#which will be fun but one day i would love to just be the thief my heart desires
erythristicbones · 1 year
the problem w/ being someone who adores thief/rogue/stealth characters when im playing singleplayer games, but always being the one who steps up to tank in multiplayer games is that like...i always start out going "Okay, this time im finally gonna get to play the way i want" and choose squishy races/options/characters. only to have to tank with them later. and by god do i make it work, but you'd think i would just accept my role as permanent tank eventually
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books · 2 years
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Writer Spotlight: Tamsyn Muir
Tamsyn Muir probably doesn’t need a lot of introduction here on Tumblr, but for those who aren’t yet familiar with her work: Tamsyn Muir is the bestselling author of the Locked Tomb Series. Her fiction has won the Locus and Crawford awards. It has been nominated for the Hugo Award, the Nebula Award, the Shirley Jackson Award, the World Fantasy Award, the Dragon Award, and the Eugie Foster Memorial Award. A Kiwi, she has spent most of her life in Howick, New Zealand, with time living in Waiuku and central Wellington. She currently lives and works in Oxford, in the United Kingdom. 
We asked Tamsyn some questions about Nona the Ninth, the next installment of the Locked Tomb series, which comes out on September 13. (Mild spoilers ahead. You have been warned!)
Can you tell us about Nona the Ninth? How would you contextualize it alongside the previous Gideon the Ninth and Harrow the Ninth?
The Locked Tomb has always followed a concrete set of rules about whose point of view we’re in—there’s a priority list and a hard if-and-else-if set of codes about who is telling the tale. The priority character is always Gideon Nav herself, but after Gideon the Ninth, in many ways, she gets knocked out of the ring.
Nona is the next rule on the priority list—the next storyteller. Except there are also a bunch of other storytellers popping up in the priority list as she lets her guard down. That’s kind of one curtain I wanted to pull back on The Locked Tomb as a whole. Who’s telling this story? What is the truth as someone else understands it? Which is why, where the last two books have been told very much from the perspectives of the Nine Houses, we’re finally in a setting where the Houses have pulled back, and the truth told is completely different.
You have a knack for approaching the next part of the story from a completely different vantage point, which is deliciously frustrating for the reader. Why do you think this works so well (when really, it sort of shouldn’t)?
Oh, but it does, and it’s been proved to work—just play an RPG! One thing I passionately loved in Final Fantasy IX, my very favourite Final Fantasy at the end of the day, is that one moment you’re with the thief-turned-thespian Zidane and a wonderfully dashing attempt to kidnap a princess in the middle of a theater performance—then you’re with…some very bizarre kid called Vivi…who has lost his ticket and is getting negged by a horrifying rat child. You’re given a completely different lens on a completely different situation in what’s basically a completely different genre. In the same game! There’s a risk of getting too comfortable in someone’s truth—you might want to settle down in a character whom you have learned to understand. But then you have to practice a very radical empathy in settling down in Nona, who just absolutely does not give a shit about swords or empire and, at her worst, can be quite an irritating, materialistic babe in the woods who is WAY too into dogs. Of course it’s alienating. If the experience of being in Gideon’s head was the same as being in Harrow’s as being in Nona’s, there wouldn’t be any point. If different vantage points didn’t work, A Song of Ice and Fire would never have gotten off the ground. Hell, neither would The Iliad. I just sit longer with my vantage point.
After writing foul-mouthed and horny Gideon and acerbic, memory-challenged, and also horny Harrow, how did you approach writing Nona’s character, and what did you enjoy most about the process?
Harrow would hate that you described her as horny. Gideon would be fine with being described as horny. Nona would love to sit you down and talk about all the things that make her horny, at the end of which you are 50% worried that she doesn’t honestly understand ‘horny,’ and 50% worried that she DOES understand ‘horny.’
Nona is my character who doesn’t give a fuck. Gideon and Harrow both give too many. It was fun to write a character who sincerely seeks out love as she understands it, who has a large collection of friends and interests, and has no ambition. And yet what I really enjoyed is that Nona is easily also the most terrifying POV character of the series. 
We meet some old friends in a new place in Nona. What aspect of the familiar characters meeting the unfamiliar world was the most fun to write?
Honestly, the fact that they’re in such a different milieu was fun enough. One is a woman completely out of time, trying to find something to live for; two are dyed-in-the-wool Housers forced to re-examine values they’ve always taken for granted and what the next part of life after death is going to look like for them. All three are fish out of water. And then there’s actually the reader meeting the familiar after two long books about the unfamiliar, and all the ways I hope that’s entirely weird and recontextualizing. And then, for Nona, what’s familiar to us is entirely unfamiliar to her. Writing Nona was like one long experiment with jamais vu.
When Lyctorhood goes south or gets experimented with, we get someone’s mind in someone else’s body. What is it that drew you to writing this Cartesian mechanism into the universe of the Nine Houses?
Oh my God, please do not spring words like Cartesian on me, I have not had lunch yet.
My understanding is that Descartes thought mind and matter were two completely different things and then got stuck trying to explain why they don’t feel like two completely different things. So if someone kicks you in the goolies and your mind forms the thought ‘yowch, my goolies,’ how is that mind-matter gulf being bridged? Minds in The Locked Tomb lose to matter nine times out of ten. (This is linked, not coincidentally, to my experience of psychosis.) Gideon’s mind is constantly in danger of being sucked away into the storm drain of Harrow’s matter. Revenants are minds that have temporarily anchored themselves to foreign matter, but over time the matter exerts itself, and the mind starts to fall apart. So when you get a mind that’s big enough not only to resist the matter it’s attached to but actually to start burning that matter up…well, what kind of mind could possibly be so powerful?? (Significant looks at camera.)
You’ve previously headcanoned the often affectionately named “Jod” as Taika Waititi (which offers up the potential for some delightful space-god-gay-pirate crossover fic, thank you). Do you have any casting headcanons for the other characters?
I have recently admitted to loving Erana James as Harrow, except I don’t think Harrowhark is quite that good-looking.
By the way, I wish I had come up with Jod. Whoever did, well done you. 
We know you’re not allowed to read fanfic for legal reasons, but who would you find intriguing as a ship proposition and why?
I find all ships intriguing. I’ve spent too long in these mines. No ship is too problematic or cracky for me. My only hope is to out-fandom fandom by presenting them with ships more problematic and crack-filled than they do (I will not; fandom always wins). In these tiresome days where ship wars have been taking on airs, as is my understanding, of virtue versus sin (I don’t even know what Bakudeku is and yet I feel sorry for anyone who ships it; I didn’t ship Reylo because it wasn’t messed-up enough and feel the same), I hope the Locked Tomb fandom is just accepting that all shipping is batshit and every ship is just as bad as the next. Gideon x Harrow is just as bad as Teacher x Crux is as bad as Hot Sauce x Cytherea the First is as bad as Camilla x Juno Zeta is as bad as Silas x Every Asht Brother (actually, I wrote the Asht brothers in an unrelated piece that’ll never see the light of day and imo they’ve suffered enough, but). 
I was in the Kingdom Hearts fandom briefly. We shipped people with Goofy. Actually, let’s go with that. Naberius Tern x Goofy. On second thought, please don’t go with that. Goofy had a happy marriage and would know better.
This question has sparked some debate among the editorial team here because we absolutely can’t agree on one. Do you have a favorite character?
Yes. As of twenty seconds ago, it’s Naberius because I can’t enthuse enough over how he and Goofy’s relationship would break down because Babs spends so much money on silk pillowcases to avoid hair frizz. He only needs two, max, but has twenty. I hope Goofy goes on longer and longer adventures with Sora and Donald to try to ignore how his love life is breaking down over Naberius leaving the wedding they were just attending because he saw some other dude wearing the same shirt. Leave him, Goofy!!!
If Nona had a Tumblr, what would it be called, and what would she post?
It would just be a single text post with ‘hi,’ and she didn’t even write it. She dictated to Camilla, then ran out of ideas. Her profile just says ‘nona,’ and it’s a default layout. Nona just wouldn’t see the point of Tumblr, even if you told her there were pictures of dogs: why would you want to see a picture of a dog when you could be near a dog in real life? (I told you Nona was scary.)
Which house would you belong to, and do you see yourself more as an adept or cavalier?
I belong to No House. I’ve never been able to belong to a House. I’ve never been able to sort myself into anything really; I’ve tried, and nothing sticks. I can’t be an adept or a cavalier either, I’m just sitting in the corner glumly eating hot dogs. I guess I’m Hot Dog House.
The Locked Tomb fanart is strong here on Tumblr. Do you have a favorite piece you’ve seen recently?
Every piece I have seen recently is my most favorite piece! I was just in Spain for the Celsius convention, and the most intensely wonderful thing was that I came away with fan art that the fans have done. I don’t know what they’re feeding them there in Spain, but pretty much every fan was just nonchalantly like, ‘I drew this,’ and presented me with the goddamn Sistine Chapel. Someone had, while they were waiting in a queue, just filled a sketchbook with the most incredible work on the fly. Special shout-out to a marvelous flipbook I got where Harrow and Gideon are ducks.
The plan was for Alecto the Ninth to be the third and last book. Here we are with Nona the Ninth and Alecto still set to appear (we are not complaining). How has that process been?
It took me a long time to let go of the fact that it wasn’t going to be a trilogy; it was four books. I want the story to be done now! For one thing, because I’m really excited about the ending, and for another thing, the longer this goes on, the more of a terrible gremlin I become. The Locked Tomb is very special to me, but also I have five million other stories to write and only so long in a lifetime. I’ve been with this world since 2018, and I am wildly excited to get to all the other places. My editor and I will, I think, shed a sentimental tear on the final page, but also, you haven’t even met Teresa Santos yet, who has kept every gun she has ever loved.
What kind of writer are you? A plotter? A pantser? Do you have any morning rituals that set you up for a day of writing?
Plotter. I envy pantsers and gardeners. This is why Nona being unexpected got to me so much. I don’t actually have any rituals or exercises or anything—it’s important for me to have a specific writing space and a good breakfast. But every book is different. Like, what helped with Harrow was breaking every so often to die in Donkey Kong Country.
Do you have any writing or publishing or life advice for any budding queer sci-fi writers reading this?
I see so many writers—and this may also have something to do with being a queer writer—giving themselves SUCH a goddamned hard time. If I could give any advice to them, it would be to stop beating themselves up so much. I’m really dubious at how there’s this perceived glamorous youthquake to writing— like, that if you haven’t been published by 25 and don’t have BookTok at your feet, you’re a failure—it is so much more important to live your life. I’m so grateful I lived in an era where I could write fanfiction, for instance, and not have the sense that it ought to be my side hustle. You don’t have to have published the world’s most important and meaningful queer SFF story by the time you are 29. You don’t need to have done jack shit. 
I do have one piece of practical life advice because if I have any regrets, it is that for a large portion of my early twenties, I used to consume like six cans of Mountain Dew a day. I don’t think this sparked queer joy. I think it stripped away all my tooth enamel. You will LOVE having tooth enamel in your old age, so stop.
The Locked Tomb is seriously good and gloriously queer, and its continued success will hopefully encourage more publishers to publish more queer sci-fi, all of the time. Do you have any queer sci-fi reading recs to tide us over while we await Alecto? 
Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh is coming soon. It should really be called Problematic Gays I Have Loved (this is why they don’t let me title things).
Thank you so much to Tamsyn for taking the time to answer our questions! We’re so excited to see everyone’s reactions to Nona the Ninth when she arrives on September 13!! In the meantime, head over to the #the locked tomb tag for fan theories, fics, and art (remember to filter for spoilers)!
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snakes-writing-corner · 5 months
Recently been obsessed with Undertale Yellow, and I am very much in love with a certain star cowboy. Long story short I need to get this idea out of my head before I forget.
Hear me out.
North Star x Bandit Reader
You heard about this little town growing in popularity in the Wild East. A little place in the Dunes where monsters can get a taste of the surface, with some interesting characters to make the area more appealing.
The main attraction, of course, being “The Feisty Five” as they call themselves. Just a group of human-interested friends wanting to have a little fun, and bring hope to the other monsters trapped in this hellhole.
The Feisty Five are indeed… an interesting group. Not particularly threatening, but a good group to hang around with if you’re looking to have some fun. Most you’d have to look out for is Mooch, who ironically, has a nasty stealing habit.
Oh but what caught your eye the most? The self-proclaimed sheriff of the Wild East.
“North Star” is the name he goes by, and boy is he quite the charmer!
Initially you came by the Wild East looking for a bit of excitement. A place where you could have a bit of fun and mess with the residents before moving along to the next unfortunate destination.
Oh but this? This was a lot more fun than you ever thought it would be!
The Feisty Five despite being the “protectors” of this town were, quite frankly, terrible at the protecting part. Just a gaggle of monsters living out some sort of human-based fantasy.
Unfortunately for them, you had a streak of causing trouble wherever you went, and to this day you’d never been caught for it.
Living in the underground got… boring after a while. Everyone living in a zombie-like state of hopelessness and despair was a bit too… depressing for your taste.
Call it morally wrong, but you wanted monsters to feel, well, anything! So you resorted to becoming a… well North Star would call it a “bandit” if he knew.
During what monsters considered night-time, you’d don on your trusty cloak and mask and cause a bit of mischief. Breaking and entering, stealing, blowing things up, occasionally scaring any poor monster who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time? All were fair game to you!
You weren’t a completely terrible monster however! Any damages caused would end with the owner of the property mysteriously ending up with the gold to fix it, and stolen items would always be returned by the next night. It was simply just to stir up a bit of chaos and have some fun! That and it got monsters feeling something other than hopelessness!
