#this is literally a stranger making me mad with a sentence
xskyll · 3 months
I just need to vent. Someone made a podfic of one of my fics a short while back. Yesterday, they told me they were monetizing their channel and asked permission to put ads on their podfic of my story. I'm very glad they asked permission, so I could say no, but all the same, I can't help but feel so angry. I would never go to someone and say, "Hey, do you mind if I make money reading aloud your story that you spent months and months slaving over, while you don't make a single cent? Do you mind if I throw ads on this thing you poured your soul into, turning your love letter to fandom into another cog in the capitalist money machine?" I just imagine someone listening to my description of Shouto fighting Bakugou and listening to him bare his soul about his toxic behaviors—I scene I tried to craft with such care—and just before Izuku kisses Shouto's black eye, an ad for a Kia plays.
Part of me is wondering if I'm overacting—I know some people would say, 'it's just fanfiction, calm down'—but a larger part of me is like, "The absolute gall! YOU making money using MY heart???"
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tommydarlings · 11 months
Little Love Letters | c.s
pairing: dark!neighbour!mean!dom!carlos x sub!reader
warnings: psychotic behaviour, obsessive behaviour, possessive behaviour, pure manipulation, inappropriate usage of ropes, usage of a knife, smut, cnc, dacryphilia, forced blowjob, gagging, brief mentions of killing somebody, brief mentions of stalking
w/c: 3.1k
summary: After receiving multiple creepy letters by an unknown stranger, you scarily run into the arms of your sweet, spanish neighbour carlos — sadly, you ran into the worst embrace you could have possibly ran into.
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Feeling lonely in your 20's is probably something a lot of people feel. The problem is, that literally all of your friends — who are the same age as you — are most definitely not lonely, they are either in a relationship or already married, one of your old Highschool friends just recently gave birth to her little babygirl.
And you are not even able to remember the last time when you talked to a man that wasn’t your gay best friend or your neighbour carlos.
Carlos, the kind Spaniard next door was very sweet and also quite attractive in your opinion, but you still never really felt the specific spark between the two of you when you crossed paths and talked for a bit.
But even though you had no partner and only a few friends that you barely saw since you’ve moved, you didn’t feel that alone.
Especially not since some unknown stranger — or maybe even 'secret admirer' sent you letters, every. single. day.
At first, you thought that it was a joke and ignored it, but after you’ve received the fourth letter, you knew that this was not a joke, this was serious.
Of course it scared and confused you, since nobody expect for your three friends know your new address, but at the same time, it wasn’t that bad.
Sometimes, this mysterious stranger filled the letter with sentences like,
“Each time i see you, you only get prettier.”
“You are the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen, my love, ever.”
“I wish I could kiss you right now beautiful, wish I could feel your lips on mine.”
But sometimes they brought tears out of pure fear into your eyes,
“One day I will get you into my hands and I will never let you go, I promise you that y/n.”
“You will be mine, if you like it or not my darling, you will be mine.”
“I would kill for you, I would do absolutely anything for you y/n, anything you want me to.”
You gulped as you read those words, sometimes even wiping some tears away since some of his letters were filled with dark and psychotic sentences like that.
And since you were so scared — and also since it got everyday only worse and worse — you ran to the only person that you knew in this new town, your neighbour Carlos.
When you knocked in his door on a cold night at around 9 p.m., Carlos looked at you like you were crazy since you were only in a lose pair of jogger and a thin tanktop, making him quickly step aside and lead you into his cozy and especially warm home.
“Cariño, what are you doing here, don’t you have a jacket or a coat? C'mere,” he told you, placing his hand onto your back and leading you into his house, “It’s so cold outside, you’ll probably catch a cold y/n.”
But you only shook your head before you sat down onto the big couch in his living room, biting your lip before he got on his knees in front of you, being almost at eye level with you now.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Carlos quickly raised his brows before he scanned your body with his eyes, rough palms reaching out to grab your hands, turning your arms around and glancing at your unharmed skin.
You sighed before you pulled your arms away from his touch, briefly making him gulp. And if you haven’t lost your mind already, you could have sworn that you’ve noticed that he looked rather mad at you for a quick second as you basically threw his hands away, but you were probably just seeing things by now.
After letting out a long sigh, you shook your head, “N-No, I’m not hurt, don’t worry Carlos,” you spoke up, making him release a long breath, “I guess I’m just a bit…scared,” you admitted as you felt tears building up in your eyes, quickly trying to blink then away as the Spaniard furrowed his brows,
“Scared? Of what?” He asked you, lightly stroking your legs with his big palms now, listening to your voice explaining everything to him,
“It’s just, there are those extremely weird and scary letters that I’ve been receiving for a while now-”
Carlos immediately interrupted you, “For a while? Cariño, for how long? Why have you never told me,” he asked you in a strong Spanish accent.
“About a month now-”
“A month?” The Spaniard raised his brows, caressing your legs, “You should have told me y/n.”
You gulped before you shook your head and muttered a quick 'it's nothing' before you went on,
“Of course I felt a bit…watched as I got the first letter but the letter was actually filled with…really nice and sweet words, so I just smiled before I threw him away,” you continued your story, swallowing down some tears while you felt Carlos squeezing your knees almost like he was mad about the fact that you threw them away,
“But after some while the letters got…worse.”
Carlos tilted his head to the side, shaking his head before he spoke up with furrowed brows, “What do you mean when you say worse?” He asked you, thumb caressing your cold skin now,
You cleared your throat, “Well, they got creepier, sometimes this unknown stranger wrote things like, 'I would kill for you' or 'I am the only one you’ll need for the rest of your life,” you told him before you sniffled, quickly wiping a single tear away, making Carlos change his almost too serious facial expression in a matter of a second.
“Oh no, cariño,” he immediately spoke up as he noticed your wet eyes. Carlos raised one of his hands and wiped your tear away, cupping your cold cheek with his big, warm hand afterwards.
“Don’t cry, I know that all of this is very scary for you,” he mumbled reassuringly, “If you don’t feel save enough in your house, you can stay at my place tonight,” he suggested as you looked down at him, “I will keep you save, I promise,” Carlos told you with a sweet smile, making you laugh into his palm.
Carlos briefly laughed along before he stood up, towering over your sitting figure now, hand brushing your hair out of your face now,
“I will always keep you save, mi cariño,” he told you with more of a serious tone, only a tiny smile covering his lips now, making you quickly furrow your brows before you smiled up at him,
“Thank you, Carlos.”
“Oh,” he chuckled before he made his way to the kitchen, “No need to thank me.”
You wiped some more tears away before you stood up, Carlos standing in front of you now with two glasses filled with probably very expensive red wine, making you gasp.
“Only one glas, cariño, c'mon,” he smiled at you, basically pressing the glass filled with the alcoholic beverage already in your hand without giving you a chance to say anything.
You chuckled and flashed him a wide smile before you mumbled a quick 'okay', both of you saying a quiet 'cheers' before you emptied your glasses, Carlos closely watching you while you just enjoyed the wine.
“Wow,” you spoke up as you handed him the glass, “That was a really good one, not gonna lie…definitely needed that one,” he laughed at your statement, cleaning the glasses while you just stood in the big kitchen, slowly blinking your eyes.
Carlos turned his head and looked back at your slightly stumbling figure. And if you weren’t hallucinating, you could have sworn that you saw him smirking at you.
You gulped before you released a deep breath, smiling in his direction, or at least you tried to smile in his direction, “That w-was a s-strong one,” you chuckled before you heard Carlos chuckling as well, making you furrow your brows as you felt like the entire room was spinning around you, groaning as you squeezed your eyes shut.
“Oh really?” He asked you, honestly, you were very surprised that you were even still able to understand him.
You swallowed before you touched your head, desperately trying to stop the spinning, “Y-Yeah, a very, very s-strong one, c-carlos,” you whined out, gulping a second time.
you blinked another time, and another time — and this time, your helping neighbour stood right in front of you.
“C-Carlos, I don’t feel,” you breathed out as you felt like you were on the brink of fainting, “so g-good,” you finished your sentence, quickly falling straight into the arms of the Spaniard, passing out in his warm embrace.
Carlos sighed after he caught you, “Each time I see you, you really do get prettier mi cariño.”
- - -
Waking up with a headache, with the feeling of a bit of dizziness and ropes around your wrists and ankles, was definitely something new for you.
Desperately, you tried to get free by tugging on the ropes that are attached to the wooden bedposts but no matter how hard you tugged on them, I didn’t work, there was no chance for you to escape any of this.
“Oh, you’re awake,” Carlos suddenly spoke up, making you lift your head and look with wide eyes at your Spanish neighbour. You gulped before you spook up with a trembling voice,
“C-Carlos,” you nervously breathed out, furrowing your brows as he stood next to your tied up figure, fingertips now gently running up and down your bare leg since he only left you in your underwear. “W-What is g-going on?” You asked him as you felt his hand creeping closer to your barely covered pussy.
Carlos only grinned down at you before he answered your question, “Let’s play a little guessing game, alright?” He tilted his head to the side, waiting for your answer.
Suddenly, Carlos pulled a little but sharp pocket knife out of his pocket, opening it, clearly wanting to make sure that you know how serious he is about his 'little guessing game', so you quickly nodded your head.
“Good,” he replied before he went on, “Do you think that… a man, send you those letters?” He asked you curiously, making you slowly nod, “okay,” he nodded along your silence answer, “Do you think that the man that send you those letters, knows you? I mean, like, has seen you before in person?”
You gulped before you nodded again, briefly squeezing your eyes shut as his big fingers started to circle your clit,
“Do you think that you know him?” Carlos asked you, briefly focusing his gaze onto his moving fingers now before he looked back at you.
You nodded again as tears build up in your eyes, hands tightly gripping the ropes as you felt like you were getting close to your release.
He nodded along again, “okay,” he quietly muttered, “Listen, I’ll give one last hint, alright?” Carlos asked you, making you quickly nod again,
“He said that if he gets you in his hands one day, he will never let you go, he promised you that,” he told you with a wicked smile on his lips right before you widened your eyes, tears gliding down your heated cheeks as he made you come through your panties with the tip of his fingers.
You wildly trashed around as you gasped and choked on your cries, sniffling and whining while Carlos slowed his movements down, eyes still looking at your face. He groaned,
“Just like that, mi cariño, that’s my good girl,” he whispered before he asked you, “Who do you think wrote those letters now?”
You gulped with fresh tears in your eyes as you looked up at him, squeezing your eyes shut as the realisation came over you, “Y-You did.”
He nodded, “That’s right, smart girl,” he quietly replied with a smile as his fingers left your pussy, gliding down to you ankles now,
“Since you were so smart and won the little game, I’ll get you out of those ropes now, okay?” He raised his brows as he lowered the little knife towards your ankle.
You barely had enough time to nod before he already removed the ropes around your ankles, quickly freeing your hands as well, giving you the ability to slowly sit up and look at him,
“What do we say? Thought you were so smart, baby.”
You gulped with tears in your eyes, “T-Thank you,” you slowly and softly replied, making him proudly smile down at you,
“No problem,” he replied with a nod of his head.
Then, Carlos stepped away from the bed, taking a few steps backwards until his back almost hit the door, making you furrow your brows before you wiped some of your tears away, focusing your gaze on his movements.
Carlos wiggled his pointer and middle finger in his direction, “C'mere,” he demanded in a quiet but stern tone, making you gulp before you stood up as well and slowly took cautious steps in his direction.
As soon as you were right in front of your fucked up neighbour, Carlos raised his head, clearly showing you that he’s visibly taller than you, making you feel unbelievably small in front of his broad figure.
“Get on your knees.”
You opened your mouth as you raised your head and looked up at the Spaniard, biting your lip as new tears made their way into your already wet eyes, “Oh no, no, no, mi cariño,” Carlos suddenly spoke up in a way softer tone as he cupped your cheeks, wiping some of the tears with the pad of his thumb away, “Está bien, solo ponte de rodillas por mí.” It’s okay, just get on your knees for me.
Without saying or doing anything else, you lowered yourself onto your knees since you were genuinely scared of him at the moment, knowing he could do anything he wants to you.
“Fuck,” Carlos mumbled under his breath, slowly running his finger through your hair, “Such a pretty sight, mi cariño,” he whispered in a deep tone while his other hand slowly unbuckled his belt, quickly freeing his very obvious erection.
You blinked some tears away since it all got so blurry by now, gulping again as he put the tip of his big cock in front of your still closed mouth.
“You know what to do, c'mon.”
Sniffling one last time, you opened your mouth, letting him shove himself into your mouth, hearing him groan and moan as he shoved himself so far into your mouth until he hit the back of your throat, making you gag around him.
“C'mon,” Carlos whined a bit, faking a pathetic pout as you just focused yourself on breathing through your nose, “J-Just like that, f-fuck yes,” he groaned as you squeezed your eyes shut and took him as far as you possibly could, briefly making him smile down at you.
“Buena chica.” Good girl.
You whined around his big, wide dick, fingers squeezing his navy blue slacks as fresh tears blurred your vision again as you looked up at him while he forced himself down your throat.
Your neighbour groaned as he caught your gaze, briefly chuckling under his breath as he noticed your smudged mascara under your eyes. Suddenly, he quickly removed himself from you, having a tight grip on your head by the roots of your hair, “Apologise,” he demanded in a deep tone, making you furrow your brows as you sniffled.
“W-What?” You spoke up in a quite and unsure tone, “For what, c-carlos?”
Carlos threw his head back before he growled, harshly grabbing your head and forcing your face towards his erection again, mercilessly shoving his cock into your mouth and down your throat, making you gag again.
But he only forced himself for a split seconds down your throat, then he pulled out again and forced you to look up at him, “Apologise,” he harshly repeated but you were still confused.
You whined, “F-For wh-” but before you were able to finish your sentence, Carlos forced his cock down your throat again, holding your head in that exact position for a few seconds before he let you go and pulled away again, groaning as he did so while you only whined and sniffled, quickly wiping some of your tears away.
His next move suprised you a bit, Carlos slowly bended down so he was eye level with you and wiped your tears away, pouting a bit and actually looking sad and sorry, “Do you really don't know what I mean?” He asked you in a rather kind tone, quickly making you shake your head as he wiped new tears away, stroking your cheeks afterwards.
He slowly nodded, “okay mi cariño, I’ll give you a hint again, alright?” He tilted his head to the side before you nodded your head, “o-okay.”
“What did you do with the first letters after you’ve read them?” Carlos asked you in a deep but kind tone, making you bit your lip as you through about what you’ve done after you’ve opened them and read them — and then it made click.
“I-I threw them a-away,” you slowly answered as soon as Carlos rose to his feet again, sternly looking down at you now, “exactly,” he nodded.
You gulped before you squeezed your eyes shut and quickly spoke up, smiling a tiny bit to make it seem more believable, “I am s-so sorry, c-carlos,” you wildly claimed, “I regret t-throwing them a-away! I swear t-that as soon as I-I'm home, I’m g-gonna get them o-out of the trash b-bin and f-frame them in my b-bedroom, I promise!”
Carlos only furrowed his brows and confusingly tilted his head to the side, “As soon as you're home? Mi cariño, you are at home! And don’t worry baby, I’m gonna go over to your house then and get them out of the trash bin for you and frame them myself,” he proudly told you, “and then we can hang them up! Either in the living room or the bedroom, wherever you want pretty girl,” carlos stated with a small smile as you gulped before you slowly nodded,
“O-Okay,” you answered before Carlos spoke up again, “Does that sound good for you, baby?”
You quickly nodded, “Y-Yes carlos,” you said, “sounds g-great.”
He stroked your cheek, briefly bending down to kiss the top of your head, “Perfect, I love you,” he claimed with a happy smile.
You looked up at him, briefly furrowing your brows before you replied, “I l-love you t-too.” You mumbled as you leaned into the touch of his palm with salty tears in your eyes.
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1d1195 · 1 month
Ding - Round 3
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Read Ding here | ~6.5k words
Warnings: scummy man appearance, angst involving the frustration/grief/sadness of the last part regarding her shitty experience with said scummy man, fluff
Summary: Harry wants to know what happened to Cupcake. She really isn't sure she wants to tell him. Until she has to.
