#light of day until - oh maybe six months from now
expectiations · 18 days
The Husbands of River Song is not and has never been about the Eleventh Doctor being a deadbeat, distant husband (gross mischaracterization by the way) and the Twelfth Doctor being the "better, more mature, affectionate" husband.
It was about River Song. It was about River and how the events in Manhattan took such a toll on her. It was about letting us see River dealing with grief the way The Snowmen showed us how the Doctor coped after losing believing he had used up all his time with River.
Looking at THORS now with The Ruby's Curse in mind, I get the instinct (for lack of a word that I cannot remember) that the Manhattan incident Blue Roach read from River's diary was not the Manhattan episode that we saw in series 7.
On that note, I'd also like to bring up the fact that the Doctor grounds River and River grounds the Doctor. As Tree talked about in one of her tags, River's empathy is more cognitive than emotional and after musing on it for a bit – considering that the Doctor can no longer go to Manhattan (which may have changed in later series but I wouldn't know at the moment because I have yet to overcome series 7b) and that River does spend time with her parents in Manhattan post-TATM, would the latest Manhattan incident in River's diary be the funeral for Amy? Amy's death? Perhaps even Anthony's? I mean, we already know Rory died five years earlier than Amy. So, knowing how deep River's love for her mother is, it's not too farfetched to say that River spent that time with them. River was by their bedsides as they drew their last breath.
Then Rory's gone, Amy's gone, Anthony's gone. Where does that leave River? Where is the Doctor? (sulking on a cloud on top of Victorian London? trying to figure out the mystery of his newest companion? all while constantly mentioning a certain Professor Song who actually turns out to be his dearly sort of departed absolutely beloved wife?)
Without her parents (and her husband) to ground her, she goes on this maddened, grieving space Robin Hood spree. She seeks fun to fill in the void and takes up marriage as a hobby/side quest. Does she look for the Doctor? Perhaps. Yes, actually. Considering she crashed her latest sort-of-husband's ship onto a planet where she purported the TARDIS to be.
But... she's stealing the TARDIS. She could have just called the Doctor, yeah? So, she doesn't want the Doctor to know then. Well... yeah, considering she has two sort-of-husbands in hand.
So, River would just have gone on from one space Robin Hood spree to the next had the TARDIS not sort-of-stranded herself on Mendorax Dellora to make sure her Water stopped being stubborn and reconcile(?) with her Thief?
Also taking note of how River has read stories about them and knows that Darillium is purported to be their last night together (I could also bring up the fact that this is why I find it easy to digest the "River meeting regenerations of the Doctor younger than the Tenth Doctor makes sense and doesn't break cannon nor ruin SITL/FOTD" but that would take a whole other post). Does this River believe her time with the Eleventh Doctor has ended? The same way series 7b Eleven believed his time with older versions of River has ended? Is this all part of some grand fuckup in communication all thanks to their tangled timelines?
Maybe. Maybe not.
But has River not just been running from her family's death? Has River been running from her supposed last night with the Doctor?
"But River doesn't run." Oh yes. Yes, she does. She knows when to stand her ground. She knows when to charge. And she knows when to run.
"That's out of character for her." No, it's not. She's not invincible. She's this well trained assassin, yes. But invincible? No.
Invincible from the tendency to be blinded by their emotions? Obviously not.
River lies. And River runs.
She is not afraid of her death. She is afraid of the day when her husband, her Doctor, looks into her eyes and looks right through her. And it shouldn't kill her but it does. It did.
So she ran and ran until her bigger-on-the-inside Mum gently reached out and put her back together with the only person left who could ground her. Who she didn't recognize at first but still fell in love with (and would have loved even if he hadn't been revealed to be her actual, long missing husband). Who finally found out their last night wasn't just any night – it was a twenty-four year long last night. Who finally gave her a breather from all the running she'd been doing.
And oh what a night that was (it was the talk of the universe).
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aestheticaltcow · 3 months
Six Months
An attempt at some parenthood angst?
Similarly to the title, this fic has been in my WIP folder for a minute; it went through a handful of edits. I'd like to think this is good enough for y'all.
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 Carmy sat in the office staring at the paperwork Sugar needed his signature on; when he saw the date on his phone, it hit him—today marked six months. Six months of parenthood and six months of celibacy, to say Carmy was sexually frustrated, was an understatement. “Hey Carm, did you- are you okay?” Sugar asked when she caught him staring blankly at his phone. He didn’t respond until she put her hand on his shoulder. Her touch snapped him out of his trance. He looked at her before quickly apologizing, “Sorry, what were you sayin'?” Sugar grinned as she patted his shoulder, “You okay, Bear?”
Carmy nodded and straightened up in his desk chair, “Yea- just thinkin’ bout the baby.”
Carmy got home from work late. He quietly slipped his jacket off, and hung it on the coat rack before removing his shoes. Walking down the hallway, he slipped into the nursery, knowing the baby would be asleep. He found it impossible not to be happy in her room. The walls were decorated with vintage floral wallpaper you’d bought off Etsy, it may have been a pain in the ass to put up, but Carmy happily obliged when he saw how happy it had made you. He crept to his baby girl’s crib and felt the day's stress disappear. She was peacefully sleeping in a light pink sleep sack, furiously sucking away on her pacifier. “Sweet dreams, princess,” he whispered. “I love you.” 
The joy of watching his daughter sleep faded away as he approached the askew door to the master bedroom the two of you shared. “I’m home, baby.” Carmy grinned as he walked toward the open closet door, “Hi, Carm.” you called from the bathroom. When he entered the bathroom, you were brushing your teeth. As the mix of salvia and toothpaste residue dripped from your mouth Carmy’s breath hitched- was this enough to get him goin’? He shook his head as he pulled his shirt off and threw it in the laundry hamper before turning on the shower.
“How was work, babe?” you asked before bringing a small cup of mouthwash to your lips. Carmy watched as you swished it around your mouth and spit it into the sink. “Carmy?” you asked again; he swallowed. “Yeah, uh, it was good. Busy,” he answered as you hopped up on the counter. You were desperate for adult interaction after being home with the baby all day. 
“Mia, have a good day?” Carmy questioned. You nodded, “We did some laundry, then had mashed pears for lunch- she did. I had that leftover pasta sauce you made... Read a couple books and went on a walk... Then did her bedtime routine, and I worked on that stupid documentary I was telling you about.” 
As you recounted your day, Carmy nodded, but he was staring at your chest, barely hearing what you said. You’d been wearing one of his old T-shirts. He noticed how prominent your nipples were under the soft, worn-in material. He was captivated by the fullness of your breasts, and he’d do just about anything to touch them again. “Carm, you okay?” you asked, hopping down from the counter; he nodded. “Wanna get in with me?” he asked cocking his head in the direction of the running shower. You giggled, “Maybe next time, bear.”
“Oh fuck-” Carmy grunted as he worked his hand up and down his length. He felt like a teenager again, masturbating in the shower before going to school. However, now, instead of imagining the unrealistic scenarios he’d see in pornos, he had memories of you. Carmy thought back to the last time you’d really touched him. Heavily pregnant, hormonal, begging for his tongue and his cock… he’d expected a shift in your sex life as the two of you adjusted to parenthood, but this long of a dry spell was the last thing he’d expected. Carmy squeezed his eyes closed as he came down the drain.
“Good morning, princess.” Carmy cooed as Mia squirmed in her crib, trying to get out of her sleep sack. She spat her pacifier out and let out a gruggle. “So it’s one of those mornings?” he chuckled as he unzipped her. He watched her stretch before carefully picking her up, “See, you’re okay.” he rocked her gently before exiting the nursery and heading downstairs. 
You were making coffee and prepping a bottle for Mia as he entered the kitchen. “You’re off today, right?” Carmy nodded in response before handing you Mia. “You goin’ to work?” he questioned, as he got two mugs from the cabinet. You groaned in response, “Jenny called off, so I have to go in. I’ll be back before bedtime.”
“Well, looks like Mia and I are havin' some Daddy-Daughter time,” you smiled as Carmy gently kissed her head before going to get the milk from the fridge. When you’d met Carmy all those years ago at some trendy Chicago bar, you found him incredibly alluring. His disheveled curls, the mix of some musky cologne and cigarette smoke, the way his T-shirt wrapped around his muscular arms… he’d always been… sexy. But watching him interact with Mia was a different kind of attractive.
Carmy drummed his thumbs on the handlebar of the grocery cart. He scanned the shelf before him as Mia happily made her baby noises as she looked around the aisle. “Okay, princess… they don’t have almond extract. What kind of grocery store doesn’t have fuckin’ almond extract.” Mia put her hands out to Carmy, grabbing at the air. Carmy chuckled and ducked to kiss her cheek.
“Oh my gosh, she’s too precious.” a sickly, sweet feminine voice cooed from behind Carmy. He grinned when he turned his attention to her, “How old is she?” she asked. Carmy got a good look at the woman; she was pretty, but she wasn’t you. “Oh, uh, she’s six months,” he answered as the woman stepped closer. She smelled like cheap vanilla and a mix of flowery scents Carmy couldn’t place. Mia glared at the woman, and Carmy scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. “I’m Selena. I’m in this parenting group. You should stop by.” she smiled as she looked him up and down. The attention made Carmy regret not regularly wearing his wedding ring. “I’m not really the par-” Carmy started to say before Selena cut him off. “I’m not takin’ no as an answer. What’s your number?” she handed him her phone. 
Carmy didn’t know why he gave her his number- could he blame it on feeling uncomfortable? Was that even the right thing to do? It’s not like he’d ever do anything with this woman. He’d never throw away his marriage to you by hooking up with some woman he met at the grocery store. The reality of Carmy's actions didn’t hit him until he was in the checkout line. He gave his phone number to another woman- was that cheating on you? Did doing that in front of his daughter make him a bad father? “Okay, your total is $63.82.” the cashier smiled. Carmy nodded and swiped his card. He needed to get out of there as quickly as possible so he wouldn’t run into Selena again.
It had been a couple of weeks since Carmy’s interaction at the grocery store. He’d noticed Selena’s text messages here and there. They seemed innocent until one Friday night, he was working late, you were home with the baby, and Selena had sent Carmy an explicit picture, hoping it would get his attention.
We’re both parents. 
I’m not looking for anything serious, Carmy…
My son is at his Dad’s place
Come over <3
Carmy stared at the messages before his eyes went up to the attached photo. Selena had the hem of her T-shirt between her teeth, showing off her toned stomach. He swallowed as he admired the contrast between her skin and the brightly colored fabric of her lacy underwear. He should block her. He should just delete the messages and block her number. He had a wife and baby at home—he couldn’t make this kind of mistake. He locked his phone and shoved it in his pocket before returning to the kitchen cleanup, “Hey Carm, I can finish this up. Go home.” Sweeps grinned as he attempted to connect his phone to the Bluetooth speaker on the counter. Carmy grinned, “You sure, man?” Sweeps nodded assuringly. “I think I can handle this boss man.” 
You heard Carmy walk into the bedroom that night, “Hey babe!” you called as you put your blowdryer in its designated spot by the sink. As the bathroom door swung open, Carmy’s lips were on yours. The initial shock wore off as Carmy’s tongue invaded your mouth, and his hands pushed under the hem of your sleep shorts to grasp at your ass cheeks. Carmy pulled you closer to him, forcing you onto your tip toes. You wrapped your arms around his neck, fingers delicately tangling in the roots of his hair. The passionate kiss ended when Carmy started to kiss down your jaw. A giggle escaped your mouth as his lips brushed against your earlobe before he nipped at your neck. “Carm-m what got into you?” you croaked as you adjusted your hips against his.
 “I need you, baby,” he muttered, lifting you off the floor. You squealed as he crashed down onto your mattress. He hovered above your body, staring into your eyes. “I need to be inside you, baby.” he swallowed hard as you bit your lip. “Carmyyy,” you giggled as you watched him pull his t-shirt off. You ran a finger down his chest, making him moan softly.
 “Let me make you feel good, baby…” Carmy whispered in your ear as one of his hands found its way into your oversized sleep shirt. Your breath hitched when you felt his calloused fingertips graze your ribs. " I-I—" you studdered nervously. “Baby…please.” Carmy quietly asked as his lips brushed against yours. “No.” you whispered as you grabbed his wrist through your shirt, “What?” Carmy questioned as he stood up abruptly, “Did I do something? We haven’t done anything in like six months- clearly I did something wrong. Just tell me so I can fix it!” Carmy raised his voice as his eyebrows knit together in frustration. 
You propped yourself on your elbows and watched as he picked up his shirt from the floor, “Carmen, please don’t yell at me.” you said calmly. You watched as he rolled his eyes and paced before you, “Baby. I want to have sex with you. I need to have sex with you-” Carmy groaned as he pushed his hands over his face into his hair. Your eyes narrowed, “Carmen. I had a baby-”
 “I KNOW! I fucking know! You had my baby, but now you don’t even want to fuckin’ shower with me! I get it- pregnancy was hard, and then giving birth was hard, and now being a mom is hard.” Carmy started staring at the ceiling while he expressed himself. He took a breath and turned to look at you; regret washed over him when he noticed you were on the verge of tears. “Baby, please don’t cry…” he pleaded as he knelt by the bed. He reached for your hand, but you pulled away before he could grab it, “Sorry, I don’t want to fuck you after taking care of your baby all day.” you spat. Carmy closed his eyes and took another breath trying to compose himself before saying something dumb, “How dare I fail to meet my wifely duties.” you angrily laughed as you stood up. 
You crossed your arms over your chest and stared as Carmy got up. “Baby, I didn’t—" you cut Carmy off with a groan. “Shut up, Carmen. You don’t get to speak to me like that.”
Carmy sighed and stepped closer to you, as he reached out for your hips only for you to slap his hands away. “Don’t touch me.” you glared at him, “Fuck this.” Carmy muttered under his breath as he pulled his shirt back on over his head. “What do you mean ‘fuck this’?” you questioned as Carmy exited the bedroom, “I need air.” Carmy called back to you.
You moved to your bedroom window to see Carmy walking toward his car in the driveway. He got in and pulled his phone out of his jacket pocket. 
Send me your address.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 3 months
"Hey guys, your favorite former fit girl, Ava, here with another quick vid sponsored by the lovely people at Hucow Heaven! When they first offered me to try their product as a brand deal I thought it was a joke, ngl. I'm a fitness vlogger with an a lean bust, barely a B-Cup. Why would someone like me want gigantic breasts? They got me on the phone with a representative who was so sweet and she told me I can opt out any time, but most women who tried their products kept going longer than they thought they would. So, I ask a bunch of questions like will it impede me from my workouts and lifestyle and she was blunt that yeah, it would after a while, and I'd be far more prone to retain fat while taking the product, since it encourages such large growth so fast!
I still wasn't convinced and she basically told me I'd be compensated extremely well even if I tried it for only a couple weeks.... That she knew I'd love it and my popularity would grow tremendously. Her logic was hard to argue with..... I could get super busty for a year or so, make tons of money, several more times than the amount to get my boobs reduced back, and pocket the rest. That Influencers and glamour models did it literally all the time. I.... caved, as you all know. I couldn't say no, she was so nice!
This is month four and yeah, I'm getting a bit chubby but I think the added thickness suits me, don't you? I've never looked more incredible and oh my god, these boobs are SO much fun. The back pain is totally worth it! I love them to death and flaunt them everywhere I go. People barely have to ask and I flash them in public and encourage anyone who wants to give them a feel. Or a squeeze..... Or a nice loud smack! God having them slapped around is so fun, I never used to like bondage of pain but having these huge fat titties get tied up or whipped or paddled or just grabbed so hard I feel like they're gonna pop..... I'm addicted to the pain soooo bad now. These fucking melons have turned me into a total whore. I practically can't so no these days, and if I do I don't actually try to stop them....
I used to hate unwanted attention from men. Now they grope my tits, rip off my tops, play with my boobs everywhere I go, and I'm always so turned on by it. I never knew I wanted this.... And I'm a HH-Cup after only four months.... That's six whole cup sizes in just four months! Imagine how big they'll be if I keep going? I know I should stop here, they're the perfect size and I'm still really mobile and light on my feet, but completely sexually liberated and free use.... Yet, I can't stop. I need them to get bigger, and bigger, and BIGGER until I know I've completely fucked up. I don't just want huge boobs, I want them to be debilitatingly massive. So fucking giant I can barely walk, maybe not at all. Imagine being disabled because I'm too big breasted? How pathetic I'd be..... poor fit girl who screwed up her whole life and health because having big titties was way too fun and hurting them was simply too addicting.... The representative told me once I started I'd keep going.... I didn't believe her. But look at them? All I can think is how amazing it would feel if I bloated these huge titties up so much they each weighed more than I used to before I started this sponsorship...... I bet you can't wait just as much as I can't!"
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baby-yongbok · 9 months
Hey can I pls request asking bf chan if you can give him a handjob for the first time and then making him cum all over your hand 🤭
This took me to a headspace that is currently causing brain rot so thank you for ruining me 😭This is a lot longer than I intended for it to be but I promise its worth it lol Enjoy! 💕
Free Time - Boyfriend!Bang Chan x Fem!Reader - Imagine
Word Count: 2,572
Warnings under the cut
✨Part 2: First Time✨
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Warnings: Cursing, Cum tasting (for like a second), that should be all of the warnings? So Sorry if I missed any!
Reader is Called: Baby, Babygirl
Chan is called: Babe
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Your relationship with Chan was nothing but sunshine, rainbows, and sexual tension. The two of you have only been dating for six months and you both agreed to take it very slow when it came to physical intimacy. You’ve done some stuff like making out, teasing each other over your clothes and even a bit of dry humping while making out but you have yet to fully expose yourselves to each other.
Today was one of Chan’s very rare days off and he promised to spend every second of it with you instead of working. The two of you spent the day doing absolute nonsense, you stayed in bed until noon and then ordered the most tasty yet unhealthy breakfast that you could imagine. Neither of you bothered to get dressed, you wore a flimsy tank top and panties and he wore nothing but a pair of basketball shorts. The two of you flipped through channels and played uno a couple of times until he got sick of losing. You played a silly game of hide and seek and even had a pillow fight. Your entire day seemed to come straight out of a rom com and you weren’t mad at that one bit. As it got later in the day your energy seemed to die down just a bit, the two of you decided to just chill and listen to music about two hours ago but it only brought your burst of energy back when Chan decided to try and teach you the choreo to Red Lights.
“You know I suck at dancing” You laughed as you tried to follow along with his directions.
“I know but this one is so easy.” He chuckled as he watched you mess up the move for the millionth time.
“I quit.” 
You playfully throw your hands up in defeat and move to change the song since the two of you have now listened to the Red Lights a gazillion times. Chan plops down on the couch, and you study him quickly as you move to sit next to him. He’s sweating slightly from trying to teach you the choreography and he’s slouched into the couch and man spreading in such a sexy way that you almost think that you’re crazy for thinking it. As you sit next to him your eyes catch a glimpse of the slight tent in his black shorts and you can’t help but to stare for a bit. Luckily, Chan has his head tilted and resting on the back of the couch with his eyes closed as he breathes softly, if it weren’t for his slight exhaustion your staring wouldn’t be all that subtle.
