#what is the crack you're fucking smoking dude
spiritofjustice · 1 year
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daigo kagemitsu understander has logged on
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myballsyourballs · 2 months
OKAY IVE BEEN IMAGINING A HAWKS X BAKUGOUS OLDER BROTHER READER?? okay but here me out bro, reader has been dating hawks for a while now, occasional family dinners at readers house with his parents, not brother, due to the fact that he’s training.
reader never brought up the fact that his younger brother goes to ua, and hawks never said anything about teaching 1a gym time-to-time, one day, reader goes to pick up katsuki early from school, and he realizes hawks is teaching, basically how everyone would react to one, finding out bakugou has a brother, and two he’s dating hawks??
(ps, hawks knew of readers last name, but never thought anything of it,)
big bro
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keigo takami x male! older bakugou brother! reader
genre: fluff and slight crack oneshot (1,300ish words)
notes: i’m not a massive fan of how i wrote this (i don’t think it’s very good) but it’s been sitting in my drafts for months so here you go
synopsis: reader is katsuki's older brother who is dating hawks -- katsuki doesn't know reader is dating hawks, and hawks doesn't know katsuki is reader's brother. it stays that way until reader has to pick up katsuki from school early while hawks is teaching.
masterlist | make a request
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Principal Nezu is shorter than you expect.
You expected him to be a man-sized rat, not a rat-sized man; though you suppose that isn’t an apt description either, given that he’s at least 2 feet tall and most rats aren’t 2 feet tall.
Regardless, he's still pretty intimidating when you run into him in the hall and he starts to ask you what you're doing.
"I'm looking for Bakugou Katsuki -- uh, my little brother. My parents wanted me to pick him up early since we're leaving today to go on a trip." Nezu seriously makes you nervous.
“Bakugou Katsuki is in Hero Training as of right now. You’ll be able to find him in the gym!” He smiles at you, teeth surprisingly white for a rodent. “Make sure to alert his teacher before you leave,” Nezu continues, an unnerving glint in his abyss-like eyes. You decide not to ask why he knows Katsuki’s timetable by heart.
“Sure. Thanks, Principal Nezu,” you smile, offering him a handshake kindly.
“Anytime, Bakugou-san.”
As you step into the gym, the first thing you notice is the smell of sweat. That, and the temperature. Despite the amount of heat emanating from the fire quirks of a select few and the body heat of everyone in the gym, it’s — surprisingly — rather cool. UA's unflinching ability to invest copious amounts of money into air conditioning was impressive. Your eyes trail across the sweeping ceilings and expensive equipment, whistling lowly. I should come here more often.
1-A looks to be split into pairs — sparring, maybe? — each student difficult to view clearly under the thin blanket of steam and smoke that surrounds them. Katsuki, however, is easy to spot among them. His explosions light up the room, the sound of the loud booms only rivalled by his rage-fuelled yelling. You watch, amused. Glad he’s… letting that out.
As much as you didn’t want to interrupt class (the idea of 20 different teenagers having their undivided attention on you was a terrifying thought), the teacher was nowhere in sight and you were running out of time. “Katsuki!” you call, waving at the angry red glare that lands on you. The boy, in response, rolls his eyes snidely and stays rooted on the spot.
You sigh. Little brothers are so goddamn annoying. “Let’s go, dude,” you urge, emphasising your words with a vague ‘hurry up’ gesture. He scowls, but obliges nonetheless, walking slowly over with his hands shoved into his pockets. Once he's in front of you, he stops.
“My teacher isn’t here. I can’t leave yet.”
“Isn’t it their job to, you know, teach? Where the fuck did they go?” You furrow your brows.
“Fuck if I know,” Katsuki responds, matching your curses with equal indifference. “He went with Deku to go and get something.”
“Izuku’s here?”
“Why wouldn’t he be, dumbass? He’s in my class.”
And that’s when you notice the rest of 1-A. 18 pairs of eyes stare at you in utter shock and confusion, burning with questions. Your body stills, awkward under their gazes.
“Is that… your brother?” a red-haired boy with sharp teeth asks, looking between you and Katsuki slowly.
“Yeah,” Katsuki replies nonchalantly.
You take in the other boy's appearance: the insane amount of gel in his weirdly-styled hair, pointed teeth and the fact that he was sparring with Katsuki. Close friend, bad hair?
“You must be Shitty Hair.” you say, prompting half of the class to erupt into giggles. Vaguely, you recall his name is Kirishima, but Katsuki says it so rarely that you barely even associate it with him. ‘Shitty Hair’ blushes at the attention, nodding bashfully with an awkward smile. He rubs the nape of his neck, glancing once again between Katsuki and you.
“I can see how you’re related,” he laughs uncertainly.
“I can see who got the good genes,” a pink-haired girl with horns calls, “clearly not Bakugou.”
The doors slam open. You first see Izuku, who pauses at the commotion, and behind him you see… your boyfriend? What the fuck?
“[Y/N]-nii?” Izuku adds.
“Nii?” someone whispers in confusion.
“Hey, Izuku,” you respond weakly.
Silence falls. You take a moment to appreciate Keigo in his hero costume before the dots connect and you turn to Katsuki accusingly.
“He’s your teacher!?”
“He’s your brother!?” Keigo counters.
You turn to your boyfriend. “I told you I have a brother. You know my last name. You’ve literally met my mother and she’s the carbon-copy of Katsuki. Keigo, what even?”
“Er, well, in hindsight, maybe you’re right— but... you’re so nice,” he says, disbelief evident in his wide eyes and confused brows. “And he’s so… not—”
“The fuck did you just say—!?”
“Young man, I will give you a detention if you swear at me again,” Keigo says sternly, schooling his face into something unnaturally serious and crossing his toned arms over his chest. You can see the humour dancing his eyes, prompting you to chuckle quietly.
Katsuki rolls his eyes. “Yes, Hawks-sensei,” he mutters, face contorted into a scowl. He angrily taps his shoe on the ground.
“Stop being a shit,” you chide, grabbing Katsuki by the shoulder roughly and rubbing your knuckles into his skull. The rest of 1-A watches on in absolute disbelief. (Except Izuku. He’s used to this.)
Katsuki groans exasperatedly, “You stop being a shit.”
“Hey!” Hawks gasps dramatically, “don’t call my boyfriend a shit!”
You rub a hand over your temple in an attempt to ease your oncoming headache.
The rest of 1-A is left in shock. (Including Izuku, this time). Some start yelling, some look like they’ve turned to stone, the usual. You’re too busy trying to hold back your feral little brother from attacking Keigo — you know he won’t actually, you’re just hoping Keigo knows that too.
“Wait, you’re gay?” A boy who you can recall as Kaminari splutters. Your face crinkles into confusion, nose scrunching like you’ve smelt a bad odour. You can see why Katsuki calls him Dunce Face.
“It runs in the family,” you say, with a pointed look to Katsuki.
His exhaustion must’ve caught up to him since he only offers a middle finger in response. Kaminari bursts into startled and slightly scared laughter.
A warm arm makes its way around your waist and it takes an embarrassing amount of effort for you to suppress a smile. You don’t even have to look at Keigo to know that he’s grinning.
Neither of you are big fans of PDA, but the urge to hug him right now is particularly strong; especially since he’s right there, but there’s also 20 kids right there which sucks and you have to go—
Right. You and Katsuki need to go. That was the point of this whole ordeal.
“Keigo,” you murmur, quiet enough for only him to hear. The rest of the class has ignored the two of you in favour of chatting amongst themselves or questioning Katsuki. Keigo hums, meeting your eyes. He smiles, his golden irises pooling with affection and his arm squeezing gently around your waist, seemingly in a trance. You chuckle, “I need to go.”
He startles. “Right! Right,” he says, clearing his throat. You pretend not to notice the faint tinge of red high on his cheekbones.
“Okay, 1-A. I’m gonna go sort this out quickly,” Keigo says to the class, his voice raised slightly in order to drown out the talking. “So please continue sparring — without quirks — until I’m back. I won’t be long.”
The class answers an affirmative, and then the two of you (plus Katsuki) are out the door. You turn to face Keigo, placing a quick peck on his lips. “I thought I just needed to tell you Katsuki was leaving and then you’d sort it?”
“That’s true… but I missed you,” Keigo sighs wearily, acting like he hadn’t seen you in years. (You spent the night with him literally yesterday.)
“Stop before I tear my fucking eyes out,” Katsuki interrupts. Keigo lifts his head to glare unhappily at him.
“Piss off, Katsuki,” you grumble, placing a slightly longer kiss on Keigo’s lips. You pull away at the realisation that you’re probably late, which means you’ll probably have to face the wrath of Mitsuki Bakugo. “I should— we should go. I’ve stayed way longer than I needed to.”
“Thank fuck,” Katsuki grumbles, occupying himself with his phone. Teenagers.
Keigo groans dejectedly but lets you go nonetheless. He watches you walk away, waving. “Bye, honeybear!”
“Don’t call me that!”
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octuscle · 6 months
My professor is such a pain in the ass! I tried turning him into an average dumb college frat guy, but it’s not working!
Whew! Indeed, your professor is a tough nut to crack. He's as stiff as if he'd swallowed a stick. On time like a Swiss watch. And the strictest teacher imaginable. I'll see what I can do. Time is pressing, it's Friday and the exam period starts on Monday.
07:30. Your professor's shiny Volvo rolls into the faculty parking lot. He's always on time to the second. His suit may be cheap, but it's immaculate. And he walks into the staff room with his hair perfectly parted. No one notices the small tattoo on his forearm.
When he arrives at your lecture, it's like a sensation: he's not wearing polished Oxfords, he's wearing sneakers. Pretty cool, pretty expensive sneakers. And WHITE socks! He's never been seen wearing anything like that before. And you swear his stomach is flatter. Normally his jacket always conceals a tummy bulge. But now his silhouette is perfectly slim. Unfortunately, it doesn't change anything about his lecture. He's way too fast, firing his questions like a sniper in the direction of the students who weren't paying attention. He's a pain in the ass, and that hasn't changed yet.
During the lunch break, the professor is seen wearing jeans for the first time. Pretty crisp fitting jeans. He really has a tight ass. And damn: Does he actually have a beard shadow? Normally he's always perfectly shaved. You're sitting in the canteen with your bruhs when he approaches you and asks "All gud, bruhs? can one of you give me uh fag? I must have forgotten mine at home…" You are far too surprised not to give him a cigarette. "You're such uh lifesaver, dude," says your professor and asks what you're up to this weekend. You tell him about your plans to go to the sports bar, work out in the gym and maybe take a trip to the beach on Sunday. "Sick thing" replies the professor. "See you around, bruhs!" He leaves you with your mouths hanging open.
The professor leaves the parking lot in his open-top Mustang with loud hip-hop music and screeching tires. You grin broadly. Your plan seems to be working. You are sure of it when you meet the next day at the gym. Your professor has a cool haircut, a stylish beard and looks like he's a regular at the tattoo parlor. You greet each other with a fist bump. And when he takes off his sweaty T-shirt after two hours, you say goodbye with a chest bump. Damn, this guy has a killer body.
On the beach, your prof disappears from time to time with random people and goes to the trunk of his Mustang. Shit, he's selling drugs. Hashish or apparently steroids and other stuff. And at sunset you see him lying on his towel smoking pot while one of the musclemen from the gym massages his nipples. Fuck, the boner in his surfer shorts is impressive. You're very pleased with yourself. You don't need to be afraid of tomorrow. It's a good thing you didn't waste the weekend studying.
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Hot picture, you think to yourself on Monday morning when you see your professor's latest post on Instagram. And then you read the caption: "Sicc training 2 start the new wk. Now let's go kicc sum student ass. I luv it when i c the airheads sweating over my exam questions"
Pic found @marechais
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terras-domain · 7 months
Rev It Up, Baby!
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Characters: Jung Eunbi (Eunha)
Tags: teasing, thighs, car porn, street racing, male reader x gg idol, slight plotted smut, mechanic y/n, sex in and outside of car (if that makes sense lololol)
Words: 3813
Note from author: Halloooo! terra here. Been a while, this one is from a fren's request (well they just want eunha tbh) but THE CAR PART is basically y/n (you, YES YOU) tuning up her car for a street race she'll be doing and the reward, is ummm well...you can guess it,right? ANYWAYS ENJOYYYY (hopefully..?)
Reader's POV
"Boss...business hasn't been rolling today. Think we should call it a day a bit sooner?" Ken, one of my workers started to complain, the boredom was clearly making the guys at the workshop gloomy. "Fuck no Ken. We gotta business to run, so go jerk off or something if you're that bored kiddo" a puff from my cigarette flew in the air, disappearing in seconds. The kid's not wrong, we haven't had some serious customer coming in today, or even in a few weeks. Just some boring ass family sedans and some basic repair shit, nothing too fancy so far. But that all change when a loud rev roars towards the workshop. "My~ hello sexy"
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Loud roaring fills up the workshop, making me throw the cig in my ashtray. "Ken! Your entertainment is here!" I smirked looking around the big boy shining in the dusty workspace. "Alright man, welcome welcome. How can I-" My words got caught in my throat the moment I saw the driver step out of the door. Thought it'd be some rich old bastard; but the smoking hot chick coming out looks nothing like the image I had in mind. "And I thought the car was sexy~" One of the boys cracked a chuckle. The car now looks like junk compared to the lady standing in front of me, pretty face, thick body and not to mention the shorts showing off those thick thighs. "Well hello beautiful~ welcome to the shop" I smirked, lighting up a second cig as the pretty girl walked over to me, while she does so it's obvious how thick she was judging by how those legs were jiggling.
"Did daddy buy you the cute ride you got here?" puffing out another wave of smoke, I looked around the car while she still remained quiet. After a few more glances on the car, my focus was still on her. "You know it's dangerous for a pretty girl such as yourself to be driving a beast like this you know?" I grinned, putting away the cigarette away from her as I tower over her cute figure, looking down at the cutie in front. "I'm a racer," she finally let out her voice, if I were to be honest I'd bust a load there and then on another day from how hot she is, but I gotta play it cool in front of this chick. "Oh really~! Well I'm sure you're a great racer ain't you, Miss...." I gave a long pause, giggling to tease her so called racing abilities. "Eunha. And don't act cocky, dirty hands. I'm not some whore for you~ I'm here to mod this car." Eunha clicked her tongue, clearly a bit annoyed, but fuck do I care. The more annoyed she looks, the cuter; I like that. "Oh really? Where you going so fast? Walmart?" I chuckled, making the tiny Eunha lose her patience and turn her face bright red. "I'm here to make Lloyd eat my dust!"
The laughter, the teasing, everything stopped. All eyes were on Eunha, almost choked by the ludicrous words coming out of her mouth. "That Lloyd? That dude's crazy dangerous y'know?" Bob, the old head in the office started talking, the teasy and all-jokes vibe suddenly blew away from the room. "I know. The more reasons to kick his ass." The cutie's little words attracts me more, love me a strong woman. "Well then missy, what do you need?" I asked, throwing the cig to the floor, stepping on it to extinguish the smoke. "I need it to be faster." Hearing her replies only makes me smirk as i moved towards the black beast parked in the garage. A little smack on Eunha's cute butt made her squeak, making me laugh a bit as I shifted my focus to the guys. "Time to get to work, boys!"
The car is honestly pretty much in great condition. There's not many that needs to be fixed, just things to upgrade. The spark plug of the car needs some changes, a change of exhaust which thankfully Eunha brought for us so it's no issue for us to wait too long to order a new one. One thing left is the engine, we gotta tune it up to get that Acura a winning chance. "This is a problem." I puffed after a deep breath. Honda engines in general isn't really the best, especially if it's for a car back in 1992, but oh well. If that hottie wants to win, might as well do it with a sick ride. "Why didn't you change the chassis?" Eunha asked. I mean, I don't blame her for asking, but clearly if she wants to race this car against a bastard like Lloyd, she needs a car that can take a beating. "Well sweetheart, if you wanna live long enough to win that race, this car gotta make sure it didn't trip over itself in the middle of the road." I shook my head while I approached her, grabbing a hand towel to clean my dirty hands, I need to lead her to my office.
"Imma keep this to you straight cutie," I paused, looking at Eunha, looking at her adorable cheeks when she looks serious, it made me smile. "Your chances of winning are slim if you keep this engine. You know the type of guy Lloyd is known for. He'd kill to win" I went fully clear to her, clearly makes her a bit frustrated. "Well...tell me what I gotta do." She answered short, this bitch sure is persistent. "Well, I first need to know how serious you are in this." I inched closer, grabbing her shoulder, waiting for her nodding response which she did immediately. "Well your engine needs some work, some mods actually. And the money...well I'm pretty sure you know how that goes. But that's not all" I paused looking up and down. "You clearly don't know what you're doing...telling me to change a car chassis when going against a road killer~" A sighed as Eunha finally got her needed reality check, it's almost impossible to win if she relies 100% on her knowledge, which clearly not enough.
"Tell me what I need to do then." She persists on further, she sure is confident on doing this. "Well first of all, you need a co-pilot. Someone who knows how to drive." I suggested, inching closer as our shoulders now touch, I think we both know where we're leading. "And I know a person who could teach you a thing or two" I chuckled, with Eunha slightly pushing me away only for me to hold her hand so I kept my distance close, our faces just a finger apart. "Men sure are greedy." She sighed after whimpered, trying to break free. "Relax, we're partners anyways. You need to trust your co-pilot Eunha." Those were my last words before my lips reached hers, which I can feel a reply coming. Glad to know my hard work is paying off. "You aren't a bad kisser aren't you" a soft chuckle escaped my mouth when I pulled away, looking at her soft pale face blushing. "I just did it cuz we're partners" She replied, her chest pumping from the rush of emotions. Holding her hand and intertwining them together, I inched for another kiss. "Just follow my lead, your co-pilot got this~"
Her smaller body makes it easy for me to lift her on my office desk, resting her body on the solid wood while I kept my lips glued to hers. My hands travel to her shorts, aiming to play her mind a bit more, just to ease her up. With one hand I easily unbutton her shorts, pulling them down to her ankles, revealing her soft cotton panties, hiding her most prized treasure, a little circle soaking in the middle. "Clearly you're enjoying this~" my fingers pulled her panties to the side, revealing her lower lips soaking wet, pretty in pink. A slight touch with my index finger makes her whimper, she sure is sensitive. "Awww~ I love that sound. I want more" I circle around the entrance of her pussy, slowly inserting it inside. "Ngaaah~ y/n!" A little scream lets out of her mouth which I immediately cover with my free hand. "We don't want the boys to hear you do you?" She shook her hand, knowing we're both on the same page. Now in control, I started putting another finger in, pushing in and out of her tight pussy. Her hands forming knuckles to endure the pleasure she's receiving, my hand covering her steamy moans, I finally pulled my fingers out just to switch with my hard shaft inside her.
