#this wasn't super smutty but it was sweet so i hope that makes up for it hehehe
archangeldyke-all · 26 days
Ok so I have a bit of a strange idea, so hear me out.
MtF Sevika and reader both with a breeding kink, BUT accidental pregnancy? Whether this takes place in modern au or in the show, and obviously their kid will still be little fucker. Just kinda a funny thought of Sevika and reader being shocked that they’re suddenly expecting a child, especially if they had talked about having a child in the future but not planning for one at the moment if you kinda get the idea. Like Sevika telling reader she’ll breed her and weeks later is actually shocked that she actually gets reader pregnant lol
men and minors dni
it's not that you guys don't want kids, it's just... never really come up.
you've been married for a year. you suppose this is when most couples would typically start thinking about kids anyways. but... neither of you ever even considered it.
you were both under the impression that you getting pregnant was impossible. sevika's been on estrogen for years, her sperm count is basically zero. and you've been fucking unprotected since you started dating-- never had any pregnancy scares.
but this morning you woke up feeling... weird.
and when sevika came home from the grocery store with a box of pads for you, you realized that you were a week late.
when sevika had left to go to the gym, you sprinted to the closest pharmacy and back home. and now you're here, on your toilet, staring down at a little plus sign.
you scoff. "what the fuck?" you whisper at the test in your hand, bewildered.
...maybe you shouldn't be surprised. with the way you and sevika are always fucking, this has been a long time coming. hah, coming.
you chuckle at your own joke, then burst into tears.
sevika finds you on the toilet an hour later, still shaking with intermittent laughs and cries.
"baby?" she asks, running to your side. "what's going on?" she asks.
you just sniffle, and reveal what you're holding to your wife.
she blinks at it, her face blank. you gulp.
"i promise it's yours?" you try to joke. sevika's eyes snap up at you, and for a second you think she might be angry.
then she bursts into laughter.
you relax immediately, melting into her arms as she gathers you up into a hug.
"i fucking did it!" she laughs. you snort into her neck.
"that's not funny--"
"baby-- i've been tryin' to knock you up since our first date--"
"--we didn't fuck on our fir--"
"--and it finally worked!" she squeals. you pull your face away from her chest to blink up at her. she's grinning, vibrating in her skin, breathing like she'd just run a marathon. there are tears in her eyes, and she looks at you with so much love that it nearly blinds you.
before you know what's happening, sevika scoops you up into her arms and marches you to the bedroom. you burst into laughter in her arms.
she sets you down gently, then jumps on top of you, peppering you with kisses. "fuck, you're pregnant, baby. with our baby. holy fuck."
"y-you're okay with it?" you whimper.
sevika freezes, looking more shocked at your question than she did at the pregnancy test. "sweetheart, what do you mea--"
"it's not just kinky dirty talk, sev!" you cut her off, all the panic in your veins finally finding a release. you start to blubber beneath her, overwhelmed, and she re-adjusts until she's holding you to her chest. "it's a kid! i don't-- that-- sevika, i honestly always believed me gettin' pregnant from your dick was just as likely as you gettin' pregnant from mine!" you cry.
she chuckles, kissing up your tears and rubbing circles in your back. "there've been a few times i thought you might've succeeded, y'know." she mumbles. you let out a half-laugh, half-cry, and she continues. "'specially that time you tried that thick blue one out on me for the first time, you remember that night, baby?" she asks.
you groan, in no mood to be distracted by dirty memories but flustered by the reminder nonetheless. sevika kisses your head again.
"c'mon, babe. you never thought about havin' a little kid runnin' around the house with us?" she asks, nuzzling your scalp with her nose.
"course i have." you whisper. "usually when you're cummin' inside me, though."
she laughs. "well, think about it now. and whatever you decide-- whatever, baby-- i'm gonna support you." she promises.
you relax in her arms, breathing in her scent. you know this. sevika'd follow you off a cliff.
"tell me what you think about." you request. "about this imaginary kid of ours runnin' around your head."
you can feel her lips curl into a smile on your scalp. "well... completely hypothetically..." she murmurs, her hand not so subtly travling up your leg to rub small circles on your stomach. you snort. "i think about what they'd look like. i hope they'd have your pretty eyes. that smile of yours." she whispers. "all the little clothes they'd have to wear. gettin' to watch you breastfeed." she says this last part salaciously. you giggle against her. "i think about, y'know, when they're older. readin' to them at bedtime. makin' 'em pancakes every sunday. fuck, getting to curl up around her in this bed with you on the other side..." she trails off.
it's quiet for a few seconds, your smile growing wider by the moment as you picture your wife's words. something warm flops over in your stomach, and you know it's too early to feel anything but it doesn't stop your heart from skipping a beat.
"you said her, on that last one." you mumble after a minute.
"hmm?" sevika asks.
"'y said 'gettin' to curl up around her'." you repeat her words back to her.
sevika just chuckles. "just a hunch." she says. you pull away to look up at her. she grins.
"if i have this one, you have to have the next one." you say.
sevika barks a laugh, and swoops down to kiss you. "deal." she mumbles against your lips.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary @m0numents @macaroni676
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aklaustaleteller · 15 days
@ghayda0 requested via submission: Hi, please ignore if you’re not taking requests. Klaus is out all day. Literally from morning to midnight and when he comes back, Y/N is very pissed at him and giving him the silent treatment. At first Klaus’s amused by her actions, thinking Y/N is just being bratty but when she starts tearing up, maybe mid argument, he sees that’s she’s genuinely hurt. Maybe it was their anniversary or her birthday and he forgot. Can be smutty if you want to be, I mean he has to make it up somehow ;)
Entirety of Eternity
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Waiting and waiting for Klaus to return home, Y/n's grasp on reality soon slipped and she fell into a sad, sad slumber. But then Klaus finally comes back, and he doesn't know what he's done wrong -- and Y/n won't tell him. Until she does, shouting at him how the night clearly wasn't anything special to him. And now, all Klaus wants is to show her just how much she, and their relationship, truly mean to him.
Warnings - Smut and some mentions of blood. Word Count - 3.3k
Not super proud of the way I wrote this one, but I'm pretty certain that it isn't that bad (please tell me it isn't) And thank you for requesting this -- I hope you enjoy reading it!
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Y/n was sat on one end of the dining table, her face resting in her quite sweaty palms as she waited for her ears to finally perk up at the sound of the front door to the mansion opening. But it was beginning to cross the two-hour mark and still, there was no sound.
Every once in a while, the sound of her earrings' tiny bells would chime in her ears as she'd change her position to get more comfortable. At least as comfortable as she could on a wooden chair.
A deep wine-red dress adorned her body, pooling on the ground around her feet as she sat. Delicate jewellery hung from her ears, her wrists and a dainty necklace rested just below her collarbone. Sighing defeatedly, she let her head lay atop her arms on the dining table, looking at the polished plates in front of her and then at the empty seat across from her.
Tonight was nothing special, at least not to Klaus considering the fact that he had yet to return home. But it was to her. After all, this was the day that he had turned into a hybrid himself, and then turned her into one as well – justifying it with the purpose that he just wanted to spend the rest of eternity with her.
This was just the fifth year, and already he was forgetting their anniversary.
Maybe this wasn't so special after all. But when you've got the entirety of eternity on your hands, surely you'd try and celebrate as many occasions as possible to keep things special and ...to keep their value.
The clock rang throughout the empty house, finally hitting one in the morning and he still wasn't standing across from her. And she was getting too close to doubting if he even will tonight.
And even if it wasn't so special to him, shouldn't he have listened to her when she'd so excitedly told him to return home early tonight as she'd have something special waiting for him? Wouldn't matter anymore because all the food that she'd cooked herself had gone cold, and the candles she'd set up had burned down to the wick.
The dust had begun to settle on the exposed crockery, the moon had hidden itself behind the clouds and her heart had begun wilting away inside her chest.
She didn't quite realise when her hold on reality slipped and she fell into a sad slumber, but she woke up to the feel of a hand on her arm and a soft voice coaxing her back to life.
"There you are, my darling," Klaus smiled, already kneeling beside her so he was face to face with her. "Why didn't you go to bed?"
Y/n looked at him with eyes that were screaming how could he have the guts, the audacity to ask her that and so callously pretend that he hadn't just come home past midnight despite her sweet request that went against his act.
But when her shouts fell on deaf ears, she simply turned the other way from where Klaus was sitting and stood up. "The dinner's gone cold... I'd suggest you warm it up before eating, it'd taste better," she told him as she walked up the stairs, her gaze empty but her blood heating up rapidly.
Klaus looked at her as she walked away, amusement filling him up to the brim at her antics. Yes, she'd asked him to return early but it was for no special occasion, and he'd gotten himself in a rather sticky situation, so why was she upset out of the blue?
He was even sure that she his reasoning in someone's red blood covering him from head to toe, beginning to dry up. And he wished that she'd clean him up like every other time, so he decided to eat first. Give her some time to change her clothes and get comfortable for the night before he could go over to her and ask her innocently to help him clean himself off.
So he sat and ate, his eyes closing every once in a while at the feeling of the home cooked meal filling him up with all the love he could digest.
Rinsing off his dishes, Klaus sped up the stairs and into the bedroom he shared with Y/n as her lover, a frown settling itself between his brows when he caught her sitting in front of the vanity, lost in some thought as she glared at a broken lipstick.
"What's wrong, my love?" Klaus asked her, concern lacing his voice as he walked over to her, placing his hands on her shoulders as he locked his eyes with hers in the mirror.
His frown only deepened further when she didn't reply and began removing her jewellery, looking at him with big eyes trembling with fury. He didn't move, not until she was getting up and moving towards the bed, which had him following her hot on her heels.
"C'mon, it's not the right time to be a brat, sweetheart," Klaus joked, chuckling to himself but stopped when she shot him a look sharp enough to make him flinch.
"Just tell me what's happened!" Klaus insisted, kneeling in front of her and holding her hand, ignoring the fact that she didn't weave her fingers through his' and pick his hand up to press a kiss on his knuckles like she usually did.
"Where were you?" She asked, forcing her voice to be at a bay.
"Well, some newbies truly thought that they could have my head on a sword for them to take home to their master,” he chuckled. “And their plan was quite impressive, dare I say,” shrugging he said, passing her a grin which, expectedly, wasn’t reciprocated. 
“I apologise for not coming home earlier,” he sighed. But he knew that she knew that he truly wasn’t, for he didn’t even yet realise the density of this grave mistake he had made. And when she continued with her silence, Klaus finally cracked. 
“It’d not as if tonight’s anything special!”
And right then, Y/n heard something crack inside her. Possibly her dead heart. 
“I know you wanted me to return early tonight and I’m sorry that I didn’t, I truly am!” He almost whined, trying to show her how unreasonable she was being as he started pacing the room. “But this has happened before and you’ve never been this upset, so just tell me what have I done wrong!” 
He felt quite embarrassed once he was done shouting due to her lack of response, and sighed once more before walking towards her.
“It was our anniversary,” she started, quickly glancing at the clock, “yesterday.”
Klaus stopped in midst of his way to her, his heart dropping in his stomach as he finally found himself at a loss of words. His mouth moved, but nothing came out except for some incoherent stutters. 
“Forget it. It was nothing special,” she gritted through her teeth, not wanting her anger to get the best of her but she could feel it slipping out of her grasp.
“Darling – I,” Klaus stuttered, looking at the floor, wishing it’d remind him how to speak. “I’m so sorry darling,” Klaus breathed, his gaze turning doe-eyed as the realisation set in. 
“No you’re not!” Y/n shouted, getting off the bed to walk towards him. “You are not sorry, Klaus. You clearly don’t care!”
Hot tears were lined up against her lower lashline, making it hard for her to see clearly.
“You were showing that last night meant nothing to you for so long and you even said it! It was no special occasion!” She yelled, her voice shaking as her brain debated whether she was trying to convince herself about that, or him. 
And the way she was talking about their anniversary in a way that it truly had passed and that it was the next day, was only breaking his heart worse. 
“Darling our anniversary means the world to me,” he desperately said. “I’d just carelessly forgotten about it but please don’t think that it doesn’t mean anything to me,” he whispered, his eyes aching to meet with hers but she just wouldn’t let it happen, looking to the side. 
But the moment those words left  his mouth, a bitter chuckle escaped her mouth as she finally looked him in the eyes. 
“Can you hear yourself Klaus?” She asked him, shaking her head. “If it did mean anything to you, you wouldn’t have forgotten about it!” She told him, fisting her hand to prevent herself from ripping her hair out of her scalp. 
“Please let me make it up to you, darling,” Klaus begged, his own tears threatening to spill. “I’d been a bastard to do such a thing but please let me show you how much you mean to me,” his voice went meek as he lowered his head to meet her eyes. “How much this,” Klaus whispered, motioning his hand to point at her and then at himself, “means to me,” he finished, cautiously cupping her face in his rough hands. 
And he breathed in relief when she leaned into his touch, a tear rolling down her cheek. 
“I cooked us a meal, lit up candles and I only wore this dress so you could take it off,” she admitted, a tinge of pink rising on her cheeks, betraying her sadness. “And you just had to go and mess everything up,” she sighed, closing the distance between them and wrapping her arms around him, clinging to his torso while resting her face in the cervix of his neck, ignoring the dried blood that covered his clothes and exposed skin. 
“And I’m so sorry darling,” he mumbled, pressing a kiss to her temple. “I swear I’ll never do something like this again,” he smiled, swaying them side to side. 
Y/n detached herself from him then, her hair a bit ruffled due to his touch. “Please don’t,” she chuckled, pressing a quick kiss on his lips before weaving their fingers together and walking towards the bathroom. 
