#to imply that there's anything romantic/sexual about the nature of their relationship at all is fucking creepy. this is a kids' show dude
atomicsuperrobot · 1 year
Me, browsing Wattpad for Content™ (yes I know but it is a dry, dry desert out there and it's the only place with frequent posting for the fandom, shut up): Hm, a ship list? What the fucking hell; I'm already waist deep in garbage just by being here. What harm could it do? I'm desperate at this point.
The List: *Cyan x Rose is right at the fucking top*
Me: ... ah, perhaps I am misunderstanding? Perhaps they like it in a platonic sense, or like the familial relationship it very much actually is. *clicks on the chapter*
The Chapter: *proceeds with a short paragraph about why they like this ship, insisting that there was plenty of "crumbs" for it in canon that it HAD to be deliberate, basically this is very much NOT seen as platonic or familial AT ALL by this point*
Me: a h. My day is ruined now, thank you.
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weebsinstash · 11 months
I'm sorry but I can't stop thinking about a certain angsty idea
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Like pretty sure this is implying getting married is a canon event? But in a way, doesn't that kind of, really strip the choice and actual love and magic out of it? Or, could you at least understand the idea of a Spiderperson who may feel that way? Did you genuinely fall in love with someone if it was "supposed" to happen? And the universe could fall apart if you don't so you arent really even given a choice to say no? Isn't that like having a preprogrammed robot instead of a true lover?
Still kinda obsessed with the concept of a Spider Reader where you didn't get scouted by Miguel until after you had already lost your loved ones, but, it's clear that some Spiders are scouted before they have all of their events (Pav), and, I can't stop thinking about, you're in the Spider Society and making friends and having fun and stuff and you're. Still supposed to get married or have a relationship or something and you're just, completely avoiding having anything at all, not even dating anyone, nothing really feels natural to you and you just don't really want anything?
Months and months and months pass and you've turned multiple people down in your home dimension and Spiders at the Society are told not to interact with you in certain ways, which becomes overboard when no one ever seems to want to hug you or even high five you or touch you at all (because "oh don't let them get a crush on you, they can't break canon" or some dumb paranoia) which just eventually develops into isolating you from the Spider Society, and they all think, "ok good they'll spend more time at home and then start the route for this canon event and we can talk to them again" but it just. Doesn't happen. You're starting to show up to the Society less and less but the only thing that changes when you get back home is a loneliness that you fill with a pet and some platonic friends
Peter B is trying to "subtly" nudge you. "Ya know kid, aren't you in your 20s now? Isn't it time you try and, I dunno, get into college or something? You've got so much potential!" as he willingly omits how he met his wife in college and maybe it's in the model that you could meet your spouse there too as a potential option
But I like the idea and already lowkey established concept that canon changes and has tweaks here and there and can be bent in certain ways so, imagine like, idk, imagine Reader already being with the person who is supposed to your soul mate, and, you find out about The Model or whatever, the Arachno Humanoid Poly Mutiverse or whatever, and you just realize kind of on accident that, oh having a relationship at all is kind of just another prison for you to be in, huh? Another choice stripped away from you, another thing that made you feel like a rubber stamp in existence in the weird copy/paste Spider Society. So you just. You don't intentionally bomb the relationship but you become so extremely depressed and refuse to talk about it with your SO that they actually leave you, making the choice independently, changing canon but not breaking it
But here's Miguel, which I guess you could imagine as a protective obsessive romantic figure or even platonic parental, and he's all but grinding his teeth because, as he sees it, you're not only risking completely breaking your canon which you know Would Fucking Kill You, but, why are you constantly shooting down what are supposed to be good changes for your life? No relationships? No college? No aspirations at all? Why are you not living up to your full potential? He's so frustrated because he KNOWS you could "be better than this" and that you're "supposed to" be better than this, but you just seem. Depressed and defeated. He wants you to be better because it's better for your life, your future, your safety (even if depending on preference it absolutely gets under his skin to see you with anyone else romantically or sexually)
And I have no idea how they would externally force you into some kind of relationship but, I've also thought about, alternatively, the tried and true "Reader lost their home dimension but somehow didn't disappear and lives on Earth 928B now" (the movie specifics its 928b ok, pet peeve I know, 928 is comic Miguel, 928b is ATSV movie Miguel) and eventually, somehow, your bracelet comes off one day and you're about to freak out and it's like, wait, you aren't glitching??? Why aren't you glitching? I mean, you're happy to not be in pain and flashing colors, but, this doesn't make sense? And you don't wanna tempt fate but you don't bother to get a new bracelet or, other people are around to witness this weird event and so, Miguel is immediately investigating what happened. I imagine maybe they scan you with the Go Home Machine and it's just like "ha ha yeah you're home already :)" you know like some "Dimensional Match: 928B" and the machine doesn't even activate, it just scans you with the drone, is like "yeah you're good lmao" and goes back to sleep
And now Miguel is like, you know. Understandably concerned because now there are two Spiders for Nueva York, but, also, he's just like, unbeknownst to you absolutely over the moon necause if you're technically a part of his dimension now, maybe you can complete your canon and have some sort of happy ending. But. Miguel never had his wedding either? Or at least not the "true" one, like how Peter moves on from Gwen to Mary Jane? Cue Miguel suddenly spending suspicious amounts of time on his platform in the dark looking at holograms and algorithms and asking Lyla to calculate the probability of you two maybe becoming spouses for each other
AND YOU'RE SO FUCKED IF IT SAYS YOU CAN LMAO. Cause now not only is he all the more obsessed with you (you were BROUGHT to his dimension by a miracle, can't you SEE you're destined for each other) but now it's "don't you understand? Not only are we MEANT for each other, you don't have a choice! You CANT break canon!" And he's fucking putting a finger in your face and lecturing you about how, you know what, it's ok if you're scared and you're not ready. You know why? Because you two were made for each other, and, he must have been made to be this strong so he can protect you and make decisions on your behalf, right? It's all in The Model. It's all in God's Plan. The two of you are going to get married whether you think it's the love you're fantasizing about or not, and Miguel is more than thrilled that he was essentially just handed a certified excuse to keep you all to himself on a silver platter
Also. I guess this is preferential but. Imagine if Earth 928B's solution to two Spidermen, like how Miles' "corrected" itself with getting rid of blonde Peter, what if the universe and canon just went, "actually it's all cool though cause technically one of them isn't going to technically in name be a Spider anymore, they're going to be forcibly turned into a cute little pampered house spouse" and ON GOD he's getting children out of you if you're capable of it and that ISN'T optional. He's thinking you can start at AT LEAST three babies and then talk about how many more from there? He's always wanted a large family with lots of cute little girls and boys, you know 👉👈
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transmascutena · 7 months
something i find a little bit funny but mostly just really tragic is that utena is fully convinced she's in a found family show for so much of it. and in the most fucked up way imaginable she's kind of right? we all know what being akio's family means.
i do think she sees akio as an older brother figure for a lot of the show, much more so than she ever has genuine romantic feelings for him. this is clearest to me in the black rose arc, where all he is to her is her best friend's older brother who gives her advice and respects her more than any other adult ever does. it makes sense that she'd want to see herself as a part of their family too. there's nothing to imply that her feelings are at all romantic in nature. it's only when he starts getting closer to her and intiating physical contact that she starts blushing around him and might be developing a crush -- although personally, i read it more as confused uncomfortable embarrassment most of the time, combined with the expectation that romance is what she should want, and so that must be what she's feeling, right? (this gets kind of naively reenforced by wakaba telling her how cool and handsome akio is and how lucky utena is to be close to him.)
and i don't think it's a coincidence that akio starts calling utena "part of the family" after he's planted this idea of romance in her. reenforcing her previous feelings towards him only after he has started to make them change into something different. he is deliberately trying to cofuse her idea of a familial/sibling relationship with that of a romantic/sexual one, because to him there really isn't a difference, and so that when she inevitably learns about him and anthy, utena will see her not as a fellow victim to find solidarity in, but as competition for his affection. and it works, at least at first.
all this is why i vehemently disagree when people call utena stupid for not noticing that something is wrong about anthy and akio's relationship while she's living with them. not only is it deliberately being hidden from her by both of them for a long time, she also literally has no idea what a sibling relationship is supposed to look like. she has no healthy example to compare anything to. even if she did notice something off about how anthy and akio interact, why would she assume she knows better than them how to be a family? she doesn't have one, after all. and when akio tells her that she is his family, he very much does not treat her like it, but she doesn't really have much choice in believing that it's normal, because isn't that how he treats anthy as well?
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aristia-pjoheadcanons · 8 months
How do you think Percy and Jason would be with a gf who has really small boobs and also doesn’t like bjs?
Idk I get insecure
pairings: jason grace x percy jackson x female!reader
warnings: nsfw
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Percy and Jason are the types of guys that doesnt really notice the physical much when they have a gf.
e.x. Percy and Rachel/Calypso. He loves both because of how natural they were. They didnt try hard to impress, unlike Venus/Aphrodite. Its the fact that you just blend into your own skin and take the spotlight that is given to you - without demanding any attention in an annoying way.
