#then I had to come home and pass out before raid
zylphiacrowley · 3 months
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Beach Episode Pt. 1
Miqo March Day 4 - Sun
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devoutekuna · 20 days
Taking care of his pregnant wife
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Includes- Toji, Sukuna, Nanami, Gojo, Geto
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Everyone knows that the king isn't big of affection, it took years for him to even consider you the queen. That's why he always expressed his love for you in indirect gifts, like preparing your favourite meal, raiding a village just so you could get your favourite food or something like that. "Y/N!" Name being screamed as he grabbed your leg, watching your sleeping body hang in the air as he held you upside down. "Get up, don't be burden " you both knew that you'd never be a burden to him, it was only nearly words to him, meaning nothing but to keep his image. "I'm up 'my king'" rolling your eyes at the word king rolling off your tongue, he would've dropped you on the bed right now, but he remembers that your carrying the next heir, wanting to make sure you didn't die before him, he placed you on the floor, pulling your dress down so you didn't flash him.
Sat at the dining table, legs crossed as he stuffed his face with food, he rarely had a big breakfast unless it was a special occasion, always opting for a big dinner instead. "Morning" your cheery self rubbing your stomach, it was a habit now, since you were on the verge of giving birth any second now. Nodding as he carried on eating, you couldn't blame him, Uraume made some good food, that's why they were alive for so long. Sat beside him as you reached for the nearest plate, picking your favourite food up, resting your head onto his shoulder, normally hed kill anyone right there for getting too close to him but since it was you, you had a pass.
Nanami loves you and his daughter, always opting for you to rest rather than take care of your 3 year old. Finding you asleep on the at the kitchen table after coming home from work, head resting on the table from your exhaustion, hearing the TV blaring into his ears as he peeked round the corner, seeing his 3 year old daughter sat at the front of the TV, head resting on her shoulder, wrapped in a bunch of blankets and her own toys, noticing how smart and considerate she was for putting a blanket and pillow on you. Sighing as he hid back a smile, dropping his briefcase which carried his cursed weapon, walking over to check your temperature since it was pretty cold. Strolling over to his daughter as he picked her limp body up. Straddling her in his arms as he dragged her upstairs, fortunately she had brushed her teeth already and gotten into her pyjamas, so it was an easy task of just dropping her off into bed.
Walking back down after dropping his daughter off, picking you up, making sure not bump your stomach on the table, he wanted to make sure you were close but comfortable, especially since you recently complained about back pain cause of the baby. Resting your body onto the pull out sofa, wrapping your body in a bunch of blankets to keep your temperature normal. Kissing your forehead before heading off to the kitchen, sleeves already rolled up as he put on the yellow gloves and dipped his hand into the dirty water, searching for some small utensils he could wash first.
Geto adores you pregnant, trying to sympathise with the way you feel despite his unethical ways of life. "Let me do that" grabbing the pot from your hands as you tried to drain the water out of the pot. Ushering you to sit down instead of overworking yourself. "I'm not that delicate, Suguru" trying to defend your actions as you took a seat, not rejecting the offer as it was nice for someone else to take over once in a while.
"I know but still" trying to defend his actions as he served you a bowl of noodles, giving your cheek a quick peck before sitting down beside you. "But I appreciate your efforts" smiling at him as you played with your noodles, making sure they weren't too hot.
"Y/N!" Shaking your limp body awake, hands full of cleaning supplies. "What shall I use?" Glancing towards the bathroom, normally you two rotated on cleaning but since you were pregnant he started to take over your shifts, noticing how sleepy and disoriented you were due to being woken up after a short nap. "Morning love, now what do I use?" Fighting the urge to drop whatever he was doing and cuddle in bed right now.
"What are you cleaning?" Rubbing your hand through your eyelashes to get the sleep out. "The bathrooms, but the wall tiles." Confirming with himself. He didn't know anything about cleaning till he met you, having to teach him from scratch since he was raised as a spoiled kid who had nannies. "I've got myself a toothbrush thing and wall spray?" Asking, he was in a rush since he wanted to get back to you, laying around in bed was his biggest want right now. Nodding in response. "Yeah just use that, wake me up when breakfast is done" knowing that he'd make your favourite breakfast since you were carrying his kid.
Waking up on his wife was the best feeling, not needing a pillow due to him sleeping on your breasts, listening to your heartbeat as you slept soundly. Hand rubbing along your stomach, trying to feel some sort of movement from his little girl. "Morning love" caressing his hair as you felt him on you, feeling his small stubble as he lifted his head, brown eyes looking into yours. "Morning" hand resting against your underwear's waistband, playing with it as he kept on stringing it onto your skin. Sighing as he felt kicking from his little girl, sliding off you as you readjusted your body into a more comfortable position. "Ya' sleep good?" Looking up at your face, he was so mesmerized by you, hand still rubbing your stomach.
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letstalkaboutshtufff · 2 months
Never a Burden
Neteyam x Reader Mate
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Summary: You don’t want to bother Neteyam with your issues but things keep getting worse with another clan member won’t leave you alone…
Warning: Mentions of injury, cursing.
“Don’t cause trouble” was a line Neteyam constantly said to his younger brother over the years, and now that mantle of troublemaker had been passed over to you, his mate.
Neteyam loved you more than life but by god you were a handful and then some. You were like a magnet for sticky situations and more often than not Neteyam had to come to your rescue.
Like the time some visiting Navi from a neighboring clan were bullying a harmless forest creature so you “intervened”. He yelled at you for being careless and putting yourself in danger.
Or the time your necklace flew off during a flying session so you promptly dived and searched the waters for hours until you found it. You came back soaked and shivering late into the night with the beads in your hand.
“What were you thinking!?” He scolded quickly wrapping you up in a warm blanket.
“B-b-but it’s the necklace you gifted me…” you chattered and he let out an exasperated sigh.
These situations were a frequent occurrence since he met you however he realized soon on that that was a package deal with being your mate. He’d take that deal any day.
Your husband had been endlessly busy on raids the past few months, only coming home to regroup and head back out. He was beyond exhausted most of the time, coming into your tent and falling asleep in your arms almost instantly
Usually Neteyam had patience and a level head but these past months proved to be a heavy challenge. Which made sense since so much was riding on his shoulders.
You felt bad for him which Is why you didn’t want to bother him with your troubles. Even if this situation wasn’t exactly your fault…
Recently a nearby clan had teamed up with yours to battle the sky people. This clan was different than yours, hard headed, brutal, our clans didn’t usually get along but they had a common enemy which made them a strong ally.
However some of the clans males had been targeting you. It started off small at first, taunts here and there. You weren’t a warrior which is why they criticized you as the oleyektens mate. But lately they’ve been getting more bold, one male in particular, Tu’Mey, their ring leader had been degrading you, commenting on your body and how neteyam must hate rutting with such a skinny female.
Today was when he finally crossed the line, you were gathering herbs in the forest with Kiri when she left early because of a headache.
You didn’t think anything of being alone until a familiar voice had you cursing.
“What are you doing out here all alone huh?” Tu’Mey emerged from behind a tree with a grin. He was alone which you didn’t know was better or worse.
“None of your business.” You snatched your basket up and threw him a glare as you went to move past him back to camp, you let out a little gasp when he grabbed your arm instead. That was the first time he had touched you.
“Let go of me!” You hissed and pulled but he didn’t relent.
“Heh so weak, what does a great warrior like your husband see in you huh?”
His grip was strong and you felt a moment of panic.
“Enough, let go asshole!” You punched at him with your other hand but it was like hitting a boulder. He easily grabbed your other hand and pulled you closer. Your eyes widened as he brought his face closer to yours.
“Hmm you may be no warrior, but you do have a pleasant enough face I suppose.”
“Let go before I-“
“Before you what? Hurt me?” He laughed and pulled your arms up high pulling you up right to his body.
You panicked a lot more now feeling his skin touching yours.
You start kicking at him and he clicks his tongue in annoyance, and backs you up into a tree roughly. The bark digging into your skin painfully.
“Oh I’m sorry did that hurt?” He asked mockingly.
“Go on cry for me little forest girl”
You refused to shed tears but you were definitely afraid.
Suddenly you heard a rustling up ahead followed by several Navi voices.
Tu’Mey pulled you deeper in the forest away from prying eyes, his mistake was leaving one hand open.
As he pulled you away you caught a glint of a knife at his waist, it was probably a bad idea but you didn’t really have a choice.
In moments you grabbed at the knife and swiped at the arm holding you.
You were successful but the moment Tu’Mey realized what you done his eyes were full of fury.
You turned to run but were abruptly yanked back by your braid.
“Oh now you wanna fight little girl? Cmon then let’s fight.” He used your hair to propel you forward roughly. You rolled several times before hitting a tree. You gasped in pain.
Suddenly he was above you again and you saw his leg go out and in straight to your stomach. You cried out in pain. Great mother help me.
He kicked the same place again and then roughly pulled you up by your arms.
You slumped in his hold but still managed a hiss. Not that it really did anything.
He opened his mouth to say something but the voices were nearing again. He cursed and threw you back down.
“This isn’t over”. And just as fast as he came he disappeared in the trees.
You coughed a couple times on the ground clutching your stomach. With much pain you stood up and limped into the trees away from the scene, you didn’t want anyone to see you and say anything to Neteyam.
The truth was most Navi could hold their own but you were different. You healed, not hurt, you didn’t even like to hunt because of your sweet nature. Neteyam was drawn to your heart he said, but your weakness was becoming an issue now that war had come. You didn’t realize just how useless you really were.
After much struggle you managed to sneak back into your tent unsuspected.
You collapsed on the ground next to your sleeping mat. The tears flowed freely now that you were alone. You missed Neteyam now more than ever, wanting nothing more than for him to hold you in his arms.
With tears still running down your face you moved your netted top out of the way to see the damage. A large nasty bruise had formed along with a couple cuts. Your back ached too so you could only imagine the scratches there as well.
Sniffling you applied some salve.
Good thing Neteyam wouldn’t be back for a few days, you didn’t know what you would do if he saw your state. He would probably kill him and start another war.
Little did you know the war party had returned while you were gone..
“Yawne? There you are, I didn’t see you when I landed.”
Your eyes widened hearing Neteyams voice and the familiar flapping of the tent beads.
Quickly you wiped at your eyes and slid the salve under the blanket.
“N-Neteyam, welcome back my love.” You thank Ewya that the tent is darkened by the night.
He rushes to you and you embrace him.
“I missed you so much, couldn’t wait to get back..” he held you tightly and you did your best not to wince.
“Me too..” you released from each other and he gave you a loving kiss.
“Come, change and I’ll prepare you something to eat.” He nodded and went to remove his armor. Luckily he hadn’t seemed to notice anything was off.
He ate and talked about the successful raid, you nodded along but your mind was on the blossoming pain all over your body but especially your stomach.
“Are you alright? You’ve hardly said a word..”
“Yes, just tired is all, I was collecting herbs and other things for most of the day.”
He nodded and smiled, “then come let us sleep, I am exhausted as well.”
You nodded and followed him to the mat. You grabbed a longer top and threw it on. Come morning, you would not be able to hide it in the light so you needed to cover up, at least until he left again for the next raid.
Sleep came easy for the both of you, despite your pain, being in Neteyams arms always lulled you quickly. You hoped the morning would go smoothly. Although you rarely ever got what you wanted these days..
“-at is this?” Mm your dreams were beginning to fade away at the familiar voice calling out to you and bringing you back to reality.
“Y/n!” Your eyes abruptly flicked open hearing Neteyams urgent voice.
Oh great mother help me..
Your gaze focused on Neteyam who was sitting up beside you with a hand on your waist and another pulling aside your netted top.
You were an idiot to think that flimsy material could hide anything.
“What is this, what happened??” He asked again voice full of concern and seriousness.
Your eyes followed down to wear a nasty bruise had doubled In its darkening since last night.
“I-I It’s nothing teyam, I fell from a tree in a bad way is all.. I didn’t realize it had caused such a bruise..” you sat up and tried to cover up again but he wouldn’t let you.
“This looks bad, what did you fall on?” He grimaced tracing the cuts with his fingers.
“Some large rocks..” you hoped he would buy that. You never really lied to him before, you hated the feeling..
He looked you over now from head to toe and caught sight of your back.
“Your back is scratched up too… come let’s see Grandmother-“
He moves to gently pull you but you refuse, “It’s fine my love, I can apply medicine here, your grandmother is no doubt busy with warriors from yesterday…”
He looked reluctant, “but..”
“Really I’m alright” you pulled him back down and hugged him. You were actually in a lot of pain but Moat was smart and would see through your lie easily so you couldn’t go.
Neteyam pulled away and moved to grab your basket that held all your medicinal supplies.
He pulled the cover off and frowned, “I thought you picked herbs yesterday, there’s barely anything here..”
You idiot- you left your basket in the forest!
“Ah I can’t believe it, I forgot my basket in the forest..”
He raised a brow then furrrowed it, “you didn’t hit your head did you?” Suddenly he was near you again inspecting your face.
“N-no I didn’t I must’ve been just a little flustered is all”
Neteyam pulled back and looked you in the eye, “Yawne…is everything ok? You seem…strange”
“I-I” what should you say?
Luckily a familiar voice outside the tent called interrupting you.
“Bro you in there? We need to talk about the next mission, everyone’s waiting” Neteyam reluctantly pulled away giving you a wary look. You smiled hoping to ease his worries.
“I’ll be back later , go to Kiri for help at least ok?”
You nodded not meaning it and watched him leave the tent.
You let out a sigh once you were alone. Perhaps you could sneak into your mother in laws tent since everyone would be at the meeting. She would have herbs. At least that way Neteyam would assume you went to Kiri.
Slowly you stood up and readjusted your clothing, not that it really covered anything..
Luckily when you exited the tent, everyone was either at the meeting or busy preparing for the next raid.
You went behind the tents as swiftly as you could and finally arrived at your destination.
You called out but just as you suspected they were gone.
You felt guilty basically stealing but you didn’t really have many options.
You gathered what you needed and left, you nearly let out a scream when you bumped into the large body of your father in law.
“Woah easy- y/n?” You quickly schooled your shock with an uneasy smile. “I came to ask to borrow some herbs but no one was here.. I hope you don’t mind?”
Jake shook his head, “of course not, go crazy” he reached beside the door grabbing a map before moving to leave again when he happened to catch sight of the bruise.
“What happened?” He asked concerned.
“O-oh nothing really, I just had a bad fall..”
He eyed your face for a moment before nodding
“That looks bad, make sure you get that looked at ok?”
“I will” you smiled and sighed as he left the tent.
Luckily on your way back you didn’t run into anyone.
“Alright dismissed” warriors turned to prepare for the next raid and Neteyam was about to follow them when his father held him back.
“Wait there’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”
“What is it?”
Jake looked a bit uneasy but continued on, “it’s about y/n.”
Neteyam perked up at this, “Why? did something happen?”
“I saw her just now in our tent getting herbs, she was…skittish and I saw really nasty looking bruise.”
Neteyam nodded, “She fell in the forest…on some rocks she said...”
“She’s one of the best climbers in the clan Neteyam”
“I know this…do…do you think she was lying?” He furrowed his brows. His mate never lied to him before. Even saying it out loud sounded weird.
Jake tilted his head, “I’m not saying that but…” Neteyam nodded as if coming to a decision.
“Yeah ok… I’ll talk to her”. He thanked his father and went about his duties. He was definitely going to have a talk when he got home.
You had been resting in your tent for most of the day when you realized you had nothing prepared for dinner. Neteyam mentioned he would stay a couple nights so it was only right he had a nice hot meal while he was here.
Sighing you stood up and exited the tent. You could at least catch a couple fish for the both of you.
You grabbed your fishing net and made your way towards the river.
It was evening time but there were a few Navi around.
Good, you didn’t want to be alone..
Throughout the next hour you kept glancing around but luckily you hadn’t seen him so far.
It was dark now everyone had mostly gone so you decided to call it quits as well. you managed to catch a couple small fish but just needed to check your last net tied to the tree.
Slowly so not to aggravate your wounds you climbed ontop of a giant rock. This net was along the river edge but from higher up.
Due to the weather getting colder it was better not to get into the water.
You kneeled on the rock and bent down to pull up your net.
The sudden screech of an Ikran roared behind you. It happened within seconds, you turned only to have a wing smack into you propelling you forward.
You gasped then were suddenly choking and spluttering on freezing water.
You whipped your head around to face the Ikran. You mentally screamed realizing it was HIS Ikran. And the devil in question laughter heartily from the tree line. He whistled and his Ikran flew towards him.
You didn’t wait to see what he would do next, you scrambled out of the river shivering and ran back as fast as you could.
Cold so cold, the night wind only made it that much worse.
Your teeth chattered violently. Hot tears pouring down your cheeks.
You slammed the tent flap open and clambered inside.
“Y/n?” Neteyam sprung up from his sitting position and practically sprinted to you.
Oh great mother not now! You thought he would be out still with the warriors!
“Y/n?! What happened?? why are you soaking wet?!” Neteyam grabbed your shoulders looking you up and down.
“I-I” your voice came out in a cold stutter. The temperature settling in deep into your body.
Neteyam pulled you closer to the fire and helped you remove your wet things before handing you a woven blanket.
“Yawne please, tell me what happened” Neteyam pulled you closer to him, hoping his body heat would help.
He wiped away your tears but they flowed like an endless river.
“I-I....I fell in the river.” Neteyam tensed, he could see your hesitation and how you wouldn’t meet your eyes.
“And how did that happen hm? What aren’t you telling me?” His voice was more firm now.
Should you tell him? But you didn’t want to cause trouble and disturb the alliance. It was your fault you were weak…
“Y/n!” You gasped, Neteyam hardly if ever raised his voice at you.
You couldn’t even answer as your sobs and distress grew louder. Now the love of your life was angry with you. Why could you never do anything right?!
Neteyam softened completely seeing your distress, “Alright alright, mawye my love, it’s alright, mawye…I’m sorry, please don’t cry” he hugged you tightly, bringing your head to his chest. He held you like that soothingly stroking your back until your sobs quieted down.
You slowly pulled away still not meeting his eyes.
Neteyam brought a finger to your chin and slowly pushed it up.
His heart broke seeing the puffiness. He followed the finger to your cheek and splayed them out. You leaned into his warmth.
“Whatever it is, you know I am with you my love.”
You let out a shakey breathe. “I know…” you whispered brokingly.
“And I will always be there for you… no matter what it is but I can’t help if I don’t know what is wrong.”
You reached up to hold the hand caressing your face. “I am always causing you trouble Neteyam.”
He blinked at this, “what?”
“I’m always causing you trouble…I don’t want to burden you…”
Neteyams brows furrowed, “Yes you are trouble but you are never a burden to me- where is this coming from?” He asked still confused.
“I’m weak Neteyam..”
“Y/n you’re not-“
You gulped and said it again, “I am weak. You shouldn’t have to protect me, I should be able to defend myself like everyone else but I just…I’m not a fighter Neteyam.. it’s never been an issue but now…” you sniffled trying not to break down again. “I-I didn’t want to bother you with this… you have way more important matters- I just- it’s getting worse and he isn’t stopping I-“ you were babbling out what you could, your mate trying to piece everything together but once he heard the word “he” he froze.
The wheels started turning in Neteyams mind, he didn’t know what he thought actually happened to you but the second he realized it was another person who hurt you a hot surge of anger coursed through him.
The grip on your face tightened but not painfully. “Someone did this to you? His eyes motioned to your bruises, voice dangerously calm but brimming with unleashed rage. He kept calm for your sake.
You nodded looking away in shame. Well you tried but he brought your face back to his glowing eyes.
“Tell me”
You bit your lip nervously.
“Tell me who dared to lay a hand on my mate…”
You hesitated, “I… I’m afraid it will damage war relations…”
Neteyam held back a snarl. So it was one of the other clans men then..
“Tell me”
You were about to protest again but Neteyams eyes made you pause. They held so much emotion. Love, anger, but most importantly in this moment they promised you safety.
With a deep breathe you closed your eyes then opened them again, “…Tu’Mey…”
Neteyam clenched his fist to keep himself from bursting just quite yet.
“Listen carefully y/n” you nodded.
“You will tell me everything and leave nothing out do you understand?” His tone left no room for arguing.
So you listened and told him everything.
And when you finally finished, you were taken aback at the speed Neteyam removed his hand from you. In all of 3 seconds he had grabbed his knife and ax and stormed to the door.
“Stay here Mate” before you could protest he was gone.
You slumped down in a heap. Oh great mother what would happen now?!
Part 2
Thanks for reading! Part 2 is up now🥰
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wileys-russo · 2 months
perhaps a tiny cheeky blurb about annoying her like that on the flight 😌🙏🏼
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in flight entertainment II a.putellas
you stifled a laugh as your girlfriend finally joined you downstairs, luggage in hand which was left at the front door beside your own, her prized LV makeup caddy carefully balanced on top making you roll your eyes.
but it was her current pre flight outfit that had your giggles setting in.
normally you'd not dare to question whatever it was the spanish captain put on her body given that it could be a burlap sack and she'd manage to make it look good.
plus, you were more than happy to raid her closet at will.
though today the case was that both of you sponsored by nike were headed to an event in paris for a launch and the unveiling of alexia's statue, and so you'd both been sent your outfits for the entire trip separately.
assuming you'd both be sent the same you hadn't really worried to show one another the contents of your packages, but now it was coming to light that was most certainly not the case.
you ducked out of sight as she busied herself clearly checking off a list on her phone, if there was something the footballer swore by it was a list, you cleared your throat and took a seat on the sofa.
"ale!" you yelled from the living room, the blonde hurrying in with a concerned look tossed your way at the volume of your shout for her. "qué pasa?" the taller girl asked with a frown as you pretended to look intently at something on your phone screen.
"did you see the news? there is a viral plague of moths in barcelona! they have been eating curtains, fabric furniture, shoes, cotton, polyester-" you looked up at that point and gasped dramatically.
"dios mio mi amor it is too late, they have attacked you!" you pointed as her once genuinely concerned look melted into a displeased glare. the teasing was directed at the fact that her current outfit of choice, a bright pink nike hooded sweatsuit, something the girl often lived in when pottering around your shared home in winter.
but there was something different about this one in the fact that it was, seemingly intentionally, full of holes. all the same size and scattered around every inch of the set.
mind you, you weren't complaining about the slivers of tanned skin which popped out through these holes but you were far too consumed in how amusing it was over anything else.
but your girlfriend clearly did not share that view.
"you are not funny bebé." the blonde grumbled, shoving you to fall back down onto the sofa as you stood and she passed you headed for the kitchen.
"i hope you emailed nike and told them your outfit came damaged amor." you called out with a snicker, squealing as she balled up and threw at you the hand towel she'd just use to wipe her washed hands on and it landed on your head.
"alexia!" you huffed, shooting her a glare now as she simply winked and ducked down, rummaging around in the cupboard beneath the sink for something.
grabbing the damp hand towel before it stained the sofa you rolled your eyes and followed after her, seeing an opportunity as a smile curled onto your lips.
carefully twirling up the hand towel in your hand you walked past the blonde and struck, snapping the towel against her ass with a satisfying crack as she almost fell forward into the cupboard in shock.
"it slipped!" you smiled innocently, tossing it onto the counter as your girlfriend stood and glared you down. "no!" you laughed as she lunged at you, ducking under her arm and racing off as her footsteps sounded quickly after you.
"alexia!" you laughed louder as she caught you, arms snaking around your waist and lifting you into the air before collapsing onto the sofa, twisting around so your back met the cushions and she hovered over you.
"idiota." the blonde tutted, flicking your nose playfully with a shake of her head. "i saw an opportunity and took it mi vida, can you blame me? you'd have done the same!" you smiled reaching up to poke at her own nose as your girlfriend hummed, unable to really argue that point.
"you look good in pink, i miss when your hair matched." you spoke softer, arms wrapping around her neck as her legs settled either side of your hips baring a little more of her weight on top of you.
alexia only smiled at that, leaning down to peck your lips a few times, your hand moving to cradle the back of her head and encourage it deepen a little to which the taller girl paid no objections.
you exhaled and closed your eyes with a happy smile as the blondes lips lazily trailed kisses down your neck now instead, large hands settling on your waist as her thumbs rubbed small circles into your hips.
"can i ask you something cari?" you questioned after a few minutes as her head popped up, nodding down at you curiously. "do you feel...holy today?" you grinned, sticking your finger through one of the tears in the hoodie and poking at her shoulder.
"hey come back, baby!" you laughed as she immediately pushed up and off of you with a scowl and a shake of her head. "the car will be here in five minutes, levántate!" the catalan called over her shoulder before jogging back upstairs.
"amor." alexia warned as your finger hooked through one of the holes in her back, tracing the tattoos which appeared in tiny slivers. you ignored her, continuing to tug and poke and pull at the holes revealing more and more inked up skin.
"para eso!" the midfielder groaned, hand reaching around her back to push you away. "comportarse." the blonde clicked her tongue, her own fingers looping through the belt loops of the parachute pants you had on and drawing your body into hers.
