#this ship is so problematic for so many reasons but i'm here for it
Fuck's a pro shipper?
We've got a new one boys try not to scare em off /j
Okay but seriously, I'm more than happy to explain. I assume that if you're asking this question you're not aware of the proshipper vs antishipper, uh, "conflict", I guess. So, here is what both of those terms mean, to the best of my descriptive abilities:
Antishipper (often just "anti"): someone who vaguely believes that consuming problematic fiction (usually specifically problematic sexual fiction like lolicon or incest) is either a true reflection of them as a person or a corrupting force that will cause them to play out these desires in real life, onto real people. Basically, if you read age gap, you touch real kids in real life or secretly want to.
Proshipper (sometimes "profic"): someone who does not believe the above, and believes that fiction is not the same as reality because it doesn't harm anyone and therefore people should be left alone as long as you have no reason to believe that they would ever do something like that irl. Often hand in hand with things like anti censorship, kink positive, etc, though being a proshipper does not necessarily mean you have a problematic ship or kink yourself (example: me).
You're probably asking this question because you saw me day in my bio that I am a proshipper. I've tried to stay neutral in this initial description, but obviously I probably didn't manage to be completely unbiased considering that I believe myself to be right (most people do) so if you want to ask further questions after this that's perfectly fine. That being said:
Why am I a proshipper?
So, to understand this, let's first look over the issues within both communities— every group has issues, after all.
What problems do proshippers have?:
- sometimes 4chan assholes co-opt the label "proshipper" just because they're lolicons, even though there's good evidence to suggest that they would do or even have done criminal sexual acts in real life, or that they possess actual csam (child sexual abuse material, a term being used in favor of "cp" these days as porn implies consent). Proshipping has nothing to do with the harmful idea that you should be allowed to exploit and abuse real children.
- there are still many gray areas which proshippers themselves don't agree on. For example: I've seen a bunch of arguments about if writing fanfiction of live action shows or movies changes the equation. The general consensus of proshippers is that writing fanfiction of a character played by a child actor is definitely a more delicate situation and should not be sexual as it's inextricably tied to the image of a real child, but there are others who believe differently.
- I'm genuinely struggling to come up with more of these. Um, sometimes lolicons are really shitty people, like in point 1. This isn't SUPER relevant though cause in reality the overlap between predominantly queer or female proshippers and Reddit incels who just wanna jerk off to a petite anime girl is pretty small, though I'm sure it exists somewhere .
Now, what problems do antis have? (Fair warning, this is gonna sound even more "biased" but I hope my logic is still sound from the outside :p):
- I don't have any statistics on this (haven't exactly been many research papers on fandom drama), so you're going to have to trust me when I say that antis are absolutely NOTORIOUS for extreme harassment campaigns. The first time I was exposed to the word "antishipper", it was attached to a story of a former animator committing suicide because antis had gotten them fired by "exposing" their porn alt on Twitter and they could no longer afford medication for their disability. So, hell of an intro!
- their opinions are, in pretty basic ways, not backed by science or even practical common sense. The human brain can distinguish between fiction and reality after around age four or five
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and people certainly aren't trying to hand nsfw content to children that age so I think it's safe to say that the people who are reading these things won't be "confused" by them or whatever. Also, even just using your brain and talking to these people, you find out most of them project onto the YOUNGER character.
- they claim to support victims but often simply don't. I won't keep dragging threats into the spotlight because I know there are probably antis who aren't as violent, but it's honestly astonishing to me how often they jump straight to wishing death and terrible things on people, and this has included more than once telling a rape victim they hope they get assaulted again just because they're a proshipper. See, a lot of these "taboo" sexual fantasies like age gap and incest actually themselves stem from a traumatic experience, and any therapist will tell you that fiction is a much healthier way to explore intrusive thoughts and urges than more dangerous coping mechanisms like self harm or substance abuse. And when confronted with this, in my experience and many others', antis will simply ignore that fact or say that the therapist is some sort of evil enabler.
-the general cognitive dissonance of believing an incest fanfiction will make you "forget" that incest is bad vs being fine with horror movies and slashers speaks to a deeper and honestly kind of worrying anti-sex mindset. I'm not sure I'm qualified to tackle this particular topic, but I definitely agree that it's a thing; after all, I have no idea how else those two things could coexist.
Anyways, I'd like to close this off by saying not everyone is as crazy opinionated as I am, I'm just autistic and like talking lol. A lot of people who id as proshippers just have a sort of minding their own business, ship-and-let-ship mentality, and a lot of antis are unfortunately just teenagers who were told proshipper = evil pedophile groomer and thus they put "proship dni" in their bios just cause they don't know and don't really care what it means. It is undeniable that many antis are kids themselves, and that does worry me, because fandom drama (especially Twitter fandom drama) is dangerous and vitriolic and also they're putting extremely serious threats on their digital footprints at the tender age of 14! But whatever, I'm not their parents, that's just my worry. Sorry for rambling this long lol, I wouldn't blame you if you dropped out halfway through but this is basically my summary of this whole thing. Do with this knowledge what you will! Or, you know, don't! I'm not a cop!
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blissfulalchemist · 1 year
"We're meant to be. You'll see." for dealers choice if u wanted to be sent prompts!! 💖
Well nonny I have finished this piece in time for "Fuck That Old Man Wednesday" as it is the first meeting of Sib and Lahabrea (well on one of their ends). I don't know if this is what you were looking for but I have been down this rabbit hole for so long now. Anyway I hope you have fun! And same to anyone else that reads it!
no warnings. word count: a little under 1k
With a huff Siberite let’s herself fall onto the soft bed of the inn, the aching groan muffled by the pillow. The last week had been beyond exhausting tackling another primal and hearing what her new “partner” thought of her fighting methods. Honestly she didn't need someone else there, but Thancred had to voice his worries after the battle with the Ifrit, leading to Minfilia assigning her a healer to go with her into every battle. "Quite pointless really. I was doing just fine."
"I am inclined to agree with you," a voice calls out as the air in the room shifts bringing forth a black void.
She sits up in enough time to see the Ascian in a red mask appear before her. His smile at ease much like the way he walks towards her, "You really are such a capable fighter." Her eyes narrow, moving to keep him in the center of the room, “Oh come now, is that any way to treat an old friend?”
“We are not friends,” she snaps, “I don’t know who the fuck you are to think such a thing.”
“Ah, we have yet to be introduced formally,” he gives a bow, “I am Lahabrea,” he looks up with a glowing red sigil covering his face long enough for the image to etch itself into her brain, “and I know you are Siberite Akagane of Thavnair.”
She flinches, fists forming, “How do you know such things?”
“I see you do not tell anyone your last name yet.”
“Will you stop acting like you know the future or some shit?”
“This is where my knowledge ends actually.” In an instant he becomes inches from her face, back hitting the wall, small growl seeping from the back of her throat at being cornered. The Ascian’s smile softens ever so slightly with the tilt of his head, stark contrast to the aggression his red mask would rather show. Metal clawed fingers lightly start to brush against her cheek as he lets out a contented hum, “You look just as beautiful." His words make her heart start to race, the tips of his claws caressing down her chest, all while she’s fairly certain his eyes are roaming every inch of her. Bad day to wear such an exposing dress, She thinks catching a brief glimpse of herself in the mirror, the straps that criss cross her midsection and shoulders never looked thinner as she feels the whispered sharp edges of metal trace down the deep neckline. "So pristine, my darling. Maybe I am to become one of the many scars you bore the first time we met."
