#to be wanted even when it came to those closest to them. their friendship to each other taught them that people could know and see who you
donnatroyyyy · 5 months
When Mitski wrote “I will wash your hair at night/ And dry it off with care/ I will see your body bare/ And still I will live here” do you think she’d been thinking about Donna and Dick while writing it?
#For any weird Donna/Dck shippers NO NO NO in a purely platonic way#no but seriously I know that fro some reason canon doesn’t really delve too deep into their relationship and it’s mostly fanon and that sho#but to me I think it’s the relationship so obvious it can go unsaid like how the first few Disney movies’s princes didn’t speak cuz their#actions spoke for them y’know? to me dck and Donna’s friendship is one that’s such a universal constant that it only needs to be seen a han#ful of times to be understood. and to me those handful of times told me that their relationship was that of a sister and brother’s (cliche)#but honestly these 2 r the kind to be able to stick with each other through ANYTHING and have. when no one else was allowed to see them for#who they truly were in their complete unfiltered selves they saw that in each other and they stuck by one another#because of that their bond is unbreakable the kind of bond built when you know the other will never even think of abandoning you.#Their relationship is so important to the both of them because before it they’d each thought they needed to always hide a piece of themsel#to be wanted even when it came to those closest to them. their friendship to each other taught them that people could know and see who you#completely and still love you and stay by you. their friendship built their ability for friendship with the other titans then their ability#for love in general. they’re each other’s safe space.#dc comics#comics#robin#dick grayson#donna troy#wonder girl#troia
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bookwyrminspiration · 9 months
tater and i have moved past the emotions and are going down unhinged memory lane for a moment but i WILL say this. kotlcblr in peak pandemic times changed so many people's lives for real. it was THE transitional period. and i may still be here but you and i and everyone all know it's different now... i've talked about it with so many friends. but it was!!!! so much!!! so many things were going on in all of our personal lives and something great was that it was very much a home to a lot of people and like. What We Needed at a time that we needed it, yk? where like. no one was obligated to talk about the things going on in real life but everyone was free to be silly and have fun. and if someone needed some help there was usually someone online to offer it. and then like people do when they grow up & out of something they moved away to bigger and different things with entirely different tones and themes and mediums with wildly bonking back and forth meters of writing quality. JUST LIKE AMPHIBIA i am holding your shoulders like. i am fully aware that the things that i have seen u watch are not nearly as simply animated as this and also that i wouldn't have watched it if not for my little siblings but that show has touched upon something so like. golden. like they Got It, whoever they are.the found family doesn't stay together forever! sometimes u have to grow and change and move away and never speak again but that doesn't mean that the love you had matters any less
It was! It was such an of the moment thing. Both because of the specific people, which is something that applies to this moment of keepblr now, and because of the situations we were all in? Because we were all (or almost all) young and undergoing this massive worldwide stressor with no real control over what our lives looked like--or at least that's how it felt. And so there was all this energy and unrest and comfort seeking that led to such strong involvement and connections with each other.
And then the world started repealing its restrictions and trying to move on (regardless of if it was smart to do or not) and so we had more going on irl again and weren't cooped up seeking connection. And then we were also getting older and so a lot of people joined other fandoms or left tumblr. Which is fine! it's just bittersweet to think about
Which!! Is just like amphibia. As for the style thing, I know I'd get over it and get used to it once I started I just. Haven't started. But everything I've heard about it has been very good! Especially cool to see comparisons to real life. Sometimes people are only part of your life for a brief part of it, and that time has to end and you'll miss it but you have to grow and move on. But it still mattered so so much, even though it ended. Maybe even because it's not like it used to be.
So so many thoughts, this is also making me think about irl friendships and such which is. oof!
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sincerelyyuu · 1 month
hidden affections • itadori yuji
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ synopsis: after moving to a new school, you quickly gain the affections of a mystery admirer. ➼ pairing: itadori yuji x gn!reader ➼ content/tw: sfw, secretadmirer!yuji, tooth rotting fluff, no curses au, yuji is basically a lovesick puppy and is whipped for reader ➼ wc: 2K words ➼ a/n: desperately in need of some cute yuji content! likes and reblogs are appreciated ♡
Growing up, there weren't many people that Yuji found interesting enough to date. People seemed to gravitate towards his friendly and outgoing personality so making friends came easy to him. Even then, there wasn’t anyone that really caught his eye. Of course, he had his preferences (Jennifer Lawrence being one of them), but no one that he considered passing the threshold of friendship with.
That is until he met you.
Nobara had mentioned a new student was transferring into their class. It was a little unexpected considering it was the middle of the school year, so he was curious as to who this person was. When you first stepped into the classroom, Yuji felt the breath knock out of his lungs.
He always thought the idea of falling in love at first sight was so cheesy and something that only happened in movies. Yet suddenly all of those love songs on the radio made sense. You were the most attractive person he’s ever seen. He hadn’t realized he was staring until Nobara shoved an elbow into his side, snickering at the way his jaw snapped shut from the way it hung open. Meanwhile, you stood at the front of the class, doing your best to smile despite your nerves at all the attention on you.
“This is (y/n). They’ll be joining us for the remainder of the school year. They just moved here, so please do your best to make them feel welcome,” the sensei introduced before turning to you. “You may take a seat.”
Bowing in respect to the teacher and then once more to your new classmates, you briefly scanned the room. You decided to take a seat next to a pink haired male who waved hello enthusiastically to you, already feeling your nerves dissipate from his cheery demeanor.
“(y/n), right? I’m Itadori Yuji,” he greeted with a grin.
“It’s nice to meet you, Itadori,” you returned his smile, pulling the supplies out of your bag to get ready for the lesson. “I like your hair. It kind of reminds me of strawberry milk.”
The words leaving your lips before you could stop them, you looked at him sheepishly, “Sorry, was that weird to say?”
Yuji laughed lightly, a little embarrassed at your thoughts on his hair. “No, it’s fine. I haven’t heard that one before but thanks, I guess.”
“If you want, my friends Fushiguro, Kugisaki and I can show you around. I wouldn’t mind-, I mean, we wouldn’t mind,” he offers, quickly correcting himself and silently cursing himself for lamely stumbling over his words.
Thankfully, you didn’t seem to catch it and nodded your head eagerly, “I’d like that a lot.”
Just like that, you found yourself hanging out everyday with this trio of friends who accepted you into their group with open arms. There was rarely a day where you weren’t with them, be it group study sessions in the library or outside of school going on convenience store runs. Among this group, you naturally became closest with Yuji who always made you feel welcomed.
Meanwhile for Yuji, what started as innocent interest quickly evolved into a full blown crush on you. He was drawn to your bubbly and sweet nature and like a moth to a flame, his heart followed you. He found himself thinking of you all the time, wondering about what you liked or what you were up to. Wondering if you thought about him as much as he thought about you.
It was the little things that sent his heart racing. One random day, his number two pencil had rolled off his desk. Leaning down to grab it, his hand brushed against yours feeling the soft skin of your hand against his fingers. You were a step quicker than him and grabbed the pencil first, placing it back on his desk.
“Thanks,” he expressed, doing his best to fight back the rush of heat to his face.
You merely waved him off nonchalantly in an effort to tell him not to worry about it. After that, Yuji would purposely drop his pencils often in class, timing it so that his hands would brush against yours every time. You joked with him about how clumsy he was when in reality, his hand would tremble as it yearned to hold yours.
Yuji never had a problem with expressing himself to others. However, when it came to you, it was like his brain immediately turned to mush. All of his thoughts fly out of his head the minute you're on his mind. 
“Why don’t you just tell them how you feel?” Megumi asks him a different day. 
“What if they don’t feel the same way?” Yuji whines, plopping his head onto his folded arms on his desk. “It would be so embarrassing if they rejected me.”
“You don’t know unless you try,” his friend replies, mildly amused by the distress on Yuji’s face. “Besides, I’m surprised they haven’t figured it out yet.”
Raising his head, Yuji looks at him in surprise. “Wait, what do you mean?”
Megumi rolls his eyes. “You literally have hearts in your eyes whenever you look at them.”
Did he really? He couldn’t help it. Every time you walked into the room, it was like all he could see was you. The way your eyes light up whenever you wave hello to him. The crinkle of your nose whenever you laugh at something funny he said. Your voice dripping with honey every time you spoke to him. You were absolutely captivating to him.
“Look, I’m just saying that there are other ways to let them know your feelings,” the spiky haired teen suggested cryptically with the gears turning in Yuji’s head as he thought over his best friend’s advice.
The next day, you and Nobara were aimlessly chatting about plans for the weekend. When you walked into class, you were surprised to see a red and brown box sitting on top of your desk. Upon further inspection, you saw it was a pack of chocolate Meiji Hello Panda cookies, your favorite childhood snack.
“Whatcha’ got there, (y/n)?” Nobara asks as she throws her bag to the floor and slips into her desk beside yours.
“Cookies,” you answered and held up the box to her. “Did you see who left these here?”
The ginger shrugged, “Wasn’t from me. Is there a name?”
Taking a closer look at the box, you couldn’t find a sender name. Instead you found a tiny strawberry sticker pasted on the front. Why would someone leave you this on your desk? As if answering your thoughts, Nobara leaned in with a cheeky grin.
“Looks like someone has a secret admirer~,” she teases.
You shook your head at her in disbelief. “I doubt it. Maybe someone is just being nice?” you tried to reason with her.
“Oh, definitely. That’s exactly why I have a box of treats sitting on my desk, too,” Nobara sarcastically retorts and gestures to her empty desk. 
You shoved her shoulder playfully with a laugh, opening the box and shaking a couple of the shortbread pandas into her awaiting hand. Hearing a chair screech on your opposite side, you turned to see Yuji looking at you with expecting eyes.
“Hi, Itadori!” you greeted, holding out the box to him. “Want some? Someone really sweet left these for me on my desk today.”
“O-Oh, really? That was nice of them,” he stammered in response.
He stretched out his hand and let you drop a couple of the pieces onto his palm, crumpling the convenience store receipt with the name of the snack inside of his hoodie pocket.
Satisfied with how the first time went, Yuji started leaving anonymous tokens of affection at your desk every day. A single stem of your favorite flower (which he found out through Nobara who had a field day when he told her of his crush on you). A bag of candies as sweet as you. A cute bunny keychain that he won at the local arcade (and spent way too much money to get) that reminded him of you. Each time he would wake up extra early to make sure he was the first one to get to class to leave his little gift. 
Feeling a bit braver, Yuji also began writing love notes to you to slip into your locker. Just little one liners onto torn notebook paper of things he wished he could say to you but didn’t have the courage to say to your face.
“Seeing your smile is enough to brighten my whole day.”
“You are my sunshine on my darkest days.”
“Do you understand how amazing you are?”
With every passing day, you wanted so badly to find out who your secret admirer was. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t start to develop a crush on them back. How could you not when they were clearly trying hard to convey their feelings for you in the most endearing way?
The only clue you had was that same strawberry sticker that accompanied each gift and note. You did feel guilty that this mystery person was spending all this time and money on you without getting anything in return. The curiosity was starting to become unbearable.
So, you made up your mind. You were going to find out who this person was whether they were ready or not.
Waking up just as the sun was rising, you hurriedly got ready and made your way to school. Walking through the empty hallways, you stopped just as you were a step away from the door of your homeroom, careful to avoid being seen through the class windows. Your heart accelerated once you heard footsteps inside the classroom. They were already here. Inhaling deeply to steady your rapid heartbeat, you slid open the door.
“...Itadori?” you gasped.
The tall teen looked at you with wide eyes, unceremoniously dropping the adorable shiba dog plushie on your desk. He felt a panic rise in his chest. You weren’t supposed to be here yet. What were you doing here? 
Wracking his brain on what to say, he ultimately sighed. Turning to face you, he rubbed the back of his head bashfully, “You finally caught me. It was me.”
You felt your heart grow warm at finally matching a face to all the gifts and the love notes. To think it was your friend Yuji this entire time. As you studied the male, your eyes gravitated up to his strawberry pink locks. 
Strawberry. The strawberry sticker. You finally connected the dots. It was his way of telling you it was him and you didn’t even realize it.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” you questioned softly. Walking up to the tense male, you saw him gulp as you stopped in front of him, looking so nervous and utterly adorable.
Yuji gave a half hearted laugh before replying, “Would you think I’m lame if I told you I was afraid to?"
"You just make me so nervous. I really like you. I’ve liked you for a while now but I didn’t know how to say it without ruining our friendship. I wanted to give you an out in case you didn’t feel the same.”
Picking up the plushie, he tentatively held it out to you. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach at the way you accepted it and held it to your chest affectionately.
“Yuji,” you gently beamed up at him. “Can I call you that?”
Yuji swore he died and went to heaven upon hearing you say his first name. Cheeks flushing, he nodded fervently. He felt his breath hitch when you leaned up to press a kiss to his reddening cheek.
“Thank you for everything,” your voice full of gratitude as you stared into his fawn colored eyes. “For the record, I really like you, too.”
Feeling a sudden wave of confidence, he placed his hands on your waist and pulled you closer to him. “Does this mean I can finally take you on a date?” he asks, his cheeks aching from how widely he was smiling. 
Hiding your face behind the plushie in your hands, you peered up through your lashes at him with twinkling eyes. Too cute, Yuji thought.
“Just say the word and I’ll be there,” you promised.
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fallingdownhell · 4 months
Hello !! I wish u a happy Valentine's Day >< love it writing ;)
Can I request Best Friends with feelings Sumero boys(+wanderer) reacting to gn!reader being gifted here and there all day bc it's Valentine's day?