Which leads us to the situation at hand.
You started living in the Wild East for a little while. A few months at least, getting time to know the locals so when the chaos ensued… well you wouldn’t necessarily get blamed if the town trusted you right?
In that time you grew a bond with the Feisty Five. Honestly who wouldn’t! They all had their quirks that made them fun to be around!
Ed despite being the muscle of the group had a heart of gold, and was very fun to mess around with. You still remember his face when you snuck that little fizzy tablet into his drink, and it exploded all over his face. His reaction was priceless!
Moray was always a chill monster to be around. You enjoyed how you two seemed to be able to talk about anything, and admired their skills with a sword. Truthfully, you had a bit too much respect for them to pull a prank… yet.
Ace was a mysterious fellow, the most quiet out of the four for sure. You two never talked much, but you quite enjoyed the card game he used to offer you. Keyword on “used to”, he stopped doing that after you won one too many times. You got revenge about a month after that with an unfortunate loose floorboard in the saloon.
Mooch was a lot like you actually, mischievous and a pretty good thief at that! You quite like her and can’t wait for the day you can steal all the gold she’s taken from you back. Friendly competition and all that, but stealing it now would blow your cover so you wait. In the meantime some harmless pranks from time to time that can’t be traced back to you will do.
Oh and now for your favorite member of this rag-tag gang, the sheriff himself! North Star was definitely a fun guy to be around! Matched your dramatic flair almost too well honestly! His hero act was always one you enjoyed feeding into, especially considering what you had planned.
Oh right! That little plan of yours is exactly why you’ve stuck around the Wild East for so long!
You see, North Star wanted to play the dashing hero, but you can’t be a hero without a worthy adversary to face can you?
Sure the town had Vengeful Virgil, but honestly? He’s not a threat at all! There’s no stakes or genuine mystery with him! And quite frankly you’ve started to hate the staged performances.
No twists or turns? No drama or unplanned hang-ups? No no no! That won’t do for your new favorite group of monsters! I mean you’re hiding right under their gazes in plain sight! A well trained “bandit” who’s actually willing to cause actual chaos around here!
Which led to where you’re currently stationed. Mask and cloak obscuring your true identity within the night, you press a simple little button.
You smirked from your position on top of the saloon. You see earlier you had planted some little explosives around town. Not in any spots that would hurt someone, but enough to give everyone in town a scare.
You chuckled as you heard screaming and panic envelop the town. Monsters like many times before running around terrified like mice. It was always fun to watch!
A shout rang out above the others however.
“Alright settle down everyone!”
Ah there he was… North Star.
You climbed down the roof of the saloon as you quietly hid behind it and watched.
The Feisty Four we’re running around under North Star’s orders, checking to see if any damage or harm had been done, while North Star tried to calm down the increasing crowd of monsters in a panic.
You watched a little longer.
Then North Star looked up at you.
Oh this was going to be fun.
“Stop where you are!” North Star shouted.
You smiled under the mask and made a run for it, the sheriff hot on your heels trying to get you to stop.
Oh but sheriff, the chase is half the fun no?
You continued to run, but quickly dug your heels to the ground and stopped to face your pursuer.
North Star managed to stop fairly quickly in return, and you two were suddenly at the end of a cliff in a stare down.
The sheriff lifted his gun and took aim.
You tilted your head in return, purposefully deepening your voice like you’ve done so many times before.
“Aw did the sheriff not like my welcoming gift?”
North Star glared. “I don’t know who you think you are, but you made a mistake coming into this town,”
“Bandit.” He spat with venom in his voice.
You chuckled, as you took a step closer.
“Oh but North Star,”
The sheriff’s gaze grew more sharp the more steps you took forward, you stopped mere inches away from him and the barrel of his gun.
“I don’t think I did.”
North Star fired.
No bullet came out of the barrel, a result of the tampering you did earlier to prepare for this moment.
You took the opportunity to rush forward and grab the taller monster by his bandana, and seize the wrist holding the gun in his mere moments of shock.
You stood there locked in place for a few seconds. Tilting your head to the side, you watched as the sheriff seemed to be caught between emotions of his facade and what lay underneath. After all, you can always break an actor if you try hard enough.
You chuckled and broke the silence between the two of you.
“What-” North Star started, but you cut him off.
“Tell me sheriff,” You tighten your grip on his wrist. “What do you think I want hm?”
You leaned closer towards his face.
“Money? Recognition? To simply hurt others?”
North Star stiffened.
“No.” You loosened the grip on his wrist.
“You and I both are not so different ya know?” You continued. “We’re both acting to bring some life into this hell of a place.”
You let go of him completely and take a few steps back.
“We just do it for our own personal reasons right?”
North Star glared you down.
“I’m nothing like you.” He spat.
You shrugged in response.
“Maybe not, sheriff.”
You back closer to the edge of the cliff.
You stop right at the edge as North Star aims his gun at you yet again.
“You’ve always wanted to play hero right?” You ask.
North Star continues to glare you down. “I don’t want to hear it, bandit.”
“This is your last warning.” He whips out his lasso in his free hand. “Surrender now.”
You smirk, purposefully ignoring him.
“Well sheriff. You have your villain.”
You step off of the cliff as you see the lasso at the edge of your vision.
Starlo ran over to the cliff-edge, kneeling down to look over the edge.
Where did they?
He frantically looked for the bandit, but they were gone without a trance.
Starlo huffed in annoyance, too many thoughts running through his head.
Would they actually kill someone?
Why was this monster so intent on this?
He never wanted this! This was just supposed to be for fun! He didn’t want to endanger anyone!
Starlo started internally panicking. The thought of- of this monster hurting anyone here. Would they do it? They wouldn’t right? They talked about acting so surely they wouldn’t-
The sound of paper caught his attention.
He looked down on saw a piece of paper tucked neatly into his bandana.
When did they have time to put that there?
With trembling hands he opened it.
“Howdy North Star,
Glad we finally got to meet face to face. I’ve been dying to see your reaction to when I finally make a move.
But don’t worry, I won’t hurt anyone. At least not yet.
You see I’m a bit of an actor myself, and any good actor should know you can’t have a hero without a proper villain.
So I’ll give you a warning. A heads up if you will.
I won’t hurt anyone in any truly damaging way. Unless things get boring that is, but I highly doubt that’ll happen with how entertaining you and your crew are.
I think this town needs a bit of chaos. And lucky me that you just so happened to imply you wanted a challenge when I showed up!
So tell you what. Let’s have some fun with a little game of cat and mouse. I’ll cause some trouble and you can play the charming hero as always. Besides I’m sure even you’ve grown tired of the same boring routine every day.
See if you can be the first to actually catch me sheriff. I’ll be waiting to see if you can pull it off. :)
-With hope for future fun encounters, Anarchy”
Starlo stared at the letter for much longer than he should have.
If this bandit wanted to mess around with his town?
They’ll have sure as hell a tough time doing so from now on.
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expectiations · 29 days
The Husbands of River Song is not and has never been about the Eleventh Doctor being a deadbeat, distant husband (gross mischaracterization by the way) and the Twelfth Doctor being the "better, more mature, affectionate" husband.
It was about River Song. It was about River and how the events in Manhattan took such a toll on her. It was about letting us see River dealing with grief the way The Snowmen showed us how the Doctor coped after losing believing he had used up all his time with River.
Looking at THORS now with The Ruby's Curse in mind, I get the instinct (for lack of a word that I cannot remember) that the Manhattan incident Blue Roach read from River's diary was not the Manhattan episode that we saw in series 7.
On that note, I'd also like to bring up the fact that the Doctor grounds River and River grounds the Doctor. As Tree talked about in one of her tags, River's empathy is more cognitive than emotional and after musing on it for a bit – considering that the Doctor can no longer go to Manhattan (which may have changed in later series but I wouldn't know at the moment because I have yet to overcome series 7b) and that River does spend time with her parents in Manhattan post-TATM, would the latest Manhattan incident in River's diary be the funeral for Amy? Amy's death? Perhaps even Anthony's? I mean, we already know Rory died five years earlier than Amy. So, knowing how deep River's love for her mother is, it's not too farfetched to say that River spent that time with them. River was by their bedsides as they drew their last breath.
Then Rory's gone, Amy's gone, Anthony's gone. Where does that leave River? Where is the Doctor? (sulking on a cloud on top of Victorian London? trying to figure out the mystery of his newest companion? all while constantly mentioning a certain Professor Song who actually turns out to be his dearly sort of departed absolutely beloved wife?)
Without her parents (and her husband) to ground her, she goes on this maddened, grieving space Robin Hood spree. She seeks fun to fill in the void and takes up marriage as a hobby/side quest. Does she look for the Doctor? Perhaps. Yes, actually. Considering she crashed her latest sort-of-husband's ship onto a planet where she purported the TARDIS to be.
But... she's stealing the TARDIS. She could have just called the Doctor, yeah? So, she doesn't want the Doctor to know then. Well... yeah, considering she has two sort-of-husbands in hand.
So, River would just have gone on from one space Robin Hood spree to the next had the TARDIS not sort-of-stranded herself on Mendorax Dellora to make sure her Water stopped being stubborn and reconcile(?) with her Thief?
Also taking note of how River has read stories about them and knows that Darillium is purported to be their last night together (I could also bring up the fact that this is why I find it easy to digest the "River meeting regenerations of the Doctor younger than the Tenth Doctor makes sense and doesn't break cannon nor ruin SITL/FOTD" but that would take a whole other post). Does this River believe her time with the Eleventh Doctor has ended? The same way series 7b Eleven believed his time with older versions of River has ended? Is this all part of some grand fuckup in communication all thanks to their tangled timelines?
Maybe. Maybe not.
But has River not just been running from her family's death? Has River been running from her supposed last night with the Doctor?
"But River doesn't run." Oh yes. Yes, she does. She knows when to stand her ground. She knows when to charge. And she knows when to run.
"That's out of character for her." No, it's not. She's not invincible. She's this well trained assassin, yes. But invincible? No.
Invincible from the tendency to be blinded by their emotions? Obviously not.
River lies. And River runs.
She is not afraid of her death. She is afraid of the day when her husband, her Doctor, looks into her eyes and looks right through her. And it shouldn't kill her but it does. It did.
So she ran and ran until her bigger-on-the-inside Mum gently reached out and put her back together with the only person left who could ground her. Who she didn't recognize at first but still fell in love with (and would have loved even if he hadn't been revealed to be her actual, long missing husband). Who finally found out their last night wasn't just any night – it was a twenty-four year long last night. Who finally gave her a breather from all the running she'd been doing.
And oh what a night that was (it was the talk of the universe).
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fan-fantasies · 1 year
Enemies to Lovers
A/N: this is a nod to booktok. Also…two fics in one day?? Who am I?? Please enjoy!
Pairing: Eddie x fem!reader
Warnings: fingering, oral f receiving, choking, use of pet names (baby, kitten, slut just once), p in v, creampie
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Her back was pressed against the wall with his hand firmly around her throat. His face was only inches away from hers with a devilish smirk adorning it.
“I hate you!” She snapped.
“Is that so, sweetheart? I bet if I slid my hand into your underwear you’d be soaking-“
“HELLO? IS ANYONE HOME?!” Your best friend yelled, breaking your attention from your book.
“What?” You grumbled.
“Did you find the last answer to the history homework?” You handed her your paper and went back to your book.
“You know, I read something the other day that said whatever you like to read is what you look for in a relationship.”
She wriggled her eyebrows at you but you just scoffed.
“That’s not true at all. I love enemies to lovers and if that’s the case- I’d be into…” your gaze crossed the cafeteria to the metalhead who was talking animatedly to his club.
“Which you totally are,” she smirked.
“I am not!” You shrieked. The cafeteria went silent for a moment while people looked at you. Even the object of your ire looked your way. You shot him a dirty look to which he returned one of his famous, stupid faces with his tongue sticking out.
“And just like the characters in your book, you’re in denial,” your friend laughed. You simply rolled your eyes and went back to the pages in front of you. You couldn’t focus, however, your eyes flittering back to “the freak” more often than you would’ve liked.
You didn’t actually believe he was a freak, just insanely infuriating. He had been paired with you for a project where you had to do all of the work while he just messed around. He found it incredibly fun to irritate you and that’s how your rivalry began. And while you loved your enemies to lovers trope in books, it was far less fun in real life.
It seemed the universe didn’t agree as you kept running into Eddie for the rest of your day. He actually showed up to your shared class which he usually skipped and you had a hard time not staring. He even ran into you in the hallway before your final class- quite literally.
“Maybe if your nose wasn’t always shoved in a book, you’d watch where you’re going,” he snapped.
“Maybe if you actually read a book every once in a while you wouldn’t be such an idiot,” you shot back.
“You know what, you’re right. I’ll start with this one.” He snatched the book from your hands and ran down the hallway. You went to chase him just as the bell rang. You knew you’d never catch him in time to not be late for class.
You might as well have skipped, you couldn’t focus at all. You were hoping Eddie wouldn’t snoop through the book and would be satisfied enough just by taking it from you.
After class had ended, you stalked through the halls in search of the thief. With no luck in the school, you made your way into the parking lot where his van was already gone. Guess you weren’t getting your book back any time soon.
Luckily, you had a stash at home of other, similar books to keep you entertained in the evening. The hours melted away into night time without you even noticing. Your attention was drawn away by the grumbling of your stomach. The kitchen didn’t have many options so a sandwich would have to do.
