#this has been a thing in my head since like february and i never thought id post it
hannahssimblr · 1 day
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Jen and Hazel return to the table with a bottle of wine with condensation on it and four glasses from the china cabinet. I have that feeling again like I am pretending to be somebody I am not as I yank the cork out of the bottle and pour some for each of us. I don’t really know how much wine goes into a normal glass, I realise, as I have only ever had it straight from the bottle or whichever cup was available, when measures didn’t seem like an important thing.  
“Not so much,” Hazel giggles, covering her glass with her hand, “It goes to my head very easily, you see, I’ve only been drinking since February.”
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I assume that’s when she turned eighteen, and I find it interesting, actually, to encounter a person who waited, actually waited until the law said she could drink. Hazel is not like the rest of us, we who necked cans of lager at thirteen and said ludicrous, performative things like “Oh I’m sick of drinking, I feel like I’ve done enough of it,” by sixteen. I ponder too, as I sit back and swish the liquid around in its stemmed vessel whether my new, adult life will have a lot of new things like dinner parties and wine from proper glasses. The thought alone makes me feel strange and unprepared.
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Over our food, Hazel shares an anecdote about one of her uncles who crashed his motorbike and survived. She’s a very unusual sort of person, and the way she speaks, by delivering shocking or disgusting details is as though she has no notion of the impact they might have upon us while eating, but still, I like her, and I can see why Jen does too. There must be something freeing about being her, like it has never once occurred to her to consider another person's opinion of her, and it’s the kind of thing you might hope would rub off on you after being around her for long enough.
Jen gazes adoringly at her the entire time, hanging on her every word with a full, untouched plate in front of her and I think that it’s also funny that Hazel seems entirely oblivious to Jen’s feelings, blatantly on her sleeve. Jen and I are made of the same things. She would say that there is some cosmic reason, written by the stars or the planets, but we can never disguise our emotion. Always pining, forever yearning for something or someone-
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“Why do you put so much sauce on everything?” Michelle says, out of nowhere. 
“I dunno? I just like sauce.”
Jen is irritated that we have interrupted Hazel’s flow, “Jude always piles sauce onto things, I don’t think it’s a big deal.”
“Yeah but it’s so much, I'm just a bit disgusted looking at it, especially while listening to this story about Hazel’s uncle's injuries.”
A glob of red sauce and mayonnaise drops out of the bottom of my burger and I scoop it from the plate with my finger, “You shouldn’t look then.”
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She scoffs, and there is a brief but uncomfortable pause at the table that I ignore in favour of turning my face away and watching Goose instead. Goose who is mesmerised by a little brown bird that has landed just outside the window. He paws hungrily at the window with paws pink like jelly beans and opens his mouth in a silent mew of frustration. 
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“I’m going inside for a minute,” I announce, though Hazel is now in the middle of the most shocking and gruesome part of her story, where her uncle's wound turns septic or something, and has to pause again for me, but I have developed a keen sense for when it’s time to take space from Michelle and let her get over whatever specific thing about me that is bothering her at any given moment. I slip away and carefully let myself inside the dining room, blocking Goose with my legs as I do. 
“Hello, Goosey, do you mind if I hang out with you for a minute?” 
He chirps and blinks his big, dopey eyes, and I take it as a sign that he’s cool with it, and I let him weave around my ankles as I scratch his head with two fingers. I feel a surge of affection, maybe even sympathy for him and his weird little face, stroking his fuzzy chest now as he flips over onto his back with four legs in the air like a dog.  
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We had a cat back in Albuquerque, Soda Popinski, named for a character from Mike Tyson’s Punch Out, an NES game that my cousin Justin got addicted to when he was nine. Justin was fourteen when I was born, and Soda Popinski was around for much, much longer. She was a big, surly tabby who lay in the sun for ninety percent of her day and sometimes ate the flies that buzzed around the terrace door, if she could be bothered. The other ten percent was spent hunting, us specifically, hiding behind corners to lunge at us, or tricking us into rubbing her belly so that she could grate ten inches of skin from our forearms for being so thick. Everyone in the house discussed Soda in tones that suggested she was pure evil from birth, but in an affectionate way, because it’s not as though we were ever going to get rid of her. She was as part of the house as the screws that held its frame together, and the idea of not having her terrorising us was almost sad.
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I don’t think she hated us, it was simply her nature to be a bit savage, and I imagined that she was nastier to other creatures than she was to our family. Sometimes she’d leap in through the bathroom window when it was open, usually conveniently while someone was in the bath, with a dead bird or mouse in her chops, proudly dropping it on the edge of the tub in a pool of its own blood as if she were paying her rent, and I suppose it was some shade of love. 
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She went missing the year I moved away. Aunt Maureen told me during our weekly phone call, and gently suggested that some older cats go away to hide when they were ready to die. I was crushed knowing that the house I had grown up in would never feel exactly the same ever again.
When I cried over Soda Popinski I cried over everything, all of it, the change and the unfamiliarity, all of the upheaval that I wasn't ready for, but that was the only time I let myself do it in front of anyone. I told my mom it was just because of the cat. She believed me and stopped asking.
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I scoop Goose into my arms and carry him into the kitchen so that he can keep me company while I forage a can of 7-Up from the fridge, something I feel I’d prefer to be drinking than the wine that remains as not-very-nice as it’s always been, despite being served correctly in an adult glass. I sip it in peace on the kitchen island for a while as the kitten climbs all over me like he thinks I’m a tree, eventually resting where my neck and back curves and purrs there, his vibrations rumbling through to my chest. 
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We enjoy several minutes of blissful solitude before there is a tap on the window. 
“Jude!” Jen is waving at me, “What are you doing in there? Come back out, and will you bring another bottle of wine when you do?”
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I shoot her a thumbs up and carefully lift Goose onto the floor, then pull something at random from the wine rack. He’s at my ankles the whole way to the door. “You like me, don’t you? You’re infatuated with me.” I say to him, as though it isn’t total projection. 
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“God, no, Jude,” Michelle starts the moment I open the door, “it was the wine from the fridge. Not that one.”
I glance at the bottle, “We can't just have this one?”
“No, because it’s the wrong one.”
“Isn't wine just wine, though?”
She uses the slow, impatient voice on me that teachers used to when they thought I was being stupid on purpose, “That one is red wine, we’ve not been drinking red wine we’ve been drinking white, and also, it’s not even the one that I bought for-”
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“Goose!” Hazel shrieks and I almost drop the bottle onto the patio. The kitten is a grey blur as he makes a dash for the bushes.  This moment, far too late, is when I realise I have left the door ajar. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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beanscool-excellent · 10 months
some ride the crimeclone notes because people liked my tags about it on that one post
ride the crimeclone (or just crimeclone) is the production of rtc that i have planned out in my head that i will never be able to put on bc i have changed parts of the script and putting it on would be Wildly Illegal, hence the name crimeclone
i jumped around the show a lot making these in my sketchbook and im going around my sketchbook too so its a little all over the place but!!
jane has contacts that make it look like her eyes are buttons
she has the doll in her pocket the whole show but the stuffing is falling out of it so ocean trails behind her and cleans it up
"my song--(leans down to pick up fluff)--was a cautionary tale--(leans down)--of hubris.(leans down, shoves fluff into her pocket)"
before the new birthday song when everyone brings the outfit ricky brings jane her doll and jane hugs the doll and its a very sweet moment
janes makeup is done to look like she has a patch on her face
puppet motif in tbojd
all her movements look very choreographed until "and im asking why lord" and then she just goes apeshit. she is so fucking mad
like i said earlier it has the energy of sam pauly's all you wanna do
i genuinely dont know how to put this into words but the lights on the umbrellas like. circle?
you know those people who sync up their christmas lights to the radio and it looks like pieces of light are moving up the sidewalks? that but in a circle
ok enough jane talk
propaganda posters in wtwn !!
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this kinda thing ^
theyre used kinda like the big posterboards that spell out ocean in mcc*rter's version
mischa snaps his in half in the scene after wtwn
the outfit ricky quick changes into during sabm is So Glittery its almost obnoxious
the shirt is partially unbuttoned too
the implication is that he didnt have time to rebutton it after the cat sex
i also think the cat sex is a pre recorded projection so that theres enough time for the quick change bc i still want ricky to come out on "for theyre at war with canine"
i think he has the electric guitar the whole last section too and i want it to be strapped to his cane
idk why i just think itd be fun
oh also we keep lets get real space babies and dont be a dick
and its the version where ricky is actually disabled but i think that goes without saying
and while were at it keep love conquers all it is a CRIME that they removed it
i think thats all i have to say for now so heres my costume design stuff
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oh i should elaborate on the noels lament skirts huh
ok so the skirt for the uniform is long so it spins out a lot, think the talia dresses but more pleated and less flowy, and the underside is red so during noels lament they can pin it up to look shorter in the front,, it looks weird in the drawing and i think it sounds weird but ive done it with my big skirts irl and it looks cool so. yeah
ill reblog with more stuff eventually but im writing this out at midnight and im tired so no more right now
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AITA for telling my her ex I read her poetry?
I (F19) dated my ex (F18, Lacy) for about 9 months. I broke up with her because she had a lot of issues I just didn't know how to deal with and I also fell in love with my best friend (NB19, Alex, he/his pronouns), so I decided it was the best course of action. I broke up with Lacy on January of 2023 and started dating Alex in February.
Around this time, I found an Instagram account that posted poetry. There was nothing that could identify the author, but the poetry was really good so I started to follow them. With time, however, the poems started to look... familiar. Not the writing style, but some situations on them, for example: one of them said something like "your brother's night sky truck that took us to the stars" (my older brother has a dark blue truck he would lend me so I could take Lacy on dates) and another said "that old guitar you had that you never learned to play like you played me" (I have an old guitar I inherited from my father and I indeed never learned how to play it). These are only two examples, but I found many others that convinced me that account belonged to Lacy.
I know I should have left it alone the second I realized the account belonged to her, but it was so flattering to see she wrote all of that about me. I didn't tell anyone, not my friends or Alex, but I kept following the account and reading Lacy's poetry. I think my feelings for her started to rekindle after that, because no one ever wrote about me like that and, as months passed, she kept writing about me. She never got over me.
My relationship with Alex also started to have problems during this time. He got a job at an ice cream parlour and he started a D&D campain with his friends, which means we started to spend less and less time together. He didn't seem to be as interested in me as he was during our first months of relationship, and I feel like he's taking me for granted. Lately, more specifically since December, we started to fight a lot over small things too.
We went to a New Year's party one of our friends was hosting and Lacy was there too. That enough was reason for Alex to start complaining, since he has a lot of feelings of jealousy regarding her. We ended up having a fight because he thought I knew she'd be there, which I didn't, and he went to stay with our friends, avoiding me the whole night.
It was New Year's eve and I had just fought with my partner, who was monopolizing all of our friends and leaving me by myself, so I started to drink. I know that wasn't a good idea, but I was angry and frustrated and I thought that would help. It didn't, I just got super drunk.
Since my filter disappears when I'm drunk, I went after Lacy and told her her poetry was really good. At first she was confused, so I said I found her poetry account and her poems were amazing, and I was flattered she still thought about me like that, because I didn't think anyone else ever saw me in such a beautiful way.
After that, the panic in her eyes became clear. She started to cry, not full on sobbing but some tears rolled down her face and she didn't answer me, just left. Alex saw the interaction and came to ask me what happened. I ended up telling him about Lacy's poetry account, we fought again and I decided to go home. In that same night, I searched for the poetry account and it was deleted.
This whole situation didn't leave my head since it happened and I don't know what to think. Alex has also been avoiding me and I don't understand why everyone seems to be against me. Lacy blocked me everywhere and I'm beginning to think leaving her for Alex was a huge mistake. It was also never my intention to make Lacy feel like she had to delete her account.
AITA for telling her I knew about the poetry account?
What are these acronyms?
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zeroeightzeroone · 3 months
my valentine - han jisung
love collection
genre: soft, fluff
synopsis: y/n and jisungs first valentine's day as a couple
pairings: fem!reader (infp) x idol!han jisung (istp)
notes: i made a pinterest! i'll be making mood boards for this collection and other things i write!
wc ~2.3k | moodboard
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:
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february 14th, also known as valentine's day where lovers exchange gifts with one another to express their affection. but in korea, valentine's day is when the girls express their feelings for their lover or confess their feelings. however, the latter won't know if their feelings are reciprocated until march 14th, also known as white day, a month later. on this day, the men are expected to exchange gifts of equal extravagance to their lover or clarify their feelings to those who have confessed a month prior. 
you and jisung have been dating for a while. the topics of valentine's day and white day have come up, but those conversations are more focused on how those particular days were celebrated in your different upbringings. you are brought up in a more Westernized household where valentine's is expected to be a day where couples exchange gifts. with jisung's upbringing in a korean household, valentine's day being for the boys and white day for the girls. of course, learning about how holidays work and different cultures is always something interesting, another good seed of knowledge. 
regardless of the wisdom you receive from your boyfriend during your conversations, how you two would celebrate those days was never discussed. would you only celebrate valentine's day and exchange gifts on the 14th of february? or would you be giving him a gift on the 14th of february and he to you on the 14th of march? 
with both cases on hand, if jisung does exchange gifts on the same day, then it's just valentine's day, or he gives his gift to you a month later for the white day. you'd be happy with either outcome you just aren't sure which one you'll have, you're also too nervous to bring the topic up to him and make him feel like he has to give you something, where's the fun in receiving a gift that you had to convince them for? a week before valentine's day, you opt to find something for your boyfriend and see the result the day of instead of asking him about it.
todays the day.
your social media accounts are littered with couples posting about each other, whether these are on their feed or to their temporary stories. no matter where you turn on the internet, the sudden influx of couple content makes it clearly undeniable that today is the day, it's valentine's day.
it's not even a particularly special day in your relationship with jisung, it's not a birthday or an anniversary, just an international day to celebrate love, and you're still nervous. regardless of those facts, it's the first valentine's day you're celebrating with jisung since becoming a couple officially; that fact overrides the others. 
trying your best to calm your nerves, you're staring out the window as an attempt to distract yourself; reading the names of stores that pass by, the street signs or pondering on anything that catches your eye that passes by. but every single thing leads you back to jisung.
a cafe passes by and it reminds you of the first time you met, should you have gotten something better to pay homage to that?
then a record store. should you have gotten him his favorite records? 
everything that passes by leads you to overthink your valentine's day gift. wondering if you didn’t do enough for your first valentines day together? what if you give it to him, and when you look into his eyes, he hates it, but he's trying to cover it up by smiling like he loves it? what if he thinks your gift is too cheesy? 
the closer you get to the jyp entertainment building, the more thoughts run rampant in your head. when the driver slows down to a stop, going through the necessary security screening before the car park attendant opens the gate, you feel like your mind is going into overdrive. your thoughts are so scattered that you nearly forget to text him to let him know you're here.
you: we're pulling into the underground lot
your leg bounces anxiously as the car park attendant goes back into the kiosk to open the gates. your phone buzzes.
seungmoo: ok give me a second 
did you mention that jisung doesn't know you're coming? 
with the help of seungmin, you planned to surprise him at work today. seungmin helped with arranging for someone from the company to pick you up from your apartment, something jisung always tries to do when you come visit
to ensure your safety. it's also easier for you to enter the building without too much unwanted attention down in the underground lot. seungmin also helped keep an eye on your boyfriend so he could update you on where to go and surprise him.
seungmoo: jisung's in channie's room do you remember where it is or
you: i remember thank you so much again
seungmoo: yeah yeah you owe me
your hands are clammy, and your heart is racing as you stand outside chan's room, the faint sound of music muffled by the door that divides you and your boyfriend. you gulp, taking a deep breath before you slowly raise one hand, knocking on the door hard enough to be heard over the music. 
the music stops, and you hear jisung call, "come in!"
your hand moves to the knob, turning it slowly as you open the door just enough to peek your head inside with a sheepish smile. 
jisung jumps in his seat, he's shocked to see you but it's a good surprise–great even. he expected to see one of the company staff or one of the boys when the door opened. instead jisung was pleasantly surprised to see his beautiful girlfriend on the other side. the sight of you has his heart fluttering, unable to bite back the wide smile that pulls on his lips.
"baby! wh– how…"
your boyfriend is giddy as he rushes up onto his feet and out of the rolling chair he’s seated on. he swings the door open to pull you into the room and into his eager arms before shutting the door behind him; immediately, both of his arms are enveloped around you and swaying your bodies back and forth.
“did you miss me or something?” you giggle at how cuddly jisung is being. he doesn’t say anything but he nods his head vigorously.
with a big smile on his face, jisung pulls away to look at you, "you didn't tell me you were coming today!"
"i wanted to surprise you. are you surprised?"
“very! come sit baby,” jisung guides you with his hand wrapped around your wrist, leading you both to sit on the couch pressed up against the wall. 
you’re seated across each other, knees brushing when jisung reaches over to place the spotify pillow in your lap, covering your thighs as your skirt had ridden up the slightest bit when you sat down. his other hand is still wrapped around your wrist, caressing the skin gently as he notices something in the corner of his eye. jisung had been preoccupied with shock at the fact you came all the way to his work to surprise him; he had just noticed the bag you were holding in your free hand. the sight of jisung’s round, brown eyes locked on the bag has your own eyes blinking quickly, hands getting clammy in nervousness once again. 
"whatcha got there?" jisung gestures to the bag.
blinking quickly again, you shift in your seat and clear your throat awkwardly prompting your boyfriend’s attention to shift from the bag to your face. quietly observing you. you retract your hand from jisung’s hold, both of your hands now on the bag and bringing it up into your lap. 
you glance up at him but don’t meet his gaze. 
“i.. uh...” you stammer, “i got you a valentines day gift…”
jisung’s chocolate brown eyes light up. 
“i-it’s not much but… uh… since it's our first valentines together as a couple, i just wanted to get you something.”
you reach into the bag, still avoiding your boyfriend’s gaze, and your cheeks get progressively warmer as you hand him the first gift.
“i got you some chocolates that i know you like, ones you said you liked before, and then some others i thought you might like.”
jisung feels his cheeks flush, listening to you speak and watching you ruffle through the bag's contents. 
“i also got you some of the snacks you like, i’m not gonna take them all out cos i don’t wanna make a mess but…” your voice trails off as you ramble.
you glance up at jisung for a second, wanting to take a moment to gauge his expression before continuing. from that split-second observation, you denounce that jisung doesn’t seem to hate your gifts and give him the last couple of gifts with a lighter weight on your shoulders. 
you extend your arms towards jisung, a small card in your hands, and this time you exchange a small, meek smile. jisung’s eyes dart between the beige card in your hands and your face, your nervous eyes watching his every move when he reaches out with both hands to retrieve the card.
jisung’s eyes graze over the two words printed on the envelope; mon cœur.
“it's a gift card. just in case the jyp cafe goes under construction again and you need your iced americano fix, elsewhere.”
“i don’t care if the jyp cafe is up and running,” jisung declares, “i met the most beautiful girl there. if you’re there, i’m there.”
his words have you flustered, your next words coming out in a sputter, “y-you’re cheesy. b-but that’s it, i’m sorry that i couldn’t get you more–“
“this is amazing,” jisung is quick to cut you off, “the fact you got me anything–period–is so much more than enough.”
your boyfriend brings one hand up to cup your cheek, leaning forward and tilting your lips up to meet his own in a slow, gentle kiss.
“thank you,” he lands a quick peck on your lips, “but…”
when jisung leans back fully, he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, and the gesture, coupled with the sudden ‘but’ makes your heart drop. 
“but?” you squeak. ‘oh no, he’s going to break it to me that he hates it…’ you think to yourself, bracing for the moment he tells you he indeed hates all the gifts.
“but you being here kinda ruined my surprise,” jisung laughs awkwardly. 
his words have your head cocked and brows knit in confusion. jisung moves your gifts off his lap and onto the couch before he rises to his feet, your eyes cautiously following his movements as he bends over behind the arm of the couch across from you. 
when jisung straightens his posture, your jaw drops in awe at the sight.
with a sheepish smile on his face, your boyfriend shifts awkwardly on his feet as he holds a bouquet of flowers in his hands. you can’t seem to tear your gaze away from the bouquet, a beautiful mix of a variety of red hues, along with the dark greens of the flower stems and leaves. 
“i was gonna come and surprise you after work.” 
jisung walks back over to the couch and sits down, outstretching his arms to bring the bouquet closer to you. slowly, your hands come up, brushing over his own as he transfers the flowers into your hands. 
“i wasn’t a hundred percent sure what flowers to get, i know roses are the go-to option, but i also wanted to get something to go along with them.”
your boyfriend explains as he watches the way you observe the bouquet with eyes sparkling in admiration. 
“one of the stylists has a friend that runs a flower shop, and i had some back and forth with the owner to determine what i wanted to get. when i did some research, red roses are popular on valentines day because it symbolizes passion and love–makes sense because its the day for lovers…” 
jisung’s voice is timid as the four-letter word leaves his lips, words that have yet to be exchanged between you two, and he’s apprehensive about saying them too soon, fearing he may scare you off. 
he clears his throat and continues, “the owner then showed me photos of the red flowers he had, and i chose those ones,” he points to the daisy-like flowers, the flowers are a darker red, bordering on a chocolate brown, “they’re chocolate cosmos, which also symbolize love… and the name has chocolate in it which i thought was cute.”
unbeknownst to you, jisung purposely omits a detail he learned when choosing which flowers he wanted in the bouquet. 
florist: [photo attachments] here are the red flowers we have
jisung scrolls through the photos, scanning the flowers through and through–hoping to find the perfect combination with the red roses. the boy stops at one of the last photos, he finds himself particularly drawn to the darker red of these flowers compared to the previous ones.
jisung: [photo attachment] what are these flowers called?
florist: cosmos; typically, they symbolize order, harmony and balance. in korea they are said to mean happiness, romance and youth the ones pictured are chocolate cosmos, chocolate cosmos in particular, means “i love you more than anyone can”
jisung: i’d like the red roses and chocolate cosmos then! i’ll be sure to give ms. choi the money, and we’ll be in touch again around white day! thank you very much! 
with your eyes closed, you take a whiff of the flower bouquet, your senses invaded with the deeply floral and sweet scent of the roses along with notes of vanilla and chocolate from the cosmos. lowering the bouquet down and away from your nose, you open your eyes with a smile, meeting your boyfriend’s warm gaze. 
you say fondly, “happy valentines day.”
jisung tucks a strand of hair behind your ear before responding, “happy valentines day, my y/n.”
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akiranzee · 3 months
idea: a very drunk Hashira! reader trying (and somehow succeeding) to rizz up muzan. They hit it off and later on in the final battle, reader who is very shy when sober, finds them again and both just remember that they hooked up-
🥃 • ° ` — “LIQUOR AND SINS”
-> PAIRINGS: Muzan Kibutsuji x Gn!Drunk!Hashira!Y/n -> SUMMARY: The night when your life changed. -> WORD COUNT: 1.5k+ -> CONTAINS: suggestive content, mentions of violence, swearing, muzan’s demon form, drinking, muzan is 1000 while reader is 27. -> A/N: sry if u wanted this smut, its on my rules that i don’t accept smut reqs from anons. i hope u still like this tho!!
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February 14, was the day you finally managed to defeat an uppermoon. Uppermoon 5, to be exact. Surely you’ll celebrate for this wonderful achievement, right? Of course you will.
You’ve been fighting and training hard for five years, of course you’ll let loose a little, just for today.
The other hashiras, especially Mitsuri really wanted you to come with them since they’re having a celebration of their own too, but you turned down the offer.
A cold, peaceful night such as this is something you’d like to keep yourself to.
The bells jingled as you opened the door of a small bar, and ordered for liquor.
It was safe to say, that you can atleast handle a few booze, but having six is just… a little bit too much.
You were a stumbling mess when you attempted to go to the bathroom, your weapon slipping out of your hand in the process.