Thank u! U can ignore this if I don't want to write :)
Happy belated Valentine's Day! Hope everyone had a nice day celebrating with their loved ones, be it romantically or platonically<3 Characters Included: Tighnari; Cyno; Alhaitham; Kaveh; Wanderer Content: gender neutral reader; no established relationship; the boys are getting jealous; fluff; love confessions..?; not proofread yet Word count: 2,6k words Enjoy<3
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he loves the fact that one of his closest friends actually works with him, which means that you can see each other on a regular basis
not like Cyno or Kaveh, who he sometimes doesn't see in days or weeks, depending on their workload
Tighnari enjoys working with you, but not just because he's friends with you. You complement each other, his strenghts negate your weaknesses, and vice versa. When he's stuck in his research on some specific topic, you offer him some insight from a different perspective that he otherwise would probably have never even considered
Plus, you're very easy to talk to, and just an overall fun person to be around. It's no wonder he'd want to be your friends.
So it's also no wonder that one day, he realizes that his feelings for you go much deeper than just friendship
Is he gonna do anything about it, though?
No. At least, not right away
He's let it sit and sink for a while, come to terms with the fact that he actually likes you in that way, and that it's not just some fleeting crush. He'd plan to tell you eventually, but much to his dismay, he forgot what time it was while he was pondering about his feelings for you
Valentine's Day was here, and of course, he's heard plenty of talk among his fellow forest rangers. He knows that many of them plan to ask you out, thinking that it'd be the right time
He realized what day it was when the first one came up to you and handed you a self crafted bracelet that you gladly accepted. Tighnari watched the interaction take place intently, yet swallowed down his feelings
But then another one came up to you... and another.. with every person that came to you, handing you gifts and trying to flirt with you, his anger at them rose, and he couldn't take it any longer
With an annoyed tone, he pushed all his responsibilities aside for today, went over to you and grabbed your hand, almost demanding of you to accompany him to the city, since he claimed he had some important errands to run and needed your help with them. In truth, he just wanted you as far away from all of the attention from other people as quickly as possible
His lie became obvious pretty fast when he made no attempts to actually go to Sumeru City with you, but you'd already realised why he did what he did, yet decided not to comment on it
the two of you took a stroll along a close by river, and after some time, sitting down and just watching the nature around you
Not many words are spoken, but it's also not neccassary
he has a feeling that you're aware of his feelings for you now, as well. But he won't say anything to you just yet. He needs some more time, but you can be sure that you won't have to wait too long..
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I see him as one of those people who are not to keen about Valentine's day. To him, it's just a day like anyone else. He's also one of those people that would voluntarily work that day
He's never understood the appeal of it. Why celebrate one special day with your partner, when you can show your love and affection for them any given day? Why safe it for one day in the whole year?
Not that he has a partner to begin with, but it's the whole concept about it that just irks him
however, there is a certain someone that Cyno has had feelings for, for quite some time now. A certain someone that was a desert dweller just like him. Who came with him to the City at a young age and who he stayed friends with all those years
You and Cyno go way back, having been friends with him since you were kids. When he was leaving the desert, he couldn't stand the thought of leaving behind the only person he ever knew and trusted, so he convinced you to go with him. Not like anything was holding you in the desert to begin with, so you agreed
Cyno has come to terms with his feelings for you a long time ago, but has yet to make any move on you. Sure, he's dropped some hints here and there, and made some - very poor - attempts at flirting with you, but you never picked up on any of it
and now, he kinda regretted never telling you more specifically. As every other Valentine's day before, Cyno was working this one, too
he was currently on his way to track some hints he'd gotten, leaving the Academiya, when he catched a glimpse of you, standing on the platform before the Academiya building, surrounded by people
he froze in his steps, deciding to stick around and see what was going on. And it didn't take long until he figured it out..
from the people surrounding you, many were offering you gifts, holding them in front of you and begging you to accept them, while you smile shyly and try to appease as many of them as possible
quickly, jealousy was rising within him, but also his protective side started to show. He knew you disliked crowds, never having the courage to deny people of anything, so he knew you had a hard time right now
without another thought, he rushed to your side, putting an arm around you protectively, while he scared away the crowd under some made up excuse
as soon as they were gone and you had your space again, you let out a relieved breath, thanking him for getting you out of this
Cyno stares at you for a second before looking away again, then claiming that he'd walk with you until you were home safe. Just to make sure that no one else would bother you
on the way there, he's thinking hard. This incident showed him, that he'd have to step up and confess his feelings to you, soon. Or someone else might get ahead of him and snatch you away. And he couldn't let that happen..
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another one who I think wouldn't be too big on Valentine's day, but he'd be much more indifferent about it
much like Cyno, he sees no sense in picking out one "special" day in the year to celebrate love when you can just do it whenenver
however, he does begin to see at least some appeal to the thing when he develops feelings for you, one of his best friends
he loves that he can just spend time with you in silence. That you don't always have the need to converse with him, and instead just enjoy the presence of each other while each of you might be doing their own thing still
however, it still takes Alhaitham some time to accept that he's having these types of feelings for you, so you can't expect a confession from him anytime soon, either
he tries to approach his feelings with logic first, but he comes to realize that logic does not help him in the slightest with this particular "problem"
so instead, he decideds to throw logic out the window for this one and instead settles on the plan to use the upcoming valentine's day this year to actually confess how he feels to you
after talking to a bunch of people about different ideas for gifts, he decides to go with what seems to be the "standard", some flowers and chocolates
he plans on gifting them to you after your shift for the day is done and you're heading home, since he comes by and walks you home from time to time, so it wouldn't be weird for Alhaitham to show up
however, as he arrives, he becomes witness to a scene, similar to what he had planned to do. A man in front of you, asking you to accept his flowers as he asks you out on a date
Alhaitham's heart immediately drops, and he finds himself frozen in place, unable to do anything about it. The only thing he can do, is watch as you laugh awkwardly at the guy and then kindly decline him
seeing you reject him gives him some hope again, and he watches the guy leave first before he approaches you, his gifts for you hidden under his cloak. Even if you rejected him, he was now hesitating wether it was a good idea to actually follow through with his plan
the same exact thing then happened four more times while he was walking you home. Some random person would approach you on the street and hand you some form of a Valentine's present. And every time, you'd kindly turn them down with an uncomfortable smile
seeing the interactions both gave him relief - as you were always rejecting them - but also made him feel more anxious
in the end, when the two of you arrived at your home, he had half a mind to just not say anything at all and just let it go. But then, another thought entered his head that he couldn't ignore away. What if, if he was to forego his chance now, someone else would show up who you'd ultimately agree to go out with?
he couldn't let this happen, not without shooting his own shot, at least
so, before you close the door on him, he stops you, and very awkwardly pulls the flower and chocolates out from under his cloak, handing them to you
he sees the surprise morph into your expression, as he's anxiously waiting for your answer...
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I personally think that Kaveh would be very obvious if he has a crush on someone. Wether that be a close friend or someone he doesn't personally know, he's easy to figure out
he wears his heart on the tongue and is very expressive, so one simple question is often enough to figure out what he thinks about certain people
so, it was obvious to you, and everyone around him, that Kaveh has been having feelings for his best friend, You
has he done anything about that or plans on doing anything?
as much as he's aware of his feelings, he also has no idea how to go about it. How would he ask you out in the first place? And why, for all Archon's sake, would you even say yes to him in the first place?
He has to come to terms with that question and many similar ones first, before he feels like he's ready to ask you out
unluckily for him, you're quite an impatient person, and waiting around for him to do something, when you've already dropped so many hints that you liked him, too, was just too damn exhausting
however, luckily for you, Valentine's day was just around the corner, and maybe, you could use that to your advantage..
that day, you'd ask Kaveh to accompany you on a stroll through the city, to get him out of his little office that he's been cramped up in recently to finish a project of his
he gladly took the offer, figuring that he could really use the fresh air. He always loved to spend time with you, talking and laughing with you about anything and everything that came to your minds
however, he noticed that on this particular day, people seemed to approach you every so often, with roses in their hands, engaging in conversations with you that Kaveh stepped away from, not wanting to eavesdrop on private matters
still, he inwardly scoffs to himself. What are these people even trying to achieve? Don't they know that roses aren't even your favourite flowers?
But the more he looks around the city, he slowly comes to realize what kind of day it is today
Now the roses also made sense... and now he could also figure why they were all approaching you, probably to ask you out
And, why wouldn't they? You were a catch, no matter which angle one were to look from. Anyone would be lucky to be able to call you their partner, but.. Kaveh wanted it to be himself, not some random person who doesn't even know you as much as he does
the more people talk to you, the more jealous Kaveh grows as the day goes on, yet he never says anything about it or to you. He just intently watches everyone that dares come closer to you, narrowing his eyes on them, like they just personally offeneded him
once the day is over, Kaveh then locks himself into his office, trying to come up with the most elaborate plan to ask you out. He wanted it to be something grande, something that would be better than anything anyone had ever done for you, that would outdo all the gifts and presents you'd gotten today... and once the plan is set, he'll be making it happen as soon as possible..
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not fond about this holiday. At all
he hates how stuck up people can get with their feelings. Why did they have to make a celebration out of it and shove it down everyone's throat?
scoffs loudly whenever he sees a couple act all cutesy and stuff on Valentine's day. It doesn't really bother him all that much on any other day, but that specific day? He hates it
he also hates you. You may be his best - and only - friend, but he hates the way you make him feel sometimes
he tries to deny it for a very long time, chalking it up to some malefunction of his body, but there comes a point in his life where he can no longer deny the feelings he has for you
much to his dismay, the day he'd make that realization just had to be Valentine's day... the fucking irony. Celestia really must hate him
He didn't think anything of it when he invited you to join him for some leisure stroll outside Sumeru City that day. He's waiting for you before Lambad's tavern, impatiently tapping his fingers against his crossed arms
finally, he notices you, but just as he was about to call out to you, he notices someone else approach you and engaging in a conversation with you
the Wanderer had half a mind to walk over there and pull you away, because how dare you make him wait even longer? But then, that person hands you a flower, gifting it to you, and he froze seeing you accept it
soon enough, you'd part ways with that person and finally join the Wanderer, but by that time, his mood has already turned sour
he still goes on that stroll with you, but the entire time, he basically ignores you as he tries to figure out why he feels so frustrated by this interaction. Why would you accept flowers from a lowlife like that? Wasn't he enough for you?
As soon as that thought entered his mind, his eyes widened and he knew he was screwed, that he'd somehow caught feelings for you. But realizing it, and admiting to it, are two completely different things
when you two return to Sumeru City, he witnesses two other people approach and do the same thing, gifting you a flower each that you accept with a kind smile
and with every interaction he sees, his anger and resentment towards them grows and grows
he can't deal with it any longer, so he leaves the scene without any further explanation
he'd have a lot of thinking to do, as well as coming to terms with some things. You wouldn't see him for a while, even if you were to seek him out. He just needed to do this on his own, because the next time he sees you, he plans on making you his, no matter what it would take..
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saturnville · 25 days
skin tight, l. hamilton
pairing: he (lewis hamilton) x black best friend oc (anvika dawson) content: in which two friends cross a line people have been waiting for them to cross...and it comes with consequences. warning: angst song: skin tight by ravyn leane, steve lacy an: this is part 2 to "bite." listen as you read if you choose :). wc: 864 tags: the girlies who were hyping me up to post this @boujiestpoet @mauvecherie-writes @saintslewis @greedyjudge2 @vile-harlot @emjayewrites @ggaslyp1 (I'll remove those who don't want to be tagged, please just let me know!)
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The urge to relieve herself woke her up the next morning. It was still early; the sun had hardly risen over the horizon, the birds were full of energy, and the screeching tires of rushed vehicles on the highway. 
Her body was sore and her mind was exhausted when her eyes opened. There was a mix of emotions swirling inside her. She felt content, satisfied even, from the intimate moments she shared with Lewis the previous evening. She could still feel his lips against hers, his hands on her body and his warmth. She loved it. Yet, there was underlying apprehension about what it meant for their relationship moving forward. 
She couldn’t help but think about the first time they met at the Formula One race all those years ago. A chance encounter that started as teasing banter blossomed into something beautiful that she cherished just as much as life itself. Their friendship had been a constant source of support, understanding, and respect, but as she lay next to him, in a position she never thought she’d be in, she couldn’t shake the feeling of uncertainty, 
Anvika groaned softly as she attempted to free herself from his grasp. Her head turned to look at him. She’d fallen asleep beside him many times before. This was different. He held her close this time, his strong arm around her waist and his hand on her breast, squeezing every so often. He looked so peaceful. His lips were slightly parted, his hair was tied in a loose ponytail, and his golden brown skin was raw with remnants of her lipstick smeared across. He was so beautiful. 
As she slipped out of bed, careful not to disturb Lewis who was still asleep, she couldn’t help but replay the events of the night before. It was exhilarating, freeing, even, to release her inhibitions and give in to the desires that had stirred within her. But now, in the quiet of the morning, reality sunk in. 
She had (sort of) slept with the man she called her closest friend. She knew some consequences came with that. Anvika knew they would need to have a conversation about what had happened, but she was unsure of how it would go. Setting boundaries (if they were still present), clarifying their feelings, and ensuring the solidarity of their friendship needed to be addressed. But, as anxiety crashed over her like a tidal wave, she decided to let him sleep and let herself bask in the memory of the previous night. 
As Anvika finished in the bathroom, She couldn’t shake the feeling of uncertainty that lingered in the back of her mind. She hoped their bond was strong enough to withstand what came next, but, as anxiety crashed over her like a tidal wave, she decided to let him sleep and let herself bask in the memory of the previous night. 
When she returned to the bed, she saw Lewis on his back, arm thrown over his face to block the smiling sun that danced outside the window. His strong chest was on full display and she couldn’t stop her eyes from wandering. She shook her head and made her way to the bed.
Lewis lowered his arm and turned toward her. His gaze was intense as he beckoned her near. Anvika slid into the bed next to him, tucking herself under his arm. “Good morning.” His voice was low and full of sleep. 
“Morning,” she replied. “Sleep well?” 
Lewis hummedther of them said anything after that. The hustle and bustle of the city was enough. As Anvika lay on his chest being caressed by his warm hands, her mind began to wander again. What would come of their relationship? 