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With my thick cock now fully inside you, i start to slowly thrust, pushing and pulling at a slow tempo as my new partner, Eunha, whimpers and muffles her moan as her voice is suppressed with my hand, the other hand holding her in place by grabbing her tight waste. The guys at this point are already starting to work on the car, they know Eunha will agree with my terms and modify the engine. Besides, it was her only shot of winning. But the car is probably the last thing in her mind right now. With my shaft in her tight pussy, her eyes looks dazed, almost as if she's drunk. Her moans were just getting louder as I gradually picked up a pace. My cock just got stiffer and more sensitive, getting close to climax. "Nghhh~ Eunha, I wanna cum." I moved my hand away from her mouth, just to let her respond and tell me where she wants it. "Nghhh~ just cum inside y/n~ I can't have your cum on display....so just do it in me~" she bit her lower lip, hoping her moans didn't attract the attention of the workers, my workers as they tune up the car. After a few more thrusts, I finally couldn't hold it any longer. "C-cummiiiiing~" I grunted, trying not to moan too loud, with the help of Eunha's small hand covering my mouth it did indeed help me not to make a scene with my moans as I filled her up with cum. The two of our moans were luckily synced with a loud noise coming from the work, so we didn't cause any of us getting caught. "So...hopefully we'll work well, partner~" I sighed, smiled as I ended with a smile.
A few days pass, filled with work to mod the car and also some 'team bonding' time, but we finally got to the race, revving up to the venue. The car felt much lighter, yet still easy to drive as Eunha looked confident on the wheel. "Someone looking pumped!" Being on the passenger seat I can see her smile, not a sweet one, more like a determined one. Just hope she realizes the dangerous guy she's up against. The crowd was cheering for her, praising the crazy ride she brought roaring through the night life of the road. All that attention began to fade away as the person everyone was waiting for finally drove in. A mean and intimidating rev fills the night air, lights flashing as if a high beam was put on the back of Eunha's Acura, mocking her. we both looked back, knowing who's here. "Well welcome to the game Eunha. Here's your challenge." I sighed, looking a bit shaky as the big and bad Ford GT LMT 2022 driving in.
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As Lloyd's mirror slides down, the arrogant young adult smirks, looking up and down. "This better be worth my time, slut" A teasy smooch came from him which clearly made Eunha's heart filled with disgust. "You know he's a road killer right?" I tapped on her thighs, giving her a call to reality so she doesn't get too caught up in the mood. Yes, Lloyd is notorious for road killing, crashing into his opponents or forcing them into difficult spots which are impossible to get out of a serious accident, sometimes even lethal situations. I figured this was the reason Eunha wanted to beat her, as a humbling statement for this jackass. Personally, I don't give a fuck about Lloyd's behavior as long as they don't harm people I care, but now since I'm in the same car that Lloyd might kill, I have to care. Plus, can't risk losing a cute bunny like Eunha to an asshole that has the attitude of a 10 year old. After aligning our cars, the crowd cheers, hyped for the race. "Hey cutie! Try not to kiss my ass okay? I'm not into that weird shit, unless it's your face~" Lloyd's torment kept coming, but Eunha didn't care. She even let the window down, letting all of Lloyd's words come into her ears but not her mind. She seems locked in.
The race gets closer to it's beginning. Ready. Revving sounds roars as smoke fills the back of the two monster cars. Set. The two racer stops talking, both Eunha and Lloyd lift their windows up, ready for the final call. Go. As the call goes, tires screeching fills the ear lobes of the audience, silencing the crowd for a second only to make them cheer louder as they lift off, both Eunha and Lloyd are now off, starting the race. " Now just like I told you Eunha. Keep your distance bunny" I let out a little reminder, and important one if we both want to stay alive. Of course the futuristic Ford was on the lead from the get go, but it's a long 20km race, this is just the beginning. Eunha's Acura got an advantage with a smaller body frame, which made it easier to slide between traffic. The road has a lot of sharp turns so Eunha has to be careful with her speed, not to go too much and keep control.
A race will never be a safe race if it's Lloyd we're up against. His constant brake checking and closing in to Eunha whenever they're side to side is surely dangerous, making Eunha scared and hit the brakes, getting a bit too far behind half way through the race. "Fuck!" The stressed out Eunha shouted as she had to pick up pace to catch up, she's starting to lose focus. "Relax, we're still in the game cutie." A soft finger flick snaps her out, making Eunha look at me. We both smirked as she stepped on the gas and caught up with Lloyd. We were approaching a sharp slope, so we need to be extra careful not to cause some serious damage to the car and ourselves.
In the sharp turn, Lloyd fucked up, taking a turn too early resulting his car to drift a bit to the far end of the roadside. It gave a tight chance for Eunha's smaller car to slide in and cut past him. "Fuuuckk yeaah!" Eunha cheered as the road got back in a straight line, a wide smile appears on her face and beaming at me. "Cool down bunny~ we're not done yet." I sighed and pat her head as she kept on the drive, dashing through traffic to lose Lloyd off her tail. But with the horsepower of the Ford beast, it's nearly impossible, Lloyd caught up just moments after. With his car literally behind her, Lloyd's infamous behavior starts to reveal. Speeding up while tailgating Eunha's Acura, running over her and trying to knock her out, the scariest part of Lloyd's dangerous race driving. Panic rises, Eunha trying her best to keep the wheels steady but Lloyd's relentless driving, hitting the tail of her ride makes everything so scary. "Hang in there Eunha" I pat on her soft thighs, letting her calm down and wait for a moment to break free. And there was the moment we both hoped for, a truck right in front of us. We went to tailgate the truck which Lloyd didn't realise because well, either he was too busy trying to destroy Eunha's car or he's just pure stupid. Once we were close enough, we made sure to wait for a moment where Lloyd's Ford GT to ram up Eunha. When he did, Eunha swiftly took a sharp turn to switch lanes, forcing Lloyd to hit the truck. "Noooo!" The shocked Lloyd was terrified, having to run over the slow moving truck and crashed, not serious enough to immediately eliminate him from the race, but enough to buy us some time away from that asshole. Victory is now in Eunha's hands. Didn't take long before the Acura reached the finish line, Eunha won.
Eunha kept driving, trying to slow down. As the meter slowly goes down bit by bit, it finally reached zero as we stopped at an empty parking lot. "I won....I actually won..." Eunha muttered her words, her eyes looking at the steering wheel, still in shock and couldn't believe the outcome. She won, and that realisation soon hits as she screams out and hugs me. "WE WOOOOONNN!" Her soft cheeks touches mine, rubbing our faces as we hugged. Before we even noticed, the emotions, the adrenaline, every single drop of chemical clicked in. That satisfaction of victory turned into lust, and we have each other to fulfill it. Eunha's lips reached mine and before we knew it, we're already making out and enjoying each other, our tongues battling as we hold each other. I grabbed her tight waist as I moved her on top of me after leaning my seat lower so we can both fit on one seat.
With Eunha on top of me, I could feel her thick thighs pressing on me. It felt so smooth as she was wearing short jeans. As she leans her body on mine, our lips meet again. Feeling our kiss connecting our two bodies, I hugged her tight, holding her as we enjoy each other's mouth, tasting each other. "Y/n, I need you~" Eunha plead, and I could never say no to her. I opened the door and helped her off, kneeling on the floor. "Wait, Eunha." I took off my jacket and put them on the floor to make it less uncomfortable for her to be kneeling on the tarred floor. She grabbed my pants and guided them down to my ankles, pulling out my shaft that sprung out, pointing to Eunha's cute face.
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With the cute little bunny on her knees, level with my cock, there's only one thing coming for her. Her mouth starts to open wide, taking my cock and slide it slowly inside her mouth as I feel her soft mouth slowly taking my length, with her plump lips enveloping my shaft. It felt like heaven and back, making me throw my head back as she slowly bobbed her head, slurping the taste of my cock slowly. As a source of motivation, I pat her scalp, encouraging her to go deeper. "Fuuuck yes Eunha pleaseee...go deeper oh my god!" Her lips, her mouth, my tip poking her throat, everything about this felt so good I need to do my best to contain myself just so I don't cum too soon. My words backfire as she only doubles her efforts, making it harder for me to last even though I try, holding it in before eventually, she pulls out and smirks and spits on my cock to make it wetter than it already is.
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It was feeling so good, but there's no way we're stopping there. I stepped out of the car and guided Eunha to be putting her hands on the door, bending over. I need those thick thighs sandwiching my cock so bad. Holding her hips I slowly guided my cock between her soft meaty thighs. "Mmmh your cock is so wet~. Fuuuck it feels good~" Eunha bit her lips, feeling me thrust back and forth slowly as I moaned, being out public late at night in a parking lot like this, it's so risky yet so good, I love it. Her hands on the winning Acura as I kept on thrusting back and forth, moving my hips swayed and my face glued to hers, kissing her cute puffy cheeks. My hands got bored too and wanted some actions, travelling towards Eunha's soft upper body, groping them softly which made the bunny whimper. "Mmmmh~ yeaah y/n just like that~ oh god~" the cold breeze of the night didn't help settle down the mood either. it just made us more and more lustful, feeling the need to express our emotions physically out in the open on the car.
We both couldn't take it any longer. The expressions we were making made it clear we want to fuck. And we'll do just that. Holding Eunha's tight body, I carried her as I laid her on the back seat, her legs exposed out in the open while her upper body is in the car. I quickly align my cock with her entrance and thrust it in as fast as I could, the wetness of my cock surely helped. "Fuuuck~ y/n! It's so fucking goood!" Eunha screamed out as we're alone, we don't need to hold back, we just let out all that bottled up lust and excitement over the win. "Eunha...you're so tight~ fuck I'll fuck you all day if I could" I grunted as I started going back to a fast pace holding her legs as I piston my cock in and out of her, feeling her tight pussy wrapping my shaft, denying me to pull out. With each thrust getting closer to my climax, I just held her tight while grunting as I stared into her lustful eyes. "Fuuuck Eunha, I wanna cum for you so bad~" I grunted, my hips barely moving because I don't want to cum just yet. "Fuuuck~ just cum in me y/n. Fill me up~!" Eunha ordered, and what she wants is what I'll give. A few more deep thrusts and my load couldn't be held back anyore, I just let it all out and shoot every load of it inside her. "Cu-cummiiiiing~!" I exclaimed as I held her tight, hugging her tight waist as my cock spurts cum deep in her pussy, covering her insides while Eunha screams in pleasure and fills her tight pussy receiving every single drop of cum, leaving my balls emptied.
Both exhausted, we got in the car and cuddled, laying on the car's back seat, huffing and puffing to catch our breathe. "What a mess" Eunha broke the silence, ending up with both of us kissing whilst we cuddled, trying to cool down and relax. "Congratulations on your win, partner." I had to say it, she fully deserved it so a congratulations is much deserved. But I'm pretty sure what happened here was a congrats gift in her books~
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seniaasaysstuff · 10 months
𝐁𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲💓 || 𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐚 𝐱 𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐤𝐚𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (reupload)
a/n- reader gets isekaied and plops right onto sukuna’s lap. it’s heian era! And sukuna is at the height of his power. Hilarious interaction between them. How is sukuna going to deal with a genz reader? read and find out for yourself🤭
pure crack?? I don't know what I was smoking while writing this Imao. Do we need a part two?? orrrr
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"Oi wake up," the man ordered as he lightly pulled your cheek. "What the fuck dude? Let me sleep," you mumbled and snuggled into the pillow. It felt pretty comfortable and you didn't want to wake up.
"Who are you calling dude? You dumb woman get up right now," The man demanded in a rude voice.
"Bro shut up you're annoying," you rasped as you hid your face in the 'pillow.
"This-this girl! So impudent! Do you know am? Do you want to die?" The person yelled loudly.
You whined and opened your eyes. You rubbed your eyes and stretched your body. Your bleary eyes gazed at the figure looming over you.
"Is the sleeping beast finally up?" The man sneered.
"Isn't that supposed to be sleeping beauty?" you let out a yawn as you spoke.
He snorted, "By any chance did you mean you're a beauty? Delusional beast."
The person oddly sounded like one of your favorite anime characters. You squinted your eyes and noticed that he had the same markings and the wooden half of his face as Ryomen Sukuna from the Jujutsu kaisen.
Sukuna pushed you off his lap and looked at you with disgust. You took it as an opportunity to admire him. He was sitting on a fancy throne. One pair of his arms were crossed over his chest.
"Yo, am I trippin' or what?" You blurted out.
"Damn! You look hotter in real life," You whistled as you eyed the man.
"Where else have you seen me?" Sukuna glared at you.
"In my dreams Daddy," You shot him a flirty wink. "Do you know how to speak woman?" Sukuna scoffed with a look of disdain in his eyes.
"Yo! Are you really Sukuna?" you asked in excitement. "So what if I am?" he narrowed his eyes at you. "Well, I've been curious bout something. Do you really have two dicks?" You looked at him curiously.
Sukuna pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a hysterical laugh.
“This is the first time I've been asked this. What the fuck is wrong with this lady?" Sukuna muttered under his breath.
"Hey! I can hear you asshole," you cried out. "It was meant to be heard, dumb woman," Sukuna grunted. "Okay, motherfucker. Stop calling me dumb or else I'm going to throw hands," you exclaimed in anger. "Huh? You want to cut off your hands and throw them?" Sukuna looked dumbfounded.
You burst out laughing. "Pfft, you old old wrinkly pruney old man," you wheezed.
"I have killed people for less you idiot girl. Who are you calling a wrinkly pruney old man? It seems like you love the idea of courting death." Sukuna was enraged. How dare a filthy woman call him old? He was literally in his prime.
“C-court-ing death pffft you old man.” You had tears in your eyes and your stomach hurt after laughing so much.
“What's wrong with what I said?” Sukuna grumbled.
“I think I should call you grandpa instead of daddy,” you wheezed again. It seems as if you were on crack cocaine just like gege in his recent chapters.
“What a fucking menace.” Sukuna crudely thought. After you sobered up you walked towards sukuna and hugged his leg, sukuna tried to kick you off but you stuck to him like glue. “I'm sorry for what I said sukuna. You were my favorite in the anime and manga though at times your fraudulent behavior made me rage.” (fraudkuna; the king of frauds)
you took a breath and continued to rant. “I mean like did you really have to possess Megumi? My poor baby. And what the fuck was up with the fight with Gojo? You weren't slick at all. Everyone hates you so much now. Like everyone’s calling you fraudkuna and shit. It was such a bitch move to use my emo gumi.” you squinted your eyes at him angrily. “I still like you so you should compensate me hmph.” you huffed.
“Your dicks would be enough for compensation? Noo wait! Your tongue on your stomach needs to be used as well.” you rambled. Sukuna patted your head, he looked very confused but understood some of what you were rambling. "So what l'm hearing is that my future self is a dumbass and you wanna get fucked by me?" Sukuna asked.
You shrugged, "Yeah that sums it up."
Sukuna burst out laughing. "Damn brat didn't know you were a kinky one." "Oh you're in for a treat," You winked at Sukuna.
"Kuna bro I forgot to ask but where are we?" You asked with a look of curiosity. "In my throne room." Sukuna curtly replied. You whistled.
"Give me a house tour? Pretty please" You batted your lashes at him. Sukuna tried to ignore you but you kept staring at him. It took him five minutes to give in. "Fine. Get up brat I”lI show you around." He grumbled and took you around the entire estate.
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oogaboogaspookyman · 5 months
It's been a while, hasn't it?
The office door creaks open
"Heya Pom! Brought back the paper i asked you yesterday?" Jax sounded so cheery. So happy while you just sat there on the chair like a drunkard... Well he's not a romance guy, of course he would be happy on his own. Damn rabbit.
"Not a word? What, still miss Sir Dentures?" He chuckles. He doesn't stop chuckling. What a clown... Thinks the jester. Ironic.
His smile fades into a sincere frown.
"Look here, Pom... It was necessary. He's free, paid for restoring us, we're all good now. No more murder and i got my nice charming scarf back and my favorite brushes, i'm the cool art teacher again!"
"So turn the dumb frown upside down aaaand please give me the paper i asked you? Please and thank you?"
"You're not a romance guy, of course you're fine. [___]hole..."
"Oh for the love of- the censor is still here?! God darn it, i wanna say the f word for once! I loved doing that!"
You grip onto the table until it began to crack at the memory of him. Him, him, him. That stupid fucking human.
"Pom you may wanna lay off the grip there, i paid a lot for tha-"
A chunk is crushed. Like paper.
Pomni lets go, revealing the chokehold put on the table left a permanent mark.
"Did ya dissociate again? I spoke well 'n clear, i paid a lot for that one!"
"Suck me, rabbit, you can get your s[__]t yourself" Pomni gets up and storms off from the office with no more words.
"Eh... Christ she's not okay..." Jax sighs
"Wonder if things coulda been better?"
Nobody helps at all.
Gangle offered to distract her, have a play, but Pomni wasn't in the mood.
Zooble offered a smoke but she didn't wanna try that kind of stuff.
Bubble is too much of an agent of chaos to give a shit, offered to commit "one (1) arson".
Kinger is just too far gone in his dementia, lucid when it was fucking funny and nothing more...
Nobody helps.
He knew how to help...
Only he knew...
The door to Ragatha's room creaks open
"Oh hey Pomni! How's your day go... Oh..." Ragatha notices Pomni is not any form of happy, if anything she looks like she's empty inside and wants to die...
"Oh you're not alright... Would you like to talk over tea..?"
"Mm... Will you let me vent properly?" Pomni groaned, still doubting that she won't pull out the whole everything is fine bullshit
"Oh- u-uhm- yes of- of course! Of course, i- i apologize for my past behavior, i really wasn't in my... B- best moments, at the time..." Ragatha stuttered. Don't stutter, you pretentious... ... Anyhow.
