#the thane's daughter
anotherhawk · 1 year
I know that Mass Effect 3 gets a lot of shit - and fuck knows it deserves it - but I swear it also has the ability to make me feel more emotions than any other piece of media ever has.
Forget the endings bullshit, and the ridiculousness of Kai Leng - it's about Javik's voice when he asks you "Why didn't you prepare for the reapers, human?" It's the old lady whose daughter is dead on earth, but she doesn't know, and doesn't remember she's talking to her asari daughter in law. It's the kid in the refugee camp, waiting for her parents. It's Mordin singing Amazing Grace, Thane's last prayer, Legion and Tali on Rannoch - does this unit have a soul? It's asking the elcor ambassador how many of his people you managed to save and hearing "Not. Enough." It's hearing the casualty reports over the radio in London - areas reporting 90, 95 percent casualties - and knowing there's nothing you can do. It's hearing Anderson whisper "You did good, child" as he dies. It's hearing Hackett's voice and standing up one last time, ready to fight, ready to die.
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dailyadventureprompts · 2 months
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Villain: Laormoch, Archfey of the Wild Unknown
Embodying the primal awe and terror of those places beyond the edge of the map, this ancient spirit of the land exists to test and torment those who stray too far from the safety of the familiar.
Though the old stories call him the" thane of the faroff" or an "invisible giant as big as the sky", it is hard to put Laormoch's physicality and the fear it evokes into words: How do you describe being lorded over by ancient trees, or the scornful glare of unfamiliar stars? His shape is only ever suggested by how it bends the natural world, but he is always distant, though always so immense that it feels like he may reach out and crush the viewer.
Adventure Hooks
The party stumble into a village to find its inhabitants struggling to recover after a disastrous hunt. Some wretched beast tore through some weeks ago and was only dispatched with great effort. It was a cause for celebration, at least until the thing was seen stalking in the woods, reading for another attack. To prevent it from assailing their walls and destroying their homes the village's best hunter leads the village's strongest on a sortie, downing the beast only after injuring many and losing a few. This has happened three times so far and the village's defenders are wearing thin. Perhaps the party could lend their aid once the beast is spotted again, and perhaps spend the intervening time trying to find its obviously supernatural origins.
Almost inconsolable, a great lord calls for the party's aid in rescuing his son and heir, who he claims was stolen by the sky itself: snatched out of his tower window by a great hand and carried off into the clouds. The servants and courtiers are skeptical, everyone knows the lord was so protective of his son he barely let the boy leave his rooms, let alone the castle, and it's likely the lad finally managed some means of escape. While they're considering exactly how to search for the lad the party will be approached by the Lord's bastard daughter, she was denied her inheritance by her father's traditionalism, and sees the opportunity to have herself recognized if the true born heir is never found. She'll ask that even if the party does find her younger brother, they either help him escape or leave him where he is, as it would be better for the both of him if he doesn't return to the castle.
Seeking to prove herself against a boastful rival, a hunter ventured far from her village into the deep wilderness, where she found and slew an elk of ethereal beauty, eating its flesh to sustain herself and taking its antlers as her trophy. Though she returned in glory, the beast had been marked by the Thane of the Faroff, who has raised its butchered body as a reverent and gifted it bloodthirsting branches to replace what was taken. The revenant won't stop until it's killed the hunter and torn her body to shreds, which will likely be sometime after she's gotten a good portion of the other villagers killed because she's too good at hunting and too stuborn to die without a fight. The revenant has more than one trick though, the branches animating its body bear seedpods which it scatters as it dies or gores others to death. These seeds eventually grow into twigblights, which are slowly massing in the forest waiting to overwhelm the village's defenders and open the gate for the revenant's final rampage.
Wishing more than anything to get away from the suffocating confines of his home, the young heir has found himself on the wrong end of a fairy bargin. Whisked off by Laormoch to his castle beyond the horizon, the boy has been forced to serve as the archfey's cupbearer as repayment for his captor's "kindness". The party will need to dig deep into the local folklore to figure out how and why the sky might snatch up a forlorn youth, potentially missing him entirely until they run into him while visiting the feywild for a completely different adventure.
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staysaneathome · 11 months
Not me imagining one day that a worn and withered mango is brought before Emperor Amethar of the Concordant Empire, the first of his name. She has been caught and is on trial for murder, for killing a seemingly innocuous servant of Vegetanian origin, but her final request is to be brought before the Emperor, to speak in private audience with him.
He recognizes her. Barely, the years cobwebbing his memories, but he remembers the mango who fought by Gustavo’s side. Amangeaux Epicée. The one who vanished mysteriously from before the war tent during the battle of Pangranos.
She laughs, a dry, raspy thing. “My liege, there is far more to the story than that.”
And she tells him.
She tells him of being a widowed queen, certain there were enemies all around her, placing her trust in only her faithful handmaiden, the kindly radish priest of the Bulb who did not abandon her like everyone else, and a young chili pepper she always saw as a daughter, despite the girl’s strength of character and martial prowess.
She tells him of receiving a letter, containing her darkest secret. Of meeting a thane of the meatlands and a cheesy sellsword outside the finished food pyramid, alongside her chili pepper spymaster and radish priest. Of descending into the depths to hold audience with the ones calling themselves “The Fellowship of Destiny’s Architects”, and the certainty they would all be called upon again one day.
Of escaping to Comida on the advice of her two closest advisors to throw her lot in with Tomaté. Of the summons sitting there in the carriage they were escaping in. Of being given a task: assassinate a threat to the future on behalf of the FDA.
Of not being told who the target was until the fatal blows had already been struck.
It is a miracle Amethar doesn’t rend her head from her shoulders then and there. He agrees to wait until her tale is done, one hand on the hilt of Payment Day.
Amangeaux explains the horror of learning what the FDA’s true purpose was, that it was headed by none other than the late Archbishop herself. Of running, abandoning all she loved save the one who depended on her the most. Of honing her knowledge and skills, giving herself to Gustavo, a blade to be wielded to help instead of harm. She speaks of the march to Pangranos, of reuniting with a demoted wreck of archdeacon and a cheesy knight of the Bulb. Of standing outside that tent, pretending her heart wasn’t leaping for joy at the sight of her little chili pepper grown into a fine and strong woman, of the thane turned warlord in his quest for power.
Of following the babbling, raving archdeacon when he sighted what they had come across so many years ago: a being of mold and fungus, gentle, expressive, and almost childlike. Who are connected, and communicate through emotions rather than words, who allow for the rot of death to be turned to the soil of life.
Of discovering the FDA’s taint had spread so far as to enslave an entire seventh kingdom of these beings, beneath the earth.
Of watching the Archbishop become an avatar of a monstrous existence beyond the Hungry One and the Bulb, a being of alien metal and spinning teeth that rent anything which entered it, uncaring and unnourished.
Of losing her two closest companions, her kindly radish and her little chili pepper, to its blades.