“What time is it?” He asks with a sigh as he lifts his head to look at the digital clock on the wall in front of you two. “Oh wow, ten o’clock already? It feels like it's six.” 
You chuckle and nod but your mind is on anything but the time right now. You quickly glance down at the outline of Chan’s member through his shorts before moving closer to him and throwing your leg over his knee and laying your head on his chest. 
“What should we do now? We’ve spent the entire day being adult children.” Chan wraps his arm around your shoulder slightly holding you against him and his fingers start tracing imaginary circles into your skin. 
“We could try to wind down for the night. Maybe I’ll go shower and you can do your little night time routine, put on your diffuser and dim the lights and stuff.” You smiled at the fact that he knew you so well, there was a certain atmosphere you liked to create in the house before you went to bed. You liked everything to feel soft and sensual but you weren’t sure if you were ready to give up the hyper fun vibes that were weaved into today quite yet. 
“Maybe” You moved your leg, throwing it over both of his and positioned yourself so that you were straddling him. “Or we could enjoy each other's company a bit longer.”
Chan’s hands found a home on your waist as he looked up at you with bright playful eyes. “Yeah? How would you like to enjoy my company, babygirl?”
His lips turned into a grin and he bit his tongue slightly in anticipation. You stared down at him with the same sparkling look in your eyes but your gaze was less playful, there was a glaze of lust over your eyes that Chan was slowly noticing. You know that he noticed it because you could feel the evidence hardening near your heat. 
“I think you know how.” You whispered as you leaned down towards his ear and left small kiss down his jawline. He let out a low groan as you continued to pepper light kisses all over his neck.
“Baby, what exactly is it that you want to do?” 
“Well, I still want to take it slow with you.” You kissed the shell of his ear in between sentences. “But, I saw that you were semi-hard and now I can feel that you’re completely bricked up.”
You chuckle lightly when Chan moans quietly from you sucking on his earlobe. “So, I was thinking that maybe… I could give you a hand job?”
You pull away from his neck to get a glimpse of his facial expression and honestly you can’t tell how he feels about it. You’ve never seen such an expression on his face before, it almost looks like a cross between excitement and confusion.
“You want to jerk me off?” He asks bluntly, making you blush slightly. You shake your head in confirmation and Chan swallows hard as his eyes search yours “Are you sure”
“I’m so so sure” You slowly get off of his lap and stand in front of him. He takes you in for a second, your pretty cotton panties are hugging your hips and your tank top is so thin that it might as well not exist. One of your tank top straps is falling off of your shoulder and your hair is back in a messy ponytail, his hungry eyes scanning you only makes him harder and his dick twitches as a result. You notice the movement and smile towards him.
“Can I? Are you okay with that?” He shakes his head before managing to get a meek ‘yes’ out of his mouth. You drop to your knees in front of him and trail your hands up his calves and then up his thighs under his shorts. Chan holds his breath for a second as you get closer to his member but he shakily exhales when you move your hands back down his legs. 
He watches your every move and keeps a close eye on your body language, he wants to make sure that you enjoy yourself too. You smile up at him as you excitedly sit up on your knees and reach for the waistline of his shorts giving them a slight tug before dipping them down and freeing his hard cock. You’ve only ever felt his member during make out sessions or when he got hard from you being on top of him, this is the first time that you’ve ever seen his cock and gosh to say that you’re impressed would be an understatement. You shimmy his shorts down a bit more down his thighs before lightly touching his hard dick and taking in just how perfect it looked. It’s a bit darker than the rest of his body and has a pretty prominent vein running along the bottom of it. The tip of his cock is red and dripping in anticipation and only one thought pops into your head.
“I did this to you?” He grins down at you and shakes his head.
“You always do, baby.” You grin back at him before running your hand up and down his shaft a couple of times trying to get used to the feel of his smooth skin and get accustomed to his thickness. “Fuck”
Chan’s head falls back against the couch at the friction and it only encourages you to do more. You lightly run your hand over the head of his cock and his hips slightly buck into your hand. You rub the pre-cum leaking from his cock across his tip with your thumb and he moans at the sensation.
“Baby, I’m really sensitive. It’s been awhile.” You shake your head in acknowledgement before spitting in your free hand and bringing it to his shaft. He watches as you take your second hand and smear your spit over his cock. A low groan erupts from his throat as his brows furrowed and he bites his lip slightly. 
“Tell me if I do anything you don’t like or if I can do anything different, okay?” He shakes his head with a slight smirk.
“Of course but you’re doing fucking amazing right now.” You shake your head before bringing your hand back up to your mouth and spitting in it again. You wet his cock and then slowly start to stroke him with your wet hand. “Oh fuck.” 
You try to keep a consistent rhythm while you pump his length, slowly increasing the speed as he melts into your touch. “Just like that, don’t slow down.” 
You maintain the speed that he likes but you decide to spice it up a little. You lick your other hand and wrap it around his tip, stroking up and down at the same pace that you're stroking his shaft. His hips buck into your hand again and he runs a hand through his hair before taking a hand full in his fist and slightly pulling at it. “Oh baby, you’re doing so fucking good.” 
Your mouth waters a bit as you watch how he reacts to you. His facial expressions and the way that his toes curl at the pleasure makes you want to give him more. You can’t help but to wonder what he’d be like when the two of you decide to take it all the way. 
You change up your technique a bit and start twisting your fists side to side in a screwing motion making sure to cover his entire tip with your hand. A deep groan leaves Chan’s throat as your hands work over him. 
“You like it, babe?” You ask in a bit of a cocky yet sexy tone, it feels good to see the effect that you have on him. You can barely imagine what it’ll be like the first time you use your mouth on him. 
“I love it.” He moans out “Can you twist your hands and go up and down at the same time, baby”
You hum in response before doing exactly as he asks. His head falls back against the couch again and his back arches slightly.  “Shit, babygirl, so perfect.”
You raise up on your knees a bit and spit down onto his cock making sure to keep it nice and wet, Chan groans at the sight and his free hand reaches forward and lightly grips your chin making you look into his eyes. With his brows still furrowed he dips his tongue out of the side of his mouth and bites it lightly before shaking his head. 
“You’re so pretty jerking my cock like that.” A low moan escapes you as your eyes flutter shut momentarily and your lips part slightly. You bite your lip a bit as you keep his eye contact. Suddenly, his eyes shut tightly and his brows raise before furrowing again and his lips pull into a thin line. You lean forward a bit spitting down onto his cock again and the wet sounds that fill the room make the scene nearly feel pornographic. Chan opens his eyes and his mouth falls open as he shakes his head to encourage you to keep up what you’re doing. 
“I’m gonna fucking cum.” He groans out and you swear that it’s the hottest thing that you’ve ever heard him say while you’ve been with him. You keep your hands going to a steady pace squeezing a bit more to give him a tighter feel. “Baby..” He moans out  and you moan back in response.
His grip on your chin loosens slowly before he retracts his hand to bring both of them up behind his head to grab at his hair as his breathing quickens and his hips buck lightly fucking himself into your hand. “Just like that” 
You keep your eyes on his and you watch as his cheeks start to turn red and he fights to keep his eyes on yours. “Fuck.. I’m..” His head falls back and he moans out loudly, you feel his cock twitch in your hands and you moan as you watch his first stream of cum fall against your hand.
“I’m fucking cumming” He grunts out and you slow down your movements as you watch his cum spurt out in hot bursts that cover your hands and drip down to the hardwood. Chan lets out a deep sigh and starts deep breathing to slow his heart rate. You slowly stop twisting with both hands and instead use one to jerk him lightly to ensure that you get every last drop from him. 
“There’s so much.” You whisper to yourself but Chan hears you and chuckles lightly.
“I told you that it's been a while.” He lifts his head to look at you, his hands let go of his hair and fall to his side. You haven’t let go of his now softening member yet and it’s purely because your curiosity is getting the best of you right now. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, I just.. I want to taste it.” Chan’s brows furrow again but before he can ask what you mean you bring your cum covered hand up to your mouth and take a small taste. His eyes widen as he watches your tongue dip out and lick his arousal, a small groan leaves his lips as you look into his eyes and lick it again, taking a bit more this time. 
“Not bad.” You shrug before standing from your spot between his legs.
“That was fucking hot.” He watches a smile creep up on your lips and you shake your head playfully. 
“Come on, let's clean up and wind down. You made a mess on the floor.” 
“Oh yeah I made a mess.” He laughs as he stands trying to avoid the puddle of his cum on the floor. You both go to the bathroom and clean yourselves up. Chan pulls up his shorts and just when you’re about to leave the bathroom he grabs your shirt lightly and his hand finds your waist pulling you back into him. 
“Thank you for that. You really were amazing, so so perfect.” He plants a kiss on your neck and you giggle, smiling wide. 
“It was my pleasure.” His fingers caress your sides as he leans into your ear.
“Your turn?” You blush immediately as you look over your shoulder to your smiling boyfriend. “It’s the least I can do.”
“Maybe.” You shake your ass against him teasingly before breaking free from his hold and sashaying away. He watches you with hungry eyes and you can feel his gaze on you. Maybe you won't be winding down anytime soon. 
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abbyromanoff · 3 months
hellooo, i wanna request some story, this is kinda angst of something so basically, yn and lizzie have a date plan or dinner plan or something and yn like spent 2 days just fixing everything to be perfect for the plan but yn spent hours too just to wait for lizzie and unfortunately yn get the voicemail that lizzie cant catch up anymore because she has to do something else... so that's it... joint it with the conclusion if you want !!
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PAIRINGS: Elizabeth Olsen x reader
WARNINGS: angst, guilt, arguing, kinda mean!Lizzie, jealousy, fluff, think that’s it :)
It was perfect. Absolutely perfect. The candles were the only light illuminating the room, the dinner you had prepared sat patiently on the table, and you wore her favorite dress.
She was meant to be home early tonight seeing as the two of you had been planning this for a few weeks. But as the clock continued to tick, your hopes slowly lessened. You had tried calling her eight times already, and six messages were left in her inbox now.
You sat with a frown, sighing with sadness lurking in your body. You rubbed your tired eyes that had tears prepped and gathered the food into a container, placing a sticky note on the top and writing ‘you missed date night again, here’s leftovers.’ It took up until an hour later when she finally answered your call.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“‘What’s up?’ Really? You’re asking me what’s up?” Her brows tightened, her confusion growing.
“Uhm, yes? What did I do? I’m confused.” You were growing angrier as she continued to speak, and you felt your hands clenching until they were reddened.
“Hm, I don’t know, Elizabeth, what did you do? Oh, that’s right! Our fucking date night is missed once again, what a surprise!” You heard a deep breath coming from the other side before a mumbled curse shot from her lips.
“Look, baby, I’m really sorry-“
“I don’t feel like hearing it right now, this is the third fucking time in the past two months alone that you’ve stood me up! Do you know how embarrassing it is to dress up all nice, make dinner, prepare candles and a bath, and clean every inch of the house to the brim just so we could have one nice night that you promised you’d finally make it to?”
“I know, I know, okay? I’m really, really fucking sorry, baby. I promise to make it up to you, I do.” You shook your head in disbelief with a chuckle.
“No, don’t promise me shit anymore. I can’t trust a word you tell me.” The both of you were suddenly interrupted, her by the director asking for her presence, and you by a call by your friend.
“Go ahead and leave, I’m getting a call anyways.”
“Wait- look, can we talk about this later?”
“Yes, bye.” You nearly pressed the button before her voice quickly entered once again.
“That’s it? No ‘love you?’”
“I have to answer Scarlett, Lizzie. Love you bye.” You cut off her last few words that came in revult and answered the call quickly, apologizing for taking so long the moment her voice met the sound waves.
“Don’t worry about it, I was just seeing if you were doing anything. I’m all alone and usually I would love that but I need some company.” You chuckled, leaning against the counter once you grabbed the glass of wine you earlier poured for yourself.
“Yeah, I’m all alone too. Me and Liz were meant to have a date tonight but she missed it again, so I’m all yours.” You could hear whatever actions the woman was doing come to a halt quickly.
“Are you serious? Again, Y/N? Why are you still letting her treat you like this?” You looked down to your glass, the reflection from the red drink making you realize how crappy your life was slowly becoming. If it wasn’t for Scarlett, you’d be all alone.
“I don’t mean to. Can you just come over maybe? I made dinner for us and, well, she didn’t touch it so it’s all yours.” Twenty minutes later a knock was placed on your door before she walked in. She didn’t need to knock, she only insisted on doing so to alert you of her arrival.
“Hello, darlin’, where’s my food?” You handed her a plate that you heated up, as you had taken the foot out of Lizzie’s container and redid your little table design. She oohed at the candles and pulled out your chair for you before heading to her own.
“Mm, this is delicious, sweetheart; you always know how to feed me right.” You chuckled softly, picking at your own.
“Oh, c’mon, don’t let that bitch get you down.”
“She’s my fiancé, not a bitch.” You didn’t sound entirely sure or convincing on your answer, and she rolled her eyes jokingly.
“You know I don’t like her.”
“You used to. You know, before me and her got together, you guys were friends.” You felt as though you ruined the small bond the two had, and you didn’t want to be the fault. While you found it hysterical whenever your best friend would make fun of your lover, you still didn’t want to be the cause of their damage.
“Yeah because you two together opened my eyes on how aggravating she is.” You hummed and twirled the engagement ring on your finger, your eyes seemingly getting lost in the pearls that adorned it.
“It’s not your fault, Y/N. Look, I’m sorry but if she can’t even show up to a few dates how is she going to show up to other important stuff? Like, I don’t know, birthdays, or something.”
“It was just a few dates though, it’s not like she missed our wedding.”
“It’s not just a date, it was something that was clearly important to you that you worked so hard on. She couldn’t even care enough about your date to remember it, what makes you think she’ll care about anything else?” You felt all your witty comebacks falling short as you had no response. She was right, Lizzie obviously didn’t care enough to show up now, who’s to say she ever will?
“Someone would have to be a complete idiot to stand up a pretty girl like you, and I don’t think those five years at college have been doing her any good apparently.” You grinned as she shrugged her shoulders, knowing herself that she was right.
“Well, now that the better person is here, why don’t we have some fun?” You failed to notice the dinging texts from your phone, and you failed to care. You fully engrossed your mind in the moment with Scarlett, because nothing brought you more joy than doing so.
‘youre hanging out with scarlett? wtf it was a date that’s it’
‘you know i dont like her Y/N’
‘fucking answer me already’
‘im on my way home, you better be there when i arrive’
‘why cant you just take sorry? i told you i was sorry is that not enough’
‘im nearby’
‘stop fucking ignoring me Y/N’
‘baby im sorry imma make it up to you just answer me please’
‘this shit is seriously starting to piss me off’
To anyone else, she would’ve seemed incredibly overbearing and possessive, but you never once saw her that way. She was anxious and worried to lose you, was all.
“You don’t use your phone anymore? If I’m the one paying for that shit then you can fucking answer my texts, Y/N.” Your eyes met hers as you placed your card down for the game the two of you had engaged in. It didn’t help you case how close you two looked as you sat opposite to hide your deck, your legs entangled and your bodies close enough to cause suspicion. You didn’t see it this way, and you assumed Scarlett hadn’t either, so you didn’t understand why Lizzie was so mad.
“Shit, I didn’t know you texted me, I’m sorry.” You quickly responded, but Scarlett was hot on your tails.
“Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to like that?” Lizzie clenched her jaw tightly as she removed her jacket in a quick manner, throwing it on the couch as she spoke.
“I’m talking to my fiancé, Scarlett, and I don’t think you have any place in this. So I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” But she didn’t budge, only crossing her arms over her chest as you watched a small dispute form between the two. It felt like your world was slowly caving in even deeper, and every piece of it was caused by Elizabeth. Scarlett was the one helping you repair her damage, but it didn’t help when you continued on with your relationship still.
“Please stop arguing. I’m sorry, okay? I tried making this house perfect for you and I prepared a nice dinner and a bath, I even wore my nicest dress for you when knowing the pieces cut into my shoulder blade. You didn’t show up and that’s not my fault, and I’m tired of waiting on you for everything. So can I please just have one night where I get to be with my friend and actually laugh and smile before I have to deal with this again? I’m tired of it, Lizzie, it’s so tiring going back and forth with you constantly and I need some time away from you right now.” Their words came to a halt, and they both turned to face you. Your fiancé stared at you with a hint of sadness covered by disbelief, while Scarlett gave you a sorrowful look.
“Seriously? You’re this pissed over one date? We can reschedule or something, I was busy at work because some of us actually have jobs and have to make their own money for a living.”
“It’s not just a date, Liz. You put work before me now and everything has changed. Just because I’m not the one paying for it doesn’t mean I’m not the one putting food on the table, I do just as much as you by taking care of this place.” Your best friend stood closer to you now, rubbing your shoulders soothingly as she took your hand and walked you away. Lizzie followed after you two with complaints, but Scarlett closed the door to your bedroom before she could enter. The lock was turned, and while you felt horrible for not letting your partner into her own room, you knew you didn’t want to see her right now.
“Alright, beautiful, I’ll deal with her and you stay here and try and get some rest for me, yeah?” You nodded and stared at your fingers that tapped against your leg nervously.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make this a big deal.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong, the woman outside that door is the one who did. This will never be your fault, and if she tries to make that seem true you let me know right away.” You were lucky to have the blonde help you so much, and you just wished Liz was able to do the same as her. But they could never compete, Scarlett would always win the way to your heart in the end and deep down your lover knew that, which is why she was so mad you chose her instead of waiting. But she also knew you deserved better than her, and she knew she couldn’t give you the same love you deserved. But she would never be willing to let you go, whether she knew it was wrong or not, you would always be her girl.
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rogueddie · 5 months
Buckingham, 1,760 words, for @thefreakandthehair’s Spicy Six Winter Challenge, with the prompt; snowball fight.
Winter, and Christmas especially, has always been Robins favorite time of year.
Or, more accurately, it used to be.
With the heavy snow, December of '85 is starting to become the worst month of Robins year. She can't even bring herself to enjoy the snow. Nothing her parents usually do to cheer her up works either.
"Until the roads are cleared, I've got to walk," Steve repeats. "I'm sorry, Robs. Maybe the snow will clear tomorrow."
"Maybe," she reluctantly agrees, ignoring the fact that he'd said the same thing yesterday... and the day before that... and the day before that. "At least we're on shift tonight, right?"
Steve's tone only fills her with more dread.
"Keith called me before you," Steve says. "Family Video is closed for the day. Something about the snow being too much and no one shopping in this weather anyway."
"So, hey, maybe school will be cancelled too," Robin tries, though they both know school won't cancel.
"I'll walk you home from school," Steve offers. "Or we can go back to my house. I still have that cake we made."
"Yeah, alright, whatever. I'll call you at lunch, yeah?"
"Ok. Missing you already, Robs."
"Love you too, Dingus."
Hanging up, she drops her head against the wall with a soft 'thud', grumbling complaints under her breath.
"No Steve today?" Her mother asks.
Robin turns, glaring when she sees the teasing smirk. "No, no Steve today. By the time he clears his driveway, I could have already walked to school and waiting... whatever. It's not a big deal."
"Mhm," her mom hums, chuckling. "Sure it isn't, sweetie."
"It isn't! It's not like we need to be together all the time. We can go one day."
