#with lily he's just mesmerised by her but also because they were friends first he's more comfortable being nice.
notglutenfresh · 13 hours
Jegulily, that starts with Regulily, is so amazing.
Like I can imagine, Regulus started to pursue Lily after Sirius ran away because he thought that James stole Sirius from him on purpose. So he thought that the best way to get revenge was to steal the love of James' life from him.
Lily was so confused by this. Like the heir of the Black family is pursuing her, a muggleborn, seemingly from his own freewill. She couldn't help but be intrigued, so she allowed him to chase her. Admittedly, she had no quarrels directly with him in the first place, so she had no problem with being nice to him from the start because that's how she normally is. It's only when people (James) don't respect her boundaries that she starts to get angsty with them.
However, the most confused is James. He's literally watching his best friends brother steal Lily right in front of him. Without any shame whatsoever, despite the fact that Lily was a muggleborn. Now, James would be the first to admit that Regulus was very fucking attractive, but he had rarely ever gotten butterflies because of him. But when Regulus smirked at him, right after flirting with Lily, James had to admit that he found it really fucking attractive. Looking at Lily afterwards made his butterflies even worse because the cutest blush covered her face. Honestly his face was probably just as red.
When he had started this whole revenge plan, he had never anticipated to actually fall for Lily, but everything fell into place. How couldn't he fall in love with someone as angelic as Lily? From the moment he realised he had actually fallen for Lily, he knew he had to ask her out. Unlike before, he was nervous. He didn't want to be rejected, so it took him roughly two weeks for him to actually work up the courage. It was a Thursday night, and he had found her studying in the library. The slight bags under her eyes contrasted the bright green hue of them. He was mesmerised by her entirely. Without really thinking about it, he had strolled up to her and asked her to go to Hogsmead with him that weekend.
Lily wasn't expecting this at all. She didn't think that his games would actually get this far. She found it cruel at first, making her fall for him just to get back at Potter. Then she saw the earnestness dancing in Regulus' eyes, and how could she say no. He was her equal in every single way imaginable, and she knew that he knew that too.
It had been a while since James actually asked Lily out, partially because he saw how she looked at Regulus and partially because of how he looked at Regulus. Don't get James wrong if he was given the chance he would marry Lily on the spot. But that dream seemingly came to a crashing halt as he saw Regulus and Lily holding hands while walking around Hogsmead with the occasional shy glance passed between the two as Regulus bought Lily literally anything she looked at for more than 2 seconds. His heart had simultaneously stopped and seemingly speed up at the same time. Apparently, James had a thing for his two crushes dating each other despite the heartbreak it also brought him. After his discovery of the two's relationship, he couldn't help but bawk every time he saw them together.
Regulus was not dumb by any means, and neither was Lily. They both knew that James couldn't help but stare at them when they were together (and even when they were alone). Less intelligent people may have thought that James was acting like that because Lily had been stolen from him. But Regulus and Lily are nothing if not smart. They knew that James fancied both of them. And both of them had to begrudgingly admit that they kind of fancied James too.
Ever since the beginning of this, James has been on his best behaviour. He'd been genuinely complimenting Lily without expecting anything in return. He had been secretly ambushing Regulus in the astronomy tower, talking about how much of Regulus' self-hatred was undeserved. Regulus and Lily found it sickening, especially when it actually worked to make them fall for him. Both had been very open with each other when they had started developing actual feelings for James. After a little sobbing session over their stupidity, they came to the conclusion to corner James and ask him to join their relationship.
It was the last thing James expected after Quidditch practice on a Wednesday morning. But that didn't stop him from saying yes almost immediately. I mean, can you blame him? It's the two loves of his live, how could he say anything but no. That's how the three actually became the throuple that the whole school talked about. The muggleborn, the heir to the house of Black, and the bloodtraitor. A truly unstoppable trio and surprisingly disgusting in their public displays of affection, no doubt due to James' doing.
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enbysiriusblack · 1 year
regulus is nice to pandora, lily, sometimes james, and sometimes dorcas but they both throw up when he is
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dumblydork · 3 years
Dying Embers
Her hair swished wildly in the wind, as if it were leaves swaying from the onset of a cyclone- flowing down to her waist, head thrown back. Fiery red, just like the dying embers of what was formerly a warming furnace. He could hear her laughter, slow and melodic, almost as if it were empyrean. She was the love of Harry's entire being. The soul to his body, the mind to his brain. She turned around, and all Harry could glimpse was her mouth- full, and pulled into a large smile. Her eyes were a bright hazel, shining with happiness, as she ran towards Harry, fitting easily in his arms.
They had met at the ball thrown by his parents that summer, exactly so that their son could meet a suitable young woman to marry. Harry had been extremely bored with the festivities, instead wishing he were out practicing archery with his friend, Neville.
His eyes flew around the room, passing from and then returning to a young woman who had just entered the gala. She didn't seem familiar, and was chaperoned by who seemed to her brother, judging from their hair. Harry was mesmerised- her yellow dress floated around her as if it were made of the finest, lightest silk to exist, and her hair was pulled back elegantly, exposing the milky column of her neck. He walked towards the pair.
"Forgive my intrusion, but will the lovely lady here consider dancing the next waltz with me?" Harry bowed slightly, his hand pulled tightly at his back.
The girl eyed him shyly as his brother did a more open appraisal. "We would like to first make your acquaintance, sir." He finally spoke.
"Of course, forgive me. I am Lord Harry Potter, Viscount of Little Whinging." He said, an automatic confidence seeping into his voice, one which only came from being the son of a duke.
"Forgive me, my Lord, I did not know. I am Ronald Weasley, and this is my younger sister, Ginevra Weasley. Our father is the Baron Weasley of Burrows." The pair bowed deeply, something which made Harry slightly uncomfortable.
"Please, I take no offense. It is my pleasure to make an acquaintance of Lord Weasley's children. He is my father's close friend. My question, however, to Lady Ginevra here remains unanswered." Harry steered the topic back to more important things from mere formalities.
"Of course, my lord." Ginevra said softly, placing her hand in Harry's outstretched one. As they walked towards the center of the floor, Harry's eyes met the identical ones of his mother, who stood to the side, flashing her son a soft smile.
"I adore you. And so does every thread of my existence, until my breath ceases." Harry spoke, bringing himself back from the night at the ball.
"I simply reciprocate, my Lord. And shall do so until death pull us part." She spoke softly, meeting Harry's lips with her own.
At the brink of twilight, a day before their wedding, the two of them wove their lives together, sealed by golden vows.
"Harry? Get on up, it's time to go!" His mother, Lily's voice flitted through the room, and sunlight poured inside as well, casting a bright glow all over. Harry sat up in bed, stretching excessively, getting rid of the multitude of pulls and pains he seemed to acquire over the night.
His parents swore he did not sleepwalk and fall down the stairs.
"Harry, honey, come on. You'll be late for uni otherwise." His mother peeked inside, her reddish brown hair pulled into a knot at the top of her head, green eyes shining with motherly affection. Seeing his mother's hair, Harry was reminded of his dream- recurring dream, he should say. Even though it was simply a few minutes old, seeing the 'girl' in his dream, he felt as if it were quite some lifetimes ago.
He had been dreaming of a girl quite frequently lately, and not in the lewd way his best friend Ron seemed intent on. Harry would always simply spot her hair, the curve of her waist and as soon as she turned around, he would be jolted awake.
When he was a child, his mother used to tell him tales in which princesses would dream of faceless men, a golden bond tying the two people together. The faceless person you dreamt about was whom you shared your golden thread of life with. But those were just fantasy- woven to make a dull reality exciting. At least now, at the age of 19, was what Harry believed. He hopped out of bed, and walked off into the bathroom, getting started on his morning routine. It was half past eight when he went downstairs, his first class of the morning at 9:15. His father, James, was stood in front of the kettle, pouring himself a cup of his morning Earl Grey, and his mother was setting down the plate of pancakes on the table.
"Breakfast?" She asked, sitting down, his dad joining her to the left. "Morning Haz." His father grinned lopsidedly, a grin much like Harry's own, glasses steaming up from the hot mug. Harry recited a greeting in return and was about to refuse breakfast on the account of well, running late, when the smell of butter floated up to him and he found himself seated in front of his parents.
"Did you get sore again?" Lily asked, concern lacing her low voice.
"Yeah. I just don't seem to know how." Harry noted, voice muffled from a mouth full of pancakes.
"Slow down, you'll choke." She admonished lightly, shooting James an exasperated look when he snickered a low 'That's what she said' into his morning Daily Prophet.
"He probably needs a new mattress. Let's get one on the weekend." His mother said, earning an affirmative hum from James who was busy with his newspaper.
"I'll get going now. Bye mum, bye dad. See you in the evening." He spoke after having had his share of pancakes and a chat with his mum. He bent down for the customary top-of-the-head kiss from his mother, something she had been doing since Harry started school. And although he wouldn't admit it, he adored this little sentiment. His dad shot him another grin as he walked out of the door, putting in his earphones.
Fortunately for him, the university campus was quite a short bus ride away. However, he still found himself running across the campus from the bus stop to his lecture theatre- he forgot to factor in the fact that the hall today was all on the opposite end of campus.
"Shit," He glanced at his phone, currently glowing 9:21. It was Professor Binns' lecture, and he wasn't too fond of latecomers. Harry counted on his excellent grade in the module, hoping that would pull him through. As he ran across, his peripheral vision noted a mane of red momentarily, but before Harry could turn around and see, he was already in front of the class, digging through the bag for his ID card.
"How is it that Binns' lectures keep getting worse through the term?" Ron, the aforementioned best friend groaned.
"Because your attention dwindles further as term moves on." Hermione, the other best friend noted. Harry grinned between the two of them. They were so in love, those oblivious idiots.
Binns' was the only class the three of them took together, and Ron departed for his Victorian Literature module. Harry and Hermione walked to the open amphitheatre, choosing to spend their free half hour which coincided together.
"Oh right. My friend from school is joining today, I was supposed to go show her around. Fancy coming?" Hermione spoke, eyes focused on her text messages. "Sure, I have the rest of the morning free." Harry pursed his lips. Hermione simply nodded and they set off across the campus again after the brief interlude at the theatre.
"Your friend is from school?" Harry asked.
"Yeah- she's a year younger but we were quite close when I was in year 12." She replied, eyes scanning the crowd at in front of the Lifesciences Lab, which was one of the main buildings on campus. "Who are we looking for again?" He imitated the search.
"Redhead, shorter than you." Hermione did not look up from the hoard of people, before her mouth set into a wide grin.
"Ginny! Here!" Hermione waved her arms around, jumping up and down in tandem. Harry couldn't see who Hermione was waving to, but the crowd was being roughly pushed aside as someone made their way towards the pair.
"Hermione! So good to see you!" The woman said, grabbing the older girl into a tight hug and letting go, placing the three of them in a triangular formation.
"Oh my god, I almost forgot to come see you." Hermione said somewhat sheepishly, but Harry wasn't listening. He was staring- no, gaping at the newcomer. Her hair was the exact shade of red as the girl in Harry's dream, and it cascaded down her back in a half up half down style. Her waist was encased in a light yellow sundress, complimenting her red hair. All in all, she was beautiful. Not because of her hair or slender figure, but also because of how her eyes shone as she spoke to Hermione.
"Have I seen you before?" Tumbled out of Harry's mouth before he could stop (or reason), and a pair of bright hazel eyes bore into his own moss green, before glittering again. Ginny simply smiled.
And here it is, another AU! I definitely did not plan for this to be a multiple lifetime AU, but Regency!Hinny seemed too good to pass up on. I apologise for what is probably a very poorly written Regency era conversation, my knowledge of it is simply from Bridgerton and Google haha. I decided to keep the end open, just so that you guys can envision your own romance for them! Also, can I just say how I loved writing Lily and James?? It's their little debut in my one-shots yay!
Also, you can find my Ao3 here, where I post quite fluffy Wolfstar one-shots, if that's your thing!
I hope you enjoyed this as usual! Please interact with my pinned TAGLIST post on my account if you wish to be notified of whenever I post Hinny one-shots! Thank you for reading, and big hugs to everyone who loves what I write! Please keep going, it truly makes my day (or week??) xxxx
TAGLIST: @amy-herondale-chase // @purplepygmypuffskein // @ginnypxtter // @alwaysmagica1 // @norakelly // @coffee-fandoms-and-chaos //
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maraudersmap123 · 4 years
Fears (Sirius Black)
Summary - a James and Lily sorta love story.
Warnings - implied smut I guess.
A/n hi guys, it’s been awhile I know lol. I’ve been really busy the last few months and therefore haven’t been able to get a lot of writing done but hopefully I’m back now. Because I’ve done barely any writing in months this is definitely far from my best work but I hope you all enjoy it. I’ve somehow lost all my requests and so sometime soon I will put out a new requests post which I’m planning to also include Regulus and Draco rather than just the marauders :) anyway hope you enjoy, stay safe.
