#to be fair! i also did all of far harbor
wolfcat-hybrid · 2 years
I've been doing a playthrough of Fallout 4 without fast travel, and am doing as many faction/side quests as I possibly can. Basically I'm taking the main quest as slow as possible.
Only 175 hours in and I've finally met Shaun :]
#wolfy speaks#fallout 4#to be fair! i also did all of far harbor#havent touched the other dlcs tho#wait thats a lie i did do the vault one#ok so ive done far harbor and the vault dlcs and ive just met shaun. is where im at storywise#basically a couple days straight of just going heeey railroad u got any jobs for me#ive maxed out affection with i think most of the companions. romanced a couple of em#will probably do some art of my sole survivor. i like him#his name is Jesse and hes actually Shaun's uncle. his brother is Shaun's dad and hes an asshole#bc i have other fallout ocs that depend on nate siding with the institute and being evil abt it so.#in that universe hes the sosu#uhhh what else#Jesse is gay and polyam and trans because. fucking look at me#he is a child of atom after far harbor and got the facd tat and everything. but he modtly sided w arcadia#he was a pacifist and a conscientious objector but then the bombs fell woops#he still cant bring himself to shoot guns but bashing skulls is. minorly better. that is to say melee only run#i designed him as a nerd and then decided it was a melee only run so ive had to up his strength as i go which has been. hard.#hes like lvl 80 or smthn now. his strength charisma and int are good but his perception is fucking ONE.#its set at three! SOMETHING is nerfing him and idk what!!! so hes just so fucking oblivious to everything all the time#anyways. rambled enough. i just got excited cus i got to meet shaun and he looks. not gonna lie! a little bit bad. didnt get the best genes#sorry son
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chaedomi · 10 months
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SUMMARY . to them you were a jewel, precious and highly valuable. they, in turn, will express their strong emotions toward you, even if it means resorting to... more hostile methods.
WARNINGS . YANDERE, female reader, platonic, ooc, violence, death, suicide, unhealthy relationships (if i missed any, kindly alert me)
LETTERS . why have all the readers in my manhwa fics originally died so far... anyway, can you tell where i started losing motivation?
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IN THE novel, Lovely Princess, the story went like this. True to its title, the book contained Lovely Princesses. There was The First Princess, akin to the moon, who held a gloomy and foggy disposition. Then came The Second Princess, resembling the sun, bright and cheery. And finally, The Third Princess, similar to the stars, was reserved but gentle and a source of comfort.
You were… The First Princess’s younger half-sister. Although your mother was unknown (you were found inside a basket in the gardens crying) those jeweled eyes and your uncanny appearance close to The Emperor were solid proof that you were in fact of royal blood. It was… certainly strange to learn that the book entailed you as an 'unimportant' character. While The Second Princess was adored by the whole continent, the love the people harbored for you, The Third Princess, could put The Second Princess to shame. They treated you as though you were some supreme gift bestowed from the heavens, to be treasured and pampered. And among those who glorified you… was your father, The Cold-Hearted Emperor. You were like The Protagonist more than The Second Princess could ever be.
You were also… the best sister anyone could ask for to The First Princess. Because The First Princess was deprived of affection in her life, she mostly relied on you to fill the gaps in her heart. And you endearingly did so, trying your best to shine a light inside her darkness. It soon became that you both were inseparable, attached by the hip.
…So, obviously, you will spiral down into despair over The First Princess's death. You knew The First Princess was innocent of The Second Princess's poisoning. She was simply too sweet to commit a vile act, especially when she too took a liking to The Second Princess. But, alas, your reasoning went through one ear and out the other, and without proper evidence, your father executed The First Princess.
However, just as The Emperor's wrath was not to be underestimated, so was the extent of your grief as you promptly took away your life hours after The First Princess's execution. And that was the sad ending of your story, The Third Princess.
HOW WAS THAT ANY FAIR??? The confusion of the roles and the cheesy plotline were already bad enough on their own, but your unnecessary death pretty much destroyed the chances of her leaving a positive review. Was it done to reestablish the fact you were an unimportant character, or to remind everyone that The Second Princess is the original best girl in the story…? No amount of copious explanations can ever make ATHANASIA understand the validation for your death.
What she can come to understand however is that you, out of all people, did NOT deserve to die. You had all the rights to receive a happy ending just like The Second Princess… and that is what she aspired to make a reality as she was tossed into the fantasy world of the novel. It was obvious that it all went to hell when The First Princess was executed at the hands of The Emperor. So, in order to avoid your death, she will have to avoid hers first.
A genius plan, she dubbed it, stealing various riches from the Ruby Palace to live the rest of her life on as she escapes. She also thought of the brilliant idea of taking you along with her, after all, being inside the palace is kind of… the reason for your death, was it not!? Why not avoid the source altogether!? Or… that is what was supposed to happen before she accidentally stumbled across The Emperor four years early. Now, she will have to scrap that genius plan. Damn…
On a bright note, as time passed, using an alternative plan, Athanasia eventually evaded all chances of earning death at the hands of her father. This means that you too won’t have a pitiful ending as you originally did! Yay!
You truly didn’t deserve to die, and Athanasia will keep on saying it as much as needed. The years she spent beside you as your sister, further strengthened her motivation to keep you alive. She also understood why The First Princess had a strong attachment toward you. Innocent, Pure, Patient, Merciful, and Kind… who wouldn’t swoon over a person with such admirable traits? What struck her heart the way it did, was your affection. In her previous life, Athanasia… didn’t have people around her to provide her with love.
So, it surprised her a lot when it happened. Sure, she had love from her Nanny and the rest of the maids, but yours had her heart pumping, energy rushing through her veins. It was warm… a feeling she wanted to cling to for an eternity. Was it silly that she felt envious of a fictional character? To think that The First Princess was subjected to this kind of treatment from you… How did it feel to live her dream? Not that it matters anymore. Now, she can have you to all herself! You wouldn’t mind if she got a little… greedy, right? Of course, you won’t! After all, if you learned of her tremendous effort to keep you safe, why wouldn’t you reward her with more of your presence? What she does is in your favor. So, don’t get too upset if what she does seems a bit extreme, alright? It’s all for your benefit.
Betrayal can hurt. But, betrayal stings when it comes from the person you trusted and loved the most. You didn’t understand why it had upset her more than it upsetted you. More so, if she was so against the idea, why hadn’t she said so first? She was supportive about it too, choosing to help pick out a perfect disguise for your outing in the town. So why was it that on the day you were about to leave, lo and behold, there was your father by your doorway, inclusive of his knight… and your sister beside him, smiling triumphantly? Maybe if you had paid attention to how the shine left your sister’s eyes as you told her of your plan, you could have avoided such a dreadful punishment.
What bugged you the most was how Athanasia carried out her day normally, and acted sweetly to you, as if she didn’t partially contribute to the punishment of breaking your legs. Today was no different, as she sat on the chair beside your bed rambling on about her day. “You know, that’s the most I’ve seen Daddy upset.” She laughed, tracing her finger down your legs. “Usually, he would never dream of even hurting a strand of your hair. What you’ve done was really bad…”
She smiled at you, her jeweled eyes looking all the more terrifying under the dark lighting in your room. “I don’t understand. I should feel despaired seeing my sister in so much pain. Why does it bring me so much relief?” She sighed, holding one of your hands in hers. “...You scared me terribly with what you told me earlier. My mind couldn’t stop focusing on the many possibilities that would arise with you out there. Even worse, what if they learned of your true identity, and an enemy nearby attacks you?”
“I agreed with your plan, solely to avoid trouble. If I said no, you would have avoided me, right? I… don’t ever want to see you in danger, or place you in it, knowing I could have done something to prevent it. Not like anything like that will happen anytime soon!” She gently poked your injured legs. “I will help ensure that too.” You didn’t realize that the tears building in your eyes began to fall, your sister’s fingers quickly working to wipe them away.
In the novel, CLAUDE naturally favored you more than The First Princess. Upon your first encounter during the festival on The First Princess’s ninth birthday, with an outstretched hand, he escorted you back to the party, leaving your older sister in the dust. You lived a rather lavish life after that, him spoiling you with exquisite goods. So, it’s not like you had to form some extreme plan like Athanasia to protect yourself from the dangers that lurked inside the palace. Everyone here adored you…
Yet, not only did Athanasia’s interference with the plotline create many changes for her, but it also resulted in triggering unsettling events for you. Now that The Cold-Hearted Emperor has learned to display affection for the firstborn he originally detested, where would that place you, the daughter he always loved?
…His methods were very much frightening, even traumatizing, you may add. The numerous times you witnessed something gruesome to the eye, for the littlest offenses toward you. He would imprison, he would murder, he would execute, all in your name. His presence too, was very much suffocating, more than Athanasia, and that spoke volumes.
You hated how they both attached themselves to you, but, if you had to choose, you would pick Athanasia in a heartbeat. For the cold jeweled eyes that scrutinized every movement you made were too much for your poor heart to endure. It was as though he was waiting, waiting for your slip-up, to gain a perfect reason to permanently confine you behind the walls of your bedroom. And you fear… that the day you kissed your freedom goodbye was approaching quicker than you initially anticipated.
“What will it take for you to treat me as normally as the rest?” the (h.c) haired girl wept, clutching on tightly her father’s robes. “Shall I become like my sister, Athanasia? If I do… will I become like a free bird, and be granted more privileges?” grief-stricken jeweled eyes peered up at her father. “Will you finally release me from the shackles you trapped me in?”
“Do what you want,” her father smirked. but, as quickly as her hope came so was it shattered. the piercing concept. his voice in her ears was the cruelest of them all. “Such a thing won’t happen till the day I perish.” what a terrible vow. she knew he would do anything in his power to maintain his promise. and so, the deepest of despair like never before flooded her eyes. what have you done to receive this…?
you were very precious. nothing, not even the rarest pieces in the world could be compared to you; you were the highest value among them all. for all, it was a high requirement to treat you with the utmost importance and respect. yes, to them, to everyone, you were, the jewel of obelia.
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©chaedomi. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of the works published.
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claudemblems · 11 months
Kaeya + Diluc Flirting Headcanons | Genshin Impact
Summary: How they flirt with you at the beginning vs. a long time into your relationship. Fem!Reader.
Notes: No thoughts head empty I just want them to flirt with me too owo
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Kaeya Alberich
Beginning of the Relationship
This man is a sweet talker to the max
He's just over the moon that you chose him out of everyone else and so he just has to lavish you in all his love in return!
That and it's hard to shake off the flirty persona he's had for so long. But you don't seem to mind it so he just uses it to his advantage
But he's kind of a brat about it. He won't lie: seeing you lose your composure over him fills him with a sense of pride. No one else can turn you into a flustered mess like he can
He also likes to try different pet names out on you, paying careful attention to which ones elicit a reaction. And then he strictly uses that pet name to refer to you, even in public. As far as he's concerned, "Darling" is your name now!
But if you try to flirt back, he'll either 1) be virtually unfazed by your attempt (nice try, though, you're cute) or 2) feel his face turn red as he struggles to find a witty response. Congrats, you've broken him!
You always manage to surprise him, which is something he thoroughly enjoys. It makes him that much more eager to one-up you the next time
Established Relationship
Kaeya is still the same flirt as ever, but now he's a lot more toned down with his romantic gestures
He doesn't want to overdo it or make you feel like he's putting on an act around you. He knows you're satisfied just having his attention, and he's more than willing to give it to you
His gaze is much softer now, and he looks at you with a visible fondness in his eyes. The sight leaves butterflies fluttering in your stomach
He's realized you find his sincerity most attractive, so he focuses on making you feel wanted and loved (something that deep down, he aches to feel, too; good thing he has you <3)
You can say his love is like a mixture of sugar and spice. He riles you up with actions like his breath fanning against your neck, but then he presses a sweet kiss to your cheek, reminding you of how much he loves you
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Diluc Ragnvindr
Beginning of the Relationship
This man has absolutely no rizz lol
Every time he's managed to fluster you so far has been completely by accident (his good looks and attractive voice work wonders for him)
Most of the time he doesn't even know what he did to make you blush, but seeing you turn shy because of him does something to his heart
He will be thinking about it all day to the point where he'll be tending the bar and Kaeya will have to snap him out of his daze (all while teasing him because that's what brothers do)
Honestly, you tend to successfully flirt with him more than he does with you, but he has no complaints about it
He does, however, try his best to find ways to make your heart skip a beat. Whether that's by gifting you flowers or treating you to dinner, he wants you to feel as loved as you make him feel
If he's really in need of ideas, he begrudgingly asks Kaeya for help. He might even read some romance novels to get inspiration
Established Relationship
Though still awkward and clumsy at times (he tries too hard, bless his heart), Diluc has made great strides in his flirting abilities
He's learned that it's best to just let his heart guide him. It helps that he just harbors so much love for you that he unconsciously shows it to you through his actions
He's also aware that you really like when he wears that one outfit during his shift at Angel's Share, so he shows off a little by rolling up his sleeves or tying up his hair, all while sneaking a smirk or two your way
Knowing that he's the only person that can render you speechless sets his heart ablaze
But Diluc can only do so much flirting before he ends up becoming the flustered one. Your expressions are just so endearing. It's not fair!
And when you look at him like he's everything you've ever wanted, he melts. He scoops you up into your arms and whispers the depths of his love to you
He'll do all that and more to make you smile. Anything you want. He's already yours, but he'll prove it if he must
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kuromochimi · 6 months
Pros and Cons
Rin Itoshi x F!Reader
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If you’ve seen friends or if you want to see where I got the prompt from, it’s from when ross had to choose between two girls and made a pros and cons list to help him decide.
Content: angst to fluff, aged up characters (18+), not proof read
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Rin didn’t think he’d ever end up in such a situation. See, despite there being a long line of women willing to climb mountains just to have a chance at being with rin, he very rarely entertained any of them… mostly because he already had his eyes set on someone else. You. But life’s circumstances never really gave you two any way to work on what you both knew could happen. He was mostly having away games or training and you were too busy with a blooming career somewhere far from where he usually wad. “It’s not the time”. The line rin would always tell himself. The right time just never seemed to present itself.
Unfortunately, time won’t always be friendly to continuously missed chances. After years of not having anything happen, rin came to the conclusion that maybe it just wasn’t meant to be. Besides, you’ve had a few boyfriends and situationships here and there and rin, being surrounded by his team mates and their stories about how good it feels to have someone supporting them from the stands, he got impatient so he decided to give someone a try. Mai. One of the team’s PR managers. She always was nice to rin, pretty, soft spoken, understanding, basically what most men would want. Fortunately for rin, she also seemed to harbor some sort of attraction towards him. Nothing serious at the moment but definitely something to start with. A few dates here and there. Hang outs at home and all. Mai was aware that rin couldn’t commit yet and neither was she. The arrangement they had worked for both. But boy, was timing a bitch to rin. Roughly 3 months into dating mai, rin was rendered frozen in place when he received a message from you.
You: Rin! I’ve been assigned to work near your home stadium. Did I get that right? idk if that’s what you call it but yeah. I just moved in yesterday. Want to meet up? :)
As rin was mindlessly staring and repeatedly reading your message, reo passed by and “accidentally” saw the message. “dude, who’s that? isn’t mai going to get jealous?” Rin snapped back into reality after realizing his friends had seen what was going on. Isagi looked as well and as he read the contact name, a bulb went up his head “oh wait isn’t that the girl you used to like before you started dating mai?” A few banters here and there about the team invading rin’s privacy, shidou chimed in out of nowhere “Know what? Why don’t you make a pros and cons list for the girls? I know damn well you still like that one but you also seem smitten as fuck for mai so.. pros and cons man” and most of the time, only bullshit comes out of shidou’s mouth but god, rin was at such a crossroads, he gave in. With the help of his teammates, a list was made.