"Your uncle and I used to use those same excuses, you know. We weren't any more convincing than you two. Now, come on, get ready. You'll be late if you don't leave soon."
Reluctant, and groaning, Robin takes the coat her mom holds out for her. She picks her bag up, sat by the door, and sitting on the stairs so she can pull on her boots.
"Don't rush, there's a lot of ice," her mom warns. "And keep your coat zipped up. And-"
"I know, I know. I love you, too. I'll see you later!"
"Bye sweetheart! Be careful!"
The air outside is freezing. It hits Robin like a brick wall when she steps out and, despite her mom's warning, the idea of spending longer is the cold than she needs to is horrifying.
She jogs, careful to avoid patches of roads and sidewalks that look icy.
She makes it most of the way with only a few stumbles before, inevitably, she slips over.
"Oh my god," someone yelps. "Are you ok?!"
Robin flushes, muttering curses, when she realises that, not only did someone see her fall over and eat shit- Chrissy Cunningham saw her fall over.
"I'm- yeah, fine, totally," she chokes out, forcing a laugh.
"Here," Chrissy pants a little, having ran over to her, offering a hand.
Robin takes her hand, a little surprised at how easily Chrissy pulls her up.
"Thanks," she says, trying to smile.
"Are you sure you're ok?" Chrissy frowns, looking her over. "We have a first aid kit if-"
"Oh, no, that's not... I am ok, really."
"if you're sure." Chrissy shifts, glancing back to the drive. "I'd over to drive you the rest of the way, but..."
Robin leans to look around her, wincing when she sees the drive.
The snow is piled high in the driveway and, despite how much has been cleared, there's no way that Chrissy is going to clear the rest in time.
"Why don't we walk together instead?" Robin suggests.
She almost takes it back, wincing at her own boldness, but Chrissy lights up.
"Yeah? I mean, yeah, let's! Lemme grab my bag, ok?"
"Ok, yeah, that's fine."
Robin wraps her arms around herself, starting to step side to side in an attempt to keep warm while she waits.
Luckily, it doesn't take Chrissy long.
"Ok, I'm ready!" She smiles. She pulls the strap to her back a little further onto her shoulder, the polite smile faltering. "Oh, are you cold?"
"Uh, yeah, but I'm fine, really, it-"
"No, don't worry," Chrissy twists so she can root through her bag. "I've got a spare... aha!"
She pulls out a scarf that's mostly green and white. She wraps it around Robins neck before she can protest.
"You can give it back later," Chrissy easily dismisses, starting to walk down the street. She raises an eyebrow when she glances back at Robin. "Come on!"
Robin stumbles a little in her rush to catch up.
"Careful," Chrissy says, taking hold of Robins right arm and cradling it in both of hers. She glances down at her boots. "Do you have enough grip with those?"
"What? I mean, yeah, these are great, they're sturdy and build for ice- mom got them specifically because they have great grip. The problem is with me, I'm not good at running. Like, I have terrible co-ordination- Steve is always joking about how I run like a windmill and, yeah, I do, but he learnt to walk slower than I did so really, he's the weird one here- I mean, what type of baby tries to crawl backwards, right?"
Robin finally pauses for breath. She glances at Chrissy, who is struggling to stiffle her giggles.
"Steve Harrington?" Chrissy asks, when she finally realizes that Robin isn't going to continue.
"Uh... yeah... don't tell anyone I told you that."
"My lips are sealed."
"No, really, that's- I think he told me that in confidence or something, I shouldn't have told you that, I just can't stop rambling when I get nervous around- and you're- oh god. I'm shutting up now. No more conversations. We're just... having a nice- silent- walk to school together. Just... me and Chrissy Cunningham. Jesus."
"You say that like I'm scary."
"Well, I mean..."
That only makes Chrissy giggle harder. "You think I'm scary? Really?"
She leans heavily into Robins side, one of her hands curling up around Robins bicep. She's looking up at Robin with an expression that's painfully familiar.
It's the same expression she's seen girls pull out when they're hitting on Steve. The same moves too.
But what would Steve do? Robin thinks, panicking.
She's grown so used to old conversations with Steve repeating in her head, his bad jokes and questionable advice a constant and welcome companion.
But, now that she actually needs him, he's nowhere to be found.
After a few seconds of panicking, Robin is desperate to break the tension that is quickly turning from flirty to awkward.
She ducks down, grabbing a handfull of snow, and throwing it against Chrissys coat.
Robin jerks up, standing stiff upright, frozen and stunned at herself, whilst Chrissy is equally frozen, staring at Robin with her mouth agape.
It doesn't take long for the shock and confusion to vanish though, and soon Chrissys grin turns wicked, a dangerous glint in her eyes.
"I'm sorry?" Robin tries.
"Are you?"
'That means she's flirting, just... in a more playful way', Steve voice finally rings in her head. That day had been confusing for Robin- she hadn't known if the girl had been flirting with him or bullying him. 'I kinda prefer it. It's nice to know you can roughhouse a little with a girl, you know? It can be fun. Sexy'.
That had been one of his more successful dates, Robin remembers. He'd gushed about her for the entire week between their first and second date. She can't remember what went wrong, but he was confident that-
Chrissy ducks down, quick, scooping up a pile of snow with both hands.
She takes off running, barely darting out of the way of the snowball in time.
"Hey!" Chrissy yells after her. "Get back here!"
But she's laughing as she says it.
So, almost tripping onto her face as she ducks down, she scoops up another ball of snow. She turns, aim going a little wild with how fast she keeps running.
She yelps, stumbling a little heavier when the snowball sent back in return smacks directly in the back of her head.
"Careful!" Chrissy yells.
"Then don't aim for my head!"
"It's not my fault it's an easy target!"
Robin scoops more snow, turning and sliding to a stop. Chrissy doesn't have enough time to stop, but she does duck out of the way so it hits the side of her head instead of directly in her face.
She realizes her mistake a second too late.
Chrissy, unable to slow her momentum on the same patch of ice that Robin had slid across, slams straight into Robin.
Robin winces when her back slams into the ground, the snow doing nothing to cushion the fall. She feels lucky that her head didn't also slam into the ground.
"Oops?" Chrissy says, pushing herself up slightly but making no move to get off her.
"No, it's ok, that's on me."
"Yeah..." Chrissy trails off, voice weak- distracted.
Robin holds as still as she can, irrationally worried that if she moves then she'll startle Chrissy out of whatever moment she's having that has her looking down at Robins lips, cheeks flushing.
For a moment, Robin is sure that Chrissy is going to kiss her. Her eyes flutter, shifting up so her face is above Robins, tilting her head and starting lean down, to-
Someone wolf whistles, loud.
Chrissy jerks back, throwing herself off of Robin- but she is immediately glaring at the two boys, laughing and leering at them.
"Fuck off!" Chrissy yells. "Jerks!"
She ignores them when they try yelling back, instead focusing on Robin and helping her to her feet.
"Ignore them," Chrissy mumbles, grabbing hold of her hand and gently dragging her along, walking fast. She glances back, seeming to relax. "What assholes."
Robin glances back, relieved when she realizes that they're turned around and started walking in the opposite direction.
"Yeah," she agrees, turning back to stare at Chrissy, awed. "You're so brave."
"What? Oh, no, I'm not."
"Yeah, you are! Scary, too."
"I am not!"
"Scared those two."
Chrissy huffs, leaning in so their shoulders bump together.
"You're something else," Robin continues, emboldened. "It's impressive. You're, like, actually cool. Not just popular kid cool, but... truly, really, awesome."
"Shut up." She's mumbling, but she's smiling. She's blushing. She's looking up at Robin through her eyelashes.
"Nope," Robin grins.
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ericsprincess · 10 months
yours for the taking
nc-17, smut, boyfriend!Sangyeon, body worship, rimming (Sangyeon receiving), anal fingering, vaginal sex
part 2 here
A/N: dedicated to that one girlie who really doesn’t like Sangyeon. You will probably not read this, but I hope you will see the light one day :)
Finally, Friday. You sigh tiredly, dropping on your living room couch. You put your feet on the coffee table and huff. This week felt more like a month, with the mountain of work you had to do at your job and you couldn’t wait for it to be over. Having finally logged off from your work computer a few minutes ago, the only thing left to do was to throw yourself on the couch and wait for your boyfriend to come home, so you could decide how to spend your Friday evening. 
Maybe I can even sneak a nap, you ponder. Although Sangyeon’s shift at work ends earlier than yours, he also goes to the gym after work every day. Even on Friday, which only makes you admire your dedication, since your own gym visits are based mostly on how you’re feeling about it at that moment. Sometimes you find it a little bit annoying that he’s such a stickler about it, but you have to admit, his hard work pays off. He looks amazing and you can never have enough of his body. 
So you just grab a blanket, snuggle under it, close your eyes and rest. You’re more exhausted than you thought because it seems that you fall asleep immediately and suddenly you’re being woken up by the sound of the keys unlocking your front door. 
“I’m home!” Sangyeon yells from the hallway, kicking off his shoes and dropping his gym bag on the floor. “Oh, sorry, did I wake you up?” he peaks into the living room.
“Hi, baby, it’s okay, I was just napping. How was your day?” you detangle yourself sleepily from your blanket and sit up to welcome him. You’re about to get up and go hug him, but he stops you with a raised hand. 
“Y/N, I would not recommend coming close to me,” he smiles. “I did not have time to shower at the gym, because I wanted to come home earlier and I’m way too sweaty right now. I’ll head to the shower and you can nap some more, okay?” he says while already pulling his t-shirt over his head on the way to the bathroom. 
Uhh, what a sight, you let yourself drool a little over your boyfriend’s body. He’s been looking especially good lately, since he also got a bit of a tan and he’s still having some pump from the gym. You can’t stop staring at him and touching him and he seems to enjoy the attention too. Sometimes you’re sure he’s provoking you on purpose, just like he did right now - taking off his t-shirt in front of you with mildly exaggerated stretch of his arms over his head, putting his abs and chest on display. 
Once again, as it seems to be a habit these days, the more you are thinking about his body, the hornier you get. You look at the closed bathroom door. You can hear the faint sound of the shower and Sangyeon’s muted humming of some song. Could I…? You wonder. Well, why the fuck not.
You get up and march right into the bathroom. When you open the door, it’s already steamy there and you stop to admire Sangyeon’s muscular body behind the fogged up glass, as he’s washing himself. His shoulders are wide and his arms are thick with muscle and veins. His back is wide but waist is thin, with picture perfect six pack abs that make you want to just rub your pussy all over them until you come. And you can’t forget his beautiful full chest, only asking to be bitten and sucked on. His ass and legs are nice and muscular too, and you are really glad he’s not one of those guys who skip legs. You can count on Sangyeon to do everything correctly and properly. 
Not to mention he’s always perfectly waxed and shaved everywhere, making his body so much more…lickable. Especially now, when you can see rivulets of water running down his body.  
“Oh- hey,” he notices your presence almost immediately and smiles at you, with one of those warm smiles of his, so you quickly take off your clothes and leave them on the ground. You join him under the shower and he does waste a second to embrace and kiss you. 
“Did you miss me that much, baby? You had to come to my shower?” he teases you jokingly and you start kissing his neck and collarbones. You know he gets your intent clearly now, even though it amuses him, as usual. Provoking you with his perfect body is his favorite pastime lately, and he clearly enjoys the effect he has on you. 
“Yeah,” you whisper, and latch your mouth on his nipple while touching and squeezing his other pec. Sangyeon closes his eyes and leans back on the tiles, enjoying the feeling. You can feel his cock getting hard against your hip, so you just suck harder, knowing it’s one of those things he loves receiving, even though he wouldn’t admit it. 
You let his chest go and slowly sink on your knees in front of him, licking his abs on the way down. He takes his hard cock in his hand, positioning for you to suck it, but you only lick and suck on the tip, tasting his precum, while he sighs from the pleasure. You pull away and look up at him. 
“Turn around,” you order. 
“What? Why?” he’s confused, but instead of a reply, you grab him by his hips and try to turn him, which he obeys with a laugh. 
“Hands on the wall,” you speak silently, and he does just that, puts his hands on the tiled wall and leans forwards. You take both of his buttcheeks in your hand and squeeze them a little, enjoying the softness and roundness of the muscle. There is no point in wasting time, you’re sure Sangyeon already figured out what’s gonna happen either. You pull his buttcheeks apart and dive in with your whole face, licking at his hole immediately. You have never done that before, but you’re making up for your lack of experience with enthusiasm. You rub your tongue over it, teasing, almost as if you were making out with it. He’s clearly trying to hold back his moans, which pleases you, as you were not sure how he would react. But it seems that he’s into it, arching his back slightly to push against your face more, so you reward him by flicking your tongue over his hole quickly. 
You move one of your hands on his hip, to hold him better while you try to penetrate your tongue inside him. It’s not really possible, he’s too tight and your tongue is just a muscle, but it makes him whimper just at the insinuation of it. You move your hand to rub over his abs, feeling his quick aroused breathing, and how his core muscles move under your hand. It’s intoxicating to know you have such an effect on him right now. 
You slide your hand down on his cock and it's as hard as ever, slick, with copious amounts of precome. You’re wet too, you know it without checking - eating Sangyeon’s ass, his reactions and the taboo of it made you so horny it almost hurts. You want him in you immediately. 
You get up and press yourself over his back, kissing his neck while he breathes so deeply, as if he were running a marathon. 
“Lets go to bed? I really need you to fuck me right now,” you whisper and he can’t even speak, he just nods quickly with his eyes still closed. He looks like he could cum at any moment. 
You both get out of the shower and give yourself the quickest wipe down with the closest towels, just to not drip water everywhere and practically run naked to your bedroom, half-wet.  
You throw yourself on the bed and he jumps right after you, pressing you down, folding your legs up, now wasting a second and pushing his cock into you. You don’t need any preparation and having him inside you feels like a relief. 
“I’m not gonna last long, just so you know,” he chuckles and you huff. “Me neither, but start moving before I literally die.” 
He starts fucking you immediately with all the force he can muster, not bothering with any teasing or finesse, just trying to get you both to cum as soon and as hard as he can. You’re holding onto his back when you get a devious idea. 
You slowly move your hand down his spine as he’s thrusting into you, lower and lower until you stop at his ass. fingers just right at his asshole. You give him few seconds to refuse and when he doesn’t you slowly push a finger in, into his still wet and relaxed hole. 
He whines and his hips stutter, his face buried in the crook of your next, while you're fingering him gently. He’s still fucking you but it’s as if he can’t decide whether to fuck into your or fuck himself on your finger. You’re also close, high from the power you have over him, and how easily you were able to make his strong beautiful man into a puddle. 
He’s almost out of his mind from pleasure, succumbed to just his primal feelings to fuck, when you whisper into his ear. 
“Should I add another one?” and that’s what does him in, and he moans and cums in you, while thrusting into you hard, and it helps you come too, when you feel his cock pump you full of cum. You’re rarely having an orgasm at the same time, but when you do, it feels like you can experience the pleasure of yours and his at the same time, and it feels like you can't stop coming. 
It takes a minute to come down, to make the ringing in your ears stop and your breath slow down, and in the meantime he rolls off you and slumps on the bed next to you. He’s just lying half dead, eyes closed, face and chest red and sweaty. 
He finally opens one eye. “You know, if I knew you would like my body this much, I would have started seriously working out sooner,” he mumbles, face half-buried in the bed. 
You turn to him and weakly slap him on the arm, “Oh I’m sure you would,” you laugh. 
He moves closer to you and grabs you into a hug. You settle comfortably in his warm embrace. 
“Next time, let me show you how much I love your body though,” he whispers. 
Ooh. Can’t wait.
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m-jelly · 7 months
The dragon hybrid Levi was sooooo good I read it like 20 times, and I was wondering if you can make one we’re the reader is very pregnant and dragon Levi is soooooo protective, and maybe they would live in a nest or a cave of some sort, and pregnant reader decides to take a bath in the water fall near there nest and some wild animal or men who are like scavengers of something try to kidnap her or eat her and dragon Levi swoops in
I’m so sorry that was sooo much lmao, you don’t have to write I just thought it was a good idea
Just changing this a little bit anon, hope you don't mind.
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@ladycheesington <3
Most precious treasures
Levi x fem reader
Hybrid Levi, dragon Levi, pregnant reader, romance, fluff, married, drama, reader is attacked, Levi to the rescue, mentions of blood.
You leave Levi to sleep in your large bed in the castle on the mountain to go to a little shop. Your maid and a knight join you to keep you safe while making the trip to the town, but your carriage is attacked. You try to fight back, but you have to be careful because you're pregnant. When you think it is too late, your husband comes swooping in and saves you.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @notgoodforlife @demonsimp6 @nbinairyn
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You placed a few loving kisses on Levi's face as he lightly slept in your massive bed. The two of you had explored each other's bodies all night, so Levi was a little tired and so were you but you wanted to go shopping to get him a gift. The deep sleepy growl that came from Levi was electrifying to you.
He lifted his head a little and gazed at you. "My precious gem, good morning."
He reached over and massaged your thigh. "I thought I exhausted you."
You hummed a laugh. "You did, but I have pregnant lady energy."
He kissed your six month belly. "You're incredible."
"Thank you. Anyway, I'm off out now."
He gave you puppy dog eyes. "You're leaving me?"
You slipped out of bed before he dragged you back in. "I'm just going shopping for a bit, that's all. I will take my maid and a knight with me."
He pouted a little. "I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too."
He reached over and touched your necklace. "Good, you have this still."
You blushed. "Of course."
He nodded and kissed you. "If anything happens, just bite down on this."
"Promise!" You hurried to the door and waved. "Love you!"
"I love you too. I'll keep the bed warm for us."
You blew him a kiss. "Perfect."
The castle was lively with the staff moving around and preparing it for a baby. It was sweet how excited the staff were to welcome a little life into the castle and so they were babyproofing everything. A lot of people were scared of Levi's castle on the mountain, but after you entered his life people softened to him and asked him for help and let him help.
You climbed into your carriage and sat opposite your maid. "What a lovely day. The winter air is crisp and the fog is so light."
Cali, your maid, looked out the carriage with a gentle smile. "It's so lovely."
You rubbed your belly as your baby moved. "Mm."
"Everything okay?"
You nodded. "They're moving a lot." You looked at Cali. "I'll be okay. I think they're just excited." You fell off the seat when something slammed into the carriage. "Ow."
Cali helped you to sit on the floor before leaning out the window. "Sir George?" She gasped when she saw him fighting bandits. "Sir George!"
You grabbed Cali and yanked her inside just as a sword slammed against the window. "Careful!"
The carriage filled with Cali's screams and the smell of blood and mud. Hearts raced as the carriage moved faster down the path until it felt like no one was in control and the horses were just blindly running. A loud thud from boots was heard on the carriage followed by walking and another thud.
The carriage came to a stop and the only thing you could hear was boots moving in mud and your racing heart. With a shaky hand, you reached up and grabbed your necklace. You raised the stone and went to bite down, but the door was yanked open and a bandit with a scar-covered face grinned at you.
The man grabbed you and yanked you out of the carriage as Cali screamed for you. "This one will be worth a lot of money fellas! She's pregnant too." He threw you to the ground. "Seeing the markings on her carriage, it seems she's fucking a dragon man. Her baby is a mix! We're fucking rich!"