"its not my fault you're like a big blonde beautiful walking fidget toy." you mumbled into her shoulder, the taller girl looking down at you with a confused frown as you chuckled and repeated the phrase back to her in spanish.
"hola sal!" you called out to your teammate as she arrived, handing off her luggage to be stored as the tall girl greeted you both with a hug. "just get out of bed capitana?" salma grinned teasingly poking at alexia who sighed deeply, pushing you away and making a beeline for the jet as soon as it was called for boarding.
"moths attacked our house, put holes in all her clothing." you tutted with a shake of your head, salma laughing as you fell into step with one another following after alexia into the jet.
you gave your girlfriend a look of mock offence as you sat in the seat directly across from her and she rolled her eyes, kicking her as a slightly smile tugged at the blondes lips and she looked out the window.
declining the offer of a drink from the air hostess you tensed ever so slightly as the engines roared to life, alexia noticing right away knowing you were fine once up in the air but take offs always had you a little apprehensive.
"nena, ven aquí." the girl nudged you with her foot, spreading her legs a little more and tapping her lap, eyebrows knitted together with concern. "estoy bien." you shook your head with a small smile, embarrassed that this still bothered you after so many years.
"bebita." alexia called for your attention again, starting to launch into a story from her childhood as a means to distract you, tapping her foot against yours anytime your eyes would stray toward the window.
your stomach lurched and you death gripped the arm chairs either side of you as the wheels left the tarmac, alexia talking even faster and louder and continuing to keep your gaze locked with hers.
finally the seatbelt sign flicked off and with one final dip of your stomach the plane seemed to settle, now flying smoothly as you exhaled shakily and loosened your grip, muscles relaxing.
again your girlfriend spread a little and tapped her lap, pouting dramatically as you shook your head and with a roll of your eyes unclipped yourself and stood.
"much better." alexia mumbled as you sat down on her lap, kissing your shoulder lazily and relaxing back into her chair. you busied yourself speaking with salma and a few members of the team but eventually you grew bored.
it was barely a two hour flight but you were restless, your girlfriend easily having fallen asleep as you felt the rhythmic rising and falling of her chest behind you.
shuffling a little more so you were wedged into the side of the seat you felt alexia stir but rolled your eyes as still hers remained shut, it astounded you that she never found any struggles with falling asleep at the drop of a hat.
so naturally, you found a way to entertain yourself.
you started off by just counting all the tiny holes in your girlfriends sweatsuit, but when that failed to ease your growing boredom it turned a little more physical, your pointer finger poking in and out of them instead.
"mi amor, stop." alexia mumbled tiredly, hand grabbing your wrist and pulling it away, eyes remaining closed. but of course, you continued, moving from the holes in her arm to the holes along her legs, tugging at them.
"bebita." alexia warned, cracking one eye open and raising an eyebrow as you smiled, pecking her lips and moving to poke at the holes in her hood which was draped over her head, finger digging into her neck.
"no." alexia woke properly now, grabbing your hand and holding it in her much larger one, tugging it down to rest against your leg as her eyes closed again. so naturally with your other hand you continued, poking this time at the holes around her torso.
you felt her jolt beneath you as you prodded at a particularly sensitive part of her ribcage, a strange noise halfway between a snort and a laugh leaving her mouth as you dug in a little harder with a grin.
"no no no amor por favor-" alexia begged as you tugged your other hand free, fingers digging into the tiny tears and poking and prodding causing her to laugh and wriggle beneath you.
though the taller girl with her muscular build quickly regained control over the situation, capturing your hands with her own and pinning them to the arm chairs.
you heard her catch her breath with a slight wheeze, your head slumping back to her shoulder and kissing her cheek before she turned and looked down at you with an annoyed glare.
"i love you." you promised sincerely, watching as a soft smile melted into her features and she let your hands go, lightly smacking your forehead before kissing it and repeating the three words back to you.
"what can i say cariño...my life without you is just, one big hole." you quipped teasingly, sticking a finger through the slit in her hood and jamming it into her ear as she huffed and yanked your hand away.
"alexia!" you squealed quietly as she bit your shoulder, pinching your hip with a shake of her head, her hand coming to grab your jaw so you were locked eye to eye, a slight smirk on the older girls own face.
"bebita i am going to make sure that we leave you behind in paris."
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solarmorrigan · 1 year
Steve is always the first to fall asleep.
The first time Eddie had insisted Steve stay the night, he and Eddie had stayed up late watching a movie and Steve had looked like he was about to pass out. Eddie wouldn’t have been able to live with himself if Steve had fallen asleep at the wheel on his way home, so he’d told Steve to just stay. Then he’d gotten up to brush his teeth and had come back to find Steve already zonked out on the couch. From that very first time, Steve has always fallen asleep before Eddie.
When their movie nights run long, Steve starts nodding off against the back of the couch, and then later against Eddie’s shoulder. On nights when being alone just doesn’t feel like an option, when occupying the same bed just seems like the most practical solution, it’s always Steve whose eyes slip closed first, who starts up that whistling little snore that he vehemently denies when he’s awake. Later, Eddie finds out that Steve will fall asleep even faster with Eddie all wrapped up around him, arm tight around Steve’s waist.
Once, when they head out to the lake to smoke in the back of Eddie’s van, doors thrown open to let in the clear night, Steve falls asleep half on the mess of blankets Eddie had thrown down as cushioning, and half on top of Eddie. Eddie himself doesn’t really sleep that night; it isn’t safe for them to both fall asleep – not out here, not like this, but Steve looks so fucking exhausted that Eddie doesn’t really want to wake him. Steve drives them home in the morning, and Eddie catches a nap then.
The only exception, really, is on the nights when Eddie has nightmares, when Eddie is feeling jumpy, when Eddie can’t help but look at every fluttering shadow as a threat. Then, Steve will sit up against the pillows and pull Eddie back against him and promise to keep watch; and with Steve solid and steadfast at his back, Eddie can’t help but fall asleep.
At least, Eddie had assumed that was the only exception.
D&D runs long one night—the kids’ parents don’t seem to mind their staying out late as long as they know they’re all at Steve’s house, and Eddie will never let him live down his popularity with the suburban moms, considering how many parties he’d thrown during his high school years—and they agree that it would be easier to simply crash at Steve’s for the night than it would be to go dropping everyone off at home at goddamn midnight.
They pop a movie in and set up around the living room with blankets and pillows raided from closets and spare rooms. The boys are relegated to the floor while El and Max cohabitate in the easy chair. Erica stretches out on the couch, but since she’s short and the couch is enormous, it’s easy for Eddie and Steve to curl up together at the other end.
“You gonna make it to the end of the movie?” Eddie teases, even while draping Steve’s arm over his shoulder like it’s his favorite blanket.
From the floor, Dustin snorts. “Are you kidding? Steve never falls asleep first.”
“I think I’ve only seen him sleep once, but that might’ve been a trick of the light,” Will adds, and Lucas snickers.
Eddie turns to glance at Steve, because what the kids are saying is patently untrue, but Steve only raises his eyebrows at Eddie. “I think I’ll be fine,” he says, and turns back to the screen.
And, in fact, by the end of the movie, nearly everyone else has dropped off, but Steve is still perfectly alert. Even Eddie, who at some point ended up mostly horizontal, with his legs parallel to Erica’s and his torso in Steve’s lap, is starting to nod off. He wants to ask Steve if there’s anything wrong, ask why he hasn’t gone all sleepy and soft at Eddie’s side like he always does, but then Steve’s fingers work their way into Eddie’s hair and Eddie’s out like a light.
They’re woken in the morning by the sound of teenagers trying to be quiet in the kitchen, and it’s like nothing at all out of the ordinary has happened, but Eddie’s curiosity is piqued now, so he starts paying attention.
Any time the kids are with them for the night, any of the kids at any of their houses, Steve stays awake. He stays up while everyone else falls asleep around him, while even Eddie falls asleep, and Eddie realizes – he’s keeping watch. He’s looking out for threats while everyone else is vulnerable.
But he almost never seems to worry about staying awake when it’s just him and Eddie.
Eddie tries to puzzle it out. He spends half an hour or so potentially offended that Steve apparently cares what happens to the kids but not to Eddie, but he knows that isn’t it. Steve is always awake when Eddie needs him to be – and what’s more, he doesn’t think he’s ever seen Steve sleep more soundly than when he’s curled up against Eddie, circled by his arms.
It’s not that Steve doesn’t care at all, it’s that he trusts Eddie. He trusts Eddie more than anyone.
This is a mind-blowing revelation, somehow. Eddie has no idea what he’s done to earn it, but he knows immediately that he’s going to do his damndest to keep it.
The next time they end up in sleepover formation, it’s in the Wheeler’s basement. They’re all crunched up on chairs and the old sofa, though the braver party members (or at least those more inured to the stains on the carpet) have decided to take their chances with the floor.
It’s been a bad week; one of the few nights Steve had decided to simply head home to sleep after a late shift instead of coming over to Eddie’s had been a nasty, blustery night, and the power in Loch Nora had flickered, and flickered, and then gone out entirely.
Steve, the idiot, had stuck it out the whole night, but Eddie doubts he’d slept. And he hasn’t slept right since, twitching at every noise and shifting restlessly against whatever his dreams were assaulting him with. For once, Eddie had actually been the safer option as carpool driver; Steve has looked ready to drop all night.
Now, Eddie looks up at him from his spot on the floor, where he’s been leaning against Steve’s chair, half asleep against his legs and resting his head on Steve’s knee. He can see Steve’s eyes start to droop closed, his breathing going slower, deeper, and then, almost as if shocked, Steve sits up again, blinking and shaking his head, searching the room for danger that isn’t there. It makes Eddie’s chest hurt.
Quietly, he stands up off the floor, patting Steve on the hip.
“Up,” Eddie orders, and, sleep-deprived and half on autopilot, Steve obeys.
He watches in confusion as Eddie pulls over a milk crate full of old magazines and then sits down in the chair Steve has just vacated. He scoots back as far as he can and spreads his legs to make room for Steve in front of him.
“Lean back,” Eddie says softly, once he’s tugged Steve down into the chair, then gestures at the crate. “Put your feet up.”
“Eddie...” Steve protests, barely more than a mumble as he practically melts into Eddie, hands coming up to cover the ones that are clasped over his waist.
“Shh. I’ve got them. I’ll keep watch.” Eddie presses a kiss to Steve’s temple, murmuring into his ear, “Get some rest.”
And, miraculously, Steve does.
Eddie doesn’t sleep a wink that night, and the position he’s resigned himself to is deeply uncomfortable, but for the grateful look Steve sends him in the morning, for the renewed light in his eyes, Eddie figures it’s worth it.
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apclyptc · 7 months
oh my ur writing is so good 😭 i was wondering if you could write something where chris is on tour and since he’s been away he’s been needy so like hes texting the reader saying how he’s horny and needs her, so the reader calls chris and they end up having phone sex and chris is like whimpering and unable to keep quiet.. sub chris please 🙏
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foreword: aaaaahhhh i love this idea, and thank u! as for sub chris…. im not sure if i can fully capture that since i cant imagine it but i shall give you desperate chris!
enjoy ☺️
your boyfriend, chris, was steadily becoming one of the most famous influencers and with that came the task of touring the states.
he’d already been on tour with his brothers once before, but this time he’d gained millions more supporters.
he was midway through his travels, briefly stopping for a couple days from charlotte to nashville. you hadn’t seen each other in a couple of weeks, and you were starting to miss him.
you missed the way he made you laugh, always including you in his busy schedule, letting you bond with his brothers.
more importantly you missed his hands on you, gliding over your waist, his lips softly kissing the shell of your ear, down to your jaw, your neck, and then finally your lips.
you didn’t realise how long this month without him would feel like.
neither did he, which was why your phone buzzed at the side of your bed. his bed, which you were sleeping in for the next couple of days. his parents treated you like their own, so you graciously used the key they made for you to infiltrate your boyfriend’s room.
you picked up your phone, the screen lighting up your face as you read the message chris had sent you
chris: i miss you
you: i miss you too
i was just thinking about you
chris: yeah?
bet you were thinking something dirty
he knew you so well.
you: no…
i’m just in your bed
i hope you don’t mind, i got cold
*image attached*
chris: damn
so you raided the hoodies already baby?
you: i couldn’t miss the opportunity
chris: you know i love it when you wear my shit
you: of course
can’t you cancel your tour and hurry back to me
chris: if i could i would be home already
you need me that bad huh?
you: oh? but who texted first?
chris: you got me there
i just wanna see your fine ass
you: how bad
chris: bad
hard just thinking about it
wish you were here to help me out baby
you immediately pressed the facetime icon at the top of the screen, watching the phone ring.
after three rings, your boyfriends face appeared.
“hey ma.” chris’ voice cut through the speaker, instantly making you feel better. you rarely had time to speak to him on the phone since he was so busy with the tour.
“ew chris. stop saying ma when i’m in the room.” nick could be heard from behind. you giggled. it always made you laugh when nick expressed a clear dislike for PDA.
“hi nick, how’s tour?” you spoke. chris turned the camera to his brother.
“it’s good! i can’t wait to get off this tour bus though, i hate taking a shit in public bathrooms.” he complained, causing you to laugh at his outwardness.
“should i pass the phone to nick since you wanna speak to him so much?” chris taunted, angling the camera back to himself.
“don’t be jealous of your brother, chris. how is my handsome boyfriend doing?” you smiled at him.
“bored. come to nashville.” he replied.
you shook your head, “you know i can’t.” you had to stay home to work on your own projects. unbeknownst to chris though, you had already arranged with nick and matt to surprise him at the last show of the tour.
“hey y/n. bro do you want anything from target?” matt popped his head into the view of the camera to say hello, and you waved.
“obviously you know what drink i want. get me something sour as well. thanks bro.” he answered matt, then turned his attention back to you.
chris waited until he heard his brothers leave and slam the door of the tour bus.
“i love that pretty face.” he smirked at you.
even over the phone, chris had a way of making your cheeks tint a light shade of red.
“i wish you were here in bed with me.” you spoke quietly, even though no one was home.
“i know, baby. when i get home i’m gonna make you forget i was ever gone.” chris swapped the phone over to his other hand, while he snaked his free hand under his sweatpants.
“how are you gonna do that?” you feigned innocence, knowing exactly what he was hinting at.
“i’m gonna pick you up, throw you into my bed and fill up that throat real good.” chris palmed himself through his underwear, feeling his dick harden.
you felt that twang in your stomach that appears whenever you hear his filthy words.
you took it upon yourself to set your phone down on the bedside table and slip your hands under your panties.
“is that what you want? you want me to suck your dick, baby?” you asked him, while you lazily played with your clit.
chris groaned, not used to you talking like this to him, “yeah, gonna make you swallow all of my cum. god, i want to feel that pussy round me.”
chris, by now, had pulled out his dick, moving his hand up and down and squeezing slightly at the base. he wished it was your tight cunt squeezing around him.
meanwhile, the lazy strokes on your clit had turned into desperate circles, wishing it was his thick, long fingers playing with you. you used the slick building up to coat your fingers, then pushed them inside yourself.
“are you touching yourself, y/n? fucking yourself on your fingers pretending it’s me?” he moaned softly, his hand moving faster.
“yes… want you inside me.” you whined, giving him the vocal stimulation he needed.
chris angled the phone down to his throbbing cock, willing you to watch as he masturbated.
“you see this, baby? ‘s all for you, fuck.” chris let out a quiet whimper, imagining you were next to him right now, your small hands pumping him instead of his own.
you watched his face contort in pleasure, his head falling back as he stroked faster.
“take off my hoodie, let me those tits.” he demanded, though he was in no position to bark orders as he rutted into his hand desperately.
you paused the motion of your fingers inside of you to quickly discard his hoodie and your shirt, revealing your tits to the screen.
“fuck… touch ‘em for me, i wanna see you touch yourself.” he whined at an unfamiliar pitch.
you grabbed your own boob in your hand, kneading it just like he would as you continued thrusting your fingers in and out of your aching pussy.
it was all too much, and yet not enough, without him helping you.
but even so, you felt the knot twist.
“i know that pretty face. you gonna cum?” he asked.
“yes! oh fuck, chris. fuck, want to cum on your face, baby.” you babbled, half incomprehensible.
your words drove chris into madness, moaning and whimpering as his thumb massaged his weeping tip.
“fuck, fuck, fuck. wanna feel that pussy around me, gonna fuck you good, shit, i’m–“ his own orgasm cut his words short, bursting out of his cock, coating his hands. a stray droplet landed on his stomach.
the sight of your boyfriend panting and moaning from his high prompted you to cream all over your fingers. your mouth dropped open as you continued to finger yourself through it, until your adrenaline finally depleted.
both of you took a second to catch your breath.
“i need to clean this mess up before my brothers get back.” chris tucked his softening dick back into his underwear and grabbed a hand towel next to him.
“i love you, chris.” you spoke after he was done cleaning himself up.
“i love you too. i can’t wait to see you after tour is over.” he smiled at you.
“that was the worst target ever.” nick burst through the door of the bus, scaring chris.
“jesus, nick! you scared the shit out of me.” chris clutched his chest and you laughed, quickly throwing your hoodie back on.
“wait why the fuck are you sweating?” matt asked, following his brother inside.
“chris was showing me some top secret basketball moves he’s been working on.” you interjected as you watched chris’ eyes widen at the question.
how embarrassing it would have been if they’d caught you.
a/n: i hope that was what you wanted!! part two of reader surprising chris at the last show? lmk your thoughts :p
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© APCYLPTC 2023. do not repost, translate, or duplicate any of my works here or any other websites.
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neopuppy · 1 year
Arcade (M)
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pairing. Jeno x female reader
genre. hmm what’s all this then? anyway…… smut, M/F, pwp
warnings. vaginal/backdoor unprotected rough sex, rimming, non-consented camera use, you don’t have to read Switch+Chain to understand but it might help. minors DNI.
wc. 6k+
now playing. Arcade//NCT Dream
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It’s hard.
It’s been hard actually, attempting to commit to some type of relationship while living in the same household as your.. whatever he was.
First love, the man who took your virginity, your boyfriend's father.
It doesn’t help that things have been really tense between you and Jeno ever since your mom refused to move out, claiming Johnny needs to compensate her for uprooting her life with false hope of a future together.
He acquires the guest room most nights, or…doesn’t come home, and you notice— you notice it every time. When he shows up the next day, neck garnished with bitten bruises poorly hidden under his collar, lips swollen red from whatever he got up to. The avoidance he graces you with— never once meeting your gaze as he passes by on the way to his office. It’s been about a month of this; and on top of it all your mother refuses to let you enjoy any alone time with Jeno.
‘I don’t approve of this.’ She repeats daily, shoving between the two of you sitting together in the living room. ‘You are not allowed to date this horrid insolent boy.’
Jeno can’t stand it either, not helping his case with his rude and disrespectful responses, arguing back and forth with her about how this is technically his house and she can leave.
“I can’t deal with your mom anymore.” He whispers. It’s 1am, also the time your mother typically passes out after raiding Johnny’s wine cabinet. Keeping you up later every night as you have to wait to sneak to each other’s bedrooms. “It’s been two weeks.”
Two weeks since you fucked.. in the upstairs bathroom at Mark’s house, some Saturday night kick back. Even then the two of you hadn’t mentioned your.. situationship to anyone. Jeno’s friends finding it peculiar how often he’s canceled on them to hang out with his… whatever you are.
“We can try a quiet activity..” you tease, tickling under his shirt.
“I can’t even fuck you in my room anymore without her breathing down my neck.” Jeno scowls, pushing his nose against your forehead. “Besides, we both know how loud you get, baby.”
“I’ll keep my mouth shut.”
“I have an idea,” Jeno had already brought up getting a hotel before, foregoing the thought as his bank account stared back at him looking bleak; failing to mention that his father had cut off the weekly allowance he’d become accustomed to after their blow up(you know, the one about you). “Haechan just became a keyholder at that arcade place he works at.”
“You want to play video games, right now?”
“No no, I’m gonna ask him for a favor.” Jeno smiles, pulling you close to his chest. “For us.”
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“Where are you going?”
Your foot tracks come to a halt just as you reach the front door, more dressed up than usual. Nothing much, a short velvet dress with lace trimming, something Jeno picked out from your closet without knowing who gifted it to you in the first place.
Placing your hand on your chest in mock-shock, you gasp turning to face Johnny. “Oh my God, I haven’t heard your voice in so long— I’d forgotten you even live here.”
“I remember this dress.” Johnny’s gaze traces down, stopping at your chest for a second too long as his mouth tweaks to one side. “You were supposed to wear it—“
“Yeah.” You interrupt, reaching for the hem floating just under the jut of your buttcheek to play with. “For our next weekend together, you said I looked pretty when I tried it on.”
“You do,” Johnny’s eyebrows come together, trailing down lower to your strappy heels and manicured toes. “You look beautiful, sexy. Gorgeous as always.”
“..do you miss me?” The question comes out unexpectedly, biting down on the sides of your tongue after asking, nervously pinching your thighs together as he nods; hand running through his loose hair and tugging at the ends.
“Of course I do.” Johnny nearly smiles, the corners of his lips pointing up, none of it reaching his dark eyes continuing to stay low and avoid your face. “But you’re going to meet my son right now, aren’t you?”
“No!” You snap to answer too fast, clearing your throat and swiping your hair back. “I’m meeting my friends.”
“You don’t have friends.” Johnny scoffs a laugh jokingly, shrugging half-apologetically. “Your mom asked me to make sure you stay away from Jeno, you know.”
“He’s my boy—friend..” you say hesitantly. “I think..”
“Yes, you do seem to be a pair.” Johnny hums, leaning against the hallway wall. “It’s almost as if your mother won’t leave my son's side and Jeno won’t leave yours. I don’t believe I’ve seen you once without him around ever since..”
“Ever since we broke up?”
“We didn’t break up.” Johnny’s fast to correct. “We were never together, not you and I anyway.” He waves off, more sluggish in appearance now as you step closer and take in his tired expression. “I should have left you alone.”
“What do you me—“
“You should get going, Jeno’s been waiting outside for a while now.” Johnny cuts you off, motioning to the front door. “Probably getting annoyed knowing him.”
“Did you ever love me?” You know you shouldn’t, but Johnny’s right; if Jeno’s not plastered to your back then your mom’s hovering around with her nose deep in your business. Over the last few weeks cuddled up next to Jeno wide awake as he softly snores you can’t stop your mind from spinning, asking questions you never received answers to.
“You still have to ask?” His shoulders fall, slumping further against the wall, hooded eyes falling to his feet. “Of course I did.. I still do. I always will.”
“Then why did yo—“
“What’s taking so long!” Jeno busts through the front door, pausing with his knuckles turning white where he grips the handle hard enough to break off. “What the fuck is going on here?”
“Nothing.” Johnny says casually, shoving off the wall to stand up straight. “As we agreed to, nothing at all.” He nods in Jeno’s direction, returning to his usual stature of living without acknowledging your existence, not even a ‘goodbye’ wave before exiting the room.
Jeno grabs the crook of your elbow tugging you back into his chest hard enough to have you stumbling, gasping out of shock. “Was he talking to you?!”
“Huh? Ow! You’re hurting me!” Tugging your arm away at the same time Jeno releases as if you’ve burned off the skin off his palm sends you tumbling forward, saved by his arm swiftly coming to wrap around your waist; eyes bouncing around full of concern and confusion.
“Sorry! I mean..” Jeno’s teeth grind together, softly squeezing you in his hold. “I’m sorry, didn’t mean to..”
“Okay.. is everything alright?”
He frowns, ducking in to press his chin against your shoulder, eyelashes dragging down to the side as his eyes fall and lose their usual sparkle. “Yeah, I’m sorry…”
“It’s okay Jeno.. let’s get going, yeah?”
“Yeah yeah.” He nods, pecking your skin before moving back to get the door for you. “I didn’t think he was home, swore I heard him leave earlier. Thought he’d be gone for the night fucking some whore.”
Jeno leads you to his car, missing the way you flinch at the mention of Johnny’s reoccurring activities, still sensitive as you try to process the answer you’ve been looking for.
I always will. That’s what Johnny said.. but there was something else.
Jeno’s driving, drumming on the steering wheel to calm his anxiety, the image of your back facing him with his fathers lazy eyes on you as you stood much too close together won’t leave his mind. He’s sick of it really, fighting his own father for the same girl; brainstorming new ways to threaten him. Even breaking into the old man’s home office to look through his patients files for some dirt, completely illegal but what about this predicament isn’t at this point.
“Back there..” you break his thoughts, clearing your throat.
“Huh?” Jeno glances, shifting his tense shoulders to relax and lean back in his seat. “Back there?”
“Your dad.. he said something, about ‘as we agreed to’ I think..” you say cautiously, picking at your cuticle. “Did you guys ever talk? About.. us?”