Later that day, rin agreed to meet with you. It’s not that he had already decided or that he was confident you still had feelings for him but he thought it wouldn’t hurt. Besides, he had already asked mai about it and she was more than okay with it. She even half joked half meant said that if things work out between you and rin, she should at least be invited to the wedding. When rin arrived at the meet up place and he saw you sitting and looking around, there was no doubt in his heart. It was still you and he was a big fool for ever thinking that dating someone else would ever work. Not to deny that mai was a great girl and that they matched pretty well.. it’s just that you were it for him. At that moment, he thanked the heavens that his arrangement with mai wasn’t serious yet. He felt bad having to end or because the relationship had its fair share of ups but, god, seeing you again just locked him in and it would feel wrong dating anyone else when he was this crazy for you. Rin walked up to you and gently tapped your shoulder. You immediately looked back to see him and as if on instinct, you jumped up to hug him. “Rin! How have you been?!” You exclaimed while still hugging him. “Hello to you too, yn” he calmly replied back while hugging back, cradling your head gently in his hand.
The meet up went as well as you had hoped. Lots of catching up, rin touring you around, trying out different food places. It was a fun welcome to the city. In the evening, as rin was about to drive you home, he realized that he left his phone at the restaurant. “Sorry yn, can you wait a bit, I think I left my phone” you gave him a gentle nod as he left the car. You let out a heavy sigh because god were you nervous. You wanted to finally try it out with rin since you were close by and distance wouldn’t be an issue anymore. As you were thinking of ways to tell him what you wanted to do, a piece of paper with your name on it caught your attention. It was at the little compartment in between the driver’s seat and your seat. Not meaning to be nosy but also being extremely curious, you picked it up and unfolded. You were half expecting a cute note but you were met with a pros and cons list. Specifically the cons list which had “unstable” and “needs career” which you immediately interpreted as him conveying that you looked to have no stability and that you had a career he deemed insufficient to consider as a relevant enough career. And it hurt. It hurt because he was right. Compared to him, your career was small and you couldn’t exactly blame him but you didn’t think he’d see it as something bad enough to consider it a “con”. You didn’t even realize you were crying and you didn’t realize that rin had just opened the door to his seat. “Yn? Hey what’s the matter?” He sounded so worried and caring but that didn’t matter. “I- I’m taking a cab, rin I’m sorry” his eyes darted to the piece of paper in your grasp and his face fell pale. “yn listen, wait” he gently grabbed your wrist and you let him. “I know this looks bad. Fuck, it is bad. But it’s not what you think. I don’t think you’re unstable or any of that. It’s just.. what I’m trying to say is that you being busy with your career, we wouldn’t be stable is what I’m trying to say there. And that you wouldn’t want to pick anything over your career at the moment. I swear I just.. I’m not good with words please believe me. And the other girl on the list, I tried dating someone else but when I saw you today, everything just fell into place. I like you still, I know you know that. She knows it too” and he was telling the truth. It just wasn’t sinking into your head that he was saying that he wanted a relationship? The person you’ve loved since senior year of high school likes you back. You always had a guy feel but he never acted on it so you brushed it off but now he just confessed. “Let me make it up to you and all the years we missed?” Rin asked with a smile.
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little-emerald-snake · 6 months
Smutmas Day 19
“Don’t make me take you home and punish you.” - Sebastian Sallow X F!MC
690 words
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Warning: semi public fondling, bondage, spanking, name calling, rough, possessive, unprotected p-in-v sex
She and Sebastian had been invited to a Hogwarts alumni gala. The proceeds would go to charity for muggle born witches and wizards to get scholarships for magical educations.
They had gladly attended the event and took joy in dressing up all fancy and proper to join some of their old classmates for such a good cause. Sebastian looked incredible in his tux and she couldn’t keep her eyes off of him.
She also looked stunning in a gown that matched her house colors, hair done up into an elegant updo befitting a princess. Sebastian had even told her she looked like a princess.
He looked like her very own prince which had her giving him a fair amount of attention and flirty looks. He grinned, fully able to read the lusty expression she wore on her face as they danced and chatted amongst friends.
While dancing she was pressed so tightly against him, sliding her hips across his in the perfect teasing manner, causing his fingers to dig into the soft skin of her hip in warning. In a deep husky tone he leaned in and whispered. “You better start behaving. Don’t make me take you home and punish you for riling me up in front of all our friends.”
She smiled innocently. Tossing him the sweetest, most innocent look she could muster. She proceeded to do anything but behave. Grinding even more against him while music blared around them or teasing her fingers up the inside of his solid thigh as they sat and talked with friends.
By the end of the night Sebastian was well past worked up and the moment they appareated home he had her bent over the couch, pulling off her dress in the process.
She knew all her teasing would eventually have her end up here and as much as his crazed hurry to get his revenge scared her, it excited her more than anything. She loved when Sebastian became like this, crazed with lust just for her.
A man on a mission to release the pent up need for her that he harbored all night at the gala. He kept her bent over the couch fully naked but still dolled up with her jewelry and such.
He pulled her arms behind her back and tied them together with his bow tie. His suit was still on but his pants were far enough down that his throbbing, angry erection stood straight out in front of him, awaiting her heat.
He spanked her across one ass cheek harshly. “You better be greatful I need to fuck you so bad or I’d make this perfect round ass so red with all my fucking handprints, princess. Although you’d like that wouldn’t you, being covered in my marks like a pretty little slut.”
She moaned pitifully as he thrust into her soaking wet pussy. She was already a dripping mess when he tugged off her underwear. “That’s right baby, feel how tight and wet you are around my cock. Your pussy was made for me. Gonna remind you what it’s like to be my little slut since you think it’s fun to tease me all night like you’re in charge.”
Her fingers dug into the couch cushions as she braced herself, allowing him to plow into her and use her exactly like he said. All she could do was lay there over the couch and take it while he used her soaking wet pussy.
He’d brought her to two orgasms by having her reach between her legs and thrum her clit. He was building her up on a third, sweat dripping from his brow as he held back his own till she came again around him.
Only once she released did he finally bury himself within her walls allow himself to fill her with thick ropes of his cum. After coming down from his high he pulled himself from her and watched a glob of his cum drip from her before spanking her ass again. “Should be a good reminder of who’s in charge.”
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mack-devereaux · 1 year
I’ve loved you this whole time
(This one switches between pov’s)
Nico Hischier X Y/N
It was a weird feeling he had, he was disappointed his team didn’t make it as far into the playoffs as they’d hoped, but he felt excited to go home to Switzerland and see his family and friends, and a certain someone. He has had a crush on the same girl for years and he had never plucked up the courage to speak to her. He was an nhl player, he talked to countless media news outlets and he spoke to the team all the time. Yet he was absolutely terrified to speak to a cute little book shop owner.
She was distracted, she knew he was visiting soon but she wasn’t sure when. She had watched their last playoff game and could tell he was disappointed they didn’t make it very far into the playoffs. She wasn’t sure why she had a fascination with Nico, sure he was attractive, but they never really had a conversation longer than 10 seconds, she just chalked it up to her having a crush on him. A crush she’d had on him for the last 6 years.
After opening the book shop for the day she sat down behind the desk and opened up Instagram, the first post being from Nico. He was back. She couldn’t help the smile that made its way onto her face. For the past week she had been waking up a bit earlier than normal, putting a bit more effort into what she looked like just in case she ran into the man who has been taking over her thoughts for the last few years.
He’d been back for about a week, he’d spent time with family and friends and he was glad for the break, although he occasionally did get a text from Jack asking him if he had seen y/n. He knew he shouldn’t of mentioned her to him he thought to himself. Jack was relentless with his teasing about his captain having feelings for a girl back home.
Later that evening he and a few friends headed into town for the fair and street dance that was going on that weekend. “You good Nico? Looking a bit tense there, nervous to see a certain someone?” his friend joked. “I’m fine, leave y/n out of it” he smiled when he said her name.
Luca spoke up “You know she watches all your games right”. Knowing his brother harbored feelings for the girl, it was time to do some matchmaking.
“She what?” Nico was very surprised by this.
“Yea, she goes to the pub to watch whenever they decide to play your games, which isn’t as often because of the time change, but I’ve also seen her watch them on her phone when she goes out with us,” Luca stopped and looked at his brother, “I think you should just ask her out, it’s very obvious that she likes you too dude. Plus her and y/b/f are gonna meet up with us tonight.”
Before Y/n locked up the book store and walked down the street towards the fair, she took one last look into the mirror to see how she looked. She wasn’t a vain person but she did have to say she looked good, she had a new dress and put a bit more makeup on. She loved when the fair came, she loved the lights, the dancing, and the music. Tonight was the night that she was going to run into Nico. Mainly because literally everyone in town went to the fair and she was meeting up with some mutual friends they shared with one another. To say she was nervous was a drastic understatement. As she got further into the vendors booths she saw her best friend.
“Y/n!” Her best friend yelled, “oh my gosh you look beautiful! You wouldn’t be wearing this because a certain someone is back in town would you?” she teased.
“Shut up, and no, I just felt like dressing up is all,” y/n blushed.
“Y/n I love you but you’re a terrible liar.” Y/b/f said. “Let’s go I think they are down here.” They walked down the street arm in arm looking for the rest of their friend group. As they turned the corner she saw him, he looked good, his outfit was simple, just wearing some dark jeans and a black t shirt, and a backwards hat. Smiling at something his brother said. She thought he looked breathtaking.
Nico was feeling good. Ever since the comment his brother said about you watching all his games he could not stop smiling. It was definitely an ego boost, not that he needed it. He got plenty of attention from girls back in Newark and on away games, but he never acted on it, his heart belonged back here in Switzerland with y/n. They found a table and some chairs and decided to have a drink while they waited for everyone to show up. He looked up and there she was. He sipped on his beer as he looked her up and down, the dress she was wearing hugged all her curves just right, and her hair going down her back, she looked incredible. He felt a sharp kick in his leg and he glared at his friend. “Way to be subtle Hischier” his friend laughed.
“Hey boys” y/b/f said, “thanks for waiting. Y/n took too long making sure she looked good for—ouch.” Y/n elbowed her friend “shut up.” They sat down in the only seats left, which ever so conveniently, hers happened to be next to Nico as her best friend snagged one next to their mutual friends.
“Hi Nico, it’s good to see you,” y/n said rather quietly.
His name on her lips sounded absolutely perfect. “Y/n, it’s lovely to see you as well. You look beautiful tonight,” Nico said smiling.
Her heart jumped into her throat. Did he actually say that to her? She was nervous, just about everyone could pick up on it. She blushed and tucked her hair behind her ear. “That’s very sweet of you to say Nico, thank you.” They both joined the conversations flowing between their friends.
Nico felt a bit more confident tonight. He wasn’t sure if that was from the alcohol he’d consumed, which he only had a slight buzz going, or the fact that he knew that his dream girl kept up with his hockey games. He would steal a glance every now and then at her. With how packed the street fair was getting they had all moved their chairs in a bit closer to one another, so as nonchalantly as he could he intertwined his fingers with hers under the table. She immediately made eye contact with him and glanced down at his fingers playing with hers and smiled back up at him. He shot a wink at her and they both went back to listening to what story was being told.
They had sent flirty glances and smiles at each other all night,never letting go of her hand, and the rest of the group definitely caught on. So as the night ended no one was surprised when Nico spoke up and volunteered to walk y/n back to her apartment. As they walked down the street away from their friends Luca and y/b/f looked at each other and said “finally”.
They walked hand in hand down the street and y/n finally spoke up “I know you’re probably upset for not going far into the playoffs but you and your team played really well this year, you should be proud.”
“Thank you, that means a lot,” he smirked at her “so…you watch my games huh?”
She laughed, “Yea.. I try to watch most of them. Luca and y/b/f give me hell for it, but I enjoy the game and I think it’s really awesome you made it into the NHL.” She stumbled through her words.
“I happen to think it’s adorable that you watch my games.”
As they approached y/n’s apartment their banter had turned into flirting, he didn’t want the night to end.
“Well this is my stop, thank you Nico, for walking me home and entertaining my rambling,” she looked up at him.
“You weren’t rambling, and it’s not a big deal. I didn’t want you walking home by yourself.” The way she looked at him was definitely making his heart swell, had he really been this blind the whole time. His hand went up to the back of his neck and let out a nervous laugh “so I was thinking maybe I could take you out for dinner sometime?”
“I’d really like that Nico.”
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bensolosbluesaber · 2 years
Someone Like You: Part 1 (Marc Spector, Steven Grant, and Jake Lockley x Avengers f!reader)
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Summary: When Moon Knight is captured, there is only one Avenger with the right powers to save them. You. Marc might hate you, but when his life is on the line that no longer matters. ~3,100 words
Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Adventure I guess idk
Pairings: Primarily Marc Spector x f!reader, Jake Lockley x f!reader, Steven Grant x f!reader
Warnings: DID mentions and lots of them, canon typical violence, blood and injuries, Marc calls reader a bitch and they fight but in a we’re both superheroes way, generally Marc is an ass for this part so proceed with caution, mentions of childhood trauma/abuse, disassociation and nightmares
A/N: I represented DID in this fic in a way similar to the show, or at least that was my intention. Please understand this is fictionalized and dramatized, but also please tell me if there are errors. Look, this was supposed to be more plotty, but I just wanted to get to the hurt/comfort part and didn’t feel like writing a big action sequence, so the plot isn’t that complicated. Also Nat is alive for this, and Bruce, Buck, and Sam all make an appearance:)
Part 2: Coming Soon
“We need you. Now!”
Natasha’s face is flushed and her eyes wide. She’s flustered. 
Natasha Romanoff is never flustered, and that is the first sign that something is well and truly wrong. Sign two? That she is asking for you now when you had just used your powers yesterday. You are already exhausted, overexerted, utterly drained. Today is supposed to be a time to recharge.
But Natasha is so uncharacteristically panicked that you roll off the couch to your feet and stumble after her without a second thought.
“It’s Moon Knight,” she explains as you hurry down the hallway.
“You found him? Them?” You correct yourself quickly.
Marc, Steven, and Jake had been missing for days. They did that frequently, just disappeared off on some mission for Khonshu. But Steven always checked in with the Avengers sooner rather than later. He hadn’t this time, and that worried the team, apparently with good reason.
“Sort of.” Nat stops outside of a closed door and turns to you. Her lips are pressed together with displeasure. “It’s not fair to ask you this, but-“
“Oh,” you exhale slowly.
The pieces finally come together.
“You’re the only one with the skills to do it.”
You curse under your breath. Not only are you exhausted, but you and the Moon Knight system have a long-running… well it wasn’t exactly hatred, but you certainly weren’t friends.
For no apparent reason, all three alters avoided you like the plague. Your best guess is that they learned about your particular power set and wanted to stay far away it. Most people did, which was ridiculous because you had complete control of your powers and no desire to use them on your coworkers anyway. And frankly it stung. You had privately harbored a small crush on the handsome trio from the first time you met Marc, a crush that was clearly not returned.
All that was inconsequential now. Would they be pissed about this invasion? They certainly would, but at least they would be alive.
You can tell it’s Marc fronting by the tension carried in his forehead. His eyes dart around wildly as he slumps against a wall and slides to the ground. Obviously, he is in the midst of making his own escape even as you are attempting an extraction.
“Marc!” You hurry to his side and kneel down.
His deep brown eyes finally focus on you. He blinks once, then twice. The softness you saw for just a moment is replaced with an icy darkness.
“The fuck are you doing here?” He growls, slurs really.
The man has to be drugged out of his mind. His eyes can’t focus on you for more than a second.