You glared at him. "You're all fucked."
He laughed. "What you gonna do? You're weak."
You lifted your necklace and smirked. "My husband will rip you to pieces." You bit down on the stone causing a burst of magic.
The bandit stumbled backwards. "Shit. You stupid bitch!"
You crawled backwards as he stormed towards you. "He'll rip you apart! My husband is the dragon lord Levi Ackerman."
He raised his sword in the air. "You're lying! He would never love another!" His eyes widened when the top of his arm holding the sword dropped to the floor in front of him. He lowered his arm down to see it'd been cut clean off. He held the end near the cut before screaming. "My arm!"
Levi flew past and sliced the bandit's neck clean open. He landed and snarled at the bandits left as blood flowed out of the leader's neck. "My precious gem? Close your eyes for me."
You covered your eyes. "Yes, Levi." You focused on your baby moving in you instead of the screams and cries of your husband killing people. A gentle touch on your hands covering your eyes made you flinch a little, but you then recognised the tough. "Levi."
Levi pulled your hands away and grinned. "Hello, my precious gem. Shall we go home?"
"Yes, please. Are Sir George and Cali okay?"
He cupped your face and kissed you. "Yes, they're okay and I will take them to the castle. I must take you first." He scooped you up into his arms. "Hold on tightly."
You squealed as Levi flew fast to the castle. "So fast."
He flew onto the balcony of your room and carried you inside. He sat you on the bed and kissed your forehead. "I'll be right back, my love."
"Okay." You waited for him to fly off before removing your clothes and climbing into the always full and hot pool bath. "Mm." You scrubbed the dirt, blood and aches away. "Better."
"Love?" Levi hurried around the bedroom. "Loooove?"
"In the bath!"
He raced into the bathroom and sighed. "I was worried."
You leaned on the side of the pool. "Sorry, but I needed to clean. Did you get Cali and Sir George?"
He stripped fully and climbed into the water. "They are here and being tended to." He wrapped his arms around you. "I'm so sorry you were attacked on my lands."
"It's okay." You reached up and gripped his arm. "You can't get rid of all bad people. Plus, I'm sure they were ventured into your land because they heard there were dragons taking lovers here."
He kissed your neck. "Possibly. Our love story is well known."
You hummed a laugh. "It is."
"Are you and the baby safe? Are you both well?"
"Yes." You closed your eyes and relaxed against Levi. "I'm perfectly fine thanks to you." You turned your head. "I love you."
"I love you too." He kissed you and purred against your lips. "I'll always protect you and come running."
You smirked. "You're gonna keep my locked up here for a few days, aren't you?"
He smirked a little. "Maybe."
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keeksandgigz · 7 months
a shot in the darkest dark
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steve harrington x commitment issues! fem!reader
i fucking love writing angst and this is also my very first steve work! tiny little blurbie for now cause I've been obsessed w Steve and this song
cw: unrequited love, reader has committment issues, one instance of self deprecating language, no physical description of reader, just lots of rly sad stuff
word count: 1.5K
"Awww, Steve, look! It's such a nice desk" you'd said, pointing at an oakwood desk while absentmindedly looking at furniture at a big Indianapolis mall.
Steve seemed to be in his own world, as he paced around the aisles, looking at tables, chairs, patio decor. He'd taken you out of Hawkins for the day, a little date that didn't involve movies or aimlessly walking around the small downtown area.
You hadn't been dating for too long, and to your wishes, he was taking things slow with you. You'd been so lovely to him, though and him to you.
He'd take you out on dates and pay the bill, drive you around when you needed to clear your head and kiss you goodnight at your doorstep. It was too good to be true.
For the past six months, Steve Harrington had been at your beck and call at every hour of every day, eager to see you, be with you, literally do anything as long as it was with you.
His only flaw was falling in love too fast.
"Oh yeah, it's really nice. I can get it for our first apartment" he dug into your side, smiling. The future was all he worried about, his beautiful picket- fence dream that he'd always wanted.
It made you uncomfortable, how easily he was able to talk about moving in together, starting a family, getting married. Your mind didn't work like that. You took a step away from him, an awkward laugh escaping you.
"I need to get a scarf, it's starting to get cold in Hawkins, come with me?" you'd said, swallowing the guilt that came from dismissing his dreams.
You'd thought you could have made it work. Steve was a lovely guy, so devoted to you he'd damn year kiss and worship the ground you walked on. But everything was too good. It wasn't something you thought you deserved.
You'd paid close attention to him, for any flaw that could have given you an excuse to go, but he was too perfect.
"Yeah, uh- of course, honey. Maybe we should come here during Christmas, I heard they do some really nice markets. I could get you something nice" he'd suggested, putting his arm around you. You breathed through your nose.
"Yeah- yeah that sounds nice." You whispered, as you walked over to Sears.
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The day went about the same after that. He'd come across a little baby onesie with stars on them.
"Look honey, isn't it so cute?" he smiled. You had to hold back a grimace at his implication.
He looked at the window of a real estate agency, taking account of what a four bedroom home in Idianapolis would cost. Planning to save his money from his shiny new accounting firm job.
"Ooh" he cooed "that house is real nice, don't you think baby?" he pointed at a white picket- fence light blue home with a big front yard.
"Yeah, it's really nice" you said "Steve, I'm kinda tired. Can we go home?" you'd protested, hoping he'd just drop you at your house and you could cry it out, wondering what was wrong with you for not wanting what many girls your age wanted. Stability. A family.
"For sure, honey. Want to stay over at mine's? We can grab a movie and get some pizza or something" he said, kissing your temple.
The fact that he was okay with you taking your time didn't mean that he took his. He was a speeding train running at full speed ahead, while you felt like you were biking behind him, feeling left out from this feeling of love and devotion that he continuously showed you.
"Uh, no, thank you, Steve. I have work in the morning" you lied. You didn't want to see him. The guilt would have only grown stronger, until you could not have taken it anymore.
The drive home was surprisingly quiet. Steve chalked it up to you being tired. He knew crowded places overwhelmed you.
After an hour and a half of complete silence, he pulled up in the street where you lived.
"Oh look, baby, a dog! I've always wanted one like that, maybe we can get one-"
"Steve just fucking stop it!" you'd interrupted him, banging on the dashboard. He braked hard in the middle of the empty street.
"Jesus, babe, what's wrong?" he said "Sorry for braking this hard" as he parked up the curb.
You breathed "Sorry, Steve. I-I can't do this." you whispered.
You breathed "Sorry, Steve. I can't do this. This is moving so incredibly fast” you exhaled, letting the boulder weighing on your chest slowly crumble, and you with it. 
“I’m sorry, I’m- I’m not sure I understand. Can’t do what?” he said, nearing his head towards yours. Wanting to be close to you, wanting to hear your thoughts. You retracted from him, now heaving.
The air in the car felt so incredibly stuffy as you unfastened your seatbelt and got out, heading towards your front porch. He followed you suit, cursing yourself for wanting to let him go.
You were leading him on with false hopes of a future you didn't want. You needed to free him before it was too late. The crisp November air turned your breaths into vapor, tinging your noses red. He'd forgotten his coat in the car.
"I just- I can't do this. I can't do us. This is... too much. The moving in and the house and the kids and the dog and the family stuff. I can't Steve I don't want this" you rambled. And that's when the waterworks started. Mascara running down your cheeks, loud sobs populating the otherwise quiet cul de sac.
He got closer to you, but you backed away once again. He didn't need to be that close, not when you were trying to let him go.
"Baby... what- I- I had no idea, I just- I" he was helplessly stuttering. Your chest was aching watching his eyes gloss over ever so slightly, you swore you could hear his heart break.
"I'm so sorry, Steve. I tried. I tried so incredibly hard to see what you saw and I fucking hate myself for not being able to. You're so great, you've been such a lovely boyfriend and I need you to know, because I don't wanna lead you on. I care so much about you but-"
"You don't love me" he interrupted you. A whisper. Barely audible, but loud enough that you could hear the hurt in his voice "It's been six months. You don't love me?" he continued. A breath caught in your throat as you tried to answer that you did try, you did care for him.
You just didn't love him how he did. You knew you were doomed since you'd started going out.
The world went quiet, but not in your ears, a loud whistle kept you on alert, wishing you could crawl inside and hide under your bed forever.
Steve's eyes became clouded with tears as the silence between you became the loudest response he could have ever gotten.
He didn't want to let you go, but being led on for six months had hurt more than he'd expected. He wanted you to tell him that this was just a silly joke, to come inside, cuddle and watch a movie.
Steve waited. He waited for a negation, for an I love you, Steve. An affirmation that never came as you looked at him. You felt embarrassed and he felt like you'd stabbed him.
He was the first to break the silence.
"So I guess it's over then" he croaked out, a burning ball lodged in his throat that didn't allow him to speak. Or breathe for that matter.
"I'm so sorry, Steve. I just- I didn't want to lie to you any longer. Even if I loved you, I'm not good for you. All I'm gonna do is pull you back from this great dream you have. You can't have a picket fence with me, I'll only tear it down. And you can't just put it back up, Steve" you said, taking as many steps back to get away from him. From the guilt of losing him.
"I'll put up as many picket fences as you need. I just want you" he pleaded, one last prayer. Don't go.
"I'm sorry, Steve. Please go home. You're gonna get sick" your voice a thin iron string settled in between your throat. You loved him, but didn't deserve it. Didn't deserve him.
And so Steve turned around, grabbing his broken heart off the floor. You watched him from your driveway, quiet, with his head hung low. A love like his should not have gone wasted on someone like you.
Steve reached his car door, looking at you for one last time, eyes watery and dark. Hoping, praying for your thin voice to speak up, to tell him to come back to your driveway. Tell him to stay.
Don't go.
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tojiscumdumpster · 1 month
chapter two - READER
⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀✧ summary page
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I shouldn’t be nervous. Why am I nervous? I’ve been alone with my best friend plenty of times before. There was a time where we would hang out all the time before he got into a relationship. Now that he’s been single for the past six months, that gave us more time to be together. 
 Though, what’s different now is that I am in love with my best friend. And my he just so happened to be Nanami Kento, who’s standing outside in the living room while I frantically pick out what lounge set to wear. 
 Falling in love with Kento was never the plan. It just… happened. I’ve known him (along with Satoru and Suguru) since college, and between everyone, him and I became the closest. Probably because we’re the quiet ones of the group, so we found comfort in each other. 
 When Ken started dating Aleena, I was truly happy for him. I thought they paired well together. He’s more reserved and she’s bubbly, which is the energy he needed romantically.
 Whenever he needed someone to talk to about Aleena, whether it was for advice or just to fawn over her, I was the person he came to. And I was okay with that at first. However, it wasn’t until last year these romantic feelings I had for Kento started developing. 
 Aside from what I knew about Kento (which is almost everything), I began seeing him in a different light. He’s a gentleman, extremely kind, caring, patient, reassuring… I could go on about him for days. Maybe months or years and I still wouldn’t get tired about saying why I love him. 
 I saw all the things he did for Aleena when they were together and I couldn’t help but wonder, what if that was me? 
 Don’t get me wrong, I adore Aleena. She’s an amazing woman, and we were somewhat friends when she and Ken were dating. But I would be lying if I said I didn’t envy her at times seeing she was loved on by him. 
 And I can admit that although Kento had his wrongdoings in their relationship, which I always told him, just to hear him confess his love and touch you with such delicacy would be an opportunity I would take at any given moment. 
 Will I ever tell him that? Absolutely not. 
 Yes, it hurts being in love with your best friend who’s still in love with his ex, knowing he’ll never return your feelings. But it would hurt even more if I told Kento how I felt, have him reject me, and possibly tarnish our friendship because of my one sided love. 
 So, I think I’m okay with keeping this secret to myself—Satoru and Suguru.
 Suguru only knows because he actually tried hitting on me last year, but I politely declined and he figured I was in love with Kento. And Satoru? Well, he’s just nosey, but at least he somewhat knows how to keep a secret. 
 “Y/N, I’m… I’m a bit tired. I’m going to head home now.” I hear Kento say from afar while waiting in my living room. 
 Oh, no. I had him waiting too long. After the day I had at work and that freaking creep harassing me at the bar, all I wanted was to take a shower and freshen up a bit, but I probably should’ve waited after Ken went home. 
 I’ve already moisturized, so I quickly put on my yellow silk, pajama shorts set and hurry to the living room before he walks out the door. Though, from the looks of it, when I entered the space, he was still sitting down and waiting for me. 
 “Oh… I thought you were already gone,” I assumed. 
 “No. Not yet. I didn’t want to leave without seeing you. And so you could lock the door.”
 I nod, tucking my coils behind my ear. “I didn’t mean to keep you waiting for so long. But I know you said you were tired.”
 “Yes, but I also don’t want to invade your space. You had a busy day—”
 “No!” I shouted, cutting him off. I didn’t realize how frantic I sounded because of him leaving, but I quickly gathered myself together. “Sorry… I mean, no. I’m not… You’re not invading my space, Kento. I don’t mind if you stay. Well, I want you to.”
 He looks at me with a dumbstruck expression and I’m only to blame due my sudden outburst when that’s not the norm for me. But after a few seconds, his face softens and acquiesces to my request. 
 “Okay,” he responds.
 I give him a small smile. “We have a lot of catching up to do. Did you want a drink? I have your favorite whiskey.”
 He lets out an airy chuckle that pricks goosebumps along my skin. Hearing Ken’s laugh before I fell in love with him was just a normal sound to me. Now, it deepens my affection for him because seeing him smile is one of my favorite sights. 
 “You know me so well, Y/N.”
 “I do,” I say, pride rushing through my chest. “Did you want to finish talking about your brunch with Aleena?” 
 “There isn’t much to say from what I told you back at the bar. I just remember the conversation being left at why I should have sex to help me move on. According to Satoru.”
 “‘Toru worrying about sex is the exact reason why he lost Camryn,” I teased. “So I don’t think getting relationship advice from me would be ideal.”
 “And you?”
 “And me, what?” I ask, handing him the glass of whiskey. 
 “Do you suggest having sex with others to alleviate a heartbreak?”
 “Oh… uhm—”
 “My apologies. I shouldn’t have asked. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” 
 I shake my head and quickly reassure him. “No, I’m not uncomfortable. It’s just… I’ve done that before… a few times.”
 Whenever I needed a shoulder to cry on, or I guess you should say dick to cry on about Kento, I’d always find my way in someone else’s bed to mend the pain. It wasn’t the best coping mechanism, but it was better than being alone at night. 
 So, to some extent, I could understand why Satoru suggested that.
 It wouldn’t work, though. Seeing how head over heels Kento is about Aleena, I doubt it. 
 He scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, sitting up. “Who was stupid enough to break your heart?” You, but you don’t know that. 
 “Just past relationships,” I lied. “Anyways, it’s not a bad suggestion, but I don’t see you doing that, Kento. You’re more of an intimate partner, and an emotional connection is needed with you.”
 “I’m glad someone understands me. According to Satoru, that shouldn’t matter.”
 “Of course it doesn’t to him.”
 He hums. “Would like to know what else he suggested?”
 I feign a laugh. “What?”
 “That I should have sex with you.”
 My eyes nearly left my socket when I looked at Kento in pure disbelief. 
 One, I’m going to flip out on Satoru the next time I see him because I know he does this on purpose in hopes this will further my chances with Ken. Even earlier when he kept putting the spotlight on me at the bar. 
 And two, the embarrassment that I feel of hearing Kento repeat our big mouthed friend’s words has my mind and center going into a frenzy. I would be lying if I said I’m not sexually attracted to Ken. I masturbate to the thought of him, and I dream of having him between my legs. 
 But that’s as far as it will go. He’ll never see me that way or be attracted to me, so those dreams will remain in my head. 
 “Oh, wow… Did he?” I finally responded, nervously. “And what did you say?”
 He sighs, taking a sip of his whiskey. “I told him that I value you as a friend.”
 I don’t know why I expected otherwise.
 “That was half the truth,” he admits. 
 “I’m not… following?” A shocked expression fell upon his face after realizing what said could possibly leave my mind with unanswered questions, causing him to let out a strained laugh.
 “My apologies. I shouldn’t have said that.” He breaks eye contact and runs his hand through his blond locs–a habit Ken does when he shies away.
 “Uh, no… it’s okay, but… I wouldn’t mind hearing the other side of the truth.”
 Kento looks at me and opens his mouth to speak, but leaves me with nothing. Silence fills between us while we hold eye contact, and the thought of him possibly seeing me as more than just a friend takes over my mind. I mean, how else should I take what he said? 
 He only told Satoru half of the truth? So there’s a chance he sees me as more than a friend? Is it a romantic attraction or just physical? I’m not left to think any further before Ken closes space between us by finding my lips with his own. 
 For a moment, I think to myself, am I dreaming? Could I have had too many drinks tonight to where my fantasies start feeling like the real thing? 
 But no. How Kento slips his tongue into my mouth is very real, and his hand at my bare thigh to squeeze feels just as real. I truly cannot believe this is happening right now, to the point I didn’t take the moment to relish how soft his lips are. Way softer than I ever imagined. 
 However, me not kissing him back (because I’m still in shock) and my eyes remaining wide open causes him to stop and return our previous distance. 
 “Y/N, shit… I… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that,” he says. And because I am still in shock, I stare at him.
 Ken kissed me. 
 I wasn’t dreaming. It was very real, but… what does this mean? Does he actually like me or is it liquor courage? Is it pathetic of me to not care whatever the case maybe? Probably, however, I’ll think about that at a later time. 
 Now? All I want to do is for once, do the unthinkable, which entrails me straddling Kento’s lap and returning the kiss. 
 This moment can easily be blamed on the amount of drinks we’ve both had, but how my heart is rapidly beating in my chest wouldn’t allow me to lie. 
 Kissing Ken is exactly what I’ve fantasized about every day—a form of tranquility. Kissing him feels like a stroll on the beach with only you and your lover occupying it, basking in the feel of the sand beneath your feet and the calmness of the ocean singing. 
 And I’m not one to take initiative when it comes to kissing or having sex, but tasting his lips is enough motivation. Though, I’m still tentative due to not knowing if he’s wanting this as much as I am, but my insecurity is quickly put to rest when he pulls my hands into his locs and his hands grip my hips. 
 The reserved Kento that I know is tucked away and he becomes greedy when massaging my lips. I gasp at how feral he becomes, giving him the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth to deepen our kiss. 
 I love him. I love him so much that it hurts, and whatever happens tonight… I know I’ll probably never get over him. 
 “Y/N,” he breathes. “We… we shouldn’t be doing this.” He says this but how his mouth stays on mine, firm grips on my hips to roll into his erection says otherwise. 
 He places his face in the crook of my neck to deeply inhale my scent and skim his nose along my flesh. “Can I… do what I want with you?”
 Yes. Yes. Yes. 
 “What would you do?” I ask. 
 “Are you wet?”
 “Come find out.” My consent for Kento to have his way with me unlocked a side of him I’ve always wanted to see. 
 He quickly flips us over, where he’s above me and I lay beneath him, giving us a perfect view of each other. His hair that is usually slicked back is disheveled, and a crimson color spreads across his cheeks. 