Jeno steps down on the brake abruptly, hurling your chest forward restrained by the seat belt that tightens up around you. “What?”
At least the lights red, you think, rubbing at your sore chest. “...Ow..”
Jeno sighs, more annoyed now, tapping the steering wheel with more aggression. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“Things have been weird, awkward I guess.. ever since..”
“Since he dumped you?” He sneers, pushing down on the gas pedal too hard and revving off down the street, luckily empty at this late hour.
“We weren’t together, not like.. not like how you and I are. I mean—“
“He took advantage of you..” Jeno shakes his head, zipping through intersections without bothering to slow down or stop. “He took advantage of you, and you let him.”
“That’s not—“
“It’s okay.” Hitting the brakes he stops, pulling into a parking spot with ease, using one hand to steer the wheel into place. “It’s okay.” Jeno repeats again, as if to reassure himself more than anything. “My dad, that fucking asshole..”
Pulling the shift into park, he leans back again, the back of his head slamming against the seat frustrated. “It’s not your fault. When I was a kid he used to psychoanalyze me too, used that shit to manipulate me.”
Johnny didn’t manipulate me, your lip twitches to say, folding your hands together as you purse your lips tight.
“He blamed me, you know— for my mom leaving..” Jeno’s tongue drags inside of his cheek, wandering eyes gleaming more beneath the night sky breaking through the windshield. “I never stood a chance against him honestly, even now I can’t trust he’ll leave you alone.”
“He does leave me alone, Jeno.”
“Yeah.” He pauses, turning halfway in his seat to face you, head tilted as he takes in your confusion. “I told him to leave you alone, is that a problem?”
“..and he agreed? Is that what he meant?” You ask wearily, picking up over time that Jeno can’t keep eye contact when he lies, becoming shifty and distracted as he mumbles.
He blinks slowly, tongue poking between his lips in thought without tearing away from your gaze. “I told him that I really like you, and for once in my life I want to have a chance at something genuine.”
Jeno’s playful demeanor you’ve become acquainted with(although still perplexing at times) seems to disappear the more he speaks, concerning you enough to take a hold of his hand. “Hey..”
He mumbles something hard to make out, sinking against his seat. “I hate seeing him around you, I know you don’t see it the way I do but.. he used you.”
How could Jeno so easily ruin your delusional high of believing his father had actual feelings for you with just a few words. It’s not worth discussing, not with him, he’d never see it the way you do.
Understandably so, to him Johnny may as well be the scum of the earth while he consumed your entire world, day to night; continuing to daydream of the future you could have with your boyfriend's dad. The idea alone fucked up enough to make you nauseous now, having to swallow the bitter taste of bile down. As sick as it is, Johnny had made a home for himself in your heart.. at least the parts Jeno hadn’t managed to infiltrate.
Half of you really contemplated choosing stupidity, ruin your chances of getting dicked down tonight. Perhaps spice it up, Jeno had become.. soft as of late, but the distress across his pretty face quelled your hunger for drama, for now.
“So, what you’re saying is..” you bend in closer, jerking his chin up to look at you, hand squeezing around his. “You really like me?”
Jeno’s smile returns, huffing out a laugh, hiding half of his face in the seat. “Fighting my dad for you wasn’t enough? I have to say it too?”
Shrugging, you lean in closer, biting at his earlobe. “Wouldn’t hurt to hear once in a while after years of thinking you hated me.”
“Well..” the sound of keys jingling turns your attention to Jeno’s hand coming up between you, eyebrow lifted suggestively. “I think you like it, actually— I know you love it when I fuck you like I hate you.”
“You’re gonna fuck me in the arcade?” You glance outside, ‘High Scores’ lights up the hood of his car, the rest of the street dim and empty compared to the bright neon light flickering above you. “Does Haechan know you’re risking his job to have sex uninterrupted?”
Jeno laughs, opening his door to get out and grab yours, the nice gestures still taking awhile to get used to.(This is the same guy that made you get out of his car and walk to school just to not be seen with you afterall.)
“Most he said is to not leave a mess behind and make sure I lock up when we’re done here.” Helping you out he pushes your back to the passenger door, gaze back to the excited playful one you prefer. “I can always fuck you here instead.”
Even now the thrill of secrecy reminds you of him... the times he’d pull you into the backseat of his SUV to steal a kiss; softly pecking your lips while mumbling that he needed a little taste of you everyday, thumbing at his bottom lip while he sat across from you during dinner and stole glances at you. The craving for more always lingering.
“Right here? Where anyone can see?” You ask, pretending to be shocked with wide eyes and clutching your chest. “You think I’m some whore you can just fuck on the street?”
Jeno bites down on his tongue, smirking and grabbing your hips. “I knew this dress would look good on you.” He hikes up the sides around your hips, lifting you up onto the hood to sit and make space between your thighs. “I like it when you listen to me.”
It’s little things like this that heat up your chest, stinging from within between guilt and a yearning need. The twisted part of your mind consumed by the thought that Jeno’s so similar to his dad, just younger, a little naive, but he’s definitely not as dumb as you had assumed.
“Do you think I look pretty?” You ask coyly, pulling his hips in closer with a tight squeeze of your thighs. Jeno wraps around your waist, face only an inch away from yours now, his tone lowering to a deep rasp.
“You’re always pretty. You know when I brought you around my friends I had to stop myself from putting Jaemin in a headlock with the shit he was saying.” His hands roam lower as he goes on, smoothing up the sides of your thighs to play with the straps of your underwear. “Had to remind myself that they don’t know about us.. yet.”
Jeno hums, gathering your underwear to one side to swipe his thumb between your folds; his cheeks rising upon making contact with your wet entrance. “Once your mom gets off my ass it’ll be easier for us. I guess I’m still worried.”
He mumbles with lowered eyelids, grabbing onto your inner thigh to spread you open further. Not quite lying, not quite telling you the truth. “You still don’t trust me, right?
The skin between his eyebrows wrinkles slightly, long eyelashes fanning across the tops of his cheeks. “Seeing you with him today, I feel..”
“You can be honest with me baby.”
Jeno nods, the wrinkles on his forehead deepening, smearing two fingers over the outside of your entrance haphazardly. “I’m annoyed, I’m mad. I hate that he still gets to see you— to see you look pretty for me.”
“We didn’t talk.” You lie, cupping his face to smooth away the stress tightening his jaw. “He was just passing by.”
“You’re not lying, are you?” Jeno asks slowly, also familiar with the way you bite your lip when you lie. Even the smallest movement of biting one corner is enough to give you away.
“I’m not lying.” You say, tugging your lip in under your teeth with a smile, quickly moving to kiss his nose before he can continue interrogating you. Jeno’s eyes drop shut swallowing back his disappointed sigh, hand sliding away to grip your thighs and pull your core closer to his crotch.
“I know we don’t talk about this,” his face dips into the crook of your neck to hide, breath fanning down your throat mixing in with the chilled night air. “..and I know I can’t ask you to ignore him, we all live together..”
“Jeno” you say, pulling back to grab a hold of his face again. “We live together, you realize that? It’s always you, me.. and my mom unfortunately.”
He smiles at that, playfully biting at your thumb poking against the corner of his mouth. “I’m not used to my dad actually doing something nice for me.” Other than funding him with money, which hasn’t been the case as of late. Jeno considers that maybe you were the exchange, no more allowance but hey- I’ll let you have the girl.
Fixing his wind swept bangs to uncover his forehead, you wonder what exactly was said in this agreement; had Johnny really given up on you so easily? How could he say he still loves you and watch another man, let alone his own son, prance around in his face holding and kissing you? It didn’t make any sense..
Jeno shivers, smoothing your dress back down and nodding toward the Arcade. “It’s getting cold, wanna head inside and play?”
He helps you off the hood, taking a hold of your hand and using his other to unlock the front door. “Oh? You know, I can kick your ass at Pac-man.”
Jeno pulls you in, locking the door back up, the inside mostly dark aside from a few strips of neon lights bordering the ceiling. “Is that all you know how to play?” He laughs, drawing you further in with both hands taking a hold of yours. “We both know I can eat you up easily.”
Coming to a stop he flicks on a switch, the room coming to life with lights and mixtures of video game music from different machines. Most of them classic vintage games, a few pinball machines and air hockey table. Nothing much, but a gamers safe haven nonetheless.
“There’s Street Fighter, Ninja Turtles, Super Mario Brothers, Frogger..” Jeno walks around keeping you by his side, chuckling at your lost expression as you look at him like he’s speaking a foreign language. “Pac-man it is, winner takes it all yeah?”
“What are we playing for?” You grumble, feigning annoyance because this is not what you had in mind when Jeno texted you about sneaking out together.
“If I win, I get to do whatever I want with you.” He beams, eyebrows raising up and down before inserting coins into the game.
“What if I win?”
“If you win..” pouting his lips, Jeno sways in thought, snapping his fingers. “I get to do whatever I want with you.” He says proudly, displaying all of his pearly white perfect teeth.
“Don’t you already?” You say in an annoyed tone, nudging against his side and grabbing onto a joystick.
“There is one thing, actually.” Jeno lowers his gaze scanning down your figure, eyes ending on your backside. “I believe you know what I want.”
“Right now?” You have to splutter a bit, nervously squeezing your thighs together. “Won’t it hurt though?”
He laughs, barely, more of an act to stop himself from replying with ‘That’s the point.’
“No baby, it’ll feel good.” Jeno sticks out his pinky, jutting his pink bottom lip out covered with a sheen of spit. “I prom.”
“Prom?” You question, distracted by how enticing his mouth looks pouting at you paired with a wide glossy gaze.
“Half a promise,” he winks, locking your pinkies together. “It might hurt actually.”
“Winner takes it all!” He laughs, returning to focus on starting your game of Pac-man.
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“Jeno, what the fuck! This isn’t fair!” You panic, immediately falling behind as his hand seems to blur and you crash into another ghost.
“What can I say? I’m a pro.” He says nonchalantly, the smirk painting his lips growing. “You know what else I’m a pro at eating?”
“Jeno!” You splutter, distracted by the wink he shoots at you as another sound of disappointment blasts from the game's speakers, on your last leg of life attempting to catch up to your opponent nearing the end.
“Winners win.” Jeno’s arms lift up proudly, boasting his victory with flexed biceps. “Losers lose.”
He keeps cheering, arms pumping and pretending to wave at a crowd as the game congratulates his victory. “You didn’t tell me you were good at this game!”
“Well, you said you could kick my ass.” He shrugs, grabbing your wrists and dragging you toward him. “It seems I will be the one beating your ass up instead.”
Jeno taps the pout that’s formed on your lips, disguising how irritated he feels in actuality. Tapping your bottom lip, he hums and leans back against a wall. “You wouldn’t lie to me, right?”
“Why do you keep asking?” You lilt, tilting your head suspiciously as you reach for his neck. Jeno snaps away too fast, quickly averting his gaze aside before you can catch his disappointment; his palms finding purchase around your waist and manhandling you against the wall.
“No reason,” he whispers, trapping your earlobe between his teeth and knocking his hips along your backside. “Don’t forget who won.”
The sound of his belt unlatching scratches at the back of your skull drowning out the arcade noises around you; with a bicep locking your arms together he wraps it around your elbows. The restraint tightens immediately, locking your arms in place behind your back. “Does it hurt, baby?”
‘Does it hurt badly?’
Pressing your cheek to the wall you shake, quietly muttering ‘no’, the churn in your stomach confusing you with arousal and guilt.
“That’s too bad..” pulling up your dress to bunch at your waist, Jeno slaps your ass softly, stroking his fingers over the roundness of your hips, dipping beneath the juncture between meaty flesh meeting thigh. “I know how much you love when it hurts.”
“Shhh.” Biting down on your earlobe, he tugs until you squeal, knees knocking together from the pain shooting through your ear. “See how you’re so fucking loud?”
Jeno sinks down into a squat gripping the sides of your ass and squeezing. His palms feel hot, heavy, digging his thin hard fingers into your cheeks. He pulls you open watching the thin string of your underwear fail to cover your holes completely, breath suctioning loudly between spit when he hisses and presses forward digging his nose against your barely concealed hole.
“Fuck!” You bite down, struggling to stay still on your toes digging deeper into the sole of your heels, his nose dragging up and down between releasing groans and deep breaths. The moans vibrating between the back of your thighs playing as a soundtrack for his disgusting euphoric high, leaving his mouth popped open, teeth catching onto bits of flesh hidden inside of you.
“So good.” Jeno laps at your rim, soaking up the thin piece of underwear there, teeth biting down and pulling away enough to watch your hole flutter. Slapping at your ass with a firmer hand he tugs the string off to one side, leaning forward to press his pouty lips against your hole. Mouth hot and breathy as he stays there tracing his words against your opening. “Want me to fill your little tight virgin asshole up so fucking bad, just look at the way you’re opening up for me already.”
As if on command slick drips down your inner thigh, rim convulsing around nothing. He snickers, tapping the tip of his finger against it. “So nasty, who taught you to be this fucking nasty huh?”
Your eyes wrinkle together, hips jumping back in search of something wet, something to quell your need.
A succession of hard slaps stills your movement, ass stinging under his palm smoothing down, jiggling your cheek against his face. “Can’t even stop yourself, can you?”
“Please…do something.. please.”
Begging, you’re always such a beggar. Jeno can’t stand it, how your writhe and whimper, so desperate to get fucked. Can’t stand how pretty you sound when you beg, when you shout his name with your eyes facing the back of your skull. He can’t stand the way his cock jumps in his pants, twitching against his phone like a reminder.
“Ask for it.” His face rubs side to side, engulfed in your aroma, nose burying in and out of your hole teasingly. “Be a good girl, ask.”
“Jeno.. please,” sniffling, you have to shut your eyes to keep your mind blank. The similarities between two different men sit on your chest, sinking into the hollow, breaking down the bones and muscle protecting your heart. “Please baby.”
“Please what?” Pulling out his phone, Jeno double checks the silent button, hitting record and focusing on your ass sticking out; lower back making the shot from the way you dip in and arch out.
“Please, please fuck me…”
“Where?” He questions, tone falling deep, raspy, scratching up his vocal chords. “Tell me where.”
“My..” breath gets caught in your throat, hole clenching up as embarrassment flows down your face. Breaking out into a whimper at the first sign of moisture reaching the rims of your eyes. “My ass.. please fuck my ass.”
“That’s right,” Jeno groans, smoothing the pad of his finger around your wrinkled hole. “No one will ever fuck you the way I fuck you.”
Spit lands on your rim, the last shot he captures before sending the video off to a text message with ‘Asshole’.
‘Only for me.’
Pocketing his phone again, he focuses on collecting your wetness, swirling it together with his spit. The sounds of your needy whines only egg him on to work fast, lapping at the skin around his fingers until your knees bend and you shove back against his face.
Jeno contemplates for a second, mindlessly prodding the tips of two fingers in and out of your pulsating rim, your wanton cries driving him mad the longer he teases.
It shouldn’t hurt, but you deserve for it to hurt, because you’re a fucking liar, because you’d rather lie to him and allow his mind to wander.
Before he can shake away the worry, his phone buzzes, distracting him for a moment before pressing into your hole to keep you occupied.
‘Ask your little girlfriend about our conversation you rudely interrupted. I wouldn’t be so sure if I was you.’
Jeno can’t believe how fast this fucking asshole replies, nearly crushing his phone and jabbing his fingers into you roughly at the same time.
“Shut up.” He growls, shoving his phone away, proceeding to jackhammer two fingers inside your ass. A wad of spit lands around them adding a small amount of lubricant, his roughness forcing your ass to shake around the pressure.
“Baby please, ah!” Struggling to stay still, your toes pinch together, pushing your forehead against the wall with another cry. Tears stain down your cheeks the more he ignores you, muscles rippling up his forearm beneath pulsing large veins. “Please, slow..slow down!”
Another growl is all you hear in response, dipping in to lavv at the tough skin constricting around his fingers, his free hand reaching between your thighs to pinch at your clit and distract your mind from the pain.
Jeno’s ears fill up from the heat surrounding him, forcing another digit inside your hole and groaning at the visual of how obscenely stretched you are around him. Still managing to push in past your resistance, his stare burns, stuck on the little flex and pinch your ass gives with each push inside.
“Fuck, you feel so good.”
A startled broken moan slips out of you, caught off guard by how deep, near demonic his vibrato’s fallen to. The surprise has your hips canting back full of fear, excitement, Jeno’s fingers digging deep into your ass pushing against your walls.
“Relax, you’ll make this hurt more than it has to.”
The glide of his nose pressing to your neglected hole has you jolting up, legs pin straight the second his tongue flicks at your clit. His hand reaches around grasping your thigh, strong hold pushing you to sit down on his face. He tongues at your bundle of nerves viciously, nose suffocated by the ridiculous amount of slick pouring out of you, the majority of it dripping down past the consistent small dip in and out of you, trickling a pathway down his thick neck, bobbing and struggling to breathe with his airway full of arousal.
“Ah fuck! I’m close!” Full of urgency you scream, hands twitching like crazy to grab onto something, anything to help you stay attached to reality. He only speeds up, the fat of his tongue dragging along your swollen clit roughly, powerfully working you into a faster frenzy until your thighs quake.
Jeno’s relentless, tongue blurring against your clit with speed, nose stuffed as deep as possible, the three digits curling up and pulling. Pain and pleasure hit a new high, bending your neck back into a deep arch as your climax hits and erupts hard enough to choke him between the wet squirt and weight of your lower half coming down.
Slapping down on your upper thigh, Jeno gags, coughing from the fluid filling his nostrils, fingers crooking up before sliding out and smearing the mess of spit down your leg.
“Come here.” He drags your lifeless body down to his lap, switching to hold his weight against the wall, lips landing against yours in a mess of heat. The drool pouring from your mouth blends with his spit coated lips vocalizing the hunger of your mouths fighting for dominance. “Wanna..”
Jeno pants, licking at every crevice of skin and tongue like a thirsty puppy, eyes glazed over as he gazes at your already wrecked face. “..see you, wanna see you.”
“Uh huh,” nodding you wrap around his neck, forehead landing against his cheek lazily as he positions you over his length. The whole act feels dirty, a memory you’ll recall someday; how silly it is to be a teenager having to sneak around just to get laid(all because you fucked your boyfriend’s dad). “See you.” You repeat breathless, cock dragging between your folds drenched by wet arousal that won’t stop leaking.
“Pussy dripping wet for me, know why?” Jeno’s arm squeezes around your middle, hot mouth dragging up your jaw to whisper in your ear. “Cause you’re a fucking slut, and all sluts know how to do is take cock.”
The cry you let out shaking your head with denial gets lost, Jeno capturing your bottom lip in a rough kiss and thrusting up to fill you halfway. He grunts, pushing your body lower to bury the rest of his length inside and swallow down your cries. “Slutty fuck hole.”
Eyelashes flutter along your cheek, hot tightness wrapped around his size drawing deep guttural moans out. Hips jerk upward, lodging the entirety of his length inside of you. He’s overbearing, sucking the moans out of your mouth, slapping down on your ass to move and ride his length despite your cries.
“Feel good?” Jeno’s bicep flexes, snaked around your waist tighter than a boa constrictor, making it harder to breathe with the incessant ramming of his hips fucking you up and down his size.
“S-so so so good,” you sigh between tears, scratching your nails through the back of his scalp and sweaty nape. “So good inside.”
He wants to be mean, wants to pull you off him, throw you down on the ground and fuck you like nothing but a useless whore; but he can’t. Mentally cursing himself out, he shifts to lay you down, throwing your thigh around his hip for leverage to grind into you, eyes burning over your dazed expression.
Kissing the backs of his teeth he fucks into you faster, chasing his own need to get off without much concern for yours. This isn’t about you, this isn’t about your glazed gaze, parted swollen lips, the tear tracks rolling down past your jaw following the dips of collarbone rising and falling at a rapid pace, breasts bouncing near out of your dress with each beating thrust.
Jeno feels crazed, hot, throat burning from the inside out from the endless groans tearing through his chest. Bending forward, his weight throttles into you, jostling you to slide up. Palms attaching you to the ground with a vicious chokehold. Teeth grit and grind, wrinkling the skin on his cheeks and forehead, cock fucking in and out, in and out, the loud squelch of wet somehow louder than your pleasured sounds combined.
“M’gonna..” Jeno gulps, swallowing the wads of spit and drool collecting at the sides of his tongue. “Fuck you, fuck you all night. Fuck your ass open, break you.”
Unsure he can even last with how tight you grip around him, Jeno pulls out, shushing the loud whine you let out, pouting and crying harder about how close you were. “Shh..” slapping down between your thighs, he licks at his lips hungrily, entertained by the way you twitch and cry, still lifting your hips for another slap on your pussy. “Turn around.”
Knowing you can’t do much with your arms constrained, he manhandles you onto your front, noting how your flesh folds over the leather belt, sure enough to leave marks behind the more you struggle. He pulls at the leather, shoving your dress to the top of your back completely bunched up, wrinkling the nice material that someone else would have stripped off of you gently..
“Mine.” Jeno swipes his fingers around your exposed rim, lightly laughing at how you jerk forward and arch out more. Cock slapping down between your ass with a hiss. “So pretty like this..”
He’s done bothering to prep you, on the brink of insanity listening to your shattered whimpers, the exhausted, depraved little way you repeat his name. “So mine.” Resting his length on your rim, he reaches lower, scooping a wad of wetness globbed at your entrance, the only extra he’ll spare you, smearing the mess of it up and down his size.
He presses to your rim, biting down on his lip hard enough to break skin and compress the growl trying to escape. “God, fuck.”
Jeno thinks he can’t breathe for a moment, sinking in through the insane tightness, his stomach sucked empty, raggedly inhaling the more inch by inch disappears inside of you.
He thrust shallowly, experimenting with short and fast grinds until every bit of his size can no longer be seen, eyebrows crushed together as he struggles to breathe and crashes a harsh slap down on your ass. The growl escapes similar to a feral animal on the run, animalistic much like each barreling thrust colliding with your ass.
Jeno loses it from there, a string of curses running off his tongue between groans, hammering his hips forward, his free hand reaching for one of your shoulders to press your chest down. The extra hold only enforcing more power behind each slam, burying his cock deeper than you can even begin to fathom. “Gonna fuck your ass all the time now.”
“Hurts! Hurts so much!” You moan, stuttering between each syllable, arching deeper for him to fuck faster.
“You love it.” He bends forward, chest pressed down on your back knocking out your air flow. His other hand trailing from your hip to slap against your cunt, fingers pressing down on your clit and rubbing in fluid motions of figure eights.
“Ah fuck! Baby!”
Jeno knows you’re close, tightening up around his cock making it harder for him to shove in past your resistance. Pussy quivering the more he plays with your clit. “Yeah, just like that.” He pants, thirsty like a dog, tongue wagging out drooling. “Fucking tight, so fucking tight.”
He starts fucking at an unreal speed, rapidly ripping past each clench. The growls behind you akin to a beast, sucking bits of your soul with each thrust bottoming out inside of your ass.
“Jeno!” It’s barely a whimper, too empty headed to process anything beyond the heat coiling down your stomach, toes curling against your heels, the cool wet smeared down your thighs.
A pinch at your clit has you leaking, squirting around nothing and clamping down on the cock filling your ass, Jeno’s hand drenched by your climax pouring to the floor around his fingers.
He can’t believe it, you really came from this, asshole stuffed to the brim with cock for the first time. The thought alone tightens up his balls, jackhammering against your limp frame, falling into sloppy mismatched thrusts until the heat in his chest snaps. Cock crammed down to the hilt jerking and pulsing inside your warm heat. Sticky and obscene, the thick milky cream collecting at the base of his length with each last pitiful thrust.
Jeno finishes up, throat visibly bobbing as he takes in your backside covered in the excess cum, dragging his wet cock on your heated flesh. The white liquid gliding down your soft skin, ass gaped and ruined, his arm reaches around patting for his pants in search of one thing.
Jeno types with one thumb, quickly filming a clip of his hand sweeping up the back of your thigh, rubbing his release into your skin, the last shot ending on your holes.
The text finishes sending, a pleased grin lazily fitting his face before leaning down to kiss the middle of your back.
He mumbles mindlessly against your damp skin, imagining his recipient's face opening the message, pleased by the thought of his father’s enraged face.
‘Only mine.’
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icarusignite · 1 month
the ships have come to carry you home (Kim Hongjoong)
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Pairing: Captain Hongjoong x Runaway Princess Reader Summary: Desperate to escape a horrifying marriage to the man who murdered your family and stole your father's crown, you escape your opulent life, only to realize that your longing for freedom has landed you in the clutches of ruthless pirates who are willing to trade your life for one of their own. Determined to prove your worth, you must persuade the enigmatic captain that you are indeed worth keeping after all.
Word Count: 5.7k
Genre/warnings: Hurt/comfort, angst to fluff, captain is kind of a jerk in the beginning
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The damp, dark underbelly of the ship seemed to swallow you whole as you pressed yourself into the corner, drawing your knees up to your chest in a desperate attempt to make yourself as inconspicuous as possible. Above you, the reverberating boom of an explosion echoed through the wooden planks, sending shivers down your spine.
