#unconditionally Ever) being smitten because of it
designernishiki · 1 year
tbh it really feels to me that y3 was implying/hinting at minedai having had at least some sort of under the radar romantic relationship, rather than just mine alone having an extreme one-sided obsession with daigo– like… based on how daigo talks to him and how immediately concerned he is for mine, all of which right after mine admits outright that he Loves (capital L) him to kiryu and all that… it feels more like a reveal of their relationship having been romantic than a reveal of mine’s feelings alone. I need to lay down
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koishua · 1 year
what they would never, ever tell you!!
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fluff. gn!reader. no warnings. like, reblog, feedback!
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✧ heeseung has never told you this, but he'd actually tried sixteen times to muster up the courage to ask for your number and a date. it had taken him an entire year, sixteen tries, and five meltdowns to finally approach you and not instantly turn back around in a moment of weakness. he would never tell you that, however, because he thinks that you believe him to be a suave man. what you don't have the heart to tell heeseung is that jay had snitched on him and his various failures. you think it's adorable, so when you first teased him with this information, he'd gone pink as the cotton candies in your hands.
✧ jay will take this secret to his grave and not for reasons you may think. it had been two years into your relationship with him preparing sweet little lunch boxes for you to enjoy during your days of working and it had just occurred to you that he must have payed an honestly concerning amount of money on your groceries. when you had asked him about it, he'd laughed, shaken his head and brushed it off. this was the one thing in life he would want to do without a single payment back. he simply loves you to the moon and back, unconditionally. let him keep at least this to himself.
✧ jake was the person who'd bring stacks of well-taken and organized copies of his notes and put it under your desk back when you were at school. the mysterious, generous note giver had never revealed themselves to you for years. the writings on the papers were the biggest reason why you were so successful those years and it had crushed you not being able to thank the person properly other than stick-it notes you'd past under your desk for them to see whenever they came by. four years later when you'd reunited with jake and started a relationship with him, you realize how awfully familiar the handwriting looks.
✧ sunghoon would rather dive off a cliff than to explain what the clanging sounds in the kitchen for the past two weeks has been all about. you weren't allowed to enter it to help him with whatever he was doing, too. it would be your birthday soon and he'd fought tooth and nail to get every ingredient he'd ever need in order to make you the world's best birthday cake yet. the issue was the fact that he didn't know how to bake— not a single clue under the roof. so, he's taken it upon himself to practice making cakes every day until he could get it right. so far, every attempt has been a total failure. he still has a few days, so until then, he swears you off the kitchen.
✧ sunoo had written a few lengthy love letters to you as a child, not that he would ever tell you. he was eight years old and a hopeless romantic. he would spend hours coming up with rhymes for his poems about you and include them in the letters confessing his love for you. he was utterly smitten and charmed by your cute littles smiles (still is now). he'd never sent them to you, though, in fear of rejection, so he'd hid the notes in a box under his bedroom. ten years later, you were hanging out in the very same childhood bedroom and your feet hit a plastic box in the corner of his room. once sunoo sees the box and remembers about the contents in it, he feels absolutely mortified.
✧ jungwon was popular all throughout his childhood and teen years with many admirers, boys and girls alike. he was, however, thought to be uninterested in any romance, because he would instantly reject anyone that approached him. the small detail that no one knows about is how he'd walk the same route home a few times a day in hopes of one day catching your eyes from behind window as he'd pass by. no matter which clothes he wore or how he'd styled his hair, his subtle attempts would never work. months of hard work and the only thing that had worked was just going up to the counter with a box of juice and a small paper with a series of digits written on it.
✧ riki is a prideful boy and it would destroy his fragile ego if you knew how he'd stayed up a few nights and searched for tips on how to make someone like you on google's incognito mode. he was clueless and desperate to get you to like him as much as he liked you, so he'd scrolled through many wiki hows and blog articles. he even took a compatibility test to see how you matched and he prayed that you wouldn't ask why he was asking for your time of birth and star sign. you didn't ask, thankfully, and you did end up reciprocating his feelings in the end, but only because he'd charmed his way to your heart on his own— not because of wikihow's tips.
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wysteriaisapenguin · 3 months
Do you ever just think about Burned Bridges?
Smitten had always loved unconditionally, but never has he felt so much rage and hatred towards someone else before. That someone being the one who killed his beloved Damsel, the woman he loved with all his heart. As someone overflowing with love and emotion, he cannot stand to see someone so “heartless” enough to not care about anything or anyone. His hatred for Cold continued to burn until it becomes a sinister obsession; he wanted to destroy that unfeeling monster if it means he can make him understand the pain he had felt. If this meant he had to stoop down to a new low, then so be it.
Cold had always been bored with the others, but there was something about Smitten that amused him. A voice that wished nothing but the worst for him all because he pushed his emotions aside to do what needs to be done. Normally threats of violence meant nothing to him, but for once he was curious. He wanted to know what horrible things Smitten could possibly do to him. He knew it would bring him immense pain but that didn’t matter since he had always been used to that. He was more interested in seeing this lovesick fool snap and turn into something so vile and monstrous. He found the thought of that exhilarating.
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theflyindutchwoman · 8 months
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If I'm gonna work undercover, the best move is to become a detective in some division, like intelligence or narcotics, right? Right. So you got the tap. Harper and Lopez are backing me. All I have to do is score in the top 12, which-- Which you will.
| ANATOMY OF A SCENE - CHENFORD EDITION 5.19 - A Hole in the World
The way this scene just epitomises softness… It's in the lighting, with this very soft and warm glow… It's in how they're dressed, all comfy, Lucy in a shirt that could easily pass off as one she stole from Tim's for extra coziness… And it's how domestic these two are… With Lucy taking over the kitchen counter for studying, her mug nearby, and pens in her hair (and how naturally gorgeous she looks!)… With Tim still half-asleep, all scruffy and snuggly, going straight for the coffee pot… The fact that he doesn't even know what day of the week it is, is so relatable… Been there! This is a side of them we rarely ever see.
They're just so at ease and comfortable. So much so that Tim doesn't even hesitate before showing off his last battle wound. This is the same man who used to shrug off his injuries, acting like they were minor inconvenience… Back after his shooting or the quarantine house, it was easy to assume that it was because he was on his own. But even with Ashley, he was trying to pretend that his bullet wound was no big deal. And look at him now, enjoying Lucy's attention and being in her care. It's something that he has definitely learned to appreciate with time. And her calling him 'babe' and immediately fussing over him is something so simple, but so intimate at the same time. Just like how she grabs his stool to bring him closer to her or how they're looking at each other… So soft! They're both so smitten and basking in each other's presence. Again, it's very simple but combined with the detail that Lucy stayed up late waiting for him to come home, it feels like a luxury as well. They both know it and they revel in that little moment they have together. They just want to be around the other.
And it's easy to understand why they seem to cherish moments like these so much : the way Tim is surprised and unaware of Lucy preparing for the detective's exam just emphasises how they've barely spent time together lately. Her little tap though - affectionate violence is apparently a love language now! But again, the fact that she was convinced she'd already told him is so relatable. It's not that she was trying to keep this a secret, it's simply a sign that with their long hours and different schedule, they haven't been able to share as much as usual. This is brand new for them. Not just the relationship part, but also the fact that for years, they worked together, all day every day, talking about everything in the shop and this is no longer the case… It's an adjustment. What doesn't change is the pride on Tim's face when he hears she got the tap for detective and his absolute faith that she will be in the top 12. She's 'a natural born test-taker' after all. And this parallels so beautifully her belief and pride in him for the sergeant's exam. I love how she instantly kisses him after this. For all their physical touches, words of affirmation are really important to her. Especially from him. Having someone who believes unconditionally in her is still new to her. And that kiss… Here's that word again : soft… There's something immensely sweet in the fact that they always go for one more, for one more little peck… It's almost instinctual by now. Tim looks so besotted after that kiss… And it never gets old.
Besides all that softness, this scene is also introducing in a subtle way the change in their relationship… slowly moving away from their honeymoon period towards the more serious stage. Where they are going to start to deal with the hardships. And one of them is how they're going to see less of each other with their new careers and their more demanding hours. They spent years working together, all day every day, and now they're no longer even in the same department. This is something real and I really appreciate that we get to see them adjust to this part of life. They both look worried and a bit upset once Tim addresses the issue of their hours… Tim's little wink and his parting words "We'll figure it out" are meant to be reassuring, but the fact that he walks away from the conversation and the room just indicates how deep down, he is scared himself. He simply doesn't want Lucy to see it. It's clear that they're committed to this relationship but this also illustrates what their next challenge is going to be : to fight and advocate for themselves and their relationship. They both used to go with the flow with their exes, not always standing up for themselves. But this is different : this is worth the effort. We see them taking that first step in the right direction in Going Under, when they open up about some of their fears… And this opens the door for an easy solution for spending more time : moving together.
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simpinggforeverything · 9 months
Aching for you
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Summary: "It hurts me, just how much I ache for you!"
Warnings: none
Words: 1.1k
Loki's point of view:
A slight goose bump managed to spread itself on every inch skin covering my body, as my eyes caught sight of the ethereal beauty right next to me. It was as if the moon and sun united, creating the most dazzling image of a sun and lunar eclipse combined.
And still, this kind of beauty would outshine said natural phenomenon beyond all doubt, leaving every living being breathless after catching a simple glimpse of it. The mere effect it had on me scared me to death.
Because I knew I would give absolutely everything – and I mean everything – to keep it in my life and at close quarters to grasp it whenever it seemed to get out of my reach.
A tingling sensation present once it was within spitting distance; waiting for me to give in and relish the softness of its touch the moment my fingertips graced its surface.
Oh, how badly I wanted – no, needed – to give in. My very being and soul yearning to be embraced by its warmth, caressed by its gentleness and simply able to lose itself in its spell.
I was certain it had to be a spell, since such a creation couldn’t have possibly arisen from this world.
I was done for. Absolutely awestruck. Completely and utterly smitten with its pulchritude – their pulchritude, to be precise.
Y/n's. My beautiful, beautiful Y/n.
Having them sitting in this proximity was slowly suffocating me, as all ounce of air left my lungs, making space for my heart to grow; and fonder of them.
The image of the moon mirroring in their eyes made my breath hitch and I fell into the depths of the mirror to their soul.
Their presence was the greatest present I could ever receive, and I would treasure their friendship and trust with utmost care.
As long as I shall live, I would do good to keep their happiness alive and with it that breath-taking smile, that never failed to make my heart skip a beat.
Not as long as their eyes held their infamous sparkle, I fell so unbelievably in love with.
It was true and undeniable: I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with them.
And I could never see myself not being absolutely infatuated with their generous soul and being of an angel. My angel. My oh so wonderful angel…my Y/n.