“Oh yes, a scar from your lover, the pinnacle of romance,” she sneers. The Ascian grabs hold of her chin, the tips of metal threatening to break skin and scale with just the slightest bit of movement. He pauses just a second more before quickly bringing his lips to hers, making Siberite's eyes grow wide. She attempts to push him off of her, his grip tightening, body pressing closer, stopping any attempts with her arms now pinned between them. Her legs find little purchase with how he's positioned himself between them, uttering a growl. His free hand lets metal run up her waist sending a shiver through her that threatens to relax her into the unwanted affection.
He pulls his mouth away just far enough for his dark chuckle to ring clearly, "Still as feisty as I remember,” he purrs. He lets a hand snake up into her hair giving a slight tug, the breathy moan she has no control over giving just enough space to let his tongue work its way into her mouth. She gives the slightest turn of her head putting his tongue in just the right spot to drive her canines in. She doesn't let go the minute he drops his hand or starts to pull back, instead chomping down once more until there's just enough room to stomp on his foot. He lets out a cry, smile gone, and steps back enough that gives way for her to push him back to the center of the room. Her shoulders rise, hands up and body angled away from him, eyes intent and scrutinizing every move as he simply brings a hand up, gently tapping the inside of his mouth only to look down on bloodstained fingertips. "Ah, so it is not time just yet for us. My apologies."
"You got some ego to think there even is a time for us."
His laugh echoes until it's behind her and a chill runs down her spine when his arms wrap around her. "Oh my dear Siberite," he says claws, running along her flesh and scales while his other hand starts to clench around her throat, "we're meant to be." He turns her head to look him in the eye with a gentle smile that does nothing to put her at ease while it sits below the aggressive red mask, "You'll see, I promise you." He brings his lips down to hers gently, almost romantically and in a way that feels far too familiar, before letting her go. She shakes his lingering touches free, scowling as he gives a slight bow, "Until next we meet, my love."
The air turns heavy for a moment once again before returning to its silence. SIberite's chest collapses releasing a shaky breath she didn't know she was holding, stomach turning as she can feel the lingering traces of where his hands held her. "What....the....fuck!?" Lips curling in revulsion as she looks over her body, "Fuckin' asshole thinking he can just come in here and claim some soulmate bullshit. Fuck off! Gods!” She paces, shaking free the images of what she looked like with his arms wrapped around her in the brief second she glanced in the mirror, ignoring the small hints of excitement flashing throughout her body, “Truly, what the fuck was up with that guy?"
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discoursecatharsis · 9 months
I've noticed this pattern with antis in fandom where, in their attempt to distance themselves from anything and everything "problematic" in their fandoms, they refuse to acknowledge when they DO enjoy something problematic. Therefore, they don't recognize the problematic elements of the ship, character, media, etc. They'll also heavily downplay or deny any problematic. aspects of their favorite fandom thing.
I just saw an example of this and it is blowing my mind right now and I need to share this with y'all.
It involves the comments on this video.
Some context for Princess and the Frog: the blonde girl is Charlotte, also called Lottie. She's the main character Tiana's best friend. Charlotte's goal was always to marry a prince, and she almost marries (who she believes to be) Prince Naveen, but once she sees that Naveen and Tiana are in love, she tries to help them turn back human so they can be together.
At the end of the movie, Tiana and Naveen get married, and this scene plays after. Charlotte dances with Naveen's kid brother, and says "I've waited this long" in response to him saying that he's 6 and a half years old.
Now Charlotte's line here, if you look at the context clues of her story line, implies that she's saying "I've waited this long for a prince to marry, so I can wait longer for Naveen's younger brother to grow up." It's just a joke. Albeit, a joke that many will find to be very uncomfortable and inappropriate, but a joke nonetheless. I highly doubt Charlotte is actually going to "wait for" this child to grow up to marry him. She's making a joke at her expense, about her desperation of her dream to marry a prince.
BUT FOR SOME REASON.... many of the comments are like "she means that she's been waiting to DANCE with a prince."
I'm completely and utterly serious y'all. Here are some of the comments along those lines, with thousands of thumbs up each.
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If you've seen this movie, you'll realize that these comments make absolutely no sense for more than one reason.
1) Charlotte danced with Prince Naveen (or at least with the villain disguised as him) earlier in the movie. She danced with a prince already. Why would that still be her dream if she already accomplished that?
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2) Lottie speaks multiple times (during her childhood and in present day as a young adult) about her dream of "marrying a prince." Not dancing with a prince. Not meeting one. No, she wants to MARRY A PRINCE AND BE A PRINCESS.
This video has some clips of her saying this, at the time stamps 0:20, 2:52, 4:08, and 5:21.
Charlotte does give up her dream of marrying Naveen specifically for Tiana, because she see that he makes Tiana happy. But with how she jumps in like a wide receiver to catch the bouquet at Naveen and Tiana's wedding, it's clear she still has her dream of marrying *A* prince, just not Naveen.
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But back to the comments on that video.
The comments seem to be downplaying the actual implication of her line. It's almost like they're desperately trying to ignore what she actually meant and make it more wholesome because they don't want to admit that their favorite movie has an uncomfy and inappropriate joke.
It's disturbing that this is yet another example where people in fandom (who are fantis or have been influenced by that fanti mindset) are downplaying a scene (or a ship, trope, etc) that is ACTUALLY problematic because they personally like the movie or the character and they don't want to admit that it has some issues. Instead of just admitting "yeah that scene/line was kinda fucked up and gross," they are jumping through HOOPS to make it seem more innocent than it was. And this is completely blowing my mind and is honestly concerning.
If you want to personally interpret it in a different way, in a way to make it more palatable to you, be my guest. That's what fandom and fanon is all about and I do that a lot too. But to see so many people outright deny the actual implications of this line is... bizarre af. It's one thing to be like "hmm yeah I don't like that, so I'm going to personally interpret this ship/trope/scene differently so it's more comfortable to me." It's another thing entirely to be in complete denial and ignore the actual context of the character and their story.
Also, so many of the other comments on the video aren't even commenting on the actual scene or on what Charlotte said. They're just generic comments on how much they love Charlotte as a character or how they miss this 2D animation. It's like they're trying reallyyyyyy hard to ignore the joke that's being made.
On the grander scheme, this is concerning because these people are refusing to acknowledge something that's inappropriate at best and predatory at worse (an adult "waiting" for a child to grow up) because they don't want to be caught enjoying/supporting something "bad."
All their talk about normalizing and normalization, but they're the ones kinda normalizing bad things by downplaying them or being in denial of it when it's in THEIR favorite media. And that is very concerning and a big issue.
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wrens-wramblings · 2 years
A massive problem with how fandom - particularly queer rep - is going right now on this website is how quick people are to jump ship onto the next thing and then immediately start trashing the everliving shit out of the old thing.