She took in a sharp breath, one that Lewis recognized. So, he spoke before she could, “Later. Just…let me have this moment, okay?” His throat constricted with each word he said.  Her stomach churned. He sounded so desperate as if he knew where her mind was going. He needed something to hold onto just in case it was pulled away from him in an instant. The least she could do was give him that…right? 
Anvika nodded against his chest, “Okay.”
“Lew, it was the heat of the moment. It can’t happen again.” 
That didn’t go over well with him. He was used to flings and one-night stands but she made him feel rejected in more ways than one. Nothing more than someone that she used to let her inhibitions go. His mind was racing. Questions, thoughts, and feelings clouded his mind and he struggled to articulate what he wanted to say. 
Her hesitancy was warranted, but Anvika was so opposed to even considering what life would be like as partners that it felt like a slap in the face. 
“That’s not true and you know it,” Lewis said after some time, crossing his arms over his chest. “Don’t try to downplay what happened between us.” 
Anvika shook her head and tightened her robe. “I’m not downplaying anything. I’m just saying, we’ve been friends for too long to let something like this change our friendship. I care for you too much.”
The racer scoffed. His head dropped to his hands and he inhaled deeply. He tried to make sense of her logic, but nothing added up. Anvika was a firm believer that good friendships were solid foundations for relationships, yet she wasn’t willing to take the chance with him, the man who knew her like the back of his hand. She told him she loved him, and it was not how she usually did. It was so full of adoration and love. Of course, she thought he was asleep when she said it, and truth be told, he was almost there. But, her sentiment caused his senses to alert and suddenly he felt alive. If all that was true, what was holding her back? Was the possibility of being with him that bad?
“What are you scared of, Anvika?” he asked after some time. She visibly winced at his calling of her full name. That wasn’t common between them. He was her Lew, and she was his Ani. The shift had already begun and it was sickening to her stomach. 
She looked taken aback. Her lips parted but nothing came out. She had an answer, she just had no clue how to articulate it. How would she tell him that she was afraid of getting hurt again, that she was angry with herself for teetering the lines of her boundaries, that she was unsure if she was worthy of being the woman on his arm? And most of all, she was scared that if it didn’t work between them she’d lose him forever. Her friend. He meant the most to her. 
“I just,” she paused. “It’s risky. And everything would be different.” She didn’t say much after that. Lewis didn’t press her, either. With one nod, he stood to his feet. Her eyes followed him. He gathered his belongings and shoved his hands in his pocket. He made his way toward the door. 
“Where are you going?”
The conversation was tense. They were talking in circles and he couldn’t stand it. It was filled with unspoken fears and uncertainties. Lewis’s frustration was palpable as he struggled to understand her hesitancy, and Anvika struggled to grapple with her insecurities and her fear of losing him. A cat-and-mouse game that had grown exhausting. 
Lewis didn’t meet her eyes. They reached an impasse as their words fell short and there seemed to be nothing else to say. The divide between them seemed to get wider with each passing minute. With a heavy heart, he said, “I’ll see you around, Ani.” 
Anvika watched him go and a sense of loss washed over her. The door closed softly behind him. And just like that, she was alone.
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thesunloveschips · 1 month
Eye of the Storm - Chapter 10: An Unfamiliar World
Summary: Nyra is one of the older Archeron sisters. Twin to Nesta. Plagued by a mysterious illness that her mortal body cannot endure for too long. And yet, it seems her curse is to see her family suffer. When the youngest of her sisters is whisked away into the land of fae, immortality soon follows for the rest of them. And as an immortal, there is more to her that she has yet to know. 
Chapter Summary: Nyra tries to recall her memories from the Cauldron which includes the silhouettes of unfamiliar people. Rhys's sister makes an appearance. Nyra confronts Nesta. Shadows are supportive little darlings.
A/N: I am immensely thankful to @stormhearty. Your friendship is something precious for the real me who is a slightly crazy woman who loves food and fictional men. Thank you for helping me with this chapter. I will continue to fangirl over characters from books and manhwa with you.
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Nyra's POV
Approximately an hour was left for dinner. I was still sitting by the window in Elain's bedroom. Nesta was sitting on the armchair across me and the occupant of the room was still unconscious.
None of us were talking but I could hear the Cauldron cry as if it was in the same room. Its cries and pleas which I did not want to hear. Not after what it did to my sisters. I closed my eyes and remembered it.
It was cold and lonely in this place. The sensation on my body made it seem like I was floating. And then there was a rip. Pain shot through me. Pain unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I could not move. Could not open my eyes to see what was going on. It started from my head, from between the eyes. And then it was there, on my chest. I felt like something was being taken from me and that my body was desperately clinging on to it.
It was exhausting. I don’t even know if I was crying. And then pain vanished. I was someplace warm now. I opened my eyes and saw the darkness around me. I was a silhouette of light. Underneath me, a body floated. My body. My weak, mortal body. I was still connected to it. A single glowing string continued to connect me.
And then there were whispers behind me. I turned around and saw other silhouettes. There were many. Each of them were standing at a different distances from me. All of them with glowing eyes. They were different in appearance—different heights, build, sex, skin colour, hair colour, clothing and so much and yet, the only thing that was common was the glowing eyes. I noticed that only one of them did not have glowing eyes. In fact, her eyes were closed. She was the one standing closest to me. A young girl with large bat-like wings.
My entire being felt a pull. I looked around trying to identify the source. It was that string connecting me to my body that floated in the abyss. I looked behind at the figures and found them facing me. Even the young girl with closed eyes. Everyone except the girl lifted their hands and a string flowed out from their palms towards me. With a bundle of strings in my hands, I let them go. The strings floated around me. I waved my hands and with knowledge I did not know I possessed, I manipulated the strings.
They weaved themselves under my guidance into something. A string from my own palm emerged and joined the creation. Whatever that was finally created, came to rest in my arms and I held it. I looked at the body below me and dropped the thing on it.
I had created a body which was merging with the mortal one that floated. The golden body and my own body were merging. I felt more strings from those behind me and I pushed them towards the merging bodies. Something happened. It seemed to help with the merger. And the final product was complete. I looked behind at the figures and they were looking at me, not with glowing eyes but with their own eyes. Approval, happiness, determination, pride—many emotions floated in their eyes. All of them giving me the nod to do something.
I looked at the girl whose eyes were still closed but this time, her lips were parted. And her young voice spoke. “You were poisoned.” I froze.
Another voice from behind her spoke. “You fought well.” It was a woman—tall and larger than women. Easily six feet.
The girl spoke again, her voice pained. “He has been waiting for so long.” And her hand darted forward to push me towards the new body that had been created.
Something stopped me from reaching my body. Some creatures. Many creatures of different shapes and sizes. They were blocking my path. I had to go. The pull was getting stronger. I closed my eyes and the next thing I knew, I was moving—fighting. Like a warrior with practised ease and strength, I was destroying the demons surrounding me.
A familiar presence was nearby. I looked around and felt the gaze of a predator. A familiar presence. I walked closer and identified that to be the one whom I shared a womb in this life. A sibling. What was their name? Was it a girl or a boy? Either way, they shouldn’t be in this place. I raised my hand when I got close enough and pushed them away. Their presence completely vanished and I was left alone with the figures around me.
My fight continued. I won. I walked over to the body waiting for me like a vessel to fill it. A pained cry caught my attention.
“Please.” It begged. And some stupid part of me walked over and helped it. It was wounded and I healed it. “I am forever in your debt.” We talked a lot and then I walked back and felt my essence enter the body.
Once I had entered the body, I looked around. There was no light, no screams, nothing. Just pure darkness. I lifted my hands and checked them. I was glowing. Energy crackled around me. Something glowed from above me. I looked up and saw a bright thread, the only source of light in this darkness. An identical thread sprouted from my chest and ascended to meet it. I watched as the two thread merge into one, as though they were never separated. And then something grabbed my wrists. It coiled around them like a rope and pulled me upwards.
The next thing I knew, I was exiting the Cauldron. People around me were screaming my name. What was it? I could not even see anything clearly. Wisps of darkness and water blurred my vision to the maximum. Something cool and comfortable was all over me. Some energy. It helped me walk and led me to the source of the shining thread. And then they laid me down and I fell a wave of comfort and relief. And I fell asleep.
There was much more to all of this than what I could comprehend right now. That girl and all the figures lined up behind her. This silence in Elain’s bedroom was too loud. I wanted to scream and run and vomit and do so much, all at the same time. The beast within me was my own self. My real self. My power. At present, she was tame; like a cat curled up for a nap. But the cat was starting to get irritated. It was on the verge of transforming into another feline creature of greater size and power should it be provoked for too long. The only thing calming my inner self was the night sky. The stars were a calming sight.
But why did I feel like this? Like a part of me was absent. And the emptiness was seeping into the rest of me. A desperate feeling of yearning was there. For what? For who? Why? To be yearning so much to the point where it was starting to frustrate me—whose absence was affecting me so? I knew it wasn't father. I did not interact with the man who had been so absent from our lives. During our childhood when we were wealthy, it was a physical absence. During our teenage years when we were poor, it was an emotional absence. When Feyre was taken and we mysteriously became rich, the physical and emotional absence became far too much that I did not bother. We talked only when it was required. With him entrusting the keys of the house to me because he was too afraid to face Nesta, who was the healthier twin.
Was it for Feyre, who had been taken from us only to return as a completely different person? I did not even recognise the girl who came back the first time. A girl with life breathed into her only to tell us about the man she fell in love with. She left to save him. And then she returned as a fae. A broken shell of the woman she had become previously. Her subsequent visits showed improvement but I did not recognise her even then. She was no longer the woman who was our sister. She was free and powerful and independent and that was good for her but my sister had died and a new woman had taken her place. Feyre was no longer our sister in many aspects. And yet she was. But I had this powerful feeling that she would not have come to us after becoming fae if it weren't for the mortal queens and the Book of Breathings.
From what Nesta told me, Elain had begged not to be drowned in the Cauldron and yet she had been the first one to be Made. The woman who went in crying and the woman who returned were two different beings. And now, she was lifeless. The only semblance of who she was could be found in the open curtains. I looked at the sleeping sister. She was pale and thin and the bones of her hand, cheek and neck were too prominent.
Nesta, who had kicked and screamed, before being thrown into the Cauldron. How did she emerge? She hadn’t told me anything. But the woman who was sitting in front of me was withdrawn. She was no longer the panther who waited in the dark before striking. She was a cat who had retired to sleep. Nesta’s claws were no longer sharp.
Then for whom was I feeling so much? This burning sensation. I think I would've cried if I hadn't averted my eyes to look at the sea. Even in the darkness, I could identify where it was after having looked at for so long during the day. So much love, it made me feel like I was bundled up in a velvety blanket. But the other emotions made me feel like the blanket would be ripped away from my body and I would have to wake up to a horrible world.
Nesta's movement began to distract me from my own inner turmoil. She had stood up, walked towards the door, opened it and peeped outside to see if anyone was there and then closed it again. She came back but did not sit down. "We ought to get ready for dinner."
"I suppose we should." I stood up and then looked at Elain. We did not speak because we did not know what to speak of. We walked over to the door connecting Elain's room with Nesta's and entered and closed the door behind us.
"Your room is ahead." Nesta pointed towards the door straight ahead.
"What do you feel about all of this?" I turned to the window. I knew that Nesta required space before she could answer difficult questions. Not looking at her meant that she would feel less pressurised and that she would have more clarity of thought.
Nesta looked outside the window. "We are in an unfamiliar world. I do not mind it much. I do not have a marriage waiting for me. But…"
"You worry for father?" I wanted to know what she felt for him. She did not despise him as much as she tried to pretend. And she would always leave the room whenever I tried to confront her about it, knowing my sick body couldn't follow her. But now I could. And it seemed like she was realising that bit too.
Nesta scoffed. "The man could barely pick himself up even when Feyre went out to hunt. You were sick. We needed the money for your medicines."
"What about you and Elain? What were the two of you doing?" This was it. This was everything. Our lives had revolved around this for so long. Feyre had continuously begged me not to confront Nesta or Elain about this and I truly found her foolish for that. Her kindness had been extended to undeserving people.
"We could never send Elain out. She…"
"Then what about you?" I asked softly. I did not have the patience to shout at her and she was no longer poised to strike. So would she answer me? "Feyre was just a child."
"I know you would've gone out." Nesta's voice was a mere whisper. "You would've done anything and everything for all of us. You're like Feyre in that aspect."
"I think I would have." I spoke. The salty scent of her tears spread around the room. "Do not try to deflect, Nesta."
I knew how much Nesta hated that cottage. That bed where mother had birthed us and died. Everything around us was a reminder of the weakness we carried within ourselves.
"And that trait of yours made you push me out of the Cauldron." Nesta looked at me, vision blurred by tears.
"What were you doing, Nesta?" I had to be more firm with her. I was rarely firm with any of them. That had costed us too much. And whenever I was, I snapped too badly.
"I was scared!" Nesta's voice rose.
"Scared of the world and in that house, only our father knew how to navigate through it." I added and hummed. "He disappointed you, didn't he? When he did not go out to find work and instead remained… hopelessly hopeful for a miracle." I moved towards the door Nesta had pointed at, the one that would lead to me bedroom and stood by the door. The door knob was a beautiful piece of wood, simple and shaped. "Our mother's lessons never included any survival skills but our father's travels did."
I remembered how Feyre had snuck into our father's office to see the maps and the trinkets he brought back from his travels. How father sat her on his lap and told her stories of the world outside. Nesta was staunchly against that. I simply smiled and encouraged Feyre to listen to father's stories. He would tell her about the different people, cultures, cuisines and adventures he had. And eventually those stories shaped Feyre into becoming the one to step outside their home to be the breadwinner.
"And even now, you love him."
"That's ridiculous." Nesta sneered.
"Because I am my mother's daughter."
"All of us are."
"I am more of her than any of you ever was."
"And what are we?"
"Not hers." Nesta did not say anything more but I understood that this was a partition that would remain in her mind. That Nesta would forever see herself as someone apart from her sisters.
