#their dynamic has me in both shambles and tears
katsigian · 8 months
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I am so normal ───── immediately dies because she needs to bend down to kiss him and he needs to go up onto his tiptoes and it's adorable
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catboybiologist · 5 months
Are you comfortable with questions about your journey to HRT?
Like, mentally how you took the leap of faith from femboy to needing something more / different. Asking for, uh, *a friend*, yeah 👀
Holy shit, this got long. This springboarded me into a massive writing about how my life influenced my personal gender philosophy, and is probably more than you bargained for. But I hope it's helpful in some way! I actually had a similar conversation recently with an NB, not on HRT friend of mine. What's the jump that makes you want to do HRT?
I don't think my experience parallels that of a lot of people's - everyone's is unique. But I do think there are good takeaways from my thoughts on this. Now that I have an Adderall prescription and my quarter is about to end, I've started writing some kind of more cited and developed essay or video essay, but that's random future stuff. This post itself is gonna be a little rambling, and a little personal. Sorry!
Vaguely, I think that the *push* to start HRT was a distinct force from tearing down the internal barriers associated with HRT, if that makes any sense. For many people, I think they have some sense of a mild preference of the gender they would "want" to be, but it doesn't bother them enough to actually break down the barriers to transition. For me, breaking those barriers, both internal and external, was as important as the motivations to transition themselves.
One of the major barriers in people's heads, often without them realizing it, is some kind of inherent belief in the "sanctity" of their body. For many people, "permanent changes" are terrifying, "unnatural", and even if they don't have medical risks, intrinsically *feel* like a medical risk they're taking on some level. It's an offshoot of purity culture in a weird way- it's the same root as a fear of psychiatric medicine making you "not you". Much of this is intrinsically religious, but a lot is actually not. I had a little bit of this growing up. Being raised atheist certainly helped in this regard, even though it was still a queerphobic slavic atheism.
The tiny bit of this I did have was sanctity of my mind, which internally, I still viewed as a separate entity from my body. This was 100% incited by crushing academic pressure, which influenced how I think and my own morality in a lot of unexpected ways. I grew up in a kind of infamously high pressure education area. It sounds unrelated, but it's really not. My mind, academics, and thinking kind of got put on a pedestal on my mind. My personal image of myself was basically a detached orb of thoughts and public speaking. I had 0 connection to my body. But since my mind was everything, both psychiatric medication and HRT were these vile things that could alter how I think and my mood! Gasp!
The final, crushing blow to both of these mentalities was studying biology. And WOW there's so much I could say about how studying biology has influenced how I think about this idea, which I want to talk about a lot more outside of the scope of just a tumblr post. But to summarize- it's not even about finding a biological "reason" for transness. It's about how I saw a living thing as a detailed, dynamic, intricate, constantly changing system that is as much a function of its environment as it is any intrinsic factors. And this includes the mind. So since I'm a shambling mass of chemicals anyways..... Why not be a shambling mass of slightly different chemicals?
The "detached orb" image isn't entirely accurate, though. Because, from an early age, I did have a self image that made me happy. And it was a female one. I shoved this deeply out of my mind in shame, leaving behind the "orb". This was my "push", as I called it before. In addition to a weird separation between my mind and my body, an additional factor contributed to my detachment- a growing distress around developing male traits during puberty, which coincided in the worst ways with academic pressure during teen and preteen years. Looking back, I now recognize this as dysphoria. I don't think my dysphoria was ever as extreme as many other people. But this is why I'm emphasizing taking down barriers as much as the weight of dysphoria itself. It has always been easy to distract from my dysphoria, but it's always been my "resting state" without realizing it.
Linked a bit to the second point is also how I felt shame about exploring any aspect of my life other than academic and professional achievement. Being raised in a high pressure environment means that any exploration of my queer identity felt like a distraction from the "real" things I should be focusing on. The final thing that tore this down, which I don't recommend for ANYONE, was an almost traumatic set of events during the pandemic/my masters degree that made me have a wake up call. I wasn't structuring anything in my life for my own happiness. Going through that made me realize I was going to continue being miserable unless I changed that. So... I started taking the idea of transitioning to actually work on my happiness very seriously.
Being a femboy was actually how I tried to reconcile these things in my head. It was my attempt to "compartmentalize"- allow myself to gently indulge in gender nonconformity and the happiness associated with it, while still not making the "commitment" to fully transition. It helps that most of my existence as a femboy was crossdressing during the height of the pandemic- spending hours on analysis and writing while living alone during my MS, wearing femme outfits while I did it. And of course, taking pics to kick off this whole online persona. I also kind of liked the idea of cis gender nonconformity as a concept, and still do. I love how femboys fuck with gender, and I wanted a slice of that for myself. It wasn't enough long term, and my new commitment to happiness overcame my desire to compartmentalize.
The final barriers were practical. By the end of my masters in 2022, I knew I wanted to transition, I just needed to get my social and financial shit together. Cue moving to my PhD university, becoming active in the queer community here, having an accepting professional environment... and yeah. Here I am. Still gotta socially transition outside of my queer circles, but now, I even have a plan for that. I still got a long way to go, but for the first time, I feel like I'm going in the right direction. And I'm very, very happy.
A lot of this is not applicable to everyone. It's mostly my personal experience. But if there is one thing that I think should apply to everyone here, it's this: kill bioessentialism in your mind. Kill the concept of complete sanctity of your mind and body. Break the barriers and then let yourself move freely across the new landscape you've opened up. At the very least, you'll come out with a more healthy relationship with your cis identity. And at best, you'll find a new part of you that needed to be found.
The other thing I think is broadly applicable is this: when initially figuring things out, stop thinking about what you "are", and start thinking about what you want. Would it make you happy to grow breasts, curves, have a femme face, estrogen regulated emotions, and other transfemme HRT changes? Because those are the actual, physical effects of HRT. If the answer is yes, start it. There's no reason not to. Your identity can come later. You deserve to be happy *for the explicit purpose of being happy*. You don't need to validate that desire through some other random factor.
This got WAAAYYYY too long, but if you have any questions, please, please ask!!!!
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ezlo-x · 11 months
god ok i need to get it off my mind or it will eat me alive or I will forget my actual thoughts abt it sooo here I go
Hi...soo this is me talking abt the current Dragon Tears that I obtained. Yesterday I got Dragon tear #5 and today I managed to get #6 and #7 and...yeah. I was originally planning to hold on my thoughts until I completed the Gerudo Region but what I saw in those memories I have things to say and idk how long it would take me to complete it so I'm starting with the dragon tear memories. (also sadly no in-game/cutscene screenshots this time around cause I kept forgetting and didn't took any </3)
So Tear #5 we got more to "know" abt Ganondorf. Where he apologizes abt what he did in Tear #4 to Rauru and Sonia. And I think I'm just going to share what I said last night abt it
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Sooo I wasn't expecting this type of writting with Ganondorf. I obviously sound very emotional in these messages cause I was heading straight to sleep after I got the cutscene, I don't think totk Ganondorf is worse than oot Ganondorf. I think he's a different kind of badly written meanwhile with OoT I can cut him some slack where he's technically the first Ganondorf from an old console game yada yada. Also worldbuild of Zonai?? No? Ganondorf is just gonna casually throw that dialogue that Zonai were once gods or smth like that and never mention it again ok. And like I said in those messages I think what Ganondorf said abt Rauru marrying Sonia was so ughhhhhhhhhh like really? We're gonna make him racist cause you couldn't add depth to a villain really? And his motives abt wanting to become king is just...that he has no motives he has no reason on why he wants to do it just cause he's EVILLLL and he has EVILLL intentions OOOOOOOOOOO like fuck off. How is it possible that nintendo was able to give him depth in Wind Waker and then water down his character to "ummm cringe that YOU as a Zonai married a Hylian Woman you're a beta 🤓" Nintendo says, "we don't want people to like him or find him interesting he's the bad guy! make him say something racist and give him no clear motive on why he wants to do what he wants to do he's EVILLL you're not supposed to root for him!!"
But sure give him no motive on why he wants to do this other than being evil. Nintendo is honestly better off writing comedic villains with dark lore (Kohga) I knew that they would never reach WW Ganondorf levels of good but from what im seeing like wooowww
anyways to add a glimpse of hope Tear #6 came clutch w Sonia and Rauru. I loved the dynamic they both have with Zelda they're like parents to her...wah and I simply adored how Sonia mentions Link like a mother asking for who's that cute boy you've been talking to? and Rauru being so curious to meet him. This memory was so cute I would love to wish blissful of this family living happily.
Final memory I currently got is Tear #7 and ohhhhh this is the one that just drained me.
So Sonia dies, I was honestly like surprised or shocked idk I was not expecting it good ol gotcha moment. and YES I SAW GANONDORF'S NASTY SMILE THAT ACTUALLY FREAKED ME OUT LIKE EW
AND I was sad that we're not going to see Sonia anymore rlly loved her I was hoping for more of her as a character. But yeah I was in shambles when that cutscene happened, like once I got the cutscene I just closed the game cause I just wanted to process what happened.
And that is all I have, sorry if I sound more pessimistic and negative this time around. Just realizing where they are going with Ganondorf just put me into the 10 stages of grief. Looking forward more to the story and the characters just not Ganondorf
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queers-gambit · 2 years
Don't You (Forget About Me)
prompt: after the gruesome events in the Upside Down, our heroes try to settle into "normal life" again; and Eddie confronts his mother to bargain for custody of his little brother.
pairing: Eddie Munson x female reader
fandom masterlist: Stranger Things
note: big brother!Eddie has me in a small chokehold right now. and repost because i'm back in the tags, bay-bay!
word count: 8.9k
warnings: AU where Eddie lives (as he should've but whatever), cursing, toxic family dynamics, abusive and destructive behavior, confrontation of a shitty fucking parent, mild violence, mild drug use, angst with comfort, not edited, reposted because Tumblr's lessening our beef [sorry to those who are seeing this again]. ✅ no spoilers
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The mornings were the most peaceful. The sun was just breaching the horizon, birds chirping incessantly, and the sun's heat hasn't had a chance to really fry the Earth's surface yet. Summer provided many comforts; for one, the fact that there were hardly any responsibilities after graduation.
After you all had gone to war with Vecna and the Upside Down, Eddie was severely wounded, and it was a chore just to get him to a hospital; giving him a fighting chance. Naturally, the staff had heard rumors of the Munson Murderer, but their duty was to provide medical assistance to anyone in need - even a "serial killer".
The severity of his injuries left Eddie in a medically induced coma, and in that time, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, or the FBI, released a press conference that cited "confounding evidence" that Edward Munson was not the Hawkins serial killer. They offered no other explanation other than to clear Eddie's name, and when he woke up, he was a free man.
There were months of rehab, physical therapy, and occupational therapy, but you were right there through it all. Your hand in his, tissues at the ready to wipe his tears, encouraging him to keep going, and of course, lying in bed with him, hand in his hair, reading The Hobbit out loud for the nights he needed soft comforting.
When he was released from the hospital, the government had offered a substantial amount of "hush money" that left both you and Eddie more than well-off, per the contingency of never speaking the truth of the Upside Down. It left financial room for you both to buy a small house with three bedrooms, a full basement, walkable attic, and a kitchen that made your heart stop.
It left money for you and Eddie to buy a rundown garage, and update it to the point of function for Eddie to work out of; and for you to think about your next move into college to prepare yourself to become a grade schoolteacher.
The master bedroom was yours and Eddie's room. It was possibly bigger than the entire floorspace of his trailer and Eddie was briefly confounded over what to even do with the space.
After Gate One left his trailer in shambles, there were only a few things he and his uncle were to salvage; more personal affects and memorabilia decorating your room. You wanted him to feel as if this was his home, too; so, you often took Eddie to the thrift store or Goodwill to do some extra shopping. Soon, your house felt more like a home.
The second bedroom was for Wayne. Located on the main landing, it was spacious for the aging man to settle in, and the money you and Eddie had meant he didn't need to work any longer. He still wanted to but didn't need to worry about the financial standpoint. Instead, Eddie pushed him into doing something Wayne's apparently always been interested by gardening. Yeah, so, Wayne Munson picked up a job at the local botanical nursery and honestly? He just looked brighter and healthier (and younger) doing a job he genuinely loved.
Occasionally, he'd help out in Munson's Garage, but he was much more content with his hands in dirt than in grease and oil.
The third room was up for discussion. Originally, it was to be a guest room for any party members that came to visit. But Eddie thought the basement was a better fit, so, you spent time renovating it to make it as cozy as possible. This meant the third bedroom was up for grabs, and Eddie had an idea for it.
As previously stated, mornings were peaceful, and that morning in particular started out earlier than normal. You felt Eddie tossing and turning all night; trying to settle him by cuddling close and letting him be the little spoon but the boy couldn't lay still. You eventually shuffled to your side of the bed in the hopes of even an hour's rest, leaving Eddie to stressful worry.
Cracking your eyes open, you noted the bedside alarm clock glaring red numbers at you: 4:54 am.
"Eddie," you groaned, turning over and sinking your head to his chest, where you could feel his heartbeat thumping erratically. "Please, baby, just try to relax. Still got another few hours."
"I can't, peaches, I'm trying..." he whispers, one arm moving around your waist tightly. "I'm sorry for waking you," he pecked your forehead gently.
You sighed, "You didn't. I could practically hear you overthinking." It was quiet for a beat, your voice clearing of sleep just a decimal, "You wanna talk about it, angel?"
The silent morning stretched around you, sun not yet peaking, and the wildlife just starting to wake up. Eddie sighed deeply and let his fingers dance across your bare ribs, "Just nervous."
"Understandably," You nodded against his skin, turning your head to peck his neck and then snuggle back into his vice embrace. "But we're not leaving for another few hours, baby, just try and get some rest. Hmm?"
"I can't stop thinking, peaches."
You nodded, "Wanna tell me what you're thinking about?"
The silence prolonged as you waited; gingerly letting your fingernail trace patterns over his tattooed chest. "What if... What if she says no?"
You knew this could be a very real possibility, but you both still had to try. Well, all three of you - since Wayne insisted on being in attendance. "Then we'll just keep showing her the facts, my love," you tried to assure, but truthfully, you were just as nervous as your hand slid up to caress his cheek and rest against his jaw. Eddie hadn't seen his mother in fucking years, nor his brother in the past 2, and he was going to ask her to relinquish custody of Teddy to him.
Now that Eddie was over 18, he prayed it shouldn't be much of an issue. And with your combined financials, you both decided you could afford to care for Teddy and get him out of Thelma's guardianship. If the stories were true, and based on both Eddie's and Wayne's recollections, they were, then the woman should see no issue in giving her youngest a chance at a better life.
However, you knew what drugs did to a person's mind. It warped your father's mind when you were growing up, and after meeting Eddie when you were 14, you realized that kind of behavior wasn't normal. So, when Eddie confessed in the hospital that he wanted to get Teddy out of Thelma's grasp, you easily agreed. You prayed there was time to show Teddy that life wasn't all about a drug-addicted parent you had to take care of - and who better to show the rambunctious youngin' the ropes of life than his equally rambunctious older brother?
Teddy was around the same age Eddie had been when Thelma first ran off, disappearing for years, before resurfacing with a new baby on her hip. She was in and out from that moment on, but Eddie made it a priority to see his little brother as often as he could.
When Thelma's addiction reached a new height, it was harder to see the child.
Now that everything with Vecna and the Upside Down had finally ended and Eddie was stronger, working out of the garage four days a week, he figured there was no better time than the present.
Eddie was unusually quiet, choosing to let his fingers drift over your bare skin as his thoughts became consuming. "All right," you sighed finally, sitting up in the new mattress you'd bought. "C'mon, baby, let's go."
"Go where?" he sighed, watching you stretch your arms above your head and trying not to flinch when your shoulders popped. You smiled when you turned to look back at him: shirtless, laid on bright, soft sheets, hair spread around him like a frizzy halo.
"To make breakfast," you encouraged, turning at the waist to lean down and peck his lips. "C'mon, cooking usually distracts you - let's go make Wayne a big ol' meal."
"Or we could lay here?"
"You've been laying here all night, angel, and it's not doing you any good. C'mon," you encouraged again, pressing a longer kiss to his lips, "it'll help pass the time. Maybe I'll let you smoke a joint in the kitchen, hmm?"
He smirked lightly, "Oh, pullin' all the stops out, are you? Never let me smoke in the house."
"Mhm, I know, I'm spoiling you," you teased with a small giggle. Your feet found purchase on the mattress as you stood above him, leaning down to seize his wrists and yank backward, groaning, "C'mooonnnn! Fuck, why're you so heavy!?"
It made Eddie chuckle before steeling his arms and yanking you down on top of him with a yelp. Your knees planted on either side of his hips, resting on his lap as his hands laid on your bare thighs. His smile was lazy and light, your hands smoothing up his chest before resting around his neck, so your chest was pressed to his.
"You know you're the best thing that's happened to me, right?" he asked quietly, letting his hands drag up to rest on your back.
The sentiment made your heart lighten, smiling at him, "Mhm, I do know. So long as you know you're my favorite thing in this life."
"Yeah, so you've mentioned," he teased lightly.
"It's gonna work out, angel," you spoke seriously. "Hear me? We're gonna work this all out."
He nodded slowly, "You're so sure."
"I have enough faith for us both," you spoke softly, stretching slightly to peck his lips again. You sighed and deflated against him; face pressed into his neck to inhale his scent. "My precious boy."
He chuckled, "Know I don't like that nickname."
"Yeah, but it makes you blush," you grinned devilishly, hand blindly raising to poke his cheek. "Are you gonna get up and have a nice morning with me, or do you wanna lay in bed, anxious, and overthinking everything?"
He groaned, "Why you gotta word it like that?"
"Because you're stubborn," you winked, lifting off him again. Eddie grunted from behind you as you turned for the closet, opening the doors to tug a soft robe on over your shoulders. As the belt was tied, Eddie's hands slid around your waist to press against your back; resting there for a moment as you lifted a hand back to pet over his cheek. "It's gonna be okay, baby, I promise," you whispered, other hand pressing against his arm around your waist to squeeze.
"Yeah," Eddie breathed, "so long as I've got you, I can't lose."
"Hm," you breathed, "you'll never be without me, baby."
"Yeah," he sighed, leaning in to kiss your neck. "All right," he whispered with a sigh, leaning back to let you tug your hair from under the tied-off robe that protected your negligee-clad body from the coolness of the morning. "You feelin' waffles or pancakes this morning?"
"Wayne likes French toast," you smiled, half-watching him tug a pair of black-and-red plaid pajama bottoms up and remaining shirtless.
"Always spoiling him," Eddie teased, grabbing an old Altoid tin that housed his joints and a metal Zippos lighter from the desk.
"Well, he raised my most favorite human," you hummed with a smile, both exiting the bedroom to head for the kitchen. "Least I can do is give the man whatever meals he wants."
Eddie chuckled and planted himself against the kitchen counter as you busied yourself getting everything together. Here's a well-kept Hawkins secret: Edward Munson was sinful in the kitchen. The years of neglect made him resourceful, and the boy knew his way around ingredients. He stopped cooking as much because Wayne worked nights, meaning there was no real reason to whip up any meals.
So, he resorted to take-out and drive thru's until he met you - and then his passion was reignited. So, he watched you pull ingredients out while getting the joint lit at the end; turning to unlock and open the kitchen window as you turned the fan on to help vent the smoke out. "All right, peaches," Eddie spoke softly, handing you the joint. "Step back a sec," he smiled, letting his hands press to your hips and tug you out of the way.
He helped push you up onto the counter before taking over the entire kitchen; radio switched on to play a few tunes in the background. You watched him move, scars from the fight in the Upside Down flexing from the strain of reaching for certain utensils. The heat in the kitchen crept higher but the cooling breeze from the open window and circulating fan blades helped keep things temperate, but the moment Eddie turned to you with a few bites of his scrambled eggs on fork prongs, you realized it wasn't the stove making you sweat.
Your legs opened a little more to let Eddie slot between them, leading the fork to your mouth as you took the bite and crossed your ankles behind his thighs. You hummed in appreciation, nodding as your eyes fluttered dramatically, "It's so good, baby, wow."
"Yeah?" he chuckled, watching you chew as he set the fork to the side. "Does it need more salt?"
"Hm, no," you assured, swallowing. "It's perfect."
"Liar." You perked a brow, him grinning, "I know you like more cheese on your eggs."
"Maybe we spend too much time together, you know me a little too well."
"'Cause I know how you like your eggs?"
"Mhm," you winked, letting your arms straighten to rest along his shoulders; hands tangling into the hair at the base of his neck. "You look like you're feeling better."
"Cooking helps," he whispered, sighing slightly as he leaned into you enough to make your arms bend. "What time do we have to leave?"
You glanced at the clock, bringing Eddie in closer to rest your cheek on his forehead. You sighed lightly, "In about an hour and a half."
Eddie whined lowly in his throat, allowing you to pull him all the closer to he was resting on your shoulder. Your hand rose to gently pet over the back of his head, soothing in your motions as he shifted on his feet to pull you over the counter; forcing you as close as possible. When you heard a muffled sniffle, your heart shattered.
"We've gotta get him back," Eddie whispered.
"We're not leaving unless Teddy's with us," you promised, pulling Eddie back to stare into his eyes. "Hear me? We're not giving up on him, and we're gonna get Teddy - he's gonna be safe with us, okay?"
You didn't know Wayne hesitated before the kitchen doorway, listening as Eddie sniffled again and agreed, "Yeah. Yeah, uh... Totally."
"Angel, this is all gonna work out, okay?"
"You don't sound convinced but that's okay," you assured softly with a knowing smile. "'Cause I got enough faith for us both, you hear me? So, you just... You just focus on what you're gonna say, and the rest is gonna be handled. You're not going at this alone, Eddie, you're with Wayne and I - and you know we're not gonna let anything happen to you, okay?" He nodded, more tears swelling. You whispered with your forehead resting on his, "She can't hurt you anymore, Eddie, and we're going to make sure she can't hurt Teddy either, okay?"
"Yeah," he wept, pulling away to wipe his tears with a feverous nod. "Okay, y-yeah."
"Okay, good," you chirped. "Now, I'm gonna set the table if you wanna wake Wayne up?"
"C-Can we just," Eddie paused, whispering, "can we just pause? For a second, just... Just you and me for one more minute?"
"Whatever you need, baby, I'll give to you," you whispered, pulling him in for a tight hug as your own emotion was clawing at your chest and throat. "We're gonna be okay. I promise..."
You knew Eddie hated that phrase because next to never did anyone ever keep their promises to him. But then you happened, and Eddie knew you'd rather break your back than ever not fulfill your promises; knowing that if you promised it'd be okay, then it would be okay.
