#tried to use a bunch of em just in case
diamond-vic · 1 year
Timeskip queerplatonic huntlow who don’t kiss each other on the mouths is literally canon and that’s why they didn’t kiss, everyone else just can’t see that and is in active denial
But seriously, i mean compare them to the way that Luz and Amity act, where their relationship is very clearly meant to be a ‘typical’ relationship (I use the quotes very heavily to mean a romantic relationship where those involved start as wrecks around each other, then go on to date and kiss and stuff).
With Hunter and Willow, before the timeskip neither of them ever fall apart around each other like Lumity did, yknow?? Sure Hunter gets flustered but he’s Hunter I think that’s just what he does. Their ‘confession’ is literally ‘I care about you alot’ and not ‘I love you’ and they don’t kiss they gently press their hands together and hold each other’s fingers gently!! The fact that even in timeskip they just. Are physically close to each other and that’s all. No kissing, they’re just comfy with each other. And that FEELS so different to me from the way the other romances in the show are presented (where even Eda and Raine have those moments where they’re flustered and fall apart around each other a bit). I WILL take that and say it’s queerplatonic but maybe I am too aroace and delusional and insane to form rational opinions
Anyway QPR huntlow for the win. If you ship huntlow romantically I will laugh at your pain for not getting your confession and kiss scene (I joke, I like the way it’s so open ended. It doesn’t matter so much what the relationship is except that they’re safe and happy in it, and I personally like to see them as a QPR, to me it feels more cozy and heartfelt)
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delulujuls · 4 months
it's just us | mv33
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hi! i can't get enough of my dutch duo, so here comes the third part of the mad dutchman and the fearless dutchess and if you didn't read the second part of it but you wanna catch up, here it is!
you can read each of this solo and you can read it all like series. it work well both ways!
so yeah, as usual, bon apetit and enjooooy x
summary: y/n is upset by some media nonsense she read online but max is here to remind her that at the end of the day its just them and the rest doesn't really matter
warnings: i tried with a smut but im not sure how it went, sexual content, +18, eating p, praising, comfort sex?
pairing: fem!redbulldriver x max verstappen
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The kiss didn't change anything between Y/N and Max.
In the other hand, it changed everything, but it absolutely did not affect their relationship. There were no nervous questions, no timid behavior, no checking whether a quick kiss at the strategists' table was okay, or whether it was necessary to count down the seconds of the hug they exchanged with each other after the race so that it wouldn't last too long.
To be honest, their entry into a relationship was a kind of relief for the entire team. Christian Horner himself, the team father of the two flying Dutch, seeing them kissing after winning the podium, just shook his head and with a slight smile admitted "Finally, fucking hell".
Of course, the media did not leave a single dry spot on Red Bull drivers. The couple, of course, did not flaunt their feelings left and right, because it was absolutely not their style, but it was difficult to take a seat in the car without a quick kiss and wishing each other good luck. And we know how hungry reporter hyenas are.
"This is absurd"
The girl shook her head and threw the phone into the pillows. It was already late in the evening and the couple was getting ready for bed, as they had a long media day ahead of them tomorrow.
"I told you not to read this nonsense."
Max replied, emerging from the bathroom in shorts and drying his wet hair with a towel.
Y/N didn't answer. She kept her eyes glued to the sheets and felt her stomach begin to ache from nerves. Max knew perfectly well that the lack of an answer meant only one thing. The overthinking machine already started.
He put the towel aside and sat next to her on the bed, wrapping his arm around her and kissing her temple.
"Look at you, a fearless Dutchess worrying about some stupid texts. That's not in your style at all"
He spoke jokingly, trying to cheer her up a bit. However, she was really touched.
"It's just making me sick when someone is saying made up bullshit"
She replied bitterly, feeling tears forming under her eyelids. She could deny with her arms and legs that these were tears of anger, but in the reality she was simply hurted. And Max knew this perfectly well.
"You know very well that this bunch of idiots will write anything for views. At the end of the day, only you and I know the truth. It's just us, remember?"
He said calmly and stroked her shoulder. Y/N sniffed. Max was absolutely right. It's just them and that was all that mattered. Even though she received numerous criticisms in the media over the years, newspapers and Internet portals often trashed her, all this did not make any impression on her. Unfortunately, it was different in this case, because it was no longer just about her. It was about them, about her and Max.
She raised her head and met a pair of blue, gentle eyes. The ocean was calm, july was dominating the cloudless sky. She herself slowly began to feel calm, accepting that it was just meaningless nonsense.
"I love you, but you already know that, right?"
She asked, smiling slightly.
He nodded and returned her smile, kissing her forehead.
"The only thing that matters is that we have each other and we love each other. And as a certain genius said, fuck 'em all."
"Fuck 'em all"
The girl repeated and smiled wider, causing the last tears of sadness and anger to leave the corners of her eyes. Max wiped her cheeks and lifted her chin, kissing her.
Y/N kissed him back, touching his rough cheek. He easily pulled her onto his lap and she sat on his soft thighs, laughing quietly. She knew exactly where this was going.
"We have a lot of work tomorrow, Max."
"We will boycott media day tomorrow. 'Red Bull drivers protest against idiotic headlines' sounds better, doesn't it?" he asked, being so serious that the girl burst out laughing, "Or better yet, 'Red Bull shock!' Couple had sex until dawn to boycott the media', yes!"
"With the link 'see photos', definitely," she added, laughing.
Max took her face in his hands.
"I much prefer it when you smile, you know?"
Y/N nodded and leaned in, kissing him again. He wrapped his arms around her waist and she tangled her fingers in his still damp hair. Their kisses were slow and tender, filled to the brim with love. Years of arguments, making up and standing up for yourself only to argue and slam doors again led to a place where there was an incredible amount of love to give and receive from both sides.
Max slipped his hands under her shirt, squeezing lightly her soft flesh. The girl sighed quietly into his mouth and he smiled at her reaction. If he thought that after so many years, he would fall in love overnight with the girl he always had by his side, he would laugh at himself.
He took off her shirt, so there was no longer any blockage between their heated bodies. Skin pressed against skin, lips pressed against lips. These moments were incredibly soothing for both of them. One might think that after so much time spent together, both in good and bad relationships, one cannot count on any elation. What wrong thinking this is.
Max grunted softly as he grabbed and pressed her closer to him. His soft purr, which lightly touched the girl's ear, gave her goosebumps. He moved from his mouth to her neck, leaving wet, slightly pink traces on her skin. Y/N involuntarily closed her eyes, feeling both the softness of his lips and his rough, scratchy stubble.
"I love the way you smell"
He said quietly, almost in a whisper. She smiled to herself and gently grabbed his hair, tilting his head back, making him break away from her neck and they were able to look into each other's eyes again.
"I taste even better though"
She lunged seductively and crashed into his mouth again. Max easily grabbed her thighs and lifted her, throwing her onto the bed.
"You always have to do this, right?"
He asked, his breathing a little quicker. His aura instantly darkened, and his eyes seemed bottomless. Y/N frowned a bit, not knowing what he meant. But seeing him like this, she only wanted one thing. Him.
"You always have to throw something away, set me straight. Always."
She raised herself on her elbows, looking at him with a slight smile and thus posing a challenge to him.
"You could try to humble me"
As soon as she finished speaking, he pressed her body against the mattress and kissed her deeply. The girl wrapped her legs around his hips and wrapped her arms around his neck. She wanted to be closer, as close as possible.
Their kisses were still full of love, but now the tenderness gave way to passion. When Max moved to the girl's neck, she felt her lips burning and swollen. It didn't help when she bit down on them, feeling Max suck on her nipple. Blue eyes carefully followed the girl's rosy face, wanting to make sure she was giving her nothing more than pleasure.
When his teeth hit the soft skin, a long groan filled the bedroom. Max smiled, licking her breast while massaging the other one with his hand. He much preferred to hear her moans rather than Dutch insults. After a few moments, he moved lower again, kissing his way across her stomach. He tightened his large hands on her sides and buried his face in her stomach. She smiled at his gesture, running her fingers through his hair.
"You're soft, so soft. Fuck, so soft."
Max murmured, his face still pressed against her stomach. Y/N couldn't help but laugh quietly. This whole situation, the very fact that they were now apparently a couple, was unthinkable to her. And the fact that they were both adults and now they were acting like a couple of teenagers.
"Simply, simply lovely"
He shook his head and placed a few more kisses on her skin until he reached the waistband of her panties. He looked up at her face again, wanting to make sure she had her consent, but she, still smiling slightly, just nodded in answer.
Max undressed her completely in one move and spread her legs, hugging her thighs. As soon as his tongue passed over her clit, she closed her eyes and licked her lips. This wasn't the first time they had had sex, but Y/N had already become familiar with certain behaviors Max displayed in bed, and one of them was the desire to please his partner. Max loved to take, but God, he loved to give even more.
As his tongue moved over her clit in smooth, circular motions, his eyes studied her body carefully. Her hard, pink nipples, uneven moving chest, her dry, parted lips, rosy face, her tightly shut eyelids. Max smiled slightly, proud of himself of turning her into such mess. Y/N involuntarily opened her eyes and looked down her body, causing their eyes to meet.
