#ugh i wish i knew how to english
arksides · 2 years
I think it would make a lot of sense for Edgeworth to start wearing his bagde by the end of aai2.
This is more of a headcanon, but I think like after he regained his badge by the end of that case, wearing the badge, at least for trials, would be like a symbol that he finally became proud of being a prosecutor, that he finally found his own path. That is kind of the whole deal with aai2 tbh, Miles pursuing the truth and finding his own place. Something he genuinely wants to do.
It also would symbolize his growth, that he is now a different person, no longer the demon prosecutor of years ago, since, technically, the one who taught him to leave his badge in his pocket was von Karma.
Sebastian, on the other hand, would start hiding it. After the whole ordeal with Blaise and being slapped in the face countless times, he'd probably start to feel 'unworthy' of using the badge, and would take it off, only putting back on again when he deems right, when he leaves the person Blaise made him out to be in the dust.
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todayisafridaynight · 3 months
tw // suicide
on twitter some ppl were talking about THAT jo scene from iw again and someone commented fucking "you know he was thinking about using that gun on himself" and im not sane anymore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! added something something his faith in ichi kept him hopeful enough in the moment but then when he went to jail oh. ohhh !!!!!!!!!!!
nooo cause if That Jo Scene is the flashback scene with hoshino's death that really had to be SUUUCH a low point if not top five lowest points for him i wanted to throw up watching that <- replays it in my brain constantly
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kn11ves · 3 months
emotional support group for autistics who got called condescending and rude as kids just for responding to things directly and still not knowing how they were being mean
#what did i do#i got constantly told by my mother and step father (and his family) that i always talked like i knew better than they did or that i was#just as mature. i was just fuckjng talking what the hell did you want me to do#why do you feel attacked when a 10 year old speaks to you as an adult????? literally what#i dont know on that note sometimes its just like i dont even feel like ive aged at all#sure i have a giant explosion of time in my head just Gone from my memory because i was getting abused but like i dont feel like ive aged#or really matured ive felt like ive alwats felt#i cant relate when epople are like me when i feel all my ages or i wish i could go back to being x age or being x age everything felt so#different..like no it didnt. or im missing something?#i have never in my life felt like anything has changed. ive always been this old. there is no ''inner child'' and ive never had childhood#innocence or a nostalgia or childhood to go back to. i have no idea what any of you are talking about ever👍#ugh jst rmemebred skmething that happened with my white step dad's mother#we visited her house and she literally fucking didnt let me go (not physically) until i replied to her with Correct Granmar. what was i#doing? i was reaponding to her by saying ''yeah'' and she kept repeating ''yes'' like telling me to say yes instead of yeah and i didnt#Fucking Get It because guess what you old white cracker i barely fucking speak english and you are just saying things in an aggressive tone#like thats gonna make me get it. and i Didnt i just kept replying yrah to her yes's and then she got tired of it and we left out the door#and theeeeen i got yelled at in the car by being called disrespectful and rude by my parents. WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO?????????#those crackers never liked me LOL i literally know they didnt#ugh i rmemeber this one time my step dads father was like trying to show me some dumb boxing or karate or something punching move and he#told my mother that i was good at it because he felt i had a lot of aggression and then NY MOTHER YELLED AT ME IN THE CAR FOR IT??????#oh fucking wonder why te kid being abused mighthave aggression but she didnt Know (apart from what She was doing to me) like why would it#be my fucking fault if he thought i had aggression in me HOW IS THAT MY FAULT WHAT DIDBI DO I WAS JUST TRYING TO DO THE MOVE BECAUSE WELL#I WAS TRYING TO GET ALONG BECAUSE THATS WHAT THEY WANTED ME TO DO#she was like do you know how much that embarassed me and WHAT THE HELL HE SAID IT I DIDNT I WAS LIKE#8??? OR SOMETHING???? I DONT FUCKING KNOW!!! I DIDNT KNOW WOMAN WHAT DID YOU WANT FROM ME#mothers when they mother👍
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truthundressing · 2 years
saturdays is so <3
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waitimcomingtoo · 6 months
A Film By Peter Parker
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Synopsis: Peter gets back into making little videos once the two of you start hanging out
warning: extreme 2017 homecoming era nostalgia
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Of course he went for Liz.
Liz was the ingénue. She was perfect in every possible way. Perfect grades, perfect face, and the perfect boy pining after her. You’d been crushing on Peter since the third grade but with Liz around, he never noticed you.
But Liz was gone now. She had moved to Oregon following her dad’s arrest and taken Peter’s feelings for her with her. Now that she was gone, you decided it was time to stop pining after Peter from afar and start pining from up close. And so, when you walked into the cafeteria that day, you didn’t sit at the end of the table like you usually did.
“Oh, hey.” Peter smiled in surprise when you sat down next to him. Smiling was good. Smiling meant he wasn’t creeped out by you sitting so close. You gulped before giving him best smile back.
“What are you doing here?” Ned asked, making Peter give him a look. You immediately regretted your decision and wished you’d just stayed in your usual spot.
“What do you mean? She always sits with us.” Peter pointed out.
“No, she always sits down there. She’s never actually sat with us before.” Ned replied and gestured to the end of the lunch table.
“Yes, but I’m sitting here today because I needed Peters help with the chemistry homework.” You said and put your chemistry notebook on the table. You knew you couldn’t just randomly sit with them without a reason, so you came prepared.
“Oh, for Mr. Eddie’s class? It’s easy. I’ll show you my notes.” Peter’s offered with a smile. You returned the smile as he pulled out his own notebook. It was a win/win for you since you actually needed help with the homework and it would start a conversation with Peter. While he was explaining the problem to you, you never once looked down at the notebook. You were too focused on the curve of Peter’s suspiciously long eyelashes, the longest you’d ever seen on a boy. Ned noticed the way you were staring his his best friend and frowned a little.
“Does that make sense?” Peter’s asked when he was done explaining.
“Yeah, it does. Wow, thanks Peter. It sounds so easy the way you explain it. I wish this stuff came as naturally to me as it does for you. You’re so smart.” You said as if you had listened to a single word he had said.
“That’s nice of you to say but I’m really not that smart. I just like chemistry.” He replied as he blushed from the compliment.
“Oh, come on. You’re the smartest guy I know. You’re the only one that answers questions in that class. And you always get them right. When Mr. Eddie asks if anyone has any questions, I don’t raise my hand because I don’t even know what I’m confused about yet.”
“That’s I feel in English. I can barely make it through the first line in a poem and you’re already going back and forth with Ms. Teague about Pindaric odes or whatever they’re called.”
“You listen to when I talk in English?” You asked with a soft smile.
“Of course I do.” Peter shrugged. “I always find the reading boring until you raise your hand and talk about how you interpreted it. You make it interesting.”
“I liked that book we read when the kids ate the other kids.” Ned said and interrupted the moment. Your smile dropped as you and Peter looked at him with disgust.
“The one with the flies-“
“We know.” Peter cut him off.
“Anyways, thank you for helping me with the homework. I’ve been stuck on it all week.” You said to Peter.
“Ugh. That’s been me with my paper for Mrs. Teagues class. And it’s due tomorrow.” Peter groaned.
“Oh, the analysis essay? I could help you with that.” You offered.
“Really? You’d help me?” Peter smiled in surprise.
“Yeah. I already wrote mine. It would be no problem.”
Ned was watching this back and forth conversation for a while until it clicked it in head. He gasped and slapped the table, making you and Peter look at him.
“Oh my God.” Ned said. “That’s why you’re sitting here. You have a-“
“Can I talk to you for a second, Ned?” You quickly cut him off when you realized where that sentence was going. Before Ned could even answer, you grabbed his arm and pulled him outside the cafeteria to talk in private.
“You like Peter!” Ned whispered harshly. You clamped your hand over his mouth and pushed him up against the wall.
“You need to keep your mouth shut.” You hissed. “Yes, I like Peter, okay? I’ve had a crush on Peter since middle school. He never noticed me when Liz was around but now that she’s in Oregon, I might finally have my chance. I don’t want to scare him off so just keep your mouth shut and let me handle this.”
You took your hand off Ned’s mouth and he started to gasp for air.
“Oh, please. Your nose wasn’t covered. You could breathe just fine.” You said with a roll of your eyes. Ned stopped pretended and straightened up.
“So you actually like Peter? For his personality?”
“Yes. Is that so hard to believe?”
“Kinda, yeah.” Ned admitted.
“I like everything about him. And I’m gonna tell him that. Just please, don’t say anything before I do. I’ll tell him when I’m ready.”
“Are you going to cast a love spell on him using a lock of his hair?” Ned whispered to you.
“What? No. Why would you even ask me that?”
“Because you’re a witch.” Ned said like it was obvious.
“I’m not a witch.” You groaned. “I just accidentally cackled that one time but it was only because I had phlegm in my throat.”
“Then about that time on the bus?”
“We’ve been over this. It was just a coincidence that that biker fell off his bike after I gestured with my hand. I didn’t move him with my mind.”
“And that one time in physics?” Ned narrowed his eyes.
“I still don’t know how that guys shirt caught on fire.” You shrugged. “It’s a mystery to me.”
“It caught on fire after he made fun of you for being a witch.” Ned pointed out.
“Maybe he was just standing too close to the flame.” You shrugged.
“He was standing in the doorway. There was no flame.” Ned reminded you.
“The magic of science.” You shrugged again.
“But what about that time-“
“Don’t bring up the nosebleed.” You whined.
“I am gonna bring up the nosebleed.” Ned hissed. “In sixth grade, our Spanish teacher got a nosebleed right after he told you to stop staring out the window and made everyone laugh at you. How do you explain that?”
“You’ve made your point, okay? Now are you gonna tell Peter or not?”
“Look, I’m not gonna expose your gross secret feelings, as gross and secret as they may be.” Ned sighed. “But Peter is still my best friend so I have to look out for him. I don’t want any spells cast on him.”
“That’s fine. There will not be any spells.” You held your your hands in defense. Just then, Flash walked by and laughed when he saw the two of you talking.
“Woah. What is this, the friendless loser convention?” Flash snorted.
“Shut up.” You snapped. Flash immediately tripped over his feet and fell to the ground, making Ned look at you with wide eyes.
“Witch!” He whispered harshly as he pointed a finger at you.
“Shut up. Let’s go back inside.” You rolled your eyes and pulled Ned back into the cafeteria.
Later that day, you met up with Peter in the library to go over your assignments. You started with his English essay and finished that within an hour before moving on to your chemistry homework.
“You can plug the numbers into your formula now using the method I taught you. And then you just solve for x.” Peter explained as you worked out a problem together.
“Hm. You make it sound so simple.” You sighed and leaned on your hand. Peter saw the way you were staring at him in his peripheral vision and felt his face heat up.
“It’s, uh, it’s pretty easy once you get the hang of it. I never liked the way Mr. Eddie taught it. I figured this out myself and it’s worked much better for me.”
“Thanks for helping me. You’re a good teacher.” You said and put your hand on his arm. Peter laughed shyly at the contact and cleared his throat.
“Thanks. And so are you. That was the best essay I’ve ever produced. I honestly worry she won’t believe I wrote it.”
“Well if she says anything, I can vouch for you. You put in good work on this essay. You deserve the credit.” You assured him, making Peter blush all over again. It occurred to Peter that he never realized how pretty you were. You’d been classmates since 3rd grade so he always looked at you as just another girl in his class. Now that you had his full attention, he didn’t feel like looking away.
“Thanks. I appreciate you helping me write it. I know it can be frustrating to work with me because of my dyslexia.”
“It’s no problem. And it wasn’t frustrating at all.” You shrugged. Peter smiled at felt better about how long it took him to write the essay.
“Thanks.” He said. You had successfully gotten him to spend time with you one on one but now you needed to commence the next phase in your plan which was to hang out in a non school related setting.
“Would you ever want to hang out socially?” You blurted.
“Like, and not do homework?” He asked. You nodded your head and he smiled before nodding as well.
“Yeah. Sure. I’d love to.”
“Cool. Me too.” You smiled. You hadn’t meant to blurt it out like that but it worked nonetheless.
“Does this weekend work?” He asked you.
“Yeah. What do you want to do?”
Hard cut to that weekend. You were on the subway with Peter and he had his phone out to record himself.
“Firts social hang out with a girl. A film by Peter Parker.” He said in a low voice before flipping the camera to face you.
“Staring me.” You smiled and waved to the camera.
“Are you sure you’re cool with me filming this?” Peter asked as he flipped the camera back to himself.
“Yeah, of course. The other ones you showed me were so cute. But why did it seem like there were so many missing parts? You were always talking about something cool that I didn’t get to see.”
“Uhhh, no reason.” Peter said and looked to the side. He had skillfully edited out any incriminating superhero activity that you were not ready to see yet.
“Well I like it. I feel like I’m on Modern Family.” You said and posed for the camera.
“Which family member would you be?” Peter laughed and zoomed in on you. With his phone blocking his face, he could shamelessly admire your face on his screen.
“Duh. Lily.”
“I can so see that.” He chuckled. The subway lurched suddenly and you both grabbed onto the pole, coincidentally putting your hands in top of each others.
“Oh, sorry. Our hands touched.” You laughed shyly.
“Oh my God. So romantic.” Peter joked, making you blush and look into his camera.
“Stop it.” You laughed and covered his phone with your hand. He laughed as well and put his phone away.
After learn you had never been, Peter decided to the Lego Store. He’d been hyping it up to you all week over text and now that it was finally happening, he hoped it impressed you. You walked in together and Peter heard you gasp.
“Big Lego Aladdin.” You gasped and ran to stand under the giant magic carpet and Aladdin made of Legos.
“That’s the first time I’ve ever heard that string of words come out of someone’s mouth.” Peter laughed and went to stand under it with you. You looked over at him and were surprised to see he was already looking at you.
“This is even better than you described it. You need to show me everything.” You said and excitedly shook his arm.
“I can do that.” He blushed and nodded his head towards some of the sets.
Peter took out his phone to film you as you looked at everything in the store. The way you were looking around like a little kid brought a smile to Peter’s face. He zoomed in on you and caught himself staring at you fondly through the camera.
“Come on. I haven’t even showed you the coolest part yet.” Peter said and brought you over to the build your figure own station. He laughed when you gasped again and started to excitedly rummage through all the pieces. Peter didn’t bring his phone out again until you had built each other.
“Show me what you made.” He laughed from the other side of the phone.
“Looks! It’s a little Peter. He has a backpack and a beaker.” You said as you proudly showed the camera the little Peter figure you had made.
“This is Y/n. I can’t believe I found the shoes you always wear.” He said as he filmed the figure he had made of you.
“You notice my shoes?” You asked with a smile. Peter didn’t catch it because he was too busy fitting the hands of your Lego figures together.
“Look. They’re holding hands.” Peter gasped.
“Aw.” You laughed. “Us on the subway.”
“We should give them some privacy. They might not want us to hard launch their relationship.” Peter said and put his phone away.
“You’re so cute.” You laughed without thinking about it. Peter looked up at you with rosy cheeks and you gulped when you realized what you said.
“I mean-“
“Come on. I wanna take you somewhere else.” He cut you off before you could explain. He brought you to Delmar’s and ordered his usual for you to split. You sat together inside and you tried your best to remain calm. You always wondered what Peter got up to when he wasn’t at school and now you were in one of his favorite places and eating with him.
“Okay, this is Y/n’s first time eating at Delmars since he reopened. Let’s get her reaction.” Peter said as he filmed you unwrapping the sandwich.
“Wait, why is it so flat?” You laughed and held the sandwich up.
“Oh, sorry.” He chuckled. “I forgot to warn you that he always squishes it for me. But you’ll like it. Trust me. It’s much better when it’s squished down real flat.”
“Well I’m glad I now know you like your sandwiches to be squished. I would not have expected that about you.” You said and took a bite of your half before giving him a thumbs up.
“Yeah? You like it?” He asked hopefully.
“I do. Your squishy sandwich was surprisingly good.” You admitted.
“Well, I’m very pleased to hear that.” Peter smiled and phone away. “So to make it even, you have to show me one of your favorite places next time we hang out.”
“Oh.” You smiled coyly. “I didn’t realize there would be a next time.”
“There better be. I had a lot of fun with you today. How come we’ve never hung out before?”
“I don’t know. I always wanted to but you were busy running around with Ned or staring at…” You trailed off and chose not to mention Liz in case he was still hung up on her.
“It doesn’t matter. I’m just glad we’re friends now.” You said instead.
“Me too. I’ve never had a girl friend.”
“What was that?” You said and started choking on your saliva.
“All my friends in my life were guys. It’ll be nice to have a female influence in my life.”
“Oh. Girl friend.” You smiled tightly.
You hung out another hour before taking the subway back to your respective apartments. Peter walked to you the front doors of you building and you had an awkward moment where you didn’t know if you should hug or not.
“We uh, we should probably get an ending for your film.” You said with a timid smile.
“Oh, right. Thats a great idea.” Peter smiled and pulled out his phone. He pressed record and you waved to the camera with both hands.
“So, can you give our first time hanging out a rating?” He asked you.
“9/10.” You grinned and held up two thumbs.
“What? Why’d I only get a 9?” Peter scoffed and pretended to be offended.
“I had a 10/10 time but I have to deduct a point because we saw that guy cutting his hair on the subway and I was scared he was gonna throw the scissors at us.”
“Well I would’ve just protected you with my lightning fast reflexes.” Peter said simply. You smiled at him through the phone and he smiled back. He put the camera down and looked at you with a content smile on his face.
“Seriously, though. When’s the next time we’re hanging out?”
It ended up being just a few days later. And then again a few days after that.
“Peter’s first time!” You cheered as you filmed him during one of your hang outs.
“Trying boba.” He clarified. “I don’t understand this drink. Do I eat the balls?”
“Yes. Sip it slowly so they don’t all go down your throat.” You instructed. Peter took a big sip and immediately started choking.
“Peter! I said slowly!” You said as you slapped his back until he stopped choking. You quickly put the camera down to help him recover.