Word count - 3,828
Reading time - 18 mins 35 seconds
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Sirius Black had been in love with Y/n Y/l/n since the moment he had laid eyes on her. He found himself completely besotted to the girl at the ripe old age of 11 and even 6 years on, after hundreds of rejections from her, he found himself just as mesmerised by her as he had done all those years ago.
“Could you pass me the jam please love” he said confidently across the table to the girl who hadn’t yet payed any attention to him.
“Get it yourself Black” she mumbled as she buttered the toast in front of her.
“Darling we have known each other for nearly 7 years, surely it would be more appropriate for you to call me by my first name” he questioned, the flirtation clear in his voice as a smirk etched its way across his face.
“Stop acting as though we are friend, I resent even calling you an acquaintance” she snapped at the boy and he raised his eyebrows at her
“We’ll be a lot more than acquaintances one day if i get my way” he winked and she just scoffed at his reply
“fuck you” she resorted quietly.
“i certainly won’t stop you babe” he responded, earning nothing more than a glare from the girl in front of him.
The pair had been so busy with each other that they never noticed the knowing smiles on all of their friends faces. Y/n’s and Sirius’ very much separate friend groups had in a lot of ways merged after James and Lily had gotten together, and the group now as one had been trying to put it in her head for months that she should give Sirius a shot, that maybe she would really like him if she just let herself. And though she denied it they were starting to get through to her.
She would be lying if she said she never cared for the boy even a little bit. She had a soft spot for him since around 3rd year and had he not had such a bad reputation to his name about his treatment of women she probably would have given him a chance years ago, but he did have a reputation and she wasn't going to let him hurt her like he did all those other girls. She was scared of how much power he would gain over her and by this point that was all that was stopping her, fear.
As Christmas drew nearer Marlene and y/n found themselves regularly in the library trying to get as much schoolwork done as possible so they would have the quick approaching holiday free to relax. There was only 1 day left until the biggest party of the year which was held on the last Saturday of term and only a few days after that most pupils would head home for the holidays.
“so what are you going to wear” Marlene asked as the pair made their way to the common room, the cool winter air pinching at their cheeks like crocodiles. 
“Mum send me a black dress, nothing special but it’s pretty. What about you, I seen Lily’s got a blue one” she responded, clutching a set of textbooks to her chest as they rounded a corner, the moving staircase coming into view.
“Red, I’ve been waiting for an event to wear it for months now” Marlene said, earning a nod of approval from the other girl.
“Red always was your colour” she smiled back at her.
“Sirius will love your’s. Maybe you could give-” Marlene began getting quickly cut off by the friend walking next to her.
“No mar, for the hundredth time I will not give him a chance. You know as well as I what he’s like and I won’t let him do it to me” y/n responded sharply and Marlene just sighed.
“But he seems serious about you y/n, he really really does. If you know what he’s like you’ll have noticed that he never tries for a girl for more than a week, if he hasn’t gotten her after that week he moves onto the next. He’s been pinning after you for years. And for what it’s worth he hasn’t been with anyone else in months” she replied softly.
“I’m not willing to risk it” she mumbled and once again Marlene just sighed but gave up on the topic, as much as she wanted the pair to finally get together she understood her friends logic because really she would do the same.
They finally arrived at the portrait and as they entered they seen their group of friend huddled around the fire playing some card game. The group turned and watched them approaching and sirius winked at the girl his interest lay with to which his only response was an eye roll.
“Want to join us” lily asked, Alice sat beside her.
“Ye I will” Marlene replied taking a seat between James and Remus.
“I can’t, I’ve got to go have a shower, I might see you guys later” y/n smiled at them and they nodded, she turned and started walking away from them when sirius spoke up.
“Where’s my invite sweetheart” she merely flipped him the middle finger followed by him chuckling slightly.
After she had disappeared up the stairs he turned back to his friends who looked at him with anticipation, knowing he would soon be moaning about the rejection. Unbeknown to them she hadn’t made it up the stairs yet and could hear basically all that was going to be said.
“Why won’t she just love me back” he groaned, the smile falling from his face and James patted him on the back.
“She might at one point mate, I mean who expected lily to ever reciprocate” James responded sympathetically, he himself being able to very much relate to his best friends current situation.
“To be fair to her Sirius, you haven’t exactly got a brilliant reputation behind you and you haven’t given her many reasons to trust you, you treating her like an object and all” lily added to the conversation, Marlene nodding
“We know you have good intentions with her because we hear you behind the scenes, but look at it from her perspective. Her rejections are perfectly understandable” Marlene said and sirius sighed
“I don’t mean to, I just don’t know how else to get her attention” and at that y/n ran up the stairs, making sure not to be heard.
The party was in full blow in the common room when the group of 5 room mates made their way down. Over the winter months the girls had managed to sneak their fair share of alcohol from hogsmade and had been saving it for this very night, resulting in not one of them (not even lily) arriving at the actual party in any sober state.
Upon entering the room the smell of alcohol only became more pungent, the tables that were usually spread around the room had all been pushed against the wall and were littered with drinks that were happily beginning to empty and crowds of students cluttered the room.
Within less than a minute james had spotted lily and was quickly approaching the group, as lily turned to her boyfriend y/n and Marlene split from the others and made their way to the table, y/n grabbing the first bottle that came to hand and poured herself some, passing the bottle over the Marlene and taking a large sip.
Her head was already blurry from the large amount of muggle spirits she had consumed in the dorm but she carried on knowing this would be her last party until new year, and what could go wrong.
“Sirius is watching you” Marlene giggled and y/n turned in the direction that Marlene was looking and right enough sirius sat half listening to what remus was telling him but mainly watching her. When their eyes met his face broke out in a grin, his eyes lighting up slightly. From a mixture of remembering the conversation she had over heard yesterday and the alcohol she consumed she deciding to give him a small smile in return instead of a glare like usual, quickly turning back to Marlene before she could see his jaw drop in surprise.
“What was that” Marlene asked quickly, her eyebrows furrowed
“What was what” y/n replied absentmindedly
“You smiled at him, you never smile at him”
She shook her head in denial before quickly adding “I don’t know what you’re talking about Mar” to which the friend only furrowed her eyebrows, looking as though she were studying her closely.
As the night carried on y/n felt herself getting drunker and drunker, her judgement starting to deteriorate until her words were slurring and she was sat next to an equally drunk sirius black having a very civil conversation that neither understood, something she would never have allowed herself to do sober.
Their friends were all to preoccupied with their own drunken shenanigans to even notice the ‘unlikely’ pair in the corner.
She couldn’t quite work out every word that sirius was saying, whether that was because she was to drunk to understand or he was to drunk to talk clearly she couldn’t decipher, for all she knew it could be both but she nodded in agreement anyway. The ‘conversation’ fell silent after awhile and though the room around them continued as loud as it had been you wouldn’t think they were surrounded by anyone at all.
They were just stuck in their own little intoxicated world, her eyes had locked on his and his smile has faltered slightly at the look that has appeared on her face.
“What’s wrong” he asked
The next move she made almost killed the boy, though he had thought about it many times he had never actually thought it would happen. She had brought her face up to his and pressed a kiss to his lips. It wasn’t a long kiss in anyway, more so a peck than anything. But when she pulled away from him slightly and sirius realised what had happened he wasted no time in re connecting their lips, his hands grabbing her waist as hers settled at the back of his neck, gripping at the hair gently as he moved his body closer to her own.
It had gotten desperate quickly and neither knew how or when they made it up stairs to his dorm but somehow they did. She giggled quietly as he shut the door, locking it and casting some spells she didn’t care to remember before turning his attention back to her, his eyes turning darker.
The next morning she woke up with a terrible headache and an even worse realisation. She slowly rolled around to ensure her blurry memory wasn’t just being cruel and held in a groan when she seen the presumably naked boy next to her asleep.
“Fuck” she grumbled, scanning the ground for her clothes and only when she was certain that she could see where everything was did she attempt to slip out of bed to change, not wanting to prolong the process any more than she had too and therefore risk waking him up. But unlucky for her she was too late. Just as she was sat on the end of the bed clipping her bra after pulling on her underwear she heard him groan and roll around to face her, his eyes starting to open.
“Y/n?” He asked in a confused tone, his voice deep from sleep.
“Sirius” she responded awkwardly, having really hoped to be able to avoid this situation but that obviously being to much to ask. She watched as realisation probably mixed with memories dawned on his face and his eyebrows rose drastically.
“We-“ he started motioning between the pair, propping himself up on one elbow and glancing down at what he could see of her body, his eyes widening at the exposure and quickly pulling his attention right back up to her eyes. “I mean we actually-”
“Yes, we did” she answer, a silence falling between them but their eyes remaining on each other’s. She was trying with all the stamina in her not to look anywhere but his face, the last thing she needed was to boost his ego any further.
After a few seconds she snapped herself out of it and stood up, grabbing her dress and slipping it over her body and finally grabbing her heels and purse, she could feel his eyes on her the whole time. Without turning back to him she made to exit the room but stilled when he called after her.
“Do you regret it” he asked sincerely and she turned to face him. The expression on his face had her questioning the almost automatic response she had of yes. He looked as though he was genuinely concerned she did regret it. But she didn’t, and she knew that. She didn’t regret it like she expected herself too because she knew she cared for him. Perhaps she even knew a large part of herself loved the boy infront of her. Because even a blind man could see that things had changed between them, even she knew it was no longer so one sided.
“No, I just regret that it happened when we were drunk” she replied, quickly turning and leaving.
The morning after Christmas, y/n woke still full from the night before. She rolled over, rubbing her eyes in attempt to wake herself up, finally pulling herself out of bed after laying half awake for what felt like an hour.
Walking down the stairs, she heard her parents voices talking to someone in the living room and when she at last emerged her eyebrows rose at the sight of the boy sat talking to her parents. He looked so natural in her home around her family it caught her of guard, he didn’t look out of place or awkward in anyway even though he in no way resembled the people he was sat around.
She cleared her throat softly and her parents turned to look at her. Sirius following suit, breaking into a smile when he seen her. He stood up without hesitation and her mother smothered a grin when she seen his reaction.
“Y/n sweetie, you have a visitor. We didn’t want to wake you” her mum said. Sirius making his way over to her.
“You weren’t waiting long were you” she asked quietly as he took his place beside her and he just shook his head.
“Leave the door open y/n” her father said and she just rolled her eyes humorously, travelling back up the stairs this time with sirius trailing behind her. When they entered her room she, to no surprise of her parents, shut the door.
“What are you doing here” y/n asked, and somewhat to sirius’ surprise all tones of indifference had seemed to have drained out of her voice and she was left with what he could only describe as what honey would sound like.
“I needed to talk to you” he answered and she sat on the edge of her bed, him following beside her but making sure to leave enough room that she didn’t feel uncomfortable “I thought we should talk and I didn’t want to wait”
She hummed in agreement and he turned slightly so he could see her.
“I’m sorry for how I have treated you for the last 6 years. There’s really no excuse for it. I should have respected you as a person and not just as something I want and I really hope you can forgive me if I’ve ever made you uncomfortable” he apologised and she just nodded beside him
“I know” she muttered back “don’t worry about it it’s fine”
“It’s not fine, you wanted nothing to do with me until we got drunk and your judgement became tainted. I took advantage of you and I feel terrible for it” he confessed and she just turned completely towards him, shaking her head
“No sirius, you were just as drunk as I was. And if I don’t regret it sober then my judgement isn’t to blame” she responded instantly “I have been beginning to reciprocate your feelings for awhile, I was just scared. And the night before the party I heard you talking to everyone and I know now that your intentions aren’t what I thought they were”
“Oh. You heard that” he questioned, looking down at his lap
A silence fell between them and at a certain point It started to grow awkward
“I love you y/n” he mumbled “and I’m really very sorry for everything”
She knew she wasn’t ready to tell him she loved him, and he new it to. After all the development from her hating him to even tolerating him had happened so suddenly he wasn’t even sure if he’d believe her at this moment in time if she did.
“I’ll try” she responded and his face broke out once again in a smile. “But god help me if you prove my past assumptions to be true I will murder you”
6 years later
Harry was starting to get sleepy as his smile became more dopey and he got clumsier.
“I think it’s time we got you to bed” y/n said to the little 4 year old who had fallen into her lap and was giggling up at her
“I don’t want to” to groaned “five more minutes”
“You wouldn’t want mummy and daddy coming home and finding you still awake would you” she replied and he just signed
“No” he mumbled sadly
“Come on I’ll read you a story” she promised as he reached out and grabbed her hand
“What about uncle Sirius” Harry asked, looking at his uncle who had started tidying. Y/n and sirius married pretty much straight out of school and after the war ended y/n had brought up the thought of having a baby. Sirius had shut down the idea in seconds, informing her that he never wanted children and in the 2 years since that conversation there had been many more of these conversations, most of them turning into arguments. Tensions had arose in the marriage and it was getting to the point they were both starting to question how much longer they could last when they disagreed on such a fundamental part of life.
