#u cannot tell me hes not a copy of his dad like??!!!
honeymoonsimmer · 11 months
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i have so many close ups of him on my screenshots folder, he's my baby 🦎
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justcallmesakira · 3 months
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i have been seeing this all over my tumblr page so ummm HERE YA GO!!! also this will be where i mention all my moots because i cannot for the fathom of fyodor copy that posts link
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@saelique- cinna x 15! dazai song- Tek it by cafune
two friends who secretly run on daffodil fields in the middle of the night and is always comfortable with each other
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@atlasnessie- atlas x jouno song- stereo hearts
that one couple who N O O N E predicted would get together but somehow he still carries you on his back as you pint to childrens bumper car
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@silverbladexyz- silvie x beast!chuuya song- Step on me
Your the only one who can calm him down, or so everyone says but can you? because with the way hes gone in a rampage it seems hes loyalty lies somewhere else...
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@typcallysid14- siddie x nikolai song- fuckin` boyfriend
Oh god, its a mess your just so in love with him and so is he! You cant stop taking pictures and his stuff and so cant he!
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@tojifile mo x geto song-somewhere only we know
The pair who never happened even when both of you acted so fruity with each other all the time,,,good things never last
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@rusmii= mii x chuuya song- BABYDOLL by ari abdul
That one funky and crazy couple of the mafia. After all who will save you when your telling the enemies that their dad went to buy milk and their mom went with him and cursing every single second.
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@biscuits-spooky-corner- my pookie cookie x highschool dazai song- Moonlight by kali uchis
OMG its that one crackhead couple who ate the dog before the dog can eat their homework!
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@elizais x eli x tachihara song- something about you by eyedress
You two may look like best buddies who blow vandalize peoples cars but in all serious you two are very genuine with each other espceilly since gaining tachis trust is something really award worthy <3
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@atzuhi- x atsushi song- we fell in love in october by Girl in red
I am not shipping u two bcs of ur names but i just think your personality would fit atsushi and you two would go sticker cutting together :D
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@riiwrites- x dazai song- FVN! by LVL1
crackhead who send each other instagram reels 24/7 and roleplay as jack/alpha/dont mess with me/ 24/emo/superstrong/ playboy wolf and emily/dont mess with mwy swenpai/ ywndere/ uwu girl/ secret darkside and bully kids on roblox <3
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@chuuyasboner x 18 chuuya song- see you again by tyler the creator
Tho u threatened him to a relationship he still takes out to the arcade and occasionally feeds you when you threaten ask him!
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@ruanais- rua x beast!dazai song- cigarettes out the window
You know hes going to leave one day,yet you still yearn to be in the warmth of his lap, Can he really hold you throughout the heavens and earth though?
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Rue x atsushi song- lovers rock by TV girl
I personally think you twi would be opposite attract bcs of your style, but even so as you run to buy more gothy type clothes and he goes to buy some soft matching pjs for you two, he will always be by your side
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@tsuunara- tsu x techhou song- Until i found you
No because you two would make such a cute n sweet couple (get it because of ur theme?). Just don't let him pour salt on your vanila cake though!
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@kurolumiis x loading...
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Who do you guys ship me with with? :3
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 3 months
another live action ATLA rant. who’s shocked.
so im seeing a lot of ppl saying things defending the show, and whatever, fine. i agree with some. this show is NOT all bad. not even close.
the one defense i CANNOT get behind is “the people that dont like it are mad they made changes and mad its not a complete copy of the original”. do not get me wrong, i am completely aware that i (and many others) had a bias coming into this. everyone loves the original show. so many of us are very protective and dont want to see changes, bc why change something that was perfect to begin with.
however, no fucking shit they were gonna make changes. duh. wtf would be the point of this if they werent gonna change ANYTHING.
just bc i/other people don’t like some of the changes, that doesn’t mean we dont have valid critiques and were just mad at the idea of any types of changes.
i, and many other people, really enjoyed some of the changes. everyone loves the kiyoshi addition. ive seen people praising the zuko saving his crew plot line (and i completely agree). from what ive seen, most people like that azula is in the show already (ive seen people hating on her actress tho which is 1 nuts bc she did an awesome job and 2 stemming from misogyny/pedophilia but thats besides the point). everyone loves the scene w lu ten’s funeral (personally i dont care for this one bc i think the show was showing iroh’s cards way too early. they clearly know hes a fan fav and they wanted to show the best of him from the very start. which i dont think is fair to his character.)
but anyways, point is, there were a handful of things this adaptation changed that people really like!!! me included!!!!!!!!
so when i see stuff like “people are being pessimistic and miserable and hating on the fact that its not exactly the same” (paraphrasing) i get so frustrated bc that is SO not true. im not just looking to hate something.
ur telling me, if u didnt watch the show beforehand, u wouldn’t have thought that omashu episode was a fucking mess? like genuinely. try ur hardest to think about this show as a standalone piece of work, like u suggest all the haters should do, and think about that episode. u would be so confused by the whirlwind of seemingly pointless character/plot dumping. like teo and his dad, jet and the freedom fighters, bumi, and the cave of two lovers stuff? why in gods name would alllllll of that be going on at one time? like that is just one example of the changes being messy. but when u have prior knowledge of the show, ur like “oh! thats jet! yeah i know him.” but in the context of the new show he is so removed from everything other than katara and has like 6 mins of screen time, and his presence feels so forced and near pointless (ok yeah he helped katara w her bending for like a sec).
yes i am a hater, but im not gonna hate the show (which i rly dont hate the show anyways) just for the fact that there is change!
but yes i am gonna hate when they changed something and the change is worse, or illogical, or messy, or pointless. which a LOT of these changes were.
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cyrusthedragon · 3 months
I almost hate how conservative (?) i am about miraxus... Lemme explain myself.
To begin with, I'm a classical nalu (x nagray, cuz natsu and gray are a married couple, i don't make the rules), and i love gajevy, and my other (other-other) pairings are hannigram, sns, sterek, destiel, geraskier, draciolus (if you know - you know), eruri, like..im a classical pansexual they/them with classic ass OTPs, and most of them are fuckin' GAY, and ofc i love it ... More gay = good for me, i love gay people, these are my people, my nation. Even the fuckin' Zukka. I love 'em. I think everyone should be gay.
But miraxus?
Hundred percent.
Fucking heterosexuals.
But then.
I prefer to listen to my inner voice.
And my inner voice is saying they're both heterosexuals. MAXIMUM bisexuals. I can't explain it, i seriously cannot, i just genuinely think Mirajane somehow likes men (eeewwwww, ghoooorl, whyyyyyy), and Laxus likes women (understandable. relatable.), and I'm comfortable with it. I just think that's how it is, cuz it's fine - being heterosexual. I love them no matter what. And i know a lot of people ship also Mirajane x Erza, and i think it's wonderful, like, they are wives, c'mon, they are... But 2x.
Please tell me I'm not the only one who can separate canon-canon, fanon-canon, and fanon-fanon. Please. I need to know I'm not alone in this fucking fandom thinking this way. I really need it. I swear.
Canon-canon: we don't know their (miraxus) sexuality, so they can be whatever they want, they don't show any romantic interest in anyone in the PLOT of the anime/manga, in the action, not covers, etc.
Fanon-canon: Mirajane and Laxus are at least bisexuals and are prolly gonna end up together, Mashima said so, i think so, that's understandable and logical for me, i (personally) like it, cuz their personalities suit each other, that's why i wholeheartedly ship miraxus.
Fanon-fanon: they are all gay. All of them. All on them. Not a single person in that fucking guild is even a slightest bit hetero. No one. Literally zero heterosexuality per person. This is THE guild of lesbians and gays. AND I LOVE IT. I truly sincerely absolutely love it (cuz it once again makes Mirajane MY WIFEY, I LOVE MY WIFE!!!!).
And there's a second thing i hate abt myself when i think about miraxus compared to every single other pair i ship: when i think abt eruri or sns or *whoever* i think like yeah, they're gonna have max. two kids. That's all. Three - is unbelievable, but acceptable. But like..more on the unbelievable side, ykwim. Highly likely just two kids.
BUT MIRAXIS? IN MY HEAD? IN MY FANON-FANON HEAD? FIVE. And never less. (In fanon-canon just three).
FIVE CHILDREN. FIVE. FIVE FUCKIN' CHILDREN. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY BUT I LOVE IT. I LOVE IT. I DON'T KNOW WHY. I JUST DO. The older twins (boy and girl, ctrl c & ctrl v, the girl is copied from Laxus, the boy is completely Mirajane's child, except for appearance). Then - the third boy, and now HE'S looking like Mirajane, and calm like adult-her (not when he's pissed off, tho, when he's pissed off he's gonna throw you at a fuckin' wall with his confident soothing smile remaining). Then is the fourth girl with Laxus's hair and she's her grand grandpa's baby, she's like fem!Makarov, my ghorl is a calm clown, you don't know she's high until she opens her mouth. The fifth is also a girl and she's the best. And beast. Have you ever seen a baby capable of killing the whole guilt at the age of two years? She can. Cuz she's just learning how to talk and dad once said 'fairy law' and she repeated it and, well, they're so lucky she doesn't hate anybody........... They're so lucky... And now she's banned from magic. Yeah.
The happy family. One Mirajane, one Laxus, one miraxus mix, one Makarov copie, and one FUCKIN' DISASTER. Lovely, lovely children...
Am I okay? No, I'm not, wtf.
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txxfiles · 4 months
give me all the fics where the boys kiss
Hi! It looks like I'm week 3!
I honestly have no idea idea what im doing really but i guess you'll just have to listen to me ramble about something i enjoy. Seems to fit the theme we've accidentally settled on and well! if theres one thing im good at rambling about its bl fanfiction. i read ALOT of fanfiction. like 13million words worth of it in 2023 alone (an estimate but i did the ugly math for jan and feb last year and id already read 2.7 million words so i dont think its too high an estimate).
ive read fics from too many fandoms to count and also have way more hyperfixations then any one person has a right too but the one that has owned my ass consistently for the last 4 years is The Untamed otherwise know as Mo Dao Zu Shi (MDZS).
The lovely Eucalyptus from week 2 was watching the untamed during covid (and holy shit what a wild ride that was) and the next thing I know im neck deep drowning in fan art and tiktok edits of beautiful chinese men that have no business being as talented as they are (Im looking at u Wang Yibo) This. shit. fucked. up. my. life.
then i turned to my good friend AO3 (love of my life i could not exist without you) and 4 years later ive read my tags dry. if its complete, ive read it. im getting desperate and ive started reading works in progress, yikes. its so risky i honestly cannot tell you how much anxiety it gives me. ive been burnt too many times.
this does mean if you need a fic recommendation then your girl has got you covered, so i figured i would share with you my TOP SIX fic recommendations. im sorry i tried to make it 5 but i just couldnt do it.
I will be chasing a starlight by feyburner & sundiscus 
Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji - 71,479 words - Complete
Omg. Wangxian Startrek AU. The pining, the miscommunication. I felt every range of emotion on this roller-coaster. I literally printed this out so that I could keep it forever. I wish I could read it for the first time all over again. This Fic hit AO3 like a comet. It even has it’s own Tumblr thread! Also comes with stunning fanart.
Paint smears on sunny days by SnowshadowAO3 
Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji - 53,808 words - Complete
Modern Day AU, Musician/Single dad Lan Wangji falls in love with his son’s Art Teacher Wei Wuxian. I swear it's one of the cutest stories ever written, makes me feel all the good things. A-yuan is adorable and wangxian are hot and charming. The Ultimate wangxian comfort fic. 
Rotten Work by ShanaStoryteller 
Jin Rulan & Wei Wuxian - 63,907 words - Complete
Jin Ling fishes his Da-Ju out of the gutter post canon (Literally dying alone in a dirty inn, Wei Wuxian it's been 5 minutes pls) and decides if no one else is gonna keep him then he damn well will. 
It is perfect.  
Junior Quartet goodness, Yunmeng bro reconciliation and Jin Ling being a boss bitch little shit that has no time for anyone's bullshit. I cried as much as Jin Ling did in this story – which is alot. (Also another story ive made myself a solid copy of that i can love forever)
Joy In The Mindst of These Things by Glitterbombshell 
Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji - 52,901 words - 5 Works
TEACHER WEI WUXIAN! I love this trope with my whole soul. Lots of adorable baby Lans, I would kill for them. Beautifully written. Lan Qiren gets a much needed wakeup call. Last story is incomplete but can be read without the 5th installment. SO WORTH IT, ive read it like 10 times
The One-Body Problem by mitisket 
Lan Jingyi & Wei Wuxian - 28,689 words - Complete
Well shit. How many times have a reread this story? I honestly couldn't tell you. Jingyi gets possessed by Wei Wuxian’s very tired soul pre canon and it changes nothing and yet everything. Their friendship gives me life and Jingyi fixes a lot of problems for his new bestie/mentor/uncle with his big mouth. Mom I love him 
The Edge of Night by Hobbsy3 
Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji - 277,225 words - Complete
The best Zombie Apocalypse au on the MDZS tag honestly. There are so many good zombie film references in this one, i see you Train to Busan. Baby junior quartet, a perfect Wei Wuxian modern day depiction and so much love, angst and stress. It's delicious and I've never recovered.  
All of these fics are actually part of a mother document i made last week of all my favourite fics organised by tag because apparently thats what i do with my free time. hit me up if you need a rec!
Now that ive gotten that off my chest i'll let you be lol. maybe I'll do a rec for a different fandom next time. I definitely have enough to choose from!
Lots of Love,
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miraclesnail · 5 months
and maybe they do not show it but they so worried about new campers. they welcome everyone in their family with open arms nd its just so nice. like a found family
Do u mind answering some questions? i would like to know about callie. i mean, she is six or so. how did she get to camp? her mom/dad dropped her there and left? a stayr? bc i image that it may be different from the way in which the stoll arrived. does connor feel kind of protective with her? not just because she is a toddler, but also bc he was the same age when he first stepped on camp. And she arrived kind of the middle of the war. What travis and connor make her do when they are in the battle? Does she wake up in the middle of the night terrified bc of nightmares? i mean how a toddler deals with all of that? do travis and connor send everyone back to sleep and take her out to calm her down? i cannot imagine their suffering during and after the war.
i dont know, maybe i just a want a chapter of callie jajajajaj
another one: do travis and katie end together? i hope so bc THEY ARE SO CUTE he is a golden retriever and she is not a black cat, maybe a grey cat. less hyperactive, but still supporting him
same anon that asked about callie here! I just realized sth: does callie (and other hermes children) really mistake the stolls names or she does it on purpose most times? bc i believe that after some time that u r all day and night with people that look alike, u can say who is who better than others. So I imagine that Callie tries to seem confused and cute so she can change the focus of what is happening (pranks, lies, not the importamt things). I also think that she and the others can identify the brothers even if they dont see their faces. And another question: when does travis let the children get away with lies? cause his lies detector is always turn on and he knows that better than anyone. So he knows they are children and they do not need to be call out all the time and that should feel they fool their authority figure/got away with sth, even if the things are just small ones well, i think thats really everything, thank u!
(I hope you don't mind me just copy/pasting the second part into the first ask)
Thank you for reading the series! It really, really makes me happy! 😊
I know the topics are kind of niche and I wrote them to suit my tastes, so I'm happy to know others like it as well!
i would like to know about callie.
To answer your questions, it's probably not what you want to hear 😣 but I like to picture Callie as a well-adjusted demigod for her age with loving parents who probably wanted her to start her demigod training early because weird things started popping up and they didn’t want to take any risk. I don’t think I had anything tragic planned for her like I did for my other OCs. I was going to write a one-shot for her where she tells the brothers apart by what snacks they like but I got ideas for Lee’s and Michael’s parts and they took years to write that I completely forgot about the cabin 11-snack chapter 😅. It’s more fluff than angst, so I don’t know if you’ll like it. But I like to think Travis and Connor are protective of her, just like they are with the rest of their cabinmates. I don’t think any of the counselors are crazy enough to let anyone under 10 or 9 fight, so I just picture them ordering their younger siblings to hide in their cabins. And those that they think are too scared/too incapable to fight like how I pictured in Clovis-nightmare. 
do travis and katie end together? 
I'm sorry, but there won't be any chapters with Katie and Travis in a romantic relationship. I probably won’t write Travis or Connor in any romantic/sexual relationship. Mostly because writing romance takes me a long time and also because I like the Will/Travis ship and I headcanon Connor as aroace. Sorry to disappoint. 
Friendship and familial relationships are far easier for me to write so that’s why the series is full of the & tags.
does callie (and other hermes children) really mistake the stolls names or she does it on purpose most times? 
I like to think most of yearrounders can tell Travis and Connor apart in seconds (except for Clarisse, because I legit don’t think she would hang out with them for any extended period of time), but for the summer-only campers I think it’s harder for them. I never been to summer camp so maybe I’m very wrong, but there’s not many one-on-one interactions with the head counselor unless needed, right? They’re just the people that keep things in order and help out the campers that's struggling to adjust? Especially in a big cabin like Hermes, not every camper will have a close relationship with Travis and Connor to the point they can tell them apart quickly. 
But they can always get them back to back and compare the heights easily enough lol 😆
So I imagine that Callie tries to seem confused and cute so she can change the focus of what is happening (pranks, lies, not the importamt things).
I like this so much! It's such a cute picture 😄
when does travis let the children get away with lies?
I like to think Travis and Connor are pretty chill. As long as their cabinmates' antics won't lead to someone dying, then they'll let it be. And in case someone gets super mad and wants to kill them, I'm super sure Travis and Connor got their back 👍
Thank you for the asks! Have a nice day!
