#top fitness trackers
top5listing · 1 year
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ZURURU Fitness Tracker
Brand - ZURURU
Model Name - Fitwatch XP
Style - Classic, Modern, Fashion, Sports
Color - Black
Screen Size - 0.96 Inches
Shape - Rectangular
Target Audience - Men, Women, Youth, Adult, The Aged
Age Range (Description) - 18+
Compatible Devices - Most Smartphones with Android 4.4 and iOS 7.1 above and Bluetooth 4.0 above.
About this item
Sleep Tracking: ZURURU fitness tracker tracks your sleep (awake sleep, deep sleep, awake time) at night.
All-day Activity Tracking: The fitness tracker can track your daily steps, calorie consumed, workout distance and time. You can see detailed data on Hband APP.
Call and Message Notification: You can get call,SMS messages and SNS notifications directly on your wrist (including Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and Instagram).
Fast & Easy Charging: Built-in USB plug and long battery life, 1-2 hours full charge gives you up to 7-day working time. No messy cables needed, just take the band off from the tracker host and charge it wherever there is a USB port.
Multi-Sport Modes & Connected GPS: 11 exercise modes help you better understand specific activity data. Connect the GPS on your smartphone can show stats like pace distance and record a map of your workout route.
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thesavvyshopper · 10 months
Top 5 Fitness Trackers for 2023: Your Ultimate Guide
Are you prepared to boost your fitness journey? In our fast-paced world, staying active and staying healthy are more crucial than ever. Thankfully, fitness trackers have become indispensable tools for monitoring your progress. In this article, we'll explore the top 5 fitness trackers for 2023. We will discuss their features, pros, and cons so you can make an informed decision. 
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webstoriess · 2 months
Top Six Premium Smartwatches of 2024: Super-light and stylish design
Nowadays, in tech wearables, smartwatches have become an essential accessory. They offer a blend of style and functionality that is hard to resist. Here, we have tried and tested six (6) premium smartwatches of 2024 that have made a significant impact in the market. Amazfit Active: Built-in GPS and stylish design The Amazfit Active, priced at Rs 12,999, comes with a super-light and stylish…
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onefite · 4 months
The Ultimate Review of the Fitbit Sense 2: The Best Fitness Watch
The Ultimate Review of the Fitbit Sense 2: The Best Fitness Watch Introduction Welcome to our ultimate review of the Fitbit Sense 2, the fitness watch that’s capturing attention and wrists around the globe! As we dive into 2024, fitness technology continues to evolve at a breathtaking pace, and Fitbit is leading the charge with their latest release. The Sense 2 isn’t just any fitness watch;…
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chinmayeebehera · 5 months
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iwan1979 · 1 year
Your search for the best fitness trackers ends here. This is the ultimate list of fitness bands containing nothing but the best of the bests.
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satoritech · 2 years
Amazing Fitbit Cyber Monday deal slashes £41 off price of fitness tracker – just in time for Christmas
Amazing Fitbit Cyber Monday deal slashes £41 off price of fitness tracker – just in time for Christmas
A TOP Fitbit smartwatch is heavily discounted right now.A special deal over at Amazon for Cyber Monday 2022 knocks £40.99 off the retail price. Read Full Text
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 24 days
He's My Man (Part 1)
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Summary: The reader receives an anonymous text from a new client needing an off the books patch job. However he's annoyingly good looking and the last thing you need is some ex-special ops guy hanging around. Unfortunately for you, Russell Shaw isn't the kind of guy to walk away when he knows something's wrong...
Pairing: Russell Shaw x reader
Word Count: 2,000ish
Warnings: language, gun shot injury
A/N: Contains minor spoilers for Tracker 1x12. Please enjoy the start of this new series! I'm not sure how long it will go but thanks for coming on this ride with me!
Your ears perked up on Saturday morning when your phone buzzed on the coffee table before you. Not your everyday one but your one for work. You swiped it open, pursing your lips when you saw it was from an unknown number.
Need a patch job on a quilt. Doug recommended you as a good seamstress in the area.
Alright, well at least this guy knew one of your clients. Doug wasn’t a regular but you’d seen him once or twice over the years which meant the person on the other end wasn’t a cop most likely.
I can fit you in. More complicated the patch, the more it’ll cost.
Not an issue.
You hummed and stood up, grabbing your coffee mug along the way.
129 Edwards Ave in twenty minutes. Use the red back door.
You took a long sip and went over to the kitchen, tossing the rest down the sink, leaving the mug to be cleaned later. 
You just hoped this job wasn’t as bad as the last one.
Eighteen minutes later you heard the back door open and then silence, a moment’s hesitation as your new client entered what looked like a storage area. You flipped a light switch, illuminating the small enter sign over the doorway to the room you were prepping in. A few moments later there were heavy boots against the cement ground as he entered, turning to tile, your head lifting. 
A man in his forties, a quite handsome one at that, gave the small operating room a cursory glance before settling on you, determining you were the only one there. Meanwhile your gaze shot to his injured left arm, a gunshot from the looks of it. You only spotted one bloody bullet hole and figured that was the worst of it from the way he cradled his forearm.
“You the seamstress?” he asked quietly, scanning the counter full of medical equipment and metal table in the center of the room. 
“Take a seat,” you said, patting the table. You went to a sink and washed up, making sure to keep him in view at all times. He winced and struggled to get the coat off, finally managing and revealing a quick patch job had been done. After drying your hands, you snapped on some gloves, the man’s coat and overshirt now on the table behind him.
“Russell Shaw by the way,” he said.
“Y/N,” you said, carefully taking his forearm in one hand, the top of his muscular bicep in the other. You turned his arm slightly, Russell wincing again. “Looks like a through and through. We’ll do a quick x-ray to make sure there’s no shrapnel and then we’ll get you stitched up and I’ll send you home with some supplies and instructions to care for it. This your only injury?”
“Yeah. Doug said you were good.”
“I am,” you said, offering him a brief smile, he returned. “Do you have any PTSD? Going to come at me if I I need to use a scalpel?”
“No,” he chuckled. “I’m good with all that.”
You hummed, guiding him to lay back. Three minutes later you were pushing your x-ray machine aside and taking the lead vest away, Russell sitting upright. 
“Can I ask a question?” 
“You can ask, don’t mean I’ll answer, sweetie,” you said back, hanging up the vest and going to your laptop on the counter.
“How does one get into this line of work?” he asked.