“Loki.” Oh, to hear those words out of their mouth made my heart thump quickly in my chest. Only for them though, always only for them.
“Loki.” There. Again, that soothing voice saying my name with this precious sparkle in their eyes. I was certain, their eyes held the stars and the moon in them.
“Loki!” Their slightly risen voice tore me out of my reverie, and I quickly put all my attention on them. As if it hadn’t been on them alone already. “Yeah?”
“Where were you?” their recious chuckle reached my ears, kissing them softly with its melodic resonance “I lost you there for a second.” The glint in their star-filled eyes never left them.
Embarrassed about me obviously being distracted (by their beauty), I felt myself following their chuckle
“Well” I averted my gaze to the towel I was sitting on, keeping my pants from the sand underneath them. The sound of the waves sounding in the backround.
“I was just thinking. Sorry. What did you want?” Eyes still locked on the ground I waited for an answer but my question was only met with silence.
A tad bit confused about their behaviour, I rose my gaze slightly. My breath hitched, as all air was knocked out of my lungs, the moment my eyes met theirs.
They held more affection and adoration in them than I imagined possible. But the thought of them watching me with this expression stunned me into a silence.
“Wow..” For a second, I thought my mouth spoke those words without me actually wanting to; just being quicker than my mind.
But it wasn’t me. No. It was them. They repeated the words and I could watch their lips turn into a loving smile.
They must have acknowledged my confusion and didn’t feel too embarrassed to add to that single word, that had so much power over me.
“You are incredibly stunning in every single way. Do you know that?” A sigh left their perfect lips but that was nothing to what left mine; or rather wanted to leave mine.
Because my idiotic self couldn’t respond verbally anymore. They left me speechless, like so many times before already.
They noticed. Of course they did. “You’re never this flustered or silent for that matter” their beautiful laugh reached my ears and my heart “What changed?”
If I didn’t crave the feeling of being theirs and them being mine so badly, I was sure I would have stayed quiet; not knowing how to respond really.
But the longing to finally know how having them close would feel like basically forced me to quickly breath out “It hurts me just how much I ache for you!”
My eyes immediately turned wide as I realised what I had just confessed, and theirs did too. Though it didn’t take them long to break out into a wide grin. A grin that managed to take my breath away. Again.
“You have no idea how long I waited for you to say those words” and then their lips were on mine. Tenderly caressing them as if it was the only thing they were created for.
And it truly felt like it was their only function. I was in bliss. Finally being able to experience my most desired daydream competed my image of Valhalla. Because this must have been Valhalla; there simply was no other way.
Their soft lips tasted like the peace my heart craved and I wanted to spend eternity having them on mine. From what I could tell, they seemed to share my emotions and eagerness as well.
I felt them smile against my lips as they aspirated “I ache for you too.” My heart cheered inside my chest, threatening to burn me with its passion “Every day and every night. I ache for only you.”
Blessed to hear these beautiful words, I placed my lips on theirs once more trying to express my feelings in another way than using words.
And they understood. Of course they understood. They always understood me and perhaps that was also one of the many reasons why I fell for them in the first place. For my beautiful, beautiful Y/n…
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dokoni-mo · 2 years
How do you feel vader would be like if his s/o feels insecure over padme? Personally padme is so pretty and I KNOW i would probably feel insecure like sooner or later
Okay yall listen up grab a chair bc im about to TALK
I can see one of two things happening. One: hed understand why youd feel jealous/insecure, but would reassure you that while he LOVED padme, he's not in love with her anymore. You're his love now, and he'd reassure you constantly that no other being in the galaxy could ever take his heart like you did. He loves you and you alone, and he's gonna make sure that you know that. He's smitten by you, and no one past present or future is gonna change that
Or two: you wouldn't have to worry at all about it because he grows to hate padme. While yes he did love her, he feels his hatred growing towards her because he remembers how she "betrayed" him all those years ago. He grows to hate her because she didn't love him unconditionally, whereas you do. You love him even tho hes a sith lord, and you would love him before he became one, and padme didnt. After seeing the amount of love for him you have as he is, despite all his flaws, he hates padme because she never did the same. He'd wished he never met her, because perhaps he would've met you and things would've gone differently
I can see both scenarios happening tbh but the first one is more likely than the second 🚶🚶🚶ALL IN ALL: dont worry much abt it because he loves YOU and you alone
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littledreamybeth · 2 years
Secret Love Song
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A/N: This was a hard nut to crack, really. I’m still not happy with the result but I let you decide. I’m sorry if the story is a bit rushed, I usually wanted to keep it short while trying to make sense. I would be happy about likes, shares (it’s again NOT showing in the tags), comments :)
For entertainment purposes only. Story revolves around arranged/forced marriage, mentions of weapons, violence and sexual intercourse. Read on your own account.
Y/N was watching the sun rise, bathing the city in front of her with golden morning light. She wished she had wings so she could fly high up and touch them, let them bless her with hope. Because right now she had no ounce of hope left in her. Her eyes drifted to the alarm clock beside the bed, and the faster time hit twelve, the closer she neared toward her inevitable doom. The diamond ring that adorned her finger felt heavy in a way she couldn’t lift it. Or maybe her brain was playing tricks on her. She longed to rip it off and never wear it again. Because it had made her lose her freedom.
The young woman had known that arranged marriages were a thing in some cultures, but she had never expected it to happen to her one day. That she’d been taken away the choice of deciding who’d she like to be with. It was 2022, who could have known?
Her father, a rich, dominant CEO of a prestigious company and an infamous asshole, had thought it was an awesome idea making allies with another rich family by marrying off his daughter. His poor excuse had been, “It had to be done.” Besides, the son of that family apparently had an eye on her the entire time, and her father had been smitten with him too. Y/N could only shake her head. She knew her old man well enough to claim he’d do anything for financial profit. You cannot guess how many dirty deeds he’d already committed in order to get what he wanted.
Now Y/N was stuck with somebody she barely knew anything about, whereas her heart had already been conquered by another man.
The man who slept peacefully on the bed behind her. Harry.
The memories of the night prior came flooding back, overwhelming her senses. The last night she would ever spend with him. It had been draining, nerve-wrecking but passionate, nonetheless. They held each other tight until they fell asleep. If you knew how tight it was.
When Y/N announced the news to Harry, both of their worlds came crashing down. The musician was heartbroken, if not depressed for a while. Y/N felt miserable as well, crying herself to sleep every single day. Each cell in her body refused the idea of that marriage, despised it, resented it.
Her father did not approve of their relationship, unless it was meant friendly. Y/N had wondered why, but it slowly sank in that Mr. Y/L/N had planned this marriage a long while ago. But Y/N being too infatuated couldn’t keep her fingers away from the charming and charismatic man. So Harry and her agreed on having a secret relationship.
Y/N shifted her gaze from the sun to her love.
The corners of her mouth quirked up slightly, forming a smile, and her soul felt ten times more at ease.  All her worries washed away by just sparing a single glance at him. It had always worked like that. Whenever she felt like she was crushed under the weights of her merciless life, it had been those enchanting green eyes or that handsome face she had to look at in order to not fall apart. He gave her the strength she couldn’t conjure up on her own. He was her rock. Her everything. The man she loved unconditionally but unfortunately couldn’t keep for the rest of her life.  
She wished she was confined to this apartment with him forever. At least she wouldn’t have to feign happiness. She wouldn’t have to face people who managed making her life miserable. And the man she was unwillingly betrothed to, the man she could never love, he would have no chance in laying his fingers on her. A picture perfect world from her perspective, however, a fairy godmother who granted her three wishes did not exist in reality. Her fairy tale with a happy ending would never become true. It is what it is.
Had Y/N tried searching for solutions to dodge her relentless fate? Yes, more than she could count on her fingers. Her cruelest idea was faking her death so that she could elope with Harry to places he wanted to take her, but she didn’t dare implementing her thought for two main reasons: Firstly, she was afraid her cover could blow up eventually no matter how careful she’d be, and she did really not want to imagine the repercussions of her actions, and secondly, there was her mum. She could care less about that piece of shit she called father, who’d forced her into this marriage without her consent, but her mum was different. She needed her daughter’s protection because she couldn’t stand her ground against her awful husband. Y/N grew up in a household where violence had been a part of the daily routines. All done by the man she loathed- her dad. Back in her childhood, she had watched her mother being beat to unconsciousness by that monster, and she couldn’t do anything about it. Because she had been weak to protect her mother. She’d been carrying the guilt of those days ever since, and now she planned to make sure it never happened again. She’d willingly turn into her father’s punching bag. As long as he did not raise his hands against his wife.
All those horrible experiences had glued both women together. Y/N had a very close relationship with her mother, she was her best friend, and besides, she didn’t dare inflicting the pain of child loss on her beloved mother, who’d been nothing but caring and giving her whole life. The two of them would sacrifice everything for each other’s wellbeing, even if their own happiness was on the line.
Y/N took a deep breath until every inch of her lungs were filled with fresh air, then slowly exhaled.
“Everything is going to be just fine,” she murmured. It was a lie she told herself everyday. Rehearsing and repeating until she believed it herself. What other choice did she have?
When the chilly autumn air became hard to endure and goosebumps arose on her skin, she closed the large windows and returned to the bed, crawling under the sheets. She hooked her arm around the naked torso of her lover and rested her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeats thudding against her ear. Occasional snores left Harry’s mouth, making Y/N giggle.
Her gaze fixated the signature carved with dark ink on his right rib cage. It was her initials. She let her pointer finger drawing circles around that area. She remembered how elated and full of love she was when he had showed her the tattoo. Everything had been alright back then. Now it was disastrous.
Her gentle touch caused the British man to slowly wake up. He mumbled something unintelligible, stirring in his position, draping his arm over Y/N’s frame and pulling her in before opening his eyes.
“Good morning, beautiful,” he said. The deep tune of his voice sent shivers down Y/N spine. “You’re up, already?” He checked the time. One the other side, he wanted to find out how much time remained until he had to say goodbye.
He had four hours.
“I couldn’t sleep, so I watched the sun rise. Y’know, to calm my nerves.”
“Did it work?”
“It worked when I looked at you.” Y/N confessed. She interlocked her hand with his. A pregnant pause followed, in which Y/N allowed Harry to properly wake up, before it was interrupted by the young woman.
“You’ll be there tonight, won’t you?” She played with his rings.
Harry smiled assuringly, “I wouldn’t miss it for anything else. I promise to show up.”
“I’m sorry I’m asking this of you. It’s not fair making you suffer like that.”
He kissed her temple tenderly. “Y/N, I care about you. Of course I’m gonna be there and provide the mental support you need. There is no way I’m leaving you alone on this big day.”
Big day. Was it that really?
She swallowed hard. “You don’t deserve this.”
“You don’t either.”