“He’s making sure the house is all nice and clean for when mummy and daddy get home” Y/n replied and he just nodded, running ahead of her and up the stairs to his bedroom. Sirius loved Harry and would do anything for the child, but he could never imagine having one of his own that he had to ensure turned out alright.
She began the story, one about a witch and wizard who went on many adventures and when she could see him starting to fall asleep she shut the book and placed it on his bedside table
“Auntie y/n” he mumbled half asleep
“Yes baby” she replied, brushing her hand over his forehead gently to sweep the hair out of his eyes.
“Are you and uncle Sirius ever going to have a baby” he asked, his eyes starting to close. She felt her heart sink at the question, knowing the answer was the furthest thing from what she wanted. She smiled sadly down at her godson.
“I don’t think we will sweetie” she whispered. Little did she know sirius has come up to check on them and had heard the encounter, and more importantly heard the heartbreak in his wife’s voice at the answer of ‘no’ instead of ‘yes’
He had known she wanted a child he just never really comprehended how much. He had been depriving not only her but also himself of a family and to say the realisation made him feel horrible was an understatement. There was nothing to say he would turn out like his father, he just didn’t want a baby out of the fear he would.
When she turned to the door to leave she seen him standing in the doorway and sighed, knowing what he had heard.
“Love-“ Sirius started and she just shook her head, wiping the tears that had at some point fallen from her eyes.
“I don’t want to talk about it, I already know your opinion” she interrupted, making her way past him and leaving him to his thoughts.
Lily and james and returned home not even an hour after Harry had fallen asleep. And lily frowned at the sight of her friends sat at opposite ends of the couch doing their own thing and not talking to one another. She shared and look with James and he just frowned.
By the time they had finally gotten home it was pitch black outside and their house was cold from the lack of heating it had received through the evening. Y/n was exhausted as she always was after look after Harry. It was always bitter sweet seeing everything she wanted and everything her husband didn’t.
They got changed for bed in silence, and she climbed in, staying very much or her side of the bed as they always did, she was was shocked when sirius rolled around and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her shoulder gently. She let herself relax against him, pushing aside all the pain he was causing her and trying her hardest to persuade herself that this was enough, just having him was enough even if it meant not having any children.
“I’m sorry” he whispered and she just nodded her head in acknowledgement
“I am too” she responded just as quietly and the room fell silent, only their breathing being heard. She started to dose of to sleep when he called her name, startling her.
“What if I’ve changed my mind about it all” he asked and she felt her heart twist in hope. She turned herself around to look up at him in the dull light that was coming through the window
“What” she asked him, her grip on him loosening when she couldn’t see anything but seriousness in his features
“I want a family with you” he answered her and she sat up quickly, looking down at him
“Are you kidding, you’d better not be kidding”
“I’m deadly serious” Sirius responded without a seconds hesitation
“And you don’t just want this to make me happy” she asked him, not wanting him to have to give up his life for something he didn’t actually want.
“No I actually want one” she let herself collapse into him, wrapping her arms tightly around him as tears started leaving her eyes in both relief and shock.
“I love you so much Sirius” she muffled against his chest and he in turn wrapped his arms around her and whispered an I love you too back in response.
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justhereforseverus · 4 years
A Rose by any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet
Chapter 15: A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury.Summary:
You and Severus spent an intimate night together and he seems to open up to you more and more. The morning comes with a rude awakening and you can't hide your frustration with Dumbledore anymore.
This took AGES. I’m so so sorry. Partly, because life is.. strange. Also due to my complete inability to write anything smut related. Sorry for the cringe in advance. There’s also fluff in there. And angst. Basically, a full package.
As always, thank you so much for reading, for your kudos and comments! :3 Comments are always appreciated.
Chapter Text:
We went through the empty hallways, down the staircases to the dungeons. When we stepped into his office, he locked the door behind us and led me to the fire. I sat on the couch after I had hung my jacket to a nearby hanger and put off my high heels. I could see that Severus carefully removed the handkerchief with the lily, looked at in thought for some moments and then put it on a small table near the couch, before going to the kitchen to get some tea. He came back, offered me a cup and then sat beside me. He was still smiling while putting his arm around me. I felt so warm and glowing with love and happiness. I sighed happily and put my hand on his knee. I asked him: “That handkerchief is pretty. Why a lily though? I know they are flowers of purity and virtue but seems very specific.”
His eyebrows furrowed and he drew in a long breath before saying: “…I bought it on a wimp many years ago. As a reminder.”
“Of what?” Wait, maybe I shouldn’t pry into this….I quickly added: ”You don’t have to tell me further. Just...”
He interjected: “No, it’s fine. Remus didn’t tell you anything about Lily Evans then?” I shook my head. “She was.. IS James Potter’s wife and I’m sure you’ve heard that name before.” – he said with a rather dismissive undertone.
“Yes, I think I’ve seen a picture of him in the Daily Prophet at some point because he was promoted or something? He was the guy who defeated Voldemort. I think Remus and Sirius are also friends of him. He lives in the US, doesn’t he?”
Severus nodded weakly: “I think so, yes. Lily and I.. We’ve been childhood friends, neighbours in a way. Went to Hogwarts together. I… liked her… a lot. She broke contact at some point. She was justified in doing that. I was an idiot but it still hurts.”
I think I’ve started to understand..in the end I commented “We all were idiots when we were young.”
“Maybe but I called her a terrible slur and I shouldn’t. Especially, because she was trying to help me when her precious future husband and a certain Mr. Black had me hanging from my ankles in the air.”
Oh Sirius… what an idiotic bully you’ve been. I only replied: “Ouch….you didn’t deserve that.”
“Maybe I did. Maybe I didn’t but it’s not like anyone but her cared. It doesn’t matter now. I know I did wrong. I know I was at fault. She never spoke another word to me after that and it’s fine. It’s long over now. I bought it to remind me of not doing that mistake again. But I don’t think I need that reminder anymore. At least, I hope so.”
“What.. slur was it?”
“You know.. mudblood, which in retrospective was pretty stupid. Thinking about the fact that I’m a half-blood myself.” - he said with a tired smile.
I gasped: “The head of Slytherin a half-blood?! Wow Salazar must turn in his grave.” I chuckled. “The person obsessed with pure-blood ideology has someone so brilliant and beautiful as a leader, who isn’t fulfilling his first requirement of ‘good’ wizards.” I kissed him on the cheek.
He smiled again,“That’s a secret though. Don’t tell my students.”
“But you’re the change they might need. So never tell me you’re useless again. And we’ve all said things that in retrospect were… shit. Like really shitty. We regret and learn from them. Some people forgive us and see our growth.. others don’t. In the end she married a bully so I guess she changed together with him, too. It’s sad she didn’t give you another chance though.”
Sadness cloudes his features: “I think I was always difficult to handle, especially back in those days. It was difficult to fit in a house that was full of rich and arrogant purebloods. But yes, you’re right. We’ve all changed, I hope. That’s the difference. In the end, it’s ok.. I think. I don’t look for her anymore, haven’t for years.” He exhaled and pulled me closer to me before adding cheekily: “I have to disagree with one point though, I don’t think Salazar would be particularly interested in the looks of his followers.”
I puffed: “Hello?! Have you seen his portrait?! He was certainly obsessed with his own looks. That cloak is extremely fancy and his pose so over the top.”
Severus laughed and I was relieved to see him happy again. Though, I had the desire to be closer to him now, to do more. With an unexpected rush of bravery, I saddled him on the couch. His eyes widened with surprised. I started to kiss him, softly at first but then more passionately. I could feel his hands wandering over my knees and thighs up to my back. I also wandered with my kisses to his neck until I could feel his hands tightening on my dress and an ever so quite moan escape from his lips. I liked hearing the ever so tight and controlled professor in a weaker position. But before I could expand on this new experience, he flipped me on my back in a swift movement and positioned himself between my legs regaining control. Unfortunately, the couch was a bit too short for that and we had to take care not to fall to the floor. He laughed and smiled, his face over mine, his long black hair falling softly around me. He said: “I think, we should continue this in a more comfortable environment.” I nodded, and to my surprise he carried me up in his arms like a bride to the bedroom. He cautiously laid me on the bed, continued his position from before and started kissing me passionately. I was completely lost. He smelled so nice and I loved feeling his weight on me, his hips on mine, his hands that slowly wandered down my sides. At some point my dress really started to bother me though. I couldn’t reach the zipper on the back like this nor was my wand in close proximity. So, I whispered: “My dress... Could you..”
“I understand.” He said and got to the side. I sat up and he helped me out of the dress by pulling the zipper down. I rather awkwardly moved out of it and he started kissing me on my neck and shoulders and I melted. He put his arms around me and tightly pulled me to his chest. “Oh, Severus – what are you doing with me?” I said softly with a shaking voice. He replied by whispering in my ears: “Let me worship you, darling.” And his hands wandered down to my bra, unlocking it, while getting rid of his shirt and pants. He leaned over me and I took a good look at him. He was mesmerising. I could see some scars on his hips and chest and made a mental note of asking him about them later but for the moment… I was enchanted and just drowned in his eyes. He looked like he felt the same before diving into another series of deep kisses. I could feel his hands on my chest, exploring, sending shivers to my core. His kisses wandering down and down, until he kissed the inside of my thighs, looking at me for consent. I nodded and he made me truly feel worshipped with his tongue and fingers until I fell apart. But I wanted more. He moved up to my mouth again to kiss me, removed his underpants and mine before lying on me. He gave a last questioning look before I confirmed again and then pushed deep. I could hear him panting, moaning quietly, a deep and holy sound in my ear, while he moved inside of me and my mind went blank with passion. Everything was just feeling, a fire moving between us until we both reached the peak.
Sweating and panting we laid in the darkness. I put my head on his naked chest and he ran his fingers through my hair before saying: “I…. sorry.. I feel like I can’t speak properly right now but.. shower maybe?” I answered with a heartily yes.
His bathroom was painted green and black and the walls were windows looking unto the Hogwarts lake. It felt like being under water as fish and other creatures swam by. Severus explained to me that the walls are not see through from the other side. He admitted, it’s weird at the beginning to get used to it. It was kinda cool though. Like showering in the sea. We went under the shower and the warm water felt fantastic. He pulled me close to him again and kissed me caringly.
When we went back to bed we just cuddled and I laid my head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat while he ran his fingers through my hair. After he sighed contentedly, he whispered: “I’ve never had such a pleasant Yule Ball night. Usually I leave the ball room early, punish some student couples who hide outside to do their frivolous activities and then go to bed early.”
“Oh, these nasty students” I laughed: “But yes, I agree. Thank you for the wonderful evening.” He kissed me again and after we talked for a little bit further we both fell into a peaceful sleep.
The next morning, I felt myself rather reluctant to do anything. In the end, most staff and students would probably sleep out their hangover, so this Saturday was intentionally left without events. Severus seemed to feel the same. He woke up earlier than I did but brought the breakfast on a big dinner tray to bed. He was very cute, sitting in his pyjamas with legs crossed on his bed, eating a croissant carefully over his plate. I took a sip from my orange juice and said: “I somehow didn't see you as the type to eat breakfast in bed.”
He smirked and scoffed: “Oh, what should I do then? Sitting on the fully set table, smoking a pipe and reading the newspaper every morning?”
“Would be very stylish indeed.”
“No. As reserved as I am, I rather don’t have breakfast at all or like that really. My family didn’t have a breakfast tradition anyway. I was glad to get a slice of toast on the way out on some days.”
“I’m sorry to hear that… though I often don’t have breakfast, too. I’m very bad in getting out of bed. It was different during my childhood though. My parents insisted on the morning ritual. I’m sorry to hear you that you didn't Is that the reason why you don’t talk much about your family?”
His expression dulled while he replied: “My parents were poor, my father was an incompetent and very angry fool. My mother suffered much. There is not much to say. It’s a boring story.” He shrugged. I told him that, independent of that, it’s part of him and I wanted to know if he wants to share. He told me afterwards that they died a couple of years ago and I said my condolences. He replied sharply: “Don’t be. It was probably the best for both of them. Though I’d wished I could have told my father what an asshole he is. I’ll never forget what he did to my mother in his rage.” I didn’t want to press further but it was certainly good to see him opening up bit after bit. He looked thoughtfully towards the ceiling.
A bell rang and disrupted our peace. Severus went to the door and told me to stay in the bedroom. He put on a morning gown and left. I could hear Filch speaking through the door: “I can’t find her. Her room is destroyed and Dumbledore sent me to you. Do you know where she is?”
Severus replied cold and distant:“...I do. Go to Dumbledore, we all meet up in his office.”
Severus explained to me that there was another break in. This time not in my classroom but my office. They were unable to break the spell protecting my private quarters but my office was turned upside down. Books destroyed, desk in half.. it was a sight. When I was standing in the middle of my destroyed office surrounded by Filch, Albus, Minerva, Sprout and Flitwick, I couldn’t hold in my anger anymore: “How did they even come here?! I thought Hogwarts was so protected?! You promised me that it wouldn’t happen again?!” I yelled in anger. I was frustrated and unreasonable and frankly, I didn’t care.