“Asks the man that’s ex-special ops and does private contract gigs, not to mention killed probably three people minimum tonight.” You glanced over to him, Russell tilting his head. “I know who Doug is and what he does. Makes sense you do it too. You have blood under your fingernails and given the splatter patterns on your jeans, you had multiple different angled shots so multiple bodies you hit.”
“...And you don’t report that sort of thing?” he asked cautiously. You determined his x-ray looked good and washed up again, putting on more new gloves. By the time you were standing before him again, he looked nervous.
“On occasion. But only the monsters. You, you don’t strike me as a monster, Russell,” you said, wiping some antiseptic over his entry and exit wounds. He flinched but only slightly at the quick burn. A moment later you were giving him something to numb the area.
“Someone took Doug. Someone bad. They would have come back if I hadn’t done what needed to be done.” You wiped sterile gauze over his wound and then flushed it, Russell watching your graceful movements with interest.
“Like I said, not a monster.” You hummed as you worked, Russell fixated on you carefully cleaning and then pulling the skin back together, tying it up neatly. You wiped away the evidence of his blood and wrapped his bicep in thick gauze, taping it down so he could still get movement without worrying about it coming off.
You chucked your gloves in the trash and nodded back to the door behind you.
“There’s a shower in there and some brushes. Turn it on low, scrub yourself clean, under your nails too. Use the blue soap. When you’re done, throw everything away in the bin, including your bloody clothes. You leave your boots, anything you want to keep out here with me. There’s men’s sweats and some shirts on the shelf. By the time you’re done, your boots and other items will have no trace of wherever you’ve been. Got it?”
“I do like a woman that takes charge.” He smirked, sliding off the table and dropping slowly to kneel to unlace his shoes, still looking up at you. “Full service deal you got going here.”
“Yes it is and here’s a friendly reminder for my new client. You come anywhere near me with your dick out, I’ll make you regret being alive. Understand, sweetie?” you said, patting his cheek. “Off you go.”
“God damn, I love you,” he muttered under his breath. You rolled your eyes but smirked when your back was to him. Ten minutes later the room was clean and Russell exited the bathroom with damp, slicked back hair wearing a plain white t-shirt, black hanes sweat pants and white socks. You nodded to where his shoes sat on the end of the counter, Russell taking a seat in the chair nearby as he slipped them on.
After he checked he had his phone, keys and wallet, he raised himself to his feet, pulling out his wallet. 
“What do I owe you?”
“A thousand.” To your surprise, he didn’t flinch at that number. But like most of your clients, he didn’t have the cash on him, at least not that much. Russell smirked as he glanced back in the bathroom.
“Smart woman. You keep the evidence as ransom until your clients pay up. You won’t destroy that until after I pay, will you.” 
“Not until we get to know each other better do I do that sort of thing without payment. Seeing as you’re new and a friend of Doug’s, I’ll give you to the end of next week to pull it together. I offer payment plan options and other alternative forms of care if shit ever really hit the fan for you.”
“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that,” he said, putting down five hundred dollar bills. “I can bring the other half back here later today. Just need to run to an ATM.”
“Text me when you got the rest. I’ll send you a place to meet,” you said, nodding towards the door. He gave you a small salute and shook his head with a smile. 
Forty minutes later you were sitting at a table in the cafe three blocks over, happily sipping on your coffee while working your way through a cheese danish. You spotted Russell when he came in. He gave you a quick, adorably awkward wave and ordered himself a drink. A few minutes later he was sitting down across from you, a small cup and what appeared to be a banana muffin in hand.
“You’re a coffee snob aren’t you. This place is pricey,” he teased, his brow furrowing when he had a drink from his styrofoam cup. “Shit. That’s fucking good.”
“Beats whatever motel crap I’m sure you’re used to,” you said, his gaze hardening for a split second. “Sorry. I always tail my first time clients to make sure they aren’t…you know who. You know the Elkwood Lodge on route 8 is cleaner and cheaper than what you’re paying for now.”
“How would you know that?” he asked. You shrugged and simply grinned, taking another bite of danish. He licked his lips, pointing at the yet to be touched danish beside you. “Was that one for me?”
“God no. I fucking love danishes and these are incredible,” you said, finishing off the first and biting into the other.
“You are something else,” he said, smirking when he slid a white envelope across the table. You tucked it into your jacket pocket, Russell picking at his own muffin. “You ain’t going to check it’s all there?”
“You’re a smart man, Russell. I think you know not to screw me over.” He looked you up and down, earning a pointed response. “Keep that gutter mind to yourself.”
“If I’m in the gutter, you’re right there with me,” he said, absently rubbing his injured arm. “And uh, if it gets infected or I think it is, I should reach out?”
“Absolutely. That ain’t a normal injury you’re used to. Don’t play tough guy, tough guy.” He nodded, his body twisting ever so slightly towards a standing position. “Nope. Stay for at least five minutes, then you can go.”
“You really like telling me what to do, don’t you,” he grinned. 
“Russell.” Hss grin was wide before he took a long drag of coffee, humming as it went down. 
“What if I want to stay more than five minutes?” You paused mid-chew of your danish. “Come on, one conversation won’t kill you.”
“I don’t get involved with clients.”
“Alright. I respect that but this ain’t my end goal. I’m going to have a normal life someday. I make a pretty mean homebrew. Going to get some land, open up a brewery, have some food, make it a little family place everybody can enjoy. So that’s my goal. I sure as hell know working as a seamstress ain’t your end goal either. So again, what’s the harm in one conversation?”
You bit your bottom lip, Russell’s expression changing, ever so slightly. 
“Jesus, Y/N,” he muttered. “What-“
“Shut up,” you mumbled. “I didn’t say anything.”
“Your fucking face did. You don’t want to be a seamstress, do you? Can you not get out of your line of work?” You glanced out the window, even the wonderful flavors of the pastry doing nothing to help the unease in your gut. “I can help you.”
“I don’t need your help,” you snapped. You sighed, rubbing your temple. “Sorry. I…I’m just crabby because I didn’t have my morning coffee until just now.”
“Nice try.” You glared at him, his green eyes remarkably gentle. “I don’t leave my friends behind. Now either you tell me what’s going on or I’m going to poke around myself and I guarantee that’s going to be a lot more dangerous and you’ll just have to patch me up even more. What do you say?”
You stared at him and stared at him and stared at him for what felt like forever. Then you took out the envelope and handed it back to him, along with the five hundred in your purse. 
“Go buy me two more cheese danishes and a large caramel frappe to go. Then take me to your motel room. This is a long fucking story.”
