#wait i could've just erased it
have a turtle from about 2 months ago
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oh yeah then there's this absolute creature
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happyk44 · 1 year
PJO: we need to recognize the value of the minor gods. The Olympians are important, sure, but the minor gods do a lot of work in maintaining and assisting the pantheon, have their own kids and deserve to be seen and valued just as much
HoO: Back at it again with Olympian-only nonsense!
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biceratops7 · 5 months
hold- wait a fucking minute...
Beelzebub is acting really freaking weird in this scene.
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Ok so I encourage you to rewatch it cause I can't really properly illustrate it in gifs, but they don't sound irritated, or even particularly intimidating. We know Beezlebub to be a very dry person, even in moments they want something and need to manipulate/ convince someone for it. So this abnormally animated and even somewhat friendly demeanor doesn't strike me as part of buttering Crowley up to get him to help them.
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This is a weird line. We know Beelzebub isn't like Shax, they've been around a bit more and have a better grasp on things like tone and figurative language. There's almost no way they're unaware that saying this would immediately clue Crowley in to the fact that Heaven and Hell do in fact have communication, so they must want him to know. For whatever reason, it's important to them that Crowley knows they're a reputable source.
And then I remembered where I've heard that tone before.
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It's nearly the exact same one Crowley uses to tell Aziraphale that he needs to protect them. It's the kind of tone you use when you need someone to read between the lines and understand more than you can safely tell them. Beelzebub is fully ready to believe Shax when they say Gabriel's in the bookshop, and acknowledge later that Aziraphale was a very fitting and likely candidate to harbor him. They know full well Crowley doesn't want jack shit to do with Hell, and would probably be offended if anything by anyone referring to his "nasty little heart". That is merely a performance to mask what they're really trying to tell him, which is that Aziraphale is in danger.
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Without this detail Crowley very well could've turned Gabriel in to Heaven instead of Hell, he certainly doesn't see much difference between the two. Beelzebub is the reason he decisively doesn't, and races home in a panic.
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And I think it's genuinely so sweet, this moment of understanding and comradery between them that goes unnoticed, even to Crowley. They drop the shtick and make sure that he knows the book of life is a real threat, and you only need to be merely involved in hiding him to be erased from it. Because to them, there's also the very real possibility that Crowley knows about Gabriel while Aziraphale doesn't, so they're double checking Crowley will not to tell him and instead go straight to them. There’s just something so protective in it.
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itadorey · 11 months
[9:33 pm]
pairing: fushiguro megumi x reader takes place at the beginning of the series
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"whatcha looking for?"
megumi flinches at the sudden question, his head hitting the top of the thermometer box as he stumbles back. his mouth twists into a scowl as he reaches up, checking to make sure that there was no blood present. it's only when he makes sure his hand is clean that he finally turns to face the person who spoke.
"do you need help?"
the first thing megumi notices is your cursed energy. it rolls off of you in waves, non-threatening and constant and he finds himself wondering if you're even aware of it. he raises an eyebrow, watching you closely as you smile at him. when he doesn't respond, you step closer to him, peeking your head into the thermometer box and looking around the small space.
"whatever you were looking for is gone," you chirp, looking up at him. megumi realizes you're entirely too close (and incredibly pretty) and he finds himself clearing his throat before taking a few more steps back. "what was it?"
"nothing," megumi replies instantly, avoiding your gaze as he looks around. he knows the cursed object isn't completely gone. he can still feel the cursed energy residuals lingering around the school and he decides to ignore you in favor of continuing his search.
"it must be important if you're still on the lookout," you say, hands clasped behind your back as you match his steps. "was it a love letter?"
"why would i be searching for a love letter?" megumi asks, giving you a disbelieving glare.
"you're right," you concede, a skip in your step as you pull slightly ahead of him. a teasing look is sent his way and he finds himself wondering why you're speaking to him. "someone like you wouldn't have to look for love letters. you probably just get them handed to you all the time."
megumi pauses briefly, quickly shaking his head before continuing on his way. were you flirting with him?
unfortunately for him, you had noticed the brief stutter in his step, and the grin on your face lets him know you had witnessed it. megumi fights the blush rising on his cheeks, looking away from you as he follows you to the school's field. he doesn't have time to be flirting with a stranger, even if they happen to be pretty and witty.
"i don't really talk to people like that," megumi mutters, wincing when he realized how lame his words sounded. he was rewarded with a giggle from you as you came to a stop, standing on a set of concrete steps.
"could've fooled me," you respond, giving him a glance before looking away. you seem a little flustered, and megumi wonders if you really are flirting or just teasing him. he chooses to remain silent, following your line of sight to see you watching the challenge between a teacher and what seems to be a freakishly strong teenager with pink hair.
"i'll leave you alone now. but keep an eye on him, yeah? maybe he has the answers you're looking for," you say, giving megumi one last smile before walking away. you turn around after a few seconds, still walking as you wave at megumi. "good luck finding that cursed object!"
megumi shakes his head, walking in the opposite direction you were going. he stops abruptly when he processes your words, wondering how you had known what he was looking for.
"hey, wait!" he says, turning around. his eyebrows furrow when he realizes you're gone, not a single trace of you left. even your cursed energy was impossible to detect, the remnants of the special grade object's cursed energy overpowering your own. you're briefly erased from his mind when the pink-haired boy runs past him, the strong presence of cursed energy prompting megumi to follow him instead.
it isn't long until he sees you again, and not even he can keep the shock (and blush) off his face when you send him a wink, standing under gojo's arm as he introduces you to him.
"megumi! this is the new grade 1 sorcerer who will be joining your class along with itadori!"
megumi doesn't know whether to be more impressed at how easily you put up with gojo or at the fact that you're already a grade 1 sorcerer at your age. but what he does know is that his life is about to get a lot more interesting as he watches you bow to him.
"nice to officially meet you, fushiguro," you say, a playful glint in your eyes as you smile sweetly at him. "i hope we can be friends."
"l-likewise," he responds, trying to ignore the shit-eating grin on gojo's face when he hears him stutter. he's given no warning before gojo pushes you into him, muttering something about a last-minute mission and how he would greatly appreciate it if megumi could give you the tour instead. the thumbs-up and kissy face that gojo sends him before turning the corner makes megumi blush even harder, and he finds himself holding back a groan when he realizes you witnessed the entire exchange.
yeah, this year was not going to be easy for him at all.
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wc: 865 reblogs are appreciated <3
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mayajadewrites · 18 days
could've been you: aizawa x fem!reader x hawks
summary: You're the new teacher at UA with a rocky past with one of their beloved teachers, Shouta Aizawa aka Eraserhead. You'd rather never see him again but alas, such is life. You also meet Keigo, aka Hawks, who is the opposite of Aizawa. Smiley, golden retriever energy. Nothing could go wrong... right? elationships: aizawa x fem!reader, hawks x fem!reader warnings: some chapters will be NSFW, they will have a warning on them in bold.
@come-away-with-me87, @kxshdoll, @evilsanzu, @friendly-neighborhood-turtle, @lili-pond @falling4fandoms
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You peer through your lashes at the rays of sunlight sneaking through your blinds. It's Sunday.
A new day.
Keigo sleeps on his stomach for the sake of his wings, so he has one arm laying across your stomach, his hand gripping the softness of your waist.
He's shirtless, the sun coating his muscular back as his wings shined.
You watch as he sleeps, he doesn't snore. He's very quiet. Much like when you had sex with him last night.
You like to communicate during sex. Not full blown conversations, but you like to hear you're doing a good job. Or pet names. Anything, really.
Not to say Keigo wasn't good, he was fantastic, but he needs to learn you and your body more.
"You watching me sleep, baby bird?" His raspy morning voice interrupted your thoughts.
"Maybe." You can't help but smile when his honey coated eyes find yours. He leans in slowly and connects his lips with yours, tilting his head to the side when he brings his hand to your cheek.
"I haven't even brushed my teeth yet." You giggled and pulled away slightly.
"Doesn't matter to me." Keigo pressed his lips to yours again. "I have to jet, though. I'm patrolling with Endeavor today. And he's a hardass about being on time."
"Stay safe, please." You kiss the tip of his nose. "Not one feather on those wings can be damaged."
"You got it boss." He stands up to slide his pants and shirt back on. He has nothing here - no toothbrush, no body wash, nothing. So he has to do the walk of shame to his place.
You slip on a pair of shorts and a tank top and walk Keigo to your front door. "I'll talk to you later." He smiled once more before kissing your lips softly.
Then he was off.
You sighed and turned around to go back into your room when a foot blocked you from closing your door.
A foot with a black boot on it.
"Next time your boyfriend is over, can you maybe keep it down?" Aizawa's voice was monotone.
"Not sure what you heard. I could've been pleasuring myself." You continue to walk into your room. "I need to brush my teeth, so you can either stand out here and talk to yourself or come in and wait."
Aizawa reluctantly walked into your living room and plopped himself down on your couch. You looked at his eyes, his under eye bags are worse than usual. His hair was tied up in a half bun, almost accentuating his tiredness.
After you brushed your teeth and washed your face, you met Aizawa in the living room.
"So is that all you wanted to say to me? You could've just sent a noise complaint in."
"I couldn't sleep because of you." Aizawa looked down at his hands.
"I'm sorry about the noise. Honestly -"
"It's not just the noise. You sound heavenly, but it's the fact that it wasn't my cock making you moan."
You stared at him blankly. You have been feeling... something for Eraser for a bit, but you didn't know he actually felt something. You've known Aizawa since high school and he has never really expressed interest in dating or even hooking up.
"You and I... We're not like that." You motion your index finger to you then Aizawa. "I don't like you. You don't like me."
Aizawa said nothing.
"Okay..." You try to break the tension, but deep down you know that this conversation isn't ending today.
"That bird doesn't know shit about pleasing you."
"And you do? We've never even kissed, Eraser. Barely HUGGED. So what do you know about pleasing me?"
"You like praise." Aizawa stood up, now towering over you. "You want to be told what to do, contrary to how you act in the field."
You bit your bottom lip and looked away from him. "You don't know anything about me."
Using his index and thumb, Aizawa grabbed you by your jawline roughly and brought your gaze to his. "Don't say stupid things."