Your heart pounded in your chest like a war drum as you prayed fervently that whoever was raiding the ship above had no interest in you, that they would simply pass by without a second glance. But fate seemed determined to thwart your hopes as heavy footsteps clambered down the rickety wooden steps, each one resonating ominously in the darkness.
You squeezed your eyes shut, willing yourself to disappear into the shadows as the sound drew nearer. When the figure finally emerged into the dim light, you felt your stomach lurch in dread. He was a muscular man with sharp eyes that seemed to pierce through the darkness, searching every nook and cranny for any sign of life.
"Found her, Captain!" the man called out to someone above deck and your blood ran cold. 
Panic surged through your veins, but you remained frozen in place, hoping against hope that somehow, by some miracle, you might escape notice.
But the man's sharp gaze landed on you immediately, you knew your hopes were in vain. He approached with purposeful strides, his every movement calculated and precise. When he reached your hiding spot, he crouched down beside you, his expression almost apologetic. 
"Come on, then,” he said, his voice surprisingly gentle despite the urgency in his tone. "There’s no use hiding. You'll only make things harder for yourself."
You shook your head frantically, your breath coming in shallow gasps. You knew you had to fight, to resist with every ounce of strength you possessed, so when the man reached out to grab your shoulder, you recoiled instinctively, fear overwhelming your senses.
He sighed heavily, a sound laden with weariness and regret. "I'm sorry, truly I am," he murmured, his voice barely audible above the din of the ship. "But orders are orders.”
With that, he seized your arms firmly, his grip still gentle despite the urgency of his actions. You struggled against him, your muscles tensing with the effort, but it was futile. The man's strength far surpassed your own, and with a determined grunt, he began to drag you towards the stairs leading back up to the surface. You kicked and screamed with all your might, and in a desperate attempt to break free, you lashed out, your elbow connecting with the man's nose with a sickening crunch.
A string of curses erupted from his lips as he stumbled back, clutching his bleeding nose. "Careful, Captain," he growled, glaring at you with annoyance. "She's a feisty one."
“Thank you, San,” the captain presumably, responded with a sigh as you were unceremoniously dumped at his feet. 
He stood before you, a tired expression etched features, shadows lurking beneath his weary eyes. He ran a hand through his dishevelled hair, muttering something under his breath as he regarded you with a mixture of exasperation and resignation.
"You're more trouble than you're worth.”
“That’s right,” you nodded frantically. “I’m nobody. I’m irrelevant, and of no use to you, so please…please let me go.”
The captain scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping his lips. "You? Unimportant?" he retorted, shaking his head in disbelief. "Sorry, Princess, but I find that hard to believe. You are our most important cargo, and we've been tasked with returning you home."
That wasn’t even the word you’d call it anymore. Bile rose in your throat once again. You couldn’t return, especially not after what had happened to your family. Not after what they would do to you. 
You had hoped against hope that you could somehow escape that nightmare, that you could slip through the cracks unnoticed and reclaim your freedom, but now, faced with the harsh reality of your situation, you wondered if your fate was sealed.
"Please don't make me go back,” you tried again. “I was going to leave. I promise I'd be no trouble at all. I was going to go away and never come back."
The captain's expression hardened at your words, his frustration evident in the furrow of his brow. He knelt before you, his grip firm as he grasped your chin, forcing you to meet his gaze. His eyes bore into yours with an intensity that sent a shiver down your spine.
"Are you really that hopelessly naive to think that these people would have simply dropped you off at the next harbour?" he spat, his voice laced with bitterness.
Your heart sank as you glanced around at the crew of the ship, your stomach churning with dread. They had been subdued and tied up by this new captain’s crew, their faces grim and resigned to their fate. 
"No, they were going to sell you out just the same," the captain continued, his voice low and menacing. "At least this way, you’ll be helping to save someone’s life.”
He seemed to seethe with anger, his fist clenched at his side as he struggled to contain his emotions. But then, a hand rested gently on his shoulder, and he glanced up to see another man standing beside him, his expression calm and reassuring.
"Ease up, Hongjoong," the man said softly, “you’re scaring her.”
“I don’t care, Seonghwa. Can you imagine how Jongho must be feeling right now? And to think we’ve sailed halfway across the continent for this pathetic creature, in exchange for his life. It’s ridiculous!”
“I know you’re worried about him…we all are, but this is no way to act.”
Hongjoong sighed, his bruising grip on your jaw easing before letting go completely as if deciding that you simply weren’t worth his energy. He felt the smallest stab of guilt at his behaviour, particularly when he caught the flash of hurt that crossed your wide eyes. It wasn’t your fault that the new king had decided to capture their youngest crew member, holding him ransom until you were returned to your kingdom. By the looks of it, you didn’t seem too fond of the new sovereign either, but he did wonder what it was that you were so desperate to escape from back home. 
He jerked his head to the rest of his crew, “Take what you can of value, and prepare to return to our ship.”
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Back on the captain's ship, the crew was abuzz with activity as they prepared to set sail. Your captor, San, seemed distracted as well, and you took this moment of distraction to break free from his hold again and do the only thing you can think of, throwing yourself overboard.
Just as you can though, strong arms wrap around your waist, pulling you back with a force that knocks the breath from your lungs. You gasp in shock, the world spinning around you as you find yourself ensnared in another's grasp.
"By God, are you insane?" a voice exclaims, the words ringing in your ears. "Are you trying to get yourself killed?"
It's Hongjoong, his voice filled with disbelief and concern. You thrash against him, your body writhing with the desperate need to break free, but he holds you tight against him, his arms like steel bands around your trembling form. Upon further struggle, he bends to place his arms beneath your knees and sweeps you clean off your feet, and despite your protests, he carries you effortlessly, his stride purposeful and determined.
If you weren’t quite so hysterical, you might have been comforted by the warmth of his frame against your frigid one, but there is no comfort to be found. When he finally places you on your feet again, you are in what you assume to be his personal quarters. 
“Do not even think of doing what you just did again!” he snarls. “You are of no worth if you’re dead.”
“I shall do just as I please,” you return with just as heatedly. 
“If you’re going to cause trouble, I’ll put you in the brig. See how long your act lasts in the company of the rats.”
With that, he stormed out, slamming the door to his chambers behind him, and even as you rushed toward it, you heard the resounding click of a lock being turned, effectively making you his prisoner. 
You spent the next few hours pacing the room, rummaging through his belongings in an attempt to find something, anything, that might aid in your escape. There was a large table strewn about with maps, and he owned an absurd amount of books, which was a little surprising as you didn't think pirates read. Still, when you realized your search was futile, you slumped to the floor in the corner, picking up one of the books to thumb through. 
Eventually, a soft knock on the door came, followed by a familiar click as it opened slowly with a creak. It was San, his frame filling the doorway for a few moments as he hesitated at the threshold. He held a tray of food in his hands, and behind him, darkness swallowed the rest of the ship, by which you assumed night had fallen. 
“Captain says you have to eat,” San mutters, setting the tray down in front of you, but you turn up your head. 
Almost as if he was inside your head, Hongjoong’s voice echoed from outside.
“Tell the snobbish princess that if she doesn’t fancy starving, she had better eat what she’s given.”
Your lip curled in disgust, and you turned away from the tray with an even more aggressive shake of your head. San sighed softly, before settling himself on the captain’s bed to simply watch you. You noticed that he had cleaned up his nose and you felt a stab of guilt. After all, he was simply following orders too, and you had decided that if anyone was to be the target of all your ire and hatred, it would be Hongjoong. 
“I…” you began hesitantly. “I’m sorry about your nose. I didn’t mean to…”
San chuckled, “Yes you did.”
“I…I mean I did but I didn’t—”
“It’s okay,” he shrugged. “Hazards of the job, I suppose.”
“Still. I am sorry.”
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When Hongjoong finally returned to his chambers, his weariness was palpable, etched into the lines of his face and the slump of his shoulders. But as his eyes fell upon you, curled up in the corner of his room, a pang of guilt tugged at his heart. You were a sorry sight, alone and vulnerable in the darkness, and he knew he could not put you in the brig. A person of your station must have always enjoyed the finest things in life, so being here must be quite an adjustment, and despite his earlier animosity, he did not wish to cause you greater discomfort. 
He approached you slowly, his footsteps echoing softly against the wooden floorboards. The sight of the untouched food on the table made him sigh in resignation. With a weary yawn, he ran a hand through his tousled hair, his exhaustion evident in every movement.
"Hey," he said gently. "You can take the bed. I'll sleep on the floor or something."
You shook your head stubbornly, your lips pressed into a thin line of defiance, but Hongjoong could see your weariness and it mirrored his own. He sighed, realizing that arguing with you would be futile.
"It'll be uncomfortable for you on the floor," he tried again.
Still, you remained silent, your gaze fixed on some distant point in the darkness. Hongjoong rolled his eyes in exasperation. 
"Suit yourself.”
As he began to undress and prepare for bed, peeling off his shirt with practiced ease, you couldn't help but let out a squeak of surprise, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment. You turned your head away so fast it was almost comical, your heart racing in your chest.
Hongjoong chuckled at your reaction. "Relax," he said with a teasing grin. "It's not like you haven't seen a shirtless man before."
You hadn’t, and it made your face redden even more. You huffed indignantly, refusing to meet his gaze. When he realized, he cleared his throat awkwardly, hurrying to put on something, internally berating himself for such a comment. You were a princess, brought up in refinery, so he should refrain from making such crass comments around you. 
When he settled down for the night, you remained in your place on the floor, eyes wide open in an attempt to evade sleep. However, unfortunately for you, it proved a fruitless endeavour, and eventually, the subtle shifting of the ship on the calm ocean waves lulled you into a restless slumber. 
You dreamt of fire and bloodshed, and the violence that seemed to haunt your every waking moment, following you even to the realm of Morpheus. You had to watch your family be slaughtered in front of you all over again, their blood seeping into the cracks of the pristine marble of your castle’s floors. The new self-proclaimed king, the usurper, grinned manically while the gore dried in the creases of his palms, his sword held aloft as he prepared to deal the final blow. You wished he would kill you, end your suffering once and for all and send you to be with the rest of your family, but he had much crueller plans for you. 
Hongjoong’s sleep was just as fitful as yours as he tossed and turned, and it was only made worse when he heard the quiet sounds of your sniffles. It made him bolt upright, gaze falling to your frame, curled up in a fetal position in the dark. Cautiously he approached you, only to see that your eyes were still screwed shut tightly, but a steady stream of tears flowed from behind your eyelids, and a pained whimper escaped your lips every now and then. 
The captain shook your shoulder gently in an attempt to wake you, but whatever dream you found yourself trapped in seemed to have its claws embedded too deeply and you only flinched at his touch. He sighed, mumbling a brief apology before lifting you from the floor. 
Almost instinctively, you curled into him, tucking your face into his chest, still in the throes of sleep, and Hongjoong froze. With a great sigh, he placed you on his bed, smoothing back the matted tangles of your hair away from your face. Your features were troubled, and he pressed his index finger against the wrinkle between your brows, easing your frown a little. It seemed to help a little, at least to the extent of halting your tears, but your face retained its characteristic pinched expression. 
Hongjoong watched you with fascination. He would not be cruel, he reminded himself. He would be kind to you and hope that wherever Jongho was, he was being treated with kindness in return. He doubted the new king’s ability to be kind, but there was little else he could do besides hope for the best. He was no stranger to the new king’s capability for cruelty, so it made him wonder just what had driven you from home, so desperate not to return. 
The next morning, you woke up with damp cheeks, and a throbbing headache, but much to your surprise, you had been covered by a threadbare blanket, and you were no longer on the cold, damp wooden floorboards. A tray of breakfast had been left out for you, but despite your rumbling stomach, you pointedly ignored it. 
That is how you spent the next few days. Hongjoong no longer returned at night, leaving you the sole occupant of his room, and when eventually your curiosity got the better of you, you decided to settle down with some of his books, biding your time. 
The opportunity presented itself one night when San arrived to bring you your evening meal, and when he left, you noticed that there was no telltale sound of the lock clicking. You crept up to the door and it swung open without much protest. 
The ship was bathed in darkness, and you could hear the distant sounds of the crew members, but they were muffled. Slowly you inched up the steps to the main deck, arms outstretched as you felt your way, holding your breath in anticipation. You hoped that everyone would be too busy with their own endeavours to pay you any mind. 
The surface was bathed in silver moonlight and it was almost ethereal, the way it reflected off the softly lapping waves. The sea was calm, but as you made your way to the edge, you were almost taken aback by its vastness. The murky depths stretched out as far as the eye could see, almost too infinite to fathom, and with a grim sort of resignation you realized that there was nowhere for you to go. No escaping your fate. 
You slumped against the wooden railing, almost listless, as you turned your attention to the stars above, charting the constellations that you could make out in the clear night sky as your father had taught you. You missed him terribly, and the prospect of having to marry the man who killed him made you want to pitch yourself overboard. 
Still, you had some sense of self-preservation because you remained with your feet firmly planted on the wooden deck. There were other ways, perhaps, for you to prove that you were worth more, that you could be of use to these pirates who were determined to return you to a monster. 
“Good to see you aren’t as determined to escape us,” came a voice, startling you. 
You felt a frown pull at your lips when you saw Captain Hongjoong standing right behind you, arms crossed over his chest, a satisfied smirk on his face. 
“What do you want?” you muttered sullenly. 
“Just testing out a theory.”
“I’m not your guinea pig!”
“No, you’re not, but you’re also not as determined to die as I had previously thought.”
“No one really wants to die,” you pointed out somberly. “It is our circumstances that drive the urge.”
Hongjoong hummed thoughtfully, coming over to lean against the railing beside you, and that is how you remained for several long moments, each one of you lost in thought. It was a comfortable sort of silence, one you didn't think was possible between the two of you, but you supposed he wasn’t entirely unpleasant to be around, provided he kept his mouth shut. 
“I am sorry, you know,” he spoke first. “I may have been…”
“I believe asshole is the word you’re looking for?”
“...excessively harsh,” Hongjoong finished sheepishly, still staring straight ahead. “Nonetheless, I apologize. I should have minded my manners, and that was no way to treat a princess.”
“That was no way to treat a person,” you corrected immediately. 
“Yes, you’re right. I was terrible. I’m truly sorry.”
You watched him from the corner of your eye, not missing the way the moonlight highlighted his sharp profile. You found it difficult to resist his apology, particularly due to the sincerity that was so evident in his tone, but you didn’t say anything in return. Perhaps, you’d let him ramble on, giving you the opportunity to figure him out, and see if there was any way to convince him not to take you back. 
“It’s not about the money, you know,” the captain continued, running a hand through his hair, dishevelling it even further, and you resisted the urge to brush a wayward lock away from his face. “It’s been a terribly worrisome few weeks…and it’s all my fault. I should have been more cautious, less naive. Jongho was taken because of me. He’s imprisoned, out there all alone because of me. Who knows what they’re doing to him, and there is nothing at all that I can do.”
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, although you didn’t know what you were apologizing for. Somehow it felt like it was your fault. 
“It’s not your fault,” Hongjoong suddenly turned to you, his eyes heartbreakingly earnest, and you swore you could see the glint of tears in the moonlight before he blinked them away. “But, you understand why we have to take you back now, don’t you?”
You were taken aback by the intensity of his words, the desperation of a madman almost. 
“I’m not sure I—”
“The king…he said he’d return Jongho to us, if we found you and returned you to your kingdom. It’s the only way we’ll get him back. 
“The new king is a cruel man,” you spat bitterly. “There is no telling he’ll keep his word.”
“But I have to try,” Hongjoong continued desperately. “I owe it to Jongho to try. His life is worth at least that much.”
And what of my life? What is my life worth? 
You closed your eyes, trying to block out his words, guilt and bitterness warring inside of you. It wasn’t fair. None of this was fair. You didn’t ask to be a pawn in this terrible game of chess. You didn’t ask to be born into such a family. You just wanted to be happy, to be free. Were your dreams worth so little, were you that insignificant to the fates?
Hongjoong pulled away, composing himself and clearing his throat, “It seems I have upset you again. I am sorry.”
“Another apology?” you scoffed. 
“It seems I have many things to apologize for,” he laughed self-depreciatingly. “I am a man of many flaws, and these days there is little I can do right.”
“It wasn’t your fault either,” you blurted, feeling the sudden urge to comfort him. It was strange, you should have despised him, but you felt that you understood him in some way. And besides, it had always been in your nature to be the peacemaker, to always out the feelings of others before your own. 
“Of course it was. I was there. I watched them take him away and could do nothing about it.”
“The…your crew member’s captor. He is a cruel man. I am certain there was nothing you could have done to save him.”
It was Hongjoong who watched you carefully now, “Is that why you do not wish to return?”
You found yourself unable to answer him. There were no words to describe it. No way to speak the terrible things you had witnessed out loud, and if you did, you would only cause the captain further worry, as his crew member was still in the king’s possession. 
“You do not have to tell me, of course,” he amended quickly, finally stepping back to take his leave. “I shall let you get your rest, princess. I do hope you’re finding my bed to be far more comfortable than the floor.”
And then with a polite bow that seemed much too formal on one such as him, he was gone, leaving you to contemplate your pitiful existence. Unbeknownst to you, Hongjoong felt your burdens deeply as well. His brief conversation with you made him feel even more guilty, but there was nothing to be done. He had a duty to his crew, to protect them and do whatever it took to ensure their life and safety. His crew had to come before some foreign princess. Jongho had to come before you. There was nothing else to do about it. 
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The next morning you were pleasantly surprised to see that the door to Hongjoong’s chambers had been left unlocked again, and when you made your way to the deck early in the morning, no one stopped you. A few of the crew members nodded politely at you as you wandered the ship, and San even granted you a smile. Hongjoong, as usual, was nowhere to be seen, and briefly, you did wonder where he had managed to hole up when you had taken over his quarters. 
Over the next few days, you put your only plan into motion. You learned the names of every member of the crew, attentive in your endeavours. After your conversation with the captain, you realized that he wasn’t entirely cruel and that perhaps there was still hope. If you proved yourself to be a useful enough member of the crew, perhaps he’d let you stay. They were pirates after all, and surely, if they liked you enough, they’d manage to come up with a way to keep you as well as rescue their youngest crew member from the cruel king’s clutches. 
You helped Wooyoung in the galley, and Mingi with polishing the canons. You even offered to mop the decks; anything at all to remain useful. You had been schooled in the arts of diplomacy as a princess, but you found that you did not have to make a great effort to pretend to be interested in their tasks. You genuinely enjoyed hearing their stories as they amicably conversed, and watching them during the night, when despite the subdued air about them due to their missing member, there was a sense of camaraderie to them that you desperately yearned for. The way each of them cared and valued one another was truly astonishing, particularly to someone like you who had never before seen such friendships. 
Hongjoong’s relationship with them in particular awed you. You imagined a captain to be harsh and commanding with his crew, but Hongjoong was anything but. They obeyed him because they genuinely respected him, and valued what he had to say, and in return, he treated every single member aboard the ship with that same courtesy, everyone including you. Sometimes he’d flash you one of his charming smiles, as he’d go about his day, and you found yourself wishing to stay even more desperately. It felt almost pathetic, caring this much about a group of people who surely did not care for you. 
However, what you didn’t realize is that your desperate efforts had indeed endeared you to the crew, the captain most of all, and when the day arrived for the ship to dock at the harbour, the sky seemed overcast in shadow. 
It could be put off no longer. You had to be returned, and they would be reunited with their brother. You supposed you could beg, plead for them to let you stay, but if you were to bear what was to come, and their inevitable denial, you needed to hold on to whatever shred of dignity you had remaining. You would not cry, you would not say a word. With grace, you bid your goodbyes and hoped that you weren’t imagining it when the crew seemed almost sad to let you go. 
Perhaps they might remember you as they set sail on their next adventure. Perhaps your memory would receive the freedom your physical form could not. 
It was Hongjoong who led you to your castle, its towering spires no longer comforting. You held your head high, as the guards led you to the throne room where the usurper sat upon your father’s throne, wearing your father’s crown. To the side stood another three guards who held down a chained young man between them, beaten and bruised. Hongjoong’s fists clenched at the sight of him, so you imagined that this must be the infamous Jongho. 
“You have returned,” the king drawled, slowly descending the dais. “I did not think a pirate capable of it.”
“I am a man of my word,” Hongjoong stated through gritted teeth. 
“As am I,” the king gestured toward his guards who promptly let go of Jongho’s chains. “You may take your scoundrel and be gone.”
Before the king could reach you, and before Hongjoong could move toward Jongho, your hand shot out to grab his wrist. It was an unconscious movement, your body moving against your will. You had promised yourself to show dignity, you had promised that you would not beg, but you could not deny yourself this small act at least. 
Hongjoong looked at you in surprise, his heart hiccupping in his chest when he saw the tears pooling in your eyes. 
“Please,” you mumbled, fingers squeezing around his. “Please, don’t leave me.”
“I’m sorry.”
With great difficulty, he wrenched your hand away from his, lowering his gaze so that he did not have to watch as your expression plummeted at the act. He took measured steps toward Jongho, kneeling to help his crewmate stand, providing much-needed support to the injured man. 
You, on the other hand, swallowed bile as the king approached you slowly. When he was before you, he trailed a single finger down your cheek and you flinched, feeling sick. 
“I did miss you, you know,” he lamented. “You had to know, I’d do anything to have you back.”
Then he struck you. 
The blow was sharp, sending you sprawling to the floor with the force of it, but you pressed your lips together defiantly. You would not cry out. He would not get the satisfaction of watching you come undone. 
“Did you really think you could run away?” he snarled, grabbing you by the shoulder to haul you up. “There is nowhere that you could go to escape me. I would drag you back from the underworld if I had to, and if you are to meet death, it would only be by my hand.”
“You cannot command death,” you spat, despite the blood dripping from your lip. “Not even you are that powerful.”
“I commanded it just fine when I ended your family, and I can do the same to you if you do not silence yourself. We are to be married tomorrow, so I suggest you make your peace with it. There is nowhere to run anymore.”
Before you closed your eyes, your melancholy eyes met Hongjoong’s one last time as he strode out of the throne room, Jongho in tow. Despite everything, you could not bring yourself to hate him, and you hoped that perhaps he did not despise you that much after all. 
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It was well past midnight when you heard the knock on your door. You had been moved to one of the towers, a prisoner within the stone walls until your impending nuptials, so you most certainly were not expecting visitors. It could only be one person and your blood ran cold. Having to marry him tomorrow was one thing, but if you had to see him tonight, you would fling yourself out of the balcony that very instant. 
The knock came again, urgent and sharp. 
“Go away,” you whispered. “Please, please, please, go away. I’ll marry you, so please, just go away.”
Another knock and rage bubbled in your chest. How dare he impose himself on you like this. How dare he take and take from you until you had nothing more left to give. No, you would not stand for it, but before you could make a move, the door wrenched open and there stood the last person you expected to see again. 
The captain was out of breath, and there was a nasty cut on his forehead that bled into his eyes, but he seemed otherwise unharmed. He did not let you utter a word before grabbing your wrist and dragging you down the isolated hallway. A quick glance backward revealed the incapacitated guards that lay slumped at the threshold of your door and your brow furrowed in confusion. 
“Hongjoong, what are you—”
“I couldn’t leave you!” he blurted, still dragging you along, pausing every now and then to duck into a different alcove, or through some hidden passageway. “I couldn't bear to leave you behind.”
And it was true. The sight of you, teary eyes pleading with him as he walked away was the final straw. He would not have been able to live with himself if he had left you to the vile creature you were to marry, especially after seeing how he treated you. 
The two of you emerged into the dark night panting, the cool air soothing against the sting of tears in your eyes. 
“You came back for me?” you could hardly speak the words, lest they turned out not to be true.
“Of course, I came back for you. I had to!”
“We still have to hurry. They might not have noticed you are missing just yet, but they soon will, and when they do, we need to have set sail far away from here.”
Only when you had reached the docks did he let you pause, ducking into an abandoned alleyway to catch your breath. 
“But, the others…”
Hongjoong laughed, “In case you hadn’t noticed, they adore you. They may even like you more than me if I’m being entirely honest. No doubt, they’d have threatened mutiny if I did not bring you back.”
Your shoulders slumped, “So…you came back because of them?”
It was pathetic. You should have been grateful regardless, but you couldn’t help the stab of disappointment you felt. 
“No!” the captain frantically shook his head, taking your face in his hands ever so gently. “I came back because of you…because of me…because I could not bear not having you around. I came back because I had to.”
“And I am sorry I have been such a fool. I should have done something different, planned it so that you did not have to spend even a moment with that wretch of a man who does not deserve one such as you.”
He brushed away your tears, his thumb pausing at your split lip. 
“I’m alright,” you tried to put on a brave smile, but it came out more of a grimace, and he chuckled. 