A/N: Read Part 2 here!
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thewalkingthread · 7 months
Space (Daryl's POV) - D.D.
part one
pairing: daryl dixon x reader
summary: things aren't the same between you and daryl.
warning: still sad
a/n: i am planning on doing a part 2 but i needed to give you daryl's side first (also, I know this is in 3rd person, but it's giving a bit of insight on Daryl's thought process so I'm labeling it as his POV)
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Daryl sat outside on the porch, staring into the sunset, his mind lost in a maze of thoughts and responsibilities. He pulls the cigarette snug between his fingers to his lips. As he took a drag, the smoke curled into the air, surrounding him before disappearing into nothing.
You were inside the house, with RJ and Judith, the sounds of laughter and the occasional clanging of pans echoed from inside the house. RJ and Judith were a constant reminder of the world they were trying to preserve, but the weight of responsibility had carved a gap between you and him.
Daryl knew things haven't been right between him and his lover. He's known for a long time now, but he doesn't know how to fix it. Daryl couldn't pinpoint the exact moment things took a turn, the exact moment he started to pull away from you. It just sort of happened. Things would be easier if he simply just stopped loving you, but that wasn't the case.
In reality, Daryl loved you so much that it hurt him. He loved you so much that he didn't know what to do with it, he'd never loved anyone like this before.
The absence of Rick and Michonne took a toll on Daryl. He's the one that took the biggest hit, for obvious reasons. Suddenly he had two kids, suddenly everyone was asking him the important questions. Suddenly he wasn't just a redneck with a crossbow, he was a leader- the leader. He could feel the weight of everyone's expectations, the burden of leadership now resting solely on his shoulders. He was a tracker, a survivor, but a leader – that was a role he never asked for, a role that felt like an ill-fitting mask.
The pressure was suffocating, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he was failing, not just as a leader but as a partner.
There were too many things that needed to be fixed, too many people to please, too many walkers to be killed. Daryl felt like everything he was doing just wasn't good enough.
He knew it wasn't fair. He knew the community deserved a good leader. A leader that knew what he was doing, someone that was a natural born leader, someone like Rick Grimes. Daryl knew he wasn't no Rick Grimes. Daryl knew it wasn't fair to the kids. They deserve to be raised and loved on by their parents.
Most importantly, he knew it wasn't fair to you. You, who had stood by his side through thick and thin, weathering the storms of this apocalyptic world together. You deserved more than a love burdened by the weight of his insecurities and doubts.
Even knowing that, Daryl couldn't bring himself to take action in his own home. So the gap between the two of you grew with every passing day.
The front door swings open, "Dinner's ready!" RJ sticks his head out of the doorway, sending Daryl a toothy smile.
Daryl grunts, "Be right there." RJ runs back inside, leaving the door open. With one more drag, he snuffed out the cigarette and heads inside.
Judith is setting out plates while you bring the food to the table. Your eyes meet his and it's almost instinct for you to immediately look elsewhere. Everyone takes their place around the table, Daryl taps the top of the kids heads as he passes. With a slight hesitation, Daryl places a small kiss to the top of your head before settling in his own seat.
"Thanks for cookin," Daryl mumbles to you. You're looking at him with slightly wide eyes before you nod at him with a small smile.
After dinner Daryl volunteered to clean up around the house, relieving you from your regular routine so you could relax a bit before bed. Admittedly, Daryl took his time, not exactly rushing to get everything in order.
Daryl locks all the doors and turns off all the lights before entering the bedroom. The bed was empty and the bathroom door was wide open. Daryl pauses in his place for a moment, debating whether or not he should go back downstairs and wait for another hour.
Daryl shakes his head, stepping towards the bathroom before he could psych himself out. You were laying in the bathtub with your eyes closed, completely relaxed in the warm water.
Your head turns at the sound of his footsteps and your eyes lazily open to see Daryl leaning against the bathroom doorway. He offers a a half smile, feeling a twinge of guilt for intruding on your relaxing time.
You close your eyes again, resting your head back on the rolled up towel. Daryl shifts towards the sink, starting his nighttime routine.
"Do you want to join me?" Your voice cuts through the silence. Daryl glances over his shoulder towards you, who still kept your eyes closed. Daryl stood up straight, clearing his throat slightly.
"Yuh want meh to?"
"Wouldn't ask if I didn't want you to, hotshot." The nickname that you coined him early in your friendship tugged at Daryl's heart. Without a second thought, Daryl rid himself of his clothes.
You sat up in the tub, allowing room for Daryl to slide in behind you. It was strange for the both of you, being so close, so intimate. You let yourself settle into his body, as stiff as you both might be in this moment.
You rested your head back onto his shoulder, soaking in this rare moment between the two of you.
"Y/N... We should t-"
You shake your head, quickly shushing him.
"We do." You agree with him. "But not right now. Just want to enjoy this."
Daryl hums lowly, before allowing his body to relax. With unsureness, his hands wrap around you, landing on your stomach and pulling you close to him.
This is the closest the two of you have been in months, yet it still felt like you were miles apart.
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oleander-nin · 8 months
Horrortober Day 30- Lonely(Yandere Rise Donnie x Reader)
A/N, not important: Another one I'll probably try to rewrite, although I'm not sure what more to add. Maybe emotion. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Anger, destroying things out of anger, hinted future bloodshed, kidnapping, dark themes, yan themes
Words: 775
Summary: You left, and it drives Donnie mad
Donnie shifts in his bed, his gut telling him something was wrong. He feels around his bed for you, his heart racing as his eyes open. You were gone. The spot you last were wasn’t even warm, the sheets that once covered you messed and strewn about. Donnie jolts up and moves from his bed, patting the blankets down in hopes to feel you buried under. Not finding you in the mess of sheets, he rushes from his room and moves around the lab, calling your name and searching every nook and cranny. His eyes land on the open lab door and his heart sinks, his hands shaking as he wakes up SHELLDON and sends him off to search for you as well.
It takes painstakingly long, but Donnie ends up searching the entire lair top to bottom three times. Not a single inch was unaccounted for, and more importantly, neither were you. Donnie sits in front of his computers in his lab, seething. You ran. He took such good care of you, and you ran. Donnie shoves the half-finished tracking collar off his desk, regretting not setting you up with the subcutaneous trackers he had for the rest of his family. He curses his want for you to be special, to make something just for you. He should’ve been more careful, shouldn’t have fallen for your lies and your words. You were too willing, and he shouldn’t have believed it was from mutual love.