And that caught a certain someone’s attention.
As you stepped in the woman’s bathroom, you immediately made your way to the sink, and puked your heart out. You didn’t even hear the door open and close, even when the lock clicked.
You panted, the dizziness was still around, something you probably can’t shake off up until tomorrow. For a demon slayer, you’re a one hell of a light drinker, all right.
But despite that, your sight can never waver, for even if it was all a blur, you were sure someone was behind you. You may not see them clearly, but he was a man, and he looked handsome as fuck.
Even before the man could move, you immediately whipped your head towards him, with visible flushed cheeks, and half-lidded eyes. It wouldn’t take a genius to know just how drunk you are.
The man flinched in unexpectation, but what made him surprised more was the fact that he was a complete stranger; yet you immediately wrapped your arms around his neck.
The man immediately withdrew his claws that were a hundred times sharper than a newly sharpened knife, taken aback by the sudden affection.
It was safe to say that you had saved your own life in the most unexpected way, in the most unthinkable way.
The red wine that you just drank and puked had filled in his nose, the scent so tantalizing, yet, as a demon, more over, the demon king, he must not be lured by such a thing.
And yet, the simple press of your thigh against his ‘thing’ has awakened something within him.
You leaned in and whispered something against his ear, but it was inaudible in his side for he felt hot. Your breath was tickling his ear, your heat radiating off of you from how close you both are, and your thigh still pressed on his junior. God damn, he shouldn’t feel this way. He’s a demon for God’s sake.
And that’s how, the night when your life changed.
“Y/n! Pay attention will you!?” Yelled Sanemi, your training partner for today. “The hell you zoning out about!?”
You flinched in surprise as his loud voice had finally reached your ears.
For the past few days, you’ve been always like this. Even Rengoku got upset when he thought you were ignoring him.
For some reason, thoughts — more like memories, start to appear in your brain. Although, you’ve got no assurance if it really is that.
You doubt, but a memory comes in then. A memory that… consisted of heat, lust, temptation, and desire. But you have no recollection of what had happened in that memory.
Even Mitsuri needed to bonk your head so hard to keep those memories out of your head in the middle of a battle.
It was all so distracting, to say the least. Your missions, turned out to be a fail at the end of the day only because you could not pay attention to the demon.
Safe to say, you are getting demoted. That’s for sure.
“Tsk, there you go again! Zoning out!” Sanemi snapped one last time, before throwing his wooden stick to the ground and walked out.
Then, there goes your training session. A failure.
As you slowly, tiredly, packed your things and walked away from Sanemi’s estate, you can’t help but wonder as always; what really happened that night?
You swore you only had a few shots then… right. Then what? Obviously, you don’t remember any more further.
But you do remember seeing a man. A man who wore a white hat, red eyes, and a formal suit. You can’t remember how he looked like, but you remembered his scent, and his voice. And you too, were sure, that he was muscular enough to carry a thousand pound, or even more.
Sauntering towards your estate, your mind elsewhere, as you couldn’t even hear the ongoing chaos that started just about… now.
You heard screaming and explosions, you saw smoke as you looked back, everything falling down in just a second.
You dropped your bag, and ran toward the chaos’ direction, along with your weapon.
You ran as fast as you can, your mind was no longer filled with those heated memories. All you could ever think of now was, are they okay?
You rushed, and panted. You tried to use your breathing technique to get faster, but it was of no avail. You were too late.
Everything had turned into a disaster the moment you turned around, the moment you blinked your eyes, the moment you stopped thinking.
The next thing you knew, you were already sent into a room. No, wait, not a room. It looked like an… endless void.
You stepped foot on it, and explosions could be heard anywhere. It was terrifying, to say the least. But your legs strengthened and rushed forth towards a direction, in which a voice — a screaming voice of a woman could be heard.
And that woman was no other than… Mitsuri. She, was the very first friend you had ever since your arrival. She was an innocent, kind, and bright woman. She did not deserve to live in a world like this.
Better yet, exist in a situation that has got her hissing in pain, and gasping for breath.
Obanai Iguro was there too, fighting for his dear life and for Mitsuri’s.
You stand by Mitsuri’s aid, trying to help her get up.
“I’m… fine, please, help Iguro-san..” Mitsuri weakly pleaded, as her legs trembled when she tried to get herself up with the help of your arm.
You looked at Iguro from afar, and you could see, just how much he was willing to risk just to kill a demon.
You nodded and raced toward his aid, without knowing that it was no ordinary demon he was fighting. Not one of the twelve moons, but the king of them all.
You shivered and froze in spot, his dominating aura getting through to you as you looked up at the monster in fear, Iguro continuing to fight for his life.
You slowly walked towards the battle, swallowing the lump in your throat.
You charged towards the demon, whose hair was long and white, had a muscular form, and a scent so alluring.
Iguro was thrown back against the wall, leaving you and the demon alone.
Muzan looked at you in confusion, upon seeing a new face, but then, he remembers, that you were the woman he was always looking for ever since that night. God, you looked beautiful even when your hair up, but he obviously preferred the way you looked in bed, your hair down and splayed on the soft mattress.
He smirked upon seeing you, “nice to see you, again.” He said with his deep, tempting voice.
Oh god, fuck, now you remember. Those memories, it all became so clear. He was the fucking man you slept with, the man from that very same night too.
You stood in front of him from quite a distance, but instead of attacking you, he instead went near and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you in as his lips touched yours.
You finally remembered the heat, the pleasure, and the desire.
Your comrades can only look from afar, can only look at your betrayal.
★ • ° ` — BONUS:
Weeks before, Mitsuri gasped loudly, her gasp literally echoing through the silent forest, as you told her about your current predicament.
“R-Really!? Omg! You slept with someone!!” Mitsuri announced and gasped loudly again, causing you to place both your hands on her mouth.
“S-Shh! Everyone’s gonna hear you!” You whisper-yelled, as Mitsuri nodded apologetically. Her big mouth always getting the best of her, when it comes to something she always calls “love”.
You sigh in defeat, as you already expect that Mitsuri will probably accidentally slip some words out.
“W-Wait! How did he look like!? What was it like!? Did you feel good!?” Mitsuri’s enthusiasm boosted up again, excitedly asking you about your unforgettable experience.
“Well… it definitely felt like something I never felt like before.. he was um.. muscular.. handsome.. and most definitely big down there.” Mitsuri broke into a cackle, as she held her stomach and wiped the tears in her eyes.
“S-Seriously- haha- t-that was what you r-remember? You sure must’ve s-stared at it for a long time! Hahaha!” Mitsuri continued laughing, as embarrassment started to creep up your cheeks, turning your head away from her, “S-Shh!” as you tried to shut her up.
But it was true though, you can’t deny the fact that he was packing down there.
a/n: u guys imagine the rest
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kooruphobic · 1 year
WILL YOU BE MY VALENTINE? — armin arlert/reader
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𓆩♡𓆪 tags : sub!armin, tease!reader, armin has a crush (on you), and is definitely helplessly in love, kissing, begging (slightly), vaginal sex, jean kirstein is a bitch, armin thinks about voueyrism(?), smut
𓆩♡𓆪 word count : 2.7k
𓆩♡𓆪 summary : armin has been pining after you for years. when the two of you end up alone in his room, he finally works up the courage to ask you to be his valentine. but in the end, he gets a little more than what he asked for.
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Armin likes you. Everyone knows—Eren, Mikasa, Jean, Connie, Sasha—it’s a universal fact at this point. Even people who aren't in your close circle know.
He’s liked you for years. Ever since Eren introduced the two of you he fell in love at first sight. Armin wasn’t gifted with the courage to flirt with girls as Eren does, so he’s admired you from afar instead. Everyone notices how he looks at you and how he blushes when you get close to him. One time, when your entire friend group was hanging out, there were no more spots on the couch so you asked if you could sit on his lap as a joke. His entire face went completely red in seconds. He managed to choke out a quiet “yeah,” and for the few weeks following Armin had to face relentless teasing from the entire group. 
Truth be told, you knew what you were doing. You always know what you're doing. Even though he doesn't think you know, it's quite obvious to you that Armin has a crush. Teasing him when you all hang out together is probably one of your favorite pastimes. You enjoy the way he struggles to get out the right words when you compliment him or how his eyes go wide and his cheeks flush rosy-pink when you flirt. 
If you're being honest with yourself, you might also have a little crush on him. Armin is very pretty. You like his blonde hair and how his soft blue eyes compliment them. His smile is super cute, too. He’s always nice to you (probably because he likes you) but he’s always careful with what he says and has never done anything to make you uncomfortable. You would ask to date him, but you find no fun in making the first move. Imagining Armin being flustered as he’s confessing to you is something you picture almost every time you see him.
Today is the 14th of February. It's a day that people either love or hate: Valentine’s Day. Since nobody in the friend group is dating anyone, you decided to spend Valentine's Day with each other. Armin offered for everyone to come over to his place and you did. You all played games (almost losing friendship over an Uno match), ate, drank, and talked about stupid things. It was like any other typical hangout you guys had.
Or so Armin thought. With the way his friends are, he shouldn't have been surprised when they all left to go “pick up” something. Jean was the one who urged you to stay with Armin, insisting he couldn't just be left alone even though Armin kept telling you it was fine.
And now the two of you are in his room, sitting on the edge of the bed, talking about nothing in particular. 
“...And I always lose when we play anything card related. You guys are plotting against me or something,” you laugh softly, slightly tilting your head. You ask him a question but your words simply go through one ear and out the other. The only thing Armin can focus on is how pretty you look next to him. He eyes your chest and eventually trails down the rest of your body, practically undressing you with his eyes.
You wave a hand in front of him, breaking him out of his trance. He realizes he’s been staring at you for a little too long, and he immediately begins coming up with one hundred different excuses for himself.
“I’m sorry, I just spaced out for—”
“What were you thinking about?”
“I-I dunno. Just stuff, I guess.”
Armin’s cheeks are dusted rose-pink and he can feel the blood rush to his face. He’s praying you don't notice his flushed appearance (you do, though). You giggle at his sudden shy demeanor, despite him talking so confidently with you just a few minutes before.
“You can tell me, I won’t judge.”
You will judge. How can he possibly tell you straight-up he was thinking about you? 
“It's nothing, really. Did you ask something earlier?” he questions, trying to change the subject.
You smile. Earlier you asked if he had a valentine. You know the answer already, you just want to see him become a stuttering mess.
“I asked if you have a valentine.”
Armin's eyes widen for a second and he quickly looks around the room, finding something to focus on so he’s not looking at you. 
Of course, he doesn't have a valentine. He wants it to be you, but there's no way he has enough courage to do that. Armin has done the math. There's a ninety-nine-point-nine chance of him getting rejected, so it's kind of silly to confess knowing he’ll get his heart broken.
He’s heard it a million times from his friends every year: “Just do it. The worst she can say is no,” but that's just it. Every time a guy thinks the worst she can possibly say is “no” the outcome is the complete opposite and they get rejected in ways ten times worse. Armin doesn't have any personal experience with that, but he’s certainly seen what other guys have been through.
But then he starts thinking, what if you do say yes to him? What if the point one percent of you not rejecting him actually pulls through? Armin feels a small sense of confidence. It wouldn't hurt to confess…right? He’s liked you for years so why not just tell you and get it over with? He does have the perfect opportunity. Maybe watching Eren flirt with all those girls has given him some second-hand experience.
Armin stops staring at the pencil on his desk and returns his gaze to you. You still have your head tilted to the side, patiently waiting for an answer.
The little confidence he had in himself left and was replaced with immediate regret. Why did he say that? He didn't even say it as a normal person would. His voice came out quiet and shaky. Where was he even going with this?
“Oh, really?” you smile again, a hint of amusement in your voice. “Who is it?”
“Is it someone I know?” you place a hand on his chest, pushing him back onto the bed. “Am I friends with them?”
Armin's heartbeat quickens tenfold, and instead of feeling the blood rush straight to his face, it goes straight to his dick. He’s hard and all you’ve done is put one hand on hand on him. 
You give him an innocent look and place a knee between his legs, acting as if you don't know what you're doing. 
“What's wrong, Armin? You're so quiet.”
What's wrong? What's wrong is that your knee is pressing against his hard-on and you're above him, hand still resting on his chest. There's no way you're doing this as a joke. It has to be on purpose, right? You're not just messing with him?
“You…you do know her,” he manages to say, closing his eyes and letting out a sharp breath.
 You lean forward and your lips ghost the shell of his ear. 
“Tell me about her then,” you whisper, “because it seems that you like her a lot.”
Armin swallows and places a shaky hand on top of yours, gazing at you with desire evident in his eyes. 
“She’s really pretty. I’ve liked her for a long time…” he trails off when you run your hand down his abs, but picks up again when you stop. “I haven't actually asked her yet.”
“Hmm. Why? Are you scared?” your voice takes on more of a sultry tone.
“N-no. Not exactly.”
“I think…” you tuck a stray strand of hair behind his ear, “that you should ask her right now.”
Armin looks up at you and stares. There's no way you're just joking. He’s used to your teasing—Armin always thinks it's just to mess with him—but you’ve never taken it this far. You have to like him too, right? Why would you go to these lengths just to mess with him? He realizes just how embarrassed he is and how embarrassing it would be if he really asked you to be his valentine. Armin would feel like he was in the sixth grade again, which is definitely not something he’d like to feel. 
You graze your lips against his, cupping his face with your hand. 
“C’mon, Armin. I know you like me. Just ask.”
He feels his face heat up again. For a second, he thinks he’s dreaming because there’s no possible way this could be real. But it is. It is real. It’s real and you’re telling him to ask you to be his valentine.
“Will you—will you be my valentine?”
He cringes slightly at his words but seeing the way you smile against his lips makes everything worth it.
“Of course I will.”
Armin swallows again as you stare at him for a few moments. He follows your eyes as they move down to his lips. As if asking for permission, you move forward ever so slightly. He thinks about it for a moment, wondering what would happen if the others came back and walked into the room. How would they react if they saw the two of you like this, your knee in between his thighs and faces so close you can feel each other's breath? They most definitely wouldn’t be surprised, but if you took it any further than a one-time thing…
He decides not to think about it any longer and closes his eyes, letting his lips find yours and kissing you. Armin kisses softly at first, but eventually, you start kissing back, and he loses himself. The kiss grows sloppier but it doesn’t matter to him. This is all he’s ever wanted. The number of times he’s fallen asleep fantasizing about your soft lips on his—he can’t even count them on his fingers anymore. Armin wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him. 
You taste sweet, a mix of chocolate and alcohol from earlier. It’s intoxicating. Everything about you is intoxicating. The way you smell, the way you feel, the way you touch. He hadn’t noticed you were running your hands down his body until you reached in between his thighs. Your hands lingered there, unmoving. He moans into the kiss, quiet but still loud enough that you hear. 
You kiss him for a few moments longer then break away. Armin is panting, his ears burning and eyes blown with lust. You’ve turned him into a mess with one kiss.
“Please,” is the only word he says, looking down at your hand still between his thighs. 
You tug his shirt, a sign for him to take it off, and he obliges. He throws it to the side carelessly, doing the same with his pants. 
You’ve seen Armin without a shirt before but you’ve never realized how good he looks. He has washboard abs, a slender waist, and a complimenting v-line—you can’t help but stare for a few seconds. You run your hands down his abs, trailing all the way down to his boxers. You hook your fingers around the waistband and pull them down, his hard cock lightly hitting his stomach. There’s already pre-cum leaking from his tip. 
“What do you want me to do, Armin?” you ask, wrapping your fingers around his length. 
He looks at you through half-lidded eyes. He doesn’t care what you do to him, he just wants more of you in any way possible. 
You grin and pull your shirt off, then your shorts, then your bra. Besides your panties, you’re completely bare. Armin admires how perfect you look in front of him. He’s touched himself to the thought of you naked before, but nothing he imagined in that pretty little head of his amounted to how good you looked in person.
You go in for another kiss and soon enough he’s pushing inside of you, slowly enough to make sure he doesn’t hurt you. You moan into the kiss, rolling your hips onto his. 
“Wait—no condom?” 
“It’s ok. On the pill,” you intertwine your fingers with his and press your lips onto his again. Armin bottoms out into you and groans. You realize just how big Armin actually is. He places his hands around your waist and hugs you closer, holding you tight as if he’s scared he’ll lose you. 
You start moving up and down on his cock and eventually, Armin starts meeting you halfway. The two of you waste no time taking it slow, he’s desperate for you, and—even though you haven’t really shown it—you’re desperate for him. When Armin kissed you your thighs clenched, but he didn’t seem to notice. 
The room that was once filled with you and Armin’s innocent bickering and teasing was now filled with obscene sounds—from how he pistoned up into your wet pussy to his sweet whimpers—it turned on Armin so, so much.
You squeeze around him, enjoying his whimpers and breathy pants. And just as you were both chasing your high, coming close even though it hasn’t been that long, you hear the front door open and the sounds of your friend's laughter follow. Armin stops and looks at his closed bedroom door, a panicked expression on his face. A knock sounds on the door, Connie’s voice coming from the other side.
“Are you two good in there?”
Armin opens his mouth to answer but only a broken sob comes out as you slam your hips back down onto him. You continue, smiling down at him, acting like nothing is wrong. He looks at you with his eyes widened, biting his hand to stop himself from letting out any more sounds.
“Go on, answer him. You don’t want him to think there’s anything wrong, do you?” 
He grabs your waist with his free hand in an attempt to stop you, but he’s so weak from the pleasure that it does absolutely nothing. Tears prick at his eyes, from the embarrassment of being almost caught by one of his friends and how good he feels.
“I bet you secretly want it to happen. For Connie to come in here and see what we’re doing.”
You’re right, he does secretly want it to happen. He wants Connie to open the door and see the expression on his face at the sight of the two of you. He wants him to see the way you go down onto his cock, taking him so well and him enjoying everyone second of it. Armin isn’t even thinking straight anymore, purely driven by lust. He begins to thrust back up into you, tears rolling down his cheeks. Everything feels better than before; you feel impossibly tighter around him and he feels so good. There are no other words to describe it. 
“We’re fine. Just give us a few moments, we’re talking about somethi—”
Armin stops mid-sentence because feels close, hips stuttering. He feels the way your pussy spasms around him and notices the way your eyes roll back. You’ve already come but he’s not done yet.
“I’m sorry,” is all he manages to choke out as he continues to push into you. He grabs your hips again and thrusts roughly, his rhythm growing messy and inconsistent. You’re overstimulated and you try to say something, but your jaw goes slack as he keeps going. He chases the high he was so close to earlier and finally reaches it, a string of broken sobs and moans coming spilling from his mouth. Armin’s loud and he knows it, but it doesn’t matter to him anymore. He pulls you into one final, messy kiss and closes his eyes, breath heavy. 
There’s a moment of silence and suddenly you hear roars of laughter through the door. 
“I fucking told you! You all owe me fifty dollars,” Jean’s voice echoes through the house, followed by a chorus of groans from the rest of your friends.
“You’re such a fucking bitch, dude.” Connie’s voice is clear at first, becoming quieter and muffled as he moves away from the bedroom door.
You look at Armin and he looks at you. You laugh and he gives you a shy, embarrassed smile.
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𓆩♡𓆪 note : this was supposed to be posted on valentines day. . .obviously. i posted it on ao3 on feb 15, and decided to post here too after awhile.
happy late valentines day!
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tvgirllvr · 9 months
remus lupin x reader (smut)
summary: remus finds your diary in the gryffindor common room and takes matters into his own hands to make sure your desires come true.
warnings: smut, unprotected sex (wear a condom), nicknames, semi-public sex, oral (fem receiving), praise, dom remus, probably more I forgot
It’s almost midnight, and since you seem to always be making dumb decisions, you’re up in the Gryffindor common room studying for a Herbology exam the next day. Bored out of your mind you decide to call it a night from studying. However, that didn’t mean you were done cracking some books open that night. You reached into your bag and pulled out your most prized (and private) possession. Your diary.
If anyone found your diary it would be the end of you. The embarrassment it would cause you, the journal containing some of your most secretive thoughts and stories. There was one specific individual you don’t want finding it, the one and only, Remus Lupin.
You had been crushing on Remus since the first time you saw him on the Hogwarts Express. Within then and now you had tried everything to get him out of your head. Fucking other guys, refusing to look at him in class, distancing yourself from Potter and Black. No matter what you tried, he was still painted in your dumb brain. That was until you found the true glory of journaling.
You learned that if you wrote down what exactly you wanted to happen between you and Lupin your desires minimized. Your diary was your outlet for the sexual desires caused by the tall, reserved, brunette boy.
You pick up your quill and began writing tonight’s excerpt of what you’ll be dreaming about later…
February 6th, 1978
I can’t stand it. All I want is for him to want me, to need me, the same way I need him. He has no clue what I do at night. Quietly in my bed touching myself to the thought of him doing it instead. I only think about what his cock looks like all the time. Sometimes I can’t stop myself from staring, I know it’s wrong. The second I realize what I’m doing I turn away. After, however, I vision him slowly fucking me from behind. I wonder what he’s like. Is he soft? Hard? Demanding? It doesn’t matter, I want it all. I want all of him. Universe if you're reading this, please, for the love of god, gift me with that boy.
Closing your diary, you gather what you think is all of your belongings and head up to your dorm. You change into your pajamas, brush your teeth, and slip into bed. You thought it would be easy falling asleep considering how tired you were, however, it didn’t take long to realize that you were experiencing horrible insomnia. Tossing and turning, there was nothing you could do to turn your brain off. You decided to make the grand decision of going back down to the common room and writing some more, hoping that it will be the fix you need. You get out of bed, slip your slippers on, and dig through your bag to find your diary.
Shit. Where was it?
At this point, all of your things inside the bag had been dumped on your bed. Throwing books, hair ties, lip gloss, and deodorant to the side, you realize you must have left it downstairs. Luckily, since it was very late at night, the chances of someone finding it were small. Still, you were eager to get your hands on it before someone else did. You rushed out of your dorm and down the stairs, only to find the worst case scenario happening before your eyes.
Remus was standing by the seating area with your diary wide open. His hands were large enough to fall off the cover of the journal. He was moving his pointer finger under every line as he examined word for word what you had written down. His eyebrows were scrunched. What was he thinking? God, he would never talk to you after this. After standing there for about ten seconds as you watched the boy completely invade your privacy, you realized you had to come up with some plan. Thinking, thinking, thinking, and nothing was coming to your head. Come on, think more. Thinking…thinking…thinking…
“This is yours?”
After looking up from your feet, Remus was staring directly at you. Not only that, he was talking to you. The journal was now closed as he was holding it up with his right hand. Fuck. Quick, you need to say something.
“Huh?” God. You sounded stupid.
“Is this your journal?” he asked again. His eyes were smaller, like he was examining you. His body language was very hard to read. He stood tall but still managed to keep his feelings reserved.
“Nope.” Nice save.
“It isn’t?” he asked shockingly.
“Then why is your name in it?” Fuck. He got you there. Are you that crazy for lying though? I mean, the guy who you’ve been wanting to screw for years on end just read about the dreams you have where he fucks you right, left, and upside down.
“Ok. It’s mine,” you replied. Every little bit of dignity you had left was washed away with the words you spoke. You noticed as Remus placed the journal down on the closest table and walked in your direction. He now was only a few inches away from you.
“Aren’t you going to ask me what part was my favorite?” He asked you. He seriously did not just say that.
“I guess I’ll just tell you anyway. I very much enjoyed the passage dated a few weeks back where you wrote about how badly you wanted to... hmmm… let me find the page... “ride me until your legs are jelly and you had cum several times.” That part was my favorite,” he said, very confidently. You were stunned.
“What are you getting at?” you questioned. It seemed like he was just trying to humiliate you.
He put the journal back down on the closest table and took a step towards you.
“Do you want it or not, princess?” he whispered in your ear. Gosh, did you want it.
“Please,” you begged, “I want it.”