Steven Universe (not a perfect show by any means) while it was coming out was celebrated constantly. The Garnet reveal? Pearl being in love with Rose? The Rupphire wedding? SU was revolutionary and has been quoted by cartoon creators now for being a big reason people are allowed to bring their stories to life. Say what you want about the show, but it broke boundaries and set precedents for a lot of the shows that you now love. And the show's plot lines regarding the diamonds has been taken in completely bad faith - do yall really think the half Jewish queer person meant for you to get "Let's all forgive Nazis" from the Diamonds redemption arcs??
After Steven Universe ended a large majority of people jumped to She Ra and the Princesses of Power and when they mentioned SU at all it was to put it down as a show with terrible representation and all round bad writing.
During SPOP's run it was massively popular, with a lot of buzz around the main ship, Catradora. I know this is gonna be taken in bad faith so a quick note - while I do like Catradora, I do feel that there should have been another season for Catra to properly acknowledge the harm she did to Adora and actually grow as a person before entering into a relationship. Catra was forgiven too easily, but that was in part due to Netflix not wanting to give the show another season to properly flesh out the redemption arc. The final season was rushed as all hell, and so many story points would have been better with another season to flesh them out further.
But I digress - during the show's run it was constantly talked about for it's representation, having multiple queer characters, including a nonbinary character.
The show ends and again, the fanbase jumps. This time, it's to the Owl House. People start talking about how SPOP was actually horrible representation and, my personal favourite, they "added gay people as a cash grab."
Yeah okay guys, I'm sure a queer nonbinary creator is writing about queer people because they actually dislike the gays and want to wring money out of us. That is definitely the situation here.
And now I'm worried that in a year or two we'll have the next big queer cartoon and the posts will start popping up -
"Amity Blight is the mean lesbian stereotype."
"Raine and Eda's relationship is problematic because-"
"Amity and Luz started out as rivals, which is toxic because-"
"The romance didn't start until later in the show, it was added at the end for a cash grab."
Again, I'm certain there's gonna be bad faith takes on this -- I'm not saying these shows are perfect. They all have flaws somewhere. No media is completely without it's faults and its good to recognise those faults, that what critical reading is. But calling someone an abuser for enjoying SPOP, or a Nazi sympathiser for liking SU (actual accusations I have seen on tumblr.com) is frankly a little ridiculous.
As for the bad rep argument - every show on this list has one thing in common: a queer creator. No one experiences queerness the exact same way - the only thing that harassing queer creators for not showing your experience does is make other queer creators... not want to write queer characters. No one wants to receive death threats because, for example, they based a character with their sexuality off of how that actually affected them and someone on the Internet decided they were feeding into a harmful stereotype.
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comradekatara · 2 months
Wkfndjfske I FORGOT KATARA BULLIES TOPH ABOUT BEING BLIND. Like I know she's a problematic icon and a complex character who undergoes a lot of growth but I truly genuinely did forget that she was also a fourteen year old girl who Toph called sugar queen for very good reason. The specifics fade into the background after so many years and so many of her worse moments are because she is acutely hurt and defensive and also a teenager. Whereas this is just her being a teenager and lashing out because of being socially insecure, which isn't usually her wheelhouse. I'm constantly impressed by how well written she is!!!!
i know right!!!!! i love katara so much (duh) bc she's like the most realistically-written fourteen year old girl of all time. and it's so funny to me how people who refuse to acknowledge that she has flaws (despite the fact that she is of course so eminently and beautifully flawed) will simply dig their heels in if you cite any instances wherein she does something mean or out of line and they'll be like "no she was right and morally justified actually because the person she was talking to was being an asshole and victimizing her [katara voice] personally and so she wasn't being mean she was right 100% of the time and always justified and morally correct actually you just hate her and want her dead" because that's like. exactly how katara thinks. they're just subscribing to her logic (thee ultimate fourteen year old little sister logic) and then deciding that she must be correct because she thinks she's always correct and if she's always right then she is. and i find that kind of endearing because i do cherish katara and do always understand where she is coming from even when she's wrong but like. she is not an irreproachable angel who is always justified in her rage and vitriol. she is a realistically fallible teenager who is in a lot of pain and fucks up a lot and has a tendency to dig her heels in when she's wrong. and that's something i absolutely adore about her!!!! so it's really such a shame that so many people who claim to love her will put her on a pedestal and blindly agree with everything she says and does, because it's a really reductive way to engage with her character, and it's also just plain dehumanizing to reduce such a rich and nuanced character into "girl whose actions should always be taken at face value because she is simply a vehicle onto which we can project our owns thoughts and feelings." i mean, didn't you know that stripping her of all her agency and making her a flawless site of projection (usually for shipping purposes) is feminist actually?? and if you ever point out her flaws (even in a loving, celebratory, or humorous way) it's because you hate women??? didn't you know that feminism is when women don't have flaws they have to learn and grow from, and instead just kind of sit there??????? which is, incidentally, how you get the trash fire that is natla. anyway. i love katara so much, but i really do hate it here -_-
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monarch-of-jack · 3 months
I might be the only one here. But the reason I feel conflicted when I see people shipping and sexualizing Aspec characters, is because I don't trust most of you to be respectful about it. Not to mention some of you straight up arent.
Yes, Aspecs are an incredibly diverse group of people. I KNOW. I've been in their circles for well over 10 years. But do you all really care about that?
If you don't, then you're really just using it as an excuse to ignore their identities.
Let me make it very clear that I support exploring ALL the nuanced ways that someone can be Aspec. We are so much more varied than just sex-repulsed Aces and romance-repulsed Aros. (Though those are still valid experiences, don't shit on them!)
There are Allosexual Aromantics. There are Alloromantic Asexuals. Aspecs in Queerplatonic Relationships. Grey-Aspecs, Demi-Aspecs, Oriented AroAces, Cupio-, Flux-, Lith-, Fray-, Recipro- Aego-, and a million other types of Aspecs. It's a huge spectrum.
And orientation doesn't equal action. There are sex/romance favorable Aspecs. There are kinky & kink favorable Aspecs. Aces that have and have had sex for whatever reason. Aros that are and have been in romantic relationships for whatever reason. Maybe they felt pressured. Maybe they were experimenting. Maybe they were still finding themselves. Maybe they were forced. Maybe they do it for their partner. Maybe they do it for money or their image. Maybe they just like it despite lacking attraction. Aspecs are people. They are all different and all equally valid in how they live their lives.
A character being Aspec literally just means they're lacking attraction in one way or another. So there's still endless possibilities in creating canon and fanon for them.
But are most of you really shipping characters like Alastor, Peridot, Jughead and co. as Aspecs, or are you looking for excuses to disregard their identity?
Have you actually educated yourself about their identities so you can portrait them accurately and respectfully? Are you infantilizing and patronizing them or make them act stupid? Do you make them pitiful, antisocial, or 'difficult to deal with'? Are you arguing with Aspec people when they point out something is problematic? Are you accepting input from Aspec people? Do you explain that you're shipping/sexualizing that Aspec character because of your specific headcanon or AU? Do you get angry if you have to clarify that after the fact? If you as an Allo, ship or sexualize Aspec characters, do you really do it with them still being Aspec?