Donnie pushes his chair from the desk and stands up, screaming out in anger. His heart was throbbing, fury bright in his eyes while shoves cabinets to the ground and listens to the clatter of his tools being thrown against walls. He stays away from his projects, not wanting to destroy his life's work in his fit of rage. His fists clench at his side as he stares down at the mess he made, his tools scattered and shelves emptied onto the floor. He stands there for a moment, just letting his anger roll through him in waves, not trying to calm it at all. You had betrayed him. You ran, despite promising him your heart.
Donnie turns back to his computers, righting the chair and settling into it as he frantically starts to look through everything he could to find you. He gains access to cameras around town, his eyes taking in screen for barely a second before flipping to the next, running your name through databases to see if you had tried to call or book anything in the hours you ran. He searches the files of all the local police stations, looking for any new visits or files that contain you.
Each station was an annoyance to look through, every file having its own access key he needed to break through. He reopens the cameras on his other monitor, glancing at them while he painstakingly searches through every single folder they had online. He clenches his hand as he stares at the dozens of drives he needed to get through, his heart pounding both from anger and the annoyance of needing to cover his tracks lest he get caught.
It takes him what feels like hours, but he finally gets to the last police within a walkable distance in the time you’ve been gone, his eyes flicking back and forth between the cameras open and the files he’s decoding. He pauses when he sees the door to the precinct open, his chair swiveling as he moves to face the screen better. Through the grainy cameras the police station held, he could make you out. You were barefoot and only wearing Donnie’s clothes, different ones than the pajamas he gave you to sleep in. The sweats and hoodie you stole were baggy, both made to his specifications and you didn’t have a shell to help them fit.
The sight of you walking up to the station desk makes him sick, the woman manning the station looking at you with pity as you shake before her. Donnie slowly stands up, moving through his wrecked lab with a quiet peacefulness. His eyes were focused, determination and anger mixing together to form a dangerous concoction. Donnie pulls on his battle-shell and mans his tech-bō, fully prepared to do anything to get you back. You were coming home, no matter how much blood he had to spill.
Donnie takes one last glance at the cameras, watching you being ushered off into the back of the station, his knuckles lightening in shade as he steams. You would regret leaving him, one way or another. And he would make sure you never could again.
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accio-victuuri · 2 months
bits shared by rufeng about xiao zhan @ yuguyao shoot when she visited + stories from friends:
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1. He started holding a small black fan in April and blowing it all the time.
2. When filming Shiying’s torture scene, he went to the director’s house to watch and ask if the movements will look like dancing (because no post-production effects have been added yet)
3. 520 : invited the crew to eat Deluxe ice cream. When the filming is completed, the whole group will be given a Tasogare Sakura coffee gift box, and also invited the crew to drink bubble tea.
4. He specifically asked the crew to help him find a reliable fitness center. Personal trainers don’t dare to go to the gym to exercise, so they do it secretly. Find a place to exercise;
5. The director and producer called Zanzan Zhan Ge and the co-stars call him big brother ( da-ge )
6. When filming, the character needs to be "held up" and there are quite a lot of little expressions and movements while holding a small fan in the gap. For example, when stretching, he will raise his arms to the left and right , swinging like seaweed, it still has the shadow of the time when he filmed Aling.
7. Director Zheng of Ah Ling went to visit the set. During the chat, he jokingly asked him who was more fierce, Director Zheng or Director Jiang (Yu Gu Yao). Zan Zan said that Director Zheng was fiercer.
8. When rehearsing, he still said "Mou Ti Yi" to the director in Cantonese, and he would move his lips in a mumbling manner. He would still make a few onomatopoeias while speaking the lines and then sing along.
9. When drinking water, he still took a big sip with a puffy face and swallowed it slowly.
10. After teaching Zhu Yan the wind control technique, Shi Ying walked up the steps with an umbrella. The drone flew over very close to his head. He relied on the umbrella to block him and couldn't take a picture of him. He also made a "woo~" sound in his mouth to cheer.
11. You can smell his fragrance at a close distance~not strong, it's a sweet fragrance, and it doesn't smell like perfume, but more like a little physical powder (could it be the fragrance of makeup powder?). The skin is very good! The eyelashes are not as long as I imagined.
12. He got a bamboo pole prop and started playing with it, just like when he was playing with his brother (yibo) in the A-Ling era, imitating the movements of a Japanese samurai swinging a sword.
13. When Director Zheng of The Untamed visited the set and chatted, he jokingly asked XZ if he thought the show would be popular when he was filming The Untamed. XZ replied with an embarrassed smile: Whether it would be popular or not is a mystery.
14. Director Jiang admired XZ very much and said that he was definitely not a top-tier star (meaning that many people have a prejudice that the term top-tier star means that it is an idol with only traffic). He praised him for being serious and having his own ideas, and for taking the initiative to discuss with the director. Later, when XZ was chatting with the producer, he asked the director if he had any suggestions for my performance, and if so, he must tell me more. The producer then relayed the director's evaluation of XZ, and XZ said, "Please tell the director for me, I can do better."
15. When Hun Dun forced Zhu Yan to jump into a hole, Shi Ying needed to smile evilly, and XZ exaggeratedly shook his shoulders and laughed “hiahia” when walking around.
16. It is said that 11 trackers were found under XZ’s car (not during the YGY period). During the YGY period, he was followed by SS in the middle of the night, and the police were called to arrest them. There was another time when seven proxy photographers were caught at once.
to those who is not familiar with rufeng, she works in the industry and was part of CQL crew. feel free to not believe the bits shared.
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bailey-dreamfoot · 11 months
Working on a wee comic with the octonauts grampa squad bc animation burnout is hitting HARD
I realized I dont have established designs for Natquick or Ranger Marsh, so heres them in both their work outfits, plus casual clothes ^^
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Right- So, some notes ab their work fits:
you may have noticed these guys are my only octonauts designs w/ proper shoes. There is a reason for that, and no its not just bc i figured out how anthro footwear works.
Ranger marsh gets thick soled boots because working in the everglades means venomous snakes and spiders such as coral snakes and black widows- which would not be fun to step on barefoot. Even for a rabbit with thick fur on their feet. Not to mention, said fur also traps mud very easily.
