#which like I still wanna do but y’all I am not kidding no thoughts head 1930s
aheathen-conceivably · 10 months
Okay forget about my crush on Jo, Valcita has my undying love now. I'm sorry Jo but I see a masculine woman and all thoughts are gone. Anyways, I love Jo's new look! Ah and a restaurant? Everything she deserves ugh this save is so fluffy! I'm going to be in a world of pain for when we go back to the 1930s ❤️ - LGL
Gasp! A new lesbian has appeared on the scene and it’s your moment to prove that namesake correct yet again 😌
But come, come, dearest LGL, let’s sit…
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The time of your beloved AU happy fluffy time may come to an end faster than I had initially planned. The 1930s now has me in an absolute death grip. I cannot stop thinking about it or writing for it, so alas, many of my plans in the AU have been dashed (including your beloved Rosella but I hope my new offering of Valcita can make up for it).
I still plan to reach the end of this arc in the modern day, mostly because it’s begun to bleed into our historical universe, and there are multiple strings to connect before we move on back into the world of pain. I did warn you after all that there was no determining how long we’d stay there for 😉
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filmbyjy · 3 months
Hehe imma send multiple
Maybe something like bf Jungwon & y/n being shy w skin ship but like both of y’all are clingy idk how to explain it
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a/n: why is this me. like I am clingy but I am so shy on skinship and plus I constantly overthink things😪 also so sorry if this was bad 😭
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both you and jungwon were currently at a cat cafe. since, you wanted to play around with the cats. jungwon nuzzles his nose right on the kitten in his hands. He smiles and continues to do so over and over again as the kitten attempts to lick his nose. All of this happening right in front of you and you can’t help but feel a little sad.
well the better term would be jealousy. as you could say since the kitten was pretty much getting his attention way more than you. you were just a witness to the cute action that was happening in front of you. you craved for this type of cute affection with jungwon. however, you weren't that brave to voice out your own thoughts.
while other couples in public could easily display affection, you can't help but get shy over it. it made you feel disappointed in yourself. why couldn't you over come this awkward feeling. you had a boyfriend that was probably more than ready to give you affection you craved but you always hesitated to do so.
"(name), look. this kitten keeps meowing back whenever i meow." jungwon calls out, seemingly pulling you out of your small bubble of thoughts.
he meows and the kitten meows back. he laughs before pecking the kitten's small head. oh how adorable he was. you didn't understand his cute little tangents he liked to go on whenever you two hang out. sometimes, you even wondered if he was a cat. he seemed so...cat-like and playful.
you opened your mouth to say something but nothing really comes out, it was like the words that you wanted to express to him were not coming out. "jungwon?"
he hums, "yes, baby?" he continues to give the kitten a little more attention but stops a to look up at you.
"i- nevermind." he could sense the slight hesitation in your voice and so he carefully puts the kitten down.
"is there something wrong?"
"it's nothing. just something stupid." you brushed it off but jungwon goes to hold your hand which he rarely does since he too was shy with skinship. this was a big step that jungwon took and it was completely out of concern and love.
"tell me, i want to know whenever you're struggling." he lightly squeezes your hand. his adorable cat-like eyes staring into yours.
"i- can we cuddle?" you hesitantly voiced out.
"of course, we're dating. why can't we do that?"
"i know but...i'm scared that you might not want to cuddle. besides, we are still early in our relationship." you pout.
jungwon tilts his head. "are you kidding me? of course i do. you're my girlfriend. i wanna cuddle with you."
"what if you don't like it?"
jungwon playfully scoffs, "how could i hate anything about you? you're just saying random things now." he gets closer to your face. "i like everything about you. now, will you let me be your first ever official cuddle buddy?"
you nod and so jungwon goes to wrap his arms around you. you laid your head against his chest as the multiple cats were lazing around the both of you. jungwon's heart beats were calming. it actually made you sleepy. you could feel jungwon leave a small little peck on your forehead. just a light one.
"we should back to your home. you look tired." jungwon whispers.
"mmm, we should." you tiredly mumbled.
and so you and jungwon went back to your apartment.
"we're taking steps to our relationship. i'm proud of you for voicing out what you want to do." jungwon says.
"i tried to. i don't know if i'll be ready to fully voice out. after all, you are my first boyfriend and the only person i've done some sort of affection."
"don't worry, if you can't do it. i'll initiate it first. i tried my best today too. i'm not that great at showing affection too." jungwon admits.
he hums, "yeah, i usually some sort don't do affection. you can ask the hyungs. they probably can tell you about it."
you blushed. "so this is a first time for you too?"
"yup. honestly, i think i'll do my best. i wanna see you blush and get flustered more often. it's cute." you groaned at jungwon's words. "that blush is reserved only for me, right?"
"yes." you looked away from him. jungwon laughs.
"good. now, let's get you to sleep. my little princess."
my little princess...
you liked the ring to it. jungwon's little princess. you couldn't wait to see how the next few months and even years would go with him.
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M'lady chapter 2
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“Ohhhh y/n!” Aidan hummed, next to their bed.
“What are you doing in my house?” y/n mumbled, still half asleep.
“Your mom let me in,” the boy beamed.
“Because it’s like, ten in the A Ms?”
“Oh,” they said, suddenly aware that Aidan was kneeling, to make eye contact with them, “You don’t have to kneel, actually I need to change so like…”
“Get out?”
“Yeah, thanks” y/n asked Aidan to shut the door on his way out, and he did. They put on black skinny jeans, a white crop top that went to their waist, and a red plaid cardigan. They opened their door to find Aidan standing in the kitchen talking to their mother.
“Oh, don’t worry honey, you’re always welcome,” the woman smiled.
“I know,” He replied, “y/n has made that a little more than a lot evident!” he commented.
“Glad to see you two are getting along, as per usual,” y/n vocalized.
“Look who crawled out of their cave!” Mrs L/n said.
“Hi y/n!” Aidan smiled a smile that made y/n's heart melt, the way he squinted slightly and everyone around could see the genuine happiness on his face.
“Goodmorning!” Aidan wore a simple pair of jeans and a hoodie, his usual. The boy went in for a hug, which y/n reciprocated, this was always one of the things they thought about when the topic of dating came up, how warm Aidan’s hugs were and how sweet he was to them, how sometimes he would grab their hoodie softly to direct them away from people in the halls, how he always saved a spot for them at lunch or on the bus, how the two of them could glance at each other across the room and could tell exactly what the other was thinking, the two were always comfortable with each other, and y/n adored it.
The two pulled away from the hug, his green eyes met their e/c ones, y/n always loved the way he looked at them.
“Wanna take a walk?” The boy asked, his face tinted pink.
“Uh, yeah, sure!” they responded, also pink.
Just then, an orange tabby cat rubbed her side against Aidan's shins.
“Hi Coco!” he said, his voice suddenly a bit higher.
“Oh hiiii!” y/n cooed, their voice also higher as they picked up the usually reclusive cat, holding her out slightly, so Aidan could pet her.
“Ohh hello!” Coco leaned into his hand as he scratched her head, “You’re so adorable and sweet!” he said, his voice smooth and sweet like honey.
“Y’all! It is ten AM on a saturday, the sun is shining and there's a nice breeze, get out of my house!” Mrs, L/n exclaimed.
“But-” y/n started, “But cat!”
“But, but OUT!”
“Your mom’s kinda mean sometimes,” Aidan said after the two had passed y/n’s house.
“You shoulda seen when I told her I had a C in math,” y/n chuckled.
“Hey, uh, I heard there was a dance soon,” he started
“Oh? When is it?”
“Friday, the seventeenth of february.”
“Sounds fun, you wanna take anyone?” 
Aidan remembered the time a kid in the halls ran up to him, grabbed his shoulders and told him to pray for courage, he didn’t know why, but he really needed courage at the moment.
“Yeah, I do.”
“Oooooo” they mocked “Who won the pretty boy's heart?”
‘You, dumbass’ he wanted to yell, he thought he had made it obvious. He wanted to say he loved them, he wanted to hold their face in his hands and tell them how amazing they were, and hold them in his arms, but a strange fear gripped him and he just couldn’t ask. ‘I’ve been listening to that one smiths song too much’ he thought.
“I ain’t tellin’”
“Aw, you’re no fun!”
“How am I no fun?”
“You don’t watch south park-”
“You didn’t see what I saw!”
“Yes I did, you won’t tell me who you want to go to the dance with-”
“I don’t want things between us to change-” his words echoed around y/n’s mind, they both stopped walking, and they looked at eachother stunned.
“Why would things change between us?” y/n inquired.
“I- I” he stuttered,
“Aidan, tell me, please.” The hurt and concern was evident in their voice, and they moved closer to him.
“Not like this,” He said, shaking his head. He desperately wanted to keep walking, he wanted to ask them in some grand gesture, not like this.
“Aidan, please”
He sighed, “I wanted to ask you” the shocked look on their face made him regret everything, “But- I- I mean, if you don’t want to it’s fine, I don’t want to make you do something you don’t wan-” Y/n hugged him in the tightest embrace they could. Their hand was on his head, pushing him as close as they could, and their arm was around his waist. After a short time, he hugged back, just as tight. The hug was warm and soft, it was almost everything the both of them had ever wanted.
“How long?” Y/n spoke after so long.
“How long have you felt this way?”
“To be honest, since a month after we started hanging out,” he admitted.
“Do you wanna be my boyfriend?”
“I’d like that,” he was glad they were still hugging, so y/n couldn’t see the awkward smile on his face. “How long have you felt this way?”
“A while” They said, pulling away and looking into his beautiful green eyes.
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dilutedconfusion · 3 months
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“I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.”
HELLO and welcome to my blog. I’m finally making one of these things so people can access my stuff easier so pls enjoy. My name is Alicia and I’m 19 and full of existential dread. I like One Piece (if that wasn’t already readily apparent) and that’s what this blog is mainly about!
Just for a few facts about me I’m going to college for a degree in graphic design (I’m in my first year so I’m still a baby), I’m real big on metal, rock, and folk music (the palette goes deeper then that but those are my mains), and if you want me to beat somebody up for you I’m the first person you should call <3 <3
I make art and I write so expect both of that splattered across this blog. I usually post art surrounding One Piece or more specifically the Kid Pirates. But I’m probably going to post some personal works as well.
I’m currently writing “A Moth to a Flame” which is my multipart Eustass Kid x Female!Reader series. Though I have some other multichapter stuff I’m working on as well. But of course it will most likely be Kid Pirates related because they bounce around in head like a bag of marbles.
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A Moth to a Flame
Eustass Kid X Female!Reader (A whole lotta plot, slow-burn edition)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Lost Star
Eustass Kid X Female!Reader (Angst and Giggles)
Part 1 Part 2
The Nameless
Eustass Kid X Female!Reader (SoftYandere!Kid)
Part 1
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I KNOW I KNOW. Alicia doing requests? CRAZY. But umm yea if any of y’all wanna hear me yap or use my skills to cook ya up something I’m down.
Rules for Requests:
Kid Pirates related (but I might broaden my horizons later who knows??)
No NSFW related requests (I might one day but not rn)
I accept any one shot ideas, x reader (personalized to the person requesting or non specific), imagines, and headcannon blurbs you might want me to talk about.
I am not SUPER into certain ships outside of the Kid Pirates and because of that I feel like I won’t do them justice if they are requested. But if you want (Kid Pirate Member) x (Non Kid Pirate Member) I’m down to try.
As for one shots you can ask for any gender! I’m comfortable doing male, female, or gender neutral pronouns.
OC x Canon (just give me like a description of your OC and I can rock with dat)
Platonic or Romantic relationships (I mainly just say that because I feel like fanfics are usually inherently romantic but they don’t have to be!)
I’m comfortable with writing different AU’s, slight gore, stomach wrenching angst, and darker topics such as violent relationships/yandere trope.
If you have very obscure or just emotionally rooted ideas I can work with those too! You don’t have to give me a well thought out prompt to receive good writing! I might as well be a improv master.
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sunshinesteviee · 2 years
stupid, but brave - s.h.
Summary: the kids take steve to you to patch him up; requested by my lovely sunflower anon; gn!reader Word Count: 1k Warnings: mentions of blood/bruises/getting beat up. small mention of racism. set kind of in season 2 when billy & steve fight.  A/N: can’t stop won’t stop writing steve. he’s an idiot and i love him. 
feedback/reblogs/questions/comments are all greatly appreciated, and i really wanna hear what y’all think! lots of love 💛
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Steve knocked on your front door furiously, even though his hands ached. His knuckles were still oozing blood, and he was sporting an outrageous black eye, a busted lip, and he was pretty sure that his nose was broken. The kids had insisted that he get help, but he didn’t want to go to the hospital. He actually hadn’t wanted to go anywhere, but apparently he’d blacked out, and woken up in his own car to Max driving. He’d been less than pleased, and had started panicking, insisting that they go to your house instead since it was nearby. When they’d arrived, all of the kids piled out of the car with Steve, even though he’d insisted it would be fine. More than anything, they wanted to know who’s house they were at. And now, they were all standing behind him as your front door swung open.
“Steve? What the hell? Are you okay?” your voice was surprised, slightly panicked as you took in the scene in front of you.
“Oh, yeah, great. Faaaantastic,” he scoffed, finally pulling his hand to his chest to cradle it. “These assholes,” he jabbed his thumb over his shoulder to point at the group of teenagers, “thought I should get some help but I didn’t want to go to the hospital, so we came here instead.”
“Wha— what am I going to do for you?” you asked, slightly incredulous as you peered over his shoulder at the kids who were now waving at you.
Steve huffed, “I dunno, just take care of me. Like you always do.” He clearly wasn’t feeling quite like himself, still a bit out of it.
“Wait, you didn’t drive here, did you?” You hoped the answer was no, but you didn’t particularly like any of the other options, either, because none of the kids looked like they’d be old enough to drive.
“No! Don’t be ridiculous, babe. Max did.”
You weren’t sure which one Max was, but looked at the group behind Steve, “Max, do you have your license?”
“I know how to drive,” the red headed girl replied, giving you a sheepish smile.
Before you could say anything, Steve sighed, exasperated, holding his hands up in defense, “I know, I know. Don’t say anything. Not like I had a choice, anyway. I blacked out, and—“
“You blacked out?!” you practically shrieked, eyes going wide. “Jesus Christ, Steven. Okay, fine. Come inside. All of you.” You’d never met any of the kids, but Steve talked about them constantly, and if he liked them, that was enough for you.
Slinging your arm over Steve’s shoulders, you guided him inside, leaving the door open for the kids to follow. You led Steve to the couch, gently pushing him into the cushions, pointing a finger at him in a way you hoped was menacing, “Don’t move. I’ll be right back. The rest of you just… find somewhere to sit.”
You left for the bathroom, coming back only a minute later with a first aid kit in hand. You set it on the coffee table and then pushed it closer to the couch to get closer to Steve. Letting out a sigh, you grabbed Steve’s chin gently, carefully tilting his head in one direction and then the other to get a good look. Without saying anything, he also lifted his hand, showing off the scrapes there, too.  Your jaw dropped as you grabbed his hand instead, “Steve, literally what the hell? How did this happen.”
Steve’s eyebrows furrowed together slightly, and he muttered out, “Billy Hargrove.”
“Why the fuck were you fighting that dick?”
“He’s my brother,” Max spoke up from where she was sitting on the ground.
“Oh, sorry—“
“No, I know. He’s a dick. He’s my step-brother.”
It fell silent as you opened up the kit, pulling out some cotton pads and rubbing alcohol to clean up some of Steve’s wounds. You gave him a look that you hoped conveyed an apology before gently pressing it to his knuckles. Steve hissed quietly, biting down on his bottom lip to refrain from looking like too much of a wimp in front of you. “Sorry,” you whispered, dabbing at the blood on the back of his hand. Turning to the rest of the group once more, you nodded towards the kitchen, “Can one of you go get dipshit here an ice pack?”