"Is that why you never stepped out? Because our mother would've deemed it beneath her to toil for the family? And you're her daughter?" The words escaped me before I could filter them. I saw Nesta flinch. I knew I had struck well when she reacted and I did not like this. I did not like this conversation. Did not like that she was like this. Nesta would've done anything and everything for Elain and I but for Feyre, what was it?
I remembered all the times when we were young and Feyre used to look up to us. I spun my history lessons into stories and told my own version of it to put the younger ones to sleep while Nesta silently watched even though she pretended to be uninterested. Stories of kings and queens, princes and princesses and adventurers and treasure hoarders. Mythologies were the easiest to tell her.
Feyre learned words easily as she listened to my stories and Nesta's advanced speaking. Maybe that's why mother never realised she did not know how to write and read. And for a long time, I did not. Not until mother had passed. Feyre was friends with Elain in a way she never was with me. Friends who would run around the house together, paint together, garden together. To her I was an older sister, but Elain was a friend more than a sister. But Nesta?
For so long, I'd seen her hopefully look at Nesta for the love and companionship she received from us. She did pick up the fierceness from her but she never knew how to wield it. She learned it all on her own and while I was proud of her for being able to do everything on her own, why was she? Why was she the only one providing for us in a house with two more healthy women? Why was she the only one who could do anything and be useful in a house with two capable women?
I'd fed her false hopes during our childhood that Nesta would come around but I believed them to be true. I'd seen how Feyre, fascinated with the first set of paints, had created something and gift it to Nesta. The first of her creations was a gift to someone who simply took it, said her thanks and retired to her room impassively. Feyre did not know what it was called but she saw Nesta using something to mark the book from where she paused; a bookmark.
I saw Nesta keep that bookmark for years, not even allowing me to touch it. Elain did not know where that bookmark was from. The same went for her drawings. Every little scribble, Nesta kept them guarded in her drawers and never told Feyre. She never scolded Feyre for continuing to draw even when we had limited paper after losing our riches. She simply kept them when Feyre thought they were being burned to feed the fire in the cottage. Nesta was a woman of actions and words so why did she not act?
"We are our own person before we were her daughters." I twisted the doorknob to open the door to my room. The luxurious space greeted me with nothing but unfamiliarity. This was not home. "And you are no longer hers. No longer her daughter. I hope you come to accept it someday." I took a step but my other leg remained where it was. "You must apologise to Feyre for not stepping up. The both of you need to move past that."
I let the door slam behind me and began pacing the room. The fact remained that Nesta and Elain did nothing while father and I were physically incapable of going out. Feyre was the only one who did it. And I did not know why I kept defending both of them in my head. I removed the hair tie and enjoyed the feeling of my hair being free.
What did it mean to be an elder sibling? To step in for the younger ones? If that was the case, Nesta and I had done that many times before mother died. Things changed after that. Even then, I'd seen Nesta actively step in for Elain and in my sickness, for me but Feyre was someone she left behind.
I opened the closet wondering whether I needed to dress for the dinner or whether this gown would be appropriate enough. A silk gown of midnight blue grabbed my attention. I took it from where it hung and admired how it was more soft than the one I currently wore. I closed the door of the wardrobe and took the dress with me to the bathing chamber.
The bathtub sat there like the king in his kingdom. I looked away from it and stared at the mirror in front of me. A woman with incomparable beauty stared back but she was so confused. What good was flawless hair and skin and body when I could no longer identify myself? The woman in the mirror was an unfamiliar face. I was never this beautiful, never this healthy. This was definitely someone else.
This is not home. I wanted to cry at that.
The Cauldron had demanded far too much from me. It had exhausted me before I could leave its clutches. I felt it all over my body and I knew I was close to hyperventilating. I'll never return home. And all that pain. I would have died and yet, here I was.
What was the point of snapping at Nesta? We were here, no longer human. We could never return. And what was there for us in the land of the fae? There is nothing. This is not home. My home with my sisters and father. And when I inadvertently looked in the direction of the bathtub, I saw the Cauldron—black and cruel. I screamed in my head at myself to run away. But my legs, why weren't they moving? The Cauldron seemed to nearing me and I wanted to vanish into the shadows.
And as if my prayers were answered, the shadows emerged from behind like the waves of an ocean. I saw their reflection in the mirror and I crumbled as they embraced me and took me away. It was cold and calm. Only the wind remained for me to hear. I could not process anything but my own cries and tears. Where's my home? I screamed into the shadows and wailed. Tears had blurred my vision but I could see enough to identify that I was someplace dark. I sat down on the cold floor with my knees to my chest.
Home was Nesta's stubbornness, my father's hopes for tomorrow, Elain's smiles and Feyre's wildness. But I was somewhere where I could recognise none of my sisters. My stubborn sister had left everything to the youngest, who in turn lost a part of herself. My happy sister no longer smiled. And what was I?
I don’t know how long I was crying but a hand grabbed my shoulder. It was the only source of warmth. It was a large hand and I looked back. There was no one. I could not see the hand on my shoulder but I could definitely feel it. It was still there. And the shadows retreated and I was on the bathroom floor with a worried Nesta in front of me. She saw me and was saying something. She hugged me and rocked me and I closed my eyes. It was when I could hear my surroundings that I dared to open my eyes. Nesta was crying as she held me.
I moved my hand, took her elbow and tried to remove it away from me. It was a heavy arm and my movement made her release me from my embrace to look at me. Her tears were flowing and she looked so worried. “Are you alright?” She grabbed my cheeks and inspected me. “Did something happen? Talk to me, dear.”
Nesta was never affectionate unless she was worried. And that she definitely was at the moment. “I’m fine.” I whispered.
I escaped her embrace and stood up. I had yet to wash my face and I did just that. I kept on gathering cold water in my hands and splashing it on my face until I felt content. I looked up at the mirror and saw someone who I was starting to recognise. Me. The broken me. I took the towel hanging nearby and dabbed my face with it. I had to change clothes. As I was removing my clothes, I heard her call my name.
"Come to me after you've spoken to Feyre." Nesta knew what I was talking about. I wore the midnight blue gown which exposed my neckline and clung loosely to my figure. My hair was in a bun but with a few stray curls escaping here and there. We stared at each other until I made the move to leave for dinner even though I did not know where it was going to.
I walked ahead. I could hear Nesta behind me but I descended the stairs and heard the noise coming from one of the floors. I followed the voices and halted. I was suddenly reminded of the fact that I will be dining with strangers. Even though I'd met a few of them and dined with the brothers before, that was back in my own home. I saw Feyre and her family and I felt like something was attacking me. Meeting her in-laws was not how I ever expected it to be but when I saw Feyre walking towards me, I realised that I did not recognise her at all. Where the hell was my sister and who was this woman?
@waytoomanyteenagefeels@impossibelle@esposadomd@starswholistenanddreamsanswered@judig92@bunnyredgirl@sh4nn@a-frog-with-a-laptop@kattzillaa@ronnieglennn@wallacewillow0773638@forgiveliv@justdreamstars@donttellthecats@cat-or-kitten@jojodojo02@wandas-dream@evylynny@weasleyreidstyles@stqrgirlies-blog@why4anne@acourtofdreamsandshadows @saltedcoffeescotch @mybestfriendmademe@macimads@footyandformula @noelli-smv @mqlfoyelf @thehighlordishere @slytherintaco @spideytingley @deeshag @footyandformula @nebarious @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @prettylittlewrites @lilah-asteria @5onedirection5 @eatsleepreadance1 @18crazybutcutealsopsycho @maddybraps @mrstepes @violet-potter
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cookiesupplier · 6 months
Watermelon (nsfw)
Tumblr media
pairing: Noah Sebastian x Reader
summary: Thanks to tiktok trends y/n has an idea she needs Noah to help her with, but then Noah gets his own idea he just can't resist.
cw: 18+ Minors DNI, Smut, Oral Sex.
author’s note: I started this before I was supposed to move, but thanks to the recent photos of Noah and this thighs adding to the idea for the ending of reader asking about him and a melon lol, it was just begging to be finished NOW...
~~ Holy hell, she knew she wanted to do this the moment she saw the tiktok videos started to surface.. Okay, no, that wasn’t quite true. At first she’d thought it was ridiculous watching those videos. Seeing those women with those watermelons clenched between their thighs, squeezing them.. And half of them were pathetic little stick women. They were nothing. But then, then she’d started thinking about the fact that she could do that, well, probably could, in her sleep.
She thought she might be able to. Y/N could try anyway. She really wanted to try. Of course, this was only going to be a one time deal, even if she might need more than one shot to actually get it done, there was no way she was going to try to go at this more than one session, no way. Y/N was not going to risk screwing up and not getting the shot that she wanted. It was all, or nothing. That was where Noah came in. Needless to say, he’d been a bit surprised with the request she’d had of him. Maybe more than a bit really. Not only about what she wanted to do, but how she wanted him involved. The two of them have been best friends almost as long as he had known Nicholas, she’d met him shortly after him, hell, she’d met him through Nicholas at school actually. The boys were always great fun to hang out with. She wouldn’t want anyone else. In the years gone by she’d watched those two go from dorky idiots that made music in the garage, and rocket up to stardom, and she couldn’t be happier for them both, for all of them actually. As close as she were to Noah and Nicholas, she’d happily fallen in with Jolly and Folio as well when they’d come into the band, not to mention every other member of the crew. Sometimes y/n felt out of place, considering she didn’t actually do anything to make the band better in one way or another. But that didn’t matter, they were her friends, and she’d always be her friend’s, she’d always be there to cheer them on. This, however, was something completely off the wall. For all the things that Noah thought would test their friendship, he’d had thought it would be the fact that he was away for months of the year. How much he missed the nights cuddled up on the couch watching movies, laughing over a few drinks, snacks, hanging outs. All the time he would lay awake wondering when the moment would come that she’d have enough and wash her hands of them, of him. He couldn’t imagine his life without her as one of his closest friends. When she’d asked him for a favour, he’d agreed without even asking what it was, and then she’d told him, and he’d been shocked, but he hadn’t taken it back. So here he was, watching her lay out the tarp on the floor. The tarp was well, this was possibly going to get messy. He watched as he sat on the tarp with the watermelons, y/n’d lined up a few, and he just was thinking about what she was about to try. He’d always looked at her, while yes, she was one of his best friends, but seeing those thick thighs of hers, did something to him… Now, watching her, seeing her sit on the floor as he held the camera, starting to film just as she wanted him to as she moved the watermelon between her thighs. The muscles of her legs tensed as she started the squeeze at the fruit, and immediately his mouth went completely dry. FUCK Hearing her groan as she shifted the melon to try again. Y/N had to take a few tries to make it work, and each time her thighs clamped around that watermelon Noah swallowed slightly. His throat bobbed as he struggled with how dry his mouth had become. He had always been body positive about your size, he knew how self conscious you were about being thicker than a lot of girls, especially your thighs, never in his life did he think he would consider it as anything more than friendly support. Just like you supported him being healthy with his working out, and bulking up. Yet he stood there filming her as she grinned at him victoriously as she crushed that watermelon between those gorgeous thick thighs, and fuck he wanted to be between those thighs. Hell, crushed like that melon even. Looking up from the viewfinder of the video camera in his hands he looked to y/n, Noah’s eyes darkening.
“Did you get that?”
Y/N asked carefully, Noah’s dark brown eyes were watching her, intensely, and she couldn’t help but squirm, it was making her nervous under his gaze.
“Yea, oh yea.”
Ending the video, Noah swallowed, only tearing his eyes off of her to set it down on the desk. Now was the time to clean up all the mess that had been made, that was why the tarp had been laid down to make it easier.
While y/n was doing that Noah tried to calm down, tried to rationalise that, that what he was feeling didn’t matter, that they were friends, they were friends. Fuck that, they’d been friends for so long, but had he were they really just friends if he wanted to eat her out and let her suffocate him with those thick gorgeous thighs of hers?
No. The answer was no.
So while he could he was splashing water on his face from the guest bathroom.. He was in the guest bathroom because it didn’t have the shower you needed to clean up after being covered in all the watermelon mess. The shower that was running in his ensuite right now, his shower, not that it was even the first time that she was in his shower..
Shit shit shit.. Thinking about her in his shower was not helping his hard-on right now. Looking to himself in the mirror as the cold water dripped down his flushed cheeks, a few deep breaths he closed his eyes, trying and failing not to picture you in his shower and palming his cock through his jeans, fuck.
Making his way back to his room just as she was coming out of her bathroom, dressed in a fitted tank top that practically showcased her ample breasts, and then it seems she pilfered a pair of Noah’s Omens Varsity Shorts for those beautiful thighs. Fuck, he wanted his hands on them. He wanted to be between them and not just his pants to be on her.
“Y/N, so, I ah, I had a thought.”
Taking in a deep breath as he looked to her, she looked up to him, Noah always had towered over her, making her feel small even when she knew she was anything but small. That wasn’t what made her nervous though, she was used to that, it was the way he was looking at her, that fierce look in his eyes, the kind of look he got when he was fixated on a song, and it made her wonder what was going through that head of his.
“Let me guess, favour for favour, huh? Okay, what was this going to cost me?”
She assumed that getting him to film her meant that whatever he was about to say was something he wanted from her in return..
“Oh no, that's not what this is, Princess, hear me out,”
Her stomach twisted when he called her that, it wasn’t the first time, it started with him teasing her and then it just became a nickname that he used whenever he was just playing around with her, between the two of you.
“No cost, no favours..”
Stepping towards her,
“You trust me, Princess, don’t you?”
Smirking as he stopped in front of her, and she stood as tall as she good, looking to him a little warily at that look in his eyes, she’d say it was almost hungry,
“I- of course, always Noah. bu-”
He didn’t let her continue when, one moment she was trying to figure out that intent look in those dark eyes and the next he was grasping her thighs with those large hands and literally picking her up and wrapping her legs around his waist. Noah couldn’t help himself, kissing Y/N like she was the very air that he needed to breathe. She gasped against his mouth, shocked and yet, it would be a bold faced lie to say she’d never thought about this man like this.