Within moments he had pushed his lips against yours and placed his hands on your waist. He was so much taller than you, so in order to kiss you more efficiently, he grabbed your ass and picked you up so you were then straddling him. This made you let out a small moan into his mouth, making his very hard dick twitch in his pants.
“I wish I would have known,” he said within kisses on your neck, “I would have let you do whatever you want to me years ago. Give my doll whatever she wants.”
You decided to reference back to the part which he said was his favorite and direct him to the closest sofa. As you started to fiddle with the elastic of his sweatpants, he groaned under his breath.
“Slow down, slow down. Plenty of time love.”
He slowly laid you down so now he was on top of you. He grabbed the waistband of your pajamas and pulled them down, his head going down with them, stopping at your core. He stared directly at the wet spot created between the tension of you two.
“So fucking horny. I’ll make you feel good, you just gotta wait. Work for it a little bit,” Remus told you as he became eye level with you again and circled your clit through your underwear. He slowly removed them and pulled them off your ankles. He kneeled on the floor and pulled your legs so now his face was met right at your cunt.
“Remus,” you moaned loudly. It was hard to believe that this wasn’t one of those wet dreams you had on the regular.
“Shhhhh. Have to be quiet baby,” he reassured you, “I’m gonna make you feel good. So good, so….” He cut himself off as he attached his mouth to your clit and began abusing it with his tongue. Inserting one finger inside you, he let out a low groan, sending vibrations all throughout your body.
“How am I going to fit in there?” he questioned. With the way he said it, it didn’t even seem like he was trying to tease you. It sounded like he was genuinely concerned about the size of his cock compared to your cunt.
“So fucking good,” was all you said in return.
He continued to eat you out quickly but also managed to keep a nice pace, a pace that was only adding to the build-up of your orgasm. As he placed a second finger inside of you, you managed to only produce a small gasp for the time being. That didn’t last long as he added a third, and began thrusting in and out of you faster.
“Holy shit I’m gonna cum… fuck!” you whispered harshly. Your orgasm lingered through your body for a while, even after you finished. Remus’ tongue didn’t leave you until you had to physically grab his face and pull him into a kiss.
You two made out for a minute, him still on the ground. You grabbed his buff shoulders and motioned them so he was now laying on his back. The outline of his cock was now visible through his pants and to provide some comfort you began teasing him.
“Take them off,” he demanded. You now realized that he was fully clothed and you still had your shirt on. You used this time to get completely naked and remove Remus’ pants. However, as you went to remove his sweatshirt off, he stopped you.
“Just leave it on, doll,” he whispered. You obliged, not knowing why someone as beautiful as him wouldn’t want to show that part of himself to you. You continued to make out with him for some time while also jerking him off. God, was he huge. You had never been with something that big before, his worries about you not fitting him were now shared. The faces he made while you pleasured him were so pretty. The way his eyebrows scrunched when you slowly touched his tip made you wetter than before, not knowing if that was even possible.
“Baby, you gotta do something or this is going to be over before it starts,” he said with his head thrown back. As much as you wanted to see him cum, you also wanted to have him inside you.
He opened his mouth to ask you a question, but he was struggling a bit, “Mmph - do we need a - “
“No,” you said, “not unless you want to use one.”
“Okay, okay, oka-.”
You slowly lowered yourself onto his cock, only being able to take an inch or two at a time. You let out small gasps and you began bouncing up and down on him, taking a little more each time. Remus was biting his lip in an attempt to keep quiet but eventually gave up and let out a low groan.
“Dirty girl,” he whispered in your ear, “this is all you think about.” He placed both of his hands on your hips to guide you. It was obvious that you were struggling to hold yourself up and he was kind enough to help you.
“I can’t,” you whined out to him. By that, you meant you couldn’t move that fast with the size of him.
“Need me to stop? I’ll stop baby,” he said while slowing down.
“No! No, no, no, no,” you yelled at him, “just need help.”
He let out a low laugh and gripped your hips tighter. It took him no time to begin thrusting into you at a brutal pace, looking in your eyes for confirmation that it was okay. Even though you were on top of him, his natural dominance filled the empty room signaling that no matter what you did, he was still in charge. Tears of pleasure began streaming down your face as he brought his right thumb to your clit, fiddling with it like a button.
“Poor baby, thought you could take it. You’re so cute, using your tight cunt to make me feel good,” he rambled on. Based on his rambling you could tell he was getting close, but so were you too. “You gonna cum?”
You let out a high whimper in response but he didn’t consider that enough.
“Answer me. You gonna cum on my cock?” he asked demandingly.
“Yes what?” God, he really did get off on making you look so fucking stupid.
“I’m going to cum on yo-your cock!”
That seemed satisfactory to him as he picked up the pace on your clit, pursuing your release. You felt him slow down the pace as you came, not wanting to hurt you since you had to be sensitive. He grabbed your head and brought your ear to his mouth.
“Where do you want it?” he whispered.
“Bunny don’t play dumb, where do you want it?”
“Inside me,” you replied.
“You sure?” he moaned out, trying to cover it. The thought of you letting him fill you up was the end of it all, it would only be seconds before he came.
“Yes! Inside me, please.”
He began slowly going faster again, however, you both knew that he wasn’t going to last much longer. Sloppy kisses were now being applied to your neck, hickies that wouldn't be easy to cover up appeared. You felt his dick twitch inside you as he let out a low, quiet moan in your ear. You decided to take all the energy you had left and ride him until his orgasm came.
“That's my girl, fuck -,” he quietly said as you felt his cum spill inside of you. You two sat there for a few seconds until he pulled you into a kiss.
“Thank you,” he said.
“Gosh, thank you.”
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sc0tters · 3 months
Toxic | Jack Hughes
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summary: jack isn’t good for you so why is it that you still want him?
request: yes/no
warnings: sexual themes, p in v, fingering, swearing.
word count: 4.88k
authors note: I’m gonna start with the warning that this was written in eight hours because I saw that Jack is back from his injury and I wanted to write for him! Low-key though Trevor has some competition for my favourites to write about in a toxic manner! There are a lot of flashbacks in this so those are regular italics!
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If the phrase off limits had a picture next to it, for Jack it would have been of you.
You had been in his life since you were four when Luke threw a football right in your direction and ended up hitting your nose. Of course you fell to the road and somehow sitting in his family’s living room as you and Luke were both in tears ended up being the moment that set you two on the course to being best friends.
Jack spent the next thirteen years getting to know you as Luke’s friend. No matter how hard he tried he couldn’t hate you, the boys all got on with you. Hell Trevor definitely tried his luck at making a move on you and with each time that he failed it only became the laughter of his teammates and friends. Jack had grown so comfortable with you that even as your boobs came in and your skin became clear that he cursed himself for letting those thoughts come into his head of you in the end of the night. When there was nothing in his room besides for his hand and the memories of how good you looked in the little bikinis you brought to the lake house each year.
He thought he could get by just having to see you during the summers but of course you just had to end up doing a graphic design course in New Jersey and with the unruly dorm fees. You were also in need of a roommate and as luck seemed to have it, Jack had a spare room which your moms came together swearing it had to be yours.
The first few weeks were smooth sailing, you were out studying most nights which meant that you never had to be home for the various girls that he had over. That was until November came around and as Jersey grew colder you found yourself staying home more often than not. Girls didn’t enjoy seeing you of all people sat on the couch curled up in a blanket until Jack would just say “she’s just my roommate.”
The first few times you heard it you were fine. All you were ever meant to be to a guy like Jack was his brothers friend. Yet somehow you began to find yourself growing frustrated at the sound of moans echoing through the apartment as his headboard hit the wall of his room. At first you swore you were more so annoyed with yourself and the fact that you really thought that you could have had something with him.
Because yes, you accepted the offer in New Jersey over Michigan because you thought that it could make things change between you two. But by the time February came around you realised you were sexually frustrated too. That’s how you and Jack ended up in what seemed like a constant pissing match after he came home early from a road trip to hear you in your room.
Jack let his back drop to the floor quietly as he thought you would have been sleeping “right there please!” Your moans made him freeze as he saw the light in your room still on beneath the crack of your closed door “gonna make me come Jacky.” Jack smirked to himself as his cock began to harden “you like that pretty girl?” Jackson, otherwise known as Jacky and the captain of your colleges hockey team ended up giving you a ride home from the game that night.
The Hughes boy swore in that moment that he never knew of something having the power to break a man’s hard-on as quickly as that did “that roommate of yours ain’t home so you can be as loud as you want.” The blonde in front of you let out a grunt and if your moans weren’t encouraging him to increase his tempo he would have heard the noise of Jack slamming his door shut as he now needed a cold shower.
Of course the two Jack boys had to meet the next morning and Jackson turned into a fanboy which only seemed to frustrate you more. Jack wasn’t meant to enjoy this, but his smirk as he’d listen to whatever guy you brought home confess to how much of a fan they were told you otherwise. To make matters worse Jack was still bringing these girls home and you truthfully thought that after four months of having to listen to it you were finally getting a break.
That summer before you came into your sophomore year you came up with your plan as you were still living with Jack. Numerous different options seemed to come up in your mind as you spent your time at the lake house. Yet as the nights spent by the fire were fuelled by lingering glances over the burning embers, you knew what you were going to do.
The first time you got the chance to enact your plan was actually in November. It was shortly after your birthday and as Jack was still single, you were his date to all team events.
The boy had been waiting for what felt like years as he scrolled through his phone “we’re going to be late y/n!” He groaned looking up to still not see your door open “well I’m sorry that when you want to look this good it takes time Hughesy.” You teased clipping your hoops into place as you opened your door to see his unamused face.
Jack didn’t need to say anything because his facial expressions did it all for you “okay what’s wrong?” You crouched down to do up your heels around your ankles “you need to go change.” Jack grumbled as he shook his head, staring at how your body looked with the tight white strappy top that had been paired with your black floor length skirt that had a slit up over your knee.
It made you roll your eyes “relax I’m wearing a jacket.” You grumbled grabbing your leather jacket from off of the couch “so are you coming or do you want to be even later?” As the boy stayed stuck to the couch he let his eyes travel to your face.
The car ride had been long as it let your nerves increase. Jack wasn’t shy about letting his eyes undress you in the car “you dressing up for anyone?” His question came out as he let his lack of a filter get the best of him “just f’me.” You shook your head watching him park the car.
Just like always he came to your door and helped you out “you jealous?” You teased not missing how his grip tightened around your waist at your words “of one of those little hockey fans you love sleeping with?” Jack laughed as he shook his head.
Your cheeks reddened as you two walked into the venue “you need some better guys than that to get me worried.” He kissed your temple capturing the attention of Dawson who had you pushing Jacks arm off of your waist “where are you going?” The middle Hughes boy felt his eyes go wide seeing the smile form on your lips.
The fellow center began walking over to you both “thought you didn’t care about the guys I get with.” Jack swore you were trying to kill him as you went to hug Dawson “Jack letting your girl get the night off?” Jesper teased pulling the American into a hug as he was already drunk.
It made Jack scowl as he watched you get pulled away by Dawson who was already motioning over the bartender so he could order you a drink “she’s not my girl.” Jack clenched his hands into fists as he shook his head “so Merc really can make a move on her.” The Swede didn’t notice how the younger boy rolled his eyes.
Two painfully long hours had to go by and as Jack got up leaving his older teammates you couldn’t help but follow him “I’ll be right back okay.” You squeezed Dawsons hand as you sent him a smile.
You were like a needy puppy as you practically ran out of the room. Without Jack in sight you went in the direction of the bathroom where you thought he was. The bathrooms were organised by three different doors: family, female, male. So as you thought you’d be going to the last one you let out a yelp as you were pulled through the first door.
The wall that met your back was cold as the door behind you locked “finally grew tired of your new fucking boyfriend huh?” Jack grumbled keeping his hands on gone sides to keep you trapped in “thought you didn’t.” Your voice turned breathy when his lips hovered over yours.
His smirk made your thighs push together until his knee forced itself between your legs “nuh uh princess.” He clicked his tongue as he shook his head “thought I didn’t want?” Jack waited for you to continue talking before he moved.
If you were a cartoon smoke would have been coming out of your ears as your brain practically short circuited “thought you weren’t interested in who I went for.” You stammered over your words as you gasped “think you need to get your eyes tested then sweetheart.” The hockey player clicked his tongue letting his lips nip at your neck.
You whimpered as your hands pressed against the his shirt “because I’m fucking obsessed with you.” You couldn’t help but laugh as you heard him say that “so those girls were all just for your own amusement or some shit?” You scoffed as you shook your head.
If Jack was anyone else they might have fallen for this strong act “so you enjoy listening to how good I made them feel?” He kissed the shell of your ear as his ego was soaring seeing how responsive you were being “don’t be shy baby, I can feel how wet your pants are.” Your head snapped down to see how your were unintentionally grinding on his knee.
Your cheeks were painfully warm as he looked at you “I’ll tell a secret first.” Jack took your silent as he continued to talk “when you bring guys over I picture it’s me getting you off.” It wasn’t a total lie, in fact Jack would actually use the time to listen to your moans as he’d wrap his hands around his cock thinking it was you.
Jack continued to kiss your neck as he let his lips move to your jaw “like thinking it’s you holding my vibrator.” You confessed making Jack smirk “do I let you come?” the question came far too boldly for your comfort.
Your mind thought about the moments that you’d edge yourself all night “n-never.” You shook your head making him smile as he ran his finger down the center of your shirt traveling to the valley between your breasts “think I should change that then.” When his proposal was met with your moans he finally kissed your lips.
The kiss was hot practically sucking the air from the room as his hands tugged at your hair. He couldn’t help but grin into the kiss as your nails raked at his lower torso “when you think it’s me princess what am I doing?” He ran his thumb over your lower lip “you use your.” You looked down to the trailing digit in front of your skin.
Jack taunted you as it made your skin grow wet with sweat “my knee or?” Jack trailed off as you shook your head “think about your fingers.” His cock was close to ripping the seams of his boxers “what am I doing with them?” The hockey player ran his finger over your clit as he teased your clit over your panties.
It became clear that you were going to have to guide him through all of this “fucking me real good.” You nodded biting your lip as you felt him begin moving your panties to the side “like against this door?” Your eyes screwed shut as you felt his fingers thrust into your cunt “you really are a dirty little slut.” Jack taunted feeling your wall hug his fingers.
His lips locked with yours as his fingers settle in a consistent pace “this how it feels?” The middle brother asked propping his other hand up on the other side of your shoulder “better.” You nodded pursing your lips together as you wanted to kiss him again.
The squelching noises made your eyes flutter “you wanted another finger?” The offer made you moan “more?” You pleaded feeing your thighs begin to give out “gonna give you all that you want.” Jack nodded letting his lips suck at your jaw sure to leave a mark tomorrow.
His hand lay flat with the addition of the third finger hitting your clit “you’re gonna make me-” you groaned letting your head drop in front of you “you wanted to come princess then you’re gonna have to fucking beg.” His words threw you off guard as you weren’t in the space to argue with him.
Your breasts throbbed against your bra “please Jack.” You whimpered as tears formed in your eyes “‘m done with all those other guys for you.” Your offers were things far too great for Jack to ever care about “I’m yours.” That was the thing, he didn’t care that you were his, especially when he wasn’t yours.
Jack ran his tongue over your lips as he kissed you once more “let go baby.” He announced muffling his words as he swallowed your moans as your cunt clenched around his fingers almost trapping his movements in that moment.
The room seemed to slow down as your breathing regulated itself “wow.” You huffed feeling him pull his fingers from your pussy “taste yourself f’me doll.” The boy tapped his fingers on your lips before you took them swirling your tongue around his thick digits.
The relationship that you two had formed carried on until April, mere days before Luke was coming. You had constantly found yourself in his bed and he in yours at the end of each night. It sounded stupid but you two were everything that a couple was just only from the comfort of your apartment. Things were okay, they weren’t ideal but you just thought that it was the best to protect Luke.
That was until you got home early from a girls night out. No amount of alcohol was going to have prepared you for what you were about to see. But after you watched your friends all leave with guys you thought it was best to go home to yours.
Your head throbbed as your feet were sore from your heels “Jack you will not believe-” you cut yourself off as your world fell apart in that moment. Jack had a blonde woman on top of him as she rode him “oh my god.” You brought your hand to your mouth as you didn’t know what to do.
The girl was the first to snap “I thought your roommate was out tonight.” She grumbled as Jack stuck his head around his side to lock his eyes with yours “she was meant to be.” He glared at you.
All of a sudden you began wondering when Jack had been seeing over girls. Was it on roadtrips? Times he said he was out with the boys?
She cleared her throat bringing you back to reality “right sorry.” You apologised shutting the door as you were overwhelmed with emotions. It wasn’t that you were embarrassed that you had walked in, but instead it was the fact that you were foolish enough to think that you guys could go somewhere.
In that state you ran to your room shoving as much as you could into suitcases as you needed to get out of there. What you hadn’t told Jack was that you had signed the lease to an apartment last week. You wanted to stay for another few days but now you knew you needed to get out of there.
And that was exactly what you did. You left Jack quietly and only came back to the apartment when you knew he was on a roadie in order to get the rest of your things from his place. The only pro that came from this all was the timing, Luke was moving to town and he wanted to now take over your second bedroom.
The middle Hughes boy did little to let his brother see how surprised he was when your things were all gone. Truthfully he swore you didn’t have the strength to leave him. It had been three months of pure sex with what he thought had zero attachments. Yet when he saw the shocked look on your face he knew you felt otherwise. So when you didn’t show up to the lake house that year, Jack realised that you were avoiding him.
So he’d spend his nights in his bed watching the new updates that came through your Instagram. You were in Canada spending your time in Calgary after you had been in Australia with some raven haired boy. From what Jack could see he was too close to you to just be his friend.
Jack had squeezed as many answers out of Luke as he could before he grew suspicious of what was going on. It meant that the center had to wait for his return to New Jersey to finally get to meet this man.
Luke didn’t realise how hard it would be to convince you to join him at an event. But when your new boyfriend Parker was out of town you finally didn’t have any excuses. So that was how Luke convinced you to stay at the apartment when it was his turn to host a party after a big win.
Luckily for you Jack seemed to ignore the fact that you were deep in a conversation with Nico as you two caught up about life “I should take this.” You sighed seeing Parker’s contact appear on your screen.
The captain smiled watching you sneak through the crowd back to your bedroom “hey baby!” Parker’s gleaming tone shot through your phone as you sat on your bed.
You tucked your hair behind your ear as you smiled “thought you were in a meeting?” You saw him clearly in his hotel room in the middle of the day “we had a break.” He spoke awkwardly as he clearly looked to the wall behind his phone.
Parker was quick to change the subject as he ran his fingers through his hair “so is Jack being good?” Yes you had told him about the fact that you and Jack were once roommates who now no longer spoke to each other “he hasn’t spoken to me.” You shrugged seeing the picture of you with the Hughes boys on one of your earliest trips to the lake house that was on your bedside table.
You fiddled with your ring “but how is your conference?” You began to notice that Parker wasn’t even looking at you anymore “baby I need to go.” He didn’t even give you enough time to respond before the screen went back to only showing you your reflection.
As a sigh left your lips you learnt you weren’t alone “you know he’s cheating on you right?” Jack crossed his arms as he leaned against your doorframe “because such a good reference of warning?” You laughed as you shook your head not believing his words.
That seemed to be all it took for him to shut your door as he let it lock “tell me princess, does he make you feel as I do?” Jack slowly walked over to you before he finally sat on the edge of your bed “what kind of question is that!” Your cheeks were red as your mouth fell open.
It made him laugh “one that has a clear answer.” The hockey player quipped back as you shook your head “my sex life is no longer your business Hughes.” You spat as you got up letting your face turn into a snarl “we were never exclusive doll.” The pet names for you rolled off of his tongue.
Yet now it only seemed to make you feel sick “Jack I really fucking thought we were so I’m sorry if I’m a little hurt that I had to walk in on-” your voice broke as a notification came onto your phone reminding you of the fact that you were with someone else now “what made you so mad?” Jack was pushing you for an answer as he towered over you.
As you thought you had so much to say it in fact turned out that you could have forgotten how to speak English “she fucking controlled you okay!” In the few months that you guys had slept together not once did Jack let you be in charge, even as you sucked him off he was the one with his hands in your hair controlling your movements and all.
Jack stopped as he let a smirk form on his lips “this was stupid.” You sighed as you shook your head “control me tonight.” The words fell from his lips letting gravity pull them down to earth as you froze “I have a boyfriend.” You were quick to remind him as his hands cupped your cheeks.
It brought you back to that night in the bathroom as he let his eyes dance between your lips and eyes “who we should have established is cheating on you.” Jack quipped back as he saw you go quite genuinely contemplating this “I’m in charge?” You asked as you sucked at your teeth.
All Jack needed to do was nod before you wrapped your arms around his neck so you could kiss him. This was by far the messiest kiss you had ever had as teeth clashed together. Your fingers tugged through the ends of his hair as it was clearly beginning to grow “I need you.” You pleaded hearing Luke’s voice from the hall as he had gone to his bedroom.
The Hughes boy smiled “you have me.” With that all of your clothes quickly ended up on the floor in one quick flash. The piles merged together as your red panties ended up in Jacks pile and he was going to be sure to take them home as a memory from the night.
You furrowed your eyebrows as you saw him just stand there “you’ve got to tell me how you want me doll.” Jack smiled as he took in the sight of your naked body.
There wasn’t much that he had missed out on but somehow his eyes still scanned it as though he had forgotten any information “need you on my bed.” Your order was soft and it made the boys heart melt at how you clearly weren’t used to this “I have a condom in my wallet.” Jack knew how you were against raw sex and he had always respected that as he also wasn’t in the mood to become a dad just yet.
You found his wallet and with that the old Polaroid picture that he had taken with his hand around your throat. It was a relatively soft picture seeing as each other option showed your face, this one just had your lower lip “you been thinking about me pretty boy?” You asked with a soft smirk on your lips.
The Polaroid was twirled in your fingers as he nodded “all the damn time.” Jack watched the Polaroid get replaced with the condom wrapper in your hands. The foil glistened as the city light hit it as you ripped the package open.
It seemed that all of the air in the room dissipated as you rolled the condom over his cock “you sure about this Jack?” You were halfway through straddling him as your hips were in the air “god please do it before I start fucking you.” He groaned pressing his head against your headboard.
A smile formed on your face as you didn’t know if you were amused or turned on “need some help getting me ready.” You rasped taking your hand around his covered cock as you drove the head down your slit spreading your wetness as it helped make his boner harden “you feel so ready.” Jack groaned feeling your free hand pinch at his skin.
His chest helped you centre yourself as you slowly let your cunt swallow his cock “fuck me!” You whined letting your eyes screw shut as your thighs hit his hips.
Jack leaned forward to kiss your lips helping you open your eyes once more “want me to help guide you through this?” You nodded as he tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear “just follow my lead okay?” Jack let his chest fall back as he grew comfortable placing his hands on your hips.
The movements started off slowly, in this up down sort of manner “faster.” You cooed wanting to bring your hands down to play with your aching nipples as your breasts bounced with each movement.
If the boy wasn’t under you he would have laughed “put your hands on my chest and take the reins.” He whispered softly nodding as you listened.
Your hands found their placement on either side of his chest as you love to him for reassurance “ride me like that bull in Calgary.” You realised that it meant he had seemed you Instagram stories as you had ended up at the stampede and one hungover morning you guys all went to ride a mechanical bull.
Jack was the first to moan as you began grinding your hips back and forth occasionally letting them rotate “can’t believe I didn’t make you do this sooner.” He grumbled to himself still keeping his hands on your sides.
Skin slapping echoed through the room and neither one of you were sure that you wouldn’t get caught “because you had other girls doing it.” You quipped back letting your tongue slice the words with venom.
It seemed to be something that Jack enjoyed as his cock throbbed from inside your cunt “had me to be your fucking late night and morning pus-” you were cut off as his hand came down on your ass with a sharp smack.