“You better not show up some day covered in your own blood,” Y/n warned him as she sat him on the bathroom counter and wetted a towel. 
She began wiping the blood off of him with ease, having done this a million and more times by now. And she’d just wiped down his neck when she realised that he had way more blood on him that she’d expected, and some in his hair as well.
“Why don’t you just take a shower? You genuinely have blood everywhere, hell it’s even in your hair,” she laughed and didn’t wait for his answer as she went on to turn on the shower and nodded her head at him, urging him to get in already. 
“You’re not joining me, are you?” Klaus asked, teasingly and nervously. 
“You wish, don’t you?” She grinned before walking out, her ears picking up on him mumbling how she very well knew that he did. 
And Y/n had just been sitting on the bed, waiting for him when he finally walked out of the shower, in a towel that hung dangerously low on his hips. And his drenched curls stuck to his forehead while water shone off of his chiselled chest, a teasing smirk on his mouth as he looked at her while she took him in.
He began walking towards her, a certain glint in his eyes as he watched her shut off the book in her lap and place it on her bedside table. Once he stood beside her, he took her hands in his and began moving so that she’d stand up and walk with him. 
Leaning in, he hovered his mouth over hers before tilting his head slightly so that he was whispering in her ear.
“You said you’d only worn this dress so I could take it off… yes?” He asked her, beginning to sway the two of them across the room, listening in to hear her heartbeat picking up while her heavy breath fanned his neck. 
Y/n hummed in response, her eyes fluttering close when he began pressing feather light kisses up her neck. She looked at him with intrigue when he stood the both of them in front of the mirror, looking at her with the slightest smirk from behind. 
“Gonna still let me take you up on that offer, darling?” he asked, his fingers dancing across her shoulders until she nodded her head, and whispered a small yes. 
“Gonna let me show you how much truly special you are to me?” He asked again, clearly teasing her as he fingers travelled to her back. He pressed his mouth against her jaw when she nodded again, eyes still on her in the mirror as he began nipping at her skin, leaving behind the very first hickey. 
He undid the chain of the dress, letting it slump off of her torso and expose her naked breasts to him. No bra, he grinned, licking the bruising skin on her jaw as a blush creeped up on the highs of her cheeks. 
From behind, his hands slithered across her skin, from her back to now her breasts, flicking the hardened nipples as he littered love bites all over her neck. 
He made sure that while he touched her, his eyes remained locked with hers. She knew after so many years with him that he preferred eye contact during such intimate moments, that he preferred to see how much effect he had on her – how he had her at his mercy just by touch. 
“Klaus,” she breathed with pleading eyes and let her head fall against his chest as he began to force the rest of her dress to slip off of her figure. 
“Darling,” Klaus smiled, turning her around once she’d stepped out of the dress that was merely a pool on the floor now. He picked her up, bridal style and walked over to their bed, laying her on it gently unlike other times when he’d roughly toss her on it. After all, he had some apologising to do tonight.
Moving to hover above her, Klaus resumed his kisses and marks, slipping lower and lower on her body until her fingers were clutching his curls while he bit lightly on the lowest point of her stomach. 
“Stop all this teasing now, Klaus,” Y/n asked of him, propping herself up on her elbows to look at him with a rather scolding look as he looked back at her with mischievousness swimming in his eyes.
“Only because I’m truly sorry,” Klaus grinned at her, teasing her for the final time before he pressed his mouth against her aching core, licking up her hole to her clit, spreading her arousal before he could actually begin. 
Y/n’s breathing hitched and a moan escaped her mouth when she felt him increase his pace a bit. His fingers dug into the skin on her hips as he kept his hold tight on her, forcing himself as close to her pussy as he could, his nose breathing in her scent and tongue lapping up her wetness. 
“Oh Klaus,” she whined when he shifted all his attention on her clit, sucking on it until he began feeling a tremor coursing through her thighs. 
He went back to licking up her arousal then, wanting to prolong her orgasm to give her a good one instead. And his own grunts began to vibrate against her core when he began to rub against the bed, causing her arousal begin dripping down his chin. 
“You taste fucking amazing, darling,” he told her as he pushed a finger inside her with ease, quickly adding another one at the realisation of just how open and ready he’d got her dawned on him. 
Y/n mewled above him, her moans turning into louder groans as he pushed himself against her core again, flicking her clit with his tongue while pumping his fingers inside her at a fast pace. Her eyes fell shut as the knot in her belly began to move lower and lower, a pleasing and burning sensation coursing through her body, causing her to begin shaking. 
Her thighs instinctively closed shut around Klaus’ head, her hands pushing against his head to get away from him, making him increase his pace even more. 
“Klaus, please!” She cried out to him, begging for release while her back arched off the bed, her eyes flying open when Klaus detached his mouth from her, keeping his fingers at work regardless. 
“Look at me,” he breathed, her arousal smeared across his mouth, along with a couple strings connecting his mouth and her core.
And he went right back to messing with her now puffy clit once he had her eyes on him. Noises of his tongue licking her up and down began to fill the room along with the ones coming from him fingering her, and her hips stuttered to move just once more before she was crying out, trying with all her might to get away from his mouth as she grew more and more sensitive as he made her ride out her orgasm. 
Klaus finally stopped after a couple more kitten licks then, crawling back up to her to kiss her. And he had just cupped her jaw when she flipped them over, now straddling his naked hips as the towel remained lying near the foot of the bed. 
And she began lining his hardened cock against her pussy, slowly sinking down on him until he was fully inside her. She placed her hands on top of his which were situated on her waist and then she began moving up and down, increasing her pace with each jump. 
“Only because I’m forgiving you,” she lazily grinned at him, making him chuckle hoarsely.
Klaus’ hands slowly slithered up her torso then, and cupped her breasts as their bouncing in his face was going to make him reach his high embarrassingly fast. 
And when he noticed her pace slowing down, he placed his hold back on her waist to hold her in place while he thrusted up into her, fucking her well enough for her to lean forward and hover over him with her eyes clenched shut. 
“Fucking hell,” Klaus gritted as her breasts were now back in his face, bouncing so prettily that he couldn’t help but take one of her nipples in his mouth to tease her into another orgasm now. 
“Oh I’m gonna cum again,” she moaned close to his ears, and it was enough to make him slip his hand between their connected bodies and rub her clit, all while he felt himself growing closer and closer to tipping over the edge himself. 
“Give it to me darling – give it to your husband,” Klaus groaned as he felt her walls clench around him, her orgasm slipping past her entrance and onto the base of his cock, making him spill inside her with a loud moan.
Making a few more deep and hard thrusts, Klaus finally stopped, his head thrown back in pure ecstasy as Y/n laid on top of him, wrapping her arms around his torso. 
“I fear you’ll need another shower, Klaus,” Y/n giggled, laughing harder when he sped both of them into the bathroom, and turned on the shower, kissing her with a wide grin on his own mouth. 
“Please buy more dresses just for me to take them off, my love,” Klaus told her, his teasing grin turning into dropped jaw when her arse brushed against him, eliciting an even deeper moan from him when she pressed herself further into him and began peppering kisses across his chest, nipping at the skin every once in a while just to hear him hiss.
“For the entirety of eternity, yes?” She grinned, yelling in surprise when he pushed her against the wall and pressed his mouth on hers, mumbling a hoarse ‘yes’ as she wrapped her legs around his waist.   
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navybrat817 · 1 year
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That tongue! Sir! 😻
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: Bucky has a big appetite.
Word Count: Almost 600
Warnings: Implied explicit sexual content, implied oral sex (f. receiving), dirty talk, Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?).
A/N: Some semi-smutty goodness because why not? ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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Bucky didn't like being bored. It made him restless at times. At others, he dwelled too much on his past. He needed a distraction.
He kept catching himself staring at you from across the room as you scrolled through your phone. You were either seemingly unaware of the super soldier's intense gaze or you were purposefully ignoring him. He hoped it wasn't the latter because he liked having your attention. But how could he get your pretty eyes off your device and on him?
He may have asked that out loud since you looked up from your phone with a small smile.
That's better. Keep looking at me, beautiful.
"I'm hungry," he announced, shifting in his chair to fully face you.
"Oh, yeah?" you asked, smiling wider as you set the device down. "What are you hungry for?"
He licked his lips as he thought of an answer to your question. There was only one thing he wanted to eat, one flavor he wanted on his tongue. You could provide it to him and nobody else.
"Your pussy."
Bucky smirked when your mouth opened slightly. His words may have surprised you, but there was no denying the look of arousal that took over your features. He recognized that gaze since he was always on the receiving end of it.
"You already had that," you breathed.
Bucky growled at the implication of you denying him. Yeah, he did have your sweet cunt earlier. Your legs fit perfectly around his head as he indulged in his favorite dessert. He had been relentless, his tongue prodding as far as it could go as he resorted you to a sobbing mess. You chanted his name like he was a god.
And he answered your prayers as he made you come undone.
"And you're telling me I can't have seconds? I know you're wet just thinking of spreading your pretty legs for me again. Did you forget I can smell you? Tell me I'm wrong."
He wasn't ashamed to use his heightened senses to his advantage with you. He knew when blood rushed to your cheeks and when arousal pooled in your gut. Or how your heart beat faster when he kissed or touched certain spots.
"I'm wet for you, Bucky," you admitted, sinking further into your chair.
Bet there's a wet spot underneath you.
"I know. That's why I want you to part your thighs and let me eat. You know I have a big appetite," he softened his voice, wanting it to sound like a caress against your skin. "You wouldn't want me to starve, would you?"
He'd crawl on his hands and knees if that's what it took to feel your slick folds against his mouth.
"Or would you rather have my cock deep inside you so you can come on it? Have me pump you nice and full so you're-"
"Buck!" Steve yelled from the other room where he was resting. "Did you forget that I'm still here?"
Bucky blinked slowly as he swung his head toward the door, smirking again as he pictured the frustrated look on his friend's face. "Didn't forget. You know how I get when I'm hungry."
"Yeah, yeah. Don't get between you and your meal."
"Exactly. So you may need to cover your ears," he turned back toward you with a wink. "My girl can be a screamer."
"Bucky!" you shrieked as you threw a pillow at him.
"Told you," he chuckled as he caught it. "Now let's see if I can make you say my name again when you come on my tongue."
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Love and thanks for reading! 💙
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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lovebugism · 1 year
Congratulations, babydoll! Sending this in early! So super proud of you, and you’re one of my favorite authors/humans around here! ;) 😘🎂💝❤️
“Let me take care of you today. Don’t do anything in return, just let me.” - For virgin! Eddie (him taking care of the reader) ❤️
kristen. love of my life. absolute queen of smut. thank you so much for always being so kind! i wasn't sure if you wanted this to be smutty or not, so here's 2k words of eddie spaghetti taking care of a sick reader (also me soft launching the nickname Peach hahah) hope you enjoy!!
part of the tcar universe!
Eddie Munson was a worrier.
Apart from creating D&D campaigns and mastering Metallica guitar riffs, it’s what he did best.
Like, when Dustin skips out on Hellfire for the first time, he immediately thinks something’s wrong. He keeps the poor boy in the club room after the rest of the boys have left, badgering him about the reason why. “If something’s going on at home, you can tell me. You know that, right? Rule number one of Hellfire, you know? It’s a safe place.”
“I thought rule number one of Hellfire was never sit in your throne? Dustin asks with furrowed brows.
“Well, yeah, but… I’m just saying. You can tell me if something’s going on.”
“My mom’s just getting a new cat, Eds. We have to drive to Indianapolis to pick it up after school,” the boy explains, so sincere he’s practically cooing. “Everything’s okay, alright. I promise.”
“Alright. Drop the tone,” Eddie squints at him.
Dustin grins. “I’m happy you care so much, though. It’s really sweet, actually.”
“If you wanna keep the teeth you have left, I suggest you shut up, Henderson.”
Dustin makes fun of him about that to this day. 
Still, it hasn’t lessened his ability to stress out over nothing.
Gareth is five minutes late to band practice at The Hideout, and Eddie’s certain his beat-up truck is sitting somewhere in a ditch. Mike comes to school with a scrape on his cheek, and Eddie immediately thinks Jason and his basketball goons are giving him a hard time again.
It’s a deep-rooted urge to protect the people he cares about — to worry incessantly about their well-being and fight like hell if something’s wrong. And these are just the boys he tolerates, at best.
So when Eddie’s worried about you? All hell threatens to break loose.
Two days pass, and he hasn’t heard a single thing from you.
And it’s not the total end of the world or anything. You get busy sometimes, and that’s fine. 
Is a part of him distantly worried that you’re lying dead in your apartment? Sure. But still. The sliver of logical thinking he possesses knows that you’re fine. Eddie’s mostly able to simmer in his worry until the third day comes and goes with no word from you.
He’s popped into a full-on boil by then.
“Have you seen my keys?” the boy asks his uncle while he rifles between the couch cushions, searching for the metal things he can’t even seem to keep up with.
“You’re what?” Wayne answers, tucked too comfortably in his recliner for a time like this. He’s more focused on his Cheers re-run than his nephew’s anxious mumbling.
“My keys. They’re missing.”
“You didn’t leave ‘em in your van, did you?”
“No, I didn’t leave them in my van,” Eddie snaps. It’s more harshly than he intended but he doesn’t think to apologize as he looks under the magazines on the coffee table.
Wayne isn’t deterred by his tone. He pops another chip into his mouth and talks through the mouthful. “Did ya look in your room?”
“Yes. That’s the first place I check. They’re not there.”
“Kitchen counter?”
“I looked there, too.”