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Harry was mad.
Fuming. He had thought about nothing else but seeing her for the last two months and now that he had seen her, he was pissed to see her at his self-defense class. He asked her the same question about ten times throughout the instruction. He was furious and irritated that everyone else needed his help (even though it was literally what he was being paid for) when all he wanted was to talk to her.
He was all for helping women feel empowered. But he was mad she needed it. He knew she was feisty. The fact that she was there said a lot in its own right. The way she bantered with him until three in the morning texting him the other night made him smile more than he could describe. It was flirty and sweet. But always had him guessing if she would suddenly stop messaging for one reason or another.
Someone like her needed someone—maybe even someone like Harry—to make sure nothing bad ever happened to her. And he knew. He knew why women went to self-defense classes. He had been teaching these classes since before he owned his own gym.
He knew.
"Why are y’here, Cupcake?" He asked gruffly. The other women nearby were all but forgotten. One was mid-sentence, asking to clarify something Louis had said. Harry was practically rude to just ignore her question in favor of his own.
“Umm... for self-defense,” she muttered trying to focus on Louis’ answer.
Harry didn’t want her banter right now. (As cute as it was to him, despite his irritation.) “Right. But usually everyone has a story that... convinces themselves t’sign up. So what’s your story?” He repeated.
He watched the way her cheeks warmed at his assessment, and she folded her arms protectively in front of her. Guarding herself. “That’s kind of personal, Harry.”
Once Harry’s anger took hold, it was hard to backtrack. “Listen,” he shook his head. The annoyance that clouded his eyes and covered his face was so obvious, she felt the slightest bit bad about interrupting his lesson with her own issues. “M’not good at this kind of thing, Cupcake. Being subtle. I punch people for a minimal living and work the rest of m’time here, teaching people how t’punch.”
Part of her wanted to break down and tell him. Because as much as she was willing to do this on her own, she was so scared. That nervousness made her feel even weaker, and she wanted to tell Harry, she realized. She wanted someone to know and to help her because this wasn’t something she wanted to deal with on her own—it was too much.
But she couldn’t do it right in the middle of a self-defense lesson, surrounded by strangers. “I’m here to learn how to punch,” her voice was even and final.
His nostrils flared and he stalked back to the front of the room, a trail of anger coming off him as he did. He wasn’t going to get anywhere with her.
The remainder of the lesson went by without incident on Harry’s part. He watched her the entire time. The way she flinched when they practiced moves made him nauseous. But he couldn’t help but notice how good her stances were. Almost natural. “Hey, love,” Louis smiled at her kindly as he geared up to practice more tactile moves. “You liked his match so much you wanted to try on your own?” He asked.
She smiled, but it didn’t fully reach her eyes. “Something like that.”
“It’s good skills to have,” he assured her gently, because even though Harry’s infatuation annoyed him at the time, he knew Harry liked her. A lot. Knew just as well as Harry did why women signed up for a self-defense class. “You have a very natural stance,” he noted. “We should get you in the ring,” he winked at her.
She laughed lightly. “I don’t even know how to make a fist,” she snorted.
Louis chuckled giving her a gentle shoulder squeeze and moved onto the next person.
Harry moved in front of her next and he looked at her footing. Aligned near perfectly and practiced as if she had been doing it her whole life. He was still steaming with anger. It rolled off him and demanded to be felt—and she felt every bit of it. “S’like you’ve done this before,” he muttered.
“I haven’t,” she answered. “I’m just good at following directions. Like a recipe, you know?”
He was staring at her feet and trailed up to her hand where he carefully took hold of her delicate fingers. Instantly, it felt like her whole arm was made of jelly. Her heart took off about the speed of an airplane and she was lucky she could hear anything over the sound of it. Harry touching her skin made her feel faint. Carefully, he bent her fingers and tucked her thumb below the flat of her knuckles. It felt so intimate it seemed wrong to be doing this in a class put on for the public. Holding her wrist, he brought her fist to his cheek and tapped it against his skin a few times. “Like that,” he murmured.
She wanted to be cute and smile. Say something like, I’ll keep that in mind for strangers in dark parking lots when I ding their car. But instead, she was overcome with gratitude for the knowledge and a bit of awe. She was speechless without meaning to be. He released her wrist, and she wanted nothing more than to grab his hand again and never let go. “Thank you,” she whispered. He nodded sullenly.
Harry felt defeated—something he didn’t enjoy at all. Rarely did he feel it, but he wished he felt defeated after a match more so than he did right then. All he could do was walk away from her and finish the lesson without chatting with her again.
In hindsight, confronting her in the middle of a self-defense lesson wasn’t his wisest choice. The following morning, he had a renewed spirit and was once more determined to chat with her and figure out what made her join a self-defense class.
What he hadn’t anticipated was how stubborn she could be. He should have known but he was willing to dig his heels in as long as she was. Harry went to the bakery morning, noon, and night—literally—trying to figure out her schedule. “Again?” The girl behind the counter asked suspiciously when they returned at four in the afternoon on the third day of waiting. She had been there all day and hadn’t said anything up until their third arrival.
Niall shook his head and sighed. “Sorry, darling. He’s being super creepy, yeah?” Niall elbowed him with irritation. They sat at a table as they had the last few days. They didn’t stay long, only fifteen minutes to half an hour. (And they only stayed half an hour once because Niall had to get one of the cronuts that he had been pining for since he saw them.)
Harry was looking at their text message thread. The last message was from him. Are you working now? C’mon, Cupcake, you’re killing me here :(
It went unanswered since yesterday afternoon.
“He’s trying to talk to Miss Cupcake,” Niall rolled his eyes. He missed the back and forth between the girl behind the counter. “But I think he’s being a bit ridiculous.”
“Oh, were you her bad date?” She frowned.
Harry was still looking at his phone, checking his schedules, and making sure he didn’t miss anything in his email or messages from his mum or sister. But the moment the girl behind the counter spoke, his head snapped up to meet her gaze.
“What bad date?” He asked, his voice low, menacing.
The girl behind the counter blanched. Feeling bad she revealed something she obviously wasn’t supposed to and quite honestly, if he was her bad date, that was a horrible thing to announce. It was a reflex. “I don’t know, actually,” she tried to backtrack. “I don’t know why I said that out loud.”
“We won’t tell, darling,” Niall assured her. “Do you know when Miss Cupcake works, it would save Harry—and you—a lot of trouble.”
“OH!” She shook her head and went around to the front of the counter. Her eyes widened. “You’re Harry. Context clues, I didn’t recognize you without gloves,” she smiled excitedly. “Thank goodness, I almost closed this place down.”
Harry turned to the girl again feeling a warmth pass over him at the idea that she talked about him to her friend. “Oh brother, so she does like Harry?” Niall grumbled.
“I’m Maeve,” she announced.
“Maeve,” Harry stood up and held his hand out to her. “Nice to meet you.”
“You have a very cute niece.”
Now Harry really couldn’t help but smile because that little girl was practically his own pride and joy. And she was very cute. Plus, it meant she really was talking about Harry to her friend and that had to mean something. “Thank you, she’s perfect,” he agreed. But then he refocused on why he was haunting the bakery. “Does she not work during the day?”
“She pops in,” Maeve shrugged and fiddled with the cupcake display. He noted there was a raspberry filled one on the top tier. He recognized that cake and frosting pair anywhere. “But she’s been mostly coming in after close,” she admitted. “She’s been a little...stingy with details about everything. She gets like this sometimes. Compartmentalizes things so she can deal with it when she needs to,” Maeve bit her lip. “She’s visiting her dad right now.”
Harry realized there was very little he really knew about her. Most of their chatting had surrounded the bakery, boxing, and Harry’s niece. There was a little bit of information about their education and some books and hobbies they liked. But there wasn’t a huge depth of knowledge of her family.
“Oh,” Harry felt defeated again. “Uh... I guess we’ll go then,” he mumbled. “Try later.”
Maeve sighed. “She really likes you, Harry. Really,” she promised with a sad smile. “She’s just...a little stubborn and careful with her heart.”
Harry nodded. “Got it,” he could handle that.
She parked as close as she could to the bakery in the parking lot. Thinking about all the steps and stances that Louis and Harry had told her during her class. She took a deep breath and opened her car door. As she went to the back of her car to grab supplies from her trunk, she noticed a plethora of other cars parked in the lot—most people were probably at the restaurant near the waterfront. But there was no way she could miss the car she had accidentally dinged with her door just a few spaces down and across the row from her.
Once more, her gaze met the intense green gaze in the driver’s seat. She sighed knowing there was no escaping this talk anymore. Harry put a bookmark in the novel he was reading while waiting and set it on the passenger seat beside him. He locked his car and hurried to her side, taking the heavy bags of flour and sugar she bought to tide her over until the delivery came to the bakery in the morning. He didn’t speak to her as they walked to the storefront. She was overwhelmingly aware, once more, how safe she felt with Harry beside her in the nearly deserted parking lot. She unlocked the front and held the door open for Harry to enter. “Were you waiting long?” She asked.
He shrugged, putting the supplies on his now regular table while she fiddled with the display case and cupcake display once more. The raspberry one was missing from the top and she went behind the counter to get another. Harry closed the door and locked it, so she was safe inside. It was dark, the only light was a low soft glow coming from the case of treats. It had the glow of a candle, and he wondered if there was a way to keep it that way during the day because it was so warm it made him want one of everything that was in the display. “Yes,” he nodded. “S’okay.”
That felt worse. If he was willing to admit it, it meant he was there a while.
“I’m sorry,” her cheeks felt warm. “I should have just told you when I was working,” she was willing to admit when she was wrong. Harry watched in fascination as she placed the raspberry filled cupcake on top. He wondered if it had always been the one she put on top. He would have imagined the chocolate ganache one was a fan favorite, or the vanilla sprinkles one with the little toothpick and label of A Pinch of Sprinkles on it.
He shrugged again, nearly indifferent. “S’okay,” he repeated. “Read most of my book.”
“Is it a good read?” She asked and grabbed the bag of flour Harry had settled on the table and started for the back. He grabbed the bag of sugar and followed behind her.
He nodded. “Yeah...it’s,” he sighed. “S’a little darker than I expected,” he shrugged. “Was hoping for something lighter.”
“I only read rom-coms in book form,” she smiled. “It’s very light reading, but probably not what you want.”
“Rom-coms?” He repeated. She nodded. “Y’don’t strike me as a rom-com kind of girl.”
“Y’seem more like a film noir or suspense.”
“I’ve had enough suspense for a while,” she muttered and turned to her ovens to preheat. Harry placed the sugar beside the flour bag and sat in the same chair he sat in when he fell asleep a couple months prior. He watched her in the same way he had before as she flittered around the kitchen, humming to herself as she worked. “How’s the baby?” She asked.
They were ignoring the elephant in the room, it seemed. But it was the first time he’d seen her since the self-defense lesson. In between his visits to the bakery (his stalking grounds, as Niall was calling it) he had been splitting his time between training, teaching, and ensuring Driven, his gym, was working as expected. He had to call an electrician because the lights in the men’s bathroom kept going out despite the fact, he had already replaced the circuit and lightbulbs a handful of times. But he had gone to see Gemma and his niece two days prior to get his fix of the sweet little girl who made him feel so much better about all the frustration he felt about his favorite Cupcake.
He couldn’t help but smile. “Perfect.”
She grinned back and nodded. “Good, and your sister?”
“Good, thanks for asking,” he thought that was polite of her—he always noticed when people asked about his sister. It wasn’t often. Once the baby was there, it was like they forgot about the mum.
“Does your mom live nearby?” She asked.
“Yeah, especially with the baby. Mum sold her house the moment she found out Gem was pregnant.”
She laughed. “That’s sweet. You’re all close?”
“Yes,” he nodded. “Mum’s m’hero,” his voice was filled with admiration so thick it made her feel wobbly on her feet. She wished she had that kind of admiration for her mother. “How ‘bout you? Maeve said y’were visiting your dad? He lives nearby?”
She nodded, guarded. “I feel the way about my dad, the way you feel about your mom,” she explained. There was a pause in conversation that seemed to stretch farther than it needed to. Maybe he was trying to get her to break first. Perhaps she did. “You talked to Maeve?”
He looked at her, tapping his fingers lightly on the table. “Didn’t leave me many options, Cupcake,” he reminded her.
She swallowed thickly, nodded. “That’s fair,” she whispered. “I’m sorry.”
“Can you please tell me?”
She shook her head. Harry felt so agitated, so defeated. “Not yet,” the bit of hope creeped back in. “I don’t want to talk about it,” she admitted, her voice cracking slightly. She swallowed the lump of emotion in her throat and turned away from him. “Sorry,” she sniffled. His heart broke. Quickly, he realized it wasn’t her wanting to hide it from him. It was painful to watch that frustration fall on her face.
“Oh, kitten,” he frowned. He stood quickly and made it to her side. He put a hand on her shoulder comfortingly not wanting to touch more than she wanted or needed in that moment. His imagination could only guess what went wrong on her date and it was painful to think about for him. He wanted to comfort her, but it had to be at her pace.
At once she melted into his touch. She turned quickly, almost reflexively into his embrace. Her face pressed against his shoulder, her arms wrapped up around his back, and she inhaled shakily. It felt awful to see her sad, feel the anxiety coming off her in waves. But Harry was grateful to hold her so close to him. “M’here, Cupcake,” he promised. She squeezed her eyes shut tighter, nodded against him.
Harry could live with ‘not yet.’ For now.
Over the next week, they went back to texting throughout the day and chatting well beyond bedtime on the nights she wasn’t at the bakery. Additionally, Harry walked beside her from her car to the bakery when she arrived and back through the dark parking lot. Not once did he ask her what went wrong with her date even though it was killing him. She wasn’t budging. She knew Harry was waiting for more details, but she couldn’t. It hurt and she didn’t want to think about it—even if she actually did want to tell him. It was overwhelmingly kind that Harry appeared beside her car—especially at night.
“I’m still really sorry about Clay,” she frowned. Harry didn’t park far away from her like he did the other night. But she was very mindful of her opening the door and not bumping into his car.
“S’okay,” he smiled and rubbed his fingers on the little indent. “Reminds me of you,” he winked at her.
Her heart fluttered and she looked away briefly before smiling back at him. “Like you need more reminders of me,” she murmured.
“Can never have enough, Cupcake,” he assured her. “Can I kiss y’goodnight?” He asked on the third night he walked her though the dark parking lot. Her heart literally skipped a beat. Speechless. He tapped his cheek. “Jus’ the cheek, kitten. Need a proper date before I really kiss you,” he acknowledged and smiled shyly at her. That boyish grin that made her weak in the knees. Breathlessly she nodded. His lips swept across her cheek. It was brief and soft. Like a piece of her hair had brushed over her face and tickled her skin. “Thank you,” he grinned. “Been dying t’do that,” he admitted and once more tucked her safely in her car.
Harry mentioned it only twice more. He never pressed or demanded she reveal the facts of her bad date. It was more of—what he hoped was—a gentle reminder. He was waiting for more information. All he wanted was to assuage her worries and fears. She attended the second class for her self-defense lessons (dropping off a box of blueberry scones at the front desk had everyone in the class asking if they could go after the lesson to pick out their own sweet treats). Harry continued to boil with anger just thinking about her using the moves he and Louis taught her. But it was obvious he was much less angry than the previous week. More so, his anger didn’t extend to her. He was mad, but he understood her choice to keep it to herself.
Louis was going over demonstrations using Harry as the attacker. Everyone watched with rapt attention. “Your goal is to get away,” it was repeated about a hundred times and Harry had the hardest time watching her every time it was repeated. Each time it was said, she flinched. He wasn’t sure she knew it or not—it was a reflex. But she did get away. It terrified her still.
Harry couldn’t help but notice she wasn’t pushing him away. Every night, she thanked him profusely for coming to the bakery and walking her to and from the car. She could see his anger growing beneath the surface. He wanted to know. She was trying so hard to brush it off. It wasn’t a big deal. Now she had two classes under her belt, and she promised herself she would never be in such a vulnerable position again.
