#to be honest though i feel really happy with my chinese right now
northerngoshawk · 5 months
2023 Year-End Fic Round Up
many thanks to @itsmoonpeaches and @chocomd for the tags
oh boi i have not written a lick of a word since starting college again but here goes nothing
Words written (published or not, WIPs totally count too!): 149,165. probably have more due to wips that i started (but didn't finish) last year but for now i'll go with this number
Smut scenes written (if applicable): 0
New things I tried:
dabbled a lil in the Spiderverse fandom with my drabble a thin thread of trust, broken
tried my hand at a more romantically inclined fic premise with a love worth fighting for, my kataang forbidden lovers au
tried my hand at integrating Chinese culture a lot more into the ATLA world with Pangu, my kataang week fic written for the Injured prompt
other than that, there wasn't that much i experimented with. it felt a bit like the same old, same old
Fic I spent the most time on: definitely a love worth fighting for. twas a multi-chap with 6 chapters, with the word count ranging anywhere from 2k to 6k words? maybe even more. but not only did i want to portray the romance, i also wanted to flesh out the worldbuilding, develop other relationships b/w characters in this au, and so on. thus, this fic was warranted to be the one i spent the most time on
Fic I spent the least time on: a thin thread of trust, broken. it was really just a drabble from Thoughts i was having about Across the Spiderverse, specifically about Gwen and her relationship with her friends and Miles and also as a response to the unwarranted Gwen hate that she got post-movie something something misogyny something something redemption not being necessary for her because she was just a teen caught in a horrible situation but i digress
Favourite thing I wrote: oof idk. i think i really love how Pangu turned out, mostly because that was my first really deep dive into trying to integrate Chinese culture into the ATLA world. i know the premise of the fic was for kataang week, but my intention here was to delve deeper into the loneliness and burden Aang would inevitably feel in being the Avatar, and how it's always Katara (and his other friends) who help carry that burden with him. i think the story of Pangu really helps act as that parallel to Aang, but where the giant in the story was alone and eventually perished under the weight of his burden, Aang's friends help shoulder that weight with him and help him live.
Favourite thing I read: i'll be honest, i haven't really read a lot of fics recently, but one that does stand out for me is @chocomd's Enough, a kataang hanahaki fic, and its sequel The Deal. the writing between these two fics is incredibly gorgeous and haunting, managing to capture a kind of horrific beauty in both the hanahaki that afflicted Katara and the hope-turned-horror of Aang's eventual deal with... well, you'd have to read these fics to find out.
Writing goals for next year:
i'll probably take a sharp right turn from ATLA for now and head off towards writing fic for Genshin. i don't really have any good ideas for ATLA for now, which probably means i need a change of pace and to discover new material to work with. i'll probably come back to ATLA someday, but right now, between school and impending work and my hyperfixation on Genshin, i just can't find anything to work with.
in a similar vein above, i'm probably gonna take a break from romance and introspection and try my hand at action and adventure. unlike most of the Genshin fandom, i don't really ship anyone with anyone, and i also don't care about what the fandom thinks - i'm happy in my own little corner. i also recently read Six of Crows and i think it's high-time i try and conduct my own kind of plot. maybe through a mafia au? dungeon au? apocalypse? spy? who knows
even though i'm looking to eventually turn to Genshin, i do wanna finish up my pending Demon Slayer AU fic The Last Wind-Breather. i kinda want it to be a series of fics in the world, but for now i think i'll finish up the 2nd chapter and then come back to this au from time to time, write whatever comes to mind.
aaaand with that being said, i should probably at least get a chapter or two out for see the sky and sea (and remember me). started this fic in 2022, but even then i want to tie up my loose ends, give these fics the endings they deserve
Tagging (no pressure): @flameohotwife @benwvatt @shameaboutthedilettantism @coyotelemon and anyone else who wants to join in, feel free to!
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genesic-archives · 8 months
Nunnally's Halloween Ch 1-2: In a Different School than Usual 
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This is a translation of the second section of Nunnally's Halloween. This section shows all the previously mentioned characters all now being trapped within this spooky alternate version of Ashford Academy when they encounter a ghastly individual.
Previous Section - Next Section - All Story Sections
The visual open on a blurry look within a hallway similar to one within Ashford, but with a few spooky decorations put into place.
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Al: Ugh… Wh-where am I?
Silly halloween music plays as bats start flying around Al.
Al: I saw this place in a story I observed before. Is this Ashford Academy?
Hong Yu groans as he shakes himself and his sister awake.
Hong Yu: Liu Ki, You alright? 
Liu Ki: Y-yea…
Gigi then pops up into the picture.
Gigi: Ouchie, ouchie. Huh? Where are we? 
Al: Looks like Gigi is okay too. The rest of us are…
Suddenly, Lelouch jolts up out of nowhere, now wearing a festive jiāngshī (Chinese vampire/zombie) costume.
Lelouch: NUNNALLY!
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Everyone: !?
Al: Lelouch, is that… 
Lelouch: Don’t worry about me! Where’s Nunnally!? 
Nunnally: Brother, I’m right here. I’m completely fine… 
Lelouch: I see. Thank goodness…
Nunnally then fully comes into view, now sparkling and wearing a cute kitty outfit.
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Lelouch:!? Nunnally, what's with that outfit...?
Nunnally: Huh? …Ah, I was wondering why it felt different than usual.
Gigi: Wait, wait, wait! Lelouch, you got one too. Calm down and take a look at yourself!
Lelouch: Huh!? What's with these clothes...!? When did I...!?
Hong Yu: Lelouch’s and Nunnally's clothes seem to have changed since they were sent here. But why are they the only ones...?
Liu Ki: I can't find the clothes you two were wearing.
Gigi: It doesn't seem to cause any harm, so I guess it's okay to leave it as is. I'm also in a ‘Halloween Party Style’.
Lelouch: Humph...I wonder if something like this would happen without the chairman…Speaking of that, it seems like this is definitely Ashford Academy, where Nunnally and I attended.…
Nunnally: In that case, is this the sort of “Observation'' that Al usually does?
Al: No, it's different from observation using my Geass. My phase shift Geass just lets me observe. I can't move freely like this.
Gigi: Maybe someone invited us here.
Lelouch: In any case, we need information to understand the situation.
Al: That's right. There's nothing we can do if we stop here. I'll leave the command to you, Lelouch… Hehe. 
Lelouch: Al, you shouldn’t be laughing right now. 
Al: It can't be helped. You look so silly dressed like that.
Lelouch: That’s enough from you. Well, now I feel a little embarrassed. 
Al: On the contrary, don't you think it's okay for you to relax a little? We're here so you don't have to deal with this all by yourself.
Hong Yu: Al's right. Didn't I tell you earlier? I believe in you too.
Lelouch: ...I understand. This all happened so suddenly. Maybe I was a bit too upset. I'll try to calm down a little.
Nunnally dismally looks down at the ground.
Liu Ki: What's wrong, Nunnally?
Nunnally: N-no. Nothing… 
Gigi: Nana-chan, even though you're cosplaying as a cute cat, it'll be ruined if you don't look happy. C'mon, smile smile~
Nunnally: Huh? Am I wearing a cat costume? I guess so. I have cat ears!
Gigi: Yeah. You're so cute. Right, Lelouch?
Lelouch: Yeah. That costume is perfect for Nunnally.
Al: You're so honest with Nunnally.
Lelouch: Of course. 
Liu Ki: Nunnally, you really are cute. 
Hong Yu: Yeah. I'd also like to see Liu Ki wearing a costume like that.
Liu Ki: I'm having a hard time deciding whether that’s something I should be happy about…
The group then start walking around the halls, getting a sense of their surroundings.
Lelouch: The structure of the school building itself doesn't seem to be any different from Ashford’s. 
Nunnally: Yes, but it seems somehow colder than the school we know…
Al: ......! Everyone stop!
Suddenly, a mysterious ghost with a pumpkin hat appears before them.
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Hong Yu: They're different from normal enemies! Be careful!
Al: Wait, um, this is… 
Liu Ki: It has a strange appearance, it seems like it’s a different enemy than before!
Gigi: I suppose you could call it an enemy. 
Lelouch: It’s a typical ghost. 
Nunnally: Huh!? Oh, there’s a ghost… 
Lelouch: It's okay, Nunnally. It’s just dressed up like one. It’s not like it’s a real ghost. 
Lelouch (internal thoughts): (Does that mean that it doesn't belong to the "Moon of the End"? However, if that's the case...) 
Gigi: Ah!
Lelouch: What? 
Gigi: Isn’t that a Halloween ghost?
Liu Ki: Huh!? Was Halloween a festival made to fight off metamorphosis…!? 
Gigi: If we don't give it sweets, we'll get pranked.
Liu Ki: Sweets? Unfortunately, I don't have any…
Lelouch: Quick, what should we do to scare it away, Liu Ki? He’s coming! 
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recordsfm · 2 months
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╰   ☆  ◞  renee rapp / cis woman / she/her  ———  no way is that SAVANNAH-LYNN COOKE? you know they’re TWENTY-ONE YEARS OLD and they’ve been in los angeles for TWO YEARS. they’re chillin’ as a STRIPPER at LUX. oh and they’re notoriously known for being JADED but there are some people who have seen them be CHARISMATIC. i heard they’re a part of a SOLO ACT called SAVANNAH ROSE, yeah they’re a SINGER/SONGWRITER to be honest they sound a lot like RENEE RAPP, LAUREN SPENCER SMITH, KELSEA BALLERINI & KELLIE PICKLER. they’re actually UNDERGROUND.
feel free to omit some questions as you see fit.
basic information:
FULL NAME: Savannah-Lynn Rose Cooke
NICKNAME(S): Sav, Savy, Venus
AGE: 21
DATE OF BIRTH: October 10th 2002
PLACE OF BIRTH: Macon, Georgia
GENDER: Ciswoman
PRONOUNS: she/her
family ties:
MOTHER: Tammy-Jo Cooke
FATHER: Harrison Cooke (dead)
PETS: None
occupational information:
NAME OF THEIR ACT: Savannah Rose
SO THEY PLAY INSTRUMENTS? IF SO WHAT?: Piano, guitar, flute.
ARTIST INFLUENCES: Shania Twain, Taylor Swift, Honey K.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Charismatic, Caring, Flirty
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Jaded, Stubborn, Clingy
HOBBIES: Singing, Dancing, playing guitar, writing poetry
AESTHETICS: Glaring spotlights, leftover glitter, crumpled dollar bills
start at the beginning, who are you and why are you important?
"My name is Savannah Rose, I'm a 22 year old from Georgia and I'm a singer."
how long have you been making music?
"It kinda feels like forever. I did pageants as a little girl so my mama had me doing all sorts of singing bits and stuff like that. But when it came to actually playing instruments, I think I was about ten? so 12 years?"
how would you describe the kind of music you make?
"For me it's pretty real and raw. Vulnerable. It's very much just a girl and her guitar vibes right now but I'm trying to work on that."
who are some of your biggest musical influences?
"Honestly, Tay swift is my girl. I love how she just writes her truth and doesn't accept peoples bad behavior. But I really did look up to both Shania and Honey K and Jenna for a long time."
what is the first record you ever bought?
"The first one I ever bought? My dad took me to the midnight release of Red by Taylor Swift at target... My mom was so mad because I was tired and cranky for my pageant the next day, but in the end it was worth it."
what has working in the music industry meant to you thus far in your career?
Savy pulled in a deep breath. The last thing she wanted was to dox herself in an interview. But at the same time it was so hard to care. At least now she was taking off her clothes for more money then she ever made in pageants. "I haven't found much success doing just music yet. I'm hoping to change that soon."
what are some stand out moments from your career so far?
"Well, this interview is probably the biggest one so far."
how would you describe your style of performance? what makes your shows worth seeing?
"I try to make sure everyone is having a good time. I mean you always have those people who who will never be happy, but I'll do everything reasonable to make sure you're having a good time."
what are you still hoping to achieve in your career?
"All I wanna be able to do is make a living doing what I love to do."
what’s next for you?
"Well, honestly I'm hoping to get discovered. Signed onto someone's label so I can put out my very first album and see how it goes from there."
Savannah was an unwanted child. Though you've never know at looking at it from the outside.
Tammy Jo was promising Miss Georgia contestant who had her title stripped from her once she got pregnant unexpectedly from a one night stand.
With a baby on the way, there really wasn't much more that Tammy or Harrison could do other then get married. Even if the two were complete opposites.
Due to her dreams being dashed, Tammy Jo entered her three month old daughter into a beauty pageant, much to the dismay
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yoshinorecommends · 2 years
Hey sweetheart,
How are you feeling? I know the...incident with Homelander the other day really shook you up, understandably so. Do you see now why I want to keep us under wraps? It's not because I give two shits about Vought knowing I'm bisexual. It's because I want you safe! I don't trust any of them, much less Homelander.
Anyways, all of that aside, are you okay? Well, as okay as you can be, I mean. I promise as soon as I'm back from handling this mission, I'll be right over to see you and take care of you. That's what's most important right now. You need to make sure you're taking care of yourself, at least until I can get there.
If I'm being completely honest with you...now more than ever I've thought about leaving the Seven. Homelander has become even more unpredictable (obviously), Noir is still his little lap dog, the Deep is in a constant downward spiral, Translucent is still M.I.A., A-Train is less than sober on a good day, and that new girl Starlight is just desperate to be the "perfect hero." I don't think she understands we all used to be like her. Vought crushes that shit out of you quick. But I may have a solution.
What if I retired? I make a peaceful exit from Vought and the Seven, spending the rest of the year doing press junkets, and then I'm off scot-free! Hypothetically, I guess. It's worth a shot though, right? If there's even a chance it can give us a peaceful life together?
I don't know if it would work, but I'm going to try. If you're okay with it, of course. Once you give me the word, I'll talk to Stillwell and get my plan set in motion. If it's something you're not comfortable with though, I won't do it. It's our future, not just mine.
Sorry for rambling, dear. I'm just...hopeful? Despite what happened, I still believe we can make this work. I know it's scary and everything is so uncertain, but just-- please hold on a little longer for me. I promise things will get better. They have to!
Okay, I have to go. They're sending Homelander and I out to save some plan before the military can. I'm sure it'll be a breeze, nothing we haven't done before.
I'll swing by after, yeah? I do believe it's my turn to pick dinner so I hope you're in the mood for Chinese! See you soon, sweetheart.
Forever Yours,
P.S. I love you ♡
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My second letter from @sincerelytheirs. Like the other one, I got it earlier than I expected which I am happy about because I got to read both together. ♡ The writer for this one is EmmaLea and they did an amazing job with it! Thank you EmmaLea and Sincerely Theirs for my amazing letters!
