#which could be that she’s so wrong to think that all he wants from her is to make her want him
gojotojis · 3 days
The Party pt.1
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Part 2 Part 3
summary: you’re in love with your bestfriend but he’s pining after someone else and you’re too delusional to let him go.
pairing: college student! fem reader x college student! Sukuna
content MDNI: pining, angst, unrequited love, bestfriends, bestfriends brother, asshole sukuna, sexual conversations, drugs, alcohol, orgasm from kissing, frenemies to loversish?
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A frown mars your face as you watch him talk to her. A lump forms in your throat and your heart clenches. You hardly know her but it’s clear she likes him, she’s leggy and blonde with this sexy dominating presence.
It’s not like he talks to you about the girls he’s into, it’s never come up and you’ve always been grateful for that but seeing what you guess to be his type, in person feels painful. You’re the complete opposite of her, and it’s clear with the way he looks at her.
He turns around and points at you which makes your face heat up as Yuki smiles and waves at you. You awkwardly wave back before turning away. You watch a large muscular tattooed arm grab a fench fry from your tray and swat at it. You look up to see Sukuna grinning as he gorges on your fry before he grabs another one.
“Just take it all, I’ve lost my appetite,” you say shoving the tray toward him as you cross your arms and turn your cheeks, pouting.
You hear the scraping of a chair against the cafeteria floor as he takes the seat beside you. You sigh frustratedly hoping he’ll asks what’s wrong. He doesn’t so you sigh again more loud and exaggerated.
He still doesn’t answer but you hear him eating your fries so you huff and turn your body to face him. Only Sukuna knows the crush you have on his brother because one night you all got so drunk, you began to climb into Choso’s bed with no panties.
Luckily Sukuna was sober and tossed you over his shoulder, handing you your panties, not without teasing of course and had you sleep in the guest room. You were mortified but liquor does that to you.
“Just spit it out brat,” he says, his head resting on his fist as he stares at you with a bored expression.
“What does Yuki have that I don’t?” you ask genuinely. You’ve been friends with Choso since middle school and he’s never once looked at you as more than a friend. You always envisioned you’d lose your virginity’s to eachother, he’s the only other Virgin you know and you deluded yourself into thinking it’s fate.
“Giant tits, and a fat ass,” Sukuna answers bluntly which has you frowning. If it were anyone else, those words would hurt but Sukuna bullied you since you were kids. He bullied everyone and still does, there’s not a single person you can think of that he likes aside from his brothers which he’ll deny.
“A sense of fashion too, you dress like Adam Sandler,” he says looking at your sweatshirt and leaning over to see your baggy sweatpants. You have a sense of fashion, you just don’t bother dressing up.
Classes are so fucking early that you throw on the comfiest outfit and head to school. Your only friend is Choso, and you guess Sukuna though he occasionally hangs out with you two.
And yeah you could dress sexy but what’s the point, you don’t want to hear Sukuna call you a man with tits and you feared if you started dressing differently, you’d attract male attention that wasn’t Choso’s. A real man will like you no matter what you wear.
“I quite like Adam’s style,” you say and he scoffs, shoving another fry into his mouth.
“Trust me, we know. Do you even know what a thong looks like?” He asks, you have the urge to pull the band of your sweats down and show him the one you’re wearing but you don’t.
“I do but I’m sure you’ve seen more than me,” you say, an insult that reads like a compliment as it hits his ears and he smirks.
Sukunas fucked his way through half the school, you’ve had girls come up to you and give you their phone numbers because he forgot to get it from them. He didn’t forget anything and you know that, it’s scary how opposite he is from his brothers. Like the one bad apple off the bunch.
“There’s still a pair I haven’t seen, more like granny panties but a win is a win,” he shrugs and your cheeks burn red. You can’t stand his crude behavior, and you hate the way it makes you squirm.
“You’re the most disgusting creature I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting,” you say, grabbing your water bottle. You wrap your lips around it and drink, watching as Kiko Yukimura approaches your table.
Her fingers wave at Sukuna, completely ignoring you as you watch her sit on the edge of the table beside him. He leans back and spread his legs as her nails run up his bicep.
His large hand splays across her hip as she speaks.
“I’m having a party tonight at eight, you should definitely come. Yukis already inviting Choso, they’ll be free weed and booze,” she says as he slides his hand down the band of her skirt.
You watch the way she squeezes her legs as he pulls at something. You see him tug the thin red strap up before letting it slap against her skin.
‘Thong’ he mouths to you and you glare in mortification.
“Pussy too?” He asks, his hand running up her exposed thigh. You turn away, more interested with the dent in your water bottle but you don’t miss the ‘yes’ she whispers.
He pats her ass when she jumps up and starts walking away. Sukuna grabs your water and starts drinking from it, you make a mental note to throw it out.
“Wonder if Choso’s gonna invite you,” Sukuna says teasingly as he leans back, arms folded behind his head. His biceps flex, as he stares at you.
“Doesn’t matter, I don’t want to go,” you say and he hums to himself.
“Not surprised, good for you though. Heard tonight’s the night Choso’s finally gonna get his dick wet. Probably best you stay inside for that,” he says and your eyes widen. You’re to haunted at the idea of Choso having sex with Yuki to even care about the vulgar language Sukuna spews.
“Hey guys,” you hear Choso from behind you and it startles you. Sukuna barks out a laugh while Choso simply smiles.
“Yuki invited me to Kikos party, free weed sounds good,” Choso says and his brother grins. “Free pussy too,”.
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Your fingers tremble as you stand at the front door of the Yukimura residence. You decided on a black mini skirt and floral black corset that holds your tits tight.
You already dread what Sukuna will say but this is a last ditch effort to get your man. You shiver when you feel the breeze hit your pussy, a reminder that you opted for no panties tonight. If Choso’s getting pussy, it’s yours.
Your shaky fingers press the doorbell to the giant house and Kiko immediately opens it. Her eyes widen at the sight of you, hair curled down to your waist and black liner lines your eyes from top to bottom, a sharp wing eye at your creases.
“You look sexy” she says pulling you inside, your thigh high boots rub against eachother as you awkwardly rub your exposed arms. The music is loud and the house is clouded in smoke and green led lights flashing. Choso offered to pick you up but you didn’t think you could handle his reaction if he saw you walking out of your house like this.
Several people fill the home, it’s not so bad to the point where you can’t move but it is slightly crowded and the party officially started thirty minutes ago.
You lace your fingers together and force your legs to move forward. Unsure of where you’re going until you spot several people in the backyard by the pool. You recognize the long black hair as you slide the door open and step out.
Your hearts loud in your ears as you hear them laughing, Choso has his lips wrapped around a bong and Yuki sits beside him. She’s dressed in black leather pants and a white tank top, she hardly puts effort into her look and yet still looks so sexy.
“y/n! You look hot!” Yuki says, the first one to notice you. Choso turns and starts choking on smoke as Yuki stands up and pulls you into a hug. You’re much shorter than her so you have to turn your head so you’re not suffocated by her tits.
She quickly pulls back and guides you toward the group which consists of Kento Nanami, Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Utahime, Shoko, Choso and you spot the pink head of hair sitting infront of you, his back to you. You wave awkwardly as you step in the center of everyone.
Your backs to Sukuna, dreading the laugh you know he’s going to choke out. Everyone waves back, Gojo and Geto look dumbstruck and it makes your cheeks turn red. You feel confident enough to turn and face Sukuna, his expressions unreadable as his eyes take you in.
“Is this Adam Sandler enough for you?” you ask but he doesn’t answer, for once he doesn’t have some disgusting or vile comeback and you feel satisfied but also self conscious. You take the only empty seat which unfortunately is beside him.
You watch his hand flex and clench around the beer in his hand. Your eyes drift up and see his jaw tighten. You wonder what’s his problem but you look forward to see Choso staring at you. Your crossed legs squeeze tight, waiting for him to compliment you but it doesn’t come. You want to frown but don’t bother, he probably just doesn’t want to hurt Yukis feelings.
You watch everyone pass the bong around. You smoked weed once and nearly choked to death so you opted for edibles. You attempted to hit Choso’s bong once and hated the experience.
“Want a hit?” Geto questions, holding the bong out for you and you shake your head.
“She doesn’t know how to wrap her lips around it,” Sukuna speaks up for the first time tonight and you tap your nails against your thigh to stop yourself from smacking the blunt he’s holding. Geto coughs awkwardly before passing the bong to Utahime.
“I’m bored,” Shoko announces, a cigarette between her lips.
“Never have I ever or truth or dare?” Gojo questions, wiggling his eyebrows. Both games sound dreadful to you.
“What are we twelve?” Nanami asks and you hold back a laugh at his tone. Your eyes find Choso and Yuki whispering to eachother and his hand grips hers.
“Truth or dare,” you say, answering Gojo and he claps.
“Don’t listen to her, she’s never played a game beyond hide and seek,” Sukuna says, puffing out a ring of smoke. You pinch his arm and he hisses, you smile at him innocently as Gojo attempts to get everyone’s attention.
“Never have I ever, I need a drink” Shoko says and Utahime agrees. The group decides on that and Geto runs inside to get cups and a bottle of Svedka. He comes back and starts pouring into cups before handing them out.
“I’ll start,” Utahime offers.
“Never have I ever failed a test,” she says making Sukuna groan. “She’s about as boring as you” he says looking to you before he takes a sip of his drink, your cup remains untouched.
“Never have I ever fucked a virgin,” Shoko says and everyone’s cup go up but yours, Choso, Utahime and Nanami’s. You’re not sure why your heart stops for a second at the sight of Yuki taking a sip but you shake the thought away.
You look expectantly to Sukuna, now his turn and he grins at you which makes you nervous. “Never have I ever wanted to fuck my bestfriend” he says and you tense. You don’t dare touch your cup, there’s no proof but you watch several other others take a sip, excluding Choso.
“Drink up, cheater,” sukuna whispers in your ear. He’s mean, he’s always mean but tonight he’s different like he’s targeting you and you can’t understand why.
It’s your turn now and you quickly try to think of something that’ll feel like a slap to the face for him, “Never have I ever been jealous of my own brother,” you say, eyes staring into his red ones.
He takes a sip without breaking eye contact, the game continues and you still haven’t taken a sip. Your stomach tightens when it makes its way back to Sukuna, and you know he’s thought of something nasty, just for you.
“Never have I ever lost my virginity,” he says and your face reddens. Everyone knowing you’re a virgin isn’t the worst thing in the world but he nods his head at something infront of you and you turn. Choso takes a sip and your throat tightens. You look back at Sukuna with anger, and watery eyes. Why’s he being so fucking cruel.
“Never have I ever been so fucking miserable with my own life that I take it out on others to the point where nobody can stand to be around me. To the point where I have to fuck anything with a pulse to feel something,” you say, eyes glaring at him.
Everyone just stares awkwardly between you two as he takes a sip. He looks so unbothered, and it pisses you off.
“Think I’m gonna go inside,” Nanami says scratching the back of his neck before he walks off and a chorus of ‘me too’s’ go off. Choso’s stares between you and Sukuna but you simply shake your head as Yuki pulls him into the house leaving you and Sukuna alone.
You take Choso’s seat and grab the bottle of svedka on the table. Unscrew the lid and take several sips, your face scrunches and your throat tightens at the burn but you don’t care.
“What did I do to you?” you asks as he tosses what’s left of his blunt on the ground and crushes it.
“You really gonna fucking cry over a guy that doesn’t want shit to do with you? I did you a favor, stop being a crybaby” he says irritated. Your nails dig into the skin of your thigh.
“I fucking hate you,” you say and he shrugs.
“The feelings mutual, I fucking despise you,” he says and your eyes water. Tears roll down your cheeks as your lips wobble, you never cry especially not infront of him but he’s so fucking mean it breaks something in you.
“Stop, don’t do that,” he says, like the sight of you crying bothers the hell out of him.
You stare down at your lap as your shoulders shake and tears spill against your thighs. You sniffle as your cries turn into sobs. You don’t just cry because of his words but because you’re not good enough, you’re never good enough. You’d been deluding yourself that Choso actually liked you.
You flinch when you feel hands grasp your face, you feel thumbs swipe at the tears gliding down your cheeks. He tilts your head up and sighs.
“Crying over someone that doesn’t want you, won’t make them want you more,” he says, kneeling in infront of you. His face looks almost pained. His thumb glides across your bottom lip, maybe harmless but it creates heat between your legs.
You feel guilty and confused at the way your body reacts and he slowly sinks his thumb into your mouth. Your belly tightens, and you almost lick his thumb but he tugs your lip down, showing your teeth and you can’t help but furrow your brows.
Your eyes widen when he leans forward, his hands uncross your legs and spread your thighs apart before his large body nestles between them. His face is inches from yours, your hair falls around you both like a curtain and he does the strangest thing.
His nose brushes against your hair and he inhales. Your breathing heavies and your chest tightens but you don’t stop him, you just watch. His fingers graze your cheek and your skin burns under his touch. You’re confused as to what’s going on, you’ve never seen Sukuna this gentle in his life.
Your eyes close the closer he leans into you until his lips touch yours. You’ve never kissed anyone before and you’re not sure how you feel about Sukuna being the first. You feel curious and can’t help when your tongue touches his lips, licking them and he groans, the sound going straight to your pussy.
He licks you back but you don’t open your mouth, so he pinches your arm making you gasp and his mouth devours yours. You’re scared you’re not a good kisser but you push the thought aside as you try to mimic his movements.
Your arms wrap around his neck, the feeling in your belly making you push your hips against his abdomen. His large hands grip your waist as he tastes you. Is kissing suppose to feel like this? You moan when he sucks your tongue into his mouth and you cry out feeling your body tremble against him. You shake and he pulls away.
“Fuck,” he breathes. You just orgasmed.
You feel so embarrassed, that you’re quickly up and walking into the house. You pray nobody saw that as you quickly set up an Uber to come get you, you actually want to die.
You’re striding out of the house, mortified, confused and ashamed. Your Uber arrives within five minutes and you’re on your way home, your fingers graze your swollen lips. What the fuck just happened?
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part 2 part 3
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ellecdc · 2 days
Happy Mother’s Day 💐🌷🤭
Anyways, the marauders brainrot continues….I know shocking 😮 , my obsession will never end at this point in time. Oh well, art is kicking my ass and I need something to bring back my spirt lol.
Sooo, could I perhaps, if possible, request a poly!wolfstar? In which;
There’s a party in the commons, after a quidditch match or sm (idk 😭?) and shy reader (preferably female) dresses in only Remus and Sirius’s clothes but somehow finds a way to make her own twist on it and she look beyond gorgeous, all decked out. She doesn’t tell Sirius or Remus and the two don’t realise how much of their clothes and ect. Untill the spot her at the party talking with the girls, and are both shunned because their shy girlfriend is all dressed up, showing skin, confident and all, and in their clothes only, not a single thing of hers.
firstly, thank you so much for your mothers day wishes hahahaha I was spoiled for sure. secondly, thank you for your request!!
poly!wolfstar x shy!reader who surprises her boyfriends
CW: mention of drunk friends but no description of drinking?, sexual implications at the end but nothing described and SFW
Remus felt slightly guilty that he wasn’t downstairs to greet you when you arrived at the Gryffindor after party following their latest quidditch win.
The reason he wasn’t there wasn’t even a very good one; it was simply that Sirius always came back to the dorms to shower instead of showering in the team’s locker room and was always riled up (just the way he liked him).
In other words, it was selfish and self-serving.
Which was perhaps why he was currently rushing his boyfriend as he painstakingly styled his hair to look perfectly un-styled.
“Pads, you’ve flipped your hair seven times already, can we go?”
Sirius flipped his hair four more times as he let out a scoff. “Easy bubs; you know I like to be fashionably late.” He responded as he righted himself, shooting Remus a salacious wink in the reflection of the mirror on his dresser.  
“We’re going to miss the party altogether at this rate.” Remus muttered petulantly.
Sirius let out a noncommittal hum as he pulled the collar of his buttoned-up shirt lower in order to show off the new love bite on his neck from Remus, and a few older ones on his chest that you had given him in hopes no one else would see them there.
How wrong you would be.
“I could think of other things we could do instead.” Sirius offered as he stalked towards the chair Remus was currently pouting in and straddled his lap.
“You were the one who wanted to attend the party.” Remus pressed as he allowed Sirius to press lingering kisses along his jawline. “Neither me or your girl were very keen.”
“I’m sure she’d be happy if we took a raincheck.” Sirius responded as he continued his assault down Remus’ neck.
“Perhaps if she wasn’t already downstairs.”
That seemed to snap Sirius out of his ministrations as he looked at Remus incredulously. “Then what in the buggering fuck are we doing up here? Merlin’s saggy balls, let’s go Moony.” He barked as he stood abruptly and yanked Remus’ arm, forcing him to follow.
Remus was only slightly embarrassed that he had to adjust his trousers as they exited the dorm room.
As Remus had predicted, the party was in full swing by the time they made it down to the common room.
Peter was maybe three sips of whatever was currently in his red solo cup away from spending the rest of the night hunched over the toilet bowl, James was already completely ignoring everyone else around him in favour of staring love-drunkenly at Lily as she spoke emphatically to Mary, Alice and Frank were snogging to near pornographic levels in the corner of the room, and Marlene was passed out in Dorcas’ lap as she conversed with…you.
Just when Remus was certain he couldn’t love you more, your sweet, timid, lovely self showed up to a Gryffindor party on behalf of your extroverted boyfriend after they took their sweet ass time to join you when both he and Remus knew quite well that there were probably several hundred other things you’d rather be doing 
And not to mention when you show up looking like that.
“What is she wearing?” Sirius whispered on an exhale; his steps faltering as he took you in.
What were you wearing?
You looked to be wearing – “is that your button up shirt?” Sirius finished Remus’ thought.
And based on the fit and length, it appeared you were, in fact, wearing Remus’ dress shirt.
Though it was cinched at the waist by – “that’s your belt, Sirius.”
“That little minx is stealing our clothes, Moony.” Sirius laughed; equal parts exasperated and lovesick.
You chuckled at something Dorcas said before you turned your gaze to the rest of the party where you spotted your boyfriends.
“What are you wearing? Or should I ask who since you look like you ought to be on a red carpet or something?” Sirius asked in way of a greeting as he made for you, causing your shoulders to migrate upwards as you smiled timidly at them.  
“Hi, dovey.” Remus greeted you as he pressed a kiss to your cheek and shot a wink at Dorcas who was already looking at the two of them knowingly.
“Your girl looks smashing tonight, boys.” She commented; taking a sip of her drink from one hand as she used the other to pet Marlene’s hair.
You, for your part, turned to Dorcas with a look of unadulterated betrayal.
“She looks smashing, always, Meadows; but I have to agree that I like this look, baby girl. Stand up! Give us a spin.” Sirius said as he pulled you up by your hands.
“Sirius…” You chided pleaded quietly as your eyes nervously darted to Remus as if screaming ‘help’.
“Humour me.” Sirius pushed; twirling his finger in a circle to reiterate his earlier demand.
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms protectively around your middle but acquiesced to his wishes.
After a few wolf whistles and an actual round of applause from Sirius, and ooh’s and aah’s from Remus, you turned back towards them and Remus could almost feel the heat radiating off your face.
“You played a good game, Siri.” You commented instead of hello, or thank you, or sod off you wankers, which made Remus all the more smitten with you.
“That’s old news, gorgeous.” Sirius dismissed quickly, eyes still darting over your form as if committing this sight to memory. “I’d rather talk about you.”
“I’d rather not.” You argued quickly.
“Tie breaker votes talking about you, sweetheart; sorry.” Remus responded, not particularly sorry at all if it meant he got to keep looking at you.
You harrumphed quietly and looked down at your converse which seemed to be the only article of clothing you were wearing that belonged to you. “You guys are being mean.”