“No, you are not. And you do not have to pretend to be. Not here, not with me, not ever again.”
And then he was kissing you. It was just a mere brush of his lips against yours as if he was afraid of hurting you further, but he tasted of freedom and possibility and something so distinctly right with the world, that it stole the very breath from your lungs. 
It was over all too soon, and then he was pulling you forward again, eager to return to his crew and to the net adventure that now awaited the both of you. 
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed this one. Comment to be added to the taglist. Comments/reblogs are highly appreciated, as I'd love to hear what yall think <3
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koolades-world · 11 months
The moment the om cast realized they fell in love with you (part three)
requested by a few people! here it is :)
He had been looking forward to the end of the week for what felt like hundreds of years now. He always wished it was the weekend, so that wasn't it. Although the thought of making every day Saturday was very tempting, Lucifer and Barbatos would not forgive him. What he really was looking forward to was his first one-on-one sleepover with Mc. Every time in the past they had happened to have a sleepover, everyone else was there. The brothers loved hogging Mc's attention. Not that he could blame them, though. He adored spending time with Mc. Just the fact that they agreed to come to the palace to spend time with him without the brothers present made him giddy. He wasn't sure if it was getting to have casual time with Mc and getting to learn human sleepover traditions.
When he initially suggested having a sleepover to Mc, it was because they mentioned having lots of fond memories when they were younger of sleepovers. It was only after the fact that he realized what he had just done. It didn't make him any less excited, but he felt more antsy about it. He had even worked extra hard and gotten more work done than he usually would to get Barbatos off his back for a night. Lucifer had even promised to keep his brothers away from them for the night so they could enjoy time together.
Mc had sworn to show him everything that humans younglings do at sleepovers, including doing each others nails and hair, throwing mini fashion shows, reading popular magazines, raiding the fright for midnight snacks, binge watching movies, and of course, playing games. He was looking forward to learning more about humans, but he found himself looking forward to spending time with Mc. He was always so busy, so this would be a rare opportunity.
The moment he heard Mc had finally arrived at the castle, he was scrambling to meet them at the door. Unfortunately Barbatos was too attentive for him, so he had to settle for meeting them in the grand hall. They were carrying a pink duffle bag that could barely close, something they borrowed from Asmo thanks to his name being embroidered across the side. They were dressed in pajamas, already prepared for the night. Mammon stood by their side, looking like he was ready to go out.
"Have fun, Mc. Let me know if ya wanna go home at any time. I'll come getcha even if it's three in the mornin'." He wrapped an arm around Mc's shoulders and side hugged them for a moment before letting go.
"I will. See you tomorrow. Stay safe, get home at a good time. Don't stay out too late." Mc patted Mammon's arm, and he reluctantly left after glancing at Barbatos, Diavolo, and Mc. Diavolo felt smug, but he wasn't sure why. There was no reason to be. He quickly let go of that feeling in favor of finally getting to spend time with Mc. "Hi Dia. Hi Barbatos." Mc waved to the prince and his butler.
"Please let me know if you need anything, My Lord. I'll be attending matters else where. Dinner will be done shortly." Barbatos excused himself.
"So, where are we sleeping?" Mc shifted the bag on their shoulder. Diavolo reached over and took it from them since it looked heavy.
"Well, would you be fine staying in my room? Of course, if you're uncomfortable, I can arrange something else-" Diavolo began to regret his earlier decision and grew anxious that Mc might not like it.
"I don't mind. That's part of a sleepover anyways!" Diavolo let out a mental sigh of relief. He should have known Mc would have been fine with it. They happily followed him through the castle, waving to Little Ds as they passed by. They arrived at his room eventually. He nervously opened the door. He had made sure it was extra clean before hand.
"Earlier today I went out shopping and bought loads of things I think you'll love! It wasn't easy to find some of this." They unzipped the duffle bag once they were in his room. Underneath the clothes and toiletries were an assortment of items. nail polish, various human board games, a Devil Switch that he recognized as Levithan's, and some magazines.
"Woah! You got all of this just for me?" Diavolo excitedly picked up a game box and shook it, listening to the pieces inside.
"I would say let's not start too much right now since Barbatos said dinner is almost done, but, I have another idea. A core part of a sleepover is ordering takeout! My favorite is Chinese and Thai, but pizza is more typical. Actually, do you even have that down here? I'm still not sure." Mc began removing the things they needed from their bag.
"Are you suggesting we... skip dinner?" Diavolo looked at Mc.
"Well, not exactly. We can still eat some, but just leave room for takeout later. I can't deny, Barbatos' cooking will be better." Mc nodded, with mischievous grin. Diavolo felt his heart skip at that smile; the smile they gave to everyone in the room. But, this time, it was all for him. It actually reminded him of the smile of an angel. He basked in their glory.
"Alright! You don't think he'll figure out, will he?" Dia questioned. Mc turned away from him, and when they turned back, he felt blasted by their smile again.
"Oh, there's no way he won't know. I don't think he'll stop us though as long as he eat a little. We can't waste his hard work, after all." Mc stacked the boxed games in a pile, placing the magazines on top of that. They pulled a laptop out of the bag and placed it with Devil Switch. He suddenly felt very stupid. He should have known that Barbatos would know, and probably knows right now.
He could blame the pounding in his chest for this forgetfulness. He always felt this way around Mc. He always managed to find a way to act afool around them. Before their arrival, he was always more put together and serious. Things were more chaotic now, but he wouldn't trade it for anything. He finally had someone to be less princely with, someone who would indulge his shenanigans. He would trade the fun with consequences for the boring days of paperwork any day.
Diavolo suddenly received a text from Barbatos telling him dinner was ready, and to bring Mc. "Barbatos says dinner is done and we should go down to eat." Mc looked up from their things.
"Alright. Let's go then." They began giggling as they left, leaving Diavolo to follow. They pretty knew their way around the castle from how often they were there. They excitedly told him everything they had planned for the rest of the night. He chimed in with all the questions he had, to which Mc answered diligently. Once they reached the grand dining room where Barbatos had set out their plates. Tonight was brushetta, dinner rolls, and a fancy looking pasta dish.
"Thank you Barbatos!" Mc thanked the demon. Despite saying they would not eat very much, they finished their entire plate. The entire meal, both Diavolo and Mc were chortling together to which Barbatos looked at them knowingly. As soon as the meal was over, they both thanked Barbatos again and scurried off quickly.
"First, we have to order the pizza, because we need to eat that before we do our nails, otherwise we might mess them up." Mc turned on their D.D.D. and placed the order online with Dia's opinion. As soon as the order was placed, Mc moved onto the next thing. Dia found it a little hard to keep up, but was excited. Time flew when he was with Mc.
First, the played a few human board games. They played Scrabble, Operation, and Life. Mc had brought more but they decided to stop early since they thought they might run out of time if they kept going. Their food arrived in the middle of the second game, so they ate as they played. After that, Mc insisted they do their nails and skincare. All the products they had were curtesy of Asmo. After using the products he knew he needed to get them for himself. After that, they played games on the Devil Switch that Levi had lent them. However, time seemed to slow when Mc brought out the magazines.
It wasn't the magazines themselves. Mc had brought a few choices, just in case Diavolo wasn't in the mood to read one of them. Mc recommended one fashion magazine to him, but he found himself lost in several places, so Mc suggested they read it together. What he wasn't expecting was for them to climb into his lap. They began flipping through the magazine in his hands, pointing at things on the pages, but all he could focus on was Mc on his lap. No other real thoughts went through his head. Luckily for him, Mc didn't notice and eventually, he was able to pay attention to what they were saying.
He felt warm with all the feelings buzzing inside him. At one point, he thought they might leave him, but they just leant far enough to grab their laptop. They pulled up Deviltube to put on a movie. Again, the entire time, the only thing he could focus on was Mc. Mc was so trusting and kind to him. They had been nothing but the best to him. He just couldn't place what he was feeling for them. It felt oddly familiar. As Mc leant back into his chest, he suddenly realized what that feeling was. He sat on it for a while as the movie played in the background.
"Mc?" Diavolo whispered after the movie was over. Mc didn't respond. He tilted his head and realized they were asleep. He smiled and tucked a blanked over the both of them. Now he was just left with his love for Mc and where he might go from there.
Barbatos carefully set up the tea table for two. He was expecting Mc over at the castle that evening, just after dinner. He would have preferred before dinner in order to steal them away from the brothers for longer, but this still worked. He has to make sure everything was just perfect, for them.
He made sure the tea he made was the kind the liked and all the little snacks were their favorite. He has grown to have them as his favorite too, since it reminded him of them. He thought the little set up for two was quite cute after looking back at his work.
“Barbatos! Mc is here!” A little D called out to him. He quickly stopped rearranging the table cloth. Was it really that time already? He grew slightly embarrassed at losing track of time and not being there in person to greet them.
“Thank you. You are most appreciated.” He made sure he was put together before heading to the door.
“Barb! So happy to see you!” Mc smiled at him as soon as he opened the door and practically tackled him into a hug. He chuckled and patted their back.
“Hell, Mc. It’s a delight to see you as well.” Mc took a step back to look him in the eyes.
“I have something for you!” They rocked on the heels as they presented him with a little gift bag that had a cute little label that said “for Barbatos.” He felt his heart begin to race at how giddy they looked.
“How thoughtful of you.” He accepted the gift and met Mc’s expecting eyes.
“Well, what are you waiting for? Open it! I’m excited to see what you think.” They giggled. He carefully pushed aside the tissue paper to reach what was underneath. Inside, was a few small bags of tea was labels he didn’t recognize. “It’s tea from the human world! I figured you must have tried pretty much all of them by now, but when I went to the human world the other day, I couldn’t help but wander into that shop and think of you.” They clasp their hands together, swinging them around.
“Thank you very much. It smells lovely. You always know exactly what to give as gifts.” He found himself lost in their happy grin.
“If you like them, we can go to the human world together. I remember the name of the shop. I think you would like it in there.” They flipped over one of the small bags to reveal the name of the shop hand written on the back.
“That sounds wonderful. We must do that.” Despite how collected he looked, on the inside he was scrambled. Mc invited him to the cute little tea shop. As… a date? Was he thinking too far into this? They both enjoyed tea, that’s all. Surely that wasn’t their intention.
“Let me know what you think. I tried the green tea, and that one in particular reminded me of you.” They showed him a different bag of a green, almost silvery colored tea with various little pearls of some kind mixed in.
“You really are the most endearing human I have ever met.” He held the bag up to the light, watching as the light eddied and danced around it.
“I’m glad you like it.” Mc smiled nervously. He felt himself begin to melt at their precious smile.
“Let me go drop this off in kitchen, then we will be off to our tea. Please excuse me for a moment.” Barbatos bowed and turned to leave the room. As he left. He heads Mc saying goodbye. He wasn’t sure what they would do while he was gone, but he needed a moment to regather himself.
He placed the tea with the rest, leaving the little gift bag on the counter for later. He glanced in a nearby mirror for a moment. He looked as he usually did. Nothing was amiss with his appearance. It was always perfect. Despite this, he still fixed his hair and shirt. He took a deep breath and made his way back to where he left Mc.
When he reentered the room, he couldn’t find Mc at first. He grew nervous. Had they left him? Was it something he said? However, the situation had no time to escalate. He heard Mc just down a nearby hall, conversing with a Little D.
“Sometimes, I don’t know what to do with Mammon. Maybe Lucifer will let us do a trade! You’re both yellow.” Mc laughed. He has heard that laughter about a million times now, but he never grew tired of it, and how gorgeous is sounded. When he pushed open the door a little more, he saw Mc on the ground. Barbatos rushed over to check on them, just in case something might be wrong.
“Hi! Sorry I wandered off a little. Just helping #2.” Barbatos looked at what was in their hands. They were holding a dust pan flat against the ground. Little D #2 was holding the matching brush and pushing some debris into the pan.
“You are a guest here. Please do not feel obligated to help out around here.” Barbatos knelt beside them to take the dust pan.
“I wanted to! I love #2. I just happened to see them here, and lent a hand since this is what they were doing. You know me. I hate standing around while those I love are hard at work.” Mc placed a hand on his shoulder. At first, he was unsure about how to feel about what they said. Then, he felt a little jealous that Mc had admitted they loved Little D #2. It was stupid of him to be, and he knew it was more of a parental love (even though #2 was much older than Mc). But he couldn’t help it.
Barbatos got back up and watched as Mc finished cleaning with #2, musing over his thoughts. He replayed their words in his head over and over again. Maybe he was looking too deep into it, but he still grew hopeful. Maybe Mc loved him too. Mc always found a way to interrupt his cleaning duties and take them over. He still found it odd that even though they were just a human and were limited on everything that he wasn’t, such as energy and time, they still went out of their way to reduce his work load.
He waved these thoughts away. He was most definitely looking into it too much. “If that’s what you so wish, I will not stop you. If you’re done here, may we proceed to our tea?” Barbatos offered his arm to them once they stood up. He hoped they would take it.
“We may! You’re such a gentleman.” They giggled and accepted his offer. They leant close to him, placing their head on his shoulder. “Bye #2! Nice seeing you!” As Mc waved to the Little D, Barbatos led them to the tea table he set up. He was so giddy at how close they were to him. It felt nice to have them all to himself. It felt good to not have to compete with the brothers or His Majesty.
While he would never admit it, he was always unsettled of sorts that Mc might choose someone else and never return to him. He wasn’t sure how to describe the feeling despite living for as long as he had. He recognized the underlying reason behind all of his bubbling emotions when he was around Mc. It has been so long since he felt like he loved someone they way he did Mc. But he wasn’t willing to admit it, not yet, at least.
The whole way to tea, Mc talked his ear off. Barbatos enjoyed listening to their chatter. He felt like he could listen to it forever. He chimed in at their request, as when they asked questions and such. When they finally reached the cute tea table he had set up, he proudly presented it to them.
"Barb! You shouldn't have! You're so sweet! This is adorable. You remembered my favorites too!" Mc squealed and did a couple little happy hops. They pulled Barbatos into another tight hug. Before they pulled away, however, they gave him a peck on the cheek. He felt himself seize up, his arms frozen around them. Mc didn't notice, as they continued shaking him around joyfully.
If he had felt this before, he surely would have remembered it. He had felt love before, but it hadn't been nearly this strong. The love he had for Mc had him in a tight chokehold. Despite him working hard everyday, nobody appreciated him as much as Mc did. Every little thing he did for Mc did not go unnoticed and they always tried to take some of the work off his back. They always said thank you, which even Lord Diavolo and Lucifer couldn't even match. Once they let him go, he tucked them into their seat and let them pour about how amazing his work was to him.
"Awwww, you even iced my name on the little treats! Next time, you should come to the House of Lamentation, so I can do the same for you! It won't be this but I want to do the same for you." Those words are what finally sealed the coffin. He was most definitely in love with the person across from him. Nobody ever did anything for him. He found himself sad once their time together was over. He insisted on walking them home, so he could keep them safe and enjoy a little more time with them. He had always taken time for granted despite being the one to understand it to the fullest. Now, he treasured every second.
"Thank you Barb. I really had so much fun. I hope you enjoy the tea." Mc leant in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. It was like the one from before, but this one was more deliberate, and lingered.
"It was my pleasure. Please feel free to stop by the castle anytime. We will have to arrange another gathering shortly." He felt himself avoiding eye contact. Mc was the only person with the ability to make him nervous.
"We should! See you tomorrow." They waved to him. Before they shut the door, he saw Lucifer greeting them. He turned to walk away, but before he was out of view from the window, he glaced back. He saw Mc enthusatically waving him goodbye. He waved back with a warm smile.
Once he got back to the castle, he stared down the gift bag. He admired their handwriting on the tag. He found himself almost reluctant to return to his work. He took the little bag to his room and tucked it away in a drawer. He touched his cheek, and sighed. He couldn't wait for tomorrow.
@mona-aiko sorry I took so long!
will do the next part for sol, thirteen, mephisto and simeon!
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jinwoosungs · 1 month
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reader inserts.
jinwoo sung x fem.reader
warnings: pure crack and fluff 🥰
anonymous said: Ever just thought about Jinwoo finding reader reading an Jinwoo x reader fic? Cuz like he's a famous hunter, got good looks, and all so there's bound to be fanfics in solo leveling and then she's trynna exit the tab/app she was reading it on cuz she got caught😆
|| out of time, feat. s. jinwoo
- now i can't keep you from loving her, you made up your mind. -
rain was falling from the sky, painting your world in melancholic hues. as you allowed your forlorn gaze to look out the window from your bedroom was when you heard the familiar chime coming from your phone.
and it was at this moment that you received a text from your boyfriend, telling you to come meet him at the usual café you both tended to frequent at.
you didn’t think about how it was strange that jinwoo didn’t tell you he had finished his mission and came back home to your shared apartment-
you didn’t even think about how it had been literal weeks since you had last heard his voice-
for upon seeing his text for the first time in what seemed like months, all you could feel was a sense of relief and joy.
so your heart began to pound with anticipation, feeling the pinpricks of happiness start to fill your veins as you prepared yourself to meet him-
however, you couldn’t deny the undertones of anxiety you felt at the same time.
after all, this was the first time you had heard from your boyfriend in three months. sure, you saw him on the news that detailed all the raids he had taken part in. the invasion began several months ago, with numerous gates surrounding the city of seoul, and he, along with all the other s-ranked hunters, had been called to action.
but there was just one tiny problem-
hunter cha hae-in was also part of that roster, and that made you feel all the more scared and anxious.
during the three months that jinwoo spent away from you, hunter cha had always been close by-
acting almost like his second shadow as they raided each gate. and each time the news and paparazzi would catch a glimpse of them exiting the gate together, you swore that your eyes could see them holding hands.
throughout his 90 day absence, you convinced yourself that he was simply being courteous with hae-in; that they were just hunters working towards a similar goal-
nothing more, and nothing less.
yet when his nightly calls and daily texts seemed to steadily dwindle down with each passing day, you knew deep down in your heart that something was amiss. your heart no longer felt the warmth of jinwoo’s presence, and each time you looked down at your shadow to see not a single, glowing eye peering back at you-
you knew that deep down, jinwoo’s love had gone stale for you.
your mind rationalizes that it was over before it even began-
but your heart still held on to hope.
which was why you were left running out into the rain, making your way towards the café jinwoo had mentioned. you had hoped that this was a means of jinwoo begging you for forgiveness; for unintentionally ignoring you during those arduous three months he had left you to deal with the various gates-
that he still loved and needed you despite what all the rumors had said pertaining to cha hae-in and him.
yet the moment you entered the coffee shop and had already seen jinwoo settled at your usual table, you felt your heart stop at the mere sight of him.
he was dressed in his usual turtleneck and dark jeans, grey eyes seeming to look down with amusement as he kept texting someone on his phone all while smiling at the screen.
while he was texting, you became achingly aware of how not a single notification was heard coming from your phone-
which had to be more than enough proof that he was speaking to someone else, for the only text you had received from him was the one asking you to come and meet him.
don’t be stupid; you’re just feeling anxious than usual. just… just go up and talk to him already!
so you harden your resolve and take a step forward. jinwoo, sensing you and seeing you from his periphery, quickly pocketed his phone while giving you a wry smile-
a smile that didn’t seem to reach his eyes like it normally would upon seeing you. he greets you by calling out your surname, and he didn’t seem to catch his mistake-
but you did.
even when he stood up to hug you, his embrace was awkward and stiff; his arm felt like deadweight to you as it remained utterly devoid of any warmth. he couldn’t even try to maintain such an embrace, already gently shoving you aside while gesturing for you to sit across from him.
you give him an almost robotic nod, taking a seat across from him as an awkward expression paints jinwoo’s handsome features. even now, when you were certain that your relationship with the hunter was on the cusp of destruction, you still found him to be utterly beautiful to you-
“listen, there’s no easy way to tell you this, but first and foremost, i have to admit that this isn’t your fault. that people fall out of love all the time…”
his admission truly was like a knife to your heart, twisting it painfully within your chest as you struggled to even breathe.
“you’re a lovely woman, and you’ve given me the best three years of my life-“
“but i’m not her, is that what you’re trying to hint at?” you quickly cut him off, a sob escaping from your parted lips, betraying your true emotions at this very moment.
yet you refused to let the way the guilt twist his features sway the absolute hurt and devastation you felt.
“how could you do this to me? especially when knowing how… how inferior i felt to her! a-and now, you just confirmed each and every one of my fears!”
“i had loved you when you had nothing; when you were nothing- and this is how you repay me? by throwing me away while running into HER ARMS?! you are the worst, sung jinwoo, and i hate you so much!”
you stand from your seat, eyes filling with tears as it made it difficult to see jinwoo’s expression. not even giving him a chance to speak, you ran out into the storm, hearing the rumbling of thunder as the saltiness of your tears were mixed in with the needle-like rain.
as you felt the rain seep into the fabric of your clothes, your heart feeling like it was being ripped apart from the confines of your chest-
deep down, you wished that jinwoo would come out in the rain and comfort you, seeing your pain while realizing that you were the woman that loved him all along as he brought you within his embrace, apologizing to you and telling you how much he didn’t mean it-
but as you continued to stay beneath the downpour, with not a single ounce of warmth surrounding you, you knew that sung jinwoo had already made his choice when he left you out here in the cold and unforgiving rain.
your relationship with him had run out of time after all…
{ … }
the gasps felt coming from your parted lips came from the genuine tears that streamed down your face as you read your favorite author’s latest work, feeling as though your heart was being ripped into two.
the pain was so fresh, so potent that you liked / sent kudos to the story all while commenting on this wonderfully written masterpiece. while exploring tumblr / ao3, you had found yourself in the mood for angst, one that spoke of unrequited love as jinwoo fell out of love with you-
yet perhaps this story seemed to serve your craving a little too well.
after you sent your comment, you nearly dropped your phone when jinwoo himself bursts out of the kitchen with a look of concern in his eyes. “sarang, what happened? i was going to call you, letting you know that dinner was ready, when i heard you crying.”
mortification was felt coursing through your very veins as you tried to hide the app / website away from him. in your panicked state, you kept sputtering out excuses, trying to hide your phone-
only to end up dropping your device on the ground. before you could even stop jinwoo from taking your phone, he already held the slender device within his hand, grey eyes scanning through the contents of the story you had just finished reading.
“unrequited love; jinwoo x reader; jinwoo x hae-in; angst no comfort- sarang, no way…! you’re into this silly stuff!?”
you could feel the heat dye against your cheeks when you weakly reached out to him, trying to take away your phone from him. you swore, you felt like dying when he kept looking at your phone, actually reading each passage of the insert out loud.
“…your relationship with him had run out of time after all…”
only when he finishes reading did he finally relent, allowing you to take back your phone. with you distracted, jinwoo wraps his arms around your front, earning a light squeak from you as he takes a seat on the couch while placing you in his lap.
a teasing smile paints his stupidly handsome features, and he was drawing comforting circles behind your back while calling out to you, “sarang…?”
you could feel his nose now tracing at your hair, inhaling your scent, but you were too embarrassed to say anything to him. instead, you stubbornly looked away from him, allowing the heat to travel across your cheeks as your skin continued to burn in response for getting caught in the midst of your guilty pleasures.
“why did you wish to agonize and torture yourself like this when you know that this will never happen? that i will always love you, no matter what.” he asks you, but this time while placing a hand beneath your chin. his grey eyes were sparkling with amusement for you, yet still, he comforted you, running his hands through your hair as he waited for your response.
all you could manage was a weak shrug, “uhm… it’s hard to explain b-but, i actually like reading all these inserts that you have. so many fans respect and adore you so much that they spend time writing about you.”
he rolls his eyes while gently poking at your cheek. “and truly, i don’t mind such fan content, since it’s purely fiction- however…”
jinwoo grips at your chin in an even tighter manner just then, “it’s a problem when it manages to upset you.”
“ah, no really, don’t get mad! it’s just the fans’ way of venting and coping, knowing that they cannot date you, so instead of being a crazed and stalking you, they simply write out their daydreams. it’s harmless fun, and r-really i was searching for something angsty to read!”
you defended all the fan fiction writers that existed, knowing that even cha hae-in and choi jong-in had their own fanfictions and inserts as well. now that you were out of the miserable world the story had painted and was currently settled within jinwoo’s warm embrace, admittedly, you felt better.
jinwoo sighs, letting out a groan of your name while brushing his nose against yours, “in that case, how about i make up a story right now to help you feel better?”
he sits back on the couch, bringing you even closer to his chest as you let out the sounds of light giggles. smirking at your laughter, he lets out a hum before beginning his own story.
“once upon a time, the man known as the weakest hunter fell in love with a girl that was pretty much his best friend…”
(“silly woowoo, inserts don’t start out like a fairytale!”)