Wayne cleared his throat after taking a few steps back; allowing the two young adults to get their emotions in check by the time he was entering the large kitchen. "Morning, all," he greeted, smiling lightly at you as Eddie had turned to start dishing everything from the stove. "How'd, uh... How'd you sleep, honey?"
You smiled, "Pretty okay. How was your night, Wayne?"
He nodded, glancing at Eddie's back before answering, "Uh, you know, long. Just couldn't sleep that well, real nervous."
You nodded in understanding, "Ed's pretty nervous, too."
"Yeah?" Wayne nodded, clapping his nephew on his shoulder. "It's gonna work out, son, I know it will."
"Yeah," Eddie whispered.
Breakfast was dished up and you three sat together, Wayne and you doing most of the talking to save Eddie from stuttering over his own words. His nerves were growing the longer time went, bouncing his knee and picking at his fingernails while you cleaned up the kitchen. When the time ticked closer, you encouraged everyone to get ready and with your hand wrapped around Eddie's, you fell into a rhythm in your room.
Eddie had all too easily tugged his pants off before jumping into a pair of black, ripped jeans; a simple black tee shirt tossed on over his torso. He laced up his trusted, white Reeboks before opening one of the windows and lighting another joint.
You watched him from your ensuite bathroom stressfully smoke. His knee bounced rapidly, and his eyes stared unblinkingly to the wall as his fingers trembled.
Once ready, you laced on your Converse before approaching his side; sliding your hand across his shoulder blades and all but basically pressing a button that opened him up. Eddie didn't even glance up at you, he just leaned back and opened his arms to let you sit across his lap and take the joint from his fingers.
"You know, this kills," you mentioned, pulling smoke into your lungs before exhaling through the opened window.
"We wouldn't be so lucky," he teased, sighing as his arm anchored around your waist. "It's time?"
"Yeah, but if you need another minute or two, that's okay, angel."
Eddie nodded and tugged you closer, pressing a kiss to your neck as you slumped against his chest. After taking another hit, you handed the roach back to him and just waited. With the added weight of your body, he couldn't shake his leg like he was; opting to cracking a few fingers before sighing, stubbing out the roach, and wrapping both arms around you.
"It's gonna work out, right?" he muttered.
"Course it is," you assured, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
You all three piled into your car; knowing the two men with you were far too distracted to genuinely focus on driving and while you loved them, and you trusted them with your life, but maybe not in this case. So, you drove, and Wayne rode shotgun after Eddie assured he should before taking the back seat.
He nervously fiddled with an old stuffie, a faded-green dragon that Eddie won for Teddy at a carnival. He had tears in his eyes as he gently pet the toy, trying to distract himself by staring at the passing landscape.
Thelma Munson had moved to a suburb outside of Indianapolis, marking this a bit of a car ride but for Wayne and Eddie, it was borderline torture. You tried to keep the music low, but it was obvious neither of the men could hear the words; both lost in their own minds and leaving you to go over what you knew in your mind.
Thelma was an aggressive drug addict and all three of you knew it wasn't going to be easy to get her to listen. You knew she didn't have a single bone in her body that loved her children more than she loved drugs and alcohol. You knew she was the cause of some burn marks on Eddie's skin. You knew she was part of the reason that Eddie's father, Gregory Munson, was incarcerated - yet never understood how she didn't go down with him.
You knew she abandoned Eddie at home for a full week when he was 10 until he found a way to climb up onto an old desk and find the phone number for his Uncle Wayne.
You knew Thelma never called or checked on him after that.
You knew that Eddie actually had a bit of a better relationship with his father, Greg, then he did with his mother. And the man was in prison, for God's sake! You knew he was arrested years ago, and months after that, Thelma was showing up again with Teddy in her arms. Nobody ever knew if Greg was the father, and you knew she'd never tell the full truth.
You knew it confused and hurt Eddie, and you knew you'd do anything to prevent him from suffering further.
By the time you pulled up to a more... Run-down trailer park, you could feel the tension in the car brew to a new height. There was debris in the yard; an old, broken-down Chevy left in the grass, yard looking like it hadn't been mowed in months. Beer cans littered the front porch, and much to your heartbreak, there was a blow-up kiddie pool to the side, sputtering hose leaking browned-water into the plastic, and a wild-haired 9-year-old child sitting in the middle of it, playing with a plastic dinosaur toy.
"Teddy," Eddie breathed in shock, the end of the summer heat forcing the child to seek refuge in the sludge water.
"Hang on," you halted him from running for his brother. "Hang on, baby, we've gotta do this cautiously. Look, why don't you two go talk to Thelma and I'll get Teddy cleaned up?"
Wayne nodded, slapping a hand to Eddie's shoulder, "C'mon, son. She's got this."
You nodded in encouragement to your boyfriend when his sad eyes met yours. "Thank you," he whispered, leaning forward to kiss your forehead. "We won't be long."
You nodded, "I'll get him dried off and then inside to change, okay?"
He nodded, breathing out, "Yeah... Yeah, um... W-Wayne and I can handle Thelma."
"Baby, do you want me to go instead?" You offered in worry. "I-I'm sure Wayne can grab Teddy, right?"
Wayne nodded, "Anything that works, we can do that."
"No, uh... No, it's okay, it might be better with Wayne and I at first," Eddie cleared his throat. "You'll tell him why we're here, right?"
You shared a look with Wayne, "I-Is that such a good idea?"
"Kid deserves to know," Wayne assured, nodding. "I didn't have to twist Thelma's arm for Eddie, but I'm not gonna leave Teddy here alone. He's coming with us," Wayne nodded at Eddie, who smiled with relief.
"Then I'll get him ready," you nodded, leaning in close to Eddie. "Hey," you hand tightened in his, "it's gonna be okay. Just remember we're doing this for Teddy, okay?"
"I know," he sighed.
"But if you feel the need to rip her a new one for what she did to you, we'd all understand," you tried to smile but the harsh gulp assured you he was thinking about it. "Do what you need to, baby."
He nodded, whispering, "Thanks, peaches."
Wayne nodded at you and steered Eddie towards the trailer's door. You took a deep breath and watched them knock, waiting a moment as the door wrenched open and revealed a thin woman with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth. Her eyes, the very same as Eddie's, widened in shock.
"Edward?" she asked.
"Hi, Thelma," Eddie nodded back, hands shoving into his front pockets. "Got a sec?"
"For you, my boy? Of course, yeah, yeah - " She choked herself when her eyes cut over to Wayne. "Hmm... Wayne."
"Thelma," he gruffly greeted, opening the screen door and letting Eddie pass into the 'home' first.
Shaking off your nerves, you ventured around the trailer towards the kiddie pool. "Hi, Teddy," you greeted gently, smiling at the little boy.
He gasped your name and shot out from the water, rocketing straight into your arms after catching himself from slipping in the muddy lawn. "You're here!" Teddy beamed up at you. "Mommy said she had a surprise for me for my birthday, but I thought..."
"Whatcha think, honey boy?" you smiled, lowering yourself into a squat; reaching over to a lone, overturned chair and pulling the towel off it.
"Well, I-I thought... I just thought she forgot, like usual," Teddy frowned, letting you dry his skin of murky water. "But now you're here and I know she didn't."
Your heart shattered, and you explained, "Well, um, actually, honey boy, I'm here with your Uncle Wayne and big brother."
"Eddie's here?" The kid's face glowed in excitement.
"Mhm, he's inside talking to your Mom."
"What do you mean?"
"He doesn't talk to her," Teddy frowned. "He doesn't like talking to her."
"No, but that's okay," you nodded, ruffling his stringy hair. "Because he's in there talking to your Mom, and wanna know what they're talking about?"
"You coming to live with us," you nodded, blinking slowly. "Does that sound like something you'd like?"
"I-I'd get to come live with you and Eddie?"
"And Uncle Wayne, mhm," you nodded, booping the end of his nose.
"Wow," he grinned. "Sounds like a sleepover! Is it for my birthday?"
"Well, it'd be for longer than your birthday," you nodded. "It'd be permanent, buddy. You'd come live with me, Eddie, and Wayne; you wouldn't live here with your Mom anymore."
"But who would take care of Mommy?"
"Well, your Mommy's been really good at taking care of herself," you nodded.
"But she forgets to make dinner a lot," he argued.
Your heart split down the middle, "Do you cook?"
"Well, if you come live with us, you wouldn't have to worry about that. Your big brother and I would take care of you."
"But Mommy would be alone."
"Is she alone now?"
"No," Teddy frowned, toeing the mud beneath us. "S-She has friends that come over a lot..."
"Are they nice friends?"
"No," he admitted, "they like to yell at me... Sometimes they lock me out."
"They lock you out?"
"Uh-huh," he nodded again.
"And you sleep out here?"
"Uh-huh, Mommy says it's okay. She says it's like camping."
"So, you cook for Mommy, and she lets your friends lock you out?"
"Yeah, but not always," he nodded. "Sometimes they let me sleep in Mommy's room, but I can't get out."
"Oh, sweetheart," you sighed, finishing drying him off and wrapping the towel around him tightly. "Well, I'll tell you that if you don't wanna go, we can't force you, but we're here to take you home, buddy. I understand not wanting to leave your Mommy, but if you want to, you can come with us."
"But where would Mommy go?"
"I don't know, baby, but she's more than welcome to come visit," you assured. "Your big brother just wants to make sure you're safe and taken care of. You're way too young to take care of yourself and your Mommy."
"So... I could really come live with you?"
"And see your brother every single day," you smiled. "Wanna go see him now?"
"Yeah," Teddy grinned, keeping the towel bundled around him to take your hand. You lead him inside the trailer slowly, looking around cautiously as you noted the defensive positions taken.
Wayne was in the kitchen, glaring at the woman who was standing in front of her eldest son, who's head was bowed from his seat on the couch.
"EDDIE!" Teddy beamed, rushing forward as his towel dropped and sending himself into Eddie's chest.
"Woah!" Eddie grunted when the boy launched into his arms. He chuckled, a genuine smile on his lips, "Hey, buddy! Man! You've gotten so big! Look at you!"
"I grew!"
"I can see!" Eddie chuckled, pulling back and looking at Teddy. His eyes scanned over the skinny arms and legs, heart plummeting to his feet. "Not growin' anywhere else, are you?" He frowned.
"He's fine," Thelma snapped in anger.
"He's malnourished!" Eddie snapped back, glaring up at her. "I thought with me, it was a fluke, and you just weren't ready. But with him? It's a fucking pattern, Thelma!"
"Hey, hey," you tried to step in, Teddy turning to grip your legs in fear of the elevated voices. "Let's not do this in front of him - "
"Oh, and this is your little bitch you want to mother my son instead!?" Thelma roared, gesturing at you as you pulled the boy closer.
Eddie shot up from his seat, "Don't you dare say a word about her!"
"She's a child - like you are, Edward! Neither of you can take care of another child!"
"Yeah? Think we'd do a helluva lot better job than you!" Eddie argued.
"C'mon, kid," Wayne muttered, trying to direct you from the trailer.
"No, hang on, take Teddy," you turned to push the kid into Wayne's embrace. "We'll pack for him, just stay out there."
"You're not taking my kid!" Thelma raged when Wayne stepped out of the trailer.
"You're not keeping him!" Eddie snapped. "You've run out of time, Thelma, it's done! You never wanted to be a mother but couldn't keep out of trouble, and you know who suffered? I did! I suffered for your mistakes, and your incompetence!"
"I'm doing better with Teddy!"
You scoffed, earning the attention, repeating, "Better? I can literally see a heroin needle from here."
"What?" Eddie paled, looking at you in shock - and suddenly, you wish you never said something. "Where? Peaches, where?" You gulped and pointed to the end table across the room, Eddie charging up to it and spilling contents to the ground as his shaking hands tried to grab the needle. Thelma rushed after him, pounding on his back as Eddie revealed a syringe in his hand. You shifted nervously as Eddie turned his murderous gaze to the woman behind him, who was stumbling back a few steps.
A moment later, he was pulling a little baggie of dark brown powder from a metal tin and letting his tears fall.
"Eddie, i-it's not what - I swear it's not what it looks like!"
"No, hey," you snapped, stepping forward and preventing the woman from approaching Eddie again, "you're close enough, back the hell off."
"You little bitch - "
"You're using again?" Eddie asked rhetorically, turning with the evidence in his hands. His eyes were red and full of tears, but they weren't falling - not over her, anymore. "You're putting him through what you put me through?"
"It's not as bad - "
"Is that why you lock him out of his own home, so you can get high with your other junkie friends?" You sneered, cocking your head.
"This is family business - you're not - "
"She's more family than you ever were," Eddie snapped. "You don't get to talk to her that way - she's gonna be my wife, and you don't have the right!" He glared for a second longer before sighing and looking at you, "Now, peaches, what're you talking about?"
"Teddy told me," you spoke to the woman, aware of the man behind you, "that you have friends come over, and he's locked outside all night."
"I didn't know - "
"Really? Lie again, and we're not hesitating to call the police," you sneered. "Your son told me you're fine with it since it's like camping - or at least, that's what you tell him. But what do you tell him when he's locked in your bedroom? When he can't get out? Do you tell him why you forget his birthdays?"
"Wait - wait - wait. You lock him up? In a room?" Eddie seethed, dropping the needle and baggie to the table.
"He cooks for her, too," you added on, ignoring the pathetic crocodile tears that fell from her red-rimmed, sunken eyes. "I can't imagine what else we'll find out when we have longer than 5 minutes to talk."
Eddie took a sobering breath before speaking scarily calmly, "I'm gonna take my girl, and we're gonna pack up Teddy's room. You can go say goodbye, but only with Wayne there. We can work out a visitation schedule, but you're done here. You hear me? You're done. I'm leaving with my little brother, and if you try to stop us, we will be calling the police - and should you need the extra threat, we're friends with the Chief of Police of Hawkins and he'll make sure you're put away. Do I make myself clear?"
Thelma let the tears dry and just glared, nodding slowly, "Think you're a man now, huh? Just like your Daddy - thinkin' too big for your britches."
"As far as I'm concerned, it was you who taught me my most valuable life lesson," Eddie nodded, letting his hand rest around your waist. "That you never abandon family - you come back for them."
"So, this is how you wanna end things?" Thelma sneered. "This is how you wanna do it? Gonna take my boy and run? Like your Daddy always did? Always running?"
"Yeah," Eddie refused to entertain her anymore. "This is how I want it to end. You're welcome to visit Teddy, but you better call first; because other than him, there's no reason for any of us to interact." A quiet moment, then Eddie spoke softer, "Peaches, you mind telling Wayne the update?"
"Yeah," you nodded at him, glancing nervously between him and his mother. "S-Should I grab Teddy something to change into?"
"No, it's okay," he assured, rubbing your waist subtly, "we'll take him to a real pool, with clean water." You nodded in agreement, pulling away slowly because you weren't sure about leaving him alone. He picked up on your hesitance, assuring, "'S all right, peaches, just come back when you're done."
You didn't want to, but you turned for the front door and pushed out of it. Wayne and Teddy were waiting by the car, the boy sat on the hood as his uncle showed him a card trick.
"Hey," you smiled at the pair as you approached. "Um, Eddie's just wrapping things up, but then your Mommy's gonna come out and say goodbye, okay?" You nodded at Teddy. "Eddie and I are gonna pack some of your things up."
"Mommy's letting me leave?"
You gulped, "Yeah, buddy, she just wants you to have a better chance. But how about, when we get back, we go for a real swim - hm?"
"Okay," Teddy beamed.
"Hang tight, buddy, for just one second," you held a finger up to the boy and patted Wayne's shoulder; stepping away a few feet.
"What's really going on?" Wayne muttered.
"Eddie and I found some drugs, so, she's using again. Eddie didn't give her a choice, told her we're taking Teddy and if she wants to visit, she can - but she has to call first."
Wayne nodded sadly, "He's had to grow up too much."
"He's handling it as well as he can," you sighed. "But he doesn't want her and Teddy alone, so, when she comes out to say goodbye, don't leave them alone, okay?"
"I'm on it, honey," he assured, nodding at you.
After thanking Wayne and ruffling Teddy's hair, you made for the trailer again. But you wished you hadn't left them at all, as Eddie was pressed painfully against the kitchen counter, both hands restraining his mother's wrists.
Your eyes caught the flash of a blade and you lunged, wrapping your arms around the woman and yanking her to the floor. You yelped when the blade caught the skin of your forearm, dropping the woman's weight and stumbling back a step.
"Shit," you hissed, pressing your hand to the wound, and hating the feeling of blood bubbling under your fingers.
"Holy fuck," Eddie seethed, grabbing a tea towel, and wrapping it around the wound. "Oh, my God, are you okay? Shit, baby, no, I'm so sorry - th-this wasn't supposed to happen."
"Hey, hey, it's okay," you assured, shooting a glare at the woman still on the floor; knife pushed away from her. "Better me than you, right? Was she - Jesus Christ, was she trying to stab you?"
"Think so," he breathed, pulling you to his chest. "She's angry."
"No excuse," you snapped, glaring at the woman. "Gonna fuck off and let us work now?"
"I'm not letting you take my son," she sneered, pathetically sprawled on the dirty linoleum floor. "You took Eddie - fine! You can keep him! But you're not taking Theodore!"
"Teddy's obviously not safe here!"
"Hang on," Eddie muttered, reaching for the wall phone. He silently punched in a number you knew well, hearing his mother's breathing pick up.
"W-Who is he calling!?"
But nobody answered as Eddie was listening to the dial tone, and then, "Hi, Mary. Is Chief Hopper in? It's, uh, it's Eddie Munson... Yes, ma'am, yeah, stayin' outta trouble, but this was kinda unavoidable. Is he in? Yeah... Mhm... Okay, thanks, yeah, I'll wait." Thelma's eyes widened as she realized who Eddie was speaking to, and a moment later, he was continuing, "Hey, Jim, sorry for calling out of the blue. But uh... We've got a bit of a situation here."
You listened to him explain the rescue mission gone wrong; how drugs were found, and how his mother attacked you with a knife after trying to stab him. Hopper assured he'd be there soon, and Eddie hung up.
"Hopper's gonna be here soon, so, why don't we all just wait for him, hmm?" He offered Thelma, pulling you back into his embrace.
It took several long minutes to push Thelma out of the door, but even then, she just glared at you three surrounding Teddy at the car. When Hopper pulled up, she refused to utter a single word. Hopper checked out your arm and made sure Eddie was okay, before turning to the strung-out woman.
It was incredible the way the cop car sent all trailer park residents scattering into their homes; curtains pulled back to peer out of dingy windows as Jim Hopper menacingly stared Thelma Munson down.
She eventually caved and let you and Eddie into her home to pack up Teddy's room. And Eddie cried while you both worked because the boy barely had anything; just two duffels worth of clothes and shoes and a backpack full of school supplies, and memorabilia.
Outside, Thelma outright refused to look at anyone. Her arms were crossed as Hopper wrapped your forearm and made sure everyone was okay before getting in his car. He waited for you guys as Teddy was sobbing for him Mommy - begging her to look at him - to hug him - to say goodbye.
But she refused to move. Refused to look at him.
"C'mon, buddy, it's okay," Eddie sighed, stooping low to pull his brother into his arms and stand. "It's okay, it's okay... She didn't say goodbye to me either. It's okay, I got you. Hey, I'm here now, I got you. Never leaving, buddy, I'm here for you."
Hopper led you all back home to Hawkins; Wayne driving your car as you took the passenger seat, listening to Eddie comfort his brother in the backseat. The child was a wreck, confused and hurt by his own mother, gasping for breath before thanking Eddie for "coming back and rescuing" him.
Wayne wiped a few subtle tears and when you got home, you left the Munson's to get Teddy settled as you made a phone call. When Teddy was unpacked (which took all of 30 minutes), the three slowly trickled out to finish giving Teddy a tour of the house.
The poor boy was in one of Eddie's tee shirts to combat the cold, but you grinned at them when they filtered into the kitchen.
"Uh oh," Eddie teased, nudging his brother, "she's got that look, bud. Think we're in for it now."
You playfully rolled your eyes, "Well, I was just thinking, we promised Teddy a dip in a real pool."
His eyes lit up, "You have a pool!?"
"Not here, honey, but I know someone," you grinned. "Wanna go?"
"Can we?" Teddy looked up at Eddie for permission, who nodded in return.
"Sure, buddy, I'll grab you a towel. Go ahead," he nodded, nudging his brother towards you. "Wayne?"
"Oh, I'd love to, kids, but uh, I'm a little tired. Think I'll just sit this one out, if that's okay."
"Course it's okay," you nodded. "We won't be long; we'll be home for dinner."
Wayne nodded and pet over Teddy's hair - telling him to be kind and respectful for you and Eddie before turning for his room. Eddie jogged out of the basement, three towels in his arms, smiling at you both. "We ready?"
"Are you gonna swim, too?" Teddy worried slightly, looking at you with wide eyes.
"Yeah, we are, bud," you beamed, patting the tote bag on your shoulder. "Got our suits in here."
"Wait, we're all going swimming?" Eddie asked cautiously.
"Mhm," you smiled.
Eddie offered a confused look as you ushered the boys back to your car. On the drive, you peaked back to spy Teddy fiddling with the same faded-green dragon stuffie Eddie had given him earlier; petting over the head carefully as he looked concentrated on keeping his emotion in check.
When you pulled up to your destination, you turned in your seat, "You okay, honey?"
Eddie turned too, spying his brother's frown and feeling panic swell in his chest. "Hey, what's going on? Thought you loved swimming?"
"I do," he nodded, blinking rapidly before timidly meeting your eyes. "I-Is Mommy gonna be okay without me? Is she...? Is she mad at me?"
Eddie sighed deeply, "No, buddy, she's not mad at you. She just thought you'd be happier, and healthier, staying with us. She's gonna take care of herself, I promise."
"But she..." The little boy started to weep, "She didn't say bye!"
"Shit," Eddie muttered, quickly yanking the safety belt from around him before climbing over your center console to get in the backseat. You frowned when he plopped down, and Teddy was instantly crawling into his lap and holding onto his shirt with desperate fists.
You quietly removed yourself from the car to leave them some privacy, grabbing your bag and leaning on the hood of the car. No more than 10 minutes later, the door was opening again, and Eddie was helping Teddy out.
You smiled at the pair and watched Eddie keep his hand around Teddy's shoulders as you approached the front door of the home you were parked out front of.
"Hey!" Steve Harrington beamed when he opened the door. "You made it - everyone's out back. C'mon," he smiled, catching sight of Teddy, and pausing. "Oh, hello," he slowly lowered himself into a squat, "what's your name?"