One of them — Dustin, maybe? he looked somewhat familiar — quickly got up and ran off to the kitchen. You turned back to Steve and grasped his chin in your fingers again, trying to be gentle as you tilted his head to the side. Lifting a new cotton pad soaked with alcohol, you pressed it just underneath his eye, as careful as you could. Steve’s eyes lifted to meet yours. He was nervous, knowing that you were likely angry with him for showing up like this. Voice quiet, he murmured, “Hargrove… he was going after Max and Lucas.” He nodded towards Max and the boy sitting next to her. “He was angry. Angrier than I’d ever seen anyone, and it was just because they’ve been spending time together. Racist piece of shit.”
Your eyes softened at this, “Steve…”
“I know. It was stupid. I just— I didn’t want him to hurt them.”
“It was stupid,” you nodded in agreement, cracking a small smile, “but it was brave. It’s a good thing these kids have you.”
Dustin walked back in just then, holding the ice pack out. Having heard the last sentence, he spoke up, “Steve’s lucky to have you, though. He looks terrible, and you’re cleaning him up. Steve, how come I didn’t know about any of this?”
Steve pressed the ice pack to his eye, wincing slightly, “I don’t have to tell you everything. y/n’s my best friend, and it’s none of your business.”
“What?!” Dustin almost looked like he was really hurt at the statement, “I thought I was your best friend!”
Giving Dustin a look, as best he could with his black eye, Steve replied, “You’re not cute enough, Henderson.” He then looked at you, the tiniest bit of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
Your face filled with warmth as you returned the smile, shaking your head slightly to get back to cleaning him up, “Shut up, Steve.”
steve moots!! (lmk if you don’t want to be tagged in this stuff xoxo)
@cagethemunson​ @summertimestyles​ @ahoefortomholland​ @seolaseoul​  @familyvideostevie​ @toms-gf​ @captaindanvxrs​
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Saul silva/farah x teen!reader - never lost hope
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Do you want to write a part two of never lost hope? Would like to see R in Alfea. :) - Anon💜
Part two:
Alfea was different to way the least, very different to the school you were so used to, it was bigger, different halves of the school for different things.
You had been here a few weeks, and Saul and Farah were still trying to figure out if you were a fairy or not without directly asking you.
Sitting in her office, you ran your hand over Bodi’s head as you looked at her.
“So.. is this meant to be like some bonding thing?” You asked.
“No, we’re just trying to figure out who’s side of the school you should be in.” Saul chuckled.
You looked at him and looked back down and Bodi.
“I’d much rather just go to my old school..”
“Do you not like it here?” Farah asked worried.
They knew you were having a hard time settling in, you stayed with them in their dorm, having a room to yourself.
But they knew you found it hard to talk to the other students, engage with them and find things to do.
You sighed, looking at your mum.
“Look, I get y’all are happy to have found me and all, but I’m just.. I’m so used to my life how it was. And I get I agreed to come here, but this isn’t me.”
“How so?” Saul asked
“Fancy school, different classes for whatever reason, the middle of nowhere? Pretending to be some happy family, that ain’t what my life is about. I’m country through an through, I drive tractors, ride trucks, I get messy and do hard work.”
You gestured to the window.
“Half these idiots are scared to get a little dirt on their clothes. It’s boring.”
Standing up, you tapped your hand against your side and Bodi stood up to follow you.
“If y’all really want what’s best for me, you’d let me go home and leave me alone.”
With that you walked away and they sighed.
They thought they were making progress with you, but just when it seemed they were making some headway it all came crashing down.
You didn’t want to be rude to them, but this life they wanted you to have, but fancy building, boring classes, nice clothes and brand new whatever, it wasn’t you.
You weren’t some little kid who they try and mend things with, you were nearly an adult, you could make your own choices.
And in a way you felt bad for how you were behaving, but you felt like everything they were doing was trying to make you into the kid they wanted you to be.
Not the kid you were.
Walking around the school, you made your way outside and jumped down the steps, looking around for something and you huffed when you couldn’t find a single thing.
“Hey you’re from America right?”
You looked over at the red haired girl.
“Yeah, what’s it to ya?”
“Sorry, so am I. I’ve actually been wanting to talk to you for a while, I’m Bloom.”
“(Y/N), so you’re from America too?”
She beamed and led you to a bench so you could sit down and talk to her about what you liked to do where you were both from.
You didn’t mind the fact everyone here was English or Irish or Scottish or Welsh or Solarian, but words couldn’t express how much you missed having people to talk to about your home country.
“Do you like it here?” Bloom asked.
“I mean it ain’t bad don’t get me wrong. I just wanna go back home.”
“I get it, it’s really different here.” She sighed.
You nodded your head in agreement.
“Am only doing this for Farah and Saul.”
“How do you know them?”
“I don’t, but they’re my birth parents. It’s a whole big mess, I was taken from here and out there.”
“So was I!”
You looked at bloom.
“No kidding, really?”
She nodded her head and explained her situation and she accidentally explained a little too much and even showed you her magic.
You jumped back and Bodi barked, standing in front of you as he growled.
“You don’t know about Fairies?” She asked.
You shook your head.
“Oh crap I’m so sorry! I’ll explain it all I swear!”
You nodded and told Bodi to sit and you listened to her explain everything she knew, which wasn’t much and you nodded your head.
You both frowned a little.
“Wonder why they didn’t tell you..” she mumbled.
You heard your name being called and you looked over.
“We’re boutta find out.”
Walking over, you stood in front of the two and crossed your arms over your chest.
“You both fairies?” You asked.
“You know?” Saul asked confused.
“I’m sorry!” Bloom yelled.
She quickly ran away from the scene and Farah sighed.
“I am, Saul isn’t. We were wondering I maybe you were.”
“Well that’s just stupid. You coulda just told me straight away.”
“We didn’t want to directly ask you about it, we wanted to try and figure it out before explaining but I see Bloom already told you.” Farah sighed.
You narrowed your eyes at them a little.
“So, tell me what you really do here.”
“Of course.”
Saul began to explain everything to you while Farah walked away from you both and you listened to him.
Once he finished explaining you pointed at where Farah was sat with her head in her hands.
“She was scared we’d scare you away for good. She’s taken this a lot harder than I have, and it hasn’t been a walk in the park trust me. But she’s taking it really hard, she was so excited when she found out she was pregnant and when you were gone it tore her apart. It tore us both apart.”
You looked at Farah and you sighed softly, walking over, you crouched in front of her, resting your arms on your legs.
“Ya know… it’s pretty cool, knowing I could be a fairy.”
Farah moved her hands from her face and wiped her tears.
“I don’t think I am though, but what Saul does look pretty neat, you think I can give that a try?”
Farah smiled a little.
“Really?” She asked.
You nodded and stood up, stuffing your hands into the pockets of your jeans.
“Yeah why not? Me and Bodi could be a little team.”
She laughed softly.
“I think you’d make a good team. I’m so sorry we didn’t tell you (Y/N), really. I am. But I just don’t want to risk loosing you for a second time, even if you live in the first world and we only see you once a year or through FaceTime. I really do want what’s best for you.”
You sat down next to her, patting your lap for Bodi to jump up and lay on you as you scratched behind his ear.
“Farah you wanna know how I spend my early teens?”
She nodded.
Saul came over and sat on the floor in front of the three of you.
“I spent my teens drinking in some random cornfield, I got lost more times than I can count, but I kept doing it. Riding horses, learning to work a farm, drove a tractor for the first time, even though I nearly crashed it, I broke my leg jumping from a tree, spent my summers swimming in the lake, and winters skating across the same lake.”
You smiled as you remembered those memories.
“You’re a mind fairy right?”
She nodded her head.
“Have a look at them, I want you to see what I experienced.”
Farah did, and you stared as her eyes changed colours.
She went through your memories, seeing the ones you had mentioned and others.
“I crashed my first car, and I got in more than a few brawls, we had huge bonfires, parties, laughing and drinking our youth away like every other teenager in the world.”
Farah blinked, letting her eyes return to normal and you smiled softly at her.
“The way I see it, I’ve had a pretty damn good life, and you shouldn’t be upset you weren’t there, I couldn’t have asked for a better life. Even if I did wanna know you guys, but I loved the way I was raised and I wouldn’t trade it for nothing.”
“I understand that.” She said softly.
You moved Bodi and stood up and he watched you, tail thumping against the bench.
“I had the best upbringing someone coulda ever had! I loved every moment of it!”
You turned to look at them, and gestured to the school.
“That was my life, and you gotta experience it for a few months. This is your life, and I wanna experience that too. I may not get the whole class thing, or magic thing, but hell it sure does sound pretty damn fun you know? You don’t gotta hide that from me, it’s who you are, it’s who I am, you don’t have to be scared you’re gonna loose me, cause the way I see it is it’s gonna take more than a little magic to scare me away.”
“Really?” Saul asked.
“You two lost a lotta memories, a lotta things you shoulda experienced with me, but that don’t mean you missed out on everything. I still got a long life so long as I don’t die doing something stupid first.”
They both laughed and stood up, Saul brushed the dirt from his clothes and Farah wiped some tears from her eyes.
“I wanna do whatever it is Saul does, that looks hella fun, but I’m down to see if I got magic too.”
“I’m sure we can figure that out a lot easier now.” Farah smiled.
“And I’m more than happy to train you.” Saul nodded.
You beamed and punched the air making them laugh again.
“I’m sorry, I guess I’m having a tired time as seeing you grown up.” Farah sighed.
“Don’t be sorry, I get it, it’s hard. But I’m still growing.”
She nodded her head and she took a small breath.
“Can I.. would it be okay if I hug you?” She asked.
You smiled walking over you wrapped your arms around her.
“Course it would, you don’t need to ask.”
Farah wrapped her arms around you, placing his head on yours and you looked at Saul, reaching back you pulled him over and he laughed, hugging you both.
Bodi barked and jumped on you, and you wrapped and arm around him as well.
“I ain’t forgotten about you buddy.”
He barked again and you laughed with Farah and Saul.
They both had a few tears running down their faces, but they held you tightly.
You were all grown up, and they were still scared, but their fear was eased knowing that you wanted to be part of this life too.
This was the first time everything felt okay, and to them it felt like you were all actually a family, even if there was a long way to go
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striving-artist · 2 years
I'm...not sure food-based punishment IS okay? (I don't mean "you need to eat this because it's (supposed to be) healthy for you even if you don't like it", I mean "I am specifically making you eat a food you don't like because you did a Bad Thing"). Idk i think food as a punishment (and even reward) system could foster a lot of unhealthy eating habits or attitudes towards food.
But i've also never had kids and don't plan on doing so, so my opinions on that are all theoretical
Got a whole whole bunch of answers in various forms. Hallsy, I’m using yours to post because a bunch of comments went beyond the scope of that post so I don’t wanna clog it up.
(Crap this is long because I was working through my own thoughts and I don’t feel like editing)
— TLDR: parenting is hard, long as it’s not malicious, I’m probably not grabbing my pitchfork. —
One: didn’t know he told his kid they were normal apples. That’s nine new layers of wtf.
General Consensus seems to be that any tying of food to punishment (or reward) is shaky ground. And a lot of general statements on kids and food, all fascinating. Couple of comments for intuitive eating, which I think is a mostly great thing… but feels a little disconnected. It isn’t always applicable if you’re broke. Same thing with offering kids a different option if they don’t like that food. If you can only afford the single vegetable on sale and covered by Snap(they’ve improved the system but it’s still imperfect) that week, or if you’re eating whatever the food bank had, disliking a food isn’t enough reason to not eat it. I’m an adult, still hate veg, and still make myself eat some.
If they truly hate it, sure, you’ll avoid it and won’t make them eat it. But when the choice is Kid eats Zero Produce or Kid eats French Cut Green Beans, most parents are gonna insist they eat the beans. Kids are not logical or consistent. Yesterday they adored beans, today, they’re having a tantrum. Planning for their moods is hard, and I often side with the parents.
I also got a lot of general vibes of “the parents should never make a mistake in child rearing” that made me uncomfy. I wish that was a option. Really. But its not gonna happen. Ever. Not only does advice and recommendation change over the years, parents are humans. If you get home after two eight hour shifts in a row and need to make dinner, I can’t blame you for only making one meal choice or being a little snippy when they decide corn is the devil. Heck, less than that.
Legumes make my stomach real unhappy. I didn’t understand why but I knew I didn’t want to eat them. As in, they once said I couldn’t leave the table til I ate the dinner (chili) so I stayed there til midnight. (this was when dad realized this wasn’t just me being a brat and he’d make sure there was a spare stack crackers and extra cheese) But there were three kids, and it took til I was out of the house before it mostly stuck in my moms head that I hated legumes. (It’s cool. I never remember her birthday, she still sends me legume recipes) I know it made her batty that I fought every vegetable. My family loved veg and fruit. I had to be bribed to eat other than my four acceptable ones. I would also have found me very frustrating and probably said “eat it or not, but I’m not making you your own meal” pretty often. Parenting is exhausting y’all.
There’s also the factor of multiple kids. My siblings faves were meals I despised. (See above, chili, which the whole family loved) And vice versa. I’d i was happy, they were suffering. Cooking full alternate meals wasn’t an option(god we were poor) and yeah, they’d give me more of the part I hated least, and I never went to bed hungry, and it wasn’t done as punishment, but my child brain sure as heck thought it was.
The most damaging food based childhood thing wasn’t punishment, it was how hard they tried to avoid wasting food. Again, I get it. They bought the food that was on the cusp of going bad, it couldn’t sit in the fridge for five days. But that meant my dad pushed this No Leftovers thing. And, if you put it on your plate, you had to eat it. All three of us, to this day, have trouble leaving food on the plate even if we’re full. Again, not great, good intentions, he didn’t want us to starve, caused some issues, but not punishment because it wasn’t intended or treated that way.
Specifically on the punishment via food thing, I still find a weird grey zone here.
Say you have four meals planned for the week. One is your middle child’s top five foods. Middle child fights a kid at school. You decide to change plans and not cook that one tonight. (It’s me, I am middle child) that’s definitely in the Punishment category, because you’re withdrawing a promised Good Thing. But I’m totally cool with it now. I took that kid down hard, no, I don’t get to have my fave that night. Or the next.
That’s in the pile of ‘until you X to make up for it, you can’t have Y’ which is a solid thing to me? “Until you apologize for stealing all the crayons from your brother, you can’t keep coloring.” That’s instructive and reinforces better behavior. It being food makes it shaky. I get that. It’s why I asked for opinions in the first place.
I think I’m drawing my line between foods you dislike vs hate. You’re not starving, you’re just not happy about dinner.
And seriously, fuck that guy for the sneak attack spicy apples. If you and your kid show mutual affection via pranks, I’m probably okay with it, cause it’s one bite, they spit it out, and begin plotting revenge. Also, if they’re old enough to pull pranks, they’re old enough to understand that it’s not malicious. But dude. Wtaf
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angrilymanaging · 1 year
So today I officially decided that I was over social media. Like I tried to can with the Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok apps but I simply cannot. I’m convinced that those particular apps are for the willfully ignorant, and I couldn’t. I’m a writer, and that’s what I do. Most people on those apps don’t even read write or spell very well. It’s easier for me to use my blog. Also I went to Only Fans, cause I do like to post the occasional pic and video. Truth is I’m grown. To much kid shit on those apps. I really don’t play, like I’m not an internet thug, I really be ready to punch a bitch in the face, you come out ya mouth wrong at me, and people in those places like to talk. I like to talk as well, I got a smart ass mouth, and if you try me I will verbally assassinate you, with zero hesitation so. It’s the immaturity for me for real. I can’t get with that shit, and I don’t care much for stooping to someone else’s level, so it was best for me to move on. I dont have time for it anyway, also I have a You Tube, so I will just focus on that. I dont have time to be postin so much anyway. I’m able to write, and make videos in the little down time I have so, I really am not interested anymore.