You were about to dig in when someone knocked on your front door. You opened it a crack and when you saw who it was, your heart sank into your stomach.
“Hey, princess.”
“Eddie? What are you doing here?”
He pressed your door open further and waltzed in past you. “Excuse me?”
“Figured you’d be missing this,” he said, holding up your book.
“So you thought you’d invite yourself into my house? My mother could’ve been home,” you said nervously.
“Last Thursday of the month, she works the overnight,” he said nonchalantly, taking a bite out of your sandwich.
“You remembered?”
“Well duh, that’s the only day you’d let me come over to work on our project,” he laughed.
“I’d hardly call what you did ‘work’,” you rolled your eyes.
“I don’t think it’s wise to sass me, sweetheart,” his tone was darker before as he set the food back onto the plate. He stalked toward you before stopping, his eyes catching sight of the book you had been reading previously.
“I see you have a collection.”
“They're just books,” you said nervously.
“Hmm I disagree. This is some juicy stuff, kitten.” Your heart began to race at his use of the nickname that was made popular in the book he stole. So he did read it…
“Eddie…” his voice came out as almost a whimper as he stopped in front of you, your back pressed against the counter.
“Who knew the quiet nerd was such a naughty little freak?”
“I’m not…”
“Your books would say otherwise, baby. I never took you for the type to like it rough. Should we see if you can really handle it?” He asked.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean…I want to fuck you into next week. I want to make all your fantasies come true.” His hand caressed your cheek before moving down to your throat, giving it a quick squeeze.
“And what makes you think I want you? In case you haven’t noticed, I kinda hate you,” you snapped, your senses returning momentarily.
“Well much like your book, I guarantee if I touched you, you’d be soaked. Oh, but wait, you never got to that part. Guess I’ll just have to show you-“
Eddie crashed his lips to yours in a feverish kiss of tongue and teeth. He nipped at your bottom lip harshly making you whine.
“Bedroom- now,” he demanded.
“Don’t be so bossy,” you snapped. He turned you around and slapped your ass.
You decided to obey and hurried off to your room with Eddie hot on your trail. You weren’t even a foot inside your room when he spun you around and brought you to him for another kiss.
He backed you over to the bed until your knees hit the edge and you fell backwards. He wasted no time in tugging your pants and underwear off.
“Shit, baby. I can see how wet you are already. You get this wet for everyone you hate?”
“Just you,” you said. “Just hate you.”
He brought his hand down to slap your pussy, making you jump.
“Lose the attitude,” he growled.
“Fuck it out of me- if you can,” you challenged. You opened your mouth to send another insult his way but the only thing that came out was a gasp as he dove tongue first into your cunt.
His hands had a bruising grip on your hips while he are you out like a man deprived of food. Your head was swimming and legs were shaking within minutes.
“Eddie, holy shit!”
“Still hate me?” He chuckled, sliding two fingers into you.
“So much,” you said stubbornly.
He started to thrust his fingers into you while his tongue resumed its assault on your clit. Euphoria washed over you as your orgasm came out of nowhere. Your back arched off the bed but Eddie didn’t relent. You had to physically push his head away from your center when you couldn’t take anymore.
“You know what happened next in the book?” He asked. You shook your head and watched as he undid his belt and shrugged his pants off. “Your little heroine got her brains fucked out and pussy claimed by her so called enemy.”
“Yeah? And how’d he do that?” You asked.
Eddie pushed his underwear down, allowing his cock to spring free. He stroked himself a few times before lining up with your entrance.
“He came so deep inside her pussy she could feel him for days after.”
He thrust into you in one push and your eyes rolled back in your head. Eddie held your hips up so he could fuck deeper into you.
You couldn’t stop the moans from escaping, too blissed out to care.
“Are you gonna cum on my cock like a good little slut?”
He reached one hand to your throat and grabbed it. Between the grip he had and the bruising pace he had set, your vision started to get blurry. The coil was quickly tightening in your stomach.
“Open your eyes, sweetheart. Watch me while I cum in this pussy. Who does it belong to?”
“Y-you,” you gasped. The dam broke and your second orgasm washed over you. Eddie’s grip loosened and rhythm faltered until he stilled deep inside you, his cum coating your walls.
“That’s right, baby. I own you now,” he chuckled before kissing you again. He pulled out slowly, watching as his cum dripped down your folds.
*knock knock knock*
Your eyes shot open, chest heaving with deep breaths. A thin sheen of sweat covered your forehead as you jolted awake from your sinful dream.
*knock knock knock*
You looked around- your book was still open on the armrest of the couch where you had fallen asleep. You quickly got up, shaking the images of Eddie fucking you from your head.
You opened the door, eyes popping from your head.
“Hey, princess.”
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hi!! i literally love ur atsv works(also the fact that you're a shifter too,,,like you're giving me so much content for my scripts <33). anyways, i was wondering if i could request an e42!miles x a felicia hardy/black cat variant(name doesn't have to by felicia hardy ofc) who's like a top art thief or something and prowler!miles meets them for the first time in the middle of a heist ?
I only watch the movies & am not really into the comics, so I don't really have an idea on the full character of felicia other than that she's a flirty cat burglar. So go wild on how you'd perceive her in earth42!
(Hello! lmao, shifting is amazing and these help my scripts and motivation also, lol. So sorry this took so long but I hope you enjoy!)
Felicia Hardy!Reader
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You and Miles would have a certain dynamic
Like you guys would sorta be rivals, who could pull of better heists, missions, who gets caught least and who can go undetected and be the stealthiest
Shit like that is a competition to you two
Especially when you guys didn't even know each other
Miles heard about you on the news one day, and it seemed people thought you were pulling off better heists than the Prowler
Miles couldn't have that, no sir
So, he pulled off a bigger one, and this, rivalry began behind the masks
It was sorta entertaining, seeing how you never interacted but seemingly were so competitive
Miles was actually impressed on how you pulled off your stunts and heists
Especially if you hit somewhere big and got a lot of shit on the making
He never knew your plan, you never seemed to go somewhere personal or have connections to there
It seemed you just hit where you want and grabbed whatever was in your way
I think you guys could be great ass partners
And Miles was shocked to see that even Uncle Aaron thought so
Uncle Aaron thought you would be a good asset or you would be a good person to have to work with, not against
Miles was stubborn, of course, and don't wanna admit that he was right
Until he actually met you and came face to face with you
And not gonna lie, Miles was pretty much just staring at you
You seemed to pop up out of nowhere, just sitting on a rooftop as he busy out the door
He didn't even notice you for a minute, he was trying to flee from the cops that showed up and to be honest they got him pretty good on the side before he got to the roof
You actually reminded Miles of a black cat when he first saw you, which held true to the name people around the city gave you
You didn't help Miles out off the roof really, just wanting to see him in person to see if he held up to his name
He did, you got your answer and left with a smile
Miles couldn't help but watch you go before he had to leave himself
He told Uncle Aaron about the whole thing and his uncle laughed at him
Soon after, it seemed like you always were you the same place Miles was
Even if it wasn't a heist, even on his apartment buildings roof
He couldn't tell you were coming, or the amount of times you sat in the dark and watched as he had no idea
You have a habit or watching and sneaking up on him so much he's now looking over his shoulder
But after you guys get past that, you guys actually make a pretty good duo
Maybe crime fighting, maybe regular teens
Miles was not prepared on how flirt you wer
Sure he was shocked at how stealth and smart, but nothing could compare him for the amount of nicknames, and whispering you did to him
Or the fact you were so shameless about it all
He never got flustered, but somehow you always did that to him
He did it a fair amount back, but catch him of caught and babe it's so fun
I have nothing else so here's how you first met:
"Shit…" Miles cursed under his breath, holding his side as he stumbled out onto the roof, leaning his back against the wall.
He could hear police yelling to each other, the dogs barking as they tried to sniff him out.
Miles knew he wasn't about to be caught, he just worried on how he would get out of this without being spotted and followed back home.
Miles grimaced, hissing under his breath as he pushed off the wall, almost stumbling as he walked off to peer over the side of the roof.
Miles cringed at how many police cars say around the building, all ready for him to walk out. Like hell he would.
"Running outta luck?"
Miles almost jumped, turning around quickly in the dark. It took a moment before his eyes settled, finding a figure laying on their back, just above the roof where the door was.
You laid with your arms crossed under your head, turning slightly to look at him, almost amused and with a cat-like smile.
"How long have you been watching me?" Miles glared, but in his mind almost surprised, and impressed, at how long you sat there without him knowing.
You hummed, still smiling as you sat back up, throwing your legs over the edge.
"Since- like, May?" You offered, leaning onto your arm, throwing your head back to think.
Miles looked at you, half surprised and half shocked, trying to form what an actual sentence would mean before your eyes lit up.
You laughed at yourself quietly, knowing that's not what he meant, but loving the look of utter shock on his face.
"Yeah, sorry. Be more specific next time, sweetheart." You shook your head, hopping down from the small platform.
Miles could almost back up, but had nowhere to go, instead standing and watching silently through his mask as you walked towards him.
Your steps were quiet, calculated and almost careful, like a cat as you hummed, a look on your face he couldn't describe as you circled him.
You were looking over his suit, running your fingers on his suit, nodding to yourself as you felt the material.
Something about you made Miles unable to pull away, instead lifting his arm to give you more space as you ran your fingers around his body, stopping in front of him.
Miles was able to see the small smirk on your face, standing in front of him with your hand on the Prowler mark on his suit.
"So, how is the Prowler is stuck on a rooftop with cops around?" You laughed, looking up at him with the same smile.
"Not stuck." Miles denied, not looking away from you as you leaned in, getting a closer look at his mask.
"Oh, then poor you." You mocked, thumbing over his mask, as he surprisingly, didn't say anything about it.
"Why are you here?" Miles finally asked, getting another small laugh from you as you glanced into his eyes.
"Wanted to see if you were the real deal." You shrugged, your face close to his.
"Got what you wanted?" Miles asked, his voice cool and calm, sorta distorted through the mask, but watching perfectly as your hand slipped down.
You looked back into his eyes through the mask, studying almost carefully before you hummed, stepping back.
"Yup. Certainly." You laughed, standing on the edge as you held up a bag. One of the bags Miles had robbed.
Miles patted around his body, feeling one missing from his pockets, looking up to see you with a hand on your hip, holding it out teasingly.
Though it was Miles, he couldn't find it to reach out and take it, instead watching your proud smirk.
"Seems you were too distracted to know." You teased before Miles could say anything else, tucking the bag into your pockets.
"See ya around, Miles."
And with a final wink, you stepped off the ledge, leaving a stunned Miles in your wake.
"Hey- wait!" Miles yelled out, seeing you disappear as he hurried towards the edge, looking down and being shocked as he saw you nowhere around.
He could hear your laugh echoing around him, the bag missing from his side gone with you.
And, you called him Miles.
You were watching him for a while, for too long, and you knew too much.
Miles couldn't wrap his head around it, shaking his head as he thought over every second you stood in front of him, every moment leading up to this.
And the fact he never knew. Never knew you were there. Never knew you were watching.
Miles couldn't help but chuckle, impressed and shocked, looking around the dark for any sign of you, not that he would find it.
He needed to leave, he knew that, but maybe he could add one more thing to his list of shit to do.
From the way he could still feel your fingertips running along his body, the way you hummed, smiled or laughed, and the way you said his name,
Miles couldn't help but want to see you again
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theladyheroine · 4 months
Unexpected OTP Pairings ✨
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❥ Okay I know Valentine’s Day was last week! Almost two weeks ago! But recently I’ve been wanting to branch out a bit with my blog writing, & writing prompts are something I love a lot! So, I’m trying something new & came up with a few OTP ideas! I hope you enjoy, thank you & have fun!
❥ F x M writing prompts! I didn't specify who is who though so everyone can read!
Former! Villain x Superhero
Not even a real villain, just some dumb person who steals things but is actually really nice in real life! But when a superhero comes to stop them, they instantly fall in love! Seriously has heart eyes & doesn't pay any attention to the hero’s grand pre-fight speech.
Or doesn’t put up a fight at all, just hands them the stolen goods & escapes. Leaving Hero completely confused as the Villain they were supposed to stop didn’t even bother fighting, which is still good but they’re still confused.
After this, the Villain now decides to become a Superhero!! To not only impress their new crush but also because they've always really wanted to be one anyways! It was just the push they needed.
Cue them now running the streets in a completely different outfit trying their best to stop the bad guys! Usually, it doesn’t end well though: they’ll trip over the air & let them escape, or maybe just show up late to the fight & it’s already over.
It’s even worse when their Hero crush joins the fray, and then they’re really clumsy or just start sputtering like an old car. Their former henchmen, now turned sidekicks, try to console them as they lay on the couch completely embarrassed by their feats.
Oooooor, they are super confident & much better at being a superhero than they ever were being a Villain. Maybe this confidence goes to their head a bit & will literally try flirting with Hero on the battlefield! Hero gets a bit embarrassed sometimes & their other super-friends tease them about it. If this does happen, Hero might end up trying to run away from the former Villain in an effort to focus on their job. But it just ends up being really funny to watch.
Bonus: They have opposite powers or maybe one has no powers at all.
Dashing Thief x Friendly! Detective
I'm sorry this one is a bit short!
A notorious thief with a heart of gold who only ever steals from bad guys & acts more as a Robin Hood character than any. Hardly ever keeps anything for themselves; just struts around after dark on the lookout for anything suspicious. Not one person has been able to catch them & their identity remains a mystery. Would be cool if they were a nobleman/woman or had some kind of big fancy hideout. 