Teddy shyly turned his face into Eddie's thigh, looking up at him with wide eyes. Eddie nodded, "It's okay, buddy, he's a friend of ours."
He nodded slowly, glancing at Steve, "I-I'm Teddy."
"Teddy?" Steve repeated with a softer smile, the child nodding. "It's very nice to meet you, my name's Steve. I hear you really like swimming. And dinosaurs."
"I do," he nodded. "My big brother calls me a fish."
"He's always in water," Eddie smiled, rubbing Teddy's back comfortingly.
"Well, Teddy, would you like to come take a swim in the pool?"
"You have a pool?" Teddy gasped, looking at you and Eddie with shock and awe.
"Yeah!" Steve grinned. "Wanna check it out with me?"
"Yeah! Uh-huh!" Teddy nodded, pulling away from Eddie's leg a bit before pausing. "Um, Eddie?" He looked up, "C-Can I go?"
"Yeah, bud, we're right behind you. We're just gonna change really quick."
"Stick by Steve until we're back, okay?" You nodded, watching the little boy nod rapidly before reaching for Steve's hand.
"All right, let's go, buddy," Steve smiled, letting the little boy take his hand before dropping a wink at you and Eddie. "You know where the bathrooms are, right?"
"Yeah, we'll be right out," you assured, leading Eddie into Steve's house. Teddy was gawking at everything, completely shocked that people could live here; listening as Steve pointed out different things while making their way to the backyard.
You felt Eddie slide his hand into yours, tugging you so your back met his chest. "Thank you," Eddie whispered, letting you lead you both up to Steve's room.
When the door shut, you answered, "Don't have to thank me, baby, I just thought he'd be overwhelmed, and a neutral space was best for right now. Then he can settle in at home."
Eddie nodded, peeking out from behind Steve's curtains to the pool yard below. "He's already talking with Dustin," he chuckled lightly.
"He's gonna be okay, Eddie," you assured, stepping towards him to peer around him. You could see Nancy and Robin giggling on the side of the pool, and how Steve and Dustin were talking with animation to Teddy. "He's safe."
"Thanks to you," Eddie whispered, the tick to his tone assuring you he was suppressing emotion.
"Hey," you whispered, turning Eddie to face you, "I didn't do anything, that was all you, angel. You saved Teddy; I just drove the car."
"You did so much more than that," he promised, caressing your left cheek. "I just can't thank you enough."
You grinned, "I'm happy to help, angel. But you've gotta answer a question for me."
"Anything, peaches."
"Were you being serious? Back there, um... W-With your mom? When you said you wanted me to be your wife?"
Eddie smiled down at you, bringing both hands to your cheeks; leaning down to press his lips to yours. It was simple enough to lose yourself in the motion, always finding Eddie's lips mesmerizing to the point where your mind went blank.
When he pulled back, you both needed to take a long breath in; resulting in light panting as Eddie smirked, "I was being very serious, peaches. I'm sorry if it was abrupt, I-I know we've only talked about it once before, but after today, there's no doubt in my mind that you're gonna be my wife. Soon."
"Real soon," he teased, leaning down to kiss you again. "As soon as we can," he chuckled.
"Hm, you're gonna need to propose first," you teased. "Gotta get a ring, too."
"I have one," he assured.
"You do?"
"Course I do. I uh... I bought it about a year ago."
"But..." you blinked a few times, "W-We broke up a year ago?"
"I know," he sighed. "After our fight, I just couldn't think straight. The next morning, I went and bought a ring because I knew I couldn't be without you. Our breakup taught me that life without you isn't really living, it's just existing. So, I went and made sure that when I got you back, I'd never risk losing you again."
"And when we got back together?"
"I didn't want to startle you," he nodded. "We were broken up three months, and it fucking sucked, princess, that I didn't want you to get scared and run away from us. But when we got back together, God, I was just grateful to have you back - so, I didn't want to risk losing you again, and if that meant waiting, I'd wait forever."
You nodded, feeling tears surface, "It was hard for me, too."
"But we got through it."
"We did," you nodded, sniffling. "And we're gonna get through this, too. Together."
"Always together," he breathed, pressing his lips to your forehead. The sounds of laughter and screaming and splashing interrupted you, both peaking back out to see Teddy on Steve's shoulders as Mike was on Lucas' and there was a game of chicken going on.
You and Eddie both laughed when Mike comically flailed from Lucas' shoulders; Teddy grinning and cheering with Steve in victory. Nancy and Robin posed as cheerleaders from the sidelines, howling in pride when the little boy looked around, soaking in the praise he's never had in his life.
"C'mon," you smiled up at Eddie, "we're missing all the fun out there."
Getting changed was simple enough and you both made it down to the back patio, greeting the other party members and their significant others. "Eddie! Eddie! Watch me!" Teddy called, waving wildly from Steve's shoulders still.
"I'm watching, buddy!" Eddie grinned back, pulling you to sit on the side of the pool with him.
"C'mon! Get in!" Teddy giggled, letting Steve wrangle him from his shoulders. "C'mon, Eddie!"
"Yeah, Eddie, c'mon," you mocked with a grin, winking at him before shoving him into the water. Teddy laughed wildly with the others as Eddie resurfaced, hair drenched down his face as he sputtered to get it out of his mouth.
"Oh, you think that's funny, do you?" He asked you, hand sloppily pushing hair away from his sight.
"Very," you giggled before cutting off abruptly, screaming when Eddie latched onto your ankles and pulled you into the water, too.
The party members laughed merrily as you gasped for breath, laughing a little yourself as you flipped your hair from your face. "It's a look, baby, really metal," Eddie giggled.
"That was betrayal if I ever knew it," you teased. "Get him, Teddy!"
"AH!" the boy shouted from the side of the pool, leaping to the water, and landing on Eddie's back - forcing the older boy to dunk under the surface.
"Woah, hey! Hey!" Eddie laughed when he popped back up, swiftly grabbing Teddy around the waist so he didn't have to doggie paddle in his floaties too hard. "That wasn't nice, bud! Thought brothers stuck together!"
"You dunked sissy; I dunk you!" Teddy grunted, trying to wrangle from his brother's grip.
Eddie gasped comically, looking at you with wide eyes, "Et tu, sweetheart?"
You only shrugged, "Should know better than to dunk a lady in the pool, Eddie. Now, you've gotta reap the consequences."
"Nobody touches sissy!" Teddy assured, flexing his little arms and Eddie let him dunk him under water again.
The rest of the afternoon was spent together, laughing and joking with everyone, the younger members of the party entertaining Teddy sweetly. Steve was a very gracious host and made sure everyone had what they wanted or needed; and Teddy was having the time of his freaking life letting Robin braid his hair. Steve handed you a towel for Teddy when it was time to head home for dinner, moving off to speak with Eddie before everyone was ready and packed up.
Teddy snuggled back into Eddie's shirt and took your hand softly, making Eddie carry your bag and towels as the little boy told you about all the fun he had. He never knew a pool could be so big.
In the car, Eddie made sure Teddy was strapped in and that his dragon stuffie was close to him; the boy strangling it in his grip against his chest as he happily hummed to the song on the radio. When the boy's eyes started to droop a little, you smiled in the rearview mirror before looking at Eddie and reaching for his hand.
"What did Steve say to you?"
Eddie smirked, "That we're welcome to use the pool whenever we want. Said he was happy to see someone enjoy it, so, whenever Teddy wants, he'd be happy to host."
"That's really nice of him."
"And he offered to babysit whenever we need," Eddie smirked.
"Always the Goddamn babysitter!" You laughed lightly with Eddie, his hand tightening in yours.
"Hey," he spoke seriously, earning a glance from you before your attention was back on the road, "I uh... I just wanted to thank you. This hasn't been easy, but uh... You make it worth it. And I'm glad to do this with you."
"Do what, baby?"
You pulled up to the red light before your house, leaning over to pull Eddie in for a harsh kiss. He chuckled against your lips, humming lightly when your tongue swept into his mouth dominantly. His hand rose to your jaw, sweeping his thumb across it when you pulled back, whispering, "I'm really glad to do life with you, too, angel."
"You and me, right?"
You smiled, nodding, "You, me, and Teddy."
"The way it should be, should've always been," Eddie sighed, deflating back into his seat with a knowing smile. His hand remained tight in yours the rest of the drive, and when you got home, Wayne was already grilling outside and waving at you while Eddie grabbed a sleepy Teddy from the backseat.
While you both made your way inside with Teddy slowly waking up on Eddie's shoulder, Wayne chuckled to himself and took another swig of beer, "I give 'em a year before they have a kid of their own, those crazy kids. God love 'em."
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317 notes · View notes
kithtaehyung · 11 months
I'm speechless but in a good way! I knew this piece was going to tear my heart into pieces and it did. . and it did! I thought "it's going to be more heartbreaking than forfeit isn't it. ." oh future wine you couldn't be even more correct. Such an outstanding story..
First off: Jungkook scene
I was legit holding my breath throughout the scene, I knew Jungkook was going to do something that makes me put my phone down and exit the room ( and he did! )
Protective brother and boyfriend? hell yes. I was cheering for bro to beat his ass and yn told him to stop and I was like "you're right.. he holds a strong punch.."
Wow wow so many emotions in this scene alone, yns dialogue truly had me moved and pierced my heart many times. Their feelings matter so so much and I completely understand them.
I won't lie my brain stopped working when yn said they still love Jungkook and when they said "not in a way you want me to" I let out the longest breath ever.. don't scare me Ryen! /lh
God.. someone get me a friend like Dom, please? most realistic girlfriend you need! The way she has both yn and Yoongi's back? Hard to find a friend like her!
Second: The beauty between YN and Yoongi
Wow wow Wow. It felt like a punch in the stomach when Yoongi told them they had to wait for a while, I was literally scared for them both and wondered how long it was going to be ( and I got my answer later on :') )
It was just nights ago that you cradled all his moonlight in your palms.
And now you’ll be farther apart than stars. 
Beautiful lines, truly, almost let a few tears fall just from those lines alone!
This is a little personal, and I've wrote about this many times, but I just love the way you write yn. I was never able to relate to other yns in other writings but this one? This one, this is the one for me. How could I cry so much from their dialogue or story alone? I always asked myself that I realize it's because they're the exact replica of me. An overthinking mess, low self-esteem but confident when they needed to be, considerate of others, apologetic, always too scared to reach out or voice their thoughts, you name it. When they describe people as seasons, I understood them completely, people come and go, or they stay.
And you suddenly know Yoongi is summer.
RYEN. did you know what you did to me with 2 lines? ALONE? I literally burst out crying and had to pause for a second because I kept smiling like a maniac! Oh I missed these two so much :')
My favorite thing about yn and Yoongi? They're each other's safe space. The way you instantly see their moods being brighter when they're together and see how they've seen each other at their most vulnerable moments. I'm just- AH.
Yoongi playing the guitar Yoongi playing the guitar Yoongi playing the guitar Yoongi playing the guitar Yoongi-
Uhm. Uhm hand in marriage? For both, please! You and every reader is invited to me, Yoongis, and yn's wedding I hope you all show up! The smut scene had me in shambles and when yn told Yoongi to do all of those things? Yeah Yoongi I get it, I do.
Happy God Damn Pride Month To Me.
And back to fluffiness and a sprinkle of sadness: THE RELEASE PARTY! THE CHAMPIONSHIP YES!! GOD ( Ryen ) MAKE THESE TWO HAPPY ( oh wine don't forget the ending .. )
Last but not least: yn and bro
Their sibling dynamic is just, chefs kiss! Them reminiscing on their past and the part about bro dressing up to look more mature to get food? Adorable but also heartbreaking :(
Screw the goddamn parents!
“Cus I feel… Uhh.” He moves his lips around in thought, as if the next sentence takes strategy to arrange. “I feel like we don’t really talk anymore.” 
clenching my fists I totally get how depressing it is when siblings lose that type of connection or become more distant, especially since they were so close and had each other's back!
WINEEE omfg this commentary is absolutely stunning! thank you so much for reading and taking the time to write all of this out, i am speechless? but i can't be speechless for long bc we got things to sAY
I'm speechless but in a good way! I knew this piece was going to tear my heart into pieces and it did. . and it did! I thought "it's going to be more heartbreaking than forfeit isn't it. ." oh future wine you couldn't be even more correct. Such an outstanding story..
forfeit broke me emotionally, and so did this one. just in a different way bc things between them have been fleshed out in forfeit<33
I was legit holding my breath throughout the scene, I knew Jungkook was going to do something that makes me put my phone down and exit the room ( and he did! ) Protective brother and boyfriend? hell yes. I was cheering for bro to beat his ass and yn told him to stop and I was like "you're right.. he holds a strong punch.." Wow wow so many emotions in this scene alone, yns dialogue truly had me moved and pierced my heart many times. Their feelings matter so so much and I completely understand them. I won't lie my brain stopped working when yn said they still love Jungkook and when they said "not in a way you want me to" I let out the longest breath ever.. don't scare me Ryen! /lh God.. someone get me a friend like Dom, please? most realistic girlfriend you need! The way she has both yn and Yoongi's back? Hard to find a friend like her!
AHHH the whole beginning took me foreverrrr to finish bc there was a shit ton to juggle and account for! i always need to get into these characters' heads during a scene, while also watching it from a reader perspective. so imagine trying to get through a scene with four people - two of which don't realize they're all part of the same situation dklfjdsjklf it was difficult but we pulled through!
glad the dialogue was good! that's the part that was finished first (which is pretty normal for me) and didn't change much. and DOM BEST DOM BEST!!!!
Second: The beauty between YN and Yoongi Wow wow Wow. It felt like a punch in the stomach when Yoongi told them they had to wait for a while, I was literally scared for them both and wondered how long it was going to be ( and I got my answer later on :') )
it was a HUGE punch to the gut, you're so right :(( especially since we just got through a big talk and don't get time to process!
It was just nights ago that you cradled all his moonlight in your palms. And now you’ll be farther apart than stars.  Beautiful lines, truly, almost let a few tears fall just from those lines alone!
these are one of the parts that i was crying through so *thumbs up underwater* This is a little personal, and I've wrote about this many times, but I just love the way you write yn. I was never able to relate to other yns in other writings but this one? This one, this is the one for me. How could I cry so much from their dialogue or story alone? I always asked myself that I realize it's because they're the exact replica of me. An overthinking mess, low self-esteem but confident when they needed to be, considerate of others, apologetic, always too scared to reach out or voice their thoughts, you name it. When they describe people as seasons, I understood them completely, people come and go, or they stay.
oh, babe :( this makes me feel touched but also i wanna give you a huge hug. i have always been set on making this series as relatable as possible, and that literally starts with reader. are some people gonna be the exact opposite in every way? of course! not all of us fit the same mold. but from what i've experienced and seen, there's a lot of reader in a lot of us. and i wanna also tell everyone that resonates with reader that you are strong, you can be just as confident. you can be this fucking cool while still overthink like hell and not be sure of a lot of things. believe in yourself and know when you need to start complimenting yourself instead of bringing that inner child down.
And you suddenly know Yoongi is summer. Endless.  RYEN. did you know what you did to me with 2 lines? ALONE? I literally burst out crying and had to pause for a second because I kept smiling like a maniac! Oh I missed these two so much :')
I FUCKING CRIED AS SOON AS THESE LINES CAME OUT AND I WAS IN PUBLIC LMAOOOO no joke i was sitting in a damn tea shop. and had to like. tilt my head up and sit back in order to not completely bust out crying. :')))
My favorite thing about yn and Yoongi? They're each other's safe space. The way you instantly see their moods being brighter when they're together and see how they've seen each other at their most vulnerable moments. I'm just- AH. Yoongi playing the guitar Yoongi playing the guitar Yoongi playing the guitar Yoongi playing the guitar Yoongi-
GAHHH this is one of my favorite things to portray bc as soon as they got to reunite?? they both laugh. it's the very first thing that happens and honestly i love that so fcking much😭 and him playing the guitar earlier was just too much for me to handle UGHHH
Uhm. Uhm hand in marriage? For both, please! You and every reader is invited to me, Yoongis, and yn's wedding I hope you all show up! The smut scene had me in shambles and when yn told Yoongi to do all of those things? Yeah Yoongi I get it, I do. THE DESK?? THE DESK?? GUYS THE DES- Happy God Damn Pride Month To Me.
HAPPY GD PRIDE MONTH LMAOOOO the way everyone needs to get in line for reader!!!! move out of the damn way, min!!
And back to fluffiness and a sprinkle of sadness: THE RELEASE PARTY! THE CHAMPIONSHIP YES!! GOD ( Ryen ) MAKE THESE TWO HAPPY ( oh wine don't forget the ending .. ) THEY GAGGED ME SO BAD OH MAN I MISS THEM
so much more to goooooo eheheheh hope you're ready!! i missed them. very very very much. it was so comforting to work on this fr again.
Last but not least: yn and bro Their sibling dynamic is just, chefs kiss! Them reminiscing on their past and the part about bro dressing up to look more mature to get food? Adorable but also heartbreaking :( Screw the goddamn parents!
YES. i love them both and wanna protect them from literally everything ever?? bro really did The Most and i want him to know he's loved!! screw the gd parents!! but that convo was much needed and i'm glad they have each other.
“Cus I feel… Uhh.” He moves his lips around in thought, as if the next sentence takes strategy to arrange. “I feel like we don’t really talk anymore.”  “…Oh." clenching my fists I totally get how depressing it is when siblings lose that type of connection or become more distant, especially since they were so close and had each other's back!
i believe in them! and honestly i think bro is just thinking it's much worse than it is (overthinking? could be familiar? lmao) bc he's the one that travels and his protectiveness does cause other things like hiding info. so. he isn't without his flaws and does have his own hurdles to recognize and overcome!
but seriously, thank you for reading, wine! it's always so fun to respond to asks like these :D gave me a bunch to talk about!
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eglcntine-archived · 2 years
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❛ take me home, stranger. ❜ // @hcmlock​ , Sirius Black
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All dogs go to heaven; or so Severus has been told. Chest heaving where they stood, searching through the abyss with their own two eyes for confirmation of what everyone has deemed to be true. 
It can’t be.
Severus did not waste a summer rekindling a “dynamic” of some sorts for nothing. They did not pour their blood, sweat and tears into tending to a royal brat trapped in his worse nightmare, haunting the halls of a house old and ancient, dilapidated in every shape and way possible. Severus did not put their faith into something destined to never last just to be proven right. If Sirius wished to die so badly, then it would be at their own hands. 
The ministry is in shambles. Aurors walked the halls whereas Severus took to flight. A skill taught by their Lord, now used for their own benefit. From one room to the next they went, searching for where Sirius was last seen, down in the underbelly of laws both sacred and vile. Battles played out before their eyes, a canvas written in black, foreseeing and foretelling. Distinctly aware of all they can and cannot do.
These hands of theirs are tied and useless. These skills of theirs are wasted; put to use in a school where it goes underappreciated. An over glorified babysitter in everything but name. 
There---- The Department of Mysteries; how fitting. Sirius is most definitely an anomaly in and of itself and whatever this thing is they may have cultivated over one summer, by all means, is a mystery of its own. It never should have happened. A fine line crossed over a few duel practices and precious moments, vulnerable and raw where Severus should have known better than to concede to a ridiculous smile and nonchalant attitude. They’ve known him for years. Severus has seen and known Sirius at his worse. What makes it so different now?
Was it the moment of understanding? Privy to the scars on their back despite their ask for privacy. Was it the time spent and wasted on untangling a mop of hair both matted and infested, Sirius refusing to listen otherwise. Hours went into saving his hair, the pretentious brat. Or was it that moment of honesty? Both of them standing in front of the room belonging to someone they loved. 
Who’s to say?
Not Severus. Not Sirius, laying awake beneath a pile of rubble with that stupid fucking lazy grin on his face. Not the relief they feel at the first sign of life and a body with a name they could put to it. Not the first set of ridiculous words Sirius could come up with. All said without an ounce of regret, the smug bastard.
Not them who knew they would come looking. Not Sirius who know Severus could come looking.
“ Take me home, stranger. “
All dogs go to heaven, they say. Not this one. This one is too stubborn to die. This one always knows the right words to say at the right time. Never fails. Not even as Severus freed him from the rubble and decay, forgoing magic in favor of hoisting him up themself. One arm over their shoulder, with strength that only comes when it matters most.
“You look like shit,” they remarked softly, wry smile creasing wine stained lips. Be still their heart and the threat of tears welling at the corner of their eyes; ink threatening to tip over. Say nothing of it. Don’t acknowledge it.
Let it be small and buried beneath them; unspoken like everything else between them.
“Bastard.” ( Affectionately )
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subscorpsupremacy · 3 years
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Heat in the Fire Gardens 2
Kuai was grunting heavily. His face was a deep shade of pink. The Lin Kuei grandmaster’s face was a storm of emotions. His brows furled and raised and contorted yet again. His eyes kept darting, rolling upwards or trying to look sideways at his assailant that was just out of view, or hidden momentarily by lids shut tight. The cryomancer huffed and bit his lip, and gnashed his teeth. He fought against an unmanly moan, he tried to contain a yelp, and he grunted and roared at the sky. Sub-Zero buried his face in the ground, as if it made any difference. None of his actions made any difference. Hell, they weren’t even actions. They were simply reactions to the relentless assault of Hanzo. Kuai’s whole body was not his own to control.
Hanzo has plowed Kuai on the ground. The ninja has forced the cryomancer to bend over by the bridge. The Shirai Ryu grandmaster has pinned the Lin Kuei grandmaster against the tree, both facing it and back against it. Wherever Hanzo wanted, he had his way with Kuai.
“Still trying to hold on to what little self-respect you have?” Hanzo challenged as he ramped up the speed of his thrusts. The slapping sound of his thigh against Kuai’s ass was trying to compete with the sound of Kuai’s grunts and moans.
The sun was setting and Hanzo still has yet to hear his name howled out loud. He was getting annoyed at Kuai. Hanzo knew he was fucking Kuai’s brains out and the cum out of the cryomancer, but the Lin Kuei scum still won’t give Hanzo the satisfaction. Hanzo wanted his name to echo in the empty gardens. “Howl my name!” Hanzo shouted with a powerful thrust. The ninja held his position deep inside Kuai as cum shot out, already one of many times this afternoon.
Kuai was panting and clutching leaves and roots. His hair was disheveled and littered with all sorts of dirt from being dragged all around the Fire Garden. Kuai was enjoying getting thoroughly fucked. But he was also enjoying Hanzo’s rising temper. Was it really pride and their lasting rivalry that continued in their sexual dynamics that made Kuai consciously avoid howling Hanzo’s name, or was it because he knew he would be fucked more roughly if Hanzo’s temper burns closer to levels seen more often when the ninja was still Scorpion? Kuai didn’t know. As often with their relationship, it’s always a mixture of two opposing ideas.