You tried to look away but he just jerked his hand back to look at you. "You're not stupid, right?" He leaned in a bit closer and you can smell mint from his breath.
"I don't know, am I? Since you know every fucking thing about me apparently." You tilt your head to the side to watch his reaction.
"You'll be punished for that. Later." He let go of your jaw and started walking to the door.
"I'm not one of your students, Eraser." You cross your arms over your chest. "You can't punish me for talking back."
"I absolutely can." He didn't turn back to look at you. "I'll see you."
With that, he was gone.
You brought your fingertips to your jaw where his fingers just were. The ghost of his touch lingering on your skin, creating goosebumps down your body.
"What's up, Enji?" You put your phone on speaker as you wipe down your counters.
"Can you come help us with something? I know you haven't been on patrol in awhile but we could really use you."
"Um, I guess." You look down at your phone screen with a pit of anxiety in your stomach. You haven't fought any villains since that dreadful day with Endeavor and Eraserhead. "Send me the address."
You open your closet to reveal your hero uniform - a white jumpsuit and white knee high boots. You sigh as you put the outfit on, not knowing how you'll feel once you see yourself in the mirror.
Last time you saw this suit, it was full of tears and blood. Since then you've gotten a brand new suit made, but that doesn't erase the memories.
"What's wrong boys?" You walk up to Endeavor and Hawks, who were in the middle of the street.
"We got a group of villains and I think we could use your quirk to weaken one of them." Enji said as he looked onto the building. "They might have hostages. We don't know their motives. That's where you come in."
"Can you use your quirk on the one with the hands on his face?" Keigo stepped toward you.
"Excuse me? Hands on his face?"
"His name is Shigaraki. He's the leader. Or at least trying to be."
"I... guess." You take a deep breath.
Hawks took flight and observed from overhead and Endeavor set fire to their hideout, careful not to coat anyone else's home in flames.
A handful of villains jumped out of the building, and then their leader emerged.
Endeavor takes on a few of the other villains while you watched Shigaraki.
Hawks was busy fighting with villain that can fly, so it was just you and him.
He took the hand that was on his head off, revealing his face. He looked... sad. Tired. Alone.
But he's a villain and you have a job to do.
You got a hold of his mind and pulled his deepest memory. You instantly felt immense pain in your body that brought you to your knees.
"Enji, I can't." You bring your hand to your chest as you try to breathe. "His pain... is too much." You feel tears well up in your eyes. You felt the pain he's feeling. You screamed from the pain as Shigaraki took several steps toward you. He reached out his hand, looking like he wanted to comfort you.
"If you lay one fucking hand on her it'll be the last time you touch anything." You heard Aizawa's voice boom behind you. You were still crying, the pain in your chest only intensifying.
Shouta's goggles went up and his quirk was activated. Shigaraki couldn't do anything, no matter how hard he tried. Aizawa sliced him several times, wounding him.
"We're not having this battle right now, it's too early." Shigaraki said with a smirk. "Eraserhead to the rescue, huh? That's so like you."
"You can't run forever." Aizawa stood in front of you. You were finally able to let go of Shigaraki's mind, bringing you back to reality.
"See you next time."
And they were gone. Just like that.
"Hey." Aizawa knelt down to your level. "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He brought his large hand to your temple, pushing a piece of hair out of your face.
"I think I'm fine." You pressed your hand to your forehead. "Who was that?"
"Tomura Shigaraki. His quirk is decay and anything he touches disintegrates. He almost got to you." Aizawa examined your face. "You only have a couple of scratches, you should be okay."
"What happened?!" Endeavor ran to your side along with Hawks.
"Who's fucking idea was it to have her back out here?" Aizawa stood up and crossed his arms across his chest.
"I thought we could use her quirk to dismantle their team - bringing down Tomura." Keigo took a step toward Aizawa.
This can't be good.
"What a stupid fucking bird." Aizawa shook his head and turned his attention back to you. "You should rest."
"I can take her home." Keigo stepped toward you and held his hand out.
"No, she's going with me since we live in the same building."
"I think you need to back off." Keigo was almost chest to chest with Aizawa now.
"Or what? Please, enlighten me."
"Keigo, please." You put your hand up to stop the arguing. "There's no point in anyone arguing over this. Aizawa can just bring me back since he lives there. You guys should get some rest too, you fought hard." You take Keigo's hand to stand up, much to Aizawa's dismay. He smiles at your touch and kisses your temple.
"I'll see you later." He turned his back to you and Aizawa.
"When the fuck did that happen?!" Enji exclaimed as him and Keigo started their flight to their homes.
Aizawa brought you to your room but refused to leave. He set you up on your bed with your blankets, tea, water, and some snacks. He pressed the back of his hand to your forehead to make sure you didn't have a fever.
"I'm fine, Eraser." You swatted his hand away.
"You could've been killed. In an instant, you would've been gone." His eyes were darting back and forth from yours. He was fidgeting with his hands in his lap when he spoke.
"But I'm here." You placed your hand on his. "Do you feel this?" You rubbed the back of his hand with your thumb gently.
He nods.
"I'm okay." You almost whisper as you watch his facial expression. He looked... sad. There was almost no life in his face.
After a few minutes of silence, you pat the space beside you. "Would you like to stay with me for a bit?"
He needs it more than you do, you think to yourself.
Aizawa responds by moving his body next to yours. He lays on his side, facing you as he pulls the covers over his body.
You watch the worry on his face slowly fade. You felt sadness in your stomach as you looked at him and you knew you had to do something.
You're sitting up against your pillows scrolling on your phone when you finally speak.
"Come here." You whispered and tapped your lap.
Aizawa raised an eyebrow. "You want me to sit on your lap?"
"No, fuckhead. Lay down on my lap. I'm gonna stroke your hair and let you fall asleep."
"You don't have to-"
"I almost died today. Do as I say."
He couldn't argue with that.
He brought his head to your lap and wrapped his arms around your plush, thick thighs. They were like pillows for him.
Your hand was then entangled in his hair, the loose waves curling around your finger. Your nails are perfect for scratching, so you gently massaged his scalp. You watched from above his eyelids close slowly, his beautiful thick lashes blanketing his under eyes.
You take a deep breath and turn your attention back to your phone, but your mind is stuck on this feeling. This moment.
Stuck on Aizawa.
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harrystylesfan2686 · 3 months
Body Shot
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Pairing: Nessian x Reader
Summary: Reader introduces Nes and Cass to body shots.
Warning: little smut and fluff. Unedited(sorry!)
A/N: This is not the same time line as Crush on Them. It is a standalone. Hope you like this❤️
You walked into the House of Wind to see Cassian and Nesta kissing. You sigh at your lovers, always around each other kissing or fucking, not caring where they were or who near them. Though, you admit, you liked it. Liked how they didn't care what other people thought and just did whenever they wanted.
They break apart at the sound of your footsteps walking in. Both of them instantly turning to you and ginning. "You're back! How was you day?" Cass asks, getting up to kiss you welcome. You instantly melt into his lips, pouting when he pulls back.
"How do you think? Keir was an ass as always. I got the job done, though." He takes your gear and leathers off as you rant on about how Rhysand gave you a mission to go to Hewn City. Keir had some notice to give to the High Lord, but Rhys and Feyre were too busy with other things to go there themselves. You didn't get time to tell your partners about your task before going there, it took you an entire day to finally be able to come back.
"After going there, I got to know he wasn't even there that moment, I had to wait an entire hour before meeting him. I was so pissed." You huff as you sit on the couch beside Nesta before pulling her into a small kiss too. "And then the meeting was in some club, it was so disgusting. Everyone was drinking and humping anything they saw, and the smell! I almost puked! I swear I even saw a couple fucking in the background." You gag at the memory. Ness and Cass, too, grimacing in disgust with you.
"Alright we need wine if we want to erase that image out of our heads." Cassian walks out to the kitchen, leaving you and Nesta alone for a minute. You shift from your sitting position and lay your head on her lap, wrapping your arms around her waist and relaxing your head on the soft muscles of her thighs.
She waves her fingers through you hair, freeing them from your bun and massages your scalp lightly. You almost pur under her hands. She smiles slightly at your closed eyes and the tense of your body slowly relaxing with each stroke of her fingers.
You are almost asleep when Cassian walks back out, balancing three glasses and a bottle of white wine in his hands. "Alright, come on, drink up." He sits down at your other side as you get up from Nesta's lap, and he lines up the glasses to fill them.
"You know, you could've just asked the house to bring and serve these for us." You raise an eyebrow at him. Nesta smirks at you both and Cassian pauses pouring the wine for a second, frowning at the glass, as if he just now realized that. "Well- Maybe I just wanted the house to rest for a day." His tone sounding defensive before continuing his work.
You and Nesta laugh when he doesn't look at you while handing out your glasses.
"You know, I also learned something else in that club today."
Both of your partners groan at your words. You have been talking non stop about all the vulger things you saw in those walls and how revolting you feel at them. They both were polite enough to hear you, but not listening anything that came out of your mouth. Their drunken states not helping at all in paying attention to things they don't want to listen to.
"Oh don't worry, this one's fun." You get up from where you were sprawled out on the ground. Nesta and Cassian laying on the couch, sitting in a position that can be described as in middle of sitting and laying. Their eyebrows raise as they look at your excited expression before glancing at each other with suspicion.
"Okay so this is apparently a thing they do in bars, it's called a body shot." Your smile raising their unsureness even more.
"And what is that?" Cassian asks.
"It's when one person lays down, and another person drinks alcohol off of them." You nod in enthusiasm.
"What do you mean off of them?" This time it's Nesta that asks because Cassian is still trying to understand what you said through his high head.
"Like, the person that's laying, has to hold a lemon in thier mouth and the other person puts salt on the layer's chest and spills drinks in thier navel and drinks from there." You try to explain as good as you can, but words don't seem to come to you to do so exactly.
Cassian frowns,"that navel part, sounds... unsanitary." Nesta nodding along him.
"Well that's true. Maybe we'll just make the person laying, hold the glass." You say.
"Oh so we are doing this?" Nesta blinks.
"Yes!! Come on it'll be so fun!" You pout.
"Well who will?" Nesta looks between the two of you.
"Don't look at me. I didn't understand any of it. I'll just mess it up." Cassian puts his hands up.