She speaks of vowing retribution. Of exterminating every last member of the FDA she could find, wherever she could find them. Of employing all the techniques she’d seen her spymaster use, oh so long ago.
Of completing her mission with this one, final death.
Amethar has to sit with this a moment.
“Why now?” He asks. “You have survived unseen all this time. You have told nobody of your crimes or exploits. Why me? Why now?”
Queen, then Lady, then just Amangeaux Epicée de la Pêche gives a tired grin.
“For you are the Concordant Emperor of Calorum,” She states, “And one of those most hurt by our actions. It is only fitting you should be aware of the seventh kingdom under your protection, and the chance to understand what circumstances delivered it to you.”
She is still smiling even when Payment Day’s blade cuts into her.
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mass-effect-anonymous · 11 months
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As someone who is Bi, I am tired of people saying Thane can't be Bi because he had a wife.  Music legend David Bowie was openly Bisexual until the day he died but he was also happily married to super model Iman and they had a daughter.  You can be Bi and still love somebody of  the opposite gender.  I will never understand why some people can't comprehend that.
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admirelight · 9 days
Thane and Samara should have interacted more often in ME2 and ME3, at LEAST as friends, if not more, especially if Shepard didn't pursue either.
No way Thane wouldn't see Samara as a Siha, and Samara finding comfort in someone experiencing similar end of life aging, and child raring regrets.
The two companions soaked in their comfortable silence. Eyes closed until Samara caught a hitch in Thane's breathing. It brought her back to the ship, on the hard ground, under the infinite void and uncountable stars. A well-known bittersweet feeling invaded her heart and clouded her thoughts. She knew that soon, she would no longer have this shared tranquility.
"I never thought I would find such familiar company in the vastness of space. My code never permits time for such peace...thank you." Her dark blue lips push for a smile as her piercing eyes gleam toward him with serendipitous joy.
"I've wallowed in my battle sleep for ten years, Samara... Siha...it has left me cold and empty. I had considered myself already dead. But when I hear the sound of your heart, I am reminded that my own still beats... I believe this thanks is mine." He holds her stare, studying the moment as if to capture it forever. He gives a smile back to her and moves his hand to hold hers, covering it as an act of protection from the sorrow that is soon to befall them. They both returned to their quiet meditation, hand in hand.
Friendship? Love? The two did not care to label this feeling. They had no time to worry about trivial issues, not when they could bask in the warmth of each other, for soon will come, but it wasn't here today.
Samara would visit him in the hospital (this is where Shepard would meet them both for the first time in ME3) and even rushes to the hospital at his request as he dies to Kai-Lang. You will see her at the temple later after saving her child, and she will lemant not killing Kai-lang for Thane, whispers that the sea calls to her, promising respite from the terrible demand of her code. Her hand trembles ever so slightly as she brings death near her temple, finger clinging to the only solution she can think of... but you save her from herself. Your friend almost breaks down in tears. As you explain, she doesn't have to, Thane and her children wouldn't want her to do this either. Her daughter steps forward to express her intentions of staying, and Samara is embraced by her offspring. She prays to Shepard for shaking her beliefs ever so slightly and to Thane for offering a place of peace as she silencely recalls his prayer for her.
Liara finds emails between the two, a few letters, speaking about their children, the trip on earth where she "happened" to have work. A final letter Thane sent to Samara (it is similar to the one Shepard gets) and the one she tries to send back.
"No matter how dearly I held my code, and think of its importance. I dream of my daughters, of you, and my chest hurts with a wish that I had held you all much closer than that..."
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wearepaladin · 4 months
If you do end up writing that scene about your RT, please share it with us!
Orphic Hymn 64 to Nomos (trans. Taylor) (Greek hymns C3rd B.C. to 2nd A.D.) : "Hymn to Nomos (Law). The holy king of gods and men I call, heavenly Nomos, the righteous seal of all: the seal which stamps whatever the earth contains, and all concealed within the liquid plains: stable, and starry, of harmonious frame, preserving laws eternally the same. Thy all-composing power in heaven appears, connects its frame, and props the starry spheres; and unjust envy shakes with dreadful sound, tossed by thy arm in giddy whirls around. 'Tis thine the life of mortals to defend, and crown existence with a blessed end; for thy command alone, of all that lives, order and rule to every dwelling goes. Ever observant of the upright mind, and of just actions the companion kind. Foe to the lawless, with avenging ire, their steps involving in destruction dire. Come, blest, abundant power, whom all reverse, by all desired, with favouring mind draw near; give me through life on thee to fix my sight, and never forsake the equal paths of right."
It always begins and ends with numbers. In a material universe, there are laws written unto the foundation of everything, from the most ancient stars to the machinery of atoms, the edicts that dictate the fundament are written eternal. In this place absent of meaning, walls of metal and the hollow men who loomed over the lost and the damned, did Thane Solcar fortify her mind with numbers, the digits providing rhythm, the equations lyrics, and solutions a chorus.
Estimated population of the Imperium between (10 to the 15th power) and (10 to the 24th power).
Thane Solcar had been someone small as opposed to negligible value in the Imperium of Man. The younger daughter of a minor nobility, an off shoot of some distant ancestor of greater significance whose wayward progeny had used their inheritance to separate from the greater dynasty to find their own way as a merchant noble making their travails among the stars. Not content to settle into a sedentary life upon anyone one location in the Empire of Humanity, they had been wayfarers upon the void. And her parents had ensured she'd never lacked the respect in the machine spirits and their codices on the proper maintenance and direction, and she had taken well to it, learning keenly and adapting what could be safely learned for one technically not part of the Followers of the Omnissiah, but like any of the voidborn, their ship was the world, the galaxy distant compared to the great emptiness that fills it. And the reliance upon the Light that allowed one to navigate it.
Tithe requires 1,000-4,000 subjects daily. In a single year, 365,000 to 1,460,000 are brought to Holy Terra. They are brought...
The Astronomican, the Light that spanned across the Imperium, allowing The Imperium to exist, was known to any Voidborn who bothered to use their ears. The need to have it and the Navis Nobiliti, who alone could used that Light as a point of reference across the infinite. Thane knew the Navis were psyker mutants, and thus not trusted by many of the ground walkers, but the necessity of them, both in the immediate wellbeing of her family's fortunes and mankind as a whole, went a long way to smothering the hatred that Thane was told she should feel for such beings. What use was hate for something that you needed to live? This thought process proved beneficial, a passive acceptance of the need of psykers. It helped when she learned that she herself was one.
...before the Astronomican, and aid in its care, under the gaze of His Divine Majesty. This has been the case for the last 10,000 years. Therefore...
It began innocently enough. Thane thought she heard choruses outside the hull and tried to imitate them, trying to find harmony, and Things began listen to and object to the harmony. The discordance (Chaos) overtook so much, and only the harmonies that sought brought a notion of defense even as ice began to freeze her surroundings. The Caretakers of the Black Ships thus found her, lost in the harmonies and the numbers she mumbled like a shield, even as everything else was lost. ...those brought to the Astronomican in the history of the Imperium thus number between 3 to 8 billion depending on the consistency of those provided by the Black Ships. But....where do they go, the numbers of people, they need somewhere to go...where are...
