excellent xB information (it's too long to copy but please read it it's very good)
- Iskall has exactly one (1) failed assignment. That assignment? The kill or capture of Stress. Stress and Iskall have been, or should it be were now, friends for a very long time, since before Iskall even met Ren. So one can imagine the stress this causes Iskall, to be told to kill his one remaining friend that he knows is alive. Of course, this stress is quite enough to to Stress's Stress Monster into one it's strongest yet seen forms, allowing for Stress to then get away. (1/2)(2/2) Of course, Con Corp doesn't- and can never- know the true reason that Iskall cannot kill or capture Stress. If they knew, if they subjected Stress to the same hell he's in- no, that cannot happen. So Iskall hires False to protect Stress, to interfere whenever they send him on a mission for her. Luckily, False is good at keeping secrets when she wants to, and this one she'll keep. But as far as Con Corp knows, Iskall has severe stress and trauma from being a cyborg, and that's why he fails. [This all adds up to a monumental waste of Concorp's time and money, which also results in False getting payed, so all parties involved are happy except for Concorp >:)]
- Impulse would take a bullet for his teammates, and he knows they might be about to take one for him, keeping him updated on what's going on government side of this... slander. Still, Tango and Zed are great actors, and if he didn't know better, he might be a little worried they would *actually* be hunting him down in the name of justice [Tango and Zed are now being sent on missions to retrieve Impulse, which they must pretend to lose believably. They occasionally overestimate their friend's abilities and give him a few more close calls than he'd like, but overall the ruse is holding up.]
- Wels, Hels, TFC, and Grumbot
- Bdubs Concorp promotion and desertion
- Joe Hills in his time dilation hideout
- Etho clones, ZIT, and the nHo
- Keralis and Void
- [ALTERNATE] Reveal of Impulse's situation with the nHo
- Impulse suit design
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skyabove · 3 years
Theory Time! - Home Space isn’t Real!
Ok so here’s a relatively straightforward theory while I procrastinate a more complicated one (King and MB)
Basically, there is a fair amount of evidence that the Home Space is not a real location in the ‘Sky world’, but instead is a ‘non physical location their minds can enter, similar to the locations the Elders are in.
Lets start by looking at the main way you can reach Home Space. This swirly white pool of light.
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We see this kind of light in a few different places. In places we can travel to Home, at meditation points, to interact with the Elders, to trigger memory based cutscenes (Season of Dreams final memory), inside activated memory cubes in Vault, the rising platform in Vault,  and in the Forest Treehouse shared space. (there is also the Assembly minigames, the Valley races, and the boat to ark but I’ll mention that later)
The one thing that all of these locations have in common is their connection to transferring thoughts/consciousness from one place to another. The meditation points have you think of a message and then it appears as a readable white candle. The spots to communicate with the Elders takes you to the ‘in between place’ that they are located in, in which you can move around, but when it's over your body is just where you left it in the real world so only your mind was moved. The cutscene trigger at the coliseum inserts you into the spirits memory, an event that has already happened and now only exists as a memory in their mind, but you can freely move around and again when it is over your body is where it was left - side note this is not the same as the spirits memories manifesting in the real world as the entire setting is as it was before they died, not just a certain scene being re enacted. The memory cubes in Vault seem to be transferring or projecting energy into the floating diamond to power it, and while not seen in this particular instance the cubes essentially contain information which can be projected. We don't know how this information is captured but, would it be too much of a stretch to assume they are stored memories? Memories and light seem to have a connection in the rest of the game so the spirits finding a way to directly store and replay memories as a way of documenting things doesn't seem too out of place. The rising platform in Vault is again less obvious, but it has been stated that at least the later levels of Vault are supposed to be less real and more dreamlike, so how much of Vault is ‘real’ is unknown. Potentially everything after the first few levels may exist outside of the ‘real world’ therefore requiring the transference of the mind. And finally probably the clearest of them all is the Treehouse Shared Space. When you try to enter you get the message “Temporarily leave others and enter your mind to Build and Edit your Shared Space”. And how is your mind entered? A white light spot, with a statue (which is another thing I’ll talk about later)
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(there are also white spots for the Assembly minigames, the boat to the Ark, and at the Valley races. These are definitely just gameplay necessities, and I cant think of a logical in universe reason for them)
Now I know there are other ways to get to Home such as the gate button in the emote menu and the bird statues in Wasteland and Forest, but the emote menu itself is purely a gameplay necessity, and the bird statues are left overs from the old version of Sky and have been removed in most places.
So now that we’ve looked at how we get to Home, let's look at the contents of Home. The first things are the realm gates. This is the only place we see realm gates, when you go through them there is no gate on the other side. The only other places we see gates are at the end of the 8-player area in Prairie, and in Orbit before being reborn. The first is interesting, it is different as there is no image of the place you are traveling to, but was probably built by the spirits in the area with some connection to their title of ceremonial worshipper. The second is in a location between life and death, most likely made and controlled by Megabird themselves so is not connected to the main Sky world - BUT is important for later. So overall, the gates and realm fast travel seem out of place in the real world.
The next point is access to the constellations. From Home you can summon and communicate with any spirit you have saved. This is the only place you can do this without having to go to their grave stone/marker first. You can also create copies of any Skykid you have friended. You are not literally summoning them, it is an illusion/duplicate of them, they are lacking their chest light and often look darker or not glowing and you can't interact with them in the same way as the spirits (friendship tree).
Similar to the spirits from the constellation, Home is also where Travelling Spirits, i.e. spirits that have already been freed and returned to the stars, voluntarily return to. This is also where a copy of the Questgiver spirits appears, and the daily quest/shop boat spirits appears. The daily quest spirit is interesting as they dont have a body/memory to be freed from in the realms, but we know they were a regular ancestor as they appear as a child in the Confident Stance spirits memory.
And finally there is the Eden Gate. The gate which is locked until you have “returned the light” to all of the Elders, and collected 20 winged light. We know this is not the actual Eden door as when you enter there is the same gate which needs to be opened by 8 switches. And the requirements for opening the Home Eden gate just so happen to be the main missions the Skykids were created to fulfill.
When considering all of this, could Home Space be a non physical location created (by Megabird) for the Skykids? This would explain the methods of access - thought/mind transferring light patches; the access to the constellation spirits and copies of other Skykids - the freed spirits have returned to the stars/become one with Megabird again so if anyone can send them somewhere, MB sending them to a realm of their creation would make sense, and since MB has a connection to the Skykids, showing them copies of other connected Skykids isn't too odd. The Traveling spirits and Questgivers also fall into this category. The realm gates is more of a gameplay necessity, but does have connections to MB as there is a MB gate at the end of Orbit just like the ones in Home. The Eden gate could be MBs way of making sure the Skykids have done what they are supposed to, and have gathered enough winged light to survive until the final area. And we know that “in between planes of existence” exist as that is where the Elders are.
The final thing to look at is the strange statues that accompany the Home white light spots. I believe that these may be a representation of Megabird themselves, or at least the concept of Megabird. To keep it brief because I will hopefully be looking at this in more detail another time, Megabird is seen as the creator of all things connected to the light, when living things die they return to Megabird etc. When we see what is most likely Megabird in the game they are made up of massive amounts of creatures of light and children of light, with the orb at the centre. The statues themselves are interesting because they dont particularly look like the spirits. They have no mask, instead having a face with closed (round, rather than diamond eyes like the spirits and Elders) eyes very similar to Skykids under their masks. The head covering/gown clothing at best could be similar to Lamed or some of the Vault scholars, and it does feature the triangular pattern around the trim.
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The pose of the statues, with their hands outstretched, and the use of them, to hold flame, creates the image of a peaceful figure, different from the spirits or Elders, who is offering or giving flame - the embodiment of life and the thing that connects all creatures in the Sky world - and looks oddly similar to an unmasked Skykid, a creation OF Megabird. We know that MB has a “human” form as well as their star/orb form, just like how the Elders have a “human” and star form. Now, this “human” form  might be more of an assumption from the spirits, or them projecting their own appearance on their god like many religions do, but either way it fits that MB could be represented in that way.
The final point about the statues is that they are only found at Home Space white spots (it can be safely assumed that these are not leftovers from the spirits era, as they are in random places only convenient for Skykids - for gameplay purposes but in universe I guess you could say MB put them there for them), in Home before being returned to your body where you last were, marking the point to enter your mind at the Treehouse, and in Eden, where there are a lot of them. Without going into it too much because that's a whole other topic for another time, the fact they are only found in/on the way to Home, at an entry point for another mind/inbetween place, and in the place most connected to King, the Children of Light, and the Eden Diamond, it should be a safe guess that it is indeed MB - or at least representing the idea of MB.
In summary: Home Space isn't real, and is instead an in-between place similar to where the Elders are, made by Megabird for the Skykids.
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luckyspacerabbit · 3 years
would you ever share the background you created for kai leng? i'd be so interested in hearing it!
Hehe, yes! Thank you for waiting anon. I wanted to really think this through and make sure I was working with all the possible details of his character.
Okay, so my goal with fleshing out Kai was not to excuse him as a villain or to necessarily redeem him, but to humanize him and hopefully incur sympathy because I find his depiction as a mysterious lackey boogeyman to be 🙄 one dimensional and playing on racist tropes like the yellow peril ✨ (also bioware making him predominantly chinese + a lil russian. extrapolate what u will lol)
So here is my background for Kai :) Lots of childhood headcanoning and then some general talk about his character/why I chose certain elements as I did (such as dumping that dumb phantom blade for butterfly swords AEORHIG)
Childhood: According to the wiki, Kai is Earthborn, and from his general heritage we can assume that he grew up in Northern China (omg that's where my ancestors are from). The most populous city there is Beijing, which, if there was a spaceport or alliance recruitment anywhere, it would be there.
I headcanon that he was born to a bit of an unsteady family, where it was likely there was estrangement and unsafe conditions between the mother and father that may have created a sense of helplessness and neglect from a young age.
In my canon, Dan Hyun's mom, Hannah Shepard was the head of an agricultural research facility on Trident, and was an old friend of Kai's mom (From University, possibly).
As conditions worsened throughout Kai's childhood, his mom decided to take a chance and flee with Kai (age 10 at the time) to Hannah Shepard's science facility on Trident (Sentinel Agricultural Research Facility), where she and Kai would stay for about two years as his mom worked to save enough money for their own place .
Since Dan Hyun was already being homeschooled, it was easy enough for Kai to join up alongside her.
Dan Hyun (12 at the time) was extremely happy to have a friend since life on the facility could be really lonely-- but with all these changes Kai was having a difficult time adjusting, especially when Dan Hyun felt put off by his competitive attitude. After so long feeling neglected and growing in a tumultuous home environment, he craved external validation: homeschool provided an avenue for that. They developed their own academic-based competitive rivalry that counted towards friendship, but grew distant when he moved out with his mom about two years later.
When Dan Hyun was 18 (Kai at 16), she managed to apply to an Alliance Research Training program and receive admission-- something that was considered highly prestigious, despite her parents' reluctance. Kai had already begun to build resentment towards her due to the way her parents treated her (very preciously, sheltered, and without exposing her to the difficult parts of life) in contrast with what he lacked in family and world kindness, creating a drive to supersede her and compete with her once again, if only to have tangible proof that just because he began in a lower place didn't mean he couldn't surpass the vision of success.
After this event, they would strike up a still somewhat friendly rivalry again that continued until Kai enlisted in the Alliance at the age of 18 (his attempts to join directly at 16 failed in my canon lol, but he sure tried )
Alliance Service:
Kai took the combat-driven route while Dan Hyun was receiving training for her eventual research establishment in Akuze, meaning that in their line of work, they never crossed paths-- Though they maintained occasional communication and met up here and there whenever Kai was back from his tours.
This is where I believe his decline truly began.
Some habits, like his desire for tangible proof of success and seeking external validation, manifested more heavily in this time. Collecting badges off of dead soldiers (To remember his skill first hand) is a notable one, but I speculate he relied heavily on the word of his commanding officers to counter his self-esteem. Titles were incredibly important because they were proof. When he began to feel a loss of control which led to emotional outbursts and breakdowns, he would fall back on these bits of evidence that he had done something, anything.
The weight and violence of service combined to break away his mental strength and conditioned him to that of a soldier.
Famously, he was discharged in 2186 after his N7 designation. In a bar fight on shore leave, he murdered a Krogan (OKAY. Listen. The wiki says "first-degree murder" but first degree requires premeditation and bar fight implies heat of the moment. So IDK I think the details around this one are a little fishy. He was on leave but he was a soldier, so ? he probably just had a weapon on him? Okay, I'm not excusing him but premeditation is a bit different from manslaughter so just something I've pondered. It separates intentional killers from accidental murders).
At this point, he is formally incarcerated and set to serve a twenty-year sentence.
Cerberus Contact:
The year is 2177, and Kai has lost everything he's ever worked for. His prestige is gone, he is at the worst place he has ever been, his mom won't talk to him, and he has no one. He had even stopped hearing from Dan Hyun, the only person he could have considered a friend once.
Through a small TV in the prison, he is able to hear about the attack on Akuze, and its one survivor: Alliance Scientist Dan Hyun Shepard. In the attack her biotic abilities (Which she had kept secret for many years) were revealed, prompting immediate recruitment into the N7 Program and a contract for ten years of service. This drove Kai into rock bottom-- while he had nothing, Dan Hyun was steadily on track to uprooting the only thing he had ever felt like he had accomplished.
This is when Cerberus intervened, promising him a home, freedom, belonging, and success.
So of course Kai agreed. Why wouldn't he? He had nothing left in his miserable life and there would never again be a place for him.
Cerberus Intervention:
It's my belief that Kai wasn't necessarily "alienphobic" in the beginning. Instead, I think The Illusive Man saw a very clear opportunity to recruit and nurture a broken man into a pawn of service. TIM is incredibly smart-- everyone who works for Cerberus is. He knew what Kai needed was validation, the promise of success held directly on the tip of his tongue to drive him into tenacity and action.
Organizations like Cerberus, even in real life, prey on people at weak points, fulfill their needs and drape their ideology on top like icing on a cake. That's not to say that Kai is completely innocent-- he ate the sweets and readily threw the world to the side in order to attain more-- but it does give some perspective.
Kai in Cerberus:
In ME2 we know there is some apprehension on Kai's part about the role Shepard will play. He is already starting to feel slighted from failures with Rasa and takes even the possibility of rejection from TIM extremely hard and with violent emotional outburst. This evidences how much TIM has whittled him away over the decade of service. Kai feels as though he owes everything to TIM, that TIM saw something in him-- failing him is disproving that and accepting what Kai has feared all along: that he truly is a worthless and incapable person.
Kai and Shepard:
Kai is best known for his direct antagonism towards Shepard in the events of ME3, directly killing their allies and potential love interests in a way that is extremely personal. Yes, it is part of the job, but at the same time, it's clear Shepard gets under his skin. It's because in the end, after all that setup, Shepard is the one person who can take it all away from him.
They can replace him as TIM's prodigy/ They can bring an end to the organization that gave him everything (From his cybernetic enhancements (uh indoctrination cough couch) ) to his purpose in life. Kai threw it all in with them because he didn't see another choice.
My Canon: The End
So how do things end for Kai in my canon?
As you're aware, you can unalive him, violently. But Dan Hyun is very emotional and due to their shared childhood, I like to believe that there was still a grand feeling of kinship between them, a recognition of the other due to shared insecurities. I don't think there was ever a time Dan Hyun looked at Kai and saw anything other than her slighted friend (which is very romanticized, but SHE is very romanticized), it was just about getting Kai to see that too.
She locked him down the best she could, yelled, cried, and beat the shit out of him, but ultimately, preserved his life. After the crucible had been fired and Thane (alive ofc) attended to, she sought to right things between her and Kai: whatever form that takes. Who knows if he'll ever be able to live comfortably in society again-- but at least here, he has the chance.
Random Tidbits:
Some notes! At his best, I like that Kai is portrayed as Loyal, Hard Working, Methodical, Clever, Tenacious, and Factual. I think sometimes he can be written off unfairly as wimpy or scared, but in truth, he's very sure of his abilities and able to calculate his chances extremely well. He's smarter than fandom gives him credit for.
He has an interesting conflict between arrogance based on title and humbleness. He knows he wants to be the best but he never airs it-- like when Rasa suggests that he wants to be the leader for Humanity but he grows quiet and says to just focus on where things are at right now.
His time as a soldier absolutely affected him in ways I think sharpened him to the killer he became. It instilled values that remained with him in Cerberus, such as when he berates Bates for abandoning his squad and calls him a traitor. Kai doesn't betray-- he's quite literally ride or die.
Also? The ninja sword is super dumb because Kai is Chinese and the swords and Phantom's themselves are designed to appear Japanese in aesthetic. Ninjas= Japanese, but China did have their own sect of Assassins which I believe gave birth to Wu Ching as a type of Martial Arts? Or was drawn from it hmm
To keep to accuracy, Kai would have trained more towards their martial art techniques which focuses on close combat and quick movements, as well as the use of dual blades called butterfly swords (You'd likely recognize them as a set of rogue daggers).
That's all for that meta! Phew. If anyone actually read to the end, hey wassup, hope you enjoyed, and take most of this with a grain of salt since it's my headcanons and background work :) Thank you again for reading!
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dwellordream · 3 years
“...Where the show had sensibly added yurts and merely forgot to have any way to move them, Martin has the Dothraki live in “palaces of woven grass” (AGoT, 83) which I assume the show did not replicate because the moment someone described doing that everyone realized what a bad idea it was and moved on to something more sensible like a yurt covered in leather. Grass and reeds, of course, can be woven. However, as anyone who has done so will tell you, the idea of trying to weave what is essentially a grass basket the size of a tent in a single day is not an enviable – or remotely possible – task.