“Where’s Steven?” His voice lowers as he looks behind you and began whipping his head back and forth violently. “Where’s Steven? Steven!”
His deep voice, heavy with that Chicago accent, cracks over the name of his alter. “I’ll help you find him, Marc,” you reassure gently and hold out a hand. The rules here are different, so even though you have no idea how you are going to find Steven Grant, you are trying to be reassuring.
Marc stares at the offered hand blankly.
“Jake?” He whispers. “I can’t hear Jake. I can’t hear Jake! I can’t… I… Steven? Jake?”
You reach for him and grasp his forearms, guiding him to a standing position. He stumbles into you.
“I’m getting you out of here, Marc. Come on.”
“No!” His voice is suddenly clear, and he shoves you backwards. The push sends you stumbling into a wall with a heavy thud. “Not without them!”
The impact actually hurts. You are so overtaxed that you are experiencing pain in an environment where you should have total control. This is bad. This is really bad.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Marc’s is becoming more lucid, his eyes filling with rage as he realizes what is happening. He rounds on you with an accusing finger extended. “I know where I am, and I don’t want you here!”
His finger jabs your shoulder painfully, and any pity you might have felt disappears. You grab his wrist, and start to lock out his arm. He’s wise to the technique and tries kicking your leg out from beneath you. You side step easily, but his fist finds your nose and throws you off balance.
Pain shoots through the back of your head as it smacks against ceramic tile floor.
Something warm is on your face. You raise a hand to touch it, and when you pull your hand back your fingers are stained crimson. Blood. This has never happened before. You’re starting to have serious doubts about this mission.
“Get out of my fucking head!” Marc stands over you and shouts, but you hardly hear him. You are solely focused on the sticky red stain on your hands. You are bleeding. You shift your gaze to Marc. Blood. Marc.
“Shit,” you curse.
You look around, taking in the elaborate hallway structure with doors on either side. You’d walked through a dozen hallways just like this one to find Marc. The organization of the space is masterful, unlike any you had ever seen. People could live here. People do live here. Kind of. Then it hits you, a realization that should have been clear from the beginning.
The blood and pain has nothing to do with your strength. Even weakened you would have control enough to keep yourself from injury. No, this isn’t about the strength of your mind at all. It’s about the strength of theirs.
Natasha, Sam, Bucky, and Bruce hold vigil around the bed where the Moon Knight system lays unconscious. Nat smooths a hand over your upper back. Your eyes are shut and shifting rapidly under your eyelids. You sit straight backed beside the unconscious man with your palm pressed to his forehead and fingers tangling in his dark curls.
“How did this even happen?” Sam demands. “Isn’t the bird thing supposed to keep him safe?”
A chilly wind whips through the room.
“I think he’s listening,” Bruce mutters. “And I think he did his best. Some other god did this. Khonshu defeated him, but not in time to keep this from happening.”
“How do you know this? Can you talk to the bird thing?” Sam asks, purposefully goading Khonshu.
“Thor can.”
A heavy silence settles over the room.
“She just mind-walked yesterday,” Bucky growls and stands so he can pace out his nervous energy. “And this mind is hardly a simple one. She’s going to come out a disaster…” he trails off.
If she comes out at all. That’s what he was going to say, but he doesn’t want to so much as speak the terrible words into existence.
But you hadn’t even hesitated to take the dive, to walk into the mind of Marc, Steven, and Jake even knowing it could kill you.
Marc is still staring down at you while you lay back on the ground, and there is no denying that he is intimidating. He’s dressed in jeans and a dark shirt, the same outfit he always wears in the real world. That fascinates you, but there’s no time to unpack what it means right now.
“Marc,” you say his name softly. “Nat sent me here to wake you up. You’ve been unconscious for days. Kate and Clint only just found you a few hours-“
“I don’t want you here.”
“Do you think I enjoy this, Spector?” There is no anger in your voice as you stand, putting a few feet between the angry man and yourself. You are resigned to his hatred. “You think it’s fun popping into people’s heads? I’m more than aware of how violating it is, but you have to come out of this and soon, and we didn’t see a better option. So please just let me wake you up and you can go back to hating me.”
Marc surveys you for a long moment. He rolls his wrist and pops his neck.
“Just get out,” he snarls. “I‘ll find Steven and Jake and we’ll get out ourselves.”
He’ll find them? The questions sticks in your mind for a moment before annoyance takes priority over the curiosity. You aren’t going to just ‘get out.’
You are opening your mouth to say as much when a heavy body slams into you from the side, tackling you to the floor so hard it knocks the breath from your lungs. You’re so banged up. These injuries better not be on your physical body too.
A deep voice above you is spewing curses in Spanish and shouting something at Marc. Your ears ring too loud to hear whoever this newcomer is.
“Let’s go, hermosa.” The man on top of you stands and drags you to your feet. “Run!”
And you do. You don’t even question who this other person is or why you’re running. You simply take off in a sprint after him. The newcomer wears a jacket and a flat cap, but that’s all you can make out. That and you have finally realized where you are. Well, you knew where you were the whole time, but now you are realizing just what exactly it is.
A psychiatric ward. But not the clean, modern type. It is the horrific, decrepit, horror-movie type. Brick walls that are crumbling, smeared with a dark liquid you assume is blood. Dimly lit hallways. Water dripping from pipes and pooling dangerously on the tile floor. This is their mind?
Marc grabs your arm and yanks you into a room. He slams the door shut behind you and immediately rounds on the stranger.
“What the fuck Jake!”
Jake? You know that name. Jake Lockley. He is the alter none of the Avengers have met, just heard of. It’s the same body and the same face as he turns to you. But his expression is less emotional than Marc’s. Where Marc is all rage, Jake seems to possess a more muted curiosity about your presence. He blinks at you, then turns to Marc.
“Whoever trapped us here Khonshu took care of. But the dangers they planted in the headspace are still very real,” Jake explains as he peeks out of the small, dirty window to check the halls for danger.
“Quite the academic you are,” Marc remarks dryly and crosses his arms.
“Steven is just a few hallways away. He can explain this all much better.” Jake pulls off his hat to run a hand through his curls.
“Steven’s okay?” Marc’s voice is the softest you have ever heard. “He’s safe?”
“Safe enough and waiting for us. Then we can figure out how to wake ourself up.” Jake glances at you. “You’re the mind reader girl.”
You scoff. “I call it mind walking, but sure, I’m the mind reader girl.”
“Oh you pedantic bitch,” Marc snaps, and the word stings. Even Jake seems shocked at the venom in Marc’s tone. “Sorry we used the wrong term while you invade our mind. Is there really a fucking difference?”
He doesn’t want an answer, but you want to give one.
“Yes, you dense ass!” You wish you could think of a better insult. “Mind walking literally knocks me out. My consciousness doesn’t just touch yours and pick up some things, it’s inside of yours. Your mind is all around me. I can access just about any part of someone’s mind when I mind walk, even parts they don’t know about.”
“And you wonder why no one wants to be around you.”
Somehow that’s worse than being called a bitch. Embarrassingly, you find yourself blinking back tears. You still remember the days you thought you could befriend him, when you had liked him. You think that in the past-tense as if that crush is long past. It isn’t.
“Be nice,” Jake mutters as he finally shakes off his stunned look.
“You know,” Marc starts, clearly ignoring Jake. “You can go. We’ll be back to the real world in no time. We don’t need you meddling around with our head.”
You don’t have to explain that though, because before you can gather your thoughts Jake interrupts, “Stay. I think we’ll need your powers.”
As much as you want to go you can’t. That’s the problem with entering the unconscious mind - it’s nearly impossible to get out without bringing the other person with you. If you were at full strength it might be doable. But not now. Now your fate is tied to Moon Knight.
“We don’t-“ Marc starts.
Jake shoots him a look and puts his hat back on.
“Better to be safe. I think the hallway’s clear. Let’s get Steven and fix this.”
You follow Jake, Marc not far behind. Your trio moves silently but quickly as Jake leads you into another dingy room.
“Steven!” Marc pushes past you and falls to his knees beside Steven. This alter you had met briefly on one occasion. He had been nicer than Marc, but he still kept you at arm’s length.
Right now blood drips from a gash across Steven’s forehead, matting his messy curls to his head. He wears a loose patterned button down shirt and a jacket with light colored pants. You look over at Jake in his dark jacket with an intricately embroidered collar, white dress shirt, and flat cap. Marc, as you had noticed earlier, is wearing his usual attire. Which means this must be how Jake and Steven would dress when they front.
From a strictly academic perspective, it was fascinating. You’d never mind walked into someone with such a complex psychological condition. Each alter had a physical form in their headspace, and it seemed to be like an elaborately structured home for the three alters. Most minds were just a space, some more organized and complicated than others, but certainly none as incredible as this.
“What happened?” Marc’s question interrupts your thoughts.
“Hecca priests,” Steven murmurs in that rich British accent. “Some version of them at least. It’s Set, the sun god. He trapped us in our own mind, messed with it.”
“But this isn’t our headspace,” Marc protests.
It is unnerving to stand in a room with three men who both look the same and entirely different. Steven looks exhausted; he’s definitely hurt. Marc is hunched over, his back to you, but you hear worry in his voice. Jake’s hands are tucked in his pockets while he leans against a wall and tries to act like he isn’t staring at you.
You try to follow the conversation. Jake strolls over to whisper an explanation.
“Normally we’re in a mental ward, but clean and white with rooms of memories and no monsters. It’s rather relaxing.”
“It is our headspace though,” Steven answers Marc. “Just twisted by a vengeful god. Wonder who got us involved with those again?”
He fixes Marc with a pointed and amused glare.
“Using our own headspace as a prison,” Marc ponders the explanation and ignores Steven’s snide comment. “It is smart.”
Steven’s unfocused gaze catches on you then.
“You’re here?”
Marc whips his gaze around to you too like he’d forgotten your presence.
There’s something accusing in his eyes. No, maybe it’s not accusing. Distrustful. Does he think you are going to hurt Steven? Or does he not want them to be seen so vulnerable?
“Yes,” you answer simply. There really is nothing else to say.
“Good. Because I think we need you to wake us up.”
“That doesn’t make sense,” Marc jumps in, shooting you a look that clearly says to keep quiet. “When we died, we got out fine on our own.”
Steven laughs. “Mate, Osiris loved our little heart to heart and brought us back to life. This is totally different.”
“Well for one, we aren’t dead.” It’s Jake’s turn to argue with Marc.
“I can wake you up now, I think,” you offer.
“Alright-“ Steven starts to accept.
“Fuck off!” Marc interrupts.
That’s it. You have had it with his attitude.
“What did I do to you?” You demand, advancing on Marc who stands to face you and squares his shoulders. “I’m trying to help you! I’m your teammate! I’ve never been anything but kind while you quite literally pretend I don’t exist. Last week, I tried to talk to you at dinner, and you acted like you couldn’t hear me. When I walk into a room you leave. So what is it, Spector? My powers? They are completely under control. I just want you to not die today, so let me fucking help!”
“I don’t need you!” Marc closes the space between your bodies. “You are- you-“ He sputters.
“Marc doesn’t want someone like you seeing inside our head,” Steven jumps in much to Marc’s chagrin.
“Shut up, Steven.”
“Someone like me?”
“Someone kind, sweet. A potential love interest.”
“Shut up, Steven!” Marc bites out again
“Well it’s true ‘innit?”
A potential what??
“Not that this isn’t fun and well overdue, but the longer we’re trapped here, the harder it will be to get back.” Jake is the voice of reason for once.
He’s right. There’s a time to unpack Marc’s psyche, and it, ironically, is not right now.
“Let’s vote,” Steven wipes a drip of blood from his brow. “All in favor of letting her help.” 
Jake and Steven raise their hands. Then slowly, miraculously, Marc raises his too.
“Unanimous. Brilliant! What do we do?”
In a lesser mind, you would have merely snapped your fingers, maybe literally, and woken both of you up easily. That isn’t going to work here. Their mind is complicated already, made even more so by a third party holding it hostage. Plus you are, as your trembling legs remind you, exhausted.
You crouch down beside Steven and take his hand then reach for Jake’s. He takes it and grasps Marc’s hand who completes the circle.
“Think about waking up in the morning,” you say quietly as you shut your eyes and channel the last dredges of your strength even as you draw on theirs. “What do you do? What’s your alarm sound like? Think about pulling the covers back. Think about opening your eyes to the morning sun. Think about the best parts of being alive, the things you feel - really feel - when you have the body, the parts of the world that are most real. The crunch of waffles. The smell of rain.” You are talking to yourself now. Or maybe thinking. It’s hard to tell the difference between mind and reality. Maybe there is no difference.
A warm mug of tea. The soft fur of a cat. Soft white wrappings. The smell of new books. Old books. Light falling across a museum exhibit. Fluffy pillows soft beneath your head. The quiet crunch of leather gloves folding around a steering wheel. Desert sands.
Wake up. Wake up. Wake-
You jerk forward off the chair, catching yourself weakly against the mattress before any of the Avengers can get to you. Bucky slides down to the floor beside you.
“Are you okay?” He demands urgently, and the worry is prominent in his voice.
“Yeah,” you rasp and use Bucky to pull yourself up.
“He’s waking up too.” Nat breathes an audible sigh of relief.
You don’t want to see Marc. Or Steven or Jake. And the after effects of mind walking are coming. Marc didn’t develop DID from a happy childhood, which means things are about to get bad for you.
You assure Bucky and Sam that you are alright, that you want to be alone this time, and hurry out of the room, barely making it to your room as pain flares in your skull. You crumple onto your bed and don’t even have time to cover yourself in blankets before it begins.
A/N: Part 2 will be so angsty and fluffy and wonderful. It is written and just needs edited, so it will be out soon!​
EDIT: Part 2
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darthpastry · 8 months
Incorrect Quotes of the Kingdom Pt. 8 (ft. FNaF)
Link: I’m ambidextrous. 
Sidon: That’s what’s up my friend, love who you love.  —————————————————————
Gregory: I’m so glad we don’t have steel bones. 
Vanessa: What? 
Tulin: Could you imagine how much that would hurt during the summer? 
Link: Winter would be no picnic either. 
Gregory: Maybe we’d end up sticking to our bones.  —————————————————————
Michael: Look, I know what you’re going to say, he’s my dad and I should try to get along with him. 
Henry: No, he’s crazy and needs to go down.  —————————————————————
Glamrock Chica: I don’t want to talk about it. 
Roxy: Good! We don’t want to hear about it.  —————————————————————
Link: *to Rhoam after waking up on the Great Plateau* I have no memory of who I am or where I am, much less of you. However, I harbor a deep resentment towards you.  ——————————————��——————
Purah: You duping all these materials has had a negative impact on the economy. The rate of inflation is crazy—
Link: *visible confusion*
Purah: *sigh* Not stonks.  —————————————————————
Link: I threw a ball for my dog. I know it’s extravagant, but they look amazing in a tuxedo.  —————————————————————
Link: What’s this?
Tulin: A ball pit. 
Link: Incorrect, Gregory?
Gregory: A clown’s nest.  —————————————————————
Gregory: Hey, can I borrow your phone?
Vanessa: Yeah, sure. 
Gregory: *turns on airplane mode* BE FREE!
Vanessa: WAIT NO--
Gregory: *Throws phone out window*
Random worker: What would you like?
Gregory: The souls of the innocent--
Glamrock Freddy: A bagel.
Glamrock Freddy: Two bagels.
Gregory: *holding a python* Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him  Vanessa: You did WHAT–  Michael: William Snakepeare.
Link: Hey, Purah? Purah: Yes? Link: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on? Purah: ... Purah: Where’s Tulin?