Your hangouts started getting more and more frequent and Peter soon considered you a best friend. Your weekends became each others and school days were often spent together in the library or at one of your apartments. You were quickly moving up the ranks in Peter’s life, just as you hoped. And the closer you got, the more Peter could not believe he had never noticed you before.
Little did you know, Peter often found himself watching the footage he had taken of you during your hang outs with a big smile on his face. He’d rewatch the videos he had taken and realize that they were slowly becoming less of a documentary and more of a highlight reel for you. He never imagined a girl as cool as you would for him so when he realized he was starting to fall for you, he quickly repressed his feelings. Little did he know, the feelings were mutual.
“Did you always make these little videos?” You asked Peter one day as he filmed you trying to balance on the curb of the sidewalk.
“I used too make them all the time but I hadn’t for awhile. I only started them again when we started hanging out.”
“Really? Why?” You wondered and stumbled off the curb.
“I don’t know. You remind me of the time before my life got crazy. It made me want to do these again.” He shrugged. You couldn’t help but smile at that information and turned around to look at him.
“So I could be the star?” You asked and posed for the camera.
“Exactly. You’re my muse.” He played along, making you laughed shyly. When he watched the video back later that night, he knew he had meant every word of that.
Peter sat in his bedroom one day and filmed himself wearing your glasses while you did homework at his desk. He looked over you every now and then just to admire the back of your head.
“Don’t break those.” You called without looking up. All you needed to hear was the sound of your glasses case opening to know what he was doing.
“I’m not even wearing your glasses.” He lied and admired himself in the camera.
“Yes you are.”
“No I’m not. But yes, I am.”
“Knew it.” You snorted.
“Hey, how come girls always smell so good?” Peter wondered. “Your hair hit me in the face when you turned too fast before it smelled like a baby in a damn meadow.”
“It’s just my womanly essence. Now can you stop looking at yourself long enough to help me with my chemistry homework?”
“It’ll be hard but I can try.” Peter dramatically sighed and set his phone down. You got yo from the desk and went over to the bed with a cheeky smile on your face.
“Incoming.” You announced and patted your elbow twice like a wrestler.
“No, don’t.” He pleaded. You ignored his pleas and jumped on top of him. He groaned and pushed you off, leaving you laying in the bed beside him.
“Ow. My ribs.”
“You’ll heal.” You rolled your eyes. “Now can you help me with number 7?”
“Oh, yeah. No problem. Can you check this email before I send it?” He asked and handed over his laptop. You handed him your worksheet before reading over his email draft.
“Oh, honey.” You grimaced just a few words into the email.
“Is it bad?”
“Good evening, Mrs. Howard. I hope this email finds you well. I’m so sorry for bothering you. I was just wondering if I could possibly have an extension on my midterm paper? No worries at all if an extension is not possible. I apologize for any inconvenience this email may have caused. Thank you for reading, Peter Parker.” You read out loud.
“What’s wrong with that?”
“After your name, you included the name of the class, the time you have it, and a description of yourself. She knows who you are!” You laughed and turned the laptop around to show him his mistakes.
“She may have forgotten.” He pointed out. “I can’t take any chances.”
“Peter, this email is way too submissive. You sound like such a bottom.”
“Well excuse me, genius.” He said sarcastically. “How would you write it?”
“Here.” You said and handed the laptop back after retyping his email.
“Oh, wow. That’s actually really good.” He said once he read your updated version.
“This is why we are such good friends. You have all the math and science knowledge in this little, beautiful head of yours-“
“Little?” He interrupted.
“You’re right. Sorry, I was just being nice. What I meant to say is that your head is huge.” You corrected. “Anyways, you have the math brain and I have the literary brain. It’s like you’re Einstein and I’m Victor Hugo.”
“Who the hell is that?” He laughed as he peaked at your mirror to see if his head was actually huge.
“The guy who wrote Les Mis.” You said like it was obvious.
“Never heard of it.”
“What? You’ve never seen Les Misérables?” You asked in a thick French accent.
“We have to watch it. It’s so good.” You said and snatched his laptop back. You pulled up the movie and handed it back to him.
“Oh my God. It’s two hours and 38 minutes long? And a musical? Hell no.” Peter shook his head and pushed the laptop away.
“But it’s so good.” You urged. “We can just leave it on in the background while we work. It’s super light and easy to watch.”
“Really? What’s it about?”
“Oh, you know. Just war torn France.” You mumbled.
“No. Absolutely not.”
“But you’ll like it! There’s prostitution and con men and um…oh! And orphans! You can watch it and feel represented.” You said and shook his arm.
“I hate you.” He laughed but nearly gave in to your request just to see you happy.
“Fine.” You huffed. “I finished editing your midterm paper, by the way. You don’t actually have to send that email.”
“And here is your completed chemistry homework.” Peter smiled and handed your worksheet back.
“Aw.” You gushed. “Look at us. I love cheating with you.”
“So do I. We make a great pairing.” He chuckled as he looked over at you. You looked back at him and gulped. You hadn’t realized how close you were with your arms and legs pressed against each other as you sat together in your bed. Peter knew his sheets would smell like your perfume that night and smiled at the thought.
“Now that we’re all done with our work, you know what we should do?” He asked as he moved in closer.
“W-what should we do?” You stuttered now that he was right there.
“You know what I’ve been dying to do with you for a long, long time?” He asked.
“No. I mean, I don’t know. What?” You laughed nervously. Peter moved in even closer and right when you thought he was gonna kiss you, he reached over and grabbed his laptop back.
“I wanted to show you a real musical. Not this French miserable bull crap. Have you ever seen a little movie called Hair-“
“No. I’m not watching Hairspray with you again. You scream-sang every lyric last time and I couldn’t even hear it.” You cut him off and reached over home to take the laptop back. He pulled it away at the last second and you ended up on top of him. You looked into each others eyes and both froze in the positions you were in. Your faces were almost touching but neither of you tried to pull away. Your eyes were going back and forth between his lips and eyes and he was doing the same. Like magnets, you two started to lean towards each other but before your lips could connect, May opened the door.
“What did you guys want- oh! Sorry! I didn’t realize I would be interrupting something. My bad.” May smiled sheepishly and pretended to cover her eyes. Peter burned bright red as you quickly climbed off of him.
“May.” He said warningly.
“Sorry. But maybe lock the door next time. And use protection.”She whispered the last part before shutting the door.
“May!” He groaned and threw a pillow at the door. There was a long, awkward silence before you were even able to look at each other. When you finally did, you smiled awkwardly and kept your distance.
“That was so weird. What did she think we were doing?” You laughed nervously to break the silence.
“Psh. I know.” Peter scoffed. “She said she was interrupting but we weren’t even doing anything.”
“Yeah. What did she think? That we were gonna kiss or something?” You asked and laughed like it was the most ridiculous thing you could ever suggest.
“Us? Kissing? How silly. Imagine that.” Peter forced a laugh as well and looked to the side. The awkward silence returned and you struggled to look at each other.
“Do you think she made dinner?” Peter asked after a beat of silence.
“Let’s check.” You said and quickly got off the bed.
You didn’t discuss the almost kiss and went home shortly after. You couldn’t sleep that night because you couldn’t stop replaying the moment in your mind. No matter how much you wanted him to like you back, if Peter reciprocated your feelings, he would have kissed you.
Your pity party didn’t last long because on the subway the next day, you felt Peter put his earbud in your ear. You heard the Les Mis soundtrack playing in your ear and looked up in surprise. Peter was already filming you with a huge smile on his face.
“This guy 24601 should stop stealing bread and stick to singing. He has serious pipes.” Peter said.
“You listened to it?” You melted into a smile and held your hand over your heart.
“Yep. I stayed up all night watching lyric videos because I couldn’t understand what they were saying with their accents. It’s actually really good. I love Eponine. I just wish Marious wasn’t such an idiot. How does he not see that his best friend is clearly in love with him?” Peter asked with exasperation. You looked directly at the camera and hoped it picked up the irony before looking at Peter again.
“He’s not an idiot. He’s a romantic.” You sighed. “He doesn’t notice Eponine because he’s in love with Cosette. And course he is. She’s prettier and richer and has perfect hair. He doesn’t even see Eponine.”
“Good hair isn’t everything. Eponine is way better than Cosette.” Peter scoffed. “I’m team Eponine all the way.”
“Are you really?” You asked hopefully.
“Oh, for sure. I see why you like this stuff. These songs are awesome.” Peter said and put the other earbud in his ear. He then flipped the camera around to film the two of you sharing earbuds. As Heart Full Of Love played in your ears, you couldn’t help but longingly staring at Peter. The fact that he had stayed up late just to listen to something you suggested made you overcome with fondness for him. If he had done something like that, maybe he actually did feel the same.
“I forgot how good this album is. I haven’t listened in a while. I used to listen to it all the time back when you…” You stopped short when you realized you were about to say too much.
“When I what?” Peter wondered. You looked him in the eyes and decided that it was time to be honest. The song ended and a new, much louder one began to play in your ears.
“Back when you liked Liz. She was Cosette. I was Eponine. I was the one pining after a guy who never noticed me because he was in love with another girl. You were never mine to lose.” You admitted. Peter stared at you for a minute before pulling his earbud out.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear a word you just said. Master of the House is such a banger. What did you say?” He asked you.
“Never mind.” You smiled. “It wasn’t important.”
He smiled back before getting a text on his phone. You looked at his phone when you heard it buzz and realized he was still recording. In other words, he had just recorded you saying you liked him. Your eyes went wide but you only had a second to panic when you read the text he had gotten.
“Did Liz just text you?” You asked in a quiet voice. You felt like you were about to throw up. Years of crushing on a boy who liked another girl turned into months of pinning for your best friend and now turned into a rock in your stomach. Peter stopped recording the two of you to answer her text, which felt a little like a slap in the face.
“Oh, yeah. We’ve been talking lately.” He absentmindedly replied to you as he laughed at whatever she had written.
“You have?” You asked with a dry mouth.
“Yeah. She says Oregon is pretty cool. But she wants to come back and visit this summer to see everyone.” He told you.
“And see you?” You asked with a sad smile.
“I guess so.” He shrugged. “It would be nice to see her.”
“Yeah. Totally.” You said weakly. “So how long have you guys been talking?”
“I don’t know. A few weeks? She texted me a little while ago and we’ve been catching up.”
“That’s awesome.” You lied.
“I know. I didn’t think I’d ever hear from her again after she moved.”
“Neither did I.” You said through a forced smile. You needed to get off the subway and away from Peter before you started crying. So as soon as the subway doors opened, you bolted out.
“I gotta go. See you later.” You called to him before running through the subway station. You wiped tears as you went up the stairs and didn’t stop moving until you were in a bathroom stall at school. You gave yourself five minutes to be upset before drying your face and leaving the bathroom. It sucked, but it could have been worse. Now, Peter never had to know how you felt about it.
Peter was beyond confused by your exit on the subway but he wasn’t about to get any answers from you. You dodged his texts throughout the day and didn’t dare go into the lunchroom where you knew he and Ned would be.
“Y/n isn’t here yet?” Peter’s huffed as he sat down at your usual lunch table.
“Not yet. Actually, I haven’t seen your girlfriend all day.” Ned realized.
“She’s not my girlfriend.” Peter blushed. “And I’m pretty sure she’s avoiding me. She’s been so weird ever since this morning. Everything was fine on the subway until we got to school.”
“Well did anything happen on the subway that would weird her out? Oh no. Did you graze her boob with your hand again?”
“No. That was one time. And it was her boobs fault, not mine.” Peter whispered harshly. “We were just listening to music together and I was filming her like normal. But she could not get away from me faster once the doors opened. It was so weird.”
“Did you say anything weird to her? Girls don’t like it when you say weird things to them.”
“I know that. I didn’t say anything weird.” Peter replied as he pulled out his phone. He watched the video he had taken on the subway with no sound to see where he had gone wrong. All he saw was you looking at him with heart eyes which made his face heat up. But still, no evidence of where he messed up.
“I knew it. We were having a normal conversation about Les Mis and then I got a text from and then she ran. It makes no sense.”
“What was the text? Was it May saying something weird?”
“No. And stop saying weird. It doesn’t sound like a real word anymore.” Peter ordered. “And the text was just from Liz.”
“Oh shit.” Ned said when he heard this.
“What?” Peter wondered.
“Oh, Peter.” Ned sighed. “Peter, Peter, Peter.”
“What?” He asked again, annoyed now.
“Peter, Peter, Peter, Peter, Peter.”
“Are you gonna tell me what happened or just keep saying my name?”
“I can’t tell you. I’m sworn to secrecy. And I don’t want Y/n to put a hex on my family.” Ned said and held up his hands.
“Y/n swore you to secrecy? About what?”
“Can’t say.” Ned shrugged and zipped his lips.
“Does she not like Liz? And doesn’t want me to know?”
“Dude. Dude, dude, dude, dude. You are so close but so far.”
“So she does like Liz? Oh my God. Does she a crush on Liz? And she’s jealous that Liz texted me and not her?” Peter whispered with wide eyes.
“You’re getting colder.” Ned waved his hand. “I don’t even know how you got there.”
“That was all my guesses. Just tell me.” Peter whined.
“Hell no. I don’t want Y/n to curse my crops and make not grow for all of eternity.”
“You don’t have crops.” Peter pointed out.
“I could develop some.” Ned snapped.
“I just don’t understand what she would tell you something but not tell me. We’re best friends. She usually tells me everything.” Peter said right as his thumb accidentally hit the volume button on the video. Your confession to Peter on the subway was heard loud and clear by the two boys. Both of their jaws dropped as the video ended with you asked if Liz had just texted Peter.
“Well I wouldn’t have beaten around the bush like that if I knew you had video evidence of her saying she liked you right in your hands.” Ned sighed dramatically.
“I need to find her.” Peter said and ran out of the lunchroom. He looked around the school until he found you under the bleachers in the gym. You were sitting with your back against the wall and your knees drawn to your chest with your earbuds in your ears. When you saw Peter coming up to you, you quickly pulled them out.
“Hey.” He said and waved cautiously.
“Hey.” You smiled sadly as he sat beside you. You sat in silence for a minute as neither of you knew what to say.
“What’s going on with you? I haven’t seen you all day.” He started off. You looked at your hands to avoid making eye contact and sighed.
“Why didn’t you tell me you’ve been talking to Liz?” You asked quietly.
“I don’t know. I wasn’t hiding it. I just didn’t think it would interest you.”
“Well you have no idea how interesting I found it.” You laughed dryly. “What do you guys talk about anyway?”
“Well, she originally texted me to ask me to confirm I had an internship at Stark Industries because her boyfriend didn’t believe her when she told him she knew a guy who worked there. Apparently he’s been trying to get an internship there for years and he wanted to know how I landed mine. Then we just started catching up. I only talk to her here and there, though. And it’s only ever about school or work.”
“Oh. I thought you guys were talking talking.” You couldn’t help but smile a little when you heard the word “boyfriend.”
“No.” He shook his head. “Just regular talking. When you saw her text on my phone, she was telling me about her cat getting spaded. And I didn’t know what that meant so she had to tell me. I should’ve just googled it.”
You laughed softly at that and he did too. The tension was let out of the conversation and you could finally breathe again. When you stopped laughing, you finally looked in his eyes.
“Do you still have feelings for her?” You asked quietly.
“For her? No.” He laughed. “Those are long gone. I have feelings for someone else now.”
“Oh God. Don’t even tell me. I don’t want to know.” You groaned and buried your face in your hands. Peter looked at you for a minute until an idea came to him.
“Actually, uh, I came looking for you because I was just making another video. Wanna be in it?” Peter asked and took out his phone. You looked at him like he was crazy and could not believe he had just asked that during that moment.
“I’m not really in the mood right now, P.”
“Come on. I can’t make it without my muse.” He said and nudged you slightly. You couldn’t help but to smile at that and reluctantly nodded. He propped up his phone against the bleachers and pressed record.
“In a world where two best friends have no idea how to communicate despite spending way too much time together.” Peter said in a fake deep, gravely voice.
“Okay. Shade. That’s fine.”
“What will it take for them to admit they have feelings for each other?” He kept the voice as he looked at you.
“Wait, what?” You asked and looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. Peter smiled softly at you and shrugged a little.
“What’s it gonna take?” He asked again in his normal voice.
“I don’t understand.” You laughed nervously.
“I watched the video from before. From the subway. I heard what you said.” He admitted.
“Oh shit. You watched it?” You grimaced.
“Uh huh. So if you’re Eponine, I guess that makes me the idiot who didn’t realize his best friend was in love with him?”
“I guess so.” You said with a tight smile and still didn’t understand why he wanted to film this incredibly awkward conversation.
“You know, if I didn’t have a video of it, I never would have believed that you liked me.” Peter told you.
“You wouldn’t? Why not?”
“Because it doesn’t seem possible that the coolest girl I’ve ever met liked me.” He replied.
“You think I’m cool?” You asked skeptically.
“I think you’re the coolest. And you know, I watch the videos I take of you all the time. And half of them are just clips of you existing. So I do notice you. It just took me a second to catch up.” He told you. A smile tugged at your lips as you stared into his big brown eyes.
“You’re my best friend.” You told him. “I’m sorry I want more.”
“I’m not sorry.” He shrugged.
“You’re not?”
“I’m just sorry it took me so long to wake up and find that what I’ve been looking for has been here the whole time.” He said as he hooked his pinky under your chin and brought your face close to his.
“Wait, why does that sound so familiar?” You wondered.
“Don’t think about it too hard.” Peter whispered right before your lips touched. You kissed for the first time under the bleachers but it could have been in a palace for all you knew. The world disappeared around you as Peter slipped a hand behind your head to deepen the kiss. When you pulled away, you rested your foreheads together and laughed nervously together. It was a good nervous, a happy feeling of anticipation.
“Was that Taylor Swift?” You realized when you finally placed where you knew that like from.
“Shh. No.” He shook his head. “But yes, it was. You’re not the only one with good music taste.”