“Well, they gotta be somewhere, Eds,” Wayne chuckles.
“It’s not funny,” Eddie scolds in a fit of boyish rage. He ceases his search for a moment to be angry — his tight chest thankful for the weight is let off. “My girlfriend could be dead—”
“Your girlfriend’s fine,” the older man assures, still laughing a little to himself. Eddie’s dramatics and misplaced worries are familiar to him now. He looks over his shoulder at his nephew, grey brows raised. “Maybe she just wanted some space. Ever think of that?”
Eddie shakes his stubborn head. “You don’t know her, alright? That’s not— That’s not how she operates.
“Operates?” Wayne scoffs in a laugh. “She a robot or something.”
“…You’re are no help, you know that?”
Eddie backtracks to his room. He finds his keys beneath a pile of dirty clothes in the very corner of his room. He doesn’t care to know how they got there. He’s just grateful he found them at all.
He’s forced to walk by Wayne with them in hand to leave the trailer. The man’s lilted “I told ya so” doesn’t go unheard.
His van gets him to the other side of town in ten minutes flat — half the time it usually takes, but still not quick enough. He ascends the concrete stairs two a time before b-lining to your apartment. He grips the knob, expecting it to be locked, but it gives under the weight of his hand.
“Oh my god, if she’s not already dead, I’m gonna kill her,” Eddie mumbles rather morbidly to himself as he walks into your unlocked apartment.
He’s surprised to find you on the couch — your back facing him, all wrapped up in blankets, with a thousand tissues on the coffee table.
“Hopper, I told you a thousand times, I’m fine—” Your voice is scratchy and slurred, the makings of a girl who’s exhausted and obviously sick.
You turn slowly to look over your shoulder, careful not to jostle your migraine. Your glassy, red-rimmed eyes go wide when you find that Eddie’s the one standing in your driveway instead of Lurch.
“Coulda fooled me,” the boy quips with a sympathetic smile at your pallid appearance — sallow face, sunken eyes, messy hair. 
He doesn’t know you’ve got a raging monster of a headache, but he shuts the door closed softly anyway.
“Eddie?” you call his name. It’s mixed with a groan as you flip onto your back. The change in position makes your head pound all over again. You squint at Eddie through the knife in your skull. “What are you doing here?”
“I was worried about you,” he tells you just before laying his keys on the table and sitting on the wooden edge of it in front of you. He puts the back of his hand to your warmed cheek. It nearly burns him.
“And everyone said I was stupid for being so worried. Now I know I had every right to be.”
“In their faces huh?” you quip dryly, then laugh until it turns into a coughing fit.
You hack into your elbow. Eddie winces and reaches for the half-gone glass of water at his side. He hands it to you and you take the thing in your trembling grasp, sipping from it gratefully.
“How long have you felt like this?” Eddie agonizes, full of woe.
“I don’t know… Couple days, maybe,” your breaths are uneven and unusually deep, as though each one is hard for you to take. Your face is scrunched up like they pain you.
“Why didn’t you call? You know I would’ve come over.”
“I thought I was feeling better,” you rasp. “And I came in here, but then I felt worse.”
“You should’ve told me before.”
“I didn’t want you to get sick…”
“I’ve been sick for four days, Peach,” Eddie laughs when you go all sheepish. “I would’ve rather been here getting sick with you than all the way across town worrying if you were dead or not.”
Your brows pinch together. “What?”
“Nothing,” he answers quickly.
You look like you want to argue, but it turns into another coughing fit. Eddie grimaces as you take another hearty sip. It hardly helps.
“What can I do?” he grieves, feeling totally helpless.
“Nothing,” you croak as your head lolls onto the throw pillow behind your head. Your heavy eyes flutter shut. Eddie swears he can hear your chest rattling.
“I’m gonna get you some more water, okay? And maybe a cold rag for you head.” He rises from the table with the glass in hand. “I make you some soup, too, if you have some. I make a mean canned chicken noodle, if I do say so myself—”
“No, don’t go,” you rasp and reach for his head. You rise on your elbow so suddenly that it makes the room spin around you. Your eyes squeeze shut again and you groan.
“See?” Eddie coos with a soft smile. “This is what not accepting my help gets you.”
“Just go home, Eds,” you plead after the room’s stopped spinning. “I’m okay. I don’t wanna get you sick, too.”
“I’m taking care of you today, babe. Whether you like it or not.”
Eddie ushers you to lay back down again. You do so without much protest, but with a pretty little pout on your face. He pulls the quilt back over you and smooths the frown between your brows with his thumb.
“You can try to fight me on this, but I’m pret-ty sure I’d win, so…”
“But it makes me feel bad,” you whine. “I can’t do anything for you—”
“You do stuff for me all the time, alright? Now, it’s my turn. I don’t need you to do anything for me in return, anyway, so… You might as well just let me.”
Eddie gives you little time to argue — not that your body would’ve let you, anyway. He returns with a glass of water, a wet rag, and a kiss on your forehead. He winces playfully after his lips touch your skin and lays the cool cloth over you.
“Jeez, babe. If you get any hotter, you’re gonna burn me,” he jokes, just to make you smile.
He cleans up the living room and wraps you up in more blankets when you start to get the cold sweats. He tucks you in them like a burrito, propping you against the arm of the couch so you can sit up more comfortably.
He’s off to the kitchen a second later. You can hear him rifling through your cabinets for something to ease your prickly throat. The only thing soup-adjacent he finds is a box of macaroni and cheese.
“This’ll have to do…” he murmurs to himself and to his co-chef, Bowie the Calico, who keeps him company while he boils the water and stirs in the powdered cheese. He kisses the wooden spoon to make sure it’s cooled down enough before fixing two bowls.
He carries them bowl, a blue and a green one, into the living room.
“It’s certainly no chicken noodle soup, but it’s still good,” Eddie promises as he sits down the dishes in front of you. He settles neatly on the couch beside you right after. His raised brows disappear behind his curly bangs. “It’s a good thing I make the best boxed mac and cheese this side of Hawkins has ever seen, huh?”
“Yeah,” you hum, smiling despite your exhaustion and the distant throbbing in your head. “I’m really lucky, Eddie Spaghetti.”
Eddie purses his smile to the side and turns his glowing cheeks to the coffee table.
He picks up your bowl and stirs it to let the steam out. His gaze is far shier than it was before when he looks at you again. “How you feeling now, Peach?”
“Like someone shoved a box of cotton up my nose and through my skull.”
“So… better?” he teases.
You know he’s joking, but you nod anyway. “A little. Probably ‘cause you’re here.”
He laughs when weakly jab his thigh with your sock-clad foot.
“And to think, you were gonna kick me out.”
“I’m still scared you’re gonna get sick— what are you doing?” Your head juts back when he lifts the fork to your mouth, motioning for you to eat the pile of noodles sitting on top.
“Feeding you,” he shrugs. “What does it look like.”
“I can feed myself—”
“Ah, ah, ah,” the boy scolds when you reach to take the fork from him. He jerks his hand away from you. His face scrunches in a feigned anger. “I’m taking care of you today, remember? You can have the next turn.”
“Don’t Eddie me, alright? Just eat it. The more you argue, the longer this is gonna take.”
You take one bit, just to humor him.
He doesn’t let up until you’ve eaten it all, makes you down the rest of your water, too.
His food is cold now, but you’re better.
The life has returned to your eyes. They twinkle when they look at him, no longer as sunken in as they had been before. A part of him wonders if he’s the reason why. He ultimately decides to blame it on his sort of homemade mac and cheese, lest his heart explode from how much he adores you.
“Feel better?” he asks as he sits your bowl back down on the table.
You nod. For the first time in three days, it doesn’t make your head spin.
“Yeah. Thanks for taking care of me, Eddie Spaghetti.”
“No, thank you, for only putting up a little bit of a fight when I tried, sweetheart.”
He leans forward, as though to kiss you.
You pull back from him. “No, don’t.”
“Why?” he pouts.
“Because you’ll get sick.”
The boy scoffs. “I don’t care about that.”
“Well, I care about that.”
“Babe. I’m made of metal. I don’t get sick.”
You shake your head at the relentless boy. “As long as you’re aware of the consequences,” you lilt in a rasp.
“I’d kiss you now even if it meant I died tomorrow, Peach.”
“That’s really morbid—” you try to joke, but his mouth is already on yours.
He’s got one foot on the ground and a knee digging into the couch. One hand props himself on the cushion at your side while the with clutches the back one. Eddie leans over your bent knees and presses a sweet peck upon your chapped lips.
“Mm,” he hums against you. His pinks lips curl into a grin when he pulls away. His chocolate eyes sparkle at you. “Tastes like mac and cheese and winter time.”
“Wintertime?” you giggle.
“Yeah,” he shrugs.
He doesn’t tell you that he means it more in the flu season way rather than the sparkling snow one. It’s more poetic that way, he figures.
“I’ll get you more water,” he grunts as he rises from the couch, empty bowl and glass in hand.
“Hey, Eds?” you call before he can get too far.
He stops in the door way. “Yeah?”
Your tired head tilts to your shoulder. “I love you.”
“I know,” Eddie grins.
You squint at him before he ducks back into the kitchen.
“I know you did not just Han Solo me—”
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melissa-kenobi · 2 years
Moon Knight Headcanons
A/N: hollaaaa again, ah so due to high demand, I just smushed all the requests into one and tadaa here ya go! Also I'm super sorry, my jake ones always turn out smutty :'( #sorrynotsorry
Translations - (I used Google Translate, I'm so sorry if its wrong!)
"¡Mentirosa! ¡Mi amor, se suponía que debías hacerlo!" - Liar, my love you were supposed to do it!
"Vamos cariño, sabes que se verá bien. Imagina mi cara en tu dulce-" - Come on sweetheart, you know it will look good. Imagine my face on your sweet-
"Sabes que se sentirá bien. ¿Por favor bebé? Te daré lo que quieras." - You know it will feel good. Please baby? I'll give you whatever you want.
"Si mami, te voy a hacer desear nunca haber dicho eso." - Yes mami, I'm going to make you wish you never said that.
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Steven Grant
Steven definitely has a few. Some you adored on him, but some were a slight pain in the arse for you.
Firstly he had such high levels of enthusiasm for anything, and I mean anything. Like you could be telling him that your flowers grew and then one of them died cause you drowned it by accident and Steven would be like "Wow! No way! But I mean at least the others survived so you can look after them too. And of course love, before you even ask, I'm happy to help you!"
Then he'd plunge himself into the story of Gus and how Marc had killed him and bought Gus 2.0 to replace him.
You've noticed Steven has a habit of playing with his sleeve, it's adorable you think. At first you thought it was something he did when he was feeling self conscious about his appearance- to which you undoubtedly reassured him that he looked handsome and stunning causing the poor man to blush and stammer out a soft 'thank you love'.
But after being with with for a few months, you realised it wasn't, it was just a cute habit he had. Like he'd be sitting there, on the couch reading his book with one hand, the other will be fiddling with his sleeves. Or when the two of you are waiting on lunch at the cafe and he'd be holding your hands but his fingers would be fiddling with his jumper.
Another thing you’ve noticed with Steven is his ability to nickname literally everything. If you're out on a date with him, the two if you like to take a stroll along the River Thames and Steven would just be watching the people, giving them all sorts of nicknames. Like this man has no filter, he just blurts out what he sees and sometimes you'll have to hold your laugh in and tug him away before they catch you.
He snores. Like deeply and loudly. Steven would deny it all he wants but when you're staying over, you have to bring your ear muffs because that man snores like hell.
"I do not snore love!"
"Steven honey-
Steven would cut you right off. His hands crossed against his body in defiance, his cute face turned into a frown. "Nope."
"Okay then. Do me a favour and tell me who this is?" *cue obnoxiously loud snoring sounds and occasionally a few grunts.*
Steven's face would contort in disbelief, his eyes already recognising who was in the bed next to you. His arm wrapped around your body as he watched himself snore like shit. "That's Marc. I refuse to accept it."
Marc Spector
Now with Marc, you've noticed that he tends to hint at things he wants rather than outwardly state them. Unlike Jake who will straight up tell you what he needs/wants. Steven's a little shy but he gets it out eventually but Marc, no, he just hints it randomly.
Like if he's hungry for cookies let's say, he'll be talking about the cookie monster, or this thing that reminded him of cookies. Or if he wants some cuddles with you, he'll just stare at you before rubbing his arms together, hoping that you'll notice and give him what he wants.
"Yeah honey?" He'd look over to you in the kitchen, making some of Jake's coffee before you'd walk over to him.
"You know you can ask me for snuggles right? I adore them with you!"
Marc would blush like a fucking teenager before pulling you to cuddle between his legs on the couch. He'd bury his blushing face into the crook of your neck before he'd whisper. "I know baby. Thank you."
Marc snorts when he laughs. Like really snorts. You know them ones where they don't even realise they're doing it till you give them the look? Yeah that's Marc.
Sometimes the boys will throw a joke around in headspace and then you'll have Marc laughing while he unintentionally throws in a snort. Now you and the boys know about his habit and have tried to help him with it but you genuinely cannot. So anytime Marc laughs, you can't help but join in.
Marc is a total neat freak. Naturally you're a messy person, but you think you've gotten better at it but Marc completely disagrees. It's the clothes strung around his flat, the mugs of tea/coffee left in the sink. Don't even get him started on your own home.
Like he cannot stand your messiness, and he'll happily call you out on it. "Babe, I love you, but you're a complete slob."
"Am not."
"Are too! Have you seen the kitchen?" It would be Marc teasing you relentlessly for the next half hour.
"Jake was supposed to do it!"