Tulin: Here’s a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it. Teba: Tulin, no. Link: *nodding* Mistlefoe. Teba: Please stop encouraging them.
Zelda: I trust Link. Rauru: You think they know what they're doing? Zelda: I wouldn't go that far.
Vanessa: We need a distraction. Michael: Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises? Gregory: *in a whisper* My time has come.
Vanessa: *driving Tulin and Gregory* So how was your day? Tulin and Gregory: *in unison* We almost got surprise adopted! Vanessa: What? Gregory: We almost got kidnapped. Vanessa: Oh, okay. Vanessa: *slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?!
Daruk: Why are you on the floor? Link: I’m depressed. Also, I was stabbed, can you get Mipha, please?
Link: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?  Rauru: You’re a hazard to society  Tulin: And a coward. DO TWENTY.
Gregory: *Screams* Link: *Screams louder to establish dominance* Zelda: Should we do something? Vanessa: No, I want to see who wins.
Purah: I think we're missing something. Tulin: Teamwork? Gregory: Cohesion? Link: A general sense of what we’re doing?
Tulin: Good responses for being stabbed with a knife? Riju: Rude. Gregory: That’s fair. Sonia: Not again. Link: Are you going to want this back?
Zelda: You really put aside everything and came all this way for me? How did you even get here so fast? Link: Several traffic violations. Tulin: Three counts of resisting arrest. Riju: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks. Sidon: Also, that’s not our car.
Link: Am I going too far? Rauru: No, no, no. You went too far about seven hours ago. Now you're going to prison.
Gregory: I'm incredibly fast at math. Cassie: Alright, what's 30x17? Gregory: 47. Cassie: That's not even close. Gregory: But it was fast.
William: .. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- [translation: I’M SORRY] Henry: What's that? William: Remorse code. Henry: I'm even angrier now.
Tulin: If you were to vacuum up jello through a metal tube, well I think that’d be a neat noise. Riju: I beg to differ. Tulin: Then Beg.
Buliara: You know, not every problem can be solved with a sword. Riju: That's why I carry two swords.
Sidon: Please, I'm begging you go to a doctor. Link: I'm sorry is this OUR stab wound? Stay out of it.
Roxy: Nothing in life is free. Glamrock Chica: Love is free! Monty: Adventure is free. Glamrock Freddy: Knowledge is free. Tulin, Link, and Gregory: *crash through the wall in a go-kart, wearing 8-bit sunglasses and shouting in unison* EVERYTHING IS FREE IF YOU TAKE IT WITHOUT PAYING!
Mipha: Why is Revali so mad? Urbosa: *snickering* They took one of those “Which Character Are You?” quizzes Mipha: And...? Daruk: *shaking with laughter* They got Link.
Zelda: You lying, cheating, piece of crap! Link: Oh yeah? You’re the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD! Zelda: I’m leaving you, and I’M TAKING THE DOG WITH ME! Sidon: *picking up the monopoly board* I think we’re gonna stop playing now.
Purah: *Trying to fill out legal paperwork stuff* Were you guys born AMAB or AFAB? Zelda: Bold of you to assume I was born at all. Robbie: I personally was created in a lab. Link: I just straight up spawned lol.
Vanessa: *watching the news* Someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today! Michael: *walks in covered with ink* Well, maybe the squid was being a jerk.
Monty: Today is a day of running through hurdles. Glamrock Freddy: Aren’t you supposed to jump OVER hurdles? Monty: Whatever. Fear is only something to be afraid of if you let it scare you.
Gregory: How do I deal with my enemies? Link: Kill them. Glamrock Freddy: That's a bit extreme, he needs a more passive solution. Link: Kill them only a little?
Link: Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside Zelda: Link, I swear, if I step outside and all of our mugs are on the front lawn... Link: *Sips coffee from bowl*
Gregory: So, what’s for dinner? Vanessa: *staring at the food she burnt* Regret.
Link: Lol heads up if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you'll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this lmfao Riju: What did you do op? Link: A MISTAKE
Rauru: Link... Link: Oh no, 'Link' in b-flat. You're disappointed.
Cassie: Someone will die. Helpi: Of fun!
Link: Sorry it took me so long to bail you out of jail. Tulin: Nah, it’s my fault, I shouldn’t’ve used my one phone call to prank call the police.
Link: Just because I'm too short to reach the lowest shelf in the cabinet doesn't mean you shouldn't watch out for your kneecaps.
Gregory: *Kicks the door down looking panicked* Vanessa: What did you do? Gregory: Nobody died! Glamrock Freddy: WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?!
Zelda: Hey, Sonia? Can I get some dating advice? Sonia: Just because I’m with Rauru doesn’t mean I know how I did it.
Purah: We need to distract these guys. Link: Leave it to me. Link: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss. Gregory, Tulin, and Cassie: *Immediately begin arguing*
Vanessa: You often use humor to deflect trauma. Michael: Thank you. Vanessa: I didn't say that was a good thing. Michael: What I'm hearing is, you think I'm funny.
Rauru: Ganondorf, stop! This isn't you, you've gone mad with power! Ganondorf: Well of course I have. Have you ever tried going mad without power? It's boring.
Glamrock Freddy: How did none of you hear what I just said? Roxy: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours. Glamrock Chica: I got distracted about halfway through. Monty: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Link: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 million gold? Gregory: You stab me, and then when my leg gets better, we buy a giant house. Tulin: You can stab me too, then we'll have 20 million. Link: Good thinking.
Cassie: How petty can you get? Gregory: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
Link: Welcome, fellow idiots Purah: Hello, Link. Link: No, no, not you, you're not an idiot. Purah: You underestimate me.
Link: If you can’t beat them, dress better than them.
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narcoticwriter · 2 years
Every Geo User Holds the Universal Trait of Having No Practical Application of Common Sense Whatsoever.
Yes, I said it and it's about damn time someone did because this really makes too much sense.
Before you stone (lol 'stone') me to death, take a moment to look at the title. The words 'practical application' and 'common sense' are defined as read.
Practical application refers to the efficient execution of an idea as it pertains to something, typically a problem or issue. Common sense refers to being able to infer that certain things are not to be done just by looking at them instead of acting on the said thing that should not be done.
This also applies to self-awareness and self-preservation as well as the connection of being perceived. So to say that they lack the practical application of common sense in their day-to-day is absolutely fair because if you look carefully at their lives, they do not practice this as much as they should.
Geo Character enjoyers, this one is specially made in mind for you. 😉
Thesis - Hypothesis
So how did I come to this conclusion? Let's start by looking at what I believe to be the universal personality traits and internal character of those who have Geo Visions. If you look at the way that they conduct themselves, you will notice these traits among all of them:
An immovable will and unbending devotion to their goals
Strong and uncompromisable fundamentals
Sees their Visions as more of a tool than an ambition
Every single person who uses Geo exhibits these traits in either how they conduct themselves around others and themselves, what they do for a living, or in their personal philosophies. This does not mean, however, that they are free from any flaws. In fact, that assumption is far from the truth, as all of the traits aforementioned can exasperate and intensify genuine problems and negative traits that they have, such as:
A stubbornness that cannot be budged in any situation
Must do things in a certain way
Do not usually rely on others and take on burdens themselves instead of asking for help when it's perfectly reasonable to do so
And, of course, the whole point of this to begin with:
No common sense whatsoever
I will be going over all of these traits and how each individual has displayed these traits, as well as a little bit of speculating as to how they conduct themselves (while staying as true to the canon as much as possible).
Let's start this off with the most foundational person out of these individuals and how he established the expectations and criteria for receiving a Geo Vision in the first place.
So if you will, Exhibit A.
Zhongli - Vago Mundo
Ah yes, everyone's favorite Geo Daddy. I've likely provoked the ire of his fans in particular with my audacious claim, but now that I have your attention, hear me out. As he is the Geo Archon, he almost certainly established the standards of obtaining a Geo Vision as well as the desirable traits of the users this is granted to. He flawlessly exhibits the three traits I noted up earlier as such:
An immovable will and unbending devotion to their goals -
Zhongli - or rather Morax's entire existence was centered around Liyue and its prosperity for over 3,700 years.
He dutifully protected Liyue from other gods, monsters, and cataclysmic events such as the Archon War and the Cataclysm.
Up until recently, he also served Liyue by annually descending to Liyue Harbor to guide the people to another year of prosperity.
He set up a way to ensure that Liyue would still prosper even if he was gone and he succeeded more or less.
Strong and uncompromisable fundamentals -
He is the God of Contracts.
Anyone who breaks a contract is to be subject to 'the Wrath of the Rock'.
He has yet to break a single one of these contracts, even to the point of making contracts dealing with his very own city.
He is utterly devoted to the people to this day.
Sees their Visions as more of a tool than an ambition -
Zhongli willingly traded away his Gnosis.
Please note that he literally signed a contract and gave it away.
He's also expecting something back, but seeing as a Gnosis is a sign of an Archon's divinity, then . . . it's a pretty big deal.
So what about the other traits? I believe that he abundantly exhibits these on a regular basis as he:
He sees contracts as a way of life.
He absolutely refuses to go outside of a contract.
He always expects things in return and will get even if he has to.
He has stood the test of time and eventual godhood for over 6,000 years and he has shouldered that heavy-laden burden alone for the most part.
He does everything for Liyue and as long as the land is okay, he does not care who is hurt, dies, or is sacrificed for it to stay that way.
This is arguably foundational enough to be legitimate and to be able to accuse this man of heavily projecting onto the recipients of a Geo Vision. However, this is not his worst crime as he shows an almost depressing lack of common sense in this area in particular:
His complete lack of thought when it comes to Mora.
Before you come at me, let me remind you that this man has encyclopedic knowledge about virtually everything in Liyue and its history.
The man even prepared his own funeral rites in the traditional way that had been somewhat dead for centuries.
I'm not even going into that nonsense because I could dedicate an entire essay to that stunt alone.
How do you know everything there is to know about Liyue and not the Mora that it runs on?
And how would he not understand that objects have a value attached to them? A value of Mora?
Tell me in no uncertain terms how a god of Mora, a god that created Mora, and someone who has been around for over 6,000 years is not going to remember to bring a wallet?
Folks, this is what I mean when I say that Zhongli has no common sense whatsoever. But the most egregious crime of them all was this.
"Zhongli, what's going to happen to all of the mora in Teyvat if you aren't making it anymore?"
"The Liyue Qixing will have to figure that one out."
"Did you at least set some mora aside for yourself?"
"Oh? That seems like a good, logical, common-sense idea."
"What a shame that I didn't happen to think about it at the time."
I rest my fucking case. Exhibit B, please.
Arataki Itto - Hanamizaka Heroics
You know, the fanbase as a whole loves to pick on this one for being the odd one out, but as observed, if the Geo Archon can forget that things have a value of Mora, then I think he deserves some slack. Itto is a simple oni who doesn't really need much to be content and though he is somewhat of an airhead, he shows all of those good traits in abundance if you look close enough:
An immovable will and unbending devotion to their goals -
Itto wants to show that he has his pride as an oni. He's done that.
Itto wants to show that he can live peacefully alongside humans. He's mostly done that.
Itto wants to beat Kujou Sara in a rematch. He's working on it.
Strong and uncompromisable fundamentals -
He has not once broken the code of not using his strength maliciously as he only uses it in self-defense.
If he loses, he loses. But he doesn't whine about it, as he might lose, but he'll never admit defeat.
Contrary to popular belief, the man knows when to back down. He is capable of acknowledging someone who is stronger and he simply vows to get better.
If someone is being maltreated, neglected, or disregarded in any way, he will do something about it.
Sees their Visions as more of a tool than an ambition -
Upon receiving his Vision, all he thought was 'hey that's pretty cool' and then promptly told everyone about it. He also wanted it to look better than the others.
When everyone else in the Vision Hunt Decree fell into a depression upon having their Visions taken from them, he simply said 'I guess I have to get stronger to beat the general another way'.
He didn't even blink upon his power getting taken away and wasn't in much of a rush to get it back; the only reason he was upset was because he lost.
I don't really know what else to say except that maybe he's just built different, but again, his core traits hold up extremely well when it comes to the criteria. Now to get to the more touched-on stuff in his characterization concerning the other criteria:
This dude does not think outside of the present moment at all (i.e. his goddamn story quest)
He takes his competition so damn seriously that he will often beat kids out of their snacks. Literal children.
"If you win in a duel against me, I will let the Tenryou Commission arrest me and take me into custody" sounds a whole lot like "If this isn't done in a way I like, I simply will not do it"
He doesn't burden others. He puts all their burdens on him and takes full responsibility, as bastardized as the methods may be. He will do it himself.
His pride will not allow him to ask for help.
All of this should point to him having no common sense as his intentions are good, but the way he goes about acting on them is nothing short of hamfisted and generally on the fly. This, however, is not the incriminating event that is on this list.
When Itto said that oni would rather die than sacrifice their pride, he was rather serious apparently, as he really has no reason still being alive after he ate 16 bowls of Kitsune Ramen.
To prove a point, I'll do some quick math and a rundown on why eating Kitsune Ramen is bad for Itto:
Each bowl of ramen has 12-15 ounces of tofu in it.
Each three ounces of tofu has 13 grams of soy in it.
13 times 5 is 65 grams for the tofu content.
65 grams times 16 bowls of ramen come out to be a whopping 1,040 grams of soy.
Arataki Itto is deathly allergic to soybeans.
If a soybean touches him, he will start to itch and have difficulty breathing.
What's made of soybeans? Tofu. Tofu is made of soybeans.
What has tofu in it? Kitsune Ramen. Kitsune Ramen has fried tofu in it.
So why would he eat Kitsune Ramen?
Because Yae Miko wanted his seat at a ramen shack.
His blockheaded-dense Pound Cake self is lucky that he was only bedridden for a month because this motherfucker should be dead. And do you know what his response to this is?
"At least I didn't have to pay for it, lol."
Before I start dry heaving out of Pavlovian response, no I am not covering the clownery at the Irodori Festival, The Chasm, or Heizou and Shinobu's hangout events because I will become irrationally angry if I do so and Itto would need an entire post of his own.
Onward to Exhibit C.
Ningguang - Eclipsing Star
This certainly serves as a surprise to most - if not all - of the community, but she too has had her fair share of clownery and tomfoolery. A true mashup between civil servant and Top Fortune 500 Company CEO, Ningguang consistently treads the line between economic prosperity and complete ruin and she does so flawlessly. Now let's get into why I think she was given her Vision:
An immovable will and unbending devotion to their goals -
Ningguang's goal in life is to obtain one thing and one thing only: Mora.
She did this in any way possible, from stealing glaze lilies from the wealthy elites to selling fruit on the streets, up to the point where she now dictates Liyue's economic policy.
Zhongli's entire spiel about Ningguang rising from poverty only solidifies this goal and its legitimacy.
Strong and uncompromisable fundamentals -
I wish I wasn't dead serious but really the only things she serves are Liyue and mora, preferably if Liyue is making her the mora.
Ultimately, however, she will always choose Liyue first. (as yeeting her first Jade Chamber into Osial is any indication)
Other examples of her serving Liyue are signing important things into law such as dealing with the availability of drinkable water and overall sanitation, showing that she cares for the common folk as well.
Sees their Visions as more of a tool than an ambition -
Oh, we're going to talk about this one to the extreme because this honestly goes under clownery.
So which traits does she exhibit in particular that are negative in any way? To be fair, there aren't many and this would be mostly subjective. Despite this, I feel the need to point these out as they could be fatal flaws in any capacity:
She doesn't see business as business. She sees it as entertainment and a means to an end.
"Adding another Mora to the pot can hardly make it any less wonderful, now, can it?"
Engages in trade wars for no other reason than that she can.