Thus it had been for the days of the journey on Black Ship, the vessels whose purpose was to find and transport the Tithe, the psykers the Imperium could provide. That the Imperium needed. She could not trust her newfound senses, but Thane had been using the far more trusted sense of her ears, and listened to what little the guardians on the ship had said. She knew they were going to the homeworld of mankind, to serve The God Emperor in some way related to the Astronomican. Unknown to her, two women observed her briefly as they studied Thane and the other Psyker prisoners. They spoke with their hands, having long ago made an oath of silence. (This one?) (Too weak willed. Mumbling throughout the journey, insane due to what happened to her kinsmen aboard the ship we found her. She will serve the God-Emperor by providing him the kindling He needs) And with that, her fate decided, they walked by, moving on to determine fate of the next imprisoned, and Thane Solcar was sentenced by the servants of The Emperor. And that should have been the end of it. -----
The Golden Throne is often invoked by the denizens of the Imperium of man, nearly as synonymous as their empire and the god they are devoted to as the emblem of the Aquila, the icon of their empire. But the Throne itself is often less depicted beyond a simple chair that the iconography of the Emperor at rest. In truth, it is more than that. Housed in the holy mountain that had once been known as Everest as a sign of human pride or Chomolungma for those who'd been born under her shadow and thus knew her as Mother of the world, the Mountain had been hollowed long ago, and it was here and among the sister mountains that the Imperial Palace resided, respledent with a majesty that silenced the past natural beauty in favor of the crafted golden glory of the relatively recent Imperium of Man. It was here, that Thane Solcar was brought, her newfound senses blinding her to any notion of Imperial Opulence, as the Light of the Astronomican burned so brightly, making even the sun seem a distant comparison to the Light that crowned this world. And beneath that crown sat Him, The Emperor. She could not see Him, hidden away in a labyrinth of gold, iron, and stone, but as she was laid out among the rows upon rows of other Tithed, she could feel Him, like a crystaline spike that all reality seemed to twist through. One by one, then multitude by multitude, she watched as the Tithed became part of that light, their souls as bright as myriad stars, were taken, absorbed, added ot the conflagration that was Him. Death, she realized. Death was what awaited those sacrficed before Him on Earth. With comprehension did not rouse panic, not yet, but as she hummed her harmonies, her soul beginning to be dragged into the cosmic bonfire that was Soul of the Master of Mankind, she dared something that some would consider blasphemy as her soul made contact with the Emperor.
The Light overtook her, and Annihilation or Consumption did not claim her. Instead she Saw, her single question answered in the form of a galaxy long burning. Thane Solcar saw the galaxy burning over a period of fifteen thousand years and humanity and xenos alike lost to that conflagration. Once great nations and dreams forever lost, be it to Man's own Folly, the machinations of dark powers from within and without reality, or the simple cruelties of fate. She saw the Emperor's dream of uniting mankind after the Long Night, a belief in the destiny of her species, their species, for He spoke to her now in a way that rendered others to embers, a fire she was now, and yet still herself.
She saw the events leading to the Great Crusade, the Crusade itself and the endless wars that followed, of Heresy, of Conquest, of Glory and Purpose. She saw why He had decided the neccessity of it all, paid in blood and lives uncountable.
And yet she counted. It pained her to, counting not only the psykers given to bonfire that was the Astronomican, but those lost to war and pogrom, genocide, betrayal, and hatred. So much hatred. She saw the nations that had been rebuilding before the Emperor had forced Compliance, and how many could have built back the lost empires and federation of humanity, not as a single beast with a emperor deified, either in faith or reason, but the lost cultures and hopes of peoples across countless worlds. She counted them all, considered them all, and this, more than anything, became a new flame that burned bright in her chest, the lost harmonies finding a home within Thane Solcar.
Thane looked at the Emperor, what remained of the man upon a dying throne. And named him Demiurge, master of much but not all, wise but flawed, alive but dead. More hollow god then broken man. She left the mythology he'd created with the Imperium as its spiritual demesne, and took her own faith with her, seeking Nomos elsewhere. Thus she was found, strange and heretical notions buried deep, alone alive among thousands given in blood and spiritual sacrifice, the mark of the Aquila branded in gold upon her brow. The sanctity of the Emperor, it was decided, and all the better for it. A Rogue trader house, distant ancestor of the Solcars, had been seeking this one errant psyker. Perhaps there she could be made to serve the Emperor and all His great works.
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jasper-the-menace · 2 months
The third Thane of Solitude, the Dragonborn Areia Camael, had gone to Solstheim for an extended period of time. To the great alarm of Solitude's court, her return is heralded by Jordis rushing in to ask for Sybille's help, as Areia has mysteriously fallen ill with no clear cause. Sybille is fascinated and determined to get to the bottom of this.
Sybille Stentor, looking at a family unit made of the Last Dragonborn-with-the-First Dragonborn-riding-shotgun, an only slightly hinged Khajiit mage, a Daughter of Coldharbour, the LDB's Jarl-assigned housecarl, and an orphan that the LDB stole:
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sea-buns · 11 months
The overlapping themes that were woven through everyone’s stories. The strengths and weaknesses of age. Deli lost himself to the allure of youth. He pushed away everyone who tried to warn him, quickly growing into the man he thought would prove them wrong. Prove to them that he was destined for greatness. Just to be betrayed. Manipulated for having the nerve to act his age. Karna never had the chance to be young, aging far beyond her years. When she found someone that made her want in a way she’d never felt before, she latched onto it and refused to let go until life left her. Though she never had a chance to act the age she deserved, she spent her final years and moments alongside someone who gave her joy and love and companionship and the barest hint of what it might’ve been like to die young. Colin never truly had a childhood either. When he wasn’t scraping under the boot of his drunkard father, he was running as far and as fast as he could. Constantly looking over his shoulder. Never settling in anywhere for long. But where Karna took to cold violence in exchange for the life she’d been handed, Colin invested himself in looking out for innocence wherever he could. Always acting with the intent to see people as people, rather than stepping stones for his own gain. From day one, Amangeaux’s one goal, her reason for living and fighting, her justification for killing in the face of crippling guilt, was to protect her child. To create a world that would allow him to have the childhood she wished she could have given Karna. To keep him from having to experience the grief and blood that she’s soaked herself in. Raphaniel started misguided and already missing several screws. But as he aged and became more unstable, he only got wiser and wiser to the bigger picture. Ultimately choosing to give his life to destroy a great evil, rather than step through the door that he’d spent his entire life kneeled in front of. Begging and pleading to be let in.