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what r ur thoughts on chamber's heritage? both canon + what r ur hcs?
i am so glad u asked anon!!!! [long post ahead lulz]
canonwise, while I think its heavily possible that the descendant of a black Egyptian man is a white British guy (for a multitude of reason including British invasion of Egypt etc), i think its a rather bad decision that they made. En Sabah Nur already as a white rich guy (whodatedpaige) heir, and he does not need two
I like that retcon because it fits my Chamber agenda, but objectively its bad. I am guessing he is not meant to be like a grandson or a greatgrandson, bc I dont think any post 2000s writer would be dumb enough to throw themselves in that kind of pickle about genetics n skin colours
(although it also gave us that very good 'Creating instead of Destroying' line and a moment u can read as Trans Jono)
+also I hate that that retcon made him a rich kid. 2 me hed always be a poor West Londonian goth
as for my hc version of it, I always pictured that he was Apocalypse’s greatgreatgrandson, with his known ancestor being Jack Starsmore, Apocalypse’s son. he is infact not rich and probably would have ran away
I think that is his dad’s side who has been in England for rather long (Explaining the last name Starsmore), and I think it would be a family of Egyptian/Sudanese/Ethiopian heritage who is, in fact, not white
I alwz pictured his mom’s side as being North African, specifically Moroccan/Egyptian. I think if i had to retcon that history in an actual book without losing anyone/editorial along the way, Id go w/ the ‘he is almost a copy of his mother, his Morrocan mom has lighter skin + he is goth and does not go outside so he cannot keep up a tan’. (bc let me tell you my skin color has been decimated by living in Sweden). but if i could id just make him not white at all and refuse to elaborate
I think his name being Jono could b very easily handwaven away. from transgenderness to the anglicisation of names from Jono using a new name to get away from Clan Akkaba
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twisted-tales-told · 1 year
Until I can think of one pls tell me your favourite film <3
Doing this one first because So Many Good Films On My Mind Right Now
1. Pride (2014)
Some part of my brain is always thinking about this film, it’s so good. Like, I cannot even put into words what this film has made me feel. It was the first queer film I saw after deciding to come out & gave me a lot of hope that there are people who will not understand me but still love & appreciate me anyways—which has been a very useful & bittersweet lesson
2. Waves
A slice of life film about a black American family, specifically it follows the son of the family (at first) and him struggling with being a wrestler and having kinda crappy mental health. That’s all I can say without spoiling this film but it’s such a good one.
3. Annihilation
Best sci-fi movie to ever exist every other one can fuck off it does not hit the same (Arrival gets close but doesn’t have the Colours this one does) It’s just such an intense film, and I have a LOT and I mean A LOT of opinion on aliens/space/what life is or looks like elsewhere and this film comes kind of close to these opinions. I want to read the books so bad but they’re ones I want paper copies for which is expensive so I’m waiting until I have both the time & money for it
4. Everything Everywhere All At Once
Absolutely fucking phenomenal, mother/daughter dynamics fuck me up & this one did so much, I will cry if I talk about it for too long
5. Words on Bathroom Walls
Love this film so much. It’s about a teenage boy who’s entire life gets derailed by a schizophrenia diagnosis and he’s struggling to come to terms with it while in a new school and what it means for his life and future. Schizophrenia is an extremely stigmatized mental illness and I think this film does a good job with humanizing the struggles that come with a schizophrenia diagnosis. The films tone overall is he’s just some guy who’s had a hurtle thrown at him, and it’s only a part of who he is.
6. Bones and All
Y’all know I’m a sucker for this film, it’s so good. I also love how there is one to many props in this film that I personally own in my house and they’re weird things too like the cooler her dad owns and a specific mug etc.
Oh my god it’s such a good film. It’s very how to train your dragon like where the humans are at war with these ocean beasts, but unlike httyd the sea beasts are not like “puppies” and don’t get me wrong I LOVE httyd, I have a marauders au wip for it, but there is this thing about Sea Beast that just hits different and it’s that no side is inherently good in this fight, they have hurt and attacked each other but there still needs to be reconciliation to move on.
8. Chronicle
My absolute favourite superhero film, it’s about these three guys who accidentally get these telekinesis like powers and the whole thing is filmed from this one guys video camera, or like news cameras, it’s so fucking cool! (I do have some critiques for this film, it’s definitely not perfect but it was the first superhero film I watched where I was like OHH I get it!!)
9. The Iron Giant
My childhood. Makes me SOB. Ahhhh.
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becomewings · 3 years
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The Most Beautiful Moment in Life <I’M FINE>
  BTS Universe Story Highlights, pt. 4 / 4
« pt. 3  |  start at the beginning
The final sections for TaeHyung’s arc and the Epilogue are 4.3k and 4.4k, respectively. As with earlier parts of the series, I have included “tl;dr commentary” at the bottom of the post after a section of additional thoughts (specifically devoted to an interesting MV location parallel!). This commentary summarizes the parenthetical asides I made throughout the summaries and may be of interest as standalone reading to those who have already played the game yet would like to review its connections to the BU texts and MVs.
Content warning: contains references to death, suicide, suicidal ideation, child abuse, domestic violence, blood, homicide, depression, trauma, PTSD
This guide contains major spoilers and includes references to other BU media
Do not repost, copy, or quote without permission
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Heart’s Distance
TaeHyung’s story opens with a short cutscene. In his apartment (with the calendar on the wall open to May), TaeHyung smiles at a photo of his father holding him as a baby. (The image looks similar to the photograph he holds at 1’48” in the HYYH On Stage: Prologue short film.) Remembering his father’s drinking and violence, he crumples the photo with a sigh. SeokJin then narrates over a series of shots explaining the latest developments in the loops. By this 15 May Year 22, he has saved NamJoon, ensured that JungKook and YoonGi saved each other, prevented HoSeok’s accident in the hospital, and borrowed everyone’s help to free JiMin. Everyone is gathered outside NamJoon’s container that night, smiling and giddy from saving JiMin. “How long has it been since we’ve all laughed together?” SeokJin asks. (This is a reference to the recurring phrase “we can laugh when we’re together” present throughout the Notes and occasionally this game.) He wants to relax and enjoy the moment too but knows this isn’t over yet. TaeHyung is laughing radiantly next to JiMin. “What drives this happy and innocent TaeHyung to commit such an unspeakable act?” he wonders.
SeokJin’s reflections on the coming days in previous loops present the crux of his challenge and this story: on 19 May, TaeHyung is arrested for vandalism while painting graffiti on the streets. (The bus stop depicted in the shot is the same as the one in Highlight Reel.) One thing SeokJin has learned through the loops is that TaeHyung and his sister live under the constant threat of domestic violence. On 20 May, TaeHyung goes home after spending the night at the police station. The situation gets especially bad for his older sister, and TaeHyung makes a choice that he can’t take back. (In the shot in the game, TaeHyung approaches his father from behind and the sound of glass occurs on a cut to black. We know from the I Need U MV and Save Me webtoon that he fatally stabs his father.) SeokJin’s inner thoughts relate that he has tried to stop this event by preventing TaeHyung from going home this day or even involving NamJoon—but all of his attempts have ended in failure.
While SeokJin is mulling over this challenge during their gathering on the night of 15 May, HoSeok approaches and asks what he’s thinking about by himself. “Oh, nothing much,” SeokJin dismisses. HoSeok remarks that it’s nice to be there with everyone. “It makes me think of the old days…” While HoSeok happily chats, SeokJin’s attention stays on TaeHyung as he approaches NamJoon. The player is given the choice to “get closer to eavesdrop” or “listen to what HoSeok has to say.” In the first path, SeokJin excuses himself to make a phone call and only pretends to pick up the phone as he nears TaeHyung and NamJoon. In the second path, HoSeok jokes about eating too many snacks in high school thanks to SeokJin. SeokJin is a little distracted, but HoSeok notices that TaeHyung has snacks. “Huh? What’s that? I want some too!” SeokJin uses this opportunity to follow HoSeok and join their two friends. The paths converge with SeokJin overhearing TaeHyung and NamJoon’s conversation. TaeHyung says he doesn’t want to go home and asks if he can spend the night at the container. SeokJin remembers that TaeHyung often mentioned not wanting to go home in high school. Back then, they thought it was because he enjoyed being with the group, but now SeokJin knows that he was probably avoiding his father. He wonders why TaeHyung insists on going home on the 20th since he hates it there so much. Maybe learning the reason will be the key to stopping—and saving—TaeHyung. “Do whatever you want. You can sleep over,” NamJoon replies. TaeHyung brightens visibly at this answer. “Do you want to stay up doing something? We can play a card game, or…” HoSeok chimes in too that it sounds like a fun idea, but NamJoon says he has work tomorrow and can’t stay up late. “Let’s play until I have to go to bed.” TaeHyung’s phone vibrates. His face is already grim when he peers at it. “Actually, I think I have to go home.” Surprised, NamJoon asks why, but TaeHyung leaves without answering.
SeokJin leaves the gathering and follows TaeHyung, shadowing him carefully to avoid detection. He wonders what was in the text that changed TaeHyung’s mind and notices that they’re heading in the opposite direction of his home. After purchasing snacks at a nearby store, TaeHyung stands at a bus stop. SeokJin wonders if he’s waiting for someone since he lets several buses pass by. Eventually, a disembarking figure approaches TaeHyung. SeokJin recognizes her as Kim Eunhye, TaeHyung’s older sister. She asks why he is waiting for her since he said he’d be home late. “I was about to head in, so I thought I’d wait for you,” TaeHyung replies. “You should’ve gone ahead. Dad probably hasn’t had dinner yet…” she trails off. TaeHyung says he ordered delivery to the house for their dad. “Did you eat yet? Here.” He hands her a hot dog. SeokJin follows at a distance when they begin walking home. “Do you think dad will be drinking?” Eunhye wonders. “Is that even a question?” TaeHyung returns. They go back and forth about how he has been drinking less these days, goes to work every day, and doesn’t get as angry. “I hope things stay like this,” Eunhye finishes. “...It won’t last,” says TaeHyung. From his sigh, SeokJin senses how little TaeHyung trusts his father. He is surprised to hear that his father goes to work every day. In previous loops, he wondered if the cause for TaeHyung’s accident was an external force and went to observe his father’s workplace, but the man was not at the construction site and apparently hadn’t shown up for several days.
“I better check it out,” SeokJin decides. He calls Uncle JunHo, his father’s assistant, to ask for a favor. The two meet later in SeokJin’s bedroom. “You wanted to go on-site for practical training, right? This is the form you need,” says JunHo. He dismisses SeokJin’s thanks. “The Assemblyman seemed to be interested, too. He said he’ll be keeping an eye on things.” “Father said that?” SeokJin checks. “Make sure to use this opportunity to take a thorough look around. It’ll all be helpful to you later,” JunHo advises. (It’s helpful to know that Kim ChangJun is involved in some shady business with a construction company—this is revealed in The Notes 2.)
On 17 May, SeokJin visits the construction site. The foreman tells him that they’re busy and won’t have time to pay any special attention to him. SeokJin is glad for the lack of watchful eyes because it gives him the opportunity to observe TaeHyung’s father, Kim SungHoon. He is working silently, and SeokJin can’t see anything wrong on the surface. “Why does he get so violent at home?” he wonders. The foreman has apparently been watching too and yells at him. “Oi, you! Why aren’t you working?” Kim SungHoon points out that there isn’t any scaffolding. The foreman orders him to use a ladder instead. “You can’t get any work done being all careful.” Kim SungHoon tries to protest, but the foreman won’t hear it. “Are you going to pay for it if the schedule gets delayed, Mr. Kim? Hurry it up!” A look appears on Kim SungHoon’s face as though he’s been wronged, but he uses the ladder to begin working. SeokJin’s concern must be visible, for the foreman makes conversation with him. “Ahem. Don’t get the wrong idea. You might not be well aware of it yet, but it’s hard to always follow the rules on site. We can’t stay on schedule if we’re not flexible.” “I see…” murmurs SeokJin.
Another laborer shouts, drawing their attention: Kim SungHoon has fallen from the ladder and lies groaning on the ground. The foreman curses and rushes over, demanding how he could be so careless and shifting the blame to him for not paying attention. With a hurt back, Kim SungHoon cannot continue working. Trying to downplay the accident, the foreman gives him a few bills and advises him to stop by the hospital. TaeHyung’s father seems to have something to say, but he withers under the foreman’s stare and accepts the money in resignation. The foreman then assures SeokJin that this happens occasionally on a rough worksite and hands him money too. “You’ve worked hard, so here’s a little something for you to get a nice snack. Forget about everything that happened today. You know what I mean, right?” His brazen, selfish attitude angers SeokJin, but he smiles and leaves to follow Kim SungHoon. He is shocked to witness TaeHyung’s father purchase alcohol at a convenience store rather than go to a hospital. Worried about what will happen if he drinks while injured, SeokJin tries to call TaeHyung, but he doesn’t pick up. The episode ends with a small scene of TaeHyung finishing graffiti on a wall. He doesn’t know why he painted what he did, but the “dumb, ugly-looking graffiti” represents how he feels. He rubs the still-wet paint, yet it doesn’t go away. Picking a new color, TaeHyung sprays over the existing layers like he’s pouring and emptying out all of himself.
On 18 May, TaeHyung deals with his third rude customer of the day at the convenience store. The man demands why he must pay for a bag, even though the law has changed so they can no longer be given freely. TaeHyung either relents and gives him the bag without charge or stands firm. In the first path, he gives in, knowing that he probably won’t restrain his anger if they argue further and that he’ll have to cover the cost with his own paycheck. In the second path, the customer flings the money at him before leaving. TaeHyung clenches his fists and holds in his anger. The paths rejoin with him reflecting that this isn’t a good day. He greets the next customer and realizes that it’s SeokJin. “How come you’ve been stopping by so often these days?” TaeHyung asks while ringing up his bottled coffee. “Huh? Just. I have some things to take care of around here,” SeokJin answers. TaeHyung doesn’t know whether or not to believe him. SeokJin keeps asking how he’s doing, and it makes him a little uncomfortable. Today, SeokJin asks more meaningless questions as always, until: “How’s your father?” TaeHyung can’t stop himself from responding sharply. “Why do you ask about him?” Taken aback, SeokJin stammers, “N-No reason, really. I was just wondering if he was well… Uh… Never mind.”
A rich-looking father and son enter the store, interrupting the awkward silence. The way the father looks after his son and buys him what he wants to eat plunges TaeHyung into memories—he once felt the same as the boy about his own father. He remembers asking his dad who the baby is in the photograph we see at the beginning of the story. Kim SungHoon said it was him. “Don’t you think you look just like dad, TaeHyung?” An incoming phone call shakes TaeHyung out of his memories. The food deliverer informs him that no one is home to accept the order of hangover soup. “Huh? My father should be there…” TaeHyung confirms that the deliverer can leave the food outside the door, but he worries about his dad, who was passed out drunk and groaning in his sleep when he left for work. “SeokJin. I need to run home really quickly. Do you think you can watch the store for me?” TaeHyung leaves as soon as SeokJin gives a startled affirmative. The episode ends in SeokJin’s perspective. He’s curious and concerned about what is going on with TaeHyung, as he couldn’t overhear the phone call. Since leaving the store alone to follow TaeHyung may just create more trouble for him, SeokJin decides to stay put and look for clues.
Arriving home, TaeHyung brings the hangover soup inside and finds his father slouched in the corner. More soju bottles are lying out than when he left this morning. “Your lunch is here.” TaeHyung shakes him when there’s no response. “Wake up and eat.” Kim SungHoon mumbles something unintelligible, so TaeHyung nudges him again. His father shudders and cries out. “You bastard! I’d just gotten comfortable!” “Oh… I just wanted you to eat before the soup gets cold…” says TaeHyung. Kim SungHoon calls him a bastard for not listening. “I just told you to leave that damn thing here!” “Hah… Anyway, eat your lunch.” TaeHyung touches his shoulder again, and his father shoves him away. “The pain is killing me. Get lost, bastard!” TaeHyung yelps. The back of his neck burns from something he hit, but he doesn’t feel the pain over the rage brewing inside him. He can’t stand to look at his father for another second and kicks the door open to rush outside. “But of course. Why did I run over here to make sure that miserable geezer ate something?” he thinks bitterly. TaeHyung’s temper cools as he walks back to the store, and he remembers the pain in his neck. His fingers come away with blood when he touches the spot. He trudges onward, planning to bandage it at work. The memory of the rich father-son duo comes to mind: the man holding his son’s hand so tenderly, and the kid smiling brightly up at him. It makes TaeHyung even more miserable, and he fights to suppress the feelings that threaten to overflow.
Alone in the convenience store, SeokJin feels anxious not knowing when TaeHyung will return but decides to poke around, hoping to learn something like he did when observing NamJoon’s room at the gas station. He either looks through TaeHyung’s backpack or a full box near the register. The box is only a makeshift lost-and-found with customers’ forgotten items. Despite his discomfort at rooting through someone’s belongings, SeokJin finds the crumpled photograph of TaeHyung as a baby with his father in the bag. “He wouldn’t be carrying it around if he truly hated his father. But it wouldn’t be crumpled if he liked him, either. Is it… love and hate?” SeokJin wonders. He also finds a post-it stuck on the counter with a note left by HoSeok: “I packed this for myself but Auntie invited me over for dinner. There are two patties inside. Make sure to enjoy it and write me a full review at least one page long!” SeokJin realizes they’ve spent all this time looking out for each other. He’s glad to see the signs of HoSeok taking care of TaeHyung and TaeHyung being grateful enough to keep the note.