“Harry, I don’t think I can do this,” she croaked, her voice trembling and panic starting to develop in the pit of her stomach.
“Yes, you can,” Harry insisted, even though his heart shattered into pieces. How could it not when he had to watch the woman he loved and adored become the wife of a man that was not him? When the essence of his happiness was cruelly taken away from him? Yet he was encouraging her to follow this path. “You will walk into that room like a badass with your head and chin held high like the queen you are. Pretend if you must. But I’m sure you can do it because you have so much more in you than you think. You’re stronger than you think you are.”
Y/N sighed, “I wish I could put my moral principles aside and just cheat on him instead.”
“That’s basically what you’re doing right now, sweetheart. Where are your moral principles, hm?”
“Freak…” she mumbled. “Harry…”
“I will miss this. I will miss us…”
“You know you’re always welcome, my love. My doors and my heart will always be open for you.”
“Yes, as friends. Such a shame you don’t start affairs with married women,” Y/N commented.
“What can I say? I’m a decent man with integrity.” He earned a light slap on his shoulder for that remark.  
“Can you tell me a lie?” Harry knew exactly what she was implying to. He had been doing this ever since the marriage announcement.
“You won’t marry him. Instead, we’ll be together. I’ll travel with you around the world, take you to different arenas where you will dance your ass off. I’ll let you pursue your dreams. Then, when the time’s right, I’ll go down on my knee and propose to you. We’ll marry, have wonderful little children and live happily ever after.”
The air suddenly felt heavy, it was barely possible to breathe. Harry tried diverting her attention from tonight’s event to something else. She was still with him now. There was no need spending the remaining hours with negative feelings. So for the next two hours, they talked about this and that. It felt good to laugh, to joke, to be free from any worries. To be wrapped in Harry’s arms.
“Will you love me goodbye?” Y/N asked before the clock struck eleven. She said it so desperately and vulnerable, Harry could only oblige. So, he switched positions with her, him hovering over the young woman. His lips explored every inch of her being, savoring her taste for the final time. It was certain that this moment was the most bittersweet from all moments shared.
The late breakfast after the quick shower prevailed in silence. The couple didn’t know what they could say to each other anymore. They had told each other what had to be told.
The clock struck twelve and a knock was heard on the door as Y/N was fixing her hair and outfit.
She turned to Harry who was beside her all the time.
“I think this is my cue to leave,” Y/N said. I don’t want to go.
“Yes, I believe so.” Please stay.
“Will you walk me out?” Is it really over?
Harry nodded his head.
Their legs automatically steered them toward the front door and at the same time, toward their end. No matter how hard they tried fighting against it, all they did was finally surrender. Their story ended here and now, although there had been so many blank pages that could’ve been filled. So many dreams that could’ve been chased together. But fate had other plans for them. Former lovers turned into friends- that’s what the world would see. Friendship. Their hearts, on the contrary, would always be occupied by each other. Until death.
Y/N grasped the doorknob and opened the door. In front of her stood a good-looking man dressed in a black suit and white shirt. She could see the outline of a gun underneath his jacket. His name was Miles, Y/N’s bodyguard and most importantly, loyal friend. They’d known each other for years and had each other’s backs just as long. She knew she could trust him, and that Miles would never disclose anything about her secret to her parents. He was the only male friend she had who had been privy to their relationship from the start.
Miles shot Y/N a compassionate smile. He knew how hard leaving was for her. He had witnessed it too many times already. He also knew tonight was the beginning of her biggest nightmare. An irreversible choice that bounded two people who actually weren’t meant to be together and destroyed the future of a couple in love. “I’m ready whenever you are, miss.”
“A second, please,” Y/N asked exhausted. Then she faced her lover behind her who had his eyes trained on her, watching her, taking all of her in because he was aware that this moment was the last they’d ever share. Once she was out of that door, there was no intimacy anymore. No fervent kisses shared, no lovemaking, no touches, no secret meetings. Simply nothing.
Y/N’s insides churned and burned, screamed in agony- she was slowly but securely falling apart. How could she let go of the man who carried her on his bare hands? The tears in her eyes became harder to control. She stepped forward, crashing against his chest. She held him tight like her life was dependent on him. As if he could rescue her from drowning. Because inwardly she did.
“I love you,” she repeated like a mantra.
The British man ran his finger through her soft hair, making her face him once again. He absorbed every detail of her gorgeous face, every perfection and imperfection, before leaning his forehead against hers. Y/N felt his breath on her lips.
“I’ll be there for you, forever and always,” Harry whispered. “Chin up, my love. You’ve got this.”
He kissed her sinfully as a bittersweet farewell.
When Y/N was brought to her car, Miles had steadied her all the way down because the young woman looked like she was going to collapse. She was numb and full of void. Full of pain.
Miles started the engine, and they drove off. His friend, whom he escorted back home, did not look back at the apartment where she had made unforgettable memories. Not one bit. Instead she asked her bodyguard, “Miles, could you please turn on “Secret Love Song” by Little Mix?”
Before the song could even reach its chorus, Y/N bawled her eyes out, sobbing and screaming so loud that her friend in front of the steering wheel felt ashamed for following orders. The crying woman tugged at her hair desperately, wanting to rip them off so that she’d look ugly enough to make her future in-laws not want her. But she wouldn’t. She would oblige instead. Do what her father demanded. Marrying a man she never wanted. Who could now, if not her dad, free her from her misery?
The gallery was full of influential, rich people. Some of them Harry did recognize because he’d met them before, and some of them he had never seen in his life. People who knew him would ask in what kind of relation he stood with Y/N, and he’d repeat that they were friends. He had retreated to an abandoned high table somewhere at the center and watched the engagement party unfold in front of him. He had stumbled upon Miles before, having a quick chat with him.
All he did was now waiting for the love of his life to join the guests. His heart already raced in anticipation. Probably more than that idiot.
And when she did, he couldn’t rub off that boyish grin from his face. She came down the long stairs from the floor above them.
She wore a plain white jumpsuit with one shoulder cape sleeve, which emphasized her curves perfectly, and matching high heels. Her luscious wavy hair fell effortlessly down her shoulders. Her makeup was kept minimal, yet it was enough to accentuate her beauty. The golden accessories on her skin completed her look. Overall, she looked like a goddess. Breathtaking.
He grinned even wider when he spotted the golden charm bracelet he had bought for Y/N on her wrist. A reminder that she was thinking of him, even on her own engagement party.
Y/N descended those stairs as if she was confidence in person. Just as he had told her, she held her head high. She smiled at everyone, and if Harry didn’t know better, he would believe that she was indeed very happy. But it was just a mask. A farce. He had to give it to her though- she was pretty convincing.
Her future husband was already waiting for her at the end of the stairs, and when Y/N finally approached him, the man took her hand into his and whirled her around as if she was a trophy he’d like to show off.
Harry vision got slightly dizzy when the male in front of him snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her toward his side, and Harry surely had the urge to puke when he placed a kiss on her cheek. The expression on Y/N’s features immediately changed into that of distaste, but she quickly composed herself.
“Can I have everybody’s attention?” Y/N’s father called suddenly. He held a glass of champagne in his right hand. Meanwhile, waiters and waitresses were strolling around and distributing champagne for each guest.
“Thank you so much for being here tonight. It really means a lot to us. I never thought my darling daughter would find the perfect husband until she met Aaron. He’s a good guy, I’m sure of it. So, I’d like to speak a toast for the young couple. May their love blossom and thrive forever! Cheers!”
‘Fake piece of shit,’ was all the British man could think about. ‘Why don’t you tell them the truth?’
There were just a few split seconds where the young woman had found him in the crowd and their eyes met. And they spoke volumes. Longing, pain, love. Hopelessness.
“Chin up,” he mouthed at her and smiled gently.
She nodded.
Harry didn’t look away when Aaron kissed Y/N out of nowhere. He clapped and cheered with the invited guests.
All while thinking, “And nobody knows I’m in love with someone’s baby…”
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blouisparadise · 3 years
hi! just wondering if you know what fics from the abo fest are bl?
We’ve compiled a list below! As always, it can be difficult to check larger collections like this, so if anyone sees a fic here that shouldn’t be or finds one that we missed, please let us know! There are lots of amazing fics here.
1) Rose’s Fortune | Mature | 5055 words
Omega Louis takes one of his siblings to the doctors (check up, possible broken bone or possibly injections?) and the new Dr is Alpha Harry. Harry is great with kids and Louis is smitten. Harry is smitten too but attempts to act professionally and keep his distance whenever Louis visits the Drs with his siblings or to pick up his prescriptions. But Harry realises there is no reason for him not to make a move as Louis isn't under his care.
2) This Love’s A Luxury | Mature | 5623 words
Omega Louis is a hairdresser. Alpha Harry just wants his hands on him.
3) Take Me To The Stars | Explicit | 5840 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Staring at his darling daughter, in the middle of the pasta aisle, Louis found himself on the edge of a neurotic breakdown.
"It’s your birthday tomorrow! And your papa better not do anything to muck it up! Because your dada worked very hard to organise it! And all of your aunties and grannies and granddads and friends will be there!” Louis continued in a sweet sing-song voice that seemed to get increasingly frantic as he continued. “And if your papa is in rut, then what? What’ll we do, honey girl? Your dada will be too busy! And your papa will be too horn-”
“Louis,” Harry interrupted, touching Louis’ arm. “I’ll be okay. It’s probably not even my rut. I can appreciate you… all of you… even when I’m not in rut.”
Louis looked at him skeptically, imagining the shitshow that would be Harry in rut, surrounded by family and friends, at their child’s first birthday party. “I hope you’re right, H.”
4) Dare You To Move | Not Rated | 6060 words
The one where Harry falls in love with the omega who is the brain behind the omega march he joined.
5) I'm Asking You Please, Don't Talk Dirty to Me | Explicit | 9777 words
Prompt #68: Harry’s best friend Louis is a nice, well-mannered omega, at least when it comes to sex talk. He has always been closed off and quiet... until Harry hears how Louis talks during his heat. Now, it's all Harry can think about before his upcoming rut... (Original prompt wording edited for clarity)
6) When Tomorrow Comes | Explicit | 11111 words
When Louis and Niall are partnered up to complete a project on Omega scents and how they effect the nesting behaviours of Alphas, little does Louis know that the course of his life is about to be forever altered.
7) Hint: I Want To Be Yours | Mature | 11157 words
The one where Harry unconsciously starts acting like Louis' alpha after they spend his rut together and Louis finds ways to make sure Harry's affection doesn't end.
8) Smells Like Omega Spirit | Not Rated | 11769 words
Note: There is no smut in this fic, but it is omega Louis/alpha Harry.
Louis is an omega doing a test run on neutralizers for a class project. Every time he talks to Harry he smells completely different.