The detective is actually their friend/partner (maybe)! The good egg who actually sees the thief’s true intentions instead of just mucking around in a Halloween costume. Although they're pretty ticked at the way Thief does things, they usually keep their coworkers & the boss off Thief's trail. Maybe a newbie or an intern at the detective agency, determined to prove themselves on the field. 
Maybe they met as civilians & the thief switched to a disguise to hide from authorities, but bumped into the detective who was out on a coffee break. It was love at first sight for both of them, so cute! 😆 They do a lot of coffee dates now, but sometimes Detective overdoes it.....
One is the brains, and the other is the brawn. Together they can get any job done! The Detective’s coworkers find it strange how the Thief shows up more often when they're specifically on the job. The Boss is suspicious but sometimes finds them cute.
Often swing by each other’s places to not only hangout but help each other with cases or special kinds of info. If the Thief has any sidekicks, no doubt they’ll spill funny stories of missions gone wrong or close calls. 
Stealing each other's hats and impersonating the other one for fun, then cue a playful chase scene around the room! So cute!
Dragon x Wizard
I know some people like fantasy stuff!
A dragon is resting in their cave until they hears footsteps at the entrance. But instead of finding a grumpy old knight, they find a wizard! Maybe the Wizard was exploring the caves nearby or on a journey to the next town, but instead of feeling scared or angry, they started fangirling/fanboying over the dragon instead! 😆
Likes to ask them all sorts of questions & sometimes can’t stop talking. Now Wizard can come whenever they like & the two become friends!
The Wizard visits whenever they can, showing off all sorts of new spells or potions they've created. Even though it might not be as impressive as their fire, the Dragon still finds it cool & applauds.
The Dragon will always try to impress their wizard friend with tall tales of each piece of treasure. How they got it, where they found it, if they fought anyone over it, etc. But sometimes those stories are exaggerated…
The Wizard will be in absolute awe at the Dragon’s stories & can’t help but be a complete chatterbox about it. Asking more questions about different things like how their magic works, how they can fly with all that extra weight, or if they can learn a fire-breathing spell from them instead—
If the Wizard lives in a tower then the Dragon will visit just as frequently! Usually it’s in the early morning or during sundown when there are fewer people around. But if the Wizard lives in a town or city, it might take some time for the Dragon to come around. It’s not that they don’t care, but dragons are more solitary creatures. They likely won’t be found anywhere other than their own home or nearby.
Either way, they enjoy each other's company & the dragon likes to ask questions about different thingamabobs on the Wizard's shelves.
They can both be pretty clingy but that’s sometimes a bit tough to handle because the poor wizard has to be extra careful pouring bottles or waving their wand around if a pair of arms are wrapped around them. Doesn’t mind but sometimes will complain if their partner won’t stay still.
Extra Duo!
Since I loved the superhero one a lot I thought of another one: what if a Hero’s Sidekick & a Villain’s Henchman fall in love! They end up sneaking out on rooftops for dates or waving/winking at each other on the battle field. The Henchman does end up giving Sidekick any tips about their next plan.
Cue the Villain throwing a tantrum in their lair wondering why the Hero is always one step ahead of them. 😅
They like to hangout in civilian settings together! Bonus if they found out on accident lol
If their Bosses end up finding out it’s like sneaking back into your house at night, but then the Hero/Villain turns the lights on in their pajamas like “Where were you?? I thought you were asleep!”
Bonus if the Henchman or both villains become heroes at the end!
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cecilebutcher · 1 year
ღLove Songs I Associate With Different Twst Charactersღ
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Characters: All of the nrc students minus ortho(plus some of my Oc’s because I can)
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Riddle rosehearts: Photograph by, Cody Fry
“If I wished myself a superpower. I would make this moment last for hours. If I had my will, time would just stand still. Wait for me until I find some magic film. To take a photograph and live inside. The sun is going down. Your skin is like a painting. The light is perfect now. But I can feel it changing”
Trey Clover: To you from me by, Naethan Apollo
“See, your smile makes me smile, no, that's cringe. Your laugh makes me laugh, that's even worse. If my journey on this path could ever lead to losing you. I know which path is not my path. You're a blessing from the sky. You're the thief that stole my mind. You're the reason why I think of you all the time. You're the little tiny bug that found its way inside my ear. And now I can't think a thought. without wishing you were here”
Cater Diamond: Loverboy by, A-Wall
“Kill the lights. Oh, baby, close your eyes. The way you're looking at me. You've got me mesmerized. Something I can't escape. Feel like I'm lost in space. You've got that good loving. Girl, if you leave me I might throw my heart away. You know my heart can't take the break. Nothing will ever be the same. We'll meet again some other day. Oh, yeah””
Ace Trappola: Best Friend by, laufey
“But I promise that I love you. Even with that hair-do. I'm sorry I made fun of it. It's not your fault it looks like shit. I have never tolerated someone for so long. I've never laughed so much. I haven't written a sad song. There's no one else. I'd rather fall asleep with and dream with. You're my best friend in the world”
Deuce Spade: Best Friend by, rex Orange County
“And that's because I wanna be your favorite boy. I wanna be the one that makes your day. The one you think about as you lie awake. I can't wait to be your number one. I'll be your biggest fan and you'll be mine. But I still wanna break your heart and make you cry”
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Leona Kingscholar: Nothing Bruno Major
“There's not many people.I'd honestly say I don't mind losing to but there's nothing like doing nothing with you. Dumb conversations. We lose track of time. Have I told you lately. I'm grateful you're mine. We'll watch The Notebook. For the 17th time. I'll say "It's stupid". Then you'll catch me crying”
Ruggie Butchie: Absolutely Smitten by, dodie
“That girl just there, yes, she's the one. With Cupid's arrow in her bum. Handsome stranger, you have made her happy. The first in a long time. Did you just whisper in her ear? Words she only dreamed to hear? Pretty lady, look at how he's smiling. I think he likes you”
Jack Howl: This side of paradise by, Coyote Theory
“Are you lonely? (Are you lonely?). Our fingers dancing when they meet. You seem so lonely (are you lonely?). I'll be the only dream you seek. So if you're lonely, no need to show me. If you're lonely, come be lonely with me. Lonely (are you lonely?). Passion is crashing as we speak. You seem so lonely (are you lonely?). You're the ground my feet won't reach. So if you're lonely, darling you're glowing. If you're lonely, come be lonely with me”
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Azul Ashengrotto: Only girl by, Stephen Sanchez
“Baby, won't you be my girl Baby, won't you be my girl? Baby, won't you be my only girl Baby, won't you be my girl? Your love, that's got my head in a. twirl, lady. So baby, won't you be my only girl?I don't want nobody else. No, I just want you to myself,So,won't you please forever be my only girl Only girl”
Jade Leech: Mine by, Bazzi
“Hands on your body, I don't wanna waste no time. Feels like forever even if. forever's tonight. Just lay with me, waste this night away with me. You're mine, I can't look away, I just gotta say. I'm so fucking happy you're alive (huh, yeah). Swear to God, I'm down if you're. down, all you gotta say is right (yeah, yeah)”
Floyd Leech: Until I found you by, Stephen Sanchez and Em Beihold
“I would rather die than let you go. Juliet to your Romeo. How I heard you say”I would never fall in love again until I found her". I said, "I would never fall unless it's you I fall into" I was lost within thе darkness, but then I found her.I found you”
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Kalim Al-Asim: Paper Rings by, Taylor Swift
“Kiss me once 'cause you know I had a long night. (Oh!) Kiss me twice 'cause it's gonna be alright. Three times 'cause I've waited my whole life.( One, two, one two three four!). I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings. Uh huh, that's right. Darling, you're the one I want. I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this”
Jamil Viper: I wanna be yours by, Arctic Monkeys
“Secrets I have held in my heart. Are harder to hide than I thought. Maybe I just wanna be yours. I wanna be yours. I wanna be yours. I wanna be yours. Wanna be yours. Wanna be yours. Wanna be yours. Let me be your 'leccy meter. And I'll never run out. Let me be the portable heater. That you'll get cold without”
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Vil Shoenheit: La seine by, Vanessa Paradise
“She's resplendent, so confident. La Seine, La Seine, La Seine. I realize, I'm hypnotized. La Seine, La Seine, La Seine. I hear the moon singing a tune. La Seine, La Seine, La Seine. Is she divine, Is it the wine. La Seine, La Seine, La Seine”
Rook Hunt: Ma belle Evangeline by, Jim Cummings
“Look how she lights up the sky. Ma Belle Evangeline. So far above me, yet I. Know her heart belongs to only me. Je t'adore, Je t'aime Evangeline. You're my queen of the night. So still. So bright. That someone as beautiful as she. Could love someone like me Love always finds a way it's true. And I love you, Evangeline”
Epel Felmier: I’d rather be me (with you) by, Rebecca Sugar
“… I'd rather be me with you. Wherever we go. I already trust. I'd know what to do if it were us. I'd know what to say. I'd know how to be. I'd know your entire syllabus. I can't think of any other thing in the world I would rather do. If I could be. I'd rather be me with you”
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Idia Shroud: Numbers by, TEMPOREX
“Things just really aren't that bad. I got a nice mom and I got a cool dad. I just stay in my room too long. But I finally got a girlfriend, and she's the bomb”
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Malleus Draconia:100 years by, OR3O
“They call me crazy. They call me mad. It'd been so many years I could barely stand. But I remember the days we had and the bad days start to disappear. I hope the best though I'm no longer here. Musical kittens make me think of you Every little thing here makes me think of you. So I wrote this little song hoping you would hear someday. It's been a hundred years and I am still in love with you”
Lilia Vanrouge:O sol e a lua by, poqueno Cidadão
“O sol pediu a lua em casamento. E a lua, disse. Não sei, não sei, não sei. Me dá um tempo. E 24 horas depois o sol nasceu a lua se pôs e. O sol pediu a lua em casamento E a lua, disse. Não sei, não sei, não sei. Me dá um tempo”
Silver (Vanrouge): Hidden in the sand by, tally hall
“We were playing in the sand. And you found a little band. You told me you fell in love with it. Hadn't gone as I planned. When you had to bid adieu. Said you'd never love anew. I wondered if I could hold it. And fall in love with it too. You told me to buy a pony. But all I wanted was you”
Sebek Zigvolt: Valentine by, Laufey
“What if he's the last one I kiss? What if he's the only one I'll ever miss? Maybe I should run, I'm only 21. I don't even know who I want to become. I've lost all control of my heartbeat now. Got caught in a romance with him somehow. I still feel a shock through every bone. When I hear an "I love you". 'Cause now I've got someone to lose”
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Ibhana “Vesper” Baske: Soft Bitch by, Rio Romeo
“Love made me approachable. Love made me sweet. It's fucking miserable. But it can't be beat Love made me cordial. It never ends. I want to terrify you. But instead we're friends. Love made me soft. For the best”
Tao Yùchi: I won’t say (I’m in love) by, Susan Egan
“I thought my heart had learned its lesson. It feels so good when you start out. My head is screaming get a grip, girl. Unless you're dying to cry your heart out. You keep on denying. Who you are and how you're feeling. Baby, we're not buying. Hon, we saw ya hit the ceiling. Face it like a grown-up. When ya gonna own up. That ya got, got, got it bad”
Igor Kazentoc: love like you by, Rebecca Sugar
“I always thought I might be bad. Now I'm sure that it's true. 'Cause I think you're so good. And I'm nothing like you. Look at you go. I just adore you. I wish that I knew. What makes you think I'm so special. If I could begin to do. Something that does right by you. I would do about anything. I would even learn how to love”
Junto Shuisha: would you be so kind? By, Dodie
“Oh, would you be so kind As to fall in love with me? You see, I'm trying I know you know that I like you But that's not enough. So if you would, please fall in love. I think it's only fair. There's gotta be some butterflies somewhere (wanna share?). 'Cause I like you but that's not enough. So if you will. Please fall in love with me”
Jasper Spade: first love/last spring by,mitski
“Wild women don't get the blues. But I find that. Lately I've been crying like a. Tall child. So please hurry leave me. I can't breathe. Please don't say you love me. 胸がはち切れそうで. One word from you and I would. Jump off of this. Ledge I'm on Baby. Tell me "don't". So I can. Crawl back in”
Najih Al-Amin: Don’t you dare by, Kaden MacKay
“Just gеt out of my daydreams. You’re an unwelcomе guest. And stop making me miss you. ‘Cause you leaving’s for the best ‘Cause I just couldn’t stand having you as my crutch. You’re a simmering stovetop I was tempted to touch. If you ever return, it’ll burn me too much To bear. So don’t you dare”
Aikat Spanos: Passing papers by, Egg
“Cause Smiles are my weakness and I think yours is the prettiest. And you show it quite a bit when I'm with you. It's almost entertaining how we're searching for the same thing. But I could never try to see it through. Yes I meant it when I said that you were pretty. We never knew each other well and it's a pity. Sometimes I wonder if when you hear 1950. I come to mind”
Phobes Spanos: Dance with me by, Topline Addicts
“You say "Come and dance with me". But I'm a bit too shy so I just smile politely. I know you want me to. What have I got to lose? You said, "Let me dance with you". But I got two left feet, no rhythm, or groove. I'm dancin' anyhow. But I still walked home by myself”
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Ngl this was a lot of fun to do. I might do a part two with the staff and rsa, probably with the rest of my OC’s too^^
Likes and comments are more than appreciated. but reblogs help the content reach more people so please reblog if you want to like<3
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banananuttrash · 1 year
I just read hyuga's kind sister headcanon and she was super sweet, you said she would be a really good brother and at the end you said that the sword leaders wouldn't know her, what would it be like if the other sword leaders came out with hyuga's sister without knowing that he was hyuga's sister and finally your writings are so sweet and beautiful while always reading I'm smiling
SWORD Leaders Unknowingly Dating Hyuga's Sister & Them Finding Out
Notes: Omg... I feel like this would be so chaotic lol. I guess this can kind of be like a part 2 to Hyuga w/ a Gentle Sister. I really enjoyed writing this one! Hope you enjoy!