Trying to move such a giant grass basket without it coming apart or developing tears and gaps is hardly better. And at the end, a woven-grass structure wouldn’t even really be particularly good at controlling temperature, which is its entire purpose! It is rather ironic, given that unlike the show’s Dothraki, Martin’s Dothraki do seem to use at least some carts, because Viserys is forced to ride in one (AGoT, 323) and so could bring yurts with them. They just don’t.
More to the point, it is very clear that Martin imagines the Dothraki subsistence system to consist almost entirely of horses. The Dothraki ride horses, they eat horses, they drink fermented mare’s milk. The Dothraki – as in the show – are presented as eating almost entirely horsemeat. They eat horsemeat at the wedding (AGoT, 84), and Daenerys’ attendants are surprised that she asks for any kind of meat other than horse (AGoT, 129), although Daenerys herself seems to have access to a more agrarian diet (AGoT, 198) and other characters observe that the Dothraki prefer horsemeat to anything else (AGoT, 272). There is no mention of herds of anything except people and horses moving with the khalasaar.
There is also no sense that the Dothraki are hunting big game like one would in the Great Plains; Drogo kills a hrakkar – a sort of lion, apparently – as a display of bravery (AGoT, 495) but there is nothing that would suggest the kind of bison-based subsistence system (at the very least, if that was the system, Daenerys would be well aware of it, because the camp would be awash in bison-products). I found no references to larger game and the Wiki only offers, “packs of wild dogs, herds of free-ranging horses, and rare hrakkar” which is, needless to say, not enough to make up for the absence of large herds of bison, especially for trying to feed Drogo’s camp of perhaps a hundred thousand people (or more!).
They clearly do not herd sheep. This becomes painfully obvious with the raid on the Lhazareen village. The Dothraki – Khal Ogo’s men – in raiding a sedentary pastoralist settlement, kill all of the sheep and leave them to rot. Dany sees them “thousands of them, black with flies, arrow shafts bristling from each carcass” and only knows that this isn’t Drogo’s work because he would have killed the shepherds first (AGoT, 555). And we are told that the people there “the Dothraki called them haesh rakhi, the Lamb Men….Khal Drogo said they belong south of the river bend. The grass of the Dothraki sea was not meant for sheep” (AGoT, 556).
We are told that the Dothraki have “vast herds” but this can only mean herds of horses, given that they apparently take offense at any other animal being grazed on the Dothraki and look down at shepherds in general (AGoT, 83). To be clear, for a nomadic people moving over vast grassland to spurn the opportunity to capture vast herds of sheep would be extraordinarily stupid. At the very least, thousands of sheep are valuable trade goods that can literally walk themselves to the point of sale (we’ll get to this idea that the Dothraki also don’t understand commerce a little later, but it is also intense rubbish; horse nomads in both the New World and the Old understood trade networks quite well and utilized them adroitly). But more broadly, as I hope we’ve laid out, sheep are extremely valuable for subsistence in Steppe terrain.
But Martin does not even do horse-string logistics right. While Daenerys eats cheese (AGoT, 198), we never hear of the Dothraki doing so. The Dothraki do have an equivalent to qumis, but no qulut, no yogurt. Even the frankly badass bit about drinking the horse’s blood as a source of nourishment does not appear. The horses themselves are also wrong. First, Daenerys and Drogo each have one horse they use, seemingly to the exclusion of all others. If you have been reading this long, you know that is nonsense: they ought to both (and Jorah too, if he intends to keep up) be shifting between multiple horses to avoid riding any of them into the ground. Moreover, Martin has imported a European custom about horses – that men ride stallions and women ride mares – into a context where it makes no sense. Drogo’s horse is clearly noted as a red stallion (AGoT, 88) while Daenerys’ horse is a silver filly (AGoT, 87). But of course the logistics of Steppe raiding revolves around mares; in trying to give Drogo the ultimate manly-man horse, he has actually given him the equivalent of a broken down beater – a horse only able to fulfill a slim parts of its role.
Finally, the group size here is wildly off. For comparison, Timothy May estimates that, in 1206, when Temujin he took the name Chinggis Khan and thus became the Great Khan, ruling the entire eastern half of the Eurasian Steppe, that the Mongol army “probably numbered less than a hundred thousand men” (May, The Mongols, (2019), 43), though by that point his army included not merely Mongols, but other ethnically distinct groups of steppe nomads, Merkits, Naimans, Keraites, Uyghurs and the Tatars (the last of which Chinggis had essentially exterminated – next time, we’ll get to the nonsense of the Dothraki being a single ethnic group).
That is, to be clear, compared to the armies of sedentary empires of similar size (which is to say, huge) a fairly small number! We’re going to come back to this next week, but the strength of Steppe nomads was never in numbers. Pastoralism is a low density subsistence strategy, so the steppe nomads were almost always outnumbered by their sedentary opponents (Chinggis himself overcomes this problem by folding sedentary armies into his own, giving him agrarian numbers, backed by the fearsome fighting skills of his steppe nomads).
Khal Drogo’s khalasaar, which moves as a single unit, supposedly has 40,000 riders (AGoT, 325-6); Drogo is perhaps the strongest Khal, but still only one of many. With 40,000 riders, we have to imagine an entire khalasaar of at least 120,000 Dothraki (plus all the slaves they seem to have – put a pin in that for later; also that number is a low-ball because violent mortality is clearly very high among the Dothraki, which would increase the proportion of women and children) and probably something like 300,000 horses. At least. Of course no grassland could support those numbers without herds of sheep or other cattle. As noted above, Isenberg’s figures suggest much lower density in the absence of herding – just under 70,000 nomadic Native Americans on the Great Plains in 1780 (and less than 40,000 in 1877), including women and children! But more to the point, no assemblage of animals and people that large could stay together for any length of time without depleting the grass stocks.
Even if we ignore that problem and even if we assume that the Dothraki have Mongol-style pastoral logistics to enable higher population density on the Dothraki Sea, my sense is that the numbers still don’t work. Even before Drogo dies, we meet quite a few other independent Khals with their on khalasaars – Moro, Jommo, Ogo, Zekko and Motho at least and it is implied that there are more. Drogo’s numbers suggests he should be roughly at the stage Chinggis Khan was in 1201 or so – with Chinggis controlling roughly half of the Mongolian Steppe, and his old friend and rival Jamukha the other half. But Khal Drogo has evidently at least a half-dozen rivals, probably more. It is hard to say with any certainty, but the numbers generally seem too high. Having that entire group concentrated, moving together for at least nine months (long enough for Daenerys to become pregnant and give birth) would be simply impossible inside of a grazing-based subsistence system, sheep or no sheep.
In short, no part of this subsistence system works, either from a North American or a Eurasian perspective. This isn’t actually much of a surprise. Martin has been pretty clear that he doesn’t like the kind of history we’re doing here. As he states: I am not looking for academic tomes about changing patterns of land use, but anecdotal history rich in details of battles, betrayals, love affairs, murders, and similar juicy stuff.
That’s an odd position for an author who critiques other authors for being insufficiently clear about their characters’ tax policy (what does he think they are taxing, other than agricultural land use?). Now, I won’t begrudge anyone their pleasure reading, whatever it may be. But what I hope the proceeding analysis has already made clear is that it simply isn’t possible to say any fictional culture is ‘an amalgam’ of a historical culture if you haven’t even bothered to understand how that culture functions. And it should also be very clear at this point that George R. R. Martin does not have a firm grasp on how any of these cultures function.”
- Bret Devereaux, “That Dothraki Horde, Part II: Subsistence on the Hoof.”
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sarcasmandships · 3 years
how to save a life ︱spencer reid
word count: 8.3k
spencer reid x slight oc
spencer and veronica argue over him keeping their relationship from the team, but when spencer sustains a life-threatening gun shot wound it puts everything into perspective 
angst + hurt/comfort with an eventual happy ending
this is not an x reader because i hate writing y/n in place of a character name and it often forces you into writing in second person which i also hate - however I have avoided giving specific descriptions of hair/eye/skin colour, height and body shape so feel free to imagine it like an x reader 
this is also heavily inspired by greys anatomy and ive taken characters from the show to be side characters, however you do not need to have watched a single episode of greys to follow the story 
warnings: mention of rape, mentions of past drug use, spencer being shot, descriptions of blood, spencer being a bit of a dick in part 1??
Veronica groaned and rolled onto her stomach, shielding her eyes from the dull light illuminating the room. Her body was stiff as she twisted to find a more comfortable position, but the glare from the lamp was still too bright, so she huffed and forced herself to sit upright.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” Spencer whispered.
Veronica was still groggy and had to squint her eyes to focus on him. He was stood on the other side of her bedroom, half dressed in a pair of tight grey trousers and an unbuttoned pale blue shirt. Her eyes raked over his exposed skin.
She grumbled and flopped back down on the bed, “you’re lucky you’re pretty, waking me up at 5am on a Saturday.”
He frowned, “it’s an emergency – we just got called in on a case.”
“Is this your way of telling me you can’t come tonight?” she snorted, looking up at him lazily as her head rested on her pillow.
“The fundraising gala – right,” he said stiffly, slowly doing up his buttons, “it’s a local one, so we won’t be flying out, but I can’t justify sneaking off to a party while we’re working a case.”
“Its not a party,” Veronica said through gritted teeth, “parties are fun. This is a stupid campaign that Jackson organized to raise funds for the hospital. Where I’m expected to go and charm rich, old, white men into giving us money, and whichever department raises the most money gets a bonus-”
“And you think I’d have been a valuable addition to your efforts because?” Spencer asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Because, you have an eidetic memory and an IQ of 187 – that impresses everyone, and maybe it could’ve impressed some hedge fund manager enough to give me, and my department, the big bucks.”
“You flatter me.”
“Yeah, remember this feeling – cos’ you won’t be getting any more nice words from me for a while,” Veronica grumbled into her pillow; she pulled the duvet tighter around her body and screwed her eyes shut, they still hadn’t adjusted to the glow from the lamp.
Spencer had finished getting dressed, and he sighed deeply as he crept over to the bed. He crawled on top of the duvet and wrapped his arms around Veronica’s body.
“You know I would rather be with you, but if I don’t go to work, people die,” he whispered in her ear.
Veronica twisted her torso to face him, “Spencer I get it – if I don’t go to work people die too, I just hate your job when it means we can’t do things together. That gala just going to be full of dull, sleazy men – you would’ve kept me sane.”
He wrapped his arms around her, tighter, “I know, I hate it too. I just can’t leave in the middle of a serial case like this, plus even if I tried to the team would have too many questions because-”
Veronica’s body stiffened, and she unconsciously shifted away from him, “because you still haven’t told them about us, even though we’ve been together for years, and you know all my friends, and we go to work events together for my job. But we can’t for yours because you still haven’t told your team, who you consider family. I’m well aware of that fact, Spencer.”
“Veronica, you know it’s nothing to do with you. There are just some things I like to keep private from them-”
“I’m not a thing! I’m a person, and you’re not keeping it private, you’re keeping it secret. Private would be if they knew I existed but didn’t know all the details of our relationship, but that’s not what’s happening here,” she snapped.
“V, don’t be like that-”
“You should just go; you’ll be late for work. Wouldn’t want to let down your team like that.”
Spencer sighed and let go of her, he shuffled around the room gathering up his bag and coat before heading to the door.
“Goodbye, good luck at the fundraiser. Hopefully I’ll be home tonight, otherwise I’ll call you, okay?”
“Yeah, okay,” she grumbled.
“I love you,” he said uncertainly.
Veronica couldn’t fight the smile that crept onto her face at his words, “I love you too,” she whispered back.
She stretched her arms out to Spencer’s side of the bed as she heard the front door click shut. The pillow and mattress were already cool from the absence of his body, Veronica let her heavy eyes fall shut and drifted off to sleep again.
She didn’t wake up again until hours later, when the sunlight crept through the gaps in the curtains and shone onto her face. Veronica unwilling pried her eyes open for the second time that day and fumbled for her phone on the bedside table to see if Spencer had texted her.
He hadn’t. Veronica’s heart sunk and her chest, he always texted her when he arrived at work. The only thing the glaring, bright screen of her phone informed her was that it was 11.57am, she had significantly overslept.
She quickly attributed it to the 17-hour spinal-cord tumour resection she had worked on yesterday and pulling the charger out of her phone she rolled over. Unlocking her phone, she sent a quick text to Spencer, reminding him that he needed to keep her updated when he was on a case or she’d assume he was dead.
But when she clicked ‘delivered’, there was a buzz from Spencer’s bedside table and Veronica strained her neck only to see that his phone was still there. She frowned, Spencer wasn’t a fan of his phone, but he never went to work without it, could he really have been so flustered from their spat that he’d forgotten it?
Whatever the reason, Veronica groaned, she wouldn’t relax all day without his periodic updates telling her that he was still alive, and she doubted he would trek all the way back to her apartment to get it.
She crawled out of bed and searched around for the first clothes she could find; a pair of dark running shorts, and her red ‘Harvard Med’ sweatshirt.  Flinging them on, she quickly sprayed herself with deodorant and grabbed her bag, keys, and Spencer’s phone before dashing out the door.
Veronica cursed Spencer as she thudded down the stairs of her apartment building, because of course, the lift was still broken. Dr. Spencer Reid was supposed to have an eidetic memory, and he forgets his phone? Idiot.
A wave of heat hit her as she stepped outside, rummaging around her bag for a pair of sunglasses to shield her eyes as she made her way over to her car. Veronica contemplated how to get the phone to Spencer as she drove, she obviously couldn’t call him to let him know she had it, and she didn’t have the extension for his desk phone.
She could hand it into someone at reception and ask them to take it up or ask them to call him down. But then she would have to talk to him again and Veronica wasn’t sure if she wanted to do that.
She knew it wasn’t his fault, she knew that he couldn’t control when serial killers decided to act out, she knew that he was out there saving lives.
But it was still frustrating they couldn’t go places like normal couples, if there wasn’t a serial killer terrorising some small town then she was being pulled in on an emergency surgery. If she were honest with herself, she didn’t know how much longer their relationship could go on like this.
At least they were in the same state this time, and they would hopefully get to sleep in the same bed whilst he worked on this case, she thought optimistically to herself as she parked her car on a side street near the FBI building.
Veronica was still debating whether to leave Spencer’s phone with the receptionist or have them call him down as she strolled across the street. But that decision was quickly made for her when she saw Spencer leaving the building, accompanied by a tall, bald man with dark skin and a short blonde woman, wearing an eccentric, neon dress.
They were laughing amongst themselves; Spencer ran a hand through his messy hair as he chuckled at something Veronica was too far away to hear. He looked so happy. She was about to turn around and sneak back to her car when Spencer clocked her, they made eye-contact and he stopped in his tracks.
His friends stopped to and after noticing that Spencer was staring at something, turned to look at her too. The man nudged him, but Spencer stood frozen his tracks. Veronica huffed, if he weren’t going to come to her, she would have to go to him.
“Spencer,” she said, as she approached them briskly.
“Veronica! We’re just going to grab lunch for the team, I…I was going to text you, but I-”
“Left your phone at my apartment,” she finished for him, holding out his phone, which he took gingerly, “hi! I’m Veronica,” she said brightly, turning to face the man and woman who were staring at her, dumbfounded.
“H-hi, I’m Penelope Garcia,” the woman finally spoke.
“Derek Morgan,” the man added, with a small wave.
They both lingered hesitantly a few steps away from Veronica and Spencer, evidently sensing the tension between them. Spencer wouldn’t make eye contact with her, he stared down at his feet, but Veronica stood her ground firmly.
“I’m literally standing right in front of them Spencer, are you still going to try and keep me a secret?” she seethed.
“I-I didn’t want it to happen like this,” he stammered.
“Right. You didn’t want it to happen, at all,” she said, turning on her heel to leave but Spencer lurched forward and grabbed her wrist, pulling her close into him.
“V, please don’t be like that – I wasn’t expecting you to show up at my job like this, I just needed a minute to process-”
“Process what? Your girlfriend doing you a favour? You’ve had a minute, and you clearly don’t want your friends to know me so just forget it Spencer,” she snapped, pulling her arm free from his grip.
“Veronica, please. I will introduce you properly later, just not right now,” he whispered, throwing an anxious glance back at Derek and Garcia. 
Veronica rolled her eyes, they weren’t even in earshot anymore and he was still whispering so they wouldn’t overhear.
“Why not right now? You aren’t tracking down an unsub right at this moment, you’re going to get lunch – is a sandwich really more important to you than me?”
“That isn’t what I said!”
“You didn’t have to say anything, Spence,” she smiled sadly, “I don’t understand why you don’t want the people closest to you to know that you’ve had a girlfriend for the past three years. I mean we basically live together, it’s a serious relationship, they should at least know I exist.”
“It’s more complicated than that-”
“No, it isn’t!” she cried, her voice louder and shriller than she intended, causing Derek and Garcia to step forward but Spencer waved them off, “are you embarrassed of me or something?” she asked, her eyes flickering between Spencer’s twisted expression and his friends.
“Of course not, don’t be stupid,” he snorted.
“I’m not being stupid,” she snapped, “but I can’t think of any other reason why you wouldn’t want them to know me. Not that you should have any reason to be embarrassed cos’ I’m a hot neurosurgeon, but maybe that’s not good enough for the sacred BAU,” she spat.
Garcia and Derek whispered amongst themselves as they gave the couple concerned looks.
“Veronica, please-”
“No, don’t,” she said firmly despite the tears burning in her eyes, “you’ve made it very clear where you stand. I have to go; I’m meeting April for lunch and then to get our hair done for this stupid gala. Text me to let me know you’re alive, otherwise don’t contact me,” Veronica turned to leave but Spencer gripped her arm again.
“Are you breaking up with me?” he asked, his voice cracking slightly.