Harry is an alpha who can't figure out if he's going crazy or his sense of smell is broken, but all he wants to figure out what Louis' real scent is.
Somehow they figure it out.
9) If I'm On Fire, You'll Be Made Of Ashes Too | Explicit | 12518 words
Flawed and romanticised is the notion of perfection. Harry likes to think such a thing as perfection exists.
10) Love, Ever After | Explicit | 20782 words
The one where omega Louis makes love matches, alpha Harry makes cheese, and meddling friends might finally make their dreams of finding their soulmate come true.
11) Promise Me You Won't Run Away | Explicit | 23128 words
The Prince/ Knight AU in which Harry left Louis, but the omega never once gave up on them.
12) Don't Play With Matches | Explicit | 25632 words
Niall sees love everywhere - much to the despair of his friends, old and new (who he tends to treat as his own life-sized game of sims). It leads to complications.
13) I'm Gonna Keep This Love, If You Let Me | Explicit | 26355 words
Louis makes Harry pretend to be his boyfriend one night out. The rest is history.
14) In Your Scent I Thrive | Explicit | 33366 word
Harry’s particular condition has made it impossible for him to enjoy people’s scent, until he meets Louis.
15) We Both Got Nothing to Hide | Explicit | 43811 words
Omega Louis has a secret nest. Alpha Harry keeps losing his clothes.
16) Oubaitori | Explicit | 48822 words
Louis and Harry meet again after years apart and have to learn to live together by detangling their shared past and uncovering old secrets.
17) Maybe You'll Like the Way I Am | Not Rated | 55878 words
Note: There is no smut in this fic, but it is omega Louis/alpha Harry.
When Louis' alpha neighbor asks him to pretend to be his omega for a week, Louis immediately says no. He has too much he's dealing with on his own, and he swore to himself he'd never get that close to an alpha again. Unable to hold to that resolve once guilt sets in, Louis finds that maybe fumbling his way through a fake relationship for a week was exactly what he needed to finally be able to move on.
18) Lunar Waltz | Explicit | 76795 words
Louis has to replace his (missing) twin brother and marry one of the most dangerous alphas of the kingdom.
19) I’m Missing Half Of Me When We’re Apart | Explicit | 83745 words
AU in which OT5 are all in their 30's and a list from 10 years ago dares Harry and Louis to lose their virginity to each other. What happens when two best friends who are not only completely unlike each other but also the complete opposite of their assigned secondary genders find themselves in the position of fulfilling that goal despite Louis hating alphas and everything they represent and Harry being irrevocably and unconditionally in love with his best friend? Will they find to each other or will a stupid piece of paper from their Uni days ruin their friendship?
- BLP 🍑
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phoebe-delia · 3 years
Hi! I'm absolutely in love with your works, they are so splendid to read and are such a treat for the drarry community. Thank you for all your hard work. But with that said how about 31 + 24 from the prompt list if you will. I have this headcanon that Harry sympathizes with any and every animal he sees so when he spots a stray cat, dog, whatever you choose he just can't help but take care of it and love it unconditionally. With smitten!draco for prompt 24 as well were he's just in love with harry and is mesmerized by harry's smile all the while exasperated by an animal in his house. Thank you so much if you do. Have a lovely day or night 💞💞
Nonnie, I have had to exercise a lot of patience in getting to yours because I'm doing these requests in the order I get them but I wanted to respond to you right away. Your comment is so very kind, one of the best I've gotten, and I want you and every other kind commenter to know that your feedback and your sweet comments are as much a treat to us writers as our fics are to you.
That being said, your headcanon is adorable! I hope I did it justice. Enjoy!
Draco was greeted by two furry faces and wet noses when he crossed the threshold into Grimmauld Place. One of the dogs jumped up, but Draco was able to gently correct the pet before his clothes became more dog hair than fabric.
"Hello to you, too, Orion. And you, Diana. Any idea where Harry is? No? I'm talking to two dogs who can't respond to me? And I've lost the plot? Okay, good, good," he said with a wry grin as he gave loving scratches and pets to the greedy dogs.
"Hi, love! Welcome home!" Harry grinned at Draco, revealing his adorable dimples. Harry's smile always did him in, making his knees a little weak. Even after all this time, seeing Harry's joy and love directed at him still took his breath away after years of scowls and sneers and cruel smirks. Draco collected those smiles in a little corner of his mind, bringing them to consciousness when he needed to remember that he was loved.
Still, even Harry's brilliant smile wasn't enough to distract from the obvious slight anticipation in Harry's deep green eyes.
Or from the wriggling bundle currently lodged underneath Harry's shirt.
"Harry, what's going on?"
Harry pursed his lips. "Nothing?" The questioning lilt of his voice betrayed the attempt at nonchalance.
"Care to tell me what you've got hidden under your shirt?"
The smile Draco loved so much melted into a frown, and he hated the sight. "Alright," Harry said with a resigned sigh. He carefully removed the bundle from underneath his shirt, revealing an adorable black and white cat with a blue collar.
Draco's heart melted as he watched Harry cooing at the kitten, which licked the tanned wrist of the hand that gave it comforting strokes across its head.
Draco sighed. "Where did you find this one?"
Harry's eyes were bright, slightly wild and protective. "I found her in Diagon. She was so lonely; her fur was all matted and dirty, I couldn't just leave her! She didn't have any tags or a collar."
Draco narrowed his eyes. "Then I'm to assume this is your doing?" he ran a finger over the collar at the cat's neck. Harry blushed.
"I took her to the animal healer, and they said she was fine. She’s a British shorthair by the way. But they also said if someone didn’t take her she’d go to the pound and she’s so small and vulnerable and she nee-“
Draco pressed into Harry, kissing him gently to stop his ranting. “It’s alright love. We’ll keep her. I’m sure we can figure out how to train her, seeing as neither of us has ever owned a cat.”
Harry nodded. “Hermione will help. She probably has books left over from caring for Crookshanks as a kitten.”
Draco pressed his lips together and gave a resigned sigh. “I assume you already have a name picked out?”
Harry flushed slightly. “I, er…”
“Come on, out with it.”
Harry looked a little sheepish. “Sierra.”
Draco raised an eyebrow. “Really? We’re not staying with the mythology theme?”
“Do you have another one in mind?”
Draco hummed. “What about Athena?”
Harry’s easy, blinding grin was worth it. “Welcome home, Athena.”
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urimaginespimp · 3 years
Cowboy Like Me
Alfie x Reader
A/N: For some reason, the moment I heard this song from Evermore, my mind just immediately went to Alfie and a possible fic, so here you go!
You were a traveler always yearning for a good life, never staying in one location for too long.
Despite being unexpected, your mother who was a high-class prostitute loved you unconditionally and taught you everything you needed to know – how to act like a proper lady, what men wanted to hear, how to wrap them around your finger, and how to detach yourself from falling inlove with them.
“But you have to promise me you’d lead a different life.” She told you when you were in your teens.
“But mama, what use would be what you’ve taught me?” your doe-eyed innocent face asked her.
“Men are as gullible outside a brothel, dear.” She pats your head lovingly. Smiling at your confused expression, she assured you. “You’ll understand when you’re older.”
For years, you two only had each other and you loved it that way. That was until the flu took her and you were left on your own.
Taking what little you have, you set out to make a living for yourself. It still took you a lot of getting used to a new lifestyle, but slowly you found it easier and easier to sweet talk every rich man you gave attention to into doing and giving you what you want without having to give your body. Maybe expensive possessions for you to sell, or the easy cash they wouldn’t think twice on giving you. Every town unvisited was wealth missed for you.
August in Liverpool was chilly. Thankful that you get to wear a coat over your dress, you smiled at the man guarding the infamous Eden Club as he let you in.
It was nothing you haven’t been to before – expensive interior, everybody dressed to the tens, and filled with rich lonely men. Only that you heard this was ran by Italians. Making your way in the middle towards the bar, you smiled sensing that heads turned your way.
By the bar you sat on one of the stools, enjoying a drink. Glancing to your left, you caught the eye of a man five seats away from you. He was clearly staring at you and liked what he was seeing.
He looks rich enough, so you offered a shy smile. He was about to get up from his seat when a, tall, buff man with a cane approached him. He had a beard, and was dressed nicely with black cape toe boots.
Not liking when people take your prey away, you decided to let it slide and look for another thinking that he didn’t know what he’s done. But as soon as your missed conquest was preoccupied with ordering another drink, the man with the beard turned your way with a smirk and winked at you.
He knew what he’s done.
Annoyed, you still gave him a sly smile, all thought of looking for another man went out the window. Three things were clear to him: You were beautiful, you didn’t know you almost encountered Darby Sabini, and that you didn’t know who the hell he himself was. For no sane person who have heard about him wouldn’t even dare look him in the eye nor smile.
When Sabini announced that he was retiring for the night, he bid the man goodbye, told Ollie to head home, and decided to approach you.
“You’re not from around er, luv?” He asked you. Standing in front of you now, it was undeniable that this man is way more handsome than the first one.
“Do first timers in this town get a free drink from you?” You smiled, peering at him through your lashes.
“I can buy you the whole bar, lass. But you’re gonna have to dance with me first.” He chuckled, extending his arm to you.
“Dancing is a dangerous game.” You said, taking his hand anyway, thinking that this would just be like one of your many nights.
Walking to the dancefloor, a slow tune was being played by the band. Taking both of your hands, he rested them on his shoulders, and you both started swaying to the tune.
“Dancing should be the least of your worries, luv. What’s dangerous was the man you were giving that pretty smile of yours earlier.” He explained.
“I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve.” You answered, shrugging.
“Mmm. Are you some sort of seducing bandit?” he asked. That was the first thing that went to his mind. A bandit.
“Why, do you think I’m out to seduce you?” you replied slyly.
“Takes one to know one, dear.” You both chuckled.
“You don’t strike me as a bandit, Mr…”
“Solomons. Alfie Solomons.” He finally introduced himself.
“Alfie.” You said. He tried to act like the mere mention of his name from your lips affected him. “I’m just a traveler, making ends meet by telling the rich folks anything they wanna hear.” You said quietly, looking him in the eye.
“A traveler… like one of em cowboys then?” He bluntly asked, making you giggle.
“If you see it that way.” You shrugged, chuckling.
“What do you tell those poor blokes?” His curiosity got the best of him.
“Hmm…” you ran your hands lower to rest on his chest. “Maybe how nights like this could lead them to something nice, and for the lonelier ones, I make them think it could lead to something more. But the thing is, Mr. Solomons, I have yet to meet someone who made me forget my mother’s most important rule.”
“And that is?”
“Not falling in love.” You gave him a sweet smile.
“You’re a cruel vixen, luv.” He said, looking at you intensely. Alfie wasn’t at all intimidated of you. He never wanted love. All the money, business, and fancy cars were enough for him. Forever is the sweetest con, he’d say. But something about you also intrigued him. Maybe because you were all to similar.