"¡Mentirosa! ¡Mi amor, se suponía que debías hacerlo!"
Jake Lockley*
Dios mío, Jake is charismatic as fuck and practically convince anyone to whatever he want. Including you. Which is something you absolutely hate, but secretly love because it's Jake, duhhh.. Although at the same time, he can be so goddamn unpredictable. Like one minute he'll be cuddling with you, watching those telenovas he loves before he gets up randomly and tugs you with him.
"Mi amor, let's go..."
"Go where Jakey? I was so comfy." You move into the warmth he left behind, cuddling the pillow he was sat next to. Jake would have that smirk on his face, the one that told you he was up to something and there was no way you were going to get him to back down from it.
"I wanna fuck you in my car cariño..."
Jake likes to cook for you. He absolutely loves watching you eat his food, the way your face lights up and the way his heart swells up inside. The noises you make when you take that first bite, fuck- it does something to Jake that he can't explain but he want more of it. So whenever he has time, he's always in the kitchen cooking for the two of you.
Now this one was one you fucking loved. Jake always spoke in Spanish to you, and boy did it make your heart race. among other places 😏.
He never does it with Marc and Steven, unless he's angry then he'll let the occasional word slip here and there but with you, it's like 24/7. Now you're a potato, and you barely know Spanish (sorry for those that do). When you first met him, he had a half English, half Spanish thing going on so you could understand him and fuck was it hot. Now Jake just speaks in fluent Spanish with you, and do not ask how, but you somehow can understand.
The mustache. Need I say more? He's been pleading with the boys and you to let them grow one out. Jake is honestly all for it, Marc is a definite no- he doesn't want to walk around looking like a pedo. Steven's on the bench about this so that leaves the vote up to you.
"Vamos cariño, sabes que se verá bien. Imagina mi cara en tu dulce-
That goddamn smile returned once more on his face, that annoyoing one where he knew he was going to get what he wanted and you couldn't stop him. He inched closer, lips teasing your neck, so you could imagine the feel of it agaisnt you. "Sabes que se sentirá bien. ¿Por favor bebé? Te daré lo que quieras."
"Okay okay! Fine. One week. If we don't like it, you're getting rid of it, ¿comprendido?" Jake would smile in glee, giving the finger to Marc before wrapping his arms around your waist, throwing you over his shoulder and carrying you to the bedroom.
"Si mami, te voy a hacer desear nunca haber dicho eso."
Khonshu being an annoying shit and turning up whenever he wants. Like at really bad times.
Khonshu is extremely judgemental, like really badly. Ironic really considering what he preaches.
He is so fucking impatient, he acts like a 5 year old sometimes and he's such a pain in yours and the boys arse.
An awful liar.
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anto-pops · 1 year
hey, i don't want to overwhelm you, but do you think there would be another part for the end of the line series in the future that deals with the course of the first pregnancy?
everything is fluffy and smutty.
sebastian is the very best husband ever and wants to take care of everything while his wife just sits there making her baby and just looking irresistibly sexy doing it.
he is so incredibly sweet and holds her hair when she throws up. the weeks of nausea are terrible and it hurts his body and soul to see her like this, but of course, as always, he manages to make everything better and more bearable.
he always pays a lot of attention to her belly and kisses every inch of it. he keeps stroking it, snuggles up to it and tells his unborn child everything and nothing. he teams up with it against his wife, who just has to giggle about it.
and don't forget bedtime. he turns his dramatic and super hot love story with his wife into a child-friendly fairy tale.
when she gets into her insatiable phase, seb is right there and satisfies her in every imaginable way, just as she needs it. be it his hands, his tongue or his big cock. she is so much more sensitive than usual and already falls apart at his appearance and the look he gives her. god she needs him. it's best if he never stops pounding into her.
and if she feels like a fat and ugly whale for even a second, he's there to wipe that bold statement out of her mouth. just the fact that she's carrying HIS child turns him on. damn it. if you think all the boners before their relationship were a torture you cut yourself. the sight of her and her growing belly makes him so hard that not even several cold showers would help. luckily he doesn't have to hold back anything anymore.
he takes care of it and in her future pregnancies so she doesn't give it a second thought about how she looks.
(maybe that could be used for another fic if it doesn't fit here) but seb will definitely not stop talking about the pregnancy at work and subliminally bragging about it. he's so damn proud and soo in love with his family.
and yes, leander (or whoever he hates working at the auror office right now), he and his wife are fucking each other and now the loveliest baby is on the way! remember it!
and seb often goes for walks with her as long as she feels good enough for it. everyone should know that HIS wife carries HIS child. she's HIS and he's HERS!!!!!
and when his wife wants to take revenge for everything he does for her and fails to surprise him, seb is also there to make everything better. he is everything to her and she can't stop crying. those stupid hormones. she finally wanted to do something for him and then he does something for her again. but she doesn't need to worry. a shared bath makes everything good again. seb is happy when you are happy.
and when it's time and the baby comes, seb will go a bit crazy and maybe or maybe not he'll smack his buddy garreth. all the orgasms must have helped, right? or? everything will be fine. she will be fine and his baby is healthy and beautiful. omg it's coming he has to keep his nerve. luckily uncle ominis aka the mother of the group is there. he always struggled with those two idiots when they just danced for their feelings. then childbirth will also be easy peasy!
(that was a very long text and i hope it wasn't too much for you. these are all just ideas. if you're considering writing something like this, you can just use it and tinker with how the muse is kissing you in this moments.
i just wanted to get my thoughts out there and you always write everything so damn beautifully. i love you and your writing. and please take your time to think about it if you would like to write about it.)
I’ve been sitting on this for a few days because I wanted to comb through it and absolutely try to incorporate some of this into End of the Line !! I’m still playing around with how I’ll start it but you actually gave me a couple ideas with this so HELL YEAH, THANK YOU MY DEAR !! 💞
I’m half considering writing it in a timeline sequence but we’ll see 🤷🏻‍♀️
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I had my first GVF smutty dream last night (and it was about Sam which I didn’t expect cause I’ve been on quite the Danny kick lately but I’m not complaining) and boy was it something so I figured I’d recall it the best I could for this Wild Wednesday!
We’d only been on a few dates so far but after dinner one night he invited me back to his place for drinks and a movie and to meet the pupper which is the main reason I agreed to go honestly. But we get back and start drinking and watching the movie and cuddling on the couch with Rosie who was a lil skeptical about another woman in her space at first. Part way through he went to top off our stick drinks and after he comes back with the refills he told me I looked so cute with my cheeks all red from the wine and the moonlight streaming in the window.
We started making out on the couch after that declaration and figuring out some things that make the other tick and almost dry humping and feeling each other up until the credits came up on the movie a while later and brought us back to reality. He then heard Rosie scratch at the back door and went to go let her out for a final potty break. When he came back in he asked “I hope this isn’t too forward, but it’s kinda late and we’ve been drinking so would you want to stay over and continue the fun? I could also just call you an Uber if you’d rather go back to your place?”
I said, “I’d love to as long as you have a spare toothbrush cause I wasn’t prepared for this at all.” He said he had some and gave me another quick kiss before telling me to head to his room and that he’d be there in a sec after cleaning up the glasses. I headed to the room he told me was his and laid down in bed after stripping off my top and I started to work on my skinny jeans when he came in and shut the door, already working the last few buttons of his shirt open and tossing it aside before coming over to help tug my pants off. I sat up to help him with his belt and pants in return while he reached over to unhook my bra and once I had managed to pull his pants and boxers down enough I took a second to marvel at his size (which in dream-land was definitely bigger than the two other guys I’ve slept with before) before licking a strip up the length of the underside of him.
I scooted back to lay down against the pillows and waited for him to strip down fully and join me while I kicked my panties off in the process too. He positioned himself between my legs and resumed the grinding from earlier but now without any obstructive layers and his mouth could roam freely over my tits. Eventually, he got the hint that I was ready after trying to position my hips enough that he could maybe just slip right in, and between kisses to my neck he mumbled “ya think you're ready for me to fuck you babe?” And I told him I definitely was as he got himself all lined up and started to push in. Despite being super turned on and in the mood I was having a bad bout of dryness down there which I hadn’t realized yet and since he’s bigger anyway it was a real struggle for him to get in and he could notice my grimacing face twisted up in discomfort. He asked if I was alright and I responded by asking if he had any lube around, to which he said “no. Is that a problem?”
“I was hoping not but I guess I was wrong” I said before he pulled out and sat back on his heels. I explained that my birth control sometimes causes me to have literal dry spells down there and when it happens lube is the only thing to make it any sort of pleasurable for me and I wasn't expecting the hookup so I didn’t come prepared in case it happened. He felt bad and said he’d make sure to have some on hand for the future. He also said that sex is off the table since it made me uncomfortable which was sweet that he was all considerate of my feelings like that, but he still wanted to try and make me feel good since I told him I was still mentally very much in the mood.
I told him he didn’t have to but he insisted and told me to just lay back and relax and that he’d take care of me before stepping down to the side of the bed and pulling my legs over his shoulders so I was right at level with his face. He went to town exploring me with his mouth and as good as it was I still needed something else so I grabbed his hair to pull him away and told him I needed more. He asked what I needed and I said I wanted his fingers, but he still wanted to check and make sure I’d be ok. He started with just his middle finger and sucked it into his mouth to get good and wet before working it in which made me groan embarrassingly loud at the sight of it. He eventually worked a second in as well and I was falling over the edge pretty soon after. Once I had caught my breath he helped me sit up at the side of the bed before he retreated to the bathroom to find the spare toothbrush. Once he came back with it I asked him if he wanted me to repay the favor, but he assured me that he just wanted me to feel good and relax and that he still thoroughly enjoyed himself during it all anyway. I got up to brush my teeth and I could hear him rummaging around in his dresser and he had a cozy t-shirt in hand for me to sleep in when I came out of the bathroom. Once we both redressed ourselves, he hopped in bed and patted the spot next to him in bed so we could cuddle for the night.
It was just very sweet and adorable and respectful of something that happens to me sometimes that I get self-conscious about easily but this was fantastic.
A sweet sexy Sammy would be so nice rn, I wish i had that kinda dream, that was very hot and very cute.
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Defiant | Bucky Barnes x Reader
Hi, friends! Hope you all enjoy this smutty, angsty, fluffy thing :)
Send me any comments, suggestions, and/ or requests you may have! 🥰
Tag list: @beefybuckrrito @shadytalementality @everything-burns-down @rainbow-unicorn-pony @mandersshow @emetophilily @breakablebarnes
Warnings: Dom Bucky, Bucky teaching reader a lesson, teasing
A strong, metal hand latched onto your shoulder and spun you around, pressing you up against the nearest wall of the quinjet. Suddenly, you were face to face with Bucky, so close that the tip of his nose almost brushed yours.
"Buck, what are you-"
"What the fuck was that?" he stared at you, expectant. "We told you that it wasn't safe. Why the hell would you run into enemy fire?
His grip on your shoulder tightened and you squirmed, not able to meet the eyeline of your very angry super soldier boyfriend.
"Isn't that my job? I was completing the mission".
Bucky rolled his eyes and placed his hands against the wall on either side of your head. "You defied your orders," his voice was low, his town dark. "You know how I feel about that sort of thing".
Your breath caught in your throat and you silently nodded, unable to come up with a response. He pressed a deep, intense kiss to your lips- a promise of what was surely to come later- and walked away without a word.
The quinjet landed back at the compound after what felt like an eternity; all you could think about was getting a snack, taking a hot shower, and sleeping for days. You were headed to the kitchen to grab some food when a low, rumbling voice whispered in your ear.
"Upstairs. Now," was all Bucky had to say.
Snacks be damned. You immediately turned around and headed to the elevators. A strange mix of anxiety and excitement swirled through you as you imagined what Bucky had planned for you. Yes, you defied his orders, but you'd basically saved the day- he couldn't be that mad.
The empty bedroom you and Bucky shared was dark, cold. With both of you gone, it lost its homey charm. But you and Bucky were back and in one piece. Surely, the room was about to warm up. You paced as you waited for him to come meet you. The seconds seemed to drag by at a painfully slow pace, toying with your mind.
The door slammed shut, startling you out of your train of thought. Slowly, you turned around and saw Bucky's tall frame standing in the doorway. His eyes were dark with something- anger? Lust? Maybe both.
"Hey, Buck..."
"What were you thinking? You could've been killed”
"I know, but I-"
"Come here." It wasn’t a request.
Without hesitation, you made a beeline across the room and stood in front of him. That familiar mixture of excitement and anxiety bubbled up again as he stared down at you.
You expected to be turned around, bent over, and spanked- at the very least- for not following orders. And you weren’t opposed to the idea. You couldn't help but be aroused by Bucky in this state. He was mad, yes, but so protective. So worried about you. And it was fucking hot. His deep blue eyes watched you with almost animalistic intensity, piercing through you and making your stomach swarm with butterflies.
Before you realized what was happening, Bucky was wrapping his arms around your waist and pulled you tight into his chest. Some of the tension in his muscles melted away as he held you, and a deep sigh of relief left his chest. Tru arms snaked around his neck, pulling him even closer.
After a long moment, you broke the silence. “I must say... this is not what I expected when you told me to come upstairs”.
A dark chuckle rumbled out of Bucky’s chest and he pulled away, meeting your eyes with his. “Don’t be silly, sweets. I’m gonna teach you a lesson-” he gave you a sky smile. “Just needed to hold you for a second first.”
With that, he lifted you up from behind the knees, wrapping your legs around his waist and carrying you to the bed. He pressed firm, passionate kisses to your lips, taking complete control before he let you fall onto the mattress. He worked quickly, unlacing your boots, pulling off your pants, and removing your shirt until you laid there before him- completely exposed. A shiver ran down your spine as he stared down at you, and you couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking.