Both boys immediately started cooing and apologising profusely; Remus pulling you protectively into his side as they fussed over you.
“Can’t believe I was upstairs all this time staring at Sirius when I could’ve been down here looking at you.” Remus commented quietly into your hair, but from Sirius’ indignant squawk, he was clearly overheard. 
Your responding smile was well worth it though. 
“Are these my earrings?” Sirius asked then, pushing hair behind your ear to expose the dangly star and moon earrings that Sirius had bought back in fifth year when he and Remus first started dating. 
“I thought it looked good with the ‘fit. I had a vision.” You admitted; tone still shy but words far braver than Remus thinks he’s heard from you with this many people around. 
“And you were right.” Remus agreed readily. 
“The vision was great babes; it’s like I picked it out myself.” Sirius said with a wink. “The only thing better would have been if you showed up in only your knickers.” He stated with finality; seemingly proud of his proclamation and of his girlfriend. 
Remus was expecting you to flush horribly at that as your eyes darted nervously around you.
Except you didn’t.
Instead, a mischievous grin spread across your lips as you looked up at the boys in front of you.
“They didn’t go with the vision.”
Both boys stared at you with varying levels of bemusement as Dorcas let out a snort behind you. 
“What didn’t go with the vision?” Sirius accused quickly. 
“Knickers, you tosser.” Dorcas answered from behind you. 
Remus felt a blush of his own take over his face as he realised you had been waiting down here for your boyfriends looking like that without anything underneath your ensemble.
“Are you serious?” Sirius asked stupidly.
“No, you’re Sirius.” You giggled as if you made a truly funny joke, cluing Remus into the fact that you had these boys exactly where you wanted them.
In the palm of your hand.
“Better make a move quick, Black.” Marlene slurred as she rose from the dead sleep and blinked at the boys owlishly - one eye beginning to open before the other had even shut. “Otherwise we w- we will.” 
Remus barked a laugh as Dorcas lovingly rolled her eyes and tried to tame Marlene’s now unruly bedhead, but Sirius appeared to take the threat earnestly as he quickly picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, ignoring your surprised squeak and subsequent protests as he raced up the stairs to the boys’ dormitory. 
“Quickly now, Moony.” Sirius called as he took care to cover your arse with one of his hands lest your ‘Remus’-shirt-turned-dress’ were to ride up. “Can’t believe I let you waste all that time getting ready when our beautiful, gorgeous, lovely girl was waiting for us.” 
Remus rolled his eyes as he followed the sounds of Sirius’ faux chiding and your squealing laughter, wondering if Sirius’ diligent eleven flips of his hair was worth attending a party for four and a half minutes.
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thebearer · 3 days
please please please need a part two of the fight blurb 😭 what happens next 😭😭😭
should i make it into a full fic omg?? maybe?? lol
but on the real, i think that he would have to take a leave from the restaurant, which truthfully, everyone needed. this is just what broke him. the one time he actually tries to deal with his shit and not just blow up, get embarrassed, try to make it up, and repeat the cycle with no real change. i mean, you took his babies? anchovy and teddy. you're not returning his calls. richie, fak, and sweeps are alternating wellness check watches because they're terrified he's going to hurt himself, especially after the way he spiraled when he found your wedding ring.
he knows where you're at. he managed to become technologically savvy all of a sudden and figured out how to see your location, that you shared with him when you first started dating. fak wouldn't let him take his car. richie had put him on a full blown "psych ward type shit" lockdown until he "got his shit together, cousin".
"richie said-"
"-richie's a fuckin' moron, give me my fucking keys, fak!"
"carmen," fak frowns. "i-i can't."
so carmen walked. he walked to sugar and pete's house. nearly an hour walk through chicago. smoking so much he felt sick.
pete answered the door, face falling as soon as he saw carmen.
"carm, h-hey, man-"
"-where is she?" carmen wasn't interested on any sort of small talk, tunnel visioned to get to you.
"uh, i-i don't-"
"-pete, i really don't want you to fuck with me right now, alright." carmen took a deep breath, throat burning with tears. "i need to see- i-i need to see her pete." he couldn't bring himself to even say your name.
a tiny meow came from behind pete, anchovy skippering towards carmen with bright eyes, tail raised. it made carmen's jaw clench, tears blurring his vision. he knew you had to be close by. looking at the time, you were probably feeding teddy, maybe putting her down for a nap. he should have been more considerate, came later in the day, carmen thought.
pete looked at the cat, down the hall, then back at carmen. "carm..." pete hesitated, gripping the door, letting it shut gently, shielding something behind him. "you know i can't."
"what the fuck? pete that's- just let me in." anger surged through carmen's chest, trying to swallow it down. all he'd been was angry. angry and sick and distraught, a never ending cycle for weeks, just amplified by your leaving.
"you want to get her back? quit actin' like a goddam baby." richie sneered one night, just days ago, when carmen was especially awful and mean. "quit actin' like this isn't your fuckin' fault. like you didn't do this to yourself. take some fuckin' accountability, grow the fuck up, and get your motherfuckin' shit together. and maybe-maybe you'll get your family back."
carmen turned, running a hand over his face, trying to calm himself. keep himself from crying, from screaming, from pushing pete down and running back there so he could see you himself- throw himself at your feet and beg for forgiveness.
"pete, please? please?" carmen's voice wobbled, breaking gently. "please l-let me talk to her. just let me- let me tell her i'm sorry. don't-"
"-carmen?" sugar's voice came from behind pete. her face dropped, different than pete's, her's was angry. "what the fuck are you doing here?"
"why do you think i'm here, natalie? huh?-"
"-oh, you've got a lot of fucking nerve showing up here." natalie sneered, pulling the door open and stepping out. "pete, go inside."
"-i got it." natalie hissed, eyes narrowing at carmen. she waited until pete left, shaking her head at him. "you should be fucking ashamed-"
"-i am-"
"-mortified." sugar continued. "do you know what i came home to the other night? i came home to pete taking care of your baby because your wife came here sobbing- sobbing, because you screamed at her? what the fuck is wrong with you? huh?"
"i don't know." carmen's voice was tight, fighting a tremble. "i-i don't fuckin' know. i didn't- i-i didn't mean-" a tear fell, the final crack in his demeanor. carmen wasn't sure how he had tears left, how he could sob anymore. yet here he was, on his sister's porch, tears flowing again.
sugar didn't comfort him, didn't move, just watched him through glaring eyes. "please let me s-see her. let me se-ee teddy, sugar, don't-don't keep my kid from me-"
"-i'm not keeping your kid from you." sugar snapped. "i didn't take teddy away. you know who did? you. you did carmen."
carmen flinched, he knew it was true but it still stung. "i know you don't remember dad very well, but you're acting just like him." sugar sneered.
"and before you try and come up with an excuse-"
"-i-i'm not-"
"-i want you to know, that every day. every single fucking day, there's days i want to drink myself to sleep. that mj or maggie make me want to pull my hair out and scream, or pete does something that infuriates me, but you know what i don't do?" sugar stepped towards carmen, arms still crosses. "i don't yell at them, i don't drink myself incoherent, i don't fucking act like mom or dad because i know how that felt." sugar jabbed a finger in her chest, eyes holding carmen's gaze intensely.
"i know how that fucked me up, i know how it fucked them up, how it fucked you and mikey up too- how it fucked everything in our fucking life up!" natalie laughed humorlessly. "and the last thing, the very last thing i would want, is to do that to pete, to my kids, to anyone."
carmen felt sick and yet eerily calm all at once. his chest was tight, he was sure he couldn't breathe, but he couldn't stop listening. a damning realization- a shameful one.
"you need to make up your mind, right here, right now, before you see anyone else." natalie stepped back towards the door. "you need to decide if you're going to continue to be a selfish piece of shit, or if you're going to change. and i can tell you, change is uncomfortable- it's not easy. you have to fight for it every single day. but i would rather do that than not have my family."
she looked down at carmen, twisting the knob. "you decide that, then maybe- maybe you can see them." carmen flinched at the door slamming behind her, not moving from his place on the porch, head in his hands.
fak showed up nearly an hour later, wide eyed and rambling about "how the fuck did you just leave? i was playing ball buster and-and then you're gone-"
carmen ignores him, sliding into the car slowly. "carmen?"
"you uh," carmen's voice is hoarse, staring straight ahead. "you said that, uh, that richie's got.... got someone for me to talk to?"
fak blinks, nodding slowly. "the therapist? yeah-"
"-take me there." carmen looks over at sugar's house. he isn't sure if it's his imagination or not, but for a moment he swears he can see you, peeking through the blinds.
"a-are you ok?" fak is worried, a little rattled at the sudden change. especially since carmen had been so adamant about not seeing "your stupid fuckin' therapist, richie, clearly she's no fuckin' good because look at you! you're still fucked up!" carmen's enraged words from days ago.
"no," carmen admits, throat swelling with a growing lump. "but, uh, i-i wanna be." he admits quietly, looking over at fak. "i gotta get my shit together, fak. i-i gotta be better for them."
fak doesn't deny it, doesn't console him. just goes quiet with a nod, driving away. carmen watches sugar's house disappear in the rearview, his heart aching, breaking, but he knows natalie is right. he knows he'll be back once he's better, that he has to be better. for teddy. for you. for your family.
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sunflower-lilac42 · 2 days
𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗲𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘀 | 𝘫𝘩86 ♔
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➪ summary: jack's date night plans with his girl get changed when he finds out she hasn't been feeling like herself lately
➪ warnings: insecurities, body talk, being compared
➪ word count: 2.4k
➪ file type: fic
➪ sunny's notes: ahhh another favorite of mine, i legit had so much fun reading this. this was from my previous amazing beautiful teddy bear anon whom i miss very much i hope you guys enjoy this one once again! :)
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Now it wasn’t all the time that Jack got to have a night off in the middle of the season, so date nights out in New Jersey were a rare thing to come back for him and his girlfriend. In actuality, date nights like tonight were a rare occasion for the couple. Y/n wasn’t a fan of going out in public, and not in the sense that she didn’t want to be seen with Jack, because of course, she did. It is more in the sense that she didn’t want to be seen by the paparazzi, especially when she was caught off guard and didn’t have time to think about how she looked. 
It wasn’t often that she was insecure, at least this much. There were some days where it would start bad and progressively get worse throughout the day, some days where it was just bad, and other days where it was the furthest thing in her mind what she looked like (the days where she would be eating pizza with no work to do and watching Jack’s game from the comfort of her living room). 
Today had been one of the days where it got progressively worse throughout the day, which made sense because of the growing anxiety every time she looked at the time and it would be closer to when she had to start getting ready. It’s not that she wasn’t excited for date night, because she was, she was over the moon that she got to spend the night with Jack, but she just didn’t understand why they had to go out to do it.
She sat in their shared closet when she got home from work, trying to figure out what she wanted to wear. She had been through at least five different outfits, all of them now surrounding her on the ground. She finally settled on a black dress, one that she had worn plenty of times, and liked the way she looked in it every time she did. She started to pull it up and groaned when she realized she had to zip it up, not having the energy to do it at the moment. So she settled on doing the only thing she knew to do, “Jack!”
Jack came rushing into the bedroom, running down the hallway and catching himself on the door frame so he wouldn’t continue sliding, “What- what’s wrong?”
She turned around and giggled when she saw him. His shirt was unbuttoned and a little wrinkled on the inside edges, his hair a mess, and his tie the loosest it could be while still being tied, he looked like he just came from a college party. 
She shook her head and walked over to him, running a hand through his hair and kissing his cheek, “Nothing, I just need your help zipping my dress up.”
It was only then that Jack looked at her up and down, grinning when he saw what she was wearing, “I love this dress on you.”
Her cheeks lightly turned pink at his statement, walking back to the mirror to fix the dress and how it lay on her. Jack grinned even more when he noticed the color of her cheeks, “Good to know I can still make you blush this much after a year.”
He walked over to her and placed his hands on her hips, leaning his head down so his chin was resting on her shoulder. He looked at her through the mirror, watching as she fixed her necklace and earrings, fiddled with her hair so it laid just how she wanted it to and straightened her dress, and tugged at the fabric against her stomach to stop it from clinging to her skin. He didn’t think much of it initially and just moved the hair away from the left side to the right and turned to kiss her lightly on the neck. The action caused her to shiver a little but ultimately left her with a smile.
Jack stood up and hit her butt, “Jack!” He ignored her and zipped up her dress. When he finished he went to hit her butt once more but furrowed his brows in confusion when he didn’t hear the usual scold that followed it. 
He looked back up in the mirror to find her with a frown on her face and her hands fiddling with the edges of her dress. Wrapping his hands around her waist, he quietly asked, “What is it?”
She shook her head, not wanting to draw attention to it that much, “Nothing Jacky, I think I’m just gonna put on some tights underneath it and maybe some shorts.”
Normally, he would’ve let this slide. It was the middle of January and it was cold out, he knew she would be cold the moment they stepped outside if she left her legs bare. But, with the look on her face now and the pile of clothes sitting in their closet that he noticed when he walked in, told him all the different. His grip tightened on her waist once he felt her trying to get out of it to head to do what she told him, “Stop.”
“Jacky, we’re gonna be late.”
“Don’t do this- don’t do this to yourself.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
She shied away from the mirror, trying to at least turn around to face him instead of continuing to look at herself. He huffed at her words and tightened his hold once more, “C’mon, baby. Tell me.”
“There’s nothing to tell, let's just go before they decide they don’t want to serve us.”
“We are not leaving this apartment, this room until you tell me what’s going on even though you know I know what you’re pretty little head is thinking about right now.”
She stopped fighting and looked down, causing Jack to spin her around and lift her chin so her eyes were looking directly into his, “Talk to me.”
“It’s just one of those days, I guess.”
He knew there was more, he always knew. Jack knew about how she didn’t like going out for date nights because she didn’t want to have any unexpected pictures taken of her, how she hated posting on Instagram because she’s always scared that the only comments she’ll get are one’s commenting about how ‘ugly’ she looked, that she hated summer because she could never wear what all the others girls were wearing and feel good about it, and that she hated going to his games wearing his jersey because girls always made comments about him never wanting to be with her. So yes, he knew she was lying when she said that. 
“I know that’s not all that’s bothering you, sweetheart. And you know that too,”
He backed up to sit on the chest that was sitting in front of their bed. She knew and hated when he did that because the next thing he did was pat his left thigh so she would come and sit there. She hated that she knew that she would do it anyway because Jack would sit and pout if she didn’t. And most of all, she hated those puppy dog eyes of him. 
This time, however, she was determined to stand her ground, “No. I’m putting tights and shorts on and then we’re leaving.”
Jack rolled his eyes but kept sitting. She stared at him and he had no problem with staring right back, one of their daily staring contests that happened. When Jack broke eye contact, she cheered a little before heading into the closet to do what she said she was going to. Rules were rules, when someone won the staring contest they won the argument, within reason of course.
He sat patiently on the trunk as he watched her close the door of the closet. He knew this was not only one of those days, but one of the worst days she had. He knocked on the door and halted her actions, “But your sweats on.”
“I said put your sweats on, my hoodie, and get your pretty ass out to the living room in five minutes. Take your makeup off too and put your hair up.”
She was confused but ultimately was fine with his words. Wearing sweats definitely beats having to wear tights and shorts and a dress. And wearing his hoodie? That beat everything. Jack sat in the living room calling the restaurant to cancel the reservation, ordering her favorite food, and putting on her favorite movie. 
She came out five minutes later and sat on the couch, crossing her legs. Jack wrapped one of his arms around her waist and pulled her into his side as close as he could without her being on top of him, not that he would have minded her there in the slightest, “Talk to me, please.”
His voice sounded like he was pleading, and he was. He wanted to make all of her insecurities go away, shower her with love, and make her feel loved. And if he accomplished that and was able to cuddle her, he would be more than okay to do this every day instead of going out. 
She sighed and Jack gave her his hand so she could fiddle with her fingers, something she always did when she got anxious, “I wasn’t lying when I said it was one of those days.”
She took a deep breath before continuing, “It’s just- that dress was the dress I could always count on myself knowing I would look good in. I don’t usually have to think about it too hard, I could just put it on and go. When you zipped it up, I could tell it fit a little tighter than it usually did and it just felt…” She couldn’t exactly describe what she felt, how she felt. If you knew the feeling, you knew the feeling.
Tears pricked at her eyes as she gripped his hand tighter, “I just want to feel pretty Jack.”
That absolutely, utterly, broke, no shattered, his heart. He hated that his girl had to feel like this, hated that society had made it so not only her but every girl that didn’t look like the stereotypical one had to feel like they weren’t beautiful. At that moment, caring about whether or not she would think she was crushing him flew out of his mind and he pulled her into his lap. She didn’t even have the energy to protest and dug her head into his shoulder.
His own tears welled up in his eyes as he listened to her cry, it was one of his least favorite sounds in the whole world, maybe the worst sound he’s ever heard. He let her cry for a few minutes before pulling her head away and cupping her face with both of his hands. She sniffled, reaching her hand up to wipe her nose and Jack wiped the tears for her. She was glad that she had decided to take her makeup off after contemplating it for a few minutes. 
“I want you to listen to me, y/n. And please, actually listen to me.”
She nodded, still trying to rid of the remnants of her crying off of her face, “You are beautiful, no matter who tells you differently. I will always think you’re beautiful. I know that self-love is the most important kind of love there is and it breaks my heart every time I see you look at yourself a little longer in the mirror in the mornings or when you pull at the fabric of your shirt while you’re working at the kitchen table. And I am more than willing to help you feel beautiful all day every day.
“I know that you’re not going to feel pretty all of the time, everyone has those days. Even me, pretty boy Hughes.”
His comment made her laugh a little and he smiled when he heard it, that was one of his favorite sounds in the world. He smiled a little more when he felt her hand run through his hair, “There’s my girl.”
This comment makes her blush instead and that causes him to smile even more, “And there is the blush that I still cannot believe I make you do. Somehow you just got ten times more gorgeous.”
Her cheeks reddened even more and he chuckled a little at it this time. He moved his hands from her head to her hips, his thumbs resting under his sweatshirt and rubbing soft circles into her skin, “There will always be someone to say something, trust me and I wish I could take it all away so it wouldn’t hurt you. But, I want you to know that I love you for you and I could never imagine myself loving anyone else. 
“Anyone could have a model as their girlfriend or their wife, but only I can have you. And that’s what makes me love you, y/n. Not the way you look, though I adore how you look, but instead the way you smile when you see me every time, the way you always cuddle me after a rough game, the way you know when something is wrong, the way you treat everyone like they hung the stars, and the way you moan-”
He laughed, throwing his head back in the process, his hands subtly tightening on her hips, “My point is, before you so rudely interrupted me listing the things I love about you.” She slapped his arm before smiling at him, “You don’t need to live up to anyone else’s expectations of beautiful when you think you are. As long as you think you’re beautiful that’s all that matters, as long as you do it for you and not for anyone else.”
Tears pricked at her eyes once more, this time out of love and happiness, “I love you so so much, Jacky.”
He kissed her cheek and then kissed her, making her jump in shock a little before melting into the kiss. His hands moved further up underneath her sweatshirt and he moved to kiss her neck, causing her to let out a soft moan when he hit her sensitive spot right on the dot. That made him grin as he pulled away. That was his favorite sound in the world.
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⬂ 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗝𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲𝘆 𝗗𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗹𝘀 𝗧𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 ⬂
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timewillpasssoon · 2 days
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pairing . Joost Klein x singer-gn! reader
content . you are addressed as 'reader', reader can be seen as male or female, mentions of unrequited love, jealousy, insecurities, suggestive mentions, making out, best friends to lovers, angst to fluff
summary . you find out that your crush of three years, Joost Klein, might have a girlfriend, you can't hold onto your feelings anymore.
word count . 2.7k words, 15,6k characters
author's note . i love Selena, i grew up with her music and this song is the bomb. i HAD to make a fic. wanted to make this pure angst but the angel on my shoulder said no. sorry for not uploading, gas leak in my house iususisjhs, also sorry to all the Jazlyns...