"Okay... Do you remember... Caine?" Ragatha already caught wind of the situation...
"The human with the dentures head? Yes, i remember him just fine, he restored us..."
"He was a good man, although didn't have the best manners he was alright nonetheless, knew how to make some laugh..." Ragatha and Pomni chuckled at the memory of Caine's wacky way with words. Jumping jellybeans? Seriously? That's a man right there!
A good dude...
"..." Pomni's pupils turned into black scribbles at the thought of him. The chuckling had faded as soon as it started, replaced by...
"I loved that human, if i'm being honest... He knew how to cheer me up, how to make the situation seem less bigger than it actually is... He knew how to kiss, god did he know..." Ragatha let out an "oh my" after hearing Caine kissed her, what else did they do..?!
"He... He was... He's amazing. Just that, amazing..." Pomni sighed, sipping on the tea she's given... "I loved him..." She began to sniff, putting down her cup.
"Oh dearie, come here-" Ragatha put down her cup and welcomed Pomni with open arms, knowing full well she needed to let it out of her system.
And that she did. Pomni got up and hugged Ragatha as tight as she could, and began to sob her lonely heart away, "He loved you too, Pomni, that cannot be denied..." Ragatha spoke as she held Pomni close. The poor jester, so alone...
How ironic.
She has friends, and yet she's lonely.
Caine had filled up a hole nobody could fill, and now that he's gotten out of the game after restoring everyone to their better conditions... That hole is empty once more, a gaping void and nothing to fill it.
How lonely this jester must be...
But it was necessary. He's free now.
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stratossphere · 2 years
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the bonfire. | j.k
the tension between you and knoxville builds. a lot. set in mid-2003.
word count: 5.6k
warnings: a lot of drinking and smoking (reader is described as a stoner), mentions of age gap, smut, oral (fem. receiving), fingering, p in v sex, unprotected sex, slight breeding kink, knoxville’s dirty mouth in general
"I'm telling you, I don't want to fuck him." You said, an amused expression on your face as you passed the spliff you were smoking over to Bam. You had been on this topic for almost an hour now on and off, and for some reason you just couldn't seem convincing.
"Dude, we all know you do. Just get it over with and tell us if it was good or not." He scoffed, taking a second to suck in a hit before he continued. "The dude has a huge hard-on for you anyway, so might as well shoot your shot."
"I know he has a huge hard-on for me. I'm just...too lazy to deal with that." You groaned as you sunk down in your camp chair. You’d all been sitting at a bonfire outside of someone's friend's house for over two hours now, and you were getting kind of bored. Bam and Ryan had flown in from Pennsylvania the day before, so you were trying to get as much time as possible in with them before they had to leave again, but sometimes they made it hard.
"You're just scared you can't pull him." Bam scoffed, handing the joint back and then dramatically turning in his chair to glance over to where Johnny was. "Although, he's pretty old compared to us."
"I could absolutely pull him. All I'd have to do is bend over in front of him and he'd be barking like a dog." You scoffed, elbowing him not-so-gently. "And who cares if he's older? He acts like he's fucking five."
"So you do want to fuck him." Bam called you out like it wasn't already obvious. "Dude, I'm serious. Go pull your little bend over routine and get out of here. It's physically hurting me to watch you guys anymore."
"Watch us? We barely even talk!" You protested, downing the last of your can of beer before turning back to Bam. "He's not that hard to pull. Remember when that girl kissed his neck and he was blushing like a girl and had to put a pillow in his lap? Easy money."
"Yo! Dunn! C'mere!" Great. Now Bam was bringing another person into this. And, of course, Ryan looked more than happy to drop down in the camp chair across from you. Bam smacked your arm. "We're debating whether or not Y/n’s got enough game to fuck Knoxville."
"Dude, totally. He's like, rock hard for you already." Ryan scoffed, cracking open another beer as he spoke. "You got the guts, though?"
"You know what? You two are assholes." You scoffed, crushing your beer can and tossing it at Ryan's feet. "Watch this shit."
You turned in your chair, looking around and trying to find Johnny again. He'd disappeared from his position next to the ping pong table that Ehren and Steve-O were destroying, and it took you a second to locate him crouched down in front of one of the beer coolers. Perfect.
"Knoxville!" You shouted loudly enough to draw his attention, watching his head crane back in your direction with his sunglasses still sat perfectly on top of his head. It had gotten too dark for him to be able to see properly with them on, so he'd ditched them about half an hour ago. "Can you grab me one?"
"What kind you want?" He shouted back, holding up both Budweiser and PBR. Steve-O had definitely been in charge of beer supply, because all there seemed to be was pisswater for choices. You motioned to his left hand that held the Budweiser, and watched him chuck the other can back into the cooler before kicking it back shut.
"If you two say anything, I'm gonna tell Tremaine to have you shot with paintballs for weeks." You warned quickly as Johnny started his way over, jabbing a finger at each of them individually. You were really praying they didn't mess up your game, because Johnny was going to make it into a huge thing if they did.
"Who? We're not even here." Ryan said dramatically, pretending to zip his lips and throw the key in the fire seconds before Johnny was behind your chair holding the beer over your shoulder.
"You three sharing secrets and braiding each other's hair over here?" He cajoled as he pressed the cold can into your neck, making you wince as he came around the side of your chair and plopped into the empty one that was to your right. "I feel left out."
"Thanks, J." The little nickname lingered on your lips as you took the can from his offering hand, your fingers brushing his as you did so. You watched his eyes stick to yours momentarily, and you could tell that what you were doing was so easily working. Like picking up sticks.
"Fuck off, Knoxville. You don't have enough hair to braid." Bam scoffed, extending his foot across you to kick his friend in the leg. You pushed him away, shooting him a look to kill as you leaned back in your chair slightly.
"We're smoking, if you want some." You offered, motioning to the new joint that Ryan was rolling as we spoke. Johnny shook his head, cracking his beer tab and letting out a gentle sigh.
"On a break right now. I'm sticking to...other things." He said vaguely, putting his feet up on the same empty chair that you currently had yours on. Oh yeah. Easy money.
"Ooh. Other things. My favorite." Bam snorted, as if this conversation was hilarious to him. You shot him another dirty look, and he seemed to take the hint, standing up and wiping his hands off on the legs of his black jeans. "Well, I'm gonna go do something more fucking interesting. Dunn, care to join?"
"Sure, man. I've been hanging out with Y/n way too fucking long, anyway." Ryan scoffed, getting up with the joint still in his hand. You glared at him and held your hand out.
"Leave the weed, fuckhead." You ordered, watching him sigh before dropping the perfectly-rolled joint in the palm of your hand. You then watched them walk away to where they could still watch both of you before turning your attention back to Johnny. "Well? What does 'other things' entail?"
"Nothing heavier than cigs and beer. The way god intended." He sighed, reaching down to grab your lighter off the ground and then handing it over to you.
"What're you taking a break for?" He was kind of making you feel guilty for smoking in front of him, but he was the one that had chosen to drop down right next to the world's biggest stoner.
"Recovery. I feel like I haven't slept for days." He sighed, letting out a slight chuckle as he reached into his back pocket to retrieve a pack of cigarettes. "So. After this, you think you'll be willing to do more stunts?" Huh. Maybe not easy money.
"You want me to do stunts? For what?" You were genuinely surprised. Sure, you'd let Steve-O convince you to do the whole skateboard-into-the-water thing, but that had only been because Bam got food poisoning and needed a stand in.
"Just in case we make another movie! Filming never stops, Y/n/n." He explained, his arm moving to rest on your armrest as he spoke. You frowned at the nickname, moving your arm to rest next to his as you looked out at the fire pit.
"Probably. I liked the money." You said thoughtfully, lighting up the joint and making a point to blow the smoke to your left instead of your right so that it wasn't directly in his face. "I thought you said you were banning women from stunts."
"I did. You're different." He said simply, and you watched him attempt and fail to hide the fact that he was looking directly at your tits in your low-cut tank top. You raised an eyebrow at him in question at calling you 'different'. He quickly spluttered at the look on your face. "Because you're—you're badass. You're different."
"I'm taking that as a compliment." While you talked, you had been slowly inching your feet closer to his, and your shoes were now touching. If he noticed, he didn't say anything about it. "So? What would the next stunt be?"
"Well, we were playing with the idea of...naked barrel racing...across a tarp of lube." It was clear by his face that he was proud of his idea, but you could also tell that he was embarrassed to have to tell you what it was. It actually made you laugh out loud at the ridiculousness of that plan.
"You just want to see me naked." You accused, narrowing your eyes at him. He chuckled, looking unbothered by your accusation before taking another drag from his cigarette.
"What makes you think that? All the guys would be naked, same as you." He said, raising one eyebrow quizzically. You shrugged, a coy smile dragging onto your face.
"Hey. I don't know what you're into. Could be both." You said, hitting your joint as you studied his face. For someone who currently had your foot brushing purposely against his leg, he looked pretty at ease.
"Oh, not me. I'm a tits man, myself." He chuckled, his eyes moving back down to where you were now definitely moving your foot up his leg before looking back to you. "I'm just playing, doll. I'm planning on shooting them with paintball guns once they get out there, so you can't do the stunt."
With those words, a leg dropped down on yours, and you looked down towards your feet to see that he'd trapped the leg moving against his with his own.
"But, I'm sure I can get what I want in a different setting." He concluded, eyes flitting back up to yours. His fingers had now inched over your hand where his arm was next to yours on the arm rest, and you could feel the bandaid that was around his ring finger from picking up a broken bottle on set a couple of days prior.
"Oh yeah? And what exactly is that?" You were so thankful that it took a lot of weed to get you high, because you were afraid that you didn't sound as put-together as you thought you did. He seemed completely sober, and you could help but feel nervous about his hand on yours.
"Come on. I thought that was obvious." He drawled with a wide grin, leaning in close to your ear so that his breath tickled your skin. "I wanna see you bent over and spread in every pretty position I can think of."
"Whew. You pick up fast. I was afraid I was gonna have to get drunk and show you my tits." You laughed, turning slightly in your seat and setting your joint on top of your beer can so that your hands were free.
"Offer's still on the table." He teased, winking at you as he slowly brought your hand up before pressing a kiss to your knuckles.
"Well, how's this?" You then leaned in to kiss him, and were satisfied to see that he met you halfway there, your hand immediately pulling out of his to cup his cheek instead. Kissing Johnny Knoxville. Cross that off the old bucket list.
When you broke away, you were out of breath, and you could feel the way your heartbeat was going a million miles a minute as he leaned away to take another drag of his cigarette without a care in the world.
"You know, I hate it when you call me Knoxville. Sounds better when you're saying my real name." He said, brown eyes on yours as he spoke. The party was loud, and everyone was drunk and shouting at each other, but he spoke so calmly and quietly you almost didn't hear him.
"PJ Clapp. That's so much sexier." You said with a grin, waiting until he wasn't 100% paying attention to lean over your chair and mouth you owe me money to Bam and Ryan, who had just watched that entire exchange. He chuckled.
"Yeah, that's why I don't use it." He sighed, looking up at you once again after he had ashed his cigarette onto the grass between his feet. "You know, I'm a little old for you. I have gray hairs."
"They should call you Silver Foxville." You said dryly, rolling your eyes as you glanced to the limited space between your lips. You’d kissed him once, and now you really wanted it again. And again. "Your dick still works, doesn't it?"
"Thank you for proving that I'm not just a pretty face." He poked fun at your attention to that one certain thing, and he just proved his point with his wide grin. You shrugged, pushing your boldness to the highest level you could stand.
"Pretty face means nothing if you don't have a pretty dick." You said coyly, leaning away from him again to take another hit off of your joint and blow it away from him. You felt a surge of satisfaction as you saw the shaken look on his face. Considering the people he was friends with, you’d assumed he'd heard worse.
"Shit. You're making me fuckin' harder than Portland cement." He muttered, tilting your chin fully towards himself just as you were exhaling another cloud of smoke and pressing his lips to yours as you basically transferred your smoke right into his lungs. "Wanna feel?"
When you gave your hum of approval, you felt his hand on your wrist, and then he was pressing your palm into the bulge of his Dickies, a low groan escaping his lips as your fingers cupped his hard cock through his pants. You were thanking god that your chairs were facing away from everyone else in the group, because you were not a fan of the idea of pictures of what you and Johnny were doing at the moment.
"Fuck. Let's go somewhere else." You mumbled against his mouth, slowly pulling your hand away from him as your eyes darted towards the house that barely anyone else was in. You knew he would've been perfectly fine with you feeling him up to completion right there in the yard, but you were really trying to preserve your dignity, high or not.
"Come on. I know the house." He breathed, breaking away from you and dropping his cigarette under the toe of his close-to-destroyed converse before his eyes zeroed in on the spliff still between your fingers. There wasn't much left, but still enough to where you felt guilty about abandoning it. "And let me see that."
You handed it over hesitantly, half worried that he was going to give the joint the same treatment as his cigarette, but then let out a sigh of relief when he took a hit that had his eyes watering and smoke pouring out of his nose as he coughed. Wow. He really hadn’t been lying about taking a break.
Once he was satisfied with his hit, he handed it back over to you before taking your hand and beginning the walk through the sliding back door and into the house. You prayed for your tomorrow self's sake that no one was paying attention to you both, hoping that somehow the only two people going inside instead of coming out were going magically unnoticed.
"I should really be taking you back to my house. I feel bad." Johnny said as he closed the door behind you, his hand tightening in yours as he dodged expertly around the table and chairs that were moved messily all around the room. You scoffed.
"I don't give a fuck. We could be in a club bathroom for all I care." You said honestly, taking one last hit of your joint before setting the butt down on the kitchen counter as you passed by. His strides were much longer than yours, and you were hurrying to keep pace with him.
"Just how I like it." Just as he spoke, he gently nudged you into an open door, revealing a small bedroom which was quickly determined to be Star Wars themed. You frowned at him, to which he waved it off. "Scott's an eccentric decorator. He's got all themed bedrooms."
"Glad you picked the good one." You muttered as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling his sunglasses from the top of his head and discarding them on the opposite edge of the bed. His fingers immediately danced over the bottom hem of your decently-short shorts (which you’d actually repeatedly caught him staring at throughout the day of both shooting and partying), pulling them up further over your ass before his hands were kneading your exposed skin.
"Take 'em off." He spoke into your mouth, his hands moving back upwards until his fingers laced their way into your hair so that he could hold you tighter against his kiss. You did as he requested easier than you were willing to admit, yanking them down your hips to reveal your black and white cotton thong. Kind of cheesy, but you didn't miss the way his eyes lit up when he noticed it.
There was a moment where he just studied you, and just as you was going to move in and try to shield yourself from his sharp gaze, his hand was on your lower back and he was gingerly knocking you back onto the bed. He was on you seconds after your head hit the galaxy-print pillows, his hands roughly rucking your legs up over his hips as his lips pressed back onto yours.
You knew you were fucked. You could tell by both the way your whole body shook from just his hungry kisses and the fact that you were already missing his presence when he was still on top of you. But you didn't even care enough to think about it. All you could think about was the fact that he was pulling your tank top over your head, and then his hands were on your tits. He broke your kiss to look down at you, one hand using his thumb to brush over your sensitive nipple as the other held your jaw so that you couldn't look away from him.
"Listen to me, sweetheart." He said breathlessly, biting his bottom lip as he looked down at you in a way that you had never once seen from him in the past four years of knowing him. It was making every part of you that craved him throb even more. "I'm gonna eat your pussy, and you're gonna be a good girl and let me, understand?"
That almost killed you right then and there. You had been pretty sure you were going to be screwed before, but now you were positive. Your legs were tightening around his hips with every word, and you could barely get yourself under control enough to give him a nod. He smiled in satisfaction, then gave you one last kiss before he was pulling out of your grasp, lips leaving a trail of soft kisses down your arm as he slid himself down further towards the edge of the bed.
"So fuckin' hot. Smell so fuckin' delicious." He said as he moved, his fingers nimbly dragging the waistband of your underwear right down your legs as he went along. It was ridiculously smooth, and it made you even wetter for him as you waited less-than-patiently for him to get his mouth on you.
"Please, PJ." You whimpered, legs jello in his hold as he trailed his tongue up your inner thigh. You weren’t someone who usually allowed yourself to be teased, but something about the way he was touching you had you so transfixed that you couldn't even be bothered to complain. He chuckled.
"Oh, I like it when you whine for me. Say my name one more time and I'll let you have what you want." He crooned, sinking his teeth gently into your sensitive skin. You arched your hips up in the direction of his mouth, eager to get some form of release in any way you could manage.
"PJ. Need you so bad." You whined again, lip drawn harshly between your teeth as you watched him with desperate eyes. There was a glint in his gaze that made your heart pound, and you practically saw stars when his lips finally moved to where you needed him, his tongue laving around your clit and down over your entrance in one smooth motion. "Holy shit."
"Shh. Be a good girl for me and keep your mouth shut." He muttered, only taking that split second to remove his mouth before it was back at full force, his lips sucking adamantly at your clit as his tongue weaved intricate symbols that had you rolling your hips against his mouth. Despite his telling you to shut up, you couldn't stifle the moans that welled their way into your throat, your voice high-pitched and strung-out on pleasure.
He brushed his tongue across your clit over and over again, occasionally licking down to push his tongue into your entrance, his fingers replacing his tongue on your clit each time he did so. It felt so good that you felt like you couldn’t see what was in front of you, your senses blinded and heavy with pleasure as he ate you out like no man had ever done before.
"You like everyone hearing how good I'm making you feel? 'S that why you can't control yourself?" He cooed as he removed his lips from my clit, a single finger pushing into you as a replacement as he gazed up at you with sly lust. You let out a disappointed gasp at the change in sensation, your clit aching in his absence. When he saw your face, a second finger followed his first, leaving his index and middle fingers curled inside you fully. "Who knew Y/n Y/l/n was such a pretty little slut."
"Please. Need more." Your voice was airy and distraught, fingers laced in the comforter on either side of you as you urged him to finish what he had originally started. You felt so close, yet so far.
"Don't you worry your pretty little head. You’re gonna get what you want." He promised, curling his fingers forward and pushing them upwards in a slow but precise movement that had your hips involuntarily jerking forward and the air rushing from your lungs. Jesus, he really was good.