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riftdancer · 2 years
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(PEN)NAME: Deidra/Blondie PRONOUNS: She/Her ZODIAC(S): Monkey/Libra TAKEN OR SINGLE: Complicated TIME ZONE: Central US / UTC -5
I’m South East Asian descent! My parents are both from Cambodia and I have some Chinese mixed within from my mom’s side. I do not know Khmer, unfortunately, however English is my second language.
I can hyper fixate on things to the point of neglecting my sleep, but never enough to not take care of myself properly. My current fixations are “Our Life” and “Tiger & Bunny,” Kotetsu T. Kaburagi to be more exact.
I like to draw for fun. If you’ve been around for a bit, I’m sure you’ve seen it. I don’t draw often enough, however. It’s usually if I’m really motivated to get something done.
I’ve been roleplaying since I was 12 or 13? I can’t recall too well anymore and it started back on Neopets. The past is a bit dark, murky, and immature, so I wouldn’t want to touch on it too much. As for Tumblr, I’ve been here since...maybe 2012? I don’t remember too well either. I took a break from tumblr RP for a while, though, and came back because I wanted to write again. So if you want to write with me, please feel free to reach out and we can think of something!
Ah, to be honest I don’t know my preference. Maybe characters that like to bury their sadness deep within the crevice of their heart? I mean, now that I think about it, that’s how most of my muses are. The most mature one are Shu, Kotetsu, Leia, and my OCs Chrys and Deidra -- oh yeah, Deidra’s not a self insert. I just liked the name and it’s what my XIV friends call me by so I rolled with it. But I think I tend to pick characters I feel the strongest towards.
In general: To be honest, I don’t get to write these as much anymore, I feel like.
FLUFF: I love fluff. It gives me serotonin and I love to see my muses happy. I want to ship as much as the next writer, but I really want some good chemistry between muses in either romantic or platonic relationships.
ANGST: I also enjoy angst, but only if it’s done right. My favorite kind of angst is when character and/or relationship development follows after with comfort.
SMUT: I think I’m bad at writing smut and I don’t touch it often, which probably doesn’t help. But I’m not against it. I will keep it to Discord, however because I don’t want people to witness how bad I am at writing it LMAO!
PLOT / MEMES: Please! I love these! I’d love to write with you if we’re mutuals! If you need my discord, please add me (Deidra#6479) and maybe we can work something out? Though, at times I’ll get really into an idea or inspiration will strike me, I’d like to bounce ideas back and forth for your input! After all, I won’t know your character like you do!
TAGGED BY: @lucktalented​ (thank you very much!!!)
TAGGING: @madamhatter, @ervaurem, @tricksheart, @zhonde, @kriticull, @starulus, @deusamasomni​, and anyone else if they’d like to introduce themselves!
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lgcparker · 1 year
𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚞 𝚝𝚎𝚖𝚙. 𝚘𝚙𝚎𝚗 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝟶𝟶𝟷 𝚌𝚊𝚏é 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎  [ 𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚝𝚠𝚘 ]
𝚙𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚐 - 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚣𝚎 // 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚊 𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍 - 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚘 // 𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚍𝚞𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 - 𝟷𝟶𝚌𝚖 // 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 -  𝚌𝚛𝚊𝚜𝚑 𝚊𝚍𝚊𝚖𝚜 // 𝚖𝚊 𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎 𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚛 - 𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚟𝚒𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛
“I’m back!” Is the first thing out of Parker’s mouth as he settles onto a stool provided by the cafe. He’s mostly greeted by smiles and waves, and a few flashes from cameras. In truth, he can’t really tell if there are more people than last time, it’s only been a few months, but it truly doesn’t matter to Parker; he’s just grateful to have people who want to see him perform in such an intimate manner. Preparations for Type Zero’s Chinese comeback — aka Parker’s Chinese debut — have begun to take place, but even as his schedule began to fill, he knew he wanted to take part in the company's cafe performances at least once more. 
“Thank you for coming to watch me again— or for the first time — I won't judge. I’m just happy to have you here.” He shifts a little in his seat, hair falling in one of his eyes in the process, but he barely thinks about it before his hand is reaching up to push the strands away. “Last time I was here, I wanted to keep in mind that Valentine’s Day and White Day were just around the corner, but when I was looking through songs this time around, I couldn’t help but find myself in a similar vibe— not necessarily a first love — but definitely that feeling of love and hope you feel towards someone you really really care for.” He pauses for a moment and lets out a mildly flustered laugh. “If I’m being honest, love songs are honestly one of my favorite things to sing because it’s such a happy yet complex emotion. I’m in love with the idea of love.” He laughs into the mic at that. It’s such an embarrassing thing to say but it’s not wholly untrue, so he doesn’t bother to correct or justify himself even as some of the crowd giggle and smile up at where he sits. “The first song I’m going to sing is one some of you may know. I remember hearing it while out and then looking up the music video and it’s really cute and makes you feel good, right?” Some people nod along, though he doubts they know exactly what song he’s going to sing. “The second song is a song I actually have really vague memories of, I don’t think it was popular in Korean, but someone doing a cover came onto my feed the other day and I thought it was exactly something I wanted to share with you.” 
“Are we ‘just friends’ now?” He asks softly in Korean, aware that there is a good chance everyone understands him. In truth, it was something he tried to take into account when he first took part in these performances, but it was hard for him sometimes. English was his first language, and he felt most comfortable singing in English, so in moments like this it was hard for him to avoid that urge. He understood most of his career would be him singing in Korean or Mandarin, so he allowed himself to be a bit more selfish and hoped his fans would understand. “I was actually still a baby when that song came out, but since the 2000’s are back, it kinda good right?” 
Getting to his feet, Parker stretches a little, his butt already a little sore from sitting. “I’m going to apologize in advance that this is going to be the last Korean song I’m going to sing today, but that should make it that much more special.” He laughs and smiles gently at the people in front of him, hoping they can see the earnestness on his face. “I really admire 10cm. Honestly, he’s one senior that I would love to work with one day.” He stops and points at someone clearly filming him on their phone. “Make sure to post this and tag him so we can work together.” The tone of Parker’s voice is seemingly serious but in a way that it’s clear he’s mostly playing around and he gets a few laughs in response. 
“The song after that is one that also fell into my lap while online one day and it was kind of dumb.” Again Parker gets a few laughs at how serious and forward he sounds. “But in that kind of way that it makes you feel good — a true pop sound — which I think is great, especially with summer around the corner, but it fits this whole theme.” He pauses and considers what theme he means. “Love should be bright and fun— anyway. I’m boing you all, let’s get into it! Hit the music!” 
If Destination is the fun summer-like youthful love, then Ma Cherie Amor is the mature whimsical love that leaves you staring into the stars with a soft smile. As soon as the song filly ends, Parker takes a bit of time to just absorb the moment and bows his head to thank the people who clap for him. “I think the first time I heard this song, I was at a family member’s wedding and it sort of stuck with me, to the point I honestly considered being a wedding singer when I grew up.” Bashfully he dips his head down before he can face the crowd again, “I was maybe only ten and thankfully I grew out of that phase because then I wouldn’t be here, would I?” No one responds and Parker doesn’t really expect them to. “Maybe one day, I can put out something that will reach all of your hearts and you’ll play it at your wedding one day.” 
Moving back towards the stool Parker lets out a soft laugh. “I don’t know when we can meet like this again, but before you all get your stuff and leave I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Without you, and the love you give me, I don’t think I would be able to live this dream. I hope you all get home safely— thank you!”
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rigelmejo · 3 years
December Goals Update
Time to round up the stuff I got done! This one is a big update, despite both accomplishments and this january’s goals being quite straightforward this time. ^-^)/
I already know - I ended up focusing on one very specific goal, and made significant progress JUST in that. And... if I do what I am PLANNING for January... then hopefully I’ll make more progress. But lol, we’ll see. We know how much I suck at sticking to my plans >o>
Things accomplished:
Chinese novel chapters read in December: 20 (Tian Ya Ke - 19, aka read about 24% of the novel this past month! This was the big goal I ended up focusing on - I want to finish reading through my first full novel this year! I did a majority of those chapters in the last 2 weeks, so if I get motivated again, I might really reach this goal. We’ll see. I REALLY do want to break the milestone of getting through one complete novel soon, and it being a priest one would be icing on the cake. Reading method - intensively, using Pleco Reader, looking up all unknown words. I picked up a significant amount of words so far, but it’s still a big challenge lol).
Chapters I studied with Listening-Reading Method: 8 (Most of these were Tian Ya Ke, and dmbj 2. I ended up getting really into reading though, and skipping this step later on as it slowed down my reading time. This January, I would like to do l-r method MORE, because I’ve finally got Guardian all prepped to do that novel with it. I’d love to do l-r method all the way through the novel guardian... I hope I manage it... avenuex did a beautiful audiobook for it, and I’d love to work through it. The only demotivating factor? l-r method takes a big time dedication - 5-10 minutes to read a chapter in english, 20 minutes to listen to the chapter while looking at the english text, 20 minutes to listen to the chapter while looking at the chinese text... so around 50 minutes to do a single chapter. And guardian has 106+ chapters ToT. That said, imagine how improved my listening skills would be after roughly 88* hours of listening to chinese I can mostly comprehend? Considering just a handful hours of l-r method has already bumped my listening skills up noticeably to me. In addition to Guardian, I would very much like to do l-r method with Silent Reading as an excuse to re-read the novel and listen to the audiobook - which is around 66 free chapters available at least. I figure l-r method with priest novels, in combo with reading priest novels like Tian Ya Ke, will help with picking up vocabulary in reading and listening a bit. Plus, I plan to do l-r method in the order: listen to english, then listen to chinese, which tends to help me pick up more reading comprehension better than the reverse order.)
Chinese audio listened to: 14 (a surprisingly large number? I don’t remember doing this much lol? I think some of this is me listening to dmbj audios, and some was other chinese things, and a tiny bit was restarting the spoonful chinese audio. Again, I think listening more has been helping out a lot)
shows watched in only chinese: roughly 2 (I watched a bit of a few eps of border town prodigal, some tlt3 raws, some short vids, half of anti fraud league ep 1, half of some spy show, basically i was not in a focused mood lol)
Personal goals met:
finally got my stomach to stop hurting! i guess it wanted less carbs. also debloated 10 lbs so i guess its happier lol. still not sure what else it wants from me.
started writing a personal story, period piece with pirates and bisexual messes and i’m quite excited tbh. So now this story, and Nanase, are active original wips
handled doctor stuff wooh! 
read more of my cpstd book and made more comprehensive plans on what to do when i get emotional flashbacks - and i think the prep work has been really helpful so far, i’m hopeful my lowered stress now is a part of that lol
formatted 2 books! WOOH! in process of formatting 2 more, and learning how the fuck to do a parallel text - anyone know how??? I’m having a nightmare, I’d love to do left page english right page chinese, but all I’m finding are how to use columns to do dual texts beside each other on the same page. Which is much more cramped to read... but I suppose I can live with it if it’s the only option I have.
Goals for January will be pretty straightforward to be honest. I am in a very reading-focused mood. (I mean we’ll see how long that lasts, ToT since my attention jumps randomly, but I’ve got everything Prepped to lean heavy into reading for my studying for the foreseeable future). I plan to focus on reading as my main study method, to cover listening and reading and picking up vocabulary/hanzi. Optionally, I might listen to chinese audio in the background to further help with listening/vocabulary (like Chinese Spoonfed Audio, or audiobooks), or I might watch a show in chinese (whether I do this completely depends on if I feel like it). 
Later on in the year, if reading is getting easier - then long term, I think I’ll want to go back to Alan Hoenig’s Chinese Characters book and read through it for a solid foundation to fill in gaps, read my chinese grammar books for same reason, use my pronunciation app... and then dive into both language exchange apps and tutors more firmly for actual writing and speaking and interacting with others. Basically, long term, I’d like to work on filling in my gaps and correcting any mistakes I haven’t figured out, then work on production more which will be significantly weaker skills by then. But in the immediate, I want to just focus on what I enjoy - reading - and use it to pick up as many words as possible. 
Goals for January:
Continue reading Tian Ya Ke. Work on reading through my first complete novel in chinese. Continue counting chapters read, as I might look at a few novels - but sincerely, I WANT to focus on one book so Tian Ya Ke is the GOAL. I will be quite happy if I can get the book to 50% read by the end of this month, but we’ll see... and quite honestly I’ll be floored if I get to 100% within the month - but if it gets easier as I pick up more words, anything’s possible. Ideally, I would like to l-r method a few chapters. I do think it speeds up my reading speed because it makes me keep up with the narration, and it also helps me cement new words into my memory better. I remember words better when I hear them. However like - chapters tend to take me 40 minutes to read, and l-r method takes usually 15-20 minutes because of how dense priest’s chapters are. So... l-r method chapters take 1 hour a piece... if I get into a reading mood, I’ll ultimately probably just primarily focus on the reading.
Secondary goal, not as important, I will start this if desired but it might wait until February+. Listen-Read Method Guardian, until I’ve gotten through the entire novel. I finally have all the translations gathered up, I’ve got my chinese copy of the novel, and avenuex’s audiobook. I have everything ready to simply start. However, as mentioned, this is a time heavy activity. I do think it will be very helpful for improving my listening skills, and to a degree also - helping retain my reading skills, push my reading speed up a little, and maybe help me pick up some new words. I think it will be a very compatible activity with goal 1, or a nice follow up activity to goal 1. Also it is the DREAM, as that novel is what pushed me to start learning chinese initially... so I am very excited to read through it. Ideally, I start this activity AFTER Tian Ya Ke, and I do a full readthrough of the chapters like: read in english, audio with english, audio with chinese, read intensively in chinese. Basically, I would love to include a full intensive read through of Zhen Hun at the same time I’m l-r method’ing it. However that will be Even more time sapping, so that’s not necessarily gonna happen unless my reading speed for priest novels is a little better after Tian Ya Ke. I need to get through the chapters read in chinese in closer to 20 minutes instead of the current 40 minutes it takes me. 
Optional. Listen to chinese when I can - in the background like Chinese Spoonfed, audio books, audio dramas, and by watching shows in only chinese. If I have time, and I feel like doing these, I will. It’s easy to add doing this to my day, so when I remember to do them, they’re helpful. 
Main Goal for January - continue reading Tian Ya Ke. <3
Once that’s completed, next main goal - Listen-Read Method with Guardian. 
See? Really extremely straightforward goal for January. Simply keep reading! I think the more I read, the easier it will get, the faster it will get, and the quicker I’ll be able to get through a LOT of the novels I want to check out. So... I have to start doing it, if I intend to get better.