"Nesta, come on please. I really want to try it. It'll be alright if you really dont want to though. Your choice." You smile at her.
She looks at you and then Cassian and he nods, repeating your words. She inhales deeply before finally saying. "Fine. I'll do it." And you squeal in excitement.
"Alright. What do I have to do?" She gets up from the couch, standing in front of you. Slightly smiling at your excited face as you ask the house for a cut in half lemon and salt.
"Okay, take off your shirt." She does, but the second it's off, you and Cassian both get distracted when you realized she doesn't have anything underneath. She smirks at your reactions when cassian matters,"I don't know what's happening but I love it."; And you practically drool at her perfect breasts.
You quickly gather yourself and shake your head, trying to think straight. You clear your throat and say,"Alright, now lay down on your back on the ground." She does so without question. Laying in front of the couch so that Cassian can see you both from your sides. You kneel down beside her before draping one leg over her thighs, straggling her lap.
You take the glass of wine and instruct her to hold it. You sprinkle a pinch of salt over her naked chest and take the lemon,"Open your mouth." Your voice a thick with arousal as you try to keep your eyes away from her curvy flesh. Her lips part, taking one end of the piece of lemon between her teeth.
"Ready?" You wait until she nods and then dip down, parting your mouth to trail your tounge over her chest. Starting from her lower chest, slowly leading up. Feeling a little mischievous, you circle your tounge around her nipple, the sour taste of salt mixing with the sweet of her pirked bud. You smirk when she gasps under you.
You arch your spine, leveling your ass up for Cassian, giving him a perfect show as he groans. You sit up enough to take the glass out of Nesta's hand and drink down the liquid before putting it aside for the final step. You lean down again, parting your lips and take the other end of the lemon between your teeth. You graze your lips over hers, stilling a little to smirk at her fushed expression before leaning back and swallowing down the sour juice.
You take out the remains of lemon, and it vanishes, the house throwing it out for you. You smile widely at Nesta,"And that is a body shot."
The three of you are silent for a while as they try to take in what just happened. Your smile slowing flattens when Nesta doesn't say anything but just stares at you, up on her elbows. You think maybe she didn't like it and try to pull away from her, thinking of apologising before her hand suddenly shoots out, pulling you back onto her.
Before you could say anything she leans up and slams her lips to yours, her hand now gripping your hair and the other, behind you, wrapping around your waist and pulling you into her. You chests flushed together, her tightened nipples rubbing against the fabric of your clothes.
"Wait! So you liked it?" You pull back as far as you can with her hand pulling on your hair, she uses the time to bite and suck on your neck, and you whimper at the pain and pleasure.
"Yes." She whispers against your skin before pulling back to look into your eyes and says,"And we're not done."
She kisses harshly, and pulls at your clothes to rid of them, another pair of hands join hers when she fambles with the bottons too many times. She pulls back to concentrate on getting you out of your clothes while Cassian tips your head to side, your back against his chest now as he kneels behind you over Nesta, you lean up to kiss him too, just as passionately. His stubble grazing against the soft skin of your face and you whimper.
Nesta finally opens all the bottons of your shirt and roams her hand over your chest, pinching and twisting your nipples, making you moan into Cassians mouth. He pulls back to take Nesta's mouth on his as thier hands wrap and pull on your body. You moan again, you love seeing them kiss and having thier hands on you.
It is going to be a long night.
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brodieland · 2 months
racer!annabeth chase who loveess to show off her girlfriend.. you just put thoughts into my head with the racer au that can’t be erased i need to be sedated
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 Racer and Mechanic GFs!! ´ˎ˗
Annabeth Chase x Fem!Hephaestus!Reader Synopsis: working on cars, and watching your girlfriend winning at races is the best way to spend the weekend!!! Warning(s): some cursing in Spanish, and some maybe bad Spanish LOL! Wordcount: 986 A/N: RACER AU, may we thank @sunnitheapollokid, we love u and ur racer au<3. anyways, were dressing cunty for the races here, not in those jumpsuits, very fast and furious if I do say so myself. and poor Leo, keeps being the one to separate reader and my annabeth💔 anyways we need more Hephaestus readers!!!!
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It was a hot, blazing summer day. It was mid July and you and your girlfriend Annabeth were outside working on her car. Both of you had on your orange camp shirts tied up in the back, exposing your stomachs, and some denim shorts. With the sweat making your clothes stick to your skin, the lemonade you were sipping on felt like the only remedy.
"Annie, that's not how you do that," you said from your chair to the side, admiring your really hot girlfriend from afar.
"I know what I'm doing."
You stood from your seat and set down your drink, walking over. You stood over from behind Annabeth, wrapping your hands around her waist and peered over from over her shoulder into the car engine, already seeing the problem. "You don't have to know everything baby, that's why you've got me."
You kissed her cheek as she sighed and handed you the wrench she was holding, but you didn't take it. She looked confused as you walked over to her, or actually, your tools, and grabbed your spark plugs from the bottom. "All I needed was to change my spark plugs?"
You nodded, "Told you you should've let me help."
"You really let me stand there for like half an hour in the hot sun, when I could've been finished changing said spark plug?"
"You just looked so hot baby," you winked.
"Well, I was," she joked, causing you laugh. You kissed you before walking over to her car and getting to work. Now it was her turn to sit back and admire her very hot girlfriend, while sipping on your lemonade.
﹒º. ౨ৎ
Now it was race day, you both were waiting by the outskirts of camp whole waiting for more people and Annabeth's opponent to file in. You were currently sitting on the hood of Annabeth's car, wearing a blue tube top and another pair of shorts. You also had on your matching blue yankees cap.
Annabeth walked closer toward you, with her cargos and matching top as she leaned in with her hands resting on your thighs.
"Your gonna do great Annie," you said as you tucked some flyaway curls behind her ear.
"You sure you don't wanna ride with me this time?"
"You're an amazing driver, but that feels terrifying," you shrugged as the thought of being dragged around at over 100 MPH. "I'll be here when you finish, like always."
She smiled as she leaned in more and kissed you. She moved her hands toward your hips as you moved yours to the sides of her face, rubbing your thumb in circles by her jawline. When you began draping your arms lazily over her shoulders, you haven't realize how long the two of you kept your lips locked, until you heard someone clearing their voice from behind Annabeth. The both of you pulled away and turned to find your brother Leo tapping his foot.
"We're waiting," he rolled his eyes, making you and Annabeth laugh.
"You'll be fine, people are still getting ready anyways," you pointed out.
"Yeah, plus I don't need extra time to beat you," then she leaned over into your ear, "and to take his sister home." She joked as she kissed you one last time and headed to her driver seat. Leo's hair went off in small flames as you walked over and patted him off.
"Goodluck Leo, you'll need it," you laughed.
"Haha," he said flatly while smiling as you both set your fist on fire and bumped. That was the both yours thing.
"Te amo, loco," you said as you walked off.
"Vete a la mierda," he joked, causing you both to laugh as you made it towards the sideline, grabbing your flag before walking back to the middle. As you made sure the racers were ready you began.
"And 1, 2," you held the flag up high, before bringing it right back down, "GO!"
﹒º. ౨ৎ
You were anxiously waiting by the stands with Piper. The race should be over any minute now, but despite how good your girlfriend may be, accidents still happen. You were kind of nervous, you normally are when she's racing.
"Y/N, she'll be fine," Piper said as she patted your back. You sighed.
"I know, but still. I worry sometimes, I'm allowed," Jason and Frank came back with some more food. You quickly took Franks hot dog, and took a bite before handing it back. "Thanks."
"You're welcome??"
You smiled and shot up as you saw Annabeth flying through. Piper shouted out an 'I told you so' as you rushed over and watched her take first place once more, with Leo directly behind her. When Annabeth stepped out of the car, her eyes started scanning the crowd, smiling when she reached to you. You sprinted over, jumping into her arms and peppering kisses on her face.
"My beautiful racer," you said as you jumped down. Then she turned you over to the crowd, which consisted of most of Camp Half-Blood, and even some Camp Jupiter, and held your hand and held it up in the air.
"Shoutout to this gorgeous mechanic, the genius behind this car," she shouted and the crowd cheered, they started cheering even louder and she kissed you. Annabeth loved PDA, especially to show you off.
"Yeah yeah, clap it for the amazing couple," Leo joked from behind you two. You walked over and hugged him too.
"You did good Leo, but no ones better than my girlfriend," you gloated.
"Now, cmon, lemme take you on a joyride, I promise I'll go slow okay," she pleaded.
"You rolled your eyes with a smile, "Fine, now we'll have some alone time I guess."
"She guesses," Annabeth laughed as she opened the passenger door for you. She speed off as you held on tight, and she swore up and down she thought this was slow.
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paradiseprincesss · 21 days
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eternal sunshine - jonathan crane x reader
note: vaguely follows the plot of eternal sunshine of the spotless mind but mainly the music video for we cant be friends (wait for your love) by ariana grande. yay got my 4th fic inspired by eternal sunshine (the album) out hehe.
summary: after you leave the love of your life, you find it almost impossible to let him go. however, there's a new medical procedure that can be done to erase ones memories of a person permanently. out of pain and suffering, you make the conscious choice to forget about jonathan, even if it breaks your heart to let go of all the good memories along with the bad.
word count: 6k (um, i wrote this all today in one sitting lol am i okay?)
warnings: angst, breakups, loving relationship turned toxic, jonathan being secretive about his alter ego lol, letting go of love
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with shaky breaths and trembling hands, you looked at the waiver in front of you that was clipped to the clipboard. bringing the pen down to the bottom of the paper, you hesitated for a moment. all you had to do was sign your name - and it would be done, all your memories of him gone, just like that.
for just a moment, you shut your eyes as tears threatened to fall once more, but you open them and swiftly drag the pen across the black line on the paper, signing your name.
"i'm done filling out the form." you say to the receptionist, who was sitting behind the front desk typing away aimlessly.