Jason would like you, being you. He doesnt like people that try to act like someone theyre not, because he has done that his whole entire life and it can get shitty.
So being upfront about your dislikes and likes is a huge plus.
We see in HOO that both guys are a bit dense to romantic things at times, unless you vocally tell them. So, if the reader expressed dislike if they hug her too close (because then they might feel her chest being small), they are quick to notice and take it seriously.
But just because Jason and Percy are dense, its because theyre busy with quests and other demigod matters. But they are known to read situations well. Percy has shows great observation skills and understand people without them bringing things up. Jason has learned how to read people from a young age - its how he survived.
Because of this, they would notice immedietly. Jason would give you a knowing look in the corner of his eye. Percy would blink at you and understand but wouldnt bring it up if you dont approach him first.
Blowjobs, sex, making-out - they can leave things like that out of the relationship completely. They dont mind at all. They are well mature and smart enough to understand that, "hey, not everybody like this!". They would never force you to do anything.
Lupa and Sally taught gave them different teachings. Lupa only taught Jason how to analyze, he needed to learn everything else. Sally might not have time to actually sit and talk about romantic and sexual affairs, but Percy has been the type of character to show fool-proof understanding even with the awkward education he got.
Most likely, they would never ever even imply they want a blow jobs ever. They wouldnt even put you near their genitals, it fear it might trigger you.
Percy and Jason realizes this, and share that they dont like licking peoples genitals either, and that its just a preference.
Maybe they would even ask, most likely initiated by Jason/but could go either way, if you like having your chest touched. This might sound weird, but some people dont like it if someone if close to their chest, and might protect it especially if theyre insecure - so they might ask what the optimal distance is. And if they should be careful about hugs.
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meanbossart · 3 months
So, not sure if you've covered this. But I thought I'd ask. How do you feel about the durgetash subtext? Are you pro or against? How do you treat the "relationship" / "partnership" between them? I'm curious to know how their interactions would play out hahah. (Im very pro Durgetash, cause... well. Yeah.)
First of all, obviously I'm all for people interpreting subtext however they wish to interpret it, and I think there's more than enough in the game to imply a canonical romance between The Dark Urge and Gortash; some of my favorite artists on here delve into that and I think both their art and theories are brilliant. Especially as the canon stands now, I think it's more likely that they DID have something going on rather than not, though I doubt Larian will ever confirm it one way or another to allow the player freedom with their avatar's background.
That said, in the lore I decided for DU drow they did NOT have a romantic relationship, although they did have a complicated one. My first impression upon meeting Gortash at his coronation (this was long before all the dialogue Larian added) was of someone who wanted desperately to butter me up to get his plans back on track. Yes, I do think he was happy to see the drow, but that's because he knew DU drow would honor their initial agreement (had his memories not been erased, at least) and was indeed more reliable than Orin - who clearly wanted to achieve things on her own instead of entertaining their alliance even before betraying her brother.
I did a write-up a while back on what DU Drow's perception and plans for Enver were here, but I would like to make some additions!
First of all I didn't clarify this, but when I talk about "love" in that post I did not mean the romantic kind. What DU drow had for Gortash was a tenderness that he could not bring himself to entertain in earnest because of his profoundly skewed sense of empathy and emotions. He did relate to Gortash, He did admire how he had lifted himself up from nothing and how he easily brushed off DU drow's attempts to get under his skin. DU could simply never admit such a thing or even recognize it in himself - had he been a more sane man they would have been dear friends, and there would be glimpses of that could-be friendship in how they interacted before. Gortash was probably equal parts annoyed and charmed by the Bhaalspawn's high eccentricity, his gaudy style and extreme bluntness and shamelessness- he thought he was fascinating enough to put up with his attitude, not to mention that he was reliable and got things done when he set his mind to it.
(More under cut)
Alas, DU Drow wasn't raised to entertain friendship or tenderness whatsoever prior to getting a clean reset to his brain - this doesn't change the fact that he is, by nature, a very intense man, and those emotions had to come out in one way or another. Hence his weird preocuppation with Gortash and how he made him feel. He is primed to become extremely conflicted in his feelings towards anyone who sticks around in his life as anything but a pawn or a victim, and Enver constantly tried to pose himself as a friend - arguably a even more baffling concept to DU drow than if he wanted to be a lover - because then he would at least be seeking out sex from their interpersonal exchanges. This is also why a lot of DU drow's focus when insulting/trying to torment him would have been sexually charged, besides a simple desire to shock and objectify himself and others as sacks of meat to be fucked and killed.
But Gortash grew up in literal hell, I think his capacity to withstand abuse from others (and swiftly brush it off) would have been extremely well honed, especially if it will ultimately get him what he wants. He never flinched at the guy's constant allusions to perversion and cruelty, likely rolled his eyes at it even lol. This would have been very disarming to DU drow and kept him coming back for more, and fostered (along everything else I mentioned) the admiration brought up in-game in that one letter durge writes to Bhaal. That letter would have been a very rare moment of clarity and introspection between DU drow and his father - perhaps the only entity he could ever disclose this kind of conflict to, much like a man having a crisis of faith is still likely to turn to the very god he's doubting for comfort.
I haven't yet decided how Gortash felt towards him, though, besides the aforementioned fascination mixed with irritation. I do think that after being tad-poled, when DU drow shows up in his coronation room looking so dramatically different from the man he knew (hair unkempt, clothes reduced to their practicality, shell shocked stare, the absence of his usual, lecherous grin) he would have thought what a shame that was, that this relentless beast he knew would never allign himself with someone beneath his caliber, often to the point of being unreasonable, had squandered his own ambition and was now in such meager company lol like he's got this half-elf girl just short of hanging onto his arm, this squishy wizard that he would have chewed up like hide in his teeth once, and the smug little elf? That's just his type, but the man Gortash knew had eyes for no one but his sister - regardless of how often he tried to warn him of her duplicitous nature. Ohhh what a mess she made of him, he wishes he remembered anything so he could at least say I told you so.
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girlwithonegoal · 7 months
sorry but the only reason destiel even works is because wincest did it first and also better
i've been thinking a LOT about this and want to get it all out so here it is. if dean was truly in love with cas, he would not have hesitated to tell him so when he literally knew cas was about to DIE. we don't see that. we see shock, grief, disbelief (an angel loves me!), we see him trying desperately to process his best friend is leaving him but nowhere does dean say, or imply, with his eyes, or words, that he's in love with cas. of course he loves cas - cas is family - and cas is not exactly his brother, (closest is brother-in-arms), despite his insistence in an earlier episode - but he's not in the kind of soul-crushing love that cas is with him. he's not in love with cas, and can't be, because he's already in love with sam.
when dean dies, he gets as close as he possibly can to confessing to sam he's in love with him without actually crossing the line. he would never to that to sam - he would never do to sam what cas did to him - because he would NEVER do anything to make sam lose his agency (sidebar: not that cas doesn't respect dean. but his love confession is almost wish fulfillment - i'm going to confess to dean i love him and go out in a blaze of glory and then leave without dean ever even having to reciprocate because i know he doesn't love me back. and he's absolutely right).
dean has already had years and years of not having his own agency from john his whole fucking life! john did whatever he wanted to dean and dean took it because like hell was he going to subject sam to that bullshit. which brings us to sam and dean's childhood - not much is known of their early years before sam went to stanford and that's fully on purpose. we can almost see dean as not only a brother figure to sam but also a father figure. john leaving for weeks maybe even months at a time - how the hell did dean and sam manage to survive? by dean doing whatever he had to do. emphasis on whatever.
you see, john absolutely knows that dean is beautiful. whether you read their relationship as purely abusive or abusive with a sexual component - dean definitely did questionable things to get food on the table for sam, an aspect that's more in fanon that canon but reads true to the heart of the show. sam doesn't know because dean wanted a normal childhood for him. and dean would rather die and go to hell for 800 years than force sam to make a choice, make any choice, of a romantic and/or sexual nature related to him.
back to dean's death. this is again the closest thing to a love confession that dean can make - my baby brother - take out the word brother and it would be not only romantic but stunningly true - he raised sam, this child who grew up to be a man, this child who loves him - waiting outside sam's dorm for hours - can you picture him pacing in the snow, waiting for the one thing he wants but can't have??? why does that sound familiar? oh, right, because that's what cas said but in dean and sam's case it would be actually true. how cruel and unbelievably insane it is to find your soulmate in your brother, the one person you have that you love unconditionally, not just because they are your family but because you are in love with them, and you can never have them as long as you live.
re: american gothic and soulmatism. very different from crimson peak where thomas fully realizes the unhealthiness of the codependent incestuous relationship with his sister and wants to be free and happy with edith. but sam and dean don't want to be free. in their minds, they already are free as long as they have each other and only each other. not getting in all the other romantic relationships that the brothers have with other people bc it would take too long, but they already fulfill that need for each other and don't need anyone else...like i'm sorry i love my sister but i want to get married one day to someone else. if you read their relationship as purely platonic, it doesn't work at ALL.
the kripke early seasons fully leaned into the gothic horror aspect of it all and incest is definitely a part of that...dean and sam literally cannot live without each other. they can't do it! sam dies in dean's arms and dean can't even wait five fucking minutes without making a deal with a demon lmao. he can't eat. he can't sleep. their love is a perpetual resurrection; they keep killing each other and bringing each other back to life. because they don't know how to stop. they are a singular mangled fucked up entity. i read a fic once where the author described sam as hating his own body because it was separate from dean's and dean's whole presence was a phantom pain. and yeah. just yeah. they can't live without each other because they ARE each other.
seasons 1-3 to me are spn at its soul. that's it. cas only works as a side character, if he's a brother (like, purely platonically) to both sam and dean or just unrequited romantic love for dean. the trope of an angel falling in love with a faithless man who can't pray only works if dean hasn't been in love with sam the whole time.