The thing is, you can. But a lot of you don't. And that's why Aspec people react defensifely.
We have little to no representation in the media as it is. And yet you're annoyed when we ask you not to diminish or erase their identities.
I want to see Aspecs in all kinds of situations and with all sorts of preferences. But way too many of you are ready to shit on Aspec identities to get your fanon out.
I could go on for days about this. But the fact that some of you will get angy that I even made this post is exactly what I'm talking about.
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The more I think about it, the more I do wonder if some of the source of the more problematic ships/fan headcanons surrounding Izzy is based in the concept of love/sex as a reward for service or suffering. (Note: I am not at all saying that what follows is 100% correct - mostly just proposing a hypothesis. I'm riffing on @naranjapetrificada's post here, but I didn't want to go off on a treatise on someone else's post that wasn't even directly about this.)
Izzy’s world is upended with Stede’s appearance. He goes from being the trusted second in command to Blackbeard to being thrown off the ship (by his own making, already). All of his suffering (in his own mind) can be traced back to Stede and consequently Stede and Ed’s relationship. The narrative forms him as an antagonist not just to Stede but to the narrative's central concern, the entire reason for telling the story: the Stede/Ed relationship. He is the opposition of the healthy, happy, queer couple, and at each turn, he suffers for it.
In Season 2, his suffering is compounded to the point that he loses his leg in a really traumatic way, at the hands of a man he claims (in the same episode) to love. This leads into his being offered grace by the crew and the start of some shedding of his toxic masculinity (which has been the real enemy all along). And this is where I hypothesize that some fans start shaping him into someone who is now deserving of a reward. Izzy has changed! He’s grown! He’s doing better! Doesn't he *deserve* a reward for that?!
One of the forms that this reward must take is love/sex - and since the focal point of the entire show, as well as the causes of Izzy’s suffering, are Ed and Stede (the happy queer relationship) then his reward must be one or the other, or both. Having suffered and having come to better terms with his gender and sexual identity, he deserves the reward of romantic love and/or sex.
This is all, of course, not right, and the show never even hints that love or sex should be treated as a reward. Neither Ed nor Stede show any desire to provide Izzy with this reward (and honestly, I don’t think that Izzy the character expects that either, even if his fans might). But I do think that some of the anger and some of the “fix-it” mentality of the fandom subsection comes from the fact that Izzy’s character growth is not rewarded by romantic love or sex. (This ignores as well that he does find love in other ways, via his friendship with the crew, but this is also not typed as something he DESERVES or is rewarded for his good behavior.)
Stede in particular, I think, becomes a focus of the combined fan ire and desire because (in their minds) he was the original catalyst for Izzy’s suffering, he has obtained the reward of Ed’s love (thereby depriving Izzy of it), and he can be fitted for the enemies to lovers arc (plus he’s white and there’s undoubtedly racism at play here, as many have discussed). This might even be extended to Ed's love for Stede: that Ed was in some way rewarded for becoming better, that Stede's love healed him and therefore Izzy—who is so much more deserving, right?!—should also be offered that love.
Again, this is all based in toxic, erroneous assumptions both about the characters, about the show, and about love and sex, but all those assumptions have been made by stories in the past and are baked into a lot of mainstream culture.
The "fix-it" nature of ships like Stizzy and Steddyhands come down to some fans believing Izzy is not being granted his just rewards for his suffering and character growth in the form of love and sex specifically from the lead couple who have caused his suffering.
At least, that's what I think is going on.
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Rarepair Nominations are Now Open!
Alright everyone, it is time! I realize I'm posting this at what is likely an inopportune time, as it's the middle of the week and my posts aren't even showing up in tags yet, but that's okay! I just wanna go ahead and make this form available. I will leave this open until Sunday (May 5th) so get your choices in there.
Invader Zim Rarepair Nominations
Do not nominate ZaDR (Zim/Dib), ZaGR (Zim/Gaz), ZaTR (Zim/Tak), ZaSR (Zim/Skoodge), DaTR (Dib/Tak), TaGR (Tak/Gaz), or RaPR (Red/Purple). These are all big ships in the fandom, whether we take into account past or present shipping trends, and so they are the ones I am disqualifying. Everything else, I will take.
What is considered a "rarepair" is totally at your discretion! It could be two characters who literally only showed up once, or it could be two major characters who nonetheless don't have near as many fanworks as one of the big ships I listed above. I will not be policing what ships are nominated. If it's not one of the above, I'll take it!
Only nominate pairings (two characters), no OT3s or more, please! Perhaps if this goes well we can do a special OT3 bracket later on.
When writing in a pairing, please actually write their names, for example Zim/Keef instead of just ZaKR. This is so I can know for sure exactly which pairing is getting nominated. If you just say ZaZR, I have no way of knowing if you mean Zim/Zim or Zim/Zita, as a random example. So just use the names, please.
You have to nominate at least one pairing, but you can send in up to five different pairs! One pairing per line.
Do not spam the form! I won't be requiring logins because I want people to have their anonymity, so I am requesting that you be reasonable, please. Only fill it out once, and if you happen to have more pairs you want to send, then I can't stop anyone from sending in a new form with those different pairings. But please don't use it as a way to duplicate ones you've already sent in. I intend to seed the bracket so I want the numbers to be accurate to what's actually being nominated.
No ships are off limits! If it's two Invader Zim characters who have appeared at some point in the show, movie, or comics, you can send it in! I understand this may mean some unpleasant or disturbing ships could be nominated and become part of the bracket. It comes with the territory. But Invader Zim is a dark show and the fandom has always embraced more twisted, grotesque themes. I will embrace it as well. So please do not send me requests that (insert badwrong pairing) be disqualified. If the presence of problematic ships in this bracket will bother you, please do not take part in the tournament.
You're more than welcome to start a good clean wholesome rarepair tournament of your own if you like :)
But yes, I think that's it! Go ahead and send in your nominations, and please share this far and wide. We can get wild but ultimately I want us to have fun here.
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cosmics-beings · 20 days
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I wanted to make a post like this for a while, but since i was asked the question i can make it here!
i'm also speaking as an actual black person....so if you don't like these conversations where black people speak on black issues and how we feel, then just ignore this.
So in the past, yeah I agreed with this but my opinion has kinda changed with TF One.
However, I am still extremely uncomfortable seeing depictions of Black human formers Megatron because most of it, especially in ship art is extremely racist and relies on racist stereotypes of black men being abusive, violent, and problematic when his partners are drawn white or lightskinned (i see this all the time in megastar and megaop art. megatron is portrayed as the huge brutal black man and starscream/optimus are the small white twinks who are being beaten by him - it's gross and racist but for some reason it's common).
In general, I think it can be harmful to make a slave character, who inevtibly turns into a genocidal war lord and a generally awful person, a black person (even with his redemption arcs). it also racializes slavery, when we know that slavery doesn't have a race, and Megatron himself is a gladiator. Gladiators are slaves, and one of the most famous gladiators was from Thracia. This again is mostly a fan issue, because I at least have always seen Megatron coded as white in the comics and in the shows. In many depictions, he has a European accent, voiced by white European people (posh english lmao, or in ES Scottish).