Dumbledore said in an overly calming tone, which kinda annoyed me: “They must have help from the Ravenclaw house” – here Flitwick looked to the floor ashamed – “The portrait hasn’t reported anyone not being a student of her house coming in but there are ways to conceal oneself. At least the protection on your private quarters worked. Of course, there is also a possibility that they didn’t want to go that far just to intimidate someone.” The headmaster got closer to me, grapped my shoulders in a comforting gesture before saying: “I’m sorry that happened. I truly am. I promise you we’ll find a solution and a punishment for the perpetrators. But if they were only students. they must have some help from someone who knows how to get around these spells. This isn’t taught at Hogwarts.”
I was devastated: “So, what?! It doesn’t matter! We knew who it was that did this to my classroom. What will you do now, headmaster? This has to end!”
“I know” – he said. “I’ll do my best. I’ll talk to him personally. To son and father. I’m sorry.” – he said sadly and turned away from me. That wasn’t as satisfying for me as it should be. I was disappointed and still angry. Minerva interjected before I could say more: “I don’t feel good with you returning to your quarters, darling. Maybe you should stay somewhere else for the time being. I wouldn’t feel safe knowing that someone was so close to my bed. Albus, you really have to consider that this was a direct attack on all of us. Please.” She petted my shoulders and looked at me with a pleading half-smile. I couldn’t be mad at her and she was right. I’d feel unsafe sleeping here for the time being.
“She stays with me.” – Severus interrupted sharply. Everyone looked at him and didn’t dare to challenge him on that proposition.
“Very well, Severus” – Dumbledore replied before adding “Under the proposition that Professor [y/n] wants that, too.” I nodded “yes, that’s fine with me. Thank you, Severus. I’m sure they won’t dare to break into your office.”
“And if they do, they’ll see what messing with me really means this time”, Severus said while looking closely at Dumbledore.
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Some Movies Writers Should Watch
I love movies. For a short period of time in high school, I wanted to be a filmmaker. But the very expensive class crushed my dreams. Then I wanted to be a screenwriter — frankly, I don’t know what happened to that one.
But anyways, movies remained a big passion of mine.
I like all sorts of movies, so genres or the age of a movie are never a big problem for me. As long as the story is good, I’m up for it.
However, being a writer, my favorite movies tend to be those that have something to do with writing or writers. Or simply, movies that inspire. 
Therefore, I decided to share with you some of my favorite movies with writers or about writers or about writing.
Midnight in Paris
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I didn’t think I’d like this movie when I saw that Owen Wilson was going to be in it. Hint: I’m not a fan of Owen Wilson.
However, I fell in love with this movie.
The magical Paris, enchanting 1920s, some of my favorite writers making an appearance on screen… I mean, what could be better? While it’s not a masterpiece or anything, it brings forward all of the writerly doubts, pains, the romance of being a writer and so on.
The cinematography is wonderful, by the way — I loved each and every scene in the sense of lighting, color and props. Best of all, you’ll feel inspired when it ends.
The Help
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Now, I know that the main focus of this movie isn’t the writing itself but it’s still worth mentioning. I love this movie for many reasons. Mostly because I felt like Skeeter for the better part of my life.
Then there’s the powerful story of these wonderful black women which I adored.
And even though the focus wasn’t on writing at all, I still felt so inspired by it, that I could barely wait until the end of the movie to write.
Julie and Julia
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Okay, so not everyone loves this movie. And it’s not about writing either. But the fact is that it makes all of the “Top Ten” lists of movies for writers, which kind of used to annoy me.
However, I’ve seen it. And while I don’t love the Julie part, I fell in love with Julia part. Can you tell I’m a fan of Meryl Streep?
She’s not a writer or anything, but her struggles spoke to me. I also loved the shots, the light, the colors — all of it.
The Hours
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More Meryl Streep, huh?
A friend told me about this movie ages ago. I tried watching it but it just seemed a bit bleh to me at the time. So, I just pretended that I have seen it whenever the friend asked me.
However, a few years after that, I caught it on TV, completely by accident. I woke up a bit earlier, the house was empty, I made myself a cup of coffee and turned on the TV.
This movie was just about to start and I didn’t even realize what it was.
But I was mesmerised. I didn’t want it to end. It was a bit older, even at that time. However, the scenes were so wonderful, so poignant and deep. And I still can’t decide which one of these stories I loved the most. Meryl Streep and Julianne Moore are my favorite actresses and then Virginia Woolf is amazing… I was blown away.
So, while it wasn’t so much about the writing, I warmly recommend this movie.
5 to 7
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This isn’t a famous movie and the actors are definitely not. But the story and the cinematography are so mesmerising, you’ll fall in love immediately.
The main character is a writer in New York (do I need to say more? Fine, I will.) facing numerous rejections, writer’s block, doubt and so on. Then he meets an older, married woman and falls in love.
She becomes his muse — the rest you’ll have to see for yourself.
It’s a sad story, kind of, and it will break your heart a little.
Before Sunrise, Before Sunset
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These are two movies, but I wouldn’t separate them. Both follow the main character Jesse, who is a writer, as he meets Celine.
Before Sunrise is their first meeting and then they meet for the second time in Before Sunset, after many years. In the first part, he is an aspiring writer, still a bit confused, and then in the second part, he’s a very famous author, every bit as confused.
They fall in love and everything, but the best part are their conversations which really make you think without being snobby.
And as a writer, a movie like this can really change your life.
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This is a biopic of Sylvia Plath. I don’t love all of it — in fact, I was bored with most of it — but there’s a scene that you just have to see.
It’s beautiful both as a movie scene and as a part of the script.
Sylvia and Ted are on a boat, it’s their honeymoon and she’s having doubts about her writing. You just have to see it, I’m not here to spoil your enjoyment.
Ruby Sparks
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Some people may say that this movie is a romantic comedy more than anything, but I’d disagree.
It is about a writer, it has all of the elements of what we face every day as writers. But best of all, this is a movie where every writer’s dream comes true. Ruby Sparks is a fictional character that comes to life.
Imagine that.
Now, from the point when she makes her first appearance, this movie mostly steers into the romantic genre, but I don’t mind. It’s beautifully shot, with compelling and interesting characters and that makes it more than worth watching.
Shakespeare in Love
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I don’t think there’s a person who hasn’t seen this movie. Obviously, it’s about Shakespeare making Romeo and Juliet. And obviously, it’s a romantic movie. But while I loved the romance, what I appreciated even more is seeing Shakespeare write so passionately, make mistakes, struggle.
I think those are some of the best parts of this movie.
The Secret Life Of Bees
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I watched this movie as a kid and I remembered it again as I started to write this post.
It’s an old one, but a great one, with plenty of aspects that can speak to a writer, especially as Lily Owens, the main character, writes her way through her struggles.
In addition to that, it’s a beautiful story of family we are born into, the family we choose, powerful black women and faith that can get us through.
Bridge to Terabithia
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Another movie I watched and loved as a kid, and another one I remembered just as I started to write this post.
Bridge to Terabithia made me cry then and it would definitely make me cry now. But it made this list because it holds a powerful tale about storytelling, imagination and believing.
If you’ve already seen it, go back to it. If you haven’t, there’s no time like today.
In addition to this list of movies with writing that I watched, there are several movies that I plan on watching and that I will watch, related to writing at least to a degree.
These are:
Barton Fink
Kill Your Darlings
Bright Star (I still can’t believe I haven’t seen it)
Finding Forester
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Killer Queen - Chapter 4: Jesus
Summary: Arabella Ruth White is the fifth member of the Marauders. And life at Hogwarts certainly isn’t easy. Especially when you have alcohol, relationships, unhealthy music obsessions, a fake stage persona, weird ass friends with weird ass problems and actual school all thrown into the equation. (This story is also on Wattpad of the same name. I will always update on there first.)
A/N: So here is another chapter of Killer Queen! Sorry this took so long and I actually have no excuse as I have (so far) two more chapters that are already up on Wattpad. Sorry! However, the good news is that this chapter marks the beginning of my more better written chapters. And by that I mean more recent.
Warning(s): swearing of course
Word count: 2.4 k + (told you these ones would be better)
Taglist: @missqueeniewrites
Ask to be on my taglist!
The way I woke up that morning was far from graceful. It wasn't until I opened my eyes that I noticed I was on the cold, hard floor of our dormitory. I sat up slowly, yawning as I was not used to waking up this early. I looked around the room and the girls were all getting ready for school. Great. Louise was looking at me somewhat guiltily but looked away as soon as I caught her eye.
That's why I was on the floor.
"Who pushed me out of bed?" I sighed, already knowing that that was what had happened. I raised an eyebrow at the girls as I got up and started getting ready myself.
"Marlene did it!" Alice pointed at her, earning a glare in her direction.
"Och, flin' me under th' fecking bus, wa dornt ye?" she all but yelled in her thick Scottish accent.
"Language," Lily warned darkly. Stupid Lily with her stupid prefect bullshit and stupid innocence.
"Marlene, I can't believe you would betray me like that!" I put my hand over my heart in mock offence. Of course I could believe that, she's the only person who is brave enough to cross me.
 "Looise tauld me tae in th' first place! She said ye hud had enaw beauty sleep!"
"Oi! Those weren't my exact words! I just said she needs to get a move on, that's all!"
"Awe rite honey but yoo're foolin' nobody."
I sighed and started getting dressed into half of my uniform because since when did I ever get fully dressed? I decided on a pair of denim blue bell-bottoms along with my dress shirt, Hogwarts robe and some white platform shoes. What can I say? I want to make an impression on our first day of lessons. To add to this, I applied some makeup in our shared bathroom. Namely, silver glittery eyeshadow, bright red lipstick and thick mascara. I also put in my trusty gold hoop earrings and I let my hair fall naturally. I admired my reflection in the mirror and, I have to say, I looked fabulous.
Exactly what I was going for.
I saw Lily give me a disapproving look to which I responded with a sweet smile as I grabbed my bag and left the dormitory. Clearly, the boys had decided to not wait for me and head straight to the hall. How nice of them.
I made my way down there, my heels clicking on the stone floors of the school. A lot of people stared in my direction as I walked, most of them being mesmerised first years who couldn't believe someone would actually dress like me on the first day. I earned a few wolf whistles from a group of boys standing at the side of the corridor. A couple of them were pretty cute, not gonna lie, so I winked at them and carried on. I finally reached the Great Hall and entered with a swish of my robe because I'm dramatic like that. I sensed a lot of eyes on me but I just wanted to sit down and eat because I'm a hungry bitch and nobody comes between me and my food.
I found our table and, just as I thought, the boys were already there. I sat down between Remus and Sirius, opposite James and Peter, with another swish of my robe, "So kind of you to wait for me," I said, my voice dripping in sarcasm.
"It's not our fault you take forever to get ready," James said, shoving a spoonful of cereal into his mouth.
"Well I'm sorry darling but it takes time to look this fabulous," I started piling food onto my plate, knowing full well I wouldn't eat it all.
"We got our time tables before you got here," Remus interjected before James could retaliate. He handed me my timetable and I thanked him quietly, studying the slip of paper carefully.
"What day is it?" I asked, genuinely not knowing what lessons we had today. I heard an exasperated sigh from my left which I could only assume was from Remus.
"It's Tuesday," Peter piped up. I smiled at him gratefully and went to check what we had today.
And then I screamed.
"What is it now?" Sirius asked, seemingly already bored of my dramatic antics.
"We have fucking History Of Magic first," I groaned, rolling off of the bench and flopping onto the floor on my back like a corpse, "I am dead. Don't come to my funeral."
"Miss White, what on earth are you doing on the floor?" a familiar voice from above demanded.
"Is that you God? It's just you sound a lot more like Minnie than I imagined," I said, earning a few childish giggles from the table.
"Miss White, please get off of the floor," Minnie said, giving me a pointed look.
"Alright, alright, I'll get up, don't fret," I stood up and returned her glare with a immature smirk, "How may I help you, madam?" I curtsied politely and heard more snickers from the boys.
"You may help me by somehow giving me the strength to put up with you five this year," she said. Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn, Minnie.
"I can try but no promises," I smiled and sat back down to finish my breakfast.
"I trust you all had a good summer?" she inquired. I felt Sirius tense up next to me so I grabbed his free hand supportively. A chorus of 'yeahs' came from the rest of us, however Sirius only nodded, gritting his teeth. 
Minnie seemed to catch on to this, "Well, you all know you can come and talk to me in my office if there is anything you need to get off your chest. I shall see you later," she walked off back to the teacher's table.
"You OK, dear?" I asked, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. He replied with a small smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. I left it at that, not wanting to press the matter further. Letting go of his hand, I quickly ate more of my food as the boys had almost finished theirs.