Lacks a certain sense of self-awareness (look at her hangout)
So what am I saying here? She seems pretty full of common sense to do some of these things, yes? Well, I'm here to tell you that she is not. Her list of offenses may not be long, but they are absolutely worth writing home about. This one, in particular, irks me in the soul:
She made the chess equivalent of Shadow Run.
For those of you who don't know, the Shadow Run handbook is notorious for having been, to this very day, unplayable.
It is unable to be interpreted according to the rules in it and the system is broken in the way that every masochist shudders at the thought of putting themselves through.
Ningguang's personal interpretation of chess is currently on Version 32.6.
If you happen to be playing against her at her own game, she will actually change the rules in tandem while the game is still being played. And she wonders why no one plays with her.
The version available for the public to enjoy is the 8th Edition, but even they buy it only for the pretty pieces.
For someone who runs a successful business empire, you can be happy about people buying it off the shelves, but surely you would feel a bit of embarrassment for making a game that can't be played by the majority of the population. She says she doesn't care and she can afford not to, but after knowing how she felt about the first Jade Chamber, one can't be sure.
I wish that this was it because you would be right if I chose to ignore how she got her Vision in the first place.
So, I made the claim that Geo wielders see Visions as a tool, right? Well, she took it a step further and tried to sell it, only to get mad when she couldn't.
To be fair, it was already 'dead' and she thought that she could profit off of selling some dead Visions to people.
The only reason that Visions would be dead was that the wielder themselves had passed on.
The hamfisted thing about this is that the first thought that popped into her head was "oh, look, a new business opportunity."
That's ruthless and almost cutthroat on her part.
Almost as if to prove a point, the Vision awakened and now it was hers to use as she saw fit.
The most ridiculous thing about this was her response.
A gift from Celestia, a call to godhood, the favor of the higher beings of Teyvat:
Is a goddamn inconvenience.
"What's there to be happy about? Once broken, considered sold!"
. . . Exhibit D.
Yun Jin - Stage Lucida
If you thought that I was audacious before, you were wrong, as I went straight for the jugular on this one. Yun Jin is the current director of the Yue-Han Opera Troupe and is renowned for her plays and performances in Liyue as well as her elegance and conduct. Now let us go into why she was given her vision other than perhaps Zhongli enjoying opera:
An immovable will and unbending devotion to their goals -
Yun Jin worked tirelessly throughout the entirety of her childhood in order to get to where she is now.
Despite others thinking that at the time she decided she wanted to do opera that it was a childish fancy, she proved them wrong, to everyone's utter delight.
Strong and uncompromisable fundamentals -
She actively indulges in other mediums outside of opera as a true enjoyer of the arts, much to the chagrin of her elders.
The belief that everyone's story is to be told, specifically towards the common folk, is something she takes very seriously and has made efforts to realize.
How far she is willing to go in order to fully immerse herself in her roles for any plays and operas.
"Who cares about me? How was the performance? Isn't that what matters here?"
Sees their Visions as more of a tool than an ambition -
To be completely honest, she hardly uses her Vision at all in her story.
And even if she wasn't able to use it anymore for whatever reason, it wouldn't hinder her career in the slightest.
It is, for all intents and purposes, a sign of favor and a sign of favor only.
These are great things, really, so what negativity is there to be had? Rest assured that there are traits that could be concerning.
She pushed herself to the brink constantly as a child and still does to the current day, so if she isn't careful, this can have consequences.
In the beginning of her hangout event, she was trying to actively get to the point of fighting for her life with some hilichurls to understand where Shenhe was coming from.
Let me repeat that second bullet point again and paraphrase it a bit more: In order to understand where Shenhe was coming from, she sat there and waited to be put in between wanting to live as opposed to dying.
There's something to be said about dedication, but that's taking it way too far. She really takes the phrase of 'one must suffer for the sake of true art' to another level.
As this is the only thing of real note I can find, you're probably wondering if that means that she hasn't clowned more than this already, to which I must respond, she most certainly has.
Despite her intelligence and tact, she is possibly the executor of the most hamfisted deception I've ever seen in the game.
Remember the fact that her elders don't quite like rock and roll and anything associated with it?
Presumably, they don't like Xinyan and have told Yun Jin as such.
So Archons help them and their high blood pressure if they found out Yun Jin was her fan and good friend.
So how does she circumvent this?
Well, obviously she's not friends with Xinyan, she's friends with Xingyan.
She's great at cooking and embroidery and her 'adoptive father', Fan Ey're, can vouch for this.
And it's not like she's wrong, but come on, when have the elders cared about that?
So she's able to go to all of 'Xingyan's' concerts and they would even bat an eye because they think she's great.
It's going to be one hell of a field day when the elders finally catch onto this.
"No one's gonna call me out on this, it's a solid plan that already has all the details worked out!"
Exhibit E.
Albedo - Kreideprinz
With a vast knowledge of Khemia and an endless drive to understand the world around him, this genius alchemist and soft-spoken intellectual has managed to tuck his way into everyone's hearts and prick the brain of every name theorist in the fanbase at some point in time. Here is why I think he got his Vision:
An immovable will and unbending devotion to their goals -
Albedo's goals are centered around his master's last lesson, and as such he is tireless in pursuing this to the best of his abilities.
Albedo doesn't appear in public unless he has to, as he's off doing things pertaining to alchemy and his own studies.
If you look at it, his entire existence is wholly refined and dependent on the study of alchemy and his search for the truth of the world and his reason for living.
Strong and uncompromisable fundamentals -
He desires to make the unknown known and to understand the truths of that world.
He's done nothing but that the whole time we've known him in canon, and he'll go the distance for it.
Sees their Visions as more of a tool than an ambition -
The instant he got his Vision, he proceeded to go "Nice, another tool I can use to further my alchemy."
Losing it would be a minor setback at the worst.
He seems like a decent guy and seems to genuinely have the common sense-centric mindset to be functional, but one fairly minor detail is missing from this:
He can and will go beyond the boundaries of what's acceptable to himself and others if it means he's further toward getting his end goal.
And if you have an assassin, an Archon, and your own damn assistant saying that they're keeping an eye on you, it'd be good to be careful about it.
He means no harm initially, but his attitude towards how his actions can affect the greater good is not the best for someone who holds so much power. He says so himself in the story quest, as he wonders if the Traveler could put him down if he ever goes off the rails. But this, surprisingly, doesn't make it on the list of clownery, as you will see below:
This man was sketching aggressive and characteristically hostile hilichurls that were a short distance away from him.
"Oh, there's a discrepancy in research? Let me summon some slimes or a couple of oceanids so we can have data."
He canonically drinks his own damn concoctions without even thinking about it.
So you'd think that this would be it, right? No. And before you write this off as biased or obtuse, please note that I did the equivalent of this in real life a couple of times and I also understand that yes, this can reach into the depths of things that make no common sense. For example:
"After making you kill slimes, do a complex puzzle, and throw yourself off of a cliff and glide down a mountainside, I can conclude without a facet of a doubt that you are indeed built regular."
"You couldn't tell by looking at 'em?"
Yes. He threw the Traveler into a myriad of experiments to confirm their 'alleged' humanity after latching onto the fact that they can manipulate the elements without a Vision.
But that's not all! The fucking audacity of this man is incredible and it rests on one thing and one thing only:
"Can you use this cursed sword on some hilichurls around the area? I wanna see what happens."
This same sword is also known as Festering Desire, made from the remains of a dragon, the same dragon that was a menace to Mondstadt before Barbatos and Dvalin put it down.
Sure, you can say that as Albedo was seeking that knowledge that it would be totally justifiable, but does it really make common sense to take a gamble and see if the Traveler won't die or be damned upon contact with it?
Think about that for a second.
"No one usually gets hurt during my experiments . . . most of the time."
I think it's fair to say that we can move on to Exhibit F.
Gorou - Canine Warrior
Some people haven't read his lore and it shows. Painfully. As the reliable general of Watatsumi Island's rebel forces against the Shogunate during the war and a handy ask-and-answer columnist in peacetime, Gorou shows genuine care for those he has under him and those who inquire after his advice. So let's look at why I think Gorou got his Vision:
An immovable will and unbending devotion to their goals -
His first priority is almost always his orders from Kokomi and he always goes out of his way to go above and beyond.
It takes a certain kind of unshakeable mentality to keep most of your mind intact in warfare and Gorou has done just fine with that.
Strong and uncompromisable fundamentals -
If his absolute stalwart loyalty to Watatsumi Island and its people isn't this, then I don't know what else could be.
He's always trying to master the role of the general and improve himself to be more effective, but he is also a staunch believer in taking care of his men and does so that much more.
Sees their Visions as more of a tool than an ambition -
He sees his Vision as an enhancer of his abilities but doesn't rely on it completely, preferring to trust in his troops and men.
While there's not much more than that from him personally, the in-game applications show it as an amplifier to others instead of himself, which is again showing that he views it as an advantage.
If lost, he would adjust and work with what he has as he always has.
These are all excellent qualities for a general and someone beloved by the people, so what flaws does he have? He describes quite a lot of them in terms of himself, but I have a bit more grace when it comes to his own personal shortcomings. Here are a couple of them anyway:
The loss of his temper in the midst of battle.
Refuses to 'burden' others with his own problems.
His complete disarmament upon being teased by a certain kitsune.
The bemoanable state of his naivety when it comes to mora.
You heard me on that last one. It's almost depressing. I'm starting to notice a theme of airheadedness amongst some of these characters, and it's either risking their own lives and things or financial means. With Gorou, it's not being able to really process that certain things are a scam in terms of monetary value.
The most notable example I can offer is the fact that this dude was really going to shell out 100,000 mora for a slice of cake. His reasoning is even worse than his willingness to see things through as he genuinely thought that some trade hub in a place that's not even known for pastries is going to have a cake that's even considered to be worth that much.
This, however, is far from his most ridiculous stunt, as there is one more that inexplicably got on my last nerve:
Despite everything we've seen in-game and concerning canon, he has yet to connect the dots about Yae Miko's constructed persona of Ms. Hina.
If you genuinely think that it can be excused, you're wrong and I'll tell you why in these rudimentary sequences of events.
He is writing replies to people who send him letters asking for advice, which Yae Miko asked him to do.
These letters are given to him by editors from the Yae Publishing House.
There is a literal advice column in said publishing house's serialization and magazine.
You would think that this is enough to tip him off to what Miko's doing with this whole setup, but as if his blatant and enhanced ignorance could not be made more obvious, he interacted with his fan club and didn't pick up on a single thing.
The fans noticed how he looked similar and speculated that Ms. Hina had a sibling that looked a whole lot like her, that being Gorou.
Gorou legitimately complimented her attributes when they were giving a textbook description of him.
Everyone at the event took pictures with him and nothing occurred to him to bother to ask why.
The worst offense of all, potentially, is this: Yae Miko is going to make him wear a dress. If it doesn't click then, then I'm going to have to reach into Teyvat and tell him myself.
"This Ms. Hina person sounds real nice to be around! I definitely understand why she has such a large fanbase now."
And now, without further ado . . . Exhibit G.
Noelle - Chivalric Blossom
With a gentle composure, a dutiful approach to all things, and the strength of a legion of soldiers, the widely known Maid-Knight of the Ordo Favonius has earned quite the reputation for staying the course and seeing every single task she's given to completion, going the distance every time. So let's look at why I believe she received her Vision:
An immovable will and unbending devotion to their goals -
Has she wavered from trying to become a Knight of Favonius even once?
If she says she'll do it, is it not done with no questions asked?
This in of itself says more than enough.
Strong and uncompromisable fundamentals -
Her code of conduct is the Knight of Favonius handbook and her personal creed of excellence. She never wavers from it once.
Refuses to assume anything until there is certain and insurmountable proof of the contrary.
"The Warning of Roses: My Lips Are Sealed"
Sees their Visions as more of a tool than an ambition -
Noelle doesn't even see her Vision as a tool, as her sheer strength alone is more than enough.
She took it as a sign that her hard work was recognized and just kept on trucking as per usual.
Folks, you know in your heart of hearts that I've saved the best for last. Her list of offenses and grievances to herself eclipse every person I've gone over combined and have undoubtedly snatched what was left of my scalp.
If her work isn't the best, it simply will not be considered done until it is.
Y'all aren't ready for her shenanigans in 3.1 when Ludi Harpastum's around the corner, because she will be clowning with how much food she's sampling to ensure it's 100% good.
She is incapable of saying no to people to a chronic fault.
She makes naivety look skeptical with how trusting she is.
She would have soloed D'valin if someone didn't tell her to do something else.
She takes going the extra mile and crosses the entire countryside and back.
She does not care if she collapses from exhaustion, illness, or injuries as long as whatever task at hand is done, self-induced or otherwise.
The word 'breaks' is not in her vocabulary.
She takes everything upon herself. Every single thing.
What frustrates me the most about this is that she is actively running herself into the ground and does not stop to think about this is hurting her. Out of everyone on this list, she takes care of herself the least. She doesn't know when to stop.
You know, maybe the writers wanted to emphasize this point because she's the only character with two acts of hangout events and in both, she's on the verge of passing out. There is a damn reason why she's not in the Knights yet, and while this list certainly explains it, there's one more fatal flaw that not only lays it out clearly but is why she is the most audacious out of them all:
In her eyes, you are innocent until proven guilty.
There are many incidents involving certain people. And all of them can be attributed to one thing and one thing only.
To Noelle, it does not matter who you are or where you're from or what you're associated with.
You will be considered completely fine in her book as long as you don't do something blatantly illegal in her presence.
So she will serve anyone as she serves Mondstadt, and as such, this has unintentionally led to a multitude of strange encounters:
A merchant trying to wriggle their way into the wine industry was too humbled by her inability to see them do wrong and either runs or leaves of his own will.
Another Snezhnayan merchant liked her at first until she memorized everything about them and their family, causing them to flee.
They were rightfully terrified.
What else do I have to say? Can I make this any clearer? Because I don't think I can unless I also tell you that she feels crushing guilt when she feels like she failed when they disappear.
"I must have done something wrong! Our visitor would never have left in such a hurry..."
. . . and so with that, we finally arrive at the conclusion.
Statement - Conclusion
With the evidence I've gathered within the respective character lore, hangout events, limited events, voice lines, and other things of that nature, I can say with confidence that it is beyond a shadow of a doubt that these guys have the attitude of Geo as an element.
Stone is stone, rock is rock, and that can never change. Their core willingness and perception of themselves know no outside influence whatsoever, as they themselves are driven internally.
They don't really care much about what people think as much as they themselves say they do because they know what they are there to do and by Celestia, they will do it. So naturally, they are also bound to stay stuck in their ways and approaches when that's precisely what the occasion does not call for. Such are their flaws and hubris.
Rocks can get worn down with rain and wind, thrown and tossed about, and even cut along with others, but the core elements will always stay the same.
TL;DR: All will rise and all will crumble. This is the creed that they live by and will die by.
Final notes:
This took me the better part of a few spontaneous bursts of motivation, so if it sounds like I started this in the midst of 2.5, you would be right. I was going to just do this as a fun little thing, but as it usually does, it escalates until I get into the nitty-gritty of their character and get invested.
Until next time, I guess.
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invisiblegarters · 8 months
Only Friends Character Rankings - Ep 8
Decided to start titling these with the episode but dear god now I have to go back and fix them and apparently I am not consistent with my tagging (shocker), so probably that won't happen. We'll just move forward.
Last week Sand pissed me off, Ray managed to get what he wanted while still kinda looking like a loser (and making Boston either a prophet or just someone who knows Ray way too fucking well), and Mew won the ep by being impressively unhinged in his revenge and making the supremely dumb (and messy) choice to date Ray. I enjoyed the visuals but also couldn't stop laughing because you know Book was bending his knees so he could do the forehead touching and neck nuzzling with Khaotung. It must have looked so awkward.