⋈ *. : 。✿ * ゚ * .: 。 ✿ * ゚ * . : 。 ✿ * ⋈
You guys met on the street when a thief runs by you and steals your bag. Cobra was headed the opposite way so he was able to catch the thief as he was trying to run away. To pay him back, you decide to treat him to dinner.
For dates, you two like to go out to different places. Ex. amusement parks, zoos, etc. He definitely shows you a sweet and caring side that not many others get to see.
You hang out a lot at Itokan and his home. He finds it weird that he has never been over to your place but does not question it. You tell him that your family is a bit too overprotective.
To not let him know who you are, you let him drop you off a couple of blocks away from your home. You always try to get him to leave even though he wants to walk you in. You end up convincing him with kisses.
One night when he is dropping you off, you get off his motorcycle and lean over to kiss him goodnight. Before the kiss gets any more heated, you hear your name being called and it's your brother. That's how they find out about each other.
You guys meet at Heaven. Your friends invited you and you decided to go to get out of your comfort zone (Hyuga obviously did not know). When a guy keeps harassing you, Rocky is the one to save you. You leave with him saying he hopes that small issue won't stop you from coming back.
When he takes you on dates, they are super romantic. Like candle lit dinners and at night walks at the beach.
You guys spend a lot of time together at the club but just the two of you. He likes to hear you talk about your day and your plans for the future. You usually lay your head on his lap and he loves to just look at you.
The gentleman that he is, he always wants to drop you right in front of your house, so you make him belive that you live in one of your friend's house that lives near you. Once you wait to see he's gone, then you walk to your home.
He finds out that Hyuga is your brother when you're going out for dinner one night and then somehow you bump into Ukyo and Sakyo. Trying to get them to keep walking, they reveal who you really are.
You two met at a food stand. You were out with a friend and you saw him for the first time and thought he was cute. After seeing him a couple more times, your friend pushed you to ask him out on a date, which much to your surprise, he accepted.
For dates, Murayama is like a teen to a certain extent. Yall do crazy and fun things like arcade, karaoke, go bowling.
Yall know this man is CRAZY for you. I genuinely see you spending a lot of your free time with him on the roof of Oya High. He probably loves to place his head on your lap and sleep there.
Murayama is not one to talk much about his family so he does not find it suspicious when you decide to do the same. He knows that we all have our own issues.
Murayama finds out your Hyuga's sister by accident. He knows you had an older brother, but when your phone rings and a picture of your brother shows up, Murayama is shocked to say the least.
Something about Nameless City always fascinated you, so one day you decide to go check it out. As you wander in you get caught by some Rude Boys and they take you to Smoky. Due to your gentle and caring personality, you share how you want to help the citizens.
Honestly, I dont think there would be much going out on dates, but just going around Nameless City and seeing what people need help and tending to them.
You really admire Smoky for taking the step up and fighting for the Nameless City and it's citizens. It always makes you fall in love with him even more when you see how passionate he is about his family.
Smoky sees how much you've helped and grown to care for the citizens of Nameless City, and how they have started to see you as one of their own. He can't help but care for you even more.
He finds out your related to Hyuga because you tell him. One night you realize that you didnt want to lie to him anymore and you just burst it out to him.
Let's be honest... I don't think Hyuga would have MAJOR issues with you dating the other SWORD leaders. Well... maybe one, *cough* Murayama *cough*.
l feel like secretly, Hyuga really respects Cobra and knows that he won't do anything to purposely hurt you. I don't think he would push much into your relationship, but Hyuga has definitely given the big brother speech to him, "You know I don't like you much, so if you ever hurt her, prepare yourself."
Besides himself, I think that Hyuga knows you'll be the safest with Rocky. Hyuga definitely does not want you in the club scene, but respects your wished when you do go. If there's one thing Hyuga is worried about, is Rocky corrupting you in other ways *wink wink*. He will probably tell Rocky, "Be good to her. She deserves the world."
Oh the trouble maker Murayama. Yeah, Hyuga may have slight issues with this one. He does not want Murayama to corrupt you since Hyuga knows how crazy he can be. He probably tries so hard to convince you to break up with him. He probably says to Murayama, "I don't know what she sees in you. If she ever comes crying, be ready to die."
Hyuga knows that Smoky is harmless when it comes to romance, so he probably would not mind you dating him. However, he will probably just be upset that you decided to keep it a secret from him. Probably all begrudgingly he said to Smoky, "Take care of her. If not, you'll regret it."
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Candy Thief
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Hey guys!
Trying to dip my toes in writing again after a long, long time, and since Record of Ragnarok is my latest obsession, I've decided to practice with my favourite charachter - Buddha!
In terms of fanfic, I've only ever written two one shots and that was ages ago, so I would appreciate some feedback (if you don't like it, that's fine, just please be nice).
So without further ado, here goes nothing!
Summary: Reader decides to steal Buddha's lollipop.
Warnings: None
Word count: 1,020
It was a sunny afternoon on a late spring day and you were laying in the grass under the great tree. The sun was shining brightly, high up in the sky, its rays finding their way here and there between the gently swaying leaves, to shed their light on the ground. A warm breeze blew over the fields, as the birds sang their cheerful songs, and the butterflies twirled and spiraled in the air, darting and dipping from flower to flower. This moment was perfect. In the bliss of this spring day, all you could hear was the soft rustling of the grass and leaves... and Buddha's slow breathing as he relaxed next to you, his back against the tree's harsh bark.
You couldn't help but stare at him. Even the fear that he might open his eyes and catch your staring so longingly, could not deter you. You shifted slightly to get a better look. This man was utterly mesmerizing - his calm and cool demeanor, the contours of his face, his long dark eyelashes... the way the lollipop stick poked out between his lips... gods... that damn lollipop... that damned lucky lollipop... Oh, that smirk on his lips, and those beautiful piercing eyes staring right back at you. Wait. Staring right back at- 'Oh fuck!'
"And what might you be staring at? Hm?" Buddha was now looking at you with an amused smile on his lips, his fangs showing at the corners of his mouth.
You blinked a couple of times. "Uh, nothing! There... uh... There was a ladybug in your hair, but it just flew away," you lied, with a nervous laugh.
"Aww, would have loved to see it." Buddha seemed to have bought it. Or, at the very least, he let it slide. You weren't quite sure, but you breathed a silent sigh of relief when he closed his eyes again and went to resume his nap.
'Fuck, that was close,' you thought to yourself. And still, you could not tear your eyes off him... and that lollipop. 'Kinda jealous of that lollipop,' you thought to yourself. 'I wonder what it tastes like... I wonder what he tastes like...' 
It was as if madness itself seized you when you quickly hopped up in a crouching position and seized the lollipop right from his mouth before dashing off down the hill and into the fields.
You heard Buddha shouting behind you as the realization of your most heinous crime struck him.
“Hey! Get back here!”  You could hear some shuffling as he sprung up on his feet, then the rustling of his clothes as he ran after you. You turned around to see how far he was - how long did you have left until he caught up to you? Buddha was certainly closing in the gap, and the fact that you burst out laughing at his most arduous chase for the lollipop didn't help. You were laughing so hard, you had to stop to catch your breath, which gave him an opportunity to catch up with you.
Laughing and gasping for air, hunching over, hands propped against your knees for support, you looked up at him, with the lollipop still in your hand. The both of you seemed to be having fun. Despite his complaints and feigned offense, the playful glimmer in his eyes gave him away.
"I believe you have something that belongs to me."
You shook your head at him, straightening up and shooting him an innocent smile. "I have no idea what you're talking about,” you lied. "I am aghast," you continued, pressing the hand holding the lollipop to your chest, "I am aghast that you would think me a thief!"
"Oh really? What's that in your hand then? Hm?"
You stretched out your free hand, palm wide open. "Nothing. See?"
"Your other hand, smartass" he replied with a grin.
You glanced over quickly at the blue lollipop in your hand, then back at Buddha, who was watching you with amusement.
"Still nothing," you chimed, as you quickly popped the lollipop in your mouth before taking off again, further into the fields.
The white flowers strewing the fields now seemed to blend in with the grass as you ran, giggling, faster and faster. You couldn't help but note the tastes in your mouth... the sugar, the cola, and that one taste you were most curious about. The thought brought a slight blush to your cheeks, as you twirled your tongue over the lollipop.
Right now, everything was perfect. The gentle wind, the sun warming your skin, the greenery around you... And both of you laughing as he chased after you. ‘This is it,' you thought, 'This is per-‘.
"Hey! Watch out!"
Buddha's voice tore you out of your daydream just in time for you to tumble with a yelp straight into the clear, cool waters of a pond.
Buddha's laughter roared through the air as he slowed down. Hands on his hips, he walked over to the edge of the pond.
You resurfaced with a frown... and a lotus flower splayed out flat on your head. Somehow though, you've managed to keep hold of that lollipop, clenching your teeth around it, as you tried to wipe the water off your face.
Buddha kicked his slippers off and sat down on the edge of the pond, one foot dipping in the waters, while his other leg folded. He sat there for a bit, waiting for you to regain yourself, his elbow resting on his bent knee, as he watching you and chuckled. Soon enough, your eyes cleared up and you looked up at him. Realizing the absurdity of the whole situation, you started laughing and he followed suit.
When your laughter finally died out, you noticed the cocky smirk on Buddha's face.
"You know," he said, reaching out and taking the lollipop out of your mouth, "If you wanted to kiss me... you could have just asked." With that, Buddha popped the lollipop back in his mouth, humming at the taste of you on his tongue, as you stared at him blushing and speechless.
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ritens · 2 months
∞ Arisen & Pawn Character Introductions
Original template by @arisenreborn
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Probably will come back to edit this at some point. I wrote it while numbed out of my mind from medicine.
NAME: Raures AGE: 123 (whatever that means) RACE: Elf PRONOUNS: he/him PREFERRED VOCATION: Magic Archer FAVORED GIFTS: fish, selfmade things FAMILY: no longer in the picture. They fell to the dragon.
POSITIVE TRAITS: gentle, keeps his word, patient, hard-working NEGATIVE TRAITS: stubborn, huge flirt, gullible LIKES: fishing, exploring and gathering materials for various craft projects. DISLIKES: rainy muddy days
1. What was their life like before becoming Arisen?
Rau lived with his parents away from other elves. They preferred a more simple but labor-intensive life among humankind’s common folk. Father was a hunter and taught Rau the way of the magic archer. Mother was a mender with a great knowledge of medicinal herb usage. Humans taught Rau archery and thief skills for wilderness survival. He also learned their language.
The family moved towns and villages every 10 years to conceal the aging differences between the two races, essentially avoiding the possibility of becoming chiefs or other figures with higher responsibility.
Raures became Arisen in an attempt at buying time for his parents to escape the burning village. The attempt was unsuccessful but the dragon deemed him worthy.
2. How do they handle being Arisen, and the responsibilities that come with it?
He is mourning the family he lost but even so he does his best to move forward and do what is expected of an Arisen despite his pawn’s chagrin. He doesn’t fully grasp what he’s doing, just feels like he has to.
3. What are their thoughts on Pawns in general?
Pawn rights activist. He finds all of them to be quite cute.
4. What's their relationship like with their main Pawn?
Rau opted to “adopt” an existing pawn to be his main instead of shaping his own perfect image of a pawn to avoid bias. The two have a lot of opposing opinions on matters and Rau has no idea that Lane already has a bit of his own will which he's maintained from master to master throughout his conscious life.
Raures sees Lane's episodes of fear and paranoia as normal pawn behaviour, but treats his companion with care and respect no matter what may come up. He is very fond of Lane and forbids the pawn from traversing the rift to other worlds to assist other Arisen who may call upon him. He doesn’t want Lane to end up as brutalized as he was when Rau first met him.
5. Do they have any interest in being Sovran? What are their opinions on the politics of the world in general?
He’s too much of a farmboy to care much about what goes on in the life of the rich and noble. The prospect of being Sovran seems exhausting to Rau, but if need be, he would take on the role. But avoid spending much time at the palace. It’s also likely Lane would hold him back from all this mumbo jumbo anyway.
6. Who are their love interest(s) and/or closest friends?
Rau’s closest companion is obviously his pawn. He doesn’t form lasting relationships with people aside from the local baker. And he indulges in short lived dalliances now and then.
7. What drew them to their preferred vocation? Do they have history with it? 
He keeps pursuing the way of the Magic Archer as a way to honour his elven roots but isn’t bound to just one vocation. Survival asks for many skills and he hones whatever he can.
8. Do they have any hobbies? Any way of relaxing between all that monster-slaying and traveling?
Suck and fuck. He enjoys fishing a great deal which is a rather fruitful hobby as it’s fun and it provides food. Rau has been making birch skin baskets and other tools since childhood. Originally picked up the craft to avoid buying these items in bigger cities as travel by oxcart often ends up being catastrophic. Now as an Arisen who is constantly on the move, he makes the baskets and leaves them as gifts for the villagers he happens to visit.