She’d had a crush on Noah forever, but he was one of her best friends, her best friend that she never wanted to even consider risk losing, and here he was, kissing her like he wanted to fucking devour her. Not to mention, here she was, kissing him back, and yes, she really did want to devour him she decided, because how could she not? She was so distracted kissing him that she didn’t realise that he was carrying her into his bedroom until he was dropping her down onto his bed, hands gripping her thighs as he panted against her mouth.
“Don’t you dare hold back Princess.”
Before she knew it, he was tugging the shorts and her panties from her body, she wasn’t sure but she might have heard a pull of the lace seams of her underwear, they were not her best ones. Wearing her good panties today would have been ridiculous considering what they’d been doing,
“Oh my Go-”
A moan was ripped from her cutting off her words when Noah delved between her legs, he’d parted her inner thighs with his hands, settling between her on his chest and brought his mouth right to her pussy. He was a man on a mission, and his grin wry and wicked as he pulled back only to remark,
“Noah is fine, but that works.”
Kneading at those glorious thick thighs he couldn’t stop touching, bringing his tongue to her clit as he pulled y/n’s thighs over his shoulders and sucked.
Y/N couldn’t help but roll her hips against his face as she felt his fingers push inside of her while he sucked on her clit, it was all she could do not to tense, her thighs starting to shake as she moaned. Her fingers were tangled in his hair as her body arched from the bed when he curled those sinfully long fingers inside of her until she was clenching down as he scraped his teeth against her clit when her orgasm hit.
He wasn’t stopping though, pumping his fingers into her again, twisting them slightly as he sucked at her clit harder, his eyes flickering up to her as her fingers pulled at her hair as she groaned, sensitive now after she’d just cummed. Whimpering as she looked down to him, the sight of him between her legs,
“Come on, Princess, you can give me more than that, I know you can. You killed that melon, don’t hold back…”
She’d fucking squeezed the life out of that thing, she’d couldn’t do that, to.. He wanted her to.. Looking down to him.. She smirked,
“You want me to do this, it's happening one way and one way only. On your back.”
Climbing off of him. She literally pushed him onto his back on the bed, and almost as if a light went off in his head he was more than eager to comply, the fact that she seemed to be on board with what he wanted, he wasn’t going to say no. Her legs were still shaky from her first orgasm.. Was she really going to do this?
Yes, yes she was.
She was climbing over him first over his chest, and then over his shoulders until she was kneeling over his face, and his hands were hooked over her thighs. When she looked down to him, her hair falling around her face, hesitating, he grinned up to her from between her legs,
“Just sit on my face, Princess, you’ve got this.”
Pressing down, his tongue delved up into her and fuck if this wasn’t even better as her hips rocked against his face. She had more control, riding his mouth, lips, tongue, for all they were worth. Noah’s hands were practically holding her thighs down to keep her on him too, kneading and massaging those gorgeous muscles and she moaned at the feeling of every little thing he was going to her all over..
She didn’t come just once more, but twice, and but after the third orgasm of the day she was almost sobbing, she’d never cum that many times in a row without a break, and there were tears in her eyes as he laid her back on the bed.. Noah leaned over her pressing kisses to her face, completely ignoring the fact his pants were a sticky mess and he was dying to rub one out just from the sight of her cuming on his tongue.
Imagine her cumming on his cock.
“Hey Noah,”
“Yea, Princess?”
“Have you ever tried crushing a watermelon with your thighs?”
Her grin wicked as she looked up at him.
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strwberri-milk · 13 days
Hello can I request for Rafayel x Fem! reader head cannons (you may add the other guys if you think it applies). It’s sort of angsty but (imo) mainly funny. 
Rafayel is making his move, trying to show that he’s genuinely interested in the reader, but to his dismay she’s not getting it. The reader is pretty dense, so at the start she genuinely doesn’t get it. Later on, as Rafayel makes it a bit more obvious, and she picks up on it, but the is in denial. It could a be mix of insecurities, and not wanting to ruin the friendship, but she’d rather assume that he’s being friendly or that he’s just like that because they’ve grown closer as friends. So now the reader is in this weird state of being both dense and in denial while Rafayel is struggling. To top it all off, I think Rafayel would especially be frustrated when he does this nice bordering romantic gesture for the reader and all he gets as a reply is “oh, thanks dude!”
I hope this is all coherent. Thank you and have a nice day!
makes perfect sense!! i love. dense object of affection failing to see affection being given to them grr
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Rafayel is rich, famous, and not to mention drop dead gorgeous. He's constantly surrounded by upper society and you just somehow became lucky enough to meet him during a chance encounter and now. somehow, he considers you his closest friend. Any of those things on their own would intimidate you greatly but the fact that he has all of them together makes it hard for you to believe he'll look at you as anything other than his friend.
Rafayel however looks at you and sees the life he wishes to have more than anything. He just wants quiet afternoons with you, to ramble out whatever thoughts he has in his mind, cook and take care of you. At first he was under the impression that his feelings were subtle. He thinks he's a good actor and for the most part he is very good at concealing his feelings but when you don't respond to anything romantic that he does he first thinks he wasn't obvious enough and ups the ante. This makes him become even more obvious to everybody around the two of you except for you for whatever reason.
It's gotten bad enough that he tried to surprise you with the works. Flowers, your favourite treats, some other trinkets that made him think of you all wrapped up in a pretty basket sitting on your doorstep when you came home and yet all he got in response was a string of emojis and a very platonic thank you. He's doing his best not to rip out his hair at how dense you are, finally realising that if he doesn't tell you straight up you'll never recognise his feelings for you.
You on the other hand had noticed that he was getting more romantic with you. You'd begun observing the things he does around other people versus you, knowing that he treats you differently than others by a great margin but also refusing to attribute such behaviours with a romantic intention. After all, why would he pick you out of literally anybody in the world that he could have?
You two are spending the evening together as per usual, Rafayel insisting you come over for dinner because he's received an exceptionally fresh batch of fish tonight and you absolutely have to try some. Conversation flows easily over the sound of your cutlery against the glass and you can't help but notice the soft look in Rafayel's eyes. It's as though he's dropped all his walls just for you in this moment, cheek resting against his palm as he listens to you speak.
"You really don't know how I feel about you?"
Your eyes widen as he speaks for the first time in a while. You were going on and on about something and he was more than happy to just listen to you do so, sitting back in his chair as he crosses his arms. You decide to play more dumb, biting back the doubt in your mind that he actually means what you hope he does.
"I don't know what you're talking about," you laugh, taking another bite of the food.
"Do you really think I'd do all of this for just anybody?" he asks with a chuckle, gesturing to the table.
"I - I mean we're close friends, aren't we? That's what I thought this was," you stutter, averting his gaze.
"We've been close for a while and you told me yourself I'm your best friend. You keep people at an arm's length and you just seem so lonely I don't want to even think about anything that could ruin our friendship."
You ramble a little, Rafayel carefully considering your words as you continue give him excuse after excuse as to why he wouldn't return your feelings for him.
It doesn't take him long to get fed up, scoffing a little as he comes around the table to stand beside you. He slips his arms around your shoulders, sighing happily as he nuzzles his face into your neck.
"You're really dense, did you know that?" he says against your skin, looking up at you.
"I do so much for you and you still don't know how I feel about you," he whines a little, resting his hands on your shoulders.
"I just didn't want to get ahead of myself," you finally admit, mind spinning from how close he is to you right now.
"Well, you aren't getting ahead of yourself at all. If it takes you even more to finally believe me then I guess I can keep going."
Despite the supposed annoyance in his voice you can tell by the way he slumps against you that he's glad the two of you are finally on the same page. You can't help but press up against him closer, putting a hand on one of his and rolling your eyes playfully at his dramatics.
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yandereorg · 7 months
𝐉𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐝
[Fantasising. Deprived. Monitoring. ]
Name: Jason Todd
Nickname(s): red, red hood, jay, jaybird
Age: 25
Birthdate: 16/08
Species: Human
Jason went through a physical transformation when he went through the pit. Not only growing taller, his height around 6’3, and the scars the joker left him with have been intensified. He feels unnatural, to strangers he feels different, the magic from the pit lingers, leaking out of him, seemingly filling the space around him, pushing others away. Also gaining a white streak in his hair.
Although tattoos make you more identifying and Bruce is against them, Jason does have a few. Wrapping around his forearm is an ouroboros, a snake eating its own tail, representing an endless cycle of destruction and rebirth which is often referenced in poetry and mythology. He also has three arrows as a secret homage to Roy Harper, along with some other tattoos.
Jason is usually quiet and gentle, he values peace as a luxury. within his friendship with Roy Harper and Starfire, he often acts as a voice of reason and grounds them. Although sometimes Jason is impulsive and angry, pushing those he is closest to away and isolating himself.
Jason is a hopeless romantic, although his life hasn't allowed him much luck in love. So when he does fall for a cute little bookshop clark, he saved as the hood, He cant fight the daydreams. He's caught a love bug and the next few months he is completely lovesick; the two of you could get a cat, start your own bookclub, it's so cold in Gotham and you'd never have to leave his arms. All these thoughts and more swarm his brain as he languishing after you from afar.
He wants to be your prince, and he has been, of course an untraditional one, the scars and disfigurements leave him looking more like Frankenstein's monster but even in that story the monster isn't the true villain. He knows his angel will understand it'll just take time.
Jason has lived so long in the absence of love and he can't bring himself to be so alone again, not now he's known his angel's touch. his claws dig deep when he feels you pull away, his teeth drawing blood, he'll rip you to shreds before he lets you leave. Of course he''d never hurt his angel, not without being pushed and prodded. He admits his reaction is extreme, but who turned their loving boyfriend into a rabid dog? You. Who caused this argument? You. Who priorities others over their soulmate? You. Jason the ever loving boyfriend will forgive his angel, he knows you have a good heart just like he does, just stop pushing him. He's not above exploiting fears, organising events to traumatise you, he wants you to believe you need him, that you won't survive without him.
Adores stalking you! He's your protector! You're own personal superhero! He'll even stop the murder and gun stuff or just hide it better. He truly does feel like your knight as he saves you from a mugging he organised, the look of fear and shock looks so pretty on you.
Jason Todd was born to Willis and Catherine Todd, being raised in Gotham City. His willis was a petty crook who ended up serving a prison sentence, his father did not return to the family. That left Jason alone with his drug-addicted mother, who would continually put him in dangerous situations, often inviting dealers over, meaning Jason was often the target of their abuse, watching his mother’s abuse, or left to roam Gotham.
Jason would try to take care of himself and his mother by ripping off car parts such as tires for cash. Sadly, his mother would soon die of an overdose and he would be left alone. One night, in crime alley, Jason came across the Batmobile. Batman had recently put new tires on the vehicle but had not replaced the hubcaps with the redesigned ones yet. Batman caught him red handed. 
On their first official mission as Batman and Robin, it was discovered that Jason's father was killed by the criminal two-face. Furious at the knowledge and the fact that Batman knew of it and hide, Jason went after the villain until at last, he found Two-Face. He would not kill Two-face.
While Jason soon proved to be an enthusiastic student, excelling in school and as robin. Unlike Dick acrobatics wouldn't come naturally to Jason but he would continuously train to improve, eager to impress Bruce. Jason's former life on the streets had left him with his own sense of right and wrong. Disagreeing with the values his mentor/ father figure was trying to teach him. 
The moral differences would drive the two apart. At 15 Jason runs away after discovering Catherine was not his biological mother and a woman called sheila was. While tracking her leads Jason to Ethiopia where Shelia works as a nurse. Shelia is being blackmailed by the joker, and ends up giving up Jason to the joker in return for her own safety, however, the joker would leave them both locked into warehouse with a time bomb. Jason was brutally beat with a crowbar but did try to save the two. He failures and the two die.
Batman considers Jason his greatest failure. He considered Jason a good soldier, not a son, and in the batcave there is a memorial. He does not avenge Jasons death, the joker lives on.
Ra’s al ghoul restores his health and memory using a Lazarus pit. Doing this out of guilt, he respects batman and the reason the joker was in Ethiopia and feels responsible. The pit resurrected Jason but he was left with scars, emotional instability, heightened aggression, paranoia, and hallucinations. When Jason sees that bruce has replaced him completely and choose to let the joker live, he goes on a quest for revenge.
5 years later, he comes back to Gotham after training under different groups such as the All-Caste, the Untitled, ra’s along with others. While Tim is away with the young justice team Jason puts his plan in play. No longer restrained by the moral code of the Bat, he sought justice on his own terms, even if it meant crossing the line that others dared not tread. Taking up the role as judge, jury and executioner, he infiltrates the crime scene, taking over part of one then going after black mask. He actively taunts Bruce, moving around stuff in Wayne manor and the batcave. eventually after a game of cat and mouse, Jason, Bruce, and the joker all reunite in crime alley. Jason gives Bruce another chance to avenge his fallen son, the child who once donned the Robin suit still yearned for recognition, for a connection that transcended the pain. In the quiet moments between the clashes, another scream from Jason questioning whether redemption was possible, whether the fractured pieces of his identity could be reassembled and he can some home. The echoes of Bruce’s decision reverberates through the silent alleys. He has once again chosen the Joker over him.
The bomb goes off and bruce searches for Jason’s remains a second time, however, Jason is not dead. He leaves Gotham and joins some friends, Starfire and Roy Harper.
Both characters grapple with moral ambiguity in their actions. Jason, especially as the Red Hood, operates on the fringes of traditional heroism, embracing a more brutal and lethal approach, apposing bruce. Roy, at times, has struggled with personal demons, including addiction, leading his mentor Ollie to abandoning him. Their shared understanding of the moral grey areas in their lives deepens their connection.
When one of them faces personal or emotional turmoil, the other is there for support. Whether it's dealing with the aftermath of traumatic events or helping each other navigate personal struggles or babysitting, their friendship serves as each others sole support at time.
