#traveler centric
"I want to rip the stars to shreds."
Tws: Depression, Alcohol Abuse.
Genre: Angst no comfort
Main C. : Lumine
Series: Down a glass, down in hell (thank you Blu!) @bluu-m0on
Part 1 of the series.
Glass clinked at the 6nemo users sat in the teapot drinking the night away. Lumine sat with her guests as the tea party commences.
"So Traveler how have you been?" Heizou who was sitting next to Kazuha glanced towards the blonde. The blonde traveler sat next to Venti staring at her drink. Being judged she looks up in surprise glancing at Venti before responding. "I've been looking for my brother." Nonchalantly she shrugs drinking the bottle of Dandelion wine to her left.
The men continue talking as the alcohol begins to consume her. Two, three, she doesn't remember how much she has until Venti pulled the bottle away from her. Looking up she sees the looks of concern some of the them wear.
''What?'' Lifting the drink again, it was taken out of her hands by Xiao.
"Are you sure there isn't something you want to tell us?"Kazuha helps pull the alcohol away from her.
Lumine frowns now grilling onto the table. "I said it's fine Kazuha." She huffs standing up walking towards the kitchen.
The five sit in silence as she returns with another bottle. She drinks most of it before sloppily re taking her seat. Venti tries to pluck the bottle only for Lumine to fight for it with him. They tug and pull as Lumine snatches it from Venti. The movement cause sher to fall back hitting her head on the ground.
The room fills with silence before giggling filled the air. Lumine clutches her stomach as she laughs at seemingly nothing.
"What's funny?'' Masha questions taking a sip of sake. He looks down at her unphased from her mood swings. Hearing his words she stops giggling before sitting up.
"Its just things won't always be peaceful like this."They eye her confused waiting for her to continue.
"Ask me why?" She smiles sitting up fast adreline running through her.
"Why?" She giggles at Venti 's question. She stands up quickly holding the bottle as she wobbles to stand inforn of all of them.
"My sibling runs the Abyss." She continues ignoring the shocked looks she received. "Could you imagine?! If everyone who "helps" me, if they found out I was a related to the Abyss they'd go after my head." Faintly she hears the screaming and yelling. She feels the vibrations as someone runs chasing after her. She tries to get away only to fall head first breaking the wine bottle in her hands. Red covered her vision, glass in her arm as she tries to move away. Dozens of footsteps move trying to help her. She barely hears Venti's words as her vision fades.
This is just my little intro for my Angst Traveler series. If you want to be tagged for this series dm me below thank you~
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qiinamii · 11 months
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3.4 lantern rite log
[context for the 3rd one]
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b3y0ndm3asur3 · 4 months
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fellow travelers + reductress part 4
part 1, part 2, part 3
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the reveal in unmortricken that universes outside the central finite curve are just... inventing interdimensional travel all the fucking time is absolutely insane. like we know the central finite curve is just a tower the ricks built to place themselves forever on top, but the sheer number of people who have invented portal travel in other universes is completely mindblowing to me. all the portals are different styles, different colours - are these all different inventors across different collections of dimensions? it's unregulated, it's rick-free, it's only shown for like 30 seconds throughout the episode, and it's not even mentioned. i know we already know this, but rick sanchez really isn't the unique genius he pretends himself to be.
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theorderofthetriad · 1 month
sasuke not learning the truth about itachi and the massacre feels like it should be a significant sub-genre of naruto fanfic, but instead i've been able to find two
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hadesoftheladies · 13 days
got inspired from a recommendation post so decided to make a list of movies and shows with female-centric stories/female protagonists. since i can't post all of the genres in one post, i'll split it into multiple posts and y'all can save or add to the list as you wish. (disclaimer: i have watched most of these, but i only know about the existence of others. not every movie/show on these lists will be my recommendation. my recommendations will be beneath the list with reasons. also some of these are way better than others in terms of storytelling/performance--which is why i'll list my faves separately):
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Common Themes/Tropes:
-Girls fighting with their parents
-Crushes and romance (and love triangles)
-Strong friendships
-Exploring sexuality (most of these have scenes of a sexual nature)
-Finding herself (or learning how to grow up)
-A lot of (oftentimes comedic) blunders
-Enemies/rivals to lovers
-Girls getting up to no good (or girls getting up to good but getting derailed)
Darby and The Dead
Blood & Water
Eighth Grade
I Am Not Okay With This
Skate Kitchen
The Sisterhood of The Travelling Pants
We Are Lady Parts
Derry Girls (9/10) (GOATED SHOW!)
Bottoms (9/10) (hilarious and insane in the best ways!)
Paper Girls (7/10) (the chaos that happens when adult you meets preteen you)
Everything Now (8/10) (actually deals with eating disorders appropriately, the most humanizing teen show i've ever seen)
The Miseducation of Cameron Post is the more sober version of But I'm A Cheerleader, where two lesbians get sent to conversion therapy camps. I found both entertaining and refreshing, full of nuance and oftentimes clever about the writing. The performances were also quite good.
I remember My First Summer being bittersweet, but I think there was one scene that made me a little antsy (because the girls in this are pretty young). If it was done tastefully is better left interpreted by those who decide to watch it.
Do Revenge is a whole bag of everything. Mean Girls meets Bottoms. Funny, cruel and unhinged (yet also a little sweet). It was overall fun stuff.
Skate Kitchen has a spin-off show by HBO called Betty.
I barely remember the one episode of Blood & Water I watched, but I know there were things I found to raunchy too be tasteful, yet there was also quite a bit that was still pretty solid and sweet. Not sure I can recommend because I don't know enough except it's about sisters.
If you like sweet and simple teen love stories, Rafiki and The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Girls in Love are right up your alley.
I only watched one season of Never Have I Ever to emotionally support my sister who had started it. I have never felt such visceral second-hand embarrassment in my LIFE.
First Kill is Romeo and Juliet with vampires and monster hunters. I liked the actors/actresses but you can tell that the budget for this show wasn't that big. If you like Warrior Nun, though, you may like First Kill.