The significance of titles and names. Deli was a thane and a chief and then a warlord, just to discard all of those when all they did was remind him of the tool he’d been. Karna was the greatest spymaster that Calorum will never know. She wore many names of those she killed. And for 5 long years she stood beside Deli as his Skald. 5 years that were perhaps the best of her life; the ones she’d be most proud of. She didn’t die a spymaster or an assassin. She was Skald Karna Solara of Scoville. The only title she chose. Deli invented the position of Skald for Colin, who held it up until he left. Leaving behind the truth and fear of his secret, his name, to join Raphaniel in a cause he could get behind. He took up the title of Sir Colin Provolone, a knight of the Bulbian Church. Though it only made him feel empty, pretending to serve a faith he held no belief in and the church that led him here to begin with. In the end, he renounces every title he’d ever been given and sticks to the name he chose. And he lives out his years as Colin Provolone, without fear of where he came from and with an unyielding determination to finish what he started. Amangeaux shifted from a high profile figure in society to a shadow. She ended up finding more freedom and power the lower she moved down the ranks. Raphaniel’s demotion from Bishop to Archdeacon was one of the first falling dominos that drove him to a madness that would have consumed him, had Colin not been there to give him the push he needed. 
You either start as “just a guy” or you end as one. In the end, there were no chiefs or assassins or warriors. Just people. Deli was a son swept up in the rush of power and young love. He is a partner, and a friend, and a protector. Karna lived as mouth to the Hungry One and the Skald to Warlord Katzon. But more than anything, she died as a sister and a daughter, a friend and a partner. Surrounded by the only aspect of her life that made it worth living, that gave purpose to her death. The family she carved out with her bare hands for her and her alone. Though Colin’s entire life was defined by the people he came from, he was never really a son, in the way that his father was never really a father. What he was most of all, in every circumstance, was a friend and protector. Of Deli as his Skald, of Raphaniel in his decline, of this odd group of strangers he’d come to trust with his life. People he’d come to know as family, even if he has no reference as to what that’s supposed to look or feel like. Amangeaux was a mother through and through. Kept alive by the sheer drive to nurture and protect her child. Raphaniel was brought lower and lower every episode. Reduced to an old man who spent his last moments committing a rare act of selflessness, a far cry from the malevolent man he began as. A father figure to both Karna and Amangeaux.
The nature and complexity of humanity that The Ravening War explores.
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
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All of my stuff is hosted on AO3 or you can read a lot of it here on tumblr. Thanks for checking out my works!
Check out my update schedule here 
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Over the Falls
→ Poolboy Jungkook x Rich Divorcee OC
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Jungkook sees a lot of things as a pool tech. It’s…  fine. It pays the bills between mornings on the water and evenings  rocking out with his garage-band. His favorite thing to see on the job has been Grace Birch –older but a hottie, wealthy but nice, and  unfortunately very married. At least until Grace learns what her husband  has been up to behind her back. Now that she’s free, Jungkook finds  himself wondering: what does it take for a guy like him to catch the eye of a woman like that?
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After the Applause
➝ Single Dad Jimin x OC
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Jimin doesn't know how he would have made it this far without the support of his thoughtful, generous neighbor. Hanbyul has lived next to hottie Jimin and his adorable daughter for years now, long enough to remember the wife he was so devoted to and lost far too young. With each safely ensconced on their side of the brick wall of the Parks' grief, it may take an enterprising little scientist to set the stage for a second chance at love.
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To Kill A King
➝ Historical Fantasy Prince Jin x OC
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What's more charming than Prince Seokjin? Nothing, obviously. Except maybe the rotating palace guests who each smile and bow and charm in an attempt to hide their true motives. Fortunately Seokjin has a close circle of friends (well, servants) who watch his back and endure his humor and help him navigate the tumultuous seas of heartbreak, love, and an arranged marriage, not necessarily in that order. If only they had helped him keep a closer eye on his bride-to-be's handmaiden, who arrives with her own agenda... or maybe it would have been better if he had noticed her less? One thing is certain as this royal drama of the heart plays out: there are many people competing to kill a king.
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Book 2 in Legends of the Red-Lions series, Prequel but can be read first ➝ Warrior Taehyung x Mage OC in Fantasy World AU
Series Masterlist | Read on AO3 | Read Chapter One on Tumblr
As son of the Thane, Teahyung’s life is blessed, his family respected, and his life as a warrior charted from the moment his father claims leadership. As Taehyung’s “blessed years” stack, glued together with violence and tragedy, his life begins to feel less like a gift from the gods and more like a burden. Do the gods really want what’s best for him? Does he really want to be like his father? And when the woman he loves marries his best friend, is he really supposed to just accept it? How is he supposed to choose, Karmen or Jungkook?
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Some of these are OT7 series, some of them are member-focused books that have spinoffs featuring other members so I want the worlds organized together.
Birdtan Sonyeondan Series
Masterlist coming early 2023 along with Book 2!
Lone Blue Egg
 ➝ Penguin Hybrid JK x Bird Hybrid OC (complete, words 101,880) Jungkook is a simple man. He goes to work, he hangs out with friends, he worries about finding a mate to take home for his hometown breeding season. Maybe he spends a little more money on cam girls than is fiscally responsible but he has niche tastes. Maybe he feels a bit adrift, but he's a young penguin hybrid, supposedly in his prime, far from his crèche. At least he's good at one thing: taking care of his precious egg. A comfort egg, not a real egg, he's not a real penguin, just a man with penguin DNA and behavioral tendencies. Just like Yoongi isn't actually an owl, even if he does stay up all night and sometimes hoot to fuck with their roommates. But this is a real love story, even if a slightly odd one.
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The Legends of the Red Lions
OT7 BTS Fantasy AU, books in series focus on individual members
The Avvar are old and the Red-Lion clan goes back to the earliest days, when Tyrdda Bright-Axe refused to join Thelm Gold-Handed in crossing the Waking Sea to plunder the Golden City, the alleged seat of the Old Gods. Instead her people split from the Almarri and became the Avvar clans, settling in the Frostback mountains and the forests and along the coasts and burrowed into nature and found new ways to commune with the gods --sometimes through struggle, sometimes through strife, and many times through victory. There have been many exceptional Avvar over the generations. Thanes, Augurs, Skalds, Warriors, Healers, and Hunters. It is rare though, in one generation, for there to be so many Legendary characters. It may begin to feel like the gods are planning something.
Series Masterlist
Book 1: The Lowlander (Warrior Jungkook x Noble Elf OC) Complete Book 2: Asunder (Taehyung x Mage OC) In Progress + Drabbles (Ongoing, multi-member)
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The Secret Song Series
➝ Idol Jungkook x Russian-American OC ➝ Working on side stories for other members as well
Jungkook lost his heart pretty much as soon as he saw Sasha Prazdnikova in Little Bean coffee shop, and hers didn’t actually wait much longer. But life as an idol isn’t easy, and life as an idol’s girlfriend isn’t any easier, especially when Sasha has her own career –as well as her own personal demons from a painful childhood of abuse and trauma. Their love, respect, and support for each other is clear, but is it enough to hold them together through the years? How can a relationship survive when your love story has to be sung through secret songs?