His eyes turned into a glare “at least I’m not the one currently cheating.” You went quiet as his words came out, he was right. You were the bad person there, not him.
Jack continued to help your thrusts as he let his one hand move to your clit “you were always so fucking mouthy until I fuck you dumb and make you come.” The hockey player spat as he let out a scoff.
All you could do was moan “I’m sorry.” All you wanted was for the coil that was quickly forming in your stomach to burst as your legs began to shake “I need it.” You added quickly beginning to plead with him.
The hockey player laughed “with the way you act I shouldn’t even let you come.” With the way your cunt currently clenched around his cock he knew he wasn’t going to last overly long “but he probably doesn’t even fuck you right because you know it’s me that owns this pussy.” Jack had always been possessive in bed as he watched you bob your head.
Your nails began to rake at his chest “you have me Jack.” You could have been screaming at the point “all of me.” Jack felt his orgasm hit him like a truck in that moment and as his movements turned sporadic it triggered your own orgasm “shit shit shit!” Your body shook as you ended up collapsing into his chest.
You both laid there for a moment as you caught your breath and rolled off of him letting his softening cock hit his torso “just shut your door on the way out.” You mumbled not wanting to look at the boy as you knew what was coming.
But instead Jack rolled you over to face him “you kicking me out?” He had to say that he was surprised that you had it in you to do that “just saving you the trouble.” You explained as you knew what he was like.
Which was why you let out a squeal as you felt him pull you into his arms “I’m not leaving you.” Jack shook his head as he smiled “not again.” He placed a chaste kiss on your head as he carried you into the bathroom placing you into the bath.
The next morning he had gotten up before you and has he heard your phone confine you go off he couldn’t help but grow frustrated. Jack leaned over to see that Parker had been spamming you as he got all irritated that you hadn’t responded to his messages.
So like any normal guy, Jack just had to respond.
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You: hey bro, it’s Jack here. thought you should know that she no longer requires you in her life so fuck off.
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staerplatinum · 2 months
Some of my favorite doodles from my headcanon/redesign concept sheets used as an excuse to list my headcanons about the main six (for an AU that I'm writing)! More under the cut!
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Charlie Morningstar:
She's way more hot-headed than in canon, albeit still keeping her cheerful and gentle persona.
She loves food, and she's always hungry. I always loved the trope of protagonists (both male and female, like look at Goku himself, Usagi Tsukino or Minako Aino) and I think it could fit Charlie perfectly!
She loves planning (and this is already canon) and she has a lot of stationary gadgets. "Sure Alastor, you can borrow any pen! ... Not that one! :D" And takes good care of them.
Her birthday is February 29th. I thought that it wouldn't be strange if her birthday ended up being that day if she follows a demoniac calendar...
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It's canon that she likes everything to be clean and organized. I think she would help Niffty with the rooms and everything! They bond!
She and Angel Dust absolutely have BFFs vibes. Before Hazbin Hotel I remember they were meant to be a couple, but with the new canon they're still adorable as best friends and I love the dynamic more. They get into fights but it's never anything serious, they look like a big brother and a little sis, even though sometimes she definitely acts as a big sis to him. Angel sees Molly through her :(
As we know she doesn't really believe in herself, but she actually makes a very good leader!
In my fanfic, contrarily to the series, she was really fighting with burning hate towards the angels that cast her out. She holds a deep grudge and it's hard for her to come out of it. (I want Out for Love to be useful, it's my favorite song ç_ç)
Her name as a human was Agata Flores, she was born the 28th of June in 1993. If we still count 2014 as her death and if she was once a winner that then became sinner... my headcanon is that she died of a hate crime in March 25th 2014, aged 21.
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Angel Dust:
He's not in drag 24/7. He really is feminine, but sometimes likes to try masculine outfits too. (which make Husk wonder "why am I staring??")
He's secretly a nerd. Or not so secretly. He owns video games, and especially likes RPGs and life sims.
He overanalyses everything. Well, almost everything but still. He actually likes reading, and this led him to analyse anything that comes into his eye. (Oh, I can't wait to write one of those scenes because I already had fun outlining it LMAOO)
He's probably Charlie's food buddy. Give them some food and they'll be happy (Valentino doesn't like this but get screwed Val, give him food too)
His name as a human was Anthony (canon) Cavallaro and had Neapolitan heritage. He's born in April 1st (and this is canon) 1912, he died of overdose (canon) in October 11th 1947, aged 35.
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I loved his pilot persona more than the series', and most of the things are confirmed canon... but I do have some headcanons for him, too! (also yeah I don't think that will be my last radioapple drawing or doodle lol)
We know he either doesn't sleep or sleeps with his eyes open. Well, I imagine him that in the few rare occasions he actually sleeps, his radio works as a mental surveillance "camera". Also, he's a light sleeper and would definitely go "Do you fellows mind? I'm trying to sleep." like the old man he is.
I would like to explore Alastor's feelings for Charlie more, and how he sees her as a daughter. While we may not know if he was telling the truth, I think they both seeked each other as a fatherly and daughter figures in a way. Many in the fandom headcanon Alastor's father to have been shitty to him. If he truly sees Charlie as a daughter, it could be because he would like to be a better father than the one he had, and since he never had children, he grew affectionate to Charlie as such.
He knows how to handle alcohol well, but I like to think that when he's really drunk he doesn't even know what he's doing. Oh, you saw him playing with Angel's Nintendo Switch? He even brought it into his room to continue playing Animal Crossing by himself? He was totally wasted.
His name as a human was Alastor (which is apparently canon, but I wonder if it'll be retconned or not?) Boudreaux-Alexander. Boudreaux was his father's last name, Alexander was his mother's. He didn't like his mother taking her husband's last name and wanted to keep his mother's. He was born in March 7th 1901, and died in August 4th 1933, aged 32, after being shot by a hunter that confused him with a deer and was mauled by dogs afterwards. (Yikes, I'm so sorry)
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She definitely has written lots of fanfics about her fellow hotel friends. Especially men. Yet, she loves Charlie and Vaggie too, so they're there as well.
We know both Niffty and Husk have deals with Alastor. She loves them both, I love to headcanon that when she feels lonely and can't sleep well or had nightmares, she either goes to Husk's or Alastor's room to sleep with them. They welcome her warmly ç_ç
Alastor and Husk most definitely know Niffty's story, which is why they care about her so much. She's childish for her age, but it could be tied to a past that only the two of them know very well.
Niffty knew Vox when they were alive. Now I know it could be a weird headcanon since Niffty is Japanese and Vox is American, but if Niffty's work brought her around the world it wouldn't be weird if they crossed paths. When Vox died Niffty was 19, she either saw him die in front of her eyes or something else happened.
As I mentioned in my concept sheets, she used to wear glasses when she was alive so she can't see really well without them after she died. Sometimes she borrows Alastor's monocle, and if we apply the headcanon that he's colorblind, without his monocle not only he can't see anything but can't even see colors LOL
Her name when she was alive was Sachiko Tanaka, born February 27th 1934. She died September 1st 1956, aged 22, there are popular headcanons about the way she died and yikes, if it's true she didn't have a good death either. Not at all.
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Maybe I'm overanalysing but what if the reason why he grew affectionate to Niffty was because he once had children? Or just one? Either he had a child and was with him but felt like he wasn't a good father or his ex-wife left him because of his gambling addiction and this made him feel guilty, not able to see his child ever again. (I feel bad just thinking about this but ç_ç)
Despite the fact he hates being on a leash and none other than Alastor's, he actually cares about him. If the two were friends when they were alive (including Mimzy), this could explain why he's still around Alastor even if reluctantly. (Sure he says he's forced, but in the pilot Alastor summoned him, so it's safe to assume either Alastor-Husk-Niffty were roommates before coming to the hotel and did their business without telling Alastor, or simply we need more explanations of Alastor's deals)
His name when he was alive was Ivan Goncharov, born January 29th 1900, and died in December 23rd 1967, aged 67. As I mentioned in my concept sheets, he was friends with Alastor and Mimzy when they were alive and he was the last one of them to die. He would often visit his friends' graves when he was still alive :(
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bookshelf-dust · 1 year
how people can change
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steve harrington x gn!byers!reader
word count: 4,427
warnings: swearing, like one use of y/n, mentions of season one steve's bullshit, mentions of death, enemies to friends to more type beat
a/n: my very first *full* steve fic. look at us. who woulda thought? not me. i've been working on this since february. don't look at me, i know. i know. but i think i've gotten some sort of hold on how i'd like to write steve. some of the dialogue (season 2) isn’t mine. (also the title is a lyric from strange by celeste!) let me know what you think, okay? i love you. steve loves you. don't tell me if it's bad.
November 1984
The door slams behind you with a deafening thud, and you take the extra five seconds to lock it. You know, that action no one else in your family seems to be capable of performing. 
The house is quiet, and you step over the map of Hawkins sprawling over the hardwoods, careful not to damage Will’s work.
Your keys clang against the table, knocking into your mother’s ashtray. It’s dead quiet again, and you freeze at a subtle interruption in the silence. There’s a muffled sound coming from somewhere else in your home, and frankly you’ve had enough of everything the last couple of days. Which is why Joyce sent you home to get some sleep, to clear your head. 
There’s no denying that you have a soft spot for Will. He’s always been your buddy. And you love Jonathan, you do, and he’s got this sick ability to know what you’re thinking or feeling before you do, but he doesn’t need your protection like Will does. 
Will is your best friend. And he’s got one hell of a support system with you, Jonathan and your mom behind him. He deserves the world. You’ve always thought that. 
You quickly infer that it’s a walkie making the sound, based on the staticky crackle, the slightly muffled voice of whoever’s trying to get through from the other side.
Yours is off—you know it is—so it has to be Will’s. Jonathan was too good for a walkie-talkie.
You step down the hallway, pushing your younger brother’s bedroom door the rest of the way open. You scan the small area for it, listening.
“Code red! This is a code red! I repeat, this is a good red! Shit, is anyone there?”
You snatch up the device, extending the antenna.
“Dustin? Is that you?”
“Jesus christ! Where have you been?” Dustin exclaims, and you swear you can hear someone else interfering with his words.
“Sorry! I wasn’t home. What’s wrong?” You sit on the edge of Will’s bed. It’s so much comfier than yours. 
“It’s Dart! He’s, he’s just…you know what? It’s a long story. Where are you right now?”
This time you definitely hear another voice, and maybe even music.
“Dart? You kept him, right? I fucking knew it, Henderson! You’re so not a good liar.”
“That’s for sure.” You can’t place the voice, not over the walkie and over Dustin’s rambling, but you do catch that and it’s enough to leave you curious. 
The boy starts to argue back, but you cut him off. “Dustin, who are you with?”
“Uh,” he coughs, “Well you see, um…Steve Harrington. I’m with Steve Harrington.”
Dustin gets a severe eye roll from said partner-in-crime, but he brushes it off. 
“What?” You’re so confused. How did that even happen?
“I know! But everyone’s been MIA!”
“Oh my god,” you say, and Dustin can practically see you face-palming.
“Look,” he shoves a handful of rogue curls back under the brim of his hat. “Can you just meet up with us? The old junkyard?”
You push off of Will’s bed, and start walking through the house again, retrieving your things. So much for a nap or eating anything other than hospital Jell-O. What are you gonna say? Fuck no? 
“Yeah, yeah, I'll be there as soon as I can.”
“Thank god,” Dustin breathes. “See you then. Over.”
You make sure to check the batteries in Will’s walkie before you go, and then you’re back in your car again, backing out just as aggressively as your mother (something you said you’d never do). 
“Yeah, Farrah Fawcett. You tell anyone I just told you that, and your ass is grass you’re dead, Henderson. Do you understand?” 
Dustin goes quiet for a minute, watching each step he takes. The train tracks are old, and there are one too many loose nails for his liking. “So what’s Y/N got against you, man?”
Steve adjusts one of the gloves he’s wearing, trying not to think about the fact that he’s gonna smell like raw meat for who knows how long. “Uh, I don’t know, exactly. Never really talked to them before. But I’d assume it’s the–”
“The assholery?” Dustin interrupts. 
“What? It’s true.”
“No, yeah, you’re right.” 
Dustin catches the slip in Steve’s attitude almost immediately. “Hey, they’re good, okay? I don’t think you’re a total dick, if that means anything. You’re trying and that’s what matters, yeah?”
“We’ll figure it out.”
“Yeah, we will. Thanks, Henderson.”
Dustin gives Steve a winning smile. This kid could rule the world, he thinks. 
“Anytime,” Harrington. He lifts his hand up, awaiting a fist bump that Steve returns without a second thought. 
You wander down the trail of raw meat you’ve found, not bothering to even question what's happening or where the meat came from. Frankly, you don’t really want to know. 
At the end of your path, you catch a glimpse of familiar curls, even if they are crushed under the red brim of a hat. 
The boy practically gives himself whiplash turning around to face you. 
“Holy shit, I’m so glad you’re here. It’ll be nice to have someone older than me who’s not a total pain in the ass.”
“Hey, I heard that.” 
The voice pulls your attention away from Dustin. When you look up, Steve Harrington is walking out of the biggest vehicle in this abandoned lot: a school bus. He’s wiping his hands on his jeans and pushing the ends of his sleeves up.
Dustin looks at you. “You guys have to be acquaintances at the least, right?”
You nod at him, feeling your face burn. If there’s a word for a less-than-acquaintance, you don’t know it. But that’s probably where your relationship with this boy lies. King Steve isn’t really someone you just miss. 
But yeah, you know him. You know he’s a dick. 
“Hi.” Steve pushes his sunglasses up into his hair and crosses his arms. 
You only look at him for a moment before your eyes are back on Dustin. The younger boy notices the tension radiating from you, and honestly, he gets it. Steve Harrington wasn’t exactly the person he’d planned on spending his day with, but here he was. Desperate times call for desperate measures or whatever.
“So what are we doing?” You ask.
Dustin puts his thumbs underneath the straps of his backpack, bouncing on the balls of his feet a little. “It’s a long story. Best if we talk while we work.”
You roll your eyes at him, but follow the thirteen-year-old wherever he wants to go. You’re not sure you could deny Dustin Henderson anything. 
You watch as Max, a young girl you’ve just met, stomps up the steps of the ladder you’ve rigged inside the mess of a bus that you’re camped out in. 
Your chest aches because what Dustin just said to her was rude, it was rude, and you can’t believe the two of them. You sit, arms crossed and leg shaking up and down, glaring at Steve.
You find it hard to believe that after everything you’ve learned tonight, about Dart, about Mews—which you’re never going to get over because you only visit Dustin’s house for his cat, never him—that this is what they’re doing now.
“That’s good,” Steve says. “Just show her you don’t care.” 
Dustin is pacing, hands deep in his pockets. “I don’t,” he breathes.
Steve winks. Watching the two of them is like watching a tennis match. You don’t even like tennis.
“Why are you winking, Steve?” 
You drag your hand down your face, sick of hearing this stupid ass conversation. When Dustin sits, the constant clink of metal where Steve keeps flicking his lighter open over and over starts to give you a headache. 
“Fuck, Steve, would you quit it already?” 
He scoffs, snapping the lid to his Zippo closed harder than he had been before. “What’s your problem?”
“You’re pissing me off, that’s my problem.”
Steve’s brow furrows. He doesn’t really understand the sudden need for aggression. 
“Is this really the time for you to be yelling at me?”
“Is this really the time for you to be a dick?”
Dustin jerks the antenna on his walkie down, clearly sick of the two of you. “Would you children stop bickering? This is a life or death situation we have going on here.”
“I’d prefer death,” you proclaim. 
Dustin glares at you. “I can arrange that if you’d really rather die, than act civil for one evening.”
“I think all of the civility,” you gesture vaguely with your hands, “went out the window when you asked me to come help fight demo-dogs.”
Steve snorts at your words, and you glare at him, an “oh, is that funny?” look on your face. 
Dustin rearranges the hat on his head, stuffing his curls underneath it once again. “Alright. I’m gonna go check on our status, you two…work shit out, okay?”
“Dude,” Steve starts, “I’m older than you. I don’t have to listen to your instructions.” He gestures vaguely with his hands.
Dustin flips him off, and that’s the only response Steve receives, leaving the two of you alone in the bus.
You remain quiet, hoping that if you do you might just disappear or dissolve into the cracked leather of the seat you're sitting on. Then there really wouldn’t be any form of confrontation.
Steve starts flipping the lid to his Zippo open and shut repeatedly again, but this time it doesn’t annoy you. In fact, it gives you something to focus on, and you know that if you had one you’d be doing the same exact thing. 
You wonder if he’s nervous. Or just bored. 
Your knee begins to bounce when you realize that he’s looking at you, that he’s stopped messing with the lighter. But you refuse to look back, staring instead at the way the moonlight glints off of the metal in between his fingers. 
“So what’s your problem with me?”
The way Steve says those words is so unlike the way he’s spoken the rest of the day, the way he’s behaved with Dustin, that you feel a pang in your chest. 
He sounds like he used to. 
“Did you even hear that? How conceded you just sounded? Like it’s funny that I might have a problem with you, king Steve?”
Obviously the use of his nickname hits a nerve. He shoves the lighter back into his pocket and sits up, tucking his hands under his knees. 
“Would you just cut the shit and tell me what your problem is then?”
You sit up, matching his stance. There’s a part of you that wants to piss him off. You ache for it. 
“You’re a dick, that’s my problem.”
Steve scoffs. 
“That’s it? Like I don’t already know that?”
You roll your eyes, oblivious to the fact that all three of the younger kids you’re with have their heads hung over the escape latch in the top of the bus, listening eagerly. 
“You think I’m just gonna put up with you, Harrington? I’m sorry, did you forget the slut shaming you and your shitty friends did publicly last fall? Because I sure as hell didn’t. I didn’t forget that you walk around like you fucking own the entirety of Hawkins because you’re swimming in daddy’s money. I didn’t forget that your girlfriend took my best friend away from me.”
You stop, and Steve just looks at you. You realize how heavy you’re breathing and subconsciously watch the steady movement of his chest, trying to match the pace and calm down. You hadn’t meant to get worked up like that. But sometimes…sometimes shit just happens. 
Steve sighs. Honestly he feels a little sick. And he could argue with you some more, say that you don’t know what you’re talking about, that that’s the past, that he’s getting better. But that feels shallow. It feels meaningless. Because he knows it’s true. That in worrying about only himself or getting the girl or impressing whoever, he hurt loads more people than he realized. 
It’s such bullshit, he thinks. This life he’s been living.
“You know, I’ve gotten plenty of earfuls about my actions from Dustin, I promise you that much. He can be very mean.” 
You snort, considering there’s absolutely no denying that. “He’s a smart kid.” 
Steve nods. He’s trying to think of a way to respond. He’s not good with words. 
“Look, I-I know I’m a dick, okay?” he starts. You decide to be brave and look at him. He seems to like that. The eye contact. It’s like it lets him know you’re paying attention. He doesn’t get a lot of that, not away from school. 
“The thing with Nancy,” he gestures with his hands, looking away from you and at the wall of the bus, like it hurts him to talk about or something. “I don’t know. My solution to not getting what I wanted was apparently to take it out on her. Tommy H. proposed the idea, and I didn’t stop it.”
“You know I cleaned it off, right?” he continues. 
You uncross your arms and sit up, criss crossing your legs instead. “No. I didn’t know that.”
“It’s okay. It’s not like I broadcasted the information across Hawkins. Tommy and Carol don’t even know.”
Oh. The fact that they didn’t know tells you that he did it without needed recognition. He did it because he wanted to.
“I just—she saw it. And then there was the whole thing…”
You start to grin before you catch yourself, but he sees it. 
“It’s okay, you can laugh. I got the shit beat out of me.”
“You deserved it.”
He can’t argue with that. He won’t argue with it. “You’re right. I did. I said and did a lot that day that I regret.”
You nod, and then you’re both just looking at one another. It’s quiet out here, the same quiet you get at home, where you can hear the crickets, where you know there will be lightning bugs in the warmer months, free to roam uninterrupted by human activity. 
Steve pushes his hair from his forehead, and though he sees you track the movement of his hand, he doesn’t point it out.
“What did you mean about your friend?”
If you’re being honest with yourself, you hadn’t intended for that to come out, but being in such close proximity to Steve in this moment had just made everything spill out. 
You try to wave him off. “That was a whole thing. I didn’t mean to spill my guts like that.”
“No, it’s okay, I want to know. If you want to tell me, that is.”
You nod, chewing at your thumb nail now. Steve has the urge to reach forward and pull it free so you won’t hurt yourself, but he doesn’t. Instead he stays still and quiet, watching you contemplate a while. 
Eventually he decides to keep going. 
“I’m trying, you know,” he tells you. You look up and it gives him that little push to continue speaking. “To be better. I know you think I’m a total dick, and you’re not wrong, I know that, but I really am trying to be better. To be a good influence on those little shits.” He quirks his head upwards where he knows all three of his charges are eavesdropping, without a doubt. 
You take a second and look at him. Really look at him. He seems to carry himself differently, though it’s not something you’d notice if you weren’t looking. He’s not dressed like his mommy picked out his outfit. He looks messy. The mess draws you in. 
“I believe you. And I-I know I shouldn’t stereotype you, but it’s just—”
“I am a walking stereotype,” Steve grins. So do you.
“Yeah. I guess so. But I believe that you’re working on it. I suppose some people don’t remain assholes forever.”
“Yeah,” he chuckles, though a little distracted. You still haven’t told you what you meant, but that’s not what’s really bugging him. 
There’s this pull inside him. This longing for a friend. A real friend. Not someone he knows just because their dads were up each other's asses, or someone he just sits with at lunch because they’re of the same status quo. 
And he just feels so alone right now. What with Nancy, this girl he thought he was in love with and everything, but clearly she doesn’t feel the same. What’s he even supposed to do with that? Did he ever actually know anything about her? 
It doesn’t matter. 
What matters is that he’s sitting here with you, hanging out with thirteen-year-olds and hiding from creatures Steve’s brain can’t even begin to decipher. 
“Barb,” you say. Steve panicked a little internally at the mention of her name, considering. But he keeps his eyes on you, focused on each word that leaves your mouth. “She was my best friend, in middle school that is.”
He nods. Oh. Oh. 
“We were still close when we got to high school, had a little group and everything, right? And even though high school kinda fucks everything up, I didn’t want to believe that would happen to our little partnership, you know?” 
He nods again, trying his best to pay attention. He’s trying harder than he ever has in school. He probably shouldn’t ever say that out loud.
“Anyways, she was my best friend. She was all I knew, and then we got to lovely Hawkins High, and she met Nancy. Nancy and I never really clicked, even when we tried. I guess it’s because I’ve always thought she was a pretentious bitch—sorry, Steve—but I don’t know. We just fell apart after that.”
“So Barb had Nancy and I had…no one. And the way my brain saw it was Nancy took my best friend from me, and then Nancy started seeing you, and so I saw those two from across the cafeteria, lounging with the popular kids. With you. And then she died.”
Steve is looking at you in a way he’s never looked at you before. Like he’s in awe of you. And it’s not anything negative. It’s warm. Understanding. Like something you’ve said has straightened something out in his brain, sorted something he couldn’t figure out on his own. 
“S-so it was like we took her from you, in a way?” he asks. 
“Yeah. And you didn’t. God, you didn’t. But it just felt like this…” you trail off, searching for the right words.
“Domino effect?”
“Yeah! Yeah. Exactly. And it’s not your fault, not at all. But I guess I already saw you as some dickish rich kid and that gave me another reason to stay the fuck away from you. And now that I’m saying it out loud I realize how awful it sounds because people change, you know?”
“No, I get it. I’ve been an asshole, and I’m sure I still am—Dustin can attest to that—but there are rich assholes that don’t change or probably won’t ever change. I know a few of them.”