(“hush, it’s our fairytale.”)
jinwoo clears his throat before continuing, “so this girl was pretty much the love of his life, bringing him absolute joy whenever she was around. he thought he could never change, become better for her, but thanks to a series of circumstances and the way he kept on wishing on falling stars for his dream to come true-
it worked.
no longer was he a man that could not protect the woman he loved. now, he was able to face his own personal trials and tribulations while always keeping the girl in the forefront of his mind. he no longer felt helpless and insecure when standing by her side… he became the man he knew she always wanted and needed…
and now, when the hunter found out how silly his lover was being, reading stories about him instead of realizing that the real deal was better than some fake daydream, he couldn’t help but laugh and tease her!”
he finishes his story with a rich chuckle, making your pout deepen as you began hitting at his chest with your hands folded in a fist, “jinwoooo, stooooppp! you’re just making fun of me now!”
instead of replying to you with words, jinwoo leans in closer to you, pressing a kiss against your pouty lips while still chuckling. “sorry, sarang, you’re just so cute that i couldn’t help but tease you a little.”
basking in your sputtering words, he casually picks you up, taking you into the dining room as he had every intention of spoiling you tonight. first with some of his delicious dinner, then later, with the proof of his pure love and devotion he had for you and you alone…
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a.n. - lmaooo reader is the equivalent of “you cheated on me in my dreams, and now i’m mad at you 😡” 😂😂😂😂 this was so much fun to write, and yes, i made up that “angsty insert” at the start.
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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running-with-kn1ves · 8 months
Orc x Kidnapped human reader (Gender neutral)
A/N: Literally NO ONE asked for this but I kept seeing all those shrek/swamp romance tiktoks and got inspired to do some orc stuff. Man I love orcs... like big dumb bugs personified. (also ignore the experimental latin pet names idk what im doing)
CW: Kidnapping, forceful holding, arson, raiding, kind of just angst fluff?
Word count: 2600
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You knew the excitement of your life would never move past the blandness of day-in day-out work to survive, not as one without any bestowed or taught brow-raising talents that could lift you away from the mundane daily life you held in the wispy fields of the woodlands. 
As a realist you concurred that you’d never be the breadwinner in your family, maybe not the strongest when hauling crops, or the smartest when it came to solving passed down arithmetic equations from your cousins’ old school books. But as a child you always took comfort in the thought ‘at least I won’t be chained down, won’t be tied to some ugly pig farmer for a couple shillings.’ Your family valued you that much; well-- your working hands, that much. ‘One more body is one more mouth to feed’ you were told time and time again, but you pulled your weight and then some. 
You had little time to think outside of planting, weeding, bathing and eating. Meals and getting rid of the dirt covering your soles that you were scolded for after hours of being in the damp pastures were the only down time you had to yourself, not surrounded by the screaming nieces and nephews you were expected to take care of when the elder of your family members eventually passed from whatever disease ran rampant in the village the coming winter. You prepared your life, prepared for taking care of others and continuing your hard work in growing what you needed to survive, and selling what you didn’t. 
Unfortunately, that humdrum future was wiped out by swirling flames and the braying of stallions of mountainous size. They came in, trampling the greening cranberry bush you were planning to keep all to yourself, and the cabbages your family would have relied on for meals for the next two months before winter fell. 
Persimmon trees were burnt to crispy thorned stumps, the lush of your family’s acres now shredded to flecks of dead grass and muddy hoof prints, along with humanoid footsteps far too large to resemble any of the humans or disfigured hybrids in your teensy rural hamlet. Who were these unwelcomed strangers, the enormous creatures of the night that disrupted the only human civilization for miles around? You remained clueless for the entirety of being ripped out of your bed, continuing to be hauled over some olive-colored shoulder and thrown into a sack on the back of a wagon. 
“This one.” You heard, right before your dirty finger nails were pulled away from your twin beds fading sheets you desperately tried to keep. You had even managed to bring a small, lumpy pillow along with you, the creature that slung you over their shoulder leaving no assumption of a notice. You witnessed the still-burning remnants of your frail thatched home, as the silhouette of a muscular man lowered a flamed stick to its leftovers. 
The entirety of the bumpy ride to wherever your captors were bringing you to, you could only think of the fires holding onto the greenery of your land, of the dirt and rubble and smoke that clawed at your feet when you tripped into the wagon, burnt air choking you as a baby screamed out for its mother. 
Hours must’ve passed before you were brought into this musky, dank room with other fading faces from your village, but it only felt like a few moments ago that you heard the crackling of a fiery tree crushing rows of perking crops. 
The snapping of fingers nearly as grimy as your own blocked your recollection of clouded smoke and angry flames, bringing your attention back to the leather hut you sat domestically within. It was damp and dark inside, the light of torches outside being the only form of light. That, and the reflection of the metal on the warrior in front of you. He turned back, thumbing toward you as he looked at a similar creature.
“Agh, its no use, practically fucking deaf this one. Sure you don’t want one of the mothers?” 
The other orc slapped his fellow warrior on the shoulder with a hearty laugh. 
“No, my friend. Besides, sweet things’ only other option is Brutus. Don’t think he could last with one of these poor creatures without splitting it in two; ‘specially this one.” 
You were suddenly and acutely aware of the orcs conversation, now that your fate was being so clearly decided in front of you. 
The first, far sootier orc patted his fellow brethren on the chest as he turned away with a look that showed he was hardly convinced. Yet, he still walked out of the tented hut, ducking slightly to fit under it. 
You watched him leave, feeling a sense of relief as the threat had been removed. And yet, there was still one so prevelantly in front of you. 
“Hey there.” A guttural, almost faltering voice murmured to you. 
Eyes growing wide, you gripped harder onto the smushed pillow in your lap, instinctively leaning your upper body backward to get away from the orcish face right in front of you. 
“I’m not going to hurt you,” The orc gruffed, falling to a crouch as he watches you slide to the edge of the hut’s leather wall. “Just wanna see you up close.”
He consumed the entirety of your fearful attention, his existence like a heavy weight in the room as the quiet tension aimed at him. You pushed your head painfully against a wood pole behind the leather walls, trying to morph your body any distance away that would provide you a miniscule fraction of comfort. But none came, especially not when a sudden warm finger pushed into your cheek. The green thumb pulled your upper lip, showing the ends of your teeth. Your other cheek smushed into your eye as the orc did the same to the other side, observing your poor excuse for chompers compared to his large, well-groomed tusks. 
“Guess these’ll do. You can atleast chew meat, right?” he pulled your jaw open gently, making your lips part. “Don’t wanna have to feed you like a baby bird; though, that wouldn’t be the worst of troubles.” 
You slapped his hand away, grimacing at the idea of being fed by this beast-creature. 
“I can eat perfectly fine.” You grumble, noticing how stiff the orcs arm was, still holding out beside your face as it rests dejected. “What does that matter, aren’t you going to eat me anyway?”
You keep a frown on your face, glaring up at the crouched brute. 
He let out a hearty laugh, those around you turning away from their miserable memories to face the strident disturbance. 
“So cute, as if you’d be enough to feed an orcling!” He let out another chestful of a laugh, grabbing at your cheek this time with a pinch. “My little to-be spouse, I knew you’d be worth the trouble.”
Wincing in pain, your fingers came up to try and pry his rough, printless thumb off your salty skin. 
“So adorable,” He throatily squealed, dragging you closer by the cheek to stumble into his chest. The only thing covering the caverned flesh of deep holes and ravined slices in his skin were straps of bull leather, and the furs of cottontails sewn to form a thin shawl around his bulky shoulders. 
He smelled of a foreign musk, the slight piquant scent of his skin being swallowed in by your nostrils as your lips smushed against the dip in the middle of his chest. Something sharp poked into the side of your face as you were held tightly against the orc, making you muffle against him to let you go. 
“You’re right you’re right; we should have some privacy-- and you, should get a chance to see your new home. My home.” He huffed against your ear, humid breath making your neck sweat as tusks touched the top of your head. “Name’s Xerxes, don’t forget it-- make sure you tell it to any orcs that try n’ talk to you.”
“Wait now--” Your aimed attempt of protesting was cut wrongly short by the sudden grab of your ankles, Xerxes beginning to stand back up as he dragged you with him. Before you knew it you were upside down, hollering as fat fingers made their way around your tibia. A shoulder jutted into your soft stomach, throat heaving as Xerxes began to move. You saw your lone pillow left on the ground, growing farther away as the large legs belonging to your captor moved from below your vision.
With every huge step he took, the harsh necklaces of teeth (which you prayed belonged to animals) dug into your side-- huh, so that must’ve been what was scraping against your face earlier. They clinked together as he walked, his body so rigid and unorthodox that he made a sound whenever he moved, whether it be a snorted grunt or the stomp from his feet, or the shift of his clothes and sheathed weapons. 
Xerxes didn’t open the leather flap of the hut sahe carried you out, walking straight as it brushed across your head. You shut your eyes in an unavoidable flinch, but the orc hardly noticed as he adjusted you on his shoulder, grabbing right below your thighs to hold you steady. 
The brilliant idea of beating and scratching his back enough to get free was so enticing you were on the brink of trying it-- but the orc standing outside the hut you just left, the unfamilliar darkness of the grasslands surrounding you, made you think twice. 
And just like that, your world spun and you were tossed inside what must’ve been another tent, a blur of oranges from fiery torches and grey browns of animal hide entering your vision. Something soft hit your back as you let out an ‘oof!’ from the depths of your chest. 
You scrambled to get back up, alert now that you were thrown in some different environment. But as you clambered to look around, whipping your head from side to side, all you saw were reddish walls of leather and two warm torches, along with the occasional spread of a map or a scribed foreign language.
This tent was much smaller than the last, not meant for a community to rest in. Instead, it was about the snug and spacious size of a room for only one to sleep in. The softness of hairs touched your palms, layers upon layers of furs covering beneath you to create a small lump of a warm, makeshift bed. 
“Look at this,” An excited, guttural voice begged of you. “Been keeping it since forever; saw it in some… abandoned goblin grotto, once. Couldn’t help but take it with me as a memento. As soon as I saw it, I just knew it’d be the perfect gift for my future amasiuncula.”
You could taste the lie on your tongue, as if it was thick in the air once he spoke it. Orcs didn’t just ‘find’ things, the destruction of your teensy village showed you that much. But that didn’t matter, not when the piercing blue of a silk fabric dazzled at you. Why, you had never seen something so plush in your life. It was surely just a base blanket-like piece likely once spooled for the future of becoming some sort of clothing or undergarment; it was still so silkenly smooth nonetheless. Your fingers traced the perfect fabric, its sensation nothing you had ever felt in your years of living as a farming peasant. The softest thing you’d ever touched were the baby calfs your far neighbors had bred into existence. 
“See how soft it is?” Xerxes said with a slight sputter, bringing the silk to your cheek. “Like a cloud… it’s yours. My engagement present.”
You looked back up at him bewildered. “Engagement?” 
“A present. Orc tradition is to offer a gift of richness; the wealthiest thing I could get my hands on.” He covered you in the silk, wrapping your shoulders in it as he pulled you from the furs to his bare lap. You would’ve resisted given the chance, but the orc smugly kept the silk around your arms, bringing the other side of it to wrap around you, pulling it tight; you could hardly move yourself now, shoved in this warm softness of a cocoon; it frightened you. But the tusks pressed against your cheek, chewed lips touching your temple as a tongue gently poked out to swiftly press against your skin, made you fear something else more. “Always wanted a human..” The orc exhaled, audibly sniffing in the scent of your hair. “Been looking for a good once for a while now. One that’ll be nice and docile, a sweet little foal for me to enjoy--” 
You slid your arms against the suffocating silk that was beginning to build heat. “I don’t think i’m what you’re looking for, besides I’m not--”
“Oh but you are,” Xerxes cut you off, leaning his orcish face close to yours to make you look at him. “So.. soft, your skin is like obsidian smoothed and frosted by the tumbling of waves of the sea, so polished and spotted I can’t help but want to keep it in between my fingers.”
Beads hung low by his neck, attached to rings of metal that pierced large holes in his pointed ears. The black and silver balls that dangled would jingle when he moved his head to get a better look at you, along with the wire and metal ornaments wrapped around the braids in his hair. Despite the undercut he fashioned (that you could see better now), a great mane of thick brown hair traveled to his shoulders, tickling your neck as he squeezed you closer. You felt almost like a baby, swaddled and pressed close to his large beating heart that thumped against your shoulder. 
“And oh your dainty little fingers and toes, when I saw them peeking from your bedsheets I knew grabbing them with would be no mistake.”
The orc nuzzled into you with his flat nose, warmth spreading against your cheeks as his sunken face created friction. You always sort of thought your fingers were quite round, your toes a little mishappen, but compared to him, your entirety was merely like a child’s straw doll’s. 
“I don’t want to marry you!” You blurted, freezing as the orc kept himself nestled against you. “I wanna go home, I want to go back to my bed and forget this-- I'm not some little trinket to mate with!"
Xerxes gave you a look. It was so smushy, an embarrassed grin like some pubescent boy watching his crush undress. It was perverted, so snickeringly crude as he bit his lip at the word "mate."
Ahh, he heard his fellow warriors, his chief in command even, discuss their "mates" with lustful wonder and candied eyes that danced with images of their beloved, their spouse. He had never had a person, never had a soft warm thing at night to hold, for him to bully himself into; it was hard to contain the joy inside of him, even with your rapid repeating of "no no no!"
"Mate…" He repeated. 
"I said NOT to--"
"But you said it; and now… I can't get it out of my head, dulcis." Xerxes was snug against your wiggling chest, pressing his freckled cheek against yours to make your lips pucker. He was unbelievably, fiery warm, with a heat under his skin that you wondered was just a layer of embers. 
The mixture of the orcs body heat and the humid equinox night made sweat cling to your dirty skin, the satin coddling you now feeling stickier.  “Now, I s’pose its time we get you looking like a proper orc, smelling like one too. Like me,” Xerxes pressed his tusked mouth below your ear, protruding lips pressing a deep, slightly nipping kiss to below the corner of your jaw. “Get rid of this disgusting… exhilarating human stench.”
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penkura · 18 days
knowing [6/8]
Summary: Sanji knew you were the one the moment he met you.
Pairing: Sanji x Reader
Warnings: None really. Normal One Piece stuff I guess.
Note: Its Whole Cake Island time!! :') This arc made me cry, I really like it at a lot. Sanji finding his raid suit is different than the canon, because I forgot how he found it. :)
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[Ch. 1] ● [Ch. 2] ● [Ch. 3] ● [Ch. 4] ● [Ch. 5]
Arriving at Zou with the rest of your crew, you wanted nothing more than to see Sanji, hug Nami, and take a nap on Sunny. Bartolomeo's crew and ship were fine, but they weren't your home or family, it was hard for you to sleep without Sanji nearby and knowing Nami wasn't directing the ship and knew exactly where you were going. A few times you were afraid Bartolomeo's navigator was going to get you all lost on your way but eventually you made it, climbing up after everyone else and sticking close by Robin once you'd made it to the top.
The Minks eventually helped bring you back to everyone else, but Nami hugged you tightly after she'd hugged Luffy, whispering an apology that confused you.
"Nami, what–"
"Sanji's gone, I'm sorry. I couldn't…couldn't stop it."
Your head was starting to spin, you couldn't get any words out. Nami took your hand and dragged you away to the room the Minks had let her stay in, she explained everything.
Capone Bege's crew had shown up saying something about being there to retrieve Sanji, an arranged marriage between him and one of Big Mom's daughters being the cause. Nami told you even Sanji was shocked, but he chose to go with them to settle things and return to you all. He'd told her, Chopper, and Brook he never meant to hide anything from you all, and made her promise to give you a note he'd quickly written, which she did after she finished explaining, hugging you again while you sat frozen in place.
Sanji was being forced into an arranged marriage and you hadn't even been there to go with him or to stop him from going. The way it sounded, he wouldn't have even let you go with him, but you would have fought to do so. But, what did this mean for you two and your relationship? Only three of your crew members knew, what if he decided to stay and marry this girl, to leave you? Zoro and Nami would probably kill him if he did so and broke your heart, but you had faith in Sanji. You were certain he'd return to you, to the Straw Hats in general.
You were his family, not whoever these people who were forcing him into marriage were.
Nami left you alone a few minutes later so you could process what was happening and read the small note from Sanji, even though it ended up making you cry and hate yourself for staying in Dressrosa while he went to Zou.
[Y/N], my love,
I WILL come back to you. I'm not going to marry anyone that ISN'T you, I swear.
A while later, you heard a knock on the door that woke you from the small nap you'd fallen into. Thinking it was Nami, you didn't bother to check and told whoever it was to come in, being slightly surprised to see it was Zoro.
Not that surprised though, he'd made it clear to everyone, by his actions, that he thought of you like an older sister, and wanted to be sure you were all right.
"You okay? You never came down after Nami."
Sitting up a bit, you nodded and started brushing your fingers through your hair. You didn't want to talk much about the stuff going on with Sanji, but figured Zoro knew that when he came over and sat beside you.
"That idiot cook is in love with you, he's not gonna marry that girl."
"I know that." You passed the note over to Zoro, not caring if he read it. He did so quickly before handing it back to you, making you wonder if he really did read it or if he didn't care enough about Sanji to bother. Zoro, instead, ended up pulling you to him, which made you start to cry again. Not at all his intention, but you were so tired, physically and emotionally, that you couldn't help it. You'd been so looking forward to seeing Sanji, the last two years had been long enough away from him; now he was gone and on his way to try and get out of an arranged marriage, leaving you behind without being able to say anything in person.
Zoro was the only one who knew about Sanji's intentions to marry you. About the ring he'd bought in Dressrosa for you. There was no way he was going to let some stupid arranged marriage keep you two from getting married. Zoro knew that.
"You're going with them. Nami, Luffy, Chopper, and Brook are going after him, they're taking you along."
"O-Okay…" You nodded and sniffled a bit more, trying to calm yourself so you could go back to everyone. You could hear what sounded like a party going on, probably thanks to Luffy making friends with the Minks. "What a-about you?"
"I'm going on to Wano. You show up without that curly brow and I'm going to find him and kill him."
"Zoro, you can't just kill him."
"He hurts you and I will."
"Oh my gosh, you're the worst brother ever."
The next morning, your group split off from Zoro's group to head for Whole Cake Island. You thought the name sounded funny, but also were worried about entering the territory of one of the Four Emperors of the Sea. You'd heard Big Mom could be fearsome, and were terrified of meeting any of her numerous children for the same potential reason.
When you landed there finally, sticky from syrup rain and tired, you had no time to rest as Luffy and Chopper ended up eating an entire chocolate building, completely horrifying you as what appeared to be the police of the area appeared and were chastising them, until a girl with brown hair in pigtails showed up and played along that she'd asked them to do so.
She took you all to another building, introducing herself as Charlotte Pudding, the girl Sanji was supposed to marry in a few short days. Hearing her talk about him and how kind he was made you grip the hem of your dress tightly, biting your tongue until it hurt. You didn't want to feel jealous, Sanji's was yours, but you couldn't help it.
Pudding was pretty and perfect, and seemed more like Sanji's type than you. You wouldn't blame him if he agreed to marry her, but you knew he wouldn't. He'd never leave you after the amount of time you'd been together and how much you loved each other.
He…he wouldn't…right?
"He said he'd marry me if he could, but he wanted to return to his crew, and there was someone else he'd given his heart to."
While everyone else was shocked Sanji turned down a girl, Nami glanced over and caught you gritting your teeth, your lips pressed in a thin line. She knew you and Sanji were together, you'd told her and Robin after the events at Water Seven, and she hated seeing you this way. So worried and jealous at the same time. You should have been relieved to hear he told Pudding you had his heart, but it just scared you for some reason. Like it would be used by Big Mom or one of her numerous other kids as a way to hurt Sanji more than hurt you.
Nami reached over quietly and grabbed your hand under the table, squeezing it to let you know she was there. You gave her a small smile, which she knew was fake.
Once Pudding gave you all directions to the Seducing Woods and you were on your way, you stayed out on Sunny's deck, just watching the cotton candy clouds roll by.
"It's kind of pretty here." Nami hadn't startled you, you nodded at her when she spoke and came to stand beside you. "You've been lost in thought for a good while. Care to share?"
Shaking your head, you continued to stare at the sky, wishing none of this was happening.
"Hey, it's going to be alright. We'll get Sanji back and you two can go back to being grossly cute and in love with each other."
"What if he changes his mind?"
"What if he changes his mind and decides he wants to marry Pudding? She's so pretty, how do I compete with the daughter of Big Mom?"
Rolling her eyes, Nami sighed and hugged you a bit. Of course you'd feel insecure about everything happening, Pudding really was pretty, but Nami knew that didn't matter to Sanji when it came to you. He'd always thought you were the most beautiful girl he'd ever met, but actually getting to know you over time, he'd told Nami he fell head over heels for your personality and your soul, your looks were secondary to everything else. Sanji loved you because of who you were, not what you looked like, despite his initial attraction to you being based on looks.
"You're not gonna compete with her. She said she wasn't going to marry him, right?"
"Yeah, but–"
"No buts, she said it's not happening. So unless she's lied to us, your relationship with Sanji will be fine. We'll get him back, don't worry."
You hugged Nami back and agreed with her, but still had a feeling of fear and worry in your heart. Nothing was right about all of this, you just had a feeling that something was wrong, but you weren't sure what it was. You didn't want to find out, you hoped your instincts were wrong, that the fear and worry would go away after a bit more information came to you.
You hoped for it, but also accepted that it was likely not going to happen.
"Sanji!!! Hey!!"
After being tricked by Pudding to the Seducing Woods, Luffy fought against one of the Sweet Generals, Charlotte Cracker, through the night. It took hours after you were separated from Brook, Chopper, Carrot, and Pedro, you and Nami safely atop one of the Homies thanks to Lola's piece of Big Mom's vivre card. Once he'd finally defeated him, the Homie you were on carried the three of you towards Totto Land, and you'd made it just in time to catch the carriage taking Sanji and his family to the castle.
But the look Sanji gave when he saw Luffy, then Nami, then you, you'd never seen such a horrified look on his face. Luffy flung himself to the carriage, catching Sanji up on everything that had happened since he was taken by Bege's crew, and you had some hope it'd bring him back to you all.
Until Sanji kicked Luffy from the carriage.
"Get lost…you miserable, inferior pirates!"
Your heart clenched, and you barely strained out his name.
"My name…is Vinsmoke Sanji."
A last name. You'd never known. Anytime you asked Sanji about his family or where he was from, he'd smile sweetly and tell you he wasn't at a point where he could talk about it yet. You accepted that answer, not wanting to push him into something he wasn't comfortable doing or talking about. You always figured you two would sit together one day when he was ready and he'd tell you everything. Never did you expect or want to find out this way.
"And I'm…a prince of Germa Kingdom!! Forgive me for hiding this from you!"
Please, [Y/N], I didn't want you to find out this way.
"Sanji, please." You stepped forward a bit, wanting him to stop and just come with you all.
I didn't need to know!
"If I had told you, it would only have made you self-conscious. The difference in status between us is obvious. Here, I have all the money, soldiers, and servants I can use!"
This isn't you. What have they done to you in a matter of days?
You hated it, every bit of it. This wasn't the Sanji you knew, it wasn't him at all. He never cared about money or anything like that. He'd always told you his past didn't matter, because all he could see was a future with you and the Straw Hats. Something had happened, in the few days you'd been apart, that changed the sweet, loving man you knew. What it was, you didn't know, you just knew something was wrong.
"If my choice is between returning to you and your chuckle-headed crewmates, and living in luxury here with Big Mom's beautiful daughter as my wife…which do you think will make me happier?!"
Nami was angry on your behalf, on the behalf of Luffy as well. For Luffy, because he'd been the one to recruit Sanji and convince him to go with you all.
For you because of your relationship with him, and the insecurity you'd felt after meeting Pudding. Your face was blank, but the tears welling up in your eyes made her even angrier.
"There's no comparison! Stop taking that letter seriously! I'm not going back!!"
Just leave, please! I can't have your blood on my hands!
You didn't want to hear another word, you actually wanted to take Luffy and Nami, leave and forget about this whole retrieval mission. At least, you thought you did, until the next thing Sanji said.
"I don't even know if you really can become king of the Pirates! I'm through playing pirate with your rag-tag crew," Sanji looked over at you, trying his hardest not to flee the carriage and pull you to him, he had to do something to keep you safe and even hated the next words out of his own mouth, "and I'm tired of playing romance, we're done."
Luffy took it upon himself, of course, to try and fight Sanji to force him back. You stayed with Nami, Sanji's words replaying over and over in your head. You barely paid attention to the fight, even after Sanji returned to the carriage and Luffy yelled out to him that he'd never eat anyone else's food because Sanji was his chef, how he couldn't become king of the Pirates without him.
You felt a rush of adrenaline and ran up beside your captain who had just fallen to the ground, and took your turn shouting at the departing carriage.
"Sanji!!! I don't care what you said, I love you! You know I do!! I know we weren't just playing romance! I'll wait for you to come back too!!"
You didn't know if he actually heard you, but you hoped and prayed he did, while you collapsed by Luffy, the exhaustion of the last two days hitting you finally, along with the aching in your heart.