We talked a bit more before making our way to the cursed class that is History Of Magic. Honestly, I will fail this on purpose if it means I don't have to take it next year. Although knowing me, I wouldn't have to make myself fail. Professor Binns had actually made a seating plan for once this year and, after seeing that I was sitting next to Sirius and behind Remus, took my seat. I don't know what the point of the seating plan would be if he was going to sit us near each other anyway but oh well. It's not like I'm complaining.
Sirius immediately started chatting up the girl sitting behind us which reminded me that I now had to find a boyfriend as soon as possible. Not because I'm needy, but just because it's fun having a new boyfriend every other week. Don't judge me. 
Binns started calling out the register and as I'm usually at the end somewhere, I didn't really pay attention. Except an eerie silence had fallen over the classroom after he had called the first out the first name, "Idania?"
Nothing. The name seemed familiar but I wasn't sure where from.
Still nothing. It still wasn't ringing any bells.
"Idania Arango?" 
And that's when the name clicked. I had never properly met the girl before but I had definitely seen her in a couple of my classes through the years. Her navy blue hair meant you could always spot her in a crowd. And if that wasn't enough to single her out, she had a shit load of piercings in her ears and nose. But I couldn't help but recall that she never really spoke.
I had never heard her speak.
Oh shit.
I had never heard Idania speak because she couldn't speak.
Because she was deaf.
I frantically looked around the room to find this mystery girl until I realised she was sitting right in front of me, next to Remus. I leaned over the desk to lightly tap her on the shoulder. Her head whipped round to face me and I just pointed at the teacher. Her eyes widened in panic and a deep blush flooded her tan skin. She sheepishly turned back round and raised her hand. Binns sighed and continued with the register and the class resumed their conversations. Idania turned back to me, touched her chin with her fingers and brought her arm down so her palm was facing up. She mouthed something as she did this and it took her a couple of tries for me to understand that she was thanking me. I smiled kindly back at her, waving my hand as it to say 'no worries'. She seemed a bit flustered as she faced the board once again. 
Of course I didn't want her to feel too embarrassed so I caught Remus's attention, "Hey, Remus! Remus!"
He reluctantly looked at me, "What do you want Ruth?"
"Could you try having a conversation with Idania so she doesn't feel too uncomfortable?" I felt quite bad talking about her when she was right there and I felt even worse when I told myself that she couldn't hear me.
"And how do you suggest I do that? I don't know sign language," he replied.
I rolled my eyes at the boy, "Darling, it's not hard. Just write something on a piece of paper and show it to her! She's deaf, not an alien."
He nodded somewhat nervously at me before doing what I had said. Why was he nervous? She doesn't bite. Or at least I don't think she does. I just put it down to him being a socially awkward peanut and watched him pass the note into her line of vision. She hesitated before reading whatever Remus had written. She gave him a look of almost childlike joy before writing a reply. 
This repeated for a few minutes before I nudged Sirius and whispered to him, "Look at the pair of them!"
"Aw that's cute," he murmured back, completely blanking the girl he had been talking to, "Is that the girl from earlier?"
"Idania? Yeah, that's her."
The sweet exchange went on like that for the rest of the lesson. One would read and write their message while the other would take down notes and actually try and participate in the lesson. She must have been interesting, as she somehow managed to distract Remus from the lesson, which was a near impossible task, even for me and the boys. Both of them appeared to be sad when the end of the lesson came. Remus gave a small wave and Idania returned it pitter-pattering her fingers up and down, like one of Sirius's girlfriends would do to get his attention. He blushed lightly as she raced out of the room.
"Remus has a crush!" I said in a sing song tone, skipping up to him. The other boys caught up with us and we started walking to our next lesson. While Sirius and I kept teasing the poor boy, James and Peter were confused as fuck as they had been sitting on the other side of the room and had no idea what had happened.
"Any of you care to explain?" James raised his eyebrows at us.
"Remus is in loooOOOOOOOOoooooooove!" I grinned, twirling around and letting my robe flare out like a ballgown, "He was definitely chatting up Idania!"
"I was not chatting her up! We were just having a conversation!" Remus tried to defend himself but none of us were buying it.
"Isn't she the deaf girl?" James asked, cocking his head to the side.
I rolled my eyes, "Darling, there's more to the girl than her having one less sense than you."
James looked incredibly guilty after this and I smirked to myself. Well at least I had something to gush about with the girls now. Who could imagine that? Remus Lupin having a crush. I couldn't blame him. Idania seemed to be very intriguing and she must be quite bold to have her hair that colour. I didn't even know if that was allowed, even though I made my hair have different colours from time to time.
Anyway, this was going to be fun.
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evannalily · 5 years
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Gold Frame Earrings from Newlook
Good Afternoon everyone and a very Happy New Year to you all! I hope you all had a wonderful night full of fun, joy and surrounded by family and friends to ring in the new year! I myself was laid up in bed with the flu for most of it so mine could have been that little bit better but otherwise I was just thankful to actually be out of bed and able to eat on actual new years night so it could have also have been worse but Im on the mend now! Todays post is the first post of 2019 and one I haven’t done in a while which is on one of my own looks that I had for a night out in December and if I’m being really honest that night was the first in a long time that I actually 100% happy with how I looked on a night out and felt really confident in myself which I think is a feeling I will be bringing with me in 2019!
My 2018 ended with a good few memories as I had a pretty sociable December . Including myself and Éimear going to the INEC in Killarney to go see Hozier and Gavin James who were unreal! For anyone who doesn’t know who Hozier is he’s an Irish singer/songwriter from Wicklow and I would definitely recommend going to see him because he is just amazing live! I always love going to see singers live and have them sound the exact same as they do in audio instead of them sounding a bit different because the voices are enhanced on the audio to sound better. Definitely check out his music because he is genuinely just so good! Gavin James is also an Irish singer from Galway who is also really good to go and see!
Myself and Éimear also went on our glam girls night out where we also met up with Himself and a couple of his work buddies and it was this night that I am honestly so happy with my look.
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Look of The Night
The look its self was pretty simple and was my classic all black colour scheme (another thing I’m going to start changing in 2019) and was just perfect. I love when you just throw something on last minute and it ends up being you’re favourite look of all time. The t-shirt is pretty basic and you can find slogan t-shirts in virtually any high street store at the moment as they are really trendy still and it was also long enough on me that I kind of created another layer under the skirt which is always handy just incase like me you have a little fear of things being a bit transparent. The skirt is actually another one that I had at home but I have included a link to a similar one here for you but its just a basic black tube skirt as I like my skirts to be a bit higher around the waist as I just feel they suit me better. You can’t see the boots in this photo but I do have a picture of them up on my Instagram and they are literally the exact type I was searching for for ages! I have another suede high stiletto pair that I have had for years and they are starting to get on a bit now and have seen a fair share of nights out so it was time to start getting their replacement ready and these are amazing. They literally tick every box height (which is scary high to look at but I love the height without a platform sole) , style, colour, comfort and of course are pointed toe. The earrings are again really trendy at the minute and are relatively easy to find but it does depend on the size you like. Usually these square frames are on the larger side but these ones are actually a mini version available from Newlook as well as the bigger size too. They are lightweight as well which is always a bonus as heavy earrings are a curse on your ears after a while. I just finished this look with a plain black leather jacket (more black I know) and thats it. A simple look for nights out without the fuss.
  2018 : A Year In Pictures
As we are now in the new year 2019 I have decided to share some of my photos month by month from last year 2018 on some of my highlights from the year gone by. I definitely had a year filled with ups and downs, changes and trips but these photos are a reflection of all the good times from last year and if you can I would make an album on your phone or in a scrap book that you can look back on in years to come so that you can remind yourself when you’re feeling a bit low or in a sticky situation that life hasn’t been all bad and that you have had some great times in your life even if it is something as simple as just watching movies with friends. Heres a breakdown of my 2018!
February – Éimear and I travelled up to Dublin to go see Dermot Kennedy in the Olympia Theatre and I will honestly never forget it. It was the best concert I have ever been to because his music is so emotional, touching, beautiful and mesmerising. We are going to see him this year as well which I cannot wait to do again!
April – Himself and I went on our kind of annual holiday to Portugal to Albufiera where we have been before but this time we did do a few new things one of which I have definitely never done before and that was a Fish Pedicure. If you don’t know what that is its basically these tiny little fish that eat away at dead skin cells so you soak your feet in the water with them and they basically just clean your dead skin cells away. Don’t worry they are tiny fish so you don’t actually feel anything except maybe a slight tickle which is more of a funny sensation than scary (unless your Kim Kardashian West in that clip where she completely freaks out at the tickle feeling of a fish pedicure).
June – Himself and I went over to England for just under two weeks to mind my aunties house for her and as he had never been to London before I was excited to show him all the touristy things like Buckingham Palace, The London Eye and the Natural History Museum. We did one thing I had never done before (that I can recall anyway as I may have gone as a very small child) and that was go to the London Aquarium. It was really cool in there and they do have really interesting things to see so I would recommend going there if you are in London! On our way to the Natural History Museum we did see a few lamborghinis being driven around for demonstrations too which he was only delighted to see.
September – In September Himself and I attended a wedding in Tralee which was a civil ceremony as they didn’t want a church wedding and it was honestly one of the nicest wedding I have been to. As much as I respect peoples religious choices of a church wedding it was just really nice to not have the same prayers and routines and to see them have their children involved, have their own readings and quotes spoken and it was just a really nice romantic wedding. I did however end up spending two days getting broken glass out of my hands from an unfortunate table breakage but we won’t talk too much about that!
December – The whole month of December was one of my highlights to be honest. I started with our annual staff party which was really fun as we went for dinner and then just made a night out of it. Next up was my birthday which I didn’t actually do anything for it but Himself did have roses delivered to me at work for it which was a nice surprise even though I had a feeling he was going to do that as he was being a bit sneaky in town the day before and he did the same for my 21st birthday a couple years ago but it was still a lovely surprise! After that came came the Hozier show which was amazing as he just has such a great voice and is amazing to see live. Then literally two days after that myself and Éimear went out for our glam girls night and met up with himself and couple of his friends as they were on a staff night out too. Then obviously there was Christmas which was our usual family tradition of dinner with my grandparents, lots of food and a movie. Then a few days after Christmas myself and Éimear headed out to the INEC again to go see Gavin James perform and literally about two days after this I ended up in bed ill for nearly two days and was only just up an about on new years eve and able to eat so I literally have not one photo from the night but I did discover my 88 year old granddad is a fan of George Ezra’s Shotgun and my nan is in love with Michael Bublé
February – Dermot Kennedy Olympia Theatre Dublin
March – Myself and Eimear on St. Patricks Night
March – Snowy house bound days with Cookie
April – Albufeira, Portugal with himself
April – Albufeira, Portugal with himself
May – Finally bought a new car
June – England with Himself
June – England with Himself
August – Got my first set of the prettiest Ombre gels at NailsbyErika
August – Was reunited with an old school friend at a wedding
September – At wedding with himself
October – Halloween Costume Party in The Grand with Gillian
December – Christmas Staff Party
December – Himself had flowers delivered to me at work for my birthday
December – Hozier with Eimear
December – Hozier with Eimear
December – Out on the town with Eimear
December – Holly waiting for her gifts from Santa on Christmas morning
Decemeber – Gavin James with Eimear
Well thats my 2018 summed up so lets see what 2019 brings! Speak to you soon!
Ever yours
December Roundup : Last Look At 2018 Good Afternoon everyone and a very Happy New Year to you all! I hope you all had a wonderful night full of fun, joy and surrounded by family and friends to ring in the new year!
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ohscorbus · 6 years
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Saturday 17th March, 2018
This was a particularly exciting show for me because it’s only the second time I’ve been able to see Tom Mackley on as Albus. Of course, for those of you who have read any of my recaps before, you’ll know all about the brilliance that is Mackley because I can’t help but gush about him at any and every opportunity. That boy is a whirlwind of talent and energy and seeing him in a lead role only confirms that.
This is a very brief recap because 1) I barely took any notes since, 2) I was really kinda ill at the time. So this is mostly just me rambling. But haven’t you all missed that?!
[Scene 4] Mackley’s Albus is a lot more interactive with his bullies but I think that’s down to his relationship with his cast mates (he has been around twice as long as Theo), and the fact that his Albus is so much more confident. For example, the line ‘with just a little salamander blood’ was spoken aggressively at (not to) Karl. Then during the first task he did a ‘and what?!’ gesture at them. The difference between Theo’s ‘kicked puppy’ look and Mackley’s confrontational ‘bring it on’ approach to his bullies is fascinating. Especially since they both still end up emotionally in the same place.