Unrelated notes:
I’ve gotten really into Drakengard 3 lately. Which by extension, means really into Nier Automata again, Nier (Nier Replicant remaster is releasing and I am getting the version with the scriptbooks and am intensely excited), and Drakengard. Yoko Taro’s wild concepts and fascinating characterizations and way of telling stories has sucked me in again. And I am reminded how very much eventually learning to read Japanese IS still a long term goal of mine. I’m back to playing like 3 games right now I could so easily be practicing my japanese with... if I remembered any japanese ToT. It’s like at the edges of my brain... I remember the hiragana and katakana after a minute or two... the kanji I’ve completely forgotten, but since I know a lot of the meanings from chinese now, I can often parse out the meaning of sentences in manga I’ve got... I can’t remember the particles off the top of my head or when I listen, but when I read their meaning clicks again fast... I know that when I go back, its just a matter of a crash course and then diving in again. And wow am I eager. But I know myself, and japanese is gonna take a WHILE. And chinese is currently taking a LOT of dedication, I don’t even really have time to work on my french reading lol. So I would really prefer to get at least another year in chinese before even trying to start studying japanese again. (And realistically 2-3 more years of chinese, because I genuinely think a solid basis in speaking skills/basic listening skills, and generally Competent webnovel reading skills I want before I stop actively studying chinese... because by that time I’ll want to keep reading/listening to chinese for pleasure, chatting when needed, and if I stop studying before that point I know I personally will just end up needing to relearn some big chunks. I also think if I try to go back to japanese before that point, I will have major issues confusing the two when reading. My japanese was upper-beginner when I quit, and when I started chinese I sped past that point in chinese to the point pretty quickly chinese blocked out what japanese i knew and it made japanese reading easier but only to a point. My chinese I’d put at ‘beginner’ still?? But compared to my japanese its significantly farther - in chinese I can currently read manhua without a dictionary and get enough to translate most of it myself, and read simpler novels and get most of it, and read more complex novels and get the gist main idea even if its a slog. 
With japanese? Ahahahahahah! I was able to read the very simplest of manga and only get the very bare main idea gist, could NOT even comprehend any novel, and could play a video game on MEMORY of what i knew the context was, only picking out quite basic words. However, even though my chinese has gotten a fair bit further... I want it even further before I stop actively studying it so much. I want it to the point its where my french reading level was at about 2.5 years into french (or honestly, a bit Better than my french was tbh). I want my chinese to be to the point, where I recognize enough hanzi that I can guess the meaning of some new words, that I can look up most new words with with pinyin because i at Least know the pinyin for most hanzi i see, and where in most not-too-difficult webnovels i read, I know enough of the words, that i can comfortably follow the gist of the main plot without too much strain even if i miss details. so at that point, I’ll still likely want to build up my vocabulary more - so that i can learn to translate, and so that i can pick up details easier, and read faster. But I’ll at least be at a point where i can easily maintain the skills i have and improve them a bit naturally by just continuing to read. I mean... realistically even, I should try to keep studying chinese a lot at that point... I really, really want to be able to read chinese novels. But that’s probably the minimum at which I’d feel quite comfortable focusing on another language intensively.
With japanese, I already have a study plan too! A study plan I know works for me! It’ll be so simple! Parts 1-4 would be structured study, parts marked + would be options to move onto, and parts marked * would be activities that could be done concurrently. 
The japanese study plan, whatever year I finally can get to it:
Listen to Japanese Audio Lessons (japaneseaudiolessons.com). I did this before, and it helped my listening comprehension/vocabulary pick up so much.
Read Learn to Read in Japanese Vol I, II, III (by the same people). I loved these books back when I started them, the best mnemonics that I’d found for myself to pick up the kanji - easiest way for me to pick them up without brute forcing it.
(concurrently with above) go through Nukemarines LLJ memrise decks. Literally, just CRAM through those. I did that at the 2+ year mark for japanese, and that was REALLY when I was finally able to start reading and trying video games, so it clearly was what worked for me.
Read my book Read Japanese. Haven’t tried this yet, but it looks like a good place to progress, This would be done after step 1+2, either concurrently with Nukemarine or after Nukemarine depending on how much is done. Just cram Through this book since it’s got a lot of basics in the beginning. Its in the same structure as my DeFrancis Chinese Readers and very well suited to my learning style.
Read my Tuttle Read Japanese book. More difficult, goes into like 2000 kanji, a ton of vocab, and most people who read this said afterward reading regular japanese material was quite doable.
+If my Nukemarine deck is completed - move onto one of my japanese decks with more words, or Clozemaster Japanese sentences.
+If my japanese audio lessons are completed - move onto one of my other japanese audio collections like the japanese pimsleur that was condensed, or that website with a ton of condensed audio of episodes (https://www.paliss.com/). Or youtube channels like Game Gengo (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLT12i1gB38HG1olutL08nID8gaGWHZS4v). 
+at the point Nukemarine’s deck is done, Listening-Reading method with japanese novels is an option. 
+at the point I’m done with all Read Japanese books, may read through some other japanese textbooks I have, starting with: Japanese Particles and Common Sentence Structures, Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Guide. 
*Find a japanese reader equivalent to Pleco (check subreddit r/learnjapanese, r/refold, r/massimmersionapproach). Start reading whatever japanese novels I want. Which knowing me, will probably be light novels, maybe some visual novels, and video game related materials. *Ideally this step would be done last, but knowing me, it’ll be done whenever i feel like starting - could be attempted as early as midway through the Nukemarine decks.
*Listen to japanese - so many options here, realistically it would be me playing video games in japanese, watching jdramas, watching/listening to spinoff material of stories I like like the YorHa stage plays etc. Can be attempted as early as midway through Nukemarine decks.
*reading manga could be anywhere in this list, although I don’t do it much anymore. But I was just getting to being able to try this last time I was studying japanese, so I could start up again whenever. Only negative, I would say, is I think my improvement suffered back then because I was too scared to try reading actual novels. So novels are prioritized as reading material. It would be nice to help translate some mangas though - so there’s an option.
*maybe try translating some japanese things i have interest in, at a late point.
I think maybe, the biggest thing studying chinese has taught me about how i learn languages, is that I improve faster when challenged. I learn better when challenged. I tried to read Chinese novels from the first few months (not well, but i tried lol), I watched chinese dramas from day one, and I tried to watch chinese shows only in chinese from month 5 onward. From month 5 onward I started trying to talk/write with people (knowing maybe 400 words at first, quickly bumping up to 1000 words in a month cause of just needing it, so it definitely helped me). And when I started listening to audio more, my listening skill noticeably improved within a few months. As a result, my chinese in a little over a year is taking much less time to improve then I projected it was going to (I figured the progress I’ve made so far, was going to take 3-4 years). Whereas with japanese, I didn’t try to start reading or playing video games or listening a lot until 2 years into studying... and I also didn’t make any noticeable improvement until then. So going into any language study moving forward, I’ll do more to challenge myself earlier. Since clearly its helpful to me.
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I'm OBSESSED w/the Howard Stern fic and I was wondering if you could write another interview w/ Howard like matbe it's the first interview after you had gone pubblic... there's a line in your fic “I remember though, at first we were all a little uncertain about her. She’s not exactly like the other women you have a history with"...just like building on that and "I just mean, we were used to seeing you with models and actresses.."where yn is introvert,normal grl who helped H w/his mentalhealth
first of all thank you so much 🥺 it means a lot to me that you liked that other fic that much! i changed your request a little bit because i honestly couldn't picture harry opening up this much in an interview with howard stern slkfjdslkfj but i hope you like it!
tysm to @ssacalumsg0lden for beta reading for me :)))))
zane lowe
warnings: mentions of bad relationships
word count: 1.6k
"So what have you been up to, Harry?" Zane asked, leaning his arm against the picnic table.
"You know, the usual. Some music stuff," Harry said. "But I'm also trying to spend a lot of time with my family and friends. It's so hard to do that when you're on tour or working on a new album, it kind of takes over your life. So I like to try and make sure to do that whenever I'm able to."
"That's good, it helps to stay grounded."
Harry nodded. "It's very easy, I think, to get swept away from your normal life. So I try to surround myself with the people I love as much as possible, for the sake of my sanity," he laughed.
"That's good, it's important to do that," Zane nodded. "Do you notice a positive change in your mood now that you do that?"
"I do, very much," Harry nodded, a light blush tinting his cheeks as he smiled. "I've... There's a few new people I've gotten very close with, and it's made me so much happier."
Harry was, of course, talking about you. His girlfriend of one year. The woman who had changed his life.
Harry knew his relationship with you was different than ones he'd had before. Before, relationships weren't relaxing. They weren't something that made him feel safe, or a space for him to unwind after a long day. They were just something else he had to expend energy on. He was always performing, always trying to make his girlfriend happy, even if that meant sacrificing his own sleep, or comfort, or happiness.
But with you, it was different. For once, he didn't have to be anyone except himself. He didn't have to force himself to stay at afterparties for hours and hours, drinking too much and talking to people he didn't really know. He didn't have to come home after a long day, only to get cleaned up and get ready to go out for a fancy dinner. He didn't have to fake anything, not with you. He could just... be. For the first time in his life, he felt like he could completely be himself, no changes needed.
He had never really been with an introvert before; his previous relationships were always go go go. The next party, the next after party, the next after after party. It was exhausting, if he was being honest. Of course he appreciated the opportunity to celebrate with his friends and meet new people, but sometimes he was just tired. He was tired of being Harry Styles, the pop star who parties constantly. Sometimes he just wanted to come home and decompress, talk to his girlfriend about his day, and ask about hers. He was tired of being on all the time.
Which is why he loved his relationship with you so much. With you, everything seemed easy. Since you were decidedly an introvert, the majority of your evenings with him were spent watching movies in either one of your living rooms. On the nights you did go out (usually suggested by Harry, because you would honestly be fine to stay in every night) you didn't go to extravagant gatherings or five star restaurants. You preferred to explore smaller local shops and cafes, or old book stores, or antique stores, or walk around in a park, or go for a picnic. Places where you and Harry could just be together, without the pressure of others around you.
Harry was happier than he'd ever been. He didn't realize exactly how tiring it was to go out every night until he stopped doing it.
At first though, you were a little concerned about his sudden change of habits. You worried he would begin to resent you for keeping him in every night, since you really weren't interested in going out. After you had been dating for about 2 months, you decided to ask him about it.
"Harry, if you want to go out and... get drinks with your friends, or just meet up with them, you can," you said encouragingly. "I don't want you to feel like you can't do anything just because I don't like going out, I promise I'm not going to be upset if you want to do stuff like that." You were a little shy speaking about this, because it had been an issue before. It's really hard to sustain a relationship when one half wants to go out and have fun every night, and the other just wants to stay in and watch Netflix.
His eyes widened a little and he shook his head. "That's not- I mean if you're sick of having me here..." his voice took on a teasing tone.
"Yeah, because the way I cuddle you constantly really makes it seem like I want you to leave," you rolled your eyes. "But I'm serious, I don't want you to feel like I'm keeping you from doing stuff."
"You don't," he said quickly. "I feel like in other relationships I’ve had, I had to be on all the time. I was ready to go out whenever, we would shut down every party, we were just running around constantly, and I... was so over it," he dropped his head against your shoulder, laughing. "I would so much rather stay in. I mean, I still like going out sometimes, but I really don't have any desire to be like that anymore. I felt like shit all the time because I was always hungover and sleep deprived. Also... I kind of felt like the only reason people wanted to be with me wasn't because they liked me, they just liked the idea of me. They liked the friends and connections I had, they liked the parties I could take them to. I felt... kind of used, I guess. I never felt like I could just be myself, because that's not why they wanted to be with me."
You frowned, bringing your hand up to run your fingers through his hair. "I'm so sorry, you didn't deserve that. I don't want you to feel like that anymore, okay? I want you to feel safe enough with me that you can just be yourself. And I really hope you know the reason I want to be with you. I want to be with you for you, not parties or connections or anything else."
You heard a quiet sniffle, and although his head was in your neck, you could tell he was crying.
"Baby, don't cry," you cooed soothingly, continuing to play with the little hairs at the back of his neck.
"I just... I love you," he said quietly. "And I know it's soon, but I do. I've never been more sure of anything. You don't have to say it back-"
"I love you too," you cut him off quietly. "Very, very much."
Harry smiled as he thought back on that conversation. "Yeah. Definitely a positive change in my mood.
"I'm very glad to hear that," Zane said. "The right person can really change everything."
"They can," Harry agreed. "And that shows, in my music as well as my personal life. When I was writing Fine Line, I was having some of the lowest points of my life. Some of the highest too, but that just goes to show that I had no stability. I was just constantly up and down, thrown from super high highs to very low lows. I just felt... bad, a lot. But now I'm in a much better place, I think, and I think you can really hear that on this new record."
"Well, I'm very excited to hear it!" Zane smiled. "I think we all are."
"Thank you," Harry blushed. "There's a few songs on there that I'm very excited to share. Some very personal ones, so that's a little nerve wracking, but overall," he laughed lightly. "Overall I think they're some of my favorites that I've ever written."
"And are these songs about a certain person?"
"They are," Harry smiled. "She's the reason I'm in this better place. She's the reason I've been able to process so many of my emotions and put them into songs like this, so really she's the one you'll have to thank when the album comes out."
"She sounds wonderful," Zane smiled, looking out over the waves crashing on the shore.
"She is," Harry nodded, following the other man's gaze. "She's really... she's everything."
"Harry, that was amazing," you grinned, launching yourself into his arms. The interview had concluded about an hour ago, and Harry just arrived home with takeout from the Chinese place you both loved.
"Thank you," he smiled, setting the bags down before he hugged you back. "Missed you, though."
"Missed you too." You leaned up to kiss him, but pulled away before it could go too far. "But I'm hungry. Let's eat?"
"Sure," he laughed, picking up the bags to bring them to the table. "Uh- I'm sorry if I said anything too personal, I didn't mean to take it so far. I was just thinking about how much I love you-"
"It's okay," you cut in. "I loved it, I promise it's okay."
"That's good," he leaned over to kiss your cheek. "I honestly had to hold myself back a lot, once i start talking about you it's hard to stop."
Your cheeks burned from the compliments, and you moved to return the tender gesture. "You're so sweet," you smiled. "But I'm, like, starving, so can we talk about this later?"
"Sure we can," Harry laughed. "Anything for you. You're everything."