 But what really caught my attention was his dick that’s straining against the front of his pants, nearly begging for some attention. 
 “Can I fuck you, Y/N?” His question pulls me from my musings and leaves me speechless. 
 So I answer with a nod. 
 My shorts are off a few seconds later along with my top, and I am left bare underneath Kento. My instincts kick in and I cover myself up with my arms, however, Ken pulls them off to place soft, wet kisses along my skin. 
 “Fuck… no, Y/N. You’re… so fucking perfect.” Kento is not one to curse, but swearing to emphasize his attraction to me has my pussy throbbing. “Just this one time… And we don’t have to ever discuss it again.”
 Should I be surprised? No. Ken made it very clear that he only sees me as a friend, and despite me knowing this, a weight feels like it fell on my chest from the sudden pain that I’m feeling. 
 But I don’t care. I want to experience him. I want to know the type of lover Kento is so I can dream about it forever because this is my only chance. 
 So I’ll put my emotions on hold. I’ll fight back my tears. Whatever is necessary to have him the man I’m in love with inside of me. 
“Okay… Just this once.”
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A Steel That Went Through Hottest Fire: Chapter V - As Cold as Marble
Chapter Summary: The Winter Fete is here! Your heart keeps breaking the more attention Kirigan gives to Alina. But when he needs your help after the events of the party, are you going to give him a hand?
Pairing: Aleksander Kirigan/Reader, Ivan/Fedyor Kaminsky, David Kostyk/Genya Saffin
Characters: Aleksander Kirigan, Reader, Fedyor Kaminsky, Ivan, Zoya Nazyalensky, Alina Starkov, David Kostyk, Marie, Baghra, Arken Visser, Polina
Word Count: 4028
A/N: This episode contains some plot and dialogues from episodes five and six of season one. Inspired by prompts: https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089956305/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089786931/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089783728/
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or removed):
The Winter Fete is almost upon you. You hate it. The court treats Grisha like circus monkeys doing fancy tricks for their amusement. Thank Saints, you don't have to do anything for it. Or so you think…
One day you're working with David on another invention, when Aleksander walks in with Ivan close behind him. He smiles at you and you can't help but smile back. Even though he's been breaking your heart, it still brings you joy to see him.
'General,' David greets him and glances at you. 'How can we help you?'
'The Winter Fete is almost here,' Kirigan says and you both nod. 'This year it's going to be really special, because of the Sun Summoner. How she will perform will determine who's our ally… and who's our foe. We have to make sure it will go splendidly and will be a true show of her power.'
'She's been practising very hard,' you say, frowning. You try to ignore the ping in your heart that you feel because he's here for Alina not you. You try to be objective about it. You're not sure whether you succeed.
'I know that she has,' General agrees. 'But it's just been months. She's still new to this and have never performed during the Winter Fete. If there's something you can do to help her, I'm asking you to do it. For example, something that will help split one beam of light in two.'
'We could…' David starts slowly after a moment. You two look at each other. You bite your inner cheek. You nod.
'Gloves,' you say. 'We could use-'
'Yes,' David agrees quickly. 'And then we could-'
'Yeah, but only if we-' you say.
'Ah, yes,' David agrees and turns to baffled Kirigan. 'It shall be done. Excuse me.'
He hurries away. You look after him. You feel awkward to be alone with Aleksander after the loosening of your relationship. Because for some reason Ivan suddenly moves away- Oh, that sweet bastard. You will kill him for that later.
'Are you two always like that?' the Darkling asks. You force a smile.
'Only if we work on a project together,' you answer.
'So, what did you mean by "but only if we…"?' Kirigan asks.
'Spend most of our time on it,' you explain. 'If we are to complete it on time.'
General frowns. You see him looking you up and down. As if finally seeing you for the first time in a long time. Really see you.
'It's going to be exhausting,' he says and gazes at you with worry. 'And you already look really tired. Forgive me. I've been so busy that I didn't have time to make sure my best friend is having enough rest.'
'Don't apologise for my awful sleeping schedule,' you chuckle. 'It's my fault I can't rest until I finish something.'
Kirigan reaches out to you with a frown. He gently caresses the skin under your eyes. You shiver. He doesn't seem to notice.
'And now you're going to sleep even less, aren't you?' he asks and sighs. 'Maybe I should ask David to do it on his own, he's very skilled too after all, or ask someone else to do it with him. True, they may not be as effective, but they should do for the Winter Fete.'
'Aleksander,' you say softly. 'Don't worry about me. You'll always be my favourite reason to lose sleep.'
'The gloves are not for me,' General says, raising his eyebrows.
'I'm not going to make them because Alina needs them,' you say quietly. You stare at each other in silence for a moment. Finally, the Darklin realises he's still cupping your cheek. He lets his hand drop. You immediately are sad at the loss.
'I should go,' Kirigan says after clearing his throat. 'I promised Alina to explain something to her.'
Your heart clenches. You force a smile.
'I won't keep you,' you say. General nods at you and hurries away. You stare after him sadly. Ivan sends you a worried look and follows his leader.
'I shouldn't be jealous,' you whisper, tears in the corners of your eyes. 'You aren't even mine.'
'Did you say something?' David asks, reappearing at your side. You blink away the tears and turn to him with a smile.
'Just thinking out loud,' you say and clap your hands together. 'So! Want to bet she's not going to need them at all? The gloves?'
David thinks for a moment. He nods after a moment.
'Very well,' he agrees. 'The stakes?'
'The usual?' you ask, smirking.
'Good,' David says and looks at you with pretended menace. 'But you won't win this time.'
'We shall see,' you laugh and turn to your table. You sigh. You already have million ideas about the gloves. But which one is going to be the best?
'You're spending less time with the General lately,' David says casually.
'He's a busy man,' you answer nonchalantly. 'Even more with the Sun Summoner's arrival.'
Your friend is silent. You think he's dropped it.
'[Y/N],' he says suddenly seriously. 'I know we aren't as close as you are with General Kirigan. But I consider you my friend. So, if there's something bothering you, I want you to know you can come to me with it. Understand?'
You look at him with surprise. You've never seen such serious look in his eyes.
'Thank you, David,' you say, touched. He nods.
'Of course,' he says and returns to work. For a moment you consider venting to him. But no. It's your secret. No one can ever know it. Well, no one but Ivan. And possibly Fedyor.
You sigh quietly and focus on your work. After all, the Sun Summoner needs your help. You can't let her powers to be put to doubt. That's simply not acceptable.
It's the day of the Winter Fete. The gloves for Alina are ready. You and David take them and go to her room. Your friend knocks and you wait.
'Come in,' you hear Alina's voice. You two enter the room. The Sun Summoner is sitting by a table in a bathrobe. Next to her stands Genya, a Taylor. On the table are her things that help her do her 'magic'. She freezes seeing David. You two stop.
'Hi,' David greets them, waving his hand.
'Uh, this is David Kostyk,' Genya introduces him. 'Expert resident Fabrikator. Right next to [Y/N], of course.'
She sends you a nervous smile. You answer her with a tight one. You hate when people call Durasts and Alkemi Fabrikators. Your powers are completely different, they could learn the distinction.
'He created the blue light we use for crossing the Fold,' Genya explains to Alina.
'Yeah, the general had us make these for your demonstration this evening,' David says, walking quickly to the Sun Summoner. You follow him and he hands her the gloves.
'They're… lovely,' Genya says to David, as Alina puts one of them on. You and Starkov exchange an amused look.
'What do they do?' the Sun Summoner asks.
'They'll make it easier to split one beam… into two,' David explains, showing with his fingers.
'Your show of power will determine who remains our ally,' you add, as Alina creates a ball of light and quickly splits it into two. You watch how one flies a bit above the other and then re-joins it. Then the one ball disappears.
'They'll help enhance your performance,' David says.
'Ingenious,' Genya praises, while Alina takes off the glove. You hide a smirk. You know very well she says it to your fellow Durast.
The Sun Summoner creates another ball of light, now without the glove. She splits it just as easily into two. She repeats what she has done. David looks a bit awkward, while you grin, satisfied.
'I think I'll be all right on my own,' Alina says nervously, picking up the gloves. David clears his throat.
'Of course,' he says, taking the gloves for her. You smile smugly at him.
'Told you,' you say.
'I know, I know,' he murmurs and goes to the door. You wink at the girls and follow him.
'See you at the fete!' Genya calls after you (*cough* David *cough). Your friend stops and looks at her. He tilts his head, then closes the door behind you two.
'Not a word,' he murmurs.
'About?' you ask teasingly, as you walk away. 'Genya or the gloves?'
'Both,' David answers. 'Yes, you won, I will keep the promise of the bet. And not a word about Genya.'
'David, it's obvious she likes you,' you say. The Durast flusters and hurries away. You laugh.
'I guess that means I have to tell General about Alina not needing the gloves?' you call after him. He doesn't answer. You cackle and go to Aleksander's chambers. You find him drinking tea and hovering over the map. He notices you immediately, though.
'[Y/N],' he greets you with a warm smile. 'How did Alina like her gloves?'
'It's good to see you, too,' you say, raising your eyebrows. Kirigan chuckles and walks to you. You have to look up to meet his eyes.
'Forgive me,' he apologises. 'I'm just-'
'Nervous?' you finish. 'I know. And Alina doesn't need them. She was able to focus and split light without the gloves. She's going to be perfectly fine.'
Aleksander's smile becomes a bit forced. You frown.
'I see,' he says and nods. 'That's good. They were only a safeguard, really. In case of nerves. But I'm sorry you had to spend so much time on them. And Mr Kostyk.'
'It wasn't that bad,' you say and grin. 'Besides, I can now tease David about a thing or two.'
Kirigan chuckles. He looks at you but doesn't say a word. You become uncomfortable.
'I imagine there are still some preparations for you,' you say. 'I'll leave you to it.'
'See you at the fete,' Aleksander says. You smile at him and leave. Outside you can't help but compare the tone of his voice to Genya's when she said the same words. Hers were warmer and… filled with something. It hurts.
You shake those thoughts away and go prepare for the fete. When you're ready you head there, as it's already started. And everything is very lovely and all goes well. Including Alina's performance. But when you see her in black kefta… you barely manage to watch the show until the end.
When all the performances are finished, you sneak out. You hate so many people in one place. You walk outside and exhale shakily. The winter's air makes you shiver but only slightly. You have your warm kefta on.
'Something troubling you?' you hear a familiar voice. You turn around, surprised.
'Baghra,' you greet your old teacher. 'I rarely see you outside your hut.'
'I do get out of it sometimes,' she says, walking to you. 'And I wanted to see how the Sun Summoner would do. Not bad. Not bad at all.'
'She was amazing,' you say quietly and look away. Baghra observes you closely.
'Tell me, then,' she says. 'What's troubling you?'
You've always liked her. She saw that you were more than just a mere Durast. She saw it and helped you to see that, too. You're not going to tell her everything, but you may confide in her a bit.
'I have a hopeless crush on someone I have no chance with,' you admit, smiling sadly at her. 'I don't think you can do much about it. Or anyone, for that matter.'
Baghra stares at you intensely. You shiver. It's the same look Kirigan gives you sometimes.
'He's always known how to charm women,' she says wistfully.
'You know-' you start, startled.
'Of course, I do,' Baghra scoffs. 'Others may not see it, but I've watched you ever since the Sun Summoner showed up. You're fading. It has to stop.'
'If only it was that easy,' you say. Baghra stares at you sternly. But then her look softens.
'Run,' she says. You look at her, surprised.
'I'm sorry?' you ask. 'From what?'
'From him,' Baghra answers. 'While he's busy with her. For now, he fails to see- Never mind what. But when he does see it… you will never escape.'
'Why would I want to?' you ask, frowning. Baghra grabs your wrist. Tightly.
'Because he's not who he seems to be,' she says urgently. 'He hides behind half-truths and manipulations. He's… He… He doesn't want the same as others. He has other plans. Plans that are going to doom us all. He wants to finish what he's started long ago. With the Fold. Run from it while you can.'
She looks at you almost pleadingly. You stare back at her. You think she's expected disbelief, shock or panic from you at those words. But you don't even blink. Her hold on you loosens.
'He told you?' she asks, stunned. You shake your head.
'He didn't have to,' you say and look away. 'My powers still grow stronger every day. Even more so when I started to spend more time with him. One day I realised… I can tell how old some metals are when I feel into them. Including magnesium in his bones, muscles… Once, for the fun of it, I focused on his.'
If not for the dark, you would see Baghra's face going white. You twist your fingers.
'Luckily he was busy with something else, so he didn't see my shocked look,' you say and look at Baghra. 'I… figured out the rest. Who he is.'
'And you didn't give him away?' Baghra asks. 'Nor run away? Nor push him away?'
'Why would I do such a thing?' you ask, frowning. 'He's my friend. I could never betray him.'
The old woman stares at you. She sighs sadly.
'He doesn't deserve you,' she says and looks at you. 'Run. I mean it. Save yourself.'
'Didn't you hear me?' you ask and give her a hard look. 'I could never betray him.'
Baghra looks at you, stunned. You turn around and walk back inside. The old woman stares after you sadly. She's afraid how this will end for you.
You don't want to be on the fete any longer. You hurry past the guests, avoiding looking at anyone. But someone spots you anyway and grabs your arm.
'What's wrong?' Ivan asks you, looking at you with worry. You smile slightly.
'I'm just tired,' you say, not exactly lying. 'I've had busy days lately. And the crowd is not helping me.'
'Do you need anything?' Ivan asks. You smile at him and squeeze his hand on your arm.
'No, but thank you,' you say. 'It means a lot you care.'
'Don't let anyone know, my reputation would be ruined,' Ivan says, a slight smirk on his lips.
'Oh, no, we wouldn't want the reputation of Ivan the Grumpy to be ruined,' you say in mock horror. Ivan chuckles. You chuckle, too, and walk away. But almost immediately you bump into shocked Alina and amused Fedyor.
'Was that Ivan… laughing?' the Sun Summoner asks and looks at you with wonder. 'Are you the Ivan whisperer?'
'I'm not,' you snort.
'But he does have a soft spot for her,' Fedyor confirms. Alina looks at you with interest.
'What did you do?' she asks.
'I aggressively poked a person who tried to kill General with a dagger,' you answer. Alina's eyes go wide.
'You… stabbed someone?' she asks with disbelief.
'Aggressively poked them,' you correct her and walk past them.
'Better not to make you angry, then,' you hear her murmur behind your back, still in shock. You smile, amused, and leave the party.
You head toward a hidden chamber. Your talk with Baghra filled you with determination. Maybe you can't have the one you want. But it doesn't mean others like you have to suffer. So, you head toward the place you know Genya Saffin is going to be.
You open the secret door and are baffled by the sight in front of you. A man in the guard's uniform is about to kill Alina's double. You quickly focus on the knife in his hand and force it out of it. The man gasps and turns around. You glare at him.
'Surrender now,' you order.
'Never,' the man spats and throws Marie who's Alina's double to the side. The girl yelps and the man throws himself at you. You may have not trained with Botkin, but after the incident with poison, Ivan gave you a few lessons. You manage to hit and kick the man. He hits the mirror and falls with it.
'Guards!' Marie yells. Genya rushes in hearing her scream.
'What is-?' she starts and stops, stunned. At the same moment the man fires his pistol at you. You manage to change the course of the bullet, but Genya's sudden appearance deconcentrates you enough to make it graze your arm. You grit your teeth and focus on the iron in the man's body. He groans in pain.
'Guards!' Genya calls. A moment later four guards burst in and apprehend the assassin.
'Marie, are you alright?' Genya asks, hurrying to the Inferni.
'Yes,' the girl confirms and looks at you with wide eyes. 'Thank you.'
You nod at her. You glance at the fake guard.
'I'll inform General,' you say and walk out of the room. You find out Aleksander was seen heading to his chambers with Alina. Your heart breaks at that, but there's no time for jealousy. You reach Kirigan's chambers and knock urgently. Then again. And again. Only then Aleksander finally opens the door. Smiling and happy. No, ignore that [Y/N].
'What is it?' he asks, looking around.
'Marie was attacked in the fitting room,' you explain. 'I showed up at the last moment to save her. Alina was the target. We have the would-be-assassin in the custody.'
Aleksander glances behind himself. Then, he frowns and looks at you.
'You saved her?' he asks. 'Why were you there in the first place?'
'I needed to speak to Genya,' you answer. 'And I used my powers to pull away the knife from his hand. And hit him. Kicked him in the mirror. Guards showed up. The end.'
He opens his mouth to say something, but freezes. He reaches out to you and gently touches your arm.
'You're hurt,' he says. You shake your head.
'It's just a graze,' you say. Aleksander grabs your other arm tightly. He glares at you.
'Go to a Healer, now,' he hisses. 'Understood? I will go to the prisoner.'
'I'm fine,' you say, a bit surprised. General touches your wound. You hiss in pain. He glares at you.
'This is not fine,' he says. 'Go and get a Healer. I know very well you care little about your well-being, but I care a lot, so go and have someone look at it. Understand?'
'Yes,' you murmur. Kirigan's grip loosens a bit.
'Good,' he says and caresses your cheek. 'I don't like seeing you hurt.'
You nod. For a moment you stare at each other. Aleksander is the first to shake off.
'Go,' he says and disappears in his chambers, closing the door. You sigh and turn around. You go to find a Healer, shaking your head. But… it felt nice to see him worried so much.
The assassin was working together with three rouges from Ketterdam. Well, he arrived with them and was supposed to work with them, but betrayed them and tried to kill Alina, while they were tasked to bring her to Kerch. But they figured it out and sent him on Marie instead. And apparently, they took Starkov. Because they're gone and she is nowhere to be found as well.
Worried how Aleksander is taking it, you knock on the door to his chambers. Hearing the invitation, you walk in. He's working behind his desk.
'[Y/N],' he says, sounding tired. 'How is your wound?'
'Healed,' you answer, walking slowly to him. 'A Healer fixed me right up.'
'I'm glad,' Kirigan says, forcing a smile. You look at him with worry.
'Are you going to look for her?' you guess. 'Alina.'
'Yes,' Aleksander confirms, nodding. 'At sundown, I'm leading a team to pursue the criminals who took Miss Starkov.'
'I see,' you say quietly. 'Anything I can do to help?'
'No, I-' Kirigan starts but stops, frowning. You look at him with interest.
'There is,' you guess. 'What is it?'
'I was going to ask David,' Aleksander says after a moment, not looking at you. 'But I trust you more. And your abilities.'
'How can I help?' you ask, straightening your back. But Kirigan is silent. You frown.
'Aleksander?' you ask. 'What is it?'
'I don't want you to-' he says and cuts himself off. 'You mean a lot to me.'
'And you to me,' you say, confused. 'Are you worried I will get hurt?'
'No,' Kirigan denies. 'I mean, that too, but… Doesn't matter. I will ask David.'
You frown. You cross your arms.
'Tell me,' you demand. But he's stubbornly silent. You walk to him and cup his cheek. You force him to look at you.
'You just said you trust me,' you say. 'It doesn't look like that. But you really can. I mean, I know you're much older than you look like and yet I haven't told anyone about it.'
Aleksander tenses. He looks at you with wide eyes.
'What?' he asks, shocked. You bite your inner cheek.