“Can I watch you at work?” She asked randomly. It was a morning shift this time. She was covered in flour, and she had frosting streaked in her hair leftover from when she put it up after icing four dozen cupcakes. Harry didn’t think she could look cuter if she tried.
“Watch me?” He repeated.
“Not this again,” she smirked.
He chuckled. “Y’want to watch me train?” He repeated anyway.
She shrugged. “You always watch me bake and stuff.”
“You’ve attended the class, Cupcake. S’pretty much the same thing,” he reminded her.
He noted her cheeks turned pink. “Um...if you don’t want me to hang around then—”
Harry nearly gasped. “Oh, no. No way, kitten. I want y’around. I promise,” he assured her. “Jus’ don’t want you t’be bored.”
“I won’t be,” she shook her head.
That was how she ended up sitting beside the ring, Louis padded and guarded while Harry punched and punched and punched for over an hour. His breath was heaving, and his body was slick with sweat. She watched intently examining his form and his moves like she would one day repeat them.
When he came for water at the end of his training session, he was heavy breathing and smiling at her. He struggled to get the towel he had from his bag beside her with his gloves on. “Bored?” He asked.
“Not even a little,” she assured him, grabbing the little towel and swiping it across his forehead. It felt intimate and made Harry feel warm all throughout his body. “Can I try?” She asked with an impish smile.
He chuckled and nodded. “Come on,” he held the ropes open for her to enter the ring. She wasn’t wearing the right shoes or equipment. Louis rolled his eyes discreetly at Harry and held the pads out for her to hit. “Make the fist I showed you,” she did for both hands. “S’all the balance in your legs,” he promised. “No balance, no punch, no follow-through. Punch through the pad,” he explained and guided her hand to the pad slowly so she could see how it would look and feel to go through it.
“Pretend it’s Harry,” Louis suggested. “That’s what I do.”
She giggled. “I don’t think I could throw a punch if I thought it was Harry,” she admitted and gave her best attempt. It was honestly exhausting. She only threw a dozen or so punches and was breathless as she answered Louis.
“You’ll get there,” he assured her.
Harry scowled at him. “Take the pads off.”
“No, you lunatic.”
She giggled, thanked Louis, and twisted herself out of the ring again. “That was fun,” she told him. “I can see why you like it. Plus, you’re really good at it.”
Harry was staring at her, the way that sent all the butterflies in the world directly to her stomach and began to flutter as if they were trying to escape. His gaze was firm but gentle, his eyes almost glowing somehow as he looked her over. “Please tell me, Cupcake. I want t’help,” his voice was quiet, begging ever so gently.
She looked at the floor, their shoes were nearly toe-to-toe. “I can’t,” she whispered back.
He nodded, defeat did not come easy to him, and she knew that. “I have t’shower, do some office stuff. Get ready for some lessons and classes,” he told her, his voice the slightest bit disappointed.
“Want me to watch you in the shower too?” She asked hoping to alleviate the mood. It worked, his smile returned to his pretty lips, and he chuckled.
“Hell yes, Cupcake,” he shook his head at her cuteness. “Maybe next time. Not here,” he winked.
Even though it was her that was forward it still made her blush. Plus, joke or not, she agreed here was not a good idea. “I have to do some errands anyway,” she admitted.
“I’ll walk you t’your car,” but she knew he would. It was like a safety blanket being wrapped around her.
She really liked it.
After her third self-defense lesson she was feeling more confident. She even showed Maeve some of her moves in the back kitchen. Shadowboxing the same way that she saw Harry do to Louis the night she met him. “I don’t know who thought it was a good idea to give the Queen of Sugar boxing lessons,” Maeve rolled her eyes.
Honestly, she was feeling better. More confident. Plus, she was enjoying her not-so-date-dates with Harry. There was one night when Harry wasn’t around, and she realized she missed him so much. Not only because the dark parking lot seemed more foreboding but because his presence made her happy. Happier than she had been in a really long time. It felt undeserving to be so happy but it wasn’t something she thought about when he was actually there. I missed you.
Oh? 😍
Sorry, I know that’s...
A lot...
I miss you all the time, Cupcake. Think about you all day.
The message made her warm and she wished she could explain how simple it seemed to just have Harry fit in her life. They were busy people, but he always managed to come by and see her. She enjoyed watching him train or sitting with Sarah at the front desk and chatting while he taught classes and lessons. Maeve teased her every time he arrived and she wasn’t there. Can’t you just give him your schedule? The poor guy is going to have to train twice as hard to get rid of the extra cupcake weight.
I like to keep him guessing a little 😉
Today, she was up front on her own—one of her employees called out sick and she didn’t mind in the slightest. Working up front was one of her favorite tasks. Interacting with customers and sharing her gift was something she enjoyed thoroughly. Her other coworker was out back, working on inventory and prepping the bagels for her monthly bagel sale.
The bell attached to the front door signaled whenever customers arrived or departed. It was a busy morning. So busy that it took her a minute to realize Harry was sitting with Niall at one of the tables. Niall gave her a wave as she finally got caught in his gaze. She waved back, smiling brightly and paused the customers that were at the counter while she ran to the back and then to the table as quickly as she could. She pecked Harry on the cheek without thinking and deposited a raspberry filled cupcake and a personal sized loaf of Irish soda bread.
Harry felt as gooey as the filling on the inside of his cupcake. Her soft little kiss made him crazier for her. Watching her made him happy. Being around her made him happy. Happier than the little kid that was bullied could have dreamed.
Niall was making noises that would have embarrassed the porn industry while eating his bread. Harry snorted at him, tried to steal a piece, only for Niall to slap his hand away. “Eat your cupcake,” he nearly snarled.
“She could make more, m’sure.”
Niall shook his head stuffing his face of the treat made specially for him.
Harry liked watching her. He wondered if it was the same way she felt when she watched him. People obviously fell in love with her the moment they spoke to her. Unironically, she was so sweet. Of course she was. It was like she was a sprinkles-fairy. This ethereal being that passed out sweet treats to everyone.
With her back turned to get another bag, she didn’t notice the influx of new customers. When she turned back, her heart leapt to her throat. She was lucky she didn’t drop the dozen cookies she was packaging.
“Shit,” she whispered mostly to herself. He hadn’t seen her yet. Fortunately, it was crowded enough to hide behind her wall of customers. All the progress she had made, the classes thus far, all seemed for naught at that moment. Her gaze darted to Harry and Niall. They were unaware of the turmoil she was facing while she packaged treats for the next customer. Her stomach churned uneasily.
If Harry just looked at her, she knew he would know. “Hey Lexi!” She called toward the back room. But Harry was chatting with Niall. Niall was focused on his soda bread. Neither of them noticed the anxiety that swept over her. Lexi doesn’t answer at first. Making her more anxious and scared. It shouldn’t be that way. He shouldn’t ruin the one place she loved most.
Niall now had crumbs on his cheeks, but his head tilted curiously in the direction of her main display. “Harry, something’s wrong,” Niall’s voice was quiet.
Harry’s gaze snapped up defensively. Sure enough, her whole demeanor had changed. Harry could see it. Her smile was tight, and her eyes darted toward the door and the customer in front of her more times in ten seconds than Harry could ever begin to count. Harry wanted to kick himself. How long had she looked like that?
After an eternity, Lexi finally appeared. She mumbled something to her employee and headed to the back kitchen. Not even a glance in Harry’s direction. Without fanfare, without permission, Harry marched his way into the back almost as soon as she left his view.
“Excuse me,” Lexi said. “Hey, that’s employee—”
“He’s fine, Lexi,” she answered quietly.
Harry found her in the kitchen, hand clutching the front collar of her shirt, her eyes lit with anxiety while she paced back and forth. “Is he here?” He asked lowly, while she moved quickly across the kitchen.
She tried to remember the last time she felt safe. It was her dad, right? Her dad before...before everything. Before she moved her shop here. Before she uprooted her life.
But there were those brief moments where she was overcome with how safe she felt in Harry’s presence. Walking to his fight for the first time. Each time he walked her to her car. How his hand felt when he pressed her fingers into a fist.
She nodded, her eyes watering.
He spun almost immediately to do who knows what. He didn’t know and she certainly didn’t know.
“No, don’t leave me!” She practically shouted before he could hardly take a step further. She started to follow him but he stopped at the sound of despair in her voice.
Harry groaned lowly; it came out nearly as a growl. He turned back to her immediately as if it pained him. “M’never leaving you,” his eyes were so dark and desperate—her whole body felt heavy at the seriousness of his words. Breathless again. “Please don’t ask me that,” his eyes darted back toward the front of the bakery.
“Harry, please,” she whispered.
His hands were already balled into fists. He shook his head. “Cupcake,” he grumbled. It was such an oxymoron in itself. Harry was calling her one of the sweetest things in the world and it sounded downright terrifying.
“Please, Harry,” she begged, grabbing one of his closed fists. “I need you,” she whispered.
Groaning again, he rubbed a hand over his face and sighed. “Fine,” he snapped.
She felt bad making him stay. She knew she was forcing his hand, but she was scared. To soften the blow, she threw herself at him. Arms around his neck, face buried in his shirt. She sighed with relief with the feel of him: solid, warm, protective against her body. Harry was safe. He proved that already and she still hardly knew him. It wasn’t hard. It shouldn’t have been hard for her date to make her feel safe.
Harry was momentarily shocked before he returned the hug, one arm looped around her back, the other cupping the back of her head. It was like the antidote to an disease she didn’t know she had. Another loud sigh escaped her. Like the feeling of Harry was cause for another wave of relief.
“What did he do?” He mumbled into her hair. She ignored him and scrunched her eyes shut. “Please, Cupcake,” he begged. She realized she wanted to tell Harry.
“I’m so embarrassed,” she whispered. “I don’t even know why I went out with him...I had met you and—”
“Doesn’t matter, kitten,” he shook his head. “He doesn’t get t’make y’feel unsafe,” he reminded her.
“It was such bad judgment.”
He shook his head again. “No, Cupcake. He doesn’t get t’make y’feel that way. S’not you. S’not asking a lot t’feel safe on a date. S’not even the bare minimum. Y’don’t have poor judgment. Your judgment got y’out of there that night. S’why y’signed up for classes and—”
It poured out of her at that moment. She told him everything. In the middle of the story, she tried to downplay it sensing the way his body tightened around her with every word. Explained why she signed up for the self-defense class. Every detail and emotion she felt for the last few weeks. How scared she was that very night. Why she requested Harry and chatted with him until three in the morning. How he made her feel better when she didn’t think she could. How safe she felt around him in general.
At the end, Harry pulled away from her.
Her heart felt heavy. Now he wouldn’t like her. She was broken and hurt. Harry didn’t want to be a bodyguard, nor should he have to be. “I need t’go to the gym,” he started toward the front, and she thought that was it. It was the last she would see of him. He was too overwhelmed with how stupid she was. This wasn’t what he wanted. Someone who couldn’t defend herself or be smart enough to see the signs earlier.
“Harry, I’m sorry—” She managed to croak with tears thick in her voice and vision. Right as he reached the threshold back to the front of the bakery. He was shaking. Every inch of him. She wondered how he wasn’t a blur from how much he shook. In the moment it took for the apology to form in her mouth, he was back in front of her.
He grabbed her firmly but still softly by the chin, held her sweet face between his palms. Gazed into her eyes and shook his head slowly. His eye contact was overwhelming but still felt so good. “You are to never. Ever. Apologize.” Her eyes welled with more tears. She couldn’t do anything but nod at him. Her heart felt so heavy and broken. But Harry was looking at her. Taking in every inch of her face and he sighed. “M’sorry, Cupcake; m'angry. But s'not something you need t'apologize for. Y'didn't do anything wrong. M'jus' mad I wasn't there for you,” he whispered and brought her back in to hold her against him once more. Her body felt relieved it was ridiculous for him to feel bad--he didn't even know she was going on a date. She didn't want him to feel bad.
"It's not your fault either," she whispered. Harry sighed with relief and he kissed the top of her hair.
She lost track of how long they stood there. It could have been two minutes or two hours. All she felt was Harry’s warm body against hers and reveled in how good it felt. “Call me a half hour before you’re ready to leave here. I’ll come walk you t’your car.”
She smiled softly, hoping to alleviate the tension now that a significant portion of time had passed. “Even if it’s in the middle of the night and—”
He didn’t think her joke was funny at all. “If y’call,” he repeated, interrupting her, his eyes were hard and serious. No room for joking at all. “I’ll be here.”
He was rapidly making her fall in love with him.
“Hey Dad,” she smiled softly sitting across from him at the dinner table. He grinned at her.
“Hey sweetie. How was your day?”
“Good! Did you see the game?” She asked. He nodded.
“Your guy did well, don’t you think?”
She laughed, shaking her head and blushed a bit. “Max Kepler is not my guy, Dad.”
“I didn’t say his name, honey,” he reminded her with a chuckle.
She rolled her eyes and bit the inside of her cheek. “I think I met a guy, actually,” she rushed out quickly.
“Oh?” He looked at her curiously, tilted his head ever so slightly and smiled. “That’s nice, sweetie. You haven’t had a boyfriend in a while. You need someone to...chat with, depend on,” he said knowingly. “I want to know you’re taken care of.”
“Dad, that is so 1950s of you. I don’t need a guy to take care of me.”
“Oh honey, I know you don’t. But I want you to have someone,” his voice was gentle.
For a moment she just looked at him. Thought long about all the things that had happened since she met Harry almost three months prior. It was a big deal to tell her dad about Harry. She wanted to make sure it was the right move especially after she was feeling poorly about her gut feeling. But she thought of Harry, the reassurance he gave her that it wasn’t her poor judgment that caused her bad date.
“His name is Harry. He’s a boxer,” she shrugged. “The raspberry filled cupcakes are his favorite.”
“Well, then he’s perfect. Right?”
She laughed, nodded, then bit her lip. “I mean...he’s...” she sighed forgoing all the details about how she was insane to let him steer her to his boxing match. How he helped her with self-defense classes. And why she was taking self-defense classes. No. She would tell him how they met another day. When Harry and she defined more of what their relationship was... if there was a relationship to be had. “I like him,” she admitted. “Then that’s all that really matters, honey,” he assured her. It felt like a blessing.
She couldn't wait to see Harry.
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taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach
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I'm sorry if I missed anyone in the taglist. Please let me know if you'd like to join, if it didn't work, if you no longer want to be included, etc. :)
If you like this, check out my masterlist here
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seajelllies · 3 months
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𝑪𝑯𝑨𝑷𝑻𝑬𝑹 𝟐 ♡︎ not quite, sweetheart masterlist ✎ roll call 1 ✎ roll call 2
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"Don't get mad-"
"Every time you say that, my blood pressure rises."
He let out a long nervous laugh, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly before clearing his throat. "I kind of uha, have to pick up some things for a project in one of my classes."
"Yuji," You frown, lifting your head from the textbook you've been staring so deeply at he swore you'd burn a hole in it someday. "You were the one who told me to come over to help you."
"I know I know, I'm sorry, I'll be quick, really." He mumbles apologetically. He felt bad, really, and you could tell from the way he kept his eye contact.
You look at the time on your phone for a second before glancing back at him with a sigh. It wouldn't hurt to just stay put for a bit anyways, since he bought you food and all. If anything, you could just continue studying on your own with less distractions anyways- you weren't the one losing any time.
"Yeah, sure that's fine-"
"Thank you! You're the best! I'll be back, I swear!" And before you could even fully finish your sentence he bolted out of the door, and you could hear someone yelp in the hallway- probably bumping into him in the process. You almost forgot he used to do track in high school- surely you wouldn't be waiting for long.
You let out a soft snort, shaking your head with a sigh.
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The first thing Sukuna did when he opened the door, was grumble to himself, running his hand through his hair in frustration. Attending classes was annoying, even more so after he already stays behind at his job for 2 hours longer than he should have.