"Do you like it, schat?"
He asked, pausing his movements. He blew lightly on her pink, swollen clit, making her shiver.
"Mhm, please -just, just don't stop"
"As you wish, love"
He replied, going back to work. Her hand involuntarily tightened on his hair and it didn't take much for her back to arch and an orgasm to fill her body. A loud, long moan broke the density that had reigned in the hotel bedroom. Her head felt heavy and dizzy, and it was hard for her to breathe. Max pulled himself up and kissed her, moistening her dry lips with her own juices, which made him all wet. Y/N smiled and hugged his neck, giving him wet, sloppy kisses. He was resting one hand next to her head, and with the other he was trying to free himself from his suddenly too tight and slightly soaked shorts. When he succeeded, he slowly inserted himself into her hot, tight and incredibly wet interior. She broke the kiss, parting her lips at the sudden sensation, digging her nails into his bare, muscular back.
"Fuck, Max, oh my god-"
"Yeah, i know baby" he muttered, stopping his movements "I'll be gentle, take your time"
Max kissed her, wanting to help her relax. She returned each of his kisses, which were now delicate and tender. Max was incredibly gentle and had countless layers of love inside him. His tender touch, sweet nothings whispered straight into the ear, the certainty that his partner is happy and feels incredible pleasure. Max seemed to her as an incredibly selfish asshole at times, but in this case it had absolutely no effect. The only thing he cared about at that moment was pleasing her and distracting her from negative thoughts. After some time, he began to move slowly inside her, feeling that she is not so tense anymore and soon any discomfort disappeared and was replaced by incredible pleasure. Y/N wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled him closer, kissing him deeply.
"I'm all yours now" she said, smiling slightly into his mouth.
"You are and always been mine"
He replied and kissed her back. His movements went from slow and calm to faster and more decisive, increasing in intensity with each passing minute. Single moans that had been thrown into the thick air filling the bedroom some time ago now cut through them like bullets. Max felt the sweat that had formed on his back sting the scratches left by the girl's nails. He sat back on his heels and wrapped his arms around her thighs, now fucking her to the point where they skin were clapping on each other. His fingers dug into the soft skin of her thighs, his still damp hair falling into his eyes. His lips were bitten and every now and then a low moan escaped his throat. His arm and abdominal muscles flexed and relaxed steadily, and numerous love marks adorned his fair skin.
"You look so good, and feel -fuck, feel so good, too"
Y/N moaned, clenching her hands on the sheets, feeling how he perfectly hit her inner, sensitive spot with each movement.
"And you are doing so good by taking me so well, baby"
The truth was that she was a total mess underneath him. She wasn't even fully aware of her words or of her actions, all of this was feeling so good, he was feeling so good.
It didn't take much for either of them to reach their orgasm, which came over them almost simultaneously. A moment later they were lying next to each other, Y/N resting her cheek on his chest and her hand lying limply on his stomach. He was hugging her, tracing lines on her arm.
"I hope you won't worry anymore about any stupid things said by other people"
Max said and kissed her temple. She smiled and raised her head, kissing him on the cheek.
"At the end of the day it's just us, right?"
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shigarakisbabyy · 1 year
The MHA Boys x A Constantly Cold Reader
I’m always cold, so this is a bit self indulgent lol. Gender neutral reader!!
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Izuku Midoriya
If his hand ever brushes up against yours and it’s freezing, he’ll grab your hands to heat them up and will hold you close
Does a bunch of research on why you might always be cold and ways to help keep you warm
Loves to walk into your room and see you laying under 15 blankets, he thinks it’s so cute and you look so cuddly
Will gladly hug you or cuddle you to help warm you up
Always remembers to make sure you take a jacket whenever you guys go anywhere, even if it is the middle of summer. He’s always prepared
If you’re also in the hero course, he’ll come up with ways to incorporate a heating device into your hero costume so you don’t freeze while on the job
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Eijiro Kirishima
Bear hugs ALL THE TIME
You cannot get this man off of you
“It wouldn’t be manly for me to leave you to suffer and be cold!! Baby lemme warm you up!!”
You’ll cuddle him by shoving yourself inside his hoodie and laying on top of him
Always has an arm around you in public 
Buys you a bunch of hoodies that are oversized and super cuddly to help keep you warm (and he thinks that it’s adorable)
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Katsuki Bakugo
Acts like you being cold is an inconvenience but really it gives him an excuse to cuddle you and hold you without admitting he actually wants to hold you
Always keeps a jacket for you on him at all times
Whenever you shiver he’ll set little explosions off on you to help warm you up
Whenever your hands are cold he’ll grab em and warm em up for you
He’s probably always very hot, so you both even each other out to create a nice neutral temp when you cuddle
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Shoto Todoroki
Always keeps you on his left side. If you try and move over to his right he will simply not let you
You’ll cuddle up to his left side and feel so toasty and warm, it helps him start to appreciate his fire quirk too :)
Will gladly give you his jacket if it means you won’t be cold
Offers to buy you the best insulated jackets and heaters and anything to help keep you warm
He sometimes uses you to cool off
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Denki Kaminari
He buys you an electric blanket that generates heat and powers it up himself
He’s already a pretty touchy guy, but whenever he finds out how could you always are he has an excuse to be hanging off you way more often.
Likes to hold ur cold hands when his brain is fried cause it helps him ground himself
he calls u his il’ icebox
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Hanta Sero
This man loves it so much cause it gives him an excuse to constantly be cuddling you
“My love…. Ur so cold… let me warm you up please?”
Only lightly teases you
He will scream if you touch him with ur cold feet in bed
He loves cuddle dates with you <3
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Fumikage Tokoyami
Dark shadow always cuddles up to you to try and keep you warm, even when Tokoyami tells them otherwise
He will give you his hoodies allllll the time
Writes poetry abt it probably
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Hitoshi Shinso
“Dang, you’re so cold. Mind if I warm you up?”
Always holding your hand
He hates when you touch him with cold feet or hands but he never tells you to stop cause you think it’s hilarious
blanket fort for sleeping. He will cuddle you and not let you go even when ur not tired.
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Tenya Iida
Tries to lecture you on ways to stay warm
Probably tries to get you tested for anemia or take iron supplements
He never lets you leave the house without a jacket, even in the summer time
Just in case
He has space heaters all over the house or dorm in case you need them
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roxanna-moxie · 5 months
Follower's Gift: Wig Hell!
Hello, hello! I just reached 200 followers the other day... AND it's Christmas so I've got a bunch in store. I'm talking, 10 poly reductions of some more of my favorite hairs (recolors at the database, as usual) and 6 new conversions!
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First 4 hairs are LeahLillith Odette, Kala and Berry, and Nightcrawler Alluring.
Download: Odette (11k) | Kala (13k) | Berry (10.6k) | Alluring (15k)
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And the second batch of poly reductions are Nightcrawler Trouble, Night Star, Let Loose, Senidah, Electric and Coco!
Download: Trouble (14.8k) | Night Star (8k) | Let Loose (11.4k) | Senidah (10k) | Electric (10k) | Coco (6.6k)
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And now onto the main course... fighting the perpetual male hair shortage, anime edition! Plus 2 female hairs. All are in Poppet V2. The first hair is by Ginko, the rest by obsims. The 2 female hairs both only come with one unnatural (pictured above). Roulette and Sunflower had a lot of transparencies but I tried my best to fix them up!
I also included PNGs for the headband recolors for Pink Wind for retexturers, in case retexturers want to use different colors for it. The headband is alpha editable as well, if that's what you prefer!
Download: Ginko G06F (9.4k, CF-EF) | Pink Wind (13.7k, PF-EF) | Crazy Diamond (15.7k, TM-EM) | Surface (12k, CM-EM) | Roulette (17.5k, PM-EM) | Sunflower (17k, PM-EM)
Have a happy holidays, yall.
Credits: LeahLillith, Nightcrawler, Ginko, ObsidianSims, Poppet, Microscotch, Amidalasims, Eir, Martini, PolygonBeach
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wlntrsldler · 2 months
whoever said about pm luke with him taking pics or vids HAS ME THINKING LIKE OH EM GEE imagine him getting a little burner phone just for that reason and five stars like “really 🤨” she’d be like “this dude is unbelievable” LMAO i make myself giggle, if you can a little blurb would be so funny and cute
suggestive content ahead!
"babe," luke called as he entered the hotel room the two of you were sharing in arizona. you joined them on their second tour once the school year finished. unfortunately, you were going back to north carolina in a few weeks for practice, but you were thankful that you got a few months with luke and the boys.
you paused the tiktok video you were watching and turned to look at your boyfriend. you placed your phone on the nightstand, furrowing your eyebrows when you saw the shit-eating grin on luke's face, "oh, what now, luke? whenever you look at me like this, i know something's coming."