Sometimes you just grow out of things. Like when I started using Facebook, it was probably 2010, and when I opened mine, I had to use my MCC school ID, to gain access. They started letting anybody on that shit, and it went to hell. I got caught up with Instagram, I was looking to be a brand ambassador and they told me I couldn’t yet because my following was too small. They had me sign up and pay for a service that was supposed to “organically grow” my following, at the end of the day, when I shut that down, I think I had 12 point something thousand followers the Fck?!! And now I’m famous for reasons nobody probably should be, and still no brand ambassador job, and everybody in my business for nothing so never mind no thank you. Pettiness and bs on tiktok was the same, dirty ass niggas, and the women child, I don’t even have a lot of respect for women, so imagine the vexation. Like if you a bitch I would just prefer you not even bother like unless you wanna fight, but obviously they don’t just like a woman they only wanted to sit on they ass and run their mouths. You not bout to aggravate me on my damn phone.
I have or at least I’d like to think that I have a level of confidence that absolutely at this point will not be matched. I’d rather write, and post pics, and vids that make you upset cause I know ya nigga look at them, regardless of how ugly y’all claim I am. Plus I had a conversation with the S.O. Who’s aggravated but not cause I’m on my phone so much, but not really. I gather there are things out in the open that they would prefer me not find out, cause the town where I live is messy as fck, and that’s fine cause you do whatever. I will simply follow suit, but as it suits me. I gather by the types of women who come for me, that I legit am just not their type. I never was… bitch tried to treat me like they would treat that type though, and I wasn’t havin it… I’m still not, baby listen, when I came to the realization, like legit that shit has recently been hitting me over the head like a ton of bricks lately, its aggravating to because I really thought… but since don’t nobody pay me to think, I’m just gonna do what comes naturally to me. I’m more quiet anyway when I keep a journal, and between writing, keeping a video blog and Only fans, I feel like I might just find some balance, which has always been my goal.
I enjoy journalism. Social media, I thought was like the new age it right, because news papers, and magazines have all since been discontinued, But it seems like the world of social media is filled with, narcissism, ignorance and it disgusts me now. Of course I’m miserable, It’s like going to school everyday encountering bullies, and I HATE BULLIES WITH A PASSION. I’m only a mean girl when I encounter them, and I’m trying to move 100 % into my feminine, and it is not going to happen anywhere on any of those apps. There’s only a certain amount of gate keeping I’m gonna accept, and this over here is my lane. I dont have to worry about having to avoid dumb shit on my own pages, I can just come and be legit focused on myself. I have a feeling though that, they will come, but it will be harder for them to be discreet with the dumb shit over here. I just don’t have time anymore. I don’t want to be unhappy so I’m not. Not about to bother with trolls, and that’s what they look like on and off line. Child most of them don’t even have all their teeth in their mouth. People like that try to make you miserable, because they have no substance in their life. I’m convinced even this thang I live with. I don’t even it’s late, and I don’t really even have the energy to get into it, I know for facts that my content writing, and vlogging will turn up more than it’s fair share. Let’s just say that anything to get a rise out of me is going to be the topic, lucky My discovery of me will be where I find peace. Nothing like writing it down, and talking to myself about it, along with a fire ass pic to put me in a better mood about me, GOD knows I deserve it.
My whole life I have been around nothing it seems but people who try really hard to keep me from me. I just came also to the conclusion that, My kids are raised. I am not and cannot have anymore babies, and I’m young enough now to live my life for me. Obviously I’m still a mother… but not like I was, not like when my kids were little. They aren’t anymore, and it ain’t nothin behind my cervix but womb. I am beautiful, I have a decent body, which I’m bout to work really hard on and for the first time in my life, acne isn’t plaguing my face. Mind My business? Bet baby, cause I never had the chance to be wrapped up in me. I’m about to start though. The people worried about me bein in their business need not worry. They will be looking for me before I’m EVER looking for them. It’s always like that.
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lunarticxenia · 3 years
Moon Signs Pt. 1
My take on moon signs based off people I know! Now personally, I tend to have more strong opinions on my favorite moon signs than favorite sun signs. I feel like moon signs really indicate more about a person’s personality than their sun sign, imo. It does rule emotions and behavior after all. With sun signs I struggle with picking favorites because I do genuinely have people I like of every zodiac sign. I just go by the number of people I like from each zodiac sign. Anyhoo, here’s my view on each moon sign! 
Note: These are p long bc I have such strong thoughts on moon signs so I’m splitting it into two parts. :) 
🍂 Aries Moon: Ahhh, my moon sign. I won’t be biased though, I promise. So Aries moons based off other people I know is that we low-key got anger issues LMAO. Every single Aries moon I’ve met besides myself has anger issues, with the exception of one person and she still gets irritated easily. Aries Moons are also extremely sensitive, and they tend to be overlooked for that since they’re fire signs. I’ve found that a lot of what they get angry about has to do with their feelings, if they feel they’ve been wronged this really can make them angry as they are super sensitive. They also get angry when they feel like people aren’t listening to them, as they take this very personally. I’ve also noticed that Aries moons are EXTREMELY honest, they will tell it how it is and they are extremely blunt. They don’t like to beat around the bush, and they are very direct with how they feel about something. Aries moons are also extremely passionate and spontaneous especially in relationships; they’re the ones who wanna kiss in the rain and ride horses into the sunset, that is if you can get them to settle down with you LMAO. Nah all jokes, they’re picky about who they want, but once they really fall for someone it’s very hard for them to let go. They’re also so competitive, they will play dirty. My grandpa used to let me win in checkers as a kid, my dad (who’s an Aries moon) NEVER let me win. He said me losing would help build character LMFAO. He just didn’t wanna lose.They also have strong personalities and can be SUPER impulsive. Also, if they wanna do something, they WILL do it. No one is gonna stop them. If they wanna go somewhere at 3am, they’re doing it. Sorry. You can’t stop them. LMAO. Aries moons also love to be in touch with their inner child, my dad is an Aries moon and bought himself an arcade machine out of nowhere LMAO. I also like to collect shells and watch Disney movies to remind me of my childhood. They also tend to change their views and opinions on things a lot, and mind you they have intense emotions about these things. So it can be hard to keep up w them. 
🍂 Taurus Moon: Taurus moons are just so calm, it’s scary LMAO. I know a few of them, and even if they’re anxious about something you can never tell. They always have this calm demeanor and just seem so unbothered by everything. Taurus moons also LOVE money and the finer things in life. The male Taurus moons I know work a lot just so they can have a lot of money. One of them literally said to me “Money talks” after explaining to me why they work 7 days a week, 12 hours a day doing two jobs. The crazy thing is, despite doing all that extra work, he just seemed so unbothered about it LMAO. The female Taurus moons I know tend to love really expensive clothes and dressing up. This Taurus moon I work with has such nice clothes and always dresses like she’s on a Vogue cover. Like I said, Taurus moons LOVE money and the finer things in life like expensive clothes. If they aren’t the types to dress up or be workaholics, they desire comfort. They would rather lay in bed and take hot bathes than be bothered to do all that extra stuff. They also might like to eat out at expensive restaurants, and are “foodies”. They also might be big lovers of music and have lots of different music tastes. Also, Taurus moons? STUBBORN. Good luck trying to get them to change their mind on something. Also, despite them wanting all the luxuries and comfort of life, they are SUPER grounded. They do not live in a dream world, they see life for what it is, and prefer to be on the ground than have their heads in the clouds. Also, Taurus moons, I’m sorry, but y’all can be lazy. I work with three of them, and they can be lazy. They will not do more than the bare minimum. Also, their anger is low-key scary. Especially since it can come out of nowhere since they’re calm all the time, you never know when they’re angry and if you catch them at the wrong time... well, rip. They also tend to be introverted- even if they’re social, you will not know anything about them unless you’re besties with them or related to them. Doesn’t matter how well you know them, they don’t air their dirty laundry and keep their private life private. Also one last thing, omg these people sing all the time. They love singing to themselves, every single one I’ve met does that LMAO. Anyway, love my Taurus moons. 
🍂 Gemini Moon: Gemini moons love to make people laugh LMAO and love to just sit down and have good talks with people. Their minds NEVER stop working. Good luck trying to get them to stop talking once they know you. They can and will talk about anything for hours. Now, I do admire that, but sometimes I just wanna relax and they won’t stop talking to me LMFAO. My dad’s girlfriend is a Gemini moon and at family gatherings she loves to dance around and try to get everyone else to dance. I find that Gemini moons are very active and love to move around, and try to get everyone to have fun. Definitely the life of the party. They’re super amusing and also love to tell jokes and funny stories. Now not all of them are extroverts especially if they have an earth sun sign. So that is something to consider. My cousin is a Gemini moon and tends to be more introverted, however, once she’s comfortable around someone and knows someone she’s super goofy and loves to make people laugh. Gemini moons also love to learn, they’re always teaching themselves about something. My cousin who’s a Gemini moon just randomly started teaching herself how to do sign language (she’s good at it also)! These people are also SUPER adaptable, they can get along with any kind of personality and can adapt to any situation. I’ve also noticed that they love to playfully roast people and annoy them LMAO. I have noticed that they struggle with reading the room, they tend to just continue to annoy someone and can take it too far, which can get kind of annoying. They’re also extremely curious and are always asking questions. They love to ask random questions without any context. It’s a quirk a lot of them have. Trying to tell a story to them can be frustrating because if you mention certain terms they’ll ask you what they mean LMFAO. My dad was telling a story about how he used surfing to explain physics concepts in class and his girlfriend asked what the concepts were and what they mean. Also, they’re really good at giving advice. These people would make great psychologists imo. This girl I used to talk to (who’s a Gemini moon) actually is becoming a psychologist, so there you go LMAO. 
🍂Cancer Moon: Oh Cancer moons...you guys are so sensitive. They feel everything and anything. I haven’t met a Cancer moon that isn’t an empath. They are extremely good at reading other people and sensing their motives. My mother is a Cancer moon, and she’s always been able to tell who’s toxic in my life. She doesn’t even have to meet them either, just based off of stories I tell her, she can pick it up right away. Now, everyone always says Cancer moons are super close with their family and that’s definitely not always the case. The Cancer moons I’ve met have actually had a lot of problems with their family. Now the thing that I’ve noticed with these placements is that despite how toxic their family is, they always stick by them. Even if they’re not close. So I wouldn’t say they’re all super close with their families, but they always stick up for them, which can be an issue if their family is toxic. Also, Cancer moons, SUPER MOODY. I’m sorry but like I’m a Cancer sun and they’re ten times more moody than I am LMFAO. I’ve always said they act more like the stereotypical Cancer than Cancer suns. Also, this is a super underrated placement for humor. Every Cancer moon I’ve met has been super funny. Also, a super underrated placement for anger issues. Everyone says oh yeah Aries moons have anger issues, like yes, BUT HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN CANCER MOON ANGER?! Y’all Taylor Swift is a Cancer moon and wrote a whole album about how fed up she was about the media mistreating her and the whole Kimye thing (rightfully so) but y’all see my point. They can and will fight you. They also tend to be introverted, even if they’re social, (which I rarely see), they would much rather keep to themselves. I’ve also noticed that they’re very nostalgic a lot. My Cancer moon ex used to just randomly go through childhood photos and would show them to me. They’re also EXTREMELY protective over people they love, they will KILL for the people they love. They also love to talk about their dream homes and interior decorating a lot? My Cancer moon ex was OBSESSED with coming up with his dream house and would literally draw out diagrams for me to see. My mother too, she wants to redecorate her apartment and was showing me all the potential furniture that was gonna be put in. Oh Cancer moons, LMAO. 
🍂 Leo Moon: Oh Leo moons. You guys can be so dramatic LMAO. Every Leo moon I’ve met is so dramatic; these are the types of people who get up and move around when telling a story and also do dramatic hand gestures. These are the types of people who post a black screen in middle school on Snapchat saying “Don’t hmu.” LMAO. My Leo moon friend gets so mad when I make that joke, but it’s so true. These people are also naturally super creative, the Leo moons I know love to decorate and draw. Even if they don’t do any outright creative hobbies, they have a creative streak to them. It’s weird though because despite them being very dramatic when it comes to them being angry, they struggle with expressing their personal problems to other people. (This however can be changed with other placements, but I’ve found this to be true in many cases). They don’t want people to think that they’re weak, so they put up a tough front to hide that they’re hurting. Also, Leo moons, are indeed the hype friends. My Leo moon friends gas up my Instagram posts so much. They’re also extremely loyal and don’t like to leave people out, they hate that kind of shit. They’re also extremely accepting of others, my Leo moon friend was the first person I came out to, and they accepted me right away. They also love to take pictures of EVERYTHING. Like when you go out with them, they will make you wait before eating your food so they can take video of your food together LMAO. They love to capture every moment, I personally find it very endearing. Also, a lot of people say Leo moons are super cocky. I don’t find this to be true. They can come off that way, but I’ve found they tend to actually be pretty insecure and they try to hide it by coming off as confident. I feel like Leo moons tend to put on a show a lot to hide how they truly feel, which makes it hard to get to know them. It makes me sad because they truly are such kind hearted people and all they want is to feel validation. I also found that they love to go above and beyond to make sure everyone else is happy and tend to put themselves last. I wish y’all didn’t do that, you deserve to be happy too. ;( 
🍂 Virgo Moon: Workaholics. That’s how I’m starting this LMAO. My friend is a Virgo moon and works her ass off. She goes above and beyond in school for starters. For this anatomy course we had together, she sent me a whole diagram she made of the human brain on Notability and it was so intricately made. She also works her ass off at her job and takes care of her siblings. I feel like this falls into Virgo placements putting others before themselves. Virgo moons are definitely the types to be like this. They want to make everyone happy and they want to feel useful so they do all these extra things to feel that way. Virgo moons are also super smart, and have the best study methods. Low-key jealous. They have this incredible drive and are always on top of things and have a routine. Also Virgo moons LOVE animals. My friend who’s a Virgo moon, works at a dog sitting business and has 6 pets at home. They LOVE animals. They also like honesty and bluntness; they will provide you with that as well. They don’t like beating around the bush or lying to make other people feel better. You wanna know if you look bad in a dress? Ask a Virgo moon, LMFAO. I’ve also found that they struggle with wanting to be perfect all the time, and struggle with anxiety. As I said, they want to be the best at everything, and this can be a big source of anxiety for them. These people also find themselves attracting people who they want to “fix”. They also give amazing advice and are super reliable. Also, last minute plans? They HATE them. Want a Virgo moon to hate you? Try making spontaneous plans with them LMAO. Virgo moons also have great memories; they’ll remember every little detail about you. Also Virgo moons are the types to take charge in a group project and run the whole thing because they don’t trust anyone. Virgo moons also always appear to be calm and collected, even though many of them frequently deal with anxiety a lot. Also, they’re low-key underrated for humor. They have a very dry and self-deprecating sense of humor LMAO. They also go above and beyond in relationships because they enjoy seeing the people they love being happy. 
Anyhoo, this wraps up part one!  Also these are just my opinions, so don’t get offended I tried to praise and drag all of them equally <3 
Part 2 here. 
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nastybuckybarnes · 3 years
Training Wheels  -  One
Pairing: Dark!Step-Brother!Steve Rogers X Innocent!Reader
Summary: Your stepbrother would do anything for you. And he’s more than happy to prove that over and over and over again until you believe him. No matter what it takes. 
Warnings: Language, Sexual Harassment, Smut, Manipulation, Loss of Virginity, Sex between Step-siblings, bit of a size kink, 
Word Count: 3.7K
A/n: I have many parts of this planned but not written, and the taglist is open. Also, incase y’all forgot: I don’t talk politics on my blog. I’ve made it clear where I stand on certain things already and I want to keep my blog as an escape from reality for myself and others. 