Both Roy and Jason come from troubled backgrounds. Roy faced personal challenges, being a pickpocket when we meet him, while Jason grew up on the mean streets of Gotham City. They would briefly meet and become friends when Jason joined the titans for a short time and the two would connect perfectly. Jason often felt isolated and different, Roy makes his love for his friend known without shame.
Both characters have experienced significant trauma in their lives. Jason Todd, with his history of death and resurrection, carries the weight of past tragedies. Starfire has her own share of challenges, including the destruction of her homeworld, being sold as a child slave, ect. Their shared experiences of pain and loss create a foundation for empathy and understanding.
Starfire provides emotional support to Jason during moments of personal struggle. Whether dealing with the consequences of his actions or navigating the complexities of his past, Jason finds a confidante in Starfire, and vice versa.
Starfire's open and empathetic nature contrasts with Jason's more brooding and guarded demeanour, while reminding Jason of his younger self. Jason admires Starfire’s open and forgiving nature despite everything she has been through.
Jason steps into the shoes of a beloved predecessor, and the comparisons between the two Robins create an undercurrent of tension. When Jason becomes robin, Dick and Bruce have not spoken in two years. Later on Jason and Dick met, Dick acts as an unwilling mentor, he doesn't dislike Jason but doesn't wish to be apart of Bruces life, as he is actively trying to find his footing as his own hero.
The tragedy of Jason's death at the hands of the Joker profoundly impacts Dick. The guilt and grief he feels for not being able to prevent Jason's demise and not being there for him, becomes a source of inner turmoil for Nightwing, influencing his outlook on crime-fighting and the dangers of the superhero lifestyle.
Jason's transformation into the Red Hood and his quest for a different brand of justice become a point of contention between him and Dick.
Tim Drake often expresses a deep respect for Jason Todd's skills and contributions as Robin and admired up to him.
Jason resents that Tim doesn't fully grasp the sacrifices and challenges he faced during his time as Robin, and in life. 
Jason's feelings towards the Joker are defined by a deep and abiding hatred rooted in betrayal, trauma, and the quest for revenge. The Joker remains a powerful symbol in Jason's life, shaping his identity as the Red Hood.
Despite the deep-seated anger and betrayal he initially harbours, there is an undercurrent of unresolved emotions. Jason resents Bruce for not saving him, for what he perceives as abandonment, and for the moral code that he believes failed him.
Some interests include, reading, martial arts, motorcycles, and technology. Roy and Jason have a shared space where they work on their latest projects, this includes making their own weapons and gadgets, upgrading their current gear, and custom vehicle.
jason has trouble controlling his tone and is sometimes unaware of his sound level. Since his resurrection he has been quick tempered and impulsive.
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gz-missfit · 3 months
I wanna talk about Tubbo and Phil
I know there's some strong opinions from many on either character so I wanna share some thoughts on their relationship from someone who's watched both for a LONG time (way way before qsmp).
Tubbos and Phil's relationship kinda is, the closest I can get to explaining is is Bads and Foolishs, by that i mean is that at first glance you would not necessarily think these 2 had the dynamic they actually DO have. It's easy to get swept up in their banter and chaotic messing with eachother or in the way they mostly communicate through jokes and teasing but those 2 TRUST eachother a LOT.
I'm gonna try to not bring the kids into this cause obviously they don't have the knowledge we as the audience do in this sense, but Phil is not someone who trusts easy, the closets one he has to fully being honest with is Fit and even he doesn't know everything. But Phil trusts capabilities, that's why he trusts Fit so much cause he knows the other veteran is incredibly capable. To bring this back to Tubbo, Phil knows that Tubbo is INCREDIBLY capable and smart, he knows the kid is talented, hard working and determined beyond believe. But those who know Phil also know he's just not good at showing this, but believe me when I say he thinks incredibly highly of Tubbos capabilities.
Tubbo is someone Phil trusts relentlessly, even if he sometimes gets things wrong about him as a character it is never with any malicious intent and he sees that kid as family, meaning he'll do everything to help him if called.
Now to Tubbo, tubbo is interesting because his trust is rare, at least his FULL trust is. Obviously he has people he relies on more than others but true transparent trust is something he really only has with the eggs. He does have people he trusts, he just doesn't want/like to rely on others and it's kinda weaving into his need to be the one that people rely on. Now for me I definitely think Tubbo thinks of Phil as a friend, no doubt about it. And I feel like he's also very aware of how Phil works, a lot more so than others (definitely due to their long term irl friendship too). Tubbo knows where Phil's strengths lie and when he can just ask him for tips or advice, Tubbo knows Phil is reliable when called for, Tubbo knows Phil does not talk about his relationships or emotions a lot. Tubbo has been on the receiving end of a few things no other had to see from Phil yet, Tubbo was one of the only ones who during Purgatory got shown how Phil lost all hope in himself and for his kids (seeing in him being genuinely shocked Tubbo was still fighting for them too), But he also got to see how even with that doubt Phil would never leave someone behind he sees as his flock. Phil sacrificed his wings for Tubbo and both know he'd do it again a thousand times over.
Another moment I like to take as example is very early day of Tubbo joining, it's funny cause u can definitely see a like mentor/apprentice vibe which quickly fizzles out once Tubbo finds his footing in what he is good at. A moment that has always stuck out to me though is the kids disappearance day and those leading up to it. Tubbo was responsible for Chayanne and Tallulah during that time (quick side note, Phil's instant trust with those 2 for Tubbo is HUGE especially the fact that Phil knew Tubbo would take his explanations of how to be there for Tallulah seriously) and once the realization hit Tubbo kinda went into this dooming mindset, he saw himself as a failure and was worried about losing the fact that Phil relied on him, basically afraid of losing his usefulness, he spiraled and was terrified of Phil's response but when it actually came to that day? Phil was nothing but instantly understanding, reassured Tubbo, never lost trust in him with the kids down the line and showed Tubbo where his anger truly falls. It was such a simple moment but Neither have lost any trust in the other when it comes to absolute necessity.
And I think that's where a lot of their headbutting or appeared distrust comes from cause those 2 don't want nor like to rely on others. They're used to being the ones that are relied on! But when it comes down to it, when it comes to push and shove they know the other is someone they could rely on in a heartbeat (when I say necessity I mean necessity btw, like full on life or death)
Because when the people who do not ask for help need to ask for help you know shits bad, and it's a little easier when the person you know is so similar yet so different from you that you're aware this will never be talked about again, it's easier to ignore the heaviness if you've gotten used to hide it with banter and jokes. But a flock will never leave eachother down, even if they don't say it.
(Also Tubbo logging out infront of Phil today and Phil wanting to prank him with a spawn trap only to go "I was gonna put Lava here, but he can't die so no I'm not gonna be a dick" is something like, once Phil is aware of something he instantly adjusts to it, he asked for Tubbos equipment before bringing him a boss mob to fight, gave him food during it etc. Cause again once both are aware of something they do instantly jump in or adjust to it)
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2d-reality · 1 month
Little Things (The Prince of Demons)
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characters: Diavolo, GN!MC navigation: Diavolo | Barbatos | Simeon | Solomon | Luke | Thirteen content/warnings: little things you do, out of love. dateables edition! fluff. could be read as platonic but why would u word count: 862 notes: Alas, Dia is the only one I have finished as of now on account of how my work/life balance has been absolutely wacked recently. I'll get around to the rest eventually, I promise! I have bits and pieces here and there but the dateables don't flow as easy as the boys. Mephis will likely not be included bc I'm not even vaguely familiar with his character, and because we are both horse girls and he is my bitter rival on principle. I stared at this piece a lot but did I edit it? no
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Diavolo was a lonely man. He knew a lonely childhood, tucked away in the Demon King’s palace with only the grounds staff as company. He attended lessons alone as he grew up learning what it would take to shoulder his father’s throne once he came of age. When the reigning monarch fell into his dreamless slumber, Diavolo had effectively lost yet another lifeline to anything resembling a normal existence-- a parent. As a young man (or, rather, the demon equivalent of a young man), surrounded by nobility of all kinds vying for his attention, he knew they only saw Diavolo, the Crown Prince. Even the brothers, who were the closest to being considered his friends, played along with his antics out of duty. No doubt Lucifer drilled it into them to be accommodating. 
Sometimes he felt as though he was cursed-- paying for his original sin by bearing his existence, at the end of the day, alone. 
That was, at least, until you came along. You, so small and fierce and human. You, who upon meeting him at the beginning of your tenure as an exchange student, held his gaze squarely and didn’t back down, even when he could practically smell your fear.
You, who for whatever reason, be it ignorance or sheer, unmitigated gall or something else entirely, didn’t for a moment treat him any differently than any other demon you met. Once you were comfortable living among magical beings, it was as if the floodgates opened. Despite horrified reactions from Lucifer and gentle chiding from Barbatos, you told him when his jokes were stupid (even if you still laughed), slapped his arm companionably when greeting him, and called him by a myriad of silly nicknames. 
Your friendship is the most precious thing Diavolo has ever received in his long life. You aren’t one of his subjects, born to defer to him whether you wanted to or not. You aren’t an angel, who gave him a cautious respect for the good of your realms’ relations. You didn’t even know he existed before you came to the Devildom. You chose not to see the heir to the throne, and instead saw Diavolo-- a gentle giant with more love in his heart than he was born to carry. Diavolo, who would go to the ends of all three realms for those he cared for. Diavolo, who was loud and boisterous and always wanted to be involved. Diavolo, who liked cigar cookies and video games and could be a bit of a goofball. 
He cherishes every aspect of your relationship. He loves when you send him blurry photos of various pairs of objects or animals you see when out and about, with the caption "us fr <3”. He loves getting links to dumb memes in the middle of the night, followed by laughing emojis or “this u??” You poke fun at him, bite back with quips when he makes jokes at your expense, and play silly little pranks on him. His favorite is when you gesture to something on his coat, only to flick the tip of his nose when he looks down to investigate. He’d long since caught on to that ruse, among others, but your bright smile and chirping laughter when you teased him for falling for it yet again are too precious to him to not play along.
He even appreciates the times that you turn down his invitations to spend the weekend at the palace with him, citing exhaustion from the brothers’ antics or pressing schoolwork from RAD. You’re not automatically agreeing simply because you have no choice-- you spend your limited, precious time on him because you want to. More often than not you made up for declining by showing up entirely unannounced some time later, cloaked beneath a spell to shield you from Barbatos’ sixth sense for his Lord getting up to shenanigans, beckoning him to sneak out with you to suck on thick milkshakes in some cramped corner booth and giggle conspiratorially like a couple of misbehaving teenagers. 
When he’s around you, Diavolo feels like he can breathe. He doesn’t have to worry about keeping up appearances. You aren’t looking for political sway, or funding, or an elevated social status. For the first time in his life, he can set aside his heavy burden and feel... normal. He can ruffle your hair, and only half-heartedly hold you back from practically climbing him to dig your knuckles into his scalp and return the favor. He can laugh when you swat at his hand as he reaches across your plate to steal a few of your fries. He wears the friendship bracelet you braided for him at all times. He considered charming it to never fade or fray, but when it finally falls apart from wear, your mock exasperation when you tell him you’ll make him another makes him feel so real. 
Diavolo was a lonely man. But now, he has a friend. A genuine, honest-to-goodness friend. You have matching contact photos, and inside jokes. You don’t call him my lord when he comes up in conversation; it’s always my friend. Now, thanks to you, he isn’t lonely anymore.
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eastern-lights · 4 months
Ok so we all know how amazing Baldur's Gate 3 is. I could talk for hours about everything it did perfectly.
But rn, I want to talk about what I think Dragon Age Inquisition did better. And this is not to judge which game is better overall, but what still makes DAI so special to me despite its flaws.
1. Voiced protagonist
Yeah, starting off controversial. I know some people prefer silent protagonists, but I just find myself wishing we could have a fully voiced Tav, even at the cost of fewer dialogue options. I'm sorry, but Tav's silent indifferent face just always breaks the immersion for me, especially when contrasted with the award-worthy acting and animation of the characters they're speaking with. In DAI (and DA2, although to a lesser degree) your character could be heavily customized, but they were always an actual person who fit in with the rest of the universe and flowed seamlessly with the story.
2. Mystery and dread.
BG3 is full of heavy, scary, traumatizing stuff hidden all over the place (or in plain sight). But it can always be explained in some way. There are dreadful things in Faerûn, but we always know what they are (mostly due to most of them having to have precisely given stats as the result of being based on DnD). We know what happens after death and what we can do to bring people back from it. The closest you get to truly dread-inducing mystery in BG3 is "Do Illithids have souls" and "where do illithids come from" and (at least in Act 1) "who is the Absolute".
In Dragon Age, the whole world is made of existential dread. What happens when you die? Dunno. Is God real? No idea and if He does, He hates you. What is the Blight? Are all darkspawn capable of independent thought? What is lyrium singing about? What happened to the titans? What happens when all of the Old Gods die? And this is just the Big Questions. There's a myriad of small things, small mysteries you encounter that just have no answers. Stuff that reminds me of those creepy Goldshire children forming a pentagram in World of Warcraft. While having an explanation for everything makes for deeper worldbuilding, a world full of mysteries without answers makes for a much scarier and, in some ways, exciting experience.
3. Group dynamic and party banter
I enjoyed the party banter in BG3. Hell, it had some of the funniest lines in game. But it didn't do enough to make the group dynamic feel any less Tav/Durge-centric. You hear the companions exchange banter, but you never get beyond stuff like "Karlach and Shadowheart both enjoy wine" and "Gale enjoys Lae'zel telling him about the Astral plane". The protagonist forms amazingly written relationships with each of the companions, but they never seem to have such a bond with one another. The closest we come to what I'd like to see is Karlach and Wyll's friendship, but even that's kind of shallow, I feel. The companions do comment on the others' personal quest, but it's always one sentence reaction, before going right back to being mostly indifferent. DA2 had the same issue, if to a greater extent (srsly, the companions had the same attitude about one another over the span of 10 years)
The banter in DAI was superb. It told a story. It had arcs. You could watch in real time as Solas and Dorian became friends over their shared magical nerd-dom. You could even take part in it, such as when telling Blackwall to stfu about jousting for a moment, or telling Sera that what you and Solas do in private is none of her business. You could see Dorian and Bull fall in love. You could watch Varric slowly chip away at Solas' worldview until he arguably came closer to changing his plans than Lavellan ever did. The relationships grow over the course of the story and by the time of Solas' betrayal, you're not just sad because he betrayed you, you're sad because he betrayed Varric, Dorian, Bull, Cassandra and everyone else. Because you saw how they cared about him, each in their own way.