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having-conniptions · 3 months
Sooo I've been thinking about how Khem and Wela's relationship feels rather organic despite moving relatively fast
For context, Deep Night will only have 8 episodes, so they had to move pretty quickly. This can sometimes lead to relationships that feel rushed or unnatural, but this does not seem to be the case for this series. So here's my theory:
The show is centered around a night club full of hot guys and it's implied pretty early on that it's very common for employees of this club to be attracted to men and possibly to each other. (So common, in fact, that there is a rule against dating coworkers.) A relationship between two hot guys working at this night club is not unexpected. It's also not surprising that their relationship starts out as a mainly physical one, considering Wela is experienced at flirting without catching feelings (comes with the job) and Khem's attraction to Wela is sparked when he sees Wela's aerial performance. The flirting comes natural to them, it's not anything deep... yet. If course, flirting leads to more, and more leads to... catching feelings after all. Khem takes Wela on a date, and while the date does result in sex, everything before that seems very romantic. It's almost like they tried to start a purely sexual relationship but couldn't help but be romantic and sweet about it. Of course they were gonna catch feelings. Like Wela said, they are not host and client. Just Wela and Khem. So that distance, that emotional barrier that Wela puts up between himself and his clients is not there. Of course they were gonna catch feelings. OF COURSE THEY WERE GONNA CATCH FEELINGS.
Tl;dr: flirting out of habit -> flirting out of actual interest -> fwb that don't know how to not be romantic -> boyfriends pipeline™️
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jewishdainix · 9 months
While I do totaly understand how Fitz's reply to Nettle in their ride from Jaamphe in Fool's Assassin is seen as just a silly attempt to deny queerness , there is actually a lot to analyse about it!
When you dissect it it actually shows Fitz's failure to both bridge the gap separate his and Beloved's relationship with/from queerness, and the Six Duchies' understanding of it.
Let me explain.
The view in the Six Duchies on queer relationships* seems to be that they are Scandelous relationships that are purely sexual.
The homophobia we see from the characters shows that: When Starling was insulting Fitz she said that she was sure he whispered Molly's name while Lord Golden was fucking him; when Dutiful asked Fitz if he and Lord Golden were sleeping together, but not if they were in a relationship; when Chade told Fitz he knew he didnt sleep with men; Lant saying he was afraid when he first met Fitz because he heard rumers Tom Badgerlock also desired men.
Even during The Quarell Fitz talked about that same sexual aspect, saying he would never want to sleep with the Fool.
When Nettle asked him about his and Lord Golden's relationship, and if the rumors about them were true, she brought back that old idea of the Scandelous, purely sexual nature of queer relationships.
And that wasn't what Fitz and Beloved's relationship was.
Whether or not you interprit Fitz being secualy attracted to Beloved, their relationship was not what the Six Duchies' idea of queer relationships was. It was an emotional connection that their relationship was built on, not a purely sexual one with no care beyond sexual desire.
Which is why Fitz said there was nothing "improper" about their bond. Why Fitz said that what they had wen far beyond that.
Fitz was still unable to separate the idea of being in a relationship with Beloved with that view of queerness (he almost did, by the end of Fool's Fate, but whatever progress he made was undone by him repressing his love for Beloved all those years apart. Admitting he loved Beloved would have meant he was not able to pretend he got the Happy Ending he so desprately clung to, buts thats a whole other post).
But thats just the part about him not being able to seprate queer relationships from the view on them in the Six Duchies. Because of those views, he doesn't know how to recognise his feellings for Beloved (and other men) as what they are.
When Riddle told him how he remembered that he and Beloved were "very close" Fitz didn't oject like he has done with the acusations/questions that were related to the supposed sexual nature of his relationship with Lord Golden. He hadn't replied with anything, but mentioned that his silence said more than any thing he could have said himself.
When meeting with Carson, Fitz immidietly mentions how he felt a "feelling that sometimes comes of insant connection, a deep friendship that could have been".
Lets dissect that aswell, since I already put this under a readmore and dont care about how long this post gets. (@tragediegh and I talk about this quote every couple of days so everything I say here is recicled from our dms lol)
"Instant connection, a deep friendship that could have been," implies that the relationship Fitz is thinking he would have is very close, but it is not based on an actual expirience with that person, rather their first impression on Fitz - their vibe and how they look (interesting how Fitz says it about Carson, a gay man).
"That sometimes comes" shows that it is an - if not a common one - an occurence that happened multiple times.
This sounds like someone describing a crush/romantic atraction without knowing that what they are feelling is that!
The reason Fitz describes it as a "deep friendship" and "instant connection" and not "romantic feellings towards men" is because how he still view queer relationships from that homophobic view the Six Duchies have, and because of that is unable to connect his feellings towards men (amd beloved) to what they are.
* mlm relationships, technically. We havn't seen what they think of sapphic ones (even in The Willful Princess and the Piebald Prince Felicity mentions how possible homophobia only briefly, though they do seem to not consider lesbian sex as not actual sex which makes since with how their culture views reproduction) and I'm pretty sure Six Duchies people don't know about trans/genderqueer people because *gestures to everything*
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That Lovin' Feelin' (Part 3) - Goose
Pairing: Nick "Goose" Bradshaw / Mitchell! Fem! OC | Reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Suggestive Language; Implied Sexual Content; Light Angst; Second Person ("You") POV, No Description of Reader No Use of Y/N
Reader is mentioned to be a woman, but there is no description of anything appearance wise. Reader is Maverick's twin sister and a nurse at the naval hospital.
This work, all of my other works, and my entire blog are 18+ Only.
Summary: You and Goose take your relationship to the next level. Maverick makes a discovery.
A.N. In this work, let's just imagine that Goose and Carole never crossed paths and Carole is off living her best life elsewhere. Absolutely no shade to Carole, just wanted some Goose love. And I guess sorry Bradley for wiping away your existence.
Part 1 Part 2
Master List
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Sneaking around with your brother’s best friend was probably not recommended. Especially when Goose lived right next to Maverick in their Top Gun housing, so if Goose went out or came home late, Maverick could very easily know.
But Mitchells were not known for their great decision-making skills.
You thought that going to the volleyball game that both your brother Maverick and Goose were supposed to be playing in would be a good neutral option. You had a legitimate reason to be there, since your brother was there. And you also got to see Goose in less clothes than normal.
The relationship dynamic that you and Goose were developing every day was unlike any other relationship that you had ever been in. The awkwardness wasn’t from not knowing each other, but rather knowing each other too well. In a different context, that is. There wasn’t small talk, just immediate emotional connection.
But despite that, Goose still hadn’t made the final move.
You were worried that finding the condom during your drive-in date had somehow scared him off the subject. And sure, you weren’t exactly the most outgoing person and sex wasn’t the most important aspect of a romantic relationship to you.
But it was a little disheartening that Goose didn’t seem to want to rip your clothes off as much as you wanted to rip his off. So, there was a second reason to your decision to go to the volleyball game. First, to see Goose. And Maverick too, you guess. And second, maybe the sundress that you picked out was a little shorter and lower cut than you would have ordinarily worn out.
Maybe it was cruel to try and seduce Goose in front of an audience, including your brother, but you were running out of options. And time too, since Top Gun only lasted for so long. And you also knew that if you thought about it for too long, you might chicken out, so you quickly pulled on your sandals and headed out to the volleyball game.
Walking up from the street, you glanced around for Goose or Maverick. But you didn’t see either of them standing on the court. Confused, you looked up into the stands, and quickly spotted Goose sitting and chatting with Hollywood and Wolfman.
But you felt quite a couple of sets of eyes on you the instant that you stepped into the court area. Maybe the sundress was catching attention that you didn’t intend to catch. Goose called your name and waved, causing you to turn back to him and walk a little quicker than normal.  
“Hey, you made it,” Goose stated, walking down the steps of the stands.
You didn’t miss how his hands naturally reached out for you before his brain caught up with his instincts and ironed his arms to his sides. But even if Goose didn’t reach out to her, there was a subtle hint in his stance that warned the other aviators to keep their gazes respectful.