“I often just meet with ambitious men and tell em I’m the way forward.” He told you.
“Well, are you?” You asked, as his head got closer to you. Bringing his lips closer to your ear, he whispered.
“Only if they pay for it.” Sending you shivers down your spine.
That night, he personally escorted you back to where you were staying over.
” Will I be seeing you again?” You asked, not trying to sound desperate. There was nothing wrong with making friends, you assured yourself.
“I know who owns this place. I’ll call in some time for you.” He answered, tucking your lose hair behind.
“That is, if I’d still be here by then.” You smiled.
“Well. Who am I to stop a traveler.” He sighed, masking his disappointment. “Got something to help me remember you by, luv?” He asked jokingly.
“it’s your call, Mr. Solomons. What do you want?” You whispered looking up to meet his gaze. For the first time in in your months of travels, something in you was yearning to stay longer.
Maybe it was the way your eyes were full of stars from looking up to him in the night, or that really liked you, but Alfie found himself leaning down to meet your lips. It wasn’t long ‘til you were responding. It was soft, but probably the most intense kiss you ever had, leading you both inside.
Clothes were taken off and thrown all over the room, somehow getting his boots of with ease, he kicked them beneath your bed and lead you both on top of the sheets. As sweet as it was, you both knew it was one for parting your separate ways.
Against your better judgement, you found yourself staying for two more nights in that guest house in hopes of him calling. But it never came.
That was a month ago and that night was still fresh in your memory. It didn’t go the way you expected, but meeting a man such as Alfie Solomons was way better.
You were in a town called Camden. You’ve had several conquests for the last month from other towns - typical older men that you’ve swindled into believing you were smitten by them.
Walking along its streets, you didn’t know this was where the Alfie Solomons resided. That was until you were in a small café and you overheard a group of ladies talking about him passing through the town that morning.
“I thought he never leaves that bakery of his.” One of them said.
“That man needs a wife. Maybe then he’d actually be less brooding.”
Finishing up, you paid your fee. You needed to leave his town immediately. Because as much as he made you feel things you never thought you’d deal with, you’ve decided that he was bad for your ambitions.
Walking briskly through the streets of Camden, you were only a few houses down to your guesthouse when you stopped on your tracks.
By the door of it was no other than Alfie, expectantly waiting for you, his left hand holding the leash of a dog.
“When Ollie told me you went into town last night I almost didn’t believe him.” He started, slowly walking towards you.
Seeing the man again made you forget whatever it was you warned yourself about him.
“I never thought I’d meet you here.” You answered in all honesty.
“Don’t worry. I’m not one to accuse ladies of stalking.” You both chuckled.
“I guess I won’t be having any luck in Camden too, huh?”
Whoever and whatever goes in and out of Camden was his business. So, when Ollie told him that the lady from Liverpool was seen entering a guesthouse last night, he took the chance of looking for you that morning after a sleepless night clouded by you.
“Perhaps you will.” He answered.
“Luv, I’m going out a limb here when I say you can’t deny there’s something ‘er.” He told you seriously.
“But you never called.” That was all you could say. You couldn’t even deny what he said.
“All coz I called too late. Ya never heard of all that no calling til three days? Ollie advised me so I won’t look too desperate. Almost fired the lad.” He chuckled.
“Well, what does Camden have to offer the bandit?” You smiled teasingly.
“Everything you want so long as you stay with me, luv. We could be the way forward.” He convinced you, taking a step closer.
“And?” tilting your head to the side, trying not to laugh at him using that line with you.
“And I know I’ll pay for it.” He rolled his eyes before taking you head with his free hand and crashed his lips to yours.
He was the lone exception to your mother’s rule, and the one to help you lead a different life. You knew you were never gonna love again.
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silenceofthecookies · 3 years
Hey cookie! Congratulations on 900 followers!! If you don’t mind me asking could I please request a tarot card reading for Haruta. Thank you!
Hello! One dose of Haruta, coming right up!
1. His intentions – The empress in reverse
Smothering – dependence – anxiety
Haruta is absolutely smitten with you and wants nothing more than to be around you all the time. He’s clingy and very physically affectionate. On top of that, he has no problem with letting the crew see him cling to you. He doesn’t mind them knowing and if anything, he’s a little worried someone else might go for you if they didn’t know you were taken.
2. What attracts him to you – The world
Belonging – peace – bliss
There is something about you that just makes Haruta feel like he’s home. Like by your side is exactly where he belongs. That something also makes him relax and feel at ease. He doesn’t have to keep up fronts, he doesn’t have to pretend to be strong, he can unconditionally be himself. The two of you likely also had a really good dynamic, even before you got together.
3. The date – Knight of cups
Being in love – romance – loving atmosphere
This is the cheesiest, sappiest, most romantic date you have ever been on. Name every cliché in the book, it’s there. And you’re loving every single second of it. Some of it makes you laugh because it’s just so stupid, some of it will just melt you where you stand. It’s the perfect mix of romance and laughs and it’s just an all-round good time.
4. Higher reason/karmic link – Five of swords in reverse
Seduction – reconciliation – forgiveness
Maybe the two of you had been fighting before this, or maybe either of you (or maybe both of you) had some bad relationships in the past, but that time is over now. It’s time to bury the struggles you’ve been fighting with and to live in the now. You realised that by continuing this fight, you’d only hurt yourself more.
5. Hopes and fears – King of cups
Haruta is hoping to be the kind of man you can rely on. He is open about his feelings and he greatly cares about yours as well, never wanting to upset you. He feels like he’s responsible for both himself and for you now. His main fear is that he these strong feelings for you will one day overwhelm him and cause him to do stupid stuff.
6. Advice – Page of wands
Loyalty – freedom – exploration
Explore this relationship with Haruta step by step, but don’t let it be the only thing either of you is exploring. A relationship should be something you enjoy and ease into, not something that should be taking up all your time and energy. This relationship is still young, a new spark which will start a new fire. It’ll grow on it’s own without too much effort, all you need to do is make sure it has some fuel.
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beelsbaby · 4 years
could you do the obey me undatables for the girl dad thing too please?😁
Of course! I hope you like it! I had a lot of fun writing it, I got carried away a lot WHOOPS but here ya go!
Undateables as girl dads
* OKAY he wanted a son
* I don’t know he just gives me boy dad energy
* But you said no sir we having a girl
* I love that for you 😌
* But he didn’t get upset because he knew no matter what the gender was, his child would be powerful
* Insert "good for her" pic
* He reads books on how to be a dad
* How to be a dad for dummies LMAOO
* He makes sure to be fully prepared
* What a dork HA
* Her room probably has a lot of purples
* It���s very whimsical
* When she’s born, he instantly forgets about being the most powerful in the room
* All those pacts he’s made with demons mean nothing
* He is hopelessly devoted to her
* When she gets fussy, he just sprinkles a little magic and she’s giggling again
* She’s just so fascinated by it
* He loves carrying her around while doing mundane things
* He’d be reading a grimoire with her resting on his hip
* She said papa first and he was WEAK
* He did shed a tear or two but he’ll never tell
* He can put her down to sleep in record time
* He just makes up a story about magic and she’ll happily go to sleep
* She’s also very fascinated by his magical artifacts
* She’s constantly touching the ones he unsuccessfully tried to hide
* “Sweetheart, that’s papa’s, okay? That’s 380 years old... Let’s put that down, yeah?”
* Looks absolutely baffled when she’d take the artifact and BOLT
* “Y/N, why are you just standing there laughing, help me!”
* She is very sneaky and cheeky just like him
* She knows just to give her dad her cheeky little smile and he’s putty in her hands
* He’s so whipped
* But she’s also pretty sharp
* Solomon brags that she gets her intelligence from him
* Fool slept on the couch for that comment
* He has a ring with her initials on it
* She likes listening about sorcery
* “Papa papa! I want to have magic like you!”
* “One day, petal, one day”
* “Pinky pwomise?”
* He’d chuckle and intertwine his pinky with hers
* He spoke to soon because she started showing signs of sorcery at 6 years old
* He was so proud
* He taught her how to control it, how to maneuver it, and how to use it properly
* This definitely brought them closer together
* He’s just so happy to have her and she’s changed him to become a better person in just a few years, he loves her to infinity and beyond. He’ll protect her until his last breath 😭✋🏻
* This angel was ELATED
* He thanked you endlessly like the true gentleman he is
* He didn’t care if it was a girl or a boy he was just happy to have a child with you
* When you tell him it’s a girl he immediately starts getting things ready for her
* Her room is so angelic
* The walls are painted like the sky
* It’s so beautiful
* The day she was born, he swears he finally understood what happily ever after meant
* He didn’t know if life could get any better, he was just so happy
* And she was GORGEOUS
* She looked exactly like him
* His beautiful skin tone, eyes, everything
* I’m crying at how pretty she is 😭
* He cried too, she was a literal angel
* He helped you out with everything
* He fed her, changed her, whatever you needed
* He sang her to sleep whenever she refused to sleep
* She’d stare at him with adoration
* He liked carrying her around, even if he was busy
* Multitasking king we love to see it
* Whenever he was caring her, she would grab his cheeks and babble at him
* His heart melted every single time
* Her first word was “up”
* She liked her dad picking her up and putting her on his shoulders
* So she asked him to pick her up
* He gladly did so with a huge smile
* She LOVES his wings
* She likes playing with Luke !!
* She also likes playing dress up with her dad
* She dresses up as a princess
* She has him dressing up like a knight
* He has to come save her from the dragon
* Luke is the dragon
* And He hates playing dress up lol
* She loves hearing all about angels
* And Simeon loves telling her about them
* When she’s five, she sprouts wings!
* She’s so happy
* “Look papa I’m just like you now!”
* He cries, she’s just so beautiful
* “Yes, angel, you’re like me!”
* He teaches her how to control and maneuver her wings
* She’s very clumsy at first, but he’s always there to catch her
* Simeon vows to always be there to catch her whenever she needed him, he loves her more than life itself 🥺❤️
Luke (aged up!!)
* This man passed tf out when you told him
* He was not ready for that bomb you just dropped
* But when he wakes up he asked you how you feel and if you know the gender
* When you both go to your appointment and you’re told it’s a girl, he starts freaking out
* What if he’s not a good dad?
* What if he can’t understand her?