There is nothing more heartbreaking than Varric's "Chuckles, what have you done?"
In BG3, the relationships are mostly left to your imagination, which has its perks, but still, the group dynamic feels more like a wheel with Tav at the centre rather than a web.
4. Having limits on the romance options
Let me start by stating what I am not saying: I am not saying that bi and pan people shouldn't be represented. Far from it. But I don't think making the whole group pan is the way to go about it. I can't help but feeling it is, in a way, pandering to players, making every single companion interested in them as long as they have a sufficiently high approval.
Making some companions explicitly bi, pan, gay or straight made for a more real experience. Getting rejected by Sera on the grounds of "We have a lot in common - we both like women" felt disappointing, yes, but also real. This also allowed the writers to make the characters' sexual/romantic preferences a part of their, well, character. We got Dorian's personal quest, which I think is great. Limiting Solas' options to just Lavellan allowed the writers to make it about him realizing that his people are not mere shadows. It allowed them to write the Vallaslin scene. None of this could have been done if he were romanceable to all races.
When you have diversity in romantic attraction among the companions, suddenly the pan and bi characters (in Bull and Josie respectively) feel like their orientation is part of who they are, rather than a game mechanic to prevent players from missing out on content.
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ddarker-dreams · 11 months
What about yan Scaramouche saying I love you to his darling?👀
WHEW............ Many thoughts about this....................
for any connection to be genuine, there must be a degree of vulnerability between those involved. this revelation would torment scaramouche endlessly. to be vulnerable is to put oneself at risk of rejection. the power he holds over you wouldn't just equalize, no, it'd lean in your favor. ideally, this would serve as a rope that'd bind you together, but he likens it to willingly walking up the scaffold and placing his neck into a noose. you could choose to execute him at any time.
this internal conflict of interests bewilders the achingly lonely puppet. scaramouche wants so desperately to be close to you while also finding the concept terrifying. those initial relationships he formed in his erstwhile days... while he'd never admit it now, he did cherish them. losing those budding friendships hurt more than any otherworldly torment the abyss might subject him to. he considers this, then he considers you. could he even begin to quantify the pain he'd experience if you rejected him? his first love, who he secretly exalts above the divine? he might be able to delude himself at times, but not when it comes to this, he knows for a fact it'd splinter him, possibly beyond repair.
annihilation wrought from your hands would be more welcome than if it came from anyone else, he'd muse at his lowest moments. you can't forget what you've destroyed. it'd lodge him in your psyche too deep to ever pull out.
scaramouche honestly isn't sure what love is. an all-consuming obsession is the closest answer he's arrived at. it's a definition unique to him and he takes pride in the fact. he has to twist it, contort it into an unsightly form before he's willing to acknowledge its existence. only then would he even entertain the idea of saying he loves you.
when he does say those three words, fate itself weeps for you, knowing what future awaits. freedom is not guaranteed when his pulse ceases, for he doesn't have one. paradoxically, you'll find more freedom by sinking further into him than trying to run away. choose wisely.
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thefrontofmymind · 1 year
Helping Hand (Matty Healy x Reader)
hi! i just came across your blog and read both your matty works! if your requests are open could you write a friends to lovers with matty? maybe a confession with tension from not knowing the other’s feelings? –anon
Could you write a Matty Healy smut where he and the reader share an apartment as friends. Reader comes home pissed and Matty offers to ✨take care✨ of the reader for the night. Reader also has a praise kink – @kmsmedine
Prompt idea: “you know I can fuck you better, right?” With matty –anon
WARNINGS: piv unprotected smut, blowjob, a little bit of alcohol consumption (lmk if i missed anything)
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The way you’d describe your life, in a word, would be bittersweet. You had your dream job, a great family, a gorgeous apartment, but there was one part that was missing, an important part–you lacked a connection, at least in a way that was satisfying.
You hated the idea that you were some kind of cliche–you had everything you ever wanted except a boyfriend, it sounded like some half-arsed romcom you’d find on DVD in some bargain bin at a Poundstretcher. Sure, you weren’t completely hopeless, you could get a shag if you felt so inclined, when you felt so inclined. But your heart was never in it. Because of one man, your closest friend in the whole universe–and roommate–Matty.
You’d spent years pining over him. From the moment you’d met him, you could feel your heart jump every time he’d look your way, and then crack and crumble when he’d look elsewhere. It wasn’t from lack of trying with him–the first year of your friendship you tried your damnedest to get him to notice you in the way you craved.
The nail in the coffin came with his first serious relationship–a lovely girl called Heather, or Hannah, or some name like that–you pushed the feelings to the very back of your mind as best you could, but they refused to stay quiet. You had many a crises over what to do. You loved Matty, more than a friend, and even more than a lover, he was your person and you couldn’t bear the thought of living without him, no matter how painful it would be to see him hold another’s hand, whisper in an ear that wasn’t your’s, see the way he smirk at other girls in clubs when they’d tell him what they wanted to do to him on the cab ride home–something you could never get the courage to do.
Though once you’d mourned the loss of what may have been, you realised what you did have, a man who knew you like the back of his own hand and would run to you the second he was beckoned, though just platonically.
Eventually you began to put yourself out there, started seeing other men–nothing serious ever came of any of them, but it was a distraction, nonetheless. You’d simply made your peace with the situation and resigned yourself to the fact that it would never change.
You figured you’d never get one of those looks from Matty that you’d seen made other girls’ knees wobble, and you’d certainly never get that close to him, and you’d simply have to make do with any distraction you could find, as hopelessly downcast it seemed..
It was late on Thursday night, very late. You weren’t home yet and it worried Matty–he knew you’d have left work almost an hour ago and you hadn’t let him know you were going anywhere afterwards–it was all very unlike you. 
He sat in your shared living room on the sofa, laptop in front of him as he fiddled around with some demos that George had sent him, though he was immediately pulled out of it when he heard the front door slam shut and saw you huff as you walked to your bedroom. He quickly got up and followed you, concerned.
“What’s got your knickers in a twist then?” He asked you as he was greeted with the sight of you sat down on your bed, taking off your boots and eyes that were full of tears–a horrible side affect of being left with your thoughts on the walk home.
“I’m not in the mood for a joke, Matty,” you sighed, not wanting to make eye contact with him.
“What’s wrong? What happened?” He was truly worried. 
You took a second to collect your thoughts before you spoke. “Why is it that some guys just never learn, hey? Like they just do not care about the girls they’re fucking and don’t even try to give them attention?” Matty gave you a questioning look as he sat down next to you, seeing your wet eyes threatened to spill. “You remember that guy, Sam? The one I met at the work Christmas party last year?” Matty nodded. “Well, he asked me to go over to his after I got off work, and I went-uh-and he just doesn’t care.” You couldn’t stop the sob that came out as you finished your sentence. As if on instinct, Matty pulled you into his chest and let you cry, to which you had no protests. You had been building up for a while and it seemed you just couldn’t hold off the breaking point any longer.
“That’s so shit,” Matty said, holding you gently. “You deserve better than that.”
You sat in silence for a moment, you could smell the faint scent of weed and his regular cologne on Matty’s jumper.
You laughed. “Yeah, well it’s not like I really have any other prospects at the moment, so I’m just kinda stuck with Speedy Sam for now…”
Matty laughed with you for a second before his tone changed drastically. “C’mon, you’re a stunner! Surely you’ve got a lineup just waiting for ya?”
“No one else seems remotely interested…” You sighed. You knew it wasn’t productive to pity yourself the way you were, but you’d had a few glasses of wine at Sam’s so you couldn’t really help yourself.
“Well that’s just not true, now…” Matty muttered–under his breath but still loud enough that he knew you’d have heard it. You didn’t know how to answer him, you were simply gobsmacked–surely he didn’t mean what you thought he was hinting at? After all these years?
You tried to laugh it off, break the tension with some joke and asked Matty if there was any takeaway from the other night left in the fridge, but his face didn’t crack and he never broke eye contact, and that sobered you up really quick. 
It felt like the earth had stopped turning and time had stopped ticking–it was just you and Matty at a stalemate in your apartment. 
“Just something I thought about…” He mumbled as he got up and went back to the living room, leaving you wide-eyed and gobsmacked in your bedroom with a mind going a million miles a minute.
As if on autopilot, your legs carried you to the living room, standing right in front of Matty–who was ever-so unbothered and scrolling on his laptop. You didn’t quite know what to say, so you stood with wide eyes fixed right on him as you mulled over how you could ever respond in this situation.
“Can I help you?” He said, as if he didn’t drop a bomb on you merely a minute ago.
“You can’t just say that to me,” you said with a deadly serious tone that even took you by surprise.
Matty closed his laptop and stood up so you were eye-to eye. “I only said it because it was true.”
“Wha-” You couldn’t speak, all the air in your throat felt trapped, you couldn’t breathe. This couldn’t be happening.
“You know I can fuck you better, right?” He said, without a microgram of hesitation nor taunting in voice, while his eyes stayed unwavering and staring into yours. “Better than that dickhead and any other guy you’ve been with since I’ve known you.”
You could barely stutter out an answer, you knew what you wanted to say–you had fantasies of a proposition like this from Matty for years, you’d resigned yourself that it would never happen and that was just something you had to make peace with. You needed to tell him, and now.
“Then prove it,” you said, a small waver in your tone, showing the sliver of trepidation.
Matty’s thumb lightly rubbed the side of your cheek, not breaking eye contact. “Can I kiss you?”
“I think you should,” you answered, feeling so much anxiety at this newfound revelation in your best friend and roommate.
His lips were ever-so soft against yours, giving you the chance to pull away, should you want to, but you didn’t. Without thinking, you grabbed the fabric of the collar of the hoodie he was wearing and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. You couldn’t quite process what was happening, your mind felt like mush as you lightly bit on his bottom lip, earning a stifled moan from Matty. You eventually had to break the kiss to get a proper breath in, as much as you wish you didn’t have to. You stayed close–nose-to-nose–as you caught your breaths.
“So your room or mine?” He asked.
You pulled him back to your mouth, this time with a bit more ferocity, and your hands quickly found their way to his hair as he grabbed at your waist. You both managed to stumble to your room–the closer one–without breaking the kiss. It felt like the most natural thing in the world to be doing, and you were just glad it was finally happening, not just in your mind when you were alone and bored.
Matty quickly pulled away to take off his hoodie, while you rid yourself of the sweaty and dishevelled blouse you’d worn to work that day. Before you knew it, you’d gotten completely bare in front of him–you weren’t scared or worried or insecure, it was Matty, he knew you, so there was nothing for you to be afraid of, nor him.
He sat on your bed before you, you didn’t quite know how to proceed. You’d been through so many scenarios like this in your head, you were overwhelmed.
“C’mere, darling,” he said, holding out a hand to take yours and guiding you to straddle him–it all felt much more sincere and…intimate…than before–you finally realised this was real and it was happening. 
Matty locked his arms around your waist as you began to kiss down his neck and into the crook of his shoulder, eliciting a breathy moan from the top of his throat. His hands began to wander down your back and he took grip of your ass cheeks as he kissed you again.
Your hands soon found their way to his cock, slowly giving it a couple of strokes before you readjusted so you could press a warm kiss to its head. 
Matty’s head was spinning, never did he think he would ever have a chance with you, in the years of your friendship. He was simply too scared to say anything, and it got to a point that he’d come to the conclusion that he’d left that grace period of early-friendship confusion well in the past and there was nothing he could do about it, so he tried to move on–girlfriend after girlfriend, with as many pointless hook ups in between, but they all weren’t you. It was a miracle you hadn’t punched him in the face for what he said; he’d had a couple glasses of wine and it went straight to his head, giving him the confidence to do what he truly wanted to in the first place.
Matty sunk into a sea of ecstasy as your lips closed around him and his cock inched further and further into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat.
“Oh darling,” he barely managed to stutter out between moans as he gently grabbed a handful of your hair and your tongue swirled around his tip. “Ple-please just let me fuck you.”
“I think you should.” You said as Your mouth was replaced by your hand and you looked at his face to answer him–his lips parted and eyes almost completely shut from pleasure. You weren’t sure where the sudden confidence you exuded came from, but you were sure glad it appeared when it did. 
Soon enough, you were once again straddling Matty’s lap, his cock rubbing against your entrance–you felt like your head was just about ready to explode from the anticipation.
“Are you ready, baby?” Matty whispered, leaving a trail of kisses from your ear to the crook of your shoulder. You couldn’t find the words to speak, so you let out a hum and a fervent nod, and that was enough for him.
You felt so full as each inch of him entered you, leaving you a moaning mess immediately. Matty was in a similar state, breathing deeply and trying to blink away the stars in his vision of you. You began to move, just a little, which made the pleasure increase tenfold–leaving you twitching and whining every time Matty hit your g-spot. He took hold of your hips, helping you bounce on his cock.
“So…so good…So good fo’ me…” he moaned, leaving you smiling to yourself.
As time went on, your legs began to grow tired, and Matty noticed as your movements slowed.
“Want me to be on top?” He asked in between feverish kisses wherever he could place them.
“Yeah,” you chuckled. “M’legs are getting sore.”
After some readjustment, Matty was now hovering above you, while one of your legs wrapped around his hip to keep him close. His thrusts were slower than you were expecting–going as deep as he could get. One of his hands was holding himself up from next to your head, while the other found its way to your clit, rubbing slow, deliberate circles on to the swollen bud.
It all just felt so comfortable, so natural–not at all like a first fuck, the two of you moved so in sync with each other, you’d think you’d been together for years with just how responsive you were to each other.