You go quiet again. Steve doesn’t want you to stop talking. He’s starting to think he likes the sound of your voice. 
“It’s good that you’re changing, Steve. I’m sorry I said you were such a dick.”
A breathy laugh leaves his throat. “It’s okay, I promise. I’m sorry for…everything.”
“Maybe we can make a truce or something. Start over. It’s not like we really know each other that well anyhow.”
“Yeah. Yeah, that’s cool. Whatever you want.” He means that. He thinks he’d do whatever you wanted him to. 
“Okay. Maybe we can just try and figure it out.”
“I’d like that,” Steve says. He stops himself from proclaiming that he wants to try and fix this with you. Because you’re listening to him. You’re not mad. He doesn’t want you to disappear on him after this. 
You give him a small smile and he swears he might cry. Not that that feeling lasts. 
“Hey!” Dustin is leaning down into the bus, hands clasped together. “I’m so glad we’ve got this handled, but we’ve got a code red, so let’s get this show on the road, yeah?”
June 1985
The door to the back room swings open, a frazzled boy rushing in. You drop your candy wrapper on the table, and Robin keeps talking about the girl that you missed coming in this morning. She was “such a babe.”  
“Hello?” Steve stands in front of the both of you, hands on his hips. You have to fight back a laugh. 
Your eyes find Steve’s immediately, and you swear they soften, but maybe you’re imagining it. You nudge Robin’s leg where your foot is propped up on one of the supports under her chair. 
She stops flailing and looks up, seeing Steve’s hand raised where he’d been about to snap to get her attention. She quirks a brow. “Don’t you snap at me, Harrington! This is important shit.”
“Yeah, I’m sure. Could you two come and help me? I’m dying out here!”
It’s one of the hottest days of the year, and Scoops has had a line since it opened at ten. 
You look at your watch. “My shift doesn’t start for…fifteen minutes.” He rolls his eyes at you, though the gesture is void of any malice it could possibly hold. 
“Yeah, well this is supposed to be my break, so get out there, Buckley!”
She stands, though she’s pouting. “Come on.”
“You took the job,” he says, shoving her through the door. Robin gives him a look that you can’t see, but you can practically feel it from across the small room. 
Steve lets out an exaggerated sigh, ripping off the hat he’s been wearing and throwing it on the table in front of you. 
You watch him rummage through a bag before he emerges from its depths with a banana and throws himself down in the chair across from you, lifting your leg up from where you’d moved it to occupy the seat Robin had abandoned. His hand is warm on the bare skin of your calf, and he shifts the chair some, laying your leg across both of his. 
“Huh?” He peels the banana, aggressively fast actually, and rips off a chunk, popping it into his mouth. 
“Why do you have a banana?” 
He meets your eyes. “Snack, duh.” He chews, and then gestures at the closed window. “Been working up a sweat out there I think I deserve a break.”
You grin at him, and he feels like he might hit the floor. 
“Want some?” Steve pulls off a chunk and holds it out to you. 
“Did you wash your hands?”
He gasps, mid-chew, and forces himself to swallow. “D-did I—yes, I washed my hands, mom, I’m not four.”
“Eh,” Robin’s voice breaks your little bubble. She’s pulled the window open–that way she can eavesdrop– propping herself up on her elbows. 
That makes you laugh, and when you smile your cheek is full of banana and Steve swears something is breaking inside of him. 
“Gang up on me then why don’t you,” he says, handing you the last piece he’s got left. He tosses the peel in the trash, “what do you want anyhow, Robin?” 
“Your break is up, and her shift has started. Let’s get to slinging ice cream, shitheads!”
You wipe your hands on your shorts and hop up. Steve doesn’t move, just looks at you. 
“C’mon, Steven. It’ll be lunch sooner than later.”
He grins. His eyes look tired and you wonder if he slept any last night. He told you once recently that he doesn’t always sleep well, that sometimes he has to listen to tapes in order to keep his head from being so busy, to keep the thoughts from being so loud. 
Steve has told you a lot since last fall. There’s a significant bit more that you know that’s more than what he’s given Robin, but you know he’ll let her in. He just needs the time. 
Though sometimes you think he might be giving you everything. The parts of himself he’s never shown anyone else. Because you’ve been such a good listener, and Steve’s never really had that before. 
He wishes he had the balls to tell you more. But he can’t fuck it up this time. Not with you. You’re too good.
Steve is your best friend now. You know that. He knows it.
If yourself from a year ago could see you now, she’d probably knock your fucking teeth in. But he’s just so much more than you thought. You’re not sure you’ll ever forgive yourself for not thinking there could be more in him, though he’s told you not to be upset. You’ve told him the same when he berates himself for not having paid you more attention in school.
It’s the past. You can’t live there. And today, you’re scooping ice cream for pre-sticky kids, for shitty pay, but it doesn’t matter because you have him. You have Robin. 
You stick out your hand, and Steve takes it without a second thought. His palm engulfs yours, skin warm and a little calloused. 
“We can watch whatever you want tonight.”
He squeezes your hand. You and Robin are supposed to have a sleepover with him tonight. He suggested he sleep in a guest room and you two have his bed, but Robin said she needs to be cuddled. You said you’re not letting him sleep anywhere but his bed. 
“I thought you wanted to watch Girls Just Want to Have Fun.”
“I always wanna watch that. But you can pick first, Stevie.”
Stevie. His stomach flips at that. You don’t let it out often, but when you do it’s like Steve might just die right there. 
He straightens, deal clearly made, and you pull him up–not that you need to. 
You push through the door with him, and immediately regret it. It’s like the soccer moms can smell your fear, and you know it. 
“Breathe,” Steve says. “Dustin’s here.”
He is. The entire party. That you can deal with. 
You think you could deal with an absurd line and angry mothers for the rest of your life if it meant assembling Dustin and Lucas’ weird orders. Even if you have to endure Will’s questioning looks and his pleas that you bring some ice cream home. If you have to listen to Robin’s word vomit.
If it meant spending time with Steve, you’d do it. 
God, how shit changes.
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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goldenfigtree · 7 months
Operation: Pamper Condor One
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Summary: It’s your one year anniversary and you decide to make it your mission to give Leon the treatment he deserves.
Pairing: Leon Kennedy (any Leon of your choice tbh) x Fem!Reader
Warning: toothrotting fluff
Note: yeah I know, I know it’s spooky season but I’m a lover for the aesthetic of Valentine’s Day and thought it’d make this Drabble even more romantic. Sue me! Either way I hope you enjoy! This one is one of my longer ones.
February 14th was a day you despised with every fiber of your being. The hearts, roses, and the sickly shades of red and pink never swooned you. Any mention of the holiday earned a gag and an eye roll from you in return. Mainly because it reminded you how single you were, but you never said that aloud. Instead you went with the more indirect reasonings when questioned,
“Valentine’s day is just another unnecessary commercial exploitation” was your favorite one to use. But deep down, you envied those who got to celebrate having a significant other, wishing you could join in all of the fun. That is, until Leon Kennedy came along. Being the cliche and cheesy guy that he is deep down, he decided it’d be romantic to ask you to be his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day at your doorstep with an oversized bouquet of roses. One year later and your perception of this romantic holiday had completely been redefined. That’s what love does to you, you guess.
And now here you were, a week before Valentine’s day secretly planning the most romantic evening you have ever planned in your life. To be fair, it was the first romantic evening you ever planned, making it the most romantic thus far. It being the first romantic date you had planned made you all the more excited and anxious to make sure everything was absolutely perfect. Not one candle or balloon was out of place. Despite all the chatter from your friends, saying that it should be the boyfriend planning these sort of dates on this holiday, you didn’t care how you may look putting this together. More important matters were at hand, specifically Leon not really being the same since his last mission.
You remembered clearly how exhausted he looked when you picked him up from the airport, how he practically fell into your arms, how permanent his frown has been since then. You hated seeing him like that. You wish you could take his pain and exhaustion away, but you couldn’t, and that you hated more. So, in hopes to lift his spirits, you thought of Valentine’s day being the perfect opportunity to give him the treatment he deserves, especially on a day that the both of you held dear to your hearts. Screw the tradition, the expectations, all you cared about was getting your Leon back. The Leon who was serious to some but especially giddy and happy with you. The Leon who always had a twinkle in his eye when explaining something he was passionate about. You were getting him back if it was the last thing you did.
The week flew out the window with the fiercely cold winds of winter, and the time had finally come to execute Operation: Pamper Condor One. Wearing a lipstick red chain knit sweater and a pair of jeans, you pull your hair up into a bun at the top of your head and wrap it with a white scrunchy with tiny hearts. Looking in the mirror you didn’t expect to come to this point in your life. You didn’t think you’d ever enjoy today like this, much less with someone who made life worth perceiving at a different, more positive angle. But, you weren’t complaining, you liked this new you and you sincerely hoped that you could bring the old Leon back tonight.
Looking around your apartment with brows furrowed, you murmured your checklist to yourself to ensure everything was in place. It was safe to say that you went all out with this one. Heart shaped pillows replaced your usual everyday pillows on the couch, candles were lit everywhere in the house to the point where it was almost a safety hazard, and most importantly, rose petals scattered on the sheets of your bed. Nibbling on your thumbnail, your mind spirals in a panic as you wait for him to arrive.
Is this too much? Will he hate it?
You thought to yourself looking around the apartment from your couch, your legs crossed and your one heart patterned sock covered foot bouncing anxiously. So deep in thought, you jump at the sound of Leon’s familiar knock, one he came up with so you knew it was him at your door. Standing up so fast, you begin to almost see stars as you clumsily make your way to your front door and swing it open.
“Hey beautiful” Leon greets, his voice soft, sentimental, yet so very exhausted. With an oversized bouquet of your favorite type of flower in his arms, he has to tilt his head to the side to look at you.
“Awe you shouldn’t have!” you gush happily as you tug his arms toward you to lead him inside.
“You didn’t think I’d forget our one year did you?” He grunts as he places the bouquet down on your kitchen counter.
“Never” You reply with a giggle as you watched him lean back to stretch his back,
“Jesus, those are heavy” He groans to himself, “you also have something coming in later tonight”
You couldn’t help but snicker at his obliviousness towards his surroundings, as he continued to speak,
“I also got us a reservation at your favorite restaurant, we’re supposed to be there in… wait what’s all this?” he asks softly, turning around and taking notice of the romantic ambience of your apartment.
“I’d cancel that reservation if I were you, because we’re not going” you say leaning against the kitchen counter, crossing your arms,
“We aren’t?” He asks cautiously, turning back to you. You smile smugly and shake your head,
“Nope, tonight we’re going to be focusing on you” turning him to face you and wrapping your arms around his neck, you place a soft peck on his lips as his eyes turn up in thought,
“Me?” He murmurs against your lips, earning an agreeing hum from you in return,
“Go sit at the dining table, I’ll be there in a minute okay?” still a bit unsure of how this evening was going to turn out, he eventually nods and makes his way to your circle dining table. Noticing a wrapped box leaning against his chair, wondering what it could be.
Not long after, you walk out with a pizza box in your hand, Leon’s eyes immediately light up noticing the emblem on the top lid,
“Is that–”
“Your favorite? Of course” you triumphantly respond, placing the box on the table and opening the lid. The savory aroma of melted cheese and pepperoni filled the air which filled Leon’s eyes with excitement. Something you hadn’t seen in a while, seeing it now made your heart soar. So far, your plan was going swimmingly. Serving him a slice, you place a kiss on his forehead and sit across from him. While taking a bite of his pizza, he looks around at all your hard work and attention to detail in awe,
“Babe, you did all of this…for me?” You look up from your plate and reach out to take his hand with a loving smile,
“Well, you’re always taking care of me, I thought maybe I could do it for a change” You explain, a bashful grin growing on your lips as you squeeze his hand. His eyebrows furrow as his mouth falls slightly, something told him it was because of how he’d been acting since he came home. Guilt washed over him, he thought he had hid it so well. But this extravagant gesture showed him the opposite of what he thought was reality. You had often asked him what happened and if he was feeling okay and in return, he just shrugged it off. Telling you not to worry about him, that he could take care of himself. Little did he know how much that isolated the both of you back then. But he saw it now,
“Baby, I’m sorry for being so off lately and shutting you out. I thought I was protecting you but I think I did the opposite” your eyes softened at his words as you stood from your chair. Kneeling down you take him in your arms and kiss his forehead,
“I know” your breath brushed against his skin, causing his shoulders to drop slightly, “You were trying to tough it out right?”
With a soft exhale through his nose, he nods his head slightly, “You know you don’t have to carry this weight on your own right? That’s what I’m here for” you continue brushing some his hair away from his face,
“I guess, I don’t exactly know how to do that” resting your forehead against his own, you rest your hands behind his neck, the pads of your fingers making his eyes flutter slightly in bliss,
“Don’t worry, I’ll make it easier for you, starting tonight”
A small smile grows on his face, your soft voice always being music to his ears, and knowing you cared this much, to do all this for him. Since you two had intertwined your lives, you continued to show him what he had been missing. What he yearned without knowing. Nodding his head, he leans in to press his lips to yours. His hands gently lifted you closer to him and before you knew it, you were sitting on his lap, legs dangling over his right thigh as your lips failed to pull away. Every kiss rebukes all anxieties and fears from both of your minds. After one last peck, his lashes flutter down as he notices the wrapped present against his chair again. You notice and with a chuckle you reach down and place it on the table,
“Happy One Year my love” you coo nuzzling your head against the side of his. You wished you could take a photo of the look on his face as he eyed the carefully wrapped box. He looked like a little boy on Christmas Day,
“go on, open it” you urge. With a quiet laugh he makes the first tear of the paper and then another tear. With your legs swinging, you watch him open the box and pull out a T-Shirt and read the words. His smile widens as he reads it and out comes a laugh you missed so dearly, like a dream that flees from you the moment you awake.
“My Girlfriend Is Hotter Than You” he reads it aloud and places a smooch on your cheek, “that she is, that she is”
“That’s not all” you say with a smirk, earning an eyebrow raise from him,
“Is there something else in the box?”
“Nope” your hands leave his neck and reach the hem of your sweater, beginning to lift it from your body. A motion, you noticed, made Leon’s cheeks redden. You lift it over your head and drop it to the floor to reveal your matching t-shirt,
“My Boyfriend Is Hotter Than You” in bold black letters matching him. He practically gasps and tightens his arms around you peppering kisses along your neck, making you giggle from his excitement,
“And you said you hated these type of shirts” he points out smugly,
“What can I say? You’re a bad influence on me” you retort back, standing up from his lap and extending your hand,
“C’mon the night isn’t over” Leon’s ears redden from your words, as he takes your hand and lets you lead him into the bedroom. Sitting him on the bed, you grab his shirt and lift it from the bottom, with a shy yet excited twinkle in his eyes, he lets you. Placing it neatly on your dresser, you sit behind him on the bed,
“What are you doing?” Leon asks with a look of intrigue on his face,
“Giving you a massage, duh” you tease,
“Oh, I thought we were gonna…” he clears his throat and rubs the back of his neck with a sheepish chuckle, “right” he adds, sounding a tad disappointed. Pressing a kiss on the back of his neck, sending shivers down the man’s spine, you ruffle his hair and whisper in his ear,
“Maybe later” you almost saw his ears perk up from your words as your hands stroked along the scars littering his back. You remembered the first time you saw those scars. Wanting to kiss every single one of them away, knowing how much of a burden they casted on your lovely boyfriend. Resting your hands on his shoulders, your thumbs knead the area beneath, feeling the pent up tension,
“Does this hurt?” You ask with uncertainty,
“No, feels good” he murmurs, his eyes gently closed. With a sigh of relief you begin to rub down and knead every area of his back. Sighs and grunts escape his lips as he feels his body tense and relax from your touch. You smiled softly, glad to see him receiving the attention and care he deserved. You couldn’t imagine how tense he must have felt using his body so brutally to survive and play hero. You could feel the exhaustion, pain, and stress leave with every manipulation of muscle, “I love you” he murmurs again, his eyes half lidded and a dreamy smile on his lips.
“I love you, too” you softly respond, hugging him from behind, “how do you feel now?”
“Amazing” he mutters under his breath, “Thank you”
You can’t help but gush at his words, always so sweet, so polite. Getting up from the bed you run to the bathroom and take one of your clay masks and place it on your dresser,
“You’re really spoiling me here” he comments bashfully as you also come back with the leftover pizza in the pizza box, his gift and turn on the tv.
You chuckle and begin opening the clay mask and walk over to him. He widens his eyes and holds his hands up, “Wait, lemme do something first” he says, causing you to lift your brows curiously. Grabbing the t-shirt you gifted him, he slips it on and admires the letters spreading across his chest, “Okay now you can continue”
“So you like the shirt huh?” You tease smearing the teal paste onto his forehead,
“I thought I made it obvious” he retorts back sassily, closing his eyes. You roll your eyes and continue smearing the mask on his face,
“There all done, now just relax” you reassure, pressing him farther onto the bed,
“Wait, you’re not wearing a mask” he points out taking the paste from you, “c’mere”
“Leon, this is about you remember” you protest,
“Last I checked, it’s our one year anniversary, not mine. Now come here, I’m not doing this alone” he adds the last part sternly, making you sigh in defeat and scoot over to him so he can apply the paste onto your face. You can’t help but smile as you watch him carefully apply the paste on your face as neatly as possible. After he finishes, he kisses your lips earning a sound in protest,
“Babe, you’re going to make the mask crack” you say sheepishly,
“Tuff” he remarks, hovering his body over yours to kiss you more deeply.
The doorbell rings making Leon pull away, his eyes filled with excitement,
“It’s here” he whispers to himself, hopping off the bed and making his way to the door. Coming back he holds a gigantic teddy bear, the exact one you were eyeing while the two of you were running errands together,
“You didn’t!” You gasp,
“I did” effortlessly, lifting the teddy bear that was half the size of him, he places it next to you, “like it?”
“I love it! Thank you” you gush hugging the bear tightly.
“Alright alright, I’m right here you don’t need to cuddle it now” he adds, a tinge of jealousy in his tone, pushing the bear aside and collapsing onto you earning an,
“Oof” from you as you wrapped your arms around him,
“I think I’m ready to talk about it all now” he says as he lays his head against your chest, looking up at you with puppy eyes. You feel all your worries of this plan being a disaster fall away from his words,
“Well go on, I’m listening” with a long, tired sigh he begins to explain everything. The horrors, the betrayals, the losses he endured to make it home. You kept quiet and let him talk about it. Your hands massaging his scalp to comfort him. Once he was done, he lifted himself up from you to look into your eyes,
“I really am sorry for shutting you out. I was just.. afraid of burdening you”
“What you go through, I want to go through it with you. I wish you understood that, that’s what I mean when I say I love you”
“I understand that now.” He begins to say, “we’re a team right?”
“Exactly, you’re so smart” your compliment causes him to blush and smile,
“What was it you said about doing something later?” He says endearingly,
“I said maybe”
“Is it more of a yes than a no kind of maybe or…” he responds suggestively, pressing himself against you making you blush slightly, “Because I think I owe you something in return for all of this, princess”
“If it frees your conscience, sure” wrapping your arms around his neck you lean forward and share a kiss with your lover. Feeling his smile curve against your own, it was safe to say Operation: Pamper Condor One was a success.
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bvbygrl-writes · 5 months
What Do I Know?
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Pairing: Rich!Dilf!Sam Wilson x Black!College Student!Reader
Word Count: 3.2k
Summary: Your best friend ain’t tell ya her dad was a daddy.
A/N: This is a repost from my old blog since I haven't been able to write anything with how exhausting work is jtgktr enjoy! ♥
Warnings: Age gap, fingering, pussy eating, overstim, fucking
“Are you sure it’s okay for me to come home with you? This isn’t some small break like spring or that lil rinky dink one they give us in February.” (Y/n) asked, zipping the sides of her suitcase together. The long awaited summer break had come and after tiring, long hours of college classes all (Y/N) and Miyaki wanted to do was head home.
Well that was the original plot however it had clearly been lost. One phone call home and all of a sudden her mom and dad had magically ‘forgot’ to inform her that they had planned a trip for the two of them and the addition of her other three siblings (who somehow had been informed and never got left out..) to Europe. Although the girl was originally mad - rightfully so- she got over it really fast. So much so that she didn’t even bother letting her mom finish her little half assed excuse of how she thought she had texted her with the info and what not. This was her summer too and she was not going to start it off being upset over family drama.
However she still did feel bad about joining Miyaki on her trip home. The two girls had become fast friends during their few years at college and as the tall woman had said “We’ve been friends for years and ain’t been to each other’s houses once. You don’t think that’s a lil weird?” and she had to agree but it was one thing to spend the night at a friend’s house but to spend an entire summer? That was practically unheard of from where she came from! Nobody had that kind of money and food to be feeding an extra mouth for an entire three months.
“Yes girl, relax! I asked my dad today if it was chill for you to come and he agreed! Quit worrying and grab yo shit, the car is waiting out front.” The green eyed girl said, tossing her faux locs over her shoulders. Before (Y/n) could get in another worry or complaint she walked out of the dorm, slamming the door behind her.
“That girl has some serious attitude problems, I’ll tell ya that…” the girl muttered to herself, rolling her suitcase in tow. She eyed the dorm one last time, smiling at the nice memories they had made this year before exiting, leaving the key under the mat for the next students that’d come to stay.
The first sign that Miyaki came from a different living situation from her was the shiny black Rolls-Royce parked in front of the housing part of campus. There was an older gentleman in a chauffeur outfit who put their bags in the car. She’d given her friend a look who gave her a confused one back before hopping in the car with her. Was this really not out of the ordinary for her? If this was just her car what would her house look like?
(Y/n) let out an audible gasp as the big black gates opened.
“You live in a gated community?!” she exclaimed, turning to her roommate. Miyaki’s face scrunched up in confusion.
“Gated community? Sis….this is my house!” she let out a laugh as the (h/c) haired girl remained silent, looking at the large house in awe. How many people lived with Miyaki? To say she was stunned was an understatement. Miyaki was the most down to earth person she had met since going to college at Stonebrook. As the name suggested, it was a really prestigious and fancy school, tons of stuck up brats on daddy and mommy’s pay going to the school. (Y/n) had always been isolated by her peers since she was attending on a scholarship. They found it pathetic and pitied her which she despised. Why should she be looked down on for actually working to get into school?
Miyaki had never felt that way though. She treated (Y/n) as she treated everyone else…if not a little better (the girl had quite a mean streak) and was very quiet about her home life. But now as they walked up the quartz stairs and through the big marble columns, she could understand why.
“Dad, we’re home! Come meet my friend!” the girl’s voice echoed across the entire house causing her to snicker. ‘Does she ever use an inside voice?’
“I’ll be down in a sec, sweetheart!” a deep baritone voice called out. (Y/n) felt her heart race at the sound. The man’s voice went through her ears like silk. It was smooth but had a bit of a dark tinge to it, like a hint of cream in black coffee. She pulled out her phone, scrolling through her socials as she awaited the man’s presence. After what felt like forever a pair of footsteps came in their direction before parking in front of them. The woman almost dropped her phone at the sight in front of her.
In front of her was the finest man she had ever seen. Brown skin that had that healthy glow, prominent cheekbones, and a bit of facial hair around the mouth region. He was only in jeans and a t- shirt but the way it fit him? The shirt clung to his torso perfectly, the muscles of his upper arms constricted by the cuffs, toned chest. This was her father? She could’ve never guessed by how fit he was! Thighs so thick that she had to stop herself from letting her thoughts drift (more so than they already were..). But when he smiled? Her legs turned to jello. His smile was bright and blinding and he had the most charming gap. It seemed as time had slown down when she was looking at him and from the looks of it he wasn’t disappointed at what he was seeing either. She didn’t miss the way his eyes lingered on her midriff for just a little too long or the slight whistle he let out before covering it up with a cough.