Series Masterlist
Books so far:
Book 1: Little Bean (Done)
Book 2: Flux (Done)
Book 3: My Matryoshka (Starts August 22)
SSP & JK: The B-Sides (drabbles and one-shots)(on-going)
RM: Mono to Stereo (Namjoon-focused collection)(on-going)
V: The Man (Taehyung-focused collection)(on-going) More books, short stories, and drabbles to come
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(complete; 670,676 words) ➝ Police officer!Jungkook x Childhood Friend Single Mom OC
Getting into a bar fight is the least surprising part of Isabella's return home. She sure doesn't expect to run into her childhood friend turned high school enemy, now not just surprisingly a law-abiding citizen but a police officer. Things seem to be going great for him, but Isabella is struggling with more than a bar fight. A single mom with a sick grandmother, an alcoholic mother, an abusive ex, and a short fuse herself, matters are not helped that Jungkook seems to be everywhere. All the time. Especially every time Isabella messes up. Can she really believe him when he says he just wants to help?
Read on AO3 | Read Chapter 1 on Tumblr
⟹ Footnotes & Afterthoughts ➝ Ongoing collection of one shots related to Amended, may focus on side characters/pairings Read all on AO3 | Read on Tumblr:
- JK & Isabella are ready for a baby  - They learn the sex of their baby - Hallowen Night: Zombie Parents Edition - An Afternoon with Namjoon & Sylvie - Wisdom (Teeth) Lost - Taehyung & Kristin: Friends - Pregnancy Announcement #1 - A Domestic Morning - JK & Lily: Ready to Roll - Welcome to the World, Kai - The Milk Murders
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➝ Alpha Wolf Shifter JK x Omega OC (complete; 558,096 words) Despite being arranged two decades ago, the start of Bronwen and Jungkook's marriage is a difficult one. Misunderstanding, resentment, and a struggle to control unfamiliar instincts threaten to mire them both in a miserable, unhealthy situation. Before they can even begin to reconcile their new intertwined fate, though, Bronwen begins to suspect there's something else holding them back: a lie that threatens everything she's been raised to believe.
Read on Ao3
A Bouquet of Flowers ➝ Ongoing collection of one shots related to Meadow Read all on AO3 |
Read on tumblr:
- Min Yoongi Meets An Animal - Original Character Min Je-Ni (Yoongi's grandmother) drabble: An Arrangement - A Run in with Eun-Kyung - Jungkook's Rut
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Sugar Fairy
➝ Bunny!Hybrid JK x Leopard Hybrid OC (Complete; 228,523 words)
Bunny Hybrid Jungkook is at that age... he needs a mate, and it's making life miserable for everyone in the family. The obvious solution is to bring home a girl. The obvious problem is that while it's love at first site for Pippa when he walks into the adoption tent, Jungkook is far more into the sexy cat to her right. Will there ever be peace in the family again?
Read on Ao3
Bite-Sized Sweets ➝ Ongoing collection of Sugar Fairy one shots Read all on AO3 | Read on Tumblr:
- Namjoon Handles Jk's Rut - Need to X-Post: Namjoon & Narae adopt - Need to X-Post: Dae and the dress story
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Stories of any length that focus on one member.
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A Nice Walk Home
➝ (non-idol) BF Jin x Reader (2283 words) Read on AO3 | Read on Tumblr
-See To Kill A King above.
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Dad Yoongi Drabble Collection
➝ (non-idol) husband Yoongi x Reader No rigid story structure, just connected vignettes from the life you and Yoongi navigate together raising your two little ones.
Read all on Ao3 | Read on Tumblr:
A Quiet Morning (3042 words)
Can I Interest You In Some Cookies? (4963 words) 
Are We Ready For Ice Cream? (4878 words)
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*Coming Soon*
- Features heavily in “Tell Me What Changed”
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An Unexpected Exhibit
➝ (non-idol) rival Namjoon x Reader (5387 words) (G) Read on AO3 | Read on Tumblr
- Features heavily in Sugar Fairy and Amended - See RM: Mono to Stereo under Secret Song Series
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Jimin Held Out His Hand
➝ Fairy Lord Jimin x Reader (about 5000 works depending on your choice; two ending options) Read on Tumblr | Read on AO3
After the Applause (See WIP above) 
- Features heavily in Meadow
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➝ Pediatric Nurse Tae x Single Mom OC (complete; 32,680 words)
Read on AO3 | Read on Tumblr
It wouldn't be fair to say Jayden is the only pediatric patient Nurse Tae adores, but he's definitely one of his favorites. And Jayden's mom Sydney is the sort of parent who makes a shift in the PICU ward enjoyable, but that's neither here nor there, because at the end of the day, Taehyung is a professional. He has a job to do, a job that is to take care of the children and their families during their stressful stay in the PICU ward. Catching feelings is definitely not allowed.
Regretful Eternal & Yours
➝ God of Death Tae x Goddess of Memories Reader (complete; 4990 words)
Read on Tumblr | Read on AO3
- Features heavily in Sugar Fairy - See Asunder above
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Tell Me What Changed 
➝ Fuckboy BFF JK x OC, Special Guest Hoseok (Complete; 261,365 words) Drabbles ongoing, Read on the story masterlist page below
Read on AO3 | Read on Tumblr
Alex and Jungkook have been best friends since childhood --actual best friends. She is NOT in love with him, for real, and wishes people would stop assuming that. Why does no one question if he's in love with her? Huh? But it might have to do with his successful fuckboy status, while Alex is very much... not that. Which is fine and doesn't matter! Until Jimin's impending wedding leaves her eager for a date and willing to put herself out there, and Jungkook can't believe what happens next.
Sea of Indigo
➝ Pibull!Hybrid ex-fighter JK x Human Female Reader (Complete; 240,156 words)
Read on AO3
Pitbull Hybrid Jungkook has finally been freed from the fighting rings, and now finds himself at Marigold Sanctuary & Transition Estate, a place for healing and self-discovery for rescued hybrids. It's stupid, dumb, cheesy, and hell-bent on helping Jungkook "heal" and "find himself" and "decide the course of his life." And right at the center of it is Y/N, a nurse who's got everyone bamboozled that she's like some awesome person. She's not that great. Jungkook hates it here.
+ - Drabble: After You Left or Read on AO3 + A Beautiful Beyond: JK and Y/N Have a Baby or Read on AO3
(complete; 25,149 words)(it’s filthy I am so sorry) ➝ Wolf Hybrid Twin JK(s) x Hyena Hybrid OC
Read on AO3
Emi the abandoned hyena hybrid is at the shelter for two weeks before Seokjin can't stand seeing her so sad for another day. He adopts her, determined to give her a happy home, despite the fact hyenas are matriarchal, demanding, and sexually needy. Several of his friends have hybrids, but it seems too good to be true when Namjoon's wolf hybrid Gukka takes an instant liking to Emi. Unfortunately, so does his idenical twin brother, Jae. And Emi doesn't know how to choose.