'For some time… I've been able to know how old are metals,' you explain. 'Including magnesium in human body. And… magnesium in your bones, for example, is… old. Really old.'
Kirigan's face goes pale. He leans on the back of the chair.
'How long?' he asks. You shrug.
'Don't ask me specific date, because I don't know,' you answer. 'But it began after I started spending more time with you. Using more power during working on the skiff.'
'And you didn't tell anyone?' Aleksander asks with disbelief.
'Why would I?' you ask. Kirigan is stunned to see a real confusion on your face. His heart aches.
'Surely you know what that means,' he says. 'Who I am.'
'My best friend,' you say strongly. 'And my General, who desperately tries to make sure Grisha are safe. That's all that matters to me.'
Aleksander slowly stands up. He cups your cheek, tears glistening in his eyes.
'You have no idea how much it means to me,' he says. You touch his hand on your cheek.
'Let me come with you,' you plead. 'Whatever it is you need a Durast for, I'll do it. For Grisha. For you.'
General smiles softly. He lets go of your face.
'Very well,' he agrees. 'I'll explain everything I need from you after we find Alina.'
You nod, agreeing on that. You turn to leave. But your friend grabs your arm. You look at him, curious.
'I don't want you to forget you're not a fighter,' he says. 'You saved Marie, yes. And me once as well.'
'Twice,' you correct him. Aleksander smiles, amused.
'Yes, twice,' he concedes. 'But you're still not a fighter. So, if I tell you to stay back, you do it. If I tell you to hide, you do it. Understand?'
'Yes, General,' you answer seriously. Kirigan rolls his eyes.
'Get ready,' he says. You nod and leave. You get ready and at sundown you meet with Aleksander, Zoya, Ivan and Polina, an Inferni. Three Grisha are surprised by your presence.
'[Y/N]?' Zoya asks. 'You're coming with us?'
'I'll need her for what comes next,' Aleksander explains, opening the door to his coach. You all get inside.
'Well, at least we know that if someone is going to kill General, [Y/N] will aggressively poke them with a dagger,' Ivan says. Zoya and Polina snort. Kirigan smiles in amusement. You glare at him.
'Don't think I won't,' you say and turn to look out of the window. Your heart is beating fast as you set off. You can feel everything is about to change once you find Alina. Maybe even the whole world.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Let me know your thoughts! Reblog, like and comment if you could.
This can also be found on Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52696933/chapters/133827241
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Paw Patrol Appreciation Week 2024
Monday - The Beginning
For my very first Paw Patrol Week, I'm picking my good boy who looks like me in every way, Rocky!
To go along with this art, I made some sort of drabble which is divided in five parts (I swear it's a coincidence with Rocky's vehicle number, I didn't plan on that XD). I'll put it under the cut because it's kinda long ahsushshshshs
Anyway I hope you like it!!
As soon as she got there and placed the bag down, five small pups perked up and came out of the shadows inside the shelter. The first one was mostly light gray in color, with nearly white paws and tail tip, sniffing the air, while the others waited just behind.
The Beginning
Lightning flashed the night sky in the town. A dark gray stray dog ran through a couple streets under the rainstorm, bringing a plastic bag in her mouth. She entered a darker alley between an old restaurant and a residential building, going to the far end of it and depositing the bag on the floor, in front of an improvised shelter made of bricks, pieces of broken furniture and some cardboard and wood planks.
“Yes, dear.” The dog smiled. “I’m sorry your mommy’s smelling funny now. Had to go look for food somewhere else. Did you take care of your siblings while I was out, like I asked?”
“I did!” The gray pup puffed up his chest, proud. “No one got lost today.”
Another lightning strike, followed by a powerful thunder roar. The pup rushed back into their shelter, terrified. “Make the rain stop!”
The other pups glanced incredulously at him. “It’s just water.”
“I don’t wanna die like…” The gray pup shut up. He didn’t wanna die like their white and brown sibling, drowning during a flood just a few days ago.
“Shh… It’s okay.” Their mom went inside and laid down, beckoning them all closer to her. “We’re safe here. You built us a very good dog house in a higher place exactly for this reason, remember? Always remember this, my dear. We’re in a no flood zone now. The water won’t reach us here.”
“Hey mom! Look what I found!” 
The gray pup came running across the park to meet his mom, who was lying down under one of the trees. The other pups were playing around. She looked up, curious.
“What do you have there?”
“I found this funny rock while hiding in the hide and seek game. It has a lock in it and looks like a ball! Can I keep it?”
The mother took a closer look at the rock and smiled. “Oh, it’s a geode!”
“Ah what?”
“A geode. It’s a very cool kind of treasure, here, let me show you.” She investigated the lock more closely, frowning. “Hmm, it’s really closed. Do you think you can find a way to open this lock?”
“Sure!” The gray pup grinned and ran away. “I’ll be back soon!”
A few minutes later, he was back holding an old worn out screwdriver in his mouth. With a determined look, he picked at the lock with it until they heard a clicking sound and the geode opened in half.
That was the most beautiful thing the pup had ever seen! Inside the rock, there were so many green crystals, shining in the sunlight.
“Sometimes, nature plays pranks on us.” His mom chuckled. “Just like this. If anyone would look, they’d just see a round rock. But inside, it’s hiding a cool shiny treasure.”
“Like how people look at you and think you’re just a stray dog but have no idea you’re the best mom ever?” He grinned, earning a laugh from her. 
“Or maybe like you, who is actually so much smarter and more intelligent than most dogs I’ve ever known, and you’re not even six months old yet.”
“Pups, we need to go.”
They found it weird. Their mother seemed scared. What could be bad enough to make her scared?
The gray pup stepped up ahead of the others. “What’s happening?”
“I heard the restaurant owner talking on the phone just a minute ago. He’s calling animal control. Quick, we need to get away from here now!”
“What’s animal control?” A black and white pup asked, confused.
“It’s a car with bad people. They capture dogs and other animals on the streets, and take them away. No one ever escaped after being captured. We never saw anyone coming back alive.”
That made all five pups share a startled glance. The gray pup jumped out of the shelter and turned to the others. “Come on! We already lost our sister, we can’t let them take us now too!”
All pups and their mother were about to leave from their alley, when a van stopped just in front of them and two men stepped out, staring at them.
“I think these are the dogs we gotta catch today?” One asked, picking up a long stick with a lasso on one end of it.
“Mostly pups. This will be easy.” The other replied, holding up a net. “You catch the mother, I’ll get the pups.”
It had been five days and the gray pup was almost giving up. After being the only one to narrowly escape capture, he had run until he was out of the town, hiding in the woods. Without trash bins or dumpsters around, he had no idea where to look for food…
He kept walking until he found a dirt road.
“Maybe this will take me to another town.” He considered. “I can find food there…”
Now he was so weak already, and there was still no sign of another town anywhere near! Sometimes he had to get out of the road to not get hit by eventual cars driving by. More than twice he had to hide from hungry eagles or bears. He couldn’t continue like this…
The sun was so strong. He stopped walking and sat down on the dry grass beside the road. Looking up, he thought he saw something in the distance… Maybe another town? He couldn’t be sure, his vision was so distorted now. With a heavy sigh, he collapsed to the ground and closed his eyes. That was it…?
The last thing he heard was the noise of yet another vehicle passing by… But this one stopped.
He heard a dog barking.
And then, nothing.
The first thing he felt was… Cold.
No, not really. He wasn’t cold. He felt… Refreshed…? How was that possible?
Slowly, he opened his eyes.
He was lying on some kind of… Cooling mat? Daring to lift his head, he looked around.
He seemed to be in a big room. The walls were decorated with silhouettes of pups, bones and paw prints. Some colorful big pillows and beanbags were scattered on the floor. Just in front of him, there was a bowl filled with–
“Water!” He rasped as he hurried to crawl over and just dive his snout in the bowl, drinking it like there was no tomorrow. So fresh and clean, much unlike the rain puddles from where he last drank the day before! They tasted so bad and were so hot under the sun…
“Oh, you’re awake!”
This other voice startled the pup and he sat up, looking to the direction it came from.
Another pup approached, coming through the front door. He had brown fur, with light caramel colored face, underbelly and paws. This pup was soon followed by two others, one was white with a few black spots and the other was entirely cream colored and smaller than the first two.
The gray pup felt scared. What if it was their home and he wasn’t supposed to be here…?
The brown pup stopped his approach, keeping a bit of a distance from him. The other two watched curiously from both his sides, as he spoke again with a smile.
“You don’t need to be afraid! We’re not gonna hurt you. This water is for you, we figured you’d be thirsty when you would wake up.”
“... Where am I?”
“You’re in the Lookout tower of the Paw Patrol!” The spotted pup spoke now too, wagging his tail. “It’s our home! Isn’t it cool?”
“I was running an errand with Ryder, our owner, when we found you by the roadside.” The brown pup explained. “You passed out and seemed very weak. How are you feeling now?”
“... A bit better.” The gray pup eyed the water bowl. “Is it really for me…?”
“Yes. There’s more if you want.”
“Are you hungry too?” The spotted pup asked him, but didn’t wait for an answer. “I’ll get some snacks!”
They watched as the pup rushed to a food dispenser on the far opposite side of the room and pressed a button, making the food come out in another bowl. Then he pushed this bowl with dog food and placed it next to the water one, with a big smile. The gray pup looked up at them with relief and tried the food.
It tasted… So good?? He avidly went down on it, earning a chuckle from the spotted pup, who now backed away to give him space and sat down beside the brown pup again.
“My name is Chase.” The brown pup spoke again. “These are Marshall and Skye. What’s your name?”
“Name…?” The pup paused eating, thoughtful.
It just occurred to him that he didn’t have a name. Coming to think of it, he never knew his mother’s name either, only ever calling her “mom”, “mommy”, and so on.
But he couldn’t leave them hanging. A name…
Then he remembered something.
That special rock with green crystals he had found. He liked it so much. It was one of the things he missed the most after having to run away from his hometown, aside from his family.
“... My name is… Rocky.”
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ravencincaide · 5 months
Oh Sweet Memory of Mine 
Summary: Dazai basks in your bright smile even if tomorrow you won’t remember a thing. OR a walking red flag will always be a walking red flag- even when he tries to be sweet.
Pairing: fem!Reader x Dazai Osamu
Inspired by Sweetober prompt 14: (Back) scratching
Warnings: Dark content inside including things like; cursing, blood, biting and fighting, early onset of memory degenerative disease, a walking red flag with very light hints at intimacy and abuse, 
Enjoy ?
The flowers were as ridiculous as his behaviour.  
A huge rather unorganized bunch consisting of carnations, roses, tulips and lilies– pretty much any and every flowering blossom he could get his hands on at this time of year. They were accompanied with some nameless greenery awkwardly stuffed in between. Dazai was beginning to regret buying said greenery- the stems were hard and awkward to carry, the shrubs almost painfully digging into his bandaged fingers. And while he didn’t mind the pain- relished in it- he was adamant not to let you get pricked by them. 
Still you insisted each bouquet was not complete without some filler leaves to guide the eye or a branch to give it more asymmetrical volume. No, rationally Dazai knew it was best he bought the shrubs directly instead of having to run out to the store to get them. Even if at that moment he wasn’t particularly fond of them. 
Looking from the outside however, that was impossible to tell. If anything, Dazai appeared almost happy; a skip in his step then a playful twirl as he sidestepped a flirtatious butterfly of the night. Then paused, took her hand and brought it to his lips, giving it a kiss of apology. “ You’re so gorgeous today. But not now unfortunately- another time maybe, Belladonna” he winked then off on his way he was, not stopping once until he reached a gated community on the very outskirts of the city. 
The walls were high: an almost unscalable construction of sanded down brick and barbed wire on top. The entrance was also the only exit, a large anglo saxon metallic gate with both an old fashioned knocking mechanism and modern keycode with intercom. Balancing the box of wine on his knee and gripping onto the flowers with his other hand, Dazai put in the code. The sound of electricity buzzing echoed before a click could be heard. Hopping on one foot he leaned his weight into the left side of the gate, making it swing open with surprising ease. He caught himself from stumbling, eyes whining for a brief second. Then he chuckled and shook his head at himself. Of course they would finally oil the hinges after six months of complaints- and not a day too soon. 
Turning his back to the gate Dazai drew in a deep breath, his nose stinging with familiar dust and grime of Yokohama from ten years ago. The smell of food stalls, traders and alcohol reached his senses. He could hear the yelling; orders called out in a ramen stand, men laughing at the others' jokes, merchants pushing over-priced tinkets onto naive customers and women bargaining with each other over the cost of overripe fruit. The only thing missing were children: homeless brats pickpocketing passers by or vandalizing houses. Despite how big of an issue this used to be, at that very moment, there wasn’t a single kid in sight. 
It was almost amazing how they managed to replicate the Yokohama of ten years ago. Down to the chipped paint on buildings and gravel filled holes in the ground.
Feeling eyes on him, Dazai turned his head to the right, in the direction of a set of benches where half a dozen men sat, dressed in worn out suit pants, white shirts and with the matching suit coat thrown haphazardly over their shoulders. A distance away from them was a small stall serving local sake. The man from said stall had his attention on Dazai. Dazai flashed a smile at the man, as if to say that he was fine and didn’t need the man's help. The man in turn rolled his eyes and turned back to his duties: watching this group of young men on the benches throwing rocks and dealing cards as if it were dead serious poker. Then as one of the men won, the others started yelling at him: their hands darting to the inside of their coat pockets- typical mannerism of someone reaching for a gun. 
“ You dare cheat the port mafia? That’s it I’ve got you red handed now and I’m bringing you in!” the man yelled. The temper quickly rose in the group. Surely a fight would break out at any second. 
“Port Mafia?!” The cheater questioned before he smirked and nodded, looking at ease “ Ahh yes Nakahara-san is such a good executive.” 
“ The very best!” The others agreed in unison before settling back down and beginning to deal the cards and rocks again. Acting as if nothing had happened- back to silently studying the other men in the circle. Reading their body language and clues about one another. 
Information gathering at its finest. 
Turning his back to them, Dazai barely made it two steps before he heard the man yell again;“ You dare cheat the port mafia? That’s it I’ve got you red handed now and I’m bringing you in!”
This time however he did not spare them a second glance. No, his feet began carrying him further inside this replica of the once familiar city. His body knowing where to take him without his mind needing to think- after all he had walked that same road more times than he could count. Past the Port Mafia base, round the corner from the old ADA office and then to the obscured apartment complex at the very edge, inches away from the park. Through that park was the Yokohama river- a perfect place for sunny dates and late night swims. 
It was a shame the wall cut off this place half way through the park- he would have liked to see the government replicating an entire river. Seeing them panicking and scratching their heads in fear as the engineers and economists screamed at one another from the opposite sides of the room simply because one sheet of seemingly meaningless paper was covered in faulty edits. 
Edits that Dazai may or may not have been responsible for. 
Coming up to the apartment door, Dazai balanced his purchased gifts with the help of his leg while he dug in his pocket for a set of keys. Pulling out an old fashioned, worn down tag with the large key attached to it, he pushed it into the lock of the door. He turned it once, twice and then when it wouldn’t turn anymore he pulled it out and swung the door opened.
“ My dear, I’m home~” Dazai yelled out, dancing inside and kicking the door shut behind himself. The smell of herbal tea and freshly baked cookies filled his senses. The familiar smell made his grin wider, yet somehow the smile did not quite reach his eyes anymore. 
“ Oh love, you’re already home?”
 He followed the sound of your voice to the kitchen where you stood above the newly baked treats, with a cute little white apron om. Your shaking hands gripped a piping bag full of cream frosting. It seems you were trying to outline the baked out snowflake cookies to make them more festive. The sight made him chuckle slightly as he set down his gifts on the floor before he waved the huge bouquet of flowers back and forth. “ Tada! I thought it’s been a while since you arranged some, right Y/N?” 
“ Oh my love you got me flowers! “ You exclaimed, clasping your hands together in glee, after having tossed your current project to the side. The bag of frosting found its way back into the bowl with the rest of the fluffy mixture from which it came- but just barely. But you didn’t care about it one bit.  “ Dazai, they’re beautiful” you exclaimed, reaching out to take the bouquet from him. You buried your face in it, inhaling deeply the fresh sweet smell before looking back up at your lover. “ Help me arrange them?” 
Dazai chuckled a little and reached his hand out, his thumb and finger wiping off the bright orange specks of pollen off the tip of your nose. You giggled sheepishly at him, your heart soaring from happiness. Dazai moved over and wrapped his arms around your waist, burying his face in your shoulder. “ hmm in a moment” he hummed his nose buried in the crook of your neck. 
You laughed again before laying the flowers out beside your baked goods. You studied each and every blossom, leaf and branch Dazai gifted you with. Your mind begins to envision one- no two different designs you could create. You were so engrossed in the task you almost missed Dazai’s hands playing with the edge of your shirt. Almost. 
“ H-hey Dazai?” You stuttered your face a dark tomato red. One of your hands reached up and grasped his hand in your own, interlocking your fingers together so he’d stop trying to undress you. Still his long fingers reached for your skin, his nails scratching at your clothes, your waist, your stomach and your back. Anywhere those long appendages could reach. His lips were more passionate on your neck, making you shiver under him. Your body grew warm with desire. The way his lips lingered over your pulse, his hot tongue on your skin– it drove you a little mad.  You felt nervous and perhaps a little embarrassed; it was not even noon yet and all the windows in your apartment were wide opened and- you cut your trail of thought off as you felt him lick at your skin more desperately now. 
You shivered again, biting your lip to prevent a needy moan from escaping. As he nipped at your neck, you blushed a darker shade of red. “D-Dazai,--” you swallowed and gripped his hand tighter “ I– ehh we should put the flowers in water before–” you gasped, your eyes widening
The desire and burning need was replaced by icy dread as you heard a quiet pop; the soft skin giving away to his sharp fangs.
Your cry broke the silence of the apartment; a blood curling scream as your mind registered what was happening. What your so-called lover was. A blood-sucking beast! A goddamn vampire of all things. The very thing you hated the most in this damned world. Before you could say anything Dazai shifted, his free hand reaching up and clasping over your lips muffling your cries. Your struggles- a pitiful attempt at fighting back against him- were easily fought off.
 Dazai pushed you forward-- one knee wedged between your legs, while his weight pushed you up against the counter; one hand over your mouth, one hand clasping your interlocked fingers in his own. Not letting go no matter how much you pulled, trashed or tugged. Your non dominant hand was free and you did your best to pry him off your neck. But it was completely futile. 
He was stronger- as a man and as a beast. 
The sound of gulping filled the room. An eager sucking sound that drained your very lifeforce right out of you. You bit at the hand on your mouth- expecting him to pull it away from you. Instead Dazai moaned against your neck, his knee pressing harder between your legs. You felt burning in your eyes as tears ran down your face. Your heart tearing itself apart at the knowledge that the man you loved more than life itself was nothing but a blood sucking demon. 
The very definition of an abomination! 
Once more you tried to struggle- to resist and fight back. You bit harder at his hand on your face and felt him tighten it- bruising you- a warning to behave or he’d snap your jaw in half. You could feel the ache in your face and had no doubt that he’d do it without blinking an eye. It made you freeze in fear and betrayal. How could the man you love do this to you? 