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These past three years have been an agonizing struggle, concealing your true feelings in the depths of your heart. Having to pretend that you don't see him in a romantic light. During meet-ups with the friend group, you have act as if his light touches don't affect you, that they don't make you think of unspoken actions.
Despite knowing Joost for a decade, it's only recently, three years ago, that you've confronted your true feelings. The realization that your heart yearns for more than just a friendship with him shattered your view of Joost. You recalled of all the time where you dreamt of him. The way he loved you in those dreams made you squeal with excitement, though, you always remind yourself that those are just silly dreams. The weight of this secret is unbearable. No one can know of this, especially Joost.
A year ago, a new addition was made upon the friend circle you are apart of. Appie introduced her into the group, Jazlyn. She quickly found her place among the group, being welcomed with open arms by everyone, which included you. With each gathering from then on, the dynamic shifted, letting her in on the activities the group does. As precious time went by, everyone could see the slight bond between Jazlyn and Joost.
You got word that the two were hanging out privately within nine months of knowing her. There was an unwelcomed feeling in you, jealousy, which was brewing up inside you. The horrid feeling took root within your heart. The thought of Joost being with some else haunted you. When they were seen to have a moment together, shadows filled with doubt and insecurity casted over you.
They were seen as a cute match, flaunted as a picture perfect match. That ignited a volcano of emotion within you, a blend of rage and sorrow. You longed to be the one by his side, to be his perfect match. Yet the shards of your broken heart prevented you from vocalizing your feelings. Your silence was too haunting that Joost couldn't help but notice. He was accustomed to your endless support and enthusiasm, so when you kept to yourself for a few months, he sensed the complete switch.
The announcement of Joost's acceptance into Eurovision was exciting- thrilling. You were overjoyed with happiness, your heart filled with support. You were planning on congratulating him with a typical hug with words of support and love. But before you were able to, Jazlyn took the chance to lunged at him like a leech. She showered him with affection.
She held him in her grasp, not letting Joost go for what felt like two whole minutes, he didn't let go. You hoped he did, but he embraced her as well, pulling his right hand over her. Looking at everyone, then to you. Full eye contacted was made, Joost really could sense something was wrong.
That night, you made a conscious choice to retreat into silence, to shield your heart, sacrificing the warmth of his presence to protect yourself from further pain and heartbreak.
Your interactions with Joost reduced to mere small talk. Despite his much persistent attempts to figure out why you have been so detached, you would dismiss his worries by say, "I'm fine." Yet Joost remained suspicious, you're 'reassurance' was not much help.
You didn't have much courage to confess your feelings knowing something might be happening between Jazlyn and Joost.
You had nothing left other than to just cheer for the two.
All you can do is relegate yourself in the shadows, concealing the overbearing thoughts of Joost. Over the span of two lonely months, you had hope, deep in your soul, that one day he'll return to you- to stay with you. That hope slowly faded, the past two months passed breezily and there was still no confidence in you to speak your mind. Your heart having to play as if you only see him as a friend.
Within the complex code of your feelings, the realization settles in. That you played yourself a fool. You thought the love you had for Joost was to be reciprocated, but amongst more thoughts to yourself, it was truly just banter for Joost. All the jokes about being each others future every things were empty, sweet, nothings.
. year twenty thirteen
"What if I never find a boyfriend?" You say, chewing apart the gummy bear in your mouth into shreds. The scenery ahead of you two was quite beautiful. Joost and you were having a picnic in a near by park. He smiled, his eyes illuminated by the soft hues of the late afternoon. He was on your left, a light chuckles left his lips. "I'm sure you'll find someone charming and handsome, reader!"
"Someone like you?"
you joked, but now that you think back, it wasn't a joke.
He laugh at your quote-on-quote joke, his hands grabbing a gummy bear. "let's make a promise," He shifted to his right so he can fully face you, "If were are still single by the age of... thirty, we'll marry each other!" Your eyes widened, you heart beating a little more faster for some reason. Your hands shaking just a tiny bit.
"How did you come up with his promise?" You tilt your head to the right, your eyes locked with his. "I just want an excuse to be able to marry you." he pauses for your response, but your not quite sure if he's joking or not. He quickly laughed at his own joke so you can tell he wasn't serious.
Something in you wanted him to be serious.
"So?" Joost says, waiting for an answer. "Don't you think thirty is a bit young?" Joost nodded, his right hand placed on your left shoulder just now. "Fine~"
"If we are still single at thirty-five, we will marry each together!" He stuck his hand out, all his fingers down except for his pinky.
You reach for his pinky, interlocking yours with his.
"Alright!! Deal."
. year twenty twenty-four
Eurovision ended, it was an crazy event that was not at all fair. the whole time when Joost was in Sweden, he tried to text you everyday, yet you wouldn't respond. when you do reply, it would be excuses on why you haven't responded. saying that you're busy with producing your latest song, that you are at an event and so on.
Upon Joost's return to the Netherlands a week post-Eurovision, Appie and Stunje orchestrated a small gathering for everyone in the friend group to relax and celebrate the amazing achievement the three men achieved, despite the horrible treatment they got they stood tall. Reminding each other that making it to Eurovision was still a life long goal they had.
As you entered the restaurant selected by Appie and Stunje, the smell of delectable cuisines floated around the establishment lure your senses from the moment you stepped in. Approaching the hostess, you asked if there wads a reservation under the name of Joost. With a gracious smile, she directed your eyes to the spacious booth in the left side of you. You thanked her and walked to the circle booth. In the middle of the circle booth was Joost and Jazlyn, him being on Jazlyn's left side.
As you drew in a breath, a smile graced your lips. Sending a wave to your friends, commencing a exhale with a hint of nervousness. "Hey guys, sorry for being late!" You spoke up so they can hear you through out the other building's noises. Appie's grin enlarged upon your arrival. "No need for apologies, you're five minutes late tops!" He said cheerfully, as the others echoed their reassurances, Appie casually passed you a menu. "Order what you want." He encouraged you to get whatever delight you desired.
The gathering that was ensuing was a nice, relax one. Where everyone was sharing experiences and exchanges. Stunje, Appie, and Joost telling the group about the adventures they had in Sweden, beyond Eurovision. After that you eagerly said details about the latest and upcoming album in the making. The remaining in the group also recounted their own memorable adventures and enjoyed time from the preceding two months.
"To Joost!" exclaimed a friend, lifting their glass of liquor in a toast, prompting others to follow them. In unison, everyone raised their glasses, their voices saying, "To Joost!" With that announcement, they all partook in a sip, sealing the sentiment of celebration.
Some time has now past from the first shot of liquor, what seemed to be around an hour and a half of more and more talking and drinks. Throughout the event, you could feel a pair of eyes on your body. You looked at Joost a couple of times, often catching him staring at you, sometimes he wouldn't look away when you caught him. You often had to be the one looking away.
What was up with him? You think in your mind, the weight of his staring making you start to slouch in your seat. You weren't uncomfortable, you were more curious of why he would staring at you and not Jazlyn.
As the alcohol began to take its effect, the atmosphere grew increasingly relaxed, ushering in a wave of lighthearted banter.
Amidst the hangout, one friend, ventured into more intimate territory. "So, spill, Joost and Jazlyn," they teased, their curiosity peaking. "What really goes down when you guys are alone?"
When the question popped, Joost shifted in his seat, his eyes hovering over you and the friend. Jazlyn seemed to love the question, clearly into him as well. "That's a secret between us!" She exclaimed, hinting to something suggestive. Joost shook his head in defense at her as some quietly yelped an 'oooh'. "Nothing really happened, we accidentally stumbled on each other at a cafe." His defense silenced the people at the table, he soon turned his gaze at you.
An individual detected the palpable tension polluting the atmosphere and drifted the conversation towards more joyful topics. As the subject shifted, so did the collective mood, transitioning into a brighter one. However, despite the huge effort to uplift everyone, your countenance remained stone cold, a hint of heartbreak brewing beneath the surface. Despite your façade of a fake light smile, the searing ache of what really could've between them gnawed at your soul.
You found yourself stuck in your head and loathing- yearning for him still. The desire for his touch in places deemed inappropriate stirred in your head. You wanted him all over you, and you hated yourself for it. Similar thoughts were in Joost's mind, craving to feel your hands upon his body. He wished you were the one clinging on to him, not Jazlyn.
Unbeknownst to you, tears welled in your eyes until the ringtone of your phone jolted you back to the present moment. Hastily, you lowered your head to covert your face, also stealing a glance at who was calling, which was Bambie. With a shaky voice, you excused yourself from the table, "I need to take this…" The sadness in your voice betraying you. As you raised your head slightly, Joost's view revealed the glisten of tears in your eyes and the wetness of your left cheek. Rising from your chair, you swiftly answered the call and hurried out of the restaurant.
Your voice quivered slightly as you responded to the call, "Hello?" Stepping outside the establishment, you were met with Bambie's eager greeting, "Hey reader-!!!" However, their sentence trailed off as concern laced their voice. "What happened?" Bambie's voice dripped with worry, ears catching the shiver in your voice that hinted at tears.
"Nothing happened-"
"Do not say that! Tell me the truth."
You let out a resigned sigh, knowing that not answering Bambie's questions would be futile.
"It's just Joost. I need to get over him. Jazlyn is clearly into him, and he's probably reciprocates those feelings," The weight of unspoken emotions bearing down on you. Finding solace on a nearby bench along a secluded pathway, you continued,
"I've held these feelings for what feels like a lifetime, yet I've never found the courage to confess. Maybe if I had spoken up years ago… maybe then, I would have stood a chance."
The discourse extended for an additional eight minutes, during which Bambie provided comfort and support. Throughout, a mutual exchange of humor ignited shared laughter. As the conversation drew to a conclusion, Bambie's attention was diverted by another incoming call, ending the conversation with you short.
Once you ended the call, you sat by yourself. The scenery before you was beautiful. Despite the unwavering support offered by Bambie, your heart remained steadfast in its love for Joost.
The thoughts in your head circled back. there was still tears in your eyes. You sighed at looked at your lap, not noticing the person walking up to you.
"You okay?"
You looked up to see who was there.
With a swift gesture, you brushed away the traces of your tears, composing yourself and assuming an upright posture. "Yeah, I'm fine," you uttered, averting your gaze from his eyes. In response, he emitted a soft sigh, removing his jacket as he sat next to you. Draping it around your shoulders, "What's really going on?" he persisted, his tone had a twinged with concern, prompting a deeper exploration of your underlying emotions.
"You've been weird since Jazlyn was invited in the friend group."
You rolled your eyes at his try to get you out of your shell. You didn't respond to him, "C'mon reader! Please, tell me..." Joost's voice was very whiny, that made you bite your lip. "Why do you want to know? Go back inside, it's your party after all... you should be there."
"It's not fun without you. I miss you." You look at his eyes, around three inches apart from each others lips.
"I just been busy. It's taken effect on me." You weren't really lying, you have been busy with your new album. Although, that's not the real reason why you were crying today.
"Be honest with me!" He begged you with deep whininess in his voice. "Please."
As you remained motionless, a palpable tension hung in the air, from the intensity of his gaze. His piercing blue eyes wants to see every contour of your body, as if seeking to unravel the deepest secrets of you, imbuing the moment with an undeniable sense of desire.
"We should go back inside." Your asserted dominate. Your stern voice made him widen his eyes for a bit, catching him off guard, before going back to his begging eyes. His fingers lingered to yours momentarily, it was his silent plea of more connection to one another. "I'm begging you reader," He stopped to catch his breath.
"Please, please, please. I won't judge you."
You still didn't have the confidence to confess, yet you were prepared to get rejected. "Joost, I have to confess something."
You breathe in and exhale lightly. "I like you- a lot. I liked you since the day I met you."
His demeanor softened perceptibly, a subtle shift that suggested a newfound sense of ease. "If you don't like me back, I understand-." He stopped you by grabbing your hand. "Can I kiss you?"
You stared at him like he was crazy, yet he was still waiting for an answer. "I like you too reader. Since the day we had that picnic... it felt like you've casted a spell on me."
"You remember the promise?" Your heart swelling from his confession. You intertwined your fingers with his, placing both of your guy's hands on your lap.
"Yeah. I was afraid you forgot about." You laugh at that joke. You? Forget that precious moment?
"Kiss me." You whispered, not having much confidence behind those two words. He smiled, pride and love in his face. In the hushed intimacy of the moment, you and Joost's eyes locked in a silent exchange of longing and anticipation.
He inched his face closer to yours, his free hand was placed on your chin. You couldn't wait any longer, not even a second more. You filled the gap between you, lunging your lips onto his. Your free hand on the back of his head.
Your two's lips met in a tender collision, a symphony of sensation that sent shivers down each person's spine. Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in the gentle exploration of each other's warmth.
Joost pulled away before coming back for seconds. The small kisses grew more urgent, more steamy. The two lost themselves in the passionate, heated make out session. Them wanting more, to take off the cloth that's covering the parts they want to see.
As they broke off the kiss, their chests rose and fell between seconds. They stared at each other, lust in there eyes, yet loved was the more massive feelings as of right now.
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HAD TO CUT IT SHORT OF I WANTED TO FINISH IT. lowkey would've wrote 1k more if i didn't have a deadline for myself. take care guys
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midnightsxblue · 2 days
carl grimes x fem!reader
tags: SMUT!!! p in v, RIDINGGGGG BABYYYY, unprotected sex (be safe!)
masterlist here!
i wrote this so i could get motivated to write again, it’s the first fic i’ve written that wasn’t requested in a long ass time, so this one’s just an idea from me and a fic for myself i hope u like!!! (also thanks to my bsf @delusionaldolly for helping me describe sex positions LMAOOOO i don’t write smut often i needed opinions.)
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Carl was always telling you that you needed to be safe outside the walls. He always told you if you were to go on a run, the only people you should go with was Daryl or Glenn. So, when he told you he couldn’t go on a woods date because he’d be going out for supplies with the two of them, you wanted to go with. But he still refused.
“I don’t understand, I thought you said it was fine if Glenn and Daryl took me, you said they’re the most reliable. We were supposed to go to the woods anyway…” You reason, following him through the house as he gathered his belongings. “We can go on the date tomorrow, anyway this time’s different. We’re going to the store on Miller street, the last time the guys went, it was filled with walkers.” He makes his way out of your guys’ room and down the hall. “Well why’re you going then? I don’t want you to.”
He stops just before the stairs and he sighs, turning around to look at you intently. “It’s just how it is, okay? I don’t want to have to worry about you out there, and you definitely don’t have to worry about me.” He explains. You’re sort of annoyed at the fact he thinks he has to take care of you. He continues down the steps and you follow after. “You don’t have to worry about me, I don’t understand. You’re being quite the hypocrite.” You refute. He shakes his head and grabs his bag before heading towards the door.
“Seriously Carl, what the fuck?” He places his hand on the handle and turns to you. “I’ll see you at eight.” He opens the door and leaves, shutting the door behind him.
You stayed home the whole day, quite pissed to say the least. You babysat Judith, which didn’t bother you at all but you’d rather have gone with him. You felt worried, not to mention left out. By the time they came home, you were sitting on the floor in the living room with Judith, playing with her toys. “Here, bug, this one has jingles.” You shake the toy in front of her and she yawns, grabbing it but dropping it. You hear the front door open and you see Carl and Daryl walking through the door. AKA your signal to get Judith up to bed.
You stand up and pull Judith up as well, letting her stand on your feet as you take slow steps towards the stairs. They both acknowledge you and Carl’s the first to say something. “Hey, how was babysitting?” He asks, noticing how focused you are on keeping Judith on your feet. “It was fun. We gotta go to bed, don’t we Judith?” You reply dismissively, Daryl and Carl share a knowing look while you head up the stairs.
You get Judith changed and in her crib, you exit and closer her door quietly before turning to be met with Carl just standing there. “Oh sh-” You put your hand over your heart and he sort of giggles at you. “Jesus christ make a noise or something.” You roll your eyes and walk down the hall and he follows after. “I’m alive, see? The run was a breeze.”
He tries his best to make you realize you were wrong about not wanting him to go out. “Yeah no shit, I see that but that doesn’t make the whole situation any less frustrating.” You retort. He closes the door behind you guys and you sit on the bed, kicking your boots off your feet and he does the same. “I was left here alone, not to mention you ditched our date.” You stand up to start changing and he watches you from the bed. “I know, and I’m sorry I just- It seemed like the best way for me to get practice with knives. I’m still not the best since…my eye.” He replies quietly. You turn from the dresser to look at him.
Well you just feel bad now. “Shit I just feel sort of selfish…I’m sorry.” You sort of sympathize with him and walk over to run your hand through his hair. “Don’t worry. I get it, probably more than anyone.” He holds the sides of your thighs, gently rubbing his thumb back and forth over them as he looks up at you. “But, if you wanna make it up to me, and if you’d let me make it up to you…I can think of somethin we could do.”
Within the next couple minutes you’re both stripped of your clothes, Carl is sitting back against the pillows while you’re on his lap. He has your tit in his mouth, his eyes shut, just enjoying the feeling of your nipple against his tongue. He moans against your skin and your hand goes up to tug on his hair a bit. He pulls away from your chest to look up at you breathlessly. “Please I need to feel you.”
You smile and adjust your position on his lap, slowly sinking onto his dick. The both of you moan at the feeling, he leans his head against your chest as he feels your heat surround him. His hands go to your hips, yours go to his shoulders to steady yourself. He guides your hips back and forth, only making the pace quicker. “Oh fuck you drive me insane.” He mumbles into your chest, his eyes half lidded and his grip on your hips getting tighter.
You can feel him start to buck his hips upwards, pushing his dick farther into you. You lean on him a bit, resting your weight on your knees as you straddle him, allowing him to thrust up even more. He rests your hands on your waist and looks up at you, watching as your eyes roll back into your head at the pleasure. He slows a bit and you pull away to lean back on your hands, his cock still penetrating you while you steady yourself. This put your body on display, he could see everything.
You start to move yourself back and forth, practically fucking yourself on him. Carl’s eyes go wide at the way you grind on him, he could cum from the sight alone. And he almost did. “Fuck- m’gonna-” He said shakily. You’re breathing heavy, the feeling leaves you unable to speak and Carl leans forward to rub your clit with his thumb. That basically sends you over the edge and you cum, moaning quite loudly. The feeling of you clenching around him added on top of your moans causes Carl’s orgasm to follow shortly after.
A couple of minutes went by and you were cuddled together in bed, he’d cleaned you up and pulled your clothes back on for you. You loved aftercare with him, he was always the sweetest. The two of you soon fell asleep in the comfort of each other’s arms.
─── ⋆⋅ ꩜ ⋅⋆ ───
The next morning, you had perimeter watch so Carl woke up early to make you breakfast. Or try at least, he made you eggs and selected some fruit for you to eat before leaving. He sat and talked with you, making you laugh before leaving for work. You did a ton of different stuff at Alexandria, perimeter watch was your least favorite. You’d even faked having a bad headache one time to get out of it.
So, you stood there watching carefully when you hear a voice from the bottom of the post. It was Glenn. You peak your head over. “Can I come up?” He asks. “Yeah go for it.” You step back and continue to watch around the gates while you waited for him to climb up. Once he did, he looked at you and sort of laughed awkwardly. He was being weird but he’s always sort of like that so you didn’t pay any mind to it. “Did you need something?” Your focus is still on the scenery in front of you as you speak.