'I should just fucking quit.' His eye twitches at the thought- very tempting, but quitting meant no money. No money meant no classes. No classes meant no potential decent job. No potential decent job meant he was going to be stuck selling drugs again- which he'd much prefer.
But he can't subject Yuji to that kind of association. Detrimental to his future, or whatever he told himself to justify not taking the easy way out.
As he makes his way into the room, there's 3 things wrong.
One. Yuji's bag and jacket are here, but not Yuji. Sure, those two things don't always need to follow him wherever he goes, but he's gotten used to him just lazing around by the time he gets back.
Two. There's another bag next to his. Unfamiliar, just like the shoes that definitely do not belong to his brother sitting neatly at the doorway. Yuji doesn't tend to invite people over, he usually goes to hang out at Kugisaki or even Fushiguro's dorm.
Three. There's a stranger quite literally sitting at their shared table, head in their arms. He can only assume they fell asleep, because he was almost sure they'd turn around the second the door opens if they weren't. Who just falls asleep in someone elses dorm?
Especially on a table that he can't remember the last time was properly cleaned.
He walks closer, frowning as he shoves his hand in the pockets of his jacket. His eyes glanced down at them as he peered over their shoulder, trying to gauge how asleep they were.
"Oi." He sounded irritated and tired- mostly because he actually was, eye twitching at the unfamiliar guest that seemed to be quite comfortable just falling asleep here.
"Brat, wake up." He scoffs, kicking the leg of the chair lightly, hoping it would stir them awake. But it doesn't and their head stays still, the only sign of them even being alive was their body moving up and down from breathing.
"You've got to be joking." He groans, snapping in front of their head, trying to get them to wake up without simply throwing them off the chair. Calm. Calm. Calm. He had to stay calm, he can not cause another issue and risk getting expelled.
He was too tired for this.
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He fights the urge to throw his phone at the wall, exasperated sigh leaving his lips again, his scowl deepening when he notices them adjusting slightly, their arms shifting so he could slightly see their face.
His eyes glance down at them, and he plops into the seat next to theirs, elbow leaning on the desk with his chin resting on his hand with an irritated frown.
How someone could look so peaceful sleeping in someone elses room, he would never understand. Especially a dorm with two college guys- were they stupid? Or maybe they really were exhausted, like Yuji said.
Strands of their hair fall onto their eyes, and he reaches out to move it before he catches himself.
He lets out another grunt, eye twitching when he realizes he was staring too closely at a random stranger, and he moves back, leaning against the back of the shitty chair- hands shoved back into his jacket.
But the feeling of the hair in their eyes seems to wake them up, lashes fluttering slowly as they blink to adjust to the sudden light. They seem to realize they aren't alone, rubbing their sleepy eyes as they turn to glance at him.
"Yuji?" Their voice was quiet, and clearly very exhausted. Hair still slightly in their face, eyes blinking in his direction in confusion
Cute. Almost.
"Not quite, sweetheart."
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𝑻𝒐𝒅𝒂𝒚'𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔!
︾ There was more writing than there were screenshots even though I told myself there wasn't gonna be as much writing to save myself the pain of thinking 🧍‍♀️ ;;sobbing
︾ Anyways I changed the title from what it was going to be originally and move it to chapter 3 because I feel like it'd fit better there! anyways grumpy sukuna is silly, he's so >:( but he'll warm up soon. probably. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
︾ ik i already said this was fem/afab!reader but my dumbass brain kept writing they/them/their and i didn't realize till i got to the end. im sorry 😔
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𝑹𝒐𝒍𝒍 𝑪𝒂𝒍𝒍! the taglist
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bugeater101 · 1 year
Synopsis: What began as a spa getaway takes a weird turn when Seungmin notices something interesting about the view from his room. Though his interest in the scenery plagued him with guilt, he couldn't help but be consumed by it. Soon, the getaway becomes even stranger when you make an offer he can't possibly refuse. Who is he to say no?
Content: Seungmin x Reader, perv!Seungmin (like a lot omg), Seungmin is so desperate for the reader it's pathetic, a bit of angst (in the setup, which is long), voyeurism, masturbation (m. receiving), teasing, oral (m. receiving), mutual/forced masturbation, nipple play (f. receiving), praise!kink, vaginal penetration, no use of a condom (PLEASE wear protection every time!), creampie, aftercare
Word Count: 9.6 K (I'm sorry)
Author's notes: Okay... first Seungmin fic!!! Y'all better not let me down I literally put my heart and soul into this! A good portion of this fic is the setup but then the smut hits kinda hard ngl. also aggressive use of italics sdfhkjshdk. I barely read over this because I've been reading like 100 pages a day during reading week, so I'm sorry if there are more mistakes than usual! As always, minors do not interact!
Taglist: @scribblemetae @mygsis, @9900z @taekbokki, @imtoooyoungforthisshit
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If there was one word to describe Seungmin, it was reserved. There were other terms, too: devilish, mischievous, stubborn. But "reserved" seemed the most fitting. You, however, were different, and incredibly so. You weren't exactly bubbly, but you were loud—and just as stubborn—as Seungmin. As such, all chances were against you being friends. He, who hated loudness, and you, who despised stiff reservation.
But what could you say? Opposites attract.
The two of you as a duo are fun; it simply works. While Seungmin made snide and humorous comments at the expense of others, you would make his grievances obvious through your boastful laughter that drew all attention to you. And, when you whispered your intense hatred of something to Seungmin, he would nod quickly beside you and support your wrath, giggling slyly. Of course, your relationship was more than just your guys' hot-headedness—though it was just what drew you two together.
Seungmin and you recognized what your relationship was really like: it was the comfort of finally finding someone who understood you, being able to hug someone when no one else's body felt like they fit against yours, or even being able to have someone comprehend an entire sentence held within a mute and fleeting glance. Simply, you two were best friends in the truest of terms.
What complicated the matter was Seunmin's inflexibility. His obtuse nature extended to all parts of his life, and that included his feelings for you.
...well, his lust for you, frankly.
It was insatiable. The chemistry between you two was unmatched, and no one could deny it. Hell, most of your friends thought you were already dating until you laughed at the very notion of dating Seungmin.
And it broke his heart every time you did it.
So, he pushed away every feeling toward you that was not platonic. No, it was more than that. It was not just a mere rejection of his feelings, but an utter renunciation of them. He could not bear to have his heart broken every day by you, with every glance that didn't linger on him or how your touch never seemed to stay for long. So, rather than sidebar his feelings and leave them for another day, another person, or even pretend like one day he will get over them, he instead got mad, furious at the thought of liking you. His desires were replaced by a stern voice that told him "how could she ever like you?" or "no one will ever look at you like you're pretty, like they would want you." The voice sounded eerily similar to his own.
Sadly, this voice made his emotions somewhat okay to control. There were easy days, like the days you were not around or days when you were mad at him. Then there were the other days. Days where he couldn't get you out of his mind, days when you were just a little too nice or dressed a little too scantily to evade his thoughts. Days when the tightness of his pants became unbearable.
Today was one of those days.
The spontaneous overnight spa trip now seemed like a foolish getaway attempt to Seungmin. Originally, he had planned it for just you and him—two friends that longed for a quiet escape from the city and the incessant teasing from close acquaintances. Then the two friends became four, and now it was you, him, and the seven idiots he called his friends.
His emotions were running amuck. He was now stranded—is that the right word for this kind of situation? Stranded? He certainly felt like it. This weekend was supposed to be just you and him. Separate rooms, but still together in the hot springs, getting couples massages, eating lavishly—the works. It was his feeble attempt at obtaining some semblance of a romance with you, even if it was all just pretend. Now seven fools were ogling you while he couldn't even get a second of your time.
Not to mention the logistics issues. Oh, fuck the logistics of this trip. The spa was overbooked and thus added to the absolute disappointment of this weekend. Though he advised that you should get your own room as you were the only girl on the trip, you were adamant about having to be alone while everyone else got a roomie. That's how Seungmin got stuck with you. You two were the closest in terms of friendship, and now he had to share a bed with you. He had to deal with you being so close every night. Just within grasp, your scent flooding his system, so precious and close and just inches away from him. God. This weekend was going to be torture.
Hell, it already was. As soon as the group got to the resort, everyone bolted to get to the hot springs—including you. Yet, Seungmin said he'd rather get settled into his room ("our room" you emphasized with a crafty smile), order room service, and sleep the night away. You pleaded with Seungmin to join you guys, even if you would be in the separate women's section. He just shrugged you off. He needed to be alone, to realize how much of a mistake this weekend was, to wallow in his self-pity while you enjoyed the onsen. At least he had some peace of mind knowing a giant bamboo partition separated you from the men's section and, therefore, the boys. They couldn't stare at you then, enjoying you in a bikini—or less considering this was a rather "traditional" spa. Seungmin was satisfied knowing that they couldn't see you so vulnerable, even if it meant he couldn't either. Plus, you seemed pretty excited about the springs, and even if he was jealous, he wasn't going to try and hold you back.
So, now he was alone. Everyone's rooms were now abandoned, minus their carelessly unpacked luggage. Seungmin, however, had spent the last 30 minutes tediously unpacking, refolding, and placing the three days and three nights' worth of clothes into the sturdy drawers of the spa. What a way to spend 30 minutes. It was late, the sun dusting the horizon and the last light was trickling into Seungmin and your room. He knew you would stay out long considering the water would stay warm and the spa open for hours more, so he knew he had ample time to wash up and make himself at home.
Yet, the darkness of the night made him realize that his room was now on full display due to the open curtains. Upon realizing this, Seungmin grew embarrassed realizing that he was completely visible to the outside world. So, he busied himself by locking the windows, shutting the blinds, and enjoying the views of the spa that he was able to see from his room. When he was all done, he gave a quick scan over the room and noticed something peculiar: he had missed a window! The window was short in height but long horizontally long, sitting above the headboard of your shared bed and allowing the last of the sunlight to coat the room. With a sigh, Seungmin clamoured onto the bed and sat on his knees to fiddle with the drawstrings, hoping to successfully pull the blinds shut in one go.
But he didn't.
And luckily he didn't.
Because that's when he saw you.
He didn't know his room had such a view. A view that made his head spin and his mouth salivate.
He was a pervert but fuck was it worth it. Maybe staying behind was the most brilliant idea he's ever had.
This spa emphasized discretion on its website, saying all guests had complete privacy and that the staff were well trained. Now, he was so happy that had been a lie. This window was practically offering him a view into heaven. In just the smallest edge of the glass, only at an angle, he was able to spot due to his precarious position, he realized he had a slim view of the hot springs. The women's hot springs. And the only woman in his view was you. Completely naked.
He silently thanked the architect of the spa and promised to create a whole religion dedicated to him as the Messiah.
The steam from the onsen had obscured some of his view, but he was still able to sit just strangely enough to see you fully. Your hair was sopping wet from the water, skin glistening with its rejuvenating properties. Every breath you took manifested as clouds above your glowing lips, the stark contrast between the cold air and the hot water evident in the air.
His phone was just across the room, so near and just close enough that he could stumble, grab it, then snap a few pictures. Just a few, and maybe a video, and also a pair of your panties to finish the present to himself.
Regardless, he stayed planted on the bed. He couldn't risk leaving, not even for a millisecond. His eyes absorbed all they could and he prayed his mind didn't erase anything too essential to his survival as it made room for these fucking memories of you. But didn't matter though. If this image—you in the spring, naked and soaked in water with steam clouding, making you appear like a siren—was all that his mind had room for, he would gladly accept a life of stupidly if it meant only carnally thinking of you.
He imagined how perky your nipples must be due to the coldness of the air. Part of him hoped you would tell him later how satisfying the water was on your tits, how its warmth felt like soft lips sucking on your nipples and how the cold air was nipping at the buds. Like if someone was playing with you, desperately trying to make you cum just by latching onto your leaking, raw nipples.
"Please get up, please sit up," he found himself muttering quickly. His knuckles were white as he gripped the windowsill and his jeans constrained him like a cage. "Please, please y/n, baby, please just for me, for Minnie, just sit up."
It was as if you had heard him. Or, if God had finally answered his prayers.
It was just a moment, a simple second where you were readjusting your sitting position. And it was the best second of Seungmin's life. Your chest lifted from the water, droplets cascading down your breasts as they lifted from the water. The frigid air had pebbled your nipples and you slightly shivered as your body emerged from the water. Your tits looked so soft, so sweet and supple that Seungmin seriously thought he could cum just looking at you. His tongue watered at the sight of your flushed skin, imagining what it would look like as he dried you off and applied lotion to you after your bath just to keep you so soft for him. You were so perfect, so sweet and just out of his arm's reach,
Then, just like that, your chest was submerged again, and you were back in the water.
By the time you had sat fully back down, Seungmin was already undressed and stumbling into the bathroom.
That's how he got here, ashamed and pumping his dick as his skin was pricked with boiling water. Hot water poured from the shower head and rained down on Seungmin's frame, coating his goosed skin in heat. Steam had filled the bathroom, fading the glass and leaving the man in a dream-like fog. The warmth did little to satiate his hunger, but it made it so much easier to imagine he wasn't there, to imagine that you were with him. To fantasize that you were "helping" him right now.
He wished that the water from the onsen went right into this tap. If that were the case, he would rejoice in sharing the same water as you, as your tits and cunt and ass and mouth and tummy and thighs. Fuck you were perfect. Seungmin kept imagining you, in the spring, lightly flicking or pinching your nipples. What if you didn't care that other women were in the bath with you? What if you started cleaning your cunt, rubbing the water on the outside before deciding to slip a finger or two in? He was sure there were some definite... aphrodisiac effects of the spring, and surely you couldn't resist them. What if they had begun to suck your tits in front of all those women? Nipping at them and leaving purple bruises, letting the heat of the water touch where his hands couldn't?
The grip on Seungmin's dick was tight and he pumped vigorously, willing an orgasm out of himself as he thought of you below him. Would you be the kind of girl to pump his cock with your chest and suck the tip, or would you use both hands and jack him off? Seungmin's mind couldn't decide and opted to flash between fantasies as he grunted and moaned with each tug. He approached his orgasm quickly, clenching his jaw at the pain of cumming so fast.
"Fuck, y/n, fuck fuck fuck—mmh," he whined through gritted teeth as he finished all over his hands and the wall, cum washing away and being wasted down the drain instead of being swallowed by you.
He tried to catch his breath but the steam had overtaken the bathroom. The heat, additionally, made his sensitive cock twitch, and Seungmin whined a little louder than he was comfortable with. The pitiful orgasm barely satiated him and left his dick red, aching, leaking, and begging for more. His overly needy tip prayed for another release, a stronger one, one that voided all dirty, perverted, fucked-up thoughts in his mind. It was still hard, his cock slapping against his stomach as it leaked cum from his orgasm and precum for the promising next one.
Yet, Seungmin didn't have it in him. Despite the pain of the stimulation he desperately needed making him hiss, he couldn't will another climax out of himself even if he really did try. Plus, he felt dirty. He kept imagining your tits and how pretty they would look pressed against the shower wall, the chilled textured tile and teasing your nipples when he couldn't. While you were pushed against the wall, he'd be fucking you from behind. Desperately rutting into you, ass jiggling with every snap of his hips into yours.
These thoughts continued to run through his head. And though he knew that if he fucked his hand again that they would leave, he couldn't do it. It was already so wrong, so fucking deliciously wrong to spy on you—even if your body did look amazing and the memory of it made him salivate. But, you were still his friend. He didn't want to be this guy, the one who jacked off to the person he was desperately in love with, the one who would rather fuck his friend than try to move on. It was a mistake, a sin even, and one he has committed numerous times. Another tug on his poor dick would just add to his roster, though he knew he was already damned for sure.
So, he shut the water off and let his cock stand proudly against his strained abs, the water on his body instantly turning cold and trickling onto his tip. He seethed at the feeling. Shame mixed with an insatiable carnal desire made him tense, but there was little he could do about it. He simply slid out of the shower, dried off, and slipped on one of the spa's robes, the knot securing the robe as well as his cock as it pressed into his abdomen.
Then he remembered where he was: the monogrammed name of the spa on the robe scratched against his raw skin. And you were sharing a room with him. And you could be right outside the bathroom door.