Veronica shook her head, “no, Spencer you could literally stab me through the heart, and I wouldn’t leave you. That’s the problem, I think I love you more than you love me – I just need some space.”
“Come on, I’ll introduce you to Morgan and Garcia, y-you can join us all for lunch,” he said desperately, trying to tug her towards them but Veronica pulled her arm away again.
“Too late Spence,” she sighed, “I meant what I said, still let me know you’re okay every few hours or I’ll worry. But please just leave me alone till you decide if you really want to be in this relationship.”
“Of course, I do Veronica! I lov-”
“Bye Spencer,” she said, kissing him softly on the cheek, “be safe.”
Veronica turned and dashed away from him, desperate not to let him see the tears threatening to spill over.
“Love you…” Spencer finished as he watched her disappear around a corner.
He was frozen for several moments as he stared longingly after her, but she would be in her car and long gone now. He tightened his grip on the phone she had handed him just moments before, the screen lit up and showed a text she must’ve sent before realizing he didn’t have his phone. He shoved the phone back in his pocket and turned on his heel to head back inside, but Derek was quick to grab his arm and pull him back.
“Hey, hey, hey, and just where do you think you’re going?” he asked, cocking an eyebrow.
“Inside,” Spencer snapped, as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.
Derek gave him a pointed look, “I don’t think so kid, I’m gonna tell you what’s gonna happen – we’re gonna get in the car and go pick up lunch for everyone, it’ll take about 20 minutes, tops. That’s how long you have to explain whoever that was and why you’ve been acting so weird this morning, sound good?”
Spencer wrestled his arm out of Derek’ grip, “I don’t owe you an explanation,” he said sharply.
“Well see yeah you do pretty boy, cos’ that’s the second time you’ve snapped at me in under a minute so somethings obviously going on and I’m willing to bet it’s got something to do with Miss Harvard Med, who’s apartment you were in this morning,” he said with a knowing look, “now come on, cars this way,” he pointed to the left on the street and began to saunter off.
Spencer gave Garcia a desperate look, “Penelope, have my back here, I-”
She raised a hand up to silence him, “it doesn’t take a profiler to figure out that you’ve been acting weird all morning,” she shifted closer to him and took his large hand in hers, “I know you like to keep things to yourself Spencer, but you and I also both know that you keeping secrets doesn’t always end well, we aren’t asking you to give us every detail we just want to know what’s going on.”
Spencer huffed but didn’t disagree with her, he even let her tug his arm and lead him down the street after Derek, who was already waiting for them at the car.
“About time,” he said, lifting himself from his position leaning against the dark SVU to unlock it.
He climbed in the front seat and Garcia moved round to get in the passenger’s side, leaving Spencer to stand for a few seconds outside the car. He debated running back to the office for a few seconds, but Derek would definitely run after him, and he was a lot faster. Deciding he didn’t want to be tackled to the ground today, he grumbled and crawled into the back seat, slamming the door behind him.
“You gonna tell us why you’ve got such an attitude today now, kid?” Derek said as he turned the keys in the ignition and pulled away from the kerb.
“And who that girl was?” Garcia added.
“That was Veronica,” he shrugged, twirling the end of his tie in his hands.
“Yeah, she told us that much,” Derek sighed, “we mean who is she?”
“She’s a neurosurgeon at Stafford Grace Mercy West hospital,” he answered through gritted teeth.
“A neurosurgeon!” Garcia gasped, clapping her hands together, “our Doctor Reid found himself a doctor of his own,” she giggled.
“What? No! I just said she was a doctor; I didn’t say there was anything-”
Derek had his eyes focused on the road, but Spencer could picture the look on his face as he spoke, “I didn’t think neurosurgeons usually ran a drop-in clinic from their apartments, but y’know I’m not the one with an IQ of 187, so maybe I’m wrong.”
He gave Garcia a look and her face dropped.
Spencer swore under his breath and folded his arms tightly across his chest. He shifted uncomfortably in the back seat as Derek pulled up to the drive-thru and gave a shrug and a mumble when he asked him what he wanted to eat.
“Thank you very much ma’am,” Derek flirted with the woman in the window as she handed the paper bag of food through to him, he gave it to Garcia as he drove away, allowing her to pick through everyone’s fries.
“Y’know kid, we’ll be back at the office in 10 minutes or so and you can either tell me what’s going on now or back there, in front of everyone else.”
“It’s none of your business!” Spencer spluttered.
“You’ve not been able to focus at work all morning, every time someone has asked a question you’ve been tugging on your tie instead of giving us some long-winded statistic, then some girl we’ve never seen before shows up and you both start fighting-”
“We weren’t fighting,” Spencer grumbled, running a hand through his hair, “just a difference of opinion, that’s all.”
“A difference of opinion made her storm off like that, huh?” Derek mused.
Spencer balled his fists, why couldn’t Derek just leave it alone?
“We just want to make sure there’s nothing bad going on, Spencer,” Garcia said kindly, a handful of Emily’s fries in her mouth.
“Why do you think anything bad would be going on?”
Derek and Garcia exchanged looks.
“Hey! Why are you looking each other like that?”
Garcia twisted in her seat to face him, “we just noticed that recently you’ve not been coming out with us, you’re always rushing home after work, some days you’re really happy – and I love those days! – but other times you’re…irritable-”
“Like today,” Derek interjected.
“Right, and now this girl who just happens to be a doctor with a prescription pad shows up, and if she’s not your girlfriend then-”
“You think she’s my drug dealer?” Spencer snorted.
“Is she?” Garcia asked, alarmed.
“No!” he snapped, “fine! She’s my girlfriend, is that what you wanted to hear? Congratulations guys, you’ve finally gotten me to admit the one thing I didn’t want to tell you, whilst simultaneously accusing me of taking drugs again, and Veronica of abusing her medical license to sell drugs!”
“Hey! Kid I get if you’re upset but don’t raise your voice at Garcia like that, we suspected you were using again before Veronica ever showed up, her being a doctor just fit into the puzzle,” Derek said firmly, “I don’t understand why you didn’t just tell us she was your girlfriend and we could’ve moved on, you being so secretive about her is what made us think that there was something bad going on.”
“Well, there isn’t, except I have a pissed off girlfriend and a serial killer slashing women’s throats open, I don’t have time to pander to your feelings as well,” Spencer grumbled as Derek pulled up near the office again, he flung the door open and high-tailed out of the car, leaving Derek and Garcia in their seats gaping at each other.
He had dashed back inside the building; he couldn’t tell how close Derek and Garcia were behind him, but he was grateful they were far away enough to not catch the lift with him.
“Hey Reid,” Emily greeted him as he sulked back into the office, “where are Garcia and Morgan?”
Spencer shrugged, “they’re coming up now, they’ve got everyone’s food,” he mumbled, shuffling away to his desk.
“Okay…” Emily said, and shot JJ a concerned look.
Spencer sat down and stared blankly at the map in front of him. He was supposed to be working on the geographical profile, but his eyes blurred as he stared at the contour lines and he couldn’t make them refocus.
Derek and Garcia burst through the door minutes later.
“Lunchtime,” he called, as Garcia held the bag up above her head.
“Finally, I’m starving,” Emily groaned, making her way over to Derek to collect her lunch, “what’s going on with the good doctor?” she whispered under her breath, motioning with her head over to Spencer, slumped in his chair.
Derek hesitated, “we’re not entirely sure yet, I’ll let you know when I know,” he whispered back.
Emily nodded apprehensively and took her food from Garcia.
“I promise I didn’t eat all your fries,” she chirped, and Emily rolled her eyes.
The other team members came to collect their orders from Morgan and Garcia, all of them shooting concerned looks at Spencer. He dug his nails into his palms, the sharp twinge distracted him from everyone’s stares.
Spencer didn’t show any intention of coming to get his lunch, so Derek took the bag from Garcia and strolled over to Spencer’s desk. He dropped the bag down on top of the map.
“You wouldn’t answer me when I asked what you wanted, so I picked for you.”
Spencer didn’t look up, “hmm not hungry,” he said, twirling a pen in his hand.
“C’mon kid, I’m sorry Garcia and I implied that you were using again, but we’ve noticed you acting weird for a while and we thought that was the most plausible-”
“So, you thought it was more likely I was shooting myself up with dilaudid than it was that I had a girlfriend? Cos’ who would want to date me right?” he snorted.
“Spencer, you know that’s not what I meant, but you never gave any indication you were seeing someone, I thought if you were then you’d have mentioned it to at least one of us.”
Spencer curled his lip.
“So…why didn’t you mention anything?”
“Because…because we spend so much time together, and you all know so much about me I just wanted to have something that was my own,” he said hastily.
“Okay, I can understand that, so I won’t ask too many questions – I just want to know: does she treat you good? Does she make you happy?”
“Yes,” Spencer murmured.
“That all I’m gonna get, pretty boy?”
Spencer nodded stiffly, “for now.”
“Am I gonna get to meet her?” Derek asked softly.
“You did meet her.”
Derek rolled his eyes, “I mean properly, I would like to introduce myself as the guy who saves your ass on the daily,” he said, nudging Spencer’s shoulder gently.
He tried to fight the smile creeping onto his face, but failed, “you’re getting nowhere near her if you’re gonna lie like that.”
Derek chuckled and held up his hands, “okay, okay I get it – pretty boy’s gotta protect his reputation in front of his girl.”
Spencer gave him a tight-lipped smile and nodded, he continued to twirl the pen in his hand, “something like that.”
“Guys, I think we might have something,” Hotch said, stepping out of the conference room with Garcia and Rossi close behind him.
JJ and Emily nodded, standing up from their desks to join him. Derek moved to follow but Spencer grabbed his arm quickly.
“You won’t say anything will you?” he asked nervously, “not until I’ve had a chance to talk to Veronica, at least. She’s got this fundraising gala for work tonight, and I don’t know when we’ll get home. We’re in the same state and we probably won’t get a chance to talk till this case is over,” he said miserably.
Derek nodded, “your secrets safe with me, pretty boy,” he said, clapping Spencer on the bag before sauntered away and up the stairs.
Spencer smiled, grabbed his lunch from his desk and followed.
Veronica drummed her nails against the table as they waited for their waitress to return with their drinks.
“You know I was going to say that it’s a bit early for the wine you just ordered but now I think you should’ve gotten a large,” April commented, watching how Veronica fidgeted in her seat.
“Yeah, well I figured I should start preparing early for this stupid gala,” she mumbled.
“Hey! Jackson has worked really hard organizing this, I think it’ll be fun!”
Veronica rolled her eyes, “you think going to the DMV is fun, so you don’t get much of an opinion here, Kepner.”
“It is fun!” April began but Veronica gave her a pointed look, “right...not about me. Veronica, what’s going on? You’ve been acting weird since you got to my apartment, and I know you’re not looking forward to the gala, but I don’t think that’s what’s on your mind.”
Veronica shrugged, “it’s Spencer, he-”
She was interrupted as their waitress returned, “okay! Diet coke for you, and a pinot griot for you,” she said, placing their respective drinks down in front of them, “are you ladies ready to order?” she chirped, Veronica wanted to roll her eyes at the perkiness radiating off of her, but reminded herself that she was just doing her job.
“I’ll have the chicken Caesar salad please!” April responded, matching the waitresses bright and bubbly demeanour.
Veronica tapped her foot against the floor, “I’ll have the double bacon cheeseburger with Cajun fries please,” she said, giving her best attempt at a smile.
“Excellent!” she said, taking their menus, “I’ll get that out to you soon as its ready.”
“Thank you!” April said, her voice sweet and sing-song-like, until the waitress had disappeared out of sight and she turned to glare at Veronica, “double bacon cheeseburger! You have a tight dress to wear tonight, do you want to be bloated?”
“April, I really don’t care,” Veronica said flatly, taking a large swig of wine from her glass.
April gaped at her lie a fish but quickly composed herself, “what did Spencer do that’s so bad he’s got you comfort eating and drinking?”
Veronica paused to take another gulp of wine before she answered, “it’s not what he did it’s what he didn’t do. First of all, he was supposed to come to the gala with me tonight and keep me from punching one of those rich, old, pervs in the throat but then he got called into work on a case – which sucks, and I’m upset he can’t come but like I can live with that, we get pulled into emergency surgeries all the time, so I get it,” she ranted, taking another sip of wine.
“But?” April prompted.
“But everything comes back to the same issues with us, he refuses to even tell his team about me. And these guys, April, they’re like his family! But they have no clue I even exist; he always says it’s because he’s a private person and he shares so much with them that he just wants to having something to himself…but more and more it just feels like he’s embarrassed by me.”
“Oh, Veronica,” April gushed, her voice dripping with sympathy, “I’m sure that’s not true, but it’s so easy to get in your own head about things like this, when Jackson and I were sneaking around I felt the same way.”
“Yeah, and then you got married,” she snorted.
“And then we got divorced.”
“Is this your way of telling me I should break up with Spencer?” Veronica asked, raising an eyebrow.
“No!” April said quickly, “I’m just saying that Jackson and I didn’t work out because we had too many fundamental differences, but you and Spencer aren’t like that, your problems are coming from external factors and they’re far easier to fix than internal ones. If you gave him an ultimatum, you introduce me to your team or it’s over, then I really doubt that he’s going to let you walk away.”
Veronica shook her head, “he’d know that’s an empty threat, I already told him I would never leave him.”
“When did you tell him that?” April demanded.
“About 20 minutes before I showed up at your place, he left his phone at my apartment, so I went to drop it off at his work but when I got there, he was coming out with two of his friends – I was right in front of them and he still didn’t want to introduce me. And I told him that I couldn’t break up with him, but I thought I love him more than he loves me.”
“And what did he say?”
“Well, then he said I should come to lunch with them, but it was so obvious that he didn’t really want that, he was just trying to cover his own ass,” she shrugged, “so I told him it was too late and then I left.”
“Why didn’t you go with them? Then you would have met them, and this would all be resolved,” April gaped at her.
“Because he didn’t want me there! Besides they don’t even get a proper lunch break, they were just going to pick up food for everyone else. I don’t want to meet my boyfriend’s closest friends in the 20-minute drive to Burger King and back,” she huffed, sitting back lazily, and crossing her arms over her chest.
“Have you tried explaining to him how he’s making you feel by doing this?”
“Only every time we fight, I say I’m sick of him not taking me to parties with his work friends cos’ he doesn’t want them to know about me, but the rest of the team has their partners there, so he just stopped going out with them all together. He would rather not see his friends outside of work than take me with him, you can’t try and tell me that’s not weird.”
April shook her head hesitantly, “no, I agree that its strange, but I’ve also met Spencer and I’ve seen first-hand how much he adores you, whatever is going on, I don’t think it’s because he’s ashamed of you.”
Veronica didn’t answer her. She didn’t have the energy to argue back, if there was another reason as to why Spencer was hiding her, she couldn’t figure it out.
Thankfully, the waitress returned with their food and interrupted April, who Veronica could tell was about to launch into some motivational speech. She took a huge bite from her burger, savouring the salty bacon and tangy tomato relish that made her feel instantaneously better.
April gave her a disapproving look as she delicately tucked into her salad, “I was going to say you need to eat quickly or we’ll miss our appointment, but I see you’re doing that all on your own.”
“We’ve still got another hour, chill out, Kepner.”
April rolled her eyes, “you’ve forgotten the plan, already haven’t you?”
Veronica froze, with a handful of spicy, Cajun fries in her mouth, “plan?” she questioned, her voice muffled.
“I told you yesterday, Veronica!” she whined, “we were going to get our hair done at the salon but now she’s going to come to Cristina’s apartment since its way closer to where the gala will be – so we need to drive back to your apartment to pick up your dress and makeup and then we’ll head to Cristina’s to get ready there.”
“Don’t we need to pick up your stuff too then?”
“No, because I was organized and put mine in the back of the car,” she said with a glare, “you did pick up your dress, right?”
“Yes, have some faith in me,” Veronica grumbled.
“You didn’t remember the plan! You could’ve just as easily forgotten to get a dress.”
“I’m pretty sure you never told me about the plan,” Veronica teased.
“I did!”
“Yesterday, after you came out of surgery.”
“You told me after my 17-hour spinal cord tumour resection, and actually expected me to remember a word that you’d said?”
“Shut up and eat your burger,” April huffed, and Veronica chuckled as she took another large bite.
Spencer shifted uncomfortably in the passenger’s seat of the SVU, he was irritated. They had been chasing a lead since lunch and it hadn’t panned out, he and Derek were on their way back to the office now.
He turned down the radio; the music was so loud he couldn’t hear himself think. It was getting dark outside now, and the streetlights reflected off of the window he stared out of, the glare hurt his eyes. Spencer re-adjusted his bulletproof vest; it was tight and digging into his chest. He flicked on the AC; the car was too hot.  
“Hey kid, you wanna sit still for 5 minutes?” Derek mused.
“I’m just frustrated, I really thought we got him,” he grunted.
“I know me too, but everyone’s doing everything they can to catch him-”
“He’s escalating! He’s raped, killed and dumped two women since lunch, in broad daylight – everyone might be doing everything he can but that isn’t enough.”
“I know this isn’t an easy case, but we’ve dealt with things like this before and you never act out like this, so what’s going on? Is this about your fight with Veronica?”
“No! I mean…” Spencer dragged his hand through his hair, “it’s not about the fight but it is about her, all the women he’s killed so far sort of look like her – same hair and eye colour, same height and body type….”
“Spencer, we know he’s taking these women as surrogates for a Linda Johnson, it doesn’t have anything to do with her-”
“But he could take her, she’s with her friends right now, getting ready for this work thing. The second victim was at a party with friends when he took her, and she looked exactly like Veronica – they could’ve been sisters.”
Derek pulled the car over to the side of the road.
“W-what are you doing?” Spencer stuttered, “Hotch said he wants everyone back ASAP.”