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gretahayes · 1 year
When Wally was younger, fresh out of Kid Flash’s mustard yellows, grieving and uncertain, Donna had told him something. 
(He thinks so at least. She may have been dead by then, but he wasn't hallucinating it, so he's probably mixing up continuities again. He does that a lot.)
"Endless universes," Donna had said seriously, hands cupping his face. "There's endless universes, right?"
"More like an endless amount of universes," Wally couldn't help but correct, despite knowing she was going somewhere important. She didn't make a habit of cradling his face, after all. "But yeah."
Donna had given him a sort of smile, the one she gives when she's just entertaining him. "Right. An endless amount of universes. Endless versions of you, and me, and everyone we love. And those we don't." She had waited for Wally to correct her. He hadn't, she wasn’t wrong, and she had gone on. "But we just have you. Our wonderful Wally West."
"Aww," Wally had said. 
Donna had given him that same half-smile again. "Wally, you don't have to be Barry to be a good Flash. To be a good friend."
That's where she was going. "Donna-"
"We're not asking you to be perfect," Donna had said, ignoring him completely, "Barry wasn't. Jay wasn't. But if we meet other-yous, we just need you to be one of the good ones. Be the best you you can be."
Donna had run her thumb along Wally's jawline affectionately. "We'll always choose you," she had said. "Don't ever make us answer to valid questions as at why."
“I’ll try,” Wally had promised around the sudden lump in his throat. 
“That’s all I ask,” Donna had said. She had touched their foreheads together briefly, then had smiled and let go of him completely, and they were back to normal.
…Wally really hopes that happened in this continuity. Someday he’s going to thank Donna for the advice and he doesn’t want her to look at him like he’s crazy. He thinks he’d cry.
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shittyakechiweekly · 8 months
me *having a depresso moment for no discernable reason*: i could make an akechi drawing out of this
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puppiesandnightlock · 6 months
Link: Dear Younger Me, It's Not Your Fault
Summary: Damian gets blasted into a future where he's living his best life, and not to mention married. He doesn't think he deserves any of it. Future Damian and Jon help his think otherwise.
for super sons week bonus day 2: Magic and Mayhem
“Aw, I almost forgot how cute you were as a little kid, Dami! I just wanna squish his cheeks-”
“Tt, control yourself, Jonathan, if he’s as old as I think he is, he will not hesitate to chop your arm off if you so much as breathe in his direction.”
The child’s head was swimming, the two voices muffled as if he were underwater. He had a vague memory of being set on a bed, warm blue eyes setting him down and startled green hues tucking him in with the blanket still currently wrapped around him.
Instinctively, his hand went to the knife that was usually on the side of his hip. He grimaced as he realized even his most hidden weapons had been taken. 
Mother would be so ashamed of him, if she were to learn that he had been taken in so easily, not to mention the failure of hiding weapons. 
He sat up, struggling a bit, but managing to open his eyes, squinting as they adjusted to the light.
He was in a room, the bed set in front of a fireplace. The walls were beige, accents of gold and deep green painted along the sides. It was then he took notice of the figure in front of him. He blamed his disorientated brain on missing the key factors of the room.
(“Excuses.” Grandfather would spit.)
The person (?) was draped in a color matching the forest of the walls, poking the fire and making it leap to life.
Spotting a pair of scissors left on the bedside table, he carefully picked them up, moving to get up and sneak towards the figure.
“I know you’re awake.” The voice seemed more amused than dangerous, a discreet accent in the words.
The child startled, pushing the covers off and pointing the scissors at the person. 
“Where am I? Who are you?”
He got his answer as the person stood, turning to face the child. He wore an outfit similar to a thawb, deep green with gold accents. There was a gold cuff earring on his left ear, covering it and connecting to a dangling chain in his lobe. His skin was a caramel tone, tanned and weathered through the years. His hair was a soft brown, brushed but without gel. The eyes that met his held pain and trauma behind them, but were kind. 
(Kinder than his, he thought to himself bitterly.)
“You are safe here, please refrain from stabbing me with the scissors, although I doubt it would be an easy task.”
Damian opened his mouth to speak, but was immediately cut off. 
‘’I assume you’ve already come to the conclusion that this is the future, and please be assured that we are working to send you back to your own time. You will most likely have all memories of this visit erased from your mind, therefore I will tell you that you are in my house, and the only other person is my partner, who is in the kitchen at the moment.”
His older counterpart moved to sit on the bed, and the younger scowled. 
“I expected us to be taller.” were the first words out of his mouth.
The older one snickered, muffling his laughter with a hand to his mouth. 
“Well, so did I. It's both hard and useful, you’ll get over it in due time, I promise.”
The door was kicked open, a much taller man carrying a tray with tea and toast on it. Both looked over in surprise, the smaller Damian immediately launching the pair of scissors at him.
To his surprise and Older Damian’s amusement, it bounced off his skin, bending as it did so and landing against the wall.
The raven-haired man grinned, dropping the tray on the bedside table.
“He’s so defensive and tiny!” 
An angry flush came over his cheeks, but instead of a retort, he asked incredulously, “Kent??”
“Aww, we’re still in that stage!” Jon cooed. “He must have just met me.”
“Do not patronize me, Farmboy!” Younger Damian spat.
Jonn squealed again, making grabby hands. “Look at how absolutely adorable you were bossing me around!”
“Do try not to antagonize him, J.” The older one chided gently, eyes sparkling with fondness.
The child took immediate notice of this, picking up the relaxed postures, the way his older counterpart held such reverence for the other in a way he never thought possible for another human being.
Similarly, this future version watched the older with admiration as if he’d hung the moon and stars himself.
His arm flailed between the both, mouth opening and closing as if speaking but no words came out.
Jon laughed aloud at the crisis the younger boy was having, shaking his head. “This is what went on when you finally realized?”
Both Damians scowled, the older one blushing a deep red.
The younger one seemed ready to scream. Both men tried to hide their hands behind their back, although not quick enough. 