The thought made his heart drop.
The shower made him lose track of time, and you'd surely be back by now. He hoped you didn't need the bathroom. He hoped, prayed you hadn't heard him if you were out there. Though he was already tense from the guilt, he was now completely stiff (especially his cock) at the thought of you in the room.
However, he knew he couldn't spend all night—all weekend, for that matter—in this bathroom. So, he readied himself to open the door. Deep breath in, deep breath out. The handle was cold against his palm as he twisted the door open.
He was greeted with an empty room. The only evidence of life was his carelessly thrown clothes and the ruffled bedsheets from his voyeuristic adventure.
"Oh, thank god," he sighed under his breath.
"What the—? Fuck!" Bodies toppled over as you launched yourself at Seungmin after hiding behind the door of the bathroom. You had got the better of him and he paid the price, now laying face-down on the floor with you straddling his waist and sitting on his back.
"Got you!" You giggled as you playfully shook his shoulders.
"Yeah, yeah," he stammered out. "You—you got me." He was nervous; on edge from the scare, and because his still-hard and dripping cock was pressed against the floor and his ajar robe. Fuck, it must've slipped out when you tackled him. AND FUCK, you're still on top of him! Your hands slid on top of his wrists, playfully restraining him against the wood flooring. But Seungmin felt all but unserious in this situation. Your weight felt heavenly on his back, your chest grazing the back of his head due to your precarious position, making his mind race, and your fat thighs hugged him, making him fantasize about them wrapped around his head while his hungry, wet tongue lapped up your cunt.
Not to mention what you could do to him in a situation like this.
"Get up, Minnie! It was just a joke," you tease with your mouth next to your ear, which he hoped wasn't scarlet red.
"I would get up," he grumbled, "if you weren't pinning me to the ground." He had to compose himself. He had to make it seem like he was normal, like he wasn't just vigorously tugging on his length to the glistening, exposed, vulnerable, beautiful, and soaked body of his friend. Like he wasn't fantasizing about all you could do to him right now. He had to. He had to be normal.
"Okay," your tone suggested you rolled your eyes, but Seungmin couldn't tell. "I'll get off if you hate it so much," you fake-pouted.
Jesus. Seungmin needed to see your lips when you pout like that. They always would push out just enough and would look so swollen and kissable. Too bad he was trapped under you, your plush form, with thighs hugging him.
Then, suddenly, it was lost. Almost as quickly as you had jumped him, he was relieved of the delightful pressure of you pinning him down. He almost wanted to call out, ask you to stay, to trap you under him forever. Instead, he sat up on his knees, making sure to tuck his cock discretely into his robe, and rubbed his neck.
"Jesus, you might've hurt me when jumping on me like that," he groaned. You laughed and jumped onto the bed, bouncing on impact.
"Well, then thank god we're in a fucking spa resort and you can get a massage."
In mirroring your sarcasm, Seungmin rolled his wide eyes and shifted on the ground. He sat with his knees together, protecting his nudity from underneath.
You, however...
He just noticed you. He didn't notice it before but...
You were like him. Only wearing a robe. Nothing else, not even anything underneath.
He could tell, your nipples were perking up deliciously under the constrained soft cotton of the complimentary robe. Due to your figure, it was cut short on you. Your robe rested just at thigh-high level and hinted at the possibility of you not wearing panties. Your legs were crossed tightly, too, and the robe had ridden up to expose the part of your leg that just rested under the fat of your bum. The water from the hot spring still lingered in your damp hair and your skin glistened from the spring's refreshing properties. Your whole body looked so tender, soft, ready for Seungmin to bury himself in. You leaned back on your hands, legs still crossed, and studied the dumbstruck boy that sat beneath you.
"See something you like, Min?" You smiled.
"What?!" Seungmin yelped. Were you serious? Was this real flirting? Were you actually saying such suggestive things to him?
Of course not. The laughter that erupted from you was evidence of that. At least he could relish in the sound of your sing-song giggles and then lament in his embarrassment.
"I'm kidding," you chuckle. "You just seemed so out of it!"
"Yeah... I don't know, maybe it's because I've been cooped up in this room since we got here," he stiffly responded.
"Shit, sorry. I knew you wanted to be alone but maybe I should've pushed harder for you to use the spring or something," you pondered. "Maybe I should've stayed and helped you unpack."
No, Seungmin wanted to shout, Please, stay out there. Spend the whole vacation in the spring. Soak your tits until they are red from the water, until they're swollen and sensitive and can't take another second of the heat. Please stay outside my window for me, my own personal little pornstar. Me, just me.
"No, you wanted to use the spring and I needed time alone," he answered quietly.
You nodded. "Is that it? I swear there was something else going on with you today."
Then you uncrossed your legs, still leaning back on your hands. Your thighs hid your cunt, depriving Seungmin of its beauty so he couldn't even sneak a glance.
However, your position made his mind race faster. Maybe he could just pull your legs apart. In this position, he didn't need to untangle your knees to see your pussy. Maybe, just maybe, he had the swiftness to rip your thick thighs away from each other and catch a glimpse of your pussy. He didn't get to see it in the spring. Maybe the water of the onsen made your pussy as beautiful and glowy as the rest of your skin. Maybe it made you tighter, wetter... maybe it was an aphrodisiac and now your body was begging for cock, your glistening and tight hole needing to be filled.
But, Seungmin sat still and your thighs remained clamped shut. He cleared his throat.
"Maybe it was the guys..." he answered honestly. Well, somewhat honestly. Intrigued, you leaned forward and rested your arms across your knees. Oh, great. Now your pussy was secured but your tits were practically falling out of the robe. Seungmin swore that if he nudged you, your nipple would slip out, just for a second. And in that second, the sight of your tender buds would cause him to immediately latch onto them, suckling eagerly in the hopes you would cum just from him playing with you. He tucked his knees tighter against his body to cover his erection further.
"What do you mean by that?" You asked, unaware of the state you were putting him in.
"Just that..." His voice trailed off.
"What?" You asked, hoping he would continue,
He took a deep breath and sighed, "I hoped it would be just us. Like, I love hanging out with everyone but also... it can be overwhelming, you know? Especially on a weekend when I'm supposed to be relaxing. That's why I asked you to come. And now... you're stuck with me in this room and I have to calm myself before I get pissed that everyone decided to come on our vacation."
His eyes didn't meet yours the entire time he spoke. Yet, when he did, he noticed how your eyes were formed into small crescents, pressed together due to the light smile on your face.
"Oh, Seungmin," you soothed, "you couldn't get rid of me even if you tried."
Seungmin's cock twitched, because of course it would. Fuck, you were trying to comfort him, and here he was creaming just from a few harmless words. He was hunched over now in a feeble attempt to cover his cock, but you took it as a sign that he was about to cry. The truth is, he would cry if his hot tip wasn't nestled in your mouth within the next five seconds. Nonetheless, you continued.
"I know it can be a lot, but the guys understand that we're here to relax," you continued, voice smooth. "They want us to be calm and chill for a weekend— and especially you. I could hear them talk through the wall of the onsen and they said that they were really worried you didn't join them. They don't need any more pressure on themselves and neither do you. Please don't feel any burden this weekend, okay?"
His head was resting on his knees now, face down. Didn't you realize what you were doing to him? How your kind words and reassuring glances were making him red down to his chest? You were too nice for your own good.
"Thank you," he whispered. Placing his chin on his knees, he displayed his blushed face and let his eyes gaze up at you again. "It's nice to know that they care so much. That you care that much, too." He hoped you would think of his shyness as a result of his emotional vulnerability, not because he was tucking his dripping dick away and staining the spa's robes.
"Of course I care," you sighed, "you're my Seungie, after all." Fuck, when will you stop talking? Seungmin almost whined at that stupid sentence.
"And, for the record," you giggled. "I don't think I'm 'stuck' with you, in any sense of the word." Okay, that genuinely made him embarrassed. Not only were you sexy and slutty and would take his cock so well, but you were cute, too. Fuck, you were unbearable. He almost wished you resented him just so you would leave and, pray, return back to the spring for a late-night soak.
Instead, he opted to tease you, hoping to lighten the mood he had created in his shame.
"Aw, thanks," he layered his voice in a sickly-sweet tone, mocking your fluffy, comforting words. "But I'd like you to leave now."
"Never," you giggled at his joke. "You're stuck with me!"
"No!" He protested half-heartedly.
"Yes!" You were sitting on your knees now, perched in front of him and giving him an ample view down your robe. Please don't move closer, y/n, he cried in his mind. Not another step, I can't do it. Not today, I can't control myself, please.
"N-No!" He laughed louder.
"Yes!" With that word, you sprung off the bed and tackled him once more.
He landed with a thud against the hard ground. You on top of him, chest to chest.
His robe had opened up. Yours partly did, too.
Despite the hardness of the fall, he was dead silent, exacerbating the loudness of your laughter. Then, when you realized why his eyes were so wide and what was poking your bear tummy, you stopped. And the silence became deafening.
He made no sound. Neither did you.
Wow. I'm controlling myself much better than I thought I would, Seungmin thought.
You cleared your throat.
"Seungie?" You asked, arms caging Seungmin and holding your upper body above his own, magnetizing your hips to his.
"...yeah?" he responded after a beat.
"...you're..." You couldn't finish your sentence.
"Yeah, y/n?" He murmured, close to you.
"You're... leaking all over me."
His cock twitched involuntarily, making you shut your eyes tight and a slight moan escape him, too.
"...yeah." He groaned.
Yet, neither of you moved. Ragged breaths were the only sound as you both silently argued about what to do. It was as if you were having a whole conversation through your intense eye contact, an unbreakable gaze that spoke of all the possibilities that could come from the situation. It seemed like hours had passed, but it had only been 30 seconds. Seungmin knew it was 30 seconds: he had counted to remember how long he had his cock pressed into you. As pathetic as it was, this was quite possibly the greatest moment of his life. His eyes held yours and grew sharper when you shifted your weight, involuntarily letting your robe slip open more. You were blushing as much as he was now.
"I... I should fix that," you stated silently. "It's cold in here."
"Yeah," he responded dumbly, "anything you want."
You gave him a nod. Still, you didn't move. It took a deep breath and a shift in your gaze for you to finally lean back on your knees. However, your bodies seemed glued together and it made it impossible for you to pull away from Seungmin. Maybe it was because you were scared for Seungmin to see your chest (as if he hadn't already cum to the sight of your tits dripping wet). Maybe it was because you were embarrassed to see his cock. Maybe it was because you and he both knew that if you pulled away, you couldn't help but stare at the other.
Maybe you wanted to look. Maybe he did too.
Your body shifted away from his slowly, your squishy chest leaving him exposed to the cold and, in turn, his nipples stiff. And, to Seungmin's luck, the same was happening to you.
You stared at him. He stared back. While he stared at your chest, your gaze raked down his abdomen. Or, rather, what was pressed against it eagerly.
If Seungmin had been more observant, maybe he would've noticed how his robe had completely unravelled in the midst of things. He would've noticed that his cock was bucking from the frigid air that attacked him without your tummy squishing it. He would've noticed how juices and precum were pooling on the ridges of his abdomen as they dripped from his slit. If Seungmin had been more observant, maybe he would've noticed you licking your lips at the sight.
"Seungie?" You asked, making no move to close your robe. God, the way you said his name. He adjusted his hips at the sound of your voice, rutting them up into the air and whimpering at how his cock isn't hugged by something tight, warm, and wet.
"Yes, y/n?" He said more confidently than he expected.
"Does it..." you gulped, "hurt?"
Part of Seungmin wanted to lie and say "no, sweetheart. It wants you to fuck it raw, but my dick is still fine." He really wanted to play the role of the cocky, sly guy who would pull a smirk as he snapped his hips into yours. But, it wasn't who he was. At least not right now. Right now, he was the kind of guy that would cry if pussy felt too good, tear up at the site of painting someone's cunt with cum. Plus, he couldn't lie. Not now, at least. Not to you.
He nodded vigorously, "So much, y/n."
"Really?" Your voice was laced with concern, yet your eyes were still fixated on the pulsing cock below you.
"Yes," Seungmin continued, voice calm. "So, so much—ah!"
Your index finger began to trace up his shaft, collecting the inordinate amount of juices that flowed from his tip and rubbing them back onto his cockhead.
"You certainly are hard." You were almost clueless with your words. Almost. While Seungmin was writhing beneath you and hopelessly bucking his hips up, cock twitching from the contact, you were just staring in awe at his length. Perhaps it was the size that amazed you, the precum that leaked from his slit, or his sensitivity to your touch. Either way, your eyes were wide, unblinking, and astounded.
"Y-yeah," Seugmin panted, "But, p-please be careful. You're g-gonna m-make me—fuck!"
Your hand firmly grasped around the base of his heavy erection and held it lovingly, pumping the base slowly. You twisted as you toyed with his length and the side of your hand occasionally rubbed against his balls, making Seungmin's whines resemble stuttering, high-pitched mewls.
"Y-y/n," he cried as you maintained your slow pace, "what are you doing?!"
"I've never sucked cock before," you mumbled, seemingly to yourself. "I've always wanted to try, want to see how deep I can take it, where you like to be licked, what makes your dick twitch..." Your voice started to adopt a light tone near the end. You almost sounded giddy, excited at the idea of sucking dick. In fact, Seungmin—with what little thought he had—thought you sounded downright mischievous.
"I wonder how you taste..."
Your hand moved further up and down his length now and Seungmin's moans were surely too loud for the thin walls of the resort. He prayed no one heard, that it was just you and him that knew you were fondling his slicked member and enjoying it too.
"P-please, stop, I-I'll—"
"Cum?" You finished for him, "I hope you do." Seungmin's lips quivered as his eyes welled. How could you be so cruel, stroking him with such a languid pace? It was inhuman how you treated him.
"Y/n," he growled, "d-don't start something you c-can't finish." His anger was creeping up on him. That anger he tries to hide, and unsuccessfully so. However, its effect was diminished by his blubbering, blushing face and exposed cock that eagerly accepted every pump you gave it.
"Oh, I very much intend to 'finish'," you teased, your voice still walking the line between serious and jovial.
"Well, what are you waiting f-for?"
Weirdly, you didn't respond with the same energy as Seungmin had come to expect. Rather, you retreated to that quiet, contemplative state you were in minutes before when you saw his cock. You pondered his words, what you wanted to say, and how well the weight of him felt in your firm grasp. You took a breath in.
"Can I suck you?" You started to move in before he could answer, Seungmin already feeling your hot breath on his oozing tip. Your actions, dually, made Seungmin's anger disperse, revealing—once again—his whining neediness.
"W-what?" He whimpered.
"Just a taste," you said with a smile, your back arching and displaying your ass while your head ducked down. "Just to try, just to see how you feel... wanna see how those veins feel along my tongue."
"Y/n, baby, just slow down—ah!"
When your hot tongue kitten-licked his cockhead before enveloping it in your warm mouth, Seungmin swore it was like his whole life had led to this moment. You worked his shaft desperately with one hand—the same one that was jerking him before, offering the same twisting, slow, and loving strokes— while the other played with his balls, teasing him. Drool and juices dripped from your mouth as the tasty precum leaked more and more from his slit. He tasted so good, just as you dreamed, and it made your mouth water more and more.
"Y/n, god, d-don't stop," Seungmin moaned through panting whines. Your mouth popped off of his cock for a brief moment, blowing cold air on his tip and making Seungmin cry at the sensation. Then, with a quick kiss to his tingly slit, you slid your mouth back down his length and sucked vigorously.
"H-how did y-you get so good at s-sucking cock?" One of his hands weaved into your hair and tugged it at the roots, guiding you further down his length. Though you choked, he persisted, as did you. Soon, his lower abdomen was grazing your nose and he was shallowly thrusting into your mouth, making you gag with every push of his hips.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, f-fuck," Seungmin panted. His grip on your hair started to feel like he was petting you, coaxing you through the tears building in your eyes and the pain stitching along your jaw.