When TaeHyung returns, SeokJin is concerned to see blood from a cut on his neck. “Are you okay, TaeHyung? What happened to your neck?” But TaeHyung avoids looking at him and doesn’t answer, instead putting on a bandage and continuing work. SeokJin ignores a call from Uncle JunHo, deciding it’s more important to look after TaeHyung. “Are you sure you can stay here all day like this, SeokJin? Aren’t there people at home wondering where you are?” TaeHyung speaks up at that moment. SeokJin smiles sheepishly. But with the incident looming ahead on the 20th and no solutions yet to avert it, he has no choice but to stick close to him. After TaeHyung’s shift ends, SeokJin asks what he’s doing now. The red seeping through the bandage worries him. “I’m just… gonna go paint some graffiti,” says TaeHyung. He reluctantly agrees to allow SeokJin to tag along. His phone vibrates before they leave. “Sis? What’s going on? What? The emergency room? Why is Dad there? Hold on. I’ll be right there!” TaeHyung runs out. SeokJin catches up to offer him a ride, which he accepts after a moment’s hesitation.
The perspective switches to TaeHyung when they arrive at the hospital and find his sister waiting with an uneasy expression. She thinks that their father was injured at work. When she tapped him lightly to wake him up for dinner, it caused him a lot of pain. TaeHyung remembers the incident at lunchtime and wonders if he felt like that earlier, too. Eunhye notices SeokJin, and TaeHyung introduces them, noticing that her hand seems to make her uncomfortable. “Did you hurt yourself, sis? What happened to your hand?” “Oh, it’s nothing. I… tripped before we came to the hospital.” TaeHyung knows she’s lying but doesn’t argue. He pretends not to see her injuries, and she pretends not to see the one on his neck—like they always do. Eunhye voices concern about the high bill, which the hospital wants them to pay before discharging their father tomorrow. “The company will take care of it if he was injured at work,” SeokJin assures. TaeHyung finds the construction foreman’s number in his dad’s cell phone and calls him. Reporting the situation, he asks if his father’s injured back can be processed as an industrial accident. The foreman denies that they can help. “How can we cover an accident where Kim SungHoon was drunk on the job and failed to follow safety protocol?” The foreman informs him that he already gave Kim SungHoon money to see a doctor. “There’s nothing else to say, so I’m going to go. And I’m telling you—don’t try to pull anything.” TaeHyung swears when the call ends. Eunhye wonders if the foreman is mistaken because she doesn’t think their father drank that day. TaeHyung purses his lips shut instead of replying, filled with rage at the patronizing foreman and their incompetent father. He hates that he can’t say his dad isn’t the kind of person to drink on the job, and his body shakes with indescribable emotion.
“They won’t cover it as a workplace accident?” SeokJin asks, the perspective shifting to him. He knows the foreman is lying but is unsure how to help TaeHyung and his despairing sister. He could pay the hospital fee himself, but that was counterproductive when he tried it for NamJoon in an earlier loop. Noticing a text from Uncle JunHo asking where he is, SeokJin postpones his decision for later and bids TaeHyung a quick farewell. “I’m sure there’s a way to take care of all of this. Don’t worry too much. Take care of your dad. I’ll be back tomorrow.”
On 19 May, TaeHyung and his sister exit the hospital room with twin sighs. Their father called the foreman back after hearing about the first conversation and let loose, only hanging up when his supervisor agreed to speak in person at the hospital. He also demanded alcohol all night and only recently fell asleep. TaeHyung notices that Eunhye looks exhausted and suggests that they take a nap before the foreman arrives that evening. Later, the foreman arrives with some workers and a box of drinks. TaeHyung stands in the corner, not wanting to butt in since this is his father’s business. The foreman asks how Kim SungHoon is doing, advises him to rest, and then adds, “We’re here to say that you shouldn’t bring up compensation since it’s your fault you were injured.” The foreman accuses him of drinking on the job, and the coworkers Kang and Seo nervously agree. Kim SungHoon argues back about being denied the scaffolding and drops the box of drinks, a “token of their sincerity,” on the floor. While the other works avert their gaze, the foreman looks down on him and clucks his tongue. “You bastard! You call yourself a man?!” Kim SungHoon roars. The foreman bristles. “What? Bastard? Watch your mouth punk!”
Eunhye tries to intervene, pleading for her father to calm down and apologizing on his behalf. The foreman accepts her actions like it’s the obvious thing for her to do. His arrogant attitude reminds TaeHyung of how he probably deals with his underlings. “Sir. My father wasn’t drunk,” he speaks up. The foreman’s arrogant air dissipates. “What are you saying? I have witnesses here.” TaeHyung explains that his dad did not drink that day or the previous one. The foreman scoffs. “Look at this kid. Where’d you learn your manners? He probably drank on the way to work even if he didn’t at home! Who do you think you are, raising your voice like that?” TaeHyung’s hands tremble with rage at the injustice, but he has nothing to retort. Suddenly, SeokJin appears. “I also saw everything. Remember me? I was there on site for practical training that day. I watched him work and he definitely wasn’t drunk.” The foreman grows flustered as SeokJin reveals the truth of the site’s dangerous work process and makes it clear that he coerced Kim SungHoon into not following the correct procedure. He glares between SeokJin and TaeHyung. “I don’t know how you both are putting up this united front… But you think it’s going to change things? We already paid him. It’s a done deal. Understood?” Fuming, the foreman leaves with the other workers in tow. “It’s alright now, TaeHyung.” SeokJin gently taps his shoulder. TaeHyung realizes how tense he has been when he loosens his grip and sees little crescents of his fingernails cut into his palms. (His wounded palms are a recurring motif.)
The perspective shifts to SeokJin while TaeHyung stares blankly at his hands. He decides to come clean about his payment of Kim SungHoon’s hospital bill, since the problem with NamJoon was that he paid it secretly. “You can think of it as borrowing—” “Thanks, SeokJin,” TaeHyung interrupts. “I’ll pay back all of it. Thank you.” SeokJin is a little shocked by his response—it is the first time he’s heard “thank you” from TaeHyung. He hopes that this is the beginning of solving TaeHyung’s problems and bids farewell for the day. Outside the hospital, SeokJin runs into HoSeok, who correctly guesses that he came to visit TaeHyung. “How’d you know?” “I stopped by TaeHyung’s work and didn’t see him, so I called him right away,” HoSeok explains. SeokJin expects him to ask about Kim SungHoon, but instead HoSeok worries about his friend first. “Is TaeHyung alright? He must’ve been so shocked. He cares a lot about his dad…” “TaeHyung does?” SeokJin checks. “Yeah. Even though he says that he doesn’t want to go home all the time, he always makes sure his dad gets a real meal every day. Even if he just eats convenience store snacks himself.” This is new information to SeokJin, who wonders if this is why TaeHyung is determined to go home on the 20th. HoSeok seems more familiar with TaeHyung’s sincerity than anyone else. SeokJin is still braced to explain how he knew about Kim SungHoon’s injury, but HoSeok is more focused on contacting TaeHyung and continues on towards the hospital. Overcome with exhaustion as his tension ebbs, SeokJin trudges home to plan his next move.
Later on 19 May, TaeHyung helps his father walk home after he is discharged from the hospital. He is grateful that SeokJin paid the bill but even more so that he intervened to verify Kim SungHoon’s unjust treatment. “SeokJin might be a better person than I thought.” No words are exchanged as TaeHyung supports his father. His arm is thin, but the weight that presses down on him is burdensome. “It’s the weight of the wheel that I can’t escape. The weight of reality—that I’m always going to be responsible for my father. A person that I wish I could let go, but can’t, and the contradictory feelings of hating my father but wanting to protect him.” In a perspective switch, SeokJin watches at a distance with bated breath. Even though TaeHyung seems accustomed to helping his father walk, Kim SungHoon raises his voice every time he almost falls. SeokJin guesses that TaeHyung is adamant about going home on the 20th because he is worried about his father, who is just out of the hospital, but all he sees is violence against his sister when he arrives. “I’m going to stop it this time, no matter what,” he vows.
On 20 May, SeokJin stands at the bus stop and touches the graffiti for which TaeHyung was arrested the previous night. (It’s the “I’m Fine” message depicted at the same location in the Highlight Reel.) He wonders what TaeHyung felt when he painted it and feels uneasy that he may not be handling this sequence correctly. SeokJin shakes away this premature doubt. There’s one thing that has changed from the previous loop: him. He has protected Kim SungHoon after his injury, paid the hospital bill, and built up enough credibility with TaeHyung to earn his thanks. This time, he reassures himself, his words will get through to his friend. Later, SeokJin follows TaeHyung when he leaves the police station. They walk in silence, but TaeHyung does not push him away or ask why he’s following. “Thanks for walking me here, SeokJin,” he speaks up when they arrive at his house. SeokJin waits a few moments before heading inside after him, entering a familiar situation he has seen far too many times: TaeHyung lunging toward his father, who looms near Eunhye. “TaeHyung! No!” SeokJin dashes to grab his arm. “Let go!” TaeHyung snarls and flails. SeokJin holds tighter, pleading for him to calm down. TaeHyung yells and shoves him away. SeokJin slams into something and falls, pain blooming in his skull. TaeHyung spins around with an expression of shock. The voices calling SeokJin grow fainter, and his vision blurs. “Tae… Hyung…” The glass shatters, marking another failed loop and concluding the story. (This is not the first time TaeHyung has caused SeokJin grave or mortal injury during his intervention: in the Save Me webtoon, he accidentally stabbed SeokJin with the broken bottle instead of his father.)
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Nightmare: Epilogue
Throughout the <I’M FINE> series, we have witnessed SeokJin’s trials and failures in the earlier time loops. These experiences culminate in the Epilogue, titled “Nightmare,” as in The Notes 1. This arc spans his efforts to save each of his friends between 11 April and 22 May rather than focusing on one or two characters. SeokJin’s decisions and their consequences here closely follow The Notes 1, so now we have a more detailed picture of his journey between the Save Me webtoon and the first book. The Epilogue fills in some gaps and provides greater depth to these events. For the sake of clearer context, I have still summarized the moments that parallel The Notes 1.
On 11 April Year 22, SeokJin opens his eyes to the familiar bedroom ceiling, the events of the previous loop replaying in his mind. Will he be able to save his friends this time? Uncertainty, horror, and the fresh pain of failure plague him, but he looks at the photo of his friends by the sea. Once, he believed that saving them would be straightforward. But while obsessing over only the problems that he could see, SeokJin lost his way and had to learn from his mistakes. The “signal fires” that helped guide him back were the times spent with his friends, the moments they began to truly understand each other, and the memories he wants to treasure. As he leaves his room, he reflects: “We’re all connected together by a single string, and we’re fated to save one another. And the person to finally put an end to all of this… has to be me.”
In his car, SeokJin encounters a scene at the school crosswalk that he always runs into around this time. He sees a downcast-looking JungKook crossing the street among a group of students. The player is given an option to get out of the car to greet him or pass him by. Regardless of the decision, SeokJin knows that he can’t let his emotions steer his actions. In a previous loop (depicted in JungKook’s arc), he brought JungKook to see the cherry blossoms blooming on the university campus. SeokJin wonders if the JungKook from that loop enjoyed it at least a little. But ultimately, it was just a day and JungKook ended up alone with nothing changed. Not wanting to repeat his past mistakes, SeokJin drives by without stopping.
Later that night, SeokJin pulls into Naeri gas station. NamJoon greets him with a now-familiar look of surprise. “Oh. SeokJin?” “It’s been a while.” SeokJin is determined to make this the last time they repeat this conversation. (As mentioned in part 1, this sequence parallels their moment at the end of the Blood Sweat & Tears Japanese version MV.) As they move to a corner of the station to continue their conversation, the perspective shifts to NamJoon. Something seems a little weird to him, and SeokJin looks like he has a lot to say, but he manages to gloss over it. NamJoon is about to invite him to the meetup with the other guys after work, but his boss yells for him to do his job. An expensive foreign car pulls up to the gas pump, and the customer drops the money on the ground when NamJoon reaches for it. “Ah, butterfingers. What are you doing? Not gonna pick that up?” the man sneers. The player is presented the choice to pick up the money or not. In both paths, NamJoon unconsciously clenches his fists. “You don’t want it?” asks the customer. The paths converge with SeokJin easily picking up the bills and handing them back to the driver. “You dropped this.” Hands shaking, NamJoon is mortified by the situation that caused SeokJin to react, yet his friend continues to stand there between him and the customer. The man demands who he is, but SeokJin advises, “You must be busy… So you should leave.” Out of steam, the customer drives off. NamJoon thanks SeokJin. “It’s nothing. What were you going to tell me earlier?” NamJoon forces his mouth to move. “Ah. I’m meeting up with TaeHyung and HoSeok today after work. Do you want to come with me?”
Back in SeokJin’s perspective, these are the words he’s been waiting for. Nerves dry his mouth, but he tries to speak naturally and inquires about the others. NamJoon doesn’t really keep in touch with them, but offers to call HoSeok, who still talks to YoonGi. SeokJin knows that YoonGi will call JungKook after hearing from HoSeok—this is how he saves JungKook tonight. His phone buzzes with a call from his father. “Oh, I’m sorry… But I need to leave.” NamJoon’s expression reflects disappointment yet understanding. “That’s too bad. Let’s hang out another time.” “Yeah. Tell the guys hello for me.” SeokJin turns back as he arrives at his car. “NamJoon. If we can get everyone together… Let’s all go to the ocean.” NamJoon looks puzzled by the suggestion. “The ocean?” SeokJin smiles in lieu of an explanation.
The third episode begins with JungKook fighting a group of thugs in a covered alley. (The date is unspecified, but this is a continuation of the night of 11 April.) They kick his stomach and spit on the ground as they walk away, a sight that reinvigorates him even though he can barely sit up. He either says something to provoke them or hurls his bag at them. Riled up, they beat him again as he laughs, vision blurring. They’re gone by the time everything comes back into focus. JungKook got what he wanted: he deliberately provoked them, and when he laughed, they called him crazy and hit him harder. He watches a breeze flatten a tuft of grass in the pavement, just like him. JungKook forces himself to laugh again because he’s afraid he may cry. Where does he go now? He feels like a ghost at home: he’s never a priority for his mom, and dealing with his stepfather is a pain. JungKook closes his eyes, hoping that when he opens them, he won’t be here.
The scene that follows appears to be a memory of 7 April, although it is not specified as such and is written in present tense. (This encounter occurs in The Notes 1 as well as episode 4 of JungKook’s story.) While wandering the streets at night, JungKook is drawn by a familiar piano tune to a music shop with broken showroom windows. He sees YoonGi, for the first time in two years, playing within and looking like he will crumble at any moment. JungKook can’t muster up the courage to follow when he leaves and instead sits at the piano. The keys feel cold like no one has touched them. By memory, he stumbles through the song that YoonGi played this night and back in the classroom hideout. YoonGi appears beside him and corrects the notes like he did in their school days.
The story cuts to YoonGi in the present, possibly in the classroom. He ignores his ringing phone partly because of his drunken stupor and partly because he doesn’t want to talk, but he finally relents and answers. HoSeok offers that NamJoon wants to hang out later. “I’m not going,” YoonGi says immediately. “Hey, don’t be like that. SeokJin’s here, too. Do you want to talk to JungKook? I called him earlier, but he didn’t pick up.” HoSeok encourages YoonGi to call instead because JungKook may pick up for him. YoonGi hangs up, thoughts complicated as he remembers a time when he watched JungKook play piano. “Looking back, that kid was my shadow. I couldn’t ignore him, even if he wasn’t speaking to me. And I kept looking out for him… because it seemed like he’d fall apart if he was ignored.” He considers leaving it be, but his fingers are already dialing.
The perspective switches again: on a rooftop overlooking Songju, JungKook grows dizzy and stumbles. Darkness grasps his ankles, and his mind empties. “I don’t want to leave anything behind. This will just be the end.” At that moment, his phone rings. He sees YoonGi’s name, and everything sharpens, as though he’s awoken from a dream. “What took you so long to pick up?” asks YoonGi. When JungKook doesn’t answer, he continues, “Everyone’s meeting up later. Do you want to go?” After a pause, JungKook says, “YoonGi. Please come get me.” (From the thug beating to the rooftop, this is how his 11 April entry plays out in The Notes 1, but it ends before their phone conversation.) Waiting for YoonGi down on the street, JungKook recalls when they all used to hang out in the classroom. “I have a place to go. People to be with. Right now, that’s enough.”
On 2 May, SeokJin sneaks into YoonGi’s workroom, which is filled with oil-soaked papers as though he intended to set it on fire. (It’s dark, so as the later part of the episode occurs in the daytime, it must be past midnight or in the early morning.) There is no foolproof way to save YoonGi since he acts unpredictably between the loops, but SeokJin has determined that YoonGi needs someone who can tie him to the world—someone whom he won’t push away. Once, NamJoon told SeokJin that JungKook still carried the photo they took at the beach. (The photo depicted in the game is the one of the boys on the wall by the sea.) While NamJoon probably relayed this to show that JungKook hasn’t forgotten about SeokJin, it stirs a different memory for him. In high school when they ditched and went to the beach, hunting for a boulder that supposedly made dreams come true, SeokJin noticed JungKook ask YoonGi an important question while their voices were drowned out by construction noise. He has now realized that both JungKook and YoonGi have the same desperation in their eyes. JungKook knows that YoonGi is like him: a person who needs a string to hold him here. Therefore, JungKook is the key to saving YoonGi.