"well, me. i'm coming."
you let out a snort, laughing into the crook of your elbow as luke crawled over to you on the bed. he chuckled at your reaction, a sense of pride blooming in his chest at how you always seemed to laugh at his stupid, boyish jokes. you wrapped your arms around his neck, "you're so.... is your mind always in the gutter?"
"only with you," luke hummed, pressing light kisses along your jaw, "not my fault, baby. i got the most gorgeous girl in the world in my bed, wearing nothing but my shirt."
"okay, be right back. i'm gonna put more clothes on."
"don't you dare!" luke bellowed, pulling you back down with a thud when you teasingly tried to get up. he caged you under his arms, hovering over your body as he regained his breath. "but wait, i got something and i'm excited about it."
"mhm, what did you get, pretty boy?" you got comfortable on the pillows. you reached up to play with the chain around his neck, flushing at the new pendants that he added along with his poisoned mercury pendant. five, silver stars along his chain. "show me."
"remember how we both agreed that it would be nice to have something to watch when we're apart, especially when one of us can't facetime?"
"yes," you sighed out, already feeling a familiar warmth bubbling in your stomach. it was hard not to when luke's eyes were darkening as he spoke to you. "what about it?"
"you know how our biggest worry was shit getting leaked?" he asked. you nodded. luke smiled, digging in his front pocket to pull out two, brand new phones. "i got us burners."
"are you serious?" you gasped, eyes twinkling with desire. you grabbed one of the phones from him and inspected it. "did you really just buy two new phones to make a movie?"
"yeah," luke blushed, "we don't have to do it if you're not comfortable. i will return them asap. just say the word, but in case you wanted to, i got us two so we don't have to risk sending videos back and forth and increase the risk. plus, it means that we'd have to go two rounds each time. for fairness purposes."
you rolled your eyes playfully, "for fairness, of course."
"i'm nothing but fair, five star, what can i say?" luke grinned.
"you're unbelievable," you whispered, leaning up to kiss his neck. luke groaned at the feeling. you took the phone that was still in his hand and placed it on the nightstand with your actual phone. you sucked on luke's collarbone, leaving a faint mark, before trailing up to his ear, "me first."
luke bit his lip, nodding. he peeled off his shirt and took the phone you were offering him. he bunched up the shirt you were wearing, staring up at you as he began leaving kisses down your sternum, "exactly what i was thinking."
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starlightshadowsworld · 6 months
Armed Detective Agency headcannons:
Fukuzawa has left Dazai in charge once, and only once.
Kenji has a cow plush that looks identical to his actual cow. And he tucks it in bed every night.
Kyouka went back to that arcade and won Atsushi a tiger plush. With a note that says "I'm not a cat. I'm a tiger."
Kunikida has let kids plait his hair while he's speaking to the police or their parents after a case has been completed.
Atsushi takes good care of all his poessions because he's never been allowed to own anything before.
Dazai doesn't ruin Kunikida's schedule enough to actually send him into a panic. He knows his limits, he abides by em.
Junichiro has gone to Kunikida for help when he's been struggling with his lessons.
Ranpo doesn't directly share his sweets but he'll randomly drop some he knows are the others favourites where they can find em.
Yosano is a legal doctor, she went to med school and crushed it without using her ability just to show she could.
Katai doesn't set an alarm he just gets dragged out of bed by Kunikida everyday.
Kyouka teaches Junichiro how to be steathly because she can sense his blood lust from a mile away.
Atsushi went to the zoo and a tiger tried to kidnap him. It picked him by the scruff of his neck and walked back into it's den.
Dazai just stood their laughing his ass off while Kunikida went to go help.
Ranpo will read all of Poe's novel even if he's already figured out the mystery.
There's pancake batter on the ceiling of the kitchen, no one knows how it got there.
Dazai stubbed his toe and just laid on the floor for 3 hours saying it was the end for him.
Kunikida had an emo phase and Katai has proof of it but won't show it to anyone.
Fukuzawa makes sure to spend time with atleast one member of the agency each day.
Junichiro is terrified of horror movies while Naomi loves them.
Atsushi learns to bake and whoever has a job with him gets a lil packet of their favourites.
Kenji has told his whole family and than some about his friends at the agency and tells the agency they'd love to meet them some say.
Ranpo has sent threatening messages to Atsushi's old Orphanage along with a whole bunch of evidence of their crimes and says he'll send it all to the police if they ever try and hurt him again.
Everyone has Fukuzawa's personal phone number and knows if they ring him he will show up no matter what.
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frownyalfred · 11 months
*busts down your doors* HEY! Long ask for ya
okay so I was rereading your fic where EMS showed up because Dick couldn’t flip on the trampoline (rip) and it got me thinking about routine trauma.
So here’s the thing: I am not EMS. I know three people who are EMS, but my extent of EMS experience comes from one (1) ride along and lurking on EMS subreddits. Those guys are a hoot. Great memes. Anyways.
A comment stuck out to me: “You haven’t truly lived the job until you’re eating a gas station burrito next to a dead body”. I’ve seen a bunch like that. Nonchalance and dark humor because well, that’s their job. Gore is the norm. Sure, depending on the area, your usual calls might just be lift assists, but other areas are neck deep in gang violence and violent crime.
A pretty common post on that subreddit is also, sadly, “I just got a call that’s never bothered me before but all of a sudden I’m broken” or “I’ve never had a problem running this type of call before but all of a sudden it just hit me.” Delayed trauma is a bitch. Someone pointed out that if a civilian saw a fatal car accident with multiple corpses, they’d be in therapy and given support and it’d be a huge deal. With EMS, they’re just expected to deal with it. (EMS mental health is getting better- there are helplines and resources and first responder focused therapies- but it’s still a developing field)
ANYWAYS, now that I’ve given you a crash course on the EMS mental health crisis (someone should really write a feature on EMS in Gotham those fuckers would be crazy and I love them already), my point is, how would this apply to the bats? Seeing bodies is treated as very much the norm to them, but do you think it ever just… catches up? The impact of seeing corpses day after day? Do you think they have to fake being fine and tough during those times because well, “everybody else in the family is fine with it, I’m not going to be a liability/burden/weak/etc”
Do you think Bruce, the goddamn batman, who shouldn’t be ruffled by anything, ever just feels something crack inside when he looks at a little boy who could have grown up healthy and strong like his Jason, had (Bruce) someone been there for him? and then he can’t work cases with kids for a week?
This is such an excellent ask, thank you so much for gracing my inbox with it!
It's a very good question. I'm also on a lot of those subreddits (needed to do some research for that fic) and the discussion in those forums and on TikTok is like you described, a kind of practiced desensitization to all gore and suffering in order to survive in their job.
What I've seen from those discussions (and my EMT friend) is an almost sub-conscious trend where they allow themselves the "thing" that breaks them, and they push a lot of that trauma and emotion onto that thing. Like an EMT saying they don't do kids, or they don't do gunshots to the eye, etc. And they'll sob like a baby on those calls, while remaining stone-faced and level-headed through the triple homicide.
I'm just theorizing here, but I imagine the Batfamily uses similar coping skills -- pushing all that trauma and suffering into a box which cracks only under limited, defined circumstances. And they break or snap only under those conditions, because, subconsciously, they allowed themselves to.
So yes, Bruce might be 99% fine with most of the bodies he sees, but there might be a little boy who has a detail (like Jason's dark hair) that just slams into him out of nowhere.
PTSD and trauma literally change the structure of the brain. Individuals react differently to trauma after that, but there does appear to be a "desensitizing" effect with repeated trauma, as the body tries to compensate.
I agree that the Gotham EMTs must be some crazy motherfuckers. They probably deal with 6x the normal shit EMTs deal with in other cities. They probably take on a lot more trauma and burn out quicker than other EMTs, too.
Anyone else have thoughts on this? I admit I don't cover PTSD explicitly in a lot of my fics.
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asskickedbygirl · 1 year
Hey there!
First of all: I love your work, you're doing a great job and I really love your writing style!
I'd like to request something (if you don't want to write that it's cool). I had some kind of a down time for the past few weeks and need something funny/comforting. I thought of maybe reader being a medic on the set of jackass and she and bam and Ryan had a troubled past. So when she sees them she's like "oh please don't get hurt" and the other boys are teasing her like "oh, are you worried about them?" And she's like "god no I don't want to see their faces more than I need to."
And bam or Ryan kinda start to like her and is jealous when the other guys try to flirt with her.
Can end in smut, even though I'm ace and not a smut fan, but the stuff you write is so good, I can totally live with that.
Thanks for your fics and happy new year!
Tell Me
[Ryan Dunn x F!Reader]
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A/n: ASSKICKEDBYGIRL WRITING FLUFF FOR ONCE?!?!?!? 😱😱yeah there's a shock. thank you for the req sorry it took me a while to get around to it but thank you for saying that too!!! I've missed writing I wish I didn't have a life.
warnings: mentions of sex, alcohol, cursing
2.9k words
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"You might be busy today, looks like Bam and Ryan are gonna fuck something up." Jeff tutted, glancing over to where the crew were setting up.
"God I hope they don't get hurt."