As for Natquick, He gets fluffy boots because his paw-pads on his feet are very sensitive. Arctic foxes have thick fur not just on their bodies, but on their paws as well to protect them from the cold. Natquick however is much less fluffy than animals of his species tend to be. This is because during his time in the Antarctic- there were struggle periods where it became hard to find food. He became malnourished and started shedding fur. As a result he spend more time in the research station, and the rough floors weren't exactly the most pleasant to walk on.
Other than that, its basically exactly the same as their cannon fits besides minor color changes.
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Now for their Casual Fits:
Natquick's is a cozy sweater, + a Tshirt Tracker gifted him. :D it reminds him of summer, which is certainly comforting in the cold. The scar on his leg? a result of frost-bite. While he was doing feild research in the Antarctic- and avalanche caught him of guard. His leg got caught under some ice. He waited there for almost a day before a group of penguins found him and helped him out. (i dont have a story for the scar on his snout yet)
As for Ranger Marsh, his is the same shorts he always wears, + a tanktop. when he was much younger, he went on a family camping trip at a national park. As their family traveled a lot, it was a pine-forest, somewhere in North America rather than the swampy everglades he was used to. the trip was what made him wanna be a park ranger. The tank-top was something he had gotten from the parks gift shop. As for the wrappings on his shoulder- The green patches of his fur are much more sensitive to the harsh sun than the brown patches are. He does his best to shield himself from the sun- by using things like his hat and working in the shade. But Sunburns still happen, and they can be pretty nasty at times.
Hope you guys like these designs! They were really fun to make!
+ it gave me an excuse to rewatch "Operation Deep Freeze" ^^
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laurellynnleake · 5 days
🚨 June 6th 2024: USA COVID Alert 🚨
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SARS-CoV-2 rates are rising across the USA, especially in the West - mask up to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Remember, the US government is now actively hiding COVID data across Turtle Island, hospitals are rarely testing or masking, and death certificates do NOT list COVID-related complications like heart attacks and strokes. That means we have to rely on public wastewater data (measuring viruses in sewer water), and even that's being suppressed, and everything's on a 2 week delay. So when the numbers we CAN see go up (like the current official 430,000 infections per day), that's just the tip of the iceberg...Right now wastewater numbers are about TWICE AS HIGH AS THEY WERE LAST JUNE, before the US declared the pandemic over.
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These graphs are from wastewaterscan.org and Iowacovid19tracker.org. They collect a lot of local and national data too - look up your own area!
SARS-COV-2 aerosols hang in the air like smoke, and can infect you hours after the contagious person's gone. Keep yourself safe by wearing a well-fitting respirator mask (like N95s or KN95s) whenever you're in CROWDED and COVERED areas, and when CLOSE to people (that includes outside pride events, protest rallies, backyard cookouts, etc). Whenever possible, keep indoors air moving by opening windows, and improve air quality with HEPA air filters (ex. DIY Corsi-Rosenthal box fans).
If you're sick: https://tinyurl.com/currentlysick
Mask database: https://tinyurl.com/maskdb
Air filtration resources: https://cleanaircrew.org/
How To Talk To Your Loved Ones About COVID: COVID.tips
You do NOT want to get COVID-19 if you can avoid it - the initial infection can be nasty, and the long-term effects brutally disabling. Wearing a mask is the quickest and easiest way to break the chain of transmission, and to stand in solidarity with marginalized people fighting to survive across the globe.
Spread the word and take care of each other out there!
[ID 1: Screenshot of IowaCovid19Tracker on June 7th, showing a map of SARS-CoV-2 viral activity in the USA for the last week of May 2024. Hawai'i is blue with the highest "Excessive cases", followed by Wyoming and Utah (red, "Substantial"). New Mexico, Nevada, Florida, Arkansas, Montana, Missouri, Maryland, California, Washington, and Texas are all orange, meaning "Moderate" cases. Most of the Northeast and Alaska are yellow, or "Low", with the remaining states green, or "Minimal." ID 2: Screenshot of WasteWaterScan.org tracker showing data for all sites averaged together as a single line graph. The line starts at late March 2024 to early June, at around 275 parts per million (SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acids found in wastewater samples). It slowly decreases to about 125 per mill by April 21st, then slopes upward jaggedly until it spikes to around 375 at the end of May. ID 3: A screenshot of the WasteWaterScan.org tracker showing data for all sites stacked on top of each other in a line graph, with the lower end of the spectrum having so many blue lines so as to appear almost as a solid color. The graph shows late April to early June, and has the most lines around 200 parts per million, but a good handful of lines extend up to 2400 parts per million. Below the line chart, a historical chart shows a longer view, with peaks in the winter of 2023 and 2024. Looking at the last month or two on that scale, there appears to be an uptick starting in mid May that is about twice as high as the same time in 2023.
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tempvstas · 10 months
Hello! If requests are open (if not please ignore this) may I request headcanons of Octavinelle plus Riddle (separately) with an s/o that has a fairly weak immune system and gets sick easily? Have a good day/night and look after yourself!
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Content Warning(s): probably ooc octatrio, i've been burnt out so character portrayals may be inaccurate
Character(s): GN!Reader(no pronouns mentioned), Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech, Floyd Leech, Riddle Rosehearts
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Azul Ashengrotto
Constantly fussing over you, he's quite literally the definition of a mother hen that's absolutely whipped for you
He's always making sure that you're hydrated and eating properly. It's not good to skip out on meals!
Has medication and other necessities in his office for whenever you aren't feeling well. Having coughing fits? He has cough syrup for alleviating the symptoms. Your muscles feel sore and achey? He's pulling out salonpas and asking you where you need him to put it. Runny nose? He's handing you a pack of tissues for you to carry.
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Jade Leech
Has everything you would ever need. And he's constantly by your side to ensure that you're okay. Not as overbearing as Azul but you can see through his actions that he worries about you
He teases you lightly when you tell him you're sick again. He'll pat the top of your head affectionately before draping his jacket over your shoulders, hands lingering as he ensures that it's on you securely and taking you to Mostro Lounge to get you something warm to eat.
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Floyd Leech
Huhhhhh? You're not feeling well again? Well it's not his problem (jkjk he loves you lots)
Not necessarily the best at taking care of you, but you do notice that he lingers by you a lot. Surprisingly he's on his best behavior and you have no problem wrangling him in when he's "being difficult" as Azul puts it.
He lets you lean against him for support when you're feeling tired and picks you up and carries you around (embarrassing ik, but he has no shame)
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Riddle Rosehearts
He feels a little helpless because he does his best to stay in good health in order to maintain his grades and not fall behind in his studies, so he rarely becomes sick himself.