ANYwho, let's get to it, shall we?
Disclaimer because I'm gonna need it this time: these are my opinions only and do not necessarily reflect what the show is trying to do or the characters' actual motivations. While I try to take a step back as much as possible while doing these my biases and personal experiences are still going to come into play and today I'm more frustrated than usual.
You've been warned.
Characters (Fave to Least Fave atm)
Sand. Look, I was terrified about what he would be doing this episode last week. I worked myself into a whole lather about it. But he was awesome here. He set clear boundaries and stuck to them, he rebuffed Ray at every turn. He tried to move on with his Freddie Mercury soul twin. Or at least hook up which I would love for him, everyone else gets to at least kiss someone else why hasn't Sand, huh? WHY HAVEN'T YOU LET SAND KISS ANYONE BUT RAY, SHOW THIS IS WORKING MY NERVES PLEASE TAKE HIM OUT OF COLD STORAGE. *ahem*. Frankly he exceeded my expectations.
So I want to know what all the people dragging him for not doing enough fucking want. Do you want him to hit Ray over the head with his guitar (me too but we all know he hasn't been pushed that far yet)? Leave the country? Change schools? What?
He's trying. This whole episode was him trying to let Ray and whatever hopes he may have harbored about him go with as much dignity as he could - yes he was softer about it than I would have been, but Sand's just like that. He is taking responsibility for his own damn feelings the way he always does and he's trying to deal with them alone, away from Ray, without causing fuss. Ray's the one hounding the shit out of him right now. If it's about him running to help him with the cops, well, I sort of get it but not really - Sand would have done that for anyone he cares about, and he knows damn good and well if Ray's caught with coke after he just got into trouble for drinking and driving his dad might not even be able to get him out of it. He'd have done the same for Nick guys (not that he'd have to but my point stands). You can't just turn caring off because the person you care about sucks. And he could have stayed and babied him and he chose to leave and baby Nick instead, and to me that feels important.
Although it might be about the preview, which okay, fair. And if it is I can't throw stones because the preview for this ep had me incandescent with rage last week.
Beyond all that, though, I just want to know: has anyone ever taken care of this man? Because it feels like no. Every relationship in his life, form his mom to Ray to Nick, even to Yo in this ep, he winds up playing caretaker. The shoulder. The one people rely on. It bothers me that he seems to have no one to lean on in turn, and I doubt he's gonna get that at all in the run of this show.
Boston. I love Boston I will never stop. He didn't do a lot today but everything he did do was great. Pining over NIck but still shutting him down, genuinely listening to Atom, showing up to a party with all the friends who hate him right now and being like "yeah, my place too, suck it." Hands down my favorite conversation this ep was between him and Top - something about it felt so oddly playful. Well, you know, for Boston. It felt like whatever hang up he had with Top, it's gone now, which makes me think once again that it was less about him than Mew. Also he did this:
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and it made me cackle.
He's gonna fuck Atom and piss Cheum off but Atom's a big boy so I'm not really that bothered by it. That said, it was funny to watch him hesitate for once. Like hm, this could go badly. And then Atom was like "so?" and that was that, lol. Oh, Boston.
Mew. Oh, Mew. I was so disappointed when I saw him doing lines with Ray. This is not the way I wanted you to spiral, babe. But I did call it. He wanted Ray to make him forget how he feels about Top, but Ray can't do that because Mew is about as into him as he is the wall. In fact he might be more into the wall, if possible. It was certainly a trip watching his face every time Ray got affectionate. And when Ray isn't working, what does he turn to next? Alcohol. Drugs. Anything to help him pretend he's moving on. "Habits (Stay High)" is Mew's song this episode.
But in the end it won't last, I firmly believe that. Mew will boomerang back to himself, maybe not as gullible as he calls it, maybe a little less uptight, but yeah. He's not going to keep wearing Ray's persona like his own little Halloween costume. He's got too good a foundation for that, has been too firmly rooted by the love of his parents and even his friends (yes, his friends, they might not be good for each other but all of them try to be good to him save perhaps Boston I said what I said).
Although we still have four eps so I doubt it'll happen soon.
Top. I just don't get the need to hate on this guy. It's getting super old. I think he's really trying - he clearly cares about Mew, and he's cared for a while, and he wants him to be happy even if it's not with him. Weird to me how when Ray said the same everyone bought into it, but when Top does it it's sus. Especially when Ray demonstrably couldn't even keep to that claim, lol.
But I digress. Maybe I'll have egg on my face in two episodes or whatever, but I feel for him. And I believe that he actually cares about Mew. You don't just stand there and take all the things that Top took from Mew this ep and then turn around and take care of someone when they're drunk and high and their new boyfriend is nowhere to be found to do the thing they promised they'd do better than anyone else. Maybe he'll do something beyond the pale in the next ep and that will be that, but right now he's putting his money where his mouth is in regards to Mew and I have to commend him for that. I am curious if he will continue doing so if Mew tells him to leave him be and means it - has he done that? Because as far as I can recall he has not, which is telling.
He was stand up this ep, but he does lose a few points for cuddling Mew while he was incapacitated. Because Mew would definitely not want that were he awake and sober (or well he would but he would still say no and that's the point).
Popular theory is that he called the cops. If he did, I basically say *shrug*
The Lesbians. Yes they are an entity leave me be. I am not one who thinks that Cheum was entirely wrong, although I do think that there's a time and place and maybe while someone is being pinned down by the cops isn't it. She is wrong that Ray is dragging Mew down with him. Ray isn't doing that, Mew is happily sliding all on his own. Well, not so happily but the choice is still his. Ray is enabling it, yes, but of course he is. One, it's Mew. Ray has no idea how to tell Mew no. Two, Ray does all these things himself. Of course he's gonna be okay with Mew doing them too, because not only does it reinforce his own shitty habits, it give him one less person telling him they're shitty. I agree with fandom that Cheum is not Ray's friend, not really. But Ray isn't hers either. Both of them care about Mew. The end.
April though was the real MVP of the two of them. Woman speaks sense, both about Mew and about the situation with Ray. I think probably because the only person she really cares about here is Cheum, so it's easier for her to step back and see the others from a more neutral place.
Nick. Still out here trying to earn the gold in the simp category of the messy Olympics. The brass balls he had to go up to Boston like he did, though. Like. Okay. I still think you're insane but I can respect that. HIs hurt face when Boston shut him down didn't get to me this ep, but his Halloween costume was cute.
Daddy Dan is gonna be a problem. I can't wait. Every time that man smiles I'm like danger, will robinson, and yet I'm so ready for Nick to walk right into that thinking that he's moving on and finding that he stepped into something he can't handle.
Ray. This happy motherfucker.
Where do I even start with this one. He has Mew just like he always wanted and he can't even give it fifteen minutes before he's bugging Sand. Like dude. Come on. Give the poor guy a break please. But of course Ray won't - all he's thinking is that he can have Mew for boyfriend and Sand to make him feel better about himself. It's...frustrating to watch.
But also he was so pathetic everywhere this ep that I don't think I've ever liked him more. He's such a loser, I'm sorry but not really. Like it cracks me up that Sand gets shit on for wanting him and Nick gets shit on for wanting Boston but I'm supposed to feel bad for this dude? Nah. At least Sand and Nick haven't stopped quite so low as to be the willing rebound for a dude that clearly doesn't want them yet (I mean, Nick so would. Sand...not so much. More on this later).
Relationships (Fave to Least Fave atm)
TopMew. I actually think these two might be able to make it work. They're the only couple I think this about now.
They love each other guys. Sorry but it's true. Maybe Mew won't be able to get over the Boston of it all, and if he can't he can't. But he wouldn't be spiraling this hard if he didn't still love Top - he certainly wouldn't have looked at him the way he did in the hostel kitchen with his defenses down, high and miserable and sick and hurting so badly and still in love despite his best efforts. And he wouldn't need to hurt him so damn badly, either. And Top loves him back.
Now all the masks are off. Whether or not they work together that way remains to be seen.
YoPlug. Look you leave Yo alone Jojo I am not kidding. I know you were being all clever and showing Sand his closed off future (which again, wouldn't be happening if people didn't hurt him, Ray), but I'm not having her crying on my screen. You stop that.
That said, as short as it was the breakdown of the relationship felt too real. Sometimes loneliness becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, but what are you supposed to do when every time you put your heart out it comes back a little less whole?
Nick and Sand. Can they please make out. So far Sand is the only one of these six dudes who hasn't so much as kissed anyone other than his OG pair (I'm counting the preview to slide Nick in here, sue me), and I for one am sick of it. You better pay me back for this insult with Sand getting his mouth (and hands) all over everyone soon. Starting with this guy.
Even if they don't kiss on the mouth (RUDE), I do love how they support each other. Sand led Nick out of that hostel like "yes you are crazy friend but we're all a little crazy in love, lean on me and I'll get you home." And I love that for them.
BostonNick. Boston catching feelings? Who would have thought (me, forever ago, lol. I said Nick might sneak in under the radar because Boston was so sure he couldn't possibly, and it looks like I might have been right). The fact that he knows that Nick was the one who told Mew about the sex tape because Nick was the only one he told. Good times. The way he shuts Nick down in spite of the fact that he clearly misses him. Also good times. I genuinely can't wait to see what they do next.
RayMew & RaySand. Putting them together because they're like pb&j for this show. Can't have one without the other rearing it's ugly head. Yes, I said that right.
Ray and Mew were exactly the dumpster fire most of us expected (I'd say all of us but I know there were some people out there who were hoping they wouldn't be - I see you and I appreciate you). Mew is wild out here not even being able to hide how little he enjoys Ray's boyfriendly attentions, and even I had to wince when Ray was waiting for him to say "I love you" back and he just kind a looked at him like "That's...nice." Dude couldn't even kiss him unless he was performing for Top (and okay look, in context the kiss was not great. Out of context? Book and Khao BL when please?).
People seem to think he and Mew are going to be over at some point next ep, but I'm not entirely sure (although after watching the preview again I do think it's more likely than I thought at first, seeing as Mew is flirting with some dude and I don't think he'd do that if he and Ray were still pretending they might actually be able to manage a relationship when only one of them wants one - I could be wrong but I don't think so, even though he does not care for Ray like that I think Mew would be uber sensitive about it considering). That said, if it's Mew who ends it it's gonna feel like we're just doing yet another lap of the same damn track and I wish they'd change the record already. What is it Sand said? Moving on in a circle? Yeah.
Khaotung did say that Ray is selfish and won't stop until he gets what he wants, and I guess we're seeing it this ep. I was so annoyed with him getting up in Sand's space all the time, like dude. You have a whole ass boyfriend (as Sand kept helpfully reminding him). STOP. But he won't stop. Because why should he, right. If he pokes enough Sand'll just give in and then he can have his cake and eat it.
Everything Ray did and said to Sand at that party was awful (although I did get a kick out of him literally running up to pull Sand and the other Freddie apart like the pitter patter of his shoes on the floor combined with just watching him bolt that few feet to prevent lips from touching KILLED me I had to pause the video to cackle with sheer delight this absolute fuckass of a man (surprisingly affectionate)).
He really needs to quit kissing people that don't want him to, please. Like, yesterday. Damn, Ray. Also say what you like, defend it how you want, but trust me Mew would not be happy with any of what he was pulling at the party. Mew IS DATING HIM because Top did something very like, and Ray's big draw was that he would never. And here he is proving Mew spectacularly wrong.
He doesn't want a threesome and he doesn't want polyamory. He wants to play at being Hugh Heffner.
And while I wouldn't buy it of Mew, I totally believe Ray would tell Sand that he and Mew were done to get him back where he wants him. Sand said I won't be your second choice and Ray heard but he didn't listen, he never listens, and I feel like if he's not careful he's gonna push that man into doing something incredibly destructive in the next four episodes. I actually want to be wrong here - I'd like it more if the huge trailer fight wasn't about Mew at all - but the show seems to really want to make glue out of the RayMewSand love triangle horse so I guess we'll have to wait and see.
If I had my druthers since I guess we're doing round three of this, it wouldn't be Ray lying or going back to old reliable when Mew finally admits that he's just not that into him, but a genuine attempt to try to be together with admitted feelings on both sides. And then it would be Sand who does something to fuck it up. If I have to go through this yet again I want Ray to be all in and shattered for once. But let's be real here, this show never gives me what I want (Am I still bitter Top and Sand weren't exes? You bet your ass. I still think Top and Sand should hatefuck or there should be a flashback to a threesome with them and the ex okay it's just what should happen show why do you hate fun) so I'm not holding my breath.
In Conclusion
Things went both better and worse than I expected. Everyone here is a mess and I still have hope for that baseball bat.
Please for the love of all that is good in the world let Sand fuck.
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samasmith23 · 1 year
Why do fans hate Bruno from Ms. Marvel so much?
Back when I was still on Twitter and was reading Saladin Ahmed's run on Magnificent Ms. Marvel as it was being released on a monthly basis, something which really confused me was witnessing a fair number of Ms. Marvel fans talking about how they not only really disliked Kamala's childhood best friend Bruno Carrelli as a character, but even would go as far as to label Bruno as a "manipulative incel" and accuse his and Kamala's romance subplot in Magnificent Ms. Marvel as being "emotionally abusive."
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Like... I've honestly never understood where these criticisms were coming from. Especially since I personally never got that impression of Bruno's character having read all 75-issues of G. Willow Wilson & Saladin Ahmed's initial runs. And while Ahmed did state in a tweet that the romance subplot between Bruno & Kamala was about "overcoming toxic pedestals," I still think a lot of the claims I've seen from fans that he somehow wrote Bruno as behaving like a manipulative incel or something is a massive stretch.
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I personally took Ahmed's statement to instead mean that he was trying to convey that childhood-friendships-turned-teenage-romances don't always lead to the most healthy or naturally progressing relationships, especially one of them has an idealized version of the other even if both harbor similar romantic feelings for each other (which Kamala did for Bruno contrary to some fan claims).
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And Kamala and Bruno both realized this and decided that even though things would always be weird between them, they should just "keep it weird but without the kissing" in Magnificent Ms. Marvel (2019) #15.
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I always really loved this scene. Although I was personally a huge shipper of Kamala & Bruno as a couple, I honestly understood both of their perspectives about why they felt pursuing a romantic relationship together won’t work out them and feel they should just stay friends despite their feelings for one-another. Kamala acknowledges that she's not ready to commit to such a relationship since despite kissing Bruno she did so purely in a heat of passion when she was emotionally stressed due to outside factors like her Kree Stormranger Nanosuit negatively influencing her physical behavior to try and kill her nemesis Discord, as well as experiencing extreme grief and anger when her Abu dying in the hospital and receiving life-saving surgery and she was forced to go off and fight the supervillain Mister Hyde.
Conversely, Bruno realizes that the progression of his and Kamala's relationship has felt forced and unnatural due to him having an idealized version of Kamala in his head, and Kamala herself wasn’t ready to commit to romance due to all the hardships she was then-currently experiencing.
It's also worth noting that the worst thing Bruno did in Magnificent Ms. Marvel was briefly complain about them still not dating while on a trip to the state fair due to Kamala not being ready to do so despite previously kissing him, and angrily storming off (which he recognized was a mistake on his part in the very next issue).
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But aside from that, Bruno never came across as particularly jerkish to me, since he never insulted or demeaned Kamala. And throughout Ahmed's run, Bruno was shown to be always willing to put Kamala's feelings and well-being into consideration. Whether it be helping her find her missing parents, comfort her when her father was dying, and saving her from being drowned by Stormranger.