Johnny overheard what you said, a smirk appearing on his face as he wandered over to where you and Jeff were stood.
"And why's that? You got a crush? Worrying your pretty little head over em?" He laughed, ruffling up your hair as you tried pushing him off.
"God no. I don't wanna see their faces more than I have to."
Johnny's brows narrowed, unsure of why you had some sort of vendetta against the two buffoons from West Chester.
"They went to high school together." Jeff answered Johnny's confusion for you before leaving the two of you be.
"Ah I see. One of them an ex or something?"
You shook your head, scoffing.
"Definitely not. They were just idiots that's all."
Johnny could tell you were leaving some detail out as you continued setting up your station, the job you were supposed to be doing instead of chatting with the star of the movie.
"Did they pick on you? Cause' if that's the case I can kick their asses for you. We'll call it reparations."
Johnny's sweet talking pulled a little smile from you though you kept your eyes trained on the ground, afraid you might fall into Johnny's sunken ones as crushing on coworkers was totally a no-go in the professional sense.
"No it's okay. They were kind of assholes to a lot of people so it's not really considered picking on me. Just boys being dumb."
Johnny nodded, biting his lip.
"Well hell maybe they've changed, they're only jackasses professionally now!"
You laughed, glancing up to meet Johnny's eyes.
"Yeah, maybe they just keep the assholery for when they're getting paid."
Before you could launch into any further discussion with the heart throb, the two cast members you'd least like to speak to darted over, calling your name.
"Did you miss us?" Ryan laughed, wrapping an arm around you like you were the best of buds.
"Can't say I did Dunn." You awkwardly shoved his arm off of you, trying your best to continue unpacking though Bam sitting on top of your workplace made that rather difficult.
"Oh come on, you had to have missed me after I dropped out!" Bam chuckled, leaning back, Johnny simply observing the mini high school reunion.
"I will say Bam, Raab shitting on those lockers was the best thing he ever did, got rid of the two of you!"
That's when Johnny finally interjected, laughing whole-heartedly and clutching his chest.
"Raab did what?!"
"You don't know this? Raab got expelled for smearing shit on a bunch of lockers so Bam dropped out." Ryan smiled, relishing in relaying the story despite the fact he wasn't actually there to experience it.
"Chris committed a string of shit related crimes but that one was truly the last straw." You nodded, smiling at Johnny's joy.
"Well hey, they were pretty funny, you have to admit." Bam extended his arm, attempting to grasp some humour from you.
"Funny isn't the word I'd use... disgusting seems more fitting. Plus you guys were dickheads back then."
Bam and Ryan matched faces of confusion.
"What are you talking about? We were dumb kids everyone just ignored." Bam said, Ryan nodding along.
"Seriously? You don't remember?"
There was an awkward silence then, Bam and Ryan racking their brains trying to understand what the hell you were on about.
"Remember what?" Ryan asked.
You bit the inside of your cheek, glancing between the two boys and remembering Johnny was right there too, witnessing this strange sort of confrontation. You weren't sure if you really wanted to unload the words that swirled in your head through in your teen years in front of the guy you kinda liked, the idea was not exactly appealing.
"Whatever, forget it." You bit your tongue, grabbing something and pretending you had something else to attend to when you were just desperate to make an escape.
After that awkward little encounter Bam and Ryan seemed to be making an array of unnecessary visits to your station, pestering you for band aids and asking if random bruises 'looked okay'.
"Bam you've had thousands of bruises in your lifetime, I'm sure you know that looks perfectly normal."
"Alright yeah, I just wanted to come talk to you before Dunn or Knoxville had a chance." Bam pulled down the leg of his pants as your brows narrowed.
"What are you talking about?"
Bam grinned at you, like he knew something you didn't.
"No it's nothing, I just like talking to you."
Bam's glimmering eyes were seeping into you but it wasn't really working, in fact he was becoming more of a nuisance than anything else.
"Well I appreciate the fact you enjoy my company but I'm kinda trying to work here."
Bam rolled his eyes, not giving up.
"Oh come on. No one's hurt you don't have any work to do, just tell me why I was an ass and I'll leave."
As soon as the words left Bam's lips a yell was heard where Johnny was performing a stunt followed by a 'Medic!" shout.
"Fuck." You muttered, grabbing your kit and running over to where Johnny lay clutching his ankle.
"I think I broke it." He spoke through gritted teeth, eyes shut tightly.
You removed Johnny's hand to see the area was already swelling.
"Help me get him to the tent, I have an ice pack there." You called out to someone, Ryan jumping into play as he swung Johnny's arm around his shoulder while you did the same with his other arm, helping him up and steadying him.
A gaggle of people tried to follow you along but you shooed them off.
"He'll be fine, Jeff can you tell everyone to fuck off please?" You called out, Jeff simply shooting you a thumbs up and waving away any stragglers.
As you, Ryan and Johnny eventually made it to the med tent to sit Johnny down, you noticed a stray had followed you along.
"I don't need both of you here." You called out to Ryan and Bam who both pretended to look mightily concerned as Johnny winced and you fetched the ice pack.
"I'll stay." They both said in unison, earning a glare from you.
"I think I can handle a sprained ankle guys, goodbye." You pushed Ryan and Bam out of your tent and closed the curtains, turning to face Johnny.
"Sorry about those idiots, they won't fucking leave me alone." You muttered, removing Johnny's shoe and sock and placing the ice pack on his swollen ankle, causing him to suck sharply through his teeth.
"You think I fucked it up badly?"
"Nah, probably just a sprain even though it might seem a lot worse, you'll have to use crutches for a bit though."
Johnny sighed, looking pissed off.
"Well there goes two weeks where I can't do shit."
There was an awkward silence in the tent then as you kneeled below him, lifting his foot with your hand to elevate it.
"You know they probably like you right?"
"What?" For being so irritated and in pain, Johnny was really gonna bring up Bam and Ryan?
"The idiots. They have massive crushes on you, I know it."
You laughed, shaking your head.
"You're delusional."
Johnny smiled, staring at you below him, rooting through your bag for bandages.
"I think I'm very lusional actually."
"Oh god, lusional? He's losing it nurse this must be something far more serious!" You laughed, wrapping the bandage tightly around Johnny as he laughed too, wincing through the pain.
Bam and Ryan stood outside the tent waiting for you, their ears only being filled with joyous laughter, their teeth now grinding together.
"Think they need help?" Bam folded his arms, beginning to grow impatient.
"She likes him. Of course she fucking does, what girl doesn't like Knoxville." Ryan spat under his breath, kicking the ground beneath his shoe.
"You know, maybe if we weren't such dicks in high school she might give us the time of the day." He added, turning away from the tent to fuck off somewhere, pulling out a pack of cigarettes.
"Come on dude, we weren't that bad." Bam called out but Ryan shook his head.
"Well clearly we were if she can't stand talking to us for more than two fucking seconds." He went off in a huff, regret coursing through his veins at the unknown actions of his teenage self.
Who knew being a bit of a dick in high school would come back to bite you in the ass?
It was a Friday night and the crew were off drinking at a local bar after a week of filming. Knoxville had been sentenced to two weeks on crutches and so was hobbling around the bar with them while Bam and Ryan were still falling over each other trying to talk to you. You sat in a booth next to Chris, sipping on your vodka soda and trying to ignore the pestering Bam who was getting more and more drunk by the minute when suddenly he spoke your name all serious.
"Just tell me how Ryan and I were such dicks to you in high school and I promise I'll fuck off."
You were pulled away from your lively conversation to be met with yet another awkward confrontation.
"Bam I don't wanna get into this, seriously." Bam threw his arm over your shoulder and pressed his finger against your lips.
"Just tell me! I'm sorry I was an asshole cause' now I really wanna bang you."
"Alright Bam! That's enough of that!" Like a deus ex machina, Ryan graciously came to your rescue, dragging his drunk friend away from you and pushing him towards another group of Jackass people.
Your eyes were wide, mouth slightly agape.
"Sorry about him, whiskey is like his truth serum."
You just shook your head laughing, still in a state of disbelief.
"Well I wasn't expecting a love confession to go like that."
"He has a way with words." Ryan laughed, shrugging.
"I'm going to the bar and am not ordering whiskey." Chris murmured, sliding out from the booth and leaving you and Ryan alone.
"So you and Bam really wanna know why I didn't like you when we were younger huh?"
Ryan took a sip from his drink, trying to act as if he didn't care as much as his inebriated best friend.
"I mean, kinda but- yeah. Yeah we do wanna know."
You laughed, shaking your head.
"Fine, I'll tell you."
Ryan's eyes widened.
"You will?"
"I will. but! only if you tell me one thing."
"Anything, what is it?" Ryan nodded enthusiastically.
"Do you have a crush on me too?" Your smile widened, eyes burrowing into his own.
Ryan laughed awkwardly, eyes spinning around the room trying to avoid your gaze.
"Oh come on, what are we 16?"
"Well you wanna know why I thought you guys were assholes at 16 so?"
Ryan bit his lip, considering his options when he just settled on biting the bullet.