Slowly, he leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips, making you melt. He was gentle, passionate, loving- the exact opposite of what you'd expected tonight. You wrapped your arms around his neck as his hands lightly traced over your skin, appreciating all of you. He let one cold finger caress your clit, making a soft moan escape your lips. You frowned when he pulled it away. A devious smile to crawl across his face.
Just then, he repeated the unfair action, letting his metal thumb circle your clit a few times before removing it. He pulled away from your lips and looked down at you, loving every second of the torture he was subjecting you to. Without warning, he bent down and licked a stripe from your entrance to your clit, making you gasp at the contact- but once again, that was all he would give you.
"Come on, Buuuuuck" you begged, giving him your biggest, saddest puppy dog eyes. Your whining only spurred him on. He pressed another kiss to your lips and got to work, using your slick to trace light, quick circles over you clit. You moaned into his mouth and he chuckled, letting you enjoy the moment before he stopped completely.
Before you could catch your breath, he plunged a finger inside you while working his thumb over your clit. His mouth found your neck and grazed the tender flesh with his teeth before sucking a deep, purple mark into the skin. Your body was on fire and you knew your high approaching rapidly- but Bucky knew it, too.
He stopped touching you all together and stared down at you with his stormy blue eyes.
“Why’d you have to defy your orders today?” He lost all levity. His tone was grave, desperate. “That was the scariest moment of my life.”
An involuntary eye roll took over and you let out a chuckle. “Buck- that was the scariest moment of your life?” you propped yourself up on your elbows and stared back at him. “Not to be rude, babe, but I know everything you’ve been through and-”
In one fell swoop, he was leaning over you, his face just inches from yours. “Everything that happened before- that was just my life on the line, and I’m fine with that,” he reached out to stroke your cheek, thankful that he still could. “what I’m not fine with is you purposely putting yourself in harm’s way. If something happened to you I don’t know what I’d do.”
Anguish colored his words as he spoke, putting cracks in the calm, cool facade he’d worked so hard to craft. The pain in his face was evident as his jaw tensed and his once confident gaze flicked from your face to the floor. Slowly, you lifted one hand and placed it on the side of his face, watching him lean into your touch as you did so.
“Okay, it’s okay. I’m sorry, baby. It won’t happen again,” you whispered, “I promise”.
He nodded slightly before leaning in for a deep, desperate kiss that sucked the air from your lungs. “Damn right it won’t,” the burning, lustful stare returned ti his face. “Now, cum for me, baby.”
His cold fingers found your clit once again, and your mouth flew open at the contact, your hips involuntarily bucking upward. Once again, his cold hand disappeared and you began to whine in protest- until you felt his mouth encircle your clit. He gave it a few teasing flicks with his tongue before sucking on it long and deep, eliciting a deep moan from you. His cold fingers found their way back inside you and curled against the spot he knew you loved as his tongue ran in quick circles over your clit.
It was all too much at once- in the best way possible- and you found yourself cumming for him with almost no warning. The white hot sensation left goosebumps all over your body, making you shudder as you fell apart right in front of Bucky’s eyes. He hummed against your clit in satisfaction as he watched you lose control, and the sensation made your breath catch in your throat.
“So good for me, doll. See? Looks like you can follow orders”, he teased before trailing kisses from your clit to your neck.
He wrapped his strong arms around you, pulling you in tight against his chest as he placed a gentle kiss to your lips. “I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you, doll.”
You nuzzled your face again his neck, feeling guilty for the worry you’d caused. “I’m sorry, Buck. I won’t do it again” you whispered against his skin. He nodded gave you a squeeze before lifting you off the bed and carrying you to the bathroom. “Come on, let’s get cleaned up. I know you’re tired-”
“No, I was tired,” you teased, “now I’m exhausted.” He shot you a playful eye roll and a faux apology, feeling zero guilt but immensely thankful that he still had you there in his arms.
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skvatnavle · 2 years
True love's kiss
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Marcus Pike x OFC! Lily Dawson
Masterlist - Ch. 2 - Ch. 4
Authors notes: This might not be the most exciting of the chapters, but I felt like it was needed. Plus I love a good slow burn, but something will happen soon, I promise. I hope you guys still love it, though. Once again, thanking @yespolkadotkitty for the lovely banner and beta reading for me ❤
Story summary: Marcus had always believed in true love, soulmates and happily ever after. Had. Now, he wasn't so sure anymore.
But coming home for Christmas, can Lily make him change his mind?
Warnings: Just some fluff and old memories. A little smutty to begin with, but squint and you miss it.
Chapter 3: The gift
As the house slowly comes to life, the joyful voices of the children filling the halls, Marcus lays in his bed. He’s been staring at the ceiling for what feels like hours, thinking.
Thinking about Lily. Her perfect laugh, that makes his stomach flip. Her beautiful eyes, he could look into forever. Her luscious curves, that make his cock twitch. God knows how much he wants to just bury his co-
No… He shouldn’t be thinking about her like that. In a week he would go home, and she would… Well, actually he didn’t know if she still lived here or somewhere else.
There is a soft knock on his door. “Marcus, there is someone here for you,” his mother’s voice sounds giddy.
Marcus hops down the stairs, pulling a Christmas sweater over his head. When he looks towards the door, Lily is standing there, talking to his little sister. Maria looks up and bites her bottom lip, also giddy. As she walks away, giggling, Marcus wonders if all the Pike women have gone crazy.
“Hey, Lily. Something I can do for you?”
“Actually, “her voice is soft, as she takes a step forward and hands him a small gift bag “I have something for you.”
Marcus takes the bag, looking at the box inside it. A Christmas present. A soft smile spreads on his face. “You shouldn’t have. I… I don’t have anything for you”.
She shrugs, looking so sweet it almost makes Marcus’ heart ache. “You don’t have to give me anything. I saw this and thought of you.”
She takes a step forward, putting a gentle hand on his arm, giving it a soft squeeze. “Merry Christmas, Marcus”.
He pulls her into a hug, loving the feeling of her body against his own. He inhales softly, loving her scent. Fuck, how can he be so affected by her so quickly?
He lets go, afraid that if he holds onto her for too long, he’ll never be able to let her go. “Merry Christmas, Lily”.
As she walks away, jumping over the hedge to her parents’ house, Marcus’ face is one big smile. Behind him, Maria steps closer, smirking.
“So… What’s going on with you and Lily?”
Marcus gives her an annoyed look as he pushes past her, walking into the living room. Both his sisters and mother giggle, looking after him.
He doesn’t see Lily again until after Christmas Day. The last two days had been filled with delicious food, countless Christmas songs and so many presents. His father had dressed as Santa and of course all the kids knew it was him, but no one said anything.
His mother had worked like a slave in the kitchen, feeding the 15 members of the Pike family, but loving every second of it.
Marcus had played with the kids, helped them assemble their new toys and enjoyed having them close. Who knew when he would see them again, once he was back in D.C?
But the best thing, had to be the present from Lily.
He had taken it to his room, wanting to open it alone. Of course they all noticed, smiling heavily as he walked upstairs.
The gift is wrapped neatly. He almost can’t get himself to tear it open. When he opens the small box inside the wrapping paper, he laughs, almost in disbelief. Inside is a small decoder ring. Under it is a small note.
I remember you always talking about being a super spy and cracking codes. But I think being an FBI Agent is just as cool.
He can’t believe she remembered. There is a line beneath it, written in the same code as the decoder ring. He smiles, as he stands to take some paper and begins deciphering the code.
I’m so happy I got to know you all over again, Marcus. I hope I’ll see you at the Christmas party. Merry Christmas <3
He can’t believe how sweet Lily is. He shakes head in disbelief, almost certain this is all a dream, and he will wake up any second. Why had he never noticed before how amazing she is?
He walks to his old desk, finding a picture of the Pike and Dawson kids, from when Marcus was around 14. That would make Lily, what, 11 in the picture.
Lily looks so different also yet hasn’t changed at all. She was a quirky kid, always with a book in hand. A complete know it all, but honestly he was just jealous at her ability to remember everything. Hell, she even helped him with his homework sometimes, despite being younger.
She was always herself, no matter what people thought about her. An oddball. Colorful.
He really regrets never seeing her as anything else but his little annoying neighbor.
But he had been completely lost in Jessie. His first love, later his wife, was perfect. Well, she was on paper. Captain of the debate club, cheerleader, valedictorian. And she’d liked him. Maybe that’s why he stuck with her.
They were good together. But that never compensated for the fact that he wanted kids and she didn’t. He tried for a long time to ignore it, but he couldn’t let the dream of kids go.
So they had split on good terms. But it had left him desperate to find his one true love.
It was many years and many failed relationships later. Hell, even a failed engagement. But something inside him felt like maybe his search was over. Maybe his little neighbor had actually been right, and she had changed his mind.
Marcus hears laughter outside and looks out the window, seeing Lily playing in their yard with her niece. Sweet, warm, and caring. A smile that could make even his worst day better.
Maybe Lily could be the one?
Thank you so much for reading <3
Tagging: @yespolkadotkitty @sweetfictionalworld @fan-of-encouragement @sherala007 @bison-writes @lucy-sky @amneris21 @songsformonkeys @pascalslittlebrat @grandfanficstation @alpaca-swimsuit @absurdthirst @athalien @ellenmunn @casualpalacebagelrascal
(If you don't wanna be tagged, please just let me know. Or if you want to be tagged in future chapters, please let me know too 😊)
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oh-for-fic-sake · 4 years
Dress Codes,Nooky And  Cock Blocks
Henry tries to be a white knight and realizes Kal is to smart for his own good.
Request/Prompt: Henry and Kal meets you from work after having a bad day. Playing with Kal to make Henry jealous. Shutting kal out for some nooky but Kal sits outside the door barking and howling.
Warnings: Smutty Almost Smut! Fluff, Swearing
A/N: so this has combined two ideas one of which is from the lovely @being-worthy This was going to be a Pooh bear chapter two but hasn't quite fit the bill. Anyway I hope you all enjoy.  P.S I 100% belive Kal would be a little shit!!!
Taglist: @two-unbeatable-beaters​ @thatgirly81​ @angelofthorr @iloveyouyen​ @sofiebstar​ @thefangirlsblog​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @loserrlauraa​ @tumblrnewby​ @isitmine​ @tinabean37​
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This was a fucking piss take your manager was an asshole! You huffed about the office still trying to process the stupidity he just fucking spouted at you. You moved to the ladies room phone in hand ready to vent locking yourself in a stall fingers poised to rant in a long ass text message but you froze. Henry was home well at the gym to be more specific. He was over the moon having just snagged the role of Geralt of Rivia and had been working tirelessly on bulking up for the role especially now that he was getting the dates for shooting. You paused taking a deep breath. No. You cant vent to him and ruined his day to. You growled and moved leaving the bathroom slamming the door thankful that you only had another hour, at least the prick had the decency to wait until the end of the day.
You through your phone down into the bag sitting at your desk for a few moments. You cast your eyes over the computer screen seeing the little bimbo...His little bimbo Stacey there was an office romance between your asshat of a manager and this little blonde. She ran about the office in small tight skirts hair immaculate and thick makeup smeared across her face and fuck me glasses that were an accessory not prescription like yours. She had a snug fitted blouse and pencil skirt on flitting about the office in some dangerous looking heels. More feminine? Was you supposed to jump up and say 'yes sir of course Sir, anything to keep this job sir' then flutter your lashes at him?.
Fuck that, and fuck this be more feminine bullshit, there was no written dress code and as far as things had gone you were doing your job pretty damn well and you didn't need heels to do it!
You scowled seeing the blonde slip out followed by your manager it mus be time fore their discrete get away a make out in the copier room...How original. You sighed clicking your mouse scanning through the next lot of appointments...No more today but there was a shit tonne tomorrow. You sighed getting down...Was your job really on the line over skirts,  makeup and heels? Sure you were on probation but they couldn't sack you for breaking a non existent dress code...Could they.honestly you wouldn't put it past Dave he seemed to have some fucked up traditional views.
Your attention was quickly drawn down to your phone buzzing you smiled seeing it was Henry quickly tapping the notification.
'Bbe you still at the office?? Miss you! 😘😘' You smiled softly heaving a deep breath then began typing.
'Yep still here not for long though finish in 1hr thank god 😘😘 u 2 at the gym still??' You sent the text and got a reply pretty quick you smiled he must have left the gym to reply so quick. Your thoughts wandered a daydream of the huge glorious man puffed out and sweaty ugh yes that's what you needed right now your man to just ruin you fuck the stress and doubt right out of you!. Your eyes scanned the new text he had sent pulljng you out of your raunchy thoughts.
'No just left walking Kal around the park he got a bit excited need to wear him out, so have a good day?'
'😂 good luck with that. And its been okay...G2g shopping after apparently I need to dress more feminine😒😒 so will be home late' You frowned hearing the two love birds enter the office again wrapped up around one another professionally you rolled your eyes as the blonde pulled away from your manager giggling and made her way to the computer opposite you instantly reaching for her compact mirror trying to correct the smeared lipstick across her face. Your phone pinged and you looked down face lighting up a little seeing the anger emojis. Henry felt the same ass you.
'😡😡🤬WTF? wats tht sppsd 2 mean?' you cringed maybe you should have just kept your mouth shut but it was too late now you sighed trying to placate him.
'I need to wear skirts and shit...be an office bimbo no big deal🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ just get a few skirts thts all' you typed back his reply was immediate almost as if he'd been typing the same time as you. Wincing you prepared yourself for the worse, Henry was a very protective man and you knew he hated the whole gender roles thing.