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flowery-mess · 4 months
Hotel room
Ugh, I loved it from the beginning, not so much in the end. Let me know your opinions about this! Also, I struggled a lot with using past and present tense, English is not my first language, so I think there is lot of mistakes, feel free to let me know about them!
Summary: reader struggles with rumors about Noah dating their tour support, that leads to heated conversation with open ending and some hurtful words
Noah Sebastian x female reader
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Do you believe in love at the first sight? No? Me neither. But it’s the closest thing to describe my relationship with Noah.
We met at my friend’s James birthday party. I was newly moved to the states. I initially moved here for a year because of my work internship and James was the first person I became friends with at work. Somehow, he was connected to Matt, who was also invited to the birthday party, and he brought the guys along. “The more the merrier.” His words, not mine.
I heard about them, I listened to their music, but I didn’t want to let my inner fangirl out of me, so I kept it cool the whole night, even forgetting that they were also there.
I can’t say I am not a party person, I am, just my social battery lasts around two hours, then I need to recharge myself. So after wishing James happy birthday, talking to some of our coworkers, dancing and drinking, it was time to slip outside to take some time off.
Sitting on a garden sofa with wine glass in my hand, with my eyes closed, I heard the glass door slide wide open, the noises from inside entering my ears for a minute, second slide of the door cutting them off.
Out of curiosity I opened my eyes and saw tall person in the dark, just standing and looking around. After minute, the person started walking towards me. As I was sitting in the dark, I guessed I wasn’t seen by the person.
“Already taken.” I spared that poor person a scare.
“Oh, sorry, I’m gonna go back then.” I heard slight disappointment in that voice, and after thinking that person was feeling just like me, I spoke again.
“That’s okay, it’s big enough, you can sit here with me.”
“I don’ want to bother you, seems like you’re enjoying whatever you’re doing here.”
“I’m enjoying the silence, that’s what I’m doing here.”
“Interesting, that’s exactly what I came to do here.” I laughed a little, surprisingly not so mad about someone interrupting me anymore.
“Come enjoy the silence then.”
I realized it was him the second he came out of the shade, as the light of the moon covered his face.
“Oh hi.” I tried not to sound too obvious.
“Hi.” With that he sat down next to me.
And that was the beginning of a very long night. Lots of talking. We talked about everything, the conversation flowing like it would never stop.
“So how do you like the states so far?” Noah asked.
“Do you want me to be honest or are you too American and can’t take it?”
“Try me.” He said playfully.
“The food? Terrible, I’m surprised you Americans don’t die at the age of 30. People? I’m so glad for working at company with foreigners, you Americans are weirdos.” He smirked at that answer. “But I’ve been here just for two months so far, so who am I to judge right?”
“Yeah right, who are you, you European woman.” We laughed at that.
He was actually pretty funny, calm and very well spoken. Which, judging by lyrics of his song, wasn’t surprising.
“So how do you know James?” I asked Noah, honestly curious, cause I knew James knew Matt, not the whole band.
“He worked with us on a few shows. On our smaller shows in the beginning, he actually helped us a lot. We didn’t have security or something back then, so it was either no security or security at the venue we were playing. James sometimes grabbed few of his guys and came to the show and helped us with security in general.”
“By his guys you mean our coworkers?” I found that funnier than it probably was, but it seemed funny to me, that he referred to them as James’ guys. Me and James work at a security company. We work “at the top” aka in the office. Hire people, make contracts with venues or artists, schedule shifts etc. We provide security of any kind. We both are on the same position, most of the time in the office from 9 to 5, but he never mentioned he used to go out in the field before.
“Oh so you two are coworkers?”
“Yes! He is actually my favorite coworker and favorite American. For now.” After few glasses of wine and talking to Noah already for an hour, I felt confident in little bit of flirting. If you count that as a flirting.
“For now huh?” at least he seemed to catch on that.
After what felt like forever, Jolly came to get Noah, said that him and the guys are leaving. Noah went with them, we said goodbyes and I thought that was it. Nice tipsy talk, no exchanged numbers, no see you next time.
But exactly three days later I received a message from unknown number, saying “hey it’s Noah, I asked James for your number, I hope that’s ok. We’re having release party for the new album, thought you and James could come if you wanted to :)”
So, me and James went to the party. After few hours I found myself sitting outside again, Noah coming too just a minutes later, saying it was coincidence, but later in our relationship admitted he saw me going out and went after me.
We talked again until James came to get me and said we’re heading home. Same scenario as last time.
And then we had dinner at his place. Dinner at my place. Movie night at his. Movie night at mine. Sleepover at his. Sleepover at mine. Little innocent touches became into lustful and needy ones. Everything went great, we completed each other just perfect.
We didn’t rush into anything, we handled him going on tour just fine.
I also made big decision with extending my job in the states and staying for Noah, not moving back home to Europe. We were perfect, so what changed?
It all went downhill before the guys left for the tour with Bring me the horizon. I always felt bittersweet about them touring in Europe, cause that was my home and it made me feel homesick, almost kinda jealous? And knowing they would then continue with their headlining tour made it even worse.
We made a plan that I would fly to my home country week before their concert there, spend some time with my friends and family, join them for the rest of the tour and go back home with them.
I was handling everything really well through the tour with Bring me the horizon. Loved the content and the opportunity for their band. But everything changed when they released their new song with Lenora. Their support on the tour, female singer from the same label. The song started wave of content with Noah and Lenora. Edits, rumors, theories, because our relationship isn’t public, so everyone thinks they are in one.
I didn’t have any reason to be jealous of her, because I trusted Noah, he knew her longer than me, he would tell me if they had history. It was the edits and rumors and seeing it everywhere. It made me uncomfortable. Everyone saying how cute they are on stage together.
So it all mixed together, Noah being in Europe with different time zone, so we couldn’t talk much, Noah and Lenora content jumping on me everywhere, it was too overwhelming for me.
I didn’t want to take it out on Noah tho, it was not his fault. But something in me changed, some of my insecurities I guess, went out and he noticed.
“What’s going on love?” He asked later today when we were on the phone with worried voice.
“It’s nothing, I just really want to be on the plane already.” I said little white lie, sitting on our bedroom floor packing my things for next days flight.
“Only 9 hours and you’re on the way babe!” he said with excitement in his voice.
“Oh you’re counting?”
“Of course I am! That makes it 7 days and 9 hours before we’re together.” His smiled made me feel a bit better, but I was sure I can’t tell him anything now. He was enjoying the tour so much, it felt wrong worrying him with my feelings now.
“I can’t wait Noah.” I felt like I was gonna burst into emotional mess soon.
“Me too love, me too.” We shared a look through the screen for a minute, before Nick saying they had to go on stage in a few minutes. We said our goodbyes and I love yous and hang up.
I closed my eyes for a minute, just focusing on my breathing and trying not to cry. I couldn’t explain what was going on in my head even if you held gun against my temple.
Long story short my week with friends was amazing. I felt more relaxed, until I saw Noah’s contact on my phone.
Everyday I felt my mood change a bit and my body stiffen more, when he texted or called me. And he noticed. Last few days it projected to the way we spoke to each other. It was cold? Just simple “Hi, the show was great, can’t wait to see you, love you.” conversation for literally two minutes.
Through the week I also couldn’t miss the new content about Noah and Lenora and that made me less and less excited for my hometowns show and for seeing it live. They were going to the next city later the next day after my hometown, so we decided to stay the night at a hotel, which I saw as great opportunity to talk about this tension, that was created by the lack of communication and through phone screen.
I went to the venue earlier to meet the guys there, then I would be coming back in the evening with my friends.
Entering the venue was weird. I wasn’t this nervous meeting Noah for our first date, so that was a weird sign for me. Security guys led me to the green room, so there I was. Standing behind the door, holding my breath in and not wanting to go inside.
It took me few more minutes to calm myself down, but I opened the door.
First person I locked eyes with was Folio. You can’t be sad seeing him excited and happy that he can hug you. Folio is the one I’m closest with from the band, so the hug really gave me a bit of courage that I needed. Then I was met with Jolly’s big hug, then Nick.
Last but not least, right, was Noah. We stood just looking at each other for a minute, neither of us making the first move.
“Hi.” I said first.
“Hi.” was Noah’s reply. I spoke first, he acted first. He grabbed my face by my cheeks and kissed me. Just a peck, as if he was asking for permission. So I kissed him back. The kiss was so tense, nothing like before.
“I think we should talk.” He whispered, keeping this conversation just between the two of us.
“Yeah we should. Can we do that after the show?” I really didn’t want to make tonight’s show bad for me, him or anyone else. He was enjoying this tour so much, I couldn’t be the one taking the joy from him.
“Okay. You’ll leave from here with us right?”
“Okay, meet us here after the show okay?”
And that was it. I stayed for an hour, but we didn’t talk more then the short conversation. When they left for soundcheck, I left to meet my friends for drinks before the show.
Their new collab song with Lenora started playing and I prepared myself mentally for what I’m going to see.
Lenora was dressed in tight navy jumpsuit, with her long hair in low sleek bun as she started singing her part. I saw Noah come on the stage, with the mask on his face. For most of the song he sat on the led display, but then he came down and I saw them interact in real life for the first time. It didn’t make me jealous, it made me think of how many new videos I’m gonna see the next morning. Their little handshake. Cute, right? Gonna be on my for you page too. The song is great, she is great singer, I don’t have anything against her, I just can’t help the pressure from fans. I knew what I was getting myself into when we became a couple. But you can’t prepare for some things until you live them through.
I enjoyed the show, I love their music and it was really lovely to see Noah performing live after long time, seeing him in his element enjoying himself. We locked our eyes few times, seemed like he was checking in on me, because he doesn’t like me watching their shows from the crowd, saying he’s scared some is going to hurt me. We shared looks, smiles through the entire show. For a moment I forgot what was waiting for us once we make it to our hotel room.
After saying goodbyes to my friends I made my way to the green room. I walked in and felt the good mood coming from everyone in that room.
“Hey Y/N! Did you like the show?” Jolly gave me a side hug after I closed the door.
“I loved it! And the fans did too, wasn’t the crowd amazing?”
“It really was, hometown making you proud huh?”
“Oh definitely, I was scared you’re not gonna come back here if they fucked anything up.” I continued conversation with Jolly for a bit longer, feeling Noah’s gaze on me the whole time. He looked sad that I was talking with a smile on my face to literally anyone other than him. That went on for like an hour, then he finally spoke to me.
“I’m done with this. Let’s leave and short whatever shit is going on out.” Was what he said to me.
“Hey everyone, we’re leaving. We haven’t seen each other for a bit and I’m really tired. So goodnight everyone, thanks for tonight, good job.” Was what he said to others.
Ride to the hotel was silent. Neither of us spoke a word. He already had key cards to our room, so we went straight to the elevator, then straight to room number 497.
Noah opened the doors and let us in. I started opening my suitcase to get something to sleep in, I was in need of shower.
“Can we talk now, please?” Noah finally broke the silence in the room.
“I would like to get shower first. I need a minute to process everything in my head and what I want to say.”
“Oh, okay.” I felt bad, because he looked like he was tired from the show and from whatever was going on between us, like he needed this pressure off his shoulders, but I needed to think what I was actually going to tell him, because suddenly I felt like I was making big problem over nothing.
Hot shower helped relaxing my body, but my mind was still tense. Do I make this bigger than it needs to be? Is he going to laugh at me, my feelings? Is he going to break up with me?
So many thoughts at once. That gave me courage to get out of the shower and get this over with. Release the pressure off bot of our shoulders.
I slowly opened the door that were connected to our bedroom.
Noah was sitting in bed, his back against wall behind him and his phone in one hand. I carefully walked around the bed, sitting on my half of the bed in the same position Noah was. He put the phone down at my presence, but looked straight ahead of him. I did the same. We stared at the wall infront of us for a moment, neither of us wanting to start the conversation.
I never experienced this tension and atmosphere between the two of us. This was new and we didn’t know how to handle it. Neither one wanted to start a fight, things just needed to get cleared.
“I want to say something, but I don’t really know what. I don’t know what happened, I don’t know if I did something. I’m really confused now. It seems like everything changed overnight.” Noah was the one to speak first.
“You did nothing wrong, Noah. I don’t know where to start I am so confused with my mind right now.” I felt tears forming in my eyes already, as very sensitive person, I cry every time I have to deal with something. And honestly this was making me so sad I was surprised I didn’t cry much sooner. But I needed to get it off my chest, so I continued.
“It’s just after you left for the tour to Europe, I started feeling really weird, jealous I guess? This is my home and it felt weird, you being here without me. I love that you are enjoying it and loving it here, but it made me miserable. Made me feel homesick, because I realized that except you and the boys, I have like two friends in the states. So, I just felt like everything I was missing was here at the other end of the world than I was. And honestly, I felt like shit.” Before continuing my monologue I turned to face Noah, see if he was listening to me, watch out for his reactions. He turned to face me too, he had look of worry and empathy in his eyes. He made me feel heard.
“And then Concrete forever started and suddenly there was Lenora with you. I know what you are going to say, but let me finish first please. I know we talked about her and I told you that I feel fine about her and you don’t have to ask me for permission to work with someone. And that is still true, but I can’t stand the rumors about you two. I want to keep our relationship a secret from the public, but I really wanted fans to know that you are dating me, not her in that moment. I can’t stand those tweets and videos on my page, with theories about you, how you look cute together and other shit. That hurts me Noah.” At this point I was crying, letting it all out.
His face got worried, he tried to hold my hand, but I started feeling tight knot in my chest and I needed to do something rather than sitting in this bed. I stood up and started walking from one wall to the other. It was also the first time I let Noah speak since the start of conversation.
“Why didn’t you tell me? We could talk about it and come up with solutions that would be okay for both of us.” Of course, I was expecting question why didn’t I tell him sooner.
“Because it’s not your fault Noah, or Lenora’s. You do your handshake; you sing together and that’s fine with me. I don’t blame you two. You two are not the ones that make content of that. I trust you 100% and I didn’t want to make you feel like I don’t. I thought I should deal with that on my own.”
“Well we are in a relationship, both of us, it’s never just you. You can tell me anything and I will listen, okay? We can always make a statement or perform differently if that’s what’s gonna help you. I don’t mind that at all.” At this point Noah was standing in front of me, trying to catch my hands in his to make me stop panic. After he managed to catch my hands, he pulled me in for a hug. I realized I needed that. Physical touch, just feel his body. Our chests rising at the same time as he took deep breaths with me and held my head against his chest.
“No you don’t get it Noah.” I pulled away, ready to let all my thoughts out.
“I don’t know what is going on, I never felt this way when you went on tour in the US. I just- it makes me think if moving to the US was good idea. I love you Noah, I do, but you are the only thing keeping me there and when you’re not there, I go crazy.”
“Let’s not make any sudden decision right? Cause you’re making me scared right now of what’s going to happen. Your feelings are valid and I get it, but I’m gonna be back home in a week and then we can find solution together. You can come with us on the next European tour.” As if that was solution to everything.
“It’s not just that and you know it. I don’t even know what solution I want, I’m a mess Noah and I don’t even know what to say, how to explain my feelings.” I started sobbing so hard. I hated this feeling. Feeling of being so distant with myself, not understanding what I feel.
“Oh baby, let me help you. Let me in so we can do this together.” I knew he was asking for me to stop pulling away from his touch, because that’s what I did for most of the conversation.
“It’s hard for me Noah, I’m used to dealing with everything by myself I don’t know how to do this. Maybe I wasn’t ready for a relationship yet? Maybe we should have waited before making it this serious.” I saw the hurt on his face, he was scared of what I’m gonna say next, but there was nothing, just silence.
“I think every relationship has its ups and downs and that break up isn’t solution, if that’s what you mean.” He was being very patient with me, but I saw him losing it a bit.
He was tired, physically tired and I wasn’t helping with this emotional mess. After a moment of him waiting for my answer that never came, he continued. "I hear you, I want to help you, but I don’t really know what you want from me now. We can’t stop going on tours in Europe, you say you don’t want to go with us. What’s gonna happen if next time another female singer is coming along? The rumors won’t just stop, until we make it public. You know I hate that idea just as much as you do, but I’m willing to do that if that helps you.”
He spoke for a few minutes so I calmed myself down a bit, focusing on my breathing, but before I could say something, Noah spoke again.
“And I don’t want to hold you against your will in the states. If you don’t like it there, you can move back here and we can do long distance, but apparently that’s not what you want either.” Guess he just had enough and decided to choose harsh words.
“Yeah well maybe you could be more understanding, that I moved there to be with you, because I love you. I love you, not the country. I would move for you anywhere.” I spoke words of love, but my tone was just as harsh as his. I know repeating the whole night that I don’t know what I’m feeling or what I want is frustrating but attacking me for my feelings for sure doesn’t help.
“Didn’t you say you needed to escape this country? From your broken family and ex? Don’t put this on me, you could have said no to moving.” Ouch, I didn’t expect that.
“I don’t know what you’re trying to say now, you know why I took the internship. We talked about that. Don’t make up something that’s not true.” My voice was quieter now, because he stabbed in a wound that he knew hurt me a lot.
I took the internship 3 months after me and my ex-boyfriend decided to end our relationship after 5 years. It wasn’t ugly break up, we grew out of each other and wanted to experience some new things, meet new people. I didn’t leave the country because I was broken hearted, but because I felt like I finally had space to try new things. I chose united states, simply because it was the only open spot that did require only English, not other languages I can’t speak. It’s that simple.
“Something that’s not true? So you didn’t run away from you mother who thinks you’re not good enough and caused you mental problems and from dad that doesn’t give a fuck about you?” ouch again. I didn’t recognize this side of Noah.
“Noah I-“ I scoffed with a deep breath, “why are you bringing this into conversation that is about something else? My family has nothing to do with how I feel about us. And for your information I told you all about that because I thought I could trust you, not for you to have something to throw at me in a fight for fucks sake!”
I let my hand slip through my hair, turning my back to him, because I didn’t want him to see that he made me cry again. But he didn’t stop.