That said, in TF One, I'm willing to let it slide. That's because Megatron isn't the only slave. Optimus, who is voiced by a white man, is also a slave, as is Elita, and Bumblebee. I think you know, not racializing slavery and having this notion that slave = black by default, is what makes it okay.
I still wouldn't feel super comfortable seeing Black megatron fanart because again, none of the depictions have been good in my opinion, as a Black person. And i mean none of them, and I do wonder where the thought in this fandom came from that making a person who canonically is violent and aggressive, was okay, just because he happened to be a slave. It is a far too common trope that I see in fanfic and fanfart, especially again...in a shipping sphere.
But I think TF One is able to balance it out, and since this is D-16, he is. a lot calmer, kinder, etc. I think things can get in muddy area when he eventually does turn into Megatron and he becomes the genocidal tyrant we all know and love....especially when you make the black one of the group the one who chooses violence whereas the white voices ones don't.
but who knows? My opinions are ever changing depending on how things are handled.
if you disagree with this, that's fine just do so respectfully and i mean at least be black
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ladyzirkonia · 1 year
Axe Woves and his promotion from boyfriend to husband material.
I know I've mentioned it here and there, however, I'd like to get my thoughts and feelings that are going around in my head out in one post again.
I've got a crush on this men directly when he first appeared this season. I know that some found and still find him unlikable because of his statements and behavior. I think it's a good expression of where he comes from and how he was socialized and is in no way more despicable than the views Din's covert has, basically they are two extreme views of one culture.
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Axe belongs to the ''modern'' Mandalorians who were born on Mandalore and who fought for Mandalore during the Purge. They have a different understanding of being Mandalorians than the followers of the old way. Both groups exclude the other, for different reasons, because of how they were taught. I don't want to justify his behavior, but I can understand there being animosity and mistrust, as I'm sure he's proud of who he is and that he fought for Mandalore while the people of the tribe were hiding on Concordia.
He insists on the importance of the darksaber to rule Mandalore, again an expression of what they must have been taught, though his attitude towards it will change greatly as we all know. His characterization and character development this season is wonderful, and I know I'm going to upset some people, but I think it's much better and more developed than Din Djarin's this season. That's exactly what I would have wanted for him.
He has a certain arrogance and doesn't hesitate for a second to fight both Bo-Katan and Paz. Others may call this immature, I would say it is a Mandalorian tradition to settle conflicts with a fight and I love how reckless he is even though he is probably aware that he will most likely get his ass kicked.
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And I don't know exactly why, but I loved the scene with him and the forbidden lovers and his statement, ''I know it was for love.'' He is not heartless, he has a sense for the feelings of others in a way, but business is business and despite everything he handles everything calmly and without violence.
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I know he acted like a smug asshole with Paz, but I can't deny that I was very amused by the scene, even if others find it problematic. And it just repeats the differences and conflicts of the two groups and it's all the more beautiful how they are later overcome. And I can't hide the fact that it's incredibly sexy how this man just doesn't have a shred of respect and fear for this mountain of man who could probably just stomp him into the ground.
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But who knew what would become of this sexy, arrogant, and smug man in the season finale? Yes I got fooled like many others, I really thought he could be a spy and die, but we couldn't have been more wrong, I'm so sorry my love!
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Just to start with how he just flies out into space with a damn jet pack without hesitation just to warn his sisters and brothers. He shows off his leadership skills on the Light Cruiser as he evacuates it and calls on the rest of the Mandalorians to help Bo-Katan. Only to be left alone to fight the incoming Tie Interceptors and then ship the damn ship to the planet. Without hesitation, even though he must have known he could get killed like a goddamn hero.
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But best of all, he's not stupid enough to just sacrifice himself, bless the Mandalorians and their jetpacks. How he just flees the ship at the last second and lets it head for the damn base and is partly responsible for the fact that Moff Gideon ultimately dies is just great!
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And the last scene, how he's standing there next to Ragnar and he's the one raising his voice and cheering for everyone, I love it. And the thought that he could be the one to take care of Ragnar from now on, despite the discord between him and his father, just melted my heart. This man has had such incredible character development this season and has become such a badass and important character that he's the only person to fall in love with, right?
Did I also make the post a bit to use all the pictures and GIF's again, because of course he looks super good and sexy and I can't get enough of looking at him? Yes maybe something. And people? We need more of these please!
This is the way and for Mandalore!
Screenshots are mine and GIF's from the wonderful @abnerkrill @tommymilller @itberice @providence-park
Thank you for your service ladies and gentleman.
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lilbabystuffieluver · 11 days
Welcome to my blog!
What's my blog about?
This blog is dedicated to educating people on age regression and the misconceptions of it! This is a safe space to ask any and all questions about age regression.
Here's a list of things/people I DO NOT want to interact with my blog! And if you do . . . Surprise! You're getting blocked! :D I reserve the right to block anyone with or without reason provided.
DNI if . . .
You participate in DDLG, DDLB, MDLB, MBLG, ABDL, CGL or anything similar!
If your profile is NSFW
You are/support endogenic system(s)
You support pro-shipping
If you're anti-recovery
If you're anti-agere
You're a p3do/MAP
If you're homophobic, transphobic, racist, ableist, or anything similar
Zoophile or necrophiliac
If you're gonna talk about politics
Support problematic people
You support autism speaks or similar things
Gore/sh/ed accounts
About Me
Hihi! I'm Alex! I've been an age regressor since I was 14, and I'm 20 years old now! I'm autistic and have BPD (borderline personality disorder) and a few other things. Learning about mental health stuff (including age regression) is my special interest! I prefer to interact with adults only, so please do not dm me if you're under 18. I run a sfw 18+ Agere server on discord so DM me if you want the link! I also have a partner/cg so please don't flirt with me or be a creep otherwise I'm gonna block you! I'm very excited to be able to teach others about age regression and hope I can help some people :D
What is age regression?
Age regression is a sfw coping mechanism used to cope with past trauma, or to heal your inner child. Regression can be voluntary or involuntary. It can also just be used for fun or as a way to relax. People who age regress mentally regress to the age of a child. This can be to any age but for a lot of people it will typically be from the ages of 1-6 years old. Age regression can present itself in many forms such as baby talk, playing with toys, watching cartoons, doing kid-like activities, being more vulnerable, using pacis, bottles, and sippy cups, dressing in a childlike manner, difficulty regulating emotions and more!
Can age regression be NSFW?
No! Age regression is strictly SFW and should be kept as such. The reason being is people who regress are in the mental state of a child, and children CANNOT consent. Anyone who makes it NSFW is taking advantage of the regressed person because again, they cannot consent to NSFW activities.
Why do some people have the misconception that it's NSFW?