“I’m Sam Wilson, Miyaki’s father. You must be (Y/n).” he said, holding a hand out for her to take. She gladly accepted it, shaking it with one hand as she placed the other one on top of both of them in a gentle way. The girl smiled back at him offering him a nod.
“Indeed I am! It’s so Nice to meet you Mr.Wilson and can I just say how thankful I am for you and Mrs.Wilson allowing me to stay with you guys for the summer. Especially with Miyaki’s short notice and all.” out of the corner of her eye she could see Miyaki roll her eyes at her sudden over-politeness towards her father and the way she had completely thrown her under the bus. Her attention was brought fully back to the man in question as he tightened his grip around her hand some.
“Mrs.Wilson? I’m not surprised Miyaki didn’t give you the details. It’ll only be the three of us here for the summer so in other words, there is no Mrs.Wilson.” he looked to the side a bit before turning back to face her, a smirk present on his face. “Also you don’t gotta be so formal, just Sam will do.” Miyaki cleared her throat impatiently causing the two to look to the side before laughing together. “Well it looks like Yaki is getting impatient so if you girls need anything, I’ll be around. Dinner is at 6.” the older man gave her a once over before walking off to what she could only assume was the kitchen.
“Girlll and you been hiding him from me because??” (Y/n) asked, rubbing her hands together. Miyaki smacked her lips together, dragging the girl towards her room.
“You betta stop playing with me.” when her friend stayed quiet, the girl gasped, turning her head. “Wait you’re joking…you tryna get my dad to hit?! Oof.” she grunted as one of her pillows hit the back of her head. Turning she saw her friend on her bed, glaring at her.
“Don’t say it like that! All I said was he’s fine nothing more nothing less. That can’t be your first time hearing that, one of your other friends has had to say something.” She felt the girl thud down beside her on the bed. She hummed for a bit before flipping over to face her friend.
“I mean I can’t say I’m surprised really. You love you an older man. Remember when you switched to that one baking course just so you could flirt and make googly eyes with Mr.Garcia?”
“That’s not why I switched! I was simply interested in getting to know his favorite dessert!” (Y/n) exclaimed, turning her head the opposite way. “In hopes that maybe I could become his favorite dessert.” 
“Whateva. Anyways, you wanna watch a movie till dinner?”
Dinner had been amazing. Sam went all out, pulled out the grill, made dessert, it was all so lavish and delicious! He even had lobster which (Y/n) made sure to take full advantage of. He had said help yourself and who was she to go against his wishes in his home? 
It was now around three in the morning as she stumbled around the house curiously. She and Miyaki had gone to bed early, absolutely exhausted from the long car ride over and while it was easy for her friend to stay asleep when turning in early, she found it hard to. No matter what if she went to bed before twelve she’d always end up waking up during some odd hour of the night. 
A sound came from down the hallway catching her attention. It was a repeated thudding and while usually she wouldn’t go chasing after mysterious noises, she knew it couldn’t be anything too bad. Sam had the security on this house underlock and she had seen how beefy his security guards were. 
Once she reached the end she turned the knob from the room in which the sound was coming from. Gasping quietly, she opened the door a little wider trying to be as quiet as she could. The sight in front of her was absolutely heavenly. There was Sam, shirtless, in nothing but a pair of grey joggers beating the hell out of a punching bag. His jabs were sharp and powerful causing the chains to rattle with each blow to the sack. Goosebumps formed all over her skin at the sight of his power. If he could do that to a punching bag, what could he do with her? 
All the  what ifs invaded her mind causing her to rub her thighs together hungrily in thought. She hadn’t even noticed that Sam had moved until the door she was standing in closed, leaving the two of them in the room together. He offered her a smile, a yawn interrupting his incoming words. His arms flexed above his head giving her an even better view of his muscles. It was an even grander sight than she had imagined when she saw him clothed earlier.
“Can’t sleep?” she shook her head at his question, sitting on the bench in front of him. “ ‘S alright. Why don’t you help me train then? Try to get me to the ground. Come on, don’t be shy, didn’t seem like you were earlier.”
As expected, (Y/n) couldn’t get him to the ground at all! Time and time again he had managed to get her down but she couldn’t complain too much. Being this close to a hot and sweaty man? Having him touch and feel all over her body? She could get used to this.
“You know, for an old man you’re pretty strong!” (Y/n) was out of breath, sweat dripping down her chest. Letting out a deep breath she held a hand out for Sam to shake. He eyed it before taking it causing her to give him a devilish grin. Within a few seconds she had dragged him close, sweeping a foot under his leg. He fell like she intended but what she hadn’t done was calculating him keeping a hold on her wrist. The two both fell with a thud, Sam hitting the mat while the not so sneaky woman fell on top of him. She pushed herself up, hands flush against his chest as she straddled him, looking down at him. Her eyes widened at the feeling of two large hands gripping her ass, eyes trailing up to his.
“Didn’t you say you were having trouble sleeping? I think I got something that can put you right to sleep.” was this really happening? Was she hearing him correctly? That thought didn’t last long at the feeling of his dick poking at her through the fabric of his sweats. His dark eyes were practically black from how blown out his pupils were. Leaning forward, their lips connected. 
The kiss was slow and sensual like the vibes he gave off. His lips were soft, the taste of coffee mixed with his natural taste. As the kiss grew more heated, Sam flipped them over, laying the girl gently on the mat. He continued with a trail of kisses, from her neck, collarbone, his fingers massaging the flesh of her hips. His lips gave extra love to her chest, licking and sucking upon the brown sensitive buds. 
His open mouth trail of kisses slowly became sucking the further and further he got towards the center of her legs.
“C-careful. Don’t leave- don’t leave marks our else Miyaki might see.” she warned, causing him to pause momentarily. Lifting his head he chuckled some, brushing his thumb against the sensitive area of skin near her upper thigh. Whether or not it’d be visible in summer attire was something she wouldn’t know until she got dressed the next day. Massaging her legs, he leaned up near her face, softly caressing her cheek.
“You’re a smart girl, (Y/n). I’m sure you can figure it out.” she huffed but remained quiet, a pout prominent on her face. A large hand came to rest around her throat, squeezing lightly. “ I’d advise you to lose the attitude if you wanna go to bed satisfied.” She shuddered at his words but remained quiet, anxiously awaiting what he’d do next.
From the looks of it, he wasn’t sure where he was going to take it next. He was eager, lust clouding his brain and thoughts. Sam was now acting on primal instincts alone. He reached for her sleep shorts, peeling them off before tossing them to the side. Keeping the eye contact they had, he guided two of his fingers into the mess that was her cunt. Despite barely touching her, her pussy was beyond creamy, juices dripping out the further he stuck his fingers in. Long, thick digits made their way into her with ease.
He made sure their eyes were connected, his stern eyes in a narrow assertion of dominance while her own (e/c) ones were glossed over as she fought to keep them open and focused on him. It was an agreement that didn’t need to be spoken: her eyes were to be on him at all times. Every so often her eyes would jitter close as his fingers nudged against her spot but still she persisted, wanting to be good for him, to prove herself.
Sam removed his fingers, guiding them up to the girl’s lips. Her eyes widened, gagging around the digits as waiting tears finally fell. Once he was satisfied he removed them, positioning himself between her legs. Using his thumbs he spread apart her pussy lips, salivating. Her cunt was so plush, clit engorged and pulsating, just aching to be touched.
He wrapped his lips around her clit, sucking on it as he swirled his tongue. The girl reached instantly, hands clinging to his head the best that she could as her hips arched forward. This is something Sam usually wouldn’t fly with but he’d allow it this once. An airy moan fell from her lips as she continued to buck against his face, pelvis jerking rapidly at the feeling of his fingers lightly teasing her around her hole.
(Y/n) felt her entire body buzzing with pleasure. Her hands searched for anything to cling onto as her orgasm approached her, making its way to her faster and faster. An overstimulated whimper left her lips followed by her slick coating the older man’s face and mouth which he gladly accepted, the most sinful of noises leaving him as he cleaned her up. Her clench eyes relaxed as her body fell limp to the mat, chest heaving in heavy breaths.
“You tapping out already, princess?” she lifted her head from the ground, propping herself up onto her elbows as she gave him a glare. Kicking him onto his back, she climbed into his lap, aligning the tip of his cock with her entrance, bits of his precum mixing with the reminisce of her arousal. 
“Not even close old man.” they both shared a loud groan as she sunk down onto him in one swift movement. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as she tried to gain a hold on him, wanting to get the upper hand. However Sam was just so…large. His girth stretched her out greatly, the head of his cock just barely kissing her cervix causing her to let out a pathetic whimper. Sam chuckled some, wrapping his hands around her waist, guiding her own to rest around his shoulders.
“It’s okay baby, I’ve got you. You gotta relax though or it’s gonna be a toughy for both of us.” she nodded lazily at his words, tightening her grip on his shoulders, head under his chin. He rubbed at her back gently, feeling as her muscle began to untense around him. “Better?”
“Y-yes just move. Wanna feel you.” he placed a kiss to the top of her head before beginning to thrust, letting out a small ‘fuck’ under his breath. Despite her being fully relaxed and prepped, she was still so tight around him. After a bit of trial and error, he had finally managed to find a good rhythm but even with as patient as he was he couldn’t hold back any longer.
Locking his arms around the base of her spine, he gripped her in his arms, trading out his slow and deep thrust for a series of fast and shallow ones. The sounds she was making for him only egged him on as she babbled and drooled on about how she couldn’t take it, how good it felt. 
“O-oh god! ‘M not gonna la-last any longer! Wanna cum with you! Wanna- can we, pl-please!” she cried out, tears mixing with the mess of drool on her face. 
“Yeah? Let’s cum together then.” he agreed, not having much left in him himself. With a few final powerful thrust, Sam came deep inside of her, (Y/n) following right along with him. The girl fell forward into his chest, the both of them panting, holding each other covered in sweat. She let out a soft chuckle, looking up at the man who was already staring down at her.
(Y/n) had originally thought it was gonna be a long summer, but this was way different from what she had in mind. She was fucked.
Metaphorically and Physically.
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anki-of-beleriand · 11 months
Do not hesitate
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Summary: After two years of relationship you and Wanda finally got on a well-deserved holidays. You have plans, but at some point you get sidetracked and she has to redirect you where she wants you to be.
Pairing: Wanda/Female!Reader
Warnings: None, just fluff, suggestive themes and reader being foolish.
Author's note: This particular story was born out of something and someone I met recently. I dedicated this story to her even though I know she would never read it and it is part of those unrequired love stories we sometimes found around.
Since I wanted it out there, I changed the name to that of Wanda because R and Wanda deserve a hapy ending.
Do not hesitate
The first thing you noticed were the heavy drops of cold rain hitting the glass of your window.
The lady in the PA was informing the rest of the passengers of the oncoming arrival to the Stazione di Venezia Santa Lucia. There was a shiver of anticipation running down your body, your eyes turned directly to the window to see the silver waters of the lagoon that has surrounded the City of Bridges ever since it was established by the time Rome was still an Empire.
Your eyes followed the sweet movement of the water, the sight of boats and poles all through the waters leading to the city that had been hidden behind the rain and the fog of the early morning of February. Your heart beating with anticipation, the train travelling down the bridge getting closer and closer to its final destination.
“You look like a child that has never seen the sea before.” The sweet voice of Wanda called your attention, her eyes gleaming amusedly while her lips drew that smile that had always made you forget your own name.
“I have never seen such a sight before.” You replied without losing the smile, her hand wrapped tenderly around yours and you had to wonder how it was possible that with the smallest of gestures from her part your heart still leaped with affection.
“You have seen this before, doofus.” She snorted when you placed a hand on your chest, the faux offensive gesture made her snigger while shaking her head.
“Excuse me, but every time I am here, it is as if it was the first time…” You turned to the window once more, this time around the different buildings and the station are starting to fill the imagery. “I love coming here, you know?”
Her features softened lightly, and without you even noticing her eyes took a closer look at your frame. The tug on your hand made you turn, and soon you found yourself being kissed with tenderness. You couldn’t help it but leaned in and kissing her back, last time you were in Venice life had been different and your sister had been your only company.
Now, looking into deep brown eyes, you have to wonder how you got so lucky in life to be here with the one woman you never thought you would find.
She rolled her eyes poking playfully at your head before standing up, her hand still pretty much wrapped around yours.
“Sometimes, you think loudly, and you think too much. Let’s move it, it is raining, and I hope you can prepare me a warm bath before going out into the city.”
“God, have you always been this bossy before?” You chuckled wincing playfully at her light punch on your shoulder, both of you lowering the bags from the overhead rack.
“If I remember correctly, you fell in love with my bossiness.” Her smugness could be read in her face, she winked at you, and you just snorted following her out of the car knowing she was right.
She was always right.
The city of Venice was a world of its own creation.
The streets were made of stone, and the edifications spoke of a past that reverberated in the present while the tourists and the locals filled out the streets in the midst of a rainy morning in February. The sound of music and laughter mixed with the conversation and the preparation for the Carnival that would start the next day.
“This is amazing.” The overwhelmed statement was followed by a beaming smile while her eyes swept around the plaza leading to the Rialto Bridge. “You can actually see everyone is getting ready for the Carnival. But those masks must be expensive at this time of the year, right?”
You broke your stance, glancing around while covering the flush of embarrassment in your cheeks. She almost caught you staring, your heart breaking through your chest when you grabbed your hand trying to get your attention.
“Did you hear me? Or where you checking out the group over there?” Her teasing was quite obvious, and she pointed with her head a group of young women all talking animatedly in a corner.
You opened your eyes shaking your head, but she just chuckled shrugging while glancing back at them then at you.
“It’s okay if you were watching, you know? They’re quite attractive, the brunette one seems to be your type.”
“Why do you think she is my type?” You sputtered glancing at the young woman she was mentioning.
The woman was beautiful, soft features adorned with wavy, light brown locks and a huge smile breaking into her face. You blinked a couple of times, she looked taller than you and her body was of average build.
“You’re staring again.” She mumbled looking away while giving her back at you.
There was a single moment in which something changed around you, there was a tension you were not sure where was it coming from. Wanda walked away to one of the stores glancing at the merchandise, her eyes trying to focus on the articles inside the store instead of your reflection. You approached her placing a hand on her shoulder, after a moment she turned to you and her eyes had a hardened glint with a stretch of her lips.
“I wasn’t staring at them before you mentioned them.” You clarify, furrowing your words knowing that your explanations were not necessary but having the need to make sure she knew you had eyes for no one that wasn’t her. “Are you jealous?”
It was a simple question, but one that made you think this was something that had never happened before. Jealousy had not been part of your life for quite some time, for everyone it was quite obvious you were smitten by the woman standing before you. And while you might feel it from time to time, it had been quite innocent leaving as suddenly as it had come.
But she…she had never been vocal about those emotions.
Now, though…
She clenched her jaw looking away, pursing her lips while trying to focus her attention on the closest store.
“Should I be?” She replied harshly, her cheeks burning lightly at the simple show of weakness.
If there was something you had learned in the time you two had gotten to know one another, it was that she hated to be this vulnerable. She was a logical person, certain emotions were natural but should not transcend the scope of her own brief moments of weakness. She knew who she was, what she had, and her place in the world.
This didn’t mean she didn’t hesitate…or that, from time to time, she didn’t wonder…she didn’t question herself…
The main difference between you and her was that you wore your heart on your sleeve, while she hid it from everyone. Sometimes, including herself.
You chuckled, then broke into a fit of giggles that were your worst decision at the moment.
Her eyes opened wide, lifting her chin to the sky she turned around and started walking away.
You chuckled some more sprinting towards her, your hand on her shoulder only to have her reject your touch. You winced, laughing had been a bad thing to do when she was being this vulnerable. But you couldn’t help it. Really.
“Wait, wait…love…”
“What?” She stopped death on her tracks facing you until you had to stopped yourself from crashing against her.
Her face was a mask of emotionless danger, her eyes gleaming dangerously at you but otherwise there was no other indication that told you she was ready for you to continue with the laughter. You gulped lifting your hands in a gesture of peace.
“Did you know that you are kinda cute when angry and jealous?”
She rolled her eyes, huffing before walking away again.
You chuckled shaking your head, you knew you would pay dearly for that. But she did look cute, and it was the first time after two years of relationship that something like this happened, so better take advantage of that.
Wanda reached the bridge just in time for you to wrap your arms around her waist. You smiled placing a kiss on her cheek, the tension on her body was an indication she was still mad but not indifferent to your proximity. You kissed her cheek again nuzzling your nose on her neck.
“Did you know I’m so in love with you that I was actually checking you out and imagine what my life would be like if I have never met you?” You whispered in her ear, your lips drawing a smirk at her shiver and the intake of breath when your breath and lips teased her ear.
“You know you can’t talk your way out of your idiocy?” She replied though didn’t make any attempt to get away from you.
You took that gesture as a victory on your part, stepping away a little you wrapped your hand around hers walking down the bridge with a huge smile on your face. This trip couldn’t be any better, your eyes glancing around the place before putting her closer to you.
“I know you think my idiocy is cute from time to time.” You replied, tilting your head putting her closer to you. “And, I’m not talking my way out of this…I was really looking at you. You are looking beautiful today.”
She tried to hold back her smile. Once more she rolled her eyes but this time around, she leaned in pecking your lips.
“You better take me someplace nice, and I will think about rewarding you for such a sweet talk.”
The first day in Venice was filled with long walks down the streets and small talk in between.
It was quite curious how even after all this time, small talk about work and life could happen in such a natural way. The rain had not stopped all through the day, and the cold had been almost unbearable if it wasn’t for your clothes and the tea and coffee you both consume all through the day stroll. Night had fallen by the time you reached the shores of Saint Mark’s Square; the yellow lights surrounding the place alongside the fog took you back in time. The stories about vampires and ghouls at the tip of your tongue, but the woman walking beside you was not someone that would enjoy such folklore stories at the moment.
“Are you alright?” You finally asked, your brows knitted together in concern at her shiver.
“I’m tired, and cold.” She mumbled, though she offered a weak smile. “But I know you want to walk in this weather we could…”
You cup her cheeks in your hands, leaning in to place a kiss on her forehead before placing your scarf around her neck.
“We could go back to the AirBnB and get a warm bath, something to eat and watch some TV while I give you a nice massage and get ready for tomorrow.” You wrapped your arms around her, whatever form of protests she was going to manifest cut short by your lips placing themselves on hers.
“But…” She chuckled when you kissed her again, and again whenever she tried to speak. “Let me talk!”
“Okay, Lyubov’, go ahead.” She crunched up her nose at your nickname for her, but didn’t make any attempt to walk away from you.
“I know that you are dying to see the creepiest places in here while in this weather, and that you wanted to keep strolling around…” She tried to make a point, though by the look on your face she knew she had failed.
“You really look tired, and you look cold.” The sound of chatter surrounded the both of you, the lights were enough to make of this a scene pulled out of a movie. “Let’s go back, and tomorrow, and the day after that, and so one will be another day.”
“I promise.”
The room was warm, and the sound of the TV filled the room in a sweet lullaby she enjoyed for a moment before succumbing to the sweet embrace of sleep. Your heart soared with affection at the sight of her face completely relaxed, with a tiny smile and her hands wrapped tightly around your pillow.
The day had been long, and both of you had walked enough to feel a pulsating pain in your feet. Putting your pjs’ on, you sneaked inside the blankets putting another pillow under your head. A single hand lifted to brush away some strand locks from her face, you placed a kiss on her forehead while your eyes drifted to your backpack.
This trip was the first one you two decided to make as a couple.
A lot of things had happened in between, and now that life seemed to be getting easier you had come to an important decision for yourself and her. Your friends had been asking non-stop about this, and you had been evading their comments up until the time you popped the question. So far, you had been a coward…
The ring you had bought for her was still in the backpack, waiting for you to dare and take that step forward.
The fear of rejection had been so latent that you hadn’t dared to do much. And the object had been always travelling with you, everywhere.
The screen on your phone came to life with the notification of a new message. You chuckled rolling your eyes when you saw the name on the screen, as soon as you opened the message the name of one of your best friends popped out. He had been the first one you revealed your intentions, and he had been with you when you chose the ring; you knew he was dying to tell this secret to everyone, mainly because of this kind of news he could not keep a secret.
His message was clear, and you knew he would be mad as soon as you answered him.
You better tell me you already pop the question, or I’m going to explode over here!
You pursed your lips, your fingers moving through the keypad of the phone. You waited, until you saw the Typing message and moments later his answer came in.
You have to do it! Why are you stalling on this? Are you having second thoughts?
‘What if she says no?’ You answer almost immediately, Wanda stirred in her sleep turning towards you, the pillow forgotten to let her arm sneak around your midsection. When your eyes went back to the screen, he had the answer you been playing with at the back of your mind.
Stop doubting yourself, and her! I expect good news soon!
The conversation died there, and you glanced at the phone for a long time before putting the object away and snuggling into the bed.
Tomorrow will be a new day.
But nothing happened the next day, or the day after that.
In fact, four days letter the trip to Venice was about to end and you hadn’t been able to give the final step.
It didn’t matter.
A part of you convinced itself that, in reality, the final question didn’t matter as long as you could hear her laugh and enjoyed her time walking down the streets of Venice while meeting different places inside The Serenissima. She was just as excited as you to visit the library of Acqua Alta, and while you distracted yourself with the local cat she was right inside reading the many titles adorning the narrow space inside the local. It was a paradise, the place itself was decorated with the spirit of the city and the water could be seen on the floor of the establishment while the low tone of conversation made you think of a library more so than a store.
The gondola holding books of history about the city made for the perfect decoration alongside the damage books on the small yard in one of the entrances. The place had its magic embedded in the spirit of books, secrets that only those fortunate enough could unfold while grabbing the right book.
You left the store with five of them.
She left with only two.
Without her knowledge, your footsteps lead you to the former church of San Barnaba. Your childish smile made her give in when you ran around the plaza while talking about Indiana Jones and the beautiful scenes filmed in the old library of the city. Wanda would follow you while listening to your non-stop babbling, and whenever it was time for you to be quiet, she would talk about her experiences and her thoughts, she would bring over facts while also possibilities.
Neither one of you said it out loud, but the both of you always thought about the obvious differences between you two. Everyone was always mentioning this, the logical and organized side of Wanda, how methodical she was and how hardworking she turned out to be. Her spirit to always be a perfectionist never leaving anything to chance but trying to control up until the last detail of the situation so the results would be what she expected them to be. She always had a plan, even when everything seemed to be alright, there was always something else she had under her sleeve to save the situation.
You were a force to be racon with.
You went right ahead with passion, and without thinking up too much of the consequences. Sometimes, you plan ahead, some others you just improvise and pray for the best result. Whether it was because you had a lucky star above your head, or because you were good at what you did, in the end you could always get the best of every situation. Even while walking around the streets of Italy, and while everything had been planned and put up in a planner and a schedule, you would come up with the most unthinkable ideas and improvise the best situations Wanda had experienced during the trip.
The both of you were so different that at some point you complemented one another.
Some said that was good, that you two would endure.
Some others said it wouldn’t last. She would get tired, and you would mess up.
There was no sun that day, and the grey clouds glided right above your head with the same wind that brought the salty aroma of the Adriatic Sea. Her hand never left yours, and her excited chatter brought a smile to your face while she talked excitedly of the piece of history, she had read for you.
“So according to tradition this bridge was for some rival gangs to fight over, and the winner was the one that threw the other to the canal. Which is the reason why this is call the Bridge of Fists.” She crunched up her nose leaning in to see the green waters down below before turning to you. “Which, let me tell you doesn’t look sanitary at all at this time, I can’t even imagine how awful must have been in the Sixteenth century.”
“Oh, imagine the smell, the appearance…the rats!”
She shivered making a face while you laughed at that, “you’re imagine it, aren’t’ you?”
“Of course, I am! Look at these waters right now!” She exclaimed waving her hands away while pointing at the waters of the canal. “They don’t look that sanitary at all, and according to some these are still one of the most contaminated waters in the world.”