"perfect," she says, not looking away from her computer, "just leave it here and i'll hand it to dr. davis when he calls you in."
you nod, putting the clipboard on the front desk and go right back to sitting down in the chair of the waiting room, fidgeting with your hands nervously.
you were currently sitting in the office of "brighter days inc." they'd created a new medical advancement through technology which allowed people to have their memories wiped for whatever reason they pleased. traumatic event? consider it gone. shitty year? forget about it. awful, heartbreaking, gut-wrenching, and brutally painful breakup? gone.
i mean, that's why you were here after all - to forget your breakup with your ex-boyfriend, jonathan crane. it was destined to end from the beginning, it would have never worked out but you endlessly hoped that it did. it didn't, obviously, but that made it all the more painful and hard to forget.
you and jonathan were together for nearly four years before things ended, and ended badly at that. no, there was no screaming arguments or slamming of doors as one walked out on the other at the end of your relationship, quite the opposite, actually. the end of your time together was gut-wrenchingly painful, it was gentle and full of what could've been. it was mutually agreed upon, but you wished it wasn't. everyday you wished you could turn back time with the snap of your fingers.
because you'd do anything to forget him.
you'd broken up a few months ago, but time didn't heal you. if anything, time made it worse as it gave you, well, time, to let it all sink in. everyday things got harder, memories became more vivid, and you felt like the fragments of the fantasy of what could've been were haunting you daily.
your name being called snapped you out of your anxious thoughts, and you look up to see an older man, who appeared to be a doctor, standing in the doorway with your clipboard in hand. this must've been the renown doctor jason davis.
"we're ready for you," he said, skimming through the papers, "this way, please."
getting up, you followed him into a clinical looking room, and single chair stood in the centre of it. dr. davis directed you to the chair, and you sat down a little awkwardly, unsure of what to do.
"just relax," he says softly, his clinical team setting various machines up around you, "you're in great hands, don't worry."
you take a deep breath in, and try your best to calm yourself down. it was suddenly getting a little harder to breathe, but that was just nerves, right?
"are these all the items?" a nurse asked you, to which you nod. "that should be every single one, yeah." you tell her, and she starts to unpack the big, cardboard box you'd brought in a week prior.
you see, to have your memories completely and utterly erased of a certain person, you had to bring in all the objects you owned that associated the memory of them to you. whether it was clutter, jewelry, knick-knacks - anything that was associated with the person - it had to be brought with you.
peeking at the box, the artifacts that lay inside caused your heart to break a little. but, that was soon going to be in the past and you'd finally be able to just let go.
while one nurse was fumbling around with some wires and iv fluid bags, another was taking your hand softly and clipping a pulse oximeter to it so that they could monitor your heart rate. she noticed your trembling hands and looked at you with sympathy, "i know," she said softly, "you're going to be okay."
you look away from her with teary eyes as dr. davis and his team completed setting up the room. after everything was prepared, dr. davis turned to you.
"alright, we're all set up," he explained, "the process of erasing your memories should take no more than about thirty minutes, since you have a lot of memories to go through."
he grabbed two little sticky pads, and stuck them to the side of your temples. a faint beeping sound could be heard in the background. "okay, i'm going to need you to lay back for me." he instructed, and you did as you were told. as you laid back, a nurse got an iv started on you, but you didn't care as your anxiety was fuelling you.
"how are you feeling?" dr. davis asked.
"i-i think i'm okay, just a little nervous." you replied with a shaky voice, and he nods as he listens to you.
"and that's completely normal. we're going to start the process of erasing your memories now. remember - deep breaths." he says softly, and you feel an aching pain in your forehead. closing your eyes, you deep breathe to try and focus on your breathes instead of the headache as a bright light flashed before you.
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you open your eyes to see you were in a small, quaint, restaurant with ambient lighting. the smell of your favourite pasta passes through your senses, and you take a look around - it seemed that you were somehow revisiting old memories inside your own mind. you glance at the other people dining in the restaurant, but nobody seems to notice you nor do they see you. that makes sense, you thought, this is sort of like a dream.
walking around the room, your eyes land on yourself. yes, you saw yourself. you saw yourself laughing and giggling at a table for two, with none other than jonathan sitting across from you. the both of you were smiling and laughing, a bottle of wine in an ice bucket sat on the table.
you felt your emotions start flooding back, and you had to bite down on your lip to stop yourself from crying again. the two of you looked so happy. if only you could have that back for just a split second once more.
walking over in the direction of the table, you sit at an empty booth that was directly beside it. you watch intently, the memories and traces of your old life playing out in front of your eyes. you'd remembered this particular date, as it was a hard one to forget; it was jonathan's first date with you.
you watched as he took your hand in his, and laughed with you about some stupid joke you made, the two of you sharing your favourite white wine over dinner. even though your heart was shattering in this very moment, you smiled through the pain. you smiled at the thought of once being this happy with him. you kept having to remind yourself that this was the past - it wasn't real anymore, and soon, it would be forever lost.
"i feel like i've known you for a lifetime." the old version of you drunkenly giggled, and jonathan laughed along. "i feel the same way." he told you, and you could see the way your eyes used to light up when he spoke to you.
you watched as the two of you talked as if you were old friends, and eventually jonathan had paid the bill, the both of you getting ready to leave. you knew what came next - your first kiss together. it happened when the two of you left the restaurant, as you were wrapped up in his jacket because it was cold out, and eventually, he pulled you into a soft kiss.
following the two people out, you walk down the road for a few seconds with them, until they both stop. the old version of yourself looks at him with confusion, and...it never came - the kiss never came. you look at yourself and jonathan, confusion washing over you. suddenly, within a blink of an eye, he was gone - but you still stood there and someone else was by your side.
"god, it's so cold out!" you say, and instead of jonathan standing by you, it was your best friend.
"i know, but i had so much fun catching up with you over dinner and wine!" your best friend says to you as she hails down a cab. "we have to do this again soon! i hate that our work schedules never align anymore."
the old version of you agrees as your best friends waves goodbye to you and gets into her cab. you watch yourself scroll through your phone outside the restaurant, seemingly ordering an uber, which arrives shortly.
before you could do anything else, your vision fades into darkness.
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"hey," a voice echoes, "hey, are you okay?"
fluttering your eyes open, you see a nurse looking down at you. you blink a few times as your eyes adjust to where you were, and you realize your back in the clinical room.
"are you feeling okay?" the nurse asked you softly once more, and you nod.
"yeah, i just feel a little foggy." you respond.
"that's normal, let me know if you feel any sudden dizziness or vertigo, anything like that." she informs you as she rummaged through the old box of things you brought.
she takes something out of the box, and holds it out in front of you. it was a wine red mini dress, and you take a good look at it. "do you remember where this is from?" she asks you, and you nod.
of course you remember! it was from that one time you went out to dinner with your best friend, and the two of you spent the entire night giggling and catching up.
"yeah, of course," you tell her confidently, "it's from the night me and my best friend caught up after weeks of not seeing each other, but now we see each other weekly." you told the nurse with pride, as you adored your best friend dearly.
"and you don't remember..." she paused, taking a look at your file, "someone named jonathan crane being there with you?"
you shook your head no, as you didn't remember him being there. you tried to recollect the memory as best as you could, but jonathan definitely wasn't there - it was your best friend who spent that night with you, not jonathan.
now that you were thinking about it, you couldn't seem to remember how the two of you met, or the first date you'd gone on with each other. perhaps this whole memory wiping thing was as good as they say.
"okay, good." the nurse says, and she turns to doctor davis, who throws the dress into a large plastic bag. "we've successfully altered the memory in her mind." she tells dr. davis, who hums in acknowledgement.
what memory? you wondered. the only memory you had of that night was with your best friend, why on earth would jonathan be there? the same nurse came over to your side again, and instructed you to lay back down instead of sitting up, and you did as you were told. the same bright light consumed your vision as you closed your eyes and took in a few more deep breaths.
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you opened your eyes, and suddenly you were standing in you and jonathans old shared apartment, and there were birthday decorations everywhere. the dining table had a huge bouquet of red roses on it, and there were bags from all your favourite designer stores littered around the room.
you instantly recognized this memory - it was your birthday. the last birthday you'd spend with jonathan, actually. you heard your own laughter coming from the kitchen, and you made your way into there. the sight was overwhelming, triggering you as you watched yourself laugh while jonathan held you from behind, kissing down your neck as you held a bowl of cake better in your hands.
"jonathan, stop!" you squealed, laughter erupting from the both of you, "you're going to get the cake batter everywhere!"
"i don't care, i just need you that badly." he laughs softly, turning you around pulling you into a deep kiss. you place the bowl of cake batter down and wrap your arms around his neck.
he pulls away and you smile lovingly at him, "happy birthday, darling. i love you." he says, and you could see how happy you looked. god, you were so in love him, and that never changed. not even now.
"i love you too, honey." you said back to him, and as you watched the old version of yourself live in the now dead memories, you choked back a sob.
"i'm going to spoil you every birthday," he tells you, "get you everything you want. anything for my beautiful girl."
"jonathan, please-" you start to say, but he cuts you off.
"no, i mean it, darling. i've been working lots recently, and i know you hate it when we spend time apart because of my job. i want to make it up to you in every way possible, i don't know where i'd be without you." he says to you softly, kissing you once more.
you remembered when he said that to you - back when he was still the same man you'd fallen in love with. you blamed his work, amongst other, things for the way things ended between you and him. within the last year of your relationship, he had started to work progressively later every night, and at first it was just thirty minutes to an hour late. slowly, it became two hours, then three, then it would become overnight. sometimes, you wouldn't even see him for days.
you'd call, text, spam his phone but he'd never answer. you didn't know what he was doing, but he'd never tell you. he couldn't tell you that you were falling for only one half of him, and that his other half was so evil and so ugly. he couldn't bring himself to tell you that he was the scarecrow, terrorizing all of gotham and fear-gassing the innocent civillians of the city.
you still remembered the day you confronted him about it; the day it all came crashing down and everything came to a halt.
you sighed, walking right out of the kitchen to process everything as you were getting overwhelmed with your own emotions. you could hear laughter, both yours and his, from the kitchen, but it suddenly went quiet. too quiet.
curiously, you walked back into the kitchen, but on your way there, you noticed that the luxurious gifts were gone. the roses were still there, but everything else disappeared. you looked at the shelves on the walls and on top of the fire place, and the framed photos of you and jonathan were different - changed. no longer was jonathan in the photos, but instead, your friends and family.
making your way back into the kitchen, you heard giggling again, but it just from you - no trace of jonathan. looking at yourself, you still had the bowl of cake batter in your hands, and some even got on your face, but now instead of giggling with jonathan, you were giggling with your dog who was barking at you and wagging it's tail.
your dog leaped against your leg, pawing at you, wanting you to pet it more, but you laughed and shook your head at the little dachshund. "you're going to make me spill the cake batter!" you giggled at the adorable puppy.
the sight made you smile, and you felt excited to return home to your dog after your memory wiping was done today. you'd gotten him right before you started college, and he'd been your fur baby since. smiling, you let out a content sigh, and your vision faded out to darkness once more.