When people think of age regression as NSFW, they're actually thinking about something called ag3 play. Ag3 play is a k1nk where someone roleplays being a child while their "daddy/mommy/d0m" (i do understand that lots of regressors use daddy/mommy in a sfw way tho!) interacts with them in an NSFW way. Ag3 play is borderline p3dophilic as someone is "getting off" to someone who dresses/acts like a child, and it's morally wrong. (If you support ag3 play, DDLG, DDLB, MDLB, MDLG, or ABDL YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE!! 🙂)The difference between age regression and ag3 play is that age regression is actually mentally reverting to the mindset of a child, ag3 play is only roleplay. If you're making your "regression" s3xual, you're not actually regressing. It's just a k1nk and roleplay.
Is there a wrong way to age regress?
Absolutely not! Age regression comes in many different forms and the way you regress isn't wrong or bad! There's not a wrong way to dress, play, talk, or interact with other regressors (just remember to be kind!). Just because you don't fit the stereotype of pastels, pink, teddy bears and hello kitty doesn't mean you're any less valid as a regressor! You can even like scary stuff while regressed and that's perfectly okay! You don't have to be picture perfect to be able to regress. You can be messy and loud and anything you want! Just do what makes you feel most comfortable!
Do you have to have a caregiver to be a regressor?
Nope! Not all age regressors have, need or want a caregiver! Caregivers are completely optional to have as a regressor and some people feel more comfortable regressing alone!
What's the difference between a good and bad caregiver?
Here are some tips for weeding out good vs bad caregivers!
Good caregivers
Speaks in a gentle tone and doesn't yell or raise their voice to get their point across
Respects their littles boundaries
Doesn't use physical punishments (hitting, spanking, etc.)
Is understanding, patient and kind
Rewards their little for good behavior
Comforts their little when they are upset
Finds other ways of communication when their little is nonverbal/semi-verbal
Bad "caregivers"
Punishes their little for "not obeying" them
Hits or spanks their little
Yells or raises their voice
Is manipulative (ex: saying if their little doesn't do something they'll be punished)
Involved in any k1nk communities such as ddlg, mdlb, abdl, etc.
Doesn't try to get to know the big side of their regressor only talks to them when they're little
Calling their little mean names
Tries to make their little touch them inappropriately/touches their little inappropriately
Downplays their littles feelings
Keep in mind that every caregiver/regressor dynamic is different but these are some green vs red flags to watch out for when finding a caregiver. I'll add more to this list later!
What are some common disorders that cause age regression?
Age regression is very common in those with (c) PTSD, Borderline personality disorder (BPD), schizophrenia, major depressive disorder (MDD), and dissociative disorders.
This post is a wip and more will be added later! Thank you for reading! :)
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mikuni14 · 3 months
I wanted to reply to this post by @italianpersonwithashippersheart and it turned out to be a very long text, so I'm posting it separately 😉
I have a tactic of reading posts on Tumblr, that as soon as I start reading and see that the author is going in a direction that I know I won't like, I immediately stop and move on (ALTHOUGH sometimes the author writes something I don't agree with in such an engaging way that I read it to the end for intellectual pleasure, or it's someone I like with whom I disagree just this time, but I read it anyway because, after all, I like that person for a reason 😚). That's why, fortunately, I usually (<- key word, usually) avoid fandom wars and problematic fandom behavior. I do this because I know how irritating fandom can be sometimes, especially when a it goes to war to defend its blorbo, or ship, or the entire series. And I regret to say that defenders are the most aggressive... Personally, I don't mind fans living on ships, their blorbo, squealing about them and so on. (I mean, I do that!) Unfortunately, as I'm sure you all know, so many fans who live it, LIVE IT and it's not just fun for them, it's the meaning of their lives. This is where the attacks on actors come from, like the recent attack on Nut, a homewrecker 😆 in Pit Babe, having the audacity to be friends with the actor playing Alan AND HE BELONGS TO SOMEONE ELSE!, or, as in the case of DFF, tearing Ta into two parts by his ukes two fandoms lmao. Unfortunately, such behavior poisons a positive fandom experience and even I can see it, even though I try very hard NOT to see it.
It also seems to me that DFF viewers could be divided into two distinct groups: DFF fans and BL fans 😉 I'm a DFF fan and that's why I'm interested in meta, theories and Tan. I like PheeJin for their dynamic, but, I don't really care if they end the series as a couple. Besides, for me DFF is a mystery/thriller/slasher/social commentary series with BL elements, in which I DON'T HAVE to have a happy ending for BL relationships to be happy, I only want Tan to be happy. However, someone for whom DFF is only a BL series could be frustrated because 1) there is no monogamy 😬 2) there is "cheating" 3) the characters behave unpleasantly 4) the characters behave in ambiguous ways and it's often not clear what they think and whom they truly love 5) the characters behaviour becomes unpredictable and non-standard and often problematic 6) the plot keeps getting weird, instructions unclear 7) what about my ship?? *panic*
Regarding the concerns about the ending of the series: in any other series I would have EXACTLY THE SAME worries. But I look at DFF in two categories:
as a slasher
as a story about life, without a moral lesson
This makes me NOT worry about the ending because:
if you look at it as a slasher and my favorite film of this type, i.e. Scream and to some extent also Final Destination, there is no moralizing here, because the victims are often innocent and still die, because this is the rule of this genre: people die in masses
if we do NOT look at it as a story with a moral lesson, we also get rid of the compulsion to judge, like, did they deserve or not to die?
I know that in the DFF fandom we often joke, more or less seriously, that we would like this one or that one to die, or for everyone to die, but this is completely normal behavior when consuming media in which someone gets hurt. In the case of DFF, emotions are high because we naturally stand on the side of someone who is bullied and we see how others, through their actions or omissions, or often making stupid mistakes, saying cruel words in anger, contributed to the great tragedy of the entire family. But what I noticed is that the series does not actually moralize. It emphasizes very clearly that Non is a victim, but he is not entirely innocent and has made many stupid decisions himself, having had other choices, while also showing why he makes such choices. It shows Por as a complete asshole, while showing his environment and expectations towards him, but it does not absolve him. It even shows Keng not as a typical sweaty, brutal pedo, but someone who is genuinely concerned about Non, AT THE SAME TIME showing the issue of his pressure on Non, the money, the grooming.
The series presents dry facts, shows characters from different sides, in different situations, it also shows how events move from point A to B and further along the letters of the alphabet :) all the time discovering new facts that explain more and more, sometimes posing a seemingly already explained situation in a completely new perspective.
Personally, I don't get the impression that the series even WANTS us to moralize in our high glass tower, because the series clearly shows that the innocent, defenseless and vulnerable suffer and no one helps them. That a stupid event can lead to tragedy with the butterfly effect. That sometimes things happen beyond our knowledge, that we are just a pawn in someone else's game and, despite our sincere intentions, we cannot stop the course of events. And that the poor have a hard time and lose entire families and their future, with the first fatality in the series being the only son and the future of the richest family.