The child spotted the glint of the matching bands of gold the moment they moved, his eyes going wide as saucers.
“fi 'ayi ealam lan 'afeal mithl hadha alshay'?!” He began ranting in Arabic, pacing on the bed. 
“I can’t believe you!” he finally declared, pointing at his counterpart as if he were accusing him of murder. “We married KENT?” 
“Like it’s such a bad thing.” Jon put a hand to his heart, mock offended.
“Can it, Corncob! What did Father and Mother think?” He pauses in horror. “What did Grandfather think?”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay.” Damian grabbed his hands, holding them tight as the younger one tried to wrench them away.
“He must have tried to have him killed…” 
The younger was looking anywhere but the older ones. This was horrible, he was both Robin and a feared assassin, why, why, why was he on the verge of tears at the thought of any of this?
(Deep down, he knew why. This was the forbidden life he kept inside for himself under lock and key. He was a monster, a weapon, meant to take over the League and if not the league, his father’s mantle. He was not supposed to look this happy, have this life, marry someone who was too pure for the world he was born into. Not someone who loved him, who looked at him with the knowledge of his past and still seemed to think he was capable of love.
That was never the plan.)
Jon watched the smaller version of his husband go through a hurricane of emotions all at once, emerald eyes shiny. He watched the internal panic and fear flit through a face too young to have such worries and felt a pang in his heart. One so strong because how many times did he watch his Damian go through that? The tears that should never have been shed, the panic and sleepless nights that should have been replaced with sweet dreams and laughter.
“It’s too nice,” The child finally rasped. “Too nice for me. How…how do I end up like you?”
He directed his question to his older counterpart, hands still trapped in his. The tears made his long eyelashes framing his eyes stick together. 
“It’s all too good…for someone like me to have.”
The older one closed his eyes, inhaling deeply.
”It took me a long time, with a lot of help to banish the thoughts. Lots of help from different people. I…i can’t tell you anything that will make you believe me, because at this age, i would have been the same.”
“But I can tell you the absolute truth, and it’s that after everything we’ve gone through, and the challenges you have yet to face, we deserve everything that we’ve been given and much more.” 
“You deserved a childhood with people who loved you and did not harm you or train you to death. And this future? This is what you deserve. We earned this future. You won’t remember this visit when you go back, but a part of you will know what I say is true.”
The boy sobbed suddenly, the three curling up on the bed and finding solace in one another.
Damian looked down at the paper in his hands. His counterpart shoving it in his hands and softly smiling was the only thing he remembered from his supposed blast to the future.
Dear younger me, 
You deserve every good thing you get. None of the mess that is our life is your fault. Go on and make mistakes, give your heart a break, even if only for a moment. It will serve you well to make some friends too. Till we meet again, as your future self.
                        Damian W.K.
The day after sending his counterpart into the portal, Damian was flooded with new, joyful memories, and a worn piece of paper with faded ink on the corner of his vanity’s mirror. 
Absent-mindedly he wondered how long it took for the younger one to realize that the initials were a hint to his future after all.
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moonshade45 · 1 year
Official Ocean Entity Miko fanfic design!
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The last design I decided to scrap, it felt a bit off from what I was picturing, so I redesigned it and made this instead.
this is the canon design for Miko's Entity form, 18ft tall with the full grown height for her species to be 40 to 50ft (damn tall-)
The fanfiction goes by: Earth Can Be Scary (But They Never Noticed) on ao3!
Currently only a oneshot, but I'm open to suggestions if people want the story to continue on, I already have some ideas but I'm open to more :D
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m0nost4tic · 6 months
someone's gotta hear me out here;
octopath traveler ii apocalyptic au.
it has SO MUCH raw potential, no matter which route you want to take for it.
soooo.... prepare yourself for a ramble on potential ideas. do keep in mind i divided it up by sections only after writing most of it though 💔
-- general concept //
i've mentioned the idea to a handful of friends, and most of them assume i mean an apocalyptic au placed in a more modern setting. that in itself is interesting and a whole other concept to explore, but what i've *really* been thinking of is one set in solistia.
at first, i wanted to use the stereotypical zombie virus. but when i further thought on it, that wouldn't really make sense in ot2's context. i mean, yeah, it could be a situation like castti's - but how would a mutated virus tie back to an overlooming shadow the same way trousseau's poison does?
there were a billion different ways to create or sever that tie. the virus' mutation could have been caused by the darkness, or the virus itself originating from a creature of it, or something else among the lines of that. i couldn't really settle on just one solid idea - until i remembered osvald's final chapter.
osvald's final chapter features people who are "possessed" by this shadow magic. they are unable to speak and appear violent to *some* extent. plus, after you're able to free them from this trance, they seem to be unaware of what had only just taken place.
in addition to this, while playing the game, you have a set chance of encountering a monster who looks *just* like one of the others, save for its darker palette and shadow-themed battle scenery. this also appears in ochette's final. and temenos' final, when that magic mutates kaldena into some sort of monster? AND the darkblood blade causing a similar instance with mugen?? ANDDD the dark akala/mahina for ochette's final???? and not to mention trousseau using "poisonous shadow energy" to cause fatal illness. the perfect set-up for a zombielike concept is literally all RIGHT there
-- hikari //
HOWEVER. using the shadow as a direct cause of it brings up a few questions that need solving. if we go with a "the last of us" sort of concept, where the people who are infected are *alive* but serve as "hosts," then what would that mean for hikari??? there's a bunch of different ways to explore that. would he technically be born infected and, therefore, have partial immunity?? if so, how would his infected state affect not only him but the other travelers as well??? i imagine it functions pretty similarly to the original curse, maybe with a few sickly symptoms?