“Not in time, it seems,” you replied, glancing over at the volleyball court. “Where’s Mav?”
“He had a thing.”
“A thing?” you repeated, confused.
“He didn’t elaborate.”
“Typical,” you scoffed, shaking your head. “Well, how did you do?”
“We won our game,” Goose explained, smiling proudly.
“Really? Congratulations.”
Before Goose could respond, however, two sets of clunky steps down the bleachers interrupted the moment. You and Goose turned to see Ice and Slider, who were both wearing looks that you could only describe as knowing smirks, standing a few steps up from you two.
“Ms. Mitchell,” Ice greeted you with a nod.
“Or should we call you Mrs. Goose?” Slider suggested, resting his arm on Ice’s shoulder.
“You can call me by my actual name,” you asserted, folding your arms over your chest.
“Oh, you’ve got to be easy on them, honey,” Goose replied smoothly, glancing with narrowed eyes between Ice and Slider. “They’re lashing out because their egos got bruised earlier.” Turning back to you, Goose gestured towards the beach. “You want to go for a walk instead?”
“Yeah, I’d like that,” you agreed with a small smile.
Bidding Ice and Slider goodbye, which in Goose’s case was more of a one-finger salute, you and Goose headed down to the adjacent beach. You held your sandals in your hand as you and Goose trudged through the warm sand, laughing and chatting like normal.
“Did you want—” you started to ask, before you were cut off by Goose’s lips on your own.
Dropping your bag and your sandals, you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pulled him in closer for a deeper kiss. Goose’s hands traveled up and down the length of your dress and when he snuck a squeeze, you laughed and smacked his chest lightly.
“We’re in public,” you reminded him, as if you weren’t completely drunk off the kiss.
“Sorry, darling, I was just holding that back for a little too long,” Goose chuckled, pressing another kiss to your lips. “Wanted to make sure that we were out of their sight.”
“And into a lot of other people’s,” you quipped, noting the disapproving looks thrown in your direction. “Come on, let’s keep walking.”
You grabbed Goose’s hand and he quickly intertwined your fingers. Swaying your hands back and forth as you walked through the sand, your physical interactions with Goose moved farther and farther from being purely ‘friendly.’ Especially because the two of you couldn’t seem to go thirty seconds without some kind of kiss or nuzzle.
There was a reason why they called the first few weeks of a relationship the ‘honeymoon’ period.
Walking up to a little ice cream stand, the two of you got a small cone each before sitting down at one of the little wooden tables set up around the corner. You cursed as a drop of ice cream dripped onto your chest and dress as the hot sun melted the ice cream faster than you could eat it.
“Dammit,” you muttered, trying to gather the ice cream with your finger.
Wrapping your lips around your finger, you glanced up to see Goose staring intently at you. Almost like he wasn’t even breathing. Grinning a bit, you quirked an eyebrow at Goose’s reaction.
“It’s like you’re trying to kill me, honey,” he told you, earning a light giggle from you.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, the whole . . . all of you,” Goose replied, gesturing to your whole body.
“Goose, that doesn’t narrow it down at all,” you teased him, dragging your foot up his leg.
“This!” Goose exclaimed, pointing down at your leg. “It’s like you want me to get in trouble out here. Because all of . . . you . . . you’re trying to get me to react.”
“Maybe I am,” you stated, shrugging your shoulders.
Licking at your ice cream cone in a way that was certainly not appropriate while you dragged your foot up higher on Goose’s leg, you shot him an amused smirk. A challenging look. Goose looked like he was having an internal crisis for a moment at your affirmative. But then he quickly grabbed your ankle and pulled it away from his inner thigh.
“Are you sure about this, darling?” he asked quieter, leaning forward more.
“Goose,” you called out to him, leaning forward as well, “take me to bed tonight or lose me forever.”
It wasn’t a real threat or even requirement. Your relationship was still young and there was still a lot that the two of you needed to figure out about that. But holy hell, you were running out of ways of trying to get your boyfriend to talk about taking that next step in your relationship.
“How about . . . twenty minutes?” Goose suggested instead, glancing down at his watch. “Depending on traffic, that is.”
“I think I can work with that,” you replied, hoping that you didn’t sound too desperate.
“Then show me the way home, honey,” Goose stated, shooting you a wink.
Grabbing Goose by the front of his shirt and dog tags, you urged him to his feet and out to the road, where your two cars were parked.
Goose was supposed to be smart.
He was a RIO. He wasn’t a hotshot fighter pilot, who flew on instinct and had an ego bigger than his cockpit. He was the brains of the operation. He was supposed to calculate the risks and know what the safest option always was in any situation.
Taking Maverick’s twin sister to bed had a thousand risks and there was no safe option. If the two of you went through with it, there would be no going back. If Maverick ever found out that the two of you slept together, his goose was cooked.
But hell between the sundress and the way that you dragged your foot up his leg and the way that you licked at your ice cream and your finger, there was no way that he would survive the battle in his brain over that. He was still an ordinary man, after all. He was almost a thousand percent sure that he was ass over teacups in love with you. And you were actively seducing him.
And, so, he took you to bed.
You unlocked the door to your house and pulled Goose inside. Once he stepped in, you quickly shut and locked the door. Tossing your keys into the bowl by your door, you barely had a moment to blink before Goose was on you again. And with the newfound privacy, there was nothing holding Goose back from absolutely ravaging you.
Pressing you up against the front door, Goose started to grind against your center, causing your grip on his shoulders to tighten. You hooked your leg around his waist and dragged him closer as your lips and tongues gnashed together. It was far from coordinated. More like two people who were pent up for far too long and just wanted to drown in each other’s presence.
Holding your leg steady to his hip, Goose lowered his arm underneath your ass and lifted you the rest of the way up. You hooked your ankles around Goose’s hips and cupped his cheeks with your hands, keeping his lips as close to yours as possible. You weren’t willing to let him go. Not even for a moment. You waited too damn long for this moment.
Goose walked down the hall, heading for your bedroom. Kicking the door closed behind him, Goose walked over to the bed and laid you down. Your touches were quickly growing more frantic and demanding, shedding each other’s clothing faster than either of you typically moved in these situations. But as you started to undo Goose’s pants, he pulled back.
“Are you sure about this, honey?” he asked again, wanting to be a thousand percent sure.
“Goosie,” you called to him, gently cupping his cheeks with your hands. “I want this. I want you. And sooner rather than later, if you don’t mind, Lieutenant.”
“I think I can manage that,” Goose agreed, pressing a sloppy kiss to your lips.
Breathing heavily, you grinned as you pressed a kiss to Goose’s neck. He held himself above your body, trying not to crush you, but similarly exhausted. Turning his head, he sent you a hazy smile and pressed a full and proper kiss to your lips. He pulled back a few moments later, studying your face.
“You finished, right?”
“Yeah, Goosie, I did,” you giggled, pressing a kiss to his lips. “And the mustache burn down there was definitely worth it.”
“Good,” Goose breathed out, nuzzling your hair. “God, why the hell did we wait so long to do that?”
“I don’t know,” you replied, running your hand through his hair. “But whatever reason it was, it’s a dumb one.”
Goose laughed and rolled over, pulling you into his arms. Laying on his back, Goose pulled you to his chest and wrapped his arms around your body, keeping you close. Letting out a giddy giggle as you still basked in the afterglow, you pressed another kiss to his lips.
“Do you have any plans for the rest of the night?” you asked, trailing your finger over his chest.
“Are you asking me out, honey?” Goose quipped, earning a joking look from you.
“If that’s what you want to call it, sure,” you replied, unable to help your smile. “We could get takeout or eat some left overs. Have a bottle of wine or a couple of beers. And maybe spend a little more time together here.”
“So long as you’re here, honey, I’ll do whatever you want,” Goose assured you, causing you to grow far more bashful than usual.
“You’re a sap, Nick Bradshaw.”
“I think you like it, honey.
Goose winked at you before pulling you in for another embrace.
Maverick returned to the volleyball court from Charlie’s house. Looking for Goose and perhaps you, since you mentioned that you might stop by, Maverick wandered over to the bleachers, where a handful of the other Top Gun students remained, including Slider and Ice.
“Where did Goose go?” Maverick called, causing Slider and Ice to share a look.
“He left with your sister,” Slider stated, earning a whistle or two from the other aviators. “They were looking really happy to see each other.”
Maverick rolled his eyes at Slider’s innuendo and didn’t let it bother him. After all, you and Goose had known each other for just about as long as Maverick and Goose had known each other. If there was anything going on between the two of you, it would have happened years ago. And Maverick trusted Goose far more than to give into stupid rumors from Slider of all people.
“Thanks for the heads up,” Maverick called back sarcastically, heading for his bike.
Driving through the streets of Miramar, Maverick headed first to Goose’s house, which was next to his own. But when Maverick didn’t see the Bronco sitting in the driveway, he decided to check your house. Maybe the two of you went out for dinner or maybe you offered Goose dinner. Humming to himself, Maverick pulled into your driveway.