“Uhh…yeah there was sort of something I need to tell you about the run yesterday.” He was nervous and it was evident with his tone. You turn to him, your eyebrows furrowing a tad. “Okay..explain.” He nods and swallows hard. “Just- don’t get angry okay? I mean I’m not really meant to be saying anything but I feel horrible to keep it from you and-”
“Oh my god please just spit it out.” You cut him off. “Right. Yesterday Carl had a close call with a walker, it basically tackled him and was really close to just-” He stops for a moment but continues. “It almost bit his face off. Daryl saved him last second when I’d got close enough to hear their conversation…I guess they didn’t see me, they made an agreement to keep it from you. Not to tell you about it.” He explained, somewhat ashamed.
You stop to think. You felt shitty about it all, for sure. He’d gotten pissy at you about wanting to go, made you feel bad for not wanting him to go, and used the excuse of his eye. He told you it all went well. He lied to your face, then fucked you after.
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a/n: part two is coming soon :)
tag list: @zomb-1-egutzz @evilnight07 @ilikestrawberriesandwomen
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laurenairay · 3 days
how long I had to fight to be living my life – N. Blankenburg
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Summary: When Nora’s car breaks down, it’s just her luck that her ex-boyfriend Nick is the only one who answers the phone.
Happy (early) 30th birthday @wyattjohnston! I managed to hit bingo with the squares marriage pact, late night rescue, exes to lovers (for the free space), stranded, and ‘there will never be anyone else’. Only for you Demi, and literally only for you, will I write a fic for Nick Blankenburg. I hope you enjoy it!
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: angst, childhood sweethearts, exes to lovers, mild mention of injuries
Title from Remember that Night? by Sara Kays
“No, no, no, come on!”
As her car sputtered to a stop, Nora groaned, smacking her hand against the steering wheel once before closing her eyes and tilting her head back. Of all the bad luck, she had to break down at 2am down a quiet street, in pitch black darkness with literally no-one else around. When she’d agreed to cover a couple of hours shift for one of her fellow nurses, she’d agreed without hesitation – the money was always helpful. But now, it just looked like that money she’d worked her ass off for would just be poured into whatever the hell had gone wrong with her car.
Perfect. Just perfect.
Her dad always made her save a couple of local 24-hour tow truck numbers, something which she’d always called him overprotective for…but now she was grateful for. Thankfully, the first one she called answered and agreed to pick her up immediately. The only thing was, due to the hour of the night, all they could do was tow it to their company yard until the morning before they could take it to a mechanic. And from their company yard? She had no way of getting home. Her dad wasn’t answering his phone, neither were her mom or her mom’s boyfriend. None of her best friends were either. Not that she blamed them – it was 3am by this point, a completely ridiculous hour, but all she wanted was to go home and go to bed and possibly cry. It had been a 15-hour shift so to have all of this on top of it? Not the best night she’d ever had.
As she scrolled through her phone, she was running out of options of people to contact – and then she landed on the one name she knew she shouldn’t call at all. Nick Blankenburg. Her ex-boyfriend. She didn’t even know if he was back in town yet but with no-one else answering, she had little choice. Come on Nick, pick up, pick up, pick up.
“Hello? Nora?”
“H-Hi, Nick. Sorry to call so late,” Nora said softly.
He answered. Of course he answered.
“What’s wrong? Are you drunk?”
“We broke up 2 years ago and you’re calling me out of the blue at 3am. If you’re not drunk, then what’s wrong?”
Well he had a point there. But still.
“My car broke down. I was able to get a tow truck but I can’t get it fixed until the morning for obvious reasons,” Nora sighed.
“You need a ride?”
He offered? Just like that?
“Y-Yeah. If that’s okay. I know it’s not exactly ideal,” she murmured.
“I’m not leaving you stranded. Send me your location pin and I’ll leave right away.”
“Thanks Nick.”
His brusqueness wasn’t rudeness, not in the slightest. It was concern in his voice, she knew that much – she never thought she’d hear that again, not from him.
“You got a ride sorted yet?”
She flinched slightly at the voice of the tow truck driver behind her, to which he laughed softly, holding his hands up in surrender.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you, honest. I got a daughter about your age and I know she would be freaking out right now if it was her.”
Well, that was a little more reassuring.
“Yeah, I’ve got a ride. He should be here soon,” she nodded, smiling even if it felt a little forced, “I’m not freaking out too much right now, I know things will get fixed.”
“Good, good. I’ll give you a call when we’re ready to take your car to the mechanic tomorrow and you can meet us there?”
“Yeah, sure. That sounds good. Thanks,” she said, trying not to think about how much the repairs would cost.
That was a problem for tomorrow.
The truck driver left her alone after that, heading back inside the building, but he left the light on to show her she wasn’t alone, which gave her a little comfort. The minutes felt like they stretched into hours while she waited for Nick, not all because of her exhaustion. She hadn’t seen him since they broke up those two long years ago, not even in passing. Sure, that had mostly been on purpose, but it didn’t make what was coming any easier.
Why had she called him?
Why had he answered?
Why had he offered to pick her up?
Before she could get any logical answers to those questions, the old familiar engine rumble sounded around the corner, and a car she never thought she’d see again pulled to a stop in front of her.
“Shit Nor, you look exhausted.”
Exactly what she needed to hear. With a groan, she picked up her bag and sent a wave over her shoulder, before getting inside the car.
“Thanks Nick, just what every woman likes to hear,” she said dryly, buckling her seatbelt.
“Damn it, I didn’t mean it like that,” he sighed, running a hand over his hair.
He looked good. A little too skinny maybe, end of season weight loss, but still…he looked good. Of course he did. He was Nick Blankenburg.
“Thanks for picking me up. Can we go?”
“Yeah course. Uh, where am I taking you?”
Right, because she’d moved out of her dad’s place after they’d broken up.
Nick stayed silent as she rattled off her address, plugging it into his phone before starting to drive. It wasn’t going to take more than 20 minutes for him to drive her, but she didn’t know how she was going to stay sane. Nick was just staring resolutely out at the empty streets, radio playing quietly, not really breaking the awkward silence.
It wasn’t that their break-up had been a nasty messy blow out. Yeah, there were arguments and stupid things said back and forth, but nothing that made her hate him. They’d just…grown apart. It had been hard enough with the distance of him at UMich – and all the rightful attention he’d had – she’d gotten jealous of girls flirting and he didn’t try hard enough to reassure her. His captaincy and dedication to the team was something he’d worked hard for, and she’d been so proud of him – but that focus had meant their relationship had slipped through the cracks. And with him trying to make it in professional hockey? Nick signing that first contract with the Blue Jackets had been the death of them.
She’d been so proud of him, just as he’d deserved, because he was finally making his dream come true. But she’d had to be honest with herself – they couldn’t handle the distance of just over an hour for four years, so how could they handle being over 4 hours apart when all of his focus had to be on his career?
The final time they’d seen each other had been the most she’d ever seen him cry. It was the most she had ever cried in her life too. The cumulation of what seemed like a lifetime had swirled down the drain and there was nothing left in either of them to try to fix it. But Nick had left with one promise – if she ever truly needed him, he would be there.
Nora hadn’t thought about that in a long time. Seems like her subconscious had remembered after all.
“So…long shift tonight?”
The familiar awkwardness in his voice made her crack a smile without her being able to help it.
“Yeah. My regular 12-hour shift plus another 3 hours to cover for another nurse,” she nodded, glancing over at him.
The immediate grimace on his face made her laugh, earning a twitch of a smile from him.
“That sounds awful,” he murmured.
“That’s nursing,” she said, shrugging.
His eyes darted to her voice briefly, before locking back on the road.
“You love nursing, don’t you.”
He could still read her that easily?
“Yeah, I really do. It’s like I finally know what I’m meant to be doing,” she nodded, smiling.
He smiled tightly at her, nodding back. The unease settled back in her chest, making her sigh softly.
“How’s hockey?”
Nick barked out a laugh, making her frown. What the hell had happened to him?
“I still love it, but I don’t think it loves me,” he muttered.
Well, fuck. “What do you mean?” she prompted.
It had hurt too much to follow his career after he left. She’d had every intention of keeping track of his games, but when it had come to it? It had been too hard.
“I got sent down to the AHL at the end of the season. I’ve had injuries all year. And it’s the end of my two-year contract now. So I’m really not sure what the hell is going to happen to me next season. If I even have a next season.”
For all the years she’d known him, she’d never heard this much bitterness in his voice. Not in AAA hockey. Not in Juniors. Not at UMich. Not in his struggles to get drafted. Not in their hard times. Not even in their break-up. What the hell had happened to him?
“Everything will work out,” she murmured.
“Yeah, okay,” he scoffed.
She flinched at the sharpness in his voice, something he immediately noticed by the way he cursed under his breath.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-”
“It’s okay,” she said softly, interrupting, “I shouldn’t have asked.”
“You can always ask, Nor,” he replied.
“Pretty sure I lost that right two years ago,” she pointed out.
Nick huffed out a laugh, shaking his head. Nora was just glad the tension was broken. She still didn’t know what she’d been thinking, calling Nick – but at least they weren’t yelling at each other. That was a silver lining.
“There will never be anyone else who I’d be this honest to,” he shrugged.
Nora swallowed heavily, taking in a shaky breath as Nick glanced over at her.
“I can’t be the only person you talk to about this stuff,” she murmured.
“Who else am I going to trust?”
“You want to what?”
“I want to make a pact with you,” Nick said simply.
“We are 10 years old and you want to make a marriage pact with me?”
“You’re the prettiest girl in class and you’re one of my best friends. Why wouldn’t I want to marry you?”
“I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works, dummy,” Nora giggled.
“I’m not a dummy, you’re a dummy!” Nick shot back.
Nora just giggled harder, sticking her tongue out at Nick through her missing front teeth.
“Pretty sure you’re meant to be boyfriend girlfriend first before you get married,” she pointed out.
Nick seemed to think about that for a few seconds before shrugging. “Okay let’s be boyfriend girlfriend.”
“Really really.”
“So you’ll hold my hand? And kick Jimmy Smith when he makes fun of my curly hair? And eat lunch with me?” Nora asked hopefully.
“Only if you help me with my math homework. And pick the best bandaids for my knees. And stay my best friend forever,” Nick nodded.
“Best friends forever?”
“Who else am I going to trust?”
As the memory of those words rushed through her, Nora choked on a gasp, glancing over at Nick with tears in her eyes.
“You still remember?”
“You still remember?” she countered.
“My concussions haven’t been that bad, Nor,” he mused.
She winced. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
Nick nodded, accepting her answer. “I still remember, because making that pact with you was still one of the best things I’ve ever done.”
The tears truly stung at her eyes now, and she shook her head. “We were so young. And so stupid.”
“Maybe. But we were boyfriend girlfriend for 12 years so I think I did something right,” he smirked.
Boyfriend girlfriend. It sounded so childish, so innocent when he said it like that, but wasn’t that exactly what they were for 12 years? 12 long years and this is where they were now.
“Hey, what’s on your mind?” he murmured.
“I miss you.”
Those were not the words she expected to come out of her mouth, but it was far too late to take them back now. Even if Nick looked like he’d been stunned into silence.
“You miss me?” he eventually asked, surprisingly her slightly with how his voice was full of wonder rather than disgust.
“Can we pretend I didn’t say that?” she groaned.
“Absolutely not,” Nick shot back.
That slow grin that spread over his face was so familiar, so Nick, and it still sent a shiver up her spine. Damn it. The way his eyes crinkled with the force of his smile still filled her stomach with butterflies. Damn it.
“My mom still asks about you, you know,” he said softly.
“Oh my god, don’t bring Momma Blanks into this, that’s just mean,” she murmured.
Nick snorted, lifting one hand off the wheel to hold it up in surrender. It wasn’t until he put his hand back on the wheel and pulled to a stop that she realised where they were. Outside her apartment building. Where had that journey gone?
“I guess this is it then,” Nora said quietly.
Those words ached in her chest the moment they left her lips.
“Does it have to be?”
With Nick’s full attention on her now, it was hard to feel anything but completely consumed.
“We broke up, Nick. Two years ago,” she said simply, trying to guard herself.
“And they have been the hardest two years of my life.”
Nora inhaled sharply. “You chose hockey. As you rightly should have, because it’s the career you wanted for so long, but you chose hockey!”
“I know that! I fight and struggle and claw my way through each day, hoping to find what I’m looking for, and I can’t because I left that behind when we broke up!”
He was breathing raggedly, emotion pouring into his words, eyes so full of devastation that they broke her heart all over again. Nick swallowed heavily, huffing out a laugh, before shaking his head.
“I’m sorry for raising my voice. That wasn’t fair. I just…I miss you, Nora. Maybe tonight was fate,” he said softly.
“You think my car breaking down after a long 15-hour shift is fate,” she said dryly.
“Oh my god I don’t know why I love you.”
Even as he groaned dramatically, she knew he meant every word. He loved her. He still loved her. Even after two years, he still loved her? Nora didn’t know what was showing on her face, but Nick sighed softly before sending her a weak smile.
“We can pretend I didn’t say that,” he offered.
His voice was so quiet, so small, nothing like she’d ever heard before. He was nervous. She hated it.
“Can’t take it back now, Blankenburg. I heard you loud and clear,” Nora said simply, smile threatening to spill over her lips.
Nick’s own lips parted in surprise for a moment, before he laughed loud and clear, the most genuine things she’d heard from him all night. “Do you need a ride to the mechanic tomorrow morning?”
“You going to be my knight in shining armour again?”
“As long as you’ll let me, princess.”
She couldn’t help slipping back into her old teasing, Nick’s answering grin cementing it for her. Tonight had been dangerous for her heart, everything she’d been trying to protect herself against for the past two years. And yet here she was, flirting with her ex-boyfriend like nothing had changed.
“Give me a call when you need me?” he suggested.
“Yeah, yeah, I will do,” she nodded, slipping her bag strap over her shoulder as she tried to calm her racing heart.
But as she opened the car door, Nick’s hand shot out to stop her, his large hand surrounding her wrist easily. His thumb stoked over the thin skin in a way that made her shiver, something which he clearly noticed with the way he smiled sharply, heated.
“It really was good to see you, Nora,” he murmured.
“It was good to see you too, Nick.”
And as he let her go, she knew in her bones that this was the start of something completely new.
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livingformintyoongi · 5 hours
Jungkook eating her gf out by the pool while she's laying on the lounger and enjoying the sun because he's so pussy whipped he just can't control himself
Summer Days
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a/n: It was so hard to start writing this because the description was too vague AH- for the anon who asked for this, I hope it was what you were looking for, I tried to do the best I could 😣. wc: 1.4k taglist: @thunderg @minjianhyung @queenv1997 @yoongtism @lizzymizzy-blogg @superbbananananana @drpepperobsessed @themwordsblog @taekritimin123 @bluecloudss
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“What's wrong?” you muttered under your breath, feeling your boyfriend pierce your profile with his gaze. You didn't bother to look at him, mostly because you didn't think what he wanted to ask you was something that warranted it. You loved your boyfriend, but you had waited too long to get to this part of your book, you couldn't stop now.
“Uhm, I was just thinking... you look very pretty today” he nodded quickly, stirring in his lounger, “I haven't seen you in that swimsuit before, it's beautiful.”
You nodded silently, pushing your sunglasses up the bridge of your nose, your attention still completely on your book, “I bought it recently, Soyeon saw it on sale and thought it would look good on me, so she bought it.” You turned the page, watching out of the corner of your eye as Jungkook awkwardly got up from his lounger and approached you. For a second you turned to watch him, following his every move as he sat down across from you, using your lounger as a seat. 
“Hey, can I ask you a strange question?” he said softly, resting his hand on your thigh and caressing your soft skin so gently that even you were surprised. Jungkook's touch was firm most of the time, indeed, you were very likely to feel his large hands land on some part of your body and give it a gentle but firm squeeze, never so light and delicate. 
You set your book down resting on your abdomen, lifting your sunglasses so you could get a better look at your boyfriend, “Sure, go ahead.” You noticed how his hand slowly made its way up to your inner thigh, his cheeks were slightly pink, but you had no idea if it was due to the strong sun today or if it was out of embarrassment.
“Can I eat you?” he lifted his gaze from your legs to your face, giving you the most depressing and tender lamb eyes possible, just the ones he always gave you when he wanted something from you. He knew perfectly well that they were your weakness, and he was more than willing to use it against you. 
“Here?” you laughed under your breath, looking around. You weren't in a public place, your boyfriend was lucky enough to have a medium sized pool in the backyard of his house, which to his luck had a fairly large wall that kept out the prying eyes of nosy people, but that didn't take away from the fact that you were still in an open place, and in the middle of the day to boot. 
“I promise I'll be quick, before you know it you'll be cumming on my tongue, I swear” he hastened to say, swinging his leg up and down. He watched your every expression, trying to see what your response would be and praying it would be positive.
“Okay, but don't even think I'll clean the deck chair” you sighed, putting your sunglasses back down and opened the book to the page you were left with. You knew well that Jungkook cared little and nothing about you putting all his attention on him when he licked your pussy, he always seemed to be so immersed in his own world when he did it.
“Yes!” he nodded quickly, settling quickly between your legs, letting them rest on his shoulders. His fingers gently removed the cool fabric from your skin. He had no plans to fuck, so he just pushed it aside, watching your intimacy intently as he licked his lips.
He kissed your inner thighs with utmost care, each kiss he gave was a kiss closer to your center, the place he wanted, no, needed to get to in order to continue his quiet day. His teeth gently tugged at your sensitive skin, causing you to stir from the lounger. From your position you had been able to feel his shit-eating grin as he saw your reaction.
You felt an electric current run up and down your spine the moment Jungkook ran his tongue along your slit slowly but firmly. You both let out a moan at the contact. “You taste so good...I don't think I can get over it” he laughed softly, kissing every bit of skin he could find. His fingers itched with the need he felt to get at least one inside you.
You brought one of your hands to his hair, stroking from it as Jungkook's kisses became increasingly messy and sloppy, slowly disturbing your breathing and the tingling in your lower stomach. 
He blew gently on your entrance, bringing his fingers to it so he could open it, plunging his tongue inside you. Jungkook had to hold your hips to keep them from lifting off the lounger, grunting against your pussy as he felt your fingers tugging at his hair. 
“Shit, so soon? You're seriously desperate” you muttered, letting your head fall back as your boyfriend moved his tongue inside you, touching just the spots he knew would provoke a reaction in your body. 
Jungkook completely ignored your comment, focusing solely on the sensation of your pussy enveloping his tongue tightly. He used one of his hands to hold your hips still while the other settled over your clit and gave it the attention he knew you loved. 
He wasn't wrong at all. 
Your back hunched slightly and your breathing became even more agitated. By this point your book had fallen to the side and you didn't even remember clearly what you read last, but you didn't mind at all, your boyfriend was making up for it in the best way.
You frowned as you felt his tongue slowly leave your insides and his fingers move away from your clit. You lowered your gaze to him, not quite understanding what he was planning to do.
He brushed the hair out of your eyes, wiping your chin with the back of his hand. His gaze never left your pussy, and you could feel from your place how he wanted to continue what he was doing. He gave you one last look before moving back down, but this time it was his mouth that started to play with your clit, causing your whole body to shudder. You had to cling to his hair to keep from losing your mind.
“Fuck” you moaned softly, too stunned to be able to say a full sentence. On his side, Jungkook was more than happy to suck and bite that little button he loved so much. He circled it with licks, bit it, pulled it with his teeth and sucked on it until his very lips felt numb, and it was only then that he decided to stick two of his fingers inside you, curving them right where he knew your G-spot was. His body trembled with pleasure as he heard you moan his name.
“You're squeezing my fingers pretty hard, are you going to cum yet?” he laughed teasingly, moving his fingers inside you faster than before, opening them once they were deeper inside you, he regretted teasing you the instant he felt you pull his hair so hard he feared you were going to pull a strand out of his head.