JK X Fan OC Meet at a Concert a little Y/N drabble request, 3k words
Ashtoreth ; Tattooartist!JK x Camgirl reader old drabble/abandoned short story
Features heavily in Asunder
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Banner/bars made with photo from Pixabay on pexels
All works are my original work and copyright to me 2020 and beyond, I do not allow translations of my work or reposting anywhere, thanks. If you see something of mine outside of tumblr or ao3, please report for infringement.
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t00thpasteface · 1 year
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since i reference these two at the beginning of my teldrana fic, i felt compelled to make a post about my dragonborn Minnie the Moocher and her husbandcarl Argis the Bulwark!!
Minlarenwe "Minnie" the Moocher is the youngest of my three half-Altmer daughters of Sheogorath and the current holder of the title of Demiprince of Shenanigans, having inherited it from her older sister Suzy. It's a powerful title that bestows her with nearly limitless magical capabilities, including summoning fresh food or spontaneously unlocking doors, but it all hinges on one unwavering condition: her powers operate exclusively on Roger Rabbit rules, and she can only use them when it's funny!
Her Altmer mother was a librarian in Shimmerene who mostly gave her kids free reign of everything on the shelves while she worked her 9-5. Minnie is a voracious reader and a "Jarthhead".
Argis was initially very hesitant to be the housecarl of an Altmer mage of all people, but he soon found in her a true friend (and a fellow cyclops). They bonded over their shared love of books, food, and shiny things. Argis tends to be the one looking out for Minnie, as she often gets tunnel-vision while exploring; she would get ambushed at every turn if not for Argis watching her back and alerting her to her surroundings.
Now married, they still retain their titles of Thane and Housecarl, if only because Argis likes the structure and sense of purpose, and Minnie just thinks it's hilarious.
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melanie-ohara · 4 months
Whumpuary2024 Masterpost
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As well as every story I've written this month I also want to include some Fun Stats! about my experience of the challenge, as well as a playlist of all the songs I used lyrics from in my titles. Here we go:
The stats:
Words written: 53,034 (!!!!!)
Stories released: 17
Longest story: Oh, The Weather Outside is Frightful, 4,165 words, Mass Effect Andromeda
Shortest story: Like a Mouthful of Rain, 963 words, Original Work
Favourite story: Do You Want Me On Your Mind? 2,950 words, Baldur's Gate 3
Chocolate bars consumed: 20
Times cried while writing: four
Main prompts used: 27
Alt prompts used: 3
The stories:
These are all available on tumblr too, but for expedience and convenience these are all AO3 links. I'm also listing the song I used for the title, which wasn't something I was doing intentionally until the third story, at which point I figured it was better to lean into it and find songs that work for the characters I'm writing about rather than straining my poor brain to think of an original title.
Oh, The Weather Outside is Frightful
Mass Effect Andromeda, Sara Ryder/Vetra Nyx
Prompts: Snow, Captivity
Title stolen from Let It Snow by Ella Fitzgerald
My Heart Was Wired in Thorns
Baldur's Gate 3, Dark Urge (Sithla) & Wyll, Dark Urge & Lae'zel
Prompts: "Get away from me", Choking
Title stolen from Circus Bazooko by BRMC
In The Woods Somewhere and Take Yourself Apart For Me
Star Wars Ahsoka, Wolfwren (Sabine and Shin)
Prompts: Stabbed, Used as Bait, Lightheaded, "Help me"
Titles stolen from In The Woods Somewhere by Hozier and Haunt by BRMC
Hollow Yourself in the Mercy of Man
Original Work - Sci-fi
Prompt: Can't Move
Title stolen from Mercy of Man by Robert Levon Been ft. S.G. Goodman
Like a Mouthful of Rain
Original Work - Medieval
Prompt: Kidnapped
This one was hard to write. The previous day's story was such a failure in my eyes that I scrapped the planned second chapter and almost didn't write anything at all, until I threw this together at the last minute. I liked it quite a lot, in the end.
Title stolen from Revolver by Isobel Campbell and Mark Lanegan
Alive, Just to Watch the Bruises Heal
Mass Effect, Shepard/Thane Krios
Prompts: Exhaustion, Old Injuries
This one got pretty dark, but it's something I've been thinking about for literally years. I'm not the first person to justify the ME1 scars not being in ME2, but I might be the first person to think about Shepard putting them back.
Title stolen from Bruises by Band of Skulls
I'm Not Here Looking For Absolution
Star Wars, Nitearmor (Bo Katan/The Armorer)
Prompts: "I didn't know where else to go", Bruises
It is genuinely surprising to me that this is the only smut I wrote for this month
Title stolen from Bedroom Hymns by Florence + The Machine
Like a Broken Sail
Dishonored, Billie Lurk
Prompts: Hostage, Muffled Screams
I really liked this one because I got to subvert the second prompt a little. I was looking forward to it for days before I got to write it
Title stolen from Future Starts Slow by The Kills
The Working of My Hands
Baldur's Gate 3, Tav (Emily of Rivington)/Lae'zel
Prompts: "Do you trust me?", Restraints
Title stolen from De Selby, Part 2 by Hozier
No Hope For Me, Your Last Serving Daughter
Original Work - Etagne Empire
Prompts: Desperation, Can't Stay Awake
This is a story about a character from my work-in-progress book, MYSTERIES IN THE LAND OF ICE.
Title stolen from Hope In The Air by Laura Marling
Do You Want Me On Your Mind?
Baldur's Gate 3, Nocturne/Shadowheart, Tav (Mellephora)/Shadowheart
Prompts: Memories, Forced to Watch
Another prompt I had fun subverting
Title stolen from Fuel to Fire by Agnes Obel
Rulers Make Bad Lovers
Dishonored, Emily Kaldwin/Wyman/Alexi Mayhew
Prompts: "You're awake", Unfair Fight
Title stolen from Gold Dust Woman by Copilot Music + Sound (originally by Fleetwood Mac)
See How Deep the Bullet Lies
Mass Effect, Shiara (Shepard/Liara)
Prompts: Left to Die, "I'm fine"
Title stolen from Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush
I'll Be Your All For Now
Dishonored, Cecelia/Callista
Prompts: Sleep Deprivation, "Let me see"
These two are my number one rarepair, I love them
Title stolen from Echo by BRMC
Can't Touch You Now and A Soft Caress, As Cold As Death
Baldur's Gate 3, Tav (Calarisa)/Karlach
Prompts: Touch-starved, Aftermath
Titles stolen from Because the Night by Garbage & Screaming Females (originally by Patti Smith), and I Want to Live by Borislav Slavov ft. Ilona Ivanova
The songs I stole lyrics from
Here is a spotify playlist of all the music I used, most of which fit the stories or characters in them. They do not flow into each other at all and there's an over-abundance of BRMC (they're my favourite band, shoot me), but these are all songs I really love. Apart from Let it Snow. That's there because I didn't plan any of this.