"Fine. Yeah I do have a crush on you. That's why I wanna know why you're not giving me any chances so bad."
You smiled smugly, picking up Ryan's glass of whiskey.
"God this stuff really is truth serum!"
You both shared a moment of laughter before settling down.
"Alright I'll tell you. Sophomore year you were a Senior. I kinda liked your hair and I thought you were cute."
Ryan bit back a smile.
"I was at my locker and you and Bam were talking and I kinda overheard your conversation."
Ryan winced at that.
"Well that's never good."
You scratched the back of your head, smile faltering slightly when you remembered what you were about to spill, the alcohol in your system making your lips a little looser.
"Well you know I was pretty quiet in high school. Didn't really talk to anyone except my close friends."
Ryan nodded, straying away from any jokes as he noticed your change in demeanour.
"Since I was so quiet I could kinda fly under the radar, overhear things nobody thought I would hear, I was kind of invisible like that. Anyways, one day you and Bam were talking about girls."
Your eyes were stuck on the table, not wanting to look up and back out of what Ryan had lured you into saying.
"I noticed Bam kinda nodded his head towards me and asked you 'What about her?' I didn't hear the first part but knew it had something to do with sex or dating or whatever."
Out of the corner of your eye you could see Ryan was turning red, already embarrassed before he was even told what he had to be embarrassed about.
"And you said something like 'Fuck no she's a prude. Just an uptight bitch.'"
Ryan swallowed thickly, eyes flicking down to his shoes.
"Then Bam was like 'Yeah she's a cunt. Wouldn't fuck me if I was dying.' and then you just laughed and walked off."
There was quiet then, Ryan shaking his head and sighing.
"Look I don't hold it against you. You were just asshole teenagers and I'm sorry for acting like a bitch late-"
"No stop." Ryan stuck his hand out, interrupting your apologetic spiel.
"I was a fucking dickhead, I'm sorry for saying that shit, it wasn't even true."
You smirked, biting your lip.
"It was kinda true. Still is."
Ryan met your eyes then, his expression hiding a smile
"I just said that bullshit cause' I thought you were cute and I didn't want Bam to get his grubby hands on you."
You rolled your eyes, properly laughing then.
"Oh fuck off Dunn. Don't pull that 'He's only mean because he likes you!' shit on me now!"
Ryan shook his head, smile growing.
"I'm serious! Why do you think Bam and I are falling over our feet trying to talk to you now?!"
You narrowed your eyes and crossed your arms, smirk pulling at your lips.
"Are you telling me this whole time the older kid I thought was cute also thought I was cute?"
Ryan smiled before wetting his lips, arm moving himself closer to you.
"And what if I am?"
You laughed heartily, pushing Ryan's chest.
"Don't put your moves on me Dunn. Did you forget I'm a prude?"
He rolled his eyes again, chuckling.
"Come on let me walk you home before Knoxville breaks something else that you need to look at."
Ryan reached his hand out to pull you out of the booth.
"Jealous already Dunn? Guess you really are the type."
You allowed yourself to get dragged up, Ryan slipping his arm around your shoulder to usher you out of the bar.
"Hey where the fuck are you two going?!" Bam slurred out, bringing everyone's attention to you and Ryan.
You half smiled, unsure of what to say. That's when your eyes met with Johnny's as you witnessed him compute in real time what was happening. When he realised who you were going home with that night he simply smiled and winked at you. How was he always right?
"Taking her home asshole." Ryan called out, wasting no time in pulling you away, the urgency making you laugh.
As you walked down the streets of West Chester, Ryan's hand moved down to hold you by your waist, whispering crude comments about passer-bys in your ear to make you laugh when eventually you reached your apartment building.
"Thanks for walking me home." You smiled, holding your hand over where Ryan was holding your waist and turning to face him.
You looked into each others eyes for a moment, both of you smirking uncontrollably.
"I'd invite you in but, you know I'm a prude so."
Ryan rolled his eyes as you cackled, slapping his chest.
"I deserve that."
You smiled sweetly as Ryan did too, his eyes flicking down to your lips for a millisecond as your faces got closer.
"I don't think we should do anything tonight but..." You brought your hand up to rest on Ryan's cheek, rubbing his face with your thumb.
"I could give you something else." You whispered, leaning in and kissing him.
Ryan kept his hold on your waist but moved his other hand to touch your own face, deepening the kiss. He pushed your body to be closer to his own, moving his lips against yours roughly, beard grazing your chin. Before things could escalate any further you pulled away, allowing yourselves to catch your breath.
"You foiled my plan." Ryan laughed, brushing your hair off of your face.
"My plan this whole time was to get the prude to sleep with me ten years later, it was strategy all along."
You both laughed.
"I see, you really plan ahead. I guess I'll just have to sleep with you now."
Ryan quirked an eyebrow at your obviously sarcastic response, resulting in a punch to the arm. You laughed pulling away from his hold on you.
"Goodnight Ryan." You turned your back to him and began unlocking the door as he still stood behind you. As the door opened you turned around, smirking before kissing him one last time for the night.
"Call me."
"I'd be an idiot not to."
"What's new?"
@gnarkillknoxville @jackussy420 @lovexjoe @steve-osahottie @stratossphere @izzaaaaaa @jackassvivalabam03 @nonbinarypontius
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What do you think would happen when Tails introduces Sails Mangey and Nine to mints?
Oooh good question!
Honestly, since we don't know all that much about No Place, I like to think that mints are still a thing, just the kind of thing that Sails has to sneak on the ship and can only get once in a while. So whenever he was able to get them before, he kind of had to ration em out.
That also being said, I think it would be funny if the mints in no place don't look like the ones Tails offers to Sails. So at first Sails hesitates to eat it, although he has no reason to distrust Tails, so he does try it. I can see Sails sort of commenting his thoughts aloud on how it tastes, but ultimately he probably tries to sneak some mints off of Tails.
Although Tails is pretty much like "You can just ask. I've got a bunch"
So whenever Sails visits from No Place he lets Tails and the others try the mints from No Place, and he uh takes a good amount of Tails' mints back to No Place with him
However, if Sails has never tried any mints before, I think he'd become hooked pretty quickly (still explain the taste out loud you know) and end up trying to snatch some before Tails is like "Hey, just ask and you can have as much as you want"
Hohoho boy
While there's at least a decent chance Mangey has just straight up eaten mint plants before, I think he would become pretty hooked as well. In my head, I think he'd keep begging for more after Tails initially gives him one to try, and it gets so out of hand that Tails, Sails, and Nine have to consciously keep mints out of sight and locked up.
But before they realize how bad Mangey gets about them, Tails gives him like a tin or a small bag of mints he can take with him, and Mangey can't even make them last a day. He is in the presence of mints, he snacks on mints.
Just cause they hide em and lock em up doesn't mean that Mangey doesn't find them or that he's never allowed to have them. I think sometimes when Sails is playing that game with Mangey where he's working on something and Mangey plays assistant, they often use mints as something in exchange for helping when they're not exhanging kisses.
While we know more about New Yoke than we do about most of the other shatterspaces, like with Sails I'd like to think Nine has had mints before. In this case, since nothing really grows within the city, I like to think that occasionally New Yoke will get mints in as an import.
Essentially, I think Nine used to see the resistance handing them out once in a blue moon after a successful raid or would see them sold on shady street corners and alleyways. He always tries to limit the contact he makes with people and the city itself, but he kind of had to to be able to get the matierals to create his equipment and have enough food to survive. So he managed to get ahold of a small handful out of curiosity.
It was too much of a pain to get ahold of more, so even though he liked them quite a bit, he almost never was able to get ahold of any.
With that all being said, I can see Nine sort of marveling for a moment how easy it was for Tails to get ahold of so many mints before remembering that green hill and Tails' world is much more plentiful than the city of New Yoke. I think after trying them when Tails offers, he's reminded just how good they are.
That being said, though, I think Nine would pretend that he likes them but of course has restraint, unlike the other two. So he would only take the one small bag or tin when Tails offered to give them more mints. Other times Tails offers, I think he starts out as begrudging but does eventually accept the gift of mints whenever Tails offers some.
If Mangey eats em like candy and Sails is always taking a large stash with him, though, even though he acts like he has more self control and is more normal about mints than them, that is a lie. After taking the first bag/tin back to The Grim with him, he starts figuring out how create a constant lifetime supply of mints there. He doesn't eat them like candy when he does accomplish this, but he still does eat mints about as often as I think Tails does. That's all to say that sometimes mints are just something he eats a couple of when he's bored, when his breath smells bad, occasionally when he needs to make deals with Mangey, as a special little treat when he feels down/accomplished something, and when he hasn't eaten in a while but needs to keep working, so he needs to trick his stomach into thinking its not starving by letting mints dissolve in his mouth.