The Bronco was parked out front, so Maverick strolled up to the front door. Reaching for the doorknob, he frowned when he found that it was locked. That was odd. Shaking his head and marking it off as a mistake, he reached for the spare keys that you hid on your front porch and unlocked the door. Letting himself inside, Maverick froze when he saw who was standing in the kitchen.
Goose. Shirtless Goose. Shirtless Goose in just his boxers.
“Goose?” Maverick called out, confused.
“Mav?” Goose called back, louder and far more concerned.
“What are you . . .”
Maverick trailed off when you emerged from your bedroom, wearing Goose’s shirt and with a head of hair that only got that particularly styled by one activity. And that activity was not one that Goose was supposed to be doing with Maverick’s sister of all people.
@xoxabs88xox @roostette
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peqchsoup · 2 years
hi! i love your work! may I request #19 and #37 for tangerine?
Ahh thank you so much!!! I feel so blessed that someone actually sent a request and enjoys my work! I really hope you were referencing the bed prompts post because that's what I wrote and I love it (I will also write for prompt #37 at some point today or tomorrow, but for now here's Prompt #19!!
Prompt #19: "You were kidnapped and I won't let anyone else get to you again."
Hold Me Tight
Tangerine x fem!reader
TW: mentions of blood, violence, kidnapping, and implied r@pe
I didn't proofread this don't judge me
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You knew you should've trusted your gut. Something felt very off.
You were sitting at the bar of a fancy restaurant, waiting for the Twins. In the past two weeks, you worked on one of their longest jobs with them and it turned out to be a huge success. So, understandably, you wanted to celebrate. Tangerine chose Le Gavroche, one of the most expensive restaurants in London.
You should've known that Tangerine wanted to do something expensive to celebrate. That's why you were looking at the menu for Le Gavroche on Tangerine's sofa, scoffing at the prices,
"£64 for Turbot? Are you mad?" Tangerine's head whipped round to look at you, Lemon giving you the 'take it back' eyes.
"Am I mad? I dunno, am I mad? Lemon, am I mad?"
"Don't bring me into this." Lemon went back to playing some kind of Thomas the Tank Engine game on his phone. Tangerine looked back at you,
"That job took weeks. Lemon nearly died, then I nearly died. So excuse me if I want to celebrate with some expensive food. I can't use this money when I'm dead, so I may as well use it now!"
You watched as Tangerine's eye twitched, his jaw wound tightly,
"All I'm saying is that I'm not paying £64 for a bit of fish!"
"Well I'll fucking pay for you, I'll buy the whole meal so no one gets upset. There, happy?"
"A bit, yeah," you muttered, and went back to looking at your phone. You should have realised that Tangerine would pay anyway, seeing as you were sitting in his £1.6 million townhouse in central London.
So here you were, sipping your £30 glass of wine. When the bartender asked how you would be paying, you told him to open a tab under Tangerine's name and proceeded to recite his credit card details. You had those digits memorised a long time ago.
Tangerine wasn't a sugar daddy, per se, but he definitely had a sweet spot for you and if you wanted it, you usually got it. There was nothing romantic or even sexual about the nature of your relationship, he just couldn't resist your face. Which is why you were sitting at the bar in the black Rhode velvet midi dress with black Louboutin pumps and a Gucci canvas wrist pouch. Lemon and  Tangerine took you to Harrods earlier that afternoon and watched you try on at least 13 dresses with the Louboutins. You were finally going to have your own pair of red bottoms and you couldn't be more excited. Tangerine's materialistic personality really came in handy sometimes.
Once you had picked out your dress and bag, the Twins led you to the men's section to get themselves a new suit each. Lemon quickly picked out a simple black Burberry two-piece, tried it on, and was happy. Tangerine, however, pondered over more suits than you did dresses, and landed on a Gucci two-piece in burgundy. They each got a black Tom Ford silk tie to pull their outfits together, and to yours.
You couldn't wait to see them all dressed up in their new suits. Admittedly, you arrived early to the bar. But upon checking your watch, they were already 10 minutes late, and you hadn't heard anything from them. It was probably just that Tangerine was being too anal about his moustache looking perfect that they ran over. So, you took a photo of your glass of wine and sent it to the groupchat you shared with the brothers,
Got a tab started in your name already, T! And the more drunk I get, the more I like to spend…
When you sent that message, you were certain you'd get a speedy response. Tangerine didn't like you getting drunk when you were by yourself. The world was too dangerous and too many men would try to take advantage.
A few minutes passed and you had no response. It wasn't like them to not respond quickly. Lemon was attached to his phone most of the time, so you were certain he'd say something, at least. You wondered if your message hadn't sent to their phones, so you stepped outside to see if there was an issue with the signal inside the restaurant. You tapped your message in the chat and the little 'delivered' label popped up. So nothing was wrong with your phone. You stepped back inside to close the tab and headed off down the street attempting to flag down a cab to go to Tangerine's and see what was going on.
As you were waving down a cab, a black van quickly overtook it, cut it off and pulled up right in front of you. That was a bad sign.
You tried to start running but you had barely turned around before a guy grabbed you around your middle, covered your mouth to stop you from screaming, and dragged you into the side door of the van. It all happened so quickly that no one even seemed to see it happen.
There was another man who closed the side door of the van behind the man who dragged you in and no one else in the back of the van. It sounded like there was only one driver up front, though you couldn't be sure. Three men was doable. You had taken out more before. Although you were better prepared in previous circumstances.
You started to thrash against the man holding you from behind, kicking at the one binding your feet. The man holding you had his arms around your arms, holding them down to your sides so you couldn't hit either of them. The one binding your feet sent a startling hit to your cheek, knocking you near enough unconsciousness to let them get on with what they were doing. Having your hands and feet bound wasn't ideal, but it was a hell of a lot better than being unconscious. God only knows what they would do if you were out cold.
You had no idea how long you'd been travelling, and you had a feeling that the lack of windows in the back of the van meant that anyone back there wasn't supposed to know where they were or how far they travelled. The van came to a stop and you heard the click of the handbrake, meaning you had reached your destination. The man who initially grabbed you to put you in the van took hold of you and threw you over his shoulder, holding onto your legs so you wouldn't fall off. He stepped out of the van and into what appeared to be a barn. Probably on an abandoned farm in the middle of nowhere.
The man carrying you dropped you onto the ground with a thud and lifted you so you were on your knees in front of him, your hands tied behind your back. He stepped aside to reveal the leader of their gang; a tall man with a pistol held at his side.
"No offence, guy," you started, "but I have no clue who you are. Are you sure you have the right girl?"
He laughed and pointed the gun at your forehead.
"You may not know who I am, but I know exactly who you are. Lemon and Tangerine took my family from me, so I'm taking the closest thing they have to a family."
This was happening. This was actually happening. You were going to die. You brain was going a million miles a minute. You'd never see Lemon and Tangerine ever again. You wouldn't get to tell them how much they meant to you. How much you loved Tangerine. Not that it mattered, you were going to die.
The gun clicked as the man cocked it, walking towards you and pressing the cold metal to your skin. You closed your eyes, preparing yourself for the end.
An bang rang out somewhere in the barn, your breath caught in your throat as you clenched your eyes closed tighter. You huffed out your breath quickly, breathing heavy when you realised it wasn't you who was dead, but the man who held the gun to your forehead. He lay motionless on the ground, blood pooling around his head. You looked up and there, directly in your line of sight 30 metres in front of you, were Lemon and Tangerine. They wielded huge guns and were wearing rain macs and rubber gloves and they just started blasting the gang members, somehow managing to avoid being shot themselves.
They mowed down the gang in minutes and came running over to you. Lemon started untying you whilst Tangerine threw his gun aside, dropped to his knees, and ripped his gloves off to hold your cheeks in his hands. He moved your face side to side, up and down before looking you directly in the eyes,
"Are you alright, love? You're not hurt, are you?"
You smiled at Tangerine's concern, feeling your hands and feet become free and rubbing your wrists to dull the ache of the friction burns from the rope, "I'm alright, T. I promise."
"I'm so so sorry we weren't at the restaurant in time." He looked genuinely guilty that him and his brother weren't around to keep you safe. The Twins helped you to your feet and Lemon pulled you into a hug. You leaned your head against his chest, listening to his heart while he explained,
"They sent guys to Tangerine's house to slow us down so they had a chance to get you. I'm so sorry, sweetheart."
"Hey, it's okay," Your voice was soft, "You found me and you saved me. I owe you both my life."
"You don't owe us nothing, darling."
You lifted your head to look at Tangerine, though still in Lemon's embrace. You noticed through their transparent rain macs that they were wearing their dinner suits.
"How did you find me?"
Tangerine smirked solemnly, "I guess your kidnappers weren't smart enough to turn your phone off. You still have your location shared with us." Tangerine lifted his phone to display the dot your phone made on the map.
"Oh, Tan." You left Lemon's arms and wrapped your arms around Tangerine's neck, pulling him close to you in a hug. He wasn't normally one for hugging, that was more his brother's style, but he quickly untensed and lifted his arms to put them around you. He placed his head on top of yours, giving a small kiss to the top of your head.