“Hotch can wait,” Derek said sharply, “now listen to me kid, Veronica is gonna be just fine, she’s gonna be at some fancy, little party full of other doctors. We profiled that the unsub wouldn’t be able to blend into an environment like that, that’s why all his other victims were taken in nightclubs or back alleys. She will be fine, okay?”
Spencer didn’t answer.
“Kid, I need you to answer me so I know you’re still in there,” Derek said, nudging him, “I can see that brain of yours going into overdrive.”
“We profiled that the unsub wouldn’t be able to fit in with educated or upper-class groups because of poor social skills and lack of education…” Spencer began slowly.
“Right,” Derek agreed with him.
“And that’s why we went to Tommy Jones’ house, because he fits the profile, but his alibi checks out….”
“What are you getting at here, Reid?”
“It doesn’t make sense, all the women were taken from dive bars or dangerous areas, but they were all also upper class, well educated women – they wouldn’t just go off with someone who they thought was a threat….”
Derek nodded slowly, “…and we know he used some kind of a ruse to get them in his van because all of the victims had minimal defensive wounds.”
“Right, so our unsub would have to be someone these women would trust, and the psychology of implicit bias show that we are consciously and unconsciously more trusting of members of our perceived in-group,” Spencer added, “so what if our unsub is someone connected to Linda Johnson but from the same rich, ivy-league educated background as her.”
“Okay, but we already vetted all of Linda’s male family members, friends and boyfriends of friends – they’re all clear. And she’s still with her high-school boyfriend who’s been in California all week….”
“Call Hotch, Linda should still be at the office, maybe he can find a male from the same financial and educational background as Lisa who has since lost social status and lost touch with her, our unsub could be someone who has lost access to that kind of lifestyle and blames Lisa for it.”
“Okay kid, whatever you say,” Derek said, he grabbed his phone and dialled Hotch’s number, “hey Hotch, Reid thinks the unsub is someone who came from the same background as Lisa but has lost some kind of status and blames her for it, can you ask if anyone fits that description?”
Spencer looked on in anticipation, his heart hammering in his chest. Derek switched his phone to speaker-mode as Hotch came back.
“Morgan, I think we got something. Linda says her high school had a tutoring program, a boy called Phillip Davis used to help her with biology and chemistry, she always suspected he had a bit of a crush on her, but she never returned the feelings. He left the school when his father went bankrupt and he lost all their money, they haven’t spoken in years that’s why she never mentioned him.”
“Linda posted on Facebook that she’d been accepted for a master’s degree in biochemical sciences the day before the killings started, that could be the trigger if Davis feels he helped her enough with her studies to get into a master’s program, but she never showed any appreciation,” Spencer said nodding.
“And if he went to the same private school as Linda, he would have the social skills to fit in with other upper-class women,” Derek said.
“Good work Reid,” Hotch said, “you two are closet to his home address, Garcia’s already sent it to your phones, I’ll meet you there – JJ and Prentiss will check out his work address.”
“You got it Hotch,” Derek said before he hung up the phone and drove off again, “we’re gonna get him kid, don’t you worry.”
Spencer nodded, “I know, just I’ll relax better when he’s in handcuffs.”
“He will be soon.”
Spencer didn’t say anything as Derek raced along side-streets. He had flicked the sirens on as they overtook other cars, and they blared in Spencer’s ears. He switched them off when they pulled up outside Philip Davis’ house, he stared up at the dimly lit house for a second before he followed Derek in exiting the car.
His ears were ringing.
Derek was on the phone again, “yeah Hotch, we just got here.”
Spencer’s heart hammered against his ribcage. He yanked down his bulletproof vest again; it was really uncomfortable.
“Hotch says they’re five minutes out, he wants us to wait until they get here to go in,” Derek said and leant against the exterior of the car.
Spencer nodded but his heart seized in his chest; he didn’t think he could wait five whole minutes outside. He tapped his foot against the uneven concrete and peered up at the house.
A light flicked on in one of the upstairs windows.
“Morgan!” he hissed, “do you see that? He’s definitely in there.”
“I know kid, but Hotch says Lina told him that this guy is really aggressive, and Garcia confirmed he owns a whole arsenal of firearms. He just wants us to have backup before we go in, he’s bringing S.W.A.T as well.”
Spencer huffed, “why does it feel like we’re always just standing around waiting for S.W.A.T to show up?”
“Tell me about it, pretty boy,” Derek grinned, “they wouldn’t know how to be on time if-”
He was interrupted by a piercing scream that came from inside the house, Derek and Spencer instinctively grabbed their guns.
“That was definitely a woman,” Derek whispered, “but he didn’t bring any of the other victims back to his house, why her?”
“We’ve amped up the police presence all over the city and set up roadblocks, maybe he was starting to feel cornered, and didn’t want to be caught in the act – we can’t wait for backup any longer, we have to go in.”
“Yeah, I know,” Derek said, he grabbed his phone from his pocket and sent a quick text to Hotch, “okay kid, lets go,” he nodded at Spencer and began to advance towards the house, his gun held out defensively in front of him.
Spencer took a deep breath and followed him. He really wanted to text Veronica and let her know that he was okay for now, but that he and Derek were about to burst into an unsub’s house. Who apparently happened to a violent, gun fanatic.
Derek had kicked the door down, “Kevin Davis, FBI! Come down with your hands up.”
There was no response.
Derek silently motioned to the stairs and Spencer nodded, he followed as they crept across the hall. Derek looked back at him for approval before he began to slowly climb the stairs, Spencer readjusted his vest again before he followed.
The stairs creaked slightly under their feet; the house was a mess and they carefully stepped over clutter as they made their ascent. Derek had made it safely to the top landing when the first gunshots were fired.
He shouted something but Spencer couldn’t hear him, his voice overshadowed by the pulsing of blood in his ears. He was still stood on the top step; he didn’t have the clear view that Derek had of Kevin Davis emerging from a room with an assault rifle in hand.
Spencer’s ears were stilling ringing from the first round of warning shots.
“Kevin Davis, FBI – put the gun down,” Derek ordered, his own gun firmly fixed at the unsub, who only gave a twisted grin in response.
It all happened so fast.
The unsub was in the doorway to a bedroom when a young, disheveled woman burst out of it and sprinted past him and Derek to reach the staircase.
She was screaming the entire time.
And then the unsub was roaring curses after her.
She reached the top of the stairs where Spencer stood, he reached out a hand to help her, but she recoiled away from his touch and shoved him out of his way.
Derek was yelling something.
But Spencer couldn’t make it out because he was suddenly at the bottom of the stairs, his body ached, and he couldn’t discern the screams from the woman from the sirens in the distance. Or Derek’s words from the unsub’s.
His ears were ringing, and his abdomen hurt.
The vest was digging into his chest again and he gasped for air; why couldn’t he breathe?
He grabbed his gun, which was only a few feet away from him and crawled onto his knees. Every shaky intake of breath left him with a sharp, stabbing pain in his side.
He tugged at his vest again.
Spencer gripped onto the banister of the staircase and used it as a support as he began to pull himself up. He hadn’t even fully unbent his knees when there was another loud gunshot, it echoed around the hall.
After that, everything started spinning and the ground swayed under Spencer’s feet.
There were more muffled yells from upstairs, and the wailing sirens were getting louder.
“The pitch of the sirens…its getting higher,” Spencer mumbled, to no one in particular, “it means they’re getting closer…the Doppler effect…” Spencer gasped for a breath and collapsed to his knees.
He didn’t wince as his kneecaps smashed against the hard tiles.
He couldn’t breathe, the stupid vest.
He was vaguely aware of black shapes moving around him as he lifted his hands to readjust his vest, when he pulled his hand away his fingers were slick with blood.
One of the black shapes was dragging him, away from the stairs.
Kevin Davis was in handcuffs, screaming as he was hauled past Spencer.
“Reid!” a voice called.
Spencer looked around, dazed. He couldn’t figure out where it was coming from.
Someone was taking his vest off, he wanted to thank them, but the words wouldn’t come out.
He looked down at himself, and saw his pale, blue shirt soaked in blood.
Spencer didn’t mind it in crime scenes, he had to stare at mutilated corpses all day and didn’t mind their blood.
This was his blood.
Something acidic was rising in his throat.
 And something was lifting him, heaving him outside. When the cool air hit Spencer, he felt it more than he had felt the bullet when it tore through his chest.
 Derek was hovering over Spencer; he waved a hand in front of his face, but his eyes were still glassy and unfocused. He was laid against the rough concrete; it was uncomfortable, and his spine dug into the hard surface. He could feel that dull ache in his side again.
 “Adrenaline…” he choked.
 “What are you talking about, kid?” Derek asked frantically.
 “Adrenaline, when the sympathetic nervous system is activated adrenaline kicks in and stops you from feeling pain,” he gasped.
 “Reid, save your energy okay – now isn’t the time for you to give me a fun science fact,” Derek said with a forced chuckle and sad smile.
 Spencer tried to shake his head, but he only succeeded in scrapping his scalp against the tarmac, “I’m telling you…because the adrenaline in my body is wearing off…it hurts,” he whimpered, screwing his eyes shut.  
 “Spencer! Spencer! You need to stay awake,” Derek was begging, “the ambulance will be here soon, I know it hurts but you gotta stay awake for a bit longer.”
 Spencer managed to muster up the strength to speak, “Derek?”
 “I’m right here, kid. We got him, we got the unsub – Hotch is taking him down to the station right now, and then he’s gonna meet us at the hospital with Emily, and JJ, and Rossi…so you gotta hold on, okay?”
 “Okay…” Spencer whispered; he was on his back staring up at the sky.
 The stars especially bright tonight.
 “Come on kid stay with me,” Derek pleaded as he held pressure on Spencer’s chest, “the ambulance is almost here, and we’re so close to the hospital - just hold on a bit longer.”
 Stars…that meant something to him, his brain was too foggy to recall what.
 “Did you know, that astronomers estimate that in our Milky Way galaxy alone, there are about 300 billion stars,” Spencer rambled as they walked along the street.
 It was dark, and stars sparkled like diamonds against the deep, velvety sky.
 “I didn’t know that, but I suppose you are the genius here for a reason,” Veronica grinned, his hand was wrapped around hers as she tugged him along.
 Spencer wasn’t looking at the stars anymore, he stopped in his tracks which caused Veronica to stop two steps ahead of him. He gently pulled her close to him, so she was pressed against his chest .
 “Veronica, I…I think that I’m in lo-”
 Spencer wriggled his arm as he tried to guide his hand to his pocket.
 “Hey, hey, hey don’t move,” Derek said, panicked, “you bleed more when you move!”
 Spencer fumbled around his pocket for his phone, he eventually managed to pull it out and held it out for Derek to take. The screen was decorated with droplets of blood which had transferred from his hand.
 Spencer couldn’t look at it; blood, its just blood, he told himself.
 “Veronica...” he gasped through short, jagged breaths, “call Veronica...” he said, his hand trembling from the strain of hold his arm up.
 Derek took the phone from him and shoved it in his own pocket, “okay, okay, when we’re in the ambulance I’ll call her,” he said, nodding.
 Veronica needed to know. He needed to make her understand why he had never introduced her to his team, she needed to know it wasn’t her fault. She needed to know that he wasn’t embarrassed of her, that he loved her more than anything, that he did want to be in this relationship.
 Spencer gave a weak smile, “tell her...tell her I...” Spencer’s eyes fluttered shut, and his face, previously screwed up with pain, went slack.
 Derek cursed under his breath as he put more pressure on the wound, he was already losing too much blood. The faint wails of sirens were growing louder until an ambulance pulled up next to Derek and a pair of paramedics dashed round to help him.
 “He just lost consciousness, I’ve been trying to stop the bleeding...” Derek said, he moved back to allow the paramedics in to help Spencer.
 They rolled him onto a stretcher and lifted him up into the ambulance, one of them ran back round to climb in the divers side whilst the other got in the back with Derek. He kept pressure on Spencer’s gunshot wound as the paramedic inserted an IV into his arm, supplying him with more blood. 
 “Here, let me take over. You sit back,” the paramedic said, motioning to Derek’s blood-soaked hands.
 He nodded and dragged his heavy arms away from Spencer’s body. He stared at his face, peaceful from the lack of pain, and pale from the lack of blood. 
 That’s when he remembered Spencer’s words, what could be his last words, call Veronica. Tell her I...
 Derek pulled Spencer’s phone from his pocket and unlocked it, he scrolled through his contacts app till he reached the ‘V’ section.
His finger hovered over Veronica’s name before he finally clicked on it. It rung and rung and rung. Derek’s heart seized in his chest - what if she didn’t answer? 
 Just as Derek thought it was going to go to voicemail, he heard a voice on the other side of the phone. There was loud music and chatter, but Derek could just make out Veronica’s voice.
“Spencer, I told you-”
 “Hi, Veronica,” his voice cracked, “it’s Derek Morgan, we met earlier today...”
read part 2 here 
if you enjoyed this please consider leaving a comment as it really keeps me motivated, and reblogging! i really appreciate likes but on the tumblr reblogs are the only way to get my work out there x
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mintymiknow · 3 years
Trust Fall - ch. 11 | Lee Minho
summary | character profiles | masterlist
Pairing: Lee Minho/Lee Know x Reader
Summary: Your relationships with Minho and the other agents are surely better than before, but a simple mission turns into a nightmare when something re-awakens memories you’ve left in the back of your mind.
Genre: Secret agent/spy au, romance, angst, action
Word count: Approx. 6.2k
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Warnings for this chapter: Human experiments (another warning will be placed within the story so you’ll know which paragraphs to skip should you want to)
A/N: Sorry for the delay! I’m super busy with schoolwork, so it’s a bit difficult to squeeze in time to write (and on the very short breaks I have...I may be playing Genshin Impact oops). Anyway, here’s the 11th chapter! We’re getting closer to the chapter that I am most excited to reveal~ For now, enjoy this one! It’s a bit packed-ish, so if you have any questions or comments, hit me up!
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“Whoa, that’s really cool.” Jeongin says as his eyes remain glued to your phone screen.
It’s a rather quiet morning, with the older agents - Chan, Minho, Changbin and Hyunjin - out on another short mission. The young agent is seated beside you on one of the lounge couches, having convinced you to show him some chemistry videos - and explain the process afterwards. You didn’t mind, finding amusement in how enthusiastic he was like a curious student in grade school. He clicked video after video, watching in awe as you narrated your scientific explanations.
“I assume that’s why Jisung wanted to have a profession in chemistry.” you lightly joke, “Chemical reactions are something else.”
“I admit that’s one reason.” Jisung responds with a laugh, “That, and science in general is fun.”
Seungmin is seated by one of the tables, circling and highlighting important parts in one of the lab reports he was reading. “I’ll have you guys know, in case nobody knew, that Jisung and I went to the same university and had so many classes together.” the young doctor says with a smirk.
“Ah!” Jisung yells, rushing over to Seungmin to try and shut him up.
Seungmin laughs innocently, unbothered by Jisung’s poor attempts to cover his mouth. He grins, “Jisung’s broken so many beakers and caused mini explosions in the lab.”
Jeongin laughs at this, leaning back on the couch, “Seems legit. Didn’t Minho say he did that a lot when he was a rookie here?”
Felix tilts his head, “I think so. For about a few months, there were so many accidents in the lab.”
Jisung forces a laugh and puts his hands on his hips, “Well, look at me now! I’m essentially like, the head of the lab department!”
Seungmin sing-songs, “So am I.”
Jeongin laughs, his eyes narrowing like slits as he does so. “Yeah, yeah.” he teases, “But both of you are horrible with physical combat.”
“We’re in the lab for a reason!” they both defend themselves, causing the youngest to laugh at their reactions.
Felix stretches before letting out a yawn, leaning on your shoulder as he gently closes his eyes. “I do love being in the tech department...but it’s so tiring to monitor a screen the whole day.”
You chuckle, giving his head a quick pat, “Well...at least you get to test out devices and technical equipment, as well as repair and upgrade these.”
“That’s true.” he hums in satisfaction, letting out another yawn.
The freckled agent melts against your side, and you can hear soft snores escaping his lips. A wave of warmth fills you as you admire his tranquil expression, something you wished you could have. In the background, you can still hear Seungmin, Jisung and Jeongin having playful banter; in a stranger’s eyes, this could have been the perfect setting to the perfect hangout session between a bunch of friends.
Maybe it was, maybe it wasn’t.
Not when every second of your life was filled with an indescribably heaviness that would wipe the smile off your face the minute you let your guard down.
Still, you let yourself relax, releasing a long sigh as you lean your head on top of Felix’s, closing your eyes to rest as well. It would have been nice, but the moment doesn’t last too long as the lounge room door opens, and an authoritative voice greets everyone in the room.
“Alright guys, time to work.”
Everyone looks towards the door, waving and grinning at the newcomers. Chan, Changbin, Hyunjin and Minho walk towards where your group is; Hyunjin sits on top of the table Seungmin was working on, Minho plops down beside Felix, Chan sits on the armrest of the couch, and Changbin leans against the table next to Hyunjin.
While Seungmin is speaking to the three other older agents who had just arrived, Minho leans over to peer at the sleeping Felix. A soft chuckle manages to escape the male as he whispers, “Not sure if this is from work or from his habit of staying up late to play video games.”
You raise an eyebrow and softly chuckle, giving the younger male’s head a pat, “He deserves to rest. He watches out for all of you during missions.”
Minho looks at you, eyes tired but the usual warmth is there. He breaks into a small smile before nodding, “Can’t argue with that.”
You smile back before looking down at Felix. However, the little moment - between you and Minho perhaps - is broken when Chan clears his throat and waves a few sheets of paper around. “Ok, thanks for the update, Seungmin.” the eldest says, “Now, while you are working on that in the lab, the rest of us have another mission.”