He started to push his fingers against that sweet little spot inside of you slowly, his cheek pressed against your inner thigh as he watched his digits disappear into you over and over again. And then, just as you were beginning to think that it wasn't going to be enough, his dipped his mouth back to your pussy, his tongue pressing back against your clit as his fingers worked in and out of you.
Your eyes slammed shut as your head pushed back against the pillow, your chest heaving as you took in the obscene slurping sounds he was making with his tongue mixed with the wet sounds caused by his fingers. He shouldered your legs even further apart, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he stared up at you the entire time.
Your climax was approaching almost embarrassingly fast. Your late night fantasies of Johnny Knoxville's head between your legs was even hotter than you had imagined many times before, and the sight of him grinding his hips down into the bed with every swirl of his tongue was making your entire body thrum with heat.
"I can feel you squeezin' my fingers, dollface. Let me feel you cum on my tongue." Johnny encouraged as he continued to push his fingers into you, his free hand pushing on your hip to keep you from pushing up into his mouth as aggressively as you wanted to. Your moans and gasps were now way beyond your control, and your voice only got louder as your back arched up, your climax hitting you hard enough to make you see stars as your eyes fell back open.
You had half a mind to clap your hand over your mouth as you panted and whined through your orgasm, your free hand taking a handful of his dark brown hair and pulling as you came. He didn't stop his tongue and fingers until your voice gave out and you were forcibly gasping for air, your grip in his hair going lax as you came back down to earth.
"Holy fuck." You breathed, wincing when he pulled his fingers out of you and accepting him with open arms as he moved back up to look at you with gleeful eyes and a spit-soaked chin. You reached out and used the collar of his shirt to pull up and wipe his mouth off, only to have him immediately suck his equally-wet fingers into his mouth once you had dropped the fabric back down to his throat.
"Damn. Can't get you to shut your mouth no matter if you're gettin' finger-fucked or not." He said cockily as he pulled his fingers from his mouth and wiped them off on his shirt. When you gave him a dirty look, he leaned his head to the side to suck gently at your neck, the rumble of his baritone laugh tickling your skin. "Although, haven't fucked you yet. We'll see."
"I can't cum again so fast." You said in surprise as he began to undo the buckle of his KNOXVILLE belt, a hand moving to his chest as you looked up at him with wide eyes. Your legs were still shaking, and if you had been loud before, it was only going to get worse if he fucked you while you were so sensitive. He kissed you gently, his eyes locked on yours.
"You can take it. Look, you've already got your legs spread nice and wide for me." He reassured, his hand gripping your thigh as he ripped his belt from his belt loops. You weren’t quite reassured, but you fumbled to get the zipper of his pants down regardless, his lips on yours encouraging you to let him do whatever the hell he wanted with you.
Once he had completely gotten his pants undone with your help, he stood up to quickly shuffle them off along with his boxers, leaving him bare from the waist down in front of you. Your mouth practically watered at the sight of his cock, hard and leaking against the hem of his t-shirt. You barely gave him any time to stand there, pulling him back in with your fingers around his wrist before he was kneeling in front of your spread legs with his mouth half-open.
"You got a condom somewhere?" He asked suddenly, eyes unable to pull away from between your legs as he spoke to you. You mentally slapped myself, because of course you didn't have one, and since he was asking, he obviously didn't either. Unsafe sex was called unsafe sex for a reason.
However, you were too impatient to think rationally.
"No. You can just pull out." You said impatiently, watching as he gently pulled your legs back over his thighs. His gaze was so searing and yet his hands were more than careful with you, his touch so light it almost felt as if you were moving on your own.
"I like the way you think." He teased, pumping himself a few times as his eyes finally dragged their way back up to yours. "Be as loud as you want, gorgeous. I don't give a fuck."
You nodded as if you even had a choice, holding your breath as you felt the tip of his cock swipe through your pussy before he was slowly pushing himself into you. If there were any lingering thoughts in your head of anyone else you had ever even considered having sex with in the past, each and every one was erased with the drag of his cock inside of you. You both let out heated gasps, his hand tightening on your leg just above your knee and your head falling back once again. You were still a little sensitive from your last orgasm, and every touch felt like electricity as he slowly pushed his way completely inside of you.
"Fuck, you feel so good." He groaned, his hips stilling momentarily as you tensed at his length. As his tip brushed against your cervix with just his entering thrust, you knew you were in for it. You had seen him naked more times than you had previously been a fan of whilst working for Jackass, and at the time you had assumed he was a shower, but holy fuck was he a grower. It made another shudder of pleasure race up your stomach. "So fucking tight."
He didn't seem to be able to stand much time waiting, and before you knew it, he was slowly rolling his hips into you, his cock hitting every still-sensitive nerve as he fucked into you. You watched in ecstasy as he pulled the hem of his shirt up his muscled torso, biting it between his teeth so that he had both hands free to pull you forward on his cock.
"Oh. Right there. Right there." You gasped, moaning languidly as he picked up the pace of his hips and fucked right against the spot that he'd had his fingers against not three minutes before. He groaned in agreement, his head falling back and pulling his shirt further up his chest as he put all his movement into his hips.
You were really hoping that rubbing against the mattress while he'd been eating you out had gotten him at least a little close to cumming, because your second orgasm was quickly edging its way through your nerves as he fucked you hard enough to make the bed creak painfully loud. If anyone walked in through the unlocked door by that point, it was going to be their own fault.
"You look so good, takin' my cock like such a pretty little slut." Johnny purred, holding your legs open hard enough to make your muscles ache as he slammed into you over and over again. The pleasure was so good and so intense that your eyes were watering, and you could feel tears starting to track down the side of my face as you gripped helplessly at the sheets in a failed attempt to ground yourself with something. "You'd look so good with my cum dripping out of you."
You tried to mouth not funny, but all you could do was moan, his filthy words making you teeter dangerously on the edge of cumming before you were ready. You weren’t on birth control, but you weren’t exactly a big fan of making good decisions anyway, so you decided that if you weren’t able to get the words out, that you really didn't need to say them.
"Fuck, you want me to fill you up?" He questioned, his voice muffled by his t-shirt still between his teeth and his words followed by a low groan. "Fill you up like the good little slut that you are?"
You whined in agreement, nodding your head as best you could as you arched your back up further with every slam of his cock against your cervix. It was a pleasured pain, one that you knew you’d be feeling for the next couple of days.
"I'm gonna cum, princess." He whined, seconds before his hips stuttered and you felt him cum inside of you, warmth painting your insides as you let out a porno-style moan and came right there on the spot with him. That had to be a good sign for the both of you, right? "So goddamn good."
Your second orgasm was even more blinding, and your vision went white as your back arched up painfully, your fingers helplessly pulling at the bed as you whimpered and gasped with every wave of pleasure that coursed through your body. His hands stayed on your hips the entire time until you were verbally begging him to stop thrusting his cock into you, the wet sound of him pushing his cum back inside reaching your ears as he slowly moved to a stop.
"You sounded so good, baby. Did so good." He babbled, immediately falling forward to press his lips sloppily to your throat as his hips moved lazily as he thrusted his last bit of energy out. Your head was spinning and your legs and pussy were already aching in the sweetest way possible as you wrapped your arm around his neck.
"God, you're fucking good at that." You breathed, letting out a strangled gasp when he finally pulled out of you. Whoever used the Star Wars comforter next was going to notice a suspicious looking stain right in the middle of it next time they got into bed.
"I can't believe it took us this long." He said, his breath coming out in pants as he steadied himself with one hand on the mattress next to your head. You realized with the increased quiet inside the room that you could hear multiple people talking and shouting at each other from outside of the door, and you mentally cringed because you knew that were was no way that you hadn't been overheard.
"Everyone's gonna know." You mumbled, carding your fingers through his hair as you finally felt your breathing beginning to calm again. You could feel his heartbeat against yours, and it still hadn't slowed down either. It made you feel a little bit better about yourself. He pressed a kiss to your temple, then your cheek, then your lips.
"Good. Then everyone will know that I'm the one who's giving it to you good, and I won't have any competition."
Oh yeah. You were done for.
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A/N ::: Just some fluffy fluff about Draken, y/n & Mikey. This did not go as planned at all.
C/W ::: F.reader. Mm, nothing really? Mentions of sex, flirting, kissing. Nothing much.
WC ::: 2,780 +/-
Special thanks to @kazutora-kurokawa for talking up some ideas with me!
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The rain was coming down in buckets as you, Mikey and Draken made a run for Mikey's room. It was a futile effort, though. All of you were soaked by the time you got inside.
"Give me your clothes, I'll go throw them in the dryer," Mikey said. You looked at him with widening eyes that quickly narrowed. "What? Oh Jesus, y/n. It's not like we've never seen what we have. C'mon. I'll bring blankets back if that'd make you feel better. You can cover up that perfect, pristine virginal body of yours." He laughed and shook his head, and collecting the clothes from Draken and you, he grabbed his umbrella and headed to the main part of the house.
"Nice that he had an umbrella this whole time," you said, doing your best to cover up your chest. You wanted to look at Draken so badly. This was a perfect opportunity to see his body without being too creepy about it.
All of your clothes had been saturated. That was normal, right? It was normal for friends to sit around in their underwear and talk casually while their clothes dried.
Your thoughts got interrupted by Mikey barging back in through his door. "Here. A thermos of hot tea and some chips if you guys are hungry. Annnnd, if you're not hungry now," he pulled a blunt from the pocket of his fresh, dry t-shirt, "you will be after this. C'mon c'mon. Gather 'round, my friends. ‘Tis time."
You looked back to see if Draken was going to take anything only to see that he was already staring at you. "What?" You asked him. But he remained as stoic as ever.
"Nothing. I thought I saw a bug on your back but I think it's a freckle. Can ... can I double check? I know you hate bugs. "He shot a smile at Mikey that he probably was guessing you'd missed. But you did not miss it. In fact, it made you smile at Mikey, too.
"Mikey," you started, "why do you get to wear dry clothes and we're standing here in our fucking underwear, shivering? And did you bring blankets?"
He stopped what he was doing, "Shit. No. I forgot, y/n. I'm sorry. It's fine, though. The clothes will be dry soon and I'll grab them. I'll turn the heat up though." Mikey kicked on the heater and it blasted to life, sending nearly visible heat waves out into the small space.
"Gee, thanks a bunch, Sano." You made your way over to the futon and sat down, bending over as best you could to hide the front of your mostly naked body.
"Ahh, it'll be fine, y/n. 'Sides, we can smoke and that'll distract us from the cold." Draken said.
"I don't smoke, you guys forgot that?" You waved your hand at them to keep it away from you. It's not that you had anything against it. You just didn't like it. People around you could smoke until they floated away and it wouldn’t bother you. It wasn't for you, though. "You guys go ahead, though. I don't care."
Mikey walked over to crack a window above the futon, he stopped right in front of your face. Essentially brushing his crotch against your cheek.
"Dude," you pushed him by the hips so he'd scoot back, "Jesus, Mikey." You laughed.
"Oh! My bad. I saw you there but didn't care." He shrugged.
"Ok, Ken-chin. 'S just you and me, I guess." Mikey lit it up and took a hit, not really coughing either. It always impressive to you how he did things so effortlessly. Kicking people in the face, smoking, everything was so cool about him.
You and Draken sat on the futon, him in his underwear and you wrapped in Mikey's small blanket. You sat back, not realizing how close you were to his arm and you immediately looked down at where your arms were touching. "S-sorry." You started to move over a little bit.
"You don't have to move away, y/n. I don't bite." Draken chuckled.
"Hard." Mikey added. "Unless you like biting, in which case, he'll chew you up."
Draken threw a square pillow at Mikey, "Shut up, dumbass. No, but you're fine. You're warm, too. It feels ... it feels good to stop shivering for a bit." He smiled and put his arm over your shoulders. The smile did little to ease the pounding of your heart in your chest. "Here, do you want a sip of the tea?"
You nodded and Draken poured some into the cap of the thermos and held it to your lips. You took a few sips and it did wonders to warm you up.
"Thanks." You said. You knew you should've been more focused on what Mikey was doing or saying but Draken's body heat and his strong arm draped over your shoulders made it hard for you to think about anything else. You didn't know if he was being a good friend or trying to make a move on you. You've known each other for a while now. But you couldn't bring yourself to care too much either way. It just felt so amazing to be this close to him.
Draken shifted on the futon and you felt his fingers graze your lower back. Your eyes widened and you looked at him. He was looking at you, but there was something different in his gaze. It wasn't like anything you'd ever seen from him before.
"Sorry, I thought I saw something."
"You're sure seeing an awful lot of things today. Y'need me to get you some glasses?" Your sarcasm did not go unnoticed. Draken laughed and shook his head.
"Nah, I'm good, I'm good. Thanks though. Heh."
The way that he'd positioned himself on the seat, you could see directly into the front opening of his boxers. Not that you were trying to look. But your eyes had a mind of their own.
You knew you shouldn't stare, but you couldn't help it. You didn't even realize you were biting your lip until Mikey pointed it out.
"Damn, y/n. You wanna bite into Ken-chin or something?" Mikey said.
You froze and your mouth went dry. You looked at him with wide eyes, "Mikey, shut up."
"Yeah, you can shut up, Mikey." Draken said. "Y/n and I are just talking." He was looking at you with a curious gaze and you felt like he could see right through you. "Right, y/n?"
You nodded. "Right. Yeah. I mean, yes. We're friends. Right? And we're all cold and wet and I don't want to catch a cold. So, let's just ... let's just stay warm. That's all." You were rambling and you knew it. You pulled the blanket tighter around yourself and sat back, away from Draken.
"So, what was it that you saw on my back earlier, Draken?" You asked. You weren't going to let him get away with that so easily, despite just trying to play it cool. Epic fail on your part.
Draken looked at Mikey and then back at you. "Nothing. Just a freckle."
"Oh, is that what it was? Okay, but, I don't have any freckles on my back." You said.
"He's lying. I think he was checking you out, y/n." Mikey said, taking another hit off the blunt.
"Mikey, seriously. Shut the fuck up." Draken said.
You were feeling a bit bold. You were cold and you wanted to know what was going on. "I don't mind it, really. It's not like I haven't looked at him either. I mean, I saw you, Draken. So, it's fine. We're friends, so it's fine." You shrugged and looked at him.
"Yeah, we're friends." Draken said.
"Okay, well, if you say so, I believe you." Mikey said.
"Mikey, I swear to god. I'm going to kick your ass if you don't shut up." Draken said.
You watched as Draken and Mikey exchanged words. You weren't even sure what they were saying anymore. You were too busy thinking about Draken and how he'd been staring at you. You couldn't help but wonder if he really did want to look at you. But you didn't want to get your hopes up too high. You'd never had the courage to tell him how you felt about him. You were too scared that he didn't feel the same way.
"Y/n," Draken nudged you and you blinked hard to come back to reality. "You okay? You look like you're freezing."
You nodded, "Yeah, I'm okay. Just ... just cold."
"Do you want to get in the dryer with our clothes?" Mikey asked.
You laughed, "No, that sounds like a terrible idea. I think I'll just stay here."
Draken rubbed your back and you felt your body heat up. It was like he was your own personal heater. And you loved it.
The three of you sat there, chatting and laughing, but you couldn't help but notice that Mikey seemed to be egging on Draken more than usual. He was being weird and you had no idea why.
You took a deep breath and decided to just go for it. "Draken, can we talk about what happened before? You know, when you were looking at me and telling me you saw a freckle or something?" You asked.
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Well, you said you saw a freckle. But you're not telling me what kind of freckle it was." You smiled, trying to keep it light.
Draken shrugged, "It was just a freckle. It's not a big deal."
"Oh, I think it is. I mean, you're always checking out my ass and tits and face and whatever else. But this time, it seems like you actually saw something. And I want to know what it was." You looked at him.
"I wasn't checking you out, y/n."
"What about earlier today, when you asked me if I had a stick in my butt? Were you checking me out then, too?"
Draken looked at you, "No, I was just making a joke."
"Okay, fine. I believe you. So, the freckle that you saw on my back, what was it?" You asked.
Draken sighed, "Y/n, there was no freckle."
"Then what were you looking at?"
"I wasn't looking at anything."
"Why are you lying to me, Draken? Just tell me the truth. Did you see something or not?"
"Okay, fine. I did see something."
"What was it?"
"It was just ... it was nothing."
"Draken, please just tell me the truth."
"Yeah, Draken. Just tell y/n the truth." He smirked and dodged the thermos that flew right at his head.
"You little shit." Draken said to Mikey.
Mikey laughed and took another hit. "Yeah, yeah. Don't change the subject, Ken-chin."
"Fuck you, Mikey. Why don't you mind your own business for once?" Draken said.
"Because y/n is my friend, too."
"Yeah, well, she's my friend, too. And I don't need you sticking your nose into my business."
"Fine, I'll stop."
"Good. Now, can you stop fucking bothering us? We're trying to have a conversation."
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Mikey said.
Draken looked at you, "Sorry about that. He's just being a dick."
You nodded, "It's fine. Just tell me what you saw."
"I ... I saw your bra strap. Ok? Jesus. You happy now?"
"My bra strap?" You asked.
"Yeah. Your bra strap. That's all it was. It was just a bra strap."
"And you couldn't have just said that from the beginning?"
"I didn't want to make things weird."
"Well, they're not weird, Draken. They're fine. We're fine. Right?"
"Yeah, we're fine." He said.
"Good. Then let's just forget about it and move on." You said.
"Great, that's exactly what we should do." Draken said.
"So, are you guys done being weird? Can we smoke and chill?" Mikey asked.
"Yes, Mikey. We're done being weird. Now shut up." Draken said.
The three of you sat in silence for a bit. You were still trying to process what had happened. You felt like you'd gotten your hopes up for nothing. It was just a bra strap. And he didn't even want to admit that he saw it. What was the big deal?
"You want any of this Ken?" Mikey held out the blunt and Draken waved him off.
"No, I'm good. You can have it." He said.
"I'm gonna go check the clothes. You guys good? I won't come back and find you both dead or anything?" Mikey stood by the door.
"No! What the hell kind of - Mikey, just go." Draken huffed.
You heard Mikey's footsteps getting farther away and Draken looked at you, "I'm sorry about him."
"It's fine. It's fine. We're all friends. No one's mad at anyone, right? So, it's fine." You smiled.