* His mind is literally screaming WEE WOO WEE WOO
* But you assure him that he’s gonna do just fine and she’ll love him unconditionally
* He relaxes a bit
* Like 2%
* But he’s not hyperventilating anymore so you take it as a win
* He make sure her room is as comfortable as possible
* A lot of plushies and toys
* The room is such a vibe
* When she’s born, he passed out again
* Geez Luke get a grip
* You had two precious babies to look after
* But when he came to, he was in euphoria
* His baby girl was a beautiful mix of the both of you
* He was so smitten
* She’s very attached to him
* When she’s fussy he just picks her up and she settles down
* He carries around her diaper bag
* Mammon saw him once and now he never let’s him live it down
* Luke isn’t embarrassed, he’s just irritated because it’s Mammon
* Her first word was “daddy” and Luke felt his heart go BOOM 💥
* He picked her up and gave her a forehead kiss
* “Yes, little one, I’m daddy! Y/N she knows I’m her daddy she’s a genius!”
* You just smiled as he went on and on about how much of a genius y’all’s daughter was
* Proud dad™️
* He loves taking her to petting zoos, aquariums, etc
* Her eyes light up
* As she grows she gets more feisty lol
* Simeon loves comparing her feistiness to Luke’s
* But tbh it just makes Luke smug
* He loves that he has a headstrong daughter
* He knows she won’t take anyone’s crap
* When she was in the first grade, you guys got a call from the school one day
* She punched a classmate
* It was her first offense so the school just let her off of a warning
* But when Luke asked her why she did it, she said it’s because he was bullying her friend
* Prouder dad™️
* She makes him prouder every day and he’s so proud to call himself her dad, his entire heart is hers
* he’s been wanting to have a family with you for a long time
* So when you tell him you both are going to have a baby, he is so excited!
* He’s very doting the entire time
* When you told him it was a girl he’s was very happy and supportive
* It might have been ideal for him to have a boy but we know this man lives to break the status quo
* So he’s happy
* When she was born, Diavolo fell in love all over again
* She was just such a beautiful sight
* ALSO there was a two week celebration and the devildom
* Her room was EXPENSIVE
* He said really said no budget
* Gold things everywhere
* That’s his princess, he’d do anything for her even if it meant hurting his pockets
* Dang I need myself a Diavolo 🤪
* He carries her around in a baby carrier
* She said mama first but it was just with you so when she said dada you let him think it was her first word
* You don’t wanna break his heart lol
* His devilgram is basically now a stan account for his daughter
* If he really misses her, he will take her into meetings with him
* No one dares to argue with him
* She loves being on his shoulders, the view is superb
* First day of school he took her and the entire school went crazy
* She literally told him “ how far you have to leave everybody’s freaking out over you and I’m supposed to be the cool one here!”
* He laughed and kissed her goodbye
* She’s very sweet but pretty commanding
* Diavolo gushes on how she’s totally ready to be queen one day
* All name brands for his princess
* He definitely has had a portrait of her made. It’s probably in like the dining room or the main hallway
* She loves playing hide and seek
* Can you imagine big bad Diavolo running around trying to hide in a bush but he’s too tall lmaoo
* No one ever there is mess with her
* She’s only like five but she has the entire devildom standing behind her just like with her dad, I love how powerful they are. ADORABLE AND POWERFUL ??? Best daddy daughter duo in the devildom
* Poor baby is so nervous when you tell him
* But he want nothing more than to have a family with you
* He starts preparing everything for her arrival
* Baby proofing, preparing her room, anything he can do for her
* He make sure her room was adorable and fun
* It’s a pastel paradise
* When she’s born he’s holding your hand as you carry her
* You looked up to him and asked if he wanted to hold her
* He let out a barely audible “yes”
* When you handed her over to him, she opened her eyes and cooed up at him
* Rip Barbatos.exe stopped working
* #1 dad
* He changes diapers, he cleans up after her, takes care of her so you can get some rest
* What a gentleman 😪
* She said papa first
* He remembers the exact hour minute and second she said it LMAOO
* She’s very very shy
* But he’s helping work through her anxiety and walks her through her attacks
* Wow I’m crying 😭
* They love having little cute picnics together
* She LOVES his baking
* I mean who doesn’t
* She does very well in school
* Loves reading and history
* She really enjoys helping him out in his butler duties
* She even has a matching butler outfit that you got her
* The first time he saw her in it, bby boy couldn’t stop gushing about how cute they were
* They were the best butler duo
* N E WAY before I go on and on about them, he really loves her and you. He views her as the best thing that’s ever happened to him 🥰
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daryun · 3 years
Daryun and Alfreed
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Daryun and Alfreed is a dynamic I have wanted to explore for a while. When I started reading (vintage) Naryun fanfic Alfreed was often portrayed awfully, when in fact canon (manga) Daryun is nothing but supportive of Alfreed all the way.
Since first meeting Alfreed in chapter 36, all of Daryun’s teasing is at Narsus’ expense. Teasing a person you only just met is really rude, but as a friend Narsus is the more fun target to see struggle with the situation. Daryun seemingly accepts Alfreed’s presence right away.
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One of my favourite exchanges is Daryun giving Alfreed a sword no questions asked in chapter 37. It reveals a streak of his dark humour and in contrast to earlier, when Narsus (correctly) estimated that Alfreed could never take Hilmes in a fight and denied her a sword, this time Daryun just “gives” one to her. I love this confidence. 
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1. She fights good 2. She wants to help Arslan. Daryun = approve
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I have a headcanon that Alfreed was a great help capturing Rajendra in chapter 41 because Daryun’s track record so far of bringing people back alive on his own is not good.
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Both Alfreed and Daryun hold Narsus dear and appreciate him in his element, even if the reactions are different (chapter 74). 
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Daryun knows how devastating Narsus can be at his best/worst - depending what side you are on. There is also the chance that Daryun is going to have to face the enemy and the snide remarks if you don’t deliver the fresh enemy warlord he ordered.
Alfreed is smitten, but let’s remember that she decided to make Narsus her husband AFTER she saw him set a man on fire. Narsus is also rich, powerful, kind, and intelligent... From an in-story perspective, I cannot fault her. 
Regarding Narsus’ art, Daryun thinks it’s terrible with every fibre of his being. When describing Narsus to Arslan in the beginning (chapter 4), Daryun outright expresses his disdain, even when the job for Court Painter was laid on the table. Now that Narsus has the job offer, it wouldn’t do good to tell everyone you don’t like the future court painter’s work, undermining Narsus personally as well. The gag for the reader still stands, but Daryun’s attitude has shifted to more of a “you’ll find out when you find out” stance.
In Alfreed’s case, I imagine she’ll accept Narsus’ art unconditionally, based on chapter 44. “You truly know no fear, do you?” is funny because Daryun is admitting to mentally wearing a “ONE FEAR” T-shirt at all times. Even if it is only banter, it’s not something you would do with someone you didn’t like.
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Likewise, you don’t laugh on account of people’s words if you don’t like them (chapter 54). Alfreed looks right through Jaswant and yes, she has cracked the code. I love Daryun laughing at this because it’s a huge leap from his initial “I don’t trust this man, Narsus” instinct.
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Looking at Nakamura’s manga, I like these scenes:
In the ‘Fuujin Ranbu’ season of the anime (episode 8), Alfreed hides behind multiple people to get away from Merlain. In volume 10 of Nakamura’s manga Alfreed accidentally runs right into Daryun and then hides behind him. Clearly there is a level of trust here and no awkwardness to it at all. Daryun just wants to know what’s going on. [This scene already has it’s own post here.]
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This might be one of the more important inter-character scenes in volume 11 because Daryun outright asks Narsus about his opinion on Alfreed, while Alfreed is helping out Etoile.
Daryun: “Alfreed is a good person (lit: child), isn’t she, Sir Tactician?”
Narsus: “Not once did I ever think she was a bad person”
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Time and time again Alfreed has proven herself a good, kind, honest, and capable person. It’s easy to see Alfreed as just a hang on to Narsus, so this might have been a meta scene to highlight Alfreed as her own character, but this solidifies to me that there is no need to make Narsus or Daryun hate Alfreed in fanfic.
[The above page also has it’s own post.]
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Finally, in Volume 13, it’s not particularly special, with Daryun just being a decent human being again, but Daryun catching Alfreed during a storm is cute. He’s so dependable. [Also own post here].
In conclusion: 
Daryun is a decent human being who does not look down on teenagers. This goes for Narsus, as well. It’s a low bar and no one is getting a medal for this, but them two mentoring younger people is one of my favourite things.
Teasing, joking, and laughing are all things you do with people you know and like, Alfreed is definitely a part of the team.
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marvelous-writer · 3 years
if you’re happy and you know it... break a rib?
Summary: In which Peter spends the weekend at Happy’s for much-needed bonding time, according to May, only they end up bonding over broken bones instead when Peter takes a particularly nasty tumble.
Febuwhump Day 16: Broken Bones
A/N: @febuwhump
Word Count: 1,931
Genre: whump, hurt/comfort, fluff
Link to read on Ao3
Peter doesn’t know how he got roped into spending the weekend at Happy’s for what May calls it—a ‘guy’s weekend.’
With Happy and May being newly engaged for less than a month now, this ‘guy’s weekend’ is a little overdue apparently, according to her. Tony has been on board with it from the moment May told him about it during one of their many weekly phone call chat sessions.
This weekend would be a chance for Peter and Happy to get to know each other better—not that they actually need to. Peter already knows all he has to about Happy and Happy knows all he has to about him. They get along just fine and Peter likes Happy—he’s a good guy and Peter couldn’t be happier for him and May. They’re absolutely smitten with each other and Happy goes out of his way to let May know how much he loves her.
It’s nice to see May with someone that truly cares about her… but it’s just hard. Peter never thought he’d see a day where May was with someone other than Ben. He remembers growing up with them, seeing how much they loved each other so much through the little things like them sparing a soft, loving glance at each other, how they use to hold hands on walks in the park, or how Ben always woke up extra early to get May her favorite bagels halfway across the city every Sunday morning.
Peter had been taken back when Happy first proposed to May, but he’d dealt with it by shoving his grief down because the last thing he’d ever want to do is ruin May’s happiness. He knows she’ll always love Ben but she’s been able to move on from that part of her life after years of healing and grieving. May doesn’t deserve to spend the rest of her life alone. She deserves to live a life with someone that loves her unconditionally and that someone is Happy.
That’s why Peter doesn’t understand why this weekend even has to happen but Happy agreed to it easily when May proposed the idea of it, much to Peter’s surprise. And what’s even more surprising… Happy planned out the entire weekend. He has a checklist and everything too.
They’re already into the second day of their ‘guy’s weekend’ and so far… it’s actually been pretty nice. They spent the day at the new outer space exhibit at the museum and got pizza for lunch at that new pizzeria a few blocks away. Peter even found out that Happy is a little bit of a Star Wars fan while they were in the Imax theater during the video presentation of all the planets and stars.
It’s been a good day.
Until now.
It’s close to nine-thirty in the evening and Peter’s finishing up scrubbing his hair dry with a towel after a shower. He hangs the towel over his bare shoulders as he grabs his sweatpants from the vanity counter and puts them on, only for his feet to slide out from under him as he unknowingly walks over a puddle of water on the tiled floor.