Jeongin hums, leaning back on the couch, “What are we gonna do now?”
Chan nods and proceeds to explain, “The current scout team was able to locate one of Cle’s deeper bases. This one seems to operate underground - literally underground. Anyhow, the team located it and found a way to infiltrate.”
“How’s the security?” Felix stirs awake, lifting his head from your shoulder.
Changbin answers, “Not too tight. Approximately two to three guards per entrance, but it isn’t as heavily guarded as their other bases. It might be because it’s one of their more lowkey bases. The team said it seemed like a small place, so it might be easy to study the layout once you’ve hacked in.”
Felix gives a playful salute, causing Minho to chuckle next to him. Chan then continues briefing the group, “Minho and Changbin will lead one team to...deal with the guards and keep watch of the perimeter just in case. Hyunjin, Jeongin and I will infiltrate the base itself. I need you to tag along, Jisung. This underground base is apparently housing many of their chemicals and prototype serums.”
All the agents nod their heads to show that they’ve understood. The eldest agent then turns to Seungmin, then you, “Seungmin, you already know your tasks in the labs...y/n. Jung has given you the choice of staying with Seungmin or going with us so you and Jisung can get necessary things from their base to further your observations.”
Seungmin ponders from where he’s seated, leaning back on the chair as he speaks, “I think you should go with Jisung, y/n. I’m working on the tests, but I’ll manage. Jisung might need you to assist in gathering evidence.”
Jisung nods. “I agree. I could always use a hand. Also, it would be nice if you were there since you’re...more familiar with the serum. Only if you’re comfortable though!”
You weigh your options for a few seconds, running all sorts of scenarios and a pros-and-cons list in your mind. After a moment, you nod and turn to face Chan, “I’ll accompany Jisung.”
If going with them to the base would speed things up, so be it. You were close to finding a solution - Minho knows this - and anything to fully complete and speed the process up would be a nice touch. You trust Seungmin in the lab, so might as well make sure the agents don’t miss anything that could be of use in Cle’s base.
Chan gives you a smile before chuckling, “Alright, that’s settled. Rendezvous at Basement 1 after lunch, alright?”
“Got it.”
“Roger that, Channie!”
The other boys all hop to their feet and gather their things, heading out of the lounge room to prepare. Minho, on the other hand, is still splayed across the couch, his eyes closed as he leans his head back on the cushions. Chan chuckles at him, tilting his head with endearment, “Not gonna get ready, Min?”
A small smile graces Minho’s lips despite his eyes still being closed. “We just got back from a mission. I’ll just nap for a few minutes, don’t worry.”
“Alright, sleep well.” Chan laughs, flashing you a quick wink before leaving the room.
“Wha - ” you mouth to yourself, raising your eyebrows in confusion.
You then turn to Minho who is still lying on the couch, eyes closed; yeah, he was definitely asleep. You’ve seen Minho sleep more than you’ve seen any of the other guys.
You shift a little beside him on the couch, a bit antsy and lost, if that were the proper term to use. You could have left the room with the others, but here you were, sitting beside the sleeping male without any intention of leaving his side.
Something or someone possesses you - you think - because now you’re leaning closer, bringing a hand up to gently sweep his bangs across his forehead. Your fingers gently ghost over the skin of his forehead, but he doesn’t stir awake. Your hand then comes to rest by his jaw, and somehow, you think your hand has found its place there; you try not to think about that too much.
Leaning over with your other hand splayed across his chest for support, you lean closer and closer until you’re able to see his long eyelashes in pure detail. When you blink, your own eyelashes tickle his skin, and when you breathe, you’re almost certain your breath fans over his face.
Yet he does not stir awake.
Oddly enough, he really was asleep despite what you were doing. You made a little joke to yourself, thinking that he wasn’t very agent-like at the moment as he should be more alert and aware of the situation.
You gulp once before closing the distance, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
Again, you were convinced something possessed you to do that because you weren’t sure why you even did such a thing.
Maybe you wanted to finish whatever was going on when you danced back at the gala.
Maybe. At this point, nothing made sense to you when it came to Minho.
As you thought, his lips were so soft and warm against yours. You keep your lips lightly pressed against his for less than three seconds before slightly pulling away and then returning to leave one last quick peck on his lips.
When you pull away again, lips hovering above his like a ghost, you think you’re in the safe zone. But your heart shoots up to your throat and your nerves freeze like ice, eyes wider than Jupiter when you feel the male’s lips moving against your own.
“What do you think you’re doing, dear Dr. Song?” Minho asks with a low voice, lips brushing against yours with every word he speaks - were that counted as kisses as well?
His eyes are still closed, and you pray that he keeps it that way so he doesn’t see the “cornered mouse” expression you have going on. And the fact that you’re redder than the apple pie Jeongin ate for breakfast.
“I…” you try and try and try to come up with an excuse, rattling your brain for absolutely anything, “...um…”
Nothing. Out of all the times, nothing comes out.
You manage to sit straighter, turning your head to the side as if some magical person would appear to help you out of this situation. By the time you look back at Minho, the next series of events happen in a literal flash.
Minho hooks a hand behind your knee and uses the other to grab your arm, pulling to maneuver both your bodies on the couch. From seeing the wall of the room to seeing the ceiling, you now realize that you’re on your back, head hitting the small throw pillows on the couch - basically where Minho was lying down prior to now.
The male agent looms over you, settled between your legs as he stares down - you aren’t sure if it’s a blank stare or a toned-down glare. Either way, the position and proximity causes your heart to race and face to heat up hotter than the sun. “Minho.” you breathe out with a shaky voice.
Minho leans closer, and for a second you think he’s about to kiss you. However, you feel his velvety lips against the shell of your ear, whispering, “If you wanted to kiss me that bad, you should have just said so.”
“Eh?” is all that comes out of your mouth.
You nearly shriek when you feel Minho pressing a light kiss on your earlobe - dangerously close to your neck - before he pulls back to look at you. Then he breaks into a less sly smile, the corners of his lips curling much too cutely for your heart. “Kidding. I’m just getting back at you.” he winks before sitting back straight and pulling you along to sit as well.
You look at him with furrowed brows - mainly to hide your embarrassment, “With your flirting skills, it’s hard to believe you’ve never had a girlfriend.”
“And how sure are you?” he hums playfully.
“Nevermind. Seungmin did mention something like ‘the first time in a while’ so you’ve probably had someone some time before.” you look up as if trying to remember the doctor’s exact words.
But when you turn to Minho, you notice how he’s tensed up, eyes dark and filled with an abyssal fire. You clear your throat, and shrink in your place, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to cross the line.”
Minho blinks as if doing so would snap him out of his trance; it sort of does, as the darkness fades into a more comfortable warmth. He shakes his head and offers a smile - forced, you know, because you’re used to pretending a smile as well. “No need.” the male says, ruffling your hair, “It was a long time ago, after all.”
You don’t get to ask much more - not that you were going to anyway - because Minho is standing up and walking towards the door. “Basement 1 after lunch, y/n.” he calls out, offering a small smile.
A smile that seemed to carry much more sorrow than joy.
A smile that seemed to mask a much darker and bitter feeling, much like how you’d mask your nightmares with nonchalance and distrust.
A smile that made you want to hug him. The doctor in you wanted to comfort everyone you encountered.
“Basement 1 after lunch.” you repeat, offering your own small smile.
Minho is a generally good judge of character, and when he sees the sincerity and warmth in the very small smile of yours, it’s enough to ignite a light in the abyss he holds in himself. He bows his head and then leaves the room.
Maybe Chan was right.
Perhaps you were nothing like Jiyeon after all.
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At the designated time, everyone meets up at Basement 1 of the main HQ’s building. You get in a car with Jisung, Chan, Jeongin and Hyunjin while Minho and Changbin get in another with two other agents. Without making any delays, the team heads out for their next mission. Jisung was talking about the various chemical substances the lab team had found so far, explaining how this affects the entire mission and such. Chan drives while listening, and Hyunjin and Jeongin engage the scientist with his conversation.
You, on the other hand, lean your head against the window, mind plagued with thoughts about Minho. What about Minho? You aren’t really sure. There’s a lot. His smile, the way his eyes flicker between darkness and warmth, the way he acts like nothing in this world can move him yet he moves for the sake of those he loves (though he won’t show it). The way his dark hair falls beautifully just above his eyes, parted with perfection with little strands adding a hint of delicateness to his sharp-featured face.
You bump your head on the window to snap out of it, causing Jisung to look at you with a quizzical expression. You smile, shaking your head and mouthing, “I was spacing out.”
Jisung chuckles before patting your shoulder, and then proceeds to continue his conversation with the other agents. You sigh to yourself, bringing a hand to your heart as if doing so would calm it down.
Later, the team finally arrives. Minho, Changbin and their team go ahead so that they can clear a path for the investigative team. It takes about 15 minutes for Changbin to speak into the communication device, signaling a clear path.
Chan gestures for the rest of you to follow, and so you do. Somewhere towards one of the side entrances of Cle’s underground base, your team meets with Minho who is guarding the entrance. “Felix has the layout down, and it shouldn’t be too complicated to navigate.” the agent says in a hushed voice, “You have an estimated one hour to snoop around before Cle backup arrives.”
The eldest agent nods, “Alright, come on guys.”
Once inside the base, you look around and observe the surroundings. Minho and Changbin’s team keep watch of knocked-out Cle agents currently sprawled on the floor.
It was fairly small for a base, a total of two floors only. Each floor had about 2-3 rooms that weren’t too big - perhaps the size of an average classroom or slightly larger. Jisung heads inside one of the rooms, a zealous expression on his face as he zooms away. Jeongin calmly walks to another room, followed by Chan.
Hyunjin pats your shoulder and smiles, “Shall we?”
You nod your head, and the male then leads the way upstairs to the second floor. Once you’ve both reached the landing, you split up; Hyunjin goes to the room on the left while you go to the one in the middle. Thankfully, the other agents rounded the Cle people up and made sure the second floor was unoccupied.
Your eyes scan the contents of one of the shelves, noting that they were nothing but the usual drugstore or medical medicines. Still, you list down the items on a sheet of paper just in case. You then move over to the lab refrigerators, opening the door and pleased to see that it was still functioning. Satisfied was probably the best way to describe your mood right now as you were able to spot a few vials with a familiar looking fluid inside each one - the prototype serums.
With gloved hands, you carefully take some and put them in the little case SKZ provided for evidence. Standing up, you continue to investigate the mini lab; when you’re convinced there’s nothing else, you step out and move on to another room - the one at the very end.
When you open the door, a very pitch-black dark room greets you, and a waft of some rotten stench rushes out. You grimace, hoping dangerous chemicals weren’t spilled or exposed in the room. You carefully fumble at the wall next to the door, searching for a light switch. Once you feel something, you switch it on -
- and immediately regret it.
[A/N: italics = flashback] / [Warning: graphic descriptions of human experimentation and dead bodies. Should you wish to skip this, press CTRL + F (or any command to help you search for words on a webpage) and search “Your hands shoot up to clutch at your head”. You can continue reading from there]
Your pupils shook at the sight in front of you; behind the large glass window of one of the lab’s top secret rooms lay a pile of dead bodies, nothing but burned, decayed or disfigured.
You swallowed, throat dry and scratchy, “What...why are you still doing this? You need to stop.”
A scientist laughed with a rather mocking tone, “Dr. Song, stop being so surprised every time you see these things. It’s very necessary to test the serum - ”
“Not on humans.” you glared, clenching your fists, “Human testing isn’t something that should be done, especially for people like us who - ”
A slap on the cheek.
You yelped at the contact, bringing a hand to the area of impact. The scientist furrowed his eyebrows and spoke with a growl, “Do not interrupt me, understood?”
You only glared harder.
He laughed again, shaking his head in disbelief. “Silly little doctor. You may not see it now, but what we’re doing now is going to be monumental...life-changing. No, world-changing i fact.” he hummed.
You shook your head, “And when Mr. Jung finds out?”
The scientist took a large step towards you, prompting you to take a step back and as a result, collide with one of the lab tables. Caged like a prey, you tried not to show your fear. The scientist leaned close and smirked evilly, “But he won’t, won’t he?”
You opened your mouth to say something, but immediately closed it when the scientist looked past you and nodded as if someone was standing behind you. You risked a peak, hoping to see who was there. However, whoever was standing there was now gone, and your attention was brought back to the scientist in front of you.
“Jung isn't going to know when his most trusted agent is on our side.” the scientist snickered, finally pulling away from your space.
Your hands don’t stop shaking. The scientist walked over to the glass window as if looking at the dead bodies gave him satisfaction. With a sly smirk, he spoke, “And I believe you should remain on our side and do as we tell you, Dr. Song.”
You involuntarily shivered at the image of disfigured, burned and rotten corpses that you’d see on an almost-daily basis.
“Especially if you don’t want your parents behind this glass window next.”
You closed your eyes, allowing a tear to roll down your cheek as you released a shaky breath. With shaky hands, you picked up a few vials and beakers before heading into the chemistry lab.
You go into a state of shock, eyes wide like you just saw hell. Your heart races and stops at the same time - if that were possible, and your legs suddenly feel like jelly. Whatever lunch you had now wants to exit your stomach through your mouth, and you feel your head splitting in two.
There, in the corner of the room you just opened, were three lifeless bodies in the appearance similar to what you’d often see when you were still officially in SKZ. Their lifeless eyes were eerily faced towards you, the pure horror in them still evident.
You can hear the screams and pleas.
Your hands shoot up to clutch at your head just as your legs fail; you fall on your knees and let out a scream despite urging yourself to keep it in. Your breathing becomes heavier as if a boulder was barreling down on you, and the tears are hot like acid on your cheeks.
Hyunjin is the first to arrive, expression contorted in disgust as he sees the inside of the room. He’s quick to your side, kneeling down to pull you into a safe hug. You barely hear the rush of footsteps up the stairs, but you somehow notice that the other agents - except Minho, Changbin and their team - arrive at the second floor.
Jeongin looks in concern, eyebrows furrowed softly. When Hyunjin nods towards the room, the younger male looks, and his expression is instantly replaced with a horrified glare. Jisung seems taken aback as well, but he chooses to sit next to you while comfortingly rubbing your back.
Chan stands behind you, speaking into his communication device. “She’s unharmed, but we need to get her away from here.” he says.
A few seconds of silence for the other end - most probably Minho - to respond, then Chan speaks again, “Not sure...I think...she saw something. She’s breaking down, so I’m going to have Jeongin and Jisung take her back. Tell Changbin to accompany them.”
With that, Hyunjin quite literally has to pull you up, helping get you onto Jeongin’s back so that the younger male can carry you. As soon as you wrap your arms around his neck and close your eyes, the world turns dark as you pass out.
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Hours later, the next thing you see is the ceiling of your room in the living quarters, your vision still a bit hazy. You gently sit up, eyes immediately able to catch Chan sitting on the edge of the bed as he types on his phone. He doesn’t need to look up when he greets you, “You’re up.”
He turns to face you, a small yet comforting smile gracing his lips. “How are you?” he asks.
You sigh, looking down at your blanket, “I’m sorry...I just…”
“You’re ok.” he assures you, a gentle pat on your leg, “No need to explain or rush into anything. You passed out, so you should be taking it easy.”
You open your mouth to speak, but choose otherwise and decide to just stay quiet, fiddling with the blanket on your lap. Chan moves a bit closer and crosses his arms, “Minho and Jisung are at the lab. Jeongin, Changbin and Hyunjin are resting too. They’re all fine, if you’re wondering how the mission went.”
“That’s good.” you sigh and breathe out shakily, “I’m sorry for the hassle, Chan.”
The agent smiles warmly, shaking his head, “Don’t be. We promised to take care of you, remember? It’s all good.”
You nod, and Chan lets out a little chuckle as he pretends to coo as if you were a baby. He opens his arms wide and smiles, “Come here.”
You allow yourself to shift closer, bringing yourself against his body. You visibly relax when he hugs you, rubbing your back comfortingly. If being in Minho’s arms was like being home, Chan’s hugs felt like hot cocoa with plump marshmallows. Pulling away, he offers another warm smile and says, “If you need anything, just call any of us, alright?”
“Yes.” you nod, giving him a grateful smile.
A knock on the door is then heard, and a second later, Seungmin and Jung enter the room. Seungmin puts a bottle of water on your bedside table along with a few pills. “These are for the headaches and dizziness. There’s also medicine for nausea if you’re still feeling it. Don’t forget to drink up.” the doctor smiles, “I also recommend you go out and walk around for a bit. Nice, fresh air might help you relax again.”
“Thank you, Seungmin.” you offer him a small smile, nodding your head in acknowledgement to his words.
Jung sighs in relief, shaking his head worriedly, “When Changbin reported that something happened to you, I was quite worried. Are you alright?”
You nod, “More or less. I’m sorry about that.”
Jung smiles before turning to Chan and Seungmin, “May I have a moment with Dr. Song please?”
Seungmin nods, giving you a little wave before leaving the room. Chan gives you another hug, whispering “I’ll go get Minho” before he makes his leave as well - it makes you giggle a little. When the two agents leave, Jung takes a seat on the edge of the bed and looks at you with concern, “Did something happen back there?”
Jung is the only person who knows about what happened in the lab years ago, so you’re pretty sure he’s somehow managed to deduce that whatever happened in the Cle base was connected to the past. You sigh, closing your eyes to answer, “There was a room with...corpses. It just made the memories come back and all.”
“I see.” Jung says calmly, “I’m sorry you had to see that. We should have had the agents sweep the area first. Would you like to take a break for a few days? Stay at home first?”
You offer a small smile and shake your head, “Thank you, but I’ll be fine, don’t worry. I’m not stopping until this is done. It’s...the least I can do.”