"Yeah, it's fine."
Draken and you sat in silence for a while. You knew you should say something. You couldn't help but think about what he'd said before. You thought back to all the times that you'd been around each other. You couldn't deny that there had always been some kind of spark between you.
"Hey, Draken?" You asked.
"What about us? Are we just friends?" You asked.
Draken looked at you, "I don't know."
"Do you want us to be more than friends?"
"How long have you had feelings for me?" You asked.
Draken shrugged, "I don't know."
"Okay, well, do you want to kiss me? Like, right now?"
Draken looked at you, "Maybe."
"You're really not making this easy for me, Draken. Just answer my questions."
"Fine. Yes, I do want to kiss you. And yes, I do have feelings for you. And yes, I have for a while. Okay?"
"Okay. Me too. So, we're on the same page?"
Draken nodded, "I think so."
"Well, then why don't we just do it? Why don't we just kiss?"
"Because I don't want to make things weird."
"They're already weird, Draken. So, let's just go for it."
Draken sighed and leaned in, placing his lips gently on yours. You felt a spark inside of you that you'd never felt before. His lips were soft and warm, and you wanted more. You pushed back and deepened the kiss, letting your tongue slide into his mouth.
Draken pulled back, "Jesus, y/n." He smiled, "You're crazy. But I love it."
You kissed him again and again, until you heard footsteps coming back. You pulled back and sat up straight as Mikey walked back in.
"The clothes are dry. You guys ready to get dressed and go outside or something?" He asked.
"Yeah, we're ready." You said.
Mikey looked at you and then at Draken, "I'm happy for you guys. But you're not allowed to fuck on my futon."
You and Draken looked at each other and at the same time said, "'S too late, Mikey."
You laughed and Mikey groaned, "Fuck, you guys."
You pulled your clothes from Mikey's hand. And as you slipped on your pants, you saw Draken looking at you.
"Stop it." You whispered.
"What?" He whispered back.
"Stop looking at me like that." You said.
"Like what?"
"Like you want to fuck."
Draken shrugged, "I can't help it. I've wanted to fuck you for a while, y/n."
You looked at him and shook your head, "Jesus Christ."
"What? It's true." He smirked.
You put on your shirt and pulled on your hoodie. You felt better now that you were wearing clothes. "Well, maybe you can fuck me later." You said.
Draken laughed, "Maybe I will."
You walked out of Mikey's room and headed back outside. The rain had stopped and the sun was starting to come out from behind the clouds. You breathed in the fresh air and smiled.
"Y/n, let's go get ice cream." Draken said.
"I could go for some ice cream." You smiled.
Draken stuck his hand out for you to take and as you reached for it, Mikey caught your attention and flashed you his big, beautiful smile, mouthing the words "You're welcome!"
You rolled your eyes, your hand over your heart, nodding.
"Draken, what's your favorite flavor?" You asked, looking up at him.
"Probably mint chip or cookies 'n cream. Why?"
You leaned your head against his arm and. "No reason."
Draken bent over and kissed the top of your head, "Whatever you say, kid. Whatever you say." 
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Taglist ::: @arlerts-angel @kazutora-kurokawa @darkstarlight82
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 11 months
You Feel Like Home To Me 💕✨
Part two to Home
Summary; Eric is sniffing around you once more which causes Eddie to have some realisations. Or alternatively, the one where Eddie gets a clue.
Warnings; Jealous Eddie, fluff, a bit of angst. 18+, minors dni. Friends to lovers, Eddie gets a clue ;)
If you enjoyed this then lmk 💕
Also is anyone experiencing trouble with the tags tonight? This is my second repost ✨ Annoying as heck 😩💕
Do not copy, reuse or repost my work.
When you woke up after the party with a pounding headache and memories flooding back to you from last night, you were immediately embarrassed.
You told Eddie that he was so cute, that you wished he liked you. Shit!
What the hell did you say to him when you next saw him? How did you explain yourself?
Maybe you could just pass it off as being tipsy and Eddie would accept that.
You had hidden his you felt for so long so hiding it for a little longer wouldn't matter.
All you knew is Eddie had looked after you and you knew he cared for you as a friend, so in no way were you going to jeapordise that.
Somehow you had to move on from Eddie because you knew he would never return your feelings;.
Eddie couldn't wait to see you. The new Nightmare on Elm Street movie was out and he was psyched to take you to go and see it.
Robin and Steve were coming along too and it was going to be a great night to just hang with friends, maybe smoke a little weed, bliss.
Things had been a little strange since the party, he has only saw you once since then and you hadn't brought up what you said after the party so he didn't either.
There was no way he was bringing up how you made him feel, that you felt like home because he didn't understand it himself.
Hopefully things would go back to normal soon...
What Eddie hadn't counted on was walking into Family Video and a grumpy Steve greeting him.
"Munson" he nods and Eddie claps him on the bag.
"What's up Steve? Not enough babes for you today?" he teases and Steve actually does crack a smile.
"Shit dude, it's him. He's been coming in for days. Annoying prick" Steve points to where you're working and Eddie stiffens.
Eric is there, a smarmy grin on his face and he is making you smile, the smile that's usually only reserved for him.
He doesn't like that one bit. Steve is right Eric is a prick, a handsy prick who's lucky he still has teeth after what occurred at the party.
You peer up at him and beam while rushing over to him. "Eddie"!
He never tires of the way that you light up when you see him. Your expression is what he feels inside every time he sees you.
"Hey princess. You ready for movie night?" at this point Eric struts up to you both and as you leave Eddie's arms, Eric smugly slings an arm around your shoulder.
Eddie's stomach clenches and he tries his best not to give into the urge of ripping Eric's arm right of you.
This concerns him because he's protective of you for sure but this feels so much more than that.
He's jealous, he's never been jealous at least like this anyway... This is different. The emotion fills him and all he wants to do is keep you close and away from those grabby hands of Eric's.
Coming in here. Flirting with my girl he fumes. Wait a minute... My girl.
You weren't his. Sure he thought you were smart, beautiful and sweet, amazing and funny but you weren't his
Fuck, he'd like you to be though, he really would and that's why things never worked out with Penny or Monica or any of the others.
Well shit...
Much to your surprise, Eric had decided to join you at the movies, which had put Eddie in a foul mood.
You figured it was because Eric was encroaching on your time with Eddie.
It's not like you had met many of his dates, if you did meet them they didn't last long, Eddie never really had any girl that stuck around, it's like he was waiting for the perfect girl but just hadn't met her yet.
So maybe Eddie was jealous of Eric a little bit because he was scared that he would lose you as a friend.
That would never ever happen. Still, it's not like you could stay single all of your life while pining over Eddie.
He would meet an amazing girl eventually, you know you needed to move on from him and maybe giving Eric a chance was the way to do that.
Eric's arm casually slips around yours as he sits in the middle between you and Eddie.
"Hey, Munson. Scram. Three's a crowd dude" The look on Eddie's face makes you sense danger as his brown eyes flash.
"You know, I think I'm fine right here" Eddie growls and Eric shrugs.
"Suit yourself, dude"
The next half hour is the most awkward of your life as Eric flirts shamelessly with you and Eddie is concentrated on the movie, though his demeanour is tense.
Halfway through it, you're thirsty and Eddie offers to get you a drink. Eric follows him and your nerves grow even more as you exchange a glance with Robin and Steve.
This was not going to end well...
Eddie didn't know why Eric followed him, he was getting on his last nerve.
"Dude, this is going great. Gotta say think I'm going to score tonight" Eric nudges him and Eddie stiffens.
"What?" Eric grins and throws an arm around him, Eddie thinks for a brief few seconds about punching Eric in his stupid smug mouth and shrugs his arm away.
"Come on man, tell me. You've tapped that right? Spill the deets" fury fills him and he glares at Eric.
"Don't talk about her like that" he warns him who did the douchebag think he was?
Didn't he realize how special you are? How any guy would be lucky to be with you. Of course, it would help if Eddie thought at least one guy was good enough for you but he didn't.
Not even Steve and he liked Steve a lot.
"I'm warning you, man. Shut up if you know what's good for you" Eric's smug smirk falls at these words and he snorts.
"Lighten up man. She's single, isn't she? Or are you in love with her or some shit?" Eddie doesn't hear anything else the douchebag says, he's coming to the realisation on something he should have known anyway.
Something he's suspected for a while but especially in the last few days.
He loved you and he was a fucking idiot for not seeing it any sooner.
"Really, Munson you think she's going to like a freak like you? Give me a break" Eric doubles over laughing and something inside Eddie snaps.
"Shut the fuck up. I mean it" he tells him coldly and all the colour drains from Eric's face before he laughs again, cocky as shit.
"Bet it will eat you up if I get there first huh?"...
At this point, Eddie stalks up to Eric but before anything can happen he hears you call his name.
"Babe, you gotta get your guard dog on a leash or something" Eric nods to you and you scowl, placing a tender hand on Eddie's chest before he lunges for Eric.
"I think you should go," you say to Eric who gapes, then shrugs.
"Whatever, got plenty of chicks I can score with" Ugh, you watch him go feeling disgusted.
Okay so Eric was definitely out of the picture, however you turn to Eddie still pissed at his attitude as well.
"We need to talk"
You follow Eddie out beyond pissed as he calls Eric a few choice names. The ride home is fraught with tension and Eddie follows you inside as he still mutters about Eric.
It's all true, yeah but you're still annoyed at his attitude before Eric showed his true colours.
"Yeah he was a dick Eddie but before I knew that you were in a mood about something"
He swallows. ''That asshole was only after one thing"
"If he was a nice guy would you have the same problem?" he's silent then he speaks again.
"I would if he was an asshole who just wanted one thing"
"What does it matter? You sleep with women all the time so what does it matter if I wanted to sleep with a guy? No strings, no feelings just like you do?" you snap.
He doesn't say anything for a moment then looks you dead in the eye, resolve on his features.
"Yeah, and none of them works out and I've finally realised why" You pause and wonder what he means, motioning him to finish what he's saying.
"I'm in love with an amazing woman and I want her to know that she's the best thing that's ever happened to me and she feels like home"
Oh... your stomach sinks and you're desperate to show that you're happy for him even though your heart is breaking so badly.
"Oh, that's...that's great" he walks over to you and cups your cheek, his eyes warming.
"Oh, princess, come on. You know it's you I'm crazy about" You're stunned for a few seconds then break out into an ecstatic smile, trying very hard not to cry.
"Really?" he blushes as your hand entwines with his.
"Yes, took me long enough to realize, I think deep down I always knew. Seeing you with that douchebag was a wake-up call. I love you, sweetheart, you're my world, my home. I hope you know that"
All the anger and tension has faded from your body and your teary - happy tears - as you listen to Eddie's confession.
"I love you too Eddie" You kiss him and he pulls you closer to him, deepening the kiss.
"I'm sorry I got so jealous, I'm sorry I was with those women when I should have realised it was you I wanted"
You kiss him again and he holds you close, you fit perfectly in his arms and contentment fills you. It's been such a whirlwind of a day but it couldn't have ended any better.
"It's okay, you did realise. You're here with me right now and all I want to do is feel your lips on mine" he grins.
"As you wish princess"
Eddie marvels at you in his arms, naked body pressed close to his. The rise and fall of your breathing as you make love.
Sex has never felt like this before, it feels so incredible and he knows it's because it's with you.
"I love you" he looks deep into your eyes as he says this and your warm smile makes his heart skip a beat.
You whisper against his neck as you press kisses over it, that you love him too.
He holds you close to him, fireworks explode in his mind as you clench around him tight.
"Eddie" your soft moans drive him wild and he orgasms, spilling his seed inside you, he captures your mouth with his in soft kisses as your back arches and you orgasm whispering his name over and over again.
He smiles as you fall asleep in his arms, he presses a tender kiss to your forehead.
It's you, it's always been you. Now that you're his, he feels at peace, content.
Because you're his home, you always have been. Always will.
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lulu24784 · 1 year
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🖸 ──» south park tattoo artist au headcanons :
main 4 + butters headcanons for an upcoming fic
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stan 🖸 specializes in: blackwork tattoos 🖸 hates sitting for too long 🖸 frequent smoke breaks 🖸 needs to be listening to his music when tattooing 🖸 refuses to do any color 🖸 definitely acts like a rockstar and thinks he'd kick ass at inkmaster 🖸 not always the nicest when he's frustrated; like if his client isn't sitting still. he will definitely tell them they need to or he'll stop and won't finish the session that day 🖸 rotary machine usually 🖸 his station is sleek; black and grey themed. almost empty looking, he doesn't have much hanging up. feels very medical
portfolio: preferences to skulls, abstract, blackout sleeves
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kyle 🖸 specializes in: neo traditional 🖸 asks if you're okay every 5 minutes 🖸 "do you need more pillows? water? sugar??" 🖸 "if you need me to stop for any reason at all, don't hesitate to let me know, okay?" 🖸 other than that, he doesn't talk too much during the session. he's too focused 🖸 very detail oriented 🖸 wireless rotary machine all the way 🖸 stencils you like 2-3 times; "hmm i dunno the placement is weird?" "dude i said i liked it, it's fine. am i paying your hourly for this??" 🖸 walks you through literally every step of the tattoo process. goes to wipe with soap: "okay, so this is gonna be cold okay?" 🖸 he just wants you to be happy in the end 🖸 his station is a bit cluttered, but it's organized clutter. artwork hung up in matching regal frames and plants on his storage shelves and in hanging baskets.
portfolio: preferences to lady faces, botanicals, animals
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kenny 🖸 specializes in: neo traditional + but is an all-rounder can literally do anything 🖸 studio owner 🖸 always smokes weed before a session 🖸 pretty chill; he's a laid back boss. as long as you're clean and professional he doesn't care what you do 🖸 likes to take his time and do good work, he did work hard for this career after all 🖸 loves getting to do stupid tattoo ideas but is usually stuck doing bigger piece work; he gives the fun stuff to his apprentice 🖸 CHATTERBOX. literally does not shut up during the session, always cracking jokes 🖸 definitely the life of the studio; makes everyone feel comfortable and welcome 🖸 rotary or coil depending on what he's doing 🖸 generally keeps the main studio area organized; has plants that he gets kyle to take care of. his own station though... oml. it's chaos. random mismatching frames with prints of dicks and memes all over the walls. his shelves probably have random knick-knacks he thrifted, like... idk a furby, some random porcelain horse?? just the most weirdest shit. his ink wall is very organized though somehow..
portfolio: preferences to peonies, irezumi style, ignorant style
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eric 🖸 specializes in piercings 🖸 definitely gets a kick out of hurting people 🖸 has a big ego because of what he does 🖸 surprisingly very professional when it comes down to it 🖸 makes his clients comfortable and sometimes jokes around with them 🖸 gets nervous before every appointment; always a little afraid he's gonna fuck up 🖸 always keeps the a/c cranked so his clients are less likely to pass out but it makes everyone miserable with how cold it always is in the studio 🖸 thinks he's hot shit because he's the best piercer in town; it definitely fuels his already massive ego 🖸 definitely the type to bitch about problem clients 🖸 has superhero prints hung up in his station and funko pops on his storage shelves; but his station is fucking spotless otherwise.
portfolio: preference to cartilage, septums, nostrils
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butters 🖸 specializes in: kawaii style, anime, cartoons 🖸 kenny's apprentice 🖸 the most nervous wreck of a tattoo artist, cries after almost every tattoo 🖸 runs the social media for everyone and manages the front desk 🖸 basically the "shop bitch" that has to do apprentice duties like cleaning and running errands; kenny's generally pretty easy on him though 🖸 gets all the tattoo's nobody else wants to do, but it pushes him to learn 🖸 slowly making a name for himself though as the only tattoo artist in SP that does anime tats 🖸 gets all the hello kitty girls as clients 🖸 the artist you want to go to if you need a mini therapy session. will tell you to dump your partner, move out of the city, and go travel with the $2 you have left in your bank account after the tattoo lmao 🖸 rotary only. Kenny wanted to teach him how to use a coil but figured with the times he might as well just show him the basics 🖸 pink station! stickers everywhere! he's got a heart ring light to take pictures for his portfolio. his shelves are full of plushies that clients have bought him and anime figures. also has a hello kitty water cooler that he uses for his distilled
portfolio: preference to color, sanrio, anything adorable!
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babyhedonistt · 5 months
Too Close To Touch // TWO
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Warnings : Smut, Mental despair,
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"Good going." Jolly scoffs, nearly hitting his nose on the door when you slammed it shut. Jolly has always been protective of you, so the fact Noah just made you storm out and quit the tour really boiled his blood to say the least.
Ruffilo pinched the bridge of his nose sighing deeply, and Noah seemed almost unphased. His mouth was pushed into a straight line and his jaw clenched with regret when the reality of not having a drummer set in his stomach.
"We need a fucking drummer, Noah." Ruffilo whispers. Noah doesn't say anything and pulls his phone from his back pocket. "No." Jolly plucks Noah's phone from his hand. "Hey-"
"You aren't texting your way out of this one. You haven't respected Y/N since she temporarily joined this band, and it blows my mind considering how close you two used to be." Jolly scolds him and struck a nerve.
Noah's adam's apple bobbed before he took a deep breath. "Just drop it and I'll go talk to her."
"She's probably outside smoking. An uber can't come this fast and the tour bus won't take just her without the rest of us." Ruffilo chimed in.
Jolly handed Noah back his phone and made a mental note as Noah left the dressing room, of the news article he had accidentally opened from your text conversation with Noah when he snatched the phone of his hand.
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"You know I'll beat some sense into him if he's still bothering you Y/N." Folio voice states, coming out of your phone.
"Respectfully, I think the only thing stopping you from doing that is your height dude." You chuckle, flicking some of the ash off the butt of your cigarette.
"Ha ha. You're hilarious. I'm trying to get better as fast as I can. You did great up there tonight though." He compliments. Your lip quivered as tears began to well in your eyes. "Really?"
"Yeah. Don't give me a run for my money though." He chuckles. "I'll talk to you soon, okay? I love you" Folio assures you. You nod into the receiver before putting out your cigarette with your boot. "Love you too."
The line goes dead before you wipe your eyes and sniffle back the sadness you had pent up all day before the closing of the outside door causes you to jump and grab your chest.