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Hanzo threw Kuai against the well and its posts. They haven’t fully removed their armor and garb, and uncomfortable as it was, they were engulfed by their passions too fast to bother, until they both realized having careless and rowdy sex in the midst of the gardens both ignited their desires even more.
Kuai had to catch his breath as his chest slammed against the well post. Hanzo was always dominant, but he was starting to really manhandle Kuai. Seed has not even started to leak out of Kuai's hole yet, but the ninja has already guided his cock in.
"Hnn..aargh!" Kuai screamed. He was used to pain from training. However, the Lin Kuei grandmaster didn't exactly have endurance training for his hole, nor was he fucked this long and hard ever.
"Why won't you howl my name, Sub-Zero?" Hanzo asked. His eyes started to burn with hellfire. "I emptied the garden for you. Do you not submit to me, Kuai? Do you not accept me as your ally?" Hanzo was angry, but the anger hid at its center, frustration, longing, and desperation. Despite being lightheaded from all the railing he was taking, Kuai still caught the emotion buried by the facade of rage. And he also caught the sensation of a single very miniscule drop of tear drip down his neck.
"My name is Kuai Liang. I am Sub-Zero!" Kuai shouted into the night sky, his deep voice reverberating in the gardens. "I am grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, and I want nothing else than to have my ass pounded by Hanzo Hasashi, Grandmaster of the Shirai Ryu! I am his, and I submit to his dominance!
"Kuai felt Hanzo's grip loosen initially, and tighten again.
"Only I am worthy to contain his raging erection and withstand his fiery passion, and only he is worthy to enter and forge a bond with me," Kuai said a lot more quietly but with just as much assertiveness. He then turned around and saw Hanzo's surprised face. Their lips met, their moustache brushed and tangled against each other, and their tongues slipped in the opposite's mouth.
"I'm glad you emptied your temple for me. Now fuck me and have your way with me and show me what the grandmaster of the Shirai Ryu can do."
And night came and passed by, and the two men let their bodies and erections profess the emotions they had for each other. As was their initial meeting in the Lin Kuei temple, the casual rough fucking meant only to satisfy carnal desire gradually became passionate, tender and meaningful bonds. Their grips against each other just as strong and tight, but now laden with emotion and fulfillment. They still went around the garden, wherever it pleased them for they were determined to taste each other in every corner or against every wall of the garden. And Kuai no longer waited where he would be taken. Instead, he took lead and told Hanzo where he wanted to be fucked, where he wanted to lie down and spread open, where he wanted to be on his knees. After the sweat and heat, Kuai led Hanzo to the stream. And the two laughed and enjoyed each other's smiles. Age and worries seemed to dissolve from their handsome faces that have seen so much strife.
To their surprise, the golden rays of the first sunlight began to illuminate the treetops and the roofs fo the Shirai Ryu temple. The stamina and endurance of both grandmasters served them well.
"When are your students returning?" Kuai asked.
"They were ordered to return by daybreak," Hanzo answered. "Inexperience and lack of mastery has already deemed them late."
"Lucky for us. But I guess I have to leave soon," Kuai said grimly.
"So it seems. Do not forget your armor. A lot of my students are still uncertain about our alliance. And I must admit the secrecy of our relationship makes it all the more exciting for me," Hanzo said as he leaned in for a kiss.
Kuai kissed back and started to dress himself up. Hanzo reluctantly started to dress himself as well.
"Perhaps I can repay you for your hospitality," Kuai grinned. "I want to suck you off and give you the meanest head you'll ever receive."
"Oh?" Hanzo raised one brow in curiosity. "You want to risk being seen by my students kneeling in front of me in the middle of the gardens, my meat inside your mouth and your dignity in shambles?"
"I am confident I can make you climax fast," Kuai grinned. "And if I fail, you can fuck my throat to make you come faster."
"Do not be foolish, Kuai. It's very uncharacteristic of you."
"Hanzo, our whole affair is uncharacteristic for me. You have that effect on me."
Hanzo was flustered. His flushed cheeks were undeniable in the soft light of dawn.
Kuai leaned in to Hanzo's ear. "Don't you want me to keep your load in my mouth until I reach my temple?"
Hanzo went immediately erect. "That can't be possible."
"Don't you want to find out?"
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ghost-kitty · 3 years
Being you the first character must be Trafalgar D Water Law! So what do you think our lovely simp about the shambles man? - hotness level? general opinion? Hogwards house? -
AAHH YASS!!! Thank you for asking about my husband sdjfhjhj
Trafalgar D. Water Law
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
10/10? Nah fam, more like 100000/10... OKAY LISTEN! I know I'm a simp but what can I say, Law is just exactly my type. Literally the man of my dreams... His tattoos, his hands, his voice, his cocky smirk, literally everything about him is so fucking sexy istg! The things I would let this man do holy shit
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
He's the love of my life, on god 🥺❤️ I love his personality, and his powers are so badass. Also his past has me in tears every time and I love his dynamics with other characters *cough* Luffy *cough*
Hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff
I really can't decide, both would fit him very well imo. Maybe I prefer slytherin Law a liiiiiittle 🤏 bit..? I really don't know, I like both.
Thanks for sending an ask and for picking Law lmao 💕💕
♡send me a character♡
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jackdawyt · 4 years
Given that Tevinter Nights is just over one month old, and the majority of you have had a decent chance to pick it up and give it a good read, I want to share my full-spoiler predications for Dragon Age 4 based on many new aspects Tevinter Nights brings to the ever-so expanding universe of Dragon Age. As a quick preface, this sort of video is definitely going to be more of an opinion piece, sharing my own thoughts and marvels on everything Tevinter Nights foreshadows for the future game.
I encourage all of your thoughts and theories too, so share them down below! But, without further ado, I’ll start by sharing my predictions on the main tone of Dragon Age 4.
The Dragon Age games have always followed a Dark Fantasy approach to storytelling with morally grey choices, excessive gore and truly twisted plot-beats like ravenous Broodmothers, and Hawke’s mother’s macabre death, which was oh so gruesome and a pinnacle example of Dragon Age’s dark fantasy tone.  
While some may argue Dragon Age: Inquisition was the weakest in this dark fantasy department, Tevinter Nights revitalises any hope for the return of deeper and darker themes in the next Dragon Age game.  
Y’see Tevinter Nights, acting as a prologue for Dragon Age 4, introduces a bounty of dark fantasy storytelling that will certainly push the future plots in a most diabolical way.  
Introduced in this book, we had plenty of things that would give even a darkspawn the heebie jeebies!
From: evil twisted human/centipedal/insectoid monstrosities, demon worshipping cults, ancient wicked beings, (“Cekorax”), death and blood magic, murder machinations, eldritch horrors, domestic abuse, inhumane treatment, ghastly apparitions, demonic possession, and plenty more hard-hitting themes that are paving the way for Dragon Age 4’s story.  
And if none of those themes satiated your own dark desires for the next Dragon Age game, well, don’t forget about the main narrative focusing on stopping a prideful and powerful elven mage who can take shape into the wicked Dread Wolf attempting to commit mass-genocide for the sake of his long-lost people. Oh, not to mention the fact that this elf could’ve broken up with you too, causing your heart to ache every single second as he tears down Thedas, and the love you once shared together...
With that said, Dragon Age 4’s tone should certainly take the franchise back to its dark fantasy roots if it follows the layout Tevinter Nights has laid ahead. Let’s move on to the next game’s potential locations.
First up, The Tevinter Imperium.
From the Capital City Minrathous, home to the Magisterium to Elven tombs lurking in The Silent Planes. There are many prominent locations that could make for a worthy visit within the Imperium. However, with the ongoing Qunari Antaam invasion ransacking many of Tevinter’s northern cities, many of the Imperium’s major holdings will be torn by the current war and preparing for a siege.  
Not to mention the other major epidemic on the Imperium and its people  - the scheme Solas has to destroy the veil. Not that this pain will be exclusive to the Imperium, as by gum, it will hurt all of Thedas.  
But, the entirety of Tevinter’s land was once in possession of the ancient elves during the elvhen times. Solas’s scheme seeks a redemption of his people, and so a reclamation of the land is merely inevitable.  
The people of Tevinter are not only evading a brutal religious conquest against their homes, but an elven God’s conflict too.  
With so much contention impending, the Tevinter Imperium is critically endangered. Can Tevinter’s most contrived government save its very people, or will we see this once great Empire stumble into chaos?  
Next up, Nevarra.
The main ongoing conflict in Nevarra regards the Van Markham, Pentagasht and many other nobles fighting for their own right to the throne, as King Marcus’s reign will soon end with no heir to rule after him.  
However, just outside of the Capital; Nevarra City, lies the Mortalitasi’s Grand Necropolis, a stronghold and morgue built into the side of a mountain to hold Neverra’s elite family tombs.  
In a very recent catastrophic ritual held in the Grand Necropolis caverns, the Dread Wolf attacked the Mortalitasi, sending demons to stop the ritual and kill the rest of the mages. In a desperate effort, the surviving mages sealed the caverns with no trace of the invading demons.  
Investigating the Dread Wolf’s movements may play a huge part in the next plot, and having the Mortalitasi as allies could change the tide of battle. So, Nevarra’s Grand Necropolis would certainly make for a grand visit.  
And then there’s Hunter Fell, a small town just west of Nevarra City, where a tavern called ‘The Teahouse’ appeared to be the last known location that Solas had made a physical appearance. Another worthy place to investigate further plot ties.
Throughout the lands of Nevarra, there are at least elven more ancient elven/dwarven thaigs that are built into Nevarran mountains, to our knowledge, only one has been opened and it contained horrific mutilated creatures followed by a gas that had a stench of the ocean.  
Nevarra and its surrounding areas are ripe with plot lines and narrative potential that will need to have a huge impact in the next Dragon Age game.
Following that, we’ve got Antiva.
Just like Tevinter, the majority of Nothern Antiva is under widespread invasion by the Qunari Antaam. However, quite unlike Tevinter, Antiva doesn’t exactly have their own dedicated military forces, instead the country relies on the Anitvan Crows to take action.  
The leaders of the Antivan Crows have their own inner conflict as one of the eight major houses leading the crows decided to sign a contract with the Qunari for a peaceful invasion, in which Antiva would be ‘spared’ in exchange for the deaths of every other talon.  
The talons discovered this treachery and put the situation to bed with the death of the Kortez family talon. With the peaceful conflict in shambles, a very much hostile Qunari invasion lingers on the horizon for Antiva.
Although the Anitvan Crows may make for a worthwhile trip to Antiva, who can say what will remain of the country when Dragon Age 4 arrives.  
Lastly, we have The Anderfels.
To my knowledge, the most outstanding location The Anderfels has to offer is Fortress Weisshaupt, the headquarters of the Grey Wardens.  
There’s been a lot of talk regarding the Anderfels Wardens, that they have a secret, or they’ve discovered something, or they’re all dead. henceforth, Fortress Weisshaupt has cut communications to the other Wardens across Thedas, remaining silent and alone.  
Could this sworn secret silencing the Wardens from the other groups be the return of Griffons? Have they discovered even more intelligent darkspawn, perhaps another Magister of old, or are the Warden leaders fighting amongst themselves?
The search for this truth could make for a notable quest line in Dragon Age 4.  
I’ll shuffle away from Rivan as a prominent location because I believe this country is intentionally neutral for many reasons that I’ll uncover in the next category.
With that, let’s talk about one of the biggest aspects that is going to make or break the next Dragon Age game.  
The Protagonist:
We’ve known for a fair while that Dragon Age 4’s previous iteration had the player prance around Tevinter as a spy, partaking in high risk, high reward heists. However, before major development picked up, the project was canned and the majority of its ideas were too.  
It’s unknown if any of that previous work will make its way into the latest iteration, or if it’s all been scrapped.  
But, before we shed a tear thinking about what Dragon Age 4 might’ve been based on the original iteration... If Tevinter Nights has taught me one thing, it’s that this spy role for our new protagonist still has plenty of potential. So, keep your daggers at the ready because I wouldn’t call playing as a spy off the table just yet.
As it stands, a spy is the biggest and best contender we have for our next character - chasing every lead after Solas, attempting to find a crack in his grand scheme, recovering intel and ancient artefacts, all the while being someone completely different than The Inquisitor. We’re a nobody, someone who can slip between the seams without garnering any attention.  
Which is the perfect role to defeat Solas because he doesn’t know of both our existence, and weaknesses.
Tevintet Nights builds up a lot of espionage plotlines, introducing brand new factions in Thedas that are particularly interested in subterfuge and trickery. Or as I like to call it hankey-pankey. Each attempting to gather information to defeat Solas before he set’s Thedas ablaze.  
So, because many major factions throughout Thedas operate a sole spy network, we have plenty of race origin stories for our next spy, conceptually.  
Say we play as a human; we can be a member of the Tevinter Siccari. If we’re a dwarf, we can belong to the Carta. If we choose an elf, we could be an Ex-Fen'Harel Agent, and if we played as a Qunari, we could be a member of the Ben-Hassrath.  
Satisfying each race with their own reconnaissance background, allowing the protagonist to have an already established understanding of Solas and his plan, so they can begin their journey of attempting to stop him.  
Through heists and other risky missions, we could embark on a fast pace, tense narrative that’s more akin to a suicide mission. Very much different to the previous Dragon Age entries, however, completely logically given the tone of the predicted narrative.  
And, Maker’s arse, I could go on with many more ideas for a spy protagonist, but we’ve got other concepts to move on to. If that doesn’t quench your thirst for potential spy dynamics in the next Dragon Age game, well I did create a dedicated video to this topic that you can check out.  
Lord of Fortune (Treasure Hunter).
In the same direction as a stealthy spy, but rather quite different and certainly stricter, but has its own unique appeal (..) we could potentially play as a Rivani Lord of Fortune! More apropos, a distinct Treasure Hunter seeking fortune, wealth and any opportunity that pays well enough.
And perhaps the gig that pays well enough is to, without question, recover certain artefacts and idols that may be required in stopping an Elven God that wants to destroy the veil. However, that information is beyond our pay grade, and were not one to question a paid job.  
And then, as things escalate, our Treasure Hunter finds themselves in a perilous situation, and they decide to take the hunt against the Dread Wolf, with more reason than just coin, but to fight for Thedas and their new family.  
What marks a Lord of Fortune as significant is the fact that they’re from Rivan, a country we’ve not yet seen much of in Dragon Age, and somewhat of a neutral location for our next protagonist. As they make choices that may affect Tevinter or Nevarra, they won’t have a bias based on that being their home, they will be able to make a neutral choice based on the context given, and none other.  
There were plenty of nods to the Lords of Fortune in Tevinter Nights. Regardless, if we’re not playing as one, we’ll certainly encounter one or two in the next game.  
And in a completely obscure, but necessary direction... how about playing as an Executor? A being, or person, or whatever the heck they are, from “beyond the sea.” This character style would grant the players with a new perspective on Thedas, and would allow new players to pick up the series, as you’d slowly learn about the narrative piece by piece, playing as someone who probably doesn’t know much about the world of Thedas, and would need somewhat of an education on the events of this world.
We don’t know much about the Executors at all, so what’s better way to discover them then actually playing as one?  
The Inquisitor (Dual?).
As my final protagonist concept for Dragon Age 4, I feel it necessary as an Inquisitor fanboy to reiterate the ancient method many fans would like to see, and that is the dual protagonist mechanic. Allowing the next game to have two protagonists. As a TLDR, because I’ve talked about this before, but let's say we play as the returning Inquisitor for 20% of the game as they find loose ends on Solas, deal with diplomatic and political matters, and have more of a conversational style to gameplay. Then, we switch to our new protagonist who spends the rest of the game exploring Tevinter, building allies and attempting to stop Solas.
Putting this topic to bed, the Inquisitor needs to witness the end to Solas, whether peacefully or vengefully, he’s the Inquisitor’s friend, rival or romance. So, they need to be there to deal with him.  
Potential Allies:
Anyhow, we’ve talked about the next protagonist, let’s explore some plot threads and briefly run through the factions we may, or may not have on our side depending on our choices in Dragon Age 4.  
The Mortalitasi
Nevarra’s own death mages who’re responsible for mummifying the bodies of elite families using powerful necromancy and binding magic. It is said that the Mortalitasi are so powerful, they influence and sway the king’s decrees and decisions over the kingdom.  
The Tevinter Siccari
The Imperium’s best shadow network, made of highly skilled and secretive agents who each come from slave families, they are formidable and honourable warriors.  
The Qunari Ben Hassrath
The Qun’s dedicated spies and enforcers, they’re responsible for re-educating those not familiar with the Qun, however, the group are currently fixated on Solas’s movements. Reportedly The Ben Hassrath have the most knowledge about the Wolf than anyone else on Thedas, because of this, they remain a neutral party in Thedas’s war effort.  
The Inquisition
Remnants of the Inquisition army continue the mission of their Inquisitor, with many agents enlisting to fight against an opposing threat.  
The Carta
This crime syndicate has been investigating all matters concerning the blight that has become ‘bad for business’ in the dwarven kingdom, like the red lyriun idol.  
The Executors  
Mysterious beings who come from beyond the sea, they would rather not see this world come to an end, and so they too seek a demise to the Wolf.  
The Antivan Crows
Antiva’s best and brightest hired assassins, who’ve recently denied the Qunari Antaam’s ‘peaceful’ contract for invasion. Now, they will fight for their country and its people.  
The Grey Wardens
The legendary heroes of old are long gone, the group continues with incompetent leaders who stain the title Grey Warden. However, those who linger in Fortress Weishaupt have a secret, one that has not yet left the premise. Whatever that may be...  
And I’m sure plenty more factions will arise; however, these were my main hot takes based on Tevinter Nights. With that, let’s discus the rivalling factions that will most likely be out for our blood in the next game.  
The Qunari Antaam
The Qun, under the leadership of Sten as Arishock, stands divided. The Antaam, the Qun’s dedicated military branch has decided for themselves to invade Thedas without authorisation from the rest of the Qun. The zealot army sieges cities across Northern Tevinter and Antiva, continuing to rampage all of Thedas’s land until the people either kneel to the Qun or pay the price with their own blood. They will not stop until their mission is complete, and no one will get in their way, not even their own people.  
Solas/Dread Wolf
Solas seeks to destroy the veil, destroying Thedas. He’s absorbed Mythal’s essence so he can rise as the horrific Dread Wolf, a creature who has taken residence in the Fade, with his own demon army whom serve him willingly.  
Ancient Elves
Ancient and Dalish Elves have joined Solas’s ranks, known as the Cult of Fen’Harel, they abide by Solas’s every scheme and have begun to cause chaos for Thedas, like attempting to set up a calamity feud between the Qunari Ben Hassrath and Tevinter Kinsman. Who knows what they may do next?  
Venatori Remnants
They tried to summon an ancient demon in Tevinter’s capital city, surely, they aren't over that plan just yet.  
Main Story/Plot Points:
Now we get to the juicy story predications, where I get to speculate the heck out of many key plot aspects of Dragon Age 4’s narrative. So, hold on tight to your tinfoil hats!  
The Red Lyrium Idol
The whereabouts of the Red Lyrium Idol are still quite the mystery, we’ve learned a great deal about this device, however, we still don’t know what it represents, and how significant it will be regarding Solas’s plan to destroy the veil. So, will we be embarking on a McGuffin style questline to find this idol before Solas gets it?  
Let’s say we’re a spy journeying into epic heists, attempting to beat Solas to the finish line and destroy this idol before he gets it. Or, maybe this idol plot-point may be wrapped up by the time of Dragon Age 4’s launch, and we’ll be doing something else?
The point is, this idol is still a mystery and it needs solving, so by that measure, it’s probably going to have some involvement in Dragon Age 4.  
Solas/Dread Wolf Antagonist  
Based on what we know about the story going forward, Solas will most certainly be the next antagonist, that’s a given at this point unless the plot drastically changes and Mythal or The Titans, or a new evil takes that position. As it stands though, Solas seemingly is the big bad of Dragon Age 4.  
And, he’s has already risen as the Dread Wolf, so that’s just grand, we’re already doomed! The plot will most likely focus around stopping Solas before he destroys the veil... if there even is a way to stop him.
As another obvious predication, I believe we may follow between two main choices throughout every action in the next game, those choices are: do we want to redeem Solas, or stop him. If our intention is to redeem Solas, then perhaps he’ll listen to what we’ve got to say, however, if we pursuit his death, then perhaps we’ll only be greeted by The Dread Wolf.
Regarding the main plot of defeating Solas, I believe we’ll be gathering more intel on the Dread Wolf by teaming up with many dedicated factions across Nothern Thedas. While some groups may join our ranks more willingly like the Mortalitasi, I believe we may have a few decisions between choosing one faction over another because of their own quarrels. Like choosing between the Tevinter Siccari and Qunari Ben Hassrath, each providing agents and intelligence in their own way against Solas, however, completely hostile to the other faction.  
We’re going to need allies to stop Solas, there’s no way around that. Not every faction is going to get along, and magically unifying every divisive faction under one banner would be unrealistic and feel cheap in my opinion. If we can choose between key factions, there’d be a sense of contention throughout every single choice we could make.  
As well as gathering and helping as many allies as possible who support our cause against the Dread Wolf, I have a few more main mission predictions like embarking on epic heists stealing and claiming Elven artefacts and Evanuris runes. And stopping key agents of Fen’Harel and their destructive plans for Thedas.
Side Plots:
Alongside our main story content, we’ve got plenty of side plots and threads that need to be explored. So, here’s a rapid list of some extra conflicts I think we’ll see in the next game.  
The Grey Warden’s sudden silence at Fortress Weishaupt.
Aiding the Mortalitasi.
The Qunari Antaam’s invasion against Northern Thedas.
Uncovering Ghilinan’s Creations, Pre-Veil Monsters and Ancient Thaigs.
The Remnant Venatori Cult threat.
The mysteries concerning the Titans.  
And, now we get to the most subjective list, the roster of companions we may share this journey against Solas with.  
I want to see Vaea, she’s my favourite character in the comics and she appeared in ‘Harold Had The Plan’. I know I speak for even the comic writers that she deserves a spotlight in the next game. The only problem is, she doesn’t kill, but heck, she could perform a support role in the group.
Next up, Scout Lace Harding. She’s been teased, but she deserves a comeback as a bigger role, and she can serve as a reminder of the Inquisition, filling the new protagonist in on previous events correlating to Solas.  