SeokJin places his copy of the photograph next to the mirror in the workroom, hoping it will lead to saving them both. Before he can leave, footsteps grow closer. Flustered, he chooses to either explain himself honestly or hide. In both paths, YoonGi stumbles inside and collapses on the sofa, too drunk to notice that someone else is in the room. In the second path, some extra information is presented when SeokJin notices a little water dish and paper cup with breadcrumbs as he hides beside the piano. “He must’ve looked after it again.” In another loop, SeokJin saw a small, weak bird that got mistakenly trapped in the workroom. YoonGi looked after it, most likely thinking of JungKook. (This particular episode is called Small Bird, so the title may only be meaningful to players who choose this path or are familiar with the bird from The Notes 1.)
SeokJin escapes undetected while YoonGi sleeps. Later in the day, he watches the workroom from his car. The most difficult part starts now: JungKook must follow the hints SeokJin has left to save YoonGi. After staring up at the second floor for a while with an unhappy expression, JungKook seems to make up his mind and enters the building. The story cuts briefly to YoonGi’s perspective. In the workroom, the mirror shatters. (The reason is unspecified, so we are left to wonder if a confrontation unfolded like the one depicted in the Run MV and implied in The Notes 1, or if something else occurred.) Dizzy, YoonGi falters but manages to stand up. (Again, standing up from what? Possibly because JungKook hit him.) “YoonGi…” JungKook is rooted to the spot in surprise. YoonGi runs, leaving him behind. Back in his perspective, SeokJin starts the car as soon as he sees JungKook dash out of the building. He hopes that leaving “a sign” will guide JungKook to the correct motel. (In The Notes 1, it is a bloody tissue that SeokJin drops by the entrance gate because YoonGi fled his workroom with busted lips. The game episode closely follows how this scenario proceeds in Notes 1, so I’m not sure why it is so cryptic around the details implying that a fight occurred between YoonGi and JungKook.) Inside the motel (once again matching the I Need U MV), YoonGi lights the bedsheets on fire. He regrets having JungKook by his side because the people close to him get hurt. The memories of his childhood burn along with the flames: fragments of the day he arrived home and found it collapsing in a fire. YoonGi hears JungKook shouting. “I’m sure… He’ll be sad because of me. But he won’t be unhappy anymore,” he thinks. JungKook shouts for him to get up, and YoonGi finally looks at him. His last view of the room encompasses the red flames, the air wavy with heat, and JungKook’s crumpled face. The episode ends with sirens playing over a black screen.
Episode 5, “Connecting Threads,” picks up on 12 May with SeokJin preparing to set events in motion for saving his next pair of friends. At the hospital, he waits for JiMin to show up and overhears a conversation between a nurse and doctor. If SeokJin stays where he is, they notice him and postpone their discussion, but if he steps out of sight, they continue. The nurse mentions “patient Park JiMin” who has “transferred down from the 9th floor.” She reports that he keeps roaming the hallways at night and wonders if they should stop him “just in case.” “He’ll be headed back up in about three days or so. Just leave him be. If it really bothers you, check with them,” advises the doctor. SeokJin moves to his precalculated spot when they leave, planning to lead JiMin to the stairs so that he’ll run into HoSeok on his way down. In his perspective, JiMin is troubled by his stiff wrist as he waits for the elevator. A familiar voice suddenly calling his name draws him to the stairwell, but the light makes it difficult to see its owner.
The story cuts to HoSeok wrapping up a consultation with the same doctor from earlier. The doctor states that they haven’t noticed any huge issues and that he’ll be discharged soon. “Do you have any discomfort still?” “Nope, I’m fine!” HoSeok answers energetically and even strikes an exaggerated pose, feeling that he needs to. “Please take care to avoid any future collapses,” the doctor adds. This comment makes HoSeok either recall the last time he collapses or the last moment he spent with his mom. In the first memory, he collapses on the bridge as he thinks about his sick Auntie leaving him alone after she has always been at his side. In the second, he stands at the merry-go-round and wonders if his mom will be standing there when he finishes counting. “Sir… Sir? Are you alright?” The doctor’s questioning shakes HoSeok out of the past. He wants to say hello to JiMin before he leaves the hospital, but JiMin’s bed has been empty for a while. Worried, HoSeok heads to the elevator to look for him. A woman dressed in a long skirt and hat passes by with her child. “Mom!” Convinced that she’s his mother, HoSeok chases after her. He shoves past people, breathing ragged and heart pounding. Afraid to lose her, he either yells out again or goes to the stairs. The results are ultimately the same because she doesn’t respond to his shouts and disappears into the stairwell. HoSeok skips steps down the stairs in his haste. “Mom!” His foot suddenly slips, throwing his weight forward. He flails, but there’s nothing to grab onto—and suddenly, his fall is arrested by someone grabbing his arm. “HoSeok?” “JiMin? How are you here…?” JiMin looks equally surprised. HoSeok realizes it’s obvious that the woman isn’t his mom. Though he can’t remember her face anymore, he still can’t let her go. “Are you alright, HoSeok?” JiMin asks. HoSeok figures that JiMin doesn’t inquire about what he was doing or why because he already knows. “I wonder if JiMin is like me… living trapped in the past. If he’s unable to get better and move on, stuck inside the memories that bind him…” “JiMin,” HoSeok says aloud. “Let’s get out of here.”
From JiMin’s perspective now, he notices that everything about HoSeok in this moment is different from normal. “Get out of here?” JiMin echoes. Outside is unfamiliar and scary, and he knows that even if he escapes the hospital, he will still have to return some day. “JiMin, I’ll come back for you.” HoSeok leaves without waiting for an answer. Not wanting to say goodbye, JiMin follows him secretly as he’s discharged from the hospital. He stops at the line where the hallway ends up on the ninth floor, watching the bright sunlight filter in through the open door. JiMin turns away, believing that the place to which he needs to return isn’t outside but the ninth floor. “Because… I’m a patient.” The rest of episode 6 follows the events in his 15 May Year 22 entry of The Notes 1, with only minor dialogue changes. HoSeok pulls JiMin out of his hospital bed the night before he is scheduled to return to the psychiatric ward. SeokJin and NamJoon meet them in the elevator, while JungKook, TaeHyung, and YoonGi are waiting for them in the first floor lobby. A nurse finds them and sees through YoonGi’s flimsy excuse that they’re having a birthday party. Throwing snack bags and plastic bottles, they all run toward the exit. (This sequence is likely the one depicted in the Euphoria MV, although in the video it’s staged during the daytime instead of at night.) JiMin unconsciously slows as he nears the invisible boundary in the hallway, but HoSeok’s urging grants him the courage to cross the line. Passing through the door, he draws in a breath of fresh air and feels on the verge of crying.
The beginning of episode 7 follows SeokJin’s preparations to prevent TaeHyung’s incident on 20 May in the same fashion as The Notes 1. He waits at the park on the hill behind TaeHyung’s apartment building until HoSeok escorts TaeHyung home from his night at the police station. With careful timing, SeokJin calls HoSeok after he sees the two part ways and asks him to invite TaeHyung to their beach trip in two days. HoSeok turns around toward TaeHyung’s apartment.
The next sequence provides more details of the confrontation (and notably unfolds a little differently than what is depicted in the I Need U MV). TaeHyung arrives home to a familiar stale odor of mold and stench of alcohol. “Where the hell have you been all night?!” TaeHyung turns to see his father’s bloodshot eyes and his sister standing behind him, face swollen. Defiance surges through him, but the desperation in Eunhye’s eyes roots him to the spot. “TaeHyung, tell Dad you’re sorry and go to your room.” TaeHyung either apologizes, holding his anger in, or tries to go straight to his room. In both paths, Kim SungHoon yells that a beating should set him straight. He seizes TaeHyung by the collar. Something bursts and rages inside him. “What have I done wrong?! You’re the one who needs to get things straight!” His father stammers in shock, “W-what did you say?!” while his sister calls his name in warning. TaeHyung chooses to shake him off or hold still. In the first path, he shoves his father to the floor. “Why are you doing this? How long? How long do we have to keep doing this?!” In the second path, Kim SungHoon snarls that he has a lot of nerve to look him in the eye and strikes his cheek. “Why do I need a beating?” TaeHyung thinks.
The paths converge with Eunhye begging their father to stop. The voice continues thundering in TaeHyung’s head: “Why does my sister need a beating? How long are you going to do this?” “You two are a double dose of pain in my ass today!” Kim SungHoon swings at Eunhye, who has thrown herself between them, and she sways at the rough blow. The injustice of it all stokes TaeHyung’s rage. “What have we done wrong? Why do we have to live in fear like this?” Heart pounding, he notices that the cold bottle he’s somehow picked up grows warmer from the heat of his hand. He roars and charges forward. A shattering sound plays over a black screen, and someone cries, “No—! TaeHyung, stop!” TaeHyung comes to his senses. HoSeok is hugging his midsection, his sister is crying, and his father is nowhere to be seen. He wonders whose blood is on his hand. HoSeok stands there silently, looking like he has a lot to say but holding back. “I’m sorry, HoSeok. I’m okay… So you can go now,” TaeHyung says, calm voice belying his inner turmoil. “I want to cry, to scream, to kick, break, shatter everything. I want to fall apart, but I can’t do any of the things I want.” The world spins as he closes his eyes. Mind blank, TaeHyung craves NamJoon’s presence and wants to talk to him—to tell him that he almost killed his father.
The eighth and final episode, “The Pier,” closely follows the version of 22 May in The Notes 1, with the addition of SeokJin’s perspective providing greater depth to the events. The boys make it to the same beach they visited in high school. The observation platform strikes TaeHyung as familiar. As the sun sets, he remembers this all occurring in a dream, except that SeokJin climbs the platform instead of him. Atop the platform, SeokJin is fearful and full of emotions. Memories flash by of their suffering and loneliness, his failures and desire to give up as the misfortunes repeated. He is relieved that TaeHyung does not follow him. At nightfall, they head to where they’re staying. (In The Notes 1, this location is simply called their lodging, and in The Notes 2 it is referred to as a lodge by the beach that SeokJin reserved under his name. In the game, the room appears like the one in the Run MV party scenes (0’57”, 3’00”, etc.), down to the same string lights and sconces—more on this in the Additional Commentary section below.) As the others dance and laugh, SeokJin realizes that this is the first time they’ve made it this far. “It’s something I hoped so desperately for… and a day I thought would never come. We were all lonely once. We hid our own scars and lived through it alone. But it’s different now. We’re all by each other’s sides. We’ll never be alone again.” Despite these thoughts, he has a nagging feeling because he hasn’t told them the truth. SeokJin is afraid of their reactions, but this will be the only way “to really see them properly.” He announces, “I have something to say.” Only TaeHyung turns to look at him through the chaos.
TaeHyung balls up his prickling hand, wondering if this is about the dream he asked SeokJin about several days earlier. (The location of this conversation is unspecified in The Notes 1, but the game provides a flashback shot of it at the bus stop.) His frustration grows when SeokJin begins to mention high school instead. TaeHyung interrupts sharply, believing that SeokJin is still cowardly avoiding the truth. “Are you talking about when you spied for the principal in high school and told him everything we were up to? Or were you going to mention how, because of that… YoonGi got expelled?!” The mood in the room chills. “I’m sorry.” SeokJin drops his head, while the others look away or stare in surprise. But TaeHyung doesn’t want to be unhappy without knowing why, even if the truth is worse than the nightmare. “Is that all? Or are you hiding more from us?”
The perspective switches back to SeokJin. He guesses that TaeHyung is asking about the dream but can’t reveal that the tragedies he experienced were real, believing that no one else should have to suffer with that knowledge. NamJoon approaches and tries to calm TaeHyung, but TaeHyung pushes him away. “Stay out of this, NamJoon. Why does it matter to you? You’re not my brother.” (In the album Note from Her and as a flashback in The Notes 1, TaeHyung overheard NamJoon talking on the phone while they walked to their lodging. NamJoon was speaking to his parents about his younger brother being old enough to take care of himself, but TaeHyung apparently took this to heart as something about himself. It hurt and angered him deeply.) “TaeHyung, I’m sorry,” SeokJin attempts to plead with him. “Stop it, Kim TaeHyung!” NamJoon warns. TaeHyung demands again that SeokJin explain everything. The interrogation unleashes all the memories of his friends’ tragedies that he has tried to forget. SeokJin feels like his nightmares are going to become reality, and his mind goes blank as TaeHyung and NamJoon continue to argue. “I repeated so many moments of suffering… for you… Why are you doing this to me?! I only wanted to be able to laugh together.” A little flame grows within SeokJin, an indescribable feeling cresting like a wave. This is what his countless attempts have led to? “What’s so great about being together?” Shaking off NamJoon’s arm, TaeHyung yells, “Who are we to one another? We’re all alone in the end!” “Alone…” The thing SeokJin has desperately been holding onto breaks away, and the shaking in his hands now consumes his entire body.
SeokJin hits TaeHyung. He remembers TaeHyung’s sudden jump off the seaside platform—a time he thought he saved them all. “I even kept that from happening—and he says we’re all alone in the end? The hopes I had for all of us to be happy, and for us to face coming days together… It all feels like it was for nothing. I thought I left my repeating misfortunes behind me, but I now see them again, taunting me from just ahead.” This concludes the Epilogue and the <I’M FINE> series. Notably, the glass does not break, suggesting that this loop continues from this event (as it does in The Notes 1) without yet resetting.
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Additional Commentary
The only point I want to touch on here is the depiction of the boys’ lodging on 22 May after their beach trip and its potential implications. In The Notes 1, this location is simply called their lodging, and in The Notes 2 it is referred to as a lodge by the beach that SeokJin reserved under his name. In the game, the room appears like the one in the Run MV party scenes (0’57”, 3’00”, etc.), down to the same string lights and sconces.
As a standalone MV set, this location felt (to me) more metaphorical than concrete. It’s introduced after NamJoon opens the door of a train’s shipping container, a little film editing trick as though it’s a world inside—and it does feel like a space away from the real world where the boys are free to let loose, revel in their youth, and be themselves. While it seemed to serve as a more glamorous substitute for NamJoon’s shipping container where they often gathered, this location also appeared to stand in for the location of JungKook and YoonGi’s confrontation (2’24”-2’55”). An altercation between them is heavily implied in SeokJin’s 2 May entry from The Notes 1, but it occurs in YoonGi’s workroom. Since Run is an MV rather than one of the short films, which always present BU events and locations more literally than their song counterparts, it doesn’t seem too unusual that these sets are condensed to one in this video. YoonGi’s workroom isn’t portrayed until Highlight Reel, so we can kind of excuse one of the earliest MVs for artistic license.
However… the inclusion of this location in the game considerably changes the circumstances! Since it is both canon and animated, the creators had the ability to design the settings as they are truly intended to appear (within the general limitations of the game’s engine and visual style). It must have been a very deliberate choice that led to the reuse of the Run MV’s set for the 22 May beach lodging. (For what it’s worth, I have always interpreted SeokJin’s and TaeHyung’s fight in the Japanese MV for Blood Sweat & Tears to represent the fallout of that night, and that is staged in a different set.)
To further complicate matters, a date has been explicitly attached to one of the scenes in Run because it is matched shot-for-shot in the BU Story trailer Map of the Soul—and it is neither 2 or 22 May.
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24 July Year 22 is not reached in <I’M FINE>, but in the Notes, this is the date the boys plan to gather at NamJoon’s container to celebrate JungKook’s discharge from the hospital. So far in The Notes 1 and 2 (and various album-accompanying Notes from MotS: Persona and 7), this event has hardly manifested as the celebration it is intended to be. This particular shot maps a little better to the circumstances in Notes 2, as not all of them even show up in Notes 1. But again, this gathering occurs at the container—so what, and where, is this shot really depicting? How is it linked to the beach lodging they visit in some loops on 22 May?
BU has been in development for years now, so I believe there is intentionality behind this location’s depiction in the game, even if it raises more questions than it answers. Perhaps it is foreshadowing a very different version of 24 July in which they return again to the beach lodging. This is my best guess for now, and it’s exciting to think that there are still hints embedded in the older MVs for aspects of the plot that have yet to be fully revealed in The Notes.
What do you think? Did you notice the location parallels if you played the game, and did they inspire any new theories for you?
As mentioned above, the following “tl;dr” commentary summarizes the parenthetical notes I provided in the summaries in case you want to review them on their own.
Heart’s Distance — tl;dr commentary
In the opening cutscene, TaeHyung’s photograph of his father holding him as a baby looks similar to the one he holds at 1’48” in the HYYH On Stage: Prologue short film.
During the gathering at NamJoon’s container after everyone freed JiMin from the hospital, SeokJin asks, “How long has it been since we’ve all laughed together?” This is a reference to the recurring phrase “we can laugh when we’re together” present throughout the Notes and occasionally this game.
On 19 May, TaeHyung is arrested for vandalism while painting graffiti on the streets. The bus stop depicted in the shot is the same as the one in Highlight Reel.
In the shot in the game illustrating TaeHyung’s choice on 20 May that he “can’t take back,” he approaches his father from behind and the sound of glass occurs on a cut to black. We know from the I Need U MV and Save Me webtoon that he fatally stabs his father.
When SeokJin asks Uncle JunHo for a favor to visit a construction site for practical training, JunHo expresses that SeokJin’s father seems to be interested, too. “Make sure to use this opportunity to take a thorough look around. It’ll all be helpful to you later,” JunHo advises. It’s helpful to know that Assemblyman Kim ChangJun is involved in some shady business with a construction company—this is revealed in The Notes 2.
After the foreman leaves his father’s hospital room, TaeHyung realizes how tense he has been when he loosens his grip and sees little crescents of his fingernails cut into his palms. His wounded palms are a recurring motif.
On 20 May, SeokJin stands at the bus stop and touches the graffiti for which TaeHyung was arrested the previous night. It’s the “I’m Fine” message depicted at the same location in the Highlight Reel.