“Well your upbringing has so much to do with how you handle your relationships so I think we should talk about that.”
“You know what I think I should change room with Nick or get new one just for myself. I wanted to have conversation about what was happening to us, but I believe you’re just tired and didn’t mean anything you just said. So I’m gonna pack my things now, leave this room and I’m gonna see what plane tickets I can find for myself for tomorrow. Seems like we both need more time to think about what’s going to happen with our relationship, how we treat each other, because I know damn well I don’t deserve you talking to me like this when I have been nothing but respectful to you.”
“Running from another problem, aren’t we?” He laughed, making reference to me moving to the states.
“Shut up Noah, shut up. Get some sleep and think about what I told you in the beginning. Think about what you want from this relationship, because we’re gonna have another conversation when you come home.”
I didn’t listen if he said anything else, I went to the bathroom to pack my things. When I came back to the bedroom, he was sitting on bed, facing the big window and his back was facing me. I made sure everything was in my luggage, I left my key card on the bed and went for the door.
“Goodbye Noah, I love you.” No reaction from him. My heart ached so much.
I got myself new room, paid for plane tickets for tomorrow evening and tried to get some sleep.
Actually, I cried myself to sleep, thinking of what was going to happen with our relationship once Noah comes back from tour. I didn’t recognize him tonight, he was like a whole different person than I knew before tonight. I was hoping for an explanation, for a valid reason he acted the way he did tonight, still hoping it was just his tired mind talking. Or maybe his frustration from the lack of my communication skills.
I was almost asleep when my phone buzzed with a new message.
I managed to read it before fully falling asleep.
“I’m sorry, I love you.”
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spiderfunkz · 4 months
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summary : you love the smiths, peter loves you.
word count : 0,8k
warnings : fluff, reader is oblivious & peter is just peter, not proofread btw.
a/n : based on this request!! my requests for peter are like always open so feel free to send in your thoughts <33 also this is inspired by that one scene in 500 days of summer but on a budget.
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peter parker was in love.
sorry, correction, is in love.
he didn't know when this little crush started.
maybe it was in the 5th grade, when he was paired with you to do a project together, that's when he first met you. he remembered how he'd admire you as you glued those stupid looking dinosaurs on the cardboard.
he remembered how your overgrown bangs were almost covering your eyes. he remembered how he'd ask why you didn't cut it, and how you replied with — "i dunno, i don't want to cut it yet. my mumma told me hair holds memories. and i don't want to forget those memories."
he remembered how that reply made him smile. how he'd knew you two would get along somehow. and also, since then he became really picky when it comes to haircuts.
or maybe it was in the 9th grade. when you were one of the few people that wished him a happy birthday. he remembered that you gave him a really big smile, and he always noted how it was the prettiest smile he has ever seen, well, other than aunt may's of course.
or maybe it was last week. when you sat next to him in french class.
maybe it's because he noticed how your bangs were now blended with the rest of your hair, how he'd realized you never cut it since 5th grade. he wondered how many memories you have kept because of it. he wonders if he's in any of those.
he also wonders if you ever noticed that he liked you. how he'd always steal a glance when you're not looking, how he had your birthday marked on every calendar he has owned, or how he'd save up to buy you the things you looked at for too long.
maybe you did. and maybe you didn't know what to think of it.
to be completely honest, you were never much of a romantic.
never really. in your entire life you only liked two and a half things. the pasta your mom cooked, your hair, and sometimes, peter parker.
well, most of the time, peter parker. i mean he's your friend of course you like him! he's funny, he has nice soft hair that you just want to run your fingers through, he's smart and witty but he never brags about it, he cares for you, and his hand intertwines with yours perfectly.
okay, maybe you like him more than a friend. but that's another story you don't want to get too deep into.
"how about this?" you ask, holding peter's 'the smiths ; the queen is dead' cd in your hand.
you were supposed to do your english essay with peter today in his room, but like every other work you do with peter in his room, you both end up getting distracted.
"i forgot i had that, i loved it." he smiles, "put it on." he says, gesturing to the cd player.
"i love love this album! i can't believe you forgot you had this." you turn the player on as the song starts to play.
"you can keep it if you want, since you like it so much." peter says. "really?" — "of course." peter nods.
"thanks, peter. you're the best." you sat next to him.
peter hands you the paper you were supposed to do your essay on. "i wrote half of it with a pencil, you can just trace it with a pen." he smiles. "oh my god, peter. you know i could've done it myself." — "yeah but then it'll take you 5 hours and no sleep. besides, i'm almost done with mine too, so."
"aw, thanks." you lean your head on his shoulder as you read what he wrote on the paper. you focus on the paper, not noticing that peter's face is turning bright red.
a few minutes pass by and peter's calming down, he leans his head on yours. but when he does your head immediately jerk up. "oh i love this part!" you turn the volume up. "don't you?" you turn to peter, he nods.
"to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die!" you sang. "ugh, i love the smiths." you lean forward to grab a pen so you could finish the essay.
peter looks at you as you hum to the song. he notices your cherry tinted lips, and how your hair is clipped to the side with a clip that peter bought you years ago. he looks at you with such care and love. though unfortunately, you don't notice that.
you look to peter, "what do i have something on my face?". peter looks away, "oh uh no, sorry."
you furrow your brows. "you sure?" peter nods. "okay..." you laugh.
you continue to nod to the song, the pen in your hand overwriting peter's messy handwriting. "i loveee the smiths." you repeated.
"i loveee you." peter blurts out. he hopes it wasn't too loud, but you seem to be focused on the song and your paper.
"huh?" you turn to peter. "what? huh." peter awkwardly looks away, again. you look at him for a bit before smiling, "did you say you loveee the smiths too? i thought you weren't that big of a fan anymore." you clearly misheard him.
peter was dumbfounded, sure he didn't want you to hear that. but at the same time he did want you to hear that. "no i uh- i said, i love you."
"you love, me?" you ask.
"yeah, l-o-v-e."
"love love?"
"yeah. love love."
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lixhours · 2 years
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Help me out (pt.2)
Pairing - Best friend!Lee Felix x Fem!Reader
Genre - Smut, Fluff
Word count - 8k words (I got carried away)
Warnings - Dom!Felix, Sub!Reader, absolute filth, language, Felix has a thing for y/n’s thighs, Reader being overly nervous, car sex, unprotected sex (stay safe y’all), oral (m receiving), fingering, voice kink, slight humiliation/degradation, Praising, light choking, orgasm denial, possessiveness, begging, hair pulling (lmk if I missed something).
A/n - So after two years it is here! It’s good to be back after a while TT , didn’t even plan to make it to two parts but oh well, thank “taste” for that :) I don’t know how to feel about this one but I hope you’ll enjoy this as much and I enjoyed writing this 🥹(also English isn’t my first language so sorry beforehand)
Part 1 ➾ here
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After that night you two have never spoken about it again, as if everything went back to normal. Only that… it didn’t for you.
A month already flew by so fast you didn’t have a chance to blink, the two of you didn’t even get the chance to be alone since then, still hanging out regularly in your group of friends. The thought of Felix just looking downright mean at you when you made a mess over his thigh , the way he had his way with you and gripped your hair locks couldn’t vanish out of your mind, leaving you desperate for more of him every night you tried to get off without the thought of your best friend popping all the time.
That’s why it didn’t go back to normal for you, once your eyes meet images of being under him kept flooding back into your mind, but instead of averting your gaze you seem to be locking eyes with him quite often. But the difference is that it seems as if he’s unbothered, already forgot about the incident and went back being your best friend.
On one side its good, because nothing changes between the two of you, you don’t seem to make things awkward and ruin things about your entire friendship, he’s still the sweet goofy caring Felix you always knew and loved. Oh but that other side… you just wish to throw the friendship out the window just this one time for him to ruin you all over again. You can’t remember the last time someone railed you this good.
Ugh, Y/n. Come back to your senses.
You snapped as you once realised where you are, even though the coffee shop didn’t have much customers and you had more time to yourself, doesn’t give you the right to just get horny over your best friend, you got a little ashamed over these thoughts.
What are you thinking about? You’re at work, focus!!
It seems that you finished eating your lunch a few minutes ago and you didn’t even notice, the cold leftovers of your omelette sandwich and cappuccino reduce your appetite as you feel full, thinking of taking one last bite before throwing it away. your mind is all over the place. You’re sure Felix put this aside a month ago like it should be and you should do exactly the same.
You stood up and went to the kitchen to put the plate and cup in the sink, throwing the leftovers in the bin next to it. You cleared your voice and adjusted your clothing, no more daydreaming, need to focus at work and set your mind into the right place, just like your best friend Felix does, he seems unaffected, you should too.
Just don’t think about it too much, easy right?
“Do I really have to come? I’m so tired I’m absolutely exhausted from all the work and studying I just want to sink onto my couch, watch movies and eat food. If you want to, you can join me…” your voice trailed off.
To be honest, you don’t feel the need to party all night right now, especially when you’re still recovering from Felix and if he’d be there you don’t know if you’ll be on your right mind.
Minho sounded upset over the line, you really do miss and love your friends , it’s not like you’re avoiding them or Felix, you still talk to all of them over the phone and text everyday. Felix keeps checking up on you every day asking how have you been and if you need anything, this ball of sunshine made you feel a bit bad for rejecting his offers. Of course you miss him and his company.
“Come on, Y/n. It’s just a small gathering at our place, we really want to see you, let loose a little and have fun! You do deserve it , we’ll buy some drinks and snacks , good music! I promise you’ll have a good time just please come, for me at least?” Minho was pleading and it made it even harder to say no to him, how could you say no to him in general? He always knew how to convince you.
You signed and threw yourself on the couch, staring at the ceiling, it took you a few seconds and you only imagined Minho’s face lighting up with hope, you don’t want to disappoint. You hear the other boys screaming in the background whether you’ll come or not, you hear Chan loud and clear when he says “Let her know that if she won’t make it tonight, I’ll stop bringing her favourite brownies she always steals from our kitchen, She’ll be banned for eating those yummy goodies!!” Shoot not the brownies… you love eating them with coffee!!
The loud noises give away the planning of their “gathering” tonight, you could only sigh once again in defeat when you clear your voice and close your eyes “Fine!!!! I’ll make it to your place tonight, just… don’t hide the brownies!” You could practically hear Minho jumping victoriously over the other line , letting the boys know that you’ll make it and let someone know who could pick you up from your place so you wouldn’t have to call for a cab.
“Y/n, if I could I would probably squeeze you to death from my hug right now but we don’t want that, so just settle on that that we missed you and have your fun with us, it’s been a while” he sounded sincere and it made your heart warm, you don’t hear Minho acting like that ever so often and it only gives away the fact that you really didn’t see them much lately.
You let out a giggle over his comment and proceeded to answer “don’t worry, I’ll be there , just let me know when to be ready” you stood up from the couch and made your way to the bathroom , wanting to fill hot water in the bathtub to take care of yourself before you do your other routines and choose your outfit.
“9 pm tops, be ready by then. Felix will come over to pick you up”.
It’s just Felix, why did his name made your heart thump like crazy? Why was Felix the one who will pick you up? Why can’t it be Hyunjin? Out of all names.
It’s just a ride to their place, he’s your best friend and you missed him, your heart ached to see him. You took a deep breath and nodded even though Minho couldn’t see it “alright fine, tell him to text me when he’ll be outside”.
Minho and you shared your fair goodbye’s over the phone and hung up, putting your phone aside as you stripped from your clothes, entering the hot bath before sinking down.
You took another deep breath and closed your eyes as you felt your body sinking deeper and deeper into the hotness of the water, filling your bathroom in steamy aroma. you let yourself to relax your tense muscles for once and clear your head from everything.
You don’t know why did you even get these butterflies just from hearing his name, or thinking about him. It was just a one time thing, the mood was right, it felt right…
But it doesn’t change your friendship status, you’re still the best friends you are for each other, you miss and adore your sunshine. Yes, your nickname for him was Sunshine. Only that he proved to be far more than that last month in your very own bed.
You think you just need to let it go, yes the sex was absolutely amazing, you didn’t feel this euphoria for a very long time. But, maybe you just need to get laid and let out all the pent up sexual frustration instead of avoiding your best friend. You didn’t want to hurt his feelings or ruin it all for the both of you just because of your issue.
So Tonight, you need to change your mind set. You’re going to have fun with your friends and maybe even get lucky with someone else who isn’t your best friend.
You didn’t see Felix in a long time, maybe everything will go back to normal between the two of you like it used to be from your side. From his side it seems as he already forgot about everything and put that aside as it should be for you two. You’re both adults, it happens right? If Felix doesn’t make things weird then you should too.
At that thought, you finished taking your bath and stepped out. Now, you wrapped a towel around your figure and on your way to your room to choose what to wear, what to even begin with to make yourself ready.
You stood in front of your closet and stared at it for a few seconds. should you go casual? Or all the way sexy? You wanted to show yourself off tonight and get it going out there, let you feel things you didn’t feel a long while. Yet, you didn’t want to look like a try hard…
Fuck it.
You’re going to pop everyone eyes out.
You picked out your tight black dress with spaghetti straps that emphasised all your curves. Some black heels, not very high one’s. you thought about curling your hair but decided to keep it straight, you’ll definitely add some light make up just to make yourself glow. To sum it all up, you’ll definitely be ready by night time.
You played out some music in the background and started to get working.
You looked at your figure through the mirror and you look stunning to say at least. Really simple and sexy , not too much and not way too much. You adjusted the skirt of the dress and stood on your heels, finishing applying the gloss lipstick and brushing your hair through your fingers. It’s been way too long since you got ready like that and you felt excited to get out there once again.
As you looked at your reflection for the past few minutes, you hear your phone buzzing lightly on the table, allowing you to process that someone is calling you. Your breath hitched and your heart raced as you read the name “Sunshine ☀️” spread across the screen. You didn’t even notice that it’s already night time, you hurried to pick up.“Hello, Lix?” Afraid your voice will betray you , you somehow managed to answer normally, picking up the first perfume you see to put on while holding the phone with your shoulder.
“Are you ready or am I gonna sit here waiting while you’re fashionably late?” You heard his deep voice through the line and you swear it wasn’t as deep as it was a month ago, is he going through puberty again? You smiled at his comment and proceeded to grab your tiny bag with you while turning off the lights and opening the door, you saw his car right at the parking lot.
“I’m right outside, dummy” you said and locked the door , putting your keys inside the bag and just standing there waiting for him to get out the car “are you just gonna sit there and be a terrible gentleman instead of greeting me?” You were sarcastic of course and managed to laugh it off right after, you somehow saw his big smile forming on his face as he got out of the car and stood up. you felt relieved to say at least that there wasn’t any tension and you both acted completely normal like it alway had been, maybe you overreacted after all.
But alas, you may need a reality check because the second he took a few steps towards you and came closer, you felt like air got knocked out of your lungs.
For the first time in your entire friendship, you had a loss of words for his appearance.
His blonde hair now gone, replaced with new coloured black locks. He wore a simple casual white T-shirt and a leather jacket on top, black ripped jeans that fit him nicely and white sneakers. what was really breathtaking was the way you locked eyes with him after observing his appearance. he smirked and looked down at you once you were close face to face and took your hand, he chuckled and bowed down before you.
“Oh my lady, I’m so sorry! Where are my manners?”
You didn’t even notice that he hung up the call and your phone still pressed to your ear, you felt embarrassed and your skin was burning hot, you managed to pull away the phone quickly and laugh lightly at his antics. you hit him playfully at the back of his head and managed to pull his hand that he’s holding and lead you both to the car, just walking casually hand in hand.
Felix just yelped in response and cried out at the hit, rubbed his head with the other hand in the process. “Oh, don’t be such a baby” you rolled your eyes and before you knew it you were randomly pulled in for an embrace which caught you off guard. It felt like you were inside cozy home walls, not feeling the night breeze as much as before, he wrapped his arm and covered you like something he needs to protect. you returned his hug and wrapped your arms around him too, hearing him sighing in peace. The smell of his cologne was intoxicating, you literally breathed him , his scent surrounding you.
“I missed you” he said and you smiled, tightening your arms around him, realising how much you missed him too and how bad you felt for avoiding any chance of meeting him while he has no idea why, you felt a bit stupid, but you’re here with him now and you need to fix it.
You pulled away from him and looked into his eyes once again, now a lot less nervous “I missed you too, I’m sorry I didn’t have much time to see you or the boys, I’ll make it up to you” you took his hand in yours once again and you both smiled brightly at each other.
“You better be, princess” you both reached for the car and he opened the door for you to get inside “ or else I’m gonna be stuck to your hip one way or another, I don’t care”.
You stuck your tongue out to him and sat down, he closed the door and went all the way around to get onto his seat as well. Once you’re both sat he started the car and searched to put on the address the boys gave him.
You had a questioning look on your face, you were confused for a moment “Lix.. what is this address? Aren’t we going to Minho’s place?” You asked as you looked at the screen on the car media, You heard Felix sucking in a deep breath before sheepishly looking at you “yeah well, about that…” he began and laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head, something here smells fishy and you looked at his face from up close wanting to hear an answer.
“Well, Minho thought you’d decline the offer once you’ll hear it won’t be at his place here close, so… we are driving off to Han’s, he’s organising and planning this party for a long time and he really wanted you to be there with us. That’s why I wanted to come and pick you up so you wouldn’t have to drive alone.. Surprise?” He looked at you wishing for a positive answer and by the expression on your face he didn’t know what to except.
You lean back in your seat and put two hands to cover your face before you speak up “not only the road to Han’s place is half an hour long, it isn’t a small gathering either?” You returned looking at him and he pleaded with his eyes while nodding his head, but before you could say anything further he started driving, ruining any chance of you escaping, his eyes now on the road as he chuckled to himself.
You sighed “What can I say? If I’m here might as well enjoy your guys company, I missed you all too much for me to be pissed” you laughed to yourself and instead of getting angry for being tricked, you just smiled and relaxed.