"No, I'm not hearing him out Jol--"
He stood there. His tall frame towering over you as he stood in gym shorts, slides and his infamous black hoodie. This version of him looked a little more normal. More like the Noah you remember. This version of him almost had a calming effect on you.
It always does until he opens his damn mouth.
"Looks like you couldn't stay away." He sighs, cracking his neck.
"You have literally three seconds before I punch you square in your jaw."
He holds his large hands up, shaking his hands before taking a few steps towards me. You take an equivalent number of steps back before his eyebrows crease. "Don't do that."
"Do what?" You ask, keeping your eyes trained on him, only being able to see his features by the dimness of the alley light above the both of you. "Acting like you're nervous around me." He says
"Oh. I wish it was acting." You reply, pulling your phone out of your pocket, prepping it to call Jolly on speed dial.
"You can't still be mad about--"
"Don't even bring that up right now Noah. Hearing those words come out of your mouth right now is the last thing I want to relive right now. " You felt your eyes well with water again as you smother the confidence to stand in his presence alone and on this topic.
"I'm sorry, Y/N." He speaks. He feels confident enough to take another step towards you, and this time you let him approach you. Usually, when it came to Noah Sebastian, you could tell when he was lying. His hands would be locked together, the top of his foot would be tucked behind his ankle, and he would avoid eye contact at all costs.
This time, his eyes were drilling holes into your skull, and just like the last time he made this type of eye contact with you, you were beneath him, naked.
You felt your breath catch in your chest as he continued to apologize. "We need you on this tour, without Folio, it's been really hard and I'm just not used to having someone in his place. Let alone his sister."
He stuck his hands in the pockets of his shorts as he attempted to read you for any sort of reaction. You wanted to yell at him. His lame attempt of trying to pass you off as ' Folio's Sister ' was absolutely pathetic. But what can you expect coming from him?
"Why don't we make a deal?" You spit and you could visibly see his ears perk up and his eyebrows reach his hairline. He slightly nods in acknowledgement. You take a step closer to him, with your arms folded across your chest, looking up at him, the back of your head almost touching the base of your neck.
"I'm listening." He mumbles, his eyes slowly moving from your eyes,
to your neck.
to your chest..
your stomach....
all the way down your body.
"You give me no more grief on this tour, and I'll promise that you won't have to see me ever again after it's over."
Your eyes squinted up at him. This man was so good at hiding his facial expressions, he would pass any lie detector test.
You hold out your hand for him to shake. He doesn't move his head, but his gaze looks down at your hand. "And if I disagree?" He inquires, a tilt of a smirk tugging at his lips as you felt the familiar nausea settle at the base of your stomach.
"You don't get to, just like I didn't get to." You force his hand into yours to shake, and he takes your hand, spinning you around so your back was against his front, and he wraps his arms around you, locking you in, his face falling next to yours, his lips grazing your ear.
"You're much more than his sister. You and I both know that, and I'm sorry it has to be this way." He whispers, before placing an airy kiss on the cartilage of your ear, and letting you go before going back inside out of the cold night.
You hurl your phone at the door before squatting down and hugging your legs, shaking from a combination of the cold and the images deciphering in your memory.
You hate him
You hated him so much.
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To be continued............ hehe
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pastel-peach-writes · 10 months
Would I be able to request an Ellie Williams imagine where she has a younger sibling, and they get hurt protecting her and Ellie is worried about them as they are self destructive, please?
You got it, dude!
"Dude, Chill Out." | Ellie + Sibling!Reader
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╰┈➤ PLOT: Ellie this, Ellie that. Believe it or not, being Ellie's younger sibling is complete ass. Everyone raves about how strong she is and how she's able to keep her own. Well, what about you? You're barely two years younger and you can keep your own just as well as she can. Besides, she needed your help this time.
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: Cursing, Self-Destructive Reader, Sibling!Reader, Angry Ellie, Mentions Of Joel, Long Fic, No Use Of Y/N, Custom Nicknames, Not Proofread, Mentions of Weed/Smoke/Alcohol
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
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Breathe. Breathe.
Okay, now be still... look around. Clear. Run.
Through the trees, you zigzag. You're careful not to step on loose twigs and branches. Your throat is scratchy and your breath is as uneven as it's ever been.
From behind you, you can hear the squeals and hisses of whatever demonic creature you've stumped upon this time. You promised her you wouldn't get into trouble. You swore it was a quick trip. At least, it was supposed to be.
Your heart's in your stomach and your legs ache as if you've been running for days. You don't know how much longer you could go.
You glance back to see how far the creature is from you. You can't see anything with the deep gray fog that settled over the forest as nighttime came around. Even the tall tree trunks were unidentifiable.
A wail exclaims from what you thought was fog. The creature's face is bloodied and covered with rotten flesh and fungi. It roars, bringing its chest to the sky before going down on all fours and racing towards you.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit!" You're in for it now. You inhale sharply as you find any last of your strength in you to book it. Your thighs are screaming at you and your shoulders burn in every location possible.
You should've stayed home.
In the midst of your running, you fail to see a fallen tree trunk in your path. Instead of hopping over it, your shoelaces catch onto the bark of the tree.
You collapse over the trunk, and the wind violently punches out of you. You made first contact on the ground with your ribs, then your chest, and lastly your arms and face. Your legs scuff up against the wood.
Now you're not just feeling the burning of your muscles being overworked, but you're also feeling the burning sensation of many tiny cuts on your legs and arms. Possibly a few cracked ribs if you're lucky.
The creature roars again. You can smell its rotten stank as it comes closer.
Five feet.
Four feet.
Bang! Blood erupts from the middle of the creature's face. The bullet sends the creature flying and it lands on its back. More shots are fired into its chest to ensure its death.
You're not disgusted by the guts that exploded onto your face or your blood-soaked garments. Instead, you're afraid of what stands behind the gun.
"Are you fucking kidding me?!"
Trailing up from her muddy, broken-down shoes to her jeans with dirty knees all the way up past her dark gray shirt and sage green button-down, you grin at Ellie. "Hey."
"Oh, come on! I'm fine!" you exclaim as Ellie drags you by your collar and into her home. She tosses you to her couch. You sit down with a plop. You scoff and fix your shirt.
"You're full of bullshit. You're scratched up and if I wasn't there to save your ass, you would've been dead," she says. With a grunt, your sister goes over to her desk. She scrambles through books and papers before taking out a tin box. "You're lucky you don't have any real injuries."
Does a bruised ego count as a real injury?
"Yeah, yeah," you mumble. "No one can beat Little Miss Perfect."
With her head cocked, Ellie whips around toward you. "What did you just say?"
She's using that tone a mother would use. The same tone a bully would use to make their prey cower when they try to stand up to themselves. She sounds like Joel. When did she become him?
"Nothing." Your eyes falter between the coffee table in front of you and her eyes. No, scratch that. Her green eyes are piercing into your soul. You stare at the coffee table.
Ellie scoffs. Despite the thick tension in the room, Ellie comes to your side. She crouches on the floor and guides your arm towards her.
You wince, turning away and locking your jaw.
"I thought you said you were fine," Ellie's smirk is apparent in her words. She lengths your arm towards herself. She takes a wet cotton and cleans the minuscule cuts the infirmary didn't notice.
You nearly screech at the burning and tingling sensation. "I am. You're just gripping my arm like I'm some piece of chicken and you're the predator."
"That doesn't even make any sense." Ellie's eyes stay locked onto your arm. After she cleans up the cuts, she applies cream and gives extra delicate attention to your bruises. In the end, she wraps your arm up with a bandage wrap to prevent the cuts from getting infected and gross. "There."
You glance at the bandage. The wrap around your forearm is tight, as it should be, and moving your arm from straight to bend is damn near impossible. The classic Ellie bandage stamp of approval. "Thanks."
Ellie stands with a groan. "No biggie. Just stop getting yourself into shit. I'm tired of saving your ass." She puts her first aid supplies back in the tin box before storing the box in its original place.
"Yeah, right," you stand to follow her. "You love saving me. It paints you as the hero of the town and gets you in good cahoots with whomever you pissed off now."
Ellie turns to glare at you but decides against it. Arguing with you over this subject wasn't worth it. She sighs instead. "Whatever, man. You coming to the party tonight?"
"I wouldn't call it a party. Parties are supposed to be fun."
Ellie snickers. She rests the small of her back on the edge of her desk She crosses her arms as she shakes her head amused. "You're not wrong there, but still, you should come. If I have to go--"
"--then I have to. I know how this works." You let a sigh escape from your lips. "Fine, but I'm not going to show up on time."
"Wouldn't expect you to."
When you tell Ellie you're going to be late for something, you mean it. You hate arriving early to parties earlier. If they were parties held in someone's house, you're forced to mingle with the host which could be an awkward situation if you're not close with them.
Additionally, you may be forced to help set up.
Coming in late means you can slip into the party unnoticed and the decorations are bound to be done. Also, everyone's past the introductions and getting rid of the awkward air.
When you're late to a party, all that's in the air is vibes and maybe weed, smoke, and alcohol. Regardless, there's no awkwardness, just vibes. And vibes are all you're here for.
You slip into the fairy light-lit barn dressed in a fresh pair of jeans and your favorite shirt. Oh, and maybe a coat you took from Ellie who took it from Joel.
There's no scent of smoke or weed that greets you and there's only a faint smell of alcohol.
The oldies must not be here.
In the middle of the barn were people dancing and enjoying each other's company. By the back walls were people sipping on drinks and chatting amongst themselves.
You scan the party for your people, Kate, Ren, and Wired, but they're not here. You further scan for Ellie and her crew, but they're not here either.
One con on arriving late to a party: sometimes you're too late and miss seeing your favorite people.
Your shoes scuff on the floor when you turn to leave. Before you're greeted with the cold, fresh air, a girl with a short black bob grabs onto your shoulder.
You groan in pain. You turn to face her only to find that she's absolutely hammered.
"Oh, sorry!" the girl slurs. With a finger pointed towards you, she gasps. "No way! You're Ellie's sibling, right? Oh, she was just here saying how she saved you from the forest earlier this evening. She's so cool!" a giggle interrupts her ramble, "she's always saving us here and protecting us. It must be awesome to have her as your sister!"
You feign a smile. "Yeah, it's great."
The girl giggles again. "It must suck to live up to her. Like, I would feel like, inferior towards her and how she acts for others. She's so selfless. It's admirable really. She's so awesome-- Hey, I went on patrol with her once--"
You tuned out the rest of her ramble, vent, mumbling -- whatever the hell she was doing, you tuned her out. You didn't need to hear how great your sister is. You already know. You hear it every day, all day, 24/7.
What you rarely heard was how awesome you are and how great you are at things. You're lost in her 5'5 shadow and it sucks. Ellie this, Ellie that. All things Ellie can fuck off. You were going to prove how great you could be. Then maybe all this Ellie talk could stop.
You leave the party, letting the girl continue to talk about Ellie. You're sure she has some sort of crush on your sister, but that was none of your business.
"Hey," Dina says as she walks up to Ellie with two drinks in her hand. "Did I just see your sibling come in and then leave?"
Ellie takes a glass from her hand. Her eyes never left the barn's entrance since you walked in and then walked out. "Yeah, I just saw them too."
Dina purses her lips to the side as she leans on the wall they're standing next to. "Think they're okay?"
Ellie nods. She takes a sip of her drink, letting it linger on her lips then tastebuds before finally swallowing the liquid. "Yeah, I didn't see any signs of distress or upset on their squishy face."
Dina laughs. "You talk about them like this to their face?"
Ellie takes another sip, letting the liquid go straight down this time. "'Course not. Who do you take me as? They'll be alright."
The next morning, you were on the rotation for patrol. Typically, whoever's in charge of the schedule and shifts would never put you and Ellie on the same rotation. Putting siblings on the same team could be a scramble sometimes.
Sometimes you get the dream team, other times you don't.
But when you left the party last night, you changed the schedule to make sure you were on the same shift Ellie was on. You also made sure you two got paired up.
Jesse would be fine. He can deal with not being with Ellie and Dina for the morning.
So far, patrol was fine. Calm horses, easy breeze, and quick conversation.
Ellie and Dina talked more than you, but you were fine with it. You weren't trying to prove how great of a talker you were, you were trying to prove how great of a protector you are.
And saving Ellie in front of Dina guaranteed town buzz. No offense to Dina, but she can't keep a town secret to save her life. It's okay though, everyone has their faults.
"Clumsy, if I have to tell your ass to keep your horse straight one more time, I'm going to lose it," Ellie barks.
And your fault was horse-riding.
It didn't matter how long you've been horse-riding or how many times Joel and Ellie tried to teach you, you could never get the concept.
"Sorry! I'm trying. She's being rowdy today," you pout as you move your horse's reign.
"Don't blame the horse, blame the rider," Ellie snickers. You give her a scowl in response, but she only laughs it off.
An hour or so into patrol and there was no chaos. Unfortunate for you because you need the chaos in order to prove yourself. You've tried to make chaos like, snapping a twig or maybe distracting the horses so they'll run away, but to no avail.
You three dock your horses momentarily to search through a building on foot.
The building is tall and abandoned, like most of the buildings nowadays. Greenery grows from the sides and the windows are simply frames. There are no window panes in sight.
Cautiously, Ellie walks inside the building first. She has her hand on her upholster and another one guides the flashlight. Though the sun was shining, it was natural for a place like this to have dark corners or areas to be discovered.
Dina waits patiently while you cross your arms with a scoff. "Why do you have to be the first one to go in?" you ask your sister.
She sticks out a finger to shush you. You roll your eyes but obey nonetheless. Ellie scans the building, still close to the entrance in case something is hiding in the shadows. When she determines the area to be safe, she invites you two inside. "Because," Ellie answers. "I'm..."
Ellie's eyes shift toward Dina. The girl is scanning the building as told, not paying mind to your sibling conversation. Ellie lets out a breath and continues but with a lower tone. "I'm immune. If something comes running out at me, I'll be fine. You two on the other hand?" she shakes her head, "I would be dumb to let anything happen to you two."
"Blah, blah," you wave her off. You walk further away from Ellie and discover the rest of the building on your own.
The building had five stories. The first two were pretty well lit with the morning light, the others not so much. Not to mention the wet and stinky stairways.
You stomp your way up the stairs with a scowl on your face. You keep a strong hold on your flashlight.
"Will you quiet down?" Ellie whisper-exclaims from the bottom of the steps. You ignore her. You didn't even know she was following you. "If something's here, you're going to attract it."
"I don't give a fuck. You're here anyways. You can save the day as usual." Your voice is bitter yet quiet. You speak to Ellie through your teeth. "Shouldn't you be with Dina anyway?"
"She can handle her own." Ellie quickly goes up the stairs to be closer to you. "We agreed she should keep watch while us two search through the other levels."
You scoff. "So, you trust her but you don't trust me."
"Did I say that?"
You shrug. "You might as well," you make an effort to have your stomps be heard. You open the door to the other level, but Ellie rushes in front of you to scan the level first.
When safety has been assured, Ellie walks in. "Well, I didn't. So, don't get your head wrapped up over shit that isn't even true." She uses her flashlight as her eyes as she steps further into the room.
You shut the door behind yourself. You don't dare to speak to Ellie anymore as you clear the level. Onto the next you go.
You and Ellie go up the stairs in silence. Per usual, Ellie checks the level first and then allows you to come inside.
"You know, I'm getting real sick and tired of your bullshit superhero act," you drop the bomb on her as you scan through cardboard boxes.
Ellie groans to herself, "Here we go."
"You always have to save people then flaunt it. Could you ever save someone and then swear secrecy? Do you have to blab your mouth like you're Dina every time you save someone?"
Ellie's jaw tenses. "Watch yourself."
"And here you go with that bullshit!" you toss the box aside. Something in the far corner creaks, but you both pay no mind. "You're not my fucking mom, Ellie! Hell, you're not Joel or any other parental figure in my life--"
"Good! I don't want to be any of those anyway. If I birthed you, I would have no clue what to do with myself," Ellie scoffs. "You're so fucking insane sometimes, you know that?"
You shrug, crossing your eyes over your chest. Her words stab you right in the heart and send tears to your eyes, but you don't let them show.
"You're always getting yourself into trouble. You say, 'Oh, I'm fine!' but then you come to me with a dislocated knee. You'll say 'Oh, I'm just going out for a bit,' but then come home bruised up with leaves in your hair, dirt and blood on your clothes, and if I'm truly lucky, your little friends would tell me you nearly came in close contact with a fucking infected," Ellie's voice grows the more she talks.
The creaking in the corner is more apparent. In fact, it's beginning to sound like more clicking.
"Ellie," you warn, your voice quiet.
"No, you wanna do this here? Let's do this then. There's never a day where I don't worry about you. Did you eat? Drink water? Are you in your bed safely tucked in at night or am I going to wake up in the morning and receive the worst news of my life?" Ellie's voice cracks.
You can barely see her eyes stare into yours. By the sound of her voice, you can tell she's getting choked up. Maybe even crying?
"You always get yourself into shit, Clumsy, and I--"
"Ellie, look out!" you exclaim as a hand shoots through the frail wall beside her. Ellie moves, but not a sound escapes her body. She turns to the hand, then back to you where she finds you're no longer where you were two seconds ago.
Instead, you're charging headfirst into danger. You break down the wall with the crowbar that was stashed in your backpack. The clicker runs straight toward you once it's free from the wall. You bash the bar on its head before taking a blade and jamming it in the clicker's throat.
"Holy shit, are you okay?" Ellie asks. You wave her off. Instead, you walk inside the hidden room the clicker was in. You don't make an effort to scan the room like Ellie does. If something wants to come at you, so be it.
There were only two more clickers hiding in the room. You killed them both, not letting Ellie get a chance to save your ass.
Finishing up the room scan, you head over to a case of books. They're weathered and crusty, and the words on the pages bleed through. Ellie tries to spark a conversation again, but you ignore her once more.
You continue walking around the room with the floor creaking under you. Your flashlight shines a path for you to get out of the room, but you fail to see the giant hole in the ground. You step right through and fall three stories down.
Ellie calls out for you, but the moment she runs towards the hole, it's too late.
You land in a mist of cardboard boxes filled with packing supplies, but they don't do much in terms of protection.