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as you opened your eyes, you heard the beeping of a heart monitor faintly. you looked to your left to see dr. davis standing and reading over your file in his hands, but he noticed you had awoken.
"ah, hello," he said cheerily, "are you alright?"
"m'fine, i feel okay." you say to him, and he smiles. "great, i've got some questions for you." he says to you.
a nurse hands him something from the box, and he holds up a framed photo of you and your dog with a birthday cake that had candles on it in the background. "what do you remember about this picture?" he asks, and you smile.
"that was my most recent birthday," you explained, "i remember going out with my friends during the night, but for the earlier hours of the day leading up to it, i baked a cake for fun and spent time with my dog. my friends came over to get ready at mine with me, and they took the photo."
"excellent," dr. davis said with a smile, "and what do you remember about jonathan crane now?"
"he...was my boyfriend. i-i don't remember how we met or...much about him, but my heart hurts when i think of him." you say quietly, and he nods.
"that'll stop soon, just lay back again and focus on deep breathing." he explained, and you repeated the same actions - closing your eyes, you took in a deep breath, and the white light welcomed you back once more.
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"where have you been?!" your voice echoed, and you open your eyes to see yourself with a distraught expression, and jonathan looking at you with an irritated expression - he looked exhausted.
the two of you were in your living room having one of the worst fights of your relationship - now this was a painful memory you'd like to forget.
"you're acting crazy, you know that?" he scoffed at you, and you watched yourself break down in tears as he silently watched.
this was the night you had confronted him about his frequent and long absences, you were just worried about him, that's all. however, jonathan did not take to this nicely. he immediately got defensive, and he started yelling at you about how he felt you were accusing him of things, and he made you feel like you were crazy.
"i'm crazy?" you exasperated, "i'm crazy? you're the one who's gone for days at a time, no call, no texts, no nothing!"
"what do you want me to do, huh? i have work to do. i'm so sorry that i'm working to support us both and pay for your college tuition." he sneered, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
"i never asked you to," you sob, "i told you i could get a loan or work - i told you!"
"you- this is exactly why i avoid coming home." he says coldly, and you watched yourself go silent, tears streaming down your face.
"what?" you whisper, and he scoffs.
"don't act all surprised," he says to you, "you can't expect me to want to come home to my overbearing, psychotic, crazy girlfriend after a hard day of work."
you still remember the way he made you feel when he said those words - insignificant, useless, and crazy. perhaps he was right, maybe you were too much, too emotional and unpredictable. however, as you watched yourself argue with him, you knew that wasn't true. you were never the problem; in fact, you gave him everything - all your love, and in return, he left you empty after you spent years building a life with him.
that was the moment you knew that the so called "love" between you and him was long gone, and now it was replaced with something much uglier - something hateful. you knew there was no going back after he had said that to you, and you knew he could see the pain he had caused you. as you looked over at jonathan, you saw that he looked like he was filled with regret.
unfortunately for jonathan, feeling regretful didn't take away any of the pain and the damage he had caused with his words - with his actions. the room was silent and you watched the two of you stare at each other, but this time you didn't feel the urge to cry; perhaps because this was when the pin dropped for you that even though you had countless loving, happy memories with him, the destructive, dark memories would always overshadow the sunny ones.
in this very moment, you remembered giving up - clocking out emotionally. you both knew that you couldn't change him; he was a man too stubborn for his own good. the echoes of your love and laughter could be heard faintly in the background, but the scene in front of you brought you back to reality. this was the reality, not the false memories you had convinced yourself were so real.
he sighed finally, and spoke softly as you sat and watched both him and the old version of yourself stare at each other. "i'm sorry," he explained, "that was wrong - that was a lie, i didn't mean-"
"we both know i can't change you, jonathan." you whisper, cutting him off, and he looks at you with a scoff.
"what the hell that does mean?" he says - there he went again, with his belittling.
"you know what it means," you tell him, "it means this will never work because i keep growing, changing for the better without you. you're still the same, you won't better yourself for us when i've given everything to make this work."
he started at you silently, listening to your words as he let them sink in. "maybe you're right," he says after a few moments of silence, "i don't think this is working anymore."
"i love you." you whisper, and he walked up to you with a sigh, wrapping you in his arms as you cried. "i love you, too." he says softly, kissing the top of your head, but you took in a sharp breathe before speaking and clutching onto the diamond necklace around your neck, the one that he'd gotten you years ago.
"and because i love you so much, i have to let you go."
you sighed at your owns words, as it was the truth, but soon a voice from beside you on the couch startled you. as you looked to the right of yourself, a good friend of yours sat there.
"wow," she says, "that's deep."
confused, you looked back at yourself and noticed jonathan was now gone. instead, it was just your dog and your friend there with you, and you appeared to be holding a poetry book in your hands - no tears, no obvious exhaustion; just a smile on your pretty face.
"right?" you say to her, "you should totally read this book, it has some really good poems in it. that one was sad though, and i don't know if that's like, your style, but i'd highly recommend it." you plop down on the couch beside her, and your dog jumps up to join the two of you, cuddling you on your lap.
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you were jolted awake, breathing heavily, and you open your eyes in a panic. for a moment, it had felt like you were drowning. a nurse rushes over to your side immediately, and dr. davis peers at you from over his shoulder.
"breathe," the nurse says softly, "it's okay- you're okay. deep breathes, hun."
you nod anxiously, and do as your told. you try to remember what you had just seen, but it wasn't coming back to you - all you could remember was reading some sappy poetry to your friend while cuddling your dog. you weren't sure why the thought of that made your chest tight, but it did. the more you thought about the now altered memory (not that you could remember it was altered), the more it brought you a strange sense comfort.
things were different, unbeknownst to you, and that was comforting. the nurse held a small, diamond necklace up to you. it was gorgeous and it had a sparkling rock that shone brightly under the light. "do you remember this?" she asks softly, and you nod.
"yeah, someone gave it to me but i don't remember..." you trailed off, and you felt the sudden urge to cry. the tears silently streamed down your cheeks, and the nurse soothingly ran her hand up and down your back, trying her best to calm you down.
"hey, you're okay, you're going to be okay." she says to you soothingly, and you take deep breaths in and out.
"i-i still remember," you sob, "i still remember him, please-" you start to cry uncontrollably, and the nurse ushers dr. davis over, and he calls your name out softly.
"it's a lot, i know. deep breaths, just keep breathing. you're doing great." he reminded you, to which you nod - but you weren't listening. the way the memories played over and over like a broken record in your mind was unbearable - how could it be that you were wiping your memories and yet you still couldn't fully forget him?
well, maybe you didn't really want to forget him. perhaps, you just wanted to erase all the rainy days that dampened your relationship and keep only the bright, happy ones so that you could remember what it was like; but now it was too late.
you could only remember fragments of him, but that was still enough to break your heart all over again. sure, you'd forgotten a majority of who he was, but isn't that the most painful part? knowing that erasing all the bad will also erase all the good - all the love you had for each other.
one of the nurses took the last item out of the box - a plush, light brown teddy bear with a bow adorning the top of it's right ear. as soon as you saw it, you started to breakdown in the chair - it was too painful for you. the nurse brought the teddy over to you, and you clung onto it tightly.
"not this one, please," you sobbed, "i-i can't, please, i don't want to get rid of this memory."
your heart was being minced at the thought of doing so - but it was the last piece of the puzzle that was you and jonathan crane. it just happened to be the most important memory to you. this was the teddy he gave to you when he told you that he loved you for the first time. he'd gifted it along with with that gorgeous, tiffany diamond necklace for your three-month anniversary. the gesture was huge, and you still remember the way it made you feel.
"you have to let go," the nurse urged you, "you have to."
"i don't want to let him go, i-i can't-" you choked back another sob, "it hurts so much."
but before you could protest any longer, the white light flashed before you again.
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this was the last major memory you had of him.
you opened your eyes to see jonathan standing with a small, blue tiffany bag, roses, and the same teddy bear in his hands while you looked up at him, happy tears glistening in your eyes. as you watched yourself from a distance, you shook your head and cried - no, sobbed, as you observed the scene unfolding in front of you.
if you forgot this memory, you'd forget him completely. there would be no you and him - just you and the echoes of a past you didn't know existed anymore.
"i love you, my darling." he said softly, putting the various gifts down on the dining table as he wrapped his arms around you, holding you tightly with the intention of never letting you go.
"i love you more, jonathan." you whisper, letting him hold you close - feeling like time had stopped and it was just the two of you.
ah, young love. if only you could have this for just one more minute and turn back the hands of time.
you sobbed, watching the way you two used to be before everything went up in flames, and you could've sworn you heard your heart shattering like fragile glass in the stillness.
"please," you whispered to yourself, tears overflowing, "i hope you never forget me."
you weren't sure why you'd said that - it's not like he could hear you. maybe you said it for your own comfort, to try and convince yourself that he cared about you at some point, and maybe, just maybe - he even loved you back then, too.
well, jonathan did love you, even if now you doubted he ever did, he definitely did. he loved you with his whole heart, and it crushed him to let you go. it ruined him to watch you walk away from what you two used to have, and if he could go back in time, he'd change it all -because fate betrayed the two of you. it was supposed to be you and him for life, he thought you two were endgame.
as you closed your eyes to wipe your tears away, you opened them to see a different picture painted in front of you. of course, jonathan was now gone, and it was just you. alone. you stood there in your now lifeless apartment, all memories of jonathan and you together seizing to exist, but you looked happy.
the blue, tiffany bag was gone, and so were the roses - but the teddy bear was still there. you watch yourself hold onto the little, plush bear and call someone on your phone.