'😡😡You dnt need makeup and shit!! ur gorgeous dnt u listen to that wanker!! Can't u leave early?? Say ur going shopping?? Just get out of there! please love dnt let this get 2 u!!🥺🥺 I love u, ur perfect!!😍😘😘😍' You grinned got flushing rereading the words a warmth in your chest. You knew that he meant every word. Stacey looked over with a smirk snapping the compact shut and pointed a false nail in your direction.
"Oh? Is that a blush? Who are you texting? Someone cute?" You flicked your eyes up to her you didn't have anything against her per say but you were different people, she was all Instagram, kardashians and trending and you were all gaming, books and cosy pajamas. You never really spoke to her if you could help it.
"Err yeah...My boyfriend" you admitted looking down seeing another text from him. Another round of compliments and reassuring words lit up your screen.
'I mean it bbe I know u! dnt beat urself up over it! Dont u let him get 2 u!😘😘' you smiled softly yes he did know you and he knew this had not only made you angry but also insecure. You thought you looked good at work you always made a point to look 'put together' but it wasn't enough?
"Ooo was that him again? You never told me you had a boyfriend! Is he new? How long have you been together? What does he do? Whats he saying!?" You gulped as she got up quickly scuttling around the desk as fast as she could in her heels and skirt.
"We've been together a few years...He's just asking me to leave early and catch diner with him but I don't think Dave would like that..." Stacey's face lit up and she beamed at you. She was happy to have something else to gossip about.
"Oh! that’s so sweet~ he wants to steal you away for dinner! You know I wish Dave would do that but he only really pays attention to me at work....So does this sweet mystery man have a name?" You looked up at her tilting your phone away a little so she didn't see Henry's on going threats of 'coming down there and teaching Dave some manners by ripping his tongue out his ass' you shook your head as you caught the ass end of a long text full of emojis...You sort of regret teaching him the meanings of them....Was that an eggplant in the middle?.
"Henry...His name is Henry and he's an actor" Stacey squealed cupping her face completely excited for some reason.
"Oh that's so cute! You know its always you shy ones that nab yourselves the boho guys...You know I always wanted to date the 'boho' type myself but never did, they were all to....Just not my type I like clean cut guys, you know ones who fill out a suit" You squinted what the fuck was she getting at? You schooled your features standing taller quickly and made your own little dig.
"Like Dave?" she flushed and nodded excitedly missing the whole sarcastic droll over your words. She clapped her hands completely missing the fact you were poking fun at the scrawny 'stud' sleazeball who Henry could easily snap over his thigh if he wanted to.
"Yes just like my Dave~! Ugh anyway do you have a pic...Come ooon! Let me see your man~" you sighed tilting your head to her...She was pretty harmless...And dippy so it shouldn't do any harm she didn't strike you as the type of person to watch Henry's movies so shouldn't recognize him. You nodded sweetly it was actually a little fun you rarely got to show off your man,  most people who knew him knew you were dating. You twisted the phone eying the screen and froze seeing the last texts he sent you whilst you spoke to Stacey.
'Have you got out early??🧐🧐'
'Babe don't ignore me!😤😤 Is he still there!?😡'
'Woman you better answer me! Stop ignoring me bbe it wont help😤😤'
'Im serious y/n do I need to chat with him? Do you want me to help?🧐🧐'
'Look out the window'
"Oh hell no!" you huffed out under your breath then stood up scrabbling to the large office window Stacey followed you alarmed. You freaked and quickly opened the window poking your head out to scream at your sweet but very dappy boyfriend. As irritated as the texts were he didn't look it, well until you really looked he was tense and it wasn't just because Kal was puling excitedly.
"Oh my god?! HENRY?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!....GET OUT OF THE GOD DAMNED ROAD!!" lone behold when you looked down you saw Henry standing there with a huge bouquet of Roses and a bag you suspected held a box of chocolates, Kal was barking up at you spinning in circles and jumping up super excited almost dragging the huge man over in all the excitement. It would seem the walk was not enough to wear out the bear. Henry grinned up at you you heard Stacey from beside you gasp.
"Holy shit is that your boyfriend??" you turned to her and smiled smugly to her nodding then glanced back down to him seeing him quickly navigate the people bustling around the car park heading for the doors. You froze. You can't let him up here he sounded angry earlier...He'd kill Dave. You ran back to your desk quickly logging off the pc and snatching up your bag.
"Where do you think your going y/n?" Dave called after you you stopped seeing him there arms crossed giving you the filthiest look he could muster seeing your bag slung over your arm then there was the distinct buzzing of someone Henry at the door trying to be buzzed in. You pointed to the door opening our mouth to fake sickness or something but was interrupted.
"Oh Dave leave her alone...All the times she's here early let her go early for once, we don't need her anymore today and it means we get the office to ourselves for an hour~" your eyes bugged out as Stacey came to your aid fluttering her lashes to your manager. He heaved a sigh and nodded to the door in a 'get out of here' motion.
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You smiled quickly darting out down the stairs to the ground floor seeing Henry standing there unimpressed finger holding the button down in one long irritating ring. You shook your head at him through the glass as he held the button.
You slapped the exit button opening the door and Henry tried darting past you into the building chest puffed shoulders ready to give your boss a piece of his mind but you caught the frightening man by his ridiculous bulging bicep. You spun with him digging your heels into the worn carpet.
"No no no! Henry no!" he carried on to the stairs dragging you with him passing you the roses and Kal's lead as the dog bounced around you both yipping like the over excited pup he was. Henry had hoped filling your hands would give him time to jump up a few steps out of your reach so he could have a chat with Dave about this whole misogynistic bullshit. Henry swore when you scampered behind him hooking your arms around his forearm and leant back, if he moved you'd drop like a rock and up the few steps as you both were, you'd hurt yourself. He stopped heaving a deep sigh looking to you.
"Just five minuet's babe is all I need! fucking feminine my ass he just wants to oogle your peach of an ass!! And that's not- that ass is mine!! fucking no one NO ONE fucking upsets my baby!" Your body flushed skin prickling at the shear alpha tone the possessive growl that seeped into his words made you tremble swallowing dryly you managed to shake it off and focused on the task at hand fucking could come later for now you needed to stop him from ripping your manager a new one. You moved crouching down bearing your weight down giggling at him as he still tried to thunder up the stairs. Kal helped to pulling at his lead it was a joint effort.
"Henn love?! I'll be sacked if you go up there and make Dave piss himself! Please lets just go home it's Friday I can find a few things over the week end for now can we please leave" he stopped and looked up to the brown ceiling and flickering light sigh he clicked his tongue then looked to you slowly with a heavy breath.
"....Fine, but next time I'm having him!" you smiled finding his protective side arousing your tummy clenching just knowing you big strong man could rinse the little twat upstairs made your pussy clench you always had a thing about strong men and Henry was the most physically fit you'd ever met. You somehow managed to coax him out of the door in the direction of home taking a detour picking up a Chinese on the way.
You giggled rolling around the floor with Kal. after a quiet dinner and snuggle with Henry you had been ushered away so he could do his nightly reading of his new script.You didn't mind at all you loved seeing him so invested in his roles. you caught a glimpse of the red roses sitting proudly in a glass vase on the fireplace almost blocking the view of the tv but not quite. You loved this, just being home with your favorite boys enjoy a nice quiet night in. you scoffed mocking kal who was pulling hard on the black rope trying to out witt you with quick flicks of his head, playing tug with Kal was a workout huge as he was he had the weight and strength to out match even Henry. You did not stand a chance just holding onto the black rope hoping to slow him down but he was full of energy today.
Henry was sitting on the sofa feet up reading his witcher script pen in hand as he read his page, one a night was the deal. But honestly trying to pull him away from this particular script was a hell of a job fair enough he was trying to memorize lines and scribble down alternatives in the margins. It was sweet how excited he got, he already knew the character in and out so could already tweak things around so it felt like Geralt. He was happy had been chasing the role for a while so you didn't mind that preparing for it was taking up most of his time. but you were still horny from earlier and wouldn't complain to a night of nooky. But alas Henry was drawn in by the script and you were trying to find other ways to distract yourself from the bubbling arousal in your loins, like playing with Kal. But that’s not to say you wasn't going to tease your man, there were ways to get his attention~
You smirked putting a plan into action bending lower wriggling your ass, craning back so your shorts rode up just that little bit more. Then once in place you squealed loud gaining the mans attention as Kal tugged dragging you across the floor growling playfully bouncing his weight back jerking you around, it was only then that Henry grunted in annoyance, your voice had been high he loved you keeping Kal entertained he really did, but sometimes he needed a little quiet. Especially when he was trying to concentrate.
"You know if I keep this up I'll have bigger muscles then you~" you giggled out a you tried to hold your own against the mighty bear. Henry smiled and watched shaking his head as Kal dragged you under his legs to the free space on the side of the coffee table. As much as he was trying to concentrate you could never get on his nerves for long, he just loved you to damn much. Henry frowned as you were pulled again wincing anticipating an accident as Kal was definitely getting to invested in the game.
"Or a dislocated shoulder" he commented as Kal did another particularly painful looking shunt and shook his head side to side still growling loud around the toy. It was then that he looked at you properly and what he saw made the man pause and suck in a breath air getting trapped in his throat at the innocently erotic sight. Seeing you bent over any time was a pleasure but here and now? Bouncing deliciously on your knees being half dragged about the living room added another dimension to the whole thing. Your arms and back stretched out low on the floor spine arched slightly, sitting with your knees tucked under you, the bouncing making your ass jump deliciously.
Two full ass cheeks peeking out of you short shorts as Kal carried on his jerky movements. You bit your lip grunting and tugged back pulling with all your might successfully gaining a few inches which Kal stole back and more making you yelp and moan as you were sprawled out on the carpet again. This time dragged up on your knees into a position he he spent many nights enjoying to his fullest. were you doing this on purpose? he wouldn't put it past you...Maybe you needed a fuck, a proper fuck.
Henry couldn't help the twitching in his groin, the first tremors as he got a front row seat to the two perfect globes of your ass seemingly clapping against one another with the shorts acting like a thong shucked up your ass. Fuck you wasn't wearing Knickers again. Little fucking minx. He lowered his feet to the floor now far to invested in watching you roll around in the tiny shorts. swept up in the way your body swayed taunting him. you turned to him with a sly smile and sent him a quick wink that he almost missed.
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He gaped at you, you were doing it on purpose!! His script laid completely forgotten on his lap as he watched you turn back to Kal innocently dipping down low again shoulders to the floor stretched out taught in front of you face tucked into your arm as Kal fought you for the coveted rope. God...It had been a while since he fucked you like that. He licked his lips. Too long in the busy days since snagging the witcher role he had only had time for a two quickies. Two fumbled quickies in three weeks and they wasn't even that good. Well not his usual hour long foreplay teasing and touching then good few rounds. They were just a flurry of fast rutting motion's, less fucking more jerking trying to finish as quickly as you could just wanting that high. he bit his lip watching you watch him out of the corner of your eye definitely teasing him.
"Babe come here~" You froze and twisted your head back you knew that tone.Grinning knowing you'd got your way you looked seeing Henry eyeing you hungrily biting his lip tilting his head, legs spread wide making his thighs bulge in what should be a loose set of black shorts but actually became skin tight on this Goliath of a man. You flushed under the gaze but managed to hold into the rope not giving the still pulling pup an inch. His eyes were a dark ocean blue pupils nearly swallowing the color completely, you wondered how far you could push him. you pouted at him before teasing him further opening your legs wider letting the material of your shorts almost completely disappear.
"Henry...I'm playing with Kal-" he squinted at you then quirked a brow before shaking his head snapping shut the folder holding the script and let it drop to the floor by his foot with a decisive thump. You gulped. But didn't move instead you heaved back pulling the Akita across the floor.
"Babe...Come here Kal's had his playtime..." you rolled your eyes hearing the silent 'now I want mine' sometimes he was a man child. You twisted your head to him with a flutter of your lashes and cheeky grin.
"Well I'm playing with Kal you have to wait your turn-HEY? HENRY THAT’S CHEATING!?" You yelped as Henry quickly bolted up right and stomped on the rope whilst using his considerable size and strength to pull you up off the floor making you release the toy.
"Well that’s enough playing with Kal, time to play with me. I wont be cock blocked in my own house by the dog~" you giggled as Henry quickly began climbing the stairs laughing kicking your feet, watching as Kal stayed two steps behind rope in his mouth excitedly following his parents, you were all going to play!. It was only when the dog found himself shut out of the bedroom did he realize you were in fact not going to be playing with him anymore tonight. you could hear the indignant huff through the door.
You wriggled as Henry fell onto the bed with you wrapped around him slowly devouring each other with deep kisses tongues and teeth roaming each other. It had been a good few weeks since you both explored one another properly. Henry pulled away chuckling at the soft scratches at the door. Kal was not impressed.
"Kal go lie down! We will be finished soon" Henry called out and ignored the high whines and more insistent scratching at the door and leaned over you sucking at your neck decorating it as he saw fit leaving marks of red and purple biting his mark into the crook of your neck then lower tracing a warm wet train over your thin shirt. You moaned clutching his waist trapping him between your thighs using the grip you had to rock up onto him trying to ease the burning in your core.
"Oh whats this? Someone is impatient considering she wanted to keep playing with Kal?" His voice came out as a deep rasp making you gasp cupping his face.
"You treating me with your Geralt babe?" He smiled latching onto your ear rocking down onto you drawing out soft mewls. You vaguely heard Kals whines become louder barks out side the door hearing the dog jump up pawing at the handle of the door trying to break in.