In the event Nine has never had them before though, I'd think he'd still make a visual expression of enjoying the first one he tries, but he'd still try to be modest and seem "normal" about them by only taking one tin/bag of mints before he ultimately figures out how to keep a constant stash in The Grim like Tails does in his many labs
Thanks for the question, anon! If you have any other questions about them or their relationship(s), feel free to shoot me another ask🥰
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horus-unofficial · 10 months
Howdy! Ringin' in from a recently Ex-asteroid-mining colony somewhere in the Long Rim: Not gonna say where exactly just in case. Saw somebody else talkin' bad about one of your... Pattern-Groups? An' I figured "Well, hey; I'll throw in my two Manna."
It was a Kobold; We loaded the code for one into a mining mech when the two-faced snakes (not sayin' who they were with: Hush-Hush-N'-All-That-Shale) that had hired on all of our families on for the place ages ago tried to wreck it for reparations, since the asteroids were running out of anything they wanted to sell. Looked like homemade sin while it was... changin' and all, but it wound up being a massive help for me an' mine, lemme tell ya!
They sent in a bunch of hired-on pirates to tear the place apart: I'm guessin' to deflect any suspicion and make it easier to claim reparations. We managed to catch a few in the frenzy and got the information out of 'em about who hired them for the job. As you can guess it, it was those money-grubbin' bastards that had dragged all of the miner's into the colony.
Still, thanks to some quick thinkin', a few rigged-up explosives, some repurposed mining gear, and a helluva lot of polymer from that mech, we fought 'em off and got word out to enough people that the bad press would'a "ruined their name" apparently, and the sheer backlash would've ripped the place t' bits.
You'd expect it all to get buried (an' us with it), but somehow, we hit a lucky strike: The rest of the pirates were told we'd be an easy target and got pissed at the snakes when we weren't, so they up and quit, and then the higher-ups of those miserable misers raked those bastards over the coals and threw out the lot of 'em! After the debris settled, we've got collective ownership of the colony as "reparations" from the higher-ups. Personally, I think they didn't want to risk a potential uprising so far from home, so they cut their losses, turned tail, an' went to lick their wounds.
Either way, we're free!
We couldn't do it without your mechs-n'-tech, y'all. Things are finally lookin' up where we're at. As for what we'll do from here? Don't quite know, myself. Some of us think we'll try an' make the place a trading-hub: Others wanna make a rest-stop for people to stop fer a bowl of home-made cookin' and a warm bed that ain't in a ship.
Whatever we do from here? We're doing it as everyone ough't'be: as Free People.
- Signed, One Very Happy Heavy-Equipment Operator.
we love to see it!!!! congrats on the freedom our friend causes like that are what the kobold was made for
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More stuff for my Wu and Garmadon in the Tournament of Elements au! This is what happens on the ferry ride over to Chen's Island.
When Wu and Garmadon join them on the ferry, the ninja are, at first, confused as to why their senseis were allowed on it. After all, only elemental masters were invited to the tournament. You know, cause it’s the Tournament of Elements.
Lloyd: I'm surprised they let you on.
Jay: Yeah, they didn't even let my weapons on!
Garmadon: Well, we were invited.
Wu: We just weren’t planning on accepting until we realised you were going.
Kai: Wait, wait, so does this mean that you’re elemental masters too?
Cole: I guess it makes sense. They are the sons of the First Spinjitizu Master. So why wouldn’t they have elements?
Lloyd: So, what are your elements?
Wu: Hmm, we aren't actually elemental masters, but in this case, I suppose I am the master of Creation and my brother the master of Destruction.
Garmadon: We'll explain further when there are less curious ears.
Garmadon goes on to explain how everyone on the boat are all descendants of the original elemental masters. Of course, this is where Kai decides to fight Karloff [also side note I watched this episode before writing this and it's really out of character that Karloff tries to steal Skylor’s cloak but anyway].
Like Garmadon, Wu also just lets Kai fight by himself, so nothing much changes there.
However, Wu does wander off to have a conversation with Griffin Turner at some point because while canon says that Garmadon (and probably Wu as a result) has never met most of the EMs, I say that's unrealistic - that and it's implied that Garmadon has met Griffin. Anyways, Griffin does not think that Wu aged well.
Right before they arrive on the island Jay decides to take advantage of Wu being there, and ask what the tension between Garmadon and Clouse is all about. And Wu, being a shitty little brother, decides to tell him. Needless to say, the ninja were shocked to find out that Garmadon and Clouse had dated. Up until that point, the ninja (except for Nya – she and Wu hung out a lot) had been a bit wary about stuff like that around Wu and Garmadon. They were thousands of years old, who knew what archaic values they still had. So finding out Garmadon used to have a boyfriend was a surprise (but a welcome one, as it let them know that Wu and Garmadon were accepting of LGBT people). Out of the information gained that night, the ninja consider Clouse being Garmadon’s ex the most important part.
Of course, while this is all happening the other elemental masters are sizing up the ninja, Wu, and Garmadon. And they all have varying opinions based around how much knowledge they have of them.
The ones who have never met or heard of any of them before see them as easy pickings. I mean, a bunch of teenagers and two old guys, seriously, how hard can it be to beat them?
The ones who have met Wu and Garmadon before, but only briefly, are a bit more wary of them, but still think they shouldn't be too hard to beat.
The few who know Wu and Garmadon quite well (like Griffin) are definitely nervous to be up against them, and they have enough sense to know that if the ninja have been trained by them as well, there’s a good chance that they are going to be tough opponents as well.
And, of course, the elemental masters who have heard of how the ninja defeated the Overlord are a bit shocked to find out that they are teenagers. Cause what the hell? Why are teenagers out there defeating God's arch-nemesis?
So basically, it's a direct correlation between how much the EM's have heard of the ninja and/or their senseis and how much they view them as a threat.
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maddiviner · 5 months
Hey I saw your posts about the Simulation/Matrix cult. I can’t find them myself but I’m wondering if they had any opinion on being trans, since the movie was created by trans women and had references to that?
The simulation cult isn’t a cult in the traditional sense, at least not yet. 
It’s just a bunch of people who, for whatever reason, are drawn to the idea that we’re “in the Matrix” and want to spew about it. I guess in five or ten years, someone with charisma could show up and start a proper cult out of it? Thus far, it’s super toxic, but they argue too much to count as a cult, I’d say. Cults are typically more controlling. Toxic ideas? Sure. Cult? Nah, not so far.
To answer your question, though, most of the simulation conspiracy theory folks are virulent bigots, I’ve noticed, particularly with regards to LGBTQ issues. This is probably why the Wachowski sisters very rarely get mentioned. This is despite using terms like “Mr. Smith, “Matrix,” etc culled from the film the duo made.
In some cases there’s comments and posts seemingly treating the movie as some kind of documentary almost. 
Their fascination with it is very surface-level, mostly concerned with the plot rather than any symbolism or (oddly) deeper meaning. If you really look at the movie, there’s a lot to chew on, but they’re not really doing that. 
At one point, someone in the Facebook groups tried to read some of the works of Jean Baudrillard, because the Wachowskis put his book in the film. That didn’t go well because apparently Baudrillard makes no sense to them. I’m not saying I myself understand Baudrillard , but like… c’mon, if this is so important, put in some effort, people…
I’ve seen some of ‘em say that they believe the Wachowski sisters weren’t trans to begin with, but that the simulation rewrote itself and the past to “discredit” them by adding that. Others have simply claimed that The Matrix wasn’t actually made by the duo - their name was put on it for nefarious purposes, presumably, again, to “discredit” the film’s message? 
It doesn’t make a lot of sense, like most conspiracy theories. If we’re in a simulation that’s so closely-controlled, why allow the movie to be made at all? Especially if it’s supposedly so close to being a “documentary” of the truth? 
Anyways, they tend to roll their general bigotry into the simulation theory stuff, too. The programmers of the simulation, the bad guys/robots/NPCs, whatever, tend to be whoever the person feels like targeting.
One guy commented that “the LGBTQs are all Smiths cuz if you simply disagree with them, they will cancel you.” Right next to a .gif of Mr. Smith from that film made by the Wachowski sisters. This is why aliens don’t talk to us, pretty sure. 
By this, he meant that he saw LGBTQ folks as de facto NPCs, particularly the evil sort actively controlled by the programmers. He likely wouldn’t have been able to describe what he meant by “cancel” or name one genuine bad thing that’d happened for him for “disagreeing.” 
In another thread, I saw someone comment that the religion-based discussions popping up on the group “don’t really engender much good discussion.” A guy saw the word engender, I guess, and assumed it meant something to do with gender. He popped back with some business about how “…you can’t engender things! Are you TRIGGERED by that?” I think someone eventually linked him to the definition of engender. I can only assume he’s still recovering from the shame of that moment. 
A lot of these people were probably right wing to begin with, probably had a conspiracy theorist streak to begin with. But still, it reads like their personalities and political beliefs formulated around 2011-2013 and they never grew any further. I gotta say that had to have been the first time in ages I’d heard that “lol triggered” thing used non-ironically. 
So yes. The simulation theory people are massive transphobes. Are you surprised? I wasn’t.
I’m considering abandoning this little project of lurking these groups because they’re starting to affect the way the Facebook algorithm feeds the rest of my account - I’m seeing more right-wing stuff.