And, Lucanis Dellamorte, an Antivan Crow assassin introduced in ‘The Wigmaker Job’.  Although he has no interest in becoming First Talon, he’s said to be his grandmother’s favourite, and she intends on making him her heir.
Vadis, an Altus Thief introduced in ‘Half Up Front’. She was disowned by her father because of her relationship with an elf. As of which, she’s a wayward traveller who came across a calamity scheme of Fen’Harel’s which would’ve caused an incredible feud between the Qun and Tevinter. Since stopping those responsible, and making herself known to the Dread Wolf, she’s headed to Kirkwall to meet Varric Tethras so she and her partner can strike back.  
A Female Qunari. Patrick Weekes tweeted back in 2017 that this sort of character style would be a biggie because it’s someone they haven’t done before. I don’t have any character in mind because there were no significant female Qunari’s in Tevinter Nights, however, that doesn’t mean we can’t have a guess. We’ve had two previous warrior Qunari, and I think we’d all love to see an ex-sarrabas, wielding powerful Fade magic.  
Philliam, a Bard! Is a scholar responsible for collecting and curating many texts in Thedas. His knowledge and penmanship would certainly be a large help, not to mention his dashing personality, he’s a Bard for Andraste’s sake!  
Fenris, as a returning character from Dragon Age 2, I think Fenris is one of the most viable characters to return as a companion. His lyrium tattoos provide for a very unique combat style, and he’s got plenty of substance in Tevinter as he continues his blood trail of magisters. Not only that, he’s been setting slaves free and is personally involved in a red lyrium plot conducted by the Venatori remnants.  
Grey Warden Ramesh is a man who has seen some true horrors in his life. Introduced in ‘The Horror of Hormak’, Ramesh has seen one of the many ancient thaigs that contain ancient elven nightmares, as he witnessed his partner sacrifice her life so he could escape. His mission stands to warn the rest of the Wardens of the remaining eleven thaigs.  
“Hollix” is a Lord of Fortune introduced in “Luck in the Gardens”. They defeated a great tentacle monster lurking in the gardens of Minrathous, with the assistance of Dorian Pavus and Maevaris Tilani. Not only can they perfect the fine arts of theft, but “Hollix” makes for a great hunter and tracker.  
As for some sillier, but very much necessary companion predictions, I have a few more that I need to share:  
A Nevarran Mortalitasi Skeleton, in the Grand Necropolis, the death mages have actual skeleton servants who do pretty much anything for their masters, being bound by a spell to serve for the rest of your days will do that to you. I say, if they’re already bound, why not have one too?  
In the opposite direction, I’d like to see my Mabari Dog return. That is all.  
How about an Executor? They’re such a mystery, if we’re not going to find out what’s behind their vyrantium robes any other way, then we may need to take a gander and see for ourselves.  
And, lastly, I’d be silly not to ask for an Elven God companion.  
In truth, these are just a few of my companion predications very much based on Tevinter Nights, I believe the next game will have a variety of different companions. The main takeaway from this section going forward is to expect the sort of character we haven’t already had, as Patrick Weekes stated.  
Let me know your predictions down below, what you think we can predict for Dragon Age 4!
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gothic-safari-clown · 3 years
The Mind’s Power Over the Body
Part 17: From Protector to Pathetic
Story summary: They only ever had each other. It had been that way since high school, ever since Elianna transferred to dreary Arlen and took Jonathan under her wing. They go separate ways for college, and when they're reunited at Arkham Asylum professionally, Elianna comes to find that they've both changed during their time separated. Can she look past the promise of danger and stay by Jonathan's side as they slide further and further into the darkness while she grapples to come to terms with the truth about herself? Can she accept what needs to be done in order to hold onto the only person who holds any meaning in her life? This is a very self-indulgent AU that draws from several different canons of the DCU and ignoring others, starting in the Batman Begins Nolanverse. This will follow the plot of the movie, although the timeline has been very slightly tweaked.
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10 / Part 11 / Part 12 / Part 13 / Part 14 / Part 15 / Part 16
Word count: 1580
A/N: 👀😗 I hope you all like angsty cliches as much as I dooooo!
It seemed to Jonathan that Elianna had learned from her first experience with the fear toxin. While she still fell unconscious once it began to wear off, the effects didn't last as long, and in lieu of frightened screaming, she had managed to restrict herself to quieter sounds of terror.
Upon seeing his friend's distress diminish as her eyelids grew heavy, Jonathan unfastened the restraints and took the belt from her mouth. When he turned his attention back to her, he found that El had already curled in on her side; she would twitch every few seconds, each one accompanied by a soft whimper, whether from perceived pain or from fear he couldn't tell.
Even so, he once again felt pride well up in him as her body relaxed more and more. He was surprised to find that she was still barely lucid when he laid down and pulled the blankets over them. Magnet-like, she was suddenly tucked against him, seeking warmth. Once the shock by the speed of her movement wore off, he allowed himself a tiny smile and secured his arms around her as Scarecrow piped up with his usual assortment of vulgar persuasion; easily ignored at this point.
Elianna finally relaxed into a deep, exhausted sleep, the material of Jonathan's shirt bunched up in her hand.  He was very quickly growing reaccustomed to her unconscious insistence for closeness in her sleep. He found his fingertips skimming up and down her arm lightly as his thoughts returned to the execution of the attack on Gotham.
Admittedly, Elianna's insistent reminder of all that he had accomplished in the process took away much of the stress and replaced it with a sense of premature victory, which was very welcome in comparison. Jonathan found himself slipping into sleep more quickly than he had in a long time.
That didn't last for very long, however, as he was tugged back into semi-consciousness after a few short hours by El shifting uncomfortably in her sleep while muttering to herself. Jonathan blinked in the darkness (he had forgotten to turn on the bathroom light, damn), trying to bring her face into focus. He had only barely made out her furrowed brow and defiant frown when her voice began to raise, along with her poorly coordinated movements.
Jonathan had long been accustomed to soothing her back into sleep without waking her up when she had nightmares (which was concerningly often), but this one was clearly escalating faster than he could wake himself up.
That was, until whatever she was experiencing reached a crescendo, and she bolted upright, sucking in a deep, shuddering breath, followed by a short cry of torment. In an instant, Jonathan found himself next to her, his hand on her back. Instinctively, she leaned into the touch, pressing sideways into his chest with another anguished sob as her friend tried desperately to unscramble his tired brain.
This was troubling, to say the least. Generally speaking, El didn't really cry. Not like that, anyway. She hated to cry; she considered it a 'waste of energy,' in her own words. Even when she had occasion to, it was usually just a quiet tear or two and didn't hinder whatever else she may be doing.
But sitting there, listening to his friend actually sob in earnest, Jonathan found himself getting worried. Quietly shushing her (what the hell is that going to do, idiot?), he put a hand on the back of her head to hold her in place as she sucked in another shuddering breath.
"Breathe, El, breathe." She didn't respond, but she did make a second, slightly more successful attempt to take in a normal breath. "That's it; everything is fine." Jonathan cursed the brusqueness of his voice, still barely awake enough to even speak, let alone police his tone. "It's okay," he tried again—better.
Gradually, El's breathing evened out, but she continued to cling to Jonathan like a lifeline, trembling. Once again, he found himself disturbed by the extreme reaction; this was not normal.
Eventually, she sat back up, still shivering and with tear tracks just beginning to dry on her face, which bore no expression as she stared blankly forward at the opposite wall. Jonathan waited patiently for her to speak first; his hand had returned to her back, still uneasy.
However, he was comforted when she finally let out a frustrated sigh, disgusted by her own lack of control. "Round two nightmares are a bitch," she offered flimsily. Caught off guard, he couldn't help an amused scoff.
"I can't remember the last time I cried like that, ugh," she wiped at her face, all fear replaced with frustration. "That was so annoying. I'm sorry." The apology was punctuated with an awkward half-laugh as she feigned confidence. It wasn't convincing, however, as she wouldn't look at him as she spoke. "Go back to sleep; I'm just going to get some water."
Jonathan considered joining El in the kitchen as she shambled in the direction of the kitchen, but he was just...so tired... Surely a moment to herself would do her some good anyway.
Once in the kitchen, Elianna flicked on the light and took a moment to brace herself against the counter as she scrambled to compose herself. What a stupid situation. She was no stranger to nightmares, having often been plagued by them for her entire life. So why was this one so different?
She knew why. Being in such proximity to Jonathan again had not only stirred up old worries but had given them new form as well. When he had first confessed to her his situation with Granny, many of her dreams had depicted her finding him dead somewhere, pecked to death by crows, or starved to death, or any other horrible possibility.
But their dynamic had shifted so much since they were teenagers. Whereas back then, she had been the protector, their roles had been reversed drastically, and as such, her Jonathan-fueled nightmare had borne a very different image.
Doing her best not to think about it, El finally filled a glass of water and drank it slowly.
In the meantime, Jonathan was facing a dawning realization of guilt. In all of the times that she had been woken by a nightmare when he was around, Elianna had never...snapped like that before. She had blamed it on the toxin, and maybe that was true to an extent, but he was sure that the impending attack on Gotham had played a larger part.
And the only reason she was even in the city was that he had selfishly orchestrated for her to be there. If he had just ignored the application on Warden Sharpe's desk, she was sure to still be in California, bored but safe. As such, he felt a sense of responsibility for her continued wellbeing, and to his mind, this episode made clear what a dismal job he was doing. She was even smoking again, for God's sake.
When she ambled back into the bedroom a few minutes later, Jonathan had resumed a horizontal position, one elbow covering his eyes. Thinking he had fallen back asleep and not wanting to wake him again, El crept back onto her side of the bed carefully.
It was just another nightmare. Just go back to sleep, she commanded herself, shaking off the remaining worry. Just another really intense, very real feeling, vivid, horrible nightmare, she thought grimly as she remembered flashes of what she had seen.
The city in chaos, fire, destruction, screaming, pain; Jonathan standing over her, watching as she begged for help ("please, don't leave me here, you promised!") before he walked off, leaving her alone, injured, and at the mercy of the panicked, violent citizens of what used to be Gotham...
A movement from the other side of the bed startled her out of her thoughts as she released her breath from her tight chest. Blinking through the darkness, she saw that the arm that had been previously thrown over Jonathan's face was now stretched out between them.
"Come on, you know you're going to end up over here anyway," came his tired voice by way of invitation. After a moment's hesitation, El obeyed and once again found herself tucked up against her friend's torso. "So, what happened?" Jonathan asked as his arm wrapped around her and felt a sharp intake of breath from the redhead.
"It doesn't matter." He waited patiently for her to elaborate. "I already know you wouldn't leave me behind." Oh. Almost subconsciously, he squeezed her tighter.
"No, I wouldn't." The finality in his tone did well to reassure El and quell the final remnants of her apprehension.
"No, of course not. Doesn't matter," she murmured to herself, holding him close.
"Doesn't matter," Jonathan repeated affirmatively, clearly drifting back to sleep judging by his voice, and El found herself at last in a similar state. She hummed a response and kissed his shoulder before the pair finally slipped back into slumber.
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lihikainanea · 5 years
tiger asking bill to spank her but he can tell shes in a super bad headspace and feels she needs punishment for something but he also doesnt want to deny her incase she spirals into a worse headspace, so he pulls her to his chest and spanks her while holding her close, always watching her body language to make sure she is okay
This is a concept I very much want to explore more and in GREAT DETAIL because there is just so much to it.
The tricky part with spanking tiger is that while she gets the absolve and the forgiveness that she needs through it....sometimes, she also seeks out the penance and the pain she feels she deserves in it. And at first, it’s impossible for Bill to tell the difference between the two because all the signs were the same. The tears, the begging, the bad headspace, the endless apologies, how utterly small she got. It was maybe only once he got going with it, once he started spanking her, that he could differentiate the two different goals for her. If she relaxed immediately, went a little limp, her face mildly contorting with the strikes but the unmistakable look of pleasure still etched on it...then she was after forgiveness, and he was helping her get it.
But if she stayed tense under his hold, if she kept asking for it harder when it was plenty hard enough, if her face contorted more with held back tears and sobs...that’s when Bill knew she was after pain. And the first and only time that happened, he vowed--it was a vow to him, but she took it as very much a threat--he vowed that until he could tell the difference with her headspace right off the bat, then spanking was completely off limits in their dynamic. Tiger is self-deprecating, self-flagellating, but hurting her is and always will be a hard limit for him. It breaks my heart a little, but I think the only way he makes her realize that is when he sits down and has a real tough conversation with her about how it makes him feel when she uses him like that, when she uses him to hurt her when both of them know he’s not okay with it. Tiger never thought of it that way--she didn’t see much beyond just her own need to repent--but when he explained it that way, my god she was in shambles. Because he would NEVER trick her into doing something that was a hard limit, or something she was so uncomfortable with, but here she was inadvertently doing it to him.
Anyway, I very much HC that spanking was off limits for a little while due to an incident like that. 
Yes. Yes. Tiger approaches Bill, asking for it. But she’s been small in a real bad way that day--maybe something happened--and Bill is so, so hesitant. He originally says no without saying no--asks if she wants to talk about it instead, if she wants cuddles, if she wants to fuck it out. He throws everything on the table but spanking. But tiger just shakes her head at it all, and she knows what he’s doing. So the more he offers up alternatives, the more she’s kind of shrinking back into herself and Bill can tell he’s losing her.
“Kid, come here,” he says gently and pulls her into his lap. She goes readily, and he takes her chin softly in his fingers.
“I’ll give you what you need, you know that. I just...need to be sure that what you’re asking for is what you actually need. Because you’re struggling a bit and I don’t want to make it worse.”
She sniffles a little, and he kisses her.
“Can you tell me why you need it?” he asks softly, “If you can tell me why, I’ll give it to you.”
And it’s a good compromise. Because when she explains it, when she explains what happened and how she feels and why she feels that way, he can understand why she asked for it. It’s always about control, with her. It’s about calm, it’s about giving the control to someone else, feeling completely safe when doing so. It’s about not having the stress of the choice, the decision. The comfort of action and consequence. It’s...it’s steady. Consistent.
He yields once she’s able to explain it, rather eloquently. And she’s rewarded a hundred times over again for her courage and her honesty. He still goes light on her though, and I think you’re right--he keeps her real close, pressed to him, and gives her a ton of kisses while he does so.
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ty-talks-comics · 5 years
Best of Marvel: Week of April 17th, 2019 - WEEK OF ZDARSKY!
Best of this Week: Spider-Man: Life Story #2 - The 70s - Chip Zdarsky, Mark Bagley, Andrew Hennessy, Frank D'Armata and Travis Lanham
War destroys everything, the men and women that fight in them and the relationships between those who are left behind.
This issue was a roller coaster ride, starting off very high and happy-ish and tumbling down the road that leads to Peter Parker’s inevitable destitution. It was emotional and refreshing to see the Marvel Universe evolve with time, seeing characters grow up and the world slowly build in a decent amount of time that allows for events to just happen without cramming.
Mark Bagley continues to amaze as, though his action art was better in the previous issue, with more dynamic scenes being shown, the character art was amazing in this issue. He takes his time with the scenes and is very attentive to detail. Though I HATE Reed’s goatee, it is still very distinct and comes off as something I could see Reed rocking in his mid 40s - 50s. Harry looks like a haggard young man, he’s gone through the ringer trying to keep Oscorp alive and the effects on his health show. Heck, even Peter’s face, after an argument with Mary Jane, where he doesn’t shave the next morning is so AMAZING to me.
Chip Zdarsky is killing it with his Spider-Man work and somehow even found a way to make a mini-Clone Saga happen without making things feel hokey and stupid. I hope this book gives him or other creators opportunities outside of “Marvel Presents” to do stories by the decade with characters. I want to know more of Captain America’s involvement in the Vietnam War, I want to see a dirtbag Iron Man profiting from the continuation of the war which ended in 1975 in our world, but has stretched into 1977 in theirs.
Spoilers Below, but I highly, HIGHLY recommend this book.
It’s been three years since the death of Flash Thompson who went to fight in the Vietnam War and things have gotten more intense on the battlefront with Captain America going rogue and saving lives on both sides and the entry of Giant Man on the side of Iron Man and the American Army. Public opinion is still divided with Reed Richards, sporting an awful goatee, taking the side of Captain America and Peter Parker stating that those with the power have a responsibility to help and before the argument can take a nasty turn, Otto Octavius, now reformed after a heart attack makes him reevaluate his life, steps in to calm both men.
Peter’s taken a job working with the two genius scientists as a Mechanical Engineer, he’s married the love of his life, Gwen Stacy and his life is going well, but he still can’t help but think that he could have done more in lieu of Flash’s death. After a conversation with his wife and Professor Miles Warren, about his opposing opinions to Dr. Richards, Pete prepares to go to a nightclub to catch up with Mary Jane and Harry Osborn. The latter of whom had recently met with his father in prison and learned some shocking news, causing him to get stoned at the club, leaving a drunk Mary Jane to chastise Peter for not using his powers to help Flash, revealing that she’s known he’s been Spider-Man for years now.
This scene may be one of the best in the issue as Bagley shows why his faces are some of the most expressive in comics, using a wide range to convey happiness and reassurance to bitter dejection and anger. Mary Jane in particular is stunningly beautiful and stands out as a definite representation of late 70s fashion and beauty.
Things only go further downhill as another argument with Reed causes Peter to lash out, alluding to Sue Storm having left Reed for Namor, resulting in him getting slapped and walking out, quitting the job. Hoping to get a new job working with Professor Warren, he heads towards the lab just as a new Black Goblin attacks the lab, revealing clone tubes that the Professor had been keeping secret that contained clones of Norman Osborn, Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy. In a rage, Black Goblin unmasks himself and Peter, yelling about how Norman only ever cared for Peter and how Peter ruined his life.
In the end, it’s all too much for Harry as he destroys the tubes, killing “Gwen” and “Norman”, but leaving “Peter” alive. Warren, hysterical after his Gwen is killed, reveals that Peter’s Gwen was really a clone and the real Gwen was the one that died in the explosion, shocking everyone. Harry runs off and not too long after, Clone Gwen and Clone Pete get new identities and a new chance at life while real Peter is left alone, his life in shambles. No friends, no job, nothing, except for Mary Jane’s shoulder to cry on.
You know your life as a superhero is screwed up when The Punisher thinks you’ve turned to his side.
Runner Up: Daredevil #4 (Legacy #616) - Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto, Sunny Gho and Clayton Cowles
Following his manhandling at the hands of Detective Cole North, an injured Daredevil is rescued by Frank Castle and whisked away to one of his secret hideouts. What follows is one of the most cathartic tear downs between two diametrically opposed heroes that I have read in a while.
Frank Castle is a broken man. He’s a Marine who witnessed the worst of war only to come home and see the worst of man as his family was gunned down, turning him into the murderous psychopath we know him to be. Matt Murdock is a guilty Catholic who has so much sin weighing on his heart that his only way to atone is by seeing the good in people and doing what he believes to be good, never killing any criminal he comes across.
Frank and Matt have fought each other or worked together for decades, always crossing paths that lead to the moral quandary of whether it’s wrong to kill or better to eliminate a problem altogether, but with Daredevil possibly having taken the life of a petty criminal, Frank sees this as Daredevil taking a step into the light.
Zdarsky does a great job at crafting his own Frank Castle/Daredevil dynamic, with Frank acting more judgemental of Daredevil than normal and it is perfect. He calls Daredevil a phony for portraying himself as a good guy all while breaking the law and criminals with glee on his face as he fights. Frank believes he’s always seen Daredevil for what he is, but that DD himself won’t give up the act and Matt only gets progressively more pissed off. Things reach a head after Frank kills a criminal that Matt coaxed him to let go of after he picks up a gun and tries to kill them. Matt breaks free of the restraints he was bound to and leaps at Frank in anger.
Checchetto really struts his stuff with the art this issue and shows improvement from the last time he drew these characters back when Greg Rucka was writing Punisher. The first fight has a lot of weight to it as strikes are made and things are thrown around in close, tight shots. The physicality of both Frank and Daredevil is ratcheted up to 11 as both men look to be in their peak forms, especially when Daredevil uses two pistols akimbo, showing Frank the damage that he could do if he decided to go Frank’s route and use guns. Daredevil would be near unstoppable and it shows. This might some of Checchetto’s best panel to panel work that I have ever seen as even the flat ones feel dynamic as hell.
In the end, Daredevil defeats Frank who muses at the thought of a Punishing Daredevil, a being much more effective than he ever could be. Matt knocks him out and saves him from the fire that their fight caused, telling us that becoming Frank is his greatest fear and that that’s what’s been preventing him from admitting to himself that he killed that criminal and that while he couldn’t bring him back to life, he could at least make things right by continuing his mission.
This is the Daredevil I love and seeing him finally let it out and admit that he’s not perfect and he will make mistakes, even grave ones is a breath of fresh air. I also loved that Frank wasn’t the powerhouse/unstoppable monster that he is pretty much everywhere else. (see The Punisher, War of the Realms: Punisher) Though, I do love these representations, it is good to see him low for a bit.
Zdarsky truly does it again, high recommend!
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sachiwrites · 6 years
I actually would really LOVE to see something about Crowley educating someone he sired. It would be great if you considered writing it!! Thank you so much ♥♥♥
the hardest thing about writing this vampire dynamic is projecting emotions without actually connecting them to sincerity. but thats also what makes this series to much fun to write for because there are a lot of moods for vampires to not harbor any.
anyway ! thank you very much for inspiring me. i hope this is up to your expectations
Was his smile…
You imagined it to be more painful. The changing that is. You’d read about it more than once, been warned about the debauched act enough times to fear the transition. In hindsight, it ended up being surprisingly temporal, though wasn’t soft by any means.
The sharpness of his fangs pierced you like any blade would have, drying a brief cry from your lips. He told you beforehand that it would be an exchange. An equal sharing of souls. Or perhaps this is where they were lost.
The agreement is unspoken and with little room for change when his hand finds the back of your head shortly after pulling away, already guiding you in instruction. He encourages you to bite hard, the notion of breaking the skin highly encouraged.
You suppose it’s then that you realize the first enthralled of the upcoming change. Even in the passions of bodies you’d never been able to inflict any damage, bit even the indent your teeth as evidence.
It’s still not a simple task. Rather than the smooth cut of butter it’s more like a bite of tough bread, a necessary addition of force Judy do find the right grip to tear away.
The first taste is bitter, not at all what he described or any indication sun if the supposed elixir all vampires praise. It’s metallic and the taste of copper rings on your tongue like a dropped coin. Yet there isn’t much to overwhelm your palate when so much is being washed over your tongue. In this moment it’s less about equal sharing and more about filling you up.