A/n 2: I’m fucking tired so I’ll reply to asks and stuff probably tomorrow
“Hey, did (Y/n) get a new skirt?” At the sound of your name being mentioned, Steve snaps his head up, following his best friend’s gaze until it finally lands on you.
You’re walking across the campus courtyard towards the two of them, a smile on your face as you talk animatedly with Natasha and Wanda.
Sure enough, a new mini skirt is decorating your pretty legs. It flows with the breeze, almost getting blown up enough to see your panties.
“Jesus, that kid’s got some legs,” Bucky says, eyes roaming over your figure. Steve shoves his friend’s shoulder, giving him a hard glare.
“That’s my fucking sister you’re talking about. What would Nat think if she heard that?” Bucky rolls his eyes, grinning as his favourite redhead blows him a kiss.
“God, what I wouldn’t do to have those legs wrapped around my head.” You shudder in disgust, yelping as a hard hand comes down on your ass.
“Hey!” You exclaim, turning around and covering your butt while looking at the man.
“C’mon sweetheart. What’d you expect when you’re dressed like that?”
Steve’s on his feet, rushing over to you as you glare at your assailant.
“Maybe some fucking decency?! Leave me alone! I’m not a fucking object, dick-wad.”
“Rumlow!” Upon hearing your step-brother’s voice, Rumlow takes a step back.
“C’mon Rogers! There’s no harm in playful flirting. You of all people should know that.” Steve glares at him, his arm coming protectively over your shoulders, pulling you against his side and further away from the man.
“Yeah, but there’s shit wrong with touching people when they don’t want to be fucking touched.” Brock rolls his eyes and saunters away, shooting you a wink over his shoulder.
“I had it handled,” you grumble, walking with Steve’s arm over your shoulders towards the tree where he and Bucky were sitting.
“Yeah, really looked like it. A ‘thank you’ would be nice.” You roll your eyes and glare up at your step-brother.
“How do you expect me to defend myself if you jump in all the time?”
He shakes his head, a soft look on his face that has you dropping your guard for a moment.
“As long as I’m around, you shouldn’t have to defend yourself. That’s what I’m here for. I’m always gonna have your back, bunny. No matter what.” You smile at him, your heart warming at his words before Nat gets your attention.
You sit down next to her, Steve next to you with his arm still over your shoulders.
You and Wanda are quickly engaged in another conversation and Steve finds himself staring at you, a small smile on your face.
“You’re drooling, Steve,” Nat whispers, toes nudging his thigh. He glances over at the redhead and flips her off.
“C’mon. We should get going. I wanna beat the rush.” You nod at Steve, grabbing your bag and bidding your friends goodbye.
Bucky gives Steve a knowing look and the blond glares at his friend.
The two of you make your way to the parking lot together, him asking you about your day and you launching into a detailed description of everything you did.
As you’re heading to his car you pass by Brock and his group of friends. You quiet down immediately, slouching in on yourself.
Steve glares at the guys, his arm coming protectively around your waist as they ogle you.
You let out a big breath when you’re sitting in Steve’s car, groaning at the fact that you were harassed today.
“Why are guys stupid?” You ask, looking over at your step-brother as he starts driving.
“I wish I knew. You just gotta get lucky and find someone who’s mature and has respect for women, not a douchebag like Rumlow.” You nod, kicking your shoes off and putting your feet up on the dashboard.
“Hey, feet down.” You look over at him and stick your tongue out, keeping your feet up and wiggling your toes.
“What are you gonna do? You gonna make me?” He glances at you out of the corner of his eye and then one of his hands is on your thigh, squeezing the flesh hard and making you squirm, laughter bubbling out of you.
“Stop!” He doesn’t. If anything, it spurs him on and he tickles your thigh more.
“Feet down!” He shouts playfully, loving the sound of your laughter.
“Okay fine!” You finally pull your feet down and he smiles, fingers splaying on your bare thigh. He keeps his hand there for the rest of the drive, blood slowly moving south as he realizes what he's doing and the fact that you haven’t said anything about it.
It feels nice to have his hand on you. You hate that you like it but you do.
When you finally get home, your mom and his dad are pulling out of the driveway.
Steve rolls down his window and you unbuckle your seatbelt, climbing over his lap to stick your head out the window. Steve hits the brakes harder than intended and you fall forward, one hand bracing yourself on his thigh while your skirt flies up, your ass on full display.
“Jesus, Steve. You trying to kill me?” You ask before turning to the window.
“Where are you guys going?” You ask, confused. Your mom raises her eyebrows. “We’ve only been talking about our trip to Vegas for the past four months! We talked about it this morning too!” Realization hits you and you giggle. “Sorry! I hope you guys have fun! But not too much fun. One step-sibling is enough, I don’t need any more.” Steve’s dad laughs, shaking his head at you.
“You kids behave. Don’t throw any parties or anything. The neighbours know we’re gone so if you do anything we’ll know.”
“I don’t have enough friends to throw a party anyway. And Steve is a social outcast so you don’t need to worry about him.” Your mother gives you a look and you raise your eyebrows innocently.
“Be nice to your brother. We’ve gotta get going before we miss our flight. But I’ll talk to you when we land."
They start pulling away again and you stick your head further out the window, kneeling between Steve’s legs as he grabs your waist.
“He’s my Stepbrother!”
They drive off, your mom waving until they’re out of sight, and you sigh, climbing back into the car and looking at Steve.
His hands are still on your waist and he’s got a soft look in his eyes.
“Steve?” He hums, clenching his jaw as you shift on his lap to get comfortable, your thighs spreading as you straddle him.
“Do you think your dad’s gonna get my mom pregnant?” He groans, closing his eyes and shaking his head.
“God no. I don’t even wanna think about that but even if they... you know... my dad got a vasectomy a while ago.” You nod, hands on his shoulders as you purse your lips.
His eyes are focused so intently on them that he doesn’t notice when you open the door.
“First person inside picks dinner! Loser has to pay!” You jump out of the car and sprint inside, leaving Steve stunned and horny in his car.
The two of you sit on the couch watching movies, Steve with his arm thrown over the back of the couch.
“Hey Steve... can I ask you something?” He looks over at you, nodding and waiting for you to ask whatever’s on your mind.
“Is... do... does...” You groan, shaking your head, beyond embarrassed with yourself.
“C’mon bunny. You can ask me anything and I won’t judge you. You know that.” One of his hands comes to your knee, rubbing gently.
You nod, taking a deep breath before speaking.
“Do guys actually prefer when a girl is experienced? Does it... does it matter to them?” Whatever he thought you were going to ask... it certainly wasn’t this.
He raises his eyebrows and blows a breath out through his mouth.
“Some guys, yeah. I mean, it puts a lot of pressure on them to make sure your first time is good. Which is hard cause each girl cums differently and finds different things good so it’s hard to tell. Some guys like virgins but I think a lot like it if they aren’t a girl’s first just so they don’t have to live up to whatever expectations she may have.” He’s being honest with you and you value that, but it doesn’t exactly make you feel better about your situation.
You sit up and turn to him fully, a frown on your face.
“How do I find someone who’s willing to be my first so I can get it out of the way?” He inhales deeply, trying to take advantage of the situation in a way that won’t clue you into his true intentions. He wants you, but he wants you to think that he’s just helping you.
“You’ve gotta find someone you trust to do something like that, bunny. Someone who’s gonna be gentle with you because it’s gonna hurt a bit.” You frown, scooting closer and leaning your head against his shoulder.
“Where am I supposed to find someone who’s gonna be gentle with me like that? The only guys who even look at me are gross guys like Brock and I don't want someone like him to touch me.”
He brings one hand up to your head, smoothing your hair away from your face.
“I mean... I think I could find someone who would be willing to help you out. Show you the ropes just so you’re not totally inexperienced,” he murmurs, eyes focused on you as you look up at him slowly.
“Who?” His eyes flash down to your lips then back up to your eyes and you inhale sharply, realizing what he’s implying.
He doesn’t give you a second to object before he leans down and presses his lips against yours, making you gasp. He takes advantage of your parted lips and lets his tongue explore your mouth.
It takes a moment but you give in, kissing him back. One of your hands finds his hair, fingers tangling in the blond strands.
He shifts onto his side for a moment, hand grabbing your waist and pulling you forward until you’re straddling his lap.
The ball is in your court and you know you should stop but it feels so right. It’s something so unlike anything you’ve ever felt before and you wanna see where it will go. How it’ll feel to be touched by a man.
You finally pull away, panting hard with your eyes closed.
His hands grip your hips tightly and rock you forward, making you gasp as his hard length rubs against you through the material of your sweatpants.
“Steve wait,” you murmur, head falling back as he attacks your neck with kisses.
“Lemme teach you, Bunny. I’ll take good care of you, show you how it feels to be fucked properly. Please. I don’t wanna see you getting hurt by a guy who doesn’t care about your feelings. I’ll treat you so nice, Bunny, I swear.” His sweet words and the way he feels underneath you is enough to have you nodding.
He grins, one hand wrapping around your back as he quickly flips you onto your back. You gasp, arms wrapping around his shoulders to pull you tight against him.
He grinds against you for a moment longer before slowly pressing kisses down your neck and chest. He pulls away for a moment, just long enough to tear your shirt clean off your body, your bra following soon after.
His mouth kisses your breasts, giving each nipple far more attention than you thought he would. Your fingers are tangled in his hair, lips parted and heavy breaths falling from your mouth as a new type of pleasure builds inside of you.
“You like that?” He asks, eyes dark as he gazes up at you. You nod, bottom lip tucked between your teeth as he uses his thumb and index finger to tweak at your other nipple.
“Steve,” you whisper, arching your back and pushing your chest against his face. His kisses slowly move further down your body, lips leaving a wet trail over your stomach and past your navel.
His eyes are locked on yours as his fingers tug at the waistband of your sweatpants.
You raise your hips without hesitation, nervous but excited.
He’s your step-brother, and it’s wrong, but he’s so sweet to you. If there was one person on the planet who you trust to take your virginity and teach you about sex it’s him.
Your eyes fall closed, partly out of embarrassment as he lays between your naked legs, eyes on your centre.
He hoists your legs over his shoulders and, after making sure you’re eyes are closed, grabs your discarded panties and presses them to his nose. He takes a long inhale and groans, intoxicated by the scent of you.
He tucks them into his pocket then reaches over your hips.
His thumbs spread your folds and you want to close your legs, but he makes it impossible. His tongue darts out and licks a thick stripe from your entrance to your clit.
The sensation makes you jolt and Steve chuckles softly.
“Tell me what you like, Bunny. It won’t offend me. I wanna make you feel good.” You nod, grinding your teeth together and trying to clear the thoughts from your mind and focus on what he’s doing.
He finds your clit surprisingly easily, and you moan when he focuses his tongue on it.
“J-just like that... please...” He complies, working his tongue over the little bundle of nerves while two of his fingers slowly press into your heat.
You groan at the feeling, it being unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. His fingers fill you up more than ever, and he works them inside of you until he hits a spot that has you jolting up, right hand grabbing a handful of his hair.
“Oh fuck,” you whimper, eyes screwed shut as he massages that spot inside of you.
It’s all too much, and in a few moments, you’re cumming all over his face and his fingers.
“Holy fuck. Holy fuck. Oh my god.” Steve’s eyes find your face and he nearly cums in his pants.
The look of pure pleasure on your features is something he wishes he could take a picture of.
You look so fucking pretty when you cum.
He gently works you through your orgasm, pulling away only when your thighs start trembling. You open your eyes after a few more moments only to find him seated between your legs, pink lips glistening as he sucks your nectar off of his fingers.
“Holy fuck,” you repeat, one hand coming to your chest as you slowly catch your breath.
He chuckles softly, leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss to your lips.
“C’mon. M’gonna fuck you on a bed, not on a couch.” He scoops you up in his arms and you wrap your legs around his waist, arms tightly wound around his neck as he carries you up the stairs to his bedroom.
It’s wrong. So fucking wrong, but it feels so good and you trust him so much.
You’re carefully laid on your back on his bed, the blankets cool against your hot skin. Steve kneels between your legs, hands resting on your hips while his eyes devour this image.
You bring your hands up to cover your chest, feeling nervous about being naked beneath him, but he shakes his head and gently takes your hands.
“Don’t hide from me, Bunny. You’re beautiful. Any man who gets to see you like this... is a fucking lucky one.” His eyes trace over your body, his words having lit a fire in his gut.
No other man is ever going to see you like this. He’ll make sure of that.
“C-can you take your clothes off? Please? I feel...” you trail off, embarrassed of both your nudity and your request.
“Of course, Bunny.” He leans back on his haunches and pulls his shirt over his head, giving you a glorious view of his rippling muscles.
Your stepbrother has an amazing body. That much you learned the very first time he took his shirt off to go swimming with you.
He climbs off the bed for a moment, just long enough to kick off his sweatpants and his boxers, and then he’s between your legs again.
You inhale sharply when your eyes find his cock, fear and arousal filling you.
“A-am I... do you want me to...” Your eyes don’t leave his length and he chuckles, one of his hands moving down to slowly stroke himself.
“I just want you to lay back and feel good, okay? It’s gonna hurt a bit, but you gotta relax. I’ll go slow.” You nod, hands instinctively coming to his shoulders as he scoots closer.
“If you’re really curious, I’ll teach you how to give head another day. But today is all about this.” The hot tip presses against your folds and you jump, wide eyes staring up at your step-brother.
“Now, when anyone else ever fucks you, make sure they wear a condom. But for your first time, I want you to get the full experience. It’ll feel better for you this way.” You nod, gripping his strong shoulders tightly as he leans down, hands pressing into the mattress on either side of your torso.
He slides his cock through your folds, watching intently as your eyelids drop and your mouth falls open.
“Feels nice, Bunny? Nice and warm?” You nod, a whimper falling from your lips as his cock rubs against your swollen clit.
He pulls back after a moment more to align himself, then slowly pushes his cock into you.
Your face scrunches up in pain and he stops immediately, pulling back and leaning down until his face is above your heat.
You hear him spit a moment before you feel the liquid splatter against you. He does it a few times and you feel slightly mortified.
“Don’t be shy, Bunny. I just gotta make sure you’re nice and wet. It’ll stop it from hurting as much.” You nod, keeping your eyes closed as he hovers over you again.
This time when he pushes in it doesn’t hurt nearly as much.
He pushes in slowly, his eyes focused on your face as he meets the band of resistance he was waiting for. He slowly pushes further, frowning when you wince and inhale sharply.
He doesn’t want to hurt you, but he has to.
When he’s finally bottomed out inside of you, you let out a big breath.
“Look, Bunny.” You open your eyes and follow his gaze down to where the two of you are connected, your pussy fluttering around him at the sight.
He’s fully sheathed inside of you, and your lower abdomen bulges slightly because of it.
“You’ve got all of my big cock in you. Your pretty pussy is taking me like a champ.” You stare down at where his cock disappears inside of you, a gasp falling from your lips when he pulls out a few inches, only to push it right back in.
“Once I start moving it’ll feel better. Whenever you’re ready, let me know.” You nod, closing your eyes and basking in the feeling of fulness. It’s like you’re finally getting something you didn’t know you needed.
He feels so hot and heavy inside of you, you want to keep him exactly where he is forever.
After a few more moments of adjusting to the intrusion, you open your eyes and lift one hand to cup his jaw.
His eyes snap to yours, a soft admiration clouding his beautiful blues.
You pucker your lips and he smiles, dropping his head and pressing a soft kiss to your lips while slowly starting to thrust.
His pace is slow and steady, pulling out nearly all the way then slowly pushing back in, each thrust stretching your walls further than the last.
“Fuck... you’re so fucking tight... feel so good, bunny.” Your nails dig into his shoulders as he gradually speeds up, each drag against your walls bringing you a type of pleasure you’ve only dreamed of.