Therefore, I am 99% sure that:
we do not know all the facts that can turn all our predictions, judgments and faith in what is happening on the screen 180 degrees
whatever happens to Tan, Phee and Jin, I doubt it will be presented as a punishment/reward for anything
Tan can kill them all and not be the winner, Phee can kill Tan and live with it for the rest of his life as a loser
there is no way for the series to end sensibly AND with "the victory of good over evil" and"justice", because evil has been winning all the time and every kick to Non's face, the death of his parents, Tan's "madness", the death of two young people, the trauma of the others were proof of that, also all the lives lost and their future in which change for good is possible
At the moment, I have nothing to complain about the 10 episodes so far, for me the series is run logically, and any question marks that appear in my head, I am calmly waiting for their answers in the next episodes. THERE IS HOWEVER ONE THING THAT WILL ANGRY ME ABOUT THE ENDING: IF THE SERIES MAKES TAN A CONVERTED SINNER WHO CHOOSES LOVE, PEACE AND FORGIVENESS AT THE LAST MOMENT 🤮 I don't even want to think about it. This is the worst thing that can happen.
Despite everything, I still believe that the series will not do something so stupid at the end, that from a painfully realistic story about life with hints of a thriller and a slasher, it will turn into a fairy tale with a moral lesson, in which good (the established social order) will be rewarded and evil (anarchy represented by Tan) will be punished.
I have my dream ending, but whatever, it's my fantasy 😍 But at least 3 BL series from recent weeks ended exactly NOT the way I wanted, so I'm resigned to the fact that DFF may also fail in this matter 🤡
tl;dr everything will be fine, and if it's not fine, we have a great team to sit together and bitch together 🥳
@italianpersonwithashippersheart I fucking love rant posts 😤😤 I LOVED YOURS 💖💖💖
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anishake · 8 months
Thoughts on IR fandom and its reputation
I am a veteran IR shipper who has loved and rooted for the pairing for years and the ending definitely isn't something I love. I did share my fair amount of disappointment here, tho never made it outright hate speech for obvious reasons - it's okay and I think every IR shipper has the right to be mad about the ending. No matter how much Kubo says he intended IH to be endgame from the start, the way he wrote IR, ship baited more than half of the fandom. We all know how big of a following our pairing had back in the days and many of us still prefer to ship it, because there is no rules about what one should ship. Anyways, on to the more pressing matters - shortly after the ending Kubo received a big amount of hate messages mostly from Japanese fans, many of them even going as far as wishing him death. I absolutely do not condone this fact as I'm sure all sane IR shippers do. However that event slighted our fandom to the point that most IH and anti-ir fans always use it against us, calling the fandom toxic and insensible. It's of course their problem that they can't tell apart a toxic fan apart regular shipper who just wants to continue liking IR in peace. It saddens me that today even defending ourselves has become problematic, because the rest of the fandom always manages to paint us as villains.
For me the obvious solution is total ignore of everyone that comes for IR shippers and IR because standing up just adds fuel to fire and a great concept that is IchiRuki pair deserves to be shipped in a toxic-free environment. Was that VA of Rukia out of line? Absolutely. Is it okay to reply and say vile things to her - no. Let's not give the antis more reasons to villainize us.
What's so amazing is that even after years IR fandom is still big, still makes great content and the haters are absolutely mad by it. Let our actions speak for ourselves, there's no need to answer hate with hate, even our existence makes them mad, so let us let them stay pressed.
Long live IchiRuki, the black sun and the white moon.
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liesmyth · 7 months
sorry for being too serious in the asks in response to a legitimately funny joke. But like I've been thinking about the Dios Apate... it can be considered to be a rape case, right? Because John so did not consent to his semen being stolen. It's just something that I am always thinking about when I'm thinking about rape and it's strange that no one seems to see it that way.. Am I tripping??? Or do people just not talk about it for other reasons?
Anon are you in my head! I was literally talking about the Ethics of Jizz Heist yesterday in my DMs, so this feels very timely.
I completely agree that the consent situation in the first Dios Apate threesome was iffy at best — in RL, it'd absolutely constitute sexual assault. But I'm just not interested in engaging with it as such, and I don't think the narrative expects us to.
That's partly because, as a Problematic Queers Enjoyer, consent issues in my ships are a feature, not a bug (To Me) and I'd rather engage with it on a "well that's spicy" level than dissect the ethics of consent.
The other reason is that neither the story nor the characters involved treat the (lack of) consent in Dios Apate as a big deal. John feels betrayed because his friends lied to him, but doesn't regard it as a sexual violation, and it's not presented in that way by the author. There are plenty of things in the series that are regarded by the characters as a given BUT are framed narratively in a way that's supposed to unsettle the reader (like, 14-year-olds joining the Cohort) but Gideon's conception isn't one of those. Pyrrha doesn't appear fazed at all that she'd been using her best friend's body to fuck Wake and he didn't know what was going on half of the time, either.
That said! I know there's a side of the fandom that's very keen on analysing the series and characters dynamics through lenses of sexual assault / abuse / grooming metaphors etc. — personally, it's not my speed because I don't think it's a major theme of the series, just because if it were meant to be interpreted as factual IMO the narrative would make a bigger deal of the noncon nature of Gideon's conception.
That said it's a theme I've had FUN considering for fic purposes or in a "here's a new angle to look at stuff" sort of way. But... yeah, I think it can be an oversight in the fandom that, when we consider many plot developments or character dynamics as veiled metaphors for sexual assault, often we actually leave out that there is ONE actual, factual, 100% non-metaphorical case of sexual assault in the book, and the victim is God.
(the first part of your ask is here! I couldn't get to both yesterday so I split it)
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lizzie-queenofmeigas · 3 months
My Opinions Of TVDU In 2024
(They really haven't changed all that much but I feel like sharing)
–I loveeee Delena. Yep, I love this ship with all my heart and I'm not afraid to say it.
–I loveee Damon, probably another problematic opinion but I don't care.
–I don't like Caroline. There, I said it. She is just the kind of person that would irritate the shit out of me. Honestly, until season 8 I couldn't handle her scenes.
–Bonenzo is the best. Loveee it. They deserved better and I personally want to stab Julie Plec for how they ended.
–Bonnie deserved better. This is an universal truth.
–I hate Tyler, but I recognise that he was right to hate Klaus and right to be mad at Caroline for sleeping with him. Revenge on Klaus was kind of dumb, but understandable. He was right to want him dead.
–Klaus is my beloved, always going to be and I'm not even sorry.
–Marcel is a Mikaelson!!! Marcel is Klaus's son and his treatment is another reason for me to feel murderous to the writers of the shows.
–I don't like Kol. Yeah, he was right in many things, but he came across as somehow self-righteous and believed himself better than his family. Like bro, you aren't.
–Finn deserved better. I honestly still wonder if Finn knew about Klaus's real father, 'cause if he did Klaus would have a valid reason to hate him. I am saying this because in The Originals season 2 episode 3 we have flashbacks of young Klaus and the necklace Esther gave him. If I remember correctly Finn was always in the background and even retrieved the necklace when Klaus lost it. Given that Finn remembered Freya and what happened to her, it wouldn't be far fetched to think he knew who Klaus's real father was and hid it as well. That being said, he is a victim of his parents as well and deserved better.
–I hate Elijah. He just gives me the wrong vibes.
–Marcel and Rebekah made sense and I ship it. The Mikaelson family is insane with their romantic relationships, so they just sort of clicked.
–Kol should have taken the cure instead of Rebekah. Bekah could just adopt, but what is going to happen with Kol when Davina dies? Nothing good. Plus, he loved being a witch.