[Scene 7] The difference between Mackely’s Albus and Theo’s Albus really hit me in the blanket scene. Albus is sat on his bed but with Mackley’s Albus, when James stuck his head in he chuckled to himself at his brother’s idiocy, then he mouthed a ‘no’ to Lily’s question about her book. I really liked that interaction. Even though he was sat alone in slight darkness, there was some effort to communicate with his family. All was not completely lost. Whereas Theo’s Albus has shut down right from the very beginning and ignores them all. Every time someone steps into his room it seems to pain him more. He so obviously and desperately wants to be alone but his family deny him that. It’s just intrusion after intrusion in what should be his private space. Yet both their reactions to Harry peering in the doorway is the same. It’s instant, the way the shutters come down and he closes off. Everything about Albus screams guarded yet Harry approaches him regardless.
[Scene 10] Albus got down on one knee as he spoke to Scorpius (who was sat on the suitcase) as he tried to convince him this was a good idea. I for one, thought it was a good idea. As were the repeated knee grabs and thigh pats but you know...
[Scene 4] I don’t even know how to describe this half dance, half wiggle thing Albus did when he was saying wizzo. There was a lot of hip action there and it went on long enough to feel awkward. Which is exactly what Albus flirting with Delphi should feel like. Delphi definitely seemed to think that. I was kinda hoping Samuel would come on and do the same thing since he does re-enact whatever Albus and Delphi do, but no. Shame.
[Scene 5] So sometimes I’ll hear a line differently for no apparent reason and today it was the ‘seen him in the movements of the stars’ line. This is a jumbled mess that makes no sense but welcome to my brain. Feel free to try and make sense of this! Anyway, it made me think about stars. Harry feels like he’s losing his son because he’s all tangled up with Scorpius, a Malfoy. You know what Malfoys are all named after? Constellations. Stars. Then there’s Albus’s name which means light/white/bright, just like a star in the night sky. They’re all stars. Stars which look close but are actually billions of miles away. They’re unreachable. Which is exactly how Harry feels Albus is during the majority of this play. Now I know Bane is talking about actual star movements here but it made me think about Albus associating with Malfoys, moving in their circle, because that’s where he wants to be. With Scorpius Malfoy. Not his dad. Harry can see this and he can’t stop it or join in or whatever he wants to do. Albus won’t let him in. It’s that distance again. So close yet so far. Visually, it reminded me of the very beginning of this scene where Harry is walking through the Forbidden Forest in the dark with only these tiny pinpricks of light coming from the wands around him. You know what they look like? Yup, you’ve guessed it... stars! I just thought the whole thing was super interesting even though I haven’t got it all figured out yet. I just thought visually it was cool because I really like stars so I was distracted by it for the rest of this scene. I couldn’t stop thinking about Harry walking through the darkness surrounded by these tiny stars and still not being able to see his son clearly even though he’s right there in the forest with him. Just... stars!!! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[Scene 16] Scorpius was so incredibly angry in the library scene today. The tears were streaming down his face and I was not okay. Samuel Blenkin really is something else.
[Scene 16] “…but never fell in love - never got married - never had Rose” - The last few times I’ve seen this play the ‘never had Rose’ part has got a laugh from the audience and I can’t figure out why??? Scorpius is frustrated and crying and yet people keep laughing whenever he mentions Rose. I mean, this probably sounds weird coming from someone who blatantly ships Scorbus but Scorpius is distraught about this entire situation. Whether he’s in love with her or not, she’s disappeared from existence and it’s his fault. The poor boy is crying and please please please someone explain to me why this is funny. I don’t get it. (Or maybe I’m just too emotionally attached to this boy. My heart breaks every time his does.)
[Scene 16] So during the Hogwarts through the trees scene, the boys do their special handshake thing. It’s basically a fist bump with a thumbs up and they make their thumbs touch. It’s sweet. (I’ve seen them even turn it into a mini thumb war before. Such nerds.) Today they did it after their argument in the library too and I haven’t seen them do it there before! I loved it. You could tell they had properly made up once they did that. Everything was right with them again because even though the world had changed, this hadn’t. They still had each other and their silly handshake and knowing that now definitely gave them the confidence to go on. They’re together, they can fix this.
[Scene 16] The hug in library after their argument was the best. Albus hugged Scorpius so hard, and despite being shorter, managed to completely lift him off the floor. Imagine it though, a tiny Albus so happy at having his best friend back that he literally picks him up off the floor.
[Scene 20] Scorpius does this thing where he looks down at his hands in horror when Albus says his dad is investigating the rumours, and he does it again while Umbridge is speaking to him when he gets out of the lake. I really love this gesture. It’s like he’s thinking maybe the rumours are true because look at what he’s done. These hands held and used the Time Tuner that re-wrote time and killed people. Harry Potter, Albus, Rose… they’re all gone and the people who are left are suffering and it’s his fault. You can see it on his face. The initial, ‘I did this with my bare hands’, to the ‘who am I? To have done all of this?’ : (
[Scene 3] After Draco had pushed Scorpius off his desk and away, he saw his son’s tears still on the desk and he wiped them away before continuing. Let me just repeat that. Samuel cried so much he left tears all over the paperwork on Draco’s desk and James H had to brush them away. You see, this is why Samuel and James are the perfect Scorpius and Draco to me. Samuel putting his all into every performance, and James using that find new ways of destroying us. (It doesn’t beat the time he wiped them directly off his cheek with his thumb though. That one still hurts.)
[Scene 7] “You’re constantly surprised by it” - I’ve not seen Samuel have to wait that long for the laughter to die down before he could say this particular line before. You always know when it’s a good audience when something like this happens. Bless Samuel. He radiates happiness whenever he gets that big of a positive reaction. I hope he knows he deserves it. That boy is spectacular ♥︎
[Scene 1] This might sound a bit weird but I’m mesmerised by Draco’s hands at the moment. They’re so rarely still. It reminds me of Anthony’s Scorpius a bit, but less obvious. Like he’s grown up and refined his fidgeting, you know? As if he’s condensed it all down into his fingers. But anyway, Draco is always rubbing his thumb and forefinger together. It looks like an anxiety or a nervous thing. I couldn’t figure out why at first but then it kinda made sense and now I adore it because it makes him human. He looks so much like his dad, he’s exactly what you’d imagine a Malfoy to be. But he isn’t any Malfoy, he’s Draco. He’s just lost his wife, his son is suffering, he’s been thrown back into the madness that is Harry Potter’s life after years of being hidden away. It’s enough to make anyone crack. Yet he stands there with his fancy ponytail and stiff robes and he doesn’t. To me, the hand thing is a tiny insight into Draco and how not okay he’s really feeling inside. It’s also interesting because he doesn’t break, he can’t. Not while there’s still hope. He’s got Scorpius to worry about and he always comes first. It’s like when after he hugs him in Godric’s Hollow, he always zips his son’s jacket up higher even though Scorpius already has it zipped up to the top almost. (Sometimes it isn’t and he tells him off or gives him this look and Scorpius does it instantly. It’s so incredibly sweet. It’s clearly a battle Draco has been fighting since Scorpius was a child and first figured out how to undo a zip.) He’s focusing on Scorpius’s safety and comfort while everyone else around him talks about Delphi. He struggles to let go and barely looks away. Even once they’re not hugging anymore he still looks for a reason to reach out for him. Scorpius is Draco’s world. But anyway, I really love the hand thing and the point I was trying to make by mentioning all that was the fact that during the second Extraordinary General Meeting, when Harry says most people in this room won’t exist anymore if Delphi succeeds, Draco stills. His hand freezes because he knows he’s not one of them. He’ll still be around and in a much better position. Well, job wise. He still won’t have his wife and worst of all, he’ll lose his Scorpius. The boy who loves sweets and does extra homework for fun. Instead the Scorpion King will exist. That’s what the world will think his son is. He can’t let that happen…
[Scene 3] Albus ran up to Bathilda Bagshot’s door and started worshipping it like the absolute geek that he is. These two history fanboys bring me so much joy. Why can’t we be friends?!
[Scene 5] Godric’s Hollow was a mixture of excitable running, synchronised jumping, and exaggerated finger guns. Real talk, if that’s what they’re like trapped in time with no help, shelter, food, or proper clothing for a snowy October night, then I’m amazed that Hogwarts is still standing after those two go on a sugar binge. Poor McGonagall. Oh and for the ‘get potioning’ line they pretended they had a cauldron under their arm and motioned stirring it. Seriously, nerds.
[Scene 11] It’s really interesting to be able to sit in different seats at different angles and on different levels when you watch this show. It’s amazing what a change in perspective will make you notice. Today I was sat towards the end of the row in the stalls so I ended up directly behind Albus when he says, “but she’s a murderer - I’ve seen her murder”, to his dad. I couldn’t see his face, just his back. It was interesting because without his facial expression I had to rely on his body language and boy, did that scream just as loudly as he did. His wand was in his pocket and he ripped it out and started towards Delphi as he shouted. There was so much aggression and anger exploding out of him at that point. I don’t know if grabbing his wand is something Mackley regularly does (Theo already has it in his hand so it never comes across as threatening quite like that), but it really made me stop and think and feel for this boy. He couldn’t realistically take on Delphi (he hesitated before and then Harry kept him hidden behind his back during the rest of the duel) but the frustration drives him to want to do something.
[Scene 12] After Voldemort has killed Lily, everyone stills and falls silent. On stage and in the audience. It’s a really powerful scene. So usually, Harry drops to the floor once that last Avada Kedavra rings out across the theatre. He just breaks, completely and utterly, in his families arms. Albus never leaves his side and he (quite literally) supports his dad in what little way he can. He knows he can’t reach Harry in that moment. He’s lost in his pain. The loss of his parents, him standing there and letting it happen. But he tries. He lets Harry grip onto him (almost painfully sometimes) and Albus holds him back equally as fierce. It’s so different from the last few hours where we’ve seen him purposefully dodge every single one of his dad’s attempts at physical contact. But today, Harry dropped to the floor and Albus lost his grip on him. He looked horrified as he watched his dad scream out in pain from the floor. It was like it hit him, like he finally understood what his dad went through. What being Harry Potter meant. It wasn’t all gratitude and attention. It was this. The suffering and the countless deaths. The feeling of absolute uselessness as they stood there unable to stop it. Now Albus has experienced that I think he understands it more. (That’s not to say he didn’t before, but he’s fourteen and that’s a lot to process. But I think seeing someone die in front of you and believing it’s your fault, and watching your best friend grieve the loss of his mother, will change his perspective on things.) The look on Albus’s face as he looked down at the crumpled mess of his dad will stay with me for quite some time. Just like seeing his dad like that will stay with Albus too. I’m sure it plays a significant part in the healing process of their relationship.
[Scene 14] Albus booped Scorpius on the top of his head while he was stood on the step above him. I love the idea of Albus revelling in being taller than Scorpius for once. Even if it is just for a moment. It also makes me wonder if Scorpius does it to Albus on a regular basis and this was all part of his revenge. Scorbus banter at its finest, clearly :’)
[Scene 14] “And she said noooo” - Albus tipped his head back and held out his arms and sang the word no. I loved it. It’s such a Scorpius thing to do and yet here Albus is, teasing him with it instead. This scene is definitely one of my favourites. You get a lovely insight into what an average day at Hogwarts is like for these two. It’s all playful silliness. I’m glad the last scene we get of these two if just them being happy together.
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acciotomriddle · 7 years
Jegulus Fic: Rainbow
This was written as a gift for @havsgast  who wanted James and Regulus communicating through flower language
Zim, I know you’re having a rough day so I hope this cheers you up :)
Also on Ao3
Summary: James and Regulus start talking through the language of flowers and slowly fall in love (T rated)
“They mean love, you know.”
James turned his attention away from the red roses and towards the soft voice, surprised to see the amused grey gaze of Regulus Black staring back at him.
“What?” James asked with a frown. “The roses? Did you send these?”
The thought of Regulus sending him a bouquet of love-flowers made James’s heart jump in a pleasant way, which wasn’t something James wanted to think about right now. His head was a little bit fuzzy from the Firewhiskey, but not so much that he didn’t know he shouldn’t be ogling his best friend’s little brother.
“Me?” Regulus scoffed. “Goodness no! Roses are incredibly cliche, don’t you think? If I wanted to convey a message of love through flowers, I’d sent an althaea—a hibiscus—which means consuming love. Much more romantic and unique than-” Regulus sneered-“red roses.”
James blinked. “You’re a clever kid, Regulus, bad choices of yours aside.”
“Kid?” Regulus repeated with amusement. “I’m eighteen now, and only a year younger than you, might I add. And I’m trying to make amends for my bad choices, while you are currently making one by drowning your sorrows at a bar. So your girlfriend left you? Big deal! Move on and find someone better.”
James tried to glower, but Regulus’s smirk suggested he hadn’t quite pulled it off.
“I’m not moping over Lily if that’s what you think,” James ground out. “We argued and we fought, and we’re both better off apart. I’m just pissed I spent months pining over her only to have the real thing be nothing like the fantasy.”
“Well that’s the thing with relationships, isn’t it?” Regulus said pointedly. “They’re either the best thing to happen to you, or they break your heart. Imagination isn’t going to break your heart, but it’s not going to make you happy either.”