You felt your lungs get tighter as your breathing got shallower, and a tension began to grow between your thighs. You urged Matty to go faster, to which he obliged with a smirk that didn’t go unnoticed by you.
All at once, everything let go, and you were sent into orbit as you released–all the while moaning and whining which only spurred Matty on more, soon reaching his release as well before collapsing on top of you, fully spent.
The two of you laid there on your bed in silence for a little while, Matty’s softening cock still inside you. There was something so intimate about the whole situation, you couldn’t keep your eyes off his face as he caught his breath with a small grin on his face. You noticed freckles on his nose, faint lines around his eyes, things you’d never had the chance, nor the right before this, to see.
Eventually, Matty moved to face you before speaking. “That was…” He um’d and ah’d for a moment, trying to find the right words. “It was everything I’ve ever hoped it was.”
“Really?” You never thought of Matty hoping something would happen, and what it would be like.
“And more,” he added, kissing you again while you chuckled in the afterglow. You both began to drift into the lull of sleep in each other’s arms. “And I never want to hear about Speedy Sam again…”
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 8 months
Autistic Anime Girls Group 3 Round 2 Match 5
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Sayaka -
"Deadpan, forthright, and unapologetically candid, Kanamori never hesitates to voice her thoughts, no matter how harsh or unvarnished they may be. She is often deemed as impolite, ruthless or severely intimidating (by adults and peers her age alike), and is jokingly compared to the likes of the Yakuza. She’s regarded with a degree of caution, due to her unwavering no-nonsense attitude and the fact that she will stop at nothing to get what she wants, phone camera at the ready to capture any slip up that could potentially be used as blackmail later. Survival is her top priority, looking out for herself and whoever might be left behind unfairly by circumstance. She has a steadfast mind for business and strong work ethic, openly admitting to her desire for monetary compensation (or other favors and methods of payment, such as milk or food) for even the smaller and most mundane of tasks, and won’t shy away from charging fellow members of the club as well.
She firmly holds the belief that friendship is an idealized and glorified notion. To her, individuals referred to as "friends" are often mere products of chance, brought together by shared interests and nothing more. Sayaka adamantly refrains from using the term "friend" and readily corrects anyone who mistakenly categorizes her coworkers or those she spends time with as such. She befittingly conveyed this perspective of hers to Midori on the very day they first crossed paths, and this prompted Midori to freely opt out of using the label entirely as well, instead referring to her closest peers as “comrades” ever since.
Regardless of this, Sayaka prefers to achieve a level of coexistence, as she personally describes it, with those she truly cares about, such as the few other club members. While not explicitly considering the girls as her friends, her actions reveal a deep concern for their well-being. She often watches over them, remains by their side and is ready to defend them and their cause whenever necessary. A significant reason the club came to be in the first place is Sayaka's recognition of her classmates' immense artistic potential. She encouraged them to establish their own independent studio, enabling them to create their animated films, attain recognition, and reap profits from their efforts.
In her role as their producer, she's primarily motivated by financial gain, but as she reviews Midori's and Tsubame's work, she ensures they always have the option to do their job efficiently and avoid overexerting themselves if they ever choose to do so. She’s equally supportive of their goals and will often assure them that their art is more than good enough. She insists that their work is already impressive; therefore, they could forgo so much self-imposed pressure and stop doubting their abilities or attaching undue importance to others' unhelpful criticisms, as these are often incongruent with their own artistic sensibilities and convictions.
Sayaka lacks interest and doesn’t possess much insight about art herself, yet she is more than willing to learn from her team to become a better producer. Aside from having a keen eye for business since her early childhood (despite being bad at math), she also appears to be quite knowledgeable in a wide variety of topics, and will take people by surprise whenever she starts rambling about the ins-and-outs of something that’s relevant at any given moment. One time, someone pointed out that Kanamori wasn’t at all different from Asakusa on this regard, to which Tsubame responded with a simple and knowing “yup”.
She can be seen idly cracking the knuckles of her right hand every now and then, and rarely displays a different emotion as she goes about her day donning a neutral grimace on her face. Kanamori almost only ever smiles when she’s getting paid, when friendly mocking someone, or when she’s in the middle of twisting someone’s arm to hers and the club’s advantage.
I’m going to cut it here, since I realized I have much more to say about Sayaka than any other Eizouken member so far (I thought Midori was going to be the longest but this one was already effortlessly surpassing 700 words and counting. Good god) Please please PLEASE consider voting for her!! she’s an amazing character in general, and I can easily see why she’s Sumito Oowara’s personal favorite of the bunch."
Miku -
"Hatsune Miku is the character/persona created for a voice bank. As such, she has no set personality and can essentially be molded to fit the song’s scenario. She’s basically made to be your little dress up doll except your not dressing her up with clothes you’re dressing her up with your special interests and hyperfixations. She’s like the Barbie of Autism, if you will. As such, she has garnered many fans since her debut because of how relatable she is and how comforting she can be and how you can project your own interests or quirks on her and it’d still fit her because that’s essentially what she was made for!!!
You could consider the songs she sings and brings to life for producers to be her special interest!
As she’s a voice bank, she also can struggle with tone and inflection when speaking or singing, but can also, at times, sound very life like as well! She’s incredibly versatile as a tool to use for songs and as a character! She can do anything and be anything!
Also, all characters under the Vocaloid title usually come with an item that represents them! Miku’s is a leek/spring onion, even her hair has a similar appearance to one and it could be considered a special interest of hers!
I know the whole “she can be anything” seems sorta like flimsy propaganda for her, but I think it can also resemble how some people on the autism spectrum mask our true personalities and try and adapt to who we are talking to! And we can also have many talents and special interests at a single time! At least, that’s how my experience has been with being on the spectrum….
(Anywhosies I hope this helps! Miku has been important to me and many others for a long time and it’d be a shame for her to lose due to lack of propaganda 😔)."
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seethesin · 9 months
i hate that i love you
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pairing: Shane McCutcheon x F!Reader
tags/warnings: sexual content, established friendship, cheating, hatefucking, fingerfucking, service top!shane, power bottom!reader (mdni, 18+)
a/n: this is my angst attempt. as per usual, i have to add smut to it. still rubbing my brain cells together for some fluffy ideas. enjoy :)
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"I can't fucking believe you, Shane."
Who were you kidding? You knew her; this was inevitable.
Monogamy was uncharted territory for Shane. There was a reason she was so hesitant to commit to any romantic relationship when the opportunity presented itself. When things got stagnant, she got fidgety. Her eyes wandered and before she even knew it, she was leaving a trail of broken hearts and crushed egos in her wake.
As one of her closest friends, you understood how Shane operated. You've come to accept everything that came with her. Each night there was a new woman in Shane's bed and each night you were kept awake by the constant reminder that what you wanted would always be out of reach.
From the beginning, the lothario's charms never worked on you. According to Alice, you were impervious to the Shane test since they met you. Whether it be your strong will or grounded sense of self-worth, you refused to be wooed by the shaggy-haired ladykiller you now shared a house with.
But as your friendship deepened, pesky feelings began to brew in the pit of your stomach. Unlike the women she slept with, your friendship allowed you to see Shane in a three-dimensional light. Her fierce loyalty to her friends, immense love for those close to her, and unwavering determination to meet her goals dragged you further and further down a rabbit hole you weren't prepared to venture through.
You despised the way your heart would hammer in your ribcage anytime she flashed a genuine grin your way. You hated how meaningless touches made your stomach flip and your breath hitch. And you loathed sitting through any conversation that included Shane fucking a woman that wasn't you. But no matter how frequently you recognized your feelings, you could not pursue them.
You heard those women when they left your house. A switch flickered on for most of them but the ones who didn't realize soon enough were left devastated. There would be no next time. There were no feelings to talk about. It was just about the sex.
Shane needed to stay your friend.
So you did what you did best; you swallowed your feelings and shoved them down deep into your gut. This was an act of self-preservation.
It didn't take long for you to find someone else. She was sweet, compassionate, and most importantly, could commit to a relationship. It was what you needed and what you couldn't get from Shane. You've been dating steadily for a month now. A blissful, healthy month may you add. You had even introduced her to your friends who were thrilled by the new addition.
Except Shane.
Any time you brought your girlfriend along or even mentioned her to Shane, her mood did a one-eighty. She was uncharacteristically colder, more aloof, and found any excuse to leave you sooner than necessary. Saying it hurt would be putting it lightly. You expected Shane—as one of your closest friends—to support you the same way she did for Alice, Bette, and the rest of the ladies. Was your happiness less important to her than everyone else's?
Apparently so.
Tonight, you were coming home from Tina and Bette's house. They had asked you if you could watch Angie and naturally, you agreed. As you made your way up to your front door, it opened on its own, revealing your girlfriend. She was in a wrinkled dress, had unkempt hair, and smudged makeup across her face. The two of you locked eyes and she visibly paled. Like a deer in headlights, she froze, lower lip trembling. Without a word, she ducked away from your sight and hurried away. Looking into your house you saw Shane sitting at the kitchen table, hurriedly closing the clasp of her belt.
This instigated the current screaming match you and Shane were currently participating in.
"She didn't tell me she was seeing anyone!" Shane yelled, elbows digging into the hardwood table as she cupped her head in her hands. You paced around restlessly, gritting your teeth before snapping your attention back at her.
"I've brought her over here before, Shane—you met her numerous times already! Were you too busy shoving your tongue in her cunt to notice?"
Shane's lips mashed shut at your response, eyes trained on the floor. She had no response and you scoffed, rolling your eyes as you threw your hands up.
"You don't even fucking care," you breathed, pulling the chair across from her out so you could sit down. "Why do you not fucking care?"
"I'm sorry," she starts, and no, no she is not sorry. If she was sorry, she wouldn't have done this to begin with. Shane wouldn't have fucked your now ex-girlfriend—she finally decided to try calling you by the way, not like you were going to pick up now—in your own house.
Your anger churned in your gut and seared up to your throat like bile. The rage triggered your buried feelings for Shane, melding them together into something that made you physically sick. Right now, you hated yourself more than Shane. This was a grave offense and here you were, wanting nothing more than to crush her face between your legs. You wanted to yank her by her hair, part her lips, and shove yourself down until she was gasping for air. Digging half moons into your palms, you stared daggers into her head.
"Why did you do it?"
Shane is silent, but you can almost feel the gears turning in her head. She wants to say something, but she refuses.
"Shane, look at me."
She obeys instantaneously, jerking her head up to meet your gaze.
"Why did you do it?" You ask again, each word staccato as you wring your hands into fists.
"She wasn't good for you." she finally replies and you laugh in disbelief.
"So what is good for me, Shane? Is being cheated on good for me? Is my friend taking part in that good for me too?"
"Then why did you do it?" Your voice slides an octave higher, tears threatening to spill down your cheeks. You can feel your throat begin to close as a stray tear rolls down your face. Quickly, you brush it away.
"Because I love you."
That does it.
The dam in your chest breaks and you finally cry. Shane is stunned, plastered to her seat as she watches you rack into sobs. Gently, her hand slides forward on the table, finding your hand. You recoil as if she slapped you and she retreats back to her side of the table.
"No, fuck you; you don't get to say that to me." Not when you spent all this time getting over how you felt about Shane. You couldn't go backward.
But a sick, nasty part of you reveled in the proclamation. It was warped validation that everything you've felt for her was reciprocated. It satisfied you in a primal way and your stomach twisted itself into knots over it. Not even bothering to filter out your rampant thoughts, you ask her the question burning on your tongue.
"How did you fuck her?"
The silence after you spoke was deafening. Shane's eyes are wider than saucers.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me."
She looked at you like a cornered animal.
"I—" you get out of your chair, stalking around the table before standing in front of her. Glaring down at her, your hands find themselves on the arms of her chair. You lean in slowly—predatorily—before speaking again.
"Show me, Shane. Since you love me so much." Your voice cracks from crying, but the venom drips from every word.
Shane's throat bobs as she swallows. Her hands are on your hips, dragging you forward. You're already working on the button of your pants, unzipping swiftly before shoving them down your knees. Your underwear comes off soon after and both garments are abandoned on the floor.
Cautiously, she beckons you forward. You comply, lowering yourself into her lap. Your cunt brushes against the rough denim of her jeans and you refrain from groaning. An arm hooks low around your hips while her dominant hand worms itself between your legs. Her digits find the wet slick of your pussy and she glances up at you.
You nod.
She plunges two fingers inside of you. Your walls immediately adjust to the intrusion, stretching deliciously. The moan escapes your lips and you teeter in Shane's lap. Your lips meet the junction of Shane's neck and you bite down roughly. Smoothing the newly forming bruise with your tongue, you sneer at the way Shane hisses.
She adjusts her wrist and immediately hastens her pace. Her fingers are like a piston, thrusting in and out. They curl against the spongy wall of your pussy and you throw your head back, breath shaky. Your hips swivel in rhythm with her thrusts, taking every ounce of pleasure Shane willingly gave.
The edges of your vision begin to darken as you feel the heel of Shane's hand rub against your clit. You gasp, rutting aggressively into her touch as she continues fingerfucking you. Your hands thread themselves in her hair, pulling down to expose the curve of her neck. Moaning, you leave a trail of hickeys down her throat, smirking at the way her face contorts in painful pleasure. She curls her fingers inside of you at just the right angle and you finally cum with a shout.
Your body goes rigid as your knees buckle into her sides. Bobbing on Shane's fingers, you don't stop until the high of your orgasm subsides and reality comes crashing down around you. Swiftly, you pull yourself off of Shane's lap before disappearing into the bathroom to clean yourself up. You return a few minutes later, sliding your underwear and pants back on.
Shane is still glued to her chair. Her fingers are still coated in your slick and she has not made the effort to wipe them off yet. She stares at you numbly and you begin to walk towards the front door.
"I'll be gone by the end of the week, Shane. Then you can fuck whomever else you want in here."
There will be no next time. There are no more feelings to talk about. It was just about the sex.
Shane could no longer be your friend.
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