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4dtk · 3 years
anon: “hewoo !! umm can you make nct ideal type like age , apperance , height , cute or sexy etc 🌬️” let’s fuckin GOOOO. i’ll be using gender neutral terms for this! please tell me if i used she/her for any part as i’m more used to writing for fem readers!
sorry this took like almost a week i’ve been really busy lately, i apologise! under a cut because its so long lol
disclaimer: tons of “i feel”s and “i think”s; plus, this is just my headcanons of the boys! remember that all of you are beautiful and lovely and special in ur own way!! <3
i feel like taeil would want someone closer to his age (+/-), unless,,, UNLESS he finds someone he really clicks with (like haechan for eg) if they’re at a younger age
if he really does then taeil will 100% make the effort
ngl taeil would love a person taller than him, would worship the shit outta them 
if he gets teased for being shorter he doesnt care LMAO this man will have his hand around your middle and eye the other person mockingly
would love when you own your appearance with confidence, he likes to be by your side to admire how comfortable you feel in your skin
see him being a more traditional man by dating a korean person, but if he’s attracted to someone not of his race, i can see him making the effort
appearance? maybe someone who cleans up well, in a sense who’s a bit proper in their hygiene and like hair or accessories ig. he doesn’t mind what you wear tho, personally leaning more towards the comfy styles of cardigans and baggy clothes.
either wants someone younger or older… i’m leaning more towards a younger s/o though bc he naturally has a “taking care” kinda vibe, and it’s sweet to see since he naturally takes care of the younger members like mark and haechan
wants to SMOTHER his s/o so i also think he’d want someone shorter than him. the man is a fucking skyscraper lawd
generally likes to give love A LOT since he’s an only child and wants to share that affection with someone who aren’t his parents or the members
but, but, like taeil, i see him really liking being held by his s/o, not just in a small spoon but laying on your chest, lying in between your legs with his head on ur tummy… so cute
i feel like johnny wouldn’t care much for appearance, nor your race since he kinda has the freedom to engage in english conversation. likes a cutesy positive vibe that can share the positivity and happiness he radiates normally!!
feel like he would go for someone a tad bit older than he is, bc he likes to be taken care of
looking over the members can become really tiring and he needs some sort of solace to relax in
honestly if you’re younger too, he wouldn’t mind, he just needs to be babied LOL
likes tall people… ngl…
would like someone more in tune with their emotion and just not afraid to speak their mind? he likes confidence tbh
can see him going for a foreign person if he’s really passionate about them, would learn english/your native language 
taeyong likes a person that likes their outfits and doesn’t care what you wear out as long as you feel comfortable in it
would prefer more of a calm s/o, but easy-going and fun when they want to be
doesnt really care for age tbh. if you’re able to bring him happiness and love him he doesn’t mind whether you’re older or younger
shorter 100%. wants to hold you very much, big spoon, the one holding you in the relationship
would go for a foreign person, but honestly, would want someone he can speak japanese with too. even he has shotaro now, he wants like just a closer person to confide in and also just share lil cute inside jokes with <3
yuta just wants his s/o to be themselves. just. yes. (i mean unless your personality is shit but he doesnt want someone to put on a front with him)
although he also likes cute people… he just wants to pamper u and make u feel like you’re the only one
goddamn, six kids plus three pets? this man is hanging on by a thread, but he would like a younger and shorter s/o
what’s one more right? 
also naturally has the taking care vibes like johnny, but there’s just something so… dom… about him AHASHFHEHR
would lean more toward a chinese- or korean-speaking s/o but
doesn’t mind a foreign s/o IF they make the effort. he would if he knows you would too. 
kun is lowkey energetic tbh and would want someone who can read the room of whether he’s comfy enough to let loose and remain the ‘parental’ figure
cute people i think will attract him, but oh my gosh when you’re self-assured? WHEW he really likes that, how you’re uncaring of people’s opinions regarding your appearance or personality
doesn’t mind older or younger or the same age, although i seem him gravitating toward an older s/o
this man is also 100% stressed. needs to be held, there’s a balance though in your relationship of who holds who though
would stay dating a korean/korean-speaking person i feel. not saying he wouldn’t make the effort but he takes his idol life very seriously and the outcomes if he were to get together with someone who doesnt speak his native tongue
he would want someone proper, like taeil, and would prefer his s/o to be cute and stuff
doyoung needs to know what you want though, so you’ll need to be sure of your choices basically
would like it more if his s/o was calm and just collected bc like taeyong, he needs a haven to relax in when he’s done for the day or when he needs to recharge
same age or older s/o !!! wants to be taken care of, this man also has a lot of love to give, altho they’re towards selective people like his members, pets, you
would gravitate towards tall people i feel
you need to love leon and louis. period. bella is a hot second.
ten would want an s/o who supports him wholeheartedly, seeing as he has so many talents that sometimes he gets caught up in showing talent for his idol life as opposed to creating things for himself. it’s easy to get lost in the pressure of the media to put out content that he feels is half- assed.
ten knows of his worth, but sometimes he just needs a bit of confirmation and support from the right people to truly create and post what he wants to
he would date a partner who doesn’t speak korean/chinese. he has english and thai and basic japanese baby!!! but yea, he def wouldn’t mind a foreign partner AND would go search up on resources to learn your native tongue!
another person who doesn’t care about how you dress. nor how you look as long as you’re being yourself!
oh, younger definitely and a shorter s/o
definitely doesn’t mind an english speaking s/o, although he would prefer someone who can speak korean as well. with s/o’s of other languages, he wouldn’t mind learning your language, although give him some time
the language barrier will be a bit awkward a first tho, but if you know minimal english, i think that’s more than enough for jaehyun to at least steer the convo!
jaehyun is the guy to always give me first love, love from high school vibes so he’s usually the one to embrace you, but LOVES it when you’re the one to initiate contact and affection
jaehyun knows he’s good looking, but he does want an s/o who loves him for who he is, who sees all his good traits as equal to his looks. he would also like an s/o who has a live in the moment mindset, bc he spends a lot of time in his idol life, that a carefree s/o to take him away from the stress of idol life would really help
a sucker for a cute style ngl, pastels and clips in your hair and stuff. 
wouldn’t mind someone a tad bit older, although i can see him with a younger person/same aged person too
shorter s/o!
sicheng wouldn’t care much for appearance, but he likes it when his s/o is confident, or in general confidence attracts him like the other guys in this post. that confidence would allow for him to be ‘guided’ in the relationship
would lean more towards a chinese/korean speaking person, but would try forming a r/s with someone of a different race to see how the language barrier would work
someone who is respectful of his space 100%. winwin wants someone who knows their boundaries in a context that there’s this sense of “i know when he’s feeling upset and wants to be left alone”, something like unspoken exchanges that the other just understands
sicheng also likes when his s/o is a little playful and cheeky, but not to the extent of the boys. just the right amount of outgoingness i guess haha. he would accommodate a bit of wildness, but sometimes it tires him out so you’ll need to know when to tone it down
feel like he would lean to an older s/o, but not necessarily needing to keep him in check because you’d be on the other side entertaining his antics lol
jungwoo uses up a lot of his energy tho, so sometimes he tends to go quiet and just likes to slump in your embrace
when he’s not quiet tho, he’s pretty cheeky in a sneaky kinda way and would want someone to reciprocate that.
jungwoo would also like an s/o who cheers him on a lot. he’s a bit insecure naturally, so he would want someone who doesn’t miss a beat to tell him that he’s doing good that day and would like a random compliment sometimes
would like to be held more than holding someone tbh
he wouldn’t care much for appearance, but does lean more towards cutesy appearances
younger and shorter s/o
would want an s/o to just calm down and rest with at times. sure he likes to have fun with his members and with his partner, but most dates with his partner has him in their arms and usually involves a calm activity
i mentioned this in chenle’s one as well, but the happiness he feels with his members is different from the one he feels with his partner, although lucas’ one is more of a blur where chenle’s a bit more distinct. does this make sense
wouldn’t ask much in an s/o, tbh. even if they’re just doing nothing, as long as lucas know he’s making you happy then he’s content with that. like when you’re smiling and loving him, then that’s all he really needs to be honest
lucas would not mind taking up an r/s with a foreign s/o, although he would have trouble with language barriers. would prefer a chinese/catonese speaking partner bc then he’s able to practise his dialect. he’d have a korean-speaking s/o too, although he sometimes stumbles over his korean a teeny bit
would love a cute style definitely!!!
same age, probably. he would feel more comfortable in terms of affection and conversation i feel!
equal amount of who holds who, but loves when his s/o initiates and cuddles him first 
likes baggy clothes on you tbh, likes to match appearances and styles with you
wouldn’t mind an s/o of any race. he’s dedicated to learning your language if anything, the man likes to learn about new things
mark just wants someone fun to be around who returns his laughter and jokes, kinda like how johnny does
he’s suffered enough from johnny though (“ah, mark! the smell!”) and would probably like it if you defend him instead LOL (sometimes you poke fun tho)
he would also want his s/o to just reciprocate him in terms of laughter and happiness level. mark is always so bubbly that he wants someone to smile at him and laugh with him
would like an older s/o ngl, i feel like he would want to be guided as well
doesn’t care if you’re tall or short tbh
but would like an s/o who brings him out of his shell like the members do.
he wants to be able to laugh without trouble around his s/o and let loose. xiaojun sometimes gets annoyed, mostly feigned annoyance, so it would be nice for an s/o to fit in like the members: making fun of his angry face and rolling eyes and then having some light banter
he’s also gonna need an s/o who’s not afraid to pull him back whenever he says out of pocket things. they’re not necessarily harmful just extremely blunt at times that makes you cringe and you have to pull him back to tell him of his comments LOL
xiaojun would... not go into an r/s with a foreign partner i feel, but he will TRY if the conversation is not too awkward, save for like activities and such. like others in this post, he’ll make an effort if he’s committed to you, and only if you’re sure of dating him as well
xiaojun loves a cute style lawd!
same age, younger, older, tbh i don’t think hendery cares that much
he would want a shorter s/o though, i feel
wants a fun and playful s/o, someone who’s just so enjoyable to be around that he sometimes forgets himself and gets lost in the happiness you two give out
he does also want an s/o who can make him shy and basically challenge his personality, but not in a headbutt way where it’s your same two personalities against each other. it’s rather two variations of the same feeling like your playful aura against hendery’s playful aura, which would be honestly quite fun to watch and experience bc you’re just trying to one-up each other
and idk, because he’s talkative quite often, he feels like it would be nice to be the flustered, eyes-wide one for once
hendery in a foreign partner relationship... he would try, but i think he’d be a little intimidated at the languages that he has to have some time to warm up. he would commit and make the effort if he was willing to, though
oversized fits are his shit!!!! he also doesn’t mind seeing you explore with your appearance and style, esp in the goth or rebel kinda style 
same age or younger, wouldn’t mind if you were taller since he knows his height is not THAT high
renjun loves for you to hold him though
the cheeky lad wants a laid back s/o, who doesn’t take life so seriously as well and like hendery, would like it if his s/o was a bit goofy and playful
would also want an s/o who’s deep about the universe and stuff, kinda intelligent to debate alien life and what not, he wants to be able to talk to you about anything and keep the conversation going even if you’re talking about something simple and dumb like snacks
i also can’t exactly see renjun go for a foreign s/o, mainly because of the language barrier, but i can see him trying if he’s able to get help from mark hyung and if the situation allows for you to meet frequently
renjun would definitely like a cute style on his s/o, but also would like more flashy or out-of-the-box outfits. as long as you’re comfy then he’s fine
same age. he likes to be taken care of though, would maybe be a 60/40 split of you taking care vs him taking care of you respectively
i feel like jeno would like a shorter s/o!
cute s/o, maybe matching up to the personality of jaemin since he was his longest friend from before. enthusiastic while he takes the back seat and admires you
while jaemin loses his social battery over time, jeno wouldn’t mind if you were a literal menace like haechan bc he feels that would make the r/s really fun
see him preferring a korean-speaking person. kinda like doyoung but not quite, he’s more careful than serious (?) about his idol life, and he wouldn’t want to take the risk
same age or older i feel. equal split of who’s the embracer in the relationship though 
wouldn’t mind a taller person, although he’d prefer if you were around the same height bc he doesn’t want to be teased by his members lol
i feel like haechan would rlly like y2k outfits on his s/o? a mix of baggy outfits as well as cute ones
his natural outgoing personality allows him to get together with a foreign person i feel, bc he’d suggest things that don’t need talking like bowling or an arcade y’know? he struggles a bit with native languages tho, bc he’s so used to speaking korean
btw please egg him on, he loves it when you do it and also do dumb things with him. he would want someone who doesn’t take life so seriously while also possessing the ability to think deeply i feel, but mostly someone who can keep smiling and strong even through hardships. kinda a happy-go-lucky personality
younger, i feel. like johnny he has a lot of affection to give like he usually does to jisung…. jisung is grown up alr tho so :”(
loves giving the cuddles, big spoon, etc. he just wants you to feel loved no matter what size you are
he also would love tall people ngl! although sometimes he can’t decide between short and tall people
jaemin would appreciate an affectionate s/o who’s committed to him and also a person who’s just naturally shy i feel
they don’t necessarily need to return the energetic bursts of aegyo or stuff (he’d love it though) and also someone who just enjoys life and the small little things in general
would not mind dating a foreigner, would love to learn about your native language actually!
he likes cutesy appearances i reckon, a bit of oversized styles but overall likes the pastels
same age or older, likes to be taken care of tbh
yang yang is also someone who doesn’t care if you’re short or tall, and likes you either way :)
does not mind a foreign person, plus he’s moved countries a little and could maybe find solace in the fact that his homes are sometimes not fixed, esp with how many languages he speaks as well
yang yang would want an s/o who lives up to his excitement in jokes and memes. he would feel a bit down if you happen to not understand a joke although he cant blame you, but he would want someone almost identical to him? 
create chaos together and then fall asleep together
can see him liking a cute style tbh, and also reaaaaally likes to match outfits with you in your own respective styles
same age, def.
i think being in nct has made him a little shy as compared to before when he was in a dance crew, so he’d need someone to encourage him while also taking care of him!!
talking to a non japanese- or korean- speaking person might scare him, so he would settle just for that. shotaro wouldn’t mind in a sense if he knows the other person is committed, but the language barrier for the first few dates would be awkward
ooohhh likes it when people are confident definitely, comfortable in their own skin. shotaro is another person i feel would really be attracted to y2k fits
like i said earlier, shotaro just needs a little push, which would help with an outgoing s/o and someone who’s not afraid to try new things. he feeds off your confidence and uses that to boost his!
doesn’t mind an s/o who is the same age or a tad bit older, i’m not sure if i see him with a younger s/o
doesn’t care if you’re tall or short as long as you give him his damn hugs!!!! 
outgoing personality? check. he would literally befriend anyone, and wouldn’t mind a foreign s/o who doesn’t speak korean or chinese. with his limited english, he could probably make an outing fun by doing activities together and will learn your language!!
an s/o who can calm him down. chenle uses up his energy a lot and can get worn out and just wants someone to embrace at the end of the day. i wouldn’t say its similar to taeyong who’s sometimes tired from taking care of the members, but rather in a way where it’s a little playful and bubbly in your own little circle.
it’s a different kind of happy that chenle feels with you as opposed to the joy that the members bring him.
chenle also would want someone who’s sure of themselves, more so in personality rather than apperance. he likes all sizes and colours and styles, altho leans more toward the oversized sector
sungchan is bit mischievous, so i feel like he naturally lean towards an s/o who can kinda be the “mother slash partner” of him: either the same age or younger, leaning more toward a same aged s/o
lawd this man is so tall. i think he’d want a shorter partner, sometimes a bit awkward with the affection but overall likes to give it. plus point: he likes to see you struggle wrap your body around his to get all of him in your cuddles
he wants to be able to relate to them and wouldn’t want awkwardness, so i don’t think he would go for a foreign person as of now
sungchan likes someone to have fun with him, ofc he’s aware that he can’t take away all their problems but he would want his s/o to feel relaxed and content around him with his goofy personality
sungchan likes a cutesy style, maybe, BUT i always see him being really drawn to y2k fits!!!
leaning more towards the same age (+/-1). i think a noona would make him shy and a younger s/o would just feel weird to him idk. 
this man is also very tall, so probs a shorter s/o,,,,, would not mind if you are tall though!! he just likes to have you in his arms instead of the other way round (so you can’t see his flushed face)
not sure if he’d commit to a r/s that is foreign, but he would try with the help of mark-hyung or something. the reason why he’d take it was because the members would help me, but if not, he wouldn’t take the risk with his idol life at stake.
jisung wants someone who’s self-assured as well, strong in mettle and who has a strong character that helps him build up his drive. seeing you in your element helps him achieve more and he appreciates that you are able to provide him with a source of motivation
jisung likes cute stuff, but he does like oversized fits!