The story ends with SeokJin losing consciousness after TaeHyung shoved him away and he slammed into something, marking another failed attempt while preventing the homicide. This is not the first time TaeHyung has caused SeokJin grave or mortal injury during his intervention: in the Save Me webtoon, he accidentally stabbed SeokJin with the broken bottle instead of his father.
Nightmare: Epilogue — tl;dr commentary
SeokJin and NamJoon’s conversation when they reunite at the gas station on the night of 11 April begins with 2 familiar phrases: “Oh. SeokJin?” “It’s been a while.” As mentioned in part 1, this sequence parallels their moment at the end of the Blood Sweat & Tears Japanese version MV.
In episode 3, the scene of JungKook finding YoonGi playing piano at the music shop appears to be a memory of 7 April, although it is not explicitly stated as such. This encounter occurs in The Notes 1 as well as episode 4 of JungKook’s story.
From JungKook’s beating at the hands of thugs to the rooftop, this is how his 11 April entry plays out in The Notes 1, but it ends before his phone conversation with YoonGi.
SeokJin reflects on a time NamJoon told him that JungKook still carried the photo they took at the beach. The photo depicted in the game is the one of the boys on the wall by the sea.
Episode 4 is called “Small Bird,” yet the bird is only referenced in one of the choice’s paths (SeokJin hides behind the piano in YoonGi’s workroom). The title may be more meaningful to players who choose this path or are familiar with the bird from The Notes 1.
The game is even more cryptic than The Notes 1 about JungKook and YoonGi’s apparent altercation on 2 May in his workroom. When the perspective cuts to YoonGi, the mirror has already been shattered. The reason is unspecified, so we are left to wonder if a confrontation unfolded like the one depicted in the Run MV and implied in The Notes 1, or if something else occurred. The “sign” that SeokJin leaves to guide JungKook to the correct motel is also unspecified, but in The Notes 1, it is a bloody tissue because YoonGi fled his workroom with busted lips.
The motel room that YoonGi sets on fire in this loop once again matches the I Need U MV.
JiMin’s escape sequence from the hospital is likely the one depicted in the Euphoria MV, although in the video it’s staged during the daytime instead of at night.
TaeHyung’s confrontation with his father on 20 May unfolds a little differently than what is depicted in the I Need U MV.
Some notes/thoughts on the 22 May post-beach trip lodging are included in the Additional Commentary section above.
TaeHyung has a flashback to several days prior to 22 May when he asked SeokJin about his recurring dreams. The location of this conversation is unspecified in The Notes 1, but it’s depicted at the bus stop in the game.
TaeHyung pushes NamJoon away physically and verbally when he tries to interrupt his interrogation of SeokJin at the lodging. “Stay out of this, NamJoon. Why does it matter to you? You’re not my brother.” In the album Note from Her and as a flashback in The Notes 1, TaeHyung overheard NamJoon talking on the phone while they walked to their lodging. NamJoon was speaking to his parents about his younger brother being old enough to take care of himself, but TaeHyung apparently took this to heart as something about himself. It hurt and angered him deeply.
Notably, the glass does not break at the end of the Epilogue, suggesting that this loop continues from this event (as it does in The Notes 1) without yet resetting.
This brings us to the end of the BTS Universe Story <I’M FINE> highlights! This series turned out a little different than I originally envisioned, but I hope you found these summaries helpful and worthwhile to read. If you have any questions, important details that you felt I overlooked, or theories of your own that you would like to share, feel free to send me an ask!
For more informational storyline content, please check out the Timeline project, currently in development!
91 notes · View notes
tanzaniiite · 4 years
can i request dad headcanons for oikawa? perhaps with a daughter? if it's ok with u👉👈
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requests: OPEN
warnings: none!
yes more domestic stuff 😌 thank you for the request!
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he loves his baby girl,, like so much
ngl he was bit weary when he found out you were pregnant, but not bc he didn’t want a child!
it was bc of what he did for work, oikawa travels a lot for volleyball so he didn’t want to be an absentee parent
he didn’t want his child to not know who he was
but when your daughter was born.. literally the happiest day of his life
she really had him bawling in the hospital room
your daughter is 4 now and you honestly cannot believe that oikawa thought this little girl would forget him
she’s his #1 fan, hands down
when he has to travel for work, tooru always sleeps in her bed with her for the whole week before he leaves
it gives him major cramps in the morning but worth it
him leaving is always the hardest, your daughter gets so sad and that makes oikawa sad– oh and now they’re crying
once tooru leaves you and your daughter make a countdown for when he comes back home
i was serious when i said she’s her dad’s number one fan
anytime he’s on TV, everything else is forgotten and she’s just sitting there watching her dad in complete admiration
“mommy hurry up! daddy’s on the TV!”
when he comes back home you would’ve thought these two have been separated their whole lives, they’re both drama queens
if i wasn’t clear before, your daughter is 100% a daddy’s girl
although you feel a bit left out sometimes, you understand. some kids just favor one parent over the other, it is what it is
oikawa doesn’t miss any chance to rub in your face that he’s the favorite parent, of course his joking though
one thing tooru doesn’t like, is discipling his daughter
let’s say he’s away and your daughter did something wrong and you tell him about it, he’ll back you up no doubt, but that doesn’t mean he likes it
“sweetheart, you can’t hit people that’s not nice”
“but daddy!”
“n-no please don’t do that”
he’s a sucker for her so he sucks at discipline which makes you the bad guy 90% of the time
n e ways, did someone say uncle iwa?? 👀
iwaizumi is her uncle, he didn’t have a choice
ik this abt oikawa but let me rant real quick
hajime is wayyyy better at discipline than oikawa that’s for sure
“hey kiddo, your mom told me you hit someone at school? don’t do that, you wanna be like your shitty father?”
he forgets to curb his mouth sometimes
“yes! my shitty daddy is the best!”
“no he’s not, trust me”
and now he’s arguing with a 4 year old
but she loves her uncle iwa 🥰
back to oikawa,, he’s definitely the “fun” parent and sometimes dismisses his daughter’s actions that don’t sit right with you
this.. can lead to some arguments, nothing major but major enough for him to sleep on the couch
if your daughter does something really bad like, bullying he will put his foot down
he’s more of a talker than a punisher, he’ll talk to her and explain what she’s doing is wrong and how she needs to apologize
if that doesn’t work then he will punish her (like no TV time for a week)
and if he has a game later that week, she’ll be so distraught bc she can’t watch her dad
it hurts him too but he rather she learns her lesson
but! let’s end this on a lighter note!
when oikawa has a game and both you and your daughter are off from work/ school you’ll go to support him in person
it’s always a surprise though
the look that oikawa gets on his face when he hears his daughter cheering for him in the stands is priceless
he always thinks he’s imagining things until he hears loud and clear
“go daddy! you got this! look that’s my daddy!”
and then he sees you with your daughter on you lap waving at him, he almost cries every time
it’s safe to say his team always wins when you guys are in the stands
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tanzaniiite © 2020 — all rights reserved. do not repost, modify, or copy. do not plagiarize. thank you.
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Disney but just the Queer Mood™ Songs, a full Spotify Playlist
Open to updates should anyone notice a song I missed!
Tracklist with specific lyrics that fuck us all up under the cut:
KEY: A general list of which songs resonate with people. The 🏳️‍🌈is for general songs; if you relate to a song but don’t see ur emoji beneath it, send me a message and I’ll add it!
🏳️‍🌈 General Queer Anthem  🌈 Gays specifically have related to this song  ❤️ Gay Men specifically have related to this song  🧡 Lesbians specifically have related to this song 💕 Bisexuals/Pansexuals specifically have related to this song  💜 Asexuals/Ace-spectrum people specifically have related to this song 💚 Aromatics/Aro-spectrum people specifically have related to this song 🤍 Trans people have specifically related to this song 🖤 Nonbinary/Genderqueer people have specifically related to this song  💗 Polyamorous people have specifically related to this song
Know Who You Are - Moana
They have stolen the heart from inside you But this does not define you  This is not who you are You know who you are...
I Wonder - Sleeping Beauty 
I wonder, I wonder, I wonder why each little bird has a someone To sing to, sweet things to, A gay little love melody I wonder, I wonder, I wonder if my heart keeps singing, Will my song go winging To someone, who'll find me And bring back a love song to me...
Mother Knows Best - Tangled
🏳️‍🌈 honestly this is just... a general song for some of our shitty relationships to guardian figures...
It's a scary world out there Mother knows best One way or another Something will go wrong, I swear
Me, I'm just your mother, what do I know? I only bathed and changed and nursed you Go ahead and leave me, I deserve it Let me die alone here, be my guest When it's too late You'll see, just wait Mother knows best
Don't forget it You'll regret it...
Dangerous to Dream - Frozen Broadway Production
I can't be what you expect of me But I'm trying every day with all I do and do not say Here on the edge of the abyss Knowing everything in my whole life has lead to this And so I pull inside myself, close the walls, put up my guard I've practiced every single day for this So why is it so hard?
I can't dwell on what we've lost And our secrecy and silence comes at such a cost
I wish I could tell the truth Show you who's behind the door I wish you knew what all this pantomime And pageantry was for
It's dangerous to wish I could make choices of my own Dangerous to even have that thought I'm dangerous just standing here for everyone to see If I let go of rules who knows how dangerous I'd be?
Reflection - Mulan 
🏳️‍🌈🤍🖤- literally everyone requested this. everyone. so im just copy-pasting the entire lyrics sorry not sorry
Look at me, I will never pass for a perfect bride Or a perfect daughter Can it be I'm not meant to play this part? Now I see that if I were truly to be myself I would break my family's heart
Who is that girl I see staring straight back at me? Why is my reflection someone I don't know? Somehow I cannot hide who I am, though I’ve tried  When will my reflection show who I am inside?
How I pray that a time will come I can free myself From their expectations On that day, I'll discover someway to be myself And to make my family proud They want a docile lamb No one knows who I am Must there be a secret me I'm forced to hide? Must I pretend that I'm Someone else for all time? When will my reflection show Who I am inside? When will my reflection show Who I am inside?
Everything I Ever Thought I Knew - Tangled: The Series
🏳️‍🌈 when u realize u might not be straight lol
I thought no one could love me And how could I have known? I was wrong, oh so wrong
Everything I ever thought I knew Where I've been, where I'm going Everything I counted on turned out to be untrue Could've guessed, should've known, now I do
If none of it was really me then who am I supposed to be?
I guess I'm someone else now I wonder who I am
God Help the Outcasts - Hunchback of Notre Dame
🏳️‍🌈...yeah. yeah
Yes, I know I'm just an outcast I shouldn't speak to You Still, I see Your face and wonder Were You once an outcast, too?
God help the outcasts, hungry from birth Show them the mercy they don't find on Earth God help my people, they look to You, still God help the outcasts or nobody will
I ask for nothing, I can get by But I know so many less lucky than I Please help my people, the poor and downtrod I thought we all were the children of God
Belle (Reprise) - Beauty and the Beast
🌈 when a cishet thinks ur interested smh
Madame Gaston! Can't you just see it? Madame Gaston! His little wife No, sir! Not me! I guarantee it I want much more than this provincial life!
I want adventure in the great wide somewhere I want it more than I can tell And for once it might be grand To have someone understand I want so much more than they've got planned...
Part of Your World - The Little Mermaid
🌈 SO many people requested this one guys it’s not even funny
Wandering free, wish I could be Part of that world
Betcha on land, they understand Bet they don't reprimand their daughters Bright young women, sick of swimming Ready to stand
When's it my turn? Wouldn't I love, Love to explore that shore up above?
One Jump Ahead (Reprise) - Aladdin
Riff-raff, street rat I don't buy that If only they'd look closer
Would they see a poor boy? No, siree They'd find out There's so much more to me...
Proud of Your Boy - Aladdin Broadway Production 
That I've been one rotten kid Some son, some pride and some joy But I'll get over these lousin' up Messin' up, screwin' up times...
Water flows under the bridge Let it pass, let it go There's no good reason that you should believe me Not yet, I know, but
Someday and soon I'll make you proud of your boy Though I can't make myself taller Or smarter or handsome or wise I'll do my best, what else can I do? Since I wasn't born perfect like Dad or you...
Someone’s Waiting for You - The Rescuers
Be brave, little one Make a wish for each sad little tear Hold your head up though no one is near Someone's waiting for you
Always keep a little prayer in your pocket And you're sure to see the light Soon there'll be joy and happiness And your little world will be bright
Have faith, little one Til your hopes and your wishes come true
Stick to the Status Quo - High School Musical 
No, no, no, stick to the stuff you know It is better by far to keep things as they are Don't mess with the flow, no no Stick to the status quo
Into the Unknown - Frozen 2
I can hear you, but I won't Some look for trouble while others don't There's a thousand reasons I should go about my day And ignore your whispers which I wish would go away
I've had my adventure, I don't need something new I'm afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you
Or are you someone out there who's a little bit like me? Who knows deep down I'm not where I'm meant to be? Every day's a little harder as I feel my power grow Don't you know there's part of me that longs to go
Where are you going? Don't leave me alone How do I follow you Into the unknown?
Go the Distance - Hercules 
I have often dreamed of a far off place Where a great, warm welcome will be waiting for me
And a voice keeps saying This is where I'm meant to be
I am on my way, I can go the distance I don't care how far, somehow I'll be strong I know every mile will be worth my while I would go most anywhere to find where I belong
Tomorrow - Annie
🏳️‍🌈 - betcha didnt know disney had an annie movie did u
The sun will come out tomorrow Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow There'll be sun
When I'm stuck in a day that's gray and lonely, I just stick out my chin and grin and say, oh, The sun’ll come out tomorrow So you gotta hang on til tomorrow, come what may...
Learn Me Right - Brave
Though I may speak some tongue of old Or even spit out some holy word I have no strength with which to speak When you sit me down and see I’m weak
We will run and scream you will dance with me We'll fulfill our dreams, and we'll be free We will be who we are, and they’ll heal our scars Sadness will be far away...
Strange Sight - Tinkerbell and the Legend of the Neverbeast 
You stand in the light You're wrong, but you're right And my heart's beating wildly Strange how I'm scared but delighted Afraid, but excited too
I will understand you Strange how I'm drawn to the danger I reach out my hand to you
If you're caught in the shadows and turned all around Lost in the darkness, you will be found If you hear my voice, follow the sound Cause I'm here to guide you home... 
I Don’t Dance - High School Musical 2 
🌈 ❤️ 💕 okay so if you weren’t here for the high school musical tumblr revival you may be confused but listen... it’s about being mlm... 
Step up to the plate, start swinging
I wanna play ball Now that’s all, this is what I do It ain’t no dance that you can show me
I’ve got what it takes playin’ my game So you best skin that pitch you gonna throw me, yeah I’ll show you how I swing
I can prove it to you ‘til you know it’s true Cause I can swing it, I can bring it to the diamond too You’re talking a lot, show me what you got Stop, swing!
Kiss the Girl - cover of The Little Mermaid 
this version is sung by a girl so 🧡💕
There you see her, sitting there across the way She don't got a lot to say but there's something about her And you don't know why, but you're dying to try You wanna kiss the girl
Yes, you want her Look at her, you know you do It's possible she want you too There is one way to ask her...
Can You Feel the Love Tonight - The Lion King 
An enchanted moment And it sees me through It's enough for this restless warrior Just to be with you
There's a time for everyone if they only learn That the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turn There's a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoors When the heart of this star-crossed voyager Beats in time with yours
And can you feel the love tonight? It is where we are It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer That we got this far And can you feel the love tonight? How it's laid to rest It's enough to make kings and vagabonds Believe the very best
Beauty and the Beast - Beauty and the Beast 
🏳️‍🌈- a lot of queer people tend to empathize with “beastly” characters so we all latched the fuck onto this movie huh
Just a little change, small to say the least Both a little scared, neither one prepared
Ever just the same, ever a surprise Ever as before, ever just as sure As the sun will rise
Tale as old as time, tune as old as song Bittersweet and strange, finding you can change Learning you were wrong...
Healing Incantation - Tangled 
Heal what has been hurt Change the fates' design Save what has been lost Bring back what once was mine
So Close - Enchanted 
A life goes by, romantic dreams will stop So I bid mine goodbye and never knew So close was waiting waiting here with you And now, forever, I know All that I wanted to hold you so close
Oh, how could I face the faceless days If I should lose you now?
So close to reaching that famous happy end Almost believing this one's not pretend Let’s go on dreaming though we know we are So close, so close, and still So far...
If Only - Descendants
A million thoughts in my head Should I let my heart keep listening? Cause up 'til now, I've walked the line Nothing lost but something missing I can't decide what's wrong, what's right Which way should I go?
Every step, every word With every hour I'm feeling in To something new, something brave To someone I've never been
Will you still be with me When the magic's all run out?