i think one of the key differences with hikari and other forms of the shadow is sentience. with the people from osvald's ch. 5, they're reduced to just making animalistic sounds in place of speaking. in hikari and temenos' finals, both mutated versions of bosses have a VERY limited speech pattern and seem to entirely lose themself. in ochette's story, it afflicted animals. on the flip side, when it comes to hikari's curse, we have this shadow within that can speak and think for itself. while it is a possibility this sentience is limited because most (if not all) of what it thinks about is violence, it's perfectly capable of interacting with people (...if it ever wanted to without hurting them)
so...maybe it wouldn't act like the other infected whenever hikari loses control of it? but it probably still has a strong lust for blood. PLUS, being that this is set in an apocalyptic setting, being around violence is going to be an incredibly common occurrence. hikari'll have to be dealing with it. a LOT. i feel like at some point the other travelers start to notice that something's up, depending on which representation of the curse you wanna go for. like, if it's just partial infection immunity, hikari could be bitten at some point, start feeling a faint bit sickly, and everyone's grieving and preparing for his loss, and then...it just. doesn't happen. or, if you wanna go for something like the shadow being recognized as something similar to the infected, there could be an instance where hikari is struggling against it, and the infected they were in the middle of fighting charge toward him, set to attack, and— then they just walk around him, as if he didn't exist at all. this would probably act similar to the whole smell disguise thing in the walking dead or like the zombies ignoring the ill in world war z
-- throné //
the shadow's relation to the apocalypse would also raise a few questions for throné. for instance, if this widespread infection is marking the beginning of vide's return and the end of time, what would this mean about throné being a 'vessel?' what about her own blood ties to d'arqest (and the ones she shares with hikari)?
since throné doesn't have 1-to-1 interactions with her dark ancestry (the shadow), i wouldn't go quite as far as hikari's concepts. like, i don't think she'd be immune to them. buuuuut, as she was born as a potential candidate as vide's vessel, i can see her being better at handling the infected. maybe it'd be something like a heightened sense or intuition of their actions. there could be more of an understanding that's beyond just empathy of the tragedy. after all, these things are technically vide's creation, and she's not so far off from being considered one too. i wouldn't go off into fantasy land and say she can talk to them or something, but i can see her predicting some of their behaviors. if they ever try to sneak up on the cast, both because of her assassin/thief history and this trait, she'd be the first to notice them and spring into action-- even before they're actually near the group. it's like a feeling of paranoia except, most of the time, it's true
ochette could perhaps possess a similar ability (though not quite the same) due to the orign of the beastlings, and because of her being basically pure light LMAO. even vide couldn't find a way to corrupt her
another note- i feel like traveler stories relating to vide would be much more rooted in cultism than they were originally. you've probably seen films or shows of post-apocalyptic scenarios. cults spresd FAST. and, speaking of which...
-- the moonshade order //
THESE GUYS. eugh i both love and hate them sm i'm gonna throw them
anyway. so, in this version of what i'm describing, the only main world change is the timeline order. long story short, these guys managed to pull a lot of the big bad strings way back, maybe even before some of the travelers were born (glances at agnea) but i haven't fully arranged it out yet
ALTHOUUUGH, as we know, there are circumstances that were only capable thanks TO the travelers. (ex. kazan using the ku civil war to retrieve the blade). i think this is EXACTLY why vide has yet to fully return. maybe they've managed to get 2 or 3 of the flames out (i'm not completely sure which ones are possible and which ones aren't. i'd have to look back at it later... it's currently 12 am at the time of me writing this, so there's zero way i'm checking atm </3). in this csse scenario, i see this like a weakening on the seal, and hence, allowing for the beginning of the end to start
otherrr than that, post-apocalyptic, i see them functioning as a cult. ..well, they technically already are, but a more influential one. like, let's take kazan, for example. he would definitely use the apocalypse as an opportunity to 'advise' the king and general mugen. ...iiiin other words, basically manipulating them.
!! subsection about ku because i rambled a bit //
since ku's so war-heavy, after the kingdom falls (and, geographically wise, they'd likely be one of the last standing), i envision them having a survivor group ran by the royal family. kazan would use the chaos and conflict to paint himself in to a higher, more influential role in this group. as hikari would be pretty young when the apocalypse began, i can picture kazan becoming his mentor in this au. he'd probably speak to hikari and other people of ku about vide and the end of the 'cruel and ugly world' and such, and, because most people are willing to listen to just about anything in this stats of emergency, they start believing in it, too. maybe not as deeply as kazan, but it might influence them in behaviors or habits, like serving to only worsen ku's war-thirsty nature or people of the group beginning to adapt a more "ah, well, it is what it is. this cruel and ugly world will end soon anyway" mindset
also, on kazan mentoring hikari, this would definitely be another manipulation tactic. enough people of ku know about the curse (and, in mugen's case, about hikari's mixed ancestral bloodline) for it to be expected that kazan is fully aware of it. i wouldn't even be surprised if part of the plan was to use hikari to, at last, fully free vide. orrr, maybe kazan treats hikari as if he's vide's intended vessel? either way, this would cause much deeper rooted psychological problems for hikari. like...ku's violence meter probably went WAAAY up due to the stress and panic of the apocalypse. and then you add in the blackouts associated with the shadow within that he's not fully aware of until adulthood. and also a lot of the similar event sequences to his original storyline.
i just really quickly fetched a few small hypothetical concepts i sent to a friend about post-apoc ku late october;
" hikari's upbringing would therefore likely have a lot more of kazan's involvement in it, as well as all those bad behaviors.
ofc, just like he strays from his family's history of violence in canon, hikari often strays away from the path kazan tries to set up for him. he disagrees with all the violence and a good amount of the questionable behaviors clan ku exhibits
in facctttt
one idea i had for this version of ku, was that they sometimes keep others hostage for bargaining, torturing for information, cult-like related reasons, etc. but this would be pretty rare because ku would fucking murder most of their hostages
there was one scene i imagined would perhaps make a tie between him and another character (most likely partitio due to ku and oresrush's proximities)
in this case, lets say there's been a group near their area that they've been struggling to "sniff out," and they finally happen to find one of the members of that group. if this was as a tie to partitio, then this would likely be one of his friends - nikki, joe, maybe even alrond, etc.