“Yes! Princess that’s the spirit, consider this as your punishment for overworking yourself lately” you blushed at the name he gave you, you always liked it when he called you that and didn’t give any mind about it, but now it seemed different, it made you warm inside.
“I guess you’re right…” you trailed off and looked at the outside of the window, it was open a bit so you closed it as the cold air gave you goosebumps, regretting not taking any jacket with you. As you kept looking at the view and the comfortable silence continued, you got hit with the realisation. It was a half an hour long drive with Felix alone in the car. You suddenly got these butterflies in your stomach and shifted in your seat, you turned to look at him and regretted the second you did so.
When did Felix driving started to seem so hot to you? The way he gripped the steering wheel with one hand that was decorated gently with his veins , the other one leaning against his window , his legs spread a bit and his jawline sharp, his new hair color didn’t help either. A few second ago you got chills from the cold, when did it get so hot in here?
Felix noticed you being quiet than usual and got curious because you always talked about random things when you had the chance.
“Everything okay , Princess?” Oh god the pet name made it much worse for your condition, all your thoughts from earlier flooding back to mind as you can’t help but think about the events that happened in your bed under him.
“Y-yeah sure, just hot a little .. can you open the window a bit?” Your voice almost betrays you as you speak.
“Didn’t you just close the window a few minutes ago?” Felix asked taking a quick glance at you and the way that you subconsciously pressed your thighs didn’t go unnoticed by him, averting his eyes now onto the closed window and back to the road. “You were literally shivering” he questioned you and you felt like it was getting even hotter, his low voice doesn’t help either.
“Well yeah, but I feel like the car keeps you warm enough inside so I’d rather the window just to be slightly open” you answered and Felix shrugged trying his best not to grin, doing as you said while you sighed in relief.
Felix knows that you’re talking bullshit.
He knows you well enough and can tell when you confidently tell the truth and when you’re lying. Just like when he stayed over a night at your house, the way you greedily rubbed your ass against his cock with no shame whatsoever when you thought he was asleep and the way you were stuttering in such a cute way when he asked you what were you doing exactly. Your lame excuse of a blanket matched the same energy with your window excuse.
You thought he was over what happened between the two of you? Hell no.
Nothing stayed the same way for him, all he could think about was how helplessly you submitted to him and how you trembled on his thigh while you asked oh so pretty permission to cum. It made him go crazy hard for you for days. Even before it all went down, he always fantasised about this but knew it’ll never happen, never wanting to cross the line of friendship and ruin things , but eventually it did happen. He didn’t complain because he saw how much you wanted it yourself, but after that he had to move on for your both sakes so no one could get hurt.
You mean the world to him and he knew you only viewed him as your best friend, so he acted as if it never actually happened. pretending everything went back to normal and he did great, really! But that was until he saw you today after weeks, in that skimpy little dress of yours looking gorgeous. He didn’t know how he managed to compose himself until now.
When he saw you pressing your thighs deliciously now and catching you red handed in your lie, made him realise you feel this same attraction over and over again too, it seemed like your minds always wondered to think about one another. And that relieved him, so why the both of you are holding back? Because of your friendship once again?
Felix had the urge to test his luck today, just like you tested yours, you are such as needy. He steals a few glances over your figure as his hand tightens a bit around the steering wheel, the way your exposed thighs distract him, maybe you don’t bother to pull the hem of your dress down just so you can tease him, you wanted to test his limits? Not today, he thought to himself.
You on the other side were still hot and bothered , suddenly finding the road way more interesting as you sat in silence taking a deep breath. Felix took this golden opportunity and put his hand on your exposed thigh. The moment you felt his slightest touch your breath hitched completely, you don’t even notice that you hold your breath. eyes widening and looking at him , then at his veiny hand that gives it a light squeeze , sending tingles down straight to your core.
“Y/n, are you okay? You look quite pale..” Felix asks as he gives another squeeze reassuringly, knowing exactly what he was doing , watching you crumble. It’s interesting to see when exactly are you going to brake, but he wanted to hear it from you and you just needed a little bit more of guidance.
“Y-yeah totally!! It’s just that it’s still hot and I’m not feeling so well because of that, can you maybe open the window a bit more?” You managed to squeak out but this time Felix couldn’t stop his grinning, chuckling, and you swear that he lowers his voice on purpose “how are you feeling hot but a shivering mess huh?” His warm hand beginning to caress your thigh up and down, waiting for you to shove his hand away but that never comes, you don’t know why you don’t stop him either, it was way harder for you to think straight right now. you didn’t even notice your shivers that sent goosebumps down your spine, feeling overwhelmed.
That bastard… you thought to yourself.
You weren’t stupid either, you felt a shift in his energy and mood the second he started driving but felt unsure, he knows how you’re feeling but hesitates to take further actions because he’s afraid from rejection. But how could you reject him when he is the only one that’s on your mind?
“Hmm doll?” Here are the pet names again. “Are you going to answer me or are you going to keep me waiting again? Just like you did with that dress of yours?” His hand crept up higher and higher taking place inside your inner thigh once again, so close to the place you wanted him the most, reminding you of last time. but this time you let out an evident gasp, you looked over in shock at Felix only to find him smirking to himself and turning left on the road.
“F-Felix what are you-“ he cuts you off as he started speaking again , feeling you melting under his touch “Let me ask you a different question Princess, for who did you dress up so prettily for? Hm? Are you planning to impress someone?” His deep tone of voice didn’t help to your state , still processing his words but hurried to answer him at the same time.
“I didn’t think of impressing someone b-but.. wanted to have fun” you say suddenly feeling a bit shy over your words, Felix was rather amused at your answer nodding his head at your statement “and what kind of fun did you think of exactly? Huh? With who?” He leaned back in his seat and he looked ethereal, how come you never viewed him that way? You’re surprised all over again.
But his question did wonders to you, the tiny little voice in the back of your head telling yourself you wanted to impress him and nobody else. The tension was getting unbearable at this point but the two of you still continued to play this game for some reason. Felix’s hand didn’t help you either, his touch only making more heat pool between your legs.
“Y-you..” you began but swallowed the lump in your throat first “you know what kind… y-you’re not dumb Felix..” you said, almost whispering the words but Felix heard you perfectly. he couldn’t help but bite his lower lip at your statement, feeling his jeans getting tighter and tighter the longer you tease each other. He decided to take one more glance at you before continuing to drive but hissed the second he looked at your figure.
You looked completely fucked out and he did absolutely nothing. looking so hot at him with half lidded eyes , as if they beg him to touch you. Your legs slightly open, you’re literally inviting his hand to slip into your dress, he only imagined how drenched you were already, thinking about how sensitive you are if you’re reacting like that just from these small gestures. he swears he never saw you like that not even last time, although you looked so nervous it was almost cute. he felt like he couldn’t concentrate driving, he needed to give you his full attention right now, fuck the party.
You felt a bit impatient from his lack of response, did you go too far? Before you even began to think of a million reasons why you did cross the line, Felix pulled over to the nearest emptiest place to park the car. Oh boy , here you thought to yourself.. with all that’s happened you really don’t know what to expect next but tried to compose yourself either way.
“Oh so now you’re not answering?” You saw the instant tick in his jaw the second you asked confidently and fully finished parking the car, his hand never leaving your thigh now squeezing it a bit harder, making you gasp once again , he leaned fully in his seat now giving you this downright dark look as he observed your figure.
He cleared his throat and scooted closer, you held your breath again and stayed glued to your seat not moving an inch “so you wanted someone to fuck your brains out don’t you ? Don’t be shy Y/n you can say exactly these words, no need to go all the way around” his other free hand came in contact with your chin, holding it with his fingertips so you’d look him straight in the eyes.
Then there was silence, you couldn’t even speak. You couldn’t even get a word out from the way he affected you so much, you’re not thinking straight and afraid you’ll blurt out something you shouldn’t say. So you just sat there and breathed heavily, the only sound in the car was both of your hot breaths fanning each others faces. Felix waited for your response but gets no comment back, slowly a smirk crept up on his face and he licked his lips in a way that almost had you whimpering over nothing.
“I get it Y/n, it’s totally normal…” but something about the way he said that didn’t feel right, instead you felt him getting even closer until you could feel his full lips right next to your ear whispering lowly “but don’t forget who made you a dumb soaking whiny mess over my thigh, sweetheart”.
Your heart should not have sped up. Your fingers should not have tightened against the seatbelt . You should not have pressed your thighs against each other with his hand in between . You should not have had your throat dried up at his very words. But it did and you are staring at Lee Felix in an angle you had never seen him. 
And the barriers have been broken, you couldn’t deny it anymore, you absolutely wanted him right now in this damn car.
Before Felix could even react you placed your hands on his broad shoulders taking him by surprise and smashing your lips against his. Not many moments after took Felix to return the favour, his lips danced perfectly agains yours like it was always bound to be placed there. The kiss was messy and both of you panted into each others mouths, Feeling Felix’s hand now on your hip pulling you closer, gripping you so hard with his fingers you swear he could leave a mark but you don’t care at this point.
You broke the kiss to breath air from lack of oxygen, you both continued to stare at each other with heady desire as he looked once again at your abused lips, he couldn’t get enough of you.
His mouth claims yours once more, and where the connection between you had grown quiet with intensity, it now gains the thrilling hunger that overtook them earlier, reminding you the battle of dominance in the heated kiss a month ago. You can barely breathe as he squeezes your thigh with his other hand for the tenth time today that slowly crawls higher and higher to the hem of your tight dress, reminder of the possessiveness that runs into every word, every touch.. you couldn’t help but whimper against him.
He took this opportunity and slipped his tongue to collide with yours, groaning deeply. You wrapped your arms around his neck bringing him even closer, you deepen the kiss, lust and want slowly washing you both and consuming your mind. Felix then nibbled and licked on your bottom lip tugging it gently, you let out a small moan and Felix felt satisfied from your reaction ignoring the aching of his cock.
He pulled away looking once again on your swollen puffy lips, cheeks flush as you looked at him and whispered. “Felix. I need more”. You managed to press your thighs even harder for some friction with his hand in between.
At that moment Felix snapped, you didn’t know he had that strength in him to just rip the seatbelt off you and lift you up by placing his hands on your ass. He cupped under it and made you straddle him in his seat, flashbacks from the last encounter of this event flashing through your memories. Your dress rides up so high it doesn’t do a good job at covering your bottom half, Felix hisses under you at the blissful sight, feeling his very prominent bulge.
“look at you, my little princess… just as needy as last time” his voice practically dripped with honey, his hand making its way straight to wrap around your throat gently, pulling you down to connect your lips again.
“Fuck” Felix cursed between wet kisses “look at you, with that tiny dress.. you did this to me on purpose didn’t you?” He added a bit pressure on your neck and you couldn’t contain the moan that slipped out of your mouth, turned on like you’ve never been before.
He noticed you liked his gestures and smirked “you like that don’t you? Having my fingers pressing on your pretty throat?” He observed you up close and his eyes were hypnotising, the way he looked at you, intimidating and so far from the sunshine you know on a daily basis. He lets go of your neck and continues to intertwine his fingers with your hair strands, pulling on them to keep you in place. You wanted to say something, do something, anything! But you felt like Felix controlled your every movement and you missed the way he did that so much, you didn’t do anything but listen to him.
“Couldn’t even sit a few minutes without thinking about my cock in you, are you that desperate for my fucking dick baby?” You furrowed your brows and bit your lips, your hands now moving on their own to keep you steady on his shoulder, you nodded almost instantly when he asked you that and he tsked, not satisfied from your answer.
“Speak up, doll. Use your pretty words like you did last time, be a good girl” he almost purred and it took you all your will not to start grinding against his length. Your hand slid down from his shoulder and onto his firm chest rubbing it up and down , you looked at him with your pleading glossy eyes and Felix swears he could come bust in his pants right now.
“Y-yes, yes! I’m desperate for your cock Felix..” you decided to take it up a notch since he wouldn’t do anything and show him exactly how desperate you are. Starting by grinding your hips all over his clothed bulge, earning a groan from him, his hands came flying onto your hips and gripped you hard. Taking onto your obvious hint he thrusted his hips up to meet yours, making you weak to your knees as you threw your head back and moaned loudly.
You felt like you were burning from desire and so sensitive, you can’t remember the last time you felt that way.
“My baby is so responsive huh?” He ground his hips once more and held you so you wouldn’t move, locking you in place.
“Too bad you’re not calling the shots here” another whine escaped your lips, clearly frustrated and wanting to feel him, his words affecting you wondering just how wet you are. seeing him taking every bit of control makes you even weaker, wanting to submit fully than you already are, do everything he says.
Leaning in, he noses at your jaw, his breath hot on your neck. His free hand draws the straps of your dress down your shoulders. It pools at your waist, revealing the laced bra covering your tits. “What’s wrong, kitten? Has nobody fucked you right since I left?”.
He began kissing and licking at your neck, making you grab on his hair and tug on the locks gently as you close your eyes and moan from the sensation, you were super sensitive and it made you let out shaky breaths making Felix smirk against you boosting his ego.
“I’ll take that as a yes then” he rasped and kissed down your jaw giving attention now to your breasts, two hands holding them and kneading them.
“I couldn’t make myself cum after you left..” you whimpered out just enough for him to hear and something within him triggered.
A low growl reverberates deep from Felix’s chest in response. Between licking and teasing your nipples through your bra and the next he’s tugging up your dress with rough hands you have fucking missed, the flimsy lace of your panties gone in one go almost ripping clean from your hips that makes lewd excitement surge throughout you, getting them off you so quickly. Thick fingers brush over the swollen lips of your pussy, the sweetest torture you have experienced, and when he parts you to find the slick arousal your game has drawn, Felix’s low groan reflects that shared affliction.
“Fucking drenched for me, baby,” he murmurs, voice rough as gravel. His free hand digs into the flesh of your thigh, keeping you open for him. “I’ve missed this pretty, little cunt too princess. so fucking receptive.” Two fingers tease the opening of your pussy, and just as your body fell victim to his words, your cunt instinctively clenches in response. Felix chuckles, pulling back to drink you in wickedly, his words making you warm inside.
His gaze is burning, alight. He curls his fingers to begin working you, the heel of his palm grinding against your clit. “Tell me who this cunt belongs to.” The moment you feel his fingers without any further warning is making you loose your damn mind, it takes you all your will not to cum right there on the spot, the stretch feeling amazing.
“Yours…” you barely speak as he continues his slow pace of his fingers knuckles deep inside you, working you up so deliciously.
His pace was torturous and you needed more of him “hm? What love? I didn’t quite catch that. Speak properly or… you can’t do that either? Your little body can’t handle it so you lost your words?” He cooed, he never thought he could see you in such a sight , so beautiful and the way you react to him, makes him loose his mind.
His words sending more tingles down your core continuing to drip down his fingers, you were close to your sweet release than you’ve ever been before, feeling complete bliss washing your body and ignoring his question, forgetting about everything that surrounds you. You forgot that you’re in this damn car in the middle of who knows where, on top of your best friend and his fingers deep inside you. The thought excited you even more and the look Felix gave you, his intense gaze made you even hotter.
Felix felt you clenching repeatedly over his fingers knowing what’s about to come, just as you were about to reach your high he stopped his movements completely.
You trembled with desire for him, your legs shaking as your orgasm has been taken away from you, tears of frustrations pouring down your face.
“W-why” you sobbed , you don’t care how pathetically desperate you look but on the other side you never wanted this moment to end , the position you’re in right now had you literally crying from pleasure.
“I asked you a question and you never answered angel, bad girls don’t get to cum do they now?” He groaned as he pulled his fingers away, sucking them and lapping on your juices, moaning at the taste of you.
You clenched at the sudden emptiness and at the sight of him licking his fingers “such a shame, you taste so fucking good”.
“Felix please.. I’ll be good I promise” you slid your hand down, touching his clothed prominent bulge over his jeans, making him hiss at the contact. He was quick to grab your hand and with his free one to once again pull onto your hair, his hot breath against your ear “didn’t you learn you how to behave last time? Need me to refresh your memory?” You nodded immediately and that made him chuckle darkly, his deep laugh didn’t help you as also the way he looks at you like he wants to devour you.
“Get in the backseat, Y/n” he ordered and you complied, not wasting any second giving him the full view of your ass, making him twitch in excitement in his jeans.
Once you’re both in the back, he fumbles with his belt, pulls the zipper down and finally freeing his hard cock out , the tip leaking with pre-cum making your mouth water.
“If you want to make it up to me..” he reached to caress your puffy lips with his thumb “then let your pretty mouth prove just how much you want me” without any hesitation you let his thumb enter your mouth, sucking and swirling your tongue around it, making Felix groan in return.
He pulled away and smeared his wet thumb on over your lips before leaning back and signalling you to lean further, holding his erection.
What a fucking sight. You slowly reached out for his length, Felix felt smooth as fuck under your touch. You grabbed him gently and took him in your mouth while fluttering your eye slashes at him.
"Just like that. You're so pretty with your mouth full of me. Just the way it's supposed to be."
His goddamn words… You didn’t know what it was about them that turned you on this much, pushing you to an utter state of enthusiasm.
"Harder, Princess. Suck me harder." He grabbed you by your hair making it into a ponytail and guided you through, You hollowed your cheeks to provide him with harder suction while working your tongue, which caused Felix to let out husky grunts for you.
He breathes deeply as you bob your head in slow motions, taking him deeper each time until you gag. His grip on your hair tightens, his face twisted in pleasure, his eyes dark and wild.
You pull back with a ‘pop’ sound and swirl your tongue over his angry tip focusing on it, making him moan in response and you swear that’s the hottest sound you’ve ever heard, pushing you further to please him.
“F-fuck y/n…” he grunts between breaths “how are you this good with you mouth baby? I won’t last..” he threw his head back and his Adams apple bobbed as he gulped.
You smiled a little at his reaction feeling satisfied with yourself.
“You really are a good girl.” He groaned at the sight of you with his dick in your mouth, eyes glossy and you moaned back in response sending vibrations and further pleasure. so you took more of his dick, trying not to get lost in all the warm feelings springing up from your chest.
you started to bob your head up and down while moving your tongue, letting it lick and touch his dick, which kept him moaning and grunting your name.