Lemon walked over and put a hand on your shoulder, giving it a tight squeeze, "let's get you home."
The drive home was peaceful. Tangerine drove while Lemon sat in the back with you, comforting you when he noticed you visibly shaking. He stroked your hair and shushed gently when he could hear you whimper.
Tangerine watched in the rear view mirror every now and then, vowing to himself that, from this moment, he would never let you out of his sight ever again. That meant he wasn't driving you back to your flat. No, absolutely not. He was taking you to his home where you would live from that day forward. You already had your own bedroom there for jobs that finished late at night, as did Lemon. Tangerine couldn't see any reason for you not to live there with him.
It was deep into the night when you got back to Tangerine's house. Lemon walked to his room and Tangerine led you to his where he undressed and slipped on a pair of pyjama pants before he helped you take off your dress and found one of his t shirts for you to wear. There were no boundaries between you and the Twins these days. You had known them for long enough and had done so many jobs with them where you had to change in front of each other that it wasn't a big deal anymore.
"Goodnight, Tangerine. Thank you again." You said quietly, shuffling towards the bedroom door to leave and go to your own room.
"Where are you going?"
"To bed." "You’re sleeping in here tonight, love."
"Why? You were kidnapped, love, and I won't let anyone else get to you again. I don't want you leaving my sight."
You smiled and shuffled towards Tangerine's bed, climbing under the cover and shuffling close to the wall so he had plenty of room. He lay down and pulled you close to him and you put your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as it slowly lulled you to sleep.
"This alright, darling?"
You smiled, warmed by him asking for consent to just hold you. He was so polite.
"Mhm, goodnight Tangerine."
"Goodnight sweetheart."
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shipsarebeautiful · 9 months
Quick disclaimer, I’m going to talk about an NSFW topic, so if you’re not into that please scroll away now!
But, with that out of the way, here’s my Thoughts on a Thing. So, call me crazy, but I’ve been thinking about this topic for a while and after recent events I’ve come to a logical conclusion.
SHMK should, and I cannot stress enough how genuinely I mean this, have gay sex for plot reasons. Here me out!
Shu has IMMENSE issues with repression, and he always has done because of the environment he was raised in, and while he’s worked through a fair amount of those issues by now one glaring thing that still remains is how averse he is to anything sexual. There’s an entire story dedicated to exploring this aspect of his character (Astrae’s Atelier)! One part of that story is that someone from his school in Paris who is distinctly not averse to sexual stuff at all becomes very interested in Shu, to the point where they leave drawings of nude models and even porn magazines in his room to try and convince him that sexual things are normal (surprise surprise, it doesn’t really work). Kuro even finds out about this and brings it’s up again later on in the timeline, to which Shu is still clearly uncomfortable with it.
Mika on the other hand isn’t sexually repressed at all, much like the fan from Paris, and we know how openly horny he is all the time. But above his honrniess is his absolute loyalty. He would never do anything to harm Shu and would do everything to protect him and make him happy, recently including even digging up a grave to confirm or deny the reality of a story that Mika knew Shu wouldn’t like the ending of. He also still really struggles with comprehending how important he is to Shu, being willing to sacrifice himself in every way possible for the sake of Shu’s happiness without realising how that self-sacrificial nature is exactly what’s hurting Shu, and is incredibly insecure about himself and his abilities.
Them having sex is, I believe, genuinely going to be SO helpful for both of them. Because with the way Shu is Mika would be forced to realise how important he is to Shu since there’s no way he would do such an act with just anyone, and Shu would have to realise that sex isn’t the shameful act he’s always thought it to be and can be just another way to show someone how much you love them. On top of that, the act itself is inherently supposed to be one of mutual pleasure, it puts them on completely equal playing fields no matter how much they may want to value the other more than themselves.
Both of these characters are adults at this point in the timeline so it wouldn’t exactly be taboo to talk about such a thing, especially since sexual themes have come up in Enstars before though they’ve never truly been explored. And on top of that, since it’s now implied that they’re canonically together, it’s the type of topic that would be completely natural to explore with these two since sex is a normal thing in most romantic relationships.
And I’m saying all this as an asexual btw, so it’s not as if I’m just looking for excuses to sexualise the two because that’s not what this is about at all. I just whole-heartedly believe that it would actually be beneficial both to their relationship and to their personal development, and that this is something that can and frankly, in my opinion, should be explored in their future stories.
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people who want will to get a boyfriend who isn't mike make zero sense to me ngl... i get that mike is kind of a jerk but i just don't feel like it makes a lick of sense tbh, and i also just think anything bad thing mike’s done is best justified/made sympathetic and solved by the conclusion he’s been struggling with his feelings towards will. 
mike is in no way this unredeemable person and i think it’s pretty extreme to treat it like he is. he isn’t perfect, but he’s shown that he does care about will much more often than he’s hurt him. just the facts.
like. yeah sure byler has been built up since season one and mike has been written in a way that made it literally impossible for will TO get a separate love interest. despite mike having a literal girlfriend, his jealousy and protectiveness over will didn’t leave any empty space. we all saw his weird reaction to the painting at the airport and how when dustin and lucas wanted to help will on halloween he yelled at them and shoved them away. 
but like... yeah, let's throw him with some random guy we have no time to get invested in so mike and el can keep being a dysfunctional mess with no chemistry or shared interests even though it would make no sense, have no emotional payout and  is not in any way what mike or will need for a satisfying conclusion to their character arcs (or el! it negatively affects all three.)
separating the two would be the only opportunity possible to give will someone new. it would’ve been tricky to make it believable, but it was their only chance after mike’s emphasis in will’s storyline. that in itself is suspicious, but they essentially told us with mike’s little ‘oh shit’ closet moment that they would not be doing that. 
instead, they kept doubling down on mike and will. they even made the cali plotline sort of agonize over it, with mike and will pulling in the most heart-to-hearts of any duo in any one season afaik. the emphasis on their relationship has been too integral to the show. having had wills sexuality in mind from season one, making mike as big an element in that storyline to begin with is not without consequence. they wrote it in a way that made it almost impossible to reasonably go in another direction.  
they spent a lot of time especially in season 4 showing us how mike and will’s relationship comes naturally to them, has a good  foundation of mutual love and respect, and just generally functions better than mike and el and can repair itself without that much effort. even when mike and el are in their ‘good’ phases, they have less going for them than mike and will in their ‘bad’ phases.
will’s feelings for mike are directly contrasted with el’s. mike makes will feel better for being different. he makes EL feel like a monster. with el, she begged him to say it and he denied her, implying he didn’t ‘know what to say’ and agreeing when will said ‘what if they don’t like the truth?’ he denied her what she wanted until will told him to say it. the text is very directly comparing el and will’s dynamics with mike for a reason.
you never say it > i say it
oh, i didn’t say it. > you didn’t have to.
it doesn't make sense to set this up and then retreat back into a relationship that is mutually destructive, that hinders all three characters growth and self worth, and goes directly against their character arcs. it makes no sense to make will in love with mike at all if it was going to end up with a new guy shoehorned in last minute.
 there’s a reason it’s mike and not lucas or dustin that will fell for. there’s a reason that the majority of people are ecstatic about lumax, jopper, jancy and duzie but find milkvan tedious and forced. 
it's filling the same place in my brain rn as when people want will to have a villain arc. it just does not make any sense to me to actively desire  conclusions to arcs that would undo character progress or just completely misshape the character profile permanently. 
it isn’t JUST a romantic relationship will wants. he doesn’t just have a hankering for a boyfriend. it’s not just about having SOMEONE. it’s specifically mike’s love. it is specifically spending his life with mike that has been explicitly stated over and over again as what he truly wants. 
i feel like it’s fairly rare for characters to both know and state plainly what they want, but will does, which i think is honestly so admirable. he admits it when he is at his most vulnerable (rain fight) when it would be more beneficial for him to just pretend. but he doesn’t. he’s hurt, but he doesn’t hide from it. 
the fact he doesn’t even surprises mike, who was expecting for will to agree that changing drastically and obsessing about girlfriends was the natural progression they were supposed to take. after his wish is put into the open and seemingly rejected, he destroys castle byers. 
mike is insecure about wanting this, but we know he wants that too, we just dont have the explicit confirmation if it’s romantic yet. 
the point being that the emphasis has already been placed on not only who/what will wants, but how confident he is in that never changing. he wants it deeply and forever.
it isn’t just a boyfriend he wants, it’s mike. 
that’s the person he has the deepest connection to, that’s the guy who saved him, who pulled him out of the upside down, fought the hardest for him, stayed by his side when he needed him, befriended him when he was five years old because he thought, ‘he’s like me.’ mike gets a lot of criticism, but none of that is how will himself feels. to him, that’s the guy who makes him brave enough to accept his sexuality. it’s mike, it's always been mike, and it doesn’t make sense narratively for him to be with anyone else.
‘what if you want to join another party? > not possible.