"Playing romance?? Is that what you've been doing as a pirate? Ha!" Yonji laughed at your shouted confession, while Sanji continued to cry over everything that had happened.
Luffy was determined to get him back, despite the fact he'd tried to drive him off, forcing you all to leave.
Nami slapped him which he knew he deserved, he'd hurt his closest friends and the pain from that was far worse than her slap.
And then you. You, his sweet, kind, patient, loving girlfriend, how could he do that to you, of all people? He was certain his family didn't know whether he looked at you or Nami, but when he locked eyes with you, the tears starting down your face as he just broke up with you, claiming it was just playing romance when he'd never do such a thing to you, it hurt him worse than anything else that had just happened.
Your yelling didn't help, he'd heard every word. You revealed your relationship on purpose so he knew you still loved him.
He didn't know how you could, of course feelings won't go away that quickly. Every day you'd tell him you loved him with a smile, sometimes that you hoped you'd have the chance to get married one day.
Sanji never understood why you truly loved him, why you wanted to marry him. He always refused to tell you about his horrendous family life growing up, but you always accepted it and said he could whenever he was ready. He told you he loved you first, and was surprised when you cried and told him the same, throwing your arms around him and kissing him.
He didn't deserve you, he knew that. He didn't deserve to have his thoughts be about marrying you, his late night wonderings about what your kids would look like. No, Sanji believed that now, he didn't deserve a life with you. Now you could go find someone who did deserve you, you weren't tied to him anymore. Maybe if you'd all go to Wano, you'd meet someone else, or even fall for Law or hell, he'd even expect Usopp.
Whatever was next, he thought you'd be better off without him.
She deserves better than a failure like me anyway.
"I can't believe you're letting him go like that." Nami tried to be angry as she sat beside you and Luffy, but she was struggling to even pretend. That bout he and Sanji just had was enough to cause her to slap the blond, out of frustration for Luffy and you. It didn't make her feel any better, but she thought maybe it would help you a little.
"I can't be mad at him." You admitted quietly, pulling your knees to your chest and setting your chin on them. "Could you see it? Did you hear his voice?"
"Of course I did! He just insulted Luffy and broke up with you in front of everyone that was here!"
"He's not doing it because he wants to!"
Nami was a bit surprised you shouted, but Luffy wasn't. He'd noticed the same as you did, the way Sanji looked at him in feign hatred that was really shock you'd all shown up, the way his voice wasn't normal, it almost quivered as he stated he'd become tired of playing romance with you and he'd chosen to quit being a pirate and accept his royal heritage.
"Everything was a lie, Nami! Everything that just happened, he doesn't want to do this to us!" You had hoped the syrupy rain would cover your tears, and it did, until you choked out a sob. "He's trying to protect us, I get that! It does hurt like hell to hear him say what he did, but…but he's keeping us safe as best he can."
Nami quickly moved over and hugged you tightly, apologizing for being upset about what had just happened. She knew that you knew Sanji better than any of them at this point, and your relationship may have been revealed to Luffy in a way you didn't want, but she was sure you and Sanji, if you could get him out of this arranged marriage, would be okay.
On the other hand, Luffy laughed a bit, giving you a big smile. "You're right! We'll get him back, and you guys can get married instead!"
"Sorry you found out this way, Luffy."
Shaking his head, Luffy just grinned with a giggle. "Don't worry about it. If you guys are happy, that's all good! You guys gotta get married on Sunny though!"
"If he ever wants to even think about marriage after this, I'd be glad to." Laughing as well, you knew it wouldn't be long before someone from Big Mom's castle came to capture you, and you would accept that for now. It might place you closer to Sanji in the end, for all you knew.
Luffy would rescue him, he just had to.
"That sneaky, conniving, little bi–"
"Hey, watch your language!"
Nami couldn't believe how angry you were, she'd never seen you so ready to harm yourself in order to get to someone else. Of course, the fact that Pudding just told the three of you the true intentions of this wedding, that she was going to be killing Sanji tomorrow, didn't help at all. You were struggling to get free from the nail-like candy trapping you in a cell, just as Luffy was though he was twisting himself to a point you feared he'd never come back from. Your anger was too much, you rarely ever swore and now Nami had heard you call Pudding and the rest of the Charlotte family a colorful array of names in about thirty seconds.
"How dare they! They think they're gonna kill the love of my life and get away with it?!"
"What about his family?"
"I don't care about them!!"
"You're gonna be a great daughter-in-law."
You stopped your attempts to escape and sent Nami a slight side eye, which made her roll her eyes. You'd never do anything to her, and she understood you didn't seem to be a fan of your possible future in-laws, but you really needed to calm down before the jailer caught wind of what you and Luffy were doing.
You hated how weak you felt, especially when Opera went to take Nami to get Lola's location out of her, but you were beyond glad when Jimbei showed up and freed the three of you, before you or Luffy could hurt yourselves further.
You followed your captain into the castle to try and find Sanji, but found yourselves pulled into another room and face to face with his sister, Reiju. Once she informed you that Sanji knew the truth about the next day, Luffy thanked her and jumped out a window to go to the spot he promised Sanji he'd be waiting at, but you stayed behind.
You really wanted to talk with Reiju.
"And you are? I know you were on the ship when I saved your captain."
"I'm [Y/N], I'm Sanji's girl–" you had to stop yourself, biting your lip and shaking your head. "I'm a member of the Straw Hats like Sanji."
You two were technically broken up at the moment, whether you accepted that or not. It felt like you couldn't call yourself his girlfriend right now, no matter how much it hurt your heart to stop yourself.
"Oooh, I see," Reiju smiled a bit at you, and you started to calm down. "You're the girl he told me about."
"He-He did?"
She nodded, still smiling at you. Once they had discussed the assassination plot, Sanji ended up telling Reiju a bit about you, and how he felt like garbage for breaking up with you the way he did, where he did. He'd even admitted he wouldn't blame you if you didn't take him back after all of this. He thought he was completely unworthy of your love now, you'd never take a failure like him back, and he just somehow knew he didn't deserve your forgiveness or love.
You deserved better than him, in Sanji's mind.
"He did, probably not everything but some things. Said you were the prettiest girl he'd ever met, and he was so in love with you."
Your heart clenched and you reached up to grip the necklace he'd found and bought for you in Water Seven. The little silver heart still made you happy anytime you looked at it.
"He hates what he did to you, and hoped that you'd take him back if he got to return." Reiju's smile softened as you started to cry, both hands tightly wrapped around your necklace now. "He thinks he should die with us tomorrow, but you need to help your captain get him out of here. The bracelets he's wearing are duds, he'll be fine if you leave with him."
"I…I'm so glad!" Your sobs were silent this time, while you started to smile so no one got suspicious of who was with Reiju. "The thought of Sanji marrying someone else has made me so sick to my stomach! But…just knowing he still loves me…is more than enough for the moment!"
You really did believe what you told Nami, that Sanji did what he had to in order to protect you guys and Zeff, to keep you from coming after him, but a part of you feared it was all genuine. That he didn't love you anymore, he didn't want to be a pirate or a cook anymore. It was just a small, nagging fear in the back of your mind, but now it had been squashed. You were no longer afraid or worried he had fallen out of love with you, cooking, or the sea.
He was still Sanji. Nothing had changed.
You thanked Reiju for the information, deciding to go find Nami again and leave the castle, when she stopped you and asked if you wanted to know about their childhood, how Sanji ended up in the East Blue, and about their mother.
Truthfully, you desperately did want to know, but you shook your head at her offer with a small smile.
"Sanji will tell me when he's ready."
You did find Nami and Jimbei, joining them in fighting to get out of the castle before you were dragged into the Mirro-world by Chopper and Carrot. Pedro was back with you as well, and you didn't fully understand why Big Mom's daughter Brulee or this guy named Diesel were with you, but if it helped you accomplish your goals, you figured it was ok. Your next task was to find Brook, and you did, nestled in Big Mom's arms as she slept, treating him like a stuffed animal. A few rescue attempts later you had him back, and he'd even gotten a copy of her Poneglyphs for Robin to read later.
Once you were all together, the only ones you needed were Luffy and Sanji, and you were lucky enough to find shards of the mirror that was destroyed in the place Luffy said he would stay. You were all able to get into contact with the two, everyone else cheering that Sanji was back while you held back your tears when he said your name, asking if you were there and all right.
"I'm here. I'm okay, don't worry."
"Oh, mon amour, I'm so, so sorry, I–"
"Sanji, we'll talk later. For now…leave things as they are. We have other things to do."
Hearing his soft agreement hurt you a bit, but you couldn't have such a talk with everyone else around. Not now, not here. Chopper and Brook asked you what was going on as you all headed for Capone Bege's place, and all you told them was that you and Sanji had been dating for a couple years, but were broken up for the moment due to the circumstances. They were both shocked you'd keep such a relationship secret, but also sad for the two of you to be in the situation you were in. You were certain everything would be alright once this wedding was stopped, once the assassination plot was ended, but until then, you'd keep your relationship status as broken up, despite the thought hurting you even more.
Upon arrival at Bege's place, you, Nami, and Carrot went off to take a much needed bath, Nami speaking and connecting with Chiffon thanks to her having been friends with Lola for the time you all were at Thriller Bark. Carrot was enjoying the bath greatly, and you were glad to be able to wash away the gross feelings of the last two days, but you weren't really looking forward to seeing Sanji yet. You wanted to hide in the bath the whole time, making Carrot nervous as you sunk down further, letting the water come up to your nose so you could still breathe. Nami wasn't that concerned, she knew you were still upset but you weren't going to do anything to yourself. You'd be fine after some time, once you and Sanji could actually talk.
You did eventually leave the bath, changing into the [f/c] dress that Chiffon had left for you. It hit about your knees and had long sleeves, but you did think it was a nice dress for the time being.
When you were on your way to the room Chiffon said this brief alliance discussion would be taking place in, you caught sight of Sanji about to go into the room himself, before he saw you. His eyes lit up and he told Luffy to go without him, turning and walking towards you, hoping you'd let him explain quickly.
"[Y/N]. I've missed you so much." You let Sanji hug you, returning it tightly and saying the same thing. It'd been far too long, you two hadn't truly been around each other since your arrival in Dressrosa,  and that was a few weeks ago now.
You really had missed him.
Releasing you, Sanji took your face in his hands and placed his forehead against yours, making you start to tear up just because you had missed him terribly the last few days, you missed being so close to him, missed just holding his hands and talking to him, and were glad he was in front of you again.
"I'm so, so sorry. I didn't…I never wanted…"
"I know. It's okay, I understand, you were trying to protect us."
"It doesn't justify what I said to you," he shook his head, making sure you were looking him in the eyes so you knew he wasn't lying, "It's not just playing romance with you, you know that, right? You know I'm serious about us."
You nod, removing his hands from your face to just hold them, staying as close as you can be without hugging. "I know, but it's okay for the moment. We don't have the time to talk about this, but, once we're back on Sunny, we should sit and talk, all right?"
Nodding, Sanji agreed with you. There was no time to work this out right then, so you'd have to put it on the back burner and wait for now. Wait until this sham wedding was stopped, Big Mom would potentially be assassinated, and Sanji would be free from having to deal with his family ever again. You'd make sure they stayed away, even if it killed you.
"I love you. Only you, now and always."
"I love you too, Sanji."
Everything would be okay. Just a bit longer, and you'd all be back on Sunny and heading for Wano.
The assassination plot against Big Mom had failed, but so had hers against the Vinsmoke family, she was never going to have the technology from Germa now. Once the wedding cake had been ruined, her hunger pangs began and she started a rampage, but by then, you all had moved back to the Seducing Woods where Sunny was waiting, this time with Sanji alongside you. He'd rescued his family, before disowning his father who accepted that to your shock, and now he was wondering why you kept giving him odd looks.
"What's up?"
You just kind of looked him over, making him slightly nervous before you shrugged with a slight frown.
"You look better in black. White doesn't suit you as well."
"That…THAT'S IT?!" Sanji was only shocked for a moment before you giggled, saying he still looked handsome but black was definitely more his color. He'd thought something was wrong! It made him glad to hear that the 'problem' was just the color suit he'd been forced to wear.
You all were interrupted by a flying carpet carrying Chiffon and Pudding, the latter of the two wanting Sanji to go with them to make a cake that could satisfy Big Mom's cravings, even though she kept switching between seeming lovestruck by Sanji and wanting to kill him still. Despite your comment and reiterating of love for each other, you two hadn't properly reconciled your relationship, so for the moment, you were willing to let Sanji go if it meant stopping Big Mom's rampage.
Sanji, though, wasn't so keen on the idea of leaving you again, even though you would be with the rest of your crew, but you promised him you'd be fine. You knew how to fight, you'd throw a few shuriken and some kunai with trip wire or paper bombs to stop whoever came after you all. He gave you the quickest hug, holding your hand while he promised he'd be back as soon as possible, making you laugh.
"You'd better not be lying to me."
"Never in a million years, mon amour."
You barely took notice of the way Pudding looked at you until Sanji joined her and Chiffon on the flying carpet. She was looking at you like she knew, the entire time, that you were the one he'd told her he'd given his heart too. You never confirmed or denied it when you spoke with her the first time, but it seemed like she could tell. You didn't say a word to her, just nodded and followed everyone else back to Sunny.
You felt you could trust Pudding for now.
Luffy had disappeared into the Mirro-world with another of Big Mom's children, Katakuri, and you could assume a fight had taken place. Sanji had left with Chiffon and Pudding to recreate the wedding cake to stop Big Mom from rampaging through her own kingdom.
The rest of you had been able to get on board Sunny and away from the shore, now just trying to stay away from anyone that came towards you as you attempted to reach Cacao Island to reunite with your missing captain and chef. It took longer than you personally liked, and Big Mom had attacked Sunny as you all went on, Nami being the one to temporarily stop her by discharging lightning from a cloud Homie named Zeus, who she promptly captured as her own.
You'd all made it to Cacao Island in time for Sanji and Luffy to almost be thrown to the ship, making your getaway surprisingly with the help of the Germa fleet to keep Big Mom's fleet of ships from you.
It'd been a while since you were able to successfully escape from Big Mom and Totto Land, you sat relieved on the Sunny's deck, thankful to be on the way to Wano and to have Sanji back finally.
Luffy was laid out on the deck too, his stomach started growling after a bit which made you laugh.
"Hey uh," it was weird to hear Sanji sound so unsure as he spoke, but still it made you smile, "I could…make you a meal?"
He didn't have a chance to run before Luffy, Brook, Chopper, and Carrot were nearly mauling him at the thought of having his cooking, making Sanji ask if you all had eaten while he'd been gone. All of you followed him to the kitchen where he prepared food for you, making you the happiest by seeing him in his element, doing what he loved.
Of course, you two would need to sit and talk, but you'd already asked Nami to place you on the first night watch so you and Sanji could have a talk uninterrupted.
Once you finished eating, you quietly snuck out to go to the crow's nest and wait. You were sure Sanji would want to clean the kitchen and wash the dishes before he even thought about bed, so you had time to think about what you wanted to say.
Sanji noticed you were gone not even five minutes later, hoping you still weren't upset over everything that had happened.
"She's on the first night watch," Nami smiled at Sanji when she knew what he was about to ask, "She said she'll be waiting for you."
Nodding, Sanji turned back to the stove to finish the next batch of food Luffy had asked for. He'd definitely join you once he was done, but he'd worry and stress over what to say, how to explain himself if you'd let him until then. He prayed you'd take him back, that you wouldn't still be upset with him. He'd tell you everything, no matter how much it hurt him personally, you deserved to know what you'd gotten into with him.
Please….please just accept me still.
The sound of the hatch to the crow's nest opening woke you from your light nap, you quickly rubbed your eyes before looking to see who it was, grinning when you saw exactly who you'd been waiting for.
"Sanji!" He barely entered the room before you'd jumped up from your spot, fully awake now, and threw your arms around him, kissing his face while he tried to keep from falling with you.
"Hey, hey, calm down! You're gonna drag us to the floor!"
"Who cares?!"
He was able to stay upright with you holding onto him, setting you down after a moment. You smiled and once he'd closed the hatch, you dragged him over the bench with you, making him sit right next to you while you held his hand. There was no way you were letting him go again, not until you got to Wano at least. You also didn't want this conversation to last too long, you were sure he wanted to get out of that white wedding suit as soon as possible.
You were both quiet for a while, neither of you sure where to start, but you decided to break the ice by leaning closer and kissing Sanji on the cheek with a smile.
"I love you."
"How could you still love me after all of this?"
Humming a bit, you furrowed your brow seeing Sanji wouldn't look at you. He'd told you he loved you just the night before at Bege's castle, and you responded the same. Did he think you'd really stop loving him simply because of his family, because of this arranged marriage crap? All in a matter of a day?
"Sanji," you held his hand tighter, using your free one to make him look at you, smiling softly at him, "none of it was your fault."
"Of course it–"
"No, listen to me. Nothing that happened the last few days was your fault. You were being used by people who don't care about you like we do," you stopped to kiss him briefly, which caused Sanji to hug you so tightly, "they don't love you like I do especially. Nothing could stop me from loving you, Sanji."
Sanji severely did not want to start crying to you, he didn't want you to feel any kind of pity for him. You never would, he knew that, but it was just a small fear. He still was determined to tell you about his childhood, hoping you'd still want to be with him after you heard everything, after you learned how he ended up in the East Blue and working with Zeff at the Baratie.
But he knew deep down that you'd never leave him just because of what he was subjected to. You might want to go back and kill his brothers but you wouldn't leave him.
"I love you. I love you so, so damn much."
You hummed lightly with a soft smile, hugging him tighter and kissing the top of his head. "I love you too, Sanji; so much more than you'll ever know."
Sanji fully believed you. He knew you loved him and wouldn't leave him. You'd stay with him and continue to help him move on from his past, continuing to help him heal and plan a life with you instead.
He hoped you'd like that idea.
"Sanji, what do you want to do with this suit?"
"Burn it for all I care."
You laughed, halfway expecting that answer while Sanji got ready for the day. You two had spent your entire night watch talking, he'd told you all about his childhood and apologized too many times for your liking, but it all ended up all right in the end. When Nami came in to take over, you'd both fallen asleep and if Zoro was there, he and Sanji would be having an argument, but since it was Nami, she gently woke you both and told you to go downstairs and sleep. Sanji ended up picking you up bridal style once you two had made it down to the deck, making you giggle and hug him around his neck. You kicked your legs like a child and while he smiled, Sanji told you to be careful so he didn't drop you, but you knew he'd never. He had taken you to the women's bunks and was going to leave you in your bed to go to his own, but you grabbed him before he could go anyway and asked him to stay, which he gladly did so.
Now you were getting ready to continue onward to Wano, and you just wanted to know what to do with the suit he'd worn the day before. There really wasn't anything wrong with it, apart from the memories that would be attached to it and the fact you had said he looked better in black, Sanji didn't want to keep it at all.
You dug through the pockets to make sure he hadn't left his lighter or anything in them, before finding a strange black item with a 3 on it.
"What's this?"
Eyes widening at the item in your hands, Sanji stopped brushing his teeth and almost choked on the toothpaste in his mouth before spitting it out and snatching the item from your hands.
"How the hell did this get here?"
He didn't tell you a thing and started walking out to the deck, leaving you to follow.
"Sanji, wait! What is it??"
"Trash is what it is!"
Luffy and the others were on the deck as you two walked out, and when he saw the item in Sanji's hand he used his Gum Gum powers to stretch out and take it.
"Is this a raid suit like what your family had?!"
"A raid suit?!" Chopper's eyes lit up into stars, and he and Luffy started begging Sanji to try the raid suit, but he adamantly refused. He figured that his brother Niji must've been the one to give him the suit, saying he was the only one to actually have contact with him and Luffy when they were escaping Totto Land. Luffy and Chopper continued to whine and beg Sanji to try the raid suit, the two wanted to see what cool transformation would happen, but Sanji absolutely did not want to have anything to do with Germa's science.
"You might be able to shoot lasers!!!"
"Look, we don't need another person that can shoot lasers! It's enough that we've got Franky! I don't want that Germa science near me! In fact," he gave them both a small glare, "Don't ever say the words Vinsmoke or Germa around me! Both are forbidden!"
While the two whined, Nami brought up how she uses science herself, showing off Zeus who had made his new home in her climate baton, having chosen food over loyalty, when Carrot jumped down with the latest Coo News.
"It says here that Luffy, Sanji, Jimbei, and Bege attempted to assassinate Big Mom, and that Luffy was the ringleader!" She flipped the pages and a few bounty posters fell out when she did so. "Oh, new bounty posters."
You and Sanji both caught sight of one of them, you were excited and he was surprised.
"Your bounty went up, Sanji!!"
You were so happy for him that you couldn't help it, you threw your arms around his neck laughing! No point in hiding your relationship now, not after a shouted confession and having to explain the situation to Chopper and Brook. The only ones who didn't know yet were Usopp and Franky, and you intended to tell them as soon as you met up with them in Wano.
"It's 330 million berries! Wait, what's the moss head's bounty?!"
"I believe," Brook answered before anyone else had the chance to,  "it's 320 million."
"Yes! In your face, moss head!!" Sanji grinned and finally hugged you back, twirling just a bit with you, asking if you were proud of your super awesome boyfriend who had a higher bounty than Zoro. All you did was laugh and nod, you truly were proud of him!
"Oh hey," Chopper held another bounty poster in his hands and held it up to the two of you, "[Y/N]'s bounty went up to! It's 120 million now!"
"What?!" Your face went red as you took the poster from Chopper, absolutely shocked yours went up at all. You didn't think you'd been mentioned in the article, so you didn't expect this! "Why did mine double?!"
"Who cares, you should be proud!" Taking your face in his hands, Sanji kept smiling with heart eyes and rubbed his nose and cheek against your own. "My beautiful girlfriend is so strong!! I'm so proud of you!!"
"Sanji!!" You blushed even worse, not used to being able to show affection so openly, but you'd get over it at some point.
"Ah young love, yohohoho!"
You ignored Brook while Sanji got another look at his poster, instantly becoming depressed when he realized his bounty likely only went up because of his family and Germa, due to it having his last name on it.
Carrot brought the paper over to you, telling you to check the article again. Doing so, you read through and your face went pale reading a few sentences stuck in the middle.
"'The assassination plot was aided by another Straw Hat pirate member, by the name of [L/N] [Y/N], a young kunoichi from Yume Village, an offshoot of Wano. She's believed to be in a relationship with Vinsmoke Sanji.' I…are you freaking kidding me?!"
Instead of being depressed you became angry, realizing it was most likely because of your relationship that your bounty went up, not really because of anything you did. You almost wanted to hide the rest of the day, but decided it wasn't worth it in the end. Your bounty had increased, your relationship was out in the world, you'd just have to accept it.
Luffy became depressed himself, reading his new poster and believing it said his bounty had dropped to 1.5 million berries, before Brook read it aloud and corrected him.
"Your bounty isn't 1.5 million berries. It's 1.5 billion berries!!"
Everyone was so shocked, you had to read the poster for yourselves, to make sure it was accurate, and it was! Luffy had such a high bounty now, you all were excited for him; you personally were a little concerned, but Luffy was strong so everything would be all right!
Instead of there being any kind of concern, Luffy laughed and was glad his bounty hadn't gone down. Nami nearly smacked him on the head for being so nonchalant about it, before Sanji suggested he could start on breakfast, which everyone agreed to.
"Let me help you!"
You grabbed Sanji's hand before he could step away, and he gladly agreed to let you help him make breakfast. He placed you on your usual task of chopping vegetables for the omelets that he'd decided would be perfect to start the day with. It was quiet for a while, both of you focused and working on your tasks, Luffy coming in every few minutes to ask when breakfast would be ready before Sanji kicked him out and told him soon. The last time it happened, before even turning back to his own work, Sanji stopped and hugged you from behind, making you giggle.
"I love you, [Y/N]."
"I love you too, Sanji!"
I'm gonna marry you one day, I swear it.
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maplesyrupsainz · 2 months
7 with mark webber BUT he's been in that r.s for a long time and realises its toxic and he's being groomed, so he finally leaves her for reader (yes im referring to his wife)
pairing: mark webber x fem y/n reader (she/her)
genre: blurb
warnings: mentions of drinking
prompt: seven you're in love with [driver] and they get a girlfriend
a/n: lowkey idk what im doing here i hope so much it isnt trash lol
my masterlist | 1k celebration
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you’ve been in love with mark for as long as you could remember – you tried to deny it for the longest time, but it was no good. the feelings were there and would just not go away.
so, when his call at 3:37am wakes you up, of course you answer. and when he asks you to come pick him up, of course you do. the way you rationalise this: he would do the same for me. but really you’re not so sure.
the address you’re given is a night club, and as you pull up you spot him almost immediately, slumped against a wall. drunk.
“m’sorry, y/n/n.. i don’t usually get like this..” he slurs a bit, but to be honest you’ve seen him worse.