Jung chuckles softly, nodding his head. The head of SKZ then stands up and gives you an approving nod, “Keep up the good work, Dr. Song, but don’t worry about taking a rest every now and then. Just tell Minho or Chan, ok?”
You nod, so Jung turns on his heel to leave the room. After he takes a few steps, you suddenly say, “Jung.”
The head turns around, tilting his head to inquire. You then continue cautiously, “When the memories flashed back...I remembered something one of the scientists said.”
“What was it?”
“He said one of your most trusted agents was on their side at that time.”
Jung sighs tiredly, a sorrowful look in his eyes, “Ah, yes, a devastating betrayal. I’m not sure where that agent is now - they escaped the day the lab fight broke out, along with the other scientists and doctors. I’m assuming they’re with Cle as well...perhaps we’ll cross paths again.”
You nod, humming as you absorb his explanation, “And if you do cross paths again…?”
“Well, traitors to SKZ are as good as dead to me.”
“I see.”
Jung gives you one more smile before telling you to get rest. Once you nod, the head leaves your room.
For the next few minutes, you sit on your bed, taking the medicines Seungmin gave you before texting Jisung for updates on how lab work was doing. While conversing and typing your messages and replies, your door’s digital lock beeps, and shortly after, the agent you’ve (secretly) been wanting to see walks in your room.
When you look up, Minho casually waves and smiles, gesturing his head towards you, “Feeling better?”
You nod, “Yes.”
Once he’s seated on the edge of the bed, he has an apologetic expression on his face as he sighs, “Sorry about that. We didn’t - I didn’t - know that there was going to be a room like that. I should have searched ahead.”
“It’s not your fault.” you respond, “It’s part of the job. It’s just...me. It’s a personal thing.”
Minho nods, sighing deeply; he looked like a teen mustering up the courage to ask his crush out on a date or something of the like. It brought a very small smile to your face. When he looks at you with a much calmer expression, a slow and easy smile on his lips, your heart skips a beat. “Wanna grab some coffee with me then?”
Minho laughs at your dumbfounded expression and chuckles, “Let’s get some coffee. There’s a cafe the boys and I usually go to. My treat.”
“Wait...what? Why?” you say, trying to connect the puzzle pieces, “Shouldn’t...we be working?”
Minho laughs, his eyes sparkling as he does so, “Lab team’s running tests on the prototype serums right now, so we’ll have to wait for the results either way.” he shrugs, offering another smile, “And while you should be there, I think a change of scenery is what you need right now. To help you feel better.”
“I mean, I wouldn’t say no to coffee, but...why?” you slightly blush.
Why you?
As if he could sense your question, he playfully winks, “I’m technically your partner - I’m like your...superior, I guess. It’s my responsibility to take care of you as well, y/n. I did promise you, right?”
“Well,” you chuckle softly, biting your lip to repress a giddy grin, “if you say so.”
Minho smiles fondly, cupping your cheek to briefly stroke his thumb on your skin, “Come on, get dressed. I’ll wait outside.”
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The scent of coffee and honey fills your senses the minute you and Minho step into the cafe. With classy and minimalistic-looking interior and soft, mellow music playing, you somehow understood why Minho and the boys would frequent the place. The male agent leads you to the side of the counter, nodding his head for you to pick whatever you wanted, “We have some sort of...connection with this particular cafe.” he says lightly, “We get intel from the employees in exchange for a little money. But...some are genuinely friends and not just connections.”
“Fascinating world.” you chuckle as you scan the menu.
After telling him your choices, Minho moves in front of the counter to order. The barista on duty flashes a smile and chuckles, “Hey, Minho. Been a while, huh? How are the boys?”
“Wooyoung.” Minho nods with a smile, “We’ve all been busy, you know how it is.”
“Yup.” the barista laughs, “What’ll you have?”
“1 iced americano and 1 mint cheesecake.” the agent answers, “And then 1 iced coffee with milk and 1 shortcake for her.”
The barista nods as he punches the order in the cash register, his lips curling into a cheery smile upon seeing you. “Oh? I haven’t seen you with another girl in a while. No more Jiyeon?”
Minho can’t get angry or upset with the barista. He doesn’t blame him. Though they knew about SKZ and gave information if they had any, they wouldn’t know about what goes on internally - about what happened between Minho and a former lover.
The male agent then forces a smile and laughs lightly, “Yeah, no more. I...I’m not sure where she’s at or what she’s doing. Haven’t kept in touch.”
“Ouch.” Wooyoung hisses playfully, then he beams after punching in your orders, “Alright! Just wait a few minutes then I’ll have your orders ready.”
“Thanks man.”
While walking over to a nice and slightly more secluded table, you playfully tilt your head and ask, “Who’s Jiyeon?”
The fake smile is back, but you don’t miss the agony hiding in his eyes. “A friend from before.” Minho replies, “It’s all in the past though.”
And so you don’t push on, afraid to cross the line and sever whatever bond you already formed with the agent.
A few minutes later, Wooyoung serves your orders, and you enjoy the treat Minho has given you. After a few bites and sips, you clear your throat and speak, “About the mission earlier - ”
Minho cuts you off with a calm smile, “You don’t need to, y/n. I took you out here so you could have a breather, not talk about work or the mission.”
You slowly nod, a small yet grateful smile on your lips as you look down at the coffee cup in your hands. Through the windows of the coffee shop, you can see the sky fading from orange-lavender to a darker shade of purple and blue, ushering the entrace of the vening sky.
Minho leans back on his chair and hums, “Let’s see...what do you miss most about Gongjak?”
“Huh?” you look up and gather your thoughts, “Well, probably the pediatric wing. I like my appointment with the kids. Some are snotty and cry really loudly, but generally, it’s nice to see kids.”
Minho pretends to ignore the swelling of his heart, desperately swatting away an endearing image of you being good with kids. “Is that why you like Jeongin so much? He technically is a kid to us.”
“Maybe.” you laugh.
“Then, what don’t you miss?”
You chuckle at this one, “Definitely doing rounds in the ungodly hours of midnight or early morning. Or being called so suddenly for emergencies just when you’re about to sleep. But...my job is my job.”
The laugh that comes out of Minho is melodic to your ears, drowning you completely. With a brighter smile, you nod at him, “What about you? What do you like most about being an agent? Why did you become one?”
Minho shrugs, a small smile on his lips, “To keep people safe. There really isn’t a deeper reason; it’s just that. I like that I can be the reason all these people can live their lives so freely and safely. I wasn’t given that luxury growing up.”
“Oh, I see.” you say softly.
Minho lightens the mood with another chuckle, “What I don’t like is back-to-back missions. I just get back from one mission then I’m sent to another. It’s like finals week in college or something. Oh, and the injuries. Those are a pain in the ass.”
“Well, that’s why you have doctors.” you laugh.
“That’s true.” Minho raises an eyebrow playfully, “Now...what’s been the most memorable thing to happen recently in SKZ?”
“I guess...the recent gala.” you state.
Because we danced and nearly kissed. Because I felt your warmth and held you close.
“The food was good and the accommodations were amazing.” you say instead, eyes twinkling at the memory.
“You sound like Hyunjin.” Minho teases.
You pout, narrowing your eyes at him, “What about you? Not counting all other agent stuff. Just recent ones.”
“Hmmm,” Minho starts, “when you kissed me in the lounge room?”
“I’m serious!”
“You - ” you stutter, cheeks flaring up.
Minho laughs, taking a sip of his coffee, “Not gonna lie when I say that’s the most surprising thing that’s ever happened in a long time. No one really dares to do such things with me.”
“One would think you’ve kissed a million girls by now.”
“I sort of have. Undercover and all.”
You glare, “Not what I meant, but alright.”
“Would you like to be added to the list of girls I’ve kissed? I don’t remember much of them though.” Minho laughs playfully.
You choke on your coffee after trying to stifle a laugh, “I wasn’t expecting that from you, you know? There really is more to you.”
“I could say the same for you, y/n.” Minho says amusedly.
You and Minho continue to converse and have light-hearted chit chat; the male even throws in a joke or two, allowing you to see the side of him that only Chan and the rest are allowed to see. You witness the side of Minho that isn’t the stone-cold agent; instead, you’re just seeing Minho, the man who has stars in his eyes and cares for his friends.
Just Lee Minho.
A part of you - and a part of Minho - wonders if this is what life would be like if you were two normal citizens, working normal jobs and living the free and peaceful life.
Not as an agent and scientist-slash-doctor trying to stay afloat to avoid drowning in their abysses.
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chitto · 3 years
I Analyzed All Of the Songs on Ranboo’s Lore Playlist and Here’s What I Learned.
We can pick a few themes out from the songs: 
Fighting something inside of you 
Alluding to a villain arc 
Transition of a person 
My biggest theory from all this is that c!Ranboo is a time traveler from the future (probably before Mizu but after the Haunted Mansion). He traveled to the past, November 27th specifically, to stop c!Tommy’s exile. We can assume that in c!Ranboo’s future, c!Tommy burned down c!George’s house by himself but when c!Ranboo went back, he got caught up in it, thus creating a time paradox. (Evidence from the songs Merry-Go-Round of Life, all songs of Hawaii - Part Two by Miracle Musical, and The Ruler of Everything). Now knowing he is the cause of c!Tommy’s exile, c!Ranboo feels immense amounts of guilt for his actions, the regret keeping him up at night (Ain’t No Rest for The Wicked). This mental stress is something that has resulted in the beginnings of insanity for c!Ranboo (The Mind Electric). 
A villain arc is very plausible for c!Ranboo in the near future, most likely brought up by harm coming to c!Tubbo or Michael (Killer Queen, Mr. Bad Guy, I Can’t Decide, Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked, and Live and Let Die) 
Full Analysis on Each Song Under the Cut: 
(All Song Lyric Analysis Credits go to the wonderful people on genius, I merely fit them into the context of the DreamSmp and c!Ranboo) 
Prologue (StarKid) - A simple ticking clock. ARG trailer tie in as well as even more references of time. 
Introduction to the Snow (Miracle Musical) - Comes off an album that (storywise) has the listener loop over and over the songs in the album, as a time paradox. 
Dream Sweet in Sea Major (Miracle Musical) - Final song in the album (loops). Occurs in three movements. Tells the story of a sailor that gives himself up to the mermaids. Lyrics don’t give much in terms of hints at anything. 
Turn the Lights Off (Tally Hall) - About a journey through puberty and adolescence (??) perhaps could be changed to fit. However main name of the song is meant to convey accepting differences and confronting fears, something c!Ranboo doesn’t really do. First line also says ‘Don’t go in there, you’ll become one, Freaky creatures, monster party’ perhaps relating to the enderwalk/possession c!Ranboo goes through. 
The Mind Electric (Miracle Musical) - The song starts off in reverse, the singer speaking backwards. Once the song straightens out, we’re shown that the protagonist of the song is a mentally unstable man trying to figure out what triggers a specific fear. The second verse then goes into a young child who’s been held trial for insanity. The child and the judge then have an open dialogue throughout the rest of the verse until the child is sent to an asylum. The song concludes with insane yet peaceful thoughts from the child. Obviously I’m not a psychiatrist but doing some light research into insanity (NOT psychosis, as insanity is more of an umbrella term for unstable mental state while psychosis is a specified disorder) you can see a few signs of insanity that could be applied to c!Ranboo. ‘Denial of obvious problems’ Many times c! Ranboo has dismissed or downplayed his issues and problems, most notably when he’s found in a panicked state by c!Sam who asks him if he’s okay, to which c!Ranboo replies that he’s fine. ‘Delusions or Hallucinations’ this is a big one as throughout the Doomsday arc, c!Ranboo spoke to c!Dream in his panic room, only to realize he was talking to no one. ‘Dramatic changes in sleeping habits’ This is more of a reach as we have no actually confirmation but it could be assumed that c!Ranboo’s enderwalking could be disrupting his sleep patterns. 
Live and Let Die (Paul McCartney) - a song about a once young person who used to say ‘Live and Let Live’ but has now changed their maxim to ‘Live and Let Die’. Could be said that as people grow older they grow more cynical. Granted the phrases mean the same thing but one seems much more pessimistic. 
The Ruler of Everything (Tally Hall) - Once again a song about time, the entire song meant to symbolize how time controls our lives (once again feeding into a time paradox theory). The song has a verse that is a man and Time itself singing. The song then starts to speed up, representing how short periods of our lives can be in the grand scheme of things. ‘Do you understand that mechanical hands are the ruler of everything’ This lyric of the song is meant to mean that time (the mechanical hands of the clock) are at the root of everything, once again drawing us back to a time motif with Ranboo’s character. This specific line could lead us to believe that c!Ranboo is being ‘controlled’ by time, aka perhaps caught in a time travelers loop. 
Merry-Go-Round Of Life (Howl’s Moving Castle OST) - While the song itself is an instrumental without words, one could do some digging into the story of Howl’s Moving Castle, spoilers for the film in this analysis. In Howl’s Moving Castle, there is a sequence in which Sophie goes back in time to find Howl, seeing him as a young boy. She calls out to him, telling him to find her in the future, before getting taken back to her time. It seems pretty insignificant until you remember that in the beginning of the film, during Howl and Sophie’s first interaction he says to her, “There you are, sweetheart, sorry I’m late. I was looking everywhere.” thus representing that Howl has been looking for Sophie his entire life after she called out to him in the past. So what does this mean for c!Ranboo? Well its just more time motif and even more time paradox themes. But what even is a time paradox? A time paradox is when somebody who has traveled back in time, becomes a part of the past and causes the events they set out to stop in the first place. Perhaps this means c!Ranboo traveled back in time to stop c!Tommy’s exile, as it was a catalyst event that resulted in many problems on the server (L’manberg’s second destruction to name one) before getting sucked into the events that caused it himself. 
Killer Queen (Queen) - Really can’t say too much for this song as the song is meant to convey how “that classy people can be whores as well” (Freddie Mercury). Freddie also said that anyone else could call their own interpretations of the song as well. I can’t really think of too much about the song that could be molded to c!Ranboo. 
Mr. Bad Guy (Freddie Mercury) - This one is more interesting as the bridge of this song details how Freddie is ‘Mr. Bad Guy’ and that he can ruin people’s lives and many people are afraid of him. This could sound like something c!Ranboo would say in relation to someone trying to threaten the people he cares about. c!Ranboo going to any length for those he cares about (most notably his family) is something that recently cc!Ranboo has tried to drive home, making it a tweet under his character’s lore thread on twitter. 
Ain’t No Rest For The Wicked (Cage the Elephant) - The main line of this song is a bible verse that means that those who are sin-free can sleep well at night knowing they haven’t done anything wrong but those are commit sins need to keep one eye open at all times. Perhaps c!Ranboo believes that he has done something wrong that keeps him up at night. It could be tied back to the time paradox theory by saying that c!Ranboo is kept up at night by the fact that he couldn’t stop the bad events from happening, even becoming a part of them. 
The Bidding (Tally Hall) - While the song itself is about an auction in which men are trying to “sell” themselves to a woman, I would like to call attention to one specific verse. ‘I’ve been training like a Pavlov dog,  Let my independence out to take a hike, All you gotta do is activate my bell, and I’ll fetch you anything you like’. The first lyric calls reference to Ivan Pavlov, who ran a conditioning experiment on dogs, training them to associate the sound of a bell with food, whether they actually got food or not. The last two lyrics I find particularly interesting as we have seen somebody “activate” c!Ranboo. c!Sapnap. After c!Sapnap visited c!Dream in prison, c!Dream asked c!Sapnap to deliver a message to c!Ranboo. The message being ‘:)’. When c!Sapnap repeated the message to c!Ranboo, c!Ranboo immediately switched and began to speak in enderman language before wandering off. He then spoke to c!Sapnap in chat saying, in ender, “Doomed are those who try to run, for it always catches up eventually :)’. This is one of many incidents of c!Ranboo being switched into his enderwalk state, in which he does stuff for c!Dream such as burning down the community house. 
I Can’t Decide (Scissor Sisters) - This song is a upbeat song about a psychotic killer trying to decide on whether or not he should kill his victim. This song could relate back to c!Ranboo’s relationship with c!Dream. c!Ranboo has been very cagey on whether or not he would like c!Dream, most recently being very eager to break into prison and murder him. This song could also hint towards a possible villain arc for c!Ranboo. 
Stardust Crusaders (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures OST) - Unfortunately, this song is another instrumental. And even more unfortunately, I don’t watch JJBA so I can’t comment on what the song could be alluding to. Stardust Crusaders is the name of an arc of the show but reading through the plot summary on Wikipedia doesn’t turn back anything that could be tied to c!Ranboo. 
A Mask of My Own Face (Lemon Demon) - While the song itself is relatively simple, a man singing about how he wants to wear a mask of his own face to confuse people, a few lines have sparked certain people to examine the song deeper coming to the conclusion that the singer wants to cause chaos and controversy. The mask of his own face would allow him to mask his identity, as no one would wear a mask of their own face, while still allowing him to be associated with the chaos. For c!Ranboo I can’t really see this pointing to anything but the Syndicate. c!Ranboo really does believe in their core value of dismantling the things on the server that are bad but also he knows many people he’s close to who are at odds with members of the Syndicate, most notable c!Tubbo. However this could be rather lose as cc!Ranboo is a big fan of Lemon Demon and who hasn’t put a song from their favorite artist on a playlist even though the vibe doesn’t necessarily fit. 
Stranded Lullaby (Miracle Musical) - Another song of the Miracle Musical album Hawaii - Part Two, which loops itself over within the story. This particular song is about a sailor sailing through a cerebral ocean, which may or may not represent time itself; the sailor being a time traveler who had a mistake in his time traveling. This once again brings us back to the theory of c!Ranboo as a time traveler. There is also a line I would like to call upon, ‘Aimless thoughts and papers blown around, A million moments meant remembered rest in deep dark sound’. These lyrics are meant to relate to memories and how truly fleeting some may be, just papers floating in our brains eventually lost to time. This obviously can relate back to c!Ranboo’s memory problems, which are a known side effect of time travel, as told to us through the story of c!Karl, the only other time traveler on the server (excluding c!Connor who is only theorized as a time traveler for right now). 