He means to drown out your humanity and leave nothing but the taste of himself in your essence.
The last time you wake up is to a glass of blood and a plate of fruit. Instinct drives you toward the later and the consequence is the opposite of the sweet blend you remember.
Crowley watches it all with a raise brow and an expectant smile. Amongst your hacking you reach for the glass, liking the intent of it to a cool glass of water to soothe your ache. The outcome is more than enough, the vicious red bleeding into your veins like a life stream. You finish the glass within moments but he doesn’t produce another instead offering a hand that you grip as you have many times before.
He doesn’t expect the grace of Horn or the unyielding force of Chess, but he does envision loyalty. It’s made apparent the most among other vampires. You may have upgraded from livestock but you’re still a step below the rest. You were a mere follower yes, but his follower.
He truly didn’t ask for much. Satisfied with his two aides, intrigue in Ferid’s whimsical stratagem and you. Was your devotion much more in comparison ?
It’s not a seemly transition from the notorious trinity to the expected quadruplet you were projected to create. Crowley was more reserved of your presence as a new vampire than he had been in your human identity. You had a place near him, but not quite at his side.
A place you’d earn, he informed you, with a bit of tutelage.
There was one thing you’d gotten wrong in your new life. Actual dirt tasted much worse than the equivalent you thought the once beloved human delicacies sampled of.
“You’re way too slow.”
The snarky snip of Chess’ voice sounded almost gravely as your conscious wavered briefly upon impact.  She’d been relentless, no less than obedient under her Lord’s orders.
Eternity was already a forbidden gift, you suppose strength and stamina would have been a stretch even for the gods. Fortunately, or supposedly the opposite with how your body was straining under the training, Crowley was more than adamant on preparing you for the war to come.
He’d single-handedly seen to Chess and Horn’s lessons to develop them into his formidable left and right hand. The trio were already legends in the making, a historians dream of war and fatigue. Still, in between uneven breaths, you wondered; with two hands already accounted for, where did that leave you?
“She said you’re too slow. Why are you still lying around?”
Crowley was a picture of barely veiled disinterest, his crimson gaze already dulling behind the murky thoughts of schematics and strategies. He hadn’t even entertained the idea of bringing his sword along, the infamous companion likely lying haphazardly out of place in his office. At his side stood Horn, patiently waiting to intervene when advised.
Gritting your teeth, eventually your knees found their place beneath you and your feet following shortly. You certainly endured more than what you could have while still hanging on to humanity, but this was still a tier too many out of your league. You voiced as much with a bitter tongue,”I didn’t realize you were changing me to fight your war. If I wanted to be a soldier I could have done as much with my own kind.”
The fleeting glint of annoyance was your own warning before your back spasmed from a second impact, this one significantly more distressing with intent. While gloved, his grip was no less threatening, tightening gradually with every vexed word.
“I see I misinformed you of my tolerance of your brattiness in the past. You were too fragile to curb the habit without the misfortune of killing you. I won’t be as lenient from now on.”
His form takes up all the space from every angle, not that his gaze would allow you to focus on anything else. There is a tendril of fear, just a flickering reminder of the truth you already knew when you’d accepted this dance. One would think you did so blindly to so willingly fall in line with a vampire.
“Everyone has their use here. I will only give you so many chances to learn yours before I give up altogether.”
The courts were still a mystery to you. Not that you would have seen the inner structure even if you had been more versed. The hierarchical composition of the vampire race was becoming more complex than any of your former counterparts were aware of. Their numbers were small, but as a society they were a functioning force and there was no question of how they managed to enslave the world and reduce it to shambles.
“But if you’re a low-ranking vampire and I’m a low ranking-“
His voice is as cool as it is crisp, cutting off your speech. “I may be low amongst others but I have a rank. You have none.”
You’re both settled in his study, situated snug behind his desk while he overviews the current reports of the Progenitor Council. Horn and Chess left to their own devices hours ago, bored of their games and in seek of other alternatives. For a while you were torn, too transparent of the mundane lesson plans but craving his touch.
“Even as my sire?”
The history was murky but you suspected Ferid to be his sire by the associations they promoted. Amongst shared lineage they also harbored a near equivalent status. But apparently there were more steps slipped in your thought process.
His voice is bare to the stickiness of humor as it latches on to his words,”. You were but a human not long ago. You have much to climb.” Your curiosity permeates the air and his nose twitches at the stench. He cuddles you with a light kiss to your hair,” You’re mine. That’s a mighty social climb for any vampire this young. “
But you’d always been his, from the moment he ensnared your interest. A mere pet to most, but Crowley’s high regard for your existence spoke volumes with your transformation. You’d learned that the privilege of become a Sire was only predestined to those slated to be nobles. The knowledge made the silly childish free of being kidnapped and turned against your will nothing more than a scary story before bedtime.
They would much rather kill than sully their bloodline.
You watched as he discarded the report among the others, only losing sight of his hand for a short moment before you felt is curve under the line of your jaw.
“When I changed you, it was not without purpose. You will become someone worthy of my presence.”
“Easy, easy. I don’t care if they die but don’t make a mess.”
You refused to look them in the eye, not able to witness the sin of it even when you didn’t have the resolve to let go. Crowley had been meticulously with this lesson in particular, pulling strings in the shadows without your knowledge.
It had always been possible for you to obtain your own food in his manor. It never came from the source but a glass was only a request away. Still you suppose you’d gotten spoiled by the luxury, only receiving when it was offered directly from his hand. It was pure ignorance that subdued the infrequency that lead to your near starvation until a new spring was presented before you.
Crowley had guided you without instruction, silencing the warm body with a simple look. Without words, incomprehensible whimpers were fictitious in contrast the roar of your hunger. They didn’t have a face or a family. It was almost too much to even consider them human.
His unreserved touch is at your throat, coaxing the red essence down without a battle
The habitual warmth of mankind never felt so foreign, even as it ran cold.
It would take some time, but Crowley would mold you into a vampire fit to stand at his side.
Even if it made you a monster too.
- was his smile …. 
always so cruel?
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minaminokyoko · 5 years
Avengers Endgame: A (Late, Incredibly Long) Spoilertastic Review
Well, it’s done.
I did it. We did it. We all watched the original lineup of Avengers’ stories come to its end.
So what did I think?
It was phenomenal. A worthy ending to a more than worthy series of films and stories.
There are just so many things to go over and so many points to hit that I have to warn you this review is likely going to be just as long as Endgame’s running time, so strap in.
Overall Grade: A-
Naturally, spoilers below.
I’m taking a note from a friend of mine and have decided that due to the film’s epic length and its history, the best way to tackle my reactions is first per character, and then I can evaluate things like plot and story and action. Just a heads’ up. So here we go.
Christ. I…wow, where do I even start?
There’s just so much to talk about with this movie and the arc that Tony Stark has been fulfilling since his first film. I almost don’t know how I can even put into words what I feel for this character. Tony came to us as this swaggering, arrogant diva, and yet the first Iron Man breaks him down to his core character. Tony Stark is a man with everything and nothing. He has the looks, the intelligence, and the resources to have everything a person could want, and yet he has no family and no deep connections with others aside from Rhodey and Pepper when it all starts. The core of the MCU was very cleverly built around the theme of Tony’s heart, and that’s perhaps why so many of us are devastated to know his fate. We all saw it coming. There was sadly no other way Tony’s story would pan out if we wanted to stick to his full arc. Tony could not rest until he knew the universe would be safe, and he made sure it would be before he left us. His legacy is incredible. It’s so…hell, to use a bad pun, heartwarming.
I guess the best thing to do in order for me to not just recap every amazing thing he’s done since Iron Man is to recap moments in Endgame for Tony that leapt out at me as exceptional:
-The intro with Tony playing paper football with Nebula. Stab me in the heart. That was so cute. It’s so very like Tony to try and keep her strong and keep her spirits up when they were literally staring death in the face. It was unexpectedly adorable, and even without us having seen the days they spent together, you could tell that Tony treated her in a mature-ish fashion and that’s why Nebula appeared to be affectionate, or at the very least, respectful towards him when she is usually very distant. You could tell they totally depended on each other and it was an important partnership. I was very, very touched when she scooped him up and put him in the seat when they were approaching their final day together. It’s such a powerful thing to see how far Tony has come, through the lens of Nebula showing such compassion for him even in such a short amount of time. I love how the Russos are so good at conveying thoughts and emotions and story without saying it outright. It’s an amazing skill in filmmaking.
-Tony’s arrival back to earth, and his confrontation with the Avengers. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. My fucking feelings, y’all. Christ. I mean, the Russos already know how to gut-punch you and then kick you when you’re down, but Tony’s complete and utter break down still hurts like a mother. It’s just so raw and emotional, and it should be that way after a loss on this kind of scale. What really tipped me over into choking down frustrated tears was that Tony just looks at Cap desperately when he stumbles off that ship and says in this broken voice, “I lost the kid.” He can’t even bear to say Peter Parker’s name. The shame and loss and guilt is too much for him to say his little Spider Son’s name. Oh, fuck you, Russo brothers.
And then the team being in utter shambles over losing to Thanos, all of them just barely holding it together, and then Tony just shatters. He’s home and he’s with family, but he can’t get over this kind of failure. What really tears it is him going after Steve so viciously, and it’s so complex. He’s angry at himself, and he chooses to direct that anger at Cap because we all know Tony took it as a personal loss, as all of them did, that he couldn’t stop Thanos even though he literally gave it everything. He gave every last bit, every last drop, of effort, and he couldn’t stop Thanos. It just hurts. And the resentment that was already between Cap and Tony after Civil War is still clearly there, so the entire scene is just like being dragged naked over broken glass. RDJ and Evans’ acting here is some of the best of the entire series in this scene. It sets the stage and reminds us of the stakes amazingly well.
-Tony’s post Snap life, and his interactions with his family. All of us Tony stans called it that Tony would be a phenomenal father. He’s already shown us that he can be the right amount of strict and caring, and everything with Morgan is exactly what I dreamt it would be. I could rewatch the scenes with Tony and Morgan a thousand times. People can shit on Tony all they want and I will never listen to them, because it’s so apparent how much and how deeply he cares in scenes like this. Where he confronts Pepper after he figures out the time heist equation. Years ago, Tony may have lied to her or made a decision without consulting her, but Tony has grown as a person and he approaches his wife with one of the most important things he will ever do in his life and he asks for her opinion before he does anything. It’s such a good comparison to how he used to be. Tony’s heart is so huge in this whole sequence. It’s such a good representation of his internal battle between doing what is right for everyone and doing what is right for him.
-Tony and Cap’s reconciliation. Oh, my heart. I love how Tony approaches it in such a Tony sort of way, forgiving Cap and agreeing to move past their resentment for what happened in Civil War. I like that it was done in a brisk sort of way, and that a lot of the power in the scene comes from RDJ and Evans’ facial expressions. Really, these two act off of each other so well that part of why we’re all crying so hard about this movie is the horrible knowledge that we don’t get to see them act opposite each other in this context. I pray they stay friends in real life, and I would love to see them reunited on screen someday. It’s such a great relationship and it’s at the core of why this is such a great film series.
-The New York heist. Oh God. I can’t wait for them to tell us if the comment about Cap’s ass was in the script or if it was an improvised line by RDJ or Paul Rudd. It is by far one of the funniest things ever to happen in the MCU. Dear God, I was howling. The best part is that during the premiere we were all laughing so hard that I missed Cap’s initial reply, which was, “No one’s asking you to look, Tony.” Christ, I can’t deal. I know it’s straight up Stony pandering but I don’t give a fuck, it was hilarious. And it’s a very meta joke since Chris Evans’ gorgeous, flawless body is a meme thanks to his Dorito proportions (if you haven’t seen that yet, oh god, please look it up) and the fact that he has an absolutely phenomenal ass, especially for a white guy from Boston. Anyway, Tony and Scott’s whole interaction was perfect, and I loved how the scene went and how it led into the next one.
-The army base heist. Tony running into his father was such a good twist. I absolutely did not see that coming, but it was a really welcome conversation to give Tony closure. He’s felt so guilty for how he left things with them, and it was so touching to see him get a second chance at it, even if Howard was none the wiser. I really hadn’t expected anything like that, but it worked well with Tony’s arc and I thought it was very sweet.
-Tony’s reaction to seeing his baby boy, his little Spider Son, running up to him. My God. This was everything. I am a hardcore supporter of the Iron Dad and Spider Son dynamic, and this was the reunion I so sorely needed after the sick, demented, painful scene that was the final moments in Infinity War. Like the rest of you, the level of trauma that hit me when Peter Parker died is just…hell, infinite. The pain was just infinite. I both love and hate Tom Holland and RDJ for doing that shit to us. I did not know I could cry that hard about a fictional character, but I openly wept to the point of sobbing when Peter Parker died in IW, and to see him back in this scene was so wonderful. In my second viewing, the audience actually clapped when Peter swung through the portal, and that was quite sweet for me to experience. But back to the point: once again, I have to simply compliment RDJ’s acting. This is why we love him so much. It’s not even about the big, loud moments. His acting is so precise that the flurry of emotional expressions that Tony went through when his tiny son helped him up and started excitedly babbling to him about being dead, of all things, and then Tony just doesn’t even interrupt him, he just walks forward and pulls that little boy into his arms and holds him tightly in a hug and it’s just…wow. This is some spectacular acting on both their parts, and it heals a really wounded part of my heart, even though the next scene I talk about just breaks it all over again. Plus, at the time I wrote this review, the Spider-Man: Far From Home full trailer just dropped and (SPOILER ALERT) the opening scene is Peter Parker and Happy mourning Tony and I just feel like someone hammered a stake into my chest. This scene is so fantastic. It’s just another reminder of how damn much Tony Stark cares about the people around him and that he has an actual family now, and that’s why the next scene is possibly the saddest one of all.
-Tony’s death. Like Loki’s untimely demise, I knew this was coming from years and years of being a writer. Based on the track for his character arc and because RDJ announced this is his final official performance as the character, I knew Tony was going to die. There was no way around it. His determination to save everyone and correct the wrong done to the universe by Thanos would drive him past his limits and cause him to sacrifice it all. It’s just…man. I wish it had ended differently for him. Anyone who follows me on Tumblr knows that I tag all Iron Man posts with “we stan Tony Stark in this house” and that is how I feel. While Tony is not my favorite Avenger, I will stand up for him all day, err day. Tony Stark is the epitome of the human spirit, and in a different way than Cap, if you ask me. Tony is all of the dark and seedy parts, but also the defiance and the self-deprecation and the obsession and the power of the human spirit. He has so many vices and yet so many virtues. He cares to a fault. He blames himself to a fault. He has come so far after that brutal conversation in Avengers when Cap accuses him of not being the man to lay down on the razor wire and let the other guy crawl over you. He made the ultimate sacrifice play. As much as I reject the idea, we all knew it had to be him. It had to be. Because at the end of the day, Tony’s need to make his family safe was more precious to him than his own life. He gave up a future with his loved ones to make sure Thanos could never hurt them again. And all of it was capped off with a line that will probably haunt me forever, of Pepper’s soft, forgiving goodbye, “You can rest.”
-Tony’s farewell message to his family. Want to know something crazy? I cried so hard at the premiere. So hard. I was almost dry heaving with how hard I cried at Tony’s funeral. But then I had a week of time and I saw it again this past Sunday. I was choked up during his death but I didn’t shed actual tears this time until “I love you 3000.” Somehow, it didn’t hit me until the second time how they filmed Tony’s goodbye to us. They shot it in such a way that as he leans down to turn off the recording, he’s actually looking at us. Not directly into the camera, but so close to it that it finally hit me that this was RDJ’s goodbye and thank you to the fans. It was so touching and sincere that I finally broke down and actually cried again. What truly hurts is knowing that his loved ones have to be without him, and even though his sacrifice means everything, he is going to leave behind such a void. Even with his problems and his flaws, Tony was a damn good man and he was the right choice to begin this epic series. I can’t express how much I am going to miss him and how much I am going to miss RDJ in this shared universe. He’s so charismatic and wonderful and complex. It was not only a comeback for Tony Stark, but a comeback for a very troubled man, and it’s come full circle that Tony had a loving family just as RDJ has a loving family after his checkered past. To be honest, I’m likely going to do as I did for Loki and have a cutoff point in my brain for the MCU, where I don’t accept what happened because it’s too painful. I just pretend that nothing happened after that hug with Peter Parker and they all won the day and no one died. That’s just how it’s gotta be for me to survive a post Endgame world.
Thank you, Tony. You gave everything. I love you now and always.
-Thor executing Thanos. Standing. Fucking. Ovation. Right, so, I know that Thor probably should not have outright killed Thanos before they had more information, but at the same time, there was nothing more to get out of that son of a bitch and I clapped when Thor swung Stormbreaker and lopped that mo’fo’s head clean off, and I flipped off Thanos’ corpse with both fingers. Good boy. He told you he’d kill you, and he killed you, you sorry bastard. A+++
-Thor’s depression and weight gain. Alright. *rolls up sleeves* Time to make some enemies. I think Fat!Thor is a great idea, but the execution could have been done better. I recognize writing tricks when I see them, and Fat!Thor seems to be two ideas in one, and one of them is what is bothering the semi-reasonable part of the fandom. What I’ll do is explain my take on both parts of the overall idea.
(1) Thor’s depression at his failure (at the time) to reverse the Snap and save everyone is 100% accurate, in character, and is damn good writing. Thor has never actually full-on failed at anything in his life. The closest he has come is between being cast out in the first Thor movie for being irrational and cruel, and in Ragnarok where he had to let Surtur destroy Asgard in order to save his people. Even then, Thor lost battles, not the overall war. Therefore, Thor does not understand how to process failure. Yes, he also failed to save his mother, but at the same time, it’s not a failure on this level. He lost Frigga, Loki, the Warriors Three, and Heimdall, but this was literally trillions of lives that he feels were weighed on his shoulders, and his shoulders alone, even though as Rocket pointed out, losing the war was the fault of a LOT of people, not just Thor (and not Starlord either, you bunch of whiny hypocrites in the fandom, ugh). So becoming an alcoholic and giving up on his life as a hero is definitely how Thor would handle things. Think about it. He no longer has any guidance from his family, or his best friend, since they died. All he has is his Avengers family and Valkyrie. I’m sure the Avengers tried to talk him out of it to no avail, and that’s a really sad thing to know, that they couldn’t get him out of his depression spiral, so they let him wallow in it. As for Valkyrie, she’s still just barely recovered from her own trauma, and I am sure she probably tried to snap him out of it too, but he was too stubborn to listen. What I like about this point for his character is that Thor is right—he has always been expected to be “worthy” and to be the savior. Thor is the big gun on the team alongside the Hulk. He has always been the bravest, the noblest, and the most powerful person on the team, and he is expected as a king to win the day every time. But he lost. And he can’t reconcile it since he has always triumphed in the end. So it’s very understandable for him to lose control and just want to have nothing to do with the hero business, because if you fail once, you can fail again, and he couldn’t bear the thought of failing again, not after it cost him literally everything.
(2) Fat!Thor was an easy source of cheap laughs to keep the mood from getting too dark considering the subject matter handled in this movie. I am of two minds about this issue. On the one hand, I can see why certain people feel that this is fat shaming. It is. But the problem stems from the fact that the fat shaming is still a large part of American culture, and people have not broken the bad habit yet, and so it gets shifted into the easy laughs category. The easy laughs are for the Average Joe viewer. It’s for people who aren’t as conscious of how it sounds to mock him for his weight gain who are just used to “ha ha, fat person jokes.” Some fans felt uncomfortable that he was the butt of a few jokes because a lot of us who suffer from depression know that this is in fact a side effect. When you’re depressed, it’s easy to stress eat and overeat, and you lean heavily towards comfort foods that cause you to gain weight, and your depression makes you tired, so you also don’t exercise and that’s how you can end up overweight. On the other hand, while I agree with these folks about not liking the fat jokes, I also think it was necessary to show a character we all admire falling into the same pitfalls that we as mere Midgardians deal with on a daily basis. I don’t like the jokes, but I do like Fat!Thor’s inclusion in this story because people need to realize what depression does to a person. It shouldn’t have been handled this way, but from a strictly observer perspective, I understand why they went for the low hanging fruit. People needed to laugh since Endgame has very, very dark elements to it. I would have preferred they approach his weight gain in a more dignified fashion, but not every part of this movie was written for me and I sadly have to accept it. That’s my feelings on it.
-Thor’s encounter with Frigga on Asgard. I. FREAKING. LOVE. THIS. I did not see it coming, and I love it with every fiber of my being. This is such a heartwarming scene. I want to rewatch it a thousand times. I love Frigga immediately knowing what’s up (she’s not stupid and of course she noticed and it’s everything to me) and I love that she can clearly see how distraught her beautiful son has become. I love Thor having a panic attack, because that’s extremely realistic after he’s gone so long not having done any hero work, per se, and having to face his previous failed relationship with Jane, and with facing the day his mother died again. It’s really compelling writing. Frigga’s gentle reassurance is exactly what he needed, and it’s exactly what we needed to see him go through. He had to let go of the expectations piled upon him and accept himself for who he is, not who he needs to be as a warrior king and an Avenger. While I do wish they had gone on to show us a little more of who he considers himself to be instead of who he is supposed to be, I am really excited to hear Chris Hemsworth is one of the Avengers who has chosen to stay past the end of Phase Three. He’s young and funny and vibrant and I think Thor is his best role of his career anyhow (no offense meant, Hems, if you ever read this, you handsome golden retriever, you). I think exploring Thor’s personal goals and future will be very interesting.
-Thor’s reaction to Natasha’s death. This is a very small moment, but I actually like it a lot. I like that Thor’s optimism here is a form of denial. I like it because there are certain Avengers who despite the 11 year saga have not interacted with each other much, and Thor and Nat are probably my leading example. When it hit him that they couldn’t use the time stone to bring her back, the loss and devastation on his face almost made up for the fact that Thor and Nat have almost no lines with each other in the film series. I like it because it hurts and because it shows that she does matter to him, even though they don’t interact. It’s a nice detail to include since I was often a little sad I never got to see these two have dialogues. I personally have even written a bit of fanfiction about what their relationship could have been like, and I think it could have been sort of brother-sisterly. It’s a shame we won’t get to see it, but I like that it is given attention here at last.