If only I knew what my heart was telling me Don't know what I'm feeling Is this just a dream? If only I could read the signs in front of me I could find the way to who I'm meant to be
Wherever You Are - Pooh’s Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin 
🏳️‍🌈- out of context could be interpreted as romantic, esp since the credits version is a duet (🌈 💕) but the original context is friendship so honestly it’s very 💜💚
I'm out here in the dark, all alone and wide awake Come and find me I'm empty and I'm cold, and my heart's about to break Come and find me
I need you to come here and find me Cause without you, I'm totally lost I've hung a wish on every star It hasn't done much good so far I can only dream of you
But when the morning comes and the sun begins to rise, I will lose you Because it’s just a dream, when I open up my eyes, I will lose you
I used to believe in forever, But forever is too good to be true I've hung a wish on every star It hasn't done much good so far
I don't know what else to do Except to try to dream of you And wonder, if you're dreaming too Wherever you are
I Won’t Say (I’m In Love) - Hercules
🏳️‍🌈 🌈 💕
If there's a prize for rotten judgment, I guess I've already won that
Who d'you think you're kiddin'? He's the earth and heaven to ya Try to keep it hidden Honey, we can see right through ya Girl, you can't conceal it We know how you feel And who you're thinking of
I thought my heart had learned its lesson It feels so good when you start out My head is screaming "Get a grip, girl!" Unless you're dying to cry your heart out
You keep on denying Who you are and how you're feeling Baby, we're not buying Hon, we saw you hit the ceiling
This scene won't play I won't say I'm in love
At least out loud, I won't say I'm in love
Endless Night - The Lion King Broadway Production 
🏳️‍🌈🤍 🖤 
Where has the starlight gone? Dark is the day How can I find my way home? Home is an empty dream, lost to the night Father, I feel so alone
When will the dawning break, oh, endless night Sleepless I dream of the day
I know that the night must end And that the sun will rise I know that the clouds must clear And that the sun will shine
Set Yourself Free - Tangled: The Series 
There's much more inside of you than anyone can see And now the choice is yours Life waits beyond the doors So step on through, the time has come And only you can set yourself free!
No one else can tell you what to do Or who to be! No one gets to say if you will stay or go
Look inside your heart and find the key... And set yourself free!
Bound up by your worries Trapped by your mistakes Forced to play a role you never chose Why not test your limits? You've got what it takes Let it out and follow where it goes
No more letting someone else define you to a "T" You know that you are strong You've known it all along So seize the day, let down your hair You’ll find a way to set yourself free!
So look to the horizon Open up your wings! Fly away to find your destiny... And set yourself free!
Speechless - Aladdin 2019 Remake 
Here comes a wave meant to wash me away A tide that is taking me under
Cause I'll breathe when they try to suffocate me! Don't you underestimate me! Cause I know that I won't go speechless!
Written in stone, every rule, every word Centuries old and unbending "Stay in your place, better seen and not heard," Well, now that story is ending
Try to lock me in this cage! I won't just lay me down and die! I will take these broken wings And watch me burn across the sky!
I’m Still Here (Jim’s Theme) - Treasure Planet
I am a question to the world Not an answer to be heard Or a moment that's held in your arms
You don't know me And I'll never be what you want me to be
And what do you think you'd understand I'm a boy - No, I'm a man You can't take me and throw me away And how can you learn what's never shown Yeah, you stand here on your own They don't know me, cause I’m not here 
And I want to tell you who I am Can you help me be a man They can't break me As long as I know who I am
They can't tell me who to be 'Cause I'm not what they see Yeah, the world is still sleepin' While I keep on dreaming for me And their words are just whispers and lies That I'll never believe!
Crossing the Line - cover of Tangled: the Series 
🏳️‍🌈 🧡 tfw when u are DONE with that fuckin closet 
This has to stop now This thing where you think that you've been my friend And don't even hear how you condescend The way you've always done
How I've tried to jump that great divide! But I've never got the chances you were given You don't know how much I've been denied Well, I'm not being patient anymore
I'm crossing the line! And I'm done holding back So look out, clear the track, it's my turn! I'm taking what's mine Every drop, every smidge If I'm burning a bridge, let it burn! But I'm crossing the line...
Let it Go - Frozen 
🏳️‍🌈 listen. i do not have to explain this one. you all know exactly why it’s here. we were all tiny gays in 2013 losing our shit in the theater for no discernable reason why. we know
Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried
Don't let them in, don't let them see Be the good girl you always have to be Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know Well, now they know!
Let it go! Let it go! Turn away and slam the door! I don't care what they're going to say!
It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all!
No right, no wrong, no rules for me I'm free!
I'm never going back, the past is in the past!
Let it go! Let it go! And I'll rise like the break of dawn Let it go! Let it go! That perfect girl is gone!
This is Me - Camp Rock 
🏳️‍🌈 🧡 💕 🤍
I've always been the kind of girl that hid my face So afraid to tell the world what I've got to say But I have this dream right inside of me I'm gonna let it show it's time To let you know It's to let you know
Do you know what it's like to feel so in the dark? To dream about a life where you're the shining star
This is real, this is me I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now Gonna let the light shine on me Now I've found who I am there's no way to hold it in No more hiding who I wanna be...
Breaking Free - High School Musical 
🏳️‍🌈 🖤
You know the world can see us In a way that's different than who we are Creating space between us 'Till we're separate hearts But your faith it gives me strength Strength to believe
Soarin, flyin There’s not a star in heaven that we can’t reach If we’re trying, yeah we’re breaking free  We’re running, climbin  To get to the place, to be all that we can be  Now’s the time, so we’re breaking free
True To Your Heart - Mulan 
🏳️‍🌈 🌈
Baby, I knew at once that you were meant for me Deep in my soul, I know that I'm your destiny Though you're unsure Why fight the tide Don't think so much Let your heart decide
True to your heart You must be true to your heart That's when the heavens'll part And, baby, shower you with my love Open your eyes Your heart can tell you no lies And when you're true to your heart I know it's gonna lead you straight to me
Someone ya know is on your side can set you free I can do that for you if you believe in me Why second guess what feels so right Just trust your heart And you'll see the light
Never Knew I Needed - The Princess and the Frog 
🏳️‍🌈 🌈 💕
For the way you changed my plans For being the perfect distraction For the way you took the idea that I have Of everything that I wanted to have And made me see there was something missing...
My accidental happily ever after The way you smile and how you comfort me with your laughter I must admit you were not a part of my book But now if you open it up and take a look You're the beginning and the end of every chapter
You're the best thing I never knew I needed So when you were here I had no idea You'd be the best thing I never knew I needed So now it's so clear I need you here always
Colors of the Wind - Pocahontas 
🏳️‍🌈 - colors.... rainbows.... yea
How can there be so much that you don't know? You don't know...
You think the only people who are people Are the people who look and think like you But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger You'll learn things you never knew, you never knew
How high will the sycamore grow If you cut it down, then you'll never know And you'll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon For whether we are white or copper skinned We need to sing with all the voices of the mountains We need to paint with all the colors of the wind...
I See the Light - Tangled 
🏳️‍🌈 🌈 - you would not BELIEVE how many of y’all requested this one
Now I'm here, blinking in the starlight Now I'm here, suddenly I see Standing here, it's all so clear I'm where I'm meant to be
Now she's here shining in the starlight Now she's here, suddenly I know If she's here it's crystal clear I'm where I'm meant to go
And at last I see the light And it's like the fog has lifted And at last I see the light And it's like the sky is new And it's warm and real and bright And the world has somehow shifted
All at once, everything looks different Now that I see you
Strangers Like Me - Tarzan 
🏳️‍🌈 🤍 🖤- that moment when u find another queer person and ur like “holy shit”
I can see there's so much to learn It's all so close and yet so far I see myself as people see me Oh, I just know there's something bigger out there
Come with me now to see my world Where there's beauty beyond your dreams Can you feel the things I feel Right now, with you Take my hand There's a world I need to know...
Why Should I Worry? - Oliver & Company 
🏳️‍🌈- we’re queer, we’re here, get used to it 
Why should I worry? Why should I care? I may not have a dime But I got street savoir-faire Why should I worry? Why should I care? It's just be-bopulation And I got street savoir-faire
Why should I worry? Why should I care? And even when I crossed that line I got street savoir-faire
Welcome - Brother Bear 
🏳️‍🌈 pride parade amirite
Everyone's invited This is how we live We are here for each other, happy to give All we have we share And all of us we care
There's a bond between us nobody can explain It's a celebration of life We see our friends again I'll be there for you I know you'll be there for me, too So come on!
This has to be the most beautiful The most peaceful place I've ever been to It's nothing like I've never seen before When I think how far I've come I can't believe it And yet I see it In them I see family I see the way we used to be...
The Great Divide - Tinkerbell and the Secret of the Wings
I'm on your side Let's take this ride And together we're facing the world Doing things nobody's done before And the great divide doesn’t seem so wide anymore
With You by My Side - Tangled: the Series 
💗 - tangled the series was so close to being canon polyam istg
Now; now more than ever We must stick together united
If we're destined to head in our own different ways Let's make the most of these sweet final days Why not go out in a glorious blaze
There's nothing I couldn't do Not with you by my side What in the world would I do Without you by my side...
Love Will Find a Way - The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride
🏳️‍🌈 🌈
In a perfect world One we've never known We would never need to face the world alone They can have the world We'll create our own I may not be brave or strong or smart But somewhere in my secret heart
And if only they could feel it too The happiness I feel with you
Like dark turning into day Somehow we'll come through Now that I've found you Love will find a way I know love will find a way
Space Between - Descendants 2
🧡 never have i ever seen gays flock to a song faster
And you can find me in the space between Where two worlds come to meet I'll never be out of reach Cause you're a part of me so you can find me in the space between You'll never be alone No matter where you go We can meet in the space between
Even if we're worlds apart You're still in my heart It will always be you and me, yeah
If I Never Knew You - Pocahontas
And if I never held you I would never have a clue How at last I'd find in you The missing part of me...
In this world so full of fear Full of rage and lies I can see the truth so clear In your eyes So dry your eyes
If I never knew you I'd be safe but half as real Never knowing I could feel A love so strong and true
I thought our love would be so beautiful  Somehow we'd make the whole world bright I never knew that fear and hate could be so strong All they'd leave us were these whispers in the night But still my heart is saying we were right
I’d Give Anything - Tangled: the Series 
🧡 rapunzel’s sad breakup song
So if you find that you're in darkness or despair Though you won't turn to me please know I'll be right there Name any sacrifice, I'll pay the price that's due Cause I'd give anything for you Yes, I'd give anything to relive everything we knew...
Someday - Hunchback of Notre Dame 
I used to believe In the days I was naïve That I'd live to see A day of justice dawn And though I will die Long before that morning comes I'll die while believing still It will come when I am gone
Someday, when we are wiser When the world's older, when we have learned I pray someday we may yet live To live and let live
Someday, these dreams will all be real Till then we'll wish upon the moon Change will come, one day Someday soon... 
No One Is Alone - Into the Woods 
Mother cannot guide you, now your on your own. Only me beside you, still you're not alone. No one is alone. Truly, no one is alone…
People make mistakes Holding to their own  Thinking they’re alone 
Someone is on your side, someone else is not  While we’re seeing our side, maybe we forgot  They are not alone, no one is alone...
I Am Moana (Song of the Ancestors) - Moana
🏳️‍🌈 🤍 - it’s about the self-acceptance binch
Sometimes, the world seems against you The journey may leave a scar But scars can heal and reveal just Where you are
The people you love will change you The things you have learned will guide you And nothing on Earth can silence The quiet voice still inside you
I've delivered us to where we are I have journeyed farther I am everything I've learned and more Still it calls me
And the call isn't out there at all, it's inside me! It's like the tide, always falling and rising I will carry you here in my heart, you remind me That come what may I know the way
Show Yourself - Frozen 2 
🏳️‍🌈 - this one was claimed immediately by the queer community and we all have a stake in it but i do want to point out that i got this from a LOT of 🤍 🖤 💜 💚
I have always been a fortress Cold secrets deep inside You have secrets too But you don't have to hide
I've never felt so certain All my life, I've been torn But I'm here for a reason Could it be the reason I was born? I have always been so different Normal rules did not apply Is this the day? Are you the way I finally find out why?
Oh, show yourself Let me see who you are... Come to me now Open your door Don't make me wait One moment more!
(Come, my darling, homeward bound) I am found!
Transformation / Beauty and the Beast (Reprise) - Beauty and the Beast Broadway Production 
We are home, we are where we shall be forever  Trust in me, for you know I won’t run away from today This is all that I need, and all that I need to say  Don’t you know how you’ve changed me? Strange how I finally see  I found home, you’re my home, stay with me... 
Finale / Let it Go - Frozen Broadway Production 
🏳️‍🌈 this makes me bawl so it gets finale
There’s so much I longed to say Then say it all, beginning with today It’s like a dream I thought could never be  Elsa, you’re free 
Here we stand in the light of day Let the sun shine on 
I take this warmth within and send it up above Goodbye to dark and fear, let’s fill this world with light and love And here surrounded by a family at least  We’re never going back, the past is in the past 
Let our true love go  Let it go!
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nothewraith · 3 years
ok here’s our cursed retelling of the purim story i wrote in 2016. i dont feel like going off mobile so theres no read more. suffer. i cannot vouch for accuracy or anything this is just copied from a text i sent to my friends in 2016 that no one responded to :/ chag sameach
So these are our characters:
King Ahasuerus: fuckboy. Fuck king? Super oblivious
Queen Vashti: poor woman who didn't deserve Ahas' shit
Mordechai: fearless leader of the Jews at the time.
Queen Esther: our disney princess/queen/hero. Girl power!?
Haman: BOOOOOO (in tellings of the story, the audience will make noise to drone out his name when it is said) our villain, the prime minister. The namesake of hamantaschens, which my dad named his dog when he was younger
So our story in Shushan, set after the fall of the Temple and Persia was the sovereign power over the Jews. Our fuck king Ahasuerus had been in power three years and was throwing a massive party. This is his where his fuckboi identity shows thru most. His wife, Queen Vashti, was chilling with her homegirls. A few days into the party, he commanded her to appear in front of all his party men to show off her beauty, and, as one may expect, she was like wtf no. Fuckboi was super pissed and had her executed.
Well, the king couldn't be wifeless for long. It was suggested that he host a beauty contest to choose a queen, and he took to this idea, because he's a shallow piece of shit. At the time, Mordechai was the leader of the Jews, and he had raised his cousin Esther as his own daughter. She was forcibly taken into the contest and was chosen by the king. As per her cousin/dad's instruction, she didn't tell anyone, not even the king, she was Jewish. Shortly after she became queen,
Mordechai overheard two of king's chamberlains plotting to assassinate Ahasuerus and had them hanged.
Haman (BOOOOO📣📣🔈) was appointed to be the Prime Minister. He is super Disney villain-y and definitely sings an evil plotting song. Actually, imagine him singing "Be Prepared" from the Lion King whenever he plots. Anyway, Ahas issued a decree to bow down whenever Hamen appeared. Mordechai refused to bow down, because Hamen would walk around with a large idol necklace. Hamen was like out of his mind mad and swore to take revenge against all Jews. He threw lots for the lucky day he would carry out his plan (BE PREPARED), which fell on the 13th of Adar.
Hamen offered the king money for permission to exterminate the Jews. Ahasuerus, the pushover, was like lol keep ur money do what u want #liveurlyfe. Hamen sent declarations that ordered the people to kill all theJews on the 13th.
Mordechai, being the super smart babe he is, became aware of the plot. He sent a message to Esther to approach her king and beg for him to spare her people. Esther responds anyone who approaches the king unsummoned could be put to death if the king decided not to extend his scepter. She had not been summoned in 30 days! Mordechai is like girl you can do this you're are only hope!!! Esther is like ......... but agreed to put her life in danger to try, but have the Jews fast and pray for three days.
After the three days, Esther enters Ahaseurus' quarters. He extends his scepter, but like tf u want??? She requests to have a small feast with him and Hamen.
At the feast, the king asks if she has anything to request. She asks for them to join her again tomorrow,and she will tell Ahas her request then.
On the way back from the feast, Scar...sorry I mean Hamen....passes Mordechai who still refuses to bow. Hamen is super pissed. His advisors tell him to erect gallows and get the king's permission to hang the thorn in his side. Hamen is like hell yea and prepares to ask the king tomorrow.
That night, the king asks his servants to read from the Royal Chronicles, which includes Mordechai saving him from the chamberlains. Ahaseurus is like yo man was this guy rewarded? To which they answered no.
The next morning, Hamen is approaching the king to ask permission to hang Mordechai. Before he can speak, Ahaseurus is like okay bro i need your advice- what would you do to honor a super bro?
Hamen is like ok yas he's talking about me, so he advises the king to bring him royal garments and horse, have a noble dress him, and lead him thru the streets. Ahaseurus is like yeayeayeahhh good idea. Btw wld u mind doing that all for my bro Mordechai?
So rn Hamen at that scene where the villain just humilitated himself (like all muddy or something trying to get the hero) and is realllllly pissy. He rushes on to go join Esther and the king for the second feast.
Finally, Esther presents her request to the king at this feast. She says, and i quote bc this is super eloquent and badass "If I have found favor in your eyes, O King, and if it pleases the king, let my life be granted me by my plea, and the life of my people by my request. For my people and I have been sold to be annihilated, killed and destroyed!" Esther then identifies Haman as the evil person who wished to perpetrate this. Ahaseurus is pissed out of high hell but thats not it. He is informed the Hamen built gallows for Mordechai, thats the last straw- he orders Hamen hung from the very gallows he erected. Mordechai is appointed in his place 😏😏😏😏
But thats not all!
Hamen's decree was still in place. Since a kings edict can not be rescinded, the cousins wrote up a counter which allowed the Jews to defend themselves against their enemies. Cue big celebration.
On the 13th, the Persian Jews killed THEIR would be killers. Like, surprise bitch:)))
Esther asked Ahaseurus to have one more day to celebrate, the fourteenth, which he granted. The Jews killed yet more enemies, including more of Hamen's sons. Then, they rested on the 15th.