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Plus, it not like Kamala lacked any agency in their relationship, and she clearly held similar feelings towards him (both in Ahmed or Wilson's runs). And the fact that she and Bruno decided to simply remain friends felt very genuine and authentic to me when I read it.
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So overall, the criticisms against Bruno always felt rather inflammatory to me, blowing the character's flaws wildly out of proportion to make him seem like the worst most unlikable irredeemable person ever.
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I honestly just don't understand the outrage towards Bruno among other Ms. Marvel fans... I really don't...
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poisonouspastels · 8 months
Anon forgot time exists. I would really love to hear more about Groda's transition from antagonist to basically house cat! Her character really fascinates me and I love a good redemption arc.
Hey no worries at all!! I've actually been talking to Atlas a lot abt Groda lately (he's #1 Groda fan I'm pretty sure) so I can actually copy/paste some of the stuff I've talked abt previously! And to anyone who needs to do some additional catch up reading, I talk about a lot of her past history here, and a bit about more recent (but also still past) events here. But!!! Talking about her (rather long) transitional period specifically, that pretty much started the moment that she got (unwillingly) taken home by the main 4 players after her defeat. Given she held Rana hostage for a few days, among other things, fair's fair. The main focus point though was after everyone getting back to somewhat decent health, Herobrine using his magic was able to find a way to block Groda from using it on her own, hence creating a longer term solution than just having her tied up forever effectively. Groda, without her magic, is a goddamn sitting duck. No Wardens, no turning people to stone, no way to fight back other than a half-hearted slap fight at best. Unfortunately her loss of the ability to use magic ALSO means almost no one could understand her anymore. Previously, thanks to her magic, the Galactic language was basically auto-translated to the players as Commonspeak (her lips actually wouldn't fully sync up with words she spoke, something that was noted by Rana during her time stuck with her in the caves), but now she'd only be reduced to Galactic at its purest form. Fortunately due to Herobrine's self-taught learning of the language (albeit a VERY butchered version of it being self taught), he at least was able to still understand her and communicate in some regard. Or perhaps you could consider that unfortunate for him, given the only weapons Groda had left to use was her words, and he had to be the brunt of actually understanding that and teaching her Commonspeak. On the contrary, soon after this revelation Rana would try and learn Galactic to try and make Groda more comfortable with the current circumstance and maybe feel more motivated to put in the effort. She's not very good at it, but it's the thought that counts! Groda did pick up rather quickly on Commonspeak though, since it and Galactic aren't too far apart in translation. Once she picked up enough on the language to be able to communicate basics (and maybe curse words she would pick up on from Alex), she would soon be getting her hands dirty for once in her life and actually doing field work with Rana, not only to carry her own weight in chores but also to get her more in touch with the new world and being an actual PERSON after her long lived royal life. With time, learning more of Commonspeak and taking in the world around her with the people who were willing to even TRY and help her change for the better, she started to realize more and more how badly her actions managed to inadvertently fuck everything up. How much the world had changed because of what she unleashed, and the weight of her actions fully dawning on her. Which I give this important note of Groda's characterization to:
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She gets better slowly with time of course, its all just taken day by day and she learns more and more to do things for herself and to help those around her. I think one of my favorite turning points for her though is when Rana and Herobrine bring home a Sniffer egg they found in some old wreckage at sea. (Sniffers being a species in this instance that went extinct because of the Wither being unleashed by her) Groda is dumbfounded to see the thing even intact at ALL, and hesitant to hope that it may still harbor life at all, but she does take it upon herself to care for it until it does indeed eventually hatch! She names him Bear :)
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Thank @beegswaz for the art of them together im obsessed with it Another important arc for her character, arguably the most important one is when she's spotted by the Wither Cult and is eventually pursued directly by White Eyes upon her finding out that Groda is still alive. Upon the (deadly) confrontation between White Eyes and the main 4 + Groda, she shows her truest colors:
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After the dust settles, White Eyes is brought home much like the same way Groda once was (albeit unconscious this time around) and a way to free her of the Wither's influence will eventually be found. And though the mere sight of Groda brings her to a rage even now (very understandable), Groda takes some solace in the fact that she for once can think with 100% unbiased confidence that she did the right thing.
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 3 months
Archon war anon
I'm fairly certain that canon implies that Xiao didn't have too many masters, but I'm just having fun with it. I haven't hot potatoed him too much in what I have written, but I'm planning to pass him off for a bit to a bunch of Sumeru tribes who don't actually know what to do with an adeptus, and so just keep trading him off for benefits based on the idea that he's definitely got value, but they don't know what to do with him. I'm also doing this so that Morax later names him after himself? Like, "Xiao" is pretty Chinese sounding, and it would be weird for another land to have used it as a name. That in itself means nothing, bu I was like, "A perfect opportunity to make things weird!"
I did go check Cuijue architecture before I wrote the last ask and was all suspicious about it since I noticed that circle out front had that same square pattern as Guili stuff, but the pillars were very distracting!
We actually do know of gods to do with dreams - the Sumer Companion gods! But, they're obviously not in Liyue, and also not in Chenyu. The most I could find for the god of Chenyu Vale was the line "she made many dreams come true" in An Ancient Sacrifice of Sacred Brocade. Fujin and the others betrayed their god because they wanted to keep the humans safe, and the god was going to flood Chenyu Vale as a last ditch attempt to fight Morax.
The Dunyu-star connection comes from the Records of Jueyun book. The book also says "the redoubts of the Dunyu Valley stood tall and maintained prosperous relations with Liyue Harbor up till 500 years ago"
Very fair about thinking that the stone ruins all have to be old, but at the same time, given what I know about how ruins tend to work, they seem way too intact to be as old as all that? Like, people would have take all of that nice, preworked stone, because that's what people do. Like sure, some of them are kind of far, but then any quarries are also probably pretty far. Especially since Guili looks so much more ruined?
Tianqiu does look pretty temple-like, but also they kind of remind me of this documentary I saw talking about shitty Roman apartments? Like windowless and damp and all that because you spent basically all your time away. And even if it was a temple, temples need like staff to take care of them and priests? It looks big enough that it would probably need a proportionately big staff. I don't know, I'm not actually invested in this theory, it's just kind of fun to think about/argue.
As for when Guizhong died, yeah no confirmation on exactly when, but still at least 1700 years before the war ended.
What I could find on the move to the harbour was mostly referring back to one of the books - Stone Tablet Compilations - which was pretty vague, saying the war killed Guizhong, and "thereupon" Morax took their people to the harbor. And then the event that talked about the flood doesn't mention Guizhong dying, but in it Madame Ping does seem fairly specific about the actual move only taking a dozen days? Like, longer than you'd expect for that short distance, but not a "have to re-gather everyone" type situation (but honestly re-gathering would be really interesting to explore? and I want to see where you got that impression from) The teaser Echoes of the Heart mentions Guizhong's death and implies it was early in the war, but not how it happened or what was going on with their people after. And that's all I could find referring to her death specifically, so yeah, we know nothing. :(
I'm glad it wasn't too much!
no worries, it wasn't too much!
yeah i'm also fairly certain xiao only had one master before morax, but the concept is really interesting (and kinda funny). the idea of him winding up in sumeru and the gods there being like: "you want this magic kid?" "what does he do?" "idk but he's magic so he must be valuable" "you're right, i'll take him" .... "you want this magic kid?" fucking hilarious ngl
my only point of contention (that sounds ultra serious what) with the roman appartment point is that this is liyue? so i'm not sure they'd have a random ruin with no explanation be something that we wouldn't expect from a completely different culture? i guess it could always just be an adaptation though. but yeah, if it was a temple, there'd deffinitely be people living there. if not there, then in the surroundings – i'm just not sure if that would qualify as an entire town, more than just a temple complex. anyway, i've not no smoking gun on tianqiu valley either, we just know so little, but it is fun to throw things at the wall hahah
i have to be honest in that i completely forgot about madame ping's dialogue in moonlight merriment. like i had done the research on this mess for cyanide before that event came out? and since i wasn't even going to get to the founding of liyue harbor in the fic, i didn't bother changing my notes. but yeah, if madame ping says it took more than ten days (original chinese text), then yeah they probably migrated as soon as the flood took over. thankfully the cinematic specifies it was the guili assembly – knowing mihoyo they could've just left it as 'a flood destroyed their home' and never clarified LMAO like even then obviously it would've been the assembly, but still. unless i'm just missing stuff from the original chinese text, it doesn't, however, specify that it took them over ten days to get to the harbor. like it says the adepti stayed with them for ten days, but not how long their journey actually was? it was probably ten days, the harbor isn't all that far from the assembly and it'd be weird for the adepti to just... leave them halfway through the journey, but still. this is what i mean by the lack of clarification being a pain in the ass ToT
the scattering and gathering part actually comes from the guili plains' viewpont. it says "those who gathered here were once again scattered" in reference to the war destroying it. 'scattered' doesn't sound to me like a term you'd use for "there was a flood and so they fled together in a group with the adepti". it sounds more like "everyone fled to different places during the chaos, and then either morax gathered all of them back together to then migrate as a group immediately after it happened (like as soon as the flood settled morax was like "ok where's everyone"), or he took longer to gather them (like longer than ten days)". there's also the issue of the geo travel diaries? which like- i know morax being the god of the stove was disproven, but i'm not sure if that disproves the entire legend? which implies that people had to re-learn how to fucking cook when they first settled in the harbor. that might just be weird wording though, and since it's a word-of-mouth legend, also exaggeration.
the worst offender here i think is zhongli's dialogue during his first story quest. we know he's a little shit sometimes, but he's not known to outright lie when it comes to debating the history of liyue – he even goes out of his way to debate things that have become twisted by time if he finds himself in the conversation (because for some reason he also sometimes just lets the misconceptions be? which- i mean sure, he probably realizes it's an impossible task to try and fix every single erroneous tale in liyue). but when the scholars he's arguing with ask him if it's true that the lord of geo taught the people how to build houses when liyue harbor was being constructed (and how the model he used was made from mora), zhongli just says that yeah that's true. like ????? this either implies that the people didn't know how to build houses by the time they got to the harbor? as though they had been separated for so long that they had to re-learn it (which would make no sense if less than two weeks ago they'd been living in this advanced civilization that they'd built)?? like entire generations had passed??? or like- this could also be that zhongli taught them a new style of houses, going by the fact the architecture is not like the one in the assembly. given we now have madame ping saying it was more than ten days between the fall and the harbor, my only guess is that morax went 'hey i think we should try a new building style, how about this?' and made a harbor house as we know them entirely out of mora, and the people went 'ooo teach us how'. i guess there's always the possibility that, since the way it's worded in the dialogue (i don't have the originla chinese for this i'm afraid), that zhongli is saying that the fact the model house was made of mora is true, and not that he had to teach everyone how to make houses from scratch all over again. it could be that?? it's still weird.
it could always also be a case of all these things are from very early in the game, and since madame ping in moonlight merriment is the latest data we have, hers is probably more accurate? like they hadn't yet quite decided how long it was before the fall and the harbor, and that's why all the sources say different things.
still weird, though.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
Never break an oath; Bucky Barnes x teen reader
*Author’s note*
Okay this was a long time in the waiting but I finally got the inspiration to do this request that was in my inbox for awhile. @littlesister20001​ hope you enjoy this and like it.
Now FAIR WARNING!! The reader is autistic and there are MANY levels of autism and the way I went with was putting the reader somewhere on the the high-function autism scale. Also EVERYONE with high-functioning autism act and behave differently, and I know NO ONE on the high function (my younger cousin is on the low spectrum autism) and this is what I chose after doing some research on high-spectrum autism so if there is ANY HATE directed at me, you WILL be blocked or I will just take this fic down.
That being said, I hope you all still enjoy this fic.
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I was currently reading my latest book on constellations and galaxies that Rocket had given to me on their last visit here to earth.  Apparently according to him, “Terran scientists don’t know jack-shit about what’s really out there”.  So while he and the rest of the Guardians were out refurbishing a place called Knowhere, he managed to find this book and he thought he’d give it to me.  And I’ve been glued to it ever since.
“So this is where you’ve been.” I perked up and immediately ran up and hugged Bucky as he caught me.
“I thought you’d be gone on that mission with Sam and Joaquin for another two days?”
“We finished early.”
“You didn’t jump out of another plane with no parachute again did you?”
“I can’t believe Sam showed you that video. I told him to delete it from his stupid bird robot.”
“First of all Redwing ain’t stupid. Second of all, you were the one who made the decision to jump freestyle out the plane. Not my fault you kept smashing into trees.” Sam said as he came up and grabbed himself a cup of OJ.  “And to answer your question little miss, yes he did. I’ll send you the video later.” I laughed.
“Don’t you have someone else you can ignore, Captain?” Bucky said turning to Sam annoyed.
“No. I bother you from 12-6pm. That’s my schedule.” Sam shrugged as he took a sip of his drink before leaving.
“I swear to god he’s annoying.”
“Stop it, you love him.”
“We work together, we’re not friends just co-workers.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night Sergeant.” I said sitting back down.
“Okay so what have you been doing since we left? Sitting here reading your books Belle?” I playfully shoved him as he took a seat next to me.
“You know I hate being called her right.”
“You’re right sorry. I meant Hermione Granger.”
“That’s even worse! Stop!”
“Okay, okay, okay. But seriously was all you did was sit here and read.”
“Of course not silly! The Guardians came for a visit yesterday and I hung out with them. Got to see all their new tech they got for us to use against any oncoming future attacks from the Big Three.”
“I also can’t believe Sam taught you that as well.”
“Buck, come on. I’m not stupid, I’ve followed every fight you guys have done going back to yours and Steve Roger’s back in world war 2.”
“Okay stalker.”
“I’m not a stalker!”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night techie.” He said throwing my words back at me.  I shoved him harder (which really didn’t do anything except make him laugh).
“Anyways, that’s when Rocket also gave me this book.” I showed to him titled: “THE FAR REACHES OF YOUR GALAXY; The truth about the stars”.
“Tell me that rodent didn’t steal anything of mine while he was here.”
“You still harboring a grudge against him for taking your arm. You know it was Nebula that had done that and be thankful she took it when you were asleep.”
“That’s still not okay. Do you know how pissed Shuri was at me for letting Wakandan tech go into outer space?”
“I will give you that but at least you told her who it was that got it.”
“But also she’s not quite sure how a raccoon can understand Wakandan technology and building.”
“He’s not a raccoon.”
“Really cause I’ve seen a lot of them and he definitely looked like a raccoon to me.” I rolled my eyes. “So what is in that book anyway?”
“The truth about the stars. It says it right on the title Bucky is your sight gone too?”
“More old man jokes, one thing I enjoyed being away from.”
“Just speaking truth Buck.” He nodded sarcastically before suddenly grabbing me in a headlock before giving my a hard noogie.  “GAH!! ENOUGH STOP IT!!”
“Take back the old man comment and I will squirt.”
“Okay you’re not old now stop!” he released me as I tried to fix my hair.  “Do you know how hard it took me to do my hair today? I accidentally forgot to wash my hair after using the pool and my hair was a bitch to brush this morning.”
“I’m sorry. How bout I make it up to you by letting me take you out to the science con that’s coming this weekend?”
“You mean the one where physicist Dr. Bernadette Rostenkowski and neuroscientist Dr. Amy Farrah Fowler are speaking at?”
“Yeah. You and me.”
“Oh Bucky thank you! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!” I said hugging him so tight.  He hugged me back and said,
“You should really thank Shuri. She’s actually gonna be a panelist Friday and Saturday so she’s the one who scored us the tickets.”
“Oh this is gonna be so much fun. I’m already bursting at the seams!”