He's not an expert at cooking but he learned simple recipes(with the help of Trey) like chicken soup and stuff to help you feel better when you're feeling especially unwell.
He'll stay by your bedside quietly reading a book or working on his homework while you rest. He has a thermometer and some medicine on your nightstand, observing your condition. He refuses to let you do anything, insisting that he does it for you fearing that you'll strain yourself, or worse get hurt in your weakened condition,
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yantalia545 · 11 months
So the darling escapes and is recaptured again. How would the Allies restrain their darling so they can’t escape again?
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Russia: bird cage
If you were so content with trying to fly away from him, then maybe it would be fitting to put you in a cage too. Russia will even change your nickname to his little songbird to suit you better for your new setting. 
Russia was known for being a violent man without even meaning to. He’s deathly afraid of hurting you, even when heartbroken by your escape attempt, and felt the need to put you somewhere where even he couldn’t hurt you. Which was what led you to being placed in a large gilded bird cage that even he didn’t have the key to. 
You’ll never see the light of day again and you will eventually lose your ability to walk with how little your able to use your legs. However, you’ll never go hungry or be without clean clothes and a bath. Even if it is a sponge bath. You will always be dressed in warm and beautiful dresses; Mostly brightly colored and flowy. Russia loves the sight of you popping out in his dark basement, but would never want you to freeze. Unless you tried to somehow escape again. Then the cold will serve as your punishment.
Russia will make sure to personally bring you three meals a day and always take the time to spend time with you at every meal. Though most times it’s just him running his hands through you hair while he talks about his day as you eat silently. If he was really mad with you that day for either trying to escape again or just being disrespectful of him, then Russia will cut you off from any food. Since he is also the only person you’re allowed to see, you’ll also have no one to visit you. You’ll be forced to starve in his cold, dark basements all by yourself.
Even if you never speak about running away again or try to act nicely towards Russia, he’ll never let you out. Ivan never trusts a person after they’ve betrayed him. He won’t fall for any discrepancies again. You included. 
If anyone else takes pity on you and try to help you then Russia will have fun in torturing them right in front of you. He’ll take amusement in toying with them for hours on end. Their screams echoing in your mind forever as you can only watch in absolute horror from the safety of your cage.
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China: tracker
Unlike Russia, China does want to interact with you  and have as close to a normal relationship as he can. After all, it’s not healthy to be locked in one place for the rest of your life. You need sunlight and physical excursive but he can’t have you running away from him. In his mind, you’re a lost soul in need or his guidance and protection, without it, you would be vulnerable to this greedy world.
You may not understand now, but you need him just as much as he needs you. 
He doesn’t want anything that would jeopardize your beauty and health, in fact, he’d like nothing more than to amplify your beauty and have you reach to your fullest potential. Just as long as it’s by his side of course and what better way to do that than with extravagant jewels? All things mighty and holly wear valerate pendants of silver and gold so why should you be any different? 
It will of course, do more than just track where you are. China will have full, 24/7, access to your health and wellness too with this little device. All so he can configure your diet and activities to your daily needs. Or maybe so he can find more ways to belittle you and laugh as he seems to pop out of seemingly just the right place at just right time in your failed future escape attempts. 
P.S you can’t just take the darn thing off either since it’ll dig into your skin and alert him if you try, and believe me, you do not want to know what kind of punishments he’ll dish out for that pitiful stunt. 
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America: Dollhouse 
Don’t you see he just wanted to live a wonderful dream with you? Life together would have been so perfect for the two of you. You’d be sitting at the top of the world and you wouldn't have needed to even lift a finger to have it. All you needed to do was love him, and you couldn’t do that simple thing. Now he has to take matters into his own hand.
If you want to be like everyone else then he can always condition you. Just like he’s done for all the others that wanted to disobey him.
This wouldn’t be after just your first attempt. Oh no, he’s passed that point long ago and had tried much softer, tamer, ways to coax you to be his perfect wife but you insisted on being so stubborn. America is all out of sympathy at this point and will make that apparent. 
The best way to describe your situation would be three movie sets stacked together to create a bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom. Although there is no leaving since there would a thick glass wall at the end of each set. Like an opened dollhouse with a screen to protect anything inside. You could try to break the glass but not even bullets could get through them. America made sure of that.
There will also be no concept of time to make it harder to escape. (If you had any chance of leaving at all). The illusion of daylight will be provided by artificial lights made to reenact sunlight and clocks that change time randomly.
When you wake the conditioning can begin.
He’ll force you to act out scenes to show you exactly what he wants and how he wants you to behave. Watching with, dead, love sick eyes on the other side of the glass as you fulfil his every desire. Act out, or deny his request and he’ll shock you with just a push of a button. Careful though, with each push the shock will become more intense, so you better behave yourself. 
Unlike the others though, America will let you out eventually but only when he knows your perfectly conditioned for him. 
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Britain: Labrinth
I’d imagine he would only use this kind of method if the time of his obsession with you was during a time of war. His work would need too much of his attention to fully deal with you so he’ll use his magic to compensate for his lack of time.
He’ll create a world just for you with a door that only he can enter. There would be no escaping. Hell, you wouldn’t even know where you are or what in the world has happened to you. Recalling the events before you awoke here resulted in a feeling of haze until you reawake again, so it was pointless to try. All you could do was push forward in hopes of stumbling across an exit that doesn’t exists in your sense of reality.
It was a strange place to say the least. It was if your entire world with a series of brilliant paintings all jumbled into one place. The grass may be green and the flowers may bloom gracefully in one area, but then next would be the inside of an ancient coliseum. Nothing seemed to match or make much since here. Just a collection of beautiful creations and you were the climatic point of it all. 
In the small snippets of time that England manages to seize, he adores watching you explore his creations he’s created just for you. You were always such a curious darling. Always asking questions and searching for answers in places that could get a little thing like you in serious danger. According to England, this was the perfect place for you; A place to channel your never ending curiosities without ever needed to leave him and potentially hurt yourself. 
When England does finally decide to show himself to you again he won’t display himself as he’d done before. He’ll illustrate a new image of himself for you. One of total authority, love, and respect; Like a god. Even though he loves you dearly, England is still kind of a narcist. You will praise him and learn how to properly appease him. After all, he did create you world (even if he did trap you there..), it’s the least you can do to show your appreciation. If you fail to do so or don’t comply then he can always give you the not to pleasant sides of his creations.
With just a snap of his fingers he can turn this world of paradise into a hellish nightmare, so you best be carful. Awful disobedience will get you nowhere. 