“Oh my God, yes,” was about the best he could do when you started sucking. He seemed in loss of words just like you are but felt pride bubbling up your chest on the way you make him feel.
You pull away once again to breathe and looked up at him while you work him with your hand “am I doing good for you, Lixie?” You asked in such a way Felix felt he’s going to cum right here on your hand, his jaw clenched.
He released the grip on your hair and pulled your leg now that you straddled him, once again putting you on top of him and changing positions, your core just mere inches from his hard cock.
No words needed to be said as you both knew what you wanted, both feel the same need and desire for each other as he pulled you down for another passionate kiss, tasting each other. It was messier than before and got your head spinning and him aching for you.
He tapped his tip against you clit making you moan in response “I need you inside me right now Felix, I can’t take it anymore please ” you were begging him at this point but you didn’t care as you wanted to feel your sweet sweet release against him.
It was like music to his ears “is that right baby? Come on then, sit on my dick show just how much you want me..” he said lowly and kissed your lips one more time before letting you slide down slowly on his length.
You threw your head back at the newfound stretch, a moan ripping out of you as you steady yourself on him, Felix’s hands found their way on your ass helping you with each movement, breathing on each other faces.
“That’s it Princess, ride me just like that” he almost whispers at this point, both of you lost in pleasure “just as tight as I remember, and so fucking wet..” he guided, leaving trails of kissed down your neck making your knees weak.
His words instantly shoot right down to your core and Felix feels his sentence has caused just the right reaction out of you by the way your walls clench around his cock.
“I wanted this for such a long time, Felix please.. don’t make me stop this time” you whined and started moving faster against him, making his dick twitch inside you, loving the way you beg.
“I won’t baby, I promise. loose yourself on my fucking cock, I dare you to make a mess all over it” he demanded it at this point and you don’t complain, picking up your pace until you’re practically bouncing on him, feeling the car move with each action but the both of you could care less.
Both moaning, breathing heavily and sweating. His thumb reached for your clit and circled it with just the right amount of pressure making you loose it, Felix groaning at the process.
He felt you clenching on him so hard , you kept moaning his name over and over again and knew you were close.
“Keep moaning my name baby, I want you to cream around my cock when you do so” he gripped your chin, faces inches from each other “look me in the eyes , sweetheart” he nibbled on you bottom lip tugging and sucking on it, the the speed of his thumb on your clit increases.
“Oh god, Felix!” It doesn’t take him long to get you to do just that, hips chasing after Felix’s, meeting his every thrust. “Shit, so fucking tight, pretty, so tight,” he grunts at you when your walls flutter around him, making you see absolute starts, orgasm finally hitting you like a truck. At this point he thrusts his hips up helping you with your movements and helping you through your high.
Feeling your walls spasm around him makes him moan out for you as well, you know he’s close by the way he thrusts sloppily and throwing his head back exposing his neck for you , so you take this opportunity even when you’re still on cloud 9.
“You’re so fucking good,” you say, resting the side of your face against his, placing soft kisses on his jaw. “Fuck me so well…”
You reach out for his earlobe and suck on it gently, roaming your hands over his chest and practically purr in his ear “give it to me lixie, I want you to fill me up so badly, please…”.
That’s all it takes for Felix to cum while inside of you and reach his high, pumping himself “F-fuck yes” he had a death grip on your hips halting his movements and reaching to the brim. You both panted heavily against each other, the two of you stayed close as you came down from your highs, not wanting to part from each other.
You placed your forehead against his, processing what the fuck just happened, you both smiled sweetly at each other.
“How you feeling?” He asked deeply and you giggled in response, moving your hand to cup his cheek and caress it with your thumb.
“I’m feeling pretty amazing to be honest” you answer and you see playful amusement glint in his eyes “is that so y/n?” He reached out for you lips but kissed you gently this time, savouring the sweet moment.
After that, you looked into each others eyes but he spoke once again “would you maybe.. want to go out, for real this time?” Suddenly loosing his voice, feeling a bit hesitant.
You thought it was cute and far more different than the Felix you saw a few minutes ago, there goes the duality of your ball of sunshine.
“Lixie, I would want nothing more than to go out with you” you reassured him and held his hand, making him feel warm as you kept kissing, wanting it to last forever.
It made you laugh a bit about the situation, because usually you go out on dates and then fuck, not the other way around.
But, you guess with Felix a lot of things just worked different and It was more than okay with you.
A call suddenly interrupted you from your session, the car media letting you know the name “Han” that was written across the screen, letting you both forget completely about the party.
You burst out in a fit of laughter and collapsed on top of Felix, he joined you as well “how am I supposed to go to that party looking like that??” You were very aware of your appearance and Felix had a smug smile on his face.
“Show the whole world you’re mine, princess”.
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admirxation · 1 year
I’ve missed this
Pairing: Leon S. Kennedy x Fem Reader
Summary: The reader and Leon are in a relationship, appreciating each other's company after his recent mission to save “baby eagle”. The reader is heartbroken with how little time you guys have together, but Leon reassures her with kisses and cuddles which eventually turns into NSFW 18+ content (fluff at the start and smut in the middle and end). 
Warnings: NSFW 18+ (no minors!), smut, unsafe sex, degrading, hair pulling, spanking, mentions of bruises and injuries, nipple pinching and sucking, hickies, dominance and submission. 
Word Count: 1.6k
Authors note: Hey, this is my first Leon Kennedy one-shot that I have written and posted, I used to write fanfiction when I was 13-15 but stopped. But now I am a 20 year old, English Literature university student, craving to write more fanfiction because ugh I have an obsession with fictional men lmao. I hope you like this, any feedback is appreciated (be nice though haha), and you can request anything you would like or drop a message if you ever want to. 
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On a lazy Sunday afternoon with the remnants of the sun shining through the gaps in the curtains, you and Leon were lounging on the sofa, watching TV— enjoying each other’s company. A day to just cuddle with him was rare, and you treasured every moment you had when he was around; just being in his arms and presence made you feel safe, with every trouble and stress easing its way out of your mind’s focal point when you felt the warmth of his body against yours. While you knew the demands of his job, it was always hard to see him go and come back hurt and beaten up; you wished he could just stay with you so your lazy afternoons wouldn’t be a rare treasure. Every time you saw the cuts, bruises, or any injury you found when gazing upon his body— it just left you in pain—just imagining how close he had been to death and the living nightmares he had to endure. 
Leon had recently returned from saving “baby eagle”, and when he came back, he told you about the people and events he encountered, mainly about the objective of protecting Ashley and how tiring it was. Every time he came back, there was a mixture of feelings, moving from being proud of him to having your imagination fall into the darkness where you pictured the possible fate of the mission being unsuccessful—it taking Leon’s life—the thought of it led to your heart sinking, no matter your current reality. The injuries, seeing him exhausted, and the nightmares he experienced every night—triggered your mind to dive into the abyss of dark thoughts. Of course, he had to be the hero and save the day, but still, you always yearned for him to stay every time you had to say goodbye—afraid it was your last. While these thoughts circled in your mind, you consciously tried to battle against them and focus on the afternoon you and Leon were experiencing. You tried to enjoy the moment; you didn’t know how long you had with him until he was gone again. 
You nuzzled into his chest, breathing in that scent you missed; you no longer had to cuddle into the pillow and hoodies he left to remember his smell. He had his arms around you, and you were in your safe place. 
“I’ve missed this,” Leon uttered, breaking the room's comfortable silence. 
“Same; you know I always count the days until your return,” you answered him, giving an innocent smile to him as you cuddled into his chest more. 
Leon already knew how much you anticipated his arrival; you loved him more than anything and would cross off days in the calendar and jump in his arms when you saw him again. How could your thoughts not be preoccupied with hoping for his safe return? But even though you were talking about your happiness, Leon noticed a trace of sadness lingering in your words, knowing that you were holding back some thoughts. He lifted your chin, moving your face closer to his, telling you in a soft tone: “I’m sorry I can’t be here more often. You know if it were up to me, I’d be around more,” he looked into your eyes to reassure you. You tilted your head and smiled at him, loving how cute he was with you. Leon then placed his hand on your cheek and pulled you closer to kiss you; melting into the kiss, you couldn’t think of anything else but how much you loved him. 
“I always forget how much of a great kisser you are,” you giggled, “it’s always a nice surprise to enjoy everything when you get back,” you said softly and gently. 
“I know you do, baby; you make it quite obvious,” he laughed. 
“Wow, look at me trying to be nice, and this is what I get,” you faked a little gasp as you nudged him a little. Leon laughed with you and shook his head a little at how sweet you were being. 
“Just come here. I wanna cuddle you more,” you blushed at Leon’s request, shifted your weight, and moved your leg over him, positioning yourself to straddle him. You knew Leon loved this as much as you. His eyes then wandered up and down your body: “You know what I missed (Y/N)?” 
“What, Leon?”
“This. Feeling you on top of me...” you saw the smirk on his face after his flirtatious comment, and you knew what he wanted to do to you, “and what happens when you get on top.”
You locked eye contact with him, taking the hints he was giving, beginning to grind your hips down into his, circling them as his hands travelled over your body. 
“This feels so good... you know exactly what I like,” Leon said under his breath as you grinded on him; he admired your beauty by looking at you up and down and biting his lip when you pushed your hips further down—you felt yourself getting wetter as you felt his cock twitch with excitement. 
As Leon released heavy breaths, grabbing your hips to move further into his lap, his hands traced upwards. Holding your hair, his fingers tangled in it and pulled you closer—kissing you passionately. You melted into the kiss, it growing more passionate with continuous grinding. With his spare hand, it wandered to your ass, squeezing it until you gasped between kisses. As your kisses became wetter, he couldn’t deal with you being fully clothed anymore and needed to see what belonged to him. He tugged at the bottom of your shirt and pulled it off, throwing it across the room, slowly moving to your bra and unclasping it—admiring you as it fell and exposed you. 
“Fuck, (Y/N), you’re so sexy,” he looked at you, thinking about how lucky he was. 
He moved closer to your breasts, starting to suck on one of your nipples and twirled his tongue around it, pinching the other and getting harder as he felt your soft moans at his touch. 
“Fuck, Fuck Leon... mmh. Keep going. Please don’t stop,” you managed to say as your bodies intertwined in intimacy, and you felt how hard he was under you, “Leon. Just fuck me already, I-I need you.” 
Leon smirked at you, “Anything you want, princess.” He grabbed you, pushed you to the sofa and hovered over you, leaning in for another kiss which moved to your neck to provide a hickey—to show who you belonged to. 
He pulled away, leading you to whimper for his touch again, looking at you beg for him as he grabbed your underwear and slowly dragged them down your legs—revealing your wet pussy. He traced his finger down, softly grazing over your clit. You shivered as you felt him tease you and begged for more. 
“How much do you want me (Y/N)?” dominance lingering in his words. 
“I-I need you, Leon, please.” He loved seeing you submit. 
He positioned his cock towards your wet entrance, rubbing against it to tease you. As he did, he whispered: “you’re so wet for me, baby, fuck,” wanting to just ram and fuck the shit out of you, there and then, but not wanting to surrender to his urges—yet—he wanted to see you squirm with anticipation more.
When you were about to beg again, he leaned his cock inside you melding your bodies together. You both gasped at the entrance. Your moans became continuous as Leon started to push back and forth, whispering into your ear how sexy you were: “You’re so beautiful (Y/N). I love your b-body, mmm, god! I missed this so much.” After efforts to fragment a coherent sentence from being interrupted with pleasure, he quickened the pace. He was lifting his body as he did, positioning himself upright as he held and dug his nails into your thighs, looking at you while you were screaming his name. You were lost in each other, having the room filled with moans, having your eyes roll back as you went crazy under Leon’s control. 
“Whose my dirty wore?” He looked at you and demanded an answer; he loved degrading and putting you in your place. 
“Me, I, I’m your dirty whore, Leon!” 
Leon looked at you and noticed how close you were to cumming. Since he loved to tease you, he pulled out, to which you pulled a disappointed face as he did. 
“I’m not letting you cum yet. Turn around... Now!” you submitted to his request. You turned to all fours, arching your back and waiting for Leon to begin fucking you silly again. As you were about to look back, he rammed his cock inside, and you gasped as he did. 
Leon was the type to have you cum first, but he still liked to be in control when he could. He wanted a bit of fun to see you want more, getting a kick from seeing the desperation in your eyes. 
His hands grabbed your hips, spanking you often until your ass was red, fucking you at a quick pace leading to your wetness stream down your inner thighs. As he pulled your hair and squeezed your ass harder, Leon felt your pussy clenching around his cock, eventually releasing hot ropes of cum into you—meeting your release as you squeezed your eyes shut with tears brimming in the corners as you orgasmed. 
As Leon pulled out, you were both breathless; both lost in ecstasy as you experienced a mutual release. Your legs were shaking, and your pussy was sore, exhaustion plastered over your face. Once you caught your breath, you told him: “You’re so good... I love having sex with you when you get back.” 
“I love it too, baby,” he smiled at you, “Come on, let’s go get ourselves cleaned up, then I’ll give you some aftercare,” he gave you a little spank as he walked closer to the bathroom.
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Heyyo!How are you?I hope that you have a good day/evening/night 💋🧸
Wanted to ask you if you could do maybe something abt Gavi crying in readers arms because he gets alot of hate bc he is the younger(besides Yamine)
Te amooo🙈❤️
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Pablo was coming back home after his game against Valladolid and you knew that after a loss he will probably feel very sad like always.
You took the rest of the day off school when he texted you that they just arrived and you drove to your shared apartment wanting to be there when he gets home.
You were in the living room on your phone waiting patiently when he opened the door tossing his bag on the floor before sighing loudly and taking off his shoes.
"Amor?" you said walking towards the hallways shocked to see his eyes red like he's been crying the entire night and his hair disheveled. Did the loss really hurt him this much??
"What are you doing home princesa? Aren't you supposed to in school till seven?" he said smiling weakly feeling so happy that you were really home because he really needed his girl right now.
"I took the rest of the day off because I wanted to be with you cariño, what's wrong mi vida?" you said opening your arms and he walked closer hugging you tightly and nuzzling his face into your neck as tears spilled again.
"Awe cariño it's okay to lose a game. You are only human and after the whole season you have the right to be exhausted..come here" he said helping him take off his jacket before you went to the couch as he immediately cuddled up to you while you ran your fingers through his hair taming it a little.
"It's not because we lost..I..ugh!" he couldn't talk because more tears spilled and you kissed his forehead telling him to breathe and that he can tell you when he is ready.
"They hate me amor..they think I'm just a kid" he said after a few minutes of you holding him and humming his favorite song as he started calming down and drying his tears while looking up at you with those big adorable brown eyes.
"Amor, you might be the youngest but you are the vital part of the team. It's clear whenever you don't play that Barça needs you..and no, I'm not saying that because I'm your girlfriend" you said kissing him softly and he smiled weakly closing his eyes while you kissed his face gently.
"So why are they saying those mean things about me then??" he said sadly and you wished you could beat every single asshole who dared write anything bad about your adorable boy..you wanted to hold him in your arms and protect him from everyone.
"Because they are jealous..that you are so successful being so young..that you are handsome and sweet..and that you are the best boyfriend en todo el mundo" you saw his smile grow as you spoke and your heart swelled that he was smiling again leaning down and kissing his lips once more.
"Porque I have the best girlfriend en todo el mundo!" he said and you told him how adorable he is when he mixed English and Spanish with you and he blushed hiding his face into your neck leaving a few sweet kisses.
"Yo te amo mucho mi princesa" Pablo mumble into your neck after a few minutes and you smiled kissing the top of his head earning a satisfied hum from the sleepy boy in your arms.
"Yo te amo cariño..tan precioso!" you said loving that he can be this vulnerable with you glad that you can always remind him just how good and important he is both as a player and as a person in your life <33
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lafaiette · 3 months
I finally managed to extract Pen's lines from the game's data (not all of them, I still need some from his romance scenes), and I wanted to share other translation differences I found. I will update this as soon as I find more interesting stuff!
English: "Darling, I never tire of you staring lovingly at my perfectly carved form. The longing in your eyes makes me determined to become the protector of your dreams." Chinese: "Babe, when you look at me, the look of deep admiration in your eyes really moves me. I look so majestic in your eyes! I will always use this strong body of mine to protect you!"
English: "Your love for me is like a relic weapon. Rare, powerful, sublime, blasts anyone within a close radius to smithereens…" Chinese: "Your love for me is so deep. It's so powerful and unique. It's like a deadly weapon, gripping my heart tightly and immobilizing it!"
English: "Darling, if anyone outside Sandrock ever does something to harm you... just say my name. I promise they will quake in fear. Even in Duvos, my name is feared." Chinese: "If someone wants to hurt you [it's more "bully/bother", but you get the sense] outside of Sandrock, you can just tell them my name. Even in Duvos, no one will dare lay a finger on you."
English: "I felt something move inside of me... my pecs? No... deeper. Maybe this is what it feels like to be Space Punched? Soon let us once more foray into encountering." Chinese: "I feel like something in my chest, deep, deep down, has been shaken... Hahaha! Don't worry, my Space Flying Fist [Space Punch] is not ruined! I had a great time today. Let's go on another date when we have time!"
English: "I will never refuse an opportunity for you to express your admiration for me. So, where are you taking me?" Chinese: "Aha! I will never refuse your admiration for me! Tell me, where do you want to go?"
English: "Skinny Arms, you impress me with your apt observations of me. You know my tastes impeccably. Originally, I had organised my regimen to the second, but when presented with such a devout offering, I will permit myself a, as they say, "cheat day." Chinese:"Little weakling [Skinny Arms], I didn't realize you knew my preferences so well. I've been recently building muscle and strictly controlling my diet. Okay! I'll let go of my diet today and not disappoint your good intentions [also "kindness"]."