Basically, now Jews reenact this glorious irony, wear costumes, and do other celebrate-y things on Purim.
hope you all enjoyed that disaster:) happy purim
( @sunsummoner bc u asked :/ )
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ickle-ronniekins · 3 years
      - u n d e r n e a t h    t h e    w i l l o w    t r e e -
      Age 10 The summer breeze picks up its speed; eagerly, she jumps to her feet and brushes the grass off of her shorts before running forward. She presses the bottoms of her sneakers into the trunk of the willow tree, not listening to the calls from her sister. “You’re silly!” her sister calls, sticking out her tongue. “You’re going to hurt yourself!”
Of course she doesn’t listen, because when has she ever let people dictate what she should and shouldn’t do? Never. She’s halfway up the tree and she can feel the roughness of the thick branches digging deeper and deeper into her skin, but she wants to keep going. She’s got to get to the top.
Perhaps she should have listened to her older sister though, because suddenly the wind whips her hair into her eyes and she loses her grip, tumbling through the leaves and branches and crashing dramatically on the thick bed of grass beneath her. She wants to scream, because the truth is that the pain of the fall is almost unbearable, and her sister is already screaming in horror at the sight and immediately runs inside for their parents.
And then someone appears next to her: the boy from across the street, the one who’s always fiddling with some type of baseball playing cards on the bus with his friends. The one with the turquoise eyes and the blonde hair. The one who likes to cook with his mom. The one who always waves to her when they’re both playing in their driveways. He peers down at her with concern. “Are you okay?”
She huffs in annoyance. “Does it look like I’m okay?”
In response, he giggles. “Glad to see that the fall hasn’t affected your ability to be funny!”
And alright, she can’t help it: she laughs. And he does too. The dimple on the right side of his face is quite noticeable, she realizes.
“How come you didn’t listen to your sister?” he asks, kneeling down next to her. “She was right, you know.”
“She may have been right, but I was gonna climb that tree whether she liked it or not,” the girl announces, folding her arms across her chest. Then she winces in pain, cradling her ankle that’s already beginning to swell. She’s forcing herself to not cry, not cry, not cry. She’s about to get up when the boy places a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t try and move. Trust me. Your sister went to go get your mom and dad. I’ll stay here with you until they come, is that okay?”
She nods slowly. Then he sits down next to her and leans back against the tree. To her surprise, the tears fall down her cheeks, but the boy doesn’t say anything. Instead he smiles at her and says, “I would’ve climbed that tree, too.”
And to think: this entire time, he’s been right across the street. Why haven’t they been friends this entire time?
      Age 15 “Don’t you see!” she squeals in horror, staring at something in the mirror he can’t quite see.
He’s standing behind her with an expression filled with confusion, his hands in his pockets. The bus will be soon and we haven’t had breakfast, he wants to say, but he knows if he rushes her, she’ll lash out. So instead, he impatiently says, “Um... no?” except, it kind of comes out as a question.
The girl throws her hands up in annoyance and violently rubs a brush along her jawline, careful to cover whatever it she sees that the boy cannot. “I’m going to look like such a fool! The first day of high school, and I can hardly even cover up the disaster that is my face. Why don’t they just lock me in a dungeon and be done with it! Clearly I’m ugly enough to be kept in one, far away from society!”
The boy, who’s now speedily following his friend down the steps of her house as she makes her way begrudgingly toward her refrigerator, which she opens and stares into without saying another word.
“You’re too pretty to be locked in a dungeon,” he says suddenly, catching her by surprise. They lock eyes and for a moment, things between them become still -- weirdly still. Then he clears his throat and scoots past her to grab the milk for his cereal. “Come on, it’ll be fine. You’ve got me, haven’t you?”
“You’re supposed to say that, you’re my best friend,” the girl replies, stealing the piece of toast from the toaster oven that is most definitely meant for her sister. Then she turns back to her friend and lowers her voice a bit. Her eyelashes flutter as she asks, “Do you really mean it? That I’m too pretty for a dungeon?”
The boy stops for a moment, his mouth full of Cheerios, and he wonders if she’s able to hear the steady, drumbeat pounding of his heart. He swallows and speedily stuffs another spoonful of cereal into his mouth. “Nah,” he replies jokingly, “Actually, you fit the description of ‘dungeon creature’ quite perfectly, actually.”
He supposes he deserves the giant shove from her that nearly knocks him off his stool, but the two of them laugh anyway. He stops for a moment to watch her as she turns the piece of toast over and over in her hands, as if she’s examining it for any minor flaw. He realizes now that she was probably peering into the mirror, looking for flaws of her own. He wants to tell her that she won’t find any, no matter how hard she tries to look. But maybe now isn’t the right time.
“It’ll be alright,” he says finally, grabbing her attention. She doesn’t want to start high school, and he knows it. Elementary school was so easy, wasn’t it? High school has heartbreak waiting to happen. And so he tries to be as reassuring as he can. “And if it isn’t, and the world does lock you away in a dungeon, I promise to join you down there.”
Now, the idea of being locked away in a dungeon sounds better than high school ever has.
      Age 18 She’s not sure when she started crying. Maybe it was when things had started to feel a bit off a few weeks ago, and she tried a bit too hard to get him to tell her what was wrong. Maybe it was when he started canceling dates, telling her he’d reschedule, but never did. Maybe it was when she found him with her, tucked away in a corner of a restaurant, when he’d told her that he had to work that night. But either way, she’d been crying forever over him, this stupid boy from school who lead her on and lied, and never, ever comforted her when she cried.
She finally opens her eyes for a moment to look at the world around her, hoping it won’t look as dismal and awful as she feels. But the purples of her walls are duller than usual, her bed unkempt and messy, and she can hear the rain and the wind outside whip furiously through the trees. It’s mimicking her, the weather. It’s a carbon copy of how she feels inside. And yet, through her blurry vision, the sight through her windowpane is as clear as day: the boy from across the street, jumping through puddles and pulling his hood tight over his head, and within seconds, he’s sitting himself down next to her on her bed, tentatively placing a gentle hand to her shoulder.
The two of them sit in silence; it’s been eight years since they first met, and they’ve become strangely comfortable being together in complete silence. He lets her cry. He lets her throw things at her already broken closet door. He lets her start to yell and relay the whole damn story through bouts of anger, before she starts crying again. And he lets her fall into his shoulder and cry some more, her tears staining the collar of his button down shirt.
The clouds have turned dark and the rain has subsided, and her parents are calling for the two of them that dinner is ready. He’s absolutely starving, but she doesn’t feel like eating, she says. And so he stays put on her bed, massaging gentle circles into her back and speaking in soothing tones so she won’t be able to hear the grumble of his stomach.
“He wasn’t the one, you know.” he tells her, and she finally peers up at him with tears in her eyes and a small grin painted onto her face.
She nods slowly, and her lip wobbles as she opens her mouth to speak. “I know,” she squeaks, and he can hear the future cries that have yet to escape her. “I just wanted him to love me. I just want to be loved.”
“You are,” he replies, “and you will be.”
She snorts a little, and he’s trying hard to contain his laughter. He’s always found her snorts wildly hilarious. And then an involuntary, hoarse cry escapes her once more. “When?”
She peers down at her shoes, and she doesn’t know what exactly what he’s thinking, but his eyes are speaking the words he wouldn’t dare too: not here, not now. It isn’t right. And so instead, he says,
“He’s on his way, and he’s getting here as fast as he can, alright? I promise.”
Except, he’s already here, isn’t he? At least, he hopes he is. The truth is that he realized it a long time ago, and he’s been holding it close to his heart, along with her and every single small thing about her. The way her hair falls over her shoulders, the way she scrunches her nose at the sight of fish, the nervousness in her eyes when change is on its way.
It’s up to her to realize it now.
“You’re always helping me,” she whispers, not quite certain of why he’s always there in her rearview mirror, with all the drama she brings.
He grins. “Yeah, and don’t you forget it.”
She snorts again and throws a pillow at his head, and he begins to see shades of his old friend again, his friend before the heartbreak.
One day. One day he’ll speak the words he’s just swallowed, and one day, she’ll realize it, too.
Age 26 It’s funny, the way things can unfold.
Through injuries after falling out of trees.
Through painful days of high school, when kids can be so cruel.
Through failed tests, awful jobs, and a whole bunch of firsts: a first school dance, a first kiss, a first driving lesson. A first heartbreak, a first chance encounter, a first realization.
There were boys who lied and played with her heart, and there were boys who cradled it as if it were the most precious jewel in the entire world.
It’s funny, how things should have been like this years ago.
But perhaps they needed to go through all of these things to find one another, right?
These things that were theirs: like endless ice cream sundaes after being hurt by groups of friends who were manipulative and catty, like Friday nights in with tons of movies to help ease the pain of a broken bone from a rough game of football, like countless mornings watching the sunrise, just because they could.
Like that time they tried to bake a cake from scratch and they nearly added salt instead of sugar. Or the time that they (he) backed his dad’s car into the mailbox and needed to quickly come up with a story as to what had happened. Or all those times he swallowed his feelings for her, just to be a good friend.
She wished he hadn’t done that, she told him one day, in the spot she figured it all out. Underneath the willow tree.
But he’s glad he waited, he told her. He needed her to realize it on her own, just like he did.
He’s cradled her heart in his his hands for years. Because it’s precious, even more so than a jewel. He never did quite understand why people had treated it with anything but the utmost love and care. But it doesn’t matter anymore. Not when he’s promising to cradle it for the rest of his life.
She thinks she’s yelled out ‘Yes’ before he’s even finished, but the truth is, she said yes a long time ago. She said yes when realization struck. She said yes to him years ago when she let him sit down next to her in the grass, waiting for her parents that time when she broke her ankle, underneath this same tree.
She’s swimming in his turquoise eyes, and he’s getting lost in her violet ones, just like he always has. And after moments of laughter and tears and tight embraces, she looks above her, into the branches of the trees, and teases him. “Race you to the top.”
Him, her fiance, her forever. He grins at her. “You may end up with a broken ankle.”
“Maybe,” she replies, gripping the lowest branch and digging her shoes into the trunk, and suddenly, she feels ten again. “but I think it’s worth it.” And they both think back to that day, the one when they first met.
And to think: it’s been him, the entire time, all these years. The boy from across the street.
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1-800-i-ship-it · 4 years
*All Might voice* I AM HERE! for dad!jinsung and son!bam fluff and content.
I am so paranoid tumblr is gonna delete this and lo and behold it won’t appear on my pc browser as a draft what’d ya know surprise surprise so here we go mobile copy paste it is listen tumblr I’m so done I can see the drafts increase from 42 to 43 but the gosh darned POST DOESNT APPEAR.
Hello anon!
Apologies for the super long wait for me answering this :’) In hindsight maybe I should have just answered it with a short answer but since I dragged it out this long, might as well write some headcanons amirite; i have some modern day setting + ToG stuff hope u don’t mind + varying ages of Bam
Modern Day:
Jinsung taking smol bam to a small ice cream stand and just chilling in the park walking around, smol Bam asks Jinsung a lot of questions and Jinsung just kinda doesn’t know what to tell Bam xD
Jinsung taking teen Bam back to school shopping and while doing so buys Bam matching clothes with him (that black dress shirt and khakis yes) and Bam likes to wear it to remind him of his dad when he can’t see him
Jinsung taking care of baby Bam who wakes him up in the middle of the night and leaves him with eyebags all the time but has the cutest baby smile ever that even Jinsung cannot resist it
But other than that Bam is a great baby who rarely misbehaves and is a favorite at FUG gatherings during the holidays which Jinsung is forced to go to sometimes
Jinsung trying to figure out what to say to Bam the first time smol Bam has a boo boo and needs comforting
Jinsung meeting Wangnan at the park once, a random teenager, who offers him lollipops instead of cigarettes and looks pointedly at smol Bam, to which Jinsung reluctantly accepts
The next time Wangnan spots Jinsung and his son at the park again he smiles seeing that Jinsung is chewing on a lollipop instead of smoking
Jinsung’s favorite lollipop flavor is lemon no I do not take criticism (I’m just kidding, I just think he might like it)
I’d imagine Jinsung is some high ranking officer at a big company but hates dealing with paperwork so his assistants always deal with that stuff, and technically isn’t the highest ranking officer but they go to him for problems they don’t know what to do about cause he’s extremely knowledgeable
Has a lot of influence therefore can do almost anything he wants so he has flexible hours in order to take care of smol Bam
When Bam comes home one day saying he has met Khun Jinsung frowns every so slightly for a split second before Bam can see but Jinsung lets it slide...for now because he can see how excited smol Bam is talking about his school day and meeting Khun who gave him a super cool shiny stone; Jinsung notices that it’s suspendium and in his head is like damn, they sure are close
Of course, Jinsung still tells his people to do an extensive background check on Khun AA to make sure he was clean and wasn’t just trying to sabotage his company like the 10 Great Famillies did before
Bam gets older, Khun and Bam are as close as ever and Jinsung realizes that Bam is gay before Bam realizes
Jinsung sits down to have the talk with Bam and dear god poor middle school Bam is just confused and is like, what are you talking about, I only like Khun, I think I love him? But it’s just Khun? Then Jinsung sighs deeply and realizes he’s dug himself a hole and just keeps talking to Bam about being demi and all that, Bam kind of understands but not really, Jinsung kinda gives up at the end but asks some questions about what Khun means to Bam who in turn rambles a bunch and Jinsung is like yup head-over-heels
Fast forward to high school; Khun is Bam’s prom date as “friends” Khun comes to pick Bam up and while Bam dashes upstairs, Jinsung gives Khun The Dad Talk about not hurting Bam and Khun is actualllly kind of intimidated for once, but once Jinsung sees the look in Khun’s eyes he’s like alright this boi also head-over-heels we should be good
Jinsung never cries but he cries at their wedding (just a few tears obviously, the full on crying comes after)
Tower of God universe:
I like to think that Jinsung reminds Bam that he’s there for him and they have silent acknowledgments or agreements with each other about that especially after a tough training day
Bam might not know but Jinsung breaks a lot of rules for him from FUG but he gets away with it bc he’s powerful and also so is Bam
Classic thing that’s like already canon but Jinsung buying clothes for Bam and always beng able to send them to him no matter where he is
Bam has an attachment to the first shirt that Jinsung gave Bam and even though its torn and ripped he keeps it (even tho Khun says not to)
When training with FUG, Jinsung pushes Bam to his limit but never too much, which was sparked by Hwaryun in the beginning telling Jinsung what Bam is really capable of (beginning of Bam growing on Jinsung)
Bam always coughs whenever Jinsung smokes near him so Jinsung makes sure he doesn’t smoke close to Bam
Jinsung sometimes opens up and tells Bam stories about his past to which Bam listens earnestly but also sometimes doesn’t say anything, the pressure FUG putting on him almost breaking him, and sometimes Jinsung will give him a pat on the shoulder, and on really bad days, a hug even though Jinsung feels awkward doing it he knows it helps Bam
Jinsung gives Bam headpats no I will not take criticism
Still does it even when Bam grows almost to his height (I did not check the wiki pls don’t attack me)
Jinsung ends up caring a lot for Bam, and Bam for Jinsung eventually even though he was quite angry and frustrated at first
Bam fills the void in Jinsung’s heart, quenches some of his never-ending thirst for revenge against the 10 great families and jahad and what they have done to him, and Jinsung is kind of like the real parent that Bam never really had with Rachel
Jinsung tells Bam to be happy, and Bam’s just, never really thought about that much; in his mind it was always Rachel as the endgame, but eventually he comes to realize what happiness really means to him, and he’s grateful for Jinsung’s support
Bam gives Jinsung hope, something he thought he would never have ever again, and Jinsung gives Bam the notion of happiness and healthy parenting (i acknowledge it might not have been healthy in the beginning), someone who he can rely on
They both help each other grow and I think that’s beautiful
Aight I might have gone overboard but to be fair I did already warn ya’ll in my blog description that my default is rambling xD anyways anon I hope this answers your ask! So sorry I took legit FOREVER to answer but I hope this lived up to your expectations.
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embeanwrites · 4 years
Finding Home Gavin Reed x Reader
Chapter 16
After Tina dropped me off at my apartment, I passed out on my couch, between the two of us we had finished off a whole bottle of champagne. When I woke up it was maybe eight a.m, my head hurt, that dry dull ache that comes from alcohol. I rubbed a hand over my face and made my way to the kitchen for a glass of water and a couple ibuprofen. I sat down on the edge of the counter, opening my phone to see if I'd gotten any new notifications while I was out. A couple spam emails and a picture of Sumo sleeping from Connor but nothing major. When I was looking at the text I remembered the promise I made to Gavin about bringing him lunch.
"Shit." I muttered under my breath. I opened my fridge and assessed the ingredients I had biting my fingernails while thinking. I didn't want anything too elaborate, something simple but delicious, nothing too out there since I didn't know what Gavin liked. I figured he wasn't much of a health nut, maybe banking some good will with Nines for this little lunch date would be a good idea and making something mildly healthy for the grumpy detective.
I settled on a simple orzo salad, with sautéed cherry tomatoes, onion, garlic, and grilled zucchini, toasted almonds, a splash of balsamic vinegar to finish and garnished with chopped parsley and feta cheese. I made simple pita sandwiches on the side, turkey, tomato, onions, lettuce and tzatziki sauce.
I packed it all up in an old lunch box and suddenly felt nervous. Was this too much for an office lunch? What if he didn’t like what I brought? Should I bring a dessert? What about drinks? What would we talk about? Oh god, I still needed to tell him about Elijah trying to kiss me.
I shook my head, like it would help move those thoughts out of my brain and moved to my room where I quickly got dressed, deciding to go with acid washed mom jeans that I cuffed and a flowery tank top. I played with the hem of my shirt, thinking about what I was about to do. Eating lunch with a man my dad dislikes where they both work seemed like a horrible idea. I stood frozen for a few minutes, until my phone went off.
u still coming
As long as that’s still okay with you.