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bibbidibobbidibucky · 3 years
in his arms | b.b.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: Bucky's been gone for weeks on a mission and it starts to take its toll on Y/N.
Word Count: 1785
Warnings: 18+ ONLY!!! Smut, angst, language, hair pulling kink, very brief mention of death, and talk of cuts and bruises. Flashbacks are in italics!
A/N: My depression has been getting to me lately and I'm trying to see if this is a coping mechanism. Reading comfort stories usually helps me so I figured I'd try writing one. Feedback is always welcome and I hope you guys enjoy! 💕 Editing? Who's she??
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24 days.
That’s how long it’s been since Bucky and half the team left out to go on a mission.  When it came to Bucky leaving it was usually just for a week or two and you could hear from him every now and again, but not this time.  To say that you hated it would be an understatement and you hoped he would home any day now.
You walked around your apartment that you shared with Bucky and nursed a glass of wine.  Technically it was your third glass and if you were honest with yourself you were just trying to nurse the pain.  The past 24 days had been your own personal hell since you weren’t able to be in contact with Bucky.  Not knowing how things were going or if he was even alive.  You pushed that last thought from your mind.  That was the last thing you needed to think about right now.
Alpine meowed as you walked over to the window where she was sitting on her favorite chair.  The chair that she usually sat in while being curled up on Bucky’s lap.  You scratched her head and she meowed again.
“Yeah, I know Al.  I miss him too.”
You smiled sadly and took another sip of wine as you looked out the window over Brooklyn.  The view before you was one of the big reasons that you and Bucky ended up getting this apartment in the first place.  It was too beautiful to pass up according to him and with that thought a small smile appeared on your face as you thought back to the day you two moved in.
“Okay.  I think that’s the last of it babe,”  Bucky smiled as he kicked the door shut behind him
“Thank god. I’m so tired and never wanna see another box again,” you laughed as you fell face down onto the couch for a much needed break.  The two of you were officially moved into your new place.  A place to call home.
Bucky smiled down at you and lifted you feet as he sat down on the couch, placing your feet on his lap.  He rubbed your calves and looked out at the window as the sun started to set.  He was happy.  Truly happy and he thanked his lucky stars that he was able to feel this happiness because of you.  Falling in love with you was something he didn’t take for granted and he just knew that he was gonna spend the rest of his life with you.
His thoughts were interrupted though when a soft snore came from you.  Not even five minutes on the couch and you were already fast asleep.  He chuckled and gently moved from the couch so he didn’t wake you.  He would let you sleep for now.  He kissed your forehead tenderly before looking over at Alpine.
“Let’s get some of this stuff out of the way and then order take out.  Whatcha think? Pizza? Chinese? ”
She purred as she rubbed against his leg and Bucky picked her up in one swift motion.  She meowed and Bucky smiled.
“Pizza it is.”
It was hard to believe that was just two months ago.  You had been in this apartment longer than he had and you missed him more than anything.  You just wanted to be in his arms and to have him home.  You teared up a little and downed the rest of the glass before reaching for your phone.  You pressed Bucky’s number and of course it went straight to voicemail like it had done for the last few weeks.  You knew you wouldn’t get an answer.  You just wanted to hear the sound of his voice.
“You’ve reached Bucky.  Leave me a message and I’ll get back to you.”
The tone beeped and you took a few seconds before deciding to leave him a message.
You bite your lip before speaking, “Hi baby, it’s me.  Look I know you can’t talk right now. I-I I just wanted to let you know that I miss you, Buck.  I miss you so much baby and I hope you and the rest of the team are okay.”
You had to stop for a moment as a tear spilled over your cheek.  The last thing Bucky needed to hear was you crying on his voicemail.
“There’s more I wanna say but I’ll wait till you come back home which I really hope is soon.  Almost a month without you has been awful and I miss cuddly up to you at night.  I miss a lot of things.”  You paused again, “I love you, Bucky.  I can’t wait to see you. Bye sweetheart.”
You ended the call and brushed the tears away that were now streaming down your cheeks.  You decided a hot shower before bed was what you needed right now to calm down.  That and maybe some melatonin later.
About ten minutes later as you were standing under the hot water you heard a noise that sounded like something being knocked over.  You brushed it off and just assumed Alpine was playing around and something fell.  You’d deal with it in a few minutes.
You froze at the sound of your name and you thought you were hearing things.  You had to be right?  You slowly turned and saw the shape of Bucky through the fogged glass of the shower.  A small gasps left your lips and you smiled as he opened the door to the shower.
“I got your voicemail sweetheart,”  he smiled softly as he stepped closer to you.
You didn’t even give him time to say another word before you were pressing your lips to his in an endearing kiss.  The two of you stumbled back into the shower, not caring at all that Bucky was fully clothed.  The kiss consumed the both of you.  After being apart from weeks on end this was all you could do right now.  Words didn’t need to be spoken because everything that needed to be said was said in that kiss.
Small moans escaped your lips as Bucky picked you up and pressed you against the shower wall.  You couldn’t believe he was here.  He was finally home and you were finally in his arms once more.  You felt like your heart was gonna explode from how happy you were.
The kiss was broken as Bucky leaned back enough for you to help him discard his wet shirt and then his lips were back on yours.  You tugged on his hair as you held him close and a moan escaped his lips.  That sent a shiver all the way down to your core, causing you to grind against him.  The rest of his clothes were soon discarded and he was rubbing the tip of his cock through your folds.  Moans filled the area as the two of you basked in the pure pleasure of just being connected again.  Of being just able to hold on another.
“Oh fuck. James.”
You moaned out his name blissfully as he pushed into you and you already felt like you were on cloud nine.  He squeezed your ass as your hips started to rock into each other and moaned deeply.  He was pounding into you with long deep strides that had you tugging at his hair over and over again.
“Fuck, I missed you so much Y/N.  Missed you every single second sweetheart.”
You moaned in response and pressed your lips back to his.  The kiss was needy, sloppy, and full of emotions.  The two of you were desperate to have the other as close as possible and you had a feeling this is what it was gonna be like for the next fews days.  You would welcome it gladly.
“You feel so good baby. Missed having you inside me,” you mumbled against his lips and it caused him to smirk.  He loved knowing the effect he could have on you.
“Missed this tight little pussy baby.  The way your body reacts to me when I fuck you like this.  Fu-fuck Y/N,” he moaned out.
He buries his face in your neck and as he feels himself getting closer to cumming, “Missed everything about you sweetheart.”
You whimpered as he spoke and could tell it wouldn’t be long before you came as well.  His hips were getting sloppy with each thrust and he moved his hand between you to rub your clit.  You moaned wantonly and your toes curled.
A few more deep thrusts from Bucky was all it took to send you over the edge.  Your walls fluttered around him as you moaned his name over and over.  The feeling of you squeezing his cock like a vice edged him on.  You felt his release inside of you and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders to keep him close while you rode out your releases.  Soft kisses were placed along your neck, up your jaw, along your cheek, until he finally met your lips.
You hummed in satisfaction as you kissed him and couldn’t help the smile that formed before pulling, ghosting your lips over, “Welcome home, Bucky.”
You pulled back more to have a good look at his face.  You lifted your hand to gently caress his cheek and your heart melted when he leaned into your touch.  There was a cut above his eyebrow and what looked like a healing bruise on his cheek.  You knew missions were never easy for him and that they took a certain toll, but you’d be right there with him to help in any way he needed.
He placed a gentle kiss to your palm and smiled, “Think we can dry off and go get into bed.  I’m exhausted.”
You nodded and placed a kiss to his nose, “Of course baby.”
As the two of you got ready for bed you noticed more bruises and cuts along his skin but decided not to say anything, they would be gone in a day or two anyways.  You slipped on one of Bucky's old shirts and pulled back the covers of the bed.
“Come here,” you smiled and patted his side of the bed.
He smiled and flipped off the light before crawling up next to you, laying his head against your chest.  You wrapped your arms around him and ran your fingers along his back soothingly.  This was always one of his favorite things to do after getting home from missions.  Just being in your arms and listening to your heartbeat.
You smiled as the two of you laid there.  He was home.  He was in your arms and you were in his.
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multifandomffs · 2 years
He remembered my order. | Hotch x y/n
warnings: none really
words: 890
a/n: for some, the reactions may be a little over overexaggerted. just fluff, NO smut. I would be very happy about feedback and suggestions for improvement!
It’s Paperwork day at the BAU, You’ve been stuck on that stupid file for way too long but you know that no matter how hard you try, you can’t concentrate right now so you decide to take a break and pay your boyfriend a little visit in his office. You make a short stop for 2 cups of coffee before you make your way up to Aarons office but it seems like you didn’t quite think the coffee thing through so now ur standing in front of his office with 2 cups of coffee in your hand but no hand to knock which leads to you giving yourself a “Are you serious” look. After some frowning, the door opens and you look up, magically a smile appears on ur face when you see your boyfriend looking at you with a light smile. “You could have just kno-” he didn’t need to finish that sentence because you simply held the coffee under his nose and wordlessly let yourself into his office. “Oh okay, Well hello to you too dear”, he chuckled. Even tho hotch doesn’t say it out loud he is always happy about the little visits from you. “I swear, sometimes I’m still not fully convinced your human, you’re up here ALL DAY, how do you stay concentrated? I mean I’ve been stuck on that stupid file for like 3 hours and I just can’t seem to finish anything and you just go on and o-” your dialogue of Complaintment gets interrupted by a burst of laughter “breathe babe, it’s okay” he sits down next to you and presses a little kiss on your forehead. You just let out a sigh, “I know I’m overreacting but this shit is exhausting”. Instead of him answering with words he takes the cup of coffee out of your hands, leans over and gives you a gentle kiss. You slowly lean into the kiss and you feel the weight falling off your shoulders. Another sigh escapes your mouth, but this times its a way of saying “Thank you, I needed that” After you broke up the kiss hotch has been admiring your face, you get bright red but don't dare to look away “So beautiful...” he whispered before he gives you another quick kiss and then slowly gets up.
“Ya know, the others are probably gonna leave soon, how about we order some chinese food and just finish the rest in my office?” He gives you a comforting, soft look. Since you are drinking from your much needed coffee you can’t answer but hotch is already picking up the phone as he sees your exciting, approving look. “Yes hello, i’d like to order *insert order here lol* and also fried noodles with chicken, we will pick up the order, yes. Thank you” You realise he didn’t even ask what you want. God this man knows me so well, you think to yourself. Without thinking you begin to speak “Damn I am so lucky to have you, ya know?” You stand up and make your way towards him. Your hands find the way around his neck and you have to tiptoe to actually be able to kiss him, but that doesn’t bother you at all. Because if tiptoeing is what you have to do, to be the luckiest Person on this planet, you do that gladly.
He softly kisses you back and it gives you huge, pretty butterflies. With his hands on your waist, and yours still around his neck you make a little distance between the two of you “I love you.” You aren't really big on expressing your feelings but the feeling that just overcame you just made you say it, and to be honest seeing his reaction, you do not regret it at all. He gives you the probably biggest love-filled look you ever saw on someone. His reaction forces a smile on your face and you nearly begin to jump out of joy and serotonin when he says “I love you too.” You don’t know where all of those things suddenly came from but you were just speechless, he didn’t have to ask for your order because he knows you so well and even though it doesn’t seem like such a big thing it makes you forget all the bad emotions you ever felt. After some moments of silence Aaron began to say “As much as I love this right now, I think it's time to pick up our order”. You slowly let go of him and walk out of his office “gladly.”, you smile at the love of your Life. On your way to pick up the jacket from your desk you see the others getting ready to leave. “Bye guys, see you tomorrow”, after giving everyone a quick hug you grab Aarons waiting hand and you walk out of the building.
Fast forwarding, after finishing the paperwork and eating the cold noodles you eventually fell asleep on his couch and got woken up by spencer the next morning, who as always, came in early and wasn’t at all surprised to find you there but was still happy to find you with clothes on, You are pretty sure everyone learned from the last time you and hotch feel asleep on that couch, for very different reasons and definitely not planned.
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starkerforlife6969 · 3 years
Starker - Morgan’s best friend Peter
I’ve seen these incredible posts going around by @fearlesstarker : so I just had to write a little something. Fluff ahead, kids.
Morgan tries to take a moment to really think about it.
She sits back and straightens her spine; the way she does in class when she’s about to prove that everyone in the room- including her professor- is a moron. She cocks her head, examines Peter Parker opposite her, and thinks about it. Truly thinks about it.
“Yes,” she concludes after a moment, all the data filing away neatly, everything coming up a match.
Peter looks up at her, eyes rimmed-red with tears, hair a brown, scraggly mess atop his head. “What do you mean?” He sniffles, still in his pyjamas, still smelling like cologne too expensive to be his.