English: "Skinny Arms! I'm impressed. I can't say I thought you had it in you, but yes, here you are, presenting your hero with a glorious gift to help with defending this town. But fear not, the one who could defeat the "Protector of Sandrock" has not yet been born." Chinese: "Little weakling, I'm touched. I thought you wanted to keep this for yourself. It doesn't matter, you dedicated it to the "Guardian of Sandrock Town", so let me use this to protect you. In this world, the person who can defeat me was not born yet!"
English: "You know, I was just thinking how it's so hard being so strong and handsome; it's like... I've been bestowed with so many gifts. Sometimes I wish other people could know what it's like." Chinese: "Is it my fault that I'm strong and handsome? So many people give me gifts every day. Ugh, I wish someone could understand my problems."
English: "Lately I've been training my guts! That's right, the spicy new noodle dish at the Blue Moon has proven to be more than a match for my otherwise iron intestines. But I'll win in the end, I always do! Oof… hold that thought. Bathroom." Chinese: "Recently, I've been having diarrhea with an unusual frequency, and it's all because of the Blue Moon's new Super Popular Noodles [Drool With Joy Noodles], which are so hot that even a man of my iron will can't resist them. The key is that the spicier it gets, the more you want to eat it, and I can't control my mouth at all!"
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 3 months
I wish the Wales wouldn’t react to the internet.
After that photo scandal, so many articles, real or fake, discussing their state of mind with Rebecca English leading the charge.
Then this morning, a sanctioned article about Kate being spotted at Windsor Farm shop.
Internet/ media response: pics or we don’t believe you
This afternoon: a sanctioned pap pic of the Wales at said farm shop!!!
Internet response: that’s not Kate…..ugh. William knows that once you give an inch, the media/ Internet takes a mile.
I wish he’d never responded to the internet in the first place or to just let it be following Kate’s apology because clearly the internet/ media is a ravenous beast that will never, ever be satisfied. 
I disagree.
I haven’t followed it too closely but this doesn’t strike me as William and Kate reacting to the internet. They’re just living their normal lives and it’s the people around them who are talking to the media. Possibly they feel protective of one of their own being so targeted and harassed.
The general public talking to the media about William and Kate or leaking where they are/sold their pictures of them has happened before. Some of those instances:
When William, Kate, and the kids had a pub lunch picnic.
When Kate was stuck in traffic on a bridge, she and Louis stepped out of the car to look at the bridge traffic. 
When Kate was grocery shopping.
When Kate chaperones field trips or takes the kids to museums.
When Kate took George and Charlotte shopping.
When Kate took Charlotte to The Nutcracker.
When William and Kate went to a school sports thing for the kids and a fellow parent took their picture (Kate was wearing flared jeans that were wet - I can’t find the picture anymore).
When William has gone to George’s football games and took pictures with the kids.
So because this is not an isolated incident of them being spotted within their community and pictures/video leaking out, I don’t see it as a strategic response to the internet or to the media.
It is strategic in the sense that after about a month of wildly intense speculation, there’s finally “evidence” of Kate being out, about, and around in her community, but it’s not like she’s come out of hiding. She’s been doing stuff around her home in her community. It’s just the first time there were paparazzi there that caught her, which suggests more “fox in the hen house” than a papwalk - someone in the community blabbed (which has happened before) and/or the paps knew that Kate would resurface somewhere so all they had to do was wait and bide their time.
Maybe that makes me a chump. I don’t really care. William and Kate have never done this kind of papwalk before. I find it very hard to think they’d start doing it now, especially when you consider all the other controversies they’ve gotten embroiled in and how easily they could’ve redirected the media with a papwalk. 
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thelittleliars · 1 year
Love Forever? | Pt. 2
Natasha Romanoff x fem!Reader Yelena Belova x fem!Reader (Platonic)
Warnings: cursing, yelling
Words: 2.1K
AN: This one has more interactions with Yelena than Natasha but it's all a huge part for the full story! Also the 3rd part is going to take at least 1-2 weeks since I'll be traveling to Budapest in the next couple of days! Gonna visit all the Black Widow filming locations there 🔥
Part 1 , Part 3
"Cyka" Yelena cursed in russian before she cursed you in english again. "You bitch! Why would you travel to Russia without me?" She shook her head in disappointment, you saw a grin on her lips tho when she turned her head to the side to see who walked in. You didn't see who it was since you were on FaceTime with her and only she was in the frame. "Who is in Russia?" You heard her voice in the background asking Yelena.
"Your ex-wife." Ex-wife, it was still something that pained you but the separation did you good. Your anxiety with all the worrying whenever Natasha went on a mission was gone now. You felt more at peace thanks to the break up. "Anyways, have you visit mama and papa yet? Last time I heard they were going insane to see you again. Apparently they can't wait to spoil you rotten with russian culture and stories of us as kids ugh."
"Don't forget about the baby pictures they're gonna show her." Nat reminded Yelena who's expression looked a mix of embarrassment and panic. "Yours gonna be there too Natalia. Can't wait for Y/N to see your awful blue hair phase."
You saw a shadow coming closer to the blonde widow, then a hand came into view hitting the back of her head. "You little bitch! Next time I'm there I'll burn all of them."
"Let's just burn the whole place down yeah?" A gasp escaped your mouth, even though you knew she was kidding it was something she'd really do. "Yel NO! Also Nat please don't burn any of them." You said sadly. "I wish I had at least a single photo of myself as a child. Hell I don't even know where I'm from, apart from being held by hydra for half my life."
"Guess we're all in the same boat. None of us knows where exactly we come from. Oh oh we can be the lost daughters buddies." The younger sister screamed out in pain after her older sister slapped the back of her head once again. "Try sheering her up instead of ruining the mood with some sad shit from our past."
Suddenly your screen went black, you were about yo look at your wifi to see if the connection was lost but before that could even happen you heard a chair screeching. "What gave you the right to give me that fucking advice huh? How about you stay out of my business with her since you were the one who destroyed your relationship." Yelena was mad, no she was furious with her sister, that's why you weren't surprised that she hung up on you. This was a great time to start driving towards your (ex) parents in law.
You took your bags, threw them into the car you rented, then jumping into the drivers seat and made your way towards Melina's and Alexei's little farm outside of Saint Petersburg. Not long after, you arrived your destination, Melina and Alexei both stood outside already as if they were expecting you. You did not call or text them since it was supposed to be a surprise.
"Ahh finally, my daughter is home again." Alexei walked to you and immediately his arms around your body, squeezing you to death. "I need to breath big guy." He let you go but still smiled at you happily. "Come on inside. I'll show you your room. We decorated a bit, hope you'll like it."
The decoration he was talking about were only new curtains and a stuffed penguin animal. You appreciated their effort.
Later that day when you were outside feeding the pigs, you heard and saw a Quinjet coming. Of course Yelena had the nerve taking a jet and flying to russia. But she wasn't alone. Natasha also tagged along. You gulped at the sight of her standing there in casual clothes. It was actually your first time seeing her in six months. The last time was after the divorce all those months ago. Alexei of course was the happiest, now that all his daughters were home. Melina was happy to see them too but she was more worried about you. At times she was more protective over you than Yelena and even though it was heartwarming, it pained you too. She was like a mother figure that you never had. The longing and grieving of a life you could have had nearly destroyed you whenever you think deeply about it.
"Natasha I need a little help in the kitchen." Was all she said before going inside and the red head trailing after her like a good god. Yelena and dad catched up on stuff while you sat down on a bench near the front door that had a great view on the animals. You had no clue how much time had gone by until your friend and sister sat down next to you. "What is on your mind Y/N Y/L/N?" She tried to get you talking by saying your whole name as teasing but you were starting to feel numb so nothing would bother you anyways.
"As you'd say my ex wife." Seeing her after all this time stirred up a lot of thoughts in you. "What about her precisely?"
You sighed quietly. "I don't know. I guess it's just us in general and how we ended up here." It wasn't a lie but also not the whole truth either. You didn't want to talk in details since you knew it would get you in a vulnerable state. "She was a bitch for demanding that divorce.."
Out of reflex you started to defend your ex. "She got trigged Yel-" "No. Don't. Don't you dare make excuses for her." Yelena cut you off fast. She hated you for defending Natasha in this situation when you deserved so much better.
"It's just the truth. Plus I'm not as innocent in this situation as you think I am." You could have fought more for your wife but instead you signed the divorce papers quick. Probably because of the things that happened before the accident. "Natasha and I had a pretty nasty fight right before she got called on a mission and got her head injury." You paused for a minute. "If I'm being honest.. our marriage was falling apart anyways."
Yelena gaped at you. "I don't understand Natasha always talked so highly of you." You wished that was true, you wished all the good she found in you was actually good.
"I told you this was going to happen!" You yell at her, feeling angry and betrayed that she didn't listen to you. "And yet you ignored me and continue doing it anyways." Natasha hates herself for not listening to you but she'd never admit that out loud. Instead she blames you for everything, she knows it is wrong but it's difficult for her being truthful and vulnerable right now. "This wouldn't have happened if you were more open to the idea of being more affectioned in public. Maybe then he'd have known that I'm not single!"
"He kissed you. Because you kept flirting with him to get what you want.. you're an avenger for gods sake! You can get anything you want just by asking Tony or any of us." You stop yourself from getting even more louder. A deep breath and a few seconds is all you need to be more calm. "You know what? Maybe they all were right when they said you are a monster. Because right now, that's all I see."
The fight didn't leave your mind, it stayed and harassed you daily on repeat. You knew you guys covered up a lot of your problems. A marriage is a piece of work and you guessed you both weren't just ready for that huge marriage step. "Would you ever take her back?" She asked you softly. You were looking so hard for the right words to say but you fell flat. "I'm not in love with her anymore so I don't know." Though you didn't know for sure you constantly told yourself you'rw not in love anymore. If that was the truth then why did you panic when a knock came from the door frame? Why did your heart beat faster when you saw it was Natasha who knocked?
"Dinner is ready." Her voice was quiet but still so damn soft. While you stood up and walked towards the front foor, Yelena's gaze lingered on you for a while before she rushed after you into the house. At dinner you all fell into a comfortable conversation. It felt very awkward at first especially since you were convinced that your ex-lover overheard what you told Yelena. You were also anxious but it got better once Alexei started talking about his new tattoo shop. He had opened it two months ago and was fully booked out already. You were happy for him, tattoos were something what he was extremly good at so the demand was so deserved. After dinner was over you all three went to the bedrooms which you all had to share.
The next morning you wondered why 'dad' was still here. He explained that there was a new girl who worked at his tattoo shop, helping him out for all the appointments. Then he joked about how he'd set any of you three up with her. The blonde daughter just snorted, not wanting anything to do with romance, but he was too excited for an introduction to notice Yelena's obvious disinterest. Maybe he did notice since he showed a photo of her only to Natasha and you. And that was when something struck in you, you didn’t know how or why but you had to see the girl personally. You asked him where his shop was located and after giving you directions you stood up, turned to Yelena asking her to drive you there. Natasha felt irritated at how fast you wanted to see that new girl.
As soon as your eyes met hers, everything around you stopped, you felt a pull to her, a magical pull that you couldn't control. Your arms came around each other and somehow nothing on the world made more sense than this moment.
"Voi herranjumala." (Oh my god.) She said something in a language you thought you knew yet you didn't understood a thing. You pulled away, still standing close to her, she then put your face in between her hands. "Kaipaan sinua, kaksos Y/N." (I missed you, twin Y/N)
"Please don't tell me this is some long lost love reunion." Yelena groaned in misery. You looked at her cluelessly, hoping she'd also pick up your silent plead to help you out in this situation. "Don't look at me! You were the one who rushed me here and hugged her like no there's no tomorrow."
The girl next to you cleared her throat before speaking up, this time finally in a language you all could understand. "Ohh right.. I'm sorry I forgot you don't understand Finnish anymore." Anymore?? What the hell did that mean? "We don't have much time, I'll explain everything later. Twin Y/N do tell me, have you found your one and only?"
You blinked at her. "My what?" She cursed in Finnish, huffing and what seemed beating herself up about something. "Your, what humans would call here, Soulmate." You didn't question her 'what humans' and just shook your head. "I thought I did but no."
"Tell me, what happened?" Her gaze turned extremly intense, you started to feel uncomfortable. "Well we started to fight at one point and then she got a head injury and et voila we were divorced."
Yelena had enough of this conversation, the pulled you backwards and stood in front of you, giving the other girl a death stare. "Whatever you're doing to Y/N has to stop right now or otherwise I'll beat you up." You knew she was dead serious about it, your sister in law was super protective over you. "I'm not doing anything, it's all her doing. We do have to stop talking so slowly, we need to hurry."
"Why hurry? I don't understand?" She visibly got more restless which stresses you out. "You're out of time soon. We have to find your soulmate now." You shock your head at the lady and her crazy words. "I'm sorry this has to be done." And with one finger snap, both of you were gone.
Tags: @iamthescarlettwitch , @dark-hunter16 , @marvel-fan-2021 , @myfturn , @natsxwife , @wandanats-goodgirl , @supaheroine , @00alycia , @xxsekhmet , @franfrolix , @lonewalker17 , @newawakening9 , @marvelwomen-simp , @automaticwizardnerd , @wifeofnatasharomanoff
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gxthicwxrm · 2 years
Hi! Hope you’re doing well! If requests are opened: fake dating fic with eddie munson where he wants to impress/make Chrissy jealous— and he later realizes that he actually likes reader?
Fake Dating- Eddie Munson
Tumblr media
Pairing:  Eddie Munson x Fem Reader
Warning:  smut, angst with happy ending, cursing, fem reader, making out, dirty talk
Summary: Eddie and reader are fake dating to make Chrissy Jealous, but real feelings come out and threaten their relationship.
Word Count: 3,313 words.
MINORS DNI! This is an 18+ account. You'll be blocked! Please don't translate or copy my work! You do not have my permission to copy or translate my work. Feedback is always welcomed! Requests are open! Enjoy!
*not my gif*
Note: hey guys! This is my first smut in a while so please let me know what I can do to improve!! Thank you for your requests!I loved this one so much!!
It all started with a guitar pick. You've been watching Eddie from the background since you were kids. Before finding his friends and D&D club, he sat at a table far in the corner of the crowded cafeteria. You found your spot at that table on your first day, the mid-second semester in the fall. He was the only person who attempted to be nice to you. 
He'd ask about your books or sketches, and you'd ask about his tapes. Gleefully, He'd dance in his seat while plopping his headphones over his ears, heavy metal music blasting through the speakers. Over time you found songs you enjoyed and just before he left for his D&D fanboys, he made a mixtape of all the songs you liked for you. That was the day you knew you had fallen for Eddie Munson. 
After he found his group, he stopped talking to you. First, he waved at you in the halls when you passed each other, both avoiding eye contact, faces heated. Then, you didn't even get a glance from him. It hurt, but you tried to move by burying yourself in homework and extra credit, maxing out your library card every two weeks, and studying harder and more often—anything to relieve your thoughts of Eddie. 
It took you three months to make your heart stop caving in every time you saw a glimpse of brown curls around the corner or his signature vest. Walking past Eddie, you wouldn't flinch away or cower, no longer dodging his class route. That was until he started meeting Chrissy behind the bleachers. Truly, you believed that he and Chrissy had started to see each other but one day you walked into the bathroom and overheard her practicing what she would say to Eddie. 
"Hello, Eddie, right? I was gonna ask about some……weed? Would weed even fix this shit? Ugh, I can't do this!" She angrily mutters to herself as you wash your hands, quickly leaving, wiping your wet hands on your flannel. That was when you decided you were happy for Eddie and wished him the best, even if it wasn't you.
Sometimes, you caught him looking at you and your heart tugged for a split second to him, begging you to tell him how you felt about the rocker but you knew it was never going to be. You weren't on his radar, you never were.
It was third period, English, and the class was about over. Mrs. Landon was wrapping up her lecture as the students packed our bags. The bell rings loudly above us as it signals the end of the school day, and cheers can be heard as students rush into the halls and out the doors. Needing to drop off some overdue library books, you head to the library to drop them into the library bin. Pushing past your peers, you reach the drop-off bin, pushing the flap open and shoving your stack of books into the opening, a soft thud signals they've reached the bottom basket. 
Satisfied, you turn back down the hall to make way to student parking, but to do that you need to pass Eddie's Hellfire room. Typically, he and the boys would already be well into their campaign by now, but uncertainty made you hesitate at the top of the hall. Begrudgingly, you start to drag your feet down the hall, ready to lay in your comfortable bed and listen to your favorite records. 
Passing the club, loud cheers vibrated out into the empty hallway. Rushing down the hallway, your foot slides on something, knocking your feet from under you causing you to land on your ass. With a yelp, you let yourself lay there for a moment. What the fuck? You ask yourself while starting to sit upwards, looking at what made your trip. A silver chain with a black guitar pick. Instantly knowing who it belonged to, you grab it as you stand up and turn back towards the door. As you start to step forward, the door swings open.
"Yeah guys I just need to find my guitar pick! It can't be far." Eddie barrels out of the room, looking back at the boys that sat at the table inside. Stunned, you stand there unsure of what to do next except silently holding the necklace out to him. Turning around, he's startled when he sees you, jumping subtly. 
"Oh, hey…..Oh! You found my necklace! Wow, thank you so much, gorgeous." Eddie takes the necklace, happily putting it back on as you short circuit at the name he used. 
Just like old times. Hating how your heart was beating out of your chest, you try to push the nickname away, brushing it off as nothing but an old habit. He probably calls her that now. 
"Y-you're welcome! I kinda fell over it." You awkwardly chuckle, brushing out your shirt to avoid those piercing brown eyes. 
"What? Are you okay? Do you need to see the nurse?" His question makes you look up to see his brows furrowed, face twisted with genuine worry as his hands rest over your shoulders, lighting a fire you thought you put out, indefinitely. Shaking your head, you shrug him off, much to his dislike as he scoffs, pulling his hands away. 
"I'm fine, Eds. I am." You say, firmly. Reluctantly, Eddie nods before a light bulb goes off in his head.