-Thor wanting to undo the Snap. Yes. This is a very good character beat for him. Again, I agree it’s annoying he ends up getting another fat joke thrown at him (nice work, Rhodey, sheesh, it’s not like the poor guy was traumatized or anything), I like that Tony talks him down. I like that Tony doesn’t think he can’t do it, he’s worried that Thor is in so much pain that he shouldn’t try to make such a rash decision that could cost him his life. Tony seemed dismissive, but I think he was trying to protect his friend more than anything else. I think Tony also knew that it would be rough if Thor either died or became permanently crippled by undoing the Snap. Being able to fight is extremely important to Thor, even with his depression, because Thor is essentially a space Viking. It shows that Tony is aware that Thor’s not just bumbling around as a chubby drunk, but he’s legitimately in pain and he needs to take things slower.
-Thor giving Valkyrie the throne. First off, I need to sling salt at the freaking part of the Thorkyrie fandom that is somehow complaining about this scene. Are you kidding me? What movie did you watch? This is the ultimate freaking Thorkyrie scene, you bunch of whiny nincompoops! Thor literally gave Valkyrie the throne because she is so smart, powerful, and kind that he trusted her to take care of the people he loves with all his heart. The amount of trust and respect that is in this scene makes me want to just squeal for hours. I can’t handle how affectionate and reverent Thor is as he gives Valkyrie the throne. I love the long gaze they share. I love the handshake. I love that Val asks when she’ll see him again. I love that Thor has faith in her and how she will lead his people. Anyone bitching that this is an anti-Thorkyrie scene did not see the same movie we did, and you can all piss off. I love this scene to my core. I love seeing Valkyrie being assured to be a relevant part of Thor’s story and that it likely means Tessa Thompson is going to join us again for either Thor 4 or Guardians of the Galaxy 3. I am a giant freaking fan of her character and I can’t scream “SIGN ME THE FUCK UP” loud enough for her to be in future films with him, and with the MCU in general. I hope she signed a three movie deal or more. That would be amazing. But anyway, my point is, this scene is fantastic and I will be rewinding it a lot when this movie gets to DVD. Nothing makes me happier than Thor shooting heart-eyes at Val, and he was shooting them so hard in this scene that he even took his sunglasses off. God bless this scene.
-Asgardians of the Galaxy. I DON’T KNOW WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN WITH THIS BUT I LOVE IT WITH MY ENTIRE FUCKING SOUL YOU GUYS. Everything about Thor hanging out with the Guardians makes me so incredibly happy. I can’t wait for shenanigans. I would assume the plot of the next one is finding Gamora and bringing her home and re-teaching her about her family and falling in love with Quill again, but who knows what wackiness awaits us? I can’t deal with Thor being a little shit to Quill. I could see his Hemsworth peeking through, and I am here for it. Half the reason we all love Thor as much as we do is that Taika was one of the first people to suggest letting Hems be more like himself, and Chris Hemsworth is basically a giant, hilarious puppy, and it really made Thor more fun and likable. Don’t get me wrong—I loved my noble prince, but he was still a big golden retriever even when he was more Shakespearean and all they truly did was dial it up to be a bigger part of his personality.
Really, I like what Thor went through in Endgame and how it connects with lots of elements in previous movies. While parts could have been done better, I thought it was fantastic and it shook things up in a way that should be quite intriguing for his future appearances. Of everyone, Thor is the character I am most excited to learn about continuing to be in the MCU.
-Natasha taking a leadership role in the Post Snap years, and her conversation with Steve. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a die-hard Captasha shipper, but more than that, I think the friendship and love (platonic or otherwise) between Nat and Steve is by far one of the best relationships in the Avengers saga. I love how it began, how it developed, and where it is when we watch this scene of them together. I love how soft and gentle Steve is with her, and yet he teases her in this subtle way that’s almost like a verbal hug. Steve is just so compassionate and conscious of her emotional needs, the same as how she has been with him. I think this is such a precious relationship and it’s vital to both of them that they have someone to confide in when times are hard. It’s possibly even more beautiful because they aren’t canonically together as a couple; they’re just two friends who have bonded and been partners ever since The Winter Soldier, and they without a doubt love each other. (Side note: and I am not alone in this because Chris Evans even ships it, and that makes me so very pleased.) I gobble up all Captasha scenes, honestly, because it’s so well written and it’s come a long way from the first time they met in Avengers. But to get a little more in depth, Nat’s brief breakdown about Clint is really something else. Seeing her struggle with the idea that the man she loves (again, platonically) has become a monster, and struggling with the idea that she should move on but she can’t because she’s lost her family, is really damn hard to watch, but it’s necessary. It’s a really good reflection of the level of loss and trauma and pain our poor Avengers have had to deal with since the Snap. It’s an excellent scene.
-Nat going after Clint to bring him home once they figure out that the time heist is at least possible. Ow. This is another scene that is a big kick in the nuts. “Don’t. Don’t give me hope.” “I’m sorry I couldn’t give it to you sooner.” Bury me, this is such a good, quiet little scene for her. I really like their friendship and their bond. When Nat mentions family in the previous scene, this is what she’s talking about, and I love how Endgame might be the first film to openly acknowledge that the Avengers are family to each other. And what I like is that this series has earned that. Nothing makes me angrier than when people drop the F-bomb where it is NOT deserved. (*side eyes Suicide Squad and Deadpool 2*) The Avengers have fought and bled for each other, have supported each other, and have loved each other through hell and back, and they ARE a family. Bringing Clint home was a big deal to her, facing her fears of what he’s become, but seeing that he is still somewhat the man she knows and loves because he does return to the fold in the end.
-Natasha’s death. Hoo boy. Okay, so like Tony and Loki, I might just stick this in my Denial category. I was hit with a huge wave of “oh no, please no” when I found out Clint and Nat would be the ones going to retrieve the Soul Stone, because of course it had to be them. However, it was thematically the right choice for it to be Clint and Nat, since I personally think the only other combination it could have been was Steve and Tony or Steve and Nat in terms of “give up that which you love” that the Red Skull illuminated is the price for the stone. I think all the team members genuinely care for each other, but if I wanted to use the word love, yes, I’d say it comes down to members of the team who truly love one another, it’s Tony and Steve, Clint and Nat, and Nat and Steve. So I am in a very weird place about Nat’s death in this movie.
First off, I love how it was handled because it couldn’t have gone any other way. Of course both of them wanted to jump on this grenade for each other. Of course they both think they are the unworthy one who should die for the other person they love. Of course they fought over it.
Here's the thing, though: from a writing standpoint, it did need to be Natasha.
And before we go further, let’s address the elephant in the room fandom-wise: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, YOU MORONS, THIS IS NOT THE ‘STUFFED IN THE FRIDGE’ TROPE. God, I hate you sometimes, MCU fandom. I knew as soon as she sacrificed herself that all the fake feminists would run into the streets and climb onto their soapboxes and try to call the Fridge trope. Shut up. It’s not a Fridge.
For those not familiar with the trope, Stuffed in the Fridge is when a typically female character is unceremoniously killed off for usually one of two reasons (1) to cause a male character to angst (2) to further or advance a male agenda somehow.
Natasha’s sacrifice is neither of these things.
First off, it was her choice. Clint made it completely clear that he loves her and he did not want her to die for him. One of the primary problems with the Fridge trope is it robs the woman of her choice, and Nat is the one who decided that she would be the one to die for the Soul Stone. Calling this a Fridge is a blatant, insulting erasure of her motivation as a character.
Second off, Nat’s death is a sacrifice that wins a war. It’s not pointless, and it’s not just for angst, and it’s not just for a male character to get ahead in the story. She literally saves trillions of lives by trading her soul for the stone. Trillions. Yes, the team is devastated, but her death is not simply there to make you shed tears and nothing else. She saved them all. So don’t you dare try to pin this dumb trope on her, because it’s not accurate or correct.
Third off, this completes Natasha’s character arc. We’re introduced to the beginning of her arc in the iconic scene of The Avengers where she tricks Loki into revealing his scheme, but it turns out that while she does succeed, we find out what motivates her, and that Loki’s cruelty did affect her in the end. Clint was sent to kill her, but he shows compassion and instead recruits her. Clint gives her a second chance. And Nat, in sacrificing herself for the Soul Stone, gives Clint a second chance. It’s come full circle. One of my all-time favorite lines in this entire film series is hers, “I got red in my ledger; I’d like to wipe it out.” That. Is. A. Fucking. Great. Line. And this is the pay off and the completion of Nat’s character arc. She’s done horrible things and they have been chains on her soul and she felt that she needed to repay her debt in this way, and in a way that would save so many innocent lives. I will not have these people running around discounting that and acting like she is some victim. Natasha Romanov is not a fucking victim. Natasha Romanov died a hero. She is one of my favorite Avengers and I cried so hard at her loss, but I acknowledge that she did a brave, selfless thing for everyone she loved, and she will be remembered for that always.
Now. That being said…if you want to complain about a female character dying in a majority male story, yes, go right ahead. That is a legitimate complaint. It sucks that Nat died when most of the team is male. I will heartily concur with this criticism and offer no counterargument. It sucks. Period. I hate that she dies in the first act because I really love her fighting style and I wanted to see her kick more ass in the final battle because she’s amazing to watch. So yes, that’s a point I do take off from this movie.
In the end, I’m sort of straddling the fence for losing Nat, as I am with Tony, but I think a lot of people feel the same way. It is great writing, but the loss is so painful that I might not accept it totally.
Thank you for your bravery, Nat. Seriously, you’re one of my favorite female leads and you’ll be sorely missed. I can only hope the Black Widow movie helps me deal with the pain of losing you.
-Steve quietly taking all of Tony’s trauma-fueled ranting. This is so important. Chris Evans is so fantastic at acting in general, but all of his expressions as Tony lays into him are so underrated, man. He knows that Tony has reached a breaking point, and so he offers no vitriol in return. It’s a huge contrast to the scene in Civil War where the two of them argue. Steve is by no means a timid man. He recognizes that Tony is in such pain, as are all of them, and he just takes that rage because he knows it’s just how Tony chose to process everything because he can’t come to terms with it. We know he blames himself for being unable to stop Thanos, same as all of them do, and it’s such a testament to what a good man Steve is that he doesn’t fire back at Tony, and he is deeply concerned for him instead. Especially when Tony throws it back in his face that they’d lose together, and that’s what hurts the most during this scene. Tony was alone when he lost. Nebula was the only survivor, and she was a complete stranger to him until they repaired the Milano and tried to get back to civilization. I think Tony would still be angry and traumatized, but he’s always been able to look to his team members for ideas or comfort or just companionship in hard times. He nearly died, and that left a mark on him that ran so deep he just couldn’t stop spitting vitriol at possibly one of his closest friends, and it’s also important that they hadn’t spoken since the end of Civil War, so all of that anger and resentment is also tangled up inside them both. What a scene, man. What a scene.
-Steve mentoring people in the Post Snap years. This has a couple of really great things as a scene, honestly. First off, I love that even with Steve being heartbroken and refusing to move on, he still knows it is important to help others. Second off, I love that it’s almost implied that this is in honor of Sam Wilson, who did the same thing for soldiers who returned home from war struggling with PTSD. I really, really love Steve Rogers with all my heart for this scene. Even though he’s broken down and just as devastated as everyone else, he is still out there trying to help others. That is who he is at his core. Steve is the man who cannot stand by and let other people suffer. He won’t do it. It doesn’t matter what it costs him. He will defend and protect and nurture, always. By God, I love that about him.
-Steve’s quiet reconciliation with Tony. We discussed this above, but I love that Steve says so few words here and lets Tony do all the talking. There’s an almost silent “I’m sorry and I love you and I want you to be happy” in this scene together. Tony bringing back the shield just…my feelings…oh God, my feelings.
-Steve’s miniature speech before they head into the Quantum Realm. I love that even Rocket is impressed.
-Steve’s reaction to Nat’s death. Fuck. Me. Up. This hurt so badly. I can’t. I can’t with how Steve looks at Clint and Clint just looks back at him, and you can almost hear him telepathically saying, “Steve, we lost her.” Like I said before, Steve and Clint without a doubt love Natasha. Yes, Bruce does to some degree, but it’s not the same (sorry, y’all, I think BruceNat was trash and I will never accept it because it was forced and awkward and made no sense to me) as the deep vein of friendship and love she had with both men. It killed me when they were out on the dock and Steve was openly crying for her. We saw Steve crying in the trailer but we didn’t know this was the context. Oh, this hurts me. Steve loved her with all his heart. She was his best friend, same as Sam and Bucky were, and to lose her with no chance of ever getting her back is a terrible, terrible loss. Boy, this scene was rough to endure. I can only imagine how he must have felt having to let her go after he’s lost so many people he loved. Poor Steve.
-The entire New York heist. Oh God. I’m just in heaven over how Steve handled things, everything from the intentional recreation of the iconic elevator scene in The Winter Soldier to the insidious “Hail Hydra” (*makes strangulation hands in the direction of the Russo brothers because they KNOW most of the fandom hates Hydra Cap from the comics and so of course they put that in there just to screw with us*) to the smug smirk on Cap’s face as he walked away with scepter to Cap laying the beatdown on himself to Cap acknowledging his sweet, sweet, round, perfectly firm ass. (Seriously, Chris Evans, if you ever read this, marry me, we already met and hugged each other, we could make this work.) Yes. Special props to Cap vs. Cap’s interactions. It was just…everything.
-Steve wielding Mjolnir. Jesus. Fucking. Christ. So everyone’s already raved about this scene, but I don’t care, I have to rave about it too. Good gravy. Good God. This scene is everything. Honestly, it is easily one of the greatest things ever conceived not only by the MCU, but in action movies period. This can stand toe to toe with some of the best beatdowns in all of cinema. It’s just…where do you even start with how good this fucking scene is?! I mean, every second of it is just glorious. Whether it was the Russos or Evans or the script writers, whoever I need to thank, THANK YOU. Thank you for gift wrapping this total surprise. Every one of us was wounded that Cap didn’t easily lift Mjolnir in Age of Ultron, but at the same time, I loved the humor of that scene when Mjolnir did actually start to move and Thor totally panicked for a second. It was funny as hell. But for the Russos to fulfill our fantasy in a way that was not only a surprise, but just an absolute joy to watch, I can’t even express my fangirl tears. This scene is better than sex and chocolate and cocaine. It’s flawless. Everything about it is flawless, from Steve summoning the goddamn lightning to Thor’s gleeful “I KNEW IT!” I wish I could frame this scene on my wall in .gif form, and I apologize in advance to all my Tumblr followers, because the second this scene is giffed after the DVD release, I am going to reblog it three billion times. I will never stop reblogging it. This is the height of MCU perfection and it deserves to be known as such.
-Steve facing off with Thanos in his last stand, and actually holding his own. Dude. Steve Rogers is a human man, and he withstood Thanos. I just…I can’t with how awesome it is. He lost in the end, but he beat the shit out of Thanos for a good bit and I just have to give him all the props for that. He did the impossible and survived him. That’s amazing.
-Steve strapping on his broken shield and staring down Thanos and his army. This is peak Steve Rogers right here. “Yeah, you have thousands of soldiers. Yeah, you sheared my shield in half. Yeah, you beat me and my comrades. And I don’t give a single solitary fuck.” This is also an amazing echo to the moment in Infinity War where poor Wanda had to kill Vision, and Cap stood up to Thanos with his goddamn bare hands. Steve standing up after getting the shit kicked out of him is what he is all about. He doesn’t care that he is outnumbered. He doesn’t care that he is outgunned. He is Steve motherfucking Rogers and he is going to stand against evil period. This is top tier stuff, man.
-“Avengers Assemble.” Like everyone else, I jizzed in my pants. Full on. We all had a hunch that they would save it until the final Avengers film with the final appearances of the original team, and it was everything we dreamt it would be.
-Steve catching Stormbreaker as well and then trading it with Thor mid-battle. A tiny but hilariously awesome scene. I’m so glad they included it, and it was another little nod to Steve and Thor always having a small adorable friendship moment in each Avengers movie. Thanks for that, truly.
-Steve passing the mantle over to Sam Wilson. Holy shit. So a lot of us were relatively sure with Chris Evans confirming this as his last full appearance as Captain America that the mantle would go to either Bucky or Sam. My money was on Sam, simply for him still being new blood having entered at Phase 2 in the MCU, and because Sam is a lot more of a dynamic main lead that I think the MCU needs in the role. Anthony Mackie, as any hardcore MCU fans know, is a bundle of fun behind the scenes. He’s really hilarious and charismatic, and I think he’ll bring a lot to the role of the new Captain America. It’s such a touching scene as Steve hands him the shield. I really, really get choked up about how it was handled with such respect and trust and honest to God friendship. “How does it feel?” “Like it’s someone else’s.” “It isn’t.” Wow. What a beautiful scene. I’m a little misty as I type it out. And I do like that there was just this little nod from Bucky, who has been antagonistic to him pretty much all the time but here, he shows his support and it’s kind of just known that he will back Sam up no matter what. I cannot express how much I love this idea and its execution. It was perfect. (By the way, please look up the way Anthony Mackie found out about this before filming. It’s too cute.)
-Steve’s ending. Oh my God. Of possibly everyone on the team who I wanted to have a happy ending, I wanted Steve’s the hardest, even though I love Tony to death and beyond. Thank you, Russo brothers. Thank you for letting this man have his second chance at a life, and that he got to spend it with Peggy. I was already crying from the funeral, but the fact that they decided to end the saga with possibly the sweetest imagery in the MCU is just overwhelming. I loved their little slow dance. I love the tears of joy on Peggy’s cheeks. I love the softness in Steve’s expression as he dances with his lady love. I love the song choice. I love how he just looks down at her and she looks up at him and they kiss to close everything out and say goodbye to us all. What a scene. What an ending. I love it more than anything.
Thank you, Steve. Thank you for being our ray of light and sunshine and guidance all these years.
I really did not expect to see an arc for Nebula, but I am delighted that we got it. This was very, very interesting considering what a sadistic murderess Nebula was in the previous films, so fueled by rage, and yet here we see that she is still powerful and effective and yet vulnerable. I enjoyed seeing her growth and getting some amount of closure with Thanos’ demise and saving Gamora as well as the rest of the universe.
So here’s the thing: Bruce is probably my least favorite Avenger, next to Clint, but that’s not because anything is wrong with either character—I just find their personalities and abilities the least interesting. Therefore, I’ve heard complaints about Hulk not kicking ass in Infinity War and Endgame, and while they are valid points…I don’t care. I guess the thing is that Hulk has kicked ass in all his previous appearances, and I think it was nice of them to get back to the fact that Bruce is indeed a scientist and there is more to him than just crushing things. He is a very conscience driven character, and I was totally fine with him as a supporting member of the team, and of his brave decision to Un-Snap everyone back to life. I especially liked his sympathetic approach to bring Thor back home. “You helped me.” I fully admit that made my lip quiver, honestly, since Thor was obviously so traumatized and was in a lot of pain, and Bruce was gentle with him. That, to me, is just as important as all the bashing he could have done. Same with his impassioned plea with the Ancient One. Sorry that he didn’t kick ass in these last two movies, but honestly, I felt things were balanced and that it’s important to show he is more than the Hulk.
As mentioned above, Clint is my least favorite Avenger, but again, not because there is anything wrong with him or that he is written poorly—the others just outweigh him in what I like about them. I have to say opening the film with Clint losing his entire family with no knowledge of what was going on was almost as gut-stabbing as how Infinity War began and ended. It was somehow even more cruel since Clint would not have known what was going on until he called the Avengers. And yes, someone’s pointed out to me that it’s crazy he didn’t know about the war, but I have a headcanon that he just cut everyone off once he decided to retire, and he wouldn’t answer when they called so he wouldn’t be dragged into more shenanigans. I highly doubt the whole team just flat-out didn’t tell him what was going on. There’s a good chance Clint decided not to hear from the team again after Cap busted them out since he risked everything and almost got jailed for life after his decision.
All that being said, I did feel Clint’s loss very hard after Nat sacrificed herself. It was extremely well done on Jeremy Renner’s part and there was never a doubt that he loved her. Their bond has always been very cute and I never shipped them, so I wasn’t disappointed by the reveal of his secret family. I thought it was a nice touch and a surprising turn in the story. I’m glad he got to go home to his family in the end, and I especially liked the touching moment he shared with Wanda after Tony’s funeral.
Holy shit, y’all.
I did not expect this, and I love it more than anything in the world.
Right, so, I am sadly a fan of Loki’s ever since The Dark World, but at the very least, I am not a rabid fan of the character. He is an absolute fucking trashlord and I acknowledge it while still loving him anyway. I was positively giddy that they invited Tom Hiddleston back to shoot new scenes of Loki rather than simply using the old Avengers footage. And I definitely didn’t expect Tony, Cap, and Scott to screw up and Loki gets the Tesseract and vanishes. This is amazing. I can’t wait for the Loki mini-series on Disney Plus, and I assume this is what it’s going to be about. I’m really excited to see what kind of shit he gets himself into, and I loved the little bits we got of him mocking Cap even though they all just kicked his ass, and I loved him rolling his eyes in the background during the heist, and being the only one who knew something fishy was going on. Love, love, love it to pieces. Thank you for giving me more of my stupid trashlord, Endgame. You rock.
Oh, poor, poor Scott. Not only did he awaken to find his new family gone, but he lost five years of time with his daughter. Ouch. I really have to commend Paul Rudd for the reunion scene with his daughter. The shock and pain mixed in with the gratitude that she survived the Snap was so palpable. I’ve never really considered him much more than an easy going comedic actor, but he did a great job here. Kudos.
I am really, really deeply hurt that this means our Gamora, the one we came to know and grow with, is truly gone. Like many fans, I had hoped she was somehow inside the Soul Stone and they could bust her out, but like Nat, it appears that we did truly lose her. I’m not okay. I feel so bad for Quill, who wooed her with so many great moments, and now he’s lost her again. He’ll have to try to make her fall in love with him again, and it hurts me because the sequence of events from the first two Guardians movies are how they fell in love, and it’ll be so much harder to make her understand what they meant to each other and what they had with one another as well as their little stitched together family. Damn it all. This might be one of the biggest underrated losses of all for me. Gamora is my favorite Guardian, period. I adore her, so I am both anticipating and dreading the third Guardians movie as a result.
Alright, I do have to admit one of my letdowns, even though it’s a total nitpick, is that the trailer gave us Thor and Carol, but the actual movie did not. Oh, why did you lift my hopes up this way?! I really wanted Thor and Carol to bond and have hilarious pissing contests about who is the strongest Avenger, and become battle buddies! However, this might be possible later since we know Hemsworth has agreed to at least one more film, if not more, so fingers crossed he and Carol share screentime. I adored that “I like this one” scene and Thor would play very well off of Carol if you ask me.