"Oh you like?~" You sighed quickly trying to rid your tshirt panting feeling just how wet your slit had got, you were embarrassingly wet considering you hadn't even done anything yet.
"Fuck yes~ oh god its so-ah fuck its so hot Henry~" he pulled back growling in the new low tone you hadn't known he was capable of, his large hands helped remove the tshirt throwing it across the room and latched onto your tits biting and sucking slow flicking his tongue across a pebbled nipple as his hands stripped you of your shorts. he chuckled seeing the damp patch, your arousal sticking to the material in one neat line.
"Oh you really do need me don't you love~" you nodded to him whining when he pulled back grunting a growl biting your boob and sucking harshly. You both moved in tandem rolling around the sheets grinding ,rocking ,biting and grunting both intent on ignoring the pup crying outside the door. He would wear himself out and get bored. Well that was the plan anyway.
Henry finally pinned you and descended on your core like a starving man given the sweetest fruit. You cried out fingers in his hair unsure what spurred on this heated frenzie but would happily indulge him. One thing you loved about him is he was always up for eating you out, the man thrived on it! He seemed to get a massive kick out of feasting on you until you came all over him. You grunted as he suckled on your bud teasing and twisting his supple lips across it Nipping you began to loose yourself panting and jerking up into his mouth chasing a sweet release you hadn't known you needed and then you heard it.
A deep loud echoing mournful howl. Even Henry stopped frowning up at you from between your legs. That was new, Kal wasn't a howly dog, he barked and yipped giving off the weirdest groans and moans. But never howled. You both burst out laughing unable to stop it as the howls were all over the place, loud and quiet raspy and uneven like Kal was an apprentice learning on the job.they were less 'howls' and more 'how-wo-wow-wo-wow' It was clear this was his first time but bless him he was trying to be the wolf of the house. You panicked as he began to get the hang of it and patted Henry's shoulder. he was still chuckling finding Kals new found voice hilarious.
"Quick stop him! If he learns that we'll never hear the end of it!" You chuckled pulling the thin sheet over you as Henry swore and quickly slinked off the bed racing to the door opening it stopping Kal in his tracks. The Akita smiled panted a few breaths thumped his tail on the floor then collected his rope entering, jumping on the bed without a care in the world.
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"Babe?" You asked biting the inside of your cheek trying to stop the giggles as Henry began to scowl at the fluffy bear sprawling out on his side of the bed a flush building up his chest settling over his face. He cleared his throat.
You and Henry watched as Kal moved dropping the rope by your hand waiting for you to continue your game of tug. You flopped back in peels of laughter at Henry's face. The man looked amused and livid at the same time as realization struck. Kal, lovable cute baby boi Kal had just played Henry like a fiddle. You didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the fact your boyfriend, your chosen mate had just been outsmarted by a dog.
"Yes love?" He said none to happy with how things had turned out, here he was standing at the foot of his bed painful hard on and there you were naked and willing...In his bed...With Kal. This was not the plan.
"I hate to break it to you...But you've just been cock blocked in your own house by your dog....For a game of tug!" You giggled as you threw Henry's previous words back at him petting Kal who was still fiddling with the rope trying to make you grab it.
"No shit...Can we still fuck? I mean he can have my side! I'm gonna be on top of you anyway?" You gaped at him as he rounded the bed fulling intent on rolling on top of you sliding home. You held up your hand to him.
"Nope! No way am I fucking you next to Kal!" Henry ignored you crouching over you trying to lay you back down to finish what he started before being rudely interrupted by the Akita now in bed with his girlfriend.
"Oh babe why not? this is painful, look I'm going purple...Besides you started it its your responsibility~" he whined trying to bat away your pushing hands leaning in to capture you with a burning kiss. You dodged anticipating his next move, his kisses were always a sure fire way to make you completely melt and give in to him. you quickly twisted away throwing your legs over the side of the bed placing your hands either side of his naked hips, pressing him back as he still tried to gain on you. you swallowed looking up at him meeting his lopsided grin, trying to ignore the proud cock swaying in front of you almost tapping your heaving breasts.
"How about the shower? He's scared of the bathroom since his last bath?" Henry snapped his fingers and clapped face lighting up as he patted your hands slowly easing them off of him.
"Fuck yes! Babe you are a genius!" He moved over and kissed your face making you bat him away and then he turned to Kal wagging a finger at him.
"And you my four legged son are a pain in the ass!" You shook your head patting Kal as he tilted his head  he looked offended with his dads statement. You looked to the bathroom door as Henry's pert ass vanished around the door frame.
"Daddy didn't mean it baby boy~ you know how he is when he doesn't get his way...Just a spoiled man child~ he loves you really" Kal whined ears flattening  as he heard the shower switch on. You patted the dog with a sigh and got up padding across the bedroom to the en suit.
"Don't worry baby you stay there and daddy wont get you in the mean old shower~" you giggled scratching his ears as he huffed  in defeat. His daddy had got the better of him and the Akita wasn't pleased. He grumbled as Henry poked his head around the door frame wriggling his brows at you as you passed him getting a playful smack on the rear. then he faced the dog and stuck his tongue out childishly to the dog who huffed and turned around choosing to give you both a clear view of his ass.
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hellotvshowtrash · 4 years
Say You Love Me
Request from @perriexlover​:  Okay so since I'm a sucker for Elijah, can you write a fluffy smut¿?; like where it's reader' first time and she's super nervous cause she's never been in a relationship before and she doesn't want to let him down. And maybe it's their first anniversary? [sorry if it's a mess] thank you, love ❤️
A/N: First of all, this is such a sweet prompt. I hope you enjoy this, i kind of took some liberty with the request, so it might not be exactly what you wanted and it’s not super smutty but like it’s fluffy smut so. I very much enjoy sweet Elijah and yeah i kinda just wanna go on a date w him!
Warnings: fluffy smut, first time sex, unprotected sex (WRAP IT UP MY DUDES) 
Word count: 2.6k
Elijah x female!reader
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A hum escaped her lips as his fingers danced over her skin, gently leaving a trail of goosebumps where he touched her. Elijah kissed her, on her lips, her chin, her neck, her ear, everywhere she needed him. Her vision came in flashes as she opened her eyes in surprise and closed them again in pleasure. Her hand gripped the sheets beneath her, the other tangling in his dark hair.
Her eyes opened slowly as she exhaled another soft moan. Slowly waking, she realized she had been dreaming, one of the more intense dreams she had been having as of late. She blinked slowly, awkwardly becoming aware of her boyfriend watching her from his position in the bed next to her. His head was rested in his hand, propped up as he laid on his side looking at her. A small, amused smile danced on his lips. She grinned embarrassedly, her hands coming up to her face and covering her blushed cheeks as she laughed at herself.
"Good morning, beautiful," he smiled at her.
"Good morning," she giggled. She peeked at him through her fingers. He chuckled and grabbed one of her hands and kissed it. Elijah had been nothing but a gentleman this past year. He made sure she was comfortable with everything, and they took the relationship at her pace. Lately, she'd had her mindset on their one year anniversary being their first time together. They had slept together - however, it was in the same bed and fully clothed whenever he stayed the night with her. Tonight she decided that she wanted him to know that she wanted to be with him. The thought of being with Elijah in her entirety made her heart flutter. He smiled at her again.
"Are you ready for tonight?" He asked her quietly. He hadn't known what she'd been planning, except for the obvious dreams she'd been having. He had to have had some idea at this point. He was planning something entirely different, and she wasn't allowed to know until that night. She huffed playfully at him.
"I wish you'd just tell me what you're planning," she winked, but she enjoyed being surprised and she knew he enjoyed spoiling her.
He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her in close. "You will find out, darling, but for now," he nuzzled into her hair, "let's just stay like this," he whispered into her neck and sent shivers up her spine.
Elijah spent the day doting on her, taking care of every need and want as they came, starting with making her favourite breakfast, followed by spending the day shopping for anything she could possibly want. Every time she looked at him, his eyes were on her, following her movements and making her blush.
"You're staring," She commented finally while she was looking through a rack of shirts in a nearby boutique.
He chuckled in response. "How could I not?" He moved toward her, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind her, "You're just so beautiful. I'm so lucky," He moved his lips to her ear and she blushed again.
She turned around in his arms and placed hers around his neck. "I'm the lucky one. I love nothing more than spending time with you," She lifted herself onto her tip-toes and placed a small kiss on his lips. She used the "L" word but not in the context he was hoping for. Even after a year, that had some very important firsts to get to. He grinned at her and kissed her again.
"Let's go home. I want you to see what I've planned," He pulled away and grabbed her hand.
"Ahh, so shopping was a distraction?" Y/N smiled as she was pulled along.
"Not entirely," He stopped abruptly in front of the sleepwear clothing section. "Pick a pair of pajamas." He gestured to the section and she looked at him, surprised.
"Pajamas?" She stepped forward and reached for a soft pair of bottoms. "Will you be getting some as well?" She asked him.
"I've already got a pair." He smiled. Y/N lifted her eyebrows again and smiled. She browsed and chose a light pink silk pair, small shorts and a tight tank top. "Not what I had in mind, but definitely welcome," he winked at her. Her outfit was a subtle hint to him that she too was planning some things.
They returned to Y/N's small apartment, which had mostly become their shared apartment without officially deciding they lived together. Y/N was stunned to see candles lit and dainty lights were strewn about, perfectly lighting the blanket and pillow covered mattress that took up the living room floor. Blankets hung from the ceiling, creating a perfectly adult-sized fort. The lights twinkled in her eyes as she gently gasped, the smell of pizza filling her nose and she eyed the pizza box at the edge of the bed. She turned to him and grinned.
"How did you pull this off?" She asked him, breathlessly. He grinned back at her and ushered her farther into the apartment, closing the door behind them.
"I wanted our first anniversary to be a celebration of us, just between us." He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her gently. "Now go change and get comfy and I'll get the movie in."
She hummed and chuckled excitedly, "what movie are we watching?"
"I'm going to make you guess." He spun her in the direction of her bedroom and patted her butt to make her walk. She gasped and laughed at him, rolling her eyes as she made her way to the bedroom. Elijah hurried to the bathroom to change into his own pajamas, a pair of grey sweats and a white t-shirt fitted snug against his muscular figure. He exited the bathroom and got the movie prepared in the DVD player. He sat back against the pillows and blankets on the bed and waited.
Y/N exited her bedroom shyly, her confidence waning after she put on the pajamas. She was scared this was too soon, or maybe he didn't want to see her like this. She tucked her hair behind her ear as she closed the door behind her and turned to face him. She shuffled her feet anxiously as Elijah caught sight of her. His breath left his lips as he took in the sight of her, the silk pajamas flowing over her body gently, parts of her he had dreamt of seeing. She blushed and looked at the floor.
"Is it too much?" She asked quietly. He shook his head, slowly at first and then vigorously.
"Not at all. You're stunning," he complimented. He realized suddenly his sweats were getting dangerously tight, and he grabbed a blanket to conceal himself. He gestured her over and grinned at her. She really was beautiful. "I'm so lucky to be with you," he whispered as she laid down next to him. She blushed again, and got comfy at his side, legs slightly parted. She nuzzled into him, grabbing his arm and snuggling it, placing his hand on the inside of her thigh. Her breath hitched and she tried to play it off like it was nothing, but he squeezed her thigh and she hummed happily. She looked up at him and reached her hand behind his neck, pulling him into a kiss. He obliged, kissing her softly. She tugged on his hair, indicating she didn't want gentleness. He pulled away slightly.
"Y/N, I..." she shushed him as she kissed him again, more hunger built in her. He kissed her back, maintaining a gentle edge but desperation started to fill him. "Is this what you want?" He managed to whisper between kisses. She nodded quickly, grabbing his hand and moving it up her thigh, over her new silken pajamas. He took to control of his hand and gently circled just above her clit, hard enough that she could feel it but soft enough to leave her wanting more. She moaned into their kiss. That was all it took for Elijah. Her moans drove him crazy. He flipped suddenly, moving to put himself on top of her, his hand still working her over her shorts. She squealed as he moved, but slid her hands from his neck to his shoulders and over his chest.
She pulled away slightly and let her head fall back on the pillow. She locked eye with him and felt herself blush and her confidence falter. "Elijah, I... you should know," he stopped the motion with his fingers and pulled away immediately, worried he had gone too far. He sat back on the bed in front of her, not touching her. "No, it's nothing.. bad. That was nice, but you should know.. I've never done this before." She blushed and looked down, realizing how vulnerable she was. He raised an eyebrow.
"With anyone- ever?" He asked quietly. She nodded.
"I've been waiting for the right person," she said sheepishly. Elijah's heart nearly burst in his chest. A fool's grin slapped itself on his face.
"Y/N. I need to tell you something." He leaned on his knees closer to her again, moving in between her splayed out legs. Her eyes never left his as his face came inches from hers, his breath just reaching her lips. "I love you," he whispered. His eyes flickered from hers to her lips as a small smile spread across her face.
"You do?" She asked.
"I do," he answered.
"I love you, too," she whispered, "I want you to know how much I love you," She kissed him, trying to convey her desire, her passion, her love for him, but the kiss wouldn't suffice.