“Okay easy there kiddo. Don’t want you blowing a circuit just yet.”
“Sorry I just—I’m so excited. Plus it—it’s the first time since you left that we really got to hang out together. I missed you Bucky.” He softly smiled and said as he gently ruffled my hair once more.
“I missed you too squirt.” He brought me into a one armed hug before giving me a soft kiss to my forehead as I cuddled close into his chest.  “So what interesting facts do the people in outer space say about our galaxy?”
“Well I’m glad you asked, first off did you know that…..” I then opened to the first page I had bookmarked and shared with him several facts that I never knew or what we had been wrong about.
That’s the thing I love best about Bucky.  Whenever I tend to go off on my factual ramblings, or want to overshare certain events or facts, he listens.  He doesn’t interrupt, complain, or pretend to listen (I’ve always hated when people do that to me).  He gets me, and that’s why I’ve always loved Bucky more than any member on the team.
The next morning, I had gotten packed up and ready to go to the convention.  Well we were actually gonna take a flight to LA and take a day just to sight-see before the con would start Friday.  After packing my last suitcase I pulled up the website on my phone and found the schedule they had posted.
“Knock, knock, you ready to head to the airport?” I heard Bucky’s voice say.
“You betcha. And I’ve already got our schedule all planned out. On Friday there’s a seminar on Nano-technology and then Shuri’s panel about how Vibranium can make life easier. And after we get some lunch you can see Dr. Farrah Fowler talk about women and science along with Dr. Rostenkowski.”
“Sounds like a full day for Friday. What about the rest of the con?”
“I can do that when we get on the plane. No better thing to do on an airplane than get some work done.”
“I would agree to that. C’mon I’ve got our ride waiting for us downstairs.” I grabbed my bags and we proceeded down the elevator when running up to us was Joaquin Torres.
“Barnes! Sergeant Barnes! Thank god I caught you. We need you for this mission now!” he said urgently.
“What mission? We completed our mission early.” Bucky said.
“We thought so too sir but we’ve picked up another signal from a few remaining members of the Flagsmashers. We really need your help on this.” Bucky looked between me and him and he told Joaquin.
“Torres, I’m sorry but you gotta get someone else to—”
“I know we would ask anyone else to back us up but anyone who could is unavailable to do so. Please Sergeant Barnes, we need your help.”
“NO!!” I cried out. The two men looked at me.
This wasn’t supposed to happen! He already had to be away from me for six weeks trying to capture the remaining members of the Flagsmashers and that was the longest he had been away from me.  His next mission wouldn’t be until at least a couple months if not 3 weeks!
He shouldn’t go he doesn’t need to go! He promised me we’d go to the science con together and damnit I want us to go together!
“Find someone else to go because he’s not going with you!” I snapped.
“(Y/n), I know this is difficult for you to understand, but—”
“DON’T TALK DOWN TO ME!! I UNDERSTAND COMPLETELY! I know Bucky’s mission schedule because Sam has told me about it! And if there were a surprise he’d warn me ahead of time about it! Bucky already made plans with me so find someone else to go on the mission because you’re taking away MY ONLY FRIEND AWAY FROM ME AGAIN!!!” I slammed my bags down on the floor and took off running.
I ended up back in my room and slammed the door shut with a loud bang.  My breathing became constricted as I collapsed to my bed and wept into my pillows as I tightly gripped onto my sheets.  A knock was soon heard at my door.
‘(Y/n)? Can we talk?’
“Go away.” I grumbled before getting under my covers.
‘Not gonna happen squirt. You know how stubborn we old folks can be.’ He tried to joke which honestly did get me to quirk up a smile.  ‘C’mon kid, don’t make me bust down the door or break it off its hinges again like last time.’ I lay there for a moment before reaching for my phone and opened the door for him.
I felt the bed dip near my legs and he asked me.
“You doing okay breathing wise?”
“My chest still slightly hurts but at least I’m not hyperventilating like my last meltdown.”
“Yeah that was pretty scary.” He admitted.  “Why don’t you come out from under those covers, you know there ain’t enough oxygen when you’re under something.”
“It’s actually carbon dioxide we breathe in, and oxygen comes out.” I said getting my head out from the blanket.
“Right of course. Silly me.” I softly scoffed before fiddling with the ends of my hair.  “You know Joaquin is still trying to learn the ropes.”
“I know. But he shouldn’t have said I don’t understand things. I hate it when people use my disability against me.”
“He wasn’t trying to. No one does, and even if we do you end up proving them wrong with a savage comeback.”
“Still he shouldn’t have said it.” I grumbled.
“I’ll get him to apologize to you later.”
“You mean when you come back from your mission?” I said laying back down and turned away from him. I heard his sigh as he said.
“That’s actually what I came up here to talk to you about.”
“Bucky……” I now sighed deeply.  “I know I still have to get used to sudden changes in life. Because that’s what life is, but I struggle with understanding that. Why do we have to have sudden changes to our lives without thoroughly planning them out? Or when you make plans with someone why does something have to interfere with them or they cancel last minute?”
“Again kid, that’s life. Doesn’t mean we have to like it, all we can do is just—roll with the punches. Or how you kids say go with the flow.” He said the last part like he was trying to sound cool.
“So you are going to go on the mission?”
“Going off against super soldiers, they’re gonna need a super soldier on their side.” I let out a soft whine.
“I just got you back after a whole month and now I’m losing you again. Ever since the Flagsmashers have risen back up, I worry about you Bucky. Sure you’re a super soldier but they are 20 super soldiers. 20 easily overpowers one.”
“You really count me out just like that?”
“Now you’re making me sound like a negative doubter.” I said sitting back up and glared at him.
“I know you’re not a negative doubter, you’re just stating facts and I know. 20 to 1 is not a fair fight but you’re forgetting one thing squirt. I’m Bucky Barnes, I can handle myself. You don’t need to worry about me, okay?”
“It’s hard not to. What I said back there was true. You’re my old friend here.”
“What about Sam?”
“Sam’s cool but there are things that he sometimes doesn’t get when it comes to my autism. That or with him being the new Captain America, he’s too busy to hang out. And don’t tell him this but—you are honestly cooler than him.”
“FINALLY! Thank you. Someone who finally admits it.”
“I think I wanna take it back now.” I teased.
“No, no, no you can’t retract it back now. It’s too late.” I shoved him playfully and he nudged me back.  “How about this, when I come back, we take a whole month off of work, just you and me. Road trip even.”
“Don’t make a promise you can’t keep Buck.”
“Well good thing this isn’t a promise.” I looked at him confused.  “It’s an oath. And everyone knows that while a promise can be broken, an oath never can. What do you say squirt, you and me out on the open road. Deal?” he extended his hand out to me.  After a minute between looking at him and his hand, I took it and we shook on it.
“I’ll hold you to that oath.”
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jackoshadows · 2 years
Rafe’s Q&A on twitter
And on here courtesy of u/crowz9:
Q: Will we see more than one of these cities in season 2? Cairhien, Tear, Falme
A: Yes
Q:  I have to ask. Gawyn (and I guess the lesser brother Galad) actually beat Mat in the warder training yard in the show right? Theres no way they lose on screen is there?
A:  This is an iconic scene from the book and we are building to a believable version of it in the show.  Hopefully.  Ha.
Q:  I have a cheat question about season 1. What was the biggest change in episode 8 that was brought by COVID restrictions compared to what you had originally planned?
A:  The thing I like the least was we originally had Egwene using the Wisdom skills she’d learned in the pilot from Nynaeve to help her after the channeling in Fal Dara.  But last minute Covid changes on the day didn’t allow for the same amount of touching so it got switched and I (melting face emoji)
Q:  How much has the making of process changed in between seasons especially with how the pandemic affected season 1?
A:  It’s certainly affected us in ways both huge and small, but by the end of Season Two it had become so second nature that MULTIPLE TIMES I poured a coffee into my mask and was confused why it didn’t go into my mouth
Q:  What’s your favourite scene with Donal Finn, and why is it him blowing the horn?
A:  #LetDonalToot is now the rallying cry of a generation
Q:  Which books make it into season 2?
A:  Pieces of 1,2 and 3.
Q:  Blink twice if we see more than one Forsaken!
A: (two relieved face emojis)
Q:  How far into the books will this season take us, know the EF5 are much more split up than EotW
A:  We are trying to get a fair amount of what’s done in Books 1-3 (large parts still being held for later) by the end of S2 so that S3 can be a much closer adaptation of TSR
Q:  In comparison to season one, how much queer rep is there going to be?
A:  It depends on how many great memes you churn out.
Q:  When will Rand’s luscious curly locks return?
A:  Ask @joshastradowsk1 He should be growing them now :)
Q:  Maybe you can open with an explanation of why you had the entire seanchan ever victorious navy unleash everything they had on a poor little girl on the beach, or how you had the forces of Fal Dara hard charging the BACK OF THEIR OWN DEFENSIVE FORTIFICATION.
A:  That girl had it coming.  So did the entire coastline and all its cities
Q:  Is Liandrin’s friend a <ahem> North Harbor friend, a Darkfriend, or both?
A:  I wouldn’t tell you even if you used a weave of compulsion
Q: Why did you guys decide not to make the dagger instant death like the books? How did Loial survive being stabbed by *the* dagger?
A:  That’s a story best told in a stedding
Q: describe S2 using only alcoholic beverages please
A:  Spiked Kaf
Q: Do the Seanchan still use the ball gags on the Damane?
A:  I’ve never seen a ball gag on a damane
Q: Pretty sure I saw Uno in the behind the scenes - interested in how that is possible after last season...
A:  He’s breathing.  Watch close
Q: Can you tell us how much you will be expanding on the forsaken in this season?
A:  It’s a big point of difference from the books in S2.  We will spend more time with any Forsaken who’s in the show, more how the later books treat the Forsaken than necessarily Books 2 or 3 did
Q: Hopper?
Q: favorite Season 2 two person scene with only the character names and no more
A:  Egwene Renna
Q: Since most of the main characters split up geographically at the beginning to tGH, will the next seasons keep them on parallel timelines for a convergence at Falme? In which case, the Portal Stones left a time gap of ~4 months for Rand's group; easier to do on a page or on film?
A:  Time gaps are very difficult moving to the medium of television with the stories intercutting, but we try to do as much as we can to avoid one hour cross continent dragon flights
Q: favourite type of gin, and also, can you drop a hint about something you're looking forward to us seeing in season 2?
A:  Your pic makes me excited about where Liandrin’s character goes in S2.  We are so so lucky to have the amazing  @katefleetwood in the show and you will love, hate, and love to hate her LiLi
Q:  Any hints on Moiraine’s journey in season 2? A:  It’s much expanded from her Book 2 story. But built out of the core of that and of a couple relationships that were not explored in the books
Q:  Did everything happen as planned this season or did you guys have to change anything (as in the last 2 eps of season 1)? A: There were unforeseen changes as we shot S2 immediately after wrap of 107 and 108.  But that’s making television.  Anyone who tells you there weren’t unforeseen changes on their show is lying
Q: Are you sticking with the fun cold opens? A:  Yep!   It’s our ode to the out of POV chapters in the books and we will always have them
Q:  What new character/actor are you most excited to introduce us to? A:  There are so many — Aviendha, Elayne, others that have been both announced but not announced, and of course Bayle Domon
Q:  Does Mat get to wander the Tower practice yard, and do we learn of Jearom? A:  Get your Origins on!!!
Q:  Will we get “Do you like to dance, Perrin Aybara”? A:  Yes.
Q:  Can you tell us what role Xelia Mendes-Jones will play please A:  Xelia is playing the role of knocking their scenes out of the fucking park every time they stepped on set.
Q:  Which new cast member gave you the best “Yep! THAT’S _(insert character name)_!” moment in season 2 filming? A:  I think this moment will be in the first or second trailer of season 2.  It lives rent free in my mind at all times
Q:  How many episodes will@Season 2 be? If only 8 again, will they be longer? A:  They are longer than first season, but yes, still only 8
Q:  Are the Wheel of Times Origins cannon to the tv show or just a pretty (amazing) side piece where the stories of origins aren’t the mythology used in the show? A:  Canon
Q:  which character had his plot changed the most compared to the books? A: Mat.  But we try to bring the characters back to where they should be by the end of S2.
Q:  What is the journey like for Moiraine and Lan in season 2 with their bond still masked A:  Another big departure point for us from the books is making much more story for Moiraine and Lan.  We aren’t sitting these two amazing actors on the bench for a season, so we take what’s in Book 2 for them and expand it in a huge way.  That’s all I can say.
Q:  please tell us gawyn won’t be likable please please please you can’t do this to me A:  I love every character I write.  I think you have to find a way to
Q: Will weaves appear the same in the coming season(s)? Congrats on S3 btw! A:  They’re getting a bit of a revamp for S2.  Threads and colors and bears oh my.  But no bears.
Q:  First off, G&T is divine. Second, I want to know if you get more chances to expand the dialog more to let us see the characters better? A:  We are always trying to.  Lots of one on one scenes that didn’t get shot or didn’t make the cuts.  But I’m always fighting for them, I think that’s where the characters really live or die, and our actors can always deliver when it’s just 2 people in a room talking
Q:  What was the scene you dreamed of bringing alive the most and have you filmed it yet? A:  That scene is in the final episode of the show
Q:  Is the Darkfriend Social gonna be in the show? A:  Yep
Q:  Does Rand get his Red and Gold outfit this season? I can’t wait to see Josha officially in it A: (smiling face with open hands emoji)
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suntiger745 · 6 months
Had some observations about Fallout 4 and Baldur's Gate 3. I really like Fallout 4, despite its flaws, and I think the voice actors and character animators did a good job portraying the characters. At the same time, Baldur's Gate 3 really shows how far things have come in terms of mocap/performance capture.
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It's not that Fallout 4's animations are bad. The mouths makes the right motions when forming sounds and you can clearly see that some people are supposed to be old. The skin textures for older characters in BG3 though are leagues better, and the hair is amazing. BG3's default hairstyles are as good as the modded hairstyles for Fallout 4. Better, when it comes to hairstyles with kinked hair.
Now, Fallout 4 came out in 2015 and BG3 in 2023, so in some ways it's not a fair comparison at all. I do think it's a fascinating look into how the tech has developed.
The facial expressions in BG3 are way better, though sometimes a bit over-exaggerated, but the body language is - just natural. Like real life.
Fallout 4 has some scenes that definitely reads as mocapped. Hancock stabbing Finn when you enter Goodneighbour, or Piper's speech trying to get into Diamond City comes to mind. The stabbing in particular, you can see when the game transitions from animation to mocapped. In BG3 it's all seamless, almost every time.
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Much of the rest of the time, the characters in Fallout 4 are much more static in how they stand and speak. I didn't really think of it much, because I was used to it, but now that I have played both close together, all the little head motions, hand motions and shifting of the body weight that the characters do in BG3 really makes the character feel alive and natural.
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In some ways I'm sure that's the tech getting better, but I also have to give the performance directors, animators and the other relevant people credit to how smooth and seamless everything is with the characters in BG3. It's incredibly impressive work.
Another part is the sheer number of actors BG3 has. I believe Neil Newbon and some of the other main cast has repeatedly said 248 actors. I don't know if Larian are just insane like that, but I will also have to say it pays off massively. The NPC's feel, if not all unique, certainly incredibly varied and it helps a lot to make the world feel more alive.
The VA's for Fallout 4 also do a good job, even a great job sometimes, (shoutout to Magnolia, Jack Cabot and Edward Deegan, Arlen Glass and the actors/Robobrains in the Vault at Far Harbor), but it's also the same dozen or so people you hear doing many different characters. Even doing a good job, that breaks the immersion a fair bit.
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