“Shit, shit, shit” you groaned through your teeth, futilely trying to push Jungkook away from your pussy, but he obviously wasn't going to allow that. He clung to your hips as if his life depended on it, trying to take every last drop of your cum, and even when you were done, he spent at least a minute giving little licks along your pussy until he was completely satisfied.
“I told you I wouldn't be long at all” he smiled proudly at you, wiping his chin awkwardly.
You rolled your eyes, fixing your swimsuit and getting up as best you could from the chair. Jungkook had to help you to another lounger due to the strong trembling of your legs, “Next time try to do it when I’m not busy, disrespectful” you laughed under your breath, letting your weight fall on the lounger.  
“Whatever the lady of the house says” he replied teasingly, leaning back next to you, wrapping his strong arms around your waist and settling his head on your chest, ready to take a nap in your arms, with one of your hands in his hair and the other on your book.
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emjayewrites · 16 hours
Just Between Us - LH44
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SYNOPSIS: Sometimes two is better than one....
PAIRINGS: Lewis Hamilton x black!fem!OC (Sydney "Syd") x Miles Chamley-Watson
WARNINGS: sexual content, cursing, flirting, threesome. MINORS DNI (18+ only)
TAGLIST: @queenshikongo3 @cocobutterqwueen @mauvecherie-writes @galatially @a-moment-captured @yeea-nah @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @weetjy @alika-4466 @saintslewis @cherry2stems @perfecttrashface
A/N: Please let me know if you want to be added/removed from the taglist. The woman I linked to be a face claim for Sydney was something I've found on Pinterest. The headers/dividers are by @inklore
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Miles couldn't stop thinking about Sydney. She was perfect - beautiful, funny, intelligent. Everything that Miles wished he could find in a girlfriend. But there was one big problem - Sydney was already dating his best friend Lewis.
Miles had been trying to ignore his growing feelings for Sydney, but it was becoming more and more difficult with each passing day. Lewis was a great guy and an amazing boyfriend who treated Sydney with the utmost love and respect. He cherished her and their relationship in a way that Miles couldn't help but admire.
Yet as much as Miles cared for Lewis, he couldn't deny the crackling chemistry he felt with Sydney, their comfortable banter, the way she just seemed to "get" him. Every time the three of them hung out, Miles found himself staring at Sydney, getting flustered anytime she so much as glanced his way. He would distractedly nod along as Lewis and Sydney playfully bantered, Miles only half-listening as he studied the curve of her lips as she laughed.
He knew it was wrong to have these feelings about his best friend's girl. The bro code should have prevented Miles from developing feelings for her, yet Miles couldn't deny this profound connection with Sydney that felt like they were soulmates, as stupid as that sounded. Miles spent nights lying awake, torturing himself by imagining what it would be like to actually be with Sydney. To hold her hand, to run his fingers through her hair, to caress her soft skin. Would she taste just like the jasmine and citrus perfume she adored? How would her gentle curves feel under his embrace?
Lewis had noticed the way Miles reacted whenever Sydney was around. At first, it angered him - how could his supposed best friend be eyeing up his girlfriend like a piece of meat? But the more Lewis observed their interactions, the more he realized he couldn't exactly blame Miles.
Sydney just had that effect on men. She was gorgeous, with curves in all the right places, sun-kissed brown skin, and a brilliant smile that could make anyone's knees go weak. But it was her fun, effervescent personality that really drew people in, coupled with her whip-smart sense of humor. Lewis knew he was a lucky bastard to have landed such an incredible woman.
They had been dating for over a year now, and the passion between them showed no signs of cooling off anytime soon. In the bedroom, Sydney could barely contain her insatiable appetite, revealing a ravenous side that wildly contrasted her sweet, girl-next-door exterior. Lewis grinned remembering last night's escapades - Sydney was an absolute freak between the sheets, and she was always keen on doing more, which Lewis loved to oblige.
As they readied for the next Grand Prix race in Australia, Lewis couldn't help but notice the subtle way Miles' eyes lit up at the prospect of spending more time around Sydney while he had to handle pre-race duties.
"Babe, you know I hate leaving you alone in the paddock," Lewis murmured huskily as he pulled Sydney flush against his toned body. "Especially looking as gorgeous as you do in that little sundress."
His hands roamed appreciatively down the curve of her spine to grope her firm ass. Sydney let out a soft giggle, arching herself into him.
"You know Miles will keep me entertained while you're handling your racing responsibilities," she purred, batting her long lashes up at him innocently. "He's such a sweetheart."
Lewis threw a sidelong glance over at his best friend, who was studiously avoiding eye contact but failing miserably to hide how his gaze kept dropping to Sydney's cleavage. Miles shifted awkwardly, adjusting the front of his shorts, and it made Lewis inwardly smirk, thoughts already formulating on something worthwhile between the three of them.
"That's what I'm worried about," Lewis chuckled. "You two troublemakers alone is bound to lead to no good."
"Me? A troublemaker?" Sydney gasped in mock offense, bringing a delicate hand up to her chest. "Why, I'm just an innocent young thing!"
The low-cut neckline of her gauzy white sundress gaped open temptingly with the gesture. Both Lewis and Miles couldn't tear their eyes away from the tantalizing glimpse of her luscious breasts, the tawny peaks of her nipples straining against the thin fabric.
Lewis continued to squeeze Sydney's ass firmly, pulling her even closer until she could feel his growing arousal pressing into her belly. He claimed her mouth in a torrid open-mouthed kiss, his tongue delving aggressively to taste her. When they finally broke apart, Sydney was flushed and breathless, her lips swollen from his intensity. Lewis slowly dragged his gaze over to Miles, taking in his friend's dazed expression, the tent in his khaki shorts.
"Keep an eye on her for me, bro," Lewis smirked. "This one's a total handful."
He slapped her ass one last time, then sauntered off, leaving Miles alone with the gorgeous temptress. Sydney blinked a few times, still flustered from Lewis' passionate kiss as she regarded his friend with a shy smile.
"So…" she began slowly. "What should we get into while Lewis is gone?"
Miles swallowed hard, unable to tear his eyes away from Sydney's tantalizing form. She was a goddess in that little sundress, and his eyes were drawn inexplicably to the swell of her breasts straining against the flimsy fabric.
"Uh…w-whatever you want," he stammered out, mentally kicking himself for sounding so lame.
Sydney's smile widened as she took a step closer, giving Miles an enticing view straight down her dress. He felt his mouth go dry as her cleavage was put enticingly on display.
"You know what sounds amazing right now?" She looped her arm through his, pulling him along. "Corn dogs! I'm starving."
Miles blinked in surprise but allowed himself to be led towards the nearby corn dog stand. As they waited in line, Sydney chatted animatedly about her plans to finally open her own event planning business after years of slugging it out in corporate gigs she hated.
"Lewis has been so supportive," she gushed. "He's really pushing me to take the leap and pursue my passion."
"That's awesome, Syd," Miles replied with a warm smile, genuinely happy for her. "You're gonna kill it."
She beamed at his encouragement before turning a bit more somber. "The hard part is, I can't really eat stuff like this around Lewis." She gestured to the corn dog stand wistfully. "He's so strict about being vegan. Which I totally respect! But I do miss the fun fast food sometimes."
"Well, what Lewis doesn't know won't hurt him," Miles said with a wink, signaling for two corn dogs piled high with chili and cheese. "Your dirty little secret is safe with me."
Sydney laughed delightedly, giving his arm an affectionate squeeze as she accepted her treat. They found a nearby picnic table to settle at, Sydney closing her eyes rapturously as she took a big bite of the crispy battered frank.
"Oh my god, that's so good," she moaned around her mouthful. She opened her eyes to catch Miles staring at her fixedly. "What?"
He cleared his throat, refocusing his gaze. "Nothing, just…you looked really happy there for a sec."
"I am," she smiled warmly at him. "Thanks for keeping me company, Miles. It's always fun hanging with my favorite fencer."
Miles felt a flush of pleasure at her words. "Speaking of, you know I'll be competing in the Summer Olympics in Paris this year, right? Gotta start mentally preparing myself to kick some French butt."
Sydney laughed that bright, melodious laugh that never failed to make his heart stutter. "I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines, as always."
"So have you settled on a name for your company yet?" Miles asked between bites of his chili-smothered corn dog.
"I'm thinking 'Exquisite Events by Sydney'," she replied, wrinkling her nose adorably. "Though Lewis says that's way too on-the-nose."
Miles barked out a laugh. "Well, I think it's perfect. When people see you've planned their wedding or party or whatever, they'll definitely remember a name like that."
Sydney's eyes sparkled with delight at his vote of confidence. "You always did have my back, Miles."
She reached across the picnic table to playfully nudge his arm. Miles's breath caught in his throat at her innocent touch, his eyes involuntarily dropping to her parted lips, still glistening with a stray smear of chili sauce.
Get it together, man, he scolded himself, dragging his gaze back up. This is your best friend's girl you're undressing with your eyes.
As if reading his mind, Sydney spoke up hesitantly. "You know Lewis and I both care about you so much, right Miles? You're like a brother to us."
Miles felt his face flush hotly at her words, a tight knot forming in his stomach. Of course she just saw him in a brotherly light - how could he let himself think anything else? He was Sydney's boyfriend's best friend, and that's all he'd ever be to her.
Clearing his throat roughly, he forced himself to respond lightly. "Haha yeah, you two really are stuck with me as the annoying third wheel, huh?"
Sydney laughed that bright, tinkling laugh that Miles loved, giving his arm a fond squeeze. "I wouldn't have it any other way."
Miles managed a genuine smile back at her, ignoring the slight pang in his chest. Having Sydney in his life as a friend was better than not having her at all. He'd learned to accept that was all they'd ever be.
For now, he thought to himself as he gazed warmly at Lewis's girl. There was still a part of him that hoped, one day.
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The mood was subdued as Lewis, Sydney, Miles, and Spinz arrived back at their hotel after the Australian Grand Prix. Lewis had DNF'd due to mechanical issues, furious at another race gone to waste through no fault of his own. He stayed mostly quiet through dinner, his jaw tensed in restrained anger.
Now back in their suite, they settled in to half-watch a movie together on Netflix, though the tension was still palpable. Spinz checked his watch and stood up with a stretch.
"All right, I should get going - early flight back to Toronto tomorrow to check on my mom," he announced.
After they said their goodbyes, Spinz headed out, leaving Sydney, Lewis, and Miles alone. Miles was sprawled out on the L-shaped couch, while Lewis and Sydney cuddled together on the opposite end. As the movie droned on, Miles could see Lewis's hands start to roam over Sydney's body out of the corner of his eye.
He trailed his fingers lightly up Sydney's bare thigh, drawing teasing circles over her soft skin. She shot Lewis a warning look and hissed under her breath, "Lewis! Miles is right there."
"So?" Lewis murmured back lowly. "It's not like he hasn't seen us be affectionate before."
Miles pretended not to hear their hushed exchange, keeping his eyes trained forward on the TV screen even as heat crept up his neck.
"Miles couldn't care less," Lewis said louder, making Miles's head snap over. "Hell, he probably gets off on it, the little perv has such a crush on you, babe."
"Lewis!" Sydney looked mortified, smacking his chest as she shot Miles an apologetic look. "That's not true, is it Miles?"
All eyes were suddenly on him. Miles felt like a deer caught in the headlights as he struggled to find his voice.
"Uh…I…um…" he stammered uselessly.
Sydney's eyes went wide as Miles failed to actually deny Lewis's claim. "Oh my god, you do have a thing for me, don't you?"
"What? No! I mean…" Miles could feel his entire face going red as he trailed off lamely.
Lewis let out a bark of laughter, not bothering to hide his amusement at his friend's predicament. He pulled Sydney more tightly against him, purposely letting his hand drift up to brazenly cup her breast.
"Don't worry about it, man," Lewis said with a cocky grin. "I'd probably have a crush on my girl too if I was you."
Lewis kissed Sydney's neck, his lips brushing against her skin with an intensity that made her shiver. Nearby, Miles watched on, his eyes wide with a mix of shock and curiosity. Sydney's hands tried to tear Lewis off of her, her voice trembling as she asked, "What are you doing?"
Lewis stopped kissing her neck, glancing at her, then over at his friend. "Do you like Miles, baby?" he asked, his voice low and teasing.
Sydney was at a loss for words, her mind racing to make sense of what was happening. "Of course, I do. He's our—"
But Lewis interrupted her, his gaze unwavering. "Beyond that. Don't you think Miles is handsome?"
Sydney looked at Miles, giving him a small, hesitant smile. "Of course he is. Any woman can tell that he's handsome. Lewis, what is the point of this?"
Lewis licked his lips, his eyes darkening with desire. "Remember when you said that you wanted a threesome?" Sydney nodded her head slowly, her heart pounding in her chest. "How about we have some fun with Miles?" Lewis suggested, his tone dripping with anticipation.
Miles's eyes widened further, his gaze locking with Sydney's. There was a flicker of something unspoken in his eyes — excitement, maybe, or a deep, simmering desire that mirrored Lewis's.
Sydney's voice trembled as she declared, "That's your best friend, Lewis. He's practically your brother."
Lewis's smile was slow and deliberate, his eyes never leaving hers. "Which makes it good, yes? We trust Miles, we love Miles. You think Miles is attractive. Makes sense to me."
Miles inched a bit closer, his gaze intense as it flickered between Lewis and Sydney. "Are you serious, man?" he asked, his voice low and incredulous.
Lewis nodded, his eyes filled with a mixture of mischief and earnestness. "Absolutely. We trust you, Miles. I want this, Sydney wants this. Syd, what do you say?"
Sydney's heart raced as she looked between the two men, feeling the weight of the moment. Miles's eyes held hers, a silent question lingering there, as if he was asking for her permission, her final approval.
Slowly, Sydney nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Okay."
Lewis's grin widened, his hand sliding up to cup her cheek. "Good girl," he murmured, before turning his gaze to Miles. "Are you going to sit there being weird or are you going to move closer?"
Miles was still stuck motionless, his hesitation palpable. Lewis clicked his teeth in annoyance before his lips descended on Sydney's once more, the kiss searing and demanding. Miles watched for a moment longer, his internal struggle evident, before finally stepping forward. His hand gently rested on Sydney's shoulder as he leaned in, his breath warm against her skin, and he planted a chaste kiss on her temple.
Sydney's heart raced, her senses overwhelmed by the dual sensations. She could feel the heat radiating from Lewis's body, the intensity of his kiss, while the gentleness of Miles's touch provided a stark contrast. The blend of both their touches sent a shiver down her spine, a mix of excitement and trepidation swirling within her.
Sydney turned her head, capturing Miles's lips in a tentative kiss. It was soft and exploratory, the taste of him different but equally intoxicating. She could feel Lewis's eyes on them, his hands roaming her body with a possessive hunger.
The moment felt surreal, like a dream she hadn't dared to fully imagine. The forbidden thrill of it all made her pulse quicken, a heady mix of adrenaline and desire. She pulled back slightly, looking at both men with a newfound boldness in her eyes.
"This is… unexpected," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper, trembling with anticipation.
Lewis's gaze was dark and intense. "Sometimes the best things are," he murmured, his fingers tracing a path down her arm. "How do you feel, baby?"
Sydney took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart. "It feels… amazing. Strange, but amazing," she confessed, her eyes flicking between them.
Miles finally spoke, his voice low and filled with a mix of emotions. "Are you sure about this, Syd?" His hand squeezed her shoulder gently, searching her eyes for any hint of doubt.
Sydney nodded, a determined smile curving her lips. "I'm sure. I want this. I want both of you."
Lewis grinned, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "That's all I needed to hear."
With that, he leaned in to kiss her again, his lips claiming hers with a fierce hunger. Sydney's hands tangled in his hair, pulling him closer. She felt Miles's hand slide down her back, his touch sending electric sparks through her skin. When she broke the kiss with Lewis to turn to Miles, she kissed him with equal fervor, her tongue dancing with his as she explored the new sensation of his lips.
The room seemed to close in around them, the rest of the world fading away as they lost themselves in each other. Sydney could feel the heat building between them, an undeniable connection that pulsed with every touch, every kiss. She was caught between the two men, reveling in the attention and the way they made her feel alive and desired.
Lewis's touch was rougher and more insistent, while Miles's caresses were gentle and exploring. The contrast heightened her senses, making every touch, every kiss more intense. They moved in sync, undressing her slowly, reverently, as if unveiling a precious gift.
Sydney's moans filled the room, a symphony of pleasure as Lewis kissed a trail down her neck, and Miles's lips followed the curve of her shoulder. They took their time, savoring every moment, every sensation.
Miles cupped her breasts, his hands gentle but firm as he stared at them with adoration. His thumb brushed over her nipple before he leaned in to take it into his mouth, sucking and swirling his tongue around the hardened nub. Sydney gasped, arching into his touch.
Meanwhile, Lewis's hands trailed lower, skimming over her hips and down to the apex of her thighs. His fingers stroked the juncture of her panty-covered pussy, teasing her through the thin fabric. "You're so wet, baby," he murmured against her ear, his voice thick with desire. "I can feel how much you want this."
Sydney's breath hitched, a moan escaping her lips as she felt him move her panties aside. His fingers found her wet folds, sliding through her slick heat with expert precision. "Lewis," she whispered, her voice a mixture of pleading and pleasure.
Miles glanced up from her breast, his eyes dark with lust. "I think we should take this to the bedroom," he suggested, his voice husky.
Lewis nodded, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "Agreed. Let's make you even more comfortable, love."
Together, they helped Sydney up, leading her to the bedroom. The light from the streetlights of Melbourne played against her skin, casting a soft glow that made her look ethereal. Miles couldn't take his eyes off her, his gaze filled with awe and desire.
"Isn't she beautiful?" Lewis asked, his voice filled with admiration.
Miles nodded, his eyes never leaving Sydney. "The most gorgeous woman I've ever seen."
They made out again, their kisses heated and desperate. Sydney felt her knees go weak as she was caught between their bodies, their hands roaming over her skin, igniting every nerve ending.
With trembling hands, she undressed them, her fingers fumbling slightly in her haste. When she finally freed them from their clothes, she looked down to see Miles' erect penis for the first time, her eyes widening slightly at the sight. She felt a thrill of excitement at what was to come.
Sydney knelt before them, her hands wrapping around their lengths as she looked up at them with a sultry smile. She began with Miles, her tongue darting out to taste him before taking him fully into her mouth. His groan of pleasure spurred her on, and she bobbed her head, her tongue swirling around the head of his cock.
Lewis watched with dark, hungry eyes, his hand tangling in her hair as she switched to him. She gave him the same attention, her mouth working him skillfully as his hips bucked slightly. They both groaned, their sounds of pleasure mingling in the air, driving her wild.
Sydney's thoughts were a blur of sensation and desire, her body humming with need. She was lost in the moment, in the way their bodies responded to her, and the thrill of being the center of their attention. It was everything she had fantasized about and more.
Lewis pulled her up, kissing her fiercely as Miles pressed against her back, his hands roaming her body. "I want to taste you, too," Lewis murmured against her lips, his eyes dark with promise. He led her to the bed, laying her down gently as he kissed a path down her body, pausing at her breasts to suck and lick each nipple before continuing lower.
Miles joined him, his hands and mouth everywhere, exploring and worshipping her body. Sydney's moans filled the room as they worked in tandem, driving her to the brink of ecstasy. She had never felt so desired, so completely consumed by pleasure.
The room filled with the heady scent of arousal as Miles and Lewis took turns devouring Sydney’s pussy. Their tongues explored her folds, each lick and suck sending shivers through her body. Miles's mouth was relentless, his tongue flicking over her clit with practiced precision, while Lewis's strong hands held her thighs apart, his tongue delving deep into her. The combination of their efforts drove her to the edge, her moans growing louder with each passing second.