"hey, sorry for calling out of the blue," you said to someone on the other line, "but thanks for the teddy bear, dad. it reminds me of my childhood."
and now you felt like crying...again. you looked happy, and weirdly enough, you looked younger and less stressed. you appeared to be much healthier, glowing even. as you caught a glimpse of the new you, you sighed, the darkness consuming you once again.
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"you're all done." dr. davis's voice woke you up, and you opened your eyes feeling extremely groggy and hazy.
"huh?" you slur, confused and now a little dizzy, "i feel dizzy."
"okay, lay back and stay still for a moment," he instructed, "d'you need some water?"
"no," you say, yawning, "i want to go home."
the nurses and dr. davis all chuckled at that, and he nodded. "you're best friend is in the waiting room, she's driving you home. do you feel well enough to walk there or do you want another few minutes to rest?"
"i can walk." you say sleepily, and a nurse helps you up and escorts you back to the waiting room, where you see your best friend waiting for you with a smile.
"there she is!" she says cheerfully, "c'mon, let's get you home."
she helps you into her car, and laughs at how drowsy you looked. the drive home was uneventful - you sort of fell asleep for the majority of the ride, but once you were home, you thanked her as she helped you into bed.
"you have to rest," she giggled, "you look so funny. you look so hungover right now."
"stooooooop." you groan with a smile, and she laughs while tucking you into bed.
"how do you feel?" she asks, raising a brow, and the question makes you groan again.
"like shit," you huff, "i feel really hungover, no joke."
"do you remember what you did today?" she asks, and you shake your head.
"um, a doctors appointment or something, right? didn't i get surgery or something?" you ask groggily, and she nods.
"yeah..." she says softly, "something like that."
as soon as she left, you dozed off peacefully. you didn't dream of anything that night, but you swore you'd never had a better sleep in your life. the next morning, you woke up feeling refreshed despite barely remembering the day before.
getting up, you shower and got yourself ready for the day. you did your hair nicely as well as your makeup, and threw on a cute outfit. it was a gorgeous, summer day, and all you were craving right now was an iced coffee from your favourite place.
grabbing your purse and leashing up your puppy, you stroll out of the house with your dog by your side and enjoy the sun. you suddenly felt at ease for some reason, but you weren't too sure why. it almost felt like all of your stress had melted away during last nights sleep. you didn't question it - maybe you really had just slept all your stresses away.
walking quietly with your dog, you reached your favourite cafe. it was a pet-friendly cafe (which is another reason why you loved it, duh), and you got your iced coffee. you scrolled through your phone while waiting, and went through your emails and messages. taking your iced coffee from the barista, you left the cafe as your pup trailed behind you.
once you got home, you cooked up some breakfast and cuddled your dog on the couch. you put on a new netflix series and enjoyed your quiet, peaceful morning. after breakfast, you ran some errands as you were low or fully out of a bunch of different groceries you usually kept stocked up, and as far as the day went - it was quiet but lovely. something about it felt different, perhaps you just weren't used to a day where everything felt so stress free.
sure, you worked a part time job and you attended college too, but those were just things you were obligated to do. in your free time, you had amazing friends, a wonderful family, your dog, and...that was all. as you were winding down for the evening, your dog sat across from you on the couch, dozing off peacefully, but you heard your phone start to ring.
your dog woke up, barking from the sudden noise, but you hushed your pup and went to go answer your phone. it was only around six pm, so you'd figured that perhaps one of your friends was calling since you told everyone you were getting some sort of medical treatment done.
however, when you looked at the caller display, the name read: J. CRANE.
you furrowed your brows for a moment, unsure as to who that was and why they were calling you, but you pick up anyways.
"hello?" you answer, holding the phone up to your ear.
the person on the other end says your name almost breathlessly, "i-i didn't think you'd answer. i'm sorry for calling randomly, but-" the man pauses, and you don't say anything. his voice sounded so familiar but you couldn't recognize it fully. "i'm sorry. i was hoping we could talk."
"...who is this?" you ask softly as you glance at the photo framed above your fireplace. the photo was of you and your dog on your birthday last year, but for some reason it just...reminded you of this unknown caller in the strangest way - you weren't even sure why.
"what?" he says after a moment, "it's jonathan."
"jonathan?" you ask.
"jonathan crane." he replies, and you stayed quiet for a monent. your chest felt strangely tight, but again, you didn't know why. you just figured it was some random, wrong number caller - but if it was a wrong number, how would they have known your name?
"i'm sorry," you say with a sigh, your hands trembling slightly, "i think you have the wrong number."
and with that, you hung up and tossed your phone off to the side of your couch, and an odd feeling of deja-vu washed over you as you look outside of your living room window. so close and yet so far, so uncomfortable but so comforting at the same time.
you and him were just two people who's shadows stood in a parallel plane, two different endings to the same heartbreaking story.
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taglist (join here!): @ellebelleshelby, @the-buddy-things, @ilovetoxicfictionalmen, @ll4n4
@kpopgirlbtssvt, @abigailinterrupted, @jonathancraneslittlepet, @futurefamousdeadmusician, @humbuginmybones
@bloodandglitter207, @nocturnest, @wiseyouthinfluencer, @aprilsfrog05, @pennybee22
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seresinhangmanjake · 8 months
Hellooo. I hope you are doing well. If you still take drabble requests, could you write something about the morning after their first time together in Signed Away? Or if you are more in the Oh, Baby mood, something about the first night/morning after Honey returned to Jake with Eve?
Only if you want to do any of this, of course. No pressure.
Have a lovely day ❤️
Hello! I hope it's ok, I went with the first night after Honey returned with Eve for Oh, Baby.
Words: 827
First Night Home: Dad!Jake Seresin Drabble
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That little thing belonged to him. 
And god, was she little. 
Much smaller than he remembered babies being. Tiny fingers. Tiny toes. Tiny bowed lips with a dot of a nose. Just a little thing wrapped up tight in her little crib. And she was his. His and yours—something lovely born of you both. 
He could watch her for hours. Simply stare, waiting for a soft exhale or slight wiggle of one of those itty bitty arms. She was so real and so sweet, he’d held her in his arms, and yet, sitting two feet away from her, he still couldn’t quite believe he had a daughter. 
“It feels odd, doesn’t it.”
Jake turned his head to find you in the doorway of his guest room, your hands squeezing a towel around your damp hair. He could easily remember the last time he saw you like that. Freshly showered, bare-faced, with his t-shirt hanging down to your thighs. One of many memories he’d refused to let go of. 
You took a few steps closer to the crib Jake had set up hours before. 
“When they first laid her on my chest,” you began, your eyes landing on your sleeping baby, “I thought I would suddenly know how to be a mother. I figured everything would simply click and feel so natural.” Your knuckle ran lightly over a silky, rose-tinted cheek. “But it didn’t. Took a few days for it all to really soak in; to understand that she was…mine.”
As you spoke, Jake stared at your silhouette, your form made up of luscious curves that was hidden under the cotton fabric of his shirt. They were fuller now that you'd had a baby. Beautiful in the aftermath of bringing your shared child into the world. 
He wished he could've seen the way you had changed. To see your belly grow and your breasts swell. To see you glow the way he'd heard soon-to-be mothers often do. He didn't like to imagine how perfect it would've been. But having you in front of him now was enough to wash away some of the pain of missing that time. Though it didn't erase everything. Certainly not the regrets, nor the disappointment in himself for not having found you after you'd left. 
“Honey," his voice was soft, "I wish you hadn't been alone."
“I had my mother, lovely as she is,” you lightly snorted. Then eyes meeting his, you said, “But I wish I’d had you. Being by myself in the hospital was—"
"Your mom wasn't with you when you were having our baby?"
"No.” You shook your head and draped the small towel over the edge of the crib before crossing your arms. "I didn't tell her when my water broke. I just called an ambulance. Surprisingly, Eve came rather quickly so there wasn't time for my mother to question where I was when she got back from work. I let her know once Eve was born."
Brows pinching, Jake sat up a little straighter in his chair. His nails wanted to dig into the faux leather. "Why didn't you tell her before? Fuck, Honey, wouldn't it have helped to have her with you?" 
The thought of you scared and alone, with tears streaming down your face as you were forced through such physical and mental exhaustion crumbled the edges of his heart. What you needed was a hand in yours for you to squeeze the everloving life out of, someone to brush the damp hair back from your brow, to kiss your temple and whisper encouraging words to keep you going. Instead, you’d had no one. Not a single soul that loved you by your side. 
"Jake," you sighed. There was a hesitant upturn of your lips that didn't match the sadness in your gaze. "If it wasn't going to be you beside me then it wasn't going to be anyone. That spot was reserved for you, and I should've let you have it. Anything else would've felt…wrong."
“It’s too late,” you said. “I know my mistakes. And no matter how many times I’ve wished I could go back and reverse them, I can’t.”
He immediately reached out and wrapped your hand up in his, pulling you closer so his lips could press a kiss to your palm. “I don’t want you torturing yourself,” he whispered between one kiss and another. 
A fresh sheen coated your eyes, shining even in the dim light of the room. “Maybe one day,” you said, that half-hearted smile back on your face. “Will you sleep in here? If you’re comfortable. I, um…” you glanced at Eve, “I’d like it if we were all together tonight.”
“Of course, Honey,” he said. Because as much as it sounded like a plea from your lips, there was nothing he wanted more. In no universe, under any circumstances, would he have denied you. Never would he give away a chance to be with his family.
Tags: @wkndwlff @kmc1989 @sagittarius-flowerchild @demp @oliviah-25 @rosiahills22 @xoxabs88xox @matisse556 @hardballoonlove @ssa-sadboi @lynnevanss @pono-pura-vida @tgmreader @amgluvsbooks @ravenhood2792 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @abaker74 @novagreen04 @multifandomlover4life @mayhemmanaged @memeorydotcom @ryiamarie @ateliefloresdaprimavera
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karumbusarr · 26 days
with the season about to end soon, my mind keeps going back to ep 8. it was such a beautiful episode with profound confessions and moments, i adore that episode.
im really excited for them to finally get together properly after everything gets solved soon, but i really miss 2nd 2023 timeline sun jae. he was such an adorable idiot who was so down bad for literally more than a decade and then finally got his girl after the funniest night only to be stabbed like what even. he was such a happy giddy boi and they were so giggly and happy, it was truly a dream. he was so cute with the the whole digging up the time capsule and waiting for her, falling down into the water and then acting all 'top star' rizz, losing his mind about sol staying over and finally leaning in so preciously for consent and being so giddy the entire day. my heart just aches for him truly, he was everything and the future was everything they could've asked for. it's sad that technically the entire night they spent together is erased from the timeline they both will remember, it's so sad. the only silver lining is that they had one night for them to truly be with each other without any worries and just be absolute dumbasses with each other.