"What the--" Dina mumbles. She turns behind herself to find you dropped in the pile of boxes with a broken arm and leg. You can't even look at her. The tears blur your vision and your head is scrambled from earlier actions and conversations.
Ellie shines her flashlight down the hole and sighs, "Only you, Clumsy."
You lie in your bed with your arm hoisted up and your leg resting on a stack of pillows. On your nightstand is a mug of cold soup, pain meds, and books to keep your mind busy, but it was all useless.
The day you were going to prove yourself to Jackson, you came home sharing a horse with Ellie and with broken bones.
"Oh, Ellie! Thank God you were there." "Imagine what would've happened if she wasn't there." "You're lucky you have such an amazing sister."
"Oh, fuck off," you groan. You turn your face into your pillows and groan once more.
"Oh, sorry," Ellie's voice goes through the muffling of pillows. "I can leave if you want."
You peel your face from the pillows. "No, sorry. That wasn't catered towards you."
Ellie nods. She plays with her hands as she steps further into the room. Inches away from the edge of your bed, Ellie's eyes flicker to everything else but you.
Your eyes, however, remain on her.
Your last conversation wasn't the best, that's something you both knew. But, you never knew how much she cared for you and went out of her way to protect you. You didn't need protection. At least, not from outside elements. Maybe from yourself.
You're too ambitious for your own good. You're too stubborn for your own good too. You believe you can do everything on your own when you can't. In fact, you're pretty sure you've done nothing on your own since the apocalypse broke out.
You try to be hyper-independent but instead, all you are is self-destructive.
"I'm, uh, sorry for what I said on patrol," Ellie's voice takes you out of your spiraling thoughts. "I didn't mean most of it. Like, the part of, uh," she scratches the back of her neck. "'Being lucky I didn't birth you'? One, that was weird... uh, two, I'm very lucky to have you the way I do. I'm sorry if I made you feel otherwise."
If you could shrug right now, you would, but everything hurts too much. "It's okay. I know I'm a handful."
"Maybe," Ellie walks to the side of your bed. "But isn't that your job? You're the younger sibling. You're supposed to get into trouble and I'm supposed to be the one to get you out of it."
"But I don't want you to. I want to get myself out of it."
"Oh, yeah? And how do you manage to do that? By dying?" Ellie's voice raises.
You deplete. You take your eyes off of her the moment her's lands on you. "You can go now."
"No, shit, Clumsy--"
"Stop calling me that. It's not cute, it's not endearing, it's fucking embarrassing."
"Okay, well," Ellie scans your room. It's been a minute since she's been in here. There are old porcelain sculptures of blueberries and pears scattered around your room. Most are chipped, but they're polished nicely.
On your bookcase, there are pictures of you with your friends and of you two with Joel. None of the two of you by yourselves. There are books in the case too, but they look to be untouched by you.
Ellie scans your room once more. There are speckles of blue around and even more porcelain sculptures of chipped blueberries. "How about Blueberry? Is that fitting?"
"It's fine." Your eyes remain on your window.
"Okay, well, Blueberry, I'm sorry. I really am. I've talked some things over with Dina, I guess I am a blabbermouth, but she helped me realize that, maybe you're feeling left out somehow or less than," Ellie finds her place by your bedside. "Is that true?"
"Could be."
"Right, well, Dina's a younger sister, you know that? She said that sometimes it can be hard to be your own person when your older sibling is amazing and all that shit, but I'm not amazing. I'm just me."
"Your point?"
"My point is, I wasn't trying to make you feel bad by saving you all the time. I was trying to do my part as your sister to protect you and I guess that blew up in my face," she sighs.
You finally face her. "I just wanted to prove I can be something besides Ellie's younger sibling who always gets themselves into trouble. I don't want to be known as the reckless one. I want to be strong and brave."
"But you are those things, Blueberry." Ellie's eyes motion towards the empty space beside you. You nod and allow her to sit. "I can't count all the times you went out after dark just because you heard something and wanted to ensure safety. Or however many times you stood up for the little guy. That's brave and strong."
"Not in the same sense of your strongness and bravery."
Ellie frowns. She puts a careful hand on your good thigh. "That's because you're not me. And if you spend the rest of your life trying to be someone else, you'll never be happy. No matter how hard you try, you'll never be me. You'll always be you and that's beautiful. Your friends like you for who you are. I like you for who you are. Why don't you?"
You fall silent. Your eyes well up with tears and your throat gets scratchy. With your eyes stinging, you try to move yourself close to Ellie.
You don't need to use your words to get what you want from Ellie. She already knows. She lies down, cradling your head in her arms as she does so. As you sob into her, she doesn't shush you. Instead, she draws circles on your good arm and kisses the top of your head. "I love you, Blue, and I want you to start loving yourself too. Start being you for you. Who cares about what others think?" she whispers.
You still don't have much to say. You let Ellie comfort you until the tears spill out until there are no more tears left to cry. You've spent all your time trying to prove you can be like Ellie, you kind of forgotten how to be yourself.
From this moment on, you make a promise to yourself:
Be you for who you are. The world does not need two Ellies.
WC: 4,263
A/N: I wouldn't mind two Ellies but, okay. LMAO
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angelzai · 6 months
plastic jesus
i don't care if it rains or freezes long as i got my plastic jesus sittin on the dashboard of my car!
wc: 1.5k
cw: gn! reader, dark era, alcohol, smoking, canon-typical violence, dazai-typical suicide mentions/attempts, language, fluff, crack?
reid: kind of chuuya's pov? he is so done with you both. bless his soul. you may also find this on my ao3 linked in my pinned. enjoy :)
. . . .ᐟ
The only other one to have been plucked up out of the dirt by the demon prodigy himself was that brat, Nakahara.
Okay, he wasn't that bad. He was a brat, yes, but you and Dazai certainly played your part in influencing him, and it wasn't like he'd ever take your place. Reason number one on a long list: the kid couldn't hold his liquor.
Teikyuu, some PM-adjacent bar, was your agreed-upon (by you and Dazai; Nakahara tagged along with only half of his own consent) haunt for the night. The interior was dark and decently crowded, dingy but cozy enough to be homely through the air of bar-typical disgust; a speaker pumped out bass from somewhere or another - it was reliable, wandering eyes minimal. When Dazai insisted on a fourth round of shots of American tequila, Nakahara laid his fiery head on the bar, groaning.
"What's wrong, Chibi-chan? Chibi-chan can't hang!" Dazai took every opportunity he could to taunt him. He reached across your lap to shove Nakahara's head upward, outward. "C'mon, Chibikko. You're a fuckin' bummer." Three more shot glasses, packets of salt, and lime slices were dealt in front of you.
Chuuya swatted him away, catching you in the crossfire. "Fuck off, dude, 'have s' much shit to do tomorrow." But shit to do would have to be done violently hungover, judging from the ginger's current state. You wedged yourself between the two before they could embarrass themselves.
"Chu-chan, you're whining," you chuckled, and his face grew as red as his hair.
"Am not! 'M not fucking whining," he insisted, but it sounded even whinier than before.
"Then do this shot with me." You nudged the little clear glass toward him while Osamu took up his own. Chuuya grumbled out a fine. There was one problem: Chuuya couldn't shoot his alcohol no matter how hard he tried, especially when he was already drunk. He didn't understand what the hell it was you two saw (or rather, tasted) in the rancid liquid that made you so eager to down it so cleanly. Regularly, his shots dribbled from the corners of his mouth onto his shirt, or he'd only get halfway through it, and he'd receive a firm reprimanding from one or both of you about wasting the precious substance. He preferred wine, or if he was in rare form cherry schnapps, but no one goes to the bar to drink wine! The two of you would never let him hear the end of it, so he drank the god damn tequila.
The three of you toasted to "your mom," having dedicated your previous three toasts to "this dick" (Osamu), "being enemies of the state" (you), and "how fucking much the two of you make me want to choke on my own vomit and die" (Chuuya). By the time you had downed yours, face clean and unmoved, Chuuya was still looking at his shot contemplatively.
"If you don't want it-"
He took it.
"'Atta boy, kid."
Both you and Osamu watched expectantly, enthusiastically for the recoil. Chuuya's face twisted up, and you poked the lime in his direction. When he coughed and looked toward you with teary eyes and a red nose, you and Osamu giggled like children.
"'S not-" He coughed a bit more. "'S not funny, assholes!"
But it was very funny to you, and the two of you only laughed harder as he hailed a cup of water. Amidst your fit, you nearly tipped your barstool backward - Chuuya might've moved to catch you if you weren't being so goddamn insufferable (and his head wasn't whirling), but his stomach barely had time to drop as Osamu was clumsily wrapping you, chair back and all, in his lanky arms, so short of breath from cracking up that he was almost wheezing. After you were upright again you continued to laugh for such a long time that Chuuya, in his disoriented and half-dissociated state, thought perhaps you'd both finally lost your god damn fucking minds. He was going to have to find his way home, hammered and alone, all because you and Osamu were flaming inebriated morons.
And then you got quiet. And Chuuya grew genuinely concerned, because the two of you were usually anything but (he'd learned that well enough from living sandwiched between both of your rooms in that crummy ass apartment building for the longest three-week period of his life). But you were just being even stupider now - foreheads pressed against one another as you calmed back into the steady drone of the bar music, whispering some things back and forth that he wasn't meant to hear.
Chuuya gagged audibly, and it had nothing to do with the taste in his mouth.
An hour and three shots later, you slipped your poor bartender a generous stack of bills and stumbled your way into the street. It was beyond Chuuya how you two seemed to be able to maintain a straight line as you walked - he trailed a bit behind you, feeling like the unfortunate lovechild of a pair of teen parents. You stopped to light up a cigarette (also an American brand) and he ran into you. He wanted to push back at the way you snorted, but he realized you were only doing so because he was toppling and you were holding him up. He bit back his bitching. You were stupid, sure, but he did let you drag him along after all, and his blood felt too hot and his mouth felt too sticky for him to send shots right now.
"You want a hit, Chu-chan?" But he waved you away because nicotine probably would've made him yark immediately.
Not once in Chuuya's short visceral life had he ever seen someone fluster Osamu Dazai until you, and vice versa. It made him nauseous to admit it was sort of cute, but even further, he'd never admit it made him nauseous because, truly, the two of you found joy in nauseating people with how in love you were. Though he'd never heard those words out of either of your mouths, it was excruciatingly obvious that you were two sides of the same coin. You looped your arm around his, Dazai took the other, and he trotted along in his stupor with your help, sandwiched in between you once again (and equally as annoyed about it as he was before). The smoke never left your fingers but Osamu hit it often, lifted to his lips above Chuuya's head. You guys talked about something, but he could barely keep up. He was fucking obliterated. All he knew was that your words joined seamlessly with Dazai's, your banter flowed like dual-colored beads being strung alternatingly down a cord, and the warmth between the two of you made him feel kind of soft. He knew that later in the early morning he'd be hunched over the toilet - he could picture it vividly, you would be pushing his hair back, Osamu would be calling him a pussy but rubbing his shoulder every so often, and it would be horribly gross and embarrassing and he'd feel like hot garbage - and yet, he'd undoubtedly still get the sense that he was sitting in the backseat of a honeymoon car.
He looked up at you once in the blur of the a.m. and took note of how rosily you glowed, and when he turned toward Dazai, it was like a mirror. Chuuya was aware of that list, too, and none of you were idiots - no matter how much Mori pushed it, no matter what Twin Dark even meant, you alone were the sole complement to Osamu, the dead ringer, the only one fully cognizant of and attuned to his turbulent unpredictability. Perhaps that was why you were heading toward the water with him now.
"You fuck!" one of you called; he wasn't sure which. Chuuya was too busy crumbling to the ground in a puddle of himself, sweaty and pinching your cigarette between his fingers. When had that gotten there?
And you chased Osamu off the rocks into the river, current unhurried, undemanding against both of your bodies when you fell in. Chuuya didn't think too much of it when you bobbed under, because he knew you'd come back up connected at the lips - no, ever since you, Dazai hadn't really wanted to kill himself. Not yet. He knew it that day you all went to get high at the beach when you asked him to jump in with you and he hesitated for the smallest second. Not human? Chuuya wanted to laugh. Dazai had suffered, yes, but Dazai had loved. That conceded dissent in that beat of silence was the most human thing one could hope to achieve, and god damn it, Dazai had done it, with everything he was, in the face of the human he loved the most. He'd jumped in with you anyway, but there was no intent to die.
Without fail, you both walked him back home, drenched.
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brimbrimbrimbrim · 1 year
i really miss your eddie fics ))):
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You’re both laying perpendicular across Eddie’s musky, unmade bed, legs hanging off the edge at the knees, passing a joint back and forth with a coffee can ashtray nestled at your hip. Eddie’s curls are a damp tangle around his head after his midnight shower, tickling your bare shoulder in a chilly itch heightened by the fuzzy sensitivity of the weed. It’s a chill Saturday night, not too different from all the rest, except tonight, you got stood up by your date and elected to hit Eddie’s place earlier than intended, bereft of a good dicking (or any dicking).
And as usual, with the weed mixing messily with pent-up hormones, you both end up complaining about your sex lives. You didn’t have much of one, and Eddie… Well… He never got further than one-night stands.
“I dunno…” you muse over his last comment, “I feel like it’s common knowledge that every dude regularly gets morning wood. You’re not special.”
“Other dudes don’t get them like this,” he complains, taking a hit off the joint before talking through the lungful, “I swear to Christ, I could bludgeon an ogre with. One roll and BAM! Crit hit.”
“Okaaaay, so they’re big beefy boners. So what?”
Eddie releases a bullish exhale of smoke, snorting quietly, “So what is that my hand just doesn’t cut it. I need some succubus to suck me off before I wake up, or… uh, scratch that, you don’t wanna hear about this shit. Sorry…”
You shrug, elbow knocking his own, “No, it’s cool. Makes sense you’d fantasize about getting woken up with a blowjob. I wouldn’t mind the same most morning… of course, by that, I mean a dude eating me out and not sucking my dick since… ya know, I don’t have one of those.”
“I’m well aware of that, baby. I’ve shared a bed with you hundreds of times.”
“Not hundreds…” you mutter, “and what does that even prove?” 
Eddie breaks out in a cheshire grin. “Cause if you had a dick, I’d have felt it already. You cuddle when you're stoned, and the shit you say in your sleep? Fuck, you’re a total deviant.”
You don’t deny the deviancy part but give his profile a glare; his face is still cracked in a big smile, eyes closed as he sneaks in another hit before blindly wiggling the half-smoked joint for you to grab. He’s disgustingly pretty at this angle, with pink puffy lips, a kissable nose, and heavy lashes teasing his flushed cheeks. Shame he’s not into you, ‘cause you’d straddle him in a heartbeat rather than waste anymore effort on Hawkins’ bachelors. There may have been a decent supply of single men around town, but none of them were like Eddie—none of them liked the same music you did, appreciated your weird art, or could quote-converse Tolkein with you as he could.
Frowning, you take the joint Eddie waves in your direction and suck in a lungful of earthy skunk, “So, hang on… you’re saying I’ve been a perv in my sleep, and you never said anything?”
“I’m a gentleman.”
You scoff, “Yeah, tell that to the boners I’ve had to bat away while you’ve been dreaming of… what, cheerleaders? No, I bet money on Madeline Kahn.”
“I haven’t had a wet dream about cheerleaders since middle school, and who doesn’t find Miss Scarlet hot? Calm your tits, princess—and I woulda known if you were swatting at my dick. Liar.”
You shrug, ignoring his snicker at your lack of any witty retort. The smug bastard probably would wake up the second a feather ghosted over his dick, given how fast he came when he popped his cherry a year ago. Eddie really screwed up confessing that one ‘cause you quickly buried down the heartache by calling him a two-pump chump for a whole month afterward.
“Man,” Eddie sighs dramatically, “waking up with lips around my dick sounds like heaven.”
“No, shit. That’s what I’ve been saying all night! Where have you been?”
“High. But seriously, men are horn dogs; that is common knowledge. It’s just like… I dunno; the mechanics are different than waking your girlfriend up with head, or a good dick down. It’s way easier to sneak attack a dick than some girl’s pussy.”
“Pff,” you blow out a burning hit and roll over on your side, facing Eddie’s curl-smothered profile. He’s staring up at the ceiling now, looking stoned and relaxed, something that brings you all the happiness in the world after the better part of the year bringing so much chaos and stress. “So you’re telling me if your girlfriend wanted it, you wouldn’t give her a down-low kiss good morning.”
His devious grin is absolutely infectious. 
“Oh, I’d do more than that…” 
“Hot,” you deadpan, taking a second hit since he snuck two in on his pass, then rest your hand on his chest, joint perched between thumb and forefinger.
Eddie pushes his chin to his chest, brows raised, and takes the splif, hitting it with a fizzle of burning paper. His gaze drifts to you when he exhales the smoke, glassy chocolates gleaming with affection. “You're crashing here tonight, right?”
“If you’ll have me,” you whisper, eyes fluttering sleepily in a way that have you missing the blush that stains Eddie’s cheeks at your words. “I’m waaay too high to drive home.”
“You live next door, dumbass,” it’s said with a smile that makes you snuggle up until your nose touches his arm.
“Must have forgotten how to walk then,” you laugh, then sit up on an elbow, looking down at Eddie’s dopey expression. “Hey, you got something clean for me to sleep in? I don’t wanna wear this stupid dress to bed.”
His eyes rake down the tight, leather-buckled dress like he’s seeing it for the first time. It doesn’t escape your notice the way his gaze lingers on the hem digging into your upper thighs, then the dip where it shows off a light swell of cleavage, but… he’s a man, and men are horn dogs like he said.
“Why?” Eddie asks, genuinely confused, “Afraid it’s gonna ride up in the night, and you’ll wake up with your best friend’s boner in your ass?”
“… no?” Though you wouldn’t mind in the slightest. “But it’s sorta tight and… ugh—“ you toss yourself on your back with a bounce, groaning into the hazy bedroom, “—can you believe I got stood up after putting on makeup AND this dress?” 
You turn your head and huff indignantly. “All this effort for no beef. I swear my luck is total dog shit.”
“Well,” Eddie shrugs, “it’s his loss.” 
He smiles, rolling to face you. “I’m the one with a hot babe in his bed, not what’s his name.” Eddie wags his brows, earning him a jab in the shoulder that he takes like a total bitch, rolling over melodramatically until his back hits the headboard, clutching his shoulder with a hammy grimace of pain that’s too fucking cute. Stop being so cute, Munson! 