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magioffire · 10 months
rpc i think we need to have a little talk about misconceptions surrounding polyamory after the shit show last night
not all polyamorous relationships are open relationships. polyamorous is not a fancy word for 'free for all'. poly people can and do have closed relationships.
polyamory is not synonymous with religious polygamy. no one is mandating you into a polygamy unless youre in some kind of cult sect or a religious group that actively practices such things. consentual relationships between adults is a lot different from mandated polygamy brought on by religious or political authoritarianism. monogamy and polygamy both have been utilized to oppress and control people throughout history. non-consensual arranged monogamous marriages anyone? that shit still happens to this day.
polyamory is not a fancy word for 'lack of commitment'. if anything, it takes more commitment to support a romantic relationship with multiple people
polyamory is not inherently more abusive than monogamy. this is just straight up just not true from a statistics standpoint, polyamorous relationships are not any more abusive than monogamous relationships. and since there are just more monogamous relationships out there, the chances for abuse to occur in monogamous relationships is just simply higher. as the stigma against polyamory fades, more people are going to attempt it. just like how when theres more dogs, more people get bit by dogs -- doesnt suddenly make dogs evil (tho some people would argue that for some breeds). your relationship status or mode does not indicate how good or bad of a person you are.
polyamory is not cheating. as with any relationship, in order for it to be healthy, there must be boundaries and respect for your partner/s. people in both monogamous and polyamorous relationships cheat. cheating has nothing to do with your sexuality or your relationship preferences. no sexuality or relationship state inherently makes a person more likely to cheat. its like implying bisexual people are more likely to cheat because of their sexuality.
humans are not 'wired' for monogamy. this is bioessentialism. no one is arguing that monogamous relationships arent common among humans, but saying we are 'wired' to be monogamous implies that polyamory is somehow an unnatural state. which stinks of the same sort of bigotry of 'homosexuality isnt natural/humans are wired for heterosexuality'.
'i have nothing against polyamory, but i dont want it forced on me' is a dogwhistle for 'i dont want polyamorous people to exist in my general direction' and if you said that about any other group of people, it would obviously be a bigoted stance. 'i have nothing against gay people, but i dont want their gayness forced on me'. you see how fucked up that sounds? no one is holding a gun to your head saying you have to be in a polyamorous relationship.
the internet has made people forget how to mind their own business. it has also made people forget that just because something makes you personally uncomfortable doesnt mean you have to create some sort of moral justification for your hatred and fear. its a common tactic among troll and extremist political groups to prey upon people's discomfort and fear and turn it into hatred (kink at pride discourse anyone?). outrage culture is very real and 'alternative' or non-mainstream lifestyles and people have always been a target for this. it is nothing new, it is just the same old bigotry given a new fresh coat of paint. learn to sit with your discomfort, because its ultimately a you problem, not an everyone else's problem. people are not obligated to change or make themselves smaller to uphold your comfort. a boundary is not an ultimatum you place upon other people, its something you place upon yourself. people existing and living their lives is not forcing anything upon you.
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 5, Poll 14
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Snake-Zero Escape
Canonically disabled! He's blind and has a prosthetic arm! He's only semi-canonically gay, but the creator did acknowledge the possibility when people spam asked him if Snake is gay and he put up a twitter poll about it: https://twitter.com/Uchikoshi_Eng/status/1360856115450241027 so take that as you will
Canonically blind and implied to be gay, later confirmed by the creator
Snake is so funny, he's a bit of a confident know it all but in a charming way. He can and will destroy you if you hurt his sister. He's EVERYTHING <3
He was declared gay via a poll on the creator's Twitter page which is just iconic of him. First ever character to have his sexuality democratically elected
Anything Else?:
He's more commonly called "Snake" as his real name (Light) is only revealed near the end of the game, and his last name technically comes from interviews outside canon. So "Light" is a bit of a "light" (haha) spoiler! (Submitter 1)
Melanie King-The Magnus Archives
Bisexual and blind
Gay and blind and amazing
Melanie ends up being blinded by herself in the fourth season of the Magnus Archives, and ends up in a romantic relationship with another woman in the same season
She is blind and has a girlfriend. Canon disabled and canon wlw win 👍
she has a girlfriend and is blind
She is blind and sapphic (I'm not sure if anything exactly is ever confirmed in canon, but most people refer to her as a lesbian)
she’s iconic
I love her
Oh I love my horrible woman who did many things wrong but in a way I sympathize with and also enjoy because she deserves to be a hater. Anyways so Melanie's very first appearance involved her arguing with Jon and and dismissing the way the Magnus Institute takes statements, which is a very good introduction for her in my opinion because she will continue to be a hater in regards to John. Melanie got stabbed by a ghost prior to her next appearance and briefly became a meme because turns out, when you get stabbed by a ghost, you'll want to tell people about the ghost, and she did this as she was being dragged away from where this happened. Her professional credit went downhill after this. She ends up being the catalyst of a big plot point in season 2 after this statement, because she's the only one who recognizes that Not-Sasha is, in fact, not Sasha. Then it turns out she cannot catch a break because she gets shot by a ghost later, and the ghost bullet turns out to not be a good thing later on. Melanie starts working for the Magnus Institute after Elias, her to-be horrible boss, proposes the role, since her credit has gone down so much that the job opportunity is very much needed. Then she realizes that she does not like her horrible murder boss and that she is bound to the institute, she keeps trying to kill him, which honestly I think she deserved to do because he sucks and she deserves a kill count. Though he shoves the knowledge that her father, who she thought died peacefully, actually died an agonizing, drawn out death in her brain so she stops doing that afterwards. She does help to get him arrested though, even if she really wanted to murder him. After this it is noted that she, at one point, fended off horrible flesh monsters with a knife single-handedly. John ends up realizing that the ghost bullet from earlier is still in her leg, and is more over making her far more murder hungry than she would be without it. So naturally the next step is DIY, non-consentual surgery, which she, after waking up shortly after the incident with her leg frozen and her friends committing medical malpractice, naturally objects to, which leads to her scarring John and overall not trusting him or Basira nearly as much as she might have before. Then she decides to actually prioritize her mental health a bit after going through every horror imaginable by going to therapy and insisting that, due to how the way tapes work in the archives, that none of her sessions be recorded, all while being just a bit paranoid about her therapist. Then it turned out that the only way to sever herself from the eye was to simply not have sight, and she's the one character who chooses this, getting rid of her eyesight very painfully and then moving in with Georgie, who ends up being her girlfriend. She's a little less hostile towards John after this, though she does not want to be in any archives business considering everything she went through there. Then, during the Eyepocalypse, she and her girlfriend, due to her not having sight and Georgie not having fear, are unaffected, and they sort of accidentally start a cult while trying to keep other people protected. Though it does not help that Melanie lied about having a vision that the whole thing would end, since the truth is really hopeless and bleak. She meets up with John and Martin again, is involved with the discussion of how the world can be maybe saved and is ultimately one of the three main characters to make it to the end of the finale, the others being Georgie and Basira. This is just me highlighting all of the wild things she's been up to and this would have gotten even longer if I had more propaganda.
She's so cool she tries to poison her evil boss she kicks ass she was a ghost hunter and she's also managed to escape her shitty situation by blinding herself to be able to quit her evil eldritch horror archiving job and just chill w/ her gf georgie and their cat (until the evil boss she tried to poison fucks everything up for everyone but in the end she and georgie still live and are presumably as fine as they cam be after all the shit that happened)
Only Melanie can accidentally become the Blind Prophet of the Apocalypse with her literally fearless girlfriend after trying to distance herself from the Beholding. She also had a ghost bullet infected with with The Slaughter in her leg which she got because she was a ghost hunting YouTuber/paranormal investigator.
Sometimes you gotta take your eyes out to escape your shitty job. And then you and your girlfriend live as prophets (and basically accidental cult-leaders) in the apocalypse
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ronanlynchdefender · 1 year
An Aromantic Asexual Reading of Henry Cheng
Happy International Asexual Day! I had a lot of fun making “An Asexual Reading of Gansey” post, and so of course, I had to make a post about The Raven Cycle’s resident aroace king, Henry Cheng. Unlike Gansey, I think Henry is written with the intention of being canonically aroace. Henry, himself, implies as much, and the way his character is developed also supports this conclusion. In other words, the text does not lie. The man is aroace.
Henry Comes Out
A thought occurred to her. “I don’t need to remind you I’m with Gansey, right?” “Naturally not. I’m Henrysexual, anyway. Can I take you home?” (TRK, pg. 234)
I interpret this moment as Henry stating in clear terms that he is not interested in anyone romantically or sexually. While it is phrased somewhat as a quip, it is significant because, as we see throughout The Raven King, Henry is very intentional about how he uses his words and what words mean. He doesn’t need to comment or joke about his sexuality, but he does. He does it casually too, “I’m Henrysexual, anyway.” He phrases it almost as an afterthought. Clarifiying not only is he not interested in Blue, he is not interested at all.