Sydney’s body trembled, her breaths coming in short, ragged gasps as the pleasure built to an unbearable peak. With a final, shuddering cry, she came, her body shaking with the force of her orgasm. The men didn't stop, their tongues continuing their assault, prolonging her pleasure until she was a quivering mess.
Lewis pulled back first, a satisfied grin on his face. He reached over to the bedside table, retrieving a box of condoms. He handed one to Miles, who took it with a hungry gleam in his eyes.
Lewis's voice was low and teasing as he asked, "Want to try Sydney out first?"
Miles's answer was immediate, his voice thick with desire. "Fuck yeah."
Both men helped Sydney move, guiding her to straddle Miles. She positioned herself above him, her breath still coming in ragged gasps. Lewis watched with dark, lustful eyes, his hands moving to his own cock, rolling on a condom and stroking himself as he watched.
Miles kissed every inch of exposed skin he could reach, his hands caressing her hips as he positioned himself at her entrance. "You're so beautiful," he murmured against her skin, his voice filled with awe and desire. "I can't believe this is happening."
Sydney felt the head of Miles's cock press against her, and with a slow, deliberate motion, she lowered herself onto him. They both moaned at the sensation, their bodies finally joining after so much teasing and anticipation.
Miles's hands gripped her hips, guiding her movements as she began to ride him. His eyes were locked onto her, filled with a mixture of lust and disbelief. Each touch, each kiss, each thrust was a reminder that this was real, that he was inside her, and it drove him wild.
Lewis moved closer, his own need evident in his intense gaze. "You look so good together," he murmured, his voice rough with desire. "I can't wait to join in."
Sydney glanced back at Lewis, her eyes dark with lust as she rode Miles. The pleasure was overwhelming, but the promise of what was to come made her even more eager. "Why are you sitting over there then?"
Lewis let out a chuckle, his voice a deep rumble. "I like watching you, baby. You look so good riding Miles' dick."
Miles groaned beneath her, his hands gripping her hips tightly as he thrust up into her. "Feels amazing," he panted, his eyes locked onto Sydney's. "So tight and wet."
"She's got the best pussy," he murmured, his voice filled with admiration, as he moved behind her. He placed a series of kisses along her neck, his other hand trailing down her spine to her ass. "But I think it's time we give her a bit more."
Sydney moaned, the anticipation making her even wetter. She leaned forward, bracing herself on Miles's chest, as Lewis's fingers began to tease her other entrance. He spread her cheeks, his thumb gently circling her tight ring of muscles.
"Relax, baby," Lewis whispered, his breath hot against her ear. "Just let me in."
She nodded, her body trembling with desire. Lewis applied more lube, his fingers working her open slowly, preparing her for what was to come. Sydney gasped as he inserted a finger, the sensation strange but not unpleasant. He moved it in and out, adding another finger to stretch her further.
Miles watched with rapt attention, his cock buried deep inside her. "You okay, Syd?" he asked, his voice thick with concern and desire.
"Yes," she breathed, her voice shaking with anticipation. "I want this."
Lewis smirked, his fingers working her open. "Such a good girl," he praised. He positioned himself behind her, his cock pressing against her newly prepared entrance. "Just take it slow."
Sydney bit her lip, leaning forward further to accommodate him. She felt the pressure as Lewis began to push in, her body stretching to take him. The sensation was intense, a mixture of pleasure and slight discomfort, but she trusted Lewis and Miles completely.
"You're doing so well," Lewis murmured, kissing her neck as he continued to slide in. "Just relax and breathe."
Sydney took a deep breath, her body adjusting to the dual sensations. Miles thrust up into her, his movements slow and measured, while Lewis continued to press into her from behind. The combination was mind-blowing, and she felt herself being filled completely.
Finally, Lewis was fully seated inside her, his hands gripping her hips. "You feel so good," he groaned, his voice thick with desire. "So tight."
Sydney moaned loudly, her body trembling with pleasure. She began to move, riding Miles while pushing back against Lewis. The rhythm they found was perfect, each thrust sending waves of ecstasy through her body.
"Fuck, Syd," Miles groaned, his hands roaming her body. "You're incredible."
Lewis echoed his sentiment, his breath hot against her ear. "So perfect, baby," he whispered. "You're taking us so well."
Sydney's mind was a haze of pleasure, her body moving on autopilot as she gave herself over to the sensations. The two men inside her, the way they filled her, the way they praised her – it was all too much, and she felt herself hurtling towards another orgasm.
With a final, shuddering cry, she came, her body convulsing with the force of her release. Miles and Lewis held her tightly, their own groans of pleasure mingling with her cries as they continued to move, riding out her orgasm together.
As the waves of pleasure subsided, Sydney collapsed onto Miles's chest, her body spent and satisfied. Lewis pulled out gently, placing a soft kiss on her shoulder.
"That was incredible," he murmured, his voice filled with admiration. "You're amazing, Sydney."
Miles nodded in agreement, his hands gently stroking her back. "Absolutely amazing," he echoed, his voice filled with awe.
Lewis and Miles gently eased Sydney off of Miles, laying her down on the bed with utmost care. Sydney's breath was still ragged, her body tingling from the intense experience. Lewis leaned in, brushing a strand of hair away from her face, his touch tender and comforting.
"How are you feeling, love?" Lewis asked softly, his eyes filled with genuine concern.
Sydney managed a tired smile, her eyes half-lidded with exhaustion and satisfaction. "Great," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "Thank you."
Miles, still lying beside her, reached out to hold her hand. "You were incredible, Syd," he said, his voice warm and reassuring. "Just relax, we've got you, baby girl."
Lewis stood up and grabbed a towel from the bathroom, dampening it with warm water. He returned to the bed and gently cleaned Sydney's body, wiping away the remnants of their passionate encounter. His touch was soothing, his movements slow and deliberate.
"Just rest," Lewis murmured, his voice a gentle balm. "We'll take care of you."
Sydney closed her eyes, letting herself be pampered by the two men. Miles continued to hold her hand, his thumb stroking the back of it in a comforting rhythm. The room was filled with a serene silence, the chaos of earlier moments forgotten.
After Lewis finished cleaning her, he joined them on the bed, lying down on her other side. He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close to his chest. Miles shifted closer as well, creating a cocoon of warmth and security around her.
Sydney sighed contentedly, feeling safe and cherished between them. "You guys are amazing," she murmured, her voice filled with gratitude.
Lewis pressed a kiss to her temple. "You're the amazing one, Syd," he replied softly. "Just rest now. We'll be here."
Miles nodded in agreement, his hand continuing its gentle caress. "We've got you," he echoed, his voice a soothing whisper.
As the night wore on, the three of them remained entwined, their breaths syncing in a peaceful rhythm. Sydney felt a profound connection and trust with Lewis and Miles, and their shared experience deepened their bond. Eventually, exhaustion claimed them all, and they drifted off to sleep.
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offtorivendell · 19 hours
On Elain, Gwyn and their apparent romantic worthiness.
TW: mentions of death, violent or sexual assault, infertility and pregnancy/childbirth related trauma. Please do not proceed if these topics bother you.
Disclaimer: please, please engage with this post with kindness. I promise I am not writing it to stir the pot, but because I - and many others - are fed up with seeing hurtful and harmful rhetoric spewed by the fandom, yet having no back up when dealing with it. Word vomit incoming, I'm sorry. This has been bothering me for a while.
My love to everyone who has been hurt by things they've read in this fandom. 💜
It's 2024 and I cannot believe we are still seeing posts, almost daily, about both of these women; all giving reasons why they cannot possibly be with Azriel. And I don't mean the debatable but utterly harmless discussions about Elain not looking good in black or Gwyn blabbing to Merrill when asked not to. Whatever, go nuts. I mean the truly horrific takes based around things these two women have had no control.
Now, my post history makes it very obvious where I stand in terms of ships, and yes, I'm well aware I've spoken before about the inherent power imbalance - that I perceive - which would exist if Azriel ever became involved with any of the priestesses in the women's shelter he is charged with protecting (to be clear, that's not me suggesting that Gwyn and her story isn't powerful, or powerful representation to those who see themselves in her, nor is it personal to Gwyn, or indicative of any of the sheltered priestesses and their ability to heal; it's purely a function of Azriel's position of authority over their sanctuary). I want to reiterate that my stating my feelings about this was never done with the intent to shame people who do ship them; we all ship who we like, and real world ethics should rarely come into it.
That being said, the following, in my opinion, is one of those times.
Firstly, I just want to say that lived experience informs how we interpret fiction, so please let me clarify something: the people who have said that they don't think Gwyn is ready for a relationship yet, and that NSFW fan art of her with anyone makes them uncomfortable, are not in any way in the wrong. They're simply the other side of the coin to those who find it empowering, and both are valid responses, often related to personal trauma. The problem lies with those very few who say that Gwyn could never have a romantic relationship, and call those who talk and/or post about it "gross." Some have called her "damaged goods." This is absolutely wrong and whoever is doing it needs to stop.
The entire fandom, even those who find romantic or NSFW content involving Gwyn uncomfortable to consume, frequently acknowledges that her trauma doesn't define her, and of course she should be able to enjoy love whenever she feels ready for it. Those who say otherwise are readily condemned from all corners. I've seen it happen and called the people out myself, as have many other Elriel shippers when necessary. However, Elriels are still very regularly and very publicly blamed for the actions of a few (some of whom I truly believe are burner accounts wanting to cause chaos, with their Elriel themed usernames and no post history), despite our largely collective action to call them out when we see it.
Could we do better? Absolutely, but so can you!
Because, on the other hand, I've noticed that, whenever I or others have tried to explain why the pliable bones "theory" - which attempts to reason that Elain could never be endgame with Azriel, as she and any baby would die during the course of pregnancy or childbirth - is equally as harmful, we are met with people publicly and wholeheartedly refusing to understand why (especially recently). Some horrific comments have been made to my friends, not to mention all of those I see well after the fact, which are never widely condemned by any but us. People will argue back that we're wrong, and have even suggested we're weaponising infertility! On Mothers' Day, of all the fucking painful days to say that.
Some of the push back I've seen recently includes:
"Nobody has said Elain is infertile."
No, nobody has, and that's not what we're saying or have ever said. We know you don't think this, as the Elucien fandom loves to write and draw Elain and Lucien's hypothetical future children (which is super understandable, as this is a romantasy fandom after all - no shame, enjoy your warm fuzzies).
What we are saying is that, if it's true that Elain's anatomy wasn't changed as Feyre and Nesta's was - and to be clear I cannot stand that entire plot, I wish SJM had chosen literally any other reason why Feyre's pregnancy was dangerous, as it is simultaneously degrading and doesn't fit with her previously established lore - then Elain and Azriel, together^, would be functionally infertile. Yet it's only ever framed as Elain's body not being able to work with Azriel's, never the other way around.*
^Why didn't the bat boys have to sacrifice their wings to keep their wives/mates safe? Why did the women have to change their anatomy? Because it would make it harder for them to be all powerful? Well Nesta sacrificed her powers! Why not just have Feyre be cursed by an enemy or something, and Nesta found a way to use the Dread Trove to save them all. Ugh. I love SJM's books, but this was such a miss.
*HOSAB/HOFAS SPOILER: funnily enough, this was never said about Ruhn and his eventual mate, even though he actually did think he may be unable to father children, thanks to the Oracle's prophecy. People shipped the hell out of him and a couple of different women throughout the CC series, despite the chance he could never get them pregnant.
"People haven't called Elain damaged goods, so it's not the same. We're allowed to not like her."
My faerie porn* lover in christ, what the fuck do you think the pliable bones "theory" is actually doing? It is suggesting that Elain's hypothetical inability to survive having children with Azriel, and for those children to also survive childbirth, is impaired. Ergo, she's damaged.
We don't care if you don't like Elain, we're allowed to have different preferences in characters and ships. That has never been the problem.
*I use this term with affection as a great lover of the genre.
But "damaged" vs a functionally "impaired" uterus? It's the same damn thing, and sorry, it's misogynistic af, not to mention ableist and homophobic at a minimum. In the same breath you are also reducing your favourite to her apparently functional uterus (even though the pliable bones argument is medically inaccurate, by the way - this is really damning of the state of health education across so many countries).
Yes, I have seen people laugh and treat this as a joke. As recently as tonight, in fact. It's disgusting.
Regardless of your lived experiences and shipping preferences, both of these takes about Elain and Gwyn are equally degrading and horrific and need to stop, but if you're only calling out the comments that hurt you/your friends/your ship and not the others, then you should maybe attempt some basic self reflection and analyse those double standards you're carrying.
This entire fandom needs to do better. I'll say again, for the umpteenth time, to any of my fellow Elriels that if you think mocking Gwyn's past is funny, then you're not mature enough to read an adult series. But this works both ways, and if you think mocking infertility is funny/use it as a win, then you're just as immature. I would really and truly appreciate it if we were not left alone to argue over and over again why discriminating against someone who couldn't "have a man's children" is wrong, and why many, many people in this adult fandom - that is largely comprised of women! - might find such a theory, and the resulting discourse, incredibly upsetting.
Infertility hurts; not having a kid when you want one can be viscerally painful. Besides that, I know very few people who have given birth who don't carry around some sort of emotional or physical trauma from doing so. Treating a character's hypothetical infertility with one man as a joke is gross.
Please don't call Gwyn "damaged goods" or suggest that Azriel would choose somebody else over Elain because she couldn't have his kids.
They are the same thing.
It's not hard to be kind. Pain is not a competition.
We should all do better, and take care of each other.
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bright-side20 · 16 hours
Elain, Azriel and Lucien
LoA, Helion and Beron
First, let's recap the actual story of LoA because today, all the theories about her are based on headcanon, not on what is written in the book.
“She was still young—though she’d been married to that delightful male for nearly two decades. Married too young, the marriage arranged when she was twenty.”
"I heard "her family wanted internal ties to power, and that they didn’t give her a choice before they sold her to Beron.”
LoA had an arranged marriage with Beron, and apparently, she wasn't given a choice to reject it.
“Hybern attacked their estate. Her sisters bought her time to run. Not because she was married to Beron, but because they loved each other. Fiercely. She tried to stay, but they convinced her to go. So she did—she ran and ran, but Hybern’s beasts were still faster. Stronger. They cornered her at a ravine, where she became trapped atop a ledge, the beasts snapping at her feet.”
She was helped by her two sisters, who died during the war, to run away, but she was trapped by Hybern's beasts.
I said quietly, “You saved her. You found her, didn’t you?” A coronet of light seemed to flicker over that thick black hair. “I did.” There was enough weight, anger, and something else in those two words that I studied the High Lord of Day. “What happened?” Helion didn’t break my stare. “I tore the beasts apart with my bare hands.”
Until Helion rescued her. (Sounds familiar, huh?)
“You had—an affair after you rescued her?” “How long did the affair last?” I asked Helion shrugged. “On and off for decades. Until Beron found out. They say the lady was all brightness and smiles before that. And after Beron was through with her … You saw what she is.” “What did he do to her?” “The same things he does now.” Helion waved a hand. “Belittle her, leave bruises where no one but him will see them.”
LoA had a forbidden love affair with Helion until Beron found out about it and abused her, which he still does to this day.
“If you were her lover, why didn’t you stop it?” The wrong thing to say. Utterly wrong, by the dark fury that rippled across Helion’s face. “Beron is a High Lord, and she is his wife, mother of his brood. She chose to stay. Chose. And with the protocols and rules, Lady, you will find that most situations like the one you were in do not end well for those who interfere.”
LoA chose to break up with Helion and not let him interfere because of societal pressure. As a High Lord's wife with children, choosing Helion would have caused a big scandal and potentially led to war. Therefore, preferring to stay with Beron wasn't a free, unconstrained decision, it was a result of social pressure. In canon, for them there isn't a mating bond rejection, which doesn't even align because leaving Helion wasn't a choice to begin with. If you think otherwise, then your definition of choice is biased.
Now, let's draw parallels between LoA and Elain based on canon texts:
*LoA's right of choosing her partner was stripped of her by an arranged marriage.
*Elain's right of choosing her partner was stripped of her by the Cauldron's mating bond.
*LoA had two sisters who loved her fiercely.
*Elain has two sisters who loves her fiercely.
*Helion rescued LoA from the KoH trap and tore the beasts apart with his bare hands.
*Azriel rescued Elain from Hybern, and she kicked the beasts with her bare feet to free Azriel.
*LoA and Helion had an affair after this event until it was discovered by Beron.
*Elain and Azriel were about to kiss while her mate was sleeping on a level above, but Rhys stopped it.
*Helion couldn't interfere even though he loved LoA because she decided to stay with Beron. As a High Lord's wife, she is pressured by rules and protocols that would lead to very bad consequences if she chose Helion.
*Rhys told Azriel to stay away from Elain because Lucien, as Beron's son, has the right to invoke the blood duel. Elain and Azriel's relationship could jeopardize the alliance with the Autumn Court and potentially lead to war, so their situation is also constrained by rules and protocols.
The difference between LoA and Elain will be that Elain will not submit to societal pressure. She will choose to be with Azriel and face the consequences of her free will choice. Unlike Helion, Azriel will not care about rules and protocols. Similarly, unlike Beron, Lucien will not force Elain to be with him, especially when he learns that his mother was forced to endure an abusive relationship and leave Helion, who is his father.
Elain will be an example for any female whose choice was stripped from her under the pretext of societal pressure. Hopefully, because of Elain, rules and protocols that treat females as property will change.
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thorias · 2 days
-Madelyne is resurrected as a Horseman along with Gambit: I think there's a better story to tell with Madelyne being brought back (at least temporarily) than staying dead. The X-men having to fight her too would give Cyclops and Cable a more personal stake in this Apocalypse storyline, not that they really needed one, but still...
I said in another post that I wouldn't want to dilute the "Saving Gambit" story by making a bunch of other X-men Horsemen as well, but if it's just Madelyne, then I think it's okay. And I wouldn't expect Madelyne to survive this story anyway, since, aside from tying up a couple loose threads with the Summers family, her arc is basically finished now.
Plus, I just kind of like the idea of giving Deathbit a buddy in the spurned lover department; that could be fun.
-Sabretooth returns. Logan (sans adamantium) has to fight him... and loses: I've always liked the idea that Sabretooth would probably beat Wolverine in a fair fight, (dude is like 3x Logan's size after all) but it's never been a fair fight since the adamantium basically made Logan unstoppable. But take the adamantium away and suddenly Wolverine is the underdog for a change, which makes the match-up a lot more interesting. And what's even the point of doing the bone claws story if it's not to see how Logan deals with being in a weakened state like this?
Granted, I want to see this for selfish reasons since Sabretooth is one of my favorite villains, but come on! Victor is long overdue for a W against Wolverine, and if he can't get it now, then I'm calling BS lol.
-Mystique returns, working for Apocalypse: I think Demayo shot down the Val-Cooper-is-Mystique-in-disguise theory, (correct me if I'm wrong about that) but it would be pretty ridiculous if we didn't see her in season 2 since she worked with Apocalypse in XTAS on multiple occasions.
Plus, there's a ready-made story there with her and Rogue. In the 90s cartoon, Mystique wanted to get Rogue back as her daughter so badly that she was even willing to turn Rogue into a Horseman to do it. So just imagine if Mystique had a hand in convincing Apocalypse to resurrect Remy as Deathbit, or at least helped him pull it off, because she saw this as a way to get back into Rogue's good graces. That would add some really interesting pathos to a story that's already really emotionally charged.
-Costume changes: I get that Marvel has toys to sell, but the different suits the team got in season 1 ain't it. Sorry, they're just not. The only one who pulled it off was Storm. Everyone else got a serious glow down. I actually felt low key embarrassed for Scott and Jean trying to make those retro costumes from the 60s/80s eras work; there's a reason those designs stayed in the past, you guys.