Hidden In The Sand (Tally Hall) - This is slightly complicated as the song has two meanings. On the surface, the song is about a man who falls in love with a woman who leaves him, however the man is still in love with her. But in the music video, a new meaning can be found. The music video shows a cruise full of people, all very nice and kind until the ship begins to sink and the real, selfish, sides of the people is revealed. ‘Hidden in the Sand’ is meant to symbolize that a persons true nature is covered up by their outward acts and personality. This could apply to c!Ranboo, as he is outwardly very polite and gentle, growing attached to every animal he finds and refusing to kill any Enderman but he could have a whole other personality to him that we don’t know about. If songs such as ‘I Can’t Decide’ and ‘Mr. Bad Guy’ are any hints, we could theorize that c!Ranboo has a secret dark side to him that could be exposed in the events of his family being threatened. 
Now I’m Here (Queen) -  No statements or theories about what the song means or any of the lyrics. 
& (Tally Hall) - This song, as with others off this particular album, deal with opposites. The whole chorus of this song is about certain opposites such as dark and light or cold and hot. Relating back to c!Ranboo, perhaps this song is meant to tell us that c!Ranboo is a foil of a certain character. Possibilities could be c!Dream and c!Ranboo, as c!Dream is very against attachments towards things and is a very outwardly violent person while c!Ranboo is attached to almost every animal and enderman (not to mention c!Tubbo and Michael) and is a very peaceful person, or perhaps c!Ranboo and c!Karl, the two time (theorized) travelers on the server. c!Karl has a stronger control over his abilities and seems to retain most of his memory fairly well so far while c!Ranboo perhaps can’t control his power and has short term memory loss and can’t remember where he came from. 
I’m Gonna Win (Rob Cantor) - This song is a description of a fight between the singer and his inner demons, the fight resulting in very physical injuries for the singer. This can relate back to c!Ranboo, as he could be fighting the demons of his enderwalking state. This song has a very cheerful outlook on the fight however, as the singer is very confident in his abilities and knows he will win. c!Ranboo isn’t always the most positive, sometimes believing more in the pessimistic outcome but this could be a new leaf for c!Ranboo or a goal of his to be more positive. 
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96dys · 3 years
hydrangea ; johnny seo
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money makes the world turn. there was so much of it, and yet so few people ever saw it. maybe if it weren’t for the money, johnny might have acted differently. maybe his family’s badgering wouldn’t have weighed on him as much as it did. maybe he wouldn’t have taken you, because finding a wife this way wouldn’t have mattered. he didn’t like the circumstance, but he couldn’t keep himself from liking you—the dirt-poor girl who worried more about helping others than feeding herself.
ceo au
taglist: @tyongpoetry @xianxian95 @aaaaalex05
02 | little prince
eating breakfast alone wasn't something that was very new to you, though it wasn't often that you were able to eat breakfast, let alone something this size. your stomach had begun to ache just looking at the size of the plate in front of you, but your eyes lit up in awe of the colorful array of fruits. of course, they were accompanied by an alarming amount of vitamins and supplements, just as you'd been asked to take the previous day. a glass of water was provided to help you wash it all down, which you gladly sipped on between bites.
for the sake of getting out of your bedroom, you'd asked to have your meal in the common area, though you did your best to keep yourself just as isolated. you sat with your legs crossed in front of the coffee table, mindful of the way the skirt of your pale pink dress fell upon your lap. despite being alone, you couldn't help but feel as though you were being watched at all times. the door was open but a crack, just enough for you to see staff members pass through the narrow hallway. the curtains had been pulled open, allowing the bright sunshine to wash over your figure. a peaceful silence filled the air, something you were especially fond of. jisung was very kind, but you weren't sure you'd be able to handle any more of his mindless chatter after this morning.
of course, he had offered to keep you company while you dined, but you were very quick to decline. as hard as you tried, you were unable to hide your haste, for he had just spent almost an hour talking your ear off about the most random details of the wedding to come in just two days. it had gotten to the point where you stopped trying to decide which information was important and what was not in favor of blocking it all out entirely. even as you stood under the warm stream of water flowing from the showerhead above, you could hear him muttering things to himself as he tidied up your bedroom. you most imagined this behavior was due to growing up without the presence of others his age--if anyone at all. while you did feel sympathetic toward the boy, you weren't used to the constant noise.
your previous life was fairly quiet, even at the tiny, makeshift school where you had spent all of your free time. there was always the odd occasion where a child or two would be exceptionally talkative, though most of the time the children were too malnourished to have the energy. it was a struggle to get the group to participate much at all, let alone speak amongst themselves. you tried your best to encourage your pupils to make friends with one another, but this wasn't something that was accepted with open arms. you couldn't even find it in yourself to be upset at them for this, given that your brother had been your only friend growing up; it was this way for most people you knew.
after a long day at the school, you would go home to an empty home. it was tiny and everything seemed to be falling apart, but it gave you a private space to unwind as much as you possibly could. you never cared to invite anyone over, nor did you have anyone to visit. it was lonely at first, but after a while the silence became very calming. perhaps this was because it was the only constant in your life; the only thing that would be waiting for you at home without fail. a meal was not always promised, nor was a new book to read, but there would always be a heavy silence ready to envelope you as you drifted off each night.
looking down at your plate, you noticed that it was nearly empty. oh how you wished your brother was there to fight you over what remained, like he used to when he was too young to understand how little your family truly had to go around. unless you finished your food with incredible speed, he would begin whining about how hungry he was, about how you needed to share with him. you would always shoot him a glare and questioned why he deserved to eat more than you did, which would only result in the little boy pinching the tender skin around your ankles. as you cried out in pain, he would quickly grab at the food resting atop your lap., smiling to himself as he bit into your food. this wasn't something you ever imagined yourself missing, although the change in circumstance caused the memory to become very fond.
after having your entire life uprooted against your will, you've found that many of the things you used to find so unpleasant have been on your mind. this was especially conflicting, as none of these were things you had to deal with within recent years. it almost made you sad to realize that there was nothing to your life that was worth missing; everything you cared for had been ripped from your fingers the moment all of your family members were gone. you longed not for the days you spent as an adult, but the miserable nights you spent as a child begging your father to stop yelling at you over whichever minor inconvenience had stressed him out that time.
perhaps the anger you felt toward your current situation was purely out of spite, though this only caused your heart to sink a little further down into your chest. was your life of so little meaning that you couldn't find a good reason to continue to be hateful? did you have so little back home that this new setting seemed only a little less than pleasant? the change was beyond unfair, yet you could only sigh knowing that you were likely better off here anyway. you wanted to do more--to lash out in anger, fear, or something--but you just couldn't.
a light knock floated through the air, causing you to dart your head toward the door. it had been pushed open, allowing johnny to lean against the frame. he was smiling down at you, like he was genuinely happy to see you a second time. your eyes widened ever so slightly, just enough to make him chuckle. you had been doubting his promise to make time for you everyday, so his presence came as a bit of a surprise. in all honesty, you figured that work would come first, making you an afterthought for him to tend to at the end of the day, but he was as early as he possibly could be without having interrupted your meal. it was as though he couldn't wait.
"i'm really glad to see that you've eaten," he spoke happily, glancing at your plate for a moment before returning his gaze toward your face. he could tell that you'd taken all of your vitamins as well, which made his smile widen just a bit. a wave of joy washed over him momentarily, knowing that you felt comfortable enough to do so without any resistance. he made a mental note to send someone to clean up the remains of your meal, though it wasn't like you had left much of a mess at all. "we don't have to leave now, but i'm ready whenever you are. i don't mind waiting in here for a little while if that's what you want to do."
you set your fork down on the edge of your plate and shook your head. there was nothing left for you to do here and therefore no reason to stay. standing up was a very slow process, as you had to be very cautious in your dress, but it felt nice to stretch your legs once you were able to do so. it was no surprise that you were fatigued already, but you hoped it wasn't very obvious to the man in front of you. he seemed unfazed, so you assumed he was unable to tell.
"please tell me there's less walking this time," you muttered, mostly to yourself.
johnny laughed in response as he took a step to the side, allowing you to pass through the doorway. it wasn't hard to fall in time with your lazy footsteps, yet continuing to keep your pace posed a bit of a challenge for someone with such long legs. he did his best, though he wound up a few steps ahead within a minute flat.
he reached into his back pocket and pulled out a white plastic card. he waved it around for a moment before returning it to its spot, smirking down at you.
"it's your lucky day; being with me means you get to use the elevator and not the stairs."
an elevator. you were unable to form a proper response. of course, you'd read about such a thing in a few of your old books, though you had yet to use one yourself. it wasn't very often you ever entered a building with two stories, let alone enough to warrant the installation of an elevator. you wondered why the little card was relevant, only to conclude a few moments later that it must be some sort of a key. then, you wondered why it would be restricted. if you were able to use the stairs without issue, what was the purpose of deeming the elevator off limits? if they accomplished the same thing, you would get to your intended destination regardless. maybe he felt that blocking off the stairs wasn't needed, given the likeliness of you getting lost before making it anywhere important.
for a brief minute or so, you found yourself feeling less than adequate. it wasn't that you felt an overwhelming need to impress anyone here, but it was quickly becoming evident that you truly knew so much less than he did. the rational part of your brain knew that there was no one to blame for this, and yet you couldn't help but think that you should've taken it upon yourself to learn more. just knowing how to read as fluently as you did was a feat in and of itself, but the accomplishment seemed meaningless in comparison to all the things you did not know. you didn't even want to think about how poor your math skills had to be next to his.
much to your surprise, it didn't take very long to reach the elevator either. you both stopped in front of two metal doors, causing you to stare curiously as he swiped the little card. you bit back a gasp as they pulled apart. when you were rushed down to the garden yesterday, you had assumed that these doors were different solely for decoration. remembering that johnny works in technology, you didn't feel that it would be very off to assume that he would have more of a futuristic sense of style. stepping into the little room though, you realized that this made much more sense.
each wall was mirrored, causing you to become lost in your reflection as the doors came to a close. you could see johnny press a button on the large panel to his right, though you failed to focus your attention on the action itself. you didn't bother to wrack your brain trying to figure out how the elevator began to move on its own just a few seconds later, as you were so entranced by the couple that stood before you. you were already well aware of the height difference, since it was so hard to ignore during a conversation with the man, but it was so much more interesting to see the both of you side by side. he looked like a giant standing next to your small frame.
his eyes met yours through the mirror, causing you to quickly look away. he only smiled at your response, waiting but a second more for the elevator to come to a stop at the correct floor. as the large doors slid open, he gestured for you to step out first. he wasn't worried about there being any trouble finding the library, as it was located directly across the hall. this in mind, he allowed you to lead the way, which you seemed more than happy to do.
he thought it was cute how your steps became so much lighter once the open doorway was in sight, how your eyes seemed to light up upon entering the large room. he watched as you stopped a few steps into the library, examining your features as you looked around. while he had been expecting a positive response, you surely didn't disappoint. your jaw was nearly on the floor as eyes the size of saucers scanned the maze of bookshelves.
just past the entrance was an area that resembled the common area; a large sofa sat opposite the door, which was paralleled by a coffee table of equal length. there was a chair positioned on either side, though the fourth side was left open. the furniture sat atop a beautiful floral rug, which distracted from the dull navy carpeting the rest of the room had been floored with. there were rows upon rows of shelves on the three sides in question, rows that seemed to go on for miles.
"a's start just to the right over there, i think," his voice rung in your ear, snapping you out of the book-induced trance you'd fallen into. he pointed in the general direction you needed to go, which was all the permission you needed to begin walking. you were too excited to respond, so you simply allowed him to follow your fast paced footsteps as you began searching for the book you wished to read.
you'd never seen so many books in your life, let alone all at once. your heart did jumping jacks in your chest at the realization that you could never possibly be bored here. maybe every storm cloud does have a silver lining. no matter how unhappy you might become in the future, you were certain that you would never run out of books to take your mind away from the world. you couldn't wait to get lost in each and every one.
"are you looking for anything specific?"
you could easily make out the curiosity woven into every word. his fancy shoes made a dull click clack noise against the thin carpet, the sound trailing behind you. it didn't sound like he was making an effort to match your swift pace, but then again, he didn't have to. his legs were so long, you knew he could easily match your fastest sprint with a brisk walk if he ever decided to try.
once you finally reached the aisle you were looking for, your eyes lit up. the section marked 's' was very large, but you were quick to find what you were looking for. given the letter combination, saint-exupéry happened to be toward the beginning of the section. however, it was out of your reach. even standing on the very tips of your toes, every book on the top shelf was just out of reach. sighing to yourself, you fell back on your heels.
"which one?" johnny asked, causing you to quickly turn your head.
you had been so lost in thought that the sound of his voice startled you, but his close proximity was even more surprising. there was maybe two inches between the both of you. his steady breaths felt warm against your neck even after you turned away. flustered, it took you a moment to respond. regardless of your feelings toward him, no man had ever been so close to you before; you weren't sure how to react.
"uh, it's on the top right there—the little prince," you answered finally. your voice came out a soft mumble.
he reached over your head and easily pulled your book away from the others. you assumed this was why he'd gotten so close, and you were correct. the moment he passed the book on to you was the moment he took two steps back. regardless, this did nothing to stifle the heat burning in your cheeks.
in an attempt to ignore it, you turned on your heels and began to make your way back to the lounge. he walked beside you now, most likely because he had a very good idea of where you were going. there was no reason to follow you around like a lost puppy otherwise.
"why that book?" he wondered aloud.
there was a part of his brain that worried that the question was a bit too personal, but he couldn't help himself. after watching you move through the library at such a fast pace, he had to ask. you were nearly jogging; that book had to be extremely significant to you for one reason or another. glancing down at you, he noticed that you couldn't take you eyes off of the cover.
you allowed the sentence to fizzle out, unsure of how to begin, or if you even wanted to at all. having been pulled away from your past life, you hadn't decided whether you wanted to talk about it with anyone. you didn't have much of a story to tell, yet it still felt like something you should lock away entirely. though you didn't truly understand why, you dreaded the thought of letting anyone here get to know you. whether this was because they were undeserving or because acknowledging your past life made this one real, you didn't know.
weaving through the seemingly endless aisles, you allowed you gaze to fall upon the book again.
your brother was a bright young boy, almost too smart for his own good. he never tried to be a troublemaker—not the kind you felt the need to raise your guard around anyway—but he would risk anything to stimulate his mind. if he didn't have a book to stick his head into or a math subject to teach himself he fell into a painful state of boredom. he couldn't stand being bored; you remembered him declaring once before that not doing anything productive made him feel like his brain was rotting from the inside out.
"it's only a matter of time before it starts dripping out of my ears," he used to say.
to this day, you were able to recall in great detail the first time he got himself into trouble with your parents. he managed to drag you down with him without even trying to; your parents found you guilty before you even opened your mouth. all over a stupid book.
"it's not like he can even read it!" he exclaimed, throwing his hands into the air.
while his intellect surpassed even the adults in your life, his age was really showing. just like any thirteen year old boy, he felt that your parents were just overreacting; that what he'd done surely didn't warrant this kind of response. after all, it wasn't like he'd truly hurt anyone. even if he really did want to, you knew he didn't have it in him. much like yours, his attacks were never physical, only verbal.
to an extent, you agreed with him. the law wasn't really enforced unless you had the money to make people care about your problems, so you doubted he would get into any real trouble. the most that could happen outside of the home would be some kind of beating from the people he'd stolen from, but you doubted they would even notice its absence. however, watching this situation unfold had begun to give you a headache and for that reason alone you felt he deserved to be punished. "you still stole it," your father shot back.
he stood his ground, arms crossed over his chest. your father was a short man, but he still managed to make himself look intimidating when he saw fit. his actions helped greatly; he had the tendency to raise his voice when things didn't go his way, or allow his eyes to narrow into a glare that would tear through anyone in his path. sometimes you hated him for being this way, but deep down you knew it wasn't his fault. working such long days with almost nothing in return was enough to drive any man crazy.
your mother though... you looked to your mother and saw nothing but disappointment painted across her face as she held the book in her hands. you frowned. for the first time in a very long time, you witnessed her express something other than exhaustion. she was so kind and caring, but she was empty. everyday was a constant fight to keep her family afloat through high tides and thunderstorms, but over the years the tiny raft she'd woven for those she loved most broke apart piece by piece. everyday you watched a tiny piece of her float far far away right along with it.
"how could you let this happen?"
you quickly averted your attention toward your father, your eyes widening as a wave of shock wracked your body. he glared down at you, but you didn't really understand why; you hadn't done anything wrong. and so you said nothing. instead, you nervously pulled at the hem of your shirt, wishing this would all go away. but this wasn't good enough. when you failed to respond, he only rose his voice even more. he pointed his finger at you accusingly, like you'd gone out and committed the crime yourself.