Platonic Longing
So he had no real way to explain how he felt about trying to befriend Richard Gansey and the members of Gansey’s royal family. (TRK, pg. 266)
He felt 20 percent guilty for longing to become friends with Gansey and Sargent and Lynch and Parrish. The Vancouver crowd was great. They just weren’t enough, but words failed him to say why. (TRK, pg. 267)
Can you just imagine little Henry Cheng looking at Gansey’s friend group and longing to be a part of it? Honestly, I think all of us as readers can relate to Henry’s desire. We all want to be friends with them. We all want to be in their inner circle.
What Henry craves more than anything are those queerplatonic bonds that the raven boys have with each other. This is a kid who has grown up without anyone really understanding him, except maybe his mom. And here he is, in the least likely of places, witnessing this friend group possess exactly the type of relationships he has always craved but never had words to truly describe.
Not “Just” Friends, But Just, Friends
“You had RoboBee looking out for me.” “It was friendly. That was a friend thing.” He seemed anxious for Gansey to believe that his motives were pure, so Gansey said quickly, “I know that, just   I don’t meet many people who make friends like I do. So   fast.” (TRK, pg. 360)
I think this moment parallels the moment with Blue where Henry is clarifying that there is nothing else going on other than platonic vibes. He is not romantically or sexually interested in Blue or Gansey. His motives really, truly are just friendship. I think Henry is also nervous in this scene because he doesn’t know if Gansey will accept him as a friend. Henry is really desperate to be accepted as one of Gansey’s friends, his inner circle. Even though his desire is not romantic, Henry is still putting himself in a vulnerable position where he could get rejected. And Gansey is quick to try to dispel that anxiety. It’s a sweet moment between the two of them, honestly. And I think many of us can relate to the simple desire of just wanting to be someone’s friend without any romantic or sexual implications. I mean, that’s all many of us want. Just friends. Maybe very, very special friends that we feel inexplicably intense connections to but friends nonetheless.
Soulmates, But Platonic
“We’re friends at once, we would instantly do what friends would do for each other. Not just pals. Friends. Blood brothers. You just feel it. We instead of you and me. That’s jeong.” (TRK, pg. 360)
Not romantic. Not sexual. But a secret third thing. Throughout the whole series we witness Gansey’s very complicated feelings toward his friends, and here comes Henry Cheng with the perfect language to describe what Gansey is feeling. And who better than an aroace character to introduce the concept of platonic soulmates? Although, I would argue that what Henry is saying here is more than just platonic soulmates. It’s pure connection. It’s community.
Three’s A Crowd, Except When it’s Sarchengsey, Then it’s A Queerplatonic Polycule
Gansey had bid for a gap year and won. Henry had already planned on one. It was all convenient, as Blue had spent months planning how to cheaply hike across the country post-graduation, the destination: life. It was better with company. It was better with three. (TRK, pg. 434)
I just absolutely love that Henry agrees to accompany this true love pairing across country as their platonic third wheel. It’s fantastic actually. The idea of Bluesey being all romantic and shit and Henry is just completely unbothered. Completely content. Love it.
Also, Blue and Gansey could’ve very easily gone on a romantic road trip by themselves, but instead they thought hey let’s invite our good friend, Henry Cheng. Because who the fuck cares about true love? We’re all platonic soulmates here.
Also, extended vacation with your queerplatonic polycule. Need I say more 
Cars and Sex???
“Rumor has it that his father gave him a Fisker for his birthday and he’s too afraid to drive it.” (BLLB, pg. 154)
“Stop. Stop. Get in my car. You know what? You drive. This thing scares the piss out of me.” Henry tossed him the keys. (TRK, pg. 348)
In a book series where car driving/racing are constantly used as metaphors for sex, I find it very interesting that the most canonically aroace character is also afraid of driving his car. Coincidence?
Okay maybe I included this point partly as a joke, and maybe this is a stretch, but here me out. This isn’t some throwaway character detail. This is mentioned or referenced multiple times. At the bus loop, during the chase for Glendower, after Blue and Gansey’s late-night date, immediately after we are introduced to his character. Anyway  
In conclusion, Henry is an aroace king, and we needed way more of him in The Raven Cycle. He’s funny, dramatic, and brings a levity that some of the other characters don’t possess. A great, sorely underused character.
I may make more of these asexual analyses posts about The Raven Cycle because I have a lot more I want to say about the series as a whole, so you can follow me for that if you’re interested. I’d also love to hear other people’s thoughts.
Anyway, hope you enjoyed and happy ace day!!!!!
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sparkyskid · 10 months
Gale Dekarios The Wizard of Waterdeep ace-spec propaganda
Spoilers for Gale’s romance below the cut
I, an Aroace, have finished BG3 having romanced Gale and taken the route to “fix him” (I.e. encourage him that he is enough as he is and doesn’t need godly power, that his value does not depend on his power or talents or usefulness to others.)
Yes you make out a little in his romance scenes. Yes he says that he has been intimate with mortals before Mystra, and was Mystra’s lover.
It is never stated that you have sex with him.
At most, it is implied that you are physically intimate in some way, primarily the post-game where he asks you to marry him, you wake up together and you can beckon him to come back to bed.
Even then, even when it is implied, Gale’s romance is entirely chaste. For a game so horny, a game so ready to let you fuck so many people, a game that gives you power to make your party hang out at camp in their underwear or even naked…
Astarion and Shadowheart definitely have topless/nude scenes. Karlach and La’zell express sexual attraction. Wyll is entirely unknown to me. But Gale, despite being very upfront about his feelings in some key moments, does not have a nude or partially nude cutscene. A game that loves showing or describing the sex you have with NPCs, and Gale has none of it.
Furthermore, the moment that stands out the most as possibly showing sexual attraction, in Act 2 when he comments about reading a book that links the rush of battle with desires for other “stimulation”. He is having such thoughts, but even as he says he wants Tav, it seems to be about pleasure and stimulation more than flat out sexual attraction.
As we all know, willingness to engage in sex and the experience of sexual attraction are different. Gale expresses a very ace or demi sort of relationship with sex- for him, it’s about pleasurable stimulation with a beloved person.
Take this in contrast with Halsin. In my game, Halsin came onto my Tav in the last night before the final battle. He spoke of natural desires, of wanting skin on skin etc. similar to how La’zell expresses a desire for Tav’s body in Act 1 or Karlach “ride you till you see stars”. Halsin, La’zell, and Karlach, all clearly express sexual attraction. Astarion is, well, Astarion. I don’t know Wyll very well, but his first romance scene is a dance and he gets such puppy eyes when you reject him. There is none of these things in Gale’s route.
One last thing, the compliments Gale gives. Yes, this is a difficult thing to write because the appearance of Tav can vary wildly. But his compliments are centered around aesthetic attraction, not physical. “Beautiful” is one of his most common ones. Non-specific, wholistic, and aesthetic. It would be hard to write anything more specific with the Tav’s appearance being so variable. But the other NPCs still have doubtless sexual attraction.
So Gale is a romantic, so what? He could also be a “wait until marriage type”? False. He has not been married, but (at least implies that) he has had sex before.
But it could just be that his route is supposed to be the most romantic, and not all of the NPCs need to have equal levels of horny? Yes. Not all of the NPCs should be the same amount of horny. And the least horny, if they are this different, will always come across as ace-spec or aro-spec, if only by comparison (as it is in the real world).
Consider another detail as well: how the people closest to him are expected to react to him finding a relationship.
Both his BFF Tara and his mother apparently want him to get in a relationship. Tara is obvious, Gale speaks of Tara encouraging him to have more mortal friends after his relationship with Mystra ends. And Tara does at one point comment on Gale finding a mortal partner in-game. Later when Gale asks Tav to marry him, if you accept, he remarks how his mother will also be very pleased to hear the news.
This is a theme in his life. People pressuring him to find a relationship. This is also a very commonly shared experience for a-spec people of all kinds. Pressure from others to find someone. (The most toxic variation being “you haven’t met the right person yet”)
My own mother would be overjoyed if she heard I found someone to get married to, even though she knows I don’t want that. Sure, many parents are this way about their allo children as well, but that’s hardly talked about. Parents of a-spec people, whose children “finally get married” or “finally find someone” are specially invested in the outcome. Of course anyone’s supportive parent would be happy if their child got married to somebody they loved. But it’s noteworthy here, for some reason. As if his mother has, in the past, also given him some grief about it in a way that Tara does as well. If she hadn’t, why mention her at all?
Gale being pressured by those closest to him to get a relationship is thematically similar to the way ace-spec (and aro-spec) people get pressured by those closest to them. And the relationship he crafts is one based not on physical attraction, but on aesthetic attraction and romantic attraction. Gale shares physical forms of affection with his partners for the pleasurable stimulation of it. He does not exhibit the same lust or sexual attraction that the rest of the romanceable/fuckable NPCs do. All this to say that Gale is consistently sex-favorable, but does not experience sexual attraction in the same (allo) way that everyone else does. Therefore, he falls on the ace spectrum. Most likely ace or demi.
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