Peter falls backwards and he reaches out to catch himself, only to meet air since the sink is too far away for him to grab onto. He knows he’s screwed. When his back collides against the porcelain toilet behind him, an audible, loud crack fills the air as a blinding pain explodes in his back and on his right side. Peter cries out from the pain as he hits the bathroom floor, somehow managing to smack the side of his head on the thankfully closed toilet lid on his way down.
He lets out a groan as he lays on the cold bathroom floor for a few long, pain-filled moments, tightly squeezing his eyes shut against the pain radiating from his head and entire side.
So much for a spider-sense, Peter thinks.
Through ringing ears, Peter can hear the thud hurried footsteps coming from down the hall. “Peter? Are you okay in there?” Happy’s worried voice comes from outside the door.
For a brief second, he almost considers lying about his current dilemma with how embarrassing the whole thing is but he feels something shift painfully in his side—which is definitely not normal.
“Um… n-not really?” Peter answers weakly.
“What happened?” Happy asks. “Did you fall in the shower?”
“N-No…but I kind of slipped,” Peter says as he blinks open his eyes, only to be met with an alarming amount of dizziness. He has to close them again before it gets him sick. It reminds him of that one time he and Ned went on the Hulk Tower Of Smashing roller coaster at Coney Island and he couldn’t see straight for almost twenty minutes once they got off.
“Are you hurt?” Happy asks.
Peter’s head gives off a particularly sharp throb as if he needs a reminder. “A-A little,” he says through gritted teeth.
He hears the door handle jiggle. “Shit—the doors locked,” Happy mumbles from outside. “Uh—okay. I’m gonna get the door open, you just stay where you are.”
Peter frowns at that but before he can question him, the door is suddenly forcefully shoved in with a loud squeak from the hinges protesting against the movement.
Happy steps in, clad in his pajamas, his face falling at the sight of him. “Oh shit,” he breathes out as he rushes over and kneels at Peter’s side. “What happened?”
“‘S water on the floor… slipped,” Peter answers as he blinks up at the man’s blurry figure, grateful to be at least half-dressed with sweatpants on to spare him of any further embarrassment.
“Where are you hurt?” Happy asks, brows pulled together in concern as his eyes scan over him for any obvious signs of injury.
“My side… I think something’s loose.” Peter mumbles.
Happy’s eyes widen in alarm. “You think something’s loose?”
“Mhmm,” Peter hums in response as he tightly squeezes his eyes shut as another wave of pain washes over him.
He feels Happy’s fingertips run along his side, only to let out a sharp hiss in pain when he hits a particularly sensitive spot along his ribs.
“Sorry,” Happy apologizes, wincing in sympathy as he takes his hand away, brows still pulled together as he looks at Peter worriedly. “I think you might’ve broken a rib or two.” He says as he reaches up and gently pressed his thumb against the side of Peter’s head. “Looks like you banged your head pretty good too.”
“Yeah,” Peter says as he cracks an eye open. “Your toilet’s evil.”
Happy glances at the white porcelain before looking back at him with a raised brow. “You mean you hit your head on the toilet?”
Peter hums in response, afraid that his head will throb more if he nods.
“Well, shit. Now we’ve gotta add a possible concussion to the list,” Happy says with a frown. “How many fingers am I holding up?” He asks as he holds up a few fingers.
Peter looks up at his hand, blinking his eyes a few times to clear his blurry vision but it doesn’t help much. “Uhhh… three? N-No no… four?”
“Yeah, you definitely have a concussion. I’m only holding up one.” Happy tells him as he drops his hand. “Do you think you can stand up? We have to get you sitting up so I can have a better look at you.”
“Think so.”
Happy carefully slides an arm underneath Peter’s back and helps him slowly sit up, pausing a few times when Peter lets out a pained groan. Peter has to squeeze his eyes shut when he’s sitting propped up against the vanity, feeling like the world is swirling around him with how dizzy he feels.
Happy is rummaging through one of the drawers beside him before he kneels in front of Peter again. “Alright, open your eyes for me, Pete.” He says as he gently holds a hand to the back of Peter’s head.
Peter manages to crack his eyes open, only for a bright light to be shined in his eyes. He groans from the sharp pain that shoots up from his eyes to his head.
“Sorry, Pete,” Happy apologizes with a wince in sympathy. “Well…” he says as he clicks the skinny flashlight off, breathing out a sigh. “It looks like you have a minor concussion—I’m no doctor but I’ve had plenty of experience with Tony back in the day. And with your healing, you should be as good as new tomorrow but… I think we should postpone the rest of the activities for the weekend.”
Peter closes his eyes and carefully leans his head against the vanity behind him. He knows Happy’s been looking forward to checking off whatever else was on his list with him. “‘M sorry.” He mumbles guiltily.
“No—hey, Pete this isn’t your fault. You just slipped. It happens to everyone.”
“Yeah, but I ruined your whole weekend. I know you had a lot planned and everything.”
“Kid, look at me,” Happy says in an gentle tone Peter’s only heard him use with Morgan. Peter opens his eyes and meets Happy’s concerned ones. “This isn’t my weekend, it's ours. And you didn’t ruin anything. We can still have a guy’s weekend by sitting on the couch, watching whatever movies you want, even if it includes Star Wars.” He says with a small smile.
Peter manages a weak smile at that. “Even both seasons of the Mandalorian?” He asks.
Happy sighs and rolls his eyes goodnaturedly. “Of course,” he says. “But I don’t want you blaming yourself for this, okay?”
Peter hesitates for a moment, only to receive a raised brow from Happy. “Okay.” He agrees.
“Good. So how about we get you off the floor, get some pain meds in you, and get you into bed?” Happy suggests.
“Sounds good,” Peter says with a small smile.
Once Peter is settled into the guest bedroom bed with an ice pack on his injured side, Happy hands him his pain meds (thankfully his own that Happy keeps here) and washes them down with a bottle of water.
“Thanks, Happy,” Peter mumbles sleepily with a small, grateful smile.
“Anytime, kid. Just get some rest and call me if you need anything, okay?” Happy says with a small smile of his own as he turns around and starts to head over to the door.
“Hey, Happy?”
Happy pauses in the doorframe and looks back at him. “Hmm?”
“Um…” Peter trails off as he looks down at the blanket he’s fiddling with in his hands. For some reason, he doesn’t want to be alone right now. “Do you maybe want to get a head start on season one of the Mandalorian?”
The corners of Happy’s lips turn up into a small smile. “Do you want some popcorn?”
“Sure,” Peter says with a small smile.
When Happy comes back fifteen minutes later with two bowls of popcorn, he settles into a chair beside Peter’s bed and rests his feet on the edge of the mattress as the opening credits of the show begin.
They’re about twenty minutes into the first episode when Peter spares a glance Happy’s way, finding that the man’s eyes are glued to the tv as he munches away on his popcorn, intently watching the action unfolding on the screen. Peter grins to himself as he turns back to the tv.
“Man, whoever the writer is for this show is a genius.” Happy says around a mouthful of popcorn.
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mudwingpropaganda · 4 years
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Starflight of the NightWings
Ah, the prophecy dragonet who was destined to be a leader because Morrowseer and Battlewinner didn’t have the metaphoric foresight to realize that a child will not be innately prideful and zealous just because of the illusion of control they had. The dragonet that they were willing to kill for despite letting their other NightWing children rot in a volcanic tunnel despite bounties of food being literally right there. Starflight’s heritage overshadows his character. I think his story would be fascinating if Tui didn’t drown us in NightWing content. 
If you want to hear about a good character rather than an over saturated tribe:
Design headcanons
Despite the idea of NightWings being a larger than life, intimidating, all-knowing tribe of dragons with piercing glares that can read your minds and foretell your death...
Starflight is a very small dragonet. There was no promise if he would actually hatch when Farsight laid his egg. Regardless of him growing up on the island, he reaped the consequences of his parents’ health, Farsight and Mastermind very barely leaving the island and Mastermind surrounded himself in dangerous experiments. Starflight has a small frame, but surprisingly still has brighter scales than most of the ashy NightWings on the island. As he matures, I imagine his scales will acquire a more rich, purple hue and his fur will develop more colorful galaxies as he is exposed to brighter night skies along in his life.
He is also a knuckle walker!!! I try to find excuses to find more unique stances for dragons to take... NightWings walk on their knuckles due to the weight they put on their “thumbs.” They are a wyvern-esque species with only four limbs, and their wings curl like that of a bat’s. His talons are also quite splayed. He used to be the only one who could properly fly within their caves, fitting to his name, and sleep among the stalactites if he wanted to avoid the Guardians’ judgmental eyes. 
Generally, he is not as imposing as his tribe is made out to be. Less spikes than promised and stouter build than expected. Generally, he’s not exactly special looking, among his more colorful siblings. And like they said in the book, they always expected he’d get his abilities and his intimidation factor once he matured. Yet he still is as kind and small looking as ever.
Not pictured, but I imagine that the entire front half of his body scorched after surviving the eruption of the NightWing volcano. He uses bandages around his eyes after the explosion less because he’s trying to heal, but more so he’s self conscious of the deep scars he’s retained from them. He retains damage to his wings/arms trying to cover his eyes as Clay pulled him away, through small holes where the embers crisped through. I ought to draw his post-explosion design but... I lack my drawing utensils right now.
Miscellaneous Thoughts
If Starflight were to hatch exposed to the three moons, I believe he would achieve a state of near omnipotence? Or, essentially, total lucidity. He would have been quite lost in the future and almost devoid of his own personal though, as he heard that of everyone around him instead. He would have been a terribly powerful NightWing, in the sense that he could know anything he wanted. But be unable to change fate or peoples’ minds. Instead, lacking that moonlight but getting a sense of that light on the flight to the mountain, he has a quiet, ever burning urge to know everything possible. 
Starflight, for a brief moment, was thrilled to think he had a biological sister. Hoping, as NightWings tend to do, that there would be an immediate kinship, understanding for one another. The sourness and bitter words she spat upon watching over him as he woke up on the island was less than pleasant, and since the events of the book he has been unwilling to go to the Rain Forest, risking running into his biological family and being blamed for not defending their crimes.
Fatespeaker is going to be much more important in my re-interpretation of the series. I won’t go into her character here, but Fatespeaker and Starflight are less romantically inclined to each other and moreso, Fatespeaker, by guiding and helping Starflight at the school, gives her a validating presence with a friend figure that doesn’t curse her name for being so “annoying” or bothersome, like the false DoD. Starflight doesn’t recognize how much his simple “please” and “thank you”’s with every request he asks and every task she fulfills validates her. They’re best friends, outside of the circle of dragons that Starflight has grown up with. 