“Yet this is the most beautiful and romantic city in the world!” You exclaimed wrapping your arms around her, she chuckled as you pressed her against the rails of the bridge.
“Wanna go to the Plaza and visit the Bridge of Sighs?”
“Why do you like that place so much?” She would never say it, but the stories you two had heard from one of the guides a couple of days ago still made her shiver.
You shrugged lifting your face to the sky, it was past midday and soon the afternoon cold would bring with it another fit of fog to the bay. You knew you enjoyed the sight of the open sea alongside the Lagoon and the entrance the Grand Canal. At this time of the day, the water would start lapping at the shore while still holding back and the lion in the plaza would stand with pride under the yellowish light of the lamps.
“It’s just magical, you know? But okay, it’s not so much the bridge but its location.”
“You mean the Saint Mark’s Square?” She tilted her head nodding, it was a nice sight but your eyes were just shining with something strange in them.
“Well, yes but…”
Wanda narrowed her eyes at you, the way you were fidgeting was a sign that you were hiding something from her. She just needed to know what exactly it was and how it was going to affect her and the itinerary she had prepared for that day.
“What have you planned?” Her tone of voice was between exasperate and amused.
You made a face lifting your right hand and pointing to the general direction of the square and the Grand Canal.
“There is a place that I want to show you, and it seems to be the right time to do so.” You shrugged stepping back, your hands on your pockets and your head hanging to the side. “If you want to, of course.”
All of a sudden, the small box hidden in your pocket was made unbelievably heavy and your hands started sweating while your heart was threatening to leave your chest. Her brown eyes, vibrant and full of questions pinned you to the spot, but instead of looking angry or really upset, she merely softened her stare and the warmth inside them made your soul shiver.
“Today is your lucky day, Mrs. Firenze.” You snorted at the nickname shaking your head while offering a grin.
“I hope not only the day, but the night as well.” You winked at her, and Wanda just laughed walking down the bridge shaking her head.
“That depends on this surprised, perhaps you will be lucky before we get home.”
You stood there with your mouth hanging open, your eyes following her frame before you shook your head.
“You mean, I can get lucky in one of the alleys?”
“You never know!” She replied waiting for you in the distance.
You knew it would never happen, at least not unless she was really into getting down and dirty in public. And it would never happen because whenever you were with her in a sexual way, you loved the fact you could take your time with her until the both of you were to spend to do nothing else but sleep into each other arms.
By the time you two arrived at your destination, night was already fallen.
Your jacket was tightly pressed against her frame, protecting her from the cold and the drizzle of the afternoon. Just as you predicted, the fog was filling out the bay gliding inside the Grand Canal and the city slowly but surely.
Punta Della Dogana was the triangular formation were the Grand Canal and the Giudecca Canal met. The wind was stronger here, the place was almost empty as many of the tourist coming to this part of the city would go directly to the museum and admired the contemporary art pieces instead of the sight of silver waters with a hidden sun and cold colours illuminating the sky.
Wanda loved it, though.
Even through the cold, she stood at the edge of the piazza admiring the boats coming into the harbour and entering the Grand Canal. She pointed to the far away islands, and the possibility of what was beyond the poles in the water. You wished you could focus your attention to the open sea, and the lights starting to create a mystical sight at the other end of the canal.
But your eyes were on her.
Her sharp features, softened only by the excitement of her smile and the brightness of her brown eyes. Her hair falling wildly on her back, and her body covered with two jackets, and white tennis that made sure she was completely protected from the cold of the afternoon. The sight of her usually stopped your heart, and made your breath caught in your throat. She was like a dream, and a part of you would always be afraid to lose her.
There was a single pole light standing right at the very edge of the land, the light twinkled for a few seconds before it turned on completely. The yellowish light fell upon her frame, and your heart stopped beating for a moment, this time around you came closer to her but it was her the first one to make contact.
Her hand was cold against yours, your eyebrows knitted together while you wrapped her hands in yours.
“You’re cold.” You whispered, she shrugged stepping closer to you.
“This is amazing.” She whispered back, and it was as if you two were sharing a secret. The sounds of random conversations filled in the space and you could feel the eyes of some of the people in the plaza on you.
 “So, I will get lucky?” You wriggled your eyebrows playfully, and she couldn’t help it. She started laughing snuggling closer to you.
“Yeah, you deserve to get happy wherever you want.” The sultry tone of her proposal made you shivered, your arms wrapped around her and you glance at the sea and the sky watching as the night fall around the world, and the temperature dropped slowly.
The sound of the waves hitting the stone and the shore soothe over the hushed conversation around you, the lights of the city made it possible to see a beacon of possibilities from the darkened sea. There was something mystical about this world, and this moment; Wanda lifted her face and you found yourself looking into her eyes.
“You got silent all of a sudden, are you alright?” She was looking concern, you snorted shaking your head placing a light kiss on her lips.
“That was quiet doesn’t mean I am not okay, perhaps I was trying to choose the place I want to have my naughty way with you.”
You opened your eyes taken aback by the soft blush on her cheeks, she lowered her gaze and the bashful sight of a smile on her lips almost stopped your heart.
“And, have you chosen?”
You laughed stepping back for a moment, disbelief touching your features.
“Of course, I have! The AirBnB, Mrs. Venice.” You winked at her trying to use the same kind of nickname she used early with you, the name of the cities either one of you had chosen to visit on this trip. “I want you all to myself, so I will need you expose and begging.”
“You wish.” She replied slapping your arm playfully. “Last time, it was you who beg.”
“Shh, that’s a secret.”
She chuckled stepping back into your arms, this time around with her back against your chest, your arms wrapped around her waist glancing into the distance.
“This is really beautiful. Thank you.”
You nodded but said nothing else.
Your lips were near her ear, your warm breath making her shiver.
Biting your lower lip, trembling lightly you opened your mouth and closed it again. Then you closed your eyes and she was the one talking at first.
“I never thought I will be here with you.” Her voice was soft, full of memories and something else you couldn’t pinpoint. “It was kind of difficult to imagine myself with someone like you.”
“Aw, baby you’re so romantic.” The sarcasm was not missed by her, she tilted her head to give you a glance, you pressed your lips together letting her talk.
“I just mean…this has been different, surprising. And I love it.” She leaned back her head falling on your right shoulder. “I love you. I really do, and I’m just glad we haven’t’ complicated things with formalities and foolishness, just enjoying one another.”
Her words pierced your heart with a cold, sharp blade. You looked away from her, and your body tensed lightly while she continued.
“Don’t get me wrong, I love living with you but…just you and me without any formalities, or labels.” She pursed her lips, turning in your arms. “You know what I mean, right?”
You were caught of guard, nodding like a fool while smiling weakly at her.
“Totally.” She scratched the back of your head, trying to forget the silver ring made with a turquoise stone only for her. “I mean, marriage and other such titles complicate things, right?”
Your question carried with it the weight of your intentions; you gauged her expression and it seemed as if you had said the right thing. She nodded eagerly without missing her content expression, she went back into your arms glancing around the coast with your heart breaking a little.
The ring in your pocket never forgotten.
Winter in Venice was a chance to walk in the dark during the early hours of a Friday morning.
The watch on your wrist showed the 6 a.m. time, but the sky outside the window of your AirBnB was completely dark. The sight before you were that of the canal’s waters calmly lapping the stone edifications, the lights on the windows told you there were more people waking up at such an hour getting ready for the day.
Inside the room you could spot the black cloak with a hoodie you had chosen for your costume, the colombina nera venetian mask, and the black cane that would complement the attire. Your lips curled into a subtle smile, you had chosen the appearance of an Eighteenth-Century gentleman, while Wanda had kept her own clothes a secret from you. After almost two hours of her kicking you out of the room you were highly curious as to what she was going to wear that day, your stomach tingling in anticipation while your imagination ran rampant with the many scenarios you were capable of creating in the solitude of the living room.
As it was your custom, you favour black and silver as the colours for your garments.
For a long time, you admire those black trousers rolled up to the knees and the black tights covering the legs. The black waistcoat finished with silver braids had been a surprised, and the contrasts of these materials with the white shirt you wore underneath with the cuff lacing and lace jabot gave it a Renaissance tone that only made you chuckled at the possibility. The shoes, black and silver buckles and the black gloves were just a complementary accessory you indulged yourself with, much like the tricorn hat, the black cloak, and the black stick.
You chuckled when you remembered the options you put on the table to Wanda. Either was that or the Plague doctor. The Eighteenth-century gentleman look won in the end.
The silence inside the room became almost unbearable for a moment, the distraction dressing up and thinking about the Carnivale was not enough to make you forget the day before and the missing opportunity for the proposal.
The ring was, for the very first time ever, forgotten inside your backpack.
Once you two had arrived to the flat, your torture yourself with thoughts of what could have been and what would never be. You always assumed that Wanda would like to get married; that perhaps her past experience was not enough to deter her from trying to join her life with another. Then again, she had sworn herself to never be in another relationship and, here she was with you after two years.
Marriage though, was another thing.
Something you thought…well…
It was foolish, really.
Getting married didn’t mean you two would be forever, or even happy. It was just a title that many used as an excuse to not be alone, and she had been right, you two were just fine the way you were. There was no need for a ring, or a ceremony…
You shook your head going towards the mirror while putting your hair in a ponytail. The door of the room opening and her voice reaching out to you.
“Okay, don’t laugh and please be honest because I feel foolish.”
“I won’t laugh…I mean you didn’t…” You trailed off as soon as you turned to her.
It was as if the world had stopped completely and it was only her and you.
She had light make-up on her face, the hair had been pulled up in a half ponytail with her light brown locks falling in waves on her back. She had chosen a baby blue and grey courtesan dress that contrasted with her white skin and the pink on her cheeks. There was something adorable in the way her face broke into a bashful smile, her eyes gleaming mischievously as the settle on you while she chewed on her lower lip while playing with the fan in her hand.
“Well? What do you think?”
The bodice squeezed up her torso, highlighting her chest and her slim figure. The low neckline showed off her neck and collarbone, letting you see the softness of her skin while the sleeves fell down her arms to her hands decorated with white gloves. The gown was divided in two skirts, one that would cover the outer side of the gown, and the second one that would fall freely around her legs and the small high heels she had chosen for herself. She too had rented a cloak, dark blue, with a tricorn had of the same colour and the colombina cigno mask.
“You…” You trailed off shaking your head before approaching her taking her hands in yours while bowing your head in a dramatic way. “You look beautiful, Signora.”
She snorted looking away rather embarrassed, her cheeks burning brightly under your gaze and sincerity. You leaning nuzzling her neck and placing soft, featherlike kisses on her skin, your lips teasing her earlobe.
“You really look beautiful.” You whispered, the intake of breath on her part was all you needed to know you had affected her.
“We better get going, or all this time dressing up is going to go to hell.” She replied huskily, her eyes burning into yours.
You chuckled raising a single eyebrow at her, “why? What happened?”
“You’re gonna pay for that, you know that, right?” She replied playfully just as you put on your cloak, the mask fitting on your face just as you opened the door and placed your hat on your head.
“I don’t care as long as it is with you, Wanda.”
Even if the light of the morning had not shown by the time you left the house, the streets of Venice were full of people dressed up and ready to enjoy what The Serenissima would bring during the Carnival. It had been a dream for you to come to the city while dressing up and wearing a mask, getting lost in a world that would sometimes get lost in the best of the past and the present.
You could hear the laughter, the greetings from the locals and the admiration your outfit and hers awoke in some of the passersby. The sky started clearing up b the time you two reached the Saint Mark’s Square, you helped her up the flood ramps positioned all through the streets. The water still covering the stone of the Square, while people filled out the place wearing plastic boots.
“We didn’t think about this.” Wanda commented wincing lightly when she almost fell from the ramp.
Your arm wrapped protectively around her waist, winking at her you lift the cane in your hand offering it to her.
“My dear lady, I wouldn’t oppose to you carrying this stick if it will assure your safety during this trip.”
Her laughter was everything you needed at the moment; she slapped you playfully on your arm shaking her head while grabbing your hand.
“I prefer your hand, that stick is better off with you.” She rolled her eyes at your obvious innuendo behind the wriggling of eyebrows. “Stop your dirty mind there, doofus.”
“But you love my dirty mind!” You whined walking alongside her to the other end of the square, passing right in front of Saint Marks.
The Lagoon was cover with dark blue waters, and the light was sneaking inside the clouds and the sky bringing with it the morning mist. The daybreak was gold and red, cold winds brushed against your skin, though for the very first time Wanda and you could enjoy the breaking of the morning sun in a world that was breathing celebration.
The sound of laughter was followed by music.
Violins and drums, the screams and singing from a group of youngsters made you turned to the group that was lifting up a small scenario near the harbour. Many tourists approached the group hearing the stories and the songs while the day in Venice started with a bang.
You had been to many parties all through your life.
The world you life in was full of festivals and carnivals, they were full of tradition and happiness in itself. Many of them were a cultural mark of the place you had been born to, and while a part of your heart and soul loved what they represented; never before had you been in such a celebration.
For venetians this was part of their identity.
History stated this started around the year 1169, after the Venetian Republic won a war against Ulrico di Treven. The story itself became a legend, and the celebration started taking different forms and meanings as time passed by. Modernity only enforced this believes and engraved in the hearts of venetians the need of celebrating each year the victory of life over dead, of fun over boredom, of passion over dullness.
Walking down the streets while observing the many people dressed up as Renaissance individuals was something that had your heart leaping with happiness. Your mind had forgotten the sadness of the day before, the possibility that this relationship you had built with your heart might crumbled under the weight of small details, of great differences of thinking.
But, just as one of your bosses had said once, the devil was in the details.
“Did you see that?” Wanda was in awed, a couple of young people had started a pantomime improvisation, their ability to catch the attention of those passersby was enough to have everyone waiting for the next act.
Wanda grabbed your hand, leaning forward she laughed alongside the audience when one woman and a man crashed comically in an explosion of confetti and blue smoke. Magic and theatrics was the main component of these presentations, and soon many were giving away the price they put to such entertainment.
Your lips broke into a content grin, Wanda stood up walking towards the closest mime while placing a single note. You observed her from afar, your expression falling while you thought of the uncertainty that had grown inside your heart.
“Everything okay, baby?” Her hand cupped your cheek, the mask covered the upper side of her face but made her eyes that much darker and mysterious.
“Yeah, I just…” You leaned into her touch and decided you didn’t need a ring…to love her the way you did.
“I think I’m beat and I need a drink.”
She didn’t look convince; she knew you enough to know something else was bothering you but for now you had focused your attention in the celebrations happening around the city to delve any further into your emotions. Either way, you wouldn’t allow it as long as there was a possibility of Wanda smiling and enjoying herself the way she was doing at the moment, your selfishness was something that exasperate her sometimes. But for now, she would indulge in your stubbornness, for she knew this was a day you had been waiting impatiently as much as she had.
“I love you.” Wanda blurted out all of a sudden, your eyes opened wide at the revelation, it wasn’t as if you didn’t know that or she hadn’t said before.
It was just that she didn’t mention it as often as you did. With a single smile she leaned in wrapping her lips against yours, the warmness of her mouth made your darker fears scattered away while the sweet taste of her was enough to fuel your soul.
“So, AirBnB or something to drink?” You wriggled your eyebrows enjoying her laughter just as she stretched her hand to help you up.
“Drink first, then we will go to Rialto Bridge to see the boats.” She declared watching her mobile, or more exactly, the itinerary. “There is a couple of things I would like to see, and that I know you will love and then, if your good, tonight…You can do whatever you want with me.”
“Damn, woman, I will hold you to that!”
Wanda winked at you; her mischievous grin was all you needed to know that night you wouldn’t get any sleep.
The waters of the Grand Canal were of a deep dark green and blue, the place had been decorated with the symbol of the Lion and the Italian flag while the shores were filled with people either dressed up as participants of the Carnival or as simple tourist. The bridged was full, you placed yourself protectively behind Wanda while putting out the phone to get ready for the pictures.
The drinks had been enough, and at the moment she was still carrying an orange juice for her, and an ice coffee for you.
“This is so exciting, though I hate there is so many people.” She all but whispered for you, you chuckled nodding.
“I know, this should be only us and those who are coming in those boats and gondolas. No need for the rest of the world.” She rolled her eyes though never contradict your version.
The music filled the canal, and the chatter died off as everyone saw the different boats approaching with the many colours that adorned the celebrations. You heard her gasp, leaning forward resting her hands on the stone rail of the bridge; she grabbed your hand and the excitement in her face was quite obvious as she started pointing around while her grin almost broke her face.
Boats decorate with the colours of the Pride flag came in, people dressed up in the most ridiculous yet amusing costumes came in greeting everyone and wishing the participants the best of lucks. The music increased and every single one of those boats had put on the same song, the same playlist that resounded into the canal mixing up with the laughter and the greetings from the rowers.
Many boats came in, some of them carrying with them the red and golden lion that represented the Republica of Venezia, and some others came in with the green, white, and red representing Italy.
“Look at that one!” You pointed to a black sailed one, filled with people dressed up as Plague doctors, behind them was another one that came in with men and women dressed up with changed roles and wearing the most beautiful dresses you had ever seen.
“They look beautiful.” Wanda commented almost pouting when one of the men dressed in a bright purple courtesan dress greeted her with a wave and a kiss from his position on the boat. You returned the gestured and he merely laughed greeting you with a swing of his fan.
For more than an hour you two observed the people rowed down the canal, many of the presents had started emptying the bridge but you and Wanda had enjoyed the show too much. The conversation grew around the organization and the tradition, how simple things such as the pandemic of 2020 could have affected such events and how people endured and continue on regardless of those issues.
By the time the last boat crossed the Bridge, it was time for a late lunch.
Wanda guided you through the narrow streets of Venezia. She had a hand on her mobile and another on you, her eyes drifting from the screen to the names on the plaques hanging by the walls, as you two walked deeper inside the alleys, you stopped hearing the sound of chattering people.
"Where are you taking me?" You asked for the tenth time, the woman in front of you grinned, shaking her head.
"Nu-uh, you have taken me to so many places, this time around is my turn." She declared with a hint of pride in her voice, you cocked your head raising your brows at her declaration.
"Did you really go all the way to find something in these streets?" the hint of surprise disbelief, she furrowed her brows at this turning to you with wrinkles around her eyes.
"Why do you sound so surprised?" Her inquired was made to question you more so than to receive an answer she already knew.
You shrugged shaking your head, “I just…I think you always surprised with the most incredible gestures, that’s all.”
She halted her rush walk, her brown eyes locking with yours for what seemed like an eternity. Whenever she got that look in her face, you knew she was analysing what you said and what you meant; but instead of showing her disapproval she just softened her features and her hand squeezed yours in a tender gesture.
“Kiss me.”
You blinked at her command, she stood there defiantly for a moment nodding towards you.
“Go on, kiss me.”
“So bossy…” You mumbled and she merely sniggered.
“You like me bossy.”
With that you couldn’t argue.
Leaning in you closed the space that separated you from her, a hand on her waist and the other holding her right hand brushing your lips against hers while feeling her warm breath against your lips. It was a featherlike touch, the sweet teasing just before you sealed the command with a searing kiss. It was as if you had never kissed her before, lips moulding to the needs of the other while the electric shock that went from the connection stirred your heard and mind warming up your limbs while she pressed tightly against yours.
At times, kissing Wanda was like fighting over dominance, it was like a game that would always bring a smile to your faces and leave the both of you breathless. Some other times, like this one, it left you two with a beating heart and a need to just exist with the other.
When you finally broke apart, your forehead rest against hers, only the mask preventing for your skin touching hers. Wanda grinned goofily nuzzling her nose with yours.
“Thank you.”
“Whatever you want, Love, you know that.”
Wanda stepped back nodding, “I know, now let’s keep going.”
You chuckled shaking your head while glancing in faux exasperation to the sky.
“So bossy.”
The sun positioned itself above your heads, and while the wind brought with it the cold breeze of the Alps, you still felt the heavy warmness of the star above your heads.
People filled out the streets, the music and the laughter accompanied you two down the road leading to the Saint Mark’s Square down to the harbour and the road leading to the tail of Venice. You had been there only once, with your sister when the adventures you shared were only shared with your family and not with the woman you had fallen in love with.
The commercial side of Venice started dying out, and these parts became of a green that still surprised you whenever your eyes fell upon them. Grass and trees decorate the streets, and the stone on these places had been renewed quite recently. People walked around wearing their everyday clothes, with just a couple of the passersby wearing the customary clothes for the Carnival.
Whenever you crossed a bridge, people would greet the both of you with a smile.
And you soon found in a different world.
This time around you had the ocean to your right, and the love of your life to your left.
The world had changed from a Renaissance era to one of contemporary forgetfulness. It was a land in which time did not pass, yet it had come in the form of peace and familiarity. The parks spread before your eyes, the silence was most welcome to your ears, and soon the loneliness became a welcoming change.
“I was trying to look for a place that could…impact you.” Wanda started talking slowly, the sound of her heels resounding in the empty streets. “I search for a good place, something tranquil for you and me. And then I came across this restaurant, and I thought that it would be the perfect place to enjoy a nice lunch with you.”
Your heart shrank at her words, the tingling in your chest spread out until there was a delicious sensation of anticipation in your abdomen.
“I know sometimes I’m hard to read, and I’m not very open with you…” She continued, taking your silence as a way to continue the conversation. “I just wanted to show you that…I have never wanted anyone beside me but you in this place. Living these adventures.”
“My, Wanda, since when are you so romantic and emotional?” You teased breaking the tension she had formed around herself, when she lifted her face to yours she was smiling bumping against your shoulder.
“I learned from the best.”
“You better!” You exclaimed shaking your head. “I have never thought you were not open, or hard to read, Wanda. I have always understood your silence, but I take what you’re saying…thank you for letting me be a part of this.”
“You better be thankful; I took most of the day looking for this place instead of working on a report I had to submit at that time.”
You laughed shaking your head, this confession only made your heart leaped with contentment. If that was true then she really had put her mind and heart into this search; there was nothing in the world that would make her procrastinate her job. Nothing and No one.
The place had been built it in a residential part of the city, it oversaw the lagoon and the entrance to the Adriatic while at the same time enjoyed the fortune of a park and trees that gave the district a livelier and more natural. In here, you could almost taste the salty texture of the sea and the coldness of the north. By the time you reached your destination, the canals and the bridges were forgotten and for the very first time you understood the nickname of the city: La Serenissima.
The restaurant ended up being a homey place with kind patrons, and not many people.
You chose a table right outside the restaurant, an old man with a passionate speech brought the menu and talk about the specials. His English was broken, and with your broken Italian the both of you enjoyed a light banter Wanda observed from afar. For her it had always been quite a sight to see you interact with people, for a person that looked shy and insecure at times, you were always ready to be the first to speak and take over conversation if the situation demanded it.
You turned to her smiling, pointing to the best dishes while also ordering their best Spritz Aperol as an opening. The lights around the local had been turned on, and the dark clouds announcing rain were approaching from the Adriatic. The conversation soon turned to work, the latest happenings and the future of your position, the gossip couldn’t be missed and as soon as food was served you two started talking about the family and friends.
There was always something to talk about, but even if you tried to make it all look natural, Wanda didn’t miss the fact you hold yourself in a very important aspect of the conversation. You never mentioned your future together.
“Do you think we are going to last?” Her question caught you by surprised and you almost choke on the piece of pizza you had just swallowed.
Wanda stood right away patting your back with a frown on her face, the concern was evident in her expression while she tried to offer you some water that you took quite grateful. After a couple of minutes, she sat down, and now it was quite evident the whole situation was amusing for her.
“Woah, I take it you don’t think we last?” Her tone had a hint of teasing in there, but her eyes were asking with seriousness for a real answer.
You shook your head placing your hand on hers, for a brief moment you thought about the ring and how this could be your chance. But the conversation of the day before, and your own insecurities stopped you from doing something foolish; instead of that, you decided to just answer with honestly.