I recognize and ignore/block it, but it’s there and annoying, and frustrating because there’s nothing I can do besides that.
It’s not like I’m skilled enough to change anyone’s mind about these deeply-held conspiracy theories. I don’t enjoy watching online train wrecks for their own sake. I get that some people do, but it seems unhealthy.
I ended up in these groups because I have epilepsy, and references to it in the groups themselves caused them to pop up on my feed (some of them think epilepsy, specifically, is a Matrix glitch - long story). 
I might dig into my settings and see about muting these groups for a while, just to get my feed a little more clean. I’m spending less and less time on Facebook, but there’s reasons for being there, I guess.
If it were only awful people on Facebook as a whole like that, I’d be outta the site in a heartbeat, but I got buddies still on there.
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teadrop-12 · 2 months
heehee thank you for giving me hcs of my blorbo :))) can I ask hcs for your favourite hedgehog Rudy?????? I wanna hear abt em :)))))
Hiii bella omg yeah ofc!! i have a lot of them locked n loaded omg
so i said before like my main hc of ejen ali is that rudy is a trans girl. and that still stands. she/her rudy but only with a few people she knows wont give her shit for it
again i know i draw and depict rudy as being femme but in actuality nothing really changes. shes the same exact person with the same blunt personality and spiky hair shes just a girl now
has a bunch of skills like sewing and baking. absolute dogshit at cooking though
shes bi, i've always had the hc she's bi, even before the tgirl hc came along. like the reaction she had to kim was the same she had to Ali i rest my case
i think she's got a guy pref tho? like she thought she was straight until she had her first crush on a girl
ALSO!! shes on the aro spectrum, specifically demiromantic.
really good with animals and kids, babysits on weekends sometimes
Roza is genuinely like her sister, like her cool older sister thats basically rodrick from the live action diary of a wimpy kid movie
she's not in a band but to blow off steam she plays the drums sometimes
theres a boxing bag in her room she uses that too rudy knows boxing
her and bulat are the besties of the agency. they met each other when bulat came to the academy and they have been each others ride or die since
while she was in the infirmary and her arm completely healed she would sneak into the kitchen and bake for the remaining agents anonymously
she thrifts and gets a lot of grundge and trad goth clothes, but she cannot be bothered to dress up unless shes with a date or at an event then she wears formal Baju Malayu (im so sorry if i got it wrong i just searched for malay formal wear and the one i saw her wear is just like that so i dunno)
like think hot topic, or gothic lolita clothes.
kinda clingy with people? i dunno how else to describe it but its like if shes with a friend or something and they abruptly get taken away for something else she'd be a tiny bit jealous or something
moons like her little sister i think, like theyre always bickering and stuff n tease each other but if anything happened to her she would be mad
she can't really take compliments well. like from anyone.
very indulgent hc, shes got a crush on Alicia.
im sorry these hcs are so boring
an actual menace to society, she should be put down/j. but srsly, she is a known prankster in canon before ali and alicia came and she became so much more tough
i think she would have had rabies. at least twice. one as a kid once recently
as a kid she actually had really long hair but she got it cut rlly short bc she wanted to style it like Djins
accidently called one of the mentors "mom" once but that mentor said it was fine and flattered
despite having a huge crush on alicia, she is also her biggest rival. Like luz and amity except theyre both amity except alicia amity is luz does this make sense
calls ali and khai cringe for liking a card game like WAUriors but in actuality she has a whole collection for herself.
ok here are some heavy hitters (TW su1c1de mention)
Remember that thing with my dos hcs? with dos being unknowingly cloned? that clone was rudy, but because she was a child, they couldn't wait for her to grow up so when they tried to terminate her, rudy caught wind of this and ran away, which is how she got homeless until she was around 2 or 3?
if thats not the case, I do think something more sinister happened in which MATA was involved with the fact she has no family left.
given the fact they hid ali's mother dying from him for about a year or two after he joined MATA, i dont doubt that they hid something about Rudy's origin.
I like to think when she first joined MATA she did know Aliya but she doesn't remember her so she can't put her finger on why Ali's so familliar to her
When she was younger she was kinda the older sister to the other kids there, like she would pickpocket some extras for them or find some sort of shelter and stay outside if there wasn't enough room for everyone.
Agent Geetha is the one she considers a mother bc shes the one that would actually primarily take care of her when she was a baby
When she grows up she actually goes through such a terrible incident on a mission that makes her lose her arm, but she refused to get a prosthetic bc she didn't want to look anything more like djin
like moon, she had strenuous nightmares for months and didn't sleep an entire night once after the incident in s2, and when they finally subsided, after season 3 it all started again
when she's older she actually quits being an agent, but doesn't leave MATA until shes much older, like around 30, and till then she's a CSI for them and still tags along on certain missions but not as common now.
I like to think Geetha adopted her after some years when they got much closer. Sometimes rudy would ask to sleep in her room when shes having a nightmare or something like that.
speaking of which, She calls her Ama or Ami (since Geethas desi in canon I want to think she prefers being called mom in Urdu)
rudy did kind of. like still not completely trust geetha even after she adopted her, but it got much better later when rudy would get really sick and geetha wouldn't stop helping her and she like wouldn't leave her side like she slept in a chair next to her as she was sick.
I do adore the hc we have of Geetha and dos being rudys moms, but i am also loving the hc of like. rudy finds out shes techinically Dos's "daughter" (bc of the whole clone thing) and her kind of realizing that geetha is so much more of a mother to her than dos can ever be and thats also what strengthens their bond.
After she saw alicia crying after Zain died, they always kept an eye on each other. like alicia and geetha are really the only ppl she'd cry in front of.
when she found out dos almost killed alicia she kind of cried there too. because what if she did actually die she wouldn't have met either of them.
after djin died she did actually attempt, but it didn't work and had to see a MATA specialized therapist.
ok i think thats all for now behn!!! super sorry for the boring hcs i didn't know anything new!! but pleaseee send me more hc asks i love them so much!!
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starsheild · 4 months
Partner: Part 8
Noise. Funny, Prowl had thought that things would be peaceful and quiet in the Well. This sounded suspiciously like his memories of being in the med bay of the Ark after being badly injured. Right down to Ratchet grumbling in the background.
"There- he's come around enough. But I swear if he messes anything up because of you you'll find yourself banished and nothing's going to get you back in."'
"My word- I won' do anythin' to get 'em worked up."
Prowl couldn't focus his optics fast enough as a visored face swam into view. He tried to set up only to be hindered by strong hands on his shoulders holding him down.
"I'm dead then. Good."
Jazz flinched, staring down at him. "I'm thinkin' I need ta have Ratchet check yer processor if yer thinkin' dead is good mech."
"It is good because you are here." Prowl said, reaching out. "And since you are dead but you are here then logically I am now in the Well also." He flinched, hand flying to his chest as he moved and pain shot through him. "Though I have to confess I did not think it would hurt so much."
"Pain is bad, and that kind don' exist over there. So ya better stop 'fore Ratchet makes good on 'is threat and throws me outta his med bay."
Jazz watched as the wheels turned, and he couldn't help but smile as Prowl started putting all the pieces together. He watched as Prowl looked around, registering that it wasn't just SOME old med bay he was in, but Ratchet's med bay on the Ark. His grin went full spread as those shocked optics landed back on him.
"You're alive." Prowl whispered, voice revealing that his processor was still at war with what his optics and the rest of his senses were telling him.
"Spark and all mech. Primus sent me back ta ya, for some reason." Jazz took his free hand, leaning his face into it and allowing Prowl to feel. He was still as the hand slid down his chest, feeling the warmth of the spark underneath the plating. "Sent a bunch of us back when he threw Optimus back, Ratchet included, in case you were wondering who put you back together."
Prowls hand fell back to his own half repaired protoform and armor, memories slowly rising to the top of his processor. "The call. The Decepticons. Sierra."
"The officer that was with ya?"
"Yes. She was-." Prowl flinched, the sound of energon on human skin coming back to him sharply. "She-."
"Ratchet said if she hadn' done what she did ya wouldn' made it." Jazz expression was strained. "Kinda woulda sucked for me, comin' back jus' to find out we passed each other along the way."
Prowl shuddered at the idea of arriving in the Well only to find that Jazz was not there, wherever there was. There would have been no peace waiting for him in that case. But the mech he had loved and lost was here now- he squeezed the mech's hand in his own to remind himself of that fact.
Jazz was here, but someone else was not. "Sierra?"
Jazz's visor flashed, but his tone was full of affection as he pulled up a chair.. "Stubborn mech. 'ere is what I know, and if ya promise ta be good I'll see what I can find out."