“S-steve... feels... feels nice... so big...” You’re hardly making any sense but you speak anyway, toes curling as he speeds up even more.
His lips find your throat and you whine loudly, nails raking down his back.
“M’gonna go harder and faster, okay Bunny? You ready?” You nod, mouth dropping open as he hammers his hips forward, cock hitting places inside of you that make you see stars.
The noises coming from you nearly have him cumming hard, but he grinds his teeth together. He’s determined to make you cum first.
One of his hands darts between your legs, finding your clit and rubbing circles on it.
Your back arches hard, chest pressed tight against his as your eyes roll back into your head, an orgasm racing down your spine and exploding in your stomach.
Every nerve in your body is on fire, stars dance behind your eyes, and your cunt clamps down hard on Steve's cock.
The blond groans lowly, eyes squeezed shut as he falls into his own climax.
He fills you, white painting your walls and warming you from the inside.
The two of you stay like that, you trembling on the bed and Steve slowly starting to shake above you as his muscles threaten to give out.
After a moment he rolls onto his side, pulling you close to him to keep his cock locked inside of you.
His fingers trace along your spine, rubbing up and down so gently that it nearly lulls you to sleep.
“Fucking hell, bunny.” He presses his lips against your forehead, beyond satisfied with what just happened. You hum softly, nuzzling deeper against his chest.
He kicks the blankets up until they’re around his knees then pulls them up to cover the two of you.
You’re snuggled up against him, one of your legs tossed over his hip as his cock sits nice and snug inside of you.
“Thank you, Steve.” He’s quiet for a moment before hugging you tightly.
“Anything for you, Bunny.”
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authornina · 3 years
The Tassle Worth the Hassle: Congratulations Sav!👨🏾‍🎓
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Chi kept standing up screaming Sav’s name when it got quiet and he ducked his head like he didn’t know who the hell her crazy ass was. She was doing it to purposely embarrass him. 
“Sit your ass down!” Ivy whispered. “You making us all look crazy!” 
“I love you Dayvion! I’m so proud of you baby!” Chi said one last thing before taking her seat.
The ceremony was long and many people in the stadium started becoming drowsy. Thank goodness they didn’t bring any of their children because no way could a bunch of two and one-year olds sit through this.
After two hours of honoring specific students, and guest speakers, Sav was up. He was graduating Summa Cum Laude and Lake couldn’t have been prouder. He and some other students were sitting on the stage. They’d been chosen to represent the student body because they held the highest distinctions amongst their peers. Of the three who’d held the highest distinctions, they voted and chose him to give the speech. 
When Sav stood up the whole class erupted. He was popular on campus not only as a ladies man but the weed man as well. They absolutely loved him. He was one of the few African Americans that attended the prestigious university, so it was easy to stand out. 
“Why are they goin’ up for my husband like this?” Chi asked, being drowned out by the amount of cheering happening for Sav. 
“Chill, y’all,” Sav said over the mic. “Dean Lee said she not for my shit—” he slipped up and everyone laughed. “I mean stuff today.”
The Dean who was also black shook her head at his use of language, but she knew how Dayvion Porter, which she addressed him as could be. They’d had several run ins over the course of his college career. The young man with tattoos galore, foul mouth and pants off his ass was indeed by measure the smartest one in the sea of thousands of students. She wanted this young black scholar to have his moment even in its rawness. This was black excellence being shown at a PWI and she was proud nonetheless. 
“Ummm…everybody know I ain’t wanna do this.” Sav did not try to sound intelligent or put on for nobody. They wanted him to give this speech he was going to do it as him. Educated and all, he was true to himself. “I told Dean Lee I would be honest and y’all still chose me so here we go…” 
“Fucking right bro!” A white guy shouted from the crowd. 
“I know a lot of us struggled to make it to this stage. Not only the amount of work we had to put in to make it here but the pressure, financial restraints, family issues, our mental incapacities at times…a lot more goes into just getting a degree. Picking something you can actually apply and let’s be honest, make money from in this nut ass world. Shout out to y’all who got art degrees, it’s about to be hell,” Sav said honestly and the audience died of laughter. “I know some of y’all personally who went through some of this. To be honest, ion know what it look like. I couldn’t relate because I didn’t have those problems. Y’all probably thought I’m the made it out the hood specialty case. I had a big brother who not only kept pushing me to finish but made sure I didn’t have not one worry while doing it, so this was a breeze for me actually. I don’t need no college degree, but I did this for one person and one person only. My brother Lake. I wanna honor him with this because a lot of the great people, the ones behind the scenes who never get recognized are the real ones that make it happen. I was able to run a whole business, get married, have kids, live my life stress free. He gave me what I know a lot of people who look like me never get. A peace of mind. A care-free life, the tools I needed to be successful and I thank him for that every day.” Sav was looking right at Lake. “My brother the reason why I get to stand here right now…so this to the single moms out here doing it all on their own that got their kids to this day, to the dads working day and night to pay for tuitions, the grandparents, siblings, aunties and uncles who put their all into a kid to see them do better. If it wasn’t for y’all, I’m sure we wouldn’t be up in here falling asleep and waiting to hear our name called for a degree we couldn’t have gotten without y’all.” 
Although the ceremony wasn’t done after Sav’s speech all the students felt every word he said and so did the families there to support them. 
“Wait…” Dean Lee got up ready to stop them but it was too late all the graduates were up on their feet, throwing their caps in the air. It was like a big party started. It took twenty minutes to get everything settled then the degrees were finally handed out. 
“Dayvion Porter,” they called Sav’s name to receive his degree and it went crazy again. 
“That’s it!” the president of the school got up waving his hands then shouted in the mic. “Everyone please sit down!”                                                       ******* Lake waited patiently, watching Sav bump fists with a bunch of people because he wasn’t about to touch all them hands. He stood in his robe, medals and cords around his neck looking like a true scholar. He admired the hell out of his little brother. Not even for finishing but remaining authentic and true to himself during the process. Sav had his moments but everything he set out to accomplish, had been done. Lake couldn’t and wouldn’t ask anymore of him.
“You proud of me?” Sav asked, coming towards him with his arms out for hug.
“So proud man,” Lake smiled, embracing his baby brother. “I’m so fuckin’ proud.” 
“Thank you, where the fuck everybody go?” 
“Home, they didn’t want to stay around for the crowd and all the traffic.”
“Now you know that’s fucked up. Even my own wife? All this and them niggas dip on me? Take me home to my kids. Nobody better not say shit to me.”
“Chill, I wanted you to take a ride with me.”  
“Ion even feel like it.” Sav’s feelings were hurt. His whole family was worried about beating traffic than his big day. It upset him more because he didn’t even care about it as much as they did.
They had to get all of his gifts professors, the school, students and others got for him. Sav indeed was their favorite. Someone even gave him basketball season tickets. Once they were in the car Lake did his best not to laugh. Sav was really upset. 
“Why the fuck we here?” 
Lake pulled into to the strip club they used to frequent and Sav knew something was up now. His brother wasn’t allowed to be a hundred feet of no strippers per his wife’s rules. Only if she was DJing did Avery let him enter the building.
“Because I thought it would cheer you up.” 
“I told you I don’t feel like shit no more. Them niggas fucked my mood up. Especially, Chi, she really dipped on me. Her fuckin’ muscle head ass better hope ion divorce her.”
“Sav, relax, nigga,” Lake laughed lighting a blunt then passing it to him. “Hassan would be proud of you man.”
“Yea…” Sav put his head back blowing out smoke. “I be thinkin’ bout Daddy a lot.” 
“Me too, all the time actually…I wish he would’ve made it, seen you today. It’s moments like this that make life worth living.” Lake stared out the window. After a few seconds of silence, he reached in the back seat and handed Sav an envelope. 
“What’s this?” 
“I ain’t know what to get a nigga that got it all for a graduation gift.” 
“Aw man…” Sav looked at all the papers and got emotional. 
Lake knew it bothered him that he didn’t know where he came from for sure. He couldn’t do a traditional testing since their father was deceased and had been cremated. But there was sibling DNA test and because Sav, Lake, Vant and Wreck didn’t share the same mother, it was easy to get proof. If he wasn’t Hassan’s he’d have not an ounce of relation to them.  
“Sav even if that shit ain’t say what we already knew it wouldn’t have made you any less my brother. I hope you know that.” 
“Thanks man,” Sav dapped Lake up and he pulled him in for a hug.
“Why the fuck y’all sittin’ in here cuddling and shit?” Wreck was about to get in the back, but Lake had car seats. “Nigga, Avery whip don’t have nothing in it. I swear you and Vant the wives.” 
“Fuck you nigga,” Lake pushed him getting out the car. “Stop takin’ your anger out on everybody. I told you come talk to me, you wanna hide out and shit. Think Daly ain’t tell me the bullshit you been on.” 
“I ain’t got nothing to say, and Daly a nut for bringin’ shit to you like I’m not a grown ass man! It’s fuck everything and that’s on my Daddy.” Wreck walked over and dapped Sav up. “I’m proud of you nigga.” 
“Are you really bro?” 
“Yea! Ion mean to be so hard on you. I apologize. Just…you know I’m dealin’ with my own shit right now, but I love you man.”
“I know, it’s cool, I love you too.” Sav felt bad for his brother. Wreck didn’t know which way he was going. It had spread about Gia breaking up with him. A simple, I don’t want to be with you anymore, was all the reason she gave him. That’s all he got from her. Wreck opened himself up to a woman for the last time. 
“Let’s go in here, I can’t be out for long or A will come lookin’ for me.” 
“Cause you a whipped ass—” 
“Y’all keep saying that,” Lake laughed, cutting Wreck off. “But I’m happy as fuck. I have no resistance in letting love take over me anymore.” 
“And you know what? I am genuinely jealous and that ain’t even me bro.” 
“Wreck,” Lake stopped walking. “I’m for real, come talk to me. Tomorrow, nigga.” 
“Everything already fucked up, bro. Gia will never be with me again.” 
“How?” Sav asked.
“Ion wanna talk about it.” 
“What the hell is taking so long?!” Chi pushed the door open. 
“Fuck is you doing here?” Sav looked at Lake confused. “I did not ask to come here, Chi. Lake brought me. I was on the way home.” He started defending himself immediately. 
“Get in here, Dayvion.” Chi pulled him along and it was dark as hell on the inside.
“SURPRISE!” the lights, loud ass music and cheering all happened at the same time. The whole club was decorated in his school colors with a big ass banner congratulating him. Everybody was holding cutouts of Sav’s head from his graduation photo. 
“You did this for me?” Sav wanted to cry.
“I love you,” Sav kissed her all the way down on the couch. 
“Stop Sav!” Chi laughed. “My dress is comin’ up! You doin’ all this in front of people!” 
“Can I give my brother a hug now?” Dem asked and they let each other go. “I’m proud of you bul.” 
“Thank you.” Sav hugged Dem longer than he did his own wife. Chi was over trying to get in between something that Sav needed to literally survive, to breathe and have good days. They were working through a lot of things and as long as he prioritized her and their children then he could love on Dem all he wanted. 
“I’m so proud of you, boo boo,” Ivy said kissing her baby all over. 
“Ard come on with all that shit,” Vant tore them apart. “We got a surprise for you later,” he whispered making Sav laugh.
“Shout out to my young nigga Sav! Congratulations bro!” DJ AP shouted in the mic sounding like a nigga making everybody crack the fuck up. She was barely six weeks post-partum and came out to party for her favorite person much to Lake’s dismay. “This one for you baby!” Avery pointed at him then played Nicki Minaj Moment for Life. Sav wouldn’t openly admit he was a fan. 
“No, I'm not lucky, I'm blessed, yes, clap for the heavyweight champ, me! But I couldn't do it all alone, we!” Sav jumped on all his brothers. The moment was so nice. “Lake Porter raised me,” he remixed the lyrics. 
Lake looked at Wreck who was visibly sad and hugged his brother and in front of everyone Wreck received it because he really needed it. 
“It’s gon’ be okay, ard?” 
“Yea…” Wreck didn’t want to ruin his little brother’s day so he decided to just put his own issues aside for the time being. Vant handed him a drink patting his back. 
“It’s ard bro.” 
“Put ya drinks up,” Dem held his glass in the air with is arm wrapped around Sav. “It's a celebration, every time we link up, we done did everything, they can think of, greatness, is what we on the brink of!”
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I'll Make It Okay for You - Part 1
Pairing: Harvey Specter x Reader
Word count: 3,666
Warnings: Discussion, yelling, some angst, mentions of drugs, and drug abuse. 
Summary: What happens when (y/n) (y/l/n), Harvey’s secret crush and a junior partner at his firm, openly defies him in front of everyone?
You can find Part 2 here.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the show Suits, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: So, this is my first Harvey Specter fic and I’m obviously quite unsure about it, lol. This might’ve ended up like one big mess, cause I tried to combine a bunch of Harveys I wanted to see. The perfect recipe for disaster, right? Anyways, I hope it doesn’t suck too bad and, please, feel free to give me feedback, cause I’m also here to learn!!
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
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You’d barely stepped out of the elevator when you were met by your secretary that morning. That couldn’t mean anything good.
“Morning, (y/n/n). You’ve got an emergency meeting with Jessica today. Gonna give you the schedule on the way there.” Lucy stated, leading you on the opposite way to Jessica’s office.
“Oh, I got the memo; company’s under attack again. She wants me on the frontlines this time. Louis is probably running around saying ‘We’re at war, people, war!!!’, or something like that. But why aren’t we headed towards the boss’ office?”
“Apparently, uh, she wants y’all to convey at Harvey’s office.” She said hesitantly, as if afraid of your reaction.
“Are you kidding me? It’s the first hour of the morning and she wants me to go see that smug face of his?” You pouted childishly.
“Smug and hot, you mean.” Lucy corrected you, getting an outraged look from you in response, as she usually would by saying anything positive about Specter.
“Shush,” You said, motioning for her to stop talking, “ one shall not praise Harvey Annoying Specter around me.” You stated full of obstination, but the younger woman just laughed you off and said:
“Well, here we are. I guess I’ll just have to send you an e-mail with your schedule, since, once again, we spent our schedule minutes of the day talking about “the enemy”.” She mocked with gestures and everything this time. That Lucy really was a piece of work, she timed the whole thing perfectly, in a way that you couldn’t even repudiate her insinuations because you were already standing in front of Specter’s office door.
Not long after you had entered and Jessica had officially started the strategy-meeting, though, all eyes in the room turned to you, as your phone started ringing in your back pocket. "Shit! I'm- I'm so sorry, guys, I guess I-"
"Can you please take your job seriously for once in your life, (y/l/n)?" You heard Harvey Pain-In-The-Ass Specter rudely remark, as you tried to swallow your embarrassment.
“Well, like I was trying to say, I’m sorry. Gonna turn it off right now, won’t happen again.” You said, directing your apologetic look to Jessica.
“You should just go ahead and answer it, could be something important.” She calmly told you.
“Especially now that you’ve already interrupted our work.” Specter chipped in again, which just gave you more fuel to answer the goddamn phone.
“Hello, yeah this is her.” You confirmed to the man on the phone, while taking a few steps towards the corner of the room. “What??? Are you sure? Oh my God! O- okay, just tell me which one and I’ll be there as soon as possible! Right, thank you.” Everyone’s eyes were on you, trying to understand what made you look so distressed. Except his, of course.
“Wait a second. Are you leaving right now?” He asked with a mix of annoyance and irritation in his voice.
“Yes, I am. I’m sorry, Jessica, but this is a family emergency. I have to go.”
“Well, I just hope you know that this doesn’t look good for you, (y/n).” She said, voice inexpressive.
“I do and, honestly? I couldn’t care less about that right now.” You firmly told her, while hoping your career wasn’t over by the next morning.
“I hope everything goes well for you and your family, (y/n). If you need anything, and I mean anything, just let me know.” Louis told you with that childish smile of his. Jesus, even in a moment like this, he tried to flirt with you.