She moved her hands to lift her tank top above her head, her hair moving wildly about as she undressed. He paused their kiss, moving away to take in the parts of her body he had never seen before. He had waited a long time for this and it was more worth it than he could have possibly imagined it. He moved to cup his hand over her soft breast, rubbing her nipple between his fingers. She let out a soft gasp turned moan, a feeling she hadn't experienced coursing through her. Obviously, she had touched herself before, but this was different. Her head fell back on the pillows behind her. Both of his hands were on her body now, moving around her breasts, her chest, moving down to her waist. He tugged lightly at her shorts and she lifted her hips, letting him pull them off. He took a moment to drink her in, her entire body was gorgeous and he wanted to worship her. He pushed her legs open wider, her wet folds opening as he did so. He licked his lips and his eyes met hers.
"I want you to only look at me, okay? he commanded. She nodded and watched as he lowered himself onto his stomach, laying down flat with his head between her legs. Her eyes never left his as he kissed around her thighs and her labia. She gasped at the contact, her breathing labored already. His tongue licked at the sides of her opening, not quite making the contact she so desperately wanted.
"You're a tease," she gasped. He grinned wickedly, then gave her exactly what she wanted. He licked and sucked at her clit, making her head fall back again and a moan escaped her lips. His tongue explored her fully, entering her slightly and making her moans escalate. He worked her with his mouth, his eyes not leaving her face. Her moans were exactly what he wanted to hear. He picked up his pace and moved a hand up to her breast, squeezing gently. Her hand flew to his head, grasping his hair tightly as her hips bucked slightly. "Elijah," she moaned loudly. She was getting too close, and he wanted her first time to be worth remembering. He pulled away and she whimpered lightly.
"Darling, you taste divine. I want to feel you, now." He said to her. She squeaked at his commanding, lust-filled voice. He stood from the bed and began to undress. Y/N began to feel self-conscious and began to close her legs, but he stopped her. "I want to keep looking at you. You're breathtaking." She blushed and left her legs spread for him. He took her in as he took his shirt off. He began to pull down his sweats and underwear, his cock springing out of the confines. She gasped at how large he was.
"This isn't going to hurt, is it?" She whispered. He chuckled.
"If you experience any discomfort whatsoever, you tell me immediately and we'll stop." He said. She nodded as he made his way back onto the bed over her. He positioned himself just in front of her entrance, the heat emanating off her. He began to kiss her neck and chin. "I want you to enjoy this. If you want something, don't be afraid to tell me," he whispered to her. She nodded again and he began to enter her, slowly and in increments so she had time to adjust to him. She let out a low moan as he filled her, her eyes closing and her face relaxing. He moved himself in entirely and paused, waiting for her okay. She took a deep breath and nodded. He began to move slowly, thrusting in and out of her. She gasped as he picked up speed, creating a steady rhythm between them. Her hips moved naturally to meet his thrusts. Her moans came more frequently as he moved, his name leaving her lips breathlessly. It would be his undoing if he wasn't careful. He paced himself and kissed at her neck and chin, his hand moving to cup her breast again, something she seemed to enjoy very much. He slowed his pace and lowered herself down onto his elbows, his face inches from hers. He watched her intently, his eyes noting the different reactions to his movements. He dipped his head and kissed her, gently and tenderly. She moaned into his lips, then hooked her arms behind his neck and deepened their kiss, not letting him go.
"Faster, Elijah," she begged. He raised his eyebrows, but obliged, his arms still creating a cage around her head as he thrust into her faster now, the sound of skin on skin mixed with her moans filling the room. He grunted hungrily, quickly becoming unable to control himself. He kept speeding up, losing himself in her. "Elijah, I think I'm-," she began to speak but the tension she felt in the pit of her stomach snapped. A gasp took over followed by his name in long drawn out moans.  Hearing his name spill from her lips like that drove him over the edge and he stilled inside of her, letting his orgasm take over. His head snapped back and he groaned as he came, filling her. He pulled in and out a few more times as they both came down, unwinding from their highs. She panted heavily and a grin broke out over her face.
"Happy anniversary, baby," he pulled out of her and kissed her before flopping onto the bed next to her.
"You love me. Say you love me again, please," she said, her grin still covering her face.
"I do love you," he smiled back at her, taking her hand in his and kissing it.
She bit her lip and closed her eyes in content, "I love you, too. Can we do that again?"
Taglist: @elijahs-wife @soul-revoir @akshi8278 @njeancastro316 @dumble-daddy @nikmikaelsonswife
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promisesox · 3 years
Hiiii can you please write something about super junior Eunhyuk arguing with his SM idol girlfriend because of her come back sexy concept and she’s giving him the silent treatment then it ends with a heated kiss or something pre smutty in the practice room? Could it please be kinda long? Thank youuuuuu 💙
❅ pairing - reader x eunhyuk
❅ rated - pg-13 | SFW
❅ genre - idol!au | the best i can do writing this request
❅ word count - 1028
❅ waarnings - profanity
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This screamed petty beyond belief, but you happened to be Ms. Petty herself.
‘keep ignoring me and see what happens’
You stared down at the persistent messages on your phone screen from your so-called lover, applauding yourself for the recent name change of ‘Dumbass’ on his profile. For the past 24 hours you refused to send a text back or answer any of his facetime calls after the final straw of him rudely speaking on your comeback.
“You’re not meant to be doing this type of choreo.”
You threw your phone back on the couch after replaying the track of your group’s new song. Practice was over hours ago but as lead dancer you wanted to make sure you made no mistakes and bring honor to your teammates. You also made a note to focus on your facial expressions, trying to relax your muscles from the frown you were sporting since yesterday.
“Your group is supposed to be cute and innocent, why are you doing a sexy concept this early in the game?”
You exhaled a deep breath, brows twitching at the memory of Eunhyuk’s words and how annoyingly it pulled at your heart strings. Of course you cared about what Eunhyuk thought. You looked to your boyfriend for support and guidance, his idol expertise helping you create an image for yourself but now he wants to be jackass when things don’t go his way. If he was supportive he would be here with you now helping you get down the moves and staying all night until you didn’t have the strength to move anymore. But you were alone, a pant in your chest when you decided you wouldn’t speak to him if he was going to be like this. This wasn’t just silent treatment, this was a statement in which you refused to give him anymore of your attention to his nonsensical ego.
You took another deep breath in, standing center as you counted in the chorus before beginning the main dance. You made sure to keep your eyes on your form in the mirror, picking out every flaw in your appearance as your muscles screamed from exertion. You frustrated yourself with how tense you were; furrowed eyebrows and scrunched nose not making the facial expressions you were aiming for. Your moves were too tight and your body wasn't as fluid as you hoped. You had the dance down for sure, but you needed to work on your expression. If only Eunhyuk - you decided to hold your tongue, pressing your lips into a thin line as you growled in frustration.
You dropped to the ground, leaning back on the balls of your palms and outstretching your legs as you huffed out a sigh. You couldn’t concentrate with Eunhyuk weighing heavy on your mind when you wanted to focus on preparing for this comeback. You could feel the frustration inching its way into your eyelids, wanting to spill tears with how overwhelmed you were. It was truly amazing how all this built up emotion washed away when you heard the skid of sneakers against the dancefloor and turned to see the menace standing at the doorway.
Your time froze as you took him in, still asking the silly question even though you knew well enough he would eventually show up. “Eunhyuk - why are you here?”
“Why do you think?” he asked breathlessly in return as he made his way over to you. You caught sight of the sweat trickling down the sides of his temple before he was leaning down, grabbing your wrists and pulling you to your feet with ease. You didn’t have time to register your anger with him, cursing yourself in your head when you realized you had broken your silent treatment as his lips crashed onto yours . You couldn't resist the sweet pillows that you had grown accustomed to, falling into the kiss and his hold on you.
“I don’t like the idea of all your male fans getting to see you like this.” he breathed against your lips, the scent and taste of cool mint on his tongue making you peck another wanting kiss against his lips.
He hummed with approval, hands trailing down your back to cup your ass appreciatively. “They don’t even know that I’m the one who taught you how to dance the way you do.”
You bit down on his bottom lip in warning but his kisses only turned more fervent, seeking more passion with your tongue and his. “How to perform.”
His hands slid down to where your thighs meet your ass, slightly bending down and quickly hoisting you in the air so your legs could wrap around his hips. You wrapped your arms around his neck as he held you with ease having done this way too many times. His teeth took a hold on your bottom lip, seeking into the plush flesh and bringing out a hiss from your mouth. “How to bend over and take my dick like a good girl…”
“Eunhyuk.” you tutted in warning, not yet having forgiveness for him.
“I know it’s selfish of me.” Eunhyuk admitted, “But I don’t want to share you.”
“Imagine how I feel.” you related with a raised eyebrow, watching the smile cross onto his face.
“Please stop ignoring me. You know I can’t stand not being with you.”
You could feel your heart melt, not being able to hold back the smile pulling at the sides of your lips. You would have to admit that you couldn’t stay mad at Eunhyuk, not for forever.
“How about you take me home. Run me a nice bath with my favorite bubbles, and I’ll give you a private show meant for you.” You placed a sweet kiss against his lips, running your tongue between the soft flesh before kissing him once more and hopping down onto your feet. You went over to the speakers and unplugged your phone, silencing your group’s new song gathering your things before making your way to the door.
You turned to catch him right behind you, a smirk on your face as you gave him a glare. “After you apologize for being a jerk.”
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getitinbusan · 5 years
I found your Tumblr
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Taehyung had been gone for 18 days. It doesn't sound like a lot of time, unless you're used to fucking your boyfriend everyday, then it's an eternity. 
Tae: I was bored waiting for soundcheck to start today so I was stalking you a little.  
Y/N: Tae, you already know all about me. You know you can ask me anything. What did you find 🤔
Tae: I went on Tumblr… 
Y/N: No… that's not even funny.. call me right now.  No.. wait.. I'm too embarrassed to talk to you. Oh my fucking god what do you know? 
Tae: I'm laughing so hard right now 😅😅 Jungkooks in the car with me and wants to know why… 
You waited anxiously all day. It wasn't that your tumblr was full of things about him, but your likes sure were. When you got lonely there were a few fics you'd find yourself returning to and the thought of Tae finding them was a little…  embarrassing.
Your account was created way before you began dating so you didn't think there would be a need to keep them on private. Stupid, you were never going to hear the end of this. 
Just after 10 your facetime sounded. "Please Taehyung I'm super embarrassed, can we not talk about it?" You pleaded. 
"Babe, it's cute, I think, I haven't really read any but the titles are.. Interesting. Why do you need to read stories about me when you have me?"
You scoffed at him "why do you need to stalk me when you have me" you threw back at him.
"When I miss you I like to see what you're up to," he smiled. You didn't want to let him have the upper hand so you had to lay it out, if you didn't he'd tease you mercilessly.
"Well Tae, when your gone I really miss your cock. My vibrators nice and all but its really shit at foreplay." He got that Taehyung look on his face, the eyebrow raised open mouth huh look of fake shock he was so good at. You giggled at him, "I have needs Tae, you're not here so why should I suffer?"
He picked up his phone and scrolled through, "so which one should I start with? I need to know what gets you off"
There was no way out of this, "I'll text you a link and you can tell me what you think after.  We're really going to do this Tae?"
He nodded at the screen, "Go easy on me… Y/N… its just fun ok? I love you baby"
Hanging up you scrolled through your Tumblr likes. Not too smutty… 
Y/N: Ok, I like this one because it's soft and I can feel myself living it with you.  I swear to god if you make fun of me I'll never trust you again.    
Lady of the Larks
Later that night
Tae: That was actually really beautiful, I feel so… special that someone would write that about me? You know you're my queen right?  I thought it would be dirtier? 
Y/N: I thought I'd be gentle taking you fanfic virginity.  Aren't you tired?  
Tae: Nope, hit me again. 
Y/N: Still soft but you get some.. 
Paper Cranes
Tae: Jesus Y/N, its sad but… hot. I think I get why you like this, I've got a hard on just from reading. I'm going to call you, and I think maybe we should have phone sex? Is that ok,  is it weird that I'm turned on by this.  
Y/N: Call me baby!
You both had a great call and went to sleep feeling satisfied. It was great to have these stories when Tae wasn't home but it was even better to read them together.  
The next afternoon you got a surprise text, when he should have been working.  
Tae: OMG Y/N!! Seriously, this is not a story!! 
3 minutes of Taehyung Moaning until he cums
Y/N: Sometimes I just need to get off ok?  
Tae: I was not expecting that.. at all. The sound was up and Jungkook was sitting beside me and now I feel like a pervert.  
Tae: well… I did,  he doesn't know it has anything to do with you though.  I told him I just found it by accident. We went through a few,  this one is sooo cute and all the boys loved it.  
Pocket BTS
Y/N: All the boys huh? Tae I hope your enjoying getting off on these stories because you're never having sex with me again.  
Tae: So send more links and we'll call tonight?  
Y/N: I hate you, yes. 
Time to kick it up a notch. 
Y/N: These are a little longer but its early so… think about me all day. You're welcome.   
Of Lace and Lust
Tae: That was totally unfair. I had to masturbate backstage so I could focus on the concert. You are in so much trouble tonight,  I hope your vibrator is charged because you're going to put on a show for me. 
Tae: You're going to hate me,  I swear I didn't say anything!!  He's been watching me for days, he found it himself and pieced it together.  The worst part is he found these two… he's been locked in his hotel room for hours,  not sure if he's embarrassed or just getting off.  
Tae: Is this something you think about doing?? 
Group Chat: Kookie/Tae &/Y/N 
Most likely to be into threesomes
Kookie: Just in case you think this is accurate about me it's not. I'm down if you are.  
Y/N: Shutting off my phone now, sweet dreams boys.  💦💦
Shout out to some of my favorite writers @lunyua @aquaminwrites @topbtssmut @thecozywhaleshark @hobidreams @gukslut @jungkookiebus @fortunexkookie @noona-la-la-la
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