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loveephia · 1 year
the miya twins having a crush on the same girl.
content: (🦷) tooth-rotting fluff, my poor humor (i'm sorry 😔), them fighting over you, you can pick who you end up with, suna is in the scenarios, timeskip.
⚠ warning/s: manga spoilers.
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they're like two puppies when it comes to you and your love RAAAAAAHGHHHGH
whatever you're interested in, they're trying to learn more about it so that they can see your eyes sparkle when the topic is brought up
when you're at their games and cheering for one twin, the other gets MADLY COMPETITIVE
when you want to watch atsumu warm up, he exclusively lets you!!
what i mean by "exclusively" is that he doesn't let his fangirls in the gym. LOL
he does all these cool tricks, flexes his muscles, and goes all out in practice matches, just to see your adorably shocked face
when you forget your lunch, osamu would be willing to share his with you!!
osamu can't keep his mind off of the fact that you're eating from the same chopsticks as him, which means that that's an indirect kiss 😭
down atrocious
when they're both sitting next to you on the bus and you've drifted off to sleep, the twins are wondering whose shoulder you'll rest on for the entirety of the trip
if you've lost something, say, as something as simple as a pencil or eraser, the boys come running to your side in a flash with the needed item
both of them never ended up confessing, in chance of hurting the other twin, so you never knew about how they felt
until one day, suna had tattle-taled on them a few years after graduating
one twin ended up losing feelings
while the other's remained
"wait, what?" you said as suna instantly closed his mouth shut. even osamu's jaw had slackened at the middle blocker's little slip-up.
"well.. i—!" atsumu panics, trying to find the words, while osamu drags suna away to give you two some privacy. osamu knew atsumu's feelings. he just hopes it's requited. atsumu merely sighs, "it was just a li'l crush from a while back, nothin' major!"
"how long ago?"
"..high school."
your eyes widen at his hesitant answer.
then came silence. silence, which was slowly killing atsumu. it's unlike him to stay this quiet for so long, osamu may think.
"what a shame.." you start, staring at your glass of water in the slightest hint of sadness, "i guess you could say that i had a little crush on you from a while back, too."
now it's atsumu's turn to be shocked, "huh, since when?!"
"high school." you smile.
"oh." were the first words suna muttered after he had let out one of the twins' most trusted secret on (an honest) accident. atsumu was nonetheless, frozen like a brick in place. while osamu's expression was mortified.
atsumu's eyes flickered rapidly from osamu to you, worried for what's about to happen between you two's relationship. suna had read the room, so before atsumu can worry any further, suna drags him away against his own will.
you turned to osamu, "judging from suna and atsumu's reaction.. i'm gonna assume that it's true?"
"..maybe." he meekly replies, wiping the table with a used rag to ease his nerves. "are you disappointed?" osamu asks a bold question that even he doesn't want the answer to.
osamu's heart drops.
"because i had also liked you back." you confess, mischeviously poking his cheek in the process, "too bad that you don't like me now, though. otherwise, we could've been dating, then happily married, with a nice little family of our own."
you've never seen osamu's face redden this fast before. it's amusing. "now, hold on—!"
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© lowercase intended | loveephia
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hanjsquokka · 2 months
hey! i may or may not have found out my crush had a gf while i’ve liked him (😔😔) so i’m pretty deep in my feels- if you could do a like scenario similar to mine but when seungmin finds out and comforts the reader about it? you can play with it however you like, but it���d mean a lot to write it.
thanks so much!!
Ahhh I totally feel you there! I still remember when I found out that the guy I had a crush on for four years (I'm such a loser lmao 😭) had a girlfriend. This was short since I'm a bit slow on motivation rn but I hope you like it anonnie <3 (Also projected a few of my own feelings into this ajkdjs)
I feel like Seungmin is the kind of person who's like actions speak louder than words. He'd notice every single detail and not say anything but rather show his affection through small actions. Idk why but this just makes me feel so soft :(
kim seungmin × gn!reader , fluff , comfort , 0.5K words
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Honestly, you should've known. You should've known he was taken. No guy as perfect as him could've been single. Perhaps it was fate's way of telling you to move on when you saw him in the coffee shop, his arm slung over a girl's shoulder, laughing at something the two of them found so funny their faces were pink. Maybe you would've dropped your piping hot coffee in your hands if you didn't turn away quick enough, trying to erase the image from your brain but it played over and over again, taunting you, mocking you for getting your hopes up so high you thought you had a chance.
In the midst of your solo pity party (watching your favorite TV show), your doorbell rang. The incident happened a few days ago, but you felt so… defeated. There was no one to blame. No one was at fault. And you couldn't even dislike that girl because you knew her. She was such a kind person, you could never hate her no matter how much the jealous side of you wanted to.
“Oh, Seungmin, what are you doing here?” You asked when you padded over to the front door in your fluffy socks, decked in your comfort hoodie and sweatpants.
Seungmin didn't say anything for a few moments before he lifted up a bag he was holding. “I got something…” He said quietly, stepping into your home and slipping his shoes off.
The two of you settled onto your couch, you curiously waiting to see what your friend bought. Your mind was temporarily distracted from the gloomy mood you were previously in.
“You said you wanted to try these right?” He revealed a box of small cupcakes. You easily identified them as the products of a new bakery that opened, one that you had been dying to go to. You often told him the same, pointing to it from across the street as you walked side by side.
“Min… you didn't have to…” You swallowed back whatever emotions were building up inside you — either from the pure kindness of Kim Seungmin that he refused to admit openly or from your earlier breakdown caused by your failure of a love life.
“I wanted to.” Was all he said, placing a cupcake generously topped with frosting and sprinkles. You watched him take one for himself before you bit into the pastry, the sugary cake bringing a small smile onto your face. “Knew you'd smile.” He cracked a grin which only made you smile widder, letting out a small laugh. You fell into a comfortable silence with him, both of you relishing the baked delicacies he bought until he spoke up again. “There's… going to better guys than him.”
Your mouth hung open. “How do you…”
“You're wearing that hoodie with those socks and watching that show. You think I didn't notice?” He asked, as if it was the simplest thing ever — spoiler alert, it wasn't, at least not for you. You were shocked. Since when did he pay so much attention? Since when did you not notice? Just how much of an open book were you and how good was Kim Seungmin good at reading? “Close your mouth or you're going to attract flies.” That snapped you other of your little daze, hitting his shoulder while he laughed. He calmed down after a moment and cleared his throat. “I'm serious about that though — you'll find someone better.”
You looked straight into his eyes. Maybe you already have.
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©hanjsquokka | copying, translating or republishing my work is strictly prohibited
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winterspellsfrozenkit · 4 months
Oh God
Their are other ways is out
I was really hoping Jay wouldn’t go the route he did but he did :(
I love the music behind the part where Odysseus turns Searcy down but on the other hand… He completely completely erased the part where Odysseus was straight up SA’d
I… Jay I love you, BUT WHYYYY
So I listened to ""There Are Other Ways" and I have three theories to WHY Jay changed it to Odysseus breaking down and turning down Circe. 1. The year long timeskip was difficult to explain, 2. Sexual coercion/abuse is NEVER a comfy subject and he might've been worried about not handling it well, and 3. It helps ensure people understand Odysseus LOVES Penelope. Let's me explain:
Reason 1. The year long time skip is difficult to explain: In the Odyssey, we don't know what happened while Odysseus and his men stayed on Circe's island for a year, just that they were resting and recovering, but the men have to remind Odysseus about going home which makes me think something happened to make Odysseus either forget or become wary to leave, which is odd because Penelope and Telemachus are his big drive, so not wanting to leave immediately is out of character for him OR the men weren't going to move until they were ready and he was waiting for them.
Reason 2. Sexual coercion and abuse are really difficult to handle: When Hazbin Hotel snippets got leaked, everyone flipped out on Vivziepop for part of the Poison song that got leaked. Keep in mind that Vivziepop was a victim of abuse and parts of Angel's story with Valentino was pulled from her past with her toxic ex. Even so, people flipped out on her on social media for the leak, saying she was making light or not showing how awful sexual abuse is, but when Poison came out in full, people saw it really was showing the ugliness and horror of the situation. Circe's situation is more coercive and coercive situations are awful in their own right because they give the illusion of choice to the point people will blame the victim because "Well, why did they say yes? They could've said no." because people don't see or recognize the coercion. As a result, Jay might've been wary about handling the situation poorly or how fans would react. It does show the insidious nature of coercion, having Odysseus is agreeing there's no puppet, but he has to say that to get his men back and by having him breakdown and say "I can't!", it shows how much this is actually hurting him. Epic doesn't have accompanying visuals in the way Poison does, so showing how much being pushed to sleep with Circe had harmed Odysseus is really difficult with just dialogue alone.
Reason 3. It helps ensure people understand Odysseus LOVES Penelope. If you go around Tumblr, you'll see SO MANY PEOPLE BLAME ODYSSEUS FOR CIRCE AND CALYPSO. They claim Penelope deserves better than Odysseus, ignoring the sexual coercion and rape that happened to him. They shame him and say he claimed to love his wife, but slept with two other women the first chance he got. By choosing to have Odysseus breakdown at the idea of being pushed to sleep with Circe, it attacks that idea that Odysseus would choose to cheat on Penelope. It shows the true heart of Odysseus: the man who went to woo Helen of Troy, but decided her cousin, Penelope, was who he wanted to marry; the man who risked becoming an oath-breaker to stay with his wife and infant son when he was called to war; the man who didn't stay with Circe and refused immortality and staying with Calypso to go home to his mortal wife.