And I even like Rogue's green & white suit in the comics, but in the show it just looked awkward with the gloves being a different shade of green than the rest of it. I'd take just about any of her other costumes over this one.
Either change the suits again or go back to the old versions because I'm not feeling these current ones at all.
-Magneto has a reunion with his kids... and it doesn't go the way he wants: We saw in the season 1 finale that Mags' separation from his children is something that's at least been bothering him, (though not enough for him to lift a finger to save them from being killed along with everyone else on Earth if he succeeded in destroying the planet's electromagnetic field, but I guess we're blaming that on bad writing) so I want him to meet his kids in season 2... only for it to go as horribly as it possibly could.
It would be both ironic and hilarious if Magneto is hoping to patch things up with his kids, only for Pietro and Lorna to try to fight and arrest him the instant they see him (X-Factor doesn't seem to be a thing anymore, but let's say they're still government employees and have the authority to arrest criminals/terrorists) because he did after all murder millions of innocent people in the finale AND try to murder every other living thing on the planet, including them.
I mean, let's not kid ourselves, there's no way this family reunion is going to be a happy one after what he did. SOMEBODY has to hold Magneto accountable for that, and his own children doing it is about the most fitting thing that I can think of.
-A big story arc for Gambit: Romy fans got gipped in season 1, and even if you're just a Gambit fan, you still had to settle for scraps with him only playing a major role in one episode, which coincidentally was the one where he got killed off. Yes, the stage is set for Deathbit to have a really compelling story in season 2, but that's going to depend on how it's done and frankly, after I got burned so many times in the first season, I'm skeptical that the writers will give this the care and attention it deserves.
Demayo said it was "key" that Remy died thinking he didn't deserve to be a hero and that Rogue had chosen Magneto instead of him. These things have gone unaddressed in the show since then, so I'm going to assume they're being saved for the Deathbit story and THE PAYOFF FOR THIS BETTER BE DAMN GOOD.
I want to see all of Remy's low self-esteem, self-loathing and resentment over the Rogneto debacle get twisted into a dark rage that Deathbit throws back in everyone's faces. AJ himself said that Remy didn't feel valued by the X-men or Rogue when he died, so use that! Make it part of the story! Make them own up to it. Force Rogue to confront her own feelings about how she handled that situation, (so far, she's been avoiding doing this) so it can factor into how they bring him back.
I know a lot of us assume that freeing Remy from Apocalypse's influence is going to come down to Rogue finally telling him that she loves him. And, yeah, that should be a big part of it, but it shouldn't be the only part. That's fine as far as Rogue is concerned, but Remy needs an arc too, and I just want it to be worth the wait after they put us through all this.
-Deathbit vs Magneto: This needs to happen. Aside from the fact that Romy fans will have been clamoring for it for a long time, frankly, both characters are going to want it too. Mags will no doubt view Deathbit as the reason why he can't get Rogue back, and Deathbit... well, we all know what his reasons are; he'll likely want to take Magneto apart just for the pure satisfaction of it.
Now since Magneto's so OP, Gambit wouldn't stand much of a chance in a straight fight under normal conditions, but we know Apocalypse evolves/enhances mutants' powers when they become Horsemen, so imagine if he unlocked Gambit's Omega potential, so Remy has his New Son powers now, or at least a heightened version of what he had before. So Magneto goes in brimming with confidence that he's going to wipe the floor with his rival for Rogue's affections, but then in a shocking twist, Deathbit breaks out his newly enhanced power set and turns the tables on him.
Do I really want to see Mags get taken down a peg and humbled by Gambit? Sure. But narratively, this makes a ton of sense to do. Since Demayo loves Magneto so much, I highly doubt it will happen, (certainly not with this outcome at least) but I think it would be super satisfying for fans.
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sunflower-lilac42 · 7 hours
𝗱𝗿𝘂𝗻𝗸𝗲𝗻 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲𝘀 | 𝘭𝘩43 ♔
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➪ summary: with her recently dating luke, she'd rather her brother and his friends see her drunk rather than him which leads to luke worrying excessively
➪ warnings: drinking
➪ word count: 2.0k
➪ file type: fic
➪ sunny's notes: i've been in such a hughes mood so here's a luke fic, maybe I'll edit safe and sound tonight and get that out too. this was one of my favorites when i wrote it and it still is, i hope you enjoy it again
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This was a bad idea, a horrible idea. She knew she shouldn’t have gone out with them in the first place, but y/n was a people pleaser and caved quickly. Saying goodbye to her friends at the lake house she headed out with her friends to whatever party they wanted her to go to. 
It also never took much for her to get drunk, she could hold and handle her liquor that wasn’t the problem, but she was a lightweight, which made this night all the worse. Two drinks in, the ones forced by her friends, were all it took for her to go back willingly for more. Three drinks after that she was absolutely hammered. 
She knew she should go home so as she started walking out of the party, her friend grabbed hold of her, “Where are you going?!”
“I should get home.”
“It’s only-” Her friend’s words were slurred, checking her watch, “Midnight. Just say for a little while longer.”
Y/n being the person that she was nodded and went back to dancing with her friends. An hour or two later she felt sick and put her foot down with her friends, saying that she was leaving. The three others nodded and let her go, the girl walking outside and stumbling down the street. 
She tripped not long after that, her knees scraping on the ground. She was overly emotional from drinking and instantly teared up. She dug around in her purse for her phone and turned it on, immediately going to call her boyfriend. 
However, just as her finger was about to hit the call button she paused, thinking about how she didn’t want Luke to see how she looked right now. They had known each other since they were little, yet only started recently dating. She had no desire for him seeing how she looked right now. 
Swiping out of Luke’s contact she went to find Trevor’s, calling him instantly. 
“Y/n/n? Where are you?”
“Trev.” Her voice was littered with emotion, Trevor could hear the waver and tears in her voice.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”
“I think I had-” She hiccuped and sniffled, “A little too much to drink and I-I hurt myself.” Tears were streaming down her face as she spoke, lifting her hand to wipe her cheeks off. 
Grabbing his keys from his nightstand he stood quickly, “Okay, do you want Luke to come with?”
“No, no, no, no-”
“Okay, I won’t ask him. How about Jacky and Cole?” She nodded and whimpered a ‘yes’ and Trevor was knocking on their doors within seconds. 
“Hey, what’s going on?” Jack stood against the doorframe looking at his best friends, “Y/n’s hurt.”
“What?” Luke stood at the end of the hallway, looking between his brother and his brother’s friends.
Trevor’s eyes widened, “Hey Lukey.”
“Y/n’s hurt?”
He nodded and told Jack and Cole to put their shoes on, “Can I come?”
“I asked her and she said no.” 
“What? Why? Let me talk to her!” Trevor put his phone out of reach for the youngest Hughes not to grab it. 
“She doesn't want you to come and I think you should respect that Luke.”
“But she- she’s- she just said she was hurt.”
Tears flooded the boy’s eyes and Trebor looked conflicted, looking between his phone and Luke. Luckily, Jack walked out of his room and placed his arms around his brother, “I’m sure she’s okay. We'll go get her and bring her back.”
“You guys are going? Why do they get to go?”
“Because she wanted them to.”
“Trevor?” Y/n’s voice is heard from his phone where he accidentally put her on speaker. 
No one paid any mind to it, “That’s such bull shit.”
“Luke! She’s scared and drunk and probably just needs what is most familiar and comfortable to her, which is the three of us.” Cole tried to reason with the younger boy, but nothing was getting through to him.
“We’ve been friends for almost as long as you guys have been and we're dating, why wouldn’t she trust me?!”
“She does trust you, Luke. But you two are also just getting into a rhythm of dating and maybe she doesn’t want you to see her like this. And before you say anything, she knows you won’t care but she's not thinking straight. Why don’t you go sit with Quinn until we get home and we’ll let you know, okay?”
“Whatever.” He stormed off into his room, the other three rolling their eyes and rushing out to whomever's car was first. 
“We’ll be there soon, y/n/n, okay?” Cole asked, taking the phone from his friend. 
She nodded and listened to Cole talk to her as they drove to where she sat on the curb, hoping no one would come up to her. 
Luckily, no one did and the three rushed out of the car and to her side. 
“Are you okay?”
“I think so, I just got a little nervous.”
Trevor kneeled in front of her as Jack and Cole wrapped one of their arms around her at each of her sides. Placing his hands on her knees, Trevor spoke, “How many drinks did you have?” 
By now, she was able to talk without slurring her words, her mind being able to think more clearly. She held five fingers up and looked down shamefully. 
Jack chuckled, “You know you can’t drink that much.” 
Still emotional, her eyes held tears again in her eyes, “I know, I know. I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad?”
“Hey, no one’s mad, we just want you to be more careful. Let’s fix up your knees and then we’ll go home.” Trevor went back to the car to grab the first aid kit that Cole had thrown in there.
“Where are your friends?” Cole took off his jacket and placed it around the girl, “They wanted to stay longer. I didn’t want them to have to leave because of me.”
Placing a kiss on her head, Cole chuckled, “You and your people-pleaser tendencies.”
“Hey don’t make fun of me.” She held a put on her face and Jack laughed as well, “We could never.”
She laughed as well and Trevor cheered, placing the last band-aid on her knee, “Yay, we got a smile! You ready to go home?”
She nodded and the three helped her up, Jack happily driving home so she could sit with her brother in the back. She easily laid against Trevor, placing her feet in Cole’s lap. 
“Is Luke mad at me?” 
The three looked at each other, Jack glancing in the rearview mirror, “No, just a little upset.”
“I heard him over the phone.”
Trevor sighed and moved the hair that was crowding over her face out of the way, “He just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“He sounded really frustrated.”
“He’s just worried.”
Moments passed in silence before y/n spoke again, “You were right you know?”
The boys furrowed their eyebrows, “Who?”
“I didn’t even do anything,” Jack claimed, his voice going higher.
“When you were talking to Luke.” 
She flipped over so she was lying on her left side, looking through the rearview mirror so she could see Jack, tracing shapes on the floor of the car, “You said that I didn’t want him to see me like this, you were right.”
“He loves you, you know? He wouldn’t have cared.”
“I know, but there was just something, I don’t know. Scary about it. We’ve been friends for so long and I just didn’t want him to see me mess up as his girlfriend and end it.”
To, y/n, Luke seeing her drunk and emotional as friends was different from him seeing her drunk when they were dating. Sure there were plenty of times Luke had seen her drunk before, but now, it was almost as if she was afraid of him judging her more than before. 
Cole nodded his head, “I can see that. But at the same time, y/n/n, some of the things you can say are different from when you were friends, yet not really now that you’re dating, this for example.” He gestured to her knees, “The only difference is Luke’s worry is more visible, and reasonable.”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For always being there for me.” She drifted off to sleep and the three boys looked at each other and smiled. 
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
“Wakey, wakey.”
“No.” Y/n groaned, feeling more of the effects of the alcohol she consumed. 
“Come on, you’re going to give Luke a heart attack soon.”
“But I’m tired. And you’re fucking loud.”
“Only the best for you, sweetheart.”
“Don’t call me that, only Luke can call me that.”
“Oh sure, I’ve been calling you that since third grade but when my brother comes along, he gets priority.”
“Shut it.”
“I can just leave you out here.”
“No! I love you, I’m sorry, you can call me whatever you want just take me inside, please.”
“Alright lil Z, let’s go.”
“Anything but that. I don’t want to be associated with that one.” She pointed to her right where Cole was standing.
“One, now that was rude and two, I’m over here dipshit.”
“I’m telling, Mom.”
“Then I’ll tell her you got drunk.”
“I’m 21, I can get drunk if I want to.”
“Then I’ll tell her you got drunk freshman year of college.”
“Fine. Truce, all of you.”
The three nodded and shook her hand, taking her inside. As soon as the front door unlocked and opened, Luke stood up from his place on the couch and rushed over to the door, “Lukey!”
Luke caught his girlfriend in his embrace, wrapping his arms around her torso, “Hey. You okay?”
“I had a little too much to drink.” She giggled, wrapping her hands around his neck.
“Have fun bro.” The three walked off to their rooms, leaving the couple behind.
“You want to go lay down?”
“Yes please.” Luke picked her up, her legs unconsciously wrapping around Luke’s waist.
He carried her with ease to his room, placing her on the bed, “What do you want to wear?”
“Your clothes.” Luke chuckled and went to grab some clothes for her, helping her get changed.
The two got comfortable in his bed, y/n wrapping herself in the blanket and snuggling up next to Luke,
“I’m sorry for not wanting you to come, I was just nervous about how you would-”
“Hey, let’s talk about this tomorrow, okay? I’m just glad you weren’t severely hurt.” He kissed her forehead and tightened his hold on her.
She nodded, drifting off to sleep, smiling to herself. 
❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜
•❅ 《 𝘉𝘖𝘕𝘜𝘚 𝘚𝘊𝘌𝘕𝘌 》 ❅•
Luke woke up around eight and took a look around his room, y/n was nowhere to be found, “Babe?”
He got up and trekked downstairs to see his brothers Trevor and Cole in the kitchen, “Have you guys seen y/n?”
The four looked at each other, then at Luke, trying not to laugh, “Bathroom.”
“Hey! I’m out of the bathroom, thank you very much.”
“After spending thirty minutes in there.” Jack retorted, coming around the side and sitting next to her, kissing her on the head, “But we love you.”
“Do you though?”
“Hey stop being mean to my girlfriend!” Luke pulled the girl away from his brother and into his lap.
“Get your hands off my sister.”
“Never.” Trebor gagged and went back to pouring the orange juice into the glasses.
“Cole’s the only one that was nice to me last night.”
“That’s so not true. You got mad at me for calling you sweetheart.”
“I did?”
“Mhm, you were all like ‘Luke’s the only one that can call me that.’ and ‘Luke this’ or ‘Luke that’.”
Y/n blushed, hiding her face in her boyfriend’s chest, “Awe, you love me.”
“You wish, Hughes. I love Cole and Quinn. You three are jerks.”
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da-proti-toku-grem · 3 days
jance + royalty au? 👀
Ohhh I think I'm gonna have fun with this one and it'll probably turn too long so putting this under the cut <3
(Note: I'm too lazy to search which countries still have any sort of monarchy and which ones would fit the most, so I leave it up for imagination. I mean, I know we have one here in Spain so maybe one could be Spanish but idk, whatever agahsbs)
Both Jan and Nace are next in line for their respective monarchies. They've never met each other, but along with the education they received as princes, they had to learn about the rest of the monarchies and regimes in the world, so yeah... they do know at least a bit about each other.
Jan has been out as queer for a few years now, since he was 18. It took him some time to gather the courage to speak to his parents, scared of how they would react to the possibility that the prince - the future king of the country - might fall in love with a man one day, making the possibility of having biological children a little, well, complicated. He still liked girls, but he liked boys too, so the possibility was there.
Still, he talked to them. Thankfully, his parents were very supportive and reassured him that there were many ways they could still have children, and there was always the adoption possibility if other methods didn't work out. "The crown is something that is passed from generation to generation, but it is not our blood that makes us kings or queens. We will love you and your future children no matter what."
They agreed to wait until he was 18 to make a statement. It was pretty wild, he appeared in the news and every single newspaper, the word obviously spreading all over the word: he was the first ever out and proud (future) monarch. But anyways, the response was mostly supportive.
Nace, for his part, belongs to a much conservative monarchy. The country has progressed a lot, is a lot more open and lgbtq friendly than it used to be. The monarchy - or, well, his parents and the people around them - on the other hand...
He has known he's gay since he was little, after realizing that him looking at men that way was not admiration or him wanting to be like them, but more like him having a crush on them.
He didn't tell anyone tho, he grew up hearing everyone around him talking bad about people like that, people like him, so he never said anything about it, he hated himself for being like that. That was until a few years later he confessed everything to his sister one night, crying, expecting her to hate him just as much as he had learned to hate that part of him. Instead, his sister hold him tight and told him that it was okay, that she loved him just the way he was, there was nothing wrong about it and he deserved to be loved for who he was.
With time, he started to learn how to love himself again. It was hard sometimes, he wasn't quite there yet - the thought that his parents wouldn't accept him if he came out a constant reminder of it - but he tried.
Then, it happened. Jan - the gorgeous prince with long, black hair and a slightly mysterious and cool aura, yet with beautiful big brown eyes and a soft smile that might or might not make Nace's stomach tingle every time he sees him on tv - has come out as queer. It's shocking at first, but he can't help but feel... good. He's not alone, there's people like him out there, and they're determined to prove that there's nothing wrong with being queer just because you're part of the Royal Family. And he's also proud of the younger boy, for having the courage to come out to a whole country (and the whole world basically) when he himself can't even talk to his parents.
It's not until a few years later that they meet at an event Nace's family organized, but Nace hasn't stopped thinking about the beautiful prince's speech. Nace surprises even himself by going up to Jan and introducing himself (even if they obviously know who they are but, a prince has to be polite right?). They talk a little and they realize that neither of them really wanted to be there, so they escaped the salon where everyone is gathered and Nace shows him around the castle.
They end up going into Nace's room, both of them laying on his bed side by side, looking at the ceiling, cracking jokes and talking shit about how ridiculously polite and hypocrite everyone in that room was. Nace's heart warms as he realizes that the beautiful, kinda shy guy he's had a little crush on from seeing him on tv is apparently really kind and funny and sweet and even more beautiful in person than he is through the screen somehow, and Nace doesn't know what possessed him in that moment but he ends up talking to Jan about when he came out. He confesses him how much his speech impacted him and how much it has helped him accept himself.
He doesn't say it directly, but it doesn't take a genius to understand, yet Jan ventures a quiet "so, you are..." There's a bit of silence where Jan wonders if he pushed too hard until Nace says "I'm gay". He's never said that to anyone besides his sister and it feels good, liberating and, for the first time since the conversation started, he dares to look at Jan. He finds him already looking at him with a bright smile on his face and a (hopeful?) glimmer in his eyes. The younger man doesn't say anything, but he wraps him up in a hug like no one has ever given him. It makes Nace feel safe and accepted like he's never felt and without realizing he starts sobbing quietly, the sobs turning into full tears streaming down his cheeks and heavy breathing as he tells Jan everything that troubles him, everything about his family not being accepting and Jan holds him through it, caressing his hair and whispering words of affirmation until he fully calms down.
Nace feels embarrassed after that, but Jan quickly reassures him and they end up exchanging numbers.
Sadly, the event doesn't last forever and Jan has to go home not long after, but he leaves with a promise to keep in touch, both of them excited for what seemed to be the start of a beautiful friendship.
Nace probably didn't expect it, but they end up texting almost every day. Despite their equally busy schedules, it's nice to come out of a very boring meeting to a bunch of messages from Jan, complaining about his equally boring meetings, talking about stuff that happen throughout his day or sending random memes. He's a bit shy at first, not daring to start conversations, but it's not long until he starts doing the same.
They stay up late at night chatting and sometimes even face timing each other. Nace learns that Jan is very much a night owl, but he's not that used to staying up too late so he sometimes falls asleep in the middle of their call (Jan just finds it incredibly cute and endearing, and if he sometimes spends a few long minutes looking at Nace's peaceful sleeping face before hanging up well... no one needed to know that)
It's been a few month since they first met when Nace has to travel to do some stuff in Jan's country. He swears he's never been more excited to go meet some people and visit some places, but the thought of getting to reunite with Jan is exhilarating. They hug each other so tight and definitely longer than you would hug someone you've only met once before once they meet, but they're both too happy to care about it.
The time Nace spends there passes by way too quickly and he has to go home. It's when he's laying in his own bed that night, his whole body seeming to miss Jan with every atom and his heart aching with the desire to have the other man near, that he realizes (or more like, accepts) that he's in love with Jan.