Final thoughts
Whumpuary2024 is the first month-long challenge I've undertaken, and it was extremely hard and really rewarding. I aimed to average a thousand words a day and blew clear past that most days, and a few times I barely stumbled across the line as beaten and bloodied as the people I was writing about. I'm incredibly glad I did it and I will probably try again next year (though maybe not a prompt a day next time!). Thank you @whumpuary for the fun event and for randomly crossing my dash at a moment when I was feeling creative enough to sign myself up
If anyone made it this far, thank you for reading! I hope you like the stories. It's not a secret that I'm adding a secret 18th story as a follow up to the Wolfwren series, but this is your special confirmation that it'll be out February the first and second
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skinnypig2 · 11 months
hmmm let’s see
shepard is a lesbian
liara is an avid ally after her girlfriend shepard explained human queer oppression to her
garrus is trans
tali is trans and bi
Kaiden is bi
Ashley is working on her internalized homophobia
Wrex is homophobic but shepard is “one of the good ones” to him
joker didn’t know any gay people until he met shepard
anderson is a vigilant ally for his daughter shepard
hackett is a proud dad of all queer kids
Miranda is queer but she doesn’t accept herself until she’s been on the normandy a while
the Illusive man is gay, deeeeep in the closet, and wildly homophobic
Jacob says he’s an ally but he really does the bare minimum
kelly is bi
mordin is an ally (technically asexual)
grunt finds the existence of queer people entertaining
jack is nonbinary and pan
zaeed is supportive but has a very rudimentary view of trans people
kasumi is trans
thane just found out kolyat is bi and he’s learning for his son
samara looks down on humans for their historically oppressive behavior
legion is agender, aromantic, and asexual
james is trying hard to be a good ally
EDI is agender and asexual
traynor is a lesbian
cortez is gay and resilient
javik is pan but he intentionally doesn’t attend the Normandy’s pride party
cloned shepard is simultaneously gay and homophobic
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dragonflight203 · 26 days
Mass Effect 2, post Lair of the Shadow Broker wrap up:
Liara invite to Normandy
-This was clearly written with a Liara romance in mind. Shepard pours drinks, Liara’s wearing a fancy dress, at the end Shepard sits on the bed and says “Come back soon”…
-If you aren’t romancing Liara, no one drinks the wine. Does Shepard just chug it back after Liara leaves?
-If you go renegade, Shepard acknowledges that Horizon was set up even as they (weakly) attempt to justify TIM’s actions
Shepard is not having a good time in ME2
-Samara’s been hunting Morinth for 400 years. Brutal for both of them.
-Samara says there are three ardat-yakshi alive that the is aware of.
Even in ME2, this isn’t true. You get a Codex entry immediately after this that says around 1% of asari are on the spectrum.
She might have meant ardat-yakshi with the condition severe enough to be banished to monasteries, but that seems unlikely. Surely in one of the calls to her daughters they would have mentioned some of the others there?
Basically, either Samara outright lied or her writer was working from a different script than everyone else.
-Shepard says asari don’t mention ardat-yakshi in literature or art. Samara says this is out of a desire to hide their existence.
I suspect that’s true on the government level. There’s probably some censorship going on. On an individual level, there’s no way every asari creator has collectively decided to never mention ardat-yakshi. If nothing else, they’re way to useful a source of drama to not utilize.
-Considering that ardat-yakshi are sterile, how have they stayed in the genetic pool?
I suppose it could be like sickle-cell disease. Shitty if you have the misfortune to have the active form, but there’s an evolutionary advantage of some kind as well – like how if you’re a carrier of sickle-cell disease, you’re less likely to get malaria.
-Samara says Morinth fleeing proves that she wants to keep killing.
While I’m skeptical of that – not wanting to spend the rest of your life in a monastery seems a good enough reason for me – this makes it sound like Morinth had already killed. Likely by accident, since the dangers of an ardat-yakshi manifest at puberty.
Her first partner, possibly. Or – as I’ve seen speculated – possibly Samara’s partner, for an extra layer of trauma for everyone.
-Samara insists that killing is addictive for ardat-yakshi. I’d like to know some more about how that works.
There are people who claim sex is addictive, but plenty of people manage celibacy just fine. Is that what we’re talking about, or something addictive like a narcotic?
And how the hell does killing make Morinth more powerful? Does she absorb the what, mental energies of those she kills?
-So Samara learned Morinth as an ardat-yakshi after she presumably killed someone. Fine.
How did she learn her other two daughters were ardat-yakshi? Is there some kind of test that can be performed?
If so, why wasn’t Morinth tested earlier?
I suppose Samara could have refused the testing – the classic “it can’t happen to my child” thought process, even if would spare everyone trouble in the long run.
If not, how were Falere and Rila confirmed ardat-yakshi? What, were they locked in a room with a condemned prisoner and forced to bond with the prisoner to see if the prisoner died or not?
Or were they banished to monastery since the condition is genetic, just to be on the safe side?
-Thane and I are not on the same page. He’s back to insisting he has no guilt for his assassinations because he’s just a tool and killed on reflex. Actions performed on reflex don’t account. Only actions you choose.
And we’re just going to ignore that Thane chose to accept the contracts to kill those people…?
Also, I take issue with not holding people accountable for what they do on reflex. If you kill people on reflex, you chose to let yourself get conditioned to do so and you chose to put yourself in a situation where it might occur.
-Also, this makes the hanar sound shady as fuck. A species where “it’s not murder if it’s a reflex” has a huge “take advantage of me” sign on their back. And the hanar did.
What else do the drell do “on reflex” that benefit the hanar?
-This is the second conversation that dances around Thane’s dead wife. It’s odd because it ends at a natural lead in for discussing her. Why draw it out so long?
-Garrus is so cheated of dialogue. He had one conversation when he came onboard and that was it.
Getting his loyalty mission is also a short conversation. Just a couple of lines and investigate options that essentially reiterate what he said in your first and only dialogue with him.
Compared to the conversation for Samara’s loyalty mission, this is nothing. Why did the writers not want to spend time on Garrus? He’s a love interest!
-And Tali is also apparently on the “do not engage” list. I’m not getting anything more from her until her loyalty mission.
She’s also a love interest. This is ridiculous.
-Yes, I know this is because Garrus and Tali are returning characters from ME1. The writers probably didn’t know what else to do with them or wanted to make sure you fell in love with the new characters, so focused their attention on them.
I still think sidelining them was a poor choice. ME2 was intentionally written so new players could easily pick up the game; they wouldn’t know anything about Garrus or Tali. They’re also both aliens – would it have been that hard for the writers to come up with new points for them to discuss with Shepard? Have them discuss media, or political events or something.
-Considering that Garrus and Tali are both dextro, in universe they could probably file some kind of discrimination complaint. The writers only think levo characters are interesting.