“don’t worry about it, mark, this is nothing.” you smile to yourself as you drive, tapping your fingers against the steering wheel to the beat of a song playing softly from the radio.
“i love you, you know?” he says, and you see him looking over at you in the corner of your eye. you don’t return his gaze.
“i know you do, me too.” you smile painfully, a sick feeling present in your tummy. “we’ve been friends for the longest time, so you have no choice.”
you see him shrug, “yea, i suppose.” he lays his head back against the seat and closes his eyes, and you feel relieved for the silence.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
it’s closer to 5am by the time you’re both inside your apartment, but mark doesn’t seem to care. he points and giggles at the pink crocs you’re wearing, before raiding your cupboards and forcing you to watch a movie with him on the couch.
you glance over at him for a second, realising he's been staring at you. “what is it? is there something on my face?”
“no, i just…” he trails off, “i feel like i’ve wasted so much time not being with the right girl.”
you stare at him, “is everything okay? like, at home?” he shrugs in reply, looking away from you and you mentally curse yourself for saying the wrong thing. mark has a wife, a woman you never hoped he’d marry. “it’s not to late to change your life, you know?”
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
eight days have passed in a blur since that night (or, y’know, morning). mark hasn’t answered your calls, you think maybe it’s a good thing, maybe you need to go cold turkey to get over him. you’ve turned off your phone; it feels unhealthy to check it every five seconds.
it’s on this eighth day, however, that mark is on your doorstep. literally.
you’re arriving home from the gym when you spot him, stood leaning against your front door. “urm, mark?” you call out tentatively, unsure of the situation.
“y/n, i’m so sorry for not picking up the phone, i-”
“mark,” you cut him off, brushing past him to unlock your door, “we can talk inside.” and you do. and your whole world changes.
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
“…it’s just, this whole time i’ve had it wrong, i don’t know, maybe i’m crazy.” you’re sat on the coach, watching him pace in front of you, explaining his inner conflict, and you feel sick but at the same time, you feel relieved.
“hey, it’s ok,” you stand up and grab his wrist to stop him from pacing, “you’ll get through this. and the person you’re talking about, the person you think has been right for you all along, just talk to her.”
“i am!” he says, turning to face you abruptly.
“what–” your question is cut off by mark pulling you close and his lips finding yours in impossible fluidity. you are left almost reeling, head spinning, unable to think straight… what just happened?
186 notes · View notes
yandere-daydreams · 1 year
Title: The Houseguest.
Pairing: Yandere!Alhaitham x Reader x Yandere!Kaveh (Genshin).
Word Count: 2.2k.
TW: Unhealthy Relationships, Prolonged Imprisonment, Possessive Behavior, Obsessive Behavior, Implied N0nC0n, Implied Drug Use, and Troubling Implications.
[Part Two]
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Kaveh first met you in the middle of the night, in a shadowed corner of Alhaitham’s kitchen.
He hadn’t noticed you, at first. It’d been closer to sunrise than sunset, and he was still rubbing his eyes as he dragged himself towards his roommate’s pantry, intent on raiding anything Alhaitham had to offer before collapsing back into bed, or more likely, onto a half-finished model of some wealthy’s scholar next personal research facility. He made it to the cabinet door before his exhaustion-dampened senses picked up on the sound of soft breathing, the feeling of a burning stare prying into the back of his neck.
He glanced over his shoulder, expecting to find nothing save for an empty room, but instead, he found you.
Standing in the kitchen’s entryway, clutching a clay mug in both hands, seemingly paralyzed with unfounded terror. Your lips were parted, but you didn’t say anything, and your eyes were so wide – blown out like a doe caught in an archer’s sight. For a second, he thought you might be an intruder, a thief sent after Alhaitham’s precious Akademiya secrets or the few scraps of mora Kaveh had to his name, but that wouldn’t have made sense. Wise thieves didn’t tend to break into the homes of their marks barefoot, nor were they usually dressed in strikingly familiar black poet’s shirts, just a little too big and a little too well-worn to have originally belonged to you.
No, you weren't a thief. His life would've been so much simpler, if you had only been a thief.
Eventually, he managed to regain his confidence, forcing an easy grin as he rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know Alhaitham had a…” He trailed off, looking over you one more time, noting the pallid state of your skin, the hollowness sewn deep into your cheeks. Your knees were locked together, as if you weren't sure you had the strength to remain standing, and it appeared as if someone with far too much confidence and far too little skill had attempted to take a comb to your tangled hair, only to lose their nerve less than halfway through. His lighthearted tone significantly more strained, he went on. “I didn’t know we had a houseguest.”
You continued to stare, unblinking. His smile faltered. “I apologize if I startled you. It’s just- I didn’t hear you come in, and I honestly didn’t think Alhaitham would be able to bring someone hope, let alone such a lovely specimen.”
Your voice was quiet, when you finally spoke, almost hoarse. As if you hadn’t used in a few days. “I… I’ve been here for a while.”
He wasn’t quite sure what to make of that.
With nothing else to do, he laughed, closing the cabinet door. You didn’t move, but he let his shoulder press against the closest wall as he slid past you. He didn’t look back, but he offered a slight wave, calling out as he started towards his bedroom. “Goodnight, honored guest. May I be lucky enough to see you in the morning.”
It was barely audible, a breath above a whisper, but it was there, as clear as day in the dead silence of silence of Alhaitham’s flat.
A week passed before he saw you again. He tried to brush off your brief interaction as that of a very tired man and a very startled guest, but the sound of your voice lingered in the back of his mind. He almost asked Alhaitham about it, but trying to pry information out of someone like him was a fool’s errand, and Kaveh opted to brew quietly rather than pursue a path he knew would only end in frustration.
He managed to put the encounter behind him completely. Or, rather, he almost managed to. He was so, so close to managing to.
Alhaitham was at his desk, his chair pushed back and turned partially towards the doorway where Kaveh stood. You were in front of him, on your knees and resting your cheek against the inside of Alhaitham’s thigh. In one of his hands, he grasped a quill, still scrawling away at whatever documents a scribe would feel the need to bring home, and with the other, he toyed with the fabric collar wrapped around your next, forest-green and tight enough to visibly cut into the skin of your throat. It matched the rest of your ensemble, if the scraps of silk and velvet dotted over your form could be called an ensemble. It did not escape Kaveh that, both times he had seen you, you had been dressed in Alhaitham’s colors, but he attempted to ignore the implications.
“Do you need something?” Alhaitham called, never looking away from his work. For as few boundaries as there were in their relationship, Kaveh rarely let himself into Alhaitham’s personal spaces unannounced, and he thought Alhaitham’s reaction would’ve been more… more. It wasn't as if he'd never lost his patience with Kaveh before.
He did need something, but he couldn’t seem to remember what it was. He couldn’t seem to tear his attention away from you, from the exposed skin of your plush thighs, the curve of your midriff. You appeared somewhat unlike you had been when he first saw you - healthier, more lively. The ghastliness had faded, and while you didn't seem much stronger, you were no longer struggling just to stay upright. He may have been relieved, if he'd known you a little better. If you hadn't been sitting at Alhaitham's feet.
Rather than demanding to know if Alhaitham would be attending Tighnari’s next open lecture on medicinal plants or what tragedy had befallen his favorite cast-iron pan, he found himself asking, “Who’s that?”
A small, uncharacteristic smile tugged at the corner of Alhaitham’s lips. He paused his work just long enough to turn towards Kaveh, his fingers slipping under your collar and drawing you upward. You seemed… unsteady, swaying as you staggered to your feet, but your legs didn’t have time to fail you. Wrapping an arm around your waist, Alhaitham pulled you onto his lap, perching you on his thigh like some pet songbird, trained to sit on its master’s shoulder. Your face was quickly buried in his chest, but that wasn’t enough to hide you from him. He was still able to see the dull flush that spread across your cheeks, the way your mouth never seemed to fully close.
There was something about your eyes, glossed over and shadowed, the color of your irises duller than it should’ve been. If Alhaitham felt anything was wrong, concern did not penetrate the mask of thick condescension he was never seen without. If anything, he’d only grown more smug, more eager to flaunt what he had and Kaveh did not. “Your other roommate. They moved in a few months before you did.”
Kaveh’s frown deepened. “There’s only two bedrooms.”
Alhaitham’s smile grew wider. “How observant.”
“If you’re going to lie, you should at least pay me the decency of coming up with something halfway plausible. I’ve been here for—” He scoffed, jerked his head to the side. “I would’ve known if there was some else staying here. Unless you kept them, I don’t know, locked in the cellar or something.”
There was a beat of silence. Alhaitham’s expression didn’t change, but you flinched, shrinking into his chest.
Kaveh felt something tighten in the back of his throat. “You didn’t.”
“Only for a while. Their behavior was getting out of hand – some time in a less stimulating environment was called for.” He shrugged, leaning back in his seat. “I’m not holding them hostage, if that’s what you’re worried about. You’re welcome to poke around for any chains and shackles you might think I have, if you’d like to. Or…” He trailed off, letting a hand fall to the tender gap between your shoulder blades. “Why don’t you tell Kaveh how much want to be here, dearest?”
It took you a long moment to stir, another to lift your head. You looked towards Alhaitham, visibly unsure, and he offered a slight nod, a palm pressed into your back. “I love you,” you managed, the words drawling together. You paused, blink slowly, then scrambled to correct yourself. “I mean, I love it. I want to be here. Is that what I’m supposed to say?”
“Word for word. You did very well, beloved.” There was no shame, no fear of scandle - just a squeeze to your side by way of reward. With more than a degree of relief written across your expression, you collapsed back onto Alhaitham, visibly exhausted by the exertion it took to speak. “See? I’m only trying to look after my ‘houseguest’, if that’s what you’re going to call them.”
There was no threat, no challenge, but that was part of what made Alhaitham such a frustrating man to deal with. He’d start a debate, and then act as if he had no interest in winning his opponent over, as if he was simply stating well-known truths of the world and never had any intention on sparking disagreement. Kaveh, while still far from immune, had grown a tolerance to the constant probing. Most days, he could walk away, turn his back to the conversation and vent his frustration to those who were similarly familiar with Alhaithaim’s innate unpleasantness, but this was something less frivolous than a dispute on the merits of ink versus charcoal as writing implements during field investigations. He wouldn’t be blamed for getting the matra involved. He wouldn’t be wrong for calling outside attention to the ongoings inside of their little flat.
And yet…
And yet, he could only seem to shy, to shake his head, as if he was only exasperated with the antics of his stoic roommate. Without another word, he stepped back and shut the door, admittedly with a little more force than he absolutely had to use. You weren’t hurt (although, there were several faded bruises blossoming along the curve of your neck that he would only remember later on, lying away in bed, staring at the ceiling as something began to burn under his skin), and you didn’t seem to actively be in danger, for whatever an architect’s instincts were worth on matters of life and death. Immediate action was unnecessary. It could wait a little longer, before he reported Alhaitham to the highest authority he could find.
He could wait a little longer, before he decided whether or not to give you away.
And he did wait. He waited days, then weeks, then longer – long enough for Alhaitham to grow less careful with you, to let you wander the flat freely when he was home and leave the door to his bedroom unlocked while he wasn’t. It didn’t take him much longer to grow less careful with Kaveh, either. He hadn’t heard you make a sound for months, but you seemed to be by his side constantly, now, your muffled voice slipping through the thin walls between Alhaitham’s bedroom and his own at all hours of the night. That was the most frustrating part, really, worse than Alhaitham’s condensation, worse than seeing you in greens and blacks and silvers. You were so close to him, and yet, he couldn’t seem to help you.
No matter what he tried, he just couldn’t seem to want to.
That frustration, that gnawing self-loathing might’ve been why he found himself at Alhaitham’s door, once again, much more hesitant than he had been last time. There was no reason to be. Alhaitham was out, tending to matters far, far outside of the city, and Kaveh knew he wouldn’t return until tomorrow morning. He’d take his time, if Kaveh was lucky.
He wouldn’t come back at all, if Kaveh was truly fortunate.
With a deep breath, he shut his eyes and turned the knob, shouldering open Alhaitham’s door before he could let his anxiety overtake him. His eyes landed on you immediately, despite his efforts to ease himself into your company. You were lying on the center of Alhaitham’s bed, on your back, your knees bent and your head spilling over the foot of the mattress. There was a book at your side, but you weren’t reading. Your attention was focused solely on a small window built into the opposing wall, the view little more than the bare brick wall of another building and a few stray tree branches, surprisingly barren considering the seasons. It wasn't much, but he could imagine it was better than what the cramped, unlit cellar had to offer - should he choose to take Alhaitham's implications at face value.
Your eyes flickered towards him as he stepped through the doorway, as he moved to approach you, but any panic you might’ve felt was muted, not so much suppressed as it was trained out of you. It reminded him of a stone house built in the heart of the desert and left without the proper means to defend itself, reduced to scrap by a constant barrage of wind and sand. The comparison made the architect within him ache while the artist continued to purr.
You opened your mouth, but it took you a moment to find what you wanted to say. You were clearly more lucid than the last time you’d crossed paths, but there was still something weighing you down, a bleariness to your gaze, a lull to your words that didn’t seem completely conscious. “You’re Kaveh, right?”
His name rolled off of your lips like rose petals and red wine and bitter chocolate. He had to force himself to swallow, to smile. To soften himself in a way Alhaitham had never cared enough to try to.
“Right.” He positioned himself on the edge of Alhaitham’s bed, just a little less than arm’s length away from you. He took a deep breath, steeling himself, then with no small amount of care, laid his hand over yours, tightening his hold when you tried to pull away.
 “I don’t think we’ve really had a chance to talk.”
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marymary-diva17 · 2 months
Kindhearted princess
fire nation royal family x reader
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The fire nation love their royal family as they had ruled the nations with pride and strength, making the fire nation proud and strong over the many years. From fire lord azulon to his sons and his grandchildren, everyone in the royal family had the respect of the nation. There had been someone in the royal family that seem to burn by her own candle flame, the youngest grandchild of fire lord and youngest daughter or ozai and ursa. The princess that seem to be called by her people and other the kindhearted princess.
y/n " ......" you are walking down the hallway of the palace heading towards, someone chambers. You had walked passed some servants and guards who are carrying some stuff, and stop and bow when they see you. You had give them a smile as you kept on walking until you reached the chambers of your older brother zuko.
????? " y/n"
y/n " zuko I came to see you ... you are really leaving I can go speak with father and he ..."
zuko " no I wish for you not to be brought into my issues anymore"
y/n " Zuzu you are my brother I will do anything for our family"
zuko " it will be okay if I return with the avatar everything will be fine"
y/n " ......."
zuko " it all will be okay if have all my stuff and anything else I will needed packed, come on we can go to dock together"
y/n " okay" you and zuko had walked towards the dock together making some small talk.
zuko " I will miss you"
y/n " I will miss you as well big brother"
iroh " wait up you two"
y/n " uncle"
zuko " uncle what going on here"
iroh " well I'm coming with you zuko as you will need all the help out there, and guidance as well and don't worry I spoke with my brother about this already"
y/n " uncle are you really going"
iroh " yes my niece but don't worry we will all stay safe"
y/n " good and I will pray for the safe return of you two and the whole crew, and hope you both come back with good stories to tell"
iroh " we will and I think the crew will be high hopes hearing, you wish us luck on our trip away from home"
y/n " thank you"
zuko " stay strong my sister and don't only our sister and anyones else, to break you spirt"
y/n " yes Zuzu"
iroh " yes remember my lessons with you and the advice I have given you, I will be hoping you will be doing well here as well when we are gone"
y/n " thank you uncle and brother I will make sure to make you both, proud and I will make sure I do well when I'm here" you had hugged your brother and uncle, right before they left the nation on their journey to find the avatar. It will be a very long time until you saw your brother and uncle once again.
many years later
y/n " ......" you are feeding the turtle ducks you had gotten sick of being stuck inside all day, the ducks seem to be having a good time with you until someone came behind you soon scaring the ducks away.
y/n " azula" you soon got up and hugged her you are the only few people that she only to hug her.
azula " hello little sister now may you tell me why you are feeding these annoying creatures"
y/n " they are not annoying azula I think they are cute and I love feeding them"
azula "sure"
azula " so how was the meeting with father what did he tell you"
azula " that choi failed him and now it my time to take matters into my own hand"
y/n " I didn't like the idea of the raid on North Pole"
azula " i don't get you my sister you are from one the most important and powerful family here, and you decide to be always peaceful even towards our enemies"
y/n " azula they are just like us and I don't like the who idea of using my title and bending to get people to do anything"
azula " so I will have to worry about you as well"
y/n " azula"
azula " i will be leaving to go look for the avatar and Zuzu along with uncle"
y/n " azula please don't hurt them they are still family"
azula " don't worry"
y/n " I have many reasons to worry azula I know you"
azula " i will be good for now but I still going after the avatar anyways I will tell Zuzu and uncle you say hello"
y/n " I wish I could come but father will not let me"
azula " we all know why you are not ready and you will be good here, father will make sure you stay safe and that means staying here ... but hey I will bring you back any gift I get on my travels"
y/n " yes sister please be safe out there and with anyone else who joins you"
azula " i will be good but I will come home vicarious"
y/n " yes sister" azula and you had spent some time together as she was planning her trip to leave, the next day she had left home to go after the avatar and the rest of the family.
ozai " my daughter I have called you here so we can speak"
y/n " yes father"
ozai " now that your brother and sister are gone, thing around here will be changing"
y/n " I understand father"
ozai " good as your duty if being princess of the fire nation, you have a image to uphold and duties as well ... I know you will do them well being their for the family and nation, but you need to know that your ability of kindness could be seen a weakness you can't always let your kindness rule over you when you are in changer of stuff my daughter"
y/n " I know father but this how I'm"
ozai " I know I know my child but I need you to know, that you can't always be kind when it come to our people or anyone else"
y/n " yes father but I will always make sure our family and people are good, even if they are fire nation or not"
ozai " that what I love to hear my daughter now you are free to go, as I have a meeting with the generals and sages"
y/n " yes father take care"
ozai " you as well my daughter" you soon bowed to your father as you soon left the throne room, as the meeting was getting ready to start. You are walking down the hall way of the palace looking at the portraits, of the royal family member past and present. You had thought about everyone words, and you were going to stick to being yourself as that is something you love dearly no matter what everyone else had to say about it.
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onlyfezco · 1 year
Happy New Year, Ma - Fezco
Summary: After Fez smashes Nate’s face in, you come over to help take care of his hand.
Fezco x Reader
Word Count: 1,330
Author’s Note: This started because I kept rewatching that scene of Fez beating Nate’s ass and I was turned on from it. Anybody else? No? Just me? Okay lol. Also, this should have been posted like January 2nd lol. My bad.
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“Let me in Ash.”
“What you doin’ here,” Ash question through the screen door. 
“I’m here to help,” you replied as you held up your mom’s first aid kit as proof.
Ashtray huffed then opened the screen door. 
“Where is he?”
Ash nodded his head in the direction for you to follow. “Kitchen.”
You made your way down the hallway already knowing your way around the O’Neil home. Once in the kitchen entryway, you saw Fez, closing the lid on a Tylenol bottle, his hand haphazardly wrapped in gauze. 
You sighed shaking your head at the sight. “Really, Fezco?”
Fez turned around to see your disappointed expression. His eyes trailed down your body to see you still in your New Year’s Eve dress, a long cream coat, heels still on, with a black bag in tow. 
“What you doing here? Go back to the party,” Fez said shaking his head, then walked pass you. 
“I’m here to clean up your hand.”
“Don’t need any help. Took care of it.”
“Like you took care of Nate,” you asked, annoyance in your voice. 
“You come over here just to tell me I messed up,” Fez asked, plopping down on the couch.
“No... seriously Fez. Let me help.”
Fez eyed you considering your offer. All he had to clean up his hand was water, soap, and gauze. “Fine.”
Relief filled your eyes, your lips turning up into a small smile. “Bathroom please.” You quickly took your coat off, dropping it on the couch before you turned, going down the hall knowing Fez would follow. You sat your mom’s first aid kit on the counter, taking out the supplies you would need. 
“Where you get all this from?”
“My mom’s cabinet. My house was only a few doors down from the party. I knew you wouldn’t have anything to take care of that,” you said, nodding your head towards his messed up hand. 
Fez put the toilet seat down then sat. You reached for his hand and began unwrapping his attempt to cover up his cuts.
His hand was bruised and still bleeding. Your face winced at the sight. “Oh Fez.”
Fez just sat there quietly not making eye contact with you. Nate deserved what he got, but he didn’t want to see the disappointment in your eyes. 
You noticed a tiny shard of glass still in his skin. “Did you even try to clean this up?”
“Not exactly a doctor over here.”
You rinsed his hand off in the sink then dried it off. Cleaned up the skin between the cuts with some alcohol. You put a little Neosporin on the cuts to help them heal. For just a moment, you held his hand looking at the cuts and bruises. Your thumb moving back and forth over his enact skin. 
Pulling out a bandage to began wrapping up his hand, you broke the silence. “Why’d you do it, Fez? I know Nate Jacobs is an ass and I don’t doubt he deserve it, but... why at a party in front of everyone?”
Fez was quiet for a moment. Just watching you wrap the bandage around hand and through his fingers. “Remember the raid I told you about?” You just nodded. “He tipped them off.”
Your face scrunched up, anger clouding your eyes. You didn’t question how Fez knew it was Nate. You believed him. If Fez and Ash wouldn’t have had time to flush all the drugs they had, Fez would be in jail, Ash would probably be in foster care, and their grandma sent to a home. The thought made your blood boil. You tried to put all your focus into carefully wrapping Fez’s hand. Not too tight so he could still feel his fingers, but tight enough to stop any bleeding or the bandage from falling off.
“But why at the party?”
“Rather me have pulled up to his house?”
You finished wrapping his hand then began putting up your things. “No, but... witnesses Fez. And that family has pull in this town. What’s to stop him from pressing charges?”
“He ain’t gonna do nothin’,” Fez replied confidently. 
“You don’t know that,” you said annoyed how easily he downplayed the situation. 
“Trust me, ma,” Fez said standing up, now looking down at you. “Nothin’s gonna happen. And if it does, that’s for me to worry ‘bout.”
You stared up into Fezco’s crystal blue eyes. You sucked your teeth then looked away. “Fine. Whatever.” Then you turned and zipped up your bag, completely over this night.
“I’m sorry.”
Anger turned to confusion, turning your head to face him. Your expression asking the question your lips didn’t have to say.
“For ruinin’ the start to your New Year. You should be at that party with your friends. Not here with me.”
You reached out for his good hand. “You are my friend, Fez. I’m right where I’m supposed to be.”
“Nah, you were suppose to be takin’ a shot or kissin’ some guy. Not watching me punch Nate in the face.”
You chuckled. “Well, I don’t drink. I see how my friends get and somebody has to be the sober one. As for the kissing part... I’m kinda lackin’ in that department.”
Fezco was staring you down making you nervous. You began to drop his hand and look away, but he quickly picked it back up, lacing your fingers between his. You glanced down at your interlaced fingers, your cheeks growing hot. 
“That’s hard to believe,” Fez said. 
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you replied, “well, believe it.”
Both of you were silent just staring at one another. You could practically hear your heart beating in your chest. Fez was moving in closer to you and before your brain had time to process what was happening, his lips were hovering over yours.
Fez’s voice came out softer than you’ve ever heard it before, “Can I?”
You didn’t trust your mouth to speak properly so you settled on nodding your head. Fez took the leap and closed to small gap in between you two. His hand that was holding yours let go and came up to your neck, his thumb gently touching your cheek. 
He was being so sweet and tender with you, but you wanted more. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him in closer to you, so now you were chest to chest. 
Fez was trying his best not to move his bandaged hand, but he couldn’t help himself. His other hand wrapped around your back, a moan leaving your lips. 
The two of you got lost in each other. You began to feel off balance a little, the two of you trying to get as close to each other as possible, you taking a step back. Then you felt your back hit the sink counter. Fezco yelped in pain, taking a step away from you, his hands leaving your body. 
Your hands shot up to your mouth, covering your lips. “Shit, I’m sorry,” you repeated over and over feeling guilty for his hand getting smashed between your backside and the hard counter top. 
“Nah,” Fez replied holding his hand tight to his chest. “Ain’t your fault.” His hand stung, the skin not under the bandage turning red. 
You grimaced at his hand making Fez feel bad that you were feeling bad because of him. 
“Hey,” he said catching your attention dropping his hand so you wouldn’t stare at it feeling guilty. Once you made eye contact with him, Fezco continued. “Happy New Year, ma.”
You smiled up at the ginger, your heart filling with joy. “Happy New Year, Fezco.” You watched the corners of his lips turn up into a small smile, his cheeks turning a light shade of red before you spoke again. “Let’s go put some ice on that hand of yours,” you said sweetly feeling bad for the extra pain he was in now. You grabbed his good hand then led him out the bathroom. 
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