young hikari realizes he's roughly the same age as the hostage and, ofc, feels super fucking bad. and hence sneaks out at night to bandage the captive's wounds and maybe try to free him
during that whole interaction, i imagine him saying something along the lines of "it's okay," offering out his hand to show the bandages and his intent to help, "...i'm not like them."
if/when he frees this person, kazan would definitely have the suspicion it was hikari and eventually find the evidence it was (likely through manipulating hikari to spill), and young hikari would get *a ton* of shit for it
to mimic a lot of things that happens in hikari's story, another thing i did sort of want portrayed was his mother's death;
but i thought it more similarly to a twd character, where his father clings onto a zombified version of her (and this could serve as another reason for the occasional captive and excessive bouts of manslaughter)
until, one day, she's found fckin dead. wound indicates a sword to the head and all. hikari personally felt a sort of peace with the fact, because he saw it as her *finally* being allowed to rest properly. he knew and recognized that the walkers were anything but human, and while they once were, the person they were before was most definitely *gone*. (hence he'd be the type to go out of his way to put an end to walkers that're trapped or hung, because he wants those people to finally feel a sense of peace instead of being trapped in whatever sort of hell that was. if the shadow was to have a big hold on him, it would also contribute to this sympathy because he'd *know* some of the hell they'd gone through)
....however, the rest of clan ku would *not* see it that way and treat it as an assassination. and that's another pointer to hikari that things around him are kinda lowkey fucked up
....and because of the way he viewed it, and him being young and not yet really knowing that view was VERY frowned upon, a lot of the clan ends up thinking he was the one who carried it out. henceee more of the shit hikari receives. the shit w/ jin mei would also be connected 2 this "
!! back to moonshade //
mindt may cause something sort of like that among the church, or be able to spread the word of vide under the disguise OF the proper church of the sacred flame. people are 10x more likely to listen to official clerics instead of some rambling lunatic, right?
okay i'm getting too tired to keep writing tjis it just turned 1 in the morning and i didn' sleep yesterdah. 😭😭. i MIGHT come back and revisit this if anything else comes to mind!!!! most of my thoughts have pertained to hikari and thr ku kingdom, so if this post somehow manages to pique anyone's interest at all, i'm really open to hesring any ideas you might have for any of tje travelers or ot2 chatacters! orrr any input about things i've already thought up. i really wanna find some way to implement ships into this too but i haven't gotten to think on it much. i'm personally a sucker for partikari, castthroné, and knightlight/crimenos. but also just relationships in general, like the close-knit friendship between throné and temenos. .....this is making me realize how much more thinking and planning i have to do 😭
ps i'm newer to tumblr so i'm sorry if the formatting in this is god awful💔. i wanted somewhere to rant about my silly little slow work in progress apoc au in the middle of the might and thought you guys would be best suited lmfao
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doctaaaaaaaar · 7 months
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mistystarshine · 5 months
the town where only I am missing
It's a simple enough situation: save a child in the past to stop a villain in the future.
But what do you do when the child and the villain are the same person?
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sourseat · 17 days
tomorrow I’m planning to go to a pole class then for an ocean swim and to look at a market and then seeing a movie with new friend. And i’m a bit stressed because I have planned these three things which are all over an hour via PT away from each other. the buses just aren’t reliable enough for this to all go to plan. And so I am accepting the possibility of missing the pole class (I will only actually book it once I’m sitting on the bus), and actually not accepting missing the train to the swim spot :( i wanna swim! Accepting that if i miss that train I’ll be sad. I’ll find something nice to do with that time if I do anyway. Maybe buy a croissant and eat it in a park. Go to a museum/gallery. Walk around! Buy some work shoes.
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spicychestnut-updates · 5 months
UPDATE: "Ouroboros" - Chapter 8
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Eventual Sakura/Kakashi | Rating: MA-E | Chapters: 8/?
Three years have passed since the fourth war. Konoha has transformed, and team seven along with it. Kakashi has settled into his role as the sixth Hokage, Sakura runs the first ever Children’s Mental Health clinic with Ino, Naruto has taken on a genin team and is engaged to be married, and Sasuke… Well. Sasuke is far away from the village. At the end of their first turbulent year together Sakura asks Sasuke for a break and he readily agrees, departing Konoha that same night. But when he returns an old enemy returns with him, and Sakura is thrown into a situation she couldn’t be more ill-prepared for: trapped fourteen years in Konoha’s past, with no idea how to return home.
>> Content warnings: mature adult themes, canonical character deaths, violence, mild gore, harsh language, eventual explicit sexual content
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Chapter 8: Tea with Sarutobi
Sakura goes out for tea with the Sandaime, hoping he finally brings news of a plan to get her home. Instead, he flips everything on its head.
Words: 2,575 Chapter warnings: none
>> Read now on AO3!
Author's note: I have a Patreon now! Given it's been a while since I've updated this fic, I'm posting this chapter directly to AO3; but future chapters will be posted to Patreon first, then cross-posted to AO3 two weeks later. Follow on Patreon for free to see what I'm up to!
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logicalbookthief · 2 years
If you're still taking writing prompts, how about 62 or 72 with Darius and Hunter? 👀 Your choice. I think that anything of yours about those two would be a great read. But no pressure if you already have your plate full!
72. “There’s always another way.”
@thyandrawrites thank you for dadrius prompt and for giving me an excuse to write a one-shot for an AU I will probably not have the chance to write in its totality <3333
Anyway, this basically an AU where the whole Day of Unity/Collector fiasco ends tragically for everyone, but Darius wakes up back in time during the events of Eclipse Lake and thinks he may be able to prevent it, despite the massive amounts of PTSD.
He recognizes that voice. That annoying little voice, pestering him with questions, asking for advice, or his orders. It prods his mind like sunlight peeking through the curtains, urging him awake.
Darius? Darius, wake up! 
Waking would be agony. His body remembers, even if his brain has yet to catch up. Veins of gold fracturing up his arm, his shoulder, his neck. His throat tightens, it burns, he can’t breathe, or cry out, they’re too late, it’s too late, to—
Wake up!