In the end, Starflight stays away from politics and relationships concerning the queendoms after the war. He has decided that the world is much more than books or scrolls were able to explain, and aims to be an unbiased historian later on in his life, who just so happens to work at Jade Mountain Academy as a librarian. No shame in being a blind NightWing historian. That’s valid.
Eventually, Starflight and Fatespeaker establish a dragon “Braille.” They recognize how many dragons also suffer from blindness and their lives are frequently threatened in a world where dragons behave like wild animals, so sight is QUITE important. Starflight especially takes in those kids and helps them learn, as he picked up Survival tactics from Tamarin, who’s been afflicted with blindness her whole life, yet got by absolutely find in the Rain Forest.
LGBT+ headcanons
Rare as it is, I do headcanon Starflight as straight! But he’s also a trans man! His parents correctly guessed his agab, since he hatched on the continent rather than the volcanic island. He wasn’t quite well received when attempting to come out to the Guardians. But his siblings unconditionally loved and supported him to the point where he was comfortable embracing his identity. He was eternally self conscious in front of the NightWings when they captured him due to afab NightWings having longer chest fur than amab NightWings. In the end, he’s confident with his identity and prideful of his gender. The only issue he tends to grow smitten with every girl he meets. He and Tsunami share the “I am falling in love with everyone I see” genes. 
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xpedropascal · 4 years
To Be So Lonely [Maxwell Lord x Reader] Part One
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Summary: After being struck by a family tragedy, Maxwell Lord finds his legacy in taking over his father’s business, Black Gold Cooperative. Cold and shut-off from the world around him, he decides he does not have time for anything other than his work and cares only about pushing his company to success – but how difficult does that become for him when you enter his life as a ghost from the past?
Pairing: Maxwell Lord x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
WARNINGS: mention of financial instability, absent parents, emotional abuse
PART ONE // PART TWO // PART THREE // PART FOUR [coming soon!]
AUTHOR’S NOTE: my first ever fan-fiction! please be kind :) flashbacks can be identified through use of italics. To Be So Lonely will have themes of hurt/comfort, angst, fluff etc. i plan on it being an exciting ride. there will be connections to the DCEU and certain characters will be making an appearance... however, for story-telling purposes, this will be in an alternate universe to Wonder Woman 1984 just because the movie has yet to be released. the main bulk of the story will be set in the 80s, with the occasional childhood flashback. please let me know if you want to be added onto a tag list!
♡ ♡ ♡ ONE ♡ ♡ ♡
Stepping foot into the lobby of Lord Manor had you in awe. Their family home was huge, and certainly unlike anything you had ever seen before. Even at your tender age, you were mesmerised by the glistening marble floor and gold décor. It enchanted you. Curiosity filled you and you unlaced your fingers from your mother’s and found yourself drawn to a vase of crimson red roses to the left of the staircase, rubbing at the soft petals. You clambered up the main staircase. It was enormous, but you were so taken in by the traditional oil paintings that covered the walls. They were everywhere but you could still make out the elegant wallpaper that looked as though it had come straight out of the 1800’s. One painting in particular, located at the top of the staircase, stole your attention. It was, perhaps, ten times the size of you and looked almost haunting. Even at your young age, you were able to identify it as a family portrait. It pictured a tall man in a suit with broad shoulders holding a cigar in one hand. His free hand was wrapped around one of the most beautiful women you had ever seen. Very Marilyn Monroe-esque, with pearls around her neck and, blonde curly hair, she looked like she came straight out of a silver-screen movie. But what attracted you most about the painting, was the young boy, suited up in the centre. He looked like a prince- with dark blonde hair and a smile that could light up a room. You reached out your small fingers and touched the boy’s face, feeling the dry paint hard against your skin.
You jumped as your mother hissed your name. She ran up the stairs and scolded you gently for running off. She picked you up in her arms and smoothed down your hair. “Remember you must be on your best behaviour for Mr and Mrs Lord. We need to set a really good first impression.” Your mother informed you and you nodded your head obediently in response.
“Well well well,” your mother spun her heel around to see Naomi Lord standing at the bottom of the carpeted staircase, her ice blue eyes locked on to you both. You recognised her as the beautiful lady from the oil painting. “It seems you have already made yourself comfortable in my family home.”
“My apologies, Mrs Lord,” your mother said frantically as she carefully made her way down the grand staircase, still holding you in her arms. “Uhm- this is my daughter-“
Your mother attempted to introduce you but Mrs Lord raised her hand, cutting her off. “My husband Maxwell Lord III will not be joining us this evening. As you can imagine, he is swarmed with work.” The way Naomi Lord suddenly changed the subject proved that she simply did not care. In fact, it was well-known that Naomi Lord did not involve herself with anyone who she felt like were less than her. Less wealthy, less privileged- she certainly wanted no involvement with you and your mother. Your mother had left her minimum wage job and had travelled all the way from your tiny one bedroom box apartment in Gotham for this job opportunity. “Nevertheless, we have decided to offer you the job, assuming you are willing to take it.”
You felt your mother’s grip tighten around you as you sensed her excitement. “Yes! Yes of course Mrs Lord. I would be honoured.”
Mrs Lord’s lips curved into a devlish smile. “The hours will be those of a nine-to-five. I’m assuming you have a place of residence nearby?”
Your mother faltered. “Uhm,” you watched Mrs Lord’s smirk fall from her face. “Actually no… I travelled here from Gotham and booked into a motel for a few nights.” Naomi Lord probably didn’t even realise her own face was twisting at the thought of an ashy motel, but she made her disgust incredibly evident. “And actually… I can’t afford to take my child to a nursery, or hire a babysitter, and we don’t yet have proper home. I mean, I can’t leave my little girl in the motel all alone. I know I should’ve thought about it more but, we really don’t have much, Mrs Lord. Would it be possible, if, during my working hours, she could occupy herself here? She is well behaved, I promise, and won’t get in the way of you or your husband-“
“You will address my husband as Mr Lord,” Naomi snapped. “I will speak to Maxwell about this… inconvenience of yours, and we will have someone give you a call regarding the outcome. You are excused to leave now.”
Your mother found herself nodding. “It was so lovely to meet you Mrs Lord.”
Naomi chuckled. “Toodles.”
“She will glady take the job Maxwell,” Naomi perched herself on the corner of her husband, Maxwell Lord III’s,  home office desk. Her blonde hair balanced on her shoulders in tight curls and her ruby red lips shimmered under the amber light. “But I have been made aware that she is a single mother, struggling financially. If she is to work here all day, she has nobody to watch over her daughter. Can’t even afford basic level childcare.”
Maxwell Lord III hesitated, fumbling with his gold fountain pen. “Her daughter is… how old?”
“I’m not sure,” Mrs. Lord admitted with a gentle shrug of her shoulders. “I’d estimate a few years younger than our Max.”
Mr Lord looked over at the framed photo of his twelve year old son. Their son, Maxwell Lord IV, was a cheerful young boy. Privately educated, of course, but always achieved the best grades. He was sociable too, always making an appearance at his parent’s parties and events. Still only a child, his father’s business partners were smitten with Maxwell Lord IV, and while Mr Lord didn’t have the closest relationship with his son, he loved him dearly. Max admired his father, and wanted to be just like him when he grew up. His father was the CEO of Black Gold Cooperative, the Lord family business, and what would inevitably go on to be Max’s legacy. His father had a heart of gold, and even his employees would agree that he was a joy to work for. But unfortunately, being the CEO of the empire that was Black Gold Cooperative meant Mr Lord had very little, if not any time to be with his son. Nevertheless, Max loved his father unconditionally, and did not know any different. Despite being sociable, Max was a lonesome child, not having any friends, other than the cooks, cleaners and butlers who seemed to come and go as they pleased.
“We will have Mary-Angela clear out the guest house before she leaves on Monday.” Mr Lord said matter of factly, deciding he had come to a suitable conclusion.
“Wait,” Mrs Lord replied, knotting her eyebrows together in confusion. “You’re not seriously suggesting-“
“That Ms Y/L/N and her daughter are welcome to stay here? Yes.” Mr Lord finished his wife’s sentence. “I know it might seem a little strange but actually it’s quite common… I mean look at Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne of Gotham. When they had Alfred Pennyworth move in it served as good publicity for Wayne Enterprises. They were seen as caring and relatable. Please darling, we can provide them with financial aid. It is the right thing to do.”
Mrs Lord stood up abruptly, twisting her face. “We are not a charity, Maxwell.” Mrs Lord snarled. “We are the Lord family-“
Mr Lord shook his head, beginning to feel frustrated at his wife’s selfishness. “Family? Really? When was the last time you attended one of Max’s piano performances or took him to the dancing class he has so desperately been wishing to attend?” Maxwell Lord III may have been a kind man but it was his wife who was almost always on the receiving end of his short temper.
Mrs Lord rolled her eyes before walking straight out of her husband’s office. Yes, the Lord family needed a maid, and your mother was the perfect candidate – but Mrs Lord was not willing to associate with locals. Mrs Lord’s heels clicked against the marble floor, and she walked straight past her twelve year old son who had been listening in on his parent’s conversation. Twelve-year-old Max felt tears well in his eyes. He hated hearing his parents fight, and now, it was happening more than ever. Max closed his eyes and sunk against the wall, sobbing quietly.
Of course, your mother was granted the job. The Lord family guest house would be your new home for the next four years. Despite it only being a guest house, it was so much bigger than your boxed Gotham apartment and it was decorated beautifully, much like the interior of Lord Manor. Little did you know that the next four years would be a blessing in disguise.
In his spare time, Maxwell Lord IV would play piano or read works of fiction. He didn’t really have a normal childhood, or learn what fun was, until he met you. The day he made your acquaintance was the day you moved in. Hearing you scream interrupted him from studying literature. He heard you scream again, but this time you were louder and more distressed. On instinct, he managed to find his feet and hurried to the bay window of his bedroom, only to see you running around in a floral dress, continuing to scream. Maxwell spent no time watching you and ran as fast as he could to where you were in the garden between his home and the guest house.
“Are you okay?” he shouted after you. You gasped when you heard his voice and spun around to see the boy from the oil painting. And he was so handsome.
“Oh, my prince!” You gasped, swinging your arms around Maxwell who had once again froze up. “Quick, help me slay this dragon!” Maxwell watched you point at… absolutely nothing. He hesitated for a few seconds and you started to run around, screaming again and play fighting the air. This act you were playing out reminded him of one of his favourite novels, and in that moment, Maxwell knew what he had to do. He pretended to pull out a sword.
“Don’t worry my princess, I’ll protect you!” Maxwell shouted. You watched the boy play fight the imaginary dragon in awe.
Once Maxwell had decided that he defeated the dragon, he stood there, breathless but proud. You sneaked up from behind and planted a kiss on Maxwell’s cheek.
“You’re my hero.”
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