–Hayley and Klaus and Klaus and Cami made way more sense than Haylijah and Klaroline. Honestly and throuple with Klaus and the two women who call him out on his shit the most would have been chef kiss. Hope deserved two moms.
–Every Klaus ship made more sense than Caroline. Bonnie? Bennett witch and he likes witches. Aurora? First female vampire (other than Bex) and met him when he wasn't as he is now. Elena? Has Tatia's face, and I think if Klaus just tried to befriend her and explain why he needed to break his curse she would've helped. Camille? Her mind, she clocked him the moment they met, not to mention the O'Connell legacy. Genevieve? Powerful Witch. Hayley? Baby mama, werewolf princess and hybrid, not to mention they are similar. Stefan? The ripper days gave off fruity vibes. Damon? I love their scenes together, they have a similar vibe to them. Rebekah? He is literally killing her boyfriends left and right. Elijah? The codependency is strong here, Elijah's girlfriends have a higher mortality rate than Rebekah's boyfriends. Katherine? Tatia's face, also they are similar. Greta? Their few interactions in season 2 pointed to a thing going on.
–Elena is overhated. Baby has the biggest survivor's guilt in the universe and still she soldiers on. I hate when people said she was less compassionate as a vampire, I honestly thought she was the same. Like, she controls her hunger to become a doctor. She is too good for this world.
–Enzo should have been introduced sooner, Bonnie and him should have gotten together sooner.
–They should have explored Damon's trauma with Augustine more, and the fact that he always disregards his emotions.
–Klaus wolf side should have been explored!!!
–Unpopular opinion, but not everything Katherine did was necessary for her to survive. She could have easily contented herself with one Salvatore brother, but she had to go after both.
–Davina and Klaus needed more scenes together. I mean, that's her adoptive grandpa!
–Lily was awful, Damon was in his rights to not forgive her.
–I liked Valerie, and I liked her with Stefan.
–They should have explained more about Klaus ability to have children, 'cause that was weird. I loved it, but weird.
–Alaric should have died and the twins should have been raised by someone else.
–Matt lived too long.
–Jeremy and Damon were kind of funny.
–Bamon was really great.
–They should have addressed the fact that growing up Damon was the only one there for Stefan. We saw that in the flashbacks but they should have said it more.
–Damon purpose in life was to live for those he loved. My take on him.
–Damon was pretty humanity-full vampire until after Augustine when he turned off his humanity. But, five years of torture in the hands of humans would do that to a guy.
–The witches opinion on vampires were ridiculous. This species has been around for over a millennium, they are pretty assimilated in the magic ecosystem. I think their extinction would actually do more damage than their existence.
–Mikael and Esther deserved more pain.
–I think Dahlia only tried to negotiate with Klaus not only because he was Hope's father but because he was the only one who wasn't Mikael's son.
–Vampire/Supernatural politics are actually so interesting.
–Lexi was too hyped. And I don't get what she had against Damon in the forties.
–Legacies doesn't exist.
That's all. For now.
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rookfeatherrambles · 3 months
So many ideas. Dumping them here for a pinned comment to keep track. When these have AO3 links, I'll list them here The Angel that Cries Ink (Jmart, Jonelias) Jon has been locked under the Magnus Institute for 200 years, waiting for one person. Martin Blackwood. IN PROGRESS)
Bound by Spider's Thread (Jmart, time travel, somewhat fix it, No sex, Annabelle asks Martin to kill a bitch for her in exchange for saving Jon's life somewhere else) WIP)
The Beast in your Heart (La bete dans coeur) Jonelias, Eventual jmart, Hunt!Jon, Kai!jon. Jon finds out about the watcher's crown ritual and chooses the nuclear option. To throw himself at another fear. He is subsequently transformed, and elias is not nice to jon when he finds out what he's done. Dead dove, very dark, very smutty WIP)
Chiaroscuro (Jmart, timsasha, Artist/Muse au. Jon is a infamous artist who paints the most captivating art but has remained out of the spotlight. A medical diagnosis makes him decide to retire, but he's going to do one final piece. Enter Martin, and Jon's inevitable falling in love with his final muse, no sex, ace jon (WIP
Under skies and sea (Vast Jon. No sjhip. Jon is becoming a sea bird. this is problematic for many reasons) WIP)
Sable Island AU (Jmart, Foggyskies, Jon is a low profile environmental researcher that takes a job on a remote island studying seabirds. He starts to become one, and chronicals his journey. Then Martin, the sun of Peter Lukas, one of two men that are wagering over Jon's life, crashes the supply boat onto the island. They reflect on life, and death (WIP
The Storm Singer : (Jmart, Jonpeter, Foggyskies) Jon is the last siren in the bay and he's sworn to destroy the man who ruined his life. Peter is the fisherman turned monster hunter that massacred Jon's people. He wants Jon dead because he killed his wife. Martin and Simon are also there and they are in love! (not with eachother) Sirens and Sailors! Smutty (WIP
The Lonely Bride: Jonpeter forced marriage. Martin refused to run away with jon in s4 and Peter offered him an alternative way out. Dark, exactly what it says on the tin. smutty (WIP
The Hunter's Stag (Jonpeter, fantasy au. Faerie au.) Jon is a magic white stag that was cursed by a faerie king, to run until he's caught and killed. Peter is the hunter that doesn't want to do that. They become friends. And then more. (WIP
Wintergreen AU: (noship. Jon is 8, has a boat, and is going to america. he gets caught in bad weather and picked up by the Tundra. Now there's a child on board his ship and Peter Lukas doesn't know what to do with him. Silly, lighthearted fun i guess. WIP)
I'm not your Protagonist (I'm not even my own): Jmart, Jonelias) Jon wakes up somewhere else and realizes he's not happy. He does his best to figure out why. (EVERYONE HAS TRAUMA AND GETS THERAPY FIC) WIP)
YEOMYTIM (Your eyes on mine, your Teeth in me _Jondaisy, WIP)
The Hearthwitch's Cat (Jmart, Fantasy) Jon is a powerful arch mage that learns a terrible secret and for his safety, becomes a cat. Martin is the hearthwitch he chooses to adopt as his owner. Fluffy, romance, silly fantasy shenanigans (WIP
The red strings of fate (Can go fuck themselves) Jonelias, eugenics au) Jon is someone who never ever wanted to have a partner, but the system matches him to some bastard name Elias Bouchard. Jon's only way out of having children (legally) is to be a holy terror of a wife. Shenanigans ensue. Smutty, fluffy, light hearted i guess. Elias is not evil and Jon is ace spec WIP)
Non TMA stuff:
Dawn of Shadows (Wip, fantasy)
Everyone loves Fucked Up Houses :) (wip, horror)
That weird creepypasta thing, (wip, horror romance)
A real War (wip, Everymanhybrid)
Mabel vs the Grim Reaper (wip, Gravity Falls)
Grimoire Falls (horror fantasy, gravity falls au)
If I think of more of these, I will add them!
ALSO IF YOU ARE CURIOUS, SEND ME AN ASK ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT! Seriously yell at me about my ideas please im desperate :))
EDITED 3/29/24
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