"Oh, I wanted to ask you something. It's a really big favor and is a lot to ask, but you are the only one I trust to ask this. You can definitely say no, I would never make you do anything you didn't want-"
"Eddie, get to the point. I have to go to work." You wanted more than anything to stay and talk with him, but he wasn't yours to talk to. You could never have him the way you wanted, so why torture yourself?
Hurt shadows over his features before he shrugs it away.
"I was hoping you'd pretend to be my girlfriend for a week or two. Just until I can get Chrissy jealous to see if she does like me." He rushes out, scared you'd cut him off and say no. 
What The Fuck? Staring at him, you stay silent, trying to process the words he said.
" You want to make Chrissy jealous? Why aren't you two already dating?" You ask. He shakes his head quickly. Heart pounding in your ears.
"No, we met up for a deal, and then she gave me her number and we just started to hang out for a while. Will you do this for me? Please?" Eddie's voice is filled with sincerity as he pleads with you, lip pouting. To your surprise, you find yourself looking into those pretty eyes and melting.
"Yes, Eddie. I will." You sigh. That was the day that everything went downhill.
It started with hanging out with him in his van or at his trailer before Chrissy would get there then you'd hug him goodbye, leaving as they did their deal and hanging out. Quickly, you two became close again, he started to drive with you to school in the mornings and evenings. He'd invite you to his lunch table and club meetings. It warmed your heart but it didn't erase the fact that every time you remembered Chrissy you'd leave with a sick feeling in your stomach, feeling dirty and wrong. But you loved Eddie way more than you would ever admit and you tried to fight it for so long but you couldn't anymore. 
You were sitting on Eddie's bed, wrapped up in his blanket as he tried to find something.
"Eds, what are you doing?" You giggle as he zooms around the room.
"I got something for you and I'm trying to find it. I left it here..somewhere…there it is!!" He picks the items up, putting them behind him as he turns to face you, smiling. "Found it!" He slowly crawls onto the bed as you rest on the edge. He sits on his knees in front Of you, his scent washing over you.
"What is it?" You look up at him as you both maintain eye contact, him hovering over you as you lean closer. Suddenly his arms whip out from around him, holding a beautifully polished copy of Jane Eyre, your favorite book.
"Ta da!" He exclaims as you stare in shock, jaw slack.
"I can't believe you got it for me. Oh my god, I could kiss you, right now! Oh, it probably cost so much, you didn't have to, babe." The name slips out before you could catch it causing his brown eyes to fly to your worried ones as you two sit in tense silence as something was unleashed in the two of you. 
"Do you…do you like it?" He whispers, leaning closer to you as you start to fall backwards on his bed. His hands find your thighs while one moves to rest beside your head, holding him above you as you lay flat against his pillows, dropping the book beside you two, falling to the floor.
"I love it." You say, not just meaning the book but the spark that was ignited between you two as you kept staring at his full lips.
"Good." He smiles down at you, necklace dangling in front of you, the necklace sends a reminder of how you two got where you are, but instead of feeling the usual shame, you push it away and enjoy the feeling of Eddie's body against yours. His tongue darts out to wet his lips as he leans in, connecting your lips. A moan breaks out of you causing him to grip your sides, slipping a moan of his own out. Your legs intertwine with his as he grinds down on you, your tongues swirling together. 
Kissing Eddie isn't what you expect, it was better. His lips meld with yours perfectly as his hands roamed your body. Grabbing your thighs, he makes you wrap your legs around his waist as your clothed cores grind against each other. His lips move from your lips to down your neck, leaving small love bites down your skin, covering your collar bones in hickies. 
"Eddie," you moan. "Oh, Eddie!" His fingers slide under your waistband of your shorts and ghosts over your panties, circling over your clip. 
"Is this alright, princess?" He asks, voice gentle but husk with lust as he waits for approval.
"Yes, yes, please more." Pathetically, you beg and whimper under him as he smirks down at you.
"Okay. Okay. No need to beg, baby. I've got you, babygirl." He groans as you move your hand down his chest to grip his hard on through his boxers. His hips buck into your hand when he suddenly pulls away from you.
Scared he's changed his mind, you look up at him to see him ripping off his shirt before his hands grip your shorts, pulling them off of yours slowly. Helping him, you pull your shirt off of you, sitting up. Throwing your shirt to the side, you begin to leave a kiss across his tattooed chest.
"Can I take your bra off, baby? Is that okay?" He asks, hands hovering behind you.
"Yes…," you pause. "You can do whatever you want to me, Eddie. I am yours." You say those three words in replace of the ones you so desperately wish you could say. But he is only yours at this moment, not forever. Growling, Eddie unclips your bra and hooks his finger on your underwear line and yanks them off of you, leaving you bare in front of him.
"Oh God, princess. You are so much more perfect than I ever imagined. You're so beautiful!" He admires you as he pulls his own underwear down, exposing his length. Starstruck, you let your eyes fall over his naked body as you soak in every inch of never seen skin. In this moment, you pretend he is yours as much as you are his and let yourself have him. Gently, he gets back onto you as your hands roam his body while you litter hickies all over his chest and neck. Wrapping yourself around him, he lines himself up, kissing your neck and jaw before hesitating.
"Are you sure this is what you want? It all kinda happened suddenly and I don't wan-
"Eddie, I want you to fuck me. I've been wanting you to fuck m-" He doesn't let you finish the sentence as he pushes into you. Thrusting hard, you scream as you adjust to his size before you start to meet his hips with yours, grinding on his cock. A heat starts to build in your abdomen as his cock brushes against your soft spot, a whimper leaving your lips as you throw your head back, eyes rolling.
"Oh, you feel so fucking good. So much better than I dreamed of. Fuck." He moans, pumping into you, his words push you over the edge as you tighten on his cock, cummings around him.
"Fuck, Eds. You're so fucking big. Oh, God!" You scream out as he continues to thrust into you at a rapid speed. Grunting and moaning above you, you gawk at Eddie's face as it twists in ecstasy when you roll your hips up to make him hit deeper.
"Fuck." He says as he pulls out and kisses you deeply. "Turn around, baby." His voice is deep and vibrates to your core. Obliging, you get on all fours, arching your back and pushing your ass against his cock, feeling his tip tease your clothes.
"Damn, your ass is so fucking-," His hand smacks down on the soft flesh with a crisp whack. "- Oh, so fucking beautiful." His cock slips back into you, hitting deeper and harder than before when you feel yourself get pushed to the edge, ready to cum a second time.
"Eddie, please. I'm gonna cum. Please." You beg for him to do something, anything to make you cum. Immediately, his hand slithering around your throat as he pulls your back to his chest as he relentlessly pounds into you at a bruising pace.
"Are you gonna come on this cock, again? Huh? You gonna be my dirty slut and cum on this cock. Go ahead, baby. Cum all over me." His words push you as you scream out, pressure releases as you cum, squirt dripping down the two of you as you feel his body go rigid above you before warmth shoots into you, coating your walls with his seed.
"Oh you feel so good." He cups your face, turning you as his lips meet yours, pumping into you two more times before you both fall beside each other. The room was filled with bliss until the inevitable awkwardness floated in. You just had sex with Eddie Munson and ge doesn't even want you. You feel disgusted with yourself as you look overnat Eddie's blissed out expression. Needing to leave, you shuffled to start finding your clothes and started to get dressed. Pulling on your underwear and shirt, you move to gather your shorts and bag. 
"Hey, what's wrong? Babe, are you okay?" Eddie says as he gets up, moving towards you after pulling on his boxers. He tries to put his arms around you, but you move away which he ignores and comes closer again.
"Eddie, I'm fine. I have to go." You say trying to pass him but he just holds your shoulders, pulling you in. "You don't need to say anything. I get it."
"What? What do you mean? Did I do something wrong?" He questions, trying to look at you but you twist away, avoiding his gaze. "Please, let me fix whatever it is."
"Why? Eddie, you got what you wanted. It's okay. Chrissy will be jealous when she finds out." You push past him and he grabs your wrist before pushing you against his bedroom wall.
"I didn't do that for Chrissy. I didn't even don't for you." He says as you twist your head in confusion.
"Then, why did you do it? Why would you kiss me? Why?"
"Seriously, you don't know?" He throws his arms out. "I fucking like you, Y/N."
"No. No you don't. You like Chrissy, not me. Don't be mean." He moves to you, grabbing your hands in his, begging you.
"Y/N, stop. I-I love you. I'm sorry It took me so long to realize how much I wanted you. But I want you so bad it hurts. I thought Chrissy would help me see if you had any feelings for me but you just got so distant that I thought you didn't until I saw you and all my feelings I tried to hide started to drown me. I dropped my necklace in the hall as an excuse to leave the meeting..because I was going to try to find you before you went home." 
"Well, why did you ask me to make Chrissy jealous if you want me?" You ask, your heart pounding at his confession.
"I panicked. I thought you'd see through it and tell me to fuck off. I never thought it would work but I was so happy to have you back in my life. I was scared that if I told you the truth, you'd leave again." His hands hold your face as he leans his forehead against yours. Shaking your head, you let yourself believe him and lean into him wrapping your arms around his torso.
"I wish you would've told me. I wouldn't have ran. I've had feelings for you ever since you made me that mixtape…I just didn't think you felt the same." You mutter as his nose brushes against yours.
"I should've told you. I am so sorry that I didn't and that I messed this all up. But, I am now. I am here, telling you that I fucking love you. Please let me have the chance to make this up to you. Please baby, be mine?" He pleads with you, confessing something you never thought would be possible.
"I love you too, Eddie. Like I said earlier, I am all yours." You whisper against his lips before connecting them. His hands grip your hips as he pulls you against him and holds you to his chest.
You never thought things would lead up to you being with Eddie. It was something that seemed impossible for you, but you find yourself making out with him in his bed, his heart in your hands as yours is in his. The world couldn't be anymore perfect
@mrs-hotchner @our-lilly @mikeys-thighs @maisieisbae @hazydespair @parker-natasha @princessmiaelicia @aramora @axen-gers @trouble-in-space @stratospherewalker @fictionlandslanddreams @aunicornmademedoit @augustlikesdeath @kaitioo @uselessbutinteresting @todoroki-slut  
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eoieopda · 1 year
First off, congrats on 1k 👏👏👏👏 you are so incredible at writing and when I followed I assumed I was late finding you but it appears to be I came in early(?) on time, any who…
More than you know - Axewell /\ Ingrosso
With Jungkook 🙃
Thank you if you do this ❤️ keep up the great writing 🥰😎
tysm sweet bb! i’m so glad you found me, whenever and however you did 🫶🏻 also, this is such a banger omfg. i had to physically get up and jump around my bedroom, lol.
listen here
ft. truly the most chaotic and adorable jungkook i’ve written to date, i think. this is also the first 1k drabblepalooza piece to literally include the inspo. song, which feels kind of fitting since it’s the last one!
you had your reasons, you had a few / but you knew that I would go anywhere for you / ‘cause it ain't over, until she sings
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A slump.
There was no other way to put it. You were simultaneously too wired to sleep, and too tired to do much of anything else. Above all, you were bored. No matter how many times you checked your phone, the time on the home screen never seemed to change. The seconds slid by like syrup, sticking to everything as they passed.
Jungkook should have been home from work hours ago. When he wasn’t, he swore up and down that he was nearly finished with whatever it was that held him up. As soon as he did finish, he’d said, he’d be right there to keep you company and keep you occupied. Unfortunately for you, that last text was sent more than two hours ago.
You’d watched so many episodes of Sailor Moon in the meantime that you felt your brain turning to doenjang.
Listless, you flopped back onto your mattress with your arms outstretched on either side. As you did, your phone slipped out of your hand, over the edge of the bed, and onto the floor. You stared after it but didn’t bother to grab it. It wasn’t doing you any good, anyway.
Stretched out over the mattress, it dawned on you how rarely you got the opportunity to take up this much space. Now, you could truly bask in it: the newfound ability to spread out without arms around your waist, or a head resting on your chest, or a leg flung over your side to keep you close while you slept. It also dawned on you that you actually kind of hated feeling this untangled.
Between you and Jungkook, you certainly weren’t the clingy one. As he’d once lovingly phrased it, you were a cactus. You didn’t need constant attention or physical contact to thrive — just some, now and then, in moderation. Low maintenance. Jungkook, on the other hand, said he needed enough to drown in. Until now, this assessment seemed spot-on.
Of course, you’d never dream of telling him that his neediness had — shockingly — rubbed off on you. If Jungkook knew that his affection was missed this badly, you’d have to have him surgically removed.
Eventually, your eyes began burning from the way you’d zoned out, staring at the ceiling. You closed them and, like a child, you made a wish: When they open again, Jungkook will be standing in the doorway. So, you kept them closed to increase the likelihood of your wish coming true.
And you waited, waited, waited…
You might’ve stayed asleep if there wasn’t a car honking emphatically outside your window. There was intermittent shouting, too, and — music?
Sitting up, you tried to rub the sleep from your eyes. As it turned out, it was confusion — not exhaustion — that kept them narrowed. With a groan, you dragged yourself to your feet. Then, you stumbled through the dark towards your balcony door. As you slid open the glass pane and stepped out in the cold, you braced yourself.
Oh god.
Standing on the sidewalk with a boombox at his feet was one Jeon Jungkook. You didn’t recognize the song that was absolutely blaring from the speakers, but his chaotic charm was nothing new. Truthfully, you couldn’t tell which of those two things had drawn more of the onlookers’ attention.
“I just need to get it off my chest,” he belted — in English — with his eyes shut tightly and his raised fist shaking in the air. It was the most absurd display of exaggerated emotion you’d ever seen out of him; and that was saying something. Judging by his smirk, he found himself immensely entertaining, too.
“Yeah, more than you know!”
You snorted, but immediately slapped a hand over your mouth. As hard as it was, you tried to keep your laughter off the list of noise complaints you’d surely receive. Across the street, an old man shoved his head out the window just to bark, “Babo, hajima!”
“Yeah, more than you know.”
Jungkook’s eyes flew open, focusing hard on you. His fist opened, too. With one finger extended, he let his arm drop slowly until he was pointing right at you. As if you weren’t blushing badly enough, he wiggled his hips in time with the music, “You should know that, baby, you’re the best.”
Torn between swooning and dying of embarrassment, you expected to drop at any moment. There was a young couple sitting at a bus stop a few meters behind Jungkook that showered him with praise, though. Ever the crowd-pleaser, Jungkook pointed finger guns at both men and shot them a wink, too.
“Jungkookah!” You whined loudly enough for him to hear but — hopefully — quietly enough to avoid further upset. You could no longer restrain the full, belly laugh that made your shoulders shake.
“Sorry I’m late!” He shouted back, entirely unbothered by the passersby who heckled him. “Also I’m sorry for forgetting my keys!”
Your eyebrows shot up into your hairline. In your confusion, you forgot your manners; you yelled down through wheezing laughter, “You what? Is that what all this was for?”
Jungkook was beaming more brightly than you’d ever seen when he shrugged, “Well, you didn’t answer when I texted or called. What else was I supposed to do?”
Before you could even think to ask after the stereo he’d somehow acquired, you ran to the door and headed for the stairwell. Hopefully, you could whisk your boyfriend away before someone called the police to do the same.
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number-0-iz · 27 days
Live thoughts of Bridgerton
Season 3, episode 1
Colin getting dressed in the carriage lmao
He is definitely better looking but I still don't think he's all that hot. Sorry not sorry. Maybe I'll change my mind.
Ah yes big ass feathers
I love that. I don't speak ASL (also mainly cause English isn't my first language) but it is so cool.
The queen be bored lmao.
Charlotte as fierce as ever.
Me the whole time Fran was walking: don't fall don't fall don't fall
Player Colin is...a little weird lma
Oh shit the sister doesn't seem to like him 😭
Rip aunt Petunia, she seemed cool.
Oh u feel like the truth from last season will come out about the Featheringtons.
Ugh friendship with Cressida? Eloise?
This is probably why she suddenly keeps up with seasonal styles?
God I hope they didn't change her too much or that she didn't lose herself.
I am not even 15 minutes in.
At least Violet seems to know something is up with Eloise.
"Tender young ladies." 😭
Damn all of the flirting jesus
Damn Portia has it all planned out huh
I too would take a deep breath like that if I had to share a carriage with Portia
"NO! Outside. Where our mother can't see." He says with a grin.
Lmao I love this man.
Please don't tell me Eloise has given up on being keen to learn and intellectual and a feminist
Because if she has, I will throw my phone at the wall.
"I lost the battle and I have no appetite for the war. I've joined the winning side."
So you mean to tell me that you have truly given up on your principles Eloise?
I wish Eloise would listen to Pen and they would be friends again.
"She was a very cold lady."
"She is colder now, I'm afraid."
That was so savage.
Please let Mondrich and his family get a lot of cash as an inheritance.
They deserve it
Aww their hands.
Ah another fantastic ball of Lady Danbury.
Oh Kate looks beautiful!!
Aww Mr. Finch is so proud of his sister in law. Greenest flag.
I got distracted by Instagram reels when I went to look for the playlist of classical music covers used in the new season.
Oh awkward Eloise
Ugh rude men
Oh Debling seems interesting.
And Eloise tried to apologise and Pen ran away 😭
"I overheard you." OOOOH
Cressida is a bitch. Eloise should not approve and be angry.
Oh sensitive Cressida? Damn.
How did I only now notice that Kate is left handed lol
Oh no not Penelope's scathing Whistledown letter
This'll be bad
Footman: Lord Kent. *proceeds to bow* welcome to your new home.
The kid: aye yo what the fuck
"I will never forgive her." Oh Colin if only you knew.
Well that was quite something! I really liked this episode if I am being honest! God I already wanna turn back to my season 2 Bridgerton AU with my OC that I made a few years ago but never posted. Am I going to watch episode 2 rn? Yes because I cannot wait. Will I leave yet another long reaction list like this one? Probably not cause I want to get a handle on my phone usage. But maybe another time! Until then!
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