"you were supposed to be watching him! it's not like you have anything else to do. you don't work, can't go to school—what could you possibly have been doing that was more important than making sure your brother stayed safe at home?"
it was then that you began to cry. tears flowed down your cheeks in rivers as you tried so hard not to start hyperventilating. you never took criticism well—not when it was far from constructive. it felt like he had lunged at your throat and your windpipe was beginning to crack under the pressure. if he kept at it, you were certain you wouldn't be able to handle it at any capacity.
you refused to respond. what was the point in trying if your father wasn't even going to try to understand? how were you going to tell him that your idiot brother had managed to sneak out because you spent the day asleep on the cold, hard floor? how were you going to explain that you were so tired, that your body was so physically exhausted that there were periods of time where you were unable to stay awake during the day?
you couldn't, not when everyone else struggled just as hard as you did. you could already imagine his response, something about how he works himself to the bone and still manages to stay awake.
it was pointless.
you thought you were never going to be able to forgive your brother for that day. that night, when you were certain the rest of your family had fallen asleep, you picked the book up off of the floor where your mother had left it. it shouldn't be there; your brother shouldn't get the pleasure of reading it.
so you hid it. you remembered having to be so careful as you moved the heavy water pot, struggling to keep quiet as the lid began to gently crash into the rim. you then lifted up the broken floorboard beneath it and placed the book inside of the small opening before repositioning everything. that night, you laid next to your brother feeling content with your actions, yet no more happy overall.
for so many years, you avoided that book just as much as you did the negative memory associated with it, but after your family passed, something changed. it didn't feel like something you wanted to distance yourself from anymore, but rather something you wanted to hold close to your heart.
the first thing you did once the body collection team cleared your home was rush to the water pot. you were so hasty in trying to move it that it tipped over in the process, spilling what tiny bit of water was left all over your thighs. but holding that book in your hands, it didn't matter. there was a tiny piece of your brother you had yet to familiarize yourself with and you so desperately needed to. it felt like it was all you had left of him. for almost a month you read the book time and time again until the tears stopped; by then you had memorized the entire story word for word.
the little prince.
"someone that i used to know was really interested in it, that's all," you said finally.
you were too stuck inside your own head to notice how much time had passed, but by that point you'd reached the lounge already. the couch closest to you suddenly seemed very inviting, so much that you quickly sat down in the middle. your mind was still a bit too far away to realize what you'd done, but by that point it was too late.
johnny was left to seat himself on your right. much like before, this left very little space between the two of you. this got your attention immediately. your cheeks burned red hot as he rested his arm atop the edge of the couch behind you.
"would you mind if i read it?"
too stunned to form a proper sentence, you merely nodded and placed the book on his lap. when you took the quickest look up at him, you saw that he was smiling. it was a genuine smile, not one of those smug smirks you'd seen once or twice before. staring toward your lap now, you could see him using his free hand to quickly flip to page one.
oh. he was going to read it to you.
"you don't have to do all that," you quickly spoke up.
you did your best not to come across as rude. in reality though, you weren't sure whether or not you should've said anything at all. you had yet to decide if you were uncomfortable with someone like johnny making himself part of something so sacred, or if you were angry at yourself for letting his close proximity make you so flustered. no matter how much you tried though, you couldn't help it. it would've been this way with any boy, you told yourself, but the fact that it had to be him was so, so irritating.
the brunette scoffed lightly.
"you think i don't care enough to get to know you?" he quirked an eyebrow at you, only resulting in your gaze being averted elsewhere. a moment went by as he awaited a response that never came. "i don't want to be strangers; i want to know things about you. i think it's premature to say that things are most definitely going to be real between the two of us, but i would like to try, if you'd let me. at the very least i want to get to know you as a person. if this book is something you're into, i want to read it."
he watched as your eyes fell upon the open page. as hard as he tried, he couldn't make out the expression contorting your features. somewhere deep in his being he was hopeful you were considering what he said, though he knew not to get his hopes up. while he understood why you would do so, the idea of being wed to someone who refused to keep him any closer than arms length made him sad. while he despised it, it happened to be the normalcy and there was nothing he was able to do about it.
almost pleading with you, he quietly added, "for me? you can sleep for all i care; just entertain me for the rest of the hour, please."
very hesitantly, you nodded and allowed him to wrap his arm around your shoulders. he then pulled you close, causing your breath to catch in your throat for a moment. never before had you been held this way, nor had you witnessed your mother in such a position; this type of intimacy was something you'd only ever encountered in the few fairytales you'd been able to read in your youth.
as he began to read in that oh so soft tone, you found yourself lost in thought. the more you tried to think of an occurrence where this scenario had been normalized during your childhood, the less you were able to come up with. it would be humorous to call what you were required to have with johnny love, and yet it was likely the closest you would ever come to such a thing in your life time. marriage was more out of necessity than anything, you had come to realize--especially for women. each person was allowed to interpret societal norms however they so chose, though you felt that marriage offered women a degree of safety that living alone was unable to, while men were given sex and children in exchange. in all your years, you had yet to come across a couple that seemed to truly love one another beyond this platonic agreement.
having been a woman that had grown used to living alone, you understood the need for a man in the house. it wasn't that you were very strong on ancient gender roles, but that you had been forced to live with such extreme anxiety at all times. what few policemen there were didn't care about any crime that didn't have the potential to pad their pockets, so young women were often assaulted late at night on the lookout for whatever scraps of food they might be able to find and eat. even going out during the day made you nervous at times, depending on who was in sight. you'd even made a mental catalogue of which neighbors seemed especially sketchy and why, as you had learned not to trust anyone. living seemed to become extremely dangerous after your father passed away.
your eyes began to flutter closed as his low voice hung in your ear. being endlessly tired was not something that was new to you, for each and every day you felt as though you could sleep for hours and wake up feeling like your limbs were packed full of sand. the man beside you wasn't helping either; the steady sound of his heartbeat was the perfect backdrop to your thoughts. perhaps he noticed, though you couldn't be bothered to open your eyes in order to check. instead, you allowed him to slowly brush his palm over your head, almost as if he was petting you. it was endearing in a way, though you would never say so out loud.
counting down the days, you realized there weren't too many left until the wedding to come. jisung had brought it up earlier, but the subject matter made you uneasy, so you did your best to tune it out, just as you did the rest of his blather. normally you soak up information like a sponge, but the young boy had begun to babble about who all he thought was attending, which wasn't something you cared to know. the thought of being trapped in a room with at least half of the world's most wealthy made a knot tie itself oh so tight within your stomach. not because you felt the need to impress any of these people, but because you had spent your entire life drowning in poverty while these people had very little to worry about. your main concern was finding a way to keep from choking one of them to death on your way down the aisle.
on top of that, it sounded as if the majority of the relatives that were to be in attendance didn't like the idea of your marriage in general. jisung had recalled chatting with a young servant named yeri over lunch, who apparently dealt with all of the invitations. he relayed that she was tasked with calling each household personally, so she was able to get a feel of how they had received the news. as he ran the brush through your wild locks, he snickered and told you not to worry about johnny's family, as she told him that over half of those she spoke with sounded very irritated.
"i think it's about the money, honestly," he'd laughed. his slender fingers then wove themselves through your hair, parting it in three at the nape of your neck. "that's really weird to think about, isn't it? maybe i've just been poor for so long that money doesn't really seem like something to pine over, but i think it's kind of ridiculous when people that have more money than i'll ever know what to do with are so upset that they're not able to come into more of it.'
in a way, you thought the boy was right. while you felt that greed was almost amusing coming from those who already have a great deal of money, you understood the need to pine over it. you couldn't even count the amount of times you had gone to bed hungry, as well as had to function starving the next day. even just a few dollars would've been able to keep you fed, even if only for the smallest period of time. maybe the issue wasn't that jisung had been poor for so long, but that he had all of his needs met for such a long while. in all honesty, you understood the want to fight tooth and nail for every dollar that came your way, as much as it pained you to admit.
suddenly, you felt johnny's chest move beneath you, quickly rising and falling as a gentle chuckle escaped his lips. even still, you pretended to be asleep.
"what's wrong?" he questioned, nudging you slightly. "you're gonna give yourself wrinkles or something."
you swore under your breathe. your features relaxed then. every crease in your forehead slowly evened out, then the rest of your face fell in line too. it wasn't something that you'd done consciously, though you did understand why he would question such a thing. you weren't entirely sure what it must've looked like, but judging from his reaction, you were likely pouting like a child.
"how long until we have to get married?" you asked, peeling both of your eyes open.
"two days," he responded simply.
looking at the book in his lap, you noticed that he had gotten through a handful of pages. telling time had never been something you were very good at, but you guessed it had been at least ten or fifteen minutes since he had began. that was the beauty of being lost inside your head, you thought. you were free from the confinement of time, as it mattered very little when you had other things popping out of every little nook and cranny your brain had to offer. there was always something new to dissect and pick apart without having to worry about how much time you were wasting. it was nice, especially when wasting your time with him meant he was unable to bother you for very long.
instead of awaiting a response he knew would never come, he simply joked, "why, are you excited?"
"i'm thinking," you said, turning to look up at him.
you weren't sure if you wanted to continue. you weren't sure if you wanted to let him in, to let him know what was on your mind. there was a lot on your mind. the thought of being kept here forever with no one to talk to on a deeper level than the gossip jisung liked to bring to your vanity made you sad, though it wasn't like you were having very deep conversations with the kindergarteners you taught back home. however, the brunette's actions irritated you to no end. you were afraid that letting him in would mean to let go of what he had done, which wasn't something that you were ready to do yet. you weren't sure it would ever be something you were going to do.
the hardest part to grasp was that jisung had been right; as much as you wanted to hate the man for his means of getting you there, you would never be able to hate him for putting clothes on your body and food in your mouth. thinking back to the large breakfast you had woken up to that morning, you frowned. you tried and tried, but you couldn't be upset about that. sighing to yourself, you finally came to terms with the fact that finding comfort in another person wouldn't be so terrible, since you were unable to go anywhere else. it was a given that you would be exceptionally picky with what information you felt he was worthy of having access to, but baby steps wouldn't hurt.
however, you really did like his nervousness, at least in the sense that he knew better than to pry. he waited silently for you to continue, still absentmindedly petting the top of your head. he had been timid about such an action at first, but once he realized you weren't going to bite his hand off, he became more confident about continuing. he had a very soft smile tugging at his plump lips, though you could see the angst hiding in those chocolate brown eyes. it was as if he wasn't sure of what you were going to say, like that scared him.
truthfully, it did. johnny's biggest fear was that you would never get over any kind of resentment toward him you may have. this was a feeling he understood, and he very much understood why you would be feeling this way toward him, but he at least hoped the both of you would be able to find some kind of middle ground. he was just as fond of the arrangement as you were; maybe even more so, since he had grown up watching it play out before his eyes.
his mother never really did overcome her hatred for his father. perhaps this was because times were different when she was younger. she had the pleasure of experiencing life before the war; she knew freedom without having poverty cripple the entirety of her family. even in the midst of the violence and war, she still found a way to be happy without having to rely on money to do so. because of this, being pulled away from her parents crushed her. she wasn't like you; she didn't find comfort in a full belly, nor did she see it as a reason to excuse what had happened to her. she loved her son very much, though she never even made an attempt to hide the fact that she cared for her husband very little. in fact, johnny often suspected that she only agreed to have a child as a form of escapism. he always wondered if that was why she insisted on spending all of her free time with him, even while he was being pestered by countless tutors.
maybe it was selfish to wish for you to get over a traumatic experience in order to be happy with him, but he didn't know any other way of living. what he wanted more than anything was for you to be happy, though he didn't think this was something he would be able to communicate correctly without making a pig of himself. he understood the severity of the culture difference between the both of you and didn't want to come across as arrogant, especially because he knew that he was. he didn't intend to be, but he wasn't naïve.
"i want to hate you so badly," you admitted finally. for once, you locked eyes with him. you wanted him to see you, to know that you weren't exaggerating in order to toy with his nerves. perhaps you didn't know the first thing about talking to boys, but you knew a great deal about communicating your feelings to the emotionally ignorant. you often had conversations of this nature with you brother when he grew old enough, as you found that talking took far less energy than fighting did. the man stopped petting you then, his hand simply resting at the nape of your neck. you rolled your eyes, watching him squirm a little in his seat. "you can keep doing that thing if you want, it doesn't really bother me one way or another. even if it did, i think i could punch you in the face and you probably wouldn't do anything violent to retaliate; i probably would've done that by now."
he wanted to argue, but he knew he couldn't. you were right. even if he hated you with every fiber of his being, he could never bring himself to raise a hand to a woman. just the mere thought of what he had to do to you already made him sick to his stomach. instead, he simply began his hand motions once more.
"i want to hate you so badly," you repeated, huffing a bit. your eyes drifted off, directing your glare at whichever bookshelf you spotted first. "i've been thinking about it a lot and i don't think you have any idea how much it hurts that for the life of me i haven't been able to find a way to make you into more than just a minor annoyance. i'm irritated at the circumstances of our meeting, but the more i think about it, the less i'm able to find you terrible. you should repulse me, but really, what did i have waiting for me back home? loneliness and starvation? i try to remember that i was making something of myself by educating children that weren't able to bathe most days, let alone pick up a book on their own, but it seems a little bittersweet when the skeleton i see in the mirror is all i have to show for it. i want to hate your guts for what you did, but how can i when you've given me everything i never had?"
this time, he pulled away completely. he recognized your hurt, yet he was unsure about what to do in response. he knew that honesty was in order, but these were not the kinds of conversations he was accustomed to. johnny was taught to suppress his feelings as opposed to expressing them, as his father thought that to share one's inner feelings was a very feminine thing to do. even i love you's were assumed and not spoken. an attempt was made in explaining his point of view on your journey to his home, but even then, he had barely scratched the surface of what was buried deep in his heart.
"i'm sorry for that," he began, his features slowly contorting with the first wave of distress that wracked his brain. "i'm not really sure what to say aside from that. i understand that you're upset and i understand why, honestly. i figured you would be, which i guess is why i've been trying to overcompensate with material items. i don't know if that makes me even more of a shitty person, but i figured that the least i can do is make sure you have what you need... i'm not going to sit here and pretend like i'm your savior for doing that, nor am i going to force you to like me. do i want you to? of course i do. i hope we can be friends at the very least, but i'm always going to respect your wants and-"
"don't you have a job to be getting back to?"
you wanted to scream. he was making it so hard by being a decent person, so much that you had half a mind to punch him square in the nose. you knew it was terrible to wish he were a worse person, but it would make your frustration so much more valid. it was very clear that his intention wasn't to confuse you even further, but that was the result regardless. you weren't sure where you stood, only that the ground you wished to be upon was very far out of reach.
he shook his head, a smile teasing the corners of his mouth. while he was sure your irritation was very genuine, he was relieved to see that it wasn't likely to grow into something more. the last thing he wanted to do was dig himself a deeper hole to fall into.
"i don't have to do anything; it's more that i choose to get up and go to work everyday. if i really wanted to, i could easily appoint someone to take on my workload without losing any personal profit," he explained, closing the book in his lap and placing it on the coffee table. not only did he want to cut your date short before your annoyance really began to blossom, he could see how tired you'd become. keeping this in mind, he was slow to stand up and extend a hand toward you. there was a fleeting look of hesitance that washed over the irises of your eyes, but you took it nonetheless. while helping you to your feet, he continued. "i like my job--the techy stuff, anyway. having to be the bad guy all the time is honestly really stressful, but i guess that's just part of the package, right?"
though it felt like the question was directed more toward himself than anything, you took it upon yourself to answer anyway. your hand still resting in his, you allowed him to guide you back to the elevator.
"not necessarily," you responded, watching as he swiped his keycard once more. following him into the elevator, you took a few seconds to piece together the rest of your thoughts. it wasn't very easy given how little you knew about what it was he did at work, but you felt that his mindset was very flawed regardless of his job title. "if you're really as in charge as you claim to be, i don't understand why it has to be so terrible for the people that work for you, if that's what you're trying to say."
"you don't get it," he muttered softly.
he used his index finger to press another one of the shiny metal buttons on the panel before him. while doing so, he did his best to avoid your gaze. he didn't even want to think about how he must've sounded complaining about such problems, as they seemed so silly in retrospect. he felt so guilty complaining about the way he happened to make his money knowing you came from the situation you did. in a way, he felt like he had slapped you across the face, though he would never even dream of doing such a thing.
"no, i don't," you quipped. your voice was very level, yet you couldn't help but let go of his hand. it seemed like he wasn't really in the mood to hold yours any more than you were his. "i don't know anything about science, or engineering, or even how to count without using my fingers, but i know what it's like to be poor. my father worked for someone like you. one days worth of your earnings could probably feed a family like mine for at least a week, but instead big companies throw pennies at their workers and demand that we make it stretch far enough. maybe other decisions wouldn't feel so weighted if you knew your employees were going home to more than scraps from the garbage, but you're choosing not to find that out."
johnny remained silent. there was nothing he could say to refute your argument; you were right. this was an issue that was far easier to avoid before your arrival, especially now that you were choosing to voice your concerns. the money his business produced made it very easy to ignore the conditions certain staff members were likely living in. in all honesty, he'd never even given it much thought. his father had always preached that they were not responsible for anything that went on outside of the workplace, though he was neglecting to take into account that the things they provided during work hours directly contributed to everything that took place before and after. he felt ashamed now, having this thrown back in his face.
"you're right. i'm sorry."
the elevator opened up after what felt like forever, much to your relief. after taking two steps forward, it felt like the man had wrapped his hands around both of your ankles and dragged you back ten. you were well aware that the difference in upbringings might make conversation a bit difficult at times, but you weren't expecting him to be so ignorant to the state of the world beyond the little bubble he existed in. all it served to do was dull what little sparkle had managed to find you today.
"i think i remember how to get back to my room from here," you promptly informed him.
"you're sure?" he asked softly, to which you merely nodded.
you didn't know if there was really anything left to say. you were far too exhausted to entertain him any longer; all you wanted to do was fall into bed and sleep until you no longer felt the tiny pinprick of sadness in your chest. 
perhaps tomorrow he would manage to redeem himself, you told yourself. after all, he'd already made it very clear that he had more than enough money to do so.
author’s note: i’m so sorry this took so long ): i’ve really been struggling with my mental health lately, but i’m going to do my best to be more consistent with my uploads. please let me know if you’d like to be added to my taglist (:
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