You felt weak; weaker and weaker for every clunk he took until you no longer had the energy to fight back. You slumped against him, dark dots playing in your vision. Was he going to kill you? 
Dazai detached himself from your neck and licked at the wound like a dog. It made you shiver again- this time in disgust rather than affection and desire. His hand dropped away from your face and landed on your waist, squeezing tightly. “ See Y/N it wasn't so bad, now was it?” he purred with an all too pleased smirk. 
“ I fucking hate you, you bastard” you hissed as you felt the room sway. His knee between your legs being the only thing keeping you up. 
“ Sure you do my love, sure you do” Dazai taunted before he let go of your hand and moved his knee back quickly. You stumbled, your legs giving out from you. Before you could crash to the floor completely he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and under your knees, picking you up bridal style. His eyes staring down at your own, watching with boredom, as your expression slowly changes; the emotions of hate, betrayal and anger dulled away into a blank expression. 
Then he began carrying out of the kitchen, going exceptionally slow. 
After a few moments he felt you wrap your arms around his neck and rest your head on his shoulder, a drained  expression on your face, your voice hazy with sleep: “ Oh my love, you got me flowers.” 
Dazai hummed and pressed a kiss to your cheek, leaving a dark red bloody print of his lips on your pale skin. He continued moving towards your bedroom. Some days it broke him that your mind was too damaged to make new memories- forever stuck in that same last safe moment you experienced ten years ago. Other days however it came in handy. 
After all, no matter what he did to you, you would always forget all about it by morning. 
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shy-urban-hobbit · 3 months
C/W implied suicide via extermination.
Angel took another drag on his cigarette as he leaned his top set of elbows on the wall, the red light that passed for daylight in Pentagram City turning the smoke pink in a way which was momentarily far too reminiscent of Val. He didn't usually come up to the roof but he just needed to be somewhere that wasn't inside right now and Charlie's 'no smoking indoors' rule which everyone usually ignored provided the perfect excuse when the streets were currently more dangerous than usual. 
The atmosphere had been tense ever since the girls had returned from Heaven with the news that the hotel was now target number one for the next extermination but now with just hours left, it had become unbearable. 
The fighting hadn't helped either. Husk had had the nerve to call Angel fake but even a blind man could see the only thing those two could actually agree on right now was the need to keep the hotel safe. Angel never thought he'd say it, but it was unnerving not seeing Charlie and Vaggie presenting a genuine united front on every single little thing.
"And here I was thinking this would be the perfect place to get away from you clowns for a few minutes."
Angel rolled his eyes and threw up a one fingered salute he wasn't really feeling, "Fuck you, Whiskers." 
"Maybe if we live to see the end of the week."
Husk leaned on the wall an arms length from the spider, giving him that assessing stare that Angel both loved and hated. It was as gratifying as it was annoying to have someone who could see right through any and all defences he put up, "How you doing, Kid?" 
"Oh, I'm just peachy, can't ya tell? Practically dancin' on the inside." Angel snarked, meeting Husk's gaze in a silent dare to call him out on it. Husk merely stared back (why the fuck did he think it was a good idea to get into a staring contest with a cat?), "Just thinkin' is all."
"What Charlie said about-" Husk jabbed a claw upwards. That had been one of the main sources of division between the princess and her (ex?) girlfriend for days after they got back until they broke the news to the sinner in question. Charlie had been adamant that Angel had a right to know, whilst Vaggie was of the opinion that at this point it was just adding insult to injury with the extermination so close. In the end, Angel had made the decision for them after cornering Charlie and demanding to know why she looked like she was about to start crying whenever she looked at him. Husk had privately been in agreement with Vaggie though - maybe it would have been kinder to let Angel live out what might be his last few days in blissful ignorance of the fact that Heaven would basically rather see him perma-dead than admit they'd fucked up. 
"About me apparently bein' this close to gettin' into Heaven? Nah." Angel threw the remaining half of his cigarette over the edge with an elegant flick of his wrist, suddenly he wasn't in the mood any more, "Can't miss what ya never had, right? Was just thinkin' about how six months ago I wouldn't have given a crap about any of this. The six month extermination, makin' Heaven's personal shit list. None of it." He pulled a fresh cigarette out of the pack in his breast pocket and lit it without taking a drag as he began to pace, giving Husk the impression it was more so he had something to do with his hands, "Even back when I was alive I used to -what'd you call it - self destruct all the god damn time and when I got down here, if it weren't for Val lockin' every soul he owned in the studio durin' the extermination I would've taken my chances outside every time."
He gestured in the air with one of his free hands, "Before this goddamned fucking hotel and every fucker in it, I didn't give a crap what happened to me but now, for the first time in my god damn fucking life, afterlife. Whatever-" he paused to take a long drag, the cigarette trembling slightly in shaky fingers before Angel let out a laugh like the one when he'd torn Husk a new one in the bar that night - disbelieving bordering on hysterical - before looking away like he was about to admit something shameful, "I really. Really don't wanna die tomorrow, Husk." 
"And you ain't gonna." Husk snapped out as his wings spread, causing Angel to startle slightly at the harshness of his tone, the cat demon took a breath to try and calm the swell of emotions Angel's confession caused to rise up, "I mean. I've seen you shoot, you've got some serious skill. Vaggie knows any possible tricks the exorcists might try, Charlie is the literal princess of Hell with all the powers that come with it. Alastor sees this place as his territory now, trust me, if anybody knows how much that creepy fucker doesn't like other people coming after his things..." he gave a small shudder he hoped the other didn't see. 
"...and you?" 
Husk would be lying if he said the question didn't catch him off guard but Angel had been honest with him. Only fair he returned the favour, "I ain't letting any of those winged fuckers touch you."
And there was that smirk Husker hated (loved) so much, "'Cos you wanna be the only winged fucker who gets ta-" 
"Don't even finish that sentence, asshole."
Husk moved to stand next to him, draping a wing over the other to shield him from the wind that had picked up during their talk, "I got your back, kid." 
Angel shifted his weight to lean against the shorter demon, giving a small mental cheer when the other didn't move away and let him kiss concrete, "Back at ya, Husky."
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eudaem0niic · 2 years
first time ~ kurt kunkle x reader (28k reads on wattpad!!🫶)
Tumblr media
pairing: kurt kunkle x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, mild pain kink, female receiving oral, penetration, gore, language
wc: 5.1k
note: this is an ongoing fic, updates might be added slightly later than wattpad updates (username: eudaemonic)
You and Kurt met on a late night spree drive home. You had had a rough night, in which your boyfriend dumped you with the last words he said to you being "I don't regret cheating, fuck you", so you weren't really looking for anything. All you wanted was to go home and sleep off the post breakup slump you were experiencing.
Kurt, who at the time was your driver, seemed to continuously stare at you and, even in the dimly lit car, you could see in his eyes that it wasn't a malicious stare, nor a creepy stalker stare, it was more like something he saw triggered an emotion he'd never felt before. To him it felt euphoric, almost unreal. But in between his spurts of glances, he noticed the hurt in your face, or maybe he just saw the mascara which, unbeknownst to you, was streaked down your face. "Hey, are you- are you okay? Its just from here it looks like you've been crying.." He let out a short, almost relieved breath. It was as if he was trying to talk to you for a while but only just built up the confidence to do so. You let out a short chuckle. "Not really. My boyfriend cheated on me, then ditched me." He looks back with a frown. "Oh shit, he sounds like a dick. You don't deserve that, your like, insanely beau- i mean, your crazy pretty, he must not know what he's just lost." He stops at the red light, turns to look at you and gives a kind, inviting smile. You finally get a full view of his face, and he's cuter than you expected. His hazel eyes were half hidden by his even browner hair which, although was quite greasy, was styled in a way that cradled his face shape. His smile was slightly lopsided, giving him an almost cartoony image. And so far, he seemed like a kind-hearted and warm person. You smiled. "Thanks, your pretty cute too, Kurt." At this his face turned bright red, he had never been complimented before.
Conversation ceased from then on, until you wiped your smudged mascara and tears, since your surprisingly attractive driver had changed your mood, and climbed into the front. You caressed his now speckled pink cheek, then held his hand, which was on the gear. "So, Kurt.." You made eye contact and smiled at him to reassure the anxious look he gave you. ".. do you have a girlfriend by any chance?"
Six months in
You step up to your door, rummaging in your bag for your keys after a long day of work. You didn't expect Kurt to be there because even though he has a key, he rarely uses it since he doesn't live with you and you are normally in when he comes around. He also frequently works weekdays quite late, so seeing him dashing around cleaning for whatever reason came as a surprise. Upon hearing the door open, he looked up and grinned. "Oh hey babe!" He says ecstatically as he runs up to you to hug you. The height difference between you and him means he towers over you when he hugs you, sometimes he even picks you up. You hold on tightly to his waist as he too grapples onto you. You take a moment to inhale his smell. As always, he smells of cherry vape and aftershave. "I missed you so much." He says with a devoted tone. You chuckle. "Kurt, baby, you saw me yesterday. But i missed you too." You look up at him and smile while he kisses your forehead.
"Hey, I-uh, thought maybe, if you're not busy, we could go out tonight? Like- ...like a date? It's okay if you can't it's just.. your favourite movie is on in the drive-in tonight, I thought you might wanna go see it?" You smiled at his thoughtfulness. He's the only guy you've dated who hasn't just used you for your body. "Absolutely." His face lit up with glee, and he ran to grab his outfit that he had already planned. "Now I'm not dressing too casual but not out-to-dinner type fancy either. I bought us some matching stuff but you don't have to wear it if it's too cringey or anything, love." He walked out of the bedroom with his outfit and the matching accessories he got you both, which were a handbag for you and a matching belt for him. You gasped in awe at how pretty the bag was. It was a lilac leather bag with golden chain handles, and the belt was the same lilac leather, but with the gold chain on the side. "Oh Kurt, you really didn't have to! I love them, and you." You stand on your tiptoes to kiss him but he notices your struggle and intention, and he picks you up in a hug. Your legs grapple around his waist, while your hands go through his hair and you kiss him. His arms around you hold you tighter as to make sure he doesn't lose his grip on you. You place your head on his shoulder, and wrap your arms around his neck. Thankfully, he gets to the sofa before starting to lose balance. He runs his fingers through your hair before he lays down, with you laid on him.
There are thousands of thoughts running through both of your heads, majority of these thoughts were similar. They consist of mainly how lucky you both believe you are for meeting the other. It's a perfect relationship, you both found each other in hard times which you helped the other get through. Once Kurt admitted that before he met you, he was in fact planning a fame-seeking killing spree, which was a lot to take in, considering how innocent and kind he is to you. For Kurt, all of this was new. You were his first girlfriend, first person to compliment him, first non-family member to hug him, first kiss and maybe, he hopes, the girl who he has his first time with. He is the happiest he's ever been when hes with you, and you are all he ever thinks of. He zoned back in from his thoughts, and noticed you were asleep. "The movie isn't till late anyways." so he set an alarm, wrapped his arms around you and slept.
The drive-in
As Kurt turned into the parking lot, you saw the adverts on the large screen. You hadn't seen your favourite movie, Labyrinth, in a long time. You barely even recall telling Kurt it was your favourite movie. He pulled into a perfect spot, and pulled out some food from the back of the car. "I brought your favourite foods too, babe." He smiles, proud of himself for planning all this secretly. You smile back, to make sure he knows you are proud too. He isn't the greatest for understanding positive expressions other than a smile, just a symptom of his childhood neglect. Although it was forecast to be warm, it was surprisingly cold. Upon one of Kurt's frequent gazes at you, he notices you shivering. "Here, you can come sit on my lap if you want, hon." You climb over the things in between you and him, and sit on his lap. He wraps his arms around you, and rubs his thumbs against your waist in circular motions. His cold but smooth lips collide with your neck, and he makes a few marks before laying his head on your shoulder. He chuckles. "How did i get so lucky? It's insane." this makes you blush, and butterflies hit the sides if your stomach vigorously. You share the same viewpoint, it was as if he was destined to be working late the night you tumbled into his spree.
You were an hour and twenty minutes into the movie when you felt something against your thigh. "Um.. Kurt? Is that.." You turn around to see his deeply embarrassed face. "Oh babe don't get embarrassed!! Its okay, it's natural, nothing to be ashamed of. I'm not gonna judge you, it just sorta shocked me." You give him a reassuring smile and turn your back to the movie to hug him, trying to calm his embarrassment. "I-i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable, i didn't mean-" you stop him from saying any more. "Kurt, love, its natural. You didn't make me uncomfortable, nor do you need to apologise." He sighs, as if letting out the shame he felt. He hugs you back tightly, then looks at you and says, "Do you wanna.. go back to your seat? You don't have to, its just.. y'know.." you chuckle. "Baby I told you it doesn't matter, it happens. I'm staying here. You give nice hugs." He lets out a smile you've never seen before. It's like a smile of acceptance. He's never been given this much reassurance over anything. He really loved you, it was something irreplaceable. You turned back around to watch the movie.
By the end of the movie, it had went down. You knew bringing it up again would embarrass him, so you forgot it ever happened and held his hand as he drove back to your house.
The sleepover
When you both got back to your house, you and Kurt sat down together. He went to check his phone, and upon opening it, furrowed his brows. You looked at him in concern. "Babe, what's wrong?" He lets out a sigh of frustration and says "Shit. It's my parents. They're arguing again." You look at him in disbelief. "Holy shit, its been happening so much recently hasn't it? Are you sure it's safe to go home? You can maybe stay here if you'd like? We haven't had a sleepover yet." His face lit up again. "Yeah, thats a good idea baby." You smiled wide, and hugged him tightly.
You and Kurt had never spent a night together mainly because, even though Kurt is a grown adult, his dad Kris refused to let him. This time was only different because he had reasoning, and it may well be the first of very few unless Kris changed his opinion on it.
After a while of cuddling on the sofa, Kurt went to have a shower. His hair got shockingly greasy very quickly, so he had to have a shower on the morning and on the night to minimise the amount of grease. While he was in the shower, you decided to take your tights and underwear  off. You had a large waist, and everything was always tight. You didn't think anything of it, as its what you normally do when you get home from a night out. It wasn't long before Kurt came back in from the shower and sat next to you again. You laid your head on his shoulder, and he put his hand on your thigh. He once again did the circular thing with his thumb, he knew it gave you butterflies. You stared up at him. "Kurt.." He looked down at you, curious. You led your eyes to your tights and underwear on the floor, then looked back up at him. There was a silence as you read the gobsmacked expression on his face. He wasn't sure what to say. You put your hand on top of his, which was still on your thigh.
"You- you want me to..?" He stuttered, still almost completely speechless. "Yeah Kurt, I do. If you want to of course-" He cuts you off as he pulls you into a passionate kiss, while slowly sliding his hand up your thigh. He props your head on the arm rest while he turns you into a laid down position. His hand slowly but surely reaches your clit, placing pressure on it that makes you squeal, although it was muffled because of the fact that your mouth was still covered by Kurt's. For a virgin, he was surprisingly good. He was about to move his hand lower when you pulled back from the kiss and said, almost breathless, "Not here," you panted, "bedroom." You went to get up, but he slid one hand behind your back, and one under your legs and carried you there.
He dropped you on the bed and leaned over you. He pulled you in for another kiss, then he slowly went lower. He reached your neck and paused for a few seconds. You knew what he was doing immediately. He was leaving his mark on your neck. He then proceeded lower, and when he reached your chest, he began to unzip your dress. You got the message, and helped him pull it off, as well as your bra. You were now fully naked, while Kurt was simply shirtless. You were contemplating undressing him, but decided he would do it in his own time. He started lowering his lips again, reaching your breast. While he kissed the right one, he cupped the other in his hand and gripped it tightly. You let out a quiet moan, which shocked you. He lifted his head and chuckled in a low tone. "Pain slut, huh?" It was you this time who was speechless. You'd never seen this side of him, you didn't even know it existed. But you liked it. He smirked, and continued. As he reached your groin, you held on to the bedpost tightly. He was a virgin, but you could tell from what has already happened that what was about to happen wouldn't portray that in any way.
You felt his warm breath hit your clit. It was a strange sensation, almost like a tingle. He looked up at you lustfully with a smirk painted onto his pale pink lips. He looked back down at you and slowly went downwards, continuing to kiss your groin. It only took a few seconds before he reached you, soft moans roughened as he went from kissing to licking. His tongue seemed like less of a virgin than Kurt himself, it guided its way around your folds, hitting all the most sensitive areas with raw vigour. There was a fine line between the skill level of oral. On one side, there was being so terrible that it seems like you are just struggling to find the actual opening, and on the other side it's like theres a map of the folds engraved into your mind. Kurt was, surprisingly, the second one. You gripped tighter onto the bed frame as his tongue confidently wrapped his way around your folds and down to your entrance. His tongue mimicked the circular motion his thumb was doing on your hips and thigh earlier in the night, and it had just the same effect on you. "God. You are-" you were cut off by your own moans, "-you are good for a virgin" while saying this, you let out what you could of a laugh. His eyes came upwards to look at you, still making circles inside of you. You gripped the bed tighter, and let out a loud, shaky moan.
It wasn't long before you noticed him slowing his pace. Once it had slowed to a moderate speed, he began kissing again. He followed his previous path up to your lips. When he reached it, you tasted yourself on his throbbing tongue. He then went on to kiss your neck again, leaving more hickeys. After catching your breath, you rolled both of you over, so you were above him. You began to grind on him, holding the bed frame that was behind his head. Unhesitatingly, he pulled off his trousers, and threw them on the floor beside the bed. Just before he took off his underwear, you saw that he was getting a boner again. But this time, he didn't seem embarrassed, he looked confident, as if he didn't care. As his boxers came off, you saw his dick, and you were surprised to say the least. It was huge. He laid back and placed his hands on your hips. "Just making sure, you want this, don't you?" you nodded, still in too much awe over the length to speak. The second he got your confirmation, he didn't waste a single second and picked you up by your hips, because he could tell you were still exhausted from before. He placed you back in between his legs, allowing you to mount yourself upon him. You smirked. "Ready?" he nodded, excitement and curiosity slightly showing in his face. You began going up and down slowly. A throbbing pulse-like feeling hit your insides. Grunts emerged from the depths of Kurt's throat as you sped up. He gripped tighter on your waist, leaving marks on you. Short, breathy moans came from your mouth in groups of four or five. You held onto his shoulders, as if about to fall off a cliff. He was immense. Every time you moaned, which happened frequently, you grabbed his shoulders tighter. His groans were hoarse, as if his throat was dry. It wasn't long before you noticed him getting sloppier and slowing a bit. His groans slowly became moans, getting louder and louder. You knew what was happening. Seconds later, a warm fluid shot up inside you. It came as a shock, and you jumped a bit. He finished, and you noticed he was completely drained of energy from his droopy head. You leaned upwards, causing his dick to fall onto his lower belly. You laid on him, head on his chest. He ran his hand through your hair and kissed your forehead. He hugged you tightly and closed his eyes. You let out a small smile and did the same as him.