"Y/n, I-I'm g-gonna—fuck!" Seungmin stuffed his dick fully in your mouth and shot cum right down your throat, bobbing your head so you could fully milk him of every drop. Considering he had cum just 30 minutes before, the amount of cum that leaked from him was insurmountable. He normally didn't cum that much, but when he pulled his still-hard dick out of your mouth, he was shocked by the amount of semen that layered his cock and dripped from the corners of your mouth.
"Y/n... y/n, are you okay?" He stammered. Seungmin's voice was teetering between control and stiff whimpers as he tried to compose himself. He felt a little awful about how aggressive, how needy and shamefully desperate he was just now. However, you didn't respond.
You stared at him, wide, tear-filled eyes playfully catching his gaze. Then, you stuck your tongue out, showing him the rest of his cum and letting some drip onto your exposed tits. Seungmin groaned at the sight, trying to pitifully lean forward to catch the cum in his mouth. He wanted to hold your jaw open, make you spit the rest of his cum onto your bare torso just so he could lick it off. Instead, he hummed with anguish as you tilted your head back and swallowed each and every drop of his semen.
"Now," you said with a hoarse voice, wiping your slicked mouth with the back of your hand. "Are you feeling better, Seung? How did I do?"
God... tell me... how could she act like this? Seungmin cursed the creator for making you so cute, so fucking perfect at taking cock. Had you learned from all those videos Seungmin saw in your browser history? Had you practiced on those colourful dildos he found hiding under your bed that one time? Either way, you knew what to do, and you were damn good at it.
"Yeah, y/n," he answered, chest still rising and falling heavily as rushing blood continued to keep him stiff, "s-so good."
You grinned, content with yourself and his response.
Then, Seungmin started to smirk.
"However..." that word and his expression made your heart drop. Seungmin chuckled.
"You didn't finish the job." Seungmin's hand reached up and extended his index finger, slowly dragging it up and down his pulsing dick. He took in a shaky breath and the action, but he continued nonetheless. He needed to prove a point. He needed to show you he could control himself, that he wasn't the kind of guy that would tuck his cock into his robe just because he was around a pretty girl. He needed to show you he was still that controlled guy you knew, and that you were still the spontaneous, bratty slut he knew. He needed to show you who was calling the shots.
"How could you leave me like this, y/n?"
"B-but, I—"
"Don't play fucking dumb with me." Your playful demeanour had completely abandoned you. Seungmin's voice was cocky, teasing, and almost mocking the way you were just moments ago.
"I can't believe you didn't live up to my expectations," he tsked. You played with the hem of your robe, blushing profusely and—once again—eyeing his hard-on.
Seungmin sighed, "Get on the bed, y/n."
"W-what?!" You asked, still stunned. Seungmin's hand suddenly stopped stroking his length and his eyes shot to you. His face was stern and he was ... angry? You couldn't place the emotion. All you knew was it made you shiver and painfully aware of how wet you had become.
"Get. On. The. Bed." His tone was patronizing and agonizingly attractive. He eyed you, his expression hinting at the consequences you would face if you were to misbehave. Despite being prone to disobeying him, his patronizing voice seemed to hypnotize you. Somehow, your body seemed to already rise to the bed and settle on the tightly made sheets.
Seungmin moaned, "Good." After all the torment you put him through, his voice was finally so sure, so stable.
As you sat on the bed, staring down at the boy, you bit your lip and fidgeted, nervous under his gaze. While enjoying your torment, Seungmin stood slowly and let his robe fall to the ground, showcasing his somehow still-hard cock as it arched against him.
He nodded to your clothes, "Take your robe off, y/n." He demanded you disrobe as if your tits weren't already on display, as if they weren't smeared in his cum. Still, you obliged, sliding the soft cotton off of you and shivering as it tickled your skin. The robe pooled around you before Seungmin leaned forward and snatched the bunched fabric, throwing it aside and leaving you sitting bare.
"S-Seungmin," you mumbled as your face grew warm. Your hands started to move to cover your body, embarrassed as your tits perked under his stare.
Seungmin chuckled, "Go ahead. Cover yourself." His words shocked you and made your blush grow, embarrassed by the very attempt of preserving your innocence. "You look so cute trying to act all embarrassed, as if you weren't choking on my cock and enjoying it just minutes ago." He started to saunter towards the bed, hand gripping his base and giving it a stiff tug.
"Why don't you cover your cunt, too?" He panted out.
"What?!" His terminology shocked you, the vulgar word sounding like honey as it dripped off of his tongue.
"I said," his voice grew, as did his sarcasm, "cover your fucking pussy up. Don't you want me to not see it? Like you weren't practically begging me to fuck your tits earlier as you licked my cock? You're already soaking our sheets, anyways." He stood over you now, right at the edge of the bed.
"Use your hand. Go on. Cover your tight pretty little pussy with your fingers. Why not put some in there so I don't see anything? Stuff yourself full and make sure to stretch it open so I don't see any of your sweet juices leaking out." He leaned forward over you, letting one hand pet your cheek with the other took your hand and guided it down your naval towards your cunt. "How about you finger your clit, too? You know, just to make sure I know where not to touch." You whimpered at each of his words, softly rutting into the crumpled bedsheets.
"I'm such a good friend, after all. I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable with me licking your sensitive little clit and finger-fucking your hole. You should do it yourself, then. You know, just to make sure I don't." The last of his words were emphasized with him forcing your own fingers into your cunt.
"S-seungie!" You cried as he guided two of your fingers in and out of your pussy, his own teasing your entrance as he directed your hand.
"Yeah, just like that," he gasped, "use your other hand, too. Touch your clit, do it." He forced your other hand down onto your cunt and you automatically began to play with your clit, moans pouring from you as you pinch your eyes shut. "Keep—fuck—keep going, you are doing so good."
"Like that?" You asked, forcing your eyes open to look into his. His eyes were enamoured with you, like he was seeing the stars in the night sky for the first time.
"So good for me," Seungmin said, barely registering your question. "Y/n, babe, you are so good for me." He clamoured onto the bed now, trying to not seem so desperate as he sat behind you.
"Seungmin?" You whimpered out as you kept your hands at the pace he ordered you to maintain.
"Just keep going," he assured you as he let his legs cage you, pressing his chest into your back and his cock into the curve of your ass. "Just gotta make sure you stay covered, hmm?"
"Seung—min, fuck!" You moaned as his hands dragged tantalizingly slow from the sides of your chest to your nipples, sliding under your arms and holding you close to him. So close you could feel him leak all over your back, whimpering as fluids continued to push out of his sensitive cock.
"D-don't you wanna stay all pure and covered, y/n?" He hummed as he pushed his head into the crook of your neck. Your scent invaded him and fogged his mind, making him abandon his teasing efforts and instead firmly grab your tits.
"Fuck!" You yelped, briefly stopping your movements. Seungmin growled at your cessations and traced his teeth along your neck.
"Keep going," he demanded as his grip softened and he started to paw your breasts. "Don't ever stop. Go faster, even." And, like the obedient slut you were, you obeyed. Your increased pace made your breath hitch and your legs push together. However, you didn't dare stop. Not when you were this close, not when Seungmin was begging you to continue.
"Seung— Seung," you stammered, "I-I'm getting close, d-don't stop, mmh!" Seungmin licked the conch of your ear then moved to bite and tongue the lobe.
While you worked your cunt, his hands expertly twisted, pulled and flicked your nipples. He kept imagining your tits as they were coated in water, but then realized you were real, that this dream was happening and he could simply see your tits up close, how he's always wanted.
You started to bounce on your fingers, eagerly sucking them into your cunt as you whined in his arms. The act made your tits jiggle in Seungmin's palm. He groaned at the sensation, hissing at how your chest felt as good as he dreamed of.
"Cumming, cumming, I cum, Seungie," You whimpered, your voice harmonizing with the wet sounds that came from you eagerly rubbing your clit and stuffing your pussy.
"Cum, y/n," he whispered into your ear in a joyous tone. "Make the bed all sticky and wet... covered in your cum. Ruin these sheets. They're not ours, anyways. Cum all over them."
Your moans grew higher and higher pitched before you became silent as your orgasm took over you. Your fingers twitched as they tried to push you through, and with Seungmin still pulling at your nipples, you had lost all control.
"Fuck, fuck..." you panted as you felt your hands become sticky with cum. Seungmin chuckled, rubbing his fingertips along your sides and causing your skin to develop goosebumps. You collapsed into him as your legs quivered. Seungmin, in turn, saw his opportunity and took it, offering you soft kisses to your neck while one hand trailed lower and lower. Suddenly, he started tracing your clit hard and fast, causing you to convulse.
"Seungmin—Seung d-don't," you mewled as you tried to push his hand away, unsuccessfully so. He laughed as you tried again, this time managing to shoo his hand away from your pulsing clit. Instead of continuing to pester you, Seungmin allowed his now-soaked fingers to rest on your thigh, squeezing the fat and keeping you open while his other hand massaged your chest.
"So, so good for me," he mumbled happily as your breathing settled. As you regained sentience, you slowly became aware of Seungmi's position. More specifically, how his painfully hard cock had leaked all over your backside. You gasped, making Seungmin release another laugh.
"I see you've realized," he hisses as he wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer. "I still have plenty of more plans for your wet little cunt, Y/n."
Then, with his tightened grip, Seungmin effortlessly forced you onto the bed, pressing your back against the ruined and moist sheets.
"Seungmin!" you yelped. The boy clamoured over you, forcing your legs wide apart and then settling them around his waist. He sat on his knees, pumping his erection as he stared at your tits and your drenched hole that clenched around nothing. The pinches and flicks had turned your nipples raw and sensitive, so swollen from Seungmin's hopeless touches. God, Seungmin was a lucky, lucky man today.
"Look at you... I'm so glad you played with your pussy for me. You're all stretched out now and ready to take my cock, hmm?" Your fucked-out eyes could barely meet his, more interested in the languid strokes he is offering to his used cock. You wondered if he had jacked off today, if that was why he was so red and swollen. Either way, Seungmin was a sight to behold.
"I wanna ask you something," he questions as he maintains a steady pace. You nod vigorously, your hands rubbing up and down his arms and trying to bring him closer to you. You just wanted a kiss from him, to feel him close, to taste his spit and sweat like an animal who just needed to fuck. To hell with his questions. However, he persisted.
"How did you get so good at sucking cock, y/n?"
Your actions suddenly stopped as you stared up at him. However, he didn't say anything. His hand rubs your thigh, coaxing an answer out of you.
"P-practiced," you whimpered out. Seungmin chuckled. He seemed to like that answer.
"Yeah? You practiced?" He teased, "What did you do to practice, honey?" His hot tip met your folds and dragged your cum along your pussy. Your hole clenched around nothing, spasming from the overstimulation. It was like torture and you couldn't hold back your moans.
"Aw, c'mon, y/n!" Seungmin groaned, "I've been waiting to stuff my cock into you, and I will once you answer my question. How? Did? You? Practice? Sucking? Cock?" Each word was emphasized by his cockhead slapping against your clit, filling the room with lewd, wet sounds.
"I—fuck— I" you stuttered out, barely able to control yourself. "I-I-I did it on my dildos—b-but I was always good! Always... I... I a-always th-ought of Seungie... only wanna suck my Minnie's cock..."
"Really?" Seungmin continued to tease you. Yet, his voice had something else in it. Though he was mocking you and wanted to ridicule your dishevelled state, he was also hopeful. Hopeful that you were telling the truth, that you wanted this as much as him. He practically prayed every night for you in the most unholy and unorthodox of fashions.: fast strokes on his spent cock, used fleshlights, sticky hands... were you praying in the same way? And for the same thing?
"Fuck, Seungmin!" You cried out of suffering, "Could you not tell by the way I practically milked m-my tits for you in the s-spring?"
Seungmin suddenly stopped his actions, the head of his dick still soaked in your juices and pressing into your clit, making you squirm.
"Is that true?" You gave him a small nod, almost as if you were unaware of the words that just slipped out of your mouth. "How did you know?"
You rolled your eyes as if he wasn't towering over you. "B-because I s-saw our window looked out to the s-spring... and the whole time I w-was t-trying to g-get your attention..." You blushed and looked away, "You're already staring at my chest all the time..."
Seungmin was in awe of you. Truly. You... you had exceeded every desire he ever had. How could he resist you? Your cunningness? The sweet, drenched pussy between your thighs? He rested on one of his elbows and moved his hand to cup your cheek.
"You put on that little show for me? Just to get me hard?" He asked as he resumed dragging his fat cock through your folds. You nodded meekly, suddenly so embarrassed and insecure from the sweet gesture. Seugnmin smiled.
"Such a good fucking girl."
He slid his cock into your sopping pussy, juices leaking as his cockhead submerged itself in your cum.
"Seungmin!" You whined as his girth stretched your worn pussy. He immediately set a fast pace, trying to chase a high that will exhaust him and that will finally relieve the strain of his flushed length.
"S-so, fuck, so so g-ood." Seungmin tried to say more, he really did. Yet, he couldn't. Not when the squelching sounds of him stuffing your drenched cunt was like music to his ears, not when you were moaning so loud that the boys in the other room would hear, and not when he had been waiting forever to do this.
"S-stuff me," you whimpered, locking your legs around his waist and wrapping your arms around his neck so he could push deeper. "Fill me up, Seungie, fill me up—fuck!"
"Y/n, God," Seungmin panted in a high-pitched voice. "So—wet—for—me—gonna—cum." Each word was matched with an aggressive thrust of his dick into you, making you moan as he prodded that gummy part inside of you. He looked down at you and met your eyes, immediately captured by their glow of love and adoration. The slight eye contact did something to him, as if it returned all romance to his carnal instinct. He leaned down and pressed his lips softly into yours, whimpering and whining into your mouth while he buried himself in you.
"Touch my c-clit," you begged between kisses. Seungmin obliged, moving his hand between your sticky bodies and vigorously rubbing your maltreated bundle of nerves.
"F-fuck, shouldn't have done tha-t," he whimpers, "you f-feel too good, now. C-clenching a-round me." Nevertheless, he continued to finger your clit and picked up the pace of his thrust. The way your sensitive tits pressed against him made his head spin, the fat of your chest making him imagine how good his cock would look buried between them. He ducked his head down briefly and began to suck and nip at your sensitive breasts, slobbering over them like a dog. You hissed at the sensation, pulling at his hair in an act of encouragement.
"Hmph!" You moaned, "Seungie, I think I—"
"Me, too, baby, me too." Seungmin was almost embarrassed by how fast he was gonna cum. Almost. If it wasn't for you whining beneath him and begging for his cock, then maybe he would feel differently. Instead, he urged his body to chase his high and help you reach yours. He whined as he continually pistoned his cockhead into you, pulling himself up to bury his face in the crook of your neck.
"I'm—I'm—I—" he stammered as the buzzing in his body grew to be dizzying.
"Please cum inside, please cum inside," you repeated like a mantra as you pulled him tightly to you.
"Fuck!" Seungmin cried as he offers one last harsh push into you. As his cock starts to spurt cum, the feeling of fullness caused your body to seize and your back to arch. Your cunt squirted around Seungmin's cock, coating it in cum while his orgasm shook his body.
"Y/n, y/n, my good girl, my y/n," he mumbled sleepily as he continued to offer small ruts into you. With a few more snaps of his hips, Seungmin sat up and enjoyed the white ring you left around his—thankfully—softening length. The sounds of him re-stuffing you with his finished length made you mewl and Seungmin hiss. He slowly stopped his motions and pulled away, enjoying how the cum mixture poured out of you. He smiled to himself, content with the sight and the fact that his cock was finally (finally) no longer hard, that his balls were empty, and that you were satisfied.
"Do you feel good, y/n?" He asked as he caressed your legs. However, you were too fucked-out to respond. In an effort to elicit a response, Seungmin pinched the flesh and earned an annoyed, pained groan from you.
"There you are," he laughed.
"S-stop," you mumbled as he leaned down and pressed loving kisses to the side of your face.
"Oh, before you were showing off your tits publicly just to get my attention, but now you can't even accept my kisses." Your eyes went wide as you remember your confession, slapping him lightly repeatedly out of humiliation.