Adaptations are difficult. I wouldn't say it was a complete erasure, because it leads up to it, but just has Odysseus breakdown before anything happened. Honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about it, because Odysseus was a victim and that shouldn't be forgotten, but I do think the song drove home that emotional impact this situation had on Odysseus in that this situation was harmful to Odysseus and that he wouldn't choose to cheat which is important. I'm a writer, not a song writer, but a writer and the idea of tackling the complex emotions of that situation and all the effects it has on a victim in one song is daunting. It's why a lot of people choose to avoid depicting situations of coercion and abuse. There's so many complex emotions tied up in situations like this and how do you accurately depict that in one song that has no visuals and is only dialogue? How do you explain the emotional pain and feelings of helplessness a victim is going through? What emotion is going to be the main one coming from the victim? Grief? Guilt? Rage? Fear? Which is more important: the event itself happening or the emotional impact?
Jay might've not gone fully into the event, but he did show the emotional impact and how much this situation hurt Odysseus with him breaking down and begging Circe to grant him and his men mercy. He showed Odysseus struggling with what he had to do to save his men. Comparing to most adaptations, this one actually does show some of the emotional pain Odysseus must've had in the situation, rather than painting it as Odysseus romancing Circe or cheating on Penelope. It's not perfect, but it gives Odysseus more understanding in the situation than most adaptations do, so I'm relieved and grateful for that.
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nieceeee · 11 months
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P/C: babydaddy eren POV from leaving your house.
W/C: 1.3k
A/N: Little quick fluff and emotional whirlwind yall been asking for. Just wanted to get this one out my head while I build the next part.
I think I need to build out a playlist and put these in order so we can know where to go from here. I never actually established their relationship before the baby and I want to share that. Its alittle wild but I think it will make sense to further the plot
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My heart was heavy as I started my engine and pulled out of y/n’s driveway. What the fuck Eren? Why would you ask her that? I reprimanded myself. I shook my head at myself. I didn't head straight home. My mind still spinning. I knew I was getting too close to her but I couldn’t help it. Y/N was my everything at one point in my life. And now, seeing her with our child, watching her from afar, my heart started to long for those familiar moments. Memories of being cuddled up with her, my head in her legs as she stroked my scalp gently. Or when I would see the shock on her face as I would surprise her at home with dinners and gifts. She was so important to me but we never seemed to work out when we got together. It's like the balance was always tipped and it was easier to fight and leave than sift through the drama. 
Still, that never erased the good moments. I let out a heavy sigh. You can't do this Eren. You can't get attached. You’re in a relationship. I thought about my girlfriend. We had been together before I found out about the baby and recently after y/n had given birth. It’s been a tough journey. I knew that she knew I had gone back to y/n when we broke up. We weren’t dating but that definitely didn't stop the other things we did. My mind flooded with images of the day I helped her and a small ball of fire ignited in my stomach. I refocused again. As much as I wanted to relive some of those memories, I wouldn't do that to my girlfriend. She didn't deserve that. Part of me wanted to leave and try to convince y/n to work it out. But the fear of it failing and driving a wedge between us was too much to bear. I couldn't lose her and my baby. And being in a relationship made it easier for me to not act on the urges, at least not with y/n. Now the things I did alone in my room were different. 
It wasn’t intentional but I couldn't deny it and say sometimes my mind didn't shift to another person to get myself off. I was always riddled with guilt afterwards but it didn't change the way it made my body react to her. I groaned aloud. Why is this so damn complicated. 
I drove around a little while longer. I knew what was waiting for me when I got home and I wasn’t ready to let the small sense of peace I had leave just yet. When I was with y/n, I felt at ease. There was no confusion, just us. We could sit and talk for hours and I would long for it the moment it stopped. Y/n made me feel whole in a way I couldn’t explain and I wanted that wholeness all the time but she wasn’t on the same page. I could see it in her eyes when I asked her about us. The way she would shift the topic or dodge the questions when I mentioned what we could've been. I know we weren’t perfect but I at least hoped there was something to salvage with her. 
Tears burned in the back of my eyes but I cleared my throat and blinked them away. It was no use dreaming of things that wouldn't happen. I made the quick turn onto my street. Here we go. I thought to myself as I cut the engine on my car and walked inside. The lights were on and I knew she was awake and waiting for me to walk through the door.
“Did you fuck her?” She asked, disdain dripping from her voice. She sat in front of me, her arms crossed across her chest. I had just walked in the front door and she was already on her bullshit. I tried my best not to roll my eyes. “Again with this shit? You ask me every time I go over there.” I shook my head, kicked my shoes off at the door and made my way towards the guest bedroom. “Because you smell like her.” She said walking behind me. I groan internally. It was a never ending cycle with her and it was starting to weigh on me mentally. “Just answer the question Eren.” She pushed. “No.” I answered. “For the thousandth time, for the past 6 months. I did not and have not fucked her. Are you happy now?” She stood in front of me. Time stood still for a beat. Two beats. Three. “Fine.” She huffed before turning on her heels and walking away.
I let her leave before turning to get undressed and climb into bed. She had given me the ultimatum. ‘Whenever you go see her, you can sleep in the guest room. I don't want her scent in our bed.’ I’ll admit I found solace in those days. Moments where I could be alone and in my memories without feeling the weight of her next to me. I closed the door to the guest room behind me and locked it before sliding under the covers. I picked up my phone just as a text message came through. 
Hope you made it safe. Good night
My heart jumped in my chest as I responded. 
Yeah, here. Thanks. Good night baby doll
Good night Rennie.
I sat my phone down on the dresser and closed my eyes to rest but sleep wouldn't come to me. So as I always did, I picked it back up and went to my photos. I spent the next few minutes scrolling through the pictures and video of my son. My heart filled with joy as I looked back through the memories. Then I switched to my albums and pulled up my hidden folder and entered the passcode. All of the videos that included y/n appeared. A small smile tugged at my lips as I scrolled through them, pulling up my favorite. The video started to play, the camera on our son as he cooed and giggled in the playpen. Music was playing in the background as y/n got ready to go out with her friend for the day. “Hey little man, let’s go see what mommy is doing” I had said in the video. 
I picked him up and carried him and the camera into her room. She was dancing around, singing at the top of her lungs to Beyonce’s Love On Top. I recorded the way she jumped and spun as her voice matched the song.  She turned to me and gasped, eyes widening as I burst out laughing. “Damnit Rennie, I told you not to scare me.” I continued to laugh as she rolled her eyes playfully and went back to singing. She picked up her hairbrush and turned to me, pointing and singing the words to the song as I recorded her performance. My smile widened the same way it did when I was there. The action of her singing the lyrics and pointing her finger at me made me buzz with energy. I knew it wasn't for me. I knew she was in the moment but it didn't stop the way it made me feel. At the end of the video she did a goofy bow and walked closer to me. “Did you enjoy the show?” she asked, smiling and out of breath. “I did. I need an encore.” I teased her. The video ended with her laughing out loud.
My heart tugged as it ended. The longing heavier in my chest than before. I watched a few more videos before reluctantly sitting the phone down and releasing another breath. My eyes stared into the darkness as I reminisced on what could’ve been.
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vole-mon-amour · 9 months
"Kerry had a crush on Johnny"
I'm sorry but Kerry tried to leave the band twice but came back because of Johnny.
Kerry waited fifty years for Johnny to get back even though it was semi of a common knowledge of Johnny dying at Arasaka tower. Even if it wasn't released to the public (I remember that some citizens doubted that Johnny actually stormed Arasaka & the story became somewhat of a myth), Kerry and Rogue were really good friends. Do you want me to believe that Rogue told Kerry that she has no idea what happened? She probably did and wanted Kerry to move on, but Kerry kept waiting.
Most likely, Kerry just couldn't get over Johnny and move on with his life. His feelings for Johnny and Johnny himself probably haunted him in a way. Even when Kerry kisses V for the first time, knowing that Johnny is in his head, he asks, "Is Johnny..?" aka "Is Johnny with you? Is Johnny watching?"
The devs literally erased Kerry's bisexuality because Kerry still loves Johnny so much, he chooses male V because it reminds him of Johnny more. His voice, his body type. He doesn't want V, not really. He still wants Johnny. He probably fucks V and thinks of Johnny and what they once had.
You call that a crush? A crush is something that comes and goes. Maybe it stays for a while, but it is still a crush. It's not really serious. These two? They've been friends for years. Toxic, weird, but they truly cared and still care for each other.
What Kerry feels for Johnny is a full on obsession. Love, in a way, too. But definitely not as simple as a crush where Johnny changes his hair or whatever and its suddenly gone.
Kerry was the only person in the band and within Johnny's friends circle that truly cared. The others would see Johnny high as fuck and numb and be, "Yeah, of course you are." They'd given up on Johnny. Kerry? He couldn't stand the sight of it because he cared. At the same time he couldn't be mad with Johnny for long because he also loved and wanted him.
Back in the day, Kerry was full on in love and smitten. Then it turned into a mix of grief and obsession for what could've been but wasn't. In this essay, I will—
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worflesbian · 7 months
it was a couple days ago now that i watched it but ultimately my thoughts on endgame were that it was a good episode but not a good finale. did i have fun watching it? absolutely! do i feel like it was a good conclusion to seven seasons of television? not really.
partially bc we'd already seen a version of the story play out before in timeless, it didn't have the weight of a finale to me, and the way they opened the episode by showing us voyager's homecoming celebrations (retroactively in the future timeline that got erased) really undermined the impact those scenes could've had if they'd happened for real, and the impact of the episode overall. it reminded me of how we saw tom and b'elanna's wedding, only for it to be revealed this was an alternate version of them, and then when the real tom and b'elanna got married it happened entirely offscreen. voyager ends up treating these really impactful moments as if theyre something to skip past rather than linger over, which results in this pervasive underwhelming feeling.
i don't think they could have shown much in the way of what happens once they're back in the alpha quadrant because that would demand a whole episode if not season of its own, but a few shots of a vague group of civilians gathered in a space port with some recognisable faces thrown in and idk one of voyager sweeping in and everyone cheering and crying and a zoom out on the crowd rushing to greet the crew at the airlock would've been fine!! just to give us some emotional closure!! normally i complain about gratuitous montages in a finale (do not TALK to me about stp) but a montage of the voyager crew reuniting with family members would've been perfect in the finale -- they've waited seven years for this and we don't even get to see it happen?? literally just show me harry kim running to hug his parents or tuvok's family assembled with only a tiny hint of emotion on their faces or something like that. and janeway looking on and smiling at them. anything at all. please.
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