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France: Tower
He didn’t want to do this to you, but the world is so dangerous that he has to do whatever he has to do to keep his darling rose safe. France would never believe that you would have left him out of your own free will. You love him dearly, don’t you? The two of you were meant to be together bounded by souls. 
In his this twisted fantasy France had string together in his mind, he is only to assume that there is someone forcing you to run away from him but he just doesn’t know who it is yet. So, being your daring prince charming that he is, France will have no choice but to create a space where you can be safe from all eyes.
France would never even dare treat his precious rose with such disrespect by locking you in a dusty basements or risk scaring your delicate skin with harsh chains, so he’ll have you safely locked away in the tallest tower that he can construct.
Much like Mother Gospel in Rapunzel, France will make sure you have everything you could ever need and want without having you to leave your tower. It’s very rare for France to come up to your chambers and not have a gift for you.
Don’t bother trying to scream for help out the one window in the tower. You’re much too high up for anyone to hear and there’s no other rooms in the tower besides yours either. Jumping out is suicide and the only other way out is through a door that only opens with a doorknob that France makes sure to use to get inside before neatly tucking it away from your reach.
It’ll be almost as maddening as France's feelings for you to spend the rest of your life looking out at a world that you’d never be able to interact with again. Well, with nothing else besides what France brings you that is.
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Canada: Drugs
This would be a snapping point for Canada. 
This was his last resort. You just couldn’t grasp how deathly the cold really is in the middle of nowhere no matter how hard he tried. That, and how dangerous the world is. This wouldn’t have been your first time escaping him but it most certainly will be your last. Canada is done playing around.
He takes your safety very seriously. He wouldn’t know what to do with himself if you some how got yourself hurt. Which was why he brought you to an isolated part of the mountains in the first place. You were an endangerment to yourself and you need him to protect you.
Canada is a very patient man. More than anyone else listed here. He was content with waiting for you to come around but that all gets thrown out the window when you hit him over the head and ran out into the freezing night with no jacket or boots on. 
He’s dealt with this before. You’ve tired running outdoors without him before and it didn’t end well. You slid down a slippery hill when running and smashed your head on your way down. You were in bed for a week with a concussion and a cold, and that was when you had warm clothes on! Lord only knows what would happen if you were left out there with nothing to protect you against his harsh winters!
This will hurt him way more than it will hurt you. Mostly because you will be too numb to comprehend much of what’s happening since you’ll constantly have a drug in your system. It’ll eat away at Canada every time he has to inject you. He’ll even cry often about how he’s sorry that things had to come to this.
It’s a shame really. All Canada ever wanted was for someone to notice him; To love him. You were the only person to give him the time of day and gave him life. He was so deathly scared to lose this feeling of love that he’d erase your entire personality just to preserve his own selfish desires. If this is the only way he can truly have you then he’ll do it.
You need to forget about the outside world now. It’s dead, and nothing out there will ever hurt the two of you ever again. Nothing to abandon you. Nothing to stab you in the back and leave you for dead. Nothing to spread lies of fear. Just the two of you together. Living comfortable and alone while the rest of the world rots.
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cas-skz · 1 year
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Han Jisung x Fem!reader
You spend the night after what was supposed to be a casual tinder hookup with your high school crush.
18+plz&thnx!!! MDNI!!
Warnings: smut. unprotected sex. 69. creampie. cursing.
Writers note: Yeees hello. This is more brain rot that has been sitting for a few months. I didn’t like it and now I kinda do so I said fuck it. Hope you like!
cas xx
“How is it, that you’ve slept with a bunch of guys, but you don’t know how to ride dick?” Your sister teased, sitting on your bed as you dug through your closet in attempt to find something cute to wear. “Drunken one night stands in collage didn’t give me a chance” You sassed, throwing one of her shirts you had stolen in her direction.
Once you found a cute lacey top, you quickly pulled an oversized hoddie on before plopping next to your sister on the bed. "You're like a kinder surprise." She poked, grabbing the laptop and continuing her creeping on the boy you had been chatting with on Tinder, your highschool crush, Han. "What the fuck does that mean?" You question. "Boring on the outside but a surprise when you unwrap it." You couldn't help but scoff at her lame joke.
Your sister let you have the car for the night, joking she had put a tracker on it and would know if you got kidnapped. She was dramatic like that, but meant well. When you arrived at Han's house, you sent a quick 'here' text to her before hoping out and slowly walking to the front of the car, sending Han the same text. He was quick to open the door, greeting you with a hug before leading you down stairs. "Parents are out of town, but this is my little cave. Other than food, I live down here."
You had settled in rather quickly, sharing a joint with Han as you reconnected about what has been going on in your life since graduation. It wasn't long before you settled into the couch and started a movie, enough space to fit another person. You excused yourself to the bathroom, quickly texting your sister. Your chats with Han had been innocent until a few nights ago, during a game of 20 questions, you asked if he ever had a girl ride him, something that had been stuck in your mind after a specific porno had been your go to rub-bud.
Your sister replied right away, telling you to take the lead. After a quick pee, you slid from your sweater, adjusting the lace along your breasts and messing your hair a bit before returning to the couch.
“Did I miss anything good?” You question, plopping yourself directly next to Han, running your hand through your hair as you tilted your head towards him. Han struggled to find his words for a few seconds, his eyes wide and scanning your body before returning to your face. “I like your shirt. It’s a nice shirt.” He finally got out, his cheeks flushed red as he stumbled over his words.
A few moments passed, your eyes flashing from the screen to Han's hands, biting your lip as you noticed the veins that ran along his arms. Your pointer finger slowly traced along his hand and wrist, goosebumps rising under your touch. Han's hand moved onto your thigh, gripping gently as his eyes stayed mostly on the tv.
You continued to move your finger across his skin, tracing his veins, gently scratching the inside of his wrist. It wasn't very hard to notice the erection growing inside Han's sweat pants.
His hand inched up your thigh, easily spreading them slightly as his fingers found your clit and started to move slowly. The smallest moan escaped your lips, your nails digging into him slightly at the feeling of his touch.
Han moved slightly to readjust himself, a small smirk pulling at his lips as you copied, moving yourself to a more comfortable position. You leaned into Han, allowing his arm to cover yours, giving him better access to you. His fingers started movement again, slowly pleasing you over the thin fabric of your leggings.
Your hand made an attempt to slip into his pants, but was quickly cut off. "Not yet." He smirked, his fingers picking up speed.