"Ah! Hey, c'mon, you liked it," he teased as he stepped away. He was gone momentarily before he returned with a damp, warm cloth and began to press it over your vulva, cleaning your leaking pussy. "You liked it, just like how you like me."
You blushed and looked away, unable to make eye contact. Almost as if his caring act and physical contact made you embarrassed, but in a loving way.
Huh. Maybe you two were more alike than he realized.
"You like me too," you responded meekly, emphasizing the word in the same fashion as Seungmin.
He was quiet. Seungmin continued his ministrations, though. He pressed the warm cloth softly on you, staring at the stains on the bed, the redness of your thighs, and then up at your face. Your expression was hard to place, but there was something in it that he automatically recognized. It was always in your eyes, but especially now. It was even feverish in its presence. It made him feel that certain way that he often felt so ashamed of. Now, he realized that feeling was what caused him to fall for you. It was so present now, so easily noticeable. He sighed, taking your hand softly, making your eyes go wide. He was not normally this affectionate, this attentive. He was not this openly loving. It made your heart skip a beat as if he wasn't just buried in you. You looked up at him and saw something in his eyes that reflected that very expression in your own.
"Yeah, I do like you," he responded. "I really do."
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I actually am kind of saddened at the amount of ppl who gatekeep and water down Jason/Percy's friendship tbh (surprisingly there are SO many of them??? I'm genuinely confused is it bc y'all don't want to admit that they're good friends since ppl want those two to be permanent rivals SO badly???) it seems more like a fanwar between jason fans and percy fans to me lol. The characters themselves are cool w e/o.
I've seen so many agitated comments like "No they were just colleagues, they are not 'bros', the fandom exaggerates their friendship" or "No, they resent eachother, they're basically strangers, why do ppl keep treating them like best buds?" in Jason/Percy friendship posts. for one, its not even something to get mad abt?? also, its a wrong place to comment that.
There is also nothing wrong with the fandom slightly exaggerating the seven's friendship. if you put it that way, Leo and Percy are really not even that close, they've both spoken like 3 sentences to each other in BOO, but the fandom also treat them like best pranking buds like they do with jason/percy, and its okay . Its not our fault that we barely got any proper bonding time with the characters of the argo ii. their friendship as a whole was a little underwhelming. sometimes, fanon can make canon content more interesting.
Yes, Jason and Percy are not best friends like Grover/Percy or Leo/Jason, but they are still very good friends regardless. I'm rereading all the hoo books, and they got over their rivalry VERY quickly. Percy mentioned in MOA that he felt a spark of friendship with Jason in the nyphaeum scene, and they've had plenty of good conversations with eachother. (like in boo, where jason saves Percy underwater and they have a lil heart to heart chat).
Percy reacted to Jason's death pretty badly aswell. I mean, the guy basically choked up at his mention and could not say his name without breaking down?? You don't grieve for a stranger like that.
Also, they've called eachother 'bros' MULTIPLE times throughout the books, it's literally canon. So no. The fandom isn't "exaggerating" or "making stuff up". Literally their first convo in CJ was them fist bumping, and Annabeth not wanting to interrupt their "bro talk". You don't exactly have to be best friends to be considered bros. It's really not that deep.
Yes, I do think that a lot of people are simply upset that Grover was forgotten in HOO, and that Jason "replaced" him which is very understandable. But Grover would never get replaced. You can have multiple close friends, Percy is loyal and would hold onto ALL his friends.
Grover is Percy's best friend, Leo is Jason's best friend, but Percy and Jason are still very good friends. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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marvelstars · 6 months
I usually like to talk about star wars in general and I don´t like to demonize any character be it one of my faves or not but tbh some fan takes really make me mad, takes like:
"Ahsoka wasn´t being fair in her judgment of the Order"
I am like "The Jedi Council, Obi-Wan and Plo Koon included" sentenced her to face a military trial that most definitely was going to end in her execution.
Again, a 16 year old whose only support/family/people she knew in her life abandoned her to be executed by the goverment she fought for three years as a child soldier.
Sorry but considering this, any take she has on the Order, the obvious love she still has for Jedi´s ways, people and life but also the criticism is completely valid on her part and she should say it, in fact I believe she was quite calm in her reaction considering all of that.
Same with her warm dedication to Anakin´s memory as her "older brother" you know given he was the ONLY ONE who thought about getting her a lawyer and solve the mystery to keep her from being executed by their own government, he was her master and treated her like actual family and didn´t break his links with her after the Order expelled her on circunstancial evidence or thought she was wrong for leaving after all of that like Obi-Wan did.
There´s Jedi unreasonable hate and there is reasonable, based in the story criticism and this is part of it.
Another fandom take that really gets on my nerves is:
Anakin was a child problem for loving his Mom, his Mom was like a Jedi and understood she had to "let go of him"
I am like: Shmi was a literal slave whose only way to keep Anakin from sharing the same fate as her was to give him up to a bunch of strangers, Shmi didn´t know anything about the Jedi but knew being free was better for Anakin than being a slave.
Anakin loving his mother and missing her isn´t attachment, it´s normal for a 9 year old to miss his mother, he also had a right to be mad with the republic for allowing slavery out of convenience and with the Jedi for supporting the republic on this instance because it wasn´t jedi bussines.
"Anakin was an incompetent leader"
Anakin was one of the best Jedi leaders out there in the clone wars, that´s why He and Obi-Wan got the harder missions dealing with Grievous, who killed a lot of Jedi or Count Dooku who also killed Jedi.
He got the moniker "hero without fear" out of the sheer victories he got for the republic and the many planets he helped free from separatist attacks, he also established training for what would become the first cells of the rebel alliance.
He wasn´t just a competent leader, he was a brilliant general, recognized by his enemies and friends alike.
"The clones are not a slave army"
The Clones were purchased with republic credits by a Jedi Master, that makes both the Republic and the Jedi Order their owners, this is canon in Attack of the Clones and in the Clone wars.
They dont get a salary because they are merchandise, property of the republic and the Jedi Order.
The Jedi Order didn´t know about the purchase but the fact they didn´t say anything post fact about the clones being slaves doesn´t give them a good look as "peace keepers to the galaxy" they were more, in this instance, supporters of the status quo.
And no, nothing of this makes valid Order 66, the Jedi Order didn´t deserve to be anhiliated for all of this but the Jedi Order definitely were a flawed organization made up of people with virtues and flaws who unfortunately supported blindly a corrupt system. The Republic was the mother of the Empire after all.
I feel like sharing some of my problems with fandom takes, rant over :)
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switchcase · 17 days
i saw ppl discoursing abt whether or not "RAMCOA" is an okay term to use bc it was formulated off ideas created during the satanic panic and its like??? alexander graham bell was a hardcore eugenicist and we still use phones, sometimes bad people do useful things.
I mean lol RAMCOA is a much newer term, if they really wanted to be mad at that they would look at SRA, not that the term has been relevant in decades. This abuse type has had a handful of different names since SRA, all explicitly to move away from the satanic part. And to be HONEST I have talked about the causes and reasons for satanic panic existing, it makes sense people were worried about something big going on and it makes sense that therapists were trying to address it. Like are they actually upset that therapists saw their clients talking about this type of abuse and Believed their clients? I would rather therapists be loudly wrong a thousand times than have them openly telling people that their trauma or their memories didn't happen because it hasn't been thoroughly proven (keep in mind during satanic panic there were actual court cases going on, some of which were won, and it was on the news, so there was quite a lot indicating that satanic panic was literally real if you were living at that period in time). It's also very important to note that therapists pretty quickly figured out that some of the stuff they were hearing wasn't actually possible or was very unlikely and very quickly started talking about and researching why these memories were showing up. It's THE reason we have the therapist guidelines we do now on trauma in general and why we know that trauma memories aren't 100% accurate.
But as I've said before I think language changes are often just moving the goalpost without actually addressing the issue. It's one thing to change wording when the wording is actively harming someone, but otherwise all you're doing is avoiding the problem. Eg with homeless vs houseless, nobody's actually addressed WHY they look down on homeless people or worked to have homeless people be viewed equally, they just changed the word and assumed that makes them inherently progressive when they're still saying the same classist shit. "Oh I don't give houseless people money cause they'll use it for drugs" is still an awful sentence. And as I've said there's been multiple name iterations for this abuse type over the years, all to move away from satanic panic. And has it worked? If they're still arguing about it today then obviously not. The fact is that the average white westerners' primary idea of organized abuse is from horror media that depict cults (often satanic but not always). If you want it to be so people aren't getting told their abuse is the same as satanic panic, you have to address the problem which is that white westerners are incredibly ignorant of the relatively common abuses that exist elsewhere in the world and less commonly on their own soil, and that many white westerners' frame of reference for Everything is fictional media. Me personally I can't be fucked to handhold white people through that because I frankly don't give a damn what they think of my abuse history. My history is corroborated and with a paper trail. They can do it though if they really need random strangers' approval and belief.
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the-angriest-author · 4 months
Writeblr intro
not sure if I'm doing this right... tbh, idek what to put on here. Anyhow, I've been writing for about two years now (YAY!!). I mostly write poetry although as I write this most of my posts are short stories of the fantasy variety. I like reading swoon-worthy romances so if you write anything that makes me blush and kick my feet like the teenage girl I am, I will follow you and maybe stalk all your posts. If you are the grammar police I must warn you that you will be forced to arrest me after reading my posts (I'M WORKING ON IT, not really tho).
I've been on Tumblr for idk how long but I keep ghosting the app (Life and whatnot) I'm craving community, especially with fellow authors, maybe ones with more writing experience (I am a newbiiieee). Guys... I swear I won't ghost again 🤭.
And here are all my labels for all my lovely people:
Queer (bi or pan idek man this sexuality shit aint for the weak of heart)
Retired Stoner (Moved to a place where I can't smoke)
Raging bitch (Moved to a place where I can't smoke)
Capricorn Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Capricorn Rising (Raging Bitch)
Not actually a raging bitch, just think it's funny (Please like me)
ADHD (Prone to run on sentences and overusing parentheses)
Chronically misunderstood (Capricorn)
Very Annoying (Sagittarius Moon)
Certifiably Woo-Woo (Hence the astrology references)
Not Funny (I think I'm hilarious and spent 5 minutes straight laughing at this little section)
Current WIPS
To The Stranger Who Stumbles ~ A collection of poetry written during a time of my life when I was experiencing some intense change and coming to terms with certain childhood events that were... not so fun.
Genre: Poetry
Word Count: 5953
Stage: Beta Reading (message me if ur interested)
The Mad ~ Mildred the Mad and her crew of dangerous and mythical women are charged with kidnapping and delivering the Seelie Prince to the Unseelie kingdom. But with every plan comes complications, some in the form of brooding king's guards.
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Action
Tropes: Enemies to Lovers, Found Family
Current Word Count: 4434
Stage: ROUGH DRAFT and planning
P.S. My messages are open! Let's connect!
Published Works
The Hidden (w)Hole of a Heart ~ Literally my whole heart shat out onto paper. But seriously tho it's available on Amazon now and I would appreciate any support. In actuality, it's a story about a young woman (Yours Truly) coming to terms with her deeply feeling nature and Depression. The poems describe the heaviness of emptiness and the overwhelmingness of intense emotions.
Haunted House
Feelings stick to my walls like ghosts,
How is an exorcism performed on a memory?
How do I let them pass through me?
An Apology to The Crone
Pressing my tiny fleshy palms to my ears,
I refused to hear the wisdom of the crone.
Her voice was scratchy with use,
As she warned me of my journey.
I’d close my eyes with every disaster.
The niggling feeling would whisper a wrong,
And I’d pray to God my feet were swift,
So, they could carry me away.
I’d refuse to harden,
Reasoning that beauty is only found in the soft.
I waited to be taken by my knight.
I never cared that the gleam in her armor was an illusion.
I stand unprepared for the cruel world.
Preserved in my maidenhood.
Having grown tired of disobedience, 
The crone has abandoned me.
Only now do I see the clarity of your wisdom,
I will forever be sorry.
A Terrible High
on occasion
there are quiet moments
where minds begin to fill blanks
when small things grow
rock to boulder
smashing me against the ground
I’m nonexistent.
If I were nonexistent
the boulder would simply blow through
and I’d be nothing.
And I’d be okay.
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tennisthemedhatesex · 6 months
Listen. I am just an endless death note AU generator. Currently I have the following going on:
Coffee shop AU but starting slightly before Light becomes Kira: Light meets this mysterious stranger who was tired/felt like adding weirdness to the world one morning and didn't choose a false name for his coffee orders, and it becomes this sort of running joke/game between them with Light trying to figure out his name or various lore about him and L finding this extremely amusing. But then Light finds the death note. L joins the case. Neither of them know this about each other yet, and as Light and L begin to suspect each other they're still keeping up the charade of casual friendship and a half-joking challenge while it takes on a whole additional dimension and they're catching feelings. Hell on earth for poor Light. They have chess sex at one point.
Death Note Randall and Hopkirk (deceased) AU: my personal favorite but extremely niche. Basically ghost L but. a Specific Flavor. Not only do I steal the rahd lore, but there are some Details (muahaha etc.) You don't need to have seen rahd to enjoy it. Here's a playlist but you could not get me to post the actual fic yet under torture
Modern day AU but the main way that this effects the plot is that Light is majorly into competitive Microsoft Excel and L is secretly the world champion that he's had an intense rivalry with ever since Light started.
Another ghost L thing but in this one L possesses Light's body after his death and now they have to Share
Similar to those time travel AUs where Light and/or L gets sent back and have to decide whether to make different decisions except it's the task force (excluding L and Light) and they have to decide whether to try to prove it and arrest him or try to help him and whether they should let Light know about this or if that would be a death sentence. Lots of problem solving, lots of decision making, Light gets to unmask <3 (This one was inspired by (but different from) a tumblr post I should add a link to if I can find it)
One where I mess with the lore so that Light is transforming into a shinigami due to the number of people he has killed (symbolism etc) but this starts right before his confinement so he has to try to hide it and it generally messes up his plans horribly because. Imagine being under constant observation by the world's greatest detective but you're literally transforming into a death god while trying to hide that anything is unusual about you at all.
"Characters watch the show" but it's characters get transported to this world and exposed to modern fandom. This takes place during the warehouse so Light's alive but Mikami is there. They're just yoinked out of there. There is another version of this that takes place during Yotsuba Arc instead.
Along similar-ish lines, a blatantly comedic fic where L reads explicit rpf about L and Kira in front of Light at one point during Yotsuba Arc and Light gets really mad about it leading to intense debate of what Kira would be like in bed, among other things. Keep in mind Light does not have his memories but he does have strong opinions on the topic, for some mysterious reason that Light tries really hard to justify to himself
And more. I love making things worse for my poor little meow meow specifically because I understand his brand of problem solving on a spiritual level and I like to watch it play out. But also because pushing Light to his extremes and seeing how much it takes for him to snap is like crack to me. Mentally putting this guy in saw traps.
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desertfangs · 5 months
🌃 plan the perfect evening from start to finish for Daniel! where are they going, what are they doing, who are they seeing?
🩸in five sentences or less give me the sales pitch on your favorite character!
Daniel's perfect evening (IMO for the sake of this exercise): Daniel wakes up and Armand is still in bed with him. He waited for him to be released from the death sleep so Daniel could wake up in his arms and he loves that. Of course, Armand doesn't linger. They have things to do!
Daniel takes an unnecessary shower and brushes his teeth, mortal habits he'd never let go of and no one has discouraged him from losing. The only time he's ever eschewed these things when he was in the thick of madness, so everyone reckons it's probably not a bad idea to just let him do them. Plus, Armand likes the little bits of humanity Daniel has clung to and hopes he always will.
Armand has put out clothes for him so Daniel gets dressed and then goes downstairs, where Armand is impatiently waiting. In the car as they ride to whatever party/show/event Armand is so eager to get to, Daniel sees a meme that he thinks Marius will appreciate about classical art or something about Rome and he texts it to him. Marius texts back "Laughing, you are so funny." And then asks when he's coming back to Court. Daniel tells him soon, Lestat has been on Armand about it, too (not literally but maybe also literally). Armand does not appreciate that joke.