“You’re a weird kid, Regulus,” James retorted slowly, making Regulus scowl. “You’re here offering me deep love advice while your brother told me to go out and bang my way through every single attractive person I laid my eyes on.”
“Yes, well Sirius is asexual and deeply enamoured with your werewolf friend, so I don’t think his advice has much of a basis for validity,” Regulus smirked. As James’s eyes widened in horror he hastily added, “Don’t worry, I’ll keep Lupin’s secret. It didn’t take much to figure out what he was once you actually took a closer look into his life. Anyway, I’m going to leave you to finish drowning your sorrows, but I also recommend you drown those roses, too; if a secret admirer can’t think beyond roses to send a message then they’re really not worth it.”
- - -
James woke up the next morning to a big bunch of flowers on his windowsill, dark pink in the middle and white on the edges of the petals. A small note was attached that read:
James - You should try wearing one of these. Regulus.
- - -
It was only after James had fashioned himself a crown out of the flowers that he considered the possibility that Regulus hadn’t meant wearing the flowers literally. After all, Regulus had been talking a lot about the meaning of flowers.
As James knew nothing about plants, he decided to turn to somebody he knew who did.
Alice answered the door with a smile that turned into a frown as soon as she saw James.
“James?” she said loudly, glancing back into her house. “Sorry to be rude, but now isn’t the best time.”
“It’s fine, Alice,” a familiar voice spoke up, and moments later Lily appeared in the doorway.
James’s heart didn’t leap at the sight of her anymore, and for the first time it didn’t ache either. He would rather they be happy apart than unhappy together.
“Lily,” James murmured. “You look good; almost glowing, even. Anyway, I’m not here for a visit, Alice; I was just wondering if I could borrow a book or two off you.”
“A book!” Lily repeated with an amused smile. “Are we sure this is even James Potter?”
“Ha ha,” James retorted sarcastically, grinning. “I’ve, er, been trying to start gardening actually, and I know you’re big on the whole Herbology thing, Alice.”
Alice’s eyes lit up as soon as James mentioned Herbology, and she quickly ushered him inside the cottage and to the small library that she and Frank had set up.
“Really I just need something to help me identify plants and flowers,” James said as Alice began pulling book after book off the shelves. “And I heard there was something about flowers having different meanings; that sounded kind of interesting.”
Alice paused in her eager searching to fix James with an amused smirk.
“The language of flowers? That’s rather romantic, James,” Alice teased. “It doesn’t have to be, I suppose, because not all the meanings are positive ones but-”
“Do you have a book with the meanings in?” James cut in, causing Alice to roll her eyes, but a few moments later she reached for a book off the shelf and handed it over to him.
“Here,” she said. “This one will tell you every flower and plant to exist, Muggle and magic, and what they mean in flower language. There’s even big, colourful pictures.”
James knew Alice was teasing him, but big, colourful pictures always aided his studying; he was quite the visual learner.
“Thanks, Alice,” he beamed. “You’re the best.”
- - -
As James learned from the book, the white and pink flowers that Regulus had sent him were called sweet Williams, and their meaning was a smile.
You should try wearing one of these, Regulus had said. A smile—of course that made more sense.
James had to grin at Regulus’s sense of humour.
He searched through the book to find the perfect response, settling on sending Regulus a bunch of coral roses which symbolised appreciation. He scrawled a note to go with it, writing:
Hey, kid, I appreciate the flowers. Hope these roses aren’t too cliche for you. James.
- - -
Regulus’s response came with a bunch of flowers James discovered were called double Indian pinks which had pale pink petals with a dark pink centre. The note read:
You’re a twat, but it’s kind of endearing. The roses aren’t cliche at all in this case—I’m quite impressed you knew the meaning. I’ve got them on my windowsill now.
The book said the double Indian pinks meant always lovely.
James didn’t know if Regulus meant the roses or him, but the thought of it being the latter made James’s stomach flutter.
He sent back some lesser celandines, a small, vivid yellow flower that meant joys to come, and attached a note that read:
Meet me at the same bar tonight? 9pm?
Regulus’s response was one word—yes—with no flower but a single peach, which was still an option in the book.
Your qualities, like your charm, are unequalled.
No fruit had ever tasted so sweet.
- - -
James was comfortable with his sexuality. He’d known from being a young teenager that he was bisexual and he’d always been honest and open about that. A lot of people took his sexuality and his close friendship with Sirius to mean that he and Sirius were deeply in love, but honestly James had never been attracted to Sirius.
He could recognise that Sirius was attractive, of course, but James loved Sirius like a brother and it would never be anything more than that.
Regulus, on the other hand, had the handsome, aristocratic good looks of the Black family, but he was missing the brotherly bond with James. Regulus couldn’t be considered short, but he was a couple of inches smaller than James and Sirius, and was particularly lean and slender—the perfect physique of a Seeker. He had blood red lips and pitch black hair which stood out vividly against his pale skin and eyes, making his features rather striking.
James found him quite mesmerising, and he wasn’t sure why he hadn’t noticed until now.
Regulus met his gaze across the bar and smiled a smile that had James’s stomach fluttering.
“Hi,” James greeted lowly as Regulus approached him, extending a hand which clutched a green stem dotted with small, vivid yellow flowers. “For you.”
Regulus gave James a slow look up and down, smirking appreciatively as he took the flower from James. “Agrimony...meaning gratitude and thanks.”
“No need to show off, kid,” James grumbled, but he gave Regulus a sly wink. Pale pink began to stain Regulus’s cheeks at that, and James tried not to look too satisfied.
“I appreciate the sentiment,” Regulus smiled. “And for you.”
Regulus held out a rather delicate looking flower, with white petals that hung upside down.
“A snowdrop, I know that much,” James said, taking the offered flower. “I’m not a genius like you, though, and I don’t know the meanings without consulting the book I got on the language of flowers.”
“I’m not a genius; I’m just observant and have a good memory,” Regulus shrugged. “But colour me impressed that you’re actually reading a book, and it’s for flower language of all things.”
It was James’s turn to blush, and not for the first time he was grateful that it was hard to tell with his complexion.
“I read...occasionally,” James grinned. “Tell me then, not-genius; what does a snowdrop mean?”
“Hope,” Regulus answered simply, fixing James with a pointed look.
James’s heart skipped a beat. “Hope? For what?”
“I don’t know,” Regulus murmured softly. “Maybe we can figure that out together.”
- - -
Exchanging letters and flowers became a daily occurrence for them. Sometimes the flowers would have meanings, like the purple pansies that Regulus sent James—you occupy my thoughts—and sometimes they were just for aesthetics—like the bluebells James sent to Regulus after he’d seen them on a walk—these mean constancy which is true, but mostly I thought they looked nice.
Three or four times a week they would meet at the bar and chat for hours into the night, returning home in the early hours of the morning. Sometimes they would go home alone, but more times than not they would go home together. Sometimes those nights together were soft and gentle, while others were urgent and frantic, but they always left James feeling satisfied and content.
They hadn’t put a label on what they were, not feeling the need for one, but they worked as they were for now. James knew there was trouble coming—not only was he sleeping with the younger brother of his best friend, but Regulus was also not just a Death Eater, but a Death Eater who had repented and wanted to flee the grasp of Voldemort.
As he arranged the poppies he was about to send to Regulus, though, he realised he was happy for the first time in months.
Red poppies—consolation.
You’re mine, James wrote.
- - -
James didn’t even send a note, simply sending Regulus a bunch of the white, budding citron flowers; Regulus would know what they meant—sadness.
Regulus arrived not long after James sent them.
“Lily’s pregnant,” James said with a shrug, not moving from where he was sat in the corner of the room, legs curled up beneath him on the wooden floor, staring at the Floo where Lily’s head had been hours earlier. “Six weeks along. It’s mine; last thing we did before we broke up.”
“Oh.” Regulus frowned, crossing the room and gingerly taking a seat beside James, patting his knee. “Are you-” uncertainty filled his voice- “are you getting back together?”
“No! Merlin no!” James exclaimed quickly. “We both agreed a kid’s better off having two separate parents who are happy than unhappy parents who are together. But Lily said she wants me to be part of the baby’s life, and I want to be, but-”
“But what?” Regulus pressed softly as James trailed off. “Most parents are thrilled to hear this kind of news, not sad.”
“I’m sad because what am I bringing this child into?” James answered bitterly, folding his arms over his chest. “There’s a war raging on around us, for one thing, and for another, I’m nineteen. I’ll be twenty when the kid’s born, and I’ll still be a kid. A kid trying to stay alive and not get killed by a Dark Lord, at that!”
“You’re young, I’ll give you that,” Regulus agreed. “But I think you’ll make a great dad; you’ve got the character for it. My parents are fucked up but they managed to raise me and Sirius to be relatively alright people.”
James managed a laugh for the first time since Lily had told him the news. “Have you met your brother?”
“Valid argument,” Regulus smirked. “And yes, bringing a child into a world like ours isn’t the safest scenario, but the James Potter I know wouldn’t let a little fear rule his heart. Besides, just consider a child something more worth fighting for.”
- - -
Later, after James’s head felt clearer, helped a lot by Regulus’s visit, he sent a fresh bouquet to say thank you; deep pink roses.
Thank you for being in my life.
Once again he didn’t need to send a note.
- - -
Regulus also wrote no note as he sent back some Austrian roses, delicate red petals with a yellow centre.
Thou art all that is lovely.
- - -
James could scarcely believe Regulus had only been in his life for a month.
He’d known him for years, of course, but really he hadn’t known him at all. James had known Sirius and he’d known Lily, and he’d been so focused on them he’d missed what was right in front of him.
Regulus had made James’s life a rainbow of colours, flowers brightening his every day. James had even told Lily and Sirius that he was seeing someone—he hadn’t said who, because Sirius certainly wasn’t ready for that revelation—but they were both happy for him.
James was happy for himself.
They’d spent Boxing Day together, and Regulus had been loving and adoring, and seemed entirely carefree.
Which was why it was such a concern to receive the mixed bouquet of flowers from Regulus only two days later.
White and pale pink althaeae. Pink carnations. Blue michaelmas daisies.
Consumed by love. I will never forget you. Farewell.
James had never fled his home so quickly.
- - -
Regulus was still at Grimmauld Place when James arrived, but he had his travelling cloak on along with a sorrowful expression.
“Where are you going?” James demanded desperately, glancing down at the house-elf Kreacher who was glaring up at him disdainfully. “Have I done something? Are you going back to him?”
“No...no,” Regulus said softly, hanging his head. “Please, just go, James. You’re making this too difficult for me.”
“I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what’s going on,” James protested stubbornly. “Farewell? That’s not just goodbye—that’s goodbye forever. Tell me, Regulus. Please.”
“I-I have to do something; something that will hopefully help lead to the defeat of the Dark Lord,” Regulus admitted quietly. “I know I can do it, but I don’t think I’ll survive.”
In that moment, James would have rather have had Regulus say he’d fallen out of love with James, or that he was returning to serve Voldemort. Not…that.
“No,” James stated simply. “No, you can’t give up your life like that. We’ll go to Dumbledore or something; he’ll-”
“James,” Regulus cut in. “Please, I’ve made peace with my decision. Just go before I change my mind.”
“Like that’s going to make me go!” James scoffed. “I’ve just found you! I can’t turn away and leave you to walk to your death. What do you have to do? Why do you have to be the one to do it? Whatever it is, there has to be another way!”
“Have you ever heard of Horcruxes?” Regulus asked, and James shook his head. “You wouldn’t have done; it’s one of the Darkest kinds of magic there is. When you kill another person it breaks your soul, and it’s possible to take a piece of a broken soul and remove it to an inanimate object which becomes known as a Horcrux. So long as you have a Horcrux you can never truly die.”
“And Voldemort has one?” James replied bitterly, the words like acid on his tongue. “Dumbledore will know how to destroy it! Tell him all you know and he’ll help, I swear it!”
“I need to do this, don’t you see, James?!” Regulus cried. “I took the Dark Mark! I got involved with the Dark Lord without considering the consequences of my actions. I was blind to the truth and made bad choices, and I want to repent but that requires action. My sacrifice can lead to a better life for everyone else...for your child. It would be selfish of me to live.”
“You’re wrong,” James replied softly. “You’ve seen your mistakes and you want to make amends; that’s action enough. Come with me to Dumbledore, Regulus, and we can get rid of this Horcrux thing without losing you.” James’s throat went dry, his eyes prickling with wetness. “Please, Regulus; I don’t want to lose you...you might be afraid of being selfish, but I’m not; I love you, and I don’t want to let that go. Please…”
James offered his hand out, and Regulus glanced down at it before looking back to James.
“Am I allowed to be selfish despite all the bad I’ve done?” Regulus asked quietly. “Please tell me I can be, James.”
“Do it,” James urged. “Be selfish; we’ll find another way.”
It felt like forever, but finally Regulus took James’s hand.
- - -
James was beaming ear to ear as he hurried out to the waiting room where Regulus was waiting along side Sirius, Remus, and Hestia Jones—who was now dating Lily.