Morning after
You wake up to a warm breath next to your ear. You turn around to see Kurt fast asleep, face almost touching yours. You smiled contently and kissed his forehead. He mumbled as his eyes fluttered open. '"Hi babe, you okay?" you say in a high voice. You didn't know what you expected to get back, but god it sure wasn't what you got. "Hey babe, i'm good. Just tired." his voice was deep and rough. Deeper than usual. It was strangely attractive. "Well I'm not surprised, you fucking rearranged my organs." you said with a light chuckle. He lets out a proud smirk, he was surprised that he did so well for his first. 'God, I wish my dad wasn't so uptight, I'd have moved out by now if he let me.' You stay silent in thought for a moment. 'Stay here. With me. And don't ask your dad, just tell him. You're twenty-three, Kurt, he has no control over you anymore.' You push his hair out of his eyes and smile. 'You know what? You're right! Should we go tell him like.. now? Once we've gotten dressed obviously,' he chuckles lightly, 'can't go out butt naked.' You giggle and climb out of bed. Turning to the wardrobe, you pick out a comfy outfit. It's Saturday, and you thought you could have a lazy day with Kurt. He grabs yesterdays clothes from the floor and gets ready.
You both get in his car, it was closer and you were tired. His parents house wasn't far away, but it was isolated from the world. It was hidden behind a small field which was half dead and had no life whatsoever there. The house wasn't in the greatest condition either. All it was was a small bungalow, majority of which stunk of weed. The only room that didn't really smell of it was Kurt's room. He never let his drug addict of a Dad in his room, so it never smelt of his narcotics. The living room stunk of alcohol too. Another perk of living with burnt out, depressed, middle aged pricks. You grab his hand as he pulls onto the curb. 'You ready for this? There's no rush, babe.' He takes a moment to ponder, and nods. You both step out the car and meet at the edge of the path, look each other in the eyes, grab the other's hand and walk up to the door. You go to knock, but Kurt just walks in. 'Dad! We need to talk to you.' his dad turns, startled by the sudden entrance. 'No knocking, then? Huh.' he looks at us as if we were piles of dirt. He then smiles and you see a idea perk up in his small, drugged-up mind. 'So.. did you take his v-card last night? Huh? Huh?' he laughs at his immaturity and nudges you and Kurt. Kurt whacks his dad's arm. 'Dad, stop it. We are here to say.. i'm moving out. I'm gonna start living with my girlfriend.' His dad looks at him, baffled. Suddenly, an anger you've never seen before floods his face. 'Boy, you don't even know how to take care of yourself. I'm the main income. Fuck, all it takes is one shitty driver to knock your car and i'll be the only income. You need me, Kurt.' His voice got quieter as he spoke. You smiled politely, 'Actually, Kris, both me and Kurt have stable jobs. If one of us gets the sack, we still have the other to keep us on track while we look for a new job. He's gonna be fine with me.' This sent Kris into a rage. 'He will NOT be alright with you! I'm his dad, I know whats best for him, and its sure as hell not you! Get out!' Suddenly, he stormed at you. Kurt's face dropped, and he stepped in the way as quickly as he could. He knocked his dad to the ground, pinning him down while he yells. He tries hitting Kurt, but it's no use. He slowly gives up, and Kurt lets go. He hesitantly crawls back up, maintaining furious eye contact with you. He grunts and pulls a sour look, looking you up and down before shrugging and walking away. Kurt stutters as he shouts at him, 'S- so is that a yes?' 'Do whatever the fuck you want.' was the only response he got as his dad walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge for a beer. Kurt sighed, his short temper wearing out as he grabs hold of your hand and leads you out of the house. He slams the door behind you both after flipping off his dad.
He quickly wraps his arms around you.You notice tears hit your shoulder, and look up to see what was wrong. 'Hey, hey, it's okay. You did it. I'm so proud of you. I know that took a lot.' He holds you tighter while you comfort him, and you both stand in each others arms for a moment. You tapped his back and signalled to the car. He sniffled his nose and nodded. As the car pulled away from the drive, you saw Kris running towards the car, hammer in his hand. He hit the back window with a harsh force. Glass covered the back seats, the boot, and the area at the back of the car. Kurt spun in his seat, a look of shock and anger rose up into his face. He looked away angrily for a moment, paused, and grabbed his gun from the arm rest. 'Kurt, don-' he cut you off by grabbing your arm with an aggression you never expected from him. 'Stay out of this.' He looked back at you for a second, and turned to his car door. You reached for his arm again, shaking with fear, but he was out of the car before you could get to him. You turned swiftly to where he was now storming towards. Kris saw him behind him, and ran towards your window. As he aimed the hammer towards you, you closed your eyes and covered your head to brace yourself. Almost immediately, you heard a thud on the ground and a loud, pained grunt. 'You know what dad? I'm sick to death of you treating me like I'm your fucking little kid. I'm an adult, and I know how to act like one. I'm tired of dealing with your bullshit, your drunken pickups from shitty ass clubs miles from here, your lack of caring until you need me, honestly, i'm just sick of you. You gave me nothing as a kid, you kinda learn how to care for yourself when your mom is a prostitute and your dad is a drug addict. You know, I don't think i've needed you since I was fucking five. I've hated you my whole life, i'm only acting on it now because i've realised you never did shit all for me, you just acted like you did. I'm done with your bullshit. You won't ever come near me or my girlfriend again, and i'm gonna make sure of that right now.' By now you had opened your eyes, and were watching Kurt stand over his dad, who was cowering on the ground. Slowly, he aimed the gun at Kris. You slammed the window, screaming at him to stop. He ignored your yelling and continued pointing it at him. He wasn't shaking or twitching like he normally does. He was visibly confident in what he was doing, and it was showing how long he had been waiting to do this. You decided to stop trying to stop him, you knew it was no use, yet your eyes were moving back and forth between the shaking man on the floor and the boyfriend who you thought you knew. You watched Kurt stare into his dad's horrified eyes with a look that seemed almost psychopathic. Tension and horror built up inside you as you watched him slowly pull the trigger. Suddenly, you flinched, and when your eyes reopened you saw Kris laid on the floor, blood surrounding his lifeless body. Kurt looked back at you, a look of terror and regret on his face as he realised what you had just seen him do. He hesitated for several moments before zoning back in and rushing towards his car door. 'We- we need to go.' 'Kurt; what the fuck did you-' 'We need,' he turned the engine on, 'to go.' He sped along the road and dashed through traffic to get to your house. You could barely get a word out about what just happened, so you sat in silence.
Cars honked aggressively at Kurt's speed, their even angrier drivers cursing and flipping him off. 'Fuck you too, cunts!' He yelled out of his momentarily open window. Tears welled in your widened eyes, shaking as you turned slowly to look at him for the first time since he shot Kris. He looked at you swiftly before looking away, then he peered over again. 'I-' he let out a deep breath, 'I'm sorry you had to see that, it won't ever happen again. I love you, okay?' he shot you a quick attempt at a reassuring smile before reaching for your hand. You couldn't move away, you were still frozen in devastation. The rest of the ride blurred in your mind; you zoned out and didn't hear anything else. What you had just seen happen changed everything. Your head was flooded yet empty at the same time. Who was Kurt? Or, alternatively, who was he becoming and what would it do to you?
Change of plans
Kurt's cold hand grabbed your shoulder and shook you to try pull you out of whatever reality you were in. His hand seemed strangely unfamiliar, you weren't sure you recognised your own boyfriend anymore. 'Babe, get up, we need to get in the house and think about this.' You twisted yourself around swiftly. 'We? What part in this did I have?! I sat and watched my boyfriend, whom I thought I knew, kill his own father after begging him to stop and suddenly it's we?! What the fuck, Kurt? Who are you? Give me one good reason why I don't walk away and tell the cops right now.' At this, his face changed. It was less of a concern for him and more of an concern towards you. He was shocked. 'I- well- because I love you, I did that for you.' You scoffed. 'I didn't ask you to do that. You did that on your own accord.' He fumbled around for a moment and grabbed your hands. 'I- I did what I thought was right- I didn't want him to hurt you- I care about you!' You let out a deep breath, and try to calm yourself. You don't know how or why, but you somewhat understand why he did what he did; he didn't have anyone there for him his whole life, and he had just faced a scenario that made him suddenly terrified of losing you. The anger, confusion and shock you had simmered and you let in a bit of empathy.
'Kurt. There were other ways of protecting me.' 'I- I know but I was scared! I wasn't thinking straight. You have to believe me!' He tugged at your hands desperately. 'Kurt, I believe you,'  You take another breath, 'I just don't understand why you didn't do something else.' He looks down, you weren't sure if he felt guilt or if he was confused by his actions. 'I wasn't thinking straight,' His voice was less erratic and more relaxed, 'I was scared, angry, upset, it was just- I didn't know how to react. My first reaction was to protect you.' 'You still killed someone, Kurt. That's like, one of the worst crimes you could do.' He covers his face with his hands. 'Shit. I know. I'm so stupid. Why didn't i just fucking drive off.' You take his hand from his face and hold it tightly, with your other hand on top. 'I'm not sure what I'd need to do to stop you from being put in prison, but I'm going to try to prevent it. I don't care what happens to me, if you are willing to do what you did for me, I'm willing to do this for you.' He looks up at you, his face a jumbled up mix of relief, joy and surprise. 'Babe I can't- I don't want you being in trouble too. It's safest for you to-' You cut him off with a swift kiss. 'I don't care what's safe and what isn't, I'm doing this for you. No matter what it takes, babe.' Part of you couldn't believe you were doing this, but it was obvious. You were head over heels for this man, and he was the most amazing guy you'd ever met. It was a once in a lifetime experience you weren't planning on losing. And as long as you had any say in it, you most certainly wouldn't lose it.
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shigayokagayama · 1 year
teru week day seven: birthday
Teru wished he could say he had totally forgotten it was his birthday. He wished he could have gone about his morning as normal, nonchalantly checked the date, and realized oh! He was fifteen years old today!
Instead he lay in bed, sleepless, watching the sunrise through his blinds, shivering, waiting for his phone to go off.
He had told himself last night he had to get to bed early. If they called while he was asleep they called while he was asleep, he could just call back in the morning, no big deal. Nevermind that they always seemed to be too busy to pick up the phone. Nevermind that their voicemail inbox had been full for six months.
He heard his phone buzz and sat up in bed, staring at the light illuminating his nightstand. He waited until the light dimmed before he worked up the courage to reach for it.
“Hey! Wanted to know if you’d be available to swing by the office later today, just got a big assignment and could REALLY use the help. Thank you!”
Oh. It was just Reigen.
“Sure! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ TERU✧゚・:*”
Teru decided to officially give up on trying to fall asleep. It was, what, 5:30 am? Perfect time to wake up on a saturday.
As he absentmindedly flipped between TV channels he heard his phone buzz again. Reigen again?
“Happy birthday Hanazawa-kun :) Do you want to hang out today?”
Teru smiled. It was pretty rare for Kageyama to text him first. He was good enough at keeping conversations going, but initiating them seemed to be a struggle for both of them.
“You remembered?”
“Yeah! We’re almost exactly a month apart haha :)”
“☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ I have to go to Reigen-san’s around 16:00 but before then I’m free (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ TERU✧゚・:*”
“I just got up but meet downtown around 9?”
“╰(*°▽°*)╯ Sounds good! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ TERU✧゚・:*”
“Okay! :) See you then!”
Teru scanned the area as he walked through the crowded streets of downtown Seasoning City. The area seemed safe enough at a glance, but he could never be too careful. The man in a blue hoodie had been walking the same path as him for a couple blocks now, maybe it was time to quicken his pace. The man didn’t speed up to match him so Teru let his shoulders relax a bit. Oh, there was Kageyama, about three blocks away. He hurried forward, careful not to lose focus on his surroundings.
“Kageyama-kun!” he called with a wave as soon as he was on the same block. Kageyama looked at him with a start and waved back.
“Oh, hi Hanazawa-kun!” he said with a slight smile. “It’s been a bit, huh? How’ve you been?”
“Ah, I’m alright,” Teru said. Should he talk about his recovery post confession-incident or would that make things weird? “School’s been alright, and my friends from the Awakening Lab have been keeping me busy outside that. How about you?”
“Ah, I’ve been so busy with school and my clubs that I haven’t really had time for anything else,” he said, “I actually haven’t really gotten to see Reigen-shishou at all since. Uh.”
He looked away uncomfortably for a moment. Teru reached out and put a hand on his shoulder with a reassuring smile. Kageyama looked back and smiled weakly.
“So! What’s the plan?” Teru asked.
“Boba?” Kageyama suggested.
“Don’t think they’re open this early, coffee maybe?” Teru said.
“Oh, I don’t like coffee that much, it’s too bitter,” Kageyama said guiltily.
“Hummingbird taste buds?” Teru giggled. Kageyama snorted and rolled his eyes. Since when did he do that? “You know most cafes serve things other than coffee, right?”
“But you said coffee,” Kageyama protested.
“I meant it as a catchall for ‘served at cafes’,” Teru explained, “Context clues.” 
“Do sandwiches fall under the ‘coffee’ umbrella?” Kageyama said, thoughtfully stroking his chin and suppressing a smile.
��My friend, a coffee can be anything you want it to be,” Teru said with the intonation of a philosopher. Kageyama giggled and Teru felt his heart jump. Since when did he do that?
“I’ll take a mint matcha frappe with extra whip,” Teru said, stepping aside to let Kageyama order, then jumping back in front of him. “Two pumps of mint actually, please.”
The cashier stared at him blankly, then flickered her gaze to Kageyama.
“Uh. I’ll have a hot chocolate I guess.” he said
“Any adjustments?”
“No, thank you.”
“Okay so a mint matcha frappe with extra mint and extra whipped cream and a hot chocolate,” the cashier said. “That’ll be 1468 yen.”
Teru reached into his pocket for his wallet at the same time as Kageyama. The two of them raced to put their yen on the counter first.
“It’s your birthday,” Kageyama said, shoving Teru’s money aside, “Let me pay.”
Teru groaned and rolled his eyes, putting the 2000 yen note back in his wallet. The cashier took Kageyama’s note and handed him back his change.
“Fine,” he sighed, “But on your birthday I’m getting you the most expensive drink they’ll let us make, got it?”
“They get more expensive than yours?” Kageyama said, voice lined with disbelief.
“Oh yeah, I totally could’ve bankrupted you back there,” Teru said as they walked away, “I swear I’ve ordered 1200 yen drinks from here before with all the syrup and caramel I’ve added.”
“At that point I don’t even think that could legally be considered a drink,” Kageyama mused. Teru heard his phone buzz and his hand shot to his pocket. 
Just a spam call.
He put his phone away again, trying to ignore how much he was shaking. God, why did he have to be so weird about this? It was just a phone call.
“Hanazawa-kun? Are you alright?” Kageyama asked.
“Oh, I’m fine, just waiting for a phone call,” Teru tried to say casually. Kageyama didn’t seem to believe him. Before he could press him, Teru spotted the barista putting their drinks on the counter.
“Oh! Our order’s ready!” Teru shouted before he could say anything, shouldering his way to the counter and swiping both their drinks, handing Kageyama his with a smile. To his dismay Kageyama still seemed concerned.
“What’s the phone call about? You seem kind of worried about it,” he said.
“Oh, nothing, just… uh…” Teru knew he couldn’t dodge the question a second time without making it seem more concerning than it actually was. It’s nothing, it’s not important, he shouldn’t be so anxious about it. “Uh, the last time my parents called me was on my birthday last year. So. I thought they might again, this year. Maybe. I don’t know.”
“...Since last year?” Kageyama said. Teru’s heart dropped. Why did he have to say it like that?
“Yeah, I mean, they’re pretty busy,” Teru said, “Hey, wanna go to the river? I saw ducklings there the other day.”
“Oh I, uh, yeah… sure-” Kageyama said.
“Great! Let’s go!” Teru ushered him towards the exit, hoping the conversation would die once they were outside.
“...I don’t know if they got a new phone number and didn’t tell me or just stopped checking their voicemail or what,” Teru said. The shining sun reflected off the water through the gaps in the shade of the cherry trees planted along its edge. He leaned on the railing, watching a mother duck coax her ducklings from the shore into the water. It was too nice a day for the conversation he was having. 
Kageyama had barely said a word since he started talking, just…listened. It felt…nice? To be heard? To be understood? To not dedicate all his effort into throwing solutions and backup plans at a problem he didn’t know how to solve?
“I just. I feel like I should have moved on by now,” he said, “I haven’t even seen them in person since I was nine. I’ve adjusted to life without them. But…”
“It still hurts,” Kageyama mumbled gently, leaning against his arm. The two of them looked out over the water in silence for a moment. Teru could feel his heart hammering in his chest as he turned to look at him. 
I guess we’re even now.
He cringed inwardly at the memory of how Kageyama’s face twisted at the comment. Why had he said that? To lighten the mood? Make himself feel less guilty? Maybe the medication they gave him at the hospital had made him delirious? 
He was the first real friend he’d ever had and he felt like, with every word he said, every crossed line or potential misstep, he was closer to losing him.
How do you make someone stay?
“You think Reigen-san will be mad we’re late?” Teru asked.
“No, I think he’ll understand,” Kageyama said, looking away in a manner that suggested he was hiding something. Oh god, Reigen probably would be mad at them, wouldn’t he? He had gotten so caught up in talking that he didn’t notice the time. Teru noticed the blinds shut as they approached the building and froze.
“Hanazawa-kun?” Kageyama asked. 
“Sorry, thought I saw something,” he said, eyes narrowed.  It’s probably nothing. Maybe the sun was in their eyes or it got too bright.
As they stepped into the building Teru could feel his suspicions growing. He could see that the room was dark from the hallway. Why would Reigen turn the lights off? He didn’t seem like the kind of person who would just leave without them. Had something happened to him? Kageyama didn’t seem to notice anything was off, sauntering to the door.
“Wait!” Teru said as he reached for the handle. Kageyama looked up, puzzled. “Something feels off.”
“What do you mean?” Kageyama asked.
“The lights are off, and I saw the blinds close when we were outside,” Teru said, “I think someone might be trying to ambush us.”
It was difficult to read the expression that crossed Kageyama’s face as he spoke. He stared at him for a few seconds before responding.
“Well, if something’s in there, we can probably handle it, right?” he said. Teru forced a smile. He knew he meant well, but he didn’t like being humored like this. Kageyama turned the knob and opened the door. The office was dark save for the light pouring in from the hallways. Teru could detect other espers nearby, most of them significantly weaker than himself but-
As Kageyama flicked the lights on Reigen, Hoshino, Asashi, Kurosaki, the Shiratori brothers, and Mob’s little brother emerged from the dark. Kageyama turned to him with a fond smile.
“Happy birthday, Teru,” he said.
Teru stood, unable to think of how to react. Reigen motioned to the table by the couch in the corner where a chocolate cake sat adorned with candles.
“I wasn’t sure what flavor you wanted so I made an educated guess,” Reigen said.
Teru tried not to let on how strained his voice was when he spoke.
“It’s perfect.”
“So, afternoon next Saturday works?” he asked.
“Yep! Have a nice night, Hanazawa-kun,” Kageyama said. 
Teru looked back at him and gave a small wave as he walked towards his apartment. The building was stiflingly quiet as he stepped in and turned on the lights. As he slipped out of his shoes he looked at the clock. 12 am. One full day of being fifteen.
He didn’t even glance at his phone before getting into bed.
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