That being said, when Carol came back for the final fight…yassss bitch yassss fuck it up! When she came after Thanos, he was fuckin’ shook and I am here for it. I loved that failed headbutt. I want to frame that on a wall. Carol Danvers is not having any of your shit today, you purple Grape Ape punk ass bitch. She laid down the law, and it was glorious. 11/10 good shit of Carol whupping his ass and he had to suckerpunch her just to try to win.
And kudos for the utterly adorable interaction she had with my Spider Son, “H-Hi, I’m Peter Parker.” “Hey, Peter Parker. Got something for me?” *kisses fingertips* This could not have been cuter. Thank you so much, Carol.
Oh, and extra kudos for the Ladies of the MCU smackdown moment. My God. I loved every second of that assault. Please make that into a whole separate team someday and make a movie about it.
Standing ovation for Wanda in every respect: her entrance, her powerful line (“I don’t even know who you are.” “You will.”), and the fact that she flat-out almost killed Thanos by her damn self. Wow, wow, wow, my girl. You brought the pain. I miss Vision too, honey, and I’m so sorry we can’t have him back. It’s so unfair that she’s lost her brother and her love within this story, but she still manages to keep going. Wanda is a testament to just how strong women truly are in spite of adversity.
I know some fans didn’t want it to be as straight-forward as it appeared to be with them going back in time to grab the Stones and undo the Snap, but I was honestly fine with it. The story still managed to genuinely surprise me, especially with the development that the two Nebulas are what caused Thanos to find out what was going on. Holy shit, that was very creative and a great way to let her be a central character considering the trauma she has been through and overcome. I thought the pacing was excellent, and I will have to sit down and think it through but I don’t feel as if we had unnecessary scenes aside from the diner scene being a little longer than it needed to be. (You could have cut the photo op bit out and no one would miss it, for instance.) Like Infinity War, I felt that all the scenes had a use and showed us something, and the action was magnificent and creative. The Avengers pulling the entirety of the MCU together in the third act is some seriously iconic stuff that I really hope people will take into consideration as a legendary thing no one has ever really done before.
A friend of mine mentioned that you can neatly divide Endgame into three sections of story: build up, heist, and pay off. One of the best things about Endgame, to me, is the pay off. I love how many continuity nods we had and how many threads were tied off in a satisfying manner, from deeply emotional relationships to just sublime action sequences. We have so many films in this series that it’s hard to rank them, but I have to say I really would put Endgame in the top 10 for my preferences. It was a worthy ending to such an amazing set of films, and while I will miss the actors who won’t continue past Phase 3, I am incredibly grateful for their time and talents spent on this franchise. It is in its own category, honestly, with consistent quality in nearly every aspect it attempts. I think it was the perfect mix of solemn but affectionate goodbyes and bright, hopeful new beginnings. I am excited to see what is in store and what new ground we’re gonna break with the future stories.
So thanks for everything, Endgame. I’m glad to have had this era come to such a satisfying close.
See you in the funny papers.
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Killing me softly: 02
A/N: I’m so happy people are actually reading this!! Love all of you!
Warnings: This has just a little bit of smut, nothing explicit (that’ll come a bit later), I’m gonna say there are non/con themes so just be a bit wary
Synopsis: Loki, having assumed the identity of Jackson Doller, is slowly being confronted by the reality of his situation and the consequences of his actions.
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It had been far too long since Loki had felt these sensations. So long, that they felt almost foreign. The way Scout softly moaned into his mouth as his hands cupped her breasts was enough to drive him mad. She fit perfectly in his grasp. Running his hands down from her breasts, across her ribs, he was hit with an alarming thought.
He had never slept with someone while holding an illusion.
The god wondered if he would be able to hold the spell in the throws of passion, or if he would give himself away. He surely would have to kill her then. 
In all honesty he had no idea how this process would turn out. He would be lying if he said it wasn’t terribly arousing. The thought of being so incredibly intimate with this woman without having to reveal anything about himself. It made him feel in control in way he had never imagined possible.
Loki shoved the concern out of his mind when he felt Scout’s hand drift softly down his body, towards the obvious tent in his trousers. She palmed his erection through his jeans, causing him to let out a growl from deep in his chest. In an instant he was grabbing the young woman by her thighs and lifting her up. With her legs firmly wrapped around his torso and her arms draped around her neck, Loki began stalking towards the bedroom. His mouth had barely left hers since the ordeal had begun and he didn't plan on separating any time soon. 
His vision was obscured given the woman attached to his face. Fumbling around the apartment until he found his way to what was Doller’s bedroom. Setting Scout on the ground in front of the bed, their mouths finally broke apart. The gods lips were undoubtedly swollen, much like Scout’s were. Standing only a few inches apart, the God stared down at the pure and innocent beauty in front of him. She wore a slim fitting t-shirt and a flared, knee length skirt.
Loki thought.
Easy to remove
Sure enough, Scout began tearing off the confines over her clothing. She looked similar to a wild animal; grabbing her shirt and ripping it over head. Her skirt torn off her body, laying in a heaping mess on the ground. 
Loki took a moment to admire the woman infant of him. She wasn’t extremely curvy, rather her hips and abdomen were lean and toned. Her dark curled hair cascading over her shoulders was mesmerizing.
A smirk spread maliciously across Loki’s features. Closing the gap between them, he shoved her backwards onto the bed. A small squeal escaped Scout’s throat, causing Loki to chuckle darkly. He stood at the foot of the bed, he gaped at her incredibly vulnerable state. He watched, gaze dark, eyes hooded, as Scout unclasped her bra. Pulling it from her arms, Loki didn't hesitate. He pounced on her, pinning her wrists above her head as he hovered over her.
“I will never get tired of seeing you like this”
He muttered, bending to capture her lips. His statement was borderline ironic given that they had just met mere minutes ago, yet in his mind, he had Jackson’s memories of every single passionate night of love making. Loki decided he needed to focus. He would have to keep his composure to a certain extent given the amount of energy required to maintain the illusion that he was Scout’s beloved.
As their mouths continued to hold together, Loki felt Scout tug at the hem of his shirt. He willingly tore it off, which quickly resulted in having her fingers caress his chest and abs. Loki silently thanked the gods that Jackson’s body was relatively similar to his own, it made holding the illusion far simpler. 
Scout pulled her dad back, staring deep into her eyes. The soft brown of her irises was barely visible against her dilated pupils. 
“I just need to say: I don't know what I would have done if you had died in that attack. I love you and I don't think I tell you that enough but I do. I love you.”
She spoke softly. Her words clearly held a great amount of depth, it was hard for Loki not to feel a pang of guilt. The kind of guilt that squeezed the air from his lungs, crushing his chest with a power equal to that of his brothers hammer. 
Pathetic woman
Loki wanted to yell at her. Reveal himself and watch as fear gripped her features. At least then she wouldn’t say such things. Say such uncomfortable things, make him feel such uncomfortable things. She was so vulnerable right now, there wasn’t much she could do to stop him.
The well of anger, sadness and guilt in his chest slowly drained as Scout slipped her underwear from her hips and down her legs; exposing her in the most intimate way.
“I need to feel you inside me”
The proceeding hours were full of passion and multiple orgasms for both parties. The time was now 1am, Scout was fast asleep, her back turned to Loki. Once he was positive that she was unconscious, he let the illusion slip. Laying on his back, he began to sift through Jackson’s memories, specifically those of Scout. 
Scout Meyer, 23 years old. Born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, however her mother was from Spain and her father from Mexico. She moved to New York a year after the death of her father, where she had met Jackson. 
Loki pondered the dynamics of her relationship with Jackson. Jackson Doller was 28, working as a bartender, no plans of advancing in his career or improving his current living status. It proved a tad frustrating for the god; this man had no formal post-secondary education, nor much ambition. He was now forced to live in this matchbox of an apartment, containing little more than a bedroom, a kitchen area that doubled as a living room, and one of the most disgusting restrooms the God had ever laid eyes on. Scout was too good for him, or rather too good for Jackson, no mortal woman would ever be too good for him.
Scout stirred next to him, slowly turning to face him, prompting the God to cast his illusion once more. The young woman scooted closer to him, laying her head on his chest while draping her arm over his torso. 
“Mmh, you’re cold”
Scout spoke in annoyance, her voice wilted with sleep.
This was something new to Loki. He had been with many women on Asgard, but non with which he had a connection to, so cuddling was out of the question. The God of Mischief hated how comfortable it was, her soft hair slightly tickling his chest, and the stimulating contact of her arm on his abdomen. The feeling was foreign and utterly delicious. This was an intimacy Loki had never experienced, and he cursed himself for enjoying it so much.
She is nothing to you
He thought to himself, though he didn’t believe it. His mind was already in shambles after her confession of love. He knew it wasn’t meant for him, this bloody woman was not in love with him. But after the years of isolation, those words of pure and unadulterated fondness cut him right to the core. He hated these feelings and he hated her for forcing them on him.
The warmth of her body against his eventually pulled him out of his anger long enough to allow him to fall asleep. And for the first time in years, he slept peacefully.
@maladaptive-ninja, @hanasonly, @redfoxwritesstuff, @theratasses, @bambamwolf87, 
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theclosetpoet7 · 6 years
Across the Blue Fields
Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine.
Summary: A hundred miles from Konohagakure, Uchiha Sasuke strips himself of all titles and his ninja status, only to cross paths with Haruno Sakura again.
Rating: M
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Chapter One
It is a hundred miles from Konoha where Sasuke meets Nakano Aya for the first time. They stood in a field of hyacinths, a symbol of spring and hope, with her silky locks blending smoothly with the flowers. Her long midnight blue hair had flowed gracefully around her face that he almost missed the evidence of her youth as well as the defined line of her feminine jaw. She carried herself with a kind of poise that spoke of a high societal class, which was further complemented by the simple white kimono and the pink petals adorning the sleeves.
A pure maiden.
That was his first thought.
His second.
The circumstances of their first encounter, in truth, entailed him to tap into repressed skills that he merited to muscle memory. Because, this "pure maiden" had torn through her skirt to fashion a slit for her fair leg as she wasted no time in running to pick up a spear to use as self defense.
And her eyes had burned with rage as she faced her adversaries.
The dark-haired nin raised an eyebrow at the spectacle below him, perched on a tree branch, remaining unnoticed. The young woman, though small and frail looking, managed to stab through an assailant who came at her with a knife. And she back-flipped to land a slipper and sock clad foot on another's jaw.
She further astonished him when she buried her polished nails into the ground and threw dirt at a man who took hold of her thin wrist. The bulky scum screamed with anger and swung his fist at her. Before he was able to land a punch however, the young avenger finally decided to intervene.
As Sasuke held the fist of the bandit, he let out a smirk, and in less than a second, an electrical current runs through the man's arm, in which another pained yell resounded through the flower fields. The other men were stunned but foolishly launched themselves onto his person.
The woman joined in the fight as well, and together, with her skills wielding her weapon, and his basic taijutsu, Uchiha Sasuke and Nakano Aya managed to defeat seventeen more attackers.
It was over in mere minutes.
When the young Uchiha straightens his back and turns to the girl he just rescued, his lone visible onyx eye widens when he is faced with the tip of her blade.
"What do you want?"
Her voice, which was surprisingly a soft tone, quite similar to someone from his past, was laced with suspicion that all he could manage was lift an eyebrow in return because hadn't he just saved her?
"A thank you would've sufficed."
He doesn't hesitate in smacking the weapon with the back of his hand and it lands a few feet away from where they stood.
She lets out a frustrated huff.
"Thank you for helping me there. But I honestly had it covered."
"One second more, and your face would have been severely bruised."
"I've experienced worse."
Sasuke narrows his eyes and decides to just end the stupid conversation. This girl, was stubborn, and rude, and honestly, quite annoying. So he turns on his heel and starts to walk away.
He pauses.
"My village is nearby, and if you were a gentleman, you would see through my safety there."
"Where are your escorts?"
There is a flinch in her form, as Sasuke regards her with a sideways glance over his shoulder.
"How did you..."
"You're obviously a high class woman."
He faces her then and starts to scrutinize her person. Now that he thinks about it. It was actually suspicious that this girl seemed to be travelling alone. He scans their surroundings and notices only her suitcase and a spear. What was this woman doing without protection?
She raises an eyebrow back at him and walks over to pick up her weapon as well as her suitcase. She thrusts the bag into his hands, and it only baffles the avenger when she cranes her neck to the side and holds out a hand.
"I'm Nakano Aya. And you?"
Her actions only serve to confuse him, but the question she asked was one he had no qualms about answering.
"Moriyama. Moriyama Sasuke."
She utters his name to test it on her lips and smiles at him.
"Now, if you would be so kind as to accompany this "high class woman" back to her village? The sun is setting, and my brother would be enraged if I don't make it back by dinner time."
And she turns and treks her way back.
And for some reason.
Out of curiosity.
And out of amusement at her unique way of handling things,
Uchiha Sasuke falls into step with her.
The Village of Nogusa is big and unlike anything Sasuke has ever seen before. He thinks that the name makes sense now that he's seen it, what with the vastness of the fields of grass that surrounded them. There wasn't even one sight of concrete anywhere.
He takes note of the various wooden houses that surround him as Aya leads him through the village. And it doesn't take him a second to realize that this village was a bit backwards because not once has he seen any indication of a sign of electricity being actively used here.
Most of the houses screamed traditional Japanese, from what he could see. And it tugs at his heart a little because his former home was somewhat similar in style.
He almost bumps into his female companion when she halts and grumbles out a soft.
"Crap, he's coming our way."
Sasuke regards the panting man running towards them. He supposes that this person is probably three years his senior, copper strands slightly wet from the sweat and mouth wide open as he screams.
Said woman flinches and takes a step back, sliding a foot backward with an arm bent as she forms a fist and threateningly yells out.
"Ren! Don't you dare hug me!"
The man's arms were wide open, with his eyes kinked shut, relieved tears flowing down as he takes a wide jump to close their distance.
"Baka! You had this coming!"
And Sasuke watches with mild interest as the petite woman lets out a war cry and swings her fist forward. He expects it to hit the man but what happens next is quite surprising.
This Ren person, catches her fist in his hand and laughs.
"Your punches are too gentle Aya-sama."
He lets go of her hand and turns to Sasuke.
"Nakamura Ren, thank you for escorting my lady."
Sasuke lifts an eyebrow at this while the "lady" elbows the man.
"Actually, he's my bodyguard."
The rogue nin tilts his head a little and lifts his hand to shake Ren's.
"Moriyama Sasuke."
Ren gives him a firm handshake and takes the suitcase off his hand.
"Now, if you will please follow me Aya-sama, your brother has been worried sick."
"Nii-san is being over dramatic."
Hearing the word nii-san actually freezes Sasuke's whole person, and it takes him a second to see that the two strangers are walking farther ahead. He decides that maybe it's about time he left. He shrugs his black coat over his shoulder and begins to walk the opposite direction when a soft hand grabs his wrist, stopping his movement.
"And where do you think you're going?"
She still has that playful smile on, and the way she carried herself with confidence unexpectedly affects him a little. Because, how long has it been since someone piqued his interest like this?
Not since his brother.
Not since Naruto fought him.
Not since...
He blinks his eyes and stares straight down her hand and it takes him a minute to realize that Aya had said something.
She giggles innocently.
"I asked where you were going."
Sasuke couldn't help but stare deep into her sea green eyes.
"I don't know."
She furrows her brow and lets go of him, an awkward silence ensuing.
"Well, if you don't have any plans then you better come with me. Oni-san will find something for you."
And as baffling as it was when he accepted her demands to take her home, Sasuke couldn't help but follow.
As it turns out, he was right about Nakano Aya being a member of a wealthy clan. The moment he meets Nakano Senji, with his long aristocratic nose, pale features and classy black robes, Sasuke knows that he is in the presence of the daimyo of this village.
He instinctively bows his head once in the presence of the man. Aya runs to her brother and gives him a hug.
His voice is stern and laced with worry that immediately tells Sasuke that they have a close bond.
The blue haired girl laughs and sheepishly apologizes for disappearing for a while, reassuring the lord that he didn't have to worry.
Sasuke lets out a tiny scoff when she tries to convince him that she was never near harm. And it was a bit pitiful too, considering that her skirt was torn and she looked ragged and obviously shambled.
Senji looks briefly at him. There's an air of understanding between both males when the long haired man pats his sister's head and addresses him.
"I thank you for saving my sister."
"Eh?! He didn't! I could've fought them all on my own!"
The daimyo looks at her with an amused expression on and teases her.
"Sure you could've, but it was nice of this man to at least save you some time right?"
She gawks comically and crosses her arms before her.
"I suppose he did."
"I thought you didn't get into trouble Imouto?"
Her eyes widened and she scratches the back of her head while sticking her tongue out.
"No use in dwelling in the past right?"
They have such a unique dynamic that leaves Sasuke slightly envious of the fact that they have each other.
He is invited to dine with them that night. And then the next, and then on their third dinner, Sasuke finally decides that perhaps he has overstayed his welcome. But when he attempts to bid his farewell, Nakano Senji lifts his hand to stop him from speaking, calmly saying.
"I want to offer you a position in my sister's guard. She gets into too much trouble sometimes."
"I don't need protection."
Aya pierces a fork into the meat before her and aggressively slices a piece, loudly chewing in an act of defiance. The more time Sasuke spends with her, the more she starts to become the opposite of what he first perceived her to be.
How can a tiny lady such as herself eat so much?
And why was she so violent?
Still though, he notices the delicate slump of her shoulders upon being unintentionally called difficult. She chances a glance at him and sits up straight, quickly regaining some composure.
"I mean, if Sasuke has nothing better to do, then maybe it's fine for him to make friends and stay, right?"
Senji nods his head.
And that's how it happens.
That's how Sasuke suddenly finds himself being officially welcomed into the Village of Nogusa.
He scowls.
He dodges her punch and flips back.
He aims a kick at her which she narrowly jumps out of the way of.
"Are you kidding?"
He improves his stance and catches her fist.
"You're improving."
She gives him a sly smile, plants her foot on the ground, gathering a bit of strength and attempts to give him a roundhouse kick.
He blocks it again.
Then she lets out a series of jabs and has him walking backwards as he avoids the hits.
"I'm trying to think of a nickname for you."
He jumps up and hangs himself off a branch from a tree.
"Sasuke is fine."
"Hey! No fair! You just started teaching me how to use my chakra like that. Come down and fight me like a man."
The only reply she gets is a quirked eyebrow and a smirk as he positions his feet to push himself off the tree only to land a foot behind her.
She turns to him with a fist far too quickly and almost loses her balance. He attempts to help her but what she says next jars his brain that it was too late for him to react. She had somehow launched her whole body onto him, taking advantage of his moment of distraction, knocking him off balance and landing with a smooth "oomph" onto the forest floor.
"What did you just say?"
She is breathing deeply and pushing her body off him, caging his head as her hands lay on the ground beside him. There is a blush on her cheeks.
"Damn you Sasuke-kun?"
The young nin returns her stare with a blank expression on.
"Onegai, Sasuke-kun. If I have a tiny place in your heart then please...!"
He blinks away the memories and sits up to put some space between them.
"I'd rather you don't call me that."
He picks his shirt off the ground and puts it on. Then, he turns to her.
Aya, with her long hair tied into a high ponytail remains on her knees and looks at him with confusion and slight hurt.
It makes him feel a bit guilty.
So he walks over and offers her his hand.
"It's better than Momo I guess."
She rewards him with a big grin and accepts his offer.
"Sasuke-kun then."
The name sounded foreign and a little bit right on her lips because it didn't involve any crying or pleading, or...
A year passes without any significant events. He continues to train Nakano Aya and accompanies her when she goes around her village.
A healer.
She was actually a healer.
And the idea of what she is and what she represents churns his heart a bit.
The young woman doesn't use her chakra to treat her patients though. What she does is just the basic mixing of herbs and bandaging. It astonishes him a bit how often people seek her out however, and he briefly notes that there must be something she is doing different than any traditional herbalist.
His confusion about her abilities is answered three weeks later when she and Senji lead him through the caves behind their mansion.
"Tell me Sasuke, you're a strong ninja aren't you?"
He doesn't answer the rhetoric.
"It doesn't matter though, because every ninja in any village should've heard about the strongest kunoichi in the world right?"
The sentence catches him off guard but he nods anyway.
"I heard that she is actually the best medic as well."
He remembers Tsunade Senju and affirms that yes, she is considered a pioneer in the medical field and was in fact the best medic out there. She was part of the legendary Sanin after all.
"In addition to that, she is quite the beauty as some people say."
Sasuke blanches at the thought. Sure the fifth hokage was decent looking for her age.
"If you're into older women."
Aya turns to them. The light of the flame of the torch she is holding flickers around the dark.
"She must be so beautiful if you're not deterred by her age Senji-ni."
"I don't think she's that old. But I'm curious about her pink hair."
He stops.
Uchiha Sasuke stops, and his eyes widen all the more.
But there is no time to react because the moment that last bit of information sinks into his brain, the Nakano siblings turn to him with a determined expression on.
"This is why she's coming here in three days. And this is what you must help protect."
He could only stare in astonishment.
Sasuke stands in ninja gear beside Aya three days later, with a sword strapped to his person as they await for the arrival of their esteemed guest at the village gates.
He tells himself that perhaps Senji had gotten the details wrong.
That maybe he was indeed talking about Tsunade Senju rather than...
"She's here."
He knows she's here, had sensed her chakra from meters away. And somehow he still managed to convince himself that this was all a misunderstanding.
There is a light tap and a rush of wind as she lands steadily on her feet.
He lifts his head up to regard her.
And it skips.
His heart skips a beat.
And he berates himself when he suddenly realizes it.
The reason why Nakano Aya always managed to get under his skin.
The reason why he felt like he had to come to her rescue.
And the reason why he felt that it was his place to stay by her side.
Her emerald eyes met his, slightly widening with surprise that was admirably held back with full control.
It was all so obvious why.
Nakano Aya had reminded him of someone.
A hundred miles from Konoha, Sasuke strips himself of his title as the sole survivor of the Uchiha clan.
A hundred miles from Konoha, Sasuke finds a home for himself, one which he lost when he was a mere boy.
A hundred miles from Konoha, Sasuke sets aside his ninja status.
A hundred miles, and he finds himself capable of moving on.
Of forgetting tortured dark memories.
Of forgetting the faces of precious people.
Of forgetting his previous family.
A hundred miles.
He puts a hundred miles between them.
Fucking wasted distance.
A hundred miles from Konoha, Uchiha Sasuke manages to cross paths with Haruno Sakura again.
Five years after the Fourth Ninja War.
Author's Note: A new multi-fic! Hell yeah! Actually had this idea a long time ago but finally decided to sit down and write it. This will be rated M. I haven't decided on how many chapters yet. :D
R & R!
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