“Thank you, Louis. That’s very kind.” You faked a tiny smile.
“What?” You asked, turning back to face Harvey.
“Your firm is under attack and you’re leaving because of some stupid family crap?” Was he even serious?
“Precisely. And I don’t really care what your thoughts are on it. Our priorities are clearly very different.” Who the hell did he think he was to say anything about your family’s issues?
“Well, that shouldn’t matter because, the minute you walk in here, through those elevators out there, you’re supposed to leave all things personal behind.”
“Oh, right. I’m so sorry that I’m not some heartless lawyer like you, who’s just in it for the petty fights in the name of money-making.” Shit. You needed to get the hell out of there before you said something else to make Specter wanna kick you out himself. So you did. Stormed out like there was no tomorrow, leaving nothing but the very shocked Donna, Jessica, Louis, Mike, and Rachel behind. Oh, yeah, and a very pissed-off Harvey Specter.
Okay, maybe you were a little too harsh, but given the place you needed to go, to do what you needed to do, you didn't care about Harvey, your job, or anything else.
It was much later on that same day, around dinner time, that you heard a soft knock on your door. But how could someone be at your door, if the doorman downstairs hadn't announced any visitors? Were you dreaming? Well, the day had been so tiring that that wasn't exactly impossible… Nonetheless, you made your way to the door, whilst holding your very needy three-year-old nephew in your arms. Not that you could blame Henry after the day he’d had.
Since you weren’t expecting anyone, it was reasonable to believe that, whoever it was, was going to be a surprise. But not in a million years would have you ever guessed that Harvey Specter was the one knocking at your door. Especially considering what had happened at the firm earlier. How did he even know your address?
“Hi, (y/l/n). I didn’t know you had a kid.” He stated with a bit of surprise of his own, pointing to the little boy you were carrying.
“No, uh, I don’t have any.” You managed to say, trying to control your shocked expression. “This is my nephew.” You clarified again, a little more at ease this time.
“My name’s Henry. What’s yours?” You heard your nephew ask with his cute child-voice.
“Harvey. It’s, uh, it’s very nice to meet you, Henry.” Harvey told the boy, holding out his hand for him to shake, as a sweet smile came to his lips.
“Is he your friend, auntie (y/n/n)?” Henry asked you hesitantly, before making a move. The Don’t Talk to Strangers Rule must’ve kicked in his mind. 
Before answering him, you hesitated a little bit yourself, though. Was Harvey your friend? Obviously not, but if he came to your apartment in the middle of the night like this, it was probably because of something important. Work-related, of course. Which meant you’d have to let him in, so you settled for what would be the easiest classification for a three-year-old.
“Yeah, bud, he is my friend from work.” Hearing that, something in Specter’s eyes changed, you didn’t really know what, though.
“Well, then, can he come play with us?” He gave you such a cute look, that you almost said yes right on cue. But you obviously couldn’t. 
“You’d have to ask him, but I’m sure he has a lot of other, more important, things to do now.” You tried to explain to the little boy, giving Harvey a look. But you didn’t get too far, as the lawyer quickly said:
“Of course I wanna go play with you! That is if your auntie’s okay with that…” Now he was mocking you, that was the only explanation.
“Can we play with him, then, auntie (y/n/n)? Please, please, please?” God, what horrible thing could’ve you possibly done to deserve this particular punishment?
“Um, I guess... If he really has nothing better to do-” Harvey didn’t even let you finish your sentence.
“I really don’t.” He said, shooting you and Henry a bright smile that you’d never seen before.
“Okay, then, come in. Please disregard the mess, I got this stuff to make dinner, but someone just won’t detach, right, mister?” You asked your nephew with fake annoyance in your voice, as you tickled his sides a little bit. He just laughed at you. Though what really caught your attention was the fact that Harvey, too, was chuckling lightly at the scene, as he started picking up your groceries’ bags from the floor. “What are you doing?”
“Helping you, what else?” You gave him a weird look because, well, it was a weird situation. Maybe he noticed your discomfort because he added: “You look tired, so I’ll help you by making dinner and putting the rest of these away.”
“You’re kidding, right?” There was no way in hell that the All-Mighty Harvey Specter was gonna get domestic for you, of all people. Since he didn’t bother to answer, you went on: “First of all, what was it that you really came here to do, hum? And, second, I don’t need your help with anything.” Normally you tried to be kind to everyone, but, then again, Specter wasn’t exactly your normal kind of guy.
“Well, first of all,” he started in a tone of mockery, “that was rude! Look at the example you’re setting for little Henry!” Oh God, as much as you hated to admit it, he was kinda right, because you had completely forgotten about the little boy still cradled in your arms. “Second, we can talk about the reason why I came here later,” after your nephew’s asleep, was implicit in his speech, “third, it looks like you do need some help. And, for your luck, I happen to be a very good cook when I want to.”
“But-” You could barely begin your sentence, as Harvey sharply cut you off:
“You see, buddy,” he started, motioning to Henry this time, “the quicker we get your auntie on board with the game plan, the quicker we’ll get to eat and go play together!” Son of a bitch! Using a child to get to you…
“Can we please, auntie? Please?” How could you not crack after that pleading?
“Fine, but I swear I’ll make you pay if we wake up with food poisoning tomorrow, Specter.” You told him playfully, trying to lighten the mood after all of your bluntness.
“Oh, trust me, (y/l/n), you won’t. This will be the best meal you and the young man here will ever have in your entire lives.” He said cockily, but without the usual arrogance level, if that even makes sense.
A few hours and a really great dinner later, you and Henry couldn’t help but snicker shamelessly at Harvey’s ridiculous faces, as the three of you played a game on your living room’s floor. Trying to catch your breath from your giggles, you glanced up at the clock and realized that it was way too late for your nephew to be out of bed like that. So you broke up the game, announcing:
“It’s bedtime for you, Mr. Henry.” You watched the faces of the pair turn into ones of pure disappointment, as they prepared to pout.
“Just a little longer, auntie (y/n/n)! please!” The little boy started.
“Yeah, auntie, just a little longer! Please?” This time it was the grown man, one of the toughest Wall Street lawyers.
“As moved as I am by your synchrony, guys, the answer is a big no. C’mon, bud, let’s go brush your teeth. And then straight to bed. So say bye to Harvey, and thank him for being so nice to us tonight.” He looked between you and Specter as if still hoping for a hail Mary of some sort.
“Bye, Harvey.” He sounded so sad, but then he smiled brightly again, as he repeated what you’d told him to say word by word: “And thank you for being so nice to us tonight.” Hearing that, both you and Harvey chuckled lightly at the young boy, who quickly added: “Will you come see us tomorrow too?”
“Uh, we’ll, uh, we’ll see about that, okay, little man?” He tried to let Henry down slowly but, watching the boy’s expression become a sad one instantly, he added: “It’s just because both your auntie and I have a lot of work ahead of us tomorrow, but I’ll do my best, okay?” That was definitely a side of Harvey you’d never seen before, he had even bent down to be on your nephew’s level.
“Okay.” Henry said quietly, seeming to be a little happier, too.
“Okay, then let’s just go upstairs already.” You took the boy’s hand to guide him towards the spare bedroom’s bathroom, all the while shooting Specter a look that told him to wait for you a little longer.
“I’ll wait for you down here.” He said, proving he understood what your eyes tried to transmit.
So you headed upstairs with your nephew and, after a good fifteen minutes of brushing Henry’s teeth, helping him into his PJs, and tucking him in, you finally managed to come back to the living room, where you found Harvey looking through some of your photos displayed on the sideboard. For a minute or two, you just watched him. It wasn’t that you liked what you saw or anything. It wasn’t. It was more like postponing the weird conversation you two were bound to have, because, after all that had happened in those few hours, the atmosphere was, at very least, a strange one. But, almost as if he’d felt your gaze on his back, the lawyer in him was switched on, and he interrupted your thoughts by saying:
“Ah, you’re back. Good, because we need to talk.” You just motioned for him to follow you into your home office. But both you and Harvey looked so informal to be in that kind of environment, that you just indicated the small couch on the wall opposite to your desk for you to take your seats in.
“So, uh, before you even say anything, I wanna thank you for being so kind tonight,” a small smile came to your lips, as you remembered, not only the evening but how your nephew had used almost those exact same words, already imitating you, a little earlier. Specter smiled too, you noticed. “and I also wanna apologize. If you came here to talk to me… I must’ve made you waste a lot of time, huh?” You tried with a half-smile this time, as embarrassment started taking over you.
“What? No, of course not! I'm pretty sure that I told you I didn't have anything better to do, didn't I?" He calmly asked with a smile.
"Yeah, but I'm not buying it. You're Harvey Specter, isn't that what you're always saying? And Harvey Specter always has something better to do, isn't that right?" You shot back in a mockery tone, regaining your confidence.
"Well, maybe. But, not today. So don't apologize, and don't thank me. I'm the one who should be thanking you, I had a really good time tonight." Okay, now you were shocked. He had a good time?
"Uh, okay, um, so... What was so urgent that you had to come here in the middle of the night?" You nervously ranted, while tugging your hair behind your ears. He just stared at you, so much so that you almost repeated your question.
"Um, yeah, about this morning… That's why I came here…" You were already guessing that that would come up eventually, but it was the topic of your conversation? "I know that you and I always had our differences, and maybe even some rivalry-"
"Some rivalry? Dude, I'm just a junior partner, and ever since I started on that firm you've been persecuting me-"
"I wouldn't say persecuting…"
"Oh, you wouldn't?"
"Not since you made junior partner anyways. Now it's just a healthy rivalry between work friends…" He tried to use what you’d told your nephew earlier. 
"Oh, so you do admit you were persecuting me when I was an associate, huh?"
"Shit." He muttered quietly, as you watched him with a victory smile on your lips. "You know what? Hell yeah, I did persecute you when you were an associate." Hearing that blunt admission of guilt, you just couldn't find anything to say. “You wanna know why? I did that because, from the first time I saw you doing your job, I saw this very thing that I see now: you kicking ass, you think I wanted to admit this to you? I’ll answer it myself: no, I didn’t. The only reason why it happened is that you led me to it.” He blurted out, completely knocking you off your socks.
“So, um, you treated, you treat me like shit because, um, because I’m good?” You asked, still unsure of what to think about his confession.
“Well, that was part of it, sure. So, you see, I could understand it when you weren’t particularly thrilled at the perspective of working with me. But, this morning, you said that I’m a heartless guy who only cares about money… Is that really what you think of me?” This time he sounded genuinely sad? When Harvey said that he’d come to your apartment to talk about that morning, you thought he was gonna reprimand the shit out of you for disrespecting him ⎯ your sort of boss, a senior partner ⎯, but, apparently, he was asking about it on a more personal level. A level you’d never really thought played a part in your relationship with him.
“Oh, Harvey…”
“Be honest, please. I don’t want your pity. You don’t even know me all that well, so don’t try to minimize anything. I can take it.”
“That’s not what I was gonna do. And, trust me, you’re probably the last person in the world I’d pity.” You told him with a sly smile. “You’re right. I don’t know you all that well. Or, at least, I didn’t this morning. But I do know that you’re not heartless. Also, I was really out of line then, I’ve seen you fighting tooth and nail for a lot more than just money in that firm. You’re loyal to your firm and friends like no one else and, tonight, I watched you sitting on the floor and playing with a little boy. And, trust me, that meant more to him than you’d ever know, especially after today… Anyways, what I’m really trying to say is that I was so damn wrong and that I’m sorry. I’d gotten some pretty nerve-racking news beforehand, not that that’s an excuse but...” You told him, meaning every word and trying hard to show how much you regretted your previous actions.
“Wait, what news?”
“Ah, it’s nothing for you to worry about, really.” You tried to brush him off.
“Oh, c’mon! You said all those nice things about me, but when it comes to your life and your problems you still don’t trust me, isn’t that right?” His tone was sharply inexpressive, but his eyes showed he was actually hurt.
“What are you talking about? Oh my God, Harvey! I’ve relied on you for a number of cases that I really cared about! I let you in on my apartment! I let you spend an entire night around my nephew! Of course, I trust you!”
“Then what the hell is the problem? You think I’m not gonna give a damn about your family issues? Is that it? Because I am literally begging you to tell me about them!”
“I don’t wanna tell you because I don’t want you, or anyone else on the firm, to think that I’m some pathetic little girl who uses her family issues as an excuse to get out of a tough fight.” You confessed in a lower tone, slightly embarrassed, just hoping he would understand and stop poking. “Things are very different when you’re a woman, you know…”
“I would never think that about you. Family is important. Especially if it’s made of people like Henry…” He said, reassuring you, even though there was a hint of sadness in his voice. “Besides, you said you trust me, so you need to trust me when I say that I wouldn’t betray you by telling people about your problems. I’m not here as your boss, (y/n). I just wanna help you.” He sounded so sincere and, if you were being honest with yourself, you kinda really needed to vent.
“Okay, um, where to start? I have two sisters: Henry’s mother, Kat, and a fifteen-year-old, Lisa. I’m the older one of all three of us. Lisa’s sick, like very sick, so my parents, who are both retired, are with her at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, to try and get her better. In the meantime, Kat was supposed to go to college, as well as care for her son, between my parents and me, she wouldn’t even need to provide for them or anything. But, a while ago, she overdosed for the first time. That’s when we found out about her addiction. We’ve already tried a million different things but nothing works. So, my parents and I threatened to make her lose her parental rights over Henry, hoping that it’d be a wake-up call for her, but it backfired. She just took the boy and disappeared, then today I get that call, from the police department, saying that she was in custody for drug distribution and endangering the well-fare of a minor. They asked me to go pick my nephew and, maybe, get Kat a lawyer.” And, just like that, you’d told Harvey Specter, of all people, everything. Tears rolling down your cheeks and him pulling you into a hug.
If anyone had told you that that was how your night was gonna go, you would have definitely laughed them out of the room. But now, just sitting there, being held and caressed by Harvey, as you let your armor down, it was finally beginning to look like things were gonna be okay. 
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osakunt · 3 years
Hello dear ! I don’t know if you write for Hakkai but if you do, could you write an x fem reader in which the reader discovers the scar he has because of when his brother beat him up. And he’ll all embarrassed about it…
(Fluff and/or angst one shot pls🙏🏼)
It’s okay if you won’t write it ! Have a nice day<3
➫ 𝗛𝗮𝗸𝗸𝗮𝗶 𝗦𝗵𝗶𝗯𝗮 𝘅 𝗙𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 [𝗽𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲𝘀𝗸𝗶𝗽]
➫ 𝗢𝗛 𝗬𝗘𝗦𝗦𝗦𝗦 !! 𝗜 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗯𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝘁𝗼𝗼, 𝗹𝗼𝗹. 𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮 𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝘆/𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗮𝘀 𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹. 𝗧𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗲 <𝟯
It is said that Hakkai is timid around girls and took him a while to get used to being around Hinata - a little too long, actually. But this didn’t stop him from getting close to you through the years and developing a crush that then resulted him becoming your boyfriend. One thing that did bother him here and there was the scar going down his lips that no matter how he saw it you’d always tell him that,that scar didn’t matter. That nobody cared about it. In your opinion it made him look hot.
The first his insecurities came in was when he realized he liked you. You had been around when he was scouted as the second in command for Mitsuya’s division but shortly after sentenced to house arrest for beating up some kid at school, causing his parents to press charges. When you came back you were put back into the second division and automatically noticed Hakkai. Not because you didn’t know him but because he avoided you. You didn’t think much of it but once Toman was dismantled and you two went to the same high school it made you think if the youngest of the Shiba siblings didn’t like you.