“Quit being a chode and get this hot babe something to wear or she’s dragging her fine ass home,” you threaten, then add with your limp hand poised over your forehead, “through the cold!—and rain!—and five feet of snow or whatever! If I get the sniffles, you know I’ll kill you.”
“I’m too cozy,” Eddie hugs himself in his nook against the headboard, mimicking your earlier pout, “Just grab whatever’s in the laundry basket.”
“I’m not wearing your dirty clothes, Munson.”
“They’re clean. Relatively,” he adds, “just didn’t wanna fold clothes on a Saturday.”
“More like ever. But, whatever. Fine.” You wiggle off the bed, absentmindedly tugging the hem of your dress back down the exposed curve of your ass cheeks, totally oblivious to your best bud Eddie nearly biting clean through his tongue to hold down a groan at the sight. Not like he hasn’t seen you in a bikini or your panties a few times. Plus, the two of you had a bad habit in senior year (all three of his) of letting your laundry pile up until you were hanging wet clothes in your last pair of underwear behind his trailer. So, yeah… you don’t think about whether the dress or its relative shortness has given him a boner or not.
It totally has…
“Oooh, found the best one!” You triumphantly hold up his Hellfire shirt, turning around to find him gripping a pillow in his lap, glaring at you beneath his frizzy bangs. When his eyes shift to the shirt in your hands, he does a double take and blushes. Weird. 
“Can you crank up the heat, Dungeon Master?” You snicker, wiggling his infamous shirt for emphasis before fishing for some clean boxers only to find none. Panties it is then, you shrug, waltzing out of his bedroom without a single thought to the human tomato white-knuckling his pillow on the bed.
You and Eddie have always been close, almost obnoxiously so, in a way that was meant to make everyone else around you hem and haw. This wasn’t any different from your usual, but Eddie gulps once you peace out of the room to the bathroom, wondering how the fuck he’s gonna sleep without duct-taping his dick to his stomach…
You’re rubbing lipstick off when the rattle of the heater kicks on, making more than warmth rise up from the floor grate, kissing your ankle and your heart. It’s the little things someone does that always hit the hardest, you think. 
After getting most of the cherry stain off, leaving your lips raw, you yell ‘thank you’ through the wood panel door, smiling when Eddie hisses like Gollum on his way back to the bedroom. Dork.
His Hellfire shirt sits on your upper thighs, just below your ass, the same as the dress had, except it’s not pinching your ribs or tits. The well-worn fabric smells like him… with the barest hint of detergent, but mostly him. Honestly, whether he actually washed it or not is up for debate, but it still smells good… like really good—good enough that your pussy pulses. 
You take a moment to lift it off your soft tits and give it a whiff. The aroma of weed, old spice aftershave, and fresh linen makes you wet, panties going damp. For a moment, you pretend to be wearing his shirt under a different, more sexy scenario just to feel your heartbeat kick up in your clit. It’s always been wild how horny Eddie makes you… but alas, you talk a good game but are a coward at heart. It would take a single honest question to figure out what he feels for you, but the idea terrifies you like nothing else. 
After readjusting your panties and Eddie’s shirt, you decide to save the eye makeup scrubbing for the morning. Not like your best buddy hasn’t seen you with raccoon eyes a few times, or the rare teary-eyed mascara streaks.
Back in the musky bedroom, Eddie is already in bed, arms behind his head, one leg propped up under the covers… and he’s fucking whistling like the epitome of cartoon innocence. Seriously, Jerry Mouse was more saint-like than Eddie looked right now…
“What did you do?”
Eddie’s eyes twitch but doth move from whatever stain on the ceiling has his attention, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve never done a wrong thing in my life.”
You exhale a sleepy laugh and dive into his cramped bed, immediately digging beneath the covers. Eddie makes a sound—a low whine—and snatches his half of the covers before they can slide off his waist. It’s toasty warm now, thanks to the rattling heater, but you figure he’s still acclimating like a weirdo. Sometimes the dude runs way too hot, while other times, it’s like his body goes into dormancy, and he’ll try to suck up as much heat as possible, even if it means jamming his icy toes behind your knees. Thankfully, it seems he’s just being greedy about the blanket this time, so you relent and throw yourself on your back, trying to find the gestaltism in the water stain above the bed.
Eventually, Eddie drops his knee and deflates, hands on his chest, fingers tapping a tune into his ratty Megadeth shirt. 
“So…” he hollows out the word, “… you gonna give Brandon another shot?”
“Huh?” You turn your head, finding Eddie still gazing up at the ceiling. Is he serious? “Umm… fuck no. I have some standards. Besides, I’m not hurting that bad for dick.”
“... no?”
“Well, it’s been a… while, but—anyway, my hand works just fine for now,” you blush a bit, still feeling that throb between your legs, which only gets worse when you realize Eddie is literally right next to you, in bed… while you’re in your panties and his shirt and nothing else, “... anyway, I’d sooner have you drive me to Fort Wayne for a vibrator. They have a sex shop there, right?”
“Pretty sure they got one on the thirty before Columbia,” Eddie says, the words coming out a little high despite him being… well, high. Despite the giddy pulse of arousal still wetting your panties, you're far too tired to wonder what his deal is.
“Well, whatever…” you yawn and cuddle into one of two lumpy pillows laden with Eddie’s aromatic shampoo and sweat, “as long as I’ve got you, some weed, and my health, I’m fine.”
“Me?” He gulps. 
“Mhm,” you nod, eyes closed, nosing his pillow, “Yeah, you, ya freak.”
Eddie doesn't say a word, which is sorta weird cause he never shuts up, but you're warm, stoned, and happy, which are things almost impossible not to feel with your very best friend in the whole wide world. Regardless of how bad you wanna fuck him, this is the best; just cuddling up with the soft bandana high surrounding you, absorbing all the faint and strong smells stuck in Eddie’s bed… wrapped in his shirt. 
“Now,” you sigh, smiling, “if only you were into me, then I’d be set.”
The metalhead beside you clutches his shirt in your hazy view, chest coming to a halt as you murmur, “I’d have you, dick, weed… and like, all the hit points,” another yawn, “… might even improve my questionable mental health too.”
“Jesus Christ, it’s warm in here.” You kick the blanket down your shoulders, letting in a little more air, and sigh into sleep. “Don’t worry; you don’t have to crush my dreams, m’just gonna… pass out… night, Eddie.”
(I tease...)
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danosrosegarden · 1 month
sex, drugs, etc. - amy price x edward nashton (NSFW) ₊‧꒰ა❤︎໒꒱ ‧₊
{contains: descriptions of smoking weed/being high, established trust/consent, descriptions of intox kink, oral sex (fem receiving), and a handjob.}
note: oh hey, here's that gotham oc i was talking about awhile ago! i hope you like her. please. from now on, feel free to request anything with amy!
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"Hold it, hold it, hold it!"
Edward's reddened, forest green eyes were glazed over with glossy sheets of tears as he coughed hard, a cloudy puff of smoke bursting out from his mouth.
Amy was a good smoke buddy. She'd laugh at Eddie's inability to hold his smoke for more than a few seconds, but her presence still comforted him. She would dance with him when he was feeling the mile high elation and would pet his hair and shush him when he was feeling the gnawing paranoia. She was good for braving new storms in general, always so willing to hold his hand and dive into the abyss together.
His crush was abounding and hopeless, needless to say. There was no way the breathtaking mess that was Amy Price had time for the mushy gushy romance that Edward Nashton daydreamed about. It ripped his heart into bloody, jagged pieces, the thought that he'd never be able to have her in the way he really wanted. But what he had with her now was beautiful. Being her friend was a rollercoaster, a bright, supernova explosion...damn it, it was just fun to be her friend. So he would continue to buy weed from her and help her dye her hair in her bathroom and watch scary movies with her at midnight and he'd do it all with a smile on his face, never expecting more than what he already was blessed with. He couldn't afford to fuck it up.
Amy giggled as Edward shook his head rapidly. Droplets of tears poured from his eyes as he exploded into a guttural cough. "Gettin' better," Amy bit sarcastically as she waved away his smoke.
She was lucky enough to be one of two residents in her small complex. This wasn't without reason, though. The paint was peeling and the area was sketchy. Then again, what area of Gotham wasn't infected?
Her apartment reeked of a nauseating mix of weed and YSL perfume, but there was also something undeniably alluring about it to Edward. The trailing scent that Amy left on his jacket had served as shameful masturbation material for months now. God, he needed her. He'd take each little fragment, every little piece from the trail she left. Every hug that lingered a little bit too long to be considered just friendly. Every sly smile she'd thrown at him while watching the high wash over him. You're so cute when you're high, Eddie, she'd say, and he would have her smokey words memorized almost instantly to replay in his mind for later.
She was doing it on purpose. She had to be, right? She knew how tightly she had him wrapped around her finger. She knew that he'd do anything to make her smile, to see her happy. And deep down in her mind, she knew he'd do anything she asked him to. He'd humiliate himself. He'd be her bitch. It was all about her, and she knew it.
But he never expected to actually hear it, which is why he nearly went into cardiac arrest when Amy asked if he was a virgin one night while they were listening to records in her room.
"I...I'm sorry?" Edward managed to choke out.
"You don't have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable," Amy mumbled. "But I had an idea."
For fuck's sake. Edward was already in danger of fainting from the sheer percentage of blood rushing to his dick. "Uh...yeah. Yeah, I am. Why?"
A dusting of pink brushed itself across Amy's cheeks. Edward cracked a smile; it was a little sweet to see Amy finally falter in some way. She was so carefree and confident that many times Edward had wondered if there was anything that could make her blush or break. He had never once considered that it might be him.
"If you wanted it to be...I don't fucking know dude, special? With someone who really cared about you? Then. Y'know..."
He was really going to faint. He was sure of it now.
Amy took the look of whiplashed shock on his face as apprehension, disgust. "I'm so sorry. Man, it was stupid for me to even bring up. I'm a dumbass. I'm sorry, Ed."
Edward shook his head rapidly as Daniel Johnston continued to drone from Amy's dusty record player in the corner.
"No, no, it's not stupid. That's...that's really kind of you."
Amy peered up at him from where her eyes were drilling into the ground shamefully. "Yeah?"
"Yeah," Edward nodded. "Just kinda scared, that's all."
Amy nodded.
They sat together for awhile in the gentle quiet. Edward thought about the times where Amy had paid for their restaurant food when his card declined. Or the times she'd driven him out of the city and to somewhere with clear lakes and thick-leafed, lush green trees. Or the times he had laughed with her until they were crying, the times she'd hummed him to sleep when the blood-stained nightmares came crawling into his brain. He had never had the courage to say it out loud or even entertain the thought of it for more than a few passing seconds, but in this moment, he was sure of it: he loved her.
"S'really not as scary as people hype it up to be," Amy said, breaking Edward from his rushing waterfall of thoughts.
He shook his head. "Easy for you to say."
Amy scoffed. "Callin' me a slut? I've been around the block, can't deny it."
She scooched closer to Edward. His cheeks burned. "But it's never mattered like it would matter with you. Unless you don't want any strings attached. I'd understand that."
Edward sensed a pang of disappointment ringing in Amy's voice, and his heart lurched. Never in a million years did he suspect Amy would want something more with him. Maybe just for fun on a drunken, sloppy night. But she meant it. She was serious. Jesus. This is the part where he really passes out this time.
It seemed Amy could sense the strings of tension tugging on Edward's heart. "Hey, I got another idea. How about we get high, and then it happens."
Edward laughed and pushed his glasses back up his nose. "That's your solution to every problem, huh, is just to get high?"
"Not every problem! Look, I was just thinking like this: when you get high, you normally begin to stop giving a fuck about most things. If you're high, you have less to worry about. Your brain can just go on autopilot. You can just be."
Edward nodded. Despite the raging thundercracks of anxiety rippling through his body, it did sound nice. To be able to shut his worries off and just let it happen.
Finally, he sighed and nodded. "Alright."
A grin spread itself wide across Amy's face. "Alright then. Hey, you stoplight me. Say red if you ever wanna stop. Red and it's done and we don't talk about it again. Yeah?"
A firecracker burst of energy and color exploded in his gut as he realized it: it was actually going to happen. That thing that he had dreamed about each night as he rutted into his hand and let his pitiful whines slip out from his throat. It was happening.
It was raining, the night that it happened. They laid together on Amy's bed, the lights dim and the lofi music crackling on low. Edward listened to the sounds of the dark thunderclouds rumbling and the cold droplets of water pinging against the windows as Amy kissed him and rubbed a soft, gentle hand against the skin of his thigh. His hands trembled as they found a spot on the curve of her hips. He was sure she could feel how painfully hard he already was, and half expected her to laugh in that cruel cackle she always let loose. But she was soft with him. She kissed him gently and pet his head sweetly and God, if it had been possible to fall for her any harder, Edward was there.
Edward's head swam as Amy pulled away. "You remember?" she asked, her voice low and gravelly. "Red and we stop."
Edward felt the time around him liquefy as he blinked and nodded.
A deep warmth crackled and popped in his stomach like a burning campfire as Amy pulled down the boxers she was wearing. She ran a finger up and down her cunt, and Edward let a single, small gasp escape from him as she held the finger out. It was glistening in the dim, orange lampshade light, and he felt his own precum dribbling down to his thigh.
Amy grasped for the bedsheets as Edward dipped down to latch his tongue onto her. Her hips swiveled around as Edward sighed into her. He couldn't help the crooked grin that plastered itself across his face as he lapped gently at her clit. Her quiet little gasps and soft sighs went straight to the tightening knot balling up in his stomach. He'd never really stepped out of the dark in his life before. It was always the cold, the black, the grime, the grit, the pain...but her. There would never be a beam of warm, sparkling, assuaging sunshine like her. Maybe through this, he was finally doing something that felt right. Something just. Something good.
Amy laced her fingers through Edward's tangled hair and tugged. He whimpered at the burning shoots of pain that shot through his scalp. He wondered if Amy's brain was melting like he felt his was. Maybe she got high so often that she was just used to it at that point. But to Edward, this was enchantment. This was bewitchment. This was trust like he had never imagined possible. This was magic.
Amy pulled Edward's face away from her dripping cunt and motioned for him to sit back up.
He did as he was told swiftly, and Amy tugged on the elastic waistband of his boxers.
"You tell me."
Edward nodded rapidly. "Green."
She pulled the waistband down and gently wrapped a hand around his throbbing cock, spreading the glistening pearls of precum around his shaft. Edward closed his eyes, feeling the crashing waves of his high and his pleasure washing through his whole body. The warmth of them both swam around his brain and poured down into his curling toes as Amy slowly pumped her hand up and down.
Everything around him was dripping into one melting pot: the different flecks of grassy green in Amy's sparkling eyes. The droning music pouring from the record player. The spattering rain drizzling from outside. Out there was cold and dark and reminded Edward of the nights he'd spent sick with nausea and nightmares. But here, inside Amy's glowing room, his body pressed against hers...in here was safe.
Safe. What a concept. It always felt right out of his grasp, just an inch out of his reach. But that was the right word for what he felt with her. He felt safe.
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prettybrownelf · 1 year
Loved the idea with Eddie Munson x male reader with powers! Can you do male reader who is still getting used to the real world who lives in Hawkins instead of Nevada with el. It’s the first day of school and he meets Eddie? I’ve always thought about this and think you’d write it perfectly. Thanks!!
First Day Skipping
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Pairings- Eddie Munson x Male! Reader
Summary- Going to school while have secret superpowers is definitely an overwhelming experience. Luckily you have a long haired metal head to help you out
Word Count- 581
Content Warnings- None
Everything is too much. 
The sound of shoes and boots on cracking cement. Voices overlapping each other. Mouths popping gum. It’s all too much. 
Your legs carry you as fast as you can inside the large brick building in front of you. 
Why you were being forced to go to school was beyond you. El got to go to Nevada and be a new person, so why can't you? 
The noises continue overlapping each other as you finally stam yourself inside of a bathroom stall. The noises outside finally become muffled as the door closes, leaving you alone in the quiet room. 
Your breathing is the only thing you can focus on as you attempt to calm your nerves. This was a stupid idea. You can move shit with your mind, why the fuck should you be in a highschool? 
Every breath inside you stills as the door to the bathroom opens. The halls seem to be quiet as you hear boots step their way into a stall. You stand as still as you possibly can as you pray the person in the stall next to you hurries up. 
Instead, you hear the faint sound of a lighter, followed with small puffs of smoke coming from the top of the stall. You roll your eyes in annoyance as you make your way to sit on the toilet, holding your head in your hand as you work out what you're going to do. 
“Are you skipping too?” The voice above you makes you nearly jump off the seat as you look up. 
A pale boy with a cigarette between his fingers looks down at you, his brown eyes immediately finding yours. “No, I'm just trying to relax.” ‘That sounds fucking stupid.’ He gives a puzzled look as he takes a small drag of his cigarette. “You new here?” You nod a bit as you look away, trying to focus on anything but him. “Yes, I am.” “Cool.” He drags, looking you up and down. 
“You wanna skip?” The question catches you off guard as you look up at him. “I don't even know who you are.” The boy reaches his hand down to you with a large smile. “I'm Eddie.” You hesitantly take his hand. “(Y/n).” 
Eddie hops down from the stall in a second. You think he's just going to leave before you hear his boots step to the outside of your door. “You coming?” ‘Why not.’ You grab your bag and open the door, following Eddie down the quiet halls and outside to the parking lot. 
‘Joyce is gonna fucking kill me.’ That's all you can think as you step into this random dudes van. Eddie however seems very happy to have you with him. “So did you just move here or something?” He asks, starting the engine as he begins to drive onto the road. “No, I'm not. I live with a friend.” He nods as he keeps his eyes on the road. “Your parents are just letting you live with a friend? That's cool.” “Yeah, my mom lives somewhere else right now. It's a bit confusing.” ‘How the hell do i explain being a telekinetic super-human whose adoptive mother lives in Nevada because the government is trying to track her down.’  “Don't worry, I've got a confusing ass family too.” His happy tone contradicts with his statement as he stares off onto the road, leaving you alone with your thoughts. ‘Ok, maybe this is gonna be ok.’
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