NAME: Lane AGE: appears young adult RACE: human PRONOUNS: he/him PREFERRED VOCATION: Thief FAVORED GIFTS: soft warm clothes, bread INCLINATION: Calm
POSITIVE TRAITS: clever, creative, humble, observant NEGATIVE TRAITS: withdrawn, fearful, unreliable, low self-esteem LIKES: bread, Raures, afternoon naps DISLIKES: stale bread, being manhandled, loud people
1. What was their life like prior to being summoned by their Arisen?
Lane served many Arisen. His first was Amaury from Gransys who summoned him in the shape of their deceased brother. The pawn ended up a tad corpse-like in appearance and while it didn’t bother Amaury at first, it eventually resulted in them becoming uncomfortable once they accepted the fact their real brother is gone for good. By that time Lane had already developed his own bit of will, and sapped enough of the Arisen’s spirit to also develop Amaury’s negative emotions (and even a streak of their golden locks of hair). Lane ended up killing his own master out of fear during an argument.
He didn’t return beyond the rift afterwards and became a street rat who survived by using his strider->thief abilities to steal from people.
Plagued by aimlessness the pawn answered the summons of other Arisen in other worlds who would order him around, sometimes harshly and cruelly. But the pawn desperately desired a sense of purpose and so he went with the flow, ignoring his human aspects as best as he could.
2. What is their opinion on the Arisen? How do they view their relationship?
Lane was stunned when he first saw who had summoned him in Vermund. The face of his second Arisen from ages past in a different world. The first Rau had summoned him and made Lane his main pawn in a similar fashion. He was Lane’s favorite master. But, unfortunately, he fell in battle against the dragon.
As Lane learns more of this Vermundian Rau, he gets more and more determined to prevent the same outcome that his former master was fated to meet. Lane selfishly and desperately clings to Raures and does everything he can to get the Arisen to settle and let someone else take the wheel of the cycle.
3. Is there anything about the Arisen they find troublesome?
The pawn is very much bothered by the Arisen’s frequent visits to the Bordelrie though he won’t say a word about it. The Arisen does get treated to a cold shoulder for it though.
4. What is their specialization and is there any story behind how they cultivated that skill set?
Raures taught Lane elvish language as a bonding exercise. But now Lane uses the skill to listen in on conversations he has no business knowing about.
5. Do they have any thoughts on the politics of the world and their place in it as a Pawn - or how Pawns are treated?
He accepts things as they are for the most part but has his low moments where he wishes more people treated him as something other than a resource.
6. Does their journey with the Arisen change them in any significant way and how?
Though he himself doesn’t realize it, Raures helps Lane calm down and open up to the joys of life outside servitude. Lane learns what fun is, what friendship is and what it means to love unconditionally. He begins to stand up for himself.
7. Is there a reason they chose their preferred vocation?
Lane is a thief in the literal sense of the word. He had to get by while Masterless and he did so by stealing.
8. Do they have any hobbies or preferred past-times? 
During his time on the streets post-Amaury Lane picked up drawing with coal on cobblestones and has since moved on to other mediums and continues to hone his art skills. He usually scribbles sceneries and detailed drawings of plants, but lately has been toying with human silhouettes as well.
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blakbonnet · 2 months
Artist of the Week!
So last weekend, I announced that I'd like to feature an artist every weekend for both new fandom joinees who might not have seen some of this art and older fans who like the nostalgia. This week's artist is Ash @aha-my-villainous-thoughts 💖 who also, wonderful that they are, agreed to answer a few questions for me!
Which App Do You Use To Draw When I’m at my big set up I use Clip Studio Paint, I love it so much. It’s very straight forward to dip straight in, has all of the bells and whistles you need from an elite drawing program, and the community elements where you can see assets and brushes is a lot of fun - although I still to this day have no idea how to earn coins to buy assets?! I use a XPPen Artist 15.6 Pro Graphics Tablet to draw into the program, although my best tip with graphics tablets is to get a screen protector, mine got covered in marks before I noticed. Recently I also got an iPad 10.9 to use as a digital sketchbook I can carry around, and while I am enjoying Procreate, I think CSP is a better art program overall.
Fave Brushes? On iPad I stick to the technical pen, studio pen and the soft airbrush, along with the textures and the light pen. I don’t think Procreate has great ‘painting’ brushes, whereas on CSP I would marry the Gouache brushes, I love how they blend and texture as you work.
Your favourite piece you’ve drawn? I’m a super self indulgent artist, I try to draw the kind of stuff I like to look at, so it’s a lot of colour, a lot of fabric and details. My fave piece for detail is the one I did for the OFMD RBB last year - Crescente Devotione, there’s a blushing sentient stool in it! For colour I’m in love with this sleepy time Ed in a lil negligee and a Holly Golightly eyemask, he's my lock screen because I'm trash.
Who harder to draw: Ed or Stede? Oh for sure Stede. I love Rhys Darby, but the man has like no lips. I stand by this meltdown.
One essential tip for beginner artists? Comparison is the thief of joy, don’t measure yourself against others - particularly when you’re finding your groove. Be self indulgent af. Also get a screen protector for whatever digital screen you draw on, and BACK. THINGS. UP. Whether in an online account, or on an external harddrive - or both?! BACK THAT SHIT UP.
Why OFMD? I’ve been in a few fandoms in the past, always as a pretty passive enjoyer, little fanart here or there, little fanfic sprinkled around, but there’s just something about the way this fandom feels? It feels like a group of friends who’ve got their own lives and their goals, but they still exist in each other's orbit, it’s like this feeling of returning home to somewhere you’re always welcome. There’s so many good moments in the show for both comedy and some gut wrenching pathos. Sign up for the hot guy in leather and get got by this beautiful delicate little love story. It’s something about queer joy of thriving, not just surviving. Something about finding love and romance no matter your age or what’s past before. Something about found family, and unlikely friendships, and community and silliness. I was already a goner when Taika put on the wig, but then when he teared up in a blanket fort while trying not to die? Excuse me sir, I did not need feelings that powerful. It was literally waking me up at night thinking about his last shot weeping in the nook - like are you kidding me?! I’m supposed to finish watching and be normal after that??
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softpine · 4 months
This might be juvenile, but do you have any tips on not comparing yourself to others? (Especially when it comes to note count or popularity.) I’ve been posting a story for over a year and it hardly gets any traction. It’s tough for me to see new creators post and get hundreds or even thousands of notes. I hate that I’m doing this but don’t know how to quit it!
this is not juvenile!! i struggle with this myself, especially knowing that i hit my peak years ago and i've been on the decline ever since – but only by numbers alone! i'm more proud of my story than i've ever been, i'm more attached to my characters, i'm putting more love and thought into everything, but i had to be realistic with myself and understand that i'll never pull even half the notes i did in 2020. gone are the days when i would wake up to 3 new anons about my story and dms from people every day (i can't believe i used to get overwhelmed by it...) and i would be lying if i said it didn't make me sad sometimes, because we're humans and our brains are practically wired to crave the hit of happy chemicals you get from seeing the stupid number go up 😭 it does feel demotivating. it makes me feel less urgency to post quicker if i convince myself that no one is waiting for me anyway, which means i post less, which means even less people stick around, which makes me post less, and on and on. it's a tough thing for me to come to terms with in all honesty.
but it helps to remember that i would be writing even if no one is reading. and i know that, because i have! i've written entire novel-length fics that i've never published, i've written countless short stories in the frozen pines universe that i'll never post, i've created alternate universes that will never be shown, etc. i do it because the idea is in my head and it needs to Get Out and i'm kinda just a conduit for that. that might not apply to you, and that's okay! everyone is different. the important thing is to really sit down and think about WHY you write and what you get out of it. which part of the process makes you happiest? what makes you feel a sense of fulfillment / satisfaction? play to your strengths. try not to spend your time doing things you think other people will enjoy and instead, spend more time on the things that make you happy. for me, i haaaaate editing and i always have, so lately i've been trying to speed through it a little bit quicker even if it means the final product won't be as appealing to others. (this is still a work in progress for me...) i have more fun when i experiment with different writing styles, which might not appeal to others because it takes longer and i don't really have a recognizable style, but i don't care anymore because i'm having fun! ask yourself what YOU want from your story, and then write for yourself and only yourself.
essentially what i'm saying is: there will ALWAYS be people more popular than you, and there's no guarantee that when you find the popularity you seek, you'll be able to keep it. so you need to find some sort of intrinsic motivation to continue or you'll just keep comparing yourself to others forever and you'll deny yourself the joy of creation! "comparison is the thief of joy" could not be more true!!
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mstrickster · 8 months
Which one of the ducks is the first to introduce the other ducks to alcohol? And how would each of the ducks get when they are drunk?
This is fun. I hope you don't mind, but I'm gonna use this ask to shout out my friend @kaymardsa and their fanfic.
This fic gives a lot of fun ideas in the first chapter of how the Ducks act when drunk!
Anyway, on to the answer!
Now, I've seen a few people who write Dean as the one who gets the Ducks into drinking. However, that seems too obvious, so I'm gonna say Goldberg is the one.
I say this because Goldberg's parents own a restaurant. He works at that restaurant and probably gets stuff for free. So, I could totally see him asking his mom if he could take some food for a party and sneaking out some alcohol.
Anyway, the next part! Their drunk personalities!
Dean: I'm gonna start with Dean cause I can. He is the fun drunk. He likes to party and have fun. So, drunk him is just that too an extremely. He is the drunk who buys drinks for all and yells how he loves all his friends. He also becomes the ultimate hype man and wingman for his friends.
Fulton: I could see Fulton having levels like Amy from Brooklyn 99. Like after his first drink, he isn't affected. By the second, he will laugh at anything. By the third, he is the loud drunk. By the fourth drink, which is his cap currently, he is the emotional drunk. At 4 drinks, he has cried about how much he loves his friends or his girlfriend.
Adam: Adam doesn't get drunk easily. However, when he does get drunk, he is the promiscuious drunk. Thankfully, the first time he got drunk, he was with someone. However, his partner had to get him somewhere private fast because he wouldn't stop making sexual comments.
Averman: Now, because Averman is generally a fun and jokey guy, normally I could see him being the sad drunk. Not in the same way Fulton is. He's more. "The world is on fire, and we're all gonna die someday." drunk. Like he will bring the mood down fast. He does take about 5 drinks to get drunk, though. So he knows when to stop and will sometimes choose to be the designated driver.
Julie: Julie is the thief drunk. If she isn't monitored, she will steal things. This can range between silverware to at one point a fish. It was alive and in a ziplock. She almost never remembers taking these until she finds the items the next day.
Luis: Luis is the self-conscious drunk. He loses all the confidence he has. The first time he got wasted, he sat on the floor with Kenny and talked about how his confidence is fake and he's worried some people only like him for his looks. It makes you want to give him a hug.
Kenny: Kenny is the daredevil/trash talker drunk. He loses all the doubt, so he will jump off tables, sing in front of crowds, and smacktalk almost all his friends. He is small and unstoppable because he can often escape without people noticing. Kenny is a fucking menace.
Connie: Connie hardly ever gets drunk. However, the one time she did, she spent the whole time talking about Guy. Like we know, Guy gushes about Connie and how amazing she is. While that's how Connie is with Guy when she's drunk. Like I can imagine her going "Julie, look at the man, i love that man, he is amazing." Then she starts to cry.
Guy: Guy is the drunk that doesn't appear drunk. Like his personality doesn't appear to change. However, he does show the aftermath of being drunk. However, unless you knew him really well, you couldn't tell. Like you can only tell because he will start shortening everyone's name. That's it.
Charlie: Charlie is the dramatic drunk. Like everything to drunk, Charlie is a big deal. Like you think normal Charlie is dramatic. He's nothing compared to drunk Charlie. One time, when Charlie got drunk, he thought Jesse hated him because he didn't laugh right away at his joke. It's a mess.
Goldberg is the wandering drunk. Like unless he is watched, he will wander off. He does tend to fall into another group if they're at a party. However, it becomes a hazard if he is outside. He will walk into the street unless his is held on to.
Jesse: Jesse is the drunk who finds everything funny. He will laugh at anything even if it isn't funny. He will even get others to laugh because "come on man that was hilarious." It never is.
Russ: Russ is the spacey drunk. He will lose track of conversations before they even start. He will also argue with people that he knows what they are talking about. Yes, he completely heard you and understands. Stop asking!
Dwayne: Dwayne is the profound drunk. He is a true drunk philosopher. Weirdly, most of his observations make sense to the non-drunk mind. One of his greatest hits was "Why do humans feel like we control the world? We are nothing without the food we eat and the water we eat." It almost cause Averman to have an existential crisis.
Thank you, nonnie!
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blue-jisungs · 9 months
What is your opinion on rival pirate reader x rival pirate woozi???
enemies to lovers speed run.
sea salt flavoured kisses
author's note. hehe i feel like this was inspired by the hoshi pirate thingy i wrote….. and my opinion on that is: smash. would write. 10/10 would and will recommend. like. this is my jam, i love writing fics in those settings + WOOZI? E2L? he’s perfect for that. i have another e2l planned with him lmao bye anyway, i hope you enjoy this :D
also tagging @l3visbby bc i promised!! u deserve a gift for working so hard and i hope this can make u feel a bit better teehee
summary. while visiting your hometown, jihoon gets you in trouble. and luckily for him, he (somehow) gets you out of it too
word count. +- 2.9k
warnings. umm swearing, alcohol consumption, blades (dagger), blood, violence (people get slapped and kind of hurt but uh it’s not specified if they’re dead or not 😇), ment (?) of being hung ++ lots of cameos :D
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stepping out of your cabin, the smell of sea filling your nostrils and warm sunshine hugging your skin; you stretched lazily, trying to shake off the rest of slumber in your body.