“You and my dad.” She says, nodding, “Yes.” She gets up and heads to the kitchen. She has a studio-apartment, of course. Her dad would settle for nothing less.
Peter follows at her heels: radiating anxiety. “Morgan, I-”
“It’s fine, Peter. Do you want some tea?” Never espresso’s for Peter, he has enough energy as it is. She pulls down two white ceramic mugs.
“Morgan.” He says again, voice firmer this time. Deeper. She still remembers hearing it break when they were both thirteen, curled up together in a tent on the school’s camping trip.
They’d been shit at building their tent. It had collapsed in the middle of the night and they’d lain there, under stars, sharing secrets. His voice had cracked for the very first time, and she was the first person to know, and she’d held his hand and-
The mugs are shaking in her hands.
“Morgan, look at me.”
His hands then, on her shoulders, turning her round, and she’s being hugged by her best friend. By her brother. By Peter B Parker.
He’s taller than her- but only in the physical sense, and she buries her face in his chest and tears come and he holds her so tight- like he doesn’t remember how strong he is. Like he thinks he’s still that scrawny thirteen year old who needed Morgan to protect him from bullies. But he isn’t. Not really.
“I’m sorry.” He whispers into her hair, then thinks better of it. He pulls away and looks into her eyes. “I’m so sorry, Morgan. I’m sorry I slept with your dad. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you how long I’ve wanted to. I’m sorry for keeping this a secret. I’m so, so sorry.”
She wants to tell him it’s okay, but she’s crying too hard.
“I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do.” He vows, his voice breaking, “it was a one-time thing. I won’t- I won’t pursue it. Not if you’re not okay with it. I’m sure- I- I know your dad feels the same way.”
“It’s just so…”
“I know.” Peter cuts her off, pained, “I know how it looks. But I promise- it isn’t like that. We connected last summer, remember? When he helped me fix up my car? And-and it was like we were seeing each other for the first time. He’s a good man, your dad, I swear, Morgs, and-and-please, please don’t hate me-”
“God, Peter.” She laughs, watery and honest, “I’m not upset because of any of that! “ She smacks his shoulder. “How can you know me so well and be so blind? I’m scared I’ll lose you. You’re mine, Peter Parker, d’you hear me?”
His face breaks into the most glorious smile, and she knows she loves him the way she loved him when they were thirteen. When she understood family was so much more than blood. “All yours.” He promises. “That will never change.”
She believes him. She sighs, and wipes her cheeks, and nods, pulling herself together. “Well alright then,” she breathes, “but don’t think for one second I’m calling you dad.”
His laughter sounds like music.
Evidently, she’s not the only one who thinks so.
Because a month later, she’s sitting at the dining table, and her dad’s setting down something that looks dangerously like home-made spaghetti, and there are candles on the table, and it’s subtle- but she can see it.
Her dad’s sweating.
“Looks good.” She says, even though it doesn’t, trying to calm him down.
Tony gives her a knowing look. She grins at him.
“Don’t sass me, baby Stark. I spent all day on this and in spite of DUM-E’s best efforts, there weren’t even any fires.”
“Not any?” She arches her eyebrow.
Tony winces.
Morgan watches how her dad lights up at the sound. How he brandishes his serving spoon at Peter warningly, and their eyes meet, and there’s a moment- something soft- and raw- just like the meatballs.
“I’ll get us take-out,” Morgan says gently, and she’s worried for a second, that they don’t hear her. That this is how it’ll be from now on- she used to be both of their number ones, and now she’s both of their number two’s.
She orders from the Chinese place across the road- the one that knows them, and the three of them sit in front of the TV and settle in for a movie.
Peter dishes out, and he serves Morgan first. All the spring-rolls and the crispiest noodles.
Something small- bright and lovely- burns within her as she takes her plate.
And when, during the film, she and Peter begin to doze off- it’s her who gets the blanket first. Draped lovingly over her by her dad. It’s her head he kisses before he tends to Peter and she knows- she hasn’t lost anything.
She has only gained.
The Press-
Don’t care. It’s weird. Morgan keeps waiting for the backlash. In fact, all of Tony’s team seem to be waiting, but it never comes. It seems that most people expect handsome billionaires to have boyfriends half their age.
“Huh,” Peter says, in a new, custom-made suit that compliments his skin-tone, “I guess that means you’re old news, Tony Stark,” and he kisses the edge of Tony’s mouth. Morgan pretends not to watch.
Her dad turns to Peter, grinning, mischievous, young in a way he hasn’t seemed in a while. “Don’t worry. I can do something about that.”
Proposing to Peter on the red carpet for GLAMOUR’s man of the year award does spark the headlines.
“Really, dad?” Morgan laughs, phone nestled into the crook of her neck because she can’t find her airpods.
“What can I say? I have a flair for the dramatic.”
“More like a flair for the idiotic.” Comes another voice, a little muffled, and Morgan smiles.
“Is that Peter? Tell him I say hi.”
“Morgan says hi.”
“Oh! Say hey back.”
“Peter says hey.”
“Is he coming up for the LA workshop?”
“Are you coming up for the- hey, you know what, you talk to each other.”
“So grouchy in the morning.” Peter teases, and there’s the sound of kissing, and Morgan faux-retches.
When she thought about it, way at the start, she did the pros and the cons. Their obvious compatibility, mutual interests, and potential were some of the heaviest pros.
There were cons, too.
When she makes the drive up, through snow and sleet, back to Stark Tower. Back into New York. In the middle of her academic year even though her dad told her it was fine (and she knew it wasn’t fine) she sees him sitting in his lab, buried deep in work.
“Dad.” She says quietly, ruffling his hair.
“Sweetheart,” he says gruffly, voice rough from dis-use. “I told you, you didn’t have to come. Tell me you didn’t drive in this weather. I would have had Happy-”
“Dad.” She says again, because she’s learnt from watching Peter how to deal with people who are just a little too clever and a little too impatient. Who does he think she gets it from?
She rests her head on his shoulder and Tony sets down his instruments, but Morgan’s already seen the way his hands were shaking.
“You guys will be okay.” She promises, because she’s a genius but also because there are some things you just know for sure. Without a doubt.
She finds Peter at a bar outside of Cal-Tech.
He’s nursing an orange juice, but he smells like whiskey.
He cringes when he sees her. “Morgan, I know this must be so awkward-”
“A whiskey neat.” She tells the bar-tender, who squints at her like he’s trying to figure out her age, before recognizing her and stumbling in his haste to obey. “Nothing to be awkward about.” She says. “I’m not on anyone’s side. I love you both. Let’s just drink and maybe do some karaoke.”
Peter peers at her, as if trying to gauge her sincerity, and he slides back onto the barstool. “Okay,” he says eventually, “but only if it’s High School Musical. And only if I get to be Troy.”
“You can be Ryan.”
“If you’re Chad.”
They grin at each other.
Everything’s going to be okay.
Morgan’s the one in a white dress at the wedding and that feels...right, somehow. Weird. But right.
Her dad’s in some designer ocean-blue suit. It looks effortless on him. Peter’s in a deep burgundy, a bordeaux, and he cups Tony’s jaw in his hand and whispers something that makes Tony’s entire body ease. Tensionless. Free from burden.
Morgan hasn’t seen that very often.
There’s crying (theirs, Morgan will insist to the tabloids, and not hers at all) and there are doves, and the beach, and food, and dancing and golden rings on fingers.
A little after midnight, she’s about to head back to the hotel when she sees them. Two lone figures under the stars.
“How was that?” Tony whispers, arm around Peter’s waist, voice soft as waves.
“Pretty good for a first wedding.” Peter teases, kissing the underside of Tony’s jaw. “It was perfect, Tony. But everything’s perfect with you.”
“I’m not perfect,” he whispers.
“No.” Peter agrees, smiling, and he wraps his arms around Tony’s neck. “We are imperfectly perfect together. I love you.”
Tony kisses him like he can’t help himself, before he pulls back and traces Peter’s eyelashes. “I love you.”
Then, both of them, together: “We love you too, Morgan.”
She gasps, and darts back into the shadows- all fruitless, of course. They’ve seen her. They will always see her.
But then the taxi comes and she sees her own face in the rear-view mirror.
She’s smiling. Just as hard as they are.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol. 2 Sakamaki Shuu [Track 5 + Epilogue]
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Original title: 愛しうる限り & エピローグ
Source: Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 2 Sakamaki Shuu
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Toriumi Kousuke
Translator’s note: This CD really did deliver near the very end and tugged onto my heartstrings BIG TIME. Shuu being honest with myself and realizing just how much he loves the MC is honestly one of my favorite things in the world. ;w; He definitely solidified himself as nr. 2 in my heart once more. (Sorry Shuu, Subaru will forever be number one. <3)
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 + Epilogue
Track 5: As Long as our Love Lasts
Shuu is playing the violin again.
( At some point, I grew tired of counting, or even thinking about how many times I had played the same song, or how many days - or perhaps even months - had passed since she fell into a deep slumber. )
“Oh...The string...I haven’t taken care of this thing for a while, so I guess this was bound to happen. ...In the end, my song never reached you, huh?”
He walks over to the bed.
“I’ve honestly seen enough...of this never-changing expression. I wish I could have seen a glimpse of your past self for one last time, but I guess it can’t be helped.”
He takes a seat.
“I’m sure you’re aware, but I always hated being waken up from my naps. Therefore, hearing your approaching footsteps was the most annoying sound in the world to me. However, having your face be the very first thing I saw when I opened my eyes after you interrupted my sleep, honestly wasn’t half bad. ...Just the fact I felt that way, means that you must have at least meant something to me. 
...If you were to ask me the same question you did before, then I would probably give you the following answer. ーー You are special to me. Not because your blood is delicious. You are the only woman on this planet who I wouldn’t want to lose, even if your blood were to disappear, If only I had said these words to you back then...”
Shuu suddenly collapses onto the sheets.
“...Ah...The effects are finally kicking in, huh? ...I haven’t been getting a wink of sleep as of late...So to ensure I can finally get a sound sleep...Cough, cough...”
“I drank a certain drug from this bottle earlier...You’re not going to wake up anyway...So you don’t mind if I sleep alongside you, right? Even if that is an eternal slumber...When you’re with me, I don’t mind. That’s just how much Iーー...”
He scoots closer.
“...love you. ...Ugh...Cough, cough...Haah, haah...I finally gave you the words you’ve been dying to hear...yet you’re missing out on them...You foolish woman...Hahaha...I guess I shouldn’t say that, huh...? Ugh...”
Shuu loses consciousness.
( I lost the feeling in my limbs, before my mind went blank as well and before I knew it, I was unable to think of anything. I couldn’t fight back against my heavy eyelids. Now I can finally get some rest again. ーー That’s what I thought, yet...Aah, there it is again. I can hear her voice again. Per usual, she’s calling my name as if her life depends on it. I’ve heard this voice a million times, but in the end, it’s nothing but my mind playing tricks on me. Even if I wake up, you won’t be there anyway. Therefore, I chose eternal sleep. )
( You’re persistent...Guess you’re stubborn even within my dreams, huh? )
You continue to call his name.
( Oh come on...Just let me sleep... )
You persist.
( Like I said, pipe down. Don’t shout my name over and over... )
*Rustle rustle*
“Nn...Hm? ...Ugh...”
“What do you want? I was having such a nice nap...”
“Ah...Oh? You...are awake? So that wasn’t just a hallucination right now? Or rather, why are you crying?”
You tell Shuu you thought he had died.
“Died? ...Oh, right. Why am I alive as well? Did you do something?”
You continue to sob.
“I can’t tell when you’re bawling like that...Hm? The taste of your blood...lingers inside my mouth.”
You explain.
“...You frantically tried to feed me your blood thinking that might be able to bring me back to life? I won’t deny that my wounds heal quicker when I have your blood...but I didn’t think it could serve as an antidote as well. Your blood really is something else. Well, you still won against it though. ...Oi, I don’t mind if you’re crying, but give me a good look at your face.”
“I’m asking you to move closer. My body still feels heavy, I can’t move. Come on, scoot over.”
You move closer.
“How long has it been...? I’m actually reflected in your eyes.”
Shuu embraces you.
“Keep still. I can’t put in much strength since my arms are still numb.”
You ask Shuu what happened.
“I’m the one who wants to know what happened. Honestly, what made you suddenly wake up? Is it because I finally genuinely admitted my own feelings...?”
You tilt your head to the side.
“You know, you’ve been asleep this whole time, remember?”
You look at him in surprisement.
“Don’t tell me, you didn’t have a clue?”
You nod.
“Well, it happened out of nowhere, so I guess it’s obvious considering you were unconscious as well. ...No, it’s fine if you don’t remember. That was a nightmare anyway.”
You ask him if it was rough.
“A lot happened...It was one hell of a ride. But right now, rather than letting you go...”
“Haah...Come on, don’t get all surprised over a little kiss still. However, I don’t dislike that side of you either. When you were asleep, you wouldn’t react no matter how many times I did this after all.”
“...What? Don’t panic.”
You note his behavior seems off.
“Weird? You’re the last person I want to hear that from though. I told you, remember? I went through a lot. That being said, it doesn’t matter. It’s just...I came to realize a few things.”
You tilt your head to the side. 
“How you felt, for example. Or how important it is to put things into words every now and then. ...And what you mean to me, I suppose. ...I believe you woke up because I finally understood those things. Well, you don’t seem to realize that yourself though. Oh, right...I should apologize while I can. I’m sorry for acting indifferent towards you up till now. I deeply regret it. Soーー”
*Rustle rustle*
“...Please don’t get upset and fall into a slumber again, it pains me”
You tell him you never meant to do that to him.
“Even if that wasn’t your intention, it still happened. And it was much more wicked than having you lash out at me or run away from home. Not to mention it was extremely bothersome. I had to look after you 24/7, right? In that regard...you really are a handful.”
You apologize.
“Haha...You don’t need to say sorry, really. I’ve already accepted it. I’m to blame for falling in love with such a woman.”
Your eyes widen in sheer surprise.
You ask him to repeat himself.
“I said I love you, what about it? I said it earlier as we...Ah, right. I guess you didn’t hear me back then since you were still asleep. ...Haha, look at those rounded eyes, your face looks hilarious. ...I really do prefer seeing you like this.”
“I understand you are having trouble believing me. I’ve only got myself to blame for that. However, I’m sure you’ll soon come to realize. I already had plenty regrets while you were asleep. From here on out, I’ll tell you these words until you’ll be tired of hearing them ーー How much I love you, that is.”
Track 6: Epilogue
You turn around.