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bella-goths-wife · 1 year
Reactions to seeing you kiss someone
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The reader is going to be kissing both boys and girls so they are going to be labelled as queer for now, if you don’t like the gender they kiss please feel free to imagine that they are the gender you prefer. Thank you for reading, please reblog and like if you enjoy! :)
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It was on a rare night you were allowed out by yourself when Dwayne spotted you walking on the beach
He was about to come up to you before he saw a boy around your age approach you and talk energetically to you
He wanted to keep an eye on the situation just in case you didn’t feel fully comfortable and he had to get you out of the situation
He trailed you from the beach to the carnival where the boy stopped at a carnival game
He saw the boy attempt the game a few times before he won a teddy bear holding a heart and gave it to you
He also saw that you thanked him with a long hug and a kiss
He was taken aback, he didn’t think you were at an age where you interested in dating
He hoped you would never reach that age, he didn’t want you to lose your innocence yet
He was scared that you were gonna out grow him
But when he saw you smile and laugh with the boy, he realised that it was your life
He couldn’t change the fact you wanted to date, nor was it his place
You were 15 now you were bound to have some kind of attraction to others
He slowly left before he accidentally caught your eye, you expected him to be angry, but he just smiled and gave you a small nod before leaving
He would do some research on the boy to make sure he wasn’t a pervert or a bad influence
If he was he would calmly try and explain to you what he found out
If you didn’t except it, then he would kill the boy and make it look like an accident
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Paul was out at his usual party spot when a bunch of high schoolers joined the crowd
He thought it was just more food for him
That was until he spotted you
You were with friends from your school
He was shocked
How did you even get out of the cave this late without being spotted?
He was about to ask you when he saw a girl from your friends take your hand and lead you to where everyone was dancing
He watched as you and the girl twirled around the fire pit as your face had a look that could only be described as pure joy
He watched as the girl brought her body closer to yours and leaned in before giving you a slow kiss
After the kiss you broke off from the crowd to get a drink, paul made himself known to you
You tried to give him excuses but he just high-fived you
You looked at him shocked
He high-fived you?
Before you could ask you followed his knowing look to the girl you had kissed
You turned bright red and looked at him embarrassed
He just pat your back with a “go get em champ”
He did remember to take any drinks away from you though
He’s a cool dad, but not that cool
He would definitely use it as a way to embarrass you by making secretive kissy faces at you throughout the month in the cave
He was shocked, but he’s cool with it as long as your happy
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Marko had taken you out of the cave for a night together when David suddenly called him back to warn him about max being in a bad mood
He left you on the boardwalk for 10 minutes but when he got back you were gone
He began frantically searching for you
He was scared out of his mind thinking about all the ways you could be in danger
He ran past an alley way before backing up and seeing you in there
But you weren’t alone
You were up against a wall whilst pulling a boy down by his jacket collar to kiss him
Marko could only describe the scene as disgusting
He felt sick to his stomach
His baby was being defiled by a sick pervert
At least that’s how he saw it
What it actually was, was you having a consensual kiss with a boy who had been flirting with you for months
Marko ran straight to David, and twisted the story to the others
He told it like you had been forced against a wall and assaulted
Even though you tried to prove that wasn’t what happened, all the boys did was hold you and say you were traumatised
You were after they killed the boy and drank his blood in front of you
This was another thing that put a strain on your relationship with marko
He just couldn’t handle his baby growing up
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You were having a rare moment of bonding with David when he took you for a bike ride
He was enjoying spending with you without arguing so much that he went to grab you some donuts that he knew you loved
He had left you sitting on a bench, and when he returned there was a boy sat across from you, sitting in his spot
The boy was chatting animatedly to you while you seemed to find everything he said hilarious by your cackles that David rarely heard these days
When you spotted david, you tried to hurriedly shoo the boy away but out of habit you gave him a quick peck on the lips to say goodbye
Before the boy could leave, he felt David place a hand on his shoulder and give him a cutting glare
David released him and sat across from you and sharply questioned you
That’s when he found out that the boy was a friend from school who you had been flirting with for a few weeks
He wasn’t happy
He understood that you were lonely and wanted a romantic partner, and that it was normal for people your age
But he wanted you to only seek comfort in him and the others
He didn’t want you to rely on anyone else but them
He didn’t want you to figure out that the way the boys treat you is wrong
He didn’t want someone to steal you away from them
You were theirs, their baby
He kills the boy off after that night
He makes it look like an accident to make sure there was no argument from you
You came to him for comfort and he gave you one of his rare hugs
And he couldn’t help but think about how you were always meant to be like this
Dependent on him
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Star had taken you to a concert for your 15th birthday
She decided it would be a good way for you to interact more with people your age while still being able to hang out with you
She was the one who spotted a girl staring at you all night
She pointed it out to you and you became bright red
You giggled in the corner with her about the attention you were getting from this girl
Star encouraged you to talk to the girl and hyped you up
When you did disappear into the crowd to talk to her, star felt in her heart pure happiness from being able to support you through big moments in your life
She felt a little sad that you were growing up but she knew there was nothing she could do about her baby growing into a beautiful young person
She couldn’t help but laugh when you returned with a red lipstick kiss mark on your cheek and teased you about it for hours
She helped you clean it off and promised to keep your secret for the rest
She hadn’t seen you smile like that in a while
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You and max were having a grandpa and grandchild night out
He decided that he would take you out to a local restaurant
You were both sat down and began chatting when you recognised the waiter as the boy you had been talking to for awhile now
You greeted him with a kiss on the cheek out of habit before you remembered who you were sat with
Max questioned you gently before insisting the boy join you both on his break
Max began to grill him about his intentions before finding out that he as nothing but a good person
The kind of person who wouldn’t take advantage of his sweet grandchild
When the boy left, max gave you a quick nod and said “he’s acceptable” before returning to his meal
He was actually relieved, he was worried that you being around the depravity of your parents who hadn’t heard about private affection, that you might turn out to have a bad taste in partners
He left a big tip for the boy and got ready to leave
Before you both left, the boy came to say goodbye to you both
Max gave him a hug and said “get them pregnant and I’ll kill you” (alternative for people who can’t get pregnant “hurt them and I’ll kill you)
You rushed out of the restaurant with your grandpa as he began to explain the importance of waiting until your ready and how condoms are a must
You were bright red when you returned to the cave
At least grandpa max kept your secret and had your best interests at heart
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pleb-the-original · 28 days
Day 3: Construct
(ok so I kinda didn't want to do another a- monster but the entry just intrigued me too much.) Alright welcome to Agrippa duty. How bad did ya fuck up? Don't play coy, you had to fuck something up to end up down here. Ah, there it is. Yeah, I can see why they sent you down here. Anyways, this is your orientation as a new employee working for the care and keeping of the Elders' agrippas. What is an agrippa you may ask? Well, have ya heard of the Liber Primus? Big magic book with a human soul inside? Think of that, but a demon soul instead. Basically a long long time ago back when the humans up in Europe were in castle times, a bunch of priests managed to capture some demons and stuffed them into books. You'd think this would've been an issue, since, ya know. Humans stuffing us into books. But instead of doing something actually helpful with the potential crisis on our hands, the Elders decided they wanted in too. Now soul manipulation back then wasn't as refined as it is today, especially dealing with hellfire remnants. Research hadn't gone too far into figuring out the specifics in using hellfire remnants to form a soulfire with only a few successes such as that cat gal. But the Elders tried anyways. They plucked a handful of flames from a couple fires, placed them between the pages of a book and closed it shut. No I am not joking that is actually how they did it. The worst part was that it worked. I could go on about intention powering magic and the Elders heightened capabilities but who gives a shit about that? Not the Elders after having new toys to play with. They basically used the agrippas like journals, documenting their sacred knowledge inside. Some of them actually did useful things with their agrippas like collecting research notes. But some of the others one just wrote whatever the home was on their mind. Before you ask, the only one that didn't participate was Dantalion. I'm surprised he actually didn't say anything considering everyone was ripping him off. Maybe he knew what was to come. Because yeah, turns out stuffing an entire demon into a confined prison and feeding it untold wisdom does in fact lead to bad things happening. The agrippas got hungrier for knowledge. They soon became feral and started eating anything with information they could find. They even managed to trap normal demons within their pages by shutting them inside. It was mayhem! Once the Elders got their agrippas together, they locked 'em away down in the deepest bowels of Pandemonium so no one ever has to learn about one of the many times they fucked up. Oh yes this isn't the only incident, trust me. Working down here, you get to learn a lot about their dirty laundry. You can't ever let them know of course but trust me, you'll learn a lot. As for what we actually do, we just do rounds to make sure the locks are stable and the books are complacent. If they do get rowdy, you just gotta swing on by a booth to find a book to read to them. I am not kidding. Does this face look like it kids? No? Good. We do get assigned specific agrippas to deal with just in case they get out. And you gotttttttt……Vassago's. Eh, not bad. His gets a little testy sometimes but it ain't too bad. They must've gone easy on you. Yes, this is going easy. Trust me, things could be a lot worse. You could have gotten Andras'. I know right? If you do see any of the guys working with that one, just give them a hug. Or a pat on the back. Or anything really. Just don't make any sudden movements around them. Or the agrippa itself. Actually just stay as far away as possible at all times. You can tell which one it is by the caution tape…and the acid stains…and the paint. But I don't think things'll too bad for you. I mean you're only assigned down here for a couple months. Just make sure when you get outta here not to do anything to make them wanna send you back. I hate it when I get repeats.
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