“oi, captain! you’re finally awake!”
you turned your head and sent yunjin a sleepy smile. her and chaewon giggled at you. nodding, you decided to take a stroll on your deck and observe your crew.
the girls who greeted you were fixing the ropes and gossiping. as usual, but at least they did their job well.
sakura, the oldest (after you) on the deck and your quartermaster, was sailing while you were asleep. you sent her a wave and she waved back. eunchae and kazuha were listening to taehyun as he walked them through the usage of canons. well, of course they will have to only clean them at first but later on they’ll be able to fix them if necessary. and shoot, like taehyun or yeonjun. they just needed the training.
beomgyu and soobin were out of sight, probably scanning the maps for the next journey. kai wasn’t near, so he probably sat with them and observed them curiously (like he always does).
the youngest members of your crew were cleaning. you all’ve been there so it was nothing strange. sure, they complained but due to their youthful nature and vigour they did the job fast. and fun.
riwoo, jaehyun and leehan were mopping the floor while splashing each other. sungho alongside taesan and woonhak were in charge of food today… which means it might be interesting. and hopefully not burnt, like the last time yeonjun and beomgyu cooked together.
walking up to the railing of the upper deck, where sakura was navigating, a smile spread on your lips.
“we’re close” you breathed out, heart swelling in your chest. your homeland…
you fixed your hat and leaned a bit, admiring the land from afar.
“do you think the boys will be happy?” you asked, turning around. sakura took a deep breath and shrugged.
“no idea… they wanted to leave but it’s been a long time, so maybe they won’t mind a quick visit” she hummed
“it’s been a long time for them, huh? then i wasn’t here in ages” you whined and sakura just let out a laugh.
“you’re ancient, captain”
you were born and raised in hybe, one of the biggest islands. growing up in a poor household, a neighbourhood filled with thieves and poverty made you adapt quickly to such environment. at the age of 6 you started pickpocketing. by the age of 10, you were a quite good – you’d say so yourself – thief. your parents didn’t really care, as long as you brought money or food home.
because of that you wanted some freedom, to start a new life. stories about pirates always fascinated you and you always sneaked into the docks whenever a bigger ship would arrive.
and one day you just snuck on a ship… and stayed there, thanks to the pirates’ kindness. this made you realise they aren’t always the bad guys.
during one of the visits back home, you met the young boys on a street. doing exactly what you did as a kid. you knew how can it affect them negatively so you decided to offer them a somehow better future. and of course they agreed, because y/n of hybe became a famous yet mysterious pirate known here and there. they heard about you; hell, who wouldn’t? besides, you remember when they were born – or more like dropped off by the orphanage next door.
so will they miss their hometown? they weren’t there as long as you… and you… you missed the town, not the people.
arriving at the land, you stepped almost hesitant.
“we’re leaving tomorrow, this time. go have some fun, rats” you grinned and ruffled woonhak’s hair.
you let out a deep sigh and started walking. no, you let your legs lead you.
you found yourself walking amongst the old, sketchy paths of your old town. memories flooding back, too deeply in the nostalgic feeling you failed to realise that another ship docked.
visiting a bar at the end of your small journey when the sun has set, you ordered a glass of rum and sat back at the dark corner of the room. thinking about your next trip, you watched the people there. most of them were just drunkards or hazard addicted people.
then you frowned upon noticing – or thinking you noticed – a familiar face. it was a quick movement so you weren’t sure. maybe it was someone else…? but still, you had to remain cautious. you need to return to the ship tomorrow anyways.
playing with the dagger that you stuck into the wooden table, you took a sip of the alcoholic beverage.
you’ve come to a conclusion this may be your homeland, but certainly not your home. your place is on the ship, with your crew–
“well shiver me timbers, who do we have here?”
you looked up lazily, knowing the voice too damn well.
“jihoon” you sighed, meeting the man’s gaze. he sat down in front of you, placing his own glass. also filled with rum. you pointed at it “amongst all those things we disagree on, at least our alcohol taste matches”
he tsked and took a look around.
“what are you doing here?” you hissed, leaning forward. jihoon observed the gold coin dangling on the necklace on your neck.
“what are YOU doing here?” he back fired, ebony irises almost black due to the faint light.
“it’s literally my island. you’re not from here, so stop acting like a local” you grunted and tightened your fingers on the wooden grip of your dagger.
“we agreed not to cross paths ever again” he said, voice low. you let out an amused huff, looking away. the door from the bar were constantly opening and closing.
“i remember. i said i’ll kill you when i see you next time” you said through clenched teeth. jihoon swiftly grabbed the dagger and started sticking it between his fingers, palm flat on the wooden table.
“i’d like to see you try. from what i know, you rather barely visit your home. so why you’re here?” he asked.
jihoon was your… enemy? any other pirate was your enemy, technically. but he… he was a real bastard. always stealing your treasure, almost as if he knew where exactly are you heading to next. and he’s cocky about it to – leaving notes and visible tracks. last time he went way too far.
he sunk your ship.
luckily, no one got harmed but the damage was done in your heart. the black cat, your beloved ship has kissed the sea’s bottom. since then you promised yourself to get revenge – and that’s why you may or may not insisted on visiting hybe.
because apart from you being the island’s hidden gem, there’s also illegal but very effective gun powder and explosives business. bang sihyuk, the driving force behind it owned you a favour so–
wait. if jihoon’s here, then he must have discovered it.
your eyes snapped back at him just when you felt the cold metal tip poking at your exposed throat. the dangerous glint in jihoon’s eye and handsome smirk made you even more angry. because he just played you and read like an open book.
“hah… oh, y/n. you’re real cute sometimes” he cooed, tilting his head. your dagger in his hand pointing at your throat. for seven seas, this is humiliating. you felt a trickle of blood run down your skin “i could easily kill you right now. quietly and quickly, but where’s fun in that–“
before you said anything, someone pulled jihoon back. and you as well. cold metal suddenly making contact with your wrists made you gasp.
“well, well, well… who do we have here… y/n l/n, lee jihoon. the two most wanted captains”
you turned around and if looks could kill– well, jihoon would already be dead months ago. and this man too.
“i’m the chief of city guards, kim namjoon. and you two are under arrest. with no way out.” the man crossed his arms and grabbed your chin, tilting it up.
namjoon. you remember him. he was…
“by tomorrow you will hang, together. and i’ll get a promotion. oh woah, who knew this day will end so well…” he smiled.
“namjoon?” you breathed out. your partner in crime, quite literally. he helped you steal when you were younger.
“officer namjoon to you. i’ve cut ties with you, y/n the moment you ran away. and now, look at me and look at you. you’re a shame to the society” namjoon huffed and let go of you harshly, causing you to stumble and fall onto jihoon. then he spat, right in front of your shoes “fucking pirates… take them to the arrest”
“this is all your fault, moron!” you grunted, kicking the metal bar of your arrest.
of course they had to put you in one cell with jihoon.
“mine? wha– this is ridiculous!” he scoffed, hands crossed on his broad chest.
“if you minded your business, you wouldn’t draw attention to me or you” you pointed at him and were met with silence. he knew you’re right “great. we were supposed to leave tomorrow? or today? there’s no bloody light in here”
“my crew will save me” he snickered.
“as if mine won’t. i bet they’ll be here soon” you mumbled and sat down on the cold floor because he was sitting at the bench. or something that was supposed to be it. he tsked and stood up.
“you should go to sleep” he murmured quietly, awkwardly standing next to the bench.
the man let out a deep sigh, eyes tracing the walls. the only source of light was a small lamp lit on the corridor wall.
“go to sleep” jihoon said, voice more stern this time.
“why? so you could arrange me in my sleep? no thank you” you huffed, pulling your knees closer to your chest and resting your chin on them.
“no. so you could finally shut up” he mumbled. obviously. it’s not like he cared. certainly not because the floor was cold and you would be cramped if you fell asleep on it.
you let out a small sigh, eyes observing the moths that gathered next to the lamp.
“i can’t believe i’ll hang in my hometown with my enemy” you muttered, closing your eyes.
when you woke up, you were laying on the bench. immediately sitting up straight, you startled jihoon out of his slumber. on the floor.
“why did you do move me? i’d cut–“ you started
“my hands off. yeah, yeah. that’s why i did it while you were sleeping” he yawned, arms shooting up to stretch lazily “i figured you’d want to get some sleep for the last time in your life”
you were about to say something when you heard footsteps. in no time five guards arrived.
without saying anything, they grabbed you out of the cell and handcuffed you both. sending jihoon a confused stare, he shook his head.
your legs weren’t really cooperating, so the guards dragged you along. after a long, monotonous journey in the dungeons you finally stepped outside.
the sudden sun blinded you both, especially after so much time spent in the darkness. then you realised you’re being walked down to the platform with hangman’s noose already prepared for the both of you. one walk downstairs and you’ll die because of a public hanging… and bloody hell, that’s a lot of people–
you halted your movements, digging your heels into the floor and pushing back.
“i refuse to believe this” you let out an airy laugh and caught jihoon’s shocked expression.
the guard suddenly slapped you; the impact so powerful that you fell on the floor. you felt your eyes water and cheek sting.
“yah! what do you think you’re doing?! you’re a guard and you hit a woman?! pathetic scum” jihoon hissed and nudged the guards that held him.
he kneeled down, pressing his head against yours. before they lifted him back up, you felt his breath fan over your skin
“i have an idea, just trust me” he whispered “are you alright?”
you nodded and jihoon got dragged away. then you heard another slap.
“she’s a pirate, i don’t see a reason why i shouldn’t hit her–“ the guard started.
you got lifted by two men and watched jihoon spit on the man in front of him. a smirk of satisfaction painted on his lips as the guard’s eye twitched.
“next time try punching someone your size, eh?” he cooed and the guard slapped his other cheek. his face turned to you, eyes squeezed shut.
“jihoon!” you yelped, jumping to him. before the guards could yank you back, jihoon turned around and spat at the man in front of him again. then he kicked the man with full force, so he fell down the stairs. using the distraction, he swiftly (almost as if he had experience) put his handcuffed hands in front of him by bending his knees and quickly moving them to the front. you did the same, definitely less gracefully and almost losing your balance.
then you felt his hand awkwardly grab yours and–
you ran down the stairs with him, jumping over the man at the bottom. the rest of the guards followed you, shouting and screaming.
jihoon ran through the crowd, pushing with no hesitation whatsoever. his grip on your hand remained steady, scared to lose you.
“which way? you know the city better!” he asked, turning his head back.
“this way!” you ordered, leading him to the right.
even if the guards will follow you to the poorest place on whole town, there’s a plenty of good hiding spots. running through the houses and dirty streets, people watching you and pointing fingers.
you arrived at the local market. it wasn’t too sanitary but that wasn’t the most important thing right now.
you ran up to the butcher whom you knew, distress all over your face.
“yah, hoseok! would you mind?” you asked, putting your hands on the table. he gave you a weird look but without hesitation – and with terrifying force and speed – cut your handcuffs with his chopper, covered in blood.
“your lover boy too?” he asked unbothered, almost as if he was trying to sell one more pound of meat instead of helping the prisoners escape. you nodded. once your hands were separated there was a sudden noise
“they went that way!”
jihoon turned around and saw the guards in armours that shone in the daylight. you were about to bend and dive under the stall when he dragged you away, next to the stall with flowers.
“i deeply apologise” he breathed out, the guards’ shouts becoming louder. they’re approaching rather rapidly and…
“about my ship?” you furrowed your brows. the men will walk directly next to you and he’s…
“no” he scoffed and before you could realise, he spun you around and leaned against the wooden bar supporting the stall “about this”
the men ran next to you as you felt jihoon’s lips crash on yours. one hand cupped your cheek, the other was resting next to your head. the kiss was chaotic yet somehow soft, his lips rough and teasing like sea salt.
you kissed him back, realising what was his plan. you pulled him closer, trying to hide your faces as much as possible.
the kiss turned more passionate, your fingers tightening on his linen shirt. the steps and shouts started fading away.
jihoon stopped and leaned back but not too far. head buried in the side of your neck, hot breath fanning over your skin. your stomach was making flips, almost like you were sea sick.
“they’re gone… i think” you breathed out, scanning the market.
the sellers chatted between themselves, fixing the products that have fallen due to the rapid movements of a bunch of men in armour.
“what… uhm, what was that?” you whispered. he rose his head up, boyish smirk blooming on his lips.
“dunno” he shrugged “i just wanted to kiss you”
“oh fuck off” you grunted, trying to walk away. but jihoon had you caged between his arms and the wooden bar. you stared at him – partly in disbelief, partly in amusement… and slightly in participation.
“are you alright though? that bastard slapped you pretty hard” jihoon asked, worry in his eyes. your fingers lingered on the cheek you were hit on and then you shook your head.
“it’s fine. it’s been worse, like having a dagger pointed at my neck” you snickered and hesitantly brought your hands to his red cheeks “what about you?”
“been worse” he repeated after you “although…”
you suddenly pecked his cheek, then the other one. using his taken aback state, you escaped his hold by walking under his arm.