Darius shoots up in bed. Eyes flying open, searching for... For the boy, that’s who the voice belongs to, where is...?
Where am I?
His vision swims for another second or so before it clears. He’s alone. Alone in his room.
A room that isn’t in shambles. A castle still in-tact.
Darius yanks down his sleeve. Stares at the skin of his sigil, no longer inflamed, or fractured by scars. He inhales sharply, scrambling to his feet.
The date on the calendar isn’t correct. The date says they have weeks until the Day of Unity, the eclipse, the Collector—
His lungs seize impatiently. Choking on the breath he forgot to let out.
Flummoxed, Darius staggers back, missing the bed and landing hard on the floor. The pain is real, grounding. There’s a layer of dust beneath his fingertips, and that’s real, too; he hasn’t had the time to clean, too focused on averting the end of the world. An end that’s already come to pass.
 Am I really...?
Time travel does not exist, he reminds himself, rather deliriously, given the circumstances. How else does he explain this anomaly? Even the Collector’s nigh-infinite power can’t warp the past.
Could it be a trick, an illusion cast over his mind? For what purpose? No, the Collector was just a child too callous when handling his toys. Malicious, yes, not calculating enough for this — whatever cruelty this is.
Darius never paid much heed to the Titan’s will, even prior to the revelation it was all a ruse. If he were a Titan-fearing man, this certainly seems like some divine form of punishment. To force him to witness it all over again, fully aware of the hollow victory their initial failure spawns—all the friends he loses, sacrificed to the greater good, which turned out to be a mediocre good at best—
As far as panic attacks go, it isn’t the worst he’s experienced. Not when he’s intimate enough with death to distinguish the difference now, the what separates this fire-laced fear in his chest from the dread of knowing you and all your loved ones will die as you’re dying.
Tension settles beneath his ribcage, tugging helplessly at his heart. Ignorance is bliss, he thinks, if it means with walking into this rebellion with eyes blinded by hope. Instead of being dragged back while knowing there’s no way to stop—
There’s always another way.
He recognizes that voice, too, even if it’s distorted, as though traveling over a distance. The whisper of it eases his pulse, eases his mind out of its panic, anchoring him in a moment much further in the past.
“Well, I’m no oracle, but…” The Golden Guard surveys the room, deftly dodging a splatter of abomination as it drips from the ceiling. “I suspect you have a shift full of cleaning duty in your future.”
“I can’t get this spell right,” Darius groans, picking flecks of goop out of his hair. “I’ve followed all the instructions, done everything right, and yet—”
He gestures to the cauldron, still bubbling with sinister intent. Mocking him.
“Oof,” the Golden Guard grunts eloquently. He bends down to examine the mixture. “Any idea where you’re going wrong?”
Darius scowls. “Did you miss the part where I mentioned I’ve done everything right?”
“What I mean is,” he interjects, wryly. “Have you tried approaching it from a different angle?” 
Frowning, Darius crosses his arms. “This is the way the book says to do it,” he mutters, defensively. Even a hack like Alador can follow the instructions.
The Golden Guard chuckles. “Trust me,” he says, and, though it’s perhaps to his detriment in the long run, Darius does. “There’s always another way.”
Reminded of his mentor’s advice, Darius exhales. Dusts off his clothes. Reassess. 
The Day of Unity is weeks away. Belos is still alive, still plotting to destroy every witch in the Boiling Isles. The Day of Unity is weeks away, and Darius knows, he knows precisely what they failed to do before, and precisely what they need to do to ensure it won’t happen again.
Maybe this isn’t a cruel, cosmic joke. Maybe this is a second chance.
He checks the calendar once more. He can’t remember anything remarkable about this day in particular, though it hardly matters, when he intends to change the outcome of it all.
Coven meeting in thirty minutes.
Rushing through his routine, Darius manages to look fairly presentable, all things considered. Operating on muscle memory, he walks through the castle halls without any stumbles, as if he’s never left. It feels a bit like he’s sleepwalking.
“If this is a dream,” he grumbles to himself. “It is a very long, elaborate one.”
Surreal or no, the familiarity will work in his favor. He resolves to appear as normal as possible, since that was the folly of their last plan. Terra suspected Raine from the start and saw the betrayal coming.
Fortunately, Darius’s superior acting will be able to pass the test of scrutiny. 
He hears the pitter-patter of claws against the tile, a swoop in the air, and then there’s a weight on his shoulder, the bristle of unruly fur against his cape. Darius stiffens.
Scalpel against his throat, eyes blown wide in fear, a fear he’s rarely witnessed in his friend. Darius can’t move, can’t do anything as he’s restrained, can’t do anything as the draining spell begins, his friend collapsing in pain despite all his efforts to save—
Jumping down off his shoulder, Eberwolf tilts his head. Something wrong? 
Darius forces out a scoff. “Nothing of note,” he replies, shortly. Any lingering traces of turmoil could be blamed on irritation. “Didn’t sleep well.”
Eberwolf falls into step aside of him. It’s your bed.
“You have no room to talk. You sleep in a pile of filthy fur pelts on the floor.”
And of the two of us, who looks more rejuvenated? Eberwolf preens.
He scowls half-heartedly, too busy swelling with joy. Titan, he missed this bickering.
Meeting with the coven-heads should be a cinch, now that he’s already had this episode with Eber. He’ll be prepared to handle these emotional outbursts should they try to inconvenience him again.
Nothing prepares Darius for the sight of Raine, standing awkwardly next to Terra, waiting for everyone to arrive.
 A bard should never be as silent as this. The draining spell left all of them groggy, weak. Raine has yet to stir. Not even as Eda pleads, and sobs, and cradles their body, which is still except for the gentle rise of their chest. 
Whatever strength they needed to wake was used up to save the woman they loved. Even as the world screams, a symphony of terror and noise, Raine remains silent. Catatonic, alive in name only...
“Something the matter, Darius?” asks Terra, an ice-cold echo of Eber’s concern. Her voice snaps him back to the present, realizing he’s now the subject of her undivided curiosity, bordering on suspicion. Fuck.
“Yes,” he deadpans, pointing to Raine’s vest. Today it’s a rotted burgundy color. “That eyesore of an outfit caused a momentary lapse in composure.” 
Raine pulls a face, shooting Darius a look. Laying it on a little thick there, aren’t you? 
You’ll thank me later, songbird. “Remind me to bleach that image from my eyeballs when we’re done here.”
Terra chuckles, not bothering to hide her amusement. That was the trick with the old crone, he’s learned. Keep her entertained and she’s no trouble.
The meeting goes by without another incident. Darius stalks off on his own in search of “eye bleach” afterwards. It gives him a chance to sift through his swirling thoughts, which keep circling back to how this occurred. He removes time-portals from the equation, since it’s solely his consciousness that’s done the traveling.
Out-of-body experiences reek of oracle magic. Loathe as he is to admit, he could use Odalia’s consult on this, though the cost would be enduring her smugness. However, she was a bit too chummy with Kikimora, as he recalls... 
Darius wrinkles his nose. Decides he’d rather eat his own boot than ask her for help. 
He’s pondering so intently that he fails to look as he’s turning the corner, colliding right into someone else.
“Watch where you’re going!” 
That voice. Full of anger, and no small amount of irritation, as its owner tries to brush past the coven head.
Without a second’s hesitation, Darius catches the kid by the wrist, both of them freezing in the middle of corridor. Suddenly, he’s struggling to breathe past the smell of smoke—
—smoke paints the sky black. Flecks of gold mingled in the ash that springs from the from the pyre. 
Belos howls against his bindings, very nearly free. The youngest of the Golden Guards stands vigil.
“This curse of our family ends with you,” he vows, a flame glyph clenched in his fist. His words are grim, final.  “And with me.”
Darius realizes too late what he means. He isn’t fast enough.
The wire trips, the trap set—
Hunter glares at his lack of response. "What do you want?" he asks wearily. "And why are you staring at me like—mmph!"
His yelp is muffled against Darius's chest as he’s crushed in an embrace. The boy squirms, radiating his uncertainty. Darius holds tighter, reassured by his fluttery pulse. His hand clasps against hair that’s still blonde, not blackened by soot. Skin not blistered, or burnt, his remains distorted beyond recognition. No, Hunter is alive, and whole, and nothing could ever compel Darius to let go—
Something smears onto glove.
"Ack!" Darius gasps, shoving the boy to arm’s length. He glowers at the state of his clothes. "Gross! You're covered in sludge!"
"Well, it wouldn’t be a problem if you hadn't tried to smother me!" Hunter sputters.
"I wasn't smothering you,” he snaps. “That was a hug. Do you not understand what a hug is?"
“A what?” Hunter exclaims, answering that succinctly. “Did you hit your head recently!? Should I call the healing coven?” 
Darius pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing. His hand’s trembling, but he doubts Hettie Cutburn has anything that will treat this unique brand of head trauma.
"I was...” He fumbles to explain to Hunter, this Hunter, who has no reason trust his word, steadfastly devoted to the emperor. He hasn’t the faintest clue what sort of danger he’s in. Hasn’t an inkling of the fate that awaits him, a graveyard of golden masks and bones…
Titan, does he even have Flapjack yet? Has he met Eda’s human? Too many liabilities. So many ways this single, persistent child could compromise the mission.
If he was smart, Darius would leave him alone. Claim temporary insanity and push the kid aside, just as he’s done a hundred times before. Hunter would barely notice, accustomed to this kind of neglect. 
Besides, the sooner he defeats Belos, the sooner he saves Hunter, and everyone else. When this is over, he can apologize properly, and make up for it, and—
“Let me help,” Hunter beseeches. “I know my uncle better than anyone. And I learned plenty about my family in the human realm,” he adds, grimacing. “I know what I have to do.”
Darius’s exhaustion is bone-deep by this point. Somehow he summons the energy for a smile, threadbare as it is. “Forget it, kid.”
Hunter frowns. “After the draining spell, you’re short on able-bodied witches. I’m no witch, but after all this, you can’t seriously be underestimating me.”
“What about your friends?” Darius retorts. “Would you allow them to join such a mission?”
“They’re kids.” Hunter’s resolve hardens. “Real kids, with families, and homes. I belong here. Fighting, following orders. It’s what I know what to do, what I was made for.”
Stiltedly, Darius opens his mouth, unsure of how to broach the subject. This conversation confirms what he assumed already, that Hunter has no relatives, and nowhere to go.
You could have a home with me, he wants to say, but a shout from Eda draws his attention. It sounds urgent, more important, so Darius shelves the discussion for later. They’ll have time, he thinks, once this is over. It can wait...
“I was checking on you,” he rushes out, stunning the boy into silence. “You look a bit, um. Banged up.”
"Yeah, you would look that way too if you were traipsing around in the mines all day, searching for Titan’s blood.”
“At the Knee?” Darius knits his brow. Belos needs Titan’s blood for the portal. Why send his scouts on a such a fruitless endeavor? “Those mines have been dry for decades.”
“Wish you would’ve told me earlier,” Hunter mumbles. “Nothing left to find there except fool’s blood.”
“Fool’s blood is highly unstable,” Darius says with growing horror. He examines the boy’s face more closely, noting that he’s littered with cuts and bruises, most of it superficial.
“That’s what I said!” Hunter exclaims, throwing his arms in the air. “Try telling the idiot Owl Lady and her rat that.”
So he’s definitely met Edalyn, judging by his utter frustration. Darius huffs out a laugh, short-lived as he glimpses the nasty-looking cut on his forehead, hopefully not caused by any explosions.
He moves to tuck that errant strand of hair out of the way so he can get a better view. Hunter flinches from the touch. “Get away from me,” he says, waspily. 
Obligingly, Darius backpedals. “You look like you’re ready to collapse,” he observes, perhaps a bit hypocritically, when he’s teetering over the edge of exhaustion himself.
“Because I’m tired,” Hunter murmurs, the bags under his eyes darker than usual. Despite his admission, he says, “If you’re finished with your weird little interrogation, I have work to do.”
Good, he’s leaving of his own volition. Just let him pass—
Panic blooms in his chest. Burning, frantic and baseless. For Titan’s sake, it isn’t the kid will meet some terrible fate the moment he leaves his sight!
His feet act on their own accord, stepping in front of him and blocking his path. Hunter groans.
“Wait!” Darius halts. Tries to think of something, anything that could detain the boy without drawing suspicion. “Are- Are you hungry?”
Of the excuses he could’ve conjured, that’s a contender for the stupidest.
Hunter opens his mouth, all ready with a snide reply, but he’s interrupted by a long, rumbling growl from his stomach. He flushes, teeth clicking shut. 
That’s a yes. Darius smirks victoriously, motioning for Hunter to follow. Reluctantly, the boy complies.
“Stop staring at me,” Darius snaps, though there’s no heat behind it, unless he counts the steam wafting from his cup. “Didn’t anybody ever teach you manners?”
“I’m confused,” Hunter shrugs by way of response. Darius shoves a tin bowl of cookies in his direction as a distraction.
He didn’t mention that any food in his room was whatever snacks Eberwolf hadn’t eaten from his cheat-day stash.
“You have literally never invited me to tea,” Hunter points out. “Or tolerated me for longer than ten-minute increments.”
“That is... Oddly specific.” And incredibly sad. He acted so arrogant as the Golden Guard, trying to boss around adults that he technically outranked, but who was supposed to take a child seriously? It was such an effective front that it never occurred to Darius that Hunter may be aware of how disliked he was among the coven heads.
There was a lot you didn’t consider.
Oblivious to his guilt, Hunter nods. “Your record is higher than most coven heads. Graye can only stand me for four minutes at best.”
“Maybe I should keep you around,” Darius snorts. “Save me the headache of dealing with him.”
Hunter cracks a smile. He munches on a cookie from the tin, seemingly without a care for how stale they are, quickly grabbing another. While he’s scattering crumbs all over his table, Darius sets his cup down, surreptitiously gathering the medical kit he snuck over with the kettle.
When he realizes his intent, Hunter grunts and bats his hand away. “I told you—”
“Hold still,” Darius barks. Regrets it when Hunter goes rigid, instantly obeying. Softly, he dabs at the cut with disinfectant. “Don’t be , it won’t hurt you. This looks like it smarts, though.”
“This? No,” Hunter scoffs. “I’ve had worse.”
He brandishes this fact proudly, a badge of honor. It comes across rather differently to Darius, a child who doesn’t know any better. His gaze flicks over to the scar on the boy's face and decides they both need a distraction. 
Luckily, the boy loves to talk, so Darius asks, “Was your mission a success?”
“It...” He deflates at the question, visibly wavering. “The emperor didn’t seem pleased with me.”
Rage overwhelms his senses, because he knows, he knows now what a displeased Belos means for the boy. He manages to reign in his anger. Barely.  
“Oh?” he says, faux-casually.
“I sort of. Disobeyed his orders.” Hunter winces in a way that has nothing to do with the disinfectant. “But! I got what he needed! Which is more than Kikimora can say.”
He smirks at this, although it’s bittersweet at best.
“Any other complications?” Darius fishes, applying a bandage over the cut. “You mentioned the Owl Lady.”
“She was there,” Hunter confirms. “And the youngest Blight.”
Interesting. He files away that information for later.
“We fought over the Titan’s blood, and I...” Hunter dithers for a while, sipping at his tea. His fingers twitch restlessly against the ceramic. “I did what I had to do to win. And I fulfilled my mission, so I should be happy, shouldn’t I?”
He doesn’t wait for a response.
 “Only she said some things and I... I didn’t want to fight her, really. Or resort to what I did to win. But it was the Titan’s will that Belos have that key, I did what I was supposed to do.” Hunter dares to glance at Darius, who’s listened patiently up to this point. “So why do I feel like I... Like I did something awful? That’s stupid, right? They were the ones opposing the emperor, after all.”
Being a spy is striking a delicate balance between what’s true and what’s necessary. He could tell Hunter the entire, sordid truth right here, right now ... and he would certainly be executed for treason by the next morning. He should be allowed to come to these conclusions naturally, like he is already, and on his own terms...
...though that’s not to say he couldn’t do with some prodding.
“In the coven, there’s no room for second-guessing. You use any method you have to in order to succeed. The ends justify the means and all that.”
“Exactly! You understand.” Hunter sounds relieved, his shoulders sagging with the weight of it removed.
“I’m afraid it isn’t that easy, little prince.” Darius smiles thinly, closing his eyes against the twinge of a headache. “Whatever you’re willing to do, you have to ask yourself — what is this going to cost me? What am I willing to pay?” 
Scalpels. Silence. 
Fire, everywhere.
He opens his eyes.
“Never mind the emperor for a moment,” he says, fiercely. Hunter balks, taken aback by this blasphemy. “Will you be able to live with the consequences?”
Hunter fidgets with the hem of his cloak, which has yet to be repaired. “I had to,” he whispers, though to whom, Darius isn’t sure. “It was the only way.”
“There is always another way,” Darius imparts. “That was something your predecessor taught me.”
“You knew the Golden Guard who was before me?” asks Hunter, the words skipping over each other in his excitement. Crumbs spew from the corners of his mouth. “What else did he teach you?
“Not to chew with my mouth open, for one,” Darius grumbles. He bops the crown of his head with the side of his palm, despising how it makes Hunter flinch. He’ll ensure that in his timeline, Belos dies a much slower, painful death. “Sit down. I’ll tell you anything you want about my mentor on one condition.”
Hunter nods eagerly.
“If you get hurt like this again, or at all, you’ll come to me for help.” Darius raises his eyebrows at the kid, awaiting his agreement. “Deal?”
Though he seems rather stunned by the terms, his curiosity outweighs everything else. “Deal.” 
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