I’ll be there in 10ish minutes!
I walked into the DPD and glanced over to where my dad’s desk was. He and Connor must have been out on a case. I felt guilty, but I was kind of glad they weren’t here. I still wasn’t sure how my dad felt about me seeing Gavin. I walked over to Gavin’s desk where he and Nines were looking at his computer.
“Hey guys, how are Detroit’s third and fourth best detectives doing?” I lifted myself up and sat on the edge of Gavin’s desk.
“You better be talking to someone else, pipsqueak.” Gavin glanced at me with a smirk.
“Oh, hush number four. Nines, how are you today?” Gavin faked a gasp and put a hand on his chest, as if he was deeply hurt.  
“We are getting close to locating a suspect who has been selling android parts on the black market. I apologize, but since you are technically a civilian, I cannot disclose any more information.” I laughed.
“Nines, I asked how you are, not how’s your case!” I said with a laugh. He gave me a short nod.
“Oh, I am fine. Annoyed that Detective Reed cannot seem to focus for more than a few minutes.”
“Whatever, Tin Can.” Gavin got up and put his arm around my shoulder. “We’re going to go eat, don’t bother us.” He steered me towards the break room.
“I made turkey sandwiches and an orzo salad, I hope that’s okay.” I started getting the food out.
“Wait, you made lunch?” He grabbed my hand and I was stunned.
“Uhh…yeah. Is that okay?” He looked uncomfortable. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I should’ve picked something up. I didn’t even ask if you liked any of this and- “
“No, fuck no, you’re fine.” I nodded and got the rest of the food out and sat across from him. Had I done something wrong already? He was just staring at the food.
“I can go pick something up if you want. It’s really not a big deal. I really should’ve asked be- “
“Louise, you’re fine. I’m just surprised. No one’s ever made me food for a date before.”
“Oh, so this is a date now?” I teased.
“Fuck yeah it’s a date.” He grabbed one of the sandwiches and took a huge bite. “This is really good.” He said through a mouthful of food. I laughed.
“Can you be any more gross?” I wrinkled my nose in disgust as I took a bite of the orzo.
“Yes.” He said while taking another bite and chewing with his mouth wide open.
“Gavin!” We both started laughing. I took a bite of the sandwich. “How’s your case going?” He shrugged.
“Like Nines said, we’re getting closer, but it’s still going to be a bit before we have enough evidence to bring anyone in.” I nodded.
“Do you think it’s androids or humans running the market?” I asked, he paused before answering.
“Nines thinks it’s a mix, I think it’s androids.” He took another bite. “What, you want to talk about android black-market deals in your class?”
“Oh god, no. I already have too much material to cover in 16 weeks.” I laughed. “Hey, were you being serious when you said you’d talk to my class?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Okay, I may take you up on that.” I paused and took another bite. Feeling guilty for not telling him the full truth about what happened at Elijah’s. “I have to tell you something about Saturday.”
“Okay.” He sounded nervous.
“So, when I was at Elijah’s house, he asked me if he could kiss me and I said no.”
“Is that it?”
“Yeah…are you okay?”
“Well, I thought you were gonna say coming to my place was a mistake. But knowing you turned down my half brother for me feels pretty good.” I laughed.
“Good, I wanted to tell you because I didn’t want to hide it and have it become a problem later in our relationship.” He smiled.
“Later in our relationship?” He asked, I felt my face grow hot. Did I misread the situation?
“I mean, I’d like to keep seeing you, but if you don’t want to go out with me that’s totally okay. I know that we- “
“I want to keep seeing you too, pipsqueak. Chill out. It’s fun to make you all flustered.” I smiled. Gavin finished his sandwich and I pushed my other half towards him. “You don’t want it?” I shook my head and he started eating the other half happily.
“Next time I’ll make you two sandwiches.” I laughed.
“Oh? Next time? You’re going to cook for me again?” He smirked and I rolled my eyes.
“Detective Reed. I’m sorry to interrupt, but Captain Fowler wants to talk to both of us immediately.” Nines looked at Gavin and Gavin groaned.
“I’ll text you later, pipsqueak.” He got up, but didn’t walk to Nines waiting by the door, instead he approached me and leaned in close, I felt my heart leap into my throat and my breath catch as he pressed a chaste kiss to my lips. “Thanks for lunch.” He winked. I felt all my blood reach my cheeks, my eyes had gone wide. I blinked and shook my head.
“Ah yeah, no problem.” I responded, not even having the mental capacity to return his quip. I scrambled to pack up the leftovers, and clean up our mess . the rest away. They both walked towards the captain’s office and I walked out of the break room and saw Connor sitting at his desk.
“Hey, Connor.” I walked over to him and sat on his desk. He turned to look at me.
“Louise, what are you doing here?” Connor asked.
“Gavin couldn’t leave for lunch, so I brought him food.” I patted the empty lunch box. “How’s your day going?”
“Lieutenant Anderson had to run Sumo to his yearly veterinarian appointment. I will be leaving shortly after I finish these case reports.”
“How much longer do you think you’ll be here?” He paused.
“An hour.”
“Would you like me to wait for you to finish and then we could go back to the house together?” He nodded. “I’m going to sit at his desk and chill on my phone. Let me know when you’re ready.” I got off Connor’s desk and sat in my dad’s chair. Leaning back, I took in the mess that was his desk. There were various stickers, dirty coffee mugs and crumbled papers. It was pretty gross, so I scrolled through my phone so I wouldn’t have to look at it.
Not even two minutes later, I heard yelling and a door slam. I looked towards the source of the noise and saw Gavin his face dark, storming through the office, pushing the doors open, and out of the precinct.
Nines didn't follow him, he must still be in the office. None of the other officers followed him either, as the double doors swung back closed with an echoing thud. I stood abruptly, my dad's rolly chair spinning back behind me. "I'm going to see what's wrong." I told Connor as I passed his desk, not stopping for him to respond.
My exit wasn't nearly as dramatic, but the precinct doors still closed louder than I would've liked.
It didn’t take me long to spot Gavin. He was pacing back and forth by the side of the building smoking a cigarette. I walked towards him slowly. I had never seen anyone this angry before.
“Gavin?” I said softly, approaching him as if he was a wild animal. I had no idea how he would react, some people didn’t like others touching them when they were angry. He didn’t look at me, he just kept pacing, he flicked the half-smoked cigarette onto the ground. “Gavin?” I tried again walking a bit closer. He punched the brick wall.
“FUCK!” He shouted. I closed the distances between us and grabbed his hand. His knuckles were already bleeding, and he was fuming. He tried to pull his hand back, but I kept my grip firm. “He thinks he knows FUCKING EVERYTHING! He hasn’t been in the field for YEARS! This is BULLSHIT!” I put my other hand on his shoulder, he was shaking. I sat down on the concrete, dragging him down next to me. He was breathing heavily.
“Gavin, look at me.” He didn’t move. I let go of his hand and put both my hands on his cheeks and gently moved his head, so he was looking at me. “Copy my breathing.” I started taking deep breaths in and out. His eyes kept darting back and forth. “In and out, Gav.” I tried a little more forcefully, which got him to pay attention. After a few minutes of breathing deeply his breathing became more even and less erratic. “What happened?” I asked softly. He shook his head and looked down. I gently moved his face back up. “Gav, talk to me.”
“You’ll get upset.” If I hadn’t been staring at him, I would’ve missed him saying anything at all.
“I won’t. I promise. Please, trust me.”
“Gav, we talked about this. I can’t help you if I don’t know what’s going on.” I kept my hands on his cheeks. He took a shaky breath.
“Fowler is kicking me off the black-market case because I’ve been too ‘reckless’ lately apparently. The only way he would've known that is if Nines told him. He suspended me for three days and Chris is taking over the case.” His voice was hoarse.
“Oh, Gav. I’m so sorry.” I rubbed my thumb across his cheek.
“I’m trying to become Lieutenant, and this is just another reason for Fowler to not give it to me. God this just another fucking reason why you shouldn’t be with me. I’m a fucking mess. I can’t do anything right.” I cut him off by kissing him softly. It took him a moment to react, but once he snapped out of his confusion, he kissed me back roughly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he grabbed my waist, pulling me into his lap. I yelped into his mouth and he used the opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. I pulled him tighter against me, one hand roaming to fist in his scruffy hair, the other still wrapped around his neck. He channeled all that fury into this kiss, with bruising force he belligerently pushed his tongue against mine and all over my mouth. He tasted like tobacco, sweet and earthy and heady, and it made me feel lightheaded. Our noses bumped and I broke the kiss and smiled at him, laughing under my breath. “That was a good distraction.” He whispered. I smiled and kissed him again, a soft chaste press of our lips that lingered for a moment, before I pulled apart again.  
“Come hang out with me in my office?” I asked, looking up at him through my lashes “I have to submit a rough draft of my preliminary plan for my research by tomorrow at midnight, but there's enough time for a break or two.” I winked as I clambered out of his lap, holding a hand out to help him up. He smirked and nodded
“Sounds like a plan pipsqueak.”
I grabbed my phone and quickly sent Connor a text.
I’m going to get Gavin away from the precinct and calm him down. I’ll see you later tonight?
That should work.
“You only want me to come so I’ll drive you.” He joked and I grabbed his injured hand and interlocked our fingers.
“Yup, only reason.” I laughed.
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stevesharrlngtons · 5 years
28 with Steve? :) 💛💛
you’re still mad.
(thank you to the amazing @harringtonhq for helping me when i was stuck! (: )
you love him. you love him. you love him.
you chant to try and cool your boiling nerves. you love steve harrington, you really do, but sometimes he could be so stupid, you wanted to scream (and often did).
so much about him was endearing, there was so much about him to love. he had a kind heart, a great capacity for love, always wanted the best for others, was eager to learn, had a wonderful sense of humor, the list when on. but, everyone has their flaws, and steve was definitely was not exempt.
he was stubborn, vain at times. he gave horrible advice and could often be too proud for his own good.
somehow along the way of dating steve, you had been roped in to hanging out with a group of thirteen year olds. at first, you would just sit quietly next to steve as he talked to them, praying for it to be over soon. you weren’t necessarily jumping up and down to hang out with children in your limited free time. though as time went on, and you got to know each kid better, you started to like the time spent with them. you now enjoyed all the kids that your boyfriend was friends with, which can still be an uncomfortable sentence to say. you generally got along with all of them, but with max and el, you were bonded to them in a much deeper way. they were floundering for any positive female energy by the time you showed up, and you happily took them under your wing.
so, when steve was off with the boys, you migrated towards the girls. you enjoyed them deeply as friends, but you also enjoyed feeling looked up too. you relished in your new role as the cool older girl in their eyes. you loved that they trusted you, that they would come to you with questions and concerns about the world, and would take your advice seriously.
you had developed a strong protective instinct with the girls over the past year, and that was why you had sped over to max’s house as soon as you received a hysterical call from el. when you arrived you fled your car and went to knock loudly on the hargrove’s door. to your dismay, billy answered it with a smarmy grin.
“finally ready to give in to what we both want, (y/l/n)?” he leaned his bare shoulder against the doorframe.
“ugh, in your dreams, hargrove.” you gagged, and pushed past him into the house.
“every night princess! lemme know when you’re gonna allow me to make all yours come true!” he called after you.
you rolled your eyes, and thankfully got to max’s bedroom before he could say anything else.
“your brother is so gross.” you scowled as you entered.
“i know.” and your head snapped up to where max and el were sitting on her duvet.
max’s face was flushed pink, her eyes were glossy and her cheeks painted with tears. el had a comforting arm around her.
you went into immediate lioness mode, “what happened? who hurt you?”
you rushed forward and pried max from el and into your arms.
“lucas.” el stated simply.
“my god, what did he do? i’ll kill him!” you pythoned the redhead closer.
“he was being so rude. so rude and just ignoring everything i said. and, and he was just so…”
“rude.” el chimed in.
“yes! god!” max wailed into your t-shirt.
“what exactly happened, honey?” you murmured, stroking her hair calmly.
“I was just trying to talk to him, to have a conversation! but nothing, and i really needed to talk to him about all this stuff with neil and my mom and i got nothing. when i pointed out that he was being an ass he told me to stop being so crazy.”
“he what?” you gasped, still trying to console her.
“yeah, so then i told him that he was a dick and that we were over.”
“again.” el said, mostly in observation. she wasn’t wrong, lucas and max broke up all the time.
“i just can’t believe him!” max sobbed.
“it’s like he just didn’t care.”
and then it clicked.
didn’t care.
“son of a bitch!” your tone had changed so drastically from sweet and reassuring to anger and frustration, it caused both girls to jump.
“what, what is it?” max pulled away to look up at you.
“do you know where he is now?”
“at the mall. he, dustin and mike are gonna sneak into stupid top gun again.” max wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand.
“perfect, let’s go. get your shit.” you released max and started towards the door.
“what are you gonna do?” el asked, scrambling off the bed with max as they searched for their shoes and jackets.
“i’m gonna rip my boyfriend a new one for giving that dumbass advice to her boyfriend.”
“wait steve told him to do that?” max questioned as she followed you.
you lead the girls to your car, and whipped out the hargrove driveway and toward the mall, grinding your teeth. chanting away in your head to remind yourself to not follow max’s lead when you saw steve.
meanwhile, el and max were beside themselves with excitement. they loved you for so many reasons. you were smart, intelligent, compassionate and always ready and willing to stand up for yourself and others. you were a badass. a badass who lent them your copy of the feminine mystique and preached the gospel of angela davis. they just thought you were cool.
when you all arrived at starcount, you were a woman on a mission. you knew that you were probably overreacting, but if you let your boyfriend continue to think for one more minute that ignoring women and what they have to say will someone get them to desire you more, you’d be failing yourself.
so, you with your two little ducklings in tow marched toward scoops ahoy, where luckily, dustin and lucas already were waiting. no doubt your boyfriend was nearby.
“hey, tweedle dee and tweedle dumbass, where’s the ring leader?” you jeered when you entered scoops.
“oh, so you’re still mad…” lucas spoke first, glancing back to max whose face soured.
he knew that if you were showing up this mad looking for steve, there was no doubt max tattled to you.
before you could respond, the man himself stepped out from the backroom.
“hey baby, wasn’t expecting you.” steve smiled affectionately at you, not processing your anger.
“you!” you moved and pointed an accusatory finger toward him.
“yes, you! god, dammit steve! what exactly did you tell lucas?”
you watched steve go through a facial journey. of being confused by your anger, to looking at max looming behind you, to lucas, back to max then back to you, and finally understanding.
“nothing. i said nothing.” he shook his head.
“nothing? huh, really? so, you didn’t give any advice that might simmer down to being a dickbag to a girl to make her like you more?” you hissed.
“he actually said-”
“lucas! shut up!”
“too late, he just sold you out, harrington. now, what did you say?”
steve looked to both boys for support, but they averted their gazes.
“i didn’t say anything! why would i say anything like that? he clearly thought of that himself.”
“excuse me?” lucas chimed in.
“wanna play dirty? fine, let’s do this,” lucas turned to you, “steve told me and i quote, “you gotta act like you could take it or leave it. that if you didn’t talk to her today it wouldn’t matter.” end quote.”
your eyes widened and you turned back to your boyfriend for now, “are you crazy! who gives advice like that? to a child no less?”
“hey, i’m fourteen!”
“eh, eh, eh, i don’t care.” you said impatiently back at lucas.
“i just… look, ok, it works! how do you think i got you? who is the best thing that’s ever happened to me, by the way. have i mentioned that lately?” steve batted his eyes at you.
“how you got me? seriously? i only started liking you after you cut out all that pompous dick behavior! but y’know that? maybe i acted to soon, maybe i was wrong.” you crossed your arms over your chest.
“(y/n/n), come on, ok, listen! it’s just standard advice, my dad gave it to me and i’m sure his did to him. i’m only passing on the legacy.” steve tried to explain.
“the first problem for all of us, men and women, is not to learn, but to unlearn, gloria steinem.” max chimed in, causing everyone to look back to her.
“see! that!” you gestured to her.  
“do not baby me, steve harrington.”
“you don’t actually believe that works, do you?”
steve made an unsure sound, and racked a hand through his hair.
“i cannot believe you! if you ever give that advice to anyone again, impressionable child or not- i swear on my life i will lose my mind.” you clenched your fists.
“this isn’t you losing your mind?” lucas asked.
“not the time, not the time. abort, abort.” dustin said under his breath to his friend.
lucas immediately clammed up and looked away from you.
“forget about coming over tonight, harrington.” you sneeded, and turned on your heel to leave.
max and el looked between each other with huge grins, then followed after you, rife with giggles and praise.
“oh man, you’re so fucked.” dustin chuckled with a shake of his head.
“nah, nah. this is fine, this is cool. it’s all good. it’ll be fine.” steve muttered, placing his hands on his hips as he watched your figure become smaller in the distance.
“go after her.” dustin advised.
“what? no, we’re…”
“go after her.” he reiterated, and steve was already fleeing his post behind the counter to run after you.
“baby, i’m sorry! i’m an idiot, what’s new? i love you!” both boys watched steve catch up with you and start to apologize. he placed on hand on your cheek, and seemed to pouring on the amends thick.
“he was kinda right?” lucas mused.
“excuse me?” dustin asked aghast.
“i mean she just left like she could care less and steve was tripping over himself to follow her.” he shrugged.
“if you let (y/n) hear you say that, i won’t stop her from kicking your ass.” dustin snorted.
“she couldn’t-” dustin gave lucas a pointed looked, “ok fine, yeah she could.”  
feedback is greatly appreciated pls & thnk u!
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