“hope it will soothe the pain. thank you for helping me escape” you hummed “even though i take back what i said about killing you next time i see you… be on guard, jihoon. your ship will sink”
“yeah. we could kiss next time” he smiled nonchalantly and watched you walk away.
some part of him wanted to stop you but he knew you’ll cross paths anyway. and then he’ll make you stay, maybe for a little longer. and maybe his heart will stop fluttering like sails on a strong gust of wind.
his ship will sink?
[ masterlist <3 ]
taglist.  @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinshua ,, @stxrseungs ,, @ka-ni-ma ,, @iliveforlixie ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @mark-geolli ,, @l3visbby ,, @w3bqrl ,, @ddeonudepressions ,, @yourfavoritefreakyhan ,, @mirxzii ,, @kazmura ,, @primoppang ,, @nfrgirl ,, @crxzs
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abstractmouse · 1 year
Alright, so I finished all the story branches from the FMA mobile Valentine's event, and I've compiled a summary/translation. Now let me preface with this: I do not know Japanese. I can read katakana, hiragana, and a handful of kanji, and I know basic sentence structure. So 99% of this is from Google Translate, and it may not be 100% accurate. It is long. I included some screenshots. With that being said, the summary is under the cut.
Chapter 1
It seems to be a dream sequence. There's this novel called Two Phantom Thieves that has become a sensation across Amestris, and everyone, including Roy Mustang, is reading it. He falls asleep while doing paperwork and imagines himself and Hawkeye as the titular thieves. It seems they have a rivalry, always hunting the same treasure. On their latest heist, they are caught in a trap set by Detective Hughes (with Havoc and Breda on his squad), and instead of fighting for the treasure, they have to work together to escape.
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After escaping, Phantom Thief M (Roy) asks Phantom Thief H (Riza) to look at the moon with him and chat for awhile. She expresses her gratitude that their combined effort allowed her to escape. Roy says something along the lines of "We work well together. If we joined up, we could steal any treasure in the world." Riza is not keen on the idea. Apparently, she steals for the poor, while Roy steals for the wealth and fame. He says he has higher goals than wealth and fame and wants to change things from the top. Riza is surprised at the idealism and asks if he really thinks he can do it. He says he would tell her all about it, but the police are coming. Riza remarks that he seems different than usual, but regardless, next time the treasure is hers. She leaves and Roy has a moment where he reflects on her true identity and decides to have some fun with it.
The next scene shows that the Phantom Thieves have day jobs as reporters for the very same newspaper (return of glasses!Riza here). Their boss wants them to cover an event featuring the Eternal Chocolate Heart, but the viewing is only open to couples. Their assignment is to pose as lovers in order to write an article about the treasure. There is also something about alchemical research being revealed at the party and a competition for the alchemists to win the heart or something like that. Set up for the fighting portion of the event. It’s said that whoever touches the heart will be blessed with eternal love. Roy thinks to himself that this will be his next treasure hunt as Phantom Thief M.
Chapter 2
Reporters Mustang and Hawkeye arrive at the party, which is being hosted by Alex and Catherine at the Armstrong mansion. Hawkeye is holding Mustang’s arm stiffly, going over the type of information that they need for their article. Mustang says something like, “I know we’re just acting, but if you don’t seem a little more natural, they’ll find out we’re not a couple.” She ignores that and continues observing the situation.
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Detectives Havoc and Breda are there, chatting with Catherine. Detective Hughes is also present with Gracia and Elycia. Hughes wants to get the Eternal Chocolate Heart for his daughter.
Armstrong gathers everyone and reveals the Eternal Chocolate Heart on a small table in the middle of the room, explaining that it has been imbued with alchemy. It’s divided into 4 pieces, and he says whoever eats one will be granted some kind of power, which works best when shared between two people. For that reason, they’ll be giving it as a prize to one of the couples tonight.
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On the table, Armstrong is shocked to find that there are two envelopes: a pink one with the letter H and a blue one with the letter M. Notices from the Phantom Thieves. Armstrong then announces that if the thieves are here, stealing isn’t necessary. He invites them to join the competition as well. Mustang thinks to himself that it may be better to just do it fair and square.
Then the chocolate at the center of the table… disappears? Idk this part is a little unclear. Regardless, it was a decoy. The real chocolate is hidden in a labyrinth under the mansion. The winner will be whichever couple successfully recovers the chocolate.
Riza pretends to be dizzy, presumably so she can get away from Mustang and transform into the Phantom Thief. Roy also dons his disguise during this time. 
In the fight sequence, the Phantom Thieves have appeared again, and Detective Hughes and his squad are all over the place. They agree to join up again and manage to lose them.
Chapter 3
Another couple at the party, Bard and Emma, have progressed a little further and are in the gardens, but there’s a puzzle they can’t solve. They hide and try to let someone else figure out the mechanism instead.
Roy shows up and notices Riza has escaped to the same place as him. Annoyed, she says she was just about to stop him with her bullet. Roy flirts and says something like “I wish I had the time to celebrate our reunion.” Riza says she’s got some information to share: they’ll have to solve the mystery together to progress, but “We’re only working together for now! The chocolate is still mine.” Roy notes that the chocolate is in four pieces, and they could just share it. But Riza says that only half of the chocolate isn’t worth as much, and she needs to help as many poor people as she can. Roy agrees, and the matter is dropped as they solve the puzzles.
They notice Bard and Emma are following them. The story branches slightly here depending on player choice:
3A: Pursue Emma and Bard
This leads to a small fight sequence. Emma wants to get the treasure before the Phantom Thieves to ridicule them. After they run away, Riza looks pensive. Roy asks what’s bothering her. She says, “Nothing, I was just wondering if I could use them to get one up on you somehow.” Roy says “Well I’ll just continue to keep my guard up…”
3B: Ignore Them
Nothing really happens during this option. They get through the puzzle and Riza makes some remark about getting the treasure before Roy.
The different paths lead to slightly different versions of chapter 4.
Chapter 4-1 (Choose option 3A)
Mustang and Hawkeye are getting closer to the center of the labyrinth. They seem to be the first ones to get this far. Bard and Emma come up on them again. Mustang asks if Hawkeye is going to launch a surprise attack on him after helping her solve the mystery (?? I think. This could be directed at Bard and Emma). She says “I’ll watch your back. You focus on solving the puzzle.”
Roy goes through the puzzle (following a rabbit through the right flowers). Bard and Emma followed again. Now Bard wants to fight, but they are overwhelmed by the Phantom Thieves' synergy. Bard decides to fight another time and runs. 
Chapter 4-2 (Choose option 3B)
Bard and Emma have reached this point of the labyrinth before Roy and Riza. They are apparently not very good at puzzles and are lost again. They decide to hide again and let someone else figure it out. Roy and Riza arrive on the scene and chase the rabbit together this time. They arrive at the center of the labyrinth and note that it is eerily quiet and that it shouldn’t have been this easy. 
Bard and Emma launch a surprise attack. Roy says, “They seem to be quite skilled. Can I trust you with my back?” Riza says “It’s an honor to have your trust. Let’s win this.” Bard and Emma are overwhelmed by their synergy and run to fight another time.
In either path, the chapter ends by cutting to Detective Hughes with his family. They hear the fighting, so Hughes goes ahead of them to secure the path. He wants to catch the Phantom Thieves and get the chocolate for Elycia.
Chapter 5
Ngl this bit was a little confusing, so idk how accurate this is.
Hughes, Havoc, and Breda are blocking the next section. As they try to get through, Mustang tells Hawkeye that their only goal is the chocolate, so she should go on ahead. It seems the fight can’t be avoided, so they fight together. Roy remarks that it would do the detectives better to just solve the puzzles rather than try to chase them. Riza points out that Hughes’s family seems to have disappeared. The traps in this next section have tiles that make you teleport to another location.
They agree to truce and work together here. Roy doesn’t like the idea of a small child being all alone. 
Chapter 6
Gracia and Elycia were teleported just outside the labyrinth.
Cut to the group inside. The puzzle has a bunch of tiles that all need to be activated. They have to work together. Hughes wishes his family were here to solve it with him. He hears Elycia encourage him from outside the maze somehow??? Riza remarks that she’s just happy his family is safe.
Now that the tiles have been activated, all that’s left are for the 6 remaining tiles to be stepped on at the same time. However, they only have 5 people present. Emma comes out from hiding, saying Bard left because he was sick of losing. Now they have 6. They step on the tiles, and some creatures come out, guarding the chocolate heart that appears in the middle. They all have to fight to reach the treasure.
The ending is determined by which character you let grab the heart.
6-A: Riza gets the heart
Phantom Thief H reaches the heart first, announcing her victory, but Phantom Thief M pulls some trick and manages to snatch it. He says it’s not over yet. They can still catch him as he escapes from the labyrinth.
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6-B: Roy gets the heart
Roy says, “The treasure is mine, Phantom Thief H. With this, I can reach the top.” He starts posturing, announcing to everyone that he got the heart. He says it’s not over yet. They can still catch him as he escapes from the labyrinth.
6-C: Any other character gets the heart
Exactly the same as 6-A, but replace Phantom Thief H with Hughes, Havoc, Breda, or Emma.
On a high balcony, Alex and Catherine are watching. Catherine says it’s finally her turn.
The story’s final ending is determined by your choice in this chapter.
Chapter 7
Roy is running away, noting that the party started at night, but it’s already dawn. As he is escaping, he falls into Bard’s trap, where he was waiting for the winner. He releases poison gas, disabling Roy. The fight sequence is against multiple Hugheses, caused by Roy’s confusion from the poisoning. 
Riza runs onto the scene and says she can’t let her partner lose to such cowardly tricks and helps him. Roy asks why she doesn’t just take the chocolate and run. She says she doesn’t want to win with dirty tactics and wants to beat him fair and square.
Catherine appears and determines that the bond between them is real (???) and leads them to the exit. Alex declares the Phantom Thieves as the winners as they emerge, but Roy is still affected by the poison, being supported by Riza. He mentions that the chocolate has the power of healing as well.
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Riza lays Roy across her lap on a bench as she feeds him the chocolate.
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Havoc, Breda, and Hughes wonder what they were fighting for to begin with or something and says they all worked together to solve the mystery.
Catherine and Alex talk about their intention with the chocolate. Apparently it was designed to make people work together, which is why she held the tournament.
Meanwhile, the chocolate seems to have worked. Mustang says “I feel a lot better. Thank you for your help, Phantom Thief H… or should I say, my colleague, Ms. Hawkeye?” Hawkeye grits her teeth but doesn’t say anything. He asks again if she will be his partner. He says if they work together, they can change the world. “After challenging the labyrinth with you and being rescued so many times, I’m convinced.” Hawkeye still doesn’t give an answer. He says not to rush. She can give him the answer soon.
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Cut to Catherine and Alex again. She says the effects of the chocolate are maximized between two people with a particularly strong bond, which was proven by the Phantom Thieves. Alex says something like, “Too bad it only lasts 15 minutes…” lol. Hughes snaps out of it and shouts, “What the hell am I doing?!”
Back in reality, Mustang is woken up at his desk by Lieutenant Hawkeye. She says he must have been dreaming, since he was stirring and making noise in his sleep.
Roy tells her about the dream he had.
Chapter 7-1 (Choose option 6-A)
He says, at the end of the dream, they were able to escape from their pursuers after a fierce battle. It cuts back to the dream sequence.
Phantom Thief M and Phantom Thief H are overlooking the grounds where the chocolate was. Mustang remarks that the chocolate makes people want to join hands together. He says he wants to give Hawkeye the rest of the chocolate. She is a bit skeptical. He says it’s so that he can “join hands with her” and he asks for her to be his partner again. She says that they were only allies temporarily for the competition, and their rivalry stands. She says instead of relying on chocolate to steal her heart, he should try stealing it with his own hands. Roy says he seems to have decided his next target.
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Cut back to the real world. (biiiiig question mark about all of this:) Hawkeye remarks that she can’t believe he gave away all the chocolate in the end, but that sounds like him after all. Roy says that his rival was one step ahead a few times (?????), and a woman’s heart is deeper than the sea. Hawkeye says, “Even so, I’m intrigued by the novel that inspired that dream. I might find time to read it.”
Chapter 7-2 (Choose option 6-B)
He says, at the end of the dream, they were able to escape from their pursuers after a fierce battle. It cuts back to the dream sequence.
Phantom Thief M gives Phantom Thief H part of the chocolate. She asks why he would give her some when he was the one who won. He says, “If it’s mine, then half is yours, since you’re my partner.” She says she never gave him an answer. He replies, “But you’re here now. Can I still expect to see you by the beautiful moon?” (not 100% on that translation either) They hold hands in the moonlight.
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Cut back to the real world. Hawkeye says that they have to continue to work hard to reach their goal, and she will continue to watch Mustang’s back. “Even so, I’m intrigued by the novel that inspired that dream. I might find time to read it.”
Chapter 7-3 (Choose option 6-C)
He says, at the end of the dream, Hawkeye escaped under the cover of heavy rain, but he was caught by Detective Hughes, who was chasing him. It cuts back to the dream sequence.
Mustang is being apprehended by Hughes while Hawkeye looks on from atop a tall building. She says that even though he may be a perfect phantom thief, his only weakness is water. All this heavy rain was just bad luck. She then says, “It’s sad that there’s no one left to compete with, but I’ll make your dreams come true some day.”
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Cut back to the real world. Hawkeye says, “Even in your dreams, you’re useless on rainy days. What a shame.” Mustang says, “Don’t look at me with such pity, Lieutenant…” Hawkeye then says, “Even so, I’m intrigued by the novel that inspired that dream. I might find time to read it.”
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