“It’s a boy!” James announced, heart swelling with pride. “Harry James, we’re naming him. The Healers said we can have visitors now.”
A smiling Remus and Sirius hurried ahead with Hestia, but Regulus hung back, clutching a bunch of baby’s breath flowers; tiny white petals on a narrow stem—pure heart and innocence.
“Congratulations,” Regulus said. “Being a dad suits you.”
“Being a dad is terrifying as all hell,” James corrected with a grin. “Here-” he reached for the flowers off Regulus, holding them tightly as he pulled Regulus into a warm hug, kissing the top of Regulus’s inky hair before he pulled away. “I hope you realise you’re an honorary step-dad.”
“Hmm, I understand that terror a little better now,” Regulus smirked. “Oh, for you,” he added, summoning a bunch of tulips towards him. “What better way to declare my love?”
James smiled. “I love them. I love you. I love Harry. Oh my god. I love Harry. I’m a dad, Regulus! I have a son.”
Neither of them could stop smiling after that.
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guest star | cole sprouse
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request: can you write something about the reader being cole’s girlfriend and she joins the cast of riverdale as a guest star and because she’s a disney star too, the rest of the cast are ‘fangirling’ over her because they can’t believe she’s on their show? xx
a/n: y/n = your name | l/n = last name | y/d/s = your disney show
dating someone like cole was never meant to be a breeze, it was something you just knew since the first day you met him. after all he was an actor since pretty much birth, and you well, you started acting when you were a young girl.
your schedules were beyond crazy and it was taking an awfully long time to get used to, but you did eventually after long nights and long distance for awhile you seemed to work around it, coming out on top, stronger than ever. for four year your whole life was consumed by college and it’s all you seemed to worry about, study, study oh and more study.
that was until you meet him, it was during your first year and it was one of your first ever college partie, your friends had dragged you out of your dorm and you were pleasantly surprised when you seen cole in the exact same dilemma not wanting to be out but being forced to socialise.
you started dating shortly after and you spent just about every day & night together, in the last year you lived in a small apartment right in the heart of new york. it was a challenge in itself but it turned out to be the best last year you could’ve asked for.
cole made the decision to leave new york to pursue an acting career, his manager managed to get him an audition to read for a character in the new cw’s hit series riverdale.
it was supposedly a mix of twin peaks & gossip girl, don’t get yourself wrong you were so proud and happy for him for choosing to return to acting after the long and needed hiatus you took but somehow you felt like you were somewhat losing him.
you both had been living in your own little bubble for the past four years and the next thing you knew cole had landed the role and was practically all set to fly vancouver to shoot for six and a half long months.
now it was just you alone in your shared apartment waiting by the phone for cole to have any spare time to talk with you, but he barley had a chance to breathe for himself
when he wasn’t shooting his was practicing his lines and when he wasn’t running his lines he was catching up on sleep or eating and when he wasn’t doing that he was doing table reads and the list goes on and on
you knew this from experience but you couldn’t help but feel hopeless and fearful of where your relationship was headed, that was until you received an incoming call from your manager about having the opportunity to become a guest star on the show.
you marvelled at the opportunity and didn’t waste anytime flying out and learning more about your character and the her story, not to mention you could finally see your boyfriend after 4 long months.
after a whirlwind week you find your stomach flipping as you enter the set on your very first day of shooting, you were beyond nervous but you knew once you saw him you’d be fine
cole had bragged about how amazing the cast was and how close they all were to each other, they all sounded like high quality friends and it made me feel more at ease not to mention that they were supposedly fangirl material
you walk into set hand in hand with cole right by your side giving you a small tour before heading toward a small blue room where alot of what i assume our the actors seemed to be hauled up, scripts at the ready
cole pushes the door further open holding his arm out “m'lady” you giggle, blushing furiously as your boyfriend follows in suite standing next to you as he greets his friends.
you notice two familiar face spfrom photos, kj & lili. the blonde was sitting cross legged on the table, paper in front of her as the tall red head stood reading aloud
you unleash a huge smile tryin to disguise your thumping heartbeat, you were shyly hugging cole’s arm as he awakrdlt clears his throats to get the pairs attention, i tut him instantly feeling embarrassed
“cole they’re rehearsing we can come back” they share smiles and cole shakes his head, you glance over to the pair their jaws hanging open.
“guys this is (y/n) (l/n) my girlfriend” you smile brightly at the two
“kj apa” he steps forward giving you a small hug “nice to meet you”
you smile back politely “likewise”
the blonde steps forward a wide smile on her face “lili reinhart, cole you never told us you were dating (y/n) (l/n)!” she pinches the raven haired boys arm before enveloping you in a tight embrace.
you wrap your hands around his arm again, feeling somewhat safe in his arms, more at ease.
“i didn’t think he had to” kj let’s out a laugh glancing to the two of you before back at his co-star “he has photos of her literally everywhere” he emphasises on the word everywhere"
“not to mention he literally talks about her every day” the boy continues to ramble the blonde coming to realisation “see that does make more sense- i just thought it was some crazed obsession” she teases
“god would you two stop- and you’re staring, so you know you’re staring” you place a reassuring hand on his chest to let him know that it was okay, you were used to it anyway
“uh you’re right, im sorry- we’re sorry! we’re really big fans of yours” you chuckle as she rambles glancing to the tall boy next to her for some back up
“no introductions necessary, i know who you are, both of you, i adore you both and your work” you comment blushing they seem to lose control of their sense for a brief few minutes.
“she adores me!” she exclaims excitedly jumping up and down on the spot
“and you know what kj, cole never stops talking about you, like ever” you state straight faced causing the whole room to burst into laughter.
“god im also a huge fan of you- im pretty sure ive watched every single episode of (y/d/s), mainly because i just loved your character”
you blush and cole raises his eyebrows “easy there tiger" cole steps forward wrapping an arm around you as he's friends ogle at you.
after a short conversation with two of cole's castmates i was whisked away into the hair and makeup trailer to prepare for my shift scene
lili had entered the trailer aswell getting her infamous blonde pony tail prepped, she was still flabbergasted at the fact you were sitting down in the chair next to her
after makeup you moved toward the costume trailer and changed into your characters clothes, last minute check up with hair and makeup before im was pushed on my way out onto set
cole was waiting, dresses as jughead. he looks me up and down wolf whistling at you, you laugh playfully pushing his chest as he leads you down a small hall to the set you'd be filming on today
my black heels clicked against the wooden floor, hand in hand with your boyfriend as he leads you into a room that looked like it was the student lounge inside the high school.
two girls stand in the far corner, a raven haired girl stood next to a red head scripts in hand. your stomach started churning with anxiety but you walk if with confidence, your man with you ever step of the way
you walked toward the raven haired girl who you knew as camila, a shocked expression made known on her face "hello!" she greeted you a smile wide on her face "im camila mendes, nothing to do with shawn mendes and camila cabello" she rushes out
before you had a chance to reply to the young girl she spoke again a nervous twitch to her words "im a really big fan of yours, ive been watching you since i was little on (y/d/s) i swear i had so many posters" she gives a cheeky laugh
you blush trying to disguise your low chuckle "oh no- not with my horrible 90's haircut and style, i cringe knowing that there's still posters like that floating around" you joke letting out a giggle
"are you serious?! i begged my mum for bangs and three waiter jeans just because you wore them" the red head speaks, her red lips brought together in a closed mouth smile.
"im madelaine petsch and you guessed it, huge fan" you step forward hugging the girl, pulling away to see a wide smile on your boyfriends face
"you're hair is mesmerising, it's beautiful" you compliment, the girl absentmindedly playing with the long luscious locks, a blush covered her cheeks within seconds, turning her speechless.
the director wonders over calling you for a scene, you wave goodbye to the two girls and cole, placing a kiss on his lips as you follow the lady down the hall and into what was your character 'house'.
turns out today wasn't going out as bad as you thought.
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reggiedarlin · 3 years
The Boy in The Band
Chapter Ten:
Lily walked down the empty hallway of the hospital. The moon still high in the sky, daylight not coming anytime soon. She walked into room 215. She was a floor down from Sirius as James’ accident hadn’t been as severe. 
“Lily?” came a croaky Northern accent from the corner of the room. “James. Oh my god, you’re ok.” Lily exclaimed rushing over to the side of his bed. “Yeah nothing major. Is Remus ok, oh my god, I have to get to him.” James shrugged his own injuries off wanting to know if Remus was ok. “Hey, James, Sirius is with Remus as we speak, he’s gonna be fine.” Lily soothed rubbing circles in his palm. “Oh right, ok. Wait, how are you here? Shouldn’t you be in London?” James asked confused as he’d left Lily in London when he left. “Long story short, Sirius barged into my apartment at 2:00am saying you and Remus had been in a car accident having a panic attack. So I just drove four hours to get here.” Lily explained hand still holding the tanned boy’s who she realised looked the youngest she’d ever seen him. His face looked younger but had cuts on the side. His body was shrunken in the bed where he lay a cast on his, what she assumed, broken left leg.
“Hello Mrs Potter. We got told you had arrived.” A doctor walked in to the room greeting Lily. James gave her a look that said ‘Mrs Potter?’  “Yes that’s me!” Lily replied enthusiastically. “Great. So Mr Potter has received a broken left leg and a minor concussion. We want to keep him in for a few days or until he gets over his concussion. His leg isn’t majorly broken so he should be out of his cast in about four weeks. He should be fine with things around the house with you there to help him. He can’t get the cast wet and there isn’t anything else we’re majorly worried about. You got lucky Mr Potter, luckier than your friend.” The doctor explained then left.
 “What was he talking about when he called you Mrs Potter? Like I know I have a concussion but I don’t remember us ever getting married in the last twenty four hours?” James turned to Lily after the door had shut. “Me and Sirius had to tell reception that we were both married to you two to get in.” Lily explained to him. “I mean Mrs Potter doesn’t sound too bad. It suits you.” James smirked teasingly. “Yeah I like it. Has a nice ring to it.” Lily teased back.
“Hey Remus.” Sirius spoke holding the other boy’s hand. “I know you can’t respond to me, but the doctor said that talking to you would probably help to get you awake quicker. I made Lily drive four hours to get to you and I know she wanted to see James because they’re a thing now if you didn’t know, I mean I assume James told you on the train or before...this happened. I hope you’re ok in there Rem, I hope you aren’t too bored. I thought I’d let you know, you left your sweater at my house. You know, the one you let me wear on our first ‘date’ or whatever it was. You were wearing it when we watched Mamma Mia but you threw it off when you got too hot.” Sirius was speaking through tears now his breathing still steady. “It still smells like you. Your sweet honey smell that matches your eyes, it helped calm me down before along with Lily rubbing circles into my palm. I don’t deserve Lily. Truly. She is the sweetest person ever I mean I wouldn’t be sitting here if it wasn’t for her. I miss you Rem. I miss your cheeky laugh and your mesmerising smile. I. Just. Miss. You.” Sirius broke down crying until he cried himself to sleep.
“Sirius?” Lily whispered walking into room 319. She had come up to check on him, she originally didn’t want to leave James but he insisted she went. In the corner of the room she saw Remus lying on the bed wires all over his long, slender body. Her heart dropped for her best friend. Speaking of, Lily saw he had pulled up one of the chairs and had curled up on it, much like a dog, and was fast asleep clutching the pale boys hand in his own. She stayed there for a few moments letting a few stray tears fall down her cheek at the sight of her best friend who looked like he was holding onto Remus’ life not letting it fall because if he went. Lily knew Sirius would go with him. Before she broke down completely, she walked out the room and shut the door. 
As Lily walked into his room, James noticed the tear tracks on her cheeks. Not saying anything, he shuffled over and opened his arms for the girl. Not wasting a minute, Lily climbed onto the bed and cuddled into James’ side letting herself finally break. Her love was safe and as well as he could be, but Sirius’ wasn’t. James held Lily close letting her cry, kissing her forehead and whispering reassurances in her ear. 
two days later...
“Sirius, do you want me to get you something to eat?” Lily asked her friend. “Yeah, not a lot though. Just something small.” It had been two days and there had been no improvement on Remus’ condition. There had been no decrease either. He was still the same. Sirius had refused to leave his side for the two days only going if he needed to toilet. He wouldn’t sleep, would barely eat and at this rate Lily was getting worried. 
“Ok love, if you want to have a quick nap James said he would come and sit in here with Remus while you slept.” “Mhm fine.” Sirius answered eyes glued on Remus’ transparent skin. Sirius’ eyes were drooping and his eyebags were the worst Lily had ever seen them. “James can you go sit in there because it looks like Sirius is gonna drop off any moment.” Lily asked her boyfriend who she was also going to get food for. “Yeah sure Lils, is he alright? He don’t look it.” James spoke worried for the boy’s general health. “Yeah he’ll be ok. He’s just worried, not that we all aren’t but I know he doesn’t like being in hospitals anyway brings back bad memories.” Lily explained giving James a kiss before setting off to get some food for the three of them.
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