“You’re ogling way too much. It looks shameless, so come here.”
You run over
“Is an instrument store really that special to you?”
You nod.
“Well, I can imagine you have little affiliation with these places. When I bring up the name of a composer, you usually look at me as if I’m speaking Chinese. Although despite that, you seemed happy to visit this place.”
You explain.
“Ahー So that’s why. Honestly, it would have been much easier to just come by myself, but I’d rather not make you upset again by ignoring you.”
You smile, thanking him.
“...I see. Whatever. ...Anyway, I requested a full maintenance along with replacing the broken string, so it might take a while. We’ll get in the way if we wait here, so let’s go over there.”
The two of you move to another room.
You look around.
“It’s a test room. Customers can use this place to test out the intruments before purchase. There’s nobody here right now, so the owner said we can make ourselves comfortable.”
You ask Shuu if he plans to buy a new violin.
“No, I’m not buying anything. I like my current violin.”
You seem confused, wondering why you’re here then.
“You really are a fool, aren’t you?”
Shuu pulls you closer.
“To kill some time, obviously.”
You get slightly flustered. 
“It’s a perfect way to combat the boredom, no? It’s muh more comfortable than having to wander around outside. On top of that...This place is soundproof. You can scream as loud as you want, nobody will hear. I’m sure you like the sound of that as well? ーー That being said, we have to think about your health. I doubt you’re already back in top shape, so I won’t do anything if you don’t want me to.”
You hesitate. 
“Hm~? In that case, you want it?”
You go quiet.
“Cat got your tongue? I seem to recall a certain someone was displeased because they were being ‘used’?  Clearly tell me what you want. Right now, I can actually live up to your wishes. ...What do you want from me?”
You ask for his fangs. 
“Hehe...I hate being ordered around, but hearing you beg for it isn’t bad at all. Especially when it’s the words ‘Suck my blood, please’.”
Shuu bites you.
“Mmh...Nn...I said you could make all the noise you want, remember? It’s not like anyone but me can hear.”
You get embarrassed. 
“Heh. First you beg for it and now you get all embarrassed. You’re kind of contradicting yourself there, no? Well, it doesn’t matter. In that case, I’ll go for one of your more sensitive spots so you won’t be able to suppress your voice. Mmh...”
“Hah...Exactly...Let me hear more...Why still hesitate at this point?”
You explain. 
“You’re worrying for nothing per usual. You no longer need to be scared that I’ll find you annoying or get tired of you. Well, I won’t deny that there’s times I get a little irritated by your behavior. I’m sure I might be a little grumpy when you disturb my sleep as well. 
However, I would never grow to dislike you over something like that. I already know what kind of woman you are. You’re the type to beg for my fangs in a place like this. On top of that, a loudmouth who loves to meddle with other people’s affairs and quite the handful at times. To be honest, too much of a bother to keep by one’s side. 
You puff out your cheeks. 
“Haha. It’s the truth, no? However, despite all of that, I don’t want to let you go. So don’t worry. Just let out your voice to your heart’s content, giving yourself over to me all you want. I’ve already decided I will love every side of you after all.”
ーー THE END ーー
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theresnosinlondon · 3 years
Don’t Do It For Me - h.s. (part 3)
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The one where Harry is a friend in need and - can they still be called complications? (1.5k)
I don't even know anymore - is this a short story now? A series of one-shots? All I know is that there will be a part 4.
Part 2
So, you thought you could be back in London and not tell me?
Men can be quite simple creatures sometimes, they really can. I had mostly taken a break from my phone whilst I was away. I favoured taking a camera out and about and kept my phone safe and hidden in my bag. I have gotten notifications of reactions or replies to my Instagram stories but ignored all of them in favour of absorbing the benefits of being away from London, the UK and work.
I had stepped foot back in Heathrow only five hours prior to the text - he really did have eyes everywhere. How he did it was beyond me. A man with a schedule that was so tight it almost overlapped. He has expressed before how the busier he was, the more productive he felt which, was all good and well, until the bags under his eyes were so heavy and sunken that he looked one meeting away from dropping.
I could sympathise - the idea of work being an escape from your life-questioning thoughts is quite appealing when you have a career that resembles your dreams as closely as possible. Throwing myself into a project that gives me freedom of creativity, interactions with interesting characters and puts me behind a camera has a therapeutic effect on my mind. The same must happen for him.
As much of a golden boy and all-around loved guy he was, he certainly had his fatal flaws, one of which was his lack of ability in the prioritising area. He absolutely adores his family and friends, but present the fella with an interesting project and he gets tunnel vision and that is all he can think about. He doesn't just hide behind his job - he becomes his job.
I wasn't aware I had to go through passport control with you too, H. Heathrow was a traumatic enough experience for my little brain. But yeah! Back on British soil!
His call came pretty soon after my text was read - one greeting led to a quick “you need to tell me everything about home” and “I’ll grab some food and come over so we can catch up!” and next thing I knew, I was opening my front door and was greeted with a happy, cheesy face. A one-armed hug and a flick to my chin led him to squeeze past me and towards the living room.
He, as a person, baffled me. The way he so effortlessly made himself at home and started unpacking the food, all the while rambling about the restaurant being skimpy with veggies in their dishes, but the spices blend makes up for it - so he just orders extra greens. Such a boring opinion that still made me smile fondly at his drawled nonsense.
“So! How much did you miss me?” his exaggerated smile was flashed at me. “Must’ve been torture being away from me for such a long time.”
“Barely made it through,” I played along. “The scenery did make up for it, though.”
“Upstaged by a gorgeous view,” he tutted with faux disapproval. “Seriously though, when can I see your pictures?”
“And here I was, thinking you were here to catch up with your dearest friend.” I scoffed with a slight roll of my eyes. He glanced my way, pausing with a spring roll mid-air and just raised his eyebrows, giving me a smug look. He brought the roll to his mouth, maintaining eye contact whilst he crunched his way through a bite.
“And here I was, thinking you would jump my bones the second I walked through your door.” His scoff was playful and the quirk of his lips was an easy hint at his joking mood.
All I could do was smile at him - that man, with his rights and wrongs, with his wit, his cheekiness, his looks, his talent, his moments that warrant wide eyes and a question of “what in the actual hell?”, his soft demeanour contrasted with his “climbing the walls” bouts of uncontainable energy, the plethora of conversations we can carry, his face, his hands, his neck. That man right there, I did want to jump his bones.
“So,” I tried to think of how to word the question I was dying to ask. “How’s Jess?”
“Hm,” He rested his head against the back of the couch and closed his eyes, interlocking his fingers on his tummy. “Spoke to her the day you left.”
I stayed silent for a moment, waiting for him to elaborate but, ever the tease he was, he kept the momentum going and smiled slightly. “And?”
“And,” He purposefully prolonged the sound, only to spit out the rest of the sentence quickly. “We talked about taking a break to figure things out.”
I have never been known to have a strong poker face but I could usually mask my emotions and reactions to a certain extent - this time I think he could hear my eyes rolling.
“Well, that’s different, isn’t it?” My sentence was heavily accentuated by sarcasm.
“I know you don’t believe in breaks,” He sounded bored and done with the direction the conversation was taking. “And neither do I.” He chose that moment to lull his head to the side and make eye contact with me.
I pursed my lips to the side, feeling the want to wrap myself around him dwindle with each word said out loud. I should’ve seen it coming - he said he was ready to end a seemingly perfect relationship just after he strayed from his path. The fact that I even believed him was quite an insult to my own intelligence.
“I..” Words seemed to fail me in that exact instant, “don’t even know what to say, if I’m being honest.”
“Not much for you to say when that conversation ended with us breaking up.” His monotonous tone was quite disorienting, giving the weight of the words he spoke.
“Huh?”, was all I could come up with.
He heaved a heavy sigh, shuffling on the couch and sitting up straight. “I told you, I didn’t see it working with Jess anymore - I wasn’t going to mess her around any more than I already did.” His pressed lips and frowned eyebrows gave him a gloom look. “I had known, from the moment I met with her to talk, that it was going to end with us breaking up.”
I just kept staring at his profile, not really knowing if it was my place to comfort him or not. The bottom line was, he was my friend before we slept together, we cared for each other and we comforted each other when needed.
I reached out and tugged him by the arm, causing him to lean towards me sideways, with no resistance whatsoever, and his head to fall to my chest. To my surprise, he was quite malleable in my hands and fell into the embrace as if he was expecting it to happen. One arm around his shoulders and the other hand pushing his hair back, so I could kiss the top of his head - he let me cuddle him and let his weight fall onto me.
“I’m sorry, H,” I mumbled against his hair, “I know it’s a decision that you made, but I also know that it hurts all the same.”
“Mh,” he adjusted and held me around the waist, “it’s never easy to go through a breakup, I feel like shit. But you know what?”
I hummed, letting him speak.
“She took it on the chin and called me out on my bullshit,” his chuckle could be felt on my stomach. “When I used the work excuse, she straight up told me to ‘stop fucking around and just get on with it’.”
“Mh, you do like when a partner can put you in your place.”
“Equally as much as I like to put them in their place.” His comment was accompanied by a quick glance up towards me and a squeeze to my middle.
“Alright,” My fingers buried through his strands and gave a tug at his hair. “Let me be a supportive friend and a great host and make you a cuppa.”
“I don’t need your lousy tea,” he mumbled, snuggling his face in my chest, “do you have any nice wine?”
“So that’s why you wanted to come over! Steal all the wine I brought from home?”
“I mean, kind of.” He shrugged and laughed, refusing to let me go. “Seeing your face is also a plus.”
And that is how we ended up with a glass of fine Italian wine each, nibbling on some Chinese food and the pictures I took on my holiday mirrored to my TV. He ooh’d and aah’d at every peak of greenery and blue skies and bright sun he saw, all the while teasing and making jokes to keep the morale up.
His head on my shoulder and his fingers playing with mine were clearly innocent touches - innocent touches that escalated when he turned his face and buried it in my neck when his fingers left mine and took a hold of my nape, when his mouth travelled to my jaw, my cheek. It only took me a split second to sigh at my stupidity and then turn my face, meeting his lips with mine.
And, I suppose he was right - I did end up jumping his bones.
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argumentl · 2 years
The Freedom of Expression Ep 69 - Long awaited visit to Chinese restaurant
J: At last! At last!
K: Well, its just about 1 year since we started this show, but we talked about doing this quite early on, didn't we?
J: We did, yes.
K: Chinese food!
T: Finally!
K: We're here!
T: Ah, Im so happy about this!
*everyone claps*
K: Joe, tell everyone where we are.
J: Yes, so this is a restaurant called 'Heian'. The closest station is..Kamiōoka Station...Oh,  is it Higashi Totsuka? Well, its a little far from the centre of Yokohama, but as you know, I'm a radio DJ, and this restaurant is run by one of my listeners.
T, K: Ohh.
J: So, thank you so much to them. They are letting us record here today, and we will be able to eat Chinese food to our hearts content!
T: This is great.
J: Yeh, it is.
K: But already, ????
J: You're hungry, right?
K: I'm glad the weather is good today.
J: Yes, the weather is good.
K: I'm thirsty.
J: Ah!
T: Just hearing those words makes me want a drink.
J: Should we get beer?
T: Is that ok?
K: Of course.
T: Ah, great!
J: You can't have Chinese food without beer!
K: But, Joe, didn't you say before that you wouldn't drink?
J: Did I say that?! You must be imagining it.
K: No, you have water.
J: No, no, no, if you have Chinese food, you need..
K: Ok, cola.
J: No, beer! Would a bottle of beer be cheating?
K, T: Yeah
J: Oh, let me cheat, just for today? I tried hard with those reptiles earlier, haha.
K: Oh, the reptiles, yeh. *looks through menu* Where is it? Oh, here.
T: Oh, nice.
K: A bottle?
J: Should we get two bottles?
K: With 3 cups?
J: Yeh. Ah everything on the menu looks so good. I havn't tried any of it yet though. Uh, excuse me! Bottled beer please!
Staff: How many?
T: One for now?
J: Well, two would be ok, though..oh, no maybe one to start?
K: No, get two.
J: Two? Ok, two please!
Staff: How many glasses?
J: Three to start with please! Ah, Im looking forward to this.
T: Im thirsty now.
J: Yeah, me too!
K: ???
J: Yeh, its like you said Kaoru, we're lucky the weather is good. You can really leave the car behind and see more when its like this (*1)
T: Yeh, you can.
J: To be honest though, I'm feeling a bit chilly after seeing all those reptiles, I need a drink just for that reason. I tried hard today. Oh, here we are! *staff brings beer*
J: With these little glasses!
Staff: I'm sorry its not 33(?)
J: Oh, thats ok. This is Kirin *hands out glasses, T pours K's drink, J pours T's drink, K pours J's drink*
J: Oh, can I? I won't get drunk! haha. Ahh, we did it, we brought Chinese food to the show at last. We're in Yokohama, at the restaurant 'Heian'.
*K proposes a toast*
K: .....Uh...we did it, cheers!'
*They drink*
 J: Ahh, I'm glad we came here. Oh, here are the appetizers, thank you. Can we order already?
Staff: Yes.
K: Shall we get gyōza?
J: Yes, gyōza, please!
Staff: How many plates?
J: Well, our staff will eat them too, so 3 plates?
K: Yeh.
Staff: Ok.
J: Kaoru have a look at the menu. Pick what you like.
K: Well, if we order a lot, we might not be able to finish it all, so how about we order half size portions?
J: Oh, yeh.
T: Yeh, just a bit.
J: Thats a good idea. Uh,*to staff* what would you recommend as a typical 'Heian' dish?
T: To go with beer?
J: Yeh, like, if you come here...I mean, the gyōza are gonna be good?
Staff: Yes, gyōza, and liver with chives. The meaty dishes go well with beer.
K: Ok, shall we have both of those?
J: Yes.
Staff: Half size?
K, J: Yes, please.
T: Its great, this, isn't it?
J: Yeh. Next we've got to decide if we should get rice or noodles.
T: Well, we'll start with gyōza, anyway.
J: Yeah....Look, they even have a liver and chives bowl.
K: That looks nice, doesn't it?
J: Yeh, even people who don't drink alcohol can really get their carbs with that. Look, they have set menus too...'Half size fried rice'....Ah, it all looks so delicious. They also have lots of types ramen to finish off with...look here, 'Sanma ramen'..I love that.
T: Ah, yeh, with thick sauce.
J: Yeh, the thick sauce is great...and fried rice. Fried rice is a must, right? But also liver and chives, for sure.
K: Ah! Spicy onion char siu.