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molags-balls · 1 year
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This tower once served as a meeting place where those brave souls who achieved safe passage to Skyrim would find loved ones, and leave notice for others who could not be found.
Let it stand in honor for those who had the strength and spirit to accept Skyrim's offer "untithed to any thane or hold, and self-governed, with free worship, with no compensation to Skyrim or the Empire except as writ in the Armistice of old wheresoever those might still apply, and henceforth let no Man or Mer say that the Sons and Daughters of Kyne are without mercy or honor."
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Riiju-Lei: *sighs with relief up at breezehome as they approach through the still quiet early morning streets of whiterun* Home at last…
Nerevar: I passed by this place so many times when I first arrived here and I had no clue you were just behind these doors…
Riiju-Lei: that explains the random bouts of excitement I had then. I played a lot of tag with the kids those days. Speaking of which, I hope Caryalind handled looking after everyone okay- *opens the door to find Lydia cleaning up the mess the kids had made of the house, Khash quietly helping her and Caryalind passed out from exhaustion by the fireplace* oh dear.
Lydia: *looks up* oh my thane!
Khash: DAD!!! *drops the broom and runs to Riiju jumping up into his arms*
Riiju-Lei: *laughs and hugs her tight* Hello little shadowscale!
Caryalind: *jumps and flails out of his chair with a thud* Ugh! Hnuh?? *looks up to see the group entering* You’re back! It went well I take it??
Riiju-Lei: *smiles* better then just well. *sets Khash down gently* Everything… here? Go well?
Caryalind: *still on the floor* Oh yes, just fine, the kids were delightful…
Riiju-Lei: *quirks his brow*
Caryalind: …Alesan put lizards in my underwear, Blaise got caught shoplifting, Sofie kept bringing wild animals into the house and Lucia broke her hand punching Braith in the face… Khash was the only well behaved one.
Riiju-Lei: *sighs* thank you cary, go have a proper rest I’ll get our new friends settled in and make us all breakfast.
Caryalind: new fri- *spots nerevar then goes visibly pink as Miraak suddenly steps over him offering his hand* I-
Miraak: Let me help you up.
Caryalind: oh my you have a very deep voice- *shakily takes his hand and instantly gets pulled to his feet*
Taliesin: *brow twitching feeling protective of his prince* …
Kaidan: *gives his ass a squeeze* oi. Leave him be.
Riiju-Lei: *snickers taking nerevars hand and leading him upstairs as everyone else starts to unpack and relax* I’ll come help you clean up in a minute Lydia, thank you.
Lydia: *smiles at him and nerevar as they go by* thank you my thane.
Nerevar: *follows Riiju upstairs and into the master bedroom* it’s a lovely house you have here, your daughter is adorable too but… her tail- sh- she wasn’t hurt was she?
Riiju-Lei: hm? Oh Khash. No she just wasn’t born with one. She’s small but she’s the oldest of my kids. The others must all be still asleep. Usually she comes along on adventures, she’s an excellent fighter but… given miraak sent cultists after me and they targeted my family specifically… I didn’t feel safe bringing her along. *chuckles* funny how he’s now downstairs wooing the prince of the aldmeri dominion.
Nerevar: *brain short circuiting* I’m sorry he’s the what now?
Riiju-Lei: oh right, there’s a lot you need to catch up on. I’m sure we’ll discuss it over breakfast but let’s get you unpacked first yes? *smiles at him before dropping his pack on the bed to empty it*
Nerevar: … *smiles and gently embraces him from behind, resting his head against his shoulder* you’ve built a beautiful life here LeiLei… you found so many people who love you and a place where you can feel safe.
Riiju-Lei: *gently reaches back running his fingers through his soft white hair* and now I can finally feel that love thanks to you making me whole again… my moon and star…
Nerevar: *slides his hands up his torso beginning to playfully tug at and undo the straps of his armour* there was a place within my heart empty for too long when I was without you… im glad we’re finally together again… My Voryn…
Riiju-Lei: …I think we can wait a few minutes for breakfast don’t you?
*meanwhile downstairs*
Sero: They’re certainly taking a while up thei-
A wine bottle on the kitchen table: 🍾
Kaidan: and they’re fucking.
Taliesin: *sighs* I’ll get breakfast started.
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Since you do play skyrim, I do have to ask you now who your favourite companion/extra carrying space person is, what guild you like the best, your preferred home, and the funniest glitch you’ve come across.
I’m sorry, I’m contractually obliged as someone who made an eldrich pact in order to find the non porn or dragon age crossover Skyrim fics.
Hmm okay
1. Vilkas, probably, because he looks like my husband and has a sexy voice and is a hot werewolf. However, I don't always use followers, because I like having full control of my sneaking and controlling them is a faff.
My husband is also playing atm, though, and his answer is Brelyna Maryon (is that her name?) She's the absolutely useless wizard in Winterhold - he turned up and she asked him to help with some spells and he said yes, and then her spells were useless. Terrible. The effect of one? His vision went green for a bit. He was immediately charmed, and took her with him. Worst mage in the game. Not even a good idea for him to take her, because they're both dark elf mages, too - but Steff was like "This woman can't do a single thing and I am delighted. She's coming with me."
2. Guild is difficult. I do like the Thieves Guild, but you're absolutely entrenched in the pocket of Maven Black-Briar, and I passionately and wholeheartedly loathe her. I wish I could just throw her corpse into Riften canal.
So maybe Companions. I think they're the only ones I don't have major objections to, plus they're hot werewolves. Always a bonus.
3. Preferred home is Breezehome for my daughter, because one of the first things I do in every single playthrough is adopt Sofie. It goes:
Escape Helgen
Go to Riverwood, get that claw back (get the Dragonstone and loads of sellable shit at the same time)
Go to Whiterun and talk to the Jarl
Kill the dragon
Become Thane and buy Breezehome
Kit out Breezehome with a child's bedroom
IMMEDIATELY run to Windhelm
Burst in through the city gates
Punch anyone in the way
Find Sofie and buy all of her flowers to make her smile
Listen to her devastating tale of woe
Ask her if she wants me to adopt her
Cry when she calls me Mama
Send her to Breezehome because Whiterun is the safest place in all of Skyrim for a child when considering dragons, civil wars, and Assorted Skyrim Assholes
Decide what the hell I'm now going to do with the game
I really like building houses too, though, which is how I now have Big Naked Dad in my garden. Amazingly, it's happened in Windstad Manor rather than Lakeview; I once tried to move Sofie into the latter but NEVER AGAIN
Uh, special shout outs to the prettiest homes, though, Vlindrel Hall is fucking gorgeous (like fuck will I ever let Sofie near Markarth tho) and the one in Solitude, love that one.
4. One of the guards in Riften in my current game keeps sitting on an invisible chair and eating in the middle of the street, outside the pub. Every time I see him he looks like he's doing some squats and having a picnic. Very charming.
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