#so like by the end of aai2 when miles actively chooses to stay being a prosecutor after other options were given to him had like
arksides · 2 years
I think it would make a lot of sense for Edgeworth to start wearing his bagde by the end of aai2.
This is more of a headcanon, but I think like after he regained his badge by the end of that case, wearing the badge, at least for trials, would be like a symbol that he finally became proud of being a prosecutor, that he finally found his own path. That is kind of the whole deal with aai2 tbh, Miles pursuing the truth and finding his own place. Something he genuinely wants to do.
It also would symbolize his growth, that he is now a different person, no longer the demon prosecutor of years ago, since, technically, the one who taught him to leave his badge in his pocket was von Karma.
Sebastian, on the other hand, would start hiding it. After the whole ordeal with Blaise and being slapped in the face countless times, he'd probably start to feel 'unworthy' of using the badge, and would take it off, only putting back on again when he deems right, when he leaves the person Blaise made him out to be in the dust.
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sophistopheles · 4 years
Rating the Good Boys of Ace Attorney
1.       Missile
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The adorable, the original; a handsome Shiba Inu with investigative skills like no other.
Pros: a skilled, lovable, and clearly talented boy, faithful friend to Detective Gumshoe, the best secret weapon by far.
Cons: None known.
If you don’t choose Missile first just to walk around and find dialogue with this wonderful boy, you’re playing Turnabout Goodbyes wrong. Rating: 10/10.
2.       Anime Missile (Pess)
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Edgeworth’s dog in the flashback episodes, a faithful and super-cute Pomeranian modelled and named after Shu Takumi’s own dog. Presumably an on-screen interpretation of Edgeworth’s dog Pess, who is such a wonderfully good girl that she is only mentioned in interviews and doesn’t even appear in the games, because Capcom knows that if she appeared the degree of goodness would melt the console.
Pros: another very talented boy, can easily find his way back home if he has a trail to follow. Abandoned once but still keeps up his spirits and looks after little Miles. Does a killer MvK cosplay.
Cons: Accidentally caused the class trial by giving Edgeworth’s money to Larry. Then again, the trial meant Edgeworth and Phoenix became friends, so I guess it was a good thing after all…?
It doesn’t bear on his score because he’s too cute to be malicious. Rating: 10/10
3.       Napalm
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Mixing things up, we have a good GIRL here! Another Pomeranian; you can tell that she’s a Girl® because of her eyelashes, pink bow, and pink heart-shaped marking. Nevertheless, still an indescribably good girl.
Pros: Cute, stylish and ridiculously valuable girl. Indirectly helped Edgeworth become a prosecutor. Missile chasing after her in the same episode as Phoenix trying to contact Edgeworth makes her a lowkey Edgeworth mirror??? Very pretty with a wonderful name.
Cons: Absolutely none.
If she came up to me on the street I would cry because she’s so cute. Rating: 10/10
4.       Constantine
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To add a twist, here’s an unbelievably fluffy non-canon boy! He’s Inquisitor Barnham’s dog, and is responsible for the scar on Barnham’s face. He doesn’t seem to have a canon breed, but that’s okay, because he’s small and fluffy and that’s what matters.
Pros: A good boy, with a lot of personality! He’s feisty and clever enough to give puzzles to Layton, Wright & co. Just look at him!!! I can honestly say I have never seen a better boy. He even plays a role in the endgame of PLvsAA when Barnham can’t make it.
Cons: Attacked Nick when he tried to pet him, so he’s not the most well-mannered boy, but that’s okay!! He’s cute enough to get away with it.
He may be the only dog in the world to be an official member of an order of knights. Rating: 10/10
5.       Shah’do
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Ahlbi’s puppy who can’t seem to decide if he’s a dog or a hat. He’s canonically a Tibetan mastiff, which means that when he’s all grown up, he’ll be about three times the size he is now! Quite mischievous, but never causes too much trouble, and it all works out in the end.
Pros: He’s loyal, adorable, cute and intelligent, even sensing and reflecting Ahlbi’s emotions! He really is one of the cutest boys I’ve ever seen.
Cons: Naughty!!
Clearly has magical Khura’inese powers of cuteness, judging by the mitamah marking on his forehead. Rating: 10/10
6.       Jugemu
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The dog who lives at the Toneido School’s Kurukuru Tei theatre, this boy deserves some more love!! A beautiful good boy with a very healthy appetite; he single-handedly convinced me that Turnabout Storyteller is the best case in AA6. He only appears in one graphic, but I love him nevertheless.
Pros: He has an adorable little kennel so he can stay out of the rain when he has to, and he’s instrumental in solving the case.
Cons: None whatsoever!
I wanted to see more of him! Rating: 10/10
 There are a few more good boys, but they have plot roles in DGS2 and AAI2, so beware of serious spoilers under the cut!
Spoilery (But Still Good) Boys
1.       Anubis
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One of the scarier boys on the list! He’s the guide dog of the blind assassin Sirhan Dogen, and while he’s very clever, he’s also very intimidating! He resembles a Tosa, a breed also known as Japanese mastiffs. (He’s probably killed people in the past, but let’s brush over that for a moment.)
Pros: He’s a startlingly long-lived boy! Unless Dogen replaces his dogs on the down-low (which feels unlikely) he’s been at Dogen’s side for nineteen years! Plus, I feel like if I was nice to him, he would let me pet him.
Cons: You know what? None. He doesn’t have a single malicious bone in his furry body, he’s just a deeply loyal and obedient boy. It’s not his fault that his master is an assassin; he’s still a good boy!
Despite having such a scary reputation, Anubis did nothing wrong. …Kind of. Rating: 10/10
2.       Balmung
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The second scarily good boy on our list, Balmung is another good but admittedly terrifying boy. He is the dog of a serial killer, the Professor, and he most closely resembles a lurcher hound, though his breed was never confirmed. Despite outward appearances, I promise you he’s a good boy at heart- he just happened to also be used as a murder weapon.
Pros: He’s the real Hound of the Baskervilles, how cool is that? He’s also quite an old boy, living for at least twelve years and remaining active even then. And he’s listed as his owner’s friend on the Ace Attorney wiki, which is also very cute, and strong evidence of his good boy nature.
Cons: …He’s kinda scary…! 
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Overall, despite being quite a frightening boy, Balmung means well. Rating: 10/10
3.       Toby
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In stark contrast to the previous two good but murder-y boys, we have one of the cutest boys of the whole series: Toby!! He’s Gina’s dog after she becomes a detective, and is honestly my favourite good boy in the series (but shhh, that’s a secret!) Toby is based on a dog of the same name from the Holmes novels!
Pros: Seriously, just look at him! He’s a classically cute boy. He’s the Platonic Ideal of what a good boy should be. And he’s talented, too- he helps Naruhodou solve a lot of cases!
Cons: …He does attack Naruhodou once. But it leads into the best joint reasoning segment of the whole game, so I can forgive him.
It’s especially sweet when you realise that in-universe Toby is probably named after Gina’s mentor, Tobias Gregson! Rating: 10/10
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