They hunt before this event because they want to look human, so Daniel lets Armand take the led and find them victims. Armand takes the lead in disposing of the victims, too, and although Daniel helps, he appreciates not having to think about it too hard. He does it all the time, but it's his least favorite part of this whole vampire gig. The bodies still wig him out a little and he'd rather avoid it if possible. This is part of why he likes the little drink so much. Less hassle and mess.
Whatever the event is doesn't matter, because Daniel enjoys watching Armand captivate people. Of course he enjoys talking to strangers about their lives and hearing their stories, but when he glances over and sees Armand laughing or talking animatedly, it makes his heart soar.
When they get home, Benji is playing some video game and Daniel hangs out watching for a bit while Armand goes to the music room and plays a few duets with Sybelle. But as it creeps toward sunrise, Armand ushers the kids to bed, and then takes Daniel to his room--their room? he still calls it Armand's room--and they kiss and get undressed for bed. Daniel mentions going back to Court because Marius seems eager to see them and Armand agrees they should probably head there soon.
And then they do things that we will fade to black on tumblr for but you can probably imagine, just sweet intimacy, some of it somewhat sexual because that's often their habit, or maybe just kissing and touching until Daniel is too groggy and they fall asleep together in Armand's massive bed with his million count cotton sheets. FIN.
Sales Pitch for Daniel Molloy: Daniel is a guy who sought truth and meaning in the stories of other people until he learned of the supernatural. He has a desperate need to know things, to learn things, to see the world and experience everything. His desire to be a vampire stemmed from his need to not to miss out on experiences and the progress of the world, and he because he wanted to spend forever with the love of his life (Armand). He's sardonic, funny, affable, and he believes absolutely in the love vampires are capable of. He's just a cool guy who knows what he's about.
Thank you for the ask!
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gutterfuuck · 27 days
this isn’t the anon who’s mad at you btw this is a total stranger but the way you started purposefully making your grammar more improper after saying “sorry english isn’t my first language” is so funny to me
this isn’t me hating btw it’s just that you were literally typing just fine before that
i do understand! however, i do sometimes spend more time on posts and such! i do have an editor and sometimes i double check with others and swap out some other words to make sentences more complete! i think that it is quite strange how people don’t think that sometimes, perhaps people can improve on speech and other times be rushed. i like to study english, i am getting better, i do not respond to this in hate at all, either as you are respectful! though people should understand, this is how it can be sometimes. i hope this makes sense to you!
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tiredcatgamer · 1 year
KHR Headcanon: What if Verde has some common sense?
Before Verde got involved in Mafia, he was a civilian born to normal parents who work in like medical or science field, even a professor too. Verde was not even his real name, but for the sake of this post, I'll use it. Verde was a natural genius at young age and knowledge was what he needed the most plus his happy parents encouraged him to continue his passion.
Years later, Verde was a renowned scientist in the whole world. That'd make sense in KHR world coz it wouldn't be impossible for everyone especially civilians not to know Verde. Sooo, while Verde has just found out about the dying will flames that would totally change his life perspective, Checkerface just came to invite him to the strongest seven people meeting, and Verde was like "hmmm, that's so suspicious. My stranger danger literally screams he is trouble. So a no is a n-" come on, he is the greatest scientist but with bad social skills.
Checkerface had came up with a plan on the spot and he was like "yo, you can get more knowledge about everything even Dying will flames from me if you agree. I meant everything."
Verde was doubting him until Checkerface demonstrate his rich knowledge to him and it totally blew his mind off as Verde tried to fact-check what he said and it turned out to be all true. Verde told him a single sentence, "deal, but if it is not satisfortary, the deal is off." While Checkerface mentally gave himself a back pat.
Later, Verde went to the meeting and saw the six people. He was like "crap, wait, am I in mafia???" But he hid his expressions from them by doing his notepad thing that was his coping mechanism. Meanwhile, Arcobaleno thought he must be a mad scientist due to his mysterious nature. Verde was also like "wtf? Did that woman has the ability to see the future? Why did she seems smiley? I guess it is the time to find information about sll of them" So, the scientist made no effort to flame bond with them while secretly dug every information on them. Eventually, they became chilly with each other from every mission that Checkerface assigned them to and after missions, Verde kept asking Checkerface countless questions for the sake of knowledge. Checkerface was like "whoa, this mortal seriously live on knowledge?"
Then, they got Arcobaleno curse that turned them into babies, which it pissed most of Arcobaleno off. Meanwhile, Verde was like "this is so unbelievable" until in his private lab, Checkerface pop out of nowhere and told him that he has decades to live until his flames die out. To his surprise, Verde took the news well and asked about the history of Tri-ni-sette, and Checkerface told him everything except for the fact that there used to be earthlings until Verde casually said "oh that sounded like a badly designed life system. Who in the right mind make that?" which was a slap in Checkerface's face because Verde was absolutely correct.
Checkerface took a deep breath and told Verde that he is the administrator of Tri-ni-sette, not the creator, but he has to be the main villain for the sake of the world and tried everything to find an alternative solution. Sadly, nothing worked even after centuries.
Verde honestly felt sorry for Checkerface and thought solving the Arcobaleno Curse would be worth being a great experiment in his lifetime because Verde was already bored of knowing everything too much.
(maybe I'll plan to write part two.)
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rainiishowers · 2 years
Can I request the brothers with an MC who's kinda like Thomas from sanders sides. However, instead of facets of their personality, it's MCs personification of each sin (pride, Greed, envy ect. )
And the brothers randomly find out one day because they listened in a conversation that MC was having with one of the sins?
MCs Sides Sins | Obey Me |
Summary: You know staying in literal hell has taken a toll on you when you develop facets of each seven deadly sin,, Genre: Fluff/Crack Warnings: Not proofread, lazy
You were laying in bed, remembering it was the weekend so without much arguing with yourself, you decided to just stay in. Unfortunately, your stomach started to rumble soon after but you were still so tired. It got worse after a bit, so worse in fact that your Gluttony personification appears at the end of your bed. “Come onnnn! Get up!” They whine. You were no stranger to dealing with your facets of the seven sins, but before you could argue, your Sloth facet appears beside Gluttony. “Leave them alone, they’re tired.” They yawn. Hunger was getting the best of you as you start to get up, hearing a knock on the door when you manage to swing your legs off the bed. Your Sloth and Gluttony disappear as you sigh. “Come in” You answer in a groggy voice that was barely loud enough. You see Beel peek in with some food. “I sensed you were hungry but Belphie sensed you were tired so I came to give you some food” He says. You smile a bit and pat the spot next to him. He came to sit beside you, you saw him holding your favourite food and your eyes light up as he gives it to you. Thanking the gentle giant, you took a bite out of it. “It’s a slow day, huh?” He asks, trying his best to make conversation. You swallow your food before shrugging. “I guess you could say that” You rub your eyes. You two left your room, making conversation as you both head to the living room. You hear voices, arguing. When you went to check it out. It was Levi, yelling at Mammon. Your anger starts to boil as you saw Levi throwing multiple insults at his older brothers, not letting him get a sentence in other than “I didn’t steal shit! Don’t blame me!” Beel, who was watching with you, frowns at his two older brothers arguing. You stomp over and stand in front of Mammon, glaring at Levi. “MC! Tell this scumbag to return my figurines!” “I didn’t steal your shit!” “Enough.”
Your tone was enough for the brothers to stop arguing as you sigh, this was a common occurrence, and you knew how to diffuse the situation by now. “How about instead of instantly blaming Mammon, you search, perhaps you misplaced them.” You say. “I keep them in a specific spot!” Levi says. You then turn to Mammon, giving him a gentle glare. “Mams? Did you steal them?” You ask. “No!” He blurts. “You’re as much of a liar as you are a scumbag!” Your anger surfaced even more as you gave the avatar of envy a glare. “Levi, I found your figurines.” You turn to face Satan with a few figurines in arm. That only made you more mad, how come Mammon was blamed when the figurines could’ve been easily found. Satan gives Levi the figurines and he retreats back to his room, you were about to tell him to apologize to the second eldest but he simply took your hand and shook his head, he didn’t want any more arguing. You take a deep breath as the anger building up went back down, at the corner of your eyes you saw your Wrath incarnate rolling their eyes and disappearing.
You soon left to a more private place, only for your Wrath incarnate to pop up in front of you. “You wanna pull a prank on Levi?” They gave a toothy grin. “We’re not doing that, Wrath, it’s foolish.” You saw your Pride side to appear beside Wrath, giving them a stern look. “Oh come on, you’re no fun, party pooper” Wrath pouts. “MC?” You whip your head around to see Asmo wide eyed as his eyes trail across Pride and Wrath. You panic, no one was suppose to find out, not until you told them yourself! You try to think of an explanation but heard a giggle. “Aww, how cute, more MC’s!” He hums and taps his chin. “Don’t tell me you were planning on hiding this from us” You sigh, throwing your hands up in defeat. “I was planning to hide it from you guys for a while..” You say. He pouts and his expression changes after a minute or so. “Well, why don’t we have a house meeting and you can tell us all about those different versions of you~” ------------ You tap your legs anxiously as everyone piles in and sits down, giving a sheepish smile to everyone. You didn’t understand why you were so nervous. They only appeared weeks before so you haven’t been able to bond with all your different facets, but surely they wouldn’t mind you x7, all with different personalities somewhat similar to the brother they correlate with. “Soooo..” You start, getting the attention of each brother. Before you could continue, Lust appears with a big grin. “Oh don’t be so shy, MC” They turn to the brothers. “I’m MC’s facet of Lust, and you can address me by that name~” Asmo gasps excitedly but Mammon just looked confused. “Wha- Facets? MC what’ are they goin’ on about?” You sigh. “I sorta developed facets of the seven deadly sins and now I basically have seven of you but my own” “So our pacts were so strong that they developed physical beings?” You shrug at Satan’s question. “I dunno, they just spawned out of nowhere” “This reminds of one anime! My girlfriend is actually five different beings in one body and she has massive moodswings!” Lucifer sighs. “I already feel the headaches..” “Well on the bright side you have another responsible person!” You grin, causing Pride to appear. “I am glad we came to be, because if we didn’t, more problems would emerge” You snort. “You underestimate me, there are going to be problems regardless.” Belphie groans. “Ugh seriously? Another Lucifer?” He grumbles. Sloth appears. “Oh trust me, Pride is much worse.” Belphie snorts. “Bet.”
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bonvoyagenoona · 2 years
Fav books recs pls?
Oooh! I might’ve done a list like this before, but here are more thoughts.
Many of my faves of all time came from my high school English teachers’ assigned reading list (I had two very amazing teachers whom I admire to this day), but my list also includes standards, YA books that have impacted me, and others, in somewhat chronological order of when I read them?:
Spying on Miss Mueller - one of my fave YA books, it’s about four boarding school girls during WWII who are enamored with their glamorous German headmistresses, but all is not what it seems, such a sweet story and thrilling adventure
The Bell Jar - my ultimate favorite book of all time, and the edition I found had the poem “Mad Girl’s Love Song”, which was also life-changing
Idk if you’re also into poetry but, given that I brought it up, ugh, “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning”
Breakfast at Tiffany’s
The Catcher in the Rye
The Poisonwood Bible
Crime and Punishment - I actually didn’t think I’d enjoy this, but when I read it in an English class, I was very drawn to it, so much so that when we were assigned it for the summer before senior year, I went ALL OUT with my project and wrote diary entries for each chapter/passage/sentence that stuck out to me and gave commentary, and my teacher was like “WHOA THIS IS AMAZING” lol
Notes from Underground - yes, became a fan of Dostoevsky and read this in college for a lit class, cracked me up at times at the pitiful nature of human existence, while also prompting lots of existential thoughts that I hadn’t had before
Same with The Stranger
Brief Interviews with Hideous Men - found David Foster Wallace in college, and his “This is Water” commencement speech at Kenyon College had an impact on me, very thought-provoking and hits on consciousness and awareness (full speech here)
Polish Joke and Other Plays - if you like plays, I like David Ives! I ended up writing a bunch of one-act plays after reading his stuff in college, very fun
EVERYTHING NORA EPHRON, from Heartburn to I Feel Bad About My Neck: And Other Thoughts on Being a Woman and every movie she wrote in between, MY QUEEN
Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) - in fact, EVERYTHING by Mindy Kaling, she’s one of my writing heroes!
Year of Yes - Shonda Rhimes’s autobiographical stuff actually changed my life, and I think about the lessons I learned from this book every day
Becoming - I mean, duh, history-making, and I was already weeping when Michelle Obama started talking about her parents, such a relatable story as a first gen immigrant
Live From New York: The Complete, Uncensored History of Saturday Night Live - OK listen, I was OBSESSED with SCTV and SNL from the time I was about 5 to 30, OBSESSED, I wanted to write sketches for them and for late-night shows generally, and Tina Fey and Seth Meyers’ times as head writer had a HUGE creative and life influence on me, still does
Yes, Please - this book is amazing, Amy Poehler has actually become one of my top comedy heroes, along with Mindy and Mike Schur, and BJ Novak, and John Mulaney, and just a bunch of people in that kind of group?, and I say that with somewhat surprise because I was such a Tina Fey stan (so yeah, Bossypants is good too), but a lot of Tina’s reactions to current events since just seem tone deaf, whereas Amy Poehler has led with joy and exploration
Here are some recent reads that I’ve started but haven’t finished, been recommended, or been wanting to check out (these are currently sitting on my shelf):
Literally everything by Sally Rooney (lol @bluejin0812​)
Crying in H Mart (ugh how have I not read this yet)
Three Little Truths
Super Host
Tablo’s Pieces of You, sent to me by a dear friend!
I haven’t been reading or writing nearly as much as I’ve wanted to these days, what with life getting busier. But always happy to learn about books and your thoughts on them! Share more here and I’ll reblog to spread the word!
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List 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people who liked/reblogged something from you. Get to know your followers and mutuals!
I have never posted anything on here, but I was tagged by @red-hibiscus so I thought I could use this opportunity to start.
My dog. Technically my mom's dog but who cares. I had been a cat person all my life until i moved out and my mom decided to replace me with the most beautiful, softest and most empty-headed yet surprisingly capable creature I have ever laid eyes on. Just looking at this little sister of mine makes me instantly happy and I can never be mad at her even when she keeps me up all night because she heard a pebble fall down somewhere and now she's scared and making it everyones problem.
Theatre. (normal spoken plays, think Shakespeare, not musicals) I love the theatre, weather going to see a play as a spectator or participating myself. The small-ish theatre in the town I grew up in sometimes feels more like home than any house I've ever lived in. Lying on the painted-black wooden floor behind the backdrop, listening to the slightly muted sounds of others rehearsing scenes I'm not in. That's a feeling of true contentedness for me.
A view of mountains. I was born close to the mountains, and even after I moved away at the age of five, I came back for almost every school break until I was old enough to be on my own for extended periods of time. And though I'm not an increadibly enthusiastic hiker and lost all enjoyment of skiing when my younger cousins, who live there year-round, inevitably got much better at it than me, the sight of a mountain range still makes me feel happy and grounded.
Water. I love existing in water, be that swimming or just lounging or even diving (not too deep, my ears can't handle it). I used to dream of being a mermaid as a child and if I'm honest I might have still not entirely grown out of that.
Hugs. I'm quite the loner. I prefere not being perceived by humans about 90% of the time. Unfortunately, that often leaves me somewhat touch-starved so a hug from a friend or, depending on the right circumstances, a stranger usually goes quite a long way to filling that persistent small hole, hidden somewhere between my liver and my stomach.
If you made it through my weird writing, please note that English is not my native language and I can only write in one of two modes: extremely casual with no sign of cohesion, punctuation or correct spelling OR borderline pretentious run-on sentences with made up punctuation and variably successful spelling attempts.
Since this is literally my first post, I don't have anyone to tag. So if you somehow came across this post and haven't been tagged yet, feel free to consider yourself tagged, or not.
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