Going to Mitsuya, you sit down on a bench outside the school where he was drawing up a very detailed design for a jacket. “Da’ya know why Hakkai doesn’t like me ? Is it cause I beat up that kid a few years ago or cause he simply doesn’t like me ?” You look over at Mitsuya who smiles in amusement. “Why don’t you go and ask him yourself.” “…..yea,good point- I’ll beat the answer out of ‘em” you get up pulling the hem of your uniform skirt down that had risen” “try to not give him another scar, (y/n)” Mitsuya waves you off still looking down at his drawing “….did she just say she’d beat him up for answers ?!…..Baji you sure did corrupt that girl”
After long hours of sitting down, the school day came to an end. “Wonder what ‘Suya meant when he said to not give the kid another scar.” As you approach the school enterence you spot Hakkai who makes eye contact with you then quickly looks down- his hair falling over his face covering up his scar. You didn’t really get to take in his face even when you met so now was your chance to poke at the nagging wonder of the scar and ask him why he was avoiding you.
Catching up to him , you pull the sleeve of his shirt roughly, yanking him back. You look up at him with a stern look. “So how come you don’t like me ?” “I-I-I-what !? W-who said I don’t like you ?? I like you-like you!” He panicked giving himself away. Your eyes shine, looking up at his scar. Reaching up to touch it he flinches then turns his head to the side so you wouldn’t look at his scar “please don’t look at it” he mumbles embarrassed. You understanding you don’t try to get him to show you - nope not that. Instead you turn around pulling up your uniform shirt to show him the diagonal scar going down your back. “Got this while fighting against a few black dragon members. I stopped going to the beach with the others afraid of showing the scar when I first got it. I didn’t want my bathing suit top to expose my imperfection but as time went on , I accepted it. This scar shows that I survived the stab and I’m pretty damn proud that I survived a deep wound” you turn back around pulling your shirt back down - seeing Hakkai’s dumbfounded expression. He never would have thought that you would have such a scar, so it blew him away when you showed him with ease.
You invite him to walk with you the reaminaing of the distance home. The walk was silent but a comfortable silence. Stealing looks at you, Hakkai decides that he’d tell you how he got his scar. You had told him about yours so easily so it wouldn’t hurt to tell you his scar story. “Taiju got pissed one day….he then came for me - square to the face.” He tells you looking down at his shoes, afraid to look up.
“Hakkai, I think your scar is hot. It also shows that you survived. Survived being under an abusive brother. You and Yuzuha went through hell but you’re both free of him now.” You speak lettinghim know that things were alright on your part. “…uh..uhm…how about we go to the store a block from here and get some food. Let’s hang out afterwards, yea ?” You smile at him dismissing the sorrow that was feeding his insecurity. From then on you two got close and by the time you two graduated y’all started going out.
[𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗧𝗶𝗺𝗲]
“What if they don’t like me ? They’ll judge me by my appearance? Who’d want a dude with a scar going straight down his face on that run way !!?” Hakkai points to his scar stopping in the middle of the room looking at you and his sister. He was to be on the run way in less than ten minutes and manses was freaking out.
Yuzuha steps out the room to get him some water to calm down, leaving you and him behind. “Love, this isn’t the first time you’re in the run way. You’re gorgeous Hakkai !! Remember that” you fix up the small crease on the street wear clothing that was to be modeled by him. All the walking from side to side had the shirt start to pop out and crease from the movement he had going. Fixing it up quickly , you look up at him with a smile reassuring him that things were going to be alright. Bending down he gives you a kiss then consumes you into a hug squeezing you slightly. “Ya sure about that, doll ?” “Of course I am. You’re the best looking model these people have - now c’mon I wanna see my fine ass fiancé cat walk !!”
As the show went on and Hakkai’s turn came around for him to walk - the crowd went wild with seeing him walk. His stature, his expression, his looks, the clothing and the scar that added to his looks. Had people fanboying and fangirling over him. Finding you in the crowd he looked like he was about to cry from how the crowd had reacted; the happy feeling bubbling inside him boosted his confidence resulting in him giving his best performance yet. After the show was over Yuzuha hugs you “whatever you did to get him up there and not pussy out, is beyond me but thank you” “aw, Yuzu, a little reassuring goes a long way.” You wink at her letting go of her embrace and making your way backstage.
“YOU DID IT, BABY !!” You run towards the tall male tackling him onto the floor. “I sure did, huh ? Thank you” he chuckles under you. “Wanna go to the twins place ? They’ll give us free food!! I’ll get the whole group to meet us there, they made it just in time to see you walk” “free food ?? HELL YEA !! ” you two get up, sprinting to the closest exit dragging along his sister to celebrate the accomplishment.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
idk if u know him but i just found out that technoblade has cancer and now im really sad but it did get me a lil curious to see a small corpse x reader scenario or headcanons where reader announces they have cancer in the midst of playing with corpse and their friends on stream?
Sorry for the long wait dear but here is your request finally fulfilled. Because of my long queue I decided to go for headcanons and I hope you don't mind. If you want a full fic of this concept don't hesitate to let me know ~ XOXO, Vy 💕
Streamer gang & Reader (Gender Neutral)
TW: Mentions of suffering from cancer, Mentions of hospital visits and hospital treatment
- You had been running late for the stream you and the crew had arranged a few days prior - Because of certain problems with the system at you hospital, you had to attend your appointment that day instead of the day before, the timing clashing a bit with the timing of the stream - You sent Rae a quick text that you'd be late for the event, hoping she wouldn't ask why - And luckily she didn't - Truth be told, it's not like you were going to extreme lengths to hide your illness, you just didn't want you friends seeing you differently - Still, however, you were planning to tell them sooner or later - You always made up scenarios in your head of how it would go and only in a few were your news accepted lightly - You hated that you had to risk all those other, far less fortunate alternatives, but it was what it was and you had zero control of how they’d react so you were practically helpless in that field - That being said, you just let out a sigh every time your mind started going down that route - “Hey guys, sorry I’m late. The hospital messed up my appointment which was supposed to be YESTERDAY. So shout out to them, you guys suck. Just kidding, y’all keep me alive.” - Your friends chuckled at your comment, paying no mind to it as anything but a joke - “Time you switch hospitals then.” Toast nudges you jokingly - “Oh trust me, bro, that would be hella more complicated than just making appointments in my local one. All my paperwork, records, medical history, everything’s there. I can just about imagine how much of it would be lost if I moved.” - Corpse scoffs, amused, “Damn, you make it sound like you’re in and out of the hospital more than I am.” - You playfully roll your eyes even though he can’t see me, “Yeah, well having cancer does that to a person.” - The call goes quiet for a few moments, making you think back to what you just said, turning pale as a ghost, all you blood running cold - “Fuck-” Corpse is the first one to speak up, “That’s fucking horrible.” - “Why didn’t you tell us?” Rae follows him up, voice equally as concerned as Corpse’s, both of them clearly rattled by your confession - As is the rest of the game lobby - You fidget with your hands, your eyes stinging with sudden hot tears that are threatening to spill but you refuse to let them - The last thing you were expecting when imagining the aforementioned scenarios was crying - You thought you had come to terms with it long ago to the point where you can even joke about it but turns out you were wrong - “I-” You begin to speak but stutter because of the knot in your throat, “I didn’t want you guys to...pity me or see me any differently. I-..I wouldn’t be able to stand even you treating me like I’m fragile and overthinking everything you say in my presence.” - Your response is answered by another moment of silence before your racing mind is put to a slight ease by Corpse’s voice travelling through your headset - “Nothing will change, Y/N.” He says, tone still shaky but at least steadier than before, “You’re still the most badass impostor among us.” He pauses, “Pun was not intended, but I truly mean it.” - “Yeah, you’re still the same and so are we, this changes nothing.” Toast says reassuringly. - “However!” Rae interrupts, causing your heart to drop, “Do you promise to never again keep us in the dark about things going on in your life? We’re your friends and we wanna be there for you, don’t keep our hands tied.” - Your heart rose and dropped yet again but did so under the effect of a completely different emotion than before - joy - The tears prickling your eyes are now happy tears, ones you hadn’t let out in years - “I promise.” You say with a sniffle, “And one more thing...” - “Yeah?” Corpse says - “Thank you.”
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hobbitsnapes · 3 years
Corpse x MGK!sister reader
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(Found this image on Pinterest so all credit goes to artist, if you know who it is please comment below so I can credit them)
A/N: this was requested by @heyitssab
Tree is tall of sex in this, but it’s more in a joking matter, plus corpse has stated he doesn’t mind as long as you are not a minor or send or tag him. I’m literally 2 years younger than him, and have no intentions of ever tagging him or sending him any of my work XD
Summary: how many idiots does it take to tell the brother and friend they’re dating? Apparently takes 2 very forgetful people, who kept their relationship secret without knowing it.
It had just been by chance, a small chance that he had been scrolling through his tags. liking and reposting art, when he saw a tag from someone he followed. He wrecked his brain for when he had followed her, coming up empty. She was cute, no denying the beauty she had as she laughed in the video. It was a clip from a stream that he didn’t know she had, as he couldn’t even remember her name, wearing his merch as it fit her snug. It fit her perfectly in fact, the large hood covering her face, hiding the flush to her face from her rather large chuckles that left her body. He couldn’t help but like the photo, and he couldn’t help but to press message either.
It was first only small likes to posts, an Occasional message, and a view on their livestreams, but that all changed when he spoke of the song he was working on with her older brother.
It all started that night, when both lay in their beds as they talked, laughed, and felt their hearts flutter each time they heard one another speak.
Her phone rang violently in her bag, nearly making her drop the to go bag all over the ground as she walked. “Hello?” She asked, as she held both bags with her hands as her shoulder gripped the phone as if it’d fall down a cliff. “Hey bug!” He exclaimed, making her chuckle as she heard the booming sound of his voice. She had always detested the nickname, as he gave it to her as kids due to her horrendous fear of the creatures. But, it brought more joy to her, as it reminded her of their youth. Having been adults for years, it was fun to hear such a childish name that’s stuck.
“Hey mopey.” She chuckled, as that was the name she gave him when he was in his emo phase that he never outgrew.
Both talked as she walked towards the elevator, mainly about how his day had gone as she silently listened.
She had always been this way, always the shyer of the two, the one to listen to others first before she said a word. He had teased her for it most of their childhood and teen life, but he had grown to love it, as he could let loose or rant to her about anything, and he knew she’d be there just to listen to him.
“So what’re you doing right now?” He asked, as she got into the elevator. “Just grabbed some dinner a few minutes before you called and nearly made me shit.” A smile painted on her face at his boisterous laughter.
“Are you at home?” He asked, as he heard the sound of the elevator beeping in the background. “No, I’m spending the night with my boyfriend.”
She had mentioned about a month prior that she was seeing someone, the joy it brought him to hear the excitement and joy in her tone as she gushed about their first date.
If this was 7 or 8 years prior, he would be bombarding her with questions about the man, who he was, where he lived, where he could meet him to find his intentions with his baby sister. But, in the last few years, he found himself feeling calmer whenever she’d mentioned her love life. He knew she was smart, and would never date a man who treated her poorly. The few breakups she had, they always ended amicably, her head still high as she told him. So, he never asked her any questions about the man, as he could tell from the few times she mentioned him, he could feel the love this man had for her, and Vice versa.
The strong barreling of her phone alerted them awake, both groaning out as she reached for her phone without lifting her head from his shoulder. “Hello?” She mumbled, voice slurred as the saliva was thick in her mouth, barely awake as she fought to listen in on who dares to wake them up.
“Hey!” He exclaimed, making her equally exhausted lover groan. She shifted off of him, laying on her back as he turned away from her, as to hopefully shut his eyes and fall back asleep. She was used to her brother's large voice, as it hardly phased her after growing up with him. “Colson, why are you calling me this ungodly hour?” “Oh come on, it’s not that early.” “Col its-“ She pulled her phone from her ear, eyes shutting violently as the bright light blinded her “5 o’clock in the morning. So again, I’m going to ask you, why did you call me at the asscrack of dawn?” “You don’t remember?” He asked, making her irritation grow. “No, that’s why I’m asking.” She says, as she rubbed her sleep crusted eyes. “You were coming up today to hang out with casie, remember?” Her hand stopped rubbing her face, as she felt her heart stop momentarily. “Wait, you mean today? I thought I was coming Friday?” “No, both of you settled on today, remember I told you that’s perfect because I have a day off?” She felt her heart pain as she heard the sadness in his tone, knowing he’s expecting her to bail. “Yeah sorry, I thought you meant Friday so I mixed it up, let me get ready and I’ll be out the door okay? Love you” she said, as she hung up the line.
Before she could even move, she felt his arm wrap around her body. A tired groan leaving his lips. “Nooo stayyyy.” He groaned, pulling her body to his. She smiled as she looked down at him, wrapping her arm on his chest and the other behind his neck. “I wish I could live, but I can’t.” Planting a soft kiss against his lips. “Stay in bed for a few more hours, please?” Her heart pulled at his tone, hearing just how tired he was. “I can’t, casies wanted me to come up for weeks now. And it takes a good 3 hours to get there. I wanna spend as much time as I can with them before it gets dark so I can get back safely.” He groaned at this, wrapping his arms around her. “Yeah but it’s only 5, it wouldn’t be safe to drive since we went to bed like, 2 hours ago.” “Yeah, and whos fault was that mister?” She teased, “hmm, sorry but I just couldn’t keep my hands to myself after not seeing you for a few days.” He mused, pulling her body closer to his, planting his lips against hers. A small hum left her lips as he pulled her thigh over his, grabbing the flesh harshly as their lips cascaded together. “Mm, no no no, you’re not gonna convince me to stay here just to go another round.” She said, as she got off from his warm body, throwing his large hoodie over her bare body. “Oh come on babe, are you sure about that?” He said, making her turn around to him. A small gasp left her lips as her eyes took in his milky white complexion. His honey brown eyes looking back at her with a small smile etched onto his face. His hair a tousled mess that resembled a bird's nest, some pieces falling onto his face. “Honey, I’ve been wanting to see my family for weeks now, I see you almost everyday and practically live here. I’ll be back tomorrow so I can grab more clothes from my place okay?” She placed a kiss to his lips, both holding one another in their arms. “I don’t know why you don’t just say fuck that place and just move in.” He mumbled, making her chuckle and heart warm. “Don't you think it’s a little soon though? I mean we’ve only been together a few months love.” “Yeah, but you’ve practically lived here since we got together, you literally just go there to get more clothes that you end up leaving here.” She looked into his eyes as she thought about his words. “Hm, I’ll think about it today okay?” She mused, planting a kiss to his lips. A soft okay leaving him as she got up.
“And babe, remember if you live here, we can have all the sex we want and not have to worry about driving to get one another.” He exclaimed, laughing at the loud honey she screamed from the bathroom.
She couldn’t help but laugh out as she watched, as her niece tried her hardest to braid her fathers grown out hair. It was near impossible not to, as pieces would fall out, resulting in her pulling them harsher, nearly pulling his eyelids back due to the tension from his temples. “Okay okay you’re gonna fuckin scalp me.” He chuckled , as all three bursted out in large laughter.
“So how’s school going this year?” She asked her, as she delicately painted her nails. Both of the girls had found themselves on the floor in front of the nice coffee table, as colson sat and chatted with them. “It’s going really well.” “Oh yeah? Make any new friends?” She teased. “I mean, kinda.” She couldn’t help but hear the wavering in her tone, spotting the faint blush dusting her skin. “Ohh, so there’s a someone eh?” She teased to her, making the preteen hide her face as to conceal the flush. “His names Garrett, and we both take social studies together. He always sits next to me at lunch, and we’ll draw on my notebook.” She gushed, making her smile. “Soo, do you think he likes you?” “I mean, that’s what everyone keeps saying.” “Yeah well don’t worry about it to much cas, you’re not dating anyone for many more years. You’re still a kid.” Her das said, making the young girls face fall.
Y/N knew he was only saying this to protect her, as he said the same thing to her growing up. “Hey, don’t be bummed out about it. He is right, you both are only 12 and should focus on school. But don’t worry, he’ll come around. He was just like that with me up until my current boyfriend.” She whispered, making the young girl chuckle.