J: *calling to staff* Excuse me! Spicy onion char siu please!...right? Ahh, this is good. Its like that song, "If you call me love, I'll answer you with love"...If you call out spicy onion char siu, I'll answer you with spicy onion char siu.
T: Ah, yeh.
J: You also have to have beer, right?...Is this appetizer Zha cai? You eat it with pepper.
*They all eat*
J: Im quite hungry, but I would be happy even with this. Oh, yes, show it in your chopsticks.
*T lifts piece if Zha cai with chopsticks to show the camera*
T: There it is.
J: Like, showing it for 10 seconds, haha. Does Zha cai really need that long?
Cameraman: Ok, I got it.
J: Thanks.
T: Can I eat it now?
J: Of course. Yeh, Im not an expert on food reports either.
T: *To staff* How long has the restaurant been running?
Staff: About 27 years.
J, T: Woaah.
J: This place is treasured by the locals.
T: Filling stomachs for 27 years.
J: Thats it. Thats good chinese food.
T: And they listen to your radio show, Joe?
J: Well, I don't think they listen just to hear me, its just that I'm sometimes on by chance when they put the radio on. He's laughing. He isn't a Joe Yokomizo fan in particular.
T: Hahaha. You could sense it behind his mask?
J: Yeh. Its more likely that he's wondering what we are doing. Havn't we been wanting to do this for a long time, though? This is a proper Chinese restaurant , right? Like, with the radio on...sometimes it might be a live baseball game on tv or something. Its different from a chain restaurant.
K: They usually always have regular customs too.
J: Ah, yeh. Like, someone who always sits in a certain spot? They will tell you if you are in their spot..like, 'Hey, thats my seat'.
T: Yeh, that happens.
J: The locals are really loyal to these places. But just think, this place has been here for 27 years!
T: And its in good condition.
J: Yeh, they refurbished it. It was probably shabbier before that.
T: Haha, ???
J: ??? Ah, that sound!  *sound of oil sizzling* I love that sound of the oil cooking.
*Staff brings out gyōza*
J: These are the gyōza which have been loved for 27 years. Heian's gyōza. This is gonna be good. Kaoru can try them first.
T: Lets see what he does with the sauce, what does he put in it?
J: You're supposed to put salt and pepper, right?
K: And vinegar. But I don't put vinegar in.
T: Neither do I. I just use chilli oil.
Staff: By the way, that chilli oil is home made.
J, K, T: Ohh!
K: So Kaoru uses soy sauce and chilli oil.
T: Watching Kaoru makes me thirsty.
J: Weirdo!
K: Haha *eats*
J: Ok, round one.
K:......*chewing*......Its delicious!
J: Ahh, simple, but straight to the truth.
K: The vegetables are ???. Its good.
J: Ah, I can smell the garlic already. This is gonna be great.
K: Yeh, its pretty harcore.
J: Is it? We went to the tshirt store Hardcore Chocolate earlier, and now we are having hardcore gyōza.
T: I'm gonna try it without any sauce first. *eats* Ah, its delicious. Yeh, the vegetables are really good.
J: *eats* Oh, this is to die for...in particular that 'mariage' of vegetables and garlic.
*question marks appears above T and K's head*
K: I don't get 'mariage'
J: It means marriage, right? They say it a lot on those fancy tv shows, don't they?
K: I don't mean that I don't know the meaning of 'mariage', I just don't know why you are saying it.
J: Ah, I see, you don't understand my thoughts? haha. Lets keep going with 'mariage' today.  I'll go by the name 'Mariage Yokomizo' instead of Joe Yokomizo.
K: We can change you name on the screen captions. 
J: Yeh, change it to 'Mariage Yokomizo' today, haha......Ah, our next dish is here! What is this one?
Staff: Spicy onion char siu.
J: Oh, of course!
T: Kaoru, do you want another drink?
K: *looks at menu*...Maybe a highball?
T: *To staff* One highball please. Oh! Actually two please!
J: I'll have more beer.
T: And another bottle of beer please!
*staff brings another dish out*
J: Oh, that looks so good. Kaoru, give us a your rating on the liver and chives. There's no way that doesn't taste good.
K: Liver and chives is the king of chinese food.
J: I bet there's hardley anyond who's never had a liver and chives set meal.
K: Yeah. *eats* Mm, the liver is really good.
J: Ah, the liver is good? Ok, our turn now. Tasai, go on.
K: Is this half size?
T: Yeh, there's quite a lot.
J: I feel like it would usually be like two or three times more than this for full size. But this goes well with beer too, doesn't it?
*T passes food to J*
T: Have a bit.
J: I feel like I want to try a bit of everything on the menu.
T: Well, if you say that you could ???? the whole menu.
K: I definitely can't eat that much.
T: Right, haha.
*Staff brings out next dish*
J: The stamina dish is here!
K: This makes you wanna eat rice too, right?
J: Definitely. This is the last thing we ordered, isn't it?
K: Yeah. I love pork.
J: You love pork?
K: *eats*..Without question...this is number 1.
T: The last one was the king, and this is number 1? haha.
J: Ahh, I wanna eat this. Everything thats come out has been great.
T: Made by a master
J: Yeah, well he has been loved for 20 odd years.
T: *eats* Ah, delicious!
J: Ok, let me try. Oh, it smells great!
T: This is my favorite.
J: *eats* Delicious! There isn't much to it, just meat and veggies. What is it that makes it great?
T: Simplicity is best.
J: He made it so quickly too.
T: Thats the thing with chinese food. Speed is important.
J: We had no idea Covid would happen when we first though about starting 'Freedom' this time, did we?
K: No idea at all. It happened just as we started really.
J, T: Yeah.
K: So we ended up talking about covid quite a lot after we started.
J: Well, those were relevant conversations then....How about this? Both of you tell us which episode is most memorable for you so far.
T: Well, hm, what would it be? The view counts on some of them are pretty interesting though, right? The one with the highest view count is 'that one'.
J: Ah, yeh, the 'incident'.
T: Yeah, and the lowest view count to date is the 'Potato UFO' one. Hahaha!
K: Thats quite recent.
J: That one was your pick!
T: Yeh, haha. It stings just a little bit to think it didnt go down well.
J: Oh, really?
T: Yeah, haha.
J: What was that about again? Oh, wasn't it a drone?
T: Yeah.
J: And there was Kami's story about a guy in the park telling him to quit flying the potato drone.
T: Haha, yeh.
J: That's what did it, right?
T: Haha, I don't know.
J: Its Kami's fault!
T: Haha, well, I'm a bit sorry it didn't do better.
J: That one has the smallest view count?
T: Yeah.
J: Ah, thats good, haha. It must sting a bit if your own idea is the least popular though, musn't it?
T: A little, yeh. ???
J: I'm so glad that achievement goes to Tokyo Sports, and not me.
K: Haha!....Uh, I liked the first live broadcast.
J, T: Ahh.
K: We did ???? (* I can't figure what he's talkIng about here. I did watch this live broadcast, but I've completey forgotten what happened in it*)
T: Oh yeh, we did!
J: When was that? June?
K: Something like that, yeh.
J: How many live broadcasts have we done again? 3?
T: Yeah, 3, right?
J: There was the one at the end of the year.
K: Yeh, that wasn't long ago.
J: And one more before that? So 3 in total.
T: Did we actually do that? I can't even remember.
J: Yeah, I think we did. It was after the end-of-year broadcast that I got home and didn't have my keys. That was pretty tough. We've come up with a few new ideas while we were on location today though, havn't we?
K: Yeah, going to a cafe...and getting Joe a plant.
J: A plant to try and build my character...and there was Tasai holding nothing back when pointing out my faults...that was bad. Isn't that bad??
K: Well, it was also how he said it. He was like...*imitates T pointing at J really directly*
J: Yeh!
T: Haha, sorry.
K: But it was needed, because otherwise you wouldn't realise, right Joe?
J: Yeh, you two are part this now though. You know, I've always wanted to make myself into a more respectable person.
T: You are quite strange, Joe. You look kind of decent on the surface, but you aren't really.
J: Yeh, thats what I'm talking about! You are too direct!
T: Hahaha!
J: So there was the plant idea, and what else?
K: Another food combo plan.
J: Oh, yeah.
K: We might record that soon.
T: I've been trying to come up with ideas for that......Ah, isn't chinese food great?
J: Its really good.
*random chatter*
J: This tastes so good! Heian! I wonder why its called Heian?
K: So, we managed to make it to a chinese restaurant, I think it went quite well.
T: Yeh, eating good food and having a drink together is always a good idea.
J: Everyone, please come and try this place, Heian, in Yokohama...So, finally we have fried rice. I know this is gonna taste good. *staff brings out fried rice* This fried rice is not gonna let us down.
K: It smells good.
J: Yeah, it does.
T: How about getting a final shot showing it off.
K: Like this? *points to fried rice*
Cameraman: Ok, got it.
K: Well, on that note, should I say..thanks for today? Lets do more fun ideas on the show from now on.
T: Yeh, lets go on location at lot more.
K: Yep. Well, thank you very much.
J, T: Thank you.
*1 Not entirely sure about this.
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thatlowiqbabe · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could write something for HoO boys being your boy friend? Also, do you think it’s possible for you to do a trans (ftm) hispanic demiboy? Thanks!
Oh yeah sure! As a Demi-Boy it's my duty!
This is over 900 words so there's gonna be a part two (sorry bout that)
HOO Boys with A Hispanic!Demi-Boy! S/O
Frank Zhang
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"Wait your a demi-boy? Like cause you're a demi-god orr"
"Oh okay, totally unrelated gotcha."
You probably came out to Frank after the Son of neptune, scared you'd never get the chance to tell him.
He asked some silly questions but obviously accepted you! He would do more research via internet but demi-gods and phones don't mix
(What do you mean he's been asking other trans demi-gods how to better understand, you obviously got the wrong chinese-canadian shape-shifting son of mars)
Anyway he loves you, and tries to switch pronouns often ❤️ (if you use multiple)
If you're ever feeling dysphoric, he'll turn into an cuddly animal of your choice to make you feel better.
Will turn into a bear and (threaten to)  eat a transphobe
(They probably taste funny lol)
(If you're bilingual) You, him and Jason sit in a circle and speak in spanish, canadian french, and latin, knowing damn well y'all don't understand each other.
Y'all be looking like this
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Don't even try having Thanksgiving with him
"Happy Thanksgiving!"
".... I'm canadian."
"Oh, uhhh happy thursday then??"
Like sir, do you want some turkey or not?
Jason Grace
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"So wait, if you're a demi-god and a demi-boy do they like cancel each other out?"
"I- baby no—"
"Can I call you God-Boy?"
Y'all give him a minute, boy brain ain't right after getting knocked out so many times 🤣
Being called God-Boy does make you feel powerful ngl
You probably "dated" during hoo, and after you started dating for real came out to him.
Uses both pronouns, like every other paragraph. (If you use multiple)
If you're a greek demi-god, he loves to take you over to Camp Jupiter, and take you on tours around the parthenon and go on dates
If you're roman, he takes you out to Camp half-blood and maybe even tour manhattan!
(Gotta be a group date though, he's been at Camp Jupiter since he was 3 and only left on quests, he don't know where he going)
(If your bilingual) He'll teach you latin if you teach him spanish! It's always cool to know another language, especially if you're partner speaks it.
If you're dysphoric, y'all take naps together.
You don't have to stress, whatever's outside can wait a while, right now it's just you and him ❤️
You're his little God-Boy, he loves you
What do you mean he specifically asked to do whatever chores you had that day? Uh-huh couldn't be him 🛑🖐️ stop playing
Don't let him meet your mortal parent
Boy be so nervous he don't know what to do
"Jason, dear could you pass me the (fav. Food) "
"Yes  (Mr./Mrs/Mx.) L/n, I will have a ham sandwich "
He left with a ham sandwich and a red face
He got invited back over, so it wasn't too bad tho lol
Leo Valdez
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He already knew you were a demi-boy!
You probably came out to Leo before y'all started dating, and maybe before y'all knew you were demi-gods, he just has that "yes I'd beat a bitch's ass and lose, and what about it?" Energy y'know??
Obviously you could trust him.
Will try to to use both pronouns, but might stick with one for a while before switching it up and then sticking to one again
Y'all probably talk shit about people together honestly.
Let's be honest, if you were bilingual, with a boyfriend who was also bilingual, and y'all didn't like this one person you'd talk shit right in front of them.
If you're really petty you'd make it obvious too.
If you're ever feeling some dysphoria, don't worry cause Leo got dis-for-ya!
But seriously he'll build you tiny trinkets and stuff to help you feel better
If you want, you could help him with building, or even build something yourself!
(You: somehow builds a bomb or something equally dangerous
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Y'all like to make smores, and probably sing the campfire song from spongebob while doing it
(Whether it's on Leo or an actual campfire depends on y'all mood)
"Hey, you did it without stuttering this time!"
Nico di Angelo
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"So you trans your gender??"
"Uh no, I'm transgender, it doesn't work like that—"
"How do you trans your gender?? Is it a like a process to get your gender trans or does it happen all at once?"
This boy a whole boomer, lord have mercy 😭🖐️
Growing up in early 1900's he doesn't really understand, but he'll try.
If he feels like he's bothering you with too many with questions, he'll go bother Annabeth instead.
Uses both pronouns, despite not knowing how you can have more than one. (If you use multiple)
Will do his best to get rid of any internalized transphobia he might have. Even if he grew up around Bianca, it was a hateful time back then and he might have biases.
You're dysphoric, but how??
He understands how dysphoria works, as much as it pains him to know that you're hurting, he didn't understand how it could effect someone like you.
You were much braver than he was, not being outed and actually coming out on your own. You were the man you said you were and more.
Sometimes y'all just lay down outside under a tree and he'll sing to you.
(Y'all know I'm talking about Soldatino don't even play)
Those days can go from bad to okay to great, depending on what y'all do afterward.
Sometimes y'all go out to eat at McDonald's via shadow travel, and I hope you got cash cause the seven gonna want some too lol (this includes Rachel and Will btw)
"So you're ordering (big af order) to go, for just the two of you?"
"We're eating for nine."
"No baby we're eating for eleven remember?"
Cashier, who's just trying to earn they minimum wage:
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I don't know how to end this lol
Um part 2 will be out soon, maybe like a day from now if I don't forget lol
Thank you for requesting! I hope it was up to your standards, if not then I hope you enjoyed it anyway, cause I enjoyed writing it!
If you're interested in my writing pls request, I only have one other to do so it might be done soon!
Also, I hope Leo's bilingual hc isn't offensive in anyway. I'm just realizing how rude that may sound. If it is I'll write a new one. I'm not bilingual but if I was that's what I'd do. Again, I hope I didn't come off as ignorant on that hc.
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