“Never.” You stated clearing out your throat and drinking some more water. “The moment I saw you I thought you were not for me. I always thought you were perfect, like the kind of woman I had been looking for but…but could never had.”
“Love…” Wanda started but you stopped her with a gesture, the softness of your lips curling upwards told her you were talking with honesty about then and now.
“I just…I was so afraid to even ask or do something else…I didn’t want to miss my chance with you, even if I only got to be your friend.” You shrugged lowering your glance to the table remembering all those days, weeks, and months in which you broke your head trying to make sense of everything you felt for the woman sitting right next to you.
“And then, when you and I finally got together well…You are the love of my life, and I will be with you for as long as you have me, Wanda.” You finally stated shrugging. “I don’t think it will be possible for me to stop loving you in the way I do so now, if anything, I think everyday I love you even more.”
“God, you always have such a way with words.” Wanda said after a long paused, she grabbed your jabot and pushed you forward crashing her lips to yours before letting go. “You really…I think we need to pay this and go for a walk.”
You blinked confusedly at her sudden changed in attitude, afternoon was already falling and many lamp posts were starting to ignite with the yellowish lights of the night. Wanda came in after having paid for lunch, grabbing your hand you were once more dragged down the park and through the grass to the farthest corner of the city.
The sight in here was completely different.
From this part of the world, you could only see the waters of the Lagoon whole the world became a blurry line of buildings and lights. There was not a single sound that you could make, and even if there were people around the both of you were alone standing at the shore glancing the dark waters and feeling the breeze in your faces.
You admired the sight before you.
A city that had survived time and war, a place that had stood through the centuries while becoming a beacon of modernity and rebirth. Wanda stood by your side, her arms wrapping around herself while she too observed the waters of the Lagoon.
“Thank you.” You mumbled smiling softly. “This is amazing.”
“I knew you would like it.” She replied shrugging, her hand went to the purse she had been carrying around, her cheeks soon turned an interesting shade of red that made you tilted your head in curiosity.
Wanda took a deep breath and put something from her purse while turning to face you.
“Yes.” She said with her voice firm, full of conviction even though her lower lip was quivering and her hands had been fidgeting nervously.
You raised a single brow, your eyes showing the confusion you felt while you pursed your lips to the side.
“What?” You replied almost laughing when your words died in your throat, your eyes going wide open when she presented her left hand and the ring with the turquoise stone shining into the venetian afternoon.
“Yes.” You replied bouncing lightly on her feet, you opened and closed your mouth several times, frowning while taking a step back.
“How…I mean, why do you…” You started asking but unsure of what exactly you wanted from this conversation, Wanda stepped forward grabbing your hand.
“I found it in your backpack, and I knew you wanted to do this because…you’re not very subtle.” She said lowering her gaze before lifting her eyes at you, this time around the sight of unshed tears was quite visible for you.
“I never thought…You didn’t want to get married.” She said softly, and you remembered that first conversation you held with her. Your past, and your previous relationship. “And then I discover this and I…you wrote what you wanted to tell me and I realized…I wanted to surprise you. And yesterday, when I said what I said I knew I was right…you were sad, and so…and still…”
“And still, I wanted to be with you.” You mumbled understanding her reasoning. “You thought I was doing it out of commitment and not because I wanted to be with you like that.”
“Wanda, I love you. I never thought about marriage, that’s true…but with you, everything changes.” You took her left hand, your eyes on the ring. “So, you will be my wife?”
Her laughter came out with a choked sob, her arms wrapped around you and you could hear her soft voice in your ear.
“Yes, I will.”
The night finished with the both of you whispering into the night.
It was neither rushed, nor was it adventurous.
It was passionate.
With soft caresses and sweet promises, with mischievous games and subtle confessions of love.
By the time she had fallen asleep in your arms, you could not sleep. Your eyes had been focusing on the ring she had stolen from your backpack and was now wearing proudly on her finger. She was not a lover of social media, if anything, she preferred to be anonymous to the world while it was you the one posting the pictures of the trip. That day it had been her the one posting the cold afternoon sunset, and the sweet images of people having fun. It had been her the one posting the picture of the both of you dressed up for the Carnival with the mask and the hats, the smiles and the promises of the future.
The ring had been visible, but her main focused had been the promises given that day.
The pictures had been part of the promise of what the future held.
Next time, when you and her returned to Venice it would be as more than a couple.
And that, was all that matters.
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mccn-bcys · 7 months
First Date - Javier Peña
pairing: javier peña x fem!reader summary: connie has a new friend in Columbia and she sets her and javi up on blind date. javi gets nervous, but over dinner he finds that he really likes her and wants to see her again. warning: nervous javi, this is my first fic since my break so please go easy on me. author's note: I know this fic was supposed to go out in february but I've been in a bit of a rut for a while but I've missed writing so I wanted to start trying to get these feb stories out. I really hope you all enjoy it!
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To say that Javier Pena was nervous was an understatement. He was many things right now.
“A fuckin’ mess is what I am,” he bitterly says as he looks over his outfit in the mirror. It’s the fifth outfit he has tried on and he still doesn’t think it looks good. Why did his clothes suddenly not look good on him? He practically rips his clothes off himself as he heads back to the closet to find something else.
How did he even get here in the first place?
Oh, that’s right. Steve fucking Murphy. Well, his wife, really, but still. Connie had decided to try and play matchmaker with Javier and her friend that was new in town. And before Javier could say “no”, Connie had already set up the blind date.
He didn’t really want to do this. It’d been a long time since he’d been on a date. But he couldn’t help but feel nervous, a bit excited. For some reason, he wanted to make a good first impression, even if it never went past this first date.
Connie had said that the girl was nice, sweet. Why the hell Connie thought that a girl like that would be good for Javier, he had no idea. His life was too dark, dangerous, unexpecting. A girl as sweet, as kind, as good as you didn’t really seem to fit into his life. But a strange, demented part of him wanted to give it a shot. To see if there really was a chance for him to love again.
After what happened with Lorraine, he didn’t think he deserved love, not real love. The last time he had a chance for love, for happiness and sharing it with another person, he had fucked it up. He had left a woman at the altar. What kind of man does that? He doesn’t deserve another chance at love.
But here he was, trying anyways. He shrugs on this new shirt he’s pulled from the closet, deciding that it will just have to do as he finishes getting ready quickly. He grabs stuff and hops in his car and drives to the restaurant that Steve told him to meet at. Javi sits in his car for a moment, just calming himself. This is fine, he tells himself. It’s just a first date, nothing serious has to come from it. He’s gone on plenty of dates before. He can do this. Taking a final deep breath, he climbs out of his car and makes his way inside.
When he gets inside, he expects to learn that he is the first to arrive, but as he’s escorted to the table, he learns that you had beaten him there. He stops a few feet away, taking a second to look at you as you sit, fiddling with your napkin.
You’re beautiful, he thinks. You dressed up a lot nicer than he had, not that that mattered; he was sure you looked just as beautiful in a T-shirt and sweats. Fuck, now he just has to not make a fool of himself. Should be easy, right?
“Javier?” Nope, this would not be easy. Not if you kept saying his name like that.
“Yeah, hey,” he says, approaching the table cautiously. You smile, standing up and reaching out your hand to him. He looks at it for a moment before realizing you mean to shake his. Jesus Christ, Pena, at least try to act like you’ve interacted with people before. He meets your hand with his and gives it a small shake. God, your hand was so small in his.
“Hey,” you say softly, introducing yourself, keeping your hand in his for a moment, perhaps a moment longer than necessary. He repeats your name quietly, testing how it sounds rolling off his tongue. Obviously, you like how it sounds because your smile grows. “I went ahead and ordered some wine, I hope you don’t mind,” you say shyly as you take your hand back and sit down.
“Not at all. I hope you haven’t been waiting long.” He’d kick himself if you’d been here awhile by yourself.
“Oh, I only got here a few minutes ago. They just asked if I wanted anything and I was scared if I said I was waiting for someone, they’d assume I was going to get stood up or something,” you chuckle nervously, brushing your hair behind your ear. For a brief moment, he wonders if your hair feels as soft as it looks.
“If I’m honest, I almost did. Stand you up, I mean,” he admits almost shamefully.
“If I’m honest, I almost did, too,” you say in return shyly. His eyebrows furrow a little. He hadn’t been expecting that.
“Yeah. I was so close to turning my car around on my way here a couple of times.”
“Why?” he asks, as if he hadn’t almost done the same.
“I don’t really do blind dates. They freak me out,” you say, laughing a little. Javi can’t help but laugh too as the sound of yours is melodic and contagious.
“They freak you out?”
“Mhm. I could be set up with a murder or something. The person could be a psycho and I’d have no idea because I wouldn’t know who it is before I got here,” you explain. “Also, if you don’t know who you’re meeting, how’re you supposed to know if the other person got there or not. If Connie hadn’t put the reservation under Steve’s name, I probably wouldn’t have known if you’d gotten here or not,” you add on, before flushing as you realize you’re rambling a bit.
“Sorry, I tend to ramble when I get nervous,” you say softly, fiddling with your napkin again.
“Don’t be sorry. It’s cute,” Javi smiles at you, making your cheeks hot. “But you’re right. I don’t think I would’ve known I was supposed to meet you if they hadn’t made the reservation.”
“Well, I suppose we have at least that to thank them for,” you shrug with a soft chuckle. “Perhaps if this goes well, we’ll have more to thank them for.”
After that, the date flies by. You two laugh, talk, laugh some more and just get to know one another. Javi realizes he opened up to you more than he usually does with dates. You’re just so easy to talk to. And before he wants to, he finds himself walking you back to your car.
His hands are stuffed in his pockets as you stand in front of him, softly biting you lip – which drives him crazy – trying to find anything else to talk about to extend this date as much as you can. And when you do run out of ways to stall, you both just stare at each other before Javier finds himself asking: “Can I kiss you?”
“I thought you’d never ask,” you smile, a gesture that returns, relieved to hear your answer in the positive.
Stepping in, he softly cups your cheek, looking down at you for a moment before he finally leans in, his lips meeting yours. You both swear the world stops spinning as your lips seem to fit together so perfectly. He can taste the wine on your lips, getting intoxicated by the taste of you mixed with the drink. He could kiss you all night. But you both need air and eventually have to pull away to breathe, foreheads pressing together as you catch your breath.
“Can I see you again?” Javi asks quietly, surprising himself.
“Absolutely,” you answer, making him smile wide, leaning in to kiss you again. When you pull away, the two of you exchange phone numbers, promising to call when you’ve made it home to talk about setting up another date, hopefully soon.
He sees you into your car, making sure you drive off safely before going back to his car, a goofy little grin on his lips as he sits behind the wheel. He hasn’t felt these butterflies in his belly since … ever. Maybe Connie knew what she was doing after all.
The whole drive home, Javi can only find himself thinking about you and your date and your future dates. And when he gets inside, he heads straight to the phone, catching the voicemail that you’d made it home. He’ll call you back in just a moment, knowing there’s another phone call he needs to make first. He dials the number, waiting as it rings until he hears the “Peña?”
“Tell your wife I said thanks.”
taglist: @gardenof-venus @fandomtrash465 @ichigodjarin @bladeshades @pinkpenwuin @sm3rqld-o @simplecol18 @sleepyamaya @wordacadabra @sm8th0p @firesidefandoms @missmarmaladeth @stevenandmarcslove @avengersinitiative2012 @cleothegoldfish @lunaleah @winxschester @shadowmoonnight @undermoonlightwalk @ahookedheroespureheart @phan3145 @local-mr-frog @theconsultingdoctor10 @luvpedropascal @violet-19999 @an0th3rsss @iamcoolguy @disregardedplant @fruitymoonbeams-blog @xcraftystormx @marisferasiop @bensolosbluesaber @rellasnowheenim @quethekillerqueen @jake-g-lockley @whydidigetalibralartsdegree @moonknightwifey @spacecowboyhotch @howaboutcastiel @princessloveweird @minigirl87 @midgardian-witch @aleat0ri0 @leahnicole1219 @acciocriativity @missxlause @yeah3459 @groovycass @kotonei-molyneux @marc-spectorr @toracainz
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formerlyz · 1 year
Another little Buddy Daddies Fic because I can’t be normal about liking things
Miri’s Mistletoe Trap
Synopsis: Kazuki and Rei kiss for the first time when Miri tricks them into standing under mistletoe together.
Word Count: 1816
Warnings: None. Very vague spoilers.
Other tags: FLUFFY AS HELL, Kazurei, first kiss, mutual pining, sort of confession.
(Also, I don’t know if kissing under mistletoe is a thing in Japan, I just thought this idea was cute)
It was a cold evening in February. Kazuki was in the kitchen rolling out cookie dough while Rei and Miri were snuggled up on the couch under a blanket playing Morio Kart. Miri cheered as the race finished, causing Kazuki to look up and smile.
It had been a few months since they made their dramatic departure from the organization, and Kazuki and Rei were happier than they had ever been. Of course, they had their fair share of challenges to overcome, but every time Kazuki noticed a little domestic moment like this, he was reminded about how all of that was worth it.
“Papa? Can I have some water?” Miri asked.
“Of course sweetie, Rei, could you grab it?” Kazuki said, holding up his hands to show they were caked in flour and cookie dough.
Rei nodded and tousled Miri’s hair playfully before getting up. He grabbed a plastic cup from the cabinet and went to stand next to Kazuki at the sink when Miri jumped up and yelled triumphantly.
“HA I got you!” She squealed, pointing at her fathers. Kazuki and Rei both jumped slightly in surprise.
“Miri, what are you talking about?” Kazuki asked, wiping his hands off on a kitchen towel. She continued giggling for a moment before pointing above their heads.
“You fell right into my trap!” She said, proud of herself. Kazuki and Rei glanced at each other in silent confusion before looking up to see what she was pointing at. Kazuki immediately became visibly flustered while Rei just continued to look up blankly at the red and green flower taped to their ceiling.
“Miri! What the- How did you even get up there?” Kazuki said, trying to keep his cool.
“Uncle Kyu helped me earlier when you were doing errands!” She said, causing Kazuki to curse under his breath. He was so going to beat Kyu’s ass for this later.
“I don’t get it.” Rei said flatly.
“Hinata told me that when you stand under mistletoe you have to kiss!”
“Mistletoe?“ Rei mumbled, still confused.
“Miri, first of all! You never have to kiss anyone if you don’t want to. Ever. In any situation. Second. I’m pretty sure Mistletoe is only a Christmas thing” Kazuki took a deep breath before continuing. “Why do you want us to kiss?”
“Because I love both my papa's so much and I want you to love each other and people who love each other kiss” she said, her voice getting a little quiet and dreamy. “Like when they find true love's kiss at the end of the movie” Miri had been on a princess movie kick recently, and they all seemed to end the exact same way, with them finding their true love and sharing a kiss before riding off into the sunset.
“Cute.” Rei said quietly. Kazuki had to take a moment to compose himself over how adorable his daughter was.
“Miri, Papa Rei and I do love each other, we just…don’t kiss.” Kazuki explained gently.
“But Why not?” Miri pouted. Kazuki opened his mouth to respond, but genuinely couldn’t come up with an honest answer.
“No reason why we can’t” Rei surprisingly spoke first. Kazuki’s head whipped around to him.
“What?!” Kazuki desperately tried to read Rei’s face, but was coming up empty as his own mind raced with confusion, fear, and hope.
“I can’t think of a reason. Can you?” He said with a shrug. “It’s not like it’d kill us.” Rei said it casually, but Kazuki was reeling.
“Yeah but—“
“Pleeeeeeeaaaaaassseee” Miri pleaded, interrupting Kazuki. He looked back to her and, seeing the cute little pouty face she was making, melted.
“Alright alright you win.” Kazuki threw his arms up in the air. Rei nodded and took a step closer.
Before Kazuki could lose his nerve, he grabbed Rei’s shoulders. Giving Rei one last chance to back out if he was uncomfortable, Kazuki closed the distance and quickly leaned in.
The intention was just a quick peck, but once Kazuki felt Rei’s lips pressed against his own, he found that he didn’t want to pull away.
“Yay! I can’t wait to tell Uncle Kyu!” Miri cheered, causing Rei and Kazuki to pull apart. Miri ran back down the hallway to her room, giggling that her plan worked.
“Miri! No Running in the House!” Kazuki called down the hallway, shaking his head. When he turned back to Rei he noticed that his partner had been staring at him this whole time, his steel gray eyes slightly wide. A moment of tense stillness passed between them.
“Man. Kyu is never gonna let us hear the end of it” Kazuki finally said with a strained chuckle.
“That’s fine.” Rei said quietly, still staring Kazuki down. Maybe Kazuki was imagining it, but he could swear he could see the slightest pink shadow on Rei’s cheeks. They were still standing close together.
“Makes sense that my first kiss would be with you.” He finally mumbled.
“Wait! You’ve never-?!” Kazuki stopped himself. Rei didn’t exactly have a normal upbringing, even by (former) hitman standards, and was never allowed to have any attachments, so of course Rei had never kissed anyone. Kazuki chastised himself for not connecting the dots on that sooner.
“Sorry—if I had known that was your first kiss, I would have done a better job” Kazuki joked, trying to ease the tension.
“It was…nice…” Rei said, a softness in his voice. Kazuki felt his face get even more warm.
“It was soft. And warm.” Rei’s mouth tipped upward to an ever so slight smile that caused Kazuki's heart to hammer in his chest. “It was nice” Rei repeated
“Well, I’m glad you liked it. But just know I can do better than that.” Kazuki blurted out without thinking.
“How?” Rei asked. Kazuki looked at his partner, finding the genuine curiosity in his eyes incredibly endearing. He decided to take the leap.
“Want me to show you?” Kazuki asked. Rei tensed for a moment, blinking as he processed Kazuki's question, before giving a small nod.
Kazuki moved one hand to cup Rei’s cheek and leaned in, this time slower and more deliberately. He pressed his lips to Rei's. Kazuki lingered in the kiss for a moment, relishing it. He had kissed a fair number of people before, and had even been in love, but this felt different. It just felt right.
Even though Kazuki didn’t want it to end, he also didn’t want to overwhelm Rei. He reluctantly started to pull back. However, before he could, he felt Rei’s hands gripping the front of his shirt to pull him back in. He sighed against Kazuki’s lips at the added pressure, sending shivers down Kazuki’s spine.
Kazuki couldn’t believe this was happening. That Rei didn’t want this to stop either. Of course, the thought of kissing Rei and exploring that side of their relationship had crossed Kazuki’s mind. They were living together and raising a child together after all, so it was kind of hard to not consider the possibility. But Kazuki didn’t want to overcomplicate things more, and resigned himself to sitting on those feelings so that he didn’t ruin what they had.
Admittedly, those thoughts had been getting harder and harder to ignore lately. Sure, he was perfectly happy with their situation before, but he’d be lying if he said he had never fantasized about this moment.
He moved the hand on Rei’s face to the back of his head, fingers tangling with his hair as his other hand rested on Rei’s waist. He pulled Rei towards him, trying to deepen the kiss even more. Rei let go of Kazuki’s shirt and wrapped his arms around his neck. They clung to each other for dear life as their lips met again and again.
Though neither of them wanted to stop, eventually they had to pull back to catch their breath. When they did, they stayed holding each other, foreheads pressed together.
“You’re right. That was better” Rei said matter of factly, causing Kazuki to chuckle.
“Told ya.”
Rei gave a quiet laugh. Kazuki smiled. Ever since Miri came into their lives, Rei had started to smile and laugh a bit more, and every time it happened Kazuki’s heart felt warm.
“To be honest. I’ve thought about doing that for a while.” Kazuki admitted, his voice barely audible. Rei stayed holding Kazuki but pulled back slightly to look at his face.
“Why didn’t you?” He asked in a serious tone. Now that Kazuki could see his face he could see just how much his partner was blushing too.
“I mean…I don’t know…I didn’t want to scare you off…I wasn’t sure if you felt that way about me” He stammered. Rei stared at Kazuki in disbelief for a second before cracking a smile.
“You realize we have a kid together and are basically married right?” Rei teased.
“Hey! I don’t know, we didn’t exactly have a kid the normal way and—“
“I sleep in the same bed as you”
“Okay but…wait…I could ask you the same question” Kazuki said, mad at himself that he had probably (definitely) missed some signals.
“I didn’t know how to initiate it” Rei shrugged. “Like I said, I’ve never done this before”
“Huh. Fair enough” Kazuki said after a moment.
“At least Miri was smart enough to figure it out for the both of us”
“Yeah…I can’t believe we fell into a trap made by a five year old.” Kazuki chuckled.
“She’s smart” Rei repeated, the corners of his mouth tipping back up into a small smile. “Must be those hitman genetics at work” He added, causing Kazuki’s face to scrunch up in playful annoyance.
“One time! I said that one time! You’re never gonna let that go are you?” Kazuki sighed.
“Nope.” Rei said, leaning forward to plant a cautious but sweet kiss on Kazuki’s cheek. “And it was more than one time.” He whispered in Kazuki’s ear.
Before Kazuki could retort, they heard the little pitter patter of Miri’s feet coming back towards them. They reluctantly separated as she turned the corner, holding a piece of paper.
“Look!” She said excitedly. Instead of just picking the paper up, Rei chose to hoist Miri up with his good arm. Once she was sitting comfortably on his hip, he took the drawing from her and examined it.
“Heh.” Rei chuckled, flipping the paper around to show to Kazuki. It was a crayon drawing of Rei and Kazuki as stick figures, kissing under mistletoe. On top of the drawing Miri had written “Phase 4: Kiss!” Implying she had drawn out the other steps of her plan.
“She’s our daughter alright.” Rei said with a mixture of amusement and pride. Kazuki laughed and wrapped his arms around Rei and Miri.
“She sure is…Though she fell into her own trap!” He said, giving Miri a big kiss on the cheek. Rei followed, giving Miri a kiss on the forehead and Kazuki a quick peck on the cheek. Miri giggled again, music to both of their ears.
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echos-girlfriend · 1 year
The Way I Am.
Echo x reader
this is self indulgent like no other.. I’ve been trying to write this fanfic since February… I’m so so sorry to everyone who is waiting on fanfic requests.. life has been taking over my comfy headspace.. and my happy place has been broken a few times and I have been having general emotional and mental issues.. bit I promise once I get back fully.. I will get to your amazing requests! And I’m so.. just in shock that I’ve reached 500.. and I’m still not done with my 400 celebration requests… I love you all so much. It has also come to my attention that my masterlist link is also potentially dead on all my fics but this one.. :)
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You were never like this.. you never had this problem.. but for months you’ve felt as thought nothing is the same.. everything is different. Even how you felt about yourself.. the things you love..
You looked up at Echo from your bunk.. you were sitting in the corner with your blanket wrapped around you..
“What’s wrong? What’s got you in a mood eh?”
He was trying to be playful and cheer you up.. but you could only start crying and crawled into his arms.
“Oh.. Cyar’ika.. it’s ok. It’s ok…”
He held you tightly to his body and rubbed your head.. he squeezed you in his arms tight.. as if you would float away if he let go.
“I.. I don’t know what.. or..”
“Shhhh.. it’s ok. It’s ok.. we will get through it won’t we? We always get through everything. Don’t we?”
You nodded and smiled through your tears. His hand came to wipe the tears from your cheeks.. and he led your face with his palm.. and brought your forehead to his.
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum.. cyar’ika”
“I love you too, Echo..”
“So.. do you wanna tell me what’s wrong?”
“Not.. not yet”
“That’s ok. You come tell me when you feel ready.. I’ll drop everything and come listen to you my sweet.. ok?”
You smiled and sniffled, still getting through your moment of tears.. Having Echo and Loving Echo never changed.
Short and sweet.. :,3
Tags - @umbramoons @techs-girlfriend @kixs-husband @ilovestarwarsmen725 @starqueensthings @patchgalactic @dangraccoon
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