And he cries. Cries because he's fallen in love with his best friend. Cries because he doesn't want to fuck up this beautiful friendship that they've manage to build besides the distance. Cries because he knows he doesn't stand a chance. Cries because he would never forgive himself for ruining what they have. Cries because he misses him, so fucking much. But how could he not? When Jan has helped him accept and love himself just the way he is, when Jan has showed him he's deserving of love and genuine friendship, when Jan is just so... Jan.
Unbeknownst to him, Jan is having a similar reaction all the way over at home.
Jan blames himself. He knew he had a crush on Nace after that night they met. He thought it would be just a silly crush and it would go away soon, but every day that passed, every text and every late night call, made him fall a little bit more. How was his (not so) silly little crush supposed to go away when Nace was so sweet and nice and kind and cute and beautiful, when his hair was so soft and his dimpled smile was so bright and genuine and his sassy remarks never failed to make Jan smile, when he looked so incredibly adorable and hot when he was wearing his glasses, when his hugs made him feel so safe, when he talked so passionately about the things he liked - god he was such a nerd and fuck Jan was so down bad for him.
So yeah, Jan blames himself. Blames himself because he know this could potentially ruin their friendship. He would never be able to forgive himself if his feelings for his friend were the reason Nace decided to step away from his life, making him lose probably the most precious thing he has ever had.
Of course, none of them say anything about it, they keep in touch just like before, they visit each other as often as their schedules allow them, enjoying being friends. Both of them secretly hoping they could be more, but neither of them daring to risk breaking what they already have.
How long will it take them to get their shit together and realize the feeling is mutual? Will they be able to resist the urge to lean in and kiss the other on one of those rare times they get to spend the day together? Who will take the first step, risking everything they have, holding on to hope that this could turn out well and they could be happy together? How will they overcome all the challenges they will encounter once they are together, like having a long distance relationship or what Nace's parents will have to say about it? How will the world take it when Nace comes out, or if they - two princes and future kings of two different countries - come out as a couple? Well... that's a story for another time.
Leave an AU and a pairing in my ask and I’ll give you the plot of the fic I won’t write for it.
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darkserenity24 · 2 days
𝑭𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒅𝒐𝒎 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒐𝒔 - 𝑪𝒉 5
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Loki x Reader
𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮: 𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙇𝙤𝙠𝙞 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙖 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙖𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙖𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙮.
𝘈/𝘕: 𝘞𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘴𝘶𝘨𝘢𝘳, 𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘦, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘯𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘤. 𝘓𝘦𝘵'𝘴 𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘱 𝘪𝘵 𝘶𝘱 𝘢 𝘣𝘪𝘵
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Your gaze darted back and forth between the last two people you wanted to meet, your chest tightening with a severe amount of apprehension. 
What the actual hell? How did Kayla not recognize the very person she was just ranting about staying very far away from? Had she never seen video footage of him? A photo? Nada? 
You eyed Kayla carefully as she let out a wispy chuckle, providing Loki with a blinding smile.
“Oh, you do? Great! That means I won’t have to go through the trouble of introducing myself after all. Though, I didn’t quite catch your name.” She hinted, smoothing back a piece of hair behind her ear in a flirtatious manner.
Loki continued to glower severely at the blonde before him—the woman whose brother he literally took apart with his bare hands only about a month ago. You winced at the memory and tried to ignore the white-knuckled fists he held tightly at his sides.
Tilting her head to the side, Kayla’s smile slowly waned, blue eyes filling with uncertainty.
“I’m sorry,” she blinked at him. “Did I say something wrong? Or did you not hear me ask for your name several times already?”
You instantly paled at her boldness.
Taking quick action, you swiftly stepped between them, facing Kayla and your back turned to Loki. She reluctantly dragged her gaze from Loki to you.
“Um, Kayla… this is Loki.” You divulged, face holding an uneasy expression.
Her features froze for a split second and then her eyes got big when your words finally registered in her head.
“.... L-loki?”
You nodded your head slowly. “Mhmm.”
You were fully expecting to witness her run away screaming bloody murder to anyone and everyone who would listen.
However, that was not what she did.
“Oh. Okay,” She blinked, her face relaxing a little. “That explains… yeah.”
She ran a hand through her hair nervously before sending a shy smile back in Loki’s direction. 
“Of course, you’d know who I am.” She chimed, grabbing your shoulders to spin you around to face Loki. 
He looked anything but pleased to be talking to Kayla, and he wasn’t even attempting to hide it.
“She’s probably told you a lot about me, I’m sure. We’re the best of friends you know!” She giggled.
Your mind spun in confusion, not understanding her sudden change in heart. She hated Loki and always had. Was this some sort of tactic to make herself seem harmless before she removed herself from the situation and proceeded to escape as fast as she could?
Loki’s jaw ticked, eyes darkening in a way that had you holding your breath before he finally opened his mouth to speak to her. 
“Oh, I know a lot about you and your festering sore of a sibling who is likely rotting in a-”
“Wow!” You yelled out while throwing your hands up, hurriedly interrupting Loki’s barely concealed confession.
You were so loud that a few nearby guests glanced over in your direction with curiosity. Or it could’ve been annoyance. You didn’t know which one but didn’t care at that moment. You had more urgent things to think about like how to get Kayla and Loki away from each other as fast as possible.
You threw a sharp smile Loki’s way, the unspoken warning highly evident in your eyes before glancing back to Kayla with a sheepish look. “Haha… he’s so funny, am I right? A complete jokester, I tell you. Let’s just take a moment to breathe here. How about we-.”
“Wait, did you say my brother?” Kayla inquired, turning her attention back to Loki.
Either she didn’t hear the very colorful words Loki used to describe Jacob or she was simply choosing to ignore them.
When Loki didn’t say anything in response, you sent out a silent prayer to the heavens. Yet, the extreme malice emanating from his being was strong. He wore an aggravated look of impatience, anger simmering underneath his visage as he continued to stare daggers right into her.
You attempted to save face, answering for him. ��Yes, Jacob had briefly… worked with Loki at the tower for a while before he left.”
She blinked before her mouth formed an ‘o’ and the look of sudden realization popped onto her face. 
“Duh! Of course, you do!” She chuckled, placing a well-manicured hand on her hip. “Well, for the record I am nothing like him. Yeah, we’re related but-”
“Heeeeyy, Kayla!” A voice called out as they got closer to the three of you. 
“Long time no see. How have you been?” Nat asked more excitedly than you were used to her being. 
Kayla gasped when she turned her attention towards Nat. “Natasha! It’s so good to see you.”
Nat grinned, placing a hand on Kayla’s arm. “We have to catch up. Wanna grab a drink at the bar?”
Kayla nodded enthusiastically before turning towards you and Loki as if she had forgotten you were still there. “Oh shoot! I was just meeting Loki. I’d hate to be rude and leave so soon.”
“Nonsense.” Nat waved her hand dismissively. “I’m a lot more fun than him and he knows it. Come on! Let’s go before all the fireball is gone.”
Nat was practically dragging Kayla away before you knew it, sending you a quick glance over her shoulder to wink at you as they disappeared into the crowd.
You took only a second to release a large sigh of relief but wasted no time leading Loki straight out of the ballroom, only stopping when you were both far enough down the hall before you whipped around to face him with wide eyes. 
“What the heck was that back there!?” You whispered harshly, pointing down the hall towards the ballroom.
He hardly reacted to your fierce expression of indignation, only raising a brow. “What? Did you truly expect me to greet her with open arms? That clown is not your friend and you know it. I don’t trust her one bit.”
“Don’t call her that!” You sputtered, taken aback by his attack on her character. “She hasn’t done anything to deserve your foul attitude.”
“No?” his face darkened as he took a step closer to you. “Did she not take you seriously when you informed her about her maggot brother harassing you at every moment he could? Did she not prevent telling you that he was an insidious bastard?”
 “She didn’t know…” 
He scoffed, throwing you a look that would surely make anyone else feel completely stupid.
“Are you serious? Do you truly believe that?”
You took a beat too long to answer and he continued.
“Please enlighten me on why you are still friends with the sister of a man who led an attack on you not very long ago.”
You swallowed hard, staring straight at his chest. He was making you feel as if you had done something wrong. But you did nothing wrong. He was the one who was being a complete ass at that very moment.
“Kayla didn’t attack me, Jacob did. She’s innocent.” you declare stubbornly.
Loki stared at you as if you had just said something completely insane. “Innocent? Surely she knew about his disgusting behavior and had presumably been protecting him for years. She is far from innocent.”
“You don’t know that Loki, and neither do I.” You crossed your arms in defiance, staring up at him. “Regardless of what you say, I’m still going to be friends with her so just leave it alone.” You said sternly.
His jaw clenched and he shook his head as he loomed over you. “No. I will not merely stand by while you continue to make these brainless decisions as if you did not just go through an incredibly harrowing experience. In case you have forgotten, I am no longer being held within a cage which means I now have the full ability to put a stop to this nonsense. The Avengers failed you. She failed you. She is the one who could have prevented all those terrible things he did to you. You faced the consequences of her carelessness and now she must face the knowledge of her sibling being torn to shreds.” He seethed with an intense gaze.
There was no immediate response as you avoided his gaze. You cursed at yourself when you felt hot tears sting the corners of your eyes. Why did you always have to be such a crybaby? And why was Loki always around to witness it?
You felt him shuffle closer but you kept your head down, too embarrassed to meet his criticizing gaze. 
You heard him call out to you, but you still didn’t answer him.
You kept your head down in the hopes that he’d just walk away and let you deal with your feelings alone. But that wasn’t very Loki.
“Little dove,” he repeated in a much softer tone, placing a finger under your chin and gently lifting your watery gaze to meet his.
Meeting his gaze was oddly comforting. It was as if you craved for his approval deep down. His eyes were gentle and his brows drawn together as he observed you.
“I fear I must apologize for my behavior with you. I am being unnecessarily harsh and I am sorry for that. You are not the one who deserves neither my ire or frustration.”
Your lips twitched into a not so convincing smile, your eyes still sad. “It’s okay. You don’t have to apologize. I understand. This situation is just as hard for you as it is for me.”
His fingers released your chin, and then he proceeded to place a gentle hand on your shoulder, pulling you closer to him. The closer you got to him the more he could feel his body heat and smell his natural scent. He smelled like warmness and fresh pine.
“You are wrong. This is immensely more difficult for you. I made it more difficult for you. Am I not the reason for your night terrors?” 
You frowned. “I’m not blaming you for that.”
“No, but I know this is still true.”
Your eyes fell to his chest. “Either way, it doesn’t matter anymore. I haven’t had them as much since you kind of helped me out that night,” you admitted
He smiled tenderly at you. “I am happy to be of assistance. You can summon me to chase away your nightmares anytime you need.”
Loki hadn’t shown up in your bedroom after that night, and you haven’t asked him to come since then. It’s not like you didn’t think about it, but how could you ask someone who wasn’t one of your female friends to come to your room and hang out with you? You didn’t need anyone getting suspicious, especially since you knew they were watching Loki with a heavy eye.
“You’re a really good friend, you know that?” You told him with sincerity in your expression.
His lips twitched into a half smirk. “Yes, I am aware but do not let anyone else hear you utter those words. I fear I have a reputation to uphold.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll keep my lips sealed.”
“Oh, you must,” he cautioned in a dark silky tone, a sly grin forming on his face. “For I may have to punish you if you do not.”
Your lips parted and your mouth went dry, incapable of forming an intelligible response to his specifically worded warning. The way his words sent shivers down your spine was severely disconcerting to you.
You could’ve been mistaken, but you got the sense that he was amused by your speechlessness, a glint of mischief twinkling in his green eyes.
His gaze slowly traveled downward, examining you carefully. “Did I not mention how enchanting you look tonight?” He professed in a breathy tone. 
Chills ran down your spine when you felt his thumb brush against your bare shoulder ever so slightly. He’s complimented you before of course, but this felt different. You couldn’t explain how at that moment. 
The chills continued rolling through your body you felt like you were getting warmer by the second. Your brain could not form a clear thought, not understanding how you both got to this point after just having a serious argument.
When he lifted a teasing brow, you realized that you hadn’t answered his question. “Um n-no you didn’t, but thank you. So do you. ”
Loki looked quite impressive. Honestly, impressive was such an understatement. The way the all-black tux fit his lithe, sinewy figure was criminal. It was as if it was made just for him.
You were tongue-tied, not being able to express how you felt at the moment as you met his soul-piercing gaze. His eyes were as deep and inscrutable as the galaxies themselves. You felt as if you were falling into a trance-like state.
That’s until it was interrupted by someone calling out to you.
“Angel, there you are!” Steve exclaimed as he jogged down the hall towards you and Loki. You felt him tense, and he slowly moved away from you. You immediately shivered, feeling the absence of his warmth.
Steve sent Loki a brief glance, nodding his head in a poor attempt at acknowledgment. 
“Laufeyson.” Steve muttered.
“Rogers,” Loki responded cooly.
You could have cut the tension between them with a rusty knife.
You rubbed your arms, greeting Steve with a light smile. “Hey, Steve. What’s up?”
“I’ve been looking all over for you. Nat said you were here but I couldn’t find you through the sea of people.” He shook his head before placing his hands in his pockets. “Anyway, they just opened up the floor and turned on some good music. Thought I’d come to see if you wanna dance.”
“Me? Dance?” You snorted with raised brows. “What would make you think I’d want to do that? You know I’m not a dancer.”
He smirked. “Yeah, I know that but I wanted to ask you anyway.”
“I-” you glanced over at Loki who was still standing there beside you. His jaw was tensed and his body stiff. He was eyeing Steve with a strange look.
You frowned, not wanting to leave him, but also not wanting to disappoint Steve. You were torn.
“I don’t know…” you muttered.
“It’s alright,” Loki voiced out, glancing in your direction with a nod. “Go on, enjoy yourself. This is a celebration after all, isn’t it?” 
“O-okay. If you’re sure.” You stuttered before taking hesitant steps away from him and towards Steve.
The blonde smiled, holding his hand out to you. You took it with a shiver, not understanding why it was so cold in the building. 
Steve must have noticed since he frowned and quickly started removing his suit jacket. “As amazing as you look, we can’t have you shivering to death.”
“Oh no, that’s okay Steve, I’m not that…”
He had already placed his jacket around your shoulders before you could finish your sentence. It surprised you by how warm it was and you instantly melted into it. 
“... cold. Wow, I guess I was pretty cold after all. Thank you.” You admitted sheepishly.
“Of course, Angel, anytime. Now let's go have that dance.”He winked at you, placing his hand lightly on the small of your back.
As Steve led you back towards the ballroom, you glanced over your shoulder to see Loki still standing where you left him. 
Your gaze never left his until you were completely out of sight.
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It was much later into the night when finally left the party, Steve escorting you back to the tower and up to your room. 
You understood that he didn’t need to walk you there but Steve was always the gentleman. He was a great friend to you and you appreciated him too much to tell him no.
Plus, you ended up needing his help after all. The energy you had for most of the night felt like it had been completely drained from your body. You were sluggish, stumbling over your feet as you walked.
“Whoa,” Steve said, reaching out to you. “I didn’t think we partied that hard. You didn’t have any drinks, did you?”
“Hmm… no,” You responded before clearing your throat. “Sorry, I think I’m just very tired. I don’t know why. Just need to get to sleep I guess.”
He nodded with a raised brow. “Alright. Good thing we’re almost there.”
You thanked him when the both of you finally reached your room, grateful to be closer to your bed.
“Of course, Angel,” He responded in kind. “I’d ask if you wanted any company you know… to just hang out since it’s not too late, but from the looks of it the only company you need is your bed right now.”
You let out a chuckle that transformed into a yawn. “Yeah, maybe next time. If I wasn’t such a snore we could’ve gone to the theater room and watched a movie or something.” He blinked, dark blonde brows raising. “Oh, yeah, in the theater room.” He looked down at the floor with a contemplative look before meeting your eyes again. “Guess I’ll see you tomorrow then?”
You nodded and cleared your throat before wincing a little. “Y-yeah. See you tomorrow.”
You didn’t give him much of a chance to say anything else, entering your room and closing the door immediately. You covered your mouth with both hands as you waited a minute to make sure Steve was gone before you removed your hands, instantly going into a fit of heavy coughs.
You slowly trailed to the bathroom, still coughing along the way. Your eyes watered from how severe and heavy they were getting. You filled a glass of water from the faucet before downing it almost choking on the liquid as the coughs continued to rack your body.
After a moment, they died down and you let out a tired sigh. Pulling open the bathroom cabinet, you rummaged around until you found what you were looking for.
You swallowed down the pills with a grimace, starting to truly despise your new nightly routine. You had forgotten to take them last night, and now you were suffering the consequences of that mistake.
When you were finished you shuffled to your bedroom and kicked off your heels, closed the door, and flopped facedown onto your bed straight away.
You hadn’t even had the energy to remove your dress as you fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.
If you still had been awake, you might have noticed the dark shadow lingering underneath the other side of your bedroom door.
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✦ 𝘚𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘥𝘰. 𝘙𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴 𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 ;)
✦ 𝘐𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘦𝘯𝘫𝘰𝘺 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘰, 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘒𝘰-𝘧𝘪 ✨: 𝘩𝘵𝘵𝘱𝘴://𝘬𝘰-𝘧𝘪.𝘤𝘰𝘮/𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺24
𝘛𝘢𝘨 𝘓𝘪𝘴𝘵: @aintnooooway @mischief2sarawr @talesofadragon @cass0419 @lcolumbia1988 @timeladyrikaofgallifrey @echo-is-worth-more-than-2000
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luminouslywriting · 2 days
Hey! Novalis here again with another Winters request lol. This time it's based on that scene in Captain America: The First Avenger (one of my favorite films of all time) where we meet Peggy and she's confidently speaking with this guy who's making fun of her before she decks him in the face. Could we have something based on that where maybe one of the guys messes with the reader like that and ends up punching the guy in the face -> also pairing reader and Winters somehow in this request? Thanks!
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Iconic of you to request this!! I would be HAPPY and thrilled to do this for you :) Reminder that my requests are open and I don't mind spam haha!
More under the cut, cut for length, slight sexual harassment/intimidation (not from Winters) mentioned, medical jargon and speak mentioned as well:
-Listen, I've said it once and I'll say it again, Dick Winters is a man who drinks his respect women juice
-So when the head doctor is introducing herself during the training and preparation for D-Day, you tend to listen to her because her instructions could mean the difference between life and death
-For Dick Winters, he's an attentive man who has already struck up a friendship and correspondence with you. And maybe, just maybe, if things go well, he'd like to ask if he can write you and if he can take you out sometime.
-But for right now, he's dutifully staying within the respectful bounds of a workplace relationship and no fraternization
-So there he is, standing at attention and listening to your instructions about how best to tie a tourniquet if there are no medics around (which is really quite useful, especially if something goes wrong with the jumps)
-And someone dares to question what a woman would even know about medical needs
-And he goes on and on about how women aren't meant to serve their country in the same way and how they need to be at home waiting to make babies or be filled up by some man
-So naturally Dick Winters is fuming about the entire thing and flabbergasted at this man's audacity
-And just when he's about to say something, you step up to the bat, ask the man's name, rank, etc.
-Once you have the information, you gracefully punch him in the nose and there's a very satisfying crunch of things. And the thing is?? You're a doctor. You know exactly how much force is needed to break a bone and how much is needed to set it back in place
-So there are the medics, bustling around because WTF??? And you just have them re-set his nose right then and there
-In that moment, Dick Winters has never been more in love in his life and he's got those googly/starry eyes that has Nixon looking at him like he's a freakin' simp or something
-The man is howling all sorts of things
-And you're just, "I outrank you. What are you gonna do? Court martial me? After all of that harassment? I don't think so, buddy."
-Dick Winters decides on the spot that he wants to marry you
-So yes, after the whole training is over, he does in fact, go for it and ask you out :) He also commends the punch and gives a kiss to the forming bruise on your knuckle
-We stan a supportive husband lol
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