“Speaking of which, how are you guys doing?” He asked, as she hadn’t mentioned hun to her in a while. He didn’t think it’d hurt to ask. “Great actually, we’re thinking of moving in together actually.” “That’s great! I’m really happy that y’all met.” “Yeah, I am too.” She hummed, a flush dusting her cheeks.
Both men laughed as they chatted on the phone, talking about anything that would come to mind. What was once only a collaboration for a song, turned into an amazing friendship that caused both of them to call at late hours just to shoot the shit.
A yawn left his lips, as he listened to colson ramble on about another song he was making. “Woah, you tired man?” Colson asked, shocked to hear the sound. “Yeah sorry, was up most of the night last night.” He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. “Were you feeling alright?” He asked, worry laced in his tone. He knew all about his friends illnesses, even once being on the other end of the phone during a bad spell one day.” “Oh yeah yeah yeah, was just, up with the misses last night.” He chuckled, a flush blooming on his cheeks. “Ohhh yeah? And how was it?” This shocked him, nearly feeling his heart stop. Like, does he usually know about his sisters sex life? He didn’t think much of it, as he knew just how close both were. “It was absolutely fucking amazing. Like I thought we’d be done for the night, fully tapped out but after like 5 minutes she’d be right back on me for another round.” He chuckled, his flush even worse than before. “Ayyyeee good for you corpse, glad to hear that puss is bussin.” He laughed at this, throwing his head back. “Yeah, it’s bussin bussin.”
Both men talk as they read from their phones, eyes wide in absolute awe of the love they received from the song. They had just dropped it a few days prior, not expecting the cry of joy from both fan bases.
He didn’t even look up from it when she walked in, until she bent down to plant a kiss to his forehead. “Sorry I had completely forgot about the tea I made you an hour ago, but I put it back on the stove to heat it up so if it’s twisting funky just tell me okay?” Before he could even thank her, both their heads whipped towards the loudness from the other line. “Y/N? Is that you? What in the hell are you doing there with corpse!” He didn’t sound angry, more shocked than anything, both of them looking at the phone in confusion. “I, I love here? Remember I told you like a month ago I was moving in with him?” “WHAT!” Both jumped at the loud scream. “Wait so you guys are dating!?” Both we’re even more perplexed, until it dawned on both of them. Their eyes wide as they turned their heads to one another slowly. “Wait you didn’t tell him?” “No? He’s one of your best friends so I thought you did!” “He’s your brother! So I thought you did!” Both whisper, until all three lay silent. That was until, the large cry of laughter that leaves the two, leaving colson even more confused. He wasn’t mad, not at all actually. More shocked and confused than anything. Until he started thinking, it does make sense, all the times they spoke about one another without him knowing, all the times they mentioned-“OH GOD!” He yelled, gagging violently, making them stop their laughing fit. “What's wrong? Why are you yelling?” She asks “like a month ago corpse was talking about how he was tired cause he was up all night having sex AND I HAD NO IDEA HE WAS TALKING ABOUT YOU! OH GOD WAS THAT WHY YOU WERE LIMPING THAT DAY WITH CAS AND I!” Both laugh even harder, as they listen to his ever growing gags.
“So yeah,. That’s literally how we had no idea we were keeping the relationship secret from her brother.” He laughed, as he red the comments and listened to his friends' laughter. She sat beside him, head laying on his shoulder as he told the story. She couldn’t help but to look back up into his eyes, as he glanced down at her, planting a soft kiss to her lips. “Keep it pg guys.” Colson said from the other line, making them chuckle.
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so cute fic request. You are Maddie's OBGYN and at every appointment she insists to set you up with Buck, you deny her and finally one say yes just to be quiet and you meet what a great guy Buck is
The Set Up
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Evan Buckley x Reader
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy and doctors offices, reader wears makeup, alcohol and the consumption of
Category: Straight Up Fluff 
Word Count: 2.6k
Author’s Note: here's a lil late v-day present for y’all :) 
Part 2: Dispatch: Labour in Progress 
“How does the baby look ?” Maddie was laid back, her eyes on the monitor. “Perfect, a perfect little baby” you smile at her as you hand her a towel to wipe up the gel. 
“How many copies would you like ?” you turn towards the ultrasound machine. 
“As many as you'd give me” she laughed, pulling her shirt back down. 
“Dad’s working ?” you asked, leaning back in the chair. “Yeah, he’s been trying to get off a day to come with me” she sits up, pulling out her phone. 
Maddie was one of your favourite patients, she was a sweetheart and always happy, regardless of what was happening, you didn't know how she did it. She began showing you a few pictures of the nursery and two guys who were in the picture. The first guy was Chimney, who was the baby’s father and Maddie’s boyfriend, the two of you had met at a previous appointment and the other guy, who you hadn't meant yet but felt like you had, was her brother Evan or Buck, which is what he went by. 
“You know, if you want to just come in one day when he's off work, we can just do a regular check-up just so he can see. It doesn’t have to be anything special for you to come in” 
“You’d do that ?” 
“Of course I would, between me and you, you’re my favourite patient” 
Maddie smiled at you, “so,” she gave you a look, “since I am your favourite patient, would you also go on a date with Buck ?” she asked, you nearly choked on your coffee. Maddie had a habit of trying to set you up with her brother. She did it often but it still caught you off guard each time. You coughed, “Maddie, no.” you laughed, “that would be unprofessional” 
“Oh come on, take a risk y/n. Life goes on and one date won't kill you” 
“Who said I’m looking ?” 
“Please, you are. You can't lie to me” she smiled, you shook your head. “Still a no Maddie” you handed her the copies of the ultrasound. “If you do want to do the ultrasound when he’s home, just give me a call” you smiled at her and she got up. “I will, thank you”
A few weeks later and Maddie was back in your office. “Good afternoon momma,” you were looking at the files as you walked in, pushing the door shut with your foot. Taking a seat on your little spinny chair, you look up when Maddie says good morning back to you. 
“Oh Chimney, it’s nice to see you” you smile as you shake the gel bottle. 
“Yeah,” he chuckled, “it’s good to be here” 
You hand him the gel bottle, he looked at you with brows furrowed. “You’re a paramedic, aren't you ? Go ahead” you chuckle as you turn the ultrasound machine on. “How are you feeling ?” you ask, “good actually, thanks for asking” Chim answers you. 
“I’m glad to hear that but I was asking Maddie” Chim’s mouth forms an O and he nods, Maddie smiles at him. “I’m good, baby’s good too. Kicking a lot recently. Especially when I drink orange juice” she chuckled. 
“And still just the one cup of coffee ?”
“Yeah, he won’t let me have anymore” she groans 
“Good, as he should be. You’re lucky I agreed to the one cup Maddie, you know I rather if you didn’t” 
“Ugh,” she groaned and rolled her eyes, “not you too” 
“I’m your doctor, it's my job to remind you unfortunately” 
Maddie sighs and rolls her eyes once again. You get what she meant, you couldn’t be pregnant and not have coffee, pregnancy is exhausting as it is, imagine it without coffee. “you know how to use an ultrasound machine right ?” you look over at Chimney, who was looking rather confused. 
”I do, why ?” 
“Would you like to do it ?” 
“Really ?” 
“Yeah, I let the dads have a chance to do it sometime. Makes them feel a little more involved” 
“I'd love too” 
You hand him the wand and step back, you watch as he rolls it across her belly. It was always sweet when the fathers came to the appointment, even more so when they're involved. 
“Yes Maddie?” 
“Will you go on a date with Buck ?” She smiled sweetly at you, Chim looked at her, half shocked and half confused. 
“If I say yes to one date, will you quit bugging me about it ?” 
“Of course, just one date is all I’m asking for” 
“Does he know you’re setting him up ?” 
“Yeah- well no ? but he won't mind. It's part of my job as his sister” 
“Maddie, I have siblings as well, you don't see me setting them up” 
“Yeah yeah, that’s fine” 
Chim turned to you. “everything looks good doc” 
“Then we’re all done. Just hit print on the machine and you’ll get the pictures” 
Maddie wiped the gel off her stomach. She took a pen from the desk and scribbled a number down before handing the paper to you. “That’s his number, just message him” 
“You’re setting me up and I have to message him too ?” 
“Oh come on, you’ll be fine. Thank you for this and I'll be expecting details at my next appointment!” She gave you a smile before walking out. Chim looked at you, “I’m sorry I didn't know she was going to do that.” You laughed, “it's okay, she’s not the first person to do that. You should catch up with her though, she walks really fast for a pregnant lady” you chuckle, Chim smiled and walked out to find Maddie. You had some time to kill before your next appointment, you looked down at the paper in your hand. 
Do you text or not ? Wouldn't that be creepy ? Like oh hey, I'm your sister’s doctor let's go on a date.
You know what ? 
Screw it, what’s the worst that could happen. 
To Buck: Hey, I'm y/n. Your sister gave me your number, hope this isn't weird. She's been trying to set me up with you for months, thought we’d hit it off haha
God that was so stupid. Why the hell did you put haha ?
From Buck: Hey, it’s cool. She’s weird like that. What’s up ?
Oh shit, he answered. 
To Buck: Just at work, how about you ?
From Buck: Same thing 
Wait what do I say now ? Do you ask him out ? 
From Buck: Hope this isn't too forward of me or anything like that, but maybe you’d wanna grab a drink tonight ? Only if you’re free
Guess you don't have to ask him now 
To Buck: Yeah, that sounds good. Pick a place and let me know ? I’m off at 4 so anytime after that is fine. 
From Buck: I’m off at 6, how about 7 at the bar on Main Street ? 
To Buck: sounds good, see you then 
It was now 3:30 and Maddie was your last patient of the day. There was no harm in leaving now. After putting away your files and replying to a few emails from patients, you headed out. Only one issue you had when you got home was what to wear. 
Well so you thought. 
Taking a shower was the easy part, trying to do your hair and makeup with only 2 hours left, was a bit of a hassle. First disaster of the night was too much mousse in your hair, making it sticky and tacky. Washing it out, you managed to set it the way you like. The powder compact had fallen onto the floor, you hoped it wasn’t broken, turns out hope isn't enough. The other powder you had was far too light for your complexion right now and you decide against makeup for the night. 
Let him meet the bare you, you can wow him next time, if there is a next time. 
Deciding on a simple outfit, a white shirt that fit you nicely and a pair of black pants that went along with it. In your head, it seemed boring but in the mirror, it looked much better. Walking into the kitchen, there was a half drunk glass of wine from the night before.
Stale wine or nervous wreak ? Stale wine it is. 
You down the wine, spilling some onto your shirt. “Are you kidding-” groaning and turning back to the room, you end up changing your entire outfit. A pair of blue jeans and a black top that fit you in all the right places. One more look in the mirror and a hand through your hair, you headed out the door. 
It didn't take you long to arrive at the bar, as you only lived a few minutes off Main Street. You had seen Buck from the countless pictures Maddie had shown you so it didn’t take long to spot in at a table in the corner either. 
“Hey” you walked over, a smile on your face. He stood up, “Hi! you must be y/n” he leaned in for a hug, you mirrored his actions. “I am, it’s nice to meet you” 
The two of you sat across from each other and there was a bottle of beer in front of you. Buck spoke up when he noticed you noticing the bottle, “I ordered for you, I hope that's alright- you can order something else” 
“It’s fine, thank you” you take a sip, not your usual choice in drink but you didn't need to complain either. There was some silence for a while, not uncomfortable but not comfortable either. Anyone that passed by could tell it was a first date, if you could even call it that. 
“How do you know Maddie ?” he asks, you smile at him and take a sip of the beer before answering him. 
“I’m her OB” 
“Her ?” Buck had a confused expression on his face. 
“Her doctor, her obstetrician actually” 
“Oh for baby Buckley” he nodded. 
“Yeah, she's been bugging me about you since we’ve met actually. She’s sweet but she’s persistent” you chuckle and Buck gives you a smile, “that’s my sister” 
The night went by rather quickly, the two of you sharing work stories. Buck told you about the time he worked a full moon and they responded to a call at a yoga class only to have 3 women go into labour simultaneously. 
“It was the full moon I swear! I tried to tell Bobby but he didn't listen to me!” he said, laughing. 
You nodded and laughed too, “no, it’s true. I've had so many full moon babies. I never book off full moons because I know someone is going to go into labour”
“Thank you! Someone gets what I mean!”
You then told him about the time you filled in for your colleague, he told you it was supposed to be a regular birth but turns out it was quadruplets. It was nice to find someone who understood your weird work schedule. The two of you shared stories until the waitress came over to tell you that they’d be closing in a few minutes. It was a little past midnight when she came over, the two of you decided to call it a night and head out together. 
“How are you getting home ?” he asked you, you walked with him over to his Jeep that was parked down the street. “I’ll just walk, I don’t live too far from here” 
“No” he stated while shaking his head 
“No ?” you questioned him, your brows furrowed as you looked at the man in front of you.
“I invited you out, at least let me take you home. It’s late too, it won't be right to let you walk home by yourself” 
“Are you sure ? I don't want you to go out of your way” 
“Oh no it’s cool, c’mon” 
He opened the door for you like the gentlemen he is and then got in after. “Which way my darling ?” he gave you a cheesy smile which made you chuckle. “A left at the next light and the brown building is me” you leaned back in the seat. It was quiet as he drove down the street, you looked over at him and admired him. From the way his hand rested on his wheel to the little smile on his face, even to the birthmark above his eye. 
“It's rude to stare” 
“Can't help myself, you're pretty” 
Oh shit, did you just-
Buck looked over at you, a wicked little smile on his face. “You think I’m pretty ?” 
You could feel the blush on your face, “uh- well- um I guess ?” 
“I think you more than guess that but whatever you say” he smiled 
Buck pulled into the building parking lot, he stopped and his head hit the seat as he leant back. Looking over at you, “let me walk you up ?” 
“You’ve already done enough, it's fine” 
“It’s fine. Come on” he got out, you mirrored his actions. Buck followed behind you as the two of you made your way up to your apartment. Unlocking the door, you stepped in and he stood by the door. 
“Do you want to come in ?” setting your keys on the counter, you look back at the man who was leaning against the doorframe. 
“I’d love too but I've got the first shift. Maybe another time ?” 
“Yeah, that’s fine” walking back over to him, you stood in front of him. Even with him leaning, he still towered over you. 
“I had a nice time tonight” you say, he nods. “I did too. Maybe we can do this again sometime ?” 
“I'd like that” 
“Okay.” he smiles, “well, good night then y/n” 
“Good night Buck” standing on your toes, you go to kiss his cheek but it seems he had the same idea, both of you turning your heads at the same time and your lips were on his. Buck’s hand cupped your face for the few moments your lips were on his. When you pulled away, Buck had a slight red tint on his face, a blush or simply could have been the heat coming from your apartment, either way you were sure you looked the same way. 
“How does Saturday sound ? Noon for lunch if you’re free ?” he breaks the silence.
"Saturday sounds perfect” 
Buck smiled at you once more, he turned and began walking back to the elevator. He stopped in the middle of the hallway, turning back once again and walked towards your door.  He leaned down and gave you one more kiss. Laughing at the sweetheart that was now smiling at you from the other end of the hallway, you watched as he stepped on the elevator and then shut your door. 
Outside of your building was a happy Buck who skipped his way over to his car, his keys twirling on his finger with a big grin on his face. As he got into his car, he sent his sister a text message. 
To Maddie: You seem to know me better than I think, thank you. 
Upstairs, there was a similar scene, a happy you skipping their way to bed with a smile on their face. As you laid in bed, you too sent a text message to Maddie. 
To Maddie: Your match making efforts have worked, thank you. 
taglist: @mrs-dr-reid @ssa-volturi @advicefromnixxxx @dralexreid @keenmarvellover @venusrosepetal @mikaelson-emma @beth-winchester21
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