Han’s fingers continue to move in a rhythmic motion over your leggings, soft moans leaving your lips every now and then. You couldn’t hold back when a small shutter shot through your body, allowing his name to quietly escape your mouth.
It must have struck a cord as he turned his attention away from the movie. Han’s body shifted with yours, allowing him to hover over you, his fingers still working slowly at your clit while the other roamed your body. You pulled him into you, your lips meeting with his, sharing gentle kisses while your clothes started to hit the floor.
You intensified the kiss, gently biting his lip as your hand reached down to pump his length, a beautiful thick mass curved to perfection. Han smirked proudly as you praise his cock, his fingers worked towards your entrance, teasing at first before slipping two fingers inside, his hand matching paces with your strokes.
A quiet whimper escaped your lips as his tongue slid in your mouth, fighting with yours for control. Warmth left your core as his hand wrapped around your neck, his body rolling into yours. “I want you to sit on my face.” He hissed against your lips, reversing positions so you were on top.
His hand slapped down on your ass before pulling your core towards his face, his tongue working swiftly at your clit. “Fuck Han..” you moaned quietly, your nails digging into his tights as you reach down to take his cock in your mouth.
His tongue easily worked between your folds, swirling circles and sucking at your clit. Your mouth worked on his cock but you couldn’t hold back a wave of small whines as he plunged two fingers in your hole, adding to the already incredible sensation you were feeling.
“Fuck..holy fuck I’m gonna cum.” His hand slapped down on your ass again, his movements hitting key points perfectly. You felt your peak hit, a cluster of moans and curses escaping as your body shook with pleasure.
Rotating, you pressed your lips into Han's, tongue pushing inside to tango with his. Your hips lowered, pussy sitting on his length as you grinded slowly against him, his cock sliding easily with help of your slick.
His hand slapped down on your ass again, a little harder this time. A small whine escaped your lips as your cheek started to tingle from his slaps, his hands guiding your hips as you slid along his shaft. "Cum for me again." He ordered, his hand wrapping into your hair as he moved his lips to your neck, biting and sucking at your skin.
Your nails dug into his chest as your clit twitched against him, your body starting to shake as your peak approached. Han pulled you into him, hand slapping down on your ass again as you started to cum again.
"Let me ride your cock." You say into his ear, teeth nipping at the lobe. He scooted up a bit, pulling you with him as his mouth found your breasts and you positioned yourself, teasing your entrance with his thick cock head before slowly pushing it in.
“So fucking tight." Han smirked, his eyes watching you try to take his mass, barely able to fit him in. Your hips bobbed slowly as your walls started to stretch, finally taking his full length. You whined quietly, moving yourself up and down, trying to find a comfortable pace. Your mind flashed back to the video you enjoyed and you tried to copy the motions.
Straightening yourself up, you took his full length as deep as it could go, moving back up slowly and repeating the action. You played with your breasts as you found the right pace bouncing happily.
It wasn’t long before you rolled into your third orgasm, bottoming out on Han as your legs shook violently. His hand reached up to your neck, pulling you towards him as he crashed him lips into yours, his hips thrusting hard into you. “You’re so fucking hot.” He mumbled against your lips.
The fourth orgasms came as a surprise when his thrusting turned hard and fast, skin slapping together and turning red from impact. You hid your face in his neck, muffling your screams against his skin.
His pace finally slowed and his arms swiftly flipped you and positioned you on all fours on the couch, where you slumped against the back for support. You felt fuzzy and so satisfied, you just let Han have his way with you. Dick drunk and shaking with pleasure.
He teased your entrance with the tip of his cock before slowly pushing inside, his hand slapping down and grabbing your ass as he thrusted slowly, trying his best to keep himself composed as the new position drove him crazy.
“You gonna cum for me again princess?” His words sent a shiver up your spine, no one ever gave you a pet name. You bit your lip and nodded, looking back at him as he watched himself move in and out of your tight hole.
It didn’t take long before you felt yourself peaking again, your hands grabbing the fabric of the couch as you rode out your orgasm. Han quickly pulled out, “Good girl.”
He moved himself to the floor, pulling you down onto his lap, lips finding yours immediately as you pushed his cock back inside you. Your swollen pussy hugging his length.
Your lips worked perfectly with his, soft tender kisses as you hips slowly milling with his, small bounces being added here and there. You finally managed to open your eyes, lust filled and sparkling as you look down at Han, your hands training his chest muscles down to his abs.
“I want you to cum for me.” You told him, your words making his cock twitch slightly. You smirked, leaning down so your lips were close to his ear, “Cum in my fucking pussy.” You whisper in a moan, his hand slapping down on your ass as his other reached for your neck, pulling you forward so he could look at you.
Your eyes were rolled back slightly, mouth partially open, small beads of sweat starting to pool at your hairline. Pure bliss taking over your body as you rutted against him, your combined fluids the only sound other than the moans you both shared. His cock started to twitch again, firming even more as his seed started to shoot. “Fuck…fucking cum—I’m fucking cumming.” He hissed, his hand on your ass guiding your hips quickly, allowing him to empty every bit deep inside you.
Your final orgasm rolled out with his and you swore it was from how hot he looked when he finished. His hips jerked into you a few times, before settling and you straddled his waist for a moment before sliding off, cum flowing from your pussy onto his stomach and waist. A small laugh escaped his lips, breaths calming as he looked at you, hands running over your body. “Holy shit” He moaned
You weakly laid against his body, aftershocks shooting throughout yours. You spent a while in the same position, chatting and giggling about common interests before getting up to shower.
You texted your sister that you were staying the night and threw your phone to the side, joining Han in his bed as he turned a movie on and cuddled close to you before falling asleep just before you did.
The next morning you woke up alone and groaned while stretching. You grabbed one of Han’s shirts and followed the music coming from the upstairs kitchen.
“I hope you like blueberry pancakes.” He said as you walked in the kitchen, stopping in his tracks when he saw you. “You look so beautiful.”
You blushed a deep red as you made your way over to him, quickly kissing his cheek before ripping a piece of pancake and eating it. You hopped on the counter, poking his nose. “Thank you handsome. I might steal this, it’s comfy.” You smiled
“Does that mean every time you come here, you’re gonna steal my clothes?” He laughed, going over to you and rubbing his nose against yours before deeply kissing you.
You draped your arms over his shoulders, playing with the hair on the back of his head as you